HomeMy WebLinkAboutHDR Turbine Report HDR Engineering, Inc. C:\Documents and Settings\jgastroc\Desktop\Unalaska Deleverable\Turbine Cover Letter.doc HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2632 Phone (907) 644-2000 Fax (907) 644-2022 www.hdrinc.com Page 1 of 1 Memo To: Dan Winters From: HDR Project: Unalaska WTP Analysis CC: Date: 5/4/09 Job No: 77350 RE: In line turbine for enginery recovery at the water treatment plant. HDR has been working with the City of Unalaska to develop alternatives that will allow the Pyramid Control Plant (PCP) to meet the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2) requirements. An analysis was conducted and presented in the Water Treatment Plant Phase I Analysis Design Recommendations Report, which recommended the use of ultraviolet disinfection as a secondary disinfection technique to be placed in a new addition at the existing water treatment plant site. This information was presented in the Water Treatment Plant Phase I Analysis Design Recommendations Report and reported to the City Council in November, 2008. After the presentation, the City Council requested that HDR use unspent study money on investigating use of an in-line turbine at the water treatment plant for energy generation as part of the upgrades to the new facility. To provide this conceptual study, HDRΙDTA established the following objectives to study the hydroelectric turbine equipment. ■ Determine if an in-line turbine-generator is technically feasible. ■ Provide basic capacity and energy projections. ■ Provide a high-level opinion of probable cost. ■ Estimate the required footprint for the turbine-generator and associated ancillary equipment. ■ Determine if the facility can provide single-phase power. The results of this conceptual study indicate that it is technically feasible to install in-line energy recovery turbine-generators at the Pyramid Creek site. The study provided conceptual analysis of a two turbine generator alternative for approximately 64kw, which would yield approximately 280 MWh of annual energy projection with a 50% utilization factor. The cost for a two turbine energy recovery system was estimate to be approximately $704,000 in 2009 dollars. This number is mid range in the values reported in a prepared for the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Division of Energy in 1997. This would require approximately 1,375 ft2 of building space. However, this building space is generous and provides for co- located space with the other treatment piping requirements for the new addition at the plant. The direct turbine footprint is likely around half of the space shown in the footprint estimation included with the report. This study only analyzed only a small in-line energy recovery system utilizing the existing water supply line and daily water demand. Additional power could be generated if additional water could be discharged during low demand periods; however, this discharging was not evaluated because of the increased FERC licensing that may be required for the discharge of unused water. Power usage was assumed for consumptive uses only and not transmitted to the grid. The Pyramid Creek Water Treatment Plant Conceptual Study is attached with the summary for more information on the use of a turbine for energy recovery at the water treatment plant. PYRAMID CREEK WATER TREATMENT PLANT CONCEPTUAL STUDY Prepared for: CITY OF UNALASKA Unalaska, Alaska Prepared by: HDR|DTA Charlotte, North Carolina Draft - APRIL 2009 i Draft PYRAMID CREEK WATER TREATMENT PLANT CONCEPTUAL STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page No. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of Study ...........................................................................................................1 1.2 Previous Studies............................................................................................................1 1.3 Project Input and Assumptions .....................................................................................2 SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGY AND CAPACITY STUDIES ............................... 5 2.1 Flow Duration Development ........................................................................................5 2.2 Preliminary Capacity Studies .......................................................................................5 SECTION 3 EQUIPMENT STUDIES ............................................................................... 11 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................11 3.2 Vendor Recommendation ...........................................................................................11 SECTION 4 ENERGY PRODUCTION STUDIES .............................................................. 