HomeMy WebLinkAboutClean Coal Technology Topical Report Number 3 1993TOPICAL REPORT NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 1993 COAL TECHNOLOGY Reduction of NO, and SO, Using Gas Reburning, Sorbent Injection and Integrated Technologies TOPICAL REPORT NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 1993 REVISION NO. 1 Reduction of NO_ and SO, Using Gas Reburning, Sorbent Injection, and Integrated Technologies A report on two projects conducted jointly under cooperative agreements between: The U.S. Department of Energy and Energy and Environmental Research Corporation Cover photo: Sorbent injection through boiler wall at Hennepin Unit No. 1. ele COAL TECHNOLOGY Reduction of NO. and SO, Using Gas Reburning, Sorbent Injection, and Integrated Technologies MAUEOIEIONS BINT PROCES SURRY once secs se cscsetncserstt seen ceetcetdetens cotserseeevtens Definitions of Technology Overview Of Two Demonstration Projects At Three Sites Upp ROUT 8s adic ko pa5s Sates desyconsts seis coend icv lotiavehcusueteas Process Benefits Reduced Firing Rate Flue Gas Recirculation Overfire Air System... Boiler Control and Safety rene Boiler Adaptation Integration Of Gas Reburning With Other Technologies . History of Development .... Demonstration Beginnings Legislative & Marketplace Incentives Commercialization ............. EER’s Marketing Plans Hennepin: Demonstrating The Potential Of GR-SI On Tangentially-Fired Boilers Testing Program........... Pretest Modifications .. GR-SI Demonstration Data ... Lakeside: GR-SI Demonstration On A Cyclone-Fired Boiler . Testing Program.......... Pretest Modifications .. Test Results ............. Cherokee: Demonstrating GR & Low-NOx Burners On A Wall-Fired Boiler Testing Program... Pretest Modifications .. Test Results ............. Environmental Monitoring Air Monitoring ............ Wastewater Monitoring .. Solid Waste & Groundwater Monitoring . Health & Safety Monitoring .. References Cm MOIINDAUWH ee Introduction and Executive Summary Coal is America’s most abundant fossil fuel. Its combustion creates the steam that produces most of this country’s electricity. The burning of coal, however, liberates two types of gases that have been linked to the formation of acid rain: nitrogen oxides (NO,) and sulfur dioxide (SO,). With the passage of each successive piece of clean air legislation over the past two decades, the electric utility industry has been made increasingly aware that it would eventually have to reduce both types of emissions from existing and new plants, to environmentally acceptable levels. With increasing pressures to change operations on one hand and aging plants with limited lives and physical space on the other, the power industry, in conjunction with the Department of Energy (DOE), has been exploring and cooperatively developing retrofit emission-control technologies able to resolve this dilemma. After more than 15 years of experimentation and laboratory testing, these and other new technologies have come of age and are now ready for commercial-scale application. The Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program (also referred to as the CCT Pro- gram), is a unique government/industry cost- shared effort to develop these advanced coal- based technologies. The CCT Program provides numerous options for addressing a wide range of energy and environmental issues, including acid rain, global climate change, improved energy efficiency, energy security, and environmental quality. It is intended to demonstrate a new generation of innovative coal utilization processes in a series of full-scale, “showcase” facilities built throughout the United States. This program will take the most promising of the advanced coal-based technologies and move them into the marketplace by demonstrating their commercial viability. These demonstrations are at a scale large enough to provide the necessary data — design, construction, and operation — to enable the private sector to evaluate the commercial potential of each and to confidently predict each technology’s commercial readiness. The importance of successfully demonstrating these technologies has increased significantly since the passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and the soon-to-follow regulations for the control of nitrogen oxides. Gas Reburning, Sorbent Injection and Integrated Technologies — the subject of this Topical Report — are one such set of promis- ing innovative developments. In addition to discussing the technologies involved, this report will describe two specific projects, results to date, and the commercial promise of these processes. The objectives of Gas Reburning and Sorbent Injection were to have a 60% reduc- tion in NO, emissions and a 50% reduction in SO, emissions. These objectives have been achieved at the tangentially-fired boiler at the Hennepin site of Illinois Power and at the cyclone-fired boiler operated by City Water, Light and Power in Springfield, Illinois. The other project, Gas Reburning and Low- NO, Burners, had the goal of a 70% NO, reduction from the wall-fired boiler operated by Public Service of Colorado at Denver. In early preliminary testing, this goal was also achieved. Energy and Environmental Research (EER) is now ready to design and install Gas Reburning and Sorbent Injection systems, and Gas Reburning-Low NO, Burner systems for any utility or industrial application. These technologies are offered with performance and emission control guarantees. Reduction of NO_ and SO, Using Gas Reburning, Sorbent Inj ection, and Integrated Technologies Project Participants Gas Reburning and Sorbent Injection: Energy and Environmental Research Corp. U.S. Department of Energy Gas Research Institute Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources Illinois Power Company City Water, Light and Power of Springfield (IL) Gas Reburning and Low-NO, Burners: Energy and Environmental Research Corp. U.S. Department of Energy Gas Research Institute Public Service Company of Colorado Colorado Interstate Gas Company Electric Power Research Institute Contacts Dr. C. Lowell Miller Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Clean Coal Technology U.S. Department of Energy (301) 903-9451 Harry J. Ritz, DOE Project Manager CT-10 U.S. Department of Energy Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center P.O. Box 10940 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 892-6137 A.D. Jensen Director of Marketing Energy and Environmental Research Corp. P.O. Box 153 Orrville, OH 44667 (216) 682-4007 as reburning is an extremely flexible technology, adaptable to a variety of electric utility retrofit situations. Used either by itself, or in combination with other emission-control technologies, it can help to significantly reduce NO, , SO, and CO, emissions. The further development of gas reburning and its integration with other emission-control ted through two Clean Coal Technology demonstration technologies is currently being as projects. As subsequently detailed in this topical report, the two demonstration projects include: (1) a two-plant project where gas reburning is combined with sorbent injection and applied to a tangentially-fired boiler and a cyclone-fired boiler, both burning high-sulfur Illinois coal (Hennepin and Lakeside, respectively); and (2) a western, low-sulfur coal-burning plant with a wall-fired boiler, where gas reburning and low- NO, burners are combined to reduce NO, emissions (Cherokee). These three boiler types (tangential, cyclone, and wall-fired) represent 97% of the pre-NSPS boiler population. Each of the three demonstration facilities has its own set of retrofit conditions and emission problems, yet each is a logical candidate for demonstrating gas reburning technology. es Definitions of Technology Gas Reburning Gas Reburning (GR) is primarily a NO, control technology. A small amount of natural gas (15 to 20% of the total energy input) is injected in place of coal into the boiler above the normal combustion zone. This creates an oxygen-deficient (fuel-rich) zone where the hydrocarbon radicals from the gas react with the nitrogen oxides from the coal combustion. This reaction forms molecular nitrogen, the same kind of nitrogen that exists naturally in the atmosphere. Additional air is injected above the reburn zone, finishing the combus- tion at a lower temperature and preventing NO, from forming. Used by itself, gas reburning has been shown to routinely reduce NO, emissions by more than 60%. Sorbent Injection Sorbent Injection (SI) technology is used to decrease SO, in emissions from coal-fired boilers. A sulfur-absorbing agent, usually lime or hydrated lime, is blown into the flue gases. SO, removal is enhanced by the injection pattern of the sorbent and by using chemical additives. The resulting reactions produce dry non-toxic particles which are collected down- stream in either the electrostatic precipitator after flue gas conditioning or the baghouse. SI in combination with GR technology has achieved SO, removal in the 50-60% range. Low-NO_ Burners Low-NO, Burners (LNBs) are coal-fired burners specifically designed to reduce the formation of nitrogen oxides through the careful control of the coal/air mixture during combustion. By causing a more gradual mixing of the fuel and air, the combustion flame temperature is lowered, resulting in a NO_ reduction of 30 to 50%, and up to a 70-75% reduction of NO, when used in combination with GR. Overview Of Two Demonstration Projects At Three Sites There are two demonstration projects discussed in this report, each involving the use of gas reburning in conjunction with a second type of emission control