HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUPPORTING INFO - Napaskiak Cost QuoteIntelligent Energy Systems, LLC 110W. 15th Avenue,Suite A • Anchorage,AK 99501 (907)770-6367 • iesconnect.net •(907)677-1886Fax City of Napaskiak Cost Quotation for Reconnaissance Study and Wind Assessment to Develop Conceptual Design for Wind+Solar+Battery+Diesel Power System Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Energy Systems Project Overview The community of Napaskiak is located on the east bank of the Kuskokwim River, along the Napaskiak Slough, 7 miles southeast of Bethel on the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta. The city has a total area of 3.5 square miles with a population of about 500. The City would like to know the economic viability of installing wind turbine generators for its electrical generation facilities and to develop a feasibility study and conceptual design for a hybrid renewable energy-diesel system. To do this study will determine the wind resources available at 50 t0 80 meters about ground elevation, where average wind speeds are more suitable for development. To assess the community’s wind viability the City is proposing to install a reference 50m meteorological tower as well as a LIDAR or SODAR meteorological unit to simultaneously collect and correlate wind data across the community at heights greater than or equal to 50 meters. This proposed monitoring program will evaluate specific sites in and around Napaskiak. Napaskiak can then serve as a reference station for other communities that want to explore wind as an energy resource. The monitoring program needs to be conducted over 12 months. Monthly wind resource reports will be produced with a final report summarizing the data collection and opportunities for the application of low inertia wind turbines on taller towers. The City of Napaskiak has requested IES to conduct the necessary activities for a Reconnaissance Study that results in a Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design Report for the hoped for hybrid renewable energy-diesel system. A prior wind resource assessment was conducted for the Community of Napaskiak in 2013. There are several factors which indicate that the community and the surrounding communities could benefit from a re-evaluation of the wind resource in this area. This proposed project is responsive to both a local and regional need to develop renewable resources as well as evaluate the potential for expanding effective ways to harvest wind energy across the state, and specifically where diesel costs are very high. Napaskiak has a $.70 residential rate according to the FY21 PCE report. This proposed study is especially relevant considering advances in wind technology, which have demonstrated the economic viability of large rotor diameter wind turbines on taller towers and the price of fuel in Napaskiak. The previous wind resource assessment was conducted using a 30 meter tower. That earlier study –already10 years old –indicated that wind resource was marginal, and at the time, less than what was needed to economically deploy wind power. However, the community is located only ~20 air miles from Bethel, in similar terrain and topography, where there is a definite commercial wind resource. Extrapolating the wind resource from earlier studies to higher levels, say 50 to 60 meters, is estimated to be significantly improved beyond 5.6 m/sec. The re- evaluation of the resource is proposed for the following important reasons. Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,usedor copiedwithout the express written consentofIES,LLC ENERGY SYSTEMS Page | 2 Wind technology, specifically for low wind speed, has and continues to improve. The 100 kW wind turbines recently installed in Atmautluak, and Kwethluk are installed on 40 and 50 meter meter tilt-up towers respectively. These turbines are equipped with low inertia, high efficiency 24 meter rotors are able to harvest wind energy across a broad spectrum of lower average wind speeds. Technical developments are underway from several companies to increase this and other 100 kW machine’s rotor diameter to 30 meters. These advances are designed to improve turbine capacity factors in low wind speed regimes, (4.0 m/s measured at 30 meters) in the 30% range. Additionally, more development is underway which scales these platforms to the 40 meter rotor and 250 kW range. Technical improvements in rotor efficiency, increased rotor diameter combined with taller guyed towers are making the use of wind power in communities like Napaskiak, and other nearby communities with more moderate wind resources, are potentially economically viable. 