HomeMy WebLinkAboutElfin Cove Authorized SignaturesGrant Ap h atinn - Standard Form ENA-rY 7EC50N 1.3 - AUTHORIED SIGNERS FORM CommunityiG rantQe Marne; Comm u n ity of Ellin Cove Regular Election is held: August of each year Date, 91V15 - -- - Authorize Grant Sig nos), F_ Pri need Narne Title Term S Fgnature Jane Button Grant f�rnir«istrator j Endfs grant dose ,ow Mary Crump - Secretary W2016 Kelly Crump Chairman &2017 i Dennis Meier _ Vice_Chair 8/201 F --.. - - 1 authorize the above r #s� to sign Grant Docu , ts; (1 4uat be authodvW y the highest ranking anizadordcvrnrnuni. 1m u n ici ai Wiicial Printed Name I T-Fd@ Term - Signature Kelly Cavmp , Chairman 8r.�p17 Granter Contact Inform lion; Mali Ing Address; Rhone Number: E-mail Address: Federal Tax 11) ia0 Box 2 - Elfin Cove, AK 99VS -� 907-239L-2225 f W7-72 14 907-239 -2221 I ji2nedbuttan gmad.corn — 92-0089934 L_ R116ase submit an updated form whenever there is a change to the abmm inforaudon. G mot Application - Standard Form CflrrY SECT110N 14 — ADDITIONAL DK)CUM ENTATION AND C ERTIFICATION SUBMtT THE FOLLCWNS DOCUMENTS W" YOUR APPUGATION: A. ConUct inforrrkation and resumes of Applicants Project Manager, project Accountant(s), keg staff, partners. cormultanW and suppliers per application form Section 3.1. 3_4 and 3.6,. Appheants ae asked W pfovkk r+esames subrr &ed wrth appficatrons rn separafe Pi1qcrrn1c dbcum-errls if the rrdroduals do not want msunms posted to the.prqj,-ul web -silo, B. Letters or resolution+S demonstrating local support per a ppl ication fafm Section 9, C. For projects involving beat. Most recent invoice dernonstrati ng the cost of heati ng fuel for the build i rg(%) impacted by the project D_ Governing Body Resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or manageme rat per RFA Section 1.4 that: - Commits the organization to provide the matching resources for project at the match amounts indicated in the application. - Authoriaks the individual who %6gns the appOrafion has the auth orit} to commit the organisation to the obligations under the grarrL - Provides as point of oontact to reprmwnt fha appf ica rot for purpous of this app.1 creation. - Cordflem the applicant Is in cot'r'rplia noa with applicable federal, state, and lec;a 1, laws including existl:lg credit and fed-eral tax obligations_ E, An electronic version of the antire a ppiicaftn on CD or other a lectron i c media, per RFA Section 1.7. F. CERTIFICATION The tlnderanigned certifies that this "ication for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the appli riont is in compliance with, and will continue tp comply with, all federa€ and state lows i rieluding existing credit and federai tax obligations and ' that they can indeed c,on mit the entity to these obligations_ Print Name I Kelly Crump Signature , Y �- Title I Chaim I