HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.8 TM002-Grant Creek Hydraulic Analysis-FinalTECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TM002 EMORANNO. 001 McMillen, LLC Page 1 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project To: Mike Salzetti, HEA Project: Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project From: Morton D. McMillen, P.E. Andre Ball, P.E. (WA) Cc: Cory Warnock File Date: June 6, 2014 Job No: 13-102 Subject: Grant Creek Hydraulic Analysis 1.0 INTRODUCTION McMillen, LLC (McMillen) has been retained by Homer Electric Association, Inc. (HEA) to provide engineering support for the proposed Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project (Project) FERC application. The project would be located near the community of Moose Pass, Alaska, approximately 25 miles north of Seward, Alaska. 1.1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this Technical Memorandum (TM) is to present the analyses and results of a hydraulic analysis of Grant Creek. The analysis presented within this TM utilized the available data from previous studies, ongoing studies being conducted by McMillen, and the results of TM 001, Grant Creek Hydrologic Analysis. The primary objectives of this TM are: • Utilize the cross-sections surveyed for the IFIM study to develop a HEC-RAS model of the Grant Creek channel from near the powerhouse location to near the gage location. • Determine the water surface profiles along Grant Creek for various flows and develop a tailwater rating curve for the powerhouse tailrace channel and Grant Creek confluence. • Determine the 100-year flood event water surface elevation at the proposed powerhouse location. 1.2 Project Description As outlined in the application for a preliminary permit (HEA, 2011) the proposed Project consists of constructing a new 5-Megawatt (approximate) hydroelectric facility on Grant Lake and Grant Creek near Moose Pass, Alaska. The new Project would divert water from Grant Lake and deliver the flow to a powerhouse located near the outlet of the existing Grant Creek natural, incised rock canyon. The Project would include the following major components: • Diversion structure at the natural outlet of Grant Lake. (under consideration) • An intake structure in Grant Lake. • A tunnel extending from the lake intake to just east of the powerhouse. McMillen, LLC Page 2 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project • A powerhouse with two Francis turbines providing an anticipated combined 5-Megawatt output. The maximum design flow will be approximately 385 cfs. • Tailrace detention pond. • Switchyard with disconnect switch and step-up transformer. • An overhead or underground transmission line. • A pole mounted disconnect switch where the transmission line intersects the main power distribution line. 1.3 Project Background Grant Lake has been studied on multiple occasions since the 1950’s as a potential hydropower site. The previous work efforts included: • 1954 – R.W. Beck and Associates preliminary investigation • 1955 – U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) geological investigations of proposed power sites at Cooper, Grant, Ptarmigan, and Crescent Lake • 1980 – CH2M Hill prefeasibility study • 1981 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) National Hydroelectric Power Resources Study • 1984 – Ebasco Services Project Feasibility Analysis (Ebasco, 1984) • 2010 – HDR Grant Lake/Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project – Environmental Baseline Studies (HDR, 2010) On August 6, 2009, Kenai Hydro LLC filed a Pre-Application Document (PAD), along with a Notice of Intent to file an application for an original license for the Grant Lake/Falls Creek project. FERC subsequently approved the use of the Traditional License Process for development of the license application and supporting documents. In 2009-2010, HDR completed a series of environmental baseline studies which were summarized in their report dated January 2010. A second preliminary permit was issued by FERC in 2012. As part of these previous studies, the hydrologic conditions within the Grant Creek basin were evaluated and flows available to support a hydroelectric facility were evaluated. The most expansive analysis was completed as part of the Ebasco feasibility study. These previous studies and available gage data were used as the basis for the current hydrologic analysis. The subsequent gage data collected in 2009 (HDR, 2010) and 2013 by McMillen, along with the original USGS stream gage data (USGS Station 15246000) served as the basis for the flow estimation. 1.4 Grant Creek Description Grant Creek is the only natural outlet from Grant Lake and is located at the south end of the lake (Figure 1). Grant Creek is approximately 1 mile long and flows west from Grant Lake and discharges into the narrows that connect the Upper Trail Lake to Lower Trail Lake. The average gradient of Grant Creek is 207 feet per mile. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) had previously operated a stream flow gage (Station 15246000) on Grant Creek, but this gage is no longer McMillen, LLC Page 3 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project operated. Intermittent stream gaging has been conducted on Grant Creek by Ebasco in the early 1980’s and HDR in 2009 (Ebasco, 1984) (HDR, 2010). In 2013, McMillen reestablished streamflow measurements at the historic USGS gage location (GC200). McMillen evaluated streamflow statistics for Grant Creek as documented in TM 001 (McMillen, 2014). The mean annual discharge in Grant Creek is 193 cubic feet per second (cfs) and the average channel width is 25 feet. The upper portion of Grant Creek flows through a steep walled, canyon section with multiple waterfalls, abundant bedrock, and large boulders in the channel. The lower portion of the creek is less turbulent, less channelized, and has more gravel shoals (Ebasco 1984). The channel bifurcates near the mouth and has a network of distributaries. Figure 1. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Location Map 2.0 HYDRAULIC DATA SUMMARY The data sources used to conduct the hydraulic analysis included field surveys and observations, as well as previous reports. During the 2013 fieldwork season, McMillen personnel collected channel cross section information and measured water levels as part of the Water Resources and Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) studies. Additional background information about Grant Creek was available in the previous studies completed by Ebasco and HDR. The flood hydrology used for the hydraulic simulation is documented in a separate McMillen technical memorandum, TM 001 Grant Creek Hydrologic Analysis (McMillen, 2014). Table 1. summarizes the peak streamflow statistics for Grant Creek. USGS Gage 15246000 (GC200) Moose Pass Grant Creek Grant Lake Grant Creek Drainage Area McMillen, LLC Page 4 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project Table 1. Grant Creek Peak Streamflow Statistics at the USGS 15246000 Gage Location (GC200) Analysis Type Peak streamflow, in cubic feet per second (cfs), for a given recurrence interval in years Q2 Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q100 Q200 Q500 Weighted 961 1,410 1,790 2,350 2,810 3,310 3,860 4,690 3.0 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS The Grant Creek hydraulic gradeline was evaluated using HEC-RAS (Version 4.1.0); a one- dimensional hydraulic numerical model developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The HEC-RAS program contains one-dimensional river analysis components for steady flow water surface computations, unsteady flow simulation, movable boundary sediment transport computations, and water quality analysis. The model utilizes common geometric data representation and geometric and hydraulic computation routines. A description of the model development, calibration, and results for Grant Creek are presented in the following paragraphs. 3.1 Model Geometry The model geometry for the Grant Creek HEC-RAS model was based on the surveyed channel cross sections collected in spring 2013 for an Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) study (documented in the Aquatic Resource Study report). An additional survey was performed in fall 2013 to establish a common vertical datum and define the channel slope. In total, eight surveyed cross sections were used, representing a 2,060 foot long portion of Grant Creek. Table 2 summarizes the cross sections and their associated downstream reach lengths. Figure 2. (attached), shows the IFIM study section locations and can be cross referenced to the cross sections used in the HEC-RAS model by utilizing Table 2. Interpolated cross sections were added to the HEC-RAS model to reduce the distance between cross-sections, which provides a more stable hydraulic model. After interpolating cross-sections, the maximum modeled distance between cross sections was no more than 50 feet. A schematic of the HEC-RAS model geometry for Grant Creek is shown in Appendix A. Table 2. Grant Creek Surveyed Cross Sections and Reach Lengths Cross Section Name (IFIM Study) HEC-RAS Station (ft) Downstream Reach Length (ft) T220 50 0 T230 82 32 T300 932 850 T310 1061 129 T400 1381 320 T410 1435 54 T430 1865 430 T510 2110 245 McMillen, LLC Page 5 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project For this analysis, the hydraulic model was set up to represent Grant Creek as a single channel. In one location, there is a side channel that flows to the left of the main channel. The side channel begins downstream of T400 and rejoins the main channel between T300 and T230. At the time of this analysis, the hydraulic information available for the side channel was limited, and thus, the side channel was omitted from this initial hydraulic model. Based on a review of the overall creek hydraulics and controls, the side channel was considered to have minimal impact on the hydraulic gradeline at the area of interest near the proposed powerhouse tailrace location. 3.2 Model Calibration Observed water surface elevations at the surveyed cross sections were used to calibrate the HEC- RAS model. Five different discharges were simulated, ranging from 17 cfs to 706 cfs. Due to the steep grade of the creek, the model was run in the mixed flow regime with critical depth boundary conditions at the upstream and downstream ends. The mixed flow regime allows the model to determine if the section is supercritical or subcritical. The model computed a subcritical flow regime for most of the reach. The Froude numbers ranged between 0.4 and 0.7 for the upper half of the model. The model was calibrated by modifying the channel roughness, Manning’s ‘n’, as this was the most uncertain variable that could be adjusted. Any roughness adjustments were done within the range of roughness that is acceptable for the channel conditions (Barnes, 1967 and Brunner, 2010). In addition to modifying the roughness, ineffective flow areas were added to some cross sections, outside of the main channel, to refine the model. The calibration and refinement efforts focused on calibrating the model to best represent the creek in the reach between T410 and T430 since this is where the powerhouse tailrace will join the main channel. The resulting n-values used in the calibrated version of the Grant Creek are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Grant Creek Modeled Roughness Values Cross Section Name (IFIM Study) HEC-RAS Station (ft) Main Channel Roughness (n) Overbank Roughness (n) T220 50 0.07 0.10 T230 82 0.07 0.10 T300 932 0.07 0.10 T310 1061 0.07 0.10 T400 1381 0.07 0.08 T410 1435 0.09 0.15 T430 1865 0.07 0.15 T510 2110 0.07 0.15 The Ebasco report mentions a HEC-2 (HEC-RAS predecessor) model of Grant Lake outlet channel. The roughness values used in that model were n = 0.06 for the main channel and n = 0.10 for the overbank areas. It is unclear if these roughness values were computed based on field data or if they were selected based on reference literature. The new HEC-RAS model described in this memorandum required roughness values (Table 3) that were at the upper end of McMillen, LLC Page 6 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project acceptable values to bring the modeled water surface elevations closer to the observed water surface elevations. Manning’s n-values are known to be higher for mountain streams such as Grant Creek (Barnes, 1967). Furthermore, these calibration measurements were taken at lower flows and it is also known that Manning’s n-values for boulder mountain streams are higher for low flows because the roughness creates greater drag relative to streamflow when streamflow depths are lower (Bathurst, 1985 and Whol, 2000). The highest discharge available for the calibration was 706 cfs, whereas the lowest modeled flood flow, the 2-year event, was 961 cfs. The observed and modeled water surface elevations for cross sections T410 and T430 are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively. All modeled water surface elevations are within 0.2 feet of the observed water surface elevations. McMillen, LLC Page 7 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 3. Modeled (WS) vs. Observed Water Surface (OWS) Elevations – Cross Section T410 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140506 507 508 509 510 511 512 GrantCreek Plan: Main Channel Mixed Calibration 1/7/2014 T410 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)Legend WS 706 cfs WS 182 cfs WS 132 cfs WS 58 cfs WS 17 cfs Ground Ineff Bank Sta OWS 17 cfs OWS 58 cfs OWS 132 cfs OWS 182 cfs OWS 706 cfs .15 .09 .15 McMillen, LLC Page 8 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 4. Modeled (WS) vs. Observed Water Surface (OWS) Elevations – Cross Section T430 0 20 40 60 80 100 516 518 GrantCreek Plan: Main Channel Mixed Calibration 1/7/2014 T430 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)Legend WS 706 cfs WS 182 cfs WS 132 cfs WS 58 cfs WS 17 cfs Ground Bank Sta OWS 17 cfs OWS 132 cfs OWS 182 cfs OWS 706 cfs .15 .07 .15 McMillen, LLC Page 9 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project 3.3 Channel Roughness Sensitivity Analysis As discussed in the Model Calibration section, the roughness values required to calibrate to the known water surface elevations were relatively high. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate how much influence the channel roughness had on the modeled water surface elevation. A revised model geometry was created that had lower roughness values that coincided more with the roughness values documented for boulder filled mountain streams (Barnes, 1967). For the sensitivity run, all cross sections were assigned roughness values of n = 0.055 for the main channel and n = 0.080 for the overbanks. The sensitivity n-values are lower than the calibrated n- values which will result in lower water surface elevations and higher flow velocities for a given discharge. Table 4 compares the water surface elevations resulting from the ‘calibrated’ n-values and the ‘sensitivity’ n-values for cross sections T410 and T430. At lower flows, in the flow range used for calibration, the water surface elevations only vary by a few tenths of a foot. At the 100- year flood discharge, the calibrated n-values result in water surface elevations that are 0.9 and 0.6 feet higher, relative to the sensitivity n-value water surface elevations, for cross sections T410 and T430 respectively. The calibrated n-values are conservative since it is likely that the effective n-values will be lower at flood flow conditions, thus there is confidence that an observed 100-year flood elevation will not exceed the modeled 100-year flood elevation. Table 4. Water Surface Elevations for Cross Sections T410 and T430 – Channel Roughness Sensitivity Analysis T410 (Sta. 1435) T430 (Sta. 1865) Calibration n-values Sensitivity n-values Calibration n-values Sensitivity n-values Discharge (cfs) W.S. Elev. (ft) W.S. Elev. (ft) W.S. Elev. (ft) W.S. Elev. (ft) 17 507.0 506.9 516.4 516.3 58 507.5 507.3 517.0 516.9 132 508.0 507.7 517.4 517.2 182 508.2 507.9 517.6 517.5 706 509.3 509.0 518.9 518.6 961 (2-year) 509.7 509.3 519.3 519.0 3310 (100-year) 512.3 511.4 521.8 521.2 3.4 Model Results After the HEC-RAS model was calibrated, an additional series of flow scenarios was simulated to represent the 2-year through the 100-year flood discharges. The figures below provide a summary of the results. Figure 5 represent the hydraulic profiles for the different flood magnitudes for Grant Creek. McMillen, LLC Page 10 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 5. Grant Creek Hydraulic Profiles – 2-year through 100-year Floods The powerhouse tailrace channel will return flow to Grant Creek near cross section T430 (HEC- RAS Station 1865). Table 5 and Figure 6 provide the flood water levels at the T430 cross section. The flood rating curve for cross section T430 is shown in Figure 7. More detailed water surface elevation information is included in Appendix A. Table 5. Flood Water Surface Elevations at Cross Section T430 Discharge (cfs) Flood Frequency Water Surface Elevation (ft) 961 2-year 519.3 1410 5-year 519.9 1790 10-year 520.4 2350 25-year 521.1 2810 50-year 521.4 3310 100-year 521.8 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 GrantCreek Plan: Main Channel Mixed Flood 1/6/2014 Main Channel Distance (ft)Elevation (ft)Legend WS Q 100 WS Q 50 WS Q 25 WS Q 10 WS Q 5 WS Q 2 GroundApproximate Tailrace Location (T430) T220 T510 McMillen, LLC Page 11 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project Figure 6. Modeled Flood Water Surface Elevations – Cross Section T430 Figure 7. Grant Creek Flood Rating Curve – Cross Section T430 0 20 40 60 80 100 516 518 520 522 GrantCreek Plan: Main Channel Mixed Flood 5/29/2014 T430 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)Legend WS Q 100 WS Q 50 WS Q 25 WS Q 10 WS Q 5 WS Q 2 Ground Bank Sta .15 .07 .15 519.0 519.5 520.0 520.5 521.0 521.5 522.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500Elevation (ft) Discharge (cfs) McMillen, LLC Page 12 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Conclusions This technical memorandum describes the hydraulic model for Grant Creek that will be used for the powerhouse tailrace design. The cross sections and water surface calibration information used in the model were obtained from the 2013 IFIM study. Additional cross-sections were interpolated in the HEC-RAS model to provide shorter distances between modeled cross sections. During the model calibration, the model roughness was adjusted to a relatively high level, while still being considered reasonable, in order to match the observed water surface elevations. Based on the modeling conducted for this task, the 100-year discharge (3,310 cfs) for Grant Creek is expected to have a water surface elevation of approximately 521.8 feet (depth of 6.4 feet) at the downstream end of the powerhouse tailrace. The water surface elevation associated with the 100-year discharge is located at the top of the extents of the surveyed cross section. 4.2 Recommendations The hydraulic analysis presented within this TM estimated a water surface elevation of 521.8 feet at the downstream end of the proposed tailrace for the 100-year flood event of 3,310 cfs. This elevation represents a conservative estimate due to the higher n-values used for the model calibration. This elevation, along with the estimated tailwater rating curve, is recommended for use in developing the site grading plan and corresponding flood protection elevations. McMillen, LLC Page 13 Homer Electric Association, Inc. June 6, 2014 Grant Creek Hydroelectric Project 5.0 REFERENCES Barnes, Harry. 1967. Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1849. Bathhurst, J.C. 1985. Flow resistance estimation in Mountain Rivers. J. Hydraulic. Eng. 111(4) p. 625-643. Brunner, Gary W. 2010. HEC-RAS: River Analysis System Hydraulic Reference Manual. US Army Corps of Engineers – Hydraulic Engineering Center Ebasco, 1984. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Analysis (Vo1umes 1, 2, & 3). Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. HDR, 2010. Grant Lake/Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project – Environmental Baseline Studies, 2009 – Final Report. Prepared for Kenai Hydro, LLC. McMillen, 2014. TM 001: Grant Creek Hydrologic Analysis. Prepared for Homer Electric Association. Whol, E. 2000. Mountain Rivers. (See page 85). American Geophysical Union, Water Resources Monograph:14. 320 p. ²³ Power House GC 200 1401 SHORELINE DRIVEBOISE, ID 83702 OFFICE: 208.342.4214FAX: 208.342.4216 REV DESCRIPTIONBYDATE SCALE: DRAWING DRAWN DESIG NEDDeveloped For: Drawing Scale: GRANT LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT - FERC PROJECT NO. 13212 GRANT LAKE HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Figure 2. Instream Flow Study Cross Section Map ±CHECKE D ISSUED DATE08016024032040 Feet Legend Feature ²³Pow er H ouse GC 200 (Gage Location) Cross Sections T220 T230 T300 T310 T400 T410 T430 T510 A. Ball J. Woodbury A. Ball 05/15/2014 1:3,000 Location M apUpperTrailLake LowerTrailLake GrantLake GrantCreekG ra n tC re ek McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Appendix A: Supplemental HEC-RAS Model Information McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project HEC-RAS Model Plans McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project HEC-RAS Model Geometry McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydropower Project McMillen, LLC Homer Electric Association, Inc. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project HEC-RAS Model Output Tables HEC-RAS Plan: Calib River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 2110 17 cfs 17.00 521.86 523.13 522.89 523.19 0.024540 1.83 9.28 19.56 0.47 2-4 2110 58 cfs 58.00 521.86 523.60 523.33 523.72 0.029034 2.80 20.72 27.03 0.56 2-4 2110 132 cfs 132.00 521.86 524.07 523.72 524.31 0.030445 3.95 33.71 28.85 0.62 2-4 2110 182 cfs 182.00 521.86 524.31 523.95 524.63 0.031992 4.55 40.80 29.85 0.66 2-4 2110 706 cfs 706.00 521.86 525.89 525.60 526.96 0.041093 8.37 91.50 34.08 0.84 2-4 2061.* 17 cfs 17.00 520.57 521.88 521.92 0.026630 1.72 9.87 26.22 0.49 2-4 2061.* 58 cfs 58.00 520.57 522.30 522.39 0.025102 2.43 23.90 36.53 0.53 2-4 2061.* 132 cfs 132.00 520.57 522.69 522.87 0.027667 3.41 38.72 38.18 0.60 2-4 2061.* 182 cfs 182.00 520.57 522.90 523.14 0.028089 3.89 46.77 38.39 0.62 2-4 2061.* 706 cfs 706.00 520.57 524.28 525.05 0.033716 7.05 103.67 43.24 0.77 2-4 2012.* 17 cfs 17.00 519.28 520.56 520.61 0.027071 1.80 9.46 24.43 0.51 2-4 2012.* 58 cfs 58.00 519.28 521.00 521.08 0.028557 2.35 24.70 44.60 0.56 2-4 2012.* 132 cfs 132.00 519.28 521.37 521.53 0.027186 3.15 41.92 46.80 0.59 2-4 2012.* 182 cfs 182.00 519.28 521.56 521.76 0.027860 3.57 50.97 47.90 0.61 2-4 2012.* 706 cfs 706.00 519.28 522.84 523.43 0.030322 6.21 114.94 53.13 0.72 2-4 1963.* 17 cfs 17.00 518.00 519.24 519.29 0.027115 1.75 9.72 26.83 0.51 2-4 1963.* 58 cfs 58.00 518.00 519.67 519.76 0.025587 2.36 24.61 40.70 0.53 2-4 1963.* 132 cfs 132.00 518.00 520.11 520.24 0.025275 2.89 45.74 55.53 0.56 2-4 1963.* 182 cfs 182.00 518.00 520.29 520.45 0.025029 3.25 56.01 56.29 0.57 2-4 1963.* 706 cfs 706.00 518.00 521.47 521.96 0.028475 5.61 125.77 60.98 0.69 2-4 1914.* 17 cfs 17.00 516.71 517.71 517.80 0.034552 2.34 7.28 15.76 0.61 2-4 1914.* 58 cfs 58.00 516.71 518.26 518.36 0.032017 2.60 22.29 38.34 0.60 2-4 1914.* 132 cfs 132.00 516.71 518.68 518.85 0.031721 3.24 40.80 49.22 0.63 2-4 1914.* 182 cfs 182.00 516.71 518.91 519.09 0.030729 3.43 53.13 57.58 0.63 2-4 1914.