HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1 - Port Graham - Biomass Construction DocumentsN SHT NO. DRAWING TITLE PORT GRAHAM VILLAGE PORT GRAHAM, AK 99663 OCTOBER 23, 2013 CHARLES E. NASH CONSULTING FORESTER PO BOX 520014 BIG LAKE, AK 99562 OFFICE (907) 892-6830 CELL (208) 310-0749 EMAIL cnashconsultingforester@gmail.com OWNER PROJECT TEAM MECHANICAL LEGENDM0.1 ELECTRICAL LEGENDE0.1 BIOMASS HEATING PLANT PWR/LTG/SCHEDULESE2.1 CONTACT: STEVE RICHMOND EMAIL:stever@richmondsystems.com COVER SHEET MECHANICAL SCHEDULES AND DETAILSM0.2 HYDRONIC PIPING DIAGRAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT MECHANICAL PLANM2.1 M2.2 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS NPRHA BLDG* HEALTH AND DENTAL CLINIC TRIBAL COUNCIL BLDG NATIVE CORP OFFICE/ MUSEUM RESIDENCES* PORT GRAHAM, ALASKA *FUTURE BLDG CONNECTIONS INDEX OF DRAWINGS BUILDING CODES VICINITY MAP FORESTER DESIGN CONSULTANT OLD WATER BLDG (NEW BIOMASS HEATING FACILITY) PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG VILLAGE SITE PLAN - HYDRONIC LOOPM1.1 ALASKA STATE MAP PORT GRAHAM * N 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANTCONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATECATEGORYMAJORMINOR REF QTY MATERIAL LABOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL LUMP SUM SUBTOTALADDSITEWORKLOCATE AND MARK16 HR7550 1252,000DIRECT BURIED HYDRONIC PIPING1470 LF454566,150EXCAVATION735 LF26 85,880BEDDING/BACKFILL735 LF2.00 26 10.007,350VAULTS7 EA250 12003 145310,171PUMPS AND VALVESPUMPS, VALVES, PIPES4 EA1000 50015006,000PRESURE TANK/AIR SEPERATOR/CHEMICAL FEEDER1 EA1000 25012501,250HEAT EXCHANGERS6 EA1800 500230013,800BOILER PACKAGEINCLUDES DELIVERY145000 500500 4600046,000STACK15 LF250 503004,500POWERSERVICE1 LS500 150020002,000BREAKER PANEL1 LS500 100015001,500METER BASE1 LS500 200700700BRANCH WIRING1 LS1000 150025002,500CONTROLS1 LS500 150020002,000STARTUP/WATER TESTING20 HR75751,500SUPPORT/TRAININGSUB-TOTAL$173,301$20,796 CONTINGENCY @ 12%$14,000 MOB / DEMOB$5,202 BOND / INSURANCE @ 2.5%SUB-TOTAL$178,503$32,131 O&P18.00%TOTAL$210,634BOILER BUILDING12 CY104 14168EXCAVATE4 CY25 0.54 1.06 26.6106BACKFILL28 LF16 38 0.17 54.171,517STEM WALL48 SF5.5 13.5 0.23 19.23420SLAB440 SF4.4 4.048.443,714WALLS48 SF3 3.26.2298ROOF440 SF9.58 1726.58 55012,245TOTAL BUILDING EXPANSION18,467.56$ 62 Page 1 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS PROJECT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE AND PROJECT DIRECTORY DIVISION 22 PLUMBING 22 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR PLUMBING 22 05 17 SLEEVES AND SLEEVE SEALS FOR PLUMBING PIPING 22 05 19 METERS AND GAGES FOR PIPING 22 05 23 GENERAL-DUTY VALVES FOR PLUMBING PIPING 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES DIVISION 23 HEATING, VENTILATING 23 2113 HYDRONIC PIPING 23 51 00 BREECHINGS, CHIMNEYS, AND STACKS 23 5239 HYDRONIC WOOD BOILER 23 82 39 UNIT HEATERS DIVISION 26 ELECTRICAL 26 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR ELECTRICAL 26 05 19 ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 26 05 26 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 33 RACEWAY AND BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 48 VIBRATION AND SEISMIC CONTROLS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 09 23 LIGHTING CONTROL DEVICES 26 27 13 ELECTRICITY METERING 26 27 26 WIRING DEVICES 26 28 16 ENCLOSED SWITCHES AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS 26 51 00 INTERIOR LIGHTING 26 56 00 EXTERIOR LIGHTING END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS 63 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR PLUMBING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Work of this Contract shall be governed by all provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 0 and Division 1 requirements, Technical Specifications Sections 2 through 33 and all Drawings, which form the basis of the Contract Documents for this project. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Piping materials and installation instructions common to most piping systems. 2. Plumbing demolition. 3. Equipment installation requirements common to equipment sections. 4. Painting and finishing. 5. Supports and anchorages. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Finished Spaces: Spaces other than mechanical and electrical equipment rooms, furred spaces, pipe chases, unheated spaces immediately below roof, spaces above ceilings, unexcavated spaces, crawlspaces, and tunnels. B. Exposed, Interior Installations: Exposed to view indoors. Examples include finished occupied spaces and mechanical equipment rooms. C. Exposed, Exterior Installations: Exposed to view outdoors or subject to outdoor ambient temperatures and weather conditions. Examples include rooftop locations. D. Concealed, Interior Installations: Concealed from view and protected from physical contact by building occupants. Examples include above ceilings and in chases. E. The following are industry abbreviations for plastic materials: 1. CPVC: Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride plastic. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Characteristics for Plumbing Equipment: Equipment of higher electrical characteristics may be furnished provided such proposed equipment is approved in writing and connecting electrical services, circuit breakers, and conduit sizes are appropriately modified. If minimum energy ratings or efficiencies are specified, equipment shall comply with requirements. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver pipes and tubes with factory-applied end caps. Maintain end caps through shipping, storage, and handling to prevent pipe end damage and to prevent entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture. B. Store plastic pipes protected from direct sunlight. Support to prevent sagging and bending. 1.6 COORDINATION 64 SECTION 22 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR PLUMBING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 A. Arrange for pipe spaces, chases, slots, and openings in building structure during progress of construction, to allow for plumbing installations. B. Coordinate installation of required supporting devices and set sleeves in poured-in-place concrete and other structural components as they are constructed. C. Coordinate requirements for access panels and doors for plumbing items requiring access that are concealed behind finished surfaces. Access panels and doors are specified in Division 8 Section "Access Doors and Frames." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. 2.2 PIPE, TUBE, AND FITTINGS A. Refer to individual Division 22 piping Sections for pipe, tube, and fitting materials and joining methods. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PLUMBING DEMOLITION A. Refer to Division 1 Sections "Cutting and Patching" and "Selective Demolition" for general demolition requirements and procedures. B. Disconnect, demolish, and remove plumbing systems, equipment, and components indicated to be removed. 1. Piping to Be Removed: Remove portion of piping indicated to be removed and cap or plug remaining piping with same or compatible piping material. 2. Piping to Be Abandoned in Place: Drain piping and cap or plug piping with same or compatible piping material. 3. Equipment to Be Removed: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment. C. If pipe, insulation, or equipment to remain is damaged in appearance or is unserviceable, remove damaged or unserviceable portions and replace with new products of equal capacity and quality. 3.2 PIPING SYSTEMS - COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. Install piping according to the following requirements and Division 22 Sections specifying piping systems. B. Drawing plans, schematics, and diagrams indicate general location and arrangement of piping systems. Indicated locations and arrangements were used to size pipe and calculate friction loss, expansion, pump sizing, and other design considerations. Install piping as indicated unless deviations to layout are approved on Coordination Drawings. C. Install piping in concealed locations, unless otherwise indicated and except in equipment rooms and service areas. 65 SECTION 22 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR PLUMBING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 D. Install piping indicated to be exposed and piping in equipment rooms and service areas at right angles or parallel to building walls. Diagonal runs are prohibited unless specifically indicated otherwise. E. Install piping above accessible ceilings to allow sufficient space for ceiling panel removal. F. Install piping to permit valve servicing. G. Install piping at indicated slopes. H. Install piping free of sags and bends. I. Install fittings for changes in direction and branch connections. J. Install piping to allow application of insulation. K. Select system components with pressure rating equal to or greater than system operating pressure. L. Sleeves are not required for core-drilled holes. M. Install sleeves for pipes passing through concrete and masonry walls and concrete floor and roof slabs. 1. Install sleeves that are large enough to provide 1/4-inch annular clear space between sleeve and pipe or pipe insulation. N. Fire-Barrier Penetrations: Maintain indicated fire rating of walls, partitions, ceilings, and floors at pipe penetrations. Seal pipe penetrations with firestop materials. Refer to Division 7 Section "Through- Penetration Firestop Systems" for materials. O. Verify final equipment locations for roughing-in. P. Refer to equipment specifications in other Sections of these Specifications for roughing-in requirements. 3.3 PIPING JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Join pipe and fittings according to the following requirements and Division 22 Sections specifying piping systems. B. Ream ends of pipes and tubes and remove burrs. Bevel plain ends of steel pipe. C. Remove scale, slag, dirt, and debris from inside and outside of pipe and fittings before assembly. D. Plastic Piping Solvent-Cement Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces. Join pipe and fittings according to the following: 1. Comply with ASTM F 402 for safe-handling practice of cleaners, primers, and solvent cements. 2. CPVC Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2846/D 2846M Appendix. 3.4 PIPING CONNECTIONS A. Make connections according to the following, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Install unions, in piping NPS 2 and smaller, adjacent to each valve and at final connection to each piece of equipment. 2. Dry Piping Systems: Install dielectric unions and flanges to connect piping materials of dissimilar metals. 3. Wet Piping Systems: Install dielectric coupling and nipple fittings to connect piping materials of dissimilar metals. 66 SECTION 22 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR PLUMBING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 3.5 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. Install equipment to allow maximum possible headroom unless specific mounting heights are not indicated. B. Install equipment level and plumb, parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and components in exposed interior spaces, unless otherwise indicated. C. Install plumbing equipment to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum interference to other installations. Extend grease fittings to accessible locations. D. Install equipment to allow right of way for piping installed at required slope. 3.6 PAINTING A. Painting of plumbing systems, equipment, and components is specified in Division 9 Sections "Interior Painting" and "Exterior Painting." B. Damage and Touchup: Repair marred and damaged factory-painted finishes with materials and procedures to match original factory finish. 3.7 ERECTION OF WOOD SUPPORTS AND ANCHORAGES A. Cut, fit, and place wood grounds, nailers, blocking, and anchorages to support, and anchor plumbing materials and equipment. B. Select fastener sizes that will not penetrate members if opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Tighten connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood members. C. Attach to substrates as required to support applied loads. 3.8 GROUTING A. Mix and install grout for plumbing equipment base bearing surfaces, pump and other equipment base plates, and anchors. B. Clean surfaces that will come into contact with grout. C. Provide forms as required for placement of grout. D. Avoid air entrapment during placement of grout. E. Place grout, completely filling equipment bases. F. Place grout on concrete bases and provide smooth bearing surface for equipment. G. Place grout around anchors. H. Cure placed grout. END OF SECTION 67 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 05 17 SLEEVES AND SLEEVE SEALS FOR PLUMBING PIPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Sleeves. 2. Stack-sleeve fittings. 3. Sleeve-seal systems. 4. Sleeve-seal fittings. 5. Grout. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 1.4 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.5 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SLEEVES A. Cast-Iron Wall Pipes: Cast or fabricated of cast or ductile iron and equivalent to ductile-iron pressure pipe, with plain ends and integral waterstop unless otherwise indicated. B. Galvanized-Steel Wall Pipes: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Schedule 40, with plain ends and welded steel collar; zinc coated. C. Galvanized-Steel-Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40, zinc coated, with plain ends. D. PVC-Pipe Sleeves: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 40. E. Galvanized-Steel-Sheet Sleeves: 0.0239-inch minimum thickness; round tube closed with welded longitudinal joint. F. Molded-PE or -PP Sleeves: Removable, tapered-cup shaped, and smooth outer surface with nailing flange for attaching to wooden forms. 68 SECTION 22 05 17 SLEEVES AND SLEEVE SEALS FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 G. Molded-PVC Sleeves: With nailing flange for attaching to wooden forms. 2.2 STACK-SLEEVE FITTINGS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Smith, Jay R. Mfg. Co. 2. Zurn Specification Drainage Operation; Zurn Plumbing Products Group. B. Description: Manufactured, cast-iron sleeve with integral clamping flange. Include clamping ring, bolts, and nuts for membrane flashing. 1. Underdeck Clamp: Clamping ring with setscrews. 2.3 SLEEVE-SEAL SYSTEMS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Advance Products & Systems, Inc. 2. CALPICO, Inc. 3. Metraflex Company (The). 4. Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc. 5. Proco Products, Inc. B. Description: Modular sealing-element unit, designed for field assembly, for filling annular space between piping and sleeve. 1. Sealing Elements: EPDM-rubber interlocking links shaped to fit surface of pipe. Include type and number required for pipe material and size of pipe. 2.4 SLEEVE-SEAL FITTINGS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Presealed Systems. B. Description: Manufactured plastic, sleeve-type, waterstop assembly made for imbedding in concrete slab or wall. Unit has plastic or rubber waterstop collar with center opening to match piping OD. 2.5 GROUT A. Standard: ASTM C 1107/C 1107M, Grade B, post-hardening and volume-adjusting, dry, hydraulic- cement grout. B. Characteristics: Nonshrink; recommended for interior and exterior applications. C. Design Mix: 5000-psi, 28-day compressive strength. D. Packaging: Premixed and factory packaged. 69 SECTION 22 05 17 SLEEVES AND SLEEVE SEALS FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SLEEVE INSTALLATION A. Install sleeves for piping passing through penetrations in floors, partitions, roofs, and walls. B. For sleeves that will have sleeve-seal system installed, select sleeves of size large enough to provide 1- inch annular clear space between piping and concrete slabs and walls. 1. Sleeves are not required for core-drilled holes. C. Install sleeves in concrete floors, concrete roof slabs, and concrete walls as new slabs and walls are constructed. 1. Permanent sleeves are not required for holes in slabs formed by molded-PE or -PP sleeves. 2. Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces. a. Exception: Extend sleeves installed in floors of mechanical equipment areas or other wet areas 2 inches above finished floor level. 3. Using grout, seal the space outside of sleeves in slabs and walls without sleeve-seal system. D. Install sleeves for pipes passing through interior partitions. 1. Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces. 2. Install sleeves that are large enough to provide 1/4-inch annular clear space between sleeve and pipe or pipe insulation. 3. Seal annular space between sleeve and piping or piping insulation; use joint sealants appropriate for size, depth, and location of joint. Comply with requirements for sealants specified in Specifications Section covering Joint Sealants. E. Fire-Barrier Penetrations: Maintain indicated fire rating of walls, partitions, ceilings, and floors at pipe penetrations. Seal pipe penetrations with firestop materials. Comply with requirements for firestopping specified in Specifications Section covering Penetration Firestopping. 3.2 STACK-SLEEVE-FITTING INSTALLATION A. Install stack-sleeve fittings in new slabs as slabs are constructed. 1. Install fittings that are large enough to provide 1/4-inch annular clear space between sleeve and pipe or pipe insulation. 2. Secure flashing between clamping flanges for pipes penetrating floors with membrane waterproofing. Comply with requirements for flashing specified in Specifications Section covering Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim. 3. Install section of cast-iron soil pipe to extend sleeve to 2 inches above finished floor level. 4. Extend cast-iron sleeve fittings below floor slab as required to secure clamping ring if ring is specified. 