HomeMy WebLinkAboutSynopses of Western Arctic & Northwest Alaska Coal Projects 1993SYNOPSES OF WESTERN ARCTIC - AND NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECTS August, 1993 submitted to: Alaska Energy Authority Contract No. 2800648 prepared by: ASCG INCORPORATED I. Il. II. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Annotated Bibliography .. 1... ...., cee ee ees 1 Cross Referencerndexjs-6 sii ices css oa ew of athe Viseeh ere ws ow is oe 96 10 Synopses of Western Arctic and Northwest Alaska Coal Projects ........... 17 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Title 1993 Stephen S. Wilson, ASCG Incorporated, 1993 Western Arctic Coal Project Review of Mineral Management Service Literature with Respect to Bowhead, Gray and Beluga Whales in the Chukchi Sea For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, January 1993 1992 ASCG Incorporated, 1992 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project - Phase VI For North Slope Borough, September 1992 Arctic Slope Consult Group; SFT, Inc., 1992 Interim Report IT Coal-Fired Power Plants For State of Alaska, August 1992 Alaska Energy Authority, 1992 Unalaska Power Production For State of Alaska, July 1992 ASCG Incorporated, 1992 Deadfall Syncline Surface Coal Mining Permit Application For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, December 18, 1991-Technical Revisions June, 5, 1992 JWA, Inc., 1992 Planning Report- Electric Transmission Lines for the Northwest Coal Project For State of Alaska, May 1992 James E. Callahan, P.D. Rao, Daniel E. Walsh, 1992 Deadfall Syncline Coal: Quality and Reserves MIRL Report No. 93 For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, April 1992 59 58 Sf 56 55 54 a3 Title Arctic Slope Consulting Group; Northern Land Use Research, Inc., 1992 Archaeological Survey of the 1991 Exploration Transportation Route and Drilling Sites Deadfall Syncline Coal Mine, Northwest Alaska For North Slope Borough, February 1992, Minor Revisions, May 1992 1991 Analysis North, 1991 Economic Analysis of Coal-Fired Power Plants to Serve Nome, Kotzebue and the Red Dog Mine For State of Alaska, September 19, 1991 ASCG Incorporated, 1991 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project - Phase V Project Report For North Slope Borough, September 1991 SFT, Inc., 1991 Northwest Alaska Coal Project Power Plant Evaluation - Final Report For State of Alaska, September 1991 Analysis North; EMI Consulting, 1991 Northwest Alaska Coal Project Nome Electrical Load Forecast Final Report For State of Alaska, September 1991 Denton Civil and Mineral, 1991 Northwest Alaska Coal Project Preliminary Mining Plan and Cost Estimate Final Report For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, September 1991 Arctic Slope Consulting Group; Hanson Environmental Research Services, 1991 Technical Memorandum - Northwest Alaska Coal Project Belukha Whale Survey For State of Alaska, September 1991 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 Title Arctic Slope Consulting Group, 1991 Technical Memorandum on Infrastructure Evaluation for Northwest Al. ‘oal Project - Fin: For State of Alaska, May 20, 1991 Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, Norway, 1991 Northern Sea Route Project (NSR) For State of Alaska, May 1991 Alaska Biological Research, Inc., 1991 Vegetation and Soils of the Deadfall Syncline Mining Area, Northwestern Alask: Final Report For State of Alaska, March 25, 1991 Manalytics, Inc., 1991 Western Arctic Coal Transportation Project For State of Alaska, March 1991 1990 John T. Boyd Company, 1990 Executive Summary North Slope Coal Market Study Deadfall Syncline Reserve Area For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, November 1990 Arctic Slope Consulting Group, 1990 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project - Phase IV Project Report For North Slope Borough, September 1990 Arctic Slope Consulting Group; Mechanical Technology, Inc., 1990 K ue and Nom id Final Report For Alaska Energy Authority, January 1990 F 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 = = — Io EE Gregory A. Reinhart, Inc. (G.A. Reinhart, Ph.D.), 1989 Archaeol Deadfall lini ul: ce Site Ev: ions Rel: hi Western Arctic Coal Development Project For State of Alaska, December 22, 1989 Arctic Slope Consulting Group, 1989 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project - Phase III Project Report For North Slope Borough, December 1989 Arctic Slope Consulting Group, 1989 Aluaq Mine Stud Commercial Feasibility Analysis Repo: For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, November 1989 Arctic Slope Consulting Group (James E. Callahan, Geologist), 1989 Coal Investigations in the Coke Basin and Tupikchak Syncline, Western Arctic - Field Investigations For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, August 1989 Arctic Slope Consulting Group (James E. Callahan, Geologist), 1989 Geology of the Western Arctic Coal Basins and Potential of Coal Basin Developable Deposit A Preliminary Investigation For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, June 29, 1989 Batelle Memorial Institute, 1989 Project Ri on Deadfall Syncline Coal Evaluation to Arctic Slope Regional Corporation For State of Alaska, April 10, 1989 1988 Arctic Slope Consulting Group, 1988 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project Project Report For North Slope Borough, December 1988 38 37 36 35) 34 33 32 Title Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, et al., 1988 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase III Final Report For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, April 1988 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, 1988 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase III Hydrology Survey Report For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, 1988 Howard Grey and Associates, 1988 ° 1987 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project Field Program Summary Report For North Slope Borough, April 1988 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers; Hanson Environmental Research Services; Graystar Technical Services; Edwin Hall and Associates; Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, 1988 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase II Environmental Assessment - Appendix D, 1987 Field Program For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, March 1988 Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, 1988 Western Arctic: Alaska’s New Coal Frontier (Brochure) For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, February 24, 1988 Howard Grey & Associates, 1988 1987 Western Arctic 1 hysical Program For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, February 1988 1987 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers OceanTech, 1987 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project For North Slope Borough, September 1987 oi 30 29 28 oT 26 25 Title No. Howard Grey and Associates, 1987 Wi vel nt Project - II Western Arcti | Field Program Summary Report For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, January 1987 24 1986 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, 1986 Western Arcti Development Proj Phase II Final Re - Volumes I and II For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, June 1986 23 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers; Mineral Industry Research laboratory (Dr. P.D. Rao), 1986 Western Arcti Development Project - Phase II al i d Utilization Evaluation Re For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, February 1986 22 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase II Permitting Plan - Technical Memorandum For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, 1986 21 1985 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers; Hanson Environmental Research Services, 1985 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase II reliminary R - Component Im Assessment For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, December 18, 1985 20 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, 1985 Western Arctic Coal Development Project Infrastructure Design - Preliminary Report For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, December 1985 19 Hanson Environmental Research Services, 1985 Western Arctic Coal Development Project Environmental Assessmen For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, December 1985 18 Title Howard Grey & Associates, Inc., 1985 1 We: Arcti hysical Program For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, November 1985 Mechanical Technology Incorporation, 1985 Village End Use Technology Assessment for Western Arcti al Development Proj For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, October 22, 1985 ASCE; Pool Engineering, Inc., 1985 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase II Technical Memorandum - Task 4 - Preliminary Mine Design For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, August 30, 1985 Swan Wooster Engineering, Inc., 1985 Western Arctic Coal Development Project Technical Memorandum - Phase II - Task 5 Port Coal Handling Unit For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, August 29, 1985 Swan Wooster Engineering, Inc., 1985 Western Arctic Coal Development Project Technical Memorandum - Phase II - Task 5 Port Coal Handlin: i For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, June 12, 1985 Duane Miller & Associates, 1985 Geotechnical Investigations Western Arctic Coal Development Project For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, August 20, 1985 Howard Grey and Associates, Inc., 1985 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase II 1 Field Pr m Report For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, August 1985 EKONO, Inc., 1985 District Heating Study for Two Alaskan Communities Nome and Kivalina For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, May 15, 1985 17 16 15, 14B 14A 13 12 11 Title In 1985 Western Arcti Devel ject - P I Preliminary Institutional Market Assessment For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, May 6, 1985 1984 ASCE; Ambler Exploration, Inc.; Howard Grey and Associates; Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, 1984 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase I Pre-Development Site Investigation ° For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, November 1984 Dames & Moore, 1984 Bethel Area Power Plan Feasibility Assessmen Appendix C-1 1 Resource A: ment Draft For Harza Engineering Co.; Alaska Power Authority, April 1984 1983 Howard Grey & Associates, Inc., 1983 Feasibilit - Pt. Hope - P al Conversion For North Slope Borough, November 1983 Dames & Moore, 1983 An Economic and Technical Assessment of the Marketability of Western Arctic SI Coal For Alaska Division of Legislative Finance, February 1983 1982 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, 1982 Western Arctic Coal Resource Assessment Study For Alaska Division of Legislative Finance, December 15, 1982 10 Title Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.; Ralph Stefano Associates, Inc; Veco, Inc., 1982 Kotzebue Coal-Fired Cogeneration, District Heating and Other Energy Alternatives Feasibility Assessmen For Alaska Power Authority, November 1982 1981 Dames & Moore, 1981 Assessment of the Feasibility of Utilization of R rces of Northwestern Alaska for Space Heating and Electricity - Phase IT For Alaska Power Authority, December 1981 1980 Dames & Moore; Resource Associates of Alaska, Inc., 1980 Assessment of Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska Phase I Vol. II - Task 2: 1R rces of Northwest A For Alaska Power Authority, December 1980 Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc., 1980 Feasibili dy on District Heatin: m Wainwright For North Slope Borough, July 31, 1980 Word Acid Rain AIDEA Air Photography Air Quality Airstrips Alaska Power Authority Aluaq Mine Amatusuk Hills ANCSA Archeological Resources Arctic Ocean Ash Handling Ash Slagging/Fouling ASTM Standards Barbara Syncline Bathymetry Beach Material Beaufort Sea Beaufort Syncline Belukhas Bering Strait Bethel BIA Coal Shipments Birds Blasting Borrow Sources Bowhead Whales Brayton Cycle Brown (Grizzly) Bear Bulk Fuel Storage Camp Operation Cape Beaufort Cape Dyer Cape Sabine Capital Costs Caribou CROSS REFERENCE INDEX 10 Report Number 52 23 31 $8, 185-1922, 23, 33,52, 55 125.19; 20;.23, 29,31, 32, 37,39, 40, 50, 58 23 36, 47 28 23, 36 285.38, ;52; 55 44 49 33 22; 235.595 99 5 18, 19, 23 13, 42 59 34, 26 18, 28, 46, 55, 59 44, 59 6, 8, 31 23 18, 28, 55 19, 23, 24, 29, 37, 40, 50, 55, 58 OZ Sy ly) 45 59 16, 33, 39 28, 55 23, 31, 45 17, 19, 20, 23,24, 25, 29, 31, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 25 Sy Dy Orde 85195 22523, 29, 205 28, 31,34, 35, 46,53, 55 5 20 46 3, 4, 6, 8, 14a, 14b, 15, 23, 31, 36, 45, 47, 50 28, 55 Word Chicago Creek Chukchi Sea Clean Air Act Climate Clinkers Coal Analysis Coal Bagging Coal Beds Coal Benefication Coal Briquettes Coal Characteristics Coal Classification Coal Combustion Coal Conversion Coal Dust Coal Fines Coal Gasification Coal Handling Coal Mining Coal Petrology Coal-Fired Powerplants Coal Processing Coal Production Coal Quality Coal Resources Coal Sampling Coal Storage Coal Stoves Coal Stripping Coal Transportation Coal Use Cogeneration Coke Coke Basin Communications Continental Shelf 11 Report Number 4, 39 2, 28, 42, 44, 46, 55, 59 49, 52, 57 12, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 39, 46 55 49 2, 8, 9, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33 39, 41, 53, 55 25, 29, 37, 40, 50, 55, 58 53, 55 23 23, 31 15, 16, 23, 31, 39 9, 22, 23, 39, 55 16, 22, 31, 33, 39 7, 22, 23 22 55 1 8, 12, 14a, 14b, 23, 47, 48 32, 36, 37, 40, 47, 50, 55, 58 22, 53 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 22, 23, 33, 39, 49 51, 52, 57 15, 23, 55 15, 23, 47 6, 9, 22, 53, 55 4, 5, 8, 9, 17, 23, 31, 35, 36, 39, 41, 53 24, 25, 29, 31, 32, 53, 55 14a, 14b, 15, 19, 20, 23, 31, 45, 50, 55, 58 1, 16, 22, 25, 32, 37, 40, 50, 58 31, 36, 37, 39, 40, 50, 53, 58 3, 4, 6, 8, 23, 25, 32, 36, 37, 40 42, 47, 50, 58 7, 23, 25, 32, 37, 39, 40, 50, 58 1, 4, 23, 33, 39, 51 22, 23 34, 35, 36 24, 25, 29, 32 44 Word Conversion Costs Conveyor Systems Corwin Formation Corwin Bluff Cultural Resources Deadfall Syncline Delivered Costs Diesel Power Plant Dillingham District Heating Dredging Drill Holes Drill Logs Drilling Economic Analysis Electric Utilities Electrical Loads Electrical Operating and Maintenance Costs Electrical Power Generation Energy Demand Environmental Studies Epizetka Anticline Equipment Costs Equipment Maintenance Facility Erosion Exploration Permit Financing Fish Resources Fluidized Bed Combustors Foundations Freight Rates Fuel Costs Gas Turbine Geology Geophysical Methods Report Number 23, 31 14a, 14b, 42 2, 34, 36, 53, 55 8, 27, 34, 36 18, 28, 55 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 14a, 14b, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58 36, 37, 41, 47 1, 16, 23, 39, 48, 49, 51, 52, 56 6 1, 4, 11, 16, 33, 39, 49, 51, 57 19, 23, 42 2, 12, 13, 17, 53, 55 9, 12, 13, 17, 24, 26, 31, 55 12, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 37, 40, 50, 58 3, 23, 39 3, 6, 10, 16, 41 1, 10, 23, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54 8, 11, 33, 51 1, 3, 8, 10, 16, 23, 31, 36, 39, 45, 48, 49, 52, 57 6, 8, 10, 11, 23, 48 6, 23, 28, 30, 31, 55 5 23, 47 19, 45 15, 23, 31, 55 26 23, 36 18, 28, 55 16, 22, 33, 39, 49 9, 12 36, 47, 54 1, 8, 16, 39, 47, 51 1, 16, 39, 49 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 31, 34, 35, 36, 43, 52, 53, 55 9, 17, 24, 26, 31, 53 Word Government Policy Grain Size Distribution Gray Whales Groundwater Hazardous Waste Heat Recovery Heating Costs Historic Coal Use Howard Syncline Hydrology Ice Breakers Ice Roads Infrastructure 42, 45 Infrastructure Costs Insurance Kallarichuk Coal Kasegaluk Lagoon Kivalina Kobuk River Coal Kotzebue Kuchiak Block Kuchiak Creek Kukpowruk River Kukpowruk Syncline Kukpuk River Labor Labor Costs Laboratory Testing Land Use Ledyard Bay Liz-A Syncline Logistics Macaw Block Marine Berthing Facility Marine Currents Marine Mammals Marine Transportation Equipment Marine Transportation System 13 R Number 10, 23 12, 13, 23, 24 59 18, 19, 55 45 51 23 23 5, 6, 27, 34, 53 9, 15, 18, 23, 30, 31, 55 36 7, 42 9, 14a, 14b, 19, 20, 23, 31, 36, 39, 14a, 14b, 19, 23, 31, 36, 39, 45 36, 55 4 28, 46 11, 16, 36 4 3, 4, 6, 31, 33, 39, 42, 39, 51, 54, 57 20, 53 18, 23; 285,30; 31,53; 55 6, 7, 27, 34, 35 34, 36, 46 7 14a, 14b, 15, 19, 23, 24, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40, 47, 49, 58 14b, 15, 23, 32, 36, 37, 40, 47, 50, 58 125 Ss 2224 6; 8,18, 205 23,27, 55 46, 55 3 d, 245,295 29, 32 31 12, 19, 20, 23, 31 19, 23 18, 28, 55 3, 6, 7, 8, 14a, 14b, 23, 31, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 50, 51, 54, 58 3, 6, 8, 23, 31, 36, 39, 42, 44 Word Marketing Material Handling Facilities Metallurgical Coal Mine Design Mine Development Mine Maintenance Costs Mine Maintenance Facilities Mine Water Mining Costs Mining Equipment Modularization Mormon Creek Mormon Lake Mormon West Block Neokok Pass Nome Non-Production Costs North Mormon Lake Creek Northeast Passage Northern Sea Route Oil Development Oil Prices Omalik Lagoon Overhead Costs Ownership Benefits Pacific Rim Permafrost Permitting Physiography Pipelines Pitmegea Syncline Point Hope Point Lay Pollutants Port Facility Post Mining Land Use 14 Repor t_N umber 6, 10, 22, 23, 31, 36, 39, 41, 42 14a, 14b, 36, 47 6, 41 15, 20, 23, 31, 36, 47, 55 9, 15, 23, 31, 32, 39, 40, 45, 47, 50 36, 45, 47 20, 31, 36, 45, 47 9, 55 3, 15, 23, 31, 32, 39, 40, 45, 47, 50, 58 15, 23, 29, 31, 36, 47, 55 57 30, 31, 55 30, 55 15, 20, 23, 31 46 3, 6, 11, 16, 31, 33, 39, 42, 48, 49, 51, 57 23, 31, 36, 39 30, 55 44 44 23 10, 39 13, 14a, 14b, 18, 19, 20, 23, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 42, 45, 50, 55, 58 36, 47 31 6, 36, 41 9, 13, 23, 55 10, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 32, 40, 47, 50, 55, 58 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 23, 39, 53, 55 11, 39 34, 36 7, 25, 29, 32, 37, 40, 42, 50, 58 3, 7, 25, 29, 32, 37, 40, 42, 46, 50, 55, 58 1, 8, 49, 52 23, 39 55 Word Power Cost Equalization Program Precipitation Events Production Costs Production Levels Rankin Cycle Reclamation Reclamation Bond Reclamation Costs Red Dog Mine Roads Rolligons Royalties Safety Training Scrubbers Sea Ice Seaview Syncline Section 7(i) Settlement Agreement Seismic Data Small Operator Assistance Program Socio-Economic Impacts Soils Soil Boring Logs Solid Waste Soviet Union Space Heating Spoil Materials Spontaneous Combustion Steam Coal Stirling Cycle Stove Installation Submarine Cable Subsistence Substations Supply and Demand Surveying Taxes and Assessments Thermistors Topsoil Handling Transformer Stations Transmission Lines Transportation Tundra 15 Report Number 10, 39, 48 23, 30, 55 6, 23, 36, 39, 47, 51 10, 23, 31, 32, 36, 41, 47 16, 39, 49 15, 23, 29, 31, 55 15, 55 31, 36, 39, 55 6, 10, 31, 34, 36, 42, 49, 51, 54, 57 3, 9, 12, 19, 20, 23, 31, 36, 45 31 23, 31 19, 24, 25, 29, 32 49 13, 18, 19, 23, 28, 42, 44, 46 34, 36 23 9, 17, 23, 31, 34 23 6, 23, 39, 55 9, 13, 18, 19, 23, 39, 43, 55 43, 55 31, 39, 45, 55 44 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 23, 48 9, 15, 23, 36, 53, 55 22, 23, 39 6, 41 10, 16, 23 1, 25, 32, 37, 40, 50, 58 54 46, 55 54 6, 41 58 23, 31 12 15, 23, 55 1 3, 23, 49, 51, 54 6, 7, 8, 23, 34, 41, 42, 55 13, 43, 55 Word Tupikchak Syncline Turbid Creek Unalaska Vegetation Village End-Use Wainwright Waste Heat Water Quality Water Treatment Weathering Wetlands Whale Migration Routes Wildlife Resources 16 Report Number 34, 35, 36 33, 56 13,318}; 23, 38, 43, 55 3,-8,°10,:23 25, 29, 32, 37, 40, 42, 50, 58 39, 49, 51 85.153¢253,30;.45, 55 31, 45 53; 55 18, 55 59 18, 20, 23, 28, 55 SYNOPSES OF WESTERN ARCTIC AND NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECTS 7 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL PROJECT REVIEW OF MINERAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE LITERATURE WITH RESPECT TO BOWHEAD, GRAY AND BELUGA WHALES IN THE CHUKCHI SEA JANUARY 1993 Purpose: To determine the migration and distribution of whales potentially affected by the Western Arctic Coal Project. Scope: Review literature resulting from studies of bowhead, gray and beluga whales in the Chukchi Sea funded by the National Marine Fisheries Service. Results: Bowhead whale migration will not be a factor in the near shore environs of the Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project (WACDP). The annual northern migration passes Pt. Barrow by July and the southern migration passes through the Chukchi in October. These migrations occur before and after the ice-free season adjacent to Omalik Lagoon and the WACDP. Gray whale migration will also not be a factor in near shore areas adjacent to the WACDP. Few of the northward migrating gray whales reach the northeastern Chukchi Sea, preferring a summering area in the northern Bristol Bay and southern Chukchi Sea area. In addition, the northward migration occurs in March and April while the southward migration occur mainly in November and December. Both of these periods do not coincide with proposed coal shipping periods off Omalik Lagoon. Review of the literature suggests that Beluga whales may be the determining factor in defining a period during the ice free season when coal could be loaded to ships from offshore coal handling facilities with no significant impact to whales. Beluga whales migrate north during the spring and early summer passing by Omalik Lagoon during late June and early July. Fall migrations in September/October pass further offshore in the east-central Chukchi Sea away from coastal areas and potential impact to the WACDP. Therefore, the only potential impact to the coal project and shipping will occur during the spring Beluga whale migration. Cost of Study: $1,500 (approx.) Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: Stephen S. Wilson, ASCG Incorporated Doc 59 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT - PHASE VI SEPTEMBER 1992 Purpose: To evaluate mining methods which would improve upon the coal quality delivered to the demonstration participants, establish the environmental effects of coal mining and use, improve upon the installation of modern coal-fired technology, and utilize other forms of coal transport and handling. Scope: Conduct major equipment repairs, mine, bag, transport and distribute 300 tons of coal to residences of three northwest Arctic villages; install 7 heating units in these villages. Results: Improvements were made in the areas of mining and coal transportation. Blasting and mining in the summer was found to be feasible and preferable to working in the winter. Coal mining improvements included utilization of an enlarged pit and working bench that improved safety and production through the elimination of men and equipment in the mine pit. Overburden blasting and excavation and coal mining occurred in the summer months for the first time. Drilling and blasting went quite well except for some minor equipment problems and water building in some of the blast holes that should be cured with plastic liners. Overburden excavation production rates improved greatly over previous years due to increased operator experience. Mining of coal from a position along strike versus in an up dip position works well and should be adopted as standard operating procedures. Reclamation of the 1991 pit was accomplished. Future reclamation operations should utilize old spoils to the north. Coal transportation continued form Omalik Lagoon to end-use village sites by Bowhead Transportation Company. This mode of transportation is working well not only for coal shipments but receiving mine supplies as well. Coal usage in the villages ranged from a high of 53% at Pt. Hope to a low of 22% in Wainwright. Approximately 37% of the reported daily users depend on coal totally for heating needs. Other recommendations for the future include continued mining and bagging in summer, obtaining explosive magazines, repair equipment, permit and construct a water supply pond in Mormon Creek. The latter is critical for obtaining camp water after breakup. Cost of Study: $575,000 Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: ASCG Incorporated Doc 58 INTERIM REPORT II COAL-FIRED POWER PLANTS AUGUST 1992 Purpose: Increase the economic viability of coal-fired power plants at Nome, Kotzebue, and the Red Dog Mine. Scope: Revise cost estimates for coal-fired powerplants generated in the Northwest Alaska Coal Project Power Plant Evaluation-Final Report, September 1991 under the following criteria: eliminate boiler redundancy and utilize existing diesel plants as backup; increase district heating capacity; utilize micronized coal technology and packaged boilers; reduce size of Red Dog plant to 16.5 MW to serve mine only; increase size of Red Dog plant to serve the Red Dog mine, port and Kotzebue. Results: Coal Plant capacities were set at 8400 kW net generation for Nome and 4,600 kW net generation for Kotzebue. These capacities would require 1000 kW of diesel generation 170 hours per starting in the year 1995 and 200 kW of diesel generation 170 hours per year starting in 1999 to supplement the coal-fired generation. Increasing the district heating system capacities will result in displacement of 220,000 gallons of heating oil per year in Nome and 264,000 gallons per year in Kotzebue. Costs (in $ Millions) of micronized coal-fired plants at Nome and Kotzebue and pulverized coal-fired plants at Red Dog Mine were estimated as follows: Nome Kotzebue Red Dog & Port Red Dog Only & Kotzebue Plant 21:3 177 43.8 35,1 Engineering 353 3 7.6 J.3 Escalation 1.4 1:25 3 2S District Heat 5.6 Bal - - Transmission Lines - - 51 - Preliminary estimates of modularized construction savings for Nome and Kotzebue are $4 million and $3.9 million respectively. Cost of Study: $69,500 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: SFT, Inc. Doc 57 UNALASKA POWER PRODUCTION JULY 1992 Purpose: To examine Unalaska/Dutch Harbor as a potential site for a clean coal electric generation plant. Scope: Assess the present and future states of the seafood industry; collect and summarize the city’s and seafood processors’ electrical and thermal energy use data; summarize the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 as they apply to diesel generation; and provide a brief overview of Shemya Air Force Base and Adak Naval Air Station as possible clean coal power candidates. Results: Bottom fishing at Unalaska can be expected to increase because of its proximity to the resource and new shoreside processing allocation. Recovery of King crab stocks and targeting of Opilio crab will also contribute to increased processor activity. The overall electrical load profile for the Dutch Harbor area shows a ratio between peak and minimum load which can reach up to 3.5:1 over a short period of time. This ratio exceeds the practical turndown ratios for most coal fuel technologies. Due to the large turndown requirements and scattering of the largest energy users, the use of any central coal-fired technology to produce power and steam in Unalaska is of marginal benefit. The peaks in the system demand do not fit well with the available turndown ratio of a base load coal station and there is no other forecast load that could fill in the low spots in the demand. Current regulations in the Clean Air Act are probably not sufficient to force the diesel generation users to turn to a central source of electric power. Siting of the plant is also expected to present a problem; a floating power plant concept appears plausible but this option was not further explored under this project agreement. Cost of Study: $31,760 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Alaska Energy Authority Doc 56 DEADFALL SYNCLINE SURFACE COAL MINING PERMIT APPLICATION DECEMBER 18, 1991 - TECHNICAL REVISIONS JUNE, 5, 1992 Purpose: To conduct a surface coal mining operation on ASRC-owned land at Deadfall Syncline in the Cape Beaufort area of Western Arctic Alaska. Scope: Submit an application under the requirements of the Alaska Surface Coal Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SCMCRA), AS 27.21. ‘ Results: A mining permit was issued to Arctic Slope Regional Corporation for the Deadfall Syncline coal mine on January 4, 1993 after an extensive regulatory and public review process. The contents of the permit application on which terms of the permit is based are listed by topic as follows: PartA 1.0 Applicant and Mine Site Identification Part B Legal, Financial and Compliance Information 2.0 Identification of Interests 2.1 Compliance Information 2.2 Authority to Enter 2.3. Areas Unsuitable for Mining 2.4 Permit Term Information 2.5 Other Licenses and Permits 2.6 Liability Insurance Part C Environmental Resources Information 3.0 Cultural and Historic Information and Man-made Features 3.1 Hydrology and Geology (General Information) 3.2 Geology Description 3.3. Ground Water Information 3.4 Surface Water Information 3.5 Alternative Water Supply Information 3.6 Climatological Information 7 Vegetation Information .8 Fish and Wildlife Information 9 Soil Resources Information 10 Land Use Information Part D Operation and Reclamation Plan 4.01 Operation Plan 4.02 Existing Operations, Structures, and Facilities 4.03 Coal Transportation and Handling 4.04 Buildings, Roads and Other Facilities 4.05 Blasting Plan ° Doc 55-1 AMO Cost of Study: Air Pollution Control Plan Fish and Wildlife Protection Plan Reclamation Plan: General Requirements and Bonding Backfilling and Grading Plan Topsoil Handling Plan Revegetation Plan Protection of the Hydrologic Balance Post Mining Land Use Protection of Public Parks and Historic Places Excess Spoil and Underground Development Waste Hazardous Coal Processing Waste Non-Coal Waste Underground Mining: Subsidence Underground Mining: Reclamation Special Categories of Mining References Cited United States Land Patent 50-88-0047 Bureau of Land Management Land File Historical Abstract State of Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources Land File Abstract Report for Water Rights Liability Insurance Certification Other Regulatory Licenses and Permits Archaeological Investigations Vegetation and Soils Analyses Water Quality Analyses Geochemical Analyses Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: ASCG Incorporated Doc 55-2 PLANNING REPORT- ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES FOR THE NORTHWEST COAL PROJECT MAY 1992 Purpose: To determine routings and costs of transmission line alternatives interconnecting the Deadfall Syncline mine site, Red Dog Mine, and Kotzebue. Scope: Determine routings, select voltages, evaluate suspension configuration, and generate cost estimates for lines capable of carrying 10 to 40 MVA between the following points: Line 1) Red Dog Mine to Red Dog Port, Line 2) Red Dog Mine to Red Dog Port to Kotzebue, Line 3) Deadfall Syncline Mine to Red Dog Mine to Red Dog Port, Line 4) Deadfall Syncline Mine to Red Dog Mine to Red Dog Port to Kotzebue. Results: Line conductors were selected on the basis of MVA loading, length and system voltage to keep losses to a nominal maximum of 5-6% and meet the structural requirements of 400-500 feet ruling spans. Costs for the lines are (in millions): 69 KV _1 Pole 138 KV_H-Frame Line 1 14.4 20.9 Line 2 48.1 68.1 Line 3 infeasible 58.1 Line 4 infeasible 100.3 The 69 kV, single-pole construction is particularly suited to the 10 MVA interconnect of Red Dog Mine to Red Dog Port. For the 10-40 MVA load range considered for all line routes, only two voltages (69kV and 138kV) are necessary to cover this spread over the line routes distances determined. The intermediate voltage of 115 kV was discarded as unnecessary for the MVA-miles transmission requirements range and excessive construction cost. Cost of Study: $28,000 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: JWA, Inc. Doc 54 DEADFALL SYNCLINE COAL: QUALITY AND RESERVES MIRL REPORT NO. 93 APRIL 1992 Purpose: Evaluate the coal reserves in a previously identified thick coal in an area of low structural dips and dip-slope topography near the axial plunge of the west extension of the Deadfall Syncline, primarily for surface mining, and to determine the feasibility of mining additional beds in conjunction with the thick coal; and 2) to examine a continuous and unbroken stratigraphic interval of the Corwin formation in the northeastern part of the Deadfall Syncline as an initial step toward evaluation of the whole basin. Scope: Drill exploratory holes using a Mobil B-60 drill. Geophysically log the holes using a Gearhart- Owen Geologger. Collect grab samples of overburden, cuttings and cores from intersected coals, and send the coal samples to a lab for various analyses. Results: Fourteen holes were drilled between 116 and 426 feet in depth. Approximately 720 feet of stratigraphic section were covered. A total of eight coal beds were identified within this stratigraphic interval. Of these, five beds are more than 4 feet thick including the K3 seam which reaches a thickness of 18 feet. About 32 million tons of measured reserves were identified occurring in 3 coals within a 300 foot interval. Twenty-three million tons of this is surface minable down to a mining ratio limit of 10:1. About 10 million tons, almost all from K3 would be recovered down to a 5:1 mining ratio. Petrological investigations on K3 seam reveal predominantly vitrinite macerals with minimal exinite and some what elevated inertinite content. Vitrinite reflectance averages for K3 seam was 0.69%. Palynological profiles of K3 seam indicates the seam is dominated by coniferous pollen and fern spores with fern spores dominating. This finding suggests both dry and wet environment deposition. Analyses of the coals show that the DFS-4 coal exhibits the highest quality of the four Mormon block seams with ash contents as low as 3%. K3 seam exhibits the highest quality of any of the Kuchiak block seams with an average ash content of 7.6%, sulfur to 0.2% and moisture to 3.5%. Weathering of the coals was found to be present down to a maximum of 40 feet. The K3 coal was also found to be of mild coking quality, have low chlorine content but high sodium content. Cost of Study: $8,980 Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: ASCG INCORPORATED; Mineral Industry Research Laboratory Doc 53 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE 1991 EXPLORATION TRANSPORTATION ROUTE AND DRILLING SITES, DEADFALL SYNCLINE COAL MINE, NORTHWEST ALASKA FEBRUARY 1992, MINOR REVISIONS, MAY 1992 Purpose: To satisfy the requirements of a North Slope Borough (NSB) Development Permit requesting a reconnaissance level archeological survey along the proposed 1991 transportation route to proposed exploration drill sites. Scope: Survey the route and drill sites to locate archaeological and paleontological sites; flag sites located in the field so they can be avoided; and report the findings of the survey to the NSB. Results: The 1991 survey of proposed drilling sites and transportation routes revealed seven previously unknown archaeological sites. Preliminary evaluations of these sites, suggest that all appear to hold potential for increasing our understanding of the prehistory of northern Alaska. Two of these sites appear to meet National Register criteria; the other five may be of significance and thus may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register. All evaluations are based on surface observations only. A complete assessment of the cultural significance is not possible without further investigation. All sites discovered during the survey were documented using standard techniques for archeological observations and recordation. Site locations were plotted on survey maps, cultural materials were described and approximate site boundaries were determined. All sites were marked with a steel spike and aluminum tag. Cost of Study: $11,200 Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group; Northern Land Use Research, Inc. Doc 52 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF COAL-FIRED POWER PLANTS TO SERVE NOME, KOTZEBUE AND THE RED DOG MINE SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 Purpose: To provide an economic analysis of coal-fired power plants that would serve portions of the electrical and heat loads of Nome, Kotzebue, and the Red Dog Mine. Scope: Compare the present values of capital and operating costs over a 35 year period of the proposed coal-fired plants with the costs of serving those loads from oil-fired systems. Individual plants are considered for the Kotzebue and Nome loads. Costs of plants located at Red Dog and at Deadfall Syncline to serve the Red dog mine will be compared. Results: The present value of net benefits of coal-fired power plants relative to diesel power plants (1991 dollars) is as follows. Deadfall Type of Benefit Nome Kotzebue Red Syncline Dog Fuel and Non-Labor Operation and 14.0 15:3 44.3 59.0 Maintenance Power Plant Labor and Property -19.9 -23.0 -25.6 -29.2 Insurance New Power Plant Investment -26.9 -25.6 -53.0 -60.1 Credit for Recovered Power Plant Heat 0.0 -1.0 -6.4 -32.5 Net Economic Benefit -32.8 -34.3 -40.7 -62.9 The net economic benefit figures are negative, indicating that none of the coal-fired power plants will produce net economic benefit using the base case assumptions. All coal plants showed an advantage relative to the diesel alternatives in the Fuel and Non-Labor Operation and Maintenance category, but this advantage was more than cancelled by higher Power Plant Labor and Property Insurance costs and higher costs in the New Power Plant Investment category. Because of less expensive coal, the Deadfall Syncline plant does have a $15 million fuel cost advantage relative to the plant sited at the Red Dog mine. However, the heat recovery penalty and the higher capital cost of the Deadfall Syncline power plant more than cancel the fuel cost advantage. Cost of Study: $23,000 (In Conjunction With Doc 48) Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Analysis North Doc 51 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT - PHASE V PROJECT REPORT SEPTEMBER 1991 Purpose: To expand the 1989/90 program by evaluating mining methods to improve coal quality, determining environmental effect of coal mining and use, improving the installation of modern coal-fired technology and using other forms of coal transport and handling. Scope: Upgrade camp, mine and bag 300 tons of coal, install seven coal-fired residential heating units, transport coal to villages and measure coal use. Results: Improvements were made in the areas of mining and coal transport to the beach. Blasting was found to be feasible and preferable to ripping for overburden removal. Coal mining improvements included using an enlarged mine pit and performing coal excavation and bagging from a bench created on the outcrop coal. These eliminated the cramped working conditions in the pit and improved safety. Problems with cleaning the top coal prior to mining and creating of excessive fines with "scratching" during mining persisted. Use of a smooth lip attachment for coal cleaning and a frost bucket for mining would eliminate these. The camp was moved approximately 400 feet west along ridge DFS-4 to place it on exposed bedrock rather than on moist tundra. This alleviated the swampy conditions and subsidence experienced at camp while also removing the camp from its close proximity to the airstrip. Coal transport to the beach using the Foremost Magnum was accomplished handily when a Cat dozer was sent ahead of the Magnum to compact the snow. The Magnum seems to get stuck easily in deep snow. Other recommendations for the future include stretching the mining cycle of overburden removal and coal mining to the summer, utilizing a non-electric blasting system, surveying existing mine workings and providing a communications system with 90% availability to Barrow and Fairbanks. Coal usage in the villages ranged from a high of 54% at Wainwright to a low of 22% in Pt. Lay. Approximately 37% of the reported daily users depend on coal totally for heating needs. Cost of Study: $550,000 Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: ASCG Incorporated Doc 50 NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECT POWER PLANT EVALUATION - FINAL REPORT SEPTEMBER 1991 Purpose: To develop capital costs of coal-fired power plants for Nome, Kotzebue, the Red Dog Mine, and the Deadfall Syncline Mine site. Scope: Assess available combustion technologies, review environmental requirements, forecast electrical load, size generating plant and district heating system, and estimate construction costs for the four potential power plant sites. Results: A technology assessment was performed assuming use of a conventional Rankine cycle for power production. This assessment indicated that a spreader stoker steam generator and conventional steam turbine-generator is the best choice. As the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990 do not apply to Alaska, there is minimum potential for sulfur dioxide scrubbing requirements at Nome and Kotzebue. The Red Dog and Deadfall mine sites will require scrubbing. Other environmental requirements can be met with proper equipment selection. Based upon load forecasts and heating needs, the coal-fired plants are sized as follows: Nome: 9.5 MW electrical plus 5 million BTU/hr district heating, requiring two 65,000 lbs/hr boilers, consuming 28,100 tons per year of coal. Kotzebue: 5.7 MW electrical plus 5.3 million BTU/hr district heating, requiring two 40,000 Ibs/hr boilers, consuming 18,100 tons per year of coal. Red Dog Mine: 16.5 MW electrical plus 40 million BTU/hr district heating, requiring two 120,000 Ibs/hr boilers, consuming 87,000 tons per year of coal. Deadfall Syncline: 22 MW electrical, requiring two 120,000 lbs/hr boilers, consuming 87,000 tons per year of coal. Total costs for each of the sites is as follows, including escalation through 1993: City of Nome 10.5 MW Plant: $39,120,000 City of Kotzebue 5.7 MW Plant: $32,520,000 Red Dog Mine 16.5 MW Plant: $61,490,000 Deadfall Syncline Mine 22 MW Plant: $70,130,000 Plant staffing of 22 is required for each coal-fired plant. Overall construction schedule is estimated at 24 to 30 months. Cost of Study: $95,000 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: SFT, Inc. Doc 49 NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECT NOME ELECTRICAL LOAD FORECAST FINAL REPORT SEPTEMBER 1991 Purpose: To provide a 25-year forecast of electrical loads in the vicinity of Nome, Alaska. Scope: Provide low, mid, and high forecasts of electrical use in the Nome area by separately modeling customer classes for residential, commercial (including community facilities and street lighting) and mining activities. Results: Both the total annual electrical energy use (kilowatt hours) and the annual peak demand (megawatts) were forecast over the analysis period. The 1989 actual use figures are 39,549 MWh and 9.32 MW. Average annual growth rates for the period 1989-2014 are as follows: Total Net Generation Requirements vary from a low of -0.7% to a high of 2.6% per year. Total Peak Generation Requirements range from a low of -1.1% per year to a high of 2.1% per year. Cost of Study: $23,000 (In Conunction With Doc 51) Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Analysis North; EMI Consulting Doc 48 NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECT PRELIMINARY MINING PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE FINAL REPORT SEPTEMBER 1991 Purpose: To identify a conceptual mining plan and an estimate of mining cost for the Northwest Alaska Coal Project. Scope: Develop a preliminary mining plan and cost estimate for mining coal from the Deadfall Syncline at production rates from 95,000 to 500,000 tons per year. This coal would be delivered to either a mine mouth power plant or a port near the mine. Results: As was the case with past studies, the hydraulic shovel and off highway truck was chosen as the preferred mining system. In order to maximize utilization of the mining equipment, a year- round, constant level of effort type of schedule was selected. It was found that with a 317 day schedule, operating 20 hours per day, a fleet of four trucks and one shovel could handle the entire quantity of overburden and coal that will have a stripping ratio of 4:1. A production crew of 14 to 31 persons would be required for the range of production rates considered herein. The following table summarizes the results of mine development cost estimates. These cost estimates assume a short haul distance, no coal haul dedicated equipment and no coal crushing. Mining Cost Summary Operating Capital Total Tons per Year $/ton $/ton $/ton 75,000 34.00 21.00 55.00 150,000 30.00 13.00 43.00 340,000 17.00 7.00 24.00 510,000 14.00 6.00 20.00 The option of hauling coal by truck to a power plant located at the Red Dog Mine was investigated and estimated to add approximately $13 to the delivered cost of the coal, excluding the coast of haul road construction. Cost of Study: $9,000 Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: Denton Civil and Mineral Doc 47 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM - NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECT BELUKHA WHALE SURVEY SEPTEMBER 1991 Purpose: To broaden our knowledge of belukha whale use of NACP environs, specifically those areas of the coastline being considered for port or loading facility sites. Scope: Obtain assistance in whale observations from regularly scheduled and charter flights during normal Belukha whale migrations; monitor temperatures, wind direction and velocity at Cape Lisburne and Point Lay through U.S. Weather Bureau facilities in Barrow during the same period to check ice movement; initiate aerial transect surveys of the study area after shorefast ice in Ledyard Bay moves offshore to document the arrival of belukhas; and exchange data with Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologists during their daily surveys of belukhas and other marine mammals in the same general area. Results: Nine aerial surveys at 3-day intervals from June 25 to July 18 were conducted in Ledyard Bay. The first group (pod) of whales arrived during June 26-28 and moved through the area heading north. The entire population of about 900 belukhas gathered at Neakok Pass south of Pt. Lay on July 7, then again dispersed into smaller pods scattered along the coast before moving north. They were last observed in loose aggregation at the edge of pack ice 12 miles north of Icy Cape on July 14-16. No belukhas were seen on the last survey of July 18 that included areas up to 20 miles offshore Icy Cape and southward. No evidence of belukhas circling back into Ledyard Bay from northern areas was ever observed. Use patterns by belukhas of NACP habitat, for brief periods during late June to mid-July is consistent with past observations in 1985 and 1987 and with ADF&G biologists during their 1978-1991 surveys. Utilization of inshore habitats of the NACP area is surmised to be a response to gravel substrates that belukhas have been reported to use during their annual molting process. Cost of Study: $22,400 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group; Hanson Environmental Research Services Doc 46 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM ON INFRASTRUCTURE EVALUATION FOR NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECT - FINAL REPORT MAY 20, 1991 Purpose: To phase development of the infrastructure facilities to coincide with phasing of mine production. Scope: Evaluate infrastructure components identified in previous studies, and include facilities required for a mine mouth (Deadfall Syncline) Power Plant. Results: The following shows the coal production phasing utilized for determining infrastructure phasing: 1995-96 - 46,000 tons per year; 1997-99 - 113,000 tons per year; 2000-2004 - 180,000 tons per year; and 2005 + - 202,000 tons per year. Infrastructure components addressed in this report include: Mine Camp Utility systems, Camp facility requirements, Road-Airstrip- Staging/Stockpile area requirements, Bulk fuel storage, and Power Plant infrastructure. Mine Camp utility systems include a potable water supply, wastewater treatment, solid waste and hazardous waste disposal. Water needs of 70 gallons per man per day, wastewater generation of 3000 gallons per day, solid waste of 8 pounds per person per day were estimated for the project. Any hazardous waste would be disposed off site. Camp facilities included living quarters in addition to an office, recreation room, kitchen, dining, wash units all on a camp foundation pad. Construction of the road, airstrip and staging/stockpile area was dependent upon borrow materials developed from the mining operation. Approximately 284,400 bank cubic yards of material will be required to construct the above facilities for a 46,000 ton per year mining operation beginning in 1995. The majority of the fuel storage will be in tanks at the coastal transhipment site while a smaller tank at the mine will meet short term demands. Fuel requirements range form 265,000 to 559,000 gallons per year between 1995 and 2005. The mine mouth power plant will require a 600 foot by 675 foot operational area, operate 24 hours per day and employ 22 workers. It will be a modular-built facility. Water usage by the plant is 79,200 gpd. Year Infrastructure Component Capital Costs 1995 Road $2,344,500 Camp 2,310,000 Utilities 735,000 Water Pipeline 1,719,600 Plant Wastewater Treatment 1,719,600 Total 1995 Costs $7,219,400 Doc 45-1 Ann ing Costs: 1995 $528,000 1999 $570,600 2003 $601,100 1996 528,000 2000 570,600 2004 601,100 1997 528,000 2001 601,100 2005+ 613,200 1998 570,600 2002 601,100 Cost of Study: $33,000 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group Doc 45-2 NORTHERN SEA ROUTE PROJECT (NSR) MAY 1991 Purpose: To evaluate the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in regards to current Soviet policies on security, political and economic interests and the feasibility of use by non-Soviet nations. Scope: To discuss the history and significance of the NSR since the Russian Revolution; provide rough estimates of the costs of the NSR Project; compile a list of present and prospective participants in the NSR project; and collect copies of articles about the NSR project which have appeared in the international press. Results: The Northern Sea Route (NSR) will fulfill two goals for the Soviet Union: all-year transit; and stimulating/expanding regional commerce and industry, as well as settlement patterns. The former goal was a military-strategic concern and the latter is an economic concern. The military-strategic aspect has been replaced by the economic one according to new political thinking. Revenues from opening the NSR will be regional resource exploitation and pilot/icebreaker services necessary for foreign use of the route. The Northern Sea Route remains, however, a national transport route under full Soviet control and jurisdiction. There has actually been a tightening rather than a relaxation since the post-war period. There is no guarantee that the route will be opened. There is still some old military-strategic thinking, routed in the cold war. It is expected that the need for revenue in the former Soviet Union will finally prevail. Objectives and start-up costs over a 5 year period on information that will be required to develop the NSR include: Part I (A) - Range and Scope of Physical Attributes Part I (B) - Environmental Factors Part II - Trade and Commercial Shipping Aspects Part III - Political and Legal Factors. Costs as summarized as follows: Total B t Estimate ($US, 000) Part Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 I(A) 1,078 924 691 614 154 1(B) 523 844 949 949 860 II 291 407 453 453 438 Il 161 177 192 207 224 Totals 2,053 25352 2,285 2,223 1,676 Doc 44-1 Participants of the NSR project (both present and prospective) include specific universities and research institutes from Norway, USSR (Russia), the U.S., United Kingdom and Japan. The only two institutions from the U.S. are Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Cost of Study: Not Available Funded by: Not Available Work Performed by: Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, Norway Doc 44-2 VEGETATION AND SOILS OF THE DEADFALL SYNCLINE MINING AREA, NORTHWESTERN ALASKA FINAL REPORT MARCH 25, 1991 Purpose: Within the mine permit area, describe and classify vegetation, map the distribution of vegetation types, and determine the percent cover of plants and shrub density within each vegetation type; describe and classify the soils, map the distribution of soils, and determine their physical and chemical characteristics. Scope: Using aerial photo-interpretation, ground survey data, and previous vegetation information from a 1987 field survey; describe, classify, map, and determine percent cover of each vegetation type. Describe soil profiles from pits dug adjacent to vegetation transect lines. Classify each profile according to standard taxonomy and map the soil boundaries. Results: Six vegetation types were identified and mapped in the vicinity of the mining area (100.1 ha); Wet Sedge-Willow Tundra (3.9 ha), Moist Tussock Tundra (44.0 ha), Moist Sedge-Dryas Tundra (31.7 ha), Dry Dryas-Lichen Tundra (17.9 ha). Low Willow Shrub Tundra (0.4 ha), and Barren (2.2 ha). Mean total vascular plant cover was similar for Wet Sedge-Willow Tundra (58.4%), Moist Tussock Tundra (63.2%), and Moist Sedge-Dryas Tundra (51.6%), but was much lower for Dry Dryas-Lichen Tundra (23.0%). Mean total shrub density was highest in Wet Sedge-Willow Tundra (284.2/m?). Lower shrub densities were found in Moist Tussock Tundra (81.8/m?) and Moist Sedge-Dryas Tundra (37.8/m?). Dry Dryas-Lichen Tundra did not have any shrubs >0.2m. Three soil subgroups, were identified in the mining area: Pergelic Cyraquept (76.1 ha) and Hystic Pergelic Cryaquept (3.9 ha) within the Cryaquept great group, and Pergelic Cryochrept (17.9 ha) within the great group Cryochrept. The two great groups fall under the soil order Inceptisol. Based on soil properties and topsoil storage and utilization experience, the following horizons from each soil type should be removed and stockpiled prior to mining. For Pergelic and Histic Pergelic Cryaquept soils, all of the O, A, and B horizons, essentially the entire active layer, should be conserved, for a total depth of 50 cm. Similarly, the O, A, and B horizons, down to a depth of 20 cm, should be conserved from Pergelic Cryochrept soil. Total volumes, based on area affected and depths removed, would be 20,000 m? for Pergelic Cryaquept, 1,000 m? for Histic Pergelic Cryaquept, 15,400 m? for Pergelic Cryochrept, and 1,400 m? for the disturbed soil. Cost of Study: $33,229 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Alaska Biological Research, Inc. Doc 43 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECT MARCH 1991 Purpose: To determine the most cost-effective means of delivering western Arctic coal to locations in western Alaska for the forecast demand levels between 1995 and 2004. Scope: Market objectives were revised to specifically target western Alaska locations to determine transportation options. Results: Western Arctic Coal Development (WACDP) has forecast the demand for coal at 40,000 tons per year in 1995, growing to 200,000 tons per year in 2004. Demands at particular destinations vary widely, ranging from 2,500 tons per year at Point Hope to 65,000 tons per year for both the Cominco and Lik mines. Coal transportation systems were broken down into three categories based on the different demands: Low Demand (40,000 TPY), Medium Demand (100,000 TPY), High Demand (200,000 TPY). The diversity of end-use destinations suggest that multiple systems be used, including water transport for large receivers and land transport for the two closest North Slope villages. It was determined that the cost of reclaiming and loading coal to barges is very sensitive to the distance the product must be conveyed. Since Omalik Lagoon ranges from 6 feet deep 1,000 feet offshore to 13 feet deep 2,800 feet off shore, an annually replenished earthen berm or roadbed extending 600 feet into the Chukchi Sea (to a 6 foot depth) was recommended for the Low Demand (40,000 ton) system. Capital cost of this system which uses trucks, a coal hopper, radial stacker and an 1,875 ton barge would be $3,350,000 or $438,000 if owned or chartered floating equipment were used, respectively. Operating costs would be $25.27/ton and $29.22/ton, respectively. Two alternatives for the Medium Demand system was offered: a pneumatic conveyor and an earthen berm. The pneumatic alternative would utilize a floating pneumatic pipeline to a 300-foot barge via a jackup barge, both stationed 800 feet offshore in 8 feet of water. The berm alternative uses an 800 foot long berm that support trucks which feed a radial stacker and the same sized barges. Capital costs for the pneumatic conveyor or berm system using owned or chartered equipment, respectively are: Pneumatic - $7,000,000 and $2,700,000 with operating costs of $14.06 and $15.24 per ton, respectively; Berm - $4,771,340 and $438,000 with operating costs of $13.43 and $14.98 per ton, respectively. The recommended transportation system for the High Demand (200,000 tons) is a pneumatic system similar to that of the Medium Demand but uses a larger pneumatic system and barges stationed 1,800 feet offshore in 12 feet of water. Capital costs for the pneumatic system using owned or chartered equipment, respectively are $14,200,000 and $5,600,000 with operating costs of $13.99 and $15.65 per ton, respectively. Doc 42-1 Cost of Study: $28,000 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Manalytics, Inc. Doc 42-2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NORTH SLOPE COAL MARKET STUDY DEADFALL SYNCLINE RESERVE AREA NOVEMBER 