HomeMy WebLinkAboutCooper Valley Intertie 1995Copper Valley Intertie June 29, 1995 “Tecrrio i Topics Overview General Manager Chronology State Loan R W Beck Study RFP Discussion Benefits Limiting Factors Recommendation Slide 2 hugach'XS lectric AN Copper Valley Intertie Sutton-Glennallen 138 kV Line John S. Cooley Manager, Planning June 29, 1995 Slide 3 cere Chronology e 12/92 Power supply feasibility e 5/93 Legislature authorizes $35 million loan e 12/93 Offer to be a resource to CVEA e 3/94 Power supplier affirmation e 7/94 DCRA determines line was feasible e 9/94 Chugach proposal in response to RFP e 2/95 Expanded proposal e 3/95 Blue Ribbon Committee formed e 4/95 Joint Chugach/CVEA board meeting ¢ 6/95 Closure of CVEA RFP process Slide 4 “icncl State Loan e CVEA has highest non-PCE rates ¢ Scaled down version of Northeast Intertie e CVEA lobbied for interties e Loan part of 1993 legislative interties package - $35 million - 50 year term - No interest payments - Feasibility Study required Slide 5 mecca §=6sR W Beck Study e Economic Feasibility per State standards - transfer payments ignored e Multiple Load Forecasts - Low, Medium-Low, Medium-High, High e Alternate Resource Plans - All Diesel, Intertie, Allison Lake, Silver Lake, Coal Slide 6 hugach’§ Ciena Cumulative Present Value of System Costs (millions) oa) High Med-High Med-Low oY) All Diesel Intertie Allison Lake ico FP Process and Proposals * Requested 10 to 20 yr Power Supply Proposal - for delivery at Sutton e ML&P and Chugach responded e Chugach Proposal - Firm Power Requirements net of Solomon Gulch - Negotiated 10-20 yr Contract - Take-and-pay System sale delivered at Sutton - Tariff rates approved by APUC - 1998 estimated cost 4 cents per kWh - Offer to negotiate additional benefits for CVEA ¢ CVEA closed out process Slide 8 hugach(Sa lenis DiscussIONS ASSOCIATION, INC. Chugach staff has met with: ¢ Clayton Hurless, CVEA General Manager ¢ CVEA Board of Directors ¢ Chugach Board of Directors e Valdez city officials e Petro Star Refinery officials e Alyeska Pipeline officials e Blue Ribbon Panel Slide 9 $ Millions Annual Benefit to Chugach SET Peg vay creer eS m= CVEA pays 4% of Line Costs mC VEA pays 20%, No RAMP | zCV Intertie cost based on State loan plus 12.6 $million RUS loan Base Case Resource Option cents/kWh Eee eer Integration Evaluation of Power Supply Alternatives, R W Beck, June 1995 Relevant Factors and Politics ¢ Benefits directly proportional to load - Petro Star Refinery: purchase, self-generate, co-generate? - Alyeska Terminal: isolated, co-generate, purchase? - Affect of low cost power on Copper Valley economy? - TAPS: shutdown when? effect on economy? ¢ Governor reviewing loan authorization - Blue Ribbon report in August ¢ Strength of CVEA commitment e Sutton residents opposition to intertie ¢ Cost/Benefit sharing among Chugach/MEA/HEA/SES Slide 12 musachyas Recommendation ¢ Demonstrate support for intertie e Commence negotiating Power Sale Arrangement with CVEA - Firm, Requirements net of Solomon Gulch - Pool cost of intertie with Chugach G&T assets - Participate in construction with CVEA - Otherwise aid CVEA intertie activities as necessary e Ensure benefits accrue to Chugach customers Slide 13