HomeMy WebLinkAboutChefornak BFR 1991State of Alaska N\ Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation May 22, 1991 Mr. David Lewis, Sr., Chief Traditional Elders Council P.O. Box 110 Chefornak, Alaska 99561 Subject: Grant Agreement No. 2800334 Amendment No. 1 Dear Mr. Lewis: Enclosed for your files is an original si pet of the subject grant agreement aserieral for the Chefornak mate Faet ieaate r project. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or Percents for the projects, please contact Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects, at 800-478-7877 or at the address markial below. We ar Jeased to be able to assist with these projects. Mstod 1 LM a ro Director of Rural ( grams Sin DDC:ekn Enclosure as stated cc: Senator Lyman F. Hoffman, Alaska State Legislature Representative Ivan M. Ivan, Alaska State Legislature Sue White, Alaska Energy Authorit Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Pat Woodell, Alaska Energy Authority Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority O PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 X PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Contact No. 2800334 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT Chefornak Bulk Fuel Repair #2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 THE GRANT AGREEMENT (Alaska Energy Authority Contract No. 2800334) entered into on the 9th day of November, 1990, between the CHEFORNAK TRADITIONAL ELDERS COUNCIL (Grantee) and the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (Energy Authority), is hereby amended, this _22na day of Wor , 1991, as follows: Article A, ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS Paragraph 1, is amended to ADD $10,500 to the original grant amount of $25,450: 1. Subject to appropriation and availability from the sources of grant funding described in Appendix B to this Agreement, grant to the Grantee an amount, not to exceed $35,950 for performance under this Agreement. APPENDIX A, Scope of Work New Paragraphs 4-6 are added: 4. Adjust pipeline supports as required after spring thaw (pipeline was installed during the winter). D5 extend pipeline to backup (summer) power plant. 6. Install conduit and conductors along pipeline to provide reliable power to the fuel transfer pump. APPENDIX B, Funding Source and Amount This Appendix is amended to add $10,500 to Ledger Code 81825707 and increase the total not-to-exceed amount to $35,950: Source AEA Ledger Code Not to Exceed Amount SLA 90, Ch. 463, Section Bulk Fuel System 139, pg. 56, line 12 Assessments & Eme. $32,350 LC 81825707 SLA 90, Ch. 463, Section 139 Life, Health, Safety $ 3,600 pg. 56, line 9 LC 81825707 TOTAL $35,950 Chefornak Grant Amendment Page 2 of 2 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: AUTHORITY for the > 72-4 | by (Date) . -v Dual CX Diveclow (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The, foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 22" day of , 1991, by Charlie Busecl , the of the Alaska Energy Authority. &) FR Siva ignature (Date) . uUr1d Le as Printed) itle STATE OF ALASKA ss. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT The ,foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this Lo wt day of [Ma , 1991, by LA Leto ’ the 2 : of the eforna raditiona ders Grant Form AEA-B1 Rev. 7/89, chefamen “State of Alaska Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation November 13, 1990 David Lewis, Sr. Traditional Elders Chief The Chefornak Elders Council P.O. Box 110 chefornak, AK 99561 Subject: Project Agreement No. 2800334 Dear Mr. Lewis: Enclosed for your files is an original signature copy of the subject agreement for the Chefornak Bulk Fuel Line Repair project. If you have any questions about the scope of work or schedule for the project, please contact Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects at 261-7311 or at the address marked below. You will also find a payroll set up information sheet attached. This should be completed and returned immediately to Kuskokwim Planning & Management Corporation. Director of Rural Programs DDC:ekn Enclosures as stated cc: Senator Johne Binkley, Alaska State Legislature Representative Lyman F. Hoffman, Alaska State Legislature Susan White, Alaska Energy Authority Pat Woodell, Alaska Energy Authority » Alaska Energy Authority Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority 3 PO. Box AM = Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ea PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Alaska Energy Authority Payroll Set Up Information Grant Number 3B g 00 33 4 Community Name ( h e fo cna k Payroll checks for this project cannot be issued without the following information. Please fill in this form immediately and mail to: Mr. Gregory Dixon Kuskokwim Planning & Management Corporation P.O. Box 104460 Anchorage, AK. 99510 Phone: 276-2101 * Name of organization “The ( ‘hetor rave! k : Iders Co UNC | Name of person signing Agreement Da Vv id L eu MN S, S +e Address P.O, doy L0- Chefarnak AK A956 Telephone Number Federal Tax Identification Number Employment Security Contribution (ESC) Account Number from Alaska Department of Labor ESC Rate (or copy of Rate Notice from Alaska Department of Employee Rate Labor --please send copy of rate notice if possible) Employer Rate My City participates in the FICA Program (second class cities only) / | Yes / | No * Please contact Greg Dixon if you have questions about the information requested. FN:C:fedidipw Contract No. 2800 33Y ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT and its appendices A and B, entered into this qm day of {Rinire , 1990 between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy uthority) and the CHEFORNAK TRADITIONAL ELDERS COUNCIL (the Grantee) provides for a grant for the Project described in Appendix A. Article A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1. Subject to appropriation and availability from the source of funding described in Appendix B, Section |, grant to the Grantee an amount, not to exceed $25,450 for performance under this Agreement. 2. Disburse the grant described in Paragraph 1 of this Article in the manner provided in Appendix B, Section Il. 3. Provide advice and assistance to the Grantee on administrative, management, and technical matters relating to the Project, serve as the Grantee’s agent for the design and construction management of the Project, perform a final inspection of the Project upon completion, and issue a Notice of Project Completion. 4. | Upon completion of the Project and subject to availability of funding, place the Grantee in the Energy Authority’s Circuit Rider Maintenance Program to provide operator training and routine preventative maintenance assistance for the Grantee’s electrical system. 5. Abide by the terms, conditions, and covenants provided in Appendices A and B. Article B. GRANTEE COVENANTS The Grantee will: 1. | Expend grant funds only for the purposes provided for under this Agreement. aoe 2. Perform the Scope of Work described in Appendix A, Section Il. 3. Obtain all titles, easements and other approvals necessary to provide clear title and to establish the Grantee’s legal right and authority to construct, maintain, and operate the Project and its facilities. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 5 of Appendix B , Section IIB, ensure that the Energy Authority and its contractors and consultants have reasonable access to Project facilities and records for inspection during construction of the Project and over the life of Project facilities for performance analysis and testing. Grant Form AEA-01, Rev. 8/80/Chefgrt Chefornak Grant wment Page 2 of 6 5. | Designate the Energy Authority as its agent in the design and construction management of the Project and delegate to the Energy Authority full authority over all decisions in connection with construction, start-up, and run-in of the Project, including approval of contractor selection, approval of plans and specifications; choices of scheduling, manpower, methods, procurement, materials, and procedures for the Project; disposition of surplus equipment; performance of final inspection; and issuance of a Notice of Project Completion. 6. If available, provide local labor, manpower assistance, and/or construction equipment to Energy Authority personnel on-site, upon request, in connection with construction of the Project. 7. Within fifteen days after issuance of a Notice of Project Completion by the Energy Authority, sign an acknowledgement of Project completion or identify in writing any specific task that the Grantee considers incomplete. 8. Upon completion of the Project, accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of Project facilities, participate in the Energy Authority’s Circuit Rider Maintenance Program, select qualified personnel to be trained to operate and maintain the facilities, and operate and maintain the system in strict compliance with applicable codes and regulations, using standard utility project management and operation and maintenance practices for the life of Project facilities. 9. Refrain from asserting tribal sovereignty as a defense against enforcement of the Grantee’s obligations under this Agreement. 10. Abide by the terms, conditions and covenants provided in appendices A and B. Article C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority and the Grantee agree to the following: 1. Indemnification. (a) The Energy Authority and the Grantee shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the other party to this Agreement, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from all liability, including costs and expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, or employees or anyone directly or indirectly employed by it in the performance of this Agreement. The labor and manpower assistance provided the Grantee under Article B, Paragraph 6 of this Agreement shall be considered the officers, agents, servants, or employees of the Grantee for purposes of construing these indemnification provisions. (b) All actions or claims, including costs and expenses, resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the Grantee’s performance of this Agreement which are caused by the joint negligence of the Energy Authority and the Grantee shall be appropriated on a comparative fault basis. Any such joint negligence on the part of the Energy Authority must be a direct result of active involvement by the Energy Authority. 2. Ri Rescind_Gr: and_ Termin Agreem The Grantee acknowledges the right of the Energy Authority to rescind the grant authorized by this Agreement and to terminate this Agreement without payment of liquidated damages to Grant Form AEA-01, Rev. &/86/Chetgrt Chefornak Grant ment Page 3 of 6 the Grantee if it is determined by the Energy Authority to be in the best interest of the State to do so, if funds are no longer available, or for cause. For the purposes of this paragraph, "cause" is defined as the provision of incorrect or misleading information by the Grantee or the Grantee’s failure to provide information that, in the opinion of the Energy Authority, is a material fact that would have influenced Energy Authority actions. Under these conditions, the Grantee waives any right of recourse and will reimburse the Energy Authority for all funds the Grantee has received according to this Agreement plus all costs, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Energy Authority to perfect its claim or collect those funds. 3. Availability of Funding. The Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to availability of money from the State of Alaska or other sources to finance performance under this Agreement. If funding is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Agreement and before the completion of performance, the Energy Authority may terminate the Agreement without incurring liquidated damages. The Energy Authority may, in its discretion, renegotiate the terms of this Agreement to comply with any new funding limitations or conditions. 4. Audit Requirements. This Agreement is subject to the audit requirements of Title 2, Chapter 45 (Grant Administration) of the Alaska Administrative Code (AAC), commonly referred to as the "Single Audit Regulation." 5. Grantee Not Being Agents of the Energy Authority. It is agreed that the Grantee, its officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Energy Authority in the performance of this Agreement. 6. Disputes. Either party to this Agreement may bring an action against the other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the superior court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All legal costs, including attorneys’ an = = provided for in this Agreement, shall be allocated pursuant to Alaska ivil Rule 82. 7. Rights of Other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confer no rights on any third parties. 8. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions and appendices represent the entire agreement and shall extend to and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 9. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid had not been included herein. 10. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project is to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities or use of power produced from Project facilities due to race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. Grant Form AEA-01, Rev. 6/86/Chefgrt Chetornak Grant ment Page 4 of 6 11. Notices. Any notice required of either party shall be in writing and, unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party’s place of business, which in the case of the Energy Authority shail be: Robert E. LeResche, Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 907) 561-7877 or (800) 478-7877 and in the case of the Grantee shall be: David Lewis, Sr., Traditional Elders Chief The Chefornak Elders Council P.O. Box 110 Chefornak, AK. 99561 (907) 867 8528 Grant Form AEA-O1, Rev. 6/8@/Chetgt Chefornak Grant A nent Page 50f6 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY a f\ ~ by YD > lon (2. sole, Wl G/7Z= ignature) (Date) Gre@iAa mA DQ Accra JADU (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was aca before me this Gin day of f\yempee , 1990, by gt €. Lrexte _ , the ITE D 2eCTO for THE CHEFORNAK TRADITIONAL ELDERS COUNCIL The foregoing eae by es was acknowledged before me this en (ate) i (‘(‘(‘Cé;~S; David ie, S41, Cd Leet Name Printed) STATE OF ALASKA ss. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ing Agreement was acknowledged before me this Ten, of , 1990, by , the e rm radition: ders ouncll. Gram Form AEA-01, Rev. 8/80/Chefgrt Grant Agreement Page 5 of 6 APPENDIX A PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCHEDULE The purpose of this project is to replace the fuel transfer line used by the Naterkaq Light Plant to transfer fuel from their bulk storage tanks to their day tank. The hose currently used for this purpose shall be replaced with welded steel piping. Every effort shall be made to complete this project before December of 1990, but if weather prevents this completion date, the project shall be scheduled for completion by June 30, 1991. SCOPE OF WORK With the assistance and under direction of the Energy Authority, the Grantee shall: 1. | Remove the existing 1 1/4" fuel hose that extends approximately 1200 feet from the tank farm to the Light Plant, and install approximately 1200 feet of 2" welded steel pipe to serve the same purpose. 2. Relocate the Light Plant fuel transfer pump house in accordance with plans prepared by the Energy Authority. 