HomeMy WebLinkAboutAssessment of the Feasibility & Implementation of Port & Transportation System Alternatives 1983 PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 State of Alaska Assessment of the Feasibility and Implementation of Port and Transportation System Alternatives for the Bering River Coal Field > Phase I ay March, 1983 AS te Coal anaes Company A Subsidiary of Wheelabrator-Frye Inc. ‘ PHASE I REPORT ASSESSMENT OF THE FEASIBILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PORT AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES FOR THE BERING RIVER COAL FIELD Prepared for THE CITY OF CORDOVA, ALASKA by WHEELABRATOR COAL SERVICES COMPANY March, 1983 Phase I Report A 1. March, 1983 (=. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1-1 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2-1 3.0 SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES 3-1 3.1 Overview 3-2 3.2 Siting and Design Alternatives 3-3 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4-1 4.1 General Approach 4-2 4.2 Overall System Parameters 4-4 4.3 Geotechnical Considerations 4-6 4.4 Marine Considerations 4-7 4.5 Environmental Considerations 4-8 4.6 The Human Environment 4-6 5.0 DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES 5-1 Preface General Site Conditions Modes of Transportation Marine Facilities Receiving, Storage and Shiploading Access Roads and Transportation Corridors Power Supply HE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT 1 OPP —wWwn @on@Mc Aan NOOR WMH — 6.0 ~ Preface Socioeconomic Assessment Sociocultural Assessment Commentary Human Environment References AAAVNA OPwn— 7 MM OwWP Dw Ns AANAAO oa ANI ' _ 7.0 PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC EVALUATION ' — 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' ~ 8.1 Overland Transportation System Conclusions 8.2 General Conclusions 8.3 Recommendations 1 ~ 9.0 OUTLINE OF PHASE II Oo wo © @ 0 @ Dwnr — 1 — 10.0 APPENDICES 11.0 EXHIBITS Under Separate Cover Phase I Report- \ March, 1983 I heelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND -1-1- Phase I Report \ March, 1983 J. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company The high quality coal that exists in the area of the Bering River Coal Field has been known since the turn of the century. The Katalla-Bering River area contained the most valuable known fuel resources in Alaska until the develop- ment of the Cook Inlet oil and gas fields in the late 1950's and the discovery of oil and gas on the North Slope in the 1960's. The Bering River Coal Field was the first coal field discovered in Alaska and 4 out of every 5 of the mining claims made during the 1905 "coal rush" were made in this field. In 1906, the booming town of Katalla, located approximately 20 miles south of the coal field, had a population of 5,000 to 10,000 people and a thriving economy. Primarily for political reasons, development in the Katalla area ceased in about 1916 and today the town of Katalla is relatively deserted. Since the boom of the early 1900's, the Bering River Coal Field has remained untouched for the most part until recently. As part of their land settlement under ANCSA, Chugach Natives Inc. has been given title to the land that com- prises the most promising coal reserves in the Bering River Coal Field. This land selection was completed in June, 1982. In April of 1981, Chugach Natives Inc. executed an agreement for exploration and development of the Bering River Coal Field with Korea Alaska Development Corp. (KADCO), a consortium of four major Korean companies. The consortium includes the two largest Korean trading companies, Hyundai Corporation and Samsung Company, Ltd.; and the two largest Korean coal mining companies, Daesung Consolidated Coal Mining Company, Ltd., and Samchok Consolidated Coal Mining Company, Ltd. In May of 1981, this joint venture began an aggressive core drilling program under the first Federal coal exploration license ever issued in Alaska. Chugach Natives Inc. and KADCO were pleased with the results of the 1981 program, and in January of 1982 the partners agreed to continue with a similar drilling program during 1982. The results of the 1982 exploration program were equally encouraging. In June, 1982 the partners formalized their relationship by forming Bering Development Corporation on a 50/50 joint venture basis for the purpose of continuing the exploration and development of the Bering River Coal Field. - 1-2 - Phase I Reoort \ March, 1983 J™. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company In February, 1982, Chugach Natives Inc. approached the Alaska legislature con- cerning funding of a pre-feasibility study of the port and transportation infra- structure required to export coal from the Bering River Coal Field. Since the Korean government had contributed significantly to the mining exploration pro- gram, it was considered appropriate that the State of Alaska contribute to the initial assessment of the infrastructure requirements. In June, 1982, the appropriation was made. The City of Cordova is located 145 miles southeast of Anchorage on Ocra Inlet, which forms the eastern boundary of Alaska's Prince William Sound and is ap- proximately 70 miles due west of the Bering River Coal Field. The community, with a population approaching 2,500, is not accessible by road, and relies exclusively on air and water transportation for travel and commerce outside the area. Cordova's economy is based on fishing and crabbing activities, which support a long and diversified canning and freezing season. The City of Cordova, Alaska is the nearest organized political body to the Bering River Coal Field and the community that would be most affected by its development. For this reason, Cordova was assigned the responsibility of admin- istering the state appropriation. In August, 1982, the City of Cordova issued a Request for Proposal for the assessment of the feasibility and implementation of port and transportation system alternatives for the Bering River Coal Field. This assessment was to evaluate, in a preliminary manner, whether or not the coal could be brought from the mine(s), transported overland, stored, reclaimed and loaded into ships moored in the Katalla-Cordova area. At the heart of the matter was whether this function could be accomplished in a technically, envi- ronmentally and economically sound manner. In addition, a major concern was whether the entire development of the Bering River Coal Field could be accom- plished in a manner that would create benefits to the City of Cordova and mini- mize potential adverse impacts. In December, 1982, the City of Cordova awarded the contract for this assessment to Wheelabrator Coal Services Company. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company began working immediately and has concluded Phase I with the issuance of this Phase I Report. Phase I Report March, 1983 I ; ; Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - 2-] - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company The assessment of the feasibility and implementation of port and transportation system alternatives for the Bering River Coal Field (the "Assessment") is being performed in two (2) phases. Phase I began with award of contract on December 1, 1982 and concludes with the issuance of this report. Phase I consisted pri- marily of a screening study of existing information relative to all potential alternatives for the port and transportation system for the purposes of deter- mining the preferred or most promising alternative(s). Phase II will examine the preferred alternative(s) in more detail and will be concluded in December, 1983 when the Final Report is to be issued. It was the intent of Phase I to perform a preliminary evaluation of the major siting, design and operational criteria for all the facilities, systems, equip- ment, structures and roadways required for the port and transportation system. Each of these elements were evaluated on an individual basis and then in var- ious combinations to comprise additional alternatives for the overall system. Comparative matrix analyses were used to rank the alternatives. Inputs to the matrix analyses included the major criteria required to make a realistic assess- ment of potential viability. The major categories of inputs were environmental, technical, geotechnical, operational and economic. From these individual assess- ments, composite overall systems consisting of the most promising individual facilities, systems, equipment, structures and roadways were developed and evaluated. The evaluations of these composite systems resulted in a determin- ation of the most promising overall alternative. The selected alternative was the one that emerged from the individual and over- all evaluations as the most environmentally, technically, and economically feasible, while having fulfilled the varied criteria on an overall basis. At this preliminary point in the assessment of the Bering River. Coal Field develop- ment, there appears to be no major obstacle to the environmental and technical feasibility of the preferred alternative for the port and transportation sys- tem. In addition, the preliminary economics of the preferred alternative look very promising and and therefore feasible. During Phase II of the Assessment, the potential viability of the preferred alternative will be examined in more detail. - 2-2 - Phase I Report March, 1983 .. , Wheelabrator Coal Services Company At this preliminary stage, there appear to be significant benefits that could result from the development of the Bering River Coal Field. Benefits to the City of Cordova, the residents of the region, Chugach Natives Inc. and the State of Alaska would have an extended effect because of the long-term nature of the proposed project. In addition to the normal economic benefits derived by the local community, such as employment opportunities and increased tax reve- nues, this proposed project could possibly reduce the cost of electricity in Cordova by about fifty percent (50%). It would also allow public access from Cordova to the Bering River/Katalla area. In addition to increased recreational values, this access could have significant benefits as an alternate means of transporting fish for processing in Cordova. The proposed development would also offer the opportunity to repay any state funding along with interest. This could be used to establish a revolving fund for other future resource develop- ment projects. The revenue realized by Chugach Natives Inc. would benefit all Alaskan natives and create new opportunities for them. Although there would also be negative impacts, it appears as though none of them would be so severe that they couldn't be equitably mitigated. At this point in the Assessment, the potential benefits far outweigh potential downside effects. The preferred alternative for the port and transportation system would consist of a series of facilities, systems, equipment, structures and roadways that as a continuum, comprise the overall system. These elements are identified and discussed below. The Bering River Highway would connect the Copper River Highway at MP-38.5 (and therefore Cordova) with the coal Transfer Facility near the mines, a distance of approximately 32 miles. A standard 34 foot roadway would be installed along a routing that generally conforms to the access corridor established in the 1960's and that minimizes environmental impacts. The Transfer Facility would receive coal by truck, conveyor or aerial tramway from the mining operations and transfer it to an Overland Transportation Sys- tem. The Transfer Facility would be located adjacent to the mining operations near the Southwest corner of Kushtaka Lake. This would be the termination of the Bering River Highway. - 2-3 - Phase I Report me Tt Wheelabrator Coal Services Company The Overland Transportation System would be a quad-cable aerial tramway to transport the coal from the Transfer Facility to the Storage Facility. This time-proven method of coal transport has excellent environmental features and placed first in the overall ranking of transportation modes. The Storage Facility would receive coal from the Overland Transportation Sys- tem, stockpile it in a covered storage structure, reclaim it and transfer the coal to the Port Transportation System. The Storage Facility would be located near tidewater in the vicinity of Point Hey. It would be sheltered by a moun- tain range and, therefore, not visible from the ocean. The Port Transportation System would also be a quad-cable aerial tramway to transport the coal from the Storage Facility to the Marine Terminal. The Marine Terminal would receive coal from the Port Transportation System and load it into the coal export ships. The Marine Terminal would be located on the southeast tip of Kanak Island and could eventually accommodate ships up to 150,000 deadweight tonnes. The Marine Terminal would be protected by Kanak Island from severe waves and could serve as a multipurpose dock. The Katalla Access Road would connect the Transfer Facility with the Marine Terminal, a distance of approximately 26 miles. The roadway would be similar to the Bering River Highway and the termination of the public access to the port. The Power Plant would be a coal-fired electric generating station to produce all the power required initially and in the future for the entire Bering River Coal Field development as well as having the capacity to supply the City of Cordova if it so elects. The plant would be located adjacent to the coal Storage Facility and would consist of three 15 megawatt modular units (an ulti- mate total of 45 megawatts that could be further expanded using modular con- struction). Initially, only two of the units would be installed. - 2-4 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 ’ . , " J Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 3 SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES Page 3.1 Overview 3-2 3.2 Siting and Design Alternatives 3-3 - 3-1- Phase | Report \ March, 1983 J. f= Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 3.1 OVERVIEW The function of the port and transportation system would be to connect the coal mining operation(s) with the ship(s) to export coal from the Bering River Coal Field in a technically, environmentally and economically sound manner. In Phase I of the Assessment, the major objective was to identify and consider all the possible alternatives for accomplishing this function; and, from these alternatives, to select a preferred alternative based on an overall comparative analysis. Included in the assessment of the overall port and transportation system would be a coal-fired power plant to generate electricity for the entire Bering River Coal Field development as well as for potential local consumption. The port and transportation system would require a system of access roads which will also serve as public access roads from the Copper River Highway to the port. The alternatives for the power plant and the access roads have also been considered in Phase I. The possible alternatives and combinations of alterna- tives for the port and transportation system, the power plant and the access roads are numerous, but each has been considered in determining the preferred overall alternative. - 3-2 - Phase I Report \ March, 1963 J Wheelabrator Goal Services Company 3.2 SITING AND DESIGN ALTERNATIVES There are a great many possible alternatives for the overall port and transpor- tation system, but the individual elements that comprise the overall system (facilities, systems and roadways) are dependent, for the most part, on two variables. The two primary variables are siting alternatives and design alterna- tives. The evaluation of overall alternatives began with evaluating the siting and design alternatives for each of the elements which comprise the overall system. The siting and design alternatives are not identical for all the facilities, systems and roadways that comprise the overall system. In Table 3.2.1 below, each of these elements is shown and the corresponding variables listed. Element of the Overall System Variables Bering River Highway Route Width Transfer Facility Site Layout (Function) Overland Transportation System Corridor (Route) Mode Storage Facility Site Layout (Function) Port Transportation System Corridor (Route) Mode Marine Terminal Site Layout (Function) Katalla Access Road Route Width Power Plant Site Size Table 3.2.1 - - 3-3 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 Uo [===> Wheelabrator Coal Services Company The site, route and corridor are variables that are determined by the various conditions that already exist in the development area. They are not control- lable in the sense that they must be resolved by finding the most suitable sites, routes and corridors within the given area. The set of variables that can be determined by normal analytical methods and considered to be controllable, are the design alternatives, i.e., roadway width, facility layout and transportation mode. When siting alternatives are neglected, the alternatives for the overall system can be viewed from the per- spective of design variables only as depicted in Figure 3.2.2. - 3-4 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 (=> Wheelabrator Coal Services Company DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DESIGN ALTERNATIVES Coal from Mine(s) Receiving, Crushing Storage and Reclaim Power Plant Electricity Steam Receiving, Storage and Reclaim Coarse Coal Slurry Prep. and Pumping Dewatering Storage and Reclaim Slurry Loading via Offshore Monobuoy Slurry Loading via Onshore Terminal Conventional Power Plant Ship Terminal Electricity Steam Transloading Self-Unloading Terminal Barge (to Ship) - Figure 3.2.2 - Conventional Dewatering Barge Terminal Onboard Ship Phase I Report March, 1983 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 SECTION 4 METHODOLOGY General Approach Overall System Parameters Geotechnical Considerations Marine Considerations Environmental Considerations The Human Environment - 4-] - Dr siectivae Coal Services Company 4-13 Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 4.1 GENERAL APPROACH The first and one of the most important tasks in performing the Assessment was to assemble the project team which, as a group, would provide the appropriate expertise in all subjects to be addressed. Such a project team was selected and emphasis was placed on choosing professional firms with demonstrated success in each field of required expertise. In areas where familiarity with local condi- tions was required or advisable, competent Alaskan firms were selected to pro- vide that expertise. The project team members, their areas of expertise and the organization chart of the team are given in Figure 4.1.1. The organization chart of personnel comprising the project team is given in Figure 4.1.2. The Assessment was divided into two (2) phases to allow for efficient execution of the work while at the same time to provide for appropriate review points. Phase I began with award of contract on December 1, 1982 and was concluded with the issuance of this Phase I Report in March, 1983. Phase II commences with the completion of Phase I and will be concluded with the issuance of the Final Report in December, 1983. A draft Final Report will be issued in September, 1983. Phase I essentially consisted of a screening study of the port and transpor- tation system alternatives and the derivation of a preferred alternative. The major objectives of the Phase I work are outlined below: e To identify and assess each alternative site for the Transfer Facility, Marine Terminal and Power Plant. e To identify and assess each alternative corridor and mode for the Transpor- tation System between the Transfer Facility and the Marine Terminal. e To Select the one or two overall system alternatives which appeared to be the most promising in terms of technical, environmental and economical feasibility. A relative comparative matrix analysis was used to identify the most promising alternatives. e To establish preliminary power requirements for the overall development of the Bering River Coal Field as well as for local consumption, including - 4-2 - a t ggport A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company future growth, and to develop the preliminary technical and economical data for a coal-fired power plant to serve these requirements. e To identify and evaluate access road requirements and corridor alter- natives. e To develop preliminary order of magnitude estimates of the capital, oper- ating and maintenance costs of all the above. e To assess the preliminary economics of the entire coal-fired development based on the cost estimates and known marketing data for coal delivered to the Pacific Rim. In order to achieve these objectives, an overall scope of work for Phase I was derived. This scope was then divided into sub-tasks which, as a composite, represented the complete scope of work. These sub-tasks were then assigned to the appropriate project team member(s) and the work was performed. Close coordi- nation between team members was essential and was maintained throughout the duration of Phase I. All analyses and decisions were made on a collective basis with full input from all the appropriate areas of expertise. The Phase I Report summarizes the work performed during Phase I and provides the basis for proceeding with Phase II. - 4-3 - Phase I Report March, 1983 PROJECT TEAM Compan, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company (WCSC) Rust International Corporation (Rust) and Torkelson Rust Division (T-Rust) Ott Water Engineers (OTT) Golder Associates (GA) Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, Inc. (PN&D) Patrick Burden & Associates (PB&A) Pipeline Systems Incorporated (PSI) Wheelabrator Financial Corporation (WFC) ORGANIZATION CHART Rust International Corporation Ott Water Engineers Golder Associates Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, Inc. Patrick Burden & Associates Pipeline Systems Incorporated Wheelabrator Financial Corporation City of Cordova Wheelabrator Coal Services Company A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Project Role Project Management Operation and Maintenance Input Market Survey Design and Construction Input Capital Cost Input Environmental Evaluations Geotechnical Evaluations Marine Survey & Structures Human Environment Slurry Pipeline Economic & Financing Evaluations Interfaces Bering Development Corp. Chugach Natives Inc. State of Alaska Agencies including Dept. of Fish & Game Dept. of Natural Resources Federal Agencies including U.S. Forest Service U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Others as appropriate Base Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Anchorage Anchorage Anchorage Anchorage San Francisco Boston Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company PERSONNEL ORGANIZATION CHART City of Cordova City Manager Perry D. Lovett Chugach Natives, Inc. President Lionel Drage WCSC Project Executive Christopher R. Sauer WCSC Project Manager Robert S. Pringle Rust Project Manager George B. Martin Rust Personnel Louis H. Smith Vernon F. Duckett Billy C. Dill GA Project Manager Charles W. Lockhart GA Personnel Alan J. Krause Gordon M. Denby Kenneth R. Moser T-Rust Personnel Dan M. Parker Wayne K. Madsen Blaine J. Anderson Tom G. Brown George R. Ballinger Verve R. Gilson PN&D Project Manager Dennis Nottingham PN&D Personnel Alan Christopherson Jeffrey F. Gilman WCSC Personnel WFC Personnel Richard D. Rizzo Peter B. White Carl J. Simoson Joseph A. Terrible John R. Spencer Ira S. Huff Ott Project Manager Rod Hoffman PSI Project Manager Terry L. Thompson PSI Personnel Ott Personnel Tedd J. Dowd Sandra L. Christy Paul E. Macy James K. Barrett John H. Humphrey John E. Lobdel] Michael C. Smith PB&A Project Manager Patrick Burden - Figure 4.1.2 - Phase I Report A . . March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 4.2 OVERALL SYSTEM PARAMETERS The Assessment is based on the following overall system parameters: COAL CHARACTERISTICS Heating Value (BTU/1b) 12,600 Inherent Moisture (Percent) 0.46 Volatile Matter (Percent) 14.10 Ash (Percent) 10.40 Fixed Carbon (Percent) 75.50 Sulfur (Percent) 0.86 Surface Moisture (Percent when ship departs) 10.0 Min 12.0 Max Hardgrove (Hardness) Grindability Index (Forthcoming) Specific Gravity (Forthcoming) ANNUAL PRODUCTION TONNAGES Year of Metric Tons (MT) Short Tons (ST) Operation (Metric = 2200 lbs/ton) (US = 2000 1bs/ton) 1 500,000 550,000 2 1,500,000 1,650,000 3 1,500,000 1,650,000 4 1,500,000 1,650,000 5 2,000,000 2,200,000 6 2,000,000 2,200,000 7 2,000,000 2,200,000 8 & After 3,000,000 3,300,000 COAL DELIVERY FROM MINE(S) TO TRANSFER FACILITY From Surface Mining (Particle Site Distribution - PSD) 12" X 0 From Underground Mining (PSD) 8" xX 0 COAL DELIVERY TO TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (PSD) 2" X 0 COAL DELIVERY INTO SHIP(S) (MINIMUM PSD) 3/4" X 0 - 4-4 - Phase I Report A. March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SHIPPING LOGISTICS a Loading and Unloading Rate (Metric Tons Per Hour Dry Coal) 2500 Loading and Unloading Rate (Short Tons Per Hour Dry Coal) 2750 Ship Sizes: - Small (Self Unloading Barges, DWT) 10,000 - Medium (Dry Bulk Carriers, DWT) 50,000 - Large (Dry Bulk Carriers, DWT) 150,000 Trip Distance (Nautical Miles) 3350 Average Ship Speed (Knots) 13 Operating Time (Days Per Year Per Ship) - Minimum 270 - Maximum 330 OPERATING SCHEDULES ee Mine(s) ( 2 Shifts/Day, 5 Days/Week) ( 9 Months/Year Minimum) ( 12 Months/Year Maximum) Transfer Facility ( Same ) Transportation System - Conventional Dry Handling ( Same ) - Wet (Slurry) Handling (Around the clock while loading ships.) Marine/Ship Loading System - Conventional Dry Handling ( Same ) - Wet (Slurry) Handling ( Same ) - 4-5 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Dr secs Coal Services Company 4.3 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Phase I geotechnical work consisted primarily of a detailed evaluation of exis- ting data, and photogeologic terrain analysis utilizing aerial photographic interpretation techniques. The purpose of the Phase I geotechnical work was to provide an engineering interpretation of ground conditions such that the ini- tial layouts of alternative facilities and transportation routes could be made for preliminary costing purposes. Extensive work has been done by others to characterize the engineering geology of this area, but all previous work was performed prior to the 1964 earthquake. The Phase I geotechnical effort summar- izes the previous work and analyzes aerial photographs to determine post-earth- quake changes to the known conditions. The geotechnical evaluations included determination of landform geology, soil and rock materials, geologic hazard areas (landslides, unstable ground, high groundwater table) and an estimate of foundation conditions based on experience in similar terrain areas. In addi- tion, a general seismicity study based on the literature obtained was under- taken to determine the regional seismicity as well as locate major faults which may impact the proposed development. The major tasks completed during the Phase I geotechnical work are given below: e Evaluation of Existing Data e Photogeologic Terrain Analysis. e Location of Site Alternatives (Transfer Facility, Power Plant, Marine Terminal). e Identification of potential Route Corridors (rail, truck, conveyor, aerial tramway, slurry pipeline, and access roads). e Seismic Analysis. - 4-6 - Phase I Report A l ol . March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 4.4 MARINE CONSIDERATIONS Phase I marine work consisted primarily of a detailed evaluation of existing data, analysis of aerial photographs and nautical maps, and an oceanographic and meteorology literature search. The major tasks completed during the Phase I marine work are given below: Identification of alternative marine facility/port locations. Preliminary hindcast to determine wave heights and frequencies. Local reconnaissance trip with a ship's captain/master mariner to evalu- ate site alternatives. Selection of the most desirable alternative. Establishment of preliminary performance and design criteria for a port. Layout of a port and shiploading facilities. Development of a phased growth marine facility plan with associated pre- liminary cost estimates. Assessment of problems and opportunities. - 4-7 - Phase I Report A. March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.5.1 General The primary objectives of the Phase I environmental work were to determine the preliminary environmental feasibility of the port and transportation system. The solution approach entailed identifying the regulations and regulatory agen- cies involved, and developing environmental objectives for comparing project alternatives. These objectives were accomplished by compiling existing infor- mation on the area and conferring with the regulatory agencies to identify their concerns. The environmental objectives were developed first for general aspects common to the entire development and then for the Transfer Facility, Marine Terminal, Power Plant, and Transportation System. These objectives are listed below. 4.5.2 Selection Objectives Objectives Common to All Facilities: e Compliance with existing federal, state and local laws and regula- tions. e Avoid critical or limited habitat areas, or minimize intrusion into such areas. e Avoid disruption of key life history phases of wildlife inclu- ding, but not limited to, reproduction, rearing/incubation and migration. e Avoid or minimize non-natural quantities or qualities of re- sources; avoid or minimize pollutants including air, water, soil, noise and activities. e Avoid or minimize adverse sociocultural impacts on existing commu- nities. e Avoid or minimize adverse impacts on the existing socioeconomic structure. e Allow local inhabitants to voice "preference" of sociocultural and/or socioeconomic alternatives. - 4-8 - Phase I Report A. 7 : March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Objectives for the Transfer Facility: e Avoid prime habitats: ee Moose overwintering areas ee Bear denning areas ee Prime bear use streams ee Prime or major salmonid spawning/rearing streams ee Eagle nests and nesting areas ee Trumpeter swan nesting/staging areas ee Dusky Canada goose nesting/staging areas e Meet state and federal water quality requirements. Meet state fish protection requirements. e Avoid flood plains: ee Flood threat to facilities ee Effects of buildings/structures on flood plain/stream dyna- mics. Objectives for the Marine Terminal: Same as for Transfer Facility with the following additions: e Avoid seabird nesting colonies 8 Avoid marine mammal breeding areas e Design shoreward facilities so as not to disrupt littoral drift e Minimize fill or dredging e Avoid intertidal marshlands e Do not disrupt adult or juvenile fish migration e Do not alter shore erosion/deposition patterns e Design to prevent water quality deterioration: ee Restrict dust ee Restrict and collect runoff water from coal and o0i1/paved surfaces. ee Limit bilge pumping e Avoid or mitigate archaeological/historic site disruptions e Meet U.S. Coast Guard regulations for port and navigation facili- ties. - 4-9 - Phase I Report March, 1983 | Coal Services Company Objectives for the Power Plant: Site location: Same as for the Transfer Facility. Plant design: Meet EPA standards for emissions Meet state air quality requirements Water use: ee Minimize use of cooling water. ee Discharges must meet state discharge requirements. ee Discharges must meet federal discharge requirements. ee Treatment works must meet state approval standards. ee Select water source from non-prime habitat. ee Discharge water to non-prime habitat. ee Consider winter base flow rates. Spill/contamination protection due to: ee Flooding of stock piles ee Ash and blowdown ee Antifoulants Objectives for the Transportation System: Same as for the Marine Terminal plus: Do not block migratory routes. Do not allow access to vulnerable life history phases. Stay near foothills to avoid wetlands, larger streams and water- fowl areas; stay off higher slopes due to mountain sheep and landslides; avoid bases of mountains that are prime bear denning areas. Minimize cut and fill. Avoid designs which restrict fish and wildlife passage: ee Maintain adequate slopes on road or train fill. ee Maintain velocity and depth to allow up and downstream fish passage. - 4-10 - Phase I Report yN : March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company ee Consider full diameter culvert instead of 1/2. ee Maintain 10' above snow level to facilitate moose passage. e Minimize rechanneling streamflow. e Avoid encroachment on flood plains/rivers and high energy steep streams: ee Consider erosion, scour and channel instability. ee Consider cut and fill requirements with effects on erosion and downstream sediment loads. ee Consider culvert/bridge sizing to minimize velocity increases and scour. ee Avoid wetlands due to gravel fill volumes for causeway and/or embankment and overland flow disruption. Objectives for operation of all facilities, equipment and systems are to mini- mize: Noise. Surface activity. Clearing. Cut and fill. Erosion. Inputs of pollutants. Maintenance. Uncontrolled access. River/stream encroachment. 4.5.3 Findings of Information Search To tailor these criteria to the area under assessmesnt, existing information was collected and compiled into a project area description. This description covers wildlife, fish, archaeology, hydrology, and regulations. The descrip- tion, particularly of the wildlife, fisheries and hydrology is highly qualita- tive. Major portions of the information collected were subjective observations and opinions of agency personnel familiar with the project area. - 4-11 - Phase I Report A. March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company The drawings included in Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 (under separate cover) present plots of these preliminary findings.* An initial but comprehensive environmental and regulatory report is contained in Appendix A of this report. * This information has recently been distributed to the Department of Fish and Game, the U. S. Forest Service and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in request for their comments regarding changes, additions or deletions. At the time of printing this report, the comments had not yet arrived, and therefore, will be incorporated at a later date. - 4-12 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 4.6 THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT ee 4.6.1 Introduction In its broadest sense, the human environment includes all the effects of the proposed development of the Bering River Coal Field upon the human inhabitants of the project area. For purposes of this Assessment, the human environment consists of two primary elements: socioeconomic and sociocultural impacts. The basic approach used in assessing each of these elements is given below. 4.6.2 Socioeconomic Assessment The basic approach in Phase I involved a review of material pertinent to the Cordova region and major development projects in Alaska. Literature Review: The literature review consisted of two separate but related tasks; collec- tion and review of materials relating to the City of Cordova and the region encompassed by Chugach Natives, Inc. (CNI), and collection and review of materials related to major development projects in Alaska, and other mining projects in general. The intent of the literature review related to the City of Cordova and CNI was primarily to acquire a working knowledge of the area and secon- darily to collect data related to population and employment for the Phase I reconnaissance level economic assessment. A number of documents were reviewed to gain a working knowledge of the area. Familiarity of the general characteristics of a region are impor- tant in assessing the influence that a proposed project will have on a community. These studies included the reports prepared for the Outer - 4-13 - Phase I Report A. March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Continental Shelf (OCS) lease sales under the direction of the OCS office of the Bureau of Land Management (now the Minerals Management Service) which contain a wealth of information on existing conditions in Cordova as of 1979. Information on employment and population was obtained because such fac- tors as the size of the local population, labor force participation rates, and the extent of unemployment and underemployment, when corre- lated with the project work force characteristics form some of the key dimensions of economic and social effects. U. S. Bureau of Census data and more current information from the Alaska Department of Labor were some of the materials reviewed for the Phase I assessment. A review of materials related to major development projects in Alaska, and mining projects in general was conducted to gain a better understan- ding of the manner in which the unique characteristics of Alaska in- fluence the effects of major projects on local communities, and to dis- cern the more specific effects of mining activities in comparison to other development projects. The Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) was the single major development project that occurred in the State of Alaska and a large body of litera- ture has developed that discusses its socioeconomic and sociocultural effects. Of particular interest are those studies conducted on the Cities of Valdez and Fairbanks, two communities directly and substantially im- pacted by the pipeline project. The Usibelli Coal Company at Healy, Alaska presently operates the only coal mine of significant size in the State. It has been continuously operating for over 30 years. Subsequently, limited information exists on the effects of coal mining and the development of coal mines on Alaskan communities. In comparison, the development of coal mines and electric generating stations has been a major growth industry for many - 4-14 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company of the mountain states of the Western U.S. A large number of studies have been conducted to assess the socioeconomic and sociocultural effects of these developments on small rural communities, and several moderate term monitoring projects have been completed. These studies are an impor- tant segment of the literature being reviewed for this project because they provide primary data on mining related effects and they represent much of the recent gains in the application of scientific theory to socio- economic and sociocultural assessments. Reconnaissance Level Economic Assessment: The purpose of the economic assessment was to provide a "first-cut" look at the potential effect of the proposed mine and transportation system. The assessment provided in Section 6.0 is generic in nature since final decisions, or in some cases preliminary decisions, related to the project have yet to be made. The major subjects addressed in the assessment are employment and population. The estimates of total employment and total population were derived from a preliminary estimate of coal mine employ- ment. Employment Effects: The potential employment effects of the proposed Bering River coal field development are the result of a number of economic relationships. These include direct and indirect employment asso- ciated with the project, induced employment associated with in- creased personal income, the response of indirect and induced employment to a major development project, and the structural change in the economy. The assessment provides a brief descrip- tion of each of these relationships and their potential applica- bility to the Bering River Coal Project. A preliminary estimate of total employment associated with the mine was determined by the application of employment multipliers -4-15- Phase I Report March, 1983 4.6.3 Sociocu A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company for the construction and operations workforce. This estimate is shown as a range to incorporate the uncertainties regarding type of mining method, production schedule, and related matters. Population Effects: The potential population effects are a function of the total demand for employment on the proposed project and the number of positions that could be filled by local residents. The jobs not filled by local residents would probably be taken by immi- grants to the community. This assessment discusses the potential effect of direct and secondary (indirect and induced) employment on population migration, and provides rationale for estimates of the number of dependents that may accompany these migrating workers. Total population increases associated with the mine are estimated by using a population/employment ratio. The current population/em- ployment ratio of Cordova (2.0) was reduced to 1.7 to compensate for the lower number of dependents anticipated for migrating workers. Total employmen estimates provided in the previous sec- tion establish the basis for these population estimates. ltural Assessment The solution approach for the sociocultural assessment involved a review of the social effects of mining and major development projects, pertinent litera- ture on Cordova, and informal interviews with Cordova residents. The purpose of this effort of employment discussion rel was to provide a preliminary assessment of the social effects and population change on Cordova, and a summary of topics for ated to the proposed project as expressed by local residents. - 4-16 - Phase I Report March, 1983 A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Literature Review: The literature review for the sociocultural assessment covered two princi- pal categories of material; those pertaining to the social effects of mining and other development projects, and those associated with the community of Cordova. The intent of this review was to acquire a more detailed understanding of social effects that have accompanied other development projects in Alaska and "the Lower 48", and to become familiar with the basic social conditions in Cordova as defined by previous in- vestigators. Various documents prepared for the OCS lease sales and current newspapers formed the principal sociocultural data sources on Cordova. The OCS docu- ments were reviewed prior to the initiation of interviews with local residents to familiarize the principal investigator with the community. A subscription to "The Cordova Times" provided an additional source of information related to social conditions, particularly on topics of cur- rent importance to the community. The best reference sources on development projects which have applica- bility to the City of Cordova are the social impact studies conducted on the Cities of Valdez and Fairbanks. Several of these studies were conducted after completion of the TAPS line and provide detailed infor- mation on the actual effects of the project, in comparison to most studies which discuss what effects might occur in the future if a project is undertaken. Several related studies covering the social effects of coal mines and energy projects have also been reviewed to ascertain ad- ditional details on these projects. Community Interviews: The persons interviewed to date were selected in accordance with general methodology for expert-opinion surveys. In expert-opinion surveys, the sample generally consists of community decision makers and opinion lea- - 4-17 - Phase March, I Report A 1983 f===, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company ders who are assumed to provide views that represent the various interest groups in the community. An initial list of community decision makers was solicited from the City Manager of Cordova. Each person who was inter- viewed was asked for the names of others who should be contacted. In this manner, a group of people were identified as community leaders by the frequency in which their names were mentioned by others in Cordova. Only a part of this group has been interviewed to date. Additional inter- views are planned for Phase II. The interviews were unstructured surveys with a list of broad subjects to be discussed without a fixed question format, and residents were en- couraged to talk at length with minimal direction or guidance from the interviewer. The subjects addressed in the interview included the com- munity and social structure of Cordova, significant social processes and patterns of interaction, goals and values of the residents, important groups or institutions, the community's attitude regarding change and development, and major topics related directly to the Bering River Coal Project. Phase II of this project will involve additional interviews with Cordova residents as well as the integration of a working group of local resi- dents to participate in the development of the sociocultural assessment. - 4-18 - Phase I Report March, 1983 A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 5 DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES Page 5.0 Preface 5-2 5.2 General Site Conditions 5-3 5.2.1 Environmental 5-3 5.2.2 Terrain 5-4 5.2.3 Climate 5-4 5.2.4 Geology 5-5 5.2.5 Seismicity 5-12 5.2.6 Geotechnical Recommendations 5-16 5.2.7 Geotechnical References 5-16 533 Modes of Transportation 5-18 5.3.1 Introduction 5-18 5.3.2 Truck 5-18 5.3.3 Railroad 5-21 5.3.4 Conveyors 5-23 5.3.5 Aerial Tramway 5-26 5.3.6 Slurry Pipeline 5-30 5.4 Marine Facilities 5-35 5.4.1 Site Selection 5-35 5.4.2 Preliminary Criteria 5-39 5.4.3 General Layout 5-40 5.4.4 Potential Development Plan 5-41 5.4.5 Kanak Island Dock Facility 5-42 5.4.6 Kanak Island Monobuoy Facility 5-44 5.5 Receiving, Storage, Reclaim and Shipping 5-45 5.5.1 Receiving, Storage and Reclaim 5-45 5.5.2 Transportation from Reclaim to Shiploading 5-45 5.5.3 Shiploading 5-46 5.6 Access Roads and Transportation Corridors 5-48 5.6.1 Introduction 5-48 5.6.2 Major Considerations for Preliminary Alignments 5-49 5.6.3 Access to the Entire Development 5-50 5.6.4 Bering River Highway 5-51 5.6.5 Katalla Access Roads 5=53 537 Power Supply 5-58 aes Phase I Report March, 1983 f===, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 5.1 PREFACE This Assessment is based on certain conditions existing as a baseline. The most important condition is that the land settlement agreement between Chugach Natives Inc. and the U.S. Government provides for access from the Copper River Highway to the mine(s) and from the mine(s) to a port facility. As stipulated in the agreement, this access will also serve as public roads. Given this basis, there is no comparison of project alternatives to a "no-development" baseline. In effect, "no-development" has been eliminated as an alternative by the above agreement. As another baseline condition, the Assessment assumes that certain features of the port and transportation system are equivalent regardless of mode of trans- portation used. These features include all coal transfer and/or storage oper- ations which will take place in enclosed facilities designed to contain and treat dust. They also include containment and treatment of water runoff and prevention of water percolation through the coal. Additionally, it is assumed that all coal storage will be covered to prevent water runoff and dusting re- gardless of the alternative mode of transportation or the sites chosen for the Transfer Facility, Storage Facility and Marine Terminal. - 5-2 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 f= Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 5.2 GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS 5.2.1 Environmental In this Assessment it is recognized that, although Chugach Natives Inc. and the U.S. Government agree that there will be a project (if technically and econo- mically feasible), the normal environmental review process will still be re- quired. The most important aspect of that review process will be the wildlife and "wilderness" nature of the project area. The project area has high value for the natural resources, including wildlife and fisheries. Several sensitive species, including trumpeter swans, dusky Canada geese, and bald eagles have important populations and important stages of their life cy- cles in this area. Valued game species including moose, bear and waterfowl] are also abundant in the area. Additionally, the historic nature of previous development for coal and oil near Katalla are a consideration. Given the value of the project area for natural resources, the selection of feasible alternatives will be strongly influenced by their environmental ef- fects. The more benign the effects of an alternative, the more successful and feasible the project as a whole will become. If impacts can be minimized or mitigated to a level acceptable to regulatory agencies and public interest groups, the feasibility of the project in terms of cost and scheduling will be greatly enhanced. A very important comments to note is that discussions to date have been based on existing information and not on site-specific surveys or collection of baseline data. Therefore, although alternatives may presently look feasible, their ultimate feasibility will depend upon performing on-the- ground and aerial surveys of the project area to confirm the existing informa- tion. Some of this work will be performed during Phase II of the project in the Summer of 1983. - 5-3 - Phase I Report A. i March, 1983 fsa, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 5.2.2 Terrain The general project area is within a region of approximately 750 square miles known locally as the Controller Bay Region, or the Katalla District, and is depicted on Figure The area is bounded on the north by the Chugach Mountains, and in the south by the Gulf of Alaska. The western edge of the area extends to the Copper River delta, and the eastern edge of the area is gen- erally bounded by the Bering Glacier. The terrain includes glacially carved mountains and ridges and broad lowlands and sediment filled valleys. Relief ranges from sea level to approximately 3500 feet in the project vicinity. Active deposition of glacially derived sedi- ments is taking place at tidewater. Details of the geology of the area are presented in Paragraph 5.2.4 of this report. 5.2.3 Climate The climate of the area is generally described as Maritime due to its close proximity to the Gulf of Alaska. The area is characterized by cloudy weather and heavy precipitation; temperatures are generally moderate for this latitude as a result of the marine influence. Precipitation and temperature data for the project site are available from the Cordova airport, about 50 miles west of the project area, and from a wea- ther station located at Yakataga, approximately 50 miles east of the project area. Figure presents the precipitation data across the State of Alaska as well as data from the two weather stations. The data indicates that the site will experience precipitation in the range of 100-120 inches per year, with the heaviest precipitation taking place in the months of September through January. Temperature data is presented on Figure The data from Cordova airport and Yakataga are in agreement with the statewide data summary, and indicate an average annual temperature of about 39°F. - 5-4 - Eng. ak Date Fee. 83 Dwg. No. A223 - SOS PROJECT LOCATION Figure ALASKA a ~ CHE AU tS KL <e / CHORAGE oh Valdez’ HE Se < B k 5 s ln ae Qe, ov in ge | x wn UT) | puser wutaw } sors Zeontoxn_/P Mile | knight Is Ae 7 ? Ge | Tae s R Le « bseward Al Hinchinbrook Is ) ri o {7 “we a aa i ‘Montague Is | fi ao e f sees GULF OF ALASKA | Golder Associates vavNv) @z>- 5005, AK. Feb. 83 PRECIPITATION DATA Figure 5-2-3.1 eeringé SE&a AVERAGE TOTAL PRECIPITATION (inches) a ee ce arcric a octsm Golder Associates “Cordova Airport (Total Precip. 98.6") ae + -- ~— — SEP OCT NOV DEC Pr 7a DATA I PNERALLY FROM LOW ING COASTAL AND RIVER VALLEY AREAS. IT 1S PROBABLY NOT VALID FOR HIGHER ELEVATIONS. BN SA (From USGS Map 1-308) 7 - Rev. ak. Os Date _Fee 85 AS23- Dwg. No. TEMPERATURE DATA Figure 5:2-3-2 me < ee a ee | 2S MEAN ANNUAL - TEMPERATURE — OF ALASKA, °F 7) 48 Note . ‘22.5 DATA 1S GENERALLY FROM LOW-LYING COASTAL AND RIVER VALLEY AREAS. IT BR IS PROBABLY NOT VALID 1 FOR HIGHER ELEVATIONS. BERING SE&A4 oe 2 pos . f : Crvronmete Mews of Aimee 4/78 | J wo* = 70 60 50 40 30 Cordova Airport Yakataga (Annual Av. Temp. 38.6°F) (Annual Ave. Temp. 39.7° F) 20 AVERAGE MONTHLY TEMPERATURE (° F) 10 at 4 _ 4 am =—" 4 a JAN. FEB. MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC INTHS m (From USGS Map 1-308) Golder Associates Phase I Report A. e al: Cainaaae OC : March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company The calculated freezing index (degree-days below freezing) for Cordova Airport and Yakataga based on the data presented on Figure are as follows: Site Freezing Index Cordova Airport 620 Yakataga 310 This data corresponds reasonably well with statewide freezing index data pre- sented on Figure Therefore, the design freezing index, which is the average freezing index for the three coldest winters over the past 30 years of record (or the most severe winter over the most recent 10-year period) taken from the statewide data will be approximately 2000 degree-days. This results in a computed maximum seasonal frost depth of 8 feet. This value is based on ex- treme soil and temperature conditions, and therefore is conservative. Active frost depth values could be considerably less than 8 feet. Typically, design values in the range of 3.5 to 4 feet are used in southcentral Alaska. More detailed meteorology for the Katalla area is given in Appendix D of this report. 5.2.4 Geology Regional Geology: The regional geology of the Controller Bay area is characterized by rug- ged mountainous terrain and sediment-filled valleys associated with tec- tonic upheaval and subsequent glaciation. Geologic history indicates that the area once was flat and low-lying with a depositional environment. Intrusive volcanic and metamorphic rocks formed the basement complex. During this time, marine and non-marine sediments of Tertiary age were deposited. These sediments generally con- =~ 5-5 - Atk. Dwg. No. AG25505 _ pate Feo.83 eng. FREEZE INDEX DATA Figure TO* 170° 160° 150 140° 130 Jo! ne T T T te ancrie : as BFOO. Bs > ls a =) = . LeEN Source US WB (1965) S&P ee VOR BODO it : SANG VS EAs Poco | # SS oe ta & erring 2500 Bae La 2. eur CX pads 4 . pheeae INDEX woe 150° 7 Source CRREL 76-35 (1976) b fae - DESIGN PACES Oey a 200 160° 150° 140? 130° Golder Associates Phase I Report A : : March, 1983 (===. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company sisted of interbedded siltstones, shales, sandstones and claystones. In the area now known as the Bering River Coal Field, it is speculated that thick organic deposits resulting from a stagnant tropical environ- ment were deposited some 50 million years ago. These organic deposits, interbedded with the sediments, formed the coal which is now the target of exploitation. Subsequent tetonic activity and associated folding and faulting of the bedrock materials resulted in the development of the rugged, mountainous terrain which now characterizes the area. This tectonic activity also resulted in the metamorphism of the sediments. In Recent times (10,000 years to the present), glaciation has carved the terrain and has caused the deposition of surfical materials which now mantle the area. The subsequent paragraphs discuss the surface and bedrock geology in some detail. The engineering ramifications of these conditions as they influence structures, access roads and transportation corridors are pre- sented in Paragraph 5.6 of this report. Surface Geology: The study area, which extends from north of the Martin River to Kanak Island southeast of Katalla, is dominated by the ice-marginal, proglacial landforms and periglacial geologic conditions. The extent of Recent gla- ciation is open to question due to the limited mapping which has been carried out in the area. While previous workers (Martin, 1908; Miller, 1951) generally believe glacial advances may have only extended to the southern margin of Kushtaka Lake, the study area has nevertheless been subjected to prolonged glaciofluvial deposition. Figure depicts the range of Recent glacial extent currently considered. Limited field mapping of the Katalla area by others recognize glacial deposits asso- ciated with two minor glacial advances of Recent age with the possibility = 26 42 Eng. AK MAXIMUM EXTENT OF GLACIAL ADVANCE Figure 5-2-4-1 Feb. 83. Dwg. No. ALZI- FOOT L Golder Associates oe =~ MAXIMUM DOCUMENTED — =: = ADVANCE OF MARTIN ~_- SCRIVER GLACIER = SEAL Lara ta Point Martin — — whale! + i Fouty Martin u® tslands é Note: 7 7 Possible evidence of glaciation on Whale Island, but uncon- firmed to date Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company of a third episode extending as far south as Whale Island. Deposits dis- covered on Whale Island (Kachadoorian, 1960) are composed of approxi- mately 29 feet of greenish-gray till-like material, overlain by roughly 17 feet of light olive-gray till-like sediments. The shape of the Katalla Valley may be further evidence of past glaciation. Glacial erosion tends to remodel a valley toward a semicircular or U-shaped cross section, in part because that shape has the least area in proportion to the volume of ice flowing through the valley, so the drag is at a minimum. Due to depo- sition of glaciofluvial sediments from the north and beach deposits from the south, it is difficult to determine from surface observations the shape of Katalla Valley although the angle of the valley walls and gen- erally flat valley floor suggest possible glaciation. However, the lack of evidence of glacial action on the mountainsides of the valley tend to contradict this premise. Glacial action leaves a distinct mark on surfical terrain. A schematic of glacial landforms is depicted on Figure As shown in the figure, the scouring action of the glacial advance, the debris deposited upon glacial retreat, and the resultant fluvial deposits as a result of the glacial melt-water all result in landforms which can be geologically characterized as to their make-up based on their geomorphology. For the purpose of this Assessment, a corridor has been designated which will encompass all the various project alternatives. This corridor ex- tends from the Copper River Highway east along the Martin River Valley and down Shepard's Creek to the southern end of Kushtaka Lake, and then down to Katalla and Kanak Island. The corridor transects a variety of glacial and geological terrains. For the purpose of convenience, three segments have been identified and will be discussed separately. They include: e Martin River Section - from the Copper River Highway to Deadwood Lake e Sepherd Creek Section - from Deadwood Lake to the transfer site at Kushtaka Lake e Kushtaka Lake to Kanak Island Section - 5-7 - eng. AX. Feb.S3 A&23-S005 ry TYPICAL GLACIAL LANDFORMS Figure DIRECTION OF ICE RETREAT DIRECTION OF ICE RETREAT LEGEND Fpa GFo 1B IML DR Abandoned Floodplane Deposit Glaciofluvial Outwash Ice Blocks Ice Marginal Lake Crevasse Delta Esker Drum] ins Golder Associates GM IM ™ RM KT CF Bx-W Interlobate Moraine Terminal Moraine Recessional Moraine Kettle Lakes Kame Terrace Crevasse Filling Weathered Bedrock Phase I Report : : March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company This corridor, and the interpreted geology within the corridor, is pre- sented on the drawing comprising Exhibit 1 of this report. This interpre- tation has been compiled from existing data and from interpretation of color aerial photographs of the area at an approximate scale of 1:15,000. No field checks have been carried out. Also, it is important to note that the terrain has changed considerably since the 1964 earthquake, and these changes are not reflected on current USGS maps or, of course, in work done previous to that event. The Martin River Section extends from the Copper River Highway to Deadwood Lake. Glaciofluvial outwash and swamp deposits extend from the Copper River Highway to approximately where the corridor crosses Martin River near Deadwood Lake. This area typically consists of fine grained soils which are saturated throughout the year. Standing water covers some of the surface. These deposits, which generally consist of peat, muck and silt as much as 3 feet thick, are probably underlain by glaciofluvial outwash sand and gravel derived from the Martin River Glacier. In the vicinity of Deadwood Lake, the corridor crosses morainal deposits as well as swamps and muskegs. The morainal complexes are areas of rough topography consisting of ridges 20 to 100 feet high separated by swales and undrained depressions. Kettle holes and kettle lakes are common. Poorly sorted sands, gravels and fine-grained materials are the predomi- nant material comprising moraine complexes. Depending on the position of the moraine in respect to the glacial advance, areas of the moraines may contain large boulders and cobbles. These boulders and cobbles generally are subangular to subrounded and are scoured off the bedrock bottom as the glacier advances. The Shepherd Creek Section extends from Deadwood Lake south along Lake Charlotte and south along Shepherd Creek to the proposed transfer site. The valley bottoms along this segment of the corridor are underlain by organic swamps, muskeg and morainal deposits near Deadwood Lake, and glaciofluvial deposits and outwash from Lake Charlotte to the proposed - 5-8 - Phase I Report March, 1983 f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company transfer site. The glaciofluvial deposits are glacial debris that has been reworked and deposited by melt-water streams, and consist of moder- ately sorted sands and gravels with some fine material. The topography associated with glaciofluvial deposits is characterized by nearly flat surfaces with local relief of 3-15 feet consisting of low escarpments, bars, and swales marking previous abandoned ancient stream channels. Due to its heterogenous composition, drainage conditions within the glaciofluvial deposits vary widely. These deposits contain numerous beds of pervious sand and gravel and may also contain significant quanti- ties of impervious clays and silts. Inclusions of silt and clay may serve as an impervious barrier to water and thus prevent free drainage. Along the valley south of Lake Charlotte, and along Shepherd Creek, steep slope conditions have resulted in localized recent landslides and rock- falls. The Kushtaka Lake to Kanak Island Section consists of three segments with varying geologic conditions. From Kushtaka Lake to Bering Lake, the cor- ridor is generally underlain by glaciofluvial outwash similar to that described above with organic swamps and muskegs. Along McDonald Ridge, moderately weathered yet competent bedrock is exposed. Bering Lake presently serves as a stilling basin where fine-grained mater- jals are settling. The bottom conditions of Bering Lake can be expected to be soft and unconsolidated. Recent air charters (1982) over Bering Lake indicate the lake is relatively shallow (€10') with the bottom com- posed of silts and clays. The upper portion of the Katalla Valley is generally composed of organic swamp and muskeg material, and alluvial materials along the valley bot- tom, with colluvium and alluvial fan material lacing the sides of the valley above the bottom floor. The colluvium (talus) and alluvial fan debris is fed by moderately weathered bedrock which generally form the - 5-9 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 fs==. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company ridgetops. The southern portion of the valley is covered randomly by beach deposits, swamp and muskeg. Kanak Island, a barrier beach, was formed by waves breaking some distance offshore on the gently shelving offshore area. Barrier beaches and sand bars in the area generally con- sist of fine to coarse grained sand with some pebbles. In Katalla Valley, the presence of beach deposits several miles inland from Katalla indicate that the past tidewater extended well into Katalla Valley. The oldest bay-mouth bar in the valley is located approximately 4 miles inland from the present shoreline. Therefore, the bay at one time extended into Katalla Valley and the development of a series of spits into bay-mouth bars has forced the bay to its present position. The beach deposits in the Katalla Valley section are generally composed of well-sorted, clean sands and gravels. However, the presence of iso- lated pockets of silts, clays or organic materials cannot be discounted. Bedrock Geology: The bedrock geology of the Katalla area extending northeast to the Martin River Glacier is dominated by Pre-Tertiary and Tertiary sediments and volcanic rock (Martin, 1908). The Pre-Tertiary rocks were subjected to early Tertiary or older diastrophism as well as late Tertiary or Quater- nary diastrophism that affected the youngest exposed Tertiary rocks of the area (Miller, 1951). According to Martin and others (1908), the sedimentary deposits of Ter- tiary age are marine and non-marine in origin. Folding of the rocks took place in late Tertiary or Quaternary time and was probably accompanied by local igenous intrusion. The folding was later accompanied by or fol- lowed by regional uplift which has probably continued to recent time (Martin, 1908). The Stratigraphy of the area consists primarily of Pre-Tertiary and Ter- tiary marine sediments of Paleocene through Miocene age with an aggregate = b- 10-2 Phase I Report A March, 1983 (===. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company thickness of more than 20,000 feet. The strata is juxtaposed by faulting and exhibits strong contrasts in lithology, degree of metamorphism, and origin. The study is generally underlain by sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. North of Martin River and along Ragged Mountain the rocks consist of metamorphased silty and sandy sediments with greenstone, graywacke and minor amounts of chert, limestone and intrusive igenous rocks. The sand- stones and graywackes are massive and generally fracture into blocks 2 to 5 feet across. The greenstone is massive and fractures into blocks 5 to 8 feet across. The shales and slates have well-developed cleavage and break into thin slabs. The sedimentary rocks underlying most of the Katalla area extend from the east flank of Ragged Mountain to the eastern boundary of the transpor- tation corridor. Included in these sediments are sandstones, shales, coals, argillites, siltstones and conglomerates (Miller, 1951). Previous workers have subdivided these units into formations which include the Orca, Katalla, Redwood, Tokun, Kushtaka and Stillwater. For the purpose of this report, no attempt has been made to distinguish formational con- tacts. Since the engineering characteristics of most of the units are essentially similar, the sedimentary units have been considered one unit. Kachadoorian (1960) has mapped coarse grained arkose along the northeast shore of Bering Lake. South of Bering Lake, near Split Creek, thick- bedded, medium to coarse grained sandstone interbedded with fine grained, thin-bedded sandstone is exposed. Joints in the thick and thin-bedded sandy and shaley sediments locally are 4 to 8 inches apart. More commonly, the joints in these rocks are spaced 2 to 4 feet apart. The Controlling Structure of the Katalla area is characterized by closely spaced folds and tightly compressed anticlines and synclines of equal - 5-11 - Phase I Report March, 1983 fs==. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company S20 width and small lateral extent. Bedding dips steeper than 60° are common with dips less than 30° atypical. The area is largely controlled by major and minor faults. Those faults that have been mapped indicate steep north or west dips or are vertical. The west or north side has moved relatively up on many of the faults, but on some faults either the opposite sense of dip-slip displacement or large components of lateral displacement is indicated. Strike-dip data, and fault displacement direction, are shown on Exhibit 1. A detailed discussion of the major faults in the project area and their apparent engineering impact is discussed in Paragraph 5.2.5 which follows. Seismicity Regional History: The Katalla area lies in a zone of major seismic activity which is charac- terized by violent ground shaking, uplift, subsidence, ground breakage, mudvent deposits, avalanches and landslides. This regional tectonic setting provides the basis for evaluating the styles of structural deformation that contribute to the seismic activity and the potential seismic hazards of the area. This understanding of the tectonic setting is especially important in areas such as south cen- tral Alaska where detailed geologic data are lacking and where seismicity records are too short to provide quantitative estimates of the frequency of shallow crustal earthquake occurrences. Figure presents earth- quake data for the State of Alaska. The primary cause of seismic activity in southern Alaska is the stress imposed on the region by the relative motion of the Pacific and North American lithospheric plates at their common boundary. The Pacific plate is moving northwestward relative to the North American plate at a rate - 5-12 - EARTHQUAKE DATA —~| Figure ad mel ae masimum domage) ( Richter) of fo structures gest eortnguoke EART QUA done ° NONE tes mon 3 ' MINOR 30-45 Magnitude. e2 MODERATE 45-60 = 5s 3 MAJOR qreoter thon 6.0 4 Potennol domoge is grecter thon rone 3 due to geologic nd tectonic factors Fretominges SEISMIC ZONE BOUNDAR MAJOR FAULT “és IN ALASKA 53-59 60-69 70-77 7.75-85 Filled circles = hypocenter greater than SOKM Note: Seismic zone date is preliminary, Eng. iS Feb. 85 Dwg. No. ASZ5- SOS. og: ° Environmantol Atios ot ‘Aione 4/96 © oo - subject to change. are shown in the northern part of Alaska, it is thought shocks do occur but are unrecorded due to lack of appropriate equipment in that area. # Although no earthquake epicenters A’ ? : KILOMETERS 0 7 } NORTH AMERICAN PLATE Fost >= Oceanic Crust [20 7 7 Oceanic Crust and Mantle PACIFIC PLATE 40 0 100 200 MILES to al jckaaa 0 100 200 KILOMETERS [ Sa! he | IDEALIZED SECTION A-A' SHOWING SUBDUCTION ZONE bes Golder Associates Phase I Report March, 1983 [=== Wheelabrator Coal Services Company of about 5-6 cm/yr. The relative motion between the plates is expressed by two different styles of deformation in southern Alaska. Along the Alaskan panhandle and eastern margin of the Gulf of Alaska, the horizon- tal relative movement between the plates is accommodated primarily by high-angle strike-slip faults. Along the northern margins of the Gulf of Alaska, including the Katalla area and extending westward parallel with the Aleutian Islands, the convergent relative motion between the plates is accommodated by underthrusting of the Pacific plate beneath the North American plate along the Aleutian subduction zone. This under- thrusting results in compression in the overlying crust, which is ex- pressed as folds, high-angle reverse faults and thrust faults. A sche- matic section of this is shown on Figure The boundary between the plates where the underthrusting occurs is a northwestward-dipping subduction zone. The aleutian trench marks the surface expression of this subduction zone. The seismicity of the subduc- tion zone includes two kinds of faulting: interplate faulting on the plate interface or megathrust, and intraplate faulting within the sub- ducting Pacific plate (i.e., in the Benioff zone). The 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake of magnitude My 9.2 occurred on the plate inter- face rupturing the interface to a depth of approximately 25 km at a dis- tance of approximately 130 miles west of Katalla. The subduction of the Pacific plate not only dominates the present tec- tonic setting in southern Alaska, but it has controlled the development of this region at least since the Mesozoic Era. Active Faulting: Active faults occur throughout southcentral Alaska and appear within the study area. An active fault is generally considered to have undergone displacement with the past 10,000 years (Holocene time). The amount of displacement along the major faults in the area has not been accurately r30=)3, 5 Phase I Report ys March, 1983 f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company determined, hence making it difficult to assess recent activity. It has been speculated that during Holocene time the Ragged Mountain fault may have undergone gravity-driven displacement of at least 600 feet westward, a direction of reverse movement. The Chugach-St. Elias fault beneath the Martin River flood plain is believed to be part of the same struc- tural boundary and has had large north side up relative displacement (Miller, 1951; Plafker, 1967, 1974). The amount of displacement on the Martin fault north of the Chugach-St. Elias fault is unknown, as the rocks along it are locally strongly deformed within a zone more than 300 feet wide. Displacement on the Clear Creek fault, parallel to the Ragged Mountain fault on the east, is at least 1 mile, and probably more (Tysdal, Hudson, Plafker, 1976). The Redwood and Chilkat Creek faults are characterized by discordant structural trends and by stratigraphic evidence. The attitude of the fault planes and, at places, the location of the faults is uncertain. No exposures of the Redwood fault plane have been identified, but the trace of the fault at the head of Redwood Creek Valley and the stratigraphic relations of the rocks on either side of it indicate that it dips west and is down-thrown on the west side. Miller (1975) has found supporting evidence of relative left-lateral movement along three east-trending faults that intersect the Redwood fault and cross the ridge to the west. Other smaller faults with the same trend as the Redwood fault, some with the west side up and some down, were mapped by Miller (1975) to the east of Redwood Creek. The Chilkat fault has been mapped as steeply dipping to the west. Miller has sugested the abrupt and even scarps facing the Katalla River Valley on the west and the Bering River on the east represent faults which bound the Don Miller Hills on the east and west margins. Further north, along Shepherd Creek and Kushtaka Ridge, Martin (1908) has mapped faults which may be lateral extensions of those mapped by Miller and others to the south. No surficial evidence exists which indi- cates if these features are active faults. - 5-14 - Phase I Report March, 1983 A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Seismic Effects: The geomorphic conditions within the Katalla area make the area suscep- tible to ground movements and/or ground failure due to seismic activity. These conditions include the following: Loose, saturated uniform grain-size sedimentary deposits High groundwater table Over-steepened slopes Presence of numerous faults The effects of the 1964 earthquake have been documented (USGS, 1966) and provide some insight into the potential problems with respect to future construction in the area. It is understood that the entire area has undergone uplift as a result; this has caused a change in the areal drainage patterns and resultant landforms and lake water levels. The major effects are discussed in the following paragraphs. Liquefaction or earthquake-induced ground failures were the most commonly observed geomorphic effect of the 1964 earthquake. Typically, these fail- ures occurred in the loose sediments located in the river valleys and alluvial plains, and are associated with a high groundwater table. Obser- vations made after the event indicate that the typical failure was ori- ented parallel to the stream banks, and resulted in tensional ground cracks extending to as much as 130 feet in length. Mudvents and subsi- dence craters were typically observed along the axis of the cracks. Subaqueous Landslides were observed in the deltaic sediments of almost all the deep lakes in the area, including Tokun Lake, Lake Charlotte and Kushtaka Lake. This is most likely due to the steep delta slopes asso- ciated with the deeper lakes. This phenomenon was not observed in the shallow lakes such as Bering Lake; however, these shallow lakes exper- ienced settling of their associated gravel bars and deltas. - 5-15 - Phase I Report March, 1983 f===, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Rock Slides and Avalanches are often triggered by severe seismic activity in areas of oversteepened slopes and high snow accumulation. Observations made in Katalla area indicate that avalanche areas exist along the eastern edge of the Ragged Mountains which form the western flank of Katalla Valley, as well as along the eastern side of the valley. Rockfall areas exist in numerous locations in the area as a result of glacially oversteepened slopes. 5.2.6 Geotechnical Recommendations Based on the observed effects of the 1964 earthquake, coupled with prudent engineering practice, it is evident that the following criteria should be con- sidered with respect to construction in the area: e Low-lying areas comprised of saturated uniform granular materials (outwash, alluvium, flood plains) are susceptible to liquefaction and resultant ground failure. e Consideration should be given to potential rock slides or ava- lanches when locating structures or facilities at the base of steep slopes. e The shoreline deltas of deep-water lakes have proven prone to subaqueous landslides. ° While no recent fault displacement was observed as a result of the 1964 event, the possibility of such displacement must be considered when laying out facilities. 5.2.7 Geotechnical References The following references were used in performing the geotechnical assessments. Barnes, F.F., A Review of the Geology and Coal Resources of the Bering River Coal Field, Alaska, 1951, USGS Circular 146. Kachadoorian, R., Engineering Geology of the Katalla Area, Alaska, 1960, USGS Map 1-308. Martin, G.C., Geology and Mineral Resources of the Controller Bay Region, Alaska, 1908, USGS Bulletin 335. = 5-16) = Phase I Report A March, 1983 f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Miller, D.J., Geologic Map and Sections of the Central Part of the Katalla District, Alaska, 1975, USGS MF 722. Miller, D.J., Preliminary Report on the Geology and Oil Possibilities of the Katalla District, Alaska, 1951, USGS Open File 50. Plafker, G., Preliminary Geologic Map of Kayak and Wingham Islands, Alaska, 1974, USGS Open File 74-82. Plafker, G., Geologic Map of the Gulf of Alaska Tertiary Province, Alaska, 1967, USGS Map 1-484. Taliaferro, N.L., Geology of the Yakataga, Katalla, and Nichawak Districts, Alaska, 1932, Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 43, p. 749-782. Tuthill, S.J., and Laird, W.M., Alaska Earthquake March 27, 1964: Regional Effects; Martin-Bering Rivers Area, 1966, USGS Prof. Paper 543-B. Tysdal, R.G., Hudson, T., Plafker, G., Geologic Map of the Cordova B-Z Quadrangle and Northern Part of the Cordova A-Z Quadrangle, South Central, Alaska, 1976, USGS MF 783. Tysdal, R.G., Hudson, T., Plafker, G., Backsliding Along the Ragged Mountain Thrust Fault, 1975, USGS Circular 722. -5-17 - Phase I Report March, 1983 f=. Wheclabrator Coal Services Company 5.3 MODES OF TRANSPORTATION 5.3.1 Introduction The following discussion is a comparison of alternative modes of transporta- tion. Discussion is restricted to coal transport from the Transfer Facility near the mines to the Storage Facility near tidewater. Access roads and trans- portation corridors are addressed later in Paragraph 5.6. Coal from the mines would be delivered (via trucks and/or aerial tramways and/or conveyors) to a central collecting point called a Transfer Facility. Initial mining will be done from the Carbon Creek area, eventually followed by production from the Trout Creek and Carbon Mountain areas. Upon the receipt at the Transfer Facility, the coal will be sized, sampled and transferred to the Transportation System. The Transportation System will employ one, or a combi- nation of, the following modes: trucks, railroad, belt conveyors, aerial tram- way or slurry pipeline. Each of these alternatives is discussed in the fol- lowing paragraphs. 5.3.2 Truck Depending upon the level of production, coal would be loaded into either 40-ton capacity rear dump trucks or 100-ton bottom dump trucks at the Transfer Facil- ity. The trucks would then be driven from 13 to 18.5 miles south to the Storage Facility located near tidewater. The truck fleet would operate on the same time schedule as the mines (16 hours per day, 5 days per week). At an average of 2 hours per round trip and 7 produc- tive hours per shift, each truck would make 3.5 cycles per shift. Table summarizes the truck fleet size at various levels of production. As outlined in Paragraph 4.2 "System Parameters," this estimate is shown for 12 months oper- ation and also for 9 months. The latter conservatively accounts for the poten- tial inability to operate during extreme winter weather conditions (a reason- able expectancy). - 5-18 - i a A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Truck Operating Metric Tonnes Per Year Size Months (S Tons) Per Year 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 3,000,000 40 12 No. Trucks Running: 8 16 23 47 Total Trucks Req'd: 10 19 28 56 40 9 No. Trucks Running: 10 21 31 63 Total Trucks Req'd: 12 25 37 76 100 12 No. Trucks Running: 3 6 9 19 Total Trucks Req'd: 4 7 a 23 100 9 No. Trucks Running: 4 8 13 25 Total Trucks Req'd: 5 10 16 30 - Table - Some of the logistics of trucking are presented in Table These figures represent the frequency of traffic that would result at various levels of annual production. They show the average number of minutes that would elapse between the time that trucks would pass one another on the road going to and from the receiving and storage facility. By "average" this means perfect scheduling with no allowance for interruptions. In actual practice, these time intervals would be much less and traffic jams or trucks in queue could be expected. Time in Minutes Leia Boeret ing Between Trucks Passing Each Other Size Months (S Tons) Per Year Metric Tonnes/Yr. 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 3,000,000 40 12 7.5 3.8 2.6 1.3 40 9 6.0 2.9 1.9 1.0 100 12 20.0 10.0 6.7 3.2 100 9 15.0 6.0 3.8 2.4 - Table - - 5-19 - Phase I Report A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company March, 1983 Advantages of Trucking: Would not be a barrier to land mammal movements, especially moose, bear and furbearers. Could handle grade changes more readily; thus, location of the trans- portation route is less restricted. It avoids both a road alignment and another separate alignment for other alternative modes of coal transportation. Flexibility in the early stages of production in that trucks could be added to the fleet on an as-required basis. High system reliability in that spare trucks wouuld be readily avail- able in the event of breakdowns. Ability to segregate different types or qualities of coal. Lowest overall capital expenditure requirement of all alternatives. Disadvantages of Trucking: A high frequency of trips, thus increasing the probability of col- lision with moose and other mammals. Considerable ground activity, including noise, movement: and people. All factors tend to increase disturbance to local wildlife and the increased number of people may create additional wildlife management problems. Potential conflict between trucks and recreational users. Road dust Unfavorable runoff water enroute from heavy precipitation. Exhaust from trucks Snow clearing operations may kill branches from some trees and kill roadside shrubs. Coal dust enroute caused by wind. Potential for increased sediment load in traversed drainages. Highest operating and maintenance costs of all alternatives. Very labor intensive compared to other modes. Requires a large shop for repair, maintenance and storage of vehicles. - 5-20 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 fs. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Uses large quantities of diesel fuel requiring additional facilities for handling and storage. e Difficult to operate in bad weather. e High cost of a substantial roadbed. e High cost of road maintenance and snow removal. If the mining operations elect to deliver coal in trucks rather than by conveyor or aerial tramway, then the Transfer Facility could be eliminated by having trucks go from the mines directly to the Storage Facility near tidewater. Due to the added distance and cycle time per round trip, such an alternative would both in- crease the size of the truck fleet as well as necessitate a three shift around-the- -clock operation. For these reasons, this option was dropped from consideration. 5.3.3 Railroad With a railroad transportation system, the coal would be loaded into a train segment of rail cars at the Transfer Facility while moving the train very slowly through a loadout tipple. The train would then travel approximately 18.5 miles southward along a rail bed to the Storage Facility near tidewater. The rail cars would be unloaded by indexing them over a receiving hopper, dis- charging the coal from the bottom of the cars. A spur track would be required at both ends of the system to accommodate bad ordered rail cars that must be repaired. Based upon the following factors, Table shows some of the logistics of a rail car operation: Operating level of 3,000,000 metric tons per year Loadout rate of 44 cars per hour (0.5 mph & 60 ft. car lengths) Unloading rate of 24 cars per hour (2 at a time, 5 minutes each) Minimum surge capacity <5-21 -- Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Months of Operation 12 12 12 9 9 9 Req'd Deliveries (MTPD): 12500 12500 12500 16000 16000 16000 Capacity Per Car (M Tonnes): 91 9] 91 91 91 91 No. of Cars Required Per Day: 138 138 138 172 172 172 No. of Rail Cars Per Train: 28 35 46 30 44 60 No. of Locomotives Per Train: 2 3 3 2 3 4 No. of Train Cycles Per Day: 5 4 3 6 4 3 Time Per Cycle (Hours): 3.8 4.3 5.0 4.0 4.7 6.0 Req'd Operating Time Per Day (Hours): 19 17 14 24 20 18 Minimum Surge Capacity (Metric Tonnes): 3300 2200 2000 6700 4800 3600 - Table - This table highlights one capacity problem inherent in the mode of rail transpor- tation when attempting to meet or equate to the mining work schedule (2 shifts per day, 5 days per week). Assuming only 7 productive hours per shift or 14 hours per day, it is only with a 46 car unit train operating 12 months per year that 3,000,000 metric tonnes per year throughput could be achieved. If one were to accomplish this annual tonnage in 9 months (allowing downtime for mining in incle- ment weather), a number of alternatives could be employed, all of which involve a prohibitive amount of surge storage, ranging up to one million metric tonnes. Advantages of Railroad: e Would limit public access to the area. e Less frequency of activity than trucking. e Less chance of collision with animals. e Avoids a separate alignment that other alternative modes of transpor- tation require. e Flexibility in the early stages of production in that cars could be added on an as-required basis. e Could be used to transport people, materials and equipment. - 5-22 - Phase I Report A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company March, 1983 Disadvantages of Railroad: The railroad bed would require borrow pits, fill for grades and stream crossings. Trains are fairly noisy. Alteration of surface water drainage patterns. Coal dust enroute caused by wind. Unfavorable runoff water enroute from heavy precipitation. Possible increased sediment load in traversed drainages. Exhaust from locomotives. High operation and maintenance costs. Not as labor intensive as trucking, but much higher than other modes of transport. Requires large facilities for maintenance of cars and locomotives. Uses large quantities of fuel requiring additional facilities for handling and storage. High capital cost at all levels of production, particularly the railbed. Requires a very large transfer facility to store coal between train cycles and to load rail cars. Operating problems in bad weather including snow removal and frozen coal in the cars. 5.3.4 Conveyors There are a great deal of belt conveyor systems that are state-of-the-art and commercially available. Three proven technologies are most applicable to the Bering River coal transportation requirements: Conventional Troughed (Refer to Figure Cable Supported Cy a Pipe Belt ( TAPE - 5-23 - SECTION - "A" Arrangement of Enclosed Belt Conveyor |] - tube enclosure, 2 - walkway, 3 - tube supports, 4 - conveyor supports, 5 - loaded belt, 6 - empty belt. - Figure - Wd wecrue Coal Services Company Arrangement of a cable belt conveyor. 1 - tube enclosure, 2 - walkway, 3 - stationary pulleys, 4 - travelling cable, 5 - loaded belt, 6 - empty belt. - Figure - A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Pipe Conveyor Structure Side View Tail Pulley Chute "Material Loading Area Pipe Conveyor Section Carrier Side Discharging Area Carrier Side Flat ~ U Shape Return Side a Pipe Shape Flat Shape Material Ground Plan (eee —C*d Return Side Holding Roller Inner cover rubber errr VILLLLLLLLILLLLLLLLLL LLL Outer cover rubber Special edge structure WN Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Arrangement of a Pipe Belt Conveyor. 1. Conveyor enclosure 2. Walkway 3. Handrail 4. Stationary guide rolls 5. 16" diameter belt conveyor tube - Figure - Phase I Report A March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Each of these belt conveyor alternatives would be continuously loaded at the Transfer Facility at a variable rate ranging up to 1200 metric tons per hour. The coal would then be conveyed approximately 13 to 18.5 miles inside a dust free enclosure (a 10 foot diameter elevated steel tube) to the receiving and storage facility. As a variable rate system, while also being continuous, surge storage would be minimized and capacity bottlenecks would not be of concern. Advantages Common to All Belt Conveyor Alternatives: e Would not be a barrier to land mammal movements, especially moose, bear and fur bearers. e Could handle grade changes more readily; thus, location of the transportation route is less restricted. e No surface activity or chance for collision with animals. e Could follow gradual vertical topography. e Relatively silent, almost noiseless. e No dust, water runoff or vehicle exhaust emissions. e Minimum coal surge storage at the transfer facility. e Transfer of coal to the transportation system very simple. e Low labor requirement. Disadvantages to All Belt Conveyor Alternatives: Most disadvantages of a belt conveyor system were eliminated by designing this system to be enclosed, and elevated on supports (bents and towers) along its entire course. This is significantly different than a conventional design that usually consists of an exposed conveyor supported on concrete foundations or railroad ties that follow a pioneer access road. e May be a partial barrier to animal movements and migration (ex- tent of barrier depends on design). - 5-24 - Phase I Report Perens -laee Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Constant operation, possibly resulting in avoidance behavior of terrestrial species. e Possible barrier to waterfowl movements during staging periods. e Provides no redundancy to transport coal in the event of a breakdown. e High initial capital cost. e Limited flexibility for expansion beyond 3 MMTPY. e Difficult to segregate various grades of coal. e Relatively high power demand. e Large number of supports and foundations (every 120 feet). Advantages Particular to a Conventional Troughed Belt Conveyor: e Extremely well developed and long standing technology and equip- ment. Disadvantages Particular to a Conventional Troughed Belt Conveyor: e Limited ability to accomplish vertical curves. e Cannot accomplish horizontal curves. e Requires more drive and transfer stations than a cable belt. Advantages Particular to a Cable Belt Conveyor: e Long conveyor runs eliminating extra drive and transfer stations required with troughed and pipe belt systems. 8 Can accomplish horizontal curves. e Lower power demand than a troughed belt. Disadvantages particular to a cable belt conveyor: e Custom manufactured and single source of supply. e Higher capital cost than a troughed belt. Advantages particular to a pipe belt conveyor: e Wrapped belt is inherently sealed for dust control and protection from weather. Could therefore use a less expensive enclosure. e Can accomplish horizontal curves. - 5-25 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Disadvantages Particular to a pipe belt conveyor: e Custom manufactured and single source of supply. e Higher capital cost than a troughed belt. e More belt wear and maintenance than troughed or cable belts. e Highest power demand on the three systems. e Belting only available with a fabric carcass that has tension limitations. Therefore, more drive and transfer stations are required than troughed and cable belt systems. 5.3.5 Aerial Tramway In this alternative mode, coal would be sized and delivered to the aerial tram- way transportation system on a schedule coincidental with the mining operations (2 shifts per day, 5 days per week). This minimizes the size of the Transfer Facility by lowering the overall requirement for surge capacity. The Transfer Facility would contain a surge bin and mechanism to fill the tramway buckets as they are indexed into the loading station. The buckets would sequence under the loading chute, be loaded and accelerate out of the station enroute to the Storage Facility. The coal would be carried down the same basic transportation corridor described for conveyors in Paragraph 5.3.3 except that any tramway alternative would contain only three to five straight line sections between the Transfer Facility and the Storage Facility. The straight sections could easily be accommodated since the spacing between support towers is normally on the order of 500 to 1500 feet and could easily be suited to varied vertical changes of the terrain. The design capacity of any tramway system alternative would be 1200 metric tons per hour. Four unique types of aerial tramway systems have been analyzed and are dis- cussed in the following paragraphs: Monocable Continuous Tramway Bicable Continuous Tramway Quadcable Continuous Tramway Double Jig-Back or Reversible Tramway - 5-26 - Phase I Report March, 1983 : an ‘ r A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Monocable Continuous Tramway (Refer to Figure This type of tramway system would consist of a single continuous traveling cable with coal haulage buckets equally spaced along its length. The buckets would be automatically loaded at the transfer facility, traverse along the route through the transfer stations and automatically be emptied at the coal storage facility. Due to the capacity limitations of a single cable, this sys- tem was immediately dropped from further consideration. Bicable Continuous Tramway (Refer to Figure This tramway system is basically the same as a monocable except that it would contain a continuous, fixed track cable loop as well as a continuous haul cable loop. Each bucket would incorporate a carriage frame consisting of eight sup- port wheels and a clamping mechanism for engagement and disengagement to the haul cable. Towers incorporated in the system would have saddles to support the track cable and idlers to support the haul cable. As with the monocable system, the bicable was also found to be very restrictive in capacity and thus eliminated. Quadcable Continuous Tramway (Refer to Figures through This system is basically the same as the bicable tramway system except that two track cables and two haul cables would be used with the buckets being sus- pended between each pair. The carriages for each bucket would have four wheels on each side (a total of eight wheels) they would ride on the track cables and have a positive and very reliable clamping system attached to each haul rope. Each bucket would carry approximately 4 metric tons of coal and would be loaded from the top and emptied from the bottom through a positive closing blade/gate. The elevated system would be supported by towers nominally spaced at about 700 ft. The overall height would be approximately 40 feet to ensure that the minimum clearance of the buckets would be 16 feet above the ground. The towers would have saddles to support the track cables and idlers to support the haul cables. The system would consist of three individual tramway selec- tions each containing its own drives, counterweights and terminal equipment. - 5-27 - Arrangement of a monocable ropeway. ] - carrying-hauling rope, 2 - tension weight, 3 - drive, 4 - return sheave, 5 - cars. - Figure - A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Arrangement of a bicable ropeway with a continuously circulating rope. 1 - carrying ropes, 2 - hauling rope, 3 - tension weights for carrying ropes, 4 - tension weight for the hauling rope, 5 - carrying rope anchorages, 6 - drive, 7 - shunt rails, 8 - cars, 9 - locking frame, 10 - unlocking of cars. - Figure - A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Quad Cable System 1 - bucket, 2 - carrying ropes, 3 - hauling ropes, 10 - loading or unloading bunker, 12 - carrying rope anchorings, 13 - carrying rope tension devices, 14 - deflecting shoes for carrying ropes, 15 - drives for hauling ropes, 16 - hauling rope tension devices, 17 - rails as tracks for cars, 18 - rail curves for guiding the cars into the opposite direction (option to Item 19), 19 - turntable for placing the cars into the opposite direction. - Figure - A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Phase I Report NW March, 1983 Id Wheelabrator Coal Services Company - Figure - Quad Cable System 1 _- bucket, 2 - carrying ropes, 3 - hauling ropes, 4 - carriage wheels, 5-8 various car parts, 9 - coupling device at the car, 11 - car part. - Figure - A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Phase I Report 7 March, 1983 ibe bem Wheelabrator Coal Services Company - Figure - Hees 1 Report A arcn, 7 x 1 . . : Wheelabrator Coal Services Company During normal operation of the system, the coal buckets would be indexed under the loading station in the transfer facility, filled and then sequenced into the tramway (see Figure This would be done by accelerating the bucket to the haul cable speed (approximately 20 ft/sec. or 14.6 miles per hour) and solidly clamping it to the cable. The spacing between coal buckets on the sys- tem would be about 235 feet. Upon arriving at intermediate stations, the buck- ets would automatically pass through that station and reclamp to the cables of the next downstream station. Two such transfers would occur before a bucket would arrive at the reclaiming and storage facility. The buckets would then automatically decelerate, be emptied into a receiving hopper and then be in- dexed through a turning station for the return trip to the transfer facility (see Figure The entire tramway system would have approximately 600 buckets active in this cycle during normal operation. During winter operation, the buckets would pass through a heated thaw section in the unloading station just prior to the receiving hopper. All the controls, safety devices and inter- locks would be included to insure a reliable, safe and continuous operation. Special Gondola cars for personnel and supplies could be included in this sys- tem. A number of these gondolas could be stored at each of the tramway ter- minals for indexing into the system as required. Gondolas would be positioned between the coal buckets. Double Jig-Back or Reversible Tramway (Refer to Figure This type of tramway system would be divided into five or six individual sec- tions, each having its own drives and two coal hauling conveyances. The convey- ances would be attached to the cables at opposite ends of each segment. During normal operation of the system, coal would be loaded into one of the haulage vehicles while the other was unloading at an intermediate transfer station. The conveyances would then shuttle to opposite ends thus conveying the coal in one direction and returning the empty vehicles to the upper terminal for reloading. This operation would be repeated for each segment of the tramway until the coal is delivered to the receiving and storage facility. Since the capacity of this type of tramway system is almost inversely proportional to - 5-28 - veri (ie Quad Cable System 1 - bucket, 2 - carrying ropes, 3 - hauling ropes, 10 - loading or unloading bunker, 12 - carrying rope anchorings, 14 - deflecting shoes for carrying ropes, 15 - drives for hauling ropes, 17 - rails as tracks for cars, 19 - turntable for placing the cars into the opposite direction. - Figure - A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company - Figure - Quad Cable System 1 - bucket, 2 - carrying ropes, 3 - hauling ropes, 10 - loading or unloading bunker, 13 - carrying rope tension devices, 14 - deflecting shoes for carrying ropes, 16 - hauling rope tension devices, 17 - rails as tracks for cars, 18 - rail curves for guiding the cars into the opposite direction. Ix. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Double reversible (jig-back) aerial tramway system with twin track ropes anchored at both ends. 1 - deflection sheave, 2 - counter sheave, 3 - conveyance, 4 - haul rope, 5 - slack rope carrier, 6 - haul rope counterweight, 7 - station saddle, 8 - haul rope, 9 - track ropes, 10 - station saddle, 11 - drive sheave. - Figure - A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Phase I Report March, 1983 A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company its length, the system must be designed in several sections each having a maxi- mum length of 2.5 to 3.0 miles. Each conveyance could have a small compartment in one end to carry personnel and supplies in addition to the coal. Advantages Common to all Tramway Alternatives: e Would not be a barrier to land mammal movements, especially moose, bear and furbearers. e Could handle grade changes more readily; thus, location of the transportation route is less restricted. e No surface activity or chance for collision with animals. ° Could easily follow vertical topography. e No stream or lake blockage, so no surface runoff alterations. e Less construction impacts on wildlife habitat. e Relatively silent, almost noiseless. e No dust, water runoff or vehicle exhaust emissions. e Minimum coal surge storage at the transfer facility. e Transfer of coal to the transportation system very simple. e Low labor requirements. e Lowest power demand of all alternatives and modes of transpor- tation. e Large spacing between support towers. e No significant fuel storage or handling needs. Disadvantages to all Tramway Alternatives: e Constant operation, possibly resulting in avoidance behavior of terrestrial species. e Possible barrier to waterfowl movements during staging periods. e Highly visible. - 5-29 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Provides no redundancy to transport coal in the event of breakdown. e Limited flexibility for expansion beyond 3 MMTPY. e Extremely well developed and longstanding technology and equipment e Cannot accomplish horizontal curves. e May have operating problems in severe icing conditions. Advantages Particular to a Quadcable Tramway: e Can accomplish long runs thus reducing drive stations. e This system would be able to operate in high winds (up to 50 MPH) due to its supporting arrangement and low center of gravity with respect to supports. e Conveyances go direct from one end of the system to the other without need for off loading and reloading at transfer stations. Disadvantages Particular to Quadcable Tramway: e Would require a large number of conveyances, thus requiring maint- enance. Advantages Particular to Double Jig-Back Tramway: e Fewer conveyances and moving parts, thus reducing maintenance. e Less chance of coal freezing in cars. Disadvantages Particular to Double Jig-Back Tramway: e Coal must be transferred between conveyances at each station (five times). e Personnel would also have to transfer between conveyances. e Would likely have to operate continuously to achieve design capacity. 5.3.6 Slurry Pipeline This discussion encompasses two slurry pipeline alternatives for transporting coarse coal during shiploading operations for an annual rate of 3 million metric tonnes at peak production of the mining operations. - 5-30 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Slurry Offshore Loading e Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Conventional Dry Loading The basis of preliminary design for the two slurry pipeline alternatives for Phase I is summarized in Table The two alternatives are sized to han- dle 2500 metric tonnes per hour of sized as-minded coal and to recirculate the transporting water. The alternatives would basically follow the same route although different end locations are involved. Flow sheets for each alternative are contained: in Figure Nos. and and can be used as reference for the following discussion. A complete report and detailed system(s) des- cription is contained in Exhibit B of this report. Slurry Offshore Loading: In this alternative, coal would be received and stored at the Transfer Facility near the mines. When a ship arrives to receive cargo, the coal would be re- claimed from storage and conveyed to an adjacent slurry preparation and pumping facility. Using rotary slurry feeders and a lockhopper type pumping system the coal would be mixed 40% by weight with water and pumped approximately 24 miles through a subsurface and submarine pipeline to a monobuoy located about 3 miles offshore. The ship, moored to the monobuoy, would be connected to the pipeline with flexible hoses. It should be noted that this alternative would not require any docking facilities. However, as will be explained in Section 5.3, the dredging for adequate depth common to all alternative modes of trans- portation would be required. As the slurry enters the ships' holds, the coal would be dewatered onboard ship and the water returned to shore through a second pipeline using the ships' pumps. Upon reaching shore, the recirculated water would enter a return water pumping station where it would be recycled approximately 21 miles back to the slurry preparation station for reuse. The dual pipelines (one for slurry and one for return water) would be inter- changeable. Each pipe would be 30 inches outside diameter constructed of API - 5-31 - Phase I Report March, 1983 AD Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Bering River Coal Field Study Slurry Pipeline Alternatives Design Basis Locations and Coordinates Transfer Facility Conveyor/Monobuoy Land Site Monobuoy Site Return Line Pump Station Site Dewatering Site Throughput e Annual Throughput-Surface Dry Tons/Year Coal Properties e As-Mined Moisture e Specific Gravity (Bone Dry) e Inherent Moisture (i.e., Equilibrium Moisture) e Desired Size Consist Delivered To Customers Design Life e Desired Project Design Life Slurry Ship Loading Alternatives e Ship Loading Rate TPH (Surface Dry) Slurry Offshore Loading e Pipeline Length e Solids Concentration e Frost Line Depth for Inland Pipelines e Ship Sizes e@ Shipping Schedule (Ships/Month, Months/Year) *Assumed as average. Phase I Basis Near Mines Near Katalla 5 Mi. from Land Site Near Katalla Near Katalla 3.0x10° tonnes/year 0.46% 1.35 2.0 3/4"x0", 15%-100 Mesh 20 years 2500 tonnes/hour 24 miles 40% wt. bone dry 8 ' 100,000 DWT* (10,000-150,000 range) 3.33/mo.*, 9 mos./year - Table - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company - Table - (continued) Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Conventional Dry Loading e@ Pipeline Length 19 miles e@ Pipeline and Dewatering Plant Tonnage Rate TPH (Surface Dry) 2500 e@ Desired Dewatered Surface Moisture 10-12% e Solids Concentration and Pipeline Same as Offshore Loading Depth Alternative Water Return Pipelines e Solids Concentration (Fines) 5% wt. e@ Pipeline Size Same as Slurry Pipelines e Pipeline Lengths Same as Slurry Pipelines Other Coal Properties e@ Heating Value 12,600 BTU/# e Assumed Moisture 0.46% e Volatiles 14.1% e@ Fixed Carbon 75.5% e Ash 10.4% e Sulfur 0.86% - Table - (Cont'd) - 2°g°€°S aunbly - High Pressure Water Holding/Settling Pond {800,000 Gal/1 10.000 Ft") (40% wt Solids) (5% wt Solids) Buried Overland Pipelines (21 miles) Holaing Pond (4 = 10° Gal 5 «10° Fry Tovered Stockpile (300,000 Tonnes) COAL SLURRY PUMP STATION AT TRANSFER FACILITY (MPO) Magnet [7] Distributor a 220, ae Conveyor | (2725 TPH) Feed Bins & V rotary reesers i (900 TPH each) Water Tank High Pressure Water Collector Pneumatic Conveyor Belt Feeders - 3 (450 Tonnes each) - Dust Multichamber Lockhopper 3 PO Pump Pumping System a p- ~ a (intermittent Use Only) Te FT SE cpu fr : nes Hour Cup Feet Second Ganons Manute Feet Active Capacity Gauions Active Capacity Water Pond (12 = 10° Gali B= 10 FLY Heiging Pong a Gar bs? 10 Fy Pumps - 8 (7.000 Hp each)! > ~ Coal Slurry Pipeline — 30° NOTE Pipelines will be alternated for slurry to distribute wear peninsil D<J > Return Water Pipeline — 30°. Polyurethane Lining Typical Block Valve/Crossover (every 1" miles) LANDSITE NEAR KATALLA (MP19) Return Water/Slurry Pumps - 7 (1250 Hp Each) Surge Tank (250 000 Gai/33 500 Ft’) tH] %° Polyurethane Lining (2725 TPH Coal) Stith (otermt >< Ballast Holding Pond {it Required) fsx, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company ae Discharge To Sea | da PSI ©) €) @:) A Fox Island (MP21) | NOTE Some heating of tanks/ponds’pipelines may be required PIPELINE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED B Programmable Wheelabrator Coal Services Co lie sc Finer oe oes 5 Fines Stora (5 + 10 Galo Tank (30% wt Solids) ~ 10 Ft) SHIPLOADING & DEWATERING (MP24) Plattorm or Genes Offshore Pipelines (3 miles) - Figure - SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING ALTERNATIVE Job 104 Date 1/20/83 BEARING RIVER COAL FIELD FLOW SCHEMATIC - €°g°e"g aunbry - COAL SLURRY PUMP STATION AT TRANSFER FACILITY (MPO) TPH = Tonnes Hour FT SEC » Cubic Feet Second GPM » Gallons Mrute T FT = Cubic Feet Active Capacity s GAL = Gallons Active Capacity COAL Multichamber Lockhopper ae el Belt Feeders - 3 (450 Tonnes each) Rotary Feeders - 3 (44% wt (900 TPH each) Solids) Holging Pong (45 10° Gat 05» 10 FL) Tovered Stockpile (300,000 Tonnes) rhyeyy High Pressure Water Holding/Settling Pond Porte (800,000 Gai/110.000 Ft) (intermittent Use Only) t-{T} l > (40% wt Solids) Coal Slurry Pipeline — 30°. %” Polyurethane Liming (2725 TPH Coat) NOTE Pipeines wi be aerated fr sary to rut > (~~ 0% wi Solids) Typical Block Return Water Pipeline — 30", Polyuretnane Lining Valve Crossover (every 1'> miles) Flocculation System Dewatering Plant LANDSITE NEAR KATALLA (MP19) bere RIEaEs Cyclones "S Bae Tee peg wae Su A Sere fg “as eT 19250 Hp Each) By-Pass === Centrtuges t f (2 7 Petr in (250 000" "33500 Fey —J Vorsivs -9 an ‘Surge Silo Gomis £588 Sen Centrituges -9 > oJ + 28m ' Cyclone Feed Pumps -3 Conseyor oy rn. . eee reoresy aie _ Ballast from Ship. Orscharge To Sea Dewatered Coat To Ship Loading ‘Conveyor NOTE Some heating of Water Treaiment “ el 4 f \ anes Fecnmes |i Required) maybereaure Nsiang Fore Soy noeg Pond - Figure - (4+ 10° GaiOS + 10 Fr) * Requred PIPELINE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED SLURRY/ONSHORE DEWATERING/ CONVENTIONAL LOADING ALTERNATIVE FLOW SCHEMATIC Wheelabrator Coa! Serwices Co BEARING RIVER COAL FIELD ie Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Goal Services Company 5LX, X60 steel with 0.750 inch wall thickness and a 0.750 inch internal poly- urethane lining to control abrasion. They would be buried 8 feet underground on land (to prevent freezing) and 4 feet under lake or ocean floors. As shown on the flow sheets, each slurry alternative would contain the fol- lowing sub-systems: e Return water treatment e Management of coal fines for reinjection into the system either as cargo or as fuel for the boilers of a power plant. e Lined holding ponds and separate pumps for emptying the pipeline in case of breakdown (such as power outage) or blockage. Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Conventional Dry Loading: This alternative would be similar to the prior Slurry Offshore system in that the slurry preparation and pumping and return water stations would be basically the same, both in equipment and location adjacent to the transfer facility near the mines. The difference occurs when the pumped slurry approaches tidewater in the subsur- face pipeline. At this point, rather than continuing in the submarine line, it would come to surface and then be processed through a land based conven- tional dewatering facility. Dried coal would then be transported to a dock via a conventional overland system (such as belt conveyor or aerial tramway). The return water system would be as formerly described. Advantages Common to Both Slurry Alternatives: e Facilities could limit access to the area. e Buried and not visible. e Not a barrier to terrestrial animal movements. e Would not impact waterfowl - 5-32 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Disadvantages e J. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Could handle grade changes more readily; thus, location of the transportation route is less restricted. Silent, no noise. No dust, water runoff or vehicle exhaust emissions. Transfer of coal to the slurry/transportation system very simple. Low labor requirement. Easy to expand capacity. Could handle over 10 million tonnes per year (if mining could reach this volume) simply by operating more frequently. Common to Both Slurry Alternatives: Need for makeup water supply. Ditch during construction could entrap animals. Large basins or holding ponds required. Extremely high energy demand (46 megawatts). Provides no redundancy to transport coal in the event of a break- down. Highest capital cost of all alternative modes. Coarse coal slurry technology is relatively new. Advantages Particular to Slurry Offshore Loading: Disadvantages Better suited to segregate grades of coal. Does not require a land-based dewatering facility. Shiploading operations less visible (no dock with offshore monobuoy) . Particular to Slurry Offshore Loading: Requires very large spoils area for dredging. Advantages Particular to Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Dry Loading: 6 Disadvantages Does not require a spoils area for dredged materials. Particular to Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Dry Loading: Difficult to segregate grades of coal. - 5-33 - Phase I Report March, 1983 f=. Wheelabrator Coal Services: Company 8 Requires a land-based dewatering facility of significant size. e Shiploading operation very visible (conventional dock rather than offshore monobuoy). - 5-34 - Phase I Report March, 1983 y See Coal Services Company 5.4 MARINE FACILITIES 5.4.1 Site Selection A preliminary study of potential sites for the Marine Terminal was made using existing nautical charts. The three potential locations identified (Kanak Island, Martin Islands and Nelson Bay) are shown in Figure ERR es Re “=. ser 7, [use chert 16723). atta | ES - Figure - The selection of sites addressed the need to accommodate vessels of the fol- lowing sizes while providing multiple use capability for local fishermen: Fully Vessels Length Beam Loaded Draft 10,000 DWT Self-Unloading Barge 400 ft. 100 ft. 10 ft. 60,000 DWT Panamax Type 740 ft. 106 ft. 42 ft. 150,000 DWT Bulk Ore Carrier 1033 ft. 147 ft. 59 ft. - 5-35 - Phase I Report March, 1983 ‘ aoe f===a_ Wheclabrator Coal Services Company The site initially selected for study was located off the Martin Islands south- east of Katalla. (Refer to the map in Exhibit 1.) While obviously exposed, this site offered deep water and a natural feature, the Martin Islands, over which a causeway might be built providing access to a deepwater fixed dock structure. Because wave and storm conditions would limit use of this site, a more detailed oceanographic literature search was made and a preliminary hindcast performed to determine wave heights and expected frequencies. Wave data from the Climatic Atlas is presented in Table Appendix D contains Katalla meteorology (wind, waves and precipitation). Offshore Wave Heights Percent of time that wave heights: Month > 5 ft. > 8 ft. > 12 ft. > 20 ft. Jan 50-60 20 10 5 Feb 60-70 20-30 10-15 5 Mar 60 20-30 5-10 5 Apr 40-50 15 5 5 May 40 10-15 5 0 Jun 40-50 10 5 0 Jul 40 5 5 0 Aug 30 10 5 5 Sep 50-60 20 5 5 Oct 50-60 20-30 10-15 5 Nov 50-60 10-20 5 5 Dec 60 20-30 5-10 5 Source: Climatic Atlas of the Outer Continental Shelf Waters and Coastal egions 0 aska, > 1977 Table The preliminary hindcast resulted in a significant wave height of 45 to 50 feet in the area just off the Martin Islands in 10 fathoms. Because the significant wave height is the average of the highest one-third waves, a maximum wave height for the deep water location would be depth-limited but over 60 feet. A fixed structure such as a dock would have to be built to an elevation of 50 or 60 feet above mean lower low water (MLLW) to be above the extreme tidal ranges and all but the highest storm waves. The dock would have to be designed to resist the impact loads of all wave heights anticipated, including the maximum. For the intertidal area between Fox and Whale Island (comprising the Martin - 5-36 - Phase I Report March, 1983 =} Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Islands), a significant wave height of 15 to 20 feet was hindcasted. Initially, other sites in the area, such as Controller Bay, were rejected because the waters were too shallow. The following tidal information for the Controller Bay area has been calculated: Controller Bay - Tide Data Diurnal Range 10.1 feet Mean Range 7.7 feet Maximum Tide Elevation (Predicted) +12.6 feet Minimum Tide Elevation (Predicted) - 2.7 feet Mean Tide Level 5.2 feet Following the initial review of possible port sites, arrangements were made with the Southwest Alaska Pilots Association (who are responsible for piloting most large vessels in Alaskan waters north of Cape Spencer) to have a licensed marine pilot review the port options. Accordingly, on January 28, 1983 Dennis Nottingham and Jeff Gilman from Peratrovich, Nottingham and Drage, Inc., and Captain Jack Johnson, a certified Master Mariner with 40 years experience in Alaska, flew to Cordova to perform an aerial reconnaissance of the port sites, particularly the Martin Islands site. The transportation routes to the Bering River coal field from the Copper River Highway and the access route to the Katalla area from the mine site were examined on January 29. While not having been able to land due to high tide, the Martin Islands site was also carefully examined. This review confirmed fears that the site was extremely exposed, including evidence that waves had actually overtopped Fox Island, conser- vatively estimated at up to 100 feet in height. Upon return to Cordova, the marine pilot outlined the dangers involved in the Martin Islands site, which included heavy seas and surf at all seasons of the year, thus limiting usage of a facility located there. For the same reason he was not enthusiastic about a monobuoy system, citing the need for relatively calm seas while approaching this type of facility. At this point, the marine pilot suggested a site behind Kanak Island to the east of Katalla in Controller - 5-37 - Phase I Report March, 1983 ; ! Lt : fsx, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Bay as an alternative. He pointed out that there is a deepwater entrance to Controller Bay through Okalee Channel with a mean depth of about 11 fathoms. Once inside the southern tip of Kanak Island, a turning basin would have to be dredged in water ranging in depth from 1 to 12 fathoms. Kanak Island offers a flat open area for upland staging and approach to a dock structure which could be placed on the end of a causeway built out to the deeper water of the turning basin. The causeway could be built of dredged mater- ials retained behind a natural rock bulkhead. Rock would be hauled from a quarry site on Red Wood Bay. Maintenance dredging would be required on an an- nual or biannual basis to keep the turning basin free from glacial silt carried into Controller Bay by the Bering River. The charter pilot for the field trip, Jim Foode, who has a cabin and emergency airstrip on Kanak Island, echoed Capt. Johnson's view that Kanak Island would be a feasible port site. Following his return to Anchorage, the marine pilot drafted a report detailing his concerns over the Martin Islands site and his view that a "fine port" could be dredged in Controller Bay (refer to Appendix C). It should be noted here that a third potential site identified in the prelim- inary assessment was at Shepard Point on Nelson Bay about 6 miles north of Cordova. This site offers the nearest deep protected water but also presents the difficulty of transporting the coal 80 miles from the mine site, limited uplands, and the potential for adverse impacts on Cordova itself. This site was therefore not seriously considered. A location map and comparative matrix of the three sites considered is pre- sented in Table Ranking scores of 0 to 3 were assigned to each site depending upon how well certain site criteria were fulfilled and upon the over- all development potential of the site. The higher the score, the better the site for this type of development. - 5-38 - Phase I Report A March, 1963 fs==. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Relative Comparative Matrix for Marine Facility Sites Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Kanak Island Martin Islands Nelson Bay Protection from Wind and Waves 3 0 3 Adequate Depths for Turning Basin ] 3 3 Uplands Availability 3 ] 0 Access to Mine Site 2 2 ] Compatibility with Environment 2 2 1 Impact on Cordova 3 3 ] Initial Construction Costs 2 0 2 Access to Port 3 0 3 Maintenance & Operation Costs _0 ML Lue Total 19 12 15 - Table - After comparing the suitability of potential sites, Kanak Island was selected. 5.4.2 Preliminary Criteria The following performance and design criteria have been developed for the Marine Terminal. e Design wave for slope protection is the significant wave that is equal to the average height of the 1/3 highest wave as determined by hindcast studies. e Dock elevation to be above highest wave and wave runup. e Dock and riprap to be designed to withstand design wave and currents with minimum maintenance. e Slope top of dock to drain toward shore to keep undesirable surface spills from draining directly into ocean waters. e Orient pierhead line to allow both starboard and port docking, depen- ding on winds and currents. e Potential dock additions should use the same pierhead line. e Dock designed to allow use of an initial single radial (travelling) loader and addition of another radial loader in the future. - 5-39 - Phase March, 5.4.3 Based and tu I Report 1983 . ‘ allie ‘ Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Dock facility to be designed to allow multiple use (such as timber ship- ment, buying and off-loading of fish to trucks, construction staging and an inclcment weather haven for small planes and ships/boats). Marine development to be planned as a phased project so that coal ship- ment could begin while the final construction and dredging are completed. Marine development to be planned as a phased project so that coal ship- ment could begin while the final construction and dredging are completed. Dredge material to be used in the dock and wind barrier construction and uplands development. Locate turning basin in a protected area. Locate approach channel and turning basin to minimize initial and future maintenance dredging amounts and costs. Channel should accommodate use by seaplanes. Ship sizes: Fully Loaded DWT Length Beam Draft ee Maximum: 150,000 1,033 ft. 147 ft. 59 ft. ee Intermediate: 60,000 740 ft. 106 ft. 42 ft. ee Minimum: 10,000 400 ft. 100 ft. 10 ft. Entry channel and turning basin: Basin Basin* Channel Channel* Diameter Depth Width Depth DWT ee Maximum 1 Mi. -70 ft. 1500 ft. -60 ft. 150,000 ee Intermediate 3 mi. -70 ft. 1500 ft. -60 ft. 150,000 ee Minimum 3 Mi. -55 ft. 600 ft. -45 ft. 60,000 *at MLLW Tug boat assistance to be provided to all docking vessels. Ships would wait out adverse weather outside the channel area in deep water and then be brought through the channel and docked unballasted. Ships to ride the tide when departing through the channel. General Layout on the preliminary criteria established, a preliminary layout of the dock rning basin at the Marine Terminal site were developed. A schematic of - 5-40 - Phase I Report March, 1983 ; : Saar : Wheelabrator Coal Services Company the dock layout is shown in Figure Figure depicts a typical channel and turning basin layout at the southeast corner of Kanak Island. 5.4.4 Potential Development Plan By planning for phased Marine Terminal, it would be possible to allow coal shipment to occur prior to final completion of the marine development. One possible approach is to provide the minimum facilities necessary for vessel access and loading with continued construction to facilitate vessel access and movement and to maximize bulk coal loading capacity. The initial (Phase I) or minimum facility would include a dock with a single radial travelling loader, a 1/4 mile diameter turning basin dredged to a depth of -55 ft. MLLW, and a 600 ft. wide approach channel with a depth of -45 ft. MLLW. The dock would be designed for a -70 ft. MLLW pier head line, for mul- tiple use, and to accommodate future expansion. During construction, the dock and uplands could be used for handling construction equipment and materials as well as handling the timber harvested from construction of the transportation system and the staging area. This situation would allow unlimited access by 60,000 DWT Panamax type vessels and by 25,000 DWT log ships. With limited chan- nel and basin maneuvering room, access to the port at this stage would require a minimum of two ship assist tugs (minimum 3,000 H.P. each) and two small line handling vessels. Dock access might be restricted during adverse weather. Continued (Phase II) development could include expansion of the turning basin to 1/2 mile diameter with the additional area designated to a depth of -70 ft. MLLW and widening the approach channel to 1,000 ft. at a depth of -60 ft. MLLW. These improvements would increase the ease of docking vessels of the Panamax size and accommodate 150,000 DWT vessels. Tug assistance would still be re- quired for all vessels. A dock extension and second radial traveling loader would be added. Final (Phase III) development would take the facility to the completion stage. The 1/2 mile diameter turning basin would be increased to 1 mile diameter at - 5-41 - HES ! MV RO0IAL LOSER SURFACE COP - L'e'p's aunbry - EXTREME HGH WATER 12.0' EXTREME LOW WATER -2.7' EL-2% 10,000 DWT BARGE EL -35 60.000 SHIP EL -70 190.c~00 sHir PERIMETER Rock KE RN | ELEVATION SCHEMATIC DOCK LAYOUT Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, Inc. FIGURE 5 ; 4 . 3 : 1 &) ——— aaa == A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SCALE 1: 50,000 |: lis - Figure - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company -70 ft. MLLW and the channel widened to 1500 ft. at a depth of -60 ft. MLLW. This development would allow all-weather access by vessels of 150,000 DWT and smaller. Summary of phased marine development plan: Phase I: Dock with single radial traveling loader, 1/4 mile turning basin at -55 ft. MLLW, 600 ft. wide approach channel at -45 ft. MLLW. e Permits access by vessels up to 60,000 DWT Panamax size. Phase II: Add second radial travelling loader. Expand turning basin to 1/2 mile diameter and deepen to -70 MLLW. Widen channel to 1000 ft. at -60 ft. MLLW depth. e Permits access of 60,000 DWT vessels at all times with in- creased maneuvering room and docking ease, and accommodates up to 150,000 DWT vessels with full tug assistance at high tide. Phase III: Increase turning basin to 1 mile diameter at -70 ft. MLLW depth. Widen channel to 1500 ft. at -60 ft. MLLW depth. e Access is the same as Phase II, but tug assistance is reduced and full maneuverability provided for all vessels up to 150,000 DWT. 5.4.5 Kanak Island Dock Facility Advantages: e Less wind and wave exposure than the Martin Islands. e Less potential to disrupt historic sites at Katalla. e Potential increased recreational use of this area. e Coal transport distance could be reduced. e Causeway bridge would allow for littoral drift and passage of fish and fishing boats. e Dock facilities would allow year-round protected harbor multiple use: oo §©6Coal export. oo =6—Timber export. oo =6Hardrock mining. - 5-42 - Phase I Report March, 1983 YN ; Wheelabrator Coal Services Company ee Buying and off-loading of fish. ee Haven for ships, boats and small planes during inclement weather. ee Staging area for mobilization and demobilization of equipment and materials during construction. Should fishermen use the dock: ee Fish could be trucked to fisheries in Cordova (approximately 2-1/2 hours or 100 miles) eliminating 12 to 20 hour trips by individual boats. ee Fish would be delivered approximately one day earlier with higher quality (less damage from wave pounding and in more fresh condition). ee Cost improvements from volume and transportation could be realized. Construction could be conducted in phases to defer capital expenditures until the coal mines can achieve higher levels of production. Excavated materials from dredging would be used to construct the dock, staging area, windbreak at the dock and the causeway from Point Hey to Kanak Island. While minimizing battered piles, the dock would be efficient and easy to expand. Disadvantages: Requires major causeway bridge crossing. Need for and high cost of dredging. Requires annual maintenance dredging. Large dredge job requires a long construction period. Necessity of a man-made harbor. Borders a small portion of the trumpeter swan management area. Possible marine mammal haul-out areas and movement may be altered. Possible increased hunting pressure on bear and moose on Kanak Island. Location of an eagle nest near Point Hey. Possible alteration of sedimentation patterns in Bering River estuary chan- nels. More visible than a monobuoy. - 5-43 - Phase I Report March, 1984 A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Ships close to shore, increasing dock visibility, and coastal effects of any discharges or spills. 5.4.6 Kanak Island Monobuoy Facility Advantages: e Less visible than conventional docking facilities. e Less use of coastal area. e Does not require major causeway bridge crossing. e No significant structures or activity on Kanak Island. e Less wind and wave exposure. Disadvantages: e Eliminates multiple use dock advantages. e Requirement for make-up water. e Need for large holding pond. e Basically the same dredging requirements as a dock plus the need for a large spoils area for dredged materials (whereas the dock uses these for construction). e High energy demand associated with the slurry pipeline. - 5-44 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 5.5 RECEIVING, STORAGE, RECLAIM AND SHIPLOADING 5.5.1 Receiving, Storage and Reclaim The Storage Facility would consist of the buildings and equipment required to receive coal from the Overland Transportation System, place it under covered storage, and then reclaim the coal when ships arrive to be loaded. Upon delivery from the Overland Transportation System, the coal would be dis- charged into a hopper and then transported on an enclosed belt conveyor to the top of the covered storage building(s). At this point the coal would be trans- ferred to a storage distribution conveyor (such as a traveling tripper) that would have the capability of depositing it into selected locations within the structure(s) to facilitate blending and/or segregation of coal by type/grade. Reclaiming of coal would be accomplished at 2500 metric tonnes per hour (MTPH) using one or more mechanisms (such as portal reclaimers). This type of equip- ment affords 100 percent live storage reclaim that eliminates the need for any sub-surface tunnels that would be troublesome because of the low water table, and also avoids the need for man-operated mobile equipment to assist coal movements. Following reclaim, the coal would be sampled by an approved certified method and delivered to the Port Transportation System which will transport it to the Marine Terminal. 5.5.2 Transportation From Reclaim to Shiploading The Port Transportation System would convey the coal at a rate of 2500 MTPH from the Storage Facility to the Marine Terminal located off the southeast tip of Kanak Island - a distance of 7 to 8 miles. Three alternatives would be involved: - 5-45 - Phase I Report March, 1983 A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Conventional Belt Conveyor e Aerial Tramway e Slurry Pipeline The system descriptions and comparative advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives were formerly discussed in Paragraph 5.3. 5.5.3 Shiploading Dependent upon the mode of transportation selected, coal would be loaded into ships by either a conventional dry bulk shiploader system or by a slurry loading system. Dry Bulk Loading: With a conventional dry bulk shiploading system, the coal would be discharged from the Port Transportation System through a surge hopper and then into a radial traveling shiploader that would be mounted on the dock at the Marine Terminal. The details of this system were previously described in Paragraph 5.4 and were depicted in Figure Slurry Loading: This alternative for loading ships would be similar to the "Slurry Offshore Loading" system formerly discussed in Paragraph 5.3.5 in that it would employ the same monobuoy arrangement. In this case, however, the slurry preparation and pumping and return water stations would be located adjacent to the recei- ving and storage facility near tidewater (as opposed to near the mines). In this regard, the slurry pumping distance would be reduced to only 5 to 8 miles. Coal deliveries to this system from the transfer facility would be accomplished by overland transport discussed in prior paragraphs. Figure contains the flow sheet for this system. A detailed report and system description is contained in Appendix B. - 5-46 - TPs © Tonnes Hour FT SEC Cube Feet Secon GPM Gatons Mute FT > Cube Feet Actwe Capacity GAL» Ganons Actwe Capacity COAL SLURRY PUMP STATION AT LANDSITE NEAR KATALLA (MPO) Magret (J) Dust Cottlector Worsinovtor L) GOAL | Preumate orn Weigh Conveyor BA Conveyor ‘Scale GO Fitter Feed Bins & Conve) (2725 TPH) oy J Rotary Feeders - 3 (900 Belt Feeders - 3 (450 Tonnes each) PH each) ‘Gland Seal Water System Centrifugal Siur Water Pond (12 + 10" Gal 6 + 108 FD) Holding Pond (2+ 1 Gai 3 = 10 FY) t 1 Pumping System — 8 Pumps Tovered Stockpile { | Pumping Syste én (300.000 Tonnes), =O Feeder eo ' ' res (1750 Hp each), Water Tank tt ' I t 7 Programmable Controtier PD Pump (intermittent Use Only) : ¢") mn ane 0-4} © —. (intermittent Use Only) (") a B Ss Fines Storage Tank (Os mt Sonn re eet Sy o (40% wt Solids) Coal Sturry Pipeline — 30°" Polyurethane Lining (2725 TPH Coal) 4 7 a NOTE Pipelines will be alternated for slurry to distribute wear Deel o (5% wt Solids) Typical Block Return Water Pipeline — 30° Polyurethane Lining as rs wee, w (every 1% miles) as Discharge To Sea | 1 SHIPLOADING & DEWATERING (MP5) Buried Overiand Pipelines (2 miles) Water Treatment Facilites (!" Required) Fox Island (MP2) Ballast Holding Pond (it Required) Monobuoy 1 ana So voto LL] Lf Sturry ‘Shp Offshore Pipelines (3 miles) NOTE Some heating of tanks/ponds/pipelines may be required - Figure - CONVEYOR/SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING ALTERNATIVE FLOW SCHEMATIC PIPELINE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Wheelabrator Coal Services Co Wheelabrator Coal Services Company BEARING RIVER COAL FIELD Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Advantages and disadvantages for this alternative are basically the same as those stated for the longer distance "Offshore Slurry Loading" system discussed in Section 5.3.5. - 5-47 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 5.6 ACCESS ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS 5.6.1 Introduction In their agreement with the U.S. Government, Chugach Natives, Inc. was granted easements (of their future selection) for access roads and transportation cor- ridors for the entire development of the Bering River Coal Field. This agree- ment stipulates that the access roads will also be for public use. Evidence still exists of prior attempts to transport coal from the Bering River Coal Field in the early 1900's. The USGS map used for exhibits in this Phase I Re- port shows an old railroad grade extending from tidewater near Katalla north to Carbon Creek (precisely where mining operations for this development would commence). The fall storms of 1907 destroyed the nearly completed breakwater wooden trestles and docking facilities at Katalla and they were never rebuilt. In this Assessment, it was necessary to perform certain major portions of work to use as baseline data for evaluating alternatives for roads and transpor- tation corridors. The work which was completed prior to evaluating potential routes is listed below. Environmental plots (Exhibits 1, 2, 3 and 4). Geotechnical classification of landforms (Exhibit 5). Establishing a Transfer Facility site - the beginning point. Establishing a Marine Terminal site - the ending point. Having accomplished this, several alternate routes were examined for all the access roads and alternative modes of coal transportation. For brevity, all of these plots are not included in this report. Rather, the final set of alter- natives particular to the mode of transportation that was found to be the most promising (on a combined basis of environmental, technical and economic consi- derations) is presented in Exhibits 6 and 7. These alternatives for road access and transportation corridors pertain to the transport of coal by an aerial - 5-48 - Phase I Report March, 1983 A Wheelabrator Coal Services Company tramway. The rationale for this selection is discussed in Section 8 of this report. With constant reference to Exhibits 6 and 7, the following paragraphs discuss the access road and coal transportation corridor alternatives. 5.6.2 Major Considerations for Preliminary Alignments Preliminary alignments for the access roads and coal transportation corridors were chosen from, but not restricted to, the following major considerations: e Minimizing environmental efforts. e Following upland areas adjacent to any wetlands to minimize wet- land crossings and allow stream crossings on smaller streams. e Geotechnical soundness: ee Roadways should stay for the most part on high ground, avoiding the low, wet areas which are prevalent throughout the area. Granular, free-draining materials such as outwash, alluvial materials and coarse floodplain deposits and mor- aines would make the best road bed. ee In areas where the roadway must cross swamp or muskeg areas, the crossing length should be minimized. End-dumping of the road sub-base can be utilized to construct the fill section across these areas if the organic deposits are shallow. However, this would most likely result in settle- ment and maintenance problems. Various construction tech- niques can be utilized to minimize the problems associated with construction across these areas; they include cordu- roying with timber, the use of filter fabrics and trestling as a last resort. ee If at all possible, routes should not be directed across old landslide debris. The cutting into the toes of old land- slides can generally reactivate the slide mass and cause subsequent alignment or maintenance problems. ee Routes should avoid avalanche or rockfall chutes which could result in major damage to the alignment. ee Routes involving rock cuts or soil cuts should be strategic- ally located so as to maximize the cut angle and therefore, minimize the amount of excavation required. - 5-49 - Phase I Report March, 1983 5.6.3 Access A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company ee Causeways can be constructed across shallow lakes or bodies of standing water. The causeways should be constructed of rockfill. ee Borrow for roadway subgrade should be plentiful in the area; however, it may be necessary to wash or screen the materials. Structural soundness (Refer to Figure showing typical preliminary road and bridge details). to the Entire Development The tentative overall alignment chosen begins at approximately milepost (MP) 38.5 of the existing Copper River Highway east of Cordova and terminates at the Marine Terminal on Kanak Island. For purposes of this Phase I Report, two road- ways, each having their own alternative routes, have been named: Bering River Highway (from MP-38.5 eastward to the Tranfer Facil- ity near the mines, a distance of approx. 32 miles). Katalla Access Road (from the Transfer Facility south to Kanak Island, a distance of approximately 32 miles). These tentative alignments and their respective alternatives were selected using the foll During Phase I owing sources of information: USGS map (pre-earthquake). Existing full color aerial photographs (1974 or post-earthquake, of high quality and resolution). One aerial reconnaisance flight. Advice of persons familiar with the area, primarily from geo- technical work involving the 1981 and 1982 exploration program at Carbon Creek. I of this assessment, the project team will conduct a recon- naissance trip to define the alignments in more detail. Until this work is performed, they are to be regarded as tentative. - 5-50 - 9 1 , & 7 . 2 nba cesta ) NON E2OST \/ BuncePT BE (HFS) = ; SUB BATE a2 lt << E mM Fee TT ATF aay, UN LSTECTED SNOW- CAPT Atere 22 I'L ava, TYPICAL FILL SECTION PROTELTED PREDO - EMEA2NAMENT TTP. Fite ECION TYPICAL CULVERT (NO FISH PASSAGE) ar CuveRt (2 OO MIN. 4 OIA. MA.) TYPICAL STRUCTURAL CIRCULAR PIPE {FISH PASSAGE) “Bee elo \ CONGEE PES PETE CONZETE \ CPS Deut. N NOTE: OFAN FROM S010! _ BAL va —— TYPICAL BRIDGE SECTION 5 INIMuUM oO Woon Bie TYPICAL DECK BULB TEE GIRDER SURFAUNIG NFS Fite GOWER ASSOCATES WHEELABRATOR COAL SERVICES COMPANY BERING RIVER COAL FIELD ACCESS HIGHWAY - Figure TYPICAL ROAD & BRIDGE DETAIL Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Major Advantages of Overall Access: e Provides ingress and egress for human safety for any current or future activity. e Increased access for recreational uses. e Interchange potential between the development and Cordova. e Possible alternate for transporting fish to canneries. ° The potential for road maintenance and construction employment. Major Disadvantages of Overall Access: e Opens up access to previously less accessible areas. e Provides a road in a presently roadless area. e Access may increase problems with fish and wildlife management. e Stream crossings in the area with possible alteration of surface flow and fisheries habitat. e Possible disturbances to waterfowl, fish and large mammal popu- lations. e Possible increase in sediment loads to streams and creeks through altered erosion. 5.6.4 Bering River Highway The Bering River Highway connects the Transfer Facility with the Copper River Highway and Cordova. This route will have public access. The Bering River High- way begins at approximately MP 38.5 of the Copper River Highway (MP-O of the Bering River Highway) and ends at the Transfer Facility (MP-32). For the first 17 miles, the Bering River Highway maintains a single alignment over fairly flat and open terrain intersected by small streams and rivers as far east as the Martin Glacier. Advantages of MP-O to MP-17: 0 Remote from primary mountain goat habitat. - 5-51 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e A road does not impede moose and bear movement. e Located on the periphery of flats and avoids the wetland areas and avoids waterfowl staging and nesting areas. e Minimizes the amount of potential salmon habitat alteration by crossing smaller streams. e Minimizes direct alteration of wetlands habitat by recreational users by making less wetlands accessible than would a route through the middle of a wetland area. Disadvantages of MP-O0 to MP-17: e Stream effects are higher on watersheds and would have a longer downstream effect distance. e Crosses higher on water courses that may have better coho, steel- head, cutthroat and Dolly Varden spawning areas. From approximately MP-17 to MP-22, the potential routing splits into two align- ments; a northern alternative, crossing along the Martain Glacier terminal moraine; and a southern alternative, crossing the wetlands areas below the moraine area. Advantages of MP-17 to MP-22, Northern Alternative: e Does not cross through the middle of moose winter range. e Less waterfowl habitat affected. e Less fish habitat alteration. e Provides less ready hunter access to the moose habitat than would a road through the middle of the habitat. Disadvantages of MP-17 to MP-22, Northern Alternative: e Any alteration of surface or subsurface flow might potentially affect more downslope vegatation. e Could be technically infeasible due to geological conditions (terminal moraine area of the Martin River Glacier). - 5-52 - Phase I Report March, 1983 JX Wheelabrator Goal Services Company Advantages of MP-17 to MP-22, Southern Alternative: e Less potential for altered surface and/or subsurface flows which could affect vegatation. e Avoids the severe geotechnical problems associated with the northern route in the terminal moraine area of the Martin River Glacier. Disadvantages of MP-17 to MP-22, Southern Alternative: e Crosses through moose winter range and habitat e More waterfowl habitat would be directly altered e There would be more hunter access The two alternative alignments converge at approximately MP-22 below Deadwood Lake and then continue on a single alignment down to the Transfer Facility at approximately MP-32 along the west side of Lake Charlotte. This roadway would not impede animal movements and would avoid mountain goat habitat. It would also avoid Tokun Lake and Little Martin Lake. 5.6.5 Katalla Access Road The Katalla Access Road would connect the Transfer Facility with the Marine Terminal on Kanak Island. This route would also provide public access to the port. The major features of the Katalla Access Road are given below. M.P. 0.0: The access road would begin approximately 1/2 mile southwest of the southern shore of Kushtaka Lake and proceed southwest across fairly flat, wet terrain. This area is heavily forested by black spruce and has floodplain/organic soils. M.P. 1.3: Roadway alignment would intersect the Old Railroad Grade. - 5-53 - Phase I Report Hore te? = Wheelabrator Coal Services Company M.P. 1.5: Shepherd Creek crossing would require a bridge (approx. 150' span). After the bridge crossing, the road would continue southwest across the floodplain. Spruce with continuous brush cover is the major vegatation. M.P. 2.0: From approximately M.P. 2.0 to M.P. 5.9, the alignment would proceed southwest along the toe of the eastern slope of Mt. Hamilton. Elevations along this route vary from approx. 100 ft. to approx. 300 ft. Vegetation typically consists of brush with stands of spruce. Drainage from the slopes of Mt. Hamilton would require culverts at locations of major flow. M.P.- 5.9: The alignment would then bend west around the southern foot of Mt. Hamilton before turning southwest at M.P. 6.8 to Bering Lake. The alignment alternatives in this area would be to: e Cross Bering Lake with a causeway. e Go around the west side of the lake. e Go around the east side of the lake. Bering River Causeway Crossing Alternative: Prior to the 1964 earthquake, Bering Lake was a highly productive salmon area. This has continually declined ever since the earthquake, as has the water level. The lake is now only five to eight feet deep and extremely silty. There is a good possibility that Bering Lake will eventually dry up. Bering Lake would be crossed by a causeway with a bridge and sheetpile wier to facilitate fish passage. This construction could reduce the turbidity in the - 5-54 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 fs. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company northern half of the lake and enhance the habitat for many types of fish. Salmon migration would not be hindered. Floodplain/organic soils underlie this section of the road. The causeway will extend from approx. M.P. 6.8 to M.P. 9.5. Advantages of Bering River Causeway Crossing: e Less alteration of shoreline habitat. e Fewer streams would be crossed. e Less distance for volume regulation and thus salmon enhancement. e Possibility for water quality improvement. Disadvantages of Bering Lake Causeway Crossing: e Design must overcome the potential of blocking fish movement within the lake. e Could alter moose movement in winter. e Potential to alter swan movement on Bering Lake. e May alter aquatic plant communities, thus affecting trumpeter swans. e May alter harbor seal movements within the lake. Advantages of the West Side of the Bering Lake Alternative: e No alteration of fisheries or wildlife use of open water in Bering Lake. e Less requirement for fill materials. Disadvantages of the West Side of the Bering Lake Alternative: e Crossing of substantially more streams, potentially altering surface runoff and sediment loads into streams. e More shoreline disturbance and thus more waterfowl disturbance. e Requirement for cut and fill activity. e More surface area alteration involved. e Extended roadway distance. Advantages and Disadvantages of the East Side of the Bering Lake Alternatives: - 5-55 - Phase I Report March, 1963 A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e The complexity of Bering River crossings and multiplicity of wetlands immediately rendered this alternative infeasible. M.P. 9.8: As the road alignment alternatives converge and leave the Bering River basin at M.P. 9.8, there are two alternative alignments to the Storage Facility. e Southwest through the Katalla area. e Directly south through Split Creek and Redwood Creek. Katalla Area Alternative: As the aligninent would leave the Bering Lake basin, it would follow the toe of the northwestern slope of the Don Miller Hills. Bridge crossing of Split Creek may be required at approximate locations M.P. 9.8 and M.P. 10.9. The area tra- versed from M.P. 9.8 to M.P. 16.3 is characterized by the flat Katalla River basin to the west and by the slopes of the Don Miller Hills with scattered spruce to the east. Culverts will be required in areas of drainage flow. At MP. 16.3, the road would begin to bend east around the southern toe of Mt. Hazelet and skirt the edge of Katalla Slough to the south. Turning directly east toward Redwood Bay at M.P. 18.1, the road would then pass between Mt. Hazelet and a minor peak (el. +1015') before turning southeast toward the Storage Facility near Pt. Hey. Vegetation consists of typical understory brush with discontin- uous stands of spruce. Advantages of the Katalla Area Alignment: e Less potential for mountain goat impact. Disadvantages of the Katalla Area Alignment: e Crosses more streams than the Split Creek-Redwood Creek alternative. e Crosses more wetlands than the Split Creek-Redwood Creek alternative. e Involves more coastal shoreline. e Increased distance. - 5-56 - Phase I Report Ue March, 1983 Y=. \\ heelabrator Coal Services Company e The road may be a separate alignment from the transportation system. Split Creek-Redwood Creek Alternative: As the alignment would leave the Bering Lake basin, it would elevate to approxi- mately 800 feet from the Split Creek entrance to the entry and downward decent through Redwood Creek toward the receiving, storage and reclaim facility near Pt. Hey. Advantages of the Split Creek-Redwood Creek Alternative: e Less visible. ® Less potential alteration of waterfowl habitat. e Less potential alteration of fisheries habitat. e 2 to 4 miles less distance. Disadvantages of the Split Creek-Redwood Creek Alternative: e The road may be a separate alignment than the transportation system. e There may be increased potential for landslides and avalanches. e Potential for proximity to raptor nest sites. M.P. 21.1 to M.P. 22.5: The two alternative alignments (Katalla area or Split Creek - Redwood Creek) converge at this point near the Storage Facility. To gain access to Kanak Island, a causeway would cross an area characterized by extensive mudflats and very shallow water. A breach (+250') in the causeway would accommodate the minor flow occurring between Strawberry Harbor and Kanak Island as well as permitting passage of fishing boats. The alignment would terminate at the Kanak Island Marine Terminal near the southern end of this low, flat, brush-covered island. - 5-57 - Phase I Report Merch. 1205 (= Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 5.7 POWER SUPPLY In June, 1982, the Alaska Power Authority (APA) published a report on "CORDOVA POWER SUPPLY, INTERIM FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT," that stated: "Cordova now depends almost entirely on expensive imported petroleum products for its electrical energy and heating needs. While present and future electrical energy demands could be met by upgrading the existing diesel generation system, there is a critical concern that appreciable increases in diesel fuel costs will result in prohibitive energy rates for both residential and commercial consumers. Therefore, the Alaska Power Authority, the City of Cordova, and the Cordova Electric Cooper- ative (CEC) want to identify and pursue that power supply alternative which has the best prospect of reducing the community's dependence on petroleum fuel while satisfying present and projected energy needs." The diesel power plant operated by CEC has five operational diesel units, with a total capacity of 8,400 kW. The size, age and estimated life before retire- ment (or major overhaul) of each unit is as follows: OPERATIONAL CEC GENERATORS Size Age Estimated Remaining Life Unit Manufacturer (kW) (Years) (Operating Hours) ] De Laval Enterprise 1,900 11 30 to 40,000 2 De Laval Enterprise 2,650 7 40 to 50,000 3 General Motors 2,500 4 50 to 60,000 7 General Motors 600 20+ 5 to 10,000 8 General Motors 750 20+ 5 to 10,000 APA's assessment resulted in the recommendation that the proposed Silver Lake hydroelectric project be pursued, and the two alternatives for this unit are - 5-58 - Phase I Report March, 1983 A eae = Wheclabrator Coal Services Company 9 and 15 megawatts respectively. Cordova would not be the only user of this power. Although the assessment included the consideration of a coal-fired power plant alternative, it did not address using coal from the Bering River Coal Field nor did it include the power requirements for development of this re- source. Table 5.7.1 summarizes these preliminary demands, including APA's fore- cast for Cordova. Megawatts (MW) Future Initial (20-40 Years) City of Cordova 4 15 Mining Facilities 4 10 Transportation Facilities 7 7 Marine Facilities 6 8 New Community 20 8 23 48 - Table 5.7.1 - Therefore, it is apparent that the power required for this development of the Bering River Coal Field will not be publicly available. Considering the timing of the various peak demands, the best route to follow appeared to be to provide 45 MW capacity consisting of three 15 MW coal-fired units. Normal operations would employe two units at 20 to 30 MW, with one unit alternately reserved for stand-by. Modular design and construction of the plant would foster expan- sion beyond 45 MW. A preliminary economic analysis was performed to test feasibility of the power plant. The results are included in Table 7.5 of Section 7.0 of this report. To date, the necessity for and feasibility of generating power is very encour- aging. It was assumed that CEC would operate the plant which would be located near tidewater adjacent to the coal Receiving, Storage and Reclaim Facility. Some Advantages of a Power Plant: e The source of power would be located near the coal storage facil- ity operations. - 5-59 - Phase I Report March, 1983 (ss, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Availability of coal for the Power Plant. e Potential for linking the mine site and City of Cordova power needs. e Potential for reducing the cost of power in Cordova. e Less fish problems than with hydroelectric generation. Some Disadvantages of a Power Plant: e Costly equipment to achieve stringent air emission requirements. e Need for transmission lines. e Need for cooling water. e Storage and/or disposal of solid waste. - 5-60 - Phase I Report yN March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 6 THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT Page 6.1 Preface 6-2 6.2 Socioeconomic Assessment 6-3 6.2.1 Employment 6-3 6.2.2 Employment Effects 6-5 6.2.3 Population Effects 6-7 6.3 Sociocultural Assessment 6-8 6.3.1 Services 6-8 6.3.2 Social Organization 6-9 6.3.3 Attitudes and Values 6-10 6.3.4 Summary of Interviews 6-10 6.4 Commentary 6-23 6.5 Human Environment References 6-26 Seat = Phase I Report March, 1983 == Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 6.1 PREFACE This section of the Phase I Report summarizes the preliminary assessment of the potential effects of development of the Bering River Coal Field on the human environment in and around the City of Cordova. Additional details concerning the methodologies used are given in Appendix E (under separate cover). For purposes of this report, the human environment is considered to consist of two primary elements: socioeconomic and sociocultural. - 6-2 - Phase I Report A : . March, 1983 f==. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 6.2 SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENT The following provides a "first-cut" look at the potential effects of the en- tire proposed development of the Bering River Coal Field. The socioeconomic assessment is primarily qualitative and generic in nature since final deci- sions, or in some cases preliminary decisions related to the project have not yet been made. Consequently, it should be understood that the information pro- vided below will change as the project becomes better defined in the future. The following paragraphs relate primarily to employment created and describe one possible employment scenario, total employment and potential effects of the increased employment. 6.2.1 Employment Scenario An initial estimate of the total construction workforce required to build the mine, transportation system, port and townsite in the event that a decision is made to locate the miners and their families near the mine, ranges between 300 and 400 persons. The detailed engineering and construction is estimated to take approximately three years following an approved environmental impact statement. The construction workers would be housed at a temporary camp near the mine site with personnel being transported between the construction camp and the Cordova airport on their rotation schedules. The administration offices would be located in Cordova. The management and staff personnel at these offices would total approximately 20 to 40 persons. The size of the workforce (for mining operations only) will be determined by the type of mining method(s) selected, and the annual output of the mine. Table - 6-3 - Phase I Report A ; ' March, 1983 (===, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company estimates the number of operations personnel required by mine type and various production levels. Coal Mine Manpower Estimate!) TYPE OF MINE PRODUCTION LEVEL (MMTPY) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 OPEN PIT 75 105 105 140 140 175 UNDERGROUND (Continuous Miners) 130 250 370 480 590 700 UNDERGROUND (Longwal1 Miners) 120 205 280 355 430 500 Assumptions: Mining operations are two shifts per day, five days per week, 12 months per year. Open pit mining assumes a 2:1 (waste to coal) stripping ratio. Underground continuous mining will yield approximately 150 tons of coal per machine per shift. Underground longwall mining will yield 750 tons of coal per machine per shift. Notes: (M Headcount includes all labor for mine development production, pro- duction support, maintenance, supervision, staff and overhead. - Table - The number of employees shown in Table is based on an assumption that the production level is reached using only one of the possible methods when in actuality, because of the complex geology of the area, at least two methods will probably be used to reach a 3 million tons per year production level. Higher production levels will also affect the number of required employees in any given year. Table presents a possible production schedule for the Bering River Coal Field assuming that the first year of operation is 1989. - 6-4 - Phase I Report yN ; : tit ; March, 1983 f= Wheclabrator Coal Services Company Coal Production Level By Year of Operation Year Metric Tons Per Year 1989 500,000 1990 1,500,000 1991 1,500,000 1992 1,500,100 1993 2,000,000 1994 2,000,000 1995 2,000,000 1996 and 3,000,000 thereafter Source: Wheelabrator Coal Services Company, Personal Communication, February 4, 1983; and, System Parameters (Section 4.2) - Table - 6.2.2 Employment Effects Total employment is the result of direct employment and the secondary (indirect and induced) employment associated with the project. Preliminary estimates of total employment generated by a major development project can be obtained by means of an employment multiplier. Information is not yet available that will permit the analyses required to determine reliable construction and operation multipliers for the project. However, in order to discuss total employment in this report, a range of 1.2 to 1.6 seemed reasonable for the operational multipliers. The multiplier of 1.2 assumes the workforce is located within commuting distance of the mine site. There would also be a multiplier for a community at the mine site, but that multiplier and the subsequent secondary employment at such a town site are not developed here. The higher multiplier of 1.6 assumes that the workforce resides in or near Cordova. - 6-5 - bel Mossi A. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company This latter multiplier starts at 1.3 and increases over time to 1.6 to par- tially address structural change and lagged response. The accelerator effect is not addressed in this calculation. A multiplier of 1.1 is utilized during the construction years. The estimates of total employment shown in Table should be considered only as indicative of the orders of magnitude of employment that may occur. These numbers should not be construed as representing the actual change that may take place. Preliminary Estimate of Total Employment Year Multiplier Direct Secondary Total 1987 1.1 300-400* 30-40 330-440* 1988 1.1 300-400* 30-40 330-440* 1989 1.2 75-130* 15-26 90-156* 1.3 75-130 23-39 98-169 1990 1.2 105-250* 21-50 126-300* 1.3 105-250 32-75 137-325 1991 1.2 105-250* 21-50 126-300* 1.4 105-250 42-100 147-350 1992 1.2 105-250* 21-50 126-300* 1.4 105-250 42-100 147-350 1993 1.2 140-480* 28-96 168-576* 1.5 140-480 70-240 210-720 1994 1.2 140-480* 28-96 168-576* 1.5 140-480 70-240 210-720 1995 1.2 140-480* 28-96 168-576* 1.6 140-480 84-288 224-768 1996 1.2 175-700* 35-140 210-840* 1.6 175-700 105-420 280-1120 and thereafter. *Direct employment works at the mine site. - Table - - 6-6 - Phase I Report A i, ; March, 1983 fs, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 6.2.3 Population Effects The proposed Bering River Project will generate new job opportunities and there- by create incentives for local residents to remain in the community and for other persons to move to Cordova. This will result in a larger population growth in the community than would occur without the project. A modified population/employment ratio was used to estimate population growth. Other methods were investigated but it was judged that development of more detailed models at this preliminary stage of the project with a number of de- cisions yet to be made would not significantly increase the accuracy of pro- jections made by the population/employment ratio. Based upon U.S. Census data, Cordova had a population/employment ratio of 2.0 in 1980. But migrating workers have a lower population/employment ratio than current residents. Table assumes that the population/employment ratio of operational workers will be 1.7, and the ratio for construction workers will be 1.2. No attempt is made to allocate this population between a new townsite or in or near Cordova in the event that the workforce might reside at the mine. Preliminary Estimates of Total Population Year Total Employment Total Population 1987 330-440 66-88 1988 330-440 66-88 1989 90-169 153-287 1990 126-325 214-553 1991 126-350 214-595 1992 126-350 214-595 1993 168-720 286-1224 1994 168-720 286-1224 1995 168-768 286-1306 1996 210-1120 357-1904 and thereafter. - Table - - 6-7 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 6.3 SOCIOCULTURAL ASSESSMENT The following paragraphs provide a preliminary assessment of the social effects (principally employment and population change) on the people of Cordova which could result from the development of the Bering River Coal Field. Included is a summary of topics for discussion related to the proposed project as expressed by local residents. 6.3.1 Services Populations with different structural characteristics usually require different types and levels of services. Where significant age differences exist, there would likely be different levels of demand on education, health services, law enforcement and recreation. Differences in the sex ratio could require dif- ferent levels of recreation, law enforcement and housing services. The pro- vision of services, therefore, needs to be coordinated with changes in popu- lation structure. The effect of the proposed Bering River Coal Field development on community services will largely depend upon the magnitude of the population increase in Cordova, and the ability of the community to respond to this increase. Lo- cation of the project workforce and their families in Cordova could strain some of the existing services, particularly housing which is already considered a problem by current residents. On the other hand, service systems which are operating below their capacity would be enhanced by the presence of an addi- tional population base. These services would include the hospital and the school system. Location of the project workforce at the minesite would substan- tially reduce or eliminate the need for expansion of several community ser- vices. Some services, such as the hospital, may experience higher utilization even if the operational workforce and their dependents reside at the mine since these services would probably not be duplicated at the new townsite. =-6=87= pee Meesn J. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 6.3.2 Social Organization Social and political participation encompasses the involvement of new and in- digenous populations in various organizations and activities. Recent studies have found that newer residents have much lower participation rates than long- term residents in various political and formal social organizations in a com- munity. During construction activities, older residents increase their activity in community affairs, small private entertainments and family events, and re- duce their restaurant and bar socializing. Similar events would be expected to occur to some degree in Cordova if the workforce and their families resided in the community. If the permanent project workforce were located at the minesite, the affects on social organization would be minor. Educational and job opportunities refer to the differences in skills and attri- butes between populations that influence the ability of a particular group to benefit from the opportunities provided by development. The report by Baring- Gould, et al, (1976) indicated that there is relatively little shift in jobs by long-term residents and that this is particularly true for those persons employed in the higher status and more secure jobs. However, a much greater percentage of those in the less skilled and more insecure occupations will seek employment on a major development project. Income and dependency refer to differences in purchasing power and social and physical mobility which are primarily reflected in measurements of income, family size and age. Based upon the experiences in Valdez and Fairbanks, two generalities regarding income could be predicted for Cordova. First, increases in income would not be constrained to those working on the mining project. Increases would be anticipated throughout the general community, but particu- larly in the lower income groups, and variances of income in the community would be reduced. Second, the general income levels of community households would remain higher than for immigrants, although immigrants would be more - 6-9 - Phase I Report A sal: ‘al Samices (7 : March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company likely to experience larger increases in real income (and larger income de- clines). 6.3.3 Attitudes and Values Attitudes and values are the most abstract of the items discussed in this Socio- cultural Assessment and the possible differences between populations regarding these items are extremely difficult to assess at this stage in the project. However, some general findings from the report by Baring-Gould (1976) based upon the affect of pipeline construction on values and attitudes and other studies can provide some insights. First, residents have retained their traditional ideals even though they traded some important values during the construction period for long-term economic stability. They still desire a small community with all of its benefits com- bined with a high standard of economic well being. Second, personal lifestyles are marginally changed to avoid stress, but friend- ships and associations remain and the overall lifestyles of long-term residents are not greatly altered. In fact, pipeline construction "...actually has served over the short run to reinforce these values and lifestyles." 6.3.4 Summary of Interviews The following paragraphs summarize the topics for discussion expressed by Cordova residents relative to the proposed Bering River Coal Project. Many topics related to the Bering River Coal Field development as identified in the interviews with Cordova residents are so interrelated that separating them is difficult at best. In order to provide organization to the information obtained in the interviews, five (5) general topics of discussion have been identified: - 6-10 - Phase I Report March, 1983 f=. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Community Lifestyle Fisheries Resource Transportation Community Services Jobs and the Local Economy These five (5) topics provide a meaningful format for presenting the results of the local interviews. Community Lifestyle: The Future of Cordova: The basic subject surrounding community lifestyle is what kind of community do the residents want Cordova to become. Most of the residents indicated that Cordova had changed since they had moved to the community and further change was expected. The response of the residents to this future change was contrasting. Some felt that "the general attitude of the community is against change", while others felt that "a lot of people would like to see the community grow, at least somewhat, so that there would be better amenities". It should be expected that just the possibility that the Bering River Coal Field could be de- veloped will intensify the debate between those people who do not want growth and those who want controlled growth. Long Term Residents and Newcomers: A number of persons expressed the opinion that the division between those persons supporting growth and development and those opposed to change was based upon length of resi- dence in the community. Generally it was felt that "change and develop- ment would be welcomed by business interests and the City fathers," most of whom are long-term residents of Cordova. Many of these people have already witnessed considerable change in their community and they do not view future developments as necessarily undesirable. Most of these people are generally supportive of the Bering River Coal Field project because they perceive that it will provide economic diversification to their - 6-11 - Ph I Report ; ; March, 1983 I» Wheelabrator Coal Services Company community. They indicated that they enjoy small-town qualities and desire to live in a non-industrial, relatively isolated, rural environment. But, they view change as inevitable and feel that since the local economy will benefit, development of the Bering River Coal Field is acceptable. On the other hand, newer residents of Cordova were generally more opposed to change. These persons have migrated to Cordova because of its small town, rural qualities. Some expressed these qualities as the ability to "maintain a lifestyle that is close to the American ideal of pursuing a normal career while still being ble to live off of the land". Others define these qualities as a small, isolated fishing community that has good amenities for families and also offers an opportunity to make a decent living at fishing. The more recent Cordova residents who came in pursuit of a rural, somewhat self-sufficient lifestyle, generally perceive future change as encroaching urbanization and industrialization and therefore, in serious conflict with the very basis of their decision to reside in Cordova. Planning for Change: Some of the newcomers felt that Cordova would be unable to adequately direct and control future change if a large project like this were to take place. Generally two different reasons were given for this conclusion. The first reason was that "planning really doesn't help; witness the non- success of the Rocky Mountain energy projects" (e.g., Exxon's Colony 0i1 Shale Project) “and all the planning that went on there". While the first reason questioned the potential of planning to ameliorate the effects of the project, the second questioned the attitude and ability of Cordova to foresee and implement for change. The second reason stated was that "Cordova is a very traditional community that considers planning somewhat socialistic and it may not be able to effec- tively plan for the changes that are necessary (to accommodate develop- ment of the coal field)". One person stated that the project “wouldn't impact Cordova as much as many people hoped, or feared, if a community was located at the mine". - 6-12 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 (=. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Another resident had a different opinion and felt that "a construction camp or work camp should be (located) at the mine, but the families should live at Cordova, or possibly Mile 13 (near the Cordova airport) to avoid duplication of services and to enhance the community". Fishermen and Change: Most interviewees felt that the project would change the social, political and economic structure of the community. Some expressed the opinion that the fishermen and the fishing industry would "lose a lot of political clout and voice", because the mining re- lated employees would represent a large number of persons with different interests than the fishermen. Other persons felt that the character of Cordova would change from its present nature as a "fishing village" due to the heavy industrial nature of the mining and exporting of coal, and the fact that the local economy would not remain almost totally dependent upon the fishing industry. Some residents felt that this change in life- style and orientation of Cordova was a positive benefit because of the employment opportunities it offered and"...as it is now, the choices are fish or leave". Miners and Cordova: Who miners are, what they are like and how they would influence the character of the town were questions raised by a number of those persons who were interviewed. Most residents perceived that the majority of miners would come from Appalachian states with a few from the western U.S. Beyond a general consensus on where these miners would come from, there was wide divergence on the effect that these wor- kers and their families would have on the community. The goals and values attributed to miners resulted in these different views. About half of the residents interviewed felt that miners would have dif- ferent goals and values from current Cordova residents and that they would not easily fit into a fishing community. Some residents felt that miners may have some similarities with fishermen, but that "Miners in the community would result in more liquor sales and more problems similar to - 6-13 - Phase I Report March, 1983 f[s==. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company those Cordova is trying to correct". One person stated that "Many people have a fear that the community would experience a Valdez pipeline era with a lot of young males in town...this would be very disruptive to the community". Further discussion on this latter statement disclosed that this experience is generally thought of as occurring only during the construction phase. The other half of the interviewed residents felt that there would not be a major problem in assimilating miners as such into the community al- though the numbers of new residents would pose some problems. One respon- dent felt that "Miners, loggers and fishermen have a similar work ethic so (the miners) should be accepted into the community fairly easily". Another felt that miners enjoy outdoor activities and would fit into the Cordovan lifestyle. One person expressed a professional opinion that the miners would probably stay in a group. The basis for this was an obser- vation that in Cordova, "school people tend to relate with other school people, the hospital people tend to stick together and so forth". Over time, the new residents would be assimilated into the community as chur- ches and other entities "gather people up and absorb them into their organizations". In addition, "the bars (in Cordova) are often an absorp- tion avenue into the community". Competition for Resources: Another opinion expressed by several persons was the potential competition between the current residents and the new population for resources. The local residents look upon the nearby moose population as “our moose herd" and are opposed to "outside" hunters from Anchorage or elsewhere harvesting these animals. Local hunters felt that an expanded population would increase competition for the permits to take these animals. Fisheries Resource: Mining and the Environment: Protection of the fisheries resource and its habitat was a broadly based goal as indicated by responses from a number - 6-14 - Phase I Report March, 1983 f= Wheelabrator Coal Services Company of people. This objective was stated to be a community-wide concern and some persons felt that "local residents wouldn't be upset with disruption of seabird colonies or similar wildlife" by the proposed project, "but they would be upset with any possible disruption of the fishing resource". Mining is perceived by many as not “environmentally clean", and the ini- tial response of the fishermen to the project "is very negative. They want to retain the pristine environment that makes for good fisheries". The access road to the mine and the mine itself were mentioned as having the potential to negatively affect the fisheries resource in the area east of the Copper River. A number of people mentioned the possible ef- fects from the road (see Transportation), but very few stated any concern about the environmental effect of the mine. This perception may be due to the fact that local residents possess information or knowledge about the environmental effects of roads, but few of them are knowledgeable of coal mining. It should be anticipated that as the Bering River Coal Project becomes more of a reality and more information is developed and becomes available to Cordova residents, the potential effects of the mine on the fisheries resource will be examined in greater detail. Potential Fishery Benefits: Some residents felt the project would diver- sify the local economy and that Cordova would welcome this diversity, as long as it didn't "destroy" fisheries. Several respondents, fishermen and processors among them, felt that the project could enhance the fisheries resource and the fishing industry in Cordova. These persons had several projects in mind that could benefit the local fishermen and processors. One suggestion was that heated water from the power plant be made avail- able for silver salmon aquaculture. Another suggestion was to impound Bering Lake by a road or dike and thereby raise and stabilize the water level of the lake which has been declining since the 1964 earthquake. It is thought that this enhancement project would increase the red salmon harvest in the area since, according to local residents, the limiting - 6-15 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company factor for red salmon in the vicinity is the amount of overwintering area and not the availability of spawning streams. A third suggestion was to design the potential coal export dock near Katalla as a multi-purpose facility that could also be used by local processors as a buying station and permit the unloading and replenishment of fishing vessels. The stated benefits include reduced transportation costs to Cordova, a higher quality product since the fish or other re- sources could be delivered by truck to the processing plant a few hours after being caught, a reduction in the travel time and costs for fisher- men who harvest in the area, and greater utilization of the resources (salmon, crab, bottomfish and clams) that exist in the area. Transportation: Cost and Frequency of Transport: Transportation issues are of paramount concern to many Cordova residents. The high cost of transporting goods and materials to Cordova, and the infrequent scheduling of Sealand ves- sels calling at the port were mentioned by several people. The general consensus of local residents was that the Bering River Coal Project and the additional population in Cordova would result in lower transportation costs and more frequent visits by cargo ships or barge lines. Some people felt that this would be one of the few benefits that would directly ac- crue to fishermen and local processors. Copper River Highway: The Copper River Highway was not a direct subject of inquiry, but in general, residents felt that "There is a more positive interest in a road to Bering River than in the Copper River Highway". Several residents also stated that the Copper River Highway would impact the town more than the proposed mine and access road, but the mine could increase pressure to build the Highway. Mine Access Road: Discussion of the access road to the mine(s) site elicited a number of responses from Cordova residents. - 6-16 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 f===, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company According to a few interviewees, a "well planned (mine access) road could help local residents acquire meat and fish for family consumption", and the road would particularly "benefit the local natives since the average person doesn't have the capital to buy a plane or airboat that are pre- sently necessary to reach these areas". According to several persons, the area east of the Copper River is used by a small number of local resi- dents at present because of this constraint and most persons who men- tioned this topic felt that recreational value of the area would increase after development of the access road to the mine. One individual men- tioned that the access road should be designed so that it could be ex- tended eastward in the future to Icey Bay and Yakutaga to develop the forest and mineral resources in that region. Under this scenario, Cordova would act as a support and service center for these industries and be ensured of a healthy, growing community. Mitigation of Access Road Effects: A number of people expressed opinions that the design and location of the road was important to mitigate poten- tial effects on resources east of the Copper River. Potential mitigating measures suggested by Cordova residents included bridges rather than culverts over all streams used by anadromous fish; conservative design parameters to ensure that bridges and culverts have sufficient capacity to handle extreme floods and thereby prevent impoundment of floodwaters by the road; routing of the road to deny direct access to Martin Lake or Lake Tokun; and, stringent controls on sportsfishing and hunting off the road. Community Services: Demand on Services: Most of the Cordova residents who were interviewed mentioned that they anticipated an increased demand on services with the additional population associated with mining activities. However, housing was the only service mentioned with any frequency where an adverse effect was anticipated. A few respondents said that police and fire services would be affected by the additional population, but they did not possess - 6-17. - Phase I Report A March, 1983 fs===. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company any knowledge related to the manner or detail. It could be postulated that local residents are generally unaware of the potential effects of the mine and the additional population on community services, and that the mention of housing as a problem area is due primarily to an acute awareness of the present housing situation. Awareness for other services could be expected to increase as the project becomes more of a reality and more information becomes available. Housing: A number of persons stated that "the housing situation is ter- rible", and the "mine would exacerbate the situation". Most residents envisioned that the additional population related to the mine would re- sult in "more demand for housing and increased housing prices". Several people mentioned that while the housing situation was bad, the outlook for housing was improving. According to these people, the Eyak Corpo- ration has recently conveyed over 300 lots to its shareholders and has over 70 lots available for sale. The subdivision presently lacks road access, but construction of a road is anticipated in the near future. Other private landholders are working with the City of Cordova to obtain approval of their proposed subdivisions. Electricity: The high cost of electricity (24¢/Kwh) is a "major factor in the high cost of living in Cordova", and many people were hopeful that the Bering River Coal Project could help to alleviate this burden. Most of the respondents mentioned the high cost of electricity from a personal viewpoint because of the bills they received for electricity in their homes. One individual stated that the cost of power continues to increase in Cordova and, if Valdez gets cheaper power through an intertie and/or from the proposed Silver Lake hydroelectric project, some of the can- neries may move to Valdez. This person postulated that the gillnet fleet would remain in Cordova because they need proximity to the Copper River flats, but the seine fleet could easily move to Valdez if the canneries were located there. This same resident anticipated that a coal fired power plant would pro- vide cheaper power to Cordova than the proposed Silver Lake project, at - 6-18 - Phase I Report A : rk March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company least in the near term, but concern was expressed about the long-term requirement for power and what happens if the mine runs out of coal or stops exporting after 20 years. This person mentioned that in contrast, hydroelectric projects seem to offer long-term, stable supplies of power even though the Silver Lake project would initially result in increased energy costs to the community. Utilization of Facilities: A number of people mentioned that Cordova has better amenities and facilities than one would normally expect to find in a community of its size. Some residents felt that these amenities and facilities were necessary to accommodate the large influx of persons that occurred every summer for the fishing season. Others felt that these items were the result of Cordova's success at obtaining funds from the State government. Some of the facilities are designed to accommodate a larger population than Cordova presently has and several people men- tioned that the additional population associated with the Bering River coal project would increase the utilization of the hospital which would be a benefit to the City. Higher utilization of the new hospital would permit more services to be provided and thereby reduce the need for peo- ple to go to Anchorage or Seattle for hospital services. It was also mentioned that local schools could benefit from additional students, but discussions have not yet been held with school district officials to verify this statement. Distribution of Benefits and Costs: One item common to most major de- velopment projects is the feeling that current residents of a community won't benefit as much as people who move into the community (or some groups within the community may not benefit at all), and that the current residents will still have to pay for these additional facilities and services, some of which they may not want. This general feeling was ex- pressed by a number of persons in slightly different forms. Most of the benefits were believed to accrue to the local business interests and per- sons or organizations that own land in the area; fishermen and other residents are not expected to benefit from the mine. One person stated - 6-19 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company that "fishermen in the community don't need additional services so they are probably going to be against the project unless it offers some bene- fits to them". Jobs and the Local Economy: Diversification of the Economy: The subject of jobs and diversification of the local economy was a frequent topic identified by Cordova residents when the interview was directed to discuss important matters in the commu- nity. Some residents felt that diversification of the local economy was necessary to stabilize the economy and prevent downturns in years of poor fishing, while others felt that diversification was necessary to offset the seasonality of fishing and to extend payrolls throughout the year. One person expressed this latter viewpoint as "...Cordova is 6 months of living during the fishing season and 6 months of survival in the winter". Economies of Scale: Local business persons also mentioned the benefits that the City would gain as a result of the additional population and the economies of scale that would result. These people felt that a larger population would increase demand, and that with a "larger base the pri- vate sector could order in larger quantities and provide more services at a lower cost, thus reducing the cost of living in Cordova". Increased Tax Revenues: These individuals also believed that since the City has a 4% sales tax, a population increase would result in additional tax revenues to the community even though the mine and possibly many of the workers would be located outside of town. Successful Native Corporations: Two non-native persons mentioned that the community would also gain by the success of CNI and Eyak Corporation. Profits from the mine would be returned by CNI as dividends to local shareholders and Eyak could anticipate further subdivision and sale of its lands to meet the housing needs of the mine workers. - 6-20 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 fs==, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Local Hire: Almost all respondents expressed support for the concept of more jobs for local residents, but there was widespread skepticism about the number of Cordova residents who would work in the mine. A consensus seemed to be that clerical positions, some construction related jobs (the number of people with suitable experience was felt to be low and training would be required), and probably some of the longshoring jobs could be filled by local residents. Most respondents stated the mining related jobs would be filled by outsiders moving into the community. One person felt that some young men might take these jobs, but the numbers would be small. Several people expressed the opinion that more local residents would be employed in expanding support services (such as air taxis, con- struction companies, and various service firms) than would be employed in the mining activities. Other persons expressed support for the project and said that the "...lo- cal native people would hope they can get jobs" at the mine, but also expressed apprehension about "hall hiring" practices of many unions and the subsequent adverse effect on hiring of local people for jobs. Cordova and Ketchikan; Local Employment: Ketchikan is an Alaskan commu- nity facing a situation similar to Cordova with the U.S. Borax and Chemi- cal Corporation proposing a major molybdenum mine in the area. Some of the documents prepared for the Quartz Hill molybdenum mine have been reviewed to determine their applicability to the Bering River Coal Field project. The summary data of one of these documents, a survey of the attitudes and opinions of Ketchikan residents regarding their community and the proposed Quartz Hill molybdenum mine, discussed the interest in Quartz Hill employment among Ketchikan adult residents under three dif- ferent conditions. Under a new townsite option where the residents would physically move to the mine, 19% of the residents said they would be somewhat likely to apply for a job and 18% said they would be very likely to apply for a job (37% total). Under the four day commute option, 25% said they would be somewhat likely and 21% said very likely (46% total). The seven day commute option had responses of 26% for somewhat likely and 27% for very likely (53% total). - 6-21 - Phase I Report A ; . a . March, 1983 f=. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Although the results of the Ketchikan survey are not directly trans- ferable to Cordova, this survey suggests that a greater percentage of Cordova residents would be interested in employment than envisioned by the persons interviewed to date. The persons interviewed to date are generally older, well-established fishermen, businesspersons, or profes- sionals and their responses on the subject of employment may not be repre- sentative of the community as a whole. In order to gain an insight into this question, interviews with younger and less affluent members of the community will be conducted during Phase II of this assessment. - 6-22 - Phase I Report A / March, 1983 f= Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 6.4 COMMENTARY The previous pages have focused on the topics for discussion that have been identified to date through informal interviews with Cordova residents. As pre- viously mentioned, many of these residents are awaiting further information before arriving at a decision about the project. For most persons, the decision will be based upon the benefits accruing to the community at large and to them personally, and the perception of how well Cordova will resolve or mitigate any potential adverse impacts. The benefits from the proposed project will be fairly easy to identify and most residents will readily grasp what the benefits will mean for themselves and their neighbors. The more difficult task for Cordova residents will be to determine how their community will address poten- tial adverse impacts. There will be a great deal of uncertainty surrounding this determination and, when faced with that uncertainty, some residents could decide to oppose the project. Four factors seem important in a community's ability to control change and mitigate impacts within the context of its own goals and values: 1. Information: Knowledge of what is likely to happen, and what alter- natives are available. 2. Consensus: Agreement on community priorities, and what should be done to implement or protect common values. 3. Organization: Knowledge of how to do what needs to be done, and the existence of a system for doing it. It is important to determine whether the community will receive support from the higher levels of government and/or the de- veloper. 4. Resources: The availability of human, physical and financial re- sources to do what needs to be done. The benefits a community may derive from development depend on the ability of the local government to exercise land con- trol either through ownership or planning and zoning tools, the taxing authority, and the quality of commu- nity leaders. Local and state resources are important. (Braund, 1982) - 6-23 - Phase I Report March, 1983 (==. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company In reviewing these factors as they relate to the City of Cordova and the pre- sent status of the Bering River Coal Project, local residents have very little information regarding the proposed project or coal mining projects in general. At this embryonic stage of the project, much of the pertinent information has not yet been gathered or developed, and a number of key decisions remain yet to be made. Upon issuance of the Phase I report in March, 1983, Cordova residents will have a better understanding of the port and transportation system alterna- tives. Comparable data for the proposed mining operations has yet to be de- veloped. Cordova residents agree that their community is a fine place to live and there seems to be broad base of support for protection of the fishery resource. But, beyond these two items, there seems to be little consensus on community goals or values. This is particularly evident in matters related to growth and de- velopment. A great deal of public input will be necessary to develop community goals and objectives that a broad spectrum of the residents will support. Without adequate information regarding the project, local residents are not in a position to know what needs to be done. As information becomes available, the community can begin to devise plans and instruments to respond to potential impacts. The citizens of Cordova are confident of the ability of the City to obtain funds from the State government for various projects. This confidence may alleviate some of the concern that Cordova and its residents would be forced to pay for additional facilities and services in order to accommodate new residents associated with the project. After the potential impacts on Cordova are identified, the level of support the City requires for mitigation will have to be evaluated. Cordova is a long established community with a developed political structure and a number of persons who are involved in community activities. These indi- viduals and the City staff would provide a core group for planning and imple- menting measures to accommodate change. However, the inability of many persons to contribute to such an effort during the fishing season may hinder the abil- ity of the City to respond. - 6-24 - Phase I Report A March, 1983 (===, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company It will be essential to the success of the proposed project to obtain the basic support of the local community. It must be in the spirit of cooperation that the residents and institutions of Cordova and those involved in the development of the Bering River Coal Field approach the project. Although no insurmountable issues appear to exist which would preclude development, it will take a great deal of work and dedication on both sides to identify and evaluate the impacts on Cordova and mitigate those which are not acceptable. This interview summary has attempted to identify the major topics and is hopefully the initial step in achieving the ultimate goal of development of the Bering River Coal Field in a manner consistent with the goals of the City of Cordova. - 6-25 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 6.5 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT REFERENCES Alaska Consultants, Inc., 1979. Northern Gulf of Alaska Petroleum development scenarios local socioeconomic impacts. Prepared for Peat, Marwick, Mitchel] & Co. for the Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Office. Anchorage, AK. Alaska Department of Labor, 1983. Alaska economic trends, January, 1983, Volume 3, Issue 1. Juneau, AK Alaska Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pro- ceedings of the 27th Alaska Science Conference, 1976. Resource Development - Processes and Problems, Volume I, Socio-Economic Impacts and Community Impact Planning. Fairbanks, Alaska. American Coal Miner. The, 1980. A report on community and living conditions in the coalfields by the President's Commission on Coal, John D. Rockefeller IV. Chairman. Washington, D.C. Baldwin, Thomas E., 1977. An approach to assessing local sociocultural impacts using projections of population growth and composition. Argonne National Labora- tory. Argonne, Illinois. Baring-Gould, Michael; Bennett, Marsha; and Heasley, Robert, 1976. Valdez re- search project report: First two years of impact. Department of Sociology, University of Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska. Bennett, Marsha Erwin; Heasley, Susan D.; and Huey, Susan, 1979. Northern Gulf of Alaska petroleum development scenarios sociocultural impacts. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Office. Anchorage, Alaska. Berger, Louis & Associates, 1982. Forecasting enclave development alternatives and their related impacts on Alaskan coastal communities as a result of OCS development. Prepared for Minerals Management Service, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Office. Anchorage, Alaska. Braund, Stephen R. and Associates, 1982. Susitna hydroelectric project sociocul- tural report. Prepared for Acres American for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Dixon, Mim, 1978. What Happened to Fairbanks? The effects of the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline on the community of Fairbanks, Alaska. Westview Press. Boulder, Colorado. Entercom, Inc., 1982. Ketchikan Gateway Borough residsent survey summary. Pre- pared for the U.S. Borax and Chemical Corporation, Ketchikan, Alaska. Fried, Neal, 1983. Labor Economist, Alaska Department of Labor. Personal Com- munication, February 8. - 6-26 - Phase I Report A ; aaan . March, 1983 f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Gale, Richard P., Social Impact Assessment: An overview. Office of the Environ- mental Coordinator, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, D.C. Goldsmith, Scott, 1981. Analyzing economic impact in Alaska. Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska. Hawley, C.C., 1983. Coronado Mining Corporation. Personal Communication, February 8. Huskey, Lee; Nebeskey, Will; Tuck, Bradford; and Knapp, Gunnar, 1982. Economic and demographic structural change in Alaska. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Office. Anchorage, Alaska. Kramer, Lois S.; Clark, Veronica C.; and Cannelos, George J., 1978. Planning for offshore oil development Gulf of Alaska handbook. Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Community Planning. Juneau, Alaska. Kruse, John; Hitchins, Diddy; and Baring-Gould, Michael, 1979. Developing pre- dictive indicators of community and population change. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Office. Anchorage, Alaska. Lane, Theodore, 1982. Measuring changes in Alaska's labor markets: Hours worked versus people employed. Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska. Leistritz, Larry F., and Steven H. Murdock, 1981. The socioeconomic impact of resource development: Methods for assessment. Westview Press. Boulder, Colorado. Polzin, Paul E., 1974. Projections of economic development associated with coal-related activity in Montana. Prepared for the Northern Great Plains Re- source Program for the Office of Water Resources Research. Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. Santini, Danilo J.; South, David W.; and Stenehjem, Erik J., 1979. Distribution and classification of local socioeconomic impacts from energy development. Prepared for the Second Annual Conference on Small City and Regional Community, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, April 15, 1979. Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne, Illinois. Seiver, Daniel A., and John A. Kruse, 1977. Who migrates to Alaska? Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska. Stenehjem, Erik J., et al, 1977. An empirical investigation of the factors affecting socioeconomic impacts from energy development. Argonne National Labor- atory, Argonne, Illinois. - 6-27 - Phase I Report March, 1983 Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Stenehjem, Erik J.; Hoover, John L.; and Krohm, Gregory C., 1977. An analysis of sensitivities of local socioeconomic impacts to variations in types and rates of coal development and to differences in local site characteristics. Prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado, February. ARgonne National Laboratory. Argonne, Illinois. Summers, Gene F., 1973. Large industry in a rural area: Demographic, economic and social impacts. Center of Applied Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1979. Environmental Impact Statement, Alaska Petrochemical Company refining and petrochemical facility, Valdez, Alaska, Appendix Volume II. Seattle Wheelabrator Coal Services Company, 1983. Personal communication from Robert Pringle, February 4. - 6-28 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 fsx, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 7 PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC EVALUATION -7-1- Phase I Report A March, 1983 Y=. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company This section contains the following tables and figures that summarize the re- sults of the preliminary economic evaluation. Although the results are readily apparent, a brief discussion of each is contained in the following paragraphs. Table 7.1: Investigation of Overall Development Feasibility This table compares current actual steam coal contract prices from Australia, Utah and Colorado to the Pacific Rim. Although Bering River coal is of much higher quality than those origins, a very conservative and competitive target value of 2.70 $/10° Btu was chosen. At 12,600 Btu/Lb., this equates to a total delivered target price of $76.21 per long tonne. Since Katalla is 1650 nautical miles closer to the Pacific Rim than California ports, a $1.94 per long tonne shipping/freight cost reduction was calculated. Subtracting this from the more conservative shipping cost for Utah coal ($20.56 - 1.94) resulted in a reasonable expectancy of $18.62 for Bering River coal. Current estimates from other charter lines of $15.00 render the $18.62 very conservative. In turn, this evolved a target to load coal into ships near Katalla of 76.21 - 18.62 or $57.59 per long tonne. The lower part of the chart compares prelimi- nary estimated costs for Bering River coal to this target and shows that it could be far better than being "just competitive." Table 7.2: Summary of Modes of Transportation and Table 7.3: Comparison of Capital Costs for Alternative Modes of Transportation These two tables summarize the preliminary estimates for capital costs as well as the operating and maintenance costs per tonne for each alternative. The aereial tramway is clearly the superior system. The cost for power was esti- mated to be 15¢/Kwh. Phase I Report \ March, 1983 Ui f=, Wheclabrator Coal Services Company Table 7.4: Summary of Access Roads This table contains the preliminary cost estimate for the two access roads involved in the overall development. Table 7.5: Power As a summary of preliminary cost estimates for power generation, this table shows that power could be expected to cost less than 15¢/Kwh; and, if the City of Cordova were to tie into this plant, a potential savings of about 50 percent of current diesel generated power costs could be achieved. Table 7.6: Docks A summary of capital costs for a minimal dock and a full service dock is shown here. The incremental difference appears at this time to have no major signifi- cance or economic impact on the overall development. Table 7.7: Dredging and Figures 7.1 through 7.6 This table and the accompanying figures contain preliminary cost estimates for several alternatives regarding dredging. During Phase II, these will be refined and used as the basis for developing a phased construction marine facil- ity plan. - 7-3 - TABLE 7.1 PHASE I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE INVESTIGATION OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT FEASIBILITY Average $ Cost Per Long Tonne (2240 Ibs.) Current Actual Target Colorado Australia Utah (Surface Bering Bering (Surface) (Undgrd) & Undgrd) (Surface) (Undgrd) 1. Mine 24.80 21.97 2. Land 19.97 25.54 Refer to Transport Table Below 3. Coal 5.24 5.24 Terminal 4. Subtotal FOBT 50.79 50.01 52.75 57.59 57.59 5. Ocean (a) Freight 18.50 20.56 20.76 18.62 18.62 6. Tot. Deld. Pacific Rim 69.29 70.57 73.51 76.21 76.21 7. Average (b) $/10" Btu 2.69 2.72 2.83 2.70 2.70 8. Heat Valve Btu/Lb. 11,500 11,600 11,600 12,600 12,600 (c) (c) (c) Notes: (a) Assumes 50,000 DWT Ships (b) Suggested figures for comparison and evaluation that reduce all comparisons to relative terms. (c) Source: “Utah and Colorado Coal Exports To The Pacific Rim, A Transportation Assessment", Williams, J. T., August 1981 Average $ Cost Per Long Tonne (2240 Ibs.) Bering River Bering River (Surface) (Underground) 1. Mine 20-25 30-35 2. Land Transport and Coal Terminal 14-18 14-18 3. Sub Total FOBT (Coal Into Ships) 34-43 44-53 4. Target Cost To Complete 58 58 *5. Range of Profit Opportunity 24-16 * 14-5 * Profit opportunity beyond operating segments that could be applied to: Dredging Costs User tax to repay Alaska for access roads Royalties to Chugach Natives, Inc. Expansion and growth of coal exports Additional contingency (2) Alternative Modes Of Transportation Truck/Tramway Railroad/Tramway Conveyor Tramway Slurry Tramway/Slurry Notes: TABLE 7.2 PHASE I PRELIMINARY COST estimate 1) SUMMARY OF MODES OF TRANSPORTATION (3) (3) Operations & Capital Cos Maintenance (1983 $ x 10°) (1983 $/Tonne) 117 14.25 108 14.65 161 23.75 105 13.35 170 27.70 131 17.10 (1) Excludes interest during construction, coal ownership and land. (2) x/y = Transfer Facility to Storage/Storage to Marine Facility (3) Excludes access roads, transfer facility, storage facility and dredging, but includes amortization of capital costs at 18 percent from the time each investment is made until the end of the 20 year project life. Access Road Transfer Facility Coal Transport Access Road Storage and Reclaim Coal Transport Marine Facility Dredging TABLE 7.3 PHASE I PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE COMPARISON OF CAPITAL COSTS - FOR - ALTERNATIVE MODES OF TRANSPORTATION MODE OF TRANSPORTATION ) (1983 $ x 10 Belt Aerial Slurry Tram & Trucking Railroad Conveyor Tramway Pipeline Slurry * * * * * * * * * * * * 74 65 102 66 170 66 * * * * * * * * * * * * 30 30 46 26 (Incl. ) 50 13 13 13 13. 15 15 * * * * * * 117 108 161 105 170 131 * No substantial difference among alternative modes of transportation. TABLE 7.4 PHASE I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 1) 34 foot wide roadway, 6" SUMMARY OF ACCESS ROADS Q) Bering River Highway Preliminary Engineering -32 Miles- o Reconnaissance Study 100,000 o Surveys 840,000 o Geotechnical Exploration 1,000,000 o Environmental Studies 290,000 o Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate 420,000 o Plans, Specifications, Contract Documents and Final Cost Estimate 1,250,000 o Administration (State) 200,000 4,100,000 Construction o Construction Engineering 1,250,000 o Construction Surveying 840,000 o Construction 30,460,000 o Administration (State) 450,000 SUB TOTAL 33,000,000 GRAND TOTAL $37,100,000 surfacing and 3'-0" NFS subgrade. (1) Katalla Access Road -26 Miles- 100,000 720,000 1,000,000 290,000 360,000 1,250,000 180,000 3,900,000 1,000,000 700,000 24,000,000 400,000 26,100,000 $30,000,000 TABLE 7.5 PHASE I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE POWER Plant Size: Three (3) - 15 Megawatt Coal-Fired Units Total Installed Cost of Power Plant: $ 86 Million Total Installed Cost of Transmission: $ 42 Million Grand Total: $128 Million POWER COST: Cents/Kwh at 20 MW at 30 MW o Power Generation and Transmission 9.0 6.8 (1) o Cordova Distribution, Stand-By Diesel Generation and Administration 1.4 0.9 QO Repayment to State of Alaska 3.0 2.0 (2) TOTAL * 13.4 9.7 * This compares to a current rate for residential and commercial customers in Cordova of 24 cents/Kwh. Estimates were based upon pessimistic or worst condition outlooks. Notes: (1) Assumes 50% capital participation by the State of Alaska with the remaining 50% being a 20 year loan at 8-1/2% interest. (2) Payback to Alaska for 50% participation over 20 years with 5% interest. TABLE 7.6 PHASE I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE DOCKS MINIMAL DOCK 3 Dolphins with Curved Dock Face $2,000,000 FULL DOCK Precast Concrete Panel Dock on Steel $4,000,000 Piles Designed for Off Road Vehicular Use TABLE 7.7 PHASE I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE DREDGING (1) Final Dredged Depth Basin Channel Estimated of Basin and Channel Diameter Width Cost (Elevation from MLLW) (Miles) (Feet) (1983 $) -70 1 1500 130,000,000 -55 1 1500 75,000,000 -55 1/2 1500 32,500,000 -25 1/2 1500 5,000,000 -55 1/4 1500 13,350,000 -55 1/4 600 2,100,000 ‘2? Notes: Q) (2) Four of the largest dredging companies in the United States (Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., Manson Construction, Riedel International, and Chris Berg, Inc.) were contacted regarding unit costs. These ranged from $1.25 per cubic yard to $3.83 per cubic yard. Some of the variables that must be quantified to achieve a definitive cost estimate include the type of materials to be dredged, distance to disposal sites, utilization of on-land or deep ocean disposal, and restrictions on the working season. For purposes of this preliminary cost estimate of dredging, a unit cost of $2.50 per cubic yard was used. With the different dredging alternatives, other factors will influence the total development costs. Generally, with reduced area and dredging quan- tities, costs of locating the dock farther out on a rock dike to access deeper water and of using increased tug boat assistance will add to the total cost. These factors will be defined and quantified during Phase II of this assessment. The above costs were based upon the same dock location except for the 1/4 mile basin with a 600-foot wide channel. This last alternative has the dock located in deeper water with a rock dike/causeway extending out from the island. In this case a unit cost of $3.50 per cubic yard was used because of the reduced dredging quantitites. DREDGING ALTERNATIVES FIGURE 7.1 One mile diameter turning basin with 1,500-foot wide approach channel approximately 4 miles long. Depth: -70 ft. MLLW Dredging Quantities Turning Basin: 32,400,000 cu. yds. Channel: 14,000,000 cu. yds. ® Total: 44,900,000 cu. yds. @ $2.50/c.y. $112, 250,000 #includes mob./demob. DREDGING ALTERNATIVES FIGURE 7.2 One mile diameter turning basin with 1,500-foot wide approach channel approximately 4 miles long. Depth: -55 ft. MLLW Dredging Quantities Turning Basin: 20,900,000 cu. yds. Channel: 4,550,000 cu. yds. 7 Total: 25,450,000 cu. yds @ $2.50/c.y. $ 63,625,000 #includes mob./demob. oo t\. Ne 4 ; ae 8 ee ee ke 3 LY, , 4 et o relearn ig Pave at Ay 4 | ; ‘ Ay (collapse ).? -, / ee ie . I DREDGING ALTERNATIVES FIGURE 7.3 1/2 mile diameter turning basin with 1,500-foot wide approach channel approximately 4 miles long. Depth: -55 ft. MLLW Dredging Quantities Turning Basin: 8,100,000 cu. yds. Channel: 4,750,000 cu. yds. * Total: 12,850,000 cu. yds. @ $2.50/c.y. $ 32,125,000 #includes mob./demob. AG QI a EA ss “ON o) ie MM epee ey pa PY } 2 VY, Ve? - NO Nyt, ‘ i nee ill ce A es ‘“ : i | ‘ my! i a 4 3. 26 ~ to i aaa sie a}. Sot “) ii y, feimaessa! IEE O OAL NX eg LB = t 3 fp i B Ll / CY 55 6 sft reakers nl « WA 4A s 7 7. : DREDGING ALTERNATIVES FIGURE 7.4 1/2 mile diameter turning basin with 1,500-foot wide approach channel approximately 4 miles long. Depth: -25 ft. MLLW Dredging Quantities 2,400,000 cu. yds. Turning Basin: Channel: none * Total: 2,400,000 cu. yds. @ $2.50/c.y. $ 6,000,000 *includes mob./demob. F scaLe 1: 50,000 | NO i ei ret ee ~ 4 Tee ¢ NX : ee % / aif As Ext \ ci Bald : : Pe % we ae dy x Py o & te : tJ j Ng, \ N ® | [tL GA | | 24 ¥lo te: ie 2 { i ‘ 7 i ~ in \ ‘ oi %, te) L \ : te 2 b PN a \ re Ld ieee | Lee | [3 2 23 i NX \ oe 3 k \ o7 * re N23 Ue a | 1h ENO Ve % 23 NX. ~ a\ 7 a i PQ. i] Le | i’ an “oe 3 IY, Le a iy 1 ‘att ky 3 2% “20, TL TANK +) J3)] Sy. a c xf \_ (collapsed)? a i « / ae 33 OL a i 2h DREDGING ALTERNATIVES 1/4 mile diameter turning basin with 4.5 miles long. Depth: -55 ft. MLLW Dredging Quantities ee. Z Turning Basin: 2,290,000 cu. yds. Channel: 4,930,000 cu. yds. Total: 7,220,000 cu. yds. *#includes mob./demob. SCALE 1: 50,000 \ c HITS, FIGURE 7.5 1,500-foot wide approach channel approximately @ $2.50/c.y." $ 18,050,000 DREDGING ALTERNATIVES FIGURE 7.6 1/4 mile diameter turning basin with 600-foot wide approach channel approximately 4.5 miles long. Depth: -55 ft. MLLW Dredging Quantities Turning Basin: 176,000 cu. yds. Channel: 422,200 cu. yds. 4 Total: 598,200 cu. yds. @ $3.50./c.y. $ 2,093,700 "includes increased mob./demob. costs due to smaller dredging quantities Phase I Report A March, 1983 fsa, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Page 8.1 Overland Transportation System 8-2 Conclusion 8.2 General Conclusions 8-3 8.3 Recommendations 8-6 - 8-] - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 J. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 8.1 OVERLAND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM CONCLUSIONS Tables 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 contain the overall results of the overland transpor- tation portion of the assessment. They were structured as a relative comparison matrix summarizing the items of major consideration used to evaluate the en- vironmental, technical and economic parameters of feasibility. The weighted effect of these three principal areas were: Environmental: 13 categories @ 5 points = 65 or 47% Technical: 11 categories @ 5 points = 55 or 39% Economic: 4 categories @ 5 points = 20 or 14% Total Possible Points = 140 or 100% From this selection process and ranking, the aerial tramway evolved as the most promising method or mode of transporting the coal. In addition to the elements used for ranking, the aerial tramway has the capability to transport people, material and supplies throughout the overall network of facilities. Regarding human safety, this feature could be very valuable. It should be recog- nized, however, that permits for this expressed purpose must be secured, and this could be infeasible. Although trucking is not a good long-term alternative and would probably not be environmentally feasible for annual tonnages over 500,000 tonnes, it could offer flexibility in the early stages of development. The capital expenditures required would be small (proportional to production) and trucking could accel- erate the initial shipment of coal while allowing the lead time to construct the aerial tramway. However, such an acceleration could be offset by the lead- time required to construct the Marine Facility. This scenario will be investi- gated during Phase II. SUMMARY OF COMBINED RELATIVE COMPARISON MATRIX ANALYSES FOR ALTERNATIVE MODES OF TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE MODE OF OVERALL TRANSPORT : ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL ECONOMIC TOTAL RANKING TRUCKING 23.5 35.5 9 68 9 RAILROAD 26.5 31.5 12 75 8 BELT CONVEYORS o Troughed 46.0 36.5 9 91.5 6 o Cable 45.5 37.5 9 92 5 o Pipe 46.5 32.0 7 85.5 7 AERIAL TRAMWAY o Double Jig Back 52.5 40.0 16 108.5 2 o Quad Cable 53.0 46.0 7 116 ] SLURRY PIPELINE o Wet Load 60.0 36.5 10 106.5 3 o Dry Load 60.0 30.5 10 100.5 4 - Table 8.1.1 - RELATIVE COMPARISON MATRIX ANALYSES FOR ALTERNATIVE MODES OF TRANSPORTATION Aerial Belt Conveyors Trams Pipelines Worst = 1, Best = 5 el 2 5 3 2 yx 2? 8 o * 2 8 gE ee. a3 = 2 A. ENVIRONMENTAL - 3 & Be 3 3 2 2 Quantity of Fill and Borrow Required 2 1 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 Surface Runoff Changes 1.5 01.5 3.56 3.5 3.5 4 4 5 5 Sediment Load Influence 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 5 5 Magnitude of Causeway 4 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Fish Alterations 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 4 5 5 Barrier to Wildlife Movement 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 5 5 Collisions with Wildlife on Ground 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Collisions with Birds 2 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 Level of Noise and Activity 1 2 3 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 5 Vehicle Exhaust Level 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fugitive Coal Dust 1 2 4 4 4.5 3 3 § 5 Water Storage and Use 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 Snow Clearing - Road Impact 1 2 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 4 5 5 TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL 23.5 26.5 46 45.5 46.5 $2.5 53 60 60 B. TECHNICAL Energy Consumption 3.5 4 2.5 3 2 4.5 5 1 15 Labor Intensity 1 2 3 4.5 3 3 4.5 4 3.5 Operational Flexibility 5 4 2 2 2 3 4 3.5 1 System Reliability 5 4 3 3 2 2.5 3 1.5 1.5 Segregation of Coal Types/Grades 5 4.5 2 2 2 4.5 4.5 4.5 1 Inclement Weather Influence 1 1.5 3.5 3.5 4 4 4 5 5 Support and Maintenance Facilities 2 1 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 5 5 Coal Handling Facilities 5 2.5 4 3.5 3 2 3 1 1 Ability to Follow Existing Topography 2 1 3 3.5 3.5 4 4 5 5 Fuel Handling and Storage 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Established Technology 5 5 5 4 2 4 5 1 1 TOTAL TECHNICAL 35.5 31.5 36.5 37.5 32 40 46 36.5 30.5 C. ECONOMIC Capital Cost 2 5 3 3 2 4 5 1 1 Operating and Maintenance Costs o Materials and Supplies 3 5 2 2 1 2 2 4 4 o Labor 1 3 2 2 2 5 5 4 4 o Power and Fuel 3 4 2 2 2 5 5 1 1 TOTAL ECONOMIC 9 7 9 9 7 16 7 10 «610 - Table 8.1.2 - Phase I Report March, 1983 A (=== Wheclabrator Coal Services Company 8.2 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS At this preliminary point in the Assessment of the Bering River Coal Field development, there appears to be no major obstacle to the environmental and technical feasibility of the preferred alternative for the port and transpor- tation system. In addition, the preliminary economics of the preferred alterna- tive look very promising and, therefore, feasible. During Phase II of the Assessment, the potential viability of the preferred alternative will be examined in more detail. At this preliminary stage, there appear to be significant benefits that could result from the development of the Bering River Coal Field. Benefits to the City of Cordova, the residents of the region, Chugach Natives Inc. and the State of Alaska would have an extended effect because of the long-term nature of the proposed project. In addition to the normal economic benefits derived by the local community, such as employment opportunities and increased tax reve- nues, this proposed project could possibly reduce the cost of electricity in Cordova by about fifty percent (50%). It would also allow public access from Cordova to the Bering River/Katalla area. In addition to increased recreational values, this access could have significant benefits as an alternate means of transporting fish for processing in Cordova. The proposed development would also offer the opportunity to repay any state funding along with interest. This could be used to establish a revolving fund for other future resource develop- ment projects. The revenue realized by Chugach Natives Inc. would benefit all Alaskan natives and create new opportunities for them. Although there would also be negative impacts, it appears as though none of them would be so severe that they couldn't be equitably mitigated. At this point in the Assessment, the potential benefits far outweigh potential downside effects. The preferred alternative for the port and transportation system would consist of a series of facilities, systems, equipment, structures and roadways that as a continuum, comprise the overall system. These elements are identified and discussed below. - 8-3 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 J» (===> Wheclabrator Coal Services Company The Bering River Highway would connect the Copper River Highway at MP-38.5 (and therefore Cordova) with the coal Transfer Facility near the mines, a distance of approximately 32 miles. A standard 34 foot roadway would be installed along a routing that generally conforms to the access corridor established in the 1960's and that minimizes environmental impacts. The Transfer Facility would receive coal by truck, conveyor or aerial tramway from the mining operations and transfer it to an Overland Transportation Sys- tem. The Transfer Facility would be located adjacent to the mining operations near the Southwest corner of Kushtaka Lake. This would be the termination of the Bering River Highway. The Overland Transportation System would be a quad-cable aerial tramway to transport the coal from the Transfer Facility to the Storage Facility. This time-proven method of coal transport has excellent environmental features and placed first in the overall ranking of transportation modes. The Storage Facility would receive coal from the Overland Transportation Sys- tem, stockpile it in a covered storage structure, reclaim it and transfer the coal to the Port Transportation System. The Storage Facility would be located near tidewater in the vicinity of Point Hey. It would be sheltered by a moun- tain range and, therefore, not visible from the ocean. The Port Transportation System would also be a quad-cable aerial tramway to transport the coal from the Storage Facility to the Marine Terminal. The Marine Terminal would receive coal from the Port Transportation System and load it into the coal export ships. The Marine Terminal would be located on the southeast tip of Kanak Island and could eventually accommodate ships up to 150,000 deadweight tonnes. The Marine Terminal would be protected by Kanak Island from severe waves and could serve as a multipurpose dock. - 8-4 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 J. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company The Katalla Access Road would connect the Transfer Facility with the Marine Terminal, a distance of approximately 26 miles. The roadway would be similar to the Bering River Highway and the termination of the public access to the port. The Power Plant would be a coal-fired electric generating station to produce all the power required initially and in the future for the entire Bering River Coal Field development as well as having the capacity to supply the City of Cordova if it so elects. The plant would be located adjacent to the coal Storage Facility and would consist of three 15 megawatt modular units (an ulti- mate total of 45 megawatts that could be further expanded using modular con- struction). Initially, only two of the units would be installed. - 8-5 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 J» Wheelabrator Coal Services Company 8.3 RECOMMENDATIONS Since overall feasibility appears to be convincingly sound, it is recommended that the Phase II work should proceed immediately. A definitive Phase II scope of work for each element within the overall system should be established after having developed the final system parameters, a flow sheet and the design criteria for each element. In order to avoid a one-year delay in overall development, it is recommended that funds ($4,100,000) be appropriated from the State of Alaska to accomplish the preliminary engineering work for the Bering River Highway. Ideally, this work would be performed during 1983 in parallel with the geotechnical explor- ation activities to be conducted by Golder Associates for Bering Development Corporation (BDC). It would consist of all work necessary to produce a construc- tion bid package (refer to Section 7, Table 7.4). Respectfully, it is recommended that BDC be encouraged to consider the need for overall project management including everything from development of the mine plan to delivery of coal in the Pacific Rim. - 8-6 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 J. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 9 OVERVIEW OF PHASE II - 9-1 - Phase I Report \\ March, 1983 J (=== Wheelabrator Coal Services Company Phase II of this assessment will complete the work to be performed under this contract. It is scheduled to commence immediately and to reach completion upon issuance of the Final Report in December, 1983. This report will have incorpor- ated the comments that will be received from prior issue of a draft Final Re- port in September, 1983. The main objectives of Phase II are to verify whether or not the development and implementation of the Bering River Coal Field is environmentally, techni- cally and economically feasible, and to arrive at a dependable cost estimate to accomplish this development. Given the resultant Phase I selection of the preferred alternative, the major efforts of Phase II will be to refine each element within the overall system to a degree that will yield a reliable and complete assessment. Some of the key tasks will be: ° Holding public participation meetings for Phase I results in Cordova. e Holding similar meetings with the agencies involved. e Derivation of a total system flow sheet. e Verification of the overall system parameters (with BDC). e Establishing a scope of work requirement for each member of the project team. e Conducting a project team field reconnaissance trip to finalize the bases for sitings, routings and preliminary designs. e Conducting local level reconnaissance trips regarding the human environment (socioeconomic and sociocultural) in Cordova. ° Finalizing preliminary design(s) for each element of the system. e Final assessment by each area of expertise. e Final cost estimate. e Input(s) for Final Report. e Report preparation. e Issue of the Draft Final Report. - 9-2 - Phase I Report \ March, 1983 Ui vol Ge f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company e Consolidation and incorporation of comments. ° Issue of the Final Report. Coincident with the major tasks, will be daily interactions with all concerned parties along with regularly scheduled meetings to maintain a good channel of communications and tracking of progress. - 9-3 - Phase I Report A . . . March, 1983 (=== Wheelabrator Coal Services Company SECTION 10 APPENDICES APPENDIX A ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY REPORT APPENDIX B SLURRY PIPELINE REPORT APPENDIX C MARINE PILOT'S REPORT APPENDIX D KATALLA METEOROLOGY APPENDIX E SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENT Phase I Report yN March, 1983 f=, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company APPENDIX A ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL This description of natural resources in the Bering River - Martin River districts, east of the mouth of the Copper River, was com- piled from a variety of published and unpublished sources, including individuals and federal and state agencies. The description is not an exhaustive study, and is not designed to meet needs for permitting or environmental assessments. The report serves to focus cooperating entities' attention on the area's resources, and the state of knowledge on those resources, and act as a starting point for additional study needs as a part of the Phase II Environmental Assessment. During the process of compiling data for this review, several key resource people indicated there is a lack of detailed information required for natural resource management of this area. The areas of proposed access through the Martin River Valley and the coal transfer corridor in the Bering River Valley have not received detailed research effort and much of the information about these valleys has often been collected incidental to research that has focused primarily on the natural resources of the greater Copper River Delta area. Therefore, most of the following description has depended upon observations of the USFS and ADF&G personnel. As such, it should be viewed wholely as descriptive and general and subject to considerable revision. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The following description of the biological resources of the study area includes terrestrial mammals, marine mammals, birds, and fish. Attempts were made to collect information on the resources' distribution, population trends, and current status based on Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) census and/or harvest data, and through communication with individuals who have direct experience in the corridor areas. Any proposed management plans or activities, where applicable, are reviewed as an additional indication of population status. This includes potential for habitat improvement for certain species. Special areas of concern such as cooperative management areas, staging grounds, and winter range are indicated. MAMMALS Big Game Mountain Goats Mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) use ridges in suitable alpine habitat adjacent to the proposed transportation corridors. Reported areas of occurrence are shown in Figure 2. Goats may move down into forested areas during severe winters, often down to as low as 400 to 500 feet elevation (Reynolds 1982). Past records of mountain goat abundance and harvest are scarce, but hunting pressure is assumed to have been relatively light. Reportedly higher mortality and lower populations in recent years are thought to be the result of increased predation by a recently established wolf population (Bucaria 1979, ADF&G 1982). Surveys flown in 1980 (Table 1) of five area populations revealed a total population of 218 animals, 25.7 percent of which were kids. These TABLE 1 1980 MOUNTAIN GOAT SURVEY DaTal Kids per 100 % Kids Area Date Adults Kids Total Adults In Pop. Ragged Mountain 9/11/80 38 12 50 31.6 24.0 Mt. Hamilton Ridge 9/11/80 12 7 19 58.3 36.8 Don Miller Hills 9/11/80 8 4 12 50.0 66.7 Berg Lake 9/17/80 81 24 105 29.6 22.9 Suckling Hills 9/19/80 23 9 32 39.1 28.1 1980 Totals 162 56 218 34.6 25.7 lalaska Department of Fish and Game (1982) goat populations were not considered able to withstand much hunt- ing pressure, so the 1981 hunting season was closed. Recent hunting efforts in the area have been moderate (only three goats taken in the Bering - Berg Lakes area in 1980). ADF&G personnel consider the potential for habitat improvement to be low. There is abundant alpine habitat throughout the area and, as a consequence, they do not consider habitat a limiting factor. Wolf predation is considered the primary limiting factor for goat populations in the Martin River and Bering River drainages. Two wolf packs are considered to be involved (Lloyd and _ Sund- berg 1982). Moose Moose (Alces alces) were transplanted to the West Copper River Delta during the 10-year period from 1949 to 1959, and have subsequently crossed the Copper River. Populations are now well established throughout the Martin River and Bering River Valleys in game management sub-units 6A and 6B (Figure 3). Both areas produce large-antlered bulls at an early age, which is taken as an indication of excellent range (Bucaria 1979). The Martin River herd reached a peak of 261 animals in 1971. The following winter was severe with very high mortality, reducing the herd by approxi- mately one third. Subsequent surveys have found populations in the range of 113 to 201, with a 1980 count of 201 animals (ADF&G 1982). A 1980 census of the Bering River - Controller Bay herd reported 224 moose. This population has steadily increased since 1968. ADF&G reports that the moose concentrate on flats, river beds, and timbered fringes and seldom occur in dense stands of Wht ft ABRATOR COAL SERVICES COMPANY BERING RIVER COAL TRANSPORTATION FEASIBILITY STUDY GAME MANAGEMENT Subunits 64,6B & 6C (ENTIRE UNITS NOT SHOWN timber (Lloyd and Sundberg 1982). Moose are also present on Kanak Island (Davidson pers. comm.). Current management plans aim for post-harvest populations of 150 to 175 animals in the Martin River herd and 200 animals in the Bering River - Controller Bay area (ADF&G 1982). The two herds are managed primarily for large trophy animals. Poor access to the area has discouraged significant recreational use other than hunting (Bucaria 1979). The 1980 moose harvests in sub-units 6A and 6B were 31 and 100 animals, respectively. The lower harvest in 6A was presumably due to poor access. As a result, a liberal either-sex season has been Proposed to encourage use of the resource and to help control herd size (ADF&G 1982). Hunter access is primarily by air boat in the Martin River Valley anda combination of seine boat and air boat from the Controller Bay and Katalla Bay areas (Bucaria 1979). Areas at the base of the Martin River Glacier, southwest of Ragged Mountains, and in the Bering River flats and on the outwash plain at the base of the Bering Glacier have been identified by ADF&G and USFS as prime moose habitat (Fig. 2). Moose concentrate in these areas especially in winter (Bucaria 1979). Although no specific range management studies exist, generally high calf production and good winter survival rates have been taken to indicate a healthy range (Bucaria 1979). No other specific management strategies have been outlined, but it should be noted that the Martin River Valley is primarily on U.S. Forest Service land and is part of the "Copper River Delta Game Manage- ment Area Cooperative Agreement". This interagency agreement is to "cooperate in developing, managing, and maintaining the exceptional wildlife and habitat resources of the Copper River Delta area according to the principles of multiple use ...". Brown Bears Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are reported to inhabit most of the Martin River Valley, the Bering Lake - Controller Bay drainages, and contiguous islands including Kayak, Wingham, and _ Kanak (Bucaria 1979). Bucaria also reported that Okalee Spit, North Kayak Island, the northern slopes of the Martin River Valley, Katalla, Redwood Bay, and the northern portion of Controller Bay receive high use in the spring because they are generally free of ice and snow earlier than adjacent uplands and consequently have advanced vegetative development providing an early source of food (Bucaria 1979). In summer and fall, salmon migrating and spawning areas in streams, sloughs, and lakes are thought to provide a major source of protein for brown bears (Bucaria 1979, and Mickelson, Hawkings, Herter, Murphy 1980). In addition, bears are often found along beaches opportunistically feeding on carrion (Bailey 1975). Census data is not available for brown bear, but harvest data indicate that more brown bear (185) have been harvested in the areas east of the Copper River (game management subunits 6A and 6B) than in other unit 6 subunits (Table 2). The 1982 brown bear harvest in game managment subunits 6A and 6B was eight animals. Kill locations for the 1981 and 1982 brown bear harvest are shown in Figure 2 with the species/sex information given in Table 3. TABLE 2 BROWN BEAR SPORT HARVEST BY LOCATION AND YEAR WITHIN ADF&G GAME MANAGEMENT UNIT 61 Prince William Sound Copper River Delta Year West East West East Total 1961 4 2 3 3 12 1962 1 7 1 15 24 1963 ll 10 3 6 30 1964 6 14 1 9 30 1965 5 12 10 6 33 1966 6 15 5 1l 37 1967 15 18 7 15 a 1968 15 17 10 20 62 1969 5 6 5 4 20 1970 2 8 2 14 26 1971 6 6 3 7 22 1972 1l 14 4 9 38 1973 1 6 6 19 32 1974 6 11 1 1l 29 1975 2 6 0 16 24 1976 1 9 6 8 24 1977 5 18 1 12 36 Total Number 102 179 68 185 534 17-year Average 6.0 10.5 4.0 10.9 31.4 lBucaria (1979) TABLE 3 BROWN BEAR AND BLACK BEAR HARVEST INFORMATION, 1981 - 19821 (Approximate Kill Locations Shown in Figure 2) 1981 Black Bear - Spring and Fall 1. Male 3. Male 2. Male 4. Female 1982 Black Bear - Spring 9. Male 12. Female 10. Male 13. Male 11. Male 1982 Black Bear - Fall - Not Available - 1981 Brown Bear - Spring and Fall 5. Male 7. Female 6. Female 8. Female 1982 Brown Bear - Spring 14. Male 17. Male 15. Male 18. Male 16. Male 1982 Brown Bear - Fall 19. Male 21. Female 20. Female lalaska Department of Fish and Game - Bear Sealing Forms from Subunits 6A and 6B. The harvest information given in Table 3 is from individual bear sealing forms and the locations given are approximate. Hunter access to the area is predominantly by boat and plane. Major landing strips used for various hunting activities are shown in Figure 2. Known brown bear denning areas are shown in Figure 2. There is no habitat improvement planned specifically for the brown bear in the area. Black Bears Black bears (Ursus americana) are reportedly widespread in forest and alder-vegetated slopes in the region. They are also reported to frequent grassy slopes and muskegs interspersed with conifer forests along the Martin River at the base of the Martin River Glacier, on the north shore of Bering Lake, and throughout the Katalla River Valley (Fig. 2). Interspecific competition with brown bears is thought to exclude black bears from the river flats, coastal beaches, and tidal sloughs, often denying them access to additional food sources. Specific harvest data for this district is unavailable, but Table 4 gives information for the game management subunits 6A and 6B. The 1981 and spring 1982 harvest information is given in Figure 2 and Table 3. As is the case for brown bears, the harvest locations in Figure 2 are approximate. The black bear populations in the Martin River and Bering River valleys are being managed to provide maximum hunting opportunities (Bucaria 1979). Most animals are presumed taken during combina- tion black and brown bear hunts, as hunters strictly after black bear tend to concentrate their efforts in northern and western Prince William Sound (Bucaria 1979). TABLE 4 NUMBER OF BLACK BEAR HARVESTED BY YEAR AND AREA WITHIN GAME MANAGEMENTS SUBUNITS 6A and 6Bl Area 1974 1975 1976 1977 No. No. No. No. East of Copper 5 22 10 16 River to Icy Bay (Subunits 6A and 6B) lpucaria (1979) Wolf After 1965, wolf (Canis lupus) packs became established east of the Copper River, presumably as a result of the success of the moose herds. Two wolves were sighted at Martin Lake during the winter of 1978 (Bucaria 1979). No dens have been reported, but a denning area is thought to be in the Martin River Glacier moraine area (Bucaria 1979). From 1963 to 1978, a total of 35 wolves was taken in all of game management unit 6, a 15-year average of 2.3 animals. Game biologists presently think that two packs of wolves range within the area of the Martin and Bering River Valleys (Lloyd and Sundberg 1982). ADF&G reports that the number of wolves appears to be on the increase throughout the region and may account for the subsequent decline of goat populations. ADF&G has proposed a management scheme which would set a goal of optimum harvest through the main- tenance of a wolf/ungulate ratio which maximizes herbivore produc- tivity yet sustains both populations for human use (Bucaria 1979). In more remote areas of the Bering River drainage, i.e., those areas less accessible to hunting, a "balanced" moose/wolf relationship may be emphasized to ensure continued survival of both populations (Bucaria 1979). Furbearers Little information is available on population status, distribu- tion, and utilization of the majority of furbearing species in Alaska. Most information is acquired from the records of fur dealers and the field observations of trappers in various areas. Trappers in the area east of the Copper River have generously furnished information regarding the status of furbearers (Bucaria 1979). The reported population trends (Bucaria 1979) of certain fur- bearers in the corridor areas were as follows in 1978: Mink (Mustela vison) stable Land Otter (Lutra canadensis) increasing Wolverine (Gulo gulo) stable Lynx (Lynx canadensis) low Wolf (Canis lupus) increasing Beaver (Castor canadensis) high - increasing Coyote (Canis latrans) high - increasing Fox (Vulpes vulpes) very low Muskrat (Ondatra zebithicus) increasing Habitat for the various furbearers in the area is thought to be very good. Food abundance is thought to determine the furbearer population levels (ADF&G 1978A). All species listed above are reportedly doing well, with the sole exception of the fox popula- tion (Mickelson et al. 1980). Competition with coyotes is a possible reason for the low numbers (Bucaria 1979). Beaver are located in suitable habitat wherever available. Their presence is critical since much of the trumpeter swan (Olor buccinator) nest- ing activity is associated with habitat alterations by beaver (Bailey 1975). Numbers of marten (Martes americana) are high, presumably due to high rodent populations. Short-tailed weasels (Mustela erminea) and least weasels (Mustela rixosa) are also thought to occur in the area. There is no specific management plan at this time for furbearer populations and trapping pressure has been light (Bucaria 1979). In 1978 there were no bag limits set for any major furbearing species in game management subunits 6A and 6B. Areas receiving the most trapping effort are Sheep Creek east of the Copper River Highway and the Martin River glacial outwash plain, including the area surrounding Lake Tokun. Small Game The snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) is the primary small game species occurring in the corridor areas. Habitat for small game in the region is considered good. Non-Game Mammals Most non-game mammmals are common in the area east of the Copper River Delta and are listed in Table 5. 10 TABLE 5 NON-GAME MAMMALSL Masked Shrew (Sorex cinereus) Dusky Shrew (S. obscurus) . Northern Water Shrew (S. palustris) Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivigans) 1 2 3 4. Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) 5 6 Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) 7 : Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) 8. Northern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys borealis) 9. Tundra Vole (Microtus beconomus) 10. Meadow Vole (M. pennsylvanicus) ll. Long-tail Vole (M. longicaudus) 12. Tundra Red-backed Vole (Clethrionomys rutilus) 13. California Red-backed Vole (C. californicus) 14. Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) 1 Bucaria (1979). 11 Marine Mammals Several species of marine mammals inhabit the near-shore waters of the proposed coal transfer facility near Katalla, the Martin Islands, and Kanak, Kayak, and Wingham Islands. Their general occurrence, in order of relative abundance, is: (1) harbor seal (Phoca vitulina); (2) sea otter (Enhydra lutris); (3) Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubata); and (4) harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) (Cordova Coastal Management Program 1980). Harbor seals are the most common marine mammal, occupying the near-shore and inland waters on a seasonal basis. In late April and early May the seals move in, at or near the time the ice goes out. Harbor seals are reported to remain in areas of Bering Lake, Kushtaka Lake, and the Bering River system until late September (Bucaria 1979). Sandbars in Controller Bay and Bering River are important areas used for hauling-out and pupping activities in June (Cordova Coastal Management Program 1980). The rich fishery in the Controller Bay/Copper River Delta region is reported to Support a significant percentage of the north Gulf Coast harbor seal population. The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 abolished commercial hunting of this species. Alaskan Natives may harvest seals with- out restriction on numbers or seasons for subsistence use, and there is incidental catch associated with the commercial salmon fishery (Bucaria 1979). The potential for habitat improvement is low. 12 Sea otters are thought to have been more numerous before the 1964 earthquake when estimated populations were 200 to 500 (Schneider pers. comm.). Numbers have declined since that time, and by the mid-1970's incidental groups of approximately 10 individuals could be sighted on Okalee Spit, and on Kanak and Wingham Islands. This decline is thought to be associated with habitat alteration, although no specific studies have been carried out to this effect. Present populations in the area are thought to represent trends of dispersing immigrant populations coming from more densely popu- lated areas in Prince William Sound (Bucaria 1979 and Schneider pers. comm.). Current estimates show that populations are on a slight increase. Sea otters sighted near the Bering and Katalla River coast are shown in Figure 2. Sea otters are also protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Steller sea lions are a wide ranging inhabitant of the Controller Bay area (Schneider pers. comm.). Cape St. Elias, on the southern tip of Kayak Island, is a significant year round haul-out area with an estimated population of 1600 animals. This is far south of the project area. Seasonal movements of sea lions into the near-shore waters are probably related to concurrent salmon migra- tion. This species is also protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Harbor porpoises are often seen in bays and protected harbors throughout the Gulf of Alaska (Calkins, Pitcher, Schneider 1975). Other species likely to be observed in the off-shore waters include the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), the Dall porpoise (Phocoenoidus dalli), and the Pacific white-sided dolphin 13 (Lagenorhynchus obliguidens). The Dall porpoise may also frequent in-shore waters as well (Calkins et al. 1975). Several of the larger cetaceans are reported to occur in the waters contiguous to the proposed transfer facility, although their status is unclear. They are, in order of relative abundance, the Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), the killer whale (Orcinus orca), the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), and the sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) (Cordova Coastal Management Program 1980). California gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) migrate along the coast en route to the Bering Sea feeding grounds and are known to gather in significant concentrations off Cape St. Elias (Schneider pers. comm.). The fin, sei, humpback, and California gray whales are classified as endangered species. BIRDS As with the majority of wildlife groups, there is a lack of spe- cific information on avian species in the proposed project area. Much of the information has been adapted from the comprehensive review of bird species occurring on the Copper River Delta by Bucaria (1979) and Mickelson et al. (1980). The Copper River Delta is west of the project area, but likely reflects similar characteristics. The Copper River Delta and adjacent areas lie on the major Pacific coastal flyway for millions of birds en route to and from sub- arctic and arctic breeding grounds. The densities of shore birds using the Copper River Delta peak in May and late September. 14 TABLE 6 Date first seen, date last seen and summer status of all birds observed on the East Copper River Delta, Alaska in 1978 and 1979. Birds Species Date of Spring Migration Summer Date of Fall Migration First Seen! Last Seen Status” First Seen Last Seen? Common Loon 30 April — S = 27 Aug. Arctic Loon = -- N - -- Red-throated Loon 15 April na i} = 30 Aug. Red-necked Grebe = == N -- c= Horned Grebe 18 April —_ N 14 Sept. 20 Oct. Double-crest Cormorant 28 April -- Vv mt 12 Oct. Great Blue Heron flares a Vv oom a Whistling Swan 19 April 10 May N 28 Sept. 20 Oct. Trumpeter Swan 14 April as B a 20 Oct. Dusky Canada Goose 14 April = B = 20 Oct. Tav./Lesser Can. Goose 14 April 5 June N 5 Sept. 20 Oct. Cackling Canada Goose 27 April 24 May N - -- Black Brant 18 April 30 June N = -- White-fronted Goose 15 April4 18 May N 4 Aug. 13 Oct. Snow Goose 18 April 15 May N 24 Sept. 22 Oct. Emperor Goose ——— == Vv a = Mallard 14 April == B -- 22 Oct. Pintail 14 April -- B == 20 Oct. Gadwall 26 April -- B -- 20 Sept. Blue-winged Teal --- -- N 13 Sept. 9 Oct. Green-winged Teal 17 April -- B -- 20 Oct. American Wigeon 15 April4 -- B -- 20 Oct. European Wigeon --- a N -- -- lgarliest arrival on the study area was 14 April 1979, but observations were not formally made until after 15 April, 1979. 23 = breeder, S = suspected breeder, V = visitant, N = not present 3Latest formal observations on the study area were made on 20 October, 1979. 4new early record based on Islieb and Kessel (1973) 2New late record based on Islieb and Kessel (1973) From: Mickelson et al. (1980) TABLE 6 (continued) Page 2 Birds Species Date of Spring Migration Summer Date of Fall Migration First Seen! Last Seen Status- First Seen Last Seen? Northern Shoveler 24 April a B - 20 Oct. Canvasback 22 April4 13 May N -- = Ring-necked Duck 7 May -- s -- 2 Sept. Greater Scaup 14 April = B -- 20 Oct. Common Goldeneye 17 April iat B -- 19 Oct. Barrow's Goldeneye 27 April — Ss -- -- Oldsquaw --—- _ Vv 13 Oct. 20 Oct. White-winged Scoter 19 April 27 May Vv 22 Sept. 20 Oct. Surf Scoter “= aes Vv - - Black Scoter --- = N -- -- Bufflehead 17 April a Ss -- -- Eider sp. --- aa Vv 17 Oct. -- Common Merganser 15 April cate Ss -- 20 Oct. Red-breast Merganser 15 April a B -- 20 Oct. Goshawk “= -- Ss 9 Sept. 19 Oct. Sharp-shinned Hawk 19 April -- s 1l Sept. 19 Oct. Red-tailed Hawk 4 May -- Ss 30 Aug. 29 Sept. Rough-legged Hawk —- -7 N 2 Oct. 18 Oct. Bald Eagle 14 April -- B -- 19 Oct. Marsh Hawk 17 April -- B == 18 Oct. Osprey 13 May 12 June? N 18 Sept. 3 Oct. Gyrfalcon = — N 25 Sept. 20 Oct. Peregrine Falcon 24 April 24 May Vv 30 Aug. 20 Sept. Merlin 27 April 9 May N 4 Aug. 14 Oct. American Kestrel 3 May al N 31 Aug. 13 Oct. Willow Ptarmigan oe 13 May N 4 Aug. 27 Sept. Sandhill Crane 19 April 24 May v 22 Aug. 20 Oct.° Semipalmated Plover 25 April4 _ B = 30 Sept.> Killdeer 19 April4 3 May Vv -- -- Am. Golden Plover 1 May 26 May Vv 24 Aug. 20 Oct.> Black-bellied Plover 21 April4 2 June N 6 July 19 Oct. Surfbird as -- N a -- Ruddy Turnstone 8 May 22 May N 21 July 6 Sept. Black Turnstone 7 May 8 May N 24 July 7 Sept. Common Snipe 17 April -- B - 20 Oct. Whimbrel 5 May 8 June Vv 7 July 20 Oct.° Bristle-thighed Curlew 6 May 19 May N -- 25 Aug. Upland Sandpiper --- = N -- = Spotted Sandpiper 4 May* -- Ss -- 30 Sept. Wandering Tattler 16 May -- N = 25 Aug. Greater Yellowlegs 22 April a Ss -- 20 Oct. Lesser Yellowlegs 30 April | Vv = 14 Oct.° TABLE 6 (continued) Page 3 Birds Species Date of Spring Migration Summer Date of Fall Migration First Seen! Last Seen Status” First Seen Last Seen Solitary Sandpiper --- ar N -- -- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper --- -- N 25 Sept. 17 Oct. Pectoral Sandpiper 7 May 31 May N 1 Sept. 20 Oct.> White-rumped Sandpiper --- - N -- -— Baird's Sandpiper 7 May 16 May N -- 2 Sept. Least Sandpiper 23 April4 -- B = 17 Sept. Dunlin 23 April4 -- B -- 16 Oct. Rock Sandpiper --- -- N -— = Red Knot 10 May 23 May N 14 July 21 July Short-billed Dowitcher 26 April -- B -_ - Long-billed Dowitcher --- -- V -- -- Stilt Sandpiper --- -- N -- oa Semipalmated Sandpiper 1 May4 15 May Vv -- -- Western Sandpiper 19 April4 23 May V 21 June 15 Sept. Marbled Godwit --- -- N -- -_- Hudsonian Godwit 30 April 24 May N 4 July 26 Aug. Sanderling --- -- N 24 Sept. 16 Oct.? Red Phalarope --- -- N 9 Oct. -- Northern Phalarope 30 April4 -- B -- 16 Oct. Parasitic Jaeger 17 April4 -- B -- 13 Oct. Herring Gull > -- V -- -- Glaucous-winged Gull 14 April -- B -- 20 Oct. Mew Gull 15 April -- B -- 20 Oct. Bonaparte's Gull 24 April 11 June V 17 July 15 Oct. Black- legged Kittiwake --- -- V -- -- Arctic Tern 23 April4 -- B -- 26 Aug. Aleutian Tern 20 April4 -- B = 12 Aug. Tufted Puffin —— -- Vv -- -- Marbled Murrelet --- -- Vv -- -- Mourning Dove aor -- N -- -- Great Horned Owl > = Ss -— -- Short-eared Owl 14 April -- B -- 19 Oct. Hawk Owl ae “= B -- -- Boreal Owl ~ = s _ -- Rufous Hummingbird 30 April 17 May Ss -- 27 Aug. Belted Kingfisher --- -- s - -- Common Flicker --- -- N -- -- Hairy Woodpecker --- -- Vv -- -- Say's Phoebe aia -- N ae “= Alder Flycatcher 13 June -- S -- 7 Aug. Olive-sided Flycatcher --- -- N -- -- Horned Lark 25 April - N -- -- Tree Swallow 23 April4 -- B - 31 Aug. TABLE 6 (continued) Page 4 Birds Species Date of Spring Migration Summer Date of Fall Migration First seen! Last Seen Status” First Seen Last Seen? Violet-green Swallow == == N -- -- Bank Swallow 24 May -- B -- 22 Oct.> Barn Swallow 12 May4 _ B -- 18 Sept. Cliff Swallow --- - V -- -- Steller's Jay --- -- s -- -- Black-billed Magpie 4 May = B -- 20 Oct. Common Raven 15 April -- Ss -- 20 Oct. Northwestern Crow -_—— = N -- = Black-cap. Chickadee = == Vv Sead = Chestnut-bck. Chickadee --- aan B -- == Red-breasted Nuthatch --- == Vv —- -- Brown Creeper === == Ss -- a Dipper --- = Ss -- a American Robin 24 April a B a 20 Oct. Varied Thrush 24 April aed Ss -- 13 Oct. Hermit Thrush 28 April -- S = 1l Oct. Ruby~crowned Kinglet 19 April — B -~ 18 Oct. Golden-crowned Kinglet -—- -- B ae 17 Aug. Yellow Wagtail --- -- N a J Water Pipit 24 April 31 May N 14 Aug. 19 Oct. Northern Shrike === = N 29 Aug. 20 Oct. Starling == = N -- -_ Orange-crowned Warbler 3 May — B _ 29 Sept. Yellow Warbler 14 May4 -_ Ss -_ 21 Sept. Yellow-rumped Warbler 12 May -- B -- a Townsend's Warbler 17 May = s a = Blackpoll Warbler zoe a Ss == == Wilson's Warbler 6 May4 -- B -- 25 Sept. Rusty Blackbird 24 April -- Ss et 7 Oct. Brown-headed Cowbird --- -- N 28 Aug. 12 Sept. Pine Grosbeak --- -- N ae -- Common Redpoll 14 April -- Ss -- 20 Oct. Pine Siskin 18 May - Ss -- 25 Sept. Savannah Sparrow 28 April == B -- 12 Oct. Dark-eyed Junco roo = N == - Tree Sparrow --- aaa N 7 Sept. 15 Oct. White-crowned Sparrow 1 May4 -- N -- 3 Oct. Golden-cr. Sparrow 29 April -- s -— 11 Oct. Fox Sparrow 19 April4 -- B -- 18 Oct. Lincoln's Sparrow 26 Aprilé -- B -- 6 Oct. Song Sparrow 30 April - Ss -- 27 Sept. Lapland Longspur 14 April Sad Ss -- 14 Oct. Because of the area's importance as a staging ground for migrant birds, and as a breeding ground for species such as the dusky Canada goose (Branta_ canadensis occidentalis) and trumpeter swan, the area is managed to maintain wildlife and habitat resources under a 1962 Cooperative Agreement among the U.S. Forest Service, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The Copper River Delta, including Little Martin Lake and land stretching northwest to the Copper River Highway, has also been designated a critical habitat. Migratory birds in general are protected under the Migratory Bird treaties signed with the U.S.S.R. (1976), Canada (1916), Mexico (1936), and Japan (1972). Waterfowl Although much of the waterfowl habitat is still in a state of transition as a result of the 1964 earthquake, the wetlands of the Copper River Delta and adjacent areas are known to be important waterfowl habitat (Bucaria 1979). The Alaska Department of Fish and Game reported a decrease in the number of nesting diving ducks and an overall decreased use of the area by all ducks (Bucaria 1979), presumably related to habitat alteration due to the 1964 earthquake. Additional information on seasonal occurrence and breeding status of shorebirds and waterfowl is presented in Table 6. The U.S. Forest Service (1982), in its Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Chugach National Forest Plan, has identified certain wildlife species as indicators of the effects of manage- ment programs. Included in this list of indicator species are 15 both the dusky Canada goose and the trumpeter swan. Therefore, these species' populations are considered significant in assessing the feasibility of the proposed corridors. The dusky Canada goose, one of 11 subspecies of Canada geese, is not known to have any large breeding grounds outside the Copper River Delta area. This limited geographic breeding status was one of the reasons for establishing the Copper River Delta Game Management Area. The trumpeter swan, once considered nearly extinct (Bailey 1975), has now recovered. Nesting density is high in the Copper River Delta region (King, Conant, King 1982). Dusky Canada Geese Nesting densities of dusky Canada geese on the eastern Copper River Delta are considered low compared to the western Delta (Derksen pers. comm.). This area of low density nesting extends to the northwest shore of Martin Lake, and north and west to the Copper River Highway in suitable grass/sedge-dominated habitat shown in Figure 4. Nesting in excess of 100 breeding pairs is suspected in the area, although this has not been documented (Hawkings pers. comm.). There has been no specific work done on this species in either the Bering River Highway access corridor or the coal transportation corridor areas. If breeding is taking place, it is most likely concentrated downriver from Bering Lake near Controller Bay (Hawkings pers. comm., and Islieb pers. comm.). However, the Bering Glacier outwash plain was reported as a principal nesting ground for the dusky Canada goose (Alaska 16 Department of Transportation 1981), but no information could be obtained to substantiate this claim. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game conducts nesting success surveys, age composition surveys, and banding programs every three years to help set harvest levels in Alaska and recommend harvest levels on the wintering grounds in Oregon and Washington (Bucaria 1979). Present management goals are for a post hunting season population of not less than 20,000 nor more than 25,000 geese (Bucaria 1979). The annual molt or flightless stage of the dusky Canada goose begins in mid-July and continues for two to three weeks (Bucaria 1979). During this period, the birds are especially vulnerable to predation. Consequently, certain protective areas are preferred for staging grounds. The Bering Lake - Bering River Flats complex is reported to be an important location for staging (Hawkings pers. comm., and Bucaria pers. comm.) Natural mortality in non- breeding and juvenile birds tends to be high. Consequently, staging areas important habitats (Bucaria pers. comm.). Trumpeter Swans Trumpeter swans are known to breed over nearly a third of Alaska. The Copper River Delta and adjacent areas contain some of the principal nesting locations. Trumpeter swan activity occurs throughout the coal transportation corridor and along the Bering River Highway corridor. Birds first arrive in mid-March and gen- erally depart the area by as late as mid-November (Bailey 1975). More detailed locations of flocks and nesting and non-nesting 17 pairs and singles are given in Figure 4. Breeding season concen- tration areas are apparent from the scattering of clusters on this map. Martin Lake, Little Martin Lake, Tokun Lake, Bering Lake, and other unnamed lakes in the vicinity attract flocks of non- breeders and juveniles every year (Bucaria 1979). There is some activity on the Deadwood Lake complex (Fig. 4), but the amount of use on a yearly basis has not been determined. Reportedly the habitat in this area allows a higher swan nesting density due to the screening effect of trees which reduces intra- specific contact (Bucaria pers. comm.). The Bering Lake/River system is thought to be a relatively minor nesting area for trumpeter swans, but is considered important as a major concen- tration area for flocks of geese, swans and other waterfowl during the flightless, or eclipse molt, stage. The spring and fall concentrations of swans on Bering Lake are among the largest found in the United States. 350 swans were counted on April 14, 1978; some of these were probably whistling swans (Olor columbianus) migrating through the area (Bucaria 1979). Trumpeter swan activity is thought to be related to the influence of beaver and muskrats on local watersheds (Bucaria 1979), In particular, trumpeter swan nests appear to be located with certain plant communities, possibly due to both the specific plants and the water depths associated with these communities (Bucaria 1979). The Bering River - Controller Bay Trumpeter Swan Management Area Cooperative Agreement of 1976 identifies approximately 210,000 acres of high quality trumpeter swan and other wildlife habitat, including tidelands, in the Bering River - Controller Bay region. 18 Raptors A variety of raptors are known to occur in the Copper River Delta, but specific information for the corridor locations is lacking. The arrival and departure dates and summer status of raptors observed on the eastern Copper River Delta by Mickelson et al. (1980) is provided in Table 6. Bald Eagles Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are common locally. From mid-summer to late fall, and occasionally early winter, concen- trations of eagles gather where spawning, dying, and dead salmon are found (Bucaria 1979). High concentrations of bald eagles are reported along the south end of Martin Lake, at the north end of Bering Lake, along the Katalla River near Katalla Bay, around Kushtaka Lake, on Kanak and Kayak Islands, and possibly along Shepherd Creek (Bucaria pers. comm.). Approximate locations of reported eagle nest sites are shown in Figure 4. It must be emphasized that active and inactive nests have not been distin- guished on the map, nor has a thorough survey of the corridor areas been conducted. The primary management practice in recent years has been to pro- tect eagle nest trees from cutting during logging activity. This policy is manifested in a Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that protects bald eagle nest trees and adjacent cover. Bald eagles are protected by the Bald Eagle Act (1940). 19 Peregrine Falcons Although specific locations of eyries are not documented, the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is reported to be a resident in the Martin Lake - Bering Lake area (Bucaria pers. comm.). The majority of the birds in the region appear to be Peale's peregrine (F. p. pealei) but some migrants have shown some characteristics of the endangered subspecies, the American peregrine (F. Pp. anatum) (Islieb and Kessel 1973). A pair of patrolling peregrines was sighted during a survey of the Wingham Island seabird colony located on the northwest end of that island (Islieb pers.comm.). Islieb (pers. comm.) suggested that a possible eyrie location might be along the bluffs between Strawberry Point and the Katalla River, due to the proximity of the Fox Island seabird colony. In winter, peregrines are considered to occur regularly but in very low numbers along the north gulf coast (Islieb and Kessel 1973). The peregrine is listed as an endangered species on the federal register, but of the three races in Alaska, only the American peregrine falcon and the Arctic peregrine (F. p. tundrius) are considered to be in jeopardy. The peregrine is known to be especially sensitive to disturbance. Seabirds There are six known seabird colonies located offshore from Katalla and Controller Bay, specifically on Fox Island, on Wingham Islands (2), on Okalee Spit, on West Kayak Island, and on Pinnacle Rock off Cape St. Elias (Bucaria 1979). Islands comprised of cliffs and grassy areas for burrowing provide suitable nesting habitat for a variety of seabird species. The status of the seabird colonies in this particular area have been summarized by Sowls, Hatch, and Lensink (1978) and are shown in Table 7. 20 TABLE 7 SEABIRD COLONIES USF&WS BREEDING COLONY BIRD OBSERVATION NUMBER LOCATION SPECIES ESTIMATE DATE 064 001 Okalee Spit Glaucous-winged gull 400* 7/77 Arctic Tern 200 600 064 002 Wingham Is. Double-crested cormorant 188 Pelagic cormorant 98 Red-faced cormorant 44 Glaucous-winged gull 180 Black-legged kittiwake 14,256 7/30/74 Common murre 4,610 Thick-billed murre -x- Tufted puffin 200 19,576 064 004 Fox Is. Pelagic cormorant 12 (Martin Is.) Black oystercatcher 4 Glaucous-winged gull 400 Black-legged kittiwake 13,420 7/30/74 Common murre 4,240 Pigeon guillemot -x- Tufted puffin 2,200 20,276 * Probably not breeding. -x- Present. P Possibly breeding. 21 TABLE 7 (CONTINUED) SEABIRD COLONIES USF&WS BREEDING COLONY BIRD OBSERVATION NUMBER LOCATION SPECIES ESTIMATE DATE 048 002 Pinnacle Rock- Fork-tailed petrel P Cape St. Elias Double-crested cormorant 32 Pelagic cormorant 82 Red-faced cormorant 118 Glaucous-winged gull 220 7/31/74 Black-legged kittiwake -x- Common murre 2,460 Ancient murrelet -x- Tufted puffin 6,000 8,912 048 003 West Kayak Double-crested Island cormorant 46 Pelagic cormorant 28 Red-faced cormorant 4 7/31/74 Glaucous-winged gull 50 Horned puffin Tufted puffin 10 048 004 S.W. Wingham Island Tufted puffin 10 Peregrine falcon 7/30/74 Data modified from Sowls et al. (1978) 22 The censuses of all the colonies except Okalee Spit were conducted from boat only and do not represent an on-site survey (Islieb pres. comm.). Concern was expressed about the possibility of rhinocerus auklets and petrels nesting on Fox Island (Sowls pers. comm.) but no information is available concerning their status. Petrels are nocturnal in nature and are reportedly sensitive to disturbance during daylight hours (Islieb pers. comm.). Existing data is inadequate to assess the status of the Fox Island and Wingham Island colonies, the closest to one proposed transfer alternative. FISH Salmon fishing and processing have dominated the Cordova com- mercial fishery since canneries were first established on Orca Inlet in 1889 (Alaska Department of Transportation 1973). The proposed port facility off Katalla and Controller Bay is included in the Prince William Sound Management area which is divided into two management districts. The Copper and Bering River districts encompass the waters from Cape Suckling northwest to Hawkins Island and Point Whitshed. The reported distribution of salmonid habitat, including spawning, rearing, and migration areas, is shown in Figure 5. The Copper River district, including the Martin River system, is predomi- nantly a sockeye fishery, while the Bering River district is mainly a coho fishery (Alaska Department of Transportation 1983). Runs of pink, chum, and king salmon are also reportedly found throughout the Martin River - Bering River district (Fridgen, ADF&G, pers. comm.). Escapement estimates from 1975 to 1982 are given in Table 8 for Copper River Delta and Bering River sockeye salmon. These escape- ment figures are rough estimates due to the turbid nature of glacial streams. Visibility problems are particularly evident in 23 TABLE 8 ESCAPEMENT ESTIMATES, COPPER RIVER DELTA AND BERING RIVER SOCKEYE SALMON Stream/Lake 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19821 Eyak Lake 17,500 8,500 11,500 13,450 13,500 22,500 11,300 11,700 McKinley Lake 8,000 6,000 15,000 18,000 25,000 27,550 10,000 18,500 39 Mile 2,500 3,500 4,500 6,500 17,500 18,000 9,500 13,000 Tokun Lake 1,200 8,500 4,201 6,600 6,500 17,000 8,500 7,000 Tokun Outlet 2,000 2,500 700 4,000 10,000 7,100 7,350 300 Martin Lake 460 4,000 4,094 10,500 10,000 17,650 26,050 5,300 Pothole Lake 3,000 3,000 550 1,100 5,000 8,000 4,500 1,200 Little Martin Lake 2,000 8,000 1,550 4,500 4,000 6,500 2,500 6,000 Martin River 1,500 1,500 1,450 3,500 8,200 3,500 5,350 1,000 Ragged Pt. Lake 2,500 4,000 3,500 5,500 20,000 13,000 8,000 7,000 Martin Sloughs 400 2,500 3,100 6,300 4,200 10,000 15,000 9,500 Martin Lake Outlet 1,500 2,500 1,450 3,500 - 9,000 3,800 3,000 TOTAL 42,560 54,500 51,595 83,450 123,900 159,800 111,850 83,500 Bering Lake 4,000 40,000 8,000 7,000 13,500 12,000 20,000 7,300 Dick Creek 1,971 2,000 1,500 6,300 11,000 11,000 20,000 9,500 Shepherd Creek 150 5,500 NC-glac. 6,000 NC-silt 7,800 9,000 10,500 Kushtaka Lake 75 2,500 7 3,500 2,500 1,000 5,500 3,350 Stillwater Creek 300 NC-silt " - NC-silt NS NS-silt NcC-Silt TOTAL 6,496 50,000 9,500 22,800 27,000 31,800 54,500 30,650 lrrom: Randal, ADF&G, 1983 Personal Communication. (From: Prince William Sound Management Report. 1981. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. ] the Martin River, Bering River, Stillwater Creek, and Shepherd Creek drainages. Reliable data on coho salmon escapement are not available. The Bering River district harvest data for salmon are given in Table 9 for 1971 - 1982. bucaria (pers. comm.) has stated that, during the years with low escapement to the Copper River, the Bering River system provides suitable alternative fishing for drift net fishermen. ADF&G delineates the major fishing area near the Bering River mouth as reaching from Strawberry Point south to the Okalee Channel, east to a point deep within Controller Bay, northwest to the Bering River mouth, and then west, back to Straw- berry Point (ADF&G 1978B). ADF&G recognizes this area's potential for salmon fishery enhancement, but specific projects have not yet been designated (Bucaria 1979). Sport fishing is light in the Copper River region and occurs primarily in creeks, sloughs, and tributaries adjacent to the Copper River Highway (Bailey 1975). Lakes, ponds, and streams often contain one or more of the following species: lake trout, Dolly Varden, char, cutthroat trout, arctic grayling, rainbow and steelhead trout, suckers, and stickleback. It is suspected that, because of the glacial origin of many of the rivers and streams, whitefish are probably present (Williams pers. comm.). Shellfish are an important part of the Cordova commercial fishing industry (Alaska Department of Transportation 1981). Species of particular interest include tanner crab, dungeness crab, red king crab, blue king crab, golden king crab, shrimp, razor clam, and scallop. No information was found on the project area. 24 TABLE 9 BERING RIVER DISTRICT SALMON CATCH BY SPECIES Catch by Species Year King Sockeye Coho Pink Chum Total 1971 105 36,776 88,231 4 125,116 1972 107 51,445 19,825 3 1 71,381 1973 285 15,426 65,348 2 5 81,066 1974 32 4,208 28,615 7 2 32,864 1975 162 21,637 24,162 45,961 1976 228 30,908 42,423 43 i 73,603 1977 127 14,445 47,218 192 221 62,203 1978 331 33,554 91,097 266 2,391 127,639 1979 385 139,015 114,046 6,895 23,094 283,435 19802 0 0 108,535 0 1 108,536 1981 204 55,973 76,161 10,176 8,491 151,005 19827 254 131,645 144,651 47 333 276,930 Average 197 40,339 64,151 1,954 3,801 105,709 lpreliminary 2From: Randall, ADF&G, 1983, personal communication (not included in average) From: Prince William Sound Annual Management Report. 1981. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. VEGETATION The vegetation of the area consists of marine, estuarine, riverine, palustrine, lacustrine, wetlands, and upland habitats ranging in elevation from sea level to alpine areas well above tree line. Consequently, there is very little information avail- able about the project area in comparison to most other areas of Alaska. This is due in part to the difficulty of working in the area due to access, terrain, and weather. Present thinking indicates that the vegetation of the area has not yet stablized since the differential uplifting of the area by the earthquake of 1964. Descriptive data to document these changes is severely limited and inadequate to formulate a prognosis of the further natural changes in vegetation/habitat which may be expected. Hagen and Meyer (1979) did a partial mapping of local vegetation based on analyses of 1974 photography. The project area contains relatively large areas of de_ facto wilderness which is little known and almost uninhabited by humans. Except for some mining and petroleum exploration in the early part of the century, the project area receives very little human use, primarily because of its difficult access and unfavorable coastal weather. 25 HYDROLOGY The existing hydrology data base for the Bering River area con- sists of a few generalized regional accounts and_ isolated references to specific locales. Site specific information is limited to discharge and water quality data from United States Geological Survey (USGS) gaging stations and discussions of out- burst floods from glacier-dammed lakes in the region. The following is based largely on material presented in Balding (1976) and the U.S. Corps of Engineers (1975). Most rivers in this area have very steep gradients in their upper reaches near their high elevation headwaters. The Bering, Campbell, Copper, Edwards, Gandil, and Martin Rivers, and Sheep and Shepherd Creeks are glacial and maintain high sediment trans- port rates. In fact, sediment loads of these streams is among the highest in Alaska. Dick Creek and the Katalla River are the only significant nonglacial drainages. Nearly all streams in this area are high energy systems, with vertical erosion and scour activity dominating lateral erosion processes. However, these water courses are not stable and can be expected to migrate over large distances within their flood plains in response to large runoff events. Annual streamflows are fairly uniform seasonally: high flows occur during May through September; low flows occur from November through April. Winter discharges are maintained by groundwater base flows that gradually diminish to minimum rates during March or April. Cold winters in this area commonly cause large icings to form in stream channels, particularly at culverts or bridges. Even small streamflows can cause widespread flooding and severe embankment damage under these conditions. Peak flows generally occur in June or July as a result of high temperatures and 26 accelerated snowmelt. Maximum precipitation also occurs in late summer or fall and can create large floods when following rapid snowmelt periods. Streamflow records in this region are limited to USGS gaging stations on the Copper River, 3.5 miles south of Chitina and approximately 120 miles upstream from its mouth (station number 15212000), and on Dick Creek, 1.2 miles upstream from its mouth at Bering Lake (station number 15195000). The period of record for these stations is 1955 to present for the Copper River gage and 1970 to present for the Dick Creek gage. The maximum daily flow recorded for the period of record at the Copper River gage was 265,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) on July 15, 1971; the minimum daily flow was about 2,000 cfs during March 1 to 31, 1956. Maxi- mum daily flow recorded during the period of record at Dick Creek was 2,380 cfs on September 18, 1975; the minimum daily flow was about 3.5 cfs during February 15 to 18, 1979. Water quality data is limited to the Copper River, Carbon Creek, Dick Creek and a spring within the Carbon Creek drainage basin. Hardness, dissolved iron, total dissolved solids, and suspended solids contents during low and high flows of the Copper River range between 60 and 120 mg/l, 30 and 250 pg/l, 80 and 120 mg/l, and 16 and 3,000 mg/l, respectively. These values are typical of flow dilution relationships for glacier-fed streams draining extensive wetland areas. For Dick Creek, hardness, dissolved iron, total dissolved solids, and suspended solids contents range between 15 and 30 mg/l, 40 and 70 yag/l, 30 and 50 mg/l, and 0 and 17 mg/l, respectively. Although not as extensive as the Copper River, this data is representative of dilution relationships typical of non-glacier-fed streams draining steep watersheds. Water quality samples were collected from Carbon Creek (USGS sample station number 15194000), during June and September, 1972. Hardness, dissolved iron, total dissolved solids, and suspended 27 solids contents during June and September were 37 and 42 mg/l, 150 and 60 pg/l, 66 and 60 mg/l, and 2 and 2 mg/l, respectively. pH measurements of Carbon Creek collected during these sample periods ranged from 7.7 to 6.8, respectively. pH measurements from Dick Creek in June and September, 1972 were 7.4 and 6.4, respectively. A spring issuing from coal exposed by trenching in the Carbon Creek drainage (SW 1/4, Section:15, T17S, R7E) reveals preliminary information about coal drainage water quality. Field observations indicate that the spring had a pH of 9.5 and pronounced hydrogen sulfide odor (Barnes, 1970). Large lakes occur on the Bering and Martin River drainages. These lakes may provide limited flow regulation and attenuation of flood peaks on these rivers depending upon the upstream drainage area, lake storage capacity, and outlet geomorphology. Given these factors, actual flow regulation and flood peak attenuation is probably insignificant in comparison to the Bering and Martin River discharges. Hydrologic conditions near Bering Lake can vary greatly during the season (Bucaria pers. comm.). Bering Lake is very shallow (maxi- mum depth was 10 feet in 1978) but extended heavy rainfall and glacial melting conditions can reportedly raise lake levels significantly. Bering River, Shepherd Creek, and their contiguous wetlands areas can be subjected to dramatic water level changes and large scale inundation during flood events. Moreover, the drainage systems in the vicinity of Bering Lake are highly un- stable and can change greatly at any time. 28 Berg Lake on the Bering River, unnamed lakes at the headwaters of the Martin River and Sheep Creek, Van Cleve Lake, and numerous unnamed lakes within the Copper River drainage are glacially dammed or situated on stagnant moraine-covered ice (Post 1971). The most recent outburst flood was from Berg Lake during December, 1981 or January, 1982. The massive flood surge, estimated to be greater than 1,000,000 cfs broke through a glacial moraine sepa- rating the Bering and Gandil Rivers, causing the upper Bering River drainage to discharge down the Gandil River. This stream capture situation existed for nearly five months until flows receded and the Bering River re-established its drainage network. Van Cleve Lake has glacial dam outbursts every one to three years and had a catastrophic outburst flood in 1909. In 1912, outburst flooding from a smaller glacier-dammed lake swept down the Copper River, raising the water level 12 feet at a railroad bridge east of Childs Glacier and washed out 1,600 feet of railway trestle located near the present highway crossing over the Copper River 20 miles downstream. An unnamed lake on Sheep Creek is reported to cause repeated outburst flooding and was responsible for washing out one mile of the Copper River Highway near Mile 39 during 1963 and 1965. Both this unnamed lake and Van Cleve Lake create extreme flood hazards on the Sheep Creek and Copper River flood plains and pose a severe threat to the existing Copper River Highway (Post 1971). 29 ARCHAEOLOGICAL, ETHNOGRAPHICAL, AND HISTORICAL SITES An understanding of the cultural resources of the study area is only now being elucidated. Knowledge of the prehistoric compo- nents is nearly non-existent; however, ethnographic accounts hint at the potential for ancient land and resource use by a plurality of ethnic groups. In marked contrast, the historical resources are well documented. It is apparent that the Controller Bay area had no well-defined cultural boundaries (Lobdell 1975). If not a multi-cultural area of resource utilization, perhaps the environs might have provided the setting for overlapping territories within an interaction sphere. Ethnographic, linguistic, and historical accounts speak of habitations or use by the Chugach Eskimo of Prince William Sound, Eyak Indians of the Copper River Delta, and occasional coastal contact with the usually interior-ranging Atna Indians. At the time of historic records, there can be no doubt that the area was controlled by Tlingit Indians originating from the Yakutat region (de Laguna 1972). The Chugach Eskimo probably ranged as far east as Kayak Island. It may have been a hunting camp of this affinity that was first recognized by the earliest Russian explorers. Certainly, ethno- graphic accounts indicate some conflicts over territorial use between the Indians and the Chugach (de Laguna 1972). Chugach lifeways were in many ways similar to other North Pacific Eskimo groups (Birket-Smith 1953), although the archaeological record from Prince William Sound would indicate that successful adapta- tions to different faunal resources had taken place (de Laguna 1956; Lodbell 1980). 30 Eyak peoples were not in serious conflict with, or were they a threat to, the Tlingits (Birket-Smith and De Laguna 1938; de Laguna 1972). The archaeological record from Yakutat has been interpreted as more Eyak than Tlingit (de Laguna 1953; de Laguna et al. 1964), suggesting that the former had been overshadowed by their more powerful eastern neighbors. A great many place names around Controller Bay are those of the Eyak (de Laguna 1972). Atna Athapaskans maintained contacts with the Eyak and later Tlingit. At the time of historic contact, some Atna had been assimilated into the coastal Indian communities (de Laguna 1972). It is the Tlingit that manifested the greatest control over this ecogeographic zone. The majority of ethnographic sites from the study area are the historic dwellings and landmarks of these Indians (de Laguna 1972). Armed with this ethnographic information, the supposition can be put forth that the prehistoric archaeological record should be equally complex. To this proposal, there are as yet no answers. There has been a lack of comprehensive survey for early sites throughout this region. Those preliminary reconnaissances have been limited in scope. It is certain that the alternative freezing and thawing conditions of this part of the Gulf of Alaska do not promote the preservation of any but the sturdiest of arti- facts. Dense vegetation may render prehistoric sites difficult, if not impossible, to find (Lobdell 1975) with the employment of standard reconnaissance methods. Nevertheless, the potential for numerous and significant prehistoric sites should not be over- looked. The Russian historical period is one of a peripheral but signifi- cant nature. It was on Kayak Island that the first Russian explorations in North America landed. Russian influence soon 31 became greater in the Aleutians and other parts of North Pacific Alaska, but the beginning was cast on lonely Kayak Island. Other explorers, such as Cook, visited but left little influence on the area. Unlike many parts of rural Alaska, the American historical period has left an indelible mark. It was the effects of early mining and petroleum development that produced many historic sites that must also become an integral part of future land-use planning. Coal explorations and operations initiated the influx of distant newcomers to the region, beginning about 1896. The Bering River coal fields attracted few persons until after the turn of the century. By 1906 at least eight companies were active in the field. The key settlements were Katalla, Chilkat, and Kayak. Katalla was a boom town (Janson 1975). Chilkat was a mixed commu- nity of natives and whites. Kayak served the steamers until 1905 (Brown 1975). For reasons that involve a great web of politics, other coal sources, national economics, interruption by World War I, and post-war inflation, commercial interest in the Bering River coal field declined in the early 1920's (Brown 1975; Janson 1975). The mark of early mining activities can be seen in some of the remain- ing historical sites within the fiels itself (Mobley 1981; 1982) as well as the service and railroad transfer settlements such as Katalla (Brown 1975; Janson 1975). Virtually contemporaneous with coal were interests in the oil resources near Katalla. Seeps had been reportd by 1880. Drilling commenced in 1901, resulting in the first production well by 1903. California successes brought about a decline in activity at Katalla by 1906. Interests flared briefly again in the early 1920's. The Chilkat Oil Refinery produced up to 3,500 barrels 32 per month for the herring fleet at Prince William Sound. This operation ceased with the destruction by fire of the refinery in 1933 (Palmer 1969). Depression circumstances of that decade did not lend themselves to the repair of the facility. Ina state of disrepair similar to the facilities of mining, a few sites and artifacts of the petroleum industry remain (Brown 1975; Lobdell 1975). The lack of archaeological attention and neglect of the historic sites within the study area indicate that comprehensive assess- ments of areal cultural resources is warranted. Preservation of such a rich heritage may be justifiable. CULTURAL RESOURCE SITES Twenty-two archaeologic, historic, and ethnographic sites are known within the general area. Nine of these sites are located within the study corridors and could be directly impacted. The remainder of the sites might require assessment for any secondary effects from project development. Sites are listed ordinally by their Alaska Historic Resource Survey (AHRS) numbers. The first number, always 49, refers to the State of Alaska. The three-letter abbreviation, either COR or XMI, refers to the Cordova or Middleton Island Quadrangle (USGS). The final numbers are the actual site numbers, in order of their entrance into the AHRS inventory: 49-COR-$94 Chilkat Oil Refinery Built in 1911, this refinery served the Katalla Oil Field (see 49-COR-#$6). All that remains are the foundations and some boiler tank parts. The refinery operated until 1933 and produced gaso- line, kerosene, and diesel until a fire severely damaged the facility leading to its abandonment (Palmer 1969; Brown 1975). 