HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUPPORTING INFO - 4. Beluga Conveyance Documents_2AA-24198 WHEREAS REVISED AND CORRECTED INTERIM CONVEYANCE Cook Inlet Region, Inc. is entitled to a conveyance pursuant to Secs. 14(e) and 22(j) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971, 43 U.S.C 1601 1 1613{e), l62l(j), and Sec. l2(c) of the Act of January 2, 1976, P.L. 94-204, 43 u.s.c 1611 nt, as amended by Sec. 3(a) of the Act of November 15, 1977, P.L. 95-178, 43 U.S.C 1611 nt, of the specified estates in the following described lands: I. Surface and subsurface estates: SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA T. 11 N., R. 12 W. (Surveyed) A portion of Tract A more particularly described as (protracted): Sec. 18, W2, tJE4; Sec. 19, W2NW4. Containing approximately 560 acres. T. 11 N., R. 13 W. (Surveyed) A portion of Tract A more particularly described as (protracted): Sec. 12, all; Sec. 13, E2, NW4, E2SW4; Sec. 24, tJE4NE4. Containing approximately 1,240 acres. T. 12 N.1 R. 10 w. (Surveyed) A portion of Tract A more particularly described as (protracted) : Sec. 6, all. Containing approximately 640 acres. Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date l!AR : I 1986 '[' . 12 N., R. 14 w. ( Surve1ea) More particularly described as (protracted): Sec. l, all; Sec. 2' all; Sec. 3' all; Sec. 4, all; sec. 5, all; sec. 6' all, excluding Chakacha tna River; sec. 7' all, excluding Chakachatna River; sec. 8, all, excluding Chakacha tna River; Sec. 9, a 11; Sec. 10, all; sec. 11, all; sec. 12, all; Sec. 13' all; sec. 14, all; Sec. 15, all; Sec. 16, all, excluding Chakachatna River; Sec. 17, all, excluding Chakacha tna River; Sec. 18, all, excluding Chakachatna River; Sec. 19, all, excluding Chakacha tna River; sec. 20, all, excluding Chakacha tna River; Sec. 21, all, excluding Chakacha tna River; Sec. 22' all; Sec. 27' all; sec. 28, all, excluding Chakachatna River; Sec. 30' all; Sec. 34, all; Sec. 3 5' all. Containing approximately 16,475 acres. T. 12 N., R. 15 W. (Surveyed) Tracts A and B. Containing 21,195.22 acres. T. 13 N., R. 10 w. (Surveyed) That portion of Tract A further described as (protracted): Sec. 1, all, excluding NE4NW4 and the Beluga River; Sec. 2, all, excluding Beluga River; sec. 3, all, excluding Beluga River; Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date 2 Sec. 10, all, excluding Beluga River; Sec. 11, W2; Sec. 15, all. Containing approximately 2,630 acres. T. 13 N., R. 14 w. (Surveyed) All. Containing 23,008 acres. T. 13 N., R. 15 W. (Surveyed) Tracts A and B. Containing 18,524.80 acres. T. 14 N., R. 10 W. (Surveyed) More particularly described as (protracted): Secs. 4 through 9, all; Secs. 17 through 20, all; Secs. 29 through 32, all. Containing approximately 8,866 acres. T. 14 N., R. 11 W. (Surveyed) More particularly described as (protracted): Secs. 1 through 5, all; Sec. 6, all west of the west (right) bank of the Beluga River; Sec. 7, all west of the west (right) bank of the Beluga River; Sec. 8, E2, Nl'/4, and all lands west of the west (right) bank of the Beluga River; Secs. 9 through 16, all; Sec. 17, all west of the west (right) bank of the Beluga river; Sec. 18, all; Sec. 19, all; Sec. 20, all west of the west (right) bank of the Beluga River; Secs. 21 through 27, all; Sec. 28, all west of the west (right) bank of the Beluga River; Sec. 29, all west of ~he west (right) bank of the Beluga River; Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date MAR Z l 19e6 3 sec. Sec. 30, 31. all; all; Sec. 32, Sec. 3 3. N2, N2N2SW4, SE4NE4SW4, SW4NW4SW4, S2SW4, and SE4; all west of the west (right) bank of the Beluga River; Secs. 34, 35, and 36, all. containing approximately 20,222 acres. T. 14 N., R. 13 W. (Surveyed) Tract B. Containing 11,425.20 acres. T. 14 N., R. 14 w. (Surveyed) All. Containing 22,946 acres. T. 15 N., R. 10 w. (Surveyed) That portion of Tract A further described as (protracted): Sec. 5, all; Sec. 6, E2; Sec. 7, E2; Sec. 8, all; Sec. 9, all; Secs. 16 through 21, all; Secs. 28 through 33, all. Containing approximately 10,142 acres. T. 15 N., R. 11 W. (Surveyed) Tract A and u.s. Survey 3952, excluding Lower Beluga Lake and U.S. Survey 3953. Containing approximately 22,871 acres. T. 15 N., R. 12 W. (Surveyed) Tract A, excluding Beluga Lake, Lower Beluga Lake, Beluga River, and Chichantna River; U.S. Survey 3948. Containing approximately 20,675 acres. Interim Conveyance No. 1154 MAR 2 1 1986 4 T. 15 N., R. 13 W. (Surveyed) More particularly described