13 SECTION 5 LAYOUT STUDIES .................................................................................... 15 SECTION 6 PROJECT COST OPINIONS ........................................................................ 17 SECTION 7 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................. 20 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - FLOW DATA PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF UNALASKA FOR 2007 AND 2008 APPENDIX B - FLOW DURATION ANALYSIS DEVELOPED BY HDR|DTA APPENDIX C - ELECTROMECHANICAL VENDOR SOLICITATION INFORMATION ii Draft PYRAMID CREEK WATER TREATMENT PLANT CONCEPTUAL STUDY LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page No. FIGURE 1 UNALASKA TURBINE – EXISTING CONFIGURATION WITH ENERGY RECOVERY TURBINE GENERATORS .............................................4 FIGURE 2 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY AVERAGE DAILY FLOW (GPM) ........................................................................7 FIGURE 3 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY AVERAGE DAILY FLOW (CFS) ..........................................................................8 FIGURE 4 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY PEAK DAILY FLOW (GPM) ............................................................................................9 FIGURE 5 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY PEAK DAILY FLOW (CFS) ............................................................................................10 FIGURE 6 POWER DURATION: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY FLOW FOR PERIOD OF RECORD ............................14 FIGURE 7 CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT – FOOTPRINT ESTIMATION ................................16 iii Draft PYRAMID CREEK WATER TREATMENT PLANT CONCEPTUAL STUDY LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No. TABLE 1 PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS FROM 1997 DOE REPORT ..................................................................................................................2 TABLE 2 HYDROLOGY CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................13 TABLE 3 POWER AND ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS .................................................13 TABLE 4 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST – SINGLE 32 KW UNIT ..............................18 TABLE 5 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST – DOUBLE 32 KW UNITS ..........................19 1 Draft Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Study HDR Alaska, Inc. is currently assisting the City of Unalaska (the City) with its plans to upgrade the existing Pyramid Creek water treatment plant. As part of this upgrade, HDR|DTA was asked to perform a high-level conceptual study to evaluate the installation of an in-line energy recovery turbine-generator at or near the existing pressure reducing valves. In accordance with the City’s request, the objectives of this study are as follows: ■ Determine if an in-line turbine-generator is technically feasible. ■ Provide basic capacity and energy projections. ■ Provide a high-level opinion of probable cost. ■ Estimate the required footprint for the turbine-generator and associated ancillary equipment. ■ Determine if the facility can provide single-phase power. 1.2 Previous Studies HDR|DTA understands the following studies have been conducted to evaluate the potential for generating hydroelectric power at the Pyramid Creek site): 1. Unalaska, Alaska Final Small Hydropower Interim Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, July 1984. 2. Overview Pyramid Creek Hydroelectric Project, Energy Stream, Inc. (ESI), January 1985. 3. North Fork Pyramid Creek Hydropower Study, Polarconsult Alaska, January 1993. 4. Icy Creek Power Recovery Study, Polarconsult Alaska, April 1994. 5. Streamflow Data Report Pyramid Creek Drainage Basin, Carrick and Ireland, August 1996. 6. Rural Hydroelectric Assessment and Development Study, Prepared for the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy, by Locker Interest LTD, Anchorage, Alaska, August 18, 1997. Section 1 Introduction 2 Draft A copy of the 1997 Division of Energy (DOE) study was provided to HDR|DTA. Listed below is a brief description of this study, along with conclusions pertinent to the Pyramid Creek site. The purpose of the 1997 DOE study was to review previous studies, conduct a high-level screening effort, and develop a database consisting of 1,144 potential hydroelectric project sites in Alaska. Of these sites, 131 were determined to have a benefit cost of 1.0 or greater, with no obvious technical and/or environmental constraints. Four of the sites were then recommended for further study, one of which was the Pyramid