5. Using grout, seal the space around outside of stack-sleeve fittings. B. Fire-Barrier Penetrations: Maintain indicated fire rating of floors at pipe penetrations. Seal pipe penetrations with firestop materials. Comply with requirements for firestopping specified in Specifications Section covering Penetration Firestopping. 70 SECTION 22 05 17 SLEEVES AND SLEEVE SEALS FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 3.3 SLEEVE-SEAL-FITTING INSTALLATION A. Install sleeve-seal fittings in new walls and slabs as they are constructed. B. Assemble fitting components of length to be flush with both surfaces of concrete slabs and walls. Position waterstop flange to be centered in concrete slab or wall. C. Secure nailing flanges to concrete forms. D. Using grout, seal the space around outside of sleeve-seal fittings. 3.4 SLEEVE AND SLEEVE-SEAL SCHEDULE A. Use sleeves and sleeve seals for the following piping-penetration applications: 1. Exterior Concrete Walls above Grade: a. Piping Smaller Than NPS 6: Galvanized-steel wall sleeves. 2. Exterior Concrete Walls below Grade: a. Piping Smaller Than NPS 6: Cast-iron wall sleeves with sleeve-seal system. 1) Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between piping and sleeve for installing sleeve-seal system. b. Piping NPS 6 and Larger: Cast-iron wall sleeves with sleeve-seal system. 1) Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between piping and sleeve for installing sleeve-seal system. 3. Concrete Slabs-on-Grade: a. Piping Smaller Than NPS 6: Cast-iron wall sleeves with sleeve-seal system. 1) Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between piping and sleeve for installing sleeve-seal system. b. Piping NPS 6 and Larger: Cast-iron wall sleeves with sleeve-seal system. 1) Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between piping and sleeve for installing sleeve-seal system. 4. Concrete Slabs above Grade: a. Piping Smaller Than NPS 6: Galvanized-steel-pipe sleeves. b. Piping NPS 6 and Larger: Galvanized-steel-pipe sleeves. 5. Interior Partitions: a. Piping Smaller Than NPS 6: Galvanized-steel-pipe sleeves. END OF SECTION 71 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 05 19 METERS AND GAGES FOR PLUMBING PIPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Liquid-in-glass thermometers. 2. Thermowells. 3. Gage attachments. 4. Test plugs. 5. Test-plug kits. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 21 fire-suppression piping Sections for fire-protection pressure gages. 2. Division 22 Section "Domestic Water Piping" for water meters inside the building. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: For meters and gages to include in operation and maintenance manuals. 1.4 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.5 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LIQUID-IN-GLASS THERMOMETERS A. Metal-Case, Compact-Style, Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Trerice, H. O. Co. 2. Standard: ASME B40.200. 72 SECTION 22 05 19 METERS AND GAGES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 3. Case: Cast aluminum; 6-inch nominal size. 4. Case Form: Straight unless otherwise indicated. 5. Tube: Glass with magnifying lens and blue or red organic liquid. 6. Tube Background: Nonreflective aluminum with permanently etched scale markings graduated in deg F. 7. Window: Glass or plastic. 8. Stem: Aluminum or brass and of length to suit installation. a. Design for Thermowell Installation: Bare stem. 9. Connector: 3/4 inch, with ASME B1.1 screw threads. 10. Accuracy: Plus or minus 1 percent of scale range or one scale division, to a maximum of 1.5 percent of scale range. B. Metal-Case, Industrial-Style, Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Flo Fab Inc. b. Miljoco Corporation. c. Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group. d. Tel-Tru Manufacturing Company. e. Trerice, H. O. Co. f. Weiss Instruments, Inc. g. Winters Instruments - U.S. 2. Standard: ASME B40.200. 3. Case: Cast aluminum 7-inch nominal size unless otherwise indicated. 4. Case Form: Adjustable angle unless otherwise indicated. 5. Tube: Glass with magnifying lens and blue[ or red] organic liquid. 6. Tube Background: Nonreflective aluminum with permanently etched scale markings graduated in deg F. 7. Window: Glass or plastic. 8. Stem: Aluminum and of length to suit installation. a. Design for Thermowell Installation: Bare stem. 9. Connector: 1-1/4 inches, with ASME B1.1 screw threads. 10. Accuracy: Plus or minus 1 percent of scale range or one scale division, to a maximum of 1.5 percent of scale range. 2.2 THERMOWELLS A. Thermowells: 1. Standard: ASME B40.200. 2. Description: Pressure-tight, socket-type fitting made for insertion into piping tee fitting. 3. Material for Use with Copper Tubing: CNR or CUNI. 4. Material for Use with Steel Piping: CRES or CSA. 5. Type: Stepped shank unless straight or tapered shank is indicated. 6. Bore: Diameter required to match thermometer bulb or stem. 7. Insertion Length: Length required to match thermometer bulb or stem. 8. Lagging Extension: Include on thermowells for insulated piping and tubing. 73 SECTION 22 05 19 METERS AND GAGES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 9. Bushings: For converting size of thermowell's internal screw thread to size of thermometer connection. 2.3 PRESSURE GAGES A. Direct-Mounted, Metal-Case, Dial-Type Pressure Gages: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. AMETEK, Inc.; U.S. Gauge. b. Ashcroft Inc. c. Ernst Flow Industries. d. Flo Fab Inc. e. Marsh Bellofram. f. Miljoco Corporation. g. Noshok. h. Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group. i. REOTEMP Instrument Corporation. j. Tel-Tru Manufacturing Company. k. Trerice, H. O. Co. l. Watts Regulator Co.; a div. of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. m. Weiss Instruments, Inc. n. WIKA Instrument Corporation - USA. o. Winters Instruments - U.S. 2. Standard: ASME B40.100. 3. Case: Sealed type(s); cast aluminum or drawn steel; 4-1/2-inch nominal diameter. 4. Pressure-Element Assembly: Bourdon tube unless otherwise indicated. 5. Pressure Connection: Brass, with NPS 1/4 or NPS 1/2, ASME B1.20.1 pipe threads and bottom- outlet type unless back-outlet type is indicated. 6. Movement: Mechanical, with link to pressure element and connection to pointer. 7. Dial: Nonreflective aluminum with permanently etched scale markings graduated in psi. 8. Pointer: Dark-colored metal. 9. Window: Glass. 10. Accuracy: Grade B, plus or minus 2 percent of middle half of scale range. B. Remote-Mounted, Metal-Case, Dial-Type Pressure Gages: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. AMETEK, Inc.; U.S. Gauge. b. Ashcroft Inc. c. Ernst Flow Industries. d. Flo Fab Inc. e. Marsh Bellofram. f. Miljoco Corporation. g. Noshok. h. Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group. i. REOTEMP Instrument Corporation. j. Tel-Tru Manufacturing Company. k. Trerice, H. O. Co. l. Watts Regulator Co.; a div. of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 74 SECTION 22 05 19 METERS AND GAGES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 m. Weiss Instruments, Inc. n. WIKA Instrument Corporation - USA. o. Winters Instruments - U.S. 2. Standard: ASME B40.100. 3. Case: Sealed type; metal; 4-1/2-inch nominal diameter with holes for panel mounting. 4. Pressure-Element Assembly: Bourdon tube unless otherwise indicated. 5. Pressure Connection: Brass, with NPS 1/4 or NPS 1/2, ASME B1.20.1 pipe threads and bottom- outlet type unless back-outlet type is indicated. 6. Movement: Mechanical, with link to pressure element and connection to pointer. 7. Dial: Nonreflective aluminum with permanently etched scale markings graduated in psi. 8. Pointer: Dark-colored metal. 9. Window: Glass. 10. Ring: Metal. 11. Accuracy: Grade B, plus or minus 2 percent of middle half of scale range. 2.4 GAGE ATTACHMENTS A. Snubbers: ASME B40.100, brass; with NPS 1/4 or NPS 1/2, ASME B1.20.1 pipe threads and piston-type surge-dampening device. Include extension for use on insulated piping. B. Valves: Brass ball, with NPS 1/4 or NPS 1/2, ASME B1.20.1 pipe threads. 2.5 TEST PLUGS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Flow Design, Inc. 2. Miljoco Corporation. 3. National Meter, Inc. 4. Peterson Equipment Co., Inc. 5. Sisco Manufacturing Company, Inc. 6. Trerice, H. O. Co. 7. Watts Regulator Co.; a div. of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 8. Weiss Instruments, Inc. B. Description: Test-station fitting made for insertion into piping tee fitting. C. Body: Brass or stainless steel with core inserts and gasketed and threaded cap. Include extended stem on units to be installed in insulated piping. D. Thread Size: NPS 1/4 or NPS 1/2, ASME B1.20.1 pipe thread. E. Minimum Pressure and Temperature Rating: 500 psig at 200 deg F. F. Core Inserts: Chlorosulfonated polyethylene synthetic and EPDM self-sealing rubber. 2.6 TEST-PLUG KITS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Flow Design, Inc. 75 SECTION 22 05 19 METERS AND GAGES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 5 2. Miljoco Corporation. 3. National Meter, Inc. 4. Peterson Equipment Co., Inc. 5. Sisco Manufacturing Company, Inc. 6. Trerice, H. O. Co. 7. Watts Regulator Co.; a div. of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 8. Weiss Instruments, Inc. B. Furnish one test-plug kit(s) containing two thermometer(s), one pressure gage and adapter, and carrying case. Thermometer sensing elements, pressure gage, and adapter probes shall be of diameter to fit test plugs and of length to project into piping. C. High-Range Thermometer: Small, bimetallic insertion type with 1- to 2-inch-diameter dial and tapered- end sensing element. Dial range shall be at least 0 to 160 deg F. D. Pressure Gage: Small, Bourdon-tube insertion type with 2- to 3-inch-diameter dial and probe. Dial range shall be at least 0 to 100 psig. E. Carrying Case: Metal or plastic, with formed instrument padding. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install thermowells with socket extending to center of pipe and in vertical position in piping tees. B. Install thermowells of sizes required to match thermometer connectors. Include bushings if required to match sizes. C. Install direct-mounted thermometers in thermowells and adjust vertical and tilted positions. D. Install direct-mounted pressure gages in piping tees with pressure gage located on pipe at the most readable position. E. Install valve and snubber in piping for each pressure gage for fluids. F. Install test plugs in piping tees. G. Install thermometers in the following locations: 1. Inlet and outlet of each water heater. 2. Inlet and outlet of each domestic hot-water storage tank. 3. Inlet and outlet of metering valve. H. Install pressure gages in the following locations: 1. Building water service entrance into building. 2. Inlet and outlet of each pressure-reducing valve. 3. Suction and discharge of each domestic water pump. 3.2 CONNECTIONS A. Install meters and gages adjacent to machines and equipment to allow service and maintenance of meters, gages, machines, and equipment. 76 SECTION 22 05 19 METERS AND GAGES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 6 3.3 ADJUSTING A. Adjust faces of meters and gages to proper angle for best visibility. B. Thermometer stems shall be of length to match thermowell insertion length. END OF SECTION 77 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 05 23 GENERAL-DUTY VALVES FOR PLUMBING PIPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Work of this Contract shall be governed by all provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 0 and Division 1 requirements, Technical Specifications Sections 2 through 33 and all Drawings, which form the basis of the Contract Documents for this project. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Brass ball valves. 2. Bronze check valves. 3. Bronze gate valves. 4. Copper-alloy ball valves. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 22 plumbing piping Sections for specialty valves applicable to those Sections only. 2. Division 22 Section "Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment" for valve tags and schedules. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. CWP: Cold working pressure. B. EPDM: Ethylene propylene copolymer rubber. C. TFE: Tetrafluorethylene plastic 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Include body, seating, and trim materials; valve design; pressure and temperature classifications; end connections; arrangement; dimensions; and required clearances. Include list indicating valve and its application. Include rated capacities; shipping, installed, and operating weights; furnished specialties; and accessories. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. NSF Compliance: NSF 61 for valve materials for potable-water service. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Prepare valves for shipping as follows: 1. Protect internal parts against rust and corrosion. 2. Protect threads, flange faces, grooves, and weld ends. 3. Set angle, gate, and globe valves closed to prevent rattling. 4. Set ball and plug valves open to minimize exposure of functional surfaces. 5. Set butterfly valves closed or slightly open. 6. Block check valves in either closed or open position. B. Use the following precautions during storage: 1. Maintain valve end protection. 1.7 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.8 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 78 SECTION 22 05 23 GENERAL-DUTY VALVES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VALVES A. Valve Pressure and Temperature Ratings: Not less than indicated and as required for system pressures and temperatures. B. Valve Sizes: Same as upstream piping unless otherwise indicated. C. Valve Actuator Types: 1. Handwheel: For valves other than quarter-turn types. 2. Handlever: For quarter-turn valves NPS 6 and smaller except plug valves. 3. Extended Valve Stems: On insulated valves. D. Valves in Insulated Piping: With 2-inch stem extensions and the following features: 1. Gate Valves: With rising stem. 2. Ball Valves: With extended operating handle of non-thermal-conductive material, and protective sleeve that allows operation of valve without breaking the vapor seal or disturbing insulation. E. Valve-End Connections: 1. Grooved: With grooves according to AWWA C606. 2. Solder Joint: With sockets according to ASME B16.18. 3. Threaded: With threads according to ASME B1.20.1. 2.2 BRASS BALL VALVES A. Two-Piece, Full-Port, Brass Ball Valves with Brass Trim: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Crane Valves. b. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Jenkins Valves. c. DynaQuip Controls. d. Flow-Tek, Inc.; a subsidiary of Bray International, Inc. e. Hammond Valve. f. Jamesbury; a subsidiary of Metso Automation. g. Jomar International, LTD. h. Kitz Corporation. i. Legend Valve. j. Marwin Valve; a division of Richards Industries. k. Milwaukee Valve Company. l. NIBCO INC. m. Red-White Valve Corporation. n. RuB Inc. 2. Description: a. Standard: MSS SP-110. b. SWP Rating: 150 psig. c. CWP Rating: 600 psig. d. Body Design: Two piece. e. Body Material: Forged brass. f. Ends: Threaded. g. Seats: PTFE or TFE. h. Stem: Brass. i. Ball: Chrome-plated brass. j. Port: Full. 79 SECTION 22 05 23 GENERAL-DUTY VALVES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 2.3 BRONZE GATE VALVES A. Class 125, NRS Bronze Gate Valves: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Valve, Inc. b. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Crane Valves. c. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Jenkins Valves. d. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Stockham Division. e. Hammond Valve. f. Kitz Corporation. g. Milwaukee Valve Company. h. NIBCO INC. i. Powell Valves. j. Red-White Valve Corporation. k. Watts Regulator Co.; a division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 2. Description: a. Standard: MSS SP-80, Type 1. 2.4 BRONZE CHECK VALVES A. Type 4, Bronze, Swing Check Valves with Nonmetallic Disc: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Valve, Inc. b. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Crane Valves. c. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Jenkins Valves. d. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Stockham Division. e. Hammond Valve. f. Kitz Corporation. g. Milwaukee Valve Company. h. NIBCO INC. i. Powell Valves. j. Red-White Valve Corporation. k. Watts Regulator Co.; a division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 2. Description: a. Standard: MSS SP-80 b. Type 4, Class 125, Bronze Swing Check Valves; Bronze body with nonmetallic disc and bronze seat. 2.5 COPPER-ALLOY BALL VALVES A. Two-Piece; Copper-Alloy Ball Valves: Brass or bronze body with full-port, chrome-plated bronze ball; PTFE or TFE seats; and 600-psig minimum CWP rating and blowout-proof stem. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Valve, Inc. b. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Crane Valves. c. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Jenkins Valves. d. Crane Co.; Crane Valve Group; Stockham Division. e. Hammond Valve. f. Kitz Corporation. g. Milwaukee Valve Company. h. NIBCO INC. i. Powell Valves. j. Red-White Valve Corporation. k. Watts Regulator Co.; a division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 2. Description: a. Standard: MSS SP-110 80 SECTION 22 05 23 GENERAL-DUTY VALVES FOR PLUMBING PIPING Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine valve interior for cleanliness, freedom from foreign matter, and corrosion. Remove special packing materials, such as blocks, used to prevent disc movement during shipping and handling. B. Operate valves in positions from fully open to fully closed. Examine guides and seats made accessible by such operations. C. Examine threads on valve and mating pipe for form and cleanliness. D. Examine mating flange faces for conditions that might cause leakage. Check bolting for proper size, length, and material. Verify that gasket is of proper size, that its material composition is suitable for service, and that it is free from defects and damage. E. Do not attempt to repair defective valves; replace with new valves. 