HomeMy WebLinkAboutCharacterization & Washability Studies of Raw Coal from the Little Tonzona Field 1991 Characterization and Washability Studies of Raw Coal from the Little Tonzona Field, Alaska by P. Dharma Rao Daniel E. Walsh Mineral Industry Research Laboratory University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-1180 Norm Phillips, Jr. Kathy (Goff) Charlie Doyon, Ltd. 201 1st Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 March 1991 MIRL Report No. 88 Characterization and Washability Studies of Raw Coal from the Little Tonzona Field, Alaska by P. Dharma Rao Daniel E. Walsh Mineral Industry Research Laboratory University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-1180 Norm Phillips, Jr. Kathy (Goff) Charlie Doyon, Ltd. 201 1st Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-61359 ISBN 0-911043-11-X March, 1991 Published by Mineral Industry Research Laboratory 212 ONeill Building University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-1180 Doyon, Limited 201 1st Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Page Acknowledgements .......... 0... ccc cece ec ccc cece ccc eeeeeeeeaaas iv Introduction ...... 0... cee cece c ete eetc ee ce eee eencueeeaeeaes 1 Geology 2.0... . cece cece cece cece cee e cece eee eeeueeneeenneans Laboratory Procedures ............ cc cece cece cece cece ceeccenceneeanse 7 References Cited ........ ccc cece cece cece ence eee eueeeeeeeas 12 Table 1 Overview .......... cece cece cee cece cee ee eeceneeeeeeaaes 13 Tables 2-7 Overview ......... ccc ccc cece ccc cece cece ceeeeeeeeeuaes 17 Tables 8-13 Overview .... 1... . cee ccc cece cc cece eee e ec eeceuneeaes 45 Tables 14-19 Overview .......... 2c ccc cece ccc cece cece ceeeeeceaae 51 Tables 20-25 Overview ..... 2... ccc ccc cece cece cece eeeeeeeeeuaaes 60 Tables 26-31 Overview ..... 2... cece cece cece ec este eeceeuaes 67 Tables 32-33 Overview ........ 0... cc cece cece ec cee cece cece ceeeeeues 118 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Coal Outcrop on West Bank of the Little Tonzona River. Aerial View (a) and Ground Level (b)............. 0c. ce cee eeceeee 1 2. Coal Resources of Alaska... 2.2.0... 0... ccc cece cece eee eeeeeeeee 5 3. Location Map of Little Tonzona Coal Field (1)................00000. 6 4, Generalized Geological Map; Little Tonzona Coal Field (1,2,10)........ 8 5. Flowsheet of Procedures Used in Processing Coal Samples............ 10 LIST OF TABLES Table Page I. Analyses of Little Tonzona Coal Samples Taken in 1981 (2). .......... 3 II. | Comparative Analyses of Alaskan Tertiary Coals and the Little Tonzona Coal (3). ... 2... cece ce cee eee cent ee eeee 3 List of Coal Samples Taken for Analyses ...............0ceeeeeee 14 2. Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 1 ....... eee ccc cece cece teen ee eenens 18 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. LIST OF TABLES Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 2 20... ccc cece cece cee ett e ee eeeeaes Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 3 2.0... occ cece cee cece tenet een eee Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 4 1... cece ccc cece cece eee teen ee eeeeas Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 5 10... ec eee cece c eee ct nett eee eeeeens Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 6 2.2... . cee eee eee cece eee ee ee eee Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No.1 ......... Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No.2 ......... Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 3 ......... Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 4 ......... Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No.5 ......... Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No.6 ......... Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 1 oo... ccc eee ce cee ete e ete ence ees Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 2 20... cc eee cc eee eee cece eee e eee ceees Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 3 0... cece ccc cence eee eee e eee eeeenes Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 4 20... ... eee ccc cece eee cence eee eeeeneee Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 5 22... . cece ccc ee cece eee teen eee eeeae Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 6 21.1... . cece cc cece eee cence ee tee eect eeeeee Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No.1 ........ 0.0... cee eee ee eee Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No.2 ............. 2. cece cence eee Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. .... cece cee eens Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. . eee eee eee eee Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No.5 ...... 2.0... cece cee eens Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. . 2... eee eee eens Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 1 12... eee cece cee cece e eet eeees Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 2 2.2... cece cece cece eee eee e eee eeeeeee ii Table 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. LIST OF TABLES Page Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 3 2... 0... cee ccc ccc cect ence ccc ee eee eeaes 86 Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 4 0.0... cece cee cece cence eee eeeeeaes 94 Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 5 11... . cece ccc cee cece tte cee e ec eeceeeaes 100 Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 6 2.0... ... eee cece cece ett e ete ee cence eeneeaes 105 Reflectance Rank Distribution of Ulminite, Drill Hole No.1 .......... 119 Distribution of Macerals, Drill Hole No.1 .............0.eeceeeeee 120 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was conducted under the sponsorship of McIntyre Mines Ltd. The following individuals helped in the laboratory analyses and test work; - John Bennet - Barbara Cook - Juliet Cruz - Ed Ellwanger - Dan Fair - Dan McCoy - Jane Smith - Chris Stark iv Introduction Coal occurs in an isolated exposure of Tertiary, non-marine sedimentary rocks along the southwest bank of the Little Tonzona River, near Farewell, Alaska. The Little Tonzona River coal field is located approximately 150 air miles northwest of Anchorage, Alaska, and 210 air miles southwest of Fairbanks, Alaska; near the boundaries of Denali National Park. The Alaska Railroad and the Parks Highway are approximately 100 air miles from the coal field at their nearest point. The village of McGrath, on the Kuskokwim River, is located approximately 90 miles to the west (1). An impressive outcrop of coal-bearing Tertiary sediments is exposed for a distance of more than 275 feet on the west bank of the Little Tonzona River (Figure 1). More than seven coal beds, ranging in thickness from 3 feet to 30 feet, with a cumulative thickness of over 134 feet, are interbedded with clay beds up to 40 feet thick. The clays are fine textured, extremely plastic, light grey to nearly white bentonites and/or tonsteins. Doyon Ltd., an ANSCA Native Corporation, holds land selections covering the inferred limits of the coal field. During 1980 and 1981, Doyon entered into exploration agreements with McIntyre Mines Inc. of Nevada. The two season exploration program took place from June 1, 1980 through August 22, 1980 and from May 27, 1981 through August 22, 1981. During the 1980 field season, geologic mapping, prospecting, stratigraphy, trenching and bulk sampling of all coal outcrops were performed. This produced a total of 34 samples, which were taken for analysis. In 1981, six diamond drill holes with a cumulative length of 2,935 feet were completed. Core recovery was close to 90%, and a total of 147 coal samples, which represented 802.8 cumulative feet of coal, were taken for analysis. The exploration program confirmed a strike length of over 3 miles to the southwest from the main river bank exposure. Northward extension is unknown at this time. Although outcrop exposure is poor away from the river banks, burnout zones resulting from past coal bed fires form a resistant, recognizable on strike feature in the relatively unindurated Tertiary sequence. The appearance of these burnout zones along strike is often the only surface indication of the buried coal-bearing strata. Well preserved plant fossil impressions in the baked clays date the deposit as probable Miocene (2). Coal characterization and washability studies were performed on all coal samples by the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. This work was conducted under the direction of Dr. P.D. Rao, Professor of Coal Technology. (b) Figure 1: Coal outcrop on the west bank of the Little Tonzona River. Aerial view (a) and from ground level (b). In the river bank exposure, the coal rank tends to decline up-section, to the northwest, as the coal beds become younger. The younger beds are thinner and more lignitic. Analyses averages for the 147 samples taken in 1981 are shown in Table I. Table I. Analyses of Little Tonzona Coal Samples Taken in 1981 (2). $$ Basis Equilibrium Moisture Dry, Ash Free Property Average Range Average Range Moisture % 31.73 20.15 - 37.17 -- -- Volatile Matter % 32.40 22.81 - 39.76 56.00 50.44 - 64.31 Fixed Carbon % 25.71 14.24 - 47.35 43.86 39.06 - 67.47 Ash % 10.31 3.52 - 36.31 -- -- Heating Value Btu/lb 6,707 3,671 - 7,601 11,574 10,295 - 12,117 Total Sulfur % 1.04 0.28 - 1.85 2.47 0.83 - 3.36 —-q_X“c—c——aq Little Tonzona coal is ranked as subbituminous-C. The 147 coal samples had an average heating value of 6,707 Btu/lb and averages of 31.73% moisture, 32.40% volatile matter, 25.71% fixed carbon, 10.31% ash and 1.04% total sulfur on an equilibrium bed moisture basis. Although the sulfur content of Little Tonzona coal is high for an Alaskan Tertiary coal, it is similar in other ways to other coals of the same age and rank from within the state (Table II). Table II. Comparative Analyses of Alaskan Tertiary Coals and the Little Tonzona Coal (3). Moisture Volatile Fixed Heating Value Total —Coal Field _ a) Matter% Carbn% Ash% Biudb = Sulfur % Herendeen Bay 5.46 25.50 27.83 41.21 6,897 1.81 Chicago Creek 30.70 29.62 29.22 10.46 6,643 0.60 Nenana 26.39 33.25 28.27 12.08 7,058 0.26 Yentna 23.07 34.76 29.13 12.55 7,800 0.16 Unalakleet 19.84 41.45 29.73 8.98 8,741 0.44 Beluga 27.59 34.87 31.57 5.97 8,051 0.12 Little Tonzona 31.73 32.40 25.71 10.31 6,707 1.04 Alaska's 5.5 trillion tons of estimated coal resources comprise about half the United States' coal resources (4). Each one trillion tons of subbituminous coal contains the energy equivalent of approximately 5,500 years of Alyeska Pipeline production (@ 1.5 MM barrels/day). The locations of the major coal regions in Alaska are shown in Figure 2. The largest of Alaska's coal basins, estimated to be over 4 trillion tons, is the Northern Alaska Basin. It consists of a tremendous subbituminous coal deposit, which in areas overlies a rich bituminous deposit (4). The Cook Inlet-Susitna Basin, which is composed mainly of low-rank coals, may contain over a trillion tons (4). The remainder of the coal basins are small by Alaskan standards but still contain billions of tons of reserves. As an examples, the Nenana Basin, which boasts Alaska's only operating mine, the Usibelli Coal Mine, has "only" about 10 billion tons of proven reserves (4). The outstanding feature of almost all Alaskan coals, regardless of rank, is their extremely low sulfur content (5). The majority of the Alaskan coals are already compliance coals. Many of the low-rank coals have sulfur levels below 0.2%. The latest three year average for the Usibelli subbituminous coal was 0.17%. In addition, many of the low rank coals (LRCs) have moderate ash levels and reactivities typically an order of magnitude higher than their bituminous counterparts. Major reasons for the limited use of Alaskan coals include low population density, distance from high energy use areas, abundant more convenient energy forms (gas and oil) and mining and transportation costs. In addition, the low sulfur, highly reactive LRCs are plagued with the high moisture inherent to their rank. This has restricted the worldwide usage of most LRCs to mine mouth power generation. However, new technologies could expand international use of LRCs and provide a valuable Alaskan export to nations of the Pacific Rim. The majority of this report consists of the characterization data for the 147 Little Tonzona coal samples taken from diamond drilling during the 1981 exploration program. A brief description of the Little Tonzona coal deposit geology in the next section is followed by the detailed protocol for coal characterization procedures. Geology Coal bearing rocks of the Farewell area were first mentioned in the literature in 1911, by Alfred H. Brooks of the U.S. Geological Survey, who traversed the areas in 1902 (6). The impressive coal exposure on the west bank of the Little Tonzona River (Figure 3) was first examined closely by Gary Player, a consulting geologist from Anchorage, Alaska, in August of 1970 (7). In August 1976, the outcrop area was revisited and sampled NORTHERN LISBURNE FIELD Hee k i ¢ ii 7 ALASKA COAL 926 million s.t. or igh rank coal ow rank coa FIELDS as! 8.t.cshort tons 4 trillion s.t. KOBUK RIVER TRAMWAY BAR a 60 million s.t. estimate ‘CHICAGO CREEK FIELD 10 million s.t. EAGLE-CIRCLE FIELD 150 million s.t. NULATO FIELD JARVIS CREEK FIELD 175 milion s.t. 50 million s.t. NENANA FIELD 20 billion s.t. RAMPART FIELD 50 million s.t. LITTLE TONZONA FIELD ANGOON FIELD No resource estimate 3 billion s.t. BELUGA- BERING RIVER YENTNA FIELD FIELD : KENAI FIELD 30 billion s.t. ERENDEEN CHIGNIK FIELD BROAD PASS PLUS OFFSHOR! MATANUSKA 3.6 billion s.t. BAY-UNGA FIELD DEPOSITS TO FIELD ISLANDS FIELDS 370 million s.t. 300 million s.t. 10,000 FEET -5 trillion s.t, 600 million s.t. 600 million s.t. Figure 2. Coal resources of Alaska. 453°00° 4. TONZONA A PROJECT Xx Ye, ii + T FIG. 2 Sh 7) FAREWELL LAKE MCINTYRE MINES (NEVADA) LTD. TONZONA PROJECT PROPERTY LOCATION MAP SCALE 1:250000 Fi yA AIRFIELD Yr Figure 3. Location map of the Little Tonzona Coal Field. (1) by Player in conjunction with geologists of C.C. Hawley and Associates, Inc., contractor to the U.S. Bureau of Mines, during a study of mineral resources of Federal D-2 lands being considered for inclusion in Denali National Park (7). In August of 1977, the U.S. Geological Survey performed a reconnaissance survey for coal in the Minchumina Basin and Farewell vicinity. The Little Tonzona coal outcrop was again visited and sampled (8). During the same summer, the deposit was examined by WGM Exploration, Inc., as part of a Doyon Ltd. project. A coal sample was collected 2.3 miles southwest along strike from the main river outcrop (9). The Little Tonzona coal basin has a strike length of over 3 miles, from the river bank exposure, to the southwest (Figure 4). The coal beds range from 3 to 30 feet in thickness and are interbedded with clay seams. Dips as steep as 75° may be found, but the general range is between 45° and 70° NW. Up to 8 feet of glacial gravel deposits and a thin soil unconformably overlie the main coal exposure. Permafrost is present in the area but is discontinuous, depending upon the slope exposure (1,2). The coal bearing units are truncated on the southern end by a NE - SW trending strand of the Farewell Fault, the major structural influence of the area. Although the coal and clay beds in contact with the fault trace are crushed and deformed, up-section to the north, away from the fault, the coal is nearly undisturbed, except for the steep dips. The fault trace apparently separates Tertiary sediments on the north side from Paleozoic limestones on the south side. Fault movement appears to have been south-side-up dip slip with a right-lateral component. This movement is the apparent cause of the severe dips where Tertiary strata abut the fault trace. These steep surface dips apparently flatten to the north at fairly shallow depth, according to drilling indications (1,2,11). Laboratory Procedures Coal characterization and washability tests were performed on all of the drill core samples submitted to MIRL in 1981. Characterization included proximate and ultimate analyses, Hardgrove grindability index tests, analyses of major oxides in the coal ash and ash fusibility measurements. Washability analyses were performed using representative splits of 3/4-inch x 100-mesh (0.15 mm) coal at 1.30, 1.40 and 1.60 specific gravities. All analyses were performed according to ASTM standards and procedures. Coal samples were received at the laboratory in tightly sealed plastic containers and some samples showed visible surface moisture on the coal. Sample weights ranged from 4.5-30 pounds. R2W EXPLANATION Quaternary terrace and moraine gravels [—| Tertiary coal sequence burnout zone Paleozoic limestone Younger than Paleozoic (Cretaceous - Tertiary?) diabase intrusive Coal float, burnout float, coal sample location Fault teeeecceee Trail Anticline @ Helicopter landing site Syncline DH *? Diamond drill hole Campsite Doyon Ltd. property boundary Contact Figure 4. Generalized Geologic Map, Little Tonzona Coal Field. (1,2,10) Figure 5 is a flowsheet of procedures used in the laboratory for processing the samples. The cores were first crushed in a jaw crusher to produce a minus 3/4 inch product, then riffled. Half the sample was screened at 100 mesh, and the 3/4 inch x 100 mesh fractions were used for washability studies. The other half of the sample was further crushed to minus 3/8 inch in a jaw crusher. 500 g samples were split out of the -3/8 inch coal and air dried for Hardgrove grindability index (HGI) tests. Moisture content was determined for the samples used for HGI determination. 5 pound samples were split out of the -3/8 inch coal for raw coal analyses, then crushed to minus 14 mesh (1.41 mm). From the minus 14 mesh coal, samples were split for equilibrium moisture determination and 500 g samples were split for air dry loss determination and further pulverization to 60 mesh (0.25 mm). The pulverized coals were used for proximate and ultimate analyses. Coal samples combusted at 750°C yielded ashes, which were used for ash fusibility measurements and for determination of major oxides in the ash by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Float-sink separations were made in 15 gallon containers at 1.30, 1.40 and 1.60 specific gravities using perchlorethylene - naptha mixtures as heavy liquid. The float- sink products were air dried, weighed, crushed, and pulverized. They were analysed for moistures, ash, heating value, total sulfur and pyritic sulfur. All weights and analyses were calculated on a moisture free basis. Tables 2 through 7 show proximate and ultimate analyses of raw coals for the six drill holes. The analyses are presented on 1) equilibrium bed moisture basis, 2) as received basis, 3) moisture free basis and 4) moisture and ash free basis. Most samples had higher as received moisture than equilibrium moisture. The difference was the extraneous surface moisture introduced during drilling. Coal, as mined, would be expected to have moisture levels comparable to equilibrium moisture. HGI values are presented in Tables 8 through 13. The distribution of major oxides in the coal ashes are shown in Tables 14-19 and the ash fusion temperatures are presented in Table 20 through 25. HGI averages within drill holes ranged from 30 to 38 with an overall average for all 147 samples of 35. These values indicate that raw coal from the Little Tonzona field would be relatively hard to grind or pulverize. The low sodium content of Little Tonzona coal ash indicates its low boiler fouling propensity. Likewise, the high calcium levels would also reduce the boiler fowling propensity of sulfur. The high calcium content would likely fix much of the sulfur in the ash and reduce sulfur emissions. Calculations using emperical formulas show that the ash will have intermediate slagging characteristics. This was also verified from the ash fusibility data. Jaw Crusher 3/4 Inch Setting 1/2 Sample Sieve 100 Mesh - 100 Mesh Analyze for Ash Moisture, Heating Value Total & Pyritic Sulfur Ploat-Sink Testing in 60 Liter Drums 1.3-1.4 Spc Crush to 14 Mesh in a Plate Grinder Hardgrove Grindability Index Reserve if Product Exceeds 15 g 1 kg Pulverize to 60 Mesh 0.5 kg Air Dry Determine Air Dry Loss S0g Analyze Total & Pyritic Sulfur & Heating Value & Ash & Moisture Proximate Analysis Ultimate Analysis Pyritic & Total Sulfur Heating Value Major Oxide Analys: Fusibility of Ash Figure 5: Flowsheet of Procedures Used in Processing Samples. 