1. The community of Napaskiak, as other nearby communities, have few renewable energy opportunities, beyond wind and solar. Solar is unlikely to provide sufficient energy to meet the majority of the community’s needs throughout the year, or represent significant potential for large scale fuel displacement. The fact that Napaskiak is close to other communities with a viable wind resource (Kwethluk, Bethel), provides this potential and it’s why IES is proposing that the potential for wind resou rce at or above the 50 meter height is possible for Napaskiak. 2. This study proposes to install and instrument a 50 meter meteorological tower in Napaskiak. This tower will be installed with navigational lighting, and used as a subregional reference tower. A Lidar or Sodar unit will be placed in various locations around the community to collect simultaneous data, and compare the wind potential at various heights and locations around the community. This method will benefit the community by more accurately defining the actionable wind resources. This work requires installing both an instrumented 50 meter wind monitoring tower and a Lidar or Sodar unit. The 50 meter tower will serve as the reference station and the Lidar/Sodar unit will be moved around the community to identify the most optimal sites. Together the taller met tower, and the Lidar/Sodar unit will be used for simultaneous correlation of wind speed, temperature and wind direction and shear data at rotor reference heights 30,40, 50 meters and beyond. The project is designed around the installation of a traditional 50 meter met tower, with FAA paint and lighting. The mast will be instrumented at 20, 30 and 50 meters. The wind resource met tower measurements will be correlated with a 3D scanning lidar unit to provide a vertical wind profile excess of 80 meters. The Met Tower will serve as reference base station, and Lidar/ Sodar unit will be deployed at different locations across the community and to nearby communities validate higher level wind speed measurements. The Lidar/Sodar unit may be redeployed approximately every 3-4 months to prospect for efforts to improve and test local wind conditions. The base met tower data and Lidar/Sodar data will be correlated for direction, speed, and shear. Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,usedor copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC The wind resource assessment provides crucial information for wind energy development. Legacy technologies, and legacy studies which employed 20 to 30 meter met masts, have shown limitations, and with today’s improved turbines, projects in particular in the Bethel region can be viable. This study proposes to use a combination of reference met tower (50 meter) plus a LIDAR/Sodar unit to correlate time series vertical profiling to accurately and more rapidly and rigorously, validate the wind resource in Napaskiak. While the reference tower is fixed, the Lidar/Sodar unit can easily be relocated on a periodic basis to prospect for the most productive location in the community. Once Napaskiak has been accurately characterized, the Lidar/Sodar data can be used to accurately define the resources, reduce deployment costs, and improve decision making. Because this region has limited renewable resources, this detailed study will be of great value to Napaskiak and surrounding communities, both up and down river. Project Details Site Location and Description The community of Napaskiak is located on the Kuskokwim River about 7 miles from Bethel. Phase 1: Reconnaissance Study The Reconnaissance Study will focus on collecting data and analyzing Napaskiak’s current diesel system and wind and solar resources along with electric and thermal load data. These baseline data will then be used to create a conceptual design for an energy system that integrates wind/solar/battery with the current diesel system. A detailed cost estimate and financing plan will also be