3.2 VALVE INSTALLATION A. Install valves with unions or flanges at each piece of equipment arranged to allow service, maintenance, and equipment removal without system shutdown. B. Locate valves for easy access and provide separate support where necessary. C. Where valves are located above ceilings without removable tiles, provide access panels with fire/smoke ratings similar to the ceiling being installed to give access to valves. D. Install valves in horizontal piping with stem at or above center of pipe. E. Install valves in position to allow full stem movement. 3.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VALVE APPLICATIONS A. If valve applications are not indicated, use the following: 1. Shutoff Service: Ball, butterfly, or gate valves. 2. Throttling Service: Angle, ball, butterfly, or globe valves. 3. Pump-Discharge Check Valves: Spring-loaded, lift-disc check valves B. If valves with specified SWP classes or CWP ratings are not available, the same types of valves with higher SWP classes or CWP ratings may be substituted. C. Select valves, except wafer types, with the following end connections: 1. For Copper Tubing, NPS 2 and Smaller: Solder-joint or thread ends. 2. For Copper Tubing, NPS 2-1/2 to NPS 4: Flanged or threaded ends 3. For Steel Piping, NPS 2 and Smaller: Threaded ends. 4. For Steel Piping, NPS 2-1/2 to NPS 4: Flanged ends except where threaded valve-end option is indicated in valve schedules below. END OF SECTION 81 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Metal pipe hangers and supports. 2. Trapeze pipe hangers. 3. Metal framing systems. 4. Fastener systems. 5. Equipment supports. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 22 Section "Vibration and Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment" for vibration isolation devices. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. MSS: Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry Inc. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Performance: Hangers and supports for plumbing piping and equipment shall withstand the effects of gravity loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated according to ASCE/SEI 7. 1. Design supports for multiple pipes, including pipe stands, capable of supporting combined weight of supported systems, system contents, and test water. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 82 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 1.6 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.7 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 METAL PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Carbon-Steel Pipe Hangers and Supports: 1. Description: MSS SP-58, Types 1 through 58, factory-fabricated components. 2. Galvanized Metallic Coatings: Pregalvanized or hot dipped. 3. Nonmetallic Coatings: Plastic coating, jacket, or liner. 4. Padded Hangers: Hanger with fiberglass or other pipe insulation pad or cushion to support bearing surface of piping. 5. Hanger Rods: Continuous-thread rod, nuts, and washer made of carbon steel. B. Stainless-Steel Pipe Hangers and Supports: 1. Description: MSS SP-58, Types 1 through 58, factory-fabricated components. 2. Padded Hangers: Hanger with fiberglass or other pipe insulation pad or cushion to support bearing surface of piping. 3. Hanger Rods: Continuous-thread rod, nuts, and washer made of stainless steel. C. Copper Pipe Hangers: 1. Description: MSS SP-58, Types 1 through 58, copper-coated-steel, factory-fabricated components. 2. Hanger Rods: Continuous-thread rod, nuts, and washer made of copper-coated steel or stainless steel. 2.2 TRAPEZE PIPE HANGERS A. Description: MSS SP-69, Type 59, shop- or field-fabricated pipe-support assembly made from structural carbon-steel shapes with MSS SP-58 carbon-steel hanger rods, nuts, saddles, and U-bolts. 2.3 METAL FRAMING SYSTEMS A. MFMA Manufacturer Metal Framing Systems: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Allied Tube & Conduit. b. Cooper B-Line, Inc. 83 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 c. Flex-Strut Inc. d. GS Metals Corp. e. Thomas & Betts Corporation. f. Unistrut Corporation; Tyco International, Ltd. g. Wesanco, Inc. 2. Description: Shop- or field-fabricated pipe-support assembly for supporting multiple parallel pipes. 3. Standard: MFMA-4. 4. Channels: Continuous slotted steel channel with inturned lips. 5. Channel Nuts: Formed or stamped steel nuts or other devices designed to fit into channel slot and, when tightened, prevent slipping along channel. 6. Hanger Rods: Continuous-thread rod, nuts, and washer made of carbon steel. 2.4 FASTENER SYSTEMS A. Powder-Actuated Fasteners: Threaded-steel stud, for use in hardened portland cement concrete with pull- out, tension, and shear capacities appropriate for supported loads and building materials where used. B. Mechanical-Expansion Anchors: Insert-wedge-type, zinc-coated steel anchors, for use in hardened portland cement concrete; with pull-out, tension, and shear capacities appropriate for supported loads and building materials where used. 2.5 EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. Description: Welded, shop- or field-fabricated equipment support made from structural carbon-steel shapes. 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Structural Steel: ASTM A 36/A 36M, carbon-steel plates, shapes, and bars; black and galvanized. B. Grout: ASTM C 1107, factory-mixed and -packaged, dry, hydraulic-cement, nonshrink and nonmetallic grout; suitable for interior and exterior applications. 1. Properties: Nonstaining, noncorrosive, and nongaseous. 2. Design Mix: 5000-psi, 28-day compressive strength. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 HANGER AND SUPPORT INSTALLATION A. Metal Pipe-Hanger Installation: Comply with MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-89. Install hangers, supports, clamps, and attachments as required to properly support piping from the building structure. B. Metal Trapeze Pipe-Hanger Installation: Comply with MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-89. Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of horizontal piping, and support together on field-fabricated trapeze pipe hangers. 84 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 1. Pipes of Various Sizes: Support together and space trapezes for smallest pipe size or install intermediate supports for smaller diameter pipes as specified for individual pipe hangers. 2. Field fabricate from ASTM A 36/A 36M, carbon-steel shapes selected for loads being supported. Weld steel according to AWS D1.1/D1.1M. C. Metal Framing System Installation: Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of piping, and support together on field-assembled metal framing systems. D. Fastener System Installation: 1. Install powder-actuated fasteners for use in lightweight concrete or concrete slabs less than 4 inches thick in concrete after concrete is placed and completely cured. Use operators that are licensed by powder-actuated tool manufacturer. Install fasteners according to powder-actuated tool manufacturer's operating manual. 2. Install mechanical-expansion anchors in concrete after concrete is placed and completely cured. Install fasteners according to manufacturer's written instructions. E. Install hangers and supports complete with necessary attachments, inserts, bolts, rods, nuts, washers, and other accessories. F. Equipment Support Installation: Fabricate from welded-structural-steel shapes. G. Install hangers and supports to allow controlled thermal and seismic movement of piping systems, to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends, and similar units. H. Install lateral bracing with pipe hangers and supports to prevent swaying. I. Install building attachments within concrete slabs or attach to structural steel. Install additional attachments at concentrated loads, including valves, flanges, and strainers, NPS 2-1/2 and larger and at changes in direction of piping. Install concrete inserts before concrete is placed; fasten inserts to forms and install reinforcing bars through openings at top of inserts. J. Load Distribution: Install hangers and supports so that piping live and dead loads and stresses from movement will not be transmitted to connected equipment. K. Pipe Slopes: Install hangers and supports to provide indicated pipe slopes and to not exceed maximum pipe deflections allowed by ASME B31.9 for building services piping. L. Insulated Piping: 1. Attach clamps and spacers to piping. a. Piping Operating above Ambient Air Temperature: Clamp may project through insulation. b. Do not exceed pipe stress limits allowed by ASME B31.9 for building services piping. 3.2 EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. Fabricate structural-steel stands to suspend equipment from structure overhead or to support equipment above floor. B. Grouting: Place grout under supports for equipment and make bearing surface smooth. C. Provide lateral bracing, to prevent swaying, for equipment supports. 85 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 5 3.3 METAL FABRICATIONS A. Cut, drill, and fit miscellaneous metal fabrications for trapeze pipe hangers and equipment supports. B. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints. Field weld connections that cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. C. Field Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1/D1.1M procedures for shielded, metal arc welding; appearance and quality of welds; and methods used in correcting welding work; and with the following: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. Finish welds at exposed connections so no roughness shows after finishing and so contours of welded surfaces match adjacent contours. 3.4 ADJUSTING A. Hanger Adjustments: Adjust hangers to distribute loads equally on attachments and to achieve indicated slope of pipe. B. Trim excess length of continuous-thread hanger and support rods to 1-1/2 inches. 3.5 HANGER AND SUPPORT SCHEDULE A. Specific hanger and support requirements are in Sections specifying piping systems and equipment. B. Comply with MSS SP-69 for pipe-hanger selections and applications that are not specified in piping system Sections. C. Use hangers and supports with galvanized metallic coatings for piping and equipment that will not have field-applied finish. D. Use nonmetallic coatings on attachments for electrolytic protection where attachments are in direct contact with copper tubing. E. Use carbon-steel pipe hangers and supports, metal trapeze pipe hangers, and metal framing systems and attachments for general service applications. F. Use stainless-steel pipe hangers and stainless-steel or corrosion-resistant attachments for hostile environment applications. G. Use copper-plated pipe hangers and copper or stainless-steel attachments for copper piping and tubing. H. Horizontal-Piping Hangers and Supports: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Adjustable, Steel Clevis Hangers (MSS Type 1): For suspension of non-insulated or insulated, stationary pipes NPS 1/2 to NPS 30. 2. Yoke-Type Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 2): For suspension of up to 1050 deg F, pipes NPS 4 to NPS 24, requiring up to 4 inches of insulation. 86 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 6 3. Carbon- or Alloy-Steel, Double-Bolt Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 3): For suspension of pipes NPS 3/4 to NPS 36, requiring clamp flexibility and up to 4 inches of insulation. 4. Steel Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 4): For suspension of cold and hot pipes NPS 1/2 to NPS 24 if little or no insulation is required. 5. Pipe Hangers (MSS Type 5): For suspension of pipes NPS 1/2 to NPS 4, to allow off-center closure for hanger installation before pipe erection. 6. Adjustable, Swivel Split- or Solid-Ring Hangers (MSS Type 6): For suspension of non-insulated, stationary pipes NPS 3/4 to NPS 8. 7. Adjustable, Steel Band Hangers (MSS Type 7): For suspension of non-insulated, stationary pipes NPS 1/2 to NPS 8. 8. Adjustable Band Hangers (MSS Type 9): For suspension of non-insulated, stationary pipes NPS 1/2 to NPS 8. 9. Adjustable, Swivel-Ring Band Hangers (MSS Type 10): For suspension of non-insulated, stationary pipes NPS 1/2 to NPS 8. 10. Split Pipe Ring with or without Turnbuckle Hangers (MSS Type 11): For suspension of non- insulated, stationary pipes NPS 3/8 to NPS 8. 11. Extension Hinged or Two-Bolt Split Pipe Clamps (MSS Type 12): For suspension of non- insulated, stationary pipes NPS 3/8 to NPS 3. 12. U-Bolts (MSS Type 24): For support of heavy pipes NPS 1/2 to NPS 30. 13. Clips (MSS Type 26): For support of insulated pipes not subject to expansion or contraction. 14. Pipe Saddle Supports (MSS Type 36): For support of pipes NPS 4 to NPS 36, with steel-pipe base stanchion support and cast-iron floor flange or carbon-steel plate. 15. Pipe Stanchion Saddles (MSS Type 37): For support of pipes NPS 4 to NPS 36, with steel-pipe base stanchion support and cast-iron floor flange or carbon-steel plate, and with U-bolt to retain pipe. 16. Adjustable Pipe Saddle Supports (MSS Type 38): For stanchion-type support for pipes NPS 2-1/2 to NPS 36 if vertical adjustment is required, with steel-pipe base stanchion support and cast-iron floor flange. 17. Single-Pipe Rolls (MSS Type 41): For suspension of pipes NPS 1 to NPS 30, from two rods if longitudinal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur. 18. Adjustable Roller Hangers (MSS Type 43): For suspension of pipes NPS 2-1/2 to NPS 24, from single rod if horizontal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur. 19. Complete Pipe Rolls (MSS Type 44): For support of pipes NPS 2 to NPS 42 if longitudinal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur but vertical adjustment is not necessary. 20. Pipe Roll and Plate Units (MSS Type 45): For support of pipes NPS 2 to NPS 24 if small horizontal movement caused by expansion and contraction might occur and vertical adjustment is not necessary. 21. Adjustable Pipe Roll and Base Units (MSS Type 46): For support of pipes NPS 2 to NPS 30 if vertical and lateral adjustment during installation might be required in addition to expansion and contraction. I. Vertical-Piping Clamps: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Extension Pipe or Riser Clamps (MSS Type 8): For support of pipe risers NPS 3/4 to NPS 24. 2. Carbon- or Alloy-Steel Riser Clamps (MSS Type 42): For support of pipe risers NPS 3/4 to NPS 24 if longer ends are required for riser clamps. J. Hanger-Rod Attachments: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Steel Turnbuckles (MSS Type 13): For adjustment up to 6 inches for heavy loads. 2. Steel Clevises (MSS Type 14): For 120 to 450 deg F piping installations. 3. Swivel Turnbuckles (MSS Type 15): For use with MSS Type 11, split pipe rings. 87 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 7 4. Malleable-Iron Sockets (MSS Type 16): For attaching hanger rods to various types of building attachments. 5. Steel Weldless Eye Nuts (MSS Type 17): For 120 to 450 deg F piping installations. K. Building Attachments: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Steel or Malleable Concrete Inserts (MSS Type 18): For upper attachment to suspend pipe hangers from concrete ceiling. 2. Top-Beam C-Clamps (MSS Type 19): For use under roof installations with bar-joist construction, to attach to top flange of structural shape. 3. Side-Beam or Channel Clamps (MSS Type 20): For attaching to bottom flange of beams, channels, or angles. 4. Center-Beam Clamps (MSS Type 21): For attaching to center of bottom flange of beams. 5. Welded Beam Attachments (MSS Type 22): For attaching to bottom of beams if loads are considerable and rod sizes are large. 6. C-Clamps (MSS Type 23): For structural shapes. 7. Top-Beam Clamps (MSS Type 25): For top of beams if hanger rod is required tangent to flange edge. 8. Side-Beam Clamps (MSS Type 27): For bottom of steel I-beams. 9. Steel-Beam Clamps with Eye Nuts (MSS Type 28): For attaching to bottom of steel I-beams for heavy loads. 10. Linked-Steel Clamps with Eye Nuts (MSS Type 29): For attaching to bottom of steel I-beams for heavy loads, with link extensions. 11. Malleable-Beam Clamps with Extension Pieces (MSS Type 30): For attaching to structural steel. 12. Welded-Steel Brackets: For support of pipes from below or for suspending from above by using clip and rod. Use one of the following for indicated loads: a. Light (MSS Type 31): 750 lb. b. Medium (MSS Type 32): 1500 lb. c. Heavy (MSS Type 33): 3000 lb. 13. Side-Beam Brackets (MSS Type 34): For sides of steel or wooden beams. 14. Plate Lugs (MSS Type 57): For attaching to steel beams if flexibility at beam is required. 15. Horizontal Travelers (MSS Type 58): For supporting piping systems subject to linear horizontal movement where headroom is limited. L. Spring Hangers and Supports: Unless otherwise indicated and except as specified in piping system Sections, install the following types: 1. Restraint-Control Devices (MSS Type 47): Where indicated to control piping movement. 2. Spring Cushions (MSS Type 48): For light loads if vertical movement does not exceed 1-1/4 inches. 3. Spring-Cushion Roll Hangers (MSS Type 49): For equipping Type 41, roll hanger with springs. 4. Spring Sway Braces (MSS Type 50): To retard sway, shock, vibration, or thermal expansion in piping systems. 5. Variable-Spring Hangers (MSS Type 51): Preset to indicated load and limit variability factor to 25 percent to allow expansion and contraction of piping system from hanger. 6. Variable-Spring Base Supports (MSS Type 52): Preset to indicated load and limit variability factor to 25 percent to allow expansion and contraction of piping system from base support. 