HomeMy WebLinkAboutSealaska letter of intent to lease WSC land Sept 2020Ali SEALVALUES IN ARS KA September 24, 2020 Ms. Jodi Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer Inside Passage Electric Cooperative 12480 Mendenhall Loop Road Juneau, Alaska 99801 jmitchell@insidepassageelectric.org Re: Letter of Intent - Hoonah Ground Lease for Water Supply Creek Hydroelectric Project Dear Ms. Jodi Mitchell: This Letter of Intent ("LOI") is submitted on behalf of Sealaska Corporation ("Sealaska") to establish a framework by which Sealaska will lease land to the Inside Passage Electric Cooperative ("IPEC") for the Water Supply Creek Hydroelectric Project (the "Project") near Hoonah, Alaska. This LOI is intended to reflect the discussions between Sealaska and IPEC between September 14 - 24, 2020, but does not constitute a legally binding agreement. Rather, it is the parties' commitment to work together in good faith to negotiate a proposed ground lease by which all remaining terms and conditions pertaining to a lease of Sealaska's land for the Project shall be resolved. The final terms and conditions of the proposed lease will be set forth in a comprehensive ground lease agreement to be executed by the parties on or before the closing date. The contemplated terms and conditions for the proposed lease are as follows: 1. Sealaska will lease to IPEC and IPEC will lease from Sealaska the land depicted on the attached exhibit A, at and around the area on exhibit A labeled "Water Supply Creek Hydro Project" (the "Premises") to have the legal right to use and access the Premises for the Project infrastructure, transmission, distribution, and roads, and all other uses and accesses that are necessary for the Project. Sealaska provides the attached exhibit B describing the interim conveyance of the Premises to Sealaska under the Alaska Natives Claims Settlement Act. Exhibits A and B are a part of and incorporated into this LOI. 2. Sealaska and IPEC will sign a ground lease agreement providing the comprehensive terms and conditions of this proposed transaction. 3. The term of the ground lease will be for fifty (50) years. 4. The parties agree to negotiate the terms and conditions of compensation and rental rate for the ground lease prior to the Closing Date. S. IPEC will be responsible for retaining all federal, state and municipal permits and permissions regarding use of the Premises for the Project, and will be responsible for resolving any land ownership disputes between or necessary permits and leases from federal, state and municipal entities, local landowners, adjoining landowners, and other entities. Sealaska • One Sealaska Plaza, Suite 400, Juneau, Alaska 99801-1276 907.586.1512 • Fax: 907.586.2304 6. Sealaska will confirm that there are no liens or encumbrances on the Premises for purpose of the Project, provide horizontal and vertical control basis and monuments for the Premises, and a complete legal description and plat references for the Premises. 7. Selaska will confirm proof of ownership of Premises by title report, or whatever mechanism is reasonably necessary for IPEC to retain funding for Project. 8. The parties shall use their respective best efforts to complete the documentation of the transaction contemplated herein on or before November 30, 2020, and closing shall be November 30, 2020, and shall be effective as of such date. 9. IPEC will indemnify and hold harmless Sealaska from any and all claims, actions, suits, damages, or other liabilities arising from or relating to any action or inaction occurring at the Premises after the Closing Date. Unless such claims, actions, suits, damages, or other liabilities are created by Sealaska. 10.IPEC will retain all necessary insurances to comply with the terms and conditions of paragraph 9 herein and protect Sealaska from all liabilities and harm arising from or relating to any action or inaction occurring at the Premises after the Closing Date. 11. IPEC at IPEC's sole expense shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws a regulations and requirements affecting the Premises, the breach of which might result in any penalty on Sealaska or forfeiture of Sealaska's title to the Premises. IPEC shall likewise observe and comply with the requirements of all policies of public liability, fire and other policies of insurance at any time in force with respect to the Premises. IPEC shall not commit, or allow to be committed, any waste, destruction or nuisance on or to the Premises. 