HomeMy WebLinkAboutClean Coal Technology The Investment Pays Off 1995DOE/FE-0291 (Revised) Haan BUR TECHNOLOGY THE INVESTMENT PAYS OFF PORT BY THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FOSSIL ENERGY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY JULY 1995 A CLEARER VIEW OF TOMORROW ambitious joint government/industry initiative ever undertaken to develop environmental solutions for the nation’s abundant coal resources. The CCT Program is demonstrating a new generation of advanced coal-based technologies, with the most promising technologies being moved into the domestic and international marketplaces. B= in 1986, the Clean Coal Technology (CCT) Program is the most Clean coal technologies have a vital role in ensuring that coal can continue to serve U.S. energy interests and enhance opportunities for economic growth and employment while meeting the national commitment to a clean and healthy global environment. The CCT Program is committed to the commercial realization of the advanced tech- nologies being demonstrated. The emphasis on commercialization reflects the strategic importance of coal to the U.S. economy and the commitment to sound environmental policies. The program plays a major role in advancing the U.S. Department of Energy’s vision of the future by helping to ensure that the United States leads the world in developing, applying, and exporting sustainable, clean, and economically competitive coal utilization technologies. The federal government, through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), is investing more than $2.3 billion in this initiative. Private companies and several states are in- vesting over $4.8 billion, or 67 percent of the total estimated cost of nearly $7.2 bil- lion. The result is 43 first-of-a-kind demonstration projects located at sites in 19 states. Data from these projects are becoming available. Companies are gaining experience in operating advanced pollution control devices and clean power generating technolo- gies. Air emissions are being reduced. Technology vendors are receiving orders for additional installations. And the nation is seeing the payoffs of its investment. Technologies demonstrated in the program already have realized commercial success. In some cases, the host has retained the equipment and systems at the site for commercial operation. In other instances, the technologies are being installed at other facilities. This booklet describes some of the achievements now being recorded by the clean coal technology demonstration projects. By the end of June 1995, 23 projects either had completed their test runs or were in operation, and another 7 projects were in con- struction. Twelve projects were in various stages of design, and | was in negotiation. The drawing board designs of the 1980s are today becoming the concrete and steel of a new generation of environmentally clean, coal-fired energy plants. And because of the nation’s investment in clean coal technology, our view of tomorrow is looking clearer. THE CLEAN COAL INVESTMENT he CCT Program is the nation’s largest investment in environmen- tal technology. In five competitive solicitations, the Department of Energy selected the most advanced technological concepts avail- able anywhere in the world. To demon- strate these innovations, U.S. industry and states are spending nearly two dollars for every one from the federal government. CREATING A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT The recommendation for a multibillion-dollar CCT Program came in 1986 from the U.S. and Canadian Special Envoys on Acid Rain. Building on a program begun by Congress a year earlier, the initiative created a govern- ment/industry partnership to expand the “menu of control options” for acid rain. Today, the CCT Program has met that objective. In 1995, as the initial phase of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 went into effect, 27 new techno- logical options for reducing acid rain emissions have been demonstrated. New challenges, however, have joined with continuing concerns. Global climate change has become a major air quality issue. In response, the CCT Program has expanded its goals. New projects, most scheduled to begin operating in the latter 1990s, will demonstrate higher efficiency, even cleaner, power generating systems that can reduce carbon dioxide, a key greenhouse gas. FUELING AN ExpandiING ECONOMY Economic growth is dictated largely by the availability of afford- able energy. Coal now supplies about 53 percent of the nation’s electricity. Even with aggressive conserva- tion, most reasonable estimates forecast that the United States will need 100-200 giga- watts of new capacity by the year 2010. For many of these new power stations, especially future baseload power genera- tors, the economic attractiveness of coal will continue to make it a primary fuel of choice. Coal is expected to provide at least half of the nation’s electricity well into the 21st century. The CCT Program is demonstrating clean, highly efficient power options that can meet the demands of an expanding economy. CREATING Propuctive JoBs A healthy environment means a better future for generations of Ameri- cans to come, and it also means jobs. The CCT Program is showing how Americans can be put to productive work in designing, installing, and operating advanced systems that clean the air while providing new sources of energy. Over its lifetime, the CCT Program will create thousands of new engineering, construc- tion, and operator jobs while saving coal- mining jobs. A typical retrofit pollution control project, for example, employs 100-200 construction workers, while an advanced power technology project can create more than 1,000 construction jobs. For many new power generating facilities, 50-130 permanent operator jobs will be created for each project. MakiNnG THE UNITED States More ComPeETITIVE The world market for clean energy technolo- gies is expanding at an unprecedented rate. Global demand for power generating technologies and ser- vices is anticipated to create a $200-bil- lion export market by 2010. Electrifica- tion in developing nations, modernization of outdated energy facilities in newly emerging democracies, and economic ex- pansion in much of the Pacific Rim are creating enormous opportunities for U.S. companies to export more efficient, envi- ronmentally cleaner products. The CCT Program is positioning the United States to capture a growing share of these new markets. In no other country can prospective customers see the range of actual working systems that are being demonstrated in the United States. CREATING A New ITN GOVERNMENT- ae! TT a INDUSTRY AL] PARTNERSHIP WU SS” The CCT Program was created as a joint government-industry initiative. It is industry-driven, with the federal government’s role limited to setting national objectives, selecting the best candidate projects, and assuring a fair return on the taxpayers’ investment. U.S. industry manages the projects, matches federal funding at least dollar- for-dollar, and retains the rights and responsibilities of commercialization. It is a unique partnership that is paying off—as this booklet describes. BENEFITS <————> ¢ More TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS ¢ Lower Costs ¢ Easier RETROFITS © ADAPTABLE TO DIFFERENT BOILERS TAKING ON SMOG EXPANDED OPTIONS FOR CONTROLLING he CAAA of 1990 targeted NO, from coal-fired power plants as a source of both acid rain and urban smog and called for significant reductions by the year 2000. (While power plants release significant quantities of NO,, most NO, emissions come from cars, buses, and other vehicles.) For plants in or planned for certain “non- attainment” areas already plagued by pollution, man- dated reductions could be Babcock & Wilcox has success- fully demonstrated that its award-winning LNCB® burner can reduce NO, emissions by 48-58%. This view of the cell burner from inside the boiler shows the coal-feed nozzle and primary air ports in the bottom section and the directional, over- fire air vanes in the top section. substantial and very costly. Until the CCT Program, U.S. utilities had few, if any, technological options for controlling NO,. Today, that situation has changed dramatically. Through demonstration in the CCT Pro- gram, a variety of NO, reduction tech- niques have been demonstrated as effec- tive options for the full range of utility coal- fired boilers. Clean coal technology data and experience will minimize CAAA compliance costs to the nation’s electricity consumers. NO, emissions reductions can be accom- plished by modifying the combustion pro- cess or by postcombustion catalytic or noncatalytic selective reduction