3. Install new wiring to serve the fuel transfer pump. Grant Form AEA-A2, Rev. 7/89 Grant Agreement Page 6 of 6 APPENDIX B I. FUNDING SOURCE AND AMOUNT Source AEA Ledger Code Not to Exceed Amount SLA 90, Ch. 463, Section Bulk Fuel System 139, pg. 56, line 12 Assessments & Eme. $21,850 LC 81825707 SLA 90, Ch. 463, Section 139 Life, Health, Safety $ 3,600 pg. 56, line 9 LC 81825707 TOTAL $25,450 ll. GRANT DISBURSEMENT/ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE A. On behalf of the Grantee, the Energy Authority will engage an accounting firm that will receive grant funds from the Energy Authority, disburse funds for the payment of obligations, and provide record and bookkeeping services associated with administration of the Project, including preparation of all federal, State and other reports related to payroll, such as taxes, insurance, unemployment, pension, health and welfare fund contributions. The Energy Authority will serve as liaison between the Grantee and the bookkeeping firm in providing approved invoices and time sheets for payment. B. The Grantee will: 1. Authorize the Energy Authority to procure the bookkeeping services as described above on the Grantee’s behalf, and authorize the bookkeeping service to perform the services described above, on the Grantee’s behalf, including payment of approved invoices and time sheets. 2. , of authorizing the bookkeeping service to perform the services described above, accept responsibility for all grant funds disbursed under this Agreement including, where applicable, payment of all payroll and other taxes and Workman’s Compensation. In addition, the Grantee will accept responsibility for acquisition of appropriate general liability insurance coverage. 3. Account for the funds received under this Agreement as contributions-in-aid of construction and, therefore, refrain from including those funds or property acquired with those funds in future rate base calculations. 4. | Upon completion of the Project and payment of outstanding bills, authorize the bookkeeping firm to remit to the Energy Authority, on the Grantee’s behalf, any grant funds advanced to the Grantee but not expended under this Agreement. 5. Maintain Project related accounting records for four years following completion of the Project and allow the Energy Authority to examine said records at any reasonable time. Grant Form AEA-B2, Rev. 7/89 aan an ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 4 Tih LC No:: TRIP REPORT Avon 24, 1991 By: George Sterbenz Remote Construction/ Maintenance Worker Location and Dates of Trip: Chenega Bay May 21 - May 27, 1991 Persons Accompanying on Trip: None Purpose of Trip: "Chenega Bay Buk Fuel Emergency Repair Significant Contacts: John Totemoff, President, IRA Significant Events: Remove old pipeline and build new pipeline, tying in three other fuel tanks. wre oe eT S0853 (1) — ee rrr LE A I TE EE EE RE EE ee ET ee Uncorrected Problems: Daily Travel Log: May 21, 1991 May 22, 1991 TJ0853(2) Departed Anchorage at 5:45 a.m. Arrived in Seward at 8:00 a.m. Drove over to Harbor Air and unloaded freight. Went down to the small boat harbor to load the aircraft for the first flight to Chenega Bay. The wind kicked up in the bay, hampering the departure of the aircraft. Waited until 3:00 p.m. and then the pilot took over the first plane load. The plane returned at 4:30 p.m. and the wind had kicked up again. Waited until 6:30 p.m. and then the other flights were called off for the day. Stayed overnight in Seward. The plane departed with the second load at 9:00 a.m. Returned at 10:30 a.m. and loaded the final load. Departed Seward at 12:30 p.m. Arrived in Chenega Bay at 1:00 p.m. Met John Totemoff, the Chief, at the boat dock. Moved al parts and tools over to the tank farm. John provided two laborers for assisting me on the pipeline. Removed the old manifold piping etween fuel tanks and installed four of six new valves onto the fuel tanks. May 23, 1991 May 24, 1991 May 25, 1991 May 26, 1991 May 27, 1991 TJ0853(3) Prewelded flanges to 3" x 2" reducers. Next, | welded flanges to all six 3" tees. Took measurements for the pipe between all six tanks. Precut 3" pipe and started welding pipe together. Finished prewelding 3° pipe for the tank manifold. Layed pipe into place. Measured pipe length for nipple connection between the reducer and the valve on the tank. Made final connections on all tanks, to the pipe mainfold. Pup pipe supports where needed. Hooked up air and pressure tested at 80 psi. Soaped all welded joints and checked for leaks. Built a new base for the fuel pump and set the pump on top of the base. Made final connection for the fuel pump, over to the new pipeline. Weather was poor, thus hampering my departure for Seward. Cleaned up and packed the tools away. Took the necessary measurements for as-builts a the fuel tanks and dike area. Cleaned up around the tank farm. Weather was poor again. Plane attempted to come in, but turned around bacause of poor visibility. Plane finally made it in at 5:00 p.m. Departed Chenega Bay at 5:15 p.m. Arrived in Seward at 5:45 p.m. Unloaded the plane and put the tools into the company truck. Departed Seward at 6:30 p.m. Arrived in Anchorage at 8:30 p.m. Summary New mainfold pipeline is 100% completed. All six tanks are now tied in together with the new mainfold pipeline. new 3" SST flexs are installed at each fuel tank. As-builts have been done of the new pipeline. Copies to: Hans Jensen, Remote Construction/Maintenance Manager Travel Authorization PR# Travel Expense Request File: Chenega Bay Enclosures: TJ0853(4) Rata ee = Oe ec aeaenae ama ae ST [3 | Bit \Serbenz | 240.00 | 0s/i7[s7 (Fdvance/incncga Bay /oe/2/-apen wl ase J oe > La kt aI NA RASS SoS Ee -S psf eee LE Pe CERTIFICATION: | certify that the facts herein and on supporting documents are correct that this voucher constitutes a legal charge against funds and appropriations cited that sufficient funds are encumbered 10 pay this obligation or that there is « sufficient unencumbered balance in the appropriation cited to cover this obligation. 1am aware that certifying fase, inaccurate or misleading documents constitutes an unswom falsification under AS 11.56.210. ee ee File: T.A. No.: LC No.: Date: June 7, 1991 By: George Sterbenz Remote Construction/ Maintenance Worker II TRIP REPORT Location and Dates of Trip: Chefornak, Alaska i) Le (ox u June 4-6, 1991 Persons Accompanying on Trip: 2) Live N/A Purpose of Trip: Fuel Line Repair Significant Contacts: Bernie Lewis, Power Plant Administrator Significant Events: Completed fuel line installation to summer time generator shed. Fixed exhaust pipe and voltage fluctuation on summer time generator. Uncorrected Problems: None Daily Travel Log: June 4, 1991 Departed Anchorage at 7:00 a.m. Arrived in Bethel at 8:00 a.m. Moved gear over to Hagelands Air, whom | will be flying with out to Chefornak. Departed Bethel at 9:30 am. Arrived in Chefornak at 10:15 a.m. John Lewis, the plant operator, met me at the airport. John then moved tools and parts over to the summer time powerhouse, and personal gear over to the school, where | will be staying. | went and let the power plant 91Q2\JD0940(1) June 5, 1991 June 6, 1991 ee 91Q2\JD0940(2) administrator, know that | had arrived and was starting the project. John and one other individual were going to be local labor on this project. | had local labor clear a path for the new fuel line route and to also bring up spare 2" pipe from the fuel tank farm. Afterwards, | made necessary pipe cuts and welds to install three way valve in the main 2" fill line. Local labor then started laying out conduit between the new powerhouse and the pump shock. | started welding up the 2" pipe for the new fill line going to the summer time generator shed. Finished fill line assembly. Air tested line with approximately 50 Ibs. of air. Soaped all welds and checked for leaks. Afterwards, | disconnected the air and reconnected the fill line. Started assembly of 3/4" ridged conduit for fuel pump service. Finished assembly of conduit, with new wire installed, between power plant and fuel pump shack. Next, | welded a 3" 90° elbow with rain cap, onto the existing exhaust pipe of the summer time generator. Started unit up and checked for voltage stability. Voltage went form 480-490 very erratically. Adjusted stability trimpot on the newage voltage regulator until stable voltage was received. Put unit on line at 2:00 p.m. Continued monitoring voltage to check for stability. After about an hour, | was satisfied with the operation of the unit. Packed up tools and equipment. | then walked the entire fill line between the tank farm and powerhouse to check for anything that might look out of the ordinary. Except for some supports that have fallen over, the line looked fine. Took pictures of the line and completed an asbuilt of the newly installed fill line. Departed Chefornak at 5:15 p.m. Arrived in Bethel at 6:00 p.m. Departed Bethel at 6:50 p.m. Arrived in Anchorage at 7:55 p.m. Copies to: Hans Jensen, Remote Maintenance/Construction Manager Travel Authorization PR# Travel Expense Request File: 91Q2\JD0940(3) MEMO TO FILE SUBJECT: TRIP REPORT & DIARY, CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE DATE: ‘of 11-30-90 V BY JERRY 11-23-90, FRIDAY, LEFT ANCH. AT 10:30 AM, ARRIVING BETHEL AT 12:00 NOON. CHECKED WITH ARCTIC AIR FOR FREIGHT SHIPPED WEDNESDAY EVENING. THEY HAD NOT SEEN IT! OFF TO B & G ENTERPRISES, NORTHERN AIR CARGO REP’S. THE SECRETARY DID NOT HAVE PAPERWORK ON ANYTHING FOR AEA, AND EVERYONE ELSE WAS OUT! I FINALLY CONVINCED HER THAT I WAS NOT GOING TO RUN OFF WITH THE FREIGHT AND LET ME LOOK IN THE WAREHOUSE. MY TOOLS ETC. WERE LOCATED RIGHT IN FRONT ON A PALLET. SHE FINALLY FOUND THE PAPERWORK IN THE "TO BE TRANSFERRED" PILE. (THEY USE THE PILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM!) FINALLY ABLE TO GET MATERIAL LOADED INTO ARCTIC AIR’S PICKUP TRUCK AND DELIVERED TO THEIR HANGER. GUESS WHAT? THE SARATOGA PIPER THAT WAS TO TAKE MAIL, MY FREIGHT, AND ME TO CHEFORNAK JUST ARRIVED WITH A BLOWN OIL COOLER. THERE WAS OIL OVER EVERYTHING. MAYBE I SHOULD JUST TAKE A SNOWMACHINE! FINALLY DEPARTED AT 3:00 PM ARRIVING AT CHEFORNAK AT 4:00 PM. THE LOCAL BORDER GUARD, AT THE SEARCH BUILDING, WAS NOT ON DUTY, SO CHECKED IN AT THE SCHOOL. I FOUND THE WELDER, RAYMOND ERIK, AND HELPER NICK WISEMAN. WE MOVED TOOLS AND MATERIALS FROM THE AIRPORT TO THE WAREHOUSE FOR THE EVENING. SETUP WORK SCHEDULE FOR THE USUAL 9:00 AM (DAYLIGHT). I FOUND OUT THE CARPENTER CREW QUIT AT NOON ON TUESDAY AND THE WELDING CREW FINISHED 11-21- 90 WITH ALL THE WELDED SPOOLS. A QUICK INSPECTION BEFORE DARK SHOWED ALL LENGTHS LAYING IN THEIR CORRECT LOCATIONS, AS I HAD DIRECTED. 11-24-90, SATURDAY. EVERYONE ON THE JOB AT 9:00 AM SHARP! PASSED OUT ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE DAY AND MOBILIZED TO THE TANK FARM. EVERYONE WORKED TOGETHER ON THIS TASK WHICH WAS TO ISOLATE AND DRAIN THE EXISTING MANIFOLD, REMOVE IT, CLEAN GASKET SURFACES ON VALVES, INSTALL NEW STAINLESS FLEX, MEASURE TANK PLUMBING MODIFICATIONS, WELD FLANGES, TEE’S, AND ONE EXTENSION TO ESTABLISH THE LAYOUT FOR THE NEW MANIFOLD. MEASURED THE DISTANCE BETWEEN TEE’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’T START CALMING TILL 6-6:30 PM, THE END OF THE DAY. I SPENT THE DAY RUNNING IN THE NEW AIR COMPRESSOR, (SEATING THE RINGS PER START UP MANUAL) INSTALLING QUICK DISCONNECTS ON THE HOSE AND TEST EQUIPMENT, REPAIRED OUR 16 FT. TAPE MEASURE, AND CONSOLIDATED EQUIPMENT SO TWO LESS TOOL BOXES WILL NEED TO GO OUT ON THE TUNDRA. BOUGHT A CAN OF WD - 40 OIL AT THE HARDWARE STORE, TOOK THE HAND TOOL BOX BACK TO THE SCHOOL, DRIED, OILED, AND COUNTED TOOLS. ALL THERE! MADE MORE DETAILED SKETCHES ON SUB ASSEMBLIES TO HELP EXPEDITE WORK SEQUENCE. JOB IS GOING GOOD, WITH WEATHER CAUSING MOST OF THE PROBLEMS. CREW 0 HRS, ME STD. 7.5 HRS. 11-26-90, MONDAY. GREAT WEATHER! MID - TEEN’S, OVERCAST, AND A LIGHT BREEZE. AT THE SHOP @ 8:00 AM GETTING TOOLS READY TO GO. CREW ARRIVED AT 9:00 AM SHARP. I PASSED OUT FABRICATION INSTRUCTIONS AND WAS LAYING ROD BY 9:16 AM! NOT BAD CONSIDERING SUNRISE IS AT 10:42 AM! THE CARPENTER CREW CONTINUED TO INSTALL PIPE SUPPORTS 10 FT. ON CENTER, AND THE WELDERS FINISHED THE 3" MANIFOLD BY NOON. WE TOOK A 30 MINUTE LUNCH AND WORKED 12:30 TO 6:30 PM STRAIGHT WITH NO BREAKS. CREW 9 HRS. ME 10 HRS. WE MADE GOOD PROGRESS TODAY, ONE MORE LIKE TODAY SHOULD JUST ABOUT FINISH IT UP. THERE ARE RUMORS ABOUT ANOTHER STORM ON THE WAY, POSSIBLY TOMORROW. THERE ARE TOO MANY "FINAL" DECISIONS TO MAKE AT THIS POINT IN THE PROJECT TO LEAVE IT TO THEIR JUDGEMENT. ALL OF THE CREW MEMBERS ARE GREAT GUYS TO WORK WITH. I HAVE PRIMARILY CONCENTRATED ON OVERSEEING THE WELDERS RATHER THAN CARPENTERS, AS THEIR WORK IS MORE CRITICAL AND MORE DIFFICULT TO CORRECT ERRORS, ESPECIALLY WITHOUT A TORCH! THE CARPENTERS HAVE ASKED FOR AND RECEIVED ONLY GENERAL GUIDANCE AND HAVE DONE A GREAT JOB. IT APPEARS ALL THE TRIANGULAR CUTS OF 2 X 12 FOR THE BRIDGE WILL BECOME ELEVATED SUPPORTS FOR THE OIL LINE THRU THE DEEP SWAMP. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE INFORMED ME THAT THE SWAMP CLOSEST TO THE ROAD HAS A 6 TO 8 FT. CHANNEL IN THE MIDDLE AND HAS A TIDAL INFLUENCE. THIS IS WHY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEVATED THEIR LINE SO HIGH. WE DID ALSO! THE LOCAL TRAFFIC PATTERN FOR SNOW MACHINES WILL HAVE TO CHANGE. SOUNDS LIKE ANCHORAGE! OVERALL WE HAVE GOOD SUPPORT LOCALLY, WITH MANY INSPECTORS "ELDERS" WANDERING BY AND OBSERVING AND COMMENTING ON THE WORK. 11-27-90, TUESDAY. TODAY STARTED OFF LIKE WINTER, -3 F WITH 16 MPH WIND FROM THE NORTH. BETHEL RADIO ESTIMATED -31 F WIND CHILL! TIME FOR THE FUR HAT AND BUNNY BOOTS. THE CREW SHOWED UP AS USUAL AND MADE A COUPLE OF STATEMENTS ABOUT BEING COOL THIS MORNING! WE STARTED WORK THIS AM UNDER THE STARS AND TOOK ALL COFFEE BREAKS AND 30 MIN. LUNCH JUST TO KEEP WARM. WE QUIT AT 5:30 PM, AT A CONVENIENT TIME IN THE CONSTRUCTION. WE ARE KEEPING THE WELDER AND COMPRESSOR IN THE POWERHOUSE AT NIGHT SO THEY WILL START. THE WELDER IS RUNNING GREAT BUT THE COMPRESSOR IS ON STRIKE! IT EVIDENTLY IS FOR SUMMER USE, INSIDE A GARAGE, ETC.. I WILL CALL THE MANUFACTURER WHEN IN ANCHORAGE TO CONFIRM LOWER OPERATING TEMPERATURE LIMIT. WORK WENT OK TODAY, BUT EVERYTHING SEEMED SLOW, WITH TASKS HAVING TO BE REDONE ETC. IT IS EITHER THE DIFFICULTY OF WORKING IN THESE TEMPERATURES OR THE CREW’S SEEING THE END OF THE JOB AND ARE DRAGGING IT OUT. CREW 8 HRS. ME 9 HRS. 11-28-90, WEDNESDAY. COOL AND CLEAR AGAIN. STARTED THE DAY AGAIN UNDER THE STARS AND FINISHED THE DAY AT 6:00 PM UNDER A 3/4 MOON! IS THIS WHAT THEY CALL MOONLIGHTING? OVERALL THE DAY WENT VERY GOOD, JUST SLOW TO SOMEONE IN A HURRY, ME! RAN INTO OUR FIRST LINE WITH AN ICE PLUG. THIS WAS ONE OF THE SPOOLS WELDED WHEN I WAS GONE FOR THANKSGIVING. I HAD THE CREW TAPE ALL PIPE ENDS WITH DUCT TAPE, TWICE, BUT WARM WEATHER AND RAIN CAUSED OVERFLOW AND FILLED 25% OF THE PIPE ANYHOW. IT TOOK 2 MEN 1 1/2 HOURS TO THAW AND BEAT THE ICE OUT. WE CHECKED THE LINE WITH COMPRESSED AIR. THE PIPELINE IS NOW COMPLETE FROM THE 3" MANIFOLD THRU THE SUPPLY SIDE OF THE FUEL TRANSFER PUMP BUILDING. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN PRESSURE TESTED AND BUBBLE CHECKED OK. TO DATE WE HAVE HAD A TOTAL OF 4 PINHOLES TO REPAIR. CREW 8 HRS, ME 9 HRS. 11-29-90, THURSDAY. CLEAR AND COLD WITH NO WIND, GOOD WORKING DAY! FINISHED PUMPHOUSE PLUMBING IN AND OUT LINES BY NOON. IN THE AFTERNOON, WE ALIGNED THE UPPER LINE TO THE DAYTANK AT THE POWERHOUSE, AND TIED IN THE FLEXES. AFTER A SHORT BREAK AT 3:00 PM, WE FILLED THE MANIFOLD AND LINE FROM THE LARGEST TANK. HAD ONE SMALL LEAK UNDER THE ROAD CROSSING, AND FOUND 2 BOLTS ON FLANGE AND FLEX HAD NOT BEEN TORQUED PROPERLY. THIS WAS A QUICK FIX WITH WRENCHES AND NO OTHER LEAK OBSERVED, CLOSED THE VALVE ON THE MAIN TANK. AFTER THE PLANT OPERATOR PUMPED THEIR DAILY FUEL, WE DISCONNECTED THE HOSE SYSTEM AND REPLUMBED THE PUMP TO FEED FROM THE NEW LINE. THE LACK OF LIGHT AND COLD WEARY, WE QUIT IN PITCH DARK AT 6:30 PM WITH 2 SHORT LINES TO FINISH IN THE MORNING. WE RAN INTO A FITTING PROBLEM. THE THREADS IN/OUT OF THE FUEL METER ARE 1’ NPT. OUR ONLY 10’ STICKS OF PIPE ARE 1 1/4 AND 1 1/2’ WE HAVE 90 ELLS, CAPS, ETC. FOR 1 1/4’ BUT ONLY A COUPLE OF 1’ NIPPLES. THERE ARE NO BELLS OR BUSHINGS TO GO 1’ TO 1 1/4’ OR 1 1/2’. WE WILL HAVE TO MAKE AN ADAPTER. (WELD THE SUCKER!) BORROWED AN 1 1/4’ PIPE DIE AND WILL MAKE IT WORK, ALTHOUGH SOMEWHAT CRUDE. EVERYONE WANTS TO WORK ON FINISHING THE PIPE SUPPORTS, AS THEY ALL WANT TO GET TRAPPING! SETTING TRAPS AT -30 TO-50 F!! WHAT FUN! TOMORROW IS FORECAST CLEAR AND COLD. WILL TRY TO WRAP UP THIS PHASE OF THE PROJECT AND DEMOB. 