HomeMy WebLinkAboutMetering Audit Guide 1986 GBe0G8 Utility Systems & Applications, Inc. &PA suaced TEN sony 86 FEB 21 A8:35 February 12, 1986 Mr. Harry L. Beck, P.E. Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519 Dear Mr. Beck: Enclosed you will find a copy of our Metering Audit Procedure Guide. This document details procedures used by Utility Systems & Applications, Inc. in determining the quality of current transformers and metering in your system. Utility Systems & Applications, Inc. uses a Scientific Columbus solid state standard traceable to the National Bureau of Standards through Scientific Columbus Labs. We have a Scientific Columbus SC-60 computerized shop standard which is annually sent to Scientific Columbus Labs for verification. Our shop standard at Utility Systems & Applications, Inc. is used to verify the accuracies of our field standards prior to every field use. Thank you for your inquiry and we appreciate the opportunity to serve the needs of Alaska Power Authority. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Bob G. Fisher Executive Vice President BGF:ckh Enclosure 4160 S.E. International Way * D 207 » Portland, Oregon 97222 (503) 659-3441 THE WATTS DOCTOR METERING AUDIT PROCEDURE GUIDE METERING AUDIT PROCEDURE GUIDE I. II. IIl. METER SYSTEM AUDIT PROCEDURE Utility Information (Supplied by Utility -- write letter to request). A. Tariff and Rate Schedules B. List of customers’ meters to be checked, showing: (Computer printout is nice). 1. Account Number 2. Name 3. Address 4. Meter Number 5. Past History, one year at least, showing KW, KWH, and dollars billed by month 6. Multiplier from records 7. Rate Schedule from records C. Other Items Needed l. Utility Seals - Ring, Demand 2. Keys 3. Maps DO. Find out how much we repair or correct Audit Procedure: A. For large audits, map out locations on street map to consolidate areas of testing, after utility has provided required printouts. B. For smaller audits, the utility may have a certain order or may provide an individual to guide the audit team around the area. Audit Team Responsibilities: The audit crew is composed of two individuals, lead man and a helper. A. LEAD MAN: This individual is to be a meterman, or have suitable metering experience to be able to effectively evaluate a utility metering system. Individuals with titles of Meter/Relay Technician, Relay Technician, or Apparatus Technician may be suitable. 1. The lead man's responsiblities to the audit are as follows: a. Human Factors Be the manager of the audit Interface with the utility contact Sign off on expenses Assist the helper Interface with the utility customers and answer or direct questions from the customer to the utility. Brility Systems and Applications represents the utility when we are their contractor, and need to provide positive P.R. for the utility. Do not answer questions if unsure. Do not make up answers. Do be helpful, positive, and friendly. UkrwWNHH ee we ee 2. Physical Audit Procedures for Lead Man a. At each location when possible and applicable, the folowing is to be accomplished by the lead man: 1. Remove Meter. Before removing meter, note meter readings and look for any "trap" or obvious problem or safety hazard. The meter should be returned to the: test van with as* little disturbance as possible. 2. Provide power for the test van and make sure proper voltage is supplied to the test van. Not all vans may be wired the same. Be sure you are familiar with each van. 3. Observe meter socket for obvious problems. 4. Insert test jack. 5. Take voltage measurements. 6. Burden Test C.T.'s. 7. ‘Take phase angle measurements. 8. Check instrument transformers for ratio. 9. Observe sealing practices. 10. Check for circuit grounding. ll. Check for safety and check for any deterioration. 12. Enter all data on test sheet, including comments and recommendations. 13. Reset meter in socket and reseal all necessary sealing points. 14. Evaluate general problems listed in evaluation section. B. Helper Qualifications: Proficient in meter testing and Utility Systems & Applications' Audit procedure. 1. Helper Responsibilities: a. Assist lead man. b. Interface with utility customers as does lead man. Defer unanswerable questions to lead Man or proper utility personnel. 2. Physical Audit Procedure for Helper a. Receive meter from lead man. b. Carefully do “As Found" tests and complete adjustments and audit form as necessary per testing procedures. c. Make sure all multipliers agree between site and billing records. d. Look up billing history and meter average usage and demands. e. Fill out all audit forms and compile paper work. f. If available, data will be entered on the computer in test van. g. Helper is responsible for making sure all Paper work is properly filled out. h. Make sure customer is on proper rate schedule. i. Do calculations for watthour standard values and meter factor. AUDIT TOOLS Previous Year's Audit Book and Report, Meter #/File # Cross- Reference Fluke with Clamp on Burden Tester Phase Angle Meter Phase Sequence Meter Meter Potential Lamps #43 Fuses - 2A 8AG 363 ~ 2A 3AG 312 5A 3AG 312 1/8A 3AG Slow Blow 2A 3AG Slow Blow Glass Cleaner Towels Razor Cleaner Paint Remover Contact Cleaner Seals Padlock Meter Back Demand Mirror Extension Cord - 100 Feet minimum Power Clip Leads Test Sockets with Power Leads 13 Terminal) 8 Terminal) With Test Switch 6 Terminal) Power Test Plug for GE and Westinghouse Self-Contained 7 Terminal, 4 Terminal Orange Sticks Jewelers Screwdrivers Flashlight Hemostat Alligator Clip Leads Reference Books - GE, Westinghouse, Sangamo, - Metering Handbook - Transfer Numbers Audit Steets - 300+ Spread Sheets - 10+ (Statistical and Repair) Scotch Tape Stapler and Staples Writing Pads Complete Audit Example Audit Procedure Manual AUDIT TOOLS (Cont.) Other Tools: Drill and Bits Hole Punch Pipe Pliers Meter Rings Gloves Hard Hats Low Voltage Gloves AUDITING What do I look for when I arrive at the meter site? Approach the installation with the idea: There is something wrong here, and I'm going to find it: 1. SECURITY All seals in place Any_other tampering signs: holes in enclosures strange appearances around metering equipment well used screws, etc. 2. Is the meter running? How - evenly, unevenly, smoothly, etc. Slowly, fast, medium Pot. lights - on or off? Broken glass Meter clean or dirty? Disk wobble? Register or motor noise? Observe name plate data (all). i.e. does service voltage agree with metering? Register Full Scale - pegged or not - mounted seaurely - type AUDITING Cont. Page 2 3. Meter form - is it reasonable or correct? Is the meter base secure? Type and condition of conduit for metering circuit (size). METER BASE With test switch - open test switch compartment, Observe test switch. is the source at bottom of test switch? type of test switch 7 Pole/ 10 Pole? is this 1P 2W or 3W, 3P 3W, 3P 4W? is potential on left? Observe all connections. is current feed and return correct, observe all connections. is star present? Why? Why not? Observe all connections. Is can bonded? Do multiple grounds exist? What is a multiple ground? What does it look like? Draw it out: Are there separate returns? Why? How does the insulation look? Color code, (learn it). Wire size - observe it. Any hazards? Where are your gloves? Any discoloration or burning? Are wires cold, warm, hot? Neatness, sloppiness. Perform test switch, phase relation test - observe meter. AUDITING Cont. Page 3 4. AUTOMATIC BYPASSES Carefully pull meter - listen, watch. Is bypassing operable? How does meter base look - lugs, mounting, loose, tight, discolored, hot, burned, missing, dirt, water, rust, why? Bypass type - automatic plunger, GE, circular fiber, porcelain. Are bypasses intact, do they work? How do they look? How do they feel? Are the CTs growling? No bypassing available - what do you do? Go back to CTs. Does wiring agree from test switch to meter base? Potential - correct? Wire color, size. Current - correct? Wire color, size. Return - correct? Does meter form agree, ( delta, wye, Z coil, 3 stator)? Don't pull the meter yet: Did you time the disk? Do you want to? Why not? Did you observe the transformer bank? What is it? Where is it? How big is it? Is there more than one service from the bank? Why? Why not? Does observed load exceed transtormers? Is bank too large for load? Is bank wired correctly? Wire size, star, delta, etc., open, closed. Any oil leaks, broken bushings, discoloration, Aluminum/copper connections, any potential hazards? AUDITING Cont. Page 4 Does service wire size match bank size? Does load exceed capacity of service wire? How does service weatherhead/entrance look? What is primary voltage, secondary voltage? Where are you - what is your name? 6. PRELIMINARY FOR TESTING Note: You must determine where potential is present at the meter socket before placing U. S. & A. test bypass unit in socket. Test with Wiggy - each time - before installing. If you are wrong, this can cause much fire and damage (watch your eyes)! Never work without your gloves. Install bypass - voltage test - fluke. Now you can burden the CTs. What level is current running, "A" phase, "B" phase, "C" phase? Is loading even? Why? Why not? Does load fluctuate? Why? Why not? Burden test - good, fair, poor? CTs pass load? Any parrallel circuits, loose connections, shorted turns? Are CT ratios correct? Find out. CTs - single ratio, dual ratio, multi ratio? Are all tapped correctly? What about polarities? Are CTs accessible? If not, what do you do? - not verified - AUDITING Cont. Page 5 CT name plate data. Revenue quality 0.3% / relay quality 10%. Good rating factor, 0.5 ohm burden. Ratio test - why? Why not? Now that you know the CT current level- 5. TAKE PHASE LEVEL READINGS Set proper volt and amp taps first. lf you saine an amp fuse, the CTs are open circuited. Log readings - calculate PF. 6. CT ENCLOSURE INSPECTION - SECURITY Carefully open panel. Observe CT caps - sealed or not. Check connections, tighten if possible. Is Star present, why? Why not? Wire size (14, 12, 10) color. CTs - type, size, ratio (single, dual, etc.). Are all taps the same? Do you need to ratio test? Buss bars or donut? Are buss connections tight? (Any heat or burning?) Any connections ahead of CTs, why? Why not? Potential connections, are they correct? Seal caps, seal enclosure. Replace meter. Perform test switch phase relation test. Is meter running as before, did load change? Are pot. lights on? AUDITING Cont. Page 6 Should you time the disk? Watch out for Automatic bypasses: Close test switch compartment. Is meter ring set correctly? Are all seals in place? DO YOU HAVE THE SAME NUMBER OF TOOLS WITH WHICH YOU STARTED? AREAS TO BE INVESTIGATED DURING THE AUDIT The following list, with brief descriptions, should be evaluated for comment during the audit. Areas recommended for change in previous audits should be evaluated during the present audit to determine if any progress has been made. l. BROADRANGE METERING Broadrange metering is the ability to measure a wide range of_.loads with no change in meter or current transformers. The broadrange concept simplifies metering because fewer types of meters and instrument transformers accurately meter a greater range of loads thus reducing inventory levels and associated costs. PURCHASE OF BROADRANGE METERS A broadrange meter used in instrument metering is one with a 20 amp load capacity and a matching demand register. All of the major meter manufacturers offer broadrange meters, however, ordering the correct meter from some of their catalogs is rather difficult. INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS An understanding of instrument transformer rating factors is crucial to selection of proper equipment for broadrange metering. A rating factor of 3 on a 400 to 5 C.T. means that the metered load can be as high as 1200 amps (under normal temperatures) without over-loading and still maintain accuracy within its rated accuracy class. We recommend use of a 0.3 accuracy class, 0.5 ohm burden, and rating factors of 3 or 4 for current transformers. Also, we do not recommend use of dual ratio C.T.'s because they are more expensive and there is no longer an advantage to them since C.T.'s with rating factors of 3 or 4 have become available. SINGLE PHASE METERS We recommend the purchase of single phase meters with clock dial registers, and that any single phase meter with cyclometer registers be replaced (through attrition) with those having dial registers. CLASS 320 METERS Single phase Class 320 meters are designed for 400 amp rated panels (320 amp) without having to use current transformers. This type of installation is less expensive to the utility and the contractor and we recommend them where appropriate wiring and equipment standards are used. LO. USE OF TWO OR THREE ELEMENT METERS FOR WYE SERVICE We recommend use of the 2 element, WYE meter only for loads below 500 KW. Above that level, the inaccuracies that can be associated with unbalanced phase voltages can become significant and 3 element meters should be used exclusively. METER CIRCUIT WIRING #10 copper is the correct size for the heavier loading of the C.T. circuit associated with broadrange metering and will not readily- contribute impedence to the meter circuit provided circuit lengths are reasonable. METER CANS AND SOCKET BYPASSING There are three methods of bypassing the meter socket in instrument metering. First are sockets equipped with no bypasses and no test switch. Second are sockets equipped with automatic bypasses. The third method involves bypassing through the use of test switches. For a number of significant reasons we recommend the use of test switches. In self-contained metering thre are also several ways to bypass the meter but the preferred method is use of a socket equipped with manual bypassing. BONDING OF STEEL METERING ENCLOSURES All steel enclosures must be bonded. REACTIVE METERING The primary reason for reactive revenue metering is to encourage the customer to maintain an acceptable power factor level (generally 90% to 95% power factor). Failure by the customer to maintain the desired level will result in an assessment of a penalty through reactive metering. It costs the utility to supply reactive energy just as it does KWH energy. Both are supplied through the same transmission and distribution system. If reactive energy supplied is billed, the customer will either pay the penalty outright or will correct the problem. If he elects to correct his power factor, then the effect will be a reduction of the load on the distribution system. Reactive metering is also recommended as an integral part of substation metering and intertie metering. HH. 12. 13. SUBSTATION, INTERTIE AND METERING POINT METERING Appropriate substation, intertie and metering point metering is essential for a utility's system analysis and engineering. Distribution substation transformer metering should include KW/KWH, Q-Hour, and volts-squared hour metering. Substation total metering should be in place where there is more than One transformer. KW/KWH and phase ammeters should be used on all distribution feeders. Proper intertie metering should involve KW/KWH "in" and "out" as well as Q-Hour meters. We recommend that the above metering be accomplished on a time-of-day basis through digital magnetic tape equipment. Time-of-day metering greatly enhances analysis of system capacity and loading. In addition, substation total metering can be accomplished by computer where the transformers are digitally metered. SECURITY OF METERING Security is an extremely important element in utility Metering. Attempts to fraudulently divert energy are on the increase and will continue to rise as the cost of energy increases. To combat this problem, a proper sealing program Must be in effect. Due to lack of seal control in the past it is very likely that people in the area are in possession of seals used to seal meter rings and C.T. compartments. Utility Systems and Applications recommends development of a sealing policy and possibly change seal colors. Control over who receieves seals and who does the sealing should lie with the meter department. PROGRAM FOR FIELD TESTING OF METERS Utility Systems and Applications developed a sample meter test program for polyphase meters. This program should be implemented as soon as the available meter information can be installed in the computer. The following recommendations should be considered for an on- going field test program for meters: 1. Single Phase a. Before any single phase plan is augmented, one needs to have a meter sealing program agreed on and then implemented as part of the single phase testing program. pc ee Lhe 16. b. After (a) above has been completed, all non-sealed meters field tested, and obsolete meters replaced, the single phase meters should be randomly selected by computer. Poly Phase Meters (1) Metered loads under 50 KVA: Every 6 years (2) Metered loads 50 KVA to 100 KVA: Every 4 years (3) Metered loads over 100 KVA: Every 2 years It is our recommendation that you continue the program of auditing your metering sites as begun with this audit. DIGITAL MAGNETIC TAPE OR SOLID STATE METERING Utility Systems and Applications recommends that digital magnetic tape or solid state metering be used for revenue billing purposes on larger customers. Properly applied, they generally pay back initial investment in 3 to 12 months due to the additional revenue generated through finer definition of demand usage and also provide time-of-day load information. A general discussion of magnetic tape and solid state metering will be found in the appendix. PRIMARY METERING Due to the higher costs associated with primary metering, this type of metering should be limited to conditions that are cost effective. Generally, only loads in excess of 500 KVA should be candidates for primary metering or where the customer has a specific need for primary voltage. "COMPANY" METER NUMBERS As utilities have increases in the number of customers served over the years, many have found that maintaining their own numbering system for meters to be very costly in terms of record keeping. Because of this, many utilities are now using the manufacturers' serial number as their Meter number. This method of numbering meters by utilities has created no significant problems of which we are aware. 17. 18. 19. 20. ESTABLISHMENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Consider adopting a standard for customer service to inform customers and contractors of the utility's requirements to obtain service. Such a standard will help the utility provide the most economical, uniform, and safe connections with its consumers within the framework of generally accepted utility standards. STATE METERING REQUIREMENTS Again, for your convenience, we have placed a copy of the applicable state statutes relating to meters and metering Standards as published by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission in the appendix. This document sets forth the acceptable tolerances of accuracy for utility meters and metering systems, If the Association meets standard revenue quality metering practices, it will have no problems in meeting these requirements. METER READER SEMINARS Utility Systems and Applications recommends that periodic seminars be given to meter readers in order to help them achieve and maintain a high standard in their work performance. Meter reading is a very important function of the utility's operations. Along with the monthly reading of the meter register dial, the meter reader's observations of the meter installaltion is also very important. The readers should have a thorough understanding of the utility's sealing practices and security policy. They should be trained in how to detect and report possible tampering. Their reports should be given a high priority follow-up. INTERNAL METERING DEPARTMENT INFORMATION FLOW It is very important that the meter department receives information on applications for new customer service or changes in service. This information is vital to the selection of proper metering methods and equipment and the meter department should participate in this process. 21’. 22. 23. 24. PRIMARY METERING Due to higher costs associated with primary metering, this type of metering should be limited to conditions that are cost effective. Generally, only loads in excess of 500 KVA should be candidates for primary metering or where the customer has a specific need for primary voltage. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS In the appendix will be found our recommended material specifications for metering equipment. Our recommendations are offered with regard to the broadrange metering practices which we have recommended. Consideration should be given to the cost of testing and maintenance for any equipment purchased as well as initial purchase price. METERMEN TRAINING The individuals in this department, although familiar with utility operations, do not have the type of training necessary to perform all the metering requirements that the utility needs to fulfill. Therefore, Utility Systems and Applications recommends that the metering personnel receive additional training through course work and field experience to bring their level of knowledge up to industry levels. TOOLS FOR METERMEN Major tools to be provided for the meter department are the following: 1) Phase Angle Meter 2) Burden Tester 3) Clamp-on Ammeter 4) Phase Sequence Meter The burden tester is required to proof test current transformers and to determine if any bypassing exists in the metering circuit. The phase angle meter allows the meterman to accurately measure load power factors and to verify meter circuit and socket wiring accurately. A clamp-on ammeter that reads down to the AC milliamp range provides a method to perform a relatively accurate ratio test of current transformers and to perform load checks. The phase sequence meter is used to help verify wiring on three wire polyphase metering installations and to determine proper phase sequence for reactive metering. TEST CARD -- FILE # ((t2—/0 *** SUBSTATION INFORMATION *** TEST DATE: G—(L.-6> SUBSTATION METERING: [ } SUBSTATION: 2h bury FEEDER METERING: bt Feeda & 2 VOLTAGE: 37 AW bder¢ 722e/ay72 GENERATOR METERING: [ ] *** METER INFORMATION *** METER #: 6 2 3520/? VOLTAGE: __( 2 Kh: [+ 9 TEST AMPS:_2-S__ MANUF: _C-(~ WIRE: 4 Re: 1/177 M. FACTOR: _[ TYPE: /M ¢4 5 PHASE: yw Gr: 5? FORM: 7 > DEMAND REGISTER TYPE:_™ 3° INTERVAL: (5 FULL SCALE:_2, ° *** METER TEST DATA *** -= c 7 AS FOUND FULL LOAD: -©:4S~ LIGHT LOAD: 8:76 EFF:"23?7 pre. 6° aL: 0-75 AS LEFT FULL LOAD: © +2 LIGHT LOAD: 0-(37__ EFF: 6-(( PF:-@25-BAL: 9 + (5 DEMAND TEST: =» 2S ————____saRESET MOTOR TIME: [§ io CREEP TEST: ew MEASURED PF: > a*t METER DATA *#* CORRECT METER APPLICATION: vis METER CONDITION: Coal AS FOUND READINGS: KWH_/0 4 5~ KW__/,22. _ KVAR 12 MONTH PEAK KW VA METER DEFECTS: Morr. METER ADJUSTMENTS: wpe t. 44, Ff & Bel, MULTIPLIER: ygooO SOCKET BYPASS CONDITION: PFs ( Tast Se al. *** INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER DATA **# CURRENT TRANSFORMERS: G@ ET ems Yeo +e S_ C.T. BURDEN TEST: _Ggj 8 - 1% aes at 1 slne f | A000 POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER: @ & J U1- co ~+e / *** PROPERLY APPLIED METER CIRCUITS *** SOCKET WIRING: Lo unect CIRCUIT GROUNDING: Cb rncct— INSTRUMENT WIRING: Ce Jose + CURRENT CIRCUIT WIRE SIZE: (L LENGTH: 34 CONDITION: GoeJ *** VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS *** WYE Yan (2-5—“enjaté Yon “ 20. ; 3 Wire Vay Ven Vo *"** PHASE ANGLE *** WYE Vanla/ 5” “en'p le Yenic !7 Delta Vacl, Yacls Yenic__ TEST CARD — Fie ¢ (763-07 *** CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION **** TEST DATE: 1O-¢ a5 a SCHEDULE: Oo ¢ customer: __6 7 2° F—ls_ ft aS Sot QS” Wat SERVICE TYPE AND VOLTAGE: 3 P + Cage” layne x Us tae *** METER INFORMATION *** METER #:_350G ( voitace:__(20 pce imo RR lie Maal MANUF: ___ Ley WIRE: + ss 7f_M. FACTOR: zs Type: 0 4S—$_ PHASE: , no ae DEMAND REGISTER TYPE:_Wen6IM& INTERVAL: (S~___ FULL SCALE: ae *#* METER TEST DATA *** AS FOUND FULL LOAD: @-¢@ LIGHT LOAD: 0. (S__EFF:O./( PF:0.23 BAL: @-30 AS LEFT FULL LOAD: @/2 LIGHT LOAD: 9-(S_EFF:0-¢/ PF:_—_—BAL:_@-3° DEMAND TEST: O& RESET MOTOR TIME: 8 54 CREEP TEST: ek MEASURED PF: *#* METER DATA *** CORRECT METER APPLICATION: Xe> METER CONDITION: Gast AS FOUND READINGS: KWH__ 32/6 KW /-2. 7 KVAR 12 MONTH PEAK KW 1S METER DEFECTS: Ne ve METER ADJUSTMENTS: pee MULTIPLIER: 22 SOCKET BYPASS CONDITION: Lp w **#* INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER DATA *** CURRENT TRANSFORMERS: Gi JRKO 68 ~~ S— C.T. BURDEN TEST:_Gpai -Vp Seay A | oly al FB fags POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER: ALAA ***PROPERLY APPLIED METER CIRCUITS *** : a 4 . 