7. Variable-Spring Trapeze Hangers (MSS Type 53): Preset to indicated load and limit variability factor to 25 percent to allow expansion and contraction of piping system from trapeze support. 8. Constant Supports: For critical piping stress and if necessary to avoid transfer of stress from one support to another support, critical terminal, or connected equipment. Include auxiliary stops for erection, hydrostatic test, and load-adjustment capability. These supports include the following types: 88 SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 8 a. Horizontal (MSS Type 54): Mounted horizontally. b. Vertical (MSS Type 55): Mounted vertically. c. Trapeze (MSS Type 56): Two vertical-type supports and one trapeze member. M. Comply with MSS SP-69 for trapeze pipe-hanger selections and applications that are not specified in piping system Sections. N. Comply with MFMA-103 for metal framing system selections and applications that are not specified in piping system Sections. O. Use powder-actuated fasteners or mechanical-expansion anchors instead of building attachments where required in concrete construction. P. Use pipe positioning systems in pipe spaces behind plumbing fixtures to support supply and waste piping for plumbing fixtures. END OF SECTION 89 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Equipment labels. 2. Pipe labels. 3. Valve tags. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Valve Schedules: For each piping system to include in maintenance manuals. 1.4 COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of identifying devices with completion of covering and painting of surfaces where devices are to be applied. B. Coordinate installation of identifying devices with locations of access panels and doors. C. Install identifying devices before installing acoustical ceilings and similar concealment. 1.5 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.6 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 90 SECTION 22 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT LABELS A. Plastic Labels for Equipment: 1. Material and Thickness: Multilayer, multicolor, plastic labels for mechanical engraving, 1/16 inch thick, and having predrilled holes for attachment hardware. 2. Letter Color: White. 3. Background Color: Black. 4. Maximum Temperature: Able to withstand temperatures up to 160 deg F. 5. Minimum Label Size: Length and width vary for required label content, but not less than 2-1/2 by 3/4 inch. 6. Minimum Letter Size: 1/4 inch for name of units if viewing distance is less than 24 inches, 1/2 inch for viewing distances up to 72 inches, and proportionately larger lettering for greater viewing distances. Include secondary lettering two-thirds to three-fourths the size of principal lettering. 7. Fasteners: Stainless-steel rivets or self-tapping screws. 8. Adhesive: Contact-type permanent adhesive, compatible with label and with substrate. B. Label Content: Include equipment's Drawing designation or unique equipment number, Drawing numbers where equipment is indicated (plans, details, and schedules), plus the Specification Section number and title where equipment is specified. 2.2 PIPE LABELS A. General Requirements for Manufactured Pipe Labels: Preprinted, color-coded, with lettering indicating service, and showing flow direction. B. Self-Adhesive Pipe Labels: Printed plastic with contact-type, permanent-adhesive backing. C. Pipe Label Contents: Include identification of piping service using same designations or abbreviations as used on Drawings, pipe size, and an arrow indicating flow direction. 1. Flow-Direction Arrows: Integral with piping system service lettering to accommodate both directions, or as separate unit on each pipe label to indicate flow direction. 2. Lettering Size: At least 1-1/2 inches high. 2.3 VALVE TAGS A. Valve Tags: Stamped or engraved with 1/4-inch letters for piping system abbreviation and 1/2-inch numbers. 1. Tag Material: Brass, 0.032-inch minimum thickness, or plastic, 1/16-inch minimum thickness, and having predrilled or stamped holes for attachment hardware. 2. Fasteners: Brass wire-link or beaded chain; or S-hook. B. Valve Schedules: For each piping system, on 8-1/2-by-11-inch bond paper. Tabulate valve number, piping system, system abbreviation (as shown on valve tag), location of valve (room or space), normal- operating position (open, closed, or modulating), and variations for identification. Mark valves for emergency shutoff and similar special uses. 1. Valve-tag schedule shall be included in operation and maintenance data. 91 SECTION 22 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Clean piping and equipment surfaces of substances that could impair bond of identification devices, including dirt, oil, grease, release agents, and incompatible primers, paints, and encapsulants. 3.2 EQUIPMENT LABEL INSTALLATION A. Install or permanently fasten labels on each major item of mechanical equipment. B. Locate equipment labels where accessible and visible. 3.3 PIPE LABEL INSTALLATION A. Locate pipe labels where piping is exposed or above accessible ceilings in finished spaces; machine rooms; accessible maintenance spaces such as shafts, tunnels, and plenums; and exterior exposed locations as follows: 1. Near each valve and control device. 2. Near each branch connection, excluding short takeoffs for fixtures and terminal units. Where flow pattern is not obvious, mark each pipe at branch. 3. Near penetrations through walls, floors, ceilings, and inaccessible enclosures. 4. At access doors, manholes, and similar access points that permit view of concealed piping. 5. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. 6. Spaced at maximum intervals of 50 feet along each run. Reduce intervals to 25 feet in areas of congested piping and equipment. 7. On piping above removable acoustical ceilings. Omit intermediately spaced labels. B. Pipe Label Color Schedule: 1. Domestic Cold Water Piping: a. Background Color: Green. b. Letter Color: White. 2. Domestic Hot Water Piping (to include “Recirc”): a. Background Color: Yellow. b. Letter Color: Black. 3. Sanitary Waste Piping: a. Background Color: Green. b. Letter Color: White. 3.4 VALVE-TAG INSTALLATION A. Install tags on valves and control devices in piping systems, except check valves; valves within factory- fabricated equipment units; shutoff valves; faucets; convenience and lawn-watering hose connections; and similar roughing-in connections of end-use fixtures and units. List tagged valves in a valve schedule. 92 SECTION 22 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR PLUMBING PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 B. Valve-Tag Application Schedule: Tag valves according to size, shape, and color scheme and with captions similar to those indicated in the following subparagraphs: 1. Valve-Tag Size and Shape: a. Cold Water: 1-1/2 inches, round. b. Hot Water: 1-1/2 inches, round. 2. Valve-Tag Color: a. Cold Water: Natural. b. Hot Water: Natural. 3. Letter Color: a. Cold Water: Black. b. Hot Water: Black. END OF SECTION 93 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Insulation Materials: a. Flexible elastomeric. b. Mineral fiber. c. Polyolefin. 2. Adhesives. 3. Factory-applied jackets. 4. Tapes. 5. Securements. 6. Corner angles. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 23 Section "HVAC Insulation." 2. Division 22 Section “Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment.” 3. Division 23 Section “Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment.” 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include thermal conductivity, thickness, and jackets (both factory and field applied, if any). B. LEED Submittal: Product Data for Credit EQ 4.1: For adhesives and sealants, including printed statement of VOC content. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Skilled mechanics who have successfully completed an apprenticeship program or other certified craft training program. B. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Insulation and related materials shall have fire-test-response characteristics indicated, as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84, by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Factory label insulation and jacket materials and adhesive, mastic, tapes, and cement material containers, with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. 1. Insulation Installed Indoors: Flame-spread index of 25 or less, and smoke-developed index of 50 or less. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packaging: Insulation material containers shall be marked by manufacturer with appropriate ASTM standard designation, type and grade, and maximum use temperature. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate size and location of supports, hangers, and insulation shields specified in Division 22 and 23 Sections covering "Hangers and Supports." B. Coordinate clearance requirements with piping Installer for piping insulation application and equipment Installer for equipment insulation application. Before preparing piping Shop Drawings, establish and maintain clearance requirements for installation of insulation and field-applied jackets and finishes and for space required for maintenance. 94 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 C. Coordinate installation and testing of heat tracing. 1.7 SCHEDULING A. Schedule insulation application after pressure testing systems and, where required, after installing and testing heat tracing. Insulation application may begin on segments that have satisfactory test results. B. Complete installation and concealment of plastic materials as rapidly as possible in each area of construction. 1.8 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.9 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 INSULATION MATERIALS A. Comply with requirements in Part 3 schedule articles for where insulating materials shall be applied. B. Products shall not contain asbestos, lead, mercury, or mercury compounds. C. Foam insulation materials shall not use CFC or HCFC blowing agents in the manufacturing process. D. Flexible Elastomeric: Closed-cell, sponge- or expanded-rubber materials. Comply with ASTM C 534, Type I for tubular materials and Type II for sheet materials. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Aeroflex USA Inc.; Aerocel. b. Armacell LLC; AP Armaflex. c. RBX Corporation; Insul-Sheet 1800 and Insul-Tube 180. E. Mineral-Fiber, Preformed Pipe Insulation: 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Fibrex Insulations Inc.; Coreplus 1200. b. Johns Manville; Micro-Lok. c. Knauf Insulation; 1000(Pipe Insulation. d. Manson Insulation Inc.; Alley-K. e. Owens Corning; Fiberglas Pipe Insulation. 2. Type I, 850 deg F Materials: Mineral or glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin. Comply with ASTM C 547, Type I, Grade A, with factory-applied ASJ or with factory-applied ASJ-SSL. Factory-applied jacket requirements are specified in "Factory-Applied Jackets" Article. F. Polyolefin: Unicellular, polyethylene thermal plastic insulation. Comply with ASTM C 534 or ASTM C 1427, Type I, Grade 1 for tubular materials and Type II, Grade 1 for sheet materials. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Armacell LLC; Tubolit. b. Nomaco Inc.; IMCOLOCK, IMCOSHEET, NOMALOCK, and NOMAPLY. c. RBX Corporation; Therma-cell. 2.2 ADHESIVES A. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates and for bonding insulation to itself and to surfaces to be insulated, unless otherwise indicated. Flexible Elastomeric and Polyolefin Adhesive: Comply with MIL-A-24179A, Type II, Class I. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Aeroflex USA Inc.; Aeroseal. b. Armacell LCC; 520 Adhesive. c. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 85-75. 95 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 d. RBX Corporation; Rubatex Contact Adhesive. B. Mineral-Fiber Adhesive: Comply with MIL-A-3316C, Class 2, Grade A. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-82. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 85-20. c. ITW TACC, Division of Illinois Tool Works; S-90/80. d. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 225. e. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 22-25. C. ASJ Adhesive, and FSK and PVDC Jacket Adhesive: Comply with MIL-A-3316C, Class 2, Grade A for bonding insulation jacket lap seams and joints. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-82. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 85-20. c. ITW TACC, Division of Illinois Tool Works; S-90/80. d. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 225. e. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 22-25. D. PVC Jacket Adhesive: Compatible with PVC jacket. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Dow Chemical Company (The); 739, Dow Silicone. b. Johns-Manville; Zeston Perma-Weld, CEEL-TITE Solvent Welding Adhesive. c. P.I.C. Plastics, Inc.; Welding Adhesive. d. Speedline Corporation; Speedline Vinyl Adhesive. 2.3 FACTORY-APPLIED JACKETS A. Insulation system schedules indicate factory-applied jackets on various applications. When factory- applied jackets are indicated, comply with the following: 1. ASJ: White, kraft-paper, fiberglass-reinforced scrim with aluminum-foil backing; complying with ASTM C 1136, Type I. 2. ASJ-SSL: ASJ with self-sealing, pressure-sensitive, acrylic-based adhesive covered by a removable protective strip; complying with ASTM C 1136, Type I. 2.4 TAPES A. ASJ Tape: White vapor-retarder tape matching factory-applied jacket with acrylic adhesive, complying with ASTM C 1136. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Avery Dennison Corporation, Specialty Tapes Division; Fasson 0835. b. Compac Corp.; 104 and 105. c. Ideal Tape Co., Inc., an American Biltrite Company; 428 AWF ASJ. d. Venture Tape; 1540 CW Plus, 1542 CW Plus, and 1542 CW Plus/SQ. 2. Width: 3 inches. 3. Thickness: 11.5 mils. 4. Adhesion: 90 ounces force/inch in width. 5. Elongation: 2 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 40 lbf/inch in width. 7. ASJ Tape Disks and Squares: Precut disks or squares of ASJ tape. B. FSK Tape: Foil-face, vapor-retarder tape matching factory-applied jacket with acrylic adhesive; complying with ASTM C 1136. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Avery Dennison Corporation, Specialty Tapes Division; Fasson 0827. b. Compac Corp.; 110 and 111. c. Ideal Tape Co., Inc., an American Biltrite Company; 491 AWF FSK. d. Venture Tape; 1525 CW, 1528 CW, and 1528 CW/SQ. 2. Width: 3 inches. 3. Thickness: 6.5 mils . 96 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 4. Adhesion: 90 ounces force/inch in width. 5. Elongation: 2 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 40 lbf/inch in width. 7. FSK Tape Disks and Squares: Precut disks or squares of FSK tape. 2.5 SECUREMENTS A. Staples: Outward-clinching insulation staples, nominal 3/4-inch- wide, stainless steel or Monel. B. Wire: 0.080-inch nickel-copper alloy. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. C & F Wire. b. Childers Products. c. PABCO Metals Corporation. d. RPR Products, Inc. 2.6 CORNER ANGLES A. PVC Corner Angles: 30 mils thick, minimum 1 by 1 inch, PVC according to ASTM D 1784, Class 16354-C. White or color-coded to match adjacent surface. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions for compliance with requirements for installation and other conditions affecting performance of insulation application. 1. Verify that systems and equipment to be insulated have been tested and are free of defects. 2. Verify that surfaces to be insulated are clean and dry. 3. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Surface Preparation: Clean and dry surfaces to receive insulation. Remove materials that will adversely affect insulation application. 3.3 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install insulation materials, accessories, and finishes with smooth, straight, and even surfaces; free of voids throughout the length of equipment and piping including fittings, valves, and specialties. B. Install insulation materials, forms, vapor barriers or retarders, jackets, and thicknesses required for each item of equipment and pipe system as specified in insulation system schedules. C. Install accessories compatible with insulation materials and suitable for the service. Install accessories that do not corrode, soften, or otherwise attack insulation or jacket in either wet or dry state. D. Install insulation with longitudinal seams at top and bottom of horizontal runs. E. Keep insulation materials dry during application and finishing. F. Install insulation with tight longitudinal seams and end joints. Bond seams and joints with adhesive recommended by insulation material manufacturer. G. Install insulation with least number of joints practical. H. Where vapor barrier is indicated, seal joints, seams, and penetrations in insulation at hangers, supports, anchors, and other projections with vapor-barrier mastic. 1. Install insulation continuously through hangers and around anchor attachments. 2. Install insert materials and install insulation to tightly join the insert. Seal insulation to insulation inserts with adhesive or sealing compound recommended by insulation material manufacturer. 3. Cover inserts with jacket material matching adjacent pipe insulation. Install shields over jacket, arranged to protect jacket from tear or puncture by hanger, support, and shield. 97 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION Port Graham Biomass Project Page 5 I. Apply adhesives, mastics, and sealants at manufacturer's recommended coverage rate and wet and dry film thicknesses. J. Install insulation with factory-applied jackets as follows: 1. Draw jacket tight and smooth. 