11-30-90, FRIDAY. IN THE SHOP AT 7:30 AM. PACKED UP PERSONAL GEAR, MEASURED 300 GALLON TANK IN OLD POWERHOUSE FOR POSSIBLE USE AT THE NEW POWERHOUSE. UNLOCKED PUMPHOUSE AND MOVE PIPE WRENCHES, DOPE, AND NIPPLES TO THE WAREHOUSE. THE CREW ARRIVED AT 9:00 AM. WE STARTED BY PACKING TOOL NO LONGER NEEDED AND RETURNING TOOLS, MATERIALS, ETC. TO THE OWNERS. PAID THE SCHOOL FOR ROOM AND BOARD, HAD MEN SIGN TIME SHEETS, PICKED UP TIME SHEET AND W-2 FOR DAVID LEWIS, TIME KEEPER FOR ME DURING THANKSGIVING. WE FINISHED PLUMBING THE DAYTANK JUST AS ARCTIC CIRCLE AIR ARRIVED. RAY AND NICK SAID THEY WOULD GET JONATHAN, THE OPERATOR, AND TEST THE LINE. I DO NOT ANTICIPATE ANY PROBLEMS. THIS IS THE LAST 15% OF THE LINE AND ALL UNDER PUMP PRESSURE. IF A DRIP DEVELOPS, SHUT THE PUMP OFF AND FIX IT. DEPARTED CHEFORNAK AT 1:30 PM ARRIVING BETHEL AT 2:15 PM. WROTE PR TO ARCTIC AIR TO BACK HAUL VIA N.A.C. 510# OF TOOLS TO ANCHORAGE. I RODE INTO AND BACK FROM CHEFORNAK WITH THE FREIGHT, AT NO CHARGE. CHECKED IN WITH MARK AIR FOR FLIGHT HOME. LEFT BETHEL AT 7:00 PM ARRIVING AT ANCHORAGE AT 8:00 PM. THIS HAS BEEN ONE LONG COLD WEEK! WAI t a GA DORESS STATE ZIP CODE PAS eee aN eS iil 22: Wn, = | HK PURPC Maes foci a a0 new PL / ‘i = x Raho 6H mY gas CODING - \} : See ‘a “6 : Ay DEPAR I 0 aD Q S$ i STINERARY — x) fe 6 rae Brat (0 mA La ieee pom be roubeeehrcira TUAL_CoBTS ae CLAIMANT'S CERTIFICATION: The facts stated herein n oF SUBTOTALS correct and in accordance wit blished travel reguiagéns, . £00 a CETTE! TOTAL ALL ciamavrs sonarune OIA PAGES | TREWNO. | "Ty. AMOUNT [GAYE | LESS TRAVEL ADVANCE ee eee ee * TOINOTII_$ Baas ew Ie LBROD ne aor 28 [2 RRLD Fue ede TL | e O EEE p23 thal boson ft ATCO | ie[6 Adware [hareen Fev, {iio cc “ERE OO oe Eero hicnn? | ed | aes peo PP i YOAV | sR ie PO STC RE O OTNe OTATTV 9 OVA ALIA A | | TAT | SO AL i 0 ie | OA | UT eee | ae Le CERTIFICATION: | certify that the facts herein and on supporting documents are correct that this voucher constitutes a legal charge against funds and appropriations cited that sufficent funds are encumbered to pay this obligation or that there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in the appropriation cited to cover this obligation. | am aware that certifying false, inaccurate or misleading documents constitutes an unswom falsification under AS 11.56.210. tan K Choe MEMO TO FILE SUBJECT: TRIP REPORT, CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE BY: JERRY LARSON DATE: 11-19-90 11-12-90, MONDAY, DEPARTED ANCHORAGE 10:30 AM, ARRIVING BETHEL 11:55 AM. MARK AIR CANCELED THEIR FLIGHT AT 2:00 PM AND ALASKA AIR (ERA) CANCELED AT 3:30 PM. WE HAD VERY BAD WEATHER, FREEZING RAIN MIXED WITH SNOW.I WAS ABLE TO GET A ROOM AT WILSONS B&B FOR THE NIGHT. 11-13-90, TUESDAY, YUTE AND CAMI CANCELED THEIR AM FLIGHTS DUE TO WEATHER. MARK AIR (HERMANS) LEFT BETHEL IN A TWIN OTTER AT 1:30 PM ARRIVING IN CHEFORNAK AT 2:15 PM. CHEFORNAK STILL HAS THEIR SEARCH B.S. IN EFFECT! AFTER SEARCHING ALL MY BAGS, FREIGHT, AND ME , I FINALLY CHECKED IN AT THE SCHOOL. THE PRINCIPAL RELUCTANTLY LET ME STAY AT THE SCHOOL, IN THE ATTIC, WITH THE CACHE OF FOOD! AT LEAST, I GOT A KEY FOR THE FRONT DOOR, SHOP DOOR, USE OF THE MAIN KITCHEN, AND BATHROOM FACILITIES. MET WITH THE CREW AT THE UTILITY OFFICE, LAID OUT THE PROJECT, PASSED OUT DESIGN DOCUMENTS, FILLED OUT EMPLOYMENT PAPERWORK, GATHERED SHIPPED IN MATERIAL, SET UP FABRICATION AREA, AND UNLOADED FITTING BOXES TO CONFIRM PACKING LISTS. QUIT AT 6:00 PM FOR A START AT 8:00 AM UNDER HALOGEN WORK LIGHTS! 11-14-90, WEDNESDAY, EVERYONE WAS AT WORK AT 8:00 SHARP! (A GOOD SIGN) LINED OUT THE CREW MEMBERS ON SPECIFIC TASKS. CARPENTER LABORERS WERE ASSIGNED THE TASK OF DIGGING A 12" DEEP TRENCH ACROSS THE ROAD TO PLACE A 3" SCHEDULE 40 PIPE. THIS ALLOWS PROTECTION FOR THE NEW FUEL LINE, WHICH IS 2"PIPE. THAT TASK STARTED UNDER THE WORK LIGHTS TIED TO 300’ OF DROP CORD AND TOOK ALL DAY, AS THERE WAS 6" OF FROST IN THE ROAD BED. I WORKED PRIMARILY WITH THE WELDED AND ASSISTANT TO GET FUEL, MIX IT PROPERLY, START AND ADJUST THE WELDER, SET UP THE FABRICATION AREA, CHECK OUT THE WELDERS ABILITY, AND INSTRUCT THEM ON HOW TO CONDUCT A PRESSURE TEST FOR PINHOLE LEAKS. AFTER 3 WELDS, WE PERFORMED THE FIRST TEST. 1 PINHOLE IN THREE WELDS. THE WELDER WAS EMBARRASSED, REPAIRED THE LEAK AND HAS HAD ONLY ONE MORE LEAK IN OVER 40 WELDS. BY THE END OF THE FIRST FULL DAY THE 3" PIPE WAS INSTALLED IN THE ROAD BED AND BACKFILLED, AND THE FIRST 126’ STRING OF PIPELINE WAS WELDED AND TESTED. NOT A BAD FIRST DAYS WORK! LET THE CREW OFF AT 5:00 PM AND I WORKED TILL 6:00 PM INSURING THE TOOLS AND MATERIALS WERE SECURE FOR THE NIGHT. 11-15-90. THURSDAY, THE CREW ARRIVED ON TIME AT 8:00. WITH EVERYONE NOW IN HARNESS THE CREW CARRIED THE COMPLETED PIPELINE SECTION TO THE SITE LOCATION. LINED OUT THE WELDING CREW ON THE NEXT PIECE AND WORKED WITH THE LABORERS TO MANEUVER THE FIRST PIPE INTO EXACT LOCATION. EXPLAINED HOW I WANTED THE PIPE SUPPORTED, HOW TO KEEP ALIGNMENT, AND TO USE SURVEY TAPE TO WARN "MOTORISTS" OF THE NEW OBSTRUCTION. BY NOON THE WELDING CREW HAD COMPLETED THE NEXT SECTION, 90’ AND TESTED WITH "0" DEFECTS! THE AFTERNOON THE CREW COMPLETED ANOTHER 91’ SECTION WITH NO PINHOLES. A 100% INCREASE IN PRODUCTIVITY IN 1 DAY! THE SKYVAN CAME IN TWICE BRINGING LUMBER ON THE LAST LOAD. THE OTHER CREW STACKED AND MOVED THE LUMBER INTO A PROTECTED AREA BY 5:00 PM, WHEN THE CREWS QUIT FOR THE DAY. 11-16-90, FRIDAY, THE DAY TO GO HOME! PACKED AND READIED FOR 10:00 PICK-UP BY YUTE AIRLINE. NO GO. FOG AND FREEZING RAIN, BETHEL AT O CEILING AND 1/4 MILE VISIBILITY. KEEPING AN EYE ON THE WEATHER, DIRECTED THE CREW FOR THE BALANCE OF THE DAY. CARPENTER CREW PREFABED THE BRIDGE BY NOON AND MOVED THE MATERIAL TO LOCATION AFTER LUNCH. THE WELDING CREW FINISHED THE ROAD CROSSING SECTION AND 114’ SECTION TO THE TRANSFER PUMP. NO PLANES TODAY AS THE WEATHER IS TOO LOW. SHUT DOWN CREW AT 5:00 AND CLOSED UP TOOLS ETC. 11-17-90, SATURDAY, WAS GREETED AT THE SCHOOL AT 8:00 AM BY THE WELDING ASSISTANT, NICK WISEMAN, WHO WANTED TO PLAY SOLDIER WITH THE GUARD AND SHOWED ME A FORM THAT STATED I MUST CONTINUE TO PAY HIM IF HE HAS GUARD DUTY. B.S.! I PATIENTLY EXPLAINED THAT THE PROVISION WAS FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYED PERSONNEL, NOT SHORT TIME TEMPORARY HIRE PERSONNEL. THIS GUY FIGURED HE COULD GET US TO PAY HIM TO PLAY! CAN’T BLAME A GUY FOR TRYING, BUT NOT ON OUR TIME. PERHAPS HE SHOULD TRY TO GET A JOB ON A DCRA FUNDED PROJECT, THEY WOULD PROBABLY GO FOR IT! AT DAYLIGHT, THE CARPENTER CREW MOBILIZED TO THE TUNDRA TO CONTINUE THE WOOD WORK. AS NICK WOULD NOT BE WORKING THAT DAY, I SUGGESTED ONE OF THE LABORERS WORK WITH RAY ERIK, THE WELDER, TO CONTINUE THE PROJECT. I ASSIGNED MR. DAVID LEWIS, ELDER, AS TIMEKEEPER IN MY ABSENCE. DAVID IS A MEMBER OF THE TRADITIONAL COUNCIL AND A MEMBER OF THE UTILITY BOARD. HE SPEAKS LITTLE ENGLISH, BUT THE WORKERS UNDERSTAND HIM AND RESPECT HIM. THEY WILL PROBABLY BE GLAD TO SEE ME RETURN, AS HE IS KNOWN FOR NOT GIVING ANY QUARTER TO ANY WORKER. HAD A SHORT MEETING WITH THE CREW PRIOR TO BREAK AT 10:00, ASSIGNED THE KEYS TO THE TOOL BOXES TO RAYMOND ERIK AND INSTRUCTED THE CREW AS TO WHO WAS IN CHARGE IN MY ABSENCE. MY RIDE ARRIVED AT 10;00 AND ARRIVED IN BETHEL AT 11:00. MARK AIR WAS ON TIME FOR A CHANGE AND ALASKA DOES NOT HAVE A SAT. OR SUNDAY 12:30 FLIGHT. THIS LEFT THE NEXT DEPARTURE BEING MARK AIR AT 5:55 PM. THIS WAS EVENTUALLY DELAYED ETC. UNTIL A 9:30 PM DEPARTURE ARRIVING IN ANCHORAGE AT 10:30 PM. ARRIVED AT RESIDENCE AT 11:00 PM. IN SUMMARY, THE CREWS WERE ASSIGNED SUFFICIENT WORK TO KEEP THEM BUSY TILL I RETURN ON 11-26-90. THEY HAVE INSTRUCTIONS TO CALL AT WORK OR HOME WITH QUESTIONS AS THEY ARISE. pi wk MEMORANDUM STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY To: Chefornak File Date: 8/22/90 *") Thru: John Bulkow, Sue White je effec, du) Ved fio YS sf From: Steve Stassel A > g/zz Ro Subject: Chefornak 7/10/90 Trip Report ACTIONS REQUIRED: A project agreement needs to be drafted between the Alaska Energy Authority, the City of Chefornak, Naterkaq Light Plant, and the Lower Kuskokwim School District for the replacement of the fuel hose from the tank farm to the power plant. After an agreement has been obtained, a design must be prepared, materials ordered, and the repair work scheduled for installation with our construction and maintenance personnel. TRIP REPORT John Bulkow, Sue White and I, along with Lori Nottingham from Representative Hoffman’s office and Barbara O’Hara of the APUC went to Chefornak to review their bulk fuel system and to meet with the community and utility leaders. We departed from Anchorage for Bethel at 6:40 a.m. on July 10th, arriving in Bethel at 7:50 a.m. We then departed for Chefornak at approximately 10:30 a.m., arriving approximately at 11:30 a.m. Upon arrival, we were met by Victor Wiseman, Treasurer of the Traditional Council. He instructed us to proceed to the City office while he went to inform the Mayor that we had arrived. At approximately noon, we had a meeting with the following people in attendance: Barbara O’Hara - Alaska Public Utilities Commission Lori Nottingham - Rep Hoffman’s office John Bulkow, Sue White, Steve Stassel - AEA Bernadette Lewis - Acting Utility Clerk Peter Matthews, Sr. - Mayor, Chefornak Victor Wiseman - Treasurer, Traditional Council David Lewis, Sr. - Chief, Traditional Council John Eric, Vice Chairman, Traditional Council Nellie Abraham - Utility Clerk Sarah Buckles - Member, Traditional Council The meeting began with Sue White explaining our purpose for coming regarding the bulk fuel program, and the fuel systems we were interested in looking at (tanks in excess of 660 gallons, and their associated fuel lines.) Sue was asked where the money was coming from to do the work, and she responded that it was from a $1,000,000 appropriation to the Energy Authority from the legislature. Steve Stassel provided a copy of the bulk fuel questionnaire and letter that was sent to all involved communities. We were asked if we would include the corporations supply line from the tank farm to the day tank in our assessment. Our response was "yes". Lori Nottingham asked what the City’s priorities were. The response was as follows: 1 Boardwalk replacement and repair 2 Water and Sewer upgrade and repair The community had experienced problems with Hepatitis this past winter associated with the waste from the honeybuckets. Other comments indicated that the waste water lagoon is in need of repair, and the drinking water is brown. At approximately 1:00 p.m. the meeting adjourned. Lori and Sue went with Victor Wiseman to inspect the boardwalks, Barbara O’Hara met with Bernadette Lewis to review the utility’s records, while John B and Steve S went with John Eric to inspect the fuel tanks and pipelines. FUEL TANKS AND PIPELINES INSPECTIONS: Chefornak has three primary bulk fuel systems: -Corporation and Utility tank farm -High school tank farm -BIA school tank farm The PHS and National Guard each have one fuel tank of approximately 4,000 and 2,400 gallons, respectively. Individuals have stockpiled approximately 31 tanks (500 and 1,000 gallons each) along the bank of the river. The total estimated capacity of these individual tanks is roughly 25,500 gallons (20 at 1,000 gallons, and 11 at 500 gallons). There are also approximately 100-55 gallon drums along the river bank. There is no indication of how many of these tanks are currently used for fuel storage. Corporation and Utility (Light Plant) tank farms: The Corporation has eight tanks, 4 vertical tanks for gasoline with an approximate capacity of 24,017 gallons (3 @ 5,265 and 1 @ 8,225 gallons), and 4 horizontal tanks for fuel oil with an approximate capacity of 44,525 gallons (2 @ 10,265, and 1 each @ 8,270 and 15,275 gallons). The tanks are in fair condition. All of these tanks sit on wooden timber platforms directly on the tundra, and are supported by a variety of cribbing made of wood timbers and fuel drums. The utility has four tanks, three vertical (2 @ 10,150 and 1@ 13,500 gallons) and one horizontal with a capacity of 10,400 gallons, for a total capacity of 44,200 gallons. These tanks are in fair condition and have recently been painted. (Refer to Chefornak Fuel System Study, Fryer/Pressley Engineering, Inc., 11/89.) The tanks are located approximately 1,000 feet West of the community, and 300 feet from the Kinia River. The Corporation’s eight tanks are not diked. The Light Plant’s three vertical tanks are inside of a common dike, while the horizontal tank is not diked. Common fill lines are used for both the Corporation’s and Light Plants tanks, one for gasoline and one for oil. The oil fill line is 277 feet long. The first 60 feet of line (closest to the river) is 2", while the remainder is 3", schedule 40 threaded pipe. The gasoline fill line is all 2" sch 40 threaded pipe and is 295 feet long. The fill line for all twelve tanks is headered together with a combination of 3" Victaulic pipe and white ?plastic? PHS water hose with hose clamps. The day tank pipeline for the Light Plant is 1-1/4" fuel hose and extends approximately 1,200 feet from the tank farm to the Light Plant. John Eric estimates this hose to be more than five years old. The hose must be manually relocated from tank to tank (i.e., the supply line is not headered). This line has a history of leaking at the junction points and there was visible evidence of a leak that occured this year. This line could be eliminated by installing 3i0 feet of 2 inch pipe from the tank farm to the high school’s fill line and a short section of 2 inch pipe from the high school fill line to the day tank at the power house. There are no locks on the valves for either the fill or day tank supply lines. The Light Plant dike is constructed of wood with a "plastic" liner. John Eric estimates the liner to be four years old. This summer, the three vertical tanks were removed and new timbers were placed on the floor of the dike to support the tanks. Sandbags are beneath the timbers to protect the liner. The tanks were painted with XO Rust Yellow ‘oye in July 1990. The construction of the dike relies on the strength of the liner to contain a spill. It is doubtful that the liner is capable of retaining the weight of the fuel from a major spill, anda number of holes are visible in the liner. BIA Elementary School, PHS, and National Guard The BIA tank farm is located at the far East side of Chefornak next to the river bank (approximately 8 to 10 feet). John Eric indicated these tanks are at risk of falling in to the Kinia River. There are six vertical tanks within a dike constructed of 12"x12" timbers. Each tank is 14.5 feet tall and 30 feet in circumference (with a capacity of 7768 gallons each), for a total capacity of 46,610 gallons. The dike is L-shaped and is approximately 1,284 square feet, and is 2 feet deep. There is a sheet metal liner in the dike, but it does not appear to have liquid tight seams. A 3" Victaulic fill line approximately 300 feet long runs parallel to the river bank about 50 to 75 feet away from the bank. This fill line is used to fill the National Guard, PHS, and BIA school fuel tanks. A portion of this pipeline that is used to fill the BIA tanks is also used as the supply line to the BIA day tank. The National Guard tank was replaced this summer and is in excellent condition. The tank is horizontal and measures 10.3 feet long by 6.3 feet in diameter (2,400 gallons). The tank is located approximately 50 feet from the river bank and is not diked. The PHS tank is a vertical tank of reportedly 4,000 gallon capacity. It is located within a 26 foot by 26 foot wood dike with a black plastic liner and security fence. The tank is supported by a low wooden platform on top of the liner. High School tank farm The high school tank farm is located adjacent to the high school at the west edge of town, near the airfield. There are 2 vertical tanks (estimated capacity of 20,000 gallons each) enclosed in a wood frame dike. The dike is lined with an apparently impermeable membrane and covered with soil on the bottom and sheet metal on the sides. The footing at the south west corner of the dike has settled and the liner is bulging out. The fill pipeline is 3" threaded pipe and extends approximately 1,700 feet from the beach to the tank farm. This supply line parallels the City’s 1 1/4" fill fuel hose for about half the distance from the beach to the light plant. The light plant is about 25 feet from the pipeline. The facility is enclosed by a security fence. Additional information regarding the tank farm was not obtained due to the lack of authorization from the LKSD school district to enter upon their property. ADDITIONAL NOTES: There is the potential to install a waste heat system at Chefornak. The new powerhouse is 113 feet from the High School. Plans exist to increase the size of the school to include the BIA elementary school thus possibly providing for the elimination of the BIA tank farm facility and further increasing the potential (need) for waste heat to the high school. We departed Chefornak at approximately 5:15 p.m., making several stops along the way back to Bethel and arrived in Bethel at 6:20 p.m. John B and Steve S took the 8:35 p.m. Alaska Airlines flight into Anchorage, while Sue White, Barbara O’Hara (APUC), and Lori Nottingham (Rep. Hoffman’s office) remained in Bethel to continue to Tuluksak the following day. ISS ce: Barbara O’Hara, APUC Lori Nottingham, Representative Hoffman’s office Grey Smith Re Weateel ,eVuIiVv oY = (COOS State of Alaska Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation November 5, 1991 Mr. Steve Theno FPE/Roen Engineers, Inc. 