HomeMy WebLinkAboutTDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System Supplement     How  Innovus  Products  Enable  Hybrid  Microgrids   Hybrid  Microgrids   A  hybrid  Microgrid  or  power  system  is  a  collection  of  energy  sources   and  sinks  on  an  electrical  network  that  is  isolated  from  the  larger  grid,   such  as  on  an  island  or  in  a  remote  community.  This  is  often  referred   to  as  a  “microgrid”.  Energy  sources  typically  include  diesel   generators,  solar  photovoltaic  (PV)  panels,  and  wind  turbines.  Energy   sinks  typically  include  the  primary  distribution  to  the  village  or  island   that  serves  residences,  schools,  and  commercial  facilities;  and   sometimes  a  secondary  load,  such  as  a  resistive  water  heater,  which   is  used  to  absorb  excess  energy  that  may  be  available  for  various   reasons.  Sometimes  a  hybrid  power  system  includes  some  form  of   energy  storage  such  as  lead-­‐acid  batteries,  which  can  act  as  both  a   source  and  sink.   Renewable  Intermittency   The  most  significant  challenge  in  high  penetration  hybrid  microgrids  today  is  renewable  energy  sources   vary  with  the  renewable  resource  (wind  or  sunshine),  and  can  change  output  very  rapidly  during  normal   operation.    For  example,  if  a  PV  array  is  one  of  the  active  sources,  the  net  load  can  suddenly  increase  if  a   large  cloud  passes  between  the  sun  and  the  PV  array.  The  same  is  true  in  wind  powered  microgrids.  A   rapid  drop  in  wind  velocity  will  cause  the  net  load  to  increase.  To  continue  to  serve  the  load,  you  need   to  have  the  capability  to  quickly  provide  the  same  amount  of  power  as  the  PV  or  wind  system  from  a   different  source.  This  usually  means  you  need  to  have  spinning  reserve  on  the  diesel  genset(s),  which   often  means  running  them  at  low  load,  or  use  energy  storage  to  meet  the  demand  until  the  cloud   passes.     In  addition  to  the  issue  of  operating  reserve,  renewable  intermittency  can  cause  stability  issues  in   microgrids,  especially  when  the  renewable  penetration  level  is  high.  In  systems  with  conventional   gensets,  the  sudden  large  load  changes  can  lead  to  large  frequency  excursions  as  the  engine  governor   works  to  restore  speed  control.    They  can  also  lead  to  phase  angle  oscillations  between  the  generator   rotor  and  the  power  grid.    This  typically  limits  renewable  penetration  to  around  50%  of  the  peak  load   without  taking  other  costly  measures  to  maintain  stability.   8 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement Challenge  Low  Diesel  Loading   A  further  challenge  with  the  integration  of   renewables  into  a  conventional  diesel  generation   system  is  that  fixed-­‐speed  diesel  gensets  run  more   efficiently  and  with  fewer  maintenance  issues   when  run  at  high  load  relative  to  their  rating.   Because  their  synchronous  generator  is  directly   connected  to  the  microgrid,  they  must  run  at  a   constant  speed  regardless  of  load  in  order  to   maintain  fixed  frequency  AC.  The  lower  the  load  on   the  genset,  the  poorer  the  combustion,  which  results  in  low  efficiency  and  causes  maintenance   problems  like  wet  stacking  and  coking.  The  more  renewable  power  is  serving  the  load,  the  less  “net   load”  (system  load  minus  renewable  contribution)  is  on  the  diesel  genset,  exacerbating  the  low-­‐loading   problem.   Challenge  -­‐  Integration   An  additional  challenge  with  most  hybrid  microgrids  is  that  all  of  the  components  are  from  different   suppliers,  and  making  them  all  work  together  requires  significant  expertise  and  cost.  This  has  been  a   limiting  factor,  in  many  cases,  to  the  integration  of  renewable  energy  sources  in  microgrids  that  would   otherwise  be  well  served  by  renewable  energy.  Many  microgrid  locations  have  high  diesel  fuel  cost,  but   also  significant  sun  and/or  wind  resources,  and  the  utility  could  significantly  reduce  the  levelized  cost  of   energy  (LCOE)  for  its  customers  with  renewable  energy.   Solution  –Innovus  Power’s    IP  MVS  600     The  Innovus  Power  IP  MVS  600  with  GridGenius  and  PowerBridge  solves  many  of  the  most  significant   challenges  with  hybrid  microgrids,  making  diesel  generation  work  well  with  a  variety  of  renewable   sources  for  the  first  time.  Let’s  start  with  a  description  of  the  IP  MVS  600.   With  the  IP  MVS  600,  the  diesel  genset  connects  to  the  microgrid  through  a  full  power  converter,  which   rectifies  the  output  of  the  genset  to  DC,  then  back  to  fixed  frequency  AC.  