4- SOCKET WIRING: woe— C plese cu bpn(~ Saclce: CIRCUIT GROUNDING: / Atarcg mee — mult & Gtieurals Wornrosal INSTRUMENT WIRING: Co = SURRENT CIRCUIT WIRE SIZE: | 2 LENGTH: lo CONDITION: eee ~~ a Y (50 naa pean, he br Ws Latin helical onw +** VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS *** P a ie 4 Ave Yedda. “enize ‘on (2-4 zal al ¢ ~ Wire Vv Vv Vv i Bi AN BN CN ‘) sWire Vay Simin *** PHASE ANGLE *** ae EYE Vaglaso oes Lintewmcgigs B N A A at ae ,ren : ~ elta Vacl, Veal: EXPLANATION OF AUDIT SHEET Test Card File # FILE #: Numbers Assigned -- Usually 1983-1, 1983-2, 1983-3, etc. TEST DATE: Day of Test -- 1-16-83, etc. CUSTOMER: Account #, Name, Service Location Example: 82-6732, Pete Williams, 5677 N. W. 6th SERVICE TYPE AND VOLTAGE: Service -- 3P 4W 120/208 3P 4W Delta 240 1P 3W 240 1P 3W Network 208 3P 3W Delta 480 3P 4W WYE 12470/7200 3P 3W 2400 RATE SCHEDULE: Enter rate schedule shown on billing records. If incorrect, then make comments and recommendations. Check rate against customer load and make sure they match. METER INFORMATION METER #: Customer # 3462 A or Serial # 66 237 33 1 VOLTAGE: 120, 240, 277, 480 (From Meter Nameplate) TEST AMPS: 2.5, 15, 30 (From Meter Nameplate) MANUFACTURER: G.E., Westinghouse, Sangamo, Duncan (From Meter Nameplate) WIRE: 2, 3, 4, (From Meter Nameplate) Rr - REGISTER RATIO: 13 8/9, 166 2/3, etc., from meter register TYEE s VM65S, D4S, S4DS, etc. (From Meter Nameplate) PHASE: eel METER FACTOR: Calculated Factor of Meter Kh -x Re x. Rs Mf = 1000 Gr: lst Reduction - G.E. - 50 or 100 - V Series 100, 1 Phase 100, V60 Series 50 Westinghouse - 100 - All 100 for D Series, C Series 100/12 Sangamo - 50 or 100 - J3 - 100, Some J3-50, J4-50, S Series 50 Duncan - 50 or 100 FORM: Form Number from Meter Nameplate; 6S, 10, 16A DEMAND REGISTER TYPE: Mark IIIa, Mark I, M-30, M60, DES Leave Blank if Non-Demand Register INTERVAL From Register - 15, or 30 Leave Blank if Non-Demand Register FULL SCALE: Maximum full scale deflection of register - l, 2, 7.2, 14.4, 6, id - 3.6/742 Leave Blank if Non-Demand Register METER TEST DATA: As Fd Full Load = As Found Full Load Test = 0.12%, -0.25%, etc. As Fd Light Load = As Found Light Load Test = 0.12%, -0.25%, etc. As Fd PF = As Found Power Factor Test = 0.12%, -0.25%, etc. As Found Element Balance, As Left Element Balance As Left Full Load = As Left Full Load Test = 0.12%, -0.25%, etc. As Left Light Load = As Left Light Load Test = 0.12%, -0.25%, etc. As Left PF = As Left Power Factor Test= 0.12%, -0.25%, etc. Note All Test Results Leave Blank if No Information Error Calculation Expected Standard Revolutions-Actual Standard Revolutions % Error= Actual Standard Revolutions x 100 Example: 6-6.015 % Error = 6.015 x 100% = -0.25% Demand Test: Results of Demand Test -0.2 Low, 0.04 High Reset Motor Time Time for one complete interval reset - 15:07, 14:96, 30:02 Creep Test Test with all potentials hot, and open current circuit None; 1 revolution per hour Measured Power Factor: Average Phase Power Factor obtained from Phase Angle Readings Reading should be weighted if amps are out of balance more than 2 to l Example Answer: 87% Meter Data: Correct Applications - Yes, or No, and Why Meter should match service Answers: No - Meter should be 4 Wire WYE Yes - List Nothing As Found Reading: KWH - 2346 KW - 1.24 KVAR - 1234 If Reactive Meter, Enter only for KVAR If KWH Meter, enter only KWH information and KW information if there is a Demand Register Meter Condition: Good, Fair, Poor Defects: Obsolete Ball Jewel Meter. Very dirty register. Metal particles on magnet. Demand Register Defective. Broken Meter glass. Potential lamp out. Loose screws on meter lugs. Broken reset on glass. Noisy Demand Motor. Demand Reset Defective. era ae see CSCWODYHDUNSWHPH . ra NOTE: THESE SHOULD BE LISTED UNDER COMMENTS ALSO. Meter Adjustments FL LL PF Demand Obsolete Defective Was Not Adjusted and Why Meter Multiplier: Actual Multiplier calculated from Meter Factor and C.T. and P.T. ratio. If different than listed din the billing records then a comment should be made in the comment section and the Utility notified immediately. Socket Bypass Condition: No Bypasses Test Switch Automatic Plunger Automatic G.E. Type Automatic Porcelain Automatic Circular Fiber Use the above, then add, working, or "A" phase fails to close, or "A" phase fails to open, etc. Current Transformer Data: A. Sangamo, B6M, 200/400 on 200 TAP. B.: G.E., JKP-0, 200 to 5. C. G.E., JKP-0, 20 to 5, Sangamo, B6M, 200/400 on 200 TAP. D. Not verified if you cannot see ratio tags; i.e., “Sangamo BH- 6A, 200 to 5 Not Verified". Leave Blank if self-contained installation. C.T. Burden Test: Good Poor Failed Good - No drop at 6 Ohms and 0.6 Amps Failed - 80% drop at 0.2 Ohms and 0.6 Amps Make comment in comment section on any answer except "good". Set guidelines for good, fair, poor, and failed. Leave blank if self-contained installation. Potential Transformer Data: A. G.E., JVW-5, 60 to l B. Westinghouse, VO7-Z5, 600/1200 on 600 TAP Cc. G.E., JVW-5, 60 to 1, Westinghouse, VO7-75, 60 to l D. Not verified if you cannot see nameplate; i.e., G.E., JKW-5, 60 to 1, ratio not verified. Note: For Instrument Transformer Data, Leave Blank if not P.T.'s or self-contained installation. Properly Applied Metering Circuits: Socket Wiring - Correct Incorrect - "A" and "C" Phase Currents swapped Circuit Grounding - Correct Incorrect - Multiple grounds - removed Instrument Wiring - Correct - Connections Loose Incorrect - Dual Ratio, C.T.'s wired improperly Current Wire - Size - 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, etc. Length - 50 Feet Condition - Good, Fair, Poor, Replace. Enter under "Comments" if poor or replace. Revenue Change: This is the installation's total monthly revenue gains or losses attributed to changes or adjustments. A. Gain $18/month due to meter adjustments. B. $6/month less due to meter adjustments. C. Gain $200/month due to changes and adjustments - see comments D. Gain $200/month due to failed bypasses If there is one major problem, list it as revenue gain or loss. If there are many, use "C" above. Base calculations on average monthly KW and KWh usage and billings. Voltage Measurements: Measure voltages per diagram. For Delta use either 3 Wire or 4 Wire spaces. Phase Angle: Measure phase angle per diagram. For 3 Wire Delta, metered legs are A and B on diagram, and there is no Vaylc¢ angle. Comments: List all problems found. If no problems, write "No problems found". List all seals missing on comments. 1. C.T.'s oversized and should be on 200 TAP. 2. The C.T.'s are relay type and not 0.3 accuracy class. 3. Loose connection. 4. Potential return common to current return. Recommendations: State what is left to change or do. B. Cc. E. F. G. C.T. should be moved to the 200 TAP. The meter base should be replaced with a base with test switch. The Current Transformers should be replaced with 200 to 5 units. Meter circuit should be replaced and potential return added. Replace Demand reset motor. Consideration should be given to the addition of reactive metering. Due to very low load at time of test, the C.T.'s should be burden tested and phase angle taken while the- load is on. ‘I. 12. 13. 14. £5. 16. Ed's 18. rg; 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 ans 32. 33. S25 35%. 36. The potential leads and neutral buss on the transformer bank is undersized. Transformer bank appears to be oversized. Transformer bank appears to be undersized. IMPROPER BONDING - Improper bonds were found at these locations. SAFETY HAZARDS - 5 installations - At these locations there is a significant safety hazard to meter readers or other personnel due to proximity of high voltage cables or uninsulated secondary taps on transformers. The ground should be moved to the unmetered leg of this 3 wire delta service. Due to meter base damage, the audit was not completed at this location. Transformer loading should be checked at this location. Two C.T.'s need to have secondary connections cleaned, tightened, and taped. This installation requires labeling for PT enclosure interlock system. C.T.'s at this installation are poorly located and cannot be secured. METER DETENTS REQUIRED - 2 installations - two KVARH meters were found to be without detents. The pole at this location should be checked for rotting. Correct the current transformer primary wiring. Remove splices in C.T. circuit. Convert self-contained 200 amp installation to instrument installation, as the meters are going full scale on the demand portion of the register. Reattach conduit to meter base. Ground the center tap at the "lighter" transformer to gain proper metering. Reattach C.T. can to wall. Have customer replace burn damaged bases. The Association Meter Department has been notified on these. Disable automatic bypass in sockets. Rewire to combine two meters. Seal raceways. Install or replace C.T. cap. Place cover on LB elbow and seal. Customer should balance load. Plug hole in C.T. can. Transformer bank wiring too light for service. Ground should be moved to unmetered leg of 3 wire delta service. Unused parallel service should be disconnected in panel. Wire should be removed from unused meter base. Customer could get free power. Customer needs to repair damaged phase wire. These services are not metered, and customer is getting free power. Metering should be installed permanently. The audit was not completed on these installations due to problems associated with the installation. These installations involve subtract metering which should 37. 38. 39. 40. .,, be eliminated or the subtract customers verified. This primary installation shows signs of insulation breakdown on the primary cable. Access to the C.T. enclosure is blocked by customer. Ground C.T. return circuit. Move meter base from transformer mounting to building. Customers self-contained meter base wired incorrectly. DATA TEST CARD # *#**%* CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION ***** Test Date: Customer: Service Type and Voltage: *e*2* METER INFORMATION geet Location: Type: Manufacturer: Styles: WATT KVAR VOLT AMP Other AC pc E.S. S.P.Test Watts Phase: Wire: Voltage: Rated: Max: Designed for P.T.: c.f. Scale: Definition: weaker METER DATA geeae Correct Meter Application: Measured PF: Meter Condition: Defects: #e%*k* INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER DATA ***** Current Transformers: C.T. Burden Test: Potential Transformers: Phase Shifting Transformers: Volts Amps Watts Actual Expected % Accuracy RECOMMENDED REPAIRS TALLY SHEET AND REPAIRS COMPLETED DURING AUDIT At each test location, those repairs that should be completed at this location should be Listed on the attached tally sheet. Those repairs not lised on the form should be written in "Other" section. Examples of "Other" repairs follow the form. Repairs completed during the audit should be tallied ona separate sheet by listing File # and repair completed. Example: File 11 - C.T. Tap changed File 16 - Meter Base Replaced File 192 - Meter Glass Replaced EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENT/REPAIR SCHEDULE T r T T File # Add or Replace KWH Meter | [Replace Demand | Reset Motor —— \Add or Change | Demand Register Replace Meter __ Cover \Add or Replace | KVARH Meter “Add Phase Shifting Transformer “Add or Replace __Meter Base Add Test Switch Rewire Installation Move Potential Conn. To Source Side Install Separate Pot. Return Wire lat! Add or Replace Current Transformer Add or Replace | Potential Transformer | Burden Test C.T.'s Under Load ante Instrument Transformer Ratio Verification Instrument Transformer ality Verification Change C.T. Tap i Ratio | | 1 \ \ | Check Power Factor Under load | Install Digital | Recording Device | Incorrect Rate Schedule Jay1O EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENT/REPAIR SCHEDULE S| e|7 4 (2) (d A 1¢ is Fue # rT | |_| Tadd or Replace [ T r TY] nA oe ead | Coo ae ae jt | Cover _| Add or Replace = ee _KVARH Meter i Add Phase Shifting Transformer Add or Replace Meter Base Add Test Switch |Rewire | Installation Move Potential Conn. To Source Side Install Separate Pot. Return Wire Add or Replace Current Transformer ieee Add or Replace Potential Transformer a | Burden Test C.T.'s Under Load Instrument Transforiner Ratio Verification “] eet 7 1} “Tt a at Instrument Transformer Quality Verification [~ Change C.T. Tap Ratio J Check Power Factor Under load Install Digital Recording Device Incorrect Rate Schedule JaYIO STATISTICAL TALLY SHEET This sheet is to be completed at each location to provide a statistical evaluation of a number of areas to provide Audit report statistics. See following example: File # - List U. S. & A. File # Meter # - Serial # or Company Meter # Account # - Utility Account # High KW - Previous years' high KW from records Average $/Month - Average monthly customer billing Security - Answer "Y" for seal in place and "N" for seal missing Meter Adjustment - Answer "Y¥" for adjustment made and "N" if no adjustment made Broadrange - Dollar amount for improved register definition either through dual range scale change, or with different Meter register. Re: Going from 0.05 to 0.01 definition. Correctness of Wiring - Answer “Y" for correct and "N" for incorrect, or not working; except for C.T. quality, answer "x" for, faited and “P™ f£6r poor performance, and:i"G® for good performance. Enter dollar change for corrections. Correct Ratio for Load - Enter "Y¥" for correct ratio and "N" for incorrect ratio. Enter dollar change only if practcal to change C.T. or C.T. tap. Correct Multiplier - Enter "Y" for correct billing record multiplier, and "N" for incorrect billing record multiplier. Enter dollar per month change. Reactive Candidate - Enter "Y" for P.F. deficiencies that gain at least $40 per month due to reactive penalties; generally, these are loads over 100 KW, but not necessarily. Mag Tape Metering - Enter "Y¥" if mag tape or digital metering will generate at least $60 per month Net Revenue Change - Enter total dollars gained, or to be gained through changes recommended provided these changes are cost effective. ¥ Blpe-a-ee | amaaceve | eel aes tf] ' | i — f T t 1 T ’ { 1 1 4 i \ i fi ! : | | ! | : | t | | i i | | i i | i i | ‘ i | OF WEING ft] -—+—+—--+ METER TESTING PROCEDURE A. As Found Tests 1) Creep Test - Open airrent circuit, all potentials hot (see description). 2) Demand Test 3) Reset Motor - Time for one interval 4) Full load series - 10 revolutions at Test Amps 5) Light Load series - | revolution at 0.10 x Test Amp 6) Balance Test - | revolution at 2 x Test Amps. 7) Power Factor series - 5 revolutions at Test Amps (50% PF) 8) —Check- magnet for metal particles. Formula: STANDARD EQUIVALENT REVOLUTIONS Meter Kh * Meter Test Revolutions Standard Kh * Standard Voltage Range * Standard Current Range * Number of current 120 5 coils oS id 2 Zz. 'x - IR | -_- tw, We ~ 120 5 TR = Meter Test Revolutions Z = Meter Kh When X = 120, 240, 480 ¥ i=l, 3, 825550 N = 1, 2, 3, 4 (Number of Current Coils) P = Standard Kh at 120 Volts and 5 Amps (Usually 0.6 For SC-10) am Ni 1 - Single Phase 2 & 3 wire or single stator of 2 or 3 stator meter for Balance Test. N = 2 - Two stator meter - 3 phase 4 wire Delta and 3 phase 3 wire Delta. N = 3 - 3 stator meter - 3 phase 4 wire WYE. N = 4- Z coil or 21/2 stator meter - 3 phase 4 wire WYE. In series test ail potentials are parallelled, and all qurrents are in series. In element or balance tests, all potentials are hot, and aurrent only in stator tested. METER FACTOR CALCULATIONS: (MF) B. Kh x Rr x Gr 10,000 Kh = Watt hours per revolutions of the disk (from name plate) MF = Rr = Register ratio is equal to the number of turns of the first register gear to give one complete revolution of the right hand dial (facing register name plate.) Gr_= Rs = First Reduction - The number of turns of the worm gear to give one revolution of the register first gear. Meter Adjustments Before adjusting meter, perform all "As Found Tests", replace burned out potential lamps, check mesh of Ist reduction, clean magnet. Do not place Ferrous (iron) tools near magnet. Clean with air or scotch tape. If "As Found Full Load or Light Load Test" is over 1% slow, then remove register and test meter without register. lf test improves by over 50%, then look closely at register for debris or wear. lf register shows signs of dirt or oil leaking from Demand Motor, check demand motor for noise. Clean register with contact cleaners and blow out with compressed air. Meters are to be left in the following adjustment: 1) Registers clean and working properly. 2) No creep. 3) As Left Balance better than + 0.5%. 4) As Left Full Load better than + 0.3%. 5) As Left Light Load better than + 0.3%. 6) As Left Power Factor better than + 0.8%. Do not adjust or clean Ball Jewel Bearing meters unless utility requests so. Cc. % Error = Error Calculation - Percent Error % Error = Expected Standard Revolutions - Actual Standard Revolutions x 100% Actual Standard Revolutions Example: IP 3W 240 Volt Class 200 Meter 7.2 Kh Expected Revolution = 6.000 Actual Revolution = 6.015 6.000 - 6.015 6.015 100% = -0.25% Utility Systems and Applications, Inc. §687-H S. E. International Way Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 (503) 659-3441 (503) 659-3981 METER CHANGE FORM Customer Name Date of change Customer Address Account No. Meter Location Meter = Out Meter Serial Number Readings (KWH) Multiplier Meter = Set Meter Serial Number Meter Readings (KWH) (KW) Multiplier PT Ratio Kh CT Ratio Volts Class Demand Interval (min) Remarks: USA:820107-1 THE WATTS NOCTOR G. EXAMPLE: METERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATION SINGLE PHASE WATTHOUR METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters for use in 4 jaw sockets in up to 200 amp, single phase, 3 wire, 240 volt services. TYPE Single phase, 4 terminal, socket mounted, self-contained. CLASS 200 VOLTAGE 240 volts, 3 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS 5 dial clock type with multiplier of one. TEST AMPS 30. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE Westinghouse D4s G.E. 1-70-S Sangamo J4s Duncan MS SPECIFICATION SINGLE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 200 amp, 240 or 480 volt single phase, 3 wire services. TYPE - Single phase, 4 terminal, socket mounted, self-contained. CLASS 200 VOLTAGE 240 or 480 volt as specified, 3 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 5 dial clock type with multiplier of 1. KW - 15 minute interval, clock dial, mechanical type with multiplier of |. TEST AMPS 30. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D4S-M Mark Illa G.E. IM-70-S M50 Sangamo J4DS DE Duncan BMS-2S B-D SPECIFICATION SINGLE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 240 volt, single phase, 3 wire services with current transformers. TYPE _ - Single phase, 6 terminal, socket mounted. CLASS 10 VOLTAGE 240 volts, 3 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 dial clock type with multiplier of |. KW - 15 minute interval, clock dial mechanical type with multiplier of 1. TEST AMPS 2 MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D4S-M Mark Illa G.E. IM70S M50 Duncan BMS-4S B-D Sangamo JD-45S DE SPECIFICATION NETWORK WATTHOUR METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters for 3 wire, single phase, WYE 208/120 volt urban residential network services. TYPE a Two stator, 5 terminal, socket mounted, self-contained. CLASS 200. VOLTAGE WYE 208/120 volts, 3 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 5 dial clock type with multiplier of |. TEST AMPS 30. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE Westinghouse D4S-5U G.E. V-612-S Duncan MT-12SE Sangamo $128 SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 200 amp, WYE 208/120 volt, three phase, 4 wire services. TY&e mee ‘ Three phase, two stator, 7 terminal, socket mounted, self-contained. CLASS 200 VOLTAGE 120 volt, 4 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 5 dial clock type with multiplier of |. KW - 15 minute interval, clock dial mechanical type. TEST AMPS 30. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE G.E. VM65-S M50 Westinghouse D4s-8M Mark Illa Duncan BMT6S B-D Sangamo S-5DS DE SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in registers for WYE 208/120 volt, three phase, 4 wire services with balanced voltages and current transformers. TYPE Three phase, two stator, 13 terminal, socket mounted for use with current transformers. CLASS 20. VOLTAGE 120 volts, 4 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 or 5 dial clock type with multiplier of |. KW - 15 minute interval, clock dial mechanical type with multiplier of 1. TEST AMPS 29 POTENTIAL LAMPS LED potential indicating lamps shall be included. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D4S-8M Mark Illa G.E. VM65-S M50 Duncan BMT6S B-D Sangamo S5DS DE SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for WYE 208/120 volt, three phase, 4 wire services with current transformers, for loads over 300 KW and unbalanced voltages. TYPE Three phase, three stator, 13 terminal, socket mounted for use with current transformers. CLASS 20. VOLTAGE 120 volts, 4 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 or 5 dial clock type with multiplier of 1. KW - [5 minute interval, clock dial mechanical type with multiplier of |. TEST AMPS 2.5 POTENTIAL LAMPS LED potential indicating lamps shall be included. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D4S-3M Mark Illa G.E. VM64-S M50 Duncan BMT9S B-D SAangamo S4DS DE SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 200 amp, WYE 480/277 volt, three phase, 4 wire services. TYPE =H Three phase, two stator, 7 terminal, socket mounted, self-contained. CLASS 200. VOLTAGE 240 volts, 4 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 5 dial clock type with multiplier of 1. KW - 15 minute interval, clock dial mechanical type. TEST AMPS 30. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D4S-8M Mark Illa G-E- VM65-S M50 Duncan BMT-14S B-D Sangamo S5DS DE SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for WYE 480/277 voit, three phase, 4 wire services with current transformers for loads over 300 KW and unbalanced voltages. TYPE Three phase, three stator, 13 terminal, socket mounted for use with current transformers. CLASS 20. VOLTAGE 240 volts, 4 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 dial clock type with multiplier of 1. KW - 15 minute interval clock dial mechanical type with multiplier of 1. Dial multipliers such that 2 decimal places are available on the demand reading. TEST AMPS 2.3 POTENTIAL LAMPS LED potential indicating lamps shall be included. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D453M Mark Illa Sangamo S4D5 MDE Duncan BMT9S B-D GE. VM64-S M50 SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for WYE 480/277 volt, three phase, 4 wire services with balanced voltages and current transformers. TYPE Three phase, two stator, 13 terminal, socket mounted for use with current transformers. CLASS 20. VOLTAGE 240 volts, 4 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 or 5 dial clock type. KW - 15 minute interval clock dial mechanical type. Dial multipliers such that 2 decimal places are available on the demand reading. TEST AMPS 2.5 POTENTIAL LAMPS LED potential indicating lamps shall be included. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D4S-8M Mark Illa G.E. VM65-S M50 Duncan BMT-6S B-D Sangamo s6Ds DE SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 200 amp, 240 volt, 4 wire Delta services without current transformers. TYPE Three phase, two stator, 7 terminal, socket mounted, self-contained. CLASS 200 VOLTAGE 240 Volt, 4 wire Delta, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 5 dial clock type with multiplier of |. KW - 15 minute interval, clock dial mechanical type. TEST AMPS 30 MANUFACTURER METER TYPE Westinghouse D4S-7M G.E. VM66-S Duncan BMT-15S Sangamo S6éDS DEMAND TYPE Mark Illa M50 B-D DE SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 240 volt 3 phase, 4 wire Delta services with current transformers. TYPE Three phase two stator 13 terminal socket mounted for use with current transformers. CLASS 20 VOLTAGE 240 volt, 4 wire Delta, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 dial pointer type with multiplier of |. KW - 15 minute interval clock dial mechanical type with multiplier of |. TEST AMPS 2.5 POTENTIAL LAMPS LED potential indicating lamps shall be included. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE Westinghouse D4S-7M Mark Illa Sangamo Sé6DS DE Duncan BMT8S B-D G.E. VM66S M50 SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 200 amp, 480 volt, three phase 3 wire Delta services without current transtormers. TYte Three phase, two stator, 5 terminal, socket mounted, self-contained. CLASS 200 VOLTAGE 480 volts, 3 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 or 5 dial clock type with multiplier of |. KW - 15 minute interval, clock dial mechanical type with multiplier of 1. TEST AMPS 30 MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE G.E. VM62-S M50 Westinghouse D4S-5M Mark Illa Duncan BMT-12S B-D Sangamo S2DS DE SPECIFICATION THREE PHASE WATTHOUR DEMAND METER SCOPE This specification covers watthour meters with built-in demand registers for 480 volt, three phase, 3 wire services with current transformers. TYPE Three phase, two stator, 8 terminal socket mounted for use with current transformers. CLASS 20 VOLTAGE 480 volts, 3 wire, 60 hertz. REGISTERS KWH - 4 dial clock type. KW - 15 minute interval clock dial mechanical type. Meter multiplier to be such that 2 decimal places are available on demand reading. TEST AMPS 2.3 POTENTIAL LAMPS LED potential indicating lamps shall be included. MANUFACTURER METER TYPE DEMAND TYPE G.E. VM62-S M50 Westinghouse D4s-2M Mark Illa Duncan BMT-5S8 B-D Sangamo S3DS DE SPECIFICATION SECONDARY CURRENT TRANSFORMERS SCOPE This specification covers electrical and mechanical features of window type epoxy molded current transformers suitable for indoor or outdoor use. All characteristics, voltage designations and tests shall be in accordance with ANSI C57.13-1969 or latest edition. RATINGS _ Amperage ratio of 1500 to 5 single ratio. VOLTAGE 600 volt class. INSULATION impulse level, full wave, 10 KV. FREQUENCY 60 hertz. ACCURACY 0.3 ANSI accuracy up to BO.5 burden at 60 hertz. All ratings shall have a thermal factor of at least 3. CONDUCTORS The CT window shall be a minimum of 5-1/2 inches in diameter. MOUNTING Shall be on an integral mounting base. ACCESSORIES Primary bar- A buss bar available suitable for permanent installation through CT window which provides for terminal connections on either side of CT. Equipped with cap and integral shorting switch. ACCEPTABLE UNITS MANUFACTURER TYPE Westinghouse CLC Astra AD G-E. JAD-O Sangamo B6L SPECIFICATION SECONDARY CURRENT TRANSFORMERS SCOPE This specification covers electrical and mechanical features of window type epoxy molded current transformers suitable for indoor or outdoor use. All characteristics, voltage designations und tests shall be in accordance with ANSI C57.13-1969 or latest edition. RATINGS Amperage ratios of 200 to 5 or 400 to 5 single ratio. VOLTAGE 600 volt class. INSULATION Impulse level, full wave, 10 KV. FREQUENCY 60 hertz. ACCURACY 0.3 ANSI accuracy up to BO.5 burden at 60 hertz. All ratings shall have a thermal factor of at least 3. RF=3 for 200, 4 for 400. CONDUCTORS The CT window shall be capable of up to three 500 MCM cables. MOUNTING Shall be on an integral mounting base. ACCESSORIES Primary bar-A flat buss bar suitable for permanent installation through CT window which provides for terminal connections on either side of CT. Multiple mounting bracket available for mounting 3 CT's on one bracket with proper spacing. CT's to be equipped with cap and integral shorting switch. ACCEPTABLE UNITS MANUFACTURER TYPE Westinghouse CMF Astra AB G-E; JAK-O Sangamo B6M SPECIFICATION SECONDARY CURRENT TRANSFORMERS SCOPE This specification covers electrical and mechanical features of bar type epoxy molded current transformers suitable for indoor or outdoor use. All characteristics, voltage designations and tests shall be in accordance with ANSI C57.13-1969 or latest edition. RATINGS _. : Amperage ratios of 200 to 5, 400 to 5 single ratio miniature with integral buss bar. VOLTAGE 600 volt class. INSULATION Impulse level, full wave, 10 KV. FREQUENCY 60 hertz. ACCURACY 0.3 ANSI accuracy up to BO.5 burden at 60 hertz. All ratings shall have a thermal factor of at least 2. CONDUCTORS Buss bar capable of withstanding rated current. MOUNTING Shall be on an integral mounting base. Multiple mounting bracket available for mounting 3 CTs on one bracket with proper spacing. CTs to be equipped with cap and integral shorting switch. ACCEPTABLE UNITS MANUFACTURER TYPE Westinghouse CBH Astra TAB G.E. JCM-O Sangamo BéB H. EXAMPLE: WIRING METERING DIAGRAMS CIRCUIT SINGLE PHASE SLCONDARY VOLTAGE DULLIVERY 7 Pole Test Switch Utility Systeme & Applications, Inc. 410U 5 E international Way * D 2U7 + Portland, Oregon 97222 All potential conductors copper #12 1 HHN (S04) 652-1357 (SUG) abd 544) All current conductors copper #10 THHN SINGLE PHASE, THREE WIRE METERED WITH TWO C.f.'s AND A SINGLE PHASE THREE WIRE MLTLE. 