Creek site. According to the 1997 DOE report, the most economical options for developing hydroelectric capacity at the Pyramid Creek site were either 1) a 100 kW installation design to tie into the City’s existing water supply line and use only the City’s water supply demands, or 2) a 260 kW installation using the City’s water supply with additional water diversions. Table 1 lists the preliminary economic characteristics of both alternatives. TABLE 1 PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS FROM 1997 DOE REPORT Alternative Annual Energy (kWh) Capital Costs (1996 dollars) 100 kW 877,000 $400,000 260 kW 2,174,000 $1,283,000 1.3 Project Input and Assumptions ■ Project Sizing – HDR|DTA was instructed to assume only a small in-line energy recovery system utilizing the existing water supply line and daily water demand. Additional power could be generated if additional water could be discharged during low demand periods; however, this alternative was not evaluated because of the increased FERC licensing required for the discharge of unused water. ■ Project Understanding – HDR|DTA understands via Internet-based project research that the City diverts waters from the Icy Creek Reservoir (approximate average surface Section 1 Introduction 3 Draft elevation 518 ft) to a water treatment facility via a 24-inch-diameter, ductile iron pipe (class 52 cement lined) measuring approximately 4000 ft long. The water treatment facility is located around elevation 270 ft and contains various pieces of equipment and piping, including pressure-reducing valves. Waters from the treatment facility then proceed to a 40 ft tall, 2.6 million gallon treated water holding tank having a base elevation of approximately 290 ft. The City desires to evaluate the feasibility of installing an in-line energy recovery turbine-generator system with a modified water treatment facility. A schematic depicting HDR|DTA’s understanding of the desired energy recovery system is shown in Figure 1. ■ Flow Data – To estimate preliminary equipment sizing and energy/capacity estimates, the City provided HDR|DTA with average and maximum daily flows for the 2007 and 2008 calendar years (Appendix A). In addition, the City informed HDR|DTA via teleconference that the flows could vary at any time depending on downstream water demands. ■ Power Usage – According to the City, all power will be for consumptive uses only and not transmitted to the grid. ■ Consumptive Power Needs – The Pyramid Creek site currently has a 30 kW backup diesel generator that supplies power to the facility in the event of a loss of grid power. This demand will increase the addition of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection equipment in the new installment at the water treatment plant. The UV equipment is expected to have power loads ranging from 4 to 15 kW, but will depend on the manufacturer selected during the bid period. Section 1 Introduction 4 Draft FIGURE 1 UNALASKA TURBINE – EXISTING CONFIGURATION WITH ENERGY RECOVERY TURBINE GENERATORS 5 Draft Section 2 Preliminary Hydrology and Capacity Studies The fundamental process for generating electrical energy from flowing water between different elevations is to convert kinetic energy to electrical energy by means of a prime mover (i.e., turbine) connected to a generator, which is connected to an electrical load. The energy generated is a function of the weight of water, the quantity of water, and the elevation difference (excluding losses and efficiencies). As the first step in determining available energy (kWh) and capacity (kW), HDR|DTA performed a hydrology study to establish how much water is available to divert through a turbine and the hydraulic head associated with this flow. 2.1 Flow Duration Development Utilizing the 2007 and 2008 daily flow data provided by the City, HDR|DTA developed a flow duration curve that statistically projects future flows from past records. It should be noted that percent exceedance curves only represent the period of record and do not reflect future changes in water usage patterns. The results of this analysis are presented in tabular form in Appendix B and in graphical form in Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2.2 Preliminary Capacity Studies The rated generating capacity can be approximated using the following relationship: C = Q x H x E / 11,800 Where: C = Generating Capacity, MW Q = Design Flow, cfs H = Design Head, ft E = Overall Efficiency, (assumed to be 0.86) Design Flow Using the flow duration curve presented in Figure 3, HDR|DTA selected a design turbine flow of 3.2 cfs for a single turbine-generator configuration. For a double turbine-generator configuration, the design flow was assumed to be 6.4 cfs. Section 2 Preliminary Hydrology and Capacity Studies 6 Draft Design Head