HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPP_13013-AEA REF 13 Cordova Hydro Storage Assessment Project ApplicationCordova Electric Cooperative REF Round 13 Grant Application 11 Cordova Hydro Storage Assessment Project" Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form SECTION 1 -APPLICANT INFORMATION ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Please specify the legal grantee that will own, operate, and maintain the project upon completion. I Name (Name of utility, IPP, local government, or other government entity) I Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Tax ID # 92-0069167 Date of last financial statement audit: April 30, 2020 Mailina Address: Physical Address: PO Box 20 705 Second Street Cordova, Alaska 99574 Cordova, Alaska 99574 Telephone: Fax: Email: 907-424-5555 907-424-5027 emerritt@cordovaelectric.com 11.1 Applicant Point of Contact I Grants Manager I Name: Clay Koplin, PE Title: CEO Mailing Address: PO Box 20 Cordova, Alaska 99574 Telephone: Fax : Email: 907-424-5555 907-424-5027 ckoJLiin@cordovaelectric.com 1.1.1 Applicant Signatory Authority Contact Information Name: Clay Koplin Title: CEO Mailing Address: PO Box 20 Cordova, Alaska 99574 Telephone: Fax: Email: 907-424-5555 907-424-5027 cko__Qjill@cordovae lectr ic.com 1.1.2 Applicant Alternate Points of Contact Name Telephone: Fax : Email: Scott Newlun (907) 424-5044 snewlun@cordovaelectric.com Emma Merritt (907) 424-5024 (907) 424-5527 emerritt@cordovaelectric.com AE A 21010 Page 1 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 1.2 Applicant Minimum Requirements Please check as appropriate. If applicants do not meet the minimum requirements, the application will be rejected. 1 1.2.1 Applicant Type IZ! An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05 CPCN # 160 D An independent power producer in accordance with 3 AAC 107.695 (a) (1) CPCN # , or D A local government, or D A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities) AddT t 1 1ona mm1mum reqUiremen s IZI 1.2.2 Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for the project by the applicant's board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If the applicant is a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant 's governing authority is necessary. (Indicate yes by checking the box) IZI 1.2.3 As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement (Section 3 of the RFA). (Indicate yes by checking the box) IZI 1.2.4 If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the award as identified in the Standard Grant Agreement template at www.akenergyauthority .org /what-we - do/grants-loans/renewab le-energy-fund -ref-grants /2020-ref-agQi ication (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) (Indicate yes by checking the box) IZI 1.2.5 We intend to own and operate any project that may be constructed with grant funds for the benefit of the general public. If no please describe the nature of the project and who will be the primary beneficiaries . (Indicate yes by checking the box) AEA 21010 Page 2 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form A LASKA ENERGY AU T HOR ITY I SECTION 2 -PROJECT SUMMARY 2.1 Project Title Provide a 4 to 7 word title for your project. Type in the space below. I Cordova Hydro Storage Assessment Project I 2.2 Project Location 2.2.1 Location of Project-Latitude and longitude (preferred), street address, or community name. Note: One hydro assessment project; multiple sites with various levels of prior work. Latitude I I Longitude I Raging Creek (conventional/pumped storage) 60°41 '21.03"N, 145°44'5.82"W (dam site) Snyder Falls Creek (conventional storage) 60°39'52.82"N, 145°33'29 .54"W (dam site) Humpback Creek (conventional storage) 60°36'46.17"N, 145°40'45 .76"W (power plant) Power Creek {add conventional storage) 60°35'19.16"N, 145°36'14 .38"W (power plant) Radian LatiLon: Raging Creek (conventional/pumped storage) 60 .689567 , -145 .734403 (dam site) Snyder Falls Creek (conventional storage) 60 .680401, -145.536054 (dam site) Humpback Creek (conventional storage) 60.635104, -145.641631W (power plant) Power Creek (add conventional storage) 60 .587106, -145.618668 (power plant) 2.2.2 Community benefiting-Name(s) of the community or communities that will be the beneficiaries of the project. I Cordova, Alaska Prince William Sound 2.3 Project Type Please check as appropriate . I 2.3.1 Renewable Resource Type D Wind 181 Hydro, Including Run of River D Geothermal, Excluding Heat Pumps D Solar Photovoltaic D Biomass or Biofuels (excluding heat-only) D Hydrokinetic D Transmission of Renewable Energy 181 Storage of Renewable I D Other (Describe) D Small Natural Gas I 2.3.2 Proposed Grant Funded Phase(s) for this Request (Check all that apply) Pre-Construction Construction 181 Reconnaissance D Final Design and Permitting 181 Feasibility and Conceptual Design D Construction AEA 21010 Page 3 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form 2.4 Project Description Provide a brief, one-paragraph description of the proposed project. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) is requesting $295,000 to conduct an analysis of the hydroelectric resources in the area, per AEA recommendation in attached letter AEA Regional Hydro Resource Assessment dated April13, 2017. CEC intends to collect LIDAR imagery and develop feasibility assessments on at least four potential storage locations . The results of this analysis will inform the strategic direction of CEC in the short and long term. The priority assessment is for storage capacity upstream of the existing Humpback Creek Hydroelectric Project. The potential storage location is on private lands with low permitting and regulatory overheads and is a low-cost, high value supplement to the existing infrastructure. The next priority is at the Raging Creek hydroelectric site, for which CEC has already conducted a desktop feasibility assessment. Raging Creek would be a long-term hydro prospect that faces moderate permitting and regulatory barriers that has the potential to bring CEC to 100% renewable. A more comprehensive feasibility assessment would be conducted as part of this application. The last two locations and reports includes an updated feasibility report on Snyder Falls and a pre-feasibility on storage potential at Power Creek would. To maximize the LIDAR equipment, McMillen-Jacobs professional staff mobilization, and helicopter support, CEC proposes to conduct aerial reconnaissance of Boy Scout Lake, No Name Lake #1, and No Name Lake #2, per AEA recommendation. 2.5 Scope of Work Provide a short narrative for the scope of work detailing the tasks to be performed under this funding request. This should include work paid for by grant funds and matching funds or performed as in-kind match. Humpback Creek : Gather LIDAR and geotechnical I ground penetrating radar to assess storage potential upstream of existing project works. A feasibility assessment of conventional and pumped storage will be performed from LIDAR and field data/observations. Raging Creek: Gather LIDAR imagery and feasibility study. This project holds promise per attached McMillen Jacobs reconnaissance study excerpts, and good ground control will allow CEC to proceed with detailed feasibility analysis as a long-term prospect for 100% renewable. Snyder Falls Creek: Gather LIDAR imagery while performing area reconnaissance and update feasibility study. The project is large, but holds future promise, particularly if the Shepard Point Road, which would provide access and cut construction costs by up to 50%, is built per the UACOE permit it received last year. See attached McMillen-Jacobs 2013 Snyder Falls Creek Project Final Feasibility Cost Estimate. Power Creek: Gather LIDAR imagery and field geotechnical observations while performing area reconnaissance on other potential project sites, and a pre-feasibility assessment of storage potential. All sites are either on Alaska Native Corporations (ANC) land which allow access with simple application forms, and USFS which allows access to their public lands without permits but appreciates the verbal notifications and collaboration when CEC does field work to avoid helicopter conflicts with users. Aeria l Reconnaissance: inspect aerial prospects and, if feasible, land and make geotechnical and other field observations . This leverages the helicopter 4-hour flight minimums from Valdez/Girdwood into the highest reconnaissance value . Boy Scout Lake Aerial Reconnaissance No Name Lake #1 Aerial Reconnaissance No Name Lake #2 Aerial Reconnaissance AEA 21010 Page 4 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form 2.6 Previous REF Applications for the Project ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY See Section 1.15 of the RFA for the maximum 12er 12roject cumulative grant award amount Round Title of application Application Did you Amount of REF Submitted #,if known receive a grant awarded _grant? Y/N ($) N/A Note that CEC received round 1 and 3 funding for Humpback Creek Project, this application is for upstream storage assessment outside current project boundaries on ANC lands ~ SECTION 3 -Project Management, Development, and Operation I 3.1 Schedule and Milestones Please fill out the schedule below (or attach a similar sheet) for the work covered by this funding request. Be sure to identify key tasks and decision points, including go/no go decisions, in your project along with estimated start and end dates for each of the milestones and tasks. Please clearly identify the beginning and ending of all phases (1. Reconnaissance , II. Feasibility and Conceptual Design, Ill. Final Design and Permitting, and IV. Construction) of your proposed project. See the RFA, Sections 2.3-2.6 for the recommended milestones for each phase. Add additional rows as needed. Task Start End # Milestones Tasks Date Date Deliverables 1 Project Kickoff Team Meeting 7/2021 Meeting minutes 2 LIDAR Mapping A key element, McMillen CEC Site Visit, weather LIDAR Mapping, Site visits dependent 7/2021 10/2021 and Geotech surveys 3 Snyder Falls Update $75,000 Feasibility assessment, Creek Feasibility McMillen conceptual design using assessment using new LIDAR data and new Ll DAR data 10/2021 7/2022 contemporary rates 4 Raging Creek McMillen Jacobs Feasibility assessment, Feasibility Proposal 10/2021 7/2022 conceptual design 5 Humpback McMillen Jacobs Feasibility assessment, Storage feasibility with CEC Support 10/2021 7/2022 conceptual design 6 Power Creek Per McMillen Feasibility assessment, storage feasibility Proposal 10/2021 7/2022 conceptual design 7 Final report and Per McMillen Draft Report for Review recommendation Proposal 7/2022 10/2022 Final Report 8 (1) Site Overview -McMillen Jacobs Contractor Selected -see Hydro and Storage Selected -see CEC Board Resolution .. Assessment letters of support note; list ed as task 1 Report 7/2022 10/2022 McMillen Proposal 9 CEC Board Based on Task 1 Pursue Hydro Storage Go/No-Go summary and Option on CEC grid recommendation outcome 10/2022 12/2022 A EA 21010 Page 5 o f 26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form 3.2 Budget 3.2.1 Funding Sources ALASKA ENERGY AUTHOR ITY Indicate the funding sources for the phase(s) of the project applied for in this funding request. Grant funds requested in this application $ 294,642 Cash match to be provided 3 $ 50,000 In-kind match to be provided 3 $ 100,000 Energy efficiency match providedb $ N/A Total costs for project phase(s) covered in application (sum of $ $444,642 above) Budget: McMillen Jacobs Proposal: $344,642 (attached) CEC Cash match : ~ 50 ,000 (CEC sha re of McMille n ProQosal) AEA Reguested Funding: ~294,642 (difference) Additional CEC in-kind: ~100,000 (attached excel SQreadsheet "CEC In-Kind" Total (last 3 lines) $444,642 Note that CEC and McMillen-Jacobs have completed substantial out-of-pocket work to pre-assess and assess projects in this proposal, including McMillen-Jacobs pro-bono assessment of Snyder Falls Creek (report appended) and for which a current cost was estimated and included in this proposal for reference ($76,267 estimated value).Numerous regional site visits, field assessments, steam gaging, and geotechnical work by CEC as follows: Snyder Falls Creek Total to Date: $214,517 Crater Lake Total to Date: $660,853 Raging Creek Total to Date: $16,436 Work Order Cost Summaries are attached, and CEC is not requesting that these be included as match. These costs demonstrate CEC's financial commitment to pursuing its strategic goal of renewable energy. CEC has aggressively pursued goals whether awarded AEA funds or not (Crater Lake high ranking but unfunded AEA REF request). However, given past investments, CEC cannot proceed with this full area assessment without AEA assistance which might overlook the best cosUbenefit option for CEC and the community without the proposed analysis. CEC has strong cash reserves and staff capacity to meet the commitment for cash and in-kind match for this proposal and has the full support of the CEC Board of Directors (see attached Board Resolution). A CEC present cash flow (even after pandemic impacts) is included to demonstrate financial capacity including over $1,000,000 in average cash reserves and a $2,100,000 line of credit which CEC has not accessed since paying it down to zero in 2009. CEC has been paying capital credits for the last 3 years, another confirmation of financial capability to buy down member equity. CEC is tackling its strategic goals from every angle, and has made significant investments in operational improvements and incremental efficiency upgrades including installation of a grid scale battery (BESS) to free up spinning reserves at Power Creek with an estimated 50,000 gallons per year fuel based on 2020 performance-$2,000,000; $850,000 DOE and $1,150,000 CEC, and electric boiler to utilize excess hydropower (including additional excess created from BESS project) approximately $100,000; $80,000 DOE and $20,000 CEC and $20,000 CEC in-kind. This is expected to save 10,000 gallons per year based on 2020 performance . AEA 21010 Page 6 of26 7/20/2020 I Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form 3.2.2 Cost Overruns Describe the plan to cover potential cost increases or shortfalls in funding . ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY McMillen Jacobs has a strong track record , including project work for CEC, of bringing projects in on time and on budget in Alaska. Projects for CEC include Crater Lake feasibility study and geotechnical evaluation, Snyder Falls Creek Feasibility Cost Estimate (at no cost to CEC). See attached letters of support. CEC has a long performance history of project execution and suffered the pain of cost overruns on both Power Creek hydroelectric Project and Humpback Creek hydroelectric project. However, through agile project management CEC has been able to deliver additional value from additional costs. Net result for Power Creek; $24M total cost, $35M diesel fuel savings alone. Humpback Creek: Nearly doubled fuel offset and sharply reduced maintenance cost and down time. The agile project management methodology assists in identifying and managing or avoiding cost overruns . CEC typically funds any cost overruns out of pocket, unless an out-of-scope opportunity to add significant value warrants seeking grant partners . In general , CEC does not seek grant support for any work we are not willing to execute out-of-pocket, but for accelerating and/or leveraging CEC projects into greater value for residents when the scope is slightly beyond our capacity or risk tolerance in uncertain times. All CEC McMillen-Jacobs work to date has been executed on time and budget except for weather-related delays that were anticipated as contingencies . 3.2.3 Total Project Costs Indicate the anticipated total cost by phase of the project (including all funding sources). Use actual costs for completed phases . Indicate "if the costs were actual or estimated. Reconnaissance [Actual/Estimated] $ N/A Feasibility and Conceptual Design Estimated (firm) $444,642 Final Design and Permitting [Actual/Estimated] $TBD Construction [Actual/Estimated] $TBD Total Project Costs (sum of above) Estimated $TBD Metering/Tracking Equipment [not included in project Estimated $TBD cost] 3.2.4 Funding Subsequent Phases If subsequent phases are required beyond the phases being applied for in this application , describe the anticipated sources of funding and the likelihood of receipt of those funds. CEC anticipates a high likelihood of short-term construction of a Humpback Creek storage on ANC lands and anticipate 50% Tribal Energy Program funds and 50% CEC conventional funding with an option for Eyak and/or Chugach Alaska Corporation funding for project-related costs that add additional value (site development, recreational, tribal access, etc.). Raging Creek is a moderately likely long-term project that will require significant land access and permitting work if deemed feasible. A 50% Native Corporation and CEC in-kind effort with consultants is anticipated. The construction phase is also most likely to include 50% ANC tribal energy funds, 50% CEC conventional funds as a likely funding mix. There is a potential for private participation in water resources and/or co-located aquaculture and mariculture farms proliferating near Raging Creek, which would reduce the contribution by CEC and ANCs .. AEA 21010 Page 7 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form 3.2.3 Budget Forms ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Applications MUST include a separate worksheet for each project phase that was identified in Section 2.3.2 of this application -I. Reconnaissance, II. Feasibility and Conceptual Design, Ill. Final Design and Permitting, and IV. Construction . Please use the tables provided below to detail your proposed project's total budget. Be su r e to use one ta b le for each phase of your p roject, a nd delete any unne cessary tables. The milestones and tasks should match those listed in 3 .1 above. If you have any question regarding how to prepare these tables or if you need assistance preparing the application please feel free to contact AEA 's Grants Manager Karin St. Clair by email at grants@akenergyauthoritv.org or by phone at (907) 771-3081. Phase 2 -Feasibility and Conceptual Design Source of Matching Anticipated Grantee Funds: RE-Fund Cash/In-Milestone or Task Completion Grant Funds Matching kind/Federal TOTALS Date Funds Grants/Other State Grants/Other (Our Project Milestones do not $ $ $ neatly follow or fit AEA format. $ $ $ $ $ $ Task 1 (Task 8 below) $ $ $ Task 2 LIDAR Mapping $ 49 ,542 $ 8,743 Cash $ 58 ,285 Task 3 Snyder Falls $ 9.404 $ 1,660 Cash $ 11,064 Task 4 RaQinQ Creek Feasible $ 52 ,863 $ 9 ,329 Cash $ 62 ,192 Task 5 Humpback Storage $ 57 ,875 $ 10 ,213 Cash $ 68 ,088 Task 6 Power Creek Storage $ 38 ,026 $ 6,710 Cash $ 44,736 Task 7 Project Review MtQ . $ 5,560 $ 834 Cash $ 5 .560 Task 8 Site Overview-Report $ 80 ,509 $ 14 .208 Cash $ 94,717 CEC In-kind Tasks1-7 $ $100 ,000 In-kind/Cash $100,000 TOTALS $ 292,945 $151,697 $444,642 Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits $ 219 ,691 $ 104 ,769 $ Travel & Per Diem $ 9 ,269 $ 1,636 $ Equipment $ $ $ Materials & Supplies $ $ $ Contractual Services $ 63 ,985 $ 95,292 $ Construction Services $ $ $ Other $ $ $ TOTALS $ 292 ,945 $ 201,697 $444.642 AE A 21010 Page 8 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form 3.2.4 Cost Justification ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Indicate the source(s) of the cost estimates used for the project budget, including costs for future phases not included in this application. Cost estimates were derived from CEC engineering (Clay Koplin, PE) with significant prior hydroelectric project reconnaissance and feasibility assessment and estimating experience, and McMillan-Jacobs estimates. The costs for future phases are highly dependent upon the outcomes of feasibility assessment. A Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimate based on Clay Koplin Experience and work to date: $4M for Humpback Creek Storage all costs including CEC, Raging Creek, low cost I low storage options $25-50M, with pumped storage high storage options, $35M-70M I 3.3 Project Communications 3.3.1 Project Progress Reporting Describe how you plan to monitor the progress of the project and keep AEA informed of the status . Who will be responsible for tracking the progress? What tools and methods will be used to track progress? Clay Koplin and designee(s) will track project progress. CEC has executed several AEA, RUS, DOE, and partner grants consistently deliver timely, accurate, and insightful reports. In the past AEA indicated that they used our reports as examples of best practices and as AEA training materials. A sample is attached. CEC follows RUS accounting and have tight enough pay cycles to identify when project progress is diverging from progress billing (budge creep). CEC internals controls of CEO, staff or contract manager, and CEC Manager of Finance and office follow CEC procurement, accounting, and project management best practices . I 3.3.2 Financial Reporting Describe the controls that will be utilized to ensure that only costs that are reasonable, ordinary, and necessary will be allocated to this project. Also discuss the controls in place that will ensure that no expenses for overhead, or any other unallowable costs will be requested for reimbursement from the REF Grant Program. All financial reporting will be performed internally by Emma Merritt, CEC Manager of Administration and Finance, in collaboration with Clay Koplin and/or project manager designee under the supervision of Clay Koplin. CEC is experienced in the administration of State and Federal grants, and provide clear, concise, and accurate accounting for grants. All applications for reimbursement are prepared and/or reviewed for compliance by Emma Merritt and reviewed for compliance and approved by Clay Koplin before submittal to AEA. AEA 21010 Page 9 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form I SECTION 4-QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 4.1 Project Team ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Include resumes for known key personnel and contractors, including all functions below, as an attachment to your application. In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application. 4.1.1 Project Manager Indicate who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include contact information. If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. Clay Koplin, CEC (resumes attached) Scott Newlun, CEC Emma Merritt, CEC 4.1.2 Project Accountant Indicate who will be performing the accounting of this project for the grantee . If the applicant does not have a project accountant indicate how you intend to solicit financial accounting support. All financial accounting will be also performed internally by Emma Merritt, in collaboration and with the support of project manager Clay Koplin or designee under his supervision. I 4.1.3 Expertise and Resources Describe the project team including the applicant, partners, and contractors. For each member of the project team, indicate: • the milestones/tasks in 3.1 they will be responsible for: McMillen Jacobs and staff as outlined in project budgets will directly execute project tasks 1-7. CEC staff will participate in all field work, all project meetings, all decision points for scope adjustments, reviews of all field data, reviews and clarifications of all project report drafts, and final reports. CEC (Clay Koplin, Scott Newlun, Emma Merritt as outlined above supplemented with CEC operational staff) will also arrange helicopter support, contractor logistics . Contractors include LIDAR vendor sub to McMillen-Jacobs (proposal attached) and final report publishing vendor. • the knowledge, skills, and experience that will be used to successfully deliver the tasks; CEC Staff, particularly Clay Koplin and Scott Newlun, have participated in numerous renewable energy projects at every level ranging from demonstration to reconnaissance to feasibility to construction and project management. We know our skills and limitations and are quick to recognize when something is getting beyond our scope of expertise and control and adjust accordingly. CEC's past performance and reporting on AEA projects will validate this. • how time and other resource conflicts will be managed to successfully complete the task. CEC has added staff for 2021, and have DOE projects being completed to free up resources (Battery Energy Storage System or BESS is substantially complete) and the RADIANCE project, a three-year grid modernization project with US DOE is completed in July 2021. CEC budgets for these projects and have already considered them in our 2021 and 2022 work plans . This project is a priority for CEC. See McMillen Jacobs attached proposal, the excerpts from Snyder Falls Creek and Raging Creek projects (full copies available upon request), and letters of reference from other project owners. AEA 21010 Page 10 of 26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form 4.2 Local Workforce Describe how the project will use local labor or train a local labor workforce . ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY The CEC in-kind budget include staff participation by operational staff. CEC promotes a "ground up" process that includes operating and maintenance staff in the earliest stages of projects to assist in their shaping/review from an O&M perspective. This constitutes a training element for relatively new talent at CEC. CEC often, as opportunity and helicopter seat space is available , includes community leadership or local high school students in field visits for natural sciences courses, and exposure to various phases of renewable energy project development. I SECTION 5-TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY I 5.1 Resource Availability 5.1.1 Assessment of Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available, including average resource availability on an annual basis. For pre-construction applications, describe the resource to the extent known. For design and permitting or construction projects, please provide feasibility documents, design documents, and permitting documents (if applicable) as attachments to this application (See Section 11 ). Likelihood of the resource being available over the life of the project. See the "Resource Assessment" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance. The feasibility nature of this study is to assess project capacities, estimated construction costs, barrier and fatal flaws; and compare and contrast them toward a best-fit for CEC current and future needs. Past and estimated production capacities: Humpback: 1.25MW, 3.3 GWh, Power Creek 6MW, 20 GWh, Snyder Falls Creek -5MW, 30 GWh, Raging Creek-5MW, 20-30 GWh depending upon option . · 5.1.2 Alternatives to Proposed Energy Resource Describe the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. CEC has improved diesel plant efficiency, evaluated wind and solar, is currently assessing marine hydrokinetic (MHK). None of these resources can reach feasibility when CEC is already spilling excess hydro as much as 50% of the time (with BESS now in operation). The problem is that CEC has to supplement with almost 100% diesel when rivers freeze up. Bulk storage solves this problem . Strategically deploy HBC as a 1,250 kW resource when needed and a 0 kW resource when Power Creek meets needs. This project actually assesses alternatives toward a best solution based on years of 1-second resolution operating data to model best fit for now and future. 5.1.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues. See the "Environmental and Permitting Risks" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance. • List of applicable permits • Anticipated permitting timeline • Identify and describe potential barriers including potential permit timing issues, public opposition that may result in difficulty obtaining permits, and other permitting barriers The only permits needed for this study are land access permits, no water take, or resource take will be involved so simple access to public lands will not create permitting dependencies. The AEA 21010 Page 11 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY necessary permits and timeliness vary from project to project with resource ownership and land status. CEC has independently applied for and received USACOE, ADF&G, DNR, ADEC, USFS, FERC, City of Cordova, and Alaska Native Corporation permits. Future phases will rely on strategic approach. For example, it is likely that CEC will pursue a non-jurisdictional determination for HBC if storage looks feasible. CEC was able to successfully execute this for a very similar project for $3,000 and CEC minimal staff time in under 6 months. This would likely save millions of dollars in re-licensing fees in the future with FERC and would remove any question of whether an upstream storage is jurisdictional. CEC is highly experienced in apply for, receiving, and administering permits to their successful complete and final reporting phases . 5.2 Project Site Describe the availability of the site and its suitability for the proposed energy system. Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership and access issues. See the "Site control" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance . At this feasibility stage, the site control is not a factor given the partnerships and working relationship with ANC and USFS. Brief access for surface assessments and aerial I surface imagery are the minimal on-site work efforts anticipated to be no more than one day at each site. I 5.3 Project Technical & Environmental Risk 5.3.1 Technical Risk Describe potential technical risks and how you would address them. • Which tasks are expected to be most challenging? • How will the project team reduce the risk of these tasks? • What internal controls will be put in place to limit and deal with technical risks? See the "Common Planning Risks" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance. These feasibility and reconnaissance assessments are specifically to identify and mitigate technical risks -access and errors/omissions are primary risks to feasibility/reconnaissance studies. This is mitigated by the experience and collaboration I cross checking amongst CEC staff and McMillen-Jacobs team. The project risk is weather delays for field access, but the July- October field access season is the perfect window between avalanche danger and fall storms, and can be planned accordingly-CEC and helicopter support vendors are experienced in these tasks . 5.3.2 Environmental Risk Explain whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so which project team members will be involved and how the issues will be addressed. See the "Environmental and Permitting Risks" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance. • Threatened or endangered species • Habitat issues • Wetlands and other protected areas • Archaeological and historical resources • Land development constraints • Telecommunications interference • Aviation considerations • Visual, aesthetics impacts • Identify and describe other potential barriers These considerations have been identified and managed/mitigated on CEC existing hydro projects, and field reconnaissance to date indicates that there are no unanticipated barriers to next phases of project execution. The Snyder Falls Creek, Raging Creek, and Power Creek sites are on USFS AEA 21010 Page 12 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY land and would require a FERC licensing process with no anticipated fatal flaws. The Raging Creek, site, however, has restrictive covenants on the land portion that much of the project and transmission lines would occupy, which could take years or decades to resolve, even though they are on corporation lands. One reason Raging Creek is a priority is that a better understanding of the potential cost/benefit could elevate it to a land swap or land selection priority for the Alaska Native Corporations (Eyak/Chugach Alaska) who are very enthusiastic about a potential project but concerned about surface development restrictions . This is the primary project risk . However, the existing logging roads and laydown area would likely save millions of dollars of development cost, and occupy existing surface developments at Raging Creek. 5.4 Technical Feasibility of Proposed Energy System In this section you will describe and give details of the existing and proposed systems. The information for existing system will be used as the baseline the proposal is compared to and also used to make sure that proposed system can be integrated. Only complete sections applicable to your proposal. If your proposal only generates electricity, you can remove the sections for thermal (heat) generation . 5.4.1 Basic Operation of Existing Energy System Describe the basic operation of the existing energy system including description of control system; spinning reserve needs and variability in generation (any high loads brought on quickly); and current voltage, frequency, and outage issues across system. See the "Understanding the Existing System" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance. CEC operates two hydroelectric plants, a diesel generation plant, and a battery energy storage system. All have been fully automated and are remotely operable. We have recently implement high resolution power system monitoring in partnership with the US Dept. Of Energy (micro phasor management units) and high resolution fuel metering which is giving us insights into hydro, diesel, and energy storage technologies to best optimize additional generation on the grid. 5.4.2 Existing Energy Generation Infrastructure and Production In the following tables, only fill in areas below applicable to your project. You can remove extra tables. If you have the data below in other formats, you can attach them to the application (see Section 11 ). Existing Power Generation Units Include for each unit include: resource/fuel, make/model, design capacity (kW), minimum operational load (kW), RPM, electronic/mechanical fuel injection, make/model of genset controllers, hours on genset Unit 1: Diesel, l!nit #3 (2500 KW13600 HP, EMD Model mechanical inj~c!Jon _ Unit 2: Diesel, Unit #4 (2403 KW) 3360 HP Fairbanks Morse Model mechanical injection Unit 3: Diesel, Unit #5 (1090 KW 1469 HP Caterpilla~ Model 3516 mechanical inj_ection Unit 4: Diesel, Unit #6 0090 KWJ 1469 HP CaterpiiiC!_r_Model 3~16 !!lec_ha~ical inj~~ion Unit 5: Diesel, Unit #7 (3600 KW) 5000 HP EMD Model electronic injection Unit 6: Hydro'-Unit #1 (~QO KW Dep_e_!ldable TurbLnes, Francis Turbine Unit 7: H~dro, Unit #2 {500 KW} Dependable Turbines, Francis Turbine Unit 8: !:!ydr_P., Unit #3 (250_KW) Dep~ndable Turbines, Francis Turbine Unit 9J::!_ydro, Unit #4 {3000 K~} __ _ Unit 10: Hydro,_ Unit #5 (3000 KW) --------- AEA 21010 Page 13 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form Is there operational heat recovery? (Y/N) If yes estimated annual displaced heating fuel (gallons) Existing Distribution System No ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Describe the basic elements of the distribution system. Include the capacity of the step-up transformer at the powerhouse, the distribution voltage(s) across the community, any transmission voltages, and other elements that will be affected by the proposed project. The CEC distribution system is 100% underground and of a low average age of approximately 20 years due to an aggressive conversion from overhead to underground 1980-2010. The standard voltage is 12.47 though Caterpillars and Humpback Creek generation is 480V and steps up to 12.47kV, and power Creek is 4160 and steps up to 25kV transmission and stepped down to 12.47kVa at the one central substation. Unit 3 EMD is also 4160V and steps up to 12.47 onto the Orca Diesel Plant bus. The proposed projects would use 12.4 7 or 25 kV standard voltages due to short distances and relatively small size (5MW or less). _§~4~~_.3 Existin_g Th~rll!_al Generation Units (if appUcable to 110ur project) Generation Resource/ Design Make Model Average Year Hours unit Fuel type capacity annual Installed (MMBtu/hr) _ _ efficiency N/A ---r------ ---------- ----r--- O&M and replacement costs for Power Generation Thermal Generation existing units i. Annual O&M cost for labor $ 714,869 ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $483,803 iii. Replacement schedule and cost for Diesels are likely to not existing units be replaced but rebuilt Annual Electricity Production and Fuel Consumption (Existing System) Use most recent year. Replace the section (Type 1), (Type 2), and (Type 3) with generation sources --- Month Generation Generatio Gener Fuel Fuel Peak Minimu Hydro n Diesel at ion Consumptio Consump Load m Load (kWh) (kWh) (Type n tion 3) (Diesel-[Other] (kWh) Gallon~ January 777,609 1,04,0626 76.~50 2362 758 February 507 ,380 1,000,245 J-76,149 -3570 1611 March 972 ,222 720 ,760 51_,355 3154 1590 --- April 1 '195 , 129 534,532 38,780 4618 1470 May 1,907,452 58,223 4,127 4183 1678 June 2_!839_,_991 57,599 4,129 7602 2050 -July _1,294 ,275 393,999 29 ,521 8106 2431 August ~317,552 1,683 ,~05 120 ,294 8761 2565 Sep~mber 1,796,182 296,808 20,698 5795 1004 October "L 474_,836 185.!408 13,690 3345 1449 --- AE A 21010 Page 14 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form A LASKA ENERGY AU T HORITY ----~ November 1,511,337 __lj ,284 r--5_! 177 3175 1168 -December j 1,322,834 251,002 1?__.793 2927 1359 Total 19,916,800 6,293 ,691 458,064 r- Annual Heating Fuel Consumption (Existing System) Use most recent year. Include only if your project affects the recovered heat off the diesel genset or will include electric_ heat IQ.ads. Only include heat loads affected by_ th t!.project. Month Diesel Electricity Propane Coal Wood Other Januar~ February March -~~~ll ______ May June J - Jul Al!gust - September October November December Total (Gallons) (Gallons) (Tons) (Cords, ~075 1,245 2 ,065 2 684 2,715 2,169 2,243 1,234 1,268 2,016 2,158 2,375 24 ,246 ----- green tons, dry tons) 5.4.3 Future Trends Describe the anticipated energy demand in the community, or whatever will be affected by the project, over the life of the project. Explain how the forecast was developed and provide year by year forecasts. As appropriate, include expected changes to energy demand; peak load, seasonal variations, etc. that will affect the project. CEC has very consistent 1% overall load growth in most rate classes except processor rate class which vary widely with the volume of seafood processed in summer months. However, there is strong and growing interest in Air Source Heating and EV adoption. CEC has not performed a power requirements study but staff has very accurate, accessible, and visible data and contemplate the following scenarios: Worst Case: sudden loss of a large processor and sharp (20%) reduction in revenues Likely Case: a continued gradual acceleration of load growth to 2% Best Case: interruptible and dispatchable loads plus ASH and EVs result in 3-4% growth The projects will perform well in all of these scenarios, because it offsets winter diesel which is the stable and insurmountable barrier to 100% renewable without some bulk storage or badly overbuilt wind/solar etc. 5.4.4 Proposed System Design Provide the following information for the proposed renewable energy system: • A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location • The total proposed capacity and a description of how the capacity was determined AEA 21010 Page 15 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY • Integration plan, including upgrades needed to existing system(s) to integrate renewable energy system: Include a description of the controls, storage, secondary loads, distribution upgrades that will be included in the project • Civil infrastructure that will be completed as part of the project-buildings, roads, etc. • Include what backup and/or supplemental system will be in place See the "Proposed System Design" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance . CEC assisted in the design and construction of both existing hydro plants and have the good fortune of applying this institutional knowledge, in hand with a strong partner like McMillen , into best practices projects. The feasibility studies will advise the designs, and CEC is experienced at integrating new and complementary technologies onto our grid. Pro osed Power Generation Units Unit# Resource/ Design Make Model Expected Expected Expected Fuel type capacity capacity life Availability (kW) factor (years) Raging_ 5,000 Pelton 30-40% 50 --l Pelton _§D.Y9~L. 5,000 30-40% 50 HBC stor~_ge l PC storage l -- L - Proposed Thermal Generation Units (if applicable) Generation Resource/ Design Make Model Expected Expected unit Fuel type capacity Average life (MMBtu/hr) annual -efficiency N/A -----c---- -!----~ ------1--- ·---- 5.4.5 Basic Operation of Proposed Energy System • To the best extent possible, describe how the proposed energy system will operate: When will the system operate, how will the system integrate with the existing system, how will the control systems be used, etc. • When and how will the backup system(s) be expected to be used See the "Proposed System Design" section of the appropriate Best Practice Checklist for additional guidance. The CEC automation system will develop best practice controls manually, then embed them into our automation algorithms to maximize fuel use, minimize operating costs, and maximize service AEA 21010 Page 16 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENE RGY AUTHORI T Y reliability amongst these competing constraints. Hydro storage can be deployed instead of spilling water, and the storage will be used instead of operating diesels. It is that simple . l5.4.3.1 Expected Capacity I Factor 40% estimated Annual Electricity Production and Fuel Consumption (Proposed System) Month Generation Generation Generation Fuel Fuel Secondary (Proposed (Type 2) (Type 3) Consumption Consumption load System) (kWh) (kWh) (Diesel-[Other] (kWh) .(kWh)_ Gallon~) January -I February feasibility March will April determine Ma~ this June -r July August I t September October -- r November --- December Total Annual Heating___fuel Consumption _(Proposed Syste"m) Month Diesel Electricity Propane Coal January February March April May June July AUQ!!St September October¥.1 November December Total (Gallons) (Gallons) (Tons) Wood (Cords, green tons, dry tons) 5.4.6 Proposed System Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Costs i r Other O&M costs can be estimated in two ways for the standard application. Most proposed renewable energy projects will fall under Option 1 because the new resource will not allow for diesel AEA 21010 Page 17 of26 7/20/2020 Storage (kWh) Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form A LAS KA ENERGY AU T HORITY generation to be turned off. Some projects may allow for diesel generation to be turned off for periods of time; these projects should choose Option 2 for estimating O&M . Option 1: Diesel generation ON For projects that do not result in shutting down $ diesel generation there is assumed to be no impact on the base case O&M. Please indicate the estimated annual O&M cost associated with the proposed renewable project. Option 2: Diesel generation OFF For projects that will result in shutting down diesel generation please estimate: 1. $30,000 storage 1. Annual non-fuel savings of shutting off 2. $75,000 new hydro (larger diesels off) diesel generation 2. Estimated hours that diesel generation 3. Hours diesel OFF/year: 1500 storage will be off per year. 3. Annual O&M costs associated with the 4. Hours diesel Off/year: 3000 new hydro proposed renewable project. 5. $15,000/yr storage 4. $300,000/yr new hydro 5.4.7 Fuel Costs Estimate annual cost for all applicable fuel(s) needed to run the proposed system (Year 1 of operation) Unit cost _($) Annual Units Total Annual cost_($}_ _j Diesel lGallons) N/A Electricity 5.5 Performance and O&M Reporting For construction projects only 5.5.1 Metering Equipment Propane (Gallons) Coal (Ton~ Wood Other Please provide a short narrative, and cost estimate, identifying the metering equipment that will be used to comply with the operations reporting requirement identified in Section 3.15 of the Request for Applications. CEC uses standard PQMs (power quality meters) on generation and switchgear busses, revenue accuracy, and high-resolution fuel metering on all fuel. CEC is skilled in the procurement, calibration, operation of the standard meters in our system. We seldom stray from standardized equipment in new installations. l 5.5.2 O&M reporting AEA 21010 Page 18 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Please provide a short narrative about the methods that will be used to gather and store reliable operations and maintenance data, including costs, to comply with the operations reporting req uirement identified in Section 3.15 of the Req uest for Ap p lications CEC reports all of this information to the ADEC for fuel quality purposes, and the to the Rural Utility Services in annual reports . We keep monthly generation, operations, and maintenance records that are included in our Board of Director meeting packets and shared with attorney and lender on a monthly or quarterly basis . We have robust and accurate accounting . This is not a construction/o peration, but a feasibi l it y study application . I SECTION 6-ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY AND BENEFITS I 6.1 Economic Feasibility 1 6.1.1 Economic Benefit Annual Lifetime Anticipated Diesel Fuel Displaced for Power Generation (gallons) Anticipated Fuel Displaced for Heat (gallons) Total Fuel displaced (gallons) Anticipated Diesel Fuel Displaced for Power Generation ($) Anticipated Fuel Displaced for Heat ($) . Anticipated Power Generation O&M Cost Savings Anticipated Thermal Generation O&M Cost Savings Total Other costs savings (taxes, insurance, etc.) Total Fuel, O&M, and Other Cost Savings 6.1.2 Economic Benefit The economic costs and benefits are the key outcome of feasibility assessment. It is exactly why CEC feels this process is important to conduct on a comprehensive scale, to assure that the right, costly decisions are made by very careful and honest assessment of available options. CEC has been continuously developing hydro projects and applying incremental improvements on a very aggressive basis, with s ignificant support from AEA and federal partners, and have kept rates flat for 20 years while supporting a rapidly growing economy with the stable electricity rates. CEC has gone from 100% diesel to as high as 78% renewable while keeping rates flat, and that is one project criteria; keep rates at least flat when developing renewables. AEA 2 1010 Page 19 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form 6.1.3 Economic Risks ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Discuss potential issues that could make the project uneconomic to operate and how the project team will address the issues. Factors may include: • Low prices for diesel and/or heating oil • Other projects developed in community • Reductions in expected energy demand: Is there a risk of an insufficient market for energy produced over the life of the project. • Deferred and/or inadequate facility maintenance • Other factors There are no new or anticipated risk to future projects at these sites that we do not already have some level of exposure to at other sites, which is why we harden them for seismic and other risks. Cordova is a food/seafood producing community of significance ranking as high as top five in US delivery in a sector where the US imports 94% of seafood. We have a stable (1 00 year) but fluctuating industrial base, and many of the current threats of economic instability, pandemic, super storms and global warming impacts, have done little to disrupt our business model or economics . A risk to any new project threatens existing infrastructure. However, once a hydro project is built , it provides secure energy to a region, and are not generally torn down or decommissioned if the owner becomes insolvent: in the worst case scenarios they will support a community and provide a platform for recovery from economic disaster. And they store water, another valuable community resource. 