HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtqasuk Coal Project Report 1988NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Atqasuk Coal Project Planning & Community Services CEP shawabel PO BOxOo Barrow, Alaska 99723 ee ATQASUK COAL PROJECT PROJECT REPORT ene DECEMBER, 1988 PREPARED BY ARCTIC SLOPE CONSULTING GROUP Engineers ¢ Scientists ¢ Surveyors 6700 Arctic Spur Road Anchorage, Alaska 99518-1550 Telephone: (907) 349-5148 Fax: (907) 349-4213 North Slope Borough Atqasuk Coal Mine Project RELI Project # 13-127 Project Report NSB Contract NO. 87-1903 December 1988 Submitted To: North Slope Borough P.O.Box 69 Barrow, Alaska 99723 Submitted By: Arctic Slope Consulting Group P.O. Box 650 Barrow, Alaska 993723 aS ARCTIC SLOPE CONSULTING GROUP | Engineers °* Scientists * Surveyors June 12, 1989 North Slope Borough P.O. Box 69 Barrow, Alaska 99723 Attn: Dave Fauske, Deputy Director, Planning, CIP/Teleconference Subject: NSB Atqasuk Coal Mine Project RELI # 13-127, Project Report Dear Mr. Fauske: Arctic Slope Consulting Group is pleased to submit herein our project report on the Atqasuk Coal Mine Project- Project Installation Photographs and Checklists. The NSB coal project has successfully demonstrated: 1) the Atqasuk labor force is capable and the Corporation willing to support a local coal industry on the North Slope; 2) residents of Atqasuk find the use of coal to be an acceptable alternative to oil; 3) and that modern coal fired technology is safe, burns the subbituminous coal cleanly, and is appropriate for the application investigated. There are many steps to be taken concerning the development of the local coal resource, however, this demonstration has been instrumental in determining local interest and technical feasibility of the project. It was a pleasure to work with you and other NSB representatives. Especially helpful were the people and organizations of Atqasuk. Their cooperation and enthusiasm made this challenging project possible. Sin oS e Ge) Kent M. Grinage North Slope Regional Manager KMG/jec Enclosures P.O. Box 650, Barrow, AK 99723 . PH (907) 852-4556 . FAX (907) 852-5733 BARROW . ANCHORAGE . FAIRBANK S Section TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter. List of Table List of Figures 1 @ INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Background . 1.2 Project Objectives 1.3 Scope of Work. 7 1.4 Project Organization MINING PROGRAM. .. . 2.1 Project Schedule 2.2 Mobilization. . 2.3 Stripping and Backfilling. 2.4 Coal Mining and Delivery 2.5 Geology and Coal Quality NSTALLATION. General. | Production Schedule. Equipment Purchase and Transport Equipment Installation x 3 3. 3 3 3 Safety and Maintenance OPWNR OAL UTILIZATION. General. : Observation. Coal Use Analysis. mer Bad WNPr PY PROJECT COST. ls || een mm LILIT Ibis 5.2 Cost Breakdown PROJECT WORK FORCE. 6.1 General... 6.2 Work Force Profile 6.3 Labor Cost CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Conclusions. . 7.1.1 General 7.1.2 Mining Productivity and Costs 7.1.3 Installation. ii PRP RPE 1 WNRRR N INNNNN mm trutie rPOUNRE WWWWWwW ' NBPWNR KR bP Pb tot NRPRR maou ' PRP i) ' WrRrRr AaADND ' 1 NANA 1 OrPRRP Re 7.2 Recommendations. . 7-6 7.2.1 Coal Mining 7-6 7.2.2 Installation. 7-8 LIST OF TABLES Number Page 2-1 Summary of Coal Analysis 2-13 5-1 Project Cost Breakdown 5-2 6-1 Project Personnel Employment List. 6-2 6-2 Project Labor Cost : 6-3 7-1 Direct Mining Cost Estimate. 7-3 7-2 Subtask Cost Breakdown... 7-4 71-3 Installation Cost Breakdown. 7-5 7-4 Increased Production Cost Estimate 7-7 LIST OF FIGURES Number Page 2-1 Project Location Map 2-4 2-2 Plan View of Mine Site - 2-6 2-3 Excavation Plan and Section. .. 2-8 2-4 Coal Stockpile Plan and Section. 2-10 2-5 Geologic Cross Sections. 2-12 iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The high cost of fuel oil on the North Slope has created many hardships amongst its residents and has suppressed economic development throughout the region. This problem has further been compounded by substantial decreases in state and local expenditures in capital projects which have provided cash income opportunities to many residents. Both the high cost of fuel oil and lack of cash income are the key factors that make up the energy problems prevalent through rural Alaska. Aware of this problem, the North Slope Borough (NSB) Mayor and Assembly granted funds in 1986 to Arctic Slope Consulting Group (ASCG) to perform the NSB Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Program under the Mayor’s Resident Living Improvements Program (RELI). The purpose of this project was to extract 100 tons of coal, install coal burning units in Pt. Lay, Pt. Hope, and Wainwright, distribute the coal to the participants and monitor its use. This project was of great interest to the people of Atqasuk since coal was mined approximately 1.5 miles from their village at the old Meade River Coal Mine. Due to the high cost of fuel oil for home heating in Atqasuk, any local fuel source has the potential for reducing heating costs. The Meade River coal mine is a logical source for an alternate heating fuel. In June of 1987, in response to the villages request, the NSB Assembly approved funds for the NSB RELI project 13-127, Atqasuk Coal Mine Project. 1.2 Project Objectives This project is the first step towards development of a cost effective method for mining coal at Atqasuk. The purpose of the project is to maximize on the use of the Atqasuk labor force and to mine and deliver to the village a minimum of 100 tons of coal for use in a pilot program to test the use of coal for residential heating. The project yielded information on costs and operating requirements which will assist in the analysis of mining methods best suited to recovery of the Meade River coal and the benefits which can be derived from its use. Other tasks of the project included installation of coal stoves and monitoring of coal use in several residences. 1.3 Scope of Work The major project tasks undertaken by ASCG are presented below: 1) Mobilization Planning of the mining operation and procurement of the supplies and equipment required for performance of the mining. Obtain all appropriate permits. 2) Mining Using local labor and NSB heavy equipment excavate 100 tons of coal and stockpile at the gravel stockpile area adjacent to the village. 