33 As this was the first refinery in Alaska, the site was entered in the National Register of Historic Places on September 6, 1977. 49-COR-$96 Katalla Oil Field Oil was discovered here in 1903 (Orth 1967:500). A total of 18 wells were drilled until destruction of the refinery led to abandonment in 1933 (Palmer 1969). Only collapsed buildings and rusting machinery remain at the site (Brown 1975). 49-COR-$1l Chilkat Native village reported by the USGS in the 1890's (Orth, 1967: 209). This was the most important settlement of the Yakutat Tlingit in the Controller Bay region. Cemetery and house sites are reported (de Laguna 1972). Later, Chilkat became the first large settlement related to coal exploration (Brown 1975). 49-COR-§12 Carbon Camp A deteriorating mining camp located on Carbon Creek (Orth 1967: 185; Mobley 1981). 49-COR-865 Cairn at Strawberry Point Small pyramid-shaped rock cairn of undisclosed function (Lob- dell 1975). 49-COR-19@ Kushtaka Tunnel A coal test tunnel excavated by the Bureau of Mines (Mob- ley 1981). 34 49-COR-191 Cunningham Tunnel Three horizontal tunnels are still present. Some rail metal and pipe is in evidence (Mobley 1981). This is the site of a coal claim of the same name that was the focus of coal land/monopoly controversy early in this century (Brown 1975). 49-COR-182 Cunningham Cabin Cabin related to above activity. 49-COR-194 Katalla Probably the site of native activity (de Laguna 1971), the his- toric aspects of this locality can still be seen. The town "boomed" from mining activity in the interior and later with the petroleum operation. Several houses are still standing. In 1975, one house was occupied by a trapper, Mr. Lester New (Lobdell 1975; Brown 1975). Remains of several railroad lines are notable. The actual extent of the greater Katalla area extended southwestward to include Whale Island and Palm Point (Janson 1975). 49-COR-195 Oil Drilling Camp Foundations of at least three cabins are present, as are barrel hoops and pipe (Lobdell 1975; Brown 1975). 49-COR-196 Redwood This site is the approximate location of a tram road branch from the Katalla-Chilkat Wagon Road (Brown 1975). 35 49-COR-197 Katalla Railroad This railroad bed can still be seen running northeast for approxi- mately six miles (Brown 1975; Janson 1975). 49-COR-198 Alaska Pacific Railroad The railroad line, of which very little remains, ran southwest from Katalla to Palm Point, Point Martin, and Whale Island (Brown 1975; Janson 1975). 49-COR-1989 Goose Point Railroad About 15 miles of railroad bed that proceeded eastward are still notable. At Goose Point are the remains of deteriorating train cars, construction equipment, and track (Brown 1975). 49-COR-119 Bering River Cannery This abandoned cannery structure is now marked by only piling foundations and collapsed buildings (Lobdell 1975; Brown 1975). 49-COR-111 Russian Cuttings Regrowth of a clear-cut stand of timber. The stumps indicate that the logging took place about 200 years ago, placing this activity within the Russian-American historical period (Wallace Watts 1975). Remains of an old boiler of unknown affinity are present. 36 49-COR-127 Cave Point Cave A now-elevated sea cave along a fault line in the rock wall, this natural cave has been the subject of preliminary testing for cul- tural remains. None were found, although talus at the mouth of the cave could not be penetrated for a conclusive test (Lob- dell 1975). Reported cave sites in the Controller Bay area have been referred to as "Raven's houses", the home of a creator being critical to Tlingit mythology and religious subsystems (de Laguna 1972). 49-COR-295 Rope Creek House Originally reported to de Laguna (1972), the existence of a site at this same location was confirmed during an area helicopter reconnaissance by Lobdell (1975). A small log structure, probably a ruined cabin, stands a few logs high. Attempts to reach this site from the shore of Bering Lake failed due to dense vegetation. These remains may be the "Tcicqedi House" (de Laguna 1972). 49-XMI-991 Kayak Location of the former settlement, this locality served as a steamer landing and fueling place (Orth 1967:504). De Laguna (1972) reports that, prior to the steamer landing, this area may have had a Beaver and Raven House of the Tlingit. Otto Koppen also had a fox farm at this approximate locality in the 1920's. 49-XMI-@@2 Kayak Island The entire island is listed on the AHRS inventory due to the locality's importance in exploration history of Alaska. Vitus Bering reported and landed here in 1741 for provisioning. Cook landed here in 1788 and buried a bottle with a note and coins struck with the date as a time capsule. 37 49-XMI-003 Cape St. Elias Lighthouse Completed in 1916, this light station utilized the most modern innovations of the period and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The lighthouse represents the best example of lighthouse architecture for turn-of-the-century Alaska. 49-XMI-005 Bering Expedition Landing Site Also on the National Register of Historic Places, this locality is reported as the actual landing spot for the Bering party dated July 20, 1741. The final nine sites are designated by letter as they have not been entered in the AHRS file. These localities are unconfirmed and represent ethnograpic informants' reports to de Laguna (1972). The village, house, or place locations were historic period Indian habitations or use areas. Site A Cape Martin Village A habitation of unknown size and complexity was located here (de Laguna 1972). Site B Salmon River Reported as a small habitation (de Laguna 1972), this locality could have served as a seasonal fishing camp. 38 Site C_ Beaver/Wolf House A log house was originally built on this spot. After the struc- ture fell down in 1908, it was replaced by a frame house built by Chief John and John Bremner, both Tlingit Indians (de Laguna 1972). Although a rock cairn (49-COR-065) was located nearby, no such structure or any remains were found during a recent recon- naissance (Lobdell 1975). Site D_ Softuk Lagoon Village Reached from Cape Martin Village by a path in back of a coastal mountain, a village of unknown size and complexity is said to have existed (de Laguna 1972). Even the approximate location is unclear. Site E Beaver House Locality of an 1880's Indian house (de Laguna 1972). Site F Site Reported in 1888 A native site was mentioned for the north end of Wingham Island (de Laguna 1972). Lobdell (1975) examined this locality during helicopter reconnaissance, but concluded that the steep cliffs leading down to the water's edge were not a likely area for any sites. The southern end of the island is much more conducive to habitations and access. There is no way to pinpoint the exact locality of the reported site. It may have been located on the northern tip of Kayak Island (de Laguna 1972). 39 Site G Chugach Encampment There were several reports of Chugach hunting camps on Kayak Island. This locality was visited by crew members of the Chatham. The site was deserted at the time. It should be emphasized that Eyak Indians also used the island for campsites during sea otter hunting periods (de Laguna 1972). Site H Spirit House Probably a cave, this locality is reported as a dead human's home of spiritual importance (de Laguna 1972). Site I Cave A reported cave locality (de Laguna 1972), perhaps critical in Native mythology and religious practices. 40 REGULATORY PERMITTING This section discusses the regulatory review and permitting pro- cess that would be involved for the transportation corridor from the Copper River Highway, the transfer facilities from the mine site to the port site, the coal transfer facility site, the port, and the power plant. The permitting and environmental review pro- cess discussed would be required if the development of the mine itself and these features were incorporated into one effort. While one effort would save costs for environmental considerations a divided effort could be used to speed construction of individual project components. The main difference between the environmental review and permitting process for the mine-related features of this study and the mine development itself is the additional requirement for an Office of Surface Mining (OSM) permit for the mine. ‘Authority for the OSM permit is presently in transition from the federal government to the state government. Alaska has submitted legislation for approval to assume these responsibil- ities. Tentatively, this transition would become effective May 5, 1983. The process would require some coordination since the OSM permitting regulations include features of the transfer facilities and transportation facilities and this would overlap with permit- ting required for those facilities without the mine. The time required for successful completion of the environmental process is difficult to predict. Schedule is largely dependent upon the nature of the project, location of the project, and coordination among the regulatory agencies, private citizen 41 groups, nearby communities, and the mine developers. Present examples of the differences in how this process can be handled are demonstrated in Alaska by the Quartz Hill Project in Ketchikan and the Greens Creek Project on Admiralty Island. The Quartz Hill Project, a molybdenum mine, has filed separate Environmental Impact Statements for an access corridor and for the mine. This project has been highly controversial, and, therefore a lengthy project for environmental review and permitting. The Greens Creek project, a lead-zinc mine on Admiralty Island, has avoided con- troversy and has progressed through the environmental review and regulatory process in minimal time. The project Environmental Impact Statement should be certified within one to two weeks after approximately 2 years of environmental process work. Both project could have been controversial since national monuments are involved at each site. The following is a preliminary discussion of the major environ- mental approval and permitting aspects that would be required for the access transportation system, coal transportation facilities, coal transfer station, port site, and power site related to the Bering River coal development. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PROCESS The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) came into being with passage of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969. Regulations for implementing this act are published by the Council on Environmental Quality. The purpose of an EIS is to supply information to regulatory agencies and the public to define for them the environmental impacts of a proposed project. The federal 42 agencies with direct responsibility for major projects are required to prepare or coordinate preparation of an EIS on pro- jects significantly affecting the quality of the environment. A formal determination as to whether or not a federal EIS is required is made after a project description is developed in con- cept and is explained to the concerned agencies. The agencies will determine the potential for significant environmental impacts. A lead agency is designated to handle the environmental process. If potential for significant impact exists, the lead agency, in cooperation with other agencies, will determine the need to proceed through the EIS process. The federal agencies are required to determine if an EIS is necessary based on such factors as the project's precedent setting potential, primary and secondary impacts, siting of the project, magnitude of federal action required by the project, public benefits, controversies involved, and available of information for decision making. The first important step in the EIS process is the designation of a federal lead agency. Federal, state, or local agencies may act concurrently as the lead agencies but one federal agency must be involved. Factors used in determining which agency is the lead agency include: the amount of agency involvement in the project, project site control by the agency, the agency expertise in determining environmental effects, and agency involvement in the project's ultimate operation. The lead agency coordinates and scopes the EIS process, identi- fies environmental concerns and previous relevant environmental studies, conducts public hearings, and prepares or coordinates preparation of the draft and final EIS. The draft and final EIS 43 are prepared in conjunction with the applicant or a third party consultant hired by the lead agency with concurrence of the applicant. The most probable lead agencies for an EIS on the Bering River coal project are the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE). The Forest Service would take lead based upon the need for a special use permit. The Corps of Engi- neers could take lead via the Section 10/404 permit need. The Special use permit is required for rights-of-way, access, and permanent structures on Forest Service lands, while the Corps' Section 10/404 permit would be required for dredging and filling or channel modifications for the port, river crossings, transfer sites, and power site preparations. SPECIFIC PERMITS The following sections discuss the specific permits that will likely be required for this project. Permits relate to detailed construction or operational techniques rather than planning, which is the basis of the EIS process. Special Use Permit, U.S. Forest Service This permit will be required for access through, and construction in, National Forest lands. The permit essentially serves as right-of-way and all-inclusive facilities permit, and will be the only authorization, in addition to participation in the EIS process, required from the Forest Service. The form is generally accompanied by an environmental assessment (EA) prepared by, or in 44 conjunction with, the USFS. If the EIS process is used, the EIS will normally serve the EA function (single document concept). The preparation of an EIS for the entire project would likely delay the special use permit. It may be more timely to split the access facilities and obtain EA's and use permits separate from the EIS. However, it is likely that the Forest Service would become lead agency in the EIS preparation; therefore, the special use permit may be tied to the EIS. These decisions would require extensive planning and negotiation early in the project to deter- mine agency attitude and to coordinate the most efficient proce- dure for obtaining the permits. Section 10/404 Permit (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) This permit is required for the discharge of dredge and fill materials into waters and wetlands of the United States and for structures and work in, or affecting, navigable waters. It would therefore be required for any dredging, pier construction, riprap, or breaker construction at the port site, and for discharges of dredge or fill material into inland lakes, streams, or wetlands for site preparation of the transfer facility, port, roads, and stream crossings. Generally, on smaller site-specific projects, upon receipt of an application, the COE issues a public notice and also issues notice to various state and local agencies as well as individuals and other private organizations, informing them of the proposed pro- ject. The COE then receives comments from these entities and consults with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and State Department of Fish and Game and other agencies throughout the process. Following receipt 45 of comments, and responses of the applicant to comments, the COE evaluates this input and addresses the issues. On small site- specific projects, the COE determines whether an EIS will be needed, or whether a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) document can be issued. On a large multifaceted project that requires an EIS for the entire project, the permit applications and permitting action would follow, or Proceed concurrently with, the EIS process. The COE cannot issue a permit until the Alaska Coastal Zone Management agency, Division of Policy Development and Planning (DPDP), concurs that the applicant's certificate of consistency with the Alaska Coastal Management Program is issued. DPDP generally does not issue its compliancy certificate until notification that the Alaska Department of Environmental Conserva- tion Water Quality certificate has been issued. The COE also cooperates with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game when they attach stipulations to their anadromous fish protection permit. These stipulations are normally attached to the COE 10/404 permit as well. Without an EIS requirement, a COE 10/404 permit can be processed in 90 to 180 days. When an EIS is needed, the process may take 1-1/2 to 3-1/2 years. Certificate of Consistency With the Alaska Coastal Management Plan (Division of Policy and Development Planning (DPDP)) As previously stated, the 10/404 permit is not issued without the DPDP certificate of consistency. The certificate of consistency must be submitted to the COE and generally takes approximately 75 days to be processed. DPDP will not issue a certificate of 46 consistency unless ADEC water quality certificates are also issued. DPDP has an option to issue a certificate of consistency if the ADF&G anadromous fish protection is withheld, but this is not normally done. Water Quality Certification (Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation) This permit is also processed in conjunction with the 10/404 permit. Without an EIS requirement, it takes approximately 45 days to process. This certification shows that the project will meet state water quality standards. Public input is requested by ADEC in determining whether to issue the water quality certificate, but public hearings are not necessary. Upon receipt of an application for water quality certification, other ADEC permits will also be applied for. These permits are described below. Anadromous Fish Protection Permit (Alaska Department of Fish and Game) Closely tied into the 10/404 permit, water quality certification, and certification of consistency is the ADF&G anadromous fish protection permit. This permit is required when a project affects any waters where anadromous fish spawn, rear, or pass. It does not include salt water. The COE will notify the ADF&G when a 10/404 permit is applied for. It is recommended, however, to apply for this permit directly to ADF&G and incorporate their concerns early in the permit process. The application form requires plans, specifications, a schedule, descriptions of 47 equipment and materials, and a site location and map of the pro- ject. Additional information requirments on local fish production and habitat may also be required. Other ADEC Requirements As mentioned in the water quality certification discussion, ADEC has several other permits or procedural requirements which are applicable to the project. The permits or procedural requirements apply directly to wastewater and solid waste disposal. Wastewater Disposal Permit (ADEC) This permit is required for disposal of sewerage, industrial waste, and almost any waste disposed in a liquid form. An application must be submitted to ADEC with specific project infor- mation. Additional environmental information may be requested by the agency. Public notice is issued and public input is received. Generally, the permit requires approximately 90 days to be pro- cessed. This permit is also reviewed by other agencies at the request of ADEC. Plan Review for Sewerage System (ADEC) This review is required for construction of wastewater treatment facilities. Engineer-certified plans, specifications, and reports must be submitted to ADEC. ADEC may require additional informa- tion on scheduling and environmental settings. However, the EIS process typically provides detailed planning information. This permit can be processed in as little as 20 days. 48 Solid Waste Disposal Permit (ADEC) The solid waste disposal permit would likely be required for gravel pit, quarry spoils, and power plant ash handling systems. The applicant must submit plans and specifications, and proof of compliance with local regulations and zoning laws. Public notice is issued and permit review is coordinated with other agencies. Permit review normally requires approximately 90 days. EPA Requirements In addition to the state permits required for wastewater and solid waste disposal, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit will be required. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES EPA) Application with EPA is made with prepared forms and extensive backup information in which the applicant, facility, basic dis- charge, waste abatement process, and construction schedule must be described. The quality of discharge, pollution control measures, project plans, and maps must be included. During the review pro- cess, public notice is provided and public hearings may be held. Agency responses, including input from ADEC and the water quality certification are also included. The permit can take over 6 months to process. The permit would be required at essentially the same facilities where a state water quality certification is required. 49 Air Quality Permits Air quality control falls under both state and federal permitting programs. The federal program consists of the EPA's Prevention of Significant Deterioration permit (PSD). Coal handling dust would be controlled under the state's air quality control permit to operate issued by ADEC. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) (EPA) The purpose of this permit is to maintain and protect air quality. It would apply to the mine power plant if emissions are above certain levels of pollutants. There are no established applica- tion forms, but the applicant must describe alternative pollution control strategies, must perform air quality modeling, and may need to provide air quality monitoring. EPA must determine the acceptability within one year of receipt of a completed applica- tion. One to two years of data are required for a completed application. However, in the Greens Creek project, this data base was shortened considerably due to the lack of pollutants in the area. If the facility will not violate the significant deterrent increments or national ambient air quality standards and imple- ments the best available control technology, EPA will issue the permit. Public notice and public comments are included in the review process. Air Quality Control Permit to Operate (ADEC) This permit will be required for both coal handling facilities, fugitive dust sources, and the power plant. Plans and specifications, project location, general topography, construction 50 schedule, processing emissions, and meteorological information will be required. Public notice and comment periods are included in the review process. Generally, the permit can be processed within 90 days. GENERAL PERMITS Depending upon the ultimate project description, several addi- tional permits or project review procedures may be necessary. Some of these include: Water rights Dam safety review Water supply plan and system review o ojo 0 Oil storage permits (federal and/or state, depending upon storage capacity). This permit could also require an extensive spill prevention and reaction plan for large storage capacities. MASTER APPLICATION PERMIT In addition to the above major permits, a master application per- mit may be used. This permit is intended to coordinate all the necessary permits and increase efficiency. Public notices and public hearings are conducted jointly when needed. The applica- tion may be obtained through the Alaska Permit Information Center or Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Copies of the application and site diagrams were sent to all state departments and any municipalities involved for a review and a _ request 51 regarding their jurisdiction. While the master application form was intended to reform the lengthy permitting process, there are concerns that it is ineffective because of the amount of time and energy required by ADEC to coordinate and process it. It also discourages the development of direct working relationships between the applicant and each agency. OTHER REGULATORY/MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Several other agreements and plans should be considered in the project development process. These plans and agreements will automatically be incorporated in the permitting process since they will shape how the agencies review the project. Among these are the Alaska National Interest Land Claims Act; the agreement between the U.S. government and the Chugach Native corporation (CNI) on January 2, 1983; the Copper River Delta Game Management Area Cooperative Agreement, and the Copper River Delta Critical Habitat Area; the Bering River - Controller Bay Trumpeter Swan Management Area Cooperative Agreement; and the draft Chugach National Forest Plan. The Alaska National Interest Land Claims Act (ANILCA) calls for multiple use of the land to be compatible with conservation of fish and wildlife habitat. The agreement between the U.S. government and CNI grants access between the mine area and the Copper River, and the mine area and the coast. It allows the U.S. government to prepare an EA or EIS on the access routes and pro- ject plans if the government deems this necessary. The Bering River - Controller Bay Trumpeter Swan Management Area Agreement involves the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (with duties regarding migratory birds), Alaska Department of Fish and Game (with authority over fish and wildlife), Alaska Department of 52 Natural Resources (with authority over non-fish and game natural resources), and the U.S. Forest Service (with authority over national forest management for multiple use). They have agreed to manage this area for wildlife and cooperate in any planned reviews. The Copper River Delta Game Management Area Cooperative Agreement is also between the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This is an agreement to manage this area pri- marily for wildlife and to consult each other on lease permits and access corridors. The Copper River Delta Critical Habitat Area, while outside the project area, indirectly influences the review process on the project area. This designation identifies the area as key habitat for trumpeter swans. Management policies for trumpeter swans in this area will be carried over to the Bering River - Controller Bay Trumpeter Swan Management Area, although not all regulatory stipulations will apply. The draft Chugach National Forest Plan outlines management plans and goals for the forest. Although these specific plans may be altered by federal congressional legislation and/or land selec- tions made according to ANILCA, the general guidelines developed in that plan will continue to shape agency thinking in reviewing environmental impacts of this project. During the environmental assessment of project alternatives, utilization of these developed guidelines will facilitate agency review and adjustment of alter- natives to minimize impact. 53 REFERENCES BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Alaska, Department of Fish and Game. 1978A. Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat. Volumes I and II. Alaska, Department of Fish and Game. 1978B. Alaska's Fisheries Atlas. Volumes I and II. Alaska, Department of Fish and Game. 1982. Annual Report of Survey-Inventory Activities. Alaska, Department of Fish and Game. 1981. Prince William Sound Management Report. Alaska, Department of Transportation. 1973. Copper River Highway-Final Environmental Impact Statement. Alaska, Department of Transportation. 1981. Prince William Sound Transportation Study. Bailey, E.P. 1975. Resource Synopsis of the Copper River Delta Region. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage. Bucaria, G. P. 1979. Copper River Delta Area Wildlife Resource Review. Chugach National Forest. Calkins, D. G., Pitcher, K. W. and Schneider, K. 1975. Distribution and Abundance of Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Cordova-Coastal Management Program. 1980. Office of Coastal Zone Management. Juneau, Alaska. 54 REFERENCES, Continued Islieb, M.E. and Kessel, B.B. 1973. Birds of the North Gulf Coast-Prince William Sound Region, Alaska. Biological papers of the University of Alaska #14. 149 pp. King, J.G., Conant, B., King, R.J. 1982. Alaska Trumpeter Swan Status Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Lloyd, D. and Sundberg, K. 1982. Open File Report-Bering River Coal Fields. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Mickelson, P.G., Hawkings, J.S., Hertez, D. R., and Murphy, M.M. 1980. Habitat Use by Birds and Other Wildlife of the Eastern Copper River Delta, Alaska. Alaska Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Reynolds, J.R. 1982. Personal Communication with Tom Arminski. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Sowls, A., Hatch, S. A., and Lensink, C. J. 1978. Catalog of Alaskan Seabird Colonies. Biological Services Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Forest Service. 1982. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Chugach National Forest Plan. Anchorage, Alaska. HYDROLOGY Balding. 1976. Alaska Water Assessment. Alaska Water Commission. pp. 195-204. Barnes, Ivan. 1970. A Brief Hydrologic and Geologic Reconnaissance in the Cordova Area, Alaska. USGS Open-File Report. Menlo Park, California. 55 REFERENCES, Continued Bucaria, personal communication. 1983. U.S. Forest Service, Cordova Ranger District, Cordova, Alaska. Post, A. and L.R. Mayo. 1971. Glacier Dammed Lakes and Outburst Floods in Alaska. USGS Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-455. Washington, D.C. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1975. Report on the Navigability of Streams Tributary to the Copper River. U.S. Army Engineers District, Anchorage, Alaska. ARCHAEOLOGY Birket-Smith, K. 1953. The Chugach Eskimo. Nationalmuseets Publikationsfond. Copenhagen. Birket-Smith, K, and F. de Laguna. 1938. The Eyak Indians of the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Levin and Munksgaard. Copen- hagen. Brown, M. 1975. The Controller Bay Region: an historic resources study. Alaska Division of Parks, Office of History and Archaeology. Janson, L. 1975. The Copper Spike. Alaska Northwest Publishing. Anchorage. de Laguna, F. 1956. Chugach Prehistory: The Archaeology of Prince William Sound. University of Washington Publications in Anthropology 13. 56 REFERENCES, Continued de Laguna, F. 1972. Under Mount Saint Elias: The History and Culture of the Yakutat Tlingit. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology 7. de Laguna, F. 1953. Some problems in the relationship between Tlingit archaeology and ethnology. Society for American Archaeology, Memoir 9. de Laguna, F., F. Riddel, D. McGeein, K. Lane, J. Freed, and C. Osborne. 1964. Archaeology of the Yakutat Bay Area, Alaska. Bureau of American Ethnology 192. Lobdell, J., 1975. An archaeological survey of Redwood Bay, Alaska. Chugach National Forest. Lobdell, J. 1980. Prehistoric Human Populations and Resource Utilization in Kachemak Bay, Gulf of Alaska. Ph.D. disser- tation, University of Tennessee. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor. Mobley, C. 1981. Archeological survey of proposed drill sites in the Bering River Coal Field, Chugach National Forest, Alaska. Report to Chugach Natives, Inc. Mobley, C. 1982. Archeological survey of proposed drill sites in the Bering River Coal Field, Alaska. Report to Bering Development Corporation, Chugach Natives, Inc. 57 REFERENCES, Continued Orth, D. 1967. Dictionary of Alaska Place Names. U.S. Geologi- cal Survey Professional Paper 567. Palmer, I. 1969. Katalla - Alaska's first oil field. Alaska Sportsman 31. 58 Phase I Report A March, 1983 fs==x, Wheelabrator Coal Services Company ; ’ APPENDIX B SLURRY PIPELINE REPORT and decent es atm CITY OF CORDOVA ALASKA SLURRY PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION AND SHIPLOADING SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES FOR THE BERING RIVER COAL FIELD FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE | for WHEELABRATOR COAL SERVICES COMPANY Salt Lake City, Utah by PIPELINE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED 61 Avenida de Orinda Orinda, California February 1983 Job 104 CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 Introduction and Summary 1 2.0 Basis of Design 6 3.0 Slurry Offshore Loading Alternative 7 3.1 System Facilities Description 7 3.2 System Operation 15 4.0 Conveyor/Slurry Offshore Loading Alternative 20 4.1 System Facilities Description 21 4.2 System Operation 23 5.0 Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Conventional Loading Alternative 25 5.1 System Facilities Description 26 5.2 System Operation 30 6.0 Capital Cost Estimates 32 7.0 Operating Cost Estimates 34 8.0 Phase II Work Recommendations 35 Lf 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY Wheelabrator Coal Services Company (Wheelabrator) is conducting a study for the City of Cordova, Alaska, and Chugach Natives, Incorporated to assess the feasibility of alternative means of transporting coal from the Bering River coal field. Pipeline Systems Incorporated (PSI) has been retained by Wheelabrator to handle the slurry pipeline alternatives of the study. This portion of the study is Phase I, which involves a preliminary evaluation of several alternative modes of transportation to determine which modes are most suitable and will be evaluated in more detail in Phase II. This Phase I report includes three slurry pipeline alternatives for transporting a minimum of 2500 tonnes per hour of coarse coal during shiploading operations involving an annual rate of three million tonnes. Slurry Offshore Loading Alternative This alternative comprises rotary slurry feeders and a lockhopper-type pumping system located at the transfer facility near Kushtaka Lake to pump a design rate of 2725 TPH of a 402 weight slurry 24 miles to ships moored approximately three niles off shore of Fox Island. Water will be recirculated after ship dewatering (studied by others) and pumped by the ship to a land site near Katalla where it will be returned to the transfer facility by a return water pump station comprised of seven stages of centrifugal pumps. The fines contained in the return water 1 7-3 90 To will be dewatered and pumped at the end of the shiploading operation for topping off the ships. The dual pipelines (one for slurry, one for return water, but interchangable) are 30" outside diameter (O.D.) API 5LX, X-60 flanged steel line pipe with (primarily) 0.750" wall thickness and 3/4 inch internal polyurethane lining to control abrasion. They will be buried eight feet underground to prevent freezing on land and four feet under lake or ocean floors. The route traverses southwest from a location near Kushtaka Lake, across Bering Lake (approximately three miles), then near Katalla, and finally off shore to a shiploading site (studied by others). This route is the most environmentally benign corridor, as suggested by Wheelabrator. This study includes all equipment associated with the pipeline system from the slurry feeder stations to the pipeline anchored beneath the offshore loading facility. The estimated current order-of-magnitude capital cost of the system is 273 million dollars for direct costs plus indirect cost allowances, which reflects a conservative approach using conventional equipment. However, it is felt that more economical equipment may also be suitable, achieving a potential estimated cost savings of 106 million dollars, reducing the capital cost to 167 million dollars. The estimated current direct operating cost of the system is 10.4 million dollars per year, which includes supplies, utilities, and labor. Conveyor/Slurry Offshore Loading Alternative This alternative involves an overland conveyor system (studies by others) to transport coal from the transfer facility to the land site near Katalla where it will be slurried for offshore shiploading. This system is similar to the slurry offshore system but much shorter in length. The slurry pipeline portion comprises rotary slurry feeders and an eight stage centrifugal pump station near Katalla to pump 2725 TPH of coarse coal five miles to ships moored off Fox Island. Water is returned by the ship's pumps (no return pump station is required) and the fines dewatered for ship top-off. The dual pipeline system is buried 30" 0.D., X-60 line pipe with 0.750" wall and 3/4 inch lining. The route goes from the site near Katalla to Fox Island and then offshore. This study includes the equipment from the slurry feeder stations to the pipeline beneath the offshore loading site. The estimated order-of-magnitude capital cost is 80 million dollars. More economical equipment could reduce this by an estimated 30 million dollars to 50 million dollars. The estimated direct operating cost is 4.2 million dollars per year. Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Conventional Loading Alternative This alternative involves transporting slurry from the transfer facility to the land site near Katalla, dewatering, and conventional ship loading of dewatered coal (studied by others). This system is similar to the slurry offshore system, but with a dewatering plant at the pipeline terminal. The slurry pipeline portion comprises a slurry pump station at the transfer facility for 2725 TPH of coal with rotary slurry feeders and a lockhopper- type pumping system almost identical to those of the slurry offshore system. The dual pipeline system is 19 miles of buried 30" 0.D., X-60 line pipe with 0.750" wall and 3/4-inch lining following the same route as the slurry offshore system as far as the land site near Katalla. The coal is dewatered there by screens, Vor-sivs, centrifuges, cyclones, clariflocculators, and disc filters to approximately 10 to 12% surface moisture. It is then loaded onto ships by conventional means (studied by others). Return water, virtually free of solids, is returned by a return pump station identical to that of the slurry offshore system. This study includes the equipment from the slurry feeder stations to the dewatering plant coal discharge conveyor. The estimated order-of-magnitude capital cost is 250 million dollars. More economical elquipment could reduce this by an estimated 106 million dollars to 144 million dollars. The estimated direct operating cost is 10.8 million dollars per year. For slurry pipeline alternatives evaluated in Phase II, work should focus on doing laboratory test work on the coal(s) and slurry(s); preliminary route reconnaissance; engineering/cost evaluations of alternative design bases, equipment, and system parameters; conceptual engineering including flow sheet development and equipment sizing; estimating detailed capital and operating costs, and identifying elements requiring further development. —! — ey hed . 2.0 BASIS OF DESIGN 2.0 BASIS OF DESIGN The basis of design for the three slurry pipeline alterna- tives for Phase I of the Bering River coal field study are summarized in Table 2.1. All three pipeline alternatives are sized to handle 2500 tonnes per hour of as-mined coal as stipulated by Wheelabrator, and recirculate the transporting water. All three alternatives will basically follow the route shown on Figure 2.1, although different starting and end locations are involved. The slurry offshore loading pipeline begins at the transfer facility near Kushtaka Lake and ends at the offshore ship loading site located approximately three miles offshore of Fox Island. Return water will be pumped by the ship's pumps back to the land site near Katalla where the return pump station is located for pumping back to the transfer facility. For the conveyor/slurry offshore loading alternative, coal will be transported from the transfer facility by overland conveyor (studied by others) to the land site near Katalla, where it will be slurried and piped offshore to the ship. Water will be returned by the ship's pumps. The slurry/onshore dewatering/ conventional loading alternative pipeline begins at the transfer facility near Kushtaka Lake and ends at the land site near Katalla where the coal will be dewatered and loaded onto ships by conventional means (studied by others). The route shown on Figure 2.1 is the most environmentally benign corridor, as suggested by Wheelabrator. TABLE 2.1 Bering River Coal Field Study Slurry Pipeline Alternatives Design Basis Locations and Coordinates o Transfer Facility o Pipeline Route(s) o Conveyor/Monobuoy Land Site o Monobuoy Site o Return Line Pump Station Site o Dewatering Site Throughput o Annual Throughput-Surface Dry Tons/Year Coal Properties O° O° ° Oo As-Mined Moisture Specific Gravity (Bone Dry) Inherent Moisture (i.e., Equilibrium Moisture) Desired Size Consist Delivered To Customers Design Life fe) Desired Project Design Life Slurry Ship Loading Alternatives ° * Ship Loading Rate TPH (Surface Dry) Offshore Loading Alternative o Pipeline Ceneeh o Solids Concentration o Frost Line Depth for Inland Pipelines o Ship Sizes o Shipping Schedule (Ships/Month, Months/Year) Phase I Basis Near Kushtaka Lake See Figure 2.1 Near Katalla 5 mi. from Land Site Near Katalla Near Katalla 3.0x10° tonnes/year 0.467% 1.35 2.0 3/4"x0", 1527-100 Mesh 20 years 2500 tonnes/hour 24 miles 40Z wt. bone dry 8' 100,000 DWT* (10,000-150,000 range) 3.33/mo.*, 9mos./year Conveyor/Offshore Loading Alternative o Pipeline Length o Other Parameters Assumed as average. 5 miles Same as Offshore Loading Alternative TABLE 2.1 (Continued) Slurry/Onshore Dewatering/Conventional Loading Alternative Oo Oo oO ° Pipeline Length Pipeline and Dewatering Plant Tonnage Rate TPH (Surface Dry) Desired Dewatered Surface Moisture Solids Concentration and Pipeline Depth Water Return Pipelines oO oO O° Solids Concentration (Fines) Pipeline Size Pipeline Lengths Other Coal Properties oo0o0o00°0o Heating Value Assumed Moisture Volatiles Fixed Carbon Ash Sulfur 19 miles 2500 10-122 Same as Offshore Loading Alternative 5% wt. Same as Slurry Pipelines Same as Slurry Pipelines 12,600 BTU/# 0.462% 14.17 75.5% 10.42% 0.862% ee eet es ed ee aed et P Tj BVT T FRCILITY Pfs: | 1 eRe i rn or VS “ DW, Millér a “ OFFSHORE \ SHIPLOADING, fen FIGURE 2.1 BERING RIVER COAL FIELD ROUTE MAP —— aa ell ell 3.0 SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING ALTERNATIVE 3.0 SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING ALTERNATIVE The slurry offshore loading system is designed to mix and transport by pipeline 2500 TPH of coarse Bering River coal in a slurry from the transfer facility near Kushtaka Lake to ships moored approximately three miles offshore of Fox Island. After on-board dewatering of the coal, return water containing coal fines (black water) will be pumped back to the transfer facility for fines dewatering and reuse in slurrying coal. The pipeline route is approximately 24 miles in length, comprised of approxi- mately 21 miles of in-land buried pipeline and approximately three miles of offshore buried pipeline. Two 30-inch O.D. inter- nally lined pipes will be used for transporting slurry and return water. A slurry pump station will be located at the transfer facility and a return water pump station will be located at the land site near Katalla. This study includes facilities from the feed bins at the slurry preparation plant and pump station located at the transfer facility to the offshore pipeline located just beneath the off- shore loading facility. The transfer facility, coal stockpile and feed belt, and offshore mooring facilities are not included. The sections below describe the system facilities and operating concept. 3.1 System Facilities Description This conceptual system contains all the equipment necessary for transporting 2500 TPH of as-mined Bering River coal by pipe- line from the transfer facility to the offshore mooring facilities in addition to returning the water and extracting the contained fines. Figure 3.1 is a flow schematic of the system. The system is designed to handle 2725 TPH of coal, which repre- sents a design factor of 9% above expected throughput. Figure 3.2 shows the pipeline profile and design hydraulic gradients along with pipe particulars and throughput parameters. 3.1.1 Slurry Pump Station Coal will be distributed into three feed bins of ten- minute capacity each, by a conveyor belt from the stockpile (provided by others). Tramp dust from the bins will be collected and conveyed to the fines storage tank. The 2"x0" coal will be delivered at a controlled rate by feed belts into each rotary feeder chute, where it will be mixed with water supplied from the water holding pond. This pond will have an approximate 12-hour operating capacity. Three 900 TPH capacity rotary feeders will mix the coal and water into a slurry and then concentrate it to the desired 44% weight solids consistency for injection into the pumping system. Automatic control of coal and water rates into the feeder and the slurry concentrator system allow for good slurry density control. The system will be monitored and con- trolled by a programmable controller (PC). Simpler, more economical slurrying equipment involving sumps and pumps may be incorporated, after development work to confirm its suitability. From the rotary feeders, slurry will be fed to the mainline lockhopper-type pump station for pumping the 24 miles to the ship. This system consists of multiple chambers (internally COAL SLURRY PUMP STATION AT TRANSFER FACILITY (MPO) FT SEC Cubs Feet Second GPM Gatlons Minute FT Cutie Feet Active Capacity Tc Tr TI 1 GAL ations Active Capacity Ra Holding Pond (4510 Gath 5 10 Fey aie a — bust Collector Dsstbutor Pneumatic ‘Conveyor Multichamber Feed Bins & patocthopper humping System {150 Toned ench) PS eT ey? A >_< Conveyor (2725 TPH) water Pond (12 = 10 Galt 6 + 10 FLY (300 000 Tonnes) wan cee eee ee een t een nnn eee ee tan peep oe ZA eeracome Haigh Pressure Water Controller Holding’ Setting Pond (800 000 Gat: 110.000 FI) PD Pump. (intermittent Use Only) High Pressure Water | Pumps ® (7 000 Hp each) wall L ul i iin Desc Fitters - 3 {40% wt Solids) Coal Slurry Pipeline 30's” Polyurethane Lining (272 TPH Coal) NOTE Pipelines will be alternated for slurry to disteebute wear TS6 wt Songs) Return Water Pipeline 30 Polyurethane Lining Typical Block Valve Crossover fevery 1 miles) LANDSITE NEAR KATALLA (MP19) SHIPLOADING & DEWATERING (MP24) Burned Overtand Rec en pew mae 2 em Py (3 Fos and 14r2%) y Surge Tank (250 08 ar 0 19 oR Platiorm or bd >. tous na Discharge To Sea Ottshore Pipelines (3 miles) NOTE Some neating of tanks/ponds pipelines, 5 r 1 proreen ware Tennent ‘equi Facies (tf Required) ear Holding Pond Ballast Hold ng Pond (4510 Gat 5+ 10 FLY (Mt Required) TPH Tonnes Hout | a PIPELINE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING a PSI ALTERNATIVE Wheelabrator Coal Services Co FLOW SCHEMATIC Job | Date | Rev 104 | 1/2083] 0 BEARING RIVER COAL FIELD ~ . i & a eo g ia | eae —~ =? = | ea = — ——o wee FIGURE 3.2 __ BERING RIVER COAL FIELD — ROUTE PROFILES & DESIGN HYDRAULIC GRADIENTS | ee ee 2 P pelinas =i 30". 0, APT SLX, Grace X-60, ST Tee @ ss, Flan ne CF rey ured Nok & ou vets baa P , Ail r 4 1 pol "y i G.975 Well heh nats L ‘ 2.770" gts Threkness : : i ALT. No.1 it | | ALT. MI.2 I ee ee ee ALT NO. 3 2 P. i . Cee ~| Speet a ‘c i dal acl Finn Ane ! pelss a By Gravity | Cont Cote) | ayer [ef] Ga Pt) petrol f Coote te errr oo | AG me ' at ia 2] HE COAG: Yo: ne ; ate eee SLCREY ‘| eecess aS) stun | 9 pleat) CA ENS): & TRE Hustay U | stukey OFFSHORE. | OADING | ee Peat eee eer eee erent ol ee | pela COMVEYOR SLURRY OFF SHE RE ae SLURRY] DEWRTELING /; ELEVET IO Ww ail ' see Tycorky AC Ne. rie : Beem ee eLet iy I RETURN ‘Act. NOS IZ 2 it} ; i | | omer Nos, has a i . Fl 4 : hs i i i i | i ca SMEOPE eS | Behind ' 1a “lars ce ; ' KATAGA WYSE” FOX : une oe eS jo. LAKE i RIVER : N ES4AND 228063 Fara Vy : ! | Me : ] : et best STG ti aL aie Oni eG eer arisen er tae ideal leet ort (a esi satire ita (eel ie lined pipes) which are alternately filled with slurry, then forced into the slurry pipeline at the required pressure by high pressure water. The lockhopper will be designed to deliver approximately 27,000 gpm at 2500 psi into the pipeline. Alter- nating of slurry feed and high pressure water is accomplished by valving controlled by the PC. High pressure water will be supplied by seven high pressure centrifugal water pumps having seven stages each and 7000 horsepower (HP) motors. One spare pump will also be installed for maintenance/back-up purposes, giving a total of eight pumps. These pumps will be housed in the pump station building. Several designs of the lockhopper-type system exist. These will be explored to determine the most cost effective choice. It is anticipated that the lockhopper chambers will be approximately 1,000 feet in length. A dilution rate of four percent is expected. Thus, slurry will be delivered to the pipe- line at approximately 40% by weight solids. To remove solids, the high pressure water will be recircu- lated through the pumping system after passing through a holding/settling pond of 30-minutes capacity and a filter. It is expected that separating the high pressure water system from the main slurry water system will aid in minimizing solids contamination in the high pressure water pumps. The make-up water requirement for the system is estimated to be approximately 2500 gpm (5.6 ft.3/sec.), which will be added to the high 3 — —— Mate een — —a d pressure water system to further aid in minimizing solids build-up. Pressure, flow, and slurry density will be monitored at the pump station discharge to allow control of the system and reac- tion to unexpected contingencies. A small positive displacement (PD) pump will be furnished to permit pressurizing of the pipeline to aid in clearing temporary blockages. A holding pond at the transfer facility will be provided to allow clearing the pipeline of slurry to aid in locating and clearing temporary blockages. It will be sized to accommodate one pipeline linefill. 3.1.2 Pipelines The system will contain two major pipelines, one for coal slurry transportation, and one for returning water from the ship. Both will be 30-inch outside diameter (0.D.) API 5LX Grade X-60 line pipe. The first five miles will have 0.875" steel wall thickness to contain the anticipated pressures and the remaining 19 miles will have 0.750" wall thickness. The pipes will also have a 3/4-inch polyurethane internal lining for wear protection. Refer to Figure 3.2 for the pipe parameters. The pipeline may be further telescoped (diminishing steel wall thicknesses) to reduce costs, but a minimum wall thickness of 0.750" was chosen for this phase of the study as a conservative measure, and it may be desirable in the event of high pressures in the entire pipeline to aid in clearing temporary blockages. The internal lining 10 a thickness may also be reduced if a less conservative approach is warranted. It is anticipated that the joints will be flanged, 1500# ANSI rating for the first five miles and 900# ANSI rating for the remaining 19 miles. However, if recent developments with inter- nal linings that use welded joints can be commercially developed before installation, this alternative could be chosen to reduce the costs associated with flanges. Both pipes were equally sized to permit alternating use on slurry to distribute wear and allow reaction time if unexpected conditions are encountered on one of the lines. In any case, it is expected that the return water line would require some lining because of corrosion. The pipes will be buried along the entire route with the top of the pipe eight feet below the surface on land to prevent freezing, and four feet under Bering Lake and offshore. Approx- imately 21 miles of in-land pipelines will be required, although approximately three miles under Bering Lake, plus approximately 1/2 mile in shallow ocean between Whale Island and Fox Island, are included. In addition, approximately three miles of offshore pipelines, extending from Fox Island to the offshore shiploading site, will be required, giving a total length of 24 miles. Refer to Figure 2.1 for the route map. The lines on land will be externally coated and cathodically protected to mitigate external corrosion. In addition, the off- shore lines will have an external concrete coating for negative 11 mon C4 — maar oo d r-J buoyancy. Flanges (if used) will have a plastic heat shrink wrap fitted after bolt-up to help mitigate corrosion. Crossover valves will be installed along the route to permit clearing the slurry pipeline to aid in locating and clearing temporary blockages. Significant degradation (size reduction) of the coal is anticipated during transit in the pipeline. It is expected that the 2"x0" coal will degradate to the approximate size consist of 3/4"x0" coal for shiploading. 3.1.3 Fines Dewatering Plant The return water will contain up to 5% weight coal fines which will be extracted at the full return rate at the transfer facility to prevent their build-up in the system. This system will consist of a 150-foot diameter thickener to settle and thicken the fines to about 30% weight solids. The overflow water will be recirculated back to the water pond. The underflow solids will pass through three rotary vacuum disc filters to dewater them to about 55% weight solids. The fines will be stored in a tank (or pond if deemed more suitable) sized to hold the anticipated fines from loading a 150,000 DWT ship. Fines will later be injected into the pipeline at the end of loading as top-off. The disc filter effluent will be returned to the thickener. 3.1.4 Return Water Pump Station After being pumped to shore near Katalla by the ship pumps, the return water will be pumped back to the transfer facility 12 ee from the onshore return water pump station. This will consist of a 15-minute capacity surge tank, with level controls, to feed the pumps. Seven centrifugal slurry pumps in series, with 1250 horsepower motors, will be installed. They will be rubberlined with hard metal impellers. Under normal operations only about four stages will be required for returning water. In case of higher flow rates, or transference of any coal slurry collected in the holding pond at this site directly aboard ship, seven stages may be required. The last two stages will have variable speed drives for control of flow and head. The pumps will be housed in the return water pump station building. A small stillwater pump will be installed to clear solids from the vertical section of pipe from the ocean floor to the offshore shiploading site if an unexpected shutdown occurs with slurry in the line. This will be powered by a diesel engine. A holding pond to allow capacity for clearing one pipeline line fill will be provided. 