included in the final Reconnaissance Study Report. Tasks will be to analyze the availability of wind and solar resources; and collect and analyze electric and thermal load data; evaluate the capacities of the current energy system; create a conceptual design to integrate renewable energy (i.e., wind, solar) and technologies (i.e., battery energy storage, electric thermal stoves) into the current system; provide a proposed cost and financing report/economic analysis study; assess environmental factors (including land ownership and permitting needs); and lastly analyze the data and provide community members with the best and most complete information available to support decision making for future energy planning. Task #Milestones Task s Start Date End Date Deliverables 1 Preliminary report and project Plan Collect studies and mechanical electrical drawings related to existing base system Identify site condition, community information Research and writing to develop a project plan and site description. Within 1 month of start Within 4 month s of start Base systems, as-builts and energy studies Base System Design Documentation Binder Draft Conceptual Design Fee: $16,000 Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,usedor copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLENERGY SYSTEMS Page | 4 2 Procure monitoring equipment Within 1 month of start Within 4 month s of start Equipment and Shipping Invoice Equipment:$15,000 3 On-site data collection Travel to site with team to verify site conditions Confirm as-built drawings and survey electrical distribution, select site Data collection plus travel to Napaskiak from Anchorage with a project team consisting of an electrical engineer, diesel mechanic, project manager and research assistant Within 1 month of start Within 4 month s of start Condition report System condition5HSRUW Fee:$14,000 Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,usedor copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 5 4 Install monitoring equipment )LHOGVXSSRUW7KLV LQFOXGHVLQVWDOOLQJD UHIHUHQFHZHDWKHUVWDWLRQDW WKHSRZHUSODQWDQGHOHFWULF ORDGPRQLWRULQJHTXLSPHQW DQGGDWDORJJHUDQG VHQVRUVIRUZLQGVSHHG GLUHFWLRQVRODULQVRODWLRQ VHQVRU(VWLPDWHGGD\V RIHTXLSPHQWSURFXUHPHQW WUDYHOSHUGLHP 'DWDJDWHZD\IRUORDG LQIRUPDWLRQDWSRZHUSODQW 0DSRIHOHFWULFDO GLVWULEXWLRQ Within 1 month of start Within 6 month s of start Installation report on monitoring equipment Load profile Distribution PDS Fee:$35,000 5 Options Analysis and Cost Estimates 'HYHORSGUDIWRSHUDWLQJ GHVFULSWLRQVRSHUDWLRQVDQG PDLQWHQDQFHH[SHFWDWLRQIRU SURSRVHGZLQGVRODU EDWWHU\V\VWHPVLQFOXGLQJ H[SHFWHGVLWHUHTXLUHPHQWV UHPRWHWURXEOHVKRRWLQJDQG GLDJQRVWLFVWUDLQLQJ DFWLYLWLHVDQGDVVLVWDQFH ZLWKPDLQWHQDQFH 7HFKQRORJ\VXUYH\RI SURSRVHGZLQGVRODUDQG EDWWHU\V\VWHPV Options Analysis Within 3 month s of start 12-18 month s from start 'UDIWRSHUDWLRQDODQG PDLQWHQDQFH GHVFULSWLRQVIRUK\EULG GLHVHOV\VWHPV Identify potential system components HOMER and PVWatts analysis Fee:$13,000 Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 6 6 Feasibility and Conceptual Design Report &RPSLOHDQGZULWHUHVRXUFH DVVHVVPHQWV &RPSLOHDQGZULWH FRQFHSWXDOGHVLJQ &RPSLOHDQGZULWH SURMHFWHGFRVWVILQDQFLQJ Within 6 month s of start 18 month sfrom start 5HVRXUFH Assessments Conceptual Design Projected Costs/Financing Fee: $11,500 Total Fees & Equipment:$104,500 Wind Assessment: Feasibility and Conceptual Design This project proposes to erect the meter tower in an open area of the community, with good access for future development and likely close to current distribution lines, to ensure integration into the current system can be as cost effective as possible. This study will determine the best potential locations for wind turbines in the community, and determine the impacts nearby vegetation likely has to affect measurement of wind from the northwest, north, and northeast. Wind Monitoring Equipment The wind monitoring equipment consists of a guyed 50m tubular steel mast. Anemometers are mounted at the 30, 40, and 50 meter levels. Direction vanes are mounted at the 40 and 50m levels. A data logger and temperature sensor are mounted at 2m. The data logger is equipped with a cellular data transmission device which transmits recorded data to an email account on a daily basis. The configuration and type of instrumentation will include site photos, vegetation heights and types, GPS, location, elevation, and sensor descriptions, orientations, logger type, collection channels and installation and placement details. A LIDAR Unit: WindCube® type or equivalent, will be mounted on a small trailer with an accompanying power supply. Both the NRG data logger cell modem. The Lidar/Sodar unit will initially be deployed adjacent to the met tower, and then redeployed to other locations across the community. The tower installed is anticipated to be installed during the Fall 2024 and the monitoring program conducted through 2024-2025. Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 7 6HHSDJH$IRUGHWDLOVLQFOXGHGLQ&RQFHSWXDO'HVLJQ5HSRUW This scope of work includes: •Permitting for Installation and instrumentation of a meteorological tower •Equipment rental •Location of Wind Cube, or equivalent, trailer •Establish cell communication and data collection •Daily downloading of data •Resource analysis •Monthly data comparison and performance estimates •Relocate Lidar/Sodar unit to identify potential development sites •Provide 4 quarterly reports •Final Report and Removal of tower and equipment Wind Shear Analysis and Vertical Extrapolation The 50 m wind data was extrapolated to 80 m hub height for wind flow and energy yield modeling. The measured data was used to determine power law shear exponents and log law roughness lengths in 12 direction sectors. Then the directional frequency distribution will be used to calculate a weighted average shear exponent and roughness length for all wind directions. Due to the location and ground cover around the met tower, the wind resource will be evaluated by comparing wind potential measurements from the Lidar/Sodar unit with reference plane displacement (RPD) shear analysis extrapolated to hub height of selected wind turbines. With RPD and Lidar/Sodar measurements from various locations, both the height and proximity of trees are used to calculate an effective offset of the ground surface to account for wind flow over vegetated and forested areas. Following the summary shear analysis and extrapolation, the correlated met tower/Lidar-Sodar reference plane data can be extrapolated to other selected wind sites and compared to various hub height and power curves of low wind speed turbines. (Frontier 24, Frontier 30, EWT 61). This level of study is expected to determine and confirm the estimated hub height wind speed at which the average annual wind speed is in the 5-6 m/s range. The ratio of long term hub height wind speed to measurement height will be used to scale to wind speed, direction and frequency distribution for subsequent wind flow and energy yield modeling. Wind Flow Model The Wind Atlas Analysis and Applications Program (WAsP) will be used to extrapolate the hub height wind resource data from the measurement site to each of the wind turbine sites. The long term hub height wind speed and direction frequency distribution, described previously, will be used along with ground elevation and aerodynamic surface roughness data to produce the WAsP model. Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 8 A discreet wind resource file will be calculated for each potential wind turbine site at which the Lidar/Sodar is located. Because the Lidar/Sodar unit is portable, the Lidar/Sodar measurement unit can be redeployed on a monthly or quarterly basis to compare resource productivity from multiple locations around and outside of the community to produce comparative energy yield models. From a met tower reference site in Napaskiak. Milestone 1 –Procure Equipment to Project IES offers to supply and install a fully functional wind monitoring tower with new, calibrated anemometers, as well as a Wind Cube Lidar or equivalent unit. The unit will be equipped with an I-Pack for daily downloading of wind data. The equipment will be needed for 18 months. Milestone 1 Total $194,000 Milestone 2 –On-Site Assessment Report IES will prepare a plan for base system design and instrumentation procurement information needed for this effort. Milestone 2 Total $ 12,000 Milestone 3 - Install Equipment in Napaskiak Equipment will be installed in Napaskiak on a fixed price basis. The installation will consist of the following tasks: •Install anchors •Assemble and