processes, or by combinations of the two approaches. NO, emissions can be reduced by care- fully controlling combustion conditions so that the pollutant does not form. Modified combustion processes include the use of specially designed advanced low-NO, burners, alone or in conjunction with other changes so that the combus- tion process is completed in stages. In selective catalytic reduction (SCR), ammonia is injected into the boiler flue gas; the gas is passed through a catalyst bed where the NO, and ammonia react to form nitrogen and water. In selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR), ammonia and/or urea is injected into the boiler af- ter combustion is complete to chemically reduce NO, to nitrogen. The NO, emis- sions reductions are less than with SCR processes, but when SNCR is combined with low-NO, burners, NO, emissions reductions of 60-70 percent are possible. (See page 12 for SNCR demonstration.) Low-NO, Cett BuRNeR The Babcock & Wilcox Company devel- oped the low-NO, cell burner specifically for high-NO, -emitting, difficult-to-con- trol cell burners, which today account for nearly 26 gigawatts of U.S. electric power. The demonstration of the Babcock & Wilcox LNCB® burner at Dayton Power & Light Company’s J.M. Stuart Plant near Aberdeen, Ohio, showed that the new burner could reduce NO, emissions by 48-58 percent. Based on these results, Babcock & Wilcox has installed the LNCB* technol- ogy on more than 2,500 megawatts of capacity in the United States—with each installation reducing NO, emissions by more than 50 percent. In addition, LNCB* retrofits have been ordered for an additional 3,250 megawatts. In accordance with the provisions of the cooperative agreement relating to repay- ment of DOE’s contribution to the project, Babcock & Wilcox has begun making payments. In 1994, R&D Magazine selected the LNCB* burner as “one of the 100 most technologically significant new products of the year” and as a winner of the publication’s 1994 R&D 100 Award. Low-Cost ComsusTion MobiFICATIONS Southern Company Services, Inc., spon- sored two projects to show how low-cost combustion modifications could be made on two of the most common boiler types—a wall-fired boiler at Georgia Power Company’s Plant Hammond in Coosa, Georgia, and a tangentially fired boiler at Gulf Power Company’s Plant Lansing Smith in Lynn Haven, Florida. On the wall-fired boiler, Georgia Power installed Foster Wheeler’s low-NO, burn- ers with advanced overfire air ports; tests showed that the technology could reduce NO, emissions by about 69 percent. An advanced digital control system that opti- mizes NO, reductions and boiler effi- ciency using artificial intelligence tech- nology has recently been installed. On the tangentially fired boiler, Gulf Power installed ABB Combustion Engineering’s low-NO, concentric firing system with advanced overfire air ports. Tests showed that NO, emissions could be reduced by up to 48 percent. Gulf Power has retained the system. It is also in use at numerous other power plants, such as New York State Electric & Gas Company’s Milliken Station in Lansing, New York. REBURNING WITH GAS AND COAL Reburning has emerged from the CCT Program as another major technology option for controlling NO... Because it destroys NO, already formed in the boiler, reburning can be used on virtually any boiler type. Reburning also can be used in conjunction with low-NO, burners. Reburning is the only technology that has been shown to be technically feasible for NO, control for cyclone boilers. These boilers con- tribute approximately 21 percent of the NO, emitted by utilities because of the inherent high-temperature, turbulent combustion pro- cess which is conducive to NO, formation. Energy and Environmental Research Cor- poration has successfully demonstrated natural gas reburning on three major boiler types. At two sites in Illinois, re- burning was combined with sorbent injection, an SO, pollution control Energy and Environmental Research Corporation has successfully demonstrated natural gas reburning systems on three major boiler types and now offers the technology for commercial sale with full performance guarantees. Dur- ing construction, the welder in the photo attached new, shaped boiler tubes, which are part of the overfire air and gas reburning system, onto the boiler wall at Cherokee Station. Southern Company Services hass demonstrated the ability of selective catalytic reduction to reduce NO, emissions by 80% or more. Operational testing of the technology was being completed in mid-1995. This view shows the com- pleted SCR installation at Plant Crist. method. Illinois Power Company’s Hennepin Plant in Hennepin, Illinois, hosted the demonstration on a tangen- tially fired boiler. City Water, Light and Power’s Lakeside Station in Springfield, Illinois, hosted the demonstration on a cy- clone boiler. At both sites, NO, emissions were reduced, on average, by 67 percent, with gas making up 18-23 percent of the fuel. Illinois Power is retaining the gas- reburning system at the Hennepin Plant. The demonstration on a wall-fired boiler was conducted at Public Service Company of Colorado’s Cherokee Station near Den- ver, Colorado. Here, reburning, was tested along with overfire air and Foster Wheeler’s low-NO, burners. In these tests of gas reburning only, NO, reductions of 60-65 percent were achieved while using gas as only 5-12 percent of the fuel. The maximum NO, reduction achieved was 72 percent using 18 percent of the input fuel as natural gas. During second-generation gas-reburning testing, where the recirculated flue gas is re- moved from the process, the performance results for GR-LNB were unchanged. Second-generation reburning is much less capital intensive than regular reburning; it is equivalent to low-NO, burners. The utility is retaining the gas reburning and overfire air portions of the system. Based on the results of these demonstra- tions, the Energy and Environmental Re- search Corporation offers gas reburning technology for commercial sale with full performance guarantees. Two other projects are demonstrating that coal itself can be used as a less costly reburn fuel. In one project, the Tennessee Valley Authority is planning to use micronized coal for reburning. In the other project, Babcock & Wilcox has successfully demon- strated its coal reburning technology ona cyclone boiler at Wisconsin Power and Light Company’s Nelson Dewey Station in Cassville, Wisconsin. The utility has re- tained the system for commercial use. Coal reburning reduced NO, emissions by 52-62 percent, depending on the type of coal burned. An added advantage of the technology is increased flexibility in the coal selection, which can yield sig- nificant fuel cost savings. Coal reburning minimizes or possibly eliminates the usual 10—25 percent loss in generating capability of a cyclone unit when it is switched to low-sulfur western coals. HicH Perrormance NO, Controt ANO, reduction technique, selective catalytic reduction, or SCR, is making its U.S. debut through the CCT Program. SCR has the potential to reduce NO, emis- sions by 80-90 percent or more. Gulf Power Company hosted SCR tests at Plant Crist near Pensacola, Florida. Several commercially available catalysts were tested to determine if SCR wouldwork with U.S. coals under utility operating conditions. Preliminary results indicated that the catalysts either performed within or exceeded expectations. (Also see SNOX™ and SNRB™ on pages 8-9.) SUT a SCRUBBERS key goal of the CCT Program is to find solutions to the problems of conventional scrubbing tech- nology—namely, high costs, sludge waste products, power plant efficiency losses, and the limitation of removing only one air pollutant. Today, that goal has been reached. Clean coal technology projects have demon- strated advanced scrubbers that operate at half the cost of conventional systems. Instead of waste, they produce a valuable by-product that can be sold to help offset costs even more. Some boost efficiency by recycling waste heat. Several capture multiple air pollutants, such as sulfur di- oxide (SO,), nitrogen oxides (NO_), and particulates. Pure Air’s ADVANCED SCRUBBER Through the CCT Program, Northern In- diana Public Service Company’s Bailly Generating Station outside Gary, Indiana, became the first power plant to meet new SO, limits set for Phase I of the CAAA . In operation since mid-1992, the scrub- ber has exceeded expectations. The unit routinely removes 95 percent of the SO, and is extremely reliable (with an avail- ability rate of 99 percent). Instead of waste sludge, 98 percent pure gypsum is produced and sold to a local wallboard manufacturer. In one year, the unit’s gypsum will make