HomeMy WebLinkAboutKotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 1/35 Code of Ordinances KOTZEBUE, ALASKA MUNICIPAL CODE SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1.01 - CODE ADOPTION 1.01.010 - Adoption. 1.01.020 - Title-Citation-Reference. 1.01.030 - Codication authority. 1.01.040 - Ordinances passed prior to adoption of the code. 1.01.050 - Reference applies to all amendments. 1.01.060 - Title, chapter and section headings. 1.01.070 - Reference to specic ordinances. 1.01.080 - Eect of code on past actions and obligations. 1.01.090 - Eective date. 1.01.100 - Constitutionality. 1.04.010 - Title. 1.04.020 - Denitions and rules of construction. 1.04.030 - Abbreviations. 1.04.040 - Catchlines of sections. 1.04.050 - Administrative rules and regulations—Publication or posting. 1.04.060 - Amendment—Addition—Repeal. 1.04.070 - Unlawfully altering code. 1.04.080 - Prior resolutions—Status of resolutions. 1.04.090 - Repeal of ordinance. 1.04.100 - Severability of parts of code. 1.04.110 - Corrections. 1.08.010 - Designated. 1.12.010 - Acts of the council. 1.12.020 - Acts required to be by ordinance. 1.12.030 - Ordinance passage. 1.12.040 - Ordinance form and content. 1.12.050 - Emergency ordinances. 1.12.060 - Signatures. 1.12.070 - Scope of ordinances. 1.12.080 - Repeal shall not revive any ordinance. 1.12.090 - Acts by agents. 1.12.100 - Codes of regulations. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 2/35 1.12.110 - Resolutions—Form—Codication barred. 1.12.120 - Resolutions—Passage. 1.16.010 - Rules and regulations. 1.20.010 - Integration into other enactments. 1.20.020 - Person dened. 1.20.030 - Violations—Fine—Separate oenses. 1.20.040 - Civil penalty. 1.20.050 - Surcharge. Chapter 2.04 - CITY MANAGER* 2.04.010 - Appointment—Compensation. 2.04.020 - Removal from oce. 2.04.030 - Qualications. 2.04.040 - Powers and duties generally. 2.04.060 - Council meetings. 2.04.070 - Interference by council. 2.04.080 - Acting city manager. 2.08.010 - Election and term. 2.08.020 - Powers and duties. 2.08.030 - Vacancy. 2.08.040 - Vice mayor. 2.08.050 - Order of mayoral succession. 2.12.010 - Appointment—Term. 2.12.020 - Duties. 2.12.030 - Additional duties. 2.12.040 - Deputy clerk. 2.16.010 - Composition—Election. 2.16.020 - Qualications. 2.16.030 - Terms. 2.16.035 - Advisory student member. 2.16.040 - Vacancy. 2.16.050 - Compensation and travel expenses. 2.16.060 - Other compensation. 2.20.010 - Absence from. 2.20.020 - Agenda. 2.20.030 - Regular meetings. 2.20.035 - Cancellation of meetings. 2.20.040 - Special meetings. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 3/35 2.20.050 - Conference sessions. 2.24.010 - Presiding ocer. 2.24.020 - Modes of action. 2.24.030 - Order of business. 2.24.040 - Packets for council meetings. 2.24.050 - Minutes. 2.24.060 - Rule changes, questions, transgressions. 2.24.070 - Speaking—Reading of papers—Appeals from chair. 2.24.080 - Parliamentary inquires of chair. 2.24.090 - Point of order. 2.24.100 - Second required. 2.24.110 - Disposal of motions by vote—Withdrawal. 2.24.120 - Motions receivable during debate—Precedence of scheduled business. 2.24.130 - Division of question. 2.24.140 - Putting questions in order moved. 2.24.150 - Ordering previous question. 2.24.160 - Reduction of motions to writing. 2.24.170 - Amending amendments. 2.24.180 - Motion to reconsider. 2.24.190 - Rescinding vote. 2.24.200 - Voting. 2.24.210 - Quorum—Passing majority—Roll calls. 2.25.010 - Conict of interest. 2.27.010 - Purpose. 2.27.020 - When to be followed. 2.27.030 - Quorum requirements. 2.27.040 - Telephonic requirements during emergency situations. 2.27.050 - Public participation. 2.27.060 - Notice. 2.28.010 - Meetings to be public. 2.28.020 - Executive meetings. 2.28.030 - Public notice of meetings—Required. 2.28.040 - Public notice of meetings—Manner. 2.28.050 - Public notice of meetings—Emergency or special meetings. 2.28.060 - Oath of oce. 2.28.070 - Council appointment of ocers. 2.28.080 - Nondiscrimination—Appointment after elective oce. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 4/35 2.28.090 - Financial interest in ocial actions. 2.28.100 - Causes for declaring oce vacant. 2.32.010 - Appointment—Duties. 2.36.010 - Regular department established—Composition. 2.36.020 - Volunteer re department. 2.36.030 - Fire chief—Appointment—Qualications. 2.36.040 - Fire chief—Powers and duties. 2.36.050 - Rules and regulations. 2.36.060 - Training, records and reports. 2.36.070 - Equipment—Volunteers' private cars. 2.36.080 - Ambulance service. 2.40.010 - Chief of police—Appointment and qualications. 2.40.020 - Chief of police—Powers and duties. 2.40.030 - Police ocer qualications. 2.41.010 - Department established. 2.41.020 - Purpose. 2.41.030 - Disaster response plan. 2.41.040 - No governmental or private liability. Article I. - General Provisions 2.48.005 - Purpose—Objectives. 2.48.010 - Non-exempt service—Exempt service. 2.48.015 - Personnel ocer—Designated. 2.48.020 - Personnel ocer—Duties. 2.48.025 - Review and amendment of rules, policies and procedures. 2.48.030 - Personnel records. 2.48.031 - Access to and condentiality of personnel records. 2.48.035 - Merit and tness basis. 2.48.036 - Advertising of vacancies. 2.48.040 - Promotion from within ranks. 2.48.045 - Non-merit discrimination—Unlawful practices. 2.48.050 - Qualications veried. 2.48.055 - Minimum age. 2.48.065 - Municipal-residents preference. 2.48.070 - Handicapped persons. 2.48.075 - Veteran preference. 2.48.080 - Nepotism. 2.48.085 - Regular employees. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 5/35 2.48.090 - Temporary and short-hour employees. 2.48.160 - Other employment. 2.48.180 - Gifts and gratuities. 2.48.210 - Objectives. 2.48.225 - Budget consideration. 2.48.240 - Promotions. 2.48.245 - Leave, terms of service, compensation and benets. 