HomeMy WebLinkAboutKoyuk REF Round 9 Application RFA#16012 Heat Recovery Alaska Energy Authority – AEA 16012 Renewable Energy Grant Application H CITY OF KOYUK City of Koyuk A L A S K A EN E RGY AU TH OR I T Y – A E A 1 6 0 1 2 R EN EWA B L E EN E RG Y G R AN T A PPL I CAT I O N APPLICATION CONTENTS  AEA HEAT PROJECT APP LICATION – SECTION 1 THROUGH 12  AUTHORIZED SIGNERS – SECTION 13  ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTA TION AND CERTIFICATI ON – SECTION 14  RESUMES  LETTERS OF SUPPORT  INVOICES  GOVERNING BODY RESOL UTION  APPENDIX  KOYUK HEAT RECOVERY FEASIBILITY STUDY (2 015)  KOYUK WATER TREATMENT PLANT AUDIT REPORT (2014)  KOYUK TRAINING AND R ETROFITS PLAN  KOYUK TRIP REPORT (5 -24-2014)  KOYUK RAVG MATERIAL TAKEOFF  KOYUK W08 JOB COST HISTORY  KOYUK Z48 JOB COST H ISTORY  LIST OF AEA GRANTS T HAT ANTHC HAS MANAGE D 2009-2014 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects Application Forms and Instructions This instruction page and the following grant application constitutes the Grant Application Form for Round VIII of the Renewable Energy Fund Heat Projects only. If your application is for energy projects that will not primarily produce heat, please use the standard application form (see RFA section 1.5). An electronic version of the Request for Applications (RFA) and both application forms are available online at: http://www.akenergyauthority.org/Programs/Renewable-Energy- Fund/Rounds#round9. • If you need technical assistance filling out this application, please contact Shawn Calfa, the Alaska Energy Authority Grants Administrator at (907) 771-3031 or at scalfa@aidea.org. • If you are applying for grants for more than one project, provide separate application forms for each project. • Multiple phases (e.g. final design, construction) for the same project may be submitted as one application. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project, provide milestones and budget for each phase of the project. • In order to ensure that grants provide sufficient benefit to the public, AEA may limit recommendations for grants to preliminary development phases in accordance with 3 ACC 107.605(1). • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are completed and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. Supporting documentation may include, but is not limited to, reports, conceptual or final designs, models, photos, maps, proof of site control, utility agreements, power sale agreements, relevant data sets, and other materials. Please provide a list of supporting documents in Section 11 of this application and attach the documents to your application. • If you have additional information or reports you would like the Authority to consider in reviewing your application, either provide an electronic version of the document with your submission or reference a web link where it can be downloaded or reviewed. Please provide a list of additional information; including any web links, in section 12 of this application and attach the documents to your application. For guidance on application best practices please refer to the resource specific Best Practices Checklists; links to the checklists can be found in the appendices list at the end of the accompanying REF Round IX RFA. • In the sections below, please enter responses in the spaces provided. You may add additional rows or space to the form to provide sufficient space for the information, or attach additional sheets if needed. REMINDER: • Alaska Energy Authority is subject to the Public Records Act AS 40.25, and materials submitted to the Authority may be subject to disclosure requirements under the act if no statutory exemptions apply. • All applications received will be posted on the Authority web site after final recommendations are made to the legislature. AEA 16012 Page 1 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects • In accordance with 3 AAC 107.630 (b) Applicants may request trade secrets or proprietary company data be kept confidential subject to review and approval by the Authority. If you want information to be kept confidential the applicant must: o Request the information be kept confidential. o Clearly identify the information that is the trade secret or proprietary in their application. o Receive concurrence from the Authority that the information will be kept confidential. If the Authority determines it is not confidential it will be treated as a public record in accordance with AS 40.25 or returned to the applicant upon request. AEA 16012 Page 2 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects SECTION 1 – APPLICANT INFORMATION Please specify the legal grantee that will own, operate and maintain the project upon completion. Name (Name of utility, IPP, local government or other government entity) City of Koyuk Type of Entity: Local Government Fiscal Year End: June 30 Tax ID #: 92-0082645 Tax Status: ☐ For-profit ☐ Non-profit ☒ Government (check one) Date of last financial statement audit: 12/29/2014 Mailing Address: Physical Address: PO Box 53029 Koyuk, Alaska 99753 Koyuk, Alaska 99753 Telephone: Fax: Email: (907)963-3441 (907)963-3442 cityofkoyuk@hughes.net 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT / GRANTS MANAGER Name: Eric Hanssen, P.E., LEED AP Title: Program Manager, Rural Energy Initiative Mailing Address: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Division of Environmental Health & Engineering Rural Energy Initiative 3900 Ambassador Drive, Suite 301 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Telephone: Fax: Email: (907)729-3620 (907)729-4090 echanssen@anthc.org 1.1.1 APPLICANT SIGNATORY AUTHORITY CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Darin Douglas Sr. Title: Mayor Mailing Address: City of Koyuk PO Box 53029 Koyuk, Alaska 99753 Telephone: Fax: Email: (907)963-9441 Cityofkoyuk@hughes.net 1.1.2 APPLICANT ALTERNATE POINTS OF CONTACT Name Telephone: Fax: Email: Sharnel Vale (907)729-4065 (907)729-3571 sdvale@anthc.org Sharon Anderson (907)729-3480 (907)729-3652 smanderson@anthc.org AEA 16012 Page 3 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Please check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applicant requirements, your application will be rejected. 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) ☐ An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or ☐ An independent power producer in accordance with 3 AAC 107.695 (a) (1), or ☒ A local government, or ☐ A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities) 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (continued) Please check as appropriate. ☒ 1.2.2 Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for the project by the applicant’s board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If the applicant is a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant’s governing authority is necessary. (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.3 As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement (Section 3 of the RFA). (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.4 If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the award as identified in the Standard Grant Agreement template at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/Programs/Renewable-Energy-Fund/Rounds#round9. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.5 We intend to own and operate any project that may be constructed with grant funds for the benefit of the general public. If no please describe the nature of the project and who will be the primary beneficiaries. (Indicate yes by checking the box) AEA 16012 Page 4 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects SECTION 2 – PROJECT SUMMARY This section is intended to be no more than a 2-3 page overview of your project. 2.1 Project Title – (Provide a 4 to 7 word title for your project). Type in space below. Koyuk Water System Heat Recovery 2.2 Project Location – Include the physical location of your project and name(s) of the community or communities that will benefit from your project in the subsections below. 2.2.1 Location of Project – Latitude and longitude (preferred), street address, or community name. Latitude and longitude coordinates may be obtained from Google Maps by finding you project’s location on the map and then right clicking with the mouse and selecting “What is here? The coordinates will be displayed in the Google search window above the map in a format as follows: 61.195676.-149.898663. If you would like assistance obtaining this information please contact AEA at 907-771-3031. 64.933871,-161.156731 2.2.2 Community benefiting – Name(s) of the community or communities that will be the beneficiaries of the project. Koyuk, Alaska 2.3 PROJECT TYPE Put X in boxes as appropriate 2.3.1 Renewable Resource Type ☐ Wind to Heat ☐ Biomass or Biofuels ☐ Hydro to Heat ☐ Solar Thermal ☒ Heat Recovery from Existing Sources ☐ Heat Pumps ☐ Other (Describe) 2.3.2 Proposed Grant Funded Phase(s) for this Request (Check all that apply) Pre-Construction Construction ☐ Reconnaissance ☒ Final Design and Permitting ☐ Feasibility and Conceptual Design ☒ Construction and Commissioning AEA 16012 Page 5 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects 2.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a brief one paragraph description of the proposed heat project. The proposed project will take recovered heat from the existing Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) power plant and use it to offset the heating oil consumption in City of Koyuk’s Water Treatment Plant / Washeteria. The estimated fuel savings from this heat recovery system is projected to save the Koyuk water system 11,971 gallons of heating oil per year. For more detailed information, refer to the attached Koyuk, Alaska 2015 Heat Recovery Study. 2.5 Scope of Work Provide a scope of work detailing the tasks to be performed under this funding request. This should include work paid for by grant funds and matching funds or performed as in-kind match. The scope of this project includes the design and construction of a heat recovery system in Koyuk, Alaska. The system will transfer heat from the jacket water cooling systems of the generators in the AVEC power plant to the systems in the water treatment plant (WTP). The heat recovery pipeline will consist of 1,700 linear feet of 3 inch polypropelene and fiberglass composite and composite carrier pipe insulated with 3.5” of polyurethane foam insulation win an HDPE outer jacket. New equipment including a heat exchanger, expansion tank and glycol tank will be installed at the AVEC power plant; and new heat exchangers and pumps will be installed at the WTP. Design: This design effort will provide a construction ready design for the heat recovery project to include a kickoff meeting, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering, support will include CAD and survey; the design phase will also include the production of a heat sales agreement. Pre-Construction: construction schedule, schedule of values, material take-off, heavy equipment and tool take off, work force planning, field office and accommodations, establishing local labor force accounts and insurance policies, design review, cost estimate, pre-construction conference. Construction: Installation of the system as designed, on-site testing and inspections, field survey, construction management reports, materials ordering and expediting, compiling of manufacturer’s literature, creation of O&M manual, local labor force payroll administration, as-built redlines, quarterly grant reports, superintendent supervision and assistance Post-Construction: Pre-final and final inspections, closeout documentation, record drawings, demobilization, start-up and operator training Project Management: will be ongoing through all project phases; this will include but is not limited to: coordinating with the funding agency on reporting, working as the liaison between stakeholders and the community, providing status updates, managing the project budget, coordinating with design and construction personnel. SECTION 3 – Project Management, Development, and Operation 3.1 Schedule and Milestones Criteria: Stage 2-1.A: The proposed schedule is clear, realistic, and described in adequate detail. Please fill out the schedule below (or attach a similar sheet) for the work covered by this funding request. Be sure to identify key tasks and decision points in in your project along with estimated start and end dates for each of the milestones and tasks. Please clearly identify the beginning and ending of all phases of your proposed project. Add additional rows as needed. AEA 16012 Page 6 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects Milestones Tasks Start Date End Date Deliverables 1.) Project Planning Conduct Kickoff Meeting 11/1/2016 11/1/2016 65% design w/cost estimate 11/1/2016 4/1/2017 Heat Sales Agreement 1/1/2017 4/1/2017 Final Design documents 6/1/2017 6/1/2017 2.) Construction Pre-construction meeting 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 Construction 7/1/2017 9/1/2017 Commissioning 10/1/2017 11/1/2017 Final Inspection and follow-up 11/1/2017 12/1/2017 3.) Project Closeout Project closeout 12/1/2017 12/1/2018 4.) Project Management and Match Activities Project management throughout (ANTHC in-kind) 11/1/2017 12/1/2018 3.2 Budget Criteria: Stage 2-1.B: The cost estimates for project development, operation, maintenance, fuel, and other project items meet industry standards or are otherwise justified. 3.2.1 Budget Overview Describe your financial commitment to the project. List the amount of funds needed for project completion and the anticipated nature and sources of funds. Consider all project phases, including future phases not covered in this funding request. The total requested grant funding is $688,386. Design requested AEA funding: $86,580 Construction requested AEA funding: $477,654 15% Contingency requested AEA funding: $84,635 2 year escalation at 3% per year requested AEA Funding: $39,516 ANTHC In-Kind Match: The total anticipated project cost is $695,270 including Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s in-kind contribution of $6,884 for project and program management services. Energy efficiency improvements to buildings to be heated (upgraded within the past 5 years or committed prior to proposed project completion): $69,361.76 has been spent and another $10,000 has been allocated to the City from three funding sources: State of Alaska direct legislative appropriation to ANTHC to implement energy efficiencies in rural communities; Denali Commission Energy Efficiency funding and USDA RD Rural Alaska Village Grant Program, Technical Assistance and Training Grant. Documents are attached to this application to verify this information including: Koyuk Training & Retrofits Plan, Koyuk Trip Report, WTP Audit, and Job Cost Histories. AEA 16012 Page 7 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects The total estimated contribution from ANTHC for the 2015 Koyuk Heat Recovery Feasibility Study is $8,000. Total ANTHC in-kind match funds ($6,884 + $69,361.76 + $10,000 + $8,000) equals $94,245.76. 3.2.2 Budget Forms Applications MUST include a separate worksheet for each project phase that was identified in section 2.3.2 of this application, (I. Reconnaissance, II. Feasibility and Conceptual Design, III. Final Design and Permitting, and IV. Construction). Please use the tables provided below to detail your proposed project’s total budget. Be sure to use one table for each phase of your project. The milestones and tasks should match those listed in 3.1 above. If you have any question regarding how to prepare these tables or if you need assistance preparing the application please feel free to contact AEA at 907-771-3031 or by emailing the Grants Administrator, Shawn Calfa, at scalfa@aidea.org. AEA 16012 Page 8 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects DESIGN PHASE Milestone or Task RE- Fund Grant Funds Grantee Matching Source of Matching Funds: Cash/In- kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other TOTALS (List milestones based on phase and type of project. See Milestone list below. ) Project Management $3,442 In-kind 1% ANTHC project/program management $3,442 Conduct Kickoff Meeting $5,000 $5,000 65% design w/cost estimate $56,277 $56,277 Heat Sales Agreement $5,000 $5,000 Final Design documents $20,303 $20,303 TOTALS $86,580 $3,442 $90,022 Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits $0 Travel & Per Diem $0 Equipment Materials & Supplies Contractual Services *$86,580 $3,442 $90,022 Construction Services Other TOTALS $86,580 $3,442 $90,022 AEA 16012 Page 9 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects CONSTRUCTION PHASE Milestone or Task RE- Fund Grant Funds Grantee Matching Source of Matching Funds: Cash/In- kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other TOTALS (List milestones based on phase and type of project. See Milestone list below. ) Project Management $3,442 In-kind ANTHC project/program management $3,442 Pre-construction meeting $500 $500 Construction $445,154 $445,154 Commissioning $10,000 $10,000 Final Inspection and follow-up $20,000 $20,000 Project Closeout $2,000 $2,000 $477,654 $3,442 $481,096 Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits Travel & Per Diem $0 Equipment Materials & Supplies $0 Contractual Services *$477,654 $3,442 $481,096 Construction Services Other TOTALS $477,654 $3,442 $481,096 Additional Costs 15% Total Project Contingency $84,635 $84,635 2 Years escalation @ 3% / yr $39,516 $39,516 TOTALS $124,151 $124,151 CONSTRUCTION GRAND TOTAL $601,806 $3,442 $605,247 3.2.3 Cost Justification Indicate the source(s) of the cost estimates used for the project budget. The cost estimates presented in the table below represent the anticipated costs of the proposed system, taking into account recent design and construction costs of similar projects. Large financial risks are associated with construction work in rural Alaska. Expenses for potential changes in site conditions, unknown or unforeseen issues, and logistics have been incorporated into these costs. AEA 16012 Page 10 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects ANTHC’s match may actually work out to be much higher than shown, as this work may be performed at ANTHC’s billing rate and may exceed the hours anticipated. Any excess time/value of the project management in-kind match does not replace other financial cost elements of this project. The anticipated dates of completion are assumed based on the likelihood of funding, other ongoing work in the city, and other heat recovery work going on around the state. 