2. Cover circumferential joints with 3-inch- wide strips, of same material as insulation jacket. Secure strips with adhesive and outward clinching staples along both edges of strip, spaced 4 inches o.c. 3. Overlap jacket longitudinal seams at least 1-1/2 inches. Install insulation with longitudinal seams at bottom of pipe. Clean and dry surface to receive self-sealing lap. Staple laps with outward clinching staples along edge at 2 inches o.c. a. For below ambient services, apply vapor-barrier mastic over staples. 4. Cover joints and seams with tape as recommended by insulation material manufacturer to maintain vapor seal. K. Cut insulation in a manner to avoid compressing insulation more than 75 percent of its nominal thickness. L. Finish installation with systems at operating conditions. Repair joint separations and cracking due to thermal movement. M. Repair damaged insulation facings by applying same facing material over damaged areas. Extend patches at least 4 inches beyond damaged areas. Adhere, staple, and seal patches similar to butt joints. N. For above ambient services, do not install insulation to the following: 1. Vibration-control devices. 2. Testing agency labels and stamps. 3. Nameplates and data plates. 4. Manholes. 5. Handholes. 6. Cleanouts. 3.4 GENERAL PIPE INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Requirements in this article generally apply to all insulation materials except where more specific requirements are specified in various pipe insulation material installation articles. B. Insulation Installation on Fittings, Valves, Strainers, Flanges, and Unions: 1. Install insulation over fittings, valves, strainers, flanges, unions, and other specialties with continuous thermal and vapor-retarder integrity, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Insulate pipe elbows using preformed fitting insulation or mitered fittings made from same material and density as adjacent pipe insulation. Each piece shall be butted tightly against adjoining piece and bonded with adhesive. Fill joints, seams, voids, and irregular surfaces with insulating cement finished to a smooth, hard, and uniform contour that is uniform with adjoining pipe insulation. 3. Insulate tee fittings with preformed fitting insulation or sectional pipe insulation of same material and thickness as used for adjacent pipe. Cut sectional pipe insulation to fit. Butt each section closely to the next and hold in place with tie wire. Bond pieces with adhesive. 4. Insulate valves using preformed fitting insulation or sectional pipe insulation of same material, density, and thickness as used for adjacent pipe. Overlap adjoining pipe insulation by not less than two times the thickness of pipe insulation, or one pipe diameter, whichever is thicker. For valves, insulate up to and including the bonnets, valve stuffing-box studs, bolts, and nuts. Fill joints, seams, and irregular surfaces with insulating cement. 5. Insulate strainers using preformed fitting insulation or sectional pipe insulation of same material, density, and thickness as used for adjacent pipe. Overlap adjoining pipe insulation by not less than two times the thickness of pipe insulation, or one pipe diameter, whichever is thicker. Fill joints, seams, and irregular surfaces with insulating cement. Insulate strainers so strainer basket flange or plug can be easily removed and replaced without damaging the insulation and jacket. Provide a removable reusable insulation cover. For below ambient services, provide a design that maintains vapor barrier. 6. Insulate flanges and unions using a section of oversized preformed pipe insulation. Overlap adjoining pipe insulation by not less than two times the thickness of pipe insulation, or one pipe diameter, whichever is thicker. 98 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION Port Graham Biomass Project Page 6 7. Cover segmented insulated surfaces with a layer of finishing cement and coat with a mastic. Install vapor-barrier mastic for below ambient services and a breather mastic for above ambient services. Reinforce the mastic with fabric-reinforcing mesh. Trowel the mastic to a smooth and well-shaped contour. 8. For services not specified to receive a field-applied jacket except for flexible elastomeric and polyolefin, install fitted PVC cover over elbows, tees, strainers, valves, flanges, and unions. Terminate ends with PVC end caps. Tape PVC covers to adjoining insulation facing using PVC tape. 9. Stencil or label the outside insulation jacket of each union with the word "UNION." Match size and color of pipe labels. C. Insulate instrument connections for thermometers, pressure gages, pressure temperature taps, test connections, flow meters, sensors, switches, and transmitters on insulated pipes, vessels, and equipment. Shape insulation at these connections by tapering it to and around the connection with insulating cement and finish with finishing cement, mastic, and flashing sealant. D. Install removable insulation covers at locations indicated. Installation shall conform to the following: 1. Make removable flange and union insulation from sectional pipe insulation of same thickness as that on adjoining pipe. Install same insulation jacket as adjoining pipe insulation. 2. When flange and union covers are made from sectional pipe insulation, extend insulation from flanges or union long at least two times the insulation thickness over adjacent pipe insulation on each side of flange or union. Secure flange cover in place with stainless-steel or aluminum bands. Select band material compatible with insulation and jacket. 3. Construct removable valve insulation covers in same manner as for flanges except divide the two- part section on the vertical center line of valve body. 4. Unless a PVC jacket is indicated in field-applied jacket schedules, finish exposed surfaces with a metal jacket. 3.5 FLEXIBLE ELASTOMERIC INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Seal longitudinal seams and end joints with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. B. Insulation Installation on Pipe Flanges: 1. Install pipe insulation to outer diameter of pipe flange. 2. Make width of insulation section same as overall width of flange and bolts, plus twice the thickness of pipe insulation. 3. Fill voids between inner circumference of flange insulation and outer circumference of adjacent straight pipe segments with cut sections of sheet insulation of same thickness as pipe insulation. 4. Secure insulation to flanges and seal seams with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. C. Insulation Installation on Pipe Fittings and Elbows: 1. Install mitered sections of pipe insulation. 2. Secure insulation materials and seal seams with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. D. Insulation Installation on Valves and Pipe Specialties: 1. Install preformed valve covers manufactured of same material as pipe insulation when available. 2. When preformed valve covers are not available, install cut sections of pipe and sheet insulation to valve body. Arrange insulation to permit access to packing and to allow valve operation without disturbing insulation. 3. Install insulation to flanges as specified for flange insulation application. 4. Secure insulation to valves and specialties and seal seams with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. 3.6 MINERAL-FIBER INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Insulation Installation on Straight Pipes and Tubes: 1. Secure each layer of preformed pipe insulation to pipe with wire or bands and tighten bands without deforming insulation materials. 99 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION Port Graham Biomass Project Page 7 2. Where vapor barriers are indicated, seal longitudinal seams, end joints, and protrusions with vapor-barrier mastic and joint sealant. 3. For insulation with factory-applied jackets on above ambient surfaces, secure laps with outward clinched staples at 6 inches o.c. 4. For insulation with factory-applied jackets on below ambient surfaces, do not staple longitudinal tabs but secure tabs with additional adhesive as recommended by insulation material manufacturer and seal with vapor-barrier mastic and flashing sealant. B. Insulation Installation on Pipe Flanges: 1. Install preformed pipe insulation to outer diameter of pipe flange. 2. Make width of insulation section same as overall width of flange and bolts, plus twice the thickness of pipe insulation. 3. Fill voids between inner circumference of flange insulation and outer circumference of adjacent straight pipe segments with mineral-fiber blanket insulation. 4. Install jacket material with manufacturer's recommended adhesive, overlap seams at least 1 inch , and seal joints with flashing sealant. C. Insulation Installation on Pipe Fittings and Elbows: 1. Install preformed sections of same material as straight segments of pipe insulation when available. 2. When preformed insulation elbows and fittings are not available, install mitered sections of pipe insulation, to a thickness equal to adjoining pipe insulation. Secure insulation materials with wire or bands. D. Insulation Installation on Valves and Pipe Specialties: 1. Install preformed sections of same material as straight segments of pipe insulation when available. 2. When preformed sections are not available, install mitered sections of pipe insulation to valve body. 3. Arrange insulation to permit access to packing and to allow valve operation without disturbing insulation. 4. Install insulation to flanges as specified for flange insulation application. 3.7 POLYOLEFIN INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Insulation Installation on Straight Pipes and Tubes: 1. Seal split-tube longitudinal seams and end joints with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. B. Insulation Installation on Pipe Flanges: 1. Install pipe insulation to outer diameter of pipe flange. 2. Make width of insulation section same as overall width of flange and bolts, plus twice the thickness of pipe insulation. 3. Fill voids between inner circumference of flange insulation and outer circumference of adjacent straight pipe segments with cut sections of polyolefin sheet insulation of same thickness as pipe insulation. 4. Secure insulation to flanges and seal seams with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. C. Insulation Installation on Pipe Fittings and Elbows: 1. Install mitered sections of polyolefin pipe insulation. 2. Secure insulation materials and seal seams with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. D. Insulation Installation on Valves and Pipe Specialties: 1. Install cut sections of polyolefin pipe and sheet insulation to valve body. 2. Arrange insulation to permit access to packing and to allow valve operation without disturbing insulation. 3. Install insulation to flanges as specified for flange insulation application. 4. Secure insulation to valves and specialties, and seal seams with manufacturer's recommended adhesive to eliminate openings in insulation that allow passage of air to surface being insulated. 3.8 PIPING INSULATION SCHEDULE, GENERAL 100 SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION Port Graham Biomass Project Page 8 A. Acceptable preformed pipe and tubular insulation materials and thicknesses are identified for each piping system and pipe size range. If more than one material is listed for a piping system, selection from materials listed is Contractor's option. B. Items Not Insulated: Unless otherwise indicated, do not install insulation on the following: 1. Drainage piping located in crawl spaces. 2. Underground piping. 3. Chrome-plated pipes and fittings unless there is a potential for personnel injury. 3.9 INDOOR PIPING INSULATION SCHEDULE A. Domestic Cold Water: 1. All Diameters: Insulation shall be one of the following: a. Flexible Elastomeric: 1/2 inch thick. b. Mineral-Fiber, Preformed Pipe Insulation, Type I: 1/2 inch thick. c. Polyolefin: 1/2 inch thick. B. Domestic Hot and Recirculated Hot Water: 1. NPS 2 and Smaller: Insulation shall be one of the following: a. Flexible Elastomeric: 1 inch thick. b. Mineral-Fiber, Preformed Pipe Insulation, Type I: 1 inch thick. c. Polyolefin: 1 inch thick. 2. NPS 2-1/2 and Larger: Insulation shall be one of the following: a. Flexible Elastomeric: 1-1/2 inch thick. b. Mineral-Fiber, Preformed Pipe Insulation, Type I: 1-1/2 inch thick. c. Polyolefin: 1-1/2 inch thick. C. Exposed Sanitary Drains, Domestic Water, Domestic Hot Water, and Stops for Plumbing Fixtures for People with Disabilities: 1. All Pipe Sizes: Insulation shall be one of the following: a. Flexible Elastomeric: 1/2 inch thick. b. Mineral-Fiber, Preformed Pipe Insulation, Type I: 1 inch thick. c. Polyolefin: 1/2 inch thick. END OF SECTION 101 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following conventional plumbing fixtures and related components: 1. Faucets for lavatories, showers, and sinks. 2. Flushometers. 3. Toilet seats. 4. Protective shielding guards. 5. Fixture supports. 6. Individual showers. 7. Dishwasher air-gap fittings. 8. Disposer. 9. Drinking Fountain. 10. Water closets. 11. Urinals. 12. Lavatories. 13. Service basins. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 22 Section "Domestic Water Piping Specialties" for backflow preventers, floor drains, and specialty fixtures not included in this Section. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. ABS: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastic. B. Accessible Fixture: Plumbing fixture that can be approached, entered, and used by people with disabilities. C. Cast Polymer: Cast-filled-polymer-plastic material. This material includes cultured-marble and solid- surface materials. D. Fitting: Device that controls the flow of water into or out of the plumbing fixture. Fittings specified in this Section include supplies and stops, faucets and spouts, shower heads and tub spouts, drains and tailpieces, and traps and waste pipes. Piping and general-duty valves are included where indicated. E. FRP: Fiberglass-reinforced plastic. F. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. 1.4 SUBMITTALS 102 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 A. Product Data: For each type of plumbing fixture indicated. Include selected fixture and trim, fittings, accessories, appliances, appurtenances, equipment, and supports. Indicate materials and finishes, dimensions, construction details, and flow-control rates. B. LEED Submittal: Product Data for Credit WE 2, 3.1 and 3.2: Documentation indicating flow and water consumption requirements. C. Operation and Maintenance Data: For plumbing fixtures to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. 1.5 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.6 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain plumbing fixtures, faucets, and other components of each category through one source from a single manufacturer. 1. Exception: If fixtures, faucets, or other components are not available from a single manufacturer, obtain similar products from other manufacturers specified for that category. B. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. C. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with requirements in ICC A117.1, "Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities"; Public Law 90-480, "Architectural Barriers Act"; and Public Law 101-336, "Americans with Disabilities Act"; for plumbing fixtures for people with disabilities. D. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with requirements in Public Law 102-486, "Energy Policy Act," about water flow and consumption rates for plumbing fixtures. E. NSF Standard: Comply with NSF 61, "Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects," for fixture materials that will be in contact with potable water. F. Select combinations of fixtures and trim, faucets, fittings, and other components that are compatible. G. Comply with the following applicable standards and other requirements specified for plumbing fixtures: 1. Enameled, Cast-Iron Fixtures: ASME A112.19.1M. 2. Plastic Bathtubs: ANSI Z124.1. 3. Plastic Shower Enclosures: ANSI Z124.2. 4. Plastic Mop-Service Basins: ANSI Z124.6. 103 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 5. Solid-Surface-Material Lavatories and Sinks: ANSI/ICPA SS-1. 6. Stainless-Steel Commercial, Handwash Sinks: NSF 2 construction. 7. Vitreous-China Fixtures: ASME A112.19.2M. 8. Water-Closet, Flush Valve, Tank Trim: ASME A112.19.5. 9. Water-Closet, Flushometer Tank Trim: ASSE 1037. H. Comply with the following applicable standards and other requirements specified for lavatory and sink faucets: 1. Faucets: ASME A112.18.1. 2. Hose-Connection Vacuum Breakers: ASSE 1011. 3. Hose-Coupling Threads: ASME B1.20.7. 4. Integral, Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers: ASSE 1001. 5. NSF Potable-Water Materials: NSF 61. 6. Pipe Threads: ASME B1.20.1. 7. Sensor-Actuated Faucets and Electrical Devices: UL 1951. 8. Supply Fittings: ASME A112.18.1. 9. Brass Waste Fittings: ASME A112.18.2. I. Comply with the following applicable standards and other requirements specified for bathtub/shower faucets: 1. Combination, Pressure-Equalizing and Thermostatic-Control Antiscald Faucets: ASSE 1016. 2. Deck-Mounted Bath/Shower Transfer Valves: ASME 18.7. 3. Faucets: ASME A112.18.1. 4. High-Temperature-Limit Controls for Thermal-Shock-Preventing Devices: ASTM F 445. 5. Hose-Coupling Threads: ASME B1.20.7. 6. Manual-Control Antiscald Faucets: ASTM F 444. 7. Pipe Threads: ASME B1.20.1. 8. Pressure-Equalizing-Control Antiscald Faucets: ASTM F 444 and ASSE 1016. 9. Thermostatic-Control Antiscald Faucets: ASTM F 444 and ASSE 1016. 104 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 J. Comply with the following applicable standards and other requirements specified for miscellaneous fittings: 1. Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers: ASSE 1001. 2. Brass and Copper Supplies: ASME A112.18.1. 3. Dishwasher Air-Gap Fittings: ASSE 1021. 4. Manual-Operation Flushometers: ASSE 1037. 5. Plastic Tubular Fittings: ASTM F 409. 6. Brass Waste Fittings: ASME A112.18.2. 