HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Economics Of Coal Resources Of Northern Slope Coal Fields, Alaska No.31 1973ele | Report No. 3 COA 003 TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS OF COAL RESOURCES OF NORTHERN SLOPE COAL FIELDS, ALASKA PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Ean irr ars LOOM LILLE MINERAL INDUSTRY RESEARCH LABORATORY University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 PAUL R. CLARK Te a TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS OF COAL RESOURCES OF NORTHERN SLOPE COAL FIELDS, ALASKA M. I. R. L. Report No. 31 Mineral Industry Research Laboratory University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Paul R. Clark May 1973 ABSTRACT This paper describes the Northern coal fields, the environment in which they are situated, and various routes and systems for transporting metallurgical quality coal from these deposits to a potential market in Japan. Each transportation mode is discussed with respect to northern Alaska conditions. Capital and operating costs were developed for each system. If the coal must support the entire transportation system cost, the transportation of coal from the North Slope of Alaska to Japan appears to be economically feasible only from easily mined areas which are close to an ocean shipping port. In the case of trans- portation cost sharing by other users, or by government subsidization, the prospects of northern coal exploitation would be enhanced. The final feasibility of developing any of this coal deposit cannot be determined un- til the mining costs and the factors which influence these costs are known. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. Chris Lambert, Jr., Head, Department of Mineral Engineering for his advice and guidance he offered as chairman of my thesis advisory committee for the Master of Science Degree. | would also like to convey my appreciation to the other members of my advisory committee: Dr. Donald J. Cook, De- partment of Mineral Engineering and Dr. Ernest N. Wolff, Mineral Industry Research Labora- tory. A special thanks is extended to Dr. Dharma Rao, Associate Professor of Coal Techno- logy for his interest and consultation in this study, to Mr. Bruce Thomas who made arrange- ments for the author to see the study area, and to the United States Bureau of Mines who provided the graduate assistantship which made this investigation possible. A further thanks is extended to the many companies and agencies who provided the current prices and specifications which were utilized in this study. Lastly, the author would like to thank his wife, Karen, for her support and timely suggestions during the period of investigation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT . 2 2. we ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. . 2... ee ee ee iii LIST OF TABLES . 2. 1 1 ee ee vii LISTOF FIGURES «1 we ee ee ee ix Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . 2. 2. ee 1 IMPORTANCE OF THE PROBLEM. .--- +--+ ee eee 1 PREVIOUSLY RELATED RESEARCH... .........--. 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ....-. 2 eee eee tt ee es 3 Il. THE NORTH SLOPE COAL DEPOSITS ....- +--+ +225 4 LOCATION AND EXTENT... 2... 2. 2 2 ee ee ee 4 ANALYSIS 2... 2 ee ee 4 STRIPPABLE RESOURCES ... 2. ee ee ee ee ee 4 LAND STATUS... 2. 2 8 MARKET 2... 2. ee ee 8 AREA GEOGRAPHY ... 2... eee ee ee 1 Physiography . . 2... we 1 Drainage and Water Resources . . 2. 2 1 2 ee ee es 15 Vegetation 2. 6 6 6 es 19 Climate, 2 2. 19 Settlement and Accessibility . 2... 2... ee eee eee 19 Northwestern Coast . 2 6 6. ee ee ee ee 19 Il. COAL TRANSPORTATION METHODS ..........-2-+. 25 RAILROAD. 2 ww we 25 Construction in Permafrost 2... ee ee ee ee ee 25 Construction Costs . 2. 6 1 ee ee 25 Unit Trains 2... ee 28 SLURRY PIPELINE . 2... 2. 2. ee ee ee ee eee 28 Slurry Pipeline Design 2 2. 2 2. ee ee ee 29 iv Chapter IV. V. Major Pipeline Components... . 2... 1. ee eee eee Slurry Pipelines in Northern Areas... 2-2... eee eee ROADS AND TRUCKS... ~~... / ee ee eee ee ee Construction Costs . BELT CONVEYORS ..... De Construction and Operation in Cold Weather . ........ Construction Cost . SHIPPING. ..... Barging - - ee ee ee ee ee HARBORS... ... Slurry Loading © 6 ee ee ee ee Lighter Craft . . . COAL GASIFICATION . «1 1 ee ee ee ee ee Introduction . 2. 1 we Existing Technology Demand . . - ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Economics... ee ee ee ee Gasification of North Slope Coal... . . 1 ee ee eee TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ... 2... ...2.2.-220004 SYSTEM 1 2 1 we ee SYSTEM Il 2 we ee ee ee SYSTEM IH. ww ee SYSTEM IV ww ee ee ee ee SYSTEM V 2. ee ee ee ee ee AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE FOR SYSTEMS III, IV, and IV CONCLUSIONS .. .- - REMARKS . «eee ee ee ee ee SUMMARY ... . FUTURE RESEARCH SSSR E GS 49 51 51 53 55 58 60 70 80 86 92 92 93 94 APPENDICES A - SYSTEM 1... ee ee ee ee ee 95 B - SYSTEM Ilo. ee ee ee 98 C - SYSTEM Wh 2 we ee 101 RAIL, HARBOR, SHIPPING - - +--+ eee ee eee 101 D - SYSTEM Ill 2. 2 2 2 2 ee ee ee 106 SLURRY PIPELINE. -- -- 0 ee eet et ee es 106 E - SYSTEM Hh 2... mW BELT CONVEYOR ... 2... eee eee ee ee 111 F - SYSTEM Il 2. 2. we ee 116 SLURRY LOADING -- +--+ ee ee tt tt tes 116 G - SYSTEM IV 2. ee ee ee ee ee ee 118 H - SYSTEM Vow we ee ee 121 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ..--- +. ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 123 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Coal Reserves of the North Slope Coal Fields, by district... 2... 2... 6 2. Strippable Resources and Reserves of coal in Northern Alaska - +--+ +: = 9 3. Strippable Reserves, by District. . . . . 2... ee 5 = ees 9 4. Major Rivers in Northwestern Alaska: - +--+ °° se ee ee ee 7 5. Climatological Data at Various Locations in Northwestern Alaska - - +--+ + 20 6. Dates of Ice Break-Up and Freeze-Up . . . 2 2. 2-2 ee ee ee ees 24 7. Construction Costs of Existing and Proposed Railroads. . . - . . +--+. ++ 27 8. Some Long Distance Slurry Pipelines. . - - 2 6 6 eee ee ee ee 30 9. Types of Roads and Construction Costs . . . 2... 2 ee ee ee ee ee) 84 10. Some Existing Conveyor Systems. . - . - + - ee ee eee soe ee ee 87 11. Belt Conveyor Costs. . 2 2... ee ee a) 12. System | - Annual Costs Rail, Loading, Shipping . . 2... 2 2. ee ee ee wee. 56 13. System Il - Annual Costs... . 2... eee 2. 59 Truck 14, System III - Annual Costs Rail, Dry Loading, Shipping. . . 2. 2 2 2 ee ee ee ee ee . 62 15. System II - Annual Costs Rail, Slurry Loading, Shipping - +--+ +--+ see > ee 16... System III - Annual Costs Slurry Pipeline, Dry Loading, Shipping . . . . .-.. 2-2 es 2. ee 64 17. System II] - Annual Costs Slurry Pipeline, Slurry Loading, Shipping... 2... - eee eee . 65 18. System III - Annual Costs Conveyor, Dry Loading, Shipping... ....- 2... 13 66 19. System III - Annual Costs Conveyor, Slurry Loading, Shipping . . 2... 2... ee ee eee - 67 20. System IV - Annual Costs Rail, Dry Loading, Barging . . 2... 2 2 eee eee See ee 72 21. System IV - Annual Costs Rail, Slurry Loading, Barging - . - - ee eee ee eee eee 7B 22. System IV - Annual Costs Slurry Pipeline, Dry Loading, Barging . ..-.- +--+. —S SS 74 23. System IV - Annual Costs Slurry Pipeline, Slurry Loading, Barging . .--. +. --- Sa) 24. System IV - Annual Costs Conveyor, Dry Loading, Barging. . 2 2. . ee es 76 vil Table 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. System IV - Annual Costs Conveyor, Slurry Loading, Barging . - -- + - System V - Annual Costs Rail, Slurry Loading, Shipping. . . . ...- System V - Annual Costs Slurry Pipeline, Slurry Loading, Shipping System V - Annual Costs Conveyor, Slurrh Loading, Shipping. Transportation Costs per Ton Point lto Japan. . 2... ew eee Transportation Costs per Ton Point 2 to Japan . Transportation Costs per Ton Point 3to Japan. 2 2 2 1 ee ee ee ee Transportation Costs per Ton Point 4to Japan... - ee ee ee ee Belt Conveyors - Capital Costs . Belt Conveyors - Operation and Maintenance Costs viii Page 77 81 82 83 88 89 90 seus -. . 113 114 Figure SMW w@MWNA YF WN LIST OF FIGURES North Slope Coal Fields . 2... 2 ln Classification of Coal in the North Slope Coal Fields. Land Status of Northwestern Alaska Japan's Sources of Coking Coal . Projected Coking Coal Imports to Japan Physiographic Divisions of Northern Alaska - Distribution of Permafrost in Northern Alaska . . Discharge and Suspended Load in the Colville River, 1962 Location of the 60 Foot Water Depth on the Coast of Northern Alaska Profiles of Track Construction in Permafrost. . ....... Cross Section of a Road Constructed over Permafrost - Ship Operating Cost vs. Ship Size. Ship Draft vs. Ship Size. . . . Possible Shiploading Methods: - - - -.- 7 ee eee eee U. S. Gas Supply - Demand . Coal Transportation Systems . 2... .. 2... Coal Transportation Cost - System | . System II| - Transportation Cost per Ton . 2. 2 2. 2. . System IV - Transportation Cost per Ton... .. 2... 2. System V - Transportation Cost perTon . 2... 1... Possible Mining Areas Used to Illustrate Transportation Costs . Truck Cost Cash Flow Diagram... 2... 2... ix CHAPTER | INTRODUCTION Early in the twentieth century, a significant portion of the revenues of the Terri- tory of Alaska came from placer gold mining on the Seward Peninsula and in Interior Alaska, from lode gold mining in the Juneau area and from copper mining near McCarthy in Southern Alaska. Since that time, increasing operational costs without a proportional increase in the price of gold, and closure of the lode gold mines during World War II to increase base metal in production has resulted in the discontinuance of the larger gold mining operations. The largest copper producer suspended its operation when high quality ore became scarce. It is generally agreed that Alaska has significant mineral potential, but develop- ment has been slow because of high capital and operational costs, long distances to a mar- ket, lack of internal transportation and recently for political and ecological reasons. The recent discovery of oil at Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean and the subsequent planning of the Trans-Alaska pipeline has demonstrated that a number of these problems can be overcome. A copper mine in Northern Alaska, and a fluorite mine on the Seward Penin- sula, which has been proposed for operation in the late 1970's, must surmount similar devel - opmental difficulties. Perhaps these activities are the harbingers of a new mining era in Alaska, and will lead the way to a resurgence of other mining developments in the State. One of these developments could be coal mining. Barnes (1967) estimated the coal resources of Alaska to be approximately 130 billion tons, of which 120 billion tons exist in northern Alaska. Recent tests have indicated that part of this deposit is coking coal, a commodity which is in demand on the world markets. IMPORTANCE OF THE PROBLEM The economic considerations for the establishment of a commercial coal mining activity on the North Slope fall into two basic elements: mining costs and transportation costs. It is essential that good estimates of both of these elements are known before invest- ment of capital is considered. It is important that all types of applicable transportation methods are also studied from aspects other than economic considerations; namely, flexibility, ecological effects, and future development. It is only after the above is accompl ished that a reasonable conclusion of North Slope coal development can be reached. PREVIOUSLY RELATED RESEARCH Collier (1905) described coal deposits of the Corwin Bluff area which were investi- gated by a U. S. Geological Survey party in 1904. Coal was discovered near Cape Beau- fort in 1826 by A. Collie, who accompanied Captain Beechey to the Arctic Ocean. Whalers used the coal from beds near Corwin Bluff, 28 miles east of Cape Lisburne between 1880 and 1905. In 1900 and 1901, about 1000 tons of this coal was mined and sold at Nome for fuel. (Collier, 1905). Smith and Mertie (1930) and Chapman and Sable (1960) reported the results of the reconnaissance of northern coal deposits in 1926-1927 and 1944-53 during U.S.G.S. investi- gations of Petroleum Reserve No. 4. In 1946, the U. S. Bureau of Mines investigated the coal deposits to assess the possibility of their use for heating in local Eskimo villages"(San- ford, 1946, Toenges, 1947). A small mine on the Meade River supplied coal to the village of Barrow from 1944 until gas became available as a substitute fuel. In 1954, representatives of the Morgan Coal Company drove a 70 foot adit and a raise in the coal beds of the Kukpowruk River and extracted a bulk sample from this raise (Warfield, 1969). In the field seasons of 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1966, Bureau of Mines parties gathered samples from surface outcrops, trenches and at depth with the use of a diamond drill from the coal beds of the Kokolik and Kukpowruk Rivers. Extensive carbonization studies were conducted on some of these samples (Warfield, 1966, 1969). Callahan (1969, 1971) reported the results of U.S.G.S. reconnaissance surveys and surface mapping performed in 1966 and 1967 along the Kukpowruk River and in two adjoining townships, and of surveys done in 1969 in the Cape Beaufort area and near Corwin Bluff in 1970. In the summer of 1970, Kaiser Steel Corporation made a brief study of the coal occur- rences along the Kukpowruk River ("Kaiser Steel---", 1970). The Bureau of Mines continued their drilling program on the coal deposits near Cape Beaufort in the summer of 1972. Several major studies concerning transportation to northern Alaska have been performed although none of them were directly related to the exploitation of the northern coal fields. Bush (1942) conducted investigations for the U. S$. Army Corps of Engineers on the feasibility of a railroad or highway route from Fairbanks to an ocean port on the Seward Peninsula. In 1967, the NORTH Commission was established to foster the development of the northern area of the state of Alaska. Under the direction of this Commission, EBS Management Consultants (1967) performed a study on a proposed extension of the Alaska Railroad to Kobuk, Alaska. In connection with this proposed extension, Heiner and Wolff (1968) performed a study on a 2 proposed extension of the Alaska Railroad to Kobuk, Alaska. In connection with this pro- posed extension, Heiner and Wolff (1968) prepared a summary of the mineral resources in northern Alaska. Tudor, Kelly and Shannon (1970-1972) made an extensive study on a proposed rail- road from Nenana to Deadhorse and from Alatna to Kobuk, and a highway from Prospect Creek to Kobuk. As a result of the Prudhoe Bay oil discovery, the Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport (1972) prepared a study on a proposed railroad to move arctic oil from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Trout River in the Northwest Territories. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this study was to investigate alternate routes and transportation sys tems to move coal from northern Alaska to an export market. Investigations have been performed on both the North Slope coal fields and north- ern transportation, but little study has been conducted on a combination of the two. This investigation includes a summary of the information available on the northern coal fields, a description of the area in which the coal is situated, a discussion of coal transportation modes in a northern environment, and system analyses of northern coal transportation. Since potential mining points in the North Slope coal fields have not been delinea- ted, transportation costs in most systems are computed as a function of annual tonnage trans- ported and distance to a sea terminal. With this procedure, preliminary transportation costs are computed for most areas within the coal deposits. No ground transportation system presently exists in northwestern Alaska. The estab- lishment of an overland transportation system and ocean harbor, with the specific goal of the movement of coal could benefit additional resource developments such as oil, gas and other minerals, and would benefit State and Federal governments through increased employment and strategic value. Wolff and others (1972) estimate the sources and magnitude of these benefits in the report Optimum Transportation Systems to Serve the Mineral Industry North of the Yukon Basin in Alaska. The analyses in this study were confined to single use transportation; the benefits derived from a multiple use system were beyond the scope of this investigation. CHAPTER II THE NORTH SLOPE COAL DEPOSITS LOCATION AND EXTENT The northern coal fields are situated mainly in northwestern Alaska, bounded ap- proximately by the Arctic Ocean and the Chukchi Sea to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the lower Colville and Itkillok Rivers in the east and the Brooks Range in the south. The coal bearing area covers about 30,000 square miles of which 24,000 square miles is included in Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4. Barnes (1967) estimated the coal resources of the region to total 120,197 million tons under less than 3000 feet of overburden, of which 19,292 million tons is bituminous coal in beds of more than I4 inch thickness and 100,905 million tons is subbituminous coal in beds of more than 2 |/2 feet thick. The locations of the bituminous and subbituminous coal are shown in Figures | and 2, and the reserves of each district of the coal field are listed in Table I. ANALYSIS Warfield (1966) reported that the majority of samples taken from a 20 foot seam in the Kukpowruk River coal beds were found to have significant coking qualities. He also re- ported that exposure of one of these samples to air for extended periods did not reduce the coking qualities more than noted in similar treatment of an eastern U. S$. coking coal. Several coal deposits sampled in 1964 and 1966 in the Kukpowruk River, Kokolik River and Cape Beaufort areas were established as good quality and of possible use for coke production (Warfield, 1969). In the Cape Beaufort area, none of the surface samples showed coking properties, but a drill sample from a depth of 200 feet had a higher heating value and pronounced coking characteristics. Warfield (1969) also reported that the coal from these areas has a low moisture, ash and sulfur content. STRIPPABLE RESOURCES A recent Bureau of Mines report ("Strippable Reserves---", 1971) listed the strippable coal reserves of the northern coal fields. These estimates are listed in Table 2. Only coal with a seam thickness of 14 inches or more under 120 feet or less of over- 4 Siberia 1S Ne ie La | - < ty | é \ BERING SEA Dutch Harbor vei ZW Coal ae Alaska RR, 3S Zi} aX x x re : Lj %exx 1 CoWii pp LLD 1 NootakR. °*. oO \ \e ay Kotzep Kobuk R : » ue yt 90% \ e \ rs ¥ \ op \ . Nome Do : ey” Seward 3 oe Kodiak O ° 100 200 ee Scale - miles FIGURE | NORTH SLOPE COAL FIELDS Source - Conwell (1972) Table 1 Coal Reserves of the North Slope Coal Fields, by District (millions of short tons) District Bituminous Corwin Bluff - Cape Beaufort 982.3 Kukpowruk River 3065.3 Kokolik River 2336.1 Utokok River 2737.9 Meade River 2948 .3 Colville River 7222.3 Kuk River (Wainwright) Kugra River (Peard Bay) Ikpikpuk River Total 19,292.2 Source Barnes, (1967) Subbituminous 44,738.1 39, 756.3 11,489.1 1,457.7 840.2 2,623.9 100,905.3 Cape Lisburne Point Hope Cape Thompson Cape Seepings Kotzebue & Ax Bituminous Ra | A Areas of minable thickness 14" for bituminous —p " reagan ituminous EY 30° for subbituminous euppitimines = and lignite oo B Areas where information on Lignite 8 the quality and thickness is lacking FIGURE 2 CLASSIFICATION OF COAL IN THE NORTH SLOPE COAL FIELDS Source — Barnes (1961) 0 100 200 Se _.. _...) Scale miles burden was counted as reserves. Table 3 is an estimate of the strippable coal reserves in each of the northern coal field districts. These estimates were computed with the use of the following equation: Reserves in the District Total Reserves x Total Strippable Reserves The purpose of this table was only to give an indication of the strippable resources in each district and is not intended to be completely accurate. LAND STATUS OF THE NORTHERN COAL DEPOSITS Most of the northern coal fields are contained in Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 whi ch at the present time is not open to mineral leasing. Coal prospecting permits in the Kukpowruk River area have been issued to Morgan Coal Company. Applications for prospecting permits on approximately 140,000 acres in other parts of the coal fields have been submitted by various organizations and are pending approval from the Bureau of Land Management (Bureau of Land Management, 1972). No coal leases have been issued for the northern coal fields. The most recent (March |7, 1972) Land Classification of Alaska is shown in Figure 3. Only land which is classified as unreserved public lands is open to mineral leasing at the present time (October, 1972). MARKET The markets for coal fall into two main categories, coking coal and non-coking coal. Coking coal is a necessary ingredient in the manufacture of steel, whereas non- coking coal is used mainly for fuel in thermal-electric plants. The market for the non-coking coal of the northern coal fields is very limited. The domestic market for coal in Alaska is presently being filled by a producing mine in the Nenana coal field. Oil and natural gas have replaced coal in the Anchorage and Kenai areas. It is possible that small markets for steam coal could evolve if mining or other devel - opments occur near the northern coal deposit. In Canada and the lower 48 states, there are adequate supplies of non-coking coal to last several hundred years at the present rate of consumption. At the present time, Japan is the most favorable market for coking coal from Alaska (Japanese Government regulations restrict the importation of steam coal.) Alaskan coal has 8 Table 2 Strippable Resources and Reserves of Coal in Northern Alaska (millions of short tons) Source - ("Strippable Reserves---," Bureau of Mines, 1971) Remaining Recoverable Strippable Strippable Strippable Grade Resource Resource Reserves Bituminous 1,197 957 478 Subbituminous 5,293 4,234 3,387 Total 6,490 5,191 3,865 Table 3 Strippable Reserves by District (millions of short tons) District Bituminous Subbituminous Corwin Bluff - Cape Beaufort 24 Kukpowruk River 76 Kokolik River 58 Utukok River 68 1505 Meade River 73 1334 Colville River 179 386 Kuk River 47 Kugrua River 27 Ikpikpuk River 88 Total 478 3387 Ol | 2 3 4 5 State selections tentatively approved Naval Petroleum Reserve NQ, 4 Unreserved public land Native village withdrawal National interest area national parks 6 7 Village deficiency area 8 State -selections patented Regional deficiency area 9 Utility corridor State selections pending 10 Classification and public interest area FIGURE 3 LAND STATUS OF NORTHWESTERN ALASKA Source - Bureau of Land Management (Sept. 1972) a geographic advantage over many of Japan's coking coal suppliers; this advantage could result in a favorable competitive position through lower shipping costs. In 1971, 20 million tons or 34.4 per cent (See Fig. 4) of U. S. coal exports were shipped to Japan (International Coal Trade, February, 1972). In recent years, Canada and Australia have captured an increasing portion of the Japanese market. In the first quarter of 1972, Australia displaced the United States as Japan's leading supplier of coking coal. The U.S. S. R. has proposed to Japan the development of the South Yakutsk, Siberia coal field at a cost of 175-185 million dollars (International Coal Trade, May 1972). Japan conveyed their intention of importing up to 10,000,000 tons per year from this field in the late 1980's provided the quality meets their requirements. Figure 5 shows estimates of Japan's coking coal imports to 1979. ("Iron and Steel---", 1971). Selling price. The average price per metric ton of coking coal in 1971, C.1.F. Japan was $21.00 (C. Itoh and Company, 1972). This is equivalent to $19.20 per short ton. The premium coking coal from the eastern United States demand a higher price. In the first quarter of 1972, coking coal was purchased C.1.F. Japan at the following prices: (Interna- tional Coal Trade, May 1972) Country Price per Metric Ton Price per Short Ton U.S.A. $24.46 to $28.20 $22.40 to $25.80 Australia $16.58 $15.20 Canada $20.83 $19.15 U.S.S.R. $19.88 $18.20 Poland $24.36 $22.30 Since very little of the northern coal has been analyzed, it is difficult to project what sales price it could demand. However, the tests performed to date indicate that the northem coking coal is a blending coal and would therefore sell at the medium to low cok- ing coal prices. AREA GEOGRAPHY Physiograph Northern Alaska is composed of four physiographic divisions: namely, moderately high rugged mountains, low mountains, plateaus and highlands and plains and lowlands (See Fig. 6). The major topographic features are the Arctic Coastal Plain, the Arctic Foot- 1 rat Rotterdam ds Port Kembla 0 - Distonce to Yokohama Hampton Roads U.S.A. 9510 miles Port Kembla Australia 4370 Alaska (approximate) Nakhodka US.S.R. 880 Seward 3800 miles Vancouver Canada 4275 Duteh Harbor 2940 Chingwangtao China 1300 Cape Thompson 3340 Gdansk Poland 12220 Point Lay 3490 Rotterdam W. Germany 11194 FIGURE 4 JAPAN'S SOURCES OF COKING COAL (Alaska excepted) Source-Barnes (1972) 80 ro oe c iS € ° c ° e Short 60 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Yeor FIGURE 5 Projected Coking Coal Imports to Japan Source- "Iron and Steel- Japan's Bellwether’ (1971) 13 XN Ss mod. high rugged mountains ( lowlands 14 FIGURE 6 DIVISIONS OF NORTHERN ALASKA Source - Wahrhaftig (1965) plateaus, highlands ama C47 PHYSIOGRAPHIC hills and the Brooks Range. Arctic Coastal Plain. Wahraftig (1965) described the Arctic Coastal Plain as a smooth plain rising imperceptibly from the Arctic Ocean to a maximum altitude of 600 feet at its southem margin. Thousands of shallow lakes from 2 to 20 feet deep and from a few feet to 9 miles long pockmark the coastal plain. The plain is poorly drained, and as a re- sult, swampy conditions are prevalent during the summer. Pingos and ice-wedge polygons are common features in this area. Permafrost to depths of 1000 or more feet underlie most of this area. The active layer is from three inches to four feet deep. Arctic Foothills. The arctic foothills are plateaus and low mountains ranging from 600 to 3500 feet in altitude. The northern section of the foothills is dominated by mesalike mountains. The southern section is characterized by irregular buttes, mesas and ridges inter- rupted by undulating tundra plains. The entire area is underlain by permafrost. (See Fig.7). Brooks Range. The mountains of the Brooks Range rise to summits of 7000-8000 feet in altitude in the southern part. In the higher areas of the range, small glaciers are common. The main north flowing rivers begin at the head of the wide flat-floored glacier valleys of the Brooks Range. Drainage and Water Resources Table 4 is an outline of the major rivers in northern Alaska. Rivers east of the Col- ville River in the Arctic Coastal Plain have numerous braided channels, whereas rivers west of the Colville meander sluggishly in valleys 50-300 feet deep (Wahraftig, 1965). Most streams in the Arctic Foothills have swift braided courses across broad gravel flats. The major rivers of the Brooks Range flow north to the Arctic Ocean, and south to the Kobuk, Koyukuk and Yukon Rivers. The many small lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain are limited to low volume utiliza- tion because low annual precipitation results in slow replenishment rates. In most areas, permafrost to depths of over 1000 feet prevents the formation of any subsurface water (Parker, 1972). In winter, ice cover of approximately 6 feet builds up on all surface water bodies. Many streams are locally covered in winter with extensive sheets of anchor ice. Even in the largest rivers, flow in winter is approximately 5 per cent of the summer flow (See Fig. 8). Water is available from lakes which do not freeze to the bottom and from unfrozen aquifiers beneath the rivers. Williams (1970) reported that aquifiers in the Colville River 15 9 Lowland underlain by thick permafrost 0) Lowland underlain by moderately thick to thin permafrost FJ Mountainous underlain by continuous permafrost Mountainous FIGURE 7 DISTRIBUTION OF PERMAFROST IN NORTHERN ALASKA Source = Ferrians (1969) underlain by discontinuous permafrost River Kukpowruk Meade Ikpikpuk Colville Kukparuk Sagavanirktok Table 4 Major Rivers in Northwestern Alaska Drainage Length of Area Main Stream (sq. miles) (miles) 4,178 42 3,850 230 4,540 169 24,000 428 3,659 183 5,546 166 Source - Parker (1972) 17 Estimated Average Annual Flow (cu.ft. /sec.) 2,130 1,925 2,270 12,000 1,830 2,770 8 600 500 > 3s 400 ° Ea ° = 300 2 6 200 a 2 ° 2 100 e s a 2 $ wn Re lalallala telalaleaetaltelehatatealstalletaledlliela May { June | July August | September Oct. | | | | | r | | | l | | i 6 | | @ | | | | | ; | | 3 L | | | 2 | \ I | \ ° | | ! ! \ 4 7200 ® | ! ' I 3 LJ | | ; | I 4 6000 & | 2 I 4 4800 4 L | | | | \ 3 | | | | | 3600 \ | | | \ ] 3 | | l 2400 L 2 | | | ° | | | 4 12006 . 4 ' *, ee FIGURE 8 Discharge and Suspended Load in the Colville River, 1962 Source-Greenwood (1972) —— Discharge «ee+Suspended Load TVA Se ELLER yield from several hundred gallons per minute from alluvium to less then ten gallons per minute from bedrock. Vegetation Most of the Arctic Coastal Plain consists of tundra which is characteristically tree- less. Trees of the willow and poplar variety do exist along the larger valleys in the Arctic Foothills and to a lesser extent in the mountain valleys. In the Brooks Range, the tree line along the southern slopes usually occurs between the 1000 to 2000 foot elevations. The most prevalent plant life is the cotton grass tussock which is 6 to 10 inches in width and height, and is separated by mossy channels a few in- ches wide. Other types of vegetation common to northern Alaska are mosses, lichens, sed- ges, dwarfed berry bushes and many wild flowers. Climate All of northwestern Alaska is considered to have an arctic climate (Johnson, 1971). This arctic climate is characterized by light precipitation, strong winds and a 10° to 20° F mean annual temperature. Marine influence affects this climate somewhat in summer, but to a lesser extent in winter. Temperatures of -40° F. are common in the winter and have been known to drop to -65° F. Strong winds and storms, many approaching gale velocities are common. Table 5 is a summary of climatological data at various points in northwestern Alaska. Settlement and Accessibility Settlement in northwestern Alaska consists mainly of isolated Eskimo coastal vil- lages, the largest of which is Barrow with more than 1000 residents. Oil componies engag- ing in exploration and construction maintain temporary camps at several points in sie region. The area contains no roads, railroads or trails. None of the major rivers are navi- gatable except the Colville River which is navigatable by barges with a three foot draft. Travel is principally by air although tractor trains have been used in past explora- tion programs. Supplies are brought into the coastal villages by ship and barge in the late summer. Northwestern Coast Continental shelves of the Bering and Chukchi Seas create fairly shallow waters on 19 Table 5 Climatological Data at Various Locations in Northwestern Alaska Precipitation-In. Temperature F Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Annual Annual Mean January January July Location Precip. Snowfall Annual Minimum Maximum Minimum psBarrow A239. 