2.48.250 - Suspension, demotion and dismissal. 2.48.255 - Family and medical leave. 2.48.260 - Grievances. 2.48.270 - Conict with state or federal requirements. 2.48.275 - Legal liability—Conduct. 2.48.280 - Emergency suspension. 2.48.445 - State retirement system coverage. 2.48.510 - Rights retained by city. 2.52.010 - Qualication of voters. 2.52.020 - Notice of election. 2.52.030 - Precinct and polling place. 2.52.040 - Election-board judge, clerk and counter appointment. 2.52.050 - Oath of election judges. 2.52.060 - Oath of election clerks and counters. 2.52.070 - Compensation of election personnel. 2.52.080 - Poll watchers. 2.52.090 - Declaration of candidacy. 2.52.100 - Ballot preparation—Write-in votes. 2.52.105 - Write-in candidates. 2.52.110 - Ballot delivery—Election supplies. 2.52.120 - Election day—Hours of voting. 2.52.130 - Time o for voting. 2.52.140 - Election board vacancies. 2.52.150 - Majority rule on election board. 2.52.160 - Use of unocial ballots. 2.52.170 - Opening of polls. 2.52.180 - Political discussion by election board. 2.52.190 - Political persuasion near election polls. 2.52.200 - Original register. 2.52.210 - Duplicate register. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 6/35 2.52.220 - Questioning voter qualications. 2.52.230 - Challenges—Initiation—Voting. 2.52.240 - Challenges—Disposition. 2.52.250 - Administration of necessary oaths. 2.52.260 - Marking and casting ballots. 2.52.270 - Assisting voter. 2.52.280 - Improperly marked ballots. 2.52.290 - Exhibition of marked ballots—Prohibited. 2.52.300 - Exhibition of marked ballots—Disposition as spoiled. 2.52.310 - Identication of ballots prohibited. 2.52.320 - Closing of polls. 2.52.330 - Counting ballots—Certication and notice of results. 2.52.340 - Rules for determining mark on ballots. 2.52.350 - Tie votes. 2.52.360 - Plurality requirement. 2.52.370 - Absentee ballot—Eligibility. 2.52.380 - Absentee ballot—Application. 2.52.390 - Absentee ballot—Processing request—Delivery. 2.52.400 - Absentee ballot—Refusal. 2.52.410 - Absentee ballot—Airmail delivery. 2.52.420 - Absentee ballot—Record of delivery. 2.52.430 - Absentee ballot—Surrender upon election-day return. 2.52.440 - Absentee ballot—Supplies—Charge for services prohibited. 2.52.450 - Absentee ballot—Identication and return envelopes. 2.52.460 - Absentee ballot—Adavit on identication envelope. 2.52.470 - Absentee ballot—Marking in city. 2.52.480 - Absentee ballot—Marking away from city. 2.52.490 - Absentee ballot—Receipt deadline—Counting. 2.52.500 - Absentee ballot—Fraud. 2.52.510 - Canvass by council. 2.52.520 - Recount—Who may request—Deadline. 2.52.530 - Recount—Application contents. 2.52.540 - Recount—Deposit. 2.52.550 - Recount—Scheduling. 2.52.560 - Recount—Recanvass of returns. 2.52.570 - Recount—Appeal to the courts. 2.52.580 - Contesting election. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 7/35 2.52.590 - Election oenses—Penalties. 2.56.010 - Denitions. 2.56.020 - Notice of nding to police—Investigation. 2.56.030 - City as moving party—First interested person. 2.56.040 - Notice of nding—Publication. 2.56.050 - Notice of nding-Posting. 2.56.060 - New ownership certication-Option sale. 2.56.070 - Fees and costs to moving party. 2.56.080 - Dispute as to moving party. 2.56.090 - Failure to claim—Encumbrances. 2.56.100 - Sale carries no warranty. 2.60.010 - Approval and attestation of documents. 2.60.020 - Documents to be led with state. 2.60.030 - Records—Dened. 2.60.040 - Records—Retention schedule preparation. 2.60.050 - Records—Retention schedule adoption—Regulations. 2.60.060 - Records—Disposal—Record thereof. 2.60.070 - Records—Microlming. Chapter 3.04 - BUDGET 3.04.010 - City's scal year is the calendar year. 3.04.020 - Submission of estimate and message to council. 3.04.030 - Public record status. 3.04.040 - Public hearing. 3.04.050 - Adoption and appropriation—Failure to adopt. 3.04.060 - Amendment. 3.04.070 - Encumbrance—Conformance—Lapse—Transfers. 3.08.010 - Required annually. 3.08.020 - General xed assets. 3.12.010 - Acquisition of real property. 3.12.020 - Application of chapter and title to real property disposals. 3.12.030 - Review by planning commission—Assembly approval. 3.12.035 - Declaration of excess. 3.12.040 - Qualications of applicants and bidders. 3.12.050 - Disposal for fair market value. 3.12.060 - Land disposal methods. 3.12.070 - Development plans. 3.12.080 - Appraisal. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 8/35 3.12.090 - Public notice. 3.12.100 - Award—Rejection of bids or proposals. 3.12.110 - Disposal by conveyance. 3.12.120 - Use permits and licenses. 3.12.130 - Denitions. 3.16.010 - Competitive bidding required. 3.16.020 - Formal contract procedure—Required when. 3.16.030 - Formal contract procedure—Notice inviting bids. 3.16.040 - Formal contract procedure—Bid deposits. 3.16.050 - Formal contract procedure—Bid submission, opening. 3.16.060 - Formal contract procedure—Rejection of bids. 3.16.070 - Formal contract procedure—Award—Lowest responsible bidder. 3.16.080 - Open-market procedure. 3.16.090 - Professional and unique service contracts. 3.16.100 - Construction contract procedure. 3.16.105 - Grant funded projects. 3.16.110 - Disbursement setos for moneys owed city. 3.16.120 - Bid protest procedures. 3.17.010 - Statement of purpose. 3.17.020 - Local hiring. 3.17.030 - Required documentation. 3.17.040 - Irresponsible bidder declaration. 3.17.050 - Binding on subcontractors. 3.17.060 - Contracts—Bid documents—Subcontracts. 3.17.070 - Exceptions. 3.17.080 - Denitions. 3.20.010 - Short title. 3.20.020 - Authority. 3.20.030 - Purpose and intent. 3.20.040 - Interpretation. 3.20.050 - Imposition or Levy—Rate. 3.20.060 - Tax schedule. 3.20.070 - Use tax. 3.20.080 - Title to collected sales tax. 3.20.090 - Tax added to sales price. 3.20.100 - Situs of taxable transaction. 