* 706 cfs 706.00 516.71 520.10 520.54 0.028929 5.32 132.69 70.34 0.68 2-4 1865 17 cfs 17.00 515.43 516.38 516.44 0.022287 1.93 8.83 18.49 0.49 2-4 1865 58 cfs 58.00 515.43 516.96 517.04 0.022973 2.29 25.30 41.38 0.52 2-4 1865 132 cfs 132.00 515.43 517.40 517.53 0.022754 2.94 44.88 48.90 0.54 2-4 1865 182 cfs 182.00 515.43 517.64 517.80 0.022756 3.15 57.77 56.37 0.55 2-4 1865 706 cfs 706.00 515.43 518.91 519.25 0.022882 4.70 150.13 80.18 0.61 2-4 1817.22* 17 cfs 17.00 514.40 515.34 515.40 0.021698 1.89 9.01 19.08 0.48 2-4 1817.22* 58 cfs 58.00 514.40 515.86 515.94 0.023196 2.31 25.06 40.54 0.52 2-4 1817.22* 132 cfs 132.00 514.40 516.31 516.44 0.022894 2.92 45.15 49.76 0.54 2-4 1817.22* 182 cfs 182.00 514.40 516.55 516.70 0.023096 3.13 58.16 58.14 0.55 2-4 1817.22* 706 cfs 706.00 514.40 517.81 518.17 0.022801 4.77 148.04 77.56 0.61 2-4 1769.44* 17 cfs 17.00 513.37 514.33 514.37 0.021171 1.71 9.93 23.86 0.47 2-4 1769.44* 58 cfs 58.00 513.37 514.78 514.86 0.022345 2.29 25.34 40.27 0.51 2-4 1769.44* 132 cfs 132.00 513.37 515.23 515.36 0.022405 2.88 45.85 50.95 0.53 2-4 1769.44* 182 cfs 182.00 513.37 515.46 515.61 0.022695 3.12 58.34 58.09 0.55 2-4 1769.44* 706 cfs 706.00 513.37 516.75 517.10 0.021850 4.78 147.71 75.01 0.60 2-4 1721.66* 17 cfs 17.00 512.34 513.28 513.32 0.022968 1.60 10.61 28.64 0.46 2-4 1721.66* 58 cfs 58.00 512.34 513.71 513.79 0.022225 2.22 26.07 41.02 0.49 2-4 1721.66* 132 cfs 132.00 512.34 514.17 514.29 0.021945 2.80 47.11 51.68 0.52 2-4 1721.66* 182 cfs 182.00 512.34 514.39 514.53 0.022298 3.08 59.10 56.96 0.53 2-4 1721.66* 706 cfs 706.00 512.34 515.72 516.07 0.021201 4.73 149.42 72.60 0.58 2-4 1673.88* 17 cfs 17.00 511.31 512.23 512.27 0.021484 1.48 11.48 31.02 0.43 2-4 1673.88* 58 cfs 58.00 511.31 512.66 512.73 0.022296 2.14 27.10 42.53 0.47 2-4 1673.88* 132 cfs 132.00 511.31 513.11 513.23 0.022310 2.73 48.29 52.59 0.50 2-4 1673.88* 182 cfs 182.00 511.31 513.33 513.47 0.022042 3.04 59.95 55.25 0.51 2-4 1673.88* 706 cfs 706.00 511.31 514.71 515.05 0.021194 4.68 151.76 77.76 0.56 2-4 1626.11* 17 cfs 17.00 510.29 511.16 511.19 0.023363 1.49 11.43 30.56 0.43 2-4 1626.11* 58 cfs 58.00 510.29 511.58 511.65 0.022929 2.15 26.98 40.61 0.46 2-4 1626.11* 132 cfs 132.00 510.29 512.06 512.17 0.021955 2.71 48.71 50.20 0.48 2-4 1626.11* 182 cfs 182.00 510.29 512.31 512.44 0.021368 2.94 61.83 55.16 0.49 2-4 1626.11* 706 cfs 706.00 510.29 513.70 514.03 0.021430 4.66 158.07 91.77 0.55 2-4 1578.33* 17 cfs 17.00 509.26 510.12 509.88 510.15 0.020701 1.37 12.37 32.07 0.39 2-4 1578.33* 58 cfs 58.00 509.26 510.55 510.21 510.62 0.020314 2.07 27.98 38.51 0.43 2-4 1578.33* 132 cfs 132.00 509.26 511.03 510.54 511.14 0.021014 2.65 49.87 48.80 0.46 2-4 1578.33* 182 cfs 182.00 509.26 511.30 510.74 511.42 0.021134 2.87 63.45 55.56 0.47 2-4 1578.33* 706 cfs 706.00 509.26 512.68 511.89 513.00 0.021591 4.62 167.63 93.45 0.53 2-4 1530.55* 17 cfs 17.00 508.23 509.03 508.82 509.07 0.024712 1.49 11.43 28.54 0.41 2-4 1530.55* 58 cfs 58.00 508.23 509.53 509.15 509.59 0.023001 2.04 28.41 41.83 0.44 2-4 1530.55* 132 cfs 132.00 508.23 510.03 509.53 510.13 0.021229 2.60 50.75 49.63 0.45 2-4 1530.55* 182 cfs 182.00 508.23 510.28 509.69 510.41 0.021401 2.85 63.88 56.74 0.46 2-4 1530.55* 706 cfs 706.00 508.23 511.65 510.88 511.96 0.021789 4.56 178.64 99.75 0.52 HEC-RAS Plan: Calib River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 1482.77* 17 cfs 17.00 507.20 508.06 507.75 508.08 0.017429 1.34 12.72 27.28 0.34 2-4 1482.77* 58 cfs 58.00 507.20 508.57 508.11 508.63 0.017703 1.87 31.04 41.71 0.38 2-4 1482.77* 132 cfs 132.00 507.20 509.10 508.49 509.19 0.018480 2.41 54.91 64.78 0.41 2-4 1482.77* 182 cfs 182.00 507.20 509.34 508.67 509.46 0.018680 2.71 67.79 73.88 0.42 2-4 1482.77* 706 cfs 706.00 507.20 510.79 509.89 511.02 0.017002 4.11 216.07 117.66 0.45 2-4 1435 17 cfs 17.00 506.17 507.02 507.06 0.026805 1.51 11.27 27.28 0.41 2-4 1435 58 cfs 58.00 506.17 507.46 507.53 0.030693 2.22 26.22 45.73 0.47 2-4 1435 132 cfs 132.00 506.17 507.96 508.08 0.030186 2.80 47.71 73.75 0.49 2-4 1435 182 cfs 182.00 506.17 508.18 508.33 0.030328 3.13 59.06 79.75 0.51 2-4 1435 706 cfs 706.00 506.17 509.32 509.78 0.043137 5.59 149.59 121.23 0.67 2-4 1408.* 17 cfs 17.00 504.97 506.12 505.96 506.18 0.039624 1.91 8.92 24.33 0.54 2-4 1408.* 58 cfs 58.00 504.97 506.60 506.34 506.70 0.030728 2.51 23.08 43.14 0.53 2-4 1408.* 132 cfs 132.00 504.97 507.08 506.70 507.24 0.031329 3.15 42.41 62.81 0.56 2-4 1408.* 182 cfs 182.00 504.97 507.31 506.93 507.49 0.031368 3.49 53.17 69.93 0.58 2-4 1408.* 706 cfs 706.00 504.97 508.39 507.98 508.77 0.031163 5.38 165.63 101.30 0.64 2-4 1381 17 cfs 17.00 503.76 505.39 505.07 505.44 0.020526 1.72 9.88 28.42 0.43 2-4 1381 58 cfs 58.00 503.76 505.96 505.56 506.04 0.020245 2.24 25.93 48.69 0.47 2-4 1381 132 cfs 132.00 503.76 506.40 506.00 506.54 0.021555 3.03 44.43 62.34 0.52 2-4 1381 182 cfs 182.00 503.76 506.61 506.18 506.79 0.021822 3.44 55.27 71.60 0.54 2-4 1381 706 cfs 706.00 503.76 507.93 507.16 508.18 0.014253 4.48 182.89 86.63 0.49 2-4 1335.28* 17 cfs 17.00 502.99 504.50 504.55 0.018552 1.66 10.26 21.47 0.42 2-4 1335.28* 58 cfs 58.00 502.99 505.04 505.12 0.019839 2.20 26.88 43.50 0.47 2-4 1335.28* 132 cfs 132.00 502.99 505.48 505.61 0.019120 2.86 48.73 53.10 0.50 2-4 1335.28* 182 cfs 182.00 502.99 505.71 505.86 0.018757 3.18 60.99 55.44 0.51 2-4 1335.28* 706 cfs 706.00 502.99 507.13 507.47 0.016983 5.02 170.66 86.18 0.55 2-4 1289.57* 17 cfs 17.00 502.23 503.57 503.62 0.022182 1.78 9.55 21.05 0.47 2-4 1289.57* 58 cfs 58.00 502.23 504.14 504.21 0.019878 2.20 26.36 39.69 0.48 2-4 1289.57* 132 cfs 132.00 502.23 504.57 504.71 0.020023 2.91 45.35 45.67 0.51 2-4 1289.57* 182 cfs 182.00 502.23 504.79 504.96 0.020395 3.29 55.57 50.09 0.53 2-4 1289.57* 706 cfs 706.00 502.23 506.26 506.65 0.018417 5.23 155.89 85.55 0.57 2-4 1243.85* 17 cfs 17.00 501.46 502.71 502.75 0.016540 1.60 10.60 22.40 0.41 2-4 1243.85* 58 cfs 58.00 501.46 503.22 503.30 0.020225 2.21 26.20 40.12 0.48 2-4 1243.85* 132 cfs 132.00 501.46 503.66 503.78 0.019887 2.88 45.82 46.79 0.51 2-4 1243.85* 182 cfs 182.00 501.46 503.87 504.04 0.020064 3.24 56.23 48.47 0.53 2-4 1243.85* 706 cfs 706.00 501.46 505.33 505.77 0.020219 5.36 140.08 81.72 0.59 2-4 1198.14* 17 cfs 17.00 500.69 501.71 501.77 0.028259 1.94 8.78 21.08 0.53 2-4 1198.14* 58 cfs 58.00 500.69 502.26 502.35 0.020810 2.36 24.59 35.13 0.50 2-4 1198.14* 132 cfs 132.00 500.69 502.73 502.86 0.020498 2.86 46.09 48.94 0.52 2-4 1198.14* 182 cfs 182.00 500.69 502.95 503.11 0.020221 3.22 56.61 49.97 0.53 2-4 1198.14* 706 cfs 706.00 500.69 504.40 504.83 0.020556 5.28 134.02 60.52 0.59 2-4 1152.42* 17 cfs 17.00 499.92 500.95 500.64 500.98 0.011415 1.38 12.32 25.04 0.35 2-4 1152.42* 58 cfs 58.00 499.92 501.40 501.48 0.017552 2.18 26.63 37.92 0.46 2-4 1152.42* 132 cfs 132.00 499.92 501.85 501.97 0.018778 2.74 48.09 51.14 0.50 2-4 1152.42* 182 cfs 182.00 499.92 502.04 502.19 0.020019 3.15 57.69 52.18 0.53 2-4 1152.42* 706 cfs 706.00 499.92 503.54 503.93 0.018439 5.00 141.20 57.35 0.56 2-4 1106.71* 17 cfs 17.00 499.16 499.79 499.89 0.077610 2.65 6.41 20.59 0.84 2-4 1106.71* 58 cfs 58.00 499.16 500.35 500.46 0.028809 2.65 21.87 33.52 0.58 2-4 1106.71* 132 cfs 132.00 499.16 500.88 501.01 0.024071 2.93 45.09 52.47 0.56 2-4 1106.71* 182 cfs 182.00 499.16 501.13 501.28 0.019680 3.09 58.91 54.32 0.52 2-4 1106.71* 706 cfs 706.00 499.16 502.93 503.22 0.012177 4.30 164.00 60.61 0.46 2-4 1061 17 cfs 17.00 498.39 499.29 499.31 0.004738 0.97 17.49 31.10 0.23 2-4 1061 58 cfs 58.00 498.39 499.95 499.98 0.005085 1.30 44.53 54.28 0.25 2-4 1061 132 cfs 132.00 498.39 500.52 500.57 0.004696 1.72 76.81 58.05 0.26 2-4 1061 182 cfs 182.00 498.39 500.80 500.86 0.004827 1.96 93.09 58.98 0.27 2-4 1061 706 cfs 706.00 498.39 502.63 502.81 0.006029 3.38 211.86 75.46 0.33 2-4 1018.* 17 cfs 17.00 498.19 499.08 499.09 0.005322 1.02 16.64 30.34 0.24 2-4 1018.* 58 cfs 58.00 498.19 499.69 499.72 0.006944 1.48 39.12 50.11 0.30 2-4 1018.* 132 cfs 132.00 498.19 500.30 500.35 0.005551 1.81 72.82 58.29 0.29 2-4 1018.* 182 cfs 182.00 498.19 500.58 500.64 0.005503 2.04 89.08 58.99 0.29 2-4 1018.* 706 cfs 706.00 498.19 502.32 502.53 0.006924 3.63 194.68 61.52 0.36 2-4 975.* 17 cfs 17.00 497.98 498.83 498.85 0.005763 1.05 16.14 30.21 0.25 2-4 975.* 58 cfs 58.00 497.98 499.37 499.41 0.007314 1.71 33.90 36.61 0.31 2-4 975.* 132 cfs 132.00 497.98 500.01 500.07 0.007548 2.04 64.76 54.94 0.33 2-4 975.* 182 cfs 182.00 497.98 500.29 500.37 0.007198 2.26 80.48 56.08 0.33 2-4 975.* 706 cfs 706.00 497.98 501.93 502.18 0.009123 4.05 174.73 59.48 0.41 HEC-RAS Plan: Calib River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 932 17 cfs 17.00 497.78 498.39 498.43 0.019781 1.58 10.73 27.35 0.45 2-4 932 58 cfs 58.00 497.78 498.83 498.93 0.019303 2.44 23.72 30.31 0.49 2-4 932 132 cfs 132.00 497.78 499.40 499.55 0.020461 3.14 42.05 38.22 0.53 2-4 932 182 cfs 182.00 497.78 499.71 499.87 0.020262 3.24 56.10 48.30 0.53 2-4 932 706 cfs 706.00 497.78 501.13 501.58 0.022010 5.39 131.10 56.22 0.61 2-4 882.* 17 cfs 17.00 496.50 497.31 497.35 0.023428 1.78 9.56 23.35 0.49 2-4 882.* 58 cfs 58.00 496.50 497.82 497.91 0.021446 2.50 23.19 31.09 0.51 2-4 882.* 132 cfs 132.00 496.50 498.39 498.54 0.020078 3.13 42.15 37.96 0.52 2-4 882.* 182 cfs 182.00 496.50 498.73 498.88 0.019809 3.11 58.53 53.02 0.52 2-4 882.* 706 cfs 706.00 496.50 500.06 500.48 0.021662 5.19 135.99 61.14 0.60 2-4 832.* 17 cfs 17.00 495.22 496.28 496.32 0.018453 1.64 10.35 23.65 0.44 2-4 832.* 58 cfs 58.00 495.22 496.74 496.85 0.021364 2.61 22.26 27.89 0.51 2-4 832.* 132 cfs 132.00 495.22 497.32 497.49 0.022137 3.29 40.13 36.05 0.55 2-4 832.* 182 cfs 182.00 495.22 497.77 497.90 0.019057 2.93 62.07 59.70 0.51 2-4 832.* 706 cfs 706.00 495.22 499.01 499.40 0.021310 5.01 140.96 66.10 0.60 2-4 782.* 17 cfs 17.00 493.94 495.15 495.21 0.028051 1.91 8.90 22.00 0.53 2-4 782.* 58 cfs 58.00 493.94 495.68 495.78 0.021040 2.60 22.31 27.72 0.51 2-4 782.* 132 cfs 132.00 493.94 496.21 496.40 0.021546 3.47 37.99 30.53 0.55 2-4 782.* 182 cfs 182.00 493.94 496.74 496.88 0.022183 2.97 61.27 64.74 0.54 2-4 782.* 706 cfs 706.00 493.94 497.97 498.34 0.020950 4.84 145.93 71.10 0.59 2-4 732.* 17 cfs 17.00 492.66 493.74 493.85 0.025813 2.68 6.35 8.50 0.55 2-4 732.* 58 cfs 58.00 492.66 494.58 494.69 0.022787 2.67 21.70 27.47 0.53 2-4 732.* 132 cfs 132.00 492.66 495.14 495.32 0.021549 3.45 38.30 31.12 0.55 2-4 732.* 182 cfs 182.00 492.66 495.57 495.75 0.022947 3.37 54.07 48.10 0.56 2-4 732.* 706 cfs 706.00 492.66 496.94 497.28 0.020850 4.70 150.25 76.10 0.58 2-4 682.* 17 cfs 17.00 491.38 492.45 492.57 0.025497 2.74 6.20 7.89 0.55 2-4 682.* 58 cfs 58.00 491.38 493.54 493.64 0.019324 2.53 22.97 27.74 0.49 2-4 682.* 132 cfs 132.00 491.38 494.07 494.25 0.021502 3.41 38.72 31.90 0.55 2-4 682.* 182 cfs 182.00 491.38 494.41 494.62 0.022080 3.60 50.54 39.12 0.56 2-4 682.* 706 cfs 706.00 491.38 495.92 496.24 0.020577 4.57 154.89 81.13 0.58 2-4 632.* 17 cfs 17.00 490.10 491.17 491.28 0.025901 2.76 6.17 7.91 0.55 2-4 632.* 58 cfs 58.00 490.10 492.33 492.46 0.029820 2.98 19.48 25.11 0.60 2-4 632.* 132 cfs 132.00 490.10 492.99 493.16 0.021808 3.39 38.96 32.69 0.55 2-4 632.* 182 cfs 182.00 490.10 493.30 493.51 0.022121 3.67 49.60 37.22 0.56 2-4 632.* 706 cfs 706.00 490.10 494.87 495.19 0.021585 4.52 156.49 86.10 0.59 2-4 582.* 17 cfs 17.00 488.82 489.89 490.01 0.025249 2.72 6.24 8.02 0.54 2-4 582.* 58 cfs 58.00 488.82 490.84 491.07 0.025704 3.83 15.13 11.18 0.58 2-4 582.* 132 cfs 132.00 488.82 491.87 492.06 0.022632 3.45 38.24 32.04 0.56 2-4 582.* 182 cfs 182.00 488.82 492.19 492.41 0.021980 3.72 48.98 35.77 0.56 2-4 582.* 706 cfs 706.00 488.82 493.79 494.11 0.021428 4.56 155.13 83.35 0.58 2-4 532.* 17 cfs 17.00 487.54 488.60 488.72 0.026503 2.75 6.17 8.15 0.56 2-4 532.* 58 cfs 58.00 487.54 489.54 489.77 0.026229 3.93 14.76 10.60 0.59 2-4 532.* 132 cfs 132.00 487.54 490.82 490.99 0.020413 3.33 39.68 32.32 0.53 2-4 532.* 182 cfs 182.00 487.54 491.07 491.29 0.022459 3.78 48.20 34.79 0.57 2-4 532.* 706 cfs 706.00 487.54 492.71 493.03 0.021860 4.55 155.49 84.90 0.59 2-4 482.* 17 cfs 17.00 486.25 487.33 487.44 0.024845 2.68 6.34 8.34 0.54 2-4 482.* 58 cfs 58.00 486.25 488.22 488.47 0.026224 4.00 14.52 10.11 0.59 2-4 482.* 132 cfs 132.00 486.25 489.55 489.77 0.029490 3.82 34.52 29.66 0.62 2-4 482.* 182 cfs 182.00 486.25 490.00 490.21 0.020785 3.69 49.26 34.55 0.55 2-4 482.* 706 cfs 706.00 486.25 491.63 491.95 0.021325 4.50 157.02 85.18 0.58 2-4 432.* 17 cfs 17.00 484.97 486.02 486.14 0.027449 2.75 6.18 8.51 0.57 2-4 432.* 58 cfs 58.00 484.97 486.92 487.17 0.026015 4.00 14.49 10.04 0.59 2-4 432.* 132 cfs 132.00 484.97 488.02 488.38 0.025833 4.81 27.44 13.90 0.60 2-4 432.* 182 cfs 182.00 484.97 488.77 489.02 0.027142 4.02 45.22 33.83 0.61 2-4 432.* 706 cfs 706.00 484.97 490.56 490.87 0.021408 4.44 159.15 88.39 0.58 2-4 382.* 17 cfs 17.00 483.69 484.79 484.89 0.022602 2.56 6.65 8.82 0.52 2-4 382.* 58 cfs 58.00 483.69 485.63 485.87 0.025698 3.97 14.60 10.19 0.58 2-4 382.* 132 cfs 132.00 483.69 486.70 487.07 0.026137 4.90 26.92 13.28 0.61 2-4 382.* 182 cfs 182.00 483.69 487.25 487.68 0.025895 5.21 34.91 15.50 0.61 2-4 382.* 706 cfs 706.00 483.69 489.51 489.80 0.021263 4.37 161.84 91.70 0.58 2-4 332.* 17 cfs 17.00 482.41 483.41 483.54 0.032987 2.92 5.83 8.48 0.62 2-4 332.* 58 cfs 58.00 482.41 484.31 484.56 0.027016 4.03 14.40 10.31 0.60 2-4 332.* 132 cfs 132.00 482.41 485.38 485.76 0.026302 4.97 26.57 12.87 0.61 2-4 332.* 182 cfs 182.00 482.41 485.95 486.38 0.025872 5.28 34.46 14.91 0.61 2-4 332.* 706 cfs 706.00 482.41 488.42 488.71 0.022374 4.38 161.37 94.72 0.59 HEC-RAS Plan: Calib River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 282.* 17 cfs 17.00 481.13 482.31 482.39 0.016521 2.29 7.44 9.23 0.45 2-4 282.* 58 cfs 58.00 481.13 483.11 483.33 0.022168 3.75 15.49 10.64 0.55 2-4 282.* 132 cfs 132.00 481.13 484.17 484.52 0.022903 4.75 27.78 12.90 0.57 2-4 282.* 182 cfs 182.00 481.13 484.80 485.18 0.021798 4.99 36.48 14.99 0.56 2-4 282.* 706 cfs 706.00 481.13 487.27 487.59 0.022477 4.52 156.40 87.61 0.59 2-4 232.* 17 cfs 17.00 479.85 482.24 482.25 0.000881 0.84 20.30 11.45 0.11 2-4 232.