7) 20 **9 0 -24 -10 34 Une 7 40 10 -18 -4 40 Pt. Lay 6 25 15 -20 -6 40 Cape Lisburne 8 30 ** 19.0 -16 -4 40 Cape Thompson 8 30 17 -16 =2 4] Kotzebue 8 40 21 -16 0 46 * Number of degree days below 65 F for one year. **Source - U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration Source - Adapted from Johnson, Hartman 1971 Mean July Maximum 46 52 50 48 50 60 * Heating Degree Days 20,000 19,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 the northwestern coast. (See Fig. 9) Water depths of sixty feet are at least three miles from shore. Port Clarence and Golovnin Bay, both of which are on the Seward Peninsula are the only natural deep harbors north of Norton Sound. The next natural deepwater har- bor past Port Clarence is at Herschel Island in the Canadian Arctic. At Kotzebue, sea going ships must anchor |4 miles offshore, where cargo is trans- ferred to shallow draft lighter barges. At Prudhoe Bay, cargo is transferred from ocean barges to lighter barges 6 miles from shore (Moreau, 1970). In 1958 a study was undertaken by the U. S. Geological Survey (Pewe, 1958) to determine the most suitable site on the northwestern coast of Alaska for the excavation of an artificial harbor by a nuclear device. The harbor site recommended in this study was at the mouth of Ogotoruk Creek, about seven miles south-east of Cape Thompson. At this point there exists a seavalley which starts one quarter mile from shore and extends seaward for 15 miles to a depth of 135 feet (Sainsbury, 1966). Seafloor. Reflection studies between Cape Lisburne and Cape Seepings and be- tween Icy Cape and Point Barrow have indicated that bedrock is exposed or nearly exposed on the seafloor in many areas (Craeger, 1967). Sainsbury and Scholl (1966) found outcrops exposed on the surface of the seafloor near the mouth of Ogotoruk Creek. Coastline topography. Nearly continuous steep sea cliffs characterize the coastal region from Ogotoruk Creek to Cape Beaufort. Breaks in these cliffs occur where stream valleys meet the coast. Beaches are generally steep and narrow except at Point Hope where barrier islands project offshore. From Cape Beaufort to the Utukok River, about 25 miles south of Icy Cape, the coastline consists of almost continuous sea cliffs from 15 to 45 feet high. In the Cape Beau- fort area, the cliffs are directly exposed to the ocean. From approximately 25 miles north of Cape Beaufort to the Utukok River, the coast is fronted with low relief barrier islands which enclose small shallow lagoons. The shoreline from the Utukok River northeastward to Point Barrow is characterized by moderate to low relief sea cliffs which are either directly exposed to the sea or are fronted by sedimentary barriers (Hartwell, 1972). Tides. Tides along the northwest coast are weak. Normal maximum tides range from three feet near Kotzebue to 0.6 feet near Point Barrow (Johnson, 1971). Storms can cause changes in the sea level, such as one storm in 1963 when three meter high waves caused flooding and about three million dollars damage to the village of Barrow (Hartwell, 21 cz Cope Thompson FIGURE 9 LOCATION OF THE 60 FOOT WATER DEPTH ON THE COAST OF NORTHERN ALASKA Source - Coast and Geodetic Survey maps 9400 9302 ° 100 200 i “scale miles 1972). Ice Conditions. In northwestern Alaska, ice begins to form on the beaches in the late fall and remains for approximately 8 months. This ice attains a thickness of about 5 feet (Hartwell, 1972). If shearing occurs between the fast ice (ice frozen fast to the shore) and the floating ice offshore, large pressure ridges and jumbled ice fields usually occur. Pack ice usually forms a major pressure ridge offshore at Barrow and at times grounds on the sea floor to depths of 60 to 100 feet. Even during the normal ice-free season at Barrow, an onshore wind can bring the pack ice into shore. When the protective fast ice thaws, the sea ice may be driven onshore by winds. These major ice shoves can produce ridges up to 6 feet high. Coastal ice scour is prevalent during the winter months. Deep hulls of pres- sure ridges which extend beneath the floating sea ice rub and gouge the sea floor from shore to depths of 100 feet. Some of this gouging in the Beaufort Sea has produced troughs in the sea floor from 2 to 30 feet deep. ("Ice Gouging---", Whitehorse Star , 1972). Table 6 is a list of the dates of break-up and freeze-up at locations in northwestern Alaska. 23 Table 6 Dates of Ice Break-Up and Freeze-Up Ice Break-Up Ice Freeze-Up Location Ave. Earliest Latest Ave. Earliest Latest Golovin Bay May 23 May 13 June 14 Nov 2 Oct 8 Nov 19 Teller-Port Clarence June 7 May 12 June 18 Nov 10 Nov 13 Dec 26 Kotzebue May 31 May 17 June 8 Oct 23 Oct 2 Nov 5 Point Hope June 20 May 30 July 8 Nov 11] Oct 6 Dec 19 = Point Lay June 24 June 1 July 10 Nov 4 Oct 12 Nov 27 Wainwright June 29 June 7 July 26 Oct 2 Sept 26 Oct 9 Point Barrow July 22 June 15 Aug 22 Oct 3 Sept 31 Dec 19 * Source - U. S. Coast Guard, Polar Transportation Requirements Source - U. S. Coast Pilot No. 9, 1964 ** Estimated from above sources Ice Free *3 KY **2.5 ne f2 Ice-Free Months Light Ice *4 **3 #3 *3 xO Heavy Ice *5 #6 **6.5 #7 #7 CHAPTER III COAL TRANSPORTATION METHODS RAILROAD The most widely used method of transporting coal overland today is the railroad. Railroads have been constructed and successfully operated in many types of environments and climatic conditions. Early railroads in Alaska were the Seward Peninsula Railroad, the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad near Valdez and the Alaska Railroad which extends from Fairbanks to Seward. Only the Alaska Railroad is still operating. At the present time, approximately one million tons of freight are hauled over the Alaska Railroad annually. Other railways built in northern areas and still operating are the Labrador Ungava Railway, the Great Slave Railway, the Hudson Bay Railway, all of which are in Canada and the White Pass and Yukon Railway which operates between Whitehorse, Yukon Territory and Skagway, Alaska. Construction in Permafrost A railroad built in areas where permafrost is prevalent requires large amounts of fill material. This fill material serves as a railroad bed and as an insulation layer to retard the thawing of the underlying permafrost (See Fig. 10). The general method of construction on permafrost is to preserve the frozen condition by building on it, rather than excavating into it. Side hill railroad construction is a technique which is applied in northern areas. Valley bottoms are often flooded during the spring run-off. Drainage is also an important consideration for railroad construction in permafrost areas. Water in contact with the permafrost causes thawing, the result being settling of the railroad bed. Construction Costs Railroad construction costs in northern areas vary with the location, but in general these costs are substantially higher than for railroads in southern areas. The main reasons for the higher costs are: importation of labor, severe climatic conditions hence lower labor and machine efficiency, the large volumes of fill required, and the transportation costs for supplies and materials from southern areas. Table 7 shows the construction costs of existing and proposed railroads in northern areas. 25 Gravel Fill VVIITIVIT TT Post fill permafrost table LZ \ SLLLLISLL LL Original Ground Surface Compacted Active Layer S-f fb KAA S-A AA AHF Original Permafrost Table LZ Provide Drainage aa Active Layer frost Table” SS VILLA LLLLLL EPIL FIGURE 10 PROFILES OF TRACK CONSTRUCTION IN PERMAFROST Source -— Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport (1972) 26 Table 7 Construction Costs of Existing and Proposed Railroads Year Construction Length Constructed Cost per mile Railroad Location (miles) or Proposed (dol lars) 1. Great Slave Railway Roma, Alberta to Hay River, 377 1964 199,000 N.W.T. 2. Quebec North Shore and Sept Iles, Quebec to 360 1954 325,000 Labrador Railway Shefferville, Labrador 3. Extension of the Alaska Dunbar, Alaska to 405 P-1967 400, 000 to Railroad Kobuk Alaska N 4. Railway to the Arctic Trout River, Alberta to 1240 P-1972 1,250,000 Prudhoe Bay, Alaska 5. Railroad North of Fairbanks - - P-1968 414,000 6. Railroad to North Slope Nenana, Alaska to 581 P-1972 2,360,000 Deadhorse, Alaska Sources: 1- Charles (1965) 4 - Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport (1972) 2- Pryer (1963) 5 = Polar Transportation Requirements (1968) 3- EBS Management Consultants (1967) 6 - Tudor, Kelly, Shannon (1972) Unit Trains The unit train technique is > relatively new concept in railway transportation. The first unit train system started in the United States in 1959. In 1967, 327 coal mines were shipping coal by unit trains (Glover, 1970). The unit train concept usually involves the following: a) A train or number of trains dedicated to the haulage of the bulk material . b) A long term contractoral agreement between the shipper, supplier and receiver. c) One source and one destination. d) A predetermined loading, unloading and travel time schedule. The major advantages of the unit train are: high equipment utilization, low clerical costs, and higher shipper and receiver benefits due to the precision of advanced scheduling. SLURRY PIPELINE Slurry transmission by pipeline has been in existence since before the 20th century, but it has been only in recent years that long distance transmission has developed. Two of the most noted pioneer efforts in bulk movement by slurry pipeline were built in 1957. A 7\ mile long pipeline used to transport Gilsonite extended from Bonanza, Utah, to Grand Junction, Colorado, and a 108 mile long coal slurry pipeline was constructed between Cadiz and Cleveland, Ohio. The most recent efforts in the use of slurry pipelines are the 53 mile long Savage River pipeline in Tasmania which transports iron ore slurry, and the 273 mile long Black Mesa pipeline which transports a coal slurry between Arizona and Nevada. A 490 mile long pipeline to transport coking coal from eastern British Columbia to the Pacific coast has been proposed for operation in the late 1970's ("World Wide---", 1972). A long distance slurry pipeline has only one source and one destination. Each ap- plication is a separate case and normally cannot be used interchangeably with other mater- ials. The general requirements for pipeline construction are large ore reserves and a long term market contract. The main advantages of a slurry pipeline are low operating costs and low material losses. In many slurry pipelines, the pumping stations are automated or semi- automated. A pipeline is a closed system, therefore dust losses or contamination of the en- vironment is minimal. Most pipelines are buried, consequently, they do not occupy the land surface or create surface obstructions. 28 Table 8 is a list of data on some commercial pipeline applications. Slurry Pipeline Design Link (1972) stated that slurry transport in many cases is still more of an art than a science. A number of commercial pipeline construction projects have been precluded by extensive laboratory and pilot plant testing. Particle size, pumping velocity and solids concentration are three of the most im- portant factors in slurry pipeline design. Pumping velocity. In slurry pipelines it is important that the solid particles remain in a homogeneous suspension. In every case, there exists a critical velocity, the point at which particles begin to settle to the bottom of the pipe. The pumping velocity must be above this critical velocity. If not, solid particles tend to be dragged along the bottom of the pipe causing excessive pipe wear and creating unstable flow conditions. The optimum velocity for commercial coal slurry applications has been determined to be between 3 and 6 feet per second (Wasp, 1971). Solids concentration. The concentration of solids in a slurry has a direct influence on the particle settling velocity and the pumping velocity. Commercial coal slurry pipe- lines use solids concentrations of 45 to 60 per cent by weight. Beyond 60 per cent, small increases in concentration mean large increases in the pressure drop, hence a higher pumping horsepower and higher costs with disproportionate gains in the amount of material transported. Another factor in the design of a pipeline is the carrier fluid. In most cases, water is used as the carrier fluid although it is possible to use oil, gasoline, or other hydrocarbons if readily available. However, it is the rare case where the markets are available for the exact balance of the solids and the carrier fluid. Major pipeline Components Pumps. Slurry pipelines have employed centrifugal pumps and piston and plunger reciprocating pumps. Centrifugal pumps are used where the pump discharge pressure is re- latively low, below 650 p.s.i. Piston reciprocating pumps are normally used for pressures up to 2000 p.s.i., plunger pumps are used where pressures up to 4000 p.s.i. are required (Thompson, 1972). The main advantage of the reciprocating pump is the higher operating pressure. This higher pressure allows a greater distance between pumping stations, hence a lower sta- 29 Pipeline Location American Gilsonite Co. Utah, Colorado Consolidated Coal Co. Ohio & Consolidated Coal Co. Virginia, New York Black Mesa Pipeline Co. Arizona, Nevada Savage River Tasmania Cascade Pipeline British Ltd. Columbia Table 8 Some Long Distance Slurry Pipelines Pipe Annual Material % Solids Size Tonnage Transported by wt. (Length) — (millions) lo" 0.4 Gilsonite 48 (72) ( i} 1.3 Coal 50-60 1g" 10 Coal N.A. (350) |g" 5 Coal 45-50 (273) 9" 2.25 Iron Ore 60 (53) N.A. 10 Coal N.A. (500) * Closed due to decreased railroad tariffs Sources - Job (1969) * Longest Largest Coal Slurry---" (1971) Love (1969) McDermott and others (1968) Construction Cost (millions) N.A. N.A. 200 35 200 Year Started or Proposed 1957 *1957 1969-P 1970 1967 1969-P tion cost. One of the largest slurry pumps constructed at present is 1750 horsepower, where- as earlier commercial coal pipelines used motors of 450 horsepower. Another advantage of the reciprocating pump is that they can work effectively under abrasive conditions. In a centrifugal pump, the slurry must be conveyed through the body of the pump, whereas in a reciprocating pump water can be foreced into the face of the piston and plunger so that slurry contact with the components of the pump is minimal . Pipe. Slurry pipe generally has a higher carbon content than pipe used for oil transmission. Pipelines conveying a highly abrasive material such as iron ore have to be rotated at intervals. Coal is from one-quarter to one-half as abrasive as iron more, thus pipe wear is not as serious a consideration. Preparation and dewatering plant. The cost of the slurry preparation and subse- quent drying, if required, may be an added cost of slurry transportation if the coal is marketed in the dry state. Slurry Pipelines in Northern Areas The cold northern climate poses some unique problems to slurry pipeline construc- tion and operation. Water. The scarcity of water in northern, particularly arctic areas in the winter may require consideration of seasonal operation, a smaller water supply line from a large water source, or recirculation of water. Permafrost. Normally pipelines are buried except over river crossings or when traversing a mountainous terrain. Burying a pipeline in permafrost may cause complications. Lachenbruch (1970) studied the effects of a hot oil 48 inch diameter pipeline buried in perma- frost and concluded that a cylindrical thaw region 20 to 30 feet in diameter would occur af- ter several years of operation. He also concluded that insulating the pipe would increase the oil temperature rather than decrease the thawing. A similar effect, although much less severe, may result if a slurry pipeline is buried. Heat is generated from the abrasion of the slurry along the pipe and pump walls. Although this heat generation rate may not be high, it will have to be accounted for. Climate. Slurry pipeline operation could be either seasonal or year round. A sea- 31 sonal operation would avoid the severe winter temperatures but would have to be propor- tionately larger than a year-round system. A year round pipeline system would have to be insulated and/or heated to prevent freezing. No long distance commercial slurry pipelines exist in areas where freezing of the line is a problem. Many short distance pipelines exist in cold areas, but these are either heated or the exposure time to cold temperatures is minimal . ROADS AND _ TRUCKS Compared to other-modes of bulk transport, trucking is considered the most flexible . In the development of a system to move large amounts of bulk materials over long distances, the establishment of a road and truck system normally involves a lower capital cost, but a higher operating cost than other systems. Where the belt conveyor and slurry pipeline are designed for a maximum amount of material to be transported, a road-truck system can be expanded simply by the addition of more road and more trucks. Since each truck is self propelled unit requiring one or two operators, the labor costs and maintenance costs are higher than for other systems. Roads are not as limited to grade as are railroads. Railroads generally are restricted to grades close to 2 percent where roads can be constructed with grades of 8 percent or more. To move material from the same source to the same destination in an undulating terrain, a railroad would then normally be longer than a road. Trucks There are two major classes of trucks for the movement of bulk materials: on-the- highway trucks and off-the-highway trucks. Off-the-highway trucks with capacities up to 250 tons are presently being used, and trucks with capacities greater than 300 tons are anti- cipated in the near future. These large trucks are normally used for short hauls in open pit mines or in large construction projects. On-the-highway trucks can be of two types: those operating on public roads and those operating on private roads. Trucks operating on public roads are subject to width, length and weight restrictions. In Alaska, the weight restriction is 18,000 gross pounds per axle for single wheels, and 20,000 gross pounds per axle for dual wheels (Alaska Department of Highways). The maximum allowable truck width is 8 feet and the allowable length is 70 feet. In the Yukon Territory, the maximum allowable gross weight per truck is 95,000 pounds (Baker, 1971). As a result of these restrictions, truck payloads normally range from 25 to 30 tons. 32 On-the-highway trucks which operate on private roads are not normally subject to restrictions, except those imposed by the condition of the roads on which they operate. A trucking system which has the advantage of greater labor and truck utilization than on pub- lic roads operates at a phosphate mine in Idaho. Each truck hauls three 70 ton capacity trailers a round trip distance of 31 miles (Atwood, 1971). Northern road construction Road construction over permafrost requires the same special consideration as