3) Installation Using local labor install ten (10) coal-fired residential heating units in selected participating homes under the supervision of a qualified technician. 4) Coal Utilization Devise a method for delivery of the coal to the residents which provides for a continuous supply and a method for measurement of coal used at each installation. 1.4 Project Organization Funding for this project was provided by the NSB. ASCG were the recipients of the NSB grant and were therefore responsible for the management of the overall project, installation equipment procurement, installation supervision, and final report preparation. Denton Civil and Mineral was retained by ASCG as a subconsultant responsible for mining planning and supervision. Local hiring, project coordination within the village, and selection of demonstration participants were performed in the village by a Project Coordinator residing in the village. 2.8 MINING PROGRAM 2.1 Project Schedule Commencement of the project the beginning of November provided for the use of overland transport and stockpiling of coal. Mining during the summer or early fall would have required bagging of coal and transport by all-terrain vehicles or boat, which would have resulted in a much higher cost per ton. Mining and delivery of the coal in the later fashion would have provided data which would show inflated costs above that which is realistic for long term supply of coal to the village of Atqasuk. Performing the entire project by use of efficient earthmoving equipment while surface travel over frozen tundra was possible gives a better picture of the potential cost benefits that can be anticipated from mining of the Meade River coal. If, in the future, an all season road is constructed to the mine, the data obtained from this project can easily be extrapolated to predict mining costs under summer conditions. Following is an abbreviated summary of the project : Oct 26 to Oct 29 Planning and procurement in Anchorage. Research existing information on the mine site, develop preliminary mining plan, develop material lists, and line up material suppliers for items not available on the North Slope. Nov 1 to Nov 2 Planning and procurement in Barrow Nov 3 to Nov 4 Project setup in Atqasuk. Hiring, training, liaison and local procurement. Nov 5 to Nov 6 Mobilization, construct bridge, mine access and support facilities. Nov 7 to Nov 8 Stripping overburden. Nov 9 No work. Bad blizzard and dozer down. Nov 1@ to Nov 14 Finished stripping overburden. Nov 15 Clean hanging wall and haul 4 loads of coal. Nov 17 to Nov 18 Finish hauling coal, 14 more loads. Nov 19 to Nov 20 Backfilling pit and demobilization. Nov 18 to Nov 21 Construct coal cribs and begin delivery to residences. Nov 22 to Nov 23 Finish demobilization and return excess materials and equipment to Barrow for storage. 2.2 Mobilization Mobilization for this project entailed the procurement of materials and equipment not available in Atgasuk and air shipment to Atqasuk. When available, materials and rental equipment were obtained from companies located in Barrow. Primary items procured outside of the NSB were overburden drills, explosives (which were not used) and safety equipment. An unoccupied house in Atqasuk was used for housing for the supervisor and for storage of most of the materials and small equipment. Explosives were left in storage in Anchorage with the supplier. Stripping, mining and transportation equipment were rented from the NSB fleet stationed in Atqasuk. Access to the site was via a winter road over the tundra which followed a route previously used for access to the old Meade River CoalMine. A small unnamed creek had to be crossed about one half mile from the mine site. This creek is used by local residents as a source of unchlorinated drinking water and it was therefore important to minimize impacts to the creek. A temporary bridge over the creek was constructed from scrap glu-lam beams stored at the NSB yard near Ikmakrak Lake and water from the creek was used to construct ice approaches. At the completion of mining, the bridge was removed and the beams returned to the storage yard. Figure 2-1 shows the project location and the access and coal haul route. A small (about 6 foot by 8 foot) skid mounted warm-up shack was borrowed from James Aiken, of Atqasuk, and moved to the mine site for shelter. This warm-up shack was heated with a small kerosene space heater, which maintained the interior at near room temperature and kept a pot of water hot for instant coffee and tea. A 50@ gallon fuel tank was moved to the site and filled twice from the NSB "Ardco" all terrain fuel truck. This was the primary source of fuel for the equipment and filling was performed by gravity feed using a fork equipped loader to lift the tank. Demobilization from the site included removal of the temporary bridge, clean-up, and removal of all materials and facilities located at the mine site. Materials and equipment which would not be needed for the remainder of the project were inventoried and returned to Barrow for storage. Mining equipment and facilities were returned to the location from where they were originally stored at Atqasuk. TK MAKRAK Lake PROJECT LOCATION MAP ATQASUK COAL MINE PROJECT | Drawn 1/8/88 by. SWD Scale 1"=1000! FIGURE 2-1 2.3 Stripping and Backfilling The site selected for the mining operation was at the north edge of the depression left from previous hydraulic mining. The selected area was believed to be outside of the limits of underground workings and having been already distributed would result in minimal new environmental impact fromthe new mining. The general mining plan was to remove overburden from the coal and stockpile it south and east and immediately adjacent to the excavation to facilitate easy backfilling after coal removal. Figure 2-2 shows a general layout of the mine area. It was originally assumed that blasting would be required to break the frozen sand which was the anticipated overburden on the coal. It was therefore assumed that step excavation slopes of approximately one-half horizontal to one vertical could be achieved. The original pit was laid out with the goal of exposing enough coal surface to extract 15@ tons and provide a 20 percent ramp to the pit floor. The pit layout was also based on the assumption of 25 feet of overburden depth and 6 feet of recoverable coal. From these assumptions a coal area of 2@ feet by 32 feet was targeted for mining with the pit dimensions required at the top of the excavation of 5@ feet by 200 feet. Following is a list of the main pieces of mining equipment which were rented from the NSB, Atqasuk and used in the stripping and mining operations: lea. Caterpillar D7 Dozer equipped with single shank ripper. 