3.2.4 Funding Sources Indicate the funding sources for the phase(s) of the project applied for in this funding request. Grant funds requested in this application $ 688,386 Cash match to be provided $ In-kind match to be provided (doesn’t include EE and Feasibility) $ 6,884 Total costs for project phase(s) covered in application (sum of above) $ 695,270 For heat projects using building efficiency completed within the last 5 years as in-kind match, the applicant must provide documentation of the nature and cost of efficiency work completed. Applicants should provide as much documentation as possible including: 1. Energy efficiency pre and post audit reports, 2. Invoices for work completed, 3. Photos of the building and work performed, and/or 4. Any other available verification such as scopes of work, technical drawings, and payroll for work completed internally. 3.2.5 Total Project Costs Indicate the anticipated total cost by phase of the project (including all funding sources). Use actual costs for completed phases. Reconnaissance $ Feasibility and Conceptual Design $ 8,000 Final Design and Permitting $ 90,022 Construction $ 605,247 Total Project Costs (sum of above) $ 703,269 3.2.6 Operating and Maintenance Costs (non-fuel) Estimate annual non-fuel O&M costs associated with the proposed system $ 500 3.2.7 Fuel Costs Estimate annual cost for all applicable fuel(s) needed to run the proposed system Fuel type Annual cost ($) $ $ $ AEA 16012 Page 11 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects 3.3 Project Communications Criteria: Stage 2-1.C: The applicant’s communications plan, including monitoring and reporting, is described in adequate detail. Describe how you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority informed of the status. Written project progress reports will be provided to the AEA project manager as required by the grant. Meetings will be conducted by ANTHC, the Village, and AEA to discuss the status of the project. Regular coordination meetings will be held between AEA and ANTHC regarding all projects. 3.4 Operational Logistics Criteria: Stage 2-1.D: Logistical, business, and financial arrangements for operating and maintaining the project throughout its lifetime and selling energy from the completed project are reasonable and described in adequate detail. Describe the anticipated logistical, business, and financial arrangements for operating and maintaining the project throughout its lifetime and selling energy from the completed project. A heat sales agreement will be established between AVEC and the city of Koyuk. Under this agreement: Heat generated by AVEC’s power plant during production of electric power will be recovered and used to reduce Purchaser’s heating fuel consumption and boiler exhaust emissions at Purchaser’s Heated Facility; and AVEC and the Purchaser will enter into an agreement for the sale and purchase of Recovered Heat; and the Purchaser understands and acknowledges that Recovered Heat is supplemental heat, which is intended solely to reduce Purchaser’s heating fuel consumption, and it is the responsibility of the Purchaser to operate and maintain a primary heat source at the Purchaser’s facilities in a fully functioning manner at all times; The heat sales agreement will likely be in effect for five (5) years from the Effective Date. The Agreement shall be automatically renewed for an additional five (5) years if the Purchaser continues to accept recovered heat after the initial five years. The details of the heat sales agreement will need approval by the parties entering into the agreement. Early Termination may occur if there is a material failure of either party in performing or fulfilling its obligations under the heat sales agreement; or if the power plant is relocated in which case the cost of making any necessary modifications to AVEC System to continue to provide recovered heat to Purchaser shall be the sole responsibility of Provider. If, in Provider’s judgment, the anticipated cost of such modifications is not expected to be recovered within a reasonable time period, Provider retains the right to terminate the heat sales agreement. If all of the Purchaser Heated Facilities are abandoned and no longer heated, the agreement may be terminated. The Purchaser, or the Purchaser’s authorized agent, is authorized to enter upon, over, and under AVEC’s premises, including Provider’s Facilities, to construct, reconstruct, maintain, inspect, repair, operate, improve, and update the Recovered Heat System. Beginning on the Operational Date, Provider will supply Recovered Heat to Purchaser under the terms and conditions of the heat sales agreement. It is agreed to and understood by both parties that Recovered Heat will be supplied to Purchaser’s Heated Facilities on an interruptible basis. Purchaser shall be solely responsible at all times to operate and maintain in a fully functioning manner the Purchaser facilities primary heat system and to maintain an adequate fuel supply to meet the full heating demand of its facilities. The main circulating pump shall be located at the Purchaser’s Facility and the Purchaser shall furnish the electric power to operate the main pump at no cost to AVEC. Secondary circulating AEA 16012 Page 12 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects pump(s), installed in the Purchaser’s Heated Facilities, are part of the Purchaser System and the Purchaser shall furnish the electric power to operate the secondary pump(s) at no cost to AVEC. Purchaser shall be responsible for maintaining that portion of the heat recovery system on the Purchaser’s side of the delivery point and AVEC shall be responsible for maintaining that portion of the heat recovery system on AVEC’s side of the delivery point. All maintenance of the system inside Provider’s facility shall be coordinated with AVEC. If the Purchaser fails to properly maintain the system in a fully functioning and environmentally safe manner, AVEC shall have the right to take corrective actions and recover its costs from the Purchaser. Except in the case where a failure to maintain may imminently threaten life or property, AVEC shall give reasonable notice in writing to the Purchaser of its intention to take corrective action under this paragraph, including an estimate of recoverable costs. Purchaser’s payment obligation described in this section to Provider shall start on the first day of the second month after the Operational Date and remain in effect through the term of the heat sales agreement. No invoice will be issued by AVEC. Billing will be provided on the Purchaser's monthly electric bill. Purchaser shall pay a sum equal to the agreed amount each month no later than the 25th of each month. All amounts not paid by the date due shall accrue interest at the rate of one percent (1.0%) per month. In addition, in the event Purchaser fails to pay any amount due to Provider, Provider reserves the right to discontinue the supply of heat. Provider will notify Purchaser in writing if the supply of heat is being discontinued for nonpayment and, if within thirty (30) days after receipt of notification Purchaser fails to pay the balance due, heat may be discontinued without further notice. Provider retains the right to sell additional Recovered Heat to other entities. If the sale of additional Recovered Heat will not significantly reduce the amount of Recovered Heat available under the heat sales agreement (less than 20% reduction), AVEC shall issue written notice to the Purchaser of the intent to sell additional Recovered Heat prior to commencing delivery of additional Recovered Heat. If the sale of additional Recovered Heat will significantly reduce the amount of Recovered Heat available under the heat sales agreement (greater than 20% reduction), AVEC shall issue written notice to the Purchaser of the intent to sell additional Recovered Heat a minimum of 6 months prior to commencing delivery of additional Recovered Heat. SECTION 4 – QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 4.1 Project Team Criteria: Stage 2-2.A: The Applicant, partners, and/or contractors have sufficient knowledge and experience to successfully complete and operate the project. If the applicant has not yet chosen a contractor to complete the work, qualifications and experience points will be based on the applicant’s capacity to successfully select contractors and manage complex contracts. Criteria: Stage 2-2.B: The project team has staffing, time, and other resources to successfully complete and operate the project. Criteria: Stage 2-2.C: The project team is able to understand and address technical, economic, and environmental barriers to successful project completion and operation. Criteria: Stage 2-2.D: The project team has positive past grant experience. 4.1.1 Project Manager Indicate who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include contact information, and a resume. In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web AEA 16012 Page 13 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects posting of this application. If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) is a statewide non-profit health services organization, formed by congress in 1997 to assume the roles and duties of the Indian Health Service (IHS) in Alaska. ANTHC is the largest tribal self-governance entity in the United States, with over 1,900 employees and an annual operating budget in excess of $475M. Approximately 31% of this funding is from a compact agreement with IHS. Approximately 25% of the operating revenue originates from other federal and state grants and contracts. ANTHC has a 16-year history of clean audits, conducted by an independent accounting firm in accordance with the Single Audit Act. The Division of Environmental Health & Engineering, Rural Energy Program: Program Manager Eric Hanssen, P.E., LEED AP has been with ANTHC since 2007. As part of ANTHC’s Rural Energy Program, he oversees project development, design, and construction of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for remote communities across the entire state of Alaska. During his time with ANTHC, Eric has also served as a Project Manager for rural water and wastewater infrastructure projects, as well as a Health Facilities Engineer focused on hospital and clinic construction and renovation projects. Prior to joining ANTHC, Eric served seven years as a civil engineer and officer for the US Air Force in Alaska, Washington DC, Florida and Iraq. He holds a BS in Environmental Engineering from the US Air Force Academy in Colorado and a Master’s in Environmental Policy and Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park. Eric will provide oversight to the project manager for this effort, who will be Tashina Duttle. The Division of Environmental Health & Engineering, Rural Energy Program: Project Manager, Tashina Duttle has been with ANTHC since April 2015. Tashina will manage this project if funding is awarded. Tashina’s background has included sustainable prototype construction project coordination in rural Alaska communities, she also has experience in multi- discipline engineering design environments— managing projects and developing project proposals. Tashina is currently the project manager for 5 heat recovery projects at varying stages of development. She has a BS in Sustainable Resources Management, an endorsement in Sustainable Energy from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and is completing her MS in Project Management at the University of Alaska Anchorage. The Division of Environmental Health & Engineering, Engineering Program: DEHE has multiple professional engineers on staff that focus on sanitation facilities engineering projects across rural Alaska. DEHE has mechanical engineers available to work on this project that have previous experience designing heat recovery projects similar in scope to this proposed project. The project design team will have a designated professional engineer assigned from each discipline (civil, electrical, and mechanical) to provide the expertise needed in each of the related design tasks for construction ready design documents. The DEHE survey and CAD departments will supplement this effort where needed. 4.1.2 Expertise and Resources Describe the project team including the applicant, partners, and contractors. Provide sufficient detail for reviewers to evaluate: • the extent to which the team has sufficient knowledge and experience to successfully complete and operate the project; • whether the project team has staffing, time, and other resources to successfully complete and operate the project; AEA 16012 Page 14 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects • how well the project team is able to understand and address technical, economic, and environmental barriers to successful project completion and operation. If contractors have not been selected to complete the work, provide reviewers with sufficient detail to understand the applicant’s capacity to successfully select contractors and manage complex contracts. Include brief resumes for known key personnel and contractors as an attachment to your application. In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application The ANTHC Rural Energy Initiative has created alternative ways to continue serving our customer Owners—Working collaboratively with ANTHC’s Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative, the Alaska Energy Authority, Tribal organizations, rural power companies and several others to reduce energy costs and improve overall sustainability throughout Alaska. The Rural Energy Initiative has experience helping communities identify renewable energy projects that reduce costs, while increasing energy efficiency and operator training and maintenance. ANTHC’s Division of Environmental Health and Engineering (DEHE) has a full service engineering group to utilize for this project if designed internally. Our projects are focused on the planning, design, construction and operations of public health infrastructure throughout the state of Alaska. Professional engineers at DEHE are involved in all aspects of a project, from planning to design to force account construction. ANTHC’s construction group has experience providing similar heat recovery systems and is more than capable of providing the construction portion of the project utilizing local force account labor resources where available. DEHE's Tribal Utility Support Program has utility operations consultants that will be available post construction to provide both operational and managerial advice to the project and to help guide the production of operations and maintenance materials. 4.1.3 Project Accountant(s) Indicate who will be performing the accounting of this project for the grantee and include a resume. In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application. If the applicant does not have a project accountant indicate how you intend to solicit financial accounting support. The City of Koyuk will use the accounting resources of ANTHC. ANTHC’s Division of Environmental Health accounting department is led by the Construction Controller, Diane Chris. The Construction Finance Department is comprised of 10 staff that handle all DEHE’s accounting functions. A Senior Accountant has been designated to support any ANTHC Grant awards including AEA financial reporting. Key Staff resumes are included in this application. 4.1.4 Financial Accounting System Describe the controls that will be utilized to ensure that only costs that are reasonable, ordinary and necessary will be allocated to this project. Also discuss the controls in place that will ensure that no expenses for overhead, or any other unallowable costs will be requested for reimbursement from the Renewable Energy Fund Grant Program. The project finances will be kept in Spectrum construction job cost accounting software used by ANTHC. The software accounts expenditures by phase code and cost types. Purchasing, contracting, and accounting are the primary users of the system with the information always available to the Project Team. AEA 16012 Page 15 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects The City of Koyuk will enter into a cooperative project agreement (CPA) with ANTHC to implement the project as well as financial management. ANTHC’s cost controls have been implemented to comply with OMB cost control principles and requirements of all state and federal grants. ANTHC has a 16-year history of clean audits, conducted by an independent accounting firm in accordance with the Single Audit Act. ANTHC will provide records and accounting records available to state and federal auditors on request. 4.2 Local Workforce Criteria: Stage 2-2.E: The project uses local labor and trains a local labor workforce. Describe how the project will use local labor or train a local labor workforce. ANTHC has extensive experience utilizing force account labor. For our rural construction projects we work with community leaders to identify local labor resources to work on our projects. We anticipate hiring local labor for the construction effort. ANTHC recognizes the value of using local labor to yield enhanced local control and ownership of a project and is committed to providing opportunities to the local workforce. AEA 16012 Page 16 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects SECTION 5 – TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY 5.1 Resource Availability Criteria: Stage 2-3.A: The renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis, and project permits and other authorizations can reasonably be obtained. 5.1.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available, including average resource availability on an annual basis. Describe the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. For pre-construction applications, describe the resource to the extent known. For design and permitting or construction projects, please provide feasibility documents, design documents, and permitting documents (if applicable) as attachments to this application. This project proposes to use water jacket heat generated by the power plant to significantly displace 11,971 gallons of fuel oil required to heat the water system in Koyuk, Alaska. The only realistic alternative to utilizing the heat recovery system is to continue to burn fuel oil to provide the heat required by the water system. 5.1.2 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues. • List of applicable permits • Anticipated permitting timeline • Identify and describe potential barriers No permits are anticipated for this heat recovery project. If during the course of the project, permits are needed, ANTHC will ensure that they are obtained and followed. 5.2 Project Site Criteria: Stage 2-3.B: A site is available and suitable for the proposed energy system. Describe the availability of the site and its suitability for the proposed energy system. Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership and access issues. There are no apparent conflicts with rights-of-ways for the arctic piping between the power plant and the end user building, as the route is entirely within existing road rights-of-ways and on City and AVEC property. 5.3 Project Risk Criteria: Stage 2-3.C: Project technical and environmental risks are reasonable. 