HomeMy WebLinkAbout160302-fhpermitapp-KnutsonCreekJuly 2008 FH#______________ (Office Use Only) ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FISH HABITAT PERMIT APPLICATION SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: Provide as much information as possible. If you need assistance, please contact the nearest ADF&G Division of Habitat office. The ADF&G reserves the right to require additional information for the proper protection of fish and game. Step A: Provide your name, address, and telephone number and the name, address, and telephone number of the contractor who will be doing the work, if known. Step B: Describe the type of project (e.g., bridge, culvert, utility line placement, impoundment structure, bank stabilization, channelization, low water crossing, log removal, etc.) and the purpose of the project. A brief description of alternatives considered would be useful but is not required. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Back to Form Step C: 1. Name of the waterbody in or adjacent to which the project will occur. 2. For Anadromous Stream numbers, refer to the Atlas to the Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes. 3. a. Provide plans (or field sketch) showing the following as a minimum: access to the site, plan view showing all project features and dimensions, or crossing/fording sites; material removal plans should also include, at a minimum, the following: 50' contour lines; nearby watercourses and lakes; location of facilities (i.e., screening, washing, and crushing plants, and commercial and private buildings); aliquot parts identified in order they are to be mined; site where fuel will be stored; a cross section view of the material site showing current land and water elevations and bank slopes and final excavation grades and slopes; and project expansion sites (scale no greater than 1 in. = 400 ft.) b. Provide specifications, if available; and c. Provide a current aerial photograph, if available. Back to Form Step D: Indicate the time of year when project construction will occur. Is the project temporary or permanent? Step E: 1. Provide information if applicable on how you will divert the stream. 2. Indicate if channelization will occur. 3. Provide information, if applicable, on how you will alter or modify the banks of the stream. 4. List all vehicles or equipment by type and size that will be used in the stream. 5. Provide information, if applicable, on what type and amount of material will be removed from the floodplain, bed, stream, or lake. 6. Provide information, if applicable, on any material you will deposit in the floodplain, stream, or lake. July 2008 -2- 7. Provide information, if applicable, on any blasting you intend to do in the floodplain, stream, or lake. 8. Indicate if temporary fills will be required. 9. Indicate if ice bridges will be required. Step F: What precautions will be taken to insure that fish and other aquatic organisms are protected from adverse impacts? Outline plan for restoring, rehabilitating, or re- vegetating the site if channel or bank alterations occur. What precautions will be taken to maintain State Water Quality Standards? Back to Form Step G: Provide the waterbody characteristics at the site of the project. Step H: Provide available hydraulic information for the types of projects indicated. For information on selecting a culvert size that will ensure fish passage, consult ADF&G permitters or references available at Division of Habitat offices. July 2008 -3- FH#______________ (Office Use Only) GENERAL WATERWAY/WATERBODY APPLICATION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Division of Habitat Office Locations A. APPLICANT 1. Name: 2. Address (Mailing): Email Address: Telephone: Fax: 3. Project Coordinator/Contractor: Name: Address: Email Address: Telephone: Fax: B. TYPE AND PURPOSE OF PROJECT: C. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE 1. Name of River, Stream, or Lake: or Anadromous Stream No: 2. Legal Description: Township Range Meridian Section USGS Quad Map 3. Plans, Specifications, and Aerial Photograph. See specific instructions July 2008 -4- D. TIME FRAME FOR PROJECT: TO (mm/dd/yy) E. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: 1. Will the stream be diverted? Yes No How will the stream be diverted? How long? 2. Will stream channelization occur? Yes No 3. Will the banks of the stream be altered or modified? Yes No Describe: 4. List all tracked or wheeled equipment (type and size) that will be used in the stream (in the water, on ice, or in the floodplain): How long will equipment be in the stream? 5. a. Will material be removed from the floodplain, bed, stream, or lake? Yes No Type: Amount: b. Will material be removed from below the water table? Yes No If so, to what depth? Is a pumping operation planned? Yes No 6. Will material (including spoils, debris, or overburden) be deposited in the floodplain, stream, or lake? Yes No If so, what type? Amount: Disposal site location(s): 7. Will blasting be performed? Yes No Weight of charges: Type of substrate: 8. Will temporary fills in the stream or lake be required during construction (e.g., for construction traffic around construction site)? Yes No 9. Will ice bridges be required? Yes No July 2008 -5- F. SITE REHABILITATION/RESTORATION PLAN: On a separate sheet present a site rehabilitation/restoration plan. See specific instructions G. WATERBODY CHARACTERISTICS: Width of stream: Depth of stream or lake: Type of stream or lake bottom (e.g., sand, gravel, mud): Stream gradient: H. HYDRAULIC EVALUATION: 1. Will a structure (e.g., culvert, bridge support, dike) be placed below ordinary high water of the stream? Yes No If yes, attach engineering drawings or a field sketch, as described in Step B. For culverts, attach stream discharge data for a mean annual flood (Q=2.3), if available. If applicable, describe potential for channel changes and/or increased bank erosion: 2. Will more than 25,000 cubic yards of material be removed? Yes No If yes, attach a written hydraulic evaluation including, at a minimum, the following: potential for channel changes, assessment of increased aufeis (glaciering) potential, assessment of potential for increased bank erosion. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED ON OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. __________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Applicant Date