as (protracted): Sec. 1, all, excluding Beluga Lake and Coal Creek; Sec. 2, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 6, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 7, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 12, all, excluding NE4NE4, Beluga Lake, and Coal Creek; Sec. 13, all, excluding Beluga Lake and Chichantna River; Sec. 15, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 16, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 17, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 18, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 19, all; Sec. 20, all; Sec. 21, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 22, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 23, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 24, all, excluding Beluga Lake and Chichantna River; Secs. 25 through 33, all; Sec. 34, all, excluding Chichantna River; Sec. 35, all, excluding Chichantna River; Sec. 36, all, excluding Chichantna River. Containing approximately 13,179 acres. T. 15 N., R. 14 W. (Surveyed) All. Containing 22,882 acres. T. 16 N., R. 11 W. (Surveyed) More particularly described as (protracted): Sec. 20, all; Sec. 21, all; Secs. 25 through 36, all. Containing approximately 8,893 acres. T. 16 N., R. 12 W. (Surveyed) That pcrtion of Tract A further described as (protracted): Sec. 7, all; Secs. 16 through 22, all; Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date MAR 2' l 1986 5 Secs. 25 through 29, all; Sec. 30 1 all, including U.S. Survey 3947; Secs. 31 through 36, all. Containing approximately 12,614 acres. T. 16 N., R. 13 w. {Surveyed) That portion of Tract A further described as {protracted): Secs. l through 9, all; Sec. 12, E2; Sec. 13, all; Sec. 14' all; Sec. 15' 52; Secs. 16 through 30, all; Sec. 31, all, excluding Beluga Lake and NE4NE4SW4; Sec. 32, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 33, all, excluding Beluga Lake; sec. 34, all, excluding Beluga Lake; Sec. 35, all, excluding NE4NE4NE4 and Beluga Lake; Sec, 36, all. Containing approximately 20,383 acres. II. Surface estate together with all sand and gravel: SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA T. 12 N., R. 10 W. (Surveyed) A portion of Tract A more particularly described as ( protr'acted) : Sec. 5, all. Containing approximately 640 acres. Aggregating approximately 280,012 acres. Interim Conveyance No. 147 was issued January 12, 1979, for the specified surface and subsurface estates of the lands described in Paragraphs I and II above, and recorded in the Anchorage Recording District, Book No. 377, Pages 0862-0867. The grant was subject to the issuance, within two years, of a revised conveyance document reflecting the reservation of any easements identified pursuant to Sec. l7(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971, 43 u.s.c. 1616(b), and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date MAR 2 1 1986 6 The purpose of this conveyance document is to revise Interim Conveyance No. 147 to (1) reserve the easements identified; (2) correct the conveyance, as authorized by Sec. 316 of P.L. 94-579, 43 U.S.C. 1746, to delete the subsurface estate, excluding the sand and gravel, in protract.ea Sec. 5, T. 12 N., R. 10 W., Seward Meridian, Alaska, conveyed in error by the State of Alaska to the United States; and (3) add Special Use Land Permit 52986 and delete Rights-of-Way Permits 33333, 56013, and 57588, which have been closed since execution of the original deed of title, dated December 26, 1978, from the State of Alaska to the United States. The erroneously conveyed estate was deleted in a Correction Deed from the State of Alaska to the United States dated November 5, 1982, and accepted January 18, 1984. NOW KNOW YE, that there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES unto the above-named corporation the surface and subsurface estates in the lands described in Paragraph r., and also the surface estate together wi~h all sand and gravel of tl',e land described in Paragraph II., TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said estates with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said corporation, its successors and assigns, forever: EXCEPTING AND RESERVING TO THE UNITED STATES from the lands so granted in Paragraph I above: Pursuant to Sec. 