5.3.1 Technical Risk Describe potential technical risks and how you would address them. In general there are no technological or financial risks involved with the plan to utilize recovered heat from the power plant to the provide heat to the water system and water plant. Installing the necessary heat exchanges, piping, pumps, and controls necessary for implementation has been done many times before and proven effective for many years. 5.3.2 Environmental Risk Explain whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed: • Threatened or endangered species • Habitat issues AEA 16012 Page 17 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects •Wetlands and other protected areas •Archaeological and historical resources •Land development constraints •Telecommunications interference •Aviation considerations •Visual, aesthetics impacts •Identify and describe other potential barriers ANTHC will consider all potential environmental concerns associated with this project. ANTHC has extensive experience using the comprehensive Indian Health Service (IHS) environmental review procedures for conducting environmental analysis of all health and sanitation facilities projects in all stages of development, as outlined in the IHS environmental review Manual issued in January 2007. 5.4 Existing and Proposed Energy System Criteria: Stage 2-3.D: The proposed energy system can reliably produce and deliver energy as planned. 5.4.1 Basic Configuration of Existing Energy System Describe the basic configuration of the existing energy system. Include information about the number, size, age, efficiency, and type of generation. A heat recovery utilization spreadsheet has been developed to estimate the recoverable heat based on monthly total electric power production, engine heat rates, building heating demand, washeteria loads, heating degree days, passive losses for power plant heat and piping, and arctic piping losses. The spreadsheet utilizes assumed time of day variations for electrical power production and heat demand. Power generation data from AVEC for fiscal year 2013 is used in the spreadsheet. The estimated heat rejection rate for the lead power plant generator, a Detroit Diesel Series 60 DDEC4, equipped with a marine jacket is used to estimate available recovered heat. Heating degree-days for Nome were utilized for estimates at this site. Existing Power Plant Engine Information: Existing Energy Generation and Usage a)Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt 1 grid, leave this section blank) i.Number of generators/boilers/other Detroit Diesel S60 1,800 RPM ii.Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other 363 kW iii.Generator/boilers/other type Fuel Oil Boilers iv.Age of generators/boilers/other 5+ years v.Efficiency of generators/boilers/other 74% vi. is there heat recovery and is it operational?No there is not. 1 The Railbelt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Golden Valley Electric Association, the City of Seward Electric Department, Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. NAME POS #ENG MAKE ENG MODEL ENG SERIAL # ENG ARRANG # KW RATING KOYUK 1 DD S 60K4 1200 06R0723397 6063TK35 236 KOYUK 2 DD S60K4 1800 06R0730582 6063TK35 363 KOYUK 3 CMS QSX15 G9 14026623 CPL 2900 499 AEA 16012 Page 18 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects b) Annual O&M cost i. Annual O&M cost for labor $300 ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $200 c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] ii. Fuel usage Diesel [gal] Other iii. Peak Load iv. Average Load v. Minimum Load vi. Efficiency vii. Future trends d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] 12,300 gallons of number 1 fuel oil ii. Electricity [kWh] iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] vi. Other AEA 16012 Page 19 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects 5.4.2 Future Trends Describe the anticipated energy demand in the community over the life of the project. Assuming population remains the same or populations grow, the demand for heat in the water treatment plant processes will always be present. Thus the energy demand for this application will either be steady or increase. 5.4.3 Impact on Rates Briefly explain what if any effect your project will have on electrical rates in the proposed benefit area over the life of the project. For PCE eligible communities, please describe the expected impact would be for both pre and post PCE. This project is anticipated to reduce fuel consumption up to 11,971 gallons per year. This project is not intended to have an impact on electrical rates or PCE. However, with the reduced cost of heat in the processes of providing water, utility rates should see a decrease. 5.4.4 Proposed System Design Provide the following information for the proposed renewable energy system: • A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location • Optimum installed capacity • Anticipated capacity factor • Anticipated annual generation • Anticipated barriers • Integration plan • Delivery methods The heat recovery system captures jacket water heat from the generators at the AVEC power plant that is typically rejected to the atmosphere through radiators. The recovered heat is transferred through below-grade arctic piping to the end user. The objective is to reduce the consumption of heating fuel by utilizing available recovered heat. The proposed system will transfer heat from the jacket water cooling systems of the generators in the AVEC power plant to the systems in the water treatment plant (WTP). The heat recovery pipeline will consist of 1,700 linear feet of 3 inch polypropelene and fiberglass composite and composite carrier pipe insulated with 3.5” of polyurethane foam insulation win an HDPE outer jacket. Hot engine coolant is piped through a plate heat exchanger located at the power plant. Heat is transferred from the engine coolant to the recovered heat loop without the mixing fluids. Controls at the power plant are used to prevent sub-cooling of the generator engines and reductions in electric power production efficiency. The recovered heat fluid is pumped through buried insulated pipe to the WTP/Washeteria facility, and typically is tied into the end user heating system using a brazed plate heat exchanger. New equipment including a heat exchanger, expansion tank and glycol tank will be installed at the AVEC power plant; and new heat exchangers and pumps will be installed at the WTP. POWER PLANT TIE-IN Modifications to the AVEC power plant include installation of heat exchangers, control valves, and associated piping and plumbing. The AVEC plant cooling system will be separated from the recovered heat system with a heat exchanger and controls designed to maintain minimum generator operating temperature and AEA 16012 Page 20 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects provide physical isolation of the two systems. The methodology will follow the standard approach favored by AVEC. All heat recovery piping will be insulated with a minimum of 3-inch polyurethane foam insulation and will have an aluminum jacket where exposed to the weather. All valves will be either bronze-ball valves or lug-style butterfly valves with seals compatible with 50/50 glycol/water mixtures at 200F. Air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, drain valves, and pressure relief valves will also be provided. Additional controls will be added, including a BTU meter and motorized bypass valve for coolant temperature control. The recovered heat fluid will be a 50/50 propylene glycol/water solution to provide freeze protection to the piping. END-USER BUILDING TIE-IN End-user building tie-ins typically consist of brazed plate heat exchangers with motorized bypass valves to prevent back feeding heat to AVEC. A plate heat exchanger located in the water treatment plant will be tied in to the boiler return piping to preheat the boiler water prior to entering the boiler. Where required, a heat injection pump will be used to avoid introducing excessive pressure drop in the building heating system. The maximum anticipated delivered recovered heat supply temperature is about 190F. When there is insufficient recovered heat to meet the building heating load, the building heating system will fire and add heat. Off-the-shelf controls will lock out the recovered heat system when there is insufficient recovered heat available. Typical indoor piping will be type L copper tube with solder joints. Isolation valves will be solder end bronze ball valves or flanged butterfly valves. All piping will be insulated with a minimum of 1- inch insulation with an all-service jacket. Flexibility will be provided where required for thermal expansion and differential movement. Air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, drain valves, and pressure relief valves will also be provided. The facility will also receive a BTU meter to provide recovered heat use totalization and instantaneous use. Proposed System Design Capacity and Fuel Usage (Include any projections for continued use of non-renewable fuels) a)Proposed renewable capacity (Wind, Hydro, Biomass, other) [kW or MMBtu/hr] b)Proposed annual electricity or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] ii. Heat [MMBtu]11,971 gallons of fuel displaced annually ~ 1,604 MMBtu c)Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i.Propane [gal or MMBtu] ii.Coal [tons or MMBtu] iii.Wood or pellets [cords, green tons, dry tons] iv.Other AEA 16012 Page 21 of 30 7/8/15 Surplus heat from the power plant Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects 5.4.5 Metering Equipment Please provide a short narrative, and cost estimate, identifying the metering equipment that will be used to comply with the operations reporting requirement identified in Section 3.15 of the Request for Applications. Metering and monitoring equipment for this water plant are estimated to be $15,000. A KEP BTU meter will be installed equipped with a Monnit pulse counter. This data is to be fed through a cellular internet connection to the central Monnit server and the ANTHC web site. This is assuming ANTHC’s current remote monitoring practice and is in addition to the project. AEA 16012 Page 22 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects SECTION 6 – ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY AND BENEFITS 6.1 Economic Feasibility Criteria: Stage 2-4.A: The project is shown to be economically feasible (net positive savings in fuel, operation and maintenance, and capital costs over the life of the proposed project). 6.1.1 Economic Benefit Explain the economic benefits of your project. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will benefit from the project. The benefits information should include the following: • Anticipated annual and lifetime fuel displacement (gallons and dollars) • Anticipated annual and lifetime revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or cost based rate) • Additional incentives (i.e. tax credits) • Additional revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available) The economic model used by AEA is available at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/Programs/Renewable-Energy-Fund/Rounds#round9. This economic model may be used by applicants but is not required. The final benefit/cost ratio used will be derived from the AEA model to ensure a level playing field for all applicants. If used, please submit the model with the application. Based on the attached 2015 Koyuk, Alaska Heat Recovery Study, this project will lower energy consumption by 11,971 gallons of heating oil or annually. There are no other known incentives or revenue streams that will result from this project. The benefits to the community of this project include a reduction in the amount of fuel required by the community, much more efficient use of the recovered engine heat, and a direct benefit to each community member due to the lower cost to produce, store, and deliver water. 6.1.2 Power Purchase/Sale The power purchase/sale information should include the following: • Identification of potential power buyer(s)/customer(s) • Potential power purchase/sales price - at a minimum indicate a price range • Proposed rate of return from grant-funded project Identify the potential power buyer(s)/customer(s) and anticipated power purchase/sales price range. Indicate the proposed rate of return from the grant-funded project. A standard heat sales agreement will be executed between AVEC and the City of Koyuk. The agreement will define the terms and methods for heat sales. Typically, heat sales agreements charge end users the equivalent of one third the cost (of AVEC’s cost for fuel) of fuel displaced. This amount is much lower than the retail price of fuel in the village. A BTU meter will be used to measure the amount of recovered heat used by the water system. 6.1.3 Public Benefit for Projects with Private Sector Sales For projects that include sales of power to private sector businesses (sawmills, cruise ships, mines, etc.), please provide a brief description of the direct and indirect public benefits derived from the project as well as the private sector benefits and complete the table below. See section 1.6 in the Request for Applications for more information. This is not applicable to the proposed project. Renewable energy resource availability (kWh per month) Estimated sales (kWh) Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use at private sector businesses AEA 16012 Page 23 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects ($) Estimated sales (kWh) Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use by the Alaskan public ($) 6.2 Financing Plan Criteria: Stage 2-4.B: The project has an adequate financing plan for completion of the grant- funded phase and has considered options for financing subsequent phases of the project. 6.2.1 Additional Funds Identify the source and amount of all additional funds needed to complete the work in the phase(s) for which REF funding is being applied in this application. Indicate whether these funds are secured or pending future approvals. Describe the impact, if any, that the timing of additional funds would have on the ability to proceed with the grant. There are not additional funds needed to complete the work as currently identified. 6.2.2 Financing opportunities/limitations If the proposed project includes final design or construction phases, what are your opportunities and/or limitations to fund this project with a loan, bonds, or other financing options? The community is not interested in applying for financing for this project at this time. 6.2.2 Cost Overruns Describe the plan to cover potential cost increases or shortfalls in funding. ANTHC will make every effort to keep the project within the budget. In previous instances where there were project overruns, ANTHC has successfully tapped into other funding opportunities to make up the budget deficits. This would be the approach for this project as well. 6.2.3 Subsequent Phases If subsequent phases are required beyond the phases being applied for in this application, describe the anticipated sources of funding and the likelihood of receipt of those funds. There are not further phases for this project, beyond what is being applied for in this application. 6.3 Other Public Benefit Criteria: Stage 3-4.C: Other benefits to the Alaska public are demonstrated. Avoided costs alone will not be presumed to be in the best interest of the public. Describe the non-economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project. For the purpose of evaluating this criterion, public benefits are those benefits that would be considered unique to a given project and not generic to any renewable resource. For example, decreased greenhouse gas emission, stable pricing of fuel source, won’t be considered under this category. Some examples of other public benefits include: • The project will result in developing infrastructure (roads, trails, etc.) that can be used for other purposes • The project will result in a direct long-term increase in jobs (operating, supplying fuel, etc.) • The project will solve other problems for the community (waste disposal, food security, etc.) • The project will generate useful information that could be used by the public in other parts of the state • The project will promote or sustain long-term commercial economic development for the community The waste heat from the power plant could be utilized as an alternative heat source for the sanitation system which will drive down user fees in the community, increasing affordability of safe drinking water and piped sewer. Cost savings to users will provide access to these systems and allow reserves to accumulate to address operations and maintenance issues of the larger sanitation system as a whole. There are positive health impacts associated with providing water AEA 16012 Page 24 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects and sewer to homes including reduced disease occurrence, reducing user costs will increase access to these services. AEA 16012 Page 25 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects SECTION 7 – SUSTAINABILITY Describe your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable throughout its economic life. Include at a minimum: • Capability of the Applicant to demonstrate the capacity, both administratively and financially, to provide for the long-term operation and maintenance of the proposed project • Is the Applicant current on all loans and required reporting to state and federal agencies? • Likelihood of the resource being available over the life of the project • Likelihood of a sufficient market for energy produced over the life of the project • This project increases the sustainability of the water system by reducing its operating cost over the life of the project. The minimal maintenance and operating cost can be funded out of its revenue stream and out of its savings over the 30-year life of the project. Although the boilers will be maintained and are the primary heating source in the water treatment plant, their use is to be greatly curtailed. The City of Koyuk is committed to meeting all reporting requirements over the entire length of the reporting period. SECTION 8 – PROJECT READINESS Describe what you have done to prepare for this award and how quickly you intend to proceed with work once your grant is approved. Specifically address your progress towards or readiness to begin, at a minimum, the following: • The phase(s) that must be completed prior to beginning the phase(s) proposed in this application • The phase(s) proposed in this application • Obtaining all necessary permits • Securing land access and use for the project • Procuring all necessary equipment and materials • Improving the thermal energy efficiency of the building(s) to be served by the heat project A detailed heat recovery study has been completed and is attached