HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttach 2_Northway Letters of Support Caring for the Land and Serving People Printed on Recycled Paper Logo Department Name Agency Organization 1 Organization 2 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region 1220 SW Third Avenue (97204) P.O. Box 3623 Portland, OR 97208-3623 Region 10 Alaska Region 161 E 1st Avenue, Door 8 Anchorage, AK 99501 File Code: 3000 Date: September 17, 2020 Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK RE: Letter of Commitment - Walter Northway School Woodchip Heating Project – Alaska Gateway School District application Dear REF Review Committee: I am writing to express support and commitment for the Alaska Gateway School District’s REF application to utilize local biomass to heat the Walter Northway School. As the Wood Biomass and Forest Stewardship Coordinator for the United States Forest Service in Alaska, I am confident in the Alaska Gateway School Districts ability to successfully implement this project. The long track record of successful installations at the Tok School and Mentasta district heating system show their commitment and experience to biomass technologies. Along with the Alaska Energy Authority, the USFS funds the Alaska Wood Energy Development Task Group (AWEDTG), a group of approximately 18 governmental, nonprofit, and NGOs working to increase the utilization of wood for energy and biofuels production in Alaska. The group has conducted biomass prefeasibility studies for nearly 200 communities throughout the state and supports communities through the biomass development process with educational opportunities. The Alaska Gateway School District has been an important partner in this educational work by providing numerous tours of their operating facilities in Mentasta and Tok to future biomass system operators. Future operators are able to talk with the experienced personnel at the Alaska Gateway School District and understand the reality of owning a wood energy system. The United States Forest Service also provides technical support for the development of wood heating systems throughout the United States through the Wood Education and Resource Center. This Woody Biomass Technical Support Team helps public and private sector facility owners evaluate and develop community-scale projects that use woody biomass for heat energy or for both heat and power throughout the United States. We commit to providing up to 40 hours of technical support to the owner at a value of $5,600. The technical support will include items such as review of wood fuel specifications, review of boiler and handling system proposals and layouts, and other support as appropriate to help ensure the system meets the owner’s goals. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I can be reached at 252-725-7524. Sincerely, /s/ PRISCILLA R MORRIS PHD Wood Biomass & Forest Stewardship Coordinator US Forest Service State & Private Forestry September 9, 2020 Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK RE: Alaska Gateway School District’s Application for the Walter Northway School Woodchip Heating Project Dear REF Review Committee: Please consider this a letter of support for the Alaska Gateway School District’s REF application to heat the Walter Northway School with local woodchips. I chair the Alaska Wood Energy Development Task Group (AWEDTG), which is a group of approximately 18 governmental, nonprofit, and NGOs working to increase the utilization of wood for energy and biofuels production in Alaska. This group has conducted biomass prefeasibility studies for nearly 200 communities throughout the state, and the Northway School was one of them As the facilitator of the AWEDTG, I have been involved with the development of wood heating projects in the Upper Tanana Valley for the last 10 years. The Alaska Gateway School District has been a powerful leader of biomass development throughout Alaska by willing providing tours of their operating facilities in Mentasta and Tok to future biomass system operators. They have also partnered with training sessions offered in Alaska. Biomass systems in Alaska help to promote and provide a market for locally harvested woody biomass, while supporting the need for wildfire mitigation. Additionally, these systems keep money in the local communities and offer part time jobs through wood harvest and system operation. A woodchip heating system in Northway is the logical next steps to expand biomass use in the Upper Tanana Valley. With full confidence, I support this application, knowing that it will result in another successful biomass system. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I can be reached at (907) 401-3234 Sincerely, Karen Petersen Southeast Conference Energy Coordinator P.O. Box 19515 Thorne Bay, AK 99919 *The Alaska Wood Energy Development Task Group consists of a coalition of federal and state agencies and other not -for-profit organizations that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore opportunities to increase the utilization of wood for energy and biofuels production in Alaska. These organizations include: the Alaska Energy Authority; Alaska Village Initiatives; Denali Commission; National Renewable Energy Lab; State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry , State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Division, Division of Economic Development; USDOC Economic Development Administration: USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region & Pacific Northwest Research Station; The Nature Conservancy; Tanana Chiefs Conference; USDA Farm Service Agency, Alaska;; USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service; USDA Rural Development, Alaska; USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs, Alaska; USDI Bureau of Land Management, Alaska; Southeast Conference, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service . Tanana Chiefs Conference is a non-profit organization that works toward meeting the health and social service needs for more than 10,000 Alaska Natives spread across a region of 235,000 square miles in Interior Alaska. 