enough wallboard to construct nearly 19,000 homes, while almost 50,000 tons of SO, emissions are eliminated. i The project also demonstrated a novel business concept whereby Pure Air owns and operates the facility, relieving the utility of the responsibility for operation. Following the demonstration project, Pure Air will continue to own and oper- ate the unit for another 17 years under contract to the utility. Pure Air is successfully marketing its ad- vanced scrubber. In April 1994, it entered Pure Air's award-winning, highly reliable advanced scrubber routinely removes 95% of the SO, at the Bailly Generating Station. The project completed operational testing in June 1995. Pure Air is successfully marketing the scrubber to coal-fired utilities under a novel own-and-oper- ate business arrangement. BENEFITS ¢ Usas_e Sotip Wastes Lower Cost Emissions CONTROL Less DRAIN ON PLANT EFFICIENCY Muttipte Pottutant CAPTURE into a contract to provide 1,600 megawatts of SO, scrubbing capability at Florida Power & Light Company’s Manatee power plant on an own-and-operate basis. The Pure Air scrubber has received world- wide acclaim for its contributions to the power generating industry and the envi- ronment. The project earned the Bailly Generating Station Power Magazine's 1993 Powerplant Award. In 1992, it was named an Outstanding Engineering Achievement by the National Society of Pro- fessional Engineers. The award-winning CT-121 scrubber removes 93-98% of the SO,, with high reliability, and captures 99% or more of the particulates. Georgia Power assumed permanent responsi- bility to operate the unit at Plant Yates in January 1995. Cuiyopa’s CT-121 ScruBBeER The CT-121 unit at Georgia Power Com- pany’s Plant Yates in Newnan, Georgia, can also boast of high efficiency, low costs, and gypsum by-product production. In operation since October 1992, the scrub- ber removes 93-98 percent of the SO,, with more than 98 percent reliability, and captures 99 percent or more of the particu- lates without a separate collection device. Most of the CT-121 unit was constructed largely on-site using fiberglass-reinforced plastic that is corrosion resistant and no more expensive than conventional stain- less steel. By-product gypsum, in addi- tion to its use as wallboard, is being stud- ied for agricultural uses such as a soil ameliorant for crops. Georgia Power is retaining the CT-121 scrubber and in January 1995 assumed permanent responsibility for its opera- tion. In 1994, a Canadian industrial con- cern bought a CT-121 scrubber for its facility that extracts oil from tar sands. Like the Pure Air demonstration, the suc- cess of the CT-121 project has been rec- ognized by numerous awards. In 1994, the project received two awards: Power Magazine’s 1994 Powerplant Award and an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Georgia chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association for the use of an innovative technology for air quality control. In 1993, Plant Yates received an environmental award from the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. Hatpor Topsoe’s SNOX™ System At Ohio Edison Company’s Niles Station in eastern Ohio, the SNOX™ system has routinely operated at full capacity, re- moving 96 percent of the SO, and 94 per- cent of the NO.. Instead of solid wastes, a commercial-grade sulfuric acid is pro- duced as a salable by-product. As a fur- ther benefit, the SNOX™ process cap- tures excess heat from the flue gas and cycles it back into the plant, improving plant efficiency and saving money. Haldor Topsoe’s SNOX™ system has become a permanent part of the power plant and is a key element of the utility’s CAAA compliance strategy. Commercial SNOX™ systems are also operational in Denmark and Sicily. Bascock & WiLcox’s SNRB™ Process The SNRB™, or SOx-NOx-Rox-Box™, process captures multiple pollutants—SO,, NO,, and particulates—in one piece of equipment (a high-temperature baghouse). Demonstrated at Ohio Edison Company’s R.E. Burger Plant in Dilles Bottom, Ohio, the system captured 80 percent or more of the SO,, 90 percent of the NO,, and more than 99 percent of the particulates. S-H-U ScrusBer New York State Electric & Gas Corpora- tion is demonstrating a total environmen- tal and energy management system at Milliken Station in Lansing, New York. Several flue gas cleanup technologies are being used in combination. The Saarberg- H6lter-Umwelttechnik, or S-H-U, wet lime- stone scrubber and associated components could remove 95-98 percent of the SO, with production of salable by-products and low energy consumption. Low-NO, burners and NOxOUT® urea injection system could reduce NO, emissions by up to 70 percent. Fully integrated opera- tional testing begins in mid-1995. NOXSO Five Gas Cleanup The NOXSO Corporation is demonstrat- ing its process for removing both SO, and NO, from flue gas at Alcoa Generat- ing Company’s Warrick Power Plant in Newburgh, Indiana. The pollutants are captured by a sorbent consisting of coated spherical beads. The process then treats the pollutant-laden beads, destroy- ing the NO, and converting the SO, to high-value, salable by-products. The NOXSO process is expected to reduce SO, by 98 percent and NO, by 70 percent. ABB Combustion Engineering has successfully demon- strated the SNOX™ system at Ohio Edison's Niles Station. The system routinely removes 96% of the SO, and 94% of the NO, and produces no solid waste. The scrubber is a key element of the utility's CAAA compliance strategy. LIFAC-North America has successfully demonstrated that its space-saving sorbent injection process can remove 70% or more of the SO,. Rich- mond Power & Light has re- tained the system at its Whitewater Valley Station. The photo shows the LIFAC reac- tor after the top section was lifted into place. 10 SPACE SAVERS LOW-COST RETROFITS FOR CONTROLLING EMISSIONS he CCT Program has demon- strated several alternatives to the larger, more costly, add-on pollu- tion control systems that to date have been the only option for many utilities. One of the more promising alternatives is sorbent injection. This advanced technol- ogy works inside a power plant’s existing structure to remove 60-90 percent of the SO, from the flue gas. Sorbent injection is especially well-suited for smaller plants that lack space to house large scrubbers, or for older plants that do not have suffi- cient remaining operating lifetimes to jus- tify a large capital investment. The sorbent may be injected into the boiler at a point just beyond the burners or into the ductwork further downstream. Sorbent injection technologies also may be combined with systems to reduce NO, emissions, such as low-NO, burners or urea injection. Sorbent injection processes can be partic- ularly attractive if a utility requires a moderately effective, low-cost, postcom- bustion cleaning process, which may be the case if the utility elects to combine sorbent injection with another technique, such as advanced coal cleaning, or if a utility chooses to generate low-cost CAAA SO, allowances at an older plant. In addition to domestic markets, these low-cost technologies are likely to find large markets in emerging economies of Eastern Europe and the Newly Indepen- dent States of the former Soviet Union, or in the rapidly expanding Asian and Pa- cific Rim nations. Many of these countries are looking for pollution control systems that can achieve moderate levels of emis- sions reductions at low capital costs. LIFAC Sorsent INJECTION PRocEss LIFAC-North America has demonstrated its sorbent injection process at Richmond Power & Light’s Whitewater Valley Sta- tion in Richmond, Indiana. In the pro- cess, a sorbent, such as limestone, is blown into the upper part of the boiler where it absorbs some of the SO, in the flue gas. Additional SO, is captured downstream in a vertical chamber where a series of chemical reactions take place. Long-term testing showed that 70 percent or more of the SO, can be removed. The technology could enable power plants with space limitations to use high-sulfur midwestern coals. The demonstration at the Richmond Pow- er & Light plant was the first power plant application using high-sulfur coal. The municipal utility has decided to retain the LIFAC system. There are also numerous full-scale LIFAC units in operation or un- der construction in Canada, China, Finland, Russia, and the United States. BECHTEL’s CONFINED ZONE DisPERSION PRocEss Another variation of sorbent injection, Bechtel Corporation’s confined zone dispersion (CZD) process, has been demonstrated at Pennsylvania Electric Company’s Seward Station in Seward, Pennsylvania. The CZD process involves in-duct injection of a finely atomized slurry of lime. A zone