1 ea. Caterpillar 966 Loader with Balderson hitch allowing rapid change between bucket and fork attachments. lea. Caterpillar D25 articulated dump truck with rock box. Epge of DEPRESSION / Oro LINDERGROUND Warn-UiP Sack ‘ ge ee TANK Drcess Tap of BuuFF B® Oco Worst HEaneRame PLAN VIEW OF MINE SITE ATQASUK COAL MINE PROJECT Drawn 1/8/88 by SWD Scale 1"=100! FIGURE 2-2 After removing the first few feet of thawed overburden by dozer the ability of the dozer to rip the underlying frozen material was tested and found to be acceptable. Blizzard conditions prevailed during much of the project and ripping of the overburden was selected as the preferred method since drilling productivity would have been extremely low for persons using hand drills in the mustered pit. After coal was reached, it was found that the top several feet were unacceptable for shipment due to the high amount of clay and bone layers. At the time that coal was encountered, the width of the pit bottom was the minimum acceptable for operating clearance due to the shallower slopes that resulted from ripping as a means of breaking the overburden. Also, upon reaching the coal hanging wall, the north end of the pit floor and the loss of focal to the underground necessitated the expansion of the pit about 34@ feet east and 3@ feet north to enable recovery of the required amount of coal. Figure 2-3 shows the final plan and section of the pit just prior to coal removal. From the cross section survey taken after completion of overburden, it is calculated that 2,550 bank cubic yards of overburden were removed. Approximately one-half of the stripping was done by dozer only. The remainder of the overburden was removed by the dozer ripping and pushing spoilto the edge of the pit, where it was tramped by the loader to the overburden stockpile. Both the dozer and the loader were used to backfill the pit, with the final regrading performed by the dozer. Due to the overburden swell, there was more spoil available than required to backfill the pit to original contour. The excess spoil was spread and graded in preexistent depression south of the pit and the final regraded surface closely resembles the pre-mining condition. Ter of Excavation LO ORIGINAL GRouAD Fo ee Excavation LMirs Hawt@in@ WALL CoAL 20° Secriony A-A LEGEND 4 34% spot Elevation RX Underground Workings Notes: 1) Elevation Datum = 50.0 feet at top of bluff above Meade River 2) Drawing based on cross sections surve ake 8 EXCAVATION PLAN & SECTION ATQASUK COAL MINE PROJECT Drawn 1/8/88 by SWD Scale 1"=20' HeV FIGURE 2-3 2.4 Coal Mining and Delivery About three feet of alternating layers of coal, bone and clay was removed after first encountering coal in the excavation. Then, a layer of light colored clay was encountered immediately above coal which was visibly of higher quality than that previously encountered. The top of the coal seam was hand and machine cleaned of foreign material and the sides of the excavation were cleaned of loose material to reduce contamination of the coal to be mined. Prior to excavation of coal by the loader, it was lightly ripped by the dozer. The loader tried digging the coal, without ripping it first, and was unable to do so without generating large amounts of fines. The area of coal removed is shaded in Figure 2-3. The boundaries of the coal removed were measured after coal removal and the depth was found to be between 4 and 4.5 feet. The total volume of coal mined, assuming an average of 4 feet recovered, is approximately 3,300 cubic feet, which yields a total of 132 tons, assuming a coal density of 25 cubic feet per ton. At least 1 foot of coal remained on the bottom of the pit, which was not recoverable due to space restrictions on the pit floor. Coal was hauled from the mine to the stockpile located in the gravel stockpile area east of the village. The stockpile location is shown on Figure 2-1. A total of 18 loads of coal were hauled, 17 tothe stockpile and one to Mrs. Burnell’s house. A long slender shape for the stockpile was chosen to facilitate covering it with tarp thereby reducing potential for snow contamination and wind scattering of coal fines. The stockpile shape also minimizes the amount of stockpile surface which must be exposed while loading for delivery to the consumers. A plan and section of the coal stockpile is shown in Figure 2-4. In order to provide ameans of convenient use for the consumers and for monitoring of coal consumption the following distribution and monitoring plan was FoLY PROPYLENE TARP Tarr Tied To 10 X10 Tim BERS SEcTIonN A-A Scare 1* =4' COAL STOCKPILE PLAN & SECTION ATQASUK COAL MINE PROJECT Drawn 1/8/88 by SWD Scale as shown FIGURE 2-4 developed. Covered coal cribs (boxes) were constructed, for each residence using the coal, and placed at a convenient location adjacent to the house. Each coal crib has a capacity of about 170@ pounds of coal. A plywood box was constructed for the bed of a pick-up that would hold 21.5 cubic feet or about 1700 pounds of coal. A plywood box was constructed for the bed of a pick-up that would hold 21.5 cubic feet or about 1000 pounds assuming a loose coal density of 45 to 50 pounds per cubic foot. A crew of two persons will be responsible for maintaining coal in the cribs and the consumption of each residence can be monitored by the number of loads delivered. 2.5 Geology and Coal Quality A geologic section of the formations encountered in the excavation is shown in Figure 2-5. with the exception of the gray sand deposits the overburden and coal were highly frost fractured with moderate ice content above the clay bed between 1 and 2 seam and low ice content below. The sand deposits were moist upon thawing but exhibited little thawed strength and no excess water. Samples of number 1 seam decomposed to about 1/4 inch minus upon thawing and contained enough excess water to yield a thin muddy consistency. Samples of number 2 seam decomposed to about 1 inch minus upon thawing with enough excess water to generously coat all particles of coal. A total of seven samples were taken and sent to the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory for analysis, the results of which are summarized in Table 2-1. 