HomeMy WebLinkAboutWashability Characteristics of Low-Volatile Bituminous Coal From Bering River Field 1969COA 002 6961 Atonaqed 10266 4821 ‘2621|0D pysojy Jo Ayissaayup Auojos0g0] yosoasay Asjsnpul josaulW opy ows0yg *d 4q VsViv ‘131d VIAL ONS WOUd TVOD SNONIWNLIG INVIOA-MOT dO SDILSIWALOVYVHD ALIIGVHSVM IZ ‘ON vodey Tew oo | uy |, = rl Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude to Cortella Coal Corporation for supplying the coal samples used in this study. Thanks ave due to Dr. Donald J. Cook, Head, Department of Mineral Engineering and Earl H. Beistline, Dean, College of Earth Sciences and Mineral Industry for their guidance and direction. ABSTRACT Two samples of low-volatile bituminous coal from Bering River Coal Field were sized to 0.525" x 3, 3x 6, 6x 10, 10x 20, and 20 x 35 mesh and their washability characteristics studied at specific grovities ranging from 1.29 to 1.55. The results showed that the coals can be up-graded to an ash content as low as 2% with conventional cyclone heavy media process. A product containing less than 1% osh can be obtained from these coals with surprisingly high yields, ranging from 50 to 95% depending on the ash content desired in the washed coal, and the characteristics of the raw coal. The experimental work proves the technical feasibility of pre- poration of the coal for metallurgical use and as low ash carbon raw material. Further Pilot Plant testing would be required in the fields of preparation and utilization in order to design the final plant for as- certaining the economic feasibility. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWEEDGMENTS 2. 1 5 ee ve ee es ed ABSTRAGCE b) pile cet te) faeces a) a || 0 | 6) | te) | aera oye TABLE OF GONTERSi6: 6 62589 oe 6 0g ig oo ely LEST Gir WW s oe te) hoe lesias) eel 0) 3) elute cat area LIST OF ENGURES: 5a. ego aa do eae 2 geet INTRODUGTION. . 2920-5. 5 6s 4 eae SAMPLING AND SAMPLE PREPARATION. . « - - - + + 2 Sample teaubion 3 Gy a) a eh diay os ee Sample Preparation... . . 2 2 0» «0 wee. .e 2 WASHABILITY STUDIES. . i etm Ses, 9 Je) liga eae qaeae te tye) DISCUSSION OFRESILIS. 3 ca os er Fe Washability Characteristics , a 4 Goking Choracteristits 5 5°. 6, 4 us 6 MARKET POTENTIAL . 2. 2 2 6 6 ee iz, As Raw Material for Metallurgical Coke. 2 2. e 7 As Gow Aah Geel ooo ais teil ite: ve ee 7 Carbon Electrode Row Material . . 2 1 ee 8 Foreign Wika? 2 55 See es 8 Miscellaneous Potential Markets . 9: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS «. . « » - - 10 GONGINSIONS Fo as 75s cis ee ee oe ne ncammen@etiGNe: 6. 6266 co oo whe cae te ane REFERENCES: <6 occa io Seis (e als Be ey ie coe iv Table 10 W 12 13 LIST OF TABLES Size Analysis and Ash Distribution for Leeper Creek No. 1 Raw Coal, Bering River Field Size Analysis and Ash Distribution for Leeper Creek No. 2 Raw Coal, Bering River Field Sink-Float Results of 0.525" x 3 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field Sink-Float Results of 3 x 6 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field. : Sink-Float Results of 6 x 10 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field. Sink-Float Results of 10 x 20 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field. Sink-Float Results of 20 x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field. " Sink-Float Results of 0.525" x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field Sink-Float Results of 0.525" x 3 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field Sink-Float Results of 3 x 6 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field. . . «© - Sink-Float Results of 6 x 10 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field. Sink-Float Results of 10 x 20 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field. * Sink-Float Results of 20 x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field. . . « « Page . 