1990 Purpose: To determine potential coal markets for the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) northern Alaskan coal reserves. Scope: Inspect the site and review data; define markets receptive to western Arctic coal reserves and the potential size of those markets; identify competitors in the defined markets; and discuss major factors which will influence potential markets and their respective impacts. Results: Coal Quality - The Deadfall Syncline coals have low moisture (4.6%), low ash (7.6%), low sulfur (0.2%), and high Btu/Ib (12,770). Low sulfur coal is ideally suited for steam electric generation use and is attractive from an environmental stand point. Steam Coal Demand - Worldwide steam coal import demand is forecast to increase significantly. European and Pacific Rim countries will approximately double their coal use (166 million to 337 million tons) between 1988 and 2000. Price increases will accompany increased production through development costs to meet this demand. Pacific Rim Market - Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea will be the major market areas for steam coal imports, increasing their use from 57 million tons in 1980 to 126 million tons in 2000. Competing Countries for the Pacific Rim Market - Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Republic of South Africa, USA, Russia. European Market - The 17 different countries comprising the European steam coal market show demand increases from 98 million tons in 1988 to 190 million tons in 2000. Competing Countries for the European Market - Australia, Colombia, Republic of South Africa, USA, Venezuela. The long shipping distance from northern Alaska to Europe is a constraint for European market development. Options of using a shipping lane to Europe via the Arctic ocean or vailing Western Arctic coal across Russia to Europe have been offered by Russian officials but reliability and transit charges are uncertain. Mainland U.S. Market - Due to the Jones Act, which excludes non-U.S. flag vessels from trading between any two U.S. ports, it will be difficult for Alaskan Coal to penetrate the mainland U.S. market. Transportation costs would hinder penetration into western mainland U.S. markets even if U.S. based vessels were used. Transportation - Transportation of coal from the Western Arctic coal reserve is a critical component of the projects feasibility. Most Pacific Rim customers leave minimal stockpile capacity and can’t receive large coal shipments during the short 3 month Arctic shipping season. Year round coal shipments are preferable. Market Strategy - a) Develop a reliable estimate of the current minable reserve base; b) Perform a complete quality testing program on coal samples; c) Develop a design plan to determine cost of coal production; d) Perform a detailed transportation study; e) Complete a comprehensive Doc 41-1 environmental assessment; f) Obtain the permits necessary to open a pilot scale surface mine; g) Develop a new brochure detailing information on the mine; h) Contact potential Pacific Rim and European customers; i) Supply a test-burn shipment to potential customers; and j) Continue efforts to obtain state and federal government funding. Cost of Study: $26,000 Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: John T. Boyd Company Doc 41-2 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT - PHASE IV PROJECT REPORT SEPTEMBER 1990 Purpose: To continue the 1988/89 program by evaluating mining methods to improve coal quality, determine environmental effects of coal mining and use, improve installation of coal-fired technology and use other forms of coal transport and handling. Scope: Upgrade existing airstrip; mine and bag 400 tons of coal; install 11 residential coal heating units; transport coal to villages; and devise method of delivery to residences and measurement of coal use. , Results: Improvements were made in the areas of mining, mining productivity, coal transportation, and airstrip conditions. Changing of the mining method from underground to shallow strip mining and utilizing heavy equipment to reach beyond the weathered coal near the surface both increased the amount of recoverable coal. Purchase of a Grizzly screen, blasting of overburden, and the change of mining and transport of coal from the late fall and winter to spring and summer improved coal productivity. Improvements in coal transportation took the form of a Foremost Magnum Tundra Vehicle with 2 sleds and the Bowhead Barge. The former moved coal from the mine to the beach and then later delivered this coal to end-users and also supplying the camp with various supplies. The airstrip was lengthened to 1600 feet and widened to 50 feet. This should improve safety and allow for larger aircraft landings. Coal stove installation went well with some participants using up to 85% coal for energy to heat their homes. Cost of Study: $850,000 Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group Doc 40 KOTZEBUE AND NOME COAL STUDY FINAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 Purpose: To determine ways to utilize the Western Arctic coal reserves as a stable priced energy alternative to fuel oil for the communities of Kotzebue and Nome, Alaska. Scope: Evaluate available coal resources, assess the applicable coal conversion power conversion technologies, recommend a system concept, perform a preliminary design and economic analysis, and evaluate the socio-economic impact of converting to coal-fired plants to meet the energy needs of Kotzebue and Nome. Results: After consideration of potential coal-based power and district heating concepts and technologies, the recommended system consists of burning coal in a circulating fluidized bed combustor, heat from which will be used as the motive heat source for an externally fired Brayton cycle, (air turbine). The exhaust heat from the CFB combustor and the air turbine exhaust would be utilized as the heat source for the respective district heating systems. The proposed replacement plant for Nome will consist of three power modules for a total installed capacity of 7.5 MW. The proposed power plant for Kotzebue will consist of two power modules for a total install capacity of 5 MW. In comparing Deadfall Syncline coal to Chicago Creek coal, the report concludes that the abundance, quality and favorable economics of Deadfall coal make it the preferred energy source for this project. Further, combustion of Deadfall Syncline coal was found to be environmentally superior to fuel oil burned in a diesel generator. Continuing use of diesel generators to provide power in Nome over the next 20 years will require a subsidy of over $213 million. Switching to the proposed coal-fired power generation system will reduce the required subsidy to zero and provide a surplus (profit) of between $26 $45 million. In Kotzebue, the diesel option will require a subsidy of $137 million versus a profit of $68 million for a coal-fired power system with district heating. Cost of Study: $150,000 Funded by: Alaska Energy Authority Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group; Mechanical Technology, Inc. Doc 39 ARCHAEOLOGY AT DEADFALL SYNCLINE CULTURAL RESOURCE SITE EVALUATIONS RELATED TO THE WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DECEMBER 22, 1989 Purpose: Conduct an archaeological surface survey and test excavation program at the Deadfall Syncline coal mining site. Scope: Identify any and all archaeological evidence within mine permit area, collect, photograph and map visible cultural materials for subsequent analyses. Results: Twenty-six sites were mapped and their surfaces entirely collected of artifacts. Based on initial data, six sites warrant excavation by qualified archaeologists. Sites XPL-081, XPL-082, and XPL-088 are highly significant. They contain many microcores and/or microblades, which may date from two to several thousand years B.C. and represent the earliest archaeological culture in Alaska, the American Paleoarctic tradition. Sites XPL-092, XPL-100, and XPL-104 are considered significant and will require excavation, too. However, they are generally smaller and seemingly not as important in terms of their archaeological data potential as the previous three. Four other sites, XPL-079, XPL-083, XPL-099, and XPL-101, are marginally important. They generally consist of fewer surface artifacts clustering in smaller areas, compared with the two sets above. Only XPL-083 will have an immediate effect on ASCG coal mining plans as it lies in the path of the developing mine pit. However, this site on DFS 4 does not seem important enough to warrant excavation. The remaining nine sites all reside on ridge DFS 2 and this report assumes that seam DFS 2 will be the last coal bed mined. In the interim, DFS 3 bears no significant archaeological evidence and should be considered cleared for mining as well. Roughly 76 square meters of the site area warrant excavation prior to more coal mining. Cost of this work is estimated from $40,000 to $100,000 or more. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Gregory A. Reinhart, Inc. Doc 38 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT - PHASE II PROJECT REPORT DECEMBER 1989 Purpose: To expand on Phase I and II work by evaluating mining methods to improve coal quality, determine environmental effects, improve installation of modern coal-fired technology and utilize other forms of coal transport and handling. Scope: Mine and distribute 350 tons of coal for use in a pilot program to test in residential heating. Install 15 coal stoves in 3 communities and monitor their use. Results: During Phase III, improvements were made in the areas of coal quality, coal packaging, coal delivery, camp conditions, and mining productivity. Spring mining was found to be feasible and preferable to late fall and winter mining performed in Phases I and II. The camp should be moved from its present location as it was inadvertently located on the tundra mat. Improvements to the kitchen and dining area are also recommended. The mine pit should be expanded to about 120 feet in length to provide adequate room for the machinery to operate. The confines of the 1989 pit created some situations where safety of the equipment and workers could have been compromised. It also resulted in difficult coal extraction conditions. Expansion of the pit would provide coal for two to three years at the present mining rate. Movement of men, equipment, and materials is probably the major problem to be resolved at the mine for the present mode of operation. Strong consideration should be given for the purchase of a Nodwell-type track vehicle equipped with a four to six man cab, a flatbed and possibly a trailer. A unit of this type would go a long way towards relieving the problems associated with the aircraft, dozers, and sleds now being used. Cost of Study: $946,100 Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group Doc 37 ALUAQ MINE STUDY COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS REPORT NOVEMBER 1989 Purpose: To examine the commercial feasibility of developing western Arctic coal for export to the Pacific Rim Nations. Scope: To develop a "base case" development scenario that examines mining of one million tons of coal per year, in the Western Arctic, Alaska and delivering it to Japan and Korea. Examine development aspects such as Pacific Rim markets, additional coal reserves proximal to transportation corridors, mine engineering, infrastructure, marine transportation, and financial implications. Results: Pacific Rim Coal Market - The Asian-Pacific coal market forecasts significant growth in bituminous coal imports during the 1990’s. Coal Field Investigations - The Deadfall Syncline offered the best opportunity for future development with limited additional reserves located along proposed transportation corridors. Mine Engineering Analysis - The Deadfall Syncline contains reserves adequate to support a mining operation of one million tons per year for 20 years. The Aluaq Mine is anticipated to have a maximum production crew on site of 165 persons or an estimated 333 permanent employment positions. The estimate for mining and hauling costs for coal delivered to the port is $50.00 per ton for the "base case" scenario of which haulage accounts for $22.40 per ton. The "base case" uses a haul road to Red Dog and the port of Kivalina. Infrastructure Evaluation - The total cost for the infrastructure development was estimated at $89,700,000. The major items are the 168 man camp and a 92-mile road to Red Dog. The later was estimated to cost $80 million. Marine Transportation Analysis - The marine transportation system involves loading coal from shore onto three 5500 S.T. lightening barges with subsequent transfer to a 60,500 S.T. Panamex class ship at the offshore location. The total cost of loading and transporting coal by sea was estimated at $14.20 per ton. The shipping season is assumed to be 90 days long, from July 15 to October 15. Sailing distances of 2950 nautical miles (n.m.) and 3280 n.m. were calculated from Kivalina to Yokohama, Japan and Pusan, Korea respectively. Financial Analysis - The financial analysis evaluated two cases. Case 1 being the "base case" scenario and Case 2 which proposed coal haulage by road to Omalik Lagoon on the Chukchi Sea Coast (approximately 5.4 miles). Case 2 was developed for economic comparison with Case 1 with no analysis of its technical feasibility. Case 1 estimated the delivered price of coal to be $87 per ton or $3.63 per million BTUs. Case 2 estimated the delivered cost to be $49 per ton or $2.04 per million BTUs. Conclusions and Recommendations - Both the capital cost of the 92-mile haul road and the operation and maintenance cost of a truck haulage system were prohibitive to the viability of the Doc 36-1 project. The marine transportation system proposed for Case 1 and Case 2 proved technical feasibility for Case 1 and economic feasibility for both cases. With potential mining costs, of $20-25 per ton for one million tons of coal, the Aluaq Mine could deliver coal at a competitive price to the Pacific Rim market. Significant technical and market development efforts must still be performed in order to prove commercial feasibility. Cost of Study: $75,000 Funded by: _— Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group Doc 36-2 COAL INVESTIGATIONS IN THE COKE BASIN AND TUPIKCHAK SYNCLINE, WESTERN ARCTIC FIELD INVESTIGATIONS AUGUST 1989 Purpose: This report supplements the earlier report entitled "Geology of Western Arctic Coal Basins & Potential of Coal Basins as Developable Deposits". This supplement discusses results of field work in the Coke Basin, which was proposed in the previous report as the most likely of the relatively unexplored inland basins to contain a significant thickness of coal bearing rocks. Scope: A reconnaissance survey of the Coke Basin for the assessment of minable coal potential was conducted. A short period of time was also spent in the Tupikchik Syncline. Outcropping coal beds were located, measured, sampled and mapped. Results: Five coal seams ranging from 20+ inches to 3+ feet in thickness were observed, in Coke Basin outcrops. Within the area underlain by the coal section, there may be measurable coals other than those observed in outcrop. There are no surface indications that suggest that these beds maybe any thicker than those observed. No concentrations were noted comparable to those associated with thicker coals (greater than 5 feet) in the Deadfall Syncline or at Cape Beaufort. Assuming a uniform 8 degree dip around the basin toward the center and a uniform 2 degree topographic slope upward towards center, about 1.6 million tons (2.6%) of the gross resource of 61 million tons would be categorized as strippable at a ratio of 5:1. This would probably not be practically or economically possible, since it would necessitate excavation of very narrow concentric strips all the way around the basin. Continued exploration of the Coke Basin should involve drilling. Given the apparent lack of minable coal seams, drilling in the Coke Basin is not recommended. Little coal was observed in the Tupikchak Syncline. Indications are that any significant coal beds occurring in the Tupikchak Syncline would be underlying erosional remnants representing the uppermost remaining part of the Corwin foundation, and would therefore be severely limited in areal extent. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: James E. Callahan, Arctic Slope Consulting Group Doc 35 GEOLOGY OF THE WESTERN ARCTIC COAL BASINS AND POTENTIAL OF COAL BASINS AS DEVELOPABLE DEPOSITS A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION JUNE 29, 1989 Purpose: To study potentially minable coal deposits located near a proposed transportation corridor from the Deadfall Syncline coal deposit to the Red Dog Mine. Scope: Conduct a literature review and preliminary investigation of several coal-bearing basins in the western Arctic proximal to the proposed transportation corridor. Results: Study results conclude that there are several coal bearing "basins" which offer potential for minable coal in the western Arctic. These basins have been prioritized by level of minable potential in this report. Field studies are recommended to further investigate this potential. Of the coal-bearing basins which appear most attractive in this report, the Coke Basin located approximately 20-25 miles (32-40 km.) south of the Deadfall Syncline coal deposit, contains the most potential. Seismic data indicate that the structure of the Coke Basin is simple and coal-bearing strata are gently inclined near surface. The Coke Basin is also located within a 0.5-5 mile radius of the proposed transportation corridor to the Red Dog Mine and are within lands owned by ASRC. Comparison of the coal occurrence and stratigraphy at Coke Basin with Cape Beaufort and Deadfall Syncline suggests that a coal bed with an average thickness of eight feet may be present in the Coke Basin in the upland area west of the Kukpowruk River. Due to a lack of field data, it is difficult at this time to estimate the quantity of potential coal reserves at Coke Basin, but comparisons with Deadfall Syncline and Cape Beaufort suggest similarly sized reserves of high rank (B-A bituminous) and quality (12,772 BTU; 7,096 Kcal/Kg), low ash (7.62%) and low sulfur (0.19%) coal. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: James E. Callahan, Arctic Slope Consulting Group Doc 34 PROJECT REPORT ON DEADFALL SYNCLINE COAL EVALUATION TO ARCTIC SLOPE REGIONAL CORPORATION APRIL 10, 1989 Purpose: To evaluate combustion performance of Deadfall Syncline coal for use in a indirect-fired Brayton cycle cogeneration facility. Scope: Conduct small-scale tests to evaluate carbon burnout, sulfur capture, and ash slagging/foaling behavior in a fluidized bed combustor (FBC) and a conventional furnace. Results: The Deadfall Syncline coal burns well in both FBC and suspension-fired furnaces. There were no apparent problems with ash agglomeration or slagging in either combustion test. No problems were expected in the FBC test but the low initial ash fusion temperature of 2315°F is in the range where molten ash/slag would be expected in high- temperature furnaces such as stokers or pulverized coal boilers. Approximately 50 percent sulfur capture was achieved in the FBC at a calcium to sulfur mole ratio of 5.4 when including the calcium contained in the coal ash. This is relatively poor sulfur capture and limestone utilization for an FBC, although the extremely low sulfur/SO, concentrations provide a kinetic limitation to efficiency. Deadfall Syncline coal can meet most SO, standards without any controls because of the low sulfur content in the raw coal. No, emissions from conventional firing will exceed EPA New Source Performance Standards without some control technology applied to the system. Staged combustion, low NO, burners and selective catalytic reduction can be used to reduce NO, emissions as needed by local regulations. NO, emissions from an FBC will meet federal standards because of the lower combustion temperatures. The coal ash was very difficult to collect in a cyclone or by gravity settling. Depending on specific local particulate requirements, a bag filter or electrostatic precipitator would be needed to control ash emissions. An ESP may have resistivity problems which should be discussed with vendors during design and equipment procurement. Battelle recommends the FBC as the preferred small-scale technology rather than a stoker-fired unit because of the lower emissions (SO, and NO,) and the lower risk of ash fusion (clinker) problems. The Deadfall Syncline coal is suitable for use in suspension-fired equipment. Cost of Study: $50,000 Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Batelle Memorial Institute Doc 33 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT PROJECT REPORT DECEMBER 1988 Purpose: To evaluate mining methods to improve quality of coal delivered to end users, determine environmental effects of coal mining and use, improve installation of modern coal-fired technology, and utilize other forms of coal transport and handling. Scope: Undertake camp and mine mobilization, mine 250 tons of coal, instill and evaluate residential coal heating units, transport coal to Pt. Lay, Wainwright, and Pt. Hope and devise a local delivery method that maintains a continuous supply while measuring coal use. Results: Camp facilities should be improved. The tent camp utilized is inappropriate for winter activities. ATCO type units should be acquired. Attempts to improve coal quality and recovery by utilizing different mining methods on mine seam DFS 4 and excavating deeper were disappointing. Mining of weathered coal seemed to have the same effect as blasting with both resulting in excessive fines. It is recommended that coal be obtained from areas of the coal seam deeper than 20 feet. Screening of coal improved the use of coal in the villages through better stove operation and dust control. Use of smaller 60 pound bags versus 147 pound bags improved handling. Only remaining complaints are the late arrival of coal and requests for more stove installations. The use of the 50 ton capacity Flowton vehicle, a prototype large tired tundra vehicle proved to be somewhat viable but highly unpredictable. Technical problems with the vehicle was common although it did transport coal to and return form Wainwright within 22 hours. The use of barges proved to be a more reliable mode of transportation, especially to Pt. Hope. Cost of Study: $185,000 Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Group Doc 32 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE III FINAL REPORT - APRIL 1988 Purpose: To augment Phases I and II by undertaking special studies identified in the Phase II report as being necessary prior to a development decision being made on the project. Scope: Initiate baseline data gathering in the Mormon West Block mining unit for mine engineering, perform continuous environmental observations of the WACDP environs, conduct marketing efforts for start-up and development and perform domestic stove and furnace combustion tests and analysis using project coal. Results: Environmental Assessment - No major environmental constraints to further consideration of the project. Belukha whales sitings in Omalik Lagoon only occurred between 6/27 - and 7/13. No salmonids observed in Kuchiak Creek. Brown bear sitings mostly during July and August. Coal Demonstration Program - Combustion tests performed in selected residential heating units indicated efficiency of 40% in furnace and 64% in stove. Pollutant concentrations were reasonably low with sulfur emissions substantially lower than that produced by oil heating. Market Evaluation - WACDP should be developed in stages starting at about 30,000 TPY (Stage 1) increasing to 47,590 TPY (Stage 2) over 5 years to supply local villages and power utility needs at Kotzebue, Nome and Bethel. Market will expand to surrounding villages, hardrock mining facilities and military installations. Coal Field Geology - Expansion of data base within Mormon Block resulted in revision of reserve estimates. The estimated reserve base for the base case stripping ratio of 4:1 is reduced to 1,050,000 tons from Phase II estimate of 1,170,000 - still adequate for the first 10 years of production. Mine Engineering - Top 5 feet of spoil can be ripped without blasting in early fall. Adequate coal can be uncovered with hydraulic excavator without need for spoil hauling equipment. A steady state production level of 20,000 tons could be produced in 3 months with crew of 9. Estimated cost; $42- $46 per ton delivered to port stockpile. Infrastructure Development - Relocation of marine berthing facility, per permitting agency comments, would increase capital expense by $100,000 and make permitting more difficult. Significant savings realized by use of lightening and reduction of camp facilities in lieu of marine berthing facilities. Infrastructure capital cost for 50,000 and 20,000 ton/yr scenarios; $6,230,000 and $4,730,000, respectively. Infrastructure operating, maintenance, and fuel costs for same scenarios equate to $505,000 and $203,000, respectively. Financial and Economic Analysis - With project design and scale modifications, cost per ton (FOB port) for the 20,000 TPY base case equals $82.81 for Stage 1 and $67.57 for Stage II. Excluding capital costs for generating equipment, conversion from oil to coal will result in a savings in excess of $26 million over 20 years. Phase III study resulted in lower overall capital costs and production costs than reported in Phase II. Two-stage development preferred. Doc 31-1 Cost of Study: Part of $500,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase III Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, et al. Doc 31-2 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE III HYDROLOGY SURVEY REPORT JANUARY 1988 Purpose: To present a summary of baseline hydrology data on water quality and quantity within the WACDP study area. Scope: Collect flow data, water samples for lab analysis, and field measurements of applicable quality parameters from surface waterbodies that may be affected by the proposed project. Results: Methodology - Existing stream flows were gauged and high water levels determined by cross sections along 3 streams. Water quality field measurements and samples for lab analysis were collected at 8 locations. Measurements collected in the field were temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. Hydrology - Four drainage basins were studied: Kuchiak Creek, 59 sq. mi.; North Mormon Lake Creek, 6 sq. mi.; Mormon Creek, 2 sq. mi.; and Omalik Lagoon Creek, 3.5 sq. mi. These streams flow approximately 4 months (mid-May to mid-September). Spring flooding produces the highest stream flow rates and is typically over in 2 weeks. Expected runoff from spring floods amount to 4,400 acre ft. for Kuchiak Cr., 450 acre ft. for North Mormon Lake Cr., 150 acre ft. for Mormon Cr. and 260 acre ft. for Omalik Lagoon Cr. Sampling of surface waters in late June indicated that both lakes and streams were slightly basic to neutral in pH and well-oxygenated. Results of analyses satisfy the minimum required testing parameters for a surface coal mining permit application. Average precipitation for the study area is 8 inches; 3 inches from snow and 5 inches from non-snow. The quantity of runoff expected from the average spring flood is equal to the runoff values calculated for the 25-year, 24-hour precipitation event. Conclusion and Recommendations - The level and occurrence of the peak and low stream flow rates and seasonal variations of the surface water quality are consistent with the hydrology of the Arctic environment. Also, this initial baseline hydrology survey indicates the proposed coal mining operation will probably have insignificant impact on water quality within the study area. Additional baseline field surveys to record actual stream flow and water quality variations throughout the ice-free season may be required by federal, state and local regulatory agencies. Cost of Study: Part of $500,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase III Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers Doc 30 1987 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM FIELD PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT APRIL 1988 Purpose: To summarize the field activities conducted during the 1987 Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project. Scope: Report the use of local personnel for excavating and bagging 250 tons of coal in addition to work associated with camp mobilization, construction and improvements, logistics and development of test pits. Results: An inspection of the camp and bulk sampling operation was made by the state of Alaska and federal Office of Surface Mining personnel. No major problems were identified and their inspection report is appended to this report. A 1,100-foot-long airstrip was constructed adjacent to the camp. Camp tents and the cook tent were cleaned and repaired. An office/storage tent was constructed. Aircraft provided transportation of personnel, food, fuel and supplies. A total of 31 locally hired people from Pt. Lay, Pt. Hope, Wainwright and Barrow were employed during the 1987 program. A bulk sample of 250 tons was removed from 6 test pits located along the coal seam designated DFS-4. Coal from this bulk sample was transported to different Northwest Alaska villages and to laboratories at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Penn State University. Five test pits were excavated parallel to coal seam strike and one pit was excavated along coal seam dip. Three excavation technologies were used to obtain bulk samples: 1) a hand process, utilizing a jack hammer to break the overburden and removal of overburden by a tracked vehicle with a 1/2 cu. yd. dump bed, 2) use of a tracked loader to assist with overburden removal and coal excavation, and 3) an adit was driven into the coal on the deeper portion of pit No. 1 and underground workings were advanced using standard drilling and blasting methods. All coal sized greater than % inch or approximately 25 percent of the excavated coal was bagged. The remainder was undersized and buried in the test pits. Lithologic sections from each test pit is described in the report, along with cross-sectional drawings and a table listing the results of the laboratory analysis with respect to moisture content, ash and heating value. Cost of Study: No Recoverable Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Howard Grey and Associates Doc 29 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - APPENDIX D, 1987 FIELD PROGRAM MARCH 1988 Purpose: Provide supplemental environmental data in critical areas defined in the WACDP Phase II Environmental Assessment issued in December 1985. Scope: Summarize results of several past and present field observations that include sea ice, climate, wildlife and archeological resources conducted in the Deadfall Syncline prospect area. Results: Sea Ice - Starts forming in early October and is completely gone by late June. Climate - "Breakup" occurs from mid to late May and "freezeup" takes place in mid September. Daily mean temperatures range from -17°F in February to +50°F in July with extremes from - 50°F in winter to the upper 70’s in summer. Average precipitation is 10 inches with a mean snowfall of 48 inches. A prevailing wind from the northeast was observed year round. Belukha Whales - Arrived Omalik Lagoon following withdrawal of ice on 27 June; departed area on July 13. Caribou - Small groups (1-33) of animals peripheral to major aggregation of 10,000+ caribou moved through WADCP in late June. Fall migration began 8/23, peaked 9/4 with stragglers present until 9/15. Maximum number 1049 east and south of WACDP. Brown Bear - Occurred mostly during July and August, with several bears invading Deadfall Syncline camp. Waterfowl - Dominated by white-fronted geese; comprehensive data collected on their annual reproductive cycle and habitat preferences. Furbearers - Low numbers indicated cyclic low in small mammal populations. Fish - No salmonid fish captured or observed in Kuchiak Creek. Archaeology - One previously unreported site discovered on Omalik Lagoon shoreline along with several prehistoric sites on sandstone ridges at proposed mine site. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers; Hanson Environmental Research Services; Graystar Technical Services; Edwin Hall and Associates; Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. Doc 28 WESTERN ARCTIC: ALASKA’S NEW COAL FRONTIER (BROCHURE) FEBRUARY 24, 1988 Purpose: To develop a brochure presenting the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation’s (ASRC) interest in developing the western Arctic coal resource for the international market. Scope: This 6-page brochure provides a brief history of ASRC, describes the Western Arctic coal resource and gives a chronological history of the discovery, exploration and limited development of coal deposits in western Alaska. Results: ASRC has maintained a keen interest in developing its resources and is most encouraged by the recent interest shown by the local, state, and federal governments. With cooperation of these governmental agencies, ASRC looks to work with mineral exploration and development companies to assist in the development of the western Arctic coal potential. Recent ASRC and state-sponsored coal studies have shown that development of a coal mining industry in the Western Arctic is technically and economically feasible and can be conducted consistent with minimal environmental and sociological impacts. Further, geologic investigations and exploratory drilling programs have recently been conducted to augment the western Arctic coal resource database that dates back to the 1920’s. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers Doc 27 1987 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL GEOPHYSICAL PROGRAM FEBRUARY 1988 Purpose: To continue field work initiated in 1985 and 1986, particularly exploratory auger drilling and a surface magnetometer survey. Scope: Conduct test borings with a 3 1/2 inch diameter solid flight auger. Conduct a magnetometer survey consisting of 15 geophysical lines totaling 13.82 miles in length. Determine coal internal thickness, coal seam orientation and continuity of coal seams. Results: A total of 37 exploratory drill holes were completed with depths ranging from 4.5 feet to 22.5 feet. Fourteen auger samples of coal were retrieved. Coal analyses show moisture levels that range from 10 to 19 percent on an as-received basis, ash levels from 3 to 40 percent, and heating values from 5,200 to 10,000 Btu’s/Ib. The magnetic profiles which were developed appear homogeneous over most of the project area. The survey was taken along the 3 main ridges within this area (DFS 2, DFS 3, and DFS 4). With the exception of DFS 4, all data accumulated in 1987 confirms data that was obtained during previous field seasons. A local anomaly in excess of 1,000 gammas was found in the area of the burn rock along DFS 3. An area along DFS 4 slightly west of camp and extending approximately 2,000 feet in an east/west direction and approximately 300 feet in a north/south direction was also found to have an anomaly of approximately 1,000 gammas. This site had previously been identified as having an anomaly but the magnitude was unknown. No anomaly was discovered on ridge DFS 2. The DFS 4 anomaly is probably associated with the burn rock as observed on DFS 3. The size and shape of the anomaly is similar to that which was observed previously. Although no burn rock has been observed in this area, additional drilling should be performed in the near future to attempt a correlation to the features which this survey has delineated. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: Howard Grey & Associates Doc 26 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT SEPTEMBER 1987 Purpose: To utilize the North Slope labor force to mine and distribute 100 tons of coal to native villages to evaluate mining methods and determine social acceptance of mining and coal. Scope: Mine 100 tons of coal by both surface and underground methods. Install different make coal burning stoves in the villages of Pt. Lay, Pt. Hope and Wainwright to assess their applicability in the region, distribute coal to these villages to test the use of coal for residential heating, determine best delivery method to residences and measure use of coal at each installation. Results: The NSB Coal Demonstration Project demonstrated that it is possible to mine 100 tons of coal, transport packaged coal by air or ground transportation and burn coal adequately in today’s modern coal burning units. Residents of the North Slope are willing to support a coal mining effort on the North Slope while demonstration participants view coal as an acceptable home heating fuel. Even though the coal mining was conducted during severe winter weather, work crews performed exceedingly well with no work related injuries. Problems that were encountered such as logistic difficulties, higher than normal employee turnover rate, increased costs and equipment downtime were attributed to the winter operations. To alleviate future problems that utilize the same equipment complement and materials, mine activity should be completed between May 1 and September 30 with May being the most favorable month due to good weather and frozen ground conditions. Summer operations may also require a dewatering system for mine drainage. Technically, overburden material has been found to fracture much easier than previously calculated. This should make excavation of the overburden much faster. Blasting of the coal produced excessive fines which were a problem in coal utilization. Both means of transportation used for hauling coal were found technically capable of delivering packaged coal. The cat train was more flexible in its ability to unload the coal where directed but it was slow and unpredictable. Airplanes, of course, were limited to the runway apron. Future programs should explore: improving upon the quality of the coal in terms of grain size and packaging; improving upon the transportation and handling of the coal by looking at barge transportation; and looking at other uses of coal such as institutional and/or residential furnace and boiler applications. Cost of Study: $1,000,000 Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers/OceanTech Doc 25 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE III 1986 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL FIELD PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT JANUARY 1987 Purpose: To build upon previous work conducted under WACDP, Phase II by obtaining coal characterization data and providing local employment. Scope: Construct semi-permanent mine camp, train and employ local workforce, excavate and prepare for shipment 100 tons of coal. In addition, conduct additional exploratory drilling, material testing, and environmental data collection. Results: Changes will be required in the camp to improve level of comfort and meet regulatory guidelines. These include an equipment maintenance facility, storage sheds, upgraded water systems and food service, shower and laundry facilities. Bulk sampling of coal should take place close to camp and at seams that are greater than 20 feet in depth. The latter will eliminate most weathering problems and yield competent roofs for exploratory drifts. Bagging of coal should be in smaller units (60 to 80 lbs.). This will permit easier coal handling in villages. Use of explosives on-site may require special storage magazines. Alternative explosives should be examined some of which may perform better in coal. Blasting of coal with explosives created excessive fines. Evaluation of coal sizing for stoves should be accomplished prior to mining. A screening plant should be designed and coal fires shall be separated and backfilled into test pit. Placing waste rock on visqueen to protect the ground surface, per ADNR regulations, proved to be a safety hazard during winter operations due to frequent slipping. Timbers should be used for shoring test pit collars through colluvium and as support in drifts. Underground mining of the 100 ton bulk sample proved to be possible and even enjoyed by the local labor force. Logistic difficulties, higher than normal employee turnover rates, increased costs and equipment downtime are attributed to winter operations. Future mining programs should occur between May 1 and September 30. Future field work within the study area should include a magnetometer survey and additional drilling. Additional drilling can expand and/or define present reserves and provide better data on the weathering depth of the coal. Cost of Study: Part of $500,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase III Grant Funded by: — Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Howard Grey and Associates Doc 24 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE II FINAL REPORT - VOLUMES I AND II JUNE 1986 Purpose: To present an assessment of the feasibility of coal development in the western Arctic to provide an energy alternative to fuel oil for regions in northern and western Alaska. Scope: Provide information from alternative mine and infrastructure designs, project component field data, marketing surveys, village end use technology assessment, transportation, environmental, socio-economic, financial, and economic analyses. Results: The selected mining area is the Deadfall Syncline within the Arctic Foothills Province. Non- complex coal structure and characteristic Foothills Province bedrock materials that will be encountered will allow a conventional approach to mining. No major environmental constraints are envisioned. Ata 100,000 TPY production level, the Deadfall Syncline can supply the areas energy needs for over 400 years at a 5:1 stripping ratio. Coal quality is High Volatile "B" Bituminous with an average (as-received) heating value of 12,000 Btu/Ib, ash content of 10 percent, moisture content between 4 and 5 percent, and sulfur contents of 0.1 to 0.3 percent. Area strip mining suing a truck/shovel system was selected as the mining method. Pre-development activities will take 4 years and include marketing studies, environmental baseline data studies, additional engineering activities, acquisition of 24 permits, design and construction of a: 24-person campsite, 5.4 mile haul road, 4,000 foot airstrip, and a 13-foot depth dredged channel and port facility. Annual mining and barge loading operations will require a 20-person crew and approximately 26,000 crew hours. Total potential demand is 500,000 TPY from 130 villages, 5 military bases, and two major mineral industry installations. This is equal to 80,000,000 gallons of fuel oil per year. A majority of potential customers find coal an acceptable fuel source and would use it if it was economic and available. The economics of mining and transporting western Arctic coal is dependent on the scale of operation. This means that with production level increases energy costs decrease to all customers. A financial analysis for the mine operation and supporting infrastructure show capital costs of $16,000,000, operating/maintenance costs of $2,000,000 per year, and an annual cost of $4,600,000. The above figures result in coal prices loaded on a barge at the mine port facility of $91.00 per ton or a price per million BTU of $3.80. The cost of coal in Kotzebue is estimated at $108 per ton or $4.50 per million BTU. This compares to present fuel oil prices in Kotzebue at $1.60 per gallon or $11.60 per million BTU. From an economic analysis viewpoint, the project is economically viable at a low level of production as long as crude oil prices are above $15.00 per barrel. During the initial years Doc 23-1 of production, market demand may not exceed or meet a base level of 50,000 TPY which would result in a net loss to investors or at best, a small profit. As both market demand and production levels increase, a positive return on investment over the life of the project is expected. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Deprtment of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers Doc 23-2 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE II COAL QUALITY AND UTILIZATION EVALUATION REPORT FEBRUARY 1986 Purpose: To explain the quality characteristics of coal, the impact of the use of coal within communities and comparison of western Arctic coal to other coals with respect to desired use characteristics. Scope: Summarize relevant data from existing coal publications, obtain information on boilers and stoves, interview University of Alaska power plant personnel. Results: , Deadfall Syncline coal is viewed as a high quality fuel, having a heating value of 12,000 BTU/Ib. and low concentrations of sulfur, moisture, and ash. It has coking qualities and could be used for the manufacture of metallurgical coke or coke briquettes for domestic heating. Three potential uses for raw coal from the Deadfall Syncline are: a. Power generation for Nome and Kotzebue, with power plant waste heat being used for district heat requirements. b. Space heating for large buildings or groups of buildings (district heating) in Alaskan communities. Ci Residential heating in place of oil and wood. A variety of residential coal-fired stoves and boilers are available. Their price depends on their degree of sophistication and automation (multifuel capacity, automatic feed systems, automatic ash removal, etc.) No adverse environmental impacts are anticipated if a power plant is properly selected and located. Attention must be given to the selection and training of operating personnel for the power plant. Space and domestic heating with coal requires greater maintenance compared to oil-fired systems but still appears attractive. The potential for spontaneous combustion of Deadfall Syncline coal is considered low due to its high rank, low moisture/sulfur, petrographic composition and low ambient air temperatures at northern coal storage sits.. If coal stockpiles are leveled and properly compacted, spontaneous heating is reduced. In order to evaluate the performance of Deadfall Syncline coal, it is recommended that this coal be tested in stoves and boilers specially designed for coal. It is important to test such systems to evaluate their efficiency, environmental pollution, maintenance problems, and to establish their operating parameters. This evaluation should be conducted during mid-winter. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers; Mineral Industry Research Laboratory Doc 22 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE II PERMITTING PLAN - TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1986 Purpose: To summarize the permitting needs of the Western Arctic Coal Development Project. Scope: Determine appropriate regulatory agencies and permits, contact agency personnel on permitting concerns, determine any potential "fatal flaws", identify potentially jeopardizing environmental features, maintain liaison with regulatory agencies, establish and maintain communication with other personnel involved in regulatory compliance issues. Results: Major permits are those required by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) Division of Mining (Surface Coal Mining Permit) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Section 404 permit); and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (NPDES permit). Coordination of the state Agencies and communications with federal agencies will be the responsibility of the Alaska Office of Management and Budget - Department of Government Coordination. The ADNR Division of Mining will be the lead State agency. Current time estimates to process a complete permit application range form 3-12 months for federal permits and 1-12 months for state and local permits. A tentative schedule of permitting activities in order to begin project construction in September 1988 calls for additional environmental studies during the 1986 and 1987 summer seasons; submission of the U.S. EPA NPDES permit application in March 1987 in advance of other permit applications; application for the ADNR-DOM permit in August 1987; application for remaining permits in April 1988; issuance of all permits in September 1988; and continuation of environmental monitoring studies during 1988 and 1989 indicated by permit stipulations. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, Hanson Environmental Research Services Doc 21 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE II PRELIMINARY REPORT - COMPONENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT DECEMBER 18, 1985 Purpose: To provide documentation of the screening process by which team leaders arrived at decisions that advanced the preferred alternatives for the WACDP mine and infrastructure. Scope: Review of evaluation procedures that resulted in the selection of location, methods, and other elements of the mine and its supporting infrastructure. Of major importance regarding these evaluation procedures was the consideration of environmental constraints, particularly those related to possible impacts of development to subsistence resources. Results: The preliminary mine plan selected the preferred alternative of a mine located in the Mormon Block West area for purposes of avoiding the Kuchiak Creek drainage during the initial ten years of mining activity and shorter haul distance to the coastal port site. Infrastructure alternatives were complicated by extensive dredging costs required by construction of a port facility. An initial preference selected an over-the-beach offshore loading facility to be used during the first few years of operation, later opting for a larger facility within a diked portion of Omalik Lagoon. A 5.4-mile roadway alignment was selected by engineering and environmental consultation during the 1985 summer site investigation. The route considered soils, drainage, wildlife habitat, snow drifting, and environmental costs. Roadways and airstrips will be aligned to minimize or avoid sensitive habitats. A source of gravel or other construction material has not been established. Expansion of the environmental data continues to indicate that there are no major environmental constraints to further consideration of the project. Recommendations for future work needs to evaluate anadromous fish habitat on Kuchiak Creek; estimate vital hydrological parameters in the Mormon Lake drainage; perform site- specific vegetative surveys; ascertain the status of peregrine falcons in the project environs; examine reported cultural resources in the area of Omalik Lagoon; and obtain additional information on soil behavior as it relates to erosion, transport by surface waters, and revegetation practices. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers; Hanson Environmental Research Services Doc 20 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN - PRELIMINARY REPORT DECEMBER 1985 Purpose: To develop the most economic, technically feasible and environmentally acceptable infrastructure concepts to support the mining operation. Scope: Develop alternatives for the various infrastructure components. Each component was assessed to determine those most economic and technically feasible. Conceptual designs for the various components were developed to the schematic level and cost estimates generated. Results: Based on bathymetry and operational facility, the best location for the marine berthing components is near Omalik Lagoon and would require the dredging of a channel offshore and a turnaround basin within the lagoon. The coal stockpile should be within the lagoon at the most efficient point of delivering the coal to shipping operations. Locating a road that connected the marine berthing facility and the mine was determined by four factors. First, it was assumed the mine would be located at the start of West Mormon Block. Second, the road must be located in proximity to potable water. Third, the road alignment must avoid thermally unstable polygonal ground areas. And fourth, the road must link the mine with the marine berthing facility on Omalik Lagoon. Dredge spoil materials could be used to construct the roads and portions of the port facility, and coal stockpile pad. Design alternatives for the airport were refined to integrate infrastructure elements thus reducing construction and operating costs. The airport would be placed at the mine site and use mine equipment to construct it. Camp facilities sized for the estimated manpower needs of the mine and related facilities should be placed near the mine. This would reduce travel time for mining personnel and reduce overall operations costs. For efficiency, the coal stockpile should be located near the marine berthing facility. A hopper-feed, stacker-conveyor system would be most efficient in the formation of the 50,000 ton coal stockpile. Also, conveyors or front-end loaders would be used to reclaim the stockpile and to load the coal onto the barges. It was determined that the most reliable and economical alternative included: a 13-foot dredged marine berthing facility, an airfield along the road alignment; and a conveyor loading facility. Initial capital costs of the entire infrastructure system were estimated at $7,234,000 with operating costs of $656,000 per year. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers Doc 19 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DECEMBER 1985 Purpose: To bring project into conformance with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act preliminary to application for federal, state and local permits needed to proceed with development of the Deadfall Syncline coal mine. Scope: Utilizing Phase I and other source data including a 1985 on-site visit, prepare an Environmental Assessment, develop a program for obtaining additional necessary environmental information, assess preliminary mine, port and infrastructure design components and prepare a permitting plan for project development based on agency comments. Results: A decision was made to locate the proposed mine near the Mormon benchmark and west of Kuchiak Creek after evaluation of environmental resources. A marine berthing facility is also proposed at the northern end of Omalik Lagoon with connecting infrastructure. Connecting the two, a 5.4 mile roadway is proposed. A tundra thaw lake midway between the mine and port along the road will be used as the potable water source. Further development activities such as mine and infrastructure design, exploration drilling, pilot mining projects, economic analyses, socio-economic studies and environmental evaluations are high priority items to the project. Vegetation types and landforms in a 24 square mile area of the western portion of the WACDP environs were mapped by performing ground and aerial transects from the foothills near the USCGS Mormon benchmark (proposed mine site) and the Chukchi Sea. Important staging areas for belukhas, brood-rearing and staging areas for waterfowl and shorebirds, and denning areas for arctic foxes were identified through aerial and ground surveys. The confirmation of Omalik Lagoon as a "perched" tundra thaw lake, with a surface elevation of 3.5 ft. above mean sea level, requires careful engineering and environmental considerations. Biological costs to development were estimated by applying population densities of small mammals and birds reported in appropriate studies in northern Alaska to the habitat types expected to be impacted by WACDP components. Expansion of the environmental database for the project area and the focusing of the assessment by the screening and selection of preferred options and alternatives for project components continues to indicate that there are no major environmental constraints (fatal flaws) to further consideration of the project. Recommendations for future study are made to (a) evaluate anadromous fish habitat in Kuchiak Creek; (b) estimate vital hydrological parameters in the Mormon Creek drainage; (c) ascertain soil behavior under site-specific conditions to evaluate erosion, transport by surface waters, and implications to revegetation practices; (d) perform site-specific vegetation surveys; (e) determine the status of peregrine falcons in the project environs; (f) examine reported cultural resources in the vicinity of Omalik Lagoon; and (g) generally augment the environmental Doc 18-1 database in areas of needed information for input to the Surface Coal Mining Program and other regulatory agency requirements. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Hanson Environmental Research Services Doc 18-2 1985 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL GEOPHYSICAL PROGRAM NOVEMBER 1985 Purpose: To augment earlier geophysical information within the Deadfall Syncline project area with a program to obtain additional data on the continuity of geologic units and the physical characteristics of the country rock. Data will also be used to allow more detailed preliminary mine planning and increase coal reserves. Scope: Undertake a field program consisting of auger drilling, magnetometer survey and a seismic reflection survey. Results: The combined results of drilling and geophysical surveys confirmed the continuity of the coal seams and permitted an increased estimate of reserves. A solid flight auger drilling program yielded additional data on the continuity of the coal seams, bedding orientation and the thickness and character of the unconsolidated overburden. Of the 36 borings completed, 16 intercepted coal. A magnetometer survey successfully defined the lateral extend of the burned portions of coal seams. It also demonstrated that burned seams are a discontinuous feature. Therefore, reserves may be anticipated between burned areas. Interpretable data collected by the seismic survey allowed the calculation of intraformational velocities and unit thicknesses in the Deadfall Syncline project area. Due to the overlapping ranges of velocities for the various lithologic units it appears that the identification of concealed coal seams will require some modification of geophysical methods. At present, interpretation depends on the availability of geologic and drilling data. If additional geophysical systems are tested, one may be found which will allow the reliable identification of coal subcrops. Used in conjunction with a seismic reflection survey, this would allow the rapid determination of seam thickness and overburden depths. At present, a variety of electromagnetic systems exist which may be capable of locating coal subcrops. Indicated reserves at a 10:1 stripping ratio have been increased from the 1984 estimate by over three and one half times to 57,864,000 tons. It appears that additional work along the syncline axis in the northwest and southcentral portions of the project area may further expand reserves. The ability of geophysics to determine the presence and quantity of coal has been demonstrated. The baseline data gathered by the 1985 program can be used to optimize future geophysical strategies and improve results. Cost of Study: $250,000 Funded by: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Work Performed by: Howard Grey & Associates, Inc. Doc 17 VILLAGE END USE TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT FOR WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OCTOBER 22, 1985 Purpose: To evaluate the current technologies available for converting coal to electric power and heat for the Western Arctic Coal Development Project. Scope: i, Identify and evaluate potential coal-use technologies as Conduct on-site investigations at the two representative rural communities of Nome and Kivalina. 3: Establish alternative methods for space heating, generating electricity and handling solid fuels. 4. Perform an economic analysis and technical feasibility assessment of the alternatives as compared to oil-based systems. Results: In larger size rural communities such as Nome, the recommended coal burning technology of those evaluated (pulverized coal, fluidized bed, stoker) is the chain grate stoker. The best power conversion technology of those evaluated (Brayton, Rankine, Sterling Cycles) are the steam injected externally fired gas turbine (Brayton Cycle) and the conventional condensing steam turbine (Rankine Cycle). Coal fired space heat is most economically supplied by a district heating system using the otherwise wasted heat rejected by the power generating cycle. This heat is provided without burning additional fuel. Without such a heat source, modern air-tight coal stoves offer up to a 60% reduction in annual residential space heating costs. Currently, available technologies do not offer a coal-fired alternative that is economically comparable to a diesel engine in the small size required in a village the size of Kivalina. Connecting many of these villages in a power grid provides a method to deliver coal-fired power at a price less than the current cost of operating individual diesel engines and reduces the total number of skilled power plant operators required. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Mechanical Technology Incorporated Doc 16 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE II TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TASK 4 - PRELIMINARY MINE DESIGN AUGUST 30, 1985 Purpose: To perform an economic and technical feasibility study for development of the Deadfall Syncline coal resource in sufficient detail to allow a decision whether or not to proceed with mine development. Scope: ; To provide a preliminary design and cost analysis for the physical extraction of the coal and transportation of the coal to the loading facility at the port site. Results: Mine Development - The Deadfall Syncline area consists of 2 mining units (Kuchiak and Mormon Blocks). The latter was chosen for initial development due to lower infrastructure costs and reduced environmental impact. Mining System - Surface mining will be undertaken to extract coal from three different coal seams totalling 50,000 tons per year. Stripped spoils will be used to backfill the previous year’s cut. Overburden material will be broken by drilling and blasting. Overburden and coal will be loaded by a 4 cu. yd. front shovel and hauled by three 35-ton off-highway trucks. Mine Schedule - A single 12-hour shift operation capable of producing 75,000 tons per year on a 6-month schedule is envisioned. Drainage Control - Permafrost and low precipitation will result in low drainage volumes. Low toxicity and the basic character of spoils will result in limiting water treatment to the use of sediment ponds. A small lake and bog located west of Mormon pit area will be used for final sediment removal from mine drainage. Reclamation - Following initial cut, mining will be conducted as a cut and fill operation limited to about 18 acres disturbance at any one time with contemporaneous revegetation of the backfilled pits. Total disturbed area during first 10 years will be about 180 acres. If insufficient topsoil exists for revegetation, properly amended sandstone and siltsone may be substituted. Labor Requirements - Excluding shipping and barge loading personnel, maximum crew size over the first 10 years would be about 20 at an hourly cost of $39-$50 per person per hour. Mining Costs - Direct mining costs are estimated to be $43.17 per ton. This can be reduced by increasing haul speeds with a wider road, use spoil for infrastructure construction, purchase remanufactured equipment and reduce operating schedule from 12 to 10 hours per day. Regulatory Compliance - Mine can be permitted essentially as proposed. No fatal flaws exist in development plan that would result in non-compliance. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: ASCE; Pool Engineering, Inc. Doc 15 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM - PHASE II - TASK 5 PORT COAL HANDLING UNIT AUGUST 29, 1985 Purpose: To investigate the capital and operating costs of handling 50,000 tons of coal, in bulk, through the Omalik Lagoon Port and to identify labor requirements for operation and maintenance of the materials handling system. Scope: Utilize basic data developed in preparing the June 12, 1985 Port Coal Handling Unit report and revise it where necessary to reflect new design and operating criteria. Obtain additional data on current interfacing systems objectives which impact the Port Coal Handling Unit from WACDP personnel and consultants. Results: This review indicates that the basic bulk materials handling systems proposed in the June 12th report are suitable for handling 50,000 tons of bulk coal per year with revised operating procedures. This material handling system includes a radial stacking conveyor and a wheel loader. Capital and operating costs for this system comes to $868,000 and $28,700 respectively. There is no provision for unitized coal handling. Operating costs are based on a six man crew that will be supplied from the mine labor force on an as required basis. Deep draft (3318 ton) and shallow draft (1200 ton) bulk coal barges were used for the analysis. If mine capacity is expanded to 100,000 tons the same equipment will be utilized although additional stockpile area would be necessary. If output from the initial operation is limited to 20,000 to 30,000 tons per year, the purchase of the stacking conveyor could be deferred. Stockpiling and loading could be accomplished by truck and wheel loader. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Swan Wooster Engineering, Inc. Doc 14b WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM - PHASE II - TASK 5 PORT COAL HANDLING UNIT JUNE 12, 1985 Purpose: To develop concepts and preliminary designs for the materials handling facilities at the coal transhipment terminal or "Mine Port". Scope: Review existing data and reports, develop screening criteria for alternative systems, define alternatives, develop equipment lists, capital, operating, and maintenance costs, analyze production rate changes on the systems selected. Results: Results of this study indicate that the materials handling system for the mine Port terminal should be rugged, simple, and well proven for operations in arduous conditions and be multi- functional. For stockpiling purposes, a radial stacking conveyor was chosen for the base case of 50,000 tons per year. For reclaiming coal from stockpiles and feeding it directly onto a bulk barge or into a unitized system, a wheel loader and conveyor system was chosen. One ton FIBC’s represent the best method of handling unitized coal. For unit sizes of 20 tons, ISO containers were selected. The wheel loader and conveyor system offer good technical solutions for barge loading as well as being useful for other stages of the mine operation. The wheel loader can be rigged with a bag handling attachment for transferring FIBC’s to the barge via a loading ramp. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Swan Wooster Engineering, Inc. Doc 14a GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AUGUST 20, 1985 Purpose: To locate a potential borrow source for fill material required for roads, pads, and port development; to determine soil and permafrost conditions along proposed road alignments and in beach, shallow offshore and Omalik Lagoon sediments; and locate a quality, yearlong water supply source. Scope: Drill test holes or use probes to obtain samples and place thermistors to determine quality and quantities of potential borrow material and determine permafrost conditions. Also conduct various analyses on sampled materials and water collected. Results: Two trips to the Western Arctic Coal Development Project for geotechnical observations and testings were made. These occurred during May and July, 1985. Three test borings - boring #1 onshore of the northeast corner of Omalik Lagoon, boring #2 between Omalik Lagoon and the Chukchi Sea, and boring #3 three-hundred feet offshore along with a sampling of "sintered" outcrop material near the winter camp were conducted during May. Off and onshore soil and permafrost conditions were studied and cross sections were made using the three test borings. Logs of burnings 1 and 3, drilled to 15’ reveal mainly brown silt to 13’ changing to harder sandstone. The log from boring 2 shows a 5’ layer of sandy gravel at the surface with interbedded silts and sandy silts to 27’. Ground temperatures decreased with depth. The "sintered" siltstone exhibited better material properties than previously tested core samples of siltstone and sandstone from the coal exploration. LA Abrasion and Alaska Degradation tests show a 33.9% loss for the former and a value of 73 for the latter. Approximately 15,000 cubic yards of this material is available from a 300-foot long by 100 foot wide 15 foot thick exposure. Observations made during the July trip include 1) active layer depths and soil conditions from various soil pits and probes, 2) ground temperatures from thermistor data 3) probe data from Omalik Lagoon bottom sediments 4) beach material characteristics, and 5) water supply sources and quality. Active permafrost layers ranged from 5 to 16 inches in wet, poorly drained tussock tundra areas to 29 inches on dry ridge slopes. Ground temperatures calculated from thermistor data at the boring onshore of the Omalik Lagoon’s northeast corner ranged from +1.7°C near the surface to -8.5°C at a depth of 14.7 feet. Probes into Omalik Lagoon leveal an average water depth of 4 feet and soft, black silts with minor sands to 10 feet. Below 10 feet, it appears that frozen ground is encountered. Seasonal frost layers within the lagoon range to 8 feet. Beach materials on the ocean side of Omalik Lagoon can be described through particle size analysis to be mainly gravelly sand with an apparent specific gravity of 2.89. Doc 13-1 Seven freshwater thaw lakes were studied for yearlong water supplies. Only two lakes exhibited depths that would result in decent water quality during winter months. These occur in Section 25 that has a maximum depth of 13 feet and Section 18 which has a maximum depth of 9 feet. Water quality analyses revealed iron contents to 3 times the acceptable limits in these lakes which can be treated. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Duane Miller & Associates Doc 13-2 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE II 1985 FIELD PROGRAM REPORT AUGUST 1985 Purpose: To investigate subsurface conditions in relation to proposed facility and material source areas for use in design and site selection for the facilities. Scope: Complete shallow test borings and analyze the collected samples. Results: The subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering study resulted in recommendations regarding foundations, roadways, an airstrip, borrow sources, and marine berthing/coal handling facilities. Foundations for any proposed facilities associated with the mine or port development should be placed on or adjacent to sandstone ridge outcroppings. These areas, exhibit low soils moisture content and low frost-heave susceptibility which makes it possible to use conventional foundation designs. Locating foundations on tundra with frozen ice-rich silts and clays would necessitate standard permafrost construction techniques and designs that utilize gravel pads and adfreeze slurry piling. Approximately five to six miles of roadway is proposed for this project. It is recommended that the road follow sandstone ridges, where possible, to reduce the amount of borrow material needed for road construction. Although non-frost susceptible (NFS) beach fill materials are preferred for road construction, limited amounts of this material will necessitate excavation of gravels and bedrock overburden from sandstone ridges. An airstrip at least 3,000 feet long orientated in the prevailing wind direction is preferred for the project. If this is not possible, an airstrip constructed on top of one of the sandstone ridges will be more cost effective while providing a stable runway surface. Gravelly materials from the numerous sandstone outcroppings constitute the best locally available borrow material for road construction and facility foundations. It is not acceptable for rip rap or concrete aggregate. The latter can be obtained form the narrow active beach deposits. Coal handling and loading operations for the project were weighed. The 5 options considered were causeways, gravel islands, dredged channels, berthing facilities constructed on pilings and connected to shore by conveyor, and a temporary jetty constructed form sunken or anchored barges. All alternatives seemed feasible from an engineering point of view but additional marine related studies on seasonal ice, littoral drift and wave dynamics is recommended before an alternative is chosen. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Howard Grey and Associates, Inc. Doc 12 DISTRICT HEATING STUDY FOR TWO ALASKAN COMMUNITIES NOME AND KIVALINA MAY 15, 1985 Purpose: To determine the feasibility of district heating systems for western Alaskan communities. Scope: Evaluate the technical feasibility of and determine the cost of heat supplied by central district heating systems in Nome and Kivalina, Alaska. Results: District heating systems, using special coal-fired plants as heat sources and supplying thermal energy to all or selected buildings in Nome and Kivalina, are technically possible. Hot water rather than steam was chosen as the transfer medium as it more closely suits the needs of systems of this size. Due to such reasons as the remote location of a major consumer in Nome or the absolutely small demand in Kivalina, the economics of central systems of this size are less favorable, having only limited potential for any kind of capital recovery: Abbreviated System Nome Kivalina Annual costs without capital recovery: Maintenance $80,500 $10,000 Pumping 12,500 1,500 Annual total 93,000 11,500 Heat supplied (10° BTU) 30,500 2,550 Cost of heat without capital recovery ($/10° BTU) 3.05 4.50 Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: EKONO, Inc. Doc 11 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE II PRELIMINARY INSTITUTIONAL MARKET ASSESSMENT MAY 6, 1985 Purpose: To analyze the institutional market to determine potential users of western Arctic coal, define start-up production levels and identify limiting factors to coal use and development. Scope: To make initial contact with potential coal users and establish an awareness of coal use within the institutional market by conducting surveys, interviews and obtaining feedback from presentations on the WACDP. The market area extends from Wainwright to the Yukon River and upstream to Pilot Station. Results: Market Demand - The market analysis is limited to community institutions such as the school districts, and the Nome and Kotzebue Utilities. The school districts’ energy demand for space heating totaled 7,156 tons of coal per year while the Nome Joint Utility and the Kotzebue Electric Association demand was 25,007 tons of coal per year. The community institutional demand makes up 60 percent of the total potential community demand. The rest comes from individual energy consumption which is difficult to determine. The total potential demand for all communities in the selected study area is 54,599 tons per year; for the military, 10,297 tons per year; and for industry, 121,900 tons per year. This equals 186,696 tons of which 65 percent is attributed to the mining industry. Current state energy subsidies retard the incentive of power plant operators and residents to conserve and convert to cheaper energy sources. The majority of the institutional market in the study area finds coal an acceptable fuel source and would base their willingness to use coal on its overall economics. Coal conversion is the primary concern of the institutional market. Initial capital costs are seen as prohibitive. There are however, several federal, state, and local financing options available to the institutions such as grants, bonding, and loans. Power generation technology is limited to the larger communities. Use of small scale power technologies in rural Alaska would open up a substantial demand for coal since 42 percent of the energy consumed in a rural community is burned to produce electricity. Coal distribution is a critical factor in the economics and acceptability of coal. Large institutions favor having a single large demand and preference for coal delivered in bulk form. The cost of coal packaging appears to be prohibitive at the initial operation of the mine. The use of import coal from British Columbia for the Red Dog Project and larger institutions in the study area would impact the marketability and viability of developing western Arctic coal. Oil prices have a significant influence on the marketability of coal and feasibility of its development. Start-up Production Level - The initial start-up production level of 20 thousand tons per year verifies the results of the Phase I Final Report but may prohibit the development of the mine Doc 10-1 without short-term assistance. Inclusion of the Red Dog Project into the start-up scenario increases the initial demand for coal by a factor of five. The Red Dog Project alone can justify the development of western Arctic coal. The North Slope Borough, North Slope Borough School District, and the Nome Joint Utility expressed the most interest and willingness to convert to coal. Their total energy demand for coal is 17,917 tons per year. Limiting Factors - Uncertainties over the use of coal from the WACDP or British Columbia has far reaching effects. It affects the WACDP in terms of marketability, viability, demand forecasting, and market penetration. Other factors that will influence coal use and development are: governmental policy and regulatory implications, social acceptability, end-use technology, financing, competing coals, and oil prices. Cost of Study: Part of $2,000,000 Western Arctic Coal Development Phase II Grant Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers Doc 10-2 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE I PRE-DEVELOPMENT SITE INVESTIGATION NOVEMBER 1984 Purpose: Evaluate the coal resources at Cape Beaufort and the Deadfall Syncline areas of the western Arctic. Scope: Review existing geologic data pertinent to Cape Beaufort and Deadfall Syncline, conduct on-site geologic reconnaissance of the proposed drilling area, obtain all permits and, through drilling determine lithology, gather coal samples for analysis and determine mining parameters such as coal thickness, continuity, strike length, overburden depths and estimation of mineable reserves sufficient to supply market area for 30 years. Data obtained provided critical input into mine site selection and preliminary economic evaluation. Results: From 27 holes up to 150 feet deep in the Cape Beaufort area, four coal seams were identified resulting in an estimate of 22,409,000 tons of mineable coal at a maximum 10:1 stripping ratio. With the high ash Seam 7 left in place, reserves are reduced to 5,737,000 tons. From 47 holes up to 110 feet deep in the Deadfall Syncline area, estimates of coal reserves from 7 seams totalled 15,810,000 tons of strippable coal on a maximum 10:1 stripping ratio. Using similar mining parameters to project reserves beyond the limits of measured reserves there are indications that some 25 million tons of strippable reserves are possible in the Cape Beaufort area and 59 million tons of strippable coal are possible at Deadfall Syncline. Based on this data, Deadfall Syncline was selected as the preferred site for initiating coal mining operations. The area is located several miles further from tidewater, but coal quality and mineability appear to outweigh the transportation factor. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Work Performed by: ASCE; Ambler Exploration, Inc.; Howard Grey and Associates; Mineral Industry Research Laboratory. Doc 9 BETHEL AREA POWER PLAN FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX C-1 COAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT DRAFT APRIL 1984 Purpose: To evaluate the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of using coal to supply part or all of the electrical generation and space heating needs of the City of Bethel and 12 nearby villages. Scope: To evaluate the potential coal sources available to the study area and determine the end-use cost per ton of coal in order to perform an economic analysis of the coal supply system. Results: Coal requirements for the study area total approximately 87,000 tons per year. Of this amount, 23,000 would be required for electrical generation, and 64,000 tons for space heating requirements. The ultimate economic attractiveness of a coal energy supply plan cannot be evaluated until factoring in the cost of the coal-fired electrical generation system. On the basis of the information developed to date, the following conclusions have been drawn: HIE It is technically and economically feasible to ship coal to the Bethel area from as far away as Utah. 2s Capital investment requirements for developing a coal handling infrastructure in Bethel total $3.4 million (1982 dollars). 35 The net present value of capital equipment replacement costs total $5.5 million (1982). 4. The capital investment required to replace the existing diesel space heating system with coal-fired equipment is $26.0 million (1982 dollars). These capital expenditures, plus the annual operation and maintenance costs, and fuel purchase and transportation costs, result in a net present value of $227 million (1982 dollars) for Cape Beaufort coal, the least costly undeveloped coal occurrence. Cost of Study: $940,000 Funded by: Alaska Power Authority Work Performed by: Dames & Moore Doc 8 FEASIBILITY STUDY PT. HOPE - PT. LAY COAL CONVERSION NOVEMBER 1983 Purpose: To determine the feasibility of using local coal as an energy source for residential heating within the communities of Pt. Hope and Pt. Lay. Scope: Determine the costs of purchase and installation of coal burning units, construction of a coal storage area, possible containerization, as well as supervision and administration of both mining and distribution. Results: The savings to consumers by conversion to coal in both Pt. Hope and Pt. Lay justify the initial capital investment. The cost analysis also indicates that a coastal location incorporating a mining and barging operation offers the best means of supplying coal to Pt. Hope and Pt. Lay. Additional advantages, such as increased community employment and less reliance on diminishing fuel oil supplies, should also be considered in determining the continuation of this project. Inland coal sources do not appear to be feasible for the small quantities of coal required due to higher transportation charges. Further developmental studies should be directed to Cape Dyer or Cape Beaufort. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Howard Grey & Associates, Inc. Doc 7 AN ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE MARKETABILITY OF WESTERN ARCTIC SLOPE COALS FEBRUARY 1983 Purpose: To make a preliminary determination of the marketability of Western Arctic Slope coals, both in the Alaska domestic market and in the international market. Scope: Draw on existing literature and information available, define market, determine and project alternative energy usage, postulate demand, compare transportation, handling, and delivery costs of Arctic and competing coals and explore social, political, and environmental factors affecting Alaskan marketability. , Results: Analysis of international coal markets indicates that up to 5 million tons of Arctic Slope thermal coal would be potentially competitive at a price of about $49 per ton FOB Cape Beaufort. Metallurgical grade coal (up to one million tons) would also be marketable and would command an additional $3-4 per ton premium over thermal coal. The preliminary cost estimates in ASCE (1982) indicate that a mine operating at a scale of about 2 to 5 million tons per year could produce coal at the above price. Coal from a smaller scale mine would be of questionable marketability. A Western Arctic Slope mine of export scale (one million ton per year, minimum), would be the least expensive source of coal available to the coastal communities north of the Alaska Peninsula. By the year 2000, fuel cost savings for switching from the existing diesel fuel-based energy system to one largely fired by coal would amount to as much as $88 million per year (in constant 1982 dollars). If coal were available from Cape Beaufort (or other Western Arctic Slope deposits) at about $50 per ton, it be competitive with coal from Prince Rupert, Canada in crucial southern distribution centers. If the conclusion that a small scale mine is uneconomic is substantiated by further analysis, two policy options emerge with regard to the development of Western Arctic Slope coal: Ne The mine must operate at a scale of about 2 million tons per year from the outset; or Zs If a small scale operation is necessary to establish mining experience and support contract credibility, the output of such a mine must be sold at a subsidized price at least to Bethel and Dillingham users. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Dames & Moore Doc 6 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT STUDY DECEMBER 15, 1982 Purpose: To assess coal resources of documented potential in the western Arctic region; Cape Beaufort, Deadfall Syncline and Kukpowruk River. Scope: Utilize only existing published and unpublished data and records regarding the quantity, quality and disposition of coal in the Western Arctic area. Tasks included data research, resource determination, viability evaluation, project findings and recommendations. Results: Pertinent information regarding geology, coal quantity, coal quality, and minability of five selected sites in the western Arctic are summarized in this report. One-hundred forty-six coal beds were identified within the study area of which 28 are potentially minable. Quality determinations indicate that the coals are of a high quality bituminous rank with low sulfur, low ash, low moisture, high heating value and are excellent for heating fuel, with potential for use as coking coals. Work completed to date in the study area, although preliminary in nature indicates that commercial coal development in the Western Arctic is both technically and economically feasible for supplying coal to northwest and southwest Alaska communities. It is estimated that Cape Beaufort coal can be mined FOB Cape Beaufort for $103/ton at 100,000 tons a year. This is equivalent to $.68/gallon of diesel fuel and by the year 2000, would replace 18.2 million gallons of fuel oil per year. On the international and western United States market where arctic coal must compete with other coal suppliers, it is estimated that coal must be mined at no more than $40/ton. This would require a mining operation of about 5,000,000 tons a year. At $40/ton FOB Cape Beaufort, the cost equivalent to fuel oil is $.23/gallon. Long term benefits of developing a coal mining industry in Alaska include providing a cheaper, more stable local energy source, permanent long term jobs, a diversified state economy, an increased tax base, and a reduction of the need for State subsidy programs. To realize these long term benefits, more exploratory and pre-development drilling programs, marketability assessments, and environmental, social, and economic feasibility studies must be undertaken. Two strategies were considered for marketing: one for the Alaskan market and the other for the Pacific Rim and western United States markets. The Alaskan market strategy represents the development of the Cape Beaufort site due to the completion of adequate exploratory drilling and its close proximity to the Chukchi Sea. A 3 year program starting in 1983, is proposed that starts with preliminary and predevelopment studies, progresses through final design and procurement to construction completion and mine start-up in 1985. Pacific Rim and western United States market strategy spans a period of 7 years. Doc 5-1 Starting in 1983 and culminating in 1989, the proposed program starts with exploration and feasibility studies followed by mine development and construction with limited production commencing in 1989. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: State of Alaska Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers Doc 5-2 KOTZEBUE COAL-FIRED COGENERATION, DISTRICT HEATING AND OTHER ENERGY ALTERNATIVES FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT NOVEMBER 1982 Purpose: To assess all available options for providing Kotzebue with a feasible, practical, and proven power generation and heating system. Scope: Compare the cost and desirability of producing electricity and space heat with oil to 1) coal-fired cogeneration with district heating 2) coal and oil-fired district heating with alternative generation methods 3) hydroelectric power generation with and without space heating 4) geothermal district heat with alternative electric generation 5) windpower supplemented generation by alternative methods. The primary energy resource to be considered for cogeneration and district heating is coal, oil, gas, peat, and geothermal. These energy resources will also be considered to confirm the least costly option to the consumers. Results: Current electrical requirements of the community are met by Kotzebue Electric Association (KEA) at an average cost per kWh of $0.20. Heating is primarily provided through use of fuel oil in individual space heating stoves. The primary focus of this study is coal-fired cogeneration of heat and electricity. It was necessary to confirm that this option would be less costly to the consumers than other energy sources and conversion technologies. For this reason, all feasible energy resources and technologies were considered. Where previous studies addressed these technologies in some detail, this report has only updated results and made changes in cost estimates and other areas as necessary. This feasibility assessment recommended that two systems, coal-fired cogeneration and hydropower, be further analyzed. These systems appeared to be feasible long-term alternatives to the existing diesel electric generation and individual oil stove heating being used in Kotzebue. When the cogeneration system is evaluated using the most cost-effective coal, it is slightly better in terms of net benefit. This same evaluation using more expensive coal showed hydropower to be slightly more advantageous. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: Alaska Power Authority Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.; Ralph Stefano Associates, Inc.; Veco, Inc. Doc 4 ASSESSMENT OF THE FEASIBILITY OF UTILIZATION OF COAL RESOURCES OF NORTHWESTERN ALASKA FOR SPACE HEATING AND ELECTRICITY - PHASE II DECEMBER 1981 Purpose: To assess the extent, quality and socioeconomic practicability of developing the coal resources of northwest Alaska. Scope: Develop criteria regarding power plant or space heating fuel requirements from a quality and quantity standpoint; select coal prospects which meet these criteria; develop alternative transportation modes; and develop the alternative supply/demand scenarios relevant to villages or regions. Results: The study examined coal occurrences, mining concepts, transportation modes and end-use technologies. Dames & Moore concluded that it appears feasible to supply the space heat needs for the majority of the Northwest Alaska study area with coal. This would eliminate the need for 5.6 million gallons of diesel fuel annually by the year 2000. Electrical power could also be economically supplied by coal in the larger communities of Kotzebue, Nome, Unalakleet, and possibly Selawik. Coal resources that meet the following criteria are worthy of further evaluation: heat value of 10,000 BTU/Ib.; reserves sufficient to supply 60,000 to 100,000 tons per year for 20 years; surface mineable; and barge accessible. Coal-fired steam turbines are the most easily adapted method of coal/electric conversion. Coal burned directly in homes to provide space heat produces at least twice as much heat as can be produced by electric space heat. Surface mining is clearly preferable to underground mining in the area studied. In general, larger mines offer economies of scale. Feasible transportation modes include 2- and 20-ton trucks moving over summer haul roads, and river and coastal barges. The use of off-road vehicles and winter roads may be feasible for small quantities, but the practicality of moving coal in winter is dubious. Barges are the most feasible means of moving coal over long distances. Cost of delivered coal for space heating under various scenarios, and using various sources, ranges from $80 to $365 per ton, depending on transport distance and mode. It will be feasible to replace 90 percent of existing diesel needs with coal. Small coal- fired power plants for the majority of villages do not appear feasible. Cost of Study: Part of $247,000 Northwest Alaska Coal Resource Feasibility Assessment Funded by: Alaska Power Authority Work Performed by: Dames & Moore Doc 3 ASSESSMENT OF COAL RESOURCES OF NORTHWEST ALASKA PHASE I VOL. If - TASK 2: COAL RESOURCES OF NORTHWEST ALASKA DECEMBER 1980 Purpose: To assess the possibilities and options regarding potential use of northwest Alaska coal for local sources of energy. Scope: Assemble available information on coals in northwest Alaska and their potential for development. Results: Forty-nine coal-bearing areas and/or occurrences from Northwest Alaska were identified in this report. For each coal depositage, grade, size, past production, and potential resources were documented. Coal occurrences were prioritized on a purely geological basis to categories ranging in size from small to very large, and in potential from 1 (high) to 20 (low). Although these ratings are subjective, they provide a relative idea of which coals are more significant and where future work should be directed. Exploration priorities were given to many areas that required additional work based on size of deposit, coal quality and the potential for new deposits. Land status, engineering, transportation, and market considerations were not taken into account. This study and others currently being performed by Dames & Moore indicate that it may be more practical and cost effective to utilize several small coal deposits in proximity to some of the 25 native villages in the project area rather than relying on large volume production from a single plant. Recommendations for Phase II exploration should involve field examination, analyses, and delineation of the more promising Northwestern Alaska coal resources. Cost of Study: Part of $247,000 Northwest Alaska Coal Resource Feasibility Assessment Funded by: Alaska Power Authority Work Performed by: Dames & Moore; Resource Associates of Alaska, Inc. Doc 2 FEASIBILITY STUDY ON DISTRICT HEATING SYSTEM WAINWRIGHT JULY 31, 1980 Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of developing a coal-powered central heating and electrical generation facility at Wainwright, Alaska. Scope: Examine alternatives for phased implementation of replacing imported fuel oil with coal for residential heating and electrical generation. © Results: As an interim measure, it is recommended that coal be supplied to the villagers for direct heating of homes in coal stoves pending implementation of a central district heating system. Three alternatives for supplying power and space heating needs from a central station were evaluated: A-1 — Coal-fired boilers, counterpressure single-stage steam turbines coupled to generators for power and lighting; space heating by liquid medium, heated by the exhaust steam in the condensers; AII Energy for power and lighting produced by existing diesel generators; space heating by liquid medium, heated by coal-fired low-pressure heaters; A-2 Coal-fired boilers; condensing steam turbines coupled to generators producing electricity for power, lighting and all space heating requirements; no space heating by liquid medium. Alternative A-1 is concluded to be the most economically attractive alternative in the long term. Alternative A-II is feasible at moderate oil prices, but becomes uneconomic at higher oil prices due to the use of the existing diesel generators. Alternative A-2 is costly as it fails to recover the cycle waste heat for use in space heating. Cost of Study: Not Recoverable Funded by: North Slope Borough Work Performed by: Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc. Doc 1