technology. The performing organization in both projects is Energy and Environmental Research Corporation (EER) of Irvine, California, with its Engineering Services Group located at Orrville, Ohio. The Hennepin/Lakeside Project The Hennepin/Lakeside Project was intended to demonstrate the combined use of gas reburning and sorbent injection to achieve approximately 60% NO, reduction and 50% SO, capture on each of two different boiler configurations (tangential and cyclone). Both of these boilers are burning high-sulfur coal. Illinois Power's Hennepin Unit No. 1 is the demonstration site for the GR- SI process on a tangentially-fired pulverized coal unit. Control CCT Site Firing Technologies | Hennepin Tangential GR, GR-SI, SI | Lakeside Cyclone GR, GR-SI, SI Ill Cherokee Wall LNB, GR-LNB City Water, Light and Power Company's Lakeside Unit 7 is the demonstration site for GR-SI technology on a cyclone- fired boiler. Gas reburning and sorbent injection can be conducted independently or in combination. The total project cost of approximately $37.5 million is shared 50/50 between DOE and the project participants, which include: Energy and Environmental Research Corpora- tion (EER), the Gas Research Institute (GRI), the State of Illinois, Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and the two host utilities, Illinois Power Company and City Water, Light and Power of Springfield, Illinois. The Hennepin/Lakeside Project was selected by DOE in 1986 and was awarded a cooperative agreement in 1987. Construction was initiated at Hennepin in May 1989 and was completed in August 1990 followed by startup testing. At Lakeside, construction was initiated in June 1990 and was completed in May 1993. Operation at Hennepin was begun in December of 1990 and at Lakeside in May of 1993. A final report is scheduled for publication in November of 1994. The Cherokee Station Project The Cherokee Station Project, located in Denver, Colorado, focuses on NO, reduction only, since ground-level ozone is a major concern in the Denver area and because the station’s wall-fired boiler is burning compli- ance coal. Both gas reburning and low-NO, burners are used to reduce NO, emissions by approximately 70%. The total project cost of about $16.2 million is divided 50/50 between DOE and the remaining project co-funders: the Public Service Company of Colorado (the host utility), the Gas Research Institute, Colorado Interstate Gas Company, the Electric Power Research Institute, and EER. The demonstra- tion is located at the 172 MWe Cherokee Station, Unit No. 3. The Cherokee Station project was selected by DOE in December of 1989. Design work began in 1990 and construction was completed in April of 1992. Project completion and the final report are scheduled for December 1994. L Full Scale Gas Reburning Tests Gas Reburning 7 Gross Capacity Firing ur i 5 f ) . . The need to reduce NO, emissions from coal- ii tes H Unit 1 Tal eet eal fired boilers has gained increased attention in Me Teed SET ane q P.S. Colorado Cherokee 3 172 Wall recent years as more is learned about the 7 7 7 ; . ay ii City Water, Light & Power Lakeside 7 40 Cyclone environmental impact of nitrogen oxides in the 7 7 7 Ohio Edison* Niles 108 Cyclone formation of acid rain, smog, visibility impair- ment and climatic warming. While about half of 7 : “This demonstration is not part of the CCT Program. all NO, pollution comes from automobiles and Al 9 other types of vehicles, coal-burning boilers contribute about 25% of the total NO, emitted nationwide. Thus, there is a significant need to develop more emission-control technologies for reducing NO, from power plants. Gas reburning is one such technology that has been shown to reduce nitrogen oxides by 60% or more in a typical coal-fired boiler. Gas reburning is applicable to all types of coal-fired boilers. Even though other methods exist to reduce NO, emissions from boilers, gas reburning is one of the most cost- effective reduction methodologies. Public Service of Colorado's Cherokee Station Unit No. 3 is the test site for the GR/Low-NO, Burner technology demonstration. It burns low-sulfur western coal. The city of Denver, Colorado is in the background. 18% GAS + FLUE —— GAS CARRIER COAL ya Typical GR-SI injector specifications. SO,—>CaSO, BURNOUT ZONE ered) mele ion) etl Cas REBURNING ZONE Slightly Fuel Rich (90% Theor. Air) 4 [0 eee — PRIMARY COMBUSTION ZONE Reduced Firing Rate Reduced Excess Air Gas Firing Ca/S Molar Ratio NO, Control SO, Control Natural Gas Reburning Controls Emissions In the 1970s burning natural gas in a utility boiler was limited. Gas supplies appeared to be diminish- ing rapidly, and the government passed laws restricting the use of gas in utility boilers. But today, the position on natural gas use has changed. As federal price controls were removed from gas, new supplies became available, anda gas surplus developed. Concerns over acid rain prompted new attention to gas, which burns cleanly and emits virtually no SO,. NO, emissions from a gas reburning system are expected to be about 60% less than those from a unit fired solely with coal. The capital cost of retrofitting a natural gas reburn system ona 500-megawatt boiler is estimated to be around $30 per kilowatt. This approximate capital cost must be adjusted depending on the boiler configuration and design requirements. An industry study examined the feasibility of using up to 20% natural gas at the 50 largest SO, emitting power plants in the United States. It found that gas supplies are available and that nearly 86% of the plants could be hooked into gas pipelines at a cost of less than $8 million per plant. aa ees Process Benefits While being able to significantly reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from coal-fired powerplant boilers, gas reburning has the following additional benefits: Flexibility — Gas reburning is applicable to all types of coal-burning boilers: tangentially-fired, cyclone-fired, wall-fired, wet bottom, etc. As detailed in the demonstration project descriptions, gas reburning is a technology that can be made to work with, and posi- tively complement, other types of emission- control processes, such as sorbent injection and low-NO, burners; Ease of Retrofit — Gas reburning requires a minimum amount of new capital equipment to make it work on an existing coal-fired boiler. Since there is very little additional space required, gas reburning can be retrofitted into plants on even the most physically restricted sites; Particulate Reduction — Since natural gas contains no ash, particulate loading is reduced in direct proportion to the amount of coal displaced; SO, Reduction — In similar fashion, since natural gas contains no sulfur, SO, emissions are reduced in direct proportion to the amount of coal displacement; and CO, Reduction — Since the ratio of hydrogen to carbon is greater for natural gas than for coal, gas reburning reduces carbon dioxide (CO,) emissions by about 6-9% at nominally 15-20% of fuel substituted by natural gas (CO, is not normally considered a pollutant, but it has been identi- fied as a “greenhouse gas” contributing to climate change). Reduced Firing Rate The firing rate of the coal burner is reduced by simply cutting back on the amount of coal supplied to the burner. Their operation at less than maximum capability is known as burner “turndown.” Burner turndown has several benefits by itself. Because there is less coal processed through the plant pulverizers, there is less fly ash produced, resulting in a reduced load on the precipitator. Also, since the combus- tion intensity in the lower furnace regions is reduced in proportion to the burner turn- down, there is a direct beneficial effect on NO, emissions, and a further reduction in ash deposition potential. Flue Gas Recirculation For gas reburning to be most effective, the natural gas must be injected into the furnace and mixed rapidly with the coal’s combustion products. In smaller boilers, adequate mixing can normally be achieved by simply injecting the natural gas at a high velocity. However, in larger furnaces it is difficult to obtain adequate mixing through simple injection, since the amount of gas supplied is quite small, compared to the total mass flow passing through the furnace. In these instances, penetration of the injected gas can be improved by adding flue gas as a carrier with minimal oxygen content to maintain the fuel-rich zone. Demonstration Summary and Status Update Enhancing the Use of Coals by Gas Reburning and Sorbent Injection Project Status Update The GR-SI process has achieved 60% NO, reduction and 50% SO, reduction goals on different boiler configurations at power plants burning high-sulfur midwestern coal — a tangentially fired nominally 80-MWe boiler at Illinois Power's Hennepin Plant in Hennepin, IL, and a cyclone-fired nominally 40-MWe boiler at City Water, Light, and Power's Lakeside Station in Springfield, IL. The Hennepin project has been completed. Plant Capacity/Production Hennepin: tangentially-fired 80 MWe (nominal) Lakeside: cyclone-fired 40 MWe (nominal) Project Status/Accomplishments Permitting and engineering design efforts were originally completed for three project sites. In 1990, plans to use the third site (Bartonville, IL) were suspended. Construction and operations are complete at the tangentially-fired boiler at Hennepin. A matrix of 32 gas reburn tests were completed, achieving NO, reduction rates of 60-65%. In one short-term test, a 77% reduction in NO, was achieved. Evaluation of 20 over-fired air tests indicated substantial NO, reduction was achieved at low loads with lesser reduc- tions as load increased. Combined