4 - ‘15 16 - 18 $20) “vee - 24 - 26 - 28 - 30 ae . 34 - 3 4 & 4 a4 " is AG pee Eos LIST OF TABLES (Cont.) Table Page 14 Sink-Float Results of 0.525" x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field . . . . 38 15 Proximate Analysis of Raw Coal and 1.29 Sp.G. Pioch Serer. = ec ac er ee ee a vi Figure 10 VW 12 LIST OF FIGURES Washability Characteristics of 0,525" x 3 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field . Washability Characteristics of 3 x 6 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field Washability Characteristics of 6 x 10 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field Washability Characteristics of 10 x 20 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field . Washability Characteristics of 20 x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field . Washability Characteristics of 0.525" x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 1, Bering River Field . Washability Characteristics of 0.525" x 3 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field . Washability Characteristics of 3 x 6 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field Washobility Characteristics of 6 x 10 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field Washability Characteristics of 10 x 20 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field . Washobility Characteristics of 20 x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field . Washability Characteristics of 0.525" x 35 Mesh Size Coal, Leeper Creek No. 2, Bering River Field . vii Page acer og . 21 a-28 - 2 pcar ae * a) - % 7 rx) INTRODUCTION Coal bearing formations in Bering River Coal Field are known to extend in an almost continuous belt in excess of a 50 square mile renee The coal varies in rank from low-volatile bituminous to semi-anthracite and anthracite. Although the field has been pros~ pected on surface and under-ground, no commerical exploitation has been done. Accurate estimates of the reserves are not available due to complex structure of the region and lack of thorough subsurface exploration. Cortella Coal Corporation of Cordova has recently launched a drilling program with o view of assessing the quality and extent reserves for foreign markets. Two of the samples obtained during their exploration program were sent to the Mineral Industry Research Labo- ratory for washability studies. The samples investigated represent a very limited portion of the Bering River Coal Field and the results, therefore, do not reflect the characteristics of the entire deposit. SAMPLING AND SAMPLE PREPARATION Sample Location The sample designated as Leeper Creek No. 1 was a drill sample at 800 foot level from Section 21, TI7S, R7E, NE 1/4 of Cordova (B-1) Quadrangle. The sample designated as Leeper Creek No. 2 was collected in a seemingly unweathered portion of a stripped seam at a depth of 14 feet from Section 15, TI7S, RIZE, SW 1/4, adjacent to the common corners of Sections 21, 22, 15, and 16 of Cordova (B-1) Quadrangle. Sample Preparation The samples received were mostly minus 1" with a small por- tion coarser than 1/2", The samples were screened on 0.525" screen and the oversize was crushed to pass the screen. Twenty pounds of each of the samples were screened on 3, 6, 10, 20, 35, and 200 mesh Tyler screens. The size distribution and analysis of the sized fractions is presented in Tables 1 and 2. For the size fractions used in wash- ability studies, the reported ash value is calculated by reassembling all the gravimetric fractions. The ash content of 35 x 200 and -200 mesh fractions were, however, obtained by direct analysis. WASHABILITY STUDIES The sized 0.525" x 3, 3x6, 6x 10, 10x 20, and 20 x 35 mesh fractions were used in washability studies. Separations were made at 1.290, 1.300, 1.325, 1.375, 1.400, 1,450, 1.500 ond 1,550 specific gravities, using mixtures of carbon tetrachloride and benzene as heavy liquid. Since the quantity of sinks obtained at 1,55 Sp.G. was small, no separations were made at higher specific gravities. The washability data of the various sized fractions ore presented in Tables 3 to 8 for Leeper Creek No. 1, and Tables 9 to 14 for Leeper Creek No. 2. Figures 1 to 14 show washobility curves for Leeper Creek No. 1 and No. 2. Raw coal samples and 1.29 Sp.G. floats of composite 0.525" x 35 mesh products were analyzed for ash, sulfur, volatile matter, heating value and free swelling index. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Washability Characteristics The results show that the coals can be washed to an ash content as low as 2% using conventional heavy media cyclone process. Figure 6 shows the washability characteristics of recombined 0.525" x 35 mesh Leeper Creek No. 1 coal. It may be noted from the curves that the yield of clean coal, containing 2% osh, will be 90% (cumulative float ash curve), The sinks will analyze 32.8% ash (cumulative sink ash curve). The highest ash in any single particle will be 10% (elementary ash curve). The coal will have to be washed at a theoretical gravity of 1,364 (specific gravity curve). The +0.025 Sp.G. near gravity material will be 6.5% (+0.025 Sp.G. distribution curve). However, in a product containing 1% ash the predicted results would be: 64% yield of clean coal, 12.3% ash in sinks, separating gravity 1.297 with + 0.025 near gravity material in excess of 80%. Figure 12 shows the washability characteristics of combined 0,525" x 35 mesh Leeper Creek No. 2 coal. For clean coal con= taining 1% ash, the curves show 96.4% yield, 33% ash in sinks, 1.336 separating gravity at +0,025 near gravity material of 2.6%. These coals seem to offer additional possibility of amenability to the production of ultra clean coal containing less than 1% ash. The theoretical yield and ash content that can be expected at 1.29 Sp.G. separation for 0.525" x 35 mesh coal will be: Coal Ash, % Yield, % 25 Leeper Creek No. | 0.83 53. Leeper Creek No. 2 0.74 64,83 It would be of interest to note that the coals can be considered as unique in their amenability to production of ultra clean coal at a size ‘as coarse as 0.525" coupled with high yields. The washability data show a slight but insignificant reduction in near gravity material with decrease in size coal. There is, however, a very significant decrease in ash content for smaller size floats. The 1.29 Sp.G. floats for Leeper Creek No. 1 gave 0.95% ash for 0.525" x 3 mesh fraction and the ash content decreased to 0.63% for 20 x 35 mesh coal. Leeper Creek No. 2, however, gave 0.84% ash for 0.525" x 3 mesh fraction and the ash decreased to 0.65% for 20 x 35 mesh coal. It is, therefore, possible to obtain a lower overall osh content in clean coal when the raw coal is washed at a finer size. Although no testing was done for minus 35 mesh coal, flotation could yield a clean coal with much lower ash than attainable by heavy media process. Coking Characteristics Table 15 shows the proximate analysis of raw coal and 1,29 Sp.G. floats. Both coals fall in low-volatile bituminous rank. Leeper Creek No. 1 coal gave a free swelling index of 24 compared to an index of 2 for Leeper Creek No. 2. In both cases,the free swelling was higher for 1.29 Sp.G. floats giving 3} for Leeper Creek No. 1 and 3 for Leeper Creek No. 2 showing that washing can improve the swelling characteristics. The improvement will probably be less pronounced when washed at a higher specific gravity. MARKET POTENTIAL As Raw Material for Metallurgical Coke From the foregoing study it is concluded that the coals tested con readily be washed to meet the specificotion of a metallurgical coal and can possibly make an excellent blending coal, Additional pilot plant coking tests would be required for a characterization of the resultant coke. The possibility of preparation of ultra clean coal from the Bering River coals, could open new potential markets as low ash opel? Battelle Memorial Institute, under contract from the Office of Coal Research, has completed a study on the potential market for low ash coal, prepared by Spencer Solvent Process. (274) Their finding would apply equally well in the present context. A brief review of potential markets for low ash coal is given below. No attempt is made to establish the commerical feasibility of preparation of low ash coal from the coals tested nor the suitability of such low ash coal for the markets reviewed herein. Only pilot plant testing in both the above fields can establish the economic feasibility for such potential markets. Carbon Electrode Raw Material: Largest potential market for low ash coal appears to be as a raw material in the manufacture of carbon electrodes and graphite, for the aluminum industry in particular. This requirement is presently met by petroleum coke. The ever increasing demand for carbon filler material by the aluminum industry and decreasing quantities of residual stock produced by the petroleum refineries represents a step in the direction of possible potential market for low ash coal to fill the gap. Considering the total poten- tial market for carbon filler material as potential market for low ash coal, the tonnages estimated by Battelle Memorial Institute4)ore: 1970 2,150,000 Tons 1975 3,680,000 Tons 1980 3,220,000 Tons The possible reaction of producers of petroleum coke and the possibility of reduced prices of their products due to competition of coal has not been determined, Foreign Market: Low ash coal may be considered very favor- ably by the pollution conscious foreign buyers. Further, lower shipping costs on Btu basis for low ash coal could make it more attrac- tive. The foreign market might thus constitute one of the largest single outlet for low ash coal. Miscellaneous Potential Markets: Looking into the long range future, the potential markets for low ash coal could be gos turbine fuel, electric power generation, carbon black manufacture, blends with diesel oil for locomotives, low ash metallurgical coke, magneto- hydrodynamic power generation, and fuel cells. Some of these possi- bilities, although proven technically feasible, need to be evaluated from the aspect of the economics of utilization in each potential market. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions The coals studied can be washed to obtain a product containing as low as 2.0% ash using conventional cyclone heavy media process, Further reduction to less than 1% is possible with recoveries as high as 50 to 95%. A review of literature indicates potential markets for such low ash coal. Pilot Plant studies of preparation and utilization are required for an evaluation of economics. Float fractions obtained at 1.29 Sp.G. showed definite improvement in free swelling index over: the raw coals which would be advantageous in marketing washed coals for metallurgical use. Recommendations The following are recommendations for further research on the utilization of Bering River coals: 1. Bench scale coking tests be conducted with washed coals to determine the resultant coke quality and tests with blends with other coals if further improvement is needed. 2. Pilot Plant tests using heavy media cyclone and flotation process to determine practical limits of reduction in ash 10 for use as low ash coal. Tests to be conducted on prepared low ash coal for use in the manufacture of carbon electrodes for the production of aluminum and in other potential markets. Only such testing can determine the economics of utilization of these coals for such applications. uv REFERENCES 1. Barnes, F, F., "Coal Resources of Alaska," Geological Survey Bulletin 1242-B, 1967. 