7. Sensor-Operation Flushometers: ASSE 1037 and UL 1951. K. Comply with the following applicable standards and other requirements specified for miscellaneous components: 1. Dishwasher Air-Gap Fittings: ASSE 1021. 2. Disposers: ASSE 1008 and UL 430. 3. Flexible Water Connectors: ASME A112.18.6. 4. Floor Drains: ASME A112.6.3. 5. Hose-Coupling Threads: ASME B1.20.7. 6. Off-Floor Fixture Supports: ASME A112.6.1M. 7. Pipe Threads: ASME B1.20.1. 8. Plastic Shower Receptors: ANSI Z124.2. 9. Plastic Toilet Seats: ANSI Z124.5. 10. Supply and Drain Protective Shielding Guards: ICC A117.1. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LAVATORY FAUCETS A. Lavatory Faucets,: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Sloan Valve Co. b. Chicago Faucets. 105 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 5 c. Delta Faucet Company d. Grohe America, Inc. e. Kohler Co. f. Moen, Inc. 2. Description: ADA, Single control mixing valve. Include hot- and cold-water indicators; coordinate faucet inlets with supplies and fixture holes; coordinate outlet with spout and fixture receptor. a. Body Material: General-duty, Cast Brass. b. Finish: Polished chrome plate. c. Valve Handle(s): Lever. d. Spout: Rigid. e. Spout Outlet: Aerator. f. Operation: Compression, manual. g. Drain: Pop-up drain stop not required. h. Tempering Device: Mechanical. B. Lavatory Faucets, in public restrooms with direct outside access: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Acorn Engineering b. Sloan Valve Co. c. Chicago Faucets. d. Delta Faucet Company e. Grohe America, Inc. f. Kohler Co. g. Moen, Inc. 2. Description: ADA compliant Pushbutton valve. Deck mounted spout. Include air control, single temp, metering valve. a. Body Material: Commercial, solid brass. b. Finish: Polished chrome plate. 106 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 6 c. Valve Handle(s): Single Push button, 5 pounds pressure max to operate. d. Spout: Rigid. e. Spout Outlet: Aerator. f. Drain: Pop-up drain stop not required. g. Tempering Device: Thermostatic. 2.2 SHOWER FAUCETS A. Shower Faucets: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Standard Companies, Inc. b. Brasstech Inc.; Newport Brass Div. c. Broadway Collection. d. Central Brass Manufacturing Company. e. Chicago Faucets. f. Delta Faucet Company. g. Eljer. h. Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC. i. Hansgrohe Inc. j. Kohler Co. k. Leonard Valve Company. l. Moen, Inc. m. Paul Decorative Products. n. Pegler, Ltd. o. Powers; a Watts Industries Co. p. Price Pfister, Inc. q. Rohl LLC. r. Royal Brass Mfg. Co. 107 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 7 s. Sayco; a Briggs Plumbing Products, Inc. Company. t. Speakman Company. u. Sterling Plumbing Group, Inc. v. St. Thomas Creations. w. Symmons Industries, Inc. x. T & S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc. y. Wolverine Brass, Inc. z. Zurn Plumbing Products Group; AquaSpec Commercial Faucet Operation. aa. Zurn Plumbing Products Group; Wilkins Operation. 2. Description: Single-handle thermostatic and pressure-balance valve. Include hot- and cold-water indicators; check stops; and shower head, arm, and flange. Coordinate faucet inlets with supplies and outlet with diverter valve. a. Body Material: Solid brass with nonmetallic trim. b. Finish: Polished chrome plate. c. Maximum Flow Rate: 1.5 gpm, unless otherwise indicated. d. Diverter Valve: Not required. e. Operation: Manual. f. Antiscald Device: Integral with mixing valve. g. Check Stops: Check-valve type, integral with or attached to body; on hot- and cold-water supply connections. h. Shower Head Finish: Chrome-plated finish with ADA adjustable slide and 70” vinyl hose. i. Spray Pattern: Fixed. 2.3 SINK FAUCETS A. Sink Faucets,: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Sloan Valve Co. b. Chicago Faucets. c. Delta Faucet Company 108 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 8 d. Grohe America, Inc. e. Kohler Co. f. Moen, Inc. 2. Description: Kitchen faucet without spray. Include hot- and cold-water indicators; coordinate faucet inlets with supplies and fixture holes; coordinate outlet with spout and fixture receptor. a. Body Material: General-duty, copper or brass underbody with brass cover plate b. Finish: Polished chrome plate. c. Maximum Flow Rate: 2.2 gpm, unless otherwise indicated. d. Mixing Valve: Single control. e. Mounting: Deck. f. Handle(s): Single Lever. g. Spout Type: Swivel. h. Spout Outlet: Aerator. B. Flushometers,: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Sloan Valve Co. b. Toto USA, Inc. c. Delta Faucet Company. d. Zurn Plumbing Products Group. e. Kohler Co. f. Moen, Inc. 2. Description: Flushometer for urinal and water-closet-type fixture. Include brass body with corrosion-resistant internal components, control stop with check valve, vacuum breaker, copper or brass tubing, and polished chrome-plated finish on exposed parts. a. Internal Design: Diaphragm or piston operation. b. Trip Mechanism: Oscillating, lever-handle actuator. c. Consumption: Dual flush, lift up for 1.1 gal. /flush, down for 1.6 gal. /flush. 109 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 9 2.4 FLUSHOMETERS A. Flushometers: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Coyne & Delany Co. b. Delta Faucet Company. c. JR Smith Mfg Co. d. Sloan Valve Company. e. Zurn Plumbing Products Group; Commercial Brass Operation. f. Hydrotek International, Inc. g. TOTO USA, Inc. 2. Description: Flushometer for water-closet-type fixture. Include brass body with corrosion- resistant internal components, non-hold-open feature, control stop with check valve, vacuum breaker, copper or brass tubing, and polished chrome-plated finish on exposed parts. a. Internal Design: Diaphragm or piston operation. b. Style: Exposed. c. Trip Mechanism: Oscillating, lever-handle actuator. d. Consumption: 1.28 gal./flush. e. Tailpiece Size: NPS 3/4 and standard length to top of bowl. 2.5 TOILET SEATS A. Toilet Seats, Except public restrooms with direct outside access: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. Bemis Manufacturing Company. b. Church Seats. c. Olsonite Corp. 2. Description: Toilet seat for water-closet-type fixture. a. Material: Molded, solid plastic. b. Configuration: Open front without cover. 110 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 10 c. Size: Elongated. d. Hinge Type: CK, check. e. Class: Standard commercial. f. Color: White. B. Toilet Seats, Public restrooms with direct outside access: a. Not Required – High Polish Seat is integral to fixture. 2.6 PROTECTIVE SHIELDING GUARDS A. Protective Shielding Pipe Covers,: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. TRUEBRO, Inc. b. Zurn Plumbing Products Group. 2. Description: Manufactured plastic wraps for covering plumbing fixture hot- and cold-water supplies and trap and drain piping. Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. B. Lavatory Protective Enclosures: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. TRUEBRO, Inc. b. Zurn Plumbing Products Group. 2. Description: Manufactured protective enclosure covering plumbing fixture hot- and cold-water supplies, sensor faucet controls and trap and drain piping. Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. a. Material: Rigid high-impact, stain-resistant PVC b. Nominal Wall .093" c. Fasteners: Provide tamper resistant screws. d. Color China white e. UL Listing In accordance with ADA Article 4.19.4 2.7 FIXTURE SUPPORTS 111 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 11 A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Josam Company. 2. MIFAB Manufacturing Inc. 3. Smith, Jay R. Mfg. Co. 4. Tyler Pipe; Wade Div. 5. Watts Drainage Products Inc.; a div. of Watts Industries, Inc. 6. Zurn Plumbing Products Group; Specification Drainage Operation. B. Water-Closet Supports: 1. Description: Combination carrier designed for accessible or standard mounting height of wall- mounting, water-closet-type fixture. Include single or double, vertical or horizontal, hub-and- spigot or hubless waste fitting as required for piping arrangement; faceplates; couplings with gaskets; feet; and fixture bolts and hardware matching fixture. Include additional extension coupling, faceplate, and feet for installation in wide pipe space. C. Urinal Supports: 1. Description: Type I, urinal carrier with fixture support plates and coupling with seal and fixture bolts and hardware matching fixture for wall-mounting, urinal-type fixture. Include steel uprights with feet. 2. Accessible-Fixture Support: Include rectangular steel uprights. D. Lavatory Supports: 1. Description: Type II, lavatory carrier with concealed arms and tie rod for wall-mounting, lavatory-type fixture. Include steel uprights with feet. 2. Accessible-Fixture Support: Include rectangular steel uprights. 2.8 INDIVIDUAL SHOWERS A. Individual Showers: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Aker Plastics Co., Inc. b. Aqua Glass Corporation. c. Best Bath Systems, Inc. d. Clarion Bathware. 112 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 12 e. Florestone Products Co., Inc. f. LASCO Bathware. g. Praxis Industries, Inc.; Aquarius Products. h. Sterling Plumbing Group, Inc. i. Swan Corporation (The). j. Acryline USA, Inc. k. Aqua Bath Company, Inc. l. Aquatic Industries, Inc. m. Crane Plumbing, L.L.C./Fiat Products. n. Jacuzzi, Inc. o. Kohler Co. 2. Description: Accessible FRP shower enclosure with slip-resistant bathing surface and shower rod with curtain. a. Surround: One piece or sealed, multiple piece. b. Color: White. c. Drain Location: Center. d. Accessibility Options: Include grab bar and bench. e. Faucet: Shower. f. Drain: Grid, NPS 2. 2.9 DISHWASHER AIR-GAP FITTINGS A. Dishwasher Air-Gap Fittings: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. B & K Industries, Inc. b. Brass Craft Mfg. Co.; a Subsidiary of Masco Corporation. c. Brasstech Inc.; Newport Brass Div. d. Dearborn Brass; a div. of Moen, Inc. e. Geberit Manufacturing, Inc. 113 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 13 f. JB Products; a Federal Process Corporation Company. g. Sioux Chief Manufacturing Company, Inc. h. Watts Brass & Tubular; a division of Watts Regulator Co. 2. Description: Fitting suitable for use with domestic dishwashers and for deck mounting; with plastic body, chrome-plated brass cover; and capacity of at least 5 gpm; and inlet pressure of at least 5 psig at a temperature of at least 140 deg F. Include 5/8-inch-ID inlet and 7/8-inch-ID outlet hose connections. 3. Hoses: Rubber and suitable for temperature of at least 140 deg F. 2.10 DISPOSERS A. Disposers: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Standard Companies, Inc. b. Franke Consumer Products, Inc.; Kitchen Systems Div. c. In-Sink-Erator; a div. of Emerson Electric Co. d. KitchenAid. e. Maytag Co. f. WhiteRock Corp. 2. Description: Continuous-feed household, food-waste disposer. Include reset button; wall switch; corrosion-resistant chamber with jam-resistant, cutlery- or stainless-steel grinder or shredder; NPS 1-1/2 outlet; quick-mounting, stainless-steel sink flange; antisplash guard; and combination cover/stopper. a. Type: Continuous-feed household. b. Motor: 120-VAC, 1725 rpm, 1/2 hp with overload protection. 2.11 DRINKING FOUNTAINS A. Drinking Fountains: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Elkay Manufacturing Co. b. Filtrine Manufacturing Company; Drinking Water Division. 114 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 14 c. Halsey Taylor. d. Haws Corporation. e. Murdock, Inc. f. Oasis Corporation. g. Stern-Williams Co., Inc. h. Sunroc Corp. 2. Bi Level: ADA, Accessible, two-level wall-mounting drinking fountain. a. Material: Stainless steel. b. Receptor Shape: Round. c. Back Panel: Stainless-steel wall plate behind drinking fountain. d. Bubblers: Two, with adjustable stream regulator, located on front. e. Control: Push button. f. Supply: NPS 3/8 with ball, gate, or globe valve. g. Drain: Grid with NPS 1-1/4 minimum horizontal waste and trap complying with ASME A112.18.2. h. Support: Type I, Hanger-type carrier with four vertical uprights. 3. Single Level: ADA, Accessible, single-level wall-mounting drinking fountain. a. Material: Stainless steel. b. Receptor Shape: Round. c. Back Panel: Stainless-steel wall plate behind drinking fountain. d. Bubblers: One, with adjustable stream regulator, located on front. e. Control: Push button. f. Supply: NPS 3/8 with ball, gate, or globe valve. g. Drain: Grid with NPS 1-1/4 minimum horizontal waste and trap complying with ASME A112.18.2. h. Support: Type I, Hanger-type carrier with two vertical uprights. 2.12 WATER CLOSETS A. Water Closets: 115 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 15 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Standard Companies, Inc. b. Eljer. c. Kohler Co. d. Sloan Valve Co. e. TOTO USA, Inc. 2. Description Floor mounting, bottom-outlet, vitreous-china fixture designed for flushometer valve operation. a. Style: One piece. 1) Bowl Type: Elongated with siphon-jet design. 2) Design Consumption: 1.28 gal./flush. 3) Tank: Not Applicable. 4) Trip Mechanism: Lever-handle actuator. 5) Color: White. b. Supply: NPS 1/2 chrome-plated brass or copper with loose-key stop. B. Water Closets, in public restrooms with direct outside access: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Standard Companies, Inc. b. Acorn Manufacturing c. Eljer. d. Kohler Co. e. Sloan Valve Co. f. TOTO USA, Inc. 2. Description: Wall-mounted, back-outlet, 16 gauge stainless steel fixture designed for flushometer valve operation. a. Style: One piece, seamless welded with integral contoured toilet seat. 116 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 16 1) Bowl Type: Elongated with concealed blowout-jet design and self draining flushing rim. 2) Design Consumption: 1.28 gal./flush. 3) Tank: Not Applicable. 4) Trip Mechanism: Lever-handle actuator. 5) Color: satin polished finish. b. Supply: NPS 1/2 chrome-plated brass or copper with loose-key stop. 2.13 URINALS A. Urinals: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Standard Companies, Inc. b. Crane Plumbing, L.L.C./Fiat Products. c. Eljer. d. Kohler Co. e. Peerless Pottery, Inc. f. TOTO USA, Inc. 2. Description: Accessible, wall-mounting, back-outlet, vitreous-china fixture designed for flushometer valve operation. a. Type: Waterless. b. Strainer or Trapway: Separate removable strainer with integral trap. c. Design Consumption: N/A. d. Color: White. e. Supply Spud Size: N/A. f. Outlet Size: NPS 2. g. Fixture Support: Urinal mounting bracket and hangers. 2.14 LAVATORIES A. Lavatories, Except public restrooms with direct outside access: 117 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 17 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Standard Companies, Inc. b. Eljer. c. Kohler Co. 2. Description: Undercounter-mounting, vitreous-china fixture. a. Round Lavatory Size: 13-3/4 inches. b. Faucet Hole Punching: Not Applicable (Faucet mount on Counter). c. Faucet Hole Location: Counter. d. Color: White. B. Lavatories, Public restrooms with direct outside access: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. American Standard Companies, Inc. b. Acorn Engineering Co. c. Eljer. d. Kohler Co. 2. Description: Wall-mounting, Stainless-steel fixture, ADA. a. Lavatory Size: 14 by 12 inches rectangular. b. Faucet Hole Punching: Single deck-mounted. c. Faucet Hole Location: Center. d. Color: 304 Stainless steel, Satin finish, 16 Gage, seamless welded construction. e. Fixture Support: Angle braces and fasteners. 2.15 SERVICE BASINS A. Service Basins: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Acorn Engineering Company. 118 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 18 b. Crane Plumbing, L.L.C./Fiat Products. c. Florestone Products Co., Inc. d. Mustee, E. L. & Sons, Inc. e. Precast Terrazzo Enterprises, Inc. f. Stern-Williams Co., Inc. g. Zurn Plumbing Products Group; Light Commercial Operation. 2. Description: Flush-to-wall, floor-mounting, precast terrazzo, cast-polymer, or fiberglass fixture with rim guard. a. Shape: Square. b. Size: 24 by 24 inches. c. Height: 10 inches. d. Tiling Flange: Not required. e. Rim Guard: On front top surfaces. f. Faucet: Heavy duty, chrome plated brass dual handle with top reinforcing bar. g. Drain: Dome strainer and lint basket in Stainless Steel with NPS 3 outlet. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine roughing-in of water supply and sanitary drainage and vent piping systems to verify actual locations of piping connections before plumbing fixture installation. B. Examine cabinets, counters, floors, and walls for suitable conditions where fixtures will be installed. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Assemble plumbing fixtures, trim, fittings, and other components according to manufacturers' written instructions. B. Install off-floor supports, affixed to building substrate, for wall-mounting fixtures. 1. Use carrier supports with waste fitting and seal for back-outlet fixtures. 2. Use carrier supports without waste fitting for fixtures with tubular waste piping. 3. Use chair-type carrier supports with rectangular steel uprights for accessible fixtures. 119 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 19 C. Install back-outlet, wall-mounting fixtures onto waste fitting seals and attach to supports. D. Install floor-mounting fixtures on closet flanges or other attachments to piping or building substrate. E. Install wall-mounting fixtures with tubular waste piping attached to supports. F. Install floor-mounting, back-outlet water closets attached to building floor substrate and wall bracket and onto waste fitting seals. G. Install counter-mounting fixtures in and attached to casework. H. Install fixtures level and plumb according to roughing-in drawings. I. Install water-supply piping with stop on each supply to each fixture to be connected to water distribution piping. Attach supplies to supports or substrate within pipe spaces behind fixtures. Install stops in locations where they can be easily reached for operation. 