The estimated net head was determined as follows: Elevation of Icy Reservoir = 518 ft Centerline Elevation of Turbine-Generator = 270 ft Downstream Water Tank Elevation = 326 ft Gross Head = 192 ft Assumed Head Loss = 8 ft Estimated Net Head = 184 ft Estimated Preliminary Capacity The rated capacity per turbine-generator was estimated to be approximately 40 kW. Section 2 Preliminary Hydrology and Capacity Studies 7 Draft FIGURE 2 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY AVERAGE DAILY FLOW (GPM) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Average Daily Flow (gpm)Exceedance (%) Section 2 Preliminary Hydrology and Capacity Studies 8 Draft FIGURE 3 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY AVERAGE DAILY FLOW (CFS) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Average Daily Flow (cfs)Exceedance (%) Section 2 Preliminary Hydrology and Capacity Studies 9 Draft FIGURE 4 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY PEAK DAILY FLOW (GPM) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Peak Daily Flow (gpm)Exceedance (%) Section 2 Preliminary Hydrology and Capacity Studies 10 Draft FIGURE 5 FLOW EXCEEDANCE: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY PEAK DAILY FLOW (CFS) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Peak Daily Flow (cfs)Exceedance (%) 11 Draft Section 3 Equipment Studies 3.1 Introduction HDR|DTA contacted the following vendors to determine their interest in the project and solicit their recommendations regarding equipment packages and budgetary quotes: ■ Dependable Turbines Ltd. ■ Cornell Pump Company ■ Worthington ■ Canyon Hydro 3.2 Vendor Recommendation Of the vendors HDR|DTA contacted, only Canyon Hydro provided recommended equipment and budgetary pricing information. Listed below is a summary of this vendor’s assumptions and recommendations. Assumptions ■ Gross head of 247 ft ■ Downstream head of 52 ft ■ Friction head loss of 8 ft ■ Rated flow of 1,500 gpm Recommended Equipment Package ■ One (1) Cornell Model 5TR3 microturbine, F16 (bare shaft), CIB Fitted, with mechanical seal, horizontal orientation ■ One (1) US Motors, 60 HP, 480 VAC, 60 Hz, 1,200 RPM, three-phase, induction generator. ■ One (1) custom structural steel equipment mounting skid ■ One (1) Rex Omega direct drive system with custom drive guard Section 3 Equipment Studies 12 Draft ■ One (1) custom inlet and outlet piping, flanged ■ One (1) 10-inch Bray 125 class lug-style butterfly valve, Rotork hydraulic actuator open/spring closure ■ One (1) 120 VAC hydraulic power unit for butterfly valve control ■ One (1) switchgear/controls package to parallel the generator with the utili ty grid and provide protective relays to North American utility standards for a project of this size Turbine Capacity Assuming the operating assumptions contained herein, Canyon Hydro states an expected system production capacity of approximately 32 kW as compared to 40 kW (Section 2.2). For the purpose of this study, HDR|DTA has assumed the installed capacity of 32 kW will be adopted until further optimization studies are conducted. Budgetary Equipment Quote Canyon Hydro’s budgetary quote for the recommended equipment package is $73,375.00. A copy of HDR|DTA’s solicitation request and Canyon Hydro’s submittals are provided in Appendix C. 13 Draft Section 4 Energy Production Studies Utilizing the flow duration curves developed for the project (Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5), HDR|DTA expanded a statistical hydrology study to include generation percent exceedance curves for both a single in-line turbine-generator and two turbine-generators. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the expected hydrology, power, and energy characteristics. Figure 4 displays power distribution curves for both a single and double unit. TABLE 2 HYDROLOGY CHARACTERISTICS Statistical Measure Average Daily Peak Daily (gpm) (cfs) (gpm) (cfs) Minimum 0.0 0.00 15.0 0.03 Average 1,786.6 3.98 2,397.4 5.34 Median 1,516.7 3.38 2,287.0 5.10 Maximum 5,488.0 12.23 5,768.0 12.85 0 5,488.0 12.23 5,768.0 12.85 30 2,507.0 5.59 3,272.8 7.29 99.9999 0.0 0.00 15.0 0.03 TABLE 3 POWER AND ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS Statistical Measure Single Unit Double Unit Units Average 22.19 32.03 kW 0 34.00 68.00 kW 30 34.00 50.80 kW 99.9999 0.00 0.00 kW Annual Generation 194.40 280.60 MWh Section 4 Energy Production Studies 14 Draft FIGURE 6 POWER DURATION: UNALASKA MICROTURBINE STUDY BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY FLOW FOR PERIOD OF RECORD 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Power (kW)Exceedance (%) 2 Units, Power (kW) 1 Unit, Power (kW) 15 Draft Section 5 Layout Studies HDR|DTA performed conceptual layout studies to determine the required footprint of the two Cornell