operational testing of gas reburning and sorbent injection began in August 1991 with SO, reduction in the range of 50-55%. Long- term load following testing, initiated in January 1992, has exceeded project goals of 60% NO, and 50% SO, reductions. Operations at Hennepin were completed January 15, 1993. At Lakeside, construction and equipment checkout were completed in May 1993, at which time start-up activities were initiated. Project Funding Total project cost $37,588,955 100% DOE 18,747,816 50% Participants 18,841,139 50% Participants Energy and Environmental Research Corporation; Gas Research Institute; Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources; Illinois Power Company; City Water, Light and Power of Springfield, Illinois. Project Objective To demonstrate gas reburning to attain 60% NO, reduction along with sorbent injection to reduce 50% of the SO, on two different boiler configurations: tangentially- fired and cyclone-fired. Commercial Application Gas reburning and sorbent injection is the unique combination of two technologies. The commercial application for these technologies, both separately and com- bined, extends to both utility companies and industry in the United States and abroad. In the United States alone, these two technologies can be applied to over 900 pre-NSPS utility boilers; additionally the technologies can be applied to new utility boilers. With 60% NO, removal and 50% SO, removal, these technologies have the potential to extend the life of a boiler or power plant and also provide a way to use higher sulfur coals without exceeding emission limits for NO, and SO,. Milestone Completion Phase I—Design and Permitting 5-89 Phase I|—Construction, Start-up, and Shakedown Hennepin 8-91 Lakeside 5-93 Phase III—Operation, Data Collection, Reporting and Disposition Hennepin 12-93 Lakeside 8-94 Project Complete 12-94 Boiler Distribution in U.S. Wall-Fired Tangentially-Fired Cyclone-Fired Other Total 46 40 11 Ls 100 Flue gas is a convenient natural gas carrier, since it contains only about three percent oxygen and is readily available from the combustion process. Normally recir- culation of about three percent of this gas is sufficient. In the case of a gas reburning application, a typical flue gas recirculation system includes a low-volume high-pressure fan, a cyclone dust collector, and ducting to the injectors. Since flue gas recirculation is commonly used in many commercial coal- fired boilers to control steam temperatures, its technology is proven. For application in gas reburning, however, the flow rate of these systems must be lowered and the pressure increased. Correct location, size, and shape of the gas injectors are important to the success of the gas reburning process. These parameters vary with each application and are therefore determined by site-specific design and process modeling. Overfire Air System The overfire air system supplies the remaing air required to complete combustion.The total air supplied to a boiler with gas reburning is about the same as that supplied for normal operation. The only difference is due to the slightly different combustion air requirements for natural gas compared to coal. The location, size, and shape of the overfire air ports are important design parameters. For instance, the air must be injected far enough downstream from the gas injectors to provide adequate residence time for the NO, reduction reactions to occur. At the same time, however, they must be close enough to assure complete combustion within the furnace chamber. It is possible, by varying the design of the gas injectors and overfire air ports, to minimize NO, emissions without significant reduction of boiler thermal performance or combustion efficiency. Retrofitting with gas reburning can therefore provide an opportunity to improve the operation of an existing power plant. Boiler Control and Safety Systems Some modifications are required to the boiler control system in order to implement gas reburning. These usually involve changing the fuel and air controls to include the gas and overfire air streams. Additional controls are required where flue gas recirculation is utilized. The overall opera- tion of the boiler, including the control of steam flow, excess air, steam pressure and temperature are not affected provided that adequate excess air control capability exists on the boiler. As with these demonstrations it is necessary to design a Safety System according to NFPA guidelines to ensure that no added risks to boiler operation are introduced by the installation of the gas reburning system. Each site must be examined individually due to the presence (or absence) of an existing flame safety system. The presence of a main fuel flame in the boiler and boiler load greater than minimum safe values for reburning must exist. Boiler Adaptation Even though each firing configuration has similar flow pattern characteristics, existing plants have all been engineered to achieve specific steam conditions and flow rates, and to burn specific types of coal. No two retrofit situations can therefore be expected to be the same. Generally, how- ever, installing a gas reburning system within a given type of boiler will require the following types of changes. Coal burners must be “turned down” by about 20% when retrofitting with gas reburning. Although most types of boiler firing configurations can accommodate this level of turndown, the effects on the furnace flow patterns differ. In wall- and cyclone-fired boilers, turndown can be achieved by remov- ing some burners or cyclones from service, or by turning them down uniformly. The general flow patterns in the furnaces remain virtually unchanged. With a tangentially-fired boiler, however, turning down the burners can also change the overall swirl in the furnace. This, coupled with changes in burner tilt to maintain steam temperature, can cause changes in the furnace’s overall flow patterns. When low-NO, burners are used with gas reburning in wall- fired units, burner velocities, swirl, and flame volume are altered. Upper furnace conditions are substan- tially different for wall-, tangentially-, and cyclone-fired boilers. This means a different approach must be taken to retrofit each type. Both numerical and physical flow models have been developed to determine the optimal injection location. These models address both furnace flow patterns and thermal conditions. Integration Of Gas Reburning With Other Technologies One overriding advantage of gas reburning technology is its compatibility with other emission-control technologies, enabling it to be integrated into other advanced systems. This capability significantly expands its potential role for combination with a wide range of other applications. Examples include using it in combination with the following technologies: SO, Control Technologies — Furnace Sorbent Injection, Duct Sorbent Injection, Wet Scrubbers, Dry Scrubbers, and Coal Switching; NO, Control Technologies — Low-NO, Burners, Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (ammonia or urea injection), and Selective Catalytic Reduction; and Particulate Control Technologies — Electrostatic Precipitators and Fabric Filters (Baghouse). Gas reburning has been integrated with two other emission-control technologies (Furnace Sorbent Injection and Low-NO, Burners) in two demonstration projects involving all three types of boiler firing configurations. The two types of integrated emission-control systems may prove to be popular, due to their universal benefits vis-a-vis the specific requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. One other type of combined system, Gas Reburning/Low Sulfur Coal Switching, also seems to be an attractive means of controlling both NO, and SO,. However, switching to low-sulfur coal changes a number of combus- tion dynamics and design parameters. GR/SI equipment schematic, Hennepin Unit No. 1. High load sorbent injection nozzles Sorbent injection air duct Sorbent injection fan \ High load sorbent splitter Low load sorbent splitter ——— | Diverter valve Sorbent hose Flue gas recirculation and natural gas nozzles Grade elevation 465° - 0" Overfire air duct Multictone Natural gas pipe Nozzle cooling fan Flue gas recirculation duct Flue gas recirculation fan Red—Flue gas recirculation Green—Overfire air Blue—Sorbent injection Yellow—Reburn gas Gas Reburning Process Factors ¢ Slightly Fuel-Rich (90% theoretical air) ¢ Reactant Gas Phase Residence Time (0.3 - 0.5 seconds) ¢ Furnace Temperature (1600-2200 °F) 10 ee History of Development The development of gas reburning technol- ogy has been underway in various laboratories for some time. Researchers in the 1970s included the John Zink Company and Shell Development Company in the U.S. Subsequent work was also done by Mitsubishi of Japan, including commercial scale tests where NO, reductions greater than 50% were achieved when oil was used as the reburning fuel. The California-based firm of Energy and Envi- ronmental Research Corporation (EER) became interested in the potential of gas reburning and, with support from EPA and GRI, began extensive bench and pilot-scale testing in 1981 to characterize the fundamental process variables. Tests conducted on a 10 million Btu/hr (1 MWe) pilot plant convinced EER that natural gas is the best fuel for reburning. These tests also provided valuable scale-up information needed for the develop- ment of commercial applications under industrial conditions. Sorbent injection has been undergoing development since the mid 1970s with funding from EPA, DOE, EPRI and several commer- cial firms. Most of the work has focused on identifying the