3 PHASE, 3 WIRE Dtt TA SECONDARY VOLTAGE DELIVERY 7 Pole Test Switch 2 Load Utility Systems & Applications, Inc. 4100 5 E Internationel Way * D 207 © Pustland, Oregon 97222 (Sud) 052-1337 (5U3) 059-344) THREE PHASE, THREE WIRE DELTA METERED WITH TWO All Potential Conductors Copper #12 THHN C.T.'s AND A THREE PHASE, THREE WIRE METER. All Current Conductors Copper #10 THHN ~ Pole Test Switch 3 PHASL, 5 WIRE DELTA SECONDARY VOLTAGE DLLIVLERY WITH REACTIVE All Potentiul ConductorsCupper #12 THHN All Current Conductors Copper #10 THHN G.C. Type MC-63 of Equivalent 120 & 240 Voit Superior 1395 CF or Equivalent 480 Volt Load Utility Systems & Applications, Inc. 4100 5 E International Way + D 207 + Portland, Oreyon 97222 (804) 052.1337 (SUS) uy 544) THREE PHASL, THREE WIRE DELTA METERED WITH TWO C.1.4y AND THREL PHASE, THREE WIRE METERS AND A PHASt SHIF TING TRANSFORMER FOR REACTIVE MEASUREMENT. 3 PHASE & WIRE DtL 1A SLCONDARY VOLTAGL DELIVLRY 10 pole test switch All potential conductors copper #12 THHN All current conductors copper #10 THHN Utility Systeme & Applications, Inc. 4)0U SE International Way » 1 207 © Portland, Oregon "7222 BBA (05) 082.137 (543) 659-5441 Tyikttt PHASE, FOUR WIRE DELTA MCTERED WITH THREE C.1.'s AND A THREE PHASE, FOUR WIRL DELTA 13 TERMINAL Mt IDR. 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE DELTA StCONDARY VOLTAGE DELIVERY WITH REACTIVE Test Switch ‘nase Shif G.t. Type MC-66 of Equivalent Black Utility Systems & Applications, Inc. 4100 9b internaiunal Way + D207 + Poland, Oregon 97222 (505) 062 13.47 (905) US. He THREE PHASE, FOUR WIRE DELTA, METERED WITH THREE C.T.'s AND TWO THREE PHASE, FOUR WIRE DELTA, 13 TERMINAI Nt ilies AND A PHASE SHIFTING TRANSFORMER FOR REACTIVE MEASUREMENT. | _cential Conductors Copper #12 THHN Current Conductors Copper #10 THHN 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE WYE SECONDARY VOLTAGE DELIVERY 10 Pole Test Switch All Potential Conductors Copper #12 THHN All Current Conductors Copper #10 THHN THREE PHASE, FOUR WIRE WYE METERED WITH THREE C.T.'s AND A 3 tLEMENT, THREE PHASE, FOUR WIRE MLTER. ee cen ots ees = 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE, WYE SECONDARY VOLTAGE DELIVERY WITH REACTIVE 10 Pole Test p Switch ® QO © Black Brown Red All potential conductors copper #12 THHN All current conductors copper #10 THHN HOOPOPOANODADP O G 4 6 5 Phase Shifting Transformer G.£. Type MC-65 ort quivalent Utility Sestinnen & Applications, Inc. VOU > Lb International Way + 1) 2U7 + Portland. Oregon 97222 (505) O52 15.47 (90.5) OG. THREE PHASE FOUR WIRE WYE, METERED WITH THREE C.1.'s, AND TWO 5 ELEMENT, THREE PHASE, FOUR WIRL-WYt METLRS AND PHASE SHIFTING TRANSFORMER |OR REACTIVE ME ASURI MLUNT. 3S PHASt 4 WIRE WYE PRIMARY VOLIAGE DELIVERY WITH REACTIVE Scaled — _ © test switch rp ®@ © ®@ b d b > D HOOdOdOQ O O Tn gn I 123504 5678 9 ® od oO @ D o D © Ed Phase Shifting Transformer ype MUC-65 or Equivalent een ea tle aia 3 | a cc Tt oo VV po ae Utility Systems & Applications, inc. 41605 bk Internataanal Way + 1) 207 + Pestlend, Oregon 47222 (503) Ob2 13.57 (90.5) Gb). bb) > dial conductors copper #12: THHN afrent conductors copper #10 THHN THREL PHASE, FOUR WIRE WYE, METERED WITH THREE C.1.'S, THREE P.T.'S, AND TWO 3 ELEMENT, THREE PHASE, 1OUR WIRL-WYE METERS AND PHASE SHIFTING TRANSFORMER HOK REACTIVE MEASUREMENT Page 1 of 2 SERIAL NUMBERS OF DUNCAN ALTERNATING CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 1912 . 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ‘ 1919_ 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936" 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 (Last Serial Number for Each Year) Serial No. 168,919 212,820 277,872 297,872 352,915 397,637 482,151: 547,359 607 , 902 671,949 737,227 808 , 444 867 , 397 944,324 1,007,479 1,087,722 1,162,080 1,233,572 1,340,022 1,381,568 1,429,762 1,441,089 1,928,184 2,001,777 2,147,268 2,294,468 2,701,869 2,903,157 3,101,645 3,289,775 3,367,461 3,368,461 3,436,170 3,629,485 3,909,244 4,334,825 4,863,359 5,274,119 YEAR 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1939 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Serial No. 5,746,352 6,175,004 6,537,818 6,947,921 7,339,999 7,886,971 8,404,151 8,848,046 9,213,836 9,681,035 10,116,430 10,495,812 10,899,876 11,318,482 11,854,401 12, 399,038 12,934,735 13,432,619 13,927,835 14,003,560 14,021,955 14,005, 347 14,507, 389 14,519.043 15,045,832 14,525,134 14,521,000 14,521,122 15,614, 373 14, 623,349 14,628,245 14,626,697 14,626,747 16,260,695 14,681,104 14,681, 307 14,681,677 16,257,704 MQ 15A “MQ 30A MR TR MQ 30A MQ 15A MS MR TR TQ MS MQ MR TR TQ SS. - : MQ MR TR TMS2S C1200 . i Page 2 of 2 « SERIAL NUMBERS OF DUNCAN ALTERNATING CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS (Last Serial Number for Each Year) . YEAR Serial No. YEAR Serial No. 1972 ° 17,106,035 MS 1978 MS 22,076,430 14,719,638 MQ TMS 22,142,700 14,721,786 MR MT 20,504,472 14,717,295 TR TMT 20,503,580 17,051,245 TMS 17,051,439. MT. 1979 MS 22,904,062 . a | ! TMS 23,056,766 MT 23,063,755 TMT 23,065,716 18973 17,897,054 MS 1980 MS 23,624,120 14,744,817 MR TMS 23,662,295 17, 8835978... 24T MT 23,679,140 14,744. 429 SR. TMT 23,678,902 17,881,864 TMS 1981 MS 24,373,208 \ i TMS 24,370,409 MM MT 24,382,310 1974 18,494,099 MS TMT 24,382,300 14,787,016 MR 14,786,680 TR 19,003,827 MT 19,001,817 TMS 19,004,387 TMT ~ L9F5 ||| 19,467,000 MS i 19,487,964 MT 19,488,464 TMS 19,466,941 TMT 1976 20,024,740 MS 20,014,253 MT 20,014,351 ‘TMT 20,014,386 TMS 1977 21,533,798 MS 20,470,846 MT 21,484,106 TMS 20,462,550 IMT U S Memo from Dong Davina ste Utility Systems and Applications, Inc. 8 f/g2- Roe: MESS ACE FROM Ecl2AbsTn Am WESTINGHOUSE RE: SéRINL AUMbERS? D2 S SERIES BEGAN wort S/ns 38200 000 4-1-G0 O38 gh tncoceeo eet | S ys i i Sy, 52000 000 #/- 8 & 5 CS PE OUP TO DAs ; geo: Eng OUR 3! DA) RUWA A Pp: =O REGARIAG C CourP Sp R08 Rt 1: on ‘TT Pig & RLMpnse 2 Ww Mor Te Pag ss OF 3 © F wage Beads 8271 sf (OV) THOO J -ABive ge ; : Sy 16cE B PP tis THE ‘CHIP *, S691-H S.E. Iaternational Way Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 WE _¢ ; : a | | | | ! i Po; oy Gl | | i Pop | | ! | Aken seared “f Lise ae "ho 7 | ' | abby Sys hens «ana lice (SE Sy i deat wha 4 | | Pt (wank Ave G4 F7r Z| Bede Gol Arshea Sel & 3 seks Fen your, («Fo i | | | | | ti | | | t | | | b cuer fof | | | | | \ | | 1 | | | GENERHL ELECIRIC METERING eT hat OT PRODUCTS Cansi iste METER BUSINESS DEPARTMENT SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03878 January 11, 1982 Subject: Age of Walthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument [ransformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below uf serial numbers assigned on January 1 of each year. This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Business Department. Single-phase Meters 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 I-70 (cu.) 72,427,079 1-50, 1-55 70,055,903 70,023, 188 68,992,749 62,217 ,086 62,181,833 1-70, IR, LRM 73,554,620 *71,605,095 69,749,597 68,370,959 65,998 ,876 1-63 64,343,022 64,338,601 Polyphase Meters V-60 Series, VR, VRM 70,389,925 70,230,228 64,842,948 64,689,699 64,554,401 V-611-S, v-612-S 72,622,493 69,091,132 69,050,308 69,010,201 62,298,745 Switchboard Meters IS, OS, O0S-60, DSM, DSW 30,968,464 30,955,575 30,943 ,000 30,931,900 30,922,000 MC Autotransformers A-917,359 A-913,461 A-907 ,583 A-901,594 A-b97 ,503 18-10 & Demand Meters OG, G-9, OT, MD, C, PD 6,084,959 6,079,961 6,077,770 6,075,391 6,073,190 POM Recorders 6,096 ,950 6,094 ,631 6,090, 100 6,067,903 6,061,923 Pulse Initiators 125,297 100 ,000 Oemand Reyisters M30, M31, M51, M50 3,757,795 3,625,071 3,501, 788 3,398,972 3,209,290 60 5,494,926 5,469,953 5,445 ,890 5,419,622 5,388,283 Ory-type IT's 4,654,630 4,362,072 4, 146,508 3,854, 103 3,691,339 Tnis supersedes MIL-1490. *During 1981, IRM's usea the 70 Million series instead of tne 71 Million series. As of January 1, 1982, they will be back on target using the 73 Million series. K. R. Stowe Specialist-Proaguct Service a -3DG GENERHL ELECIRIC METERING PRODUCTS METEIe BUSINESS DEPARTMENT SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03878 Subject: Aye of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age cf watihour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers ossigned on January | of cach year. my | UE. INE COMMIT 4 HE TAP be Me) 1490 January 9, 1981 This tabulation will guide all personnel who cre uctively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and » whenever the age of a device of a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at tha Meter Business Department. Single-phare Meters 196) 1980 1979, 1978 1977 5-70 (cv.) - a wee = 55,899, 660 1-50, 1-55 _ 70,023,188 68,992,749 2,217,086 «62,181,833 «42,171,723 1-70, IR, Ike 71,605,095 69,749,397 63,370,959 65,998, 876 64,033,676 1-63 7 64, 343,022 64,338, 601 64,331,059 Polyphase Meters "V-60" Series, VR, VRM 70,230,228 44,842,948 64,689,699 64,554, 401 64,429,019 V>=611=S, V-612-5 69,091,132 69,050,208 67,010,201 62,298,745 62,265,351 Switchboou! haters, 1S, OS, DS-60, DSM, DSW __30,955,375 30,943,000 30,931,900 30,922,000 30,914,000 Auto Transformers MC A-913,461_A-907, 583 A-901, 594 A-897, 503 A-892,008. 1B-10 & Demand Meters OG, G-9, OT, MD, C, PD 6,079,961 «6,077,770 6,075,391 4,073, 190 6,044,102 PDM Recorders 6,094,631 6,090, 100 6,067,903 6,061,923 6,055,733 Pulse Initiotors 100,000 Pees See M-30, M-31, M-S1, M-50 3,625,071 3,501,788 ———_3,398,972___3, 209, 290 3, 120,440 M-60 5 469,953 5, 445, 90 5,419,622 5, 380, 283 5,362,358 Dry-type IT's 4,362,072 4,146,508 3,854,103 3,691,339 3,530, 165 This supersedes MIL-1456— K.R. Stowe Specialist- Product Service (Distribution, over) GENERAL ELECTRIC rE sre PRODUCTS LCTILQIND 1456 METER BUSINESS DEPARTMENT SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03878 January 10, 1980 Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Jastrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizutions To assist in determining the approximate aye of watthour meters, demanc meters and instrument transformers, @ tabulation is given below of sesiul numbers ussigned on Janvary | of euch year. This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of acomplaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Business Department. Single-phase Meters 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1-70 (cu.) . 55,899,660 55,881,052 1-50, 1-55 68,992, 749 62,217,086 62,181,833 62,171,723 62,145,051 1-70 -1R - IRM 69,749,597 68,370,959 65,998,876 64,033,676 62,922,517 1-63 64,343,022 64,338,601 = 64,331,059 62,117, 186 Polyphase Meters "V-60" Series - VR- VRM 64,842,948 64,689,699 64,554,401 64,429,019 62, 206,944 V-611-S/V-612-5 69,050,308 69,010,201 62,298,745 62,265,351 62,234, 649 Switchbourd Meters is, DS, 0S-60, DSM, DSW) 30,943,000 9-30, 931,900 + =30, 922,000 3,914,000 3,906,000 Auto Transformers MC A-907,583 A-901,594 A-897,503 A-892,008 = A-888, 390 18-10 & Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,077,770 6,075,391 6,073,190 6,044,102 6,041, 668 PDM Recorders 6,090, 100 6,067,903 6,061,923 6,055,733 6,051,980 Demand Registers M-3), M-31, M-51, M-S0 3,501,788 3,398,972, 3,209,290 3,120,440 3,043,353 M-60 5,445,890 5,419,622 5,388,283 = 55,362,358 = 5,333, 317 Dry-type IT's 4,146,508 3,854,103 3,691,339 + = -3,590,166 += 3, 366, 540 This supersedes MIL- 1421, K.R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service GENERAL ELECTRIC METERING ueRLEING INFORMAIION PRODUCTS LETIER NO 1421 METER AND INSIRUMENT BUSINESS DEPARIMENT SOMERSWORTH. NEW HAMPSHIRE January 9, 1979 Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: — Field Sates and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tobulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each yeor. This tabulation will guide all personne! who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Business Department. Single. se Meters 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1-70 (cu.) 55,899,660 55,881,052 1-50, 1-55 62,217,086 62,181,833 62,171,723 62,145,051 55,749,079 1-70 68,370,959 65,998,876 64,033,676 62,922,517 61,419,360 1-63 64,343,022 64,338,601) 64,331,059 62,117,186 62, 102,957 Polyphase Meters “V-60" Series 64,689,699 64,554,401 64,429,019 62,206,944 62,110,910 V-611-S/V-612-S 69,010,201 62,298,745 62,265,351) 62,234,649 30,399,741 Switchboard Meters 1S, DS, DS-60, DSM, DSW 30,931,900 = 30,922,000 30,914,000 30,906,000 3,897,374 Auto Transformers MC A-901, 594 A-897, 503 A-892,008 A-888, 390 A-884 , 867 18-10 & Demand Meters OG, G-9, OT, MD, C, PD = 6,075, 391 6,073,190 6,044, 102 6,041,668 6,039,202 POM Recorders 6,067,903 6,061,923 6,055, 733 6,051,980 6,049, 661 Demand Registers M-20, M-31, M-51, M-50 . 3,398,972 3,209,290 3,120,440 3,043,353 2,979,422 M-60 5,419,622 5,388,283 5,362,358 5,333, 317 5,309,243 Dry-type IT's 3,854,103 3,691,339 3,530,166 3,366,540 3, 202,001 This supersedes MIL-1382. K. R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service GENERAL ELECIRIC ML TING, METERING at PRODUCTS ALTMAN) 1382 MET BIND INSIRUIMDP SE HOGINE 6 FE Ra RIM UNI OOMLROWORIH, NEW HE IMEXOE Ed January 30, 1978 Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Maters and instrument Transformers To: Field Soles and Service Organizations . To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each year. This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the moterial shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Business Department . Single-phase Meters 1978 19 1976 1975 1974 1-70 (cu.) 55,899,660 55,881,052 1-50, 1-55 62,.31, 03. 52,171,723 62,145,051 55,749,079 55,731,600 1-70 65,998,876 64,033,676 62,922,517 61,419,300 60,274,480 1-63 64,338,001 64,331,059 62,117,186 62,102,957 38,984,851 Pol se Meters "V-60" Series 64,554,401 64,429,019 62, a 944 «62,110,910 55,464,140 V~-611-S/V-612-5 62,298,745 62,265,351 62,254,649 50,399,741 3,312,414 Switchboard Meters iS, OS, DS-60, DSM, OSW =. 30, 922,000 30,914,000 3,906,000 30,897,374 30,887,222 Auto Transformers MC A-897,03 A-892,008 A-888 , 390 A-884,867 A-876,911 1610.4: Desoass Motors” DG, G-9, OT, MD, C, PD = 6,073, 190 6,044,102 6,041,668 6,039,202 6,035,958 PDM Recorders 6,061,923 6,055,733 6,051,980 6,049,661 6,048,731 Demand Registers M-30, M-31, M-51, M-50 3,209, 290 3,120,440 3,043,353 2,979,422 2,884,401 M-60 5,388, 283 5,362,358 5,333,317 5,329,243 5,260,725 Ory-type IT's 3,691,339 3,530, 166 3,366,540 3,202,001 1,696,936 This supersedes MIL-1337. K. R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service GENERAL € ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC METERING MASE IDR INF CORMIATION PRODUCTS LET IR NO 4397 METER FIND INSIRUME INT UGINE OO LLMARIMENT SOMERSWORTH. NEW HEMASHIRE February 7, 1977 Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers ie To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each year. This tabulation will guide all personne! who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter & Instrument Business Department. Single-phase Meters 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1-70 (cu.) 55,899,660 55,881,052 1-50, 1-55 62,171,723 62,145,051 55,749,079 55,731,600 55,686,806 1-70 64,033,675 62,922,517 61,419,360 60,274,480 58,745,572 [ 1-63 64,331,059 62,117,186 62,102,957 38,984,851 38,974,111 Polyphase Meters “V-60" Series 64,429,019 62,206,944 62,110,910 55,464,140 55,321,788 V-611-S/V-612-S 62,265,351 62,234,649 50,399,741 50,312,414 50,277,179 Switchboard Meters is, DS, DS-60, OSM, DSW) 30,914,000 =3,906,000 2,897,374 W,877,222 W,879,592 Auto Transformers MC A-892,008 A-888, 390 A-884,867 A-876,911 A-870,501 1B-10 & Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,044,102 6,041,668 6,039, 202 6,035,958 6,032,478 POM Recorders 6,055,733 6,051,980 6,049, 661 6,048,731 6,046,942 Demand Registers M-30, M-31, M-51, M-50 3,120,440 3,043,353 2,979, 422 2,884,401 2,789,267 M-60 5,362,358 5,333,317 5,309,243 5,260,725 5,203,702 Dry-type IT's 3,530, 166 3, 366, 540 3,202,001 1,696,936 1,420, 183 This supersedes MIL-1298. p K.R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service GENERAL GS ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC METERING MV del TING INFORMATION PRODUCTS LLIN 1298 ME TL 1 22ND INGIRUML INE UGINE Ge [LE rR IMEI OOMLROWOEFTE L NEW. HEMP SHIA January 19, 1976 Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations —- To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each year, This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component mus! be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter & instrument Business Department. Single-phase Meters 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1-50, 1-55, I-70 (cu.) 55,881,052 1-50, 1-55, 1-60 Series 62,145,051 55,749,079 55,731,600 55,686,806 55,623,565 1-70 62,922,517 61,419,360 60,274,480 58,745,572 57,335,469 +63 62,117,186 62,102,957 38, 984,851 38,974,111 Polyphase Meters “V" Series 38, 240,837 * “V-60" Series 62,206,944 62,110,910 55,464,140 55,321,788 55,185,466 V-611-S/V-612-5 62,234,649 50,399,741 50,312,414 50,277,179 50,235,198 Switchboard Meters 1S, DS, DS-60, DSM, DSW 30,906,000 30,897,374 30,877,222 30,879,592 30,873,042 Auto Transformers MC A-888, 390 A-884 , 867 A-876,911 A-870, 501 A-865,657 18-10 & Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,041,668 6,039, 202 6,035, 958 6,032,478 6,029,315 POM Recorders 6,051, 980 6,049,661 6,048,731 6,046,942 6,045,360 Demand Registen M-30, M-31, M51, M50 3,043,353 2,979,422 2,884,401 2,789, 267 2,726,945 M60 5,333, 317 5,309, 243 5, 260,725 5, 203, 702 5,142,728 Dry-type IT's 3, 366, 540 3, 202, 001 1,696, 936 1,420, 183 K-574, 143 This supersedes MIL-1 253. K.R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service GENERAL Cf ELECTRIC aise GENERAL QD ELecTaiC METER ott BUSINESS DEPARTMENT marketing information letter no. 4253 January 13, 1975 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE Subject: Age of Watthouw Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers Tos Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument trarsformen, a tabulation is given below of serial number assigned on January lst of each year. This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shal! be wed aso guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accu- rately, the material sholl be referred to Product Service at the Meter & Instrument Business Deporiment. Single-phase Meters 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1-50, 1-55, 1-60 Series 55,749,079 55,731,600 55,686,806 55,623,565 55, 553,858 1-70 61,419,360 60,274,480 58,745,572 57,335,469 54,089, 258 1-63 62, 102,957 38,984,851 36,974,111 38, 962,842 L. Polyphase Meters “V" Series 38,240,837 38,240,827 "V-60" Series 62,110,910 55,464,140 55,321,788 55,185,466 55,095,034 V-611-S / V-612-S 50,399,741 50,312,414 50,277,179 50,235,198 SO, 213,769 Switchboord Meters 1S, DS, DS-60, DSM, OSW 30,897,374 30,887,222 30,879,592 30,873,042 30,866,514 Auto Transformers MC A-884,867 A-876,911 A-870,501 A-865,657 A-860, 962 18-10 & Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PQ 6,039,202 4,035,958 6,032,478 6,029,315 6,024,806 POM Recorder 6,049,661 6,048,731 6,046,942 6,045,360 Demand Registers Ne30, M31, M51, M50 2,979,422 2,884,401 2, 789,267 2,726,945 2, 675, 476 M60 5,309,243 5,260,725 5,203,702 5,142,728 5,088,750 Dry-type IT's 3,202,001 1,696,936 1,420,183 K-574, 143 +916, 227 This supersedes MiL- 1208. KR, Stowe Specialist - Product Service @ WATTHOUR METERS @ INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS @ DEMAND METERS m SWITCHBOARD METERS M PULSCRIPT@ EQUIPMENTS m METER SOCKETS | WATTHOUR METERS @ GENERAL GD FLectaic METER BUSINESS DEPARTMENT SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE Subject: To: Field Soles and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters marketing information letter no. Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers 1208 January 29, 1974 and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January Ist of each year. This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complain? acti- vity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Business Department. Single-phase Meters 1-50, 1-55, |-60 Series 1-70 1-63 Polyphase Meters “V" Series “V-60" Series V-611-S/ V-612-S Switchboard Meters 1S, DS, DS-60, OSM, DSW Auto Transformers MC 18-10 & Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD POM Recorder Demand Registers M-30, M31, M51, M50 M60 Dry-type IT's This supersedes MIL- 1168. cea 1974 59,954,655 60, 274, 480 38,984,851 55, 464, 140 50,312,414 30, 887, 222 A-876,911 6,035, 958 6,048,731 2,884, 401 5, 260, 725 1,696, 93 1973 55, 686, 806 58,745, 572 38,974,111 55, 321, 788 530, 277,179 30, 879, 592 A-870, 501 6,032, 478 6, 046, 942 2, 789, 267 5, 203, 702 1,420, 183 1972 1971 55,623,565 55,553,858 57,335,469 56,089,258 38, 962,842 38,240,837 38,240,827 55,185,466 55,095,034 50,235,198 50,213,769 30,873,042 30,866,514 A-865, 657 A-860, 962 6,029,315 6,024, 806 6,045,360 2,726,945 2,675,476 5, 142,728 5, 088, 750 K-574,143 = J-916, 227 K. R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service 30,859,630 A-855,473 6,019,663 2,632,940 5,021,834 5-379, 664 INSTRUMEMT TRANSFORMERS @ DEMAND METERS @ = SWITCHBOARO METERS @ PULSCRIPT® EQUIPMENTS M@ METER SOCKETS GENERAL QD ELECTRIC us METER BUSINESS DEPARTMENT marketing information letter no. = 4438 os = January 19, 1973 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January Ist of each year. This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Business Department. 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 Single-phase Meters 1-50, I-55, 1-60 Series 55,686,806 55,623,565 55,553,858 49,944,505 49,865,652 1-70 58,745,572 57,335,469 56,089,258 53,797,569 52,863,648 1-63 38,974,111 38,962,842 38,921, 534 Polyphase Meters "V" Series 38,240,837 38,240,827 38,240,823 38,240,799 “Y-60" Series 55,321,788 55,185,466 55,095,034 51,088,772 50,995,055 V-611-S / V-612-S 50,277,179 50,235,198 50,213,769 50,198,072 50, 160,843 Switchboard Meters 1S, DS, DS-60, DSM, DSW =: 30, 879, 572 30,873,042 30,866,514 30,859,630 30,852,085 Auto Transformers MC A-870,501 A-865,657 A-860,962 A-855,473 A-849,627 1B-10 & Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,032,478 6,029,315 6,024,806 6,019,663 6,014,714 PDM Recorder 6,046,942 6,045,360 ko Demand Registers M-30, M31, M-51, M-50 2,789,267 2,726,945 2,675,476 2,632,940 2, 583,607 M-60 5,203,702 5,142,728 5,088,750 5,021,834 4,222,516 Dry-type IT's 1,420,183 K-574,143 J-916,227 J-379,664 H-900, 500 This supersedes MIL-1122. K.R. Stowe cea Specialist - Product Service OU NO 1 GOAL 1 MAKE Gere HAL CLL CTC fhe WEST BUY § WATTHOUR METERS m INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS @ DEMAND METERS @ SWITCHBOARD METERS @ PULSCRIPT® EQUIPMENTS mm METER SOCKETS SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL GO ELECTRIC METER BUSINESS DEPARTMENT marketing information letter no. 1122 January 24, 1972 Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January Ist of each year. This tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Business Department. Single-phase Meters 1-50, I-55, 1-60 Series 1-70 1-63 Polyphase Meters "V" Series "V-60" Series V-611-S/V-612-S Switchboard Meters IS, DS, OS-60, DSM, OSW Auto Transformers MC 1B-10 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD PDM Demand Registers M-30, M-31, M51 M-60 1972 55,623, 565 57,335,469 38, 240, 837 55, 185, 466 50, 235, 198 30, 873,042 A-865, 657 6,029,315 6,045, 360 2,726,945 5,142,728 PALIMNUUM METEMS M@OPISTHUMAAE ("Ama UKMeKS Mi Mao Sih 4s 1971 55, 553,858 56, 089, 258 38, 962,842 38, 240,827 55, 095, 034 50, 213,769 30,866, 514 A-860, 962 6,024,806 2,675,476 5,088, 750 - over - . “1h iu AAD 1970 1969 49,944,505 49,865,652 53, 797, 569 52, 863,648 38, 921, 534 38,240,823 38,240,799 51,088,772 50,995,055 50,198,072 50,160,843 30,859,630 30,852,085 A-855,473 A-849,627 6,019,663 6,014,714 2,632,940 2, 583,607 5,021,834 4,222, 516 ciety @ OS ted ute Meals 8 1968 49, 627, 394 52, 073, 365 38, 240,712 50,912,075 50, 123, 444 30,844, 556 A-846, 093 6,010, 268 2, 540, 767 4,165,863 “ETUR SUCBRLS GENERAL QD ELECTAIC meter po see, department id = letter no. 1069 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Janvary 19, 1971 & Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January 1 of each year. That tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service = at the Meter Department. 