3.1.5 Other Facilities A supervisory control system and a communications network will be provided to interface and control operations between the transfer facility, return pump station, shiploading site, and ship. Control rooms located at the transfer facility and return pump station will house the control facilities. Maintenance facilities will be provided at the transfer facility and return pump_= station. Vehicles (including a 13 nnn od eee c helicopter) for performing operations and maintenance will also be provided. Electrical facilities (transformers, MCC, wiring) will be provided at the slurry pump station and return pump station. The estimated installed power requirements are: 1) lockhopper pump system - 60,000 HP, 2) miscellaneous slurry pump station - 10,000 HP, and 3) return pump station - 10,000 HP, giving a total of 80,000 installed horsepower for the system. Estimated operating power consumptions are: 1) lockhopper - 40,000 HP, 2) miscellaneous - 6500 HP, and 3) return - 3500 HP, giving a total of 50,000 operating horsepower. A ship ballast holding pond and water treatment facilities may be provided if ships are not allowed to discharge their ballast at or near the offshore shiploading site due to environ- mental considerations. Further investigation of the ballast discharge requirements and level of treatment desired are necessary to determine the design parameters of this system if these facilities are required. These facilities have not been included in the cost estimates. The make-up water (lost on ship) comprises approximately 152% of the system water throughput rate. With this bleed-off from the system, it is felt that treatment of the water to remove accumulated solubilized salts and other contaminants from the coal is not necessary. However, this matter will be investigated in later stages of the study when more detailed information is available. 14 Lands, right-of-way (ROW), access roads, and power and water supply facilities will be provided by others. The following personnel requirements for the slurry pipeline system (excluding the offshore landing site) are anticipated: Management and Administrative 5 Operations 9 Maintenance _8 Total . 22 Due to the limited operating time of the system (approxi- mately 160 hours/month), it is envisioned that operating personnel will assist in performing maintenance tasks while the system is not operating, and will work 12-hour shifts while load- ing a ship. Maintenance personnel will also be available to assist in manual operation tasks while the system is operating. 3.2 System Operation The sections below describe the normal and unscheduled operations of the system. 3.2.1 Normal Operations After a ship has moored at the offshore loading site and the feeder and return pipelines have been connected (studied by others), the slurry loading system will begin operation. Assume a 150,000 DWT ship is being loaded. The pipelines will have pre- viously been shut down filled with water. The slurry lockhopper pumping system will be started on water supplied from the pond pumps for approximately 1/2 hour to establish flow and ensure correct operation of the system. Water will be pumped into the 15 holds of the ship to establish a five-foot layer at the bottom as a splash zone for the coal. It is estimated that all of the water in the slurry pipeline, plus the start-up volume, will be pumped aboard ship for this purpose. (Some internal transferring of ballast and pumped water aboard ship may be required to main- tain ship stability, but this will require further study by others. Discharge of ballast to sea or shore (if required) will also begin during this period.) Slurry pumping will begin thereafter; the slurry feeder system will be started to begin transport of slurry to the ship. Automatic control of the feeders, slurry density, lockhopper valves, and high pressure water pumps will be through a PC moni- toring pertinent instrumentation. Approximately 2% hours after slurry is introduced into the pipeline, the slurry will arrive at the ship, and the onboard dewatering process will begin (studied by others). Shortly after the slurry arrives (assuming the _ ship's ballast has been fully discharged), the ship will begin pumping return water through the return pipeline. When the surge tank fills, the return pump station will be turned on. Automatic con- trol of flow, head, variable speed drives, and number of pumps required will be through a PC monitoring the surge tank level and other pertinent instrumentation. At the same time, the fines dewatering circuit will be started as water is returned from the pipeline. The fines will be processed through the thickener and disc filters and stored 16 for later pumping. Water from the thickener will recirculate back to the water pond. Towards the end of the shiploading process, the slurry feeders will be turned off and the concentrated fines will be pumped into the pipeline. These will be pumped for approximately three hours until the fines are exhausted. This tail will have the effect of helping to clear the pipeline of any settled coarse particles and will be used to top-off the ship's holds. After the fines, water will be introduced into the pipeline. When the slurry line has been purged of fines, it will be shut down filled with water. The slurry pump station will be turned off. The return pump station will continue to pump until no more water is being returned from the ship. It will then be shut down. It is anticipated that the return line will be shut down filled with return water containing some fines, as it can be easily restarted. Alternatively, it could be purged with water by continuing to pump water through the slurry line and circulat- ing it back at the ship mooring site; however, this is not felt necessary. The fines dewatering system will be shut down when the return line is shut down. Alternatively, if some fines have built up in either water circuit, it may continue to run to further clarify those systems. 3.2.2 Unscheduled Operations The slurry pipeline is not designed to be routinely stopped and started with coarse coal slurry in the pipeline. 17 | me However, at times, shutdown with slurry will be necessary for such events as power failures or severe upsets in the system or aboard ship. Precautions will be taken in the design to limit blockages. The pipeline slopes will be minimized to allow the solids to settle fairly rapidly to the pipe floor, and any unnecessary vertical pipes will be deleted. After allowing time for the solids to settle in the line, the stillwater pump will be used to pump fluid over the top of the settled solids in the horizontal sections offshore (not many solids will be entrained as the flow is reduced) and entrain the solids in the vertical section going up to the mooring site. After this is completed, the rest of the pipeline will be restarted. Restart of the pipeline will be made using water. The main- line pump station will be started slowly on water to prevent excess horsepower draw as the solids are suspended. The line flow will be progressively increased until the normal pipeline flow is achieved. Should a blockage occur at some point along the pipeline, it is intended to use the crossover valving concept, shown in Figure 3.1, to clear sections of the pipeline back to the slurry pump station and/or the return pump station using the return pipeline. Work would progress down the line until the line is cleared to the crossover(s) nearest the blockage. High water pressure using the PD pump and/or the stillwater pump would be applied to the blockage (alternately back and forth, if required) to remove it 18 hydraulically. Should operational procedures fail, a detailed plan will be used for physical removal of the blockage using hot-tap techniques and high pressure pumps. 19 ed wo | | no — me 4.0 CONVEYOR/SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING ALTERNATIVE 4.0 CONVEYOR/SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING ALTERNATIVE The conveyor/slurry offshore loading system is designed to receive coal by a conveyor (studied by others) at the land site near Katalla, mix and transport by pipeline 2500 TPH of coarse Bering River coal in a slurry to ships moored approximately three miles offshore of Fox Island. After on-board dewatering of the coal, return water containing coal fines (black water) will be pumped back to the slurry pump station for fines dewatering and reuse in slurrying coal. The pipeline route is approximately five miles in length, comprised of approximately two miles of in-land buried pipeline and approximately three miles of offshore buried pipeline. Two 30-inch 0.D. internally lined pipes will be used for transporting slurry and return water. A slurry pump station will be located at the land site near Katalla. Return water will be pumped back by the ship's pumps. This study includes facilities from the feed bins at the slurry preparation plant and pump station located at the land site near Katalla to the offshore pipeline located just beneath the offshore loading facility. The transfer facility, conveyor systems, coal stockpile and feed belt, and offshore mooring facilities are not included. This system is very similar to the slurry offshore loading alternative except it originates at the land site near Katalla and a return water pump station is not necessary due to the short distance (the ship's pumps will be adequate). Therefore, the following sections describing the system facilities and operating 20 my al —— ey —_ ees concept focus on the differences between this system and that of the slurry offshore loading alternative. The reader should refer to Section 3 of this report for descriptions of facilities common to both systems. 4.1 System Facilities Description This conceptual system contains all the equipment necessary for transporting 2500 TPH of as-mined Bering River coal by pipeline from the land site near Katalla to the offshore mooring facilities in addition to returning the water and extracting the contained fines. Figure 4.1 is a flow schematic of the system. The system is designed to handle 2725 TPH of coal. Figure 3.2 shows the pipeline profile and design hydraulic gradients along with pipe particulars and throughput parameters. 4.1.1 Slurry Pump Station The slurry feeder system and water pond will be identical to those of the slurry offshore system expect that slurry will be delivered to the pump station at 422% solids concentration. The pump station will consist of eight centrifugal slurry pumps in series designed to deliver approximately 27,000 gpm at 500 psi pressure, each with a 1250 horsepower motor. The pumps will be housed in the pump station building. A dilution rate of 2% is expected from the gland seal water. Thus, slurry will be delivered to the pipeline at 402% by weight solids. No high pressure water system or pond is necessary with this system. A gland seal water system will be provided for the slurry pumps. 21 TPH Tonnes Hour FT SEC Cubic Feet Second GPM Gatlons/Manute FT Cubw Feet Acte Capacity GAL Gatlons Active Capacity COAL SLURRY PUMP STATION AT LANDSITE NEAR KATALLA (MPO) Magnet (J Dust Couector OF owstridutor | on [TT — Fineonte 24 irom Weigh O Conveyor £4 t Conveyor Finer Feed Bins & 0-0 Conveyor Bett Feeders 3 |Giand Seal Water Sysiem (2725 TPH (450 Tonnes each) D> YY cove OM C ) Water Pond Holding Pond V otey Fewcers, 3 Sao) — H (12 = 10 Gal 6 = 1 FL awe 35 1 FY) Gj H Contrstugal Sturn ZN. 1 Pumping Sysiem — 6 Oo Focae 1 “tn Serves (1750 Hp each) Water Tank ' : 1 area n sna a tases aa b-----t ~~~-----------f--- - YY) programmarie ZA esa PO Pump (intermittent Use Only) ) } +4} C) ) Fines Storage Tank (5+ 10 GaiO) + 10" Fey (40% wt Solids) Coal Slurry Pipetine — 30° &" Polyurethane Lining (2725 TPH Coal) NOTE Pipelines will be alternated for slurry to distnbute weer Return Waler Pipeline — 30% Polyurethane Lining Discharge To See SHIPLOADING & DEWATERING (MP5) C1 d Burned Overland Pipelines (2 mies) Fetus (H hegured) Fox island (MP2) | sero row =f iT ‘Monobuoy ‘Slurry ‘sme. Otisnore Pipelines (3 mises) NOTE Some nesting of tankw/ponds ‘pipelines may be required PIPELINE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED CONVEYOR/SLURRY OFFSHORE LOADING ALTERNATIVE Fig. FLOW SCHEMATIC “| Wheelabrator Coal Services Co BEARING RIVER COAL FIELD The control system and small PD pump will be similar to those of the slurry offshore system. The holding pond provided will be smaller and sized to accomodate the line fill from both the slurry and return pipelines. 4.1.2 Pipelines The two pipelines are identical to those of the slurry offshore system (30" 0.D., API 5LX, Grade X-60 pipe with 3/4-inch polyurethane lining) except that the steel wall thickness will be 0.750" for the entire five-mile length. Two miles will be buried inland, although approximately one half mile in shallow ocean between Whale Island and Fox Island is included. Approximately three miles of offshore buried pipelines from Fox Island to the shiploading site will also be required. Refer to Figure 2.1 for the route map and Figure 3.2 for the pipe parameters. The joints will be flanged with 900# ANSI rated flanges for the entire five-mile length. Other parameters of the system for mitigating external corrosion and giving negative buoyancy are identical to the slurry offshore system. It is assumed that degradation of the coal will be similar to that of the slurry offshore system due to the centrifugal pumps, even though the pipeline will be shorter. 4.1.3 Fines Dewatering Plant This system will be identical to that of the slurry offshore systen. 22 4.1.4 Other Facilities The supervisory control system, communications network, and maintenance facilities will be similar to the slurry offshore system except that no facilities are necessary for a return pump station site. Therefore, these facilities will be located at the land site near Katalla only. Electrical facilities will be provided for the estimated installed power requirements of: 1) centrifugal pump station - 15,000 HP, and 2) miscellaneous slurry pump station - 10,000 HP, giving a total of 25,000 installed horsepower. Estimated operating power consumptions are: 1) pump station - 9000 HP and 2) miscellaneous - 6000 HP, giving a total of 15,000 operating horsepower. Lands, right-of-way, roads, and power and water supply facilities will be provided by others. The following personnel requirements for the slurry pipeline segment of this system are anticipated: Management and Administrative 5 Operations 7 Maintenance ae Total 19 4.2 System Operation The sections below describe the normal and unscheduled operations of the system. 23 4.2.1 Normal Operations Transit time through the line will be approximately one half hour, requiring different time periods for pumping water initially (approximately three hours) and clearing the slurry pipeline (one half hour) but the overall time period and operation of equipment will be similar to the slurry offshore system. 4.2.2 Unscheduled Operations Unscheduled operations of the pipeline will be identical to the slurry offshore system. 24 — — te 5.0 SLURRY/ONSHORE DEWATERING/ CONVENTIONAL LOADING ALTERNATIVE 5.0 SLURRY/ONSHORE DEWATERING/CONVENTIONAL LOADING ALTERNATIVE The slurry/onshore dewatering/conventional loading system is designed to mix and transport by pipeline 2500 TPH of coarse Bering River coal in a slurry from the transfer facility near Kushtaka Lake to the land site near Katalla. After onshore dewatering of the coal, return water will be pumped back to the transfer facility for reuse in slurrying coal. The dewatered coal will be loaded onto ships by conventional means (studied by others). The pipeline route is approximately 19 miles in length of in-land buried pipeline. Two 30-inch 0.D. internally lined pipes will be used for transporting slurry and return water. A slurry pump station will be located at the transfer facility and dewatering facilities and a return water pump station will be located at the land site near Katalla. This study includes facilities from the feed bins at the slurry preparation plant and pump station located at the transfer facility to the dewatered coal discharge conveyor from the dewatering plant at the land site near Katalla. The transfer facility, coal stockpile and feed belt, and conventional loading facilities are not included. This system is very similar to the slurry offshore loading alternative except that it terminates at the land site near Katalla and a coal dewatering plant is included which also extracts the fines. Therefore, the following sections describing the system facilities and operating concept focus on the differ- ences between this system and that of the slurry offshore loading 25 iar — Co cs — i te eae ey —— io } alternative. The vendor should refer to Section 3 of this report for descriptions of facilities common to both systems. 5.1 System Facilities Description This conceptual system contains all the equipment necessary for transporting 2500 TPH of as-mined Bering River coal by pipeline from the transfer facility to the land site near Katalla where dewatering is performed, in addition to returning the water. Figure 5.1 is a flow schematic of the system. The system is designed to handle 2725 TPH of coal. Figure 3.2 shows the pipeline profile and design hydraulic gradients along with pipe particulars and throughput parameters. 5.1.1 Slurry Pump Station The slurry pump station will be identical to that of the slurry offshore system except the lockhopper pumping system will be designed to deliver 27,000 gpm at 2000 psi pressure due to lower pressures required for the shorter length 19-mile pipeline. This will require seven high pressure water pumps (one spare) with 7000 horsepower motors. 5.1.2 Pipelines The two pipelines are identical to those of the slurry offshore system (30" 0.D., API 5LX, Grade X-60 pipe with 3/4-inch polyurethane lining) except that the steel wall thickness will be 0.750" for the entire 19-mile length of buried in-land pipe, (approximately three miles of pipe under Bering Lake is included). Refer to Figure 2.1 for the route map and Figure 3.2 for the pipe parameters. 26 COAL SLURRY PUMP STATION AT TRANSFER FACILITY (MPO) Tieeclca et Cub Feet Second veil aRISSEEED — ——e—________—— GPM Gallons Minute 7 FT Cute Feet Actwe Capacity 7 i Co rane GAL Gations Active Capacity Magnet [_] Dust Cotlector Wsteibutor Preumatic reed Wergh Conveyor ¢ ree Munchamber Feed fins & puocenotoer Conveyor ben Feeders 3 suming System n (2725 TPM 1450 Tonnes each) be al v tip) Ynosprecns hte be <1 Wate: Pond Noes fone Yj } Frotmry feeders, Sonos) A (12+ 1 Galt" 10 FF (ae Gal BS 10 FN Covered Stockpile 1 ' ES (200 000 Tonnes) Cy ' water Tank bs ' t je | wees Hegh Pressure Water Finer Holding/Settung Pond C) '000"Gal'110 000 1" PO Pump ws as Fn CU Deion a oa High Pressure Water Pumps — 7 (7.000 Hp each) —t{T} L ~ [40% wt Solids) ty Pipeline 30°" Polyurethane Lining (2725 TPH Coal) NOTE Pipeines Ta oe Sor Wee oe aaa hae Roe mane vane Crd ore ae Forcuton System Deweerng Pent LANDSITE NEAR KATALLA (MP19) Coo. Cyclones 3 Buried Overland A Honzontel Clanitioc, ulators -3 Pipetines (19 mmles) A, screens “18 150 @ 15) (1250 Hp Each) By-Pass. oo t Ns (9 oO ous y Surge Tank 20m Cottiector (250058 Bs 500 #1 Soa] estan o+(6) tang £888 Foan > oO 5 28m Cyclone Feed Pumps 3 Conveyor —- Batiast from Sup eee Orscrarge To See Cee ent NOTE Some heating of tanks/ponds pupelines \ [ \ f i Facihives (I Required) may be required Holding Pond Raitast Holding Pond (4510 Gal05 + 10 Fry Ut Required) Dewstered Coa! To Ship Loading Conveyor a PIPELINE SYSTEMS INCORPORAT[D SLURRY/ONSHORE DEWATERING/ aa PSI CONVENTIONAL LOADING ALTERNATIVE | Fig. Wheelabrator Coa! Services Co roa {1 2003] 0 61 ce ae eld BEARING RIVER COAL FIELD ai FLOW SCHEMATIC The joints will be flanged with 900# ANSI rated flanges for the entire 19-mile length. Other parameters of the system for mitigating external corrosion and giving negative buoyancy are identical to the slurry offshore system. It is assumed that degradation of the coal will be similar to that of the slurry offshore system due to the dewatering facilities even though the pipeline will be shorter. 5.1.3 Dewatering Plant The plant will be designed to deliver a product at 10 to 122% surface moisture. Under normal operations, all the _ solids entering the plant will be removed. The general concept behind the plant design was to divide the plant into a primary and secondary circuit, based on a split at 28 mesh, and have three lines of equipment. The flow into the plant first will pass over and through 18 horizontal double-deck vibrating screens, where solids splits of 2 by 1/2 inch and 1/2 by 1/4 inch will be carried out onto the dewatered coal conveyor. Below the screens, and fed by gravity from the screen underflow drainage, will be nine Vor-siv dewatering units. They will segregate the minus 28 mesh material that will be directed to the secondary dewatering circuit. The 1/4-inch by 28 mesh material from the Vor-siv underflow will be fed to nine vibratory centrifuges that will further reduce the moisture content to below 10% surface moisture and 27 anon. Ba br beens enna bee reread es to i404 deliver it to the coal conveyor. The removed water will be pumped back into the Vor-siv inlets. Because the flow stream to the secondary circuit is very dilute, 90 cyclones fed by three feed pumps will be used to thicken the flow stream and make a particle size split at 200 mesh. The very dilute overflow will be piped to the clarifiers for thickening. The 28 mesh by 200 mesh thickened solids stream from the cyclone underflow will be fed to nine screen bowl centrifuges. Dewatered solids will be delivered to the conveyor belt and the screen drainage and effluent will be pumped to the clarifiers. Three 50-foot-diameter clarifiers will receive the flows from the screen bowl centrifuge effluent and screen drainage, and the cyclone overflows. The streams will be mixed with flocculant to facilitate settling and draw off from the bottom. The clarifier overflow will be pumped to the water return surge tanks. The clarifier underflow will be introduced into three rotary disc filters for removing much of the water before the cake is discharged onto the product conveyor. All solids from the dewatering plant will be fed to the main shiploading conveyor (studied by others) and, normally, directly onto the waiting ship. For plant startups, and when loading equipment fails, a 6000-tonne bulk surge silo will be provided to allow the pipeline to be flushed before shutting down. 28 = 4 A simpler, more economical dewatering circuit involving less equipment may be incorporated, after development work to confirm its suitability. 5.1.4 Return Water Pump Station The return water pump station is identical to that of the offshore slurry system, except that a still-water pump is not necessary at this site. 5.1.5 Other Facilities The supervisory control system, communications network, and maintenance facilities will be similar to the slurry offshore system. Electrical facilities will be provided for the estimated installed power requirements of: 1) lockhopper pump system - 50,000 HP, 2) miscellaneous slurry pump station - 5,000 HP, 3) dewatering plant - 8500 HP, 4) return pump station - 10,000 HP, giving a total of 73,500 installed horsepower. Estimated operating power consumptions are: 1) lockhopper - 32,500 HP, 2) miscellaneous - 4000 HP, 3) dewatering - 6500 HP, 4) return - 3500 HP, giving a total of 46,500 operating horsepower. Lands, right-of-way, roads, and power and water supply facilities will be provided by others. The following personnel requirements for the slurry pipeline and dewatering segment of this system are anticipated: 29 Management and Administration 6 Operations 11 Maintenance 10 Total 27 5.2 System Operation The sections below describe the normal and unscheduled operations of the system. 5.2.1 Normal Operations The pipeline will have been shut down filled with water and the solids cleaned from the pipeline will have been stored in the coal surge silo at the dewatering plant. When a ship arrives, the pipeline will be started on water to ensure correct operation and the return water pump station will begin pumping water back immediately, by-passing the dewatering plant. Then slurry will be introduced into the pipeline and arrive at the dewatering plant approximately two hours later for operation of the dewater- ing plant on coal, after a nominal startup time on water to ensure correct operation. During this time shiploading will begin (studied by others) using the coal stored in the dewatering plant surge silo. After the ship has been fully loaded, the slurry pipeline will then be cleared with water, and the solids from the dewatering plant will be stored in the surge silo. Then the slurry pump station, dewatering plant, and return pump station will be shut down. 30 a <e Automation and control of the system and individual equipment details are similar to the slurry offshore system. 5.2.2 Unscheduled Operations Unscheduled shutdown of the pipeline is similar to that of the slurry offshore system, except that use of the stillwater pump is not required. Upsets of the dewatering plant and shiploading system may also require pipeline shutdown; however, it is anticipated that the primary dewatering circuit may continue to operate during most dewatering plant upsets, and fines can be recirculated until the upset has been corrected. During unscheduled shiploading facilities shutdowns, the pipeline and dewatering plant will be purged with water and coal stored in the surge silo, until shiploading is resumed. Then the pipeline and dewatering facilities will be restarted normally, as explained above. 31 eet ene eee a SS eee ee oe 6.0 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATES CQ fa Co foe Oe! Po eee peo Ca cc Ka 6.0 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATES The current order-of-magnitude estimated capital costs for the three slurry pipeline alternatives are shown in Table 6.1 in millions of dollars. These include direct capital costs and indirect cost allowances as a percentage (20%) of direct costs. Allowances for land, pipeline right-of-way, access, water and power supply facilities, owner's’ costs, interest during construction, and escalation are excluded. The pipeline construction costs reflect estimates given by Wheelabrator, which exclude the costs associated with road construction (to be provided by others). A conservative approach using conventional equipment was used for estimating these costs. It is felt that simpler and more economical alternative schemes could be developed. Examples of this are a modified slurry feed and lockhopper system, further telescoping of the pipeline, developing a suitable pipe lining system that does not require flanges, reducing the pipe lining thickness, and a modified dewatering circuit. These potential alternatives could achieve significant cost savings for the project estimated as follows in millions of dollars: Conveyor/ Slurry/Onshore Slurry Slurry Dewatering/ Offshore Offshore Conventional Loading Loading Loading Slurry Pump Station 13 8 13 Pipeline 75 17 60 Dewatering Plant - - 15 Indirect Allowances 18 5 18 Total T06 30 106 32 These total potential savings are shown on Table 6.1 along with the corresponding reduced capital cost estimates for the three alternatives. 33 C7 Ca Ca ca ca coe 2 = 4 TABLE 6.1 Bering River Coal Field Study Slurry Pipeline Alternatives Capital Cost Estimates (Million Dollars, First Quarter 1983) Conveyor/ Slurry Slurry Offshore Offshore Loading (1) Direct Costs Buildings 6.6 3.1 Slurry Pump Station 35.3 18.4 Pipeline: Materials 116.6 24.1 90 Construction 50.7 10.7 40. Total Pipeline 167.3 34.8 Fines Dewatering Plant 7.0 7.0 Dewatering Plant - - Return Water Pump Station 5.5 - Other Facilities 5.7 3.2 Total Direct Costs 227.4 66.5 Indirect Cost Allowances Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management 22.7 6.7 Contingency 22.7 6.7 Total Indirect costs 45.4 13.4 Total Direct and Indirect Costs(2) 272.8 79.9 Potential Savings Achievable With More Economical Schemes 106 30 Total Direct and Indirect Costs(2)-Economical Schemes 166.8 49.9 (1 (2 ) For pump stations, pipelines, and ) Excludes lands, ROW's, water su costs, interest during construc 7 1 Slurry/ Onshore Dewatering/ Conventional Loading(1) Loading(1) 13.2 33.3 130.8 250.0 106 144.0 dewatering facilities only. pply, power su ion, and esca ply, owner's ation. [oe cl) a — eee eel —ZE ey ss ——) Kiieiaenable Nae 7.0 OPERATING COST ESTIMATES wennnd = eo Re kl Cu ie | ee) a = 7.0 OPERATING COST ESTIMATES The current estimated order-of-magnitude direct operating costs are shown on Table 7.1 in millions of dollars per year for the three slurry pipeline alternatives. The category of materials and supplies includes allowances for flocculants and maintenance and miscellaneous supplies. The category of utilities includes power costs of 15¢/kWh for estimated land-based operating power requirements mentioned previously, for approximately 1440 hours per year. Rented power from the ships for returning water was included at 20¢/kWh for an estimated 1000 horsepower for the slurry offshore loading alternatives. It was assumed that if heating is required, waste heat will be available from a local planned power plant at no charge. The costs of water supply are not included. The category of labor was estimated from the anticipated personnel requirements mentioned previously at a rate of $60,000 per year per person, which includes payroll additives. 34 TABLE 7.1 Bering River Coal Field Study Slurry Pipeline Alternatives Operating Cost Estimates (Million Dollars/Year, First Quarter 1983) Slurry/ Conveyor/ Onshore Slurry Slurry Dewatering/ Offshore Offshore Conventional Loading(1) Loading(1) Loading(1) Materials and Supplies 0.9 0.5 1.7 Utilities 8.2 2.6 7.5 Labor 1.3 1.1 1.6 Total Direct Operating Costs(2) 10.4 4.2 10.8 1) For pump stations, pipelines, and dewatering facilities only. 2) Excludes tax, insurance, overhead, depreciation, cost of water, and escalation. ee ey [ry —, TC t 8.0 PHASE II WORK RECOMMENDATIONS Jj C2 ooo ee --~ C3 C4 om 8.0 PHASE II WORK RECOMMENDATIONS The work to date on the slurry pipeline alternatives has been solely preliminary conceptual engineering. No laboratory, computer simulation, or test work has been conducted, and many assumptions were necessary. The designs and estimated costs are very preliminary. Work in Phase II of the study should focus on developing conceptual designs and estimated costs based on more definitive parameters. Specifically, the program should involve the following activities for alternatives chosen for Phase II evaluation: * Bench scale (laboratory) test work on the coal(s) and slurry(s) to establish their properties pertinent to pipeline transportation. * Site visit, preliminary route reconnaissance, and discussions with environmental personnel. 7 Engineering/cost evaluation for alternative throughputs and storage requirements to select the design basis. 7 Investigate current vendor and government test work applicable to the system. 7 Engineering evaluations of the system parameters including: o hydraulic parameters by computer simulation o fines generation characteristics of equipment o leachate build-up in water o pipeline abrasion characteristics 35 Engineering/cost evaluations of equipment alternatives including: o slurry feeder system o lockhopper pumping system o pipeline parameters o pipeline linings o dewatering circuit Conceptual engineering of the system including flow sheet development and equipment sizing. Detailed capital and operating cost estimates of the system. Identify elements requiring development work. 36 Phase I Report \ March, 1983 J. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company APPENDIX C MARINE PILOT'S REPORT APPENDIX C COAL PORT ASSESSMENT BY CAPTAIN JACK V. JOHNSON, ALASKA MARINE PILOT SUMMARY BY PERATROVICH, NOTTINGHAM & DRAGE, INC. As I pointed out to you, it is obvious why a facility located off Katalla Bay would be the worst choice possible. To position a single point mooring buoy, to load large vessels of from 50,000 DWT to 150,000 DWT, it must be in a minimum depth of water of 70 feet at mean lower low water. There is no place in Katalla Bay, inside the Martin Islands, where water of this depth is found. A reef runs out from Fox Island (the outer most of the Martin Islands) in a southwesterly direction for almost a mile. The 10-fathom curve runs almost due west of the reef off Fox Island and in a southeasterly direction the other way, nearly 2.5 miles off Palm Point, near the old townsite of Katalla. A single point mooring buoy could be located about a mile off the reef off Fox Island in 14 fathoms (84 feet) in position 60° 08.'4 N. lat., 144° 37.15 We long. (please refer to Nautical Chart 16723, Controller Bay). However, it would be exposed to wind from all points and particularly the fierce Copper River winds and strong Sou'westers. As we flew over Fox Island we noted the erosion of the rock cliffs on Fox Island and driftwood around Martin islands light, and the light is 150 feet high! This area is noted for its strong winds and high seas. Back in about 1909, when Katalla was in its "hay-day," a partially completed railroad trestle/breakwater running out onto the Martin Islands was destroyed, ruining all hopes of a rail terminal and shipping port for the copper ore from the Kennicot/MaCarthy mines. A severe southerly storm caused this and these storms occur at least once or twice a year. With reference again to chart 16723, we can take a look at Kanak Island, about 7.5 miles E.S.E. of the Martin Islands. This is a low flat island. The shore line has not been surveyed. It is about 4.3 miles long running north/south and about 1.7 miles wide. It is wooded in the middle. Breakers mark the extensive shoal which makes out from the west side of the island. The south edge of the shoal is about 1.2 miles north of the north end of Wingham Island. This area is of course of a maritime type climate, with a mean annual temperature of about 45°F with extreme highest recorded temperature in the low 80's and extreme low recorded to about -2°F. CURRENTS: The tide floods in a northeasterly direction at about 1.7 knots through the entrances into Controller Bay, the direction in degrees being 067° true. It ebbs back out through the entrances at about 2.0 knots in a direction of 255° true. Also, a non-tidal current of about 0.5 knot to 1.0 knot sets westerly along this coast. PREFERRED MOORING ALIGNMENT: With respect to the above-mentioned wind and currents and if a dock is built where indicated on the chart, I would recommend a mooring alignment (dock heading) of 045°/225° true, or on a heading in line with observed currents at dock site. PREFERRED DOCKING APROACH: Considering a turning basin and Okalee Channel is dredged to the required depth of 60 feet, an approach for a port side to landing would be best. On leaving, the vessel would be turned by tugs, in the turning basin and proceed on out. SHIP HANDLING PROBLEMS: Problems can and will arise from wind, current, depth of water and the vessels draft. These problems can be overcome by the use of experienced Southwest Alaska Pilots. Also, it is a must to have available 2 Ships assist tugs of a minimum of 3,000 H.P. each. Also, 2 small line handling vessels to run the mooring lines. AIDS TO NAVIGATION: After dredging the Okalee Channel and the dock area and turning basin, the channel would have to be buoyed and well marked. SEAS - HEIGHTS OF WAVES: There would be very little sea or wave action experienced at dock. In strong easterlys a sharp chop could be expected, but height would not exceed 2 to 3 feet. DEPTH OF WATER: Channel entrance, channel, and turning basin should be dredged to a minimum depth of 55 feet at mean lower low water. ICE: This area is ice free. TUGS: Two ships assist tugs of 3,000 H.P. each. I realize further field reconnaissance studies must be made covering the geology of the site and if dredging is possible. Just looking at it I think it could be dredged to the required depth and areas. It would make a fine coal port. As you can see on the chart, Okalee Channel is between Wingham and Kanak Islands. It is about 0.6 mile wide at its entrance with an extreme width of about 0.8 mile, about half way in. It carries a depth of 6 to 12 fathoms throughout most of its length. It is about 4.5 miles from entrance to where the turning basin and dock would be located. The channel is a _ secure anchorage, but has been known to change and should be used only with local knowledge. With the few options you have, I feel that the southeast end of Kanak Island is about the only place a coal port facility could be located to meet your requirements. To build a coal loading dock it would be necessary to dredge the Okalee Channel and dredge out a turning basin of about 1 mile diameter at the mud flats off the southeast end of Kanak Island at about the location where a collapsed tank is indicated on the chart (at position 60° 06 '0 N lat. 144° 20. '0 W. long.) The coal could be shipped dry in vessels of the "PANAMAX" size (i.e. about 740 feet long, a maximum of 106 feet beam and a maximum draft of 42 feet). Also, if blending of the low-grade Healy coal being shipped out of Seward is ever considered, the high-grade coal from the Bering River field could be moved by barges of say 10,000 DWT or smaller bulk carriers to Seward. WIND, WEATHER, WAVE HEIGHTS: I have read your Katalla meteorology report and I doubt if I can add anything. We do know the prevailing winds are easterly, but in June, July, and August you'll have westerlys. The worst wind at Kanak Island will be out of the northeast and a real gagger occurs about once a month during the winter. Then, screaming nor'twesters causing the Copper River wind are common in the late fall and winter when there is a high in the interior and a low lying out in the gulf. In this area advection or sea fog is the primary restriction to visibility and occurs in the summer months, but usually burns off by noon. Phase I Report \ March, 1983 JX. Wheelabrator Coal Services Company APPENDIX D KATALLA METEOROLOGY APPENDIX D KATALLA METEOROLOGY Extracted From Climatic Atlas of the Outer Continental Shelf Waters and Coastal Regions of Alaska, BLM/OCSEA, 1977 — OEADMAN MTW \ SS50°/ 4 \ Gj a Susitna ~2Housto: “Lonsisiando gee Palmer y ae pMatanuska” F y/o GROSVEWOR < teey ave g Pah PRA Ni Net, ¢ Yooey ted = Knight Ie « ve Snes ‘Montague IS Oe An? Uv gy } Latouche L=Box Pt ao : a Errington 'I jo’ ¢ ,’ 7 Fatt0n Bay : Sun, a eanie Pt _ _ Cape Clear.” SCALE I? 2,500,200 ie, /;GGRDOVA wo {se Nh $2818 ATA LLAS: Mentasta a> hake ~ - \ 7 OChistochina : 4 : of, a4 7731 6208 -M 12062: MT DRUM~ MT WRANGELL “eccerron Jom - R* Lower T : LIN ete onsina eI ¢ String. woe ova’'« 4 uf a Sika Bs ee ‘Benti tN Pt Bentine an 2 Ln gotl” aoe, Wingham Ly 4 _ PYRAMID m/e ad BLACKBURN: Log” FF euin” Nonsiva £oR! Nabesma Vil: am Meikiejonn fess. tireral Lake Northwe MENTASTA PASS 27 a rte rSN & se : “naman. 7525 4 DONOHO PEAKS!’ ES ogee es) OMcCarthy 57.) * UNIVERSIT ONizina y= 16523" REGAL MT! _Biaratage 3. Cape Yakataga- ape Suckling id - a FEZioD oF Ee¢ceD 2 JAN, E-JAN. 471 B07 086 (Btw) PM DOLETON - Jur 948-JuNe 19a epee ealeues JULY |94B-MUsY 462 92,962 6 (eas) MAZINE AZZA D |272- F714 20, O\6 OFS CORDOVA TEMPERATURE (°C) Mean Annual Maximum 7.6 Highest 28.9 Mean Annual Minimum -1.0 Lowest -35.6 TOTAL PRECIPITATION (Inches, Rain & Snow) Average Annual 89.11 Greatest Month 27.72 Greatest Day 1413 A SNOWFALL (Inches) Average Annual 130.6 Greatest Month 89.3 Greatest Day 30.0 SNOW DEPTH (Inches) Annual Maximum on Ground 99 SURFACE WIND (Knots) Prevailing Direction Avg. Annual Speed E 5.0 Fastest Direction of Speed ESE 55 MIDDLETON ISLAND 17.6 22.2 3.6 “14.4 58.02 14.66 3-35 33.8 34.3 10.4 12 ESE 13.2 ENE 76 YAKATAGA 7.4 25.6 1.2 -23.9 102.75 32.82 7.50 108.5 89.3 ’ 22.0 52 ESE 7.1 Legend Persistence of wind 210 kts. , Hours duration of events - Doys interval between events. «SU Eyton On rtNTS yg Cumulotive percent frequency of hours duration equal.to or less than the number of hours intersected by the solid curve. ———~(80% of the events hod @ durction £216 hours.) Cumulative percent frequency of days interval between events equal to cor less than the number of days intersected by the broken curve. — —— (88% of the events were followed by another event in 28 days or less.) fod The maximum value(s) of hours duration and/or the days interval will «| be displayed when the graph limits are exceeded. B Durations and intervals for a particular month extend from the time . they begin (or the first of the month it already in progress) and are terminated at the actual ending time, regardless of what month that may be. ‘— Number of observetions. Top and bottom scales are variable to allow for variations in the dota Cordova January Cordova February Cordova March | OURS oURAT ION OF EVENTS OURS oURR! ON OF EVEMTS HOURS ouRATioN OF evenTs roo@——12__ 24 6 se soa too%——!2__ 2436 as 602 woot 12__ ze 38 eb s s sof. wo 1” ” 7 7 é bole cy s0|) so i “ « i 20 Fe 4 "aE - Soars initavac ‘serwees evens onrs inienva ‘serween events“ ea toe cr 7 Cordova April Cordova May Cordova June e on oF events eee es cn ie ae te iPS ie 8 fet tee %s % %0 x 7 * so “0 0 207 8 ro) 8 gars iattnvm ‘Bermece events Soars inttnves ‘gerweee events“ nize wee 1 mrs na r 7 Cordova July Cordova August Cordova September OURS OURRY ION OF EVENTS nouns oueRt Ion OF eveKTS OURS OURATION OF EVENTS 100% s 2 18 ze 30 ty 100° s 12 is 24 30 eT 100° s 12 18 24 30 ay os s 6 % * * 2” : 0 2 wo ad 70 n o 0 wo so 80 so “0 o « a 7 wf 4 4 - i! C terete evens“ Soars intfnves “serneer events gas intenvan ‘serween events ere? : 1288 are #1 oars ax f Cordova October Cordova November Cordova December nouns oURRI ION OF EVENTS OURS OURRT iON OF EvENtS 009 Se ge yg ae tote te ae to ae es s 8s %s % © © ” ” “ »” % * sor 0 “ so] so so 40} “ 4 « 20 2 = PH 5 8 7a 8 onrs tnttavae ‘sera om 'ierwee events 7 esse tees Legend fears man Persistence of wind 220 kts. Hours duration of events - Days interval between events. Cumulotive percent frequency of hours duration equal to or less thon the number of hours intersected by the solid curve ———~(80% of the events had o durotion £216 hours) Cumulative percent frequency of days interval between events equal to or less than the number of days inte: jed by the broken curve. — ——(88% of the events were followed by another event in 28 doys or hess.) The maximum value(s) of hours duration and/or the doys interval will be displayed when the graph limits are exceeded. Durations and intervals for a particular month extend from the time they begin (or the first of the month if already in progress) and ore terminated ot the actual ending time, regardless of what month that may be. —~ Number of observotions. Top and bottom scales ore voriable to allow for variations in the dota. Cordova January Cordova February Cordova March eta ae ee to te ie te toe eet eyo , *s s %s % *” %0 . Ad eo : oo id 7 0 * $0 0 a so so « “ %0 RE # B i : 7 . 8 “o SS te 3379 2061 - OATS IMTERVm BETMEEM EVENTS ne 33307 278 ons max is oars eae casi oa 4 Apri g Cordova pril Cordova May Cordova June MOURS OUMATION OF EVENTS ‘MOURS QUMATION OF EVENTS OURS DURATION OF EVENTS: root ——S§ i? ie te 0s 1909— 812 19 2630s rooC $i? is ete. os %0 20 2 % 0 so 0 sy 16 2 0 0 3 16. ae 32 40 “a o oats initava “tetecen events onrs initevac ‘Seracey Eve's } y129 yesei $70 ons nae Seu oars nar $18 onrs nar Cordova July Cordova August Cordova September ms guration etary OURS OURATION OF EVENTS 00% I eto oe 1008 100? *s . " ” _ * t er 1h 2” 70} ol. tad 6 call 0 - so «0 - 7 : ® a z aos: Yowtioos 83 OT obs talbeva Serwee eed 40s oars far 454 oars max : _ Cordova October Cordova November Cordova December mous OUNAT OW OF EVENTS OURS OuRAT ion OF eveNrS OURS OURRT iON OF EvERIS tet ee be 90 10% te ete og joe8 te eo oe s %s s ww cy oo] 0 * ” * % *” #0 #0 “ so s0 % “ “o o 30 30 20] i fH : br i a “ss +16 te 7 09, OATS INTERVAL BETWEEN EvENTS e939 439 oars. nar 408 oars nar fi Yakataga Jaiuary Yakataga Fec.uary i Yakataga March oi ede ee ee oe __gf0U8,QUEATION OF events, 100) 100 100 i s %s a 0 90 : © . x 1.0 ” oo so » so bind “0 30 7 : 20 2 1-37 5 ! ae ae § peace cell ors iwitnvmy ‘ec rete evEets oars interven ‘eetuees EveNS Thy inlberm Menai so i e278 ears $6 OATS max i 66 OATS max i . fi Wy * . re Yakataga April Yakataga May Yakataga June ! HOURS OURATION OF EVENTS nour: 4008 a Ee 100% 12 as fr en ald | wall taal *s el Lad rT 1” : oo q n 0 i rr) Cy o 0 ° o » 30 20 20 8 7 Abt z “ Ole alten Nerd eva wha wil Soloed 9080 — 187 pars max Clad deh July Yakataga August Yakataga September MOURS OURATION OF EVENTS OURS OURATION OF EVENTS . OURS OURATION OF EVENTS oll gris te! tise ioe! | ise oie ae to o ie 20 100 100 hfe js 100 *s s ¢ 7 s * ” ” i ie ” 2” TPs z a 0 > art 0 3 , “ ? “ * . 7 7 sean + “0 * 0 ——. J 20 20 See apes zor. 8 8 | 8 we oT pda inidavn Gereed even ea “Sere eveMtS renee aes 07 oars nex 110 mrs nex 79 oars nat —— Yakataga October Yakataga November Yakataga December seat Sn aN greet fap eae! | | sea SI Bree, " 6 % ry ” 2” ” 7” « ry od so “0 rn » : »” 20 207 4 Sees ee i aa oars iattnven ‘cerweee events oars tatbavn Merwe events ors tatbava Gerace oon“ py e cams me oo own es Middleton Island January Middleton Island February Middleton Island March 4 OURS OURATION OF EVENTS 7 ven HOURS OURATION OF EVENTS beatae as eens? 400 ae gee tz se i092 te 2 8s "| = 9s ” 90) ‘i 1” ” 0 be 70} , © im 80). ‘| y * i “ 30! co 20 |) ‘ 204 be = 20 3 j 20 q ° 7 i620 26 Bt 7 @ i? 6 2 2 o . aif 46 20 te onts imitaym ‘detwce events Oars imtenvac ‘Be rwcen EVENTS OnTS iwtenym ‘serwce evens wer ers ass L 7 7 . Middleton Island April Middleton Island May Middleton Island June { HOURS QURATION OF EVENTS OURS OURRT ow OF evENTS Wali gore tape ter aves) | 1, yours uenttow OF fvemrs too Stee te 30 al ¥s w| ” "© 2°? r aT i 70 60 oe so! se 404 “ 20 | i} = ‘Bt IS 'f 35 a Pa llamado Pde lle eal cod * eet ii : szis ‘09 OnTS max 10 oars max Middleton Island July [Aiddleton Island August Middleton Island September MOURS CURATION OF EVENTS eh SES et SEMIS EES Fria lee me 7 0 “0 1 ” | “ «© ‘e Py 20 a eT 8 a e498 mrs initnvm 'deruces events OATS INTEMVm BETMEEN EVENTS 0 ones inigave “sermecs events ‘3083 seez ! ws 67 onrs ras ‘$1 OATS max tae mm A Middleton Island October Middleton Island November Middleton Island December "OURS OURATION OF EVENTS HOURS OURATION OF EVENTS MOURS DURATION OF EVENTS joo ae age joo@ en te aa eo 400 q 0 ; x 0 70, 60 “60 so so aol ay 30 | 30 20 20 3 7 igh oO. «iF 16 _20—=«ae eto eee) ae 7 ae OATS INTERVAL BETMEEN EVENTS OATS INTERVm BETWEEN EVENTS 3596 . 3862 Legend Wind direction/diurnal variation mye 204 O85 00.03 Gut 19.22 Local 06.09 Gat 01.08 Gat 07.10 Locat te,21 out 136 Locat aS sw Ow WIND O1RECTION Nw CAUR ~ — Number of observations. Bors show percent frequency of wind direction (8 pts) by hour (GMT and Local Time) Data are based on 100% for each hour-group. Loca, - ® indicates < 05% but >0. 12137 ~— 0 indicates no observations in the category. . — —(22% of the wind observotions for the hours 18 and 21 GMT (13 ond 16 Locol Teme) had a direction from the northwest.) 102 / Map - Vector mean wind Direction of flow toward station dot; vector magnitude in knots (example: vector mean wind is from northeast at 102 knots or 11.7 mph) Cordova January || Cordova February Cordova March April 5 une st se Se ino ov'mect Om Cordova October Cordova November Cordova December Sees oss. see ons. Legend Wind speed/direction Map - Wind speed thresholds mt percent frequency of winds observed from each tron. Speed frequency (bottom scale): Printed figures represent percent frequency of wind BLACK LINE - Percent frequency of wind speed <10 knots (S12 mph) speeds observed from each direction BLUE LINE - Percent frequency of wind speed 234 knots (239 mph) The scalar mean wind speed on the graph is based on the number of observations . (1% of olf were from the S with o 22.27 knots) reporting a wind speed with direction. The sum of the totals line provides the cumulative percent frequency of wind speed below o selected threshold valve. In The scalar mean speed was 9.4 knots. the example graph, 71% of all winds were less thon 17 knots (20 mph). i; Number of observotivns. 70% of winds from all directions had wind speed 248 knots.) WIND SPEED INTERVAL (KNOTS) ’ O3 | 46 | 7-10 | 11-16 {17-21 |22-27}28-33[34-40] 41-47} >a! ° 4 7 NW 220 28 34 At 4B Printed scale on bottom of chart cats rors 3a a) abe WIND SPEED (KHOTS) Cordova January 0_10 20 30 40 % 9 60 76 80 90100 Ne 3-1 1+ 6 iS 1 + . TS tee eel B12: reel « : 4.2 5649 Totacs (S6.1715 9 2 + + os O 4 7 11172226 34 41 48- WIND SPEED (KNOTS) eordovs February h. © 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 80100 So eee o4711 0 22 28 34 4148+ WIND SPEED (KNOTS) Cordova March %, 0_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 IE + Pwinie + 1 2 9 8 1 1 1 1 NW : 7 a; 4.6 CALM TOTALS [46.22 20 Lis 047 722 34 4148+ WINO SPEED (KNOTS) 6412 bee Cordova April x 0_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 Cordova May x Q_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 TOTALS oe 28 2 8 hee 28 344 wing SPEEO (KNOTS Cordova June x, Q_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 7 1117222 WIND SPEEDO ( ze Cordova July % 0_10 20 30 40 50 60-70 80 90100 7 11:17 22 28 34 4148+ WIND SPEEDO (KNOTS) Oo 4 Cordova August Q_10 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 90100 CALM TOTALS Cordova September 0_10 20 30 40 Ea 60 70 80 190100 caun 3 4.4 5971 | TOTALS [46.26.20:7 1 + +) 0 4 7 11172228 34 4146+ WIND SPEEO (KNOTS) Cordova October vA O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 2 3:1 + i i 04 47 1117 22 28 34 4148+ WINO SPEED (KNOTS) Cordova November 7. 0_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 0 4 7 111722 28 ( WINO SPEED Cordova December x Q_10 20 30 40 S0 60 70 80 90100 “4.5 6164 gL $O:19:18:10:2 + O 4 7 111722 28 34 4148+ WINO SPEED (KNOTS) TOTALS Yakataga January % Q 60 70 80 90100 Yakataga February x, 30.4959 69 70 £9 3u1" Yakataga March %. 0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90: : + pn u ip hee 4 2 1 + + 4 NE mm 28 + ce bi 3 9 Lieie . 12.3:3 leisies SE mm she lilieie + SW he le 1 toe wt 22s | [2 S:3:¢ ‘ NW me 4568 | caun Wo : 7.4 :. : roracs (30.24.7017 72 + ot. 146+ 04 7 gt gbe 22 28 34 31 43 ) WIND SPEEO (KNOTS) April Yakataga Pp Yakataga May June 0 10 20 30 40 <6 60 70 80 90100 % 0_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 85 90100 nelizibie 1: 2:2 * NE Csi iets bye oa & gr lel +o shy 3.2 01° PE 34 143 x 0.10 20 30 40:50 60 70 80 901. co | | NH : & 4104 | CALM 17 6.9 422 : 222, eer TOTALS (26.202 Torars (29.24.2417. 4,1 +. _| 0 Pipi? ha gd at aae a4 0 4 7111722 28 34 4146+ WIND SPEEU (KNOTS) WING S WINO SPEED (KNQIS) “Jut | ¢ September Yakataga y Yakataga August Yakataga Pp % 0 18-20 30 49 50 60 70 20 90100 nl2 i %. Q_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Toracs (37.20.2 047 WIN 116.5 lie 1117 22 28 34 4 O SPEEDO (KNOTS) 45H. 1 48> + prey i t 7.30 4845 21,20,20.6 2) 6 6 0 4 7-11:1722 26 44 41 aie WINU SPEEU (KNOTS) : = - | | Yakataga O14 y (60'S § cme Ne Wee 4 eS SE fp tit sititit toes SW Psa “a CALM TOTALS 047 28.24 21 November % 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 86 go1C S 2:lis¢ 83 2 + y 77 1772 1117 22 28 344 4411 WIND SPEEDO (KNOTS) December TOTALS [28.22 21.19. 7 047 WIND SPEED eu 1 (KNOTS? Middleton Island January [ Middleton Island February Middleton Island March % 0_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 Q_10 29 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 7, x 4 O_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9010 01020 30 40 $6 60 70 80 3010 | Neg! 23.2 Woe 2223222 N 2:3 NE lee 35:3 NE beget 4:8. 2:2 1 ries | NE 24 \ cee 4 5:5: pe 463 4 QL ieee] 12 4. Y 3333 ; 2532 I ; 3 i SE men SE jem Verartd SE \eeees-i-2-3 ' : slg: ti2i2it S faa 1:2:3/ Li biels \ gtbili2 : | ‘ | te . + + 1} 1 SH mw! 2:2:1 . SH pe! 2:3-101 | SW wee | 3. wig 12 2. Lisi eieieis Peril 2:bilieie'e are | = + We : | We é { tpg A tt Nw 1.2 2 de dbisievies | t- 1:2 j = = 1 NW | “6 3685 ws 14.2 3354 | = 12.9 3710 | CALM oy { CALM pp : { Toracs (810.2024 1 16 436. 62 ToraLs [8.10.20 2815135 2 + «| TOTALS (1013. 23-2714 8 3 +) 4 TTLIT 2? 28 Sea Aas O 4 7 11:17 22-28 34 4148 0 4 TTT 3 38 Fea 48+ WINO SPEEDO (KNOTS) WIND SPEED (KNOTS) WIND SPEEDO (KNOTS) —— - Middleton Island April Middleton Island May Middleton Island June 7. 7. 0_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 % O_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 7. O_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 2 3 6 | 1 6335. | 2 3:1 | : : | 2 351: ' W ee 2 4 3.1 * | ae Ni pe 22 t | 2h aes a ia “11.7 3897 | CAL pe. cL cermet kee CALM 7 8:8 3867 | TOTAL sl 25.2811. 6 3 -| TOTALS 22022249 24 3 i 4: 2ieiei | TOTALS L624 31 22. ‘S. 2 7 "7 be pe aa Tia 4 7 11:17 22 28 34 4148+ placate eeaaaiaee WINO SPEED (KNOTS) WINO SPEEO (KNOTS) WINO SPEED (KNOTS) Tr 7 = Middleton Island July Middleton Island August Middleton Island September 0_10 20 30 40 & 60 70 80 90100. 1:2 | 2:2:1 | $:6:3 ‘ $iSi2 i st 3.4 Blois | : 2.-5°6 4 Lilies t ; Sk a : . , : peg gies Me : ree + oe af Na Pits Wi 22 Boned it i2ilieds | cA Picea eta CALM pg eee CALM reer ee TOTALS 19:28 321g 3-1 +) + : TOTALS US 26. 31. 18. Ss! 2 + TOTALS ULL19.28 25 9:5 suf 0 4 7 111722 28 34 4148+ 0 4 7 111722 26 34 4148+ 04 a TET 37 083 eal e+ WIND SPEEO (KNOTS) WIND SPEED (KNOTS) WINO SPEEO (KNOTS) 7 1 a — — —_ Middleton Island October “Middleton Island November Middleton Island December %, 0_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 o 47 WIND SPEEO (KNOTS) 1117 22 28 34 4148+ 7. 0_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 roracs (7.9 21.28 1612 4.3.1] 0 4 7 1117 22 28 34 4148+ WIND SPEED (KNOTS) I % Q_10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 a: WIND 11 17 22 28 34 4448+ *SPEEO (KNOTS) Legend 9 z . 2 ° z z = 08 o Wind speed/diurnal variation ov oe n o7 tat [ ReSISRIORR Yer Pst Bis we —-——— Number of observations x Mean wind speed (knots) by hour (GMT and oe Local Time} and for all hours ao > (The mean wind speed for the hour 21 GMT (16 Local) wos 20 knots | arias! a Goan “ Map - Scalar mean wind BLACK LINE - Scolor mean wind (knots) In areas of high persistence of direction, the magnitude of the vector meon winds should closely approach that of the scalar mean winds As most of the morine observations are recorded at six hour intervals, disregard the plots for other than 00, 06, 12, 18, GMT hours on the marine area graphs Cordova Cordova January Cordova February March : 7 sing SP£60-g1ytney venir oy eect ieee baja oreo erteseateeeiny eg ae cco usp ot |] os ss ptitige { | ! »————_+—____}_.. [pend 9 ny | 7 * Las aa — 3 i 370 ere 9's L 3 : a dio die z i | | s 2 | 2 } oar tae 88 sta bn — 0 03 te 280 me oar oe fe oem Pe 8S not tere oes. vine See “oes. Cordova . sepeon : : sespien i x» + - ~ %” 2n | | | | ge in I | | Lm | FS x [ i | : | x, Se | ro : Cele eeiag Eo ae = gro bo = = Spec eece eee cee eee ———— : aye ef ey es a, 2 me Pe ee a a ae i _ Cordova July Cordova August Cordova September MIMD SPEEQ-O1URNaL ¥OR]aT ION s sing SPO: 2iyewmy genyatjgn * TL 7 MIMD 3PECO-O1yRNm venation | | | ” = t zn| | i—— | Sa fs i | | | | 7 : er ; ' : = B | | | | gis s 8S i 3 a : 7 | | et de { de | | ee T = T s ~ ; a 7 Boleereaee | . s i t > | | ° i i ra —t i _.__J car 00038 os i? 1s 18 2100 mL a CT a 3 8 8 oF oo T0888 88 a a tea oR Soa oa ne Tate “oes. a tee 8 8 oe oo iis ‘as. vie Tati oes. We — aaa Cordova October Cordova November Cordova December 7 eis S°U09-21yeee saszaryon s wing sPc¢o-o1vtnay vanyatign Fs Sung SPE69-o1utney venyarjoe SPACED 1 ~ tit ot | : 7 7 | | i | | | ; ges | | ges —— t 3" 370 | | 70 + | 220 ba Ba geeee eeeee eee eee i, | 3 2! 2 + z Gee eee ees ; | ; z Zio Zio z | | | ¥ | : s a Hee reer eee 7 et + : : ; tte . ; a7 8 8 8 : ae Bae Sty kf fear ee wo) 8 8 ge a sé a Middleton Island Middleton Island January Feoruary Middleton Island March 5 wip $°c0-piyoum vasiation ne ing sree cium vaniaron T 7 T i 1 » 0 +. +. . ee Bes on eo 3 3°] i : ff i 970 Bef 5 5 | 3 3 Jo a ® ¥ s 7 oe oar = vocm | [ middleton Island April Middleton Island May Middleton Island June — eg iets eel % = INO eres i = . ving $t60-s1yemes senses yon »” = = i 0 : Gee ? | t a 3 t j +. + a EEE SES . ff oe te 7 7 { 2 |e eee ee ee ill, | i beso es eae as te teem tet} 90 3 ok Oke te oar —eo 0) 0 08 1s 8 a 0 ror a Drie “oes. rime tom te) 98) oe oe Dey “oes. tim 307 “ons. rine | 7 Middleton Island July || Middleton Island August Middleton Island September inp setta piugem, vamzariow inp SP6¢0-01pNm venjar ign nate : Sea aries te 0 res + + : 3 e ie P x 320 4 i | ? 7 gk Le = eSee : Gar 00 o cTy oF 2 S$ a et BOB ge a BRS Re ee ey rsa ees a ——— = Middleton Island October |} Middleton Island November Middleton Island December 7 wing 371 one vee jer ow 7 IND SPECO-Divenm venation " MIMD SPEEO-O1 RNB, vARJAT 1 OH 7 | eee eeee| | a : | j oy | | wo | + + Sees r cee | = : ! ! = Z i "7 | l t 7 27 t - 70 T 1 : 5 | 5 ee ee a 7 {fo 3" =I: ee oe : . 2 2 . ; is | | ee | eral eee Spey | | | ' ‘| [| eee : = | | ional tar 00 1 1 ¢ Risch Perens nb aod re See 8 og koe res w 8 2 8 8 oe s es oe aM 2% 3 8 oes oh aN yar 08s. tame Yakataga 3 sin vrteggivgom vamyanyge January Yakataga s inp SPEeo-pivenoy yanjarjow February | Yakataga os wimp $°660-91yem i March worrar:gy | \ j i | | | | | i | | aot = {___ » | 1 + - ; ' : | nl ! | i ‘ en cf { t | Pe + t 2 ; po | i | | | |e | | i | 20 , 1 ¢ + T | 5 j i | 5 | | | | 3h + : zs T 7 j a} i | | : i | l | : |) s t —— eS ee ee | meee eeaeene™ a a ar a iso “oes. 1k Yakataga April Yakataga May Yakataga June 8¢— MIND SPECQ-D1yRme, -68,atjow 7 3—— ee ee s eer yaRjariom %0 t . ” + + + » ) aa \ | | - | as 3" T t 22s + + j rl [eee : | BaP aie ferences} ¢ = oro ail A] ei fT : 5 is : + gis} q's ry | o =‘ | Zio eee . : —— dio - = dio [7 z z eo i i . = oes s i : = s ‘ + : | i | ea a | t ao ~ H ioe cnr 08 3 6 ‘sear og me Sate 03 8 08 13 as to teen See eee tee “be aes” eee a a L sea | S b Yakataga July Yakataga August Yakataga eptember a 7 Te eee ” Pee tee Cte | 30 +—____} 7 % Le = | al aes ; | 2 | ' | i i z | | er0f———p ' er 3" ees 2 | i | 5 : ’ | : Sep ! e" 3 ; i \ | | He : | i eet cceeeee meer eerie : oer eee eee s i ores 5 : i — I | | if ’ . So or 00 oO 6 o9 az Ty 18 2 00 mL oe 8 zs eat OG me | corm 4 i? 223? ta, car 0G 03 OG OS?) SS 702) 2 08h i “5828s. Time Voce mon 1 8 8 Yakataga Yakataga November Yakataga December = [sso Srep giana, ‘ MIND SPECO-Divenay venation 7 MIMO SPEED-O1yenm, vaniat iow | apes Ee cee J ss : | j - i Zs +. + ges = ges 2 i : ' 370 feces reese eee 37°} + 7 320 + 5] 5 5 gro > | 7 , gro 7 go - T + t 7 Seer eer fcc Se tT [ .ocm ote ” 20 2 oz os oe au “ LOcm 16 wW 20 2 oz u tT corm te ” 20 a oz os oo u “ “sa “ons. ne a oes. we vate "oes. a Legend Wave height/direction Direction frequency (top scale): Bors represent percent frequency of waves from each direction. Height frequency (bottom scale). Printed figures represent percent frequency of wave heights ™ © _10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 observed from each chon (5% of oll woves were from the N.) |-+ indicates < 5% but >O. ~ -- (1% of oll waves were from the S with heights from 6-7.5 meters.) ~ Number of observations. a 2 -(2% of the waves from all directions hod heights 210 meters.) 