6.1.4 Public Benefit for Projects with Direct Private Sector Sales For projects that include direct sales of power to private sector businesses (sawmills, cruise ships, mines, etc.), please provide a brief description of the direct and indirect public benefits derived from the project as well as the private sector benefits and complete the table below. See Section 1.6 in the Request for Applications for more information . CEC only sells to members. We do not currently have, nor do we anticipate, special service agreements for private customers. Renewable energy resource availability (kWh per month) Estimated direct sales to private sector businesses (kWh) Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use at private sector businesses ($) Estimated sales for use by the Alaskan public(kWh) Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use by the Alaskan public ($) 6.2 Other Public Benefit Describe the non-economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project. For the purpose of evaluating this criterion, public benefits are those benefits that would be considered unique to a given project and not generic to any renewable resource. For example, decreased greenhouse gas emission, stable pricing of fuel source, won't be considered under this category. Some examples of other public benefits include : Existing CEC hydro projects have elevated our community from 26th largest seafood port in the U.S. on average ($50M economy) to 11th largest ($100M economy). More hydro and less diesel would further support this industry, and allow better utilization and afford ability for winter seafood processing and the growing aquaculture and mariculture farm applications which are gaining momentum in and around Cordova (blue economy). Perhaps most exciting is the opportunity to deploy renewables to offset diesel on the supply side for CEC, and on the customer side for heating and transportation (air source heat pumps and EVs). A E A 21010 Page 20 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application-Standard Form SECTION 7-SUSTAINABILITY ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Describe your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable throughout its economic life. At a minimum for construction projects, a business and operations plaA should be attached and the applicant should describe how it will be implemented. See Section 11. 7.1.1 Operation and Maintenance Demonstrate the capacity to provide for the long-term operation and maintenance of the proposed project for its expected life • Provide examples of success with similar or related long-term operations • Describe the key personnel that will be available for operating and maintaining the infrastructure. • Describe the training plan for existing and future employees to become proficient at operating and maintaining the proposed system. • Describe the systems that will be used to track necessary supplies • Describe the system will be used to ensure that scheduled maintenance is performed CEC has operated and remained in compliance and best operating practices with our Power Creek and Humpback Creek hydroelectric projects, overcoming design flaws and a classic dam failure at Humpback Creek to the high performing projects we enjoy today. Both projects were recognized by the International Engineering Associations global "best practices" list for environmental and operational excellence. CEC is considered expert in hydro operations and often host training and virtual tours of our projects for AEA and other industry partners when requested. 7.1.2 Financial Sustainability • Describe the process used (or propose to use) to account for operational and capital costs . • Describe how rates are determined (or will be determined). What process is required to set rates? • Describe how you ensure that revenue is collected. • If you will not be selling energy, explain how you will ensure that the completed project will be financially sustainable for its useful life. CEC follows NARUC rate setting, even though we are an unregulated utility. We recognize when infrastructure needs drive a need for a new rate analysis. We are embarking on one in 2020 due to significant fuel reductions from the Battery Energy Storage System, and shifts in our customer utilization since our last study almost 7 years ago . 7 .1.2.1 Revenue Sources Briefly explain what if any effect your project will have on electrical rates in the proposed benefit area over the life of the project. If there is expected to be multiple rates for electricity, such as a separate rate for intermittent heat, explain what the rates will be and how they will be determined Collect sufficient revenue to cover operational and capital costs • What is the expected cost-based rate (as consistent with RFA requirements) • If you expect to have multiple rate classes, such as excess electricity for heat, explain what those rates are expected to be and how those rates account for the costs of delivering the energy (see AEA's white paper on excess electricity for heat) .. • Annual customer revenue sufficient to cover costs • Additional incentives (i.e. tax credits) A EA 21010 Page 21 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY • Additional revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available) We collect revenues through our rate structure. CEC has been able to distribute capital credits for the past three years to our customers; another indication of financial strength . Power Purchase/Sale The power purchase/sale information should include the following: • Identification of potential power buyer(s)/customer(s) • Potential power purchase/sales price-at a minimum indicate a price range (consistent with the Section 3.16 of the RFA) Identify the potential power buyer(s)/customer(s) and anticipated power purchase/sales price range. Indicate the proposed rate of return from the grant-funded project. Include letters of support or power purchase agreement from identified customers. All power purchase would follow our existing and proven rate recovery models, which are utility and national standards driven. II SECTION 8 -PROJECT READINESS 8.1 Project Preparation Describe what you have done to prepare for this award and how quickly you intend to proceed with work once your grant is approved. Specifically address your progress towards or readiness to begin, at a minimum, the following: • The phase(s) that must be completed prior to beginning the phase(s) proposed in this application • The phase(s) proposed in this application • Obtaining all necessary permits • Securing land access and use for the project • Procuring all necessary equipment and materials Refer to the RFA and/or the pre-requisite checklists for the required activities and deliverables for each project phase. Please describe below and attach any required documentation. CEC already has this work in a steady process of execution, and the REF 13 grant opportunity just happened to coincide with the CEC board and staff recognition that it was time to take a more comprehensive look at several sites. CEC is ready to proceed upon award . 8.2 Demand-or Supply-Side Efficiency Upgrades If you have invested in energy efficiency projects that will have a positive impact on the proposed project, and have chosen to not include them in the economic analysis, applicants should provide as much documentation as possible including: 1. Explain how it will improve the success of the RE project 2. Energy efficiency pre and post audit reports, or other appropriate analysis, 3 . Invoices for work completed, 4. Photos of the work performed, and/or 5. Any other available verification such as scopes of work, technical drawings, and payroll for work completed internally. CEC is, in conjunction with the Department of Energy, developing optimization of EV charging and other dispatchable loads on our grids . Even modest hydro storage plus solar plus dispatchable loads would elevate CEC to 90% renewable. ~ SECTION 9-LOCAL SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION AEA 21010 Page 22 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Describe local support and opposition, known or anticipated, for the project. Include letters. resolutions, or other documentation of local support from the community that would benefit from this project. Provide letters of support, memorandum of understandings, cooperative agreements between the applicant, the utility, local government and project partners. The documentation of support must be dated within one year of the RFA date of July 20, 2020. Please note that letters of support from legislators will not count toward this criterion . A CEC Board Resolution and letters of support from the primary landholder; the Eyak Corporation and Chugach Alaska Corporation are included for reference. SECTION 10-COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER AWARDS Identify other grants that may have been previously awarded to the Applicant by AEA for this or any other project. Describe the degree you have been able to meet the requirements of previous grants including project deadlines, reporting, and information requests. CEC has been awarded grants for Humpback Creek hydro reconstruction, a Diesel plant upgrade that included Organic Rankine heat recovery, and a Power Creek renewable energy loan fund loan for design. CEC has met reporting requirements for all of these projects and maintained communication with AEA even after the reporting timelines (5 years) were exceeded. CEC has also executed Emerging Energy Technology grants, Dept. of Energy and RUS grants. SECTION 11-LIST OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FOR PRIOR PHASES In the space below, please provide a list of additional documents attached to support completion of prior phases. Snyder Falls Creek feasibility and Raging Creek Reconnaissance are included . SECTION 12-LIST OF ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED FOR CONSIDERATION In the space below, please provide a list of additional information submitted for consideration. Mcmillen bas1s of est1mates and other reference documents above are Included for rev1ew . AEA 21010 Page 23 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY I SECTION 13-AUTHORIZED SIGNERS FORM Community/Grantee Name: Cordova, Alaska; Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Regular Election is held: March I Date: Annually I Authorized Grant Signer(s): Printed Name Title Term Signature Clay R. Koplin CEO N/A ~;t"~ _:£) I authorize the above person(s) to sign Grant Documents: Must be authorized by the highest ranking organization/community/municipal official) Printed Name Title Term Signature Clay R. Koplin CEO N/A ~?/~~~,-~ / ' I Grantee Contact Information: Mailing Address: PO Box 20, Cordova, AK 99574-0020 Phone Number: (907) 424-5026 direct , (907) 253-5026 Mobile Fax Number: (907) 424-5527 Email Address: ckoplin@cordovaelectric.com Federal Tax ID #: 92-0069167 Please submit an updated form whenever there is a change to the above information. AEA 21010 Page 24 of26 7/20/2020 Renewable Energy Fund Round 13 Grant Application -Standard Form SECTION 14-ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION: A. Contact information and resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, Project Accountant(s), key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1, 3.4 and 3.6. Applicants are asked to provide resumes submitted with applications in separate electronic documents if the individuals do not want their resumes posted to the project web site. B. Letters or resolutions demonstrating local support per application form Section 9. C. For projects involving heat: Most recent invoice demonstrating the cost of heating fuel for the building(s) impacted by the project. D. Governing Body Resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management per RFA Section 1.4 that: • Commits the organization to provide the matching resources for project at the match amounts indicated in the application. • Authorizes the individual who signs the application has the authority to commit the organization to the obligations under the grant. • Provides as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this 'application. • Certifies the applicant is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. E. An electronic version of the entire application on CD or other electronic media, per RFA Section 1.7. F. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations and that they can indeed commit the entity to these obligations. Print Name ti~Y /{~?JL/IJ Signature ~/l~ Title t;eo Date 9 jz gj:z u A E A 21010 Page 25 of 26 7/20/2020 Table of Contents Attachments : • CEC Board Resolution of Support and Commitment (1 page) • CEC Staff Resumes (4 pages) • Cordova Hydro Feasibility map (1 page) • Snyder Fall Feasibility Cost Study Excerpts (22 pages) • Raging Creek Reconnaissance Excerpts (11 Pages) • McMillen Proposal and Basis of Estimate (17 Pages) • CEC Project Costs to Date (8 pages) • AEA Letter Encouraging Regional Assessment (8 pages) • McMillen Letters of Reference (6 pages) • Chugach I Eyak Letters of Support (2 pages) • Lidar Proposal (3 pages) • AEA Grant Progress Report Sample (3 pages) • CEC Budget Sheets (2 pages) • CEC August 2020 Cash Flow (1 page) COR DO CTRIC OOPERA TlVE IN P.O. Box 20, 705 Second Street, Cordova, Alaska 99574-0020 • (907) 424-5555 * Fax (907) 424-5527 CEC BOARD RESOLUTION 20-04 A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR A RENEW ABLE ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT THROUGH THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY FOR THE CORDOVA AREA HYDRO ASSESSMENT PROJECT WHEREAS it is the strategic goal of Cordova Electric Cooperative to provide 90% of electricity with renewable energy by 2025 and reduce dependence upon fossil fuels; and WHEREAS, on average CEC provides 70% of electricity with renewable energy; and WHEREAS, CEC has institutional knowledge and expertise in building, operating, and maintaining hydroelectric facilities; and WHEREAS the potential to increase the hydro resource at the existing hydro power plant locations of Humpback Creek and Power Creek has not been assessed; and WHEREAS there are multiple locations surrounding the Cordova region that may be feasible for a hydroelectric facility; and WHEREAS there is an economy of scale in assessing several potential sites simultaneously; and WHEREAS, in a memo dated April 13, 2017 titled Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment, the Alaska Energy Authority recommends CEC consider Raging Creek hydro resources; and WHEREAS, CEC has prioritized alternative hydro resources and conducted a pre-feasibility study on Raging Creek that indicates a feasibility study is warranted for conventional and pumped storage hydro, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Cordova Electric Cooperative Inc. approve and endorse the PROJECT. Passed and approved this .l.:, day of ktt ... t.v..._, 2020. Res 20-04 -AEA Round 13 Grant.docx Cordova Electric Cooperative MCMILLEN, LLC Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Final Feasibility Cost Estimate Prepared For: Cordova Electric Cooperative Prepared By: McMillen, LLC October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 Pertinent Data Sources .................................................................................................................. 1 1.5 Report Organization ...................................................................................................................... 2 Section 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Engineering Considerations .......................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Engineering Geology and Dam Considerations ............................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Engineering Geology .................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Dam Types .................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.3 Construction Materials .................................................................................................................. 7 2.1.4 Future Investigations ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Project Description ........................................................................................................................ 9 2.2.1 Location ........................................................................................................................................ 9 2.2.2 Dam ............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2.3 Reservoir ..................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.4 Intake ........................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.5 Power Conduit ............................................................................................................................ 11 2.2.6 Powerhouse ................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2. 7 Transmission Facilities ............................................................................................................... 11 Section 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Construction Approach and Cost Estimate ................................................................................................. 12 3.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 12 3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 12 3.2 Basis of Cost Estimate ................................................................................................................ 12 3.3 Cost Items ................................................................................................................................... 12 3.4 Project Construction .................................................................................................................... \3 3.4.1 Site Access .................................................................................................................................. \3 3.4.2 Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 13 3 .4.3 Construction Methodology ......................................................................................................... 13 3.4.4 Unusual Conditions (Soil, Water, and Weather) ......................................................................... 13 3 .4.5 Unique Construction Techniques ................................................................................................ 13 3.5 Construction Approach ............................................................................................................... L 4 3.5 .1 Mobilization ................................................................................................................................ 14 3.5.2 Site Access .................................................................................................................................. 14 3.5.3 Dam Structure ............................................................................................................................. 14 3 .5 .4 Penstock ...................................................................................................................................... 15 3.5.5 Electrical and Communication .................................................................................................... 15 3.5.6 Powerhouse & Equipment .......................................................................................................... 15 3.5.7 Switchyard & Transmission Line ............................................................................................... 15 3.6 Project Cost Summary ................................................................................................................ 15 3.7 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 15 Feasibility Cost Estimate Page ii October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Section 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 17 4.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 17 TABLES Table 1-1. Report Organization and Purpose ............................................................................................... 2 Table 2-1. Preliminary Evaluation of Dam Types ....................................................................................... 6 Table 3-1. Estimated Project Costs (October 2013 dollars) ....................................................................... 16 FIGURES Figure 2-1. This USGS topographic map of the project area presents some of the glacial and tectonic features present relative to the lower dam site. Note the lineament mapped immediately southeast of the lower dam site ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2-2. This photograph is an oblique view of the lower dam site during the winter season. Note the abrupt vegetation line on the west side of the creek and the recent slide activity emanating from the snow chutes on the eastern ridge. Photograph source is Google Maps .................................................................. 6 Figure 2-3. Area Map of Snyder Falls Creek Project.. ............................................................................... 10 Appendix A -Cost Estimate Assumptions Appendix B -Bid Totals and Cost Reports Appendix C-Figures Appendix D-Photographs Feasibility Cost Estimate APPENDICES Page iii October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 1.0 Introduction SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Section 1 presents the overall project organization, scope, and background as well as the purpose of the cost estimate study. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this report is to present a feasibility level discussion of the construction approach and estimated project cost for the proposed Snyder Falls Hydroelectric Project (Project). 1.2 Scope The scope of this feasibility level cost estimate study included: • Visit the project site to view the proposed location and site conditions for the proposed Project; • Obtain available data related to the Project development including photos, previous reports and studies, and proposed project features; • Develop options for accessing the project site and constructing the project features; • Prepare a feasibility level cost estimate for the Project. • Summarize the analysis and results in a cost estimate report. 1.3 Background Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) submitted a Notice of Intent to file for an original license to construct and operate the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project (Project) located near Cordova, Alaska in 2009. Within this submittal, a Pre-Application Document (PAD) for the Project was included which outlined the basic features of the project which included: • A 100-to 150-foot high concrete dam impounding a 433 to 933 acre reservoir, respectively; • A power conduit approximately 3600 feet long from the reservoir to the powerhouse; • A powerhouse, switchyard, and other appurtenant facilities near tidewater; and • A primary transmission line of submarine and overhead or underground construction. 1.4 Pertinent Data Sources The following data sources were used in developing the cost estimate study: • "Site Reconnaissance and Hydrology, Snyder Falls Creek" PowerPoint presentation prepared by Cordova Electric Cooperative, April 16 2013. • "Application for Preliminary Permit for the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project near Cordova, Alaska", submitted by Cordova Electric Cooperative to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, November 2008. • "Notice of Intent, Pre-Application Document, Request to Use Alternative Licensing Procedures, Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 13238-000", prepared by Cordova Electric Cooperative, October 2009. • Aerial Images and Site Photos provided by Cordova Electric Cooperative, September 2013. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 1 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 1.5 Report Organization The report presents the feasibility level review and cost estimate preparation for the Project. The report is organized to provide a logical representation of the cost estimate preparation for the Snyder Creek Hydroelectric Project. The major report sections and intended purpose are presented in Table 1-1. Table 1-1. Report Organization and Purpose Section D~crlption Purpose 1 Introduction Summarizes the project purpose back~round and scoiJe Presents the engineering considerations and assumptions 2 Engineering Considerations which served as the baseline for preparing the project cost estimates 3 Construction Approach and Cost Outlines the construction approach and associated cost Estimate estimates for the proposed project 4 Conclusions Summarizes the approach, conclusions, and recommendations from the study work effort Appendices A Cost Estimate Assumptions Outlines the assumptions used in developing the cost estimates B Cost Estimates Contains the cost breakdown and data c Access Options Presents sketches of the proposed access options considered for project construction D Photographs Consists of relevant photos of the proposed project site Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 2 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 2.0 Introduction SECTION2 ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS Section 2 presents a brief overview of the engineering considerations associated with the Project. The information presented within this section was obtained from the reference documents (see paragraph 1.4) and the project team judgment related to the Project development. 