10 Tables 26 through 31 show washability data for all samples from the six drill holes. The tables show weight percent distribution, ash, heating value, pyritic sulfur, and total sulfur on a moisture free basis for the various gravimetric fractions as well as values for cumulated floats. The quality of the floats at any of the three densities can be read directly from the tables. The tables also show cumulative sink weight percent and ash content that may be expected at any of the three densities. Finally, Tables 32 and 33 present petrologic data for certain samples from the drilling program. Table 32 gives ulminite reflectance rank distribution data and Table 33 presents coal maceral distribution for samples from drill hole no. 1. Each set of tables is preceded by a table(s) overview, which presents a summary of data contained within a group of tables. This should facilitate the reader's rapid comprehension of tabulated data. 11 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) References Cited Thorpe, W.H., 1981, Tonzona Project Summary Report for 1980. Doyon Limited unpub. report. Thorpe, W.H., 1982, Tonzona Project Summary Report for 1981. Doyon Limited unpub. report. Rao, P.D. and Wolff, E.N., 1982, Characterization and Evaluation of Washability of Alaskan Coals. U.S. Dept. of Energy Contract DE-FG22-78ET13350, Final Technical Report for Phase IV, Aug. 1, 1980 - Jan. 31, 1982. Merritt, R.D. and Hawley, C.C. , Map of Alaska's coal Resources. Alaska DNR Special Report 37, 1986. Merritt, R.D., 1987, Alaska's Low-Sulfur Coal Resources May be World's Largest. J. Coal Quality, pp. 104-108. Brooks, A.H., 1911, The Mount McKinley Region, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Professional Paper 70, 234 p. Player, Gary F., 1977, The Little Tonzona Coal Bed Near Farewell, Alaska. An Important Extension of the Coal Fields North of the Alaska Range. Sloan, E.G., Shearer, G.B., Eason, J.E. and Almguist, C.L., 1980, Reconnaissance Survey for Coal Near Farewell, Alaska. Focus on Alaska's Coal '80, MIRL Report No. 50, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Andrews, T., Kirsten, D., and Rishel, J., W.G.M. Inc., 1978, Coal Occurrence on the Little Tonzona River, Block 11. Annual Progress Report, Doyon Project, Vol. 17. Goff, K.M., 1980, The Structural Relationship of the Farewell Fault to the Little Tonzona Coal Basin, Unpublished Report. Goff, K.M, 1987, The Little Tonzona Coal Field (Interior Alaska, Doyon Ltd. Block 11); Review of Data, Unpublished Report. 12 Table 1 Overview Table 1 follows on pages 14 - 16. 147 drill hole samples were taken from 6 drill holes during the 1981 exploration program. Table 1 describes each sample by identifying number, weight in grams, drill hole footage increment, and the cumulative footage of the sample. Coal samples were received at the laboratory in tightly sealed plastic containers and some samples showed visible surface moisture on the coal. Sample weights ranged from 4,.5-30 pounds. 13 Table 1. List of Coal Samples Taken for Analyses Sample Number Weight (grams) Depth (feet) Length (feet) Hole No. 1 41676 2718 28.5- 31.0 2.5 41677 2269 48.0- 50.0 2.3 41678 5085 100.0 - 105.0 5.0 41679 4702 112.5 - 116.0 3.5 41680 5626 116.0 - 121.0 5.0 41681 7466 121.0 - 127.5 6.5 41682 4576 128.9 - 133.9 5.0 41683 4747 133.9 - 138.9 5.0 41684 3246 139.9 - 142.0 2.1 41685 4612 155.0 - 159.5 4.5 41686 8453 160.0 - 167.5 15 41687 2030 170.0 - 172.0 2.0 41688 5832 178.5 - 183.5 5.0 41689 5371 183.5 - 189.0 5.5 41690 5403 189.0 - 194.0 5.0 41691 5553 194.0 - 199.0 5.0 41692 5112 199.0 - 204.0 5.0 41693 5899 204.0 - 209.3 5.3 41694 4090 209.4 - 213.0 3.6 41695 4491 224.5 - 229.5 5.0 41696 7494 229.5 - 234.5 5.0 41697 5055 234.5 - 239.5 5.0 41698 4169 239.5 - 244.5 5.0 41699 5008 244.5 - 256.0 11. 41700 4503 259.0 - 263.0 4.0 41701 8101 271.3 - 279.0 77 41702 5912 279.3 - 285.0 5.7 41703 2837 328.0 - 333.0 5.0 41704 4657 333.0 - 337.0 4.0 41705 5922 368.0 - 373.0 5.0 41706 6345 373.0 - 378.5 5.5 41707 4858 378.5 - 383.5 5.0 41708 4350 383.5 - 387.0 3.5 Hole No, 2 41709 4403 41.0- 45.5 4.5 41710 3428 78.0- 83.5 5.5 41711 5044 83.5- 90.0 6.5 41712 7136 92.0- 99.5 15 41713 5659 109.0 - 115.0 6.0 41714 7172 115.0 - 124.0 9.0 41715 5433 124.0 - 129.0 5.0 41716 5564 129.0 - 134.0 5.0 41717 5210 134.0 - 139.0 5.0 41718 5025 139.0 - 144.0 5.0 41719 3169 144.0 - 151.0 7.0 41720 5794 151.0 - 159.0 8.0 41721 3392 159.0 - 163.0 4.0 14 Sample Number = —S- Weight (grams) 41722 41723 41724 41725 41726 41727 41728 41729 41730 41731 41732 41733 41734 41735 41736 41737 41738 41739 41740 41741 41742 41743 41744 41745 41746 41747 41748 41749 41750 41826 41827 41828 41829 41830 41831 41832 41833 41834 41835 41836 41837 41838 41839 41840 41841 41842 41843 41844 41845 3515 4305 4456 2893 2642 2623 4781 3307 9997 5838 10816 6539 6306 5341 6410 3879 9238 6842 6533 6146 9165 3304 6142 6577 5579 9161 6521 8829 2701 9311 3978 4310 7163 3045 5779 5172 5831 7106 4617 8442 8366 7528 10975 5036 11475 9763 5848 15 Depth (feet) Length (feet) 176.5 - 180.5 4.0 181.5 - 186.5 5.0 186.5 - 192.0 5.5 192.0 - 195.5 3.5 273.0 - 277.0 4.0 277.0 - 282.0 3.0 284.0 - 290.0 6.0 291.3 - 294.0 2.7 121.0 - 130.5 9.5 291.5 - 298.0 6.5 313.0 - 322.0 9.0 322.0 - 328.0 6.0 345.0 - 351.5 6.5 351.5 - 357.5 6.0 362.5 - 368.5 6.0 368.5 - 372.0 3.5 389.0 - 397.0 8.0 397.0 - 403.0 6.0 403.0 - 408.0 5.0 414.0 - 422.0 8.0 422.0 - 428.0 6.0 429.0 - 438.0 9.0 441.5 - 444.5 3.4 445.0 - 451.5 6.5 451.5 - 457.0 5.5 457.0 - 462.0 5.0 462.0 - 470.0 8.0 470.0 - 477.5 15 478.5 - 487.5 9.0 487.5 - 497.3 9.8 519.0 - 522.0 3.0 529.0 - 539.0 10.0 109.5 - 113.5 4.0 117.4 - 121.6 4.2 152.5 - 158.5 6.0 160.8 - 163.8 3.0 174.5 - 179.5 5.0 208.0 - 213.0 5.0 312.0 - 218.5 3.5 229.0 - 235.0 6.0 237.3 - 242.0 4.7 370.0 - 379.5 9.5 379.5 - 387.0 75 387.5 - 394.5 7.0 394.5 - 404.5 10.0 404.5 - 409.5 3.0 409.5 - 419.5 10.0 419.5 - 429.3 9.8 430.5 - 436.5 6.0 SampleNumber == Weight (grams) 41846 41847 41848 41849 41850 41851 41852 41853 41854 41855 41856 41857 41858 41859 41860 41861 41862 41863 41864 41865 41866 41867 41868 41869 41870 41871 41872 41873 41874 41875 41876 41877 41878 41879 41880 41881 41882 41883 41884 41885 41886 41887 41888 41889 41890 41891 41892 41893 41894 41895 41896 41897 4839 5204 3909 4386 4669 4295 5631 8838 12237 5232 4050 5308 3109 3223 3980 4914 7501 2124 5701 4224 3484 2743 5672 2495 5665 3405 5074 8498 2555 3435 4160 5396 5182 5743 3403 5977 2954 4102 5288 4933 4833 3697 5032 4788 5790 5321 4397 3502 4839 5272 3627 16 Depth (feet) Length (feet) 436.5 - 443.5 7.0 297.0 - 302.0 5.0 378.5 - 382.0 3.5 400.0 - 404.0 4.0 432.0 - 435.5 3.5 436.0 - 442.0 6.0 442.5 - 448.5 6.0 448.5 - 456.5 8.0 469.8 - 481.5 11.7 496.3 - 502.5 6.2 509.0 - 513.5 45 514.5 - 521.0 6.5 526.0 - 529.0 3.0 558.5 - 563.0 45 81.5- 85.5 4.0 85.5- 90.5 5.0 90.5- 99.0 8.5 48.5- 50.5 2.0 198.0 - 203.5 5.5 216.5 - 220.4 3.9 242.5 - 245.5 3.0 289.7 - 292.2 2.5 304.5 - 309.6 5.1 322.2 - 324.5 2.2 325.7 - 330.7 5.0 330.7 - 335.7 5.0 335.7 - 340.2 4.5 343.0 - 350.7 77 380.5 - 383.0 2.5 385.8 - 391.0 5.2 391.0 - 395.0 4.0 418.0 - 423.0 5.0 423.0 - 428.0 5.0 428.0 - 433.0 5.0 433.0 - 438.0 5.0 438.0 - 443.0 5.0 443.0 - 449.0 6.0 450.0 - 452.8 28 454.0 - 458.0 4.0 468.8 - 473.2 44 477.5 - 481.5 4.0 486.0 - 491.0 5.0 491.0 - 496.0 5.0 496.0 - 501.0 5.0 501.5 - 506.5 3.0 506.5 - 512.0 5.5 512.0 - 517.0 5.0 517.0 - 521.6 4.6 526.8 - 530.0 3.2 532.0 - 537.0 5.0 537.0 - 542.0 5.0 548.5 - 551.5 3.0 Tables 2-7 Overview Table 2-7 follow on pages 18 - 44. They present proximate and ultimate analyses of the raw coals from the six drill holes. The analyses are presented on 1) equilibrium bed moisture basis, 2) as received basis, 3) moisture free basis and 4) moisture and ash free basis. Most samples had higher as received moisture than equilibrium moisture. The difference was the extraneous surface moisture introduced during drilling. Coal, as mined, would be expected to have moisture levels comparable to equilibrium moisture. Proximate analyses averages, from Tables 2-7, are shown in Table I, page 3, which is reproduced below for the readers convenience. Table I shows a broad range of analytical values. This is due in part to the variation in the nature and percent ash in the coal samples taken from the drilling program. Coal rank tends to decline up-section, to the northwest, as the coal beds become younger. The younger beds are thinner and more lignitic. Table I. Analyses of Little Tonzona Coal Samples Taken in 1981 (2). i Equilibrium Moisture Dry, Ash Free Property Average Range Average Range Moisture % 31.73 20.15 - 37.17 -- -- Volatile Matter % 32.40 22.81 - 39.76 56.00 50.44 - 64.31 Fixed Carbon % 25.71 14.24 - 47.35 43.86 39.06 - 67.47 Ash % 10.31 3.52 - 36.31 -- -- Heating Value Btu/Ib 6,707 3,671 - 7,601 11,574 10,295 - 12,117 Total Sulfur % 1.04 0.28- 1.85 2.47 0.83 - 3.36 Little Tonzona coal is ranked overall, as subbituminous-C. The 147 coal samples had an average heating value of 6,707 Btu/lb and averages of 31.73% moisture, 32.40% volatile matter, 25.71% fixed carbon, 10.31% ash and 1.04% total sulfur on an equilibrium bed moisture basis. Although the sulfur content of Little Tonzona coal is high for an Alaskan tertiary coal, it is similar in other ways to other coals of the same age and rank from within the state. See Table II, page 3. 17 8T Table 2. Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 1 Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number ___Basis* % Matter _% Carbon % % Btu/Ib C % H % N % titic Total 41676 1 28.64 33.13 25.62 12.61 6,679 39.36 6.08 0.56 40.80 0.02 0.59 2 32.71 31.24 24.16 11.89 6,298 37.12 6.37 0.53 43.54 0.03 0.56 3 - 46.42 35.91 17.67 9,359 55.16 4.03 0.79 21.52 0.04 0.83 4 ~ 56.39 43.61 - 11,368 67.00 4.89 0.96 26.15 0.04 = 1.00 41677 1 23.40 27.82 17.83 30.95 4,777 28.61 5.02 0.42 33.83 0.35 1.17 2 25.58 27.03 17.32 30.07 4,641 27.79 5.20 0.41 35.39 0.34 = 1.13 3 - 36.32 23.28 40.40 6,237 37.34 3.14 0.55 17.05 0.46 = 1.52 4 - 60.94 39.06 - 10,465 62.66 5.27 0.93 28.58 0.78 2.56 41678 1 27.77 37.11 27.49 7.63 7,419 43.18 6.50 0.43 41.33 0.04 ~=—-0.93 2 30.20 35.87 26.56 7.37 7,170 41.73 6.66 0.42 42.93 0.03 0.90 3 - 51.38 38.06 10.56 10,272 59.78 4.70 0.60 23.07 0.05 1.29 4 - 57.45 42.55 - 11,484 66.84 5.26 0.67 25.80 0.06 1.44 41679 1 27.12 25.94 17.27 29.67 4,702 28.23 5.32 0.35 35.83 0.05 0.59 2 27.63 25.76 17.14 29.47 4,669 28.03 5.36 0.35 36.20 0.05 0.59 3 - 35.60 23.68 40.72 6,452 38.74 3.14 0.49 16.10 0.07 0.81 4 - 60.04 39.96 - 10,883 65.34 5.30 0.82 27.18 0.12 1.37 41680 1 29.94 33.07 24.11 12.88 6,638 38.79 5.99 0.40 41.07 0.07 0.87 2 30.31 32.90 23.98 12.81 6,603 38.58 6.02 0.40 41.33 0.07 0.86 3 - 47.21 34.41 18.38 9,474 55.36 3.77 0.57 20.68 0.10 = 1.24 4 - 57.84 42.16 - 11,608 67.83 4.62 0.70 25.33 0.12 1.51 41681 1 31.34 35.24 27.06 6.36 7,179 42.48 6.55 0.50 43.28 0.04 = 0.84 2 32.53 34.63 26.59 6.25 7,054 41.74 6.63 0.49 44.07 0.04 = 0.83 3 - 51.33 39.41 9.26 10,456 61.87 4.43 0.72 22.50 0.05 = 1.22 4 - 56.57 43.43 - 11,523 68.19 4.88 0.79 24.79 0.06 1.35 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 6T Table 2. (continued) Sample Moisture —_—- Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 9 fatter 9 "2 % B H% N% O % __Pyritic Total __ 41682 1 29.32 34.48 25.40 10.80 6,896 40.28 6.28 0.46 41.03 0.09 = 1.15 2 30.35 33.97 25.04 10.64 6,796 39.70 6.35 0.45 41.73 0.09 = 1.13 3 - 48.78 35.94 15.28 9,757 56.99 4.24 0.65 21.21 0.13 1.63 4 - 57.57 42.43 - 11,516 67.27 5.01 0.77 25.03 0.15 1.92 41683 1 28.48 32.89 19.98 18.65 5,398 31.74 6.26 0.40 41.80 0.17 = 1.15 2 23.55 35.15 21.37 19.93 5,770 33.93 5.92 0.42 38.56 0.19 1.23 3 - 45.98 27.95 26.07 7,548 44,39 4.30 0.56 23.08 0.24 1.61 4 - 62.20 37.80 - 10,210 60.04 5.82 0.75 31.22 0.33 2.18 41684 1 29.14 31.58 23.27 16.01 6,290 36.56 6.23 0.47 39.48 0.16 1.25 2 32.03 30.29 22.33 15.35 6,033 35.07 6.43 0.45 41.49 0.15 1.20 3 - 44.56 32.85 22.59 8,877 51.60 4.19 0.66 19.20 0.22 = 1.76 4 - 57.57 42.43 - 11,467 66.65 5.41 0.86 24.80 0.29 2.28 41685 1 26.36 29.67 21.75 22.22 5,863 33.57 5.70 0.39 37.02 0.15 1.09 2 29.40 28.44 20.86 21.30 5,621 32.18 5.93 0.37 39.16 0.15 1.05 3 - 40.29 29.54 30.17 7,962 45.59 3.74 0.53 18.48 0.21 1.49 4 - 57.70 42.30 - 11,402 65.29 5.35 0.76 26.48 0.30 = 2.13 41686 1 31.18 32.79 24.36 11.67 6,675 39.31 6.34 0.48 40.99 0.07 = 1.20 2 32.91 31.97 23.74 11.38 6,507 38.33 6.46 0.47 42.19 0.07 = 1.17 3 - 47.65 35.39 16.96 9,699 57.13 4.14 0.70 19.33 0.10 = 1.75 4 - 57.38 42.62 - 11,680 68.79 4.99 0.84 23.27 0.12 2.10 41687 1 29.12 33.06 25.49 12.33 6,777 39.25 6.38 0.46 39.88 045 1.70 2 31.54 31.94 24.61 11.91 6,546 37.91 6.55 0.44 41.55 0.43 = 1.64 3 - 46.65 35.95 17.40 9,562 55.37 4.41 0.64 19.78 0.63 = 2.40 4 - 56.48 43.52 - 11,576 67.03 5.34 0.78 23.95 0.77. 2.90 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 0z Table 2. (continued) Ash Heating Value 41688 1 31.65 33.56 25.39 9.40 6,804 40.59 6.43 0.50 42.00 0.09 = 1.07 2 32.74 33.02 24.99 9.25 6,695 39.95 6.51 0.50 42.74 0.09 §=1.06 3 - 49.10 37.14 13.76 9,955 59.39 4.23 0.74 20.31 0.14 = 1.57 4 - 56.9. 43.07 - 11,543 68.86 4.90 0.85 23.56 0.16 1.82 41689 1 31.23 33.52 27.25 8.00 6,995 41.59 6.56 0.49 42.62 0.03 0.74 2 33.73 32.30 26.26 771 6,740 40.08 6.73 0.47 43.30 0.03 0.71 3 - 48.75 39.61 11.64 10,171 60.48 4.45 0.71 21.64 0.05 1.07 4 - 55.17 44.83 - 11,510 68.45 5.04 0.80 24.49 0.06 1.21 41690 1 31.77 33.02 27.09 8.13 6,902 40.71 6.48 0.53 42.86 0.29 1.30 2 32.53 32.65 26.78 8.04 6,825 40.25 6.53 0.53 43.37 0.29 1.28 3 - 48.39 39.70 11.91 10,116 59.66 4.28 0.78 21.47 043 =1.90 4 - 54.94 45.06 - 11,484 67.73 4.86 0.89 24.36 049 = 2.16 41691 1 30.44 34.67 26.86 8.03 7,245 42.22 6.57 0.42 41.91 0.20 0.85 2 33.03 33.38 25.86 1.73 6,976 40.65 6.74 0.40 43.65 0.19 0.82 3 - 49.84 38.61 11.55 10,416 60.70 4.55 0.60 21.38 0.29 1.22 4 - 56.34 43.66 - 11,776 68.63 5.14 0.68 24.17 0.33 1.38 41692 1 30.35 33.86 26.84 8.95 7,050 41.62 6.39 0.49 41.35 0.06 1.20 2 32.95 32.59 25.84 8.62 6,787 40.06 6.57 0.47 43.13 0.06 1.15 3 - 48.61 38.54 12.85 10,122 59.75 4.30 0.71 20.68 0.09 = 1.72 4 - 55.78 44.22 - 11,615 68.56 4.94 0.81 23.72 0.10 1.97 41693 1 29.33 34.42 26.56 9.69 7,197 41.87 6.38 0.52 40.33 0.10 = 1.22 2 32.64 32.81 25.32 9.23 6,860 39.90 6.61 0.50 42.60 0.09 = =:1.16 3 = 48.70 37.59 13.71 10,184 59.24 4.39 1.74 20.20 0.14 = 1.72 4 - 56.44 43.56 - 11,802 68.65 5.08 0.86 23.41 0.16 = 1.99 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free Table 2. (continued) Ash Heating Value Sulfur % TZ 70 B D J otal 41694 1 31.80 31.28 25.70 11.22 6,475 38.66 6.40 0.50 42.04 0.11 = 1.18 2 32.47 30.97 25.45 11.11 6,412 38.28 6.45 0.49 42.50 0.11 1.17 3 - 45.87 37.68 16.45 9,495 56.69 4.16 0.73 20.24 0.16 = 1.73 4 - 54.90 45.10 - 11,364 67.85 4.98 0.87 24.22 0.19 2.07 41695 1 31.96 33.33 27.33 7.38 7,142 42.45 6.63 0.55 41.81 0.08 1.17 2 33.99 32.33 26.52 7.16 6,929 41.19 6.77 0.54 43.22 0.08 1.14 3 - 48.98 40.18 10.84 10,497 62.39 4.49 0.82 19.74 0.11 1.72 4 - 54.94 45.06 - 11,773 69.98 5.04 0.91 22.14 0.13 1.93 41696 1 30.78 32.45 26.10 10.67 6,857 40.35 6.27 0.53 41.21 0.06 0.97 2 33.56 31.15 25.05 10.24 6,581 38.73 6.46 0.51 43.13 0.05 0.93 3 - 46.88 37.71 15.41 9,906 58.30 4.08 0.77 20.05 0.08 1.40 4 - 55.42 44.58 - 11,711 68.92 4.82 0.91 23.70 0.10 1.65 41697 1 32.40 32.59 26.79 8.22 6,903 40.40 6.47 0.50 42.93 0.29 = 1.49 2 33.14 32.24 26.49 8.13 6,827 39.95 6.52 0.50 43.43 0.28 = 1.47 3 - 48.21 39.63 12.16 10,211 59.76 4.20 0.74 20.94 0.43 2.21 4 - 54.89 45.11 - 11,624 68.03 4.78 0.85 23.83 0.48 = 2.51 41698 1 31.51 32.43 22.80 13.26 6,620 38.36 6.40 0.51 40.17 0.18 = 1.31 2 34.83 30.86 21.69 12.62 6,299 36.50 6.63 0.49 42.53 0.17 1.24 3 - 47.35 33.29 19.36 9,665 56.00 4.19 0.75 17.79 0.26 «1.91 4 - 58.71 41.29 - 11,985 69.45 5.20 0.93 22.06 0.32 2.36 41699 1 31.84 30.28 23.61 14.27 6,341 37.15 6.07 0.63 40.12 0.37 1.77 2 34.27 29.20 22.77 13.76 6,115 35.82 6.25 0.60 41.86 0.35 1.71 3 - 44.43 34.64 20.93 9,304 54.50 3.68 0.92 17.38 0.54 = 2.60 4 - 56.19 43.81 - 11,766 68.92 4.65 1.16 21.98 0.68 3.29 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free zz Table 2. (continued) Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number __Basis*__% __ Matter % _ Carbon % % Btu/Ib C% H_% N % O% __Pyritic Total _ 41700 1 28.36 28.27 22.88 20.49 5,861 34.59 5.59 0.59 37.32 0.38 = ©1.42 2 30.85 27.29 22.08 19.78 5,657 33.39 5.78 0.57 39.11 0.37 = 1.37 3 - 39.47 31.93 28.60 8,181 48.29 3.37 0.82 16.94 0.54 = 1.98 4 - 55.28 44.72 - 11,459 67.63 4.72 1.15 23.73 0.75 2.77 41701 1 32.40 31.90 26.54 9.16 6,937 40.92 6.38 0.52 41.64 0.22 ~=:1.38 2 34.00 31.14 25.91 8.95 6,773 39.95 6.49 0.51 42.76 0.21 = 1.34 3 - 47.19 39.26 13.55 10,262 60.53 4.08 0.77 19.03 0.32 = 2.03 4 - 54.59 45.41 - 11,871 70.02 4.72 0.89 22.02 0.37 2.35 41702 1 29.64 30.56 23.27 16.53 6,384 37.25 6.09 0.54 38.13 0.37 = 1.46 2 31.26 29.85 22.74 16.15 6,237 36.39 6.20 0.53 39.29 0.36 = 1.43 3 - 43.43 33.07 23.50 9,073 52.94 3.94 0.77 16.77 0.52 2.08 4 - 56.77 43.23 - 11,859 69.20 5.15 1.00 21.93 0.68 2.72 41703 1 35.32 29.54 27.77 7.37 6,867 40.38 6.68 0.45 43.39 0.55 = 1.73 2 37.81 28.40 26.70 7.09 6,602 38.83 6.85 0.43 45.14 0.53 1.67 3 - 45.67 42.93 11.40 10,616 62.43 4.22 0.69 18.58 0.85 2.68 4 - 51.54 48.46 - 11,982 70.47 4.76 0.78 20.97 0.96 3.02 41704 1 36.12 27.08 25.58 11.22 6,280 37.45 6.27 0.43 43.73 0.11 0.89 2 36.82 26.79 25.30 11.09 6,211 37.04 6.33 0.43 44.23 0.11 0.89 3 ~ 42.40 40.04 17.56 9,831 58.62 3.49 0.68 18.25 0.18 1.40 4 - 51.43 48.57 - 11,925 71.11 4.24 0.82 22.13 0.21 = 1.70 41705 1 35.83 29.70 29.20 5.27 7,033 41.91 6.64 0.44 45.11 0.11 0.62 2 37.81 28.79 28.29 5.11 6,816 40.62 6.78 0.43 46.46 0.11 0.60 3 - 46.29 45.49 8.22 10,959 65.32 4.10 0.69 20.70 0.17 0.97 4 - 50.44 49.56 - 11,941 71.17 4.47 0.75 22.56 0.19 = 1.06 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free €Z Table 2. (continued) 41706 1 36.30 29.62 29.29 4.79 6,991 41.90 6.68 0.40 45.96 0.01 = 0.28 2 38.24 28.72 28.39 4.65 6,778 40.62 6.81 0.39 47.26 0.01 0.27 3 - 46.50 45.98 7.52 10,975 65.77 4.11 0.62 21.54 0.01 0.44 4 - 50.28 49.72 - 11,868 71.12 4.44 0.67 23.29 0.02 0.47 41707 1 35.59 29.77 29.27 5.37 6,970 42.10 6.54 0.44 44.96 0.08 0.59 2 37.66 28.82 28.32 5.20 6,746 40.74 6.69 0.43 46.37 0.08 0.57 3 - 46.22 45.44 8.34 10,822 65.35 3.97 0.68 20.75 0.12 0.91 4 - 50.43 49.57 - 11,807 71.30 4.33 0.75 22.62 0.13 0.99 41708 1 32.28 29.61 25.25 12.86 6,607 39.85 6.05 0.46 39.64 0.11 9 1.14 2 34.02 28.85 24.60 12.53 6,437 38.82 6.19 0.45 40.90 0.11 1.11 3 - 43.73 37.28 18.99 9,756 58.84 3.61 0.68 16.19 0.16 1.69 4 - 53.98 46.02 - 12,043 72.63 4.45 0.84 19,99 0.20 2.08 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free vz Table 3. Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 2 Sample ; Moisture —_ Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 41709 1 20.15 22.82 47.35 9.68 8,110 54.43 3.84 0.91 30.58 0.10 0.56 2 30.26 19.93 41.35 8.46 7,083 47.54 4.77 0.79 37.95 0.09 0.49 3 - 28.58 59.29 12.13 10,157 68.17 1.99 1.14 15.87 0.13 0.70 4 - 32.53 67.47 - 11,558 71.58 2.26 1.29 18.08 0.15 0.79 41710 1 33.54 35.68 27.22 3.56 7,166 42.39 6.91 0.33 46.03 0.02 0.79 2 39.44 32.51 24.81 3.24 6,530 38.63 7.29 0.30 49.83 0.01 0.72 3 - 53.68 40.97 5.35 10,783 63.79 4.74 0.49 24.45 0.02 =—-:1.18 4 - 56.71 43.29 - 11,392 67.39 5.01 0.52 25.83 0.03 = 1.25 41711 1 33.05 34.96 27.43 4.56 7,201 42.79 6.74 0.50 44.51 0.01 0.90 2 39.67 31.50 24.72 4.11 6,489 38.56 7.18 0.45 48.89 0.01 0.81 3 - 52.22 40.97 6.81 10,756 63.92 4.54 0.74 22.64 0.01 = 1.34 4 - 56.04 43.96 - 11,542 68.59 4.87 0.80 24.30 0.01 1.44 41712 1 34.30 32.94 26.03 6.73 6,862 40.00 6.80 0.47 44.84 0.02 1.16 2 36.39 31.89 25.20 6.52 6,644 38.73 63.94 0.46 46.24 0.02 1.12 3 - 50.14 39.61 10.25 10,445 60.88 4.50 0.72 21.88 0.04 = =1.77 4 - 55.86 44.14 - 11,638 67.83 5.02 0.80 24.38 0.04 = 1.97 41713 1 35.10 33.11 27.66 4.13 7,104 42.15 6.84 0.49 4543 <0.02 0.95 2 36.40 32.44 27.11 4.05 6,961 41.31 6.92 0.48 46.30 <0.02 0.93 3 - 51.01 42.62 6.37 10,946 64.95 4.48 0.75 2197 <0.02 1.47 4 - 54.48 45.52 - 11,690 69.37 4.79 0.81 23.47 <0.02 1.57 41714 1 34.18 31.27 24.85 9.70 6,544 38.78 6.62 0.47 43.46 0.02 0.96 2 34.44 31.14 24.75 9.67 6,518 38.63 6.64 0.47 43.64 0.02 0.96 3 - 47.50 37.76 14.74 9,942 58.93 4.25 0.72 19.90 0.03 1.46 4 - 55.72 44.28 - 11,662 69.12 4.98 0.84 23.35 0.03 1.71 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free SZ Table 3. (continued) Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number __Basis*___% __Matter % ___Carbon % _% _ Btu/Ilb_ _-_- C % H% N% O % Pyritic Total 41715 1 33.86 34.07 26.59 5.48 7,189 42.21 6.79 0.53 44.09 <0.02 0.90 2 35.83 33.05 25.81 5.31 6,975 40.95 6.92 0.52 45.43 <0.02 0.87 3 - 51.51 40.21 8.28 10,870 63.81 4.54 0.81 21.20 <0.02 = 1.36 4 - 56.16 43.84 - 11,851 69.57 4.95 0.88 23.11 <0.02 1.48 41716 1 34.12 33.59 26.95 5.34 7,175 42.05 6.82 0.57 44.59 0.01 0.63 2 35.95 32.66 26.20 5.19 6,976 40.88 6.94 0.56 45.81 0.01 0.61 3 - 50.99 40.90 8.11 10,892 63.83 4.56 0.87 21.68 0.01 0.95 4 - 55.49 44.51 - 11,853 69.46 4.96 0.94 23.59 0.01 = 1.04 41717 1 33.81 32.83 26.51 6.85 6,984 40.96 6.70 0.54 44.06 0.05 0.89 2 36.10 31.70 25.59 6.61 6,742 39.54 6.85 0.52 45.61 0.05 0.86 3 - 49.61 40.05 10.34 10,552 61.89 4.40 0.82 21.21 0.08 1.35 4 - 55.33 44.67 - 11,769 69.03 4.91 0.91 23.65 0.09 1.51 41718 1 30.78 31.72 23.03 14.47 6,471 37.59 6.56 0.52 39.79 0.10 1.07 2 33.85 30.31 22.01 13.83 6,184 35.92 6.77 0.50 41.96 0.10 1.02 3 - 45.82 33.27 20.91 9,348 54.30 4.50 0.75 17.99 0.15 1.55 4 - 57.94 42.06 - 11,819 68.65 5.69 0.95 22.74 0.19 1.96 41719 1 32.16 28.04 20.24 19.56 5,670 33.48 6.25 0.51 39.38 0.04 0.82 2 33.37 27.54 19.88 19.21 5,569 32.89 6.34 0.50 40.26 0.04 0.81 3 - 41.33 29.84 28.83 8,359 49.36 3.91 0.75 15.94 0.06 1.22 4 = 58.08 41.92 - 11,744 69.35 5.50 1.05 22.40 0.08 =1.71 41720 1 32.97 30.20 23.13 13.70 6,285 37.07 6.43 0.56 41.37 0.06 0.88 2 35.68 28.98 22.20 13.14 6,031 35.57 6.63 0.53 43.29 0.05 0.84 3 - 45.05 34.52 20.43 9,376 55.30 4.09 0.83 18.04 0.09 = 1.31 4 - 56.62 43.38 - 11,784 69.50 5.15 1.04 22.67 0.11 1.64 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 92 Table 3. (continued) 41722 1 34.56 31.54 25.72 8.18 6,777 39.68 6.81 0.54 43.38 0.26 =1.40 2 36.66 30.53 24.89 7.92 6,560 38.41 6.95 0.53 44.84 0.25 1.36 3 - 48.20 39.30 12.50 10,356 60.64 4.50 0.83 19.39 0.39 = 2.15 4 - 55.09 44.91 - 11,835 69.30 5.14 0.95 22.16 0.45 = 2.45 41723 1 36.83 29.86 24.05 9.26 6,325 36.95 6.79 0.50 44.93 0.32 1.57 2 35.76 30.36 24.46 9.42 6,432 37.57 6.72 0.51 44.19 0.32 = 1.59 3 - 47.27 38.07 14.66 10,013 58.49 4.23 0.79 19.35 0.50 2.48 A - 55.38 44.62 - 11,732 68.53 4.96 0.93 22.67 0.59 2.91 41724 1 36.24 31.09 26.07 6.60 6,750 39.16 6.87 0.53 45.19 0.31 = 1.65 2 36.71 30.86 25.88 6.55 6,700 38.87 6.91 0.53 45.50 0.31 = 1.64 3 - 48.76 40.89 10.35 10,586 61.42 4.42 0.83 21.34 048 2.58 4 - 54.39 45.61 - 11,808 68.50 4.93 0.93 22.76 0.54 = 2.88 41725 1 33.03, 28.76 21.83 16.38 5,992 34.74 6.41 0.56 40.61 0.20 = 1.30 2 33.74 28.46 21.59 16.21 5,928 34.37 6.46 0.55 41.12 0.19 1.29 3 - 42.95 32.59 24.46 8,947 51.87 4.05 0.83 16.84 0.29 = 1.94 4 - 56.86 43.14 - 11,845 68.67 5.37 1.10 22.29 0.39 = 2.57 41726 1 37.17 30.41 26.12 6.30 6,792 39.93 6.97 0.51 45.04 0.18 = 1.24 2 39.79 29.14 25.03 6.04 6,509 38.27 7.15 0.49 46.86 0.17 1.19 3 - 48.41 41.56 10.03 10,810 63.56 4.48 0.81 19.14 0.28 = 1.98 4 - 53.80 46.20 - 12,016 70.65 4.98 0.90 21.28 0.31 2.20 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free LZ Table 3. (Continued) Sample Moisture —_ Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 41727 1 34.92 30.27 25.45 9.36 6,533 38.42 6.64 0.44 43.88 0.18 1.26 2 36.74 29.42 24.74 9.10 6,351 37.34 6.77 0.43 45.14 0.18 = 1.22 3 - 46.51 39.11 14.38 10,039 59.03 4.21 0.68 19.77 0.28 = 1.93 4 - 54.32 45.68 - 11,725 68.95 4.91 0.79 23.09 0.33 = 2.26 41728 1 32.34 29.73 23.00 14.93 6,247 36.20 6.34 0.40 40.38 0.30 = 1.75 2 33.38 29.27 22.65 14.70 6,151 35.64 6.42 0.40 41.12 0.30 1.72 3 - 43.94 33.99 22.07 9,234 53.50 4.02 0.60 17.23 0.45 = 2.58 4 - 56.38 43.62 - 11,848 68.65 5.16 0.76 22.11 0.58 3.31 41729 1 29.08 27.72 20.56 22.64 5,731 33.21 5.82 0.45 36.26 0.47 = 1.62 2 31.37 26.82 19.90 21.91 5,546 32.14 5.99 0.43 37.95 0.45 = 1.57 3 - 39.08 29.00 31.92 8,082 46.83 3.62 0.63 14.71 0.66 2.29 4 - 57.41 42.59 - 11,871 68.79 5.32 0.93 21.61 0.96 3.36 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 82 Table 4. Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 3 Sample Moisture —_- Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % r is* M: B H% N% O % Pyritic Total _ 41730 1 32.85 34.74 24.30 8.11 6,640 39.22 6.84 0.43 44.87 0.03 0.54 2 37.66 32.25 22.57 7.52 6,164 36.41 715 0.39 48.02 0.03 0.50 3 - 51.74 36.19 12.07 9,888 58.41 4.71 0.63 23.38 0.04 =—0.80 4 - 58.84 41.16 - 11,245 66.43 5.36 0.72 26.59 0.05 0.91 41731 1 30.44 30.31 21.86 17.39 5,801 33.89 6.32 0.43 40.90 0.14 1.06 2 33.18 29.12 20.99 16.71 5,573 32.55 6.52 0.42 42.79 0.14 = 1.02 3 - 43.57 31.42 25.01 8,340 48.72 4.19 0.62 19.94 0.21 1.52 4 - 58.10 41.90 - 11,121 64.96 5.59 0.83 26.58 0.28 =—2.03 41732 1 30.48 31.95 22.46 15.11 6,059 35.15 6.56 0.32 41.82 0.10 1.05 2 33.26 30.68 21.56 14.50 5,817 33.74 6.74 0.31 43.70 0.09 1.01 3 - 45.96 32.31 21.73 8,716 50.56 4.52 0.46 21.22 0.14 1.51 4 - 58.73 41.27 - 11,136 64.60 5.78 0.58 27.10 0.18 = 1.93 41733 1 31.78 31.29 22.99 13.94 6,137 35.77 6.51 0.40 42.47 0.07 0.91 2 34.14 30.21 22.19 13.46 5,925 34.54 6.67 0.39 44.07 0.07 0.88 3 - 45.86 33.71 20.43 8,996 52.44 4.32 0.59 20.89 0.10 1,33 4 - 57.64 42.36 - 11,307 65.90 5.43 0.74 26.25 0.13 1.68 41734 1 33.92 34.48 26.99 4.61 7,053 41.35 7.05 0.41 45.57 0.02 ~=1.01 2 37.82 32.45 25.39 4.34 6,637 38.91 7.30 0.39 48.12 0.02 0.95 3 - 52.18 40.84 6.98 10,673 62.57 4.93 0.62 23.37 0.03 1.53 4 - 56.10 43.90 - 11,474 67.26 5.30 0.67 25.13 0.04 1.64 41735 1 33.93 34.10 26.09 5.88 6,942 39.14 6.92 0.42 46.54 0.08 1.09 2 45.93 27.91 21.35 4.81 5,681 32.03 7.10 0.35 54.22 0.06 0.89 3 - 51.61 39.50 8.89 10,508 59.24 4.73 0.64 24.84 0.12 1.65 4 - 56.65 43.35 - 11,533 65.03 5.20 0.70 27.26 0.13 1.81 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 6z Table 4. (continued) Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number __Basis*___% __Matter % _ Carbon % = -% ~———Btu/Ib C% H_% N% O % __Pyritic Total _ 41736 1 33.01 33.96 26.71 6.32 6,889 40.52 6.86 0.48 44.88 0.02 0.93 2 36.04 32.42 25.50 6.04 6,578 38.69 7.06 0.46 46.86 0.01 0.89 3 - 50.70 39.86 9.44 10,284 60.49 4.73 0.72 23.23 0.02 1.39 4 - 55.98 44.02 - 11,356 66.80 5.22 0.79 25.65 0.03 1.54 41737 1 33.12 33.29 26.42 717 6,893 39.84 6.81 0.41 44.35 0.24 141 2 35.62 32.04 25.43 6.91 6,636 38.35 6.98 0.39 46.01 0.23 = 1.36 3 ~ 49.77 39.50 10.73 10,307 59.58 4.65 0.61 22.33 0.36 2.11 4 - 55.75 44.25 - 11,545 66.73 5.20 0.68 25.01 0.40 = 2.36 41738 1 31.45 32.38 25.44 10.73 6,651 38.90 6.51 0.49 42.35 0.02 1.01 2 35.26 30.58 24.03 10.13 6,281 36.74 6.77 0.46 44.93 0.02 0.96 3 - 47.24 37.11 15.65 9,702 56.75 4.37 0.72 21.03 0.04 1.48 4 - 56.01 43.99 - 11,502 67.28 5.18 0.85 24.93 0.04 = 1.75 re 41739 1 32.98 34.83 26.77 5.42 7,184 41.97 7.16 0.46 44.20 0.01 0.78 2 36.74 32.88 25.25 5.12 6,781 39.61 7.39 0.44 46.70 0.01 0.74 3 - 51.98 39.93 8.09 10,720 62.62 5.18 0.69 22.25 0.01 = 1.17 4 - 56.55 43.45 - 11,663 68.13 5.64 0.75 24.21 0.01 = 1.27 41740 1 32.90 32.26 25.90 8.94 6,744 39.67 6.67 0.54 43.28 0.04 0.91 2 36.08 30.73 24.68 8.51 6,424 37.79 6.88 0.52 45.43 0.04 0.86 3 - 48.08 38.60 13.32 10,051 59.12 4.45 0.81 20.95 0.06 1.35 4 - 55.47 44.53 - 11,595 68.20 5.13 0.94 24.17 0.07 1.56 41741 1 31.76 35.34 27.84 5.06 7,369 43.30 6.79 0.52 43.41 0.07 0.93 2 38.05 32.09 25.27 4.59 6,690 39.31 7.19 0.47 47.59 0.07 0.84 3 - 51.79 40.79 7.42 10,799 63.45 4.73 0.76 22.28 0.11 = 1.36 4 - 55.94 44.06 - 11,664 68.53 5.11 0.82 24.06 0.11 1.47 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free o€ Table 4. (continued) Sample Moisture —_—_ Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number ___Basis* % Matter % Carbon % __% _Btu/Ib C% H% N% O % _Pyritic Total _ 41742 1 33.60 34.18 27.55 4.67 7,234 42.14 7.04 0.50 44.52 0.04 = 1.13 2 38.60 31.61 25.47 4.32 6,689 38.97 7.35 0.46 47.85 0.04 = 1.04 3 - 51.48 41.48 7.04 10,894 63.47 4.94 0.75 22.11 0.07 1.70 4 - 55.37 44.63 - 11,718 68.27 5.32 0.81 23.78 0.07 = 1.82 41743 1 31.85 33.27 26.84 8.04 7,015 41.49 6.47 0.56 42.29 0.11 1.14 2 35.40 31.54 25.43 7.63 6,649 39.33 6.72 0.53 44.71 0.10 1.08 3 - 48.82 39.38 11.80 10,293 60.88 4.27 0.83 20.55 0.16 = 1.68 4 - 55.35 44.65 - 11,671 69.02 4.84 0.94 23.30 0.18 1.90 41744 1 31.88 31.41 24.87 11.84 6,548 38.55 6.45 0.53 41.46 0.07 1.16 2 35.79 29.61 23.44 11.16 6,172 36.34 6.72 0.50 44.18 0.07 = 1.10 3 - 46.11 36.51 17.38 9,613 56.60 4.23 0.78 19.30 0.11 1.71 4 - 55.81 44.19 - 11,635 68.50 5.12 0.95 23.36 0.13 2.07 41745 1 34.33 33.69 26.78 5.20 7,199 42.26 6.85 0.54 44.27 0.02 0.89 2 37.08 32.28 25.65 4.99 6,898 40.49 7.03 0.51 46.13 0.02 0.85 3 - 51.31 40.77 7.92 10,963 64.35 4.58 0.82 20.98 0.02 1.36 4 - 55.72 44.28 - 11,906 69.88 4.97 0.89 22.79 0.03. 1.47 41746 1 34.33 32.02 27.01 6.64 6,953 40.84 6.65 0.53 44.33 0.02 1.01 2 36.17 31.12 26.25 6.46 6,758 39.70 6.77 0.52 45.57 0.02 0.98 3 - 48.75 41.14 10.11 10,588 62.19 4.27 0.81 21.07 0.02 1.54 4 ~ 54.24 45.76 - 11,779 69.19 4.75 0.90 23.45 0.03 1.71 41747 1 33.38 32.83 27.24 6.55 7,145 42.07 6.67 0.52 43.20 0.07 1.00 2 36.54 31.27 25.95 6.24 6,806 40.07 6.88 0.49 45.36 0.06 0.95 3 - 49.27 40.90 9.83 10,726 63.14 4.40 0.78 20.35 0.10 1.50 4 - 54.64 45.36 - 11,895 70.03 4.88 0.86 22.56 0.11 1.67 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free TE Table 4. (continued) Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 41748 1 32.83 33.07 25.46 8.64 6,997 38.23 6.65 0.58 44.82 0.05 1.09 2 36.77 31.13 23.97 8.13 6,587 35.98 6.92 0.55 47.40 0.05 1.02 3 - 49.23 37.91 12.86 10,417 56.91 4.43 0.86 23.31 0.08 1.62 4 - 56.50 43.50 ~ 11,955 65.31 5.09 0.99 26.75 0.09 1.86 41749 1 34.19 33.73 26.44 5.64 7,216 42.36 6.83 0.66 43.78 0.03 = 0.73 2 38.94 31.29 24.53 5.24 6,695 39.30 715 0.61 47.03 0.03 0.68 3 - 51.25 40.17 8.58 10,965 64.36 4.57 1.00 20.38 0.05 1.11 4 - 56.06 43.94 - 11,994 70.40 5.00 1.10 22.29 0.05 = 1.22 41750 1 31.81 31.39 24.97 11.83 6,671 38.87 6.58 0.59 41.11 0.09 = 1.03 2 34.28 30.26 24.06 11.40 6,430 37.46 6.74 0.57 42.84 0.09 0.99 3 ~ 46.04 36.62 17.34 9,784 57.00 4.42 0.86 18.86 0.14 = 1.51 4 - 55.70 44.30 - 11,836 68.96 5.35 1.04 22.82 0.16 1.83 41826 1 31.78 31.62 24.39 12.21 6,644 38.53 6.37 0.54 41.23 0.16 1.11 2 34.10 30.55 23.55 11.80 6,418 37.22 6.53 0.52 42.85 0.15 = 1.08 3 - 46.36 35.74 17.90 9,739 56.48 4.13 0.79 19.07 0.24 = 1.63 4 - 56.46 43.54 - 11,863 68.79 5.03 0.96 23.23 0.29 1.99 41827 1 33.49 29.42 24.12 12.97 6,274 36.67 6.49 0.67 41.66 0.58 1.54 2 35.60 28.49 23.35 12.56 6,075 35.51 6.64 0.65 43.16 0.57 = 1.49 3 - 44.24 36.26 19.50 9,433 55.14 4.13 1.00 17.92 0.88 2.31 4 - 54.95 45.05 - 11,718 68.49 5.13 1.25 22.26 1.09 2.87 41828 1 33.46 31.01 26.03 9.50 6,917 40.24 6.71 0.59 41.12 0.58 1.85 2 35.28 30.16 25.32 9.24 6,728 39.14 6.83 0.57 42.42 0.56 1.80 3 - 46.61 39.11 14.28 10,396 60.47 4.45 0.88 17.14 0.87 = 2.78 4 - 54.37 45.63 - 12,127 70.54 5.19 1.03 19.99 1.02 3.24 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free ze Table 5. Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 4 Ash Heating Value 7,254 6,584 10,160 11,439 6,929 6,502 10,511 11,430 7,176 6,972 10,630 11,637 6,561 6,077 8,935 11,379 6,151 5,951 8,738 11,203 7,437 7,023 11,084 11,784 42.70 6.56 0.42 41.52 0.01 = 0.82 38.76 6.98 0.38 45.89 0.01 0.75 59.81 4.70 0.59 22.57 0.01 = 1.15 67.33 5.29 0.67 25.41 0.01 1.30 40.34 6.94 0.40 46.34 0.01 0.69 37.85 7.20 0.37 48.96 0.01 0.64 61.19 4.74 0.60 24.38 0.02 1.04 66.54 5.15 0.65 26.52 0.02 = 1.13 41.53 6.86 0.38 44.65 0.02 0.73 40.35 6.98 0.37 45.91 0.02 0.70 61.52 4.78 0.57 23.40 0.02 = 1.07 67.35 5.23 0.62 25.62 0.03 1.18 38.57 5.94 0.45 38.01 0.25 = 1.26 35.72 6.32 0.42 41.76 0.23 1.16 52.53 4.03 0.62 19.64 0.34 1.71 66.89 5.14 0.78 25.00 0.44 = 2.18 36.38 5.64 0.40 41.18 0.19 0.91 35.20 5.82 0.39 42.73 0.19 0.89 51.68 3.31 0.57 21.14 0.27 = 1.30 66.26 4.24 0.73 27.10 0.35 = (1.67 43.24 6.97 0.45 44.84 0.01 = 0.53 40.83 7.20 0.42 47.29 0.01 0.50 64.44 4.90 0.67 23.27 0.01 = 0.78 68.51 5.20 0.71 24.74 0.01 = 0.83 Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed 41829 1 28.60 36.63 26.79 7.98 2 35.20 33.24 24.32 7.24 3 - 51.30 37.52 11.18 4 - 57.76 42.24 - 41830 1 34.08 34.96 25.66 5.30 2 38.14 32.81 24.08 4.97 3 - 53.04 38.92 8.04 4 - 57.68 42.32 - 41831 1 32.49 35.85 25.82 5.84 2 34.41 34.83 25.08 5.68 3 - 53.10 38.24 8.66 4 - 58.13 41.87 - 41832 1 26.57 32.50 25.16 15.77 2 31.99 30.10 23.30 14.61 3 - 44.25 34.27 21.48 4 - 56.36 43.64 - 41833 1 29.61 30.73 24.17 15.49 2 31.90 29.73 23.39 14.98 3 - 43.66 34.34 22.00 4 - 55.98 44.02 - 41834 1 32.90 36.00 27.12 3.98 2 36.64 33.99 25.61 3.76 3 - 53.65 40.41 5.94 4 - 57.03 42.97 - *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free ce Table 5. (continued) Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number Basis* % Matter % Carbon % % Btu/Ib C% H% N% O% Pyritic Total 41835 1 31.85 35.72 27.47 4.96 7,409 43.65 0.43 43.46 0.66 2 33.67 34.77 26.73 4.83 7,211 42.49 0.42 z 0.64 3 - 52.42 40.30 7.28 10,871 64.05 0.63 0.97 4 - 56.54 43.46 - 11,724 69.08 0.68 1.05 41836 1 33.57 34.04 27.82 4.57 7,190 42.13 0.45 45.20 0.62 z 37.10 32.23 26.35 4.32 6,807 39.89 0.42 . 0.59 3 - 51.24 41.89 6.87 10,823 63.42 0.67 0.93 4 - 55.03 44.97 - 11,622 68.10 0.72 1.00 41837 1 33.72 33.98 28.25 4.05 7,293 42.93 0.45 0.70 2 35.56 33.04 27.46 3.94 7,091 41.74 0.43 0.68 3 - 51.27 42.62 6.11 11,003 64.77 0.67 1.06 4 - 54.61 45.39 - 11,720 68.98 0.72 1.13 41838 1 34.08 33.95 28.45 3.52 7,283 42.76 0.49 45.76 0.48 2 37.44 32.22 27.00 3.34 6,912 40.58 0.47 7 0.46 3 - 51.50 43.16 5.34 11,048 64.86 0.75 23.50 0.73 4 - 54.41 45.59 - 11,671 68.52 0.79 i 0.78 41839 1 32.78 32.50 26.20 8.52 6,943 40.32 0.50 0.69 2 36.17 30.86 24.88 8.09 6,593 38.29 0.47 0.65 3 - 48.34 38.99 12.67 10,329 59.98 0.74 1.02 4 - 55.36 44.64 - 11,828 68.69 0.85 1.17 41840 1 34.56 32.75 28.10 4.59 7,121 41.73 0.49 45.36 0.81 2 37.57 31.25 26.80 4.38 6,793 39.81 0.47 47.36 0.77 3 - 50.05 42.93 7.02 10,881 63.77 0.76 r 1.23 4 - 53.83 46.17 ~ 11,703 68.59 0.81 1.33 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free vE Table 5. (continued) Sample Moisture —_—- Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number ___Basis* _% ___Matter % _ Carbon % _% _Btu/Ib_ _C% H% N% O% Pyritic Total 41841 1 31.03 34.31 28.28 6.38 7,345 43.21 6.72 0.59 42.51 0.10 0.60 2 34.57 32.55 26.83 6.05 6,968 40.99 6.95 0.56 44.88 0.09 0.57 3 - 49.75 41.00 9.25 10,650 62.65 4.70 0.85 21.68 0.14 0.88 4 - 54.81 45.19 - 11,735 69.03 5.18 0.94 23.88 0.16 0.97 41842 1 33.02 32.14 25.72 9.12 6,847 40.02 6.66 0.53 43.00 0.02 0.67 2 35.17 31.11 24.90 8.82 6,627 38.73 6.81 0.51 44.47 0.02 0.65 3 - 47.99 38.40 13.61 10,222 59.75 4.43 0.79 20.42 0.02 ~=—1.00 4 - 55.55 44.45 - 11,833 69.16 5.13 0.91 23.63 0.03 1.16 41843 1 34.04 33.65 28.21 4.10 7,496 43.66 6.98 0.50 44.02 0.01 0.74 2 36.47 32.41 27.17 3.95 7,219 42.05 7.13 0.48 45.67 0.01 0.72 3 - 51.01 42.77 6.22 11,364 66.19 4.81 0.75 20.90 0.01 = 1.13 4 - 54.39 45.61 - 12,117 70.58 5.13 0.80 22.29 0.01 = 1.20 41844 1 32.81 33.68 26.68 6.83 7,222 41.93 6.82 0.55 42.99 0.03 0.88 2 35.50 32.33 25.61 6.56 6,933 40.26 7.00 0.53 44.82 0.03 0.84 3 - 50.13 39.70 10.17 10,748 62.41 4.69 0.81 20.61 0.05 = 1.31 4 - 55.80 44.20 - 11,965 69.47 5.22 0.91 22.95 0.05 1.45 41845 1 30.55 32.52 26.53 10.40 7,057 41.44 6.52 0.52 40.14 0.03. 0.99 2 31.26 32.19 26.26 10.29 6,984 41.01 6.56 0.51 40.64 0.03 0.98 3 - 46.82 38.21 14.97 10,161 59.67 4.46 0.75 18.73 0.05 = 1.43 4 - 55.07 44.93 - 11,950 70.17 5.24 0.88 22.03 0.06 1.68 41846 1 30.83 34.59 28.31 6.27 7,601 44.20 6.80 0.59 41.25 0.02 0.89 2 34.73 32.64 26.72 5.91 7,172 41.71 7.05 0.56 43.93 0.01 0.84 3 - 50.00 40.94 9.06 10,988 63.90 4.84 0.86 20.05 0.02 = 1.29 4 - 54.98 45.02 - 12,083 70.26 5.32 0.94 22.05 0.03 1.42 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free se Volatile Zo Ash — Heatin; ig Value Table 6. Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 5 41847 1 31.67 33.82 24.55 9.96 6,704 38.70 6.60 0.41 43.37 0.08 0.96 2 33.48 32.92 23.90 9.70 6,527 37.68 6.72 0.40 44.57 0.07 0.94 3 - 49.49 35.93 14.58 9,812 56.64 4.47 0.60 22.30 0.11 = 1.41 4 - 57.94 42.06 - 11,486 66.31 5.23 0.70 26.11 0.13 1.65 41848 1 32.61 34.53 24.95 7.91 6,648 38.81 6.63 0.40 45.05 0.20 = 1.19 2 33.21 34.22 24.73 7.84 6,589 38.47 6.67 0.40 45.44 0.20 = 1.18 3 - 51.23 37.03 11.74 9,865 57.59 4.42 0.60 23.88 0.30 = 1.77 4 - 58.05 41.95 - 11,178 65.25 5.01 0.68 27.05 0.34 = 2.01 41849 1 29.97 31.32 22.41 16.30 5,928 34.75 6.20 0.42 41.42 0.09 0.91 2 31.06 30.83 22.06 16.05 5,836 34.21 6.28 0.42 42.15 0.09 0.90 3 - 44.72 32.00 23.28 8,466 49.62 4.07 0.60 21.13 0.13 1.30 4 - 58.29 41.71 - 11,034 64.67 5.30 0.79 27.55 0.17 1.69 41850 1 33.36 34.01 25.91 6.72 6,808 40.24 6.75 0.46 44.93 0.02 0.89 2 33.86 33.76 25.71 6.67 6,757 39.94 6.79 0.46 45.26 0.02 0.88 3 - 51.04 38.87 10.09 10,217 60.39 4.53 0.69 22.96 0.02 = 1.34 4 - 56.77 43.23 - 11,363 67.16 5.04 0.77 25.54 0.03 = 1.49 41851 1 34.33 33.68 25.88 6.11 6,693 39.43 6.87 0.41 46.47 0.02 0.71 2 34.88 33.40 25.66 6.06 6,637 39.10 6.91 0.41 46.82 0.02 0.70 3 - 51.29 39.41 9.30 10,192 60.05 4.61 0.63 24.34 0.02 = 1.08 4 - 56.55 43.45 - 11,237 66.21 5.09 0.69 26.83 0.03 1.19 41852 1 32.12 34.59 25.90 7.39 6,923 40.55 6.74 0.41 43.85 0.02 = 1.06 2 33.63 33.82 25.32 7.23 6,769 39.65 6.84 0.40 44.85 0.02 = 1.04 3 - 50.96 38.15 10.89 10,199 59.74 4.63 0.61 22.58 0.04 = 1.56 4 - 57.18 42.82 - 11,445 67.03 5.20 0.68 25.33 0.04 = =1.76 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 9€ Table 6. (continued) Sample : Moisture —_— Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 70 41853 1 28.16 27.62 18.51 25.71 4,992 29.68 5.71 0.36 37.59 0.11 0.96 2 27.27 27.96 18.74 26.03 5,054 30.05 5.64 0.36 36.95 0.11 0.97 3 - 38.45 25.77 35.78 6,948 41.32 3.56 0.50 17.51 0.15 1.33 4 - 59.87 40.13 - 10,821 64.35 5.54 0.78 27.26 0.23 2.07 41854 1 31.80 31.20 22.55 14.45 6,134 35.91 6.33 0.39 41.80 0.10 1.11 2 32.11 31.06 22.44 14,39 6,107 35.75 6.36 0.39 42.01 0.10 1.11 3 - 45.75 33.06 21.19 8,995 52.66 4.07 0.57 19.87 0.14 = 1.63 4 - 58.06 41.94 - 11,413 66.82 5.17 0.73 25.22 0.18 2.07 41855 1 32.94 32.73 25.30 9.03 6,676 38.87 6.73 0.48 43.38 040 = 1.51 2 33.47 32.47 25.10 8.96 6,623 38.56 6.77 0.48 43.74 0.39 1.49 3 - 48.80 37.73 13.47 9,955 57.96 4.54 0.72 21.07 0.59 2.25 4 - 56.40 43.60 - 11,504 66.98 5.25 0.83 24.34 0.69 2.60 41856 1 33.04 33.35 26.17 7.44 6,920 40.35 6.75 0.45 43.67 0.38 = 1.34 2 34.07 32.84 25.76 7.33 6,814 39.73 6.81 0.44 44.37 0.38 = 1.32 3 - 49.81 39.07 11.12 10,335 60.27 4.55 0.67 21.40 0.57 2.00 4 - 56.04 43.96 - 11,627 67.80 5.12 0.75 24.08 0.64 = 2.25 41857 1 32.34 32.57 26.01 9.08 6,836 39.86 6.55 0.52 42.61 0.11 = 1.38 2 33.66 31.94 25.50 8.90 6,703 39.08 6.64 0.51 43.51 0.11 = 1.36 3 - 48.14 38.44 13.42 10,104 58.91 4.34 0.77 20.52 0.16 2.04 4 - 55.60 44.40 - 11,670 68.04 5.01 0.89 23.70 0.19 2.36 41858 1 31.55 33.72 28.40 6.33 7,169 41.91 6.68 0.46 43.24 0.17 1.39 2 33.43 32.79 27.63 6.15 6,972 40.76 6.80 0.44 44.49 0.17 1.36 3 - 49.26 41.50 9.24 10,473 61.23 4.60 0.67 22.23 0.25 2.04 4 - 54.27 45.73 - 11,539 67.46 5.06 0.74 24.50 0.28 = 2.24 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free Le Table 6. (continued) Sample . Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 0) B D 3) 41859 1 32.74 30.87 24.27 12.12 6,396 37.50 6.56 0.43 42.09 0.19 1.30 2 33.24 30.64 24.09 12.03 6,349 37.22 6.60 0.42 42.44 0.19 1.29 3 - 45.89 36.09 18.02 9,509 55.75 4.31 0.63 17.92 0.28 =-1.93 4 - 55.98 44.02 - 11,600 68.01 5.26 0.77 23.61 0.35 = 2.35 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 8€ is* Table 7. Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 6 Fixed 41860 1 23.78 25.67 14.24 36.31 4,212 25.03 5.14 0.33 32.48 0.07 0.71 2 24.03 25.58 14.20 36.19 4,198 24.94 5.16 0.33 32.68 0.07. 0.70 3 - 33.67 18.69 47.64 5,526 32.83 3.25 0.44 14.91 0.10 0.93 4 - 64.31 35.69 - 10,553 62.70 6.21 0.83 28.49 0.18 = 1.77 41861 1 27.98 37.95 26.38 7.69 7,380 43.00 6.74 0.45 41.16 0.11 0.96 2 29.94 36.92 25.66 7.48 7,179 41.83 6.86 0.44 42.45 0.11 0.94 3 - 52.69 36.68 10.68 10,247 59.70 5.02 0.62 22.64 0.16 = 1.34 4 - 58.99 41.01 - 11,472 66.84 5.61 0.70 25.36 0.17 1.49 41862 1 27.34 39.76 28.38 4.52 7,858 45.68 6.86 0.59 41.60 0.02 0.75 2 29.25 38.72 27.63 4.40 7,651 44.48 6.97 0.58 42.84 0.02 = 0.73 3 - 54.72 39.06 6.22 10,814 62.86 5.23 0.82 23.83 0.02 1.04 4 - 58.35 41.65 - 11,532 67.04 5.58 0.87 25.40 0.02 1.11 41863 1 28.94 34.39 23.07 13.60 6,529 37.65 6.47 0.51 40.16 0.40 1.61 2 31.36 33.22 22.29 13.13 6,307 36.37 6.63 0.49 41.82 0.39 = 1.56 3 - 48.40 32.47 19.13 9,188 52.98 4.54 0.71 20.37 0.56 2.27 4 - 59.85 40.15 - 11,362 65.52 5.62 0.88 25.17 0.70 = 2.81 41864 1 30.35 29.47 19.48 20.70 5,362 31.34 5.74 0.34 40.50 0.46 = 1.38 2 32.23 28.68 18.95 20.14 5,218 30.49 5.88 0.33 41.82 0.45 = 1.34 3 - 42.32 27.96 29.72 7,699 45.00 3.36 0.49 19.45 0.66 1.98 4 - 60.21 39.79 - 10,954 64.02 4.78 0.69 27.69 0.94 2.82 41865 1 27.69 25.73 15.63 30.95 4,398 25.73 5.59 0.37 36.54 0.18 0.82 2 21.55 27.92 16.95 33.58 4,771 27.92 5.11 0.40 32.10 0.20 0.89 3 - 35.59 21.61 42.80 6,082 35.59 3.44 0.51 16.52 0.25 1.14 4 - 62.22 37.78 - 10,633 62.22 6.02 0.88 28.89 0.44 «1.99 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free 6€ Table 7. (continued) Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 41866 1 30.52 22.10 13.56 33.82 3,671 22.69 5.58 0.35 37.20 0.03 0.36 2 28.20 22.84 14.01 34.95 3,794 23.45 5.39 0.36 35.47 0.03 0.38 3 - 31.81 19.51 48.68 5,284 32.65 3.11 0.50 14.53 0.04 = 0.53 4 - 61.99 38.01 - 10,295 63.62 6.06 0.98 28.32 0.08 1.02 41867 1 27.82 32.04 22.18 17.96 5,990 35.09 6.12 0.46 39.32 0.19 1.05 2 23.00 34.18 23.66 19.16 6,390 37.43 5.78 0.49 36.02 0.20 = 1.12 3 - 44.39 30.73 24.88 8,299 48.61 4.16 0.64 20.25 0.26 = =1.46 4 - 59.10 40.90 - 11,048 64.71 5.54 0.85 26.96 0.34 = 1.94 41868 1 30.18 35.46 25.16 9.20 6,870 39.81 6.70 0.42 42.71 0.11 1.16 2 30.78 35.16 24.94 9.12 6,811 39.46 6.74 0.42 43.11 0.11 1.15 3 - 50.79 36.03 13.18 9,839 57.01 4.75 0.61 22.79 0.16 1.66 4 - 58.50 41.50 - 11,332 65.66 5.48 0.70 26.25 0.19 1.91 41869 1 29.80 33.12 24.07 13.01 6,410 36.50 6.51 0.46 42.57 0.03 0.95 2 31.31 32.40 23.56 12.73 6,272 35.71 6.61 0.45 43.57 0.03 0.93 3 = 47.17 34.29 18.54 9,131 51.99 4.52 0.65 22.95 0.04 = =1.35 4 - 57.91 42.09 - 11,209 63.83 5.55 0.80 28.16 0.05 1.66 41870 1 29.46 31.64 20.42 18.48 5,936 34.67 6.32 0.42 39.10 0.32 «1.01 2 30.02 31.39 20.26 18.33 5,889 34.39 6.36 0.41 39.51 0.31 ~=—1.00 3 - 44.86 28.94 26.20 8,415 49.14 4.29 0.59 18.34 0.45 1.44 4 - 60.78 39.22 - 11,402 66.59 5.82 0.80 24.85 0.61 1.94 41871 1 30.91 33.94 25.93 9.22 6,741 39.81 6.78 0.43 42.90 0.04 0.86 2 31.48 33.66 25.71 9.15 6,685 39.48 6.82 0.42 43.27 0.04 0.86 3 - 49.12 37.53 13.35 9,757 57.61 4.81 0.62 22.36 0.05 = 1.25 4 - 56.69 43.31 - 11,260 66.49 5.56 0.71 25.80 0.06 1.44 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free Ov Table 7. (continued) Sample Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % 41872 1 29.92 34.62 25.04 10.42 6,777 39.45 6.67 0.53 42.11 0.02 0.82 2 31.43 33.87 24.50 10.20 6,631 38.60 6.77 0.52 43.10 0.02 0.81 3 - 49.40 35.73 14.87 9,670 56.30 4.74 0.75 22.16 0.03 = 1.18 4 - 56.03 41.97 - 11,359 66.13 5.57 0.89 26.03 0.04 = 1.38 41873 1 30.06 34.76 24.34 10.84 6,852 39.72 6.68 0.48 41.18 0.17 = 1.10 2 31.14 34.22 23.97 10.67 6,747 39.11 6.75 0.47 41.92 0.16 =1.08 3 - 49.70 34.80 15.50 9,798 56.79 4.74 0.69 20.71 0.24 = 1.57 4 - 58.81 41.19 - 11,594 67.21 5.61 0.82 24.50 0.28 = 1.86 41874 1 30.69 33.02 25.04 11.25 6,642 38.32 6.60 0.45 42.46 0.42 0.92 2 30.78 32.98 25.00 11.24 6,634 38.27 6.61 0.45 42.51 0.42 0.92 3 - 47.64 36.12 16.24 9,584 55.29 4.57 0.64 21.93 0.60 = 1.33 4 - 56.87 43.13 - 11,441 66.01 5.45 0.77 26.18 0.72 = 1.59 41875 1 27.15 32.10 22.48 18.27 6,192 36.08 6.14 0.50 37.35 0.02 1.66 2 29.32 31.15 21.80 17.73 6,008 35.00 6.29 0.49 38.88 0.02 1.61 3 ~ 44.07 30.85 25.08 8,500 49.52 4.26 0.69 18.17 0.03 2.28 4 - 58.82 41.18 - 11,345 66.10 5.68 0.92 24.26 0.04 3.04 41876 1 32.33 31.54 23.83 12.30 6,188 36.05 6.50 0.45 43.27 0.15 1.43 Z 32.94 31.26 23.61 12.19 6,132 35.73 6.55 0.45 43.66 0.15 1.42 3 - 46.61 35.22 18.17 9,144 53.28 4.26 0.67 21.51 0.22 2.11 4 - 56.97 43.03 - 11,175 65.11 5.21 0.82 26.28 0.26 = =2.58 41877 1 31.87 35.40 26.92 5.81 7,182 42.04 6.98 0.53 43.61 0.07 ~—-:1.03 2 30.09 36.33 27.62 5.96 7,369 43.14 6.67 0.55 42.62 0.08 1.06 3 - 51.96 39.51 8.53 10,541 61.70 5.01 0.79 22.45 0.11 = 1.52 4 - 56.81 43.19 - 11,524 67.45 5.47 0.86 24.56 0.12 1.66 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free Te Table 7. (continued) 41878 1 32.47 34.17 27.35 6.01 7,105 42.01 6.89 0.51 43.81 0.01 0.77 2 29.64 35.60 28.49 6.27 7,402 43.77 6.71 0.53 41.92 0.01 0.80 3 - 50.60 40.49 8.91 10,521 62.21 4.83 0.75 22.16 0.01 = 1.14 4 - 55.55 44.45 - 11,549 68.29 5.30 0.86 24.33 0.01 = 1.25 41879 1 31.76 31.51 25.06 11.67 6,449 37.89 6.62 0.50 42.39 0.21 0.93 2 32.42 31.21 24.82 11.55 6,386 37.52 6.67 0.49 42.85 0.21 0.92 3 - 46.18 36.73 17.09 9,450 55.52 4.50 0.73 20.80 0.31 = 1.36 4 - 55.70 44.30 - 11,398 66.97 5.43 0.88 25.08 0.37 = 1.64 41880 1 31.60 35.40 27.09 5.91 7,326 42.54 6.97 0.54 43.03 0.07 ~=1.01 2 32.84 34.76 26.60 5.80 7,194 41.77 7.05 0.53 43.86 0.07 0.99 3 = 51.75 39.61 8.64 10,711 62.20 5.02 0.79 21.88 0.10 1.47 4 - 56.65 43.35 - 11,724 68.08 5.49 0.86 23.96 0.11 1.61 41881 1 32.71 30.08 24.33 12.88 6,173 35.97 6.60 0.47 43.16 0.04 0.92 2 32.66 30.10 24.35 12.89 6,178 36.00 6.59 0.47 43.12 0.04 0.93 3 - 44.71 36.15 19.14 9,174 53.46 4.36 0.70 20.97 0.05 = 1.37 4 - 55.29 44.71 - 11,346 66.11 5.39 0.87 25.93 0.07 ~—‘:1.70 41882 1 32.92 33.04 27.07 6.97 6,916 40.19 6.81 0.50 44.18 0.16 1.35 2 33.10 32.95 27.00 6.95 6,896 40.08 6.82 0.50 44.30 O55 135 3 - 49.26 40.35 10.39 10,310 59.91 4.66 0.75 22.28 0.23 2.01 4 - 54.97 45.03 - 11,506 66.86 5.20 0.84 24.85 0.26 = 2.25 41883 1 32.27 33.67 27.14 6.92 7,008 40.59 6.84 0.50 43.96 0.17 1.19 2 32.40 33.60 27.09 6.91 6,995 40.52 6.85 0.50 44.03 0.17 1.19 3 - 49.71 40.07 10.22 10,347 59.94 4.77 0.75 22.56 0.26 81.76 4 - 55.36 44.64 - 11,525 66.76 5.31 0.83 25.14 0.28 «1.96 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free ov Sample Moisture —_ Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value Sulfur % Number ___Basis* __% __ Matter % Carbon % _% _—Btu/Ib_ _§-C% H% .N% O% Pyritic Total _ 41884 1 34.36 31.36 26.59 7.69 6,624 38.67 6.83 0.50 45.00 0.12) 1.31 2 33.41 31.82 26.97 7.80 6,720 39.23 6.77 0.51 44.36 0.12 1.33 3 - 47.78 40.51 11.71 10,092 58.91 4.54 0.77 22.07 0.18 2.00 4 - 54.12 45.88 - 11,431 66.72 5.15 0.87 25.00 0.21 = 2.26 41885 1 26.35 29.68 21.74 22.23 5,772 33.39 5.82 0.50 36.72 0.31 = 1.34 2 26.34 29.69 21.74 22.23 5,772 33.39 5.82 0.50 36.72 0.31 1.34 3 - 40.30 29.52 30.18 7,836 45.33 3.90 0.68 18.09 0.43 1.82 4 - 57.72 42.28 - 11,224 64.93 5.58 0.98 25.91 0.61 2.60 41886 1 28.35 26.29 19.27 26.09 4,919 30.00 5.75 0.50 36.19 0.55 = 1.47 2 28.64 26.18 19.19 25.99 4,899 29.88 5.77 0.50 36.40 0.54 1.46 3 - 36.69 26.89 36.42 6,865 41.87 3.59 0.70 15.37 0.76 = 2.05 4 - 57.70 42.30 - 10,797 65.86 5.65 1.10 24.16 1.20 3.23 41887 1 32.53 33.16 28.40 5.91 7,194 42.13 6.83 0.62 43.47 0.07 1.04 2 33.80 32.48 27.93 5.79 7,048 41.28 6.92 0.61 44.38 0.07 = 1.02 3 - 49.14 42.10 8.76 10,663 62.44 = 4.73 0.92 21.60 0.10 = 1.55 4 - 53.86 46.14 - 11,687 68.44 5.18 1.01 23.68 0.11 = 1.69 41888 1 31.16 32.84 25.68 10.32 6,854 40.00 6.75 0.57 41.57 0.02 0.79 2 33.98 31.49 24.64 9.89 6,574 38.37 6.94 0.55 43.50 0.02 0.75 3 - 47.71 37.30 14.99 9,957 58.11 4.75 0.83 20.18 0.03 1.14 4 - 56.11 43.89 - 11,712 68.36 5.58 0.98 23.74 0.04 = 1.34 41889 1 32.23 33.67 27.33 6.77 7,173 41.95 6.86 0.62 42.60 0.18 1.20 2 32.87 33.35 27.07 6.71 7,105 41.56 6.90 0.61 43.03 0.17 1.19 3 - 49.69 40.31 10.00 10,584 61.90 4.80 0.91 20.62 0.26 01.77 4 - 55.20 44.80 - 11,759 68.78 5.33 1.01 22.91 0.29 = 1.97 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received Table 7. (continued) 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free ep Table 7. (continued) Sulfur % Sample Moisture _ Volatile Fixed Ash Heating Value C Basis Z alle 7 q Z Y B if) To a 41890 1 31.45 34,38 27.32 6.85 7,245 41.52 6.78 0.39 43.48 0.22 = 0.98 2 32.98 33.62 26.71 6.69 7,084 40.80 6.88 0.38 44.29 0.21 0.96 3 - 50.16 39.85 9.99 10,570 60.57 4.76 0.57 22.68 0.32 = 1.43 4 - 55.73 44.27 - 11,743 67.30 5.29 0.64 25.19 0.35 1.58 41891 1 31.08 32.97 24.66 11.29 6,831 39.36 6.72 0.63 40.61 0.07 1.39 2 32.19 32.44 24.26 11.11 6,721 38.73 6.79 0.62 41.38 0.07 = 1.37 3 - 47.84 35.78 16.38 9,911 57.11 4.70 0.92 18.87 0.11 2.02 4 - 57.21 42.79 - 11,853 68.30 5.62 1.10 22.56 0.13 2.42 41892 1 31.62 32.71 26.74 8.93 6,927 39.76 6.75 0.57 43.10 0.03 0.89 2 32.33 32.37 26.47 8.83 6,855 39.35 6.79 0.56 43.59 0.03 0.88 3 - 47.84 39.11 13.05 10,130 58.15 4.69 0.83 21.98 0.04 = 1.30 4 - 55.02 44.98 - 11,651 66.88 5.39 0.96 25.27 0.05 1.50 41893 1 31.27 30.36 32.99 15.38 6,245 36.40 6.56 0.58 40.23 0.06 0.85 2 32.41 29.85 22.61 15.13 6,141 35.79 6.64 0.58 41.03 0.06 0.83 3 - 44.17 33.45 22.38 9,086 52.96 4.46 0.85 18.12 0.09 = 1.23 4 - 56.91 43.09 - 11,706 68.23 5.74 1.10 23.34 0.11 1.59 41894 1 33.24 34.06 27.31 5.39 7,248 42.44 6.99 0.72 43.72 0.02 0.74 2 34.66 33.33 26.73 5.28 7,093 41.54 7.08 0.70 44.68 0.02 0.72 3 - 51.02 40.90 8.08 10,858 63.58 4.90 1.07 21.27 0.03 1.10 4 - 55.50 44.50 - 11,810 69.16 5.33 1.17 23.14 0.04 =1.20 41895 1 32.47 33.32 26.43 7.18 6,952 40.74 6.78 0.67 43.20 0.02 0.83 2 32.88 33.12 26.27 7.73 6,910 40.50 6.81 0.66 43.48 0.02 0.82 3 - 49.35 39.13 11.52 10,295 60.33 4.66 0.99 21.27 0.03 = 1.23 4 - 55.77 44.23 - 11,635 68.18 5.26 1.12 24.05 0.04 = 1.39 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free ve Volatile Z Table 7. (continued) Ash Heating Value Y Ib 41896 1 30.78 32.07 23.87 13.28 6,679 38.32 6.60 0.69 40.03 0.16 = 1.08 2 31.42 31.78 23.65 13.15 6,618 37.97 6.64 0.68 40.49 0.16 1.07 3 - 46.33 34.49 19.18 9,649 55.37 4.56 0.99 18.34 0.24 = 1.56 4 - 57.33 42.67 - 11,939 68.51 5.64 1.23 22.69 0.29 = 1.93 41897 1 32.44 31.27 24.81 11.48 6,577 37.87 6.59 0.71 41.86 0.52 = 1.49 2 33.16 30.94 24.54 11.36 6,506 37.47 6.64 0.70 42.36 0.51 1.47 3 - 46.29 36.72 16.99 9,734 56.06 4.39 1.05 19.31 0.77. 2.20 4 - 55.76 44,24 - 11,727 67.53 5.29 1.26 23.27 0.92 2.65 *Basis: 1 Equilibrium Moisture 2 As Received 3 Moisture Free 4 Moisture and Ash Free Tables 8-13 Overview Tables 8-13 follow on pages 46 - 50. Hardgrove grindability index (HGI) data from Tables 8-13, are consistent with coal of subbituminous rank. Despite the range of HGI values observed, 23 to 71, approximately 90% of the values lie within an HGI range of 25-47. HGI averages within drill holes ranged from 30 to 38 with an overall average for all 147 samples of 35. These values indicate that raw coal from the Little Tonzona field would be relatively hard to grind i.e., require larger amounts of energy for pulverization. 45 Table 8. Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 1 Sample Number H.G.I1. Moisture, % 41676 35 10.4 41677 68 5.7 41678 2A 14.7 41679 58 8.0 41680 26 13.7 41681 23 16.7 41682 28 114 41683 39 14.4 41684 34 10.0 41685 46 11.6 41686 30 17.2 41687 28 13.2 41688 28 13.5 41689 28 12.9 41690 26 16.4 41691 26 14.0 41692 28 13.8 41693 27 14.4 41694 30 12.5 41695 27 16.1 41696 32 16.3 41697 26 15.5 41698 34 11.8 41699 39 9.2 41700 49 9.5 41701 31 12.9 41702 42 10.1 41703 31 14.1 41704 52 76 41705 36 11.1 41706 38 10.2 41707 40 8.5 41708 44 9.1 46 Table 9. Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 2 Sample Number H.G.1. Moisture, % 41709 55 11.1 41710 32 11.9 41711 36 12.0 41712 33 11.7 41713 32 15.2 41714 38 11.8 41715 34 15.1 41716 26 17.5 41717 28 16.8 41718 38 11.9 41719 56 9.7 41720 53 19 41721 32 14.3 41722 32 14.8 41723 36 13.4 41724 29 18.0 41725 42 9.6 41726 40 9.7 41727 43 11.0 41728 36 16.6 41729 54 8.43 47 Table 10. Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 3 Sample Number H.G.I. Moisture, % 41730 29 21.3 41731 35 16.9 41732 35 19.5 41733 37 10.2 41734 27 19.7 41735 24 17.2 41736 28 16.9 41737 29 13.4 41738 34 14.6 41739 28 16.3 41740 28 19.6 41741 29 15.7 41742 33 15.0 41743 28 17.9 41744 44 9.6 41745 31 17.9 41746 32 14.3 41747 31 16.8 41748 32 15.2 41749 29 18.3 41750 38 12.2 41826 31 17.8 41827 30 19.1 41828 27 19.9 48 Table 11. Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 4 Sample Number H.G.I. Moisture, % 41829 28 76 41830 30 8.0 41831 32 9.0 41832 46 4.3 41833 44 9.5 41834 33 9.7 41835 32 10.7 41836 32 4.9 41837 33 76 41838 37 8.4 41839 37 4.2 41840 32 12.2 41841 36 17 41842 38 8.7 41843 35 8.3 41844 31 13.5 41845 35 10.6 41846 36 8.2 Table 12. Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 5 Sample Number H.G.I. Moisture, % 41847 26 19.2 41848 26 9.6 41849 32 14.3 41850 24 16.0 41851 28 10.8 41852 24 19.6 41853 ad 11.0 41854 31 17.9 41855 28 16.3 41856 26 13.7 41857 30 15.3 41858 29 12.3 41859 40 11.2 49 Table 13. Hardgrove Grindability Index of Raw Coals, Drill Hole No. 6 Sample Number H.G.I. Moisture, % 41860 60 5.2 41861 29 9.4 41862 25 9.3 41863 34 6.6 41864 28 9.9 41865 35 9.3 41866 61 6.9 41867 34 78 41868 27 15.5 41869 32 9.9 41870 39 13.8 41871 32 9.1 41872 29 12.8 41873 25 15.0 41874 30 14.8 41875 36 13.1 41876 38 13.9 41877 27 16.4 41878 35 7.0 41879 36 11.7 41880 31 10.0 41881 41 6.0 41882 32 13.0 41883 35 5.2 41884 35 76 41885 51 74 41886 71 15 41887 35 6.8 41888 37 6.1 41889 34 79 41890 34 6.2 41891 38 7.7 41892 35 9.0 41893 41 5.7 41894 35 19 41895 35 6.2 41896 48 9.1 41897 41 6.3 50 Tables 14-19 Overview Tables 14-19 follows on pages 52 - 59. Tables 14-19 show the chemical composition of ash of the coal samples. Ash is the product of heating the inorganic constituents during coal combustion. Ash is prepared by heating coal to 750°C in a well ventilated furnace. The resulting residue is analyzed for eight major elements and three minor elements expressed as oxides . The major oxides are Si02, AlgO3, Feg03, MgO, CaO, NagO, Ko0, and SO3. Minor oxides are Ti02, MnO and P9205. The relationship of ash composition to its behavior during coal combustion operations has been correlated. Emperical equations are available to successfully predict ash behavior from its composition. The low sodium content of Little Tonzona coals indicates their low boiler fouling propensity. The high calcium content would likely fix much of the sulfur in the ash and reduce sulfur emissions. High calcium levels would also reduce the boiler fowling propensity of the ash due to the coal's sulfur content. Calculations using emperical formulas show that the ash will have intermediate slagging characteristics. This can also be seen from the ash fusibility data (Tables 20-25). 51 es Sample Number 41676 41677 41678 41679 41680 41681 41682 41683 41684 41685 41686 41687 41688 41689 41690 41691 41692 41693 41694 41695 41696 41697 41698 41699 41700 Si02 44.5 54.3 28.9 54.7 49.7 18.4 35.0 45.5 40.3 55.9 32.3 34.3 35.3 26.6 24.1 28.8 26.3 34.2 38.8 18.3 34.1 24.3 39.8 39.8 52.1 A1203 18.0 26.1 20.7 29.3 19.7 16.9 23.2 26.7 27.7 23.2 24.8 24.3 17.0 20.1 13.4 22.4 20.1 17.7 21.8 17.0 22.7 16.6 23.8 18.7 12.5 Table 14. Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 1 Fe203 4.1 3.5 5.0 2.9 4.2 5.3 4.7 4.2 5.1 4.5 5.4 9.9 6.7 5.8 10.3 3.5 5.9 6.2 5.9 7.2 5.2 9.9 6.9 12.0 19 Mg0 2.6 2.3 3.4 1.9 2.6 3.9 2.5 2.1 2.6 2.3 3.1 2.6 3.2 3.5 3.0 3.3 3.2 2.8 2.8 3.6 3.0 3.1 2.6 2.7 3.0 Cad 14.5 4.0 20.1 4.0 12.4 29.2 15.1 7.3 9.7 5.4 13.9 12.1 17.7 21.5 19.0 19.0 19.8 16.8 13.0 24.3 15.6 18.5 11.7 10.5 5.9 Na20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 K20 Ti02 $03 Mn0 P205 1.2 1.0 8.7 0.18 1.5 3.0 Ll 24 0.20 0.3 1.0 0.7 15.4 0.16 0.2 17 Ll 09 0.14 0.6 1.2 0.9 8.7 0.18 0.3 0.6 0.5 19.3 0.18 0.2 0.8 0.8 12.1 0.18 0.3 1.8 1.0 18 0.18 0.4 1.8 1.0 16 0.20 04 17 11 3.8 0.20 0.3 Ll 1.0 10.2 0.15 2.5 1.2 0.8 10.5 0.16 0.5 1.2 0.7 15.0 0.24 0.1 1.0 0.7 14.1 0.15 0.2 0.5 0.6 22.1 0.12 14 1.2 0.8 14.0 0.18 0.6 1.0 0.9 15.3 0.14 24 1.2 0.7 14.5 0.17 1.0 13 0.8 10.5 0.18 0.8 0.7 0.5 22.0 0.17 0.5 Ll 0.8 10.6 0.15 0.3 0.7 0.6 22.2 0.15 0.1 Ll 0.8 9.8 0.16 0.2 1.2 0.8 10.9 0.23 0.1 1.9 1.0 6.0 0.23 0.1 es Sample Number 41701 41702 41703 41704 41705 41706 41707 41708 Si02 31.3 43.9 18.2 45.2 14.9 9.8 9.4 40.7 A1203 17.7 21.8 14.2 18.0 10.6 13.0 11.9 14.1 Fe203 9.9 78 15.9 6.2 9.0 7.8 8.5 5.9 Mg0 4.5 3.2 4.9 4.2 78 9.2 8.8 43 Table 14. (continued) CaO 15.2 15 18.6 10.9 26.5 34.5 30.4 13.9 Na20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 K20 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.7 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.5 Ti02 S03 Mn0 P205 0.7 15.6 0.16 0.2 1.0 10.2 0.15 0.1 0.8 20.5 0.32 0.4 0.8 10.7 0.34 0.1 0.5 22.3 0.43 0.1 0.3 11.1 0.43 1.3 0.3 19.8 0.41 0.2 0.5 14.0 0.24 1.0 bS Sample Number 41709 41710 41711 41712 41713 41714 41715 41716 41717 41718 41719 41720 41721 41722 41723 41724 41725 41726 41727 41728 41729 Si02 18.7 19.1 11.4 34.3 8.0 42.8 22.0 29.3 29.7 51.6 59.4 53.0 32.4 33.2 42.3 28.7 52.5 18.6 36.4 48.2 55.9 A1203 19.2 17.4 20.0 24.6 12.9 26.4 19.6 16.3 20.8 24.7 18.8 21.5 20.3 20.2 20.3 17.6 24.0 17.3 21.2 21.9 22.0 Table 15. Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 2 Fe203 16.1 9.0 2.0 3.2 8.2 5.3 8.7 9.7 18 5.1 6.8 44 1.6 12.8 10.8 12.2 5.0 11.1 1.5 8.0 6.9 Mg0 1.9 1.9 2.4 2.1 3.3 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.7 17 1.9 2.5 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.1 19 2.0 Cad Na20 K20 Ti02 S03 MnO P205 19.4 0.1 1.1 0.7 14.4 1.90 0.6 22.2 0.1 0.6 0.6 21.1 0.50 0.7 27.9 0.1 0.5 0.7 21.0 0.55 4.6 14.0 0.1 1.6 0.8 11.5 0.51 1.8 28.5 0.1 0.3 0.4 29.2 0.57 1.7 9.6 0.1 1.9 0.9 15 0.27 0.7 20.9 0.1 0.7 0.5 19.7 0.40 19 18.5 0.1 0.9 0.7 16.1 0.45 1.7 16.1 0.1 0.8 0.9 12.7 0.35 3.6 6.6 0.1 1.5 11 3.5 0.36 0.7 5.3 0.1 1.4 0.9 3.8 0.70 0.3 19 0.1 1.7 0.9 5.3 0.78 0.3 15.7 0.1 1.1 0.7 14.6 0.89 0.2 12.2 0.1 0.9 0.8 12.7 0.62 0.3 10.2 0.1 1.2 0.8 8.5 0.43 0.2 15.0 0.1 0.8 0.7 17.4 0.53 0.2 5.9 0.1 2.0 1.0 46 0.29 0.1 20.3 0.1 0.7 0.7 17.2 0.36 41 12.0 0.1 1.7 0.8 11.5 0.27 3.0 7.0 0.1 1.6 1.0 717 0.17 0.8 5.1 0.1 1.9 1.0 3.2 0.20 0.2 SS Table 16. Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 3 1 Number Si02 A1203 Fe203 MgO Cad Na20 K20 Ti02 $03 Mn0 P205 41730 33.0 17.4 9.8 3.5 16.0 0.1 1.1 0.8 10.5 1.83 0.6 41731 46.1 23.5 8.0 2.2 6.1 0.1 1.9 1.1 4.2 0.60 1.0 41732 44.8 26.2 71.8 2.1 5.0 0.1 1.8 1.0 5.3 0.56 1.4 41733 43.7 27.1 8.0 2.2 6.0 0.1 1.7 1.0 3.6 0.57 1.7 41734 21.5 16.5 15.5 3.5 18.6 0.1 0.8 0.6 2.4 1.14 0.7 41735 24.0 20.1 14.9 3.3 16.1 0.1 0.9 0.7 13.9 0.94 0.8 41736 27.7 23.1 12.4 3.2 13.6 0.1 1.2 0.8 14.4 0.83 1.4 41737 31.6 20.0 14.6 2.8 12.0 0.1 0.9 1.0 8.3 0.70 2.8 41738 35.4 25.1 8.6 2.9 9.1 0.1 1.8 1.0 8.2 0.48 3.0 41739 25.4 17.4 12.7 3.6 16.5 0.1 1.0 0.7 13.9 0.70 1.1 41740 38.6 22.9 9.2 2.8 10.3 0.1 1.9 0.9 7.7 0.48 0.8 41741 22.9 17.0 12.2 3.1 18.1 0.1 0.9 0.8 17.5 0.70 1.9 41742 10.3 15.2 12.9 3.3 22.6 0.1 0.4 0.6 13.6 0.73 2.7 41743 33.4 22.0 10.7 3.1 12.1 0.1 1.6 0.8 10.3 0.46 1.0 41744 37.9 22.3 75 2.7 9.0 0.1 1.6 0.9 10.8 0.30 2.1 41745 15.2 14.7 13.5 5.1 22.6 0.1 0.7 0.5 21.0 0.53 0.6 41746 26.0 19.2 10.5 4.4 16.8 0.1 1.1 0.7 14.6 0.38 1.1 41747 24.9 17.6 12.0 4.9 17.3 0.1 1.0 0.6 15.9 0.42 0.5 41748 314 22.4 8.6 3.6 12.3 0.1 1,3 0.8 14.2 0.32 1.1 41749 24.5 16.8 10.8 43 19.7 0.1 0.8 0.7 14.1 0.38 2.8 41750 44.8 22.1 7.0 3.0 9.0 0.1 15 0.9 7.6 0.25 1.0 41826 47.3 21.0 6.9 2.7 7.8 0.1 1.5 0.9 8.0 0.23 0.6 41827 43.9 20.3 11.3 3.0 9.3 0.1 1.5 0.8 TAL 0.23 0.2 41828 33.8 18.0 13.0 3.3 13.3 0.1 1.0 0.8 73 0.20 0.2 9S Sample Number Si02 A1203 Fe203 MgO Cad 41829 32.8 19.0 13.7 2.7 11.1 41830 20.7 15.0 18.1 3.0 16.5 41831 30.2 18.7 16.6 2.4 11.9 41832 55.2 17.8 11.0 1.7 4.7 41833 50.6 4.77 9.3 1.7 3.9 41834 9.7 9.2 23.5 2.9 23.8 41835 21.1 15.0 18.1 2.5 17.2 41836 19.0 10.8 19.7 29 19.1 41837 15.2 11.6 19.2 29 19.7 41838 5.2 19 17.9 4.1 29.3 41839 41.9 17.9 8.4 2.6 9.8 41840 19.3 15.9 12.7 3.7 19.5 41841 31.0 16.9 10.6 3.3 15.1 41842 43.4 20.8 15 2.6 10.0 41843 16.1 11.6 12.5 4.5 24.4 41844 31.8 17.8 9.4 3.5 15.9 41845 416 20.3 6.5 2.6 11.4 41846 26.4 14.1 9..0 3.9 20.1 Na20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Table 17. Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 4 K20 Ti02 S03 MnO P205 1.1 0.8 12.7 1.63 0.6 1.2 0.6 14.2 2.24 1.2 1.8 0.8 9.9 1.58 0.8 2.7 0.8 3.2 0.77 0.3 2.9 0.9 48 0.62 0.5 0.2 0.4 20.3 2.16 0.2 1.0 0.6 15.7 1.52 0.3 0.5 0.9 19.0 1.58 0.2 0.9 0.4 19.3 1.48 0.3 0.1 0.2 23.2 1.46 0.2 2.1 0.8 10.8 0.57 0.2 0.7 0.5 18.2 0.84 1.0 1.1 0.7 13.6 0.67 1.4 1.6 0.9 8.4 0.48 0.4 0.4 0.4 21.4 0.83 0.2 1.1 0.7 14.3 0.54 0.1 1.1 0.9 10.5 0.38 0.2 0.8 0.5 18.4 0.45 0.1 LS Table 18. Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 5 Sampl Number Si02 A1203 Fe203 MgO Cad Na20 K20 Ti02 $03 Mn0 P205 41847 38.5 19.9 8.6 3.6 10.5 0.1 1.5 1.1 11.3 0.41 1.4 41848 29.1 22.4 11.4 5.1 12.1 0.1 0.7 0.7 10.9 0.18 2.0 41849 44.1 27.7 71 3.3 5.3 0.1 1.3 1.0 5.1 0.23 0.8 41850 27.3 19.6 8.3 6.6 15.9 0.1 0.7 0.7 14.0 0.18 1.8 41851 278 21.8 718 7.0 15.6 0.1 1.1 0.7 11.9 0.19 2.7 41852 33.7 22.2 7.2 6.0 12.6 0.1 1.0 0.9 10.2 0.17 2.1 41853 50.4 28.3 44 2.8 2.8 0.1 2.0 1.1 2.5 0.18 0.5 41854 43.5 27.3 5.6 3.9 6.6 0.1 1.3 1.1 5.8 0.18 1.2 41855 34.9 22.0 12.3 5.3 10.2 0.1 1.2 0.8 9.0 0.21 0.4 41856 28.6 18.6 13.1 5.8 12.0 0.1 0.9 0.8 13.9 0.18 1.0 41857 34.9 22.2 7.2 5.6 11.8 0.1 1.2 1.1 10.9 0.16 0.9 41858 25.4 19.9 10.4 6.2 14.7 0.1 1.0 0.7 16.8 0.29 0.5 41859 46.8 21.4 6.4 3.5 7.0 0.1 2.0 0.9 8.1 0.31 0.3 8S Table 19. Concentration of Major Elements in Coal Ash, Percent, Drill Hole No. 6 Sample Number Si02 A1203 Fe203 MgO CaO Na20 K20 Ti02 $03 MnO P205 41860 56.6 26.4 4.0 17 3.2 0.1 1.6 1.5 1.1 0.24 0.2 41861 21.8 16.3 9.9 3.5 22.