197) 1970 1969 1968 1967 Single-phase Meters I- 50, 1-55, 1-60 Series 55,553,858 49,944,505 49,865,652 49,627,394 48,902,859 I-70 56,089,258 53,797,569 52,863,648 52,073,365 52,000,000 1-63 38,962,842 38,921, 534 Polyphase Meters "V" Series 38,240,827 38,240,823 38,240,799 38,240,712 38,240,468 "V-60" Series 55,095,034 51,088,772 50,995,055 50,912,075 50,828,135 V-611-S/V-612-S 50,213,769 50,198,072 50,160,843 50,123,444 50,077,218 Switchboard Meters IS, DS, DS-60, 30,866,514 30,859,630 30,852,085 30,844,556 30,837,335 DSM, DSW ( Auto Transformers MC A-860, 962 A-855,473 A-849,627 A-846,093 A-842, 559 1B-10 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C 6,024,806 6,019,663 6,014,714 6,010, 268 6,006, 104 PD, PDM -more~- | WATTHOUR METFRS om INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS m@ DEMANO METERS m@ SWITCHBOARD METERS m PULSCRIPT©O EQUIPMENTS mm METER SOCKETS DEVICE 1971 1970 1969 ® Demand Registers M-30, M-31, M51 2,675,476 2,632,940 2, 583,607 M-60 5,088, 750 5,021,834 4,222,516 -2- Dry-type Instrument Transformers J-916, 227 5-379, 664 H-900, 500 This supersedes MIL £1025. Distribution: List 1.10 i List 1.14 List 1.20 List 1.22A 2 List 1.11A List 1.19 a List 1.27 List 1.12A K. R. Stowe 1968 2, 540,767 4,165,863 H-426, 500 Specialist-Product Service Finance and Service Operation 2C: Dist. Mgrs. & Reg. Mors. 2£: Mors. Order Service Functions 3A: Mgrs. Stock & Whse Functions 3D: Key Personnel - Order Serv. Funct. 3E: Key Personnel - Stock & Whse Funct. Mktg. Info 5C: Meters Only 12B: Instr. Trans. Only PT&DSD 2D: Power Dist. Sales Dist. Mgrs. 5D: DE Sales Engrs. handling Meter & IT 6C: Meter & IT Sales Engr. 6E: Sales Engineers’ Assts. A&DSO 10B: Dist. Mgrs. 10D: Key Local Office Personnel 3A: Distributor Products, Sales Engr. 4A: Electric Utility Market, Sales Engr. 1&SE 1D: Sub-Section Mgrs.-Engineering 3A: Dist. Headquarters- Mechanical 3B: Dist. Headquarters-Electrical 3D: Field Engineering Supervisors- Mechanical 3E: Field Engineering Supervisors-Electrical 4A: Service Representatives- Mechanical 4B: Service Representatives-Electrical EUE Oper. SA: Mors. Electronic Comp. Sales Oper. 7E: Meter Department Service Shops Dept. 6A: Serv. Shop Mgrs. 7C: Serv. Shop Foreman 1967 2,494,733 4,119,823 G-690, 000 GENERAL QD ELectaic meler department SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations marketing information letter no. 1025 January 22, 1970 To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, cemand meters and - instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on Janvary | of each year, That tabulation will guide all personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. 1970 Single-phase Meters 1-50, I-55, |-60 Series 49,944, 505 1-70 53,797, 39 1-63 38,921, 534 Polyphase Meters "V" Series 38, 240, 823 "V -60" Series 51,088,772 V-€11-S/V-612-S 50, 198,072 Switchbcard Meters 1S, DS, DS-60 30, 859, €30 Auto Transformers MC A-855, 473 1B-10 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,019,663 1969 49, 365, €52 52, 3863, 642 38, 240, 799 50,995,055 50, 1€0, 843 30,852,085 A-349,€27 6,014,714 -more- 1968 49, 627, 394 52,073, 365 33, 240,712 50,912,075 50,123,444 30, 844, 556 A-346,093 6,010, 268 1967 1966 48,902,859 47,958,008 52, 000, 000 38,240,468 38,240,197 50,828,135 50,737,038 50,077, 218 30,837,335 30,828,406 A-342,559 A-837,200 6,006,104 6,001,200 TTHOUR METERS @ INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS m UIMAND METERS @ SWITCHBOARD METERS @ PULSCRIPI~ EQUIPMENTS m@ METER SOCKETS 390 DEVICE 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 Demand Registers M-30, M-31 2,632,940 2H5O3CO7MM 2 OAONTZO// 2h A94N7 Sal" Uh 2Naaay 7 M-60 5,021,834 4,222,516 4,165,863 4,119,823 4,048,046 Dry-type Instrument Transformers J-379, 664 H-900,500 H-426,500 G-690,000 G-343,000 This supersedes MIL 4959. K.R. Stowe 7 Specialist - Product Service Distribution: List 1.10 Finance and Service Operation 2G: Dist. Mgrs. & Reg. Mgrs. 2E: Mgrs. Order Service Functions 3A: Mgrs. Stock & Whse. Functions 30: Key Personnel - Order Serv. Funct. 3E: Key Personnel - Stock & Whse. Funct. List 1.14 Mktg. Info 5G: Meters Only 128: Instr. Trans. Only List 1.20 PT&DSD 2D: Power Dist. Sales Dist. Mgrs. SD: DE Sales Engrs. handling Meter & IT 6G; Meter & IT Sales Engr. List 1.22A A&DSO 10B: oe Mgrs. 10D: y Local eae Personnel x Disniby “ile ity Ete tO OE, List 1. 11A i: Sub-Section Mgrs. - Engineering es Dist. Headquarters - Mechanical 3B: Dist. Headquarters - Electrical 3D: Field Engineering Supervisors - Mechanical JE: Field Engineering Supervisors - Electrical 4A: Service Representatives - Mechanical 4B: Service Representatives - Electrical Lisriyy9 EUE Oper. 3A: Mors. List 1.27 Electronic Comp. Sales Oper. 7E; Meter Department List 1.12A Service Shops Dept. 6A: Serv. Shop Mgrs. 7G} Serv. Shop Foreman 1/22/70 gat mea ® P GENERAL GD ELectaic 38 MetOr 3 meteee, department ler letter no. 959 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE & Ms id January 16, 1969 resi POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each year. That tabulation will guide 1&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I&SE Instructions E2.1 and E21.11 in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. DEVICE 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 Single-phase Meters -50, I-55, I-60 Series 49,865,652 49,627,394 48,902,859 47,958,008 47,029,9: 1-70 52,863,648 52,073,365 52,000,000 Polyphase Meters "V" Series 38,240,799 38,240,712 38,240,468 38,240,197 38,238, 27 "V-60" Series 50,995,055 50,912,075 50,828,135 50,737,038 50,645,15 V-611-S/V-612-S 50,160,843 50,123,444 50,077,218 Switchboard Meters IS, DS, DS-60 30,852,085 30,844,556 30,837,335 30,828,406 30,820,47 Auto Transformers MC A-849,627 A- 846, 093 A-842-559 A-837,200 A-831, 325 1B-10 Demand Meters DG, G-9,DT, MD, C, PD 6,014,714 6,010, 268 6,006,104 6,001,200 1,783,509 - more - m WATTHOUR METERS m INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS m@ DEMAND METERS m SWITCHBOARD METERS m PULSCRIPT? EQUIPMENTS m METER SOCKETS DEVICE 1969 1968 1967 1966 i905 @ Demand Registers M-30, M31 2,583,607 2,540,767 2,494,733 2,443,704 2,292,868 M-60 4,222,516 4,165,863 4,119,823 4,048,046 2,322,310 Dry- type Instrument Transformers H-900,500 H-426,500 G-690,000 G-343,000 F-800,194 This supersedes MIL 4896 & K. R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service Distribution: List 1.10 Finance and Service Operation 2C: Dist. Mgrs. & Reg. Mgrs. 2E: Mors. Order Service Functions 3A; Mgrs. Stock & Whse. Functions 3D: Key Personnel - Order Serv. Funct. 3E: Key Personnel - Stock & Whse. Funct. List 1.14 Mktg. Info 5C: Meters Only 12B: Instr. Trans. Only ae List 1.20 PT&DSD 2D: Power Dist. Sales Dist. Mgrs. 5D: DE Sales Engrs. handling Meter & IT 6C; Meter & IT Sales Engr. List 1.22A A&DSO 108: Dist. Mgrs. 10D: Key Local Office Personnel 3A: Distributor Products, Sales Engr. 4A: Electric Utility Market, Sales Engr. List 1. 11A I&SE 1A: Dept. Reg. Sect. & Oper. Mors. 1B: Dist. & Serv. Mgrs - Mechanical & Nuclear IC: Dist. & Serv. Mgrs. - Electrical & electronic oe 1D: Sub-Section Mgrs. - Engineering 3A: Dist. Headquarters 3B: Dist. Headquarters 3D: Field Engineering Supervisors 3E: Field Engineering Supervisors 4A; Service Representatives 4B: Service Representatives List 1.19 EUE Oper. 3A: Mors. & List 1.27 Electronic Comp. Sales Oper. 7E: Meter Department List 1.12A Service Shops Dept. 6A: Serv. Shop Mgrs. 7C: Serv. Shop Foreman dco 2 —Reax) . Uo = wo fet POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Meter COPE CELASIAT MARKETING INFORMATION LETTER NO. 896 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL QD ELECTRIC January 15, 1968 Subject: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instru= ment transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each year. This tabulation will guide I&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I&SE Instructions E2.1 and £21.11 in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. DEVICE 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 Single-phase Meters 1-50, I-55, |-60 Series 49,627,394 48,902,859 47,958,008 47,029,953 46,123,402 1-70 52,073,365 52,000, 000 Polyphase Meters "V" Series 38,240,712 38,240,468 38,240,197 38,238,278 38,235,167 "“V-60" Series 50,912,075 50,828,135 50,737,038 50,645,159 50,534,336 V-611-S/V-612-S 50,123,444 50,077,218 Switchboard Meters 1S, DS, DS-60 30,844,556 30,837,335 30,828,406 30,820,478 30,813,777 Auto Transformers MC A-846,093 A- 842-559 A-837,200 A-831,329 A-829,391 1B-10 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,010, 268 6,006,104 6,001,200 1,783,509 1,779,373 . — over- MB WATIHOUR METCAS ME INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS MB OTPIAND IETINS § ME SVITCHAOARD METERS @ PULSCRIPT® EQUIPMENTS @@ METER SOCKETS [) oie DEVICE 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 Demand Registers M-30, M-31 2,540,767 2,494,733 2,443,704 2,292,868 2,229,067 M-60 4,165,863 4,119,823 4,048,046 2,322,310 2,090,317 Dry-type Instrument Transformers - H-426, 500 G-690,000 G-343,000 F-800,194 F-364,018 This supersedes MIL 4817 K. R. Stowe Specialist - Product Service Distribution: List 1.10 Finance and Service Operation 2C: Dist. Mgrs. & Sub-Dist. Mgrs. 2E: Mgrs. Order Service Functions 3A: Mgrs. Stock & Whse. Functions 3D: Key Personnel - Order Serv. Funct. 3E: Key Personnel - Stock & Whse. Funct. List 1.14 Mktg. Info 5C: Meters Only 12B: Instr. Trans. only List 1.20 EUSD 2D: Dist. Equip. Dist. Sales Mgrs. 5D: DE Sales Engrs. handling Meter & IT 6C: Meter & Instr. Trans. Sales Engrs. List 1.22A° A&D Sales Oper. 10B; Dist. Mgrs. 10D: Key Local Office Personnel 3A: Distributor Products, Sales Engr. 4A: Electric Utility Market, Sales Engr. POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION meter dep QALCIMETAE waaneting INFORMATION LETTER NO.817 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL QQ ELECTRIC = January 12, 1967 SUBJECT: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers TO: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instru- ment transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each year. i This tabulation will guide I&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I&SE Instructions E2.1 and E21.11 in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. DEVICE 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 Single Phase Meters I-50, I-55, I-60 Series 48,902,859 47,958,008 47,029,953 46,123,402 45,289,200 Polyphase Meters "V" Series 38,240,468 38,240,197 38,238,278 38,235,167 38,227,159 "V-60" Series 50,828,135 50,737,038 50,645,159 50,534,336 40,437,607 V611S/V612S 50,077,218 Switchboard Meters 1S, DS, DS-60 30,837,335 30,828,406 30,820,478 30,813,777 30,807,535 Auto Transformers MC A-842,559 A-837,200 A-831,329 A-829,391 A-826,091 1B-10 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,006,104 6,001,200 1,783,509 1,779,373 1,775,755 - more - @ WATTHOUR METERS Mt INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS Mf fMAND METERS @ CWITTHROARD MITFRS $m PHLSCRIPT® EQUIPMENTS mm METER SOCKETS 6 a i POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION meter deEpartMen t warxeting inrorMation LETTER No.817 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL ELECTRIC = January 12, 1967 SUBJECT: Age of Watthour Meters, Demand Meters and Instrument Transformers TO: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instru- ment transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January | of each year. This tabulation will guide |&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I&SE Instructions E2.1 and E21.11 in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. DEVICE 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 Single Phase Meters 50, I-55, I-60 Series 48,902,859 47,958,008 47,029,953 46,123,402 45,289, 200 Polyphase Meters “V" Series 38,240,468 38,240,197 38,238,278 38,235,167 38,227,159 “V-60" Series 50,828,135 50,737,038 50,645,159 50,534,336 40,437,607 V611S/V612S 50,077,218 Switchboard Meters iS, DS, DS-60 30,837,335 30,828,406 30,820,478 30,813,777 30,807,535 Auto Transformers MC A-842,559 A-837,200 A-831,329 A-829,391 A-826,091 1B-10 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,006,104 6,001,200 1,783,509 1,779,373 1,775,755 - more ~- @WATTHOUR MITFAS ME INSIRUMINT TRANSFORMIRS ME MAND MOTORS Me SWHTCHHOPND METERS M@ PULSCRIPT® FOQUIPMENTS mm METER SOCKETS DEVICE 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 Demand Registers M-30, M-31 2,494,733 2,443,704 2,292,868 2,229,067 2,179,993 M-60 4,119,823 4,048,046 2,322,310 2,090,317 2,044,137 Dry- Type Instrument Transformers G-690,000 G-343,000 F-800,194 F-364,018 F-203,947 This supersedes MIL £766 K.R. Stowe Specialist Product Service Distribution: List 1.10, tab 2C: Dist. Mgrs. & SubrDist. Mgrs. 2E: Mgrs. -Order Service Functions 3A: Mars. -Stock & Whse. Functions 3D: Key Personnel -Order Serv. Funct. 3E: Key Personnel -Stock & Whse. Funct. List 1.14, tab 5C: Meters Only 12B: Instr. Trans. Only List 1.20, tab 2D: Dist. Equip. Dist. Sales Mgrs. 5D: D.E. Sales Engrs. Handling Meters & Instr. Trans. 6C: Meter & Instr. Trans. Sales Engrs. List 1.21, tab 2D: A&D Dist. Sales Mgrs. 3C: Electr. & Elc. Prod. Mfgs. Dist. Sales Mgrs. List 1.22, tab 1A: A&D Sales Engineers a © wo POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Meter CEPartMeE4Nt wmaanerne inroRMation LETTER NO. 766 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL QD ELECTRIC Se aoe AGE OF WATTHOUR METERS, DEMAND METERS AND INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and instrument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January lst of each year. This tabulation will guide I&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I&SE Instructions E£2.1 and E21.11 in determining the validity of a complaint. This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and when- ever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. DEVICE 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 Single Phase Meters I-50, I-55, I-60 Series 47,958,008 47,029,953 46,123,402 45,289,200 4k, 227, 348 Polyphase Meters "Vy" Series 38,240,197 38,238,278 38,235,167 38,227,159 38,218,870 "V-60" Series 50,737,038 50,645,159 50,534,336 40,437,607 40,330,718 Switchboard Meters Is, DS, DS-60 30,828,406 30,820,478 30,813,777 30,807,535 30,802,133 Auto Transformers MC A-837, 200 A-831,329 A-829,391 A-826,091 A-823,197 IB 10 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 6,001,200 1,783,509 1,779,373 1,775,755 1,772,764 Demand Registers M-30, M-31 2,443,704 2,292 , 868 ‘ 2,229,067 2,179,993 2,130,273 M-60 4,048, O46 2,322,310 2,090, 317-2, 044,137 2,008,416 Dry-Type Instrument Transformers G- 343,000 F-800,194 F-364,018 F-203,947 E-761,087 This supersedes MIL #713 Lee Samuel, Specialist Product Service M WATTHOUR METERS MB INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS MH OFMAND MEICRS M@ SWITCHBOARD METERS M PULSCRIPT™ EQUIPMENTS mi METER SOCKETS —_— Ge 2» POWER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Meter GeEpartMeEeNt marcerne irormation erteR no. 723 SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL {QD ELECTRIC AGE OF WATTHOUR METERS, DEMAND METERS AND INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS January 13, 1965 To: Field Sales and Service Organizations, i To assist in determining the approximate aye of watthour meters, demand meters and iustrument_transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January lst of each year. This tabulation will guide I&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of IJ&SE Instructions E2,1 and E21,11 in determining the validity of a complaint, This tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department, i i 1962 1 Single Phase Meters I-50, I-55, I-60 Series 47,029,953 46,123,402 45,289,200 44,227,348 43,279,242 Polyphase Meters "Vv" Series 38,238,278 38,235,167 38,227,159 38,218,870 38,209,040 "V-00" Series 50,645,159 50,534,336 40,437,607 40,330,718 40,237,029 Switchboard Meters IS, DS, DS-60 30,820,478 30,813,777 30,807,535 30,802,133 30,796,568 Auto Transformers MC A-831, 329 A-829,391 A-826,091 A-823,197 A-820,735 Demand Meters & DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 1,783,509 1,779,373 11>, (22 1,772,764 1,769,115 Demand Registers M-30, M-31 2,292 ,868 2,229,067 2,179,993 2,130,273 1,958,451 M-60 25082 ,510 2,090,317 2,044,137 2,008,416 Dry-Type Instrument Transformers (Somersworth) F-800, 194 F-364,018 F-203,947 E-761,087 E-638,694 P = (West Lynn) £633,927 This supersedes MIL #€69 Lee Samuel, Specialist Product Service M WATTHOUR METERS ME INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS Mf OFMAND METERS Mf SWITCHBOARD METERS $M PULSCRIPT® FOUIPMENTS mm METER SOCKETS GENERAL @Q ELECTRIC MARKETING o> METER DEPARTMENT | inrenno.cs cs TRANSFORMER DIVISION | PRODUCTS FOR EVERY METERING REQUIREMENT © SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE January 20, 1964 AGE OF WATTHOUR METERS, DEMAND METERS AND INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS To: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and Instrument Transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January lst of each year, This tabulation will guide I&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I&SE Instructions E2.1 and E21,11 in determining ‘the validity of a complaint, The tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. 1962 Single Phase Meters I-50, I-55, I-60 Series 46,123,402 45,289,200 44,227,348 43,279,242 42,219,906 Polyphase Meters "Vy" Series 38,235,167 38,227,159 38,218,870 38,209,040 38,175,885 "V 60" Series 50,534,336 40,437,607 40,330,718 40,237,029 40,148,548 Switchboard Meters 30,813,777 30 , 807 ,535 30 , 802 ,133 30,796,568 30,790,736 IS, DS, DS-60 Auto Transformers MC A-829 , 391 A-826 ,091 A-823,197 A-820,735 » DG, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 1,779,373 1,775 ,755 1,772 , 764 1,769,115 1,764 ,806 Demand Registers M-30, M-31 2,229,067 2,179,993 2,130,273 1,958,451 1,872 ,033 M-60 2,090 , 317 2,044,137 z,008 ,416 Dry-Type Instrument Transformers (Somersworth) F-364 ,018 F-203 ,947 E-761,087 E638 ,694 r (West Lynn) E-633 ,927 E-226, 766 This supersedes MIL #612 Lee Samuel, Specialist Product Service WAITHOUR e INSTRUMENT e DEMAND e OFF-PEAK DEMAND METER e meTens TRANSFORMERS METERS Time switches © REGISTERS 7 SOCKETS o GENERAL Qj ELECTRIC MARKETING . i; . INFORMATION METER DEPARTMENT LETTER NO. 612 TRANSFORMER DIVISION = PRODUCTS FOR EVERY METERING REQUIREMENT © SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE February 1, 1963 AGE OF WATTHOUR METERS, DEMAND METERS i INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS To: Field Sales and Service Organizations. To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour meters, demand meters and In- strument transformers, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January lst of each year. This tabulation will guide I&SE personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I&SE Instructions E2.1 and E21.11 in determining the validity of a com- plaint. The tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately, the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. DEVICE 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 Single Phase Meters 1-50, 1-55, 1-60 Series 45,289,200 44,227,348 43,279,242 42,219,906 41,100,000 Polyphase Meters "V" Series 38,227,159 38,218,870 38,209,040 38,175,885 38,146,631 "V-60"' Series 40,437,607 40,330,718 40,237,029 40,148,548 40,073,810 Switchboard Meters IS, DS, DS-60 30,807,535 30,802,133 30,796,568 30,790,736 30,785,043 Puce Transformers MC A-826,091 A-823,197 A-820,735 Demand Meters DG,G-9,DT, MD,C,PD 14 775,755 1,772,764 1,769,115 1,764,806 1,761,720 r (over) WATTHOUR INSTRUMENT DEMAND OFF-PEAK DEMAND METER METERS © TRaNsrormers © METERS © time switcnes ® REGISTERS SOCKETS 1960 1959 DEVICE 1963 1962 1961 * Demand Registers M-30, M-31l 21 09,993 2,130,273 1,958,451 1,872,033 1,795,368 M-60 2,044,137 2,008,416 Jry-Type Instrument Transformers ‘Some rsaworth) F-203,947 E-761,087 E-638,694 e West Lynn) 2 E-633,927 E-266,766 D-848,790 This supersedes MIL #555 and Service Advice #9 A. L. Hammett - Manager Prod. Planning & Prod. Service Meter Department Jistribution: List 1.10, Tab 2C: Dist. Mgrs. & Sub-Dist. Mgrs. 2E: Mgrs. -Order Service Functions ee 3A: Mgrs. -Stock & Whse Functions 3D: Key Personnel-Order Serv. Funct. 3E: Key Personnel-Stock & Whse Funct. List 1.14, Tab 5C: Meters Only 12B: Instr, Trans. Only List 1.20, Tab 2D: Dist. Equip. Dist. Sales Mgrs. 5D: D.E. Sales Engrs. Handling Meters & Instrument Transformers 6C: Meter & Instr. Transf. Sales Engrs. List 1.21, Tab 2D: A&D Dist. Sales Mgrs. 3C: Electr. & Elc. Prod. Mfgs. Dist. Sales Mgrs. List 1.22, Tab 1A: A&D Sales Engineers & WATTHOUR o PR PRODUCTS FOR EVERY METERING REQUIREMENT AGE OF WA'T*THOUR METERS, To: GENERAL @Q) ELECTRIC S> METER DEPARTMENT TRANSFORMER DIVISION DEMAND METERS AND INSTRUMENT ‘TRANSFORMERS Field Sales and Service Organizations MARKETING INFORMATION LETTER NO. 99? SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE January 25, 1962 To assist in determining the approximate age of watthour and demand meters, @ tabulation is yiven below of serial numbers ussigned on January 1 of each year. This tabulation will guide 1. & S. E. personnel who are actively engaged in complaint activity within the scope of I. & S. E. Instructions Bl.1 and Blh2.1 in determining the validity of a complaint. The tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established ac- curately the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter Department. DEVICE MC M-60 1962 a 196L 1960 1959 1958 Tn: Single Phase Meters I-50, I-55, I-60 Series | 44,227,348] 43,279,2h2 | 42,219,906 | 41,100,000 | 39,500,000 T i Polyphase Meters “y" Series 38,218,870] 38,209,040 | 38,175, 885 | 38,146,631 | 38,118,789 "y-60" Series 40,330,718] 40,237,029 | 40,148,548 | 40,073, 810 | 40,024,139 Switchboard Meters : Is, DS, DS-60 30, 802,133] 30,796,568 | 30,790,736 | 30,785,043 | 30,779,500 | - Auto Transformers | A-823,197 | A-820,735 | | T Demand Meters Dc, G-9, DT, MD, C, PD 1,772,764} 1,769,115} 1,764,806 fT 1,761,720] 1,758,688 Demand Registers M-30, M-31L 2,130,273 1, 958, HSL 1, 872,033 | 1,795, 3684. 1,711,198 2,008, Lo sa T Dry-Type Instrument Transformers (West Lynn) K-633927 E-266766 D- 848790 D-770354 (Somersworth )| E-/b1087 8-6 38694 -- oe ot t- Lt ll This supersedes MIL #484 and Service Advice #5 (Distribution - Over) INSTRUMENT © TRANSFORMERS METERS - DEMAND METERS e OFF-PEAK TIME SWITCHES A. L. Hammett Manager-Product Planning and Product Service - Meter Dept. METER SOCKETS DEMAND REGISTERS © f i) GENERAL ELECTRIC wkeenné e- > METER DEPARTMENT — [(xeesation TRANSFORMER DIVISION PRODUCTS FOR EVERY METERING REQUIREMENT @© SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE February 1, 1961 AGE OF WATT-HOUR METERS, DEMAND METERS AND INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS TO: Field Sales and Service Organizations To assist in determining the approximate age of watt-hour and demand meters, a tabulation is given below of serial numbers assigned on January 1 of each year. This tabulation will guide I. & S. E. personnel who are actively engaged in complaintactivities within the scope of I. & 3. E. Instructions Bl.1 and Bl2.1 in determining the validity of a complaint. he tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be established accurately the material shall be referred to Product Service at the Meter De- partment. DEVICE 1960 1959 1958 1957 +3s279s al 2219, 906 38,146,631 | 38,118,789 | 38, 039,298 0,073, 810 ho, 02k, 139 30,779, 500 | 30,771,452 1,755,558 Single Phase meters I-50, I-55, I-60 Series Polyphase Meters "v" Series “V-60" Series 38,209, 040 40,237,029 38,175, 885 40, 148, 548 Jpeneenon Switchboard Meters IS, DS, DS-60 30, 796, 568 | 30,790,736 | 30,785,043 Auto Transformers MC A-820,735 Demand Meters DG, G-9, DI, MD, C, PD 1,769,115 | 1,704,806] 1,761,720 Demand Registers M-30, M-31 1,958,451 | 1,872,033 1,711,198] 1,633,949 Dry-type Instrument Transformers (West Lynn) (Somersworth ) £-6 33927 E-266766 ) D-770354 E-6 38694 -- -- C-927132 This supersedes MIL #433 and Service Advice #1 A. L. Hammett MANAGER - PRODUC'T PLANNING AND (Distribution-over) PRODUCT SERVICE - METER DEPARTMENT WATITNOUR @ INSTRUMENT e DEMAND e Orf-? ban e DEMAND e meteR METERS TRANSFORMERS MATERS TiMé SWITCHES REGISTERS SOCKETS ' Wd eos (see) ' al ae \ GENERAL Gis) ELECTRIC WARKETING : : , Le Fi INFORMATION © => METER DEPARTMENT | [ittreno. 