to this application. The intent is to proceed with this project as soon as practical once design and construction funding is available ANTHC has maintained a robust operating budget for all four divisions. ANTHC operates dozens of programs and projects. We receive funding from numerous well-recognized sources; this demonstrates our capacity to manage this grant. Funders include the United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, Indian Health Service, Denali Commission, Centers for Disease Control, Department of Energy, Department of Health & Human Services, Department of Commerce, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Mayo Clinic, National Native American AIDS Prevention Center, Rasmuson and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations, State of Alaska, University of Washington, and others. The phase that has been completed prior to the phases proposed is the Heat Recovery Study, which is attached. ANTHC has the capacity to secure all necessary permits and will work closely with the community and the survey department in securing land access and use for the project. All necessary equipment and materials can be coordinated by our DEHE construction group who is very familiar with mobilization and procurement best practices for projects in rural Alaska. AEA 16012 Page 26 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects The thermal energy efficiency of the proposed end user building has been addressed, see attached supporting documents for a detailed scope of the energy efficiency upgrades including: the Koyuk Water Treatment Plant Audit, Koyuk Trip Report 05_24_14, and the Koyuk Training and Retrofits Plan. SECTION 9 – LOCAL SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION Describe local support and opposition, known or anticipated, for the project. Include letters, resolutions, or other documentation of local support from the community that would benefit from this project. The Documentation of support must be dated within one year of the RFA date of July 7, 2015 The City of Koyuk is submitting the grant application. ANTHC has provided a match for the project as well as a letter of support. Norton Sound Health Corporation, and Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC) have also written letters of support for this project. There is no known opposition to this project. AEA 16012 Page 27 of 30 7/8/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application – Heat Projects SECTION 10 – COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER AWARDS Identify other grants that may have been previously awarded to the Applicant by the Authority for this or any other project. Describe the degree you have been able to meet the requirements of previous grants including project deadlines, reporting, and information requests. ANTHC Grants Department, in operation since 1999, writes and complies with grants and cooperative agreements to the funders’ requirements and has not had an audit finding since inception. At any one time, ANTHC manages over 150 grants, ranging in the millions of dollars to several thousands of dollars each. ANTHC’s grant portfolio includes grants from; federal, state, and a variety of large to small nonprofit organizations and foundations. The Grants Management department provides comprehensive grants administration and assistance, coordinates grant reporting activities with a range of project managers, and ensures effective financial management of grant programs. Coordinates regular grant activities; works with ANTHC staff and funding agencies to ensure project goals and objectives are met, timely submittal of progress reports, or closeout data; and coordinates effort with project managers, supervisors, and accountants to manage grants according to granting agency regulations. ANTHC maintains a robust operating budget for all four divisions. ANTHC operates dozens of programs and projects. We receive funding from numerous well-recognized sources; this demonstrates our capacity to manage this grant. Funders include the United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, Indian Health Service, Denali Commission, Centers for Disease Control, Department of Energy, Department of Health & Human Services, Department of Commerce, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Mayo Clinic, National Native American AIDS Prevention Center, Rasmuson Foundation, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations, State of Alaska, University of Washington, and others. SECTION 11 – LIST OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FOR PRIOR PHASES In the space below please provide a list additional documents attached to support completion of prior phases. Koyuk Water Treatment Plant Audit, Koyuk Trip Report 05_24_14, and the Koyuk Training and Retrofits Plan. SECTION 12 – LIST OF ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED FOR CONSIDERATION In the space below please provide a list of additional information submitted for consideration See attached Appendix with list of supporting documentation AEA 16012 Page 28 of 30 7/8/15 09/15/2015 02:23 9079533442 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant Application -Heat Projects Community/Grantee Name: Regular Election is held: CITY OF KOYUK �����������������-I Date: I Authorized Grant Sigfler(s): · Printed Name /),,INN IJ�v,,_/.,, S /tllif yol( Title Term 20,7 w I authorize the above person(s) to sign Grant Docurnents: PAGE 30/32 Signature '......._"'>--, r,, � (Must be authori:zed below by the highest ranking organization/community/municipal official) Printed Name Title Olf,�'"' �c-v,!'4-s /Vf If-'/(> � I Grantee Contact lnformatic>n:: · Malling Address: Phon� Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Federal Tax ID #: Term Signature 2 0 I 7 �-� P.O.@,ox 133090 l�J7) q�3-29 '5&; {g 01) Cf� 3 -3 Lj L.\ G.. 6/,�P+�y If/<. f o() ��e.s, � C\\-\1 i\Y1\ Please submit an updated form whenever there is a chan"ge to the ·above inf�uina1ion. AEA 16012 Page 29 of30 7/8/15 0g/15/2015 02:23 g07%33442 Renewable Energy Fund Round IX Grant ApP}ication -Heat Pro,jects C ITV OF KOYUK '. ·:, .. Al t216A. a-···ENERGY NJTMORn"Y PAGE 31/32 A.Contact information and resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, Project Accountant(�), key staff, partners, consul'tants, and suppliers per application fonnSection 3.1, 3.4 and 3.6. Applicants are asked to provide resumes submitted w;th applications in separate electronic documents if the individuals do not want their resumes posted to the project web site. B.Letters or resolutions demonstrating local support per application form Section 9. C.For projects involving heat: Most recent invoice demonstrating the cost of heating fuel for the building(s) impacted by the pro,iect. D.Governing Body Resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management per RFA Section 1.4 n1at: Commits the organization to provide the matching resources for project at the match amounts indicated in the applica·tion. Authorizes the individual who signs the application has the authority to commit the organization to the obligations unde·r the grant. Provides as point of c ontact to reprEisent the applicant for purposes of this application. Certifies the applicant is in complianc•,i with applicable federal, state, and local, laws including exJsting credit and feder;;il tax obligations. E.An electrotiic version of the entire applicatlcun on CD or other el�ctronic media, per RFA Section 1.7. F.CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant Is In compliunce with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws including existin�1 credit and federal tax obligations and that they can indeed commit the entity to these ol:lligations. Print Name !)11111N jou?I"'� Signature _.._p� �--ve.. Title Mn'/bl'< ... c., l'I �f' /(oyvl( Date 9-/lj'-/5 AEA 16012 Page 30 of 3·1) 718/15 City of Koyuk LETTERS OF SUPPORT  City of Koyuk FUEL INVOICES  City of Koyuk GOVERNERING BODY   RESOLUTION  09/15/2015 02:23 9079533442 CITY OF KOYUK Council Resolution for Alaska Energy Authority Funding Renewable Energy Gr·ant Program Round Nine (9) City of Koyuk RESOLUTION# _#16 .. 04 ___ _ PAGE 01/32 A Resolution requesting Funding from the Alaska Energy Authority, Alaska Renewable Energy Fund, Round Eight and commitment by the City of Koyuk. WHEREAS: The Koyuk City Council of, hereinafter called the Council, is a governing body in the community of City o,f Koyuk, Alaska, and WHEREAS: The Alaska Energy Authority, hereinaJter call.ed AEA, may provide assistance necessary to help address the energy needs of our community; WHEREAS: The Council desires to seek and utiHze renewable sources of energy in order to lower costs for residents while making our conununhy more economically viab�e and sustainable into the future in order to guarantee our way of life for cUITent and future generations; WHEREAS: The Council authorizes the Alaska.Na1i�e Tribal Health Consortium .. (ANTHC) to work with the Council to develop� implement and munage the project for which we are seeking funding from AEA; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED.; that. ¢c Cowicil hereby requests that the AEA appropriate Renewable Energy Funds, Roun� Nine to complete Heat Recovery Project; and BE IT .FURTHER .RESOL V.EI>; that tbe CouncH i;rants authority to the individual signing this resolution to commit the · City of · J(oyukto obligation!;; under the grant and to act as a point of contact; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; The City of Koyuk is in compliance w:ith applicable federal. state and local laws including existing credi�and.federal tax obligation; and , .. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that ANTHC is hereby authorized through a Cooperative Project Agreement to negotiate, exect.ite,.and administer any and all documents, contracts, expenditures and agreemertts'as required for the City of Koyuk and mauaging funds on behalf of this entity including any subse�uent amendments to said agreements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Council hereby authorizes ANTHC or its representatives to enter upon or cross community land for the purposes of assisting the Council in carrying out this project. T, the unde.rsigned hereby certify that the Council is composed of_7_m.embers of who _6_, constituting a QUORUM wei-e present aud that the 1oregoing resolution was PASSED AND APPROVED by the Council this _15th� day of _September 15, 2015. Vote: _6 __ Yeas _O_Nays Signed ._..o--!. .President City of Koyuk APPENDIX  Koyuk Heat Recovery Feasibility Study (2015) Koyuk Water Treatment Plant Audit Report (2014) Koyuk Training and Retrofits Plan Koyuk Trip Report (5-24-2014) Koyuk RAVG Material Takeoff Koyuk W08 Job Cost History Koyuk Z48 Job Cost History List of AEA Grants that ANTHC has managed 2009-2014 Cost Estimate for Heat Recovery Project Qty Rate 134 126 124 115 124 131 85 108 48 66 82 Labor Civil 100 8 10.0 12,600$ Site Visit 1 1,100$ 1,100$ Mechanical 220 8 22.0 27,720$ Site Visit 2 1,100$ 2,200$ Electrical 110 8 11.0 13,860$ Site Visit 1 1,100$ 1,100$ CAD 160 8 16.0 16,000$ Survey 100 8 10.0 10,900$ Site Visit 1 1,100$ 1,100$ Total Design 81,080$ Total Travel 5,500$ Design & Travel Total hours 296.8 122.5 163.5 30.0 50.0 178.3 135.0 0.0 475.8 93.1 148.3 Mobilization Camp set up 1 1 1.0 1 1,340$ Equipment Rental 15,000$ 15,000$ Takeoffs 1 1 1.0 1 1,340$ Housing Rental 45 200$ 9,000$ 9,000.00$ Training 1 1 1.0 1 480$ Materials Receiving and Inventory 1 1 1.0 1 1 1 1 1 5,890$ Set up Materials Storage/Yard 1 1 1.0 1 1 1 2 4,390$ ## of feet 850 200 4.3 1 1 1 1 1 21,165$ Road Crossings 4 4 1.0 1 1 1 1 3,720$ Geo-textile 850 800 1.1 2 1 1,721$ Geotextile 850 5$ 4,250$ 800$ 5,050.00$ Creek 2.0 2 1 3,240$ ## of feet 1700 200 8.5 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 55,420$ Pipe 1700 70$ 119,000$ 2,500$ 123,270.00$ Road Crossings 4 2.5 1.6 1 1 2 5,664$ Fittings, etc 1700 15$ 25,500$ 1,000$ 26,515.00$ Pipe & Fittings 1 6,000$ 6,000$ 900$ 6,900.00$ Marine Jacket (Work Performed by AVEC)50,000$ HX 1 6,500$ 6,500$ 200$ 6,700.00$ HX installation 1 1 1.0 1 1 2,130$ Pump 1 3,000$ 3,000$ 250$ 3,250.00$ Controls 1 1 1.0 1 1 2,500$ Controls 1 4,000$ 4,000$ 400$ 4,400.00$ Make-up / Expansion Tanks 1 1 1.0 1 1 2,130$ Tank 2 3,500$ 7,000$ 200$ 7,200.00$ Insulation Upgrades 1 1 1.0 1 1 1,790$ Air Sep 1 3,500$ 3,500$ 300$ 3,800.00$ Insulation 1 1,000$ 1,000$ 300$ 1,300.00$ Heating sys modifications 1 0.3 3.3 1 1 1 11,567$ Pipe & Fittings 1 3,000$ 3,000$ 350$ 3,350.00$ HX installation 1 1 1.0 1 1 1 2,980$ HX 1 5,000$ 5,000$ 350$ 5,350.00$ Controls 1 0.5 2.0 1 1 3,440$ Controls 1 4,000$ 4,000$ 300$ 4,300.00$ Pump 1 2,000$ 2,000$ 150$ 2,150.00$ Pump 1 4,500$ 4,500$ 200$ 4,700.00$ Connection and install 1 2.3 1.0 1 1 1 1 4,740$ BTU Meter 1 3,500$ 3,500$ 300$ 3,800.00$ Programming and interface 1 2.3 1.0 1 1 2,600$ Flow meter 1 4,500$ 4,500$ 300$ 4,800.00$ Glycol 1 1 1.0 1 850$ Glycol 13 675$ 8,775$ 2,628$ 11,403.00$ Equipment Maintenance 5 5 1.0 1 1,150$ Fuel and Lubricants 5 10 1.0 1 1 1 2,290$ Fusing Machine 5 8 1.0 1 480$ Literature and References 2 1 2.0 1 2,520$ Publishing 4 500$ 2,000$ 100$ 2,100.00$ Training 1 1 1.0 1 1 2 3,560$ Travel 7 1,100$ 7,700$ 7,700.00$ Final Inspection Punch List 1 1 1.0 1 1 2 3,560$ Safety 1 1,000$ 1,000$ 100$ 1,100.00$ Final Clean Up 2 1 2.0 1 2 4,600$ Fuel 800 4$ 3,400$ local 3,400.00$ De-Mobe (not required due to adjacent project) Final Financial Close out/ Auditing 1 1 1.0 1 1,260$ As builting 1 1 1.0 1 1 2,600$ 253,125$ 11,628.00$ 266,538.00$ Design 86,580$ 211,117$ Labor 211,117$ Materials & Freight 266,538$ Subtotal 564,235$ 84,635$ 648,870$ 39,516$ Subtotal (Grant Requested)688,386$ Project Management 1% ANTHC In-Kind Match 6,883.86$ Total Project Cost 695,270$ 31,125$ 20.8 yrs Fixed estimate @ 126 /hr. Total Mat Total Labor Total Cost 15% Contingency All + contingency No.Cost Ea Startup and Operator Training. Job Clean Up / Final Inspection Fixed estimate @ 100 /hr. Fixed estimate @ 109 /hr. Fixed estimate @ 126 /hr. 3" Heat Recovery Supply/Return Piping (buried) Support Activities 86,580$ 2 years escalation @ 3% / year Simple Payback WTP Building Connection BTU Meter install FreightEngineerTotalPlumberLocal PlumberELEMENT ElectricianDays (60hr. Week)SuperOperatorMATERIALS Koyuk Heat Recovery Cost Estimate MechanicItem Materials + Freight Production Rate Crew LeadshippingEstimated annual savings Koyuk Heat Recovery Cost Estimate LocalLabor Local OperatorTrench Excavation and Backfill LABOR Power Plant Modifications Design Fixed estimate @ 126 /hr.   Ko     C oyuk W Compr Water T 3 rehens Treatm Pr Cit Aug Pr AN 3900 Ambass Ancho sive En For ment P repared For  ty of Koyuk        gust 20, 2014     epared By:    NTHC‐DEHE  sador Drive, S rage, AK 995   nergy A Plant & Suite 301  508  Audit & Wash   heteria 1  2    Table of Contents   PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 2  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 3  2. AUDIT AND ANALYSIS BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 6  2.1 Program Description ........................................................................................................................... 6  2.2 Audit Description ................................................................................................................................ 6  2.3. Method of Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 7  2.4 Limitations of Study ............................................................................................................................ 8  3.  Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria .......................................................................................... 8  3.1. Building Description ........................................................................................................................... 8  3.2 Predicted Energy Use ........................................................................................................................ 11  3.2.1 Energy Usage / Tariffs ................................................................................................................ 11  3.2.2  Energy Use Index (EUI) .............................................................................................................. 14  3.3 AkWarm© Building Simulation ......................................................................................................... 15  4.  ENERGY COST SAVING MEASURES ......................................................................................................... 16  4.1 Summary of Results .......................................................................................................................... 16  4.2 Interactive Effects of Projects ........................................................................................................... 17  5. ENERGY EFFICIENCY ACTION PLAN ......................................................................................................... 21  Appendix A – Energy Audit Report – Project Summary .............................................................................. 23  Appendix B – Actual Fuel Use versus Modeled Fuel Use ............................................................................ 24    PREFACE   The Energy Projects Group at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC)   prepared this document for The City of Koyuk, Alaska. The authors of this report are Carl  Remley, Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) and Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and Gavin Dixon.  Pierre Costello and Kevin Ulrich participated in the on‐site portion of this audit which was  performed on April 8th and 9th of 2014.      The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive document of the findings and   analysis that resulted from an energy audit conducted in April of 2014 by the   Energy Projects Group of ANTHC. This report analyzes historical energy use and   identifies costs and savings of recommended energy conservation measures.   Discussions of site‐specific concerns, non‐recommended measures, and an energy   conservation action plan are also included in this report.     This energy audit was conducted using funds from the United States Department of Agriculture  Rural Utilities Service as well as the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.   Coordination with the State of Alaska Remote Maintenance Worker (RMW) Program and the  associated RMW for each community has been undertaken to provide maximum accuracy in  identifying audits and coordinating potential follow up retrofit activities.    In the near future, a representative of ANTHC will be contacting both the city of Koyuk and the  water treatment plant operator to follow up on the recommendations made in this audit  report.  