2.1 Engineering Geology and Dam Considerations 2.1.1 Engineering Geology The project site is located within a glacially-carved cirque valley and the lower dam site is sited at the lip of this geologic feature (Figure 1 ). Based on reconnaissance photographs a small cirque nick-point is present at the lip, creating the incised channel that present today. The sides of this nick-point appear to be bedrock. Bedrock geology at the project site is anticipated to consist of thinly to thickly bedded greywacke sandstone with interbedded fine-grained rock types. The beds are steeply dipping (-80 degrees) to the south and are readily evident in bedrock exposed along valley walls. Published geologic maps and reconnaissance lineament mapping indicate there is a prominent lineament that trends north northeast across the valley immediately upstream ofthe lower dam site. Bedrock in the vicinity of this lineament is likely highly fractured due to movement along it. The majority of major lineaments mapped in the area have similar trends as that shown on Figure 1. However; there are mapped lineaments that trend to the northwest. This is a similar orientation as the Snyder Falls Creek drainage. Several northwest trending joints are visible in oblique aerial photographs of the nick point. The potential for a lineament trending down the drainage access should be evaluated as part of the site investigation. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 3 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 2-1. This USGS topographic map of the project area presents some of the glacial and tectonic features present relative to the lower dam site. Note the lineament mapped immediately southeast of the lower dam site. Just upstream ofthe cirque lip, the valley floor is mantled by glacial soils that appear to be a combination of gravelly morainal and alluvial deposits. The thickness of these soils is unknown but is not likely to extend significantly below the depth of nick-point. Further up the valley, bedrock outcrop exposures are predominant in the valley floor. Based on preliminary evaluations the primary engineering geology uncertainty that could influence project feasibility and cost include: • Rock mass quality of the lower dam abutments • Seepage along faults and fractures • Slope stability at the dam abutments and slopes surrounding the reservoir • Snow avalanches Rock Mass Quality-Rock mass quality at the lower dam abutments will influence foundation support capacity for the dam and the configuration of how the dam connects into the abutment hill slopes. The rock lip lacks passive support on the downstream side as the slopes drop steeply off to the north. Aerial oblique photographs collected at the site indicate the rock appears to be moderately to highly fractured with thin to thick bedding. The thin interbeds are likely to be significantly weaker than the greywacke. Rock quality may also be compromised due to the presence of a large lineament immediately south of the lower dam site. Rock quality will need further evaluation to determine bearing capacity and the potential for rock block failure. These evaluations will influence the selection of the type of dam that most suitable for the site. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 4 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Seepage -Seepage is the loss of reservoir water through fractures and openings in a rock mass or interstitially in soils. Seepage is often worsened by the presence of highly fractured or faulted bedrock. If not controlled, seepage through rock and soil can lead to local slope instabilities or worst case, dam foundation failure. In addition, water volume loss through seepage under and around the dam would represent a significant drop in overall project efficiency. The through-going lineament mapped near the downstream abutment is likely to have created zones of higher permeability bedrock. Since the lineament roughly parallels the primary drainage to the north, the potential for seepage pathways perpendicular to the dam axis may have limited through-going pathways by the presence of fine-grained bedrock interbeds. However, the potential for a northwest trending lineament through the nick-point could create a preferential pathway for seepage to the north. Slope Stability -The primary slope stability hazards within the project area are rockfall and rock slides. Rock cliffs along the eastern ridge above both dam sites are likely to produce small to large rockfall events. These are unlikely to significantly impact the lower dam site but could damage the penstock and ancillary structures within the project area. Therefore , the project infrastructure should be designed to either avoid or resist rockfall impacts. Rockslides are typically much less frequent but can be significantly more damaging. A moderate rockslide may result in minor to moderate damage to project infrastructure . Large rockslide events may discharge directly to the reservoir, potentially producing a seiche that could overtop the dam when the reservoir is full. Evidence of large scale rock slope failure was not observed in the reconnaissance photographs. Snow Avalanche -There is significant exposure to snow avalanche hazards within the project area. At the lower dam site there are several avalanche chutes that extend over 900 feet above the dam foundation. Vegetation and recent snow slide history (Photograph l) indicate that snow slides regularly reach the creek channel. Similar hazards are present at the upper dam site in association with the eastern ridgeline. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 5 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 2-2. This photograph is an oblique view of the lower dam site during the winter season. Note the abrupt vegetation line on the west side of the creek and the recent slide activity emanating from the snow chutes on the eastern ridge. Photograph source is Google Maps. 2.1.2 Dam Types A preliminary evaluation of suitable dam types is summarized in Table 2-l. Based OI} site and seasonal construction constraints it appears that a concrete arch dam would be the most favorable type of structure based on current information. Alternative dam types may be considered based on geologic and site constraints. Table 2-1. Preliminary Evaluation of Dam Types. Dam Advantages Key Considerations Structure • Limited amounts of concrete • Rock needs to be hard, durable, and resistant to required weathering-high quality rock appears to be present in • Simpler to construct relative to valley upstream concrete structures -need • Structure requires relatively wide footprint -slopes on earthmoving equipment only the order of 1.5H: 1 V -2H: 1 V • Can be constructed in poor • Requires an impermeable membrane-a natural source Rockfill Dam weather (rainfall does not (clay) is unlikely so would require artificial barrier such significantly impact) as concrete • Materials almost entirely • Settlement needs to be limited to maintain impermeable available on site membrane distress • Lowest foundation demands • Adaptable to a range of foundation and abutment conditions Concrete • Structure has a smaller • A high quality rock source for aggregate required for Gravity/RCC footprint than a rockfill RCC or PCC -It appears that local rock quality is Dam-structure suitable for aggregate Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 6 October 30,2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project • Foundation demands less than • Structure width in between rockfill and concrete arch - concrete arch typical width ranges from 2/3x to lx height of • Adaptable to a range of structure . foundation and abutment • Limited suitable aggregates source materials <3" in conditions size. Aggregate would likely have to be processed on • Can be curved or straight site. • Needs competent rock foundation • More weather sensitive than rockfill • Smallest structural footprint • Structure requires a relatively narrow gorge, typically • Structure requires lowest crest length:height ratio Is <1 0 : I -the site appears to concrete volume, therefore meet this criteria potentially least expensive • A high quality rock source for aggregate required for RCC or PCC -It appears that local rock quality is suitable for aggregate Concrete Arch • Limited suitable aggregates source materials <3" in Dam size. Aggregate would likely have to be processed on site. • Very high foundation and abutment load demands - need high quality rock in foundation and abutments Need high quality rock source for concrete aggregate- rock would be processed on site • More weather sensitive than rockfill Dam Site Evaluation. Based on review of the site topography, geomorphology, and aerial photos, it appears that the site is favorable both geologically and geometrically for the siting of a dam structure. The rock appears to have both high strength and weathering resistance which indicates that the foundation bearing capacity is likely sufficient for a concrete arch-type structure. This type of structure generally requires the highest foundation demands of any dam type, and thus the site may also be feasible for alternative structures such as a concrete or roller compacted concrete (RCC) gravity dam. The visible rock conditions and geomorphology also suggest a low to moderate risk of encountering significant seepage, and that seepage may be adequately controlled with a foundation and abutment grouting program. A concrete arch dam is potentially the most economical structure as it requires the least amount materials to construct. Such a structure also has the most stringent foundation requirements. Upper Dam Site Options. Potential sites for a second, shorter storage dam exist in the basin above the lower dam. Based on photos from the area, rock outcrops at the surface in these areas. These structures would have relatively large crest length to height ratios, and rockfill or gravity structures would be applicable. These sites would take advantage of favorable foundation and topographic conditions but would also be more vulnerable to rock fall and avalanche conditions. 2.1.3 Construction Materials The cost of any dam structure in a remote location is highly influenced on the availability high quality construction materials for use in fill and for concrete aggregate. The valley upstream of the dam appears to have a limited volume of fine aggregates due to glaciation; however, rock shallow rock is prevalent, which could be mined for use as aggregate. The rock quality in the valley appears to be high . Weaker, more highly fractured rock has likely been scoured from the valley due to glacial erosion, leaving stronger, more highly resistant rock. There are near vertical rock outcrops in the east side of the basin that have accumulated very little rock talus. This Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 7 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project suggests rock of high strength and durability, as talus has not been produced due to weathering of fractures and freeze-thaw action. It is anticipated that the native rock quality is sufficient for concrete aggregates. It is likely that material processing will be required to generate aggregates and other construction materials required for any dam structure. Processing will include sorting, screening, crushing, and potentially mining of rock. Native rock characteristics, durability, and suitability for use in concrete will be identified during future site investigations. These investigations will also characterize the thickness of overburden soils, and their potential for use as construction materials as well. The sand, gravel and cobble deposits at the lower dam site could also be processed and used for concrete aggregate. An additional benefit to using this material as an aggregate source is that the unit volume of material removed results in additional reservoir storage. 2.1.4 Future Investigations A number of issues need to be investigated further to characterize the suitability of the site for a concrete arch dam: • Overburden Soils: Based on aerial photos, it appears that there may be 20 feet or more of overburden soils along the creek channel at the dam site. These materials will need to be excavated to competent rock for any new structure. Deep soils may require the use of temporary shoring and dewatering systems. • Abutment Strength: The ridge that the dam abutments will tie into is oriented perpendicular to the line of thrust generated· at these locations. The abutment rock strength will need to be investigated to determine if sufficient strength/mass of rock is present to support the structure. • Downstream Geometry: The dam site is located near the crest of a significant slope dropping to the valley floor at sea level. The stability of this slope will need to be evaluated, especially in light of the large foundation loads for a concrete arch structure. The foundation may also provide limited passive resistance due to geometry. Characterization of the site should be conducted in a phased approach due to investigation cost and logistics associated with the site location. The preliminary investigation phase would be broken down into the following work phases. Phase 1 Preliminary Geological Reconnaissance: This effort would focus on collecting geologic information at the site though non-invasive methods. An initial desktop study would be followed by a field reconnaissance to map and characterize rock outcrops and soil deposits as well as identification of geological hazards. Particular attention would be focused on characterizing the rock mass in the vicinity of mapped lineaments. Potential abutments would be mapped to identify potential rock blocks for stability analysis. A geophysical program could be included to define the depth of unconsolidated deposits as well as potentially image the major north northeast lineament that crosses the drainage. A primary objective of this work would be identification of potential fatal flaws associated with the project location and proposed structure type. Samples of the surficial deposits would be collected to characterize onsite aggregate suitability for potential use as fill or in concrete mixes. These samples would be tested for strength, durability, and soundness. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 8 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Ground base survey of a remote location can be a considerable project cost at this phase of the project. An alternative to this is the collection of a high resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) survey of the basin area. With sufficient ground control absolute accuracy of the final OEM would likely be well below a foot for the entire basin. This data could be obtained at considerable cost savings and used for preliminary engineering. This date could also be used for basin hydraulics, avalanche hazard analysis and identification of rock blocks in the vicinity of the dam abutments. Actual ground survey would be limited to the immediate dam areas as part of final design. Phase 2 Preliminary Subsurface Investigation. The initial geotechnical investigation would be designed to collect sufficient subsurface information to inform preliminary design and identify potential fatal flaws. This would include subsurface explorations along the ridge at the lip of the glacial cirque to assess their suitability as abutments. Borings would be intercepted to target potential lineaments for characterization. The proposed foundation locations for both the lower and upper would be investigated for overburden thickness and to characterize bedrock conditions. Because the bedrock is rotated to a near vertical orientation, angled borings will be required to better characterize the rock mass. Both insitu and laboratory testing would be conducted to develop rock mass characteristics. Insitu testing would include packer testing and the installation of vibrating wire piezometers to characterize rock mass permeability and groundwater levels. Laboratory testing would include index testing of surficial soils as well as strength testing of rock samples. This information would be used to characterize the rock mass for geotechnical engineering analyses. Future Phases: Based on the results of the preliminary phases of investigation, future phases would likely entail additional detailed geologic mapping and supplementary subsurface investigations to further characterize geotechnical conditions and develop dam design. 2.2 Project Description 2.2.1 Location The Project would be located approximately 5 miles north of Cordova, Alaska (Figure 2-3). The Project is located on the Alaskan mainland, within the Unorganized Borough of the State of Alaska. The approximate geographic coordinates for the Project are: N60 deg 39", Wl45 deg 35". Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 9 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 2-3. Area Map of Snyder Falls Creek Project 2.2.2 Dam As outlined in the PAD, the dam would be a concrete arch design located in the narrow canyon approximately 4 miles from tidewater. The existing canyon appears to support a maximum dam height of approximately 150 feet based on topographic features. The arch nature of the dam structure would transfer the loads from the dam section into the rock abutments allowing a thin concrete section to be utilized. In order to develop estimated quantities to support the cost estimate effort, similar concrete arch dams located in Alaska were used to determine an estimated dam configuration. The Blue Lake Dam located near Sitka Alaska is a thin shell concrete arch dam approximately 149 feet tall which is currently being raised by 83 feet to a height of 269 feet. The dam crest is approximately 256 feet long with a conventional 140 foot long ogee crest overflow spillway located in the center of the dam. The dam thickness varies from 25 feet at the base to 8 feet at the crest. Swan Lake Dam located near Ketchikan, Alaska is a thin shell concrete arch dam with a height of 174 feet and a crest with of 480 feet. Similar to Blue Lake, the dam has a conventional ogee overflow spillway located in the center of the dam. The dam thickness varies from 17 feet at the base to 6 feet at the crest. Using these two dam configurations, the Snyder Creek Dam was assumed to have the following characteristics: • Height of 150 feet • Crest length of 250 feet • Conventional ogee crest overflow spillway 100 feet long • Dam thickness ranging from 24 feet at the base to 8 feet at the crest with an average of 12 feet used to determine the estimated concrete volume. • Dam is keyed into the rock abutment and foundation. 2.2.3 Reservoir The reservoir created by the 150 foot dam would create a reservoir with a surface area of approximately 25.1 acres . The reservoir volume would be approximately 943 acre-feet. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 10 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 2.2.4 Intake During construction, it is anticipated that Snyder Creek will be diverted through a hard rock tunnel excavated through the rock abutment. For the purpose of developing the cost estimate, it was assumed that the powerhouse intake would be constructed on the diversion tunnel with the penstock routed to the powerhouse. This would allow the spillway to discharge into the canyon downstream from the dam. An isolation gate would be constructed on the upstream face of the intake to allow dewatering of the intake structure and penstock for inspection purposes. A low level release would also be provided through the dam. 2.2.5 Power Conduit The power conduit would consist of a welded steel penstock approximately 3600 feet in length extending from the dam to the powerhouse. The penstock would be routed through the diversion tunnel then be surface mounted along the lower reaches of the penstock alignment. 2.2.6 Powerhouse The powerhouse would consist of a pre-engineered metal building constructed on a reinforced concrete foundation. The building would have a footprint of approximately 50 feet by 80 feet and a structure height of approximately 30 feet. A concrete thrust block would be located on the upstream side of the powerhouse to resist the thrust loads from the penstock loading. The powerhouse would be placed at approximately 20 feet with the maximum operating reservoir level of 1464 feet providing a rated head on the turbine of approximately 1430 feet. Assuming an average discharge of 53 cubic feet per second ( cfs) based on existing hydrology, the powerhouse would have a rated capacity of approximately 3 MW. The powerhouse would be fitted with a single impulse turbine. 2.2. 7 Transmission Facilities The Project power would be conveyed from the powerhouse switchyard to the existing Humpback Creek project transmission facilities located approximately 4.5 miles from the Project site. A new 12.5 kilovolt (kV) transmission cable would be constructed between the Snyder Creek and Humpback Creek project sites. The transmission line would consist of either overhead or submarine lines depending on the site specific characteristics. The new transmission line would connect with CEC's existing transmission facilities at the Humpback Creek hydroelectric project located approximately 5.1 miles North of Cordova. This existing line currently connects the Humpback Creek project with CEC's electrical distribution network in the Cordova service area. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page II October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION APPROACH AND COST ESTIMATE 3.0 Introduction This section presents the conceptual cost estimate for the Project. The cost estimate was prepared based upon recent similar projects and past historical costs. A discussion of the basis for developing the estimate is presented in the following paragraphs. 3.1 General The pricing presented within this section is considered a feasibility level cost estimate for the Project. The presented costs are budgetary estimates based upon reasonable assumptions (see Appendix A) for work in this location and under the anticipated conditions found in the area. These prices are not intended to represent the lowest possible cost to perform the work under competitively bid conditions, but instead are intended for budgetary purposes only. The cost estimate for this project has been broken into the following cost items: • General Conditions • Mobilization • Site Access • Dam Structure • Penstock • Powerhouse & Equipment • .switchyard & Transmission Line Appendix A presents additional clarifications and assumptions used in developing the cost estimate . 3.2 Basis of Cost Estimate The included cost estimate for the Project is based upon the information provided by Cordova Electric Cooperative in the Application for Preliminary Permit for the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project. The provided costs are based upon the quantities and dimensions stated in the application document referenced above. Additionally, several options for site access routes for personnel and equipment to reach the dam and intake location were developed. Each of these access options have been priced are included in the provided cost estimate backup. 3.3 Cost Items The cost estimate prepared and presented in Table 1-1 reflects the anticipated construction cost based upon current market conditions for similar work. The presented costs are based upon current prices and should be escalated appropriately to the anticipated mid-point of construction for accurate future costs. Costs are based upon construction work only the client can expect to pay to the general contractor, and do not include the costs for permitting, design, or construction inspection and oversight. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 12 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project 3.4 Project Construction 3.4.1 Site Access The project site is located 7.4 miles north of Cordova, Alaska on the Snyder Falls Creek. It is assumed that all construction operations will take place on property owned or operated by CEC. Multiple options have been identified for access to the upper limits of the project and are presented in the included cost estimate backup . It is assumed that the necessary amount of space required for project staging, material laydown, and job office set-up will be available the various work locations. 