of droplets is formed in the middle of the duct, con- fined in an envelope of hot flue gas. As the zone moves downstream, it cools and expands and the SO, is rapidly absorbed in the droplets. Operational testing con- firmed that the CZD process can achieve 50 percent SO, removal efficiency. AirPot Gas SusPeNsion ABSORPTION Process AirPol, Inc., demonstrated the gas suspen- sion absorption (GSA) process developed by its parent company, FLS miljo a/s. The GSA process was tested using a 10-mega- watt slipstream of flue gas from a boiler at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Shawnee plant in West Paducah, Kentucky. The AirPol project was the first North Ameri- can demonstration of the technology. The GSA system consists of a separate vertical reaction chamber where flue gas is sprayed with a lime slurry while pass- ing through a circulating fluidized bed. Tests to determine GSA’s operating limits and optimal operating conditions while burning high-sulfur coal showed that SO, removal efficiency for the overall system was about 90 percent. As a result of this successful demonstra- tion project, the city of Hamilton, Ohio, received a $5-million grant from the Ohio AirPol’s gas suspension ab- sorption process can remove over 90% of the SO,,. AirPol has successfully marketed the process to a municipal utility in Ohio and to other users abroad. Coal Development Office to install the GSA technology to control emissions from a 50-megawatt municipal power plant. The GSA technology was identified as the least-cost alternative for the city to meet CAAA compliance requirements. Also, AirPol is negotiating the > sale of a GSA system for use BENEFITS ata 12-megawatt oil-fired co- ° INSTALLABLE ON ExisTING PLANTS, generation plant in Taiwan. In Even iF Space ts Limitep addition, the GSA technology * HIGH SuLFuR REMOVAL WITH VERY has been selected for use at a E C C 4-million-ton-per-year iron CONOMICAL CAPITAL GOSTS ore sinter plant in Sweden, ¢ No Wer S.upce Wastes where national air quality ¢ Mavor Export Potential To standards require 90-95 per- DEVELOPING Nations cent SO, removal efficiency. THe Bascock & Witcox LIMB Process First developed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the limestone injec- tion multistage burner (LIMB) process injects dry, sulfur-absorbing chemicals (such as limestone) into the boiler to cap- ture sulfur pollutants. The test runs at 1 The Public Service Company of Colorado is demonstrating a system that combines dry sorbent injection for SO, con- trol and low-NO, burners, over- fire air, and urea-based selec- tive noncatalytic reduction for NO, control. The equipment shown in the photo is part of the urea injection system at the Arapahoe Station. 12 Ohio Edison Company’s Edgewater Sta- tion in Lorain, Ohio, showed that LIMB can remove 61 percent or more of the SO, from the flue gas when high-sulfur coal is burned. Also tested throughout the project were Babcock & Wilcox low-NO, burners. These burners reduced NO, emissions by 40—S0 percent. A commercial version of LIMB will be used at an independent power project in Canada. Babcock & Wilcox also has sold 85 contracts (61 domestic and 21 for- eign) for its DRB-XCL® low-NO, burner. These sales involve 1,515 boilers, or more than 20 gigawatts of capacity. CoNSOLIDATION CoAL ComPaNy’s CooLsiDE PROCESS In acompanion effort with the LIMB demonstration, the Coolside process, de- veloped by the Consolidation Coal Com- pany, was also tested at the same Ohio Edison power plant. In the Coolside pro- cess, dry sorbent is injected into the end section of the ductwork, downstream from the boiler and upstream of the flue gas humidifier. The Coolside process routinely achieved 70 percent SO, removal using commer- cially available hydrated lime. The pro- cess is now ready for commercial use. Both LIMB and Coolside produce a dry and easily handled “waste” which con- tains unreacted lime and has potential value as a salable by-product. INTEGRATED Dry NO,/SO, Controt SYSTEM The Public Service Company of Colo- rado is sponsoring a demonstration of an integrated system for dry NO, and SO, emissions control at its Arapahoe Station near Denver, Colorado. The project is demonstrating the integration of three technologies: (1) low-NO, burners mounted on the boiler’s roof, with over- fire air, (2) in-furnace urea injection for additional NO, removal using selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) technol- ogy, and (3) dry, in-duct sorbent injection with humidification for SO, removal. Both sodium- and calcium-based sor- bents are being tested. In operation since 1992, the integrated system has achieved NO, reductions of more than 80 percent. Sorbent injection testing has removed more than 70 percent of the SO,. The Colorado utility plans to continue op- eration of the combustion modifications and the sodium-based dry sorbent injection sys- tem. A final decision on the urea injection system will be made after the test program is completed at the end of 1995. RS ella POWER TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEXT FLE te) ee] Say Walley oday, more than half of the elec- tricity generated in the United States comes from domestic coal reserves. Even with maximum attention to energy conservation, renewable energy, and natural gas, coal will still be needed to help power the nation well into the 21st century. Although abundant and economical, coal faces its stiffest environmental challenge yet. With a permanent nationwide cap on SO, emissions after the year 2000 (cre- ated by the CAAA of 1990), it will no longer be good enough to capture 90 per- cent of the sulfur emissions from coal- burning power plants. Cleaner, afford- able systems will be necessary if utilities are to add the new generating capacity necessary to supply the energy needs of an expanding economy. Tightening NO, standards also will create new challenges for utilities. In areas al- ready burdened by smog and high ozone levels, low-NO,-emitting power systems will be particularly in demand. Other environmental issues—for example, global climate change, solid waste, and hazardous air pollutants—call for power generating systems that are both clean and very efficient. Higher efficiencies mean that less coal is consumed to gener- ate the same amount of electricity, and this results in a pronounced reduction in all pollutants, including carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas). By the time decisions need to be made about baseload power plants in the next century, the CCT Program will have demonstrated a full range of new, highly advanced coal-based power generating options, each a pioneering forerunner of the next generation of coal-fired plants. These advanced coal-fired plants will be extremely clean and virtually free of acid rain pollutants and will have dramatically reduced emissions of carbon dioxide. They will be capable of being fabricated in 100-300-megawatt modules so that planners can more accurately and quickly match supply with demand. They will be economical, producing elec- tricity at costs equal to or less than today’s technology. Perhaps most important, they will be efficient, extracting 45-50 percent of the avail- able energy from coal, rather than the current 33 percent. In the 1970s, such power plants existed only as the hopes of researchers. Today, due largely to the CCT Pro- gram, these clean, highly ef- BENEFITS EXPANDED OPTIONS FOR U.S. Utitities To Meet Post-2000 CLEAN Air STANDARDS GREENHOUSE Gas REDUCTION New GENERATING CaPACITY FOR Economic GROWTH MODERNIZATION OF OLDER PLANTS witH DECREASES IN EMISSIONS Mayor Export Potential ficient technologies are on the horizon. FLuIDIZED-BED ComBUSTION The CCT Program has been instrumental in providing the operating experience es- sential to commercial acceptance of fluid- ized-bed combustion for power genera- tion. The program’s portfolio includes six fluidized-bed combustion demonstra- tions—two using atmospheric systems and four using pressurized systems. Two highlighted projects are illustrative of the program’s contributions. 13 The ability of atmospheric cir- culating fluidized-bed combus- tion to remove up to 95% of the SO, and meet NO, emis- sions standards was success- fully demonstrated at Nucla Station. As a result, Pyropower saved almost 3 years in estab- lishing a commercial line of ACFB boiler units, which are sold under warranty in sizes ranging up to 400 megawatts. 