122 1st Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 907.452.8251 www.tananachiefs.org September 25, 2020 Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund 813 West Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Re: Alaska Gateway School District Application for the Northway School Woodchip Heating Project Dear Ms. St. Clair, Tanana Chiefs Conference is the inter-tribal consortium representing 37 federally recognized tribes across Alaska’s interior. For the past 40 years, TCC has been a voice advocating for tribal sovereignty, tribal unity and the priorities of interior villages. As part of our commitment to supporting our communities TCC is proud to support Alaska Gateway School District’s application to the 2020 Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund for the woodchip heating system for Walter Northway School. The TCC energy program has worked closely with all of our communities for the past 10 years and these communities have our full support for their diesel reduction goals. It has been demonstrated multiple times that Alaska Native villages face precedent setting energy costs, and challenges. This proposed project would contribute a great deal to reducing heating fuel consumption, as well as reducing costs associated with providing heat and energy to residents. The TCC energy program is successful because it works with its tribal members and acts on their directives. The TCC energy program is the ‘go to’ entity for any tribe that requests assistance with energy projects in the interior. Our program has significant and specialized experience working with rural energy projects in this region including the management of more than $4M in ongoing projects and assisting with many Renewable Energy Fund grants. We have full confidence that the Alaska Gateway School District can successfully implement this project, and we offer our support to meet this goal. Sincerely, Dave Messier TCC Rural Energy Manager 122 1st Ave Suite 600 907-452-8251 ext 3479 Subregions Upper Kuskokwim McGrath Medfra Nikolai Takotna Telida Lower Yukon Anvik Grayling Holy Cross Shageluk Upper Tanana Dot Lake Eagle Healy Lake Northway Tanacross Tetlin Tok Yukon Flats Arctic Village Beaver Birch Creek Canyon Village Chalkyitsik Circle Fort Yukon Venetie Yukon Koyukuk Galena Huslia Kaltag Koyukuk Nulato Ruby Yukon Tanana Alatna Allakaket Evansville Fairbanks Hughes Lake Minchumina Manley Hot Springs Minto Nenana Rampart Stevens Village Tanana Regarding a biomass boiler/heating system for the village of Northway, Alaska September 23, 2020 To Alaska Energy Authority Logging and Milling Associates, a sawmill and logging operation in Interior Alaska is highly in favor of a biomass heating system for the village and or school system in Northway, AK. These heating systems have proven to be highly effective in the rural towns of Delta Junction, Tok, Galena and Dry Creek. The local systems are utilizing waste materials from local sawmills such as sawdust, planer shavings and slabs. Any wood that is not suitable for lumber is chipped and used to provide heat. Tree tops that are too small for sawlogs and trees and brush that are harvested for fire breaks and fire protection projects have also been used extensively for fuel for these rural heating systems. Other benefits of these projects include lessening a village’s dependence on fossil fuels and providing work for rural citizens in remote areas where jobs are hard to come by. Citizens of these remote communities have been successfully trained to operate the equipment necessary for these operations. All in all, these biomass heating systems have been a win/win for the towns and villages of rural Alaska. I believe that all involved have been very pleased with the results. Tommy Geyer, on behalf of Logging and Milling Associates 17015 Nickleen Street Anchorage, AK. 99615 Phone (907) 602 6574 www.plenergysolutions.com September 25, 2020 Alaska Energy Authority 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 RE: Alaska Gateway School District Letter of Support for the Northway School Dear Ms. St. Clair, Please accept this letter of support for the Renewable Energy Program application for the Alaska Gateway School District’s Walter Northway School Wood Chip Heating System. The Alaska Gateway School District is proposing the construction of a wood chip system to heat the school and garage, displacing approximately 23,000 gallons of imported heating fuel. Plenergy Solutions is a subcontractor to the United State Forest Service providing technical support for the development of biomass heating system in Alaska. Our staff will provide technical and start- up support as in-kind match as this project moves forward. The Alaska Gateway School District is making significant strides in their vision to reduce the risk of disastrous wildfire and to use the hazardous fuels as a heating fuel to reduce energy costs in the region. This is an effort that improves safety, creates economic development opportunities, increases employment in an area of high poverty. The Northway School wood chip heating project will be an important step in the region continued implementation of this regional strategy. It is an honor to be working with this highly motivated team that has a vision to improve the safety and sustainability upper Tanana region. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information or answer any questions. Sincerely, Devany Plentovich President, Plenergy Solutions