3.4.2 Materials Readily available construction materials are assumed to be used on this project including the use of onsite aggregates for use as sub-base material as well as in onsite hatched concrete. The following equipment and materials required for this project would be considered long lead items and the submittal/approval/fabrication process should be started as early as feasible and expedited where possible: • Steel Penstock Pipe • Gates, Valves, and Operators • Electrical and Communication Cable • Turbine/Generator Equipment • Powerhouse Building • Bridge Crane • Switchyard Equipment • Transmission Line 3.4.3 Construction Methodology Standard construction practices, materials, and equipment are anticipated on this project with any possible exceptions being noted in Appendix A. 3.4.4 Unusual Conditions (Soil, Water, and Weather) The work season near Cordova, Alaska is anticipated to be approximately June through October. With the short work season and remote location, it is assumed that the selected general contractor will maintain working operations for multiple shifts in each day as well as a minimum of 6 working days per week. Wet conditions are anticipated requiring dewatering during below grade activities. Additionally, it is assumed that diversion of water via cofferdams will likely be required for the construction of the dam structure as well construction of the tailrace channel. 3.4.5 Unique Construction Techniques While the techniques are not atypical to the installation of hydropower facilities, careful planning shall be put into the following work items, with specific thought put towards activity sequencing, worker safety, and task efficiency. These considerations should include: • Location and construction of barge landing facilities for mobilization and staging. • Installation of site access roads to allow safe and efficient transport of personnel and equipment to all work areas. • Tunneling for both access purposes as well as possible dual use for penstock routing. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 13 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project • Construction of the 100 or 150 foot tall arch dam structure. • Penstock installation through steep terrain • Weather protection; especially pertaining to cold weather concreting. 3.5 Construction Approach 3.5.1 Mobilization Mobilization of equipment and materials will be accomplished via barge transport from major port locations, likely Seattle/Tacoma or Bellingham, Washington as well as Anchorage, Alaska. It is anticipated that a barge landing location will be developed either at the Humpback Creek hydro-facility location or further north in Nelson Bay, closer to Snyder Falls Creek. Early efforts will be required to develop the barge landing facility prior to arrival of heavy equipment and full material deliveries. 3.5.2 Site Access Several site access options were identified in an attempt to determine both the most cost effective as well as the most feasible option for safe and efficient personnel and equipment transport to the dam and intake location. While the options all vary in scope and cost, all contain varying lengths of a lower access road, a tunnel section through the steep terrain, and an upper access road. The options explored include the following: • Option 1: Barge Lan ding at Humpback Creek -This option involves the development of a barge landing and offloading facility near to the existing Humpback Creek hydropower facility on Nelson Bay. Access to the upper work areas will be through the further development of the existing humpback creek intake road to the location of the lower tunnel portal (see Appendix C). • Option 2: Barge Landing at Humpback Creek w/ Roadway at Shoreline-This option involves the development of a barge landing and offloading facility near to the existing Humpback Creek hydropower facility on Nelson Bay. An access road will be constructed along the shoreline to the north until the first suitable location (identified as Option 2 in Appendix C) for an access road up the hill can be created. It is assumed that multiple "avalanche sheds" will be required for this option to protect the shoreline road from being buried by avalanching snows. • Option 3: Barge Landing at Humpback Creek w/ Roadway at Shoreline-This option is similar to Option 2 as described above, but requires additional road at the shoreline prior to beginning the access road up to the dam site. The tunnel length required for Option 3 is shorter than that in Option 2. • Option 4: Barge Landing near Snyder Falls Creek -This option involves the development of a barge landing and offloading facility in the northern reach of Nelson Bay near to the proposed powerhouse location. Dredging near the shoreline may be required to allow for barges to access the shoreline near the northern reaches of Nelson Bay. This option allows for the shortest tunnel distance as well as upper access road from the upper tunnel exit portal to the dam site. 3.5.3 Dam Structure Construction of the dam structure will require the construction of a batch plant facility onsite, likely near to the dam structure location where gravel deposits are available for use in hatching. In addition to the batchplant, it is also anticipated that a small crusher or screen plant will also be required to process the gravels for use as structural fill, sub-base, and for use in the structural concrete mix. While equipment sizes will ultimately be based upon the site access limitations (% grade of roads and tunnel diameter), a crane will be required at the dam location for the placement and lifting of formwork, lifting of rebar Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 14 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project cages, and the placement of concrete material. Either a mobile crane or a tower crane has potential for use on this project assuming the necessary picking heights and capacities can be met. Prior to construction of the dam, diversion of the existing Snyder Falls Creek will be required through the use of bulk sandbags, temporary sheetpile, or other flow diversion methods. This may require construction of the dam in a phased approach, until water can be passed through the intake structure located at the base of the dam. 3.5.4 Penstock The 24 inch steel penstock will be installed either above ground with the use of anchor blocks and pipe supports or direct buried. In either scenario and depending upon the decided site access location, is possible to use the created access tunnel for penstock routing as well. If it is not possible to route the penstock through the access tunnel, than steep portions of the project may require the use of a cable crane or helicopter support to transport, stage, and place penstock segments. 3.5.5 Electrical and Communication An allowance of $2.5 million was included to account for electrical and communication cables which will be installed alongside the penstock routing to allow for control of the intake gates from powerhouse location. 3.5.6 Powerhouse & Equipment The cost of a 50 foot by 80 foot pre-engineered metal building powerhouse facility, which will include the complete turbine/generator equipment, switchgear, and overhead bridge crane. Additionally, this item includes the installation of an assumed cast-in-place concrete tailrace channel. 3.5. 7 Switch yard & Transmission Line This line item is based upon the installation of a pre-engineered switchgear building, a standby generator with enclosure, and a step up transformer building, all located immediately adjacent to the powerhouse building. Additionally, the cost for installation of the 4.5 submarine transmission line from the new powerhouse to the existing humpback powerhouse switchyard. 3.6 Project Cost Summary This conceptual cost estimate was generated in October of 2013 and is based upon the provided Application for Preliminary Permit of the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project. The cost estimate is reflective of current market pricing and the best information available for the anticipated project direction for those areas where complete details or specifications are not currently available. Additional cost backup for each option is provided in Appendix B. 3.7 Conclusions Table 3-1 indicates the Total Construction Cost associated with the varwus project access options. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 15 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Table 3-1. Estimated Project Costs (October 2013 dollars) Bld:Oolltii' · Hob ,~~ ... t -'A.::r'_,-JJ _ ., .. Estimate Low (-30%) High (+30%) Access Option 1 $91,032,000 $63,722,000 $118,341,000 Access Option 2 $90,080,000 $63,056,000 $117,104,000 Access Option 3 $83 ,647,000 $58,553 ,000 $108,742,000 Access Option 4 $67,713,000 $47,399,000 $88,027,000 See Appendix B for supporting cost estimate data. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 16 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project SECTION 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Conclusions The available data related to the Project was collected and reviewed to develop a finn understanding of the site specific characteristics of the proposed hydroelectric project. In reviewing the project features, it was evident that access for construction equipment, labor, and materials was a driving factor affecting the overall project construction cost. The remote location coupled with challenging site topography has a significant impact on the ability to access the dam site. Several options were identified and developed as part of the cost estimate preparation. Once construction access is established, the short construction window is the second major challenge. The main construction window of June through October in the upper basin where the dam is located presents construction sequencing challenges requiring multiple work shifts to execute the dam construction within the available weather window. Based on the available topographic mapping and geologic information, a 150 foot concrete thin shell dam located within the existing natural narrow canyon appears feasible . Extending the dam above a 150 foot height may be feasible, but additional site specific topographic mapping will be required as well geologic investigations to determine the extent of suitable rock in which to concrete dam abutments. For the purpose of the cost estimate preparation, a 150 foot dam height was assumed. Upper storage dams constructed from local rock were also considered. These dams, thought feasible, present more challenges related to long term stability due to the harsh environmental conditions. Overall, the Snyder Creek Hydroelectric Project was determined to be a feasible project with costs ranging from $88 million to $118 million depending on the selected access route option. 4.2 Recommendations Based on the feasibility level cost review, the Snyder Creek Hydroelectric Project is considered to be technically feasible with an estimated cost range of $88 million to $118 million. Additional on-site investigations and engineering analysis will be required to refine the design layout, dam characteristics, construction schedule and sequencing, construction access, and overall project development. Feasibility Cost Estimate Page 17 October 30, 2013 Cordova Electric Cooperative Feasibility Cost Estimate Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project APPENDIX A COST ESTIMATE ASSUMPTIONS October 30, 2013 Snyder Falls Creek Hyd roelectric Pro jec t Genera l Assumptions • General Conditions have been applied at 12% of the project total costs • Mobilization has been set at 8% of the project total costs • Cost estimate based on current day pricing. • Construction assumed to be spread over two work seasons. • Cost estimate based upon the ability to install barge landing sites on Nelson Bay. Improvements including dredging may be required to accomplish this. • Cost estimate based upon access roads and tunnels remaining in place following the completion of construction. • Cost estimate based upon construction of the larger height ( 150') dam described in the application for preliminary permit document. • Cost estimate based upon an average dam thickness of 12'. • An allowance of $1,000,000 has been included for intake gates, trash racks, and other mise metals required at the intake location. • Cost estimate based upon a 24" steel penstock as described in the application for preliminary permit. • An allowance of$2,500,000 has been included for electrical and communication cables running from the powerhouse to the dam/intake structure location. • Cost estimate based upon the construction of a 50' x 80' Pre-Engineered Metal Building structure for use as the powerhouse facility. • Cost estimate based upon the installation of a 3.0 MW impulse type turbine as described in the application for preliminary permit. • Cost estimate based upon the installation of 4 .5 miles of submarine transmission line as described in the application for preliminary permit. Transmission Line to be buried on floor ofNelson Bay, assuming the presence of loose, sandy/silty materials. Technical Memorandum To : Mr. Clay Koplin, CEO Project: Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Cordova Electric Cooperative Submitted By : Morton D. McMillen, P.E. cc: File McMillen Jacobs Associates Prepared By : Sean P. Ellenson Job No.: 18-078 McMillen Jacobs Associates Date: 06/05/2020 Subject: Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study Revision Log Revision No. Date Revision Description 0 03/01/2019 Prelim inary Draft -Client Review 1 06/05/2020 Final Draft 1.0 ·Introduction 1.1 Purpose This technical memorandum (TM) presents a summary of the reconnaissance study performed for the proposed Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project (Project). 1.2 Location The proposed project site is located in the southeastern end of Prince William Sound, approximately 9 miles north ofthe city of Cordova, Alaska. The Project includes the si t ing of a new dam , power conveyance, and hydroelectric powerhouse on Raging Creek, in addition to a new submarine transmission cable running across Orca Inlet/Nelson Bay. As proposed, the Project involves impounding a portion of Raging Creek to create a new reservoir with the intent to provide year-round hydroelectric energy to Cordova and the surrounding communities. A location map showing an overview of the area is provided in Figure 1-1. 1.3 Background As part of ongoing planning efforts, CEC requested that the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) review the Crater Lake Feasibility Study (McMillen Jacobs, 2016) to solicit feedback from the agency and set the stage for future cost-sharing opportunities, if available. At that time, AEA provided comments and feedback on Crater Lake, but also indicated the potential for other hydroelectric project development in Rev . No. 1/June 2020 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 1-1. Project Location Map Rev. No. 1/June 2020 2 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study the Cordova area. One potential candidate, Raging Creek, was recommended by AEA for additional evaluation. Based on discussions and document review of the site, it appears that Raging Creek has suitable topography, drainage, and access that may make this an attractive site for future hydropower development. One of the most attractive features is that it may be suitable for a storage-based hydroelectric reservoir configuration, which would provide CEC with flexible reserve power outside of normal run-of-river generation limits. A storage-based hydro project would also enable CEC to significantly reduce reliance on diesel generation. 1.4 Study Limitations The reconnaissance study presented in this memorandum relies on limited available data and is based on numerous assumptions. Basin-specific hydrologic data is unavailable and must be approximated from an average basin unit discharge calculated from similar drainages within the area. Available topographic maps of the region are coarse and are not intended for highly accurate determination of potential reservoir storage volumes and accurate dam sizing. The results presented in this memorandum are intended to be taken as a reconnaissance-level investigation of the potential for a project within the Raging Creek watershed . 2.0 Hydraulic Analysis 2.1 Hydrology The Raging Creek Watershed currently has no existing stream gage data for determining expected future inflows to the proposed reservoir. A recent assessment performed by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA, 2017) determined a regional average unit streamflow discharge based on three local gaged streams, provided below in Table 2-1 and Figure 2-1 (AEA, 20 17). Table 2-1. Average Unit Discharge of Regional Stream Gages. Mean Unit Discharge, cfs[sg.mi. 15215900 15216000 15219000 Regional GLACIER R TRIB NR POWERCNR WF OLSEN BAY C Average Month CORDOVA AI< CORDOVAAK NR CORDOVA AK Jan 5.4 3.6 3.3 4.1 Feb 3.9 3.1 2.9 3.3 Mar 2.3 2.3 1.9 2.2 Apr 4 .5 2.9 3.6 3.7 May 10 10.4 10.2 10.2 Jun 11.1 22 12.5 15.2 Jul 10 25.6 9.3 15.0 Aug 12.8 24.5 7.3 14.9 Sep 15.1 24.6 10.2 16.6 Oct 8.3 16.9 10.1 11.8 Nov 4.3 8.1 6.2 6.2 Dec 2.2 4.5 2.8 3.2 cfs =cubic feet per second Rev . No. 1/June 2020 3 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study 30 25 -·e ~ 20 ~ g:, 15 .... I'll .r:. u Ill i:5 10 .... 'i: ::J 5 0 Jan --GLACIER R TRIB NR CORDOVA AK --POWER C NR CORDOVA AK --WF OLSEN BAY C NR CORDOVA AK-Regional Average Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 2-1. Average Unit Discharge of Regional Stream Gages. The Raging Creek Watershed is estimated to have an area of approximately 8.3 square miles. Based on the regional average unit discharges shown in the figures above, the discharge from Raging Creek is expected to range from an average of 18 cfs to 140 cfs in the winter and summer months, respectively. Expected inflows to the reservoir are a function of the attributable watershed area upstream of the proposed dam site. 2.2 Reservoir Siting A desktop review of the terrain along Raging Creek was followed by a single day flyover of the canyon to identify potential locations for siting the proposed Raging Creek Reservoir. Two locations were identified which exhibit advantageous natural terrain features for maximizing potential storage volume while minimizing the costs of dam construction. The majority of Raging Creek consists of narrow canyons, steep streambed gradients, and waterfalls, however there exist numerous locations in which the creek opens into a wide flat plain, ideal for maximizing reservoir storage volume. The two locations identified for further evaluation in this reconnaissance study are located approximately 1.6 miles and 3.1 miles upstream of the mouth of Raging Creek, shown in the project layouts in Appendix A and discussed further in the following subsections. 2.3 Storage Estimation Topographical data for the Raging Creek watershed was extracted from publicly available maps provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS)'s National Elevation Dataset. The data used for the analysis had an accuracy of 10 meters (33 feet), which provides a reasonable approximation of the watershed terrain, but exhibits inherent error in the approximation of reservoir storage volumes. Rev . No. 1/June 2020 4 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Rag ing Creek Hydroelectri c Project Reconnaissance Study The two proposed locations for the Raging Creek Reservoir were analyzed to determine expected storage volumes at varying dam heights. For the purposes of this analysis, three dam heights were investigated at each location, representing a range of storage volumes for determining expected flows through the proposed hydroelectric powerhouse. The expected storage volumes as a function of dam height for each location are provided below in Table 2-2. The approximate inundation areas for each alternative are provided in Figure 2-2. Table 2-2. Expected Storage Volumes of Reservoir Alternatives. Maximum Water Anticipated Storage Location Option Dam Height (ft) Crest Width (ft) Surface Elevation (ft msl) Volume (Acre-Ft) A 100 350 888 590 1 B 150 650 938 2,470 c 200 900 988 5,390 A so 300 1,218 810 2 B 100 550 1,268 2,580 c 150 700 1,318 5,880 o· 1000" 2000" Locatlon ll ' Figure 2-2. Inundation Extents of Varying Dam Heights at each Proposed Location. 2.4 Reservoir Release Schedule As discussed in Section 2 .1, streamflow varies significantly throughout the average year. By creating a new storage reservoir on Raging Creek, increased streamflow throughout the summer months may be captured and released throughout the winter to provide a hydroelectric energy baseload year-round. The Rev . No . 1/June 2020 5 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study average monthly inflow/outflow for various dam heights at each location is shown below in Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4. 120 ii 100 Q) .... ro c::: 80 3: 0 u::: ~ 60 ..c ..... c 0 ::?; 40 Q) bO ro 1.... Q) 20 > <( 0 120 ~ 100 ~ Q) ..... ro c::: 80 3: 0 u::: ~ 60 ..c ..... c 0 ::?; 40 Q) bO ro 1.... ~ 20 <( 0 -Inflow - --100Ft. Dam ----·150Ft. Dam ......... 200Ft. Dam ............... ···············"············· .......................................................................... ·········· ... . ~----------------------, ... Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 2-3. Reservoir Inflows/Outflow; Location #1. -Inflow - --50Ft: Dam ----·100Ft. Dam ......... 150Ft. Dam ................. ···························· ---------------------------------------······· ~----------------------------~ -- Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 2-4. Reservoir Inflows/Outflows; Location #2. The attributable watershed area for each reservoir, and thus the expected inflow from Raging Creek are not identical for each reservoir due to the varying distances into the watershed between each location. Out of the 8.3 square miles of total watershed area, location #1 is estimated to have an attributable watershed area of approximately 6.8 square miles and location #2 is estimated to have an attributable watershed area Rev . No. 1/June 2020 6 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study of approximately 5.0 square miles. The reservoir storage and release schedule additionally considers a 1 cfs constant average minimum streamflow release, this is accounted for in the above figures. Although natural barriers prevent anadromous fish species from utilizing the creek for spawning and rearing purposes, it is anticipated that the entirety of Raging Creek wiii need to remain wetted throughout the year to support local wildlife habitat. Additional sensitivity analyses can be easily performed for alternate release assumptions with the study spreadsheet model. 3.0 Energy Analysis 3.1 Turbine Selection For each reservoir location and dam sizing alternative investigated, a preliminary turbine selection was made to determine the forecasted energy output of the powerhouse throughout the average year. As shown in Appendix A, each alternative considers a power conveyance tunnel and penstock feeding a powerhouse located near the mouth of the creek upstream of the first major waterfall (initial fish barrier) at approximately elevation I 00 ft msl. Since the available hydrologic data was provided on a monthly average basis, the maximum monthly average flows were multiplied by a factor of 1.5 to determine the rated turbine flow rate . For the purposes of this analysis, an assumed 3% friction loss was included in determination of the net head on the turbine, providing a rated head ranging from approximately 800 ft to I ,200 ft. Due to the high head available to the project, a Pelton turbine is ideal for this application. A Pelton turbine is an impulse- type hydroelectric generating unit that converts all available head into kinetic or velocity energy through the use of contracting nozzles. The jets of water from the nozzles act on the runner buckets to exert a force in the direction of flow. This force, or impulse as it is referred to, turns the turbine. Water flow to an impulse turbine is controlled by a needle valve. The position of the needle valve is controlled by a governor to change speed or load. A moveable deflector plate, controlled by the governor, is rapidly positioned in front of the nozzle to deflect the water away from the turbine during a load rejection. A Pelton turbine has additional benefits that may reduce installation costs, such as the ability to discharge to atmosphere requiring no submergence, and the ability to control load rejections through the use of deflectors, minimizing pressure transients within the power conveyance tunnel and/or penstock. The preliminary turbine sizing alternatives are provided in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. Rated Turbine Characteristics. Dam Rated Flow Power Output Location Height Net Head (ft) (ft) (cfs) (MW) 100 760 41 2.4 1 150 840 56 3.5 200 890 77 5.1 so 1080 32 2.6 2 100 1130 47 4.1 150 1180 62 5.6 Rev. No. 1/June 2020 7 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study 3.2 Energy Production The monthly average flow rate, reservoir storage volume and associated net head were utilized to calculate the average monthly energy generation assuming a turbine efficiency of 90%. Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 below show the expected monthly energy generation estimates for each alternative dam height and location in comparison to the existing generation ofCEC's diesel generation plant. 3,000,000 ..:; ~ 2,500,000 c 0 ·~ 2,000,000 .... QJ c QJ ~ 1,500,000 tlll ro .... QJ ~ 1,000,000 ]!; ..:; ....., 6 500,000 ~ 0 3,000,000 ..:; ~ 2,500,000 c 0 ·~ 2,000,000 .... QJ c QJ ~ 1,500,000 tlll ro .... QJ ~ 1,000,000 ]!; ..:; ....., 6 500,000 ~ 0 --Diesel - --100Ft Dam -----150Ft Dam ......... 200Ft Dam ························································ .. . ·~. ..·· .......... . .. ·· ··... ... ......... ···· ....... ····· ·········· ... ··· ..... ··· .... ·· ~----------------------------------~; ',, ,, ' , ',~ Jan ,---.... ............ ,"" Feb Mar Apr ,----------- May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Figure 3-1. Monthly Average Energy Generation; Location #1. --Diesel - --50Ft Dam -----100Ft Dam ......... 150Ft Dam Nov Dec . ............... ····· ........... ·············································· ............................................... . ··...... ,,-----------------------------------, ·· ..... · ,, ................. .,, .. " ',, ,,~ ',, ..... , ..... , ..... , Jan Feb Mar Apr ~--------------------, May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Figure 3-2. Monthly Average Energy Generation; Location #2. Dec Rev. No. 1/June 2020 8 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study The powerhouse is anticipated to produce a steady baseload of energy to CEC's grid throughout the year, including the entirety of winter. Maximum potential output could occur throughout the summer months. Annual energy estimates range from 12 GWh/Yr to 29 GWh/Yr, dependent on location and dam raise height. The capacity factor for the project is estimated to be approximately 60%. Refer to Appendix B for detailed calculations describing the energy analysis. Table 3-2. Average Annual Energy Output. Dam Annual Location Raise Energy Capacity (ft) Output Factor(%) (GWh/Yr) 100 12 58% 1 150 18 60% 200 26 59% so 14 62% 2 100 21 60% 150 29 60% 4.0 Recommendations and Conclusions This reconnaissance study investigates the potential for a new reservoir and hydroelectric project on the Raging Creek Watershed. A number of locations on Raging Creek have favorable natural topography to locating a new dam and reservoir in order to provide clean, renewable energy to Cordova Electric Cooperative's grid year-round. Dependent on the location and anticipated impoundment volume, the dam may range from approximately 50ft to 200ft in height, impounding up to 6,000 acre-ft of water to be released throughout the year. An impulse-type Pelton hydroelectric generation unit is recommended for the Raging Creek Powerhouse, ranging in size from 2 to 6 MW, with the capability of producing approximately 12 to 29 GWh/Yr of energy. If constructed, the project could significantly reduce or eliminate Cordova's reliance on diesel-based generation. Due to the limitations in available data used in this analysis, it is recommended that more refined streamflow data be utilized for future investigations. Daily streamflow information approximated from neighboring creeks, or ideally stream gage data on the Raging Creek Watershed would significantly improve the accuracy of future energy analyses and feasibility investigations. Additionally, topographic maps with higher accuracy would improve the estimated reservoir impoundment volumes and dam sizing. This memorandum has been completed within the limitations identified herein to provide a preliminary engineering study for the Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project. We look forward to being involved in the Project during continuing assessments of Project feasibility and conceptual design. If you have any questions regarding our recommendations and Project understanding, please do not hesitate to contact us. Rev. No . 1/June 2020 9 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Respectfully submitted, MCMILLEN JACOBS ASSOCIATES Morton D. McMillen, P.E. Executive Vice President Rev. No . 1/June 2020 Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study 10 McMillen Jacobs Associates Cordova Electric Cooperative Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project Reconnaissance Study 5.0 References AEA, 2017. Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment Memorandum. Alaska Energy Authority. McMillen Jacobs, 2016. Crater Lake Feasibility Study. Cordova Electric Cooperative. Rev . No. 1/JuM 2020 11 McMillen Jacobs Associates September 28, 2020 Mr. Clay Koplin Cordova Electric Cooperative Via email: ckoplin@cordovaelectric.coril Subject: Re: Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund Application, Rev 01 Proposal for the Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects Dear Mr. Koplin: McMillen Jacobs Associates (McMillen Jacobs) prepared a scope of work and budget for eligible renewable energy projects that could be funded by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) through their Renewable Energy Fund (REF). This letter proposal is to presents a scope of work designed to further define and develop eligible storage-based renewable energy projects in the Cordova region. McMillen Jacobs' proposed work tasks are presented in the following paragraphs and the budget estimate for engineering are provided as Attachments A to this document. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The AEA is seeking applications for eligible renewable energy projects through REF. The application period opened on July 20, 2020 and will close on September 28, 2020. AEA will evaluate all applications received and will consult with the Renewable Energy Fund Advisory Committee (REF AC) to make final recommendations to the Alaska State Legislature for Fiscal Year 2022 funding. All funding decisions, including ifthere will be any funding available, will be made by the legislature. CEC is in the process of completing an application to submit to AEA and has named McMillen Jacobs as their teaming partner to complete engineering design for eligible renewable energy projects. Snyder Falls Creek, Raging Creek, Humpback Creek, and Power Creek were recommended by CEC as eligible renewable energy projects (Projects) for additional evaluation. As part of this analysis, CEC would like the feasibility analysis to consider a pumped storage alternative and other storage alternatives into the Projects. This would consist of adding storage reservoirs, which could be used to pump excess water up to during the spring runoff, then be able to generate with the stored water through the winter and peak fish plants operation during the summer. A storage-based hydro project may also enable CEC to significantly reduce reliance on diesel generation. The overall project goal is to characterize the four hydro site opportunities more accurately for adding hydro storage to the CEC grid, and decide which of the four alternatives are the most feasible. CEC has asked McMillen Jacobs to develop a scope and budget to complete a feasibility level analysis and cost estimate of the Projects. The focus of this analysis is to develop a more defined project McMillen Jacobs Associates Rev. No. 01/September 2020 arrangement and associated capital cost estimate to incorporate into CEC's long-term community energy planning work efforts. WORK TASKS The following paragraphs represent the proposed work tasks for the Project. Task 1 -Site Overview-Hydropower and Storage Assessment Report This work task consists of the following: • Project Kickoff Meeting. This work task consists of a kickoff meeting with CEC and McMillen Jacobs via teleconference. The purpose of the kickoff meeting is to formally initiate the Project, review the previous studies completed by McMillen Jacobs, and discuss any informational requests. • Site visit to Cordova, AK to visit up to four sites. • Review of available hydrology/topography of the four recommended Projects (Snyder Falls Creek, Raging Creek, Humpback Creek, and Power Creek). • Recommendations of potential configurations and recommended further studies of the proposed sites. • Desktop review of other alternative sites in the region. • Summary of the four Projects developed in Tasks 3 through 6 in a Site Evaluation Matrix. • Summarize the findings and recommendations of Tasks 3 through 6 in a Hydropower and Storage Assessment Report that will incorporate a summary of the Snyder Falls Creek work completed to date, the analysis and results of the Raging Creek, Humpback Creek, Power Creek, and one potential project found in the desktop review. Assumptions: The following assumptions were made when developing the engineering scope of work for Task 1: • The site visit assumes that up to three engineers (Project Manager [PM], mechanical engineer, and geotechnical engineer) will travel to and from Boise, 10 to Cordova, AK. • Airfare assumed to be $2,200 per person. • Lodging rate assumed to be $140 per night based upon maximum per diem rates outside the continental United States for Cordova, Alaska. Six overnight stays assumed per person. • Daily meal rate assumed to be $85 per day based upon maximum per diem rates outside the continental United States for Cordova, Alaska. Seven days assumed per person. • The site visit will take two travel days and up to 5 working days to complete the site visit, which allows flexibility for inclement weather. Deliverab/es: The following deliverables will be provided to CEC as part of this work task: • Draft Hydropower and Storage Assessment Report, PDF format. • Final Hydropower and Storage Assessment Report, PDF format. McMillen Jacobs Associates 2 Rev. No . 01/September 2020 Task 2-LiDAR Mapping This work task consists of a subconsultant to complete LiDAR mapping of up to four Project sites. The work will be performed by aircraft and will be bounded by an Area oflnterest (AOI) encompassing the extents of each proposed Project. A ground survey crew will be used to calibrate the data collected from LiDAR imagery. The vertical accuracy of the resultant imagery will be within 10 em RSME. If a ground survey crew is unable to reach each Project site, the LiDAR will be validated based on ground points in Cordova, AK which would provide a vertical accuracy of 10-15 em RSME. The data will be transmitted to CEC and McMillen Jacobs in both point cloud and digital elevation model format. Assumptions: The following assumptions were made when developing the engineering scope of work for Task 2: • Coordination hours with McMillen Jacobs and the survey subconsultant have been assumed for McMillen Jacobs' Project Manager, Mechanical/Civil Engineer, and Senior CADD. • Due to the dense vegetation at each Project site, a resolution of 20 points per square meter (ppsm) is assumed to be required for this work Deliverables: The following deliverables will be provided to CEC as part of this work task: • LiDAR Survey Files, AutoCAD, latest format. Task 3-Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project In October 2013 McMillen Jacobs completed a Feasibility Study of the Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project. McMillen Jacobs completed this Project in 2013 for CEC. The purpose of the report was to present a feasibility level discussion of the construction approach and estimated project cost for the proposed Snyder Falls Hydroelectric Project. The budget associated with this task represents the labor to develop the 013 feasibility study for CEC and includes an additional budget to reevaluate the 2013 findings with more accurate. iD R data. A summary of the 2013 study and any updates to the site configuration and analysis will be summarized in Task 1. l1R£11J<OOWIV ; P'RIIJ/{ SFC .: lllp lii4- RiiAH ES<; iii tl JjA~ TillS PILOIJtJ5AL ; # 'Tlt.12.b'l Assumptions: t.:; '-isj, T he followin g assumptions were made when developing the engineering scope fr~ork for Task 3: • LiDAR will be completed for the Snyder Falls Creek site in Task 2. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be provided to CEC as part of this work task: • Analysis and findings will be summarized in the Task 1 Deliverable. McMillen Jacobs Associates 3 Rev. No. 01/September 2020 Task 4-Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project CEC would like to advance the Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project with the goal of constructing a larger hydro facility with storage on their grid and moving the City of Cordova's forward to a 100% renewable generation profile. CEC has asked McMillen Jacobs to develop a scope and budget to complete a feasibility level analysis and cost estimate of the Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project. The focus of this analysis is to develop a more defined project arrangement and associated capital cost estimate to incorporate into CEC's long-term community energy planning work efforts. As part of this analysis, CEC would like the feasibility analysis to consider a pumped storage alternative into the Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project. This would consist of adding a secondary storage reservoir, which <Xmld be used to pump excess water up to during the spring runoff, then be able to generate with the stored water through the winter and peak fish plant operation during the summer. This work task consists of the review and development of the overall Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project. This will include conceptual level layout of dams, generation facilities, conveyance, transmission, and access roads to the site to support the cost estimate development. The analysis will include preliminary sizing and placement ofkey features, identification of potential fatal flaws, comparison of key Project alternatives for the purpose of planning and the development of initial cost estimates for the Project alternatives. The conceptual design development will include general analysis of the proposed facility components such as the size of the powerhouse, pump station, penstock/tunnel, transmission, dam, and reservoir. McMillen Jacobs will utilize information we have obtained through numerous hydropower and pumped storage projects. A preliminary evaluation of suitable dam types will be investigated. The dam types that . . . will be investigated include, but are not limited to, rockfill dam, concrete/gravity/RCC dam, and a concrete arch dam. This task includes examination of available soil information, geological maps, and other available information to support recommendations on the Project configuration and geotechnical development of the dam design. The investigation will include review of the Project site to identify geotechnical risks and potential fatal flaws. The analysis will identify and recommend future geotechnical studies to support the final Project design. This task will also include the conceptual, feasibility level cost estimate for up to three Project alternative configurations. The cost estimate will be based upon similar projects and historical construction costs. The Project construction approach will be determined based upon site access, readily available construction materials, and standard construction practices, materials, and equipment. A basic alternatives analysis of the three alternatives will be performed, comparing the costs and benefits of each Project and the ability of the alternative to meet CEC's goals. McMillen Jacobs will recommend one alternative configuration from the analysis and will review the alternative with CEC. A report will be prepared and submitted to CEC in Task 1 documenting the engineering analysis, construction approach, and cost estimate. The cost estimates will use data obtained by McMillen Jacobs for our self-executed construction work in Alaska, as well our database of completed hydroelectric projects in Alaska. McMillen Jacobs Associates 4 Rev . No . 01/September 2020 Assumptions: The following assumptions were made when developing the engineering scope of work for Task 4: • A total of three project alternative configurations will be developed and analyzed. • A Class 4 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs (OPCC) will be prepared in accordance with the hydropower industry criteria established by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE). • The construction season near Cordova, Alaska is assumed to be approximately June through October. Deliverab/es: The following deliverables will be provided to CEC as part of this work task: • Analysis and findings will be summarized in the Task 1 Deliverable. Task 5-Humpback Creek Hydroelectric Project Storage Assessment Humpback Creek Hydroelectric Project is an existing run-of-river hydro project which has been in operation since 1989. The Project is a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensed project P-8889. CEC would like to assess the feasibility of adding storage upstream of the existing Humpback Creek Project site using the updated LiDAR collected in Task 2. The addition of storage will not necessarily result in a capacity change, just a storage shift, allowing for flexibility in the power output of the existing powerhouse and stored energy for the grid. The proposed storage site is located upstream of the existing project site on native corporation lands. The addition of storage at Humpback Creek could result in a non-capacity change to add energy storage to the grid at relatively low cost. From CEC perspective, it is critical to identify the basin geometry and grade in detail to quantify storage potential and required coffer dam height. The Humpback Creek project is a good candidate for a FERC non-jurisdictional determination, if necessary. An additional pumped storage alternative may be considered for this site, including a pumping station downstream of the existing facility. The analysis will include preliminary sizing and placement of key features, identification of potential fatal flaws, comparison of up to two key Project alternatives, one storage option and one pumped storage option, for the purpose of planning and the development of initial cost estimates for the Project alternatives. The conceptual design development will include general analysis on facility components such as the size of the dam and will be based on information McMillen Jacobs has obtained through numerous hydropower projects. A preliminary evaluation of suitable dam types will be investigated. An energy and operations model will be developed to quantify the benefits of the proposed storage and/or pumped storage components to existing operations. This task includes examination of available soil information, geological maps, and other available information to provide recommendations on the Project configuration and geotechnical development of the dam design. The investigation will include review of the Project site to identify geotechnical risks and McMillen Jacobs Associates 5 Rev . No. 01/September 2020 potential fatal flaws. The analysis will identify and recommend future geotechnical studies to support the final Project design. It is anticipated that quantification of the bedrock depth at the proposed storage site is critical to understanding costs for this task. In addition to the geotechnical development discussed above, a seismic refraction survey will be performed at the proposed dam site to provide further information on the rock properties of the basin and bedrock depths. This task will also include the conceptual, feasibility level cost estimate for the proposed Project. The cost estimate will be based upon similar projects and historical construction costs. The Project construction approach will be determined based upon site access, readily available construction materials, and standard construction practices, materials, and equipment. McMillen Jacobs will recommend a Project configuration to CEC. A report will be prepared and submitted to CEC in Task 1 documenting the engineering analysis, construction approach, and cost estimate. The cost estimate will use data obtained by McMillen Jacobs for our self-executed construction work in Alaska, as well as our database of completed hydroelectric projects in Alaska. Assumptions: The following assumptions were made when developing the engineering scope of work for Task 5: • Up to two project alternative configurations will be developed and analyzed, one storage only configuration and if determined feasible, one pumped storage configuration. • A Class 4 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs (OPCC) will be prepared in accordance with the hydropower industry criteria established by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE). • The construction season near Cordova, Alaska is assumed to be approximately June through October. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be provided to CEC as part of this work task: • Analysis will be summarized in the Task 1 Deliverable. Task 6-Power Creek Hydroelectric Project Storage Assessment Power Creek Hydroelectric Project is an existing run-of-river hydro project which has been in operation since November 2001, providing on average 65% of Cordova's energy. Similar to Humpback Creek, CEC would like to assess the feasibility of adding storage upstream of the existing Power Creek Project site using the updated LiDAR collected in Task 2. The storage component is anticipated to be located upstream of the existing site on United States Forest Service lands. There may be storage potential where the canyon narrows into vertical rock walls with an upstream basin behind. An additional pumped storage alternative may be considered for this site, including a pumping station downstream of the existing facility. McMillen Jacobs Associates 6 Rev. No . 01/September 2020 The analysis will include preliminary sizing and placement of key features, identification of potential fatal flaws, comparison ofkey Project alternatives for the purpose of planning and the development of initial cost estimates for the Project alternatives. The conceptual design development will include general analysis of the facility components such as the size of the dam and will be based on information McMillen Jacobs has obtained through numerous hydropower projects. A preliminary evaluation of suitable dam types will be investigated. This task includes examination of available soil information, geological maps, and other available information to provide recommendation on the Project configuration and geotechnical development of the dam design. An energy and operations model will be developed to quantify the benefits of the proposed storage and/or pumped storage components to existing operations. The investigation will include review of the Project site to identify geotechnical risks and potential fatal flaws. The analysis will identify and recommend future geotechnical studies to support the final Project design. This task will also include the conceptual, feasibility level cost estimate for the up to two Project configurations, one storage only configuration and one pumped storage configuration . The cost estimate will be based upon similar projects and historical construction costs. The Project construction approach will be determined based upon site access, readily available construction materials, and standard construction practices, materials, and equipment. McMillen Jacobs will recommend a Project configuration to CEC. A report will be prepared and submitted to CEC in Task I documenting the engineering analysis, construction approach, and cost estimate. The cost estimates will use data obtained by McMillen Jacobs for our self-executed construction work in Alaska, as well our database of completed hydroelectric projects in Alaska. Assumptions: The following assumptions were made when developing the engineering scope of work for Task 6: • Up to two project alternative configurations will be developed and analyzed, one storage only configuration and if determined feasible, one pumped storage configuration. • A Class 4 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs (OPCC) will be prepared in accordance with the hydropower industry criteria established by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE). • The construction season near Cordova, Alaska is assumed to be approximately June through October. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be provided to CEC as part of this work task: • Analysis will be summarized in the Task 1 Deliverable. McMillen Jacobs Associates 7 Rev. No . 01/September 2020 Task 7-Project Review Meeting A design review meeting will be scheduled to review and discuss the Draft report with CEC. McMillen Jacobs will provide written responses to CEC comments and provided meeting minutes documenting the meeting discussion. Comments will be incorporated, and the Final Report issued under Task 1. Assumptions: The following assumptions were made when developing the engineering scope of work for Task 7 : • The meeting with CEC will be a conference call meeting. • CEC will have two weeks to review the Draft report. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be provided to CEC as part of this work task: • Meeting Minutes, PDF format. BUDGET ESTIMATE The budget estimate for McMillen Jacobs to provide support to CEC for the Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects is presented in the attached Table 1 and the detailed estimates are provided in Attachment A. The work will be executed on a lump sum basis. Table 1 -Pricing for Hydroelectric and Storage Assessment Project Task No. Description Total Price 1 Site Overview-Hydropower and Storage Assessment $94,717.00 Report 2 LiDAR Mapping $58,285.00 y.KIO ~ 3 Snyder Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project ~ __,--~Jl-:tm- 4 Raging Creek Hydroelectric Project $62,192.00 711 5 Humpback Creek Hydroelectric Project Storage $68,088.00 ~ Assessment 6 Power Creek Hydroelectric Project $44,736.00 7 Project Review Meeting $5,560.00 Total $4~9,999.99 4 t£S$ SK.f/1./0R :1' fl~ 2 SCHEDULE A detailed schedule will be developed after CEC receives grant funds and provides McMillen Jacobs with notice to proceed (NTP) for the Project. McMillen Jacobs Associates 8 Rev. No . 01/September 2020 We appreciate the opportunity to continue to work with CEC on the Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (208) 342-4214. Sincerely, Morton D. McMillen, P .E. Executive Vice President cc: Mara McMillen President, McMillen, LLC File McMillen Jacobs Associates 9 Jodi Burns Project Manager Rev. No. 01/September 2020 Rev 01 I September 2020 10 Attachment A Budget Estimates McMillen Jacobs Associates 9/23/2020 Cordova Electric Cooperative Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects Task 1 Site Overview McMillen Jacobs Team 9/23/2020 Cordova Electric Cooperative Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects Task 2 LiDAR Mapping McMillen Jacobs Team 9/23/2020 I ! ~ Cordova Electric Cooperative Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects Task 3 Snyder Falls Creek Hydro rl'/15 PIVIJI< McMillen Jacobs Team /(:)/( '15 f?JZfO/l ! 9/2312020 Cordova Electric Cooperative Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects Task 4 Raging Creek Hydro McMillen Jacobs Team 9123/2020 Cordova Eledrtc Cooperative Hydropower and Storage Assessment Pmjects Task 5 Humback Creek Storage McMillen Jacobs Team 9/23/2020 Cordova Electric Cooperative Hydropower and Storage Assessment Projects Task 6 Power Creek Storage McMillen Jacobs Team 9/23/2020 Cordova Electric Cooperative Hydropower and ·storage Assessment Projects Task 7 Project Review Mee~ng McMillen Jacobs Team CEC Costs to Date Hydro Reconnaissance/Feasibility Raging Creek $ 16,435.60 Snyder Falls Creek $ 214,516.53 Crater Lake Feasibility $153,285.75 Crater Lake Hydrology $ 96,307.64 Crater Lake FERC non-jurisdiction $6,029.30 Crater Lake Geotechnical $ 369,782.76 DOE Crater Lake Grant $ 100,000.00 Total : $ 956,357.58 cdemmam Cordova Electric Cooperative 1n• WO-Category Summary Page I of 1 9/28/2020 4: 11: 18PM Work Order Status 0 WOType WO SubType A CP RC-001 -Raging Creek Feasibility Location: Raging Creek Start Date: I 0/12/2017 Form 219ID: 107.20-CWIP-FORCE ACCOUNT Category Net Amount DC -Direct Charge 00 12,563.78 12,563.78 INL-Payroll Indirect Labor 00 1,965.28 1,965.28 OH-Admin Overhead 00 134.33 134.33 PR -Direct Labor 00 1,750.90 1,750.90 TR -Transportaion 00 21.31 21.31 GLAcct 1D Total $16,435.60 Work Order Total $16,435.60 Report Total $16,435.60 Database: Live Parameters: ( {WOMaint. WOlD = 'RC-00 1') ~eport:D:\Program Files\PCS\Insight Accounting\lnstalledReports\ WO-Category Last Modified: 9/28/25!!(}1mary.rpt cdemmam Cordova Electric C ooperative ln1 Project Summary FundiD-E SF-Snyder Falls Hydroelectric SectoriD -00 DIR -DIRECT CHARGES LBR-LABOR CHARGES Project Total Report Total Page I of 1 9/28/2020 4: I 7:22PM 213,027.29 1,489.24 $214,516.53 214,516.53 Report: 0:\HomeDir\PCS\Reports\PCSCustom\PC-Project Charges_ Summary .rpt Last Modified: 9/28/2020 cdemmam Cordova Electric Coop erat ive In• WO-Category Summary Work Order CL-001 -Crater Lake Feasiblity Location: 107.20-CWIP-FORCE ACCOUNT Cateeory CC -Contribution DC -Direct Charge Start Date: 00 00 INL -Payroll Indirect Labor 00 OH -Admin Overhead 00 PR -Direct Labor 00 TR -Transportaion 00 GLAcct ID Total Work Order Total Status c WOType D Form 21910: Pagel of5 9/28/2020 4:26:33PM WO SubType CP ~~~::~Iectric cooperative Inc WO-Category Summary Page 2 of5 9/28/2020 4:26:33PM Work Order CL-002-Crater Lake Hydrology Location: 107.20-CWIP-FORCE ACCOUNT Category DC -Direct Charge Start Date: 00 INL-Payroll Indirect Labor 00 OH -Admin Overhead 00 PR -Direct Labor 00 TR -Transportaion 00 G L Acct ID Total Work Order Total Status c WOTyne WO SubTyne 740C D CP Form 219ID: Net Amount 80,161.38 80,161.38 7,279.62 7,279.62 703.58 703.58 7,369.38 7,369.38 793.68 793.68 $96,307.64 $96;-3 07.64 cdemmam Cordova Electric Cooperative In• WO-Category Summary Work Order CL-003 -Crater Lake FERC Determination Location: 107.20-CWIP-FORCE ACCOUNT Cate~:ory DC -Direct Charge Start Date: 00 INL -Payroll Indirect Labor 00 OH-Admin Overhead 00 PR -Direct Labor 00 TR -Transportaion 00 G L Acct ID Total Work Order Total Status c WOType D Form 219ID: Net Amount 3,600.00 3,600.00 1,043.61 1,043.61 141.46 141.46 1,236.97 1,236.97 7.26 7.26 $6,029.30 $6,029.30 Page 3 of5 9/28/2020 4:26:33PM WO SubType CP cdemmam Cordova Electric Cooperative In• WO-Category Summary Page 4 of5 9/28/2020 4:26:33PM Work Order CL-004 -Crater Lake Geotechnical Assesment Status c WOType WO SubType 740C D C P Location: Start Date: 12/01/2016 Form 219ID: 107.20-CWIP-FORCE ACCOUNT Category DC -Direct Charge 00 INL-Payroll Indirect Labor 00 OH -Admin Overhead 00 PR -Direct Labor 00 TR -Transportaion 00 GLAcct 1D Total Work Order Total Net Amount 328,696.33 328,696.33 19,402.25 19,402.25 1,234.63 1,234.63 18,817.13 18,817.13 1,632.42 1,632.42 $369,782.76 $369,782.76 cdemmam Cordova Electric Cooperative Int WO-Category Summary Page 5 of5 9/28/2020 4:26 :33PM Work Order Status c WOType WO SubType 740C D CP CL-005 -Crater Lake Funding Location: Start Date: 02 /28/2017 Form 219ID: 107.20-CWIP-FORCE ACCOUNT Category Net Amount DC -Direct Charge 00 9,441.93 9 ,441.93 INL-Payroll Indirect Labor 00 11,755 .16 11,755.16 OH-Admin Overhead 00 2,787 .70 2,787 .70 PR -Direct Labor 00 11 ,210.09 11,210 .09 TR -Transportaion 00 252.43 252.43 GLAcct ID Total $35,447.31 Work Order Total $35,447.31 Report Total $660,852.76 Database : Live {eport:D:\Program Files \PCS \Insight Accounting\lnstalledReports\ WO-Category Parameters: ( {WOMaint. WOlD} in ['CL-00 1', 'CL-002', 'CL-003', 'CL-004', 'CL-005']) AND Last Modified: 9/28/2S!l()lmary .rp t not ({WO Category.Ca tee.orv iD } in f'XCLS']) Memorandum To: From: Subject: Date: Introduction Craig Kuntz, Cordova Electric Cooperative Daniel Hertrich Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment April13, 2017 Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) recently completed a feasibility assessment of the Crater Lake resource and requested that AEA review of the study. In the course of reviewing the Crater Lake feasibility study AEA performed a more comprehensive desktop level analysis of Cordova's existing hydro generation and other regional hydro resources. This memo presents the evaluation of the existing electric energy generation configuration in Cordova, AK and looks at the potential benefits of both the Crater Lake resource and the Raging Creek resource. Other resources not examined include adding storage to Power Creek (due to previously cited geotech concerns), Rogue Creek, Beartrail Creek, Heney Creek, and an unnamed creek near Scott Lake and various others and/or pump storage projects although the hydrology analysis presented here enables preliminary evaluation of those projects. CEC currently operates two hydroelectric and one diesel generation stations. The hydroelectric projects are Power Creek, a 6 MW run of river project, and Humpback Creek, a 1.2 MW run of river project. Even during the summer there are times when the demand exceeds the peak hydro capacity and diesel generation is required. Through the remainder of the year, and particularly in the late winter, significantly more diesel generation is required because the hydro projects have reduced power output due to low flow. Existing System configuration The table below shows the average monthly power generated along with the peak demand (from PCE data): Month Avg Diesel Power, kW Avg Hydro Power, kW Avg Total Demand, kW Avg Peak Demand, kW 1 1,579 888 2.467 3,653 2 1.487 747 2,234 3,407 3 2,100 469 2,570 3,951 4 2,011 649 2,660 3,734 5 601 2,312 2,913 4,272 6 373 3,310 3,683 5,978 7 533 4,000 4,533 6,541 8 814 3,501 4,315 6,453 9 759 2,193 2,951 4,761 10 638 1,686 2,323 3,367 11 1,201 1,207 2,408 3.451 12 1,621 921 2,541 3,520 Average 1,143 1,823 2,967 ' I ' ., . T ~l ) lJ : j, .~ I I ! v . (· 1 {' 813 West Northern Lights Bo ulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 T 907 771 3000 Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888 .300 .8534 F 907.771.3044 Alaska Energy Authority Annual energy generation by resource: Power Cost Equalization Data Diesel kWh Hydro kWh Year Generated Generated 2001 11,333,549 868,128 2002 13,882,408 10,675,290 2003 8,398,479 15,515,849 2004 7,418,138 16,622,683 2005 6,056,449 19,400,702 2006 11,813,931 13,470,088 2007 13,259,268 13,627,195 2008 10,827,607 14,830,533 2009 10,921,141 15,062,381 2010 9,774,568 17,740,374 2011 9,155,217 16,759,928 2012 10,967,881 17,021,008 2013 9,364,225 19,482,939 2014 7,747,532 19,481,409 2015 7,884,868 21,013,732 2016 5,733,054 19,410,370 Average 9,658,645 15,686,413 Existing hydroelectric project configurations: Humpback Creek Project Description Value Unit Hydraulic Capacity, cfs 95 cfs Spill Elevation 188 ft Turbine Elevation 0 ft Static Head 188 ft Friction loss 7.22 ft Net Efficiency 86% Net Power 1255 kW Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment Total kWh Generated 12,201,677 24,557,698 23,914,328 24,040,821 25,457,151 25,284,019 26,886,463 25,658,140 25,983,522 27,514,942 25,915,145 27,988,889 28,847,164 27,228,941 28,898,600 25,143,424 25,345,058 Power Creek Project Description Value Hydraulic Capacity, cfs 320 Spill Elevation 283 Turbine Elevation 0 Static Head 283 FriCtion loss 2.58 Net Efficiency 79% Net Power 6001 Unit cfs ft ft ft ft kW Energy: Demand and Generation by: Resource Humpback Creek and Power Creek Generation Evaluation: Humpback Creek Annual Energy Generation, kWh Month 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Average 1 79,530 230,192 365,290 307,506 309,368 258,377 2 165,269 178,878 72,706 197,951 285,027 179,966 3 35,733 54,816 66,577 162,988 230,067 110,036 4 232,680 59,942 105,963 247,495 420,553 213,327 5 571,073 524,232 262,595 378,507 546,957 456,673 6 529,777 712,795 299,053 368,872 353,139 452,727 7 552,595 457,924 245,471 262,251 290,584 361,765 8 469,704 394,095 508,541 193,980 559,426 425,149 9 446,024 316,522 372,111 255,821 336,241 345,344 10 284,713 338,531 258,668 369,795 78,348 266,011 11 71,358 156,680 257,077 216,153 234,323 187,118 12 71,772 83,869 112,350 86,575 88,642 Total 3,512,240 3,510,489 2,816,066 3,075,684 3,732,624 3,345,135 Total PCE Hydro 17,021,008 19,482,939 19,481,409 21,013,732 19,410,370 19,281,892 Percent of Total 21% 18% 14% 15% 19% 17% Power Creek 13,508,768 15,972,450 16,665,343 17,938,048 15,677,746 15,952,471 April13, 2017 Page 2 of 8 Alaska Energy Authority Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment Hydrology Cordova Regional Stream Gauge Data Sets Drainage Number Station Name Dec Lat Dec Long Area, sq mi HUC code 15195000 DICK C NR CORDOVA AK 60.3416822 -144.3047573 7.9 19010402 15215900 GLACIER R TRIB NR CORDOVA AK 60.5327973 -145.3806148 2.2 19020104 15215990 NICOLET C NR CORDOVA AK 60.5186253 -145.7917173 0.7 19020201 15215992 HENEY CAT CANYON MOUTH NR CORDOVA AK 60.52335006 -145.7633808 1.53 19020201 15216000 POWER C NR CORDOVA AK 60.58667537 -145.620022 20.6 19020104 15216003 MIDDLE ARM EYAK LK TR NR CORDOVA AK 60.5575101 -145.6308655 2.9 19020104 15216008 MURCHISON C NR CORDOVA AK 60.5364038 -145.716152 0.37 19020104 15216100 HUMPBACK C NR CORDOVA AK 60.6108405 -145.6786214 4.37 19020201 15219000 WF OLSEN BAY C NR CORDOVA AK 60.7608659 -146.174225 4.9 19020201 Record Count toat 15195000 15215900 15215990 15215992 15218000 15216003 15210008 15216100 15219000 194 7 130 1948 366 1949 365 1950 365 1951 365 1952 366 1953 365 1954 365 1955 365 1956 366 1957 365 1958 365 1959 365 1960 366 1961 365 1962 365 1963 365 1964 366 122 1965 365 365 1966 365 365 1967 365 365 1968 366 366 1969 365 365 1970 214 365 365 1971 365 365 365 1972 366 366 366 1973 365 365 92 365 1974 365 365 365 365 1975 365 365 273 365 1976 366 366 366 1977 365 365 365 1978 365 365 365 1979 365 365 365 1980 366 366 366 1981 273 365 33 1982 365 1983 365 1984 366 1985 365 1986 365 1987 365 1988 366 1989 365 1990 365 1991 92 365 92 92 1992 366 366 366 366 1993 273 365 273 273 1994 365 1995 273 1999 125 2000 366 2001 365 2002 365 2003 365 2004 366 2005 365 2006 365 2007 365 2008 366 2009 365 2010 365 2011 180 136 2012 366 2013 365 2014 365 2015 365 2016 351 2017 18 Total 4140 2010 4279 731 17570 n1 731 730 5909 April13, 2017 Page 3 of 8 Alaska Energy Authority Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment Median Unit Discharge, cfs I sq mi 15195000 15215900 15215990 15215992 15216000 15216003 15216008 15216100 15219000 HENEY CAT CANYON MIDDLE ARM WFOLSEN BAY DICK C NR GLACIER R TRIB NICOLET C NR MOUTH NR POWERCNR EYAK LK TR NR MURCHISON C N R HUMPBACK C NR CNRCORDOVA Month CORDOVAAK NR CORDOVA AK CORDOVA AK CORDOVA AK CORDOVAAK CORDOVAAK CORDOVAAK CO RDOVA AK AK 1 2.0 3.1 2.3 2.6 2.5 2.8 0 .7 1.5 1.0 2 1.5 2.3 2.1 1.6 2 .2 2.6 1.4 0.8 0.7 3 1.4 1.0 2.6 3.3 1.8 3.8 1.4 0.6 0.6 4 5.1 3.5 7.4 9 .8 2.1 7.6 1.8 3.4 2.7 5 19.6 9 .1 10.8 25 .2 9 .6 19.8 13.8 11.7 9.4 6 23 .2 10.0 2.1 23.5 20.4 24.5 26 .2 16.0 11.6 7 18.4 7.5 1.7 15 .0 23.0 16.0 10.8 11.2 8.2 8 12.0 8 .2 2.1 12.7 20.1 16.4 3.9 6.4 5.1 9 12.2 8.4 5.5 7 .5 17.5 16.0 3.8 15.9 5.0 10 18.5 5.5 9.6 14.7 11.7 10.0 4.1 10.5 6.1 11 5.4 2.5 5.4 7.5 5.1 7.4 2 .7 3.1 2.7 12 3 .2 1.2 2.9 3.0 3 .3 3.2 1.4 2.6 1.5 Average Unit Discharge , cfs I sq mi 15195000 15215900 15215990 15215992 15216000 15216003 15216008 15216100 15219000 HENEY CAT CANYON MIDDLE ARM WFOLSEN BAY DICK C NR GLACIER R TRIB NICOLET C NR MOUTH NR POWERCNR EYA K LK TR NR MURCH ISO N C NR HUMPBACK C N R CNRCORDOVA Month CORDOVAAK NR CORDOVA AK CORDOVAAK CORD OVAAK CORDOVAAK CORDOVAAK CORDOVAAK CO RD O VA AK AK 1 11.0 5.4 12.1 5.1 3 .6 3.3 3.2 1.6 3.3 2 10.0 3.9 10.6 6 .9 3.1 7.0 1.7 0.9 2.9 3 4.6 2.3 7.5 6.2 2.3 5.2 6.9 0.6 1.9 4 9.9 4.5 14.9 9.9 2.9 8.3 4.4 3.8 3.6 5 24.2 10.0 14.2 26.4 10.4 21.1 19.2 13.3 10.2 6 25 .8 11.1 5.7 25 .0 22.0 24.9 27 .2 16.6 12.5 7 22.7 10.0 6 .9 19 .8 25.6 17.6 16.1 14.2 9 .3 8 22.8 12.8 11 .5 27 .2 24 .5 29.0 17 .5 8.2 7.3 9 24.0 15 .1 15.4 17 .1 24 .6 23.6 22 .1 19.2 10.2 10 28.9 8 .3 20.9 19.8 16.9 13 .7 7.9 14.4 10.1 11 16.0 4.3 17.6 11.9 8.1 11.1 5.2 8.3 6 .2 12 7 .2 2.2 14.7 6.4 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 2.8 25.0 20.0 --GLAC IER R TRIB NR CORDO VA A --PO W ER C NR CORDOVA A K 15 0 --WF OLSEN BAY C NR COR OOV -selecte d Reg io nal ave rage 10 .0 5.0 00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Energy analysis used sites highlighted in green (also sites shown in chart above). April13, 2017 Page 4 of 8 Alaska Energy Authority Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment Project Configuration Analysis The four projects analyzed using the hydrology data above are Humpback Creek Project, Power Creek Project, Crater Lake (storage) Project, and Raging Creek Project. The Crater Lake Project performance analysis uses the average unit discharge because it is a storage project. The remaining three use the median unit discharge because they are run of river projects. The analysis used monthly medians/averages only. A more detailed multiyear daily or better analysis should be performed. Below shows the two new project configurations. Crater Lake Proj ect Raging Creek Proj ect Description Value Unit Description Value Unit Hydraulic Capacity, cfs 6 cfs Hydraulic Capacity, cfs 95 cfs Spill Elevation 1500 ft Spill Elevation 850 ft Turbine Elevation 100 ft Turbine Elevation 100 h Static Head 1400 ft Static Head 750 ft Friction Loss 48.45 h Friction Loss 21.09 ft Net Efficiency 85 % Net Efficiency 86 % Net Power 580 kW Net Powe r 5009 kW Energy Generation Analysis The monthly average median and average unit discharge of the selected USGS gauge data is presented below. For Power Creek only the Power Creek USGS site was used. Power Creek Unit Unit Discharge (cfs/sq mi) Discharge (cfs/sq m i ) Median (run Average Median Month of river) (storage) 1 2.2 4 .1 2.5 2 1 .7 3.3 2.2 3 1.2 2 .2 1.8 4 2 .8 3.7 2.1 5 9.3 10.2 9 .6 6 14 .0 15.2 20.4 7 12 .9 15.0 23 .0 8 11.1 14.9 20.1 9 10 .3 16.7 17.5 10 7 .8 11.8 11 .7 11 3.4 6 .2 5 .1 12 2.0 3 .2 3 .3 Average 6 .6 8 .9 9 .9 April13, 2017 Page 5 of 8 Alaska Energy Authority Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment Using the above hydrology values the predicted potential power and energy from all four alternatives is shown below. Humpback Creek, Watershed 4.3 Power Creek, Watershed 19.4 sq mi sq m i Crater lake, Watershed 0.29 sq mi Raging Creek, Watershed 8.3 sq mi Discharge, Power, Discharge, Power, Energy, Discharge, Power, Energy, Discharge, Power, Month cfs kW Energy, kWh cfs kW kWh cfs kW kWh cfs kW Energy, kWh 1 48 900 669,952 10 126 93,824 1.17 117 87,087 17.5 923 686,579 2 42 795 552,997 7 99 68,768 0.94 94 65,174 13.7 723 503,225 3 36 671 499,180 5 66 48,902 0 .63 63 46,528 9 .1 481 357,850 4 41 777 559,353 12 158 113,785 1.05 105 75,433 21 .9 1156 832,651 5 186 3478 2,587,855 40 533 396,680 2 .91 291 216,674 74.0 3902 2,902,810 6 396 6000 4,320,000 61 799 575,256 4 .35 435 312,864 110.9 5007 3,604,680 7 446 6000 4,464,000 56 735 547,070 4 .29 429 319,103 102.1 5007 3,724,836 8 391 6000 4,464,000 48 636 472,895 4 .25 425 316,070 88.3 4651 3,460,533 9 339 6000 4,320,000 44 587 422,805 4 .76 476 342,814 81.5 4297 3,093,982 10 228 4273 3,178,990 34 443 329,950 3 .37 337 250,388 61.6 3245 2,414,498 11 99 1854 1,334,820 15 195 140,322 1 .77 177 127,746 27.1 1426 1,026,840 12 64 1201 893,270 9 114 84,777 0 .90 90 67,067 15 .8 834 620,379 Avg/Sum 193 27,844,416 28 3,295,032 2 .5 2,226.948 52.0 23,228,863 The predicted generation above based on the USGS data shows that the average Humpback Creek generation is about 3.30 GWh which is very close to the apparently fully utilized performance of that project over the last 4 years which was 3.35 GWh. The Power Creek project potential is consistent with previous studies. The Power Creek project utilization based on performance data is about 16 GWh indicating there are often times with spill occurring. April13 , 2017 Page 6 of 8 Alaska Energy Authority Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment System Modeling The modeling of the integration of Raging Creek evaluates its performance against the current average amount of diesel generation. A more detailed multiyear daily model would be appropriate to better evaluate the project and particularly relating to peak demand and to establish required storage if it is feasible . Load growth factors should also be applied in the analysis. Remaining Diesel Raging Creek, Average of CEC Diesel Raging Creek Energy, Generation or Energy Equivalent Storage Month kWh Generated Useful kWh Storage Required, kWh Volume reqd, acre-ft 1 1,174,975 686,579 488,396 747 2 1,034,687 503,225 531,461 813 3 1,562,669 357,850 1,204,819 1844 4 1,447,849 832 ,651 615,198 942 5 447,389 447,389 0 0 6 268,507 268 ,507 0 0 7 396,807 396,807 0 0 8 605,569 605 ,569 0 0 9 546,307 546,307 0 0 10 474,396 474,396 0 0 11 864,759 864,759 0 0 12 1,205,736 620,379 585,357 896 Total 10,029,649 6,604,418 3,425,232 5,242 In summary, this analysis concludes the Raging Creek project could displace approximately 6.6 GWh of diesel generation. The Crater Lake project energy (2.2 GWh) would be nearly fully utilized. If that project is pursued then modeling with the multiyear daily record of aggregated USGS data would be required to establish the storage requirements which are likely to very minimal for this project. Summary A significant amount of additional work would be required to say whether development of the Raging Creek resource should be pursued. AEA notes the project is very similar to the Hiilangaay (formerly named Reynolds Creek) Hydro being constructed on Prince of Wales Island for about $20 million. At first glance, the Raging Creek project appears to be a better resource than Crater Lake and AEA recommends Cordova Electric continue to look at it as a potential generation resource in addition to any other alternatives available. April13, 2017 Page 7 of 8 Alaska Energy Authority Cordova Regional Hydro Resource Assessment Raging Creek Project Location April 13, 2017 Page 8 of 8 ELECTRIC A l!mchstonc Encrgy'Coo perative ~ June 23, 2014 To: Whom It May Concern Copper Valley Electric Association has hired McMillen LLC to perform as Design/Builder of the Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project in Valdez Alaska. This $50 million project is located in a remote area and under very difficult terrain and access challenges. Despite the difficulty of the job, McMillen has been outstanding. The design featured many cost reduction measures that reduced the project from $60 million to $50 million. In addition, McMillen spearheaded the procurement effort for all "Owner direct to Subcontractor" contracts to help reduce mark-ups that added no value to the project. We are now 1 month into construction and McMillen is already 2 weeks ahead of schedule. This schedule advancement was helped by good weather but would not have been possible without good management and excellent planning. McMillen has already proven to me that they understand building in Alaska, building in a remote area and building under difficult terrain. Their use oflocal resources and personnel to move the contract is noteworthy. They understand that projects like this help the community in two ways: First to enjoy the benefit of the completed project and second to provide prosperity to local businesses and people while the project is being built. I would recommend McMillen to any Alaska Community that has a need for a designer, builder or both. I have been working with them for 2 years now on Allison Creek and they continue to impress me with their outstanding services. For additional comments, I would be happy to speak to you by phone. I can be reached at (907) 822-8301. Sincerely, Allison Creek Project Manager P.O . Box 45 • Glennallen, AK 99588 • C o pper Ba sin 907-822-3211 • Valdez 907-835-4301 • cvea.org SEAPA Southeast Alaska Power Agency 1900 1"1 Avenue, Suite 318 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Ph: (907} 228-2281 • Fa><:: (907) 225-2287 www .seapahydro .org June 23, 2014 Re: Recent McMillen Lie consulting services provided to SEAPA Dear Reader; Since 2011 SEAPA has retained McMillen Lie to provide both environmental assessment consulting services and hydropower engineering services; these services were retained for two independent projects; our Swan Lake dam raise project and our hydro site evaluation initiative. Swan Lake Dam Raise, 2011 to present: McMillen completed our Swan Lake dam raise feasibility study on an accelerated schedule (1 month for draft) and has since followed with excellent license amendment advice and consulting. After careful consultation between agency representatives and SEAPA. McMillen proposed a modified schedule and process to the agencies that ultimately shortened our license amendment filing by approximately one year. Hydro Site Evaluation, 2013 to present: In 2013 SEAPA issued an RFP to evaluate potential hydro sites along our 175 mile transmission corridor. McMillen was chosen for this 5 year project because of their recent record with us and because they offered a unique combination of environmental , engineering, and construction consulting expertise . Since award of that 2013 contract, McMillen has quantified value (hydrology, head , and storage), construction cost, and licensing ri.sk for 15+ hydro sites . This multiple objective project is on schedule and within budget. Please feel free to call me at (907) 230-1424 (cell), or email ewolfe@seapahydro.org if you would like to discuss projects that McMillen Lie has completed or is in the process of completing for SEAPA. -·' t." .