A Rural Alaska Village Grant has funded ANTHC to provide the city with assistance in  understanding the report and implementing the recommendations. Funding for  3    implementation of the recommended retrofits is being partially provided for the above listed  funding agencies, as well as the State of Alaska.    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS      The ANTHC Energy Projects Group gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Water Treatment  Plant Operator Steve Hoogendorn, City Utilities Manager Stephanie Anasogak, and City Clerk  Tracy Kimoktoak.    1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  This report was prepared for the City of Koyuk.  The scope of the audit focused on Koyuk Water  Treatment Plant & Washeteria. The scope of this report is a comprehensive energy study, which  included an analysis of building shell, interior and exterior lighting systems, heating and  ventilation systems, water treatment energy use, and plug loads.    The total predicted energy cost for the WTP is $85,795 per year. This total compares favorably  with the $92,490 actual cost for 2013.  Fuel oil represents the largest component with an  annual cost of $48,045.  Electricity represents the next largest component with an annual cost  of $37,750.  This includes $13,468 paid by the City of Koyuk (end‐user) and $24,282 paid by the  Power Cost Equalization (PCE) program through the State of Alaska.  This means that the city  will experience approximately 30% of any electrical savings displayed in this report, the  remainder will be saved by the State of Alaska PCE program.  These predictions are based on  electricity and fuel prices at the time of the audit.     The State of Alaska PCE program provides a subsidy to rural communities across the state to  lower the electricity costs and make energy in rural Alaska more affordable.  In Koyuk, the cost  of electricity without PCE is $0.52/kWh and the cost of electricity with PCE is $0.16/kWh. For  the purposes of this report, electricity costs and savings are calculated using the full $0.52 per  kilowatt hour cost to generate.    Table 1.1 below summarizes the energy efficiency measures analyzed for the Koyuk Water  Treatment Plant & Washeteria.  Listed are the estimates of the annual savings, installed costs,  and two different financial measures of investment return.     Table 1.1 PRIORITY LIST – ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost Savings to Investment Ratio, SIR1 Simple Payback (Years)2 1 Circulation Loop Heating: Reduce Heating Levels Lower circulation loop temperatures from 50 to 40 $12,568 $250 680.02 0.0 2 Other Electrical – Only One Glycol Circulation Pump Required At present, both glycol circulation pumps are operated, only one is required. $2,257 plus $100 Maintenance Savings $500 68.51 0.2 4    Table 1.1 PRIORITY LIST – ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost Savings to Investment Ratio, SIR1 Simple Payback (Years)2 3 Water Storage Tank Heating Lower water storage tank temperature from 50 to 40 degrees. $1,752 $500 47.39 0.3 4 Other Electrical - Oksinulik Well Circulation Pump Shut off pump during summer months $385 $100 23.85 0.3 5 Other Electrical - Oksinulik Pump House Electric Heat Add a thermostat to the electric heater in the pump house and set at 40 degrees $829 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $600 12.27 0.7 6 Other Electrical – Water Treatment Plant Well Pump Repair well casing to eliminate 4 GPM leak to sewer $2,139 plus $100 Maintenance Savings $1,200 11.55 0.5 7 Lighting - Exterior Lighting Fuel Tank Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED wall pack with photocell control $140 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $300 9.31 1.6 8 Lighting - Exterior Lighting Water Treatment Plant Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED wall pack with photocell control $73 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $250 7.24 2.0 9 Lighting - Pump Area Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED bulbs and remove the old fluorescent ballast. $9 $20 6.49 2.3 10 Lighting - Exterior Lighting Washeteria Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED wall pack with photocell control $10 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $200 4.45 3.3 11 Lighting – Water Treatment Plant Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED bulbs and remove the old fluorescent ballast. $751 plus $110 Maintenance Savings $2,860 4.42 3.3 12 Lighting - Washeteria Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED bulbs and remove the old fluorescent ballast. $464 plus $80 Maintenance Savings $2,080 3.82 3.8 13 Window/Skylight: Water Treatment Plant-Washeteria Replace existing window with new energy efficient vinyl window $60 $636 1.62 10.6 14 Other Electrical - Pressure Pumps Repair expansion tanks to eliminate short cycling of pressure pumps $131 plus $1,200 Maintenance Savings $8,000 1.42 6.0 15 Heating and Ventilation and Domestic Hot Water Add Heat Recovery from AVEC plant, shut off boilers in summer. $17,026 plus $500 Maintenance Savings $370,000 1.00 21.1 5    Table 1.1 PRIORITY LIST – ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost Savings to Investment Ratio, SIR1 Simple Payback (Years)2 TOTAL, all measures $38,594 plus $2,190 Maintenance Savings $387,496 1.71 9.5   Table Notes:    1 Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) is a life‐cycle cost measure calculated by dividing the total  savings over the life of a project (expressed in today’s dollars) by its investment costs.  The SIR is  an indication of the profitability of a measure; the higher the SIR, the more profitable the  project.  An SIR greater than 1.0 indicates a cost‐effective project (i.e. more savings than cost).   Remember that this profitability is based on the position of that Energy Efficiency Measure  (EEM) in the overall list and assumes that the measures above it are implemented first.    2 Simple Payback (SP) is a measure of the length of time required for the savings from an EEM to  payback the investment cost, not counting interest on the investment and any future changes in  energy prices.  It is calculated by dividing the investment cost by the expected first‐year savings  of the EEM.    With all of these energy efficiency measures in place, the annual utility cost can be reduced by  $38,594 per year, or 45.0% of the buildings’ total energy costs. These measures are estimated  to cost $387,496, for an overall simple payback period of 9.5 years.      Table 1.2 below is a breakdown of the annual energy cost across various energy end use types,  such as Space Heating and Water Heating.  The first row in the table shows the breakdown for  the building as it is now.  The second row shows the expected breakdown of energy cost for the  building assuming all of the retrofits in this report are implemented.  Finally, the last row shows  the annual energy savings that will be achieved from the retrofits.      Table 1.2    Annual Energy Cost Estimate  Description Space  Heating  Space  Cooling  Water  Heating  Ventilation  Fans  Clothes  Drying Lighting Refrigeration Other  Electrical  Raw  Water  Heat  Add  Water  Circulation  Heat  Tank  Heat  Total  Cost  Existing  Building  $320 $0 $2,083 $0 $5,397 $3,910 $52 $31,845 $9,936 $25,782 $6,410 $85,795  With  Proposed  Retrofits  $1,310 $0 $1,589 $0 $2,303 $2,449 $52 $25,963 $5,022 $6,204 $2,249 $47,201  Savings ‐$990 $0 $494 $0 $3,095 $1,461 $0 $5,883 $4,914 $19,578 $4,160 $38,594    6    2. AUDIT AND ANALYSIS BACKGROUND 2.1 Program Description   This audit included services to identify, develop, and evaluate energy efficiency measures at the  Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria. The scope of this project included evaluating  building shell, lighting and other electrical systems, and heating and ventilating equipment,  water process loads, motors and pumps.  Measures were analyzed based on life‐cycle‐cost  techniques, which include the initial cost of the equipment, life of the equipment, annual  energy cost, annual maintenance cost, and a discount rate of 3.0%/year in excess of general  inflation.     2.2 Audit Description   Preliminary audit information was gathered in preparation for the site survey. The site survey  provides critical information in deciphering where energy is used and what opportunities exist  within a building. The entire site was surveyed to inventory the following to gain an  understanding of how each building operates:    •    Building envelope (roof, windows, etc.)  •    Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment (HVAC)  •    Lighting systems and controls  •    Building‐specific equipment   Water consumption, treatment, and disposal    The building site visit was performed to survey all major water plant components and systems.  The site visit included detailed inspection of energy consuming components. Summary of  building occupancy schedules, operating and maintenance practices, and energy management  programs provided by the building manager were collected along with the system and  components to determine a more accurate impact on energy consumption.    Details collected from Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria enable a model of the  building’s energy usage to be developed, highlighting the building’s total energy consumption,  energy consumption by specific building component, and equivalent energy cost. The analysis  involves distinguishing the different fuels used on site, and analyzing their consumption in  different activity areas of the building.     Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria is classified as being made up of the following  activity areas:     1) Water Treatment Plant:  943 square feet   2) Washeteria:  721 square feet      7       In addition, the methodology involves taking into account a wide range of factors specific to  the building. These factors are used in the construction of the model of energy used.  The  factors include:    • Occupancy hours  • Local climate conditions  • Prices paid for energy  2.3. Method of Analysis Data collected was processed using AkWarm© Energy Use Software to estimate energy savings  for each of the proposed energy efficiency measures (EEMs). The recommendations focus on  the building envelope; HVAC; lighting, plug load, water treatment process and other electrical  improvements; and motor and pump systems that will reduce annual energy consumption.     EEMs are evaluated based on building use and processes, local climate conditions, building  construction type, function, operational schedule, existing conditions, and foreseen future  plans. Energy savings are calculated based on industry standard methods and engineering  estimations.     Our analysis provides a number of tools for assessing the cost effectiveness of various  improvement options.  These tools utilize Life‐Cycle Costing, which is defined in this context as  a method of cost analysis that estimates the total cost of a project over the period of time that  includes both the construction cost and ongoing maintenance and operating costs.    Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) = Savings divided by Investment    Savings includes the total discounted dollar savings considered over the life of the  improvement.  When these savings are added up, changes in future fuel prices as projected by  the Department of Energy are included.  Future savings are discounted to the present to  account for the time‐value of money (i.e. money’s ability to earn interest over time).  The  Investment in the SIR calculation includes the labor and materials required to install the  measure.  An SIR value of at least 1.0 indicates that the project is cost‐effective—total savings  exceed the investment costs.     Simple payback is a cost analysis method whereby the investment cost of a project is divided  by the first year’s savings of the project to give the number of years required to recover the  cost of the investment. This may be compared to the expected time before replacement of the  system or component will be required. For example, if a boiler costs $12,000 and results in a  savings of $1,000 in the first year, the payback time is 12 years.  If the boiler has an expected  life to replacement of 10 years, it would not be financially viable to make the investment since  the payback period of 12 years is greater than the project life.     The Simple Payback calculation does not consider likely increases in future annual savings due  to energy price increases.  As an offsetting simplification, simple payback does not consider the  need to earn interest on the investment (i.e. it does not consider the time‐value of money).   8    Because of these simplifications, the SIR figure is considered to be a better financial investment  indicator than the Simple Payback measure.    Measures are implemented in order of cost‐effectiveness.  The program first calculates  individual SIRs, and ranks all measures by SIR, higher SIRs at the top of the list.  An individual  measure must have an individual SIR>=1 to make the cut.  Next the building is modified and re‐ simulated with the highest ranked measure included.  Now all remaining measures are re‐ evaluated and ranked, and the next most cost‐effective measure is implemented.  AkWarm  goes through this iterative process until all appropriate measures have been evaluated and  installed.     It is important to note that the savings for each recommendation is calculated based on  implementing the most cost effective measure first, and then cycling through the list to find the  next most cost effective measure. Implementation of more than one EEM often affects the  savings of other EEMs. The savings may in some cases be relatively higher if an individual EEM is  implemented in lieu of multiple recommended EEMs. For example implementing a reduced  operating schedule for inefficient lighting will result in relatively high savings. Implementing a  reduced operating schedule for newly installed efficient lighting will result in lower relative  savings, because the efficient lighting system uses less energy during each hour of operation. If  multiple EEM’s are recommended to be implemented, AkWarm calculates the combined  savings appropriately.    Cost savings are calculated based on estimated initial costs for each measure. Installation costs  include labor and equipment to estimate the full up‐front investment required to implement a  change. Costs are derived from Means Cost Data, industry publications, and local contractors  and equipment suppliers.     2.4 Limitations of Study All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided, and can only act as an  approximation.  In some instances, several methods may achieve the identified savings. This  report is not intended as a final design document. The design professional or other persons  following the recommendations shall accept responsibility and liability for the results.     3. Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria 3.1. Building Description   The 1,664 square foot Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria was constructed in 1979 and  had a significant upgrade in 1997. The normal occupancy is three people, the operator and a  couple people in the washeteria.  The facility is occupied approximately nine hours per day,  seven days per week.    The Koyuk WTP includes a circulating water system with two loops that provide water to the  residents of the community.  One loop services the west end of town and is approximately 4000  9    ft. long.  The other loop services the east end of town and is approximately 6000 ft. long.  Both  loops are maintained at a temperature of 50 degrees F.    The WTP has three wells, one at the WTP and two approximately 3000 feet away.  The raw  water is pumped through pressure filters and treated with chlorine before entering the 212,000  gallon water storage tank.  The water tank is currently maintained at a year round temperature  of 50 degrees.  Significant damage to the storage tank roof reduces the insulation values.     The sewer system is a gravity fed system that leads to a sewage lagoon.  The system includes  one lift station with approximately 884 ft. of force main piping.    Description of Building Shell    The exterior walls are 2x6 frame with 5.5” of R‐19 batt insulation.  There is 1776 square feet of  wall space and the insulation shows some limited damage from water and ice formation.    The roof of the building is 2x6 frame with 5.5” of polyurethane insulation.  The roof has  standard 24” of spacing and 1716 square feet.    The floor of the building is constructed with 2x6 lumber on pilings.  The floor is insulated with  6” of R‐19 batt insulation and shows some damage from water and ice formation.  There is  1664 square feet of floor space.    There are multiple windows in various conditions throughout the building.  There are six  windows with double‐paned glass and vinyl framing that have a combined surface area of 18  square feet.  There are five windows with broken glass, wood or cardboard covers, and vinyl  frames.  These windows have a combined 27 square feet of surface area.    There are two entrances to the building; one in the water plant side and one in the washeteria  side.  The entrance in the water plant has a set of double doors while the washeteria entrance  has a single door.  All doors are metal with no glass or insulation.    Description of Heating Plants    The Heating Plants used in the building are:    Weil McLean Boiler #1   Nameplate Information: Weil McLean BL‐876‐WS   Fuel Type: #1 Oil   Input Rating: 480,000 BTU/hr   Steady State Efficiency: 78  %   Idle Loss: 1.5  %   Heat Distribution Type: Glycol   Boiler Operation: All Year    Weil McLean Boiler #2   Nameplate Information: Same as Boiler 1  10     Fuel Type: #1 Oil   Input Rating: 480,000 BTU/hr   Steady State Efficiency: 78  %   Idle Loss: 1.5  %   Heat Distribution Type: Glycol   Boiler Operation: All Year      Space Heating Distribution Systems    The water treatment plant building is heated with one Modine unit heater with an output of  40,000 BTU/hour.  Additional heat is provided by the boiler system.  The heater has a  thermostat that was set to 70 deg. F.  A baseboard heating system is used in the washeteria.   There is an electric heater present in the well house.     Lighting    There are 11 fixtures with 4 four foot F32T8 32 watt standard lamps each in the water plant  section of the building.  There are 4 four foot F32T8 32 watt standard lamps in the washeteria.   In the alcove with the well pump there is a single 20 watt lamp.  The exterior of the water plant  section of the building has a 50 watt metal halide fixture.  The exterior of the washeteria has a  20 watt CFL light bulb.  The exterior of the water plant fuel tank has a 100 watt metal halide  fixture.    Plug Loads    The WTP has a variety of power tools, a telephone, and some other miscellaneous loads that  require a plug into an electrical outlet.  