3.20.110 - Taxed transactions and examples of taxed transactions. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 9/35 3.20.120 - Sales of bingo, lotteries and pull-tabs. 3.20.130 - Tax to be added to hotel, motel or bed and breakfast rental price. 3.20.140 - Exemptions. 3.20.150 - Certicate of exemption. 3.20.160 - Employees—Subcontractors. 3.20.170 - Sales tax licensing. 3.20.180 - Addition and identication of tax. 3.20.190 - Record of sale. 3.20.200 - Books, records and accounts. 3.20.210 - Public statement of tax required—Exception for coin-operated machines. 3.20.220 - Inspection of state business license returns and federal income tax returns. 3.20.230 - Disposition of tax information. 3.20.240 - Liability of responsible individuals. 3.20.250 - Liability of third parties. 3.20.260 - Termination, sale or transfer of retail business. 3.20.270 - Seller to collect and remit monthly. 3.20.280 - Tax returns—Contents—Penalty for delinquency. 3.20.290 - Tax return—Extension of time. 3.20.300 - Accelerated returns. 3.20.310 - Amended returns. 3.20.320 - Investigation and audits. 3.20.330 - Sales tax audits. 3.20.340 - Estimated tax. 3.20.350 - Refund of excess payment. 3.20.360 - Elders' or disabled citizens' sales tax exemptions. 3.20.370 - Protest and appeal by seller. 3.20.380 - Protest of tax and appeal by buyer. 3.20.390 - Appeal to city manager. 3.20.400 - City manager or nance director authorized to administer oaths. 3.20.410 - Rulings and regulations. 3.20.420 - Seller education. 3.20.430 - Use of funds. 3.20.440 - Liens. 3.20.450 - Other penalties. 3.20.460 - Civil enforcement remedies. 3.20.470 - Interest for delinquency. 3.20.480 - Delinquent taxes—Foreclosure—Time limit. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 10/35 3.20.490 - Criminal tax evasion. 3.20.500 - Criminal liability. 3.20.510 - Denitions. 3.20.520 - Repealer and savings clause. 3.20.530 - Transition period. 3.25.010 - Policy statement. 3.25.020 - Scope. 3.25.030 - Standards. 3.25.031 - Objectives. 3.25.040 - Persons authorized to invest city funds. 3.25.050 - Authorized investments. 3.25.060 - Collateralization. 3.25.070 - Portfolio diversication. 3.25.080 - Safekeeping and custody of securities. 3.25.090 - Internal controls. 3.25.100 - Investment reporting. 3.25.110 - Emergency powers. 3.25.120 - Conict of interest. 3.25.130 - Records retention. 3.25.140 - Denitions. 3.30.010 - 911 customer surcharge. 3.30.020 - Remittance. 3.30.030 - Collections. 3.30.040 - Denitions. 3.40.010 - Applicability of chapter. 3.40.020 - Tax on cigarettes. 3.40.030 - Tax on other tobacco products. 3.40.040 - Intent and purpose of chapter and taxpayer. 3.40.050 - Exemptions. 3.40.060 - Exemption cards. 3.40.070 - License required for dealers in cigarettes or tobacco products—Issuance. 3.40.080 - License fee. 3.40.090 - Expiration and renewal of licenses. 3.40.100 - Transfer of license. 3.40.110 - Refund of tax or license fee. 3.40.120 - Display of license—Surrender of license—Suspension or revocation of license. 3.40.130 - Tax returns. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 11/35 3.40.140 - Involuntary returns. 3.40.150 - Amended tax returns. 3.40.160 - Application of payments. 3.40.170 - Prohibited acts and penalties. 3.40.180 - Civil fraud. 3.40.190 - Tax lien. 3.40.200 - Interest on unpaid tax. 3.40.210 - Taxpayer, licensee, cardholder or other person remedies. 3.40.220 - Reports by manufacturers. 3.40.230 - Inspection and maintenance of documents and records. 3.40.240 - Administrative regulations. 3.40.250 - Condentiality of records. 3.40.260 - Severability. 3.40.270 - Denitions. Chapter 4.01 - LOCAL BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD 4.01.010 - Established. 4.01.020 - Composition—Appointment—Qualications. 4.01.030 - Term. 4.01.040 - Application process for appointment. 4.01.050 - Meetings—Absence from. 4.01.060 - Vacancies. 4.01.070 - Removal of LBCB members. 4.01.080 - Compensation. 4.01.090 - Agenda. 4.01.100 - Meetings—Quorum. 4.01.110 - Voting. 4.01.120 - Ocers. 4.01.130 - Rules of procedure. 4.01.140 - Rules, regulations and ordinances. 4.01.150 - Powers and duties. 4.01.160 - Rulemaking, resolutions and appeals. 4.01.170 - Conicts of interest. 4.02.010 - Denitions. 4.02.020 - Establishment. 4.02.030 - Notice of establishment. 4.02.040 - Delivery site operation responsibility. 4.02.050 - Delivery site hours of operation. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 12/35 4.02.060 - Importation limits. 4.02.070 - Delivery to alcohol delivery site. 4.02.080 - Receipt and processing—Package store shipments. 4.02.090 - Receipt and delivery—Other shipments. 4.02.100 - Re-delivery of alcoholic beverages. 4.02.110 - Transfer of undelivered alcoholic beverages. 4.02.120 - Permit. 4.02.130 - Appeals to LBCB. 4.02.140 - Use and possession of permit. 4.02.150 - Permit revocation or suspension. 4.02.160 - Fees, charges and storage limits. 4.02.170 - Penalties for violations. 4.02.180 - Severability. 4.03.010 - Denitions. 4.03.020 - Establishment. 4.03.030 - Notice of establishment. 4.03.040 - Package store operation responsibility. 4.03.050 - Package store hours of operation. 4.03.060 - Daily sale limits. 4.03.070 - Monthly sale limits. 4.03.080 - Purchase of alcoholic beverages. 4.03.090 - Permit. 4.03.100 - Appeals to LBCB. 4.03.110 - Use and possession of permit. 4.03.120 - Permit revocation or suspension. 4.03.130 - Prices, fees and charges. 4.03.140 - Penalties for violations. 4.03.150 - Severability. 4.04.010 - Denitions. 4.04.020 - Establishment. 4.04.030 - Notice of establishment. 4.04.040 - Alcoholic beverage dispensary operation responsibility. 4.04.050 - Alcoholic beverage dispensary hours of operation. 4.04.060 - Prices. 4.04.070 - Penalties for violations. 4.04.080 - Severability. 4.05.010 - Denitions. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 13/35 4.05.020 - Establishment. 