7 WAVE HEIGHT INTERVAL me lo. 13.19120-25126.21 2934 “toet hist 3.35145 5167 5/895] 210 1 2 3 4 é 8 10° roras rr re Printed scale on bottom of chart WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) BLACK LINE - Percent frequency of wave height <I5 meters (<5 feet) BLUE LINE - Percent frequency of wave height <25 meters (<8 feet) Marine Area D January 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 woh 3 2b dee mo NE yoo i ell. 4 3.2.6 SE me 3 2 1:e + | sbleS S:ililie Sw 1 4 4° 2) 1-6 . whtes 3:52:31 P13.3.2:2.1:¢ NX Bisse CALM 8630, ci eials TNDET pp See tae TOTALS (10 34 27:14:12 o12 34 6 8 10+ WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) Marine Area D April 7, 0.10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90100 i CALM — TNOET pe oa Totacs (LL 41.2613 7 o72 34 WAVE HEIGHT fi+ieie | : : 3 J i. 1 | 6 81 (METER — Marine Area D February Marine Area D March a + i t, 60 70 80 901900 0.102030 4050607080 50:00 | | Bi2ilie:s i 4 = 4 Loe 1 Pitisieie S 1 . he. 4 2+ | eg 82 22 tees bosieie | P1igiai2i2iais ' SE ! 2. lisie j See 4:3 16 | ! : — ey 271 SW tes 5:31 * | } 2:bie 1.6:6:2:2:1 ; i 1 4 me acne an lieie ! Nn bed 4:2 20+ 10% | | vie | calm em Sy Peres | | TNOET pp)... : opie: 4 Totars [8 31291612 3 11+ 1010) totacs [8.35.28 16:10 2 1:+ 1169) O 1 2°53 4 6 6 10+ 1 2 3 4 6 610+ WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) Pear 7 Marine Area D May Marine Area D June %, nbiilis + | 2:2iliciele i NE ps | 12°64: 1 is | men j [2°84 2176 SE | s | 3-9 4°52 1 +6 | ? 1 | Sw 2a 32 2 oe | Wee FIs + | Nae ee calm aM op oe es TNOET pp Toracs (20452010 4 1+. 1606 0 1 2°53 4 6 86 id+¢ WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) Marine Area D July 0 40 50 60 70 80 S010 Marine Area D vA Q_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Pe Ne 2-114 6 | NEw pinaiees 1 e722 2:3 2.136 | <a ” . | 3 21 : \ 2.6 wo 4 { lie | * 1 1 | * jie | vie le | rie lis | wie | . { S314 41 1627) ToTALs (22.47.22 8 2 + 1857 3 4 6 8 10- ot 2 3 4 6 8 i0- WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) BUSES REISS ESSE IS SRE SSESE SES eae aS ee EeIned Marine Area D October Marine Area D November %, 70 8¢ 30100 0.10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90190 Pililie | 2.3 4 6 810+ WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) Q_10 20 30 40 S0 60 70 80 90100 Lilie:eiete | NW esa cau Poy ey 1 TNDET py . | Toracs [19 49.21:7°3 1 +: 1499) 012-3 4 6 610° WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) Marine Area D September x. Q_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9010: - ae | tie | los | livie | Tiere | liels ’ los : lie NOET peat if ToTacs (12.39 2812 7 2 + 1401} Ooi 2 3 4 6 610- WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) Marine Area D December 4, 0_10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 iorenliniete otal 1i2i2itieie { NS Sok { we pl: 4:2: di lie | © is | eil4 43 2 Lite I = ; SE i @i2i2itieciec } sift i Ai 2i lilies I =e ; SW ms $:4 2:1:1 | wilieS: 513i 0p tists | ae Nw gl 3 452.2. 058 | CALM See lie 7 TNOET iy j torars (6.31 291710 4 1 1 1355) 01 2 4 6 6 10 WAVE HEIGHT (METERS) Legend Wave height/period Percent frequency of occurrence of wave period and height — ——— -(2% of observed waves hod o height of 1-1.5 meters and a period of 10-11 seconds.) +} — ——+ indicates <5% but >0. 4 7 —Number of observations. ‘ t Waves ore selected on the basis of the higher of sea and swell J when both are reported. If both heights are equal, the wove with 4010 the longer period is selected. BLACK LINE - Percent frequency of wave height >35 meters (212 feel! BLUE LINE - Percent frequency of wove height >6 meters (220 feet) BLUE NUMBER - Maximum observed wave height (meters) Marine Area D January PERIOO (SECONDS) MEIGr Tl 6- | 8- 1O- | 12- CMTRS <6} 7 3 ey 13) 13] INO O--S} 7] +} +! 1} OF Of] 3 + vs] 17) e] si) 2 orf 22s} 6! 9] s| al af a} 4 1 Marine Area D February PERIOO (SECONDS) HEIGHT {6- {@- | 10-) 12.) inmesy <6) 7] 9 { Marine Area D March PERIOD Mirae tar HEIGHT | 6- 1e feiss wet a nn} Bas NO | | 6 + | 0 Of 2 Sto 4} : 2) si 1 _— t 2-25; 9] 8! 6) 2! if 1: ay salt toto gas} af §) 3! 21 yi oo eee ty ess} tf 3) 3) 1) oni ei | fT] of of a Faoluif al af 2) ef a ial at 225) 8) Bl 14S <6) 7/ 9 Hy) 13) 913 wo | 2{ «| +] of of s 21}12| st} af a] «fT 2 6 + 4, 2) +f ata T + [ Marine Area D April Marine Area D May Marine Area D June PERIOO (SECONDS) PERIOD (SECONDS) PERIOO (SECONDS) HEIGHT [ts | 8- j 1O- | 12. | HE I GH 6- | 8- 10- | 12- | HEIGHT) |8- [8 | 'O- | 12-{) | | intest <6} 7| 9} aa} alors INO CMTRS (MTRSH <6] 7} 3} Mt) 13) >13 1 No: o-.5) 13) 2] 4) 1] 0} ol s titan 115) 24) 14) 6] 2) 2! «t af real el a) al at ata it 2-2-8, S| 7! a} 1 oy; ee SH 4 3-3-5; 1} 2}—Ht—+} ++ + #85; 4, Ji ef a] se; Of 0 - a + | | : | | 1} | | +] s-7.s| 0} ttl 0| +| 7 6-7-5 OF «| O) +: +: 2) | | | | ee eos! a) «| «| al «| of ol e238] 0) 0) Oo] + 0] 0] 0 8-3-5; 01 O} +! Of oF oO oO — —— — t “nol ol of of o| oo) ot no} of oO} +{ of +; of o no} 0) of of of of of o 0/0] 0} of oj o of o 1301 1671 Is42 _] Marine Area D July { Marine Area D August Marine Area D September PERIOD (SECONDS) PERIOD ( SECONDS) PERIOD (SECONDS) HEIGHT 6- |8- ''0-!42- \ HEIGH [8 |8- | 10- j12-} HEIGH 6. |e 1o- | 12- | | intrest <6 7| 9{ ui] 13] >13 | 140 | cntRst <6] 7] 9 13) >13 | 1No coast <6) 7] 8] tt) 13} 213] ino Smo — 1 o--s| 9! 1] +] «| of o| a4 o--s] 20] 2) 1} 1] Of o] 7 9--5} 16; 2] +] | Oo} oO} ! | rus} 24] 16} 6) 1] 2} +] 1 1-1-8] 23! 14] 4] 1} 2) TT 1 i1-S} 20} 10} 3) 2] 1} Zz ves] ala} 2) a) lal ees] si 9] «| a} a] a] = 2es| mio] s] 2] 4 a —_-->— >) 1 + xs} af} af aj et of «fol 2-35] 2} 3) if al a} ef 3-3-5] 2} 3] 1 yosf a 5.5] 6) | +) +] 0 o| a oss} +] a] ol « +| +| 9 ess} a] 2] 2] a) «|e 0 | s-7.5| | 0] 0} 0} o| o| 0 6-7-5} O/ O} +] +/ o| «| 0 6-7.5 oO} +] at o+t «ft %] oo 8-9.5) O 0 0} 0] 0! 0| | 8-3-5} 0] 0 o| o| 0} uj o 8-9-5} 0; O| +} of of +] o - . xo] of of of ol 0] o! o x0] of of 0 0| a} al o vo} 0] of of of of o| 0 1716 1618 1447 a Le a Marine Area D October Marine Area D November Marine Area D December PERIOD (SECONDS) PERIOO { SECONDS} PERIOD (SECONDS) FEIGH 6- | &- 1G- | 12- | HEIGHT 6- = 10- [7 HEIGHT | 6- 8- 10- | 12- UMTRSY <6 7 9} tty 13fe13] ino | cmTRs | <6 | 7 3 uf '>13] ino CMTRSE <6 7 9} tt} 13) 213] IND 1 o--s} 6f i] «| +! of o o--s} 5] «| + a 7 a] 2 os} S; 1] +1 0] of of 2 rus}ie) af af af al. vesfi7] of al af a] | 2 testis! af af af af fa zest} 710} ef 2] af 1 2-2.5| 6/ 3] 6} 2] a] +f 2 2-2.5| 7/10! 6| af al al a —t + xasf 3) 6) 4) al aya was} 2) 4) 4) 2] a] «fa 3-3-5} 3) 8} si 2] a] a] + ess} als af af 4 «ss! if af a] al +f ess} af 3] 3) a] af sf 4 + — T tT t t T 8-7-s} Of if a} af a] ef. 8-7-5 | o} al aj al ef al a 6-7-5} of 1] a} af «| a] ol sos! g 0} of of «| «| ol 8-9-5) O] 4 +} +] 0] | 0 8-3-5| 0] Of «| +] +] «| 0 no} cf} of «| of of «| o v0} of} 0] -{ of of | v0} of a} of af oj a] o 1377 1296 | 1368 VIRILITY DAA 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 |=1,800 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 74 74 74 #74 74 75 75 | 21,500 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 |>=1,200 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 |=1,000 91 93 94 94 94 94 94 z 85 87 87 87 87 87 87 |= 900 92 94 95 95 95 95 95 = 87 89 90 90 90 90 90 |= 800 |$ 93 95 96 96 97 97 97 = 88 91 91 91 92 92 92 |= 700 2 93 96 97 97 97 97 97 £ 90 93 93 94 94 94 94 |= 600 8 93 96 97 98 98 98 98 = 90 94 95 95 96 96 96 |= 500 93 97 98 98 99 99 99 = 91 94 96 96 97 97 97 |= 400 93 97 98 99 99 99 99 “91 95 96 97 98 98 98 |= 300 93 97 98 99 99 100 100 91 95 97 97 98 99 99 |= 200 93 97 98 99 99 100 100 91 95 97. 97 98 99 100 |= 100 93 97 98 99 99 100 100 91 95 97 97 98 99 100 |= 0 93 97 98 99 99 100 100 Data are presented for all months and all hours. A ceiling exists when the sky is more than half covered with clouds. Due to the cumulative nature of this presenta- tion, itis possible to determine the percentage frequency of occurrence for any given limit of ceiling or visibility separately, or acombination of ceiling and visibility. The totals progress to the right and downward. The frequency of occurrence of a particular ceiling height may be determined independently by referring to totals in the extreme right hand column for each station. The frequency of occurrence of a particular visibility range may be determined independently by referring to the horizontal row of totals at the bottom of each , station grid. The percentage frequency for which the station was meeting or exceeding any given set of mini- ma may be determined from the figure at the inter- section of the appropriate ceiling column and _ visi- bility row. Data compiled by U.S. Air Force, Air Weather Service CALLING ¢ Cordova Middleton Island K K or or F H BS TOT F H BS TOT Jan 6.7 00 O04 7.1 Jan 15.5 0.1 2.1 17.5 Feb 54 00 O05 58 Feb 11.8 0.0 1.3 13.0 Mar 3.8 * 04 42 Mar 13.8 * 0.7 143 Apr 48 00 * 48 Apr 13.4 0.0 * 13.4 May 49 0.0 00 49 May 19.5 0.0 0.0 19.5 Jun 10.1 0.2 0.0 10.3 Jun 18.2 0.0 0.0 18.2 Jul 17.4 0.1 0.0 17.4 Jul 23.3 0.1 0.0 23.4 Aug 15.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 Aug 23.0 0.0 0.0 23.0 Sep 128 0.0 0.0 128 Sep 18.3 * 0.0 184 Oct 58 01 00 59 Oct 12.6 ° * 12.9 Nov 49 °¢ * 5.0 Nov 17.2 0.1 * 17.9 Dec 50 0.0 03 52 Dec 10.1 0.0 1.2 11.1 Ann 8.1 * 0.1 8.2 Ann 16.6 * 04 17.0 Legend Percent frequency of occurrence of obstructions to vision is based on hourly observations F = Fog K or H = Smoke or naze BS = Blowing snow TOT = Total percent of observations with obstructions to vision * less than 0.05% Prepared from USAF Air Weather Service data, various dates. hr VAIBILITY DESEUCTIONS Legend Persistence of visibility <2 n. mi. Hours durotion of events - Days interval between events Cumulotive percent frequency of hours duration equal to or less than the number of hours intersected by the solid curve ~ (80% of the events hod o duration £216 hours.) Cumulative percent frequency of days intervol between event or less than the number of days intersected by the broken curve. — —— (88% of the events were followed by onother event in 28 days or less.) The maximum value(s) of hours duration and/or the days interval will be disployed when the groph limits are exceeded. : Durations and intervals for a particular month extend from the time t+ ae Ge 48 they begin (or the first of the’ month if already in progress) and ore terminated at the actual ending time, regardless of what month thot moy be ~~ Number of observations. Top and bottom scales are variable to allow for variations in the dato. Cordova ” ac BEIM CvENTS ere sage January mOuRs ouear ion OF CveatS opt Pe te oon Cordova February MOURS OURATION OF EVENTS siz ise 0 Cordova OURS OURATION OF EVENTS Siz ie e390 March Cordova m8 16 ti 37 09 OATS INTERVAL “BETWEEN EVENTS, 7212 $1? 16 25 OATS INTERWAL BE TMEEN EVENTS 83 i Cordova Cordova April May June 9 gS, QaaigN oF events 9 gett guarion oF evens of QUIN oF events 100 100 100 8s *s cod cd zo 2 7 7 80 60 so so! wot , st 30 2 : - i 2 St, qe Lea ae ors inteevay ‘serweee CvERS o Wha widen raeceeaas pave tnldavm ‘eeruece events tose ae 7387 84 oars nat Ta lears lay 49 onr3 max L — Cordova July Cordova August Cordova September Ce ee eo oe oa reenion w even Pm nate Wel llr 100 zs 7 100 100 al. * t i ” % | | 60}. 80 x 7 0 0 * so so 40} 0] 30 %0 2 Eetegeecescells 20 4 ss i ine 7 nS intenvay Getwees events“ oats initavac serweee events aes : were $1 oars max 49 oars max — Cordov | Cordova October dova November Cordova December 13 seat SOMME eT rte, et SMP re | seat OT ge, wl ? “” as ; : : ' 2 | x 0 7 80 0} 7) 0 so! 6 60 soy : so so. «ot fs wl “0 | sel} 20 re 20 eae ‘i a 4 i ‘OMTS IMTERVM BETHEEM EVENTS ° “eo o Middleton Island Middleton Island January February Middleton Island March ge oF evears FOURS OURRT ION OF EVENTS OURS outaTion OF years 2 ie tz tee jo08 te 0 jeeclh ite gee aes eg *s *s J ” ” ” 1” 2" rol r 7 «| « ro se so 80 | 40 0 0 . 30 20 2 2 ‘gl. a 5 8 = . sewers ove 7 C ofts inténraerwees events on = L Middleton Island April Middleton Island May Middleton Island June aot Senge oF res, soot annie green soot ge eet, 8 *s *s 0 0 0 1 ” ” 0 a »” © 7 % %0 c 40] ie 207 4 A aC SO pe Soars inttrym Germeteevers ons rertavag 'icrwet CvtHTS 47a arse Middleton Island July Middleton Island August Middleton Island September ee ee 9 56 Foe Ti week eal TY song ye cd © 2 LJ aT © eo « xe 20 egies ae g we Gevaert even ots inttavm ‘termes events“ ane cist $0 onr3 max SsrirAGXinEse EOS ASSESS SSUSSSOCEYT=SSSEEA| 7 Pas Middleton Island October | Middleton Island November Middleton Island December Outs OUARI ION OF CvENTS 7 : 400 ey ae et ie ge, ocd te ae ey oe * 4 ” ~ ~ | ee 7 % a ” oF S so ° i | 9 % 20 2 70 “ 4 ay Va iEnvm Herwee events 7 Onn rattovm ‘oe rarcn Yakataga January Yakataga February Yakataga March OURS CURATION OF EVENTS MOURS QURATION OF EVENTS g 2 ie 2 6 oO 6 ize ae . a a Co ee) a otra wnlbavm aerated ext oars inttavm, ‘Gerwees event oars saitevm Gemees ever sono sites S320 Yakataga April Yakataga May Yakataga June OURS QURATION OF EVENTS i OURS OURATION OF EVENTS OURS OURATION OF EVENTS too8 ete 3098 | 0% ea tO jeo% ee 308 9s Sees a. eed 9s ‘ J cy < 90 4 to %0 i 1 ro} : » wo} -/: * $0 50 tol fos ‘ol ool sof 20 > = = > 20 TC Re) tL, i 4 Screen events 9 ott initava, Serweoh events" ° omrs inténvac “serweew events sese ire eee ar rT Yakataga July |] Yakataga August |! Yarataga September at EI SO! a EE ETS ap ene gen, aid s 90 cy ! 20 eo 70 7 «0 © to to 4 a 20 Hy ie oT oars iwttnvm seme oes oo otis initnvm ener ees si8e a1 Yak | akataga October Yakataga November Yakataga December op de i 38 sea SUNS OF stata Sect icems cement a ie % %0 * ”° ad af) 0 ol 0 solf sol) wolf : xe 20 % 20 i oh 8 8 writer ee Oars inteava ‘berwece events“ 9 ones iitnvm “sermees events 3378 3358 $0 onrs max Fog/time and fog/wind direction - Number of observations Bor graphs represent percent frequency of Fog [without precipitation) for various hour Groupings and wind directions. Dato are based on 100% for each hour-group and direction Legend np-———____+_——__ —. as 20 ” . 10 : ° Gut 0903 Coat 19.22 “ 30 w20 10 — my me 3330 O88 1 oY Y ° w ssw WIND DIRECTION Reon colegory. [-* indicates <.05% but >0. ——}0 indicates no fog occurred with the wind direction [---—(Dote show thot 17% of all NW winds were accompanied by Fog (without precipitation).) ony Map - Fog BLACK LINE - Percent frequency of occurrence of all fog BLUE LINE - Percent frequency of fog occurring without precipitation The percent frequency of observations reporting fog with precipitation for @ given Point can be determined by computing the difference between the two analyses. Cordova January Cordova February Cordova March } * SCs ee I oe ing’ o1nect ion - y 3 ow seez ops. INO DIRECTION seen oes, April Cordova Tune ~Ae “CALA BLL x MEE Cee 3S oe a imo o1meCT iO Fata" 018€27 10m r Sy sl f° StS Se 6209 08s. 6428 oss. ies oss. MIMO DIRECTION Cordova July Cordova August |! Cordova September aT ‘mIMD DIRECTION StS Su eC MIMO DIRECTION Octo Cordova neces Cordova November Cordova "December st oss ma CARL SES Sew RAL ae mimo O/MECTION 966 ons. 8162 ons. a see MIMO RECTION Legend 100 90 10 70 oo % 50 Visib Nmw LL 4% << Judie 1 01td) 0191 x <3 <3 T<10) | <23 VISIBILITY I NAUTICAL mile fa NONE ssw ~~ , ility/wind direction Number of observations Sa percent frequency of visibilities less thon the visibility intersected by the curve. - -(37% of oll visibuities reported were <10 nautical miles.) The table below the graph indicates percent frequency of occurrence of visibility <2 nautical miles versus wind direction indicotes <5% but >0 0 indicates that no visil <2 nautical miles were observed with winds from o direction or calm No percentage is given if less than 10 observations were available for visibility and wind direction. An asterisk indicates thot the percentage sas bosed on 10-30 observations of visibility ond wind direction - =(13% of all $ winds were occomponied by visibilities <2 nouticol 1 miles.) Map - Visibility thresholds BLACK LINE - Percent frequency of visibilities 25 noutical miles BLUE LINE - Percent frequency of visibilities <2 noutical miles The percentage of visibility equal to or greater than o given value can be obtained from the graph by subtracting the cumulative percent frequency of tha! value from 100% Visibility at sea 1s difficult to measure because of the lack of reference points Also, some observers seem to report reduced visibiliies at night becouse of darkness, though this tendency has abated in recent years The coarseness of the coding intervals, however, tends to minimize serious biases in the summarized dato Visibilities greater thon 25 nmi should be interpreted cautiously becouse the earths curvature makes it impossible to see 25 nmi. horizontally from the bridges of most ships <2 <5 0. <25 January Cordova ccoruary 100 4 go (9843 j 80 70 60 %50 40 30 20 10 b os <A <A <1 <2 <5 <10_ <25 ZS0 Cordova marccn 100 90 60 70 60 40 30 20 10 = rey <2S y < ISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILE 1,2;3),4;0;2;2;241 N NE E— SE S SW W NW C <5 <10 <25 s VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILE 2) 3);6 410; 7;6,74 443 N NE E SE S SH WNW C Ss VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES 516 ;13;11) 5) 7410) 547 6) Byl7IS10j12;9 4; Sy7 [44 917;16)6 15) 44 314) N NE E SE S SW W NW C N NE E€ SE S SW WNW C N NE — SE S SW WNW C [ Cordova April Cordova May Cordova June 100 100 “ 618 i 2” 80 80 80 Co 7 70 a 2° we %50 “~S0 "40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10} 10 ‘0 . Cae <1 <2 <5 1d” <2 Mish <1 <2 <5 310 <25 vieaeiiliad tit acurlcal! Hices VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES 2, 3y1O; Ce; 3p 2p 3p 4d 4 +73; 3,4) 3 lye 0:3! Lisi 4pSiSiit 1116] NEE SE S SW WNW C NONE E SES SH aS N NE E SE S SW W Cordova July Cordova August Cordova September 100 100 100 go | 90 30 | 80 80 80 70 70 70 60 60 60 % S04 %50 %50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 chen <l <2. <5 <10 <25 OR <1 <2 <5 <10 25 Ope, <2 STO bs VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES 2,8; S911lySy3p2ylj7) S;8ylty Sp 3; iy2y247 474) 6j12; 8; 1p typ 3i3 N NE £ SE S SH WNW C N NE — SE S SW WH NW C N NE E— SE S SW W NW C Cordova October Cordova November Cordova December 100 100 (eoe6 hae 90 a rm ea 70; 70 70 60 | _ 60} _ 60 % 80> Taal a0 40} 30 |- 30 | 30 20} 20/ 20 10» 10f 10 f= Oars Oneal <2 <5 <10 <25 OG ReL <2 <5 S10 25 VISIBILITY IN NAUTICAL MILES 4; S9jllpltylty Sj; 94 8yS N NE E SE S SH W NW C Cordova \ Middleton Island R zR OS or or or L zu Ee TOT Jan 19.7) 0.1 9.0 27.9 Feb 19.4 7 8.7 27.3 Mar 16.0 0.0 11.6 26.1 Apr 198 0.0 54 24.1 May 27.3. 0.0 0.0 27.3 Jun 20.8 0.0 0.0 20.8 Jul 23.5 0.0 0.0 23.5 Aug 26.9 0.0 0.0 26.9 Sep 26.1 0.0 °° 26.1 Oct 25.3 0.0 1.1 26.2 Nov 28.5 0.0 3.0 31.1 Dec 20.6 = 8.8 28.6 Ann 22.8 8 ° 3.8 26.2 Jan 15.1 Feb 16.3 Mar 14.0 Apr 23.2 May 36.4 Jun 33.2 Jul 37.1 Aug 34.0 Sep 39.2 Oct 37.8 Nov 28.2 Dec 20.2 Ann 27.9 Legend Percent frequency of occurrence of precipitation by type is based on hourly observations regardless of intensity. R or L = Rain or drizzle ZR or ZL = Freezing rain or freezing drizzle S or E = Snow or sleet TOT = Total percent of observations with precipitation * less than 0.05% Prepared from USAF Air Weather Service data, various dates. Tre oF PRECIFTATeH 5 Cordova | 6 Middleton Island Snowfall Snow Depth Snowfall Snow Depth Annual Annual Annual Max Based Max Based Max Based Max Month on 8 Month on 8 Month on8& Month Inches Dec Months Inches Apr Months Inches Dec Months Inches Dec STrace 61.3 83.4 Trace 409 64.3 Trace 68.5 90.0 Trace 71.8 0.1-2.4 26.1 11.8 1-3 19.2 11.3 0.1-2.4 27.8 9.0 1-3 14.9 2.5-4.4 7.4 2.6 4-6 11.3 6.4 2.5-4.4 3.2 0.7 4-6 8.1 4.5-6.4 3.0 V1 7-12 15.2 7.2 4.5-6.4 05. 02 7-12 5.2 6.5-10.4 1.3 0.9 13-24 8.8 6.8 65-104 0.0 0.1 13-24 0.0 10.5-15.4 0.9 0.2 25-36 1.2 3.3 10.5-15.4 0.0 7 25-36 0.0 15.5-25.4 0.0 r 37-48 2.4 0.6 15.5-25.4 0.0 0.0 37-48 0.0 25.5-50.4 0.0 0.0 49-60 1.0 0.1 25.5-50.4 0.0 0.0 49-60 0.0 TOTAL 38.7 16.6 TOTAL 59.1 35.7 TOTAL 31.5 10.0 TOTAL 28.2 Legend Percent frequency of occurrence of Precipitation by type is based on hourly observations regardless of intensity. R or L = Rain or drizzle ZR or ZL = Freezing rain or freezing drizzle S or E = Snow or sleet TOT = Total percent of observations with precipitation * less than 0.05% Prepared from USAF Air Weather Service data, various dates. ’ SNOWFALL & SNOW DEPTH Phase I Report March, 1983 TES ecisvrar Coal Services Company APPENDIX E SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENT ee 1.0 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT This appendix provides additional detail on the potential socioeconomic and sociocultural effects of development of the proposed Bering River coal field on elements of the human environment in the city of Cordova. 1.1 Socioeconomic Assessment The following assessment provides a "first-cut" look at the potential affect of the proposed mine, port, and transportation system. The assessment is primarily qualitative and generic in nature since final decisions, or in some cases preliminary decisions related to the type of mining operation, the annual output of the mine, the time period to reach full production, the transportation mode, the residential location of the miners and their families, the mine work schedule, and similar points have not yet been made. Consequently, it should be understood that the information provided below will change as the project becomes better defined over time. The following paragraphs related to employment describe one possible employment scenario, direct employment effects, indirect employment effects, induced employment effects, structural change, and total employment. Items discussed under population include direct effects, indirect effects, dependents, and total population 1.2.1. Employment Scenario An initial estimate of the total construction workforce required to build the mine, transportation system, port, and possible townsite will range between 300 and 400 persons. The detailed engineering and construction is estimated to take approximately three to four years following an approved environmental impact statement. The construction workforce would be housed at a temporary camp near the mine site, with personnel being transported between the construction camp and the Cordova airport on their rotation schedules. The administration offices would be located in Cordova. The management and staff personnel at these offices would total approximately 20 to 40 persons. The size of the workforce (for mining operations only) will be determined by the type of mining method(s) selected, and the annual output of the mine. Table 1-1 estimates the number of operations personnel required by mine type and various production levels. The number of persons indicated in the table include the actual mine workforce, support staff, and management. TABLE 1-1 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES FOR MINE OPERATION By Mine Type and Production Level Production Level in Million Metric Tons Per Year Mine Type 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Open Pit 75 105 105 140 140 175 (Assumes 2:1 Stripping Ratio) Underground 130 250 370 480 590 700 (Continuous Miners) Underground 120 205 280 355 430 500 (Longwall) Source: Wheelabrator Coal Services Company, Personal Communication, February 4, 1983. The number of employees shown in Table 1-1 is based on an assumption that the production level is reached using only one of the possible methods when in actuality, because of the complex geology of the area, at least two methods will probably be used to reach a 3 million tons per year production level. Higher production levels will also affect the number of required employees in any given year. Table 1-2 presents a possible production schedule for the Bering River coal field assuming that the first year of operation is 1989. TABLE 1-2 Production Level By Year of Operation Year Metric Tons Per Year 1989 500,000 1990 1,500,000 1991 1,500,000 1992 1,500,000 1993 2,000,000 1994 2,000,000 1995 2,000,000 1996 and 3,000,000 thereafter Source: Wheelabrator Coal Services Company, Personal Communication, February 4, 1983. 1.2.2 Employment Effects The purpose of socioeconomic assessment projections is to estimate the effects of a project on selected economic variables in the affected region. While a number of economic indicators may be considered, employment is the indicator most commonly used, and the one addressed in this Phase I report. Direct Effects The identification of direct employment effects is fairly straightforward; it is the number of persons directly employed on the project. During construction activities the direct employment will range between 300 and 400 persons. The direct employment during the initial year of operation could range from 75 to 130, and after reaching full production could range from 175 to 700 persons. Table 1-3 shows the potential ranges of direct employment during construction and operation. The construction workforce can be recruited almost entirely with Alaska. Most of the labor will originate in Anchorage, the Matanuska-Susitna valley, and the Kenai Peninsula. The number of construction workers from Cordova is difficult to estimate. A potential barrier to local employment is the dispatching of workers from Anchorage union halls which would limit the access of local residents to jobs. However, a deliberate effort by contractors to employ local people could result in work for a substantial number. CNI and the village corporation of Tatitlek have construction companies that would be well situated to obtain subcontracts, as would other local construction firms. A great deal of uncertainty surrounds the question of employment of local and State residents in coal mining. The Alaska Department of Labor states that there is a surplus of individuals with the occupational skills necessary to operate an open pit coal mine, but a scarcity of persons with underground mining experience (Fried, 1983). Information from the operator of the Coronado gold mine near Hatcher Pass, Alaska corroborates this latter statement. The company operating the mine was able to hire Alaskans with underground experience but they also had to train local residents for these jobs. The mine had a large number of applicants for the positions and trained mostly young men from the local communities of Palmer, Willow, and Wasilla. The percentage of Alaskans who were trained by the company in underground mining as a percentage of the total mine workforce ranged from approximately 30 percent to over 50 percent and they were melded with experienced miners for an efficient operation (Hawley, 1983). Based on this preliminary information, residents from Cordova and a the State would provide all labor with the possible exception of managerial and supervisory personnel for the open pit mine. The level of local and State employment for the underground methods would depend upon the level of training provided. Indirect Effects Indirect employment results from the additional goods and services that are required by the project. In addition to the supplying of goods and services directly to the project those firms and organizations that supply these needs will also require additional production inputs. The additional expansion of production to supply the project and all subsequent expansions sum to create the indirect employment effects. The level of indirect effects is difficult to ascertain without information that has yet to be developed on the extent and nature of locally purchased goods and services. However, in general, the construction activities should result in a moderate level of indirect employment in Cordova. It is anticipated that most of the supplies and services for construction will come from Anchorage or Seattle and Cordova's indirect employment will be generated principally from transportation related activities. Construction material and supplies will likely be shipped or barged to Cordova and then transhipped by truck, plane, or helicopter to the construction site, at least until the coal shipping dock is completed. Hotels and restaurants are among the other businesses which could benefit from the project by providing services to itinerant crews, consultants, equipment manufacturers' representatives, and other project related personnel. The mine and construction management offices located in Cordova will also provide a modest stimulus for indirect employment and some services and supplies for this activity could be provided by Cordova firms. The initial level of indirect employment associated with operation of the mine would be expected to be approximately the same as the level of indirect employment that accompanied the construction effort. This initial level of indirect employment would slowly increase over time as local businesses saw opportunities to displace services provided by Anchorage or Seattle firms and expanded to meet the specific needs of the mine. Induced Effects The wages and salaries paid to mine workers and new employees of expanding businesses will become personal income increases to the Cordova region and the State as a whole. A portion of this increase will be spent on local goods and services which will further stimulate the local economy. Induced effects are the expansions caused by this growth in personal income. These effects are primarily felt in those industries that will provide services to the workers and their families, such as banking and restaurant establishments, and those providing goods such as grocery stores. The magnitude of the induced effect arising from the Bering River coal project will depend greatly upon the residential location of the operational workforce and their families. If a new townsite is constructed near the mine, some number of basic business establishments would develop there to meet the needs of the workforce and their dependents. The induced effect on Cordova would then be constrained to those services not provided at the townsite. These might include acute care medical services, better restaurants, and more shopping opportunities. In any event, the linkages between Cordova and the potential townsite would probably be significant. Local entrepreneurs would be well situated to support new establishments from their Cordova businesses and many of the basic establishments at the townsite could have direct connections with Cordovan firms. Cordova would experience the largest induced effect if the permanent workforce and their families resided in or near Cordova. Under this scenario, most of the expansion associated with personal income growth would occur in Cordova. The exception would be those specialized services and shopping opportunities available only in Anchorage and other large centers. The induced effects from construction will be limited. Construction workers will be housed in temporary camps and transported to the Cordova airport according to their rotation schedule with limited opportunity for spending funds in the community. The small number of construction and mine management staff located in Cordova during the construction period are not anticipated to result in measurable induced employment. The numbers are small and there should be sufficient capacity in present businesses to accomodate their demands without expansion. Accelerator Effects The accelerator effect describes the response of secondary (indirect and induced) employment to major development projects. According to this concept a major development will lead to substantial construction of new housing and other facilities. These construction activities will require a sizeable work force and in turn will have their own effects on the local trade and service sectors. The result would be major increases in secondary employment during the early years of the project followed by some reduction in secondary employment levels as the local economy stabilizes (Leistritz and Murdock, 1981). Figure 1-1 shows a classic example of the accelerator effect as measured by the number of housing units built annually in Valdez between 1970 and 1980. This construction boom was precipitated by the large rate of change in population in 1974 (Goldsmith, 1981). A decision to locate the workers and their families in or near Cordova would result in a very pronounced accelerator effect. On the other hand, development of a new townsite near the mines would significantly reduce the potential accelerator effect on Cordova. Structural Change More goods and services would be available in the region as a result of development of the Bering River coal field. According to Huskey (1982) there are two primary reasons for this expectation: First, the growth in regional income will change the tastes of the residents; as incomes increase, the markets for income elastic products will expand. Second, as the markets expand, local producers will be able to achieve certain economies of scale which will allow them to compete with goods and services from outside the region which must absorb high transport costs. This structural change will mean the multiplier will change as the market expands. Structural change will occur primarily within the support sector industries (wholesale and retail trade, services, finance, construction, transportation, communication, and utilities) but the degree of this change will depend significantly upon the location of the workers and their families. Major structural change would accompany the decision for the workforce to reside in Cordova and a lesser degree of change would occur if they reside at the project site. The proposed project would also create year-round employment in a community which has highly seasonal employment levels and will result in a change in the per capita income and purchasing power generated in the economy (Lane, 1982). Total Employment Total cmployment will be the result of direct employment and the secondary (indirect and induced) employment associated with the project. Preliminary estimates of total employment generated by a major development project can be obtained by means of an employment multiplier. Multipliers provide, at best, very general estimates of employment effects and should be used with caution since there are many variables that influence it, and a number of relevant decisions remain to be made regarding the project. However, given the limited amount of information presently available on the project and the preliminary nature of this report, an employment multiplier is a satisfactory technique for arriving at initial estimates of total employment. Previos OCS documents (Alaska Consultants, 1979) estimated a general employment multiplier of 1.47 for Cordova. As they stated, this is a fairly low multiplier, but not unusual ina community oriented to fishing and the seafood processing industry. This same report estimated that OCS onshore construction activities would have multipliers of 1.05 to 1.10 and that operation of the onshore OCS facilities which utilized Cordova as a support base and residential location for its workers would result in a multiplier of 1.50. This 1.50 multiplier should be considered as an upper bound to the potential employment multiplier in Cordova, excluding major structural change in the local economy. Recent work by Lane (1982) has shown that the "basic employment multipliers ... regularly overestimate the secondary employment impacts induced by a change in basic employment." The response of local businesses to the demands of the proposed Bering River coal field project can be expected to lag the 10 actual change for several reasons including the timing required for construction and investment, and the expectations of local entrepreneurs (Huskey 1982). This response lag has been estimated at three to four years by several researchers (Stenehjem, 1977 and Leistritz and Murdock, 1981). As a result, it should be anticipated that peak secondary employment, and therefore total employment will not be acheived until three to four years after the peak direct employment is reached. The description of construction activities for the coal project and the distant location of the construction workforce at the minesite indicate that the Bering River development will have multipliers which are similar to those of onshore OCS activities. Given a 300 to 400 person construction workforce, these estimates would indicate an increase in secondary employment in Cordova of 30 to 40 persons. Total employment during construction would range from 330 to 440 persons. The timing and magnitude of the operational multiplier will be greatly influenced by the workforce residential location decision. If the decision is to locate the workers and their families at the minesite the Cordova employment multiplier associated with the project will be low since at least most basic services would be provided at the townsite. If the workforce resides in Cordova the multiplier would be expected to increase above 1.47 over time due to a structural change in the economy. Information is not yet available that will permit the analyses required to determine reliable construction and operation multipliers for the project. However, in order to discuss total employment in this report, and in view of the information provided in the sources cited above, a range of 1.2 to 1.6 seems reasonable for the operational multipliers. The multiplier of 1.2 for Cordova assumes the workforce is located at the mine site. The higher multiplier assumes that the workforce resides 11 in or near Cordova. This latter multiplier starts at 1.3 and increases over time to 1.6 to partially address structural change and lagged response. The accelerator effect is not addressed in this calculation. A multiplier of 1.1 is utilized during the construction years. Due to the reasons described above, the estimates of total employment shown in Table 1-3 should be considered only as indicative of the orders of magnitude of employment that may occur. These numbers should not be construed as representing the actual change that may take place. 12 TABLE 1-3 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF TOTAL EMPLOYMENT Year Multiplier Direct Secondary Total 1987 1.t 300-400* 30-40 330-440* 1988 1.1 300-400* 30-40 330-440* 1989 1.2 75-130* 15-26 90-156* 3 75-130 23-39 98-169 1990 1.2 105-250* 21-50 126-300* 1.3 105-250 32-75 137-325 1991 eZ 105-250* 21-50 126-300* 1.4 105-250 42-100 147-350 1992 1.2 105-250* 21-50 126-300* 1.4 105-250 42-100 147-350 1993 1.2 140-480* 28-96 168-576* 1.5 140-480 70-240 210-720 1994 les 140-480* 28-96 168-576* 1.5 140-480 70-240 210-720 1995 1.2 140-480* 28-96 168-576* 1.6 140-480 84-288 224-768 1996 LZ 175-700* 35-140 210-840* 1.6 175-700 105-420 280-1120 and thereafter. * Direct employment resides at mine site. 1.2.3. Population Effects Direct Effects The proposed Bering River project will generate new job opportunities and thereby create incentives for local residents to remain in the community and for other persons to move to Cordova. 13 This will result in a larger population growth in the community than would occur without the project. The direct population growth will consist of the migrants who are hired for project jobs as well as migrants who take jobs vacated by Cordova residents who were hired for the project. Key variables in the determination of the direct population include the response of local residents to increased employment opportunities (increased labor force participation rate) and the ratio of local workers to immigrants (the larger the number of local workers, the smaller the population increase). Data from the 1980 Census (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1982) shows a labor force participation rate of 70 percent for Cordova. This is a high rate for Alaska and implies that further increases in the labor force participation rate may be limited. Consequently, the number of unemployed persons, approximately 110 in November, 1982 (Alaska Department of Labor, 1983) represents the majority of positions that could be filled on the project by Cordova residents (excluding those residents who shift jobs) before non-local workers are required. A consensus among Cordova residents seemed to be that very few local persons would be directly employed in the mining activities, but that clerical positions, some construction related jobs, and longshoring jobs were the most likely occupations for local hire. A survey done for U.S. Borax and Chemical Corporation's Quartz Hill molybdenum mine near Ketchikan indicates that the inclination for Ketchikan residents to apply for jobs at Quartz Hill is influenced by the the residential location of the workforce. A new townsite option had the lowest response while a seven day commute option had the highest response (see 6.2.5 Summary of Interviews for additional detail). 14 Indirect Effects The indirect effects are influenced by secondary employment generated as a result of the project. Population growth will be affected by the number of migrants who are hired for newly created secondary employment jobs, and migrants who serve as replacements for local residents who shift to other secondary employment jobs. The discussions presented above regarding the labor force participation rate and the number of unemployed also apply to the secondary employment requirements. Cordova residents believe that secondary employment offers a better opportunity than direct project employment for hiring local residents. Dependents The total population effect is determined by the number of migrants who seek jobs and the number of dependents who accompany them to Cordova. Demographic studies of energy projects in the Lower 48 and Alaska confirm that workers immigrating as a result of resource development are younger, and less likely to be married and with fewer children than the current population ina region. Based upon the construction camp concept under consideration at this time, very few dependents, if any, will accompany the construction workforce to Cordova. Some dependents would accompany the project management and construction management staff that resided in Cordova. Dependents would be anticipated to accompany migrating workers who are part of the operational workforce. Goldsmith (1981) estimated that for recent migrants to the State, "...the number of nonworkers (dependents and unemployed) per employed person was -67, and the number of dependents per individual in the labor force was .50. These figures are approximately one-half of the 15 average dependency ratio for the resident population." The difference between the number of nonworkers per employed person (.67) and the number of dependents per individual in the labor force (.50) is the result of other members of the same household seeking employment. An estimate of those dependents who will seek employment is important to a determination of migration associated with secondary employment since the additional employees in a household will be able to take indirect and other employment generated by the project and subsequently reduce the number of new secondary workers and their households migrating into the area. Total Population A modified population employment ratio was used to estimate population growth. Other methods were investigated but it was judged that development of more detailed models at this preliminary stage of the project with a number of decisions yet to be made would not significantly improve the accuracy of projections made by the population/employment ratio. Based upon U.S. Census data, Cordova had a population/employment ratio of 2.0 in 1980. But as discussed above, migrating workers have will have a lower population/employment ratio than current residents. Table 1-4 assumes that the population/employment ratio of operational workers will be 1.7, and the ratio for construction workers will be 1.2. No attempt is made to allocate this population between a new townsite or Cordova in the event that the workforce resides at the mine. 16 TABLE 1-4 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES OF TOTAL POPULATION Year Total Employment Total Population 1987 330-440 66-88 1988 330-440 66-88 1989 90-169 153-287 1990 126-325 214-553 1991 126-350 214-595 1992 126-350 214-595 1993 168-720 286-1224 1994 168-720 286-1224 1995 168-768 286-1306 1996 210-1120 357-1904 and thereafter. 1.2 Sociocultural Assessment The intent of this section is to provide a preliminary assessment of the social effects of employment and population change on Cordova, and a summary of items related to the proposed project as expressed by local residents. 1.2.1 Introduction The assessment approach used in this report utilizes estimates of projected demographic characteristics of immigrating workers and their families as indicators of the sociocultural affects that occur from economic development and local population growth. This approach is based on the perspective of human ecology which advocates that there are demographic bases for problems of sociocultural conflict or incompatibility in communities affected by major resource developments and that demographic projections 17 provide a valuable tool for estimating future social change. In this study, numerical estimates of employment and population change are only used as relative indicators and the final assessments of sociocultural effects will be addressed by a working group of local citizens and professional social scientists who are on the project team. Baldwin (1977) has proposed that immigrants and current residents may have different demographic characteristics, and that these characteristics will result in differences as to: "(1) service needs such as those for housing, recreation, and education; (2) types of social organizations related to capacities for, or constraints to, reaping the benefits of rapid economic development and social changes (e.g., employment and income); and (3) attitudes, values, and cultural perspectives." However, according to Paldwin, "sociocultural conflict" centers around the "different demands on local services"..."that often ensues with rapid growth and development" and the other factors are secondary. 1.2.2 Services Service needs are generally evaluated in socioeconomic assessments but the rationale for identifying services as a sociocultural problem area is that local governments must decide how revenues will be allocated to cope with immigration associated with the project. Populations with different structural characteristics usually require different types and levels of services. Where significant age differences exist, there would likely be different levels of demand on education, health services, law enforcement, and recreation. Differences in the sex ratio could require different levels of recreation, law enforcement, and housing services. The provision of services, therefore, needs to be coordinated with changes in population structure. 18 Studies of Valdez (Baring-Gould et al, 1976) and Fairbanks (Dixon, 1978) confirm the importance of community services in responding to population change. The Valdez report stated that "... most people in Valdez clearly recognized and anticipated a temporary increase in social problems and personal inconveniences" [such as crime and alcohol abuse]. "On the other hand, relatively few had anticipated the demand that would be placed from a rapidly expanding population on the conventional community services. In Valdez these were the areas that were the most strongly affected by impact, namely the availability of housing, sewage disposal, groceries, and telephone service." The affect of the proposed Bering River coal field development on community services will largely depend upon the magnitude of the population increase in Cordova, and the ability of the community to respond to this increase. Location of the project workforce and their families in Cordova could strain some of the existing services, particularly housing which is already considered a problem by current residents. On the other hand, service systems which are operating below their capacity would be enhanced by the presence of an additional population base. These services would include the hospital and possibly the school system. Location of the project workforce at the minesite would substantially reduce or eliminate the need for expansion of several community services. Some services, such as the hospital, may experience higher utilization even if the operational workforce and their dependents reside at the mine. The long lead time before mining activity commences gives the community an Opportunity to plan for expansion of necessary services and have such systems available before the immigration of the project labor force. However, it should be realized that expansion of the housing stock and other community services is not predicated solely on development of the Bering River coal 19 field, but that continuation of historic population growth trends in Cordova will also require expansion of these systems. 1.2.3 Social Organization Social organization is a broad concept referring to the patterns of behavior which bind the different parts of a community together. Baldwin (1977) has suggested that there are six key concepts that address the abilities of different populations to interact in a community. These include social and political participation, educational and job opportunities, and income and dependency. These concepts and their applicability to Cordova are discussed below. Social and political participation ecompasses the involvement of new and indigenous populations in various organizations and activities. The study by Baring-Gould et al.found that newer residents had much lower participation rates than long-term residents in the various political and formal social organizations in the community. During construction activities older residents increased their activity in community affairs, small private entertainments, and family events, and reduced their restaurant and bar socializing. Newer residents have since assumed positions of local leadership on the city council and the school board in addition to other organizations in the community. (Baring-Gould, et.al., 1976). Similar events would be expected to occur to some degree in Cordova if the workforce and their families resided in the community. The population increase anticipated with the proposed mining activity is much lower than the pipeline related population increase and the permanent mine related workforce would be more easily assimilated than the transient pipeline construction workforce so the affects on social organization would be much less. If the permanent project workforce were 20 located at the minesite the affects on social organization would be rinor. Rducational and job Opportunities refer to the differences in skills and attributes between populations which influence the ability of a particular group to benfit from tho Opportunitics provided by development. The Baring-Gould report indicated that there was relatively little shift in jobs by long term residents and that this was particularly true for those persons employed in the higher status and more secure jobs. lowever, those in the less skilled and more insecure occupations sought employment on the pipeline as represented by the fact that "507 of those working as laborers in skilled Or unskilled employment had changed jobs" (Raring Gould et al, 1976). As proviously stated, there is a great deal of skepticism regarding the number of local residents that would be qualified for, or train for mining related jobs. The number of local residents who would tale such jobs can not be estimated at this time but, based upon experience with other major development projects in Alaska, those who do apply for such jobs would bo: oO younger © without established careers o if married does not have children at home oO has worked as a laborer, and oO is not a college graduate (Kruse, 1979), These persons would also have a "value set which is amenable to large sacrifices in time with the family, large increases in time spent on work, and significant decreases in things like leisure time" (Kruse in Alaska Division, 1976). pansion of secondary employment Opportunities is thought by most Cordova residents to offer a greater potential for hiring of local residents. If the permanent workforce and their families reside at the mine, the majority of secondary jobs will be located at the new townsite which would reduce the potential employment level of Cordova residents. If the workforce resided in or near Cordova, the expected expansion and structural change of the local economy would provide an increased number of opportunities for current residents. These jobs would occur in the lower level or entry level positions in the service industries and would provide additional opportunities for women and others who have been traditionally excluded from the labor force (Dixon in Alaska Division, 1976). Kruse and others (1979) identified a number of characteristics that describe a resident who would be employed in a new secondary job associated with a resource development project. These characteristics were: ° married ° without children at home ° male ° young oO not employed in a professional-technical, managerial-administrative, laborer or service occupation ° interested in more personal economic benefits ° not strongly interested in small town living conditions ° interested in leading a self-reliant life style, and ° interested in more community growth. Income and dependency refer to differences in purchasing power and social and physical mobility which are primarily reflected in measurements of income, family size, and age. Based upon the experiences in Valdez and Fairbanks, two generalities regarding income could be predicted for Cordova. First, increases in income would not be constrained to those working on the mining 22 project. Increases would be anticipated throughout the general conmunity but particularly in the lower income groups, and Variances: of income in the community would be reduced. Second, the goneral income levels of community households would remain higher than for inmigrants, although immigrants would be more likely to experience larger increases in real income (and larger income declines). As discussed previously, workers who move to new comnunities in response to resource development projects have fewer number of dependents, and are younger in age than the current residents. Sources cited in Goldsmith (1981) found that the age structure of nigrants was heavily weighted toward the 20 to 29 age group. This age group is socially and physically mobile as witnessed by their response to cconomic opportunities, but this mobility will change over time. As Coldsmith points out: The immediate population impact may be smaller than the long-term cffect. The dependency ratio for new migrants is low, but as they age, they tend to settle down and start families. Consequently, the birth rate may rise. 1.2.4 Attitudes and Values Attitudes and values are the most abstract of the items discussed in this Sociocultural Assessment and the possible differences between populations regarding these items are extremely difficult to assess at this stage in the project. Nowever, some general findings from the report by Baring-Gould (1976) based upon the affect of pipeline construction on values and attitudes, and other studies can provide some insights. First, residents have retained their traditional ideals even though they traded some important values during the construction period for long term economic stability. They still desire a 23 small community with all of its benefits combined with a high standard of economic well being. The desires of Valdez and Cordovan residents for the future of their respective communities seem similar: "...one which is economically viable but still permits them to hunt and fish, pursue hobbies around the house and join in community and family activities." Second, personal lifestyles were marginally changed to avoid stress but friendships and associations remained and the overall lifestyles of long term residents were not greatly altered. In fact, pipeline construction "...actually has served over the short run to reinforce these values and lifestyles." Kruse (in Alaska Division, 1976) stated that the primary consideration of recent immigrants and residents of Alaska is the same, namely to be independent and start something new. The secondary considerations were different between these two groups. The long term residents came for "wilderness, curiosity about Alaska, to be in a small community, and to be self reliant." The more recent immigrants came for "income, a challenging job, and then wilderness and curiosity about Alaska." Similar differences would be expected between the operational workforce and long term Cordova residents. 24