process parameters which optimize sulfur capture. Work has also been done on determining the impacts of the sorbent injection process on the overall performance of boilers, and on finding methods to reduce these impacts. This work included laboratory scale reactivity tests; bench scale process design development tests that focused on time/ temperature history and sorbent reactivity effects; large pilot-scale testing that focused on impacts of firing system design; and combus- tion model development programs. A number of field evaluations have been completed and additional efforts are in progress. EER has participated both directly and indirectly in most of this development work. In the last 10 years, a number of test pro- grams for sorbent injection have been carried out on boilers ranging from 15 to 600 MW, using a variety of coals. The Clean Coal Tech- nology Program has several of these sorbent injection projects. These projects, however, all focused on optimizing sorbent injection by itself. None involved gas reburning. es Demonstration Beginnings The next logical step toward commer- cialization of gas reburning and integrated technologies is to apply the existing knowledge and experience gained at the bench and pilot- plant level to a commercial operating plant. The technology needs to be demonstrated as being technically sound and economically competitive. DOE’s Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program is providing the means to accomplish that end. EER’s Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection (GR-SI) proposal was chosen for funding in DOE CCT-1. Initially intended to be installed at three different sites with three different boiler configurations, this project was subsequently cut back to only two host sites in Illinois. The May 1989, CCT-III solicitation resulted in funding of EER’s second gas reburning demonstration project: an integrated GR/Low-NO, Burner project on a wall-fired boiler at the Cherokee Station of Public Service of Colorado near Denver, Colorado. Work on these two projects is well underway. When completed, they will provide a comprehensive data base for use in the development of additional applications to other commercial plants. These two projects will also provide the much needed validation of the processes involved and the design methodolo- gies employed. They will demonstrate to the utility industry that viable technologies do exist to reduce NO, and SO, emissions to the levels required by the Clean Air Act Amend- ments of 1990, without having undue eco- nomic or operational impacts. ee Legislative & Marketplace Incentives Gas reburning can be applied commer- cially to meet specific NO, control require- ments in a cost-effective manner. Gas reburning also controls SO, by displacing part of the coal which contains sulfur. In addition, sorbent injection, integrated with gas reburning, provides enhanced SO, control. Therefore, both SO, and NO, control regulations are important to the deployment of gas reburning and integrated technologies. Titles I and IV of the 1990 revisions to the Clean Air Act are intended to mitigate NO, in ozone non-attainment areas and acid rain, respectively. They include NO, and SO, control provisions which could be met by gas reburning and integrated technologies. Title IV — Acid Rain Mitigation Title IV is intended to reduce both NO, and SO, so as to mitigate acid rain. The top 100 SO, sources are required to moderate SO, emissions and implement NO, controls in Phase I (starting in January 1995). In Phase II (starting in January, 2000) all sources are required to have both NO, and more stringent SO, controls. Title IV controls SO, via a system of emission allowances. Each allowance autho- rizes the bearer to emit one ton of SO, . The EPA will distribute the allowances based on the plant’s total annual heat input in the mid 1980s multiplied by an emission factor (2.5 Ib/ OOOO Demonstration Study and Status Update Evaluation of Gas Reburning and Low-NO, Burners on a Wall-Fired Boiler Plant Capacity/Production Public Service of Colorado Cherokee Station, Unit No. 3— 172 MWe Project Status/Accomplishments Phase |, Design and Permitting, began on October 13, 1990 and was essentially completed in September of 1991. Work completed in Phase | included permitting activities, engineering design, drawings and process specifications and ordering of long lead time items. Phase II, Construction and Startup, began on June 13, 1991 with demolition and the re- moval of an abandoned electrostatic precipita- tor. The construction phase of the project proceeded through the remainder of 1991 and was concluded on April 24, 1992. Startup was completed with only minor problems on June 30, 1992. Phase II of the project began after maintenance work was performed on Unit #3’s pulverizers during the summer of 1992. Phase II! work completed to date includes complete checkout of the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) and the Boiler Performance Monitoring System (BPMS), a baseline test with the Low NO, Burners and parametric optimization tests. The optimization testing was completed in April 1993. Results of the optimization tests indicate that NO, reduction of 70% from baseline values were achieved at full load. Long Term Testing has started and is planned to continue for a twelve month period. In preliminary startup tests a 70% NO, reduction was achieved. Project Funding Total project cost $16,194,172 100% U.S. DOE: 8,097,085 50% Other Participants: 8,097,087 50% Participants Energy and Environmental Research Corporation, Public Service Company of Colorado, Gas Research Institute, Colorado Interstate Gas Company, Electric Power Research Institute, U.S. Department of Energy. Project Objective To attain a 70% decrease in the emissions of NO, from an existing wall-fired utility boiler firing low-sulfur coal using both gas reburning and low-NO, burners. Commercial Application Gas reburning in combination with low- NO, burners is applicable to wall-fired boilers. The technology can be used in new and pre- NSPS wall-fired boilers. Specific features of this technology that increase its potential for commercialization are as follows: *Can be retrofitted readily to existing plants ¢ Reduces emissions by more than 70% * Has the potential to improve boiler operability * Has the potential to reduce the cost of electricity * Consists of commercially available components «Requires minimal space Milestone Completion Phase |—Design and Permitting 9-91 Phase |I—Construction, Start-up, and Shakedown 6-92 Phase ||I—Operation, Data Collection, Reporting and Disposition 9-94 Project Complete 12-94 11 Millions of Metric Tons 3.74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9 SO, and NO, emissions in the United States, showing that NO, emissions have generally held constant from 1973 to 1991 at 18-20 million tons per year. Sources: DOE/FE0193P and EPA-450-R-92-001 12 10° Btu for Phase I and 1.2 Ib/10° Btu for Phase II). New plants receive no allowances. The SO, emission allowances may be sold or bought. Decisions will be made to install SO, controls or to buy allowances based on the commodity costs of SO, allowances ($/ton of SO, emitted). The SO, control provided by gas reburning and integrated technologies will free additional allowances which may be sold at current market values. Title IV requires existing units to be retro- fitted to reduce NO, emissions to preliminary emission limits of 0.45 and 0.50 Ib/10° Btu for tangentially- and wall-fired units, respectively. Gas reburning demonstrations have satisfied these NO, limits readily on a routine basis. En- vironmental Protection Agency will define limits for cyclones, wet bottom furnaces and cell burner furnaces by 1997. Compliance may be achieved by meeting these limits on an an- nual average basis by any means, or by apply- ing “Low NO, Burner Technology.” This term will be specifically defined by EPA in late 1993 and is expected to include conventional low NO, burners and possibly overfire air ports which are an integral part of gas reburning. Title I — Ozone Non-Attainment Area NO, Mitigation Atmospheric ozone is produced in part by reactions involving NO, . Title I requires NO, emissions to be reduced so as to bring areas with high ozone into compliance with ambient air quality standards. The EPA has defined the specific areas of the country with ambient ozone concentrations exceeding the standards as ozone non-attainment areas. In some cases, NO, sources outside of non- attainment areas may be transported into the areas by prevailing winds, thus contributing to the high ozone levels in the area. In such cases, the contributing areas and non-attainment areas may be combined into Transport Regions. All sources within the Transport Regions are then subject to NO, control. There is potential for most of the United States east of the Mississippi River to be included in such Transport Regions. For plants within ozone non-attainment areas or transport regions, compliance with the Title lV NO, requirements may be a moot point. The additional NO, reductions required by Title I will necessitate more effective controls than the Low NO, Burner Technology of Title IV. Gas reburning and integrated technologies are excellent candidates for meeting these combined Title I and Title IV requirements. Gas reburning alone can achieve over 60% NO, control. In addition, if less NO, control is required initially (for Title [V compliance), less gas can be cofired, further reducing cost. If more NO, control is required, the gas reburning system can be upgraded with Low NO, Burners or to Advanced Gas Reburning. Pl Commercialization