4.05.030 - Notice of establishment. 4.05.040 - Alcoholic restaurant or eating place operation responsibility. 4.05.050 - Alcoholic restaurant or eating place hours of operation. 4.05.060 - Prices. 4.05.070 - Penalties for violations. 4.05.080 - Severability. 4.06.010 - Intent and purpose. 4.06.020 - Denitions. 4.06.030 - Intoxication in public places prohibited. 4.06.040 - Penalty. 4.06.050 - Appeal rights. Chapter 5.08 - TAXICABS AND MOTOR BUSES* 5.08.005 - Denitions. 5.08.010 - Taxicab permit, regulations. 5.08.020 - Taxicab permit application, renewal and suspension. 5.08.030 - Denial or revocation of taxicab or motor bus permits. 5.08.035 - Appeals from taxicab and motor bus determinations. 5.08.040 - Permit transfer. 5.08.050 - Taxicab markings. 5.08.060 - Taxicab equipment. 5.08.070 - Insurance required. 5.08.080 - Posting of insurance and taxi or motor bus permit. 5.08.090 - Records. 5.08.095 - Rates. 5.08.100 - Motor bus permit application, regulations, denial or revocation of permit. 5.08.110 - City issued chaueur's permit. 5.08.120 - Issuance of permit and fees. 5.08.130 - Renewal or cancellation of a chaueur's permit. 5.08.140 - Appeal process. 5.08.150 - Violation—Penalty. 5.09.010 - Food delivery permits required. 5.09.020 - Denitions. 5.09.030 - Exemptions. 5.09.040 - Food delivery permits application, renewal and suspension. 5.09.050 - Food delivery permits are nontransferable. 5.09.060 - Food delivery vehicle equipment. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 14/35 5.09.070 - Insurance required. 5.09.080 - Posting of insurance and food delivery permit. 5.09.090 - Violation—Penality. Chapter 6.04 - ANIMAL CONTROL AND DOG LICENSING 6.04.010 - Denitions. 6.04.020 - License—Required—Fee. 6.04.030 - Penalty for violation—No license. 6.04.040 - License—Tag—Display on collar—Pups. 6.04.045 - Registration—Vicious animal. 6.04.050 - Unattended animals prohibited—Animals prohibited at schools or parks— Immediate destruction of loose animals—Destruction of mad or vicious animals. 6.04.051 - Penalties for violations. 6.04.055 - Determination of a vicious animal. 6.04.060 - Impoundment. 6.04.070 - Redemption by owner—Permitted when. 6.04.080 - Redemption by owner—Fees. 6.04.090 - Reserved. 6.04.100 - Surrender of dogs by owner for disposal. 6.04.110 - Recordkeeping duties. 6.04.120 - Rabies control—Bite reports— Quarantine of biting dog. 6.04.130 - Rabies control—Surrender for quarantine—Reclamation. 6.04.140 - Rabies control—Bite reporting by medical practitioners. 6.04.150 - Rabies control—Veterinary diagnosis. 6.04.160 - Rabies control—City-wide quarantine. 6.04.170 - Rabies control—Extension of quarantine. 6.04.180 - Rabies control—Precautionary regulations during quarantine. 6.04.190 - Rabies control—Killing rabid dogs or animals. 6.04.200 - Rabies control—Exposed carcasses—Infected dogs and animals. 6.04.210 - Rabies control—Surrender for quarantine or destruction. 6.04.220 - Immunization—Required. 6.04.230 - Immunization—False proof. 6.04.240 - Control of vicious animals. 6.04.250 - Reserved. 6.04.260 - Care and control of dogs. 6.04.270 - Cruelty and abandonment. 6.04.280 - Release from restraint. 6.04.290 - Interference with ocer—Breaking pound. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 15/35 6.04.295 - Severability. 6.04.300 - Penalties for violations regarding vicious animals and animals that attack other animals and people. Chapter 7.01 - MARIJUANA 7.01.010 - Consuming marijuana in a public place. 7.01.020 - Allowing prohibited marijuana use prohibited. 7.01.030 - Marijuana use without consent of property owner. 7.01.040 - Marijuana use in or on motor vehicles, watercraft and aircraft prohibited. 7.01.050 - Marijuana possession and use under the age of twenty-one prohibited. 7.01.060 - Sale of non-marijuana items. 7.01.070 - Prohibiting certain product manufacturing methods of marijuana concentrates. 7.01.080 - Violations and remedies. 7.02.010 - Local regulatory authority established. 7.02.020 - Intent. 7.02.030 - Purpose and scope of local regulatory authority. 7.02.040 - Duties and powers. 7.02.050 - Cooperation with state marijuana board. 7.02.060 - Local regulatory authority review of issuance, renewal or transfer of licenses. 7.02.070 - Pre-application conference and State of Alaska application review process. 7.02.080 - Premises to be inspected. 7.02.090 - Regulations of hours of operation of a licensed marijuana business establishment. 7.02.100 - City sales tax. 7.02.110 - Video surveillance and camera recording. 7.02.120 - Local regulatory authority report of violations. 7.02.130 - Prohibitions. Chapter 8.03 - LITTER 8.03.010 - Denitions. 8.03.020 - Littering prohibited. 8.03.030 - Prevention of scattering. 8.03.040 - Upsetting or tampering with litter receptacles. 8.03.050 - Burning of litter. 8.03.060 - Sidewalks and alleys to be kept free from litter. 8.03.070 - Owner and/or tenant to maintain private premises free of litter. 8.03.080 - Littering from vehicles. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 16/35 8.03.090 - Litter from aircraft. 8.03.100 - Litter in public places. 8.03.110 - Parking areas—Litter receptacles. 8.03.120 - Construction areas, construction sites and construction camps. 8.03.130 - Litter control board. 8.03.140 - Enforcement. 8.03.150 - Notice of violation. 8.03.160 - Violation—Citation. 8.03.170 - Recovery by city of expenses of litter removal. 8.04.010 - Purpose. 8.4.020 - Denitions. 8.04.030 - Exclusive right. 8.04.040 - Mandatory subscription. 8.04.050 - Refuse collection required. 8.04.060 - Application for service. 8.04.070 - Receptacles—Purchased and maintained by owner and/or occupant. 8.04.080 - Receptacles required—Specications. 8.04.090 - Receptacles—Number required. 8.04.100 - Receptacles—Placement for collection. 8.04.110 - Receptacles—Deposits other than refuse prohibited. 8.04.120 - Refuse collection—Schedule of collection routes. 8.04.130 - Refuse collection—Service type and frequency. 8.04.140 - Refuse collection—Obstructions prohibited. 8.04.150 - Nonconforming receptacles. 8.04.160 - Unlawful deposit of solid waste. 8.04.170 - Unlawful deposit on public ways—Hazardous or loathsome materials. 8.04.180 - Unlawful deposit on public ways—Debris and hulks. 8.04.190 - Depositing trash on land of another. 8.04.200 - Fees to be set by city council. 8.04.210 - Billing. 8.04.220 - Delinquency. 8.04.230 - Discontinuance. 8.04.240 - Notices. 8.04.250 - Refuse—Unauthorized transport prohibited. 8.04.260 - Refuse collection—Delivery to disposal site or incinerator. 8.04.270 - Trespassing—Removal of material from refuse disposal site. 8.04.280 - Sanitary landll. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 17/35 8.04.290 - Experiments and innovations. 8.04.300 - Violation—Infraction. 8.08.010 - Discharge prohibited. 8.08.020 - Possession to sell. 8.12.010 - Public nuisance—Exception for construction. 8.12.020 - Filling or enclosure required. 8.12.030 - Fence—Specications. 8.12.040 - Fence-Permit-Written acceptance. 8.12.050 - Fences—Wooden. 8.12.060 - Fence—Warning signs. 8.12.070 - Fence—Setback. 8.12.080 - Notice to abate nuisance. 8.12.090 - Failure to abate after notice. Division I. - Oenses By or Against Public Ocers and Government Chapter 9.02 - FALSE ALARMS 9.02.010 - False alarms prohibited. 9.03.010 - Monthly monitoring fees. 9.03.020 - False alarms fee. 9.04.010 - False report of crime prohibited. 9.06.010 - Resisting or hindering police authority. 9.06.020 - Assisting escape. 9.06.030 - Wearing police uniform or insignia. 9.08.010 - Supplying liquor or escape means. 9.08.020 - Assisting escape. 9.08.030 - Escaping or attempting escape. Chapter 9.14 - ASSAULT 9.14.010 - Assault with malice or other criminal intent. 9.16.010 - Stealing goods, chattels, records and instruments. Chapter 9.26 - CRUELTY TO ANIMALS 9.26.010 - Overworking, injuring, cruelly transporting. 9.26.020 - Failure to provide food and shelter. 9.26.030 - Abandonment. 9.26.040 - Maintaining ghting place. 9.26.050 - Poisoning dogs. 9.28.010 - Engaging in games of chance. 9.28.020 - Possessing gambling devices or supplies. 9.28.030 - Allowing use of premises for gambling. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 18/35 9.30.010 - Exposure of person—Indecent gesture. 9.32.010 - Indecent, immoral or lewd representations. 9.34.010 - Denitions. 9.34.020 - Engaging in prostitution, lewdness or assignation. 9.34.030 - Soliciting or procuring. 9.34.040 - Places—Maintaining or operating. 9.34.050 - Places—Owning, renting, leasing. 9.34.060 - Oering another for prostitution or lewd acts. 9.34.070 - Transporting for immoral purposes. 9.34.080 - Accepting payment from prostitutes. 9.34.090 - Being in place for immoral purposes. 9.34.100 - Being in place of immoral activity. 9.34.110 - Evidence for prosecutions. 9.34.120 - Solicitation of drinks. 9.36.010 - Looking or loitering to look through windows. 9.37.010 - Unlawful. Chapter 9.38 - DISORDERLY CONDUCT 9.38.010 - Violent, disorderly, oensive or obstreperous conduct— Aiding or permitting. 9.38.020 - Loud noises—Boisterous or tumultuous conduct. 9.40.010 - Loitering near or disrupting schools—Molesting or enticing students. 9.42.010 - Denitions. 9.42.020 - Noise level limits. 9.42.030 - Measurement of noise. 9.42.040 - Enforcement standards. 9.42.050 - Violation—Penalty. 9.44.010 - Vagrancy dened, prohibited. 9.46.010 - Financial responsibility. Chapter 9.50 - TRESPASS 9.50.010 - Trespass on city land or premises. 9.50.020 - Leaving personalty on city land or premises. 9.50.030 - Trespass on private property. 9.52.010 - Shoplifting dened. 9.52.020 - Detention of suspects—Permitted. 9.52.030 - Detention of suspects—Defense against torts. 9.52.040 - Evidence of intent. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 19/35 Division VI. - Oenses By or Against Minors Chapter 9.74 - OFFENSES INVOLVING MINOR CHILDREN 9.74.010 - Child dened. 9.74.020 - Endangering life, health or morals of a child. 9.74.030 - Permitting minors around games of chance. 9.74.040 - Providing tobacco products to minors not yet sixteen. 9.76.010 - Denitions. 9.76.020 - Oenses. 9.76.030 - Exceptions. 9.76.040 - Change of curfew. 9.76.050 - Fine. 9.76.060 - Mandatory court appearance. Chapter 9.86 - WEAPON USE AND POSSESSION PROHIBITIONS 9.86.010 - Discharge of weapons. 9.86.020 - Weapon concealment—Display—Possession in drinking places. 9.86.030 - Switchblade knives. 9.86.040 - Display of brass knuckles, blackjacks or billy clubs. 9.86.050 - Weapons transactions with intoxicated, disturbed or minor persons. Chapter 10.04 - TRAFFIC CODE 10.04.010 - State provisions adopted. 10.04.020 - Fine schedule for state trac oenses adopted by reference. 10.04.030 - Infraction. 10.04.040 - Judgment. 10.04.050 - Citations to state statutes. 10.12.010 - Impoundment—Release. 10.12.020 - Allowing one's vehicle to be used in violation. 10.12.030 - Abandoned vehicles. 10.12.035 - Notice of impoundment and hearing. 10.12.040 - Sale of unclaimed vehicles—Authorized—Notice. 10.12.050 - Impoundment—Hearing. 10.12.060 - Sale of unclaimed vehicles—Owner interest—Free and clear title. 10.12.070 - Sale of unclaimed vehicles—No warranty. 10.13.010 - Parking zones. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 20/35 10.13.020 - Penalties. 10.16.010 - Speed limits designated. 10.16.020 - Posting—Enforcement. 10.20.010 - Muers required. 10.22.010 - Snow machines and ATVs on city streets and roads. 10.22.020 - Denitions. 10.22.030 - Equipment requirement. 10.22.040 - Oenses. 10.22.050 - Fines. Chapter 11.04 - TIDELAND REGULATIONS Article I. - Denitions 11.04.010 - Accretion. 11.04.020 - Act. 11.04.030 - Apportionment survey cost. 11.04.040 - Coastline. 11.04.050 - Commissioner. 11.04.060 - Director. 11.04.070 - Division. 