HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtmospheric Fluidized Bed Technology 19863 Alaska Energy Authority ATMOSPHERIC FLUIDIZED BED TECHNOLOGY GRASS ROOTS AND RETROFIT APPLICATIONS By The 150 MW fluidized bed unit jis the outgrowth of an 18 month collaborative design effort by Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering, and Brown & Root personnel. The concept was to bring to the marketplace a coal fired capacity option which was competitive with other forms of power generation. It represents the next logical step in the development of circulating fluidized bed units, i.e. the approach emphasizes constructability, operability, and maintainability. The design draws heavily on the marine modularization techniques which Brown and Root pioneered some 45 years ago, the Westinghouse Electrocenter tech- nology, and the C-E/LURGI atmospheric circulating fluidized bed experimental and operating unit data base. Units can be added in approximately 150 MW blocks to achieve 600 MW of gener- ating capacity, operated from a common control room and sharing many plant systems. This enables you to add capacity which is sized for today's rate of growth in peak demand in economical increments to the benefit of customers and shareholders alike. Our unit heat rates are competitive with those of pulverized coal units and their environmental performance is superior. The units require relatively small plant staffs (approximately 28 operating personnel) and can be cycled to meet demand or operated as on-off capacity. They respond well to hot restart conditions. For most pre-licensed sites we are able to offer a 30 month EPC cycle. Our design is sufficiently complete that we are able to support licensing activi- ties immediately after contract award. We are committed to providing our customers with tomorrow's technology, today, at yesterday's prices. The information which follows is intended to acquaint you with some of the physical characteristics of the facility. The unit has been extensively modeled and js available for your inspection at the Brown & Root U.S.A., Inc. offices in Houston, Texas. An overview of the 150 MW(e) Fluidized Bed Power Plant showing the Turbine Building in the foreground, the Boiler Structure in the center, and the Baghouse in the rear. A side view of the Boiler Structure showing four Fuel and two Limestone Silos, two of the four Re-Cycle Cyclones, and the conventional Backpass Assembly. A close-up view of the Heater Bay removed from the Turbine Building showing the individual Module Assemblies installed in the structure. A close-up view looking inside the Turbine Building showing the Closed Cooling Water Skid Assembly and the 360° access provided. An overview of the Baghouse showing the Bag Assemblies within the structure and the Induced Draft Fans and Chimney in the rear. SEE Fw f i, An overview of the rear portion of the Turbine Building showing the Heater Bay, including the Deaerator. 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT ORGANIZATION BROWN & ROOT COMBUSTION ENGINEERING E> Fluidized Bed Project CLIENT ADVANTAGES Planning Flexibility ° ooo 0 oo Low Low Low ° A fixed price of $1000/KW (or less) 30 Month total schedule for steam plant option 150 MW blocks (600 MW for 4 unit plant ) Base load or intermediate duty Pre-engineered package to support plant licensing Fuel flexibility Turn-key project capability Life Cycle Costs Capital Cost ($1000/KW or less) Pre-engineered design Extensive use of modular construction (19 month construction cycle) Fuel Cost Fuel flexibility to burn low cost fuels over entire plant life 0&M Cost 360° maintenance access No pulverizers or scrubbers High quality equipment (restrictive material criteria) Design standardization (minimum parts and suppliers) - minimum spare parts - reduced training ' = simplified maintenance High thermal efficiency Low furnace temperature (no slagging) Proven Technology Demonstrated atmospheric CFB technology Proven TG design Distributed control and data acquisition system The client has tremendous advantages under this arrangement, such as: ° Distributed electrical system (Electro-Center ) High Plant Availability Conservative Design for Conventional power plant configuration ° 1800 psi - 1000°/1000° 2 case turbine ° Conventional hydrogen cooled generator ° Baghouse with low air to cloth ratio ° Extensive use of alloy metals ° Equipment redundancy Environmentally Benign ° Ability to meet existing and proposed regulatory requirements - efficient S02 removal - low thermal NO, generation - 99 plus % particulate removal efficiency - dry ash disposal (land fill) Operating Features Inherent safe boiler operation ° Cyclic Duty capability - sliding pressure operation - on/off operation - high turn down ratio - 35% turbine bypass - good part load performance ° Utility operating experience incorporated into plant design. BROWN & ROOT ENGINEERED & CONSTRUCTED COAL FIRED UNITS 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED POWER PLANT ITEMS INCLUDED IN STANDARD PLANT Architectural Painting Siding Masonry Doors and Windows Roofing Interior Finishes Miscellaneous Buildings Warehouse* Administrative Offices** Laboratory** Change Rooms** Shop Area Seeding Guard House* Control Room** © 0200000000000 0 0 Electrical / Instrumentation Electrical Equipment Wire and Cable Conduit Tray Lighting Grounding Winterization Communications Main Controls Sensing Devices Instrument Pipe/Tubing Control/Relief Valves Electro-Centers Distributed Control System Main and Auxiliary Transformer Ductbanks Motors Dead End Tower Surge Protection 1S0 Phase Bus ©0220 0000000000000000 * = Designed for all four units. ** = Designed for two units. 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED POWER PLANT ITEMS INCLUDED IN STANDARD PLANT Mechanical Piping Silos Boi ler/AFBC Draft Equipment Ductwork Baghouse Coal Handling (Receiving and Reclaim)* Ash Handling Limestone Handling Turbine Generation and Condenser Special Equipment Tools Tanks Cooling Water Systems Other Mechanical Group HVAC Fire Protection* Insulatton/Lagging Cooling Tower Water Treating Equipment ** Feed Water and Condensate Instrument and Service Air Chimney Plumbing Including Sanitary Treatment Crane** and Monorails © e0020000000000000000 080 OO oO Civil Site Preparation Roads and Parking Railroad Fencing* Guard Posts Culverts Excavation Backfill Concrete Structural and Miscellaneous Steel Handrail Grating Stairs ©o000000000000 = Designed for all four units ** = Designed for two units 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED POWER PLANT ITEMS INCLUDED IN STANDARD PLANT General and Overhead Testing Start-Up Construction Equipment Construction Management Indirect Support Temporary Facilities Indirect Supplies Indirect Services Payroll