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971, 43 U.s.c. 1601, 1616(b), the following public easements, referenced by easement identification number (EIN) on the easement maps attached to this document, copies of which will be found in case file AA-24198, are reserved to the United States. All easements are subject to applicable Federal, State, or I1unicipal corporation regulations. The following is a listing of uses allowed for each type of easement. Any uses which are not specifically listed are prohibited. 25 Foot Trail -The uses allowed on a twenty-five (25) foot wide trail easement are: travel by foot, dogsleds, animals, snowmobiles, two-and three-wheel vehicles, and small all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) (less than 3, 000 lbs. Gross Vehicle Vleight (GVW)). Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date MAR 2 1 1986 7 a. b. c. 60 Foot Road -The uses allowed on a sixLy (60) foot wide road easement are: travel by foot, dogsled, animals, snowmobiles, two-and three-wheel vehicles, small and large all-terrain vehicles, track vehicles, four-wheel drive vehicles, automobiles, and trucks. (EIN 3 Dl, L) An easement sixty (60) feet in width for an existing road from Trading Bay in Sec. 28, T. 11 N., R. 12 W., Seward Meridian, northwesterly LO public lands in Sec. 6, T. 12 N., R. 14 W., Seward Meridian. The uses allowed are those listed above for a sixty (60) foot wide road easemenL. (EIN 3c Dl, L) An easement sixty (60) feet in width for an existing road from EIN 3 Dl, L in Sec. 26, T. 12 N., R. 14 W., Seward Meridian, southwesterly, to public land. The uses allowed are those listed above for a sixty (60) foot wide road easement. (EIN 7 D, L) An easement twenty-five (25) feet in width for a proposed access trail from public lands in Sec. 12, T. 16 N., R. 13 W., Seward Meridian, northerly to the north boundary of Sec. 12, T. 16 N., R. 13 W., Seward Meridian, thence east along the section li~e to public lands. The uses allowed are those listed above for a twenty-five (25) foot wide trail easement~ THE GRANT OF THE ESTATES OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPHS I AND II ABOVE ARE SUBJECT TO: 1. Issuance of a patent after approval and filing by the Bureau of Land Management of the official plat of survey confirming the boundary description and acreage of the lands hereinabove granted; Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date MARZ l 1986 8 2. Valid existing rights therein, if any, including, but not limited to: a. Any lawful interests, reservations of rights or conditions contained or noted in the State Deeds of Title conveying the above-described land to the United States, signed by the State on November 5, 1982, specifically including: (l) Those lands and interests therein confirmed or conveyed to the State of Alaska pursuant to Sec. 6(rn) of the Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 1958, 48 U.S.c. Ch. 2, Sec. 6(m) (1970), as amended; (2) All appropriated and unappropriated waters, subject to the right of the grantee and its assigns to appropriate water in the manner provided by law; (3} All dedicated or platted section line easements and highway or other rights-of-way reserved by, acquired by, or granted to the State of Alaska on or before March 12, 1976; (4) Coal Leases 25081 36283 36323 64526 75703 Rights-of-Way Permits 200680 32180 Timber Sale 60524 Mining Claims 303117 to 303132 Interim Conveyance No. 1154 MAR 2 1 19&i 9 Special Land Use Permit 200909 Special Use Land 52986 Coal Prospecting Permits 64540 64938 67126 Oil & 41878 46578 47878 48928 49787 50119 50120 50752 51295 51971 53393 53395 53679 53680 53682 53905 54307 54400 54583 56183 56375 56466 57012 57014 Gas Leases 57565 57567 58020 58133 59865 60129 62462 62950 74426 74427 62952 63652 64922 64923 66947 67146 67987 68690 74750 74429 68009 64750 74245 74248 b. Those created by any lease (including a lease issued under Sec. 6(g) of the Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 1958, 72 Stat. 339, 341; 48 U.S.C. Ch. 2, Sec. 6(g) (1970)), contract, permit, right-of-way, or easement, and the right of the lessee, contractee, permit.tee, or grantee to the complete enjoyment of all rights, privileges, and benefits thereby granted t.O him. Interim Conveyance No. 1154 MAR 2 1 l98G 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned authorized officer of the Bureau of Land Management has, in the narne of the Uni t.ed States, set her hand and caused the seal of the Bureau to be hereunto affixed on this 21st day of March, 1986, in Anchorage, Alaska. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Adjudication Interim Conveyance No. 1154 Date MAR 2 1 1986 11