11.04.080 - Fair market value. 11.04.090 - Fill. 11.04.100 - Final tideland plat. 11.04.110 - Harbor line. 11.04.120 - Improvements. 11.04.130 - Land. 11.04.140 - Mean high tide. 11.04.150 - Mean high water line. 11.04.160 - Mean lower low water. 11.04.170 - Mean low water. 11.04.180 - Natural resources. 11.04.190 - Occupant. 11.04.200 - Occupied or developed. 11.04.210 - Permit preference. 11.04.220 - Person. 11.04.230 - Pierhead line. 11.04.240 - Preference right. 11.04.250 - Preference right, class I. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 21/35 11.04.260 - Preference right, class II. 11.04.270 - Preference right, class III. 11.04.280 - Reclaimed or constructed tide or contiguous submerged lands. 11.04.290 - Shorelands. 11.04.300 - Submerged lands. 11.04.310 - Substantial permanent improvement. 11.04.320 - Tideland review committee. 11.04.330 - Tidelands. 11.04.340 - Upland owner. 11.04.350 - Scope of provisions. 11.04.360 - Applicability-Short title. 11.04.370 - Statutory authority. 11.04.380 - Federal laws implemented. 11.04.390 - City ownership. 11.04.400 - Protection of sh and game. 11.04.410 - Herring spawn covenant. 11.04.420 - Resources reservation—Form. 11.04.430 - Resources reservation—Exercise—Damages. 11.04.440 - Federal reservation. 11.04.450 - Regulation of structures to harbor line. 11.04.460 - Final tideland plat designated. 11.04.470 - Survey proportionment cost dened. 11.04.480 - Notice of sale, grant or lease. 11.04.490 - Protest of sale, grant or lease. 11.04.500 - Review of protest. 11.04.510 - Deposit for appraisal, advertising. 11.04.520 - City's right of entry. 11.04.530 - Preference right ling deadline. 11.04.540 - Waste or injury to land. 11.04.550 - Additions to land occupied or developed. 11.04.560 - Preference right application— Submittal. 11.04.570 - Preference right application—Approval or disapproval. 11.04.580 - Payment—Class I preference right. 11.04.590 - Payment—Class III preference right. 11.04.600 - Appeal—Right before city council. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 22/35 11.04.610 - Appeal—Requirements. 11.04.620 - Appeal—Decision. 11.04.630 - Appraisal—Appraiser—Basis. 11.04.640 - Appraisal—Cost. 11.04.650 - Appraisal—Deposit. 11.04.660 - Purchase agreement—Terms. 11.04.670 - Purchase agreement—Scope. 11.04.680 - Boundary relocation agreements. 11.04.690 - Conveyance of title. 11.04.700 - Disposition of nonpreference right tidelands. 11.04.710 - Leases. 11.04.720 - Permits—Use or improvement—Eligibility. 11.04.730 - Permits—Application—Decision. 11.04.740 - Permits—Duration—Renewal, revocation— Disposition of improvements. 11.04.750 - Permits—Rights-of-way and easements. 11.04.760 - Free use or purchase of materials. Chapter 12.04 - STREET NAMING AND NUMBERING 12.04.010 - Street-name map adopted—Changes in street names. 12.04.011 - Numbering system. 12.04.012 - Street names. 12.04.020 - Street numbering map—Display of numbers required. 12.08.010 - Storage on roadway or sidewalk. 12.08.015 - Stockpiling of snow on city property prohibited. 12.08.020 - Obstruction of ditches, drains or gutters. 12.08.030 - Raising or lowering loads on public ways. 12.08.040 - Gas-pump setback—Customers' cars not to project. 12.08.050 - Sales on street—Curb service permit. 12.10.010 - General provisions. 12.10.020 - Area(s) to be serviced. 12.10.030 - Funds to provide this service. 12.10.040 - Use of state revenue sharing monies. 12.10.050 - Limitation of road service. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 23/35 12.10.060 - Limitation of obligations. 12.12.010 - Permit required. 12.12.020 - Application for permit. 12.12.030 - Fee—Deposit. 12.12.040 - Work standards. 12.12.050 - Completion of work—Return of deposit. 12.16.010 - Alley cleanliness and sanitation. 12.20.010 - Establishment of a camping area within municipal reserve. 12.20.020 - Individual camping areas. 12.20.030 - Camping season. 12.20.040 - Permits and preference permits. 12.20.050 - Permanent structures. 12.20.060 - Removal and cleanup. 12.20.070 - Fees. 12.20.080 - Excess applicants for camping permits. 12.20.090 - Cancellation of permits. Chapter 13.04 - WATER AND SEWER UTILITY* 13.04.005 - Purpose. 13.04.010 - Denitions. 13.04.020 - Rates and charges. 13.04.030 - Use of city systems required. 13.04.040 - Responsibility for utility payment. 13.04.050 - Water quality. 13.04.060 - Water system ownership. 13.04.070 - Classes of water service. 13.04.080 - Connections—Expense responsibility— Approval required. 13.04.090 - Connections—Application—Contents. 13.04.100 - Connections—Application—Changes in service. 13.04.110 - Connections—Application—Contesting, denial of conditions. 13.04.120 - Terms and conditions of service. 13.04.130 - Service commencement—Billing. 13.04.140 - Termination of service. 13.04.150 - Notice, late charge and collection. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 24/35 13.04.160 - Delinquency—Turno notice. 13.04.170 - Delinquency—Turno. 13.04.180 - Delinquency—Restoration of services. 13.04.190 - Water meters. 13.04.200 - Responsibility for owner's equipment. 13.04.210 - Wasteful use of water. 13.04.220 - Customer service line responsibility— Circulating pumps. 13.04.230 - Installation regulations and requirements. 13.04.240 - Individual sewage disposal systems. 13.04.250 - Discharging waste onto the ground. 13.04.260 - Discharging waste into manholes. 13.04.270 - Cross-connections prohibited. 13.04.275 - Multiple buildings, structures or establishments—Connections prohibited. 13.04.280 - Plumbing system maintenance. 13.04.290 - Plumbing work standards. 13.04.300 - Fire hydrants. 13.04.310 - Inspections—Authorized. 13.04.320 - Inspections—Duty to provide access. 13.04.330 - Conicting provisions. 13.04.340 - Violation—Penalty. Chapter 15.01 - BUILDING CODE ADVISORY BOARD 15.01.010 - Composition—Terms—Qualications. 