EER is now ready to design gas reburning and sorbent injection systems for virtually any utility boiler application. Accordingly, EER is now offering these technologies commercially with performance and emission control guarantees. The potential commercial applications of the emissions-control technologies involved in both demonstration projects, while similar, are never- theless different enough to discuss separately. GR-SI (Hennepin & Lakeside Projects) The commercial market potential for gas reburning and sorbent injection, either separately or combined, includes both utility and industrial applications in the U.S. and abroad. In combination, these two technolo- gies can be retrofitted to over 900 pre-NSPS utility boilers in the U.S. alone. They can also be applied to new boilers. Their use could enable the use of higher sulfur coals without exceeding emission limits of NO, and SO,. Since gas reburning and inte- grated technologies can meet or exceed the NO, control require- ments of both Title | or Title IV of the 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act, economic consider- ations are a key issue affecting technology development. Applica- tion of gas reburning and inte- grated technologies requires modifications to existing power plant equipment. As a result its capital costs and operating costs depend on site-specific factors. Some factors affecting the cost of these gas reburning technologies are: * gas availability at site * coal-gas cost differential ¢ sulfurdioxide removal requirements * value of SO, allowances Economic Considerations The emission control costs for gas reburning and integrated technologies as applied to a nomi- nal 500 MWe power station with a capacity factor of 65%, a SO, emission level of 6.0 Ib/10® Btu and a $1.00/108 Btu coal to gas cost differential are shown below in the table. The operating cost of gas reburning is dominated by the dif- ferential cost between coal and gas. For the subject sites of this re- port, the gas-coal cost differential ranges from $1.00 to $1.50/10® Btu, corresponding to 90-95% of the total operating cost. For gas reburning-sorbent injection, the cost of the sorbent influences costs particularly for high sulfur coals requiring substantial amounts of sorbent. Typical capital and operating costs for gas reburning technologies is shown in the figure below as a function of the coal to gas cost differential. The capital cost compo- nent corresponds to 0.7 to 2.0 mills/kwhr for the various systems, independent of the coal-gas cost differential. The operating cost increases linearly with the coal to gas cost differential. Capital and operating costs presented here are applica- tion specific; consequently the data presented here serve to indicate economic trends. Nominal Performance and Costs of Gas Reburning and Integrated Technologies dre) a) Control (%) Capital ($/kw) Pollutant Removal ($/ton) Capital + Operating (mills/kwh) Gas Reburning 30 2.8 Prey (GR) Gas Reburning - oJ) 8.0 388 Sorbent Injection (GR-SI) Gas Reburning - Low-NO, Burners (GR-LNB) I= AU =] Rey OR EEA eed 13 Gas Pricing and Availability Current forecasts show excellent gas reserves and stable prices compared to previous projections. Gas is now increasingly a market commodity not so different from coal. Gas users can 1993$/MMBtu 14 15 1991 GR-Low-NO, Burners (Cherokee Station) Gas reburning in combination with low- NO, burners is applicable to wall-fired utility boilers, both pre-NSPS and new. The addition of the low NO, burner enhances the commercialization potential of this combined technology. negotiate directly with produc- ers and transporters under a variety of contractual arrange- ments and options ranging from spot pricing to long-term/ price-certain contracts for natural gas supply. Price/Demand Vs. Time 1995 Source: GRI Projections 30 25 20 15 Demand (Quads) 10 ——Price Demand 5 2000 2005 2010 Year EER’s Marketing Plans EER has been closely involved in the commercial development of both sorbent injection technology (since the mid-1970s) and gas reburning systems (since 1981). It is also a pioneer in the integration of these two technologies, and is the first organization to combine gas reburning with low-NO, burners. This long and accomplished track record in the development of NO, and SO, control systems, coupled with the sponsor- ship and involvement in the three integrated GR demonstration projects featured in this report, gives EER the necessary experience and the technical know-how to market these technologies. According to recent reports, the market- place demand for such easily retrofitted, integrated emission control systems is quite large, ranging from 25% to 80% of the coal- fired utility boilers in the U.S., depending primarily on the gas-coal cost differential. The most likely candidates for gas reburn/sorbent injection retrofits would be utility boilers with the following characteris- tics: ¢ Currently burning medium- to high-sulfur coal, * Have at least 10 but less than 20 years of remaining useful life, ¢ Restricted or cramped sites, and * Ready access to a natural gas supply. Commercialization of this technology will largely depend upon the technical expertise and demonstration experience gained from this program. This information will permit the analysis and design of customized gas reburning and integrated technology retrofit systems to suit the specific needs of all potential customers — a capability absolutely critical to the success- ful implementation of these technologies. es Hennepin: Demonstrating The Potential Of GR-SI On Tangentially-Fired Boilers The GR-SI testing and demonstration program recently completed at Illinois Power’s Hennepin Generating Station, Unit #1 is one-half of a larger project intended to show the ability of EER’s integrated gas reburning and sorbent injection process to reduce NO, emissions by 60% and SO, by 50%. Testing Program The objectives of the test program were: (1) to optimize the operation of the GR-SI system, (2) to show that the performance goals have been achieved, (3) to quantify the costs and operational impacts of the GR-SI process, (4) to build a data base for use in subsequent GR- SI applications, and (5) to provide sufficient operating hours to determine the long-term effects of GR-SI operation. Testing began with baseline operation (without GR-SI) for 50 days to gather baseline NO, and SO, emission data. Gas reburning was then optimized, followed by the optimization of the sorbent injection process. A 12-month, long-term demonstration of GR-SI using the baseline coal as primary fuel was concluded in October 1992. In addition to emission data, operation and maintenance costs for the GR-SI system were monitored, along with all maintenance costs associated with boiler operation. Data were also collected for optimization of: the percent- age of gas heat input, zone stoichiometries, gas injection velocity, sorbent mass flow rate, sorbent injection velocity and configuration, oN and boiler operation parameters. To be able to monitor the emissions and ee performance data, a Boiler Performance Operating Hours Monitoring System (BPMS) was developed Hours and installed at Hennepin. This automated, Baseline 860 real-time system enables EER to continuously Gas Reburning (GR) 397 monitor emissions, heat absorption trends, Sorbent Injection (SI) 115 stoichiometric calculations, and boiler GR-SI 157 performance. It also provides immediate Total 2,129 information on fuel mass flow rates, steam rates, temperatures, and pressures. Manual sampling was done of particulate flow at the ESP inlet and outlet to determine the effect of sorbent injection on ESP performance. N,O was measured at the stack breeching. To be able to characterize the furnace flow field, in- furnace temperatures were measured, both before and after installation of the GR-SI system. Extensive testing of boiler tube thickness was conducted before, during, and after the program to determine the effects of GR-SI on tube wear. Tests on promoted sorbents were also run at the end of the program. Main process gas supply. Pretest Modifications To retrofit the Hennepin plant with a GR-SI test system, modifications for SI were required in four areas: the sorbent re- ceiving and storage area, boiler piping, ash disposal, and the electrostatic precipitator. For GR, natural gas injection nozzles were installed at the four corners of the boiler, directly above the primary combustion zone. To improve the penetration of natural gas mixing in the furnace, an 18-inch-diameter duct was installed to recycle flue gas from the duct between the economizer and air heater. The flue gas was then directed through a particulate removal device, a recirculation fan and delivered to the gas reburning nozzles for injection with the natural gas. Overfire air ducts were also installed at each corner of the boiler, directly above the reburning zone. These air ducts also serve as ports for the lower level sorbent injectors. A second sorbent injection elevation with a six nozzle configuration was installed in the upper furnace. Site-specific auxiliary systems associated with ash collection from sorbent injection in- clude a flue gas humidification system be- tween the air heater and ESP, and a CO, injec- tion system to control pH of the spent sorbent before being discharged to the ash pond. Hennepin Short-Term HCI-HF Data Natural gas: 19% of the total heat input Calcium/sulfur molar ratio: 1.66 % Reduction Final lb/10® Btu HCl 63-86 (9.3 - 25) X 10% HF 95-99:7 (1.6 - 19) X 10° RN IE ETS EE TEES TT TE 16 ee GR-SI Demonstration Data At this stage of project evaluation, test results are available from the