12. IPEC shall permit Sealaska and the agent, representative or employee(s) of Sealaska to enter into and upon the Premises at all reasonable times during usual business hours for the purpose of inspecting the same, or for the purpose of posting notices of nonresponsibility for alterations, additions, or repairs, without any rebate of rent and without any liability to IPEC for any loss of occupation or quiet enjoyment of the Premises thereby occasioned. 13.IPEC may not encumber the Premises without the written consent and approval of the Sealaska Chief Executive Officer. 14.IPEC shall pay and discharge as they become due, promptly and before delinquency, all taxes, assessments and municipal liens which may be levied, assessed, charged or imposed or which may become a lien or charge on or against the Premises referred to in exhibit A and any building or buildings or any other improvements now or hereafter thereon, or on or against IPEC's estate hereby created which may be a subject of taxation, during the entire term of the lease contemplated hereby. Letter of Intent Page 2 of 3 15. IPEC, upon Sealaska's written approval of plans or specifications, shall have the right to make such alterations, improvements, and changes to the Premises or any improvements, building or utilities which may from time to time be on the Premises as IPEC may deem necessary. The parties will negotiate terms and conditions regarding IPEC's responsibilities regarding repair, replacement and maintenance of improvements, removal of dangerous conditions, and condition and ownership of improvements at the end of lease. 16. These terms of this LOI are available only to IPEC. 17. Sealaska hereby covenants and agrees that Sealaska shall not market or engage in discussions regarding the sale or lease of the Premises with any parties other than IPEC until December 31, 2020, following the execution of this LOI. 18. Each party agrees to bear its own costs associated with the transaction contemplated hereby. 19. This LOI, the ground lease, and any other transaction documentation shall be governed by the laws of the state of Alaska, without regard for principles of conflict of laws. Each party irrevocably consents to and submits itself exclusively to the jurisdiction of the courts in the First Judicial District of Alaska at Juneau for the purpose of any suit, action or other judicial proceeding arising out of or connected with the performance of this LOI and the transaction documentation. 20. The obligations of IPEC and Sealaska to consummate the transaction contemplated by this LOI is subject to a mutually agreeable ground lease agreement being finalized and executed on or before November 30, 2020. Sealaska shall be responsible for drafting the initial draft of the ground lease agreement. 21. This LOI supersedes all previous proposals and offers and is valid for acceptance until the close of business on September 28, 2020. Sealaska will prepare a proposed draft of the ground lease agreement by October 9, 2020, consistent with what we have described in this LOI, for your consideration and review, with the intent that it will be completed and executed by the end of November. If these terms are agreeable to IPEC, please indicate your approval by signing in the space below, and we will proceed as stated above. Sincerely, Sealaska Corporation Anthony Mallott, Chief Executive Officer Approved and agreed as of September_, 2020. Inside Passage llElectric Cooperative f�Ukk ib�i Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer Letter of Intent Page 3 of 3 a� rn m a a s X w O J 1 AA-14Q15 WHEREAS INTERIM Ct3MY L'NCE Sealaska Corporation is entitled to a conveyance pursuant to Secs. 14(h)(8) and 22(j) of the Alaska dative Claims SettlementAct of December 18, 1971, 43 U.S.C. 1601, 1613(h)(8), :621(j), of the surface and subsurface estates in the following -described lands: Copper River Meridian, Alaska T. 44 S., R., 51 E., unsurveyed, See. 1, L11h ; Secs. 2 and 3; Sec. 4 (fractional); Sec. 5 (fractional), E'h; Sec. 8, excluding U.S. Survey No No, 1354; Secs. 9, IO and 11; Secs. 14 to 17, inclusive; Sec. 18, DAVA; Sec. 19•, EIANEY4 ; Secs. 20 to 23, inclusive; Sec. 26, N%, EIASWA , WIASE:/+; Sec. 27, N%; Sec. 