This  decouples  the  speed  of   the  genset  from  the  output  frequency  of  the  converter,  which  means  it  can  run  at  the  optimum  speed   for  any  given  load.     Because  the  IP  MVS  600  uses  a  full  power  converter,  its  output  frequency  is  set  by  the  inverter  rather   than  the  speed  of  the  engine,  and  can  therefore  be  more  tightly  controlled.    Because  the  inverter  is   locked  to  the  grid  frequency,  phase  angle  oscillations  cannot  occur.  Settings  in  the  converter  can  be   0 50 100 0 5 10 15 20Power  [kW]Hour  of  Day Load Wind Net  Load 9 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement adjusted  for  optimal  performance  during  a  transient  event  for  a  variety  of  power  system  configurations,   which  can  substantially  improve  the  stability  of  the  microgrid.  This  typically  enables  higher  levels  of   renewable  penetration  in  microgrids  compared  to  conventional  generators,  which  can  improve  the   economics  of  your  renewable  energy  investment  and  lower  your  levelized  cost  of  energy.     There  are  also  significant  additional  benefits  from  using  a  full  power  converter  in  a  microgrid.  For   example,  if  the  IP  MVS  600  needs  to  synchronize  with  another  energy  source,  it  can  do  it  very  quickly   and  easily,  without  the  need  for  additional  synchronizing  switchgear.  The  converter  controls  observe  the   voltage  waveform  on  the  grid,  and  if  it’s  within  a  specified  range,  synchronize  and  connect.  This   operation  is  trivial  compared  to  a  fixed  speed  genset,  which  must  finely  adjust  the  governor  speed  to   synchronize  with  another  source.  The  Innovus  power  converter  can  also  supply  or  sink  reactive  power,   even  when  the  diesel  genset  is  off,  making  it  very  useful  for  maintaining  voltage  stability  and  VAR   support.     The  Innovus  power  converter  uses  a  modular  design  where  capability  can  be  expanded  simply  by  adding   additional  modules.  This  architecture  is  at  the  heart  of  the  GridGenius  and  PowerBridge  products.   PowerBridge   PowerBridge  is  a  system  of  components  that  enables  diesel-­‐off  operation  in  a  hybrid  microgrid.  It   consists  of  an  additional  module  in  the  IP  MVS  600  power  converter  for  protection,  an  ultracapacitor   bank  with  enough  capacity  to  provide  full  rated  power  (600  kW)  for  seconds  to  10’s  of  seconds   (depending  on  size  of  capacitor  bank),  and  a  stabilizing  load  to  absorb  excess  power  when  needed.  In   comparison  to  lead-­‐acid  batteries,  ultracapacitors  have  significant  advantages:   1.  They  can  handle  high  current,  which  means  they  can  be  charged  and  discharged  quickly.   2.  They  have  a  much  higher  cycle  life,  which  means  they  last  longer  and  require  less  servicing.   3.  They  have  a  higher  round-­‐trip  efficiency,  which  means  less  energy  is  wasted.   The  ultracapacitors  are  directly  connected  to  the  converter’s  DC  bus  (no  power  converter  required)  via   the  protection  module.  Energy  flows  between  the  ultracap  bank  and  the  DC  bus  as  the  bus  voltage  rises   and  falls  with  changing  conditions.  Similarly,  energy  flows  from  the  DC  bus  to  the  stabilizing  load,  usually   a  resistive  water  heater,  through  the  stabilizing  load  controller.   10 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement   The  inverter  controller  supports  the  AC  bus  according  to  the  system  configuration  (island  or  parallel   operation,  droop  or  isochronous/constant  voltage).  If  the  renewable  power  increases  significantly,  the   inverter  will  detect  this  and  consume  power  by  sending  it  to  the  DC  bus,  causing  its  voltage  to  rise.  If  the   ultracapacitors  are  not  fully  charged,  they  will  sink  the  excess  energy.  If  the  ultracapacitors  are  fully   charged,  the  stabilizing  load  controller   diverts  energy  to  the  stabilizing  load.  By   taking  advantage  of  the  inverter  controls   that  are  already  required  for  the  VSG,   PowerBridge  seamlessly  maintains   frequency  and  voltage  stability  in  the   microgrid  without  the  typical  complexity   of  a  hybrid  microgrid.   Another  significant  advantage  to   PowerBridge  is  that  even  when  the  diesel   engine  is  off,  the  inverter  is  online   supporting  the  microgrid.  This  means  that  other  “grid-­‐connect”  inverters  that  require  a  source  to   synchronize  to  (e.g.  many  PV  inverters)  can  continue  to  operate  even  when  the  engine  is  off.   