erect towers •Program loggers •Activate cellular loggers •Prepare site installation report Assumptions: •Sites are level and cleared and are accessible by skid steer and trailer •Equipment will be delivered to Napaskiak by barge. •Ground isassumed to be appropriate for the use of screw anchors, embedment with up to two anchors per guy and 4 per tower base. Tower base will require a ballasted foundation frame. •FAA permitting requires painting of tower and the installation of navigation lights, which require ordering. Milestone 2 Total (Tower Installation)$ 41,000 Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 9 Milestone 4 - Monitor equipment, perform QC on data and submit monthly report $2000/ month/site/12 months Additional Equipment needed Cell phone/ ISP - $160/month 2-3 redeployments of Lidar/Sodar Milestone 4 Total $ 39,000 Milestone 5 - Prepare final report Milestone 5 Total $ 24,000 Milestone 6 –Remove equipment Equipment will be removed from Napaskiak; estimated early October 2025. Tower Removal Milestone 6 Total $ 32,000 Cost Summary –IES Wind Resource Assessment Milestone Calendar Year Total 1 Procure Equipment to Project Q3 2024 $ 194,000 2 On-Site Assessment Report Q3 2024 $ 12,000 3 Install Tower Q3 2024 $ 41,000 4 Data managementand Lidar/Sodar redeployment Q3-2024 thru Q3- 2025 $ 39,000 5 Prepare Final Report Q4 2025 $ 24,000 6 Remove Tower Q3-Q4 2025 $ 32,000 Total $ 342,000 Deliverables:IES will provide monthly summary reports on the wind data as well as an annual wind resource assessment report summarizing the extent of the wind resource. Schedule:The equipment will be installed before September 30, 2024, if Authorization to Proceed is received prior to March 1, 2024. Period of performance is 18 months. The contractor can commence work with a purchase order or a commitment letter from a City official. , Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 10 BENEFIT of NAPASKIAK WIND ASSESSMENT An accurate understanding of the wind resource at higher elevations is necessary for determining wind system viability. The data analysis will enable accurate evaluation of resource potential and choices optimized around parameters of interest such as turbine production compared to local and regional reference sites, These options will be compared to the diesel operational base lines and evaluated with respect to the community’s goals. The turbines that will be part of this evaluation includeEXWDUHQRWOLPLWHGWR: •Frontier, 24.4, and 30 and EWT 54, 61 The final report will include an estimate of expected annual energy production from thse turbines at various locations and configurations as potential renewable energy sources for the community. The report will also include an initial construction cost estimate for the most productive options. The outcome of this project will provide a basis for determining the economic viability of wind energy for this and other similarly situated communities in the Yukon and Kuskokwim regions. Project Timeline and Schedule: The table below summarizes timeline, milestones and deliverables associated with this quote. Milestone Task Deliverables Projected Completion Date 1 Procure Equipment to Project Procurement verified 3monthsfrom start 2 Plan base system design and instrumentation procurement On-site assessment report 3monthsfrom start 3 Installation ofmonitoring equipment Monitoring system report 6monthsfrom project start 4 Data collection and analysis Options analysis report 12 to 18 monthsfrom project start 5 Wind Resource Modelingand site report &RQFHSWXDO design report 18 monthsfrom project start 6 Remove Equipment Removal verified 18 to 20 monthsfrom project start Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 11 $PODFQUVBM4ZTUFN%FTJHO3FQPSU 5IFGPMMPXJOHJOGPSNBUJPOGPSUIFQSPQPTFESFOFXBCMFFOFSHZTZTUFNXJMMCFEFWFMPQFE t 8JOEBOETPMBSSFTPVSDFBTTFTTNFOU t 5FDIOPMPHZPQUJPOTBOBMZTJT t 1SPQPTFETZTUFNDPOGJHVSBUJPOT t &TUJNBUFEBOOVBMFOFSHZQSPEVDUJPOGSPNSFOFXBCMFHFOFSBUJPO t 1SPKFDUDPTUFTUJNBUFT t &DPOPNJDGFBTJCJMJUZCBTFEPOEJFTFMCBTFDBTF t .FUIPETPGJOUFHSBUJPO t 4JUF1MBO t (FPUFDIOJDBMEFTLTUVEZ t 4ZTUFNSFBEJOFTT 4VNNBSZPGDPODFQUVBMEFWFMPQNFOUBOEPQFSBUJPOTQMBO 1FSNJUT t -JTUPGBQQMJDBCMFQFSNJUT t "OUJDJQBUFEQFSNJUUJOHUJNFMJOF t *EFOUJGZBOEEJTDVTTJPOPGQPUFOUJBMCBSSJFST &OWJSPONFOUBM 