* 58 cfs 58.00 479.85 482.76 482.83 0.004872 2.19 26.44 12.26 0.26 2-4 232.* 132 cfs 132.00 479.85 483.50 483.70 0.011252 3.63 36.40 14.64 0.41 2-4 232.* 182 cfs 182.00 479.85 484.11 484.36 0.011845 3.95 46.06 16.82 0.42 2-4 232.* 706 cfs 706.00 479.85 486.19 486.50 0.020879 4.48 157.83 84.61 0.58 2-4 182.* 17 cfs 17.00 478.57 482.23 482.23 0.000177 0.46 36.86 14.45 0.05 2-4 182.* 58 cfs 58.00 478.57 482.68 482.70 0.001337 1.33 43.65 15.85 0.14 2-4 182.* 132 cfs 132.00 478.57 483.25 483.35 0.004201 2.47 53.37 17.93 0.25 2-4 182.* 182 cfs 182.00 478.57 483.61 483.75 0.011297 2.98 61.09 35.83 0.40 2-4 182.* 706 cfs 706.00 478.57 485.40 485.62 0.014125 3.82 185.01 94.26 0.48 2-4 132.* 17 cfs 17.00 477.29 482.22 482.23 0.000055 0.29 58.04 18.49 0.03 2-4 132.* 58 cfs 58.00 477.29 482.63 482.64 0.000908 0.86 67.47 38.53 0.11 2-4 132.* 132 cfs 132.00 477.29 483.12 483.15 0.002941 1.41 93.37 63.68 0.21 2-4 132.* 182 cfs 182.00 477.29 483.38 483.42 0.003609 1.64 110.73 70.65 0.23 2-4 132.* 706 cfs 706.00 477.29 485.07 485.18 0.005248 2.66 267.28 112.37 0.30 2-4 82 17 cfs 17.00 476.01 482.22 482.22 0.000033 0.16 107.56 68.16 0.02 2-4 82 58 cfs 58.00 476.01 482.62 482.62 0.000215 0.42 136.89 80.80 0.06 2-4 82 132 cfs 132.00 476.01 483.08 483.09 0.000539 0.75 175.83 88.70 0.09 2-4 82 182 cfs 182.00 476.01 483.33 483.34 0.000736 0.92 198.29 93.67 0.11 2-4 82 706 cfs 706.00 476.01 484.97 485.03 0.001707 1.85 384.35 118.94 0.18 2-4 50 17 cfs 17.00 481.55 482.10 482.10 482.21 0.126642 2.68 6.34 29.08 1.01 2-4 50 58 cfs 58.00 481.55 482.36 482.36 482.58 0.106335 3.70 15.68 38.62 1.02 2-4 50 132 cfs 132.00 481.55 482.67 482.67 483.00 0.091667 4.60 28.73 45.42 1.02 2-4 50 182 cfs 182.00 481.55 482.84 482.84 483.23 0.085592 5.00 36.43 48.12 1.01 2-4 50 706 cfs 706.00 481.55 483.92 483.92 484.78 0.065505 7.48 94.82 56.13 1.01 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 2110 Q 2 961.00 521.86 526.42 526.21 527.82 0.044334 9.66 109.41 34.12 0.90 2-4 2110 Q 5 1410.00 521.86 527.16 527.14 529.20 0.050323 11.67 134.85 34.35 0.99 2-4 2110 Q 10 1790.00 521.86 527.83 527.83 530.27 0.050053 12.79 157.64 34.35 1.01 2-4 2110 Q 25 2350.00 521.86 528.81 528.81 531.72 0.047164 13.99 191.34 34.35 1.01 2-4 2110 Q 50 2810.00 521.86 529.53 529.53 532.83 0.045914 14.90 216.28 34.35 1.01 2-4 2110 Q 100 3310.00 521.86 530.27 530.27 533.98 0.044969 15.81 241.56 34.35 1.02 2-4 2061.* Q 2 961.00 520.57 524.75 524.36 525.76 0.035793 8.11 124.22 44.97 0.82 2-4 2061.* Q 5 1410.00 520.57 525.44 525.15 526.86 0.038825 9.66 155.32 45.66 0.88 2-4 2061.* Q 10 1790.00 520.57 525.92 525.74 527.70 0.041330 10.81 177.82 46.60 0.92 2-4 2061.* Q 25 2350.00 520.57 525.98 526.53 528.96 0.068095 14.00 180.46 46.65 1.19 2-4 2061.* Q 50 2810.00 520.57 526.32 527.11 529.96 0.075395 15.49 196.16 46.70 1.27 2-4 2061.* Q 100 3310.00 520.57 526.66 527.72 531.01 0.081914 16.94 212.36 46.70 1.34 2-4 2012.* Q 2 961.00 519.28 523.26 524.04 0.031675 7.11 137.98 54.33 0.76 2-4 2012.* Q 5 1410.00 519.28 523.89 524.99 0.033865 8.44 172.62 56.05 0.81 2-4 2012.* Q 10 1790.00 519.28 524.35 523.97 525.71 0.035357 9.39 198.56 56.75 0.85 2-4 2012.* Q 25 2350.00 519.28 524.94 524.66 526.67 0.037529 10.65 232.04 57.36 0.89 2-4 2012.* Q 50 2810.00 519.28 525.36 525.16 527.41 0.039253 11.58 256.59 57.87 0.93 2-4 2012.* Q 100 3310.00 519.28 525.78 525.66 528.18 0.041079 12.53 281.04 58.63 0.96 2-4 1963.* Q 2 961.00 518.00 521.87 522.51 0.029245 6.40 150.81 63.82 0.72 2-4 1963.* Q 5 1410.00 518.00 522.46 523.35 0.030778 7.57 188.98 65.65 0.76 2-4 1963.* Q 10 1790.00 518.00 522.88 523.98 0.032032 8.42 217.08 66.74 0.80 2-4 1963.* Q 25 2350.00 518.00 523.43 523.01 524.83 0.033648 9.52 254.23 67.96 0.84 2-4 1963.* Q 50 2810.00 518.00 523.84 523.44 525.48 0.034878 10.33 281.72 68.42 0.86 2-4 1963.* Q 100 3310.00 518.00 524.24 523.90 526.14 0.036177 11.14 309.15 68.93 0.89 2-4 1914.* Q 2 961.00 516.71 520.49 521.05 0.029510 6.01 159.99 71.52 0.71 2-4 1914.* Q 5 1410.00 516.71 521.05 521.82 0.030100 7.02 201.45 75.06 0.74 2-4 1914.* Q 10 1790.00 516.71 521.46 522.40 0.030685 7.76 232.49 76.54 0.77 2-4 1914.* Q 25 2350.00 516.71 521.99 523.17 0.031519 8.72 273.59 77.79 0.80 2-4 1914.* Q 50 2810.00 516.71 522.39 523.76 0.032114 9.41 304.50 78.70 0.82 2-4 1914.* Q 100 3310.00 516.71 522.79 522.31 524.36 0.032694 10.10 335.89 79.39 0.84 2-4 1865 Q 2 961.00 515.43 519.31 519.74 0.022602 5.26 182.60 81.36 0.62 2-4 1865 Q 5 1410.00 515.43 519.93 520.50 0.022309 6.05 233.12 83.77 0.64 2-4 1865 Q 10 1790.00 515.43 520.37 521.05 0.022186 6.63 270.75 87.09 0.65 2-4 1865 Q 25 2350.00 515.43 520.95 521.79 0.021959 7.37 321.87 88.44 0.66 2-4 1865 Q 50 2810.00 515.43 521.39 522.35 0.021836 7.90 360.66 89.41 0.68 2-4 1865 Q 100 3310.00 515.43 521.83 522.92 0.021738 8.42 400.36 90.34 0.68 2-4 1817.22* Q 2 961.00 514.40 518.23 518.67 0.022424 5.33 180.38 78.77 0.62 2-4 1817.22* Q 5 1410.00 514.40 518.84 519.43 0.022211 6.14 230.23 85.76 0.64 2-4 1817.22* Q 10 1790.00 514.40 519.29 519.99 0.022028 6.74 269.04 87.85 0.65 2-4 1817.22* Q 25 2350.00 514.40 519.88 520.74 0.021853 7.48 321.50 90.38 0.67 2-4 1817.22* Q 50 2810.00 514.40 520.32 521.31 0.021731 8.01 361.68 91.67 0.68 2-4 1817.22* Q 100 3310.00 514.40 520.76 521.88 0.021640 8.54 402.84 92.97 0.69 2-4 1769.44* Q 2 961.00 513.37 517.17 517.62 0.021544 5.34 179.91 76.28 0.61 2-4 1769.44* Q 5 1410.00 513.37 517.79 518.39 0.021425 6.19 231.41 87.75 0.63 2-4 1769.44* Q 10 1790.00 513.37 518.25 518.96 0.021265 6.78 271.83 90.27 0.65 2-4 1769.44* Q 25 2350.00 513.37 518.85 519.72 0.021103 7.52 326.88 92.98 0.66 2-4 1769.44* Q 50 2810.00 513.37 519.29 520.29 0.021010 8.06 368.87 94.67 0.67 2-4 1769.44* Q 100 3310.00 513.37 519.74 520.86 0.021006 8.59 411.78 97.05 0.68 2-4 1721.66* Q 2 961.00 512.34 516.15 516.59 0.021261 5.31 182.14 84.34 0.60 2-4 1721.66* Q 5 1410.00 512.34 516.78 517.37 0.021106 6.16 237.80 91.05 0.62 2-4 1721.66* Q 10 1790.00 512.34 517.25 517.94 0.021019 6.75 280.52 93.67 0.63 2-4 1721.66* Q 25 2350.00 512.34 517.86 518.71 0.020952 7.49 338.37 96.38 0.65 2-4 1721.66* Q 50 2810.00 512.34 518.30 519.28 0.021008 8.03 382.70 100.52 0.66 2-4 1721.66* Q 100 3310.00 512.34 518.76 519.85 0.021035 8.55 428.38 101.54 0.67 2-4 1673.88* Q 2 961.00 511.31 515.14 515.57 0.021293 5.28 188.69 90.40 0.58 2-4 1673.88* Q 5 1410.00 511.31 515.78 516.35 0.021220 6.11 247.67 93.51 0.60 2-4 1673.88* Q 10 1790.00 511.31 516.25 516.93 0.021269 6.70 292.40 97.10 0.62 2-4 1673.88* Q 25 2350.00 511.31 516.86 517.69 0.021389 7.44 354.28 103.85 0.63 2-4 1673.88* Q 50 2810.00 511.31 517.31 518.25 0.021443 7.97 401.44 104.85 0.64 2-4 1673.88* Q 100 3310.00 511.31 517.77 518.82 0.021576 8.49 449.09 106.39 0.66 2-4 1626.11* Q 2 961.00 510.29 514.13 514.55 0.021404 5.24 197.98 92.58 0.56 2-4 1626.11* Q 5 1410.00 510.29 514.78 515.33 0.021562 6.07 259.28 99.37 0.59 2-4 1626.11* Q 10 1790.00 510.29 515.24 515.90 0.021764 6.66 307.89 106.34 0.60 2-4 1626.11* Q 25 2350.00 510.29 515.85 516.64 0.021912 7.38 373.41 108.63 0.62 2-4 1626.11* Q 50 2810.00 510.29 516.30 517.20 0.022093 7.91 422.81 111.56 0.63 2-4 1626.11* Q 100 3310.00 510.29 516.75 517.76 0.022353 8.43 473.03 114.06 0.65 2-4 1578.33* Q 2 961.00 509.26 513.11 512.27 513.51 0.021702 5.19 208.83 97.68 0.55 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 1578.33* Q 5 1410.00 509.26 513.75 512.84 514.28 0.022010 6.01 275.92 109.24 0.58 2-4 1578.33* Q 10 1790.00 509.26 514.22 513.26 514.84 0.022243 6.58 327.10 111.86 0.59 2-4 1578.33* Q 25 2350.00 509.26 514.82 513.80 515.57 0.022537 7.30 396.29 116.55 0.61 2-4 1578.33* Q 50 2810.00 509.26 515.27 514.18 516.11 0.022820 7.83 448.79 120.50 0.62 2-4 1578.33* Q 100 3310.00 509.26 515.71 514.58 516.66 0.023020 8.33 502.50 121.66 0.63 2-4 1530.55* Q 2 961.00 508.23 512.09 511.30 512.47 0.021762 5.11 225.65 109.18 0.54 2-4 1530.55* Q 5 1410.00 508.23 512.73 511.79 513.21 0.021988 5.88 298.69 117.72 0.56 2-4 1530.55* Q 10 1790.00 508.23 513.19 512.20 513.76 0.022258 6.43 353.49 120.61 0.57 2-4 1530.55* Q 25 2350.00 508.23 513.79 512.70 514.47 0.022656 7.13 427.15 125.17 0.59 2-4 1530.55* Q 50 2810.00 508.23 514.23 513.08 515.00 0.022928 7.63 482.59 127.29 0.60 2-4 1530.55* Q 100 3310.00 508.23 514.68 513.43 515.53 0.023055 8.10 539.32 127.29 0.61 2-4 1482.77* Q 2 961.00 507.20 511.24 510.21 511.52 0.017149 4.59 270.44 122.53 0.46 2-4 1482.77* Q 5 1410.00 507.20 511.84 510.70 512.22 0.018624 5.40 345.87 128.03 0.50 2-4 1482.77* Q 10 1790.00 507.20 512.28 511.09 512.73 0.019531 5.96 402.05 129.62 0.52 2-4 1482.77* Q 25 2350.00 507.20 512.84 511.55 513.40 0.020612 6.68 476.32 131.74 0.55 2-4 1482.77* Q 50 2810.00 507.20 513.27 511.93 513.90 0.021178 7.18 532.45 131.74 0.56 2-4 1482.77* Q 100 3310.00 507.20 513.71 512.27 514.42 0.021596 7.66 589.97 131.74 0.58 2-4 1435 Q 2 961.00 506.17 509.69 510.25 0.044179 6.29 192.02 127.21 0.70 2-4 1435 Q 5 1410.00 506.17 510.29 510.93 0.040269 6.93 270.97 132.34 0.69 2-4 1435 Q 10 1790.00 506.17 510.76 511.44 0.037395 7.32 332.57 134.02 0.68 2-4 1435 Q 25 2350.00 506.17 511.38 512.13 0.034391 7.80 416.35 135.91 0.67 2-4 1435 Q 50 2810.00 506.17 511.85 512.65 0.032304 8.12 481.29 136.20 0.66 2-4 1435 Q 100 3310.00 506.17 512.34 513.19 0.030561 8.43 547.82 136.20 0.65 2-4 1408.* Q 2 961.00 504.97 508.84 508.31 509.26 0.028331 5.81 211.24 104.49 0.63 2-4 1408.* Q 5 1410.00 504.97 509.55 508.76 510.05 0.024789 6.38 290.10 114.62 0.62 2-4 1408.* Q 10 1790.00 504.97 510.07 509.15 510.62 0.023093 6.78 350.32 118.47 0.61 2-4 1408.* Q 25 2350.00 504.97 510.74 509.63 511.36 0.021537 7.29 430.11 119.44 0.60 2-4 1408.* Q 50 2810.00 504.97 511.25 509.96 511.93 0.020627 7.66 490.79 120.00 0.60 2-4 1408.* Q 100 3310.00 504.97 511.76 510.35 512.50 0.019933 8.03 551.98 120.00 0.60 2-4 1381 Q 2 961.00 503.76 508.40 507.47 508.71 0.014010 4.96 223.94 88.48 0.50 2-4 1381 Q 5 1410.00 503.76 509.13 507.93 509.54 0.013651 5.66 291.84 96.79 0.51 2-4 1381 Q 10 1790.00 503.76 509.64 508.29 510.12 0.013975 6.23 342.94 101.31 0.53 2-4 1381 Q 25 2350.00 503.76 510.32 508.76 510.89 0.013774 6.82 412.08 102.72 0.54 2-4 1381 Q 50 2810.00 503.76 510.83 509.18 511.47 0.013646 7.24 464.83 103.80 0.55 2-4 1381 Q 100 3310.00 503.76 511.34 509.65 512.05 0.013480 7.64 518.09 103.80 0.55 2-4 1335.28* Q 2 961.00 502.99 507.59 508.00 0.016863 5.58 211.08 88.11 0.56 2-4 1335.28* Q 5 1410.00 502.99 508.30 508.83 0.017084 6.44 276.79 99.05 0.58 2-4 1335.28* Q 10 1790.00 502.99 508.79 509.40 0.017211 7.00 326.00 100.49 0.60 2-4 1335.28* Q 25 2350.00 502.99 509.44 510.17 0.017218 7.70 392.22 101.81 0.61 2-4 1335.28* Q 50 2810.00 502.99 509.93 510.75 0.017198 8.20 442.65 102.77 0.62 2-4 1335.28* Q 100 3310.00 502.99 510.44 511.34 0.017063 8.66 494.29 102.77 0.63 2-4 1289.57* Q 2 961.00 502.23 506.73 507.20 0.017938 5.76 196.94 87.60 0.58 2-4 1289.57* Q 5 1410.00 502.23 507.42 508.02 0.018055 6.62 261.93 99.39 0.60 2-4 1289.57* Q 10 1790.00 502.23 507.92 508.59 0.017967 7.16 310.82 99.64 0.61 2-4 1289.57* Q 25 2350.00 502.23 508.57 509.36 0.017805 7.84 376.60 100.92 0.62 2-4 1289.57* Q 50 2810.00 502.23 509.07 509.95 0.017589 8.31 427.29 101.74 0.63 2-4 1289.57* Q 100 3310.00 502.23 509.59 510.55 0.017198 8.73 480.25 101.74 0.63 2-4 1243.85* Q 2 961.00 501.46 505.83 506.34 0.019235 5.90 182.48 86.75 0.60 2-4 1243.85* Q 5 1410.00 501.46 506.52 507.17 0.018929 6.71 248.10 98.71 0.61 2-4 1243.85* Q 10 1790.00 501.46 507.03 507.75 0.018517 7.23 298.08 98.89 0.62 2-4 1243.85* Q 25 2350.00 501.46 507.72 508.55 0.017748 7.83 366.91 100.07 0.62 2-4 1243.85* Q 50 2810.00 501.46 508.26 509.15 0.017058 8.22 420.91 100.71 0.62 2-4 1243.85* Q 100 3310.00 501.46 508.82 509.78 0.016267 8.57 477.78 100.71 0.61 2-4 1198.14* Q 2 961.00 500.69 504.91 505.45 0.019917 5.89 171.14 84.43 0.60 2-4 1198.14* Q 5 1410.00 500.69 505.66 506.31 0.018679 6.62 241.11 98.03 0.61 2-4 1198.14* Q 10 1790.00 500.69 506.21 506.93 0.017592 7.05 295.50 98.24 0.60 2-4 1198.14* Q 25 2350.00 500.69 506.97 507.76 0.016160 7.54 370.55 99.66 0.59 2-4 1198.14* Q 50 2810.00 500.69 507.56 508.41 0.015102 7.85 429.47 99.69 0.58 2-4 1198.14* Q 100 3310.00 500.69 508.18 509.07 0.014157 8.14 490.67 99.69 0.57 2-4 1152.42* Q 2 961.00 499.92 504.10 504.58 0.017518 5.54 174.87 72.41 0.56 2-4 1152.42* Q 5 1410.00 499.92 504.93 505.50 0.015662 6.16 251.29 97.23 0.55 2-4 1152.42* Q 10 1790.00 499.92 505.56 506.18 0.014250 6.50 312.29 97.64 0.54 2-4 1152.42* Q 25 2350.00 499.92 506.40 507.08 0.012773 6.91 394.87 98.66 0.53 2-4 1152.42* Q 50 2810.00 499.92 507.04 507.76 0.011896 7.19 457.92 98.66 0.52 2-4 1152.42* Q 100 3310.00 499.92 507.69 508.46 0.011190 7.48 522.36 98.66 0.51 2-4 1106.71* Q 2 961.00 499.16 503.54 503.89 0.011589 4.76 205.52 76.64 0.46 2-4 1106.71* Q 5 1410.00 499.16 504.46 504.88 0.010438 5.31 289.06 96.60 0.46 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 1106.71* Q 10 1790.00 499.16 505.13 505.60 0.009671 5.65 354.48 97.43 0.45 2-4 1106.71* Q 25 2350.00 499.16 506.02 506.55 0.008950 6.07 441.00 97.63 0.45 2-4 1106.71* Q 50 2810.00 499.16 506.68 507.26 0.008557 6.38 505.77 97.63 0.44 2-4 1106.71* Q 100 3310.00 499.16 507.35 507.98 0.008248 6.70 571.42 97.63 0.44 2-4 1061 Q 2 961.00 498.39 503.25 503.48 0.006166 3.82 261.77 89.11 0.34 2-4 1061 Q 5 1410.00 498.39 504.20 504.48 0.006065 4.38 350.70 96.43 0.35 2-4 1061 Q 10 1790.00 498.39 504.88 505.22 0.005971 4.76 417.17 96.60 0.36 2-4 1061 Q 25 2350.00 498.39 505.78 506.18 0.005909 5.24 503.87 96.60 0.37 2-4 1061 Q 50 2810.00 498.39 506.45 506.90 0.005880 5.58 568.56 96.60 0.37 2-4 1061 Q 100 3310.00 498.39 507.13 507.63 0.005859 5.93 634.01 96.60 0.38 2-4 1018.