15.01.020 - Filling vacancies. 15.01.030 - Compensation barred. 15.01.040 - Removal. 15.01.050 - Ocers—Meetings—Bylaws. 15.01.060 - Duties of the board. 15.01.070 - Provisions requiring building inspections by city ocials suspended. 15.04.010 - Denitions. 15.04.020 - Finding and report by city ocials. 15.04.030 - Findings of city manager. 15.04.040 - Notice to abate or correct—To whom given. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 25/35 15.04.050 - Notice to abate or correct—Posting and service—Content. 15.04.060 - Objections to ndings. 15.04.070 - Public hearing. 15.04.080 - Board of adjustment ndings— Removal or demolition. 15.04.090 - Board of adjustment ndings— Correction. 15.04.100 - Board of adjustment ndings— Ordinance—Compliance. 15.04.110 - Failure to comply—City enforcement. 15.04.120 - Appeals to court. 15.04.130 - Violation—Penalty. 15.08.010 - Code adopted by reference. 15.08.020 - Copies on le. 15.08.030 - Scope of code. 15.08.040 - Section 5.4.9 added—House sewer cleanout. 15.08.050 - Section 10.6.1 amended—Watersewer pipe separation. 15.08.060 - Section C.9 added—Ethylene glycol system separation. 15.08.070 - Permit—Required—Holder's responsibility. 15.08.080 - Permit—Application—Fees. 15.08.090 - Permit—Term. 15.08.100 - Permit—Plan and specication approval. 15.08.110 - Permit—Not required when. 15.08.120 - Right of entry for inspection. 15.08.130 - Stop-work orders. 15.08.140 - Water piping tests. 15.08.150 - Air-conditioning and water-operated devices. 15.08.160 - Sewer connections or interference. 15.08.170 - Connection to proximate sewer. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 26/35 15.08.180 - Enforcement—Administrative authority designated. 15.08.190 - Violation—Penalty. 15.12.010 - Adoption of National Electrical Code. 15.12.020 - Copies on le. 15.12.030 - Electrical permits, inspections and fees. 15.12.040 - Permit—Required—Responsibility. 15.12.050 - Permit—Application. 15.12.060 - Permit—Plans and specications— Required when. 15.12.070 - Permit—Plans and specications— Contents. 15.12.080 - Permit—Issuance after review. 15.12.090 - Permit—Transferability. 15.16.010 - Adopted. 15.20.010 - Adopted. 15.24.010 - Adopted. Article I. - General Provisions 15.28.010 - Statutory authorization. 15.28.020 - Purpose. 15.28.030 - Applicability. 15.28.040 - Denitions. 15.28.050 - Flood insurance study adopted by reference—Maps. 15.28.055 - Abrogation and greater restrictions. 15.28.060 - Compliance. 15.28.070 - Interpretation. 15.28.080 - Disclaimer of liability. 15.28.090 - Development permit required. 15.28.100 - Establishment of development permit. 15.28.110 - Administrator—Designated. 15.28.120 - Administrator—Duties. 15.28.130 - Variance procedure. 15.28.140 - General standards. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 27/35 15.28.150 - Specic standards. 15.28.160 - Coastal high hazard area. 15.28.170 - Discontinuation, removal or abatement. 15.28.180 - Inspections. 15.28.190 - Violation—Penalties. Chapter 17.04 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 17.04.010 - Title. 17.04.020 - Purpose. 17.04.030 - Applicability. 17.04.040 - Compliance required. 17.04.050 - Districting of city. 17.04.060 - Fees. 17.08.010. - Applicability. 17.08.020 - Accessory. 17.08.030 - Alley. 17.08.040 - Alteration. 17.08.050 - Building 17.08.060 - Building line. 17.08.070 - Commission. 17.08.080 - Dwelling, multiple-family. 17.08.090 - Dwelling, one family. 17.08.100 - Dwelling, two-family. 17.08.110 - Dwelling unit. 17.08.120 - Essential service. 17.08.130 - Home occupation. 17.08.140 - Lot. 17.08.150 - Lot, corner. 17.08.160 - Lot line. 17.08.170 - Nonconforming. 17.08.180 - Nonconformity. 17.08.190 - Person. 17.08.200 - Public right-of-way. 17.08.210 - Setback. 17.08.220 - Street. 17.08.230 - Structure. 17.12.10 - Zoning map—Adoption. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 28/35 17.12.020 - Zoning map—Identication— Amendment—Filing. 17.12.030 - Interpretation of district boundaries. 17.12.040 - Amendment—Initiation. 17.12.050 - Amendment—Planning commission recommendation. 17.12.060 - Amendment—Council action. 17.16.010 - Purpose. 17.16.020 - Permitted uses. 17.20.010 - Purpose—Predesignation required. 17.20.020 - Permitted uses. 17.20.030 - Setbacks. 17.24.010 - Purpose. 17.24.020 - Permitted uses. 17.28.010 - Applicability. 17.28.020 - Nuisance eects and hazards. 17.28.025 - Business hours. 17.28.030 - Essential services. 17.28.040 - Stripping topsoil. 17.28.050 - Removal of gravel or ll. 17.28.060 - Visibility for corner lots. 17.28.070 - Bulk fuel storage. 17.28.080 - O-street parking. 17.28.090 - O-street loading. 17.28.100 - Minimum lot area. 17.28.110 - Municipal cemetery plot size. 17.32.010 - Intent. 17.32.020 - Continuation restrictions. 17.32.030 - Lawful existence dened. 17.32.040 - Necessary repair or modication. 17.32.050 - Inventory of nonconformities. 17.36.010 - Established. 17.36.020 - Composition—Appointment— Qualications. 17.36.030 - Term. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 29/35 17.36.035 - Meetings—Absence from. 17.36.040 - Vacancies. 17.36.050 - Compensation. 17.36.055 - Agenda. 17.36.060 - Meetings—Quorum. 17.36.065 - Voting. 17.36.070 - Ocers. 17.36.080 - Rules of procedure. 17.36.090 - Powers and duties. 17.36.100 - Rulemaking—Amendment, variance, appeal jurisdiction—Resolutions. 17.36.110 - Conicts of interest. Article I. - Variances 17.40.010 - Planning commission duty. 17.40.020 - Application—Submittal requirements. 17.40.030 - Application—Rejection. 17.40.040 - Public hearing. 17.40.050 - Findings of commission. 17.40.060 - Conditions. 17.40.070 - Notice of resolution. 17.40.080 - Standard for granting. 17.40.090 - Appealable decisions— Filing —Who may appeal. 17.40.100 - Hearing. 17.40.110 - Armation or reversal. 17.40.120 - Findings and conclusions. 17.40.130 - Notice of decision. 17.44.010 - Board designated— Jurisdiction. 17.44.020 - Who may appeal. 17.44.030 - Filing—Stay of order or decision. 17.44.040 - Scheduling of hearing. 17.44.050 - Notice of appeal. 17.44.060 - Record. 17.44.070 - Hearing. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 30/35 17.44.080 - Armation or reversal. 17.44.090 - Findings and conclusions. 17.44.100 - Notice of decision. 17.44.110 - Judicial review. 17.48.010 - Required—Conformance of work. 17.48.020 - Application. 17.48.030 - Conrmation of dimensions. 17.48.040 - Building permit fees. 17.52.010 - Administrative ocial. 17.52.020 - Enforcement orders. 17.52.030 - Inspections—Right of entry. 17.56.010 - Misdemeanor penalty. 17.56.020 - Civil action. 17.56.030 - Separate violations. Chapter 18.05 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 18.05.010 - Title. 18.05.020 - Policy. 18.05.030 - Purposes. 18.05.040 - Authority. 18.05.050 - Jurisdiction. 18.05.060 - Enactment. 18.05.070 - Interpretation, conict and separability. 18.05.080 - Saving provision. 18.05.090 - Amendments. 18.05.100 - Public purpose. 18.05.110 - Variances, exceptions and waiver of conditions. 18.05.120 - Fees. 18.05.130 - Enforcement, violations and penalties. 18.10.010. - Denitions generally. 18.15.010 - Subdivision regulations. 18.15.020 - Variance procedure. 18.15.030 - Appeals. 18.20.010 - Vacations. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 31/35 18.20.020 - Vacations by the city. 18.20.030 - Dedications. 18.25.010 - Design standards for subdivisions. 18.25.020 - Improvements and improvement procedures for major subdivisions. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 18.000 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 18.010 - Procedure for Variances from Subdivision Regulations. 18.011 - Public Notice for Regularly-Scheduled, Special and Emergency Meetings. 18.012 - Public Hearing Notication Process for Variances and Appeals. 18.013 - Burden of Proof. 18.014 - Fees. 18.015 - Procedure for Appeals. 18.016 - Enforcement. 18.017 - Public Interest. 18.018 - Severability. 18.019 - General Rules of Interpretation. 18.030 - TRUST AND RESTRICTED PROPERTY 18.035 - CITY CENTER AREA 18.040 - PRE-APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS 18.050 - ABBREVIATED PLATS AND WAIVERS FOR CREATION OF FIVE ACRE LOTS OR LARGER 18.060 - MINOR LOT CONSOLIDATION FOR FOUR OR FEWER ABUTTING LOTS 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 32/35 18.100 - MINOR SUBDIVISIONS 18.110 - Eligible Subdivisions. 18.120 - Preliminary Plat for Minor Subdivisions. 18.130 - Final Plat for Minor Subdivisions. 18.140 - Procedure for Minor Subdivisions. 18.150 - Design Standards for Minor Subdivisions. 18.160 - Monumentation. 18.170 - Easements in Minor Subdivisions. 18.180 - Minor Subdivisions in Flood Hazard Areas. 18.210 - Preliminary Plat. 18.220 - Procedure for Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat. 18.230 - Final Plat for Major Subdivisions. 18.240 - Procedures for Final Plats of Major Subdivision. 18.250 - Design Standards for Major Subdivisions. 18.260 - Improvements for Major Subdivisions. 18.270 - Dedications and Easements. 18.280 - Major Subdivisions in Flood Hazard Areas. 18.400 - COMMON STATION COORDINATE SYSTEM LOCAL BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD/LOCAL REGULATORY AUTHORITY RULES AND PROCEDURES (as approved by City Council Resolution 19-41) 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 33/35 WELCOME [SECTION 1 - APPLICATION AND INTENTION] 1.00 - Application of Personnel Policy Manual. 1.05 - General Intention. 2.00 - Equal Opportunity Employer. 2.05 - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2.10 - Drug-Free Workplace. 2.15 - Alcohol and Drug Policy. 2.20 - Non-Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation. 2.25 - Safety and Health. 2.30 - Ethical Compliance. 2.35 - Personnel Records and General Personnel Files. 3.00 - Job Descriptions. 3.05 - Types of Positions and Classications. 3.10 - Classication Determination of Positions and Pay. 3.15 - Performance Evaluation. 3.20 - Salary Adjustment on Transfer, Promotion. 3.25 - Special Salary Provisions. 4.00 - General Provisions. 4.05 - Recruitment. 4.10 - Selection. 4.15 - Pre-Employment Inquiries. 4.20 - Probationary Period. 4.25 - Moonlighting. 4.30 - Moving Allowance. 4.35 - Driver's License Required. 4.40 - Physical Examination. 5.00 - Hours of Work. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 34/35 5.05 - Overtime Pay, Holiday Pay and Standby Pay. 5.10 - Holidays with Pay. 6.00 - Personal Leave. 6.05 - Payment in Lieu of Leave. 6.10 - Bereavement Leave. 6.15 - Absence—Any Leave other than Prior Approved Leave. 6.20 - Personal Leave Donations. 6.25 - Other Leave. 6.30 - Leave Without Pay. 6.35 - AFLA, FMLA and Service Leave. 6.40 - Unauthorized Absence. 7.00 - Retirement. 7.05 - Health and Life Insurance. 7.10 - COBRA Notication. 7.15 - Vehicle Use Policy. 8.00 - Scope of Coverage—Denition. 8.05 - Procedure. 9.00 - Coverage. 9.05 - Suspension. 9.10 - Involuntary Demotion. 9.15 - Expedited Discharge for Cause. 9.20 - Category 1 Infractions may Result in Disciplinary Actions. 9.25 - Category 2 Infractions that may Result in Immediate Dismissal. 9.30 - Department Head Imposing Adverse Action. 9.35 - Employee's Right to a Hearing. 9.40 - Layos and Suspensions. 9.45 - Resignation. 10.00 - Training. 10.05 - Travel. 10.10 - Travel Expenses and Per Diem. 11.00 - Computer Policy. 9/27/22, 12:32 PM Kotzebue, AK Code of Ordinances about:blank 35/35 11.05 - Email Usage. 11.10 - Wireless Communication Policy. 11.15 - Workstation Security. 12.00 - Personnel Inquiries and Requests. 12.05 - Legal Representation. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR PERSONNEL FILE CROSS-REFERENCE TABLE ORDINANCE LIST AND DISPOSITION TABLE CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE AND DISPOSITION LIST