Additionally, the building is outfitted with a variety of  controls used to operate the major components of the WTP.  The total usage of these loads is  estimated to be approximately 4383 KWH.    Major Equipment    The boiler system has two glycol circulation pumps that circulate glycol throughout the water  treatment system.  Both pumps run year round and consume approximately KWH per year.    The expansion tanks have a pressure pump that keeps the tanks pressurized and allow the  water to keep circulating.  It operates year round and runs approximately 84% of the time.  The  pump starts approximately 25 times per hour with an average runtime of 27 seconds for each  start.  This indicates a problem exists with this system. The most likely issue is non‐functional  expansion tanks.     The circulation loops each have pumps that circulate the water through the loops in town.  The  pumps run one hour per day for three months per year, are shut off for three months per year  and run constantly for six months during the winter.  Each pump uses approximately 10,109  KWH per year for a combined usage of 20,219 KWH per year.    11    The water treatment plant building has a well pump that pumps water from a well beneath the  plant into the building.  This pump runs year round and uses approximately 8468 KWH per year.    The Oksinulik well house has a well pump that pumps water from the Oksinulik well to the  water treatment plant building.  The pump runs year round approximately 30% of the time and  uses approximately 5891 KWH.    The Oksinulik pump house has an electric heater that is used to keep the building interior  temperature above 32 degrees F.  The heater runs approximately 20% of the time for eight  months per year and uses approximately 4670 KWH per year.      The washeteria has an electric clothes washer that runs 12 hours per day year round and uses  approximately 158 KWH per year.    3.2 Predicted Energy Use 3.2.1 Energy Usage / Tariffs   The electric usage profile charts (below) represent the predicted electrical usage for the  building.  Actual electricity usage records were available and the model used to predict usage  was calibrated to approximately match actual usage. The electric utility measures consumption  in kilowatt‐hours (KWH).     The fuel oil usage profile shows the fuel oil usage for the building.  Fuel oil consumption is  measured in gallons.  One gallon of #1 fuel oil provides approximately 132,000 BTUs of energy.    The following is a list of the utility companies providing energy to the building and the class of  service provided:     Electricity:  AVEC‐Koyuk ‐ Commercial ‐ Sm    The average cost for each type of fuel used in this building is shown below in Table 3.1.  This  figure includes all surcharges, subsidies, and utility customer charges:    Table 3.1 – Average Energy Cost Description Average Energy Cost Electricity $ 0.52/KWH  #1 Oil $ 4.20/gallon Total Energy Use and Cost Breakdown  At current rates, City of Koyuk pays approximately $85,795 annually for electricity and fuel  costs for the Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria.     Figure 3.1 below reflects the estimated distribution of costs across the primary end uses of  energy based on the AkWarm© computer simulation.   Comparing the “Retrofit” bar in the  12    figure to the “Existing” bar shows the potential savings from implementing all of the energy  efficiency measures shown in this report.    Figure 3.1  Annual Energy Costs by End Use        Figure 3.2 below shows how the annual energy cost of the building splits between the different fuels  used by the building.  The “Existing” bar shows the breakdown for the building as it is now; the  “Retrofit” bar shows the predicted costs if all of the energy efficiency measures in this report are  implemented.    Figure 3.2  Annual Energy Costs by Fuel Type        Figure 3.3 below addresses only Space Heating costs.  The figure shows how each heat loss component  contributes to those costs; for example, the figure shows how much annual space heating cost is caused  by the heat loss through the Walls/Doors.  For each component, the space heating cost for the Existing  building is shown (blue bar) and the space heating cost assuming all retrofits are implemented (yellow  bar) are shown.  $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 Existing Retrofit Service Fees Tank Heat Water Circulation Heat Raw Water Heat Add Other Electrical Refrigeration Lighting Clothes Drying Water Heating Space Heating Annual Energy Costs by End Use Heat Recovery #1 Fuel Oil  Electricity  13      Figure 3.3  Annual Space Heating Cost by Component      It should be noted that building heating costs will go up in the building because the amount of electric  heat generated by the other loads will decrease.    The tables below show AkWarm’s estimate of the monthly fuel use for each of the fuels used in the  building.  For each fuel, the fuel use is broken down across the energy end uses.  Note, in the tables  below “DHW” refers to Domestic Hot Water heating.    Electrical Consumption (KWH)   Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec  Space_Heating 23 21 19 10 5 4 5 5 5 9 15 24 DHW 112 102 112 108 112 111 114 114 108 112 108 112 Clothes_Drying 18 16 18 17 19 28 29 29 18 18 17 18 Lighting 695 633 695 568 587 568 587 587 568 695 672 695 Refrigeration 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Other_Electrical 7399 6743 7399 5452 3868 3024 3120 3120 3093 3868 7161 7399 Raw_Water_Heat_Add 58 52 58 56 30 0 0 0 31 58 56 58 Water_Circulation_Heat 149 136 149 145 77 0 0 0 81 150 145 149 Tank_Heat 48 46 47 33 7 0 0 0 4 23 35 49   Fuel Oil #1 Consumption (Gallons)   Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec  Space_Heating 15 14 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 16 DHW 24 22 24 23 26 38 40 40 25 24 23 24 Clothes_Drying 91 83 91 88 97 145 150 150 93 91 88 91 Raw_Water_Heat_Add 292 266 292 283 150 0 0 0 160 293 283 292 Water_Circulation_Heat 757 689 757 735 390 0 0 0 414 761 734 756 Tank_Heat 243 234 238 169 38 0 0 0 20 118 179 251               14    3.2.2 Energy Use Index (EUI)   Energy Use Index (EUI) is a measure of a building’s annual energy utilization per square foot of  building. This calculation is completed by converting all utility usage consumed by a building for  one year, to British Thermal Units (BTU) or KBTU, and dividing this number by the building  square footage. EUI is a good measure of a building’s energy use and is utilized regularly for  comparison of energy performance for similar building types. The Oak Ridge National  Laboratory (ORNL) Buildings Technology Center under a contract with the U.S. Department of  Energy maintains a Benchmarking Building Energy Performance Program. The ORNL website  determines how a building’s energy use compares with similar facilities throughout the U.S. and  in a specific region or state.    Source use differs from site usage when comparing a building’s energy consumption with the  national average. Site energy use is the energy consumed by the building at the building site  only. Source energy use includes the site energy use as well as all of the losses to create and  distribute the energy to the building. Source energy represents the total amount of raw fuel  that is required to operate the building. It incorporates all transmission, delivery, and  production losses, which allows for a complete assessment of energy efficiency in a building.  The type of utility purchased has a substantial impact on the source energy use of a building.  The EPA has determined that source energy is the most comparable unit for evaluation  purposes and overall global impact. Both the site and source EUI ratings for the building are  provided to understand and compare the differences in energy use.  The site and source EUIs for this building are calculated as follows. (See Table 3.4 for details):    Building Site EUI    =        (Electric Usage in kBtu + Fuel Oil Usage in kBtu)  Building Square Footage    Building Source EUI =       (Electric Usage in kBtu X SS Ratio + Fuel Oil Usage in kBtu X SS Ratio)         Building Square Footage  where “SS Ratio” is the Source Energy to Site Energy ratio for the particular fuel.    15      Table 3.4  Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria EUI Calculations    Energy Type Building Fuel Use per Year  Site Energy Use  per Year, kBTU  Source/Site  Ratio  Source Energy Use  per Year, kBTU  Electricity 72,942 kWh 248,949 3.340 831,491 #1 Oil 11,439 gallons 1,509,998 1.010 1,525,098 Total  1,758,947  2,356,588   BUILDING AREA 1,664 Square Feet BUILDING SITE EUI 1,057 kBTU/Ft²/Yr BUILDING SOURCE EUI 1,416 kBTU/Ft²/Yr  * Site ‐ Source Ratio data is provided by the Energy Star Performance Rating Methodology for Incorporating Source Energy Use document issued March 2011.  3.3 AkWarm© Building Simulation An accurate model of the building performance can be created by simulating the thermal  performance of the walls, roof, windows and floors of the building. The HVAC system and  central plant are modeled as well, accounting for the outside air ventilation required by the  building and the heat recovery equipment in place.    The model uses local weather data and is trued up to historical energy use to ensure its  accuracy. The model can be used now and in the future to measure the utility bill impact of all  types of energy projects, including improving building insulation, modifying glazing, changing air  handler schedules, increasing heat recovery, installing high efficiency boilers, using variable air  volume air handlers, adjusting outside air ventilation and adding cogeneration systems.    For the purposes of this study, the Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria was modeled  using AkWarm© energy use software to establish a baseline space heating and cooling energy  usage. Climate data from Koyuk was used for analysis. From this, the model was be calibrated  to predict the impact of theoretical energy savings measures.   Once annual energy savings  from a particular measure were predicted and the initial capital cost was estimated, payback  scenarios were approximated.    Limitations of AkWarm© Models    • The model is based on typical mean year weather data for Koyuk. This data represents the  average ambient weather profile as observed over approximately 30 years. As such, the oil and  electric profiles generated will not likely compare perfectly with actual energy billing  information from any single year. This is especially true for years with extreme warm or cold  periods, or even years with unexpectedly moderate weather.  • The heating load model is a simple two‐zone model consisting of the building’s core interior  spaces and the building’s perimeter spaces.  This simplified approach loses accuracy for  buildings that have large variations in cooling/heating loads across different parts of the  building.    16    The energy balances shown in Section 3.1 were derived from the output generated by the  AkWarm© simulations.  4. ENERGY COST SAVING MEASURES 4.1 Summary of Results The energy saving measures are summarized in Table 4.1.  Please refer to the individual measure  descriptions later in this report for more detail.      Table 1.1 PRIORITY LIST – ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost Savings to Investment Ratio, SIR1 Simple Payback (Years)2 1 Circulation Loop Heating: Reduce Heating Levels Lower circulation loop temperatures from 50 to 40 $12,568 $250 680.02 0.0 2 Other Electrical – Only One Glycol Circulation Pump Required At present, both glycol circulation pumps are operated, only one is required. $2,257 plus $100 Maintenance Savings $500 68.51 0.2 3 Water Storage Tank Heating Lower water storage tank temperature from 50 to 40 degrees. $1,752 $500 47.39 0.3 4 Other Electrical - Oksinulik Well Circulation Pump Shut off pump during summer months $385 $100 23.85 0.3 5 Other Electrical - Oksinulik Pump House Electric Heat Add a thermostat to the electric heater in the pump house and set at 40 degrees $829 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $600 12.27 0.7 6 Other Electrical – Water Treatment Plant Well Pump Repair well casing to eliminate 4 GPM leak to sewer $2,139 plus $100 Maintenance Savings $1,200 11.55 0.5 7 Lighting - Exterior Lighting Fuel Tank Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED wall pack with photocell control $140 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $300 9.31 1.6 8 Lighting - Exterior Lighting Water Treatment Plant Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED wall pack with photocell control $73 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $250 7.24 2.0 9 Lighting - Pump Area Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED bulbs and remove the old fluorescent ballast. $9 $20 6.49 2.3 10 Lighting - Exterior Lighting Washeteria Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED wall pack with photocell control $10 plus $50 Maintenance Savings $200 4.45 3.3 17    Table 1.1 PRIORITY LIST – ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost Savings to Investment Ratio, SIR1 Simple Payback (Years)2 11 Lighting – Water Treatment Plant Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED bulbs and remove the old fluorescent ballast. $751 plus $110 Maintenance Savings $2,860 4.42 3.3 12 Lighting - Washeteria Replace lighting with new direct wired energy efficient LED bulbs and remove the old fluorescent ballast. $464 plus $80 Maintenance Savings $2,080 3.82 3.8 13 Window/Skylight: Water Treatment Plant-Washeteria Replace existing window with new energy efficient vinyl window $60 $636 1.62 10.6 14 Other Electrical - Pressure Pumps Repair expansion tanks to eliminate short cycling of pressure pumps $131 plus $1,200 Maintenance Savings $8,000 1.42 6.0 15 Heating and Ventilation and Domestic Hot Water Add Heat Recovery from AVEC plant, shut off boilers in summer. $17,026 plus $500 Maintenance Savings $370,000 1.00 21.1 TOTAL, all measures $38,594 plus $2,190 Maintenance Savings $387,496 1.71 9.5     4.2 Interactive Effects of Projects The savings for a particular measure are calculated assuming all recommended EEMs coming before that  measure in the list are implemented.  If some EEMs are not implemented, savings for the remaining  EEMs will be affected.  For example, if ceiling insulation is not added, then savings from a project to  replace the heating system will be increased, because the heating system for the building supplies a  larger load.    In general, all projects are evaluated sequentially so energy savings associated with one EEM would not  also be attributed to another EEM.   By modeling the recommended project sequentially, the analysis  accounts for interactive affects among the EEMs and does not “double count” savings.    Interior lighting, plug loads, facility equipment, and occupants generate heat within the building.  When  the building is in cooling mode, these items contribute to the overall cooling demands of the building;  therefore, lighting efficiency improvements will reduce cooling requirements in air‐conditioned  buildings.  Conversely, lighting‐efficiency improvements are anticipated to slightly increase heating  requirements.  Heating penalties and cooling benefits were included in the lighting project analysis.  4.3 Building Shell Measures 18    4.3.1 Window Measures 4.4 Mechanical Equipment Measures     4.4.1 Heating /Domestic Hot Water Measure 4.5 Electrical & Appliance Measures 4.5.1 Lighting Measures   The goal of this section is to present any lighting energy conservation measures that may also be cost  beneficial.  It should be noted that replacing current bulbs with more energy‐efficient equivalents will  have a small effect on the building heating and cooling loads.  The building cooling load will see a small  decrease from an upgrade to more efficient bulbs and the heating load will see a small increase, as the  more energy efficient bulbs give off less heat.      4.5.1a Lighting Measures – Replace Existing Fixtures/Bulbs Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   13 Window/Skylight: WTP‐ Washeteria  Glass: No glazing ‐ broken, missing  Frame: Wood\Vinyl  Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 0.94  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient including Window  Coverings: 0.11    Replace existing window with vinyl window  Installation Cost  $636 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $60 Breakeven Cost $1,029 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.6 Simple Payback   yrs 11 Auditors Notes:   The current window is damaged and is missing a pane.  Consider replacing with U‐0.22 window.  Rank Recommendation  15 Add Heat Recovery from AVEC plant, shut off boilers in summer.  Installation Cost  $370,000 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)25 Energy Savings    (/yr) $17,026    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $500 Breakeven Cost $370,934 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.0 Simple Payback   yrs 21 Auditors Notes:   The AVEC power plant is approximately 850ft. from the WTP building and was built in 2011.  They use a Detroit Diesel Series 60  generator that could be outfitted with marine jacket manifolds to increase available recovered heat to supply the WTP.  19    Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  7 Exterior Lighting Fuel  Tank  MH 100 Watt Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace lighting with new energy‐efficient LED bulbs  and improve controls.  Installation Cost  $300 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $140    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $50 Breakeven Cost $2,794 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 9.3 Simple Payback   yrs 2 Auditors Notes:    Replace with LED replacement bulbs.  LED’s use less energy and last significantly longer than the existing bulbs.  Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  8 Exterior Lighting WTP MH 50 Watt Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace lighting with new energy‐efficient LED bulbs  and improve controls.  Installation Cost  $250 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $73    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $50 Breakeven Cost $1,809 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 7.2 Simple Payback   yrs 2 Auditors Notes:     Replace the existing high pressure sodium fixtures with new LED wall packs.   The LED wall packs consist of with 3 LED 17 watt  electronic fixtures with a photo cell control to ensure lights only function when it is dark outside.  Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  9 Pump Area FLUOR CFL, A Lamp 20W with Manual Switching Replace lighting with new energy‐efficient LED bulbs  and improve controls.  Installation Cost  $20 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $9 Breakeven Cost $130 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 6.5 Simple Payback   yrs 2 Auditors Notes:    Replace with LED replacement bulbs.  