Burden/Benefits Engineering Quality Control Licensing Support Procurement ©0°200000000000 Standard Plant - Modifications ‘Enclosed T-G Building Enclosed Boiler Structure Rotary Car Dumper Fuel Storage Silo Auxiliary Boiler Equipment Enclosures 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT CRITERIA Capacity Ambient Fuel Sorbent Steam Condition (Boiler Outlet) Main Steam Reheat Steam Condenser Plant Life Heat Rate (Unit Net) 100% 75% 50% 150 MWe (Net) 30" HgA/10°F - 115°F Coal - Bituminous Limestone 1990 Psig/1005°F/1,100,000 1b/hr 441 psig/1005°F/987,493 lb/hr 3.5" HgA at 78°F Wet Bulb 35 years 9627 Btu/Kwh 10,085 Btu/Kwh 11,176 Btu/Kwh BOILER PERFORMANCE Boiler Conditions: ° Excess Air ° Combustion Temperature ° Combustion Efficiency Fuel: ° HHV ° Sulfur (Weight %) ° Moisture (Weight %) ° Design Feed Rate Emissions: ° S02 ° NO, ° Particulate ° Cooling Tower Blowdown Sorbent : ° Ca/S Mole Ratio ° Limestone Feedrate 100% LOAD 20% 1560°F 89.72% 12,964 Btu/1bm 1.37% 7.84% 116,500 Ibs/hr 0.17 1bs/10® Btu Fired (90% Removed ) 0.6 1bs/105 Btu Fired 0.03 1bs/10® Btu Fired 105 GPM/6700 ppm TDS 1.4 6,100 1bs/hr 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT CRITERIA Capacity 150 MWe (Net) Ambient 30" HgA/10°F - 115°F Fuel Lignite Sorbent Limestone Steam Condition (Boiler Outlet) Main Steam 1990 Psig/1005°F/1,100,000 1b/hr Reheat Steam 441 psig/1005°F/987,493 1b/hr Condenser 3.1" HgA Plant Life 35 years Heat Rate (Unit Net) 100% 10,342 Btu/Kwh 75% 10,752 Btu/Kwh 50% 11,889 Btu/Kwh BOILER PERFORMANCE Boiler Conditions: ° Excess Air ° Combustion Temperature ° Combustion Efficiency Fuel: ° HHV ° Sulfur (Weight %) ° Moisture (Weight %) ° Design Feed Rate Emissions: ° 0p ° NOY ° Particulate ° Cooling Tower Blowdown Sorbent : ° Ca/S Mole Ratio ° Limestone Feedrate 100% LOAD LIGNITE EE 20% 1560°F 86.46% 6,825 Btu/1bm 0.7% 34.9% 240,000 Ibs/hr 0.05 1bs/10® Btu Fired (90% Removed ) 0.5 1bs/10® Btu Fired 0.03 1bs/106 Btu Fired 105 GPM/6700 ppm TDS 1.4 8,000 1bs/hr SPEC. NO. M-172 M-105 M-113 M-121 M-107.1 M-122 Z-106.2 Z-106.3 M-126.1 C-115 0973p BIDDERS LIST 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT SR-0277/0380 DESCRIPTION Fuel Handling System Deaerator Vertical Condensate Pumps Cooling Tower Boiler Feed Pumps Circulating Water Pumps Opacity Monitor Flue Gas Emissions Monitor Condenser Vacuum Pumps Chimney BIDDERS McNally-Pittsburg B. L. Montague Robins - Engineers - No Bid Marley/Chicago Heater Co. Graver Water Conditioning Belco PMI Ingersoll-Rand Allis-Chalmers Johnston Pump Co. Peerless Pump Custodis-Ecodyne, Inc. Marley Cooling Tower Co. Zurn Industries Lillie Hoffman Ingersoll-Rand Allis-Chalmers - No Bid Pacific Pump Worthington - No Bid Ingersoll-Rand Allis-Chalmers Johnston Pump Lear Seigler Thermo Electron Lear Seigler Thermo Electron Nash Engineering Co. Peabody Continental-Heine Custodis Cottrell, Inc. Pullman Power Products Corp. Zurn Industries Crown Union SPEC. NO. M-103.1 M-104 M-127.1 M-146 M-161 Z-106.1 M-138 0973p BIDDERS LIST 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT SR-0277/0380 DESCRIPTION Condenser Feedwater Heaters Instrument & Service Air System Station Gantry Crane Water Treating Steam & Water Quality Analysis System Field Erected Tanks BIDDERS Marley Heat Transfer Co. Ecolaire, Inc. SWECO, Inc. Marley Heat Transfer Co. Struthers Wells Kaldair C/O SWECO, Inc. Krueger Engr. & Mfg. Co. Air Power Services Co. Tide Air Fluid Power Equipment Kranco, Inc. Harnischfeger Corp. Kone/Landel, Inc. Stanspec Corp. Ecodyne-Graver Water Div - No Bid Infilco Degremont - No Bid Hungerford & Terry, Inc. Belco Waters Equipment Pittsburg-Des Moines Corp. CBI-Nacon Graver Tank & Mfg. Co. Brown Minneapolis Tank al 986270-xS “ON NINO DEAERATOR STORAGE TANK CONVECTIVE PASS FLUIDIZED BED FLUIDIZED BED HEAT EXCHANGER HEAT EXCHANGER Seo] Browne’Rock USA... Inc.| ENGINEERING FLOW DIAGRAM i ia el 150 MW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT a eae silica: =a Se-047506 90’ GATE TTINEAR SCALE RECEIVING HOPPERS: FIREKATER 19 b ACTIVE stonnce LIMESTONE SILO LionrTe STORAGE PILE (NIT) ‘SCALE /2"=1-O™ MIN. WTR. SCALE /8"=1 =O" n 10 CONFIDENTIAL Lo RO. ] RELEASED FOR | BY | OATE [DRAWN BY DATE ESTIMATE 19506 pe [4-ree BrownéRoot U.S.A., Inc. | SITE PLAN - ONE UNIT Sema s = ‘ 1SOMW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT 03-14-86. ENGINEERS ® CONSTRUCTORS {RAM WATER {~ FIREMATER FUTURE LioNITE, STORAGE PILE (UNITS) TYTN i REVISIONS: 5 NO. RELEASED FOR BY DATE CONTRACT NO. OWNER NO. SO Brown€sRoot U.S.A., Inc. |SITE PLAN - FOUR UNITS SR-0380 150MW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT a enna a-19 Fe VED BY DATE ING NO. es REV. G-1002 9 138 “on suman 1 | 3 : 7 4 e F fg 2 a ‘TURBINE/GENERATOR UNIT - woton Iso.ave —_cenenaron L | a PHASE BUS © REAKER ws ks OPERATING LEVEL EL. - : einer D4 oo — [: Spat i= a ~ = = Com. nin sunce_cumen somite — He | Pt cownnrvent ee. oan ie a + * , mm ft ef . roe j 2 ROOM RESERVOIR H fone, skies, 3 ee AX Eee R S* CURBS } te ‘ car a greg ch re 4 s | : ——— 4 ; ee or ¥ AT AS B 5 Bite he cE Bs } 6 BS £ 8 ch ge ge e MAIN VACUUM PUMPS AS CONDENSER W126.18 4 H-128.18 eet a a nO. ] On Revisions By Jom ner] REFERENCES. a a SrowiOrabt USA. ba GENERAL ARRANGEMENT Bee ER NO i IM eUTNGER Ibe SECTION “A-A” aria hae 8: E SS 150MM FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT iS THe 85 gs 3 ¢ dah ENGINEERS © CONSTRUCTORS. beweertecy nev. ‘TURBINE/GENERATOR UNIT i101 | er LEVEL EL. TINEAR SCALE = LEVEL EL. === = ~ 6 SECTION “C-C” "SCALE 172"=1'-0" DERERATOR LEVEL EL.149) 4 ‘SCALE 3/8"=1'=0" 2 el LEVEL EL. (= LEVEL EL. L.P. FEEDWATER HTR.” jt M=1048.1 SS LAB Neatrery~ ; I aS Lt (OS oa SS MAIN BFW PUMP 18/~0 WIDE PIPERACK M107. 1A ‘SCALE 1/4710" GRADE LEVEL EL. [™ a. "°° CONFIDENTIAL | mo. | __RELEASED FOR | ey | oave | CONTRACT : oe - He apt 0e-88 | BrowneRoot U.S.A., Inc. [SENERAL ARRANGEMENT eR-ose0.. |) eae | 8 ee E> 1SOMW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT A-=1008 oO 4 — LIMESTONE SILO 10 PRIMARY AIR 10 ENERAL ARRANGEMENT | sReosso | | SECTION “E-E” ee 7 | 1SOMW FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT NI1016 ®ARDEMCD 04-07-06 TINEAR ‘SRE W210 hada 22-45 19 n G28 £ 19 ‘SCALE 74" 0" "SCALE 376"=1'=0" ~ o NI1039 @AAOZJ00 04-07-06 GA-1013 SEE DWG. MATCHLINE FOR CON’T. ASH COOLER/A.H. SECONDARY TRANSFER CONVEYOR CONTRACT NO SR-0380 HPPROVED BY on ey ras OnNER NO. DATE 4-u-8: DATE Do 2x 1 ' i ' { : anonouse : Le | ! H eo ORAIN/A.H. Teaser That ' 1 C 1 L [ ~\ pxyns couuectine | Conveyor Lae GRADE { srxcx f 1.0. raw SECTION “F-F” sO. DATE REVISIONS “DIAPP “DO REFERENCES NO. sy DATE JORAMN BY DATE Cr ze 32:38 | BrowmrRoot U.S.A, Inc. FENERAL_ ARRANGEMENT Recursmuece 24 AGHOUSE - SECTION “F-F” is 1SOMN FLUIDIZED BED PROJECT SAE ENGINEERS © CONSTRUCTORS: innine NO A-1014 a ev 2