2-11 Base of ; ; Fine sand and surface debris (coal & organics) Seasonal Thaw ee with frozen cap. Rust to gray color. YZ Fine sand grading to silty sand. Gray color Gray clay with coal inclusions. Clay, boney coal and coal bands with occasional sand lenses. Number 1 Seam. Sample #87-2 Dark gray clay. Sample #87-7 Clean shiny coal, frost fractured. Number 2 Seam (upper). Sample #87-3 Silty clay parting. Sample #'s 87-4 & 87-6 Clean shiny coal, frost fractured. Number 2 Seam (lower). Sample #87-5 Notes: 1) Sample #87-1 taken from the side of underground workings above and below parting. 2) Coal seam designation inferred from MIRL report titled Charactization and Washability of Alaskan Coals, Phase II October 1980. GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTION ATQASUK COAL MINE PROJECT Drawn 1/8/88 by SWD No Scale FIGURE 2-5 TABLE 2-1 Summary of Coal Analysis Sample Thkn Type Description Moist. Ash Heating # ft. % % BTU/Ib 87-1 3.0 Channel 2 seam old wkgs 20.02 2.51 10,353 87-2 3.7 Channel 1 seam 17.68 21.10 7,848 87-3 2.5 Channel 2 seam (upper) 20.68 5.16 9,848 87-4 @.1 Channel Parting 2 seam 12.99 40.32 5,466 87-5 1.8 Channel 2 seam (lower) 19.08 1.89 10,640 87-6 N/A Grab 2 ptg pit floor 17.61 68.55 1,081 87-7 .8 Channel Clay FW 1 seam 18.09 67.20 1,104 Note: Analysis reported on an as-received basis. The sample from number 2 seam taken from the old underground workings (87-1) did not have any visible surface moisture and had as-received moisture value comparable to those This would tend to indicate that the surface moisture observed upon thawing of the average of samples 87-3 through 87-6 gives for the samples of 2 seam taken form the pit walls. an anticipated average analysis for the stockpiles coal as follows: Moisture Ash Heating Value 19.90 percent 4.94 percent 10,049 BTU per pound 2-13 3.0 INSTALLATION 3.1 General All installations have been done in accordance with NFPA 211. It was necessary to select units that were suitable for the participants. A large percent of this task had been done previously by Pat Gillen in Phase I of the Western Arctic Coal Project, eliminating many units that were not designed to burn bituminous coal. After testing units selected in Phase I of the project, and interviewing participants, the stoves to be installed were narrowed toa selection of four. With each stove having features of its’ own making it unique for particular installations. A couple new stoves were considered but later disqualified after further review of the product. The four stoves chosen for participants to select from were, the Sovoy Mod. #53 for its ability to have fuel oil combination, the Ashley CW 85 for its double wall construction making the outer walls of the stoves cooler and less likely to burn small children, also reducing clearances tocombustibles. The third stove selected was the Harman MK III for its blower design, large flat cooling surface and superior construction. The Riteway Omni was the fourth chosen. The Riteway design is tall and slender making it attractive to those who have little space. All the stoves selected have affectivity ratings between 55% - 65% with the Harman MK III and Riteway Omni at 65%. The next step was travel to Atqasuk to meet with the selected participants and with them decide which of the stoves best met their needs and where to locate them in the home for maximum space usage and heat distribution. Due to the floor plan of most of the homes this choice was limited to one location and occasionally two. At this point an Installation Materials List was assembled. 3.2 Production Schedule 8/5/87 8/6-7/87 8/8-26/87 8/28/87 9/29/87 10/5/87 10/6-8/87 10/9/87 10/10-26/87 10/20/87 12/1-3/87 1/6/88 Travel and Preliminary stove selection. Travel to Atqasuk - participant housing survey. Material list and bid preparation. Material bids awarded. Material begins arriving at the freight consolidator in Fairbanks for shipment to Barrow. First shipment of materials arrives in Barrow. Consolidate materials for first shipment to Atqasuk. First of two shipments of materials to Atqasuk. Orientate employees to installation practices. Installation of coal stoves and chimneys. Second shipment of materials arrives. Travel to Atqasuk - Check on construction of coal bins and inspect installation of 3 non-participants stoves to verify proper installation. Travel to Atqasuk with Kent Grinage and Fenton Rexford for installation follow-up survey. 1/7/88 Make necessary modifications and return to Barrow. 1/18-29/88 Project Report. 3.3 Equipment Purchase and Transport Due to the similarities of the NSB Atqasuk Coal Project and the NSB WAC Project the Material Bid List were combined and materials consolidated in Fairbanks for volume shipment to Barrow at which time the materials were divided into respective projects. Because of the wide variety of materials needed the bid list was divided into seven sections. With prospective bidders encouraged to bid on all or any of the individual sections. Each of the seven sections received a minimum of two competitive bids and were awarded to the low bidder with the exception of Section 7 (Misc. Installation Materials). In which case there were four bids none of which were complete. Thus, materials for this section were made at the discretion of the installation supervisor using portions of the respective bids where applicable. To standardize bids and simplify logistics all bids were F.0.B. Fairbanks. Quotes were received from three air carriers to transport installation materials from Fairbanks to Barrow. These carriers and their respective quotes are: Northern Air Cargo ($31.97 per 100); Mark Air ($34.85 per 100); and Northern Air Freight ($35.64 per 100) with the obvious low quote - Northern Air Cargo. The materials for the Atqasuk Coal Project and the Western Arctic Coal Project were consolidated in Fairbanks for economical bulk freight rates. The total shipping of materials was approximately 16,000 pounds with the Atqasuk portion being 6500 pounds. Once in Barrow a local laborer was hired to divide materials into respective villages and then the materials were secured in storage at Cape Smythe Air until needed in the villages. Cape Smythe Air, Barrow Air, and Northstar Air Cargo were all considered for transporting the installation materials to the villages. Due to the compatibility of load sizes with the Twin Otter, the availability of secure warehouse space (at no charge), and the ideal staging area Cape Smythe Air was chosen. Barrow Air lacked aircraft with sufficient load capacity. Barrow Air and Northstar Air Cargo lacked sufficient warehouse space. 3.4 Equipment Installation Selection of participants was done by the village coordinator. Notification of the project was done in writing and posted in prominent locations two weeks prior to selection of participants. Participants were selected on their 1) desire 2) economic need and 3) anticipated participation. A list of selected participants and the stove selected for installation follows: 1. Daniel Stalker, Jr. Riteway Omni 2. Joe A. Akpik Ashley CW85 3. David Simmonds Ashley CW85 4. Ronald Kipp, Sr. Ashley CW85 5. Pheobe Kippi Riteway Omni 6. Daisy Shugluk Harman Mark III 7. Margaret Ahngasuk Ashley CW85 8. Herman Kignak, Sr. Harman Mark III 9. Thomas Brower, Jr. Riteway Omni 10. Peter Kippi, Sr. Ashley CW85 In most cases it was decided that stoves should be installed in locations that wood heaters were previously installed, thus having chimneys and in some cases full installations to contend with. This proved to be a detriment rather than advantage. Prior to April of 1987 NFPA regulations allowed coal heating appliances to be installed on Class A chimneys. Coal heating appliances installed after this date ar required to have higher rating of U.L. Standards - 103-HT, thus making it necessary to remove existing chimneys to install chimneys with the U.L. 103-HT rating. This increased installation time two-four man hours. ALL OF THE SIX CHIMNEYS REMOVED HAD BEEN INSTALLED WITHOUT REGARD TO MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS OR NFPA 211 REQUIREMENTS, AND WERE DEFINITELY FIRE HAZARDS, HAVING MELTED INSULATION AND CHARRED RAFTERS. ITIS THE OPINION OF THE INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR THAT THE ONLY REASON SOME OF THESE HAD NOT PREVIOUSLY CAUGHT FIRE WAS THE INABILITY TO OBTAIN OXYGEN FOR COMBUSTION. BECAUSE THE CHIMNEYS WERE INSTALLED ZERO CLEARANCE TO INSULATION, RAFTERS AND ROOFING MATERIALS, RATHER THAN WITH 2" AIR CLEARANCE AS SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION AND NFPA REGULATIONS. All chimneys installed were Security brand model ASHT having U.L. 103-HT approval and were installed with the required minimum 2" air space. This 2" air space is an area of definite heat loss. But necessary! To minimize heat loss all ceiling trim collars were sealed with silicone in a manner to maintain a vapor barrier, therefore eliminating filtration heat loss. Chimneys were installed so that they terminated a minimum of two feet above the peak of the roof to minimize the possibility of down drafts. Chimneys that penetrated the roof line more than six feet were secured with a chimney brace. To connect the stoves to the chimneys - Security double wall connector pipe was used. Securities double walled pipe far surpasses NFPA’s required standard 24 gage single wall stove pipe ,minimums and has many features that make it outstanding for the application: 1) Inner liner is stainless steel all but eliminating the need for replacement; 2) Outer wall is aesthetically pleasing black finish and vented to allow cooling and heat distribution through convection; 3) Available in a selection of lengths and slip sections eliminating the need for cutting; 4) Reduced clearances to combustibles 6" rather than 18" for single wall; 5) Unique twist lock for tight joints. (Although not required for twist lock pipe - three screws were placed in each joint); and 6) Cool exteriors minimize the possibilities of burns to small children. Wall protection. NFPA standards state that the stove clearance to combustibles may be reduced by 2/3 (from 36" without protection to 12” with) by installing a noncombustible material with one inch of air space behind it, provided that noncombustible spacers are used. All installation utilized this practice in order to minimize the loss of living space. In many cases, installation would not have been possible without this practice. 24 gage galvanized sheet metal with edges hemmed was used as the noncombustible material with 1" conduit spacers secured with screws. Floor protection was fabricated from 5/8’’ Homasote (a commercial grade noncombustible material that meets NFPA requirement for floor protection) covered with 24 gage sheet metal. This floor protection was custom sized to allow proper clearances to all sides of the stove including the 16" ,minimum in front of the firebox opening. Heat distribution throughout the house has been a concern. To maximize heat distribution where forced air oil furnaces are the primary heat sources the furnace blowers were wired with separate thermostats so they can be operated independently from the furnaces, and distribute the air heated by the coal stoves through the existing duct work. Where forced air heat was not available small air distribution fans were mounted in the hallways to move warm air to the back rooms. 3.5 Safety and Maintenance Safety was of the highest priority. Al participants were given a through explanation of the proper and safe use of their coal heating appliance with an explanation of the benefits and detriments of proper and improper use and maintenance of their stove. Additionally each participant received the necessary accessory items needed for safe operation of the stove. These items included a coal hod for stoking the fire, ash bucket w/lid, three piece tool set (shovel, broom and poker), five pound ABC fire extinguisher, and a smoke detector. Each village coordinator was supplied with chimney cleaning equipment with understanding of the participants that the use of this equipment is there upon request, and should be done when creosote and soot accumulates more than 1/8 of an inch, once a year, whichever is sooner. 4.