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 18.0 0.52 2.3 41862 4.2 6.0 11.5 6.2 38.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 25.4 0.70 0.2 41863 37.7 18.4 12.6 2.7 10.6 0.1 1.3 0.8 99 0.64 1.1 41864 49.8 22.9 8.2 24 4.1 0.1 2.2 1.0 5.3 0.31 0.4 41865 58.6 23.5 4.2 2.1 2.4 0.1 2.0 1.2 2.6 0.19 0.2 41866 55.7 23.6 5.6 2.1 2.3 0.1 2.7 1.0 1.6 0.31 0.2 41867 48.1 25.6 6.3 27 6.8 0.1 1.4 1.0 3.7 0.20 0.7 41868 32.5 23.9 5.1 44 13.6 0.1 0.9 0.8 8.8 0.21 24 41869 38.6 28.8 8.4 3.2 8.6 0.1 1.2 1.0 6.5 0.37 0.9 41870 40.9 25.4 6.8 28 ah 0.1 1.3 1.2 4.7 0.13 3.5 41871 42.4 17.9 6.5 41 11.7 0.1 1.1 0.8 9.5 0.23 0.8 41872 31.9 23.8 7.0 4.1 12.2 0.1 1.3 0.9 8.5 0.24 1.5 41873 35.8 23.1 6.9 4.0 10.7 0.1 1.4 1.0 11.3 0.23 1.2 41874 42.7 17.3 10.5 3.7 9.8 0.1 1.1 1.0 8.6 0.26 1.2 41875 44.7 30.0 5.0 3.1 6.6 0.1 1.5 1.1 1.8 0.18 1.0 41876 25.3 25.0 6.8 3.6 11.6 0.1 0.9 1.2 11.0 0.11 9.9 41877 18.3 17.1 10.8 6.2 20.5 0.1 0.7 0.6 20.2 0.30 0.8 41878 17.1 17.1 9.8 6.4 22.5 0.1 0.7 0.6 18.8 0.27 0.8 41879 42.1 16.1 73 3.3 9.9 0.1 1.1 0.9 11.9 0.16 2.8 41880 18.8 17.3 10.3 6.2 20.5 0.1 0.5 0.8 18.3 0.23 Ze 41881 39.5 28.0 5.4 3.7 8.2 0.1 1.8 1.1 5.6 0.17 1.9 41882 24.9 18.5 10.1 5.5 16.7 0.1 1.1 0.7 15.2 0.20 3.0 41883 32.3 16.3 10.7 48 14.0 0.1 1.2 0.7 13.6 0.24 0.8 41884 25.8 22.8 8.6 4.7 14.4 0.1 1.0 0.7 16.1 0.17 19 6S Table 19. (continued) Sample Netiber Si02 A1703 Fe203 Mg0 Ca Na20 K20 Ti02 S03 MnO P205 41885 52.5 21.6 7A 2.7 4.6 0.1 2.0 1.0 3.7 0.44 0.7 41886 53.2 23.3 716 2.7 3.7 0.1 2.0 1.0 2.9 0.27 0.6 41887 19.0 16.4 9.9 6.5 20.7 0.1 0.8 0.5 20.7 0.26 1.0 41888 34.9 21.6 6.4 4.5 13.5 0.1 1.4 0.8 12.0 0.19 1.2 41889 20.9 16.1 11.3 5.8 19.0 0.1 0.7 0.5 22.6 0.20 0.7 41890 32.1 22.8 10.4 4.5 12.8 0.1 1.0 0.7 10.8 0.19 0.6 41891 40.6 20.8 6.7 3.7 9.7 0.1 Tl 0.8 8.2 0.18 0.6 41892 44.3 19.8 6.5 4.2 10.5 0.1 1.6 0.9 9.3 0.20 0.4 41893 51.2 22.4 5.1 3.6 6.9 0.1 1.6 1.0 48 0.19 0.8 41894 19.8 14.6 9.4 7.0 22.9 0.1 0.6 0.5 20.3 0.19 0.4 41895 34.8 18.8 6.6 5.2 14.9 0.1 1.1 0.8 12.7 0.16 0.5 41896 45.5 19.0 7.0 3.9 9.0 0.1 1.3 0.9 10.7 0.20 0.2 41897 37.4 20.2 11.4 4.3 10.6 0.1 1.3 0.8 9.0 0.18 0.3 Tables 20-25 Overview Tables 20-25 follow on pages 61 - 66. Fusibility of ash was determined by subjecting cones prepared with coal ash to increasing temperatures. Temperatures at which transformations occur in the cones are recorded. The temperature at which rounding of cones occur is reported as initial deformation temperature. As the ash cone is heated to higher temperatures it softens further and the temperature at which the cone height is equal to the cone base length is termed softening temperature. When the ash cone completely melts and spreads over the base, the fluid temperature is recorded. Coals with softening temperature below 2000°F are termed slagging coals. Coals with ash softening temperatures above 2600°F are termed non slagging. All of the Little Tonzona samples tested had ash softening temperatures between 2200 and 2600°F and thus may or may not form slag depending on combustion process conditions. Combustion equipment could be designed to prevent ash from melting in cases where coal was burned in a stoker furnace. Alternatively, provisions could be made to melt the ash and keep it flowing, removing it as slag from cyclone type furnaces. 60 Table 20. Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. 1 Sample Initial Deformation Softening Fluid Number Temperature Temperature Temperature 41676 2260 2300 2418 41677 2450 2560 2654 41678 2266 2280 2370 41679 2690 2800+ 2800+ 41680 2300 2376 2500 41681 2570 2590 2720 41682 2470 2520 2590 41683 2400 2600 2660 41684 2440 2470 2580 41685 2380 2520 2640 41686 2430 2482 2570 41687 2460 2482 2570 41688 2274 2290 2430 41689 2283 2293 2322 41690 2230 2244 2270 41691 2290 2314 2434 41692 2220 2278 2365 41693 2271 2314 2460 41694 2392 2440 2540 41695 2520 2560 2625 41696 2390 2505 2600 41697 2271 2285 2315 41698 2430 2466 2530 41699 2325 2380 2435 41700 2290 2355 2444 41701 2290 2330 2417 41702 2260 2370 2423 41703 2340 2360 2425 41704 2240 2306 2404 41705 2380 2397 2440 41706 2397 2544 2634 41707 2397 2540 2770 41708 2195 2212 2270 61 Table 21. Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. 2 Sample Initial Deformation Softening Fluid Number Temperature Temperature Temperature 41709 2380 2425 2505 41710 2375 2435 2520 41711 2550 2780+ 2780+ 41712 2415 2535 2590 41713 2525 2770 2780+ 41714 2445 2470 2555 41715 2255 2315 2350 41716 2265 2295 2445 41717 2365 2515 2485 41718 2445 2545 2580 41719 2305 2470 2500 41720 2375 2450 2490 41721 2345 2425 2505 41722 2435 2455 2530 41723 2375 2405 2440 41724 2335 2395 2440 41725 2390 2505 2580 41726 2320 2325 2475 41727 2375 2395 2490 41728 2350 2405 2470 41729 2375 2495 2560 62 Table 22. Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. 3 Sample Initial Deformation Softening Fluid Number Temperature Temperature Temperature 41730 2295 2314 2450 41731 2390 2471 2567 41732 2500 2640 2722 41733 2500 2598 2676 41734 2300 2353 2460 41735 2374 2398 2460 41736 2427 2455 2514 41737 2367 2401 2450 41738 2358 2373 2510 41739 2319 2349 2430 41740 2388 2415 2500 41741 2277 2299 2477 41742 2481 2510 2585 41743 2390 2427 2482 41744 2340 2375 2458 41745 2490 2532 2582 41746 2250 2340 2420 41747 2280 2317 2420 41748 2410 2455 2530 41749 2270 2284 2390 41750 2330 2350 2450 41826 2315 2354 2470 41827 2331 2364 2444 41828 2270 2377 2451 63 Table 23. Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. 4 Sample Initial Deformation Softening Fluid Number Temperature Temperature Temperature 41829 2397 2397 2437 41830 2294 2384 2442 41831 2340 2397 2442 41832 2333 2394 2520 41833 2260 2500 2527 41834 2419 2455 2481 41835 2299 2348 2450 41836 2285 2354 2398 41837 2377 2407 2461 41838 2445 2490 2750+ 41839 2280 2355 2370 41840 2345 2375 2385 41841 2280 2315 2350 41842 2320 2375 2445 41843 2395 2475 2490 41844 2285 2325 2390 41845 2360 2405 2500 41846 2220 2250 2270 64 Table 24. Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. 5 Sample Initial Deformation Softening Fluid Number Temperature Temperature Temperature 41847 2325 2395 2450 41848 2405 2460 2505 41849 2570 2680 2740 41850 2315 2370 2435 41851 2315 2385 2490 41852 2370 2425 2480 41853 2630 2780 2780+ 41854 2530 2595 2640 41855 2395 2430 2465 41856 2310 2425 2460 41857 2395 2435 2470 41858 2310 2375 2440 41859 2320 2375 2425 65 Table 25. Fusibility of Ash, °F, Drill Hole No. 6 Sample Initial Deformation Softening Fluid Number Temperature Temperature Temperature 41860 2600 2770 2800 41861 2277 2296 2389 41862 2320 2467 2800 41863 2320 2360 2415 41864 2263 2570 2608 41865 2500 2720 2790 41866 2490 2660 2770 41867 2436 2560 2610 41868 2390 2455 2520 41869 2430 2480 2650 41870 2325 2440 2527 41871 2280 2317 2418 41872 2439 2463 2510 41873 2397 2418 2488 41874 2269 2308 2400 41875 2520 2641 2733 41876 2358 2377 2441 41877 2398 2413 2757 41878 2460 2476 2800+ 41879 2200 2260 2367 41880 2322 2338 2690 41881 2390 2425 2618 41882 2270 2290 2580 41883 2285 2310 2419 41884 2380 2428 2640 41885 2300 2440 2547 41886 2440 2546 2633 41887 2395 2413 2560 41888 2343 2416 2480 41889 2290 2317 2500 41890 2420 2435 2514 41891 2347 2370 2485 41892 2300 2317 2433 41893 2300 2387 2470 41894 2458 2479 2704 41895 2287 2319 2450 41896 2260 2342 2460 41897 2343 2378 2454 66 Tables 26-31 Overview Tables 26-31 follows on pages 68 - 117. They show washability data for all samples from the six drill holes. The tables show weight percent distribution, ash, heating value, pyritic sulfur, and total sulfur on a moisture free basis for the various gravimetric fractions as well as values for cumulated floats. The quality of the floats at any of the three densities can be read directly from the tables. The tables also show cumulative sink weight percent and ash content that may be expected at any of the three densities. Reduction of sulfur due to washing was small, even for samples in which pyritic sulfur exceeded 0.5%. The pyrite in Little Tonzona coal is apparently still locked for the coal size range (3/4" x 100 mesh) tested. Good coal recoveries can be expected by washing the coal to 8 to 10% ash. This would yield a clean coal with an approximate heating value of 10,500 Btu/Ib on a moisture free basis. 67 89 Table 26. Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE FRACTIONS INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS CUMULATIVE FLOAT SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41676 - 1.30 38.69 6.01 11513 0.01 0.82 38.69 6.01 11513 0.01 0.82 100.00 19.05 1.30 1.40 36.62 10.23 9522 0.03 0.86 75.31 8.06 10545 0.02 0.84 61.31 27.28 1.40 1.60 10.06 31.53 7561 0.08 0.92 85.37 10.83 10193 0.03 0.85 24.69 52.56 1.60 - 14.63 67.02 3424 0.07 0.45 100.00 19.05 9203 0.03 0.79 14.63 67.02 Minus 100 Mesh 1.24 33.57 7860 0.17 0.85 *100.00 19.23 9186 0.03 0.79 Sample No. 41677 - 1.30 7.28 4.05 10177 0.06 1.22 7.28 4.05 10177 0.06 1.22 100.00 45.02 1.30 1.40 10.66 10.52 9749 0.40 1.69 17.94 7.89 9923 0.26 1.50 92.72 48.23 1.40 1.60 41.66 40.01 6400 0.93 2.00 59.60 30.34 7460 0.73 1.85 82.06 53.13 1.60 - 40.40 66.66 3207 0.31 0.78 100.00 45.02 5742 0.56 1.42 40.40 66.66 Minus 100 Mesh 2.80 58.35 3997 0.37 1.71 *100.00 45.38 5694 0.55 1.43 Sample No. 41678 - 1.30 52.04 5.44 10832 0.02 1.17 52.04 5.44 10832 0.02 1.17 100.00 10.74 1.30 1.40 37.69 12.26 9826 0.10 1.41 89.73 8.30 10409 0.05 1.27 47.96 16.50 1.40 1.60 8.34 33.49 7100 0.08 1.07 98.07 10.45 10128 0.06 1.25 10.27 32.04 1.60 - 1.93 25.80 8232 0.50 1.84 100.00 10.74 10091 0.06 1.27 1.93 25.80 Minus 100 Mesh 0.35 28.51 8125 0.50 2.50 *100.00 10.80 10085 0.07 1.27 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 69 Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS —_ ____SSCUMULATIVEFLOAT. ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41679 - 1.30 15.81 7.02 10730 0.01 1.40 15.81 7.02 10730 0.01 1.40 100.00 34.66 1.30 1.40 32.82 16.00 9379 0.03 1.22 48.63 13.08 9818 0.02 1.28 84.19 39.85 1.40 1.60 19.76 38.25 6629 0.04 0.84 68.39 20.35 8897 0.03 1.15 51.37. 55.08 1.60 - 31.61 65.60 3569 0.08 0.41 ~— 100.00 34.66 7213 0.04 0.92 31.61 65.60 Minus 100 Mesh 136 50.10 5363 0.07 0.79 *100.00 34.86 7188 0.04 0.92 Sample No. 41680 - 1.30 63.07 6.97 10700 0.02 131 63.07 6.97 10700 0.02 1,31 100.00 =: 12.87 1.30 1.40 26.75 12.72 9986 0.35 1.63 89.82 8.68 10487 0.12 141 36.93 22.94 1.40 1.60 4.23 31.35 7936 0.12 1.05 94.05 9.70 10373 0.12 1.39 10.18 49.79 1.60 - 5.95 62.90 4052 0.08 049 100.00 = 12.87 9997 0.12 1.34 5.95 62.90 Minus 100 Mesh 133 26.89 8720 0.25 1.42 *100.00 13.05 9980 0.12 1.34 Sample No. 41681 - 1.30 72.32 731 10738 0.01 1.22 72.32 731 10738 0.01 1.22 100.00 8.94 1.30 1.40 25.60 12.28 9977 0.04 1.27 97.92 8.61 10539 0.02 1.23 27.68 = 13.19 1.40 1.60 1.49 24.47 8824 0.13 1.16 99.41 8.85 10513 0.02 1.23 2.08 24.38 1.60 - 0.59 = 24.14 8657 1.03 2.40 100.00 8.94 10502 0.03 1.24 0.59 = 24.14 Minus 100 Mesh 0.63 18.69 9600 0.25 2.09 *100.00 9.00 10497 0.03 1.24 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material OL Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE FRACTIONS INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Butu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41682 - 1.30 40.22 6.62 10924 0.06 1.59 40.22 6.62 10924 0.06 1.59 100.00 13.61 1.30 1.40 46.84 = 12.57 10035 0.16 1.72 87.06 9.82 10446 0.11 1.66 59.78 = 18.31 1.40 1.60 10.27 35.61 7184 0.17 1.26 97.33 12.54 10102 0.12 1.62 12.94 39.09 1.60 - 2.67 52.48 5175 0.18 0.96 100.00 13.61 9970 0.12 1.60 2.67 52.48 Minus 100 Mesh 1.26 30.09 8372 0.21 1.95 *100.00 13.81 9950 0.12 1.60 Sample No. 41683 - 1.30 19.39 6.59 10908 0.14 2.03 19.39 6.59 10908 0.14 2.03 100.00 29.48 1.30 1.40 32.74 15.27 9761 0.29 2.03 52.13 12.04 10188 0.23 2.03 80.61 34.99 1.40 1.60 26.89 39.53 6694 0.34 1.67 79.02 21.40 8999 0.27 1.91 47.87 48.48 1.60 - 20.98 59.95 4090 0.12 0.79 = 100.00 29.48 7969 0.24 1.67 20.98 59.95 Minus 100 Mesh 1.02 45.94 6003 0.21 1.55 *100.00 29.65 7949 0.24 1.67 Sample No. 41684 - 1.30 27.40 8.45 10811 0.27 2.12 27.40 8.45 10811 0.27 2.12 100.00 20.32 1.30 1.40 43.56 15.33 9702 0.36 2.10 70.96 12.67 10130 0.33 2.11 72.60 24.79 1.40 1.60 22.51 34.71 7147 0.12 1,39 93.47 17.98 9412 0.28 1.93 29.04 38.99 1.60 - 6.53 53.75 4896 0.17 1.01 100.00 20.32 9117 0.27 1.87 6.53. 53.75 Minus 100 Mesh 1.77 34.84 7467 0.18 1.85 *100.00 20.57 9088 0.27 1.87 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material TL Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS ____ ______ INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss __SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41685 - 1.30 49.27 6.89 10875 0.14 1.89 49.27 6.89 10875 0.14 1.89 100.00 26.04 1.30 1.40 18.23 14.46 9805 0.18 1.89 67.50 8.93 10586 0.15 1.89 50.73 44.63 1.40 1.60 8.54 38.30 6902 0.26 141 76.04 12.23 10172 0.16 1.84 32.50 61.56 1.60 - 23.96 69.85 3010 0.15 0.57 100.00 26.04 8456 0.16 1.53 23.96 69.85 Minus 100 Mesh 1.74 50.79 5593 0.17 1.18 *100.00 26.46 8407 0.16 1.53 Sample No. 41686 - 1.30 40.04 7.80 10710 0.10 1.94 40.04 7.80 10710 0.10 1.94 100.00 16.67 1.30 1.40 41.06 14.72 9714 0.08 1.72 81.10 11.30 10206 0.09 1.83 59.96 22.59 1.40 1.60 14.01 32.84 7244 0.09 1.41 95.11 14.48 9769 0.09 1.77 18.90 39.69 1.60 - 489 59.30 3932 0.12 0.92 100.00 16.67 9484 0.09 1.73 489 59.30 Minus 100 Mesh 147 (31.72 7835 0.15 1.95 *100.00 16.89 9460 0.09 1.73 Sample No. 41687 - 1.30 13.79 5.62 11011 0.11 2.08 13.79 5.62 11011 0.11 2.08 100.00 =: 18.93 1.30 1.40 61.04 = 15.09 9741 0.71 2.53 74.83 13.34 9975 0.60 2.45 86.21 21.06 1.40 1.60 23.62 35.91 7569 0.62 1.78 98.45 18.76 9398 0.60 2.29 25.17 35.54 1.60 - 155 29.89 7325 2.19 3.60 100.00 18.93 9366 0.63 2.31 155 29.89 Minus 100 Mesh 1.86 33.58 7662 0.89 2.85 *100.00 19.20 9335 0.63 2.32 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material el Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ss ___—SSS CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Butu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41688 - 1.30 65.68 741 10888 0.03 1.62 65.68 741 10888 0.03 1.62 100.00 12.02 1.30 1.40 27.02 12.46 10038 0.21 1.76 92.70 8.88 10640 0.08 1.66 34.32 20.85 1.40 1.60 3.00 34.50 7281 0.17 1.27 95.70 9.69 10535 0.09 1.65 7.30 51.90 1.60 - 4.30 64.04 4078 0.15 0.75 100.00 12.02 10257 0.09 1.61 4.30 64.04 Minus 100 Mesh 1.23 24.59 8254 0.12 1.59 *100.00 12.18 10233 0.09 1.61 Sample No. 41689 - 1.30 52.33 6.49 10798 0.03 1.04 52.33 6.49 10798 0.03 1.04 100.00 9.99 1.30 1.40 42.33 10.93 10133 0.07 1.16 94.66 8.48 10501 0.05 1.09 47.67 = 13.84 1.40 1.60 481 36.65 7145 0.08 1.13 99.47 9.84 10338 0.05 1.10 5.34 36.91 1.60 - 0.53 39.23 6839 1.25 3.66 100.00 9.99 10320 0.06 1.11 0.53 39.23 Minus 100 Mesh 0.85 23.45 8233 0.24 2.51 *100.00 10.11 10302 0.06 1.12 Sample No. 41690 - 1.30 49.10 6.38 10869 0.07 1.49 49.10 6.38 10869 0.07 1.49 100.00 13.71 1.30 1.40 43.40 12.83 10180 0.64 2.18 92.50 9.41 10546 0.34 1.81 50.90 20.79 1.40 1.60 1.86 28.96 8046 1.03 2.47 94.36 9.79 10496 0.35 1.83 7.50 66.85 1.60 - 5.64 79.35 1773 0.23 0.52 100.00 13.71 10004 0.34 1.75 5.64 79.35 Minus 100 Mesh 0.82 50.20 5290 0.83 2.89 *100.00 14.01 9966 0.35 1.76 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material €L Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____ ____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss ___SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% #Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41691 - 1.30 61.86 6.74 11007 0.02 1.19 61.86 6.74 11007 0.02 1.19 100.00 12.16 1.30 1.40 29.13 16.48 9662 0.27 1.28 90.99 9.86 10576 0.10 1.22 38.14 20.96 1.40 1.60 753° 33.59 7367 0.04 1.12 98.52 11.67 10331 0.10 1.21 9.01 35.44 1.60 - 148 44.83 6099 0.29 1.39 100.00 12.16 10268 0.10 1.21 148 44.83 Minus 100 Mesh 136 © 26.65 8705 0.16 1.67 *100.00 12.36 10247 0.10 1.22 Sample No. 41692 - 1.30 32.07 7.69 10666 0.08 1.72 32.07 7.69 10666 0.08 1.72 100.00 12.90 1.30 1.40 61.17 = 13.17 10046 0.08 1.60 93.24 11.29 10259 0.08 1.64 67.93 15.36 1.40 1.60 5.81 34.05 7412 0.08 1.30 99.05 12.62 10092 0.08 1.62 6.76 35.19 1.60 - 0.95 42.17 6532 0.20 1.19 100.00 12.90 10058 0.08 1.62 0.95 42.17 Minus 100 Mesh 151 19.10 9473 0.13 1.72 *100.00 12.99 10050 0.08 1.62 Sample No. 41693 - 1.30 64.22 7.25 11005 0.12 1.79 64.22 7.25 11005 0.12 1.79 100.00 —10.73 1.30 1.40 29.60 12.61 10126 0.22 1.89 93.82 8.94 10728 0.15 1.82 35.78 16.96 1.40 1.60 4.12 32.62 7547 0.17 1.41 97.94 9.94 10594 0.15 1.80 6.18 37.81 1.60 - 2.06 48.19 5836 0.26 1.39 100.00 10.73 10496 0.15 1.80 2.06 48.19 Minus 100 Mesh 0.90 22.89 9197 0.15 1.70 *100.00 10.83 10484 0.15 1.79 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material vL Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ _____ INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _____ CUMULATIVE FLOAT _. ——SINK___ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% But/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash % Btu/Ib Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41694 - 1.30 33.98 7.73 10691 0.01 1.70 33.98 7.73 10691 0.01 1.70 100.00 18.01 1.30 1.40 49.91 14.81 9751 0.23 1.79 83.89 11.94 10132 0.14 1.75 66.02 23.29 1.40 1.60 10.31 35.64 7329 0.15 1.20 94.20 14.54 9825 0.14 1.69 16.11 49.58 1.60 - 5.80 74.35 2168 0.19 0.50 100.00 18.01 9381 0.14 1.62 5.80 74.35 Minus 100 Mesh 0.91 37.74 7116 0.32 1.88 *100.00 18.18 9360 0.15 1.63 Sample No. 41695 - 1.30 65.10 8.51 10815 0.07 1.66 65.10 8.51 10815 0.07 1.66 100.00 11.03 1.30 1.40 29.90 13.01 10047 0.13 1.56 95.00 9.93 10573 0.09 1.63 34.90 15.73 1.40 1.60 442 32.68 7544 0.09 1.24 99.42 10.94 10439 0.09 1.61 5.00 31.98 1.60 - 0.58 26.65 8317 0.71 2.42 100.00 11.03 10426 0.09 1.62 0.58 26.65 Minus 100 Mesh 0.86 21.94 9379 0.33 2.57 *100.00 11.12 10417 0.09 1.62 Sample No. 41696 - 1.30 47.60 8.35 10846 0.07 1.14 47.60 8.35 10846 0.07 1.14 100.00 = 17.23 1.30 1.40 30.83 17.25 9525 0.13 1.46 78.43 11.85 10327 0.09 1.27 52.40 25.29 1.40 1.60 20.70 36.85 7312 0.07 1.12 99.13 17.07 9697 0.09 1.24 21.57 36.79 1.60 - 0.87 35.38 7091 0.73 2.40 100.00 17.23 9675 0.09 1.25 0.87 35.38 Minus 100 Mesh 0.47 = 25.72 8647 0.40 1.86 *100.00 17.27 9670 0.10 1.25 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material SL Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _____ ______CUMULATIVEFLOAT ____-=—_ ____SINK___ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41697 - 1.30 10.49 6.99 11030 0.37 2.37 10.49 6.99 11030 0.37 237 100.00 =—-:11.95 1.30 1.40 82.66 10.41 10396 0.56 2.20 93.15 10.02 10467 0.54 2.22 89.51 12.53 1.40 1.60 5.21 37.15 7414 0.19 1.17 98.36 11.46 10309 0.52 2.16 685 38.09 1.60 - 1.64 41.09 6528 0.88 2.20 100.00 11.95 10247 0.53 2.16 1.64 = 41.09 Minus 100 Mesh 1.08 26.73 8466 0.98 3.82 *100.00 12.11 10228 0.53 2.18 Sample No. 41698 - 1.30 36.08 7.68 11159 0.17 1.81 36.08 7.68 11159 0.17 1.81 100.00 = 15.24 1.30 1.40 56.36 16.16 10030 0.45 2.03 92.44 12.85 10471 0.34 1.94 63.92 19.51 1.40 1.60 482 38.58 6815 0.39 1.48 97.26 14.13 10289 0.34 1.92 7.56 44,51 1.60 - 2.74 54.95 5091 0.51 1.21 100.00 15.24 10147 0.35 1.90 2.74 54.95 Minus 100 Mesh 1.15 27.05 8748 0.93 2.83 *100.00 15.38 10131 0.35 1.91 Sample No. 41699 - 1.30 26.74 8.39 10920 0.23 1.62 26.74 8.39 10920 0.23 1.62 100.00 =. 28.65 1.30 1.40 4153 16.45 9759 0.97 2.64 68.27 13.29 10214 0.68 2.24 73.26 36.05 1.40 1.60 11.13 35.92 7311 2.28 3.67 79.40 16.46 9807 0.90 2.44 31.73 61.69 1.60 - 20.60 75.62 2078 0.56 1.08 100.00 28.65 8215 0.83 2.16 20.60 75.62 Minus 100 Mesh 0.88 49.09 5468 1.79 4.10 *100.00 28.83 8191 0.84 2.18 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 9L Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——FRACTIONS _ _____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ___ ______ CUMULATIVE FLOAT _ ——SINK__ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Butu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41700 - 1.30 26.56 7.18 11156 0.19 1.53 26.56 7.18 11156 0.19 1.53 100.00 32.31 1.30 1.40 36.37 = 16.02 9829 0.65 2.24 62.93 12.29 10389 0.46 1.94 73.44 41.40 1.40 1.60 9.36 34.04 7225 0.70 1.95 72.29 15.11 9979 0.49 1.94 37.07 66.29 160 - 27.71 77.19 1678 0.35 0.67 = 100.00 32.31 7679 0.45 1.59 27.71 77.19 Minus 100 Mesh 2.62 61.45 3938 0.51 1.69 *100.00 33.05 7584 0.45 1.59 Sample No. 41701 - 1.30 43.35 6.83 11181 0.11 1.61 43.35 6.83 11181 0.11 1.61 100.00 = 17.53 1.30 1.40 41.67 13.59 10100 0.64 2.50 85.02 10.14 10651 0.37 2.05 56.65 25.72 1.40 1.60 466 35.48 7105 0.67 1.85 89.68 11.46 10467 0.39 2.04 14.98 59.47 1.60 - 10.32 70.30 3026 0.21 0.71 100.00 17.53 9699 0.37 1.90 10.32 70.30 Minus 100 Mesh 1.62 39.33 6955 0.71 2.64 *100.00 17.88 9655 0.37 1.91 Sample No. 41702 - 1.30 19,23 6.91 11063 0.21 1.78 19.23 6.91 11063 0.21 1.78 100.00 26.18 1.30 1.40 45.96 14.50 10099 0.41 2.12 65.19 12.26 10383 0.35 2.02 80.77 30.77 1.40 1.60 16.66 39.02 6868 0.57 1.74 81.85 17.71 9668 0.40 1.96 34.81 52.24 1.60 - 18.15 64.38 3607 0.64 1.34 100.00 26.18 8568 0.44 1.85 18.15 64.38 Minus 100 Mesh 0.83 42.81 6426 1.19 2.93 *100.00 26.32 8550 0.45 1,86 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material LL Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS __ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _____ _______CUMULATIVEFLOAT _____ | ____ SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% #Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41703 - 1.30 85.20 7.93 10902 0.46 1.98 85.20 7.93 10902 0.46 1.98 100.00 9.77 1.30 1.40 10.40 = 13.79 10047 1.45 1.14 95.60 8.57 10809 0.57 1.89 14.80 20.36 1.40 1.60 3.16 32.88 7372 1.93 3.31 98.76 9.35 10699 0.61 1,93 440 35.89 1.60 - 1.24 43.56 5968 1.32 8.07 100.00 9.77 10640 0.62 2.01 1.24 43.56 Minus 100 Mesh 1.23 24.92 8692 1.61 4.22 *100.00 9.95 10617 0.63 2.04 Sample No. 41704 - 1.30 66.78 8.51 10844 0.17 1.55 66.78 8.51 10844 0.17 1.55 100.00 27.30 1.30 1.40 843 19.53 9135 0.56 1.93 75.21 9.75 10652 0.21 1.59 33.22 65.08 1.40 1.60 3.24 39.96 6660 047 1.46 78.45 10.99 10488 0.22 1.59 24.79 ~— 80.57 1.60 - 21.55 86.67 862 0.22 0.58 100.00 27.30 8413 0.22 1.37 21.55 86.67 Minus 100 Mesh 0.89 45.49 6306 0.44 1.77 *100.00 27.46 8395 0.23 1.37 Sample No. 41705 - 1.30 89.84 641 10929 0.06 0.86 89.84 641 10929 0.06 0.86 100.00 8.72 130 1.40 648 17.28 9731 077 191 9632 7.14 1088 O11 093 1016 29.12 140 1.60 177 31.10 7878 260 547 9809 757 107995 015 101 3.68 49.98 160 - 191 67.48 3042 260 4.90 100.00 872 10647 020 109 191 67.48 Minus 100 Mesh 0.92 25.75 8885 1.26 245 *100.00 887 10631 021 1.10 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 8L Table 26. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS > ________ CUMULATIVE FLOAT ___ ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb _ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41706 - 1.30 92.89 6.84 10919 <.01 0.42 92.89 6.84 10919 <.01 0.42 100.00 7.35 1.30 1.40 6.66 14.15 9902 <.01 0.38 99.55 7.33 10851 <.01 0.42 711 13.94 1.40 1.60 0.26 9.50 10403 0.06 0.54 99.81 7.33 10850 <.01 0.42 0.45 = 10.88 1.60 - 0.19 12.78 10101 0.11 0.61 100.00 7.35 10848 <.01 0.42 0.19 12.78 Minus 100 Mesh 0.88 9.57 11353 0.06 0.48 *100.00 7.36 10853 <.01 0.42 Sample No. 41707 - 1.30 94.65 8.09 10846 0.11 0.97 94.65 8.09 10846 0.11 0.97 100.00 8.85 1.30 1.40 381 15.14 9880 0.27 1.09 98.46 8.36 10809 0.12 0.97 5.35 22.30 1.40 1.60 0.73 34.08 7196 0.73 1.49 99.19 8.55 10782 0.12 0.98 1.54 40.02 1.60 - 0.81 45.37 5676 1.33 2.04 100.00 8.85 10741 0.13 0.99 0.81 45.37 Minus 100 Mesh 0.80 16.58 11184 0.61 1.49 *100.00 8.91 10744 0.13 0.99 Sample No. 41708 - 1.30 43.62 11.33 10396 0.35 1.63 43.62 11.33 10396 0.35 1.63 100.00 18.62 1.30 1.40 45.29 19.10 9636 0.33 1.61 88.91 15.29 10009 0.34 1.62 56.38 24.26 1.40 1.60 9.09 39.60 7053 0.12 0.83 98.00 17.54 9735 0.32 1.55 11.09 45.31 1.60 - 2.00 71.25 3139 0.63 0.95 100.00 18.62 9603 0.33 1.53 2.00 71.25 Minus 100 Mesh 1.32 31.72 8854 0.67 1.78 *100.00 18.79 9593 0.33 1.54 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 6L Table 27. Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coals, Drill Hole No. 2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ___- _____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS LC CUMULATIVEFLOAT ——_SINK__ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41709 - 130 TRACE 1.30 1.40 98.00 10.88 10331 0.11 0.67 98.00 10.88 10331 0.11 0.67 100.00 = 11.00 1.40 1.60 0.56 16.61 10061 0.08 0.46 98.56 10.91 10329 0.11 0.67 2.00 16.96 1.60 - 144 = 17.10 9612 0.08 0.71 100.00 11.00 10319 0.11 0.67 144 17.10 Minus 100 Mesh 1.60 30.43 7630 0.12 0.47 *100.00 1131 10277 0.11 0.67 Sample No. 41710 - 1.30 76.68 4.67 10877 0.01 1.18 76.68 4.67 10877 0.01 1.18 100.00 7.60 1.30 1.40 17.30 8.83 9834 0.01 1.00 93.98 5.44 10685 0.01 1.15 23.32 17.24 1.40 1.60 3.30 26.00 7207 0.12 0.80 97.28 6.13 10567 0.01 1.14 6.02 41.41 1.60 - 2.72 60.11 3391 0.10 0.51 100.00 7.60 10372 0.02 1.12 2.72 60.11 Minus 100 Mesh 1.06 = 19.72 9065 0.09 0.93 *100.00 7.73 10358 0.02 1.12 Sample No. 41711 - 1.30 89.14 6.20 11001 0.01 1.36 89.14 6.20 11001 0.01 1.36 100.00 6.77 1.30 1.40 9.61 10.36 9719 0.01 1.44 98.75 6.60 10876 0.01 1.37 10.86 = 11.47 1.40 1.60 0.95 17.88 8575 0.05 1.30 99.70 6.71 10854 0.01 1.37 1.25 20.00 1.60 - 0.30 26.73 7119 0.05 2.30 100.00 6.77 10845 0.01 1.37 0.30 26.73 Minus 100 Mesh 1.87 10.61 10593 0.05 1.31 *100.00 6.84 10840 0.01 1.37 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 08 Table 27. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS —_ _______ CUMULATIVE FLOAT __ ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb _ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash % Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41712 - 1.30 70.72 6.65 11026 0.03 1.88 70.72 6.65 11026 0.03 1.88 100.00 = 11.39 1.30 1.40 19.96 15.29 9769 0.06 1.76 90.68 8.55 10749 0.04 1.85 29.28 22.83 1.40 1.60 8.08 36.67 7106 0.11 1.30 98.76 10.85 10451 0.04 1.81 9.32 38.99 1.60 - 1.24 54.08 4867 0.18 1.18 100.00 11.39 10382 0.04 1.80 1.24 54.08 Minus 100 Mesh 1.62 18.08 9491 0.09 1.55 *100.00 11.49 10368 0.05 1.80 Sample No. 41713 - 1.30 96.22 6.69 11073 0.02 1.53 96.22 6.69 11073 0.02 1.53 100.00 6.93 1.30 1.40 3.18 12.61 9852 0.04 1.55 99.40 6.88 11034 0.02 1.53 3.78 12.95 1.40 1.60 0.42 12.45 9706 0.01 1.57 99.82 6.90 11028 0.02 1.53 0.60 14.76 1.60 - 0.18 20.16 8904 0.02 1.73 100.00 6.93 11025 0.02 1.53 0.18 20.16 Minus 100 Mesh 0.42 = 13.95 11080 0.03 1.54 *100.00 6.96 11025 0.02 1.53 Sample No. 41714 - 1.30 70.29 7.08 11049 0.01 1.54 70.29 7.08 11049 0.01 1.54 100.00 15.89 1.30 1.40 10.18 20.13 9279 0.02 1.42 80.47 8.73 10825 0.01 1.52 29.71 36.73 1.40 1.60 14.49 41.73 6305 0.05 1.07 94.96 13.77 10135 0.02 1.46 19.53 45.39 1.60 - 5.04 55.90 4320 0.06 0.77 100.00 15.89 9842 0.02 1.42 5.04 55.90 Minus 100 Mesh 1.34 24.88 8840 0.03 1.31 *100.00 16.01 9829 0.02 1.42 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material T8 Table 27. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —EFRACTIONS __ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS —____ ____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss __SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41715 - 1.30 89.18 8.40 11119 0.01 1.42 89.18 8.40 11119 0.01 1.42 100.00 —-10.30 1.30 1.40 8.01 24.03 8948 0.03 1.65 97.19 9.69 10940 0.01 1.44 10.82 26.00 1.40 1.60 257 32.13 7781 0.02 1.32 99.76 10.27 10859 0.01 1.44 281 31.62 1.60 - 0.24 = 26.12 8462 0.02 1.40 100.00 10.30 10853 0.01 1.44 0.24 = 26.12 Minus 100 Mesh 162 14.80 11042 0.06 1.39 *100.00 10.38 10856 0.01 1.44 Sample No. 41716 - 1.30 86.75 6.03 11461 0.01 0.97 86.75 6.03 11461 0.01 0.97 100.00 9.41 1.30 1.40 738 = 17.75 9783 0.01 0.77 94.13 6.95 11329 0.01 0.95 13.25 31.57 1.40 1.60 3.29 36.63 7172 0.03 0.53 97.42 795 11189 0.01 0.94 5.87 48.94 1.60 - 2.58 64.64 3346 0.03 0.35 100.00 941 10987 0.01 0.92 2.58 64.64 Minus 100 Mesh 145 = 20,11 10253 0.01 0.95 *100.00 9.57 10976 0.01 0.93 Sample No. 41717 - 1.30 80.76 6.11 11202 0.01 1.23 80.76 6.11 11202 0.01 1.23 100.00 10.32 1.30 1.40 13.22 20.16 9364 0.09 131 93.98 8.09 10943 0.02 1.24 19.24 27.98 1.40 1.60 3.74 36.95 7081 0.11 1.06 97.72 9.19 10796 0.02 1.23 6.02 45.15 1.60 - 2.28 = 58.59 4246 0.11 0.76 100.00 10.32 10646 0.03 1.22 2.28 = 58.59 Minus 100 Mesh 1.21 = 21.02 9898 0.16 1.58 *100.00 10.45 10637 0.03 1.23 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material zB Table 27. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ss __ SS CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41718 - 1.30 52.51 9.49 10679 0.10 1.71 52.51 9.49 10679 0.10 1.71 100.00 16.51 1.30 1.40 35.79 18.00 8583 0.17 1.48 88.30 12.94 9829 0.13 1.62 4749 24.28 1.40 1.60 8.47 38.20 6832 0.15 1.24 96.77 15.15 9567 0.13 1.58 11.70 43.49 1.60 - 3.23. 57.35 4280 0.12 0.78 100.00 16.51 9396 0.13 1.56 3.23. 57.35 Minus 100 Mesh 1.15 25.82 8855 0.17 1.65 *100.00 16.62 9390 0.13 1.56 Sample No. 41719 - 1.30 67.85 9.28 10981 0.04 1.55 67.85 9.28 10981 0.04 1.55 100.00 = 21.81 1.30 1.40 13.05 18.19 9412 0.15 1.58 80.90 10.72 10728 0.06 1.55 32.15 48.25 1.40 1.60 4.19 33.80 7252 0.16 1.28 85.09 11.85 10557 0.06 1.54 19.10 68.79 1.60 - 14.91 78.62 1707 0.09 0.31 100.00 21.81 9237 0.07 1.36 14.91 78.62 Minus 100 Mesh 1.29 40.03 7318 0.10 1.09 *100.00 22.04 9213 0.07 1.35 Sample No. 41720 - 1.30 61.54 8.80 11081 0.04 1.33 61.54 8.80 11081 0.04 1.33 100.00 25.04 1.30 1.40 9.63 22.04 9022 0.15 1.46 71.17 10.59 10802 0.05 1.35 38.46 51.02 1.40 1.60 9.74 42.85 6379 0.22 1.18 80.91 14.47 10270 0.07 1.33 28.83 60.70 1.60 - 19.09 69.81 3013 0.33 0.66 100.00 25.04 8885 0.12 1.20 19.09 69.81 Minus 100 Mesh 1.05 36.47 7952 0.07 1.09 *100.00 25.16 8875 0.12 1.20 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material €8 Table 27. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____ _____CUMULATIVEFLOAT __-____SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41721 - 1.30 67.63 7.80 10842 0.15 1.68 67.63 7.80 10842 0.15 1.68 100.00 =: 15.27 130 140 1816 19.67 9243 042 191 8579 1031 10504 0.21 173. 3237-3087 140 160 «11.15 41.95 6762 020 111 9694 1395 10073 O21 166 1421 4518 1600 - 3.06 56.93 4511 029 1.10 10000 15.27 9903 021 ~—«1.64 3.06 56.93 Minus 100 Mesh 131 28.06 87799 044 207 *10000 15.43 9888 021 1.65 Sample No. 41722 - 1.30 68.18 8.69 10752 0.28 2.11 68.18 8.69 10752 0.28 2.11 100.00 = 14.11 1.30 1.40 26.45 20.89 9482 0.51 2.19 94.63 12.10 10397 0.34 2.13 31.82 25.72 1.40 1.60 2.56 33.00 7442 0.94 2.10 97.19 12.65 10319 036 2.13 5.37 49.50 1.60 - 2.81 64.54 3550 0.31 0.75 100.00 14.11 10129 0.36 2.09 2.81 64.54 Minus 100 Mesh 1.31 28.37 8710 0.72 2.75 *100.00 14.29 10111 0.36 2.10 Sample No. 41723 - 1.30 68.28 8.84 10807 0.29 2.36 68.28 8.84 10807 0.29 2.36 100.00 = 15.45 1.30 1.40 17.70 16.90 9552 0.66 2.61 85.98 10.50 10549 0.37 2.41 31.72 29.68 1.40 1.60 9.39 38.16 6922 0.69 2.20 95.37 13.22 10192 0.40 2.39 14.02 45.81 1.60 - 463 61.32 3965 0.54 1.39 100.00 15.45 9903 0.40 2.34 463 61.32 Minus 100 Mesh 0.81 26.66 8841 0.89 3.29 *100.00 15.54 9895 0.41 2.35 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material v8 Table 27. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ _____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS __S CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK___ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/Ib Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41724 - 1.30 87.04 7.83 10911 0.18 2.29 87.04 7.83 10911 0.18 2.29 100.00 10.09 1.30 1.40 9.97 15.87 9739 0.89 2.88 97.01 8.66 10791 0.25 2.35 12.96 25.23 1.40 1.60 0.93 33.62 7541 0.61 1.95 97.94 8.89 10760 0.26 2.35 2.99 56.45 1.60 - 2.06 66.76 3264 0.19 0.82 100.00 10.09 10605 0.25 2.32 2.06 66.76 Minus 100 Mesh 1.54 22.28 9579 0.52 2.78 *100.00 10.27 10590 0.26 2.32 Sample No. 41725 - 1.30 64.26 9.37 10846 0.32 2.45 64.26 9.37 10846 0.32 2.45 100.00 19.30 1.30 1.40 18.16 20.94 9255 0.43 2.11 82.42 11.92 10495 0.34 2.38 35.74 37.16 1.40 1.60 8.10 42.04 6685 0.10 1.14 90.52 14.61 10154 0.32 2.26 17.58 53.91 1.60 - 9.48 64.06 4032 0.06 0.64 100.00 19.30 9574 0.30 2.11 9.48 64.06 Minus 100 Mesh 1.36 31.90 8745 0.26 2.13 *100.00 19.47 9563 0.30 2.11 Sample No. 41726 - 1.30 86.78 8.23 10909 0.11 1.84 86.78 8.23 10909 0.11 1.84 100.00 10.31 1.30 1.40 11.16 21.69 9254 1.30 2.90 97.94 9.76 10720 0.25 1.96 13.22 23.97 1.40 1.60 1.84 36.33 7183 1.00 2.31 99.78 10.25 10655 0.26 1.97 2.06 36.35 1.60 - 0.22 36.55 6872 2.25 3.64 100.00 10.31 10647 0.26 1.97 0.22 36.55 Minus 100 Mesh 1.18 19.93 10180 0.32 2.59 *100.00 10.42 10641 0.26 1.98 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material s8 Table 27. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ___ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____|§ _____CUMULATIVEFLOAT __.= = =-___SINK____ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% #Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41727 - 1.30 71.86 9.58 10708 0.32 2.04 71.86 9.58 10708 0.32 2.04 100.00 16.95 1.30 1.40 14.62 20.21 9241 0.58 2.25 86.48 11.38 10460 0.36 2.08 28.14 35.76 1.40 1.60 6.76 38.52 7032 0.34 1.51 93.24 13.34 10211 0.36 2.03 13.52 52.58 1.60 - 6.76 66.65 3438 0.16 0.73 100.00 16.95 9754 0.35 1.95 6.76 66.65 Minus 100 Mesh 0.48 36.43 7830 0.20 2.15 *100.00 17.04 9744 0.35 1.95 Sample No. 41728 - 1.30 59.12 9.14 10971 0.51 2.69 59.12 9.14 10971 0.51 2.69 100.00 20.98 1.30 1.40 18.32 20.01 9418 1.45 3.60 T7144 11.71 10604 0.73 2.91 40.88 38.10 1.40 1.60 12.08 43.55 6692 0.38 1.57 89.52 16.01 10076 0.68 2.73 22.56 52.79 1.60 - 10.48 63.45 4154 0.23 0.90 100.00 20.98 9455 0.64 2.53 10.48 63.45 Minus 100 Mesh 0.99 39.35 7251 0.58 2.89 *100.00 21.16 9434 0.64 2.54 Sample No. 41729 - 1.30 49.91 9.28 10730 0.21 2.22 49.91 9.28 10730 0.21 2.22 100.00 = 24.78 1.30 1.40 20.40 = 19.83 9352 0.96 2.84 70.31 12.34 10330 0.43 2.40 50.09 40.23 1.40 1.60 15.52 40.10 6931 1.00 2.33 85.83 17.36 9716 0.53 2.39 29.69 54.24 1.60 - 14.17 69.73 3167 0.31 0.85 100.00 24.78 8788 0.50 2.17 14.17. 69.73 Minus 100 Mesh 186 41.25 6846 0.46 2.07 *100.00 25.08 8752 0.50 2.17 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 98 Table 28. Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coal, Drill Hole No. 3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ___ __ CUMULATIVE FLOAT __ ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Buti/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41730 - 1.30 74.17 7.27 10537 0.02 0.75 74.17 7.27 10537 0.02 0.75 100.00 = 12.27 1.30 1.40 16.36 16.40 9253 0.10 0.97 90.53 8.92 10305 0.03 0.79 25.83 26.61 1.40 1.60 7.38 42.72 6428 0.10 0.62 97.91 11.47 10013 0.04 0.78 9.47 44.25 1.60 - 2.09 49.65 5355 0.13 0.69 100.00 12.27 9915 0.04 0.78 2.09 49.65 Minus 100 Mesh 0.61 17.74 9040 0.13 0.85 *100.00 12.30 9910 0.04 0.78 Sample No. 41731 - 1.30 24,12 8.08 10466 0.15 1.72 24,12 8.08 10466 0.15 1.72 100.00 26.73 1.30 1.40 32.35 15.76 9219 0.25 1.63 56.47 12.48 9752 0.21 1.67 75.88 32.66 1.40 1.60 33.42 40.74 6434 0.30 1.32 89.89 22.99 8518 0.24 1.54 43.53 45.22 1.60 - 10.11 60.04 4284 0.21 0.73 100.00 26.73 8090 0.24 1.46 10.11 60.04 Minus 100 Mesh 1.11 34.78 7980 0.34 1.49 *100.00 26.82 8089 0.24 1.46 Sample No. 41732 - 1.30 40.42 6.96 10956 0.12 1.73 40.42 6.96 10956 0.12 1.73 100.00 16.95 1.30 1.40 26.00 8.61 10898 0.11 1.56 66.42 7.61 10933 0.12 1.66 59.58 23.73 1.40 1.60 25.04 = 27.12 5948 0.10 0.96 91.46 12.95 9568 0.11 1.47 33.58 35.43 1.60 - 8.54 59.81 4069 0.16 0.69 100.00 16.95 9099 0.12 1.40 8.54 59.81 Minus 100 Mesh 0.55 26.87 7130 0.20 1.32 *100.00 17.00 9088 0.12 1.40 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material L8 Table 28. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——FRACTIONS __________ INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____CUMULATIVEFLOAT toc _ SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41733 - 1.30 44.84 789 10607 0.07 1.34 44.84 789 10607 0.07 1.34 100.00 =. 21.86 130 140 2449 20.00 3993 033 180 6933 1217 10037 016 150 55.16 3322 140 160 2932 43.71 5937 0.09 096 9865 21.54 8818 014 134 3067 43.78 1600 - 135 45.41 5898 021 099 100.00 21.86 8779 014 ~—-:134 135 4541 Minus 100 Mesh 0.78 23.64 7542 030 145 *100.00 21.88 8769 014 134 Sample No. 41734 - 1.30 94.32 6.15 10885 0.02 1.47 94.32 6.15 10885 0.02 1.47 100.00 6.81 1.30 1.40 3.83 14.60 9520 0.09 1.47 98.15 6.48 10832 0.02 1.47 5.68 = 17.74 1.40 1.60 1.04 36.47 6768 0.09 1.02 99.19 6.79 10789 0.02 1.47 185 24.25 1.60 - 0.81 8.55 8211 0.18 1.23 100.00 6.81 10768 0.02 1.46 0.81 8.55 Minus 100 Mesh 0.35 9.60 9867 0.12 1.49 *100.00 6.82 10765 0.03 1.46 Sample No. 41735 - 1.30 86.94 6.35 10793 0.03 1.48 86.94 6.35 10793 0.03 1.48 100.00 7.84 1.30 1.40 11.29 16.64 9183 0.28 1.73 98.23 7.53 10608 0.06 1.51 13.06 17.73 1.40 1.60 1.14 = 24.24 8320 0.86 1.94 99.37 7.72 10582 0.07 1.51 1.77 = 24.65 1.60 - 0.63 25.38 8269 0.36 1.52 100.00 7.84 10567 0.07 1.51 0.63 25.38 Minus 100 Mesh 0.63 10.49 9878 0.26 1.66 *100.00 785 10563 0.07 1.51 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 88 Table 28. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Bw/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41736 - 1.30 73.38 6.96 11025 0.01 1.41 73.38 6.96 11025 0.01 1.41 100.00 10.95 1.30 1.40 21.26 = 20.41 9094 0.03 1.32 94.64 9.98 10591 0.01 1.39 26.62 21.95 1.40 1.60 4.34 26.45 7524 0.04 0.99 98.98 10.70 10457 0.02 1.37 5.36 28.08 160 - 1.02 35.00 7159 0.13 1.05 100.00 10.95 10423 0.02 1.37 1.02 35.00 Minus 100 Mesh 0.87 = 13.18 9216 0.04 1.22 *100.00 10.97 10413 0.02 1.37 Sample No. 41737 - 1.30 74.26 731 11013 0.23 2.06 74.26 731 11013 0.23 2.06 100.00 = 10.28 1.30 1.40 22.09 15.84 9574 0.70 2.44 96.35 9.27 10683 0.34 2.15 25.74 = 18.86 1.40 1.60 2.59 34.42 6995 0.48 1.71 98.94 9.92 10587 0.34 2.14 3.65 37.17 1.60 - 1.06 43.89 6013 0.25 1.21 100.00 10.28 10538 0.34 2.13 1.06 43.89 Minus 100 Mesh 1.94 12.06 9502 0.39 2.00 *100.00 10.32 10518 0.34 2.12 Sample No. 41738 - 1.30 54.87 9.35 10499 0.13 1.55 54.87 9.35 10499 0.13 1.55 100.00 16.84 1.30 1.40 32.05 19.22 9359 0.14 1.35 86.92 12.99 10079 0.13 1.48 45.13 25.96 1.40 1.60 8.72 37.79 6602 0.09 1.13 95.64 15.25 9762 0.13 1.44 13.08 42.46 1.60 - 4.36 51.80 4884 0.13 0.84 = 100.00 16.84 9549 0.13 1.42 4.36 51.80 Minus 100 Mesh 1.73 16.97 8708 0.04 1.21 *100.00 16.85 9535 0.13 1.41 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 68 Table 28. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS __ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS —__ _____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss __SINK_ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41739 - 1.30 89.20 6.62 10903 0.01 1.25 89.20 6.62 10903 0.01 1.25 100.00 8.19 1.30 1.40 9.52 19.44 9358 0.03 1.01 98.72 7.86 10754 0.01 1.23 10.80 21.16 1.40 1.60 1.04 35.14 7195 0.03 0.88 99.76 8.14 10717 0.01 1.22 1.28 33.97 1.60 - 0.24 28.90 8075 0.08 0.99 100.00 8.19 10711 0.01 1.22 0.24 = 28.90 Minus 100 Mesh 0.94 = 10.81 9881 0.02 0.99 *100.00 8.21 10703 0.01 1.22 Sample No. 41740 - 1.30 69.34 6.48 10864 0.03 1.34 69.34 6.48 10864 0.03 1.34 100.00 = 13.39 1.30 1.40 17.73, 22.74 8787 0.12 1.29 87.07 9.79 10441 0.05 1.33 30.66 29.02 1.40 1.60 10.69 34.66 7154 0.08 1.02 97.76 12.51 10082 0.05 1.30 12.93 37.62 1.60 2.24 51.76 5092 0.22 0.85 100.00 13.39 9970 0.06 1.29 2.24 51.76 Minus 100 Mesh 1.63 17.79 8531 0.49 1.68 *100.00 13.46 9947 0.06 1.29 Sample No. 41741 - 1.30 95.59 5.87 10550 0.07 1.23 95.59 5.87 10550 0.07 1.23 100.00 6.55 1.30 1.40 3.39 20.02 9214 0.17 1.32 98.98 6.35 10504 0.07 1.23 441 21.39 1.40 1.60 0.59 28.78 8634 0.21 1.28 99.57 6.49 10493 0.07 1.23 1.02 25.93 1.60 - 0.43 = 22.03 8860 0.63 1.73 100.00 6.55 10486 0.08 1.24 043 = 22.03 Minus 100 Mesh 0.51 = 11.36 10038 0.68 1.86 *100.00 6.58 10484 0.08 1.24 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 06 Table 28. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ___ CUMULATIVE FLOAT __ ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb _ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41742 1.30 95.06 6.92 11126 0.04 1.56 95.06 6.92 11126 0.04 1.56 100.00 7.79 1.30 1.40 2.62 15.52 9810 0.10 1.49 97.68 7.15 11091 0.04 1.56 4.94 24.45 1.40 1.60 1.34 21.92 7993 0.08 1.23 99.02 7.35 11049 0.04 1.55 2.32 34.53 160 - 0.98 51.78 4895 0.21 0.86 100.00 7.79 10988 0.04 1.55 0.98 51.78 Minus 100 Mesh 0.77 12.96 11814 0.33 2.08 *100.00 7.83 10995 0.05 1.55 Sample No. 41743 - 1.30 74.17 6.99 10949 0.10 1.70 74.17 6.99 10949 0.10 1.70 100.00 = 12.84 1.30 1.40 14.33. 17.75 9392 0.23 1.75 88.50 8.73 10697 0.12 1.71 25.83 29.62 1.40 1.60 7.74 37.01 7267 0.25 1.35 96.24 11.01 10421 0.13 1.68 11.50 44.42 1.60 - 3.76 59.66 4125 0.31 0.86 100.00 12.84 10184 0.14 1.65 3.76 59.66 Minus 100 Mesh 2.01 24.36 8263 0.39 1.86 *100.00 13.06 10146 0.14 1.65 Sample No. 41744 - 1.30 54.28 10.02 10535 0.12 1.91 54.28 10.02 10535 0.12 1.91 100.00 19.97 1.30 1.40 25.06 22.99 9226 0.12 1.60 79.34 14.12 10122 0.12 1.81 45.72 31.78 1.40 1.60 18.84 40.97 6423 0.06 1.14 98.18 19.27 9412 0.11 1.68 20.66 42.44 160 - 1.82 57.63 6475 0.11 1.06 100.00 19.97 9358 0.11 1.67 1.82 57.63 Minus 100 Mesh 1.28 21.84 7998 0.11 1.36 *100.00 19.99 9341 0.11 1.67 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 16 Table 28. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ___ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____ _______CUMULATIVEFLOAT ____________ ____SINK__ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41745 - 1.30 94.49 7.10 11113 0.03 1.32 94.49 7.10 11113 0.03 1.32 100.00 7.92 1.30 1.40 3.60 16.60 9923 0.09 1.41 98.09 TAS 11069 0.03 1.32 551 21.89 1.40 1.60 0.90 26.22 8498 0.11 1.20 98.99 7.62 11046 0.03 1.32 191 31.87 1.60 - 1.01 36.90 7111 0.20 1.06 100.00 7.92 11006 0.03 1.32 1.01 36.90 Minus 100 Mesh 0.50 9.74 10159 0.40 1.52 *100.00 7.92 11002 0.04 1.32 Sample No. 41746 - 1.30 91.39 7.83 10959 0.01 1.53 91.39 7.83 10959 0.01 1.53 100.00 8.90 1.30 1.40 6.68 16.83 9919 0.02 1.56 98.07 8.44 10888 0.01 1.53 8.61 20.28 1.40 1.60 089 22.14 9094 0.03 1.26 98.96 8.57 10872 0.01 1.53 1.93 32.23 1.60 - 1.04 40.86 7013 0.06 0.94 100.00 8.90 10832 0.01 1.52 1.04 40.86 Minus 100 Mesh 0.59 8.81 10093 0.02 1.21 *100.00 8.90 10828 0.01 1.52 Sample No. 41747 - 1.30 80.00 6.57 11110 0.10 1.39 80.00 6.57 11110 0.10 1.39 100.00 =—:11.65 1.30 1.40 10.61 19.46 9388 0.28 1.96 90.61 8.08 10908 0.12 1.46 20.00 31.98 140 1.60 3.16 54.24 4826 038 113 93.77 963 10703 013 1.45 939 46.13 160 - 623 42.01 7408 021 142 10000 1165 10498 0.13 41.44 623 42.01 Minus 100 Mesh 081 1431 9323 0.09 1.17 *100.00 1167 +~=10489Ss«3.s«d. All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 26 Table 28. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS _ _ _____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ss ___s CUMULATIVE FLOAT SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% But/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41748 - 1.30 75.70 7.98 11056 0.10 1.48 75.70 7.98 11056 0.10 1.48 100.00 13.62 1,30 1.40 13.76 23.53 8916 0.08 1.59 89.46 10.37 10727 0.10 1.50 24.30 31.19 1.40 1.60 9.94 41.74 6326 0.10 1.14 99.40 13.51 10287 0.10 1.46 10.54 41.20 1.60 - 0.60 32.24 7740 0.19 1.38 100.00 13.62 10271 0.10 1.46 0.60 32.24 Minus 100 Mesh 0.72 = 16.21 9315 0.25 1.52 *100.00 13.64 10265 0.10 1.46 Sample No. 41749 - 1.30 91.30 6.72 11305 0.09 1.07 91.30 6.72 11305 0.09 1.07 100.00 10.52 1.30 1.40 2.40 23.70 8838 0.17 1.13 93.70 715 11242 0.09 1.07 8.70 50.42 1.40 1.60 5.16 58.94 4321 0.20 0.84 98.86 9.86 10881 0.10 1.06 6.30 60.60 1.60 - 1.14 68.09 3308 0.11 0.39 100.00 10.52 10794 0.10 1.05 1.14 68.09 Minus 100 Mesh 1.28 = 22.23 8486 0.41 1.62 *100.00 10.67 10765 0.10 1.06 Sample No. 41750 - 1.30 67.95 8.50 11082 0.14 1.67 67.95 8.50 11082 0.14 1.67 100.00 15.40 1,30 1.40 19.52 23.02 9064 0.39 1.85 87.47 11.74 10632 0.20 1.71 32.05 30.01 1.40 1.60 11.56 40.81 6777 0.32 1.37 99.03 15.13 10182 0.21 1.67 12.53 40.91 1.60 - 0.97 42.12 6584 0.10 0.82 100.00 15.40 10147 0.21 1.66 0.97 42.12 Minus 100 Mesh 0.26 = 21.71 9084 0.45 1.97 *100.00 15.41 10144 0.21 1.66 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material £6 Table 28. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —AFRACTIONS ___ _______ INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ___SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41826 - 1.30 73.61 8.25 10632 0.22 2.40 73.61 8.25 10632 0.22 2.40 100.00 = 14.18 1.30 1.40 16.28 = -:19.36 9480 1.21 3.29 89.89 10.26 10423 0.40 2.56 26.39 = 30.72 1.40 1.60 5.66 36.54 7284 1.25 2.89 95.55 11.82 10237 0.45 2.58 10.11 49.02 1.60 - 445 64.90 3692 0.61 1.12 100.00 14.18 9946 0.46 2.52 445 64.90 Minus 100 Mesh 0.98 32.06 7064 1.00 2.58 *100.00 14.35 9918 0.46 2.52 Sample No. 41827 - 1.30 72.08 10.20 10721 0.26 1.78 72.08 10.20 10721 0.26 1.78 100.00 14.61 1.30 1.40 18.08 21.02 9318 1.55 3.25 90.16 12.37 10440 0.52 2.07 27.92 25.98 1.40 1.60 738 27.99 8153 1.62 3.02 97.54 13.55 10267 0.60 2.15 9.84 35.09 1.60 - 246 56.38 4691 0.47 1.36 100.00 14.61 10129 0.60 2.13 246 56.38 Minus 100 Mesh 1.33 25.12 8066 1.65 3.01 *100.00 14.74 10102 0.61 2.14 Sample No. 41828 - 1.30 65.67 8.34 11085 0.16 1.61 65.67 8.34 11085 0.16 1.61 100.00 =—-:15.39 1.30 1.40 22.00 21.84 9127 0.38 1.85 87.67 11.73 10594 0.22 1.67 34.33 28.89 1.40 1.60 9.36 38.54 7024 0.26 1.22 97.03 14.31 10249 0.22 1.63 12.33. 41.47 1.60 - 2.97 50.70 5661 0.20 0.89 100.00 15.39 10113 0.22 1.60 2.97 50.70 Minus 100 Mesh 0.75 29.53 7215 1.00 2.63 *100.00 15.50 10091 0.22 1.61 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material v6 Table 29. Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coal, Drill Hole No. 4 SPECIFIC GRAVITY Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Bwi/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Sample No. 41829 - 1.30 66.04 7.26 10571 0.01 1.09 66.04 7.26 10571 0.01 1.09 1.30 1.40 31.85 18.17 9370 0.01 1.01 97.89 10.81 10180 0.01 1.06 1.40 1.60 1.51 30.53 7641 0.06 0.92 99.40 11.11 10142 0.01 1.06 1.60 - 0.60 25.94 8300 0.06 0.91 100.00 11.20 10131 0.01 1.06 Minus 100 Mesh 0.67 = 19.52 10560 0.05 1.06 *100.00 11.25 10133 0.01 1.06 Sample No. 41830 - 1.30 83.55 6.39 10985 0.01 1.05 83.55 6.39 10985 0.01 1.05 1.30 1.40 9.37 22.22 8613 0.17 1.26 92.92 7.99 10746 0.03 1.07 1.40 1.60 5.83 37.54 6900 0.10 0.92 98.75 9.73 10519 0.03 1.06 160 - 1.25 54.83 4734 0.13 0.72 100.00 10.29 10446 0.03 1.06 Minus 100 Mesh 0.59 23.50 9664 0.10 1.08 *100.00 10.37 10442 0.03 1.06 Sample No. 41831 - 1.30 89.80 6.81 10819 0.03 1.07 89.80 6.81 10819 0.03 1.07 1.30 1.40 7.71 16.39 9322 0.05 1.16 97.51 757 10701 0.03 1.08 1.40 1.60 1.81 32.83 7453 0.13 0.76 99.32 8.03 10641 0.03 1.07 1.60 - 0.68 37.17 7101 0.06 0.77 100.00 8.23 10617 0.03 1.07 Minus 100 Mesh 0.45 16.02 10444 0.06 0.99 *100.00 8.26 10617 0.03 1.07 CUMULATIVE Wt% Ash% 100.00 = 11.20 33.96 18.86 2.11 29.22 0.60 25.94 100.00 10.29 16.45 30.13 7.08 40.59 1.25 54.83 100.00 8.23 10.20 20.69 2.49 34.02 0.68 = 37.17 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material sé Table 29. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ____ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ___. _____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss ___SINK, Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41832 - 1,30 43.26 6.37 10741 0.12 1.62 43.26 6.37 10741 0.12 1.62 100.00 21.11 1.30 1.40 26.42 19.69 8998 0.45 1.77 69.68 11.42 10080 0.25 1.68 56.74 32.35 1.40 1.60 20.57 36.71 7040 0.34 1.36 90.25 17.18 9387 0.27 1.60 30.32 43.38 1.60 - 9.75 57.46 4570 0.16 0.80 100.00 21.11 8918 0.26 1.53 9.75 5746 Minus 100 Mesh 131 44.04 6843 0.28 1.29 *100.00 21.41 8891 0.26 1.52 Sample No. 41833 - 1.30 36.57 6.54 10889 0.08 1.19 36.57 6.54 10889 0.08 1.19 100.00 =. 26.05 1.30 1.40 26.92 15.97 9359 0.68 1.74 63.49 10.54 10240 0.33 1.42 63.43 37.29 1.40 1.60 17.33. 41.57 6333 0.26 0.98 80.82 17.19 9402 0.32 1.33 36.51 53.01 1.60 - 19.18 63.35 3582 0.20 0.59 100.00 26.05 8286 0.30 1.19 19.18 63.35 Minus 100 Mesh 0.82 41.52 6880 0.30 1.07 *100.00 26.17 8275 0.30 1.19 Sample No. 41834 - 1.30 99.33 5.39 11223 0.05 0.77 99.33 5.39 11223 0.05 0.77 100.00 5.42 1.30 1.40 0.47 8.85 10371 0.04 0.79 99.80 5.41 11219 0.05 0.77 0.67 9.76 1.40 1.60 0.10 = 11.51 10093 0.15 0.84 99.90 5.41 11218 0.05 0.77 0.20 11.89 1.60 - 0.10 = 12.27 9998 0.20 0.87 100.00 5.42 11217 0.05 0.77 1.10 0 12.27 Minus 100 Mesh 041 = 12.20 11879 0.13 0.80 *100.00 5.45 11219 0.05 0.77 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 96 Table 29. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ss ________CUMULATIVE FLOAT ___ ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41835 - 1.30 91.01 6.44 10994 0.04 0.90 91.01 6.44 10994 0.04 0.90 100.00 7.46 130 1.40 8.39 17.24 9809 0.08 111 9940 735 10894 0.04 0.92 8.99 17.78 140 1.60 041 2315 8692 006 1.07 9981 742 10885 0.04 0.92 0.60 25.35 160 - 0.19 30.09 9182 0.24 162 10000 746 10882 004 0.92 0.19 30.09 Minus 100 Mesh 0.32 14.17 11490 0.13 1.07 *100.00 7.48 ~=—«10884.—Ss«0.04.—Sts«é«92 Sample No. 41836 - 1.30 93.64 5.55 10977 0.05 0.84 93.64 5.55 10977 0.05 0.84 100.00 6.44 1.30 1.40 5.07 16.41 9625 0.38 1.49 98.71 6.11 10908 0.07 0.87 6.36 19.62 1.40 1.60 1.13 33.38 7476 0.06 0.80 99.84 6.42 10869 0.07 0.87 1.29 32.23 160 - 0.16 24.14 8685 0.15 0.88 100.00 6.44 10865 0.07 0.87 0.16 24.14 Minus 100 Mesh 0.32 = 12.22 11599 0.12 0.92 *100.00 6.46 10868 0.07 0.87 Sample No. 41837 - 1.30 95.10 5.68 11047 0.06 1.03 95.10 5.68 11047 0.06 1.03 100.00 6.88 1.30 1.40 2.48 17.06 9603 0.04 0.98 97.58 5.97 11010 0.06 1.03 4.90 30.19 1.40 1.60 1.53 35.10 7697 0.04 0.74 99.11 6.42 10959 0.06 1.02 242 43.64 1.60 - 0.89 58.33 4616 0.05 0.43 100.00 6.88 10903 0.06 1.02 0.89 58.33 Minus 100 Mesh 1.65 12.63 11231 0.05 0.93 *100.00 6.97 10908 0.06 1.02 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material L6 Table 29. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _—s ____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ________ ___SINK____ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41838 - 1.30 98.26 5.33 10820 0.01 0.66 98.26 5.33 10820 0.01 0.66 100.00 5.42 1.30 1.40 1.34 737 10448 0.04 0.70 99.60 5.36 10815 0.01 0.66 1.74 10.64 1.40 1.60 0.15 8.89 10320 0.05 0.76 99.75 5.36 10814 0.01 0.66 0.40 = 21.58 1.60 - 0.25 29.19 8244 0.07 0.81 100.00 5.42 10808 0.01 0.66 0.25 29.19 Minus 100 Mesh 0.25 9.95 11856 0.04 0.74 *100.00 5.43 10810 0.01 0.66 Sample No. 41839 - 1.30 70.75 6.11 11041 0.01 1.02 70.75 6.11 11041 0.01 1.02 100.00 =: 11.67 1.30 1.40 21.23 20.13 9315 0.04 0.99 91.98 9.35 10643 0.02 1.01 29.25 25.10 1.40 1.60 725 36.98 7193 0.03 0.74 99.23 11.36 10391 0.02 0.99 8.02 38.27 1.60 - 0.77. 50.37 5688 0.04 0.56 100.00 11.67 10354 0.02 0.99 0.77 50.37 Minus 100 Mesh 0.42 22.06 10593 0.03 0.94 *100.00 11.71 10355 0.02 0.99 Sample No. 41840 - 1.30 93.03 6.55 11060 0.02 1.23 93.03 6.55 11060 0.02 1.23 100.00 7.56 1.30 1.40 5.82 17.95 9340 0.03 1.21 98.85 7.22 10959 0.02 1.23 697 21.10 1.40 1.60 091 34.33 7248 0.03 0.92 99.76 TAT 10925 0.02 1.23 1.15 37.04 1.60 - 0.24 = 47.32 6030 0.06 0.73 100.00 7.56 10913 0.02 1.22 0.24 = 47.32 Minus 100 Mesh 0.42 = 13.64 11365 0.04 1.22 *100.00 7.59 10915 0.02 1.22 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 86 Table 29. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS = _____CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——-SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Bt/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Butu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41841 - 1.30 93.02 5.81 11146 0.02 0.85 93.02 5.81 11146 0.02 0.85 100.00 7.38 1.30 1.40 4.14 16.21 9580 0.03 0.89 97.16 6.25 11079 0.02 0.85 6.98 28.35 1.40 1.60 1.63 36.31 7333 0.02 0.56 98.79 6.75 11017 0.02 0.85 2.84 46.04 1.60 - 1.21 59.14 4451 0.03 0.32 100.00 7.38 10938 0.02 0.84 1.21 59.14 Minus 100 Mesh 0.85 16.39 10189 0.04 0.73 *100.00 7.46 10932 0.02 0.84 Sample No. 41842 - 1.30 70.84 7.53 11050 0.02 1.02 70.84 7.53 11050 0.02 1.02 100.00 13.90 1.30 1.40 16.10 21.26 9223 0.02 0.81 86.94 10.07 10712 0.02 0.98 29.16 29.38 1.40 1.60 12.24 39.21 6879 0.06 0.67 99.18 13.67 10239 0.02 0.94 13.06 39.38 160 - 0.82 41.95 6415 0.08 0.64 100.00 13.90 10207 0.03 0.94 0.82 41.95 Minus 100 Mesh 0.81 26.70 9442 0.04 0.88 *100.00 14.00 10201 0.03 0.94 Sample No. 41843 - 1.30 95.76 6.17 11102 0.04 1.02 95.76 6.17 11102 0.04 1.02 100.00 6.77 1.30 1.40 3.11 15.38 9935 0.02 0.97 98.87 6.46 11065 0.04 1.02 4.24 20.26 1.40 1.60 0.95 31.74 771 0.02 0.62 99.82 6.70 11033 0.04 1.01 1.13 33.71 1.60 - 0.18 44.08 6390 0.07 0.52 100.00 6.77 11025 0.04 1.01 0.18 44.08 Minus 100 Mesh 0.89 12.76 11115 0.01 0.96 *100.00 6.82 11026 0.04 1.01 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 66 Table 29. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS ____ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ___»s ____CUMULATIVEFLOAT __>—s—s- ___ SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41844 - 1.30 89.40 7.29 11170 0.04 1.28 89.40 7.29 11170 0.04 1.28 100.00 9.04 130 1.40 796 17.60 9858 010 134 97.36 813 11063 (0.04 1.28 10.60 23.78 140 1.60 2.03 36.49 7219 003 095 9939 871 10984 004 128 264 42.43 10 0 - 061 62.20 3921 0.05 049 10000 9.04 10941 004 127 061 62.20 Minus 100 Mesh 0.29 1660 11265 005 121 *100.00 9.06 10942 004 127 Sample No. 41845 - 1.30 65.90 8.27 11033 0.01 1.29 65.90 8.27 11033 0.01 1.29 100.00 13.10 1.30 1.40 26.79 = 15.57 10258 0.06 141 92.69 10.38 10809 0.02 1.32 34.10 22.43 140 1.60 3.47 33.45 7595 0.09 108 9616 1121 10693 003 132 731 47.58 160 - 3.84 60.35 4399 0.11 062 10000 1310 10451 003 1.29 3.84 6035 Minus 100 Mesh 134 30.72 8426 0.04 ~—i1.04*100.00»s«13.33.S«10425s003tsa.29 Sample No. 41846 - 1.30 70.03 6.96 11150 0.03 1.32 70.03 6.96 11150 0.03 1.32 100.00 9.66 1.30 1.40 25.01 12.08 10672 0.05 1.23 95.04 8.31 11024 0.04 1.30 29.97 15.98 1.40 1.60 4.50 34.25 7825 0.02 0.65 99.54 9.48 10880 0.03 1.27 496 35.64 1.60 - 0.46 49.20 5724 0.03 0.56 100.00 9.66 10856 0.03 1.26 046 49.20 Minus 100 Mesh 0.90 30.38 8923 0.02 0.87 *100.00 9.85 10839 0.03 1.26 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material Oot Table 30. Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coal, Drill Hole No. 5 SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ _____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _______ CUMULATIVE FLOAT —__SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41847 - 1.30 4741 6.67 10605 0.06 1.44 4741 6.67 10605 0.06 1.44 100.00 17.13 1.30 1.40 36.13. 17.27 9287 0.14 1.73 83.54 11.25 10035 0.09 1.57 52.59 26.55 1.40 1.60 9.54 32.88 7275 0.16 1.37 93.08 13.47 9752 0.10 1.55 16.46 46.92 1.60 - 6.92 66.28 3726 0.07 0.56 100.00 17.13 9335 0.10 1.48 6.92 66.28 Minus 100 Mesh 0.65 30.03 8674 0.20 1.47 *100.00 17.21 9331 0.10 1.48 Sample No. 41848 - 1.30 58.01 6.50 10728 0.09 1.72 58.01 6.50 10728 0.09 1.72 100.00 18.02 1.30 1.40 17.25 14.09 9574 0.64 2.28 75.26 8.24 10463 0.22 1.85 41.99 33.94 1.40 1.60 11.69 37.18 6583 0.30 1.38 86.95 12.13 9942 0.23 1.79 24.74 47.78 1.60 - 13.05 57.27 4073 0.14 0.71 100.00 18.02 9176 0.22 1.65 13.05 57.27 Minus 100 Mesh 1.34 33.10 7566 0.29 1.53 *100.00 18.22 9155 0.22 1.64 Sample No. 41849 - 1.30 30.11 5.76 10614 0.11 1.61 30.11 5.76 10614 0.11 1.61 100.00 21.02 1.30 1.40 39.35 16.90 9367 0.14 1.47 69.46 12.07 9908 0.13 1.53 69.89 27.60 1.40 1.60 24.32 38.15 6651 0.16 1.17 93.78 18.83 9063 0.14 1.44 30.54 41.38 1.60 - 6.22 53.99 4640 0.17 0.81 100.00 21.02 8788 0.14 1.40 6.22 53.99 Minus 100 Mesh 1.60 33.95 TAT4 0.14 1.23 *100.00 21.22 8767 0.14 1.40 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material TOT Table 30. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS __ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS = _____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ___+_>—s—s- ___SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41850 - 1.30 83.55 7.40 10755 0.02 1.32 83.55 7.40 10755 0.02 1.32 100.00 9.62 130 1.40 1256 17.55 9442 005 «121 «96.11 8.73 10583 0.02 131 1645 20.92 140 1.60 335 30.90 7585 005 1.09 9946 947 10482 0.02 1.0 3.89 31.81 160 - 0.54 37.46 6703 0.07 099 10000 962 10462 0.03 1.30 054 37.46 Minus 100 Mesh 095 1851 10060 007 115 *10000 971 10458 0.3 1.30 Sample No. 41851 - 1.30 64.94 6.22 10825 0.01 1.20 64.94 6.22 10825 0.01 1.20 100.00 = 14.36 1.30 1.40 23.55 19.10 8904 0.06 0.98 88.49 9.65 10314 0.02 1.14 35.06 29.45 1.40 1.60 5.37 38.22 6551 0.08 0.84 93.86 11.28 10098 0.03 1.12 11.51 50.62 1.60 - 6.14 61.46 3570 0.08 0.57 100.00 14.36 9698 0.03 1.09 6.14 61.46 Minus 100 Mesh 0.53 22.54 9292 0.17 1.19 —*100.00 14.41 9695 0.03 1.09 Sample No. 41852 - 1.30 69.85 6.28 10985 0.04 1.56 69.85 6.28 10985 0.04 1.56 100.00 =: 12.36 1.30 1.40 18.99 13.73 10007 0.05 1.52 88.84 7.87 10776 0.04 1.55 30.15 26.45 1.40 1.60 6.00 37.49 7215 0.04 0.95 94.84 9.75 10551 0.04 1.51 11.16 48.10 1.60 - 5.16 60.44 3973 0.09 0.53 100.00 12.36 10211 0.04 1.46 5.16 60.44 Minus 100 Mesh 136 = 21.05 9520 0.21 1.41 *100.00 12.48 10202 0.05 1.46 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material Zot Table 30. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ _____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS > _____ CUMULATIVE FLOAT __ ——SINK___ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Buw/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41853 1.30 37.30 6.37 11141 0.12 1.78 37.30 6.37 11141 0.12 1.78 100.00 26.59 30 1.40 22.47 = 15.13 9707 0.21 2.00 59.77 9.66 10602 0.15 1.86 62.70 38.61 40 1.60 19.44 37.45 6980 0.12 1.36 79.21 16.48 9713 0.15 1.74 40.23. 51.73 60 - 20.79 65.08 3342 0.12 0.66 100.00 26.59 8388 0.14 1.51 20.79 65.08 —— ee | Minus 100 Mesh 1.51 41.38 6253 0.24 1,38 *100.00 26.81 8357 0.14 1.51 Sample No. 41854 - 1.30 46.98 7.33 10876 0.11 2.01 46.98 7.33 10876 0.11 2.01 100.00 21.95 1.30 1.40 25.36 17.65 9469 0.13 1.87 72.34 10.95 10383 0.12 1.96 53.02 34.90 1.40 1.60 15.40 37.54 7061 0.06 1.12 87.74 15.62 9800 0.11 1.81 27.66 50.72 1.60 - 12.26 67.27 3252 0.09 0.48 = 100.00 21.95 8997 0.10 1.65 12.26 67.27 Minus 100 Mesh 1.28 30.49 7826 0.11 1.41 *100.00 22.06 8982 0.10 1.65 Sample No. 41855 - 1.30 57.92 7.82 10851 0.35 1.97 57.92 7.82 10851 0.35 1.97 100.00 13.47 1.30 1.40 33.85 15.91 9747 0.67 2.45 91.77 10.80 10444 0.47 2.15 42.08 21.25 1.40 1.60 491 34,38 7290 0.74 1.94 96.68 12.00 10284 0.48 2.14 8.23 43.20 1.60 - 3.32 56.24 4331 0.21 0.96 100.00 13.47 10086 0.47 2.10 3.32 56.24 Minus 100 Mesh 0.54 23.72 9086 0.73 2.36 *100.00 13.53 10081 0.47 2.10 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material €0T Table 30. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS ________INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS __ ______CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss __SSINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41856 - 1.30 67.75 6.30 10945 0.16 1.63 67.75 6.30 10945 0.16 1.63 100.00 11.06 1.30 1.40 25.78 17.63 9502 0.99 2.66 93.53 9.42 10547 0.39 1.91 32.25 21.06 1.40 1.60 5.53 31.20 7452 1.95 3.22 99.06 10.64 10374 0.48 1.99 647 = 34.74 1.60 - 0.94 55.59 4510 0.31 0.98 100.00 11.06 10319 0.47 1.98 0.94 55.59 Minus 100 Mesh 0.74 = 26.63 8853 1.12 2.72 *100.00 11.18 10309 0.48 1.98 Sample No. 41857 - 1.30 50.68 8.22 10756 0.21 2.33 50.68 8.22 10756 0.21 2.33 100.00 = 15.12 1.30 1.40 37.93. 17.16 9598 0.22 2.15 88.61 12.05 10260 0.21 2.25 49.32 22.21 1.40 1.60 9.43 35.77 7260 0.09 1.43 98.04 14,33 9972 0.20 217 11.39 39.03 1.60 - 196 54.71 4876 0.10 0.97 100.00 15.12 9872 0.20 2.15 1.96 54.71 Minus 100 Mesh 0.33 23.51 8940 0.40 2.18 —*100.00 15.15 9869 0.20 2.15 Sample No. 41858 - 1.30 47.06 6.74 10869 0.25 2.16 47.06 6.74 10869 0.25 2.16 100.00 9.56 1.30 1.40 4945 10.85 10085 0.26 2.00 96.51 8.85 10467 0.26 2.08 52.94 12.07 1.40 1.60 2.99 30.20 7931 0.20 1.47 99.50 9.49 10391 0.25 2.06 3.49 29.42 1.60 - 0.50 24.78 8246 0.30 1.68 100.00 9.56 10380 0.25 2.06 0.50 24.78 Minus 100 Mesh 1.37 18.16 9447 0.40 2.10 *100.00 9.68 10368 0.26 2.06 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material bOT Table 30. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS > _______ CUMULATIVE FLOAT __ ——_SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41859 - 1.30 55.98 5.80 11145 0.18 2.06 55.98 5.80 11145 0.18 2.06 100.00 = 16.85 1.30 1.40 25.53 15.00 9871 0.66 2.57 81.51 8.68 10746 0.33 2.22 44.02 30.91 1.40 1.60 7.29 32.46 7447 0.73 2.13 88.80 10.63 10475 0.36 2.21 18.49 52.88 160 - 11.20 66.17 3219 0.17 0.69 100.00 16.85 9662 0.34 2.04 11.20 66.17 Minus 100 Mesh 1.50 44.28 6346 0.51 — 2.09 *100.00 17.26 9613 0.34 2.04 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material SOT Table 31. Washability Analyses of 3/4 Inch x 100 Mesh Coal, Drill Hole No. 6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ___ ___CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss ___SINK_ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic = Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41860 - 1.30 0.20 3.48 10830 0.06 1.44 0.20 3.48 10830 0.06 1.44 100.00 = 51.35 1.30 1.40 15.96 19.41 9378 0.16 1.58 16.16 19.21 9396 0.16 1.58 99.80 51.45 1.40 1.60 23.68 39.56 6646 0.12 0.88 39.84 31.31 7761 0.14 1.16 83.84 57.55 1.60 - 60.16 64.63 3897 0.07 0.54 = 100.00 51.35 5437 0.10 0.79 60.16 64.63 Minus 100 Mesh 3.74 57.16 5668 0.10 0.77 *100.00 51.56 5445 0.10 0.79 Sample No. 41861 - 1.30 19.45 7.24 10672 0.03 1.11 19.45 7.24 10672 0.03 1.11 100.00 = 10.28 1.30 1.40 76.10 10.33 10309 0.12 1.32 95.55 9.70 10383 0.10 1.28 80.55 11.02 1.40 1.60 3.82 21.66 9021 1.15 2.45 99.37 10.16 10331 0.14 132 445 22.75 1.60 - 0.63 = 29.33 7908 0.58 1.82 100.00 10.28 10315 0.14 1.33 0.63 29.33 Minus 100 Mesh 0.73 19.37 9572 0.47 1.75 *100.00 10.35 10310 0.15 1.33 Sample No. 41862 - 1.30 31.13 5.74 11256 0.02 1.03 31.13 5.74 11256 0.02 1.03 100.00 6.50 1.30 1.40 67.58 6.80 10608 0.04 1.06 98.71 6.47 10812 0.03 1.05 68.87 6.85 1.40 1.60 0.59 8.48 10320 1.22 1.16 99.30 6.48 10809 0.04 1.05 1.29 9.44 1.60 - 0.70 = 10.24 9803 0.56 1.22 100.00 6.50 10802 0.04 1.05 0.70 = 10.24 Minus 100 Mesh 2.50 9.18 10958 0.09 1.25 *100.00 6.57 10806 0.05 1.06 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 90T Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____—- ________CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK___ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41863 - 1.30 5.27 2.61 11076 0.14 1.77 5.27 2.61 11076 0.14 1.77 100.00 19.18 1.30 1.40 81.28 = 17.03 9617 0.68 2.24 86.55 16.15 9706 0.65 2.21 94.73 20.10 1.40 1.60 9.72 30.73 7871 0.42 1.59 96.27 17.62 9521 0.62 2.15 13.45 38.67 1.60 - 3.73 59.35 4821 0.18 0.85 100.00 19.18 9345 0.61 2.10 3.73 59.35 Minus 100 Mesh 0.40 28.36 8488 0.70 1.81 *100.00 19.22 9342 0.61 2.10 Sample No. 41864 - 1.30 30.44 6.64 10745 0.14 1.58 30.44 6.64 10745 0.14 1.58 100.00 31.34 1.30 1.40 28.65 17.16 9212 0.93 2.37 59.09 11.74 10002 0.52 1.96 69.56 42.15 1.40 1.60 10.29 36.37 6776 1.09 2.15 69.38 15.39 9523 0.61 1.99 40.91 59.65 1.60 - 30.62 67.47 3238 1.13 1.71 100.00 31.34 7599 0.77 1.90 30.62 67.47 Minus 100 Mesh 2.45 49.55 5394 1.08 2.40 *100.00 31.77 7546 0.77 1.92 Sample No. 41865 = 1.30 28.40 4.48 10556 ~—- 0.08 1.54 28.40 4.48 10556 0.08 1.54 100.00 32.75 1.30 1.40 19.08 16.19 9279 0.60 1.89 47.48 9.19 10043 0.29 1.68 71.60 43.96 1.40 1.60 29.29 40.91 6264 0.61 1.51 76.77 21.29 8601 0.41 1.62 52.52 54.05 160 - 23.23 70.61 3046 = 0.13 0.41 ~—:100.00 32.75 7311 0.35 1.34 23.23 70.61 Minus 100 Mesh 48.40 58.47 4214 0.34 1.12 *100.00 41.14 6301 0.34 1.27 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material Lot Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ____ _____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS SS CUMULATIVEFLOAT. ——SINK ____ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41866 - 1.30 28.49 5.59 10686 0.02 0.93 28.49 5.59 10686 0.02 0.93 100.00 40.98 1.30 1.40 18.48 16.70 9238 0.04 0.85 46.97 9.96 10116 0.03 0.90 71.51 55.08 1.40 1.60 13.36 37.52 6822 0.06 0.70 60.33 16.06 9387 0.03 0.85 53.03 68.45 1.60 - 39.67 78.87 1646 0.10 0.18 100.00 40.98 6316 0.06 0.59 39.67 78.87 Minus 100 Mesh 1.29 = 54.82 4702 0.10 0.48 *100.00 41.16 6295 0.06 0.59 Sample No. 41867 - 1.30 1.48 3.15 10855 0.06 1.64 1.48 3.15 10855 0.06 1.64 100.00 24.81 1.30 1.40 60.95 17.27 9610 0.18 1.83 62.43 16.94 9640 0.18 1.83 98.52 25.14 1.40 1.60 31.79 33.46 7192 0.38 1.49 94.22 22.51 8814 0.25 171 37.57 37.91 1.60 - 5.78 62.37 3990 0.18 0.74 ~— 100.00 2481 8535 0.24 1.66 5.78 62.37 Minus 100 Mesh 2.09 34.45 7493 0.38 1.43 *100.00 25.01 8514 0.24 1.65 Sample No. 41868 - 1.30 36.51 4.80 10973 0.02 1.59 36.51 4.80 10973 0.02 1,59 100.00 9.64 1.30 1.40 57.27 9.81 10176 0.16 1.69 93.78 7.86 10486 0.11 1.65 63.49 = 12.42 1.40 1.60 5.53 35.84 6958 0.08 1,03 99.31 9.42 10290 0.10 1.62 6.22 36.47 1.60 - 0.69 41.48 5950 0.12 0.62 100.00 9.64 10260 0.10 1.61 0.69 «41.48 Minus 100 Mesh 0.68 19.40 9940 0.17 1.71 *100.00 9.70 10258 0.10 1.61 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 80T Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41869 - 1.30 14.49 5.32 10780 0.04 1.44 14.49 5.32 10780 0.04 1.44 100.00 17.30 1.30 1.40 64.78 15.43 9316 0.06 1.36 79.27 13.58 9584 0.06 1.37 85.51 19.33 1.40 1.60 18.86 30.88 7500 0.11 1.26 98.13 16.91 9183 0.07 1.35 20.73 31.53 1.60 - 1.87 38.11 6926 0.29 1.34 — 100.00 17.30 9141 0.07 1.35 1.87 38.11 Minus 100 Mesh 1.61 27.40 7929 0.42 1.67 *100.00 17.46 9122 0.08 1.36 Sample No. 41870 - 1.30 9.40 7.86 10780 0.04 1.38 9.40 7.86 10780 0.04 1.38 100.00 25.85 1.30 1.40 48.79 15.36 9559 0.33 1.55 58.19 14.15 9756 0.28 1.52 90.60 27.72 1.40 1.60 34.67 39.39 6858 0.72 1.43 92.86 23.57 8674 0.45 1.49 41.81 42.14 1.60 - 7.14 55.52 4836 0.33 0.90 100.00 25.85 8400 0.44 1.45 7.14 55.52 Minus 100 Mesh 1.45 36.02 7184 0.71 1.66 *100.00 26.00 8383 0.44 1.45 Sample No. 41871 - 1.30 67.63 5.75 10275 0.05 1.16 67.63 5.75 10275 0.05 1.16 100.00 9.03 1.30 1.40 26.90 8.83 10299 0.09 1.40 94.53 6.63 10282 0.06 1.23 32.37 15.89 1.40 1.60 1.91 26.84 8383 0.06 1.03 96.44 7.03 10244 0.06 1.22 5.47 50.58 1.60 - 3.56 63.32 4214 0.07 0.41 ~— 100.00 9.03 10030 0.06 1.20 3.56 63.32 Minus 100 Mesh 1.22 17.29 10030 0.10 1.25 *100.00 9.13 10030 0.06 1.20 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material 60T Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS __.» = ______CUMULATIVEFLOAT __ = ___SINK___ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41872 - 1.30 54.82 7.06 10766 0.03 1.22 54.82 7.06 10766 0.03 1.22 100.00 14.69 1.30 1.40 3057 13.80 9749 0.07 1.31 85.39 9.47 10402 0.04 1.25 45.18 23.96 1.40 1.60 781 34.96 7265 0.12 1.07 93.20 11.61 10139 0.05 1.24 1461 = 45.21 1.60 - 680 56.99 4221 0.08 0.63 100.00 14.69 9737 0.05 1.20 6.80 56.99 Minus 100 Mesh 1.68 28.00 7992 0.04 1.08 *100.00 14.91 9708 0.05 1.19 Sample No. 41873 - 1.30 59.86 5.81 10806 0.05 1.58 59.86 5.81 10806 0.05 1.58 100.00 9.79 1.30 1.40 34.54 = 12.15 9834 0.17 1.79 94.40 8.13 10450 0.09 1.66 40.14 = 15.72 1.40 1.60 421 35.18 7203 0.18 1.20 98.61 9.28 10312 0.10 1.64 5.60 37.74 1.60 - 1.39 45.49 5890 0.14 1.00 100.00 9.79 10250 0.10 1.63 1.39 45.49 Minus 100 Mesh 0.84 = 19.47 9716 0.21 1.64 *100.00 9.87 10246 0.10 1.63 Sample No. 41874 - 1.30 35.18 7.22 10450 0.46 2.23 35.18 7.22 10450 0.46 2.23 100.00 15.62 1.30 1.40 56.61 12.61 9992 0.70 2.53 91.79 10.54 10168 0.61 2.42 64.82 20.19 1.40 1.60 141 = 27.96 8420 0.32 1.31 93.20 10.81 10141 0.60 2.40 8.21 72.43 1.60 - 6.80 81.65 1899 0.10 0.40 = 100.00 15.62 9581 0.57 2.26 680 81.65 Minus 100 Mesh 132 43.05 6779 0.42 1.55 *100.00 15.98 9544 0.57 2.25 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material OTT Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS _ ______ INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ss ___s CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK _ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41875 - 1.30 10.27 8.95 10814 0.04 1.77 10.27 8.95 10814 0.04 1.77 100.00 21.91 1.30 1.40 45.28 15.79 9601 0.04 1.70 55.55 14.53 9825 0.04 1.71 89.73 23.39 1.40 1.60 42.61 30.40 7681 0.07 1.24 98.16 21.42 8894 0.05 1.51 44.45 31.13 160 - 1.84 48.06 5623 0.23 1.14 100.00 21.91 8834 0.06 1.50 1.84 48.06 Minus 100 Mesh 1.54 28.46 5229 0.18 1.16 *100.00 22.01 8780 0.06 1.50 Sample No. 41876 1.30 50.89 6.68 10694 0.15 2.17 50.89 6.68 10694 0.15 2.17 100.00 = 18.13 1.30 1.40 27.24 = 14.53 9694 0.58 2.66 78.13 9.42 10345 0.30 2.34 49.11 30.00 1.60 10.93 32.95 7308 0.19 1.74 89.06 12.31 9973 0.29 2.27 21.87 49.27 - 10.94 65.58 2797 0.10 0.67 100.00 18.13 9188 0.27 2.09 10.94 65.58 Minus 100 Mesh 145 36.56 5639 0.26 1.76 *100.00 18.40 9137 0.27 2.09 Sample No. 41877 - 1.30 61.32 6.44 11000 0.08 1.40 61.32 6.44 11000 0.08 1.40 100.00 8.69 1.30 1.40 36.57 11.54 10197 0.19 1.74 97.89 8.35 10700 0.12 1.53 38.68 12.26 1.40 1.60 1.63 26.04 8312 0.16 1.44 99.52 8.64 10661 0.12 1.53 2.11 24.80 1.60 - 0.48 20.60 9142 0.17 1.42 100.00 8.69 10654 0.12 1.53 0.48 20.60 Minus 100 Mesh 0.83 15.42 10109 0.11 1.51 *100.00 8.75 10649 0.12 1,52 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material TIT Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS ___ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS _______CUMULATIVEFLOAT. ———“i‘“C™SCSSINS CC” Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41878 - 1.30 26.30 6.92 10925 0.02 1.00 26.30 6.92 10925 0.02 1.00 100.00 =—:12.75 1.30 1.40 73.10 14.84 9914 0.02 1.49 99.40 12.74 10181 0.02 1.36 73.70 = 14.83 1.40 1.60 0.38 = 13.17 9901 0.05 1.19 99.78 12.75 10180 0.02 1.36 0.60 = 13.65 1.60 - 0.22 14.49 9772 0.05 1.19 100.00 12.75 10180 0.02 1.36 0.22 = 14.49 Minus 100 Mesh 0.99 = 11.38 10638 0.03 1.12 *100.00 12.74 10184 0.02 1.36 Sample No. 41879 - 1.30 51.37 6.72 10869 0.05 1.21 51.37 6.72 10869 0.05 1.21 100.00 11.40 1.30 1.40 42.16 12.92 10437 0.36 1.59 93.53 9.51 10674 0.19 1.38 48.63 16.34 1.40 1.60 4.75 29.76 8233 0.91 1.81 98.28 10.49 10556 0.22 1.40 647 = 38.60 1.60 - 1.72 63.00 4076 0.47 0.88 100.00 11.40 10445 0.23 1.39 1.72 63.00 Minus 100 Mesh 0.65 = 21.21 9831 0.36 1.44 *100.00 11.46 10441 0.23 1.39 Sample No. 41880 - 1.30 78.67 6.50 11077 0.07 1.53 78.67 6.50 11077 0.07 1.53 100.00 8.09 1.30 1.40 19.20 10.03 10265 0.25 1.68 97.87 7.19 10918 0.11 1.56 21.33 13.94 1.40 1.60 0.68 29.67 8100 0.13 1.12 98.55 7.35 10898 0.11 1.56 2.13 49.21 1.60 - 145 58.37 5005 0.05 0.68 100.00 8.09 10813 0.10 1.54 145 58.37 Minus 100 Mesh 0.97 = 12.87 10711 0.13 1.48 *100.00 8.13 10812 0.10 1.54 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material ert Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ___—s ________CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK__ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Butu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41881 - 1.30 25.79 6.60 11482 0.04 1.42 25.79 6.60 11482 0.04 1.42 100.00 21.62 1.30 1.40 51.41 20.10 9197 0.11 1.53 77.20 15.59 9960 0.09 1.49 74.21 26.84 1.40 1.60 21.94 41.96 6259 0.10 1.01 99.14 21.43 9141 0.09 1.39 22.80 42.03 160 - 0.86 43.80 6065 0.15 1.30 100.00 21.62 9115 0.09 1.39 0.86 43.80 Minus 100 Mesh 0.16 26.97 0.16 1.63 *100.00 21.63 0.09 1.39 Sample No. 41882 - 1.30 44.52 7.64 10861 0.16 1.97 44.52 7.64 10861 0.16 1.97 100.00 14.07 1.30 1.40 46.58 14.70 9957 0.37 2.26 91.10 11.25 10399 0.27 2.12 55.48 19.23 1.40 1.60 5.62 34.00 7505 0.37 1.52 96.72 12.57 10231 0.27 2.08 8.90 42.93 1.60 - 3.28 58.23 4582 0.21 1.01 100.00 14.07 10045 0.27 2.05 3.28 58.23 Minus 100 Mesh 0.21 = 21.85 10517 0.07 2.48 *100.00 14.09 10046 0.27 2.05 Sample No. 41883 - 1.30 83.92 6.19 10953 0.18 1.73 83.92 6.19 10953 0.18 1.73 100.00 10.07 1.30 1.40 9.69 13.71 9921 0.55 2.32 93.61 6.97 10846 0.22 1.79 16.08 30.32 1.40 1.60 1.42 31.80 77128 0.78 1.72 95.03 7.34 10800 0.23 1.79 6.39 55.51 160 - 4.97 62.29 4058 0.10 0.61 100.00 10.07 10465 0.22 1.73 4.97 62.29 Minus 100 Mesh 0.80 26.54 8938 0.40 1.69 *100.00 10.20 10452 0.22 1.73 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material et Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS ____ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS ____ ______CUMULATIVEFLOAT => ___SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% #Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41884 - 1.30 67.75 9.94 10488 0.13 1.89 67.75 9.94 10488 0.13 1.89 100.00 =12.11 1.30 1.40 30.20 16.09 9627 0.28 2.07 97.95 11.84 10223 0.18 1.95 32.25 16.68 1.40 1.60 161 26.26 8074 0.20 1.64 99.56 12.07 10188 0.18 1.94 2.05 25.37 1.60 - 044 = 22.12 8779 0.61 2.40 100.00 12.11 10182 0.18 1.94 0.44 = 22.12 Minus 100 Mesh 0.34 = 19.49 1.18 *100.00 12.14 1.94 Sample No. 41885 - 1.30 8.80 8.73 11082 0.20 1.87 8.80 8.73 11082 0.20 1.87 100.00 = 28.37 1.30 1.40 58.54 15.18 9961 0.26 2.38 67.34 14.34 10107 0.25 2.31 91.20 30.27 1.40 1.60 13.14 35.92 7297 0.23 1.53 80.48 17.86 9649 0.25 2.19 32.66 57.31 1.60 - 19.52 71.71 2700 0.09 0.51 100.00 28.37 8292 0.22 1.86 19.52 71.71 Minus 100 Mesh 0.63 43.64 6499 0.38 1.58 *100.00 28.47 8281 0.22 1.86 Sample No. 41886 - 1.30 11.70 8.39 10679 0.63 2.50 11.70 8.39 10679 0.63 2.50 100.00 36.10 1.30 1.40 43.08 15.58 9691 1.10 2.94 54.78 14.04 9902 1.00 2.85 88.30 39.77 1.40 1.60 16.22 36.36 6952 0.80 2.17 71.00 19.14 9228 0.95 2.69 45.22 62.81 1.60 - 29.00 77.60 2143 0.16 0.48 = 100.00 36.10 7173 0.72 2.05 29.00 77.60 Minus 100 Mesh 0.75 43.36 6334 0.88 2.41 *100.00 36.15 7167 0.72 2.05 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material bIT Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE ——ERACTIONS _ ______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS = _______ CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK __ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb_ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash % Btu/Ib Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41887 - 1.30 84.74 7.80 10880 0.07 1.53 84.74 7.80 10880 0.07 1.53 100.00 9.61 1.30 1.40 12.36 16.00 9771 0.13 1.60 97.10 8.84 10739 0.08 1.54 15.26 = 19.68 1.40 1.60 1.86 31.42 7346 0.48 1.72 98.96 9.27 10675 0.09 1.54 2.90 35.35 1.60 - 1.04 42.37 6712 0.46 1.62 100.00 9.61 10634 0.09 1.54 1.04 42,37 Minus 100 Mesh 0.05 2.94 *100.00 Sample No. 41888 - 1.30 69.29 7.61 11193 0.04 1.03 69.29 7.61 11193 0.04 1.03 100.00 11.69 1.30 1.40 26.59 19.37 8936 0.10 1.49 95.88 10.87 10567 0.06 1.16 30.71 20.89 1.40 1.60 3.67 29.74 7950 0.04 1.12 99.55 11.57 10471 0.06 1.16 4.12 30.72 1.60 - 045 38.71 6791 0.17 1.43 100.00 11.69 10454 0.06 1.16 0.45 38.71 Minus 100 Mesh 0.01 = 18.71 2.25 *100.00 11.69 1.16 Sample No. 41889 - 1.30 81.18 7.50 10928 0.16 1.70 81.18 7.50 10928 0.16 1.70 100.00 9.20 1.30 1.40 16.38 = 15.23 10024 0.73 2.29 97.56 8.80 10776 0.26 1.80 18.82 16.55 1.40 1.60 1.93 26.32 8497 0.24 1.40 99.49 9.14 10732 0.26 1.79 2.44 25.37 1.60 - 0.51 = 21.79 6992 0.24 1.20 100.00 9.20 10713 0.26 1.79 0.51 = 21.79 Minus 100 Mesh 0.94 18.43 9984 0.43 1.91 *100.00 9.29 10706 0.26 1.79 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material STT Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE —FRACTIONS _________INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS __ _____CUMULATIVEFLOAT ss SINK Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% <Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% _ Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41890 - 1.30 65.30 10.84 10944 0.27 1.55 65.30 10.84 10944 0.27 1.55 100.00 16.01 1.30 1.40 18.39 19.36 9203 0:38 1.61 83.69 12.71 10561 0.36 1.56 34.70 25.74 1.40 1.60 15.92 33.05 74ST 0.15 1.04 99.61 15.96 10065 0.33 1.48 16.31 32.93 1.60 - 0.39 = 28.01 7940 1.23 2.71 100.00 16.01 10057 0.33 1.48 0.39 28.01 Minus 100 Mesh 1.00 23.18 8531 0.86 1.54 *100.00 16.08 10042 0.34 1.48 Sample No. 41891 - 1.30 63.89 8.35 10836 0.10 2.08 63.89 8.35 10836 0.10 2.08 100.00 16.88 1.30 1.40 15.02 19.07 9384 0.25 2.41 78.91 10.39 10560 0.13 2.14 36.11 31.96 1.40 1.60 17.61 37.46 6814 0.09 1.34 96.52 15.33 9876 0.12 2.00 21.09 = 41.15 1.60 - 348 59.80 4326 0.08 0.62 100.00 16.88 9683 0.12 1.95 348 59.80 Minus 100 Mesh 0.40 29.45 8618 0.24 2.36 *100.00 16.93 9679 0.12 1.95 Sample No. 41892 - 1.30 79.94 7.12 10726 0.06 1.42 79.94 712 10726 0.06 1.42 100.00 =: 12.33 1.30 1.40 11.95 16.23 9906 0.87 1.30 91.89 8.30 10619 0.17 1.40 20.06 33.08 1.40 1.60 242 35.03 6658 0.08 1.00 94.31 8.99 10518 0.16 139 8.11 57.92 1.60 - 5.69 67.65 3136 0.05 0.42 = 100.00 12.33 10098 0.16 1.34 5.69 67.65 Minus 100 Mesh 0.42 27.84 9442 0.08 1.23 *100.00 12.39 10095 0.16 1.34 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material OTT Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE — FRACTIONS _ ____INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS __S CUMULATIVE FLOAT ——SINK _ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb _ Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41893 - 1.30 54.28 8.68 10734 0.11 1.57 54.28 8.68 10734 0.11 1.57 100.00 19.92 1.30 1.40 26.20 17.83 9197 0.17 1.36 80.48 11.66 10234 0.13 1.50 45.72 33.26 1.40 1.60 11.18 37.67 7354 0.10 1.01 91.66 14.83 9882 0.13 1.44 19.52 53.97 1.60 - 8.34 75.82 2292 0.05 0.31 100.00 19.92 9249 0.12 1.35 8.34 75.82 Minus 100 Mesh 0.50 32.79 8860 0.19 1.34. *100.00 19.98 9247 0.12 1.35 Sample No. 41894 - 1.30 85.75 7.37 10758 0.07 1.21 85.75 7.37 10758 0.07 1.21 100.00 10.26 1.30 1.40 9.08 21.11 8300 0.14 1.30 94.83 8.69 10523 0.08 1.22 14.25 27.64 1.40 1.60 4.54 38.15 6755 0.08 0.96 99.37 10.03 10351 0.08 1.21 5.17 39.10 1.60 - 0.63 45.91 6170 0.07 0.79 100.00 10.26 10324 0.08 1.20 0.63 45.91 Minus 100 Mesh 0.09 16.59 7022 0.13 1.30 *100.00 10.26 10321 0.08 1.20 Sample No. 41895 - 1.30 72.45 8.30 10927 0.05 1.35 72.45 8.30 10927 0.05 1.35 100.00 16.67 1.30 1.40 13.58 23.30 8962 0.06 1.06 86.03 10.67 10617 0.05 1.30 27.55 38.67 1.40 1.60 8.23 39.88 7095 0.03 0.70 94.26 13.22 10309 0.05 1.25 13.97 53.62 1.60 - 5.74 73.32 2770 0.04 0.35 100.00 16.67 9877 0.05 1.20 5.74 73.32 Minus 100 Mesh 1.03 32.07 8133 0.07 1.00 *100.00 16.83 9859 0.05 1.20 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material LTT Table 31. (continued) SPECIFIC GRAVITY CUMULATIVE FRACTIONS ___ _______INDIVIDUAL FRACTIONS SC CUMULATIVEFLOAT ——SINK__ Percent Sulfur Percent Sulfur Sink Float Wt% Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% #Ash% Btu/lb Pyritic Total Wt% Ash% Sample No. 41896 - 1.30 60.87 8.33 10979 0.17 1.70 60.87 8.33 10979 0.17 1.70 100.00 = 19.00 1.30 1.40 19.92 20.74 9448 0.43 1.93 80.79 11.39 10602 0.23 1.76 39.13 35.60 1.40 1.60 11.66 36.95 7596 0.15 1.13 92.45 14.61 10222 0.22 1.68 19.21 51.01 1.60 - 755 72.73 2457 0.19 0.56 100.00 19.00 9636 0.22 1.59 7.55 72.73 Minus 100 Mesh 1.03 41.54 7793 0.45 1.70 *100.00 19.23 9617 0.22 1.59 Sample No. 41897 - 1.30 57.77 9.79 10595 0.50 2.04 57.77 9.79 10595 0.50 2.04 100.00 16.84 1.30 1.40 25.86 18.50 9604 0.84 2.48 83.63 12.48 10289 0.61 2.18 42.23, 26.49 1.40 1.60 13.77 37.44 7130 0.94 2.23 97.40 16.01 9842 0.65 2.18 16.37 39.11 1.60 - 2.60 47.98 5684 0.43 1.29 100.00 16.84 9734 0.65 2.16 2.60 47.98 Minus 100 Mesh 048 42.43 8593 0.86 2.44 *100.00 16.96 9728 0.65 2.16 All results are on a Moisture Free Basis *Cumulative float plus minus 100 mesh material Tables 32-33 Overview Tables 32-33 follow on pages 119 - 120. They present petrologic data for samples from drill hole no. 1. Table 32 gives ulminite reflectance rank distribution data and Table 33 presents coal maceral distribution for the coal samples. Reflectance of ulminite is an indication of the rank of coal. The mean value of 0.22 percent indicates that the Little Tonzona coal ranks in the subbituminous 'C’ and lignite range. The narrow (three or less) reflectance class distribution for ulminite is indicative that this seam was not thermally influenced by any intrusive activity. Maceral analysis of the samples is shown in Table 33. Various macerals are indicative of their source material and environment of deposition. The macerals ulminite, gelinite, phlobaphinite and pseudo phlobaphinite originate from woody portions of plants and are highly reactive. The liptinite macerals are waxy substances from various parts of plants; sporinite (spores), resinite (resins), alginite (algal remains), exudatinite (forming resin) cutinite (leaf cuticles), and suberinite (a wax coating of root tissues). Liptinite macerals yield a higher percentage of gas during gasification. The inertinite macerals fusinite, semifusinite and macrinite form from woody portions of the plant. These macerals are partly inert to liquefaction and burn with less ease than other macerals. The Little Tonzona coal samples generally contain over 90% reactive macerals. This is in line with other Alaskan subbituminous coals. 118 Table 32. Reflectance Rank Distribution of Ulminite, Drill Hole No. 1 Mean Maximum Sample Reflectance Classes Reflectance Number vl V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 in oil 41676 91 9 -17 41678 67 33 .19 41679 75 25 17 41681 31 66 3 .23 41682 88 12 25 41683 73 27 18 41684 71 29 18 41685 78 22 18 41686 31 63 6 .22 41688 44 56 21 41689 32 68 23 41690 41 59 20 41692 13 78 9 23 41693 42 58 21 41694 93 7 18 41695 31 65 4 .27 41696 22 63 15 25 41697 5 88 7 24 41698 3 97 23 41699 4 96 23 41700 92 8 25 41701 72 28 27 41702 99 1 25 41703 83 17 27 41704 30 66 4 .22 41705 32 68 — 21 Average 27 66 7 22 119 O2@T Table 33. Distribution of Macerals, Drill Hole No. 1 : 2 8 , 4 i ° E g : ; a : : : 2 3 2 3 4 oe 2 2 2 g §€ 6 € S$ 4» € 8 3 g PF Pi pPei gga dad 2 h2e: i 3 3 2H ££ 2 2 2 2 2 4425 € 3: 3 8 8 8 FR Se 6 2 8B BS 41676 7199 11 649 1.1 1.7 1.2 - - 2 - 2 - 6 3.9 12 22 13 5 41678 7716 - 6.3 - 58 1.8 - - 5 - 5 - 39 3.5 14 5 1.0 J 41679 81.4 - 1.9 5 1.7 9 - - 1.2 - 1.2 - 4 5.6 39 17 26 4 41681 80.1 5 3.2 17 26 4 9 - 13 - 13 - - 6.3 17 13 - - 41682 83.9 - 6.5 14 26 5 - - 1.0 - 1.0 - 4 18 5 9 5 - 41683 74.0 10 34 39 23 4 4 - - - 8 - - 6.6 §2 2.7 19 4 41684 83.7 - 3.1 4 30 10 - - - - - - - 48 39 2.3 13 - 41685 81.2 05 3.7 5 3.1 18 - - - - 4 - - 6.6 39 4 39 - 41686 7154 - 48 3&9 35 13 4 - 8 - 4 - - 8.1 2.6 9 9 - 41688 79.2 - 48 38 46 22 I - - - 17 - - 3.0 14 14 8 - 41689 75.2 - 3.9 18 33 2.1 3 - - - 2.1 7 - 6.0 14 27 a) - 41690 82.1 5 14 2.3 1.9 13 5 - - - 4 - - 74 1.8 14 - - 41692 73.0 - 7.0 23 5.5 14 3 - - - 5 2 - 6.6 13 1.8 a | - 41693 75.1 - 4.5 2.7 61 2.5 6 - - - 1.1 - - 2.2 13 2.9 5 5 41694 75.8 5 2.6 22 3.1 15 - - - - 5 - - 6.3 24 47 4 - 41695 78.1 - 3.6 14 1.7 2.7 - - - - 4 - 4 6.4 14 26 13 - 41696 10.9 - 44 26 5.7 5.7 - - - - 13 - - 42 26 22 4 - 41697 71716 - 3.1 4 3.1 1.8 3 - - - 2 6 - 7.0 2.1 3.0 - - 41698 74.1 - 1.8 12 73 14 - - - - - - - 73 32 20 16 Jl 41699 78.1 4 3.9 43 1.8 13 9 - 4 - 5 - - 4.0 22 22 - - 41700 87.0 - 26 2.1 8 39 - - - - - - - 3.0 1.8 13 - - 41701 84.9 - 3.3 22 36 23 - - - - 5 - - 39 14 5 4 - 41702 88.6 A 4.0 1.0 5 23 - - - - - - - 1.0 8 14 - - 41703 85.9 - 3.2 9 1.0 18 - - - - - - - 2.6 13 39 4 - 41704 76.0 - 54 42 8 8 - - - - 8 - 4 5.8 14 44 - - 41705 81.2 5 2.6 24 22 14 - - - - 5 - - 2.0 1.8 54 - -