* Q 2 961.00 498.19 502.92 503.19 0.007327 4.16 232.29 67.03 0.38 2-4 1018.* Q 5 1410.00 498.19 503.82 504.18 0.007703 4.88 299.94 84.57 0.40 2-4 1018.* Q 10 1790.00 498.19 504.48 504.92 0.007740 5.35 356.72 85.50 0.41 2-4 1018.* Q 25 2350.00 498.19 505.35 505.87 0.007774 5.93 430.93 85.50 0.42 2-4 1018.* Q 50 2810.00 498.19 506.00 506.59 0.007792 6.34 486.33 85.50 0.43 2-4 1018.* Q 100 3310.00 498.19 506.65 507.32 0.007813 6.75 542.31 85.50 0.43 2-4 975.* Q 2 961.00 497.98 502.48 502.82 0.009709 4.64 208.28 60.82 0.43 2-4 975.* Q 5 1410.00 497.98 503.32 503.79 0.010473 5.50 260.16 62.91 0.46 2-4 975.* Q 10 1790.00 497.98 503.94 504.51 0.010929 6.10 301.69 73.44 0.48 2-4 975.* Q 25 2350.00 497.98 504.75 505.46 0.011198 6.82 362.00 74.40 0.50 2-4 975.* Q 50 2810.00 497.98 505.36 506.17 0.011317 7.33 407.31 74.40 0.51 2-4 975.* Q 100 3310.00 497.98 505.97 506.89 0.011433 7.82 452.97 74.40 0.52 2-4 932 Q 2 961.00 497.78 501.60 502.18 0.022611 6.12 158.21 58.04 0.64 2-4 932 Q 5 1410.00 497.78 502.31 503.11 0.023505 7.17 200.07 60.11 0.67 2-4 932 Q 10 1790.00 497.78 502.84 503.80 0.024121 7.91 231.85 61.19 0.69 2-4 932 Q 25 2350.00 497.78 503.52 504.72 0.024915 8.84 274.33 62.31 0.71 2-4 932 Q 50 2810.00 497.78 504.03 505.41 0.025549 9.52 306.05 63.00 0.73 2-4 932 Q 100 3310.00 497.78 504.53 506.11 0.026269 10.19 337.86 63.30 0.75 2-4 882.* Q 2 961.00 496.50 500.51 501.05 0.022107 5.89 164.19 62.81 0.63 2-4 882.* Q 5 1410.00 496.50 501.19 501.93 0.022902 6.90 207.22 64.20 0.66 2-4 882.* Q 10 1790.00 496.50 501.70 502.59 0.023445 7.61 239.90 65.55 0.68 2-4 882.* Q 25 2350.00 496.50 502.36 503.47 0.024162 8.51 283.57 66.90 0.70 2-4 882.* Q 50 2810.00 496.50 502.84 504.13 0.024714 9.16 316.22 67.25 0.72 2-4 882.* Q 100 3310.00 496.50 503.32 504.79 0.025248 9.83 348.60 68.16 0.74 2-4 832.* Q 2 961.00 495.22 499.44 499.94 0.021737 5.69 170.02 67.63 0.62 2-4 832.* Q 5 1410.00 495.22 500.10 500.78 0.022435 6.66 214.34 68.36 0.65 2-4 832.* Q 10 1790.00 495.22 500.58 501.41 0.022936 7.34 247.83 69.93 0.67 2-4 832.* Q 25 2350.00 495.22 501.21 502.25 0.023584 8.21 292.63 71.30 0.69 2-4 832.* Q 50 2810.00 495.22 501.68 502.88 0.024084 8.85 326.10 71.90 0.71 2-4 832.* Q 100 3310.00 495.22 502.14 503.52 0.024568 9.49 359.41 72.86 0.73 2-4 782.* Q 2 961.00 493.94 498.39 498.86 0.021412 5.50 175.74 72.50 0.61 2-4 782.* Q 5 1410.00 493.94 499.01 499.66 0.022030 6.43 221.42 72.89 0.64 2-4 782.* Q 10 1790.00 493.94 499.48 500.26 0.022498 7.10 255.68 74.26 0.66 2-4 782.* Q 25 2350.00 493.94 500.09 501.07 0.023080 7.94 301.66 75.64 0.68 2-4 782.* Q 50 2810.00 493.94 500.54 501.67 0.023535 8.56 335.85 76.62 0.70 2-4 782.* Q 100 3310.00 493.94 500.99 502.28 0.023968 9.18 370.16 77.38 0.72 2-4 732.* Q 2 961.00 492.66 497.34 497.78 0.021184 5.33 181.13 77.36 0.60 2-4 732.* Q 5 1410.00 492.66 497.95 498.55 0.021731 6.24 228.16 77.70 0.63 2-4 732.* Q 10 1790.00 492.66 498.40 499.13 0.022158 6.88 263.22 78.50 0.65 2-4 732.* Q 25 2350.00 492.66 498.99 499.90 0.022706 7.70 310.24 80.05 0.67 2-4 732.* Q 50 2810.00 492.66 499.42 500.48 0.023112 8.31 345.13 81.33 0.69 2-4 732.* Q 100 3310.00 492.66 499.85 501.07 0.023488 8.90 380.51 82.01 0.71 2-4 682.* Q 2 961.00 491.38 496.30 496.72 0.020959 5.18 186.46 82.24 0.60 2-4 682.* Q 5 1410.00 491.38 496.89 497.46 0.021452 6.06 234.80 82.54 0.62 2-4 682.* Q 10 1790.00 491.38 497.32 498.02 0.021834 6.68 270.77 82.84 0.64 2-4 682.* Q 25 2350.00 491.38 497.90 498.76 0.022361 7.48 318.67 84.57 0.67 2-4 682.* Q 50 2810.00 491.38 498.32 499.32 0.022718 8.07 354.39 85.79 0.68 2-4 682.* Q 100 3310.00 491.38 498.74 499.89 0.023068 8.65 390.74 86.77 0.70 2-4 632.* Q 2 961.00 490.10 495.27 495.67 0.020838 5.05 191.40 87.14 0.59 2-4 632.* Q 5 1410.00 490.10 495.84 496.38 0.021234 5.90 241.14 87.40 0.62 2-4 632.* Q 10 1790.00 490.10 496.26 496.92 0.021578 6.50 278.04 87.50 0.64 2-4 632.* Q 25 2350.00 490.10 496.82 497.64 0.022073 7.29 326.72 89.20 0.66 2-4 632.* Q 50 2810.00 490.10 497.22 498.18 0.022393 7.86 363.36 90.38 0.68 2-4 632.* Q 100 3310.00 490.10 497.63 498.73 0.022722 8.42 400.60 91.53 0.69 2-4 582.* Q 2 961.00 488.82 494.21 494.60 0.021941 5.01 192.79 92.00 0.60 2-4 582.* Q 5 1410.00 488.82 494.80 495.31 0.021076 5.75 247.16 92.26 0.61 2-4 582.* Q 10 1790.00 488.82 495.21 495.83 0.021393 6.34 284.96 92.34 0.63 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 582.* Q 25 2350.00 488.82 495.75 496.53 0.021825 7.11 334.57 93.68 0.65 2-4 582.* Q 50 2810.00 488.82 496.14 497.05 0.022120 7.66 372.07 94.99 0.67 2-4 582.* Q 100 3310.00 488.82 496.54 497.58 0.022428 8.21 410.16 96.19 0.68 2-4 532.* Q 2 961.00 487.54 493.12 493.51 0.021593 5.05 191.28 88.71 0.60 2-4 532.* Q 5 1410.00 487.54 493.75 494.24 0.021442 5.66 251.17 97.13 0.61 2-4 532.* Q 10 1790.00 487.54 494.16 494.76 0.021271 6.20 291.37 97.31 0.63 2-4 532.* Q 25 2350.00 487.54 494.68 495.43 0.021613 6.94 342.27 98.24 0.65 2-4 532.* Q 50 2810.00 487.54 495.07 495.94 0.021883 7.48 380.62 99.64 0.66 2-4 532.* Q 100 3310.00 487.54 495.46 496.45 0.022160 8.01 419.59 100.75 0.68 2-4 482.* Q 2 961.00 486.25 492.03 492.42 0.021848 5.02 192.22 90.48 0.60 2-4 482.* Q 5 1410.00 486.25 492.64 493.15 0.022462 5.70 249.06 98.28 0.63 2-4 482.* Q 10 1790.00 486.25 493.09 493.67 0.021783 6.12 294.89 102.32 0.63 2-4 482.* Q 25 2350.00 486.25 493.63 494.34 0.021462 6.79 349.56 102.90 0.64 2-4 482.* Q 50 2810.00 486.25 494.01 494.83 0.021668 7.31 388.93 104.27 0.66 2-4 482.* Q 100 3310.00 486.25 494.39 495.34 0.021898 7.83 428.89 105.41 0.67 2-4 432.* Q 2 961.00 484.97 490.95 491.33 0.021740 4.98 193.77 91.81 0.60 2-4 432.* Q 5 1410.00 484.97 491.54 492.04 0.021755 5.69 249.48 96.16 0.62 2-4 432.* Q 10 1790.00 484.97 491.98 492.56 0.022530 6.17 292.39 102.71 0.64 2-4 432.* Q 25 2350.00 484.97 492.56 493.25 0.021757 6.69 354.68 107.86 0.64 2-4 432.* Q 50 2810.00 484.97 492.95 493.74 0.021502 7.16 397.03 108.85 0.65 2-4 432.* Q 100 3310.00 484.97 493.33 494.23 0.021599 7.65 438.51 110.10 0.66 2-4 382.* Q 2 961.00 483.69 489.87 490.25 0.021649 4.93 195.47 93.45 0.60 2-4 382.* Q 5 1410.00 483.69 490.45 490.94 0.021875 5.64 251.62 98.89 0.62 2-4 382.* Q 10 1790.00 483.69 490.87 491.45 0.021892 6.15 293.13 101.14 0.63 2-4 382.* Q 25 2350.00 483.69 491.44 492.14 0.022757 6.73 352.75 110.04 0.66 2-4 382.* Q 50 2810.00 483.69 491.89 492.66 0.021611 7.04 403.46 113.44 0.65 2-4 382.* Q 100 3310.00 483.69 492.29 493.15 0.021086 7.46 449.47 114.84 0.66 2-4 332.* Q 2 961.00 482.41 488.81 489.17 0.021430 4.85 198.77 96.71 0.59 2-4 332.* Q 5 1410.00 482.41 489.36 489.85 0.021993 5.60 253.00 100.82 0.62 2-4 332.* Q 10 1790.00 482.41 489.79 490.36 0.021691 6.07 297.00 103.99 0.63 2-4 332.* Q 25 2350.00 482.41 490.34 491.03 0.021374 6.67 355.83 107.13 0.64 2-4 332.* Q 50 2810.00 482.41 490.84 491.58 0.020976 6.91 410.98 115.93 0.64 2-4 332.* Q 100 3310.00 482.41 491.33 492.12 0.019488 7.16 468.32 119.70 0.63 2-4 282.* Q 2 961.00 481.13 487.74 488.10 0.021380 4.78 201.58 100.03 0.59 2-4 282.* Q 5 1410.00 481.13 488.28 488.76 0.021331 5.53 256.40 101.96 0.61 2-4 282.* Q 10 1790.00 481.13 488.75 489.29 0.020498 5.90 305.59 107.18 0.61 2-4 282.* Q 25 2350.00 481.13 489.40 490.02 0.018439 6.30 376.42 110.42 0.60 2-4 282.* Q 50 2810.00 481.13 489.98 490.62 0.016721 6.45 440.69 116.26 0.58 2-4 282.* Q 100 3310.00 481.13 490.54 491.21 0.015567 6.58 509.93 124.96 0.57 2-4 232.* Q 2 961.00 479.85 486.69 487.03 0.020927 4.69 205.46 103.57 0.58 2-4 232.* Q 5 1410.00 479.85 487.36 487.77 0.017460 5.13 276.29 105.90 0.56 2-4 232.* Q 10 1790.00 479.85 487.94 488.38 0.015315 5.33 338.89 111.55 0.53 2-4 232.* Q 25 2350.00 479.85 488.76 489.22 0.012450 5.51 431.28 115.46 0.50 2-4 232.* Q 50 2810.00 479.85 489.41 489.89 0.011216 5.60 508.57 123.63 0.48 2-4 232.* Q 100 3310.00 479.85 490.04 490.54 0.010211 5.71 589.35 130.80 0.47 2-4 182.* Q 2 961.00 478.57 485.96 486.20 0.012576 3.96 243.76 108.26 0.46 2-4 182.* Q 5 1410.00 478.57 486.83 487.10 0.009615 4.19 339.19 112.85 0.42 2-4 182.* Q 10 1790.00 478.57 487.49 487.79 0.008297 4.34 416.49 117.65 0.40 2-4 182.* Q 25 2350.00 478.57 488.41 488.72 0.006974 4.53 525.75 122.59 0.38 2-4 182.* Q 50 2810.00 478.57 489.09 489.42 0.006743 4.66 613.12 134.97 0.38 2-4 182.* Q 100 3310.00 478.57 489.76 490.11 0.005985 4.79 704.51 136.19 0.37 2-4 132.* Q 2 961.00 477.29 485.68 485.80 0.004707 2.89 335.45 114.31 0.29 2-4 132.* Q 5 1410.00 477.29 486.59 486.75 0.004342 3.21 444.17 121.59 0.29 2-4 132.* Q 10 1790.00 477.29 487.29 487.47 0.004039 3.42 529.89 124.57 0.29 2-4 132.* Q 25 2350.00 477.29 488.23 488.43 0.003925 3.67 650.30 135.98 0.29 2-4 132.* Q 50 2810.00 477.29 488.92 489.14 0.003731 3.83 747.03 141.08 0.29 2-4 132.* Q 100 3310.00 477.29 489.61 489.85 0.003460 4.00 844.78 141.14 0.29 2-4 82 Q 2 961.00 476.01 485.58 485.65 0.001890 2.12 457.87 125.02 0.19 2-4 82 Q 5 1410.00 476.01 486.50 486.59 0.002001 2.49 574.86 128.94 0.21 2-4 82 Q 10 1790.00 476.01 487.20 487.31 0.002069 2.73 666.58 134.25 0.21 2-4 82 Q 25 2350.00 476.01 488.13 488.27 0.002191 3.00 798.84 145.96 0.22 2-4 82 Q 50 2810.00 476.01 488.83 488.98 0.002114 3.18 900.58 146.00 0.22 2-4 82 Q 100 3310.00 476.01 489.53 489.70 0.002060 3.37 1002.74 146.00 0.23 2-4 50 Q 2 961.00 481.55 484.31 484.31 485.37 0.060805 8.28 116.99 56.66 1.01 2-4 50 Q 5 1410.00 481.55 484.93 484.93 486.29 0.054971 9.35 152.53 57.49 1.00 2-4 50 Q 10 1790.00 481.55 485.41 485.41 486.98 0.051273 10.07 181.16 60.82 0.99 2-4 50 Q 25 2350.00 481.55 486.06 486.06 487.91 0.047641 10.97 220.43 61.95 0.98 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 50 Q 50 2810.00 481.55 486.53 486.53 488.61 0.046128 11.65 249.94 64.36 0.99 2-4 50 Q 100 3310.00 481.55 487.05 487.05 489.32 0.043423 12.19 283.99 65.90 0.98 HEC-RAS Plan: Calib-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 2110 17 cfs 17.00 521.86 523.05 522.89 523.13 0.026340 2.21 7.69 18.53 0.61 2-4 2110 58 cfs 58.00 521.86 523.49 523.33 523.65 0.029926 3.27 17.75 26.95 0.71 2-4 2110 132 cfs 132.00 521.86 523.91 523.72 524.23 0.029951 4.54 29.17 27.26 0.77 2-4 2110 182 cfs 182.00 521.86 524.11 523.95 524.54 0.032008 5.27 34.90 29.29 0.82 2-4 2110 706 cfs 706.00 521.86 525.60 525.60 526.88 0.035322 9.23 81.42 33.65 0.98 2-4 2061.* 17 cfs 17.00 520.57 521.79 521.86 0.025299 2.17 7.85 20.15 0.61 2-4 2061.* 58 cfs 58.00 520.57 522.21 522.33 0.024069 2.79 20.81 35.98 0.65 2-4 2061.* 132 cfs 132.00 520.57 522.56 522.80 0.027156 3.93 33.57 37.79 0.74 2-4 2061.* 182 cfs 182.00 520.57 522.74 523.06 0.027644 4.48 40.64 38.23 0.76 2-4 2061.* 706 cfs 706.00 520.57 523.79 523.89 524.97 0.042443 8.74 82.32 42.61 1.06 2-4 2012.* 17 cfs 17.00 519.28 520.47 520.55 0.028634 2.28 7.45 20.10 0.66 2-4 2012.* 58 cfs 58.00 519.28 520.90 521.02 0.029957 2.84 20.45 41.43 0.71 2-4 2012.* 132 cfs 132.00 519.28 521.24 521.09 521.45 0.027644 3.69 35.79 45.87 0.74 2-4 2012.* 182 cfs 182.00 519.28 521.41 521.68 0.028338 4.18 43.52 46.98 0.77 2-4 2012.* 706 cfs 706.00 519.28 522.52 522.38 523.32 0.030727 7.20 98.34 51.90 0.90 2-4 1963.* 17 cfs 17.00 518.00 519.15 519.23 0.025279 2.20 7.72 20.51 0.63 2-4 1963.* 58 cfs 58.00 518.00 519.58 519.70 0.024375 2.78 20.84 37.32 0.66 2-4 1963.* 132 cfs 132.00 518.00 519.99 520.17 0.024824 3.36 39.32 53.98 0.69 2-4 1963.* 182 cfs 182.00 518.00 520.16 520.38 0.024324 3.74 48.72 55.96 0.71 2-4 1963.* 706 cfs 706.00 518.00 521.20 521.85 0.027692 6.45 109.43 60.37 0.84 2-4 1914.* 17 cfs 17.00 516.71 517.63 517.76 0.036069 2.80 6.07 14.84 0.77 2-4 1914.* 58 cfs 58.00 516.71 518.16 518.31 0.033213 3.12 18.59 36.16 0.77 2-4 1914.* 132 cfs 132.00 516.71 518.53 518.77 0.032451 3.92 33.70 44.70 0.80 2-4 1914.* 182 cfs 182.00 516.71 518.74 519.01 0.031833 4.16 43.78 52.23 0.80 2-4 1914.