19 eagle TRANSFORMER DIVISION Service Advice #1 . PRODUCTS FOR EVERY METERING REQUIREMENT © SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE March 30, 1960 | Installation and Service Engineering Organization: ee ’ To assist in determining the approximate aye of watthour and demand meters, a@ tabulation ia given below of serial numbers assigned on January 1 of each year, y Tnis tabulation will yulde I, & S. E, personnel who are actively engaged |; in complaint activities within the ucope of I, & 3S, E. Instructions Bl.1 and - B1l2,1 in determining the validity .of a complaint, The tabulation shall be used as a guide only, and whenever the age of a device or a component must be estab- lished accurately the material shall be referred to Produot Gervice at the ' Meter Department, Mn os cia! ERIAJ, NUMBERS DEV] 160 959 958 9 956 Single-Phase Maters 2 . Fa 0,000 | 39,500,000 800 ,000_| 36 ,500 ,000 Polyphase Meters "VW" Serieu 38,175,885 |38,146,631 |38,118,789 | 38,039,298 | 33,209,496 uu 2. " L0.0 9 wes anes, S 5-30 _S 30,790,736 130,735,043 0,779,500 0 30, 760,810 Demand Meters ae : : 2 8,688 g 86 Demand Registers : M-30, M-31 - | 1,872,033 | 1,795,368 | 1,711,198 | 1,633,949 | 1,547,794 This information ia!for the use of General Eleotrio Oompany personnel only, and shall not be distributed outeide the Company. ’ A. L. Hanmatt l ' Ne Hayate tart Manager = Produet Phanadag & Lhe ebeee b Obee noes Peon HOW TO USE THE METERING GUIDE The Metering Guide contains, in con- densed form, complete information on the use and choice of equipment for energy metering and demand metering. The following sections 1 through 7 con- sist of watthour meter, watthour demand meter and instrument transformer theory supplemented with appropriate definitions of terms and formulae to assist the meterman in developing a sound understanding of the basic elements necessary for proper selection of equipment for specific metering applications. These sections, selectively, may also be used for reference in conjunction with the selection data and diagrams in section 10. Section 4 — Meter Testing and Adjust- ment — will be of specific interest to the meter tester and to shop personnel who repair and modify watthour meters. Section 8 — Selection and Application Guides — includes a chart to assist in the cor- rect selection of polyphase watthour meters for specific applications. In addition, the Application Guide aids in selecting meter types and their location in Section 10. The final selection by catalog number can then be made from the tabulation in section 10. Section 9 — Key to Symbols — defines the symbols and schematic notations used throughout the selection data and wiring dia- grams in section 10. Section 10 — Selection Data & Wiring Diagrams — are arranged by circuit type for your convenience: Single Phase Network 3P 3W Delta 3P 4W Wye 3P 4W Delta Each section shows conventional instal- lations for self-contained and for transformer- rated metering as well as the more popular alternate methods for metering these loads. Each selection shows the applicable load range, the recommended type and catalog number of meter, socket, instrument trans- former (as required) and register dial multi- pliers. The wiring diagrams show external meter and instrument transformer connections as well as the voltage and current circuitry that is internal to the watthour meter. For purposes of meter selection, we have made the traditional assumption which results in correct sizing of the meter, transformer and socket, namely: 1HP=1KW=1KVA When continuous current through a meter is anticipated to exceed 150 to 160 am- peres, it is common practice to use current transformers and a transformer-rated watt- hour meter. For optimum utilization of metering equipments, the Selection Data tables show 2.5A, Class 20 watthour meters and M-60 (no scale classes) demand registers. M-30 and M-50 indicating demand registers are also available by ordering meters ‘‘similar to’’ cat- alog numbers shown ‘‘except with’’ the de- sired register type and by specifying the scale class or full scale KW required. For those applications involving current transformers, the CT’s have been chosen to allow a load growth of approximately 20%. §__Fic..1 THE INDUCTION WATTHOUR METER THEORY OF OPERATION & DESCRIP- TION OF COMPONENTS The modern-day induction watthour meter accomplishes a rather complex job ina relatively simple manner. Not surprisingly, a watthour meter records the energy consumed by some load; and by accomplishing this measurement, an energy-seller can fairly charge an energy- consumer for the service rendered. A watthour meter must continuously perform the following arithmetic: Owatt = X Time in Kil hour T hour: ours 1 ime t jours For Watts Equal Ex tx PF JV3x ELL x IL x PF 4-wire Wye/three-phase 3x Eun xi Pr 3-wire/single-phase 3-wire/three-phase or VBELL x IL x PF 4-wire Delta/three-phaseV3 x ELL x Ix PF + ELL x Iq x PF EL. = Voltage line-to-line ELn = Voltage line-to-neutral S@ = = Single-phase Thus one can see that several different kinds of arithmetic must be accomplished. An engineer would say that if the power (watts) could be integrated (summed) with time, the integration (or sum) of the power (watts) would equal energy (watthours). The engineer would write this as follows: t2 Energy (Watthours) = f watts dt = y tg f Exlx PF dt 4 The above equation, in laymen’s lan- guage, says merely that a device with a rotat- ing element whose speed is proportional to watts can be used to measure watthours of energy if one sums the revolutions of the ro- tating element. In a watthour meter, by careful design of components, the disk (or rotor) speed can be made proportional to watts such that the sum of rotor revolutions represent watthours. The above is accomplished by constructing: (1) A voltage coil assembly which produces magnetic flux proportional to applied voltage. (2) A-current coil assembly which produces magnetic flux proportional to line current. (3) A rotor (disk and shaft assembly with bearings) on which the voltage and cur- rent fluxes react to produce torque pro- portional to watts. (4) Retarding magnet(s) which permits the speed of the rotor to be set proportional to watts. (5) Aregister which accumulates (sums) disk revolutions. (6) A frame which precisely locates and holds the voltage and current coil assem- blies, the rotor, the rotor bearings, and the register in exact relationship. (7) A base and cover to protect the compo- nents and to locate the necessary termin- als for connection to the circuit being metered. While the above list of components de- scribe a single-stator meter used on single- phase circuits, polyphase circuits can be metered by various combinations of single- phase stators working on a single rotor. Thus we have two-stator and three-stator polyphase meters. In fact, there are some polyphase meters which have four and even six stators; and these are normally used to totalize the energy used in two or more polyphase circuits. Let's individually examine each of the listed components in detail. The Stator The stator of a watthour meter consists of two sub-assemblies: a voltage coil and core assembly, and a current coil and core assembly. These two assemblies are precisely located on the frame to establish an air gap through which the meter disk rotates. Voltage Coil Assembly The voltage coil assembly (usually called a ‘’pot coil’) consists of a coil with many turns of fine wire and a laminated core. The winding is insulated from the core with appro- priate insulation. The number of turns in the coil and the wire size vary with the voltage rating of the coil --- the higher the voltage, the more turns of finer wire. Voltage coils are de- signed to produce air gap magnetic flux which is proportional to the applied voltage. In fact, by design, a voltage coil designed for 240 Volts will produce the same gap flux as will a coil designed for 120 Volts, 480 Volts, or 69 Volts at their respective rated voltage. A voltage coil, in addition to producing gap magnet flux proportional to applied vol- tage, must also produce this gap flux so that the flux lags the voltage in time by 1/4 cycle or 90 electrical degrees. This time lag (or phase shift) is necessary if the watthour meter is to correctly measure energy at other than unity power factor. For this reason, voltage coils are designed to be highly inductive by having many turns of wire on the core. By careful design, the 90° phase shift of the gap flux can almost be accomplished --- but not quite. The extra phase shift to 90° is ac- complished by a Lag Plate which we will discuss under Adjustments. The voltage coil assembly also includes the Light Load Adjustment and Voltage Com- pensation which will be discussed later. Current Coil Assembly The current coil assembly consists of a relatively few turns of large cross-section con- er é =a xa a am tm * ductor and a laminated core assembly. The conductor is insulated from the core with ap- propriate insulation. The current coil assem- bly must produce gap magnetic flux which is proportional to the current drawn by the load. Most modern watthour meters have 60 amp-turn (NI) current circuits. By this statement we mean the product of test amp current (TA) times number of turns in the coils equals 60. Examples: A 30-amp I-70 meter has 2 turns x 30 amps = 60 NI A 2.5-amp V-63 stator has 24 turns x 2.5 amps = 60 NI A 15-amp V-62 stator has 4 turns x 15 amps = 60 NI The size of the conductor in the current coil varies directly with the TA or class rating of the meter, so that the temperature rise in the coil will be within standard limits when the meter carries class current. The larger the TA rating, the larger the conductor and the fewer number of turns through the iron core. The current coil assembly also includes the Overload Compensation which will be dis- cussed under Overload Compensation, page 9. A current coil assembly used in a 2-wire, single-phase meter is referred to as a two-wire coil and has one continuous winding around the core. There is a second kind of current coil called a three-wire coil which consists of two electrically separate windings on one core. Not surprisingly, a meter for use on a 3-wire, single-phase circuit contains a ‘’3-wire”’ current coil --- two electrically separate wind- ings. There is a definite relationship between a 2-wire and a 3-wire coil. Assuming the same TA rating, each of the 3-wire coils would have 1/2 the turns of a 2-wire coil. \ As an example, a 2-wire, Class 100, 1-70 meter would have four turns in the current coil to produce 60 ampere-turns (4 x 15). A 3-wire TA15 I-70 current coil would have two coils with two turns in each coil to produce 60 ampere-turns (2 x 2 x 15). By maintaining ampere-turns constant in a given line of meters and by designing the voltage coils so that the voltage gap flux is constant, whether 120 is applied to a 120-volt coil or 240 is applied to a 240-volt coil, a very interesting relationship exists. If we know the watthour constant (K},) of one meter in a family, we can calculate the Kp, of any meter in the family. For example, most meters today have a “basic Kp," of 0.6 for a 5-amp, 120-volt rat- ing --- if it were manufactured. Remembering that the design speed is the same at test amp current and voltage within a family of meters, we can calculate the Kh of any member of the family. For example: A 5-amp, 120-volt 1-70 meter (if it were built) would have a Kp, = 0.6 What is Kp, of 30-amp, 240-volt 1-70 meter? 30 240 Kh = 0.6 x Fx 959 = 7.2 What is Kp, of 2.5-amp, 120-volt |-50 meter? 2.5 120 Kh = 0.6 x 5 * 20 7 93 This same logic also holds true for families of meters in polyphase — Kp of V-62, 5-amp, 120-volt meter (if it were built) would be 2.4. What is Kp, of 30-amp, 480-volt V-62 meter? 30 480 Kh = 2.4 x= xX 759 = 97.6 What is Kp, of 2.5-amp, 240-volt V-63 meter? 2.5 240 Kh =2.4x 5 * 799 * 2-4 As seen above, there is definite logic to meter ratings and associated Kh because de- sign speeds at TA current and rated voltage are the same within a family of meters and because the gap flux is kept the same by con- trolling wire turns in both the voltage and current coils. SECTION The Rotor The rotor assembly used in watthour meters includes a disk, a shaft or spindle, and a bearing which supports the rotor. Modern watthour meters have magnetic bearing systems, the first of which was pio- neered by General Electric in 1948 with the introduction of the Type 1-50 meter. This development by GE has saved the utility in- dustry millions of dollars by eliminating the need for bearing maintenance and replace- ment. Magnetic bearings are essentially life- time bearings because of careful choice of materials by the manufacturers. The essen- tially constant zero friction associated with the bearings results in long-term calibration stability, particularly at light load where the effect of friction is magnified. The disk is solid aluminum in single- stator meters and a bonded assembly of slotted aluminum laminations in multi-stator meters. The slotted laminated disk minimizes electrical interaction between or among the stators. All disks have one or two through- holes which are called anti-creep holes; these holes prevent the disk from creeping forward or backward at no load. They are also used for testing with photoelectric pick- ups. The shaft (or spindle) contains a worm which meshes with a worm gear (or worm wheel) on a kilowatthour register or on a de- mand register to transfer disk revolutions into the register. In meters which contain pulse initiators or contact devices, the shaft also has a pinion which meshes with the first gear in the pulse initiator. Modern GE polyphase meters have this pinion on all rotor shafts to permit simple later addition of a pulse initia- tor. The rotor shaft also contains one of the permanent magnets (inner magnet) of the magnetic bearing system, plus top and bottom guide bushings which accept guide pins that guide and control the rotor. By proper choice of materials, the magnetic bearing system re- quires no lubrication and has essentially no SECTION 1 friction which ensures long, maintenance-free life. Retarding Magnet \f a watthour meter did not have a re- tarding magnet, the torque, produced on the disk by the inter-action of the voltage and current fluxes, would cause the rotor to run at a very high speed such that the speed would not be proportional to watts. By add- ing a retarding permanent magnet, a retarding (or braking) torque is produced whenever the disk is turning. It can be shown that this re- tarding force will vary directly with the speed of the disk. Thus, when a load is applied to the meter, the disk accelerates until the retard- ing torque produced by the magnet equals the driving torque produced by the voltage and current fluxes. If we know the watts being drawn by the load and the speed at this load, the watthours/rev of the disk can be calcu- lated. watts watts Kh = Watthours/rev = os " UESITEN ® rev/hr 60 x rpm Modern single-phase meters are designed to run at 16 2/3 rpm (1000 revs per hour) at test amp current and rated voltage. Modern polyphase meters, on the other hand, are de- signed to run at 8 1/3 rpm (500 revs per hour) at rated nameplate watts under single-phase test condition (Exception is the 2-stator 4-wire, Wye meter whose design speed is 11 1/9 rpm under single-phase test condition). By adjusting the strength of the magnet, the speed of a meter can be adjusted so that the watthours/rev equals the number on the nameplate. Many people do not realize that meter calibration is simply the act of setting the meter speed so that the watthours/rev of the disk is indeed equal to the Kh on the nameplate. For instance, an |-70, 240-Volt, 30-amp meter has @ Kp = 7.2. : watts Using the formula Kh = 60 xrpm’ we can algebraically solve for rpm as follows: RPM = Watts . 30x 240 60xKp 60x7.2 Thus the Kp of an 1-70 is 7.2 only when the speed is 16 2/3 rpm at 7200 watts (30 x 240) load. In modern watthour meters, the strength of the retarding magnet is “’set’’ at the factory and the customer is provided with a vernier adjustment called the FL adjustment which permits changing the effective strength as seen by the disk. This is accomplished by shunting the permanent magnet flux around the disk by varying amounts. Retarding magnets also have temperature compensation which will be discussed under Temperature Compensation, page 9. = 16 2/3 rpm. The Register The register of a watthour meter acts like an adding machine and accumulates the revolutions of the disk. The gearing in the register is designed so that the disk revolutions in watthours per rev are presented in kilowatt- hours - the unit of energy by which the user is billed. The energy consumed in kilowatt- hours is merely the difference in register read- ing between this month's and last month's reading. Kilowatthour registers are available in two basic styles --- the more standard clock- type and the cyclometer-type in which the presentation is in numerals rather than pointer position around the dial. Both styles are available with 4-dial or 5-dial presentation. Because the register must, by gearing, convert disk revs in watthours/rev to kilo- watthours, it should not be surprising that there is a definite relationship between the gearing and Kp. This relationship can be expressed mathematically as follows: 10,000 x Kr Rr *~ Kh x Rs where, R, = the number of revolutions of the gear meshing with the rotor shaft for one revolution of the fastest (right-hand) pointer or drum 10,000 = Number of watthours for one revolution of the fastest pointer or drum. Ky = Register constant or dial multiplier. Kh = Watthours per revolution of disk. Rs = Reduction at the shaft between rotor shaft and the gear meshing with it. By examination of the equation, one can see that the Rr becomes smaller as the Kf, be- comes larger. Thus a 30-amp, self-contained meter with “‘large’’ Kh, will have a “small” Rr compared to a meter rated 2.5-amps for use with CT's which will have a ‘‘small’’ Kh and therefore “large” Rr. Registers are available with construction options and we will show the various cyclo- meter options for an 1-70, 240-Volt, 30-amp, 3W residential-type meter. 10,000 x 1 oe fi 7.2 x Rg(100) ATT Kh = 7.2 Rr= Thus a “standard” |-70 would have a R, = 13 8/9 and five dials or drums. (Fig. A) GENERAL QD ELECTRIC KILOWATTHOURS i ' FIGURE A This same register could become a four-dial by adding a blank tab in the left- hand window. The tab could be removed later when and if billing is done on 5 numer- als rather than 4. (Fig. B) = aad FECT sty Balance is normally done at TA cur- rent, rated voltage and both PF 1.0 and PFO.5 lagging. For balance at PF 1.0, the Stator (or Torque) Balance adiust- ment is used; and for balance at 0.5PF lag, the Lag Adjustment is used. For a more detailed discussion of test procedure, see GET-813 ‘‘How To Test and Adjust General Electric Watt- hour Meters.”” Full Load Adjustment The full load speed of the meter is set by varying the effective strength of the retarding magnet. A magnetic shunt diverts magnetic flux away from the disk and as this shunt is moved by turning the vernier Full Load Screw, more or less flux cuts the disk, the retarding force increases or decreases and the disk slows down or speeds up. In manufacture, the shunt is placed at mid-range and the magnets (which are saturated prior to this operation) are de- magnetized until the speed of the disk is within + 0.5% of correct speed. The vernier Full Load Adjustment is then used for final adjustment. The demagnetizing knock-down during manufacture is extremely important. By subjecting the magnets to knock-down, they are made temperature stable and are much less likely to be demagnetized at a later date by some external field such as might be pro- duced by a lightning surge or by short circuit current flowing through the current coil(s). In older types of meters, the retarding magnet was mounted on a shelf protruding from the frame. The speed was roughly set by moving the magnet radially, and after the magnet was clamped in places, close adjust- ment was accomplished by means of a vernier screw adjustment. ' Before leaving the subject of full load adjustment, we should add that a change in effective magnet strength changes the speed of the disk at all loads the same percentage. For instance, if a +0.5% change is made in full load calibration, calibration at all other loads will change 0.5%. Light Load Adjustment Light load calibration is set with rated voltage, 10% test amp current and power factor 1.0 applied to meter. Errors in registra- tion at light load can be attributed to three main causes: 1. NON-LINEARITY OF CORE—When 10% current is applied, the current core does not necessarily produce 10% flux. The iron cir- cuit may not always be linear because of the magnetic characteristics of the material. This effect can be either positive or negative—the meter will either run faster or slower than it should at light load. 2. FRICTION—Although very low in modern meters, friction is a relatively constant effect and affects the calibration more at light loads than at heavy loads. The friction effect always is negative—it will make the meter run slower than it should. 3. MECHANICAL OR MAGNETIC DISSYM- METRY-—If there are dissymmetries between the stator and the rotor, torques can be intro- duced which affect calibration. For instance, a stator whose center line is not in line with the center line of the disk will introduce a torque which can be positive or negative, depending on which way it is off from center. There are many possible places for these dissymmetries to appear, and they are minimized by close tolerances of the parts and precise assembly fixtures; they cannot, however, be completely eliminated. As men- tioned, this effect can be positive or negative. The torque resulting from this dissymmetry is produced by voltage flux and is a constant torque as long as voltage is constant. The calibration (or speed) of the meter at light load is set with the LIGHT LOAD AD- JUSTMENT. This adjustment usually consists of a rectangular punching of conducting ma- terial (brass or copper), a means for mounting the plate and some means for moving the plate. In some meter designs, the light load plate is made from a magnetic material, but its function is the same as for a conducting plate. The light load plate is mounted so that its motion is at right angles to the disk radius and the main air gap voltage flux passes through the window, When the plate is sym- metrical to the voltage pole, its effect on torque is zero; but when it is moved off the center line of the stator, it ‘‘shades”’ the voltage flux so that a force is introduced on the disk which can either increase or decrease the speed of the disk, depending on whether its motion is, respectively, with or against the direction of disk rotation. It is important to remember that the effect of the light load plate on calibration depends on three factors: 1. The amount by which it is moved from mechanical center. 2. The magnitude of the main air gap voltage flux. 3. The watts load on the meter. For a given mechanical setting of the light load adjustment, the force or torque re- sulting will be constant as long as voltage is constant. However, the effect of this con- stant force on the calibration at other loads varies with the load. For instance, assume that full load cali- bration has been set at 100% and the light load calibration is found to be only 99% or 1% slow. To correct this, the light load adjust- ment would be moved in the fast direction and in so doing, an extra torque would be added to the disk to speed it up 1% at light load. How- ever, this extra torque would also have an ef- fect at Full Load. Since Full Load torque is 10 times light load torque, the 1% calibration change observed at light load would appear as a 0.1% speed-up at full load. Remember: The torque from the light load plate is constant as long as voltage is con- stant; and its percent effect on calibration therefore decreases as the driving torque in- creases. Lag Adjustment In previous discussion, we stated that the phase angle of the main air gap voltage flux must lag the voltage applied to the voltage coil by 90 degrees. This is accomplished with leas — —" ; r — alge _ ae “we QTE BE Pe PP eked Get kd bd SEW F 10 If an uncompensated meter is calibrated at 25°C and the temperature drops, the mag- net strength increases and the meter slows down. If the temperature rises, the magnet strength decreases and the meter speeds up. This temperature characteristic is determined by observing changes in Full Load calibration as temperature is varied up and down. To correct Class | temperature error, a temperature shunt is added to the retarding magnets and this shunt provides a parallel path for the magnet flux to go from pole to pole without cutting the disk. This tempera- ture shunt is made from a special nickel alloy whose properties are such that the shunt will carry a large amount of flux at low tempera- ture and very little flux at elevated tempera- ture. Assume that a meter has been calibrated at room temperature. If the meter is then ex- posed to a higher ternperature, the magnet will lose strength, but the flux formerly car- ried by the shunt will appear in the air gap of the magnet, thus maintaining the retarding force constant. If the temperature drops, the magnet will get stronger, but the shunt diverts this increase in flux away from the disk, and the flux in the magnet air gap re- mains constant. In this manner, the retarding force is made virtually independent of tem- perature. By proper design of the magnet and pro- per material choice and design of the shunt, a modern meter will correctly register unity power factor loads over a temperature range of —20°C (—4°F) to +50°C (+122°F). Class 11 Error arises from changes in the phase angle of the voltage flux. The error only appears at lower power factors and is usually considered less important on single- phase meters than Class | error. The Class Il temperature characteristic is determined by observing changes in LAG calibration as temperature is varied up and down, Assume that a meter is properly calibrat- ed on lag load at room temperature. If the meter is then exposed to a higher temperature, lag calibration will be slow due to two primary causes: 1. The voltage coil resistance increases 2. The lag plate resistance increases Both of these effects cause the phase angle of the voltage flux to be less than the required 90 degrees, This error in registration is corrected by indirectly controlling the resistance of the lag plate. Control of the resistance is achieved by adding a reactor to the lag plate. The reactor acts like a valve on the lag plate and controls the effective resistance of the plate. As temperature increases, the valve acts to reduce the resistance of the plate and the plate does more lagging to keep the voltage flux 90 deg. from the voltage. A second means of accomplishing Class || compensation is achieved by lagging the current flux by means of a copper ‘’figure 8” coil. This makes necessary more than nor- mal lagging of the voltage flux, which is done by a lag plate whose resistance does not change much with temperature. With an in- crease in temperature, the lagging of the cur- rent flux changes more than the lagging of the voltage flux and the 90 degrees relationship between voltage and current flux is main- tained. Summary We have seen the various parts of a meter and discussed what each part does. We have seen how the calibration can be changed at three different loads; and we have learned how the calibration is maintained even though vol- tage, current or temperature may vary over wide ranges. A modern watthour meter can be con- sidered, generally, to be a one percent device. In other words, it will register energy con- sumption under usual conditions within one percent of the actual consumption. It has been said that electric energy is measured more accurately than most any other com- modity, yet watthour meters are mass-pro- duced at an annual rate of over 2 million units. tt TERMS AND CONSTANTS USED WITH WATTHOUR AND DEMAND METERS Watt The practical unit of active power which is defined as the rate at which energy is de- livered to a circuit. It is the power expended when a current of one ampere flows through a resistance of one ohm. Kilowatt 1 Kilowatt = 1000 Watts Watthour The practical unit of electric energy which is expended in one hour when the power is one watt. Kilowatthour 1 Kilowatthour = 1000 Watthours Kj, Watthour Constant The number of watthours represented by one revolution of a watthour meter rotor (disk). For watthour meters used without volt- age or current transformers (self-contained meters), the Kh on the nameplate is in terms of circuit watthours. For watthour meters used with voltage and/or current transformers (transformer- rated meters), there are usually two watthour constants on the nameplate: Kh — which is watthours/revolution in terms of secondary watthours (secondary voltage and secondary current from the VT and/or CT). It is this K, which is used for meter test and to calculate regis- ter ratio for secondary-reading registers. PK}, — or Primary Kh which is watt- hours/revolution in terms of primary watthours. Primary Kh is used to calculate pulse initiator ratio for demand metering, and to calculate register ratios for primary -reading registers. PKp = Kp x CT Ratio x VT Ratio SECTION Rr Register Ratio The number of revolutions of the gear meshing with the worm or pinion on the ro- tating element (disk shaft) for one revolution of the first (right-hand) dial pointer or drum. K, Register Constant (Sometimes called register multiplier, dial constant, or dial multiplier). The number by which the register read- ing is multiplied to obtain total registration. Registers on self-contained meters nor- mally have register constants of 1 or 10. These registers are normally called direct- reading registers. Registers used on transformer-rated meters may have register constants which are numerically equal to the CT ratio or the product of CT ratio and VT ratio (called secondary -reading register); or they may have register constants of 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, etc. (called primary reading registers). In the latter register, the ratio gearing is adjusted to include the VT and/or CT ratios. ECR ORMs WATTHOUR CONSTANTS AND REGISTER RATIOS Watthour constants and register ratios are typically discussed together because the register ratio is dependent on the watthour constant of the meter. Watthour Constant Kj, The watthour constant of a watthour meter, by definition, is the number of watt- hours per revolution of the meter disk or rotor — namely — Kp, (Watthour Constant) = Watthours/rev By Industry Standard, the Kp is printed or stamped on the meter nameplate. How- ever, sometimes it is necessary or desirable to calculate the Kp, of a meter; and this can be done by using the formula which we will de- rive: watthours rev watts revs/hr Nameplate voltage X Test Amp Current X Number of Stators* Revs/min X 60 min/hr E X | X Number Stators* Revs/min X 60 “For 2% stator Y meters, use 3 in formula The table below lists design speed in, revs/min for most in-service General Electric watthour meters. Example 1: What is K, of 240V 30Amp V-62 watthour meter K, = 240. 