Hennepin tangentially-fired boiler GR-SI demonstration. The following findings are conclusive: * Gas reburning performance is unaffected by injection of the regular hydrated lime. * SO, emissions reduction of up to 57% has been achieved during short-term testing by injecting hydrated lime with a Ca/S molar ratio of 2 through the upper injection configuration at full load. Eighteen percent of the SO, reduction is attributable to the replacement of coal with sulfur-free natural gas. The remaining 39% reduction is due to the effectiveness of the fine hydrated lime that is injected into the top of the boiler. Long-term testing has also shown that the 50% SO, reduction goal can be obtained at a molar Ca/S ratio of 1.75; and * So far, there have been no observed adverse effects to boiler performance: ash deposition and fireside corrosion have not increased, and neither has boiler-wall deposition. Other encouraging results include: successful start-ups of the retrofitted plant and long-term operation of the GR-SI system; and close correlation between the pilot-scale and predicted results. Achievement of 60% and 50% reduc- tions in NO, and SO, is a commercial reality. Routine day-to-day operation of the Hennepin GR-SI system by plant personnel resulted in NO /SO, emissions reduction of 67% and 53%, respectively. Hydrogen chloride (HCI) and hydrogen fluoride (HF) combustion products were also removed. ESP Performance Emissions of particulate matter during ee Gas Reburning Demonstration Data A substantial body of data has been obtained from the Hennepin Gas Reburning installation after operation for 1,150 hours (including GR and GR-SI operating hours). This includes paramet- ric optimization tests as well as long term data. The operations at Hennepin were completed in January 1993. Illinois Power intends to retain the gas reburning system for future NO, control. The parametric tests evaluated the effects of Gas Reburning process variables over the boiler operating range. Once during parametric testing under optimum conditions, NO, emissions were reduced by as much as 77% from the baseline coal fired level. These data were analyzed to select conditions which produced the best balance of perfor- mance for commercial operation. NO, emission data were obtained under these conditions as a function of the gas firing rate in parametric and long-term tests (under comparable conditions). Baseline uncontrolled emissions firing 100% coal (no gas) were 0.75 |b/10® Btu before installation of the Gas Reburning system. Gas Reburning with the design amount of gas firing (18%) reduced NO, emissions by 60% to 70% down to 0.23 to 0.30 Ib/10® Btu. The gas injection rate can be used as an adjustable parameter to control NO, emissions to meet a range of requirements. Even with only 10% gas firing, NO, emis- sions are reduced by 55% to 0.34 Ib/10® Btu. The cost effectiveness of gas is high. Following the parametric tests, long-term tests were conducted under normal com- mercial service conditions. This was a particularly severe test since the unit is cycled daily. NO, emissions were measured as a function of time (no tests in May or June 1992). NO, emissions were reduced by an average of 67.3% to 0.245 Ib/10® Btu. | Average Hennepin Long-Term GR-SI Data Natural gas: 18% of the total heat input Calcium/sulfur molar ratio: 1.75 % Reduction Final Ib/10° Btu so, 52.6 2.51 NO, 67.3 0.245 The effect of Gas Reburning on durability of the unit was also evaluated during the long-term test. Since the Reburning zone operates under oxygen deficient conditions, there was concern that tube wastage might be accelerated in this area due to the presence of reduced sulfur species or fluctuating oxidizing and reducing conditions. Accordingly, exten- sive durability evaluations were conducted throughout the test program including both baseline and GR-SI operating periods. The measurements included direct inspection, ultrasonic tube thickness measurements and destructive testing of tube sections. The results of these tests have confirmed no measurable increase in tube wastage rates occurred due to Gas Reburning or Sorbent Injection. Gas Reburning is a demonstrated process and is ready now for commercial use. Long-Term GR-SI Performance at Hennepin Average NO, Reduction 67.3%; Average NO, 0.245 Ib/MMBtu Average SO, Reduction 52.6%; Average SO, 2.51 lb/MMBtu 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 Average SO, and NO, Reduction (%) MWe De Rea ee RR et ny OME Lo eee ssxyyeee a Be ne ove eve owe eve vere a /t e/ a 6 stl 2 +6 S888 5 12/6 €2/6 ot/6 6OL 17 | GR-S1 operation with flue gas humidification have been limited to essen- Advanced tially the levels of baseline operation Gas Reburning without humidification. Full load (70 MWe) baseline particulate emissions ranged from Advanced Gas Reburning is a synergistic combination of Gas 0.018 to 0.035 1b/10° Btu, corresponding to Reburning and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR). In this ESP collection efficiencies of 99.6 to 99.8%. case, Gas Reburning uses only 10% of the boiler fuel as natural gas These results compared to full load GR-SI and SNCR uses urea, ammonia or other proprietary nitrogen com- particulate emissions of 0.015 to 0.025 Ib/ pounds. NO, reductions achieved in pilot plant testing were 82% to 10° Btu, corresponding to ESP collection 83% based on a nitrogen agent to NO, molar ratio of 1.5:1. efficiencies of 99.8 to 99.9%. The particu- late emissions decreased with decreasing A Comparison of Gas Reburning (GR) ESP flue gas temperature due to flue gas and Its Advanced Technology cooling by humidification. Process Status Gas Urea NO, Reduction Boiler Efficiency and Heat Transfer The boiler efficiency decreased slightly GR Com. 18% - 60-75% (less than 2%) during GR and GR-SI operations, compared to the baseline Advanced GR Pilot 10% Yes 82-83% operation. GR and GR-SI also impacted the heat es =— taser profile. GR results in increased heat absorption in the secondary and reheat super- heaters, a decrease in the furnace heat absorp- tion, and no change in the heat absorption by the primary superheater or economizer. GR-SI results in reduced heat absorption in the fur- nace, secondary and reheat superheaters, and Effect of SO, credit on NO, control cost (with spent sorbent-ash an increase in the primary superheater and sluice neutralization) economizer heat absorption. 2000 | | tc 8 Om 1500 e Flue Gas CO, 3 5 1000 e ~ o ° © 500 ° P=] 8 oO 0 o 2 -500 Gas Reburning With PromiSORB™B; Gas Heat = 18% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 SO, Credit ($/Ton) 18 Boiler Tubes Ultrasonic tube thickness measurements were taken at approximately 4,000 points in the boiler during each of the three tests: 1988 (prior to GR-SI retrofit), 1990 (prior to GR-SI operation), and 1992 (after GR-SI operation). The results indicate that wall thicknesses measured in 1992 were, in many cases, larger than 1988 and 1990 measure- ments. In some cases the wall thickness reductions between 1990 and 1992 were preceded by an apparent increase from 1988 to 1990. In only a few sections, was there a consistent reduction in wall thickness from 1988 to 1992. In those areas, the tube wall life would still be expected to last beyond the year 2023, the expected life of the unit. Several areas showed that significant tube wall wear had already occurred at the time of the earliest measurements (1988). Chimney Inspection The chimney was inspected before and after GR-SI testing, in April 1990 and October 1992. Internal and external exami- nations of the chimney were conducted for changes in wear rate and deposition of particulate matter. The inspections showed no increase in the internal wear (mortar) but increased deposition of particulate matter throughout the chimney. Illinois Power has indicated that this is not of concern. Promoted Sorbents In addition to the regular hydrated lime (HL), three sorbents promoted with proprietary additives were also tested at Hennepin. Promoted sorbents have better perfor- mance and lower SO, control costs than the hydrated lime. PromiSORB™ A also contributes some NO, reduction. PromiSORB™ B provides significant improvement in the cost of SO, emission control. PromiSORB™ is a commercial product offered by a joint venture between EER Corporation and Petroleos de Venezu- ela. Similarly, higher surface area hydrated lime (HSAHL), as developed by the State of Illinois Geological Survey, has better performance and lower costs. Prom1SOx™ process Illinois Coal PromiSORB™B SO, Capture (%) TT a) Pog oO 05 1.0 1.5 20 25 3.0 CalS Ratio (Molar) Sorbents Tested at Hennepin Hydrated High Surface Lime (HL) Area HSAHL PromiSORB™ A = PromiSORB™ B $/ton sorbent 74 89 89 93 delivered Ca/S Molar Ratio 1.75 ASL. 1275, 1.75 Ca utilization, % 24 35 33 39 Sorbent cost, $/ton 380 310 330 290 SO, removed* “Actual costs will depend on site specific factors Natural gas injectors being installed at Lakeside. Flanged piping is for connecting recirculated flue gas lines. ee Lakeside: GR-SI Demonstration On A Cyclone-Fired Boiler This City Water, Light, and Power generat- ing unit (Lakeside Station) in Springfield, Illinois, is the second half of a two-site project to demonstrate the ability of EER’s integrated GR-SI retrofit process to reduce NO, and SO, emissions. The Lakeside Unit #7 is a cyclone- fired, 40 MWe boiler that burns high-sulfur Illinois coal. Project Status The retrofitting at Lakeside was begun in mid-1990, and was completed in early 1993. Start-up and baseline operation of the GR-SI began in the May of 1993. All demonstration operation and testing is scheduled for comple- tion in August of 1994. The date