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4116 Subject: Contract No. 2800285, Work Order No. AEA-FPE-011 Amendment to Work Order AEA-FPE-001 Chefornak Bulk Fuel Assessment & Concept Level Design Dear Mr. Theno: I am writing in response to your letter of May 14, 1991, and previous discussions between our office and your . Based on the ae number of fuel tanks found in the field investigation for Chefornak, it is apparent that the level of effort required to complete this project is beyond that originally anticipated. Accordingly, the allowable cost as stated in the Notice to Proceed letter, is amended as follows: W.O.# / Community Existing Add'lServices Revised Amt AEA-FPE-001 Chefornak $14,435.00 $4,700.00 $ 19,135.00 Please sign and return a duplicate copy of this letter acknowledging receipt and concurrence. Prone, DN aoSS Charlie Bussell Executive Director MH:CB:jd Date: \e/ eA Typed Name: Signature: Z Co Zi f ; Z Title: Vice Prsiyo0s7— cc: David Denig-Chakroff, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Don Whelan, Alaska Energy Authority © PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 BPO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 91Q4\JD1902(1) ¢ ( * FPF/Roen En,-neers, Inc. aetinretgs 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Fairbanks Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4116 , PH: (907) 561-1666 « FAX (907) 561-7028 May 14, 1991 RECEIVED ! MAY ZU 19 co Alaska Energy Authority 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519 ALASKA ENFRGY AUTHORITY Subject: Bulk Fuel Assessment for Chefornak Attention: Mr. Brian Gray, Rural Systems Engineer Mr. Gray: In our proposal letter of September 19, 1991, we gave our fee estimates for the above referenced project along with our assumptions on which our fee was based. One of the assumptions we made at the time of proposal was that there were only three significant fuel tank farms In Chefomak. After review of the actual situation in Chefornak (seven tank farms described and documented in the report), and review of our current budget status, we have determined that it is necessary to request an adjustment of our fee to match the actual level of effort required for assessment and concept design. We note that additional information was requested to be added to the report after our first submittal for these additional tank farms. The originally negotiated fees are $11,919 (lump sum) plus $2516 for reimbursables. We have estimated the additional effort at $4700 and we request that our approved fee be increased to a total of $16,619.00 for the lump sum. No additional reimbursables are expected to be required due to the increased effort. Task and man-hour efforts for the additional work are attached. If we can be of any further assistance regarding our estimates or scope of effort, please contact us. Sincerely, iodo tyne Senge FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. us) Timothy W. Jann P.E. Steven M. Senior Mechanical Engineer Vice President enc: additonal fee estimate srs NE sore MEMORANDUM Date: 11/2/90 To: Jerry Larson Thru Gary Smith From: Brian Gray Bh Re: Chefornak Fuel Line Emergency Repair Attached are design sketches and materials lists for the above referenced project. I have also compiled the following notes to explain the design and summarize progress to date on the project: I. DESIGN NOTES: a. The proposed route is shown on the Site Plan prepared by FPE. The intent is to take the shortest path over / to the existing school fill line and then parallel this » line to the power plant. The transfer pump will remain in its existing location. Zs The pipe will be 2" welded steel except at the tank header which will be 3". Flanged flex connections will be provided at each potential stress location such as road crossings, swamps, etc. Flex locations are indicated on the site plan. 3. The pipe will cross a road and should be installed ina culvert. You will need to check with the city to see if a backhoe is available. The pipe will also cross 2 boardwalks, however the boardwalks appear to be elevated so this should not be a problem. Near the tank farm a major 4-wheeler path crosses the route of the pipe. A small (maybe 6’ wide) bridge should be built. I did not have time to design a bridge or do a material estimate. 4. The intent is to support the piping at approximately 10’ O.C. with a treated wood 4x4. 8’ long 4x4s are readily available so I estimated quantity based on cutting an 8’ board into 3 supports. Also 2x12s have been included to provide a larger base in extremely swampy areas and 2x4s and 2x6s have been included to be used as shims. Pipe straps have not been included in the estimate. We intend to make a return trip in the spring/early summer of 1991 to adjust the piping supports after the ground has thawed. Pipe straps could be added at this time. Il. Il. No information was available on the connection to the day tank at the power plant. I have tried to add a variety of extra fittings to allow for connection to the day tank. We intend to leave the control as is for now but would like to add a high-limit cut-out next year. If at all possible try to leave a bung open on the top of the tank and gather sufficient as-built information to allow us to install the high limit switch. If the piping enters the day tank at the bottom, a check valve and gate valve should be installed there (they have been included in the parts list). Also, you may want to provide a pressure relief line into the tank. SHIPPING: I contacted Mike O’Brien at Arctic Circle Air in Bethel (543-5906). He said he has 2 skyvans that can take up to 3200# and lengths up to 30’. He gave me a price from Bethel to Chefornak of $1,067 per trip or $1,000 each if we have 3 trips total (I’m pretty sure we will need 3 trips). He said he can ship on Friday 11/9/90 or Monday 11/12/90 no problem - just give him a few days notice. 228 Mark Air (266-6224) quoted a price of $0.32 per pound to ship to Bethel. They said they would need a couple of days notice to schedule delivery. Northern Air Cargo (243-3331) gave me a price of $0.35 per pound. Since both legs of the shipping will exceed $1,000 you will probably need to get 3 quotes but I think this is the best deal we’ll get. The material suppliers that I spoke with seemed amenable to the idea of delivering to Mark Air. MATERIALS: I received the following 3 quotes for flanged end flex connectors with a 12" live length on 11/2/90: 2 Alaska Pipe & Supply (Rick Mayo) - $125 for 3" & $100 for 2". Almex Alaska (Scott Connor) - $108 for 3" & $82 for 2" plus freight. Industrial Valve & Fitting (Ron Lemke) - $115.20 for 3" & $81.10 for 2". Based on the above quotes I ordered the flexes from Industrial Valve & Fitting and Ron said that they would have them on Wednesday 11/7/90. These are the only materials that have been ordered to date since everything else seems to be available locally. cc: 4 i "| ni yt uv "A Industrial Valve & Fitting (561-2662) is the primary vendor for pipe fittings. I discussed the quantities of various welding fittings we need with Ron and he said that they have adequate supplies in stock. Puget Sound Pipe & Supply (344-1124) is the primary vendor for steel pipe. I spoke with Dave Moore on 11/1/90 and he said that they have adequate supplies in stock for our project. Industrial Valve & Fitting (561-2662) is the primary vendor for gate and check valves. Ron said they have lots of 2" bronze and 3" iron valves in stock. Liberty Alaska, Inc. (349-5214) is the primary vendor for steel nipples. I did not check on availability. There is no contract award for treated wood. I spoke with Roger Plath of Knik Building Supply (279-7661) and he suggested we use LP22 treated wood for our supports. He said that they had lots of 8’ long 4x4s, 2x4s, 2x6s, and 2x12s in stock. He gave me a rough quote of $8.00 each for the 8’ long 4x4s. The list will have to be increased to include wood for the 4-wheeler bridge, nails, and miscellaneous fasteners. This should be able to be kept under $1,000. I did not get a chance to check on the availability or price of culverts. J. Bulkow CHEFBGM1 a= BARGE FILL—~ POND POINT EXISTING FUEL TRANSFER HOSE / NVA hes is CONNECTION LINE FOOT BRIDGE \, TO DAY TANK \ + Seon = “ LEGEND lhe ail eae al EXISTING SCHOOL FUEL LINE oO — — — PROPOSED TIE-IN TO SCHOOL LINE EXISTING FOOT PATH — -— EXISTING FUEL TRANSFER HOSE * PROPOSED VALVE LOCATION a SCHOOL al 5 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ee FIP witact oF cHEFORNAK BS |ll\ eae TR E|. FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING [tae 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 / ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561-1666 11/30/89 CHEPORWAL Fue Lin& KEFA 2 B. (| TASK FAR, Firt/SuUrPLY HEADER eee Sb —~— Ss Fine cHeEcw verve (ite) Mi hoy i 3° wager Heampee ee. aa BS’ Sstue Fee Connection) ‘ss To Exsr Fuer Hose Cri.) NoTe~ TEe MAry. NEED Teo BE exTeurpep @ Z Lecatiows To COM Pe SATE Fok TAME Position BY FAG Fie-connectT To EXIsT 3“ FLAN VALVE / TIT oF 3B 3” weep Tee , TY? oF S 4 = 2” UNieyv Atte THREADED Soap TEES, 4 NIFFLES commectT Te. EX1ST THREADED VALVE i is 2 pex- PT BoTd ENDS FLING ¢ NIPPLE ZTHEALED BRovze GATE VA.VE , CHEFORNAY FUEL LINE KtErAIr — WeAusree PUMP FIFING B. GPRay ExisT FumMPr SHACK ) 2” CHEce VANE 2 OTE VALVE — a, a — DX \ wevvee EL, TYP S< se Ye oF 4 | FLEX, TY? _NCSTES’ (> Ae FAAIse WiThHins FoF SHACK To BE THEEADED , ALL FITTING ObTS+iDE Te HE WEL-VPED DD INSTALL FITTINGS AS KFERD 4 ConnECT EXTER |45E Toe sTAnpBY GASOLINE FuMr 4o Electeic Ponp CAN BE VistenNEcTER £ ATAIDBY PeMP YsSEPD ji CHEFerenR ek FveEL LINE FEM Ie s> PAets LIST - Trine EB. Gea N/2z/s0 i || Flees: (area onpereD 'lehe B26) Ben SD FLAsGED Borh Svs CEN 2°¢ “ “ “ | BEA 2° MPT feTH EY PS | EA 2'¢ APT we END 4 FRPT OTHER Ene 444 | WELDING Fittles : 16 ERX 2% 45° Els € 16’ cA 2" Fo° Ere i ZB EN 3°b TEES i | ER @Bxe Cevicer 6 EX 2" THtEAveD FlAS GES IO EA 2°O WELDine Nee FLAGES B ER 2’f wetpine NEce FLAWGES 2 EX 2A BUND Rance 4 ZEA BS Bwrdd France Ht | Zt EN %ETs OF BoLTs ¢ 30 EA GAsteTS Fok 2% FiAwe i 1@ && “ou Wi We. Ze EA, “ “ 39 4 % 2 fArRaAny rlpyt, dor, Brck Steel PIPE: (ean 40) no? oP , 55 CA Zi’ Lenctds OF 2°D ERw /1¢5 4 EA’ 7 no B" “ JO LW FT \vYee €|0 Lu ET le" i +r CHEFeEENAY FUEL LING KEE | FART. LIST -— FiIMnve B. omy | W/Z2/2o | Cizs* of I50* Sray) \Zow BoD FLANGED GATE VALVE #)| esa ||||| (ge " 4 iT chee. | 4 l 5B ER 2’ CloZE beoY THREADED GATE VALVE ZEN 24 “ “ ac CHELL 4 ti BE POE Ee THREADED FITTINGS: ClZ0* MAvesne ) | 23 FITTINGS: i | RA 111111 | i ese 4 EX Téee> , Ilo EX CovPLInGs, | 4 ER Unions , 4” en CArS i 1 1 Co 2x Ve Pepuces- 4 EA 2x\'4 rep Mise Fittiwest — - | } | iy | ee ||| 96 8 ||| AE |\4x% RED Z EA 1%" Usion Z we 1%” Unlind 7 7 an a AEA |Y4* 90° EL Z2 EA |" care ZEA \Va" (G4arS ‘S| AS |? eae Zum Wa’ cars CHEFOCEVA Fuoee LINE el*i-e 73 “ttt PARTIC LIST —frine B. GFAY Wlel9.6 .. MVP PLES? Z"P-— \c ER Crose ) 10 ERB”, lo EA 6 \ed- AER Crose , 4 ERB”, FE 6" |AY?- 2 EA crose, ZEA SB”, Z EA bo" \"“p- * ” 4 now 4 oo Yb = “ 4 a “ 4 + & te “7 i MASS: lO LW FT SF Hose ComraTiBre W/ Dieser + RATED To -SOF ize AS CERO To Suve Ovee \%'"e FiPeE 6 EA STAINLESS STeeL HOSE Clauers For ABeVE . Fittis@ds AP CERLITED Fee Ale TEST || CHE FORA FUee Line (Cer 7 | FARTS List - Mise FB. GEAT UJ2ixo | en 24’ Lee x 6” DF B” Culvert | i i H | H 1 TEEATED WOOD (LY-22) il BS ER 4x4Fx O° lO ER 2xzxe@” ! Jo. EX 2x Gexs’ 10 EA Z2x4xB% < FARM ae | O ON a Bape To - “¢ , mK ‘att x ' z “ xe | 920" Dy ntl no? BRIDGE i q)/ CONNECTI eee POWER PLANT FPE 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 CONSULTING ENGI RS Ph. (907) 561-1666 FAX (907) 561-7028 To Brian (ray Alaska Energy Authoriby LETTER F TRANSMITTAL DATE JOB NO. reer RE: Tooos Chefocnak Bulk Fuel | ________aseeiee gs — JUN1 1 1991 |_____ ALASKA ENERGY AUTMORyry WE ARE SENDING YOU {% Attached [ Under separate cover via courier the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter OO Change order Oo COPIES DATE No. DESCRIPTION { ta. Briginal replacement page (new and improved.) Page sl a 4 J THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval Pa For your use (& As requested O For review and comment oO © Approved as submitted 0 Approved as noted 0 Returned for corrections O Resubmit. copies for approval O Submit copies for distribution O Return corrected prints O FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS —______ 00 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO. PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc, Groton, Mass. 01471 SIGNED: 77> i) If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. FPE consuttincen ERS LETTE OF TRANSMITTAL 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 JOB NO. DATE Ph. (907) 561-1666 aa sla {ooes FAX (907) 561-7028 TO Brian Gay AEX Son +198t ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WE ARE SENDING YOU {[X Attached [) Under separate cover via__Couric¢? _____—ithe following items: OO Shop drawings O Prints OO Plans OO Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order e DESCRIPTION poe Origmna) replaceenent pages ds: | 14 [3,20,23 25 34,4450 51, 52 ex, | Si" up dek with paject files I a. Grigina photes and. nega hve fer Your yse. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for approval ¥ For your use O Approved as noted O Submit copies for distribution I As requested O Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints O For review and comment O O FOR BIDS DUE_____ CCC) PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO. SIGNED: Pi PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc, Groton, Mass. 01471. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. State of Alaska rh | Steve Cowper. Governor ! Alaska Eniergy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 468-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Mi knw ~ NAME OF COMPANY: Z P< <7 zs ¢ CLE Le for £ COMPANY ADDRESS: (a fa TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: sere ~- sas SENDER: QAO 2, L 22s OS TELEPHONE NUMBER: SZ /— 2F Oa CHARGE CODE: SYS IT FTSE NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 2— INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: 22-—F+# —F O TF YOU 0O NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: a2 LAist ALew.2 15 Boe y FPO. BOx AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 RO. Box 190869 701 East Tuder Road) —_ Anchorage. Alaska 99619-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT x! THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT *% COUNT ** # 2 wee SEND eK (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 907 5434251 12- 4-90 15:02 1°48" 2 TOTAL 0:01'48" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska DN Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Wilh = NAME OF COMPANY: MRAi Gklp fue COMPANY ADDRESS: a Grit TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: : 3 ~ —3. 5 SENDER: \ O12 [ ARS Te TELEPHONE NUMBER: _SZ/—75 77 CHARGE CODE: S/% 77-47% NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 2 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: /1.—+4-79 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau ~ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 5 CO OO SSIAG oR Wik LAA Pe snyace ATAL Tn, —=* > — PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 X PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 PLEASE REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 10720 PORTLAND, OR 97210 INDUSTRIAL VALI AND FITTING, IN 4011 ARCTIC BLVD., SUIT EGEIV. Nov 21 1990 Lisies7o ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (503) 223-2202 ey (907) 951-2662 LASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY. 7 s 0 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY H ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 0 P.O. BOX 190R469 p FOR CHEFORNAK Y T %NURTHERN ALR CARGEC Oo ANCHORAGE. AK P9519 ° ORDER NC AA4424 3 Oo |EA 3 FLEX CONN S/S BRAIDED SOLio 115.2000 |EA 345.60 FLGOS 150% & AA4424 S oO |EA 2 FLEX CONN S/S BRAIDED SOLID 81.1000 |EA FLGS 1504 AA44-24 1 QO |EA 2 FLEX CONN S/S GRALDED MIP 21.1000 |EA #1.10 BOTH ENDS 444424 i Oo |EA 2 FLEX CONN S/S BRAIDED MIF Xx 81.1000 |EA $1.10 FIF ENDS wares MERCHANDISE SUBTOTAL | 1196.60 TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT 1154.40 4 TURNED GOODS POLICY * TERMS: PAST DUE ACCOUNTS . nie ts eS taanek eerie prior authorization and Invoice numbers. Syaine near pected Seen, e reverse side for terms of sale and warranties. 45%, MINIMUM SE RVICE CHAR \ST DUE ACCOUNTS $1.00 per month. st Due Accounts are subject to Service Charges. aie 4460 5°*4 345 345 SHIPPER'S NAME AND ADDRESS Yr NUMBER NOT NEGOTIABLE * AIR WAYBILL ALASEA ESERGT av (AIR CONSIGNMENT NOTE) ' NORTHERN AIR CARGO, Inc. P.O. BOX 196865 3900 W. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ROAD, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 Copies 1, 2, and 3 of this Air Waybill are originals and have the same validity. ANCHORASS AE 95 1 $=@BG [tis acrecd that the goods described herein are received in apparent good order, except as noted on the face hereof, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT on the reverse hereof. CONSIGNEE’S NAME AND ADDRESS CONS TR NUMBER # ALASEA ESERGY eee C/G ARCTIC CIRCLE AIR POR CEEPORBAE TO EXPEDITE MOVEMENT, SHIPMENT MAY BE DIVERTED TO RETBEL aK MOTOR OR OTHER CARRIER AS PER TARIFF RULE UNLESS SHIPPER GIVES OTHER INSTRUCTIONS HEREON. ISSUING CARRIER'’S AGENT NAME AND CITY > a om fe ALSO NOTIFY NAME AND ADDRESS) PREPAID Ceara 34544605234 COPSOLIOATION ShRrvice AGENTS IATA CODE ACCOUNT NO. a AIRPORT OF DEPARTURE (ADDR OF FIRST CARRIER) AND REQUESTED ROUTING m | Ke t q w wv ue é rs, ABCEORAGE Ne n oes al A DECLARED VALUE FOR CARRIAGE | DECLARED VALUE FOR CUSTOMS ee 2 e INSURANCE /-It”shipper requests, insurance _in TC accordance with conditions on reverse hereof, indicate amount to be insured in figures in box marked amount of insurance. ee 1: 2%> t F oF s en ee | “eta 3} 4685 4688 38.69 i,639.75/| | (a) Pree P.O. ABA~91~ 735890 18 S4a¢ 946 35.0% 332.16] | ¢2) BOXES & PIPE VALVE P.O. GUKNOEE 3 199 198 33.89 $6.50) | (¢} TG0L BOKES & PIPES TASLE &.G6.¢ URKHORN &| 3822 3529 35.39 1,232.00) | (8) LONBER & HAILS P.O.8 APA_$1+7-5891 20| #343 3,289.35 PREPAID WEIGHT CHARGE COLLECT ORIGIN ADVANCE CHARGES |DESCRIPTION OF ORIGIN ADVANCE P80 a 3926903 i \ VALUATION CHARGE J DEST. ADVANCE CHARGES DESCRIPTION OF DEST. ADVANCE TeMSct D. L OTHER CHARGES AND DESCRIPTION : 163, a face hereof are correct and that insofar as any part of the consignment contains i Pele Beery coors by name and is in proper condition for carriage by ey Ree Pa a goods described herein are accepted in apparent good order iage. SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ON THE REVERSE HEREOF, DRAWN Wrgiocae CONCERNING CARRIERS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Shipper may ili igher value for carriage and pay a supplemental charge if required. TOTAL OTHER a es DUE AGENT TOTAL OTHER tox DUE CARRIER coD => Ml aE i aA i ica anes Rds inns eewnek ial eee <a SIGNATURE OF SHIPPER OR HIS AGENT XC_TOTAL PREPAID 3,432.82 ‘ CURRENCY CONVERSION RATES T1/12/1950 1214 asc cac hoe Cr at (Place) ‘SIGNATURE OF ISSUING CARRIER OR ITS AGENT FOR CARRIERS USE ONLY AT DESTINATION (ALL COLLECT CHARGES IN DESTINATION CURRENCY) Regrne ; : sue he a FORM AC-17U UNIVERSAL UNIFORM AIRBILL. PRINTED INUSA. COPY 7 ROG Ril , ; INDUSTRIAL VALVE ‘aus MAILING ADDRESS: AND FITTING, INC. P.O. BOX 93669 4011 ARCTIC BLVD., SUITE 105 ANCHORAGE, AK 99509 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-2662 FAX (907) 561-6283 ORDER NO.: 4/5 SF PAGE: DATE: rr 70 : 4 Jerry Lage son) P fee -CHeFoRNAK AK TE Yo NoRTREN Ark. CARGO 0 RAs Te Aycetic circle. AiR = Bethel oun oro Jerey LAWSON TAG -AtL Maree ac AlAskh cal Aa 172 SOAS = 2" 180% RE WH Ftes Bret AM, ier be Oe « 190% RFBLAD Fl Qe bar oa. be pa" ers BolTs Fen. 2" Ip tHe C Yea. - T¢X2e.) 2" 150* Rite EskT~ (Ww-N5b) Se7S BolTS for 3” 1SO* AE 1. UNSHIPPED ITEMS: All unshipped items are back ordered unless otherwise noted. 2. | RETURNED GOODS: No goods returnable without permission and invoice numbers. r k PACKING LIST Ss ° L D T ° * INDUSTRIAL VALVE AND FITTING, INC. 4011 ARCTIC BLVD., SUITE 105 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-2662 FAX (907) 561-6283 flasks ENCLEY AuTH UNSHIPPED ITEMS: All unshipped items are back ordered unless otherwise noted. RETURNED GOODS: No goods returnable without permission and invoice numbers. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 93669 ANCHORAGE, AK 99509 ORDER NO.: L559 PAGE: 2. On 5 DATE: M8, ’/' iO DIRECT: YES no QO a eae ” (5S0* Kidls- ESETS (Len -Ash) PACKING LIST " INDUSTRIAL VALVE MAILING ADDRESS: ~ PACKING LIST AND FITTING, INC. P.O. BOX 93669 4011 ARCTIC BLVD., SUITE 105 ANCHORAGE, AK 99509 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-2662 FAX (907) 561-6283 ORDERNO.: LL PAGE: DATE: Te) % pirect: yes OQ no O Vb Bik. Dell PL Cho 7 oP 2x bp. ehace_ ep ie FE Blk. Ltn tr, 1. UNSHIPPED ITEMS: All unshipped items are back ordered unless otherwise noted. 2. RETURNED GOODS: No goods returnable without permission and invoice numbers. PACKING LIST " INDUSTRIAL VALVE MAILING ADDRESS: AND FITTING, INC. ie 4011 ARCTIC BLVD., SUITE 105 ANCHORAGE, AK 99509 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-2662 FAX (907) 561-6283 PACKING LIST ORDER NO.: STP PAGE: me Pt pirect: yes Q no U) Mp x 3 STO BULL Mp JYVLKGC LVL CE SVE X3 SVS XL /XZL /X3 NN PLLELEPPRHLKK 1. UNSHIPPED ITEMS: All unshipped items are back ordered unless otherwise noted. 2. RETURNED GOODS: No goods returnable without permission and invoice numbers. PACKING LIST INDUSTRIAL VALVE AND FITTING, INC. 4011 ARCTIC BLVD., SUITE 105 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-2662 FAX (907) 561-6283 UNSHIPPED ITEMS: All unshipped items are back ordered unless otherwise noted. RETURNED GOODS: No goods returnable without permission and invoice numbers. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 93669 ANCHORAGE, AK 99509 PACKING LIST ORDER NO.: SRST, PAGE: Sr DATE: 1 Pele DIRECT: YES no O : Se AC = NORTHERN AIR CARGO, INC. [age e eve sp) i & sag ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY, November 23, 1990 Jerry Larson Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 RE: Claim for missing freight Airbill #4460-5234 Dear Mr. Larson, Enclosed please find a copy of my letter forwarding your claim to Arctic Circle Air for resolution. | have also enclosed copies of the signed transfer manifests showing that Arctic Circle Air received this shipment in full. We regret that we are unable to honor your claim, but we do not feel that the freight was lost while it was in our care. If we can be of further service please contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Holthaus Claims Manager 3900 W. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT RD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-1097 TEL (907) 243-3545 FAX (907) 243-2031 AC=| NORTHERN @ AIR CARGO, INC. November 23, 1990 Arctic Circle Air Claims Dept. Bethel, AK RE: Claim #00711 Missing freight Airbill #4460-5234 Dear Sir, Enclosed please find the claim package for Alaska Energy Authority related to the above referenced shipment. As evidenced by the signed transfer manifests, this shipment was received in part by your airline on November 12, 1990, and in full on November 14, 1990. The claim is for two boxes of fittings that are missing at the final destination of Chefornak. This claim is being forwarded to you as a courtesy to our mutual customer. Please provide proof of delivery or your resolution of this claim directly to Alaska Energy Authority and copy me with your response. Sincerely, Salen (leblm Stephanie Holthaus Claims Manager ce: Alaska Energy Authority/Jerry Larson 3900 W. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT RD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-1097 TEL (907) 243-3545 FAX (907) 243-2031 coer AIR CARGO, INC. 345-HU AIR CARGO TRANSFER MANIFEST AIRPORT. Isef- DATE. [l- ly ae TRANSFERRED eee real Rs yint (NAME OF RECEIVING CARRIER) AIRBILL OR AWI/B DESTINATION NO. OF WEIGHT REMARKS AIRWAYBILL NUMBER AIRPORT PIECES (LBs) (RE-ROUTING, SPLIT LOT, INTERMEDIATE CARRIER, IN BOND, ETC) T T MM \ 4451! Q95 2 KwT [=| ctS=| Clamps : modem t 1 , vel | 602 | 'HPB GUS | wHeeLeR , Fa xge, Thaler ! | Sas PAR SLT 3 YY bo & A34 ole ff oO if a Luitee (Ares Ont ok RATRE BLY oncr Gk 4 HAG! on8s TWAT So | Tasy ! ae nl 6 | | -———+ 1 7 | | lena t al 8 ' 1 i OOH | 1 ! T voi 10 i I transFenneo By NORTHERN AIR CARGO, INC. ABOVE SHIPMENT(S) RECEIVED IN FULL AND ~ > APPARENT GOOD ORDER AND CONDITION — EXCEPT , fjtn—-€ AS NOTED IN “REMARKS” COLUMN. BY. - - (SIGNATURE) EIVED BY a JAME OF RECEIVING CARRIER) ORIGINAL | By. x DUPLICATE TRANSFERRING CARRIER (SIGNATURE) TRIPLICATE RECEIVING CARRIER QUADRUPLICATE . - TIM oar LIY-7O___ \ . a LO NC...HERN AIR CARGO, INC. 345-H oe AIR CARGO TRANSFER MANIFEST . <a 2 Kets DATE u - Ir ie 7O ——— AIRBILL OR AW/B DESTINATION NO. OF WEIGHT AIRWAYBILL NUMBER AIRPORT PIECES (LBS.) iL ade: deus | cve | 2 [see] | Yau Ue, | ait | 4 | feo | earners Jer 1 1 va a REMARKS : (RE-ROUTING, SPLIT LOT, INTERMEDIATE CARRIER, IN BOND, ETC.) 31 HUG | 66 wT ‘| He e772 | TET 1 ! ——t+ + {7 __f —— 10 { ad hen transrenreo BY NORTHERN AIR CARGO, INC. ABOVE SHIPMENT(S) RECEIVED IN FULL AND APPARENT GOOD ORDER AND CONDITION — EXCEPT . Lig fo A. , /, nS "COLUMN. BY . ., IGNATURE) owen te Vi ME OF RECEIVING CARRIER) ORIGINAL | By. DUPLICATE TRANSFERRING CARRIER t NATURE) TIME. ci TRIPLICATE ia DATE. Z L =f 2-2 ¢ ) RECEIVING CARRIER QUADRUPLICATE INDUSTRIAL VAL AND FITTING, IN 4011 — BLVD, SUIT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 981-2662 P.d. Oxy Oron ANCHURAIGE . SALES REP. 7377 HA4 EGEIV- ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BOX 1LyOnay CUSTOMER P.O. AEA? 1— Tsaere” 1990 P.O. BOX 10720 NOV 21 (503) 223-2202 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY. Ss H ! Pp T oO AK 99519 SHIP VIA oan NORTHERN ALR PLEASE REMIT TO: PORTLAND, OR 97210 11/19/70] ANCHORAGE INVOICE NOLISE 044s PAGE QOL DATE 11/19/90 TERMS NET 30 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY FOR CHEFURNAK ZNQIRTHERN ALR CARGO ORDER NO. | QOO4332 NTITY QUANTITY | UNIT ITEM NO. Sa EXTENDED PRICE BACK ORDER DESCRIPTION AA4424 3 Oo |EA 3 FLEX CONN 5/5 BRAIDED SOLIo 115.2000 |EA 345.60 FLGS 1504 t AA4S4 24 Ss O |EA 2 FLEX CONN S/S BRAIDED SOLID $1.1000 |EA 643,80 FLGS 150# AA4424 1 QO |EA 2 FLEX CONN BRALDED MIP 1.1000 |EA ot. LO BOTH ENDS OA4424 i QO |EA 2 FLEX CONN S/S BRAIDED MIF X 81.1900 |EA 81.10 FIF ENDS MERCHANDISE eo tal 1156.60 TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT ' £356..60 IRNED GOODS POLICY * TERMS: PAST DUE ACCOUNTS are al not returnable without prior authorization and Invoice numbers. 1S AND WARRANTIES verse side for terms of sale and warranties. ‘ DUE ACCOUNTS ue Accounts are subject to Service Charges. subject to a SERVICE CHARGE of 1%% per month on past due balances, an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18%, MINIMUM SERVICE CHARGE $1.00 per month. Gillan) pg! State of Alaska DN Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation November 2, 1990 David Lewis, Sr. Traditional Elders Chief The Chefornak Elders Council P.O. Box 110 Chefornak, AK 99561 Dear Chief Lewis: Three copies of the grant agreement for repair of the fuel transfer line are attached for your signature and notary. Please sign all three copies and return them to me. It would be good if you could use Express Mail, so we can get the agreement approved quickly and start work. Please call me at 800 478-7877 if you would like to talk about the agreement. Sincerely, SET heli { we Pat Woodell Development Specialist Enclosure as stated = PO. BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 OPO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road = Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 State of Alaska ™ Steve Cowper Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELecory (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (507) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: ‘= ed tS NAME OF COMPANY: L COMPANY ADDRESS: <, bi = Hae AOR rt ee A TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: ee7- Bsuyu29 SENDER: sb > 4 Bw WV wio ve) TELEPHONE NUMBER: <41— 74 8.2— CHARGE CODE: 21ie@2s 727 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: sz INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: 1 now AO IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (e072 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 SZ RO. Bex 190869 701 East Tudor Road =Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (07) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%* COUNT *%& # #9 wR SEND oR NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 9078678429 11— 1-80 10:38 5°20" 9 TOTAL 0:05'20" 9 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 MEMORANDUM State of Alaska TO: Don Whelan DATE: November 9, 1990 Accountant “ FILE NO: PHONE NO: THRUS Dave Denig-Chakroff SUBJECT: Chefornak Check irector, Rural Programs Request at Woodell Development Specialist | woul (0 request a check for $25,450 to set up an account for the Chefornak project at the bookkeeping service. A copy of the approved budget with account code details is attached for your information. John plans to begin work next week and will be generating local payroll at that time. Your help in expediting the check request is appreciated. ce: John Bukow 7 C ow FN:ChiChk — ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE Community Project Code 201 Budget Project Code B30 75 PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY _ CHEFoR WAL Rev S104) ae 2 PROJECT NAME ut Fu ss EL Avie PREPARER _,\, Bucvoul DATE PREPARED & jNlov 70 PROJECT Source of Funding DEA _BeR _LHS TOTAL 71000 Personal Services $ -_ $ 1LBie& $s ie $ $ (2604 72000 Travel and Per Diem 3540 = 35uU0 73000 Other Services in = 14,435 77730 Grants * — Z1.es0 3600 25,450 73140 Grant Handling Fees = ae. = 73872 Project Contingency aso — BIZ 74000 Material (AEA only) 4s 24s 73460 Freight (AEA only) a — _ a SUBTOTAL $16,216 $40928 $ 3600 $§ $40745 70200 — Indirect Non-personal (34 -_.2,009 a Zid 70100 Allocated Personal 4o\ $,027 = 6,428 TOTAL $1675! $46965 $ 2400 $ $$4, 316 Matrix Code } 7. ie ai Project AR 32374 32324 _3239) Project CC OBib2202 oBi6zz0z O813950\ Project LC 8182570! 81625707 BI%A52ZO0lp BUDGET APPROVALS Manager of Rural Projects ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. Mgr. of Project Accounting Director of Rural Programs “fe Mgr. of Rural Projects Director of Agency Operations Return original to Dir. (If budget greater than $50,000) of Rural Programs : eee wera ap eee eed aeeeaan ==. . kK Revises Buosser sigNeP 31 oct 70 0 Am ame ermine ee na ee MEMORANDUM Date: 11/7/90 To: Chefornak Bulk Fuel Repair File Thru John Bulkow /@ From: Brian Gray JX Re: Chefornak Fuel Line Emergency Repair I spoke with Earl Rinio, Assistant Director of Maintenance for the Lower Kuskokwim School District, regarding use of the school fill pipeline as a transfer line to the city power plant. He said they were open to the idea but they wanted to see a connection detail showing how we would prevent use of their fuel and a plan for "blowing out" the line after every use. They were concerned with being liable for fuel left in the line when it was not in use. I explained that the line would be used approximately every three days and that it would be unrealistic to expect the city to empty the line after every use. Based on the above concerns we decided not to pursue further investigation into use of the school line by the city. I told him that we would install a new transfer line all the way to the power plant that would essentially parallel the school fill line. CHEFBGM2 MEMORANDUM Date: 11/2/90 To; Jerry Larson Thru Gary Smith From: Brian Gray Re: Chefornak Fuel Line Emergency Repair Attached are design sketches and materials lists for the above referenced project. I have also compiled the following notes to explain the design and summarize progress to date on the project: I. DESIGN NOTES: Rw The proposed route is shown on the Site Plan prepared by FPE. The intent is to take the shortest path over to the existing school fill line and then parallel this line to the power plant. The transfer pump will remain in its existing location. 2. The pipe will be 2" welded steel except at the tank header which will be 3". Flanged flex connections will be provided at each potential stress location such as road crossings, swamps, etc. Flex locations are indicated on the site plan. 7; The pipe will cross a road and should be installed ina culvert. You will need to check with the city to see if a backhoe is available. The pipe will also cross 2 boardwalks, however the boardwalks appear to be elevated so this should not be a problem. Near the tank farm a major 4-wheeler path crosses the route of the pipe. A small (maybe 6’ wide) bridge should be built. I did not have time to design a bridge or do a material estimate. 4. The intent is to support the piping at approximately 10’ O.C. with a treated wood 4x4. 8’ long 4x4s are readily available so I estimated quantity based on cutting an 8’ board into 3 supports. Also 2x12s have been included to provide a larger base in extremely swampy areas and 2x4s and 2x6s have been included to be used as shims. Pipe straps have not been included in the estimate. We intend to make a return trip in the spring/early summer of 1991 to adjust the piping supports after the ground has thawed. Pipe straps could be added at this time. Il. IIT. No information was available on the connection to the day tank at the power plant. I have tried to add a variety of extra fittings to allow for connection to the day tank. We intend to leave the control as is for now but would like to add a high-limit cut-out next year. If at all possible try to leave a bung open on the top of the tank and gather sufficient as-built information to allow us to install the high limit switch. If the piping enters the day tank at the bottom, a check valve and gate valve should be installed there (they have been included in the parts list). Also, you may want to provide a pressure relief line into the tank. SHIPPING: I contacted Mike O’Brien at Arctic Circle Air in Bethel (543-5906). He said he has 2 skyvans that can take up to 3200# and lengths up to 30’. He gave me a price from Bethel to Chefornak of $1,067 per trip or $1,000 each if we have 3 trips total (I’m pretty sure we will need 3 trips). He said he can ship on Friday 11/9/90 or Monday 11/12/90 no problem - just give him a few days notice. Mark Air (266-6224) quoted a price of $0.32 per pound to ship to Bethel. They said they would need a couple of days notice to schedule delivery. Northern Air Cargo (243-3331) gave me a price of $0.35 per pound. Since both legs of the shipping will exceed $1,000 you will probably need to get 3 quotes but I think this is the best deal we’ll get. The material suppliers that I spoke with seemed amenable to the idea of delivering to Mark Air. MATERIALS: I received the following 3 quotes for flanged end flex connectors with a 12" live length on 11/2/90: 2 Alaska Pipe & Supply (Rick Mayo) - $125 for 3" & $100 for 2". Almex Alaska (Scott Connor) - $108 for 3" & $82 for 2" plus freight. Industrial Valve & Fitting (Ron Lemke) - $115.20 for 3" & $81.10 for 2". Based on the above quotes I ordered the flexes from Industrial Valve & Fitting and Ron said that they would have them on Wednesday 11/7/90. These are the only materials that have been ordered to date since everything else seems to be available locally. cc: Industrial Valve & Fitting (561-2662) is the primary vendor for pipe fittings. I discussed the quantities of various welding fittings we need with Ron and he said that they have adequate supplies in stock. Puget Sound Pipe & Supply (344-1124) is the primary vendor for steel pipe. I spoke with Dave Moore on 11/1/90 and he said that they have adequate supplies in stock for our project. Industrial Valve & Fitting (561-2662) is the primary vendor for gate and check valves. Ron said they have lots of 2" bronze and 3" iron valves in stock. Liberty Alaska, Inc. (349-5214) is the primary vendor for steel nipples. I did not check on availability. There is no contract award for treated wood. I spoke with Roger Plath of Knik Building Supply (279-7661) and he suggested we use LP22 treated wood for our supports. He said that they had lots of 8’ long 4x4s, 2x4s, 2x6s, and 2x12s in stock. He gave me a rough quote of $8.00 each for the 8’ long 4x4s. The list will have to be increased to include wood for the 4-wheeler bridge, nails, and miscellaneous fasteners. This should be able to be kept under $1,000. I did not get a chance to check on the availability or price of culverts. ) J. Bulkow CHEFBGMI1 FOOT BRIDG LESEND =S=e== EXISTING SCHOOL FUEL LINE —- — -— PROPOSED TIE-IN TO SCHOOL LINE EXISTING FOOT PATH — -— EXISTING FUEL TRANSFER HOSE e PROPOSED VALVE LOCATION ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY FIP vitace oF cHEFORNAK N.T.S Oo TANKS O f pwy ay: E|. FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561-1666 OK CKD_BY: TR DATE: 11/30/89 CHEF. + FUEL LING KE, we B, GfaY TADE FARM FiclL / SUPPLY HEADER N\I2)/D5e ZS’ stue Fee Connection) a % exsot Fuer Hose (rin) a~— 8 Finys GATE VALWE (tom) Va —~S Ane cHecw. Varve (ite) ME a3" wea VEP HEADER NoTe~ TEE MAW NEED To BE MES) EexTevpep @ Z Llecations To ComPes SAT se Fok TAYE Position BY FLAG Fler- cennecT To EXieT 3” Fina VALVE / TYP oF 2 3” werp TEE, TYP OF S ah a are LEpocee— a ) Z2+49° te 2 Unie OFBET UP connect To EXIST rte Tees, ¢ THREADED VALVE ) PLES Jane Hee, 2” Rex-MPT ONE a— 2" WELDED ENO FMPT OTHER SUFFLY LINE 2” THreapeo 2FLex-— MPT BoTH EXPS Fine € Nipple 2’ THRAGED Bronze GATE VALVE CHEPORWH, FUEL Line erm. Tehnsoree FUMP FIRING Be GRAY \/L/9o EXiseT YumMr ee) \Y" a te CHEct VANE Tt? oF 4 2" Gate VALVE Yr oF z Ve) \ wevven EL,Tre CO peume NeETES* I) Me FAK WiTHins FoF SHAcK To BE THREADED , ALL fFiTING ObTSiDE Toe HE WELDED 2) INSTALL FITTINGS AS KRERD 4 ConNECT EXTEA |to5E To sT4npByY GASCUIME FUMF So Electeic Pomp CAN BE DiotonNecTemp £ ATANDEBY POMP VsSED \ CHEerecwrAk FUueceE LINE | _PAIe ts FALTS LIST -— firine B. Gear \N/2/90 | Fue HES = (eA OR DEZED lero BLO) Ben BSA FlLAsGeED Berh eErvs Be 2s 4 = a | EA 2° MPT ReTH Eres | EX 28 MPT we END # FFT OTHER END WELDING Fittites: I6 EX 20 45° Ets € 16° EA 26 Jo ELs ZB EN 23’hd TEES | ER SxAe CeEdrcee 6 EX 2° THteaveD FrAtGEs 10 ER 2°O wWEedine Ney FLANGES B ER 3/2 WELDMWSG NECK FLANGES 2 EX 2A? BUND FLANGE 4 CEA BS BrD FrAnGcS Zt EX ETS OF BoLTs ¢ 0 EA GAstETE FoR 26 Finwe 1@ eA YY u “ “ 24 EA Hv Me 39 u Bact STEEL FIFE: (Sch 40) 55 EA Zi Levrerds OF 2°DB Erw > BA ” - 0 BB» /O Lw Ft \YVe'o 4/0 Lum ET le" \CHeperen. & FUEL LING swe FARTS LIST- Firne B. OBAY W/Z2/%o VALVES 5% Cizs* oe 1507 Say) ) ER 2% ler BepyY FLANGED GATE VALVE | EX BA 4% "4 “ cHEee 84 Ss ERK 2°d BhoSZE beDY THREADED GATE VALVE 2 EX 29 “ ° = CHELE Ov _THEEKA PED _ FITTINGS: C I50* MAuearce ) 2°} FITTINGS: GEO 45° ElS | 10 ER %0° ELS 4 EX Tees I> EX CooPLinGes, 4” en CARS / 4 EA Unie vs ) Mise FITTINGS? BE Z2x\l'e LEDvcEe- 4€RK 2x\'4@ FED AER 2%x\ YED AEA |\%4 xy RED | Z2 EA 1%" UNion ZeEAa \VA" Udiod | A EK |%" 90° EL AEA |Y4* 90° EL 2 EA \ve" care ZEA \4" Cars ZEA \" Crs 2Q2eERX Wa" CAPS XN CHEFCEn #& Fuser LINE FC AE Nw FAETS LIST -—firine B. GRAY \J2l9a NP PLES: Z2°p-— \o ER Crose ) IC EAB”, lo EA 6" \2P- 4 ER cose , 4 ERB”, TEX CO" |\4¢9- 2 EX cise, 2 EAB” , 2 EA \ “ph — “ue y y 4 le “ 4 te ad “4h =_ “ ’ “ “ “ 4 4 te ‘y Misc: lO Ld FT SF Hose ComPFaAT@re W/ Dieser + RATED To -S0OF <ize AS ZERO To Suve Ovee \%'o FiPe O& EA STA\DLESS STeeL Hose CLAMPS FOF ABOVE FITTINGS AS CERLUIRED Fee Aie TEST CHE FoRN, ~ Fuoee LINE fers FAETS LIST - Mice Fe. GREAT \/2pxe | ee 24’ Lene x 6” DF B” CuLvERT TTHEATED WOO LYf-22 SS ER 4x4xm% lO ER Zx/zxe”~ Jo EX 2xexe' JO EX 2x4xB% PLue woor 42NAILS AS LE@uieceD Fee FAMP I/, “PINIc to: Pat Woodell tL from: John Bulkow }17 date: 31 Oct 90 re: Chefornak Fuel Line Repair Project Description and Schedule The purpose of this project is to replace the fuel transfer line used by the Naterkaq Light Plant to transfer fuel from their bulk storage tanks to their day tank. The hose currently used for this purpose shall be replaced with welded steel piping. Every effort shall be made to complete this project before December of 1990, but if weather prevents this completion date the project shall be scheduled for completion by June 30, 1991. Scope of Work With the assistance and direction of the Alaska Energy Authority, the Grantee will: (1) Remove the existing 1 1/4" fuel hose that extends approximately 1200 feet from the tank farm to the Light Plant and install approximately 1200 feet of 2" welded steel pipe to serve the same purpose. (2) Relocate the Light Plant fuel transfer pump house in accordance with plans prepared by the Energy Authority. (3) Install new wiring to serve the fuel transfer pump. * KUSKOKWIM PLANNING ~ & MANAGEMENT CORP. ’ MANAGEMENT SERVICES / 429 D STREET, SUITE 307, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ¢ (907) 276-2101 * TOLL FREE (800) 478-2171 RECEIVED JUL 14 1991 July 10,1991 <a Energy Authority VIA FAX Pat Woodell, Development Specialist Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519 Dear Pat Enclosed are copies of the June 30, 1991, balance sheet and expense statements for the Chefornak Fuel Line Repair Project. Cherry received several payroll and vendor check requests in early July. Checks #1025-1029 are hand written at the bottom of the balance sheet, but are not included in the June financial statement numbers. These expenses will have to be added to the June expense totals in order to obtain current information. In addition, there are still Alaska ESC and FUTA payroll taxes to pay. We have not determined these amounts yet. There will also be some expense for workers compensation, but we do not know the amount at this time. | do not see any other Chefornak purchase requests on Cherry’s desk, so | am assuming we have everything, except those items listed above. | understand Emily had some problems getting into the system yesterday, but talked with Cherry and the problems were immediately resolved. | am told that later in the day Emily printed a number of reports. Please contact me directly whenever there is a problem gaining access through the modem. If | do not know there is a problem, there isn’t anything | can do about it. On another subject, where is my Larsen Bay T-shirt? I’d sure like to have it soon. Call me if | can provide you any other information. Sincerely, Muy “afr Gregory M. Dixon Controller page 1 Alaska Energy Authority 83075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Balance Sheet (Unaudited) As of Jun 30 91 ASSETS Cash In Bank Certificates of Deposit Total Assets LIABILITIES : Purchase Requests Payable FICA & FWT Withholding Payable Alaska ESC Payable FUTA Payable Total Liabilities FUND BALANCES Beginning Fund Balances Current Period Ending Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances Nor MICLUBDETD 4 THs ReRonr— Cireck £ ors Wick Wiseman — CURRENT AT 6/30/90 10,292 1,506 0 0 10,292 1,506 amass arama == 0 0 oO 0 59- 59- 0 0 59+ 59- 0 0 10,352 1,566 10,352 1,566 10,293 1,507 === samara #7Z01,94¥ LAPwr 221.00 10% Lome Abert 28> Lito 164,45 109+ Fowatran Lewis 10FE Key Ramee 1024 jonmren Are Sire Pay Avs 404.5 Lior 529,45 lG&u Ib PR TAYES 136, 2 Freie , ESC And Purr Prope Tanves Wontems LompewsAron). Project 83075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Ledger Code Consolidated Departments a Statement of Income and Expenses (Unaudited) As pf IDE 30, '4 4) For the 12 ended Jun 30 91 Current Current FY Prior FY Total Percent Month Actual To Actual Current FY Project Amount Actual Actual Date + Prior FY Budget Remaining Budget Project Income Grant Funds 10,500 35,950 0 35,950 35,950 0 100.00 Interest Income 43 262 0 242 0 (262) 0.00 Total Income 10, 543 36,192 0 36,192 35,950 (242) 100.67 Project Expenses Labor 0 7,589 7,589 13,100 5,511 57.93 Materials 1,257 9,866 9,866 13,050 3,184 75.60 Freight 500 8,385 8,385 9,000 625° 98.47 Contracted Services 0 0 800 800 = 0.00 Total Expenses 1,757 25,8 25,860 35,950 10,110 71.88 sEerssssss SERSSSaSs= oo SESESEEss= | o =EsEsssss= sassss bon Zietes prom Rarawee SHEET Project 83075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Ledger Code LEDGER CODE #81825707 Statement of Income and Expenses (Unaudited) For the 12 ended Jun 30 91 Project Income Grant Funds Interest Income Total Income Project Expenses Labor Materials Freight Contracted Services Total Expenses Current Month Actual Current FY Actual To Date Prior FY Actual hs Total Current FY + Prior FY / pe Jere 20, 194) Project Amount Budget Remaining 32,350 0 0 (242) 32,350 (242) Esessrssz= 00 seszzs=s== 9,500 6,166 13,050 3,184 9,000 615 800 800 32,350 8,763 sSsssassss ssssssssss Percent Actual Budget 100.00 0.00 Project 83075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR i sa5) Ledger Code LEDGER CODE $81825206 he oF Jere 20,199 Statement of Income and Expenses (Unaudited) For the 12 ended Jun 30 91 Current Current FY Prior FY Total Percent Month Actual To Actual Current FY Project Amount Actual Actual Date + Prior FY Budget Remaining Budget Project Income Grant Funds 0 3,600 0 3,600 3,600 0 100.00 Interest Income 0 0 0 0 0 0 60.00 Total Income 0 3,600 0 3,600 3,600 0 100.00 Sessssscsss Srssssssss Sssssssssss Ssrsssssss Ssssssssss ssssssssss srssss Project Expenses Labor 0 2,253 0 2,253 3,600 1,367 62.58 Materials 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0.00 Freight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Contracted Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Total Expenses 0 2,253 0 2,253 3,600 1,347 62.58 Bauseisss=00 sssexssszz 0 sszzezszz= 00 ssz=sszzsz 00 zsszszzs==00 =szzzzz=== 0 === Sm ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS REVISION NO. 4 PROJECT BUDGET community 320) 7) audget? SOFS HEI KK BF pale * PJ CODE NAME PJ CODE PROJECT NAME Preparer Gbs/ LIV AA) Project Manager LE/ AAD Date 27/i/ AV/ Source(s) of Funding PROJECT Line Chart of Accounts BEA bre *| LHS Pree et TOTAL 1 Direct Personal Serv W/Benefits =... 726 eso ae l, Ble i wee nana nechncmenen ste eeaaxtad G, 452... 2), 054... Indirect Personal Services vA Ql QQ ZT. — ceccrsrsesrsee wth 2IZ... MQ, PZB. (rine 2 = 520 x Line 1] wo 71000 PERSONAL SERVICE SUBTOTAL — Z 1 Z 34S /2Z C45 3\ Q7 I [Line 3 = Ln 1 + Line 2] 4 72000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 5 Engineer & Prof Serv Contracts 6 Freight 7 Project Contingency 8 Indirect Non-Personal Services -eeeeseeeeeee 124... on BQ... Bi ceraseasteeeecenee ana ee Ee 2200 eee eee 4 | PAZ eens [Line 8 = 26% X Line 1) 9 73000 OTHER SERVICES SUBTOTAL /4 dl 2 5130 4 Jeo ZS 249 _ [Line 9 = sum of Lines 5,6,7,8] 10 74000 PROJECT MAT'LS & EQUIPMENT 745 a OS = 11: 75000 AEA EQUIPMENT 2 Q O 12 77000 GRANTS _ oO 21950 3600 10,500 crs [SEE BUDGET ON REVERSE SIDE) (Line 13 = Sum of Lines 3, 13 TOTAL UD 74] 413307 202, 20 445 FZ Jel 43,101,121 Matrix Code (7 IF | Project AR 3520 32 2RF_ Project CC 63 \b20Q2 OXI 20 | ol Leggo Ce, Project LC 41¥25 FD FF aS FOr gl FOF OTES: COMPLETION) OF FeolEcT Rebun Wn) Nev 90 BUDGET APPROVALS (Please agtcial and date) fe cc: Gloria Manni A Don Whelan Manager/Rural Projects Director/Agency Operations A) 4 a. Gary Smith + Qeeiie Pat Woodel) Director/Rural Programs { Executive Director =| ‘A =— Janet Hansen COMMUNITY PROJECT NAME PREPARER 77000-Grants ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET Grant Funding Addendum DATE PREPARED Labor Travel/Per Diem Material Freight Contract TOTAL $ ALASKA ENERGY avruo My RURAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET Project Manager: @E{K GAY Date: +/24 || Community: CHEFOoRmeAr Project Description [Describe reason for initiating project (response to correspondence, site visit, etc.) the situation, needs, proposal for resolving same, and issues pertinent to funding source restrictions (e.g., life, health, and safety improvements; efficiency improvements; emergency risk, etc.)} CeOmMPLeTioS OF BULK FYE EMER eICY Leraize FrosecyT Seeur W Nevensee 990. Scope of Work (__ Preliminary _V-Final) [Itemize tasks in as much detail as possible} \) AdiusT Pifguwe SurfPeRTS Aé EEQUIEED AFTER SFE THAW CAFELINE WAS /MSTAHED PLRING THE WINTER). 2) ExTenO Pirerwe tS BACKUP (SUMMER) Power PLANT. 3) INSTALL Con DUIT # CenPUcTORS Aone FIPELIXE To PreviDe Zeuagie fewEe +e THE Fuel TeanwisFee PoMP, Preliminary Cost Estimate (Total): $ Proposed Funding Source(s) = appropriation(s), Outside funding source(s), Other agency funding, Financing through ionds or other means} BF-Ee If any outside source funding is involved, describe on reverse side the proposed billing arrangements, conditions for receipt of and use of funds, and any other issues affecting project management. Leen PROJECT DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) SSS SSS SS SCOPE OF WORK (CONTINUED) PROPOSED FUNDING SOURCE(S) (CONTINUED) Project Management Plan (__ Preliminary _ Final) 1° Who will be the eventual owner of this project? City Alaska Energy Authority ~x_ IRA Council Other (specify) ____ Private Utility 2. Will AEA grant funds for the project? XX Yes HUHNE If so, specify method: Xx Through Trustee Directly to Grantee 3. Check proposed extent of involvement of AEA staff, contractors, City/Utility staff, and/or force account labor for the activities listed below: VITY ACTIVITY GROUP Minimal Oversight Moderate Heavy Project AEA Staff xX Management AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff Sel een eae City/Utility Contractors a ee EN kee TU TO een TY ee AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff 52 Gigi Comme [TT aera AEA Staff I/O en Purchasing AEA Contractors LGA TANS City/Utility Staff SoU) AMULET RSA A ATT Ceti Come | Construction | AEA Staff AT a AEA Contractors [aC Force Account Labor En ChyUitiy Conmscers [| Inspection AEA Staff SNC AEA oe {UEFUFAERACETETOPE City/Utility Staff NU ETE TT City/Utility Contractors Operation & AEA Staff rs oma aintenance AEA Contractors SUT TANORETTTON City/Utility Staff re AT TTA ETT OL City/Utility Contractors OA AME TTA TCT 4. Estimated Project Start Date LATE MAY 9) _; End Date LATE Jove 9) . 3 On reverse side, provide additional information and/or describe pertinent issues that will affect the management of this project. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN (CONTINUED) 5. Additional information and issues: ALASKA ENERGY ALTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project information Community. “GAD ANS cegeimteemeien fe eens eee ee PN lel ee Number __o os ARAProj Manager _ B/S N74) Date prepared: __ZZAPET!__—— DatenfAasis = --__ ata —— Dateof Completion Preparedby; ——-- Project Development Schedule YN Item A. Project Planning Tasks: PCE Analysis Other Econ./Finan. Analysis Final Scope of Work Final Management Plan ec eK |-_|v Project Budget Budget Review - Directorate - Agency (over $50K) Loan/Financing Application I< It < B. Grant/Project Agreement Preparation: Draft Grant/Project Agreement In-house Review of Draft Community/Utility Draft Review Attorney General Draft Review Final Grant/Project Agreement Attorney General Approval Community/Utility Approval Agency Approvals C. Trustee Project Setup: Complete Set-up Sheet Request Check From Accounting Receive Check at AEA Forward Check/Set-up to KPMC D. Commence Project Staff Responsible George Matz Brinn W 4 Gary S./Dave D-C Brent Petrie Marcey Rawitcher Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Marlys Hagen Pat Woodell Don Whelan Pat Woodell (i.e., purchase materials, let contracts, hire labor, etc.) Estimated Completion Date Wa —_ rps “or LATE May 2y ALASKA ENER, SUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL ee ee ee a es ee ee a ee ee Deseriprion Netes | Ameuar SC mee eee = 5 _——— ————— eee ae ag ee ee Eel Toral_ | eo E FREIGHT Notes Amount | F ; Lidpa'! G SUMMARY a Personal Services( A+D) Travei & Perdiem (C) Material (f) Feetght(F) Conernet (HOG) werat Alaska Energy Authority 83075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Appropriation #32394 & #32391 Collocation Code(s) 08162202 & 08139501 Ledger Code(s) 81825707 & 81825206 Financial Statements (Unaudited) For the 3 month(s) ended SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 Prepared By Kuskokwim Planning and Management Corporation P.O. Box 104460 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 (907) 276-2101 ( Alaska Energy Authority Monthly Project Financial Report Table of Contents Balance Sheet (Unaudited) Income and Expense Report -- consolidated Income and Expense Report(s) by ledger code Bank Statement Reconciliation Cash Receipts Journal Cash Disbursements Journal Open Payables Report General Journal Payroll Information General Ledger Listing Alaska =r sy Authority 32075 CHEF IE FUEL TINE REPAIR heat fUnaucdited) EPTEMBER 20. 131 CURRENT ) S.amk 0 Cartif ates of fhe t 9 a LIABILITIEs Purchase Reauests Payable 0 FICA ® FWT Withholding Payable 0 Alaska E5C Payable 40 FUTA Payable & Total Liabilities 48 FUND BALANCES Beginning Fund Balances 10,263 Current Period 10.310- Ending Fund Balances 47- Total Liabilities and Fund Balances £ oO a AT #4 Project 33075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Ledger Code Consolidated Departments ement of Income and Expenses {Unaudited) Current Current FY Month Actual To Actual Date Project Income Srant Funds (9,150) (9,150) Interest Income 0 83 Total Income (9,150) (9,067) Project Expenses Labor (36) 1,098 Materials 0 10 Freight 0 135 Contracted Services 0 0 Total Expenses (36) 1,263 -o rior FY Actual Total Current FY + Prior FY Amount Remaining 9.150 (325) Percent Actual dudget 74.55 0.00 Project 33 Ledger Cod eager Code « Project Income Srant Funds Interest Income Total Income Project Expenses Labor Materials Freight Contracted Services Total Expenses CHEF ORNAK DGER CODE meant of Income and FUEL LINE REPAIR #31825707 Expenses (Unaudited) 3 nonth!s) ended SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 Current Current FY Month Actual To Actual Date 7,803) (7,303) 0 83 Prior FY Actual 262 (95) 1,039 0 1G 0 135 0 0 (95) 1,184 Total Current FY + Prior FY Amount aining Percent Actual Budget Project 33075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR GER CODE #81825206 ment of Income and Expenses (Unaudited? he 3 nonthis) ended SEPTEMBER 20, 1991 Current Month Actual Project Income Srant Funds (1,367) Interest Income 0 Total Income (1,347) Project Expenses Labor 59 Materials 0 Freight 0 Contracted Services 0 Total Expenses 59 Current FY Actual To Prior FY Total Percent Actual Current FY Froject Amount Actual + Prior FY Budget Remaining 8udget 2,253 2,312 3,600 1,288 66.22 0 0 0 o 60.00 0 0 0 9 0.00 Q 0 0 Oo 0.00 2,253 2,312 3,600 1,288 64.22 Alaska Eneruy Authority Projects Report Date: Lu/25/>) Bank Statement Reconciliation Project Number: 83075 Project Title: Chefornak Fuel Line Reoair Bank: Key Bank of Alaska Actount Number: O20-73-897-3 Statement Date: 09/30/91 Beginning Receipts/ Checks/ Ending Credits Debits Balance Per Bank Statement $0.00 -$9,149.69 $09.10 Desoosits In Transit Prior Month $0.90 $0.00 Current Month $0.00 $0. 00 Outstanding Checks Prior Month $0.00 $0.00 Current Month $0.00 $0.00 Reconciled Balance $9,149.69 $0.00 ~$9,149.69 $0.00 Per General Ledger $9,149.69 $9,149.69 Cash Receipts Irnl $0.00 $0.00 Check Register $0.00 $0.00 General Journal $0.00 -~$9,149.69 -$9,149.69 Reconciled Balance $9,149.69 $0.00 -$9,149.69 $0.00 Reconciled By: CoWD. pate _10-25-4] = Checked By: Date Additional Information Date: 3eo 10 31 33075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Check Reconciliation fcr Bank Number [1] - KEY BANK OF ALASKA Details orinted up to and inciuding Sep 30 91. wo o Check Vencor Date Number Number Vendor Name Reference Issued Amount itatus 300019 1 ARCTIC WELDING SUPPLY SYSTEM CHECK Dec 06 90 127.65 CLEARED o0c011 2 KEY BANK OF ALASKA PR TAX Dec 06 90 1,396.37 MC CLEARED 901001 2 KNIK BUILDING SUPPLY SYSTEM CHECK Dec 13 90 918.30 CLEARED 901062 3 INDUSTRIAL VALVE & FITTING INC SYSTEM CHECK Dec 13 90 3,567.62 CLEARED 901903 & ALASKA PIPE & SUPPLY SYSTEM CHECK Dec 13 90 2,060. 36 CLEARED 001004 5 ALASKA RUBBER & SUPPLY SYSTEM CHECK Dec 13 90 364.60 CLEARED 001005 6 NORTHERN AIR CARGO SYSTEM CHECK Dec 13 90 267.96 CLEARED 001006 6 NORTHERN AIR CARGO SYSTEM CHECK Dec 27 90 160.17 CLEARED 001007 7 ARCTIC CIRCLE AIR SYSTEM CHECK Dec 27 90 160.65 CLEARED 301008 7 ARCTIC CIRCLE AIR SYSTEM CHECK Jan 04 91 3,769.08 CLEARED 001009 8 KEY BANK OF ALASKA SYSTEM CHECK Jan 04 91 45.98 CLEARED 001010 9 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SYSTEM CHECK Jan 04 91 235.05 VOID 001011 10 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE INC SYSTEM CHECK Jan 14 91 902.37 CLEARED 901012 6 NORTHERN AIR CARGO SYSTEM CHECK Feb 08 91 460.33 CLEARED 001014 6 NORTHERN AIR CARGO SYSTEM CHECK Feb 28 91 3,432.82 CLEARED 001015 11 CORROON & BLACK. INC. SYSTEM CHECK Feb 28 91 793.00 CLEARED 001016 9 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR PAYROLL TAX Aor 03 91 328.15 MC CLEARED 001017 7 ARCTIC CIRCLE AIR SYSTEM CHECK Apr 11 91 54,29 CLEARED 901018 12 ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTORS. INC. SYSTEM CHECK May 30 91 595.77 CLEARED 001019 13. HAMILTON ENGINES SYSTEM CHECK May 30 91 91.78 CLEARED 001020 3 INDUSTRIAL VALVE & FITTING INC SYSTEM CHECK Jun 07 91 917.91 CLEARED 001021 14 FASTENERS & FIRE EQUIPMENT INC SYSTEM CHECK Jun 07 91 12.14 CLEARED 001022 15. NAPA PARTS, INC. SYSTEM CHECK Jun 12 91 37.25 CLEARED 001023 3. INDUSTRIAL VALVE & FITTING INC SYSTEM CHECK Jun 19 91 289.50 CLEARED 001024 6 NORTHERN AIR CARGO SYSTEM CHECK Jun 19 91 499.91 CLEARED 001028 8 KEY BANK OF ALASKA PAYROLL TAX Jul 01 91 196.16 MC CLEARED 001029 6 NORTHERN AIR CARGO SYSTEM CHECK Jul 05 91 135,20 CLEARED 001030 12. ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTORS, INC. SYSTEM CHECK Aug 22 91 10.45 CLEARED 28 check(s) issued 21,388.82 27 check(s) cleared 21,153.77 1 check{s) voided 235.05 0 check(s) outstanding 0.00 BO RECEWED OCT 9 g ia 020 73 897 8 Key Bank or Alaska worms EMENT DATE: 09/30/91 BAN 2 KeyCorp Bark 897 8 B 07 1 sR EM B CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR | PROJECT #83075 LC 81825707 C/O KUSKOKWIM PLANNING & MGT CORP P O BOX 104460 ANCHORAGE AK 99510 | If you have a new address, please notify your branch. Or, detach this portion, make the necessary changes» and mail to: KEY BANK OF ALASKA, P.O. BOX 100420, ANCHORAGE, AK. 99510-0420. MERCHANT VERIFICATION OF FUNDS ON KEY BANK CUSTOMERS NOW AVAILABLE, CALL KEY EXPRESS, 7 DAYS A WEEK, 365 DAYS A YEAR, FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. PHONE 800-478-0364 ( IN ALASKA ) OR 907-564-0364 ( IN ANCHORAGE }. NON-PERSONAL KEY SUPER NOH SUMMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER 020 73 897 & PREVIOUS BALANCE AS OF 08/30/91 9,149.69 OQ CHECKS TOTALING 0.00 Q DEPOSITS TOTALING 0.00 1 OTHER CHARGES TOTALING 9,149.69 QO OTHER CREDITS TOTALING 0.00 SERVICE CHARGE FOR THIS PERIOD 0.00 ENDING BALANCE AS OF 09/30/91 0.00/ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER NOT ON FILE INTEREST PAID YEAR TO DATE 224.85 ANY DAY YOUR INTEREST- WE PAID THE FOLLOWING ANNUAL INTEREST RATES DURING THIS PERIOD: EARNING BALANCE WAS: 08/30-09/30 LESS THAN 0.00 5.12% 0.00 AND GREATER 0.00% TRANSACTION LISTING BY DATE POSTED DATE EFFECTIVE CHECKS,HITHDRAHALS, DEPOSITS, POSTED DATE TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION OTHER CHARGES OTHER CREDITS BALANCE 08/30 PREVIOUS BALANCE 9,149.69 09/23 INTEREST PAYMENT 28.26 9,177.95 09/23 REVERSE INTEREST PAYMENT 28.26 9,149.69 09/23 CLOSING WITHDRAWAL 9149.69 0.00 DIRECT INQUIRIES TO 800-478-6363 OR YOUR LOCAL OFFICE. PLEASE SEE INFORMATION ON OTHER SIDE date: dep 30 94 32075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Page: Detailed ven Payables for Vendors [ ] to {zzzzzz] for all Control Accounts. CODES: F - Force oayment; H - Hold payment. Vendor Vendor Name / Invoice Due Discount for Dset Max. Payment Number Invoice Number IP Date Qate Date Reference changed) _Amount Payable {if changed? L ARCTIC WELDING SUPPLY 100227 IN Nov 39 99 Nov 09 90 Nov 09 90 915892 127.65 100227 PA Dec 06 90 1-000010 27.68- 0.90 * 2 KNIK BUILDING SUPPLY 25324 IN Nov 10 90 Nov 10 90 Nov 10 90 915391 918.30 25324 PA Dec 13 90 1-001001 918. 30- 0.00 * 3 INDUSTRIAL VALVE & FITTING INC 4488 IN Nov 19 90 Nov 19 90 Nov 19 90 915977 1,156.60 4488 PA Dec 13 90 1-001002 1,156.60- 4501 IN Nov 19 90 Nov 19 90 Nov 19 90 915888 2,411.02 4501 PA Dec 13 90 1-001002 2,411.02- 5208 IN May 21 91 May 21 91 May 21 91 916314 917.91 5208 PA Jun 07 91 1-001020 917.91- 5300 IN May 31 91 May 31 91 May 31 91 916645 289.50 5300 PA Jun 19 91 1-001023 289. 50- 0.00 * 4 ALASKA PIPE & SUPPLY 17-1794075 IN Nov 20 90 Nov 20 90 Nov 20 90 915890 2,040.36 17-1794075 PA Dec 13 90 1-001003 2,060. 36- 0.00 * 5 ALASKA RUBBER & SUPPLY 118714 IN Dec 11 90 Nov 28 90 Dec 11 90 915893 364.60 118714 PA Dec 13 90 1-001006 364. 60- 0.00 * 6 NORTHERN AIR CARGO 34544667475 IN Dec 29 90 Dec 29 90 Dec 29 90 916127 40.33 34544667475 PA Feb 08 91 1-001012 40.33- 345 44506633 IN Dec 06 90 Dec 06 90 Dec 06 90 916009 160.17 345 44506633 PA Dec 27 90 1-001006 160.17- 345 44605234 IN Nov 11 90 Nov 11 90 Nov 11 90 916187 3,432.82 345 44605234 PA Feb 28 91 1-001014 3,432.82- 345 44660573 IN Nov 21 90 Nov 21 90 Nov 21 90 915902 267.96 345 44640573 PA Dec 13 90 1-001005 267. 96- 3454458-1272 IN Jul 05 91 Jul 05 91 Jul 05 91 916506 135.20 3454458-1272 PA Jul 05 91 1-001029 135. 20- 3454500-3996 IN May 31 91 May 31 91 May 31 91 916444 499.91 3454500-8994 PA Jun 19 91 1-001024 499.91- 0.00 * 7 ARCTIC CIRCLE AIR 14730 IN Jan 23 91 Jan 23 91 Jan 23 91 916310 54,29 14730 PA Apr 11 91 1-001017 54.29- 154744 IN Nov 21 90 Nov 21 90 Nov 21 90 916033 115.76 154744 PA Jan 04 91 1-001008 115, 76- a Date: Sep 9 33075 CHEFORNAK Fi Page: 22222) for ali Control Accounts Vendor Vendor Name / Invoice Due Discount Base for Dsct Max. Paynent Number Invoice Number TP Date Date Date Reference if changed) _Amount Payable {if changed) O Dec C5 90 916034 1-001008 ) Nov 15 90 316032 1-001008 J Nov 30 92 915948 1-901007 2 KEY BANK OF ALASKA 1990 FUTA IN Dec 31 90 Dec 31 90 Dec 31 90 FUTA TAX 65.98 1990 FUTA PA Jan 94 91 1-001209 45.98- PAYROLL TAX IN Jul 01 91 Jul OL 91 Jul O1 91 PAYROLL TAX 196.16 PAYROLL TAX MC Jul Q1 91 PAYROLL TAX 196, 16- PR 11/30/90 IN Nov 30 90 Nov 30 99 Nov 30 90 PR TAX 1,394.37 PR 11/30/90 MC Dec 96 90 PR TAX 1,394. 37- 0.00 * 9 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ESC IN Apr 03 91 Aor 93 91 Apr 03 91 PAYROLL TAX 328.15 ESC MC Apr 03 91 PAYROLL TAX 328. 15- ESC 12/31/90 IN Dec 31 90 Dec 31 90 Dec 31 90 4TH OTR ESC 235.95 ESC 12/31/90 PA Jan 04 91 1-091910 235.05- 0.90 * 10 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE INC 378185 IN Nov 15 90 Nov 15 90 Nov 15 90 915903 420.70 378185 PA Jan 14 91 1-001011 420. 70- 378186 IN Nov 14 90 Nov 14 90 Nov 14 90 915903 481.67 378186 PA Jan 14 91 1-001011 481.67- 0.00 * 11 CORROON & BLACK, INC. ENORSMNT 7 IN Feb 06 91 Feb 06 91 Feb 06 91 WC INSURANCE 793.00 ENDRSMNT 7 PA Feb 28 91 1-001015 793.00- 0.00 * 12 ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 283520.01 IN May 15 91 May 15 91 May 15 91 916317 595.77 283520.01 PA May 30 91 1-001018 595.77- 28749460.01 IN Aug 19 91 Aug 19 91 Aug 19 91 916317 10.65 2874940.01 PA Aug 22 91 1-001030 10.45- 0.00 * 13 HAMILTON ENGINES COD 5/28/91 IN May 28 91 May 28 91 May 28 91 916248 91.78 COD 5/28/91 PA May 30 91 1-001019 91.78- 0.90 * 14 FASTENERS & FIRE EQUIPMENT INC 53467 IN May 16 91 May 16 91 May 16 91 916316 12.14 53467 PA Jun 07 91 1-001021 12.14- 0.00 * Date: Sep 30 1 33078 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR 1 Oven Pavables for Vendors [ ] to {zzzzzz] for al! Control Accounts. CODES: F - Force cayment: 4 - Hold oayment. Yendor Vendor Name / Invoice Due Discount Number, Invoice Number IP Date Date Date Reference Base for Dsct Max. Payment {if changed) Amount Payable (if changed) 15 NAPA PART on , INC. 1914204 IN May 16 91 May 16 91 May 16 91 916315 1914204 PA Jun 12 91 1-001022 Total for 15 Vendor(s): -SUMMARY- Acct Dept Description Amount © 2000 PURCHASE REQUEST PAYABLE 0.00 Not assigned. Not assigned. Not assigned. Not assigned. Date: Sep 20 91 3: 130m 3075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Page: Source Journals Reference . Date Acct. Dept. Sree { 3) (Seo at 91)( VM ) Lauearall 3) (Sep 30 91) (zzz222) (222222) Reference Pd Date Acct, Dept. Srce_ Pstg, Entry Batch Entry Description Necits Credits 0 transactions orinted. Date: Sep 30 91 3:13pm 33075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Page: 1 Source Journals Seneral Journal Pd = Reference Date Acct. Dept. $rce { 3}{ }(Seo 01 91)( Vf ) ( 3) (zzzzzzzzzzzz} (Sep 30 91) (zzzzzz) (zzzz22) Pd Reference Date Acct, Dent. Sroe Pstg, Entry Batch Entry Description Debits Credits 3 9001 Sep 30 91 1000 SL-JE 9-1 9-1 TO CLOSE OUT CHECKING ACCOUNT 9,149.69 9001 Sep 30 91 4000 1 GL-JE 9-1 9-1 TO CLOSE OUT CHECKING ACCOUNT 7,802.69 3001 Sep 30 91 ©4000 2 GL-JE 9-1 9-1 TO CLOSE OUT CHECKING ACCOUNT 1,367.00 PR Sep 26 91 2110 6L-JE 8-1 8-1 U.I. Liab. Reversal AK 69.94 PR Sep 26 91 = 2110 6L-JE 8-1 8-1 U.I. Liab. Reversal AK 206.32 PR Sep 26 91 2110 G6L-JE 8-1 8-1 U.I. Liab. AK 41.2 PR Sep 26 91 5110 1 GL-JE 8-1 8-1 U.I. Expense Reversal AK 206.32 PR Sep 26 91 5110 1 GL-JE 8-1 8-1 ULI. Expense AK 41.24 PR Sep 26 91 5110 2 SL-JE 8-1 8-1 U.I. Expense Reversal AK 69.94 ee 9,467.16 9,467.16 9 transactions printed. Generai Ledger Lis } to [zzzzz2), ] to (zzz2z2], G/L listing for account [ for department { 3075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPATE ting as of SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 Page: 1 for fiscal ceriod let) etogl-3): sorted by {Account J. Last posting sequence number: 10 Acct. _Jept. Posting Batch Net Change/ Pd Srce_ Date Description Reference Entry Entry Debits redits Balance 1000 Cash In Bank 10,292.25 1 AP-CK Jul 05 91 APCK chks 001029-001029. Chkrun 1-2 1-2 135.20 1 AP-MC Jui 31 91 APMC batch 3. n/c 2-1 2ok 196.16 1 GL-JE Jul 01 91 Net Payroll Wages PR 3-1 3-1 383,38 1 GL-JE Jul 31 91 TO RECORD CKNS ACCT INTEREST 7001 6-1 4-1 42.96 1,171.80- 9,120.45 2 AP-CK Aug 22 91 APCK chks 001030-001030. Chkrun 6-1 6-1 10.45 2 GL-JE Aug 31 91 INTEREST-CHECKING 8001 7-1 7-1 39.69 29.26 9,149.69 3 GL-JE Sep 30 91 TO CLOSE OUT CHECKING ACCOUNT 9001 9-1 9-1 9,149.69 9,149.69- Ending balance 0.00 1100 Certificates of Deposit Ending balance 0.00 2000 Purchase Requests Payable 9.00 1 AP-CK Jul 05 91 APCK chks 001029-001029. Chkrun 1-2 Ney 135.20 1 AP-IN Jul 05 91 APIN batches 16 to 16. Inv. i-1 1-1 135.20 1 AP-IN Jul 31 91 APIN batches 17 to 17. Inv. i-1 1-1 196.16 1 AP-MC Jul 31.91 APMC batch 3. n/c 2-1 2-1 196.16 9.00 0.90 2 AP-CK Aug 22 91 APCK chks 001030-001030. Chkrun = 6-1 10.45 2 AP-IN Aug 19 91 APIN batches 18 to 18. Inv. me 5-1 10.45 0.00 Ending balance 0.00 2100 FICA & FWT Withholding Payable 0.00 1 AP-IN Jul Of 91 APIN # 17 KEY BANK OF AL PAYROL 1-1 1-1 196.16 1 SL-JE Jul 01 91 Tax Entity US PR 3-1 3-1 42.00 1 GL-JE Jul 01 91 Employee FICA PR 3-1 3-1 77.08 1 GL-JE Jul 01 91 Employer FICA PR 3-1 3-1 77.08 9,00 Ending balance 0.00 2110 Alaska ESC Payable 29. 71- 1 GL-JE Jul O1 91 Detail #1 PR 3-1 3-1 5.06 1 GL-JE Jul 01 91 U.I. Liab. esti.) AK PR 3-1 3-1 41.21 46.25- 75. 36- 3 GL-JE Sep 26 91 U.I. Liab. Reversal AK PR 8-1 8-1 69.94 3 GL-JE Sep 26 91 U.I. Liab. Reversal AK PR 8-1 8-1 206.32 3 GL-JE Sep 26 91 U.I. Liab. AK PR 8-1 8-1 41.21 3 GL-JE Seo 30 91 ADJ ESC TAXES 9002 10-1 10-1 199.29 35.76 Ending balance 40.20- 2120 FUTA Payable 0.00 1 GL-JE Jul 01 91 U.I. Liab. (esti.) US PR 3-1 3-1 8.06 §.06- Date: Seo 30 91 9 11:20am 23075 CHEFORNAK FUEL LINE REPAIR Fage: 2 G/L Listing Seneral Ledger Listing as SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 Acct. Dept Posting Batch Net Change/ Pd Srce_ Date Description Reference Entr: Entry Debits redits Balance 2120 FUTA Payable (continued) Ending balance 3.96- 3201 Fund Balance -- LC 381825707 Ending balance 3,915. 56- 3202 Fund Balance -- LC 31825206 Ending balance 1,346, 98- 4000 1 Project Revenue 9 3 GL-JE Sep 30 91 TO CLOSE OUT CHECKING ACCOUNT 9001 9-1 9-1 7,802.69 7,80 Ending balance rey 4000 2 Project Revenue 9.00 3 GL-JE Sep 30 91 TC CLOSE OUT CHECKING ACCOUNT 9001 9-1 9-1 1,347.00 1,347.00 Ending balance 1,347.00 4050 1 Interest Income 0.00 1 GL-JE Jul 31 91 TO RECORD CKNG ACCT INTEREST 7001 4-1 6-1 42.94 62. 94- 42.94- 2 GL-JE Aug 31 91 INTEREST-CHECKING 8001 7-1 7-1 39.69 39.69- Ending balance 82.63- 4050 2 Interest Income Ending balance 9.00 5000 1 Materials 3.00 2 AP-IN Aug 19 91 APIN # 18 ELECTRIC DISTR 916317 5-1 5-1 10.45 10.45 Ending balance 10.45 5000 2 Materials Ending balance 9.90 5010 1 Freight 5.00 1 AP-IN Jul 05 91 APIN # 16 NORTHERN AIR C 916506 1-1 1-1 135.20 135.20 Ending balance 135.20 5010 2 Freight Ending balance 9.90 5100 1 Labor 1 GL-JE Jul 01 91 Empl. Wage Expense PR 3-1 3-1 1,007.50 Ending balance 5100 2 Labor Ending balance 2.00 5110 1 Employer Payroll Taxes 2.90 1 GL-JE Jul 01 91 Employer Tax Expense PR 3-1 3-1 126.35 SL ee 125.35 3 GL-JE Sep 26 91 U.I. Expense Reversal AK PR 8-1 8-1 206. 32 3 GL-JE Sep 26 91 U.I. Expense AK PR 8-1 8-1 41.21 3 GL-JE Sep 30 91 ADJ ESC TAXES 9002 10-1 10-1 69.94 Ending balance 5110 2 Employer Payroll Taxes 9.20 Alaska Energy Authority Bookkeeping Service Project Set-Up Summary Today’s Date 2 Nov 77 Contract No.(c 27 PJNo. C2075 Background Information ProjectName _CHEFORNA UEL Lite KePA Brief Project Description (1-2 sentences) THIS PRoxé€ceT White REPEACE Tie Fue Te aioren Une us Ye ATELVAQ Liege PLANT To Teavisese Fuge FROM Tigiz Burt Storace TANS TO THE DAN TANI Community Name _citg roe ntar AEA Accounting Information Appropriation Collocation Ledger Dollar Amount Number Code Code This Transfer 32394 C816 2202 giez5707 £21850. - ZS 3d] 02'135150| R580 *_2600.- 77730 Grant Budget L. Code L. Code L. Code Labor (local payroll) 5000 S600 ti ietneneutiy ene ee Material 10 0SO — Pea Freight 6000 BTL EEE LSE TOTAL £21850 $agoo Project Name_ Fue Une 2epat Page 2 of 2 (continued) Project Information AEA Project Manager Name Joun Bucwoul AEA Project Manager Phone 261-72AT Name & Address of Contract- DAVID Ceulis, Se, Teav. Evpets cue ing Party (Village, School THE CHEFRNAL ELDEES Counce District) BO Fox NO CHEFO Telephone Number of Contract- B47 - 8214 (were B@ UiEdNT Panty ing Party Length of Project Bi wo. (weeks, months) Project starting Date 2 pwWov Fo Date Village Labor to Start IZ Woy 70 Workmen’s Compensation Information No. Comp. Job Class Comp Base Total Empl. Code (Name) Rate Wage Labor Cost ($/100) (hourly) ($) | SIBZ Weer 12.61 Sao $ 300 3 G39 Gés. LASOR AST ZS ¢ 5000 * Total cost includes estimated base wage and labor overhead costs. See Policy & Procedure 3-6, Appendix B for Comp le, Job Class and Comp Rate ($/100). Estimated Number of Invoices* / 110-20 // 21-40 // 41-60 //61-80 / / 81-100 * Used to determine how bank account will be set up & project funds managed. FN:infosht/piw IKA_— Community Project Code_ S20 17 Budget Project Code_22 5 7 S ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY _ CHES AS Revision 2” PROJECT NAME Le Fut SsEessme Fuge ReErAt PREPARER \ Burrow DATE PREPARED _& Nov 70 PROJECT Source of Funding SEA eto tee TOTAL 71000 Personal Services $ a Sie sae $ $(2604 72000 Travel and Per Diem 3540 = 3540 73000 Other Services ee = = 14425 77730 Grants * = ZL 850 2600 25,450 73140 Grant Handling Fees a oo oo sa 73872 Project Contingency 25° 372\ = 337) 74000 Material (AEA only) 4s a im 245 73460 Freight (AEA only) ea = at aa SUBTOTAL $16,2'!6 $40,728 $ 3600 $§ $40,745 70200 Indirect Non-personal 134 Z,007 as Zlas 70100 Allocated Personal 4o | £027 = 6,428 TOTAL $16,751 $48,965 $ 3400 $§ $S4, 316 Matrix Code 17 {7 32 Project AR 32394 32394 _3337| Project CC 08162202 08162202 O83 Dais8s01 Project LC 8182570) Bi8z25707 Vii s52o5 BUDGET APPROVALS Manager of Rural Projects iE @ Noy FO ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. / Mgr. of Project Accounting Director of Rural Programs / Mgr. of Rural Projects Preparer Director of Agency Operations Return original to Dir. (If budget greater than $50,000) Initials of Rural Programs * If project includes grant funds, see addendum attached. P gra oe Reviess Bupeer sigrler 31 oer 7° ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET di du COMMUNITY CHEFOR PAL PROJECT NAME Fue ANE te rAwm PREPARER >. Burton! DATE PREPARED & Nov 70 77730_Grants Labor $s B, 602 Travel/Per Diem a Material JO,°050 Freight 6,000 Contract 800 TOTAL «$24 SO ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information Community: CHEFORGIAY a Project Name: _Fveée. LlPe fepaae __ ee Number AFA Pro Manager _\. BoLxow Mate prepared: NOlsi1/90 Date of Basis Nev NI9290 Prepaced by: Je. Geay = Era’ Date of Completion as _____._____.._ LABOR (field work) _ | Name Task Hrs ‘T Rate Subtotal | [eee [Peseta aTond 251 2615| 2,519 T i META | Soregvision a uetaedlion 9D ay A296 | —— |e = 4 Community Labor _Total | 6/5 _| | LAzore rs, Tez @ \00 Hee Aen) [Zo] zs 2022 [WELDER LAPE weeDinta i Name : Task _ [ts | Rate [ Subtotal | WBCINW eerepiTe ¢ eS | 20 fab is) Gs | _ Ree PEsien # Mob 37.5 /3a86! 1,157 | | META -4Hoe® TS HSI L7e7! | AdovuTanT | boveice ProcessiG | 1S '3R04| 49 | | Fey. Srecrust| FeelecT A@reReNT._|__7.513739| 280 we fn en ee ee t - —c——ee eee RPoaut-+ ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL Sa n | Nates | ' Amouar “Fire. FiTtvos, To | See ATTACHED tit 052! 1 | oan ee a ee oo a wa {—_.___ Se eee —————) rele | | 1 7 ii eT ae a = a saaeiniaiait eee _ ena Toul 1/052 | A __ FREIGHT ad al Description Lil Notes I Amount Ale F£LEIGHT To BETHEs _ 2,200 ! -Belker ? cHeforslay. = 2, 200 | ia He i | i | Trl nn ' = at CONTRA [ an Description mm Notes Communitveguipment rental | + | JI ela EEE | Tec PesSTAL i \ Vay & eSesT aul 3eo | |-Bacicnes. 4 ofepetop. | | VAT CG >500/vay! 500 | Li | ' ' | — —_ + —- nT Sd ELLE Wee ee - i | He } ! | i—--- — —-- aaj — 4 4 {OUI eUIRIe I iota) tot IEICE et elles 7) OSU ee eile TIE \ 1 | ' ea Nl Nett ct te ee i et j een Total | B80 | SUMMARY Personal Services(A+D) _ // BIBS Pravel & PerdiemiC) 2,870_ Material (te) 102,250 Prerehrey —@,000 Contract (202) 6 fem 7400 tor! 3¢7538— 40,138 E RA are Community Project Code @20!7 Budget Project Code @20 7S ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY CORA Nngvon\ a] il PROJECT NAME Asseesmenr ¢ Fu Rea PREPARER Bb. Oran DATE PREPARED i Oo} | SS Source of Funding BEA & ER i 71000 Personal Services $__ 766 s_jl aia $ $ $12 404 72000 Travel and Per Diem = 2 S40 3,5U4UO 73000 Other Services 14.435 ans 14,435 77730 = ~=Grants * = Z|, B50 Z1B SC 73140 Grant Handling Fees vm oe 73872 Project Contingency 230 3.1zZ1 S97) 74000 Material (AEA only) 745 = 245_ 73460 Freight (AEA only) = rr SUBTOTAL $ Ab $40,928 $ $ $57,144 70200 Indirect Non-personal i 34 Z,009 2,/43 70100 Allocated Personal 4o\ G0 27 6,428 TOTAL § lo, 75) $42,965 $s SS $£5 716 Matrix Code /7 17 Project AR 32394 32394 Project CC OD\G2252 08162202 Project LC B1B2S75\| BIB2S707 BUDGET APPROVALS & yy, i : Oe iN Y Manager of Rural Projects ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. OY \ Mgr. of Project Accounting ~; oe \ e Director of Rural Programs fur ake Le] Ea / Mgr. of Rural Projects “& 8 Director of Agency Operations Aue __ | St ie Go one original to Dir. (If budget greater than $50,000) Date of Rural Programs A RENISES * If project includes grant funds, see addendum attached. Buvatr Ssidnlt 26 Ser 90, ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET Grant Funding Addendum COMMUNITY CHEFoR SAY PROJECTNAME FPOEL LINE EPA PREPARER £B. OZAY DATE PREPARED__\o / 3 [so 77730_Grants Labor $ 5,200 Travel/Per Diem _ Material 1D ,OS0 Freight E,000 Contract BOO TOTAL $ Z| 250 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHiont ¥ PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information Community: CHEFORRAY PeojectName: _ FPuer. Lime _ _ZePae. Be Number ABA Proj Manager “3 Bvorkow Mate prepared: _lolei/9o Ss Date of Basis ev 1299 Prepared by: e._CEAY Date of Completion _— —--- ae __LABOR (field work) __ Task Fieve INS aToN © [25 ;,META | SUFEZVIsion tones 90 5 Ao 96 | ae — + community Labor _ Total LABoreE RS \(2 © \00 Hee Een) PER DIEM AND TRAVEL ——--— a s \ Name | Field PD | Sub- | Number | Rate | Sub- | Total Days | Rate | total | ot Trips total Cc LABOR (office work) : L Name Task _ | oe | Rate ~ Subtotal i ;-RG/Mw) ss eerepiTe ¢ eS | FO 126s ee | |_ oe 7 PEo\ion * Hee i 27513086! _I1S7 | | META mite __ {276 45.51 |,7e7! [AdoveTm nT | invoice Processine | IS. 122048, oS | Vey. Srecrusy Fro\eeT AGrEEMENT_ -- T3722) 282 [eae abe sete ee pet \ _ 4 a foal m2, b RPoagt-+ ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information ORL III) | aan PEE 1 [ Deseription cco I Notes | Amouot | AUPE. FiTiwtete, ble. | ee AT ACHE 0,022_ st ears ALA FREIGHT a [ Description ie Notes Amount pAIk. FeeieHT To BETHEL. + os 2,200 |! }eelWer. > cHerersleg. __ 220, — + = Cin | Teer PesTAL [\ vat © 420c/my| B00 | | Bacepoe 4 ofevetop. | | WAY C $50°/cay | 500 | aaa RR — — + _ 4 UE 1 se EEL EEE 4 Se ee EEE A cUULLIUL pele ALL i uN CU 0 OTOL | SUMMARY Total | BOO | Personal Services(A+D) ey 1 Travel & Perdiem (C) 2,870 Material (KE) 12,250 Fretebrdl) _ 6,000 Contract (+6) 5,800 Total 2@, 538 _ KPuaUt 6 | CHeree, & TWR. FAST FUEL ~ IWE BureetT VY“ | Bcts \O.c, leo Di Sekek 4o 2" shel ~ 4H Sched 80 = S%F_ || beee’ of eh 40* Fo00r lose 2o00* Fittings, l 2opgerts . Moatge: ere Jeoo* tet | Northen Ac Cares (242-3331) F32S% te Eet..| Wack Air (266-ce24) +24 12 Cethel 7000 * x %o.ss/4 = $2450 | Acckre Circle Ate (343-5906 in Bette!) has 2 | Skavans stedioned in Bethel - can take OF te | B20eot/tip 4 au haul! Zo’ | eugths | ot as ae? my \,067 /trip ‘ Z trips =$Z2,134 Could had a4 ‘ ep? ekeess On Smallec plaxe) Mike O'Brien ii/}/go » — | ze’ 2 "bas 9c feed fime Total Freialt = 45000 j letdg 4 |000 ez 2) Rio Sak 2! ripe © $B /\e + 26% fillings | up Ht zoo (3.54) \.2e~—- $5,200 a ee i} Fan, Sb Manlours Yo ¢\ gee *) suppect , € weld 04 av PY Se ‘ : i ya ; Hl | Zo | enn oy {F< <3 . ; Y Well Go oecx aie {> Mhr/seck ) = [@o ManxheurS a 4 / H AAV x4 Pi Pex supects e@ le Oc. , 4 Ca_ Ml Gheon Clark-Graues) 120 x%4 = 4500 We __| e e 3) Veme exiot tank header + rePpipe | i iw? i i Move pe ae hevse 4 Tepe inclo ding i new valves $600 4 Zo manhes 5). Tote Field Envenses? $8300 4 290 MHR phic’. Ohya Figure el dane Geld \ sae