GridGenius   GridGenius  is  a  microgrid  system  controller  that  orchestrates  all  energy  sources  and  sinks  in  a  hybrid   microgrid.  It  can  be  used  in  a  variety  of  system  architectures,  including  Innovus  and  non-­‐Innovus   gensets,  and  allows  a  microgrid  operator  to  easily  migrate  from  diesel-­‐only,  to  integration  of  low-­‐ penetration  renewable  sources,  to  integration  of  high-­‐penetration  renewables  with  PowerBridge  in   order  to  obtain  diesel-­‐off  operation.   11 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement In  a  system  with  only  genset  sources,  GridGenius  determines  the  optimum  dispatch  to  maximize  system-­‐   wide  fuel  efficiency.  For  example,  if  a  system  has  a  fixed-­‐speed  genset  and  a  IP  MVS  600,  and  the   average  load  plus  operating  margin  exceeds  the  rating  of  the  IP  MVS  600,  GridGenius  will  set  the  fixed-­‐ speed  genset  to  a  base  load  where  it  is  very  efficient,  and  operate  the  IP  MVS  600  in  peak  shaving  mode   at  relatively  low  load  since  it  can  easily  run  this  way  with  high  efficiency.  The  combined  fuel  efficiency  of   both  gensets  is  maximized  this  way.   If  a  system  has  low-­‐penetration  renewable  sources,  GridGenius  will  dispatch  the  gensets  to  maximize   renewable  contribution.  With  a  IP  MVS  600  in  the  system,  lightly  loaded  gensets  are  no  longer  a   concern.  If  the  average  net  load  plus  an  operating  margin  can  be  carried  by  one  IP  MVS  600,  it  will   dispatch  the  IP  MVS  600  only,  which  can  run  down  to  10%  of  its  rated  power  with  high  efficiency  and  no   maintenance  problems.  If  the  net  load  is  greater,  it  will  dispatch  another  genset  to  an  efficient  base  load   and  peak  shave  with  the  IP  MVS  600.   If  a  system  has  high-­‐penetration  renewable   sources,  PowerBridge  can  be  added  to  the   system,  allowing  GridGenius  to  run  the  system   with  all  diesel  gensets  off.    In  order  to  turn  the   diesels  off,  the  average  renewable  power  must   be  greater  than  or  equal  to  the  average  load  for   a  sustained  period.  With  renewable  energy   sources  typically  used  in  microgrids,   curtailment  of  renewable  energy  is  often  not  an   option.  This  means  that,  on  average,  there  is   excess  energy  that  must  be  consumed  due  to  the  conservation  of  energy  principle.  Once  the   ultracapacitors  in  PowerBridge  are  fully  charged,  the  stabilizing  load  controller  signals  GridGenius  that   excess  energy  is  available  for  consumption  by  a  secondary  or  dispatchable  load.  If  the  renewable  power   suddenly  drops  (e.g.  due  to  a  cloud  passing  over  the  PV  array,  or  a  sudden  drop  in  wind),  PowerBridge   supplies  the  load  from  the  energy  storage  until  a  genset  can  be  brought  online,  which  is  dispatched  by   GridGenius.  PowerBridge  ensures  that  the  load  is  reliably  supplied  even  when  the  gensets  are  off,  and   GridGenius  ensures  that  the  overall  system  is  operating  optimally.   Genset  Paralleling   Genset  paralleling  in  conventional  diesel  plants  is  accomplished  with  additional  controls  that  tie  into  the   governor  and  voltage  regulator  of  the  genset.  Various  strategies  are  used  to  share  real  and  reactive   power  among  the  running  units.  With  the  Innovus  IP  MVS  600,  paralleling  is  much  simpler  in  most   system  configurations.     The  simplest  case  is  a  system  with  only  Innovus  gensets.  Because  each  Innovus  genset  uses  a  full  power   converter,  synchronizing  and  load  sharing  is  trivial.  One  genset  is  designated  as  the  master,  running  in   Island  mode  and  forming  the  microgrid  voltage  and  frequency.  The  remaining  gensets  are  designated  as   slaves,  and  run  in  Grid  mode.  They  synchronize  to  the  master,  and  GridGenius  sets  the  real  and  reactive   power  level  of  each  unit  to  whatever  desired  distribution.  Power  can  be  shared  with  either  droop   control,  or  isochronous/constant  voltage  control.  If  the  master  goes  away  (e.g.  trips  on  a  fault),   GridGenius  will  detect  this  and  designate  a  different  VSG  as  the  master  without  dropping  the  load.   0 50 100 150 200 0 5 10 15 20Power  [kW]Hour  of  Day Load Wind Excess energy to PowerBridge Comment [JWM1]: I  don’t  think  this  graphic  fits  in  this   section.    Which  step  is  GridGenius?    (I  think  the  answer  is   that  GridGenius  isn’t  a  step  in  this  list  at  all  –  it’s  another,   almost  independent  thing  you  can  do  at  any  point  in  the   process.)   