rail- road construction. Damage to the insulating tundra layer will cause rapid degradation of the road bed and adjacent area. Protection of this insulation layer can be accomplished by covering the tundra with large amounts of gravel or sand fill material. (Foam insulation is presently being considered for use in road beds to reduce the amount of fill required.) Stokes (1971) suggested that a 5 foot deep fill layer over high center polygons and a 6 foot deep fill over low areas makes an adequate roadway on the North Slope which requires little maint- enance. Drainage is another important factor in road location. Ditching is not always possible because it may result in erosion of the permafrost. An adequate number of drainage culverts are necessary to prevent water from melting the permafrost beneath the road beds. Figure I! is a cross section of a typical road constructed on permafrost on the North Slope. Construction Costs The cost of a road varies with the types of road required. A winter road can be constructed at a very low cost but it can only be utilized for a portion of the year. In most cases, there is a tradeoff between the initial road construction cost and the yearly mainten- ance cost of the road and trucks. Table 9 is a summary of the construction costs of various types of northem roads. BELT CONVEYORS Belt conveyors have been used extensively for the movement of bulk materials since the late I9th century. At the present time, belt conveyors are probably handling more mater— ial than any other system. An overland conveyor system is usually composed of a number of single flight conveyors. The length of a conveyor system appears to be unlimited, but the length of a single flight is limited by the maximum tension rating of the belt. Until recently, con- veyor belts were composed of rubber with a cotton carcass. New developments such as the nylon belt, the steel cord belt and the cable belt have increased belt tension ratings, which 33 Road . Minimal Road Class | . Minimal Road Class II . Minimal Road Class III . All Weather Track Earth Road Permanent Earth Road . Tarred or Surfaced Road Table 9 Types of Roads and Construction Costs Source - Ehrlich (1969) Description Clearing of existing trails Clearing surface vegetation Natural earth surface Minimal cut and fill Filling, drainage systems Ferries at river crossings Capable of handling heavy truck traffic in good weather All traffic - all year all crossings bridged All traffic at high speeds all year Construction Cost (per mile) $500-$700 $2000 $4000-$5000 $25 ,000-$50, 000 $150,000-$250, 000 $300, 000-$500, 000 $500,000 or greater have permitted increases in the length of single flight belt conveyors. In nylon and steel cord belts, the nylon or steel cords act as the tension members. The cable belt conveyor consists of a belt held on two parallel wire ropes, and drive power is transmitted down the ropes, instead of through the belt. The cables and belt are suppor- ted by cable sheaves instead of the idlers which are used for the support of nylon and steel cord belts. Before the development of these stronger belts, it was unusual to have a single flight conveyor more than one mile in length. A conveyor manufacturer has reported that within the next year, two conveyors, each of which will be 5 miles between head and tail pulleys, will be installed (B.F. Goodrich, 1972). New drive concepts are being tested to permit longer single flight conveyors - up to 50 miles between centers (B. F. Goodrich, 1972). The main advantage of longer single flights is in the reduction of transfer points. Transfer points are normally the areas where spillage occurs most frequently. Transfer points cause increased wear on the belt due to the impact of the material, increased chute wear, dust problems, possible sources of plugging, and a greater horsepower requirement due to the added height required. Conveyors are widely accepted as a transportation vehicle for two main reasons: ease of operation and relatively low maintenance costs. However, long distance conveyor systems are inflexible: that is, they are designed for a specific tonnage, source and destina- tion. Also, conveyors create a surface obstruction which is more apparent than obstructions caused by other transportation modes such as roads and railway. Table 10 is a list of some existing conveyor systems. Construction and Operation in Cold Weather The primary consideration in the construction of a belt conveyor system is belt alignment. A misaligned belt will result in excessive belt wear and possibly spillage. Align- ment will be a more serious problem in northern areas because of the land shifts caused by frost action. Stability can be attained with the use of sunken pilings to support the structure, but this will be expensive. Belt conveyors have operated successfully in temperatures below -45°F and belts can be designed to operate in temperatures as low as -67°F. (Goodyear, 1972). Conveyors which are operated in cold climates are normally shut down only for short periods of time. When material is not being transported, the conveyor continues to run, but at a creep speed, 35 “Gravel, | Road Fin Se SSF ft tte Se ee cover ="s DIE LEE. FIGURE Il Cross Section of a Road Constructed over Permafrost Source - Stokes (1971) 36 Location Westem Kentucky uw West “Virginia New Caledonia Green County, Pa. Marcona, Peru Belt Width (inches) 42 42 32 36/42 36 Table 10 Some Existing Conveyor Systems System Max. Single Capacity Length Flight (millions tons (miles) Length per year) (miles) 12.5 9 7 5.1 5.1 4.4 8.0 8.0 4.6 4.5 1.2 N.A. 9.5 3 N.A. Speed (feet per minute) 800 650 800 600 590 Source Greene (1971) Workman (1969) Bocchietti (1972) Draper (1966) Yu (1971) substantially lower than the normal operating speed. In areas where snow and wind are common, protective covering of the conveyor is a necessity. Bearings, drives and other mechanical equipment must be designed to withstand extreme temperatures, and must be kept well lubricated with low temperature lubricants. Problems will occur during the freeze-up or thaw times of the year when temperatures are near the freezing point. Ice may build up unevenly on the belt and idlers, which may cause belt run-off and eventual spillage (Oszter, 1965). A conveyor operating in cold weather should be either completely unheated, or completely heated. Problems occur most frequently when freezing takes place on the belt conveyor. Horsepower requirements are normally greater for cold weather operations due to increased friction resistance. A friction multip- lier, which accounts for the resistance to idler rotation, used in conveyor belt design at -40° F is three times the multiplier used at 30°F (Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Assoc. , 1966). Construction Cost Capital cost estimates of various widths of conveyor belts are shown in Table II. These costs are probably representative of conveyors constructed in southern areas where problems associated with cold temperatures are minimal. Total capital and operating cost of belt conveyors vary from $.02 to $.07 per ton mile, depending on the amount of material transported and the annual operating time (Maddex, |971). SHIPPING For the movement of large amounts of coal from the North Slope of Alaska, stock- piling and handling at both Japan and the northwest coast of Alaska would be minimal if year round shipping could be achieved. However, the problems of year round shipping to northwestern Alaska may become paramount over the alternative extra stockpiling and handl- ing problems. To date, there has been no successful navigation north of the Bering Strait in winter, even by icebreakers (Lyons, 1972). Alternatives to year round shipping exist, but these may be less satisfactory to the supplier and receiver. Some of the possible alternatives are: |) Shipment of all the coal to Japan during the ice free season. This alternative may have a negative effect on the marketability of the coal. Large stockpile areas would be re- 38 Belt width (inches) 6& 36 & 72 96 Idlers 4 & 10 ft. spacing $ per lin. ft. 25-37 30-43 35-48 40-53 45-58 50-65 Table II Belt Conveyor Costs (short distance only) Belting Support 1000 ft. Frame and $ per lin. ft. Decking $ per lin. ft. 25-50 40 35-70 60 45-90 85 55-110 100 65-130 120 75-150 140 Source - Maddex, P. J. and W. F. Haddon (1971) Installation and Training $ per ft. 10 15 20 25 30 35 Total Installed $ per ft. 100-140 140-150 185-245 220-290 260-340 300-390 quired in both Alaska and Japan. Assembling enough ships for the short season and arrang- ing haul contracts for the remainder of the year for supplier owned ships may be difficult. 2) Shipment of the coal to a transhipment point during the ice-free season, then from this point to Japan for the remainder of the year. This alternative requires the dupli- cation of harbors and an increase in the ship loading and unloading costs, however, ships could be employed year round and Japan would have a more consistent coal delivery. 3) Same as No. 2 except coal would be delivered simultaneously to Japan and the transhipment point during the ice-free season. Japan would then have a consistent coal delivery throughout the year. A possible problem of alternatives 2 and 3 may be the in- equality in the number of ships required between the ice-free season and the remainder of the year. The difficulty of arranging hauling contracts or leasing ships may occur, but to a much lesser extent than in alternative No. 1. 4) Extension of the shipping season: A renewed emphasis has been placed on arctic shipping as a result of the successful voyage of the 108,000 ton dwt. ice-breaking tanker, "Manhattan", through the Northwest Passage in September of 1969. This voyage proved that the technology exists to build ice-breaking carriers and that winter shipping by this method is operationally feasible. It may be a few years before it can be determined if winter shipping through ice is economically feasible. The first consideration for winter shipping is probably the capital cost of the ships. German (1971) estimates the incremental cost of an icebreaking carrier to be 40 per cent over the cost of a conventional vessel of the same size. This incremental cost is for ice conditions which might be comparable to the first year ice which would be encountered on the northwest coast of Alaska north of the Bering Strait. The next consideration would be additional operating costs. Insurance costs would be very high at least for the first few years of winter shipping. Ice-breaking ships would encounter pressure ridges that can be up to 20 feet in height and five times as deep beneath the water. An aerial reconnaissance of the Bering Strait was made in May of 1968 by the U. S. Coast Guard (Polar Transportation Requirements, 1968) to view the area in terms of sea transport. One of the conclusions made from this study was that, "travel through the Bering Strait in the event of closed leads is impossible without passing through pressure ridges." The ship must be able to pass through these ridges without stopping, or travel time would be excessive. German (1971) gave a hypothetical example where a ship had to stop and ram an ice ridge once every 20 miles, then regain its travelling speed of 8 knots through the ice. The result was an increase in the voyage time of 54 per cent. 40 Another consideration is the extent of ice-breaker support that would be required for winter shipping. A Coast Guard study (Polar Transportation Requirements) estimated the user cost of such an ice-breaker would be $22,500 per day. Terminal facilities in the arctic require special innovations. Underwater pipelines would be exposed to ice gouging. Bubbling systems for piers and wharves have been tested in Tuktoyaktuk on the arctic coast of Canada (Inee, 1963) and in Thule, Greenland (Dehn, 1972). These bubblers worked effectively against ice formation; however, Dehn (1972) observed that when a wind blew in the wrong direction, the ice was pushed up against the wharf. This phenomenon can also occur in an open channel broken by an icebreaker. A wind can shift the sea ice together and close the channel completely. The Soviet policy at present is to use icebreakers to serve locations in northern Siberia for | $ months, thus extending the shipping season from 2 3 months to 4 months (Armstrong, 1970). Up to the present time, no ship greater than 10,000 tons dwt. appears to have been used for the Northern Sea Route. The shallow waters of the continental shelf in this area would present difficulties to larger ships. The cost of shipping North Slope coal in ice conditions was not developed in this study. It is the opinion of the author that winter shipping in this area has potential, but that cost estimates of this shipping could only be made properly after more information on the ice conditions becomes available, and a feasible harbor design has been developed. In the analyses in the following chapter, 100,000 ton dwt. ships were used for the computation of shipping costs. This size of ship was selected as a trade-off between econ- omy of scale (Figure |2) and the draft of the vessel (Figure 13). The draft of the ship is an important consideration due to the shallow waters along the northwestern coast of Alaska. The ocean freight rates for coal from the east coast of the United States to Japan vary from $3.70 to $4.50 per ton for single trips (International Coal Trade, 1972). Single or spot trips will generally be higher than for long term contracts. Cunningham (1972) esti- mates the cost of shipping coal from Vancouver to Japan ranges from a low of $2.25 per ton for 100,000 ton dwt. ships to a high of $3.25 per ton for 50,000 ton dwt. ships. Barging Tug and barge combinations for the movement of bulk materials have traditionally been confined to inland waterways and coastal areas. It has only been in the last few years that ocean barge developments have become significant. The main reason for the relatively slow progress in tug-barge ocean application was the difficulty in developing a method of 41 Shipping Costs per ton Relative Draft (ft.) Design alll fe) L 1 —t 1 4 40 60 80 100 DWT (1000 tons) FIGURE [2 Ship Operating Cost vs Ship Size Source Waugh (197!) Sasadi (1972) 10 100 190 2860 DwT (1000 tons) FIGURE 13 Ship Draft vs Ship Size Source-Koisch (1971) 42 coupling the tug and barge together. Barges up to 30,000 tons dwt. are presently being used in the Gulf of Mexico for the shipment of bulk commodities between ports in Florida and Texas. The use of a trans-ocean tug barge system for the movement of coal from northern Alaska has a number of advantages over self propelled ships. 1) Crew - Tugs require smaller crew than ships:approximately |0-I2versus 40 or more for ships. 2) Terminals - A tug-barge system can operate in much shallower waters than a ship, consequently, less elaborate harbor facilities are required. 3) Utilization - With the use of extra barges, loading and unloading can be accom- plished when the tug is not in port. The only tug port time required would be the time required to change one barge for another. There are two major disadvantages of tug-barge transport. Tug-barge combinations have a relatively slow cruising speed so the turnaround time is higher than that of a ship. Secondly, tugs are restricted to the ice free season. The capital costs of tugs and barges are lower than ships mainly because of their relatively simple design. This advantage may be partly offset by the higher insurance costs associated by tug-barge transport. Insurance costs for barges in Alaska are among the high- est in the world (Parker, 1972). In the analyses in the following chapter, 60,000 ton dwt. barges were used to com- pute the shipping costs. There are no barges of this size presently being utilized, but it is anticipated that technological developments will make construction and operation possible in the near future. HARBORS If the North Slope coal is to be transported to Japan, it will be necessary to estab- lish a port site or sites in Alaska and have adequate loading facilities for ocean going ore carriers at these sites. Natural deep water ice free harbors exist in the southern areas of Alaska, but these harbors are at least 600 miles from the northern coal fields. On the tip of Cape Darby on Golovnin Bay, water depths of 60 feet exist close to shore (C. and G.S. Survey map 9302). This site is approximately 380 miles from the northern coal fields. Also on the Seward Pen- 43 insula is the natural harbor of Port Clarence, which is between 40 and 45 feet deep. Port Clarence has a good potential for harbor development, but would require dredging if large ocean vessels were to be used. Its usefulness to the northern coal deposits is again limited by the distance between the coal and the harbor. As previously noted in Chapter II, no natural harbor exists in Alaska north of Port Clarence. A potential site for the construction of an artificial harbor close to the coal is at the mouth of Ogortoruk Creek, south of Cape Thompson. At this site, the shoreline is fairly flat, and the sixty foot water depth is closer to shore than at most points on the north- west coast. This potential harbor site was used in the analysis of several trans portation systems in Chapter IV. The information available on the seabottom of the Northwest coast indicates that bedrock is at or near the surface of the sea floor. The general cost of removing overburden (sediments) from the seafloor is from $0.40 to $2.50 per cubic yard, while the cost of blasting and removing rock from the sea floor normally ranges from $15.00 to $25.00 per cubic yard (Koisch, 1971). An excavation close to shore and a channel to this excavation large enough for large ore carriers would require the removal of approximately 10,000,000 cubic yards of material. One estimate of a deepwater Arctic Port was 500 million dollars (Moreau, 1970). A nuclear device was considered for the excavation of an artificial har- bor at the mouth of Ogotoruk Creek. However, the ecological consequences of this detona- tion were determined to be long lasting, and the projected movement of materials through the harbor was not sufficient to warrant the expenditures required for its construction. At the present time, a plan such as this would have considerably more opposition. It would probably have to be a national emergency before such a method could be employed. It is doubtful that the exploitation of coal deposits alone could carry the economic burden of the construction of an artificial harbor by conventional methods. The exclusion of an artificial harbor as an alternative does not necessarily rule out shiploading in this area. Other methods presently in use in other areas are: |) Structural steel, concrete, or earth filled piers to deeper water. 