@ COAL UTILIZATION 4.1 General This portion of the project involved the usage of coal by the selected demonstration participants. As part of the monitoring effort during this phase of the project, a fuel use monitoring report prepared by ASCG for the Western Arctic Coal Demonstration Project was utilized. These report were used by the Village Project Coordinator to track the performance of the stoves, amount of coal/oil consumed and comments of the participants. In order to provide a means of convenient use for the consumers and for monitoring of coal consumption, the following distribution and monitoring plan was developed. on November 18, covered coal cribs (boxes) were constructed, for each residence using the coal, and placed at a convenient location adjacent to the house. Each coal crib has a capacity of about 1700 pounds of coal. A plywood box was constructed for the bed of a pick-up that would hold 21.5 cubic feet or about 10@@ pounds assuming a loose coal density of 45 to 50 pounds per cubic foot. A crew of two persons will be responsible for maintaining coal in the cribs and the consumption of each residence can be monitored by the number of loads delivered. Coal deliveries began on November 21. 4.2 Observations The following observations have been recorded: 1) All coal-burning units selected for the demonstration performed well. 2) The primary use of coal has been as a supplemental heating source to fuel oil, especially in the newer type NSB housing. In the newer homes stand alone convection type coal stoves can only heat the immediate surrounding area leaving the backrooms without sufficient heat. 3) Due to the inconsistent use of the monitoring reports by the coordinators and at times lack of a coordinator, the data gathered is spotty. Attempts were made however to evaluate the data and utilize an end of project participant survey. Results of which are presented in the next subsection. 4.3 Coal Use Analysis On April 26, 1987 a survey was conducted of each coal demonstration participant including two residents who had coal stoves installed prior to this program. This made for twelve (12) survey respondents. The survey asked questions pertaining to satisfaction with coal stove installation and coal use, how often they used the coal and would they participate in future coal programs. Of the twelve (12) participants, four (4) rated their coal stove installations as excellent, seven (7) rated them good, and one rated their installation poor. Concerning the coal as an a fuel, six (6) rated coal as an excellent fuel, five (5) as good, and one (1) fair. When asked how long and when do they utilize coal, three (3) said all day, five (5) stated they use coal during the daytime, others used it when it got too cold or ran out of fuel. Eight (8) participants said they used coal about 8 months out of the year, September to April/May. All eleven (11) participants that responded to the question whether they would participate in future coal programs responded by saying yes. In all cases coal was used as a supplemental fuel to oil. This was due to the area heating limitations of the stand alone convection coal stoves used on this project and the style of housing which utilizes forced air or hydronic heating systems in order to reach all of the walled in rooms in the house. From the fuel use monitoring reports the following examples give a representative picture of coal and oil use during the demonstration period. During the month of January, Thomas Itta Sr. burned approximately 2500 pounds of coal and 12@ gallons of fuel oil. Coal provided 61% of the heating demand for Mr. Itta’s home. From December to February, Mr. Peter Kippi burned 6520 pounds of coal and consumed 247 gallons of oil. Mr. Kippi met 68% of his heating demand with coal during this period. Overall coal use provided from 8% to 68% of the heating demand of nine (9) participants who responded to the surveys. The mean being 36%. For the nine (9) participants coal displaced approximately 1800 gallons of fuel from November 24 to January 21. The average reduction in fuel oil consumption per month per participant was about 100 gallons. This is substantial considering the limitations of the heating units. 5.@ PROJECT COST 5.1 General The Atqasuk Coal mine Project, as part of the overall energy resource development project, has provided much technical and social data required to, develop appropriate mining methods, demonstrate the applicability of modern coal stove technology and assess the social acceptance, desires, and capabilities of coal mining and end use by NSB residents. 5.2 Cost Breakdown The NSB demonstration project represents the second mining effort at the old Meade Rive Coal Mine. The project costs presented include the cost of stove installation, mining, coal distribution and project management. Total project costs were $209,656. This is 53% of the original project budget of $395,000.00 and reflects the ease of mining which was not anticipated and mine planning that located and produced the coal efficiently for a first time effort. The test mining effort was by far the largest cost category of the project representing 44% of the total project budget. Table 5-1 presents the project cost breakdown. It should be noted the cost associated with all phases of the project except for the installation of stoves are not representative of cost conditions that would prevail under normal operating conditions. The project economics of scale to provide valid economic data to determine mining feasibility. Further, the initial field effort was a test mining one that contained non-productive and/or non-recurring costs that were necessary to get the initial field program up and running. Those activities will not be necessary or can be reduced in scope for future project development activities. TABLE 5-1 Project Cost Breakdown Project Management. Administration Project Coordinator Mining Operation Mine Planning and Reconnaissance Field Supervisor Supervisor Subsistence/Travel Material Freight Rental Labor (429.0 Hrs.) Coal Distribution Materials/Freight Labor (206.5 Hrs. ) Installation. (216.5 Hrs.) Installation Supervisor Supervisor Subsistence/Travel Materials/Freight Labor (163.@ Hrs. Coal Crib Construction. Materials/Freight Labor (106.@ Hrs.) $ 37,983. 7,824. 19,767. 12,237. 4,058. 4,122. 3,187. 33,586. 15,504. 837. 6,794. 21,741. 7,285. 20,587. 5,890. 3,749. 4,499. 