1. Exception: Use ball, gate, or globe valves if supply stops are not specified with fixture. J. Install trap and tubular waste piping on drain outlet of each fixture to be directly connected to sanitary drainage system. K. Install flushometer valves for accessible water closets and urinals with handle mounted on wide side of compartment. Install other actuators in locations that are easy for people with disabilities to reach. L. Install toilet seats on water closets. M. Install trap-seal liquid in dry urinals. N. Install supplies and keyed quarter-turn stops at all lavs and sinks. O. Install faucet-spout fittings with specified flow rates and patterns in faucet spouts if faucets are not available with required rates and patterns. Include adapters if required. P. Install faucet flow-control fittings with specified flow rates and patterns in faucet spouts if faucets are not available with required rates and patterns. Include adapters if required. Q. Install shower flow-control fittings with specified maximum flow rates in shower arms. R. Install traps on fixture outlets. 1. Exception: Omit trap on fixtures with integral traps. 2. Exception: Omit trap on indirect wastes, unless otherwise indicated. S. Install disposer in outlet of each sink indicated to have disposer. Install switch where indicated or in wall adjacent to sink if location is not indicated. T. Install dishwasher air-gap fitting at each sink indicated to have air-gap fitting. Install in sink deck. Connect inlet hose to dishwasher and outlet hose to disposer. U. Install protective shielding pipe covers on lavs with exposed supplies and traps. 120 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 20 V. Install lavatory protective enclosures at lavs with sensor faucets. W. Install escutcheons at piping wall and ceiling penetrations in exposed, finished locations and within cabinets and millwork. Use deep-pattern escutcheons if required to conceal protruding fittings. X. Set shower receptors and service basins in leveling bed of cement grout. Grout is specified in Division 22 Section "Common Work Results for Plumbing." Y. Seal joints between fixtures and walls, floors, and countertops using sanitary-type, one-part, mildew- resistant silicone sealant. Match sealant color to fixture color. Z. Install mounting frames affixed to building construction and attach recessed water coolers to mounting frames, unless otherwise indicated. AA. Install fixtures level and plumb. For fixtures indicated for children, install at height required by authorities having jurisdiction. BB. Seal joints between fixtures and walls and floors using sanitary-type, one-part, mildew-resistant, silicone sealant. Match sealant color to fixture color. Sealants are specified in Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants." 3.3 CONNECTIONS A. Piping installation requirements are specified in other Division 22 Sections. Drawings indicate general arrangement of piping, fittings, and specialties. B. Connect fixtures with water supplies, stops, and risers, and with traps, soil, waste, and vent piping. Use size fittings required to match fixtures. C. Ground equipment according to Division 26 Section "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems." D. Connect wiring according to Division 26 Section "Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables." 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Verify that installed plumbing fixtures are categories and types specified for locations where installed. B. Check that plumbing fixtures are complete with trim, faucets, fittings, and other specified components. C. Inspect installed plumbing fixtures for damage. Replace damaged fixtures and components. D. Test installed fixtures after water systems are pressurized for proper operation. Replace malfunctioning fixtures and components, then retest. Repeat procedure until units operate properly. E. Install fresh batteries in sensor-operated mechanisms. 3.5 ADJUSTING A. Operate and adjust faucets and controls. Replace damaged and malfunctioning fixtures, fittings, and controls. B. Operate and adjust fixture controls. Replace damaged and malfunctioning units and controls. 121 SECTION 22 40 00 PLUMBING FIXTURES Port Graham Biomass Project Page 21 C. Adjust water pressure at faucets and flushometer valves to produce proper flow, stream and stream height. D. Replace washers and seals of leaking and dripping faucets and stops. E. Install fresh batteries in sensor-operated mechanisms. 3.6 CLEANING A. Clean fixtures, faucets, and other fittings with manufacturers' recommended cleaning methods and materials. Do the following: 1. Remove faucet spouts and strainers, remove sediment and debris, and reinstall strainers and spouts. 2. Remove sediment and debris from drains. B. After completing installation of exposed, factory-finished fixtures, faucets, and fittings, inspect exposed finishes and repair damaged finishes. 3.7 PROTECTION A. Provide protective covering for installed fixtures and fittings. B. Do not allow use of plumbing fixtures for temporary facilities unless approved in writing by Owner. END OF SECTION 122 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT HYDRONIC PUMPS 232123 - 1 SECTION 232123 - HYDRONIC PUMPS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Close-coupled, in-line centrifugal pumps. 2. Close-coupled, end-suction centrifugal pumps. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Buna-N: Nitrile rubber. B. EPT: Ethylene propylene terpolymer. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include certified performance curves and rated capacities, operating characteristics, furnished specialties, final impeller dimensions, and accessories for each type of product indicated. Indicate pump's operating point on curves. B. Shop Drawings: Show pump layout and connections. Include setting drawings with templates for installing foundation and anchor bolts and other anchorages. 1. Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring. C. Operation and Maintenance Data: For pumps to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain hydronic pumps through one source from a single manufacturer. B. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of hydronic pumps and are based on the specific system indicated. Refer to Division 01 Section "Product Requirements." 123 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT HYDRONIC PUMPS 232123 - 2 C. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. D. UL Compliance: Comply with UL 778 for motor-operated water pumps. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Manufacturer's Preparation for Shipping: Clean flanges and exposed machined metal surfaces and treat with anticorrosion compound after assembly and testing. Protect flanges, pipe openings, and nozzles with wooden flange covers or with screwed-in plugs. B. Store pumps in dry location. C. Retain protective covers for flanges and protective coatings during storage. D. Protect bearings and couplings against damage from sand, grit, and other foreign matter. E. Comply with pump manufacturer's written rigging instructions. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases. Cast anchor-bolt inserts into bases. Concrete, reinforcement, and formwork requirements are specified in Division 03. 1.8 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. Mechanical Seals: One mechanical seal(s) for each pump. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to product selection: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, manufacturers specified. 2. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the manufacturers specified. 124 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT HYDRONIC PUMPS 232123 - 3 2.2 CLOSE-COUPLED CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS A. Manufacturers: 1. Armstrong Pumps Inc. 2. Aurora Pump; Division of Pentair Pump Group. 3. Bell & Gossett; Div. of ITT Industries. 4. Grundfos Pumps Corporation. 5. MEPCO (Marshall Engineered Products Co.). 6. PACO Pumps. 7. Patterson Pump Co.; a Subsidiary of The Gorman-Rupp Co. 8. Peerless Pump; a Member of the Sterling Fluid Systems Group. 9. Taco, Inc. 10. Thrush Company Inc. B. Description: Factory-assembled and -tested, centrifugal, close-coupled, in-line pump; designed for installation with pump and motor shafts mounted horizontally or vertically. Rate pump for 125-psig minimum working pressure and a continuous water temperature of 200 deg F. C. Pump Construction: 1. Casing: Radially split, cast iron, with replaceable bronze wear rings, threaded gage tappings at inlet and outlet, and threaded companion-flange connections. 2. Impeller: ASTM B 584, cast bronze; statically and dynamically balanced, keyed to shaft, and secured with a locking cap screw. 3. Pump Shaft: Steel, with copper-alloy shaft sleeve. 4. Mechanical Seal: Carbon rotating ring against a ceramic seat held by a stainless-steel spring, and Buna-N bellows and gasket. Include water slinger on shaft between motor and seal. 5. Packing Seal: Stuffing box, with a minimum of four rings of graphite-impregnated braided yarn with bronze lantern ring between center two graphite rings, and bronze packing gland. D. Motor: Single speed, with permanently lubricated ball bearings, unless otherwise indicated; and rigidly mounted to pump casing. Comply with requirements in Division 23 Section "Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment." E. Capacities and Characteristics: a. See Pump Schedules on Drawings 2.3 PUMP SPECIALTY FITTINGS A. Suction Diffuser: Angle pattern, 175-psig pressure rating, cast-iron body and end cap, pump- inlet fitting; with bronze startup and bronze or stainless-steel permanent strainers; bronze or stainless-steel straightening vanes; drain plug; and factory-fabricated support. B. Triple-Duty Valve: Angle or straight pattern, 175- pressure rating, cast-iron body, pump- discharge fitting; with drain plug and bronze-fitted shutoff, balancing, and check valve features. Brass gage ports with integral check valve, and orifice for flow measurement. 125 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT HYDRONIC PUMPS 232123 - 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine equipment foundations and anchor-bolt locations for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. B. Examine roughing-in for piping systems to verify actual locations of piping connections before pump installation. C. Examine foundations and inertia bases for suitable conditions where pumps are to be installed. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PUMP INSTALLATION A. Install pumps with access for periodic maintenance including removal of motors, impellers, couplings, and accessories. B. Independently support pumps and piping so weight of piping is not supported by pumps and weight of pumps is not supported by piping. C. Install continuous-thread hanger rods and spring hangers of sufficient size to support pump weight. Vibration isolation devices are specified in Division 23 Section "Vibration and Seismic Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment." Fabricate brackets or supports as required. Hanger and support materials are specified in Division 23 Section "Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment." D. Suspend vertically mounted, in-line centrifugal pumps independent of piping. Install pumps with motor and pump shafts vertical. Use continuous-thread hanger rods and spring hanger of sufficient size to support pump weight. Vibration isolation devices are specified in Division 21 Section "Vibration and Seismic Controls for Fire-Suppression Piping and Equipment." Hanger and support materials are specified in Division 22 Section "Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment/Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment." E. Set base-mounted pumps on concrete foundation. Disconnect coupling before setting. Do not reconnect couplings until alignment procedure is complete. 1. Support pump baseplate on rectangular metal blocks and shims, or on metal wedges with small taper, at points near foundation bolts to provide a gap of 3/4 to 1-1/2 between pump base and foundation for grouting. 2. Adjust metal supports or wedges until pump and driver shafts are level. Check coupling faces and suction and discharge flanges of pump to verify that they are level and plumb. 3.3 CONNECTIONS A. Piping installation requirements are specified in other Division 23 Sections. Drawings indicate general arrangement of piping, fittings, and specialties. 126 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT HYDRONIC PUMPS 232123 - 5 B. Install piping adjacent to machine to allow service and maintenance. C. Connect piping to pumps. Install valves that are same size as piping connected to pumps. D. Install suction and discharge pipe sizes equal to or greater than diameter of pump nozzles. E. Install triple-duty valve on discharge side of pumps. F. Install suction diffuser and shutoff valve on suction side of pumps. G. Install flexible connectors on suction and discharge sides of base-mounted pumps between pump casing and valves. H. Install pressure gages on pump suction and discharge, at integral pressure-gage tapping, or install single gage with multiple input selector valve. I. Install check valve and gate or ball valve on each condensate pump unit discharge. J. Install electrical connections for power, controls, and devices. K. Ground equipment according to Division 26 Section "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems." L. Connect wiring according to Division 26 Section "Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables." 3.4 STARTUP SERVICE A. Provide factory authorized startup procedures; 1. Complete installation and startup checks according to manufacturer's written instructions. 2. Check piping connections for tightness. 3. Clean strainers on suction piping. 4. Perform the following startup checks for each pump before starting: a. Verify bearing lubrication. b. Verify that pump is free to rotate by hand and that pump for handling hot liquid is free to rotate with pump hot and cold. If pump is bound or drags, do not operate until cause of trouble is determined and corrected. c. Verify that pump is rotating in the correct direction. 5. Prime pump by opening suction valves and closing drains, and prepare pump for operation. 6. Start motor. 7. Open discharge valve slowly. 127 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT HYDRONIC PUMPS 232123 - 6 3.5 DEMONSTRATION A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain hydronic pumps. Refer to Division 01 Section "Demonstration and Training." END OF SECTION 23 2123 128 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 23 51 00 BREECHINGS, CHIMNEYS, AND STACKS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Listed double-wall vents. 1.3 COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of roof curbs, equipment supports, and roof penetrations. These items are specified in Specification sections covering Roof Accessories. 1.4 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.5 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LISTED TYPE B AND BW VENTS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. American Metal Products; MASCO Corporation. 2. Cleaver-Brooks; Div. of Aqua-Chem Inc. 3. FAMCO. 4. Hart & Cooley, Inc. 5. Heat-Fab, Inc. 6. Industrial Chimney Company. 7. LSP Products Group, Inc. 129 SECTION 23 51 00 BREECHINGS, CHIMNEYS, AND STACKS Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 8. Metal-Fab, Inc. 9. Schebler Co. (The). 10. Selkirk Inc.; Selkirk Metalbestos and Air Mate. 11. Simpson Dura-Vent Co., Inc.; Subsidiary of Simpson Manufacturing Co. 12. Tru-Flex Metal Hose Corp. 13. Van-Packer Company, Inc. B. Description: Double-wall metal vents tested according to UL 441 and rated for 480 deg F continuously for Type B; with neutral or negative flue pressure complying with NFPA 211. C. Construction: Inner shell and outer jacket separated by at least a 1/4-inch airspace. D. Inner Shell: ASTM B 209 Type 1100, 3003 or 3105 aluminum, or ASTM A 666, Type 430 stainless steel. E. Outer Jacket: Galvanized steel. F. Accessories: Tees, elbows, increasers, concentric adapter box, draft-hood connectors, terminations, adjustable roof flashings, storm collars, support assemblies, thimbles, firestop spacers, and fasteners; fabricated from similar materials and designs as vent-pipe straight sections; all listed for same assembly. 2.2 GUYING AND BRACING MATERIALS A. Cable: Galvanized, stranded wires of the following thickness: 1. Minimum Size: 1/4 inch in diameter. 2. For ID Sizes 4 to 15 Inches: 5/16 inch. 3. For ID Sizes 18 to 24 Inches: 3/8 inch. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. 1. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 APPLICATION A. Listed Type B Vents: Vents for certified gas appliances. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF LISTED VENTS A. Locate to comply with minimum clearances from combustibles and minimum termination heights according to product listing or NFPA 211, whichever is most stringent. B. Support vents at intervals recommended by manufacturer to support weight of vents and all accessories, without exceeding appliance loading. 130 SECTION 23 51 00 BREECHINGS, CHIMNEYS, AND STACKS Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 C. Slope breechings down in direction of appliance, with condensate drain connection at lowest point piped to nearest drain. D. Lap joints in direction of flow. E. Connect base section to foundation using anchor lugs of size and number recommended by manufacturer. F. Join sections with acid-resistant joint cement to provide continuous joint and smooth interior finish. G. Erect stacks plumb to finished tolerance of no more than 1 inch out of plumb from top to bottom. 