2) An artificial island in deep water to act as base for smaller lighter craft from shore. 3) A slurry pipeline from shore to a moored vessel in deep water. 4) The use of lighter craft to a moored ship and loading to the large vessel in open water. Piers The northwest coast of Alaska is an area of extreme ice activity. While it may be possible to design and construct steel and/or concrete piers to withstand the ice pressures, this will be accomplished only after intensive experimentation. Such piers do exist in southern areas, but the ice problem in these areas is either minimal or non-existent. An earth filled pier three miles long would not be without serious problems, such as wave and ice erosion and perhaps movement by the ice. However, this type of construc- tion would probably be able to cope with the ice pressures more easily than other types. An earth and gravel filled pier about one mile long has been designed for a fluorite mine near Port Clarence, where winter ice conditions are a major design factor. The projected cost of this pier is between 10 and 15 million dollars (Sheardown, 1972). The design and cost of an earth and gravel filled pier in the Cape Thompson area are contained in Appendix C. Artificial Island An artificial island in deep water would require large amounts of fill material. This fill material could either be transported from shore or seabottom by pipeline, or by barge from shore. This island would also be vulnerable to wave and ice erosion. A 50 acre artificial island, connected to shore by a three mile long causeway has been constructed in Vancouver, B.C., for. the movement of coal from Japan (Singhal, 1971). Preliminary designs have been made for a 300 acre island three to four miles from shore in the Delaware Bay area for the stockpiling and loading of coal and iron ore ("Zapata Plans---", 1971). In the Beaufort Sea, a two acre island has been constructed for an oil drill site ("Imperial Beaufort---", 1972). Although this island has not yet been subject to ice pressures, it withstood severe storms without a significant loss of material (Imperial's Man---, 1972). A main objection to an artificial island, other than the high initial cost might be the additional handling and equipment required for the lighter craft required to convey the coal from the shore to the island. Slurry Loading Slurry Loading is a system which has evolved over the last few years and has opera- ted successfully for iron ore as well as other mineral ores. A slurry loading system usually consists of a large slurry pond on shore from which 45 the slurried material is drawn by a floating suction dredge, then pumped to the ship off- shore by a moored floating pump. The obvious advantage to this system is that neither a harbor nor a pier is required. It may be possible that a slurry pipeline loading system could be applied to the transportation of North Slope coal. The design of this system would have to include the following considerations: |) Coal has a specific gravity of 1.5, iron ore has a specific gravity of approxima- tely 5.2, consequently a much higher settling rate. In order to minimize a ship- loading time, the unsettled decanted coal fines would have to be returned to a settling pond on shore by another pipeline, then recovered when shiploading is not in progress. This means the additional expense of another pipeline and another settling pond. 2) Ice gouging of the seafloor may damage the pipelines if they were left submerged on the ocean bottom for winter months, but summer storms would probably pre- clude a floating pipeline. 3) Slurry ponds would freeze to a depth of six feet in the winter months, hence either continued agitation of the pond or dry storage of the coal would be re- quired if an extension of the shipping season were contemplated. A cost estimate of a proposed coal slurry loading system on the Northwest Coast of Alaska is outlined in Appendix F. Lighter Craft Lighter craft are presently used for unloading cargo and yearly supplies at most coastal villages in Northwestern Alaska. For the movement of large amounts of coal, lightering is not practical because of the ship waiting time required, and because of the problems of transferring the coal from the barge to the ship. The waiting problem may be overcome by mooring a number of filled barges in deep water to anticipate the arrival of the ship, however, transfer of the coal would still remain a problem. In summary,an efficient shiploading system at a harbor close to the coal deposits is a necessity if the north slope coal is to be transported economically. Several harbor designs have been considered. The two most practical designs ap- pear to be the earth and gravel pier and slurry loading (See Fig. 14). These are the only two-designs used in the cost analyses of Chapter |V. Both designs could be applicable to 46 Sturry Loading - not to scale Rock and Gravel Filled Pier - not to scale Prevailing wind F 1G POSSIBLE RE 14 | U SHIPLOADING METHODS 47 most areas on the northwestern coast although the earth filled pier would have a length and economic limitation. COAL GASIFICATION Introduction Manufactured gas from coal or coke is not a new concept. Coal gas was used before oil well drilling was developed in Pennsylvania in 1886. Producer gas and coke oven gas were of considerable importance to industry in the past. Producer gas is made by blowing air or air and steam through an incadescent fuel bed. Producer gas from coke contains several percent methane, some hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. It has a heating value as high as 180 BTU per cubic foot (Battelle, 1950). Producer gas from coal contains little or no methane and less hydrogen than coke producer gas, consequently, it has a lower heating value. Coke oven gas is the gas re- leased from bituminous coal during the manufacture of coke. This gas has a heating value of approximately 600 B.T.U. per cubic foot. In 1926, there were |1,000 manufacturers of producer gas, but when natural gas be- came available at low cost, producer gas manufacture was eliminated. Renewed interest in the gasification of coal has resulted from projected shortages of natural gas within the next decade. In July 4, 1971, the President's message announced a major new initiative in coal gasification. Under a joint government-industry program, ex- penditures into coal gasification research would be $30 million per year. Important considerations which resulted in this expanded program were summarized in a hearing before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs on July 27-28, I97I. |. Natural gas is the least polluting of the fossil fuels. 2. Natural gas can be produced and transported with less environmental de- gradation than other fuels. 3. For three consecutive years, the amount of gas consumed in the U.S. exceeded new supplies found in the contiguous forty-eight states. 4. Projections of future gas demand are such that every new supply source must be developed, including natural gas by pipeline, importation of liquified natural gas from overseas sources and the gasification of coal. 5. It is important to provide the cleanest fuel to the American consumer using resources that can be produced by American mines and which are secure from the vagaries of foreign suppliers. 48 Existing Technology A number of processes can be employed to gasify coal. Most of these processes consist of three stages. The first stage consists of the oxidation of the carbon with steam, producing a hydrogen rich gas. C +H,0 - CO +H The second stage consists of the removal of sulfur and other impurities. At the end of the second stage, the resultant gas is a producer gas which has a heating value of about 160 B.T.U. per cubic foot. The third stage consists of conversion of the low B.T.U. gas to a high methane con- tent, high B.T.U. gas (950-1000 B.T.U. per cubic foot). co +3H, - CH, +H,0 After moisture removal, this gas is considered pipeline quality gas and is very similar in chemical and physical properties to natural gas. At present, there are no operating commercial plants manufacturing gas from coal . Pilot plants exist in Homer City, Pa., Chicago, Ill., and Rapid City, South Dakota. Each plant employs a different method for converting coal to gas. Plans have been revealed for the construction of two commercial plants in southwestem U.S. for the production of syn- thetic natural gas from coal (Levene, 1972). Demand The U.S. gas supply balance is shown in Figure |5. As previously noted, the greatest advantage of natural gas is its clean burning characteristics. Other energy sources listed below have inherent disadvantages or limita- tions that may restrict their use in the future. Coal. The greatest disadvantage of burning coal directly is the resultant air pol- lution from sulfur, fly ash and nitrous oxides. Nuclear Power. It is anticipated that 10 per cent of the nation's power will be provided by nuclear energy by 1980 and 23 per cent by 1990. Oil. By 1985, 50 per cent of the nation's oil requirements will be imports from other countries. Hydropower. Most of the sources of hydropower are being utilized. 49 cubic feet trillion 50 40 oa ° py ° 10 u. Unsatisfied demand Gas from Gas from LNG impor Net pipeli Production Production coal Alaska ts ne imports from potential from 1970 FIGURE natural reserves 15 S. GAS SUPPLY-DEMAND Source - Levene (1972) reserves 50 Others. Geothermal sources are not expected to contribute to the nation's energy needs for years to come. Solar energy, tidal energy and other variable sources are limited by the lack of developed technology on the storage of such energy. Economics The cost of natural gas at present is approximately 30¢ to 35¢ per thousand cubic feet or 27¢ to 32¢ per million B.T.U. and is increasing with increased demand. A feasibility study performed in 1967 by Consolidated Coal Company for the Office of Coal Research estimated the cost of a high B.T.U. synthetic gas from coal would cost $.397 per million B.T.U. This study was based on a 250 million cubic foot per day plant production and a coal cost of $1.50 per ton. Costs are broken down as follows: ¢/million B.T.U. Lignite cost 16.9 Direct processing 12.6 Capital charges 10.2 Total 39.7 Another study performed by the Institute of Gas Technology for the Office of Coal Research estimated a cost of 46.6¢ per million B.T.U. based on a production of 250 million cubic feet per day and a bituminous coal cost of $3.00 per ton. Gasification of North Slope Coal The major part of the North Slope coal is sub-bituminous and non-coking. It is unlikely that much of this low rank coal would be transported for use as steam coal because of its low value and distance to large consumers of power. If this coal were to be used to any large extent, it will probably be converted to another higher value product at or near the mining site. The recent discovery of oil and natural gas at Prudhoe Bay has resulted in investi- gations into the design of a natural gas pipeline. This pipeline is reported to be designed for a daily capacity of three billion cubic feet of natural gas ("In the 'Great'---", I97I). The cost of the pipeline will be about five billion dollars. This high construction cost will result in high gas costs to the consumer, high enough to compare with the cost of synthetic gas ("Northwest Project---", 1972). The construction of the gas pipeline may become an important factor in the econo- 51 mics of developing the North Slope coal reserves. It may be possible that the coal could be gasified at the mine site, then transported to the existing pipeline by a smaller pipeline. The synthetic gas produced from North Slope coal would have to compete with gas produced from the large coal reserves in the lower western states, which are accessible to existing natural gas pipeline networks. However, it may be possible that gas production could exist in both areas. At the present time, it appears that coal gasification will be the only way that the lower grades of the North Slope coal can become a significant energy source. 52 CHAPTER IV TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS This chapter contains the results of cost analyses performed on five separate sys- tems used for transporting coal from the North Slope of Alaska to Japan (See Fig. 16). Each of these systems consists of three stages: each stage is treated as a single entity. In most cases, the cost estimate of each stage was performed in three steps: design of the transportation mode, division of each mode into its basic elements, and summation of the costs of these elements. If it was not feasible to break a transportation mode into basic elements, costs were derived from published information on existing systems and adapted to the situation with the use of cost indexes and cost capacity factors. There are several in- stances where portions of the systems involved designs or methods which have not been proven technically feasible. In these cases, the author assumed that it is likely they would be proven feasible when such a system is required. Also, since the designs of the transpor- tation modes were used only to facilitate cost estimates, some generalizations were made that otherwise may have to be proven experimentally if the mode were designed for actual use. The cost of transportation was computed under the assumption that the coal pro- ducer would bear the total cost of the system. Government sponsorship or additional reve- nue from other agencies using the transportation system was calculated in the costs in only one case. All total system transportation costs were F.O.B. Yokohama, Japan. The capital costs of construction and equipment were converted to annual costs based on a 20 year operating period and a |5 per cent rate of return. Twenty years was selected because large capital expenditures in a transportation system would be made only if a long term agreement was made between the supplier and purchaser, especially if this system is exclusive to coal. A fifteen per cent rate of return was used because this is con- sidered the minimum rate which will attract large investments to these coal deposits. 53 > Fairbanks S4 ond s5 s3 ++ railroad ---- road S system oO 100 200 Ld Scale miles FIGURE 16 COAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 54 SYSTEM | System | consists of a railway which connects a mining area on the eastern portion of the northern coal deposits to the port of Seward on the southern coast of Alaska. This system requires the construction of a 492 mile railroad from the existing Alaska Railroad at Nenana to the coal deposits, and the construction of coal handling facilities at Seward. In this analysis, it is assumed that the Alaska Railroad could bear the additional traffic without significant modification. Unit trains transport the coal directly from the northern coal fields to Seward with- out any handling or excess waiting time between the source and destination. Coal is un- loaded at Seward, stockpiled, then loaded onto 100,000 ton deadweight ore carriers for year round conveyance to Japan. Table 12 is a summary of the cost analyses of this system. The analysis and cri- teria used are contained in Appendix A. Figure !7 is a graphical illustration of the trans- portation costs of System |. The total transportation cost to move coal by System | varies from $21.02 per ton for 15,000,000 tons per year to $46.82 per ton for 5,000,000 tons per year. The rail transportation cost is from 80 to 90 percent of the total transportation cost. If the coal deposit must support the construction of a 492 mile long railroad, then the transportation costs alone are prohibitively high to allow an economically feasible opera- tion. Figure 17 shows that an increase in the number of tons of coal transported over |5 million tons per year does not lower the transportation cost per ton significantly. 