LED’s use less energy and last significantly longer than the existing bulbs.  Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  10 Exterior Lighting  Washeteria  FLUOR CFL, A Lamp 20W with Manual Switching Replace lighting with new energy‐efficient LED bulbs  and improve controls.  Installation Cost  $200 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $10    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $50 Breakeven Cost $890 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 4.4 Simple Payback   yrs 3 Auditors Notes:    Replace with LED replacement bulbs.  LED’s use less energy and last significantly longer than the existing bulbs.  Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  11 WTP 11 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Instant  EfficMagnetic with Manual Switching  Replace lighting with new energy‐efficient LED bulbs  and improve controls.  Installation Cost  $2,860 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $751    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $110 Breakeven Cost $12,634 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 4.4 Simple Payback   yrs 3 Auditors Notes:    Replace with LED replacement bulbs.  LED’s use less energy and last significantly longer than the existing bulbs.  20       4.5.2 Other Electrical Measures         Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  12 Washeteria 8 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Instant  StdElectronic with Manual Switching  Replace lighting with new energy‐efficient LED bulbs  and improve controls.  Installation Cost  $2,080 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $464    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $80 Breakeven Cost $7,954 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 3.8 Simple Payback   yrs 4 Auditors Notes:    Replace with LED replacement bulbs.  LED’s use less energy and last significantly longer than the existing bulbs.  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  2 Glycol Circulation Pumps 2Glycol Circulation Pumps with Manual Switching Operate one pump only and leave other pump as  backup.  Installation Cost  $500 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $2,257    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $100 Breakeven Cost $34,255 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 68.5 Simple Payback   yrs 0 Auditors Notes:   The system is designed to use one circulation pump only and operating two pumps is unnecessary.  Consider shutting one pump  off and running one pump at a time.  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  4 Oksinulik Well  Circulation Pump  Oksinulik Well Circulation Pump with Manual  Switching  Shut off pump during summer months.  Installation Cost  $100 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)7 Energy Savings    (/yr) $385 Breakeven Cost $2,385 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 23.8 Simple Payback   yrs 0 Auditors Notes:   The pump does not need to run in the summer and should be shut off during those months.  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  5 Oksinulik Pump House  Electric Heat  Oksinulik Pump House Electric Heat with Manual  Switching  Replace electric heater and control system in  Oksinulik well house  Installation Cost  $600 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)10 Energy Savings    (/yr) $829    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $50 Breakeven Cost $7,362 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 12.3 Simple Payback   yrs 1 Auditors Notes:   The electric heater in the Oksinulik well house is not presently controlled by a thermostat that allow accurately setting the  temperature.  Add a thermostat and set it at 40 degrees.  21          4.5.3 Other Measures 5. ENERGY EFFICIENCY ACTION PLAN   Through inspection of the energy‐using equipment on‐site and discussions with site facilities  personnel, this energy audit has identified several energy‐saving measures. The measures will  reduce the amount of fuel burned and electricity used at the site. The projects will not degrade  the performance of the building and, in some cases, will improve it.    Several types of EEMs can be implemented immediately by building staff, and others will  require various amounts of lead time for engineering and equipment acquisition. In some cases,  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  6 WTP Well Pump WTP Well Pump with Manual Switching Replace WTP well pump.  Installation Cost  $1,200 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)7 Energy Savings    (/yr) $2,139    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $100 Breakeven Cost $13,864 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 11.6 Simple Payback   yrs 1 Auditors Notes:   The well pump is presently wasting 4 GPM to the lift station due to a pump casing leak.  The leak should be repaired.  This will  reduce both the cost of pumping the raw water and the cost of pumping it from the lift station to the lagoon.  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  14 Pressure Pumps Pressure Pumps with Manual Switching Replace pressure pumps in the WTP.  Installation Cost  $8,000 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)10 Energy Savings    (/yr) $131    Maintenance Savings (/yr) $1,200 Breakeven Cost $11,334 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.4 Simple Payback   yrs 6 Auditors Notes:   The pressure pumps currently start 25 times per hour for runtime intervals of approximately 25‐30 seconds.  This will result in a  shorter pump life and result in excessive electricity consumption due to excessive starts.  The expansion tanks need to be repaired or replaced.  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  1  Water Circulation & Force Main Heat Load Lower circulation temperatures from 50 to 40  Installation Cost  $250 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $12,568 Breakeven Cost $170,005 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 680.0 Simple Payback   yrs 0 Auditors Notes:   Reset the circulation loop  temperature controller  from 50 to 40 degrees.  This will reduce the amount of heat used to maintain  loop temperature.  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  3  Tank Heat Load Lower Storage Tank Temperature to 40  Installation Cost  $500 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $1,752 Breakeven Cost $23,697 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 47.4 Simple Payback   yrs 0 Auditors Notes:   Reset the water storage tank heat load to 40 degrees .  This will reduce the amount of heat used to heat the raw water from the  wells.  22    there are logical advantages to implementing EEMs concurrently. For example, if the same  electrical contractor is used to install both lighting equipment and motors, implementation of  these measures should be scheduled to occur simultaneously.    In the near future, a representative of ANTHC will be contacting both the City of Koyuk and the  water plant operator to follow‐up on the recommendations made in this audit report.  A Rural  Alaska Village Grant has funded ANTHC to provide the City with assistance in understanding the  report and implementing the recommendations  23    APPENDICES   Appendix A – Energy Audit Report – Project Summary   ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY General Project Information  PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION  Building: Koyuk Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria Auditor Company: ANTHC‐DEHE  Address: PO Box 53029 Auditor  Name: Carl Remley, Kevin Ulrich, and Pierre Costello  City: Koyuk Auditor Address: 3900 Ambassador Drive, Suite 301  Anchorage, AK 99508 Client Name: Steve Hoogendorn  Client Address: PO Box 53029  Koyuk, AK 99753  Auditor Phone: (907) 729‐3543  Auditor FAX:   Client Phone: (907) 963‐8274 Auditor Comment:   Client FAX:   Design Data  Building Area: 1,664 square feet Design Space Heating Load: Design Loss at Space:  0 Btu/hour   with Distribution Losses:  0 Btu/hour   Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and 25% Safety  Margin: 0 Btu/hour   Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW and other  plant loads, if served.  Typical Occupancy: 3 people  Design Indoor Temperature: 70 deg F (building average)  Actual City: Koyuk Design Outdoor Temperature: ‐24.3 deg F  Weather/Fuel City: Koyuk Heating Degree Days: 13,943 deg F‐days     Utility Information  Electric Utility: AVEC‐Koyuk ‐ Commercial ‐ Sm Natural Gas Provider: None  Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.518/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.000/ccf      Annual Energy Cost Estimate  Description Space  Heating  Space  Cooling  Water  Heating  Ventilation  Fans  Clothes  Drying Lighting Refrigeration Other  Electrical  Raw  Water  Heat  Add  Water  Circulation  Heat  Tank  Heat  Service  Fees  Total  Cost  Existing  Building  $320 $0 $2,083 $0 $5,397 $3,910 $52 $31,845 $9,936 $25,782 $6,410 $60 $85,795  With  Proposed  Retrofits  $1,310 $0 $1,589 $0 $2,303 $2,449 $52 $25,963 $5,022 $6,204 $2,249 $60 $47,201  Savings ‐$990 $0 $494 $0 $3,095 $1,461 $0 $5,883 $4,914 $19,578 $4,160 $0 $38,594        24    Appendix B – Actual Fuel Use versus Modeled Fuel Use The Orange bars show Actual fuel use, and the Blue bars are AkWarm’s prediction of fuel use.    Annual Fuel Use  Electricity Fuel Use    #1 Fuel Oil Fuel Use        0 500 1000 1500 2000 Electricit y Natural Gas Propane #1 Oil #2 Oil Birch Wood Spruce Wood Coal Steam District Ht Hot Wtr District Ht Modeled Actual 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Modeled Actual 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Modeled Actual RAVG Training Plan, Koyuk, Alaska Operator Training Plan: Koyuk, Alaska Reference: Koyuk Energy Audit Trainers: Costello/Poe/Monti Pierre Costello P.E, Senior Utility Engineer Michael Poe Journeyman Electrician, Senior Operations Specialist Martin Wortman Senior Operations Specialist RAVG Training Plan, Koyuk, Alaska A. Audit Suggested On-Site Improvements/Training 1. Lower circulation loop heat- add temperatures ( Rank # on audit) . a. Provide instruction on circulating/pit orifice loop operation. b. Investigate reasons for current high heat-add practice and address with education and design recommendations. c. Provide wall chart on proper seasonal heat add practices for water treatment plant heating systems. 2. Instruct on hydronic system operation ( Item # 2 on audit) a. Provide instruction on boiler system operation and maintenance. b. Emphasize use of single primary glycol pump. c. Provide hydronic system operation charts. 3. Lower water storage tank heat- add temperatures (Item 3 on audit). a. Provide instruction on water storage tank heat add operation and maintenance in conjunction with improvements slated under item B # 1 below. 4. Weld and seal well casing to prevent overflowing of artesian aquifer (Item # 6 on audit). a. Weld and seal well casing and provide proper sanitary seal. 5. Replace existing lighting with LED lighting. (Items # 7, 8, 9,10,11,12 on audit). a. Replace exterior lighting in fuel tank area with LED wall pack. b. Replace pump area lights with direct wired LED bulbs. c. Replace water treatment plant lighting with direct wired LED bulbs) d. Replace washeteria lighting with direct wired LED bulbs) 6. Improve pressure system ( Item # 14 on audit) a. Replace bladder on pressure tank # 1. b. Buy equipment for and charge pressure tanks replace single bladder if needed. c. Evaluate pressure pump operation to ensure operation is within hydraulic standards and replace as necessary. (Note this shall be conducted in coordination with current ANTHC water project to bring water to the hookup of homes at a higher elevation in the community.) d. Provide training on pressure system operation and maintenance and include addendum to operation and maintenance manual. RAVG Training Plan, Koyuk, Alaska B. Additional Suggested On-Site Improvements/Training Improvements below will include training in all components and systems operations and skill building in construction trades. 1. Improve water storage tank heat addition system Install new temperature and alarm controllers on proper side of heat exchanger. 2. Improve heat addition to two main circulation loops. Install new heat-add and alarm controls and new belimo actuators to replace solenoid valve into water side of heat exchanger. 3. Improve return pressure on circulation loops a. Replumb circulation loops to add makeup on supply and return side of loops. b. Evaluate and install correctly sized circulation pumps. 4. Replace water treatment plant well utilidor housing. 5. Seal gaps in building cracks caused by building settlement. 6. Improve Oksinulik circulation a. Replace failed circulation pump. b. Install new temperature and alarm controls c. Install new actuator to replace solenoid valve. 7. Improve Water Treatment Plant Boilers and Control a. Install updated burners, primary controls b. Install updated aqua stat heating controls. c. Instruct on proper cleaning and testing of boilers and burner efficiency testing. d. Acquire updated boiler and burner testing tools and equipment. 8. Improve water treatment system. a. Install chlorine vat and decant system. b. Install process turbiditimeter and controls. RAVG Training Plan, Koyuk, Alaska C. Future Considerations Following improvements would depend on pending decision on long term improvements to replace the failing water treatment plant. 1. Repair ceiling on water storage tank 2. Update water system to meet LT2 SWTR regulations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number KKA.Z48D EN EBU S05-22 HOTBOX THERMOSTAT 2 EA $57.00 $72.69 $186.69 MYTMAN 01/12/15 WNH 84435 01/30/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EEO HOsE M/F ENDS 2 EA $348.81 $697.62 ALARUB 12/29/15 JSS 84318 01/09/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 0-200PSI PRESSURE GAUGE 1/8" PORT W/ 3/16" ADAPTER 2 EA $39.00 $78.00 ALAINS KEVIN 01/27/15 WNH 84587 01/30/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO SYL LED19T8 4'40 EA $23.08 $923.20 NORCOA 01/14/15 JSS 84479 02/06/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO OUTDOOR FIXTURE OLW14-M2 3 EA $181.25 $543.75 NORCOA 01/14/15 JSS 84479 02/06/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO LED7A21/DIM/O/827/G3 10 EA $21.66 $216.60 NORCOA 01/14/15 JSS 84479 02/06/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU HYDROMATIC HPGHX750DD 1 EA $4,999.99 $278.42 $5,278.41 NORPUM 01/14/15 JSS 84483 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU CF800 COMMERCIAL OIL BURNER CHASIS (BCF403)2 EA $766.30 $1,532.60 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Air Tube Cmbntn CF800 A Tube (CF60KH)2 EA $125.28 $250.56 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Kit Prssr FRG FLG ADJ CF800 (51311)2 EA $82.97 $165.94 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3.50 GPH 45 B STR (0035045B7)6 EA $8.71 $52.26 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU ELECTRODES KIT, 9" (51345)3 EA $14.04 $42.13 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU DUEL AQUASTAT HI LIMIT 130-240F 10F FIXED DIFF LO LIMIT 110-220F 10-25 ADJ DIFF 3/4" NPT 1-1/2" INSUL 3/4" SPUD (L4081A1023)2 EA $196.16 $392.32 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU AQUASTAT. RANGE: 130-270F (L4006E1067 2 EA $151.74 $303.48 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU COMBINATION PRESSURE TEMP GAUGE KIT, 60-360F, 0-75PSI, 3-1/8" DIA, 1/4" NPT, SHORT SHANK W/ 1/4"x1/2" REDUCING BUSHING (380000000)2 EA $30.28 $60.56 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 740-3/4-30 HI CAP WATER PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (0382008)2 EA $135.03 $270.06 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2"x1" BLR BRUSH, COLUMBIA, 48" OA (84007)6 EA $8.72 $52.32 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU TELESCOPING INSPECTION MIRROR (T3410)2 EA $16.34 $32.68 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU PRESSURE AND VACUUM PUMP (T30)2 EA $104.63 $209.26 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU QUICK CONNECT PRESSURE/VACUUM FITTINGS & HOSE (T304)1 EA $48.03 $48.03 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU PLASTIC CARRYING CASE FOR T30 HAND PUMP, FITTINGS & HOSES (T304)1 EA $30.98 $30.98 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4x25' FIBERGLASS KNIT ROPE (S70102)1 EA $9.98 $9.98 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU FLAT DRY SHEET 16"X8' (S7050)1 EA $33.09 $33.09 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU FITZ - ALL PUMP TESTER (T11)1 EA $56.26 $56.26 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU BRIGON MODEL 1100 COMBUSTION TEST KIT W/CASE (T35)1 EA $994.68 $994.68 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU CO2 TESTER FLUID, (1) - BOTTLE (T504)4 EA $16.49 $65.96 HASCO GW 01/20/15 JSS 84532 02/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 2 x 6 x 8' Pressure Treated (.40 pcf) 6 Ea $9.42 $56.54 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 4 x 6 x 8' Pressure Treated (.40 pcf)2 Ea $20.34 $40.67 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 4' x 8 ' T-1-11 primed 5 Ea $40.52 $202.60 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU # 8 x 3" Square Drive Flat Head Exterior Screws Box of 50 5 Ea $44.99 $224.96 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Caulking Clear Silicone Window and Door Caulk ( Case of 12) 1 Ea $76.68 $76.68 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 10 Oz Caulk Gun 1 Ea $3.14 $3.14 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Boardstock Insulation Extruded Ppolystyrene 2' x 2 ' Sheets 28 Ea $6.77 $189.62 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Cedar Strips 1' x 4" x 8' 12 Ea $4.08 $49.00 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Z strips 8 ft galvanized 5 Ea $6.02 $30.11 SBS GARRY 01/30/15 JSS 84652 02/13/15 7 $0.00 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 6" Water Well Casing Pipe O.D. 6.625 Pipe 4 Ea $18.75 $75.00 Alaska Pump 03/04/15 WNH 85035 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Monitor Premium Well Cap 6" Vent Cap 6.6OD 1" Conduit 1 Ea $34.50 $34.50 Alaska Pump 03/04/15 WNH 85035 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Monitor Pitless Discharge 1 1/4" Discharge with 1 1/2' Drop Pipe/Slide 1 Ea $187.00 $187.00 Alaska Pump 03/04/15 WNH 85035 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 6" Well Casing Plug for Artesion Well Protection. 