14 Nucta ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATING FLuipizeEp-BED DEMONSTRATION One of the first success stories in the CCT program, the Nucla, Colorado, project in- creased confidence that a new technol- ogy—atmospheric (pressure) fluidized- bed combustion—could be scaled from small industrial applications to moderate- sized utility power plants. The 110-megawatt Nucla Station boiler, when construction was completed in 1988, was the largest fluidized-bed unit in the world. The boiler was more than 40 percent larger than any other sold anywhere in the world. It was not until after the Nucla boiler was built and the first coal firing occurred that another at- mospheric circulating fluidized-bed boiler of comparable size was sold. Nucla Station pioneered utility-scale cir- culating fluidized-bed technology and for its effort, the Colorado plant received an Electric Power Research Institute award for demonstrating innovative technology. In 1993, Tri-State Generation and Trans- mission Association, Inc., Nucla’s owner, upgraded the plant. A 3-month outage resulted in AHLSTROM PYROFLOW® boiler modifications, generator rewind- ing, and about 150 other projects to im- prove the station heat rate and overall efficiency. Today Nucla produces clean, economic energy from locally mined coal while protecting the environment. Under the terms of the project’s repay- ment plan, Tri-State is required to make semiannual payments to DOE based ona percentage of the net revenues from plant operation. This repayment obligation ends in October 2011 unless DOE’s con- tribution is repaid before that time. Through mid-1995, Tri-State has made payments totaling $303,540 under the repayment plan. The Nucla project represented the first repowering of a U.S. utility plant and showed the effectiveness of fluidized-bed technology to burn a wide variety of coals cleanly and efficiently. Design im- provements made as a result of the dem- onstration have been replicated in several commercial plants throughout the world. As a result of the Nucla project, Pyropower Corporation was able to save almost 3 years in establishing a commercial line of atmospheric circulating fluidized-bed (ACFB) boilers. These Pyroflow boilers are now sold world- wide under warranty in sizes ranging up to 400 megawatts. Presently, there are 134 Pyroflow boiler installations in operation or under construction worldwide. There also are 22 ACFB units larger than 100 mega- watts being planned, engineered, built, or operated; 11 of these are in the United States. These 22 units represent about 3,800 megawatts of capacity. Pyropower has continued to improve its boiler design and now markets the Pyroflow Compact as the next generation in circulating fluidized-bed technology. This improved boiler utilizes most of the proven Pyroflow design but incorporates a new separator design. The Compact is now Pyropower’s standard offering for sizes up to 100 megawatts, with scale-up to larger sizes planned. The first of these units began operation in Finland in 1992; seven more have been ordered, including one for a U.S. site. Today, atmospheric fluidized-bed com- bustion has become one of the cleanest and most economical ways to use coal to generate electricity. Tipp PREssurizeD FLuipizeD-BED ComsBusTION PROJECT A premier project in the CCT Program, the nation’s first large-scale pressurized fluidized-bed combustion (PFBC) power plant began operating in December 1990 at Ohio Power Company’s Tidd Plant in Brilliant, Ohio. Today the unit is one of only five worldwide. The award-winning PFBC project at Ohio Power’s Tidd Plant has verified the system’s superior environmental perfor- mance—more than 95% SO, capture and NO, emissions well within air quality limits, with no need for add-on pollu- tion control. Tidd is the nation’s first large-scale pressurized fluidized-bed power plant and one of only five in the world. Babcock & Wilcox has acquired the U.S. rights to market the technology. 15 The Tampa Electric project, located in Lakeland, Florida, is one of five approaches to IGCC being demonstrated un- der the CCT Program. Texaco’s oxygen-blown, en- trained flow pressurized coal gasifier is being used in this project. Shown in the photo during early stages of con- struction, the project is sched- uled to begin operational test- ing in late 1996. 16 In the pressurized version, high-pressure gases exiting the boiler drive a gas tur- bine while heat from the process powers a steam turbine. The result of this com- bined-cycle system is a highly efficient power system. After 49 months of operation, 95 indi- vidual tests, and the generation of more than 500,000 megawatt-hours of electric- ity, the demonstration plant has met its objective and the test program was offi- cially concluded in March 1995. With more than 11,400 hours of coal- fired operation, the pioneering 70-mega- watt demonstration unit has verified PFBC’s superior environmental perfor- mance—more than 95 percent SO, cap- ture and NO, emissions well within air quality limits—with no need for add-on pollution control. The success of the project has led the Babcock & Wilcox Company, a major do- mestic manufacturer, to invest in the PFBC technology and acquire its domestic licensing rights. In 1991, Power Magazine presented its Powerplant Award to this pioneering project and commended the American Electric Power Company and The Babcock & Wilcox Company for their quest for ad- vanced coal-combustion technology with superior emission characteristics, signifi- cant lower heat rate, and reliability and operability demanded by utilities. In 1992, the National Energy Resource Organization presented the project an outstanding achievement award. INTEGRATED GASIFICATION ComsineD CycLe Integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) systems are not only extremely clean, they are much more efficient than today’s technology. Coal is converted into a gaseous fuel which, when cleaned, is comparable to natural gas. The gases are then routed through a gas turbine to generate electricity. Excess heat is put to work ina conventional steam turbine gen- erator, producing even more electricity. More than 98 percent of the sulfur pollut- ants are captured and converted into sul- furic acid or elemental sulfur, both salable by-products. Nitrogen oxide emissions can be reduced by 90 percent or more. Ash and any trace elements in coal are melted and, when cooled, become an environmentally safe, glass-like slag that can be used in the construction or cement industries. The IGCC plants can be built as new fa- cilities or as refurbishments to existing units, taking advantage of an existing site and its steam generating equipment. The five IGCC projects now under way in the CCT Program will demonstrate a full range of variations of IGCC process: different gasifiers, different sizes, differ- ent coals, different cleanup systems, and different applications (grassroots and repowering). Tampa Etectric IGCC Provect As part of a major expansion over the next decade, the Tampa Electric Com- pany in Florida is building a 250-mega- watt IGCC facility as a grassroots plant. The project will demonstrate Texaco’s oxygen-blown, entrained-flow pressur- ized coal gasifier coupled to a combus- tion and steam turbine power island. The project will also incorporate an innova- tive hot gas cleaning system to boost effi- ciencies even further. The plant will use high-sulfur coal. Construction started in 1994 and is ex- pected to be complete in mid-1996. Four years of operational testing will follow. WasBash River Coat GASIFICATION REPOWERING PROJECT In a joint venture to upgrade an existing plant with advanced technology, Destec Energy, Inc., and PSI Energy, Inc., have repowered one of six units at PSI Energy’s Wabash River Generating Sta- tion in West Terre Haute, Indiana. The demonstration unit will generate 262 megawatts using an IGCC system. The project is demonstrating Destec’s two-stage coal gasifier, which produces a medium-Btu syngas from high-sulfur coal. The technology is expected to boost the efficiency of the repowered unit by about 20 percent and decrease emissions. Construction is nearly completed. Opera- tional testing is expected to begin in Sep- tember 1995. Upon completion of con- struction, the project will represent the larg- est single-train IGCC plant in operation in the United States. PiINon Pine IGCC Prosect Sierra Pacific Power Company is hosting an IGCC demonstration at its Tracy Station near Reno, Nevada. The 99-megawatt (net) unit is using the KRW air-blown pres- surized fluidized-bed gasifier, which pro- duces low-Btu syngas, with hot gas cleanup. After evaluating several options, including pulverized coal and natural gas single- and combined-cycle systems, the Nevada util- ity opted for the IGCC technology to meet anticipated load growth. In approving the selection in the fall of 1993, the Public Service Commission of Nevada cited the technology’s advantages of “flexibility, diversity, and reliability.” Low-sulfur western coal will be used in the plant, although high-sulfur eastern coals will also be tested. Construction began in February 1995 and is scheduled to be completed in early 1997, which is also when the unit is set to begin operation. ADVANCED ComBuUSTION TECHNOLOGIES The CCT Program is also demonstrating three different advanced combustion tech- nologies in utility applications. One of six units at PSI Energy's Wabash River Gen- erating Station in West Terre Haute, Indiana, has been re- powered to demonstrate Destec Energy's two-stage, oxygen-blown IGCC system. When operational testing be- gins in September 1995, the project will be the largest single-train IGCC plant in the United States. 