* 706 cfs 706.00 516.71 519.82 519.64 520.42 0.030087 6.26 112.78 69.46 0.87 2-4 1865 17 cfs 17.00 515.43 516.32 516.39 0.021555 2.24 7.59 17.78 0.60 2-4 1865 58 cfs 58.00 515.43 516.86 516.98 0.022647 2.71 21.37 38.64 0.64 2-4 1865 132 cfs 132.00 515.43 517.24 517.43 0.022805 3.51 37.62 45.63 0.68 2-4 1865 182 cfs 182.00 515.43 517.45 517.68 0.023172 3.85 47.32 50.05 0.70 2-4 1865 706 cfs 706.00 515.43 518.63 519.10 0.022895 5.51 128.18 77.67 0.76 2-4 1817.22* 17 cfs 17.00 514.40 515.27 515.34 0.022561 2.24 7.57 18.28 0.61 2-4 1817.22* 58 cfs 58.00 514.40 515.77 515.88 0.023008 2.71 21.44 39.38 0.65 2-4 1817.22* 132 cfs 132.00 514.40 516.15 516.34 0.022917 3.50 37.74 45.95 0.68 2-4 1817.22* 182 cfs 182.00 514.40 516.36 516.59 0.022707 3.79 48.03 51.11 0.69 2-4 1817.22* 706 cfs 706.00 514.40 517.54 518.02 0.022506 5.56 127.01 75.27 0.75 2-4 1769.44* 17 cfs 17.00 513.37 514.24 514.31 0.020876 2.15 7.90 19.16 0.59 2-4 1769.44* 58 cfs 58.00 513.37 514.68 514.79 0.022632 2.71 21.44 38.68 0.64 2-4 1769.44* 132 cfs 132.00 513.37 515.08 515.26 0.022323 3.43 38.49 47.19 0.67 2-4 1769.44* 182 cfs 182.00 513.37 515.28 515.50 0.022470 3.74 48.71 52.71 0.68 2-4 1769.44* 706 cfs 706.00 513.37 516.46 516.94 0.022388 5.60 126.18 74.15 0.76 2-4 1721.66* 17 cfs 17.00 512.34 513.20 513.26 0.022563 2.02 8.41 23.71 0.60 2-4 1721.66* 58 cfs 58.00 512.34 513.59 513.71 0.022837 2.71 21.42 38.63 0.64 2-4 1721.66* 132 cfs 132.00 512.34 513.98 514.17 0.023506 3.48 37.96 47.43 0.68 2-4 1721.66* 182 cfs 182.00 512.34 514.20 514.42 0.022567 3.73 48.84 53.47 0.69 2-4 1721.66* 706 cfs 706.00 512.34 515.38 515.88 0.022245 5.67 124.45 71.54 0.76 2-4 1673.88* 17 cfs 17.00 511.31 512.16 512.22 0.021293 1.83 9.31 29.21 0.57 2-4 1673.88* 58 cfs 58.00 511.31 512.53 512.64 0.022113 2.65 21.92 39.73 0.63 2-4 1673.88* 132 cfs 132.00 511.31 512.90 513.09 0.021770 3.48 37.90 44.76 0.67 2-4 1673.88* 182 cfs 182.00 511.31 513.12 513.34 0.022468 3.75 48.54 52.65 0.69 2-4 1673.88* 706 cfs 706.00 511.31 514.32 514.83 0.021585 5.71 123.62 69.34 0.75 2-4 1626.11* 17 cfs 17.00 510.29 511.07 511.13 0.024461 1.92 8.83 28.25 0.61 2-4 1626.11* 58 cfs 58.00 510.29 511.44 511.56 0.023306 2.69 21.60 39.83 0.64 2-4 1626.11* 132 cfs 132.00 510.29 511.84 512.03 0.022734 3.46 38.17 47.35 0.68 2-4 1626.11* 182 cfs 182.00 510.29 512.03 512.26 0.022535 3.83 47.46 50.06 0.69 2-4 1626.11* 706 cfs 706.00 510.29 513.25 513.78 0.022107 5.85 121.32 71.98 0.76 2-4 1578.33* 17 cfs 17.00 509.26 510.02 509.88 510.07 0.020364 1.82 9.35 28.13 0.56 2-4 1578.33* 58 cfs 58.00 509.26 510.39 510.21 510.50 0.020746 2.67 21.73 37.20 0.62 2-4 1578.33* 132 cfs 132.00 509.26 510.80 510.54 510.98 0.021194 3.42 38.59 46.32 0.66 2-4 1578.33* 182 cfs 182.00 509.26 510.98 510.74 511.21 0.021353 3.83 47.46 48.20 0.68 2-4 1578.33* 706 cfs 706.00 509.26 512.31 511.89 512.81 0.018512 5.63 126.16 90.91 0.71 2-4 1530.55* 17 cfs 17.00 508.23 508.92 508.82 508.98 0.025396 2.03 8.37 25.26 0.62 2-4 1530.55* 58 cfs 58.00 508.23 509.31 509.15 509.44 0.023553 2.87 20.23 34.33 0.66 2-4 1530.55* 132 cfs 132.00 508.23 509.72 509.53 509.92 0.023264 3.61 36.59 43.60 0.69 2-4 1530.55* 182 cfs 182.00 508.23 509.93 509.69 510.17 0.022177 3.95 46.04 46.64 0.70 2-4 1530.55* 706 cfs 706.00 508.23 511.04 510.88 511.70 0.028685 6.56 108.56 91.46 0.87 HEC-RAS Plan: Calib-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 1482.77* 17 cfs 17.00 507.20 507.90 507.75 507.96 0.018546 1.92 8.87 23.13 0.55 2-4 1482.77* 58 cfs 58.00 507.20 508.38 508.11 508.47 0.017266 2.50 23.23 39.04 0.57 2-4 1482.77* 132 cfs 132.00 507.20 508.76 508.49 508.94 0.018195 3.38 39.04 45.19 0.62 2-4 1482.77* 182 cfs 182.00 507.20 509.01 508.67 509.22 0.017821 3.61 50.55 59.97 0.63 2-4 1482.77* 706 cfs 706.00 507.20 510.30 509.89 510.68 0.014331 5.19 159.53 102.53 0.63 2-4 1435 17 cfs 17.00 506.17 506.87 506.94 0.024362 2.19 7.77 20.81 0.62 2-4 1435 58 cfs 58.00 506.17 507.27 507.41 0.029206 3.01 19.27 38.96 0.72 2-4 1435 132 cfs 132.00 506.17 507.66 507.89 0.026873 3.88 34.19 55.16 0.74 2-4 1435 182 cfs 182.00 506.17 507.86 508.14 0.028470 4.27 42.99 69.54 0.78 2-4 1435 706 cfs 706.00 506.17 508.97 508.97 509.67 0.030788 6.87 115.03 107.79 0.90 2-4 1408.* 17 cfs 17.00 504.97 506.03 505.96 506.13 0.038387 2.45 6.93 21.83 0.76 2-4 1408.* 58 cfs 58.00 504.97 506.46 506.34 506.61 0.030209 3.17 18.32 38.64 0.74 2-4 1408.* 132 cfs 132.00 504.97 506.90 506.70 507.13 0.028922 3.88 34.10 58.91 0.76 2-4 1408.* 182 cfs 182.00 504.97 507.08 506.94 507.37 0.028278 4.34 42.35 62.78 0.78 2-4 1408.* 706 cfs 706.00 504.97 508.07 507.97 508.64 0.027368 6.58 132.70 100.85 0.85 2-4 1381 17 cfs 17.00 503.76 505.30 505.07 505.36 0.021500 2.11 8.07 24.52 0.56 2-4 1381 58 cfs 58.00 503.76 505.82 505.56 505.94 0.020277 2.73 21.31 43.69 0.59 2-4 1381 132 cfs 132.00 503.76 506.26 506.00 506.45 0.021213 3.51 37.91 55.89 0.64 2-4 1381 182 cfs 182.00 503.76 506.44 506.19 506.69 0.022135 4.02 46.55 63.50 0.68 2-4 1381 706 cfs 706.00 503.76 507.66 507.20 508.04 0.015313 5.50 160.05 86.54 0.64 2-4 1335.28* 17 cfs 17.00 502.99 504.43 504.49 0.017409 1.95 8.70 19.41 0.51 2-4 1335.28* 58 cfs 58.00 502.99 504.92 505.03 0.019664 2.69 21.81 35.50 0.59 2-4 1335.28* 132 cfs 132.00 502.99 505.34 505.51 0.019235 3.35 41.32 51.94 0.62 2-4 1335.28* 182 cfs 182.00 502.99 505.54 505.75 0.018925 3.73 51.73 53.74 0.63 2-4 1335.28* 706 cfs 706.00 502.99 506.84 507.31 0.016467 5.83 146.10 86.08 0.67 2-4 1289.57* 17 cfs 17.00 502.23 503.48 503.56 0.023672 2.16 7.85 19.51 0.60 2-4 1289.57* 58 cfs 58.00 502.23 503.98 504.10 0.020806 2.78 20.86 32.65 0.61 2-4 1289.57* 132 cfs 132.00 502.23 504.42 504.60 0.020608 3.44 38.42 43.84 0.65 2-4 1289.57* 182 cfs 182.00 502.23 504.62 504.85 0.020387 3.84 47.44 46.24 0.66 2-4 1289.57* 706 cfs 706.00 502.23 505.94 505.56 506.50 0.018740 6.15 128.52 83.87 0.72 2-4 1243.85* 17 cfs 17.00 501.46 502.64 502.43 502.70 0.015107 1.85 9.21 21.10 0.49 2-4 1243.85* 58 cfs 58.00 501.46 503.09 503.20 0.018694 2.71 21.42 32.64 0.59 2-4 1243.85* 132 cfs 132.00 501.46 503.53 503.70 0.018944 3.30 39.99 46.12 0.62 2-4 1243.85* 182 cfs 182.00 501.46 503.71 503.93 0.019874 3.78 48.20 47.06 0.66 2-4 1243.85* 706 cfs 706.00 501.46 504.99 505.59 0.020703 6.27 115.17 64.50 0.75 2-4 1198.14* 17 cfs 17.00 500.69 501.63 501.72 0.032032 2.38 7.13 19.73 0.70 2-4 1198.14* 58 cfs 58.00 500.69 502.13 502.26 0.022642 2.88 20.14 32.60 0.65 2-4 1198.14* 132 cfs 132.00 500.69 502.58 502.76 0.022089 3.41 38.69 48.03 0.67 2-4 1198.14* 182 cfs 182.00 500.69 502.78 503.00 0.021024 3.79 48.07 49.13 0.67 2-4 1198.14* 706 cfs 706.00 500.69 504.05 504.64 0.020948 6.17 114.44 53.99 0.75 2-4 1152.42* 17 cfs 17.00 499.92 500.88 500.64 500.92 0.010613 1.62 10.49 22.72 0.42 2-4 1152.42* 58 cfs 58.00 499.92 501.30 501.02 501.40 0.015604 2.52 22.97 34.40 0.54 2-4 1152.42* 132 cfs 132.00 499.92 501.77 501.44 501.91 0.015623 3.01 43.79 50.63 0.57 2-4 1152.42* 182 cfs 182.00 499.92 501.92 501.62 502.11 0.017762 3.54 51.47 51.53 0.62 2-4 1152.42* 706 cfs 706.00 499.92 503.13 503.69 0.020231 6.00 117.65 56.75 0.73 2-4 1106.71* 17 cfs 17.00 499.16 499.74 499.74 499.89 0.072788 3.08 5.52 19.51 1.02 2-4 1106.71* 58 cfs 58.00 499.16 500.22 500.39 0.033216 3.31 17.51 30.73 0.77 2-4 1106.71* 132 cfs 132.00 499.16 500.67 500.90 0.032752 3.81 34.68 49.25 0.80 2-4 1106.71* 182 cfs 182.00 499.16 500.90 501.14 0.025406 3.90 46.62 52.68 0.73 2-4 1106.71* 706 cfs 706.00 499.16 502.52 502.92 0.012644 5.08 138.93 60.03 0.59 2-4 1061 17 cfs 17.00 498.39 499.21 498.84 499.23 0.004676 1.13 15.06 30.39 0.28 2-4 1061 58 cfs 58.00 498.39 499.79 499.83 0.005650 1.60 36.20 50.21 0.33 2-4 1061 132 cfs 132.00 498.39 500.34 500.41 0.004568 1.98 66.52 57.03 0.32 2-4 1061 182 cfs 182.00 498.39 500.61 500.69 0.004510 2.23 81.79 58.39 0.33 2-4 1061 706 cfs 706.00 498.39 502.28 502.50 0.005394 3.80 186.58 69.78 0.39 2-4 1018.* 17 cfs 17.00 498.19 499.00 499.02 0.005334 1.19 14.25 29.59 0.30 2-4 1018.* 58 cfs 58.00 498.19 499.53 499.58 0.005868 1.80 32.15 38.68 0.35 2-4 1018.* 132 cfs 132.00 498.19 500.12 500.19 0.005537 2.11 62.61 57.32 0.36 2-4 1018.* 182 cfs 182.00 498.19 500.40 500.48 0.005112 2.32 78.54 58.66 0.35 2-4 1018.* 706 cfs 706.00 498.19 502.00 502.26 0.006015 4.03 175.15 61.10 0.42 2-4 975.* 17 cfs 17.00 497.98 498.76 498.78 0.005520 1.21 14.01 29.54 0.31 2-4 975.* 58 cfs 58.00 497.98 499.25 499.31 0.006682 1.95 29.71 35.33 0.38 2-4 975.* 132 cfs 132.00 497.98 499.83 499.92 0.007332 2.40 55.08 51.60 0.41 2-4 975.* 182 cfs 182.00 497.98 500.13 500.23 0.006418 2.54 71.70 55.52 0.39 2-4 975.* 706 cfs 706.00 497.98 501.65 501.96 0.007725 4.46 158.40 57.77 0.47 HEC-RAS Plan: Calib-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 932 17 cfs 17.00 497.78 498.30 498.36 0.022112 2.01 8.47 23.73 0.59 2-4 932 58 cfs 58.00 497.78 498.72 498.85 0.019666 2.86 20.25 29.83 0.61 2-4 932 132 cfs 132.00 497.78 499.17 499.41 0.020589 3.87 34.15 32.75 0.67 2-4 932 182 cfs 182.00 497.78 499.54 499.76 0.020766 3.81 47.83 47.56 0.67 2-4 932 706 cfs 706.00 497.78 500.80 501.41 0.021798 6.23 113.25 54.35 0.76 2-4 882.* 17 cfs 17.00 496.50 497.27 497.33 0.019599 1.96 8.67 23.03 0.56 2-4 882.* 58 cfs 58.00 496.50 497.68 497.82 0.021418 3.04 19.08 27.41 0.64 2-4 882.* 132 cfs 132.00 496.50 498.18 498.40 0.019393 3.79 34.85 33.05 0.65 2-4 882.* 182 cfs 182.00 496.50 498.55 498.76 0.019134 3.69 49.35 48.42 0.64 2-4 882.* 706 cfs 706.00 496.50 499.75 500.31 0.021392 6.00 117.65 59.35 0.75 2-4 832.* 17 cfs 17.00 495.22 496.19 496.26 0.023704 2.08 8.18 22.76 0.61 2-4 832.* 58 cfs 58.00 495.22 496.63 496.77 0.020738 3.04 19.08 26.78 0.63 2-4 832.* 132 cfs 132.00 495.22 497.13 497.37 0.021916 3.92 33.66 33.18 0.69 2-4 832.* 182 cfs 182.00 495.22 497.47 497.71 0.022840 3.93 46.26 46.95 0.70 2-4 832.* 706 cfs 706.00 495.22 498.71 499.24 0.021125 5.79 121.86 64.36 0.74 2-4 782.* 17 cfs 17.00 493.94 494.90 495.04 0.024779 3.05 5.58 8.71 0.67 2-4 782.* 58 cfs 58.00 493.94 495.54 495.69 0.022535 3.13 18.54 26.57 0.66 2-4 782.* 132 cfs 132.00 493.94 496.03 496.29 0.021422 4.05 32.59 29.91 0.68 2-4 782.* 182 cfs 182.00 493.94 496.28 496.60 0.021423 4.54 40.11 30.81 0.70 2-4 782.* 706 cfs 706.00 493.94 497.69 498.18 0.020825 5.60 126.08 69.37 0.73 2-4 732.* 17 cfs 17.00 492.66 493.61 493.77 0.026168 3.23 5.26 7.76 0.69 2-4 732.* 58 cfs 58.00 492.66 494.50 494.64 0.019414 2.98 19.48 26.72 0.61 2-4 732.* 132 cfs 132.00 492.66 494.96 495.21 0.021545 4.02 32.80 30.47 0.68 2-4 732.* 182 cfs 182.00 492.66 495.20 495.52 0.021724 4.52 40.23 31.35 0.70 2-4 732.* 706 cfs 706.00 492.66 496.66 497.13 0.020839 5.45 129.62 74.38 0.73 2-4 682.* 17 cfs 17.00 491.38 492.34 492.50 0.024922 3.21 5.30 7.60 0.68 2-4 682.* 58 cfs 58.00 491.38 493.35 493.52 0.026413 3.27 17.72 26.30 0.70 2-4 682.* 132 cfs 132.00 491.38 493.89 494.14 0.021522 3.99 33.09 31.10 0.68 2-4 682.* 182 cfs 182.00 491.38 494.13 494.44 0.021324 4.45 40.87 32.10 0.70 2-4 682.* 706 cfs 706.00 491.38 495.66 496.09 0.020254 5.26 134.27 79.42 0.71 2-4 632.* 17 cfs 17.00 490.10 491.04 491.21 0.026751 3.28 5.18 7.62 0.70 2-4 632.* 58 cfs 58.00 490.10 491.90 492.22 0.025096 4.49 12.93 10.79 0.72 2-4 632.* 132 cfs 132.00 490.10 492.78 493.04 0.022654 4.08 32.35 30.52 0.70 2-4 632.* 182 cfs 182.00 490.10 493.05 493.36 0.021659 4.42 41.16 33.04 0.70 2-4 632.* 706 cfs 706.00 490.10 494.61 495.04 0.021745 5.28 133.83 83.26 0.73 2-4 582.* 17 cfs 17.00 488.82 489.79 489.94 0.023879 3.14 5.41 7.81 0.67 2-4 582.* 58 cfs 58.00 488.82 490.60 490.93 0.025934 4.64 12.51 10.11 0.73 2-4 582.* 132 cfs 132.00 488.82 491.73 491.97 0.020020 3.91 33.77 30.76 0.66 2-4 582.* 182 cfs 182.00 488.82 491.94 492.26 0.022563 4.49 40.56 32.79 0.71 2-4 582.* 706 cfs 706.00 488.82 493.50 493.95 0.021787 5.36 131.62 79.49 0.73 2-4 532.* 17 cfs 17.00 487.54 488.47 488.64 0.028656 3.32 5.12 7.90 0.73 2-4 532.* 58 cfs 58.00 487.54 489.29 489.64 0.025936 4.72 12.29 9.62 0.74 2-4 532.* 132 cfs 132.00 487.54 490.51 490.81 0.027113 4.37 30.19 28.85 0.75 2-4 532.* 182 cfs 182.00 487.54 490.87 491.17 0.020827 4.38 41.57 32.71 0.68 2-4 532.* 706 cfs 706.00 487.54 492.43 492.87 0.021396 5.32 132.73 80.02 0.73 2-4 482.* 17 cfs 17.00 486.25 487.24 487.38 0.021881 3.02 5.64 8.19 0.64 2-4 482.* 58 cfs 58.00 486.25 487.98 488.33 0.026081 4.75 12.21 9.52 0.74 2-4 482.* 132 cfs 132.00 486.25 488.96 489.47 0.025635 5.72 23.07 13.00 0.76 2-4 482.* 182 cfs 182.00 486.25 489.71 489.01 490.04 0.024860 4.61 39.46 32.53 0.74 2-4 482.* 706 cfs 706.00 486.25 491.37 491.80 0.021283 5.23 135.01 83.43 0.72 2-4 432.* 17 cfs 17.00 484.97 485.87 486.06 0.032538 3.44 4.94 8.01 0.77 2-4 432.* 58 cfs 58.00 484.97 486.69 487.04 0.026116 4.74 12.24 9.65 0.74 2-4 432.