microturbines, piping, valves, and ancillary equipment. The results of these studies yielded a required space allocation of approximately 55 ft by 25 ft, or around 1,375 ft2. This conceptual layout is shown on Figure 7. Section 5 Layout Studies 16 Draft FIGURE 7 CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT – FOOTPRINT ESTIMATION 17 Draft Section 6 Project Cost Opinions Table 4 and Table 5 list HDR|DTA’s opinions of probable costs for both the single and double turbine-generator installation. It should be noted that this estimate is based on very conceptual information and limited data. Section 6 Project Cost Opinions 18 Draft TABLE 4 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST – SINGLE 32 KW UNIT Project Site: Unalaska Equipment Alternative: Single In-line Turbine Generator Installed Capacity (kW): 32 Permitting and Mitigation FERC Small Conduit License Exemption 30,000$ FERC Qualifying Facility Self Certification 20,000$ Interconnection Application -$ Other Miscellaneous Fees 11,000$ Legal Fees 20,000$ Acquisition of Access and Rights of Way -$ Cost of Project Components Power Transmission -$ Interconnection Costs -$ Service Transformer -$ Secondary Service, Disconnect and Metering -$ Hydropower Plant Structural and Site Work Allocation 1 -$ Turbine Generator & Controls Supply 90,000$ T/G Installation and Other E/M Mods 80,000$ SCADA Input 10,000$ Mob and Demob 1 -$ Temporary Facilities and Equipment Rental 1 -$ Miscellaneous 1 -$ Subtotal Project Components 261,000$ Contingency @ 30%78,300$ Subtotal 339,300$ E/M Design & Engineering Fees @ 20%67,860$ Subtotal 407,160$ Construction Management @ 12%48,859$ Subtotal 456,019$ City of Unalaska Administration @ 3%13,681$ Total Project Costs ($)469,700 1 Cost included within estimate prepared (by others) for building addition. Section 6 Project Cost Opinions 19 Draft TABLE 5 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST – DOUBLE 32 KW UNITS Project Site: Unalaska Equipment Alternative: Two In-line Turbine Generators Installed Capacity (kW): 64 Permitting and Mitigation FERC Small Conduit License Exemption 30,000$ FERC Qualifying Facility Self Certification 20,000$ Interconnection Application -$ Other Miscellaneous Fees 11,000$ Legal Fees 20,000$ Acquisition of Access and Rights of Way -$ Cost of Project Components Power Transmission -$ Interconnection Costs -$ Service Transformer -$ Secondary Service, Disconnect and Metering -$ Hydropower Plant Structural and Site Work Allocation 1 -$ Turbine Generator & Controls Supply 180,000$ T/G Installation and Other E/M Mods 120,000$ SCADA Input 10,000$ Mob and Demob 1 -$ Temporary Facilities and Equipment Rental 1 -$ Miscellaneous 1 -$ Subtotal Project Components 391,000$ Contingency @ 30%117,300$ Subtotal 508,300$ E/M Design & Engineering Fees @ 20%101,660$ Subtotal 609,960$ Construction Management @ 12%73,195$ Subtotal 683,155$ City of Unalaska Administration @ 3%20,495$ Total Project Costs ($)703,650 1 Cost included within estimate prepared (by others) for building addition. 20 Draft Section 7 Results and Conclusions Listed below are the results and conclusions of HDR|DTA’s conceptual study for the Pyramid Creek site. ■ The results of this conceptual study indicate that it is technically feasible to install in-line energy recovery turbine-generators at the Pyramid Creek site. It should be noted that during the next level of study, a more detailed evaluation would include a transient analysis to determine pressure rise within the water conveyance system in the event of a load rejection or rapid valve closure. A transient analysis was beyond the scope of this study. ■ The conceptual capacity and energy projections were determined to be as follows: – The estimated installed capacity of the two turbine-generator alternative is approximately 64 kW. – The average annual energy production is approximately 281 MWh, which represents a utilization factor of approximately 50 percent. ■ The estimated opinion of probable costs for the two turbine-generator energy recovery system, excluding civil related activities, is approximately $703,650 (2009). ■ The estimated footprint required for the two-unit alternative is approximately 1,375 ft2 (55 ft x 25 ft). ■ The Cornell microturbine units as proposed by Canyon Hydro produce three-phase power; however, it is feasible for the system to produce single-phase power via a small transformer. Draft APPENDICES Draft APPENDIX A FLOW DATA PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF UNALASKA FOR 2007 AND 2008 Draft APPENDIX B FLOW DURATION ANALYSIS DEVELOPED BY HDR|DTA Draft APPENDIX C ELECTROMECHANICAL VENDOR SOLICITATION INFORMATION Draft APPENDICES Draft APPENDIX A FLOW DATA PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF UNALASKA FOR 2007 AND 2008 Draft APPENDIX B FLOW DURