HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorthwest Arctic Coal Development Combustion Technology Study, Report Review Meeting, March 1994STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS DIVISION OF ENERGY NORTHWEST ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY STUDY "REPORT REVIEW MEETING" Attended by Representatives of: ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS ARCTIC SLOPE CONSULTING GROUP ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATION EER’S ENGINEERING OFFICE - ORRVILLE, OHIO MARCH 7, 1994 NORTHWEST ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT "COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY STUDY" Objectives: 1) Review commercially available and near term commercial small scale coal combustion systems for electrical power generation in rural Alaska. 2) Select one technology supplier for a modular design study. 3) Review existing and proposed State and Federal regulations which might apply to small coal fired power plants. TECHNOLOGY REVIEW Companies Contacted 1 Pyropower Corporation [Fluidized bed boiler systems to burn coal, peat, petroleum, coke, and wood waste] 3 Tampella Power Inc. [Turnkey power systems, fluid bed boilers, solid fuel boilers, coal/peat/wood/biomass] 5 Yanke Energy Inc. [Combustion systems (traveling grate/fluidized beds) w/electrical generators] 7 Fuller Power Corporation [Micronized coal fired system] 2 Combustion Power Company [Fluid bed burners, boilers and dryers, high temperature gas cleanup] 4 Sunpower, Inc. [Small high efficiency 30 kWe reciprocating engines] Not Interested in Coal Applications 6 JWP Energy Products, Inc. [Combustion systems (gasification/fluidized bed combustion) w/electrical generators] 8 TCS, Inc. [Micronized coal fired system] Companies Contacted 9 Hague International 10 M.W. Kellogg Co. [Externally fired combined cycle [CFB combustor/steam generator w/ ceramic heat exchanger (pilot)] technology] Replied - Not Interested 11 Southern Engineering & 12 Air Products and Chemicals, Equipment Co. Inc. [35 kWe to 4 MWe cogeneration [Pressurized fluid bed boiler & systems, single stage steam carbonizer/FB combustor- turbines only] combined cycle] Own and Operate 13 Energeo, Inc. 14 Michael J. Virr Ser Hen 1,225 MZ7D [Fluidized bed/Brayton cycle 80 [Fluidized bed boiler - Stone kWe pilot, 200 kWe unit (EPA Platt/Johnston Boiler] contract) under construction] 15 Thermal Consultants and 16 ACC-Babcock Ltd. Services (EER Rep) [Pulverized, stoker,& FBC’s [Contacted for info on small for coal & biomass fired plants coal-fired power plants in India] in India] Contacts for 16, 17, 18 & 19 Replied through TCS Companies Contacted 17 Thermax Limited 18 Cethar Vessels Limited [Small fluidized bed combustors] [Small fluidized bed boilers for coal and agri - wastes] 19 Ignifluid Boilers India, Ltd. 20 International Energy Agency Coal Research [Fluidized bed boiler technology] [Contacted for info on small scale coal-fired power plants in Europe & Asia] Replied through TCS Replied - No Info on Small Plants 21 Transtech GMBH 22 Skinner Engine Company [Barge mounted fluidized bed [75 kWe to 2.2 MWe single stage boiler/power generation made in steam turbine/generators] China] No Reply 23 Will-Burt Company 24 Process Power, Inc. rep for: (Dresser-Rand) [Small scale coal-fired [Manufacturer of multi-stage atmospheric fluidized bed steam turbine/generators] combustor] Companies Contacted 25 Babcock Contractors Ltd. U.K. [Small scale slagging gasifier w/gas turbine applicable for 25 MW, but not smaller] 27 Cooper Industries, Inc. [R&D for coal slurry fired, 2600hp @ 400 rpm diesel (Cooper-Bessemer)] 29 H & G Process Contracting Ltd., U.K. [Contacted for info on small coal-fired power plants in Replied - No Info Available 26 Staves and Associates [Contacted for info on small scale coal-fired power plants in Canada] Replied w/Contacts 28 The Bethlehem Corporation [Packaged firetube boiler capable of firing coal, wood, waste, oil & gas] Replied - Unsuitable Technology | 30 Rheinbraun Engineering und Wasser GMBH [Contacted for information on small scale coal - fired plants] Replied w/Contacts 31 Lambion Feuerungs-und Anlagenbau GmbH [Stoker coal-fired plants] Reply through Rheinbraun 32 Lentjes-FasolGmbH und Co KG [Soker coal-fired plants] Reply through Rheinbraun CosvT— CETHAR VESSELS LTD. Trichirapalli, India Type: Size: Coal: Other Fuels: Power: Availability: Installations: Fluidized Bed Boiler 80 kWe to 25 MWe 1 /4" Xx QO" Waste Oil, Wood Waste, Agri-Waste S.S., S.H. Steam 90+ % 200 plus 80 under contract ‘0 ESIGN FEATURES ETHAR FLUIDIX FLUIDISED BED COMBUSTION BOILER — Fudd it ademined below the hukved bed — Even distribution of lus! in ie bod — Combustion olliclency over 95% way UNDER BED FIRING — Fin welded mamtwrance wall construction erauren gatiginess = Minknum Pladsation Losses 2 MEMBRANE WALL FURNACE — Any gaseous Ivet such as Biogas, Natural Gas.can be ved in. comtanetion with eaher Coal or fice husk, — No special burners required. — Gas bney eysionn con iw wcorporated /, ony tne GAS FIRING CAPABILITY — Combination d water ube and ie tube | — Advantages ol both types of Boller.) . UNIQUE HYBRID DESIGN a i vengerinne orl pele i on 7 IN BED TUBES — Due to uniqueness in design, a wide tangedivelcanbelved. ,. ¢ ili TT — Seamions steel tubes are compiotcty aQ~ | I Inenerted in ie Runcised bed ui | I f — Eective heat wansier and bed MULTIFUEL FIRING CAPABILITY, JWP ENERGY PRODUCTS, INC. Coeur d’Alene, ID Type: Size: Coal: Other Fuels: Power: Availability: Installations: Fluidized Bed Boiler 500 kWe to 25 MWe 1/2" x 0" RDF, Waste Oil, Wood Waste, Sludge, Plastics, Tires S.H. Steam/Rankine 95% 68 Installations FUEL FEED- OVENFINE Ain - PRENEATEN - FLUID BED WASTE TO ENERGY SYSTEM FLUID DED COMBUSTOR BELLU | AND. . DED HEMOVAL NECIIC, PUMPS ~~ UOILEN ‘LEANING SYSTEM . 1D, FAN STACK @ JWP Energy Products, Inc. (EPI)° 4006 Industrial Avenue Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814-8928 (208) 765-1611 FAX: (208) 765-0503 THERMAX LTD. Pune, India Type: Size: Coal: Other Fuels: Power: Installations: Fluidized Bed Boiler 250 kWe to 3 MWe 3/8" x 0", up to 70% ash Waste Oil, Wood Waste S.H. Steam/Rankine 175 Fluidpac installations (sat. steam) THERMAX | POWERMAX CFB BOILER MAIN STEAM SAFETY VALVES STEAMWATER DRUM MAIN HEADER ~}}- FEED WATER FUMP CCL SCREW FEEDER INGEO HEADER a Reese SECONDA=Y AIR FULLER POWER CORPORATION Bethlehem, PA e Type: e Size: e Coal: e Other Fuels: e Power: e Availability: e Installations: Coal Micronizer /Packaged Boiler 5 MWe to 25 MWe est. 2" x 0" Waste Oil, Petroleum, Coke, Wood Waste S.H. Steam/Rankine Not provided 2, plus 2 under construction FULLER MICROFUEL SYSTEM 50 TPH Bucket Elevator Bin Vent Filter CLO LEAL LLL LLL LLL) Variable Speed Bolt Feeder TCS, INC. Annapolis, MD Type: Size: Coal: Other Fuels: Power: Availability: Installations: Coal Micronizer /Packaged Boiler 500 kWe to 50 MWe 2" x 0" Waste Oil S.H. Steam/Rankine 8-9 mos. @ 100% 4 TCS MICRONIZED COAL SYSTEM NHAT IS COAL MICRONIZATION? * Pulverization of coal to micron size. (e.g., less than diameter of human hair) ADVANTAGES * Combustion characteristics similar to oil. * Cost advantageous fuel. * System simplicity. SULFUR CAPTURE ¢ Simultaneous micronization of limestone results in significant sulfur emission reductions. RETROFIT APPLICATIONS 1. Existing or new coal bunker (2 x 0 coal ). * Oil & gas fired boilers. 2. Conveyor. * Stoker-fired boilers. 3. TAS COAL mill. * Kilns, Dryers, Process heaters. 4. TAS COAL burner. 5. Boiler, Kiln, Dryer, Process heater, etc. TRACK RECORD * Over 80 systems installed in U.S.A. Canada and Europe. MULTIPLE STAGE TURBINE/GENERATORS: (~ 16-18% Efficiency) DRESSER-RAND COMPANY Wellsville, NY Dresser-Rand is a large compressor/turbine equipment manufacturer. They manufacture single and multiple stage turbine/generators with capacities in the range of 250 kWe to 70 MWe. ly 2 Be Rene ea Bor SMa Broz oye sull DRESSER-RAND MULTI-STAGE TURBINES QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Electrical Power Output/ Commercial Range Available 25 max. points e Cethar . Capacity range of 80 kWeto15 _ |, a7 Thx, base dx« ~~ MWe; currently negotiating a sri TIL ha be wane 25MWe unit; 200+ installations e JWP Capacity range of 5 MWe to50 ZJ:, MWe; 68 installations e Thermax Capacity range of 500 kWe to3 w«""’ MWe; 175 installations —» whe ’ e Fuller 1 - 5tph R&D unit, and 1-13 Wo metric ton unit on coal °e TCS 1 - 11 MWe unit, 1 - 75,000 Ib/hr se) boiler, and 2 - 50,000 lb/hr boilers oat Points: Cethar -25 JWP-10 Thermax - 20 Fuller - 5 TCS - 7 Cethar rated highest because of complete applicability, Thermax is a little stretch to cover size range, JWP, Fuller, and TCS have large units only Weng lleny 1B jus sord, Ching, Doanellr y QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Simplicity and Reliability of Operation 10 max. points ©) Cethar 90+ % Onstream service factor ain eee 95% e Thermax 95% e Fuller not provided ”») Ph eee 100% for 8-9 months Points: Cethar - 10 JWP-10 Thermax - 10 Fuller -5 TCS -9 Fuller rated low because of no available information QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Coal Characteristics 10 max. points e Cethar 1/4" x 0, to 50% ash e JWP 2"x 0, to 50% ash e Thermax 3/8" x 0, to 50+ % ash e = Fuller Any size, throughput changes - mill micronizes e TCS 2" x 0, to 15% ash - mill micronizes Points: Cethar - 7 JWP-10 Thermax - 7 Fuller - 5 TCS - 4 JWP rated highest because it can take large size coal without the need for grinding; Fuller and TCS will mill coal to 20 micron size QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Fuel Flexibility (based on current experience) 5 max. points e Cethar Rice husks, sawdust, bamboo dust, groundnut shells, coffee husks, bagasse e JWP Wood waste, RDF e Thermax Rice husks, coconut shells, groundnut husks, pelletized MSW e §=6Fuller Wood waste e TCS Wood waste, oat hulls Points: Cethar -4 JWP-5 Thermax - 4 Fuller - 5 TCS -5 All rated about the same, ones with wood waste experience rated a little higher; wood waste could be an alternate fuel in Alaska. QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Overall Thermal Efficiency 5 max. points e Cethar 84% to steam w/6,840 Btu/Ib coal e JWP Not provided, ash with 0.5 wt% carbon = high carbon conversion e Thermax 84% to steam w/12,600 Btu/Ib coal e §6Fuller Not available e TCS Not provided Points: Cethar -5 JWP-5 Thermax - 4 Fuller - 3 TCS -3 Cethar and JWP rated equal due to statement by JWP on carbon in ash. Thermax not quite as good as Cethar, Fuller and TCS rated lower, no values presented QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Auxiliary Power Requirements Cethar JWP Thermax Fuller TCS Points: Cethar -5 JWP-4 Thermax - 4 Fuller - 2 TCS - 4 5 max. points 5 - 6% of total power generated for 5 MWe. 10% of total power generated 9.3% of total power generated for 500 kWe, 9.7% for 3 MWe 8-9% of total power generated Not provided Cethar rated highest, Fuller lowest because of no response QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Load Following and Turndown Capability e Cethar e Thermax e =6 Fuller e TCS Points: 10 max. points dow ke uy) > e« tf capes 4:1 turndown for units greater than 2 MWe, good load following Typically 3:1 turndown, good load following because of low bed volume 3:1 turndown w/two compartments in boiler, load following not mentioned 4:1 to 5:1 turndown, no comment on load following//»2» °° «- Us ye) 4:1 turndown, but greater has been achieved, load following similar to oil firing Cethar -7 JWP-6 Thermax - 5 Fuller - 8 TCS - 10 TCS rated highest due to high turndown and quick response load following E pnite See ) Soars oN QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Amenability for Utilization of Waste Heat for District Heating 10 max. points e Cethar Yes ¢ JWP Yes e Thermax Yes e =. Fuller Yes e TCS Yes Points: Cethar -10 JWP-10 Thermax - 10 Fuller - 10 TCS -10 All systems basically the same QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Water Use Requirement 5 max. points e Cethar 1-2% of steam generated © || 1-2% of steam generated e Thermax 1-2% of steam generated e =6© Fuller 1-2% of steam generated | ees 1-2% of steam generated Points: Cethar -3 JWP-3 Thermax - 3 Fuller - 3 TCS -3 All systems basically the same QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Estimated Capital Cost 25 max. points e Cethar $7,685/kWe for 250 kWe plant; $2,469/kWe for 1 MWe plant e JWP $5,467/kWe for 500 kWe plant; $1,664/kWe for 5 MWe plant e Thermax $6,558/kWe for 250 kWe plant; $2,163/kWe for 1 MWe plant e =6. Fuller Did not quote 500 kWe; $1,195/kWe for 5 MWe plant e TcsS $4,729/kWe for 500 kWe plant; $2,103/kWe for 5 MWe plant Points: Cethar - 21 JWP-17 Thermax - 25 Fuller - 18 TCS -10 Thermax is the lowest cost small system. Fuller fairly low for 5 MWe unit QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Amenability for Modular Construction 15 max. points e §=6©.Cethar Modular design © ||| gore Small units such as required can be modules e Thermax 40%, working on design for 100% e =6- Fuller Yes * FCs Well adapted for modular construction Points: Cethar - 10 JWP-10 Thermax - 8 Fuller - 15 TCS - 15 Fuller and TCS will be more compact QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Commercial Experience 20 max. points e Cethar 200+ installations, 80 more in engineering-construction e JWP 68 installations e Thermax 175 installations e Fuller 2 installations, 2 more in design-construction e TCS 2 installations Points: Cethar - 20 JWP-15 Thermax - 18 Fuller - 5 TCS -5 Cethar rated highest because of wide experience over range desired, Fuller and TCS only recently moving into commercialization QUESTIONAIRE ANSWERS Overall Ranking (maximum points = 145) 1 CETHAR 2 THERMAX 3 JWP 4 TCS 5 FULLER 127 Fluid Bed 118 Fluid Bed 95 Fluid Bed 85 Micronizer 84 Micronizer REGULATORY REVIEW FEDERAL AIR REGULATIONS The power plant sizes, 250 kWe to 5MWe fit into the 10 to 100 MM Btu/hr range; therefore, the EPA 40 CFR 60.40 subpart Dc standards for Small Industrial-Commercial- Institutional Steam Generation Units will apply for most applications in rural Alaska. The highlights of this regulation are as follows: Standards for Sulfur Dioxide For coal-fired units with greater than 10 MM Btu/hr heat input and less than 100 MM Btu/hr, the maximum emission rate for SO, is 1.2 Ib/MM Btu. For facilities with heat inputs between 88 and 100 MM Btu/hr and an annual capacity factor for coal of 55 percent or greater, 90 percent of the potential sulfur must be removed. Standards for Particulate Matter For coal-fired units with greater than 30 MM Btu/hr heat input and less than 100 MM BTU/hr, the maximum emission rate for PM is 0.05 lb/MM Btu. Standards for Nitrogen Oxides For coal-fired boilers with 100 MM Btu/hr heat input or less, there are no standards promulgated for NO,. PROJECT PERMITS Project permit applications to both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Alaska Coastal Management Program review may be required. A State of Alaska Land Lease Application may also be required. The data accumulation requirements of the State Department of Environmental Conservation, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit, should also be investigated. PERMITS MOST LIKELY TO APPLY WATER RIGHTS PERMIT: This permit is issued for water obtained from a public water supply (surface or groundwater). SECTION 10 PERMIT will be required if this project requires the construction of a new dock. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL PERMIT: If wastewater is generated and subsequently discharged into waters of the United States, a NPDES permit will be required. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PERMIT: Disposal of the ash or fly ash will require a solid waste permit. AIR QUALITY PERMIT TO OPERATE: A Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit may be required.