12 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement If  the  IP  MVS  600  is  running  in  a  system  with  conventional  fixed-­‐speed  gensets  equipped  with  paralleling   gear,  parallel  operation  can  be  obtained  several  ways.  If  a  fixed-­‐speed  genset  is  already  running,  the  IP   MVS  600  starts  up,  synchronizes  with  the  fixed-­‐speed  generator,  and  GridGenius  then  determines  the   optimal  distribution  of  real  and  reactive  power.  This  results  in  a  base  load  command  for  the  fixed-­‐speed   genset  and  peak  shaving  for  the  IP  MVS  600.  If  the  IP  MVS  600  is  running  (in  Island  mode)  and  more   power  is  needed,  the  fixed-­‐speed  genset  is  started,  it  syncs  with  the  IP  MVS  600  using  its  paralleling   gear,  and  GridGenius  then  determines  the  optimal  distribution  of  real  and  reactive  power  in  the  same   way.       13 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement Summary   The  following  table  summarizes  the  high-­‐level  features  of  a  hybrid  microgrid,  and  which  Innovus  Power   products  enable  that  feature.   Desired  Microgrid  Feature  Required  Innovus  Product   Higher  fuel  efficiency,  lower  genset  maintenance,  low-­‐penetration   renewable  energy  source(s)   IP  MVS  600   Microgrid  controller,  optimum  diesel  genset  dispatching  (including   non-­‐Innovus  gensets),  renewables  dispatching/curtailing   GridGenius   High-­‐penetration  renewables,  diesel-­‐off  capability  IP  MVS  600  +  PowerBridge     As  this  document  explains,  many  of  the  challenges  of  integrating  a  hybrid  power  system  are  greatly   reduced  with  the  use  of  Innovus’  suite  of  hybrid  microgrid  products.   14 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement    44093  South  Grimmer  Blvd.,  Fremont  CA  94538         September  14,  2015     Mr.  John  Lyons   General  Manager   TDX  Power  Inc     Ref:  Innovus  Power  Letter  Of  Support     Dear  John,     Thank  you  for  the  consideration  of  the  Innovus  Power  IP  MVS  600  high  penetration  wind   platform.    We  are  very  excited  to  be  a  partner  to  TDX  Power  for  the  San  Point  Alaska  project.     We  fully  support  TDX  Power  and  the  use  of  the  Innovus  IP  MVS  600  high  penetration  wind   platform  for  the  Sand  Point  project  proposed.     Innovus  Power  will  provide  all  services  under  contract  with  TDX  Power.         Sincerely,      Steve  Levy   Vice  President  Sales   Innovus  Power  Inc.   +1.408.460.3141   15 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement Innovus Power Proprietary‐All Rights Reserved‐May 2015Microgrid Power PlatformsDelivering the Lowest Levelized Cost of Distributed Energy 16 of 24TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement 2Innovus Power Proprietary‐All Rights ReservedINNOVUS POWERWho are we? We are a leading technology provider of Distributed Generation Solutions based in the San Francisco Bay AreaWhat’s our Background?We were founded in 2013 and acquired key IP and assets in 2012. Our technology roots come from Marine Diesel Electric Propulsion systems we started on in 2002. We have a robust patent portfolio and proprietary technologiesWhat do we do? Our power platform solutions enable grid operators to realize substantial performance gains in power surety, grid stability, network scalability and fuel efficiency resulting in the lowest Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE).17 of 24TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement 3Innovus Power Proprietary‐All Rights ReservedInnovus Power - Experienced Leadership Marc HoffmanCEOCEO Glacier BayDivision President Renaissance Mark Operating Director Arsenal CapitalVP of Operations Allied Signal Aircraft EnginesGeneral Manager GE Power GenBS Mat Science Engineering, Cornell UniversityDr. Mark PrestonCTOVP Technology Vestas Americas COO Mega Watt SolarVP Engineering & Technology Glacier Bay VP Engineering Northern Power Systems Sr. Mgr. GE Corp R&D and UTC18 patents in power electronics, sensors, motorsPhD EE, University of Sussex, UK Steve LevyVP Sales & Bus DevVP of World Sales Advanced Energy RenewablesDir of Channel & Government Division SatcomDir Bus Dev & Engineering Northrop Grumman EMC, Oracle, Tandem and Storage Technology along with three Silicon Valley startupsBS Management and Marketing, Cal State FullertonLance BrownVP Marketing & Project MgmtVP Business Development Glacier Bay TechDirector of Glacier LabManaging Director Spectre Power BoatsOwner / President Santa Cruz YachtsBS Engineering Management, Industrial Tech, Cal Poly 18 of 24TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement 23 of 24TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement 24 of 24 TDX Power Ref 9 Sand Point High Penetration Wind System - Supplement