HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFI - Battery Storage - KEA 2013Request for Information Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Energy Storage Project number October 27, 2013 Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Kotzebue, Alaska RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1 Purposefor the RFI..................................................................................................................... 1 Objectives................................................................................................................................... 1 Background................................................................................................................................. 1 Description of Current System................................................................................................ 2 Descriptionof the Problem..................................................................................................... 4 Management and Control Systems, Specific Capabilities...................................................... 4 RequestedInformation.................................................................................................................... 5 CompanyInformation................................................................................................................. 5 ContactInformation................................................................................................................ 5 CompanyOverview................................................................................................................ 5 TechnicalInformation................................................................................................................. 6 Battery / Energy Storage Solution Overview.......................................................................... 6 Battery / Energy Storage Control System Overview.............................................................. 6 Communication and Information Technologies..................................................................... 6 DeviceSpecifications.............................................................................................................. 7 References/ Past Experience...................................................................................................... 7 ResponseInstructions..................................................................................................................... 7 DISCLAIMER AND IMPORTANT NOTES................................................................................ 8 RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page i Introduction Purpose for the RFI Kotzebue Electric Association hic. intends to develop a "Request for Proposal" within the next 2-4 month timeframe for the procurement of an Energy Storage system. Kotzebue is located in NW Alaska above the Arctic Circle. The residents of NW Alaska face some of the highest costs for energy anywhere in the nation. The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit input from industry to be considered by the Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. in identifying appropriate technologies or solutions in determining a course of action. Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. seeks industry input regarding technology capabilities, costs, risks, and probable schedule, which should be considered while developing this project. Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. is interested in information that will help to understand the opportunity and challenges in the development of the energy storage system. All non-public information submitted will be considered proprietary and confidential. It is not mandatory to submit a response to this RFI to participate in a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) process that may take place in the future. However, it should be noted that information gathered through this RFI may significantly influence how Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. proceeds in such a process. The intent of this RFI is to solicit maximum industry participation, to allow the Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. to formulate a concise acquisition strategy in a timely manner. This RFI shall not be construed as a RFP or as an obligation on the part of Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. which does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this request or otherwise pay for the requested information. Objectives The overall objective of Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. project is to improve energy reliability and improve operational efficiency. The main objective of this RFI is to evaluate the current state of battery storage technologies to choose a technology that will allow KEA to be able to time shift excess wind energy to reduce diesel consumption. Background Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. (KEA) serves the city of Kotzebue, Alaska; a remote community located along the western coast of Alaska just above the Arctic Circle, several hundred miles past the end of the road and the end of the electrical grid, and has historically been dependent on diesel power for electricity. KEA was the first electric utility in Alaska to install utility sized wind turbines, and has recently expanded its wind power plant with the deployment of mid -size utility grade wind turbines. The current system has significantly increased the RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 1 penetration levels of renewable energy on the KEA grid. This is providing a significant reduction to the amount of diesel required to operate the generation system for the community. The addition of a storage component will be undertaken if it proves to further the goal of reducing diesel costs. The average load for KEA is 2.5 MW. KEA is a winter peaking system. The lowest loads for the system come in the summer. KEA is evaluating the system loads to determine if overnight loads especially during the summer present an opportunity for system storage. KEA continues to work towards the development and implementation of long term energy solutions for electric and thermal energy needs in order to further reduce diesel dependency. Kotzebue Electric Association's current wind plant has an installed capacity of 2.94 MW which provides the city of Kotzebue with 4 million kilowatt-hours per year. This meets roughly 20% of the community's electrical demand and displaces up to 250,000 gallons per year. In addition, excess electricity will be available for use in a heating distribution system that can