17 The full-size precombustion module is shown being mounted into place at TRW’s San Juan Capistrano test facil- ity for design verification testing of the slagging combustor to be used in the Healy project. 18 Healy SLAGGING ComBUSTOR DEMONSTRATION The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority is sponsoring a demon- stration of TRW’s advanced slagging combustor in a 50-megawatt unit near Healy, Alaska. NO, emissions are mini- mized by staged combustion. SO, will be reduced further by coupling the combus- tor with Joy Technology’s dry scrubber. Slagging combustors also may be used to retrofit cyclone boilers. The combustors are especially suitable for burning low- rank coals and coal waste. Coal not suited for export can be utilized by the Healy project rather than wasted. Construction began at the Healy project site in May 1995 and is expected to be completed in mid-1997. Coat Dieset ComBineD-CycLe PROJECT Arthur D. Little, Inc., plans to demon- strate a 14-megawatt coal-fired diesel engine combined -cycle system in an electric power plant. The site is under negotiation. This engine is best suited for small utility and industrial cogeneration applications of less than 50 megawatts. The high overall system efficiency of 45-48 per- cent and low emissions make it very com- petitive with similarly sized fuel-oil-fired and coal-fired systems. An exhaust emission cleanup system in- corporates cyclones to remove large par- ticulates, a selective catalytic recovery system for NO, control, a duct sorbent injection system for SO, control, and a baghouse for final collection of ash par- ticles and spent sorbent. Environmental emissions from commercial coal-fired die- sel combined-cycle systems would be re- duced to levels between 50 and 70 percent below New Source Performance Standards. EXTERNALLY FiRED ComBINED-CYCLE DEMONSTRATION The Pennsylvania Electric Company plans to demonstrate Hague International’s ex- ternally fired combined-cycle system. A generating unit at Warren Station in War- ren, Pennsylvania, is slated to be repow- ered to produce about 62 megawatts and have a heat rate that is about 31 percent better than the unit replaced. The attractiveness of the system lies in its ability to eliminate the need for a hot gas cleanup system to protect costly gas tur- bine components. Instead the gas turbine operates on indirectly heated clean air and the gas path is never exposed to the corro- sive elements in the combustion gas. The gas cleanup system reduces SO, emissions by more than 90 percent. Staged combustion controls NO, emissions. CLEAN COAL FUELS ECONOMICAL METHO eS UEU Cea) FUELS FROM ost coal mined in the United States goes to power plants to produce electricity. However, the nation has a vast wealth of “low- rank” coals. These coals, found mostly in the West, have the benefit of being low in sulfur but also are likely to contain large amounts of moisture, up to 30 percent of their weight. This makes them difficult to handle, costly to transport, and also low- ers their value as fuel. Two projects in the CCT Program are showing how these low-rank coals can be turned into clean, high-quality fuels. THE ENCOAL Prosect At the ENCOAL demonstration plant now operating near Gillette, Wyoming, low-rank coals are being converted to two valuable fuels: a clean liquid that can be directly substituted for boiler fuels and a clean, dry coal product for utility boil- ers that can meet CAAA standards with- out additional pollution control equipment. The plant officially entered production mode in June 1994 and currently is oper- ating at a coal feed rate of 500 tons per day. Solid product has been tested by Western Farmers Cooperative’s Hugo plant in Oklahoma, by Muscatine Power and Water in Iowa, and by the Omaha Public Power District in Nebraska. Wisconsin Power & Light also has contracted for 30,000 tons of pure solid product to test storage stability and to do test burns. Tank cars of liquid product are being shipped on a regular basis to several cus- tomers in the Midwest for use in industrial boilers. The Dakota Gasification Company has purchased 800,000 gallons for use in its synfuel plant in Beulah, North Dakota. The ENCOAL plant has attracted a large number of international visitors, especially from Pacific Rim countries, interested in either using the technology with their own coal supplies or purchasing products. SGI International (developer of the pro- cess) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are studying the feasibility of a plant in the Shandong province of China. TEK- KOL, the technology owner, is studying the feasibility of two 5,000-metric-ton- per-day plants—one in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, and one in Kemerova, Russia. THE RoseBup SyNCoAL® PRovect The Rosebud SynCoal® plant, adjacent to the Rosebud coal mine in Colstrip, Mon- tana, is showing another route to produc- ing high-quality fuel from low-rank coals. This advanced coal conversion process up- grades Rosebud subbituminous coal, which has a moisture content of 25 percent, sulfur The ENCOAL Corporation is demonstrating a process for converting low-rank coals into clean solid and liquid fuel prod- ucts. Solid products are being shipped as blends with western coal to utilities in Oklahoma, Wis- consin, and lowa. Liquid products are being shipped to industrial customers in the Midwest. Now in operational testing, the project is scheduled to be com- pleted in the fall of 1996. 19 BENEFITS content of 0.8 percent, and heating value of 8,600 Btu per pound, to SynCoal® with a moisture content as low as | percent, sulfur content as low as 0.5 percent, ash content of about 9 per- cent, and heating value up to 12,000 Btu per pound. ¢ INCREASES ENVIRONMENTALLY AcceptaBe Use oF U.S. CoaLs IN TRADITIONAL AND ExpanDeD MARKETS ¢ EXPORTABLE TECHNOLOGIES After the coal is converted, it can be more easily trans- ported to new markets and can be used directly as a low-sulfur fuel. The Rosebud SynCoal® project in Wyoming is demonstrating a process for converting low-rank coals into a high-quality, low- sulfur fuel. More than 400,000 tons of SynCoal® have been delivered to industrial and utility customers. 20 The plant has the capacity to process about 1,800 tons of raw coal per day. More than 400,000 tons of SynCoal® product have been delivered to industrial and utility customers, includ- ing Montana Power, Freemont Utilities, Minnkota Power Cooperative, Ash Grove Cement, Holnam Cement, Continental Lime, Bentonite Corporation, Packaging Corporation of America, and Empire Sand and Gravel. The Rosebud SynCoal Partnership is working on three potential semi-commer- cial SynCoal® projects located in Wyo- ming, North Dakota, and Montana. Each project would be 0.5—1 million ton per year. The Wyoming project is a stand- alone mine-mouth design. The North Da- kota project is integrated into a mine- mouth power plant with project sales offsite to regional markets. The Montana project is designed to expand the existing demonstration facility. The partnership has conducted a study for Minnkota Power Cooperative, with positive results, examining the merits of applying the coal processing technology to acommercial plant integrated into an existing power plant site. Additionally a team from SynCoal has visited Indonesia to investigate the potential application to Sumatran low-rank coals. Custom Coats’ SELF-SCRUBBING CoaL™ Clean-burning fuels can also be made from high-heating-value, high-sulfur coals, such as those in the midwestern and eastern United States. The more sul- fur that can be removed before coal is burned, the less is left to deal with during the combustion process or in the flue gas. While coal preparation techniques are in widespread use in the United States, Custom Coals International is taking precombustion beneficiation to an advanced state in the CCT Program. In what will be its first commercial plant, located near Central City in western Pennsylvania, Custom Coals will demon- strate a way to remove more than 90 per- cent of the pyritic sulfur (contained in the coal’s mineral matter) and most of the ash. For utilities that need even cleaner coal, a “self-scrubbing” coal will also be pro- duced using a limestone additive to form marble-size pellets. When the pellets are burned, the limestone additive captures SO, produced in the boiler. Twenty-five percent of the output from the prototype plant will be sold to a local utility. Following its prototype venture, Custom Coals plans to build several commercial plants throughout the nation. AUS. consortium, led by Custom Coals, has signed a cooperative agreement, worth $888.6 million, with China to build a coal-cleaning plant, a 500-mile underground slurry pipeline, and port fa- cility. The pipeline would bring coals from the Shanxi province in northwest China to the coastal province of Shandong. The Pennsylvania firm is also aggres- sively marketing the technology in East- ern Europe and has received letters of intent from three Polish coal mines to build two 10-million-ton-per-year coal preparation plants. Airn Propucts’ LPMEOH™ Process The Air Products Liquid Phase Conver- sion Company, L.P., will demonstrate the LPMEOH™ process to produce metha- nol from coal-derived synthesis gas. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., and the Eastman Chemical Company have formed a limited partnership to manage and execute the demonstration project, which will be located at Eastman Chemical’s integrated coal gasification facility in Kingsport, Tennessee. The LPMEOH™ process has been devel- oped to enhance integrated gasification combined-cycle power generation facili- ties by producing a clean-burning, stor- able liquid fuel from coal-derived synthe- sis gas. If practical, the production of dimethyl] ether (DME) as a mixed co- product with methanol will also be dem- onstrated. Methanol and DME may be used as a low-SO,, low-NO, alternative liquid fuel, a feedstock for the synthesis of chemicals, or new oxygenate fuel additives. Coat Quauity Expert The CCT Program also has demonstrated a computer model that provides coal- burning utilities with a predictive tool to assist in selecting optimum quality coal for a specific boiler, based on operational efficiency, cost, and environmental emis- sions. The Coal Quality Expert (CQE) model can predict the operating perfor- mance of coals that previously have not been burned at a plant. The CQE Acid Rain Advisor, released in 1993, is a tool for utilities to evaluate planning and CAAA compliance strategies. A beta ver- sion of the CQE software was released in May 1995; the final version is expected to be released in August 1995. CQ Inc., has awarded Black and Veatch nonexclusive worldwide rights to sell us- ers’ licenses and to offer consulting services that include the use of CQE software. Custom Coals’ first commer- cial plant for advanced coal processing, located near Cen- tral City in western Pennsylva- nia, is shown during construc- tion. Operation is set to begin in late 1995. The processes produce Carefree Coal™, with up to 90% of the pyritic sulfur removed, and Self-Scrubbing Coal™, which has a limestone additive that captures SO, produced in the boiler. 21 BENEFITS ENHANCED U.S. ComPeTiTIVENESS IN Basic INDUSTRIES CLEANER INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS Lower Costs FoR MATERIALS (CemeNT, STEEL, Etc.) TRANSLATES INTO Lower Costs FOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS EXPORTABLE TECHNOLOGIES INNOVATIONS FOR INDUSTRY CLEAN SYSTEMS FOR THE NATION'S the electric power industry, the CCT Program is demonstrating advanced technologies that promise cleaner perfor- mances from two of the nation’s major industries, the cement industry and the steel industry. [: addition to clean energy options for Passamaquopby TECHNOLOGY Recovery ScrusBeR™ Atacement plant in Thomaston, Maine, an innovative clean coal technology is solving two environmental problems—air pollution and waste disposal—and, in do- ing so, is paying for itself. The demonstration project, which completed operation- al testing in 1993, took place at the Dragon Prod- ucts Company’s cement plant which processes about 470,000 tons per year of cement. The plant had been 22 bought by the Passama- quoddy Indian Tribe as an investment and was then sold to Dragon Products prior to the demonstration. Since the conclusion of the project, Drag- on Products has continued to operate the Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber™ at the cement plant. Kiln dust, once a mounting solid waste problem at the plant site, is being used in a process that captures more than 90 per- cent of the plant’s SO, emissions. The process also reduces particulate emissions to less than one-tenth the current limit for cement plants, reduces NO, emissions by 5-15 percent, and produces no wastes, only salable or reusable by-products. Savings on tipping fees from waste dis- posal, reuse of the waste products, and sale of the by-products offset costs and make the cleanup system a profit-making venture. The Passamaquoddy Technology Recov- ery Scrubber™ has a large potential mar- ket in North America and abroad. In ad- dition to cement manufacturing, the scrubber can be attractive in the pulp and paper industries. (Ash from biomass is a more effective sulfur sorbent than kiln dust or coal ash.) The technology also offers an option for cleaning the flue gases of utility boilers, a feature that has raised the interest of several power gen- erators in Eastern Europe. Biast Furnace GRANULATED-COAL INJECTION SYSTEM At its Burns Harbor site on Lake Michi- gan, the Bethlehem Steel Corporation has installed an innovative technology on two high-capacity blast furnaces. The “coal injection” technology substi- tutes granulated coal for coke in the steelmaking process. Sulfur pollutants from coal-burning are captured by lime- stone, and the gases leaving the furnace contain virtually no measurable SO, or NO, emissions. In addition, blast furnace production is increased by maintaining high raceway temperatures. This new technology gives the steel in- dustry a clearly superior economical and environmental alternative to the tradi- tional coke oven. i Ciean Power FRoM COREX® The CCT Program includes a project to demonstrate the integration of a novel direct iron-making process, COREX", with the production of electricity at Geneva Steel’s mill in Vineyard, Utah. The direct iron-making process avoids altogether the need for coke production and thus eliminates emissions normally associated with coke ovens. The integrated system includes a gasifi- cation process which generates gas for use in the reduction furnace (where iron ore is reduced to iron). Sufficient heat is produced to melt the resulting iron. Excess reducing gas and recovered process heat is also used to generate electric power ina combined-cycle power plant. THERMOCHEN’S PULSE ComBUSTION PROJECT ThermoChem, Inc., will demonstrate pulse combustion for steam gasification of coal at Northshore Mining Company’s facility located in Silver Bay, Minnesota. At the site, pulse combustion technology will produce fuel gas and char for use in a pro- posed direct reduction iron-making process. The pulse combustor incorporates an in- novative indirect heating process which transfers 3-5 times the heat of compa- rable concepts. The design also is ex- pected to provide exceptional environ- mental performance ADVANCED Cyclone ComBusToR The Coal Tech Corporation has demon- strated an advanced slagging cyclone combustor with air-cooled walls and en- vironmental control of NO,, SO,, and solid waste emissions. The combustor reduced SO, emissions by over 80 per- cent with sorbent injection, NO, emis- sions by 75 percent, and solid waste re- tention of 55S—90 percent. Testing showed that while the combustor is not yet ready for sale with commercial guarantees, it is ready to be scaled up further. Potential applications for the combustor include small industrial boilers. The Passamaquoddy Technol- ogy Recovery Scrubber™ was successfully demonstrated at a cement plant in Maine. Kiln dust, once a solid waste prob- lem at the plant, is being used in the process to capture more than 90% of the SO,. The pro- cess also reduces NO, emis- sions by 5-15%. The scrubber is being actively marketed in the United States and abroad. 