30x 2 he "60 X8 1/3 Kh " = 28.8 Example 2: What is Kp, of 120 volt 2.5Amp V-65 watthour meter (2 1/2 stator) 120X 2.5X3 _ 6oxei3s | Kp = 8 Register Ratio — R, Register ratio, by definition, is the num- ber of revolutions of the gear meshing with the meter rotor shaft for one revolution of the fastest pointer (or drum in a cyclometer regis- ter). TABLE 1 DESIGN CONSTANTS FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC WATTHOUR METERS ] Number of Design Minimum Rotor Shaft to Meter Stators | Speed Register Register Gear Meter Types* (N) (Rpm) [ Ratio (R,) t Reduction (Rg) aaa 1-304, -50, -55, -60, -70 1 16 2/3 12 100:1 V-62, -63, -66, -68, -612 . DS-53, -63, -66 2 8 1/3 6 50:1 V-65, DS-55, -65 3} 8 1/3 6 50:1 V-2, -3, -6, -8 . DS-19, -34, -38, -40, -43 , oe " ee V-5, DS-19, -34, -38, -40, -43 3t 16 2/3 12 100:1 V-64, -67, -610 . DS-54, -64 3 8 1/3 6 50:1 V-4, -7,-10 . DS-20, -35, -39, -41, -44 3 16 2/3 12 100:1 V-63-2A, V-65-2A . DS.67 4 8 1/3 6 50:1 DS-69 6} 8 1/3 6 50:1 V-64-2A 6 8 1/3 6 50:1 * The addition of type letters M, R, or W (e.g., IM-70, 1R-55, or VW-63) does not affect the data. t Based upon the test-ampere load for 600 hours per month. 4 The design current rating of an 1-30 with a nameplate rating of 15 amperes is 12.5 amperes. t Use this value for calculation purposes only. These meters have a ’Z’’ coil common to two stators. "Primary-reading”’ registers are as follows: multiplier is equal to CT ratio X VT ratio. Note: In deciding what the Kr should be for a Primary-reading register, there is a good The general formula for register ratio is — Rp See rule-of-thumb which minimizes the risk Kh X Rs that the register will repeat its reading where — (exceed its capacity) during a billing period. 10,000 = number of watthours per rev of fastest pointer or drum Rule of Thumb — Have as many numer- als in the Ky as are in Kr = Dial multiplier the PKh Ky > Seen Example: PKh = 2880 Kr = 1000 Rg = Reduction at shaft (See Table 1) Note that both have four a i A numerals There are generally three ‘’styles”’ of regis- referred to in the industry — When the primary Kh is known, Table 2 can be used to find the appropriate Rr using the following procedure: Direct Reading used on self contained watthour meters. Secondary reading used on transformer- rated meters in which the dial multiplier (K,) equals CT ratio X VT ratio. Primary Reading used on transformer- rated meters in which the gearing of the register is “adjusted to include” the CT ratio and VT ratio. The Ky for a primary- reading register is normally 10 or 100 or 1000, etc. (c) The formulas for ‘‘Secondary-reading” & (a) Given PKh (b) Go to table and in appropriate col- umn (16 2/3 rpm or 8 1/3 rpm from Table 1) find a Kh with the same order of numerals, independent of decimal point. Set up table as shown in example be- low to calculate register multiplier Kr. Example: PKh = 2880 Meter V-63 Secondary-reading Ry = Oe be From Table 2, find Kh = 2.88 in Kh X Rs 8 1/3 column Rr =69 4/9 Kr=1 Since 2880 = 2.88 X 1000, correct register is 69 4/9 Kr = 1000 An alternate approach would be to Where K, in formula is 1 and ultimate Dial : : _ 10,000 X K, find Kh = 28.8 Rp =6 17/18 Primary Reading Rr PKn X Rg Kr=1 2880 = 28.8 X 100 and Rr becomes 6 17/18 X 100. However, because the Kr has one less numeral than the PKh (i.e., three-100 vs four-2880), there is a Where PKp, = Ky, X CT ratio X VT ratio and Kr Is normally 10 or 100 or 1000, etc. and printed on the register front plate. $.ThL.J: possibility that the register could repeat (exceed it’s capacity) in the billing period. DIAL MULTIPLIER — K, Sometimes it is necessary to calculate the dial multiplier when one knows the Ky, and the R,. By rearranging the earlier equations, we can solve for K, as follows: For self-contained meters, x, = eX Kh Rg r “ ~"70,000 For meters used with instrument trans- formers, K. = Ky, X Rp XR, X T.F. i 10,000 Estimating Watts Load From Meter Speed Many times it is desirable to know the watts being drawn by a load. By timing some number of meter disk revolutions, one can calculate watts flowing through the meter. tthour: Watts = watthours = hour Kh (watthours/rev) X number of revs Time (in hours) for above revs. Since most timing will be done in sec- onds, the formula would be — Kh X Number of revs X 3600 Time (in seconds) for above revs. For a transformer-rated installation, pri- mary watts will be calculated if PKh is sub- stituted for Kh. Watts = 14 TABLE 2 FOUR- AND FIVE—DIAL REGISTER RATIOS’ AND REGISTER MULTIPLIERS FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC WATTHOUR METERS* Watthour Register Register Watthour Register Register Watthour Register Register Constant (Kh or PKh) Ratio Multiplier Constant (Kh or PK) | Ratio Multiplier Constant (Kh or PKh) | Ratio Multiplier 16 2/3 Rpm]8 1’3 Rpm (Ry) (Kr) 16 2/3 Rpm|8 1/3 Rpm} (Rr) (Kr) 16 2/3 Rpm8 1/3 Rpm| (Rr) (Ky) + 4 —+ 0.3 0.6 333 1/3 1 14.4 138 89 10 15 30 6 2/3 1 0.36 0.72 |277 7/9 1 14.4 13 8/9 1 16.12 30.24 66 26/189 10 06 1.2 166 2/3 1 15 133 1/3 10 15.12 30.24 6 116. 189) 1 0.72 1.44 |138 8/9 1 16 125 10 15.75 31.5 63 31/63 10 09 18 1111/9 1 16.8 1119/21 1 15.75 31.5 6 22/63 1 1 2 100 1 17.28 |115 20/27 10 16 32 62 1/2 10 1.08 2.16 92 16/27 1 17.28 1131/54 1 16 32 6 1/4 1 1.2 24 83 1/3 1 18 111 1/9 10 16.2 32.4 6159/81 10 1.44 2.88 69 4/9 1 18 11:1/9 1 16.2 32.4 6 14/81 1 15 3 66 2/3 1 19.2 104 1/6 10 16.8 33.6 59 11/21 10 18 36 55 5/9 1 19.2 105/12 1 16.8 33.6 5 20/21 1 2) 4 50 1 20 100 10 17.28 34.56 57 47/54 10 2.16 4.32 46 8/27 1 20 10 1 17.28 34.56 5 85/108 | 1 24 48 41 2/3 1 20.16 99 13/63 10 18 36 55 5/9 10 2.88 5.76 34 13/18 1 20.16 9 58/63 1 18 36 55/9 | 1 3 6 33 1/3 1 21 955'21 10 18.9 37.8 52 172/189 10 3.24 6.48 30 70/81 1 21 911/21 1 18.9 37.8 5 55/189 | 1 3.6 7.2 277 7/9 10 21.6 92 16/27 10 19.2 38.4 52 1/12 10 3.6 7.2 27 7/9 1 21.6 97/27 1 19.2 38.4 55/24! 1 4 8 250 10 22.5 8889 10 20 40 50 i 10 4 8 25 1 22:5 889 1 20 | 40 5 | 1 4.32 8.64 23 4/27 1 23.04 86 29 36 10 21 42 47 13/21 | 10 45 9 222 2/9 10 23.04 84972 1 21 42 416/21 | 1 45 9 22 2/9 1 24 8313 10 21.6 43.2 468/27: 10 48 96 208 1/3 10 24 813 1 21.6 43.2 417/27 | 1 48 96 20 5/6 1 25.2 79 23/63 10 22.5 45 44 4/9 10 5 10 200 10 25.2 7 59/63 1 22.5 45 44/9 1 5 10 20 1 25.6 7 13/16 1 23.04 46.08 43 29/72 10 5.4 10.8 185 5/27 10 25.92 77 13/81 10 23.04 46.08 449/144 1 5.4 10.8 18 14/27 1 25.92 758/81 1 24 48 41 2/3 10 5.76 11.52 17 13/36 1 27 742/27 10 24 48 41/6 1 6 12 166 2/3 10 27 711/27 1 25 50 40 10 6 12 16 2/3 1 28.8 69 4’'9 10 25 50 4 1 6.3 12.6 15 55/63 fe 28.8 6 17/18 1 25.2 50.4 39 43/63 10 6.48 | 12.96 | 15 35/81 ie 1 30 | 66 2/3 10 25.2 | 50.4 361/63 1 * For watthour constants (Kh) larger than shown, find a Kh that is 1/10, 1/100, etc., and multiply the corresponding register multiplier (Kr) by 10, 100, etc. 1 Certain ratios below 1 are also available. SECTION 3 TABLE 2 (Cont'd) FOUR-— AND FIVE-DIAL REGISTER RATIOS! AND REGISTER MULTIPLIERS FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC WATTHOUR METERS* Watthour Register Register Watthour Register Register Watthour Register Register Constant (Kh or PK) | Ratio Multiplier Constant (Kh or PKh)| Ratio Multiplier Constant (Kh or PKh) Ratio Multiplier 16 273 Rpm 1/3 Rpm| (Ry) (Kr) 16 2/3 Rpm|8 1/3 Rpm] (Rr) (Kr) 16 2/3 Rpm|/8 1/3 7 (Rr) (Kr) 25.92 51.84 38 47/81 10 42 T 84 23 17/21 10 134.4 1 41/84 y 1 25.92 51.84 3 139/162) 1 42 84 28/21 1 135 14 22/27 10 27 54 37 1/27 10 43.2 86.4 23 4/27 10 135 1 13/27 1 27 54 3 19/27 1 43.2 86.4 2 17/54 1 138.24 14 101/216 10 28.8 57.6 34 13/18 10 45 90 22 2/9 10 138.24 1 193/432 1 28.8 57.6 3 17/36 1 45 90 2 2/9 1 144 13 8/9 10 30 60 33 1/3 10 46.08 92.16 21 101/144 10 144 17/18 1 30 60 31/3 1 46.08 92.16 2 49/288 1 150 133 1/3 100 SES 63 31 47/63 10 48 96 20 5/6 10 150 11/3 1 31.5 63 3 11/63 1 48 96 21/12 1 12 13 43/189 10 32 64 31 1/4 10 50 100 20 10 151.2 161/189 1 32 64 3 1/8 1 50 100 2 1 153.6 13 1/48 10 32.4 64.8 30 70/81 10 50.4 100.8 19 53/63 10 153.6 1 29/96 1 32.4 64.8 37/81 1 50.4 100.8 1 62/63 1 160 125 100 33.6 67.2 29 16/21 | 10 51.84 103.68 19 47/162 10 160 12 1/2 10 33.6 67.2 2 41/42 1 51.84 103.68 1 301/324 1 160 11/4 1 34.56 69.12 28 101/108 10 54 108 18 14/27 10 162 12 28/81 10 34.56 69.12 2 193/216, 1 54 108 1 23/27 1 162 1 19/81 1 36 72 27 7/9 ' 10 57.6 115.2 17 13/36 10 168 119 1/21 100 36 72 27/9 \ 1 57.6 its. 2) 153/72 1 168 14/21 1 Sio 75 26 2/3 | 10 60 120 166 2/3 100 172.8 115 20/27 100 37.5 75 2 2/3 1 60 120 12/3 1 172.8 1 17/108 1 37.8 75.6 26 86/189 10 63 126 158 46/63 100 180 1111/9 100 37.8 75.6 2 122/189, 1 63 126 1 37/63 1 180 11/9 1 38.4 76.8 26 1/24 10 64 128 15 5/8 10 189 105 155/189; 100 38.4 76.8 2 29/48 1 64 128 19/16 1 189 111/189 1 40 80 25 10 64.8 129.6 15 35/81 10 192 104 1/6 100 40 80 21/2 1 64.8 129.6 144/81 1 192 11/24 1 40.5 81 24 56/81 10 67.2 134.4 148 17/21 100 200 100 100 40.5 81 2 38/81 1 67.2 134.4 14 37/42 10 200 1 1 i att * For watthour constants (Kh) larger than shown, find a Kh that is 1/10, 1/100, etc., and multiply the corresponding register multiplier (Kr) by 10, 100, etc. ' t Certain ratios below 1 are also available. METER TESTING AND ADJUSTMENT A watthour meter is a small induction motor designed to measure electric energy. To do this, a watthour meter solves the equation: Watthours = voltage X current X power factor X time (hours) or Watthours = watts X time (hours) Meter torque is produced by an electro- magnet called a stator which has two sets of windings. One winding, called a voltage coil, produces a magnetic field representing the circuit voltage. Another winding, called acurrent coil, produces a magnetic field representing the load current. These two coils are arranged so that their magnetic fields create a force on the meter disk which is directly proportional to the power or watts drawn by the connected load. Permanent magnets are used to introduce a retarding or braking force which is propor- tional to disk speed. The magnetic strength of these retarding magnets regulates the disk speed for any given load so that each revolu- tion of the disk always measures the same quantity of energy or watthours. The number of watthours measured by each disk revolution is called the meter con- stant or kh. Disk revolutions are counted and pre- sented through appropriate gearing as kilo- watthours on the watthour meter register. Fundamental Meter Formula The fundamental watthour meter formu- la can be written as: ; Watthours = disk revolutions X kh or Watts X time = disk revolutions X kh which is usually written: 3600 X disk revolutions X kh t Watts = where t = time in seconds or Watts = 60 X RPM X kh To be 100% accurate, a watthour meter disk must complete one revolution in a pre- determined time (t) if a constant load (watts) is applied. This indicates that a meter can be checked for accuracy with a stop watch under constant loading conditions. However, because it is difficult to main- tain a constant load, most watthour meter testing is done by comparing revolutions of the watthour meter being tested with a watt- hour meter standard of known performance. Since both watthour meters are connected to ‘’see”’ the same watts, small variations in voltage, current, or power factor will not in- troduce testing errors. In this comparison method, both meters use the same watts for the same length of time. Because these watt- hours are the same, we can write: Watthours of standard = watthours of meter tested or Kh XR=khXr where Kh = watthour constant of meter standard R= revolutions of meter standard kh = watthour constant of tested meter r = revolutions of tested meter Meter Accuracy Since meter accuracy is defined as a ratio of actual watthours to true watthours convert- ed to percentage registration, and this percen- tage is usually very close to 100%, we can write: kh Xr ~KhXR where A = meter accuracy in percent. A X 100 This formula assumes the meter standard to be 100% accurate. To compensate for known errors in the meter standard, kh Xr ~KhXR where Astd = meter standard accuracy as a ratio of actual watthours to true watthours. It is also common practice to compen- sate for errors in the meter standard by add- ing or subtracting a correction factor. For example, a standard with an accuracy of 100.1% would have a correction factor of +0.1%; a standard with an accuracy of 99.9% would have a correction factor of —0.1%. Using a correction factor, the formula becomes: kh Xr Kh XR where CF = correction factor which can be plus or minus. A X 100 X Astd A= X 100 + CF For repetitive testing, it may be more convenient to calculate the number of revolu- tions the standard meter should make for 100% accuracy and use the formulae: % kh Xr 1? Kh Ry A = X 100 X Asta where Rq = calculated revolutions of the standard for 100% accuracy of the meter being tested. R_ =actual revolutions of the standard Meter Adjustments Watthour meter adjustments are design- ed to allow control of the time necessary for each disk revolution under various loads, The usual test and adjustment points are: Full Load: Rated current (or test amperes) and rated voltage at unity power factor Lag Load: Rated current and rated voltage at 0.5 power factor lagging (also called power factor or inductive load) Light Load: Ten percent of rated or full-load current and rated voltage at unity power factor Watthour meters having more than one stator require an adjustment to equalize the force exerted on the disk by each stator under identical watts load. This adjustment is called Torque or Phase Balance. All adjusting screws on General Electric watthour meters will slow the meter down when turned clockwise and speed the meter up when turned counterclockwise. An easy way to remember this is to compare turning meter adjustments with turning a water valve. Turn a meter adjustment as you would a valve to reduce water flow and the meter slows down and vice versa. When testing watthour meters with a single-phase portable watthour-meter standard such as an |B-10, the value of one revolution of the disk of the meter under test varies with test connections. A single-phase watthour- meter standard has a single 2-wire current coil which carries all the test current. A 3-wire single-phase meter has two current coils, each contributing one-half of the current flux of a 2-wire coil. When both current windings of a 3-wire single-phase meter are connected in series, the current circuit is equivalent to that of the 2-wire current coil of the watthour meter standard. Under these conditions, the kh stamped on the nameplate of the meter under test is used for test calculations. However, at rated watts, if just one of the two current coils or one-half rated current flux is used by the 3-wire meter under test, the disk would rotate at one-half rated speed and our accuracy for- mula would be incorrect. To compensate for these test conditions, the accuracy formula for such a test must be written: kh XrX2 =X A KnXR X 100 X Astd or kh Xr AER XR MA 00 X Astd Tl Universal accuracy formulae which recog- nize the construction of the current circuit in R4 ; uit A =z X 100 X Astg the meter being tested and the test conditions R are: kh Xr where C = number of complete current wind- A = KAXRXC X 100 X Ast ings or coils energized in the current circuit of h the meter being tested, as shown in the follow- ie kh Xr ing tabulation. 1" Knxe Single-stator Meters 2-wire All toate 15 Scene i aseher aug do-eeach: SoOagens anaes Taweas 4 C=1 3-wire Testing individual current winding............0... 00 ccc cece eee eee C=% Testing current windings in series... 0... . 0... cece ee eee eens Cc=1 Two-stator Meters 3-wire, 3-phase Testing individual stators... 0... 0... eee ccc eee e ee eaee C=1 Testing stators in series 0... ccc ccc cece eee eae C=2 4-wire Y, 3-phase Testing individual circuits, single-coil.................00.0c ccc eae C=1 Testing double coil (Z-coil) or all circuits in series with only one potential'coil @nengh@ed . wc ec ccc tec ceccsccceceue C=2 Testing all circuits in series... 2... eee ccc eee eee aaes C=4 4-wire delta, 3-phase Testing individual circuits, 2-wire coil 3-wire coil, windings separately 3-wire coil, windings in series Testing all circuits in series olekeke) ou N->x- Three-stator Meters 4-wire Y, 3-phase Testing individual stators... 2... cece cece eee eee eee eens C=1 Testing TWo: StH RE eTOE oes EES as oii sees ce tces os ceed oe C=2 Testing three.statorerus Seriee? 26 oP. os isis Seer s ce vewe es semaeaes C=3 SE~.IO O55 METER NAMEPLATE INFORMATION REQUIRED BY STANDARD* (1) * ANSI C12.10 — 1978. “Standards for Watthour Meters” Form Number The form number defines whether the meter is self-contained or for use with in- strument transformers and also defines the number of stators, number of current circuits and number of external circuit wires. Example: “Form 2S” is a socket- connected meter with one stator, and two current cir- cuits for use on a circuit with three wires. Form 2S is more commonly called a 3-wire, single-phase, socket meter, used to meter 3-wire, single- phase, residential service. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Manufacturer’s Name or Trademark Manufacturer's Serial Number Manufacturer's Type (e.g., Type !-70-S) Class Designation Meter class denotes the maximum of the load range in amperes. Volts Number of Wires Hertz (cycles per second) Test Current (TA) The current at which meter is tested to determine full load % registration (10) Watthour Constant (Kh) Transformer-rated meters shall contain space for the following information: (11) (12) (13) Primary Watthour Constant (PK) Current Transformer Ratio (e.g., 200:5) Voltage Transformer Ratio (e.g., 20:1) Permissible Abbreviations FM = Form CL = Class V_ = Volts W = Wire Hz = Hertz (cycles per second) TA = Test Amperes Kh = Wetthour constant PKh = Primary Watthour Constant CTR = Current Transformer Ratio VTR= Voltage Transformer Ratio BURA AAA AAA AAA AAA -uUUMUU UU DEMAND METERING The cost of supplying electricity to a customer can be separated into two broad categories. (1) Cost of energy—oil, coal, gas etc. to produce kilowatthours. (2) Cost of equipment—generators, transmission & distribution lines and transformers—needed to deliver the energy. In the case of (1) above, the cost-to-serve, simply, can be related to cost of fuel. For (2) above, the cost-to-serve, simply, relates to size of equipment necessary. A simple analogy will explain the above. Assume two users. Customer ‘‘A” has irrigation equipment which runs 24 hours per day. His load is 100 KW. Thus, in 24 hours he consumes 100 KW x 24 hrs. = 2400 Kwhrs. of energy. Customer ‘’B”’ is a small industrial with 300 KW normal load but he only runs his plant 8 hrs. per day. His energy consumption is also 2400 Kwhrs. (300 x 8). Both customers consume the same energy (2400 Kwhrs.), but customer B uses his energy three times as fast as customer A. One would agree that the energy (Kwhr) charge might be the same for the two customers. But what does the utility do about the equipment (transformers, lines, etc.) that must be three times as large (300 Kw vs. 100 Kw) but is only used 8 hrs. per day (idle 16. hrs. per day)? The bigger equipment had to be purchased but is used inefficiently. This simple example explains why util- ities very typically charge customers like B for the energy used plus a demand charge of some number of dollars per Kw DEMAND. This latter charge can be considered a cost to serve based on rate of energy consumed. The most common method of determin- ing the Kw demand of small! customers is by use of a Demand Register. For larger loads, demand billing is norma!!y 49ne **"** pul: 2rat mat._...ctefs. » of this wuakler only demand metering with registers will be considered. People often ask -- “How can a watthour meter that measures energy (watthours) also be used to determine Kw demand?” Let’s consider a standard watthour meter with standard pointer-type register and devel- op how a demand register works. Assume a watthour meter is connected on some load and let's also assume that after a one-hour interval the register showed that one kilowatthour had been consumed. Since the interval was one hour, we can safely say that the average Kw load was one Kw because if one Kw had been drawn for one hour, the energy consumed would have been one kilo- watthour. Let's now assume that in the next 30 min- utes or % hour the register indicated that one kilowatthour had been consumed. In order to consume one kilowatthour in % hour, the load would have to have averaged 2 Kw since 2 Kw x % hr. = 1 kilowatthour. Let’s further assume that in the next 15 minutes or 1/4 hour, the register showed that one kilowatthour had been consumed. In or- der for this to have happened, the load must have averaged 4 Kw since 4 Kw x % hr. = 1 kilowatthour. From the above, one can see that a sim- ple watthour meter register could be used to calculate average demand over various inter- vals of time (1 hr., 4% hr. or % hr.). However, no one has the time to stand around and watch a register. From the above discussions, however, it’s not too big a step to understand that a register could be built with a gear train that would advance a pointer or pointers at a rate 1 times, 2 times or 4 times as fast as the energy pointers and accomplish a register that would indicate Kw demand on a 1 hour, % hour or % hour interval respectively. In the very simplest terms, this is what a demand register really is. A second gear train is added, driven by the meter rotor, and this gear train drives a pointer pusher that ad- sa > po (M- rm ..le ARAiAen-. (AA EA SECTION LOAD IN KW 15 10 i i ] Loan ———-— POINTER PUSHER swoewnemmm INDICATING POINTER I | fl Howey fi PEAK LOAD MAXIMUM DEMAND INDICATED I | es | I I | I are t Pat | i / / i ! | I 4 / I I | i el area pay / | | Pepe ay ped Pood y 1 Medea ed gd ! | Podge ed dy | 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 TIME IN MINUTES 210 Response Curve of Mechanical Demand Register with Demand Interval of 15 Minutes this gear train drives the pointer pusher, com- pared to the energy dials (kilowatthour), is dependent on whether the register is built for a 15-minute, 30-minute, or 60-minute demand interval. In order to establish the "demand interval’’, a timing motor and gear train are added; and their function is to momentarily disengage the gear train and reset the pointer pusher at the end of each interval, leaving the pointer (or pointers) up scale at some "max demand” indication. If this