serve the local area hospital. Overview of KEA's Structure, Location, and Demographics Kotzebue is located on the northwest Alaskan coast, located at latitude 66.51 degrees N and longitude 162.40 degrees W, at essentially sea level about 30 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Kotzebue is a town of about 3200 permanent residents on the tip of the Baldwin Peninsula extending into Kotzebue Sound off the Chukchi Sea. It is a typical Arctic climate, with much of the terrain characterized as tundra on permafrost. The annual average temperature is -5.8 degrees C (22 degrees F). As is typical in rural Alaska, Kotzebue is not connected to any road or electric grid system. Kotzebue serves as the hub community for 11 surrounding villages. The Northwest Arctic Borough (an area the size of Illinois) receives service for transportation, government, medical, and communications from Kotzebue. All transportation into the community is either commercial ocean transport, or commercial jet. There is excellent air service to Kotzebue from major Alaskan cities such as Anchorage (549 miles distant). Large freight is normally shipped in by barge, with the shipping season typically from July through September, with some annual variation. Air transport (Hercules C-130) of larger cargo (to 44,000 lbs., 9' x 19 'x 53.5' max) is also available from Anchorage at a higher cost. Description of Current System Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. (KEA) is a nonprofit electric cooperative that serves the residents of Kotzebue, Alaska. The member owned electric utility serves about 1,300 retail customers. The wind -diesel hybrid power system plant has 5 engine/generator sets and an available output of 9.8 Megawatts. In 1997, the first three wind turbines were commissioned on the leased 148-acre project site approximately 4.5 miles south of Kotzebue. The remaining sixteen turbines have been installed over a period of years with the last 2 being the largest at 900 kW installed in 2012. The wind component of the system is 19 wind turbines with a generating RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 2 capacity of 2.94 MW. KEA has a peak electric load of approximately 3.6 MW, and generates over 22 million kWh annually. The average cost to the members is 39 cents per kWh. The members of KEA voted to deregulate from the Alaska Public Utilities Commission in 1993. The diesel generator plant is located about 4.5 miles from the wind turbine site; with an existing feeder line is being upgraded to 25 kVa. Power for the KEA grid is generated by the diesel generators at 4,160V and stepped up through transformers to 12,500 VAC, three-phase, three - wire for distribution throughout the town. The existing power grid has the following electrical characteristics: Grid Voltage: 12.5 kV Feeders 1-3 Grid Voltage: 25 kV Feeders 4 (being being upgraded from 12.5 kV) Frequency: Power Factor: Average load Maximum Load Minimum Load 1 Substation 60Hzt0.5Hz 0.92 lagging 2500 kW 3700 kW 1500 kW ABB MVA Electronic VAR Unit. (is being installed this fall) Diesel Powered Generators: Unit 7: 1025 kW Caterpillar 3516 series (16 cylinders) Unit 10: 3080 kW EMD 710 series (20 cylinders) Unit 14: 2865 kW EMD 710 series (16 cylinders) Unit 15: 2865 kW EMD 710 series (16 cylinders) Unit 16: 1440 kW EMD 710 series (8 cylinders) Wind Turbines: 16 - 66 kW - Induction turbines 1-100 kW - Synchronous generator 2 - 900 kW - Synchronous generator RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 3 Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. has 1250 customers'. The average annual energy consumption for the utility is approximately 22 million kWh. The desired (storage solution) will power peak loads by utilizing excess wind capacity. These loads consist of morning, noon and evening load increase due primarily to meal time activities. Additional energy resources will be the addition of a 125 kW GE Clean Cycle unit that will use exhaust from the diesel plant. A one line diagram of the system and the local grid is included. Description of the Problem With the addition of the new wind turbines the system will have excess wind capacity especially in summer months when loads are down. There are two possible scenarios where batteries could provide benefit: 1) KEA is interested in "load shifting" energy where a battery could be used to store energy during a wind event while allowing an appropriately sized diesel engine (smaller than one required to meet the entire load) to operate at its highest efficiency region during and for some time period after the wind event. This battery could be less powerful than the total community load listed below, but with larger energy storage. 2) KEA is also interested in technology that would be able to shut off all diesels during wind events to save as much diesel fuel as possible, which requires having a battery system capable of meeting the entire load of Kotzebue for at least several minutes, sufficient to re- start the diesel engines in case of sudden loss of power from the wind farm. Based on these criteria, the request is for an energy storage system capable of providing 2.5 MW for at least 5 minutes. We are also requesting estimates of battery efficiency as a function of charge rate, and data on battery lifetime as a function of depth of discharge and charge/discharge rates. This information will be used to model the energy storage system interactions with the existing hardware in Kotzebue, to allow an economic evaluation of the battery. Current diesel fuel prices (based upon the recent summer delivery are $3.53 per gallon, the diesel plant is producing about 14.25 kW-hrs per gallon, resulting in a fuel cost of about roughly 22.3 cents per kWh generated. Modeling will be used to evaluate if diesel fuel cost savings are sufficient to cover the cost of the battery. KEA has previously attempted to procure 2 different batteries that were not able to deliver a commissioned product due to financial issues in one case and design/maintenance issues in the other. Management and Control Systems, Specific Capabilities Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. currently uses a SCADA System that was developed in conjunction with Electric Power Systems of Anchorage. This system has been designed to integrate a previous battery system that was not commissioned due to maintenance issues. The RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 4 SCADA system is comprised of GE PLCs integrated with a Wonderware based HMI system. Communication between the SCADA master, generator, and substation PLCs are via a fiber ring network. The diverse communication protocols integrated into the SCADA system include GE