55 Tons Transported Annually (millions) Table 12 System | - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Railway from North Slope Coal Deposits to Seward, Dry Loading, Shipment to Japan by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Carriers Shipping Cost Per Ton (dollars) Total System Cost Per Ton (dollars) 210,763 231,104 252,505 91 -69 -61 Percent of Transportation Cost Tons Transported Annually Harbor Shipping (millions) 5 90.5 1.9 7.6 10 84.4 2.5 13.1 80.0 2.9 17.1 233,395 46.82 274,106 | 27.41 315,826 21.02 Ton per o ° ° jon | — Total transportation cost 2 — Rail transportation cost 3-- Shipping cost 4--- Shiploading cost Transportat ° ° ° of Coal Transported per Year (millions) FIGURE 17 COAL TRANSPORTATION COST— SYSTEM | SYSTEM Il This transportation system proposes the use of the road that is to be constructed from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay. The coal deposits are reached by travelling 500 miles from Fairbanks on this road, and 100 miles on a secondary road which would be constructed. These two roads supply a linkage to the Alaska Railroad at Fairbanks where the coal is loaded into railway cars and shipped to Seward for futherance to Japan. Since State road weight limitations restricts the use of trucks greater than approximately 25 tons net capa- city, 25 ton trucks are used in this analysis. Annual costs, which are outlined fully in Appendix B were computed only for the transportation costs incurred from the coal fields to Fairbanks. The cost of ownership and operation of the trucks is a direct function of the tons transported, therefore, if more coal was moved, the annual truck costs would increase accordingly. Consequently, the annual truck cost per ton of coal cannot go below $29.63 On the other hand, if the tonnage transported per year was less than 5,000,000 tons, the road costs would become more significant and the cost per ton of coal transported would increase. Table 13 is a summary of the coal transportation costs using System II. To move 5,000,000 tons of coal per year by truck from the North Slope to Fair- banks, it costs $32.69 per ton of coal of which $29.63 per ton is the cost of owning and operating a fleet of trucks. As in System I, this transportation cost is too high to allow an economically feasible operation. The high cost of truck transportation in this System pre- cluded any further investigation into railway costs from Fairbanks to Seward. 58 Table 13 System II Truck Transportation from Northern Coal Fields to Fairbanks 5,000,000 tons per year Capital Cost of Trucks « Operation and Maintenance of Trucks Road Costs (Capital and Maintenance) Loading and Unloading (Capital, Operating, and Maintenance) Total Annual Costs Total Annual Cost per ton = $32.69 Total Annual Truck Cost per ton = 29.63 59 Annual Cost $60,073,020 88,070,400 14,770,000 560,000 $163,473,420 SYSTEM Ill System III involves the movement of coal by an overland system 350 days per year to a harbor near Cape Thompson on the Chukchi Sea. During the ice free season, the stock- piled coal at this port is shipped simultaneously to Japan and to an ice free transhipment port at Dutch Harbor in the Aleution Islands. The purpose of the simultaneous shipment is to maintain a consistent delivery schedule to Japan. The coal shipped to Dutch Harbor is stockpiled until the ice begins to form at the Chukchi Sea port. At this time, the coal stockpiled at Dutch Harbor is shipped to Japan. Three types of overland systems were considered in this analysis: railroad, slurry pipeline and belt conveyors. Two types of shiploading techniques were also considered: dry loading and slurry loading. In this system, no definite mining site was established. Instead, costs were com- puted as a function of the overland distance from the coal source to an ocean port. In the analysis performed for slurry pipelines, the costs of a secondary smaller pipeline was added to the total cost. Because of the scarcity of an inland winter supply of water in this region, feed water would either have to be recirculated or transported from a large lake or the ocean in order to operate a slurry pipeline year round. In order to use slurry loading for ship loading, two ponds would have to be con- structed on shore, one for the actual loading of the coal to the ship and the second as a settling pond for the fine suspended material decanted from the ship. Tables 14-19 are the summaries of cost analyses performed for System III. Figure I8 is a graphical illustration of these results. Cost computations and criteria are outlined in Appendices C, D, E, and F. For the movement of 5,000,000 tons of coal per year, railroad is the most expen- sive form of overland transportation, belt conveyor is the next most expensive and slurry pipeline, the least expensive. At 15,000,000 tons per year, railroad, belt conveyor, and slurry pipeline transportation costs are very similar. Overland transportation costs range from a low of $1.35 per ton for 50 miles for 15,000,000 tons to a high of $15.00 per ton for 200 miles for 5,000,000 tons per year, Slurry loading costs are approximately 50 per cent less expensive than dry loading costs. A significant part of the dry loading cost is the capital cost of a harbor on the shallow coast of the Chukchi Sea. The cost of ocean shipping, which includes the conveyance of the coal to a trans- shipment point and furtherance to Japan is $3.57 per ton. 60 Given the total transportation cost to Japan cannot exceed $10.00 to be econo- mically feasible, then the maximum overland distance in which the coal can be transported can be determined in Figures 18 a, b, and c. Fora railroad, this distance ranges from 45 miles to 200 miles depending on the number of tons transported annually. Fora slurry pipe- line, the distance is from 80 miles to 200 miles and for a conveyor, it is from 70 miles to 200 miles. The slurry loading costs for System III are the same regardless of the transportation mode from mine to port. This would be true if the coal was stored at the port site in the dry state. Some savings would occur in a slurry loading operation directly connected to an overland slurry pipeline. This savings would be relatively small and probably would not change economic relationship of the different systems. 61 2 Table 14 System III - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Railway from Coal Deposits to a Port near Cape Thompson, Dry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Tons | Rail ry Loading Shipping Transported Annually Rail Total’ Cost Cost Cost ‘li (miles) Cost Per Ton Per Ton Per Ton ole (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) 50 : : . 53,076 71,940 108,141 98,870 119,634 162,631 £9 Table 15 System II] - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Railway from Coal Deposits to a Port near Cape Thompson, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Tons Total T ted 7 Li a ly Rail Cost Total Cost eual| (millions) Per Ton Cost Per Ton Per Ton (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) 67,615 87,755 127,949 90,508 111,272 154, 269 v9 Table 16 System II - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Slurry Pipeline from Coal Deposits to a Port near Cape Thompson, Dry Loading Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Tons Slurry Pipeline Dry Loading Shipping —— stem rons ported Pipeline} Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost ee t alli ¥. (miles) Cost Per Ton Cost Per Ton Cost Per Ton Per Ton (iene) (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) ees 74,410 87,347 113,221 104, 123 123, 387 161,914 Table 17 System III - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Slurry Pipeline from Coal Deposits to a Port near Cape Thompson, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Tons Total Transported System Annually Cost Per Ton Pipeline Cost (miles) Per Ton (millions) millions, (dol lars) (dollars) 65,710 78,647 104,521 95,761 115,025 153,552 Table 18 System II1 - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Conveyor from Coal Deposits to a Port near Cape Thompson, Dry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Dry Loading Shipping Tons Total Transported Annually | Conveyor} Total Cost Total Cost Cost System (millions) (miles) Per Ton Per Ton Per Ton ig (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) Per Ton . (dollars) 99 70,897 87,197 119,797 95,849 116,049 156,449 Tons Transported Annually (millions) Table 19 System III - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Conveyor from Coal Deposits to a Port near Cape Thompson, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Conveyor Slurry Loading Cost Per Ton (dollars) 87,487 107 ,687 148 087 Total System Cost Per Ton (dollars) SYSTEM I 5,000,000 tpy Rail, Loading, Shipping costs per ton Too per } 10,000,000 tpy Cost —} 15,000,000 tpy — dry loading -- slurry loading Transportation FIGURE [8a ~ yop ty O 50 100 150 200 Overland Miles from Coal Source system I Slurry Pipeline, Loading, Shipping costs per ton Ton 15.00 5,000,000 tpy 310,000,000 t py 3 15,000,000 tpy Cost per 10.00 — dry toading Transportation 5.00 -- slurry loading FIGURE 18b I y °O 50 100 150 200 Overtand Miles from Coal Sources 68 SYSTEM Conveyor, Loading, Shipping Costs per Ton 5,000,000 ~ 15-00 tpy ° e = & 10,000,000 -J 'tpy g '0.00 =} 15,000,000 ° tpy dry loading slurry loading Transportation 50 100 150 Overland Miles from Coal Source 200 FIGURE 18c 69 SYSTEM IV In this system, coal is transported overland by either conveyor belt, railroad or a slurry pipeline to a port near Point Lay. At this port, the caal is loaded on 60,000 ton capacity ocean barges by either dry loading or slurry loading. At Point Lay, forty feet of water depth can be reached approximately two miles from shore. The sixty foot water depth is approximately eight miles from shore. This eight mile distance would preclude dry loading into a 100,000 ton ore ship because of the high cost of a pier facility. In this analysis 60,000 ton dwt. barges are used to move the coal from the Northwestern Coast of Alaska to Japan. The harbor facility for dry loading these barges consists of an earth and gravel pier |} miles in length. The greatest advantage of a port at Point Lay over a port near Cape Thompson is its proximity to the major portion of the coal reserves. A limitation of this port is its shorter ice free season of 75 days compared with a 90 day ice free season at a port near Cape Thompson. The usefulness of the relatively shallow draft ocean barges in this situation is off- set somewhat by their inherent low speed characteristics (average speed of II knots versus 16 knots for ships). More tugs and barges are required than ships because of their lower capacity and their slower speed. During the ice free season, the coal is transported to Japan and simultaneously to a transhipment point at Dutch Harbor. The coal stockpiled at Dutch Harbor would then be transported to Japan by ocean barges when the Point Lay area is non-navigatable due to ice conditions. The cost of the tug-barge combination depends upon whether or not these quality for the government shipbuilding subsidy of 41 per cent (the U.S. Government allows Ameri- can shipbuilders in American shipyards a 4 per cent subsidy on merchant ships). Therefore, the tug-barge costs were computed with and without the subsidy. The transportation costs of the northem coal under System IV are summarized in Tables 20-25. These same costs are shown graphically in Figures 19 a, b, c. The criteria and computation used for System IV are in Appendix G. The cost of barging from Point Lay to Japan, including a transshipment point is $3.58 per ton if the shipbuilding subsidy is granted or $4.80 per ton without the subsidy. Dry loading costs are lower in System IV than System III because the harbor facilities for 60,000 ton barges are not as expensive as those required for 100,000 ton ships. Again, if $10.00 is the maximum transportation cost allowed in order to make the 70 operation economic, then the maximum number of overland railway miles varies from 35 miles for 5,000,000 tons per year to 160 miles for 15,000,000 tons per year of coal transpor- ted. Similarly, these respective number of miles for slurry pipeline are 65 miles and 155 miles; for conveyor they are 55 miles and 170 miles. 71 eZ Table 20 System IV - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Railway from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Dry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 60,000 ton dwt. Ocean Barges Total System Cost Per Ton (dollars) 11.26 Tons Transported Annually (millions) Barging Rail Total (miles) Cost Cost Per Ton Per Ton (dollars) (dollars) 50 7 23,998 56,302 *17,900 *50,204 *(10.04) 23,998 75,166 15.02 *17,900 *69 ,068 *(13.82) 23,998 : 111,367 22.27 *17,900 : *105,269 47,996 85,718 *(21,06) 8.57 *35,800 *73,522 *(7.35) 47,996 105,858 10.58 *35,800 *93,662 *(9.37) 47,996 146,052 14.61 *35,800 *133,856 | *(13.38) 71,994 114,336 7.62 *53,700 *96,042 | *(6.40) 71,994 135, 100 9,01 *53,700 *116,806 | *(7.79) 71,994 178,097 11.88 *53,700 *159,803 | *(10.66 * with ship subsidy eZ Table 21 System IV - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Railway from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 60,000 ton dwt. Ocean Barges Tons Total Transported System Annually Rail Total Total Cost Total Cost (millions) (miles) Cost Cost Per Ton Cost Per Ton (dol lars) (dollars) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 50,229 10.04 *(8.82) 69,093 13.82 *(12.60) 105,294 21.06 *(19.84) 1.26 1.26 1.26 4.80 79 ,954 7.99 *(3.58) *(6.77) 4.80 100,094 10.01 *(3.58) *(8.79) 4.80 140,288 14.02 *(3.58) *(12.80) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3. 58) 108,889 7.25 *(6.03) 129,653 8.64 *(7.42) 172,650 11.51 *(10.29) ZA Table 22 System IV - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Slurry Pipeline from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Dry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 60,000 ton dwt. Ocean Barges Transported Annually Cost Cost (millions) Per Ton Per Ton Per Ton (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) 4.80 *(3.58) *(8. 47) 4.80 11.26 *(3.58) *(10.04) 4.80 14.39 *(3.58) *(13.17) 4.80 83,813] 8.38 *(3.58) *(7.16) 4.80 96,750} 9.68 *(3.58) *(8. 46) 4.80 | 122,624] 12.26 *(3.58) *(11.04) 119,589 7.98 * (6.76) 138,853 9.26 *(8.04) 177,380 | 11.83 *with subsidy SZ Table 23 System IV - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Slurry Pipeline from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 60,000 ton dwt. Ocean Barges Tons Slurry Pipeline Slurry Loading Barging Total Transported System Annually | Pipeline | Total Cost Cost Cost (millions) Cost Per Ton Per Ton Per Ton (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) 4.80 8.47 *(3.58) *(7.25) 4.80 10.04 *(3.58) * (8.82) 4.80 13.17 *(3.58) *(11.95) 4.80 7.80 *(3.58) * (6.58) 4.80 9.10 *(3.58) * (7.88) 4.80 11.68 *(3.58) *(10. 46) 4.80 | 114,142] 7.61 *(3.58) * (6.39) 4.80 | 133,406] 8.89 *(3.58) | *(7.67) 4.80 | 171,933] 11.46 *with subsidy 9L Table 24 System IV - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Conveyor from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Dry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 60,000 ton dwt. Ocean Barges Transported Annually | Conveyor} Total Cost Total Cost Total (millions) Cost Per Ton Cost Per Ton Cost (dollars) (dollars) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 80,300 10 96,600 129,200 111,315 131,515 171,915 Total System Cost Per Ton (dollars) 9.84 *(8.62) 12.40 *(11. 