5IFGPMMPXJOHFOWJSPONFOUBMBOEMBOEVTFJTTVFTXJMMCFBEESFTTFE t 5ISFBUFOFEPS&OEBOHFSFETQFDJFT t )BCJUBUJTTVFT t 8FUMBOETBOEPUIFSQSPUFDUFEBSFBT t "SDIBFPMPHJDBMBOEIJTUPSJDBMSFTPVSDFT t -BOEEFWFMPQNFOUDPOTUSBJOUT t 5FMFDPNNVOJDBUJPOTJOUFSGFSFODF t "WJBUJPODPOTJEFSBUJPOT t 7JTVBM BFTUIFUJDTJNQBDUT t *EFOUJGZBOEEJTDVTTPUIFSQPUFOUJBMCBSSJFST 1SPQPTFE/FX4ZTUFN$PTUTBOE#FOFGJUT 4VGGJDJFOUDPTUJOGPSNBUJPOXJMMCFEFWFMPQFEUPEFUFSNJOFBDPTUPGDPOTUSVDUJPOBOEUIFGJOBODJBM CFOFGJUTPGUIFQSPQPTFETZTUFN BMPOHXJUIQSPKFDUFEEFCUGJOBODJOH #VTJOFTT1MBO *OJUJBMQMBOTXJMMCFEFWFMPQFEGPSPQFSBUJOHUIFQSPQPTFEQSPKFDUTPUIBUJUXJMMCFTVTUBJOBCMF "EEJUJPOBM*OGPSNBUJPOGPSUIF$PODFQUVBM4ZTUFN%FTJHO3FQPSU 1BHF" Project Team The following individuals and organizations will be the technical support for this project. Intelligent Energy Systems, LLC Tony D’Aoust (Lead Project Manager and Assessment Specialist) Is responsible for all Milestones being accomplished. For over 20 years Tony has specialized in remote solar and battery installations and operations, primarily aboard marine research vessels deployed for 3-6 months at a time. Deciding to transfer these skills and capabilities to remote communities, Tony is supporting these communities’efforts to increase their sustainability by reducing dependence on diesel fuel. His work includes the first ever installati on of Alaska’s coastal remote powered autonomous HF radar system; this design was later incorporated into similar Antarctica deployment. In addition to being well-versed in remote renewable energy systems, he has substantial experience working with research teams from universities and federal agencies requiring detailed documentation of the projects for which he is responsible. Tony will lead the IES team to coordinate feasibility and conceptual design activities by drawing on experience with over 20 years of experience in remote Alaska. IES intends to establish the same level of on-going commitment to Napaskiak as it has to other remote, rural communities in Alaska. (All Milestones and Tasks) Terrance Meyer, Mechanical Engineer is a veteran of renewable energy having run his own development company and consulting company as well as working for some of the major players in the field.Hisinspiration washydro power,internedin solar power,grew hiscareer with the wind energy boom, and has supported community scale and biomass projects. He has participated in assessments for hundreds of renewable energy projects and various technologies. These include system design, strategic planning, feasibility studies, due diligence investigations, performance testing, technical and financial analyses, product development research, market analyses, and patent writing. The projects have been a wide varietyof generation technologies from utility scale to distributed generation and include wind, hydroelectric, biomass, pumped hydro energy storage, ultracapacitors, batteries, renewable fuels, cogeneration, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, hydroelectric, in addition to conventional energy technologies. (Co-Lead for All Milestones and Associated Tasks) Carl Brothers, P.E., (Power Integration and Wind Energy Specialist) President of Frontier Power Systems.Mr. Brothers is the former director of the Atlantic Wind Test Site, Canada’s premier wind energy test facility. He has been responsible for the development of over 100 MW of large scale grid connected wind systems and is familiar with the full range of wind technologies. Mr. Brothers has evaluated the performance of over 20 wind turbines, and is responsible for some of the most successful community scale and off grid wind diesel systems in Eastern Canada. Mr. Brothers has been responsible for design improvements to mid-sized wind turbines, and is familiar with cost, deployment, installation and integration issues. He is involved with the growth of high penetration wind diesel systems across the Arctic. Mr. Brothers Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 12 will assist with equipment and site selection, evaluation of data and comparison with similar projects in other parts of the Arctic and Alaska. Mr.Brothers will assist with program design and site selection. (Reconnaissance: Milestones 4-6 Consultant; Wind Assessment: Milestones 1-5 Consultant) Dale Letourneau (Electrical Engineer), with more than 30 years