23 24 Total Project Funding (Private %/Federal %) ALASKA i Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Advanced slagging combustor Healy, AK $242.1 million (52%/48%) CoLoraDo 2. Energy and Environmental Research Corporation Gas reburning and low-NO, burners Denver, CO $17.8 million (50%/50%) CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS Public Service Company of Colorado Low-NO, burners, in-duct sorbent injection, urea injection Denver, CO $27.4 million (50%/50%) Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. Atmospheric circulating fluidized-bed combustion Nucla, CO $54.1 million (63%/37%) FLORIDA 5. Southern Company Services, Inc. Low-NO, concentric firing system Lynn Haven, FL $9.2 million (51%/49%) 6. Southern Company Services, Inc. Selective catalytic reduction Pensacola, FL $23.2 million (60%/40%) 7. Tampa Electric Company Integrated gasification combined cycle Lakeland, FL $260.7 million (50%/50%) GEORGIA 8. Southern Company Services, Inc. CT-121 flue gas cleanup Newnan, GA $43.1 million (51%/49%) 9. Southern Company Services, Inc. Low-NO, burners Coosa, GA $14.7 million (55%/45%) ILLINOIS 10. Energy and Environmental Research Corporation Gas reburning and sorbent injection Hennepin and Springfield, IL $37.6 million (50%/50%) INDIANA 11. Bethlehem Steel Corporation Blast furnace granulated-coal injection Burns Harbor, IN $191.7 million (84%/16%) 12. LIFAC-North America Sorbent injection with activation reactor Richmond, IN $21.4 million (50%/50%) 13. NOXSO Corporation Dry regenerable flue gas cleanup Newburgh, IN $67.2 million (50%/50%) 14. Pure Air on the Lake, L.P. Advanced flue gas desulfurization Chesterton, IN $151.7 million (58%/42%) 15. Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project Joint Venture Integrated gasification combined cycle West Terre Haute, IN $438.2 million (50%/50%) KENTUCKY 16. AirPol, Inc. Gas suspension absorption West Paducah, KY $7.7 million (70%/30%) Maine 17. Passamaquoddy Tribe Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber™ for cement kilns Thomaston, ME $17.8 million (66%/34%) MINNESOTA 18. ThermoChem, Inc. Pulse combustor/gasifier Silver Bay, MN $37.3 million (50%/50%) MonTANA 19. Rosebud SynCoal Partnership Advanced coal conversion Colstrip, MT $105.7 million (59%/41%) NevaDA 20. Sierra Pacific Power Company Integrated gasification combined cycle Reno, NV $308.6 million (50%/50%) New York 21. New York State Electric & Gas Corporation S-H-U wet scrubber, low-NO, concentric firing system, urea injection Lansing, NY $158.6 million (72%/28%) Ouio 22. ABB Environmental Systems SNOX™ catalytic flue gas cleanup Niles, OH $31.4 million (50%50%) 23. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Limestone injection multistage burner Coolside in-duct sorbent injection Lorain, OH $19.4 million (61%/39%) 24. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Low-NO, cell burner system Aberdeen, OH $11.2 million (52%/48%) 25 26 25. The Babcock & Wilcox Company SNRB™ fuel gas cleanup Dilles Bottom, OH $13.3 million (54%/46%) 26. The Ohio Power Company Pressurized fluidized-bed combustion Brilliant, OH $189.9 million (65%/35%) PENNSYLVANIA 27. ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc., and CQ Inc. Coal quality expert computer model Homer City, PA (Utility tests were conducted at plants in Wilsonville, AL; Gulfport, MS; Somerset, MA; Bayport, MN; and Oologah, OK.) $21.7 million (50%/50%) 28. Bechtel Corporation Confined zone dispersion Seward, PA $10.4 million (50%/50%) 29. Coal Tech Corporation Advanced slagging combustor Williamsport, PA $1.0 million (50%/50%) 30. Pennsylvania Electric Company Externally fired combined cycle Warren, PA $146.8 million (50%/50%) 31. York County Energy Partners, L.P. Atmospheric circulating fluidized-bed combustion North Codorus, PA $379.6 million (80%/20%) TENNESSEE 32. Air Products Liquid Phase Conversion Company, L.P. Liquid-phase methanol process Kingsport, TN $213.7 million (57%/43%) UtaH 33. Centerior Energy Corporation COREX?® iron-making process Vineyard, UT $1,065.8 million (86%/14%) (funding is preliminary, subject to negotiation, pending award of cooperative agreement) West VIRGINIA 34. The Appalachian Power Company Pressurized fluidized-bed combustion New Haven, WV $917.9 million (80%/20%) WisconsiN 35. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Coal reburning Cassville, WI $13.6 million (54%/46%) Wyomina 36. ENCOAL Corporation Mild coal gasification Gillette, WY $90.7 million (50%/50%) Muttipce States 37. Custom Coals International Advanced coal preparation Central City and Springdale, PA; Richmond, IN; Ashtabula, OH $87.4 million (57%/43%) SiTEs UNDER NEGOTIATION 38. ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc. Integrated gasification combined cycle $270.7 million (52%/48%) 39. Arthur D. Little, Inc. Coal-fueled diesel engine $38.3 million (50%/50%) 40. Clean Energy Partners Limited Partnership Integrated gasification combined cycle $841.1 million (78%/22%) 41. DMEC-1 Limited Partnership Pressurized circulating fluidized-bed combustion $203.0 million (54%/46%) 42. Four Rivers Energy Partners, L.P. Pressurized circulating fluidized-bed combustion $360.7 million (61%/39%) 43. Tennessee Valley Authority Micronized coal reburning $7.3 million (52%/48%) THE*CLEAN COAL VISION ni energy resources, including coal. Our reliance upon coal for the foreseeable fu- ture necessitates that we develop and deploy the cleanest, most efficient technolo- gies possible. I n the coming years, our nation must make the best possible use of all domestic Clean coal technologies can produce reliable, low-cost energy. With them, the United States can achieve continued economic and job growth and enhance its technological leadership in the global marketplace. We can improve the quality of our lives, as well as the lives of our global neighbors, while keeping our commitment to a cleaner, healthier environment. To realize this vision, government and industry have joined in a clean coal partner- ship. This partnership is ensuring that the United States gains the full competitive and environmental advantages promised by nearly two decades of innovative coal research and development. It will ensure that U.S. suppliers will be able to deliver clean, effi- cient coal technologies to domestic utilities and industries, as well as to a rapidly ex- panding population of international customers. The investments we are making in clean coal technology today will help position us for ongoing leadership in the future. The Department of Energy CCT Program is bringing together the best resources available from our industries, universities, and government to ensure that clean coal technologies can turn today’s vision into tomorrow’s reality. 27 28 T o learn more about the Clean Coal Technology Program, contact the U.S. Department of Energy at (301) 903-9451 or write the Office of Clean Coal Technology (FE-22), U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585, The following reports provide additional information about the CCT Program and clean coal technologies: * Clean Coal Technology: The New Coal Era A 40-page description of the different types of clean coal technologies and an overview of the joint U.S. govern- ment-industry demonstration program. * Clean Coal Technology: Program Update An annual status report of the U.S. Clean Coal Technology Program with project-by-project descriptions and results achieved to date. * Clean Coal Technologies: Research, Development, and Demonstration Program Plan A more detailed description of the U.S. Department of Energy’s coal research, development and demon- stration program. * Clean Coal Technology Export Markets and Financing Mechanisms A summary of the potential markets in developing countries for exporting clean coal technologies. Includes an assessment of financing mechanisms for preliminary activities and the con- struction of the project itself. * Foreign Markets for U.S. Clean Coal Technologies Presents an assessment and prioritization of foreign markets that have the most potential for the export of clean coal technologies that are developed, manufactured, or con- trolled by U.S. firms. Clean Coal Technology Program: Lessons Learned Summarizes the programmatic and procedural lessons learned in con- ducting this unique and highly suc- cessful joint government-industry program. In addition, the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy offers these elec- tronic information services: * Fossil Energy TechLine An automated fax information ser- vice that provides routine updates for all ongoing clean coal technology projects and other information about federal fossil energy research, devel- opment, and demonstration programs. Call (202) 586-4300 from any tone telephone and follow the voice in- structions. * World Wide Web Home Page Access to clean coal technology and other information via the Internet. The Fossil Energy Home Page (Uniform Resource Locator address http://www. fe.doe.gov) offers general information and a gateway to more detailed information.