* 132 cfs 132.00 484.97 487.65 488.18 0.025979 5.84 22.61 12.42 0.76 2-4 432.* 182 cfs 182.00 484.97 488.15 488.75 0.025618 6.20 29.34 14.46 0.77 2-4 432.* 706 cfs 706.00 484.97 490.30 490.72 0.021850 5.20 135.88 86.63 0.73 2-4 382.* 17 cfs 17.00 483.69 484.72 484.85 0.018259 2.81 6.05 8.58 0.59 2-4 382.* 58 cfs 58.00 483.69 485.41 485.75 0.025376 4.67 12.41 9.83 0.73 2-4 382.* 132 cfs 132.00 483.69 486.34 486.88 0.025914 5.90 22.37 12.02 0.76 2-4 382.* 182 cfs 182.00 483.69 486.84 487.46 0.025831 6.31 28.83 13.82 0.77 2-4 382.* 706 cfs 706.00 483.69 489.17 489.61 0.022250 5.36 131.71 80.97 0.74 2-4 332.* 17 cfs 17.00 482.41 483.23 483.19 483.46 0.045371 3.85 4.41 7.75 0.90 2-4 332.* 58 cfs 58.00 482.41 484.09 484.44 0.027088 4.76 12.19 9.96 0.76 2-4 332.* 132 cfs 132.00 482.41 484.99 485.56 0.026854 6.06 21.80 11.55 0.78 2-4 332.* 182 cfs 182.00 482.41 485.51 486.15 0.026376 6.44 28.26 13.31 0.78 2-4 332.* 706 cfs 706.00 482.41 488.06 488.51 0.021727 5.40 130.72 77.93 0.73 HEC-RAS Plan: Calib-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 282.* 17 cfs 17.00 481.13 482.25 482.34 0.012645 2.47 6.90 8.99 0.50 2-4 282.* 58 cfs 58.00 481.13 482.87 483.18 0.023155 4.48 12.93 10.27 0.70 2-4 282.* 132 cfs 132.00 481.13 483.76 484.28 0.023711 5.81 22.71 11.62 0.73 2-4 282.* 182 cfs 182.00 481.13 484.24 484.87 0.024719 6.34 28.72 13.13 0.76 2-4 282.* 706 cfs 706.00 481.13 486.95 487.41 0.022173 5.42 130.23 78.39 0.74 2-4 232.* 17 cfs 17.00 479.85 482.23 482.24 0.000554 0.84 20.18 11.43 0.11 2-4 232.* 58 cfs 58.00 479.85 482.68 482.76 0.003337 2.28 25.45 12.09 0.28 2-4 232.* 132 cfs 132.00 479.85 483.28 483.52 0.008744 3.97 33.24 13.92 0.45 2-4 232.* 182 cfs 182.00 479.85 483.60 483.96 0.011871 4.80 37.95 14.98 0.53 2-4 232.* 706 cfs 706.00 479.85 485.82 486.29 0.022564 5.53 127.66 75.28 0.75 2-4 182.* 17 cfs 17.00 478.57 482.22 482.23 0.000110 0.46 36.80 14.44 0.05 2-4 182.* 58 cfs 58.00 478.57 482.64 482.67 0.000856 1.35 43.04 15.73 0.14 2-4 182.* 132 cfs 132.00 478.57 483.15 483.25 0.002832 2.56 51.52 17.56 0.26 2-4 182.* 182 cfs 182.00 478.57 483.40 483.56 0.004352 3.24 56.10 18.49 0.33 2-4 182.* 706 cfs 706.00 478.57 485.15 485.44 0.011793 4.33 163.31 86.21 0.55 2-4 132.* 17 cfs 17.00 477.29 482.22 482.22 0.000034 0.29 57.99 18.48 0.03 2-4 132.* 58 cfs 58.00 477.29 482.62 482.63 0.000544 0.87 66.82 36.59 0.11 2-4 132.* 132 cfs 132.00 477.29 483.08 483.11 0.001951 1.46 90.69 62.40 0.21 2-4 132.* 182 cfs 182.00 477.29 483.32 483.37 0.002446 1.70 106.86 69.25 0.24 2-4 132.* 706 cfs 706.00 477.29 484.96 485.08 0.003769 2.78 254.97 112.01 0.32 2-4 82 17 cfs 17.00 476.01 482.22 482.22 0.000021 0.16 107.45 68.11 0.02 2-4 82 58 cfs 58.00 476.01 482.61 482.61 0.000135 0.43 136.12 80.66 0.06 2-4 82 132 cfs 132.00 476.01 483.06 483.07 0.000341 0.76 173.85 87.74 0.09 2-4 82 182 cfs 182.00 476.01 483.30 483.31 0.000472 0.93 195.57 93.12 0.11 2-4 82 706 cfs 706.00 476.01 484.92 484.97 0.001118 1.89 377.34 118.76 0.19 2-4 50 17 cfs 17.00 481.55 482.10 482.10 482.21 0.078182 2.68 6.34 29.08 1.01 2-4 50 58 cfs 58.00 481.55 482.36 482.36 482.58 0.065646 3.70 15.68 38.62 1.02 2-4 50 132 cfs 132.00 481.55 482.67 482.67 483.00 0.056591 4.60 28.73 45.42 1.02 2-4 50 182 cfs 182.00 481.55 482.84 482.84 483.23 0.052847 5.00 36.43 48.12 1.01 2-4 50 706 cfs 706.00 481.55 483.92 483.92 484.78 0.040441 7.48 94.82 56.13 1.01 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 2110 Q 2 961.00 521.86 526.20 526.20 527.75 0.033148 10.19 101.80 34.10 0.98 2-4 2110 Q 5 1410.00 521.86 527.10 527.10 529.10 0.031447 11.63 132.78 34.35 0.99 2-4 2110 Q 10 1790.00 521.86 527.78 527.78 530.14 0.030715 12.67 155.97 34.35 1.00 2-4 2110 Q 25 2350.00 521.86 528.70 528.70 531.56 0.029611 13.95 187.77 34.35 1.01 2-4 2110 Q 50 2810.00 521.86 529.42 529.42 532.64 0.028776 14.84 212.29 34.35 1.02 2-4 2110 Q 100 3310.00 521.86 530.13 530.13 533.76 0.028268 15.76 236.85 34.35 1.03 2-4 2061.* Q 2 961.00 520.57 524.07 524.38 525.75 0.050999 10.43 94.58 42.98 1.19 2-4 2061.* Q 5 1410.00 520.57 524.56 525.15 527.01 0.058564 12.65 115.68 44.15 1.31 2-4 2061.* Q 10 1790.00 520.57 524.92 525.73 527.99 0.062955 14.19 131.92 45.16 1.39 2-4 2061.* Q 25 2350.00 520.57 525.40 526.51 529.34 0.067704 16.13 153.62 45.61 1.47 2-4 2061.* Q 50 2810.00 520.57 525.76 527.08 530.40 0.070735 17.53 169.99 46.08 1.53 2-4 2061.* Q 100 3310.00 520.57 526.12 527.66 531.48 0.073008 18.86 187.13 46.70 1.58 2-4 2012.* Q 2 961.00 519.28 522.89 522.82 523.94 0.032220 8.26 117.62 53.77 0.95 2-4 2012.* Q 5 1410.00 519.28 523.48 523.48 524.91 0.032199 9.61 150.04 54.77 0.99 2-4 2012.* Q 10 1790.00 519.28 523.98 523.98 525.64 0.030580 10.39 177.65 56.33 0.99 2-4 2012.* Q 25 2350.00 519.28 524.55 524.65 526.62 0.031164 11.62 210.17 56.93 1.02 2-4 2012.* Q 50 2810.00 519.28 524.83 525.15 527.39 0.035422 12.96 226.13 57.19 1.10 2-4 2012.* Q 100 3310.00 519.28 525.11 525.64 528.23 0.039860 14.32 241.78 57.59 1.18 2-4 1963.* Q 2 961.00 518.00 521.55 521.38 522.39 0.028609 7.35 130.78 61.22 0.88 2-4 1963.* Q 5 1410.00 518.00 522.08 521.95 523.24 0.029781 8.67 163.92 64.98 0.93 2-4 1963.* Q 10 1790.00 518.00 522.20 522.41 523.91 0.040962 10.49 172.31 65.21 1.10 2-4 1963.* Q 25 2350.00 518.00 522.64 523.01 524.82 0.043366 11.88 200.89 66.11 1.16 2-4 1963.* Q 50 2810.00 518.00 523.05 523.47 525.49 0.041240 12.56 228.55 67.19 1.16 2-4 1963.* Q 100 3310.00 518.00 523.49 523.90 526.16 0.038908 13.16 258.34 68.04 1.15 2-4 1914.* Q 2 961.00 516.71 520.14 519.99 520.92 0.030711 7.08 135.83 70.48 0.90 2-4 1914.* Q 5 1410.00 516.71 520.63 520.53 521.69 0.032238 8.29 170.08 71.97 0.95 2-4 1914.* Q 10 1790.00 516.71 520.97 520.95 522.28 0.033273 9.20 194.98 74.55 0.99 2-4 1914.* Q 25 2350.00 516.71 521.48 521.48 523.07 0.031836 10.11 234.24 76.59 0.99 2-4 1914.* Q 50 2810.00 516.71 521.80 521.90 523.67 0.033246 11.00 258.47 77.36 1.03 2-4 1914.* Q 100 3310.00 516.71 522.25 522.30 524.28 0.030848 11.47 293.30 78.37 1.01 2-4 1865 Q 2 961.00 515.43 519.00 519.58 0.022654 6.12 157.02 80.44 0.77 2-4 1865 Q 5 1410.00 515.43 519.53 520.30 0.022351 7.04 200.29 82.00 0.79 2-4 1865 Q 10 1790.00 515.43 519.93 520.84 0.022092 7.67 233.46 83.80 0.81 2-4 1865 Q 25 2350.00 515.43 520.44 520.04 521.56 0.021925 8.52 277.01 87.26 0.83 2-4 1865 Q 50 2810.00 515.43 520.82 520.42 522.11 0.021797 9.13 310.15 88.13 0.84 2-4 1865 Q 100 3310.00 515.43 521.20 520.78 522.66 0.021679 9.72 344.10 89.01 0.85 2-4 1817.22* Q 2 961.00 514.40 517.90 518.50 0.022449 6.20 155.11 77.83 0.77 2-4 1817.22* Q 5 1410.00 514.40 518.45 519.24 0.022072 7.12 198.17 79.43 0.79 2-4 1817.22* Q 10 1790.00 514.40 518.85 519.79 0.022027 7.79 230.45 85.77 0.81 2-4 1817.22* Q 25 2350.00 514.40 519.36 518.99 520.52 0.021837 8.65 275.04 88.12 0.83 2-4 1817.22* Q 50 2810.00 514.40 519.74 519.36 521.06 0.021773 9.27 308.73 89.75 0.84 2-4 1817.22* Q 100 3310.00 514.40 520.11 521.62 0.021837 9.90 342.74 91.18 0.86 2-4 1769.44* Q 2 961.00 513.37 516.82 517.43 0.022093 6.26 153.50 75.24 0.77 2-4 1769.44* Q 5 1410.00 513.37 517.38 518.19 0.021859 7.20 196.01 80.01 0.80 2-4 1769.44* Q 10 1790.00 513.37 517.77 517.39 518.74 0.021841 7.91 229.42 87.70 0.81 2-4 1769.44* Q 25 2350.00 513.37 518.28 517.92 519.47 0.021873 8.80 274.40 90.42 0.84 2-4 1769.44* Q 50 2810.00 513.37 518.64 518.33 520.01 0.022011 9.45 308.16 92.40 0.85 2-4 1769.44* Q 100 3310.00 513.37 519.02 518.74 520.57 0.022108 10.08 342.91 93.63 0.87 2-4 1721.66* Q 2 961.00 512.34 515.75 516.38 0.022009 6.35 151.33 72.77 0.78 2-4 1721.66* Q 5 1410.00 512.34 516.30 517.13 0.022016 7.35 194.61 87.70 0.80 2-4 1721.66* Q 10 1790.00 512.34 516.68 516.38 517.68 0.022108 8.07 228.69 89.82 0.82 2-4 1721.66* Q 25 2350.00 512.34 517.18 516.91 518.41 0.022193 8.97 274.70 93.05 0.85 2-4 1721.66* Q 50 2810.00 512.34 517.56 517.31 518.96 0.022186 9.60 310.10 94.99 0.86 2-4 1721.66* Q 100 3310.00 512.34 517.93 517.70 519.51 0.022272 10.23 345.86 97.13 0.88 2-4 1673.88* Q 2 961.00 511.31 514.71 515.34 0.021395 6.39 151.07 77.40 0.77 2-4 1673.88* Q 5 1410.00 511.31 515.23 516.08 0.021903 7.46 196.46 91.24 0.81 2-4 1673.88* Q 10 1790.00 511.31 515.61 515.34 516.63 0.022001 8.18 231.62 92.86 0.83 2-4 1673.88* Q 25 2350.00 511.31 516.11 515.87 517.35 0.022113 9.08 278.94 96.24 0.85 2-4 1673.88* Q 50 2810.00 511.31 516.47 516.27 517.89 0.022504 9.76 313.59 101.01 0.87 2-4 1673.88* Q 100 3310.00 511.31 516.82 516.67 518.43 0.022874 10.43 350.08 103.79 0.89 2-4 1626.11* Q 2 961.00 510.29 513.61 513.30 514.28 0.022656 6.61 149.90 90.53 0.79 2-4 1626.11* Q 5 1410.00 510.29 514.12 513.92 515.01 0.022871 7.66 197.16 92.56 0.83 2-4 1626.11* Q 10 1790.00 510.29 514.50 514.27 515.55 0.022995 8.39 232.52 94.66 0.85 2-4 1626.11* Q 25 2350.00 510.29 514.98 514.83 516.26 0.023368 9.32 280.28 104.20 0.88 2-4 1626.11* Q 50 2810.00 510.29 515.34 515.24 516.78 0.023431 9.96 318.42 106.46 0.89 2-4 1626.11* Q 100 3310.00 510.29 515.69 515.61 517.31 0.023634 10.60 356.18 107.87 0.91 2-4 1578.33* Q 2 961.00 509.26 512.58 512.27 513.23 0.021093 6.54 158.88 93.31 0.77 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 1578.33* Q 5 1410.00 509.26 513.11 512.84 513.95 0.021002 7.52 208.84 97.68 0.80 2-4 1578.33* Q 10 1790.00 509.26 513.48 513.26 514.47 0.021524 8.27 246.12 105.87 0.83 2-4 1578.33* Q 25 2350.00 509.26 513.93 513.78 515.15 0.022439 9.25 295.29 110.24 0.86 2-4 1578.33* Q 50 2810.00 509.26 514.22 514.15 515.65 0.023894 10.06 327.92 111.90 0.90 2-4 1578.33* Q 100 3310.00 509.26 514.56 514.51 516.16 0.024348 10.73 365.89 114.98 0.92 2-4 1530.55* Q 2 961.00 508.23 511.40 511.30 512.12 0.025570 6.99 154.28 97.11 0.85 2-4 1530.55* Q 5 1410.00 508.23 511.87 511.80 512.81 0.026437 8.13 199.20 103.52 0.89 2-4 1530.55* Q 10 1790.00 508.23 512.22 512.19 513.32 0.026587 8.86 239.07 112.33 0.91 2-4 1530.55* Q 25 2350.00 508.23 512.68 512.68 513.98 0.026432 9.74 291.86 116.97 0.93 2-4 1530.55* Q 50 2810.00 508.23 513.04 513.04 514.46 0.025636 10.27 335.21 119.64 0.93 2-4 1530.55* Q 100 3310.00 508.23 513.38 513.38 514.96 0.025815 10.90 375.55 122.66 0.95 2-4 1482.77* Q 2 961.00 507.20 510.67 510.20 511.13 0.014648 5.84 195.25 112.82 0.66 2-4 1482.77* Q 5 1410.00 507.20 511.15 510.68 511.76 0.015516 6.78 260.00 121.98 0.70 2-4 1482.77* Q 10 1790.00 507.20 511.51 511.08 512.23 0.016072 7.45 304.11 124.74 0.72 2-4 1482.77* Q 25 2350.00 507.20 512.01 511.50 512.86 0.016140 8.20 367.55 128.64 0.74 2-4 1482.77* Q 50 2810.00 507.20 512.33 511.87 513.31 0.016890 8.85 409.07 129.82 0.77 2-4 1482.77* Q 100 3310.00 507.20 512.60 512.20 513.75 0.018414 9.64 444.39 131.50 0.81 2-4 1435 Q 2 961.00 506.17 509.33 509.33 510.14 0.028951 7.51 150.20 121.46 0.90 2-4 1435 Q 5 1410.00 506.17 509.90 509.90 510.81 0.024758 8.14 219.69 129.96 0.87 2-4 1435 Q 10 1790.00 506.17 510.25 510.25 511.26 0.024553 8.77 265.00 132.17 0.88 2-4 1435 Q 25 2350.00 506.17 510.64 510.64 511.86 0.026078 9.78 316.57 133.58 0.92 2-4 1435 Q 50 2810.00 506.17 510.99 510.99 512.30 0.025138 10.24 364.60 135.50 0.92 2-4 1435 Q 100 3310.00 506.17 511.42 511.29 512.76 0.022902 10.48 421.85 135.95 0.90 2-4 1408.* Q 2 961.00 504.97 508.47 508.30 509.09 0.023445 6.95 173.64 101.32 0.82 2-4 1408.* Q 5 1410.00 504.97 509.11 508.75 509.81 0.019605 7.51 240.49 109.01 0.78 2-4 1408.* Q 10 1790.00 504.97 509.61 509.13 510.36 0.017439 7.87 296.33 114.92 0.75 2-4 1408.* Q 25 2350.00 504.97 510.26 509.62 511.08 0.015369 8.31 372.51 118.71 0.73 2-4 1408.* Q 50 2810.00 504.97 510.75 509.96 511.62 0.014170 8.61 430.99 119.45 0.71 2-4 1408.