of electrical and power system design experience in Alaska. Dale has experience with controls, switchgear, electrical distribution, and power systems integration design, and has worked with IES over the last 15 years. Specializing in standalone power energy generation and grid integration. Dale has managed large and small projects across Alaska, and his projects benefit from his years of practical experience, working with his family’s electrical business. (Reconnaissance: Milestones 4-6 Consultant; Wind Assessment: Milestones 3, 4 and 5 and Associated Tasks) Greg Egan (Senior Solar PV Specialist),President of Remote Power, Inc. Fairbanks, Alaska. Greg was the first NABCEP certified PV installer in Alaska and a journeyman electrician. Over the last 25 years, Greg has been responsible for the design and installation of hundreds of photovoltaic power systems for residential, commercial, and industrial applications across the state. It is not unreasonable to state that Mr. Egan is the most experienced solar designer and installer in Alaska. This includes the design of the solar power systems and custom array racking that were installed at the Water Treatment Facilities located in Deering, Kobuk, Noatak, and Noorvik and Shungnak. (Reconnaissaince: Milestones 4-6 Consultant; Wind Assessment: Milestones 3, 4 and 5 and Associated Tasks Ian Knapp (Technical Specialist),Ian skills range from data collection to technical analysis. Ian will be responsible for data collection, mapping, data analysis, load monitoring, and aggregation of data for analysis. Ian will develop methods ofdata collection and analysis. He specializes in control and communications systems architectures, and maintaining system reliability. (Assistance and Support for All Milestones and Associated Tasks) Pati Crofut (Utility Financial Management Specialist and IES Grant Manager) Responsible for IES (the contractor) reporting requirements and determination of business operating plans for standalone community microgrids. Pati has spent the last 20 years of her career as a rural Alaskan utility accounting consultant and trainer. She has been responsible for assisting communities like Napaskiak to develop financial accounting and management practices. She provides QuickBooks training and consulting services to the State of Alaska Department of Commerce & Rural Development. For the past 5 years, Pati has been I ES’s financial operations manager. (All Milestones and Associated Tasks) Patrick Boonstra (Senior Project Manager. Intelligent Energy Systems, LLC (IES). Patrick is an experienced and dedicated project manager and operations manager for IES. He has 20+ years of experience bringing complex, remote projects to successful completion. He has 10 years’designing, managing, constructing, and commissioning hybrid microgrid projects. Patrick has a keen sense for the practicalities of remote construction and this experience is invaluable to plan and develop remote hybrid microgrids from budgeting, to knowing vendor capabilities to Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 13 working with subcontractors - including those locally hired from the remote communities IES works in. In 2022 Patrick led the IES team to complete a similar system in Kokhanak. This experience is important for efficient installation, integration, and commissioning of the BESS and ETS units with the wind-diesel system. (Available for all Milestones and Tasks as needed.) Dennis Meiners (Principal and Founder of Intelligent Energy Systems, LLC (IES). Dennis has 25+ years developing alternatives to diesel-power generation for remote Alaskan communities. This project will benefit from Dennis’s many years of experience, and his understanding of the importance of system practicality, reliability, and ability to support field deployed technology. Over the years, Dennis has developed IES into one of the most experienced and capable teams of renewable microgrid technologists and specialists in North America. IES has demonstrated its ability to assist communities to develop high penetration renewable projects from concept to operations. (Available for all Milestones and Tasks as needed.) Theinformationin thisdocumentisproprietaryand shallnotbedistributed,reproduced,used,or copiedwithout the expresswritten consentofIES,LLC Page | 14