18) 17.92 *(16.30) *(6.81) 9.66 * (8.44) 12.92 7.43 *(6.21) 8.78 * (7.56) 11.48 *(10.32 LL Table 25 System IV - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Conveyor from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 60,000 ton dwt. Ocean Barges Transported Annually Cost (millions) i Per Ton Per Ton (dol lars) (dollars) *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *(3.58) 4.80 *with subsidy 7.45 * (6.23) 9.08 * (7.86) 12.34 *(11.22) 5,000,000 tpy SYSTEM IV Rail, Loading, Barging Costs per Ton 15.00 =} 10,000,000 tpy Ton } '8,000,000 tpy 10.00 Cost per — dry loading -- Slurry loading 5.00 Transportation FIGURE 1!9a o = 50 100 160 200 Overland Miles from Coal Souree SYSTEM IV Slurry Pipeline, Loading, Barging Costs per ton Ton 15.00 } 5,000,000 tpy 310,000,000 tpy —= 315,000,000 tpy Cost per 4 —dry loading -- slurry loading Transportation FIGURE 19 b 50 Overland 100 150 Miles from Coal 200 Source 78 SYSTEM Iv Conveyor, Loading, Barging Costs per Ton }5,000,000 tpy per Ton }10,000,000 “ tpy Costs —}15,000,000 tpy — dry loading -- slurry loeding e ° = o - . ° eo e e o . ra 50 100 150 200 Overland Miles from Coel Source FIGURE 19¢c 79 SYSTEM V This system consists of either a railway, pipeline or conveyor system to a coastal point near Point Lay. A slurry pipeline system loads 100,000 ton ore ships anchored 8 to 10 miles offshore. All loading from this port is accomplished during the 75 day ice free season. The coal is shipped to Japan and to Dutch Harbor simultaneously during the summer months as in Systems Ill and IV. The analysis of this system is in Appendix H. Tables 26-27 are the re- sults of the analysis, and Figures 20 a, b, c are these results presented graphically. The total cost of transportation using ships in System V is less than the total cost using barges in System IV when no subsidy on barge cost is considered. When this subsidy is considered, then System V total costs are higher than System IV total transportation costs. The maximum number of railroad miles the coal can be moved to remain below $10.00 total transportation cost is 60 miles for 5,000,000 tons per year and 175 miles for 15,000,000 tons per year. Fora slurry pipeline, the respective distances are 120 miles and 190 miles, and for a belt conveyor these distances are 85 miles and 200 miles. 80 Table 26 System V - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Railway from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Tons Transported Annually Cost (millions) Per Ton Per Ton Total System Cost Per Ton (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) 91,507 131,701 95,924 116,688 159 ,687 Table 27 System V - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Slurry Pipeline from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Tons Transported Annually | Pipeline Cost Cost (millions) (miles) Per Ton Per Ton Per Ton Total System Cost (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) (dellars) 69 ,462 82,399 108,273 101,177 120,441 158,968 Table 28 System V - Annual Costs in Thousands of Dollars Conveyor from Coal Deposits to a Port near Point Lay, Slurry Loading, Shipment to Japan via a Transhipment Point at Dutch Harbor by 100,000 ton dwt. Ore Ships Tons Transported Annually Total Cost Cost Cost (millions) Cost Per Ton Per Ton Per Ton (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) 82,249 114,849 92,903 113,103 153,503 SYSTEM V Rail, Slurry Loading, 5,000,000 tpy Shipping Costs per Ton « ° 15.00 : 10,000,000 tpy 3 15,000,000 ¢ ° 10.00 , py < =. 2 3 a 2 5.00 so i FIGURE 20a ° —— ee a T fo) 50 100 150 200 Overland Miles from Coal Source 20.00 SYSTEM V Slurry Pipeline, Slurry Loading, 2 Shipping Costs per Ton @ 15.00 ° ° 5,000,000 tpy ° sc 10,000,000 tpy = 10.00 15,000,000 tpy 2 3 a @ ¢ S £ 5.00 FIGURE 20b ° “do tbo St=<C 200 Overland Miles from Coal Source Cost per Ton Transportation SYSTEM V Conveyor, Slurry Loading 20.00 Shipping Costs per Ton 5,000,000 tpy 15.00 10,000,000 tpy 10.00 15,000,000 tpy 5.00 0 50 100 150 200 Overland Miles from Coal Source FIGURE 20c 85 AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE FOR SYSTEMS III, IV, AND V In order to illustrate the transportation costs more clearly, four points in the coal bearing areas were selected and the cost of transporting the coal by various systems were de- tived from the systems tables and graphs. These costs are only for an annual movement of 5,000,000 tons per year, but the costs for 10,000,000 and 15,000,000 tons per year could be determined readily by using the appropriate tables and graphs. Costs were also computed for systems without a transhipment point: that is, the movement of all the coal to Japan during the ice free season. This method has been dis- cussed under the section on Shipping. These costs will not indicate marketability or ship lease problems which may occur when all the coal is shipped in such a limited time period. Figure 2I is a map of the coal area showing the 4 possible coal mining areas. Tables 29 to 32 are summaries of the transportation cost from these mining areas. Table 29 is a summary of the total transportation cost from point | to Japan using System III. The total transportation costs vary from a low of $6.07 per ton of coal using a slurry pipeline, slurry loading and shipping without a transhipment point to a high of $10.10 for a railroad, dry loading, shipping with a transhipment point. All of the total transporta- tion costs are below $10.00 per ton except one, which is $10.10. The results summarized in Table 30 show that the total transportation costs from point 2 to Japan using System III are very close or above the $10.00 economic limit, but are well below this limit when System IV or V is used. Total transportation costs from point 3 to Japan (Table 31) are above a $10.00 economic limit except in one case using System III, but are below this limit using Systems IV and V. Transportation costs from point 4 (Table 32) using systems IV and V vary from $7.32 per ton to $15.60 per ton. The least ex- pensive method of transportation in this case is pipelining, slurry loading, barging or ship- ping without a transhipment point. In summary, this example has shown that if there exists a $10.00 economic limit on total transportation costs, then there is a combination of transportation modes whose total costs are below this limit for each of these possible mining areas for the movement of 5,000,000 tons of coal per year. Figures 18, 19 and 20 show that transportation costs lower with increased annual movement. The movement of 10,000,000 tons per year or 15,000,000 tons per year means that the total transportation costs from points | to 4 to Japan are substantially lower. 86 28 FIGURE 21 POSSIBLE MINING AREAS USED TO ILLUSTRATE TRANSPORTATION COSTS 0 100 200 Table 29 Cost Per Ton to Transport 5,000,000 Tons of Coal Per Year from Point 1 to Japan (see Figure 21) 88 System Overland System Elements Total Transportation Cost Used Miles Overland Ship Shipping Without With (approximate) Loading Transhipment Transhipment Point Point Hl 45 R D Sh 8.21 10.10 R s Sh 7.37 8.50 P D Sh 6.61 8.50 P Ss Sh 6.07 7.20 Cc D Sh 7.11 9.00 Cc Ss Sh 7.17 8.30 R= Railroad D = Dry Loading Sh = 100,000 ton Ships P = Pipeline S = Slurry Loading B = 60,000 ton Barges C = Conveyor 68 System Used tl IV *with subsidy Overland Miles (approximate) 100 Table 30 Cost per ton to Transport 5,000,000 Tons of Coal per Year from Point 2 to Japan (see Figure 21) System Elements Overland Ship Shipping Loading R D Sh P D Sh c D Sh - s B - s Sh Total Transportation Cost Without Transhipment Point 12.50 8.55 9,84 3.52 *(2.88) 3.75 With Transhipment Point 14.39 10.44 11.73 6.06 *(4.84) 5.22 Table 31 Cost Per Ton To Transport 5,000,000 Tons of Coal Per Year From Point 3 to Japan 06 System Overland System Elements Total Transportation Cost Used Miles Overland = Ship Shipping Without With (approximate) Loading Transhipment Transhipment Point Point Ul 150 R D Sh 16.61 18.50 R s Sh 14.97 16.10 P D Sh 10.51 12.40 P Ss Sh 8.87 10.00 Cc D Sh 12.41 14.30 Cc S Sh 11.37 12.50 IV 15 R D B 5.52 8.50 * (4,74) *(7.28) R Ss B 5.10 7.50 *(4.32) *(6.28) P D B 5.32 8.30 *(4,54) * (7.08) P S B 5.80 7.20 *(4.02) *(5.98) Cc D B 5.02 8.00 *(4,24) *(6.78) Cc Ss B 4.60 7.00 *(3.82) *(5.78) Vv 15 R Ss Sh 5.13 6.60 P Ss Sh 4.53 6.00 Cc Ss Sh 4.73 6.20 *with subsidy System Used IV 16 Overland Miles (approximate) 110 110 Table 32 Cost Per Ton To Transport 5,000,000 Tons of Coal Per Year from Point 4 to Japan (see Fig. 21) System Elements Overland Ship Shipping Loading R D B R Ss B P D B P Ss B c D B Cc s B R Ss Sh P Ss Sh Cc s Sh Total Transportation Cost Without With Transhipment Transhipment Point Point 12.62 15.60 *(11.84) *(14.38) 12.10 14.50 *(11.32) *(13.28) 8.62 11.60 * (7.84) *(10.38) 8.10 10.50 * (7.32) *(9.28) 10.04 13.00 *(9,26) *(11.78) 9.60 12.00 * (8.82) *(10.78) 11.53 13.80 8.03 9.50 9.53 11.00 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS Remarks The results derived from the analysis of System | indicate that it would not be economically feasible to construct and operate a railroad from the North Slope to Fairbanks if the coal deposit must support the entire construction and operation. However, the trans- portation economics may be entirely different if this railroad was constructed by state and federal governments and the costs were shared by the users of the railroad (eg. coal and oil producers and other developments which may occur along the railroad route). The transportation of coal by truck from the North Slope to Fairbanks would be pro- hibitively expensive even if the coal did not have to support any of the main road con- struction and maintenance costs. The high cost of truck transportation in System II results from the road weight limitations, hence the large number of trucks required. However, even with larger capacity trucks, it is doubtful the transportation cost could be low enough to al- low this coal to be competitive with other suopliers to Japan. The transportation costs of moving the coal from the Northwest coast of Alaska ap- pears to be competitive with the transportation costs of existing coking coal suppliers to Japan particularly if these coal deposits are on or near the coast. As the overland distance to the coal deposits increase, the costs become greater and coal becomes less competitive. If the total transportation costs cannot exceed $10.00 per ton to be economically feasible, and the transportation system was one outlined in Systems Ill, IV, and V, then the overland distance cannot exceed 120 miles at the 5,000,000 ton per year production level and 200 miles at the 15,000,000 ton per year production level. In Systems Ill, IV and V the railway is the most expensive method of overland transportation, whereas conveyor and pipeline have similar transportation costs. As pointed out previously, conveyors and pipeline in most cases can transport material from the same source and destination as a railroad over a shorter route. But, both conveyors and pipelines are inflexible to increased production and new developments, and do not provide backhaul capabilities. A railroad can easily accommodate increased tonnages and backhaul traffic. The costs of shiploading by slurry pipelines are less than the cost of shiploading by conventional dry methods. One reason is the large capital expenditure required to build a pier facility on any part of the shallow northwestern Alaskan coast. Ocean transportation costs by 60,000 ton dwt. tug-barge and 100,000 ton dwt. ore ships are almost the same. The fact that ocean going tug-barge combinations are slower 92 than ships means that more of them are required, but each unit costs less to build and less to operate than a large ship. The tug-barge combination has one advantage over a ship in northern Alaska; a barge can operate in much shallower waters. Summary On the North Slope of Alaska, there is approximately 120 billion tons of subbitu- minous and bituminous coal, some of which is coking coal. This coal may be in an advan- tageous geographical position to one of the world's largest importers of coking coal, Japan. This study was undertaken to determine the economics of transporting coal from the North Slope of Alaska. Five transportation systems were analyzed. The first two systems linked with the existing Alaska Railroad and a shipping point at Seward on the Pacific Coast. The remaining three systems consisted of an overland transportation mode to a shipping point on the northwestern coast of Alaska. The costs of transporting North Slope coal to Japan via a port on the Pacific Ocean are too high to be economically feasible if the coal deposit must support the transportation network. Overland transportation costs from the coal deposit to a harbor on the northwest coast vary from $0.80 per ton mile at a production level of 5,000,000 tons per year to $.025 per ton mile at a production level of 15,000,000 tons per year. Shiploading costs vary from $3.06 per ton for dry loading, at 5,000,000 tons per year to $.91 per ton for slurry loading at 15,000,000 tons per year. (Loading costs are the total of the Dutch Harbor costs and the Chukchi Sea harbor costs). The costs of shipping coal from the northwestern coast to Japan, with a transhipment point between varies between $3.58 per ton and $4.80 per ton. Given a sales price of $20 per ton in Japan, and allowing $10 per ton for mining costs, profit and unloading costs in Japan, then at a production level of at least 5,000,000 tons per year, part of the North Slope coal reserves is economically competitive with Japan's present coking coal suppliers. As the production rate increases, more of the re- serves fall into the economic category. At 15,000,000 tons per year, coal up to 200 miles from a harbor site could be transported to Japan for less than $10.00 per ton. The overland distance which the coal can be transported economically is sensitive to the market price, mining cost, profit and shipping cost. 93 Future Research There are several aspects of coal transportation in northern Alaska which require further research. The foremost of these are marine terminals and shiploading techniques. Before any quantity of coal is moved from the northem coal fields, a suitable harbor and/ or shiploading method must be available. Slurry loading of coal onto ore carriers seems to be promising, but this technique has not been fully developed for coal to date. Extensive design and test work, probably on a pilot plant scale, is necessary to design a slurry pipeline system which can operate year round in the arctic. The market- ability of the fine coking coal required by such a pipeline also needs investigation. Further research and experience into shipping should be undertaken to determine the costs and benefits of extending the shipping season to northwestern Alaska. This research should include a study of the requirements and necessity of transhipment points. Lastly, and probably most important, the delineation of favorable mining areas, a study of the mining costs and a full marketability study are all necessary before the eco- nomic feasibility of development of the North Slope coal reserves can be determined. 94 APPENDIX A SYSTEM | Analysis | - Annual Costs Railroad. Operating Basis. Production - 5,000,000 tons per year Schedule - 350 operating days/year Round trip time - 50 hours (30 miles/hr. ) Loading time - -05 hours and Unloading time Size of trains - 13,000 tons/train (8 locomotives, 125 cars Number of operating trains - 3 Performance of each train - 225,362 miles per year 126 trips per year 1,666,000 tons per year Cost of Equipment. Gondola cars @ $15,000 $ 5,625,000 Locomotives @ $340,000 $ 8,160,000 Loading Equipment $ 550,000 Unloading Equipment $ 1,450,000 Total $15,785,000 Train Operating Cost. Locomotives 24 @ $1.20 per locomotive mile $ 6,490,426 Gondola Cars 375 @ $0.06 per car mile $ 5,070,645 Labor 52 @ $30,000 per man $ 1,560,000 Total $13,121,071 Cost of Railroad. Nenana to North Slope $1,207, 166,673 Communications @ $5000/mile $ 4,471,500 Buildings & Auxilary Equipment $ 5,000,000 Total $1,216,638, 173 96 Annual Maintenance Cost. $14,000/mile x 894.3 miles Total Annual Costs of Railroad. Equipment - $15,785,000 (A/P, 15, 20) Operating Cost Railroad Capital Cost (1,207, 166,673) (A/P, 15, 20) Railroad Maintenance Cost Annual Harbor Cost $12,520,200 $ 2,525,600 $ 13,121,071 $182, 495,700 $ 12,520,200 Total $210,662,571 Capital Costs. Equipment and Dock (14,150,000) (A/P, 15, 20) $ 2,162,500 Operating Costs. Labor, Supervision $ 200,000 Power, Tugs $ 2,000,000 Maintenance Costs $ 200,000 Total $ 4,562,500 Shipping Operating Basis. Schedule - Round Trip Time = Loading Time - Unloading Time - Number of ships required = - Ship Size - Performance of each ship - Annual Cost. Capital Cost @ 14,750,000/ship Vessel Expense @ $7500/day/ship Fuel Costs 97 335 operating days/year 19 days (16 knots) 20 hours 20 hours 3 100,000 tons deadweight 17.6 trips per year $ 7,080,000 $ 8,212,500 $ 2,777,016 Toto! $ 18,069,615 APPENDIX B SYSTEM II APPENDIX B SYSTEM II Operating Basis Production FF 5,000,000 tons per year Schedule a 300 operating days per year Round Trip Time - 40 hours (30 m.p.h.) Loading and Unloading Time - .05 hours Truck Capacity - 25 tons Performance of each truck - 198,000 miles per year Number of trucks operating - 1112 trucks Annual Road Costs *Capital Cost @ $300,000/mile - $ 4,500,000 Maintenance @ $2700/mile (Rhoads - $10,270,000 +.02 per ton mile 1972) ———— Total $14,770,000 Annual Truck and Equipment Costs **Capital Cost @ $49 ,000/truck 7 $60,073,020 Operating Cost @ $.40 per truck per mile - $88,070,400 Capital Cost of Loading Equipment - $ 320,000 Labor Cost for Loading & Unloading - $ 240,000 Total $148, 703,420 *Annual cost based on |5 per cent rate of return and perpetual life. **Referring to Figure 22, the annual cost of the trucks overa 20 year period truck life of 7200 hours is 110.25% of the original purchase price of the trucks. 