3.4 CLEANING A. After completing system installation, including outlet fittings and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, and construction debris and repair damaged finishes. B. Clean breechings internally, during and after installation, to remove dust and debris. Clean external surfaces to remove welding slag and mill film. Grind welds smooth and apply touchup finish to match factory or shop finish. C. Provide temporary closures at ends of breechings, chimneys, and stacks that are not completed or connected to equipment. END OF SECTION 131 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT Hydronic Wood Fired Boilers 235239 - 1 SECTION 235239 – HYDRONIC WOOD FIRED BOILERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes packaged, factory-fabricated and assembled, wood-fired, horizontal fire- box, fire-tube boilers, trim, and accessories for generating hot water. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include performance data, operating characteristics, furnished specialties, and accessories. B. Shop Drawings: For boilers, boiler trim, and accessories. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other Work. Shop Drawings shall be signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer. 1. For installed products indicated to comply with design loads, include structural analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. 2. Design Calculations: Calculate requirements for selecting vibration isolators and seismic restraints and for designing vibration isolation bases. 3. Vibration Isolation Base Details: Detail fabrication including anchorages and attachments to structure and to supported equipment. 4. Wiring Diagrams: Detail power, signal, and control wiring. C. Manufacturer Seismic Qualification Certification: Submit certification that wood fueled boiler, accessories, and components will withstand seismic forces defined in Division 15 Section "Mechanical Vibration and Seismic Controls" when anchored to a concrete base. Include the following: 1. Basis for Certification: Indicate whether withstand certification is based on actual test of assembled components or on calculation. a. The term "withstand" means "the unit will remain in place without separation of any parts from the device when subjected to the seismic forces specified." b. The term "withstand" means "the unit will remain in place without separation of any parts from the device when subjected to the seismic forces specified and the unit will be fully operational after the seismic event." 132 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT Hydronic Wood Fired Boilers 235239 - 2 2. Dimensioned Outline Drawings of Equipment Unit: Identify center of gravity and locate and describe mounting and anchorage provisions. 3. Detailed description of equipment anchorage devices on which the certification is based and their installation requirements. D. Source quality-control test reports. E. ASME Stamp Certification and Report: Submit "A," "S," or "PP" stamp certificate of authorization, as required by authorities having jurisdiction, and document hydrostatic testing of piping external to boiler. F. Startup service reports. G. Operation and Maintenance Data: For wood fired boilers to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. H. Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of wood fired boilers and are based on the specific system indicated. Refer to Division 1 Section "Product Requirements." B. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. C. ASME Compliance: Fabricate and label wood fired boilers to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII, Division 1. 1.5 COORDINATION A. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases. Cast anchor-bolt inserts into bases. Concrete, reinforcement, and formwork requirements are specified in Division 3. 1.6 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace front and rear door refractories and heat exchangers of fire-tube boilers that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 133 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT Hydronic Wood Fired Boilers 235239 - 3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. 2. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the manufacturers specified. 2.2 HYDRONIC WOOD FIRED BOILERS A. Description: Factory-fabricated, -assembled, and -tested fire-tube boilers whether pressure tight, or Non Pressurized built on a steel base; including insulated jacket, flue-gas vent, water supply and return connections, and controls. B. Fabricate base and attachment to pressure vessel with reinforcement strong enough to resist boiler movement during a seismic event when boiler base is anchored to building structure. C. Pressure Vessel Design: Straight steel tubes welded into steel headers. Include the following accessories: 1. Handholes for water-side inspections. 2. Lifting lugs on top of boiler. 3. Minimum NPS 1 hose-end drain valves at shell low point. 4. Accessible drain and blowdown tappings, both high and low, for surface and mud removal. 5. Tappings or flanges for supply- and return-water piping. 6. Built-in air separator. D. Front and Rear Doors: Hinged, sealed with heat-resistant gaskets and fastened with lugs and cap screws, and designed so tube sheets and flues are fully accessible for inspection or cleaning when doors are open. Include observation ports in doors of boiler for inspection of flame conditions. Refractory and insulation in door construction shall be accessible for inspection and maintenance. E. Casing: 1. Insulation surrounding the boiler shell. 2. Flue Connection: Flange at top of boiler. 3. Mounting base to secure boiler to concrete base. 4. Control Compartment Enclosure: NEMA 250, Type 1A. F. Barometric Damper: Galvanized-steel assembly with flue-gas thermometer having a minimum 3-1/2-inch diameter dial. 134 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT Hydronic Wood Fired Boilers 235239 - 4 2.3 HOT-WATER BOILER TRIM A. Include devices sized to comply with [ANSI B31.1, "Power Piping] [ANSI B31.9, "Building Services Piping]." B. Aquastat Controllers: Operating, firing rate, and high limit. C. Safety Relief Valve: ASME rated. D. Altitude and Temperature Gage: Minimum 3-1/2-inch diameter, combination water-pressure and -temperature gage. Gages shall have operating-pressure and -temperature ranges so normal operating range is at approximately 50 percent of full range. E. Boiler Air Vent: Automatic. F. Drain Valve: Minimum NPS 3/4 hose-end gate valve. G. Circulation Pump: Non-overloading, horizontal, in-line pump with rubber-mounted, split- capacitor motor having thermal-overload protection and lubricated bearings; designed to operate at specified boiler pressures and temperatures. H. Expansion Tank: Welded carbon steel, rated for operating pressure and working pressure and 250 deg F operating temperature. Separate air charge from system water to maintain design expansion capacity by a flexible butyl-rubber bladder securely sealed into tank. Include hose- end gate drain valve, pressure gage with minimum 3-inch dial, and air-charging fitting. Factory fabricate and test tank with taps installed and labeled according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII, Division 1. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Before boiler installation, examine roughing-in for concrete equipment bases, anchor-bolt sizes and locations, and piping and electrical connections to verify actual locations, sizes, and other conditions affecting boiler performance, maintenance, and operations. 1. Final boiler locations indicated on Drawings are approximate. Determine exact locations before roughing-in for piping and electrical connections. B. Examine mechanical spaces for suitable conditions where boilers will be installed. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 BOILER INSTALLATION A. Install boilers level on concrete base. Concrete base is specified in Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods," and concrete materials and installation requirements are specified in Division 3. B. Concrete Bases: Anchor boilers to concrete base. 135 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT Hydronic Wood Fired Boilers 235239 - 5 1. Install dowel rods to connect concrete base to concrete floor. Unless otherwise indicated, install dowel rods on 18-inch centers around full perimeter of base. 2. For supported equipment, install epoxy-coated anchor bolts that extend through concrete base and anchor into structural concrete floor. 3. Place and secure anchorage devices. Use setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. 4. Install anchor bolts to elevations required for proper attachment to supported equipment. 5. Cast-in-place concrete materials and placement requirements are specified in Division 3. C. Vibration Isolation: Rubber pads with a minimum static deflection of 0.25 inch. Vibration isolation devices and installation requirements are specified in Division 15 Section "Mechanical Vibration and Seismic Controls." D. Assemble and install boiler trim. E. Install electrical devices furnished with boiler but not specified to be factory mounted. 3.3 CONNECTIONS A. Piping installation requirements are specified in other Division 15 Sections. Drawings indicate general arrangement of piping, fittings, and specialties. B. Connect hot-water piping to supply- and return-boiler tappings with shutoff valve and union or flange at each connection. C. Install piping from safety valves to drip-pan elbow and to nearest floor drain. D. Connect breeching full size to boiler outlet. Refer to Division 15 Section "Breechings, Chimneys, and Stacks" for venting materials. E. Install flue-gas recirculation duct from vent to burner. Refer to Division 15 Section "Breechings, Chimneys, and Stacks" for recirculation duct materials. F. Install piping adjacent to boiler to allow service and maintenance. G. Ground equipment according to Division 16 Section "Grounding and Bonding." H. Connect wiring according to Division 16 Section "Conductors and Cables." I. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque- tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. 3.4 STARTUP SERVICE A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to test, inspect, and adjust boiler components and equipment installation and to perform startup service. B. Perform installation and startup checks according to manufacturer's written instructions. 136 PORT GRAHAM BIOMASS HEATING PLANT Hydronic Wood Fired Boilers 235239 - 6 C. Leak Test: Hydrostatic test. Repair leaks and retest until no leaks exist. D. Operational Test: Start units to confirm proper motor rotation and unit operation. Adjust air- fuel ratio and combustion. E. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. F. Adjust initial temperature set points. G. Set field-adjustable switches and circuit-breaker trip ranges as indicated. H. Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within 12 months of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in adjusting system to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to two visits to site outside normal occupancy hours for this purpose, without additional cost. I. Prepare written report that documents testing procedures and results. 3.5 DEMONSTRATION A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain fire-tube boilers. Refer to Division 1 Section “Demonstration and Training." END OF SECTION 235239 137 Port Graham Biomass Project Page 1 SECTION 23 82 39 UNIT HEATERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Wall and ceiling heaters with propeller fans and electric-resistance heating coils. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. BAS: Building automation system. B. CWP: Cold working pressure. C. PTFE: Polytetrafluoroethylene plastic. D. TFE: Tetrafluoroethylene plastic. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include rated capacities, operating characteristics, furnished specialties, and accessories for each product indicated. B. LEED Submittal: 1. Product Data for Prerequisite EQ 1: Documentation indicating that units comply with ASHRAE 62.1-2004, Section 5 - "Systems and Equipment." C. Operation and Maintenance Data: For cabinet unit heaters to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. 1.5 LEED CERTIFICATION A. This project is registered for LEED Certification. See Section 01 81 13 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 1.6 BUY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 00 75 00 for requirements that may affect the work of this section. 138 SECTION 23 82 39 UNIT HEATERS Port Graham Biomass Project Page 2 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2004 Compliance: Applicable requirements in ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2004, Section 6 - "Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PROPELLER UNIT HEATERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Airtherm; a Mestek Company. 2. Engineered Air Ltd. 3. King Electric. 4. McQuay International. 5. Rosemex Products. 6. Ruffneck Heaters; a division of Lexa Corporation. 7. Trane. B. Description: An assembly including casing, coil, fan, and motor in horizontal discharge configuration with adjustable discharge louvers. C. Comply with UL 2021. D. Comply with UL 823. E. Cabinet: Removable panels for maintenance access to controls. F. Cabinet Finish: Manufacturer's standard baked enamel applied to factory-assembled and -tested propeller unit heater before shipping. G. Airstream Surfaces: Surfaces in contact with the airstream shall comply with requirements in ASHRAE 62.1-2004. H. Discharge Louver: Adjustable fin diffuser for horizontal units and conical diffuser for vertical units. I. Electric-Resistance Heating Elements: Nickel-chromium heating wire, free from expansion noise and 60- Hz hum, embedded in magnesium oxide refractory and sealed in steel or corrosion-resistant metallic sheath with fins no closer than 0.16 inch. Element ends shall be enclosed in terminal box. Fin surface temperature shall not exceed 550 deg F at any point during normal operation. 1. Circuit Protection: One-time fuses in terminal box for overcurrent protection and limit controls for high-temperature protection of heaters. 2. Wiring Terminations: Stainless-steel or corrosion-resistant material. J. Fan: Propeller type with aluminum wheel directly mounted on motor shaft in the fan venturi. K. Control Devices: 139 SECTION 23 82 39 UNIT HEATERS Port Graham Biomass Project Page 3 1. Unit-mounted fan-speed switch. 2. Unit-mounted thermostat. 2.2 WALL AND CEILING HEATERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Berko Electric Heating; a division of Marley Engineered Products. 2. Chromalox, Inc.; a division of Emerson Electric Company. 3. Indeeco. 4. King Electric. 5. Markel Products; a division of TPI Corporation. 6. Marley Electric Heating; a division of Marley Engineered Products. 7. Ouellet Canada Inc. 8. QMark Electric Heating; a division of Marley Engineered Products. 9. Trane. B. Description: An assembly including chassis, electric heating coil, fan, motor, and controls. Comply with UL 2021. C. Cabinet: 1. Front Panel: Stamped-steel louver or Extruded-aluminum bar grille, with removable panels fastened with tamperproof fasteners. 2. Finish: Baked enamel over baked-on primer with manufacturer's standard color. 3. Airstream Surfaces: Surfaces in contact with the airstream shall comply with requirements in ASHRAE 62.1-2004. D. Surface-Mounting Cabinet Enclosure: Steel with finish to match cabinet. E. Electric-Resistance Heating Coil: Nickel-chromium heating wire, free from expansion noise and hum, embedded in magnesium oxide refractory and sealed in corrosion-resistant metallic sheath. Terminate elements in stainless-steel, machine-staked terminals secured with stainless-steel hardware, and limit controls for high temperature protection. F. Fan: Aluminum propeller directly connected to motor. 1. Motor: Permanently lubricated. Comply with requirements in Division 23 Section "Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment." G. Controls: Unit-mounted thermostat. H. Electrical Connection: Factory wire motors and controls for a single field connection. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas to receive unit heaters for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. 140 SECTION 23 82 39 UNIT HEATERS Port Graham Biomass Project Page 4 B. Examine roughing-in for electrical connections to verify actual locations before unit heater installation. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install wall boxes in finished wall assembly; seal and weatherproof. B. Install cabinet unit heaters to comply with NFPA 90A. C. Install propeller unit heaters level and plumb. D. Suspend propeller unit heaters from structure with all-thread hanger rods and elastomeric hangers. Hanger rods and attachments to structure are specified in Division 23 Section "Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment." Vibration hangers are specified in Division 23 Section "Vibration and Seismic Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment." 3.3 CONNECTIONS A. Ground equipment according to Division 26 Section specifying Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. B. Connect wiring according to Division 26 Section specifying Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform the following field tests and inspections and prepare test reports: 1. Operational Test: After electrical circuitry has been energized, start units to confirm proper motor rotation and unit operation. 2. Operate electric heating elements through each stage to verify proper operation and electrical connections. 3. Test and adjust controls and safety devices. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. B. Remove and replace malfunctioning units and retest as specified above. 3.5 ADJUSTING A. Adjust initial temperature set points. B. Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within 12 months of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance in adjusting system to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to two visits to Project during other-than-normal occupancy hours for this purpose. END OF SECTION 141