of the final report on this project is scheduled for Novem- ber of 1994. Testing Program This specific testing program has the same five objectives as the overall GR-SI demon- stration program: (1) to optimize the operation of the GR-SI system, (2) to demonstrate that the performance goals can be achieved, (3) to quantify the costs and operational impacts of the GR-SI process, (4) to establish a data base for use in future GR-SI applications, and (5) to provide sufficient operating hours to determine the long-term effects of GR-SI operation. Testing began with baseline operation (without GR-SI) in order to gather baseline NO, and SO, emission data. Once this baseline testing was completed, the gas reburn portion of the process was optimized. This was followed by the optimization of the sorbent injection system in the presence of ideal GR conditions. A 12-month demonstration of GR-SI is underway using baseline coal. During this operational demonstration, continuous monitoring of NO, and SO, emissions is being conducted. In addition, all operating and boiler/system maintenance data is being recorded. As at Hennepin, the impact of GR-SI on boiler tube thickness will be extensively tested before, during, and after the test program to determine if there is any wall erosion or tube deterioration. Additional tests, including alternate sorbents, will also be carried out within the program. Upon completion of this demonstration testing, a final report will be published. All test results will be reported to DOE, GRI, and the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, the three major co-funders of the project. Pretest Modifications The following physical modifications were required to retrofit the Lakeside #7 boiler and related equipment with the GR-SI emission reduction system. The principal boiler changes included the through-the- wall installation of an array of natural gas/ flue gi duct and nozzles, sorbent injection nozzles, and test ports. To improve the penetration of the natural gas into the furnace, a flue gas recirculation fan was installed, with appro- priate ductwork, to provide flue gas as a transport medium. The sorbent is delivered to the various sorbent injection nozzles through a pneumatically-operated system of flexible hoses from the newly constructed sorbent storage facility. To enhance the penetration of the sorbent into the boiler, a 125 HP sorbent injection fan was installed to pull air from the boiler room for delivery to the sorbent injection nozzles. Related construction activities included: the construction of a cylindrical sorbent SORBENT FEED SILO y OVER-FIRE AIR NATURAL GAS RECIRCULATED FLUE GAS s recirculation nozzles, an overfire air storage silo, able to hold a five-day supply (325 tons) of hydrated lime, and all related sorbent handling equipment and unloading facilities; a dry ash handling facility for short-term storage of the GR-SI ash by- product before shipment to a landfill; and the installation of a natural gas supply line to the plant, including a pressure-reducing station and meter. Test Results GR-SI operation of the Lakeside unit has just begun. The initial GR tests show that the 60% NO, reduction goal has been achieved. Initial SI tests similarly indicate that the 50% SO, reduction goal for GR-SI operation will be achieved. BOILER ECONOMIZER HUMIDIFICATION BURNOUT WATER ZONE eee Ne Laie Ne) a aa atl TO WASTE DISPOSAL BOTTOM ASH GR-SI-process flow diagram. FAN GR-LNB System Schematic at Cherokee 22 ee Cherokee: Demonstrating GR & Low-NO, Burners On A Wall-Fired Boiler This project is intended to demonstrate the ability of an integrated gas reburning, low-NO_, burner process to significantly reduce NO, emissions. It has been installed on the Public Service Company of Colorado’s Cherokee Station, Unit #3, which is a 172 MWe, low-sulfur coal- burning, wall-fired boiler. Developed by EER, this process uses natural gas as a reburn fuel (up to 20% of total fuel input). The gas is fired above the main coal combustion zone in the boiler, creating a slightly fuel-rich zone. NO, moving upward from the lower region of the furnace is “reburned” in this zone and converted to atmospheric nitrogen. BURNOUT ZONE REBURNING ZONE Eight (8) Gas___.» Reburning Injectors Low-NO, burners installed in the coal combustion zone retard the production of NO, by staging the burning process to carefully control the coal/air mixture. When LNBs are used synergistically with GR, a projected 70% reduction in NO, emissions is attainable. Project Status This project was awarded in October of 1990. Design of the Cherokee retrofit began immediately, including the design, arrange- ment, and sizing of the system’s components; placement of component orders; and the selection of contractors. The design process was completed in mid-1991. Construction began immediately afterward and was completed in April of 1992. Baseline operation of the GR system was delayed while the plant rebuilt its coal pulverizers. Optimiza- tion testing began in November 1992. The long-term operation phase began in April 1993. Initial test results have achieved the project goal of a 70% reduction in NO, emissions at a controlled excess air level. Six (6) Overfire Air Injectors Eight (8) Gas Reburning Injectors Sixteen (16) Low iN eMm aT gate} Testing Program The objectives of the GR-LNB testing program are: (1) to optimize the operation of the GR-LNB process, (2) to demonstrate that the performance goal (>70% NO, reduction) is achievable, (3) to quantify the costs and operational impacts of the GR-LNB process, and (4) to build a data base and the know-how for use in subsequent GR-LNB applications. Pretest Modifications The major LNB retrofit item was the re- placement of the 16 front-wall burners with Foster Wheeler Internal Fuel Staging low- NO, burners. The remaining portions of the fuel system required only minor modifica- tions. Placing a GR system on this boiler involved the installation of three subsystems: (1) the natural gas metering and distribution system; (2) the flue gas reinjection system; and (3) the overfire air system. The first of these subsystems delivers natural gas to the upper furnace reburning area. The flue gas reinjection subsystem helps ensure good natural gas penetration into and dispersion throughout the furnace. The overfire air subsystem is above the natural gas injection zone and assists in achieving complete combustion. Initial construction work involved the removal of an obsolete electrostatic precipita- tor to make room for the overfire air and flue gas reinjection fans, motors, ductwork, and supporting structures. Next, natural gas injectors and overfire air nozzles were installed in the furnace walls. Since portions of the furnace wall tubing had to be removed, the boiler was shut down for about two months. During this outage, most of the work on the natural gas subsystem was completed, and much of the overfire air and flue gas recirculation system work, at and adjacent to the boiler, was also completed. Simultaneous with this mechani- cal work was the installation of all electrical, instrumentation, and system controls. Diagram of a low-NO, burner. (EER’s FlamemastEER™ Type 4AFW Low NO, Burner is shown) 23 Cherokee gas reburning low-NO, burner model. 24 Similar to the other GR demonstration sys- tems installed, the Cherokee unit’s overfire air is taken from the boiler, downstream from the air heater. It is then routed around the boiler to an overfire air fan, boosted in pressure, and routed back to the boiler. The flue gas reinjection subsystem takes flue gas leaving the air heater, routes it to a multiclone and recirculation fan, boosts its pressure, and then routes it back to the boiler. Test Results Extensive parametric tests of gas reburning have been completed at Cherokee. NO, emissions can be shown as a function of stoichiometry. For the baseline and low NO, burner tests, which involve a single combustion zone, the overall stoichiometry is employed. For GR, the stoichiometry refers to the Gas Reburning Zone. The minimum NO, emission with GR-LNB measured to date was 0.20 Ib/10° Btu. This was found at a Reburning Zone stoichiom- etry of 88% of theoretical air and a gas firing rate of 20%. This NO, level corre- sponds to a reduction of 72% from the baseline level and 60% from the low NO, burner level. The one-year long-term test is currently in progress. In general, the NO, emission is reduced with increasing gas feed up to about the 20% input level. For baseline, LNB, and GR-LNB, the NO, emission increases with increasing load. The increase in NO, with increasing load is more moderate with GR-LNB than that with baseline or LNB. Long-term demonstration of the Cherokee Unit’s GR-LNB system has just begun. The initial demonstration results obtained at constant or varied loads in the first three months agreed with parametric test results. ECONOMIZER BAGHOUSE REBURN |} ZONE ioe AIR a Mil TO DISPOSAL Flow diagram, gas reburning and low-NO, burners on a wall-fired boiler. The mounting shroud for the low-NO, burner is being checked during installation in the boiler wall at Cherokee Unit No. 3. 