resetting were not done, the pusher would continue to advance the pointer(s) until it (or they) ‘pinned’ at max travel. (This latter condition happens if a motor in a demand register fails!) Demand registers built with the above feature, are called block interval’ demand registers. The reason for the term "block interval” can be seen by examining the graph. The graph at the left ‘plots’ the move- ment and position of the pointer pusher and the demand pointer(s) and shows how the “max demand” indication is accomplished. Note that in the first interval the energy con- sumed was 5 Kw x % hrs. or 1.25 kilowatt- hours. Because the demand train has a “times 4” advance compared to the kilowatthour train, the demand pointer was pushed to 5 Kw (4 x 1.25). In the next two intervals, the load remained at 5 Kw so that the max demand pointer was not advanced up-scale. However, in the 4th interval, the load changed to 15 Kw, the disk ran faster, advancing the pointer pusher faster so that the pusher reached the max demand pointer in 5 minutes and began “pushing” the pointer up-scale. At the end of the interval, the pointer reached 15 Kw and the pusher was reset to zero and started up again. Note that the slope of the pointer pusher curve actually is dependent on meter rotor speed --- the higher the speed of the rotor, the steeper the slope. Further study of the graph will show subsequent events in our hypothetical installation. ¢ c Register Scale Class Demand registers, not surprisingly, have register ratios like standard watthour registers. In addition, many demand registers except the GE M-60 have a characteristic called full- scale class. These scale classes are defined as follows: (Refer to Standard ANS! C12.4 — 1978) The scale classes for mechanical demand registers shall be: Scale Class 1 = 166 2/3 percent of test kva rating of meter. Scale Class 2 = 333 1/3 percent of test kva rating of meter. Scale Class 6 = 666 2/3 percent of test kva rating of meter. The test kva of the watthour meter shall be derived as follows: Exix No. of stators*® Test kva rating = 1000 where, E(self-contained meters) = rated voltage E(transformer-rated meters) = rated voltage x VT ratio \(self-contained meters) = rated current (test amperes) I(transformer-rated meters) = rated current x CT ratio Some manufacturers use full-scale Kw value rather than Class 1, 2, or 6 to describe their registers, but generally, the full-scale value is the same as one would arrive at by the above formula. \ By proper choice of register full-scale class, a customer can ‘’fit’’ the demand scale to the expected load in Kw. With improve- , ments in meter and register performance, de- mand registers are normally applied as follows: *Two-stator 4-wire Wye, three-phase meters are considered as having three stators for purposes of this formula. Transformer-rated Class 10 and lightly loaded Class 20 meters Class 2 Transformer-rated Class 20 meters (if loaded) Class 6 Self-contained meters Class 100 or 200 Class 6 Self-contained meters (if lightly loaded) Class 2 There is a useful formula for determining register full-scale Kw given the ratio and the Class. This formula is based on the fact that a Class 2 register with ratio of 166 2/3 has a FS Kw = 2.0 Full-scale Kw of register with known register ratio = 1 =i x Mult. Factor R, Mult. factor Class 1 = 1 Class 2=2 Class 6 = 4 Example: What is FS Kw of 13 8/9 R, Class 6 166 2/3 FS Kw= 138/9 x 4= 48 Kw General Electric has M-30 registers avail- able in so-called dual-class models. These registers can be Class 1/2 or Class 2/6. In ap- plication, the lower class can be used until the load grows at which time the class can be sim- ply converted to the higher class. Demand register ratios are calculated in the same manner as Ry for watthour registers. In fact the same formulas are used. Ratios are available for all self-contained meters and secondary-reading transformer-rated meters. Because of the added complexity of the de- mand gear train, manufacturers cannot al- ways provide primary-reading registers as the available ratios are much more limited. SPR 6 | M-30 LY? 2 Oe Bar epee i w 21 22 NOTE: A portion of the instrument trans- former material in Section 7 has been extracted from ANSI/IEEE C57.13 — 1978 Requirements for Instrument Transformers. TECHNICAL AND APPLICATION DATA FOR INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS Introduction The name ‘Instrument Transformer’ is a general classification covering current and voltage transformers used to change currents and voltages from one magnitude to another and to perform an isolating function, that is, to isolate (or insulate) the utilization current or voltage from the supply voltage for safety of both the operator and the end device in use. Instrument transformers are designed specifically for use with electrical equipment falling into the broad category of devices commonly called instruments including volt- meters, ammeters, wattmeters, watthour meters, relays, etc. To obtain the protection of instruments and personnel from line voltages, the secon- dary Circuit and instrument transformer bases frames, mounting brackets, etc. must be grounded. The rated secondary outputs of instru- ment transformers are generally of magni- tudes suitable for standard instruments, typi- cally 120 volts or 5 amperes. An instrument transformer should repro- duce in its secondary circuit, in a definite and known proportion (ratio), the current or vol- tage of its primary circuit with the phase rela- tionships substantially preserved. A current transformer is an instrument transformer intended to have its primary winding connected in series with the conduc- tor carrying the current to be measured or controlled. A voltage transformer is an instrument transformer intended to have its primary winding connected in shunt with a power sup- ply circuit, the voltage of which is to be mea- sured or controlled. It is beyond the scope of this presenta- tion to attempt to show in detail current (CT) or voltage (VT) transformers applied to all the various types of circuits in combination with the many forms of instruments. Standards ANSI/IEEE C57.13 — 1978 Require- ments for Instrument Transformers includes definitions, performance, test requirements, and test procedures for instrument trans- formers. The latest issue of C57.13 should be consulted whenever questions arise. ANS! C12.11 — 1978 Standard for Instrument Transformers for Metering Purposes, 15 kV and Less, provides some additional require- ments, including dimensions, for use in revenue metering applications. VT Construction Features Voltage transformers consist of two or more separate windings on a common mag- netic steel core. One winding consists of a relatively large number of turns of fine wire on the steel core and is called the primary winding. ** The other winding consists of fewer turns of heavier wire on the steel core and is called the secondary winding, ** CT Construction Features Current transformers are constructed in various ways. One method is quite similar to that of the voltage transformer in that there **These comments apply to the usual case with step-down VT’s or CT's. are two separate windings on a magnetic steel core. But it differs in that the primacy wind- ing" * consists of a few turns of heavy wire cap- ble o f carrying the full load current while the secondary winding** consists of many turns of smaller wire with a maximum continuous cur- rent qarrying capacity of from 5 to 20 am- peres, dependent on the design. This is call- ed the wound type due to its wound primary coil. Another very common type of construc- tion is the so-called “‘window,” ‘‘through’’ or “donut” type current transformer in which the assembly of the secondary winding and core has an opening through which the line conductor carrying the primary load current is passed by the user. This primary conductor constitutes the primary winding of the CT (one pass through the ‘‘window” represents a one turn primary), and must be large enough in cross section to carry the full load current up to the thermal rating factor of the unit. The secondary winding of a window- type current transformer consists of a larger number of turns of smaller wire. The num- ber is dependent on the primary to secondary current transformation desired. If a lower primary current rating than is available is required, due to a low load density, this can be achieved by looping the primary cable through the window of the CT. An example would be the need for a 100 to 5 ampere unit when the lowest current rating made by the manufacturer was 200 to 5 amperes. By looping the cable through the window so that the cable passes through the window twice, we can make an effective 100:5 ampere unit out of a 200:5 ampere unit (thus 100 amps x 2 = 200 amps.) Another common construction is the bar-type. This is similar to the window type, except that the manufacturer provides the straight single primary turn as a part of the transformer. VU ou o Indoor or Outdoor Construction Another distinguishing feature is the dif- ference between indoor and outdoor con- struction. The internal performance charac- teristics of the two constructions are essential- ly the same, but the physical appearance and hardware are different. The outdoor unit must be designed for possible contaminated environments, while indoor units are protect- ed due to their being mounted in a building or other enclosure. Thus most outdoor units will have skirts on the exterior surface. This provides larger surface creepage distances from the primary terminals (at line voltages) to the secondary terminals and base plate (at ground voltage). For outdoor types the hardware must be of the noncorrosive type and the insulation must be of the non-arc- tracking type. One other feature that differ- entiates the indoor from the outdoor is the orientation of the primary terminals. The in- door types must be suitable for connection to bus type electrical construction as opposed to the outdoor types that are normally on pole-top installations. Rating and Ratio The rating of an instrument transformer is expressed by two groups of numbers repre- senting the nominal current or voltage which may be applied to its primary winding and the current or voltage which would then be pre- sent in its secondary winding. For example, the designation 480: 120 volts expresses the rating of a voltage transformer. This means that when 480 volts is applied to the primary winding, 120 volts will be induced in the secondary. Likewise a designation of 400:5 amperes expresses the rating of a current transformer and means that when 400 am- peres flow in its primary, 5 amperes will flow in the secondary. Industry standards have established 120 volts as the secondary rating of voltage transformers for system voltages up to 24,000 volts, and 115 volts as the secondary rating of VT's for higher system voltages. Similarly, in- dustry standards have established 5 amperes as the secondary rating of current transfor- mers. The ratio of an instrument transformer is the relationship of its primary rating to its secondary rating. For example, the voltage transformer mentioned above having a rating of 480: 120 volts will have a ratio of 4:1 and the current transformer having a rating of 400:5 amperes will have a ratio of 80:1. Current Transformer Thermal Rating Factor Rating factor (RF) is a term which ap- plies to a current transformer. Rating factor is the number by which the rated primary cur- rent may be multiplied to establish the maxi- mum continuous primary current for which the transformer is rated without exceeding the allowable temperature rise at the stated ambient temperature. In order to be mean- ingful, the ambient temperature at which the rating factor applies should be stated. The standard ambient reference levels are at 30°C and 559°C. In the manufacturer’s literature, a typical statement would be: RF = 2.0 at 30°C ambient with RF = 1.5 at 55°C am- bient. These statements mean that in a 30°C ambient, the CT will carry on a continuous basis 2 times the nameplate rating, and at 55°C ambient, it will carry 1.5 times the nameplate rating. Typical rating factors of CT’s are 1.0, 1.33, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. It is very important that the ambient temperature be considered when applying CT's above the nameplate rating. Many times the manufacturer will only list the CT rating factor at 30°C ambient (room temperature). If you wish to know what the rating factor is at some other am- bient temperature, you will have to convert the value by use of a rather simple equation. Following is a typical example, for the usual case where the allowed rise is 55°C at 30°C ambient: The manufacturer states his 400:5 am- pere CT has a rating factor of 4.0 at 30°C ambient and you wish to know how much you must derate it when it is put in an enclo- {a * sure where the highest ambient temperature might be 55°C. The basic formula is: (NEW RF AT NEW AMB)2 _ (STATED RF AT 30°C)2 (85 — NEW AMB)°C (85—30)°C And for our particular example: x? _ 30 (4.02 55 x2 = BO. g73 55 V 8.73 x " 2.95 RF AT 55°C AMBIENT Thus where the 400 ampere unit could carry (400 x 4.0) = 1,600 amperes primary at 30°C ambient it can only carry (400 x 2.95) or 1180 amperes continuously at a 55°C am- bient without exceeding the permissable oper- ating temperature. Voltage Transformer Thermal Rating Voltage transformers have a thermal rating which designates the maximum volt- ampere burden which may be connected to the secondary at rated voltage and at specified ambient temperatures of either 30 or 55°C. The thermal capability at other ambients can- not be readily estimated, and the manufactur- er should be consulted for such information. Voltage Transformer Overvoltage Requirements The ANSI standards allow two levels of overvoltage operation. One is a continuous operation level and one is for emergency con- ditions, A voltage transformer must be cap- able of continuous operation at 110% rated voltage provided the secondary burden, in 23 a ~*~ volt-amperes at this voltage, does not exceed Table A the thermal burden rating. The emergency [ overvoltage requirements are specified in the BASIC IMPULSE INSULATION LEVELS AND DIELECTRIC TESTS ANSI/IEEE C57.13 voltage transformer ‘ groups, see Tables C-G. BIL!2) and Chopped Wave —_— Wet 60Hz Minimum Full Wave in. Time to ‘otentia 10 Second Creepage Insulation Levels Crest kV Flashover, Test, Withstand, [4] Distance, For many years the insulation test levels [3] Microseconds kV RMS kV RMS Inches required for instrument transformers were keyed to standard “insulation classes.’ The 10 12 insulation class represented the system vol- 30 36 tage, line-to-line, on which the instrument 45 54 transformer was designed to operate, and did not indicate the line-to-ground voltage for 60 69 continuous operation. For example, a current 75 88 transformer of the 15 kV insulation class was 95 110 designed for application on 14.4 kV, 13.8 kV, 110 130 and 12.47 kV systems, but was not designed for application on 24,940 volt systems with 125 145 14.4 kV to ground. 150 175 As system protection improved, it was 200 230 economical to reduce the impulse levels re- 250 290 quired in some installations below those pre- 350 400 viously associated with the particular system 450 520 voltage. The relationship between the im- pulse levels, insulation classes, and operating 550 630 | 19 20° ae 26 24* -- 34 30* act 34 45 11 40 36* 15 50 70 17 70 95 26 95 120 35 140 175 48 185 190 66 230 230 79 voltages became more complicated. 650 750 275 275 92 325 315 114 ‘ ; : 395 385 135 Insulation requirements will now be keyed to the basic impulse insulation level, ab- 1050 1210 460 445 170 : breviated BIL. 1300 1500 575 565** 205 Instrument transformers are assigned 1800 2070 800 750** 318 basic impulse insulation levels to indicate the 2050 2360 | 920 850 442 faxtory diene eles aey seem * These values are requirements for distribution transformer bushings in ANSI/IEEE C5712, ; c 1) 4 —_ 10 6* — 15 1e* =e a ano ny N a in new instrument transformer standards. 900 1035 The term ‘Insulation Classes’’ is omitted 750 865 00-1980. is capable of withstanding. **Tentative With the following exceptions, basic , . - impulse insulation voltages, applied potential [1] This Table is not applicable where instrument transformers must meet the same test re- test voltages for primary windings, and creep- quirements as power circuit breakers. age distances and wet tests for outdoor in- [2] There is no BIL requirement on the neutral terminal of grounded-neutral or insulated- strument transformers, are listed in Table A. neutral terminal type voltage transformers. (1) Applied potential tests for primary [3] The selection of the lower BIL for a given nominal system voltage in Table B, or for a windings are not required on marked ratio in Tables C thru G also reduces other requirements as tabulated above. The grounded-neutral terminal type acceptability of these reduced requirements should be evaluated for the specific instru- voltage transformers, ment transformer design and application. (2) For insulated-neutral terminal type [4] Wet tests are type tests and may be made separately from the transformer. For test pro- voltage transformers, the applied cedures see ANSI/IEEE Standard 21-1976 ‘’General Requirements and Test Procedures potential test for primary windings for Outdoor Apparatus Bushings.”’ Table B BASIC IMPULSE INSULATION LEVELS FOR CURRENT TRANSFORMERS!!! quirements as power circuit breakers. Table C Nominal System Maximum Line-to-Ground Voltage, kV Voltage, kV BIL, kv 0.6 0.38 10 2.4 1.53 45 48 3.06 60 8.32 5.29 75 13.8 8.9 110 or 95 25.0 16.0 150 or 125 34.5 22.0 200 or 150 46.0 29.0 250 69 44.0 350 115 73.0 550 or 450 138 88.0 650 or 550 161 102.0 750 or 650 230 146.0 1050 or 900 I This Table is not applicable where instrument transformers must meet the same test re- Primary Voltage Rating For Rated Voltage Line-to-Line, Volts 120 for 208Y 240 for 416Y 300 for 520Y 120 for 208Y 240 for 416Y 300 for 520Y 480 for 832Y 600 for 1,040Y 2,400 for 4,160Y 4,200 for 7,280Y 4,800 for 8,320Y 7,200 for 12,470Y 8,400 for 14,560Y Marked N bd UE OUES ter eayitey ct NO WO Bw eoonsg Gah fce| Sen h ce) | eal | ae ie eas eee) | elms) eh BIL, kV 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 30 60 75 75 110 or 95 110 or 95 SECTION 7 shall be 19 kV on outdoor types and 10 kV on indoor types. (3) The applied potential test for secon- dary windings, and between multiple-secondary windings, shall be 2.5 kV. (4) The applied potential test for auxil- iary or auto-transformers for use in the secondary circuits for instrument , transformers shall be 2.5 kV. The test levels in Table A and in the above exceptions are the factory test voltages on new units. ANSI/IEEE C57.13 recom- mends that field test levels not exceed 75% of factory test voltages, and that periodic insula- tion tests in the field not exceed 65% of the factory test voltage. As current transformer primaries are in series with the line current, and the entire pri- mary is at essentially the same voltage during normal operation, their major insulation re- quirements are independent of rated primary current. The relationship between BIL and operating voltages is indicated in Table B. As voltage transformers are connected line-line or line-ground, their major insulation requirements are not independent of rated primary voltage. ANSI/IEEE C57.13 has therefore established five Groups of voltage transformers, relating rated primary voltage, marked ratio, and BIL. Tables C thru G indicate these relationships. Table C Group 1 Voltage Transformers Group 1 voltage transformers are for appli- cation with 100% of rated primary voltage across the primary winding when connected line-to-line or line-to-ground. Group 1 transformers shall be capable of operation at 125% rated voltage on an emer- gency basis, provided the burden, in volt- amperes at rated voltage, does not exceed 64% of the thermal burden rating, without exceeding 75 C temperature rise. (This will nn a a en -EC..IN. 26 result in a reduction of normal life ex pec- tancy at the rate of 0.2 percent per day.) The manufacturer may be consulted for informa- tion about a possible higher rating. They shall be capable of continuous operation at 110% rated voltage, provided the burden, in volt-amperes at this voltage, does not exceed the thermal burden rating. Table D Group 2 Voltage Transformers Group 2 voltage transformers are pri- marily for line-to-line service, and may be applied line-to-ground or line-to-neutral at a winding voltage equal to the primary voltage rating divided by V3. Group 2 transformers shall be capable of continuous operation at 110% rated voltage, provided the burden, in volt-amperes at this voltage, does not exceed the thermal burden rating. Table E Group 3 Voltage Transformers Group 3 voltage transformers are for line-to-ground connection only and have two secondaries. They may be insulated-neutral or grounded-neutral terminal type. Ratings through 92,000 for 161,000 Grd Y shall be capable of /3 times rated voltage* for one minute without exceeding 175°C tem- perature rise. Ratings 138,000 for 230,000 Grd Y and above shall be capable of operation at 140% of rated voltage* with the same limi- tation of time and temperature. Group 3 transformers shall be capable of continuous operation at 110% rated voltage, provided the burden, in volt-amperes at this voltage, does not exceed the thermal burden rating. The double voltage ratio is usually achieved by a tap in the secondary; in such cases the non-polarity terminal of the wind- ing shall be the common terminal. *These overvoltage capabilities do not pre- clude ferroresonance. | 431,250 for 800,000 Grd Y* 3,750/6,250 & 3,750/6,250:1 | Table D Primary Voltage Rating For Rated Voltage Line-to-Line, Marked BIL, kV Volts Ratio 120 for 120Y 1:4 10 240 for 240Y 21 10 300 for 300Y 25:1 10 480 for 480Y 4:1 10 600 for 600Y 6:1. 10 2,400 for 2,400Y 20:1 45 4,800 for 4,800Y 40:1 60 7,200 for 7,200Y 60:1 75 12,000 for 12,000Y 100:1 110 or 95 14,400 for 14,400Y 120:1 110 or 95 24,000 for 24, O00Y 200:1 150 or 125 34,500 for 34,500Y 300: 1 200 or 150 46,000 for 46,000Y 400:1 250 69,000 for 69,000Y | 600:1 | 350 Table € Rated Primary Voltage For Rated Voltage Line-to-Line, (Volts) Marked Ratio BIL, kV 7 14,400 for 25,000 Grd Y 120/200 & 120/200:1 | 150 or 125 20,125 for 34,500 Grd Y 175/300 & 175/300: 1 200 27,600 for 46,000 Grd Y 240/400 & 240/400:1 250 40,250 for 69,000 Grd Y 350/600 & 350/600: 1 350 69,000 for 115,000 Grd Y 600/1,000 & 600/1,000:1 550 or 450 80,500 for 138,000 Grd Y 700/1,200 & 700/1,200:1 650 or 550 92,000 for 161,000 Grd Y 800/1,400 & 800/1,400:1 750 or 650 138,000 for 230,000 Grd Y 1,200/2,000 & 1,200/2,000:1 | 1,050 or 900 207,000 for 362,000 Grd Y* 1,800/3,000 & 1,800/3,000:1 | 1,300 or 1,175 287,500 for 550,000 Grd Y* 2,500/4,500 & 2,500/4,500:1 | 1,800 or 1,675 2,050 *The higher figures 362000, 550000 and 800000 are the Maximum Rated Primary Voltage values as designated for use with EHV Systems by ANSI! c92. Table F Rated Primary Voltage For Rated Voltage Line-to-Line, oe BIL, kV atio Volts Group 4A-For Operation at Approximately 100% of Rated Voltage 2,400 for 4,160 Grd Y 20:1 60 4,200 for 7,200 Grd Y 35:7 75 4,800 for 8,320 Grd Y 40:1 75 7,200 for 12,470 Grd Y 60:1 110 or 95 8,400 for 14,560 Grd Y 70:1 110 or 95 Group 4B-For Operation at Approximately 58% of Rated Voltage 4,200 for 4,160 Grd Y 35:1 60 4,800 for 4,800 Grd Y 40:1 60 7,200 for 7,200 Grd Y 60:1 75 12,000 for 12,000 Grd Y 100:1 110 or 95 14,400 for 14,400 Grd Y 120:1 110 or 95 Table G Rated Primary Voltage For Rated Voltage Line- to-Line, Volts Marked Ratio BIL, kV 7,200 for 12,470 Grd Y 60:1 110 8,400 for 14,560 Grd Y 70:1 110 12,000 for 20,800 Grd Y 100:1 150 or 125 14,400 for 25,000 Grd Y 120:1 150 or 125 20,125 for 34,500 Grd Y 175:1 200 or 150 SECTION 7 Table F Group 4 Indoor Voltage Transformers Group 4 voltage transformers are for line-to-ground connection only. They may be insulated-neutral or grounded-neutral ter- minal type. Group 4 voltage transformers shall be capable of continuous operation at 110% rated voltage, provided the burden, in volt- amperes ‘at this voltage, does not exceed the thermal burden rating. Group 4A voltage transformers shall be capable of operation at 125% rated voltage on an emergency basis, provided the burden, in volt-amperes at rated voltages, does not exceed 64% of the thermal burden rating, without exceeding 75°C temperature rise. (This will result in a reduction of normal life expectancy at the rate of 0.2 percent per day.) The manufac- turer may be consulted for information about a possible higher rating. Table G Group 5 Outdoor Voltage Transformers Group 5 voltage transformers are for line-to-ground connection only, and are for use outdoors on grounded systems. They may be insulated-neutral or grounded-neutral terminal type. They shall be capable of oper- ation at 140% of rated voltage for one minute without exceeding 175°C temperature rise. Group 5 voltage transformers shall be capable of continuous operation at 110% of rated voltage, provided the burden, in volt- amperes at this voltage, does not exceed the thermal burden rating. 