99 ool Cost of trucks over a 20 year period assuming a 3% per year escalation rate and a 20% salvage value % of original truck cost—purchase cost 103 106 109 12 U5 WS 12) 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 151 154 157 ee eee +—_$___-__,_year__, + . — + = . 6 7 8 9 10 Nl 12 13 14 15 16 \7 8 19 20 OH ensea ae 20.0 20.6 21.2 21.8 22.4 23.0 23.6 242 24.8 254 260 266 272 27.8 284 29.0 29.6 30.2 30.8 31.4 % of original truck cost — salvage value FIGURE 22 TRUCK COST CASH FLOW DIAGRAM APPENDIX C SYSTEM III RAIL, HARBOR, SHIPPING APPENDIX A SYSTEM | Railroad Criteria Maximum speed - 60m.p.h. Maximum speed on curves - 25 m.p.h. Maximum grade - |.75 per cent Construction cost of the 492.2 mile long railroad (Based on the results of the 3 million dollar, 3 year long study entitled "Alaska Trans- portation Corridor Study", by Tudor, Kelly, Shannon, Alaskan Transportation Consul- tants) Construction - $ 922,445,000 Engineering Services 146,354,923 Contingencies 138,366,750 Total $1,207, 166,673 Cost Per Mile $2,452,594 Maintenance Costs, variable with tonnage transported Tonnage Per Year - $/mile/year 5,000,000 14 ,000 10,000, 000 22,000 15,000,000 30,000 Other Capital Costs Communication cost - $5000 per mile Buildings and Auxiliary Equipment - $5,000,000 Total Train and Loading Equipment. Loading Time - 80 seconds per car Unloading Time - 100 seconds per car Number of Engines - 8 per 125 car train Average Speed - 30m.p.h. Number of days in use per year - 350 Gondola type 105 ton capacity car with rotary $15,000 each coupler 102 Six axle, 3000 H.P. Locomotives $340,000 each Loading Equipment $550, 000 total Feeders and Hoppers Unloading Equipment Rotary Dumper with foundations $500,000 total Train Positioner erected $400, 000 total Hoppers and Feeders $550,000 total Operating and Maintenance Cost of Trains Locomotives - $1.20 per mile per locomotive Cars - $0.06 per mile per car Labor - $30,000 per man per year Harbor Criteria Capital Costs. Stockpile Area $ 150,000 Dock and Shiploader $10,000,000 Stacker Reclaimers $ 4,000,000 Total $14, 150,000 Shipping Criteria Size - 100,000 tons Draft - 50 feet Average Speed - 16 knots Length - 940 feet Cost - $25,000,000 Less 41 per cent subsidy ("Six Hundred---", 1972) $10,250,000 Total $14,750,000 Daily Expense $7500/day (Polar Transportation Requirements, 1967) Fuel Requirements - 1300 bbI/day at sea 800 bbI/day in port /day in port, APPENDIX C SYSTEM III Analysis | Railroad. Operating Basis. Production - 5,000,000 tons per year Rail Length - 50 miles Annual Cost. . Railroad Construction - $17,406,773 @ 2,452,594/mile Equipment $ 493,600 Operation and Maintenance - $ 2,017,570 Total $19,917,943 Chukchi Sea Harbor - 5,000,000 tons per year. Capital Cost - Construction. Stockpile area - $ 561,436 Rock, gravel pier - $20,373,792 Total $20,935 ,228 Capital Cost - Equipment. Stacker-Reclaimers - $ 4,000,000 Shiploader - $ 3,000,000 Conveyor System - $ 6,000,000 Total $13,000,000 Annual Costs. Pier and Stockpile Capital Cost- $ 3,125,284 (20,373,792) (P/A, 15,00) Equipment Capital Costs $ 2,080,000 (13,000,000) (P/A, 15, 20) Operation & Maintenance $ 3,400,000 Total $ 8,605,284 104 Dutch Harbor. Capital Costs. Dock and Stockpile Area Equipment Annual Costs. Dock and Stockpile Area Capital - Total Cost 10,550,000 (P/A, 15,00) Equipment Capital Cost 10,000,000 (P/A, 15, 20) Operation and Maintenance Shipping. Operating Basis. Production Ship Size Round Trip Time Ice Free Season Loading Time Unloading Time Number of Ships Annual Costs. Ship Capital Cost @ 14,750,000/ship Operating Expense Fuel Total Total 105 $10,550,000 $10,000,000 $20,550,000 $ 1,582,500 $ 1,600,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 6,682,500 5,000,000 tons per year 100,000 tons 17 days to Japan (16 knots) 6.5 days to Dutch Harbor 90 days 20 hours 20 hours 2 for whole year 2 for 3 months another for 6 months $ 7,002,096 $ 8,122,135 $ 2,746,460 $17,870,691 APPENDIX D SYSTEM III SLURRY PIPELINE APPENDIX D SYSTEM III Slurry Pipeline Design Design Criteria. Size of coal -14mxO Average size - 28 mesh = .0232 Specific Gravity of Coal - 1.5 Concentration of coal by weight in the slurry - 60% Concentration by volume - 49.7% Flow velocity - 6.0 ft. per second Analysis Il Operating Basis - Slurry Pipeline. Production - 5,000,000 tons per year - 634.2 tons per hour Operating Factor - 90% Pipeline Volume = 3406 gallons per minute Slurry Velocity - 6 feet per second Pipeline Diameter - 16 inches Terictional Head Loss - 119.2 psi per mile (assuming gradient of -20 feet per mile) 2 Horsepower per mile - 237 Spumps per mile = - 201 Distance between pump stations - 20.0 miles Capital Costs. per mile Pumps @ $225,000 per pump installed - $ 45,225 | -1.93 Frictional Head Loss JM = Jw + wcv2e0| EE) (Zandi, 1974) Where JW = Head loss of clear water at same velocity Cd = Drag Coefficient 2) g =gravity constant horsepower = QP Where Q = volume in gallons.per minute (714— P = pressure in p.s.i. 3)1750 horsepower per pump and 90% pump efficiency, 3 operating and | spare pump per station. 107 Capital Costs. (continued) per mile Pipeline - $ 52,800 Pump Stations $400, 000/station - $ 20,000 Piping, Controls per Station $900,000/station - $ 45,000 Communications $1000 per mile - $ 1,000 Construction Cost $150, 000/mile - $150,000 Insulation Costs $17,300/mile - $ 17,300 Research, Engineering, Contingencies - $ 66,265 20% of Capital & Construction Cost Preparation Facility 2.00/ton = $10,000,000 Receival Facility $10,000,000 Total Cost $20,000,000 + $397,590 per mile Operating and Maintenance Costs. Power @ .03 per kw-hr. - $ 41,801 Pumps - 0.8 ¢/ton/pump station - $ 2,000 Pipeline - 2% of original cost - $ 7,040 Inhibitor = $.10 per ton = $500,000 Labor, Administration, General Overhead - $.10 per ton = $500,000 Total = $1,000,000 + $50,841 per mile Total Annual Cost = $4,200,000 + $114,455/mile Water Pipeline Design and Costs. Operating Basis - Water Pipeline. Pipe Diameter = 12 inches Water Velocity - 5 feet per second Head loss - 14.6 p.s.i. per mile Horsepower per mile - 15.3 Number of pumps per mile - 0318 @ 800 H.P. per pump Distance between stations - 94.3 miles @ 3 pumps per station 108 Water Pipeline Capital Costs. : DEO en oes Cost per mile Pumps @ $30,000 per pump - $ 954 Pipeline $43720/mile - $ 43,720 Pump Stations $300,000 per station - $ 3,181 Piping, Controls $750,000 per station - $ 7,953 . Construction Costs $100,000 per mile - $100,000 Insulation Costs - $ 13,000 Research, Engineering, Contingencies - $ 33,760 Total = $175,000 + $202,569/mile Water Pipeline Operating Costs. Power - $ 2,699 Maintenance - $3,376 Labor, Administration - $ 2,000 : Pipe Heating = $ 1,682 Total $ 9,758 Total Annual Water Pipeline Cost = $28,000 + $42,169/mile Slurry and Water Pipeline - 10,000,000 tons per year. Slurry Pipeline. Pipe Diameter - 24" Frictional Head Loss - II5 p.s.i. per mile Horsepower required per mile = 457 H.P. Number of pumps per mile = .387 pumps Distance between stations - 10.6 miles Capital Cost = $30,300,000 + $618,776 per mile Operating and Maintenance Cost - $2,000,000 + $100,527/mile Total Annual Slurry Pipeline Cost = 6,848,000 + $199,531 per mile Water Pipeline. Pipe Diameter = 18" Frictional Head Loss =9.| p.s.i. per mile Horsepower required per mile = 18.6 H.P. Number of pumps per mile = .0385 pumps 109 Water Pipeline. (continued) Distance between stations = 77.8 miles Capital Cost = $175,000 + $293,929/mile Operating and Maintenance Cost = $12,179/mile Total Annual Water Pipeline Cost = $28,000 + $59, 208/mile Slurry and Water Pipeline - 15,000,000 tons per year. Slurry Pipeline. Pipe Diameter - 2, 20 inch pipes Frictional Head Loss - 127 p.s.i. per mile per pipe Horsepower required per mile - 378.6 H.P. per pipe Number of pumps per mile = .320 pumps per mile Distance between stations = 12.5 miles Capital Costs = $38,640,000 + $925, 715/mile Operating and Maintenance = $3,000,000 + $158,360/mile Total Annual Slurry Pipeline Cost = $9,182,400 + $306,474/mile Water Pipeline. Pipe Diameter = 20 inches Frictional Head Loss = 10.9 psi per mile Horsepower required per mile = 32.6 H.P. Number of pumps per mile = .0678 Distance between stations = 44.2 miles Capital Cost = $175,000 + $381, 153/mile Operating and Maintenance = $17,861/mile Total Annual Water Pipeline Cost = $28,000 + $78,800/mile 110 APPENDIX E SYSTEM III BELT CONVEYOR APPENDIX E SYSTEM III Belt Conveyors Design Criteria. Weight per cubic foot - Angle of repose - Surcharge angle - Analysis III Operating Basis. Production 7 Belt Size - Idler Spacing - Belt Speed - Idler Configuration - Sin gle Belt Length - Center to Center Operating Factor 7 Horsepower at primary drive te Horsepower at secondary drive - Tension per inch of belt width - 50 Ib. 25 35° 5,000,000 tons per year 24 inches 6.5 feet troughing 10.0 feet return 1000 feet per second 35° 3 miles 90% 840 216 1386 Ib. Belt Conveyor for 10,000,000 tons per year. Belt Size - Horsepower at primary drive 7 Horsepower at secondary drive - Tension per inch of belt width - 36 inches 1350 330 1473 |b. Belt Conveyor for 15,000,000 tons per year. Belt Size - Horsepower at primary drive ft Horsepower at secondary drive - Tension per inch of belt width - Table 33 is a summary of Belt Conveyor Capital Costs; Table 34 is a summary of Belt Conveyor operating and maintenance costs. 112 42 inches 1880 480 1668 Ib. ell Table 33 Belt Conveyors - Capital Costs Million Belt Tons Width Motors Transported Idlers Belting and Per 1) 2) 3! leys Year 5 24 $585,115 $395,050 $28,332 10 36 681,493 493,812 43,152 15 42 726,803 677,968 53,472 1) Stephans-Adamson Co. (1972) - Replaced every 5 years 2) Adapted from B. F. Goodrich (1972) - Replaced every 10 years 3) Motor cost estimated at $40 per horsepower - pulley costs from 1) 4) Adapted from Maddix (1971) - includes $50,000 for transfer point 5) Cover estimated at $.50 per square foot 6) 75% of equipment cost - Hewitt-Robins Co. Structure Cover 4) 5) $ 620,240 $63,680 810,320 63,680 1,000,400 63,680 Installation 6) $1,289, 188 1,599,343 1,934,492 Total $3,008, 105 3,731,800 4,513,815 Table 34 Belt Conveyors - Operation & Maintenance Costs Belt Conveyor 3 miles long center to center vil Million Belt Tons Width Annual Costs Per Power Labor Maintenance Total Year 1) 2) 3) 5 24 $186,325 $90,000 $ 8,000 $284,325 10 36 286,440 90,000 10,000 386, 440 15 42 388,740 90,000 12,000 490,740 \ 1) HP x .746 KW/H.P. x .90 x 24 hrs/day x 365 days/year x $.03/KW-HR 2) 3 men per 3 miles @ $30,000/man 3) Author's estimate Million Tons Per Year 5 10 15 Conveyor Belt - 3 Miles Long Annual Cost in thousands of dollars Belt Capital Operating Width Cost Costs (inches) 1) 24 $ 481 $ 292 36 597 386 42 722° 491 |) Total Capital Cost (P/A, i, n) where i = 15% n = 20 years 115 Total $ 733 982 1213 Total Per Mile $ 256 326 404 APPENDIX F SYSTEM III SLURRY LOADING APPENDIX F SYSTEM III Analysis 1V_- Slurry Loading Annual Costs - 5,000,000 tons per year. Equipment Capital Cost - $ 4,923,800 Stockpile Cost - Cape Thompson $ 79,715 Stockpile Cost - Dutch Harbor - $ 82,500 Direct Cost - Cape Thompson = - $ 500,000 @ $.10 per ton Direct Cost - Dutch Harbor - $ 728,000 @ $.10 per ton loading and unloading Total $ 6,314,015 Cost Per Ton $1.26 Annual Costs - 10,000,000 tons per year. Total Cost - $10,239,988 Cost Per Ton - $1.02 Annual Costs - 15,000,000 tons per year. Total Cost - $13,673,579 Cost Per Ton - $.91 117 APPENDIX G SYSTEM IV Barging Design Criteria. Tug Barge Speed Barge Size Barge Length Barge Beam Barge Draft Tug Size Crew Size Ice Free Season Operating Basis. Production Round Trip Time Loading and Unloading Time Tugs Required Barges Required APPENDIX SYSTEM G IV I knots 60,000 tons 6ll feet 135 feet 33 feet 4400 horsepower 10 75 days 5,000,000 tons per year 23 days (II knots) 0 6 all year 6 for 3 months 8 all year 8 for 3 months *Annual Costs - 5,000,000 tons per year. Capital Costs @ $8,240,000 per barge 1,609 ,000 per tug Operating Costs - Tugs Fuel Lubricants Maintenance and Repair Stores and Supplies Crew Insurance Operating Costs - Barges Maintenance and Repair Insurance Total - $15,114,800 62,213 1,875,000 362,025 - $ 1,515,400 - $ 3,296,000 $23,997,711 *Computed from formulae by Matson Research Corporation, 1970. 119 Annual Costs - 5,000,000 tons per year. (continued) Cost per ton = $4.80 Annual Costs with Shipbuilding Construction Subsidy. Capital Costs - $ 9,017,732 Operating Costs - $ 8,882,911 Total = $17,900,643 Cost perton = $3.58 120 APPENDIX H SYSTEM V APPENDIX H SYSTEM V Shipping Operating Basis. 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Goodrich Industrial Products Company, personal correspondence, Akron, Ohio, Nov- ember 6, 1972. , Carrington Company, personal conversation, Fairbanks, Alaska, August 1972. C. Itoh andCo. (America Inc.), Telegram to Dr. E. Wolff, July, 1972. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, personal conversation, Fairbanks, Alaska, July 26, 1972. Consolidated Pipe and Supply Company, personal correspondence, Birmingham, Alabama, March 27, 1972. Consolidated Pipe and Supply Company, personal correspondence, Birmingham, Alabama, June 19, 1972. Cyclops Corporation, Elwin G. Smith Division, personal correspondence, Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania, October 5, 1972. Dehn, Commander Wm. S. "Sea Ice Problems Related to the Petroleum Industry," A lecture given at the University of Alaska, September, 1972. FMC Corporation, Link-Belt Material Handling Systems Division, personal correspondence, Colmar Pennsylvania, July 24, 1972. General Electric Transportation Systems Business Division, personal correspondence, Erie, Pennsylvania, June |, 1972. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, personal correspondence, Akron, Ohio, August 24, 1972. Hewitt Robins Engineers and Constructors, personal correspondence, Totowa, New Jersey, August 15, 1972. Heyl and Patterson Inc., Personal correspondence, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 7, 1972. Kaiser Steel Company, personal correspondence, Oakland Calif., June 14, 1972. Lost River Mining Co., personal conversation, Fairbanks, March 28, 1972. Marcona Corporation, personal correspondence, San Francisco, Calif., June 15, 1972. McDowell Wellman Engineering Company, personal correspondence, Cleveland, Ohio, July 7, 1972. McNally Pittsburg Manufacturing Corp., personal correspondence, Pittsburgh, Kansas, May 10, 1972. 132 Rhoads, E.,: personal conversation, Fairbanks, Alaska, September 1972. Swan Wooster Engineering Company, personal correspondence, Vancouver, B. C., August 7, 1972. U. S. Bureau of Land Management, personal conversation, Fairbanks office, July 1972. U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, personal correspondence, Fairbanks, Alaska, July 20, 1972. U. S. Department of Transportation, U. S. Coast Guard, personal correspondence, Seattle, Washington, May 25, 1972. U. S. Steel Corporation, Wilson Snyder Pumps Division, personal correspondence, Dallas, Texas, June 29, 1972. MAPS Bares, Farrell. Coal Fields of the United States (map) Sheet 2 Alaska: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey, 1961. United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Maps: Cc & GS 9302 Bering Sea 1971 Cc & GS 9400. Arctic Coast Cc & GS 9402 Cape Prince of Wales to Pt. Barrow - 1969 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska, Land Status, Sept- ember 1972. U. S. Geological Survey Alaska Maps: Point Hope 1955 De Long Mts. 1955 Utukok River 1956 Point Lay 1955 Lookout Ridge 1956 Ikpikpuk River 1956 Umiat 1956 Meade River 1955 Wainwright 1955 Harrison Bay 1955 Teshakpuk 1955 133 ADDENDA In systems III, IV and V, a railway capital cost of $2,452,594 per mile was used for determining railway transportation costs per ton of coal. This figure was derived from the Tudor, Kelly, Shannon study on the proposed Nenana to Deadhorse railroad, and included the cost of traversing major rivers and mountain passes. Since a railroad in the foothills and coastal plain of northwestern Alaska would not be required to cross such formdable terrain, a cost of $1,800,000 per mile may be more representative for systems Ill, IV, and V. This cost was derived from the same report, but from segments which may be more representative of northwestern Alaska terrain. The net effect of this lower per mile cost is to lower the rail costs per ton from 15 to 25 per cent, and the total transportation costs from 5 to 20 per cent. 134 PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501