2. Campbell, R. J. Jr., Hilton, R. J., and Boyd, C. L., "Coal as @ Source of Electrode Carbon in Aluminum Production, " Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5191, February 1956. 3. Kloepper, D. L., et.al, “Solvent Processing of Coal to Produce De-Ashed Product," Research and Development Report No. 9, submitted by Spencer Chemical Division to Office of Coal Research, U.S. Dept. of Interior. 4. Nelson, H. W., Hein, G. M., and Hazard, H. R., “Assessment of Potential Markets for Low-Ash Coal," Report sub~ mitted by Battelle Memorial Institute to Office of Coal Research, U.S. Dept. of Interior, December 1964. a Sanner, W. S., "The Preparation of Low-Ash~Content Anthracite, " Preprint, Presented at AIME Annual Meeting, February 1968. 12 z8°% 00°O0L jel sly Z°e 78° 00°00L St"y. a4°e uae 00z Ae es°ZL 82% £9°96 ay 916 002 se él'y 6L°€Z% £9°% Ly" 28 cy 99°OL se 02 £8°€ gest v2 18°92 6z°€ 9L°SL 02 ol cere 8€°6S 61% S919 cre £0°12 ol 2 66°S Ly°78 80° z9°0" oz 60°€Z 9 € 78°% 00°00L $0°% es" Zt $0°% ea € u$ZS°O = ao a : a a BUI D4 2) Burssod bat Ae a at oats arias uaes9$ G13ld BAIN ONIYI “TVOD MV¥ Z “ON 433duD 83d337 YOd NOILNIYLSIG HSV GNV SISATWNV 4ZIS Zz avi - » a ly’s 00°O0L [eteL 02°Z lee ly’s 00°O0L 0Z°Z le°e ubd 002 rls 62°0L se°s 69°96 6s°8 86°9 002 SE Sls vost oL’s (2°68 SL°8 ee sé 0% BL°Z 6L°62% I8*y 96°18 Ze" SLL 0% oL 80°Z LO°LY ey 12°02 26°S 8l°sl ol 9 60°9 lyre 88°E £0°2s 6e"y vy" 9% 9 £ : ly's 00°001 Se 65°SZ Sve 65°SZ £ uSZS°0 % ‘YSY —% "IM % “YSY__% **IM % "YSY __ % ' "IM pauyojey Buysspg Bulssog aayyojnwn> Peuloyay BALyDjAWND SJONPOIg pajquassoay ysey /ezI1$ ueaslS 1314 Y3AIY ONIY3G “TVOD MV¥ L “ON 4338D Y3d3937 YOs NOLLNGIYLSIG HSY GNV SISATYNY 3ZIS i navi 15 14 NIS % ZALLYINWAD ee < ° Vv we N n z a = oO x a2 ce = o$ 3 ao =O ae co = Ho _ ig Se > =x a2 2 Vv $4 1 iG 5 ® u 2 = LVO14 % 3AILLVINWND sre 00°001 [P4OL 19°0S 8l°Z Sr°e 00°00L 19°0S siz 1 os¢*l 72° éy 1E2% or’z 78°26 £9°SZ £L°0 oss*l oos*L 19° Ly yy FEC 69°L6 76°8L €L°0 Oos*L = Osr'L 8i°Sr €9°% ve°~ 95° L6 6l°Fl 6L°0 OSy*L OOr'L 69° 68°ZE cr ce°% LE°L6 9S°Z1 6s" oor’ L SZe"l 00°S $9°@ e9°L Sl°Z 82°S6 86°6 lye SZe°L = ose’l ve°ol ol’st 9S°¥L BL L0°% 6L°9 £6°9 Ose*lL Ssze°l 2 eS" re 6's Qi°ce wee vr'ss Z0°€ 09° ZL Sze" OO€°L vy Ss 8e°Z 78 °8é 90°L v8°L9 20°% 99°9 QOE*L O06Z°L Sr'e 00°00L $6°0 B8L°l9 $6°0 BL°Lg9 062° L : % *|P14940W % “ysy_% "4M % “4SY__-% 71M %"USY__% "4M feo “2 ‘ds Sz0°OF HUIS BAryDj]AWAD 4DO{4 eALyo]NWAD SyONPOdg JON JADIS) D1y1990S (JBOD MOY 40 %ES*SZ) G1ald Y3AIY ONIYRG ‘1 “ON 433YD Y3d371 “1WOD 4ZIS HS3W € * wSZS"O JO SLINSIY LVOTS-ANIS e navi XANIS % JAILVINWND x 6 .o} a N yn” = % 29 x2 oe a oF 3 =O az 155 2 U. ee ; 52 mis Se 2 UV os 3e Sy i nN a » ® un e 1VOl14 % SAILWINWND 62° 00001 {401 a St°ly LOE 6c°¥ 00°00L St’ ly LOE oss*L = LO°SY le"y 1Ss°é £0°96 12°22. ve" oss*t oos*l = S8°ey 99°F cre 69°S6 LE1% se" oos*t § osr'l = €or oes se°z ¥E'S6 9E°9L ¥9°0 Osy*t OOF’ L es°k Ze VE 18°9 9S. 0L°¥6 es*Z1 ig oor’L = SZe°L 6L°E 72°82 60°6 60°% 61°€6 00°OL 82°7 SZe°l Ose’l 6l°s 086 oo°*st é68°l 16°06 98°9 16°¢ ose*l sze°l 2 65°27 ez Lh Bole gs*l 00°S8 zs°e 89°9L Sze*l O0e*l 00°S8 62°83 vy OV 4o'l ze°89 £6°1 92L° 71 OOE*L O067°L : 62°F 00°00L 78°0 9G°ES 78°0 9s°es 062° L % *|P13940W_ % 7YSY % "IM % “YSY % "3M % “YS % "IM yoojd us "ds ¢Z0 0+ HUIS OALDjAWAD 400) 4 eAyjojAwN>, SNPOIg |ONIOY Ayaosd 21519905 (J20D MOY JO %¥y"9Z) G1ald Y3AIY ONIYRG ‘| “ON 4338D Y39d3T1 . “IVOD 3ZIS HS3W 9 X € JO SLINSRY LVOTS-NIS y navi ANIS % JAILYINWNAD S 1VO14 % 3ALLVINWNDS 1, BERING RIVER FIELD WASHABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF 6 x 10 MESH SIZE COAL, LEEPER CREEK NO. 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