7 SECTION 7 28 Polarity In the application of instrument trans- formers it is necessary to understand the meaning of polarity and to observe certain rules when connecting watthour meters to them. Primary and secondary terminals are said to have the same polarity, when at a given in- stant during most of each half cycle, the cur- rent enters the identified, similarly marked primary lead and leaves the identified, similar- ly marked secondary terminal in the same direction as though the two terminals formed a continuous circuit. When the polarity is indicated by letters, the letter H shall be used to distinguish the leads or terminals connected to the primary winding and the letter X (also Y and Z, etc. if multiple secondary windings are provided) shall be used to distinguish the leads or ter- minals connected to the secondary winding. In addition, each lead shall be numbered such as H1, H2, X1, X2. If more than three secon- dary windings are provided they shall be iden- tified X, Y, Z, and W for four windings; X, Y, Z, W, and V for five windings; X, Y, Z, U, W, and V for six windings, etc. H1 and X1 (also Y1 and Z1, etc., if provided) shall be of the same polarity. When multiple primary windings are pro- vided, the leads or terminals shall be designat- ed by the letter H together with consecutive pairs of numbers (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.). The odd numbered leads or terminals shall be of the same polarity. When taps or leads are provided on the secondary winding or windings, the leads or terminals shall be lettered as required above and numbered X1, X2, X3, etc., or Y1, Y2, Y3, etc.; the lowest and highest numbers in- dicating the full winding and intermediate numbers indicating the taps in their relative order. When X1 is not in use, the lowest number of the two leads in use shall be the polarity lead. In applications which depend on the interaction of two currents, such as a watt- hour meter, it is essential that the polarity of both current and voltage transformers be known and that definite relationships be maintained when connecting them to watt- hour meters. When the secondary of an instrument transformer is connected to an instrument (such as a voltmeter or ammeter) which is concerned only with the magnitude of the primary current or voltage, polarity is not significant. Current Transformer Demagnetization Current transformer cores will become magnetized as a result of the application of direct current to a winding (for example while measuring winding resistance) or in other manners. Current transformers should be demagnetized before accuracy tests. One method of demagnetizing uses the circuit shown in Fig. 1. With a resistance across the high-turn winding, apply rated current to the low-turn winding. Increase the resistance R until the transformer core is saturated, then slowly reduce the resistance R to zero before deenergizing the low-turn winding circuit. Saturation of the core is indicated by a reduction of current in the high-turn winding. For many current transformers used for metering, demagnetization can be ac- complished by increasing R to 50 ohms. WARNING: In demagnetizing auxiliary current transformers, which have many unusual ratios, and may be step-up trans- formers, special demagnetiza- tion procedures are advisable to avoid hazardous voltages. A continuously variable resistance must be used to avoid opening the high-turn winding circuit when the value of R is being changed. WARNING: _ As the resistance is increased, the voltage across the resist- ance will approach the hazard- ous open-circuit value. Low- turn Winding High-turn Winding ir Current Transformer to be Demagnetized NOTE: The high-turn winding of a CT is the winding with the lower rated current. Figure 1 INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER ACCURACY General Instrument Transformers are classified as to accuracy per ANSI/IEEE C57.13. Instru- ment transformers introduce errors in both the ratio of the primary to secondary values (mag- nitudes) and in a phase displacement between the primary and secondary quantities. If an instrument transformer’s burden consists of voltmeters, ammeters, relays or other devices where only the magnitude of the primary quantity is critical, the phase angle error can usually be ignored. However, if the burden consists of wattmeters, watt- hourmeters, or other devices which are depen- dent upon both primary voltage and current, and their phase relationship, then both the ratio error and the phase angle error must be considered. Where phase relationships are significant, polarity of instrument transformers must be properly maintained in connecting to secon- dary circuits. In modern revenue metering applica- tions, excellent instrument transformer accur- acies are specified, and in most cases no cor- rections are made for the small instrument transformer errors permitted. The 0.3 ac- curacy class is almost invariably specified for revenue metering. The accuracy of an instrument trans- former depends upon its design and burden, and also upon the frequency, power factor, and voltage or current of the circuit being metered. The accuracy of voltage transformers for a wide range of burdens can readily be extrapolated from a limited amount of test data, using the circle-diagram method or by calculations. Burdens (General) Statement of instrument transformer ac- curacy class includes the burden at which the requirements of the accuracy class are met. The burden on an instrument transformer is that property of the circuit connected to the secondary winding which determines the active and reactive power at the secondary terminals. The burden is expressed either as total ohms impedance with the effective re- sistance and reactance components, or as total voltamperes and power factor at the specified value of current or voltage, and fre- quency. The term burden has been adopted to distinguish it from “load” which is gener- ally associated with the primary, especially with current transformers. For example, the load rating of a current transformer indicates the load (in current) which may be applied to its primary, while the burden rating in- dicates the amount of resistance (in ohms) and inductance (in milli-henries) which may be connected to its secondary. Although the impedance in the second- ary leads from a voltage transformer may improve the accuracy as measured at the secondary terminals, the voltage drop in the leads will reduce the voltage at the in- tended burden devices. Corrections for this voltage drop may be required in some in- stances. The types of meters and relays and the size and length of wire connected to the secondary side of the instrument transform- er make up its burden. These values can be calculated by con- verting each device into terms of voltamperes and power factor and doing a vector analysis to determine what the total effective burden on the transformer is. A more practical way is to obtain from the manufacturer the bur- atCTiuN » ] Devices Burden at 5 Amperes 60 Hz Vars VW-64-S Watthour Meter VW-64-S Watthour Meter 75-foot Distance from CT to Meter Location, 150 Circuit Feet of No. 12 AWG Copper Wire Totals 1.18 1.18 0.00 2.36 Vars watts at 5 amperes. VARS WATTS va = Vwatts)2 + (vars)? VA = ¥(7.58)2 + (2.36)? = 7.94 Volt - amperes den of each device in terms of watts and vars and calculate the total effective burden on the instrument transformer. A typical exam- ple might be as follows: The utility is trying to determine what accuracy and burden classification CT to pur- chase for a particular metering application. The various meters and instruments to be NOTE: In this case the lead resistance in ohms was multiplied by 52 to obtain PF (Power Factor) = COS of VARS WATTS the Angle Whose TAN is z 12.36 PF =COS (raw 758 ) = COS 17.3° = 0.95 Conclusion: Since 7.94 VA at 0.95 PF exceed B-0.2 bur- den (which is 5.0 VA at 0.9 PF) the utility must use a transformer that has a 0.3 B-0.5 classification (or 12.5 VA at 0.9 PF capa- bility). used are known and the distance and size of wire to be used between the CT and the meters are known. If the circuit is much less complicated than the above and meets some simple guide lines, there is a practical rule-of-thumb tabula- tion provided that eliminates the need to make the calculation. 29 SecTION 7 The following tabulation gives the ap- proximate maximum distance in feet between the CT and the meter that is allowable for the CT to meet the limits of 0.3% accuracy class. The tabulation assumes the installation will have one or two watthour meters and Standard Burdens for Current Transformers Standard burdens for current transform- ers with 5 ampere* rated secondary current shall have resistance and inductance per the following Table H. that the line power factor is 0.80 lagging or higher, and that two wires are run from each CT to the meter (no paralleling of leads). The tabulation also assumes certain typical CT performance characteristics. ANSI Accuracy Classification AWG Secondary Copper Wire Size Maximum Distance in Feet Between the Meters and the Current Transformers 19 31} 49 #14 | #12) #10 75 | 120 | 190 Table H + i Volt- Burden Resistance Inductance Impendance Amperes Designation Ohms Millinenrys Ohms (At 5 Amp.) eal Metering Burdens B.0.1 0.09 0.116 0.1 25 B.0.2 0.18 0.232 0.2 5.0 B05 0.45 0.580 0.5 125 B-0.9 0.81 1.04 09 22.5 B18 1.62 | 2.08 18 45 a Reiaying Burdens Bl 0.5 Zs 1.0 25 B.2 1.0 46 2.0 50 B4 2.0 | 9.2 4.0 100 B8 4.0 i 18 4 8.0 200 “If acurrent transformer is rated at other than 5 amperes, ohmic burdens for specification and rating may be derived by multiplying the resistance and inductance of the table by 5 (amp. rating)*, the VA at rated current and the PF remaining the same ** These standard burden designations have no significance at frequencies other than 60 Hz Table | Characteristics on 120 Volt Basis Characteristics on | Standard Burdens* 69.3 Volt Basis Standard Burdens for Voltage Transformers Standard burdens for voltage trans- Volt- Power |Resistance |Inductance | Impedance | Resistance |inductance |impedance | formers are based on two secondary voltages: Designation | Amperes | Factor Ohms Henrys Ohms Ohms | Henrys Ohms 120 and 69.3 volts, and are shown in Table |. 1 eee ee w 12.5 0.10 115.2 | 3.04 1152 38.4 +} 1.01 384 The burden designation and the same x 25 0.70 | 403.2 | 1.09 576 134.4 | 0.364 192 physical burdens are used in applying accuracy Y 75 0.85 163.2 0.268 192 544 0.0894 64 ratings to voltage transformers irrespective z 200 0.85 61.2 | 0.101 72 20.4 | 0.0335 24 of the exact secondary voltage ratings result- 2z 400 0.85 306 | 0.0503 36 10.2 ' 0.0168 12 ing from the primary voltages and ratios. For M 35 0.20 823 1.07 411 27.4 0.356 137 example, for those transformers having ratios which result in secondary voltage ratings of 115 or 66.4 volts, the actual volt-amperes at rated voltage for a designated standard burden is reduced to 91.8 percent of the values listed an in Table |. * These burden designations have no significance at other than 60 Hz NOTE: Standard metering accuracy classes for voltage wansformers establish limits trom 90% to 110% of rated voltage, which often corresponds to 120 or 115 secondary volts. When a voltage transformer is operated at 58% of rated voltage, the accuracy will be different than at 100%. The standard burdens in Table | have different impedance at 120 and 69.3 secondary volts. Therefore, a transformer will have much different errors at 69.3 volts than at 120 volts using the stan- dard burdens established in Table |. If the burden impedance at 58% excitation is the same as at 100% excitation, a condition which mav occur in practice but is not covered by stand**4 burdens s---racy chanme are meh bess. u Metering Accuracy The accuracy of an instrument trans- former is expressed in terms called Ratio Correction Factor and Phase Angle. Ratio Correction Factor (RCF) is the ratio of the true ratio to the marked ratio. The primary current or voltage is equal to the secondary current or voltage multiplied by the marked ratio times the ratio correction factor. The marked ratio is the ratio stated on the nameplate. Phase Angle is the phase displacement, in minutes, between the primary and secon- dary values. NOTE: The phase angle of a current trans- former is positive when the current leaving the identified secondary terminal leads the current entering the identified primary terminal. The phase angle of a voltage trans- former is positive when the secon- dary voltage from the identified to the unidentified terminal leads the corresponding primary voltage. The Transformer Correction Factor (TCF) is an appropriate combination of the RCF and Phase Angle, for the line power factor of interest, and is the ratio of true watts or watthours to the product of measured watts or watthours and the marked ratio. The true primary watts or watthours are equal to the watts or watthours measured, multiplied by the transformer correction fac- tor and the marked ratio. When using both current and voltage transformers, usually it is sufficiently accurate to calculate true watts or watthours as being equal to the product of the two transformer correction factors times the marked ratios times the observed watts or watthours. Metering Accuracy Classes Accuracy classes for metering are based on the requirements that the Transformer Corson Factor (TOE shatubosyitiin specified limits when the power factor (lag- ging) of the metered load has any value from 0.6 to 1.0, over specified ranges as follows: (1) (2) (3) For current transformers, at the speci- fied standard burden and at 100% of rated primary current (also at the cur- rent corresponding to the RF if it is greater than 1.0). At 10% rated current the permissible error is twice as great as at 100% rated current. The accuracy at a lower standard burden is not neces- sarily equal to that at the specified standard burden. For voltage transformers, from any burden in volt-amperes from zero to the specified standard burden at the specified standard burden PF and at any voltage from 90 to 110% of the rated voltage. The accuracy at a lower standard burden of different power factor is not necessarily equal to that at the specified standard burden. The requirements of the standard meter- ing accuracy classes are tabulated below. (Table J) These requirements must be met for line power factors from 1.0 to 0.6 lagging. ' These limits are depicted graphically in Fig. 2 for current transformer and in Fig. 3 for voltage transformers. The parallelo- SECTION 7 | et ely i 1024 1012 10067 10, sores current, - 100% rated current 1012 1006 1003F 5 = % 1000 1000 1000--—— a : \ 3 , 290988 0994 0997 : 976 0966 0994 a Bed Soh Ld | | 0>—--30 -20 -10 0 e1c +23 +32 | ge———~-60 -40 -20 G +20 +40 +6° ene “120 -80 -40 © +4 +60 #20 go? = logging phase angle-mintes reas; = Figure 2 1012 1006 10030 1006 1003 10015 1000 1 000 10600} 0994 C997 09985 ratio correction toctor 0968 0994 09970 | O>—-15 710 “5 O +f +1 otf grams enclose the combinations of Ratio oe <2 20 0 7c 1% 1% : ; 2 eameao eee Correction Factor and Phase Angle which po See | oa mas Neone fall within the requirements of the accuracy classes. Figure 3 Table J LIMITS OF TRANSFORMER CORRECTION FACTOR AND RATIO CORRECTION FACTOR Voltage Transformers Metering (At 90% to 110% Accuracy Rated Voltage) Class Min. Max. 0.3 0.997 1.003 0.6 0.994 1.006 t2 0.988 1.012 At 100% Rated Current” Current Transformers At 10% Rated Current Min. Max. 0.997 1.003 0.994 1.006 0.988 1.012 *For current transformers the 100% rated current limit also applies at the current correspond- ing+~the PE SECTION 7 Relay Accuracy of a Current Transformer All standard relaying accuracy classes are based on a 10% ratio correction limit (i.e., Ratio Correction Factor = 1.10 maximum) with no limits on phase angle error. Relay accuracy classes are designated by two elements: 1) The first element is either “’C” or “T". “C" signifies that the leakage flux in the core does not have an appreciable effect on the ratio, and the ratio therefore can be calculated readily. ‘’T”’ signifies that the ef- fect of leakage flux is appreciable, and the ratio must be established by test. It is impor- tant to note that “‘C”’ and “’T”’ indicate only the method of establishing the performance, and do not represent any difference in per- formance requirements. 2) The second element is the secondary terminal voltage rating. This is the voltage which the transformer will deliver to a stan- dard burden at 20 times rated secondary cur- rent without exceeding 10 percent ratio cor- rection. In addition, the ratio correction must be limited to 10 per cent at any current from 1 to 20 times rated secondary current at that standard burden or any lower standard burden used for secondary terminal voltage ratings. For example, relay accuracy class C100 means that the ratio can be calculated, and that the ratio correction will not exceed 10 percent at any current from 1 to 20 times rated secondary current with a standard 1.0 ohm burden (100 volts = 5 amperes x 20 x 1 ohms), or with B-0.1, 0.2, or 0.5. For transformers with 5 ampere rated secondary current, the standard secondary terminal voltage ratings and associated stan- dard burdens are: Secondary terminal Standard voltage rating burden 10 B-0.1 20 50 100 200 400 2 DOWDOD wEN-OO ooooun Adjacent Conductor Effect Large currents in nearby conductors (for example, return lines or other phases) may produce flux that results in local saturation of current transformer cores. Metering and relay accuracies are established on the as- sumption that no such effects are present. VT Connections Voltage transformers are always con- nected across the voltage to be measured. The usual connection is as follows: LOAD Note that one secondary terminal is connected to ground. When a phase relation- ship of “direction of flow” is of no conse- quence, such as in a voltmeter which operates only according to the magnitude of the vol- tage, there is no need to observe the polarity of the transformer. However, in watthour meter applications, polarity must always be observed. As previously shown, most voltage transformers have a single secondary wind- ing; however, they may have multiple and/ or tapped secondary windings. On voltage transformers having tapped secondary windings, the higher ratio is usually provided by using X2 and X3 secondary terminals, while the lower ratio is provided by using X41 and X3. The correct terminals for a particular ratio are indicated on the nameplate or the body. Burdens may be connected across all secondaries of multiple-secondary voltage transformers, and across all combinations of secondary terminals on each tapped secondary of a voltage transformer, as long as total burden capability is not exceeded. tyl con ons Itac transformers will illustrate the principles which apply in making instrument trans- former installations. The 3-Wire, Three-Phase Circuit | 2 3 PRIMARY fa Wak ' METER —et--2-J The 4-Wire Wye, Three-Phase Circuit ! 2 3 a Note the polarity marking and their rela- tionship to one another as well as the watt- hour meter voltage coils. It also should be noted that the secondary windings are grounded at a common junction. CT Connections CT’s with wound primaries always have their primary windings connected in series with the line and the load and their secondary ding nec >th den wa! Vi HNNHAA ARR AAA AAA A hour meter current coil) as shown below: LINE LOAD PRIM BURDEN Current transformers having tapped secondaries are referred to as double-rated, tapped secondary CT’s. They are used in ap- plications where it is necessary to have avail- able, at different times, two ratios of primary to secondary current from the same second- ary winding of the CT. This may be accom- plished by adding a tap in the secondary winding to get a second ratio. The ratio ob- tained by the tap is usually one-half the ratio obtained by the full secondary winding. A schematic example is shown below. 200 OR 400A LINE With 200 amperes flowing in the pri- mary, a connection X2 — X3 will produce 5 amperes out of the secondary. Then as the load grows to 400 amperes, the secondary cir- cuit will be reconnected to X1 — X3 to pro- duce 5 amperes in the secondary. If the re- connection is done while the unit is energized, the secondary terminals must first be short- circuited so as not to induce high voltage in the secondary circuit when the circuit is open- ed to make the connection. Voltage from a few hundred volts to many thousand volts depending on the design, can be developed in the secondary circuit when it is open with current flowing in the primary winding. On a dual-ratio, tapped-secondary CT, the full winding and tapped winding cannot be operated simultaneously. When operating tapped-secondary CT’s, the unused terminals must be left open to avoid short-circuiting a portion of the secondary winding and prcduc- ing large errors. In certain designs, the lower ratio is obtained by using X1-X9. The correct terminals for a particular ratio are indicated on the nameplate and/or the body. Another design of CT quite commonly used is the double secondary CT. In this con- figuration the CT has two cores, two secon- dary windings and one common primary winding. Its application would be for using one CT to both meter and relay a common primary circuit where the metering burden must be isolated from the relaying burden. A schematic of this would look like this: PRIMARY In this design, if both the secondaries are Not going to be used simultaneously, then the unused secondary must be short-circuited while the other is energized or you will develop an induced high voltage on the open- circuited unused portion (as pointed out pre- viously). atCliwNs | ’ For use on three-wire, single-phase circuits, double-primary current transformers are available which permit use of a single- phase meter for circuit measurements. Typical current transformer connections on three common circuits will illustrate the principles involved in making CT installations. i A 3-Wire, Three-Phase Circuit 33 ~+-vvire wye, Three-Phase Circuit Zun- Note particularly the relationship of the polarity markings to one another and to the instrument terminals. As was previously shown for voltage transformers, one secon- dary terminal should be grounded. The final principle to be illustrated is that the voltage transformers should be con- nected ahead of (that is, on the line source side) of the current transformer as shown in the following schematic: (This is done so that the losses inherent to the voltage transformer and meter voltage coil are not passed on to the end customer in his bill.) A 3-Wire, Three-Phase Circuit > SOURCE LOAD—= VT Primary Fuses 3) The basic function of voltage trans- former primary fuses is to clear the system of damaged voltage transformers. It is often possible to select fuses which will protect the voltage transformer by blowing promptly in the event of a secondary short circuit electri- 4) cally close to the secondary terminals. It is desirable to use the smallest fuse rating (in amperes) which will not result in nuisance blowing. Fuses are rarely available which will 5) fully protect the voltage transformer from overloads, or immediately clear the system of a voltage transformer which has been dam- aged by internal or external causes. /ncreas- ing the fuse current rating to reduce nuisance 6) blowing is usually accompanied by slower clearing and increased possibility of damage to other equipment or injury to personnel. The manufacturer of voltage trans- formers will typically have detailed design information pertinent to selection of primary fuses. Secondary fuses may be used to protect a voltage transformer from overloads exceed- 7) ing the thermal rating. SUMMARY 8) In summary, there are several important factors that must be considered in the applica- tion and connection of instrument transform- ers. They are: 1) Select the proper primary rating for the 9) circuit voltage and the load. 2) Select the proper BIL. Consider notes at bottom of Table A. For revenue metering select instrument transformers which have the highest ANSI accuracy classification at a burden equal to, or greater than, the maximum burden to be connected to their secon- daries. When connecting instrument transform- ers, carefully observe polarity marks. Observe caution by proper grounding of secondaries and bases, frames, mounting feet, etc. Current transformers should never be operated with the secondary cir- cuit open because hazardous crest voltages may result. Always short- circuit the secondary terminals be- fore changing connections, or at any other time when the intended secondary burden is not connected to the secon- dary terminals. Never short-circuit the secondary terminals of a voltage transformer. A secondary short circuit will cause the unit to overheat and fail in a very short period of time. After exposing current transformer windings to d-c current, it is always best practice to demagnetize the unit to eliminate the errors caused by residual magnetism. After the correct and most accurate in- strument transformers have been chosen and all safety precautions have been observed, make the installation in a neat and workmanlike manner. ree oe le StcriOn 7 FULL—LOAD CURRENTS IN AMPERES — SINGLE—PHASE CIRCUITS = CIRCUIT VOLTAGES KVA 120 240 480 2400 4160 4800 | 7200 | 7620 | 12,000 | 14,400 5 41.7 20.8 10.4 2.08 1.20 1.04 69 66 42 35 10 83.3 41.7 20.8 4.17 2.40 2.08 1:39. 1.81 83 69 15 125 62.5 31.3 6.25 3.61 3.13 2.08 1.97 1.25 1.04 25 208 104 52.1 10.4 6.01 §.21 3.47 3.28 2.08 1.74 37%} 313 156 78.1 15.6 9.01 7.81 §.21 4.92 3.13 2.60 50 417 208 104 20.8 12.0 10.4 6.94 6.56 4.17 3.47 75 625 313 156 31.3 18.0 15.6 10.4 9.84 6.25 §.21 100 833 417 208 41.7 24.0 20.8 13:9 13:1 8.33 6.94 167 | 1392 696 348 69.6 40.1 34.8 23.2 21.9 13.9 11.6 250 | 2083 1042 521 104 60.1 52.1 34.7 32.8 20.8 17.4 333 | 2775 1388 694 139 80.0 69.4 46.3 43.7 27.7 23.1 500 | 4167 2083 1042 208 120 104 69.4 65.6 417 34.7 KVA X 1000 FULL-LOAD CURRENT = —————— CIRCUIT VOLTAGE FULL—LOAD CURRENTS IN AMPERES — THREE-—PHASE CIRCUITS mem alee lad T CIRCUIT VOLTAGES (LINE—TO-LINE) = > KVA 208 240 480 2400 4160 4800 7200 8320 12,000 | 12,470 13,200 | 14,400 + 15 41.6 36.1 18.0 3.61 2.08 1.80 1.20 1.04 we 69 66 60 30 83.3 72.2 36.1 7.22 4.17 3.61 2.41 2.08 1.44 1.39 1:31 1.20 45 125 108 54.1 10.8 6.25 5.41 3.61 3.43 2A7 2.08 1.97 1.80 75 208 180 90.2 18.0 10.4 9.02 6.01 5.21 3.61 3.48 3.28 3.01 112%] 312 271 135 27.1 15.6 13.5 9.02 7.81 5.41 5.21 4.92 4.51 150 416 361 180 36.1 20.8 18.0 12.0 10.4 7.22 6.95 6.56 6.01 225 625 541 271 54.1 31.3 27.1 18.0 15.6 10.8 10.4 9.84 9.02 300 833 722 361 72.2 41.7 36.1 24.1 20.8 14.4 13.9 13.1 12.0 500 | 1388 1203 601 120 69.4 60.1 40.1 34.8 24.1 23.2 21.9 20.1 750 | 2082 1804 902 180 104 90.2 60.1 62.1 36.1 34.7 32.8 30.1 1000 | 2776 2406 1203 241 139 120 80.2 69.4 48.1 46.3 43.7 40.1 1500 | 4164 3608 1804 361 208 | 180 120.3 104 72.2 69.4 65.6 60.1 KVA X 1000 FULL—LOAD CURRENT = 1,732 X CIRCUIT VOLTAGE 35