1 Ea $272.54 $272.54 Alaska Pump 03/04/15 WNH 85035 03/11/15 7 $0.00 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2" EMT 100 Ft $0.28 $27.72 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2" EMT Box Connectors 30 Ea $0.29 $8.67 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2" Sealtite 100 Ft $1.04 $103.95 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2" Sealtite Box Connectors 30 Ea $2.05 $61.49 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2" 1/hole strap 100 Ea $0.17 $16.83 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Screws #9 x 2"200 Ea $0.09 $17.96 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Conduit Box 4" x 4" x 2" 1/2" Kos Galv.10 Ea $1.29 $12.94 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Conduit Box 4"- O Galv.5 Ea $3.44 $17.22 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Wire #12 Stranded Black 500' Roll 1 Ea $60.37 $60.37 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Wire #12 Stranded White 500' Roll 1 Ea $60.37 $60.37 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Wire #12 Stranded Green 500' Roll 1 Ea $60.37 $60.37 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Incandsant Cage Fixture 200 W 2 Ea $22.64 $45.27 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Switch AC 20A Spec. Grade 3 Ea $2.59 $7.78 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Recept. 20A Spec. Grade 4 Ea $1.56 $6.25 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Conduit Box Cover 4" x 4" Raised 1/ Switch 4 Ea $1.23 $4.91 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Conduit Box Cover 4" x 4" Raised 1/ Duplex recpt.4 Ea $1.21 $4.84 Stusser 03/09/15 WNH 85085 03/11/15 7 $0.00 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1 1/4" NovaFlex Hose 20 Ft $11.72 $234.40 Alaska Rubber 03/09/15 WNH 85094 03/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Dixon RST 150 Fitting 3 Ea $39.26 $117.78 Alaska Rubber 03/09/15 WNH 85094 03/13/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU T Bolt Clamp Clampco 94105-200 6 Ea $5.21 $31.26 Alaska Rubber 03/09/15 WNH 85094 03/13/15 7 $0.00 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Honeywell Controller T775A2009U 6 Ea $141.78 $850.68 HASCO 03/06/15 JSS 85075 03/13/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU T775-SENS-STRAP 4 Ea $88.61 $354.44 Grainger 03/06/15 WNH 85072 03/16/15 7 $0.00 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 5 Gal Shop Vac SHP58724 1 EA $98.99 $98.99 AIH 03/10/15 WNH 85105 03/11/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU Catch Bags SHP90661 5 EA $6.79 $33.95 AIH 03/10/15 WNH 85105 03/11/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU Foam Filter Sleeve SHP90585 5 EA $3.69 $18.45 AIH 03/10/15 WNH 85105 03/11/15 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Filter Cartridge SHP90304 3 EA $10.39 $31.17 AIH 03/10/15 WNH 85105 03/11/15 X $0.00 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Close Brass Nipple #1VGP3 2 Ea.$1.36 $2.72 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4"x 2" Brass Nipple #1VGJ7 4 Ea $2.73 $10.92 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" x 4" Brass Nipple #1VGK6 2 Ea $2.00 $4.00 Frontier 03/10/15 WNH 85110 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Brass Ball Valve #6GDO6 1 Ea $16.44 $16.44 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Brass Drain Cock #21V172 1 Ea $8.06 $8.06 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Brass Plug #6RCZ4 1 Ea $1.85 $1.85 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Brass 90 degree elbow #6RCU2 1 Ea $6.89 $6.89 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85110 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Brass Tee #1VEY8 3 Ea $7.86 $23.58 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 0-100 PSI Liquid Filled #4FKZ5 1 Ea $19.13 $19.13 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU Pressure Switch 20-40 Square D #5B415 2 Ea $28.08 $56.16 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU Pressure Switch 20-40 Square D #5B412 2 Ea $28.08 $56.16 Grainger 03/10/15 WNH 85109 03/10/15 X KKA.Z48D EN EBU 12' Step Ladder 1 Ea $420.00 $420.00 Grizzly 03/12/15 JSS 85170 03/12/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU FILTER, Inlet, M30, W/ Clear Plastic Cover 1 Ea $30.00 $28.69 $58.69 MyTana 03/17/15 WNH 85225 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU COVER, Filter, Inlet Plastic, Clear 1 Ea $4.50 $4.50 MyTana 03/17/15 WNH 85225 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Brass Barb Fitting W/ 1/4" Tread For By Pass Hose 3 Ea $4.95 $14.85 MyTana 03/17/15 WNH 85225 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Hose, Bypass, 1/4" Dia, Clear Polybraided PVC Hose, M30 1 Ea $3.69 $3.69 MyTana 03/17/15 WNH 85225 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Gauge, Pressure, 0-6000 PSI, Glycerin Filled, Mytana Face Plate, M30 Gas Jetter 1 Ea $26.69 $26.69 MyTana 03/17/15 WNH 85225 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Valve, Pulse, For M30 1 Ea $65.00 $65.00 MyTana 03/17/15 WNH 85225 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Valve, PTP, 1/2" NPT, M15/20/30, Thermal Pressure Release Valve 1 Ea $12.99 $12.99 MyTana 03/17/15 WNH 85225 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/20 HP Flange Mount Propeller Mixer, 6650.525 F- M-TEPRP316 Mixer Flg Mnt 1/20HP 316SS PROP with Epoxy Coated Impeller Ryan Herco# 6650.525 1 Ea $495.00 $495.00 Ryan Herco 03/17/15 JSS 85237 03/27/15 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 KKA.Z48D EN EBU HDPE 24"x48"x1/2" Thick, White 1 Ea $122.00 $122.00 Image Plastic 03/17/15 JSS 85241 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" PVC Sch 80 True Union Ball Valve, Spears #1829-010 1 Ea $64.63 $53.82 $118.45 Frontier 03/17/15 JSS 85244 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" PVC Bulkhead Fitting x SR FITP, Spears #8170- 010 1 Ea $33.46 $33.46 Frontier 03/17/15 JSS 85244 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Sch80 PVC Pipe, 5' Length 2 Ea $6.01 $12.02 Frontier 03/17/15 JSS 85244 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" PVC Sch 80 True Union Ball Valve, Spears #1829-007 3 Ea $54.28 $162.83 Frontier 03/17/15 JSS 85244 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" MIPT x 1" Hose Barb, Plastic 1 Ea $1.31 $1.31 Alaska Rubber 03/17/15 JSS 85240 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Vinyl I.D. Hose, Flexibe & Clear 10 Ft $1.80 $18.00 Alaska Rubber 03/17/15 JSS 85240 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU S.S. Hose Clamp, to fit 1" I.D. Hose 2 Ea $1.01 $2.02 Alaska Rubber 03/17/15 JSS 85240 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Vinyl I.D. Hose, Flexible & Clear 20 Ft $1.32 $26.40 Alaska Rubber 03/17/15 JSS 85240 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" MIPT x 1"Hose Barb, Plastic 3 Ea $1.18 $3.54 Alaska Rubber 03/17/15 JSS 85240 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU S.S. Hose Clamp, to fit 3/4" I.D. Hose 6 Ea $1.49 $8.94 Alaska Rubber 03/17/15 JSS 85240 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" x 1-1/2" Long, Bolts, Plastic, Vinyl, Std Course Thread 40 Ea $0.25 $10.00 Fasteners & Fire 03/17/15 JSS 85243 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Nuts, Plastic/Vinyl, Std Course 40 Ea $0.10 $4.00 Fasteners & Fire 03/17/15 JSS 85243 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/4" Flat Washer, Plastic/Vinyl 40 Ea $0.13 $5.20 Fasteners & Fire 03/17/15 JSS 85243 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Bulkhead Fitting, SCH 80 PVC, NPT x NPT, USAblue Book # MC-30782 (4Pk)3 Ea $21.25 $63.75 USA BlueBook 04/01/15 WNH 85499 04/15/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" PVC SCH 80 Threaded Nipples, USAblue Book # MC-30782 (4 Pk)3 Ea $2.84 $8.52 USA BlueBook 03/17/15 JSS 85236 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 2 x 6 x 8' Pressure Treated (.40 pcf) 8 Ea $9.28 $74.24 SBS 03/27/15 JSS 85250 03/27/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2"x4'x8' Plywood Sheet 2 Ea $39.35 $78.70 SBS 03/27/15 JSS 85250 03/27/15 7 4' LED Tubes T8 40 ea $0.00 Stusser HANDWRITE 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU B225VS+AFB24-X1 Normally Closed/Fail Close Belimo 1" Ball Valve 2 ea $489.00 $978.00 Energy Control 03/23/15 WNH 85339 03/31/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Hoffman #79 Air Vent 1/2" FA/33/4" MA (Heat Add Loop)2 ea $85.28 $170.56 HASCO 04/09/15 JSS 85642 04/17/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU B&G 1" Thermoflo #127002 (Heat Add Loop)2 ea $253.95 $507.90 HASCO 04/09/15 JSS 85642 04/17/15 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Thread Seal 1 ea $1.35 $1.35 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Solder Paste 1 ea $3.00 $3.00 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Solder 1 ea $34.00 $34.00 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Batteries 1 ea $4.40 $4.40 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Flux Brush 1 ea $3.50 $3.50 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Primary Control 1 ea $130.00 $130.00 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Folding Ruler 1 ea $22.00 $22.00 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2"x1" Black Nipple 2 ea $1.90 $3.80 Builders Industrial Sup.03/12/15 PC 250297 03/15/15 4 $0.00 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Goulds Pump #9SH1J32BO 5HP,1PH, 230V, 2450RPM, 6.44 Impeller 1 ea $2,412.00 $2,412.00 Alaska Pump 04/15/15 JSS 85745 04/24/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Doucette Heat Exchanger 2 ea $797.56 $1,595.12 Pacific 04/15/15 JSS 85755 04/24/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Baldor EC1216C06SP CPCTR 1 ea $50.33 $50.33 North Coast Electric 04/16/15 JSS 85768 04/24/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Baldor OC3025F11 25MFD/370V 1 ea $54.91 $54.91 North Coast Electric 04/16/15 JSS 85768 04/24/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Pony Pump W/ Garden Attachment 1 ea $209.00 $209.00 Grizzly 04/21/15 JSS 85833 04/21/15 4 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Doucette H.E. CTZ3M1.5/1P-4SC 2 ea $2,033.00 $4,066.00 Pacific 04/22/15 JSS 85844 05/15/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Hoffman #79 Air Vent 1/2" FA/33/4" MA (Heat Add Loop)2 ea $99.21 $198.42 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4 Ball Valve 7 ea $13.53 $94.74 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Brass Nipple 3/4 x Close 4 ea $2.82 $11.29 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Reducer Coupling 1 x 3/4 7 ea $2.84 $19.91 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Coupling 4 ea $1.73 $6.93 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Sweat Gate Valve 1"4 ea $21.02 $84.06 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Union 4 ea $12.80 $51.19 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Union 10 ea $8.25 $82.49 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Tee 3 ea $7.03 $21.09 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Male Adapter 10 ea $4.71 $47.13 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Thermoflo #127002 2 ea $227.37 $454.74 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" 90Deg Elbow 10 ea $1.27 $12.65 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Male Adapter 16 ea $2.00 $32.05 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" Copper Pipe Tyle L 40 Ft $3.32 $132.74 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Copper Pipe Type L 40 Ft $2.45 $97.82 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1" 90Deg Elbow 4 ea $3.07 $12.30 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/8" Flux Brush 10 ea $0.15 $1.51 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Solder Bridget 6 ea $21.03 $126.18 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1 Lb Cold Weather Paste Flux 1 Ea $11.12 $11.12 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 14.1 Oz Map Gas Pro 6 ea $9.38 $56.26 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU B&G TB-3/4 Thermoflo Balancer 2 Ea $227.37 $454.74 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU R&W 207 Sweat Gate Valve 3/4"3 Ea $15.12 $45.35 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Tee 3/4x3/4x1/2 4 Ea $2.20 $8.81 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Coupling 4 ea $0.85 $3.40 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2" Female Adapter 2 Ea $1.91 $3.82 Frontier 04/22/15 JSS 85847 05/01/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 1/2 HP Utility Pump 1 ea $289.00 $289.00 Grizzly 04/23/15 JSS 85881 04/23/15 1 KKA.Z48D EN EEO 3/4" Ball Valve SWT 3 Ea $16.63 $49.90 Frontier 06/09/15 JSS 86633 06/12/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO 1"x3/4" Reducer CU 3 Ea $2.84 $8.53 Frontier 06/09/15 JSS 86633 06/12/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO 1" Coupling CU 4 Ea $2.02 $8.07 Frontier 06/09/15 JSS 86633 06/12/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO 1" Union CU 4 Ea $14.79 $59.15 Frontier 06/09/15 JSS 86633 06/12/15 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q MATERIAL TAKE-OFF (Main) DELIVER TO:Priority Mail 1 ANTHC/DEHE Shipping & Receiving Plan Set #RAVG Koyuk Ordered By:Certified Mail 2 242 Orca Street Job Number:KKA.Z48DEN Date:Pri Air Freight 3 Anchorage, AK 99501 G/L Code:Phone:Air Freight 4 Phone 907-278-4022 Fax 907-729-3599 Job Name Koyuk Approved By:Truck 5 Barge 6 ENGR Consolidate 7 Ext.Electric Shop 8 PM Mechanic Shop 9 Ext.Delivery To DEHE X Job #Phase CodeSubmittal Yes/NoDescription QTY Unit Unit Price Freight Cost Total Vendor Vendor Contact Order Date PA PPO/PO#Log # Anticipated Delivery Date Delivery Method Number Ext. Super Ext. CM Project Team DELIVERY METHOD 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 KKA.Z48D EN EEO 34" 90 CU 10 Ea $1.44 $14.37 Frontier 06/09/15 JSS 86633 06/12/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO 3/4" Swt Gate 2 ea $17.35 $34.70 Frontier 06/09/15 JSS 86633 06/12/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EEO 3/4 Coupling CU 10 ea $1.01 $10.11 Frontier 06/09/15 JSS 86633 06/12/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Hose Bibb 6 ea $14.88 $89.28 Ferguson 06/19/15 JSS 86797 06/26/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" CxF CU Adapter 10 ea $10.00 $100.00 Ferguson 06/19/15 JSS 86797 06/26/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU 3/4" Tee CU CxCxC 10 ea $10.00 $100.00 Ferguson 06/19/15 JSS 86797 06/26/15 7 KKA.Z48D EN EBU Elster 15 Fuel Meter 1 ea $1,683.58 $41.06 $1,724.64 MP Industrial 06/23/15 JSS 86843 07/31/15 7 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ANTHC - DEHE Detail Job Overview by Phase as of 08/21/15 Fiscal Year: 15 Period: 11 Job Number: Job Description: Phone: Estimator: Project Manager: Superintendent: KKA.W08VRD KOYUK W08 FFY13 RAVG TAT GAVIN DIXON Customer Code: Customer Name: Customer Phone:Start Date: Complete Date: Division:535 Job Status: Active Estimated Actual % Complete: % Billed: Billed To Date: Over / Under: F 0.00 0.00 0.00 Earned To Date: 0.00 Billed (With Tax): Balance: Retention Bal: Current Due: Applied: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Job Progress Current Balance Contract Original Contract: Executed Changes: Revised Contract: Proposed Changes: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Approved Changes: 0.00 Cost Type Hours Job to Date Estimate % Compl Costs to Date JTD + Open Estimate % Compl Open CommitAUGUSTAUGUSTProjected Estimated Phase: E-EA GRA 1,967.45BPOOL ALLOCATION 4,535.16IINDIRECT 15,408.67LLABOR X MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,911.28 0.00E-EA GRASubtotal for: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Phase: W-WP WATER PLANT 62.93BPOOL ALLOCATION 1,739.57IINDIRECT 463.98LLABOR 6,138.10TTRAVEL/PER DIEM X MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,404.58 0.00W-WP WATER PLANTSubtotal for: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gross Profit: Gross Profit %: -30,315.86 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 30,315.86 0.00 0.00Job KKA.W08VRD Totals: Printed by TMD as of 08/21/15 2:01:14PM Page 17 ANTHC - DEHE Detail Job Overview by Phase as of 08/21/15 Fiscal Year: 15 Period: 11 Job Number: Job Description: Phone: Estimator: Project Manager: Superintendent: KKA.Z48DEN KOYUK Z48 GAVIN DIXON Customer Code: Customer Name: Customer Phone:Start Date: Complete Date: Division:524 Job Status: Active Estimated Actual % Complete: % Billed: Billed To Date: Over / Under: F 0.00 0.00 0.00 Earned To Date: 0.00 Billed (With Tax): Balance: Retention Bal: Current Due: Applied: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Job Progress Current Balance Contract Original Contract: Executed Changes: Revised Contract: Proposed Changes: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Approved Changes: 0.00 Cost Type Hours Job to Date Estimate % Compl Costs to Date JTD + Open Estimate % Compl Open CommitAUGUSTAUGUSTProjected Estimated Phase: E-BU BUILDING UPDATES 1 SITEWORK LABOR 2 STRUCTURAL LBR 3 PLUMB/MECH LAB 4 ELECT. LABOR 5 ADMIN LABOR 6 EQ. MAINT. LABO 1,551.90BPOOL ALLOCATION E EQUIPMENT 4,650.61FFREIGHT G FUEL H DEHE ADM ALLOC 1,371.48IINDIRECT 5,175.38LLABOR 22,719.29MMATERIALS S SUBCONTRACT 1,162.65TTRAVEL/PER DIEM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,631.31 0.00E-BU BUILDING UPDATESSubtotal for: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Phase: E-EO ENERGY OTHER 1 SITEWORK LABOR 2 STRUCTURAL LBR 3 PLUMB/MECH LAB 4 ELECT. LABOR 5 ADMIN LABOR 6 EQ. MAINT. LABO B POOL ALLOCATION E EQUIPMENT F FREIGHT G FUEL H DEHE ADM ALLOC I INDIRECT L LABOR Printed by TMD as of 08/21/15 2:13:19PM Page 31 ANTHC - DEHE Detail Job Overview by Phase as of 08/21/15 Fiscal Year: 15 Period: 11 Cost Type Hours Job to Date Estimate % Compl Costs to Date JTD + Open Estimate % Compl Open CommitAUGUSTAUGUSTProjected EstimatedJob: KKA.Z48DEN KOYUK Z48 (continued) Phase: E-EO ENERGY OTHER (continued) 2,414.59MMATERIALS S SUBCONTRACT T TRAVEL/PER DIEM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,414.59 0.00E-EO ENERGY OTHERSubtotal for: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gross Profit: Gross Profit %: -39,045.90 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 39,045.90 0.00 0.00Job KKA.Z48DEN Totals: Printed by TMD as of 08/21/15 2:13:19PM Page 32 Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Grant Management for Communities 2009 - 2014 Community AEA Grant # ANTHC Grant # Ambler Heat Recovery 2195453 AN-09-Z06 Atmautluak Heat Recovery 7060935 AN-13-Z36 Huslia Biomass 7050821 AN-12-Z24 IRHA Biomass 7050820 AN-12-Z23 Kobuk Biomass 7050840 AN-12-Z22 Koyukuk VEEP 7520004 AN-14-Z47 Kwinhagak Heat Recovery 7060937 AN-13-Z33 Marshall Heat Recovery 7060940 AN-13-Z35 Noorvik Heat Recovery 7060941 AN-13-Z32 Russian Mission Heat Recovery 7050844 AN-12-Z23 Savoonga Heat Recovery 7060934 AN-13-Z34 Scammon Bay Hydro-electric 7060847 AN-12-Z21 Shishmaref Heat Recovery 7050856 AN-12-Z20 Sleetmute Heat Recovery 7060848 AN-12-Z18 Brevig Mission Heat Recovery 7071040 AN 14-Z42 Emmonak Heat Recovery 7071061 AN 14-Z41 Gambell Wind Energy Recovery 7050876 AN 13-Z26 St. Marys Heat Recovery 7071043 AN 14-Z43 Stebbins Heat Recovery 7060939 AN 13-Z31 Tuntutuliak Heat Recovery 7071085 AN 14-Z40 Venetie Heat Recovery 7071044 AN 14-Z39 AEA Round 9 - ANTHC