25 31 @O 50 14 710 6@ eo @6 16 32 9 15 58 82 35 43 TOTAL -$ 45,807.56 -$ 92,463.00 -$ 7,631.48 -$ 55,505.45 -$ 8,248.78 $209,656.27 6.0 PROJECT WORK FORCE 6.1 General All labor requirements, except for field and installation supervision were obtained through hiring North Slope residents from the village of Atqasuk. The Project Village Coordinator (PVC) maintained an employment list for the community. The PVC was responsible for selection of the workers when notified by the field supervisors that an employee was needed or a job became vacant. 6.2 Work Force Profile The NSB Atqasuk Coal Mine RELI Project employed 11 Atqasuk residents from July 31, 1987 to May 13, 1988. This project provided 1121 hours of work for the Atqasuk work force. The total hours are substantially below the original proposed crew hour estimate of 3000 hours. This is due to the relative ease of mining the coal which was not anticipated and correlates with the project expenditures being only 53% of the original budget. The largest employment sector was in mining, with 5 workers, (45% of total). In addition to mining, there were employed 4 equipment installers, (36 % of total), and 2 project coordinators (18% of total). Personnel and job classifications are presented in Table 6-1. TABLE 6-1 Project Personnel Employment List Village Project Coordinator Ron Kippi, Sr. Leroy Gunderson Coal Mining Employees 4% Simeon Akpik, Jr. Larry Itta Mike Shugluk x David Simmonds Alvin Lieb Village Installers Joseph Kippi Thomas Itta, Jr. Amos Kippi Joe Akpik A total of approximately 535 hours of labor, excluding supervision, were used to perform the mining tasks, which can be broken down as follows: Mob/Demob 105 Hours 2@ Percent Stripping 207 Hours 39 Percent Mining & Hauling 88 Hours 16 Percent Backfilling 29 Hours 5 Percent Coal Crib Construction 106 Hours 2@ Percent A total of 163 hours of labor, excluding supervision, were used to perform the installation task. 6.3 Labor Cost Labor costs for the entire project amounted to 19% of the overall project cost. Labor cost are presented in Table 6-2. Labor cost associated with mining make up 38% of the total labor cost and 17% of the mining costs. TABLE 6-2 Project Labor Cost Percent Major Cost Categories Task Cost Project Cost Management Fees and Administration Cost $ 45,800 22 Planning, Mining and Stockpiling 92,500 44 132 tons of coal Coal Distribution 7,600 @4 Stove Purchase and Installation 55,500 26 Coal Crib Construction 8,200 @4 TOTAL $ 209,600 100 Local Labor Cost S$ 7,800 15,500 6,800 5,980 S$ 4,500 $42,500 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Conclusions 7.1.1 General The NSB Atqasuk Coal Demonstration Project has demonstrated that it is possible to mine 10@ tons of coal and burn coal adequately in today’s modern coal burning units. All demonstration participants view coal as an acceptable home heating fuel. Residents of Atqasuk are capable and willing to support a coal mining effort in their community. Even though the coal mining was conducted during severe weather conditions, the work crews performed exceedingly well. In addition there were no work related injuries. This demonstrates this type of work can be performed in a safe manner even during harsh winter conditions. 7.1.2 Mining Productivity and Costs From the cross section survey performed of the pit prior to coal rem,oval it was estimated that approximately 2,55@ bank cubic yards (BCY) of overburden was removed to yield 132 tons of coal. This gives a gross stripping ratio of 19.32 BCY per ton. Ofthe 94 hours of dozer time used, approximately 63 hours were used in the stripping operation, yielding a gross productivity of 40.5 activity for about 7 1/2 days at 1@ hours per day, which yields a net productivity of 34 BCY per man-hour. Only one truck was available for coal hauling and about 15 hours were required for coal haul, which yields a hauling productivity of 8.8 tons per hour. Round trip time for each load was about 50 minutes with less than 10 minutes required for loading. Therefore, addition of more haul trucks would increase the overall productivity of the coal mining activity in direct proportion to the number of trucks hauling fleets up to 5 trucks. Table 7-1 is an estimate of the overall direct mining costs for the project. Costs for construction of the coal cribs and coal distribution are excluded from this estimate. Also, it should be noted that, as stated, Table 7-2 is only an estimate of costs,since actual invoice costs for all items were not in hand during preparation of this report. Table 7-2 is a breakdown of the direct mining costs by subtask and the unit cost for each subtask. It should be noted that the cost for coal loading and hauling (mining) is significantly higher than need be due to the poor utilization of the equipment fleet. Only one serviceable truck was available for hauling and the loading crew therefore spent most of its time waiting forthe truck to return. Addition of more trucks to the mining operation would only add the cost of the truck and driver while other costs would remain the same. Each truck added to the hauling fleet would increase costs by about $2,090.00 and add about 132 tons to the total production during the same time period. Addition of trucks to the hauling fleet would therefore have the following effect on the coal mining costs: # Trucks Total Tons Cost Per Cost Mined Ton 1 12,501 132 $ 94.70 2 14,591 264 $ 55.27 3 16,681 396 $ 42.12 TABLE 7-1 Direct Mining Cost Estimate UNIT TOTAL UNITS QUANTITY D7 dozer rental hrs 94 $ 179 $ 16826 966 loader rental hrs 96 118 11328 DJB truck rental hrs 16 81 1296 14@ grader rental hrs 1 96 96 Generator rental days 21 30 630 Drill rental days 6 120 720 Drill tool rental month 2 300 600 Crew cab rental days 25 8 2200 Sno-go rental days 3 30 90 Fuel gal. 1170 2.75 3217.5 Gasoline gal. 25 3 75 Kerosene gal. 10 4 40 Blazo gal 1 10 10 Antifreeze gal. 75 10 75 Sub-zero oil gal. 12 20 240 Ripper teeth each 3 200 600 Grease & Misc. ls 1 200 200 Labor hrs 429 35 15015 Supervision hrs 222.5 55 12237.5 Supervision subsistence days 30 30 900 Misc. supplies lis 1 2000 2000 Freight & Transportation l.s 1 3000 3000 Phone & Utilities ls 1 1000 1000 TOTAL $ 72196 TONS MINED 132 DIRECT MINING COST/TON 546.94 Description D7 Dozer 966 Loader DJB Truck 14@ Grader Generator Drill & Tools Crew Cab Pick-up Sno-go Fuel and Lube Ripper Teeth Labor Supervision Super. Subsistence Supplies Freight & Transport Phone & Utilities UNIT COST $/ton $/BCY TABLE 7-2 