SRTP, OPC, Modbus RTU and TCP, DNP, and other proprietary protocols. We currently do not operate any distribution automation functions along the feeder. Requested Information Company Information Contact Information Firm Name: Energy Storage Type and Technology (e.g. Lithium ION): Point of Contact: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: Company Overview Item Respondent Response Main lines of business Locations - headquarters, and maintenance facilities Number of employees - total and by major department Number of contractors - total and by major department Company mission and vision statements Strategic relationships with other suppliers Total revenue Percent of revenue from solutions similar to those proposed by Respondent Proposed organization chart of Attach as an appendix / separate file Respondent's proposed project team for a possible project RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 5 Technical Information Battery / Energy Storage Solution Overview 1. Provide a general overview of firm's energy storage solution and technologies 2. Identify key advantages of system. 3. Provide a brief description of how system could be integrated with existing SCADA system including basic data / command exchanges. 4. Provide a summary of how ES meets the objective (s) of this RFI. 5. Provide a conceptual estimate of the capital cost Battery / Energy Storage Control System Overview 1. Provide a general overview of firm's products and capabilities. 2. Provide a complete description of the product proposed for this application. 3. Identify key advantages of technology (e.g., unique process innovations). 4. Provide a detail overview of the energy storage control system capabilities. 5. Identify extent of redundancy in the Energy Storage control system. If multiple redundant control system is utilized, what is the maximum distance between them; how do they detect when one has failed; if they are at different locations, can they have the same control room destination)? 6. Describe the common failure modes for the Energy Storage control system. 7. Identify if the storage control system interface can be operated in both manual and automatic modes. Describe the capabilities of the software that is used at the control room for the system operators (what variables can be viewed, can device set points be changed? etc.). 8. Identify if system is `modular' to facilitate future capacity expansion (additional storage devices). 9. Provide reliability data on the proposed control system. 10. Provide the projected O&M of the proposed solution. 11. Provide the warranty (time and conditions) on the proposed solution and the cost of a warranty extension. 12. Provide the projected round trip efficiency AC to AC. 13. Provide cycle information on cycle life vs. depth of discharge (10% to 100%), and projected system life under the operating conditions described in the application. 14. Provide MSDSs of all chemicals or compounds used in this ES. 15. Provide all recommended safety procedures, including those related to fire and catastrophic failure for the proposed solution. 16. In the case of a fire, what are the potential health and safety impacts of the off -gases? Communication and Information Technologies 1. Describe how the energy storage control system communicates with the storage system. 2. Identify what communication interfaces and protocols are supported by the energy storage control system (RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet, DNP3, Modbus, TCP/IP, ICCP,). Define what information corresponds to the protocols and interfaces used. 3. Describe the interface between the energy storage control system and the SCADA system. RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 6 4. Define limits, if any to the number of devices that can be connected to the energy storage control system? Device Specifications 1. Provide specification sheets including dimensions, weight, the number of inputs, and types of inputs, and environmental conditions. References / Past Experience Provide three (3) past projects that addressed similar problems and are of similar or larger size and scope. Complete the following table for each of the projects. Project: Project Name: Project Location: Owner/Client: OwnerlClient Point of Contact and phone number: Firm's role on this project: I I Prime Contractor I ISubcontractor Design Firm Brief Description of Project (Include, as applicable, how project is similar in scope and magnitude to the work required in this RFP) Contract Amount: Percent of Completion (ifprojectis currently underconstruction) Original Contract Completion Date: Final Contract Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Explanation of any Late Finish: Was the project terminated early or were curelshow cause letters received? I JYesJX No List and explain any customer concerns or dissatisfaction. Explain how you responded. Response Instructions Responses are limited to twenty (20) pages total (12 point font,1 inch margins). Respondents may submit responses to all or a portion of the RFI questions. The email submittal should have the title of the Request for Information (for example, "Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Energy Storage") in the subject line of the email to ensure proper review. Submittals to this Request for Information or questions posed for clarification should be emailed to the following email addresses: Name: Brad Reeve Title: General Manager/CEO Email address: b reeve@kea.coop RFI for Energy Storage — Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 7 To ensure delivery of questions and/or submittal to the Request for Information, attached documents should be limited to Microsoft Ofce® compatible documents including Word® (.doc or docx), PowerPointo (.ppt or .pptx), and Excelc (.xls or .xlsx). The maximum file size email plus attachment that can be received is 1OMb. DUE DATE Responses are requested to be submitted by 5:00 pm Time Zone, November 15, 2013 via email to Person named from above. DISCLAIMER AND IMPORTANT NOTES This is an RFI issued solely for information and program planning purposes; this RFI does not constitute a formal solicitation for proposals or abstracts. Your response to this notice will be treated as information only. Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. will not provide reimbursement for costs incurred in responding to this RFI. Respondents are advised that Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted under this RFI. Responses to this RFI do not bind the Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. to any further actions related to this topic. RFI for Energy Storage - Kotzebue Electric Association Inc. Page 8