25 NO, Data from Cherokee Unit 3 1.0 eee CO ed oo ML ESUUTEES 08 07 06 0.5 NO, (Ib/10° Btu) 0.4 otto) OE me ay 3.4-4.1% O, 03 0.2 0.1 = 0.0 eo 1 ae a 1 1 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Zone Stoichiometry (% of theoretical air) NO, (Ib/10° Btu) 0.8 Cherokee Station Unit #3 07 ~—Baseline 0.6 0.5 1 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Load (MWe) 0.4 0.3 NO, (Ib/10° Btu) 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Baseline Gas Heat Input (%) or LNB 26 ee Environmental Monitoring As required by EER’s cooperative agree- ments with DOE for both demonstration projects (Hennepin/Lakeside and Cherokee), environmental monitoring will be conducted during the course of each project at all three sites to ensure process acceptability. As detailed in the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) submitted for both projects, this monitoring will be used to develop a data base Upper Furnace - Temperature - Velocity - Fouling Sorbent + Air une Reburning Zone - CO,, O,, & H,S - Heat Flux - Temperatures & Velocities - Fouling/Slagging - Flame Observations NG + FGR Coal + Air ees oiler & ESP Operating Data - Burner Tilt, Mills-in-Service - Burner Air Register Settings - Coal Analysis - GR-SI and Humidification Operating - ESP Operating Voltages and Current for the assessment of the environmental performances of the technologies used (i. gas reburning, sorbent injection, LNBs, and their respective integrated applications). It will also be used for the replication of any of these technologies, independent of specific site characteristics. Specific monitoring described in both APs includes: air, wastewater, solid waste, groundwater, and health and safety conditions. Also described is all additional monitoring required for specific state and local regula- tions. All EMP testing and measurements utilize standard EPA methods and procedures as applicable. Environmental monitoring flow chart Economizer Inlet - CEMS (NO,, SO,, O,, CO, CO,) - Carbon in Ash - Ca/S Stratification Boiler Performance BPMS BOILER ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR ™ (BAGHOUSE) : ESP Outlet - Particulate Loading - Particulate Size Distribution ‘Flue Gas to Stack ‘eeching N.O - Opacity - CEMS (NO,, SO,, Ash (C, Ca, S, Metals) Eu Humi - Waterflow Particulate Size Distribution & Loading) - Approach to Saturation| - SO. - Duct Deposits - Fly Ash Resistivity - Carbon in Ash -Ca/S ification ESP Inlet O,, CO, CO.) (C, Ca, S, Metals) Shaped boiler tubes, part of the over-fire air and gas reburn system, were welded into the boiler wall at Cherokee Station. 28 Air Monitoring The air monitoring plans for both demonstration projects include specifica- tions for point-source emissions, fugitive dust emissions, and ambient air concentra- tions. Both demonstrations closely monitor flue gas NO,, SO,, CO, CO,, and O, con- tinuously. Measurements of particulate loading and particle size are also included. Samples are being collected at both the inlet and outlet sides of the precipitators or baghouse. Compliance monitoring of point-source emissions is conducted for SO,, opacity, and particulate loading. Supplemental monitor- ing is also being done for particulates (including particle size distribution), SO,, NO,, and CO. Substances monitored are regulated by the various state air permitting requirements, or are criteria pollutants under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. CO, and O, are also monitored to help in the data interpretation of SO,, NO,, and CO levels. The hazardous air pollutants, hydrochlo- ric acid (HCI) and hydrofluoric acid (HF), in flue gas have been monitored for the GR-SI demonstration project, in which HCI and HF are theoretically expected to be captured by the sorbent used. This expectation has been verified at Hennepin and will be tested at Lakeside as well. Wastewater Monitoring On two of the demonstration sites, large quantities of sorbent chemicals are being injected into the boilers. The test program is performing more sampling and analyses of wastewater to ensure adequate data for future applications. This compliance with supplemental monitoring requirements will primarily be concerned with the measure- ment of calcium-sulfur compounds, and pH levels in the groundwater. Solid Waste & Groundwater Monitoring The EMP for the Hennepin and Lakeside project addresses the increased volume of ash generated, and the changed chemical and physical characteristics of this ash as a result of the sorbent used. It also discusses the need for ongoing groundwater monitoring in the vicinity of the two ash disposal sites after completion of the operational phases of these projects. Health & Safety Monitoring Each of the utility companies involved has a health and safety program in place which ensures safe working conditions at their individual plants. Each has extensive training programs in safety procedures, hazardous conditions, and identification of all hazardous materials their workers normally encounter. EER also determines total suspended particulate concentrations and noise levels in work areas according to the environmental monitoring plan. GR-LNB Operations Control Center 29 Isothermal flow model of the Hennepin tangentially-fired boiler. Test results were used to locate gas, overfire air and sorbent injection ports. 30 ee References Reports “Comprehensive Report to Congress on the Clean Coal Technology Program: Enhancing the Use of Coals by Gas Reburning and Sorbent Injection.” (Energy and Environmental Research Corporation). Report No. DOE/FE- 0085. U.S. Department of Energy. April 1987. “Comprehensive Report to Congress on the Clean Coal Technology Program: Evaluation of Gas Reburning and Low-NO, Burners on a Wall-Fired Boiler.” (Energy and Environmen- tal Research Corporation). Report No. DOE/ FE-0204P. U.S. Department of Energy. September 1990. Papers Angello, L.C., Engelhardt, D.A., Folsom, B.A., Opatrny, J.C., Sommer, T.M., and Ritz, HJ., “Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection Demonstra- tion Results,” presented at the U.S. Department of Energy First Annual Clean Coal Technol- ogy Conference, Cleveland, Ohio (September 22-24, 1992). Bartok, W.., et al., “Field Evaluation of Combined NO/SO, Control via Gas Re- burning-Sorbent Injection for Coal-Fired Utility Boilers,” Fourth Symposium on Integrated Environmental Control, Washing- ton, DC, March 1988. Bartok, W., May, T.J., and Krueger, MLS., “Application of Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection Technology for Control of NO, and SO, Emissions,” EPRI-EPA Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO, Control, March 1991. Engelhardt, D.A., Rooney, H.V., Payne, R., and Ritz, H.J., “Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection for Acid Rain Precursor Emission Control—System Design/Construction/ Operating Constraints,” 1992 International Joint Power Generation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1992. Folsom, B.A., and Browning-Sletten, M., “Evaluation of Gas Reburning and Low NO, Burners on a Wall Fired Boiler,” presented at the ASME International Joint Power Genera- tion Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (October 21-25, 1990). Folsom, B.A., Hong, C.C., Sommer, T.M., and Pratapas, J.M., “Reducing Stack Emissions by Gas Firing in Coal-Designed Boilers — Field Evaluation Results,” presented at the EPRI/ EPA 1993 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO. Control, Miami Beach, Florida (May 24-27, 1993). Hong, C.C., Opatrny, J.C., Sanyal, A., Sommer, T.M., and Folsom, B.A., “HCI-HF Removal by Sorbent Injection in a Pulverized Coal Fired Utility Boiler Furnace,” Interna- tional Joint Power Generation Conference and Exhibition, Kansas City, Missouri (October 17-21, 1993). Keen, R.T., Hong, C.C., Opatrny, J.C., Sommer, T.M., Folsom, B.A., Payne, R., Ritz, H.J., and Pratapas, J.M., “Gas Reburning- Sorbent Injection Demonstration Results,” 1993 EPRI/EPA/DOE SO, Control Sympo- sium, Boston, Massachusetts (August 24-27, 1993). 31 To Receive Additional Information To be placed on the Depart- ment of Energy's distribution list for future information on the Clean Coal Technology Program and the demonstra- tion projects it is financing, contact: Mr. George Lynch FE-22 U.S. Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 (301) 903-9434 Preparation and printing of this document conforms to the general funding provisions of a cooperative agreement between Energy and Environmental Research Corp., and the U.S. Department of Energy. The funding contribution of the industrial participant permitted inclusion of multicolored artwork and photographs at no additional expense to the U.S. Government. 32 Kokkinos, A., “Reburning for Cyclone Boiler Retrofit NO, Control,” EPRI Journal, pp. 36- 38, December 1992. Lewis, R.D., “Close Coupled Gas Reburn: Application to a Tangentially Fired Boiler,” presented at the EPRI/EPA 1993 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO. Control, Miami Beach, Florida (May 1993). Opatrny, J.C., et al., “Operating Experience with a Gas Reburning-Sorbent Injection System for Acid Rain Precursor Emission Control for Utility Boilers,” ASME Inter- national Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, California, October 1991. Sanyal, A., Sommer, T.M., Hong, C.C., Folsom, B.A., Payne, R., and Seeker, W.R., “Advanced NO, Control Technologies,” Power-Gen Europe ’93, Paris, France (May 25-27, 1993). Sanyal, A., Sommer, T.M., Hong, C.C., Folsom, B.A., and Payne, R., “Low-NO, Burners and Gas Reburning — an Integrated Advanced NO, Reduction Technology,” The Institute of Energy/International Symposium on Combustion and Emissions Control, University of Wales, United Kingdom (September 21-22, 1993). Sommer, T.M., Hong, C.C., Moser, H.M., and Ritz, H.J., “Integrating Gas Reburning with Low NO, Burners,” presented at the U.S. Department of Energy First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio (September 22-24, 1992). Wu, K.T., et al., “Development and Applica- tion of a Gas Reburning Process Model for the Design of Boiler NO, Reductions,” 1991 International Joint Power Generation Confer- ence, San Diego, California, October 1991.