Subtask Cost Breakdown Mob/Demob Stripping 1,611 11,277 1,888 5,664 81 1,215 96 454 946 260 1,080 90 5@2 2,983 600 3,675 7,245 5,205 4,482 369 333 260 1,080 3,000 130 540 16,967 35,784 132 ton 2550 BCY 128.54 271.09 14.03 Mining 1,432 2,478 176 374 420 810 3,980 1,760 126 Backfill 2,506 1,298 240 255@ BCY 52.61 7.1.3 Installation All units installed were of the free standing, radiant type heaters. The simplicity of this type of installation kept cost to a minimum (approx. $2400 per installation), maximizing the number of participants. The material cost of this type of installation could be $200 less or $60@ more depending on units selected. If in future projects of this type more elaborate central heating systems are installed in tandem with existing oil central heat the cost could be expected to be two or three times ($5000 - $8000) that of the free standing stove. Table 7-3 shows the breakdown in installation costs. TABLE 7-3 Installation Cost Breakdown Item Cost Labor - 163 man hours 5892.82 Stoves - 10 each (from $842 - $1245 each) 9265.00 Chimney and Connector Pipe 3353.72 Stove Boards and Wall Protectors 1576.26 Misc. Installation Mat. 1115.02 Freight to Barrow (6500 lbs. at 31.97/12) 2078.05 Freight to Atqasuk (2 trips w/Twin Otter at $920) 1980.00 Total Cost (Ten Installations) $ 25,258.85 Average Cost Per Installation 2311.70 Note: The above costs do not include preliminary research, installation supervision or management support. 7.2 Recommendations 7.2.1 Coal Mining The NSB heavy duty equipment was found to be adequate for the task. Further work in reducing the cost of mining and increasing geologic data are needed. There are many ways to reduce the overall mining cost of $546.94 per ton that is estimated for this project. The potential for cost reduction through use of additional haul trucks is discussed in the previous section. The greatest potential for cost reduction would come if alarger tonnage of coal were mined. This would spread the fixed costs such as mobilization over a greater tonnage and result ina net reduction in the stripping ratio. Fromthe geologic section in Figure 2-5, the total depth of overburden is 21.5 feet to yield 4.4 feet of recoverable coal. This yields a vertical (net) stripping ratio of 4.52 BCY per ton. Therefore, of the 2550 BCY of overburden excavated, approximately 2000 BCY were excavated to provide side slopes and a ramp into the pit. This nonproductive excavation would not increase for larger tonnages of coal mined. Assuming that a larger pit would provide adequate working room, such that a total of 5.4 feet of coal could be recovered, then net stripping ratio for the area mined is 3.7 BCY per ton. The following shows the effect on the overall stripping ratio for larger production levels: Tons Net Net Non-Prod Gross Gross Produced Ratio BCY BCY BCY Ratio 132 4.52 596 1,954 2,550 19.32 200 3.7 740 2,000 2,740 13.70 500 3.7 1,850 2,000 3,850 7.70 1,000 3.7 3,700 2,000 5,700 5.70 2,000 3.7 7,400 2,000 9,400 4.70 There are basically two ways that the above reductions in gross stripping ratio can be realized. Either by mining the entire tonnage in one year and stockpiling the coal for future consumption or by leaving the pit open from year to year so that the non productive stripping would not have to be repeated each year. Stockpiling of the coal would require compaction and shaping of the coal stockpile to reduce the potential for spontaneous combustion, which could be done at little or no additional cost. Leaving the pit open from year to year would require provisions for drainage control and treatment which would increase costs, therefore, the stockpile option seems to be the preferred option. Table 7-4 gives a summary analysis of the anticipated mining costs for the production levels listed above. Unit costs are obtained from Table 7-2 and it is assumed that total mobilization cost would remain constant for the higher production levels. It is also assumed in Table 7-4 that 3 trucks are used for the coal hauling operation. TABLE 7-4 Increased Production Cost Estimate Prod. Gross Mob Strip. Mining Backfill Total Rate Ratio $/ton S/ton $/ton $/ton $/ton 132 19.32 128.54 271.09 42.12 52.61 494.36 200 13.70 84.84 108.03 42.12 20.94 205.02 1000 5.70 33.93 719.97 42.12 15.50 154.56 2000 4.70 8.48 65.94 42.12 12.78 129.32 Notes 1 Mobe cost assumed constant at $16,967.90. 2 Stripping cost computed at $14.@3/BCY. ) ) 3) Mining cost based on use of 3 haul trucks. ) Backfill cost computed at $2.72/BCY. The analysis presented in Table 7-4 would seem to indicate that for production levels greater than 1000 tons, the mining costs can be reduced to less than $200.00 dollars per ton. This would require only a 23 percent increase in productivity for the 2@00@ ton scenario, above that which as achieved by this test program. This increase in productivity would seem to be a reasonable expectation. 7.2.2 Installation The general acceptance of the installation portion of the project was positive with the few recommendations for change being directed to the coal. Recommendations from the participants were to have the coal screened for sizing and stored in a manner that would keep snow from mixing with the coal. ASCG installation recommendations are: 1. Consider installing coal central heating units in tandem with existing oil systems for future projects. 2. Closer screening of participant selection to assure more involvement of participants. 3. Screening all coal to minimum 1/2" size. 4. Consider pelletizing the coal to improve upon dust suppression, coal combustion and hauling characteristics. 5. Mail a follow-up letter to all participants reminding them of the importance of keeping combustibles away from the stoves, and the importance of proper maintenance. 6. For the construction of new North Slope Borough facilities design for coal heating appliances or for future installation. 7. The use of coal bins is less labor intensive than the bagging method use in the Western Arctic Coal Project, buta slightly less desireable method of coal storage. Develop measures to improve upon the coal bins. The North Slope Borough run a separate project to correct the improperly installed chimneys intended for the use of wood heaters in Borough housing. This could be done with minimal new materials and cutting back framing to the proper 2" clearances.