* Q 100 3310.00 504.97 511.25 510.33 512.17 0.013198 8.92 491.28 120.00 0.70 2-4 1381 Q 2 961.00 503.76 508.08 507.53 508.54 0.015275 6.13 195.84 86.88 0.65 2-4 1381 Q 5 1410.00 503.76 508.72 508.01 509.32 0.015239 7.04 252.61 91.40 0.68 2-4 1381 Q 10 1790.00 503.76 509.21 508.39 509.91 0.014942 7.64 299.26 98.27 0.68 2-4 1381 Q 25 2350.00 503.76 509.78 508.91 510.65 0.015690 8.58 356.91 101.53 0.72 2-4 1381 Q 50 2810.00 503.76 510.22 509.41 511.20 0.015702 9.15 402.16 102.48 0.73 2-4 1381 Q 100 3310.00 503.76 510.67 509.78 511.77 0.015731 9.71 448.71 103.80 0.74 2-4 1335.28* Q 2 961.00 502.99 507.25 507.81 0.016299 6.46 181.59 86.22 0.69 2-4 1335.28* Q 5 1410.00 502.99 507.89 508.59 0.016150 7.38 237.58 92.28 0.71 2-4 1335.28* Q 10 1790.00 502.99 508.34 509.18 0.016445 8.10 281.28 100.09 0.73 2-4 1335.28* Q 25 2350.00 502.99 508.92 509.91 0.016455 8.89 339.20 100.70 0.74 2-4 1335.28* Q 50 2810.00 502.99 509.35 510.46 0.016436 9.46 383.24 101.59 0.76 2-4 1335.28* Q 100 3310.00 502.99 509.80 511.02 0.016431 10.03 428.42 102.77 0.77 2-4 1289.57* Q 2 961.00 502.23 506.39 507.03 0.017394 6.69 167.50 85.75 0.71 2-4 1289.57* Q 5 1410.00 502.23 507.01 507.82 0.017343 7.64 221.99 92.95 0.73 2-4 1289.57* Q 10 1790.00 502.23 507.46 508.40 0.017397 8.32 265.51 99.41 0.75 2-4 1289.57* Q 25 2350.00 502.23 508.04 509.13 0.017156 9.08 323.59 99.85 0.76 2-4 1289.57* Q 50 2810.00 502.23 508.46 509.68 0.017239 9.68 365.73 100.65 0.78 2-4 1289.57* Q 100 3310.00 502.23 508.88 510.23 0.017386 10.27 408.30 101.74 0.79 2-4 1243.85* Q 2 961.00 501.46 505.43 505.06 506.17 0.020037 6.98 148.72 84.23 0.76 2-4 1243.85* Q 5 1410.00 501.46 506.11 505.79 507.00 0.018357 7.78 208.07 94.59 0.75 2-4 1243.85* Q 10 1790.00 501.46 506.55 506.24 507.57 0.018416 8.46 250.52 98.72 0.77 2-4 1243.85* Q 25 2350.00 501.46 507.09 506.82 508.30 0.018671 9.33 304.39 98.91 0.79 2-4 1243.85* Q 50 2810.00 501.46 507.54 507.20 508.86 0.018211 9.84 348.69 99.61 0.80 2-4 1243.85* Q 100 3310.00 501.46 508.01 509.43 0.017551 10.29 396.19 100.71 0.79 2-4 1198.14* Q 2 961.00 500.69 504.48 505.23 0.021112 6.96 139.07 62.85 0.77 2-4 1198.14* Q 5 1410.00 500.69 505.14 504.78 506.11 0.020306 7.95 191.43 94.03 0.78 2-4 1198.14* Q 10 1790.00 500.69 505.61 505.34 506.70 0.019540 8.55 236.55 98.02 0.79 2-4 1198.14* Q 25 2350.00 500.69 506.26 505.95 507.46 0.017976 9.14 300.26 98.25 0.78 2-4 1198.14* Q 50 2810.00 500.69 506.79 508.04 0.016524 9.46 352.15 99.03 0.76 2-4 1198.14* Q 100 3310.00 500.69 507.35 508.65 0.015041 9.72 408.45 99.69 0.74 2-4 1152.42* Q 2 961.00 499.92 503.62 504.29 0.019118 6.60 145.58 57.42 0.73 2-4 1152.42* Q 5 1410.00 499.92 504.35 503.72 505.21 0.017659 7.46 195.74 89.59 0.73 2-4 1152.42* Q 10 1790.00 499.92 504.92 505.85 0.015854 7.87 249.69 97.19 0.71 2-4 1152.42* Q 25 2350.00 499.92 505.71 506.69 0.013436 8.21 326.70 97.76 0.67 2-4 1152.42* Q 50 2810.00 499.92 506.32 507.33 0.011986 8.43 386.95 98.66 0.65 2-4 1152.42* Q 100 3310.00 499.92 506.95 508.00 0.010815 8.64 449.35 98.66 0.63 2-4 1106.71* Q 2 961.00 499.16 503.08 503.56 0.011769 5.56 172.95 64.32 0.58 2-4 1106.71* Q 5 1410.00 499.16 503.92 504.52 0.010547 6.21 238.21 92.41 0.57 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 1106.71* Q 10 1790.00 499.16 504.57 505.21 0.009434 6.54 299.89 96.84 0.55 2-4 1106.71* Q 25 2350.00 499.16 505.43 506.12 0.008280 6.92 383.38 97.63 0.54 2-4 1106.71* Q 50 2810.00 499.16 506.07 506.82 0.007642 7.19 446.57 97.63 0.53 2-4 1106.71* Q 100 3310.00 499.16 506.73 507.52 0.007151 7.47 510.66 97.63 0.52 2-4 1061 Q 2 961.00 498.39 502.86 503.14 0.005493 4.29 229.62 77.82 0.41 2-4 1061 Q 5 1410.00 498.39 503.75 504.11 0.005374 4.92 307.51 95.71 0.42 2-4 1061 Q 10 1790.00 498.39 504.41 504.83 0.005128 5.29 371.89 96.60 0.42 2-4 1061 Q 25 2350.00 498.39 505.29 505.77 0.004901 5.75 456.43 96.60 0.42 2-4 1061 Q 50 2810.00 498.39 505.95 506.48 0.004769 6.09 519.74 96.60 0.42 2-4 1061 Q 100 3310.00 498.39 506.61 507.20 0.004666 6.43 583.79 96.60 0.42 2-4 1018.* Q 2 961.00 498.19 502.56 502.89 0.006264 4.59 209.33 62.12 0.44 2-4 1018.* Q 5 1410.00 498.19 503.40 503.85 0.006533 5.39 266.62 74.42 0.46 2-4 1018.* Q 10 1790.00 498.19 504.04 504.57 0.006505 5.89 318.99 85.10 0.47 2-4 1018.* Q 25 2350.00 498.19 504.89 505.52 0.006334 6.47 391.57 85.50 0.48 2-4 1018.* Q 50 2810.00 498.19 505.53 506.23 0.006216 6.87 446.03 85.50 0.48 2-4 1018.* Q 100 3310.00 498.19 506.17 506.95 0.006124 7.27 500.98 85.50 0.48 2-4 975.* Q 2 961.00 497.98 502.17 502.58 0.008077 5.09 189.47 60.31 0.50 2-4 975.* Q 5 1410.00 497.98 502.97 503.52 0.008523 5.99 237.91 62.19 0.52 2-4 975.* Q 10 1790.00 497.98 503.56 504.23 0.008770 6.62 275.42 65.97 0.54 2-4 975.* Q 25 2350.00 497.98 504.35 505.18 0.008868 7.37 332.16 74.40 0.56 2-4 975.* Q 50 2810.00 497.98 504.95 505.89 0.008801 7.87 376.76 74.40 0.56 2-4 975.* Q 100 3310.00 497.98 505.56 506.61 0.008721 8.35 422.22 74.40 0.57 2-4 932 Q 2 961.00 497.78 501.22 501.99 0.022415 7.08 135.99 56.41 0.79 2-4 932 Q 5 1410.00 497.78 501.83 502.90 0.023344 8.31 171.54 58.42 0.83 2-4 932 Q 10 1790.00 497.78 502.29 501.95 503.59 0.024014 9.18 198.36 60.01 0.86 2-4 932 Q 25 2350.00 497.78 502.88 502.61 504.50 0.024835 10.27 234.39 61.28 0.89 2-4 932 Q 50 2810.00 497.78 503.32 503.09 505.20 0.025447 11.07 261.55 62.17 0.91 2-4 932 Q 100 3310.00 497.78 503.76 503.60 505.90 0.026063 11.85 288.96 62.47 0.93 2-4 882.* Q 2 961.00 496.50 500.15 500.87 0.021921 6.81 141.30 61.32 0.78 2-4 882.* Q 5 1410.00 496.50 500.74 501.72 0.022728 7.99 178.13 63.06 0.82 2-4 882.* Q 10 1790.00 496.50 501.17 502.37 0.023344 8.83 205.63 64.11 0.84 2-4 882.* Q 25 2350.00 496.50 501.74 501.44 503.24 0.024075 9.88 242.71 65.64 0.87 2-4 882.* Q 50 2810.00 496.50 502.16 501.88 503.90 0.024623 10.64 270.63 66.56 0.90 2-4 882.* Q 100 3310.00 496.50 502.59 502.38 504.58 0.025151 11.39 299.04 67.06 0.91 2-4 832.* Q 2 961.00 495.22 499.09 499.76 0.021572 6.57 146.43 66.28 0.77 2-4 832.* Q 5 1410.00 495.22 499.66 500.58 0.022314 7.71 184.44 67.85 0.81 2-4 832.* Q 10 1790.00 495.22 500.07 501.19 0.022835 8.51 212.81 68.28 0.83 2-4 832.* Q 25 2350.00 495.22 500.62 500.29 502.02 0.023498 9.53 250.87 70.02 0.86 2-4 832.* Q 50 2810.00 495.22 501.03 500.71 502.65 0.023992 10.27 279.55 70.86 0.88 2-4 832.* Q 100 3310.00 495.22 501.44 501.18 503.29 0.024470 10.99 308.81 71.67 0.90 2-4 782.* Q 2 961.00 493.94 498.05 498.68 0.021238 6.35 151.50 71.25 0.76 2-4 782.* Q 5 1410.00 493.94 498.59 499.45 0.021918 7.45 190.71 72.70 0.80 2-4 782.* Q 10 1790.00 493.94 499.00 500.04 0.022378 8.22 220.00 72.88 0.82 2-4 782.* Q 25 2350.00 493.94 499.53 500.83 0.022992 9.21 259.00 74.42 0.85 2-4 782.* Q 50 2810.00 493.94 499.92 499.56 501.44 0.023419 9.92 288.55 75.28 0.87 2-4 782.* Q 100 3310.00 493.94 500.31 500.01 502.05 0.023913 10.62 318.34 76.16 0.89 2-4 732.* Q 2 961.00 492.66 497.02 497.61 0.021053 6.17 156.16 76.50 0.75 2-4 732.* Q 5 1410.00 492.66 497.54 498.35 0.021640 7.22 196.61 77.54 0.79 2-4 732.* Q 10 1790.00 492.66 497.93 498.91 0.022051 7.97 226.78 77.69 0.81 2-4 732.* Q 25 2350.00 492.66 498.44 499.67 0.022610 8.92 266.73 78.65 0.84 2-4 732.* Q 50 2810.00 492.66 498.82 500.25 0.022995 9.61 297.04 79.70 0.86 2-4 732.* Q 100 3310.00 492.66 499.20 498.87 500.84 0.023428 10.30 327.44 80.61 0.88 2-4 682.* Q 2 961.00 491.38 495.99 496.55 0.020705 5.98 161.16 81.83 0.74 2-4 682.* Q 5 1410.00 491.38 496.50 497.26 0.021364 7.01 202.45 82.40 0.78 2-4 682.* Q 10 1790.00 491.38 496.87 497.80 0.021737 7.73 233.48 82.54 0.80 2-4 682.* Q 25 2350.00 491.38 497.37 498.53 0.022244 8.66 274.49 82.98 0.83 2-4 682.* Q 50 2810.00 491.38 497.74 499.08 0.022628 9.33 305.41 84.18 0.85 2-4 682.* Q 100 3310.00 491.38 498.11 497.75 499.65 0.022994 10.00 336.47 85.17 0.87 2-4 632.* Q 2 961.00 490.10 494.96 495.49 0.021261 5.88 163.87 86.76 0.74 2-4 632.* Q 5 1410.00 490.10 495.46 496.18 0.021160 6.82 208.00 87.27 0.77 2-4 632.* Q 10 1790.00 490.10 495.83 496.70 0.021491 7.52 239.88 87.40 0.79 2-4 632.* Q 25 2350.00 490.10 496.31 497.40 0.021940 8.42 281.99 87.51 0.82 2-4 632.* Q 50 2810.00 490.10 496.67 497.94 0.022321 9.08 313.33 88.60 0.84 2-4 632.* Q 100 3310.00 490.10 497.02 498.48 0.022643 9.73 345.16 89.79 0.86 2-4 582.* Q 2 961.00 488.82 493.87 494.42 0.021616 5.95 161.83 84.60 0.75 2-4 582.* Q 5 1410.00 488.82 494.44 495.12 0.020912 6.64 213.58 92.14 0.76 2-4 582.* Q 10 1790.00 488.82 494.79 495.62 0.021269 7.33 246.09 92.26 0.78 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 582.* Q 25 2350.00 488.82 495.26 496.30 0.021720 8.21 289.12 92.35 0.81 2-4 582.* Q 50 2810.00 488.82 495.60 496.81 0.022048 8.85 321.00 93.11 0.83 2-4 582.* Q 100 3310.00 488.82 495.95 497.34 0.022352 9.49 353.57 94.42 0.85 2-4 532.* Q 2 961.00 487.54 492.79 493.33 0.021732 5.92 162.72 85.76 0.75 2-4 532.* Q 5 1410.00 487.54 493.35 494.04 0.022357 6.68 212.44 95.37 0.78 2-4 532.* Q 10 1790.00 487.54 493.75 494.55 0.021304 7.18 251.29 97.13 0.78 2-4 532.* Q 25 2350.00 487.54 494.21 495.20 0.021507 8.01 295.95 97.36 0.80 2-4 532.* Q 50 2810.00 487.54 494.54 495.70 0.021801 8.64 328.59 97.76 0.82 2-4 532.* Q 100 3310.00 487.54 494.88 494.45 496.21 0.022098 9.26 361.82 99.00 0.84 2-4 482.* Q 2 961.00 486.25 491.71 492.25 0.021631 5.88 163.67 86.41 0.75 2-4 482.* Q 5 1410.00 486.25 492.24 492.94 0.021710 6.71 211.27 91.70 0.77 2-4 482.* Q 10 1790.00 486.25 492.64 493.45 0.022469 7.25 248.54 98.17 0.80 2-4 482.* Q 25 2350.00 486.25 493.16 494.12 0.021501 7.86 301.71 102.38 0.80 2-4 482.* Q 50 2810.00 486.25 493.50 494.60 0.021567 8.44 336.04 102.71 0.82 2-4 482.* Q 100 3310.00 486.25 493.82 495.09 0.021859 9.05 369.88 103.58 0.83 2-4 432.* Q 2 961.00 484.97 490.64 491.16 0.021433 5.80 165.98 88.80 0.74 2-4 432.* Q 5 1410.00 484.97 491.16 491.84 0.021892 6.65 213.07 94.16 0.77 2-4 432.* Q 10 1790.00 484.97 491.53 492.34 0.021836 7.24 248.80 96.12 0.79 2-4 432.* Q 25 2350.00 484.97 492.04 493.01 0.022577 7.91 299.35 104.16 0.82 2-4 432.* Q 50 2810.00 484.97 492.43 493.50 0.021932 8.33 340.66 107.73 0.82 2-4 432.* Q 100 3310.00 484.97 492.78 493.99 0.021608 8.85 378.10 108.22 0.83 2-4 382.* Q 2 961.00 483.69 489.58 490.08 0.021419 5.72 168.42 92.06 0.74 2-4 382.* Q 5 1410.00 483.69 490.07 490.75 0.021824 6.61 214.15 94.96 0.77 2-4 382.* Q 10 1790.00 483.69 490.45 491.24 0.021936 7.17 251.00 98.85 0.79 2-4 382.* Q 25 2350.00 483.69 490.92 491.89 0.022075 7.94 298.35 101.51 0.81 2-4 382.* Q 50 2810.00 483.69 491.28 492.39 0.022589 8.45 335.74 106.10 0.83 2-4 382.* Q 100 3310.00 483.69 491.69 492.88 0.022290 8.77 381.27 113.05 0.83 2-4 332.* Q 2 961.00 482.41 488.51 489.01 0.021443 5.64 170.76 95.41 0.74 2-4 332.* Q 5 1410.00 482.41 488.99 489.65 0.021576 6.53 216.96 97.25 0.76 2-4 332.* Q 10 1790.00 482.41 489.35 490.14 0.022094 7.14 252.16 100.70 0.79 2-4 332.* Q 25 2350.00 482.41 489.83 490.78 0.022006 7.85 301.58 104.22 0.81 2-4 332.* Q 50 2810.00 482.41 490.20 491.27 0.021529 8.32 340.66 106.12 0.81 2-4 332.* Q 100 3310.00 482.41 490.68 491.80 0.020251 8.54 391.92 112.54 0.80 2-4 282.* Q 2 961.00 481.13 487.40 487.91 0.022551 5.75 167.37 94.20 0.76 2-4 282.* Q 5 1410.00 481.13 487.91 488.56 0.022036 6.49 218.22 100.62 0.77 2-4 282.* Q 10 1790.00 481.13 488.27 489.04 0.021516 7.05 255.31 101.92 0.78 2-4 282.* Q 25 2350.00 481.13 488.89 489.73 0.018921 7.41 319.80 107.85 0.75 2-4 282.* Q 50 2810.00 481.13 489.41 490.29 0.016165 7.52 377.27 110.46 0.71 2-4 282.* Q 100 3310.00 481.13 490.02 490.89 0.013983 7.52 445.38 117.32 0.67 2-4 232.* Q 2 961.00 479.85 486.32 486.82 0.020727 5.70 168.93 90.29 0.73 2-4 232.* Q 5 1410.00 479.85 486.98 487.54 0.017933 6.01 235.57 104.56 0.70 2-4 232.* Q 10 1790.00 479.85 487.55 488.12 0.014054 6.09 295.99 107.16 0.64 2-4 232.* Q 25 2350.00 479.85 488.38 488.96 0.010665 6.12 388.17 113.66 0.58 2-4 232.* Q 50 2810.00 479.85 489.03 489.62 0.008817 6.13 463.71 117.19 0.54 2-4 232.* Q 100 3310.00 479.85 489.70 490.28 0.008085 6.17 544.81 129.30 0.52 2-4 182.* Q 2 961.00 478.57 485.72 486.02 0.011052 4.42 218.25 107.36 0.54 2-4 182.* Q 5 1410.00 478.57 486.59 486.91 0.007500 4.53 313.31 110.37 0.47 2-4 182.* Q 10 1790.00 478.57 487.27 487.60 0.006287 4.63 390.06 116.59 0.44 2-4 182.* Q 25 2350.00 478.57 488.18 488.53 0.005050 4.78 498.54 120.78 0.41 2-4 182.* Q 50 2810.00 478.57 488.87 489.24 0.004698 4.88 584.39 130.87 0.40 2-4 182.* Q 100 3310.00 478.57 489.55 489.94 0.004213 4.98 676.85 136.17 0.39 2-4 132.* Q 2 961.00 477.29 485.56 485.70 0.003307 3.01 322.12 113.95 0.31 2-4 132.* Q 5 1410.00 477.29 486.47 486.64 0.002978 3.32 429.49 121.04 0.31 2-4 132.* Q 10 1790.00 477.29 487.17 487.36 0.002733 3.52 514.53 124.01 0.30 2-4 132.* Q 25 2350.00 477.29 488.10 488.32 0.002591 3.77 633.21 133.67 0.30 2-4 132.* Q 50 2810.00 477.29 488.79 489.03 0.002487 3.92 729.82 141.07 0.30 2-4 132.* Q 100 3310.00 477.29 489.49 489.75 0.002281 4.08 828.12 141.13 0.29 2-4 82 Q 2 961.00 476.01 485.51 485.58 0.001234 2.16 449.80 124.73 0.20 2-4 82 Q 5 1410.00 476.01 486.43 486.53 0.001295 2.53 566.16 128.55 0.21 2-4 82 Q 10 1790.00 476.01 487.13 487.24 0.001325 2.77 657.24 133.12 0.22 2-4 82 Q 25 2350.00 476.01 488.06 488.20 0.001413 3.04 788.41 145.95 0.23 2-4 82 Q 50 2810.00 476.01 488.76 488.92 0.001355 3.22 890.49 146.00 0.23 2-4 82 Q 100 3310.00 476.01 489.46 489.64 0.001314 3.41 992.92 146.00 0.23 2-4 50 Q 2 961.00 481.55 484.31 484.31 485.37 0.037526 8.28 117.00 56.66 1.01 2-4 50 Q 5 1410.00 481.55 484.93 484.93 486.29 0.033933 9.35 152.54 57.49 1.00 2-4 50 Q 10 1790.00 481.55 485.41 485.41 486.98 0.031668 10.07 181.14 60.82 0.99 2-4 50 Q 25 2350.00 481.55 486.06 486.06 487.91 0.029428 10.97 220.42 61.95 0.98 HEC-RAS Plan: Flood-Low n River: Grant Creek Reach: 2-4 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 2-4 50 Q 50 2810.00 481.55 486.53 486.53 488.61 0.028490 11.65 249.95 64.36 0.99 2-4 50 Q 100 3310.00 481.55 487.05 487.05 489.32 0.026735 12.18 284.30 65.90 0.98