-~ Cc: S. Thomson, Trey Acteson, SEAPA Eric Wolfe, PE, Civil Engineering, Idaho, Alaska Director of Special Projects (907) 230-1424 23 June 2014 The City of Akutan, Alaska contracted with McMillen, LLC in May 2012 to perform design and engineering services for two hydroelectric projects on Akutan Island in the eastern Aleutians of Alaska. The Loud Creek project consisted of stream gaging, flow analysis, preliminary design and technical reports, related to the feasibility of constructing a 400 kW power plant near the mouth of Loud Creek. The Town Creek project required design and cost estimating for a variety of improvements to an existing 115 kW generation system, and preparation of an application for a State of Alaska Permit to Modify or Repair a Dam. Based on McMillen's work, the City was authorized to proceed with an extensive program of repairs and upgrades to the Town Creek system, totaling more than $1.5 million of State grant and City funds. In view of McMillen's satisfactory completion of phase one of the project, the City issued a contract amendment to McMillen for project construction. The McMillen team successfully completed construction, commissioning, preparation of 0 & M manuals, and training within a single summer construction season, despite the remoteness of the job site. McMillen's efforts resulted in the City receiving a State permit to operate the Town Creek hydroelectric system, and the system remains fully operational , which means a substantial cost savings for our community. We greatly appreciate the efforts of Mort ·McMillen and his team in completing this important community project. Sincerely, Joe Bereskin Mayor City and Borough of Sitka To Whom it May Concern, Electric Department 105 Jarvis Street Sitka, Alaska 99835 (907) 747-1827, FAX (907)747-3208 dea no@ c ityofsitka.com Dean Orbison, P .E. 6/23/14 McMillen LCC has been retained by the City and Borough of Sitka as Construction Manager for the Blue lake Expansion Project. McMillen and their sub Jacobs have performed this work in a very organized, efficient and well-coordinated manner. This is best demonstrated by the fact that the project is under budget and on schedule. In addition to construction management McMillen has performed other work as needed. They performed engineering when changes in the design where necessary, and in one case McMillen LLC fabricated a trash rack on short notice to protect the low level dam outlet valve. I would not hesitate to employ McMillen for engineering construction management or construction on future projects. Please contact me at 907-747-1827 or d ea no @cityo fs it ka.co m should you have any questions . . Thanks, Dean Orbison P.E. Project Manager Ho'lner Electric Association, I nc~ June 20, 2014 McMillen, LLC 1401 Shoreline Drive, Suite 100 Boise, ID 83702 Corporate omc~ 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603-7680 Phone (907) 2.l5-H55 I FAX (907) 235-33 I 3 Ref: McMillen Letter of Recommendation To Whom It May Concern, Central Penin!iula Ser\•iee <:enter 2RO Airpon Wny Kenai. Alaska 996 I I -5280 Phonc(907)2H3-5831 FAX ( 907) 283-7 I 22 In my position as Manager of Fuel Supply & Renewable Energy Development for Homer Electric Association, I have worked with McMillen on our proposed Grant Lake Hydroelectric project for over five years . McMillen has provided comprehensive licensing consultation and strategic support throughout our ongoing licensing efforts. In 2012 McMillen was contracted to conduct our detailed quantitative natural resources studies. The natural resources work was competitively priced and the work was finished on time and actually under budget. More impressive was the experience level of the personnel involved and the quality science that was conducted. Our success with McMillen's licensing and natural resources study teams led us to evaluate McMillen's engineering capabilities. We are currently engaged with McMillen in an engineering feasibility contract where I have been pleased by their early efforts. Of particular note, is the expensive modeling and analysis that has been accomplished to date. I have been pleased with McMillen's comprehensive abilities throughout the licensing process and if we are fortunate enough to gain a license for our project, McMillen will definitely be on the bidders list when we seek proposals for final design and construction of the project. Sincerely, "rk~ Mike Salzetti Homer Electric Association Manager of Fuel Supply & Renewable Energy Development ALASKA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY June 19,2014 To Whom It May Concern: (907) 780·2222 FAX (907) 463·3304 5601 Tonsgard Court, Juneau, AK 99801-7201 We have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for McMillen, LLC. We are using McMillen in a consulting capacity to assist us with PERC relicensing for a hydro project consisting of two small plants. One of the things we have appreciated most is their flexibility. They are willing to work at whatever level we need them to. That allows us to do the activities that we can, while also allowing us to have McMillen work on the activities that we may not have the time or expertise to handle ourselves. Another advantage is that there is a wide range of resources available through McMillen. If in the course of the project a need arises for another area of expertise, this is often available from McMillen, saving the effort of engaging another firm with another contract. We have recently hired them to provide engineering services for penstock alignment and cost estimation on a new project that we are considering developing. While this scope of work has not yet been completed, so far we are satisfied with the communication and quality of product seen to date. Sincerely, Scott Willis, P.E. V .P. Generation ~ Cliugach ALASKA CORPORATION September 24, 2020 Clay Koplin, Mayor Chief Executive Officer Cordova Electric Cooperative PO Box 20 Cordova, AK 99574-0020 Dear Mr. Koplin: Chugach Alaska Corporation (Chugach) is the Alaska Native Regional Corporation for the Chugach Region established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, as amended, 43 U.S.C. § 1601, et ~· ("ANCSA"). Chugach owns or has valid selection rights to over 928,000 acres of full fee estate and subsurface estate in the area around Cordova and Chugach Region. Chugach supports Cordova Electric Cooperative's request for Renewable Energy Grant funds to assess hydroelectric potential near Cordova, and the potential development of hydroelectric projects in the region. We have worked closely with CEC to develop hydroelectric projects at Humpback Creek and Power Creek project sites in Cordova, Alaska, and have found the projects to be mutually beneficial to our Corporation and shareholders, and to the citizens of Cordova. In the past we have contributed staff time, facilitated permits on short notice to aid construction, and secured $12,000,000 dollars in Federal Indian Energy program funding for the Power Creek project. The projects generate lease revenues for the Corporation, and reduce the costly and polluting use of diesel fuel in Cordova which aligns with our Corporation goals for our region. Chugach has lands located in the Raging Creek, Snyder Falls Creek, Power Creek, and Humpback Creek basins, and potential at other sites in the area in the form of small, high elevation lakes near the CEC grid. We are confident the grant will result in tremendous benefits for the entire community of Cordova. Sincerely, Sheri Buretta Chairman of the Board Interim President and CEO -· -·-ch-ugach Alaska Corporation • 3800 Centerpoint Dr., Suite 1200, Anchorage, AK 99503 • T: 907.563.8866 • F: 907.563.8402 The Ey a k Co rporat ion 6 15 E 8 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Anchora ge , AK 9951 8 Phone (907) 334-6 9 71 Fax (907) 334-6973 September 23, 2020 Clay Koplin Chief Executive Officer Cordova Electric Cooperative PO Box 20 Cordova,AK 99574-0020 RE: Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Dear Mr. Koplin : VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL The Eyak Corporation (TEC) is the Alaska Native Village Corporation for the Eastern Prince William Sound, Cordova and Copper River area established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 ("ANCSA"). We have 584 Shareholders, with approximately 170 living in Cordova. The Corporation has substantial real property within the city limits and in the surrounding area. We are submitting this letter in support of Cordova Electric Cooperative's (CEC's) application for a grant from the Renewable Energy Fund. TEC supports CEC's grant request for funds to assess hydro near Cordova. We have worked with CEC to develop hydroelectric projects at Humpback Creek and Power Creek project sites and have found the projects to be mutually beneficial to our Corporation, our Shareholders, and to the community at large. In the past we have contributed staff time, waived materials extraction fees, facilitated permits on short notice to aid construction, and secured $12,000,000 dollars in Federal Indian Energy program funding for the Power Creek project. The projects generate lease revenues for the Corporation and reduce the costly and polluting use of diesel fuel in Cordova. TEC has lands located in the Raging Creek, Snyder Falls Creek, Power Creek, and Humpback Creek basins, and potential at other sites in the area in the form of small, high elevation lakes near the CEC grid. We are confident the grant will result in significant benefits for the entire community of Cordova. Sincerely, The Eyak Corporation Rod Worl Chief Executive Officer Nancy C. Barnes President Brooke Mallory Acting Chair RE: Lidar Cost Proposal -2021 Cordova Lidar September 23, 2020 Sean Elleson McMillen Jacobs Associates 208.985.1511 ell enson @mcm ja c.com Quantum Spatial appreciates the opportunity to present McMillen Jacobs Associates (MJA) a brief scope of work and associated price for acquiring and processing topographic lidar over four preliminary hydropower sites near Cordova, Alaska. This data will help support site investigation for purposes of reservoirs storage estimates, dam site locations, powerhouse location, etc. The following provides a brief synopsis of our services, specifications, and associated costs for these areas of interest. Area of Interest-Cordova, Alaska The areas of interest (AOI) for this price proposal include 4 areas; Humpback Creek, Power Creek, Raging Creek, and Snyder Falls Creek located 5 to 10 miles north of Cordova, Alaska (Figure 1 ). The AOI will be buffered by 100 meters to ensure complete coverage and adequate point densities around study area boundaries . Figure 7. Areas of interest for lidar acquisition near Cordova, AK Quantum Spatial-2021 Cordova Lidar Proposal 1 Services Airborne Lidar Quantum Spatial will collect airborne topographic lidar data using a Riegl1560i/i i (or equivalent) system to produce a highly accurate, high resolution (~ 20 pulses/m 2) lidar dataset with no gaps and ample buffers around project boundaries. Data will be collected at a :5 60° field of view (+/-30° from nadir), with at least 50% overlap among swaths to minimize gaps and laser shadowing . The lidar system records up to four range measurements (returns) per pulse (first, second, third, and last). All overlapping flight lines will be flown in opposing directions to maximize detection of swath-to-swath inconsistencies and used to resolve system m isalignments . Lidar Specifications Summary Sensor Riegl1560i or 1560ii Multi-Swath Pulse Density ~ 20 pulses/m2 Scan Angle :560 ° (+/-30 ° from Nadir) Target Pulse Rate 135kHz Laser Wavelength 1 064 nm Laser Pulse Diameter 15-40 em Intensity Range 8 bit Swath Overlap 50% side-lap (1 00 % overlap) Bare Earth Vertical Accuracy (RMSE) :515cm Horizontal Accuracy (RMSE) :5 30cm Using a combination of automated and manual techniques that are tailored to the particular land cover and terrain of the study area, lidar pr ocessing will include kinematic corrections, calculation of laser point position, relative accuracy testing and calibrations, classification of ground and non-ground points, assessments of statistical absolute accuracy, and creation of ground surface models (if requested). Absolute accuracy assessments will compare known RTK ground survey points to derived lidar points. Accuracies are described as the mean and standard deviation (sigma-a) of d ivergence from RTK ground survey point coordinates . All accuracy statist ics (RMSEz, Accuracyz-1.96cr, skewness/distribution, and percentile deviations) will be reported in the final report . Statements of statistical accuracy will apply to fixed terrestrial surfaces only. Survey Control Quantum Spatial will use one or more appropriate methods to enable geo-spatial correction of aircraft positional coordinate data . These include conventional base supported ('BS') survey control, TerraPos® Precise Point Positioning ('PPP'), or Trimble® CenterPoint'" Post-Processed Real-Time Extended ('PP- RTX'). To verify lidar point calibration and enable accuracy assessment, our field crew will collect ground check points (GCPs) using GPS -based real -time kinematic (RTK) survey techniques . For an RTK survey, the ground crew uses a roving unit to receive radio-relayed corrected positional coordinates for all ground points from a GPS base unit set up over a survey control monument. The roving unit records prec i se location measurements w ith an error (cr) of :51 .5 em relative to the base control. Our team will distribute a suitable number of hard, bare earth ground check points (GCPs) on level slope within flown data swathes, as feasible given road access and GPS conditions . The techniques for establishing all ground check points will be outlined in the Report of Survey, including the identity, locations, and position residuals of all GCPs used to evaluate survey accuracy. Timeline & Delivery Data acquisition is anticipated for summer 2021. Quantum Spatial will work with MJA to coordinate a delivery schedule as best meets the needs of the proj ect. Quantum Spatial-2021 Cordova Lidar Proposal 2 Deliverables Point Cloud • All returns. Las 1.4 format Point files will include the following fields: X,Y,Z, Return Intensity, Return Number, Point Classification (ground, default), Scan Angle, Adjusted GPS Time Surface Models • Bare Earth (DEM), 1-m resolution, Esri Grid format • Highest hit (DEM), 1-m resolution, Esri Grid format • Intensity Images, 0.5-m resolution, GeoTiff format Vectors • Survey Boundary, shapefile format • Tile delineation , shapefile format Reporting • Methods. Resu lts. Accuracy Assessments • FGDC-compliant Metadata Coordinate Svstem : Data will be delivered in UTM Zone 6, horizontal datum NAD83(2011 ), vertical datum NAVD88 (Geoid 12B), Meters. Pricing Prices for topographic lidar options are provided below for the study area portrayed in Figure 1, assuming the deliverables and timeline outlined above. For pricing purposes. mo bilization must be added to the ~u i sition and processing of the areas selected. Cordova, Alaska Mobilization Humpback Creek Acquisition and Processing Power Creek Acquisition and Processing Raging Creek Acquisition and Processing Snyder Falls Creek Acquisition and Processing ALL Areas of Interest Acquisition and Processing Quantum Spatial Representative Total Cost $18,170 $27,275 $28,288 $29,084 $28,616 $35,107 -----~-·-- Caitlin Vernlund and Adam McCullough will represent us during the performance of the services to be provided under this agreement. They have the authority to transmit and receive instructions and make decisions with respect to the services and are authorized to commit the necessary resources towards completing the services described herein. We look forward to working with you and your staff to complete this project in a timely and cost-effective manner. Should you have any questions, please call me at 907- 272-4495 or email me at the address shown below. Sincerely, Caitlin Vernlund Alaska Project Manager cvernlund@guantumspatial.com Quantum Spatial-2021 Cordova Lidar Proposal 3 Progress Report for AEA Grant Grantee: Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Project Name: Humpback Creek Hydroelectric Construction Grant #7030009 (R3) and 219S386 (R1) Period of Report: Prepared: April1, 2011 to April 30, 2011 May 22,2011 Project Activities Completed: April Construction progressed well. Minor setbacks were all expedited and resolved (mismatched gate parts, broken rammer attachment for mucker, etc.). The primary activities in April included crane and gate installations with the small concrete pours associated with those project features, and the plugging, backfill, and compaction of the Temporary Diversion Tunnel. The temporary diversion tunnel was constructed to dewater the stream for diversion dam and intake construction. The tunnel was plugged by concrete on the upstream end with a 6' thick concrete plug. There was a so' long section of tunnel that left a thin wall (as little as 20' of cover) between the Dam left abutment and the tunnel. The permanent fill solution for assuring a stable dam structure for so+ years was to build an 18" thick concrete diaphragm wall, place grout tubes along the tunnel walls to so' downstream, backfill with original tunnel muck and compact, then pour another 18" thick diaphragm wall. Then grout was pumped into the grout tubes to fill in around compacted gravels to make, in essence, a so' long concrete plug. Grout was pumped until it came out the top of the lower diaphragm, ensuring the tunnel was full between diaphragms. Electrical work to gates and crane were completed in April as were the last of concrete pours. The downstream bridge that allowed tunnel muckers to haul gravel into the tunnel was removed, and all equipment moved back upstream of the intake diversion dam. Existing or Potential Problems: The minor problems encountered during April construction were facilitated by the contractor and CEC to essentially preserve the project schedule. Activities Targeted for Next Reporting Period: Installation and factory acceptance of the Obermeyer gate and Hydrogate Sluice gates, replacement of poorly welded stainless steel Obermeyer piping with threaded stainless steel, electrical inspection on May 19th, substantial completion inspection on May 2oth, and SCAD A automation and generator commissioning the last week of the May. Progress Report for AEA Grant HBC April 2011 .docx Preparing to Divert Back into the Stream Progress Report for AEA Grant HBC April 2011.docx Silty Water flushed through the left bay (RH side of picture) and pumped to tideline-first water thro u h the new intake Structure! Jib Crane Parapet Wall and Purge Valve Cabinet Progress Report for AEA Grant HBC April 2011.docx CEC McMillen Cordova Area Hydro Assessment Budget Details CEC In-Kind Match 9/23/2020 CK CEC Staff Billable Rates Staff Billable Rates Laborer $ so *-CEO (engineering and project management capacity) and Manager, Generation and Distribution +-Linecrew, Power Production technicians Note : CEC Recognizes that AEA in-kind will consist of actual and allowable costs, CEC traditionally exceeds estimated match by significant (10% or more) margins Based on Sept. 2020 Rates Alpine Air Helicopter Access TOTAL Minimum Hourly 5-hr Day Days (3) Standby (2) N/A Helicopter Support Subtotal $ 7,875 $ 2,250 $ 5 $ 33,750 $ 250 $34,000 CEC In -Kind Match Hours Cost (Billable Rates) CEC Staff Support Ops Mgr Ops Admin Ops Mgr Ops Admin Task 1 -Site Overview -Report 36 12 12 $ 6,660 $ 1,380 $ Task 2 -LiDAR Mapping 16 12 8 $ 2,960 $ 1,380 $ Task 3 -Snyder Falls (reassess) 16 16 8 $ 2 ,960 $ 1,840 $ Task 4-Raging Creek Feasibility 72 40 12 $ 13,320 $ 4 ;600 $ Task 5-Humpback Creek Storage 72 40 12 $ 13,320 $ 4,600 $ Task 6 -Power Creek Assessment 12 8 4 $ 2,220 $ 920 $ Task 7-Project Review Meeting 20 12 4 $ 3,700 $ 1,380 $ Helicopter logistics/participation 36 24 4 $ 6,660 $ 2 ,760 $ Contractor Tasks/Field Subtotal 280 164 64 $ 51,800 $ 18,860 $ Total Helicopter+ Project Note: Round to $100,000 match, does not include grant admin Estimate by Clay Koplin , PE, based on prior project participation and support-18 months * -Note : CEC staff participates in all meetings, reviews all draft documents, participates in all field work **-Note that CEC executes a significant amount of the reconnaissance and pre -feasibility work by participating so heavily in contractor assessments and growing internal capacity. This also manages and complements contracto r time to assure quality, timely, and on-budget performance. Site nuances; both challenges and opportunities, stay withing CEC staff's field of view which can ultimately save millions of dollars in project construction and optimization for value. 960 640 640 960 960 320 320 320 5,120 Totals $ 9,000 $ 4 ,980 $ 5,440 $ 18,880 $ 18,880 $ 3,460 $ 5,400 9740 $ 75,780 $109,780 CEC McMillen Cordova Area Hydro Assessment Budget Details AEA-CEC Cash Worksheet 9/23/2020 CK Project Task Per McMillen Proposal Task 1 -Site Overview-Report Task 2 -LiDAR Mapping Task 3-Snyder Falls (reassess) Task 4 -Raging Creek Feasibility Task 5-Humpback Creek Storage Task 6 -Power Creek Assessment Task 7-Project Review Meeting Sub Totals IeEe In-Kind Project Budget Project Totals Project Match Project $ 94,717.00 $ 58,285.00 $ 11,064.00 $ 62,192.00 $ 68,088.00 $ 44,736.00 $ 5,560.00 $ 344,642.00 Total $ 444,642.00 N/A AEA (85%) CEC {15%) $ 80,509.00 $ 14,208.00 $ 49,542 .00 $ 8,743 .00 $ 9,404.00 $ 1,660.00 $ 52,863.00 $ 9,329 .00 $ 57,875.00 $ 10,213.00 $ 38,026.00 $ 6,710.00 $ 4,726.00 $ 834 .00 $ 292,945.00 $ 51,697 .00 1 s 1oo,ooo.oo 1 AEA CEC $ 292,945.00 $ 151,697.00 66% 34% Cordova Electric Cooperative ~ /JtwU l M;,. Cash Flow Report c~ August-20 II Aug-19 YTD-19 II II Aug-20 YTD -20 II Beginning Cash Balance $ 544 ,677 $ 1,417,388 Receipts General Sales 697,180 4,225,425 758,615 4,084 ,111 Other 218,764 711,809 71,928 1,115,826 Total Receipts $ 915,944 $ 4,937 ,234 $ 830,543 $ 5,199,938 Total Cash Available $ 1,460,622 $ 2,247,931 Disbursements Employee Expenses 251,724 1,851 ,373 222,241 1,849,078 Loan Payments 47,668 877,625 36,722 866,502 Headquarters 14,014 69,101 7,700 65,581 Vehicle Expense 5,604 55 ,317 4,700 48,943 Operating Expenses 568,156 2,428,640 173,743 2,035,529 Capital: Distribution 23,543 48,729 4,496 114,551 Capital: Generation 36,844 1,407,500 75,921 243,427 Capital: Crater Lake 70,499 Capital Credits 142 3,056 2,681 14,385 Total Disbursements $ 947,695 $ 6,811,840 $ 528,203 $ 5,237,997 Ending Cash Balance $ 512,927 $ 1,719,728 Net Gain (Loss) $ (31 ,751) $ (1 ,874,606) $ 302,340 $ (38,059) Cash Flow 13 month cycle 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 (500,000) (1 ,000,000) (1 ,500,000) 2019-8 2019-9 2019-10 2019-11 2019-12 2020-1 2020-2 2020-3 2020-4 2020-5 2020-6 2020-7 2020-8 -Revenue -Exp ense Capit al ...,_Ending Cash Balance \\cecnas\EMerritt\Excel\1 Cash Management\Board Cash Flow Reports\2020 Cash Flow