2a , iIft Secs. 29 and 32- Qxrtaining approximately 12,581 acres 1353 and U.S. Survey 'Excluded from the above -described lands are the -submerged lands. if any, up to the ordinary high water mark, beneath rivers 3 chains wide (1.98 feet) and wider and lakes 50 acres and larger, which are meanderable according to the 1973 Bureau of Land ;Management Manual of Surveying Instructions, as mWifLed by Departmental regulation 43 CFR 1650.5-1. Excluded from the above -described lands herein conveyed are lands covered by tidal waters up to the iiae of mean high tide. The actual limits of tidal influence for those -water bodies, if any, will be determined at the time of survey. Interim Conveyance No. IL36 I Date GOT 9 1567 57r,I I2" LOI - Exhibit B, Page 1 of 6 2 NOW KNOW YE, that there is, therefore, granted by the UNITED STATES DF AMERICA, unto the above -named corporation the surface and subsurface estates in the lands above described; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said estates with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said corporation, its successors and assigns, forever, EXCEPTING AND RESERVING TO THE UNITED STATES from the lands so granted: Pursuant to Sec. 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971, 43 U.S.C. 1601, 1516(b). the following public easements, referenced by easement identification number (EIN) on the easement map attached to this document, are reserved to the United States. All easements are subject to applicable Federal. State, or municipal corporation regulation. The following is a listing of uses allowed for each type of easement. Any uses which are not specifically listed are prohibited. 25 Foot Trail - The uses allowed on a twenty-five (25) foot wide trail easement are: travel by foot, dogsleds. animals. snowmobiles. two- and three -wheel vehicles, and small all -terrain vehicles (ATVs) (less than 3.0oo lbs. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)). 60 Foot Road - The uses allowed on a sixty (6o) foot wide road easement are: travel by foot, dogsleds, animals. snowmobiles, two- and three -wheel vehicles, small and large ail -terrain vehicles (ATVs), track vehicles, four-wheel drive vehicles, automobiles and trucks. 100 Foot Exis-tin /Pro osed Road - The uses allowed on a one hundred (1o0) foot wide road easement are: travel by foot, dogsleds. animals, snowmobiles, two- and three -wheal - vehicles, small and large all -terrain vehicles, four-wheel drive vehicles. automobiles and trucks. if. after the road has been constructed and a lesser width is sufficient to accommodate the road. the easement shall be reduced to a lesser width and the uses allowed will be those listed above for a sixty t6o) foot wide road easement. a. (EIN 2 G C5) An easement sixty (60) feet in width for an existing road linking the Whitestone'Logging Camp and EIN 5 G in Sec. 4, T. 44 S.. R. 61 E.. Copper River Meridian. The uses allowed are those listed above for a sixty (60) foot wide road easement. Interim Conveyance No. IL36 1 Date OCT 8 M7 LOI - Exhibit B, Page 2 of 6 3 b. (EIN 5 G) An easement one hundred (100) feet in width for an existing road which enters the selection in Sec. 2. T. 44 S., R. 61 E.. Copper River .Meridian, and extends southerly through Sec. 32, T. 44 S.. R. 61 E., Copper River meridian. The uses allowed are those listed above for a one hundred (100) foot wide existing/proposed road easement. c. (EIN 6 G) An easement sixty (60) feet in width for an existing road from Hoonah which branches easterly from EIN 5 G in Sec. 2, T. 44 S.. R. 61 E., Copper River Meridian, and continues southeasterly to public land in Sec. 6, T. 44 S., R. 62 E.. Copper River Meridian. The uses allowed are those listed alcove for a sixty (60) foot wide road easement. d. (EIN 9 G) An easement twenty-five (25) feet in width for an existing trail from Mt. nether in Sec. S. T. 44 S.. R. 61 E. Copper River ,Meridian. easterly to ETN 14 G. The uses allowed are those listed above for a twenty-five (25) foot wide trail easement. e. (EIN 14 G) An easement sixty (60) feet in width for an existing road from EIN 5 G in Sec. 8, T. 44 S., R. 61 E.. Copper (liver ;Meridian, northerly to the marine coastline on the southern boundary of T. 43 S., R. 61 E., Copper River Meridian. The uses allowed are those listed above for a sixty (60) foot wide road easement. f.. (EIN 16 G) ,in easement one hundred (100) feet in width for an existing road from EIN 6 G in Sec. 1, T. 44 S.. R. 61 E.. Copper River Meridian, southerly and easterly to public land in Sec. 19, T. 44 S., R. 62 E.. Copper River ,Meridian. The uses allowed are those listed above for a one auudred (100) foot wide existing/proposed road easement. THE GRANT OF THE 1BOVE-DESCRIBED LANDS IS SUBJECT TO. 1. Issuance of a patent after approval and filing by the Bureau of Land Management of the official plat of survey confirming the boundary description and acreage of the lands hereinabove granted; 2. Valid existing rights therein. if any, including but not limited to those created by any lease (including a lease issued under Sec. 6(g) of the Alaska Statehood Act of July 7, 1958, 48 U.S.C. Ch. 2, Sec. 6(g)), contract, permit, right-of-way, or easement, and the right of the lessee. contractee, permittee, or grantee to the complete enjoyment of all rights. privileges, and benefits thereby Interim Conveyance No. Dates OCT 9 1361 9 : 7 3 LOI - Exhibit B, Page 3 of 6 0 granted to him. Further. pursuant to Sec. 17(b)(2) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement ,Act of December 18. 1971 (ANCSA), 43 U.S.C. 1601, 1616(b)(2),-any valid existing right recognized by .ANCSA shall continue to have whatever right of access as is now provided for under existing law: and 3. The following third -party interests, created and identified by the U.S Forest Service. as provided by Sec. 14(g) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement :act of December 18, 1971, 43 U.S.C. 1601, 1613(g): a. TimberSaleContract, 12-11-010-1545. as modified, awarded to the Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company, Inc. (now Alaska Pulp Corporation) on January 25, 1956; b. Road Right -of -Say Construction and Use (Cost Share) .agreement between Huna Totem Corporation and the United States of America, dated June 10, 1982; (1) An easement, dated September 10. 1982. granted to Huna Totem Corporation for the following roads: (a) FDR 8570, located in Secs. 4 and 5. T. 44 S., R. 61 E., Copper River Meridian, Alaska: (b) FOR 8502, located in the NEIA, Sec. 2. T. 44 S.. R. 61 E., Copper River Meridian, Alaska; (c) FDR 8502. located in Secs. 2. 3 and 4, T. 44 S., - R. 61 E.. Copper River Meridian. Alaska; (d) FDR 8530. located in Secs. 1 and 2. T. 44 S., R-. 61 E., Copper River Meridian, Alaska; (e) FDR 8530, located in Sec. 1. T. 44 S., R. 61 E,., Copper River Meridian. Alaska; c. United -States Department of Agriculture, (USDA), Forest Service - Huna Totem Road Maintenance Agreement, as amended. between Huna Totem Corporation and the United States of America, executed January 25, 1984; d. Memorandum of Agreement between Sealaska Corporation, Juneau, Alaska. and USDA, Forest Service. Tongass ;National Forest, Sitka. .Alaska, executed June 10, 1982, a copy of which is recorded in the Sitka Recording District in book 56, pages 812-819; Interim Conveyance No.. _1361. Date OCT 9 W7 V LOI - Exhibit B, Page 4 of 6 5 e Special Use Permit issued to the Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company. Inc. (now Alaska Pulp Corporation) on August 17. 1982, as amended. for a logging camp located in Sec. i. T. 44 S., R. 61 E., Copper River Meridian. Alaska: Special Use Perrciz authorizing construction, operation. and maintenance of a water supply system including the water intake structure. pipeline, access road and ;ate issued by USDA, Forest Service, to the City of Hoonah on March 26. 1984,.iocated in Secs. 2 and i1, T. 442 S.. R. 51 E., Copper River Meridian. Alaska. Special Use Permit issued to the Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company, Inc. on July 18, 1982, for a Class D Road, located in Sec. 2. T. �4 S.. R. 61 E. Copper River Meridian. Alaska. IN WITNESS WXEREO'. the undersigned authorized officer of -the Bureau of Land Management has. in the name of the United States. set his hand and caused the seal of the Bureau to be hereunto affixed on this 9th day of October. 1987. in Anchorage, 'Alaska. Interim Conveyance No. Date! OCT 9 M7 UNITED STATES OF AMER I C., /a/ TERRY R. HASS9T; Terry R. Massett Chief, Branch of KCS Adjudication 5 LOI - Exhibit B, Page 5 of 6 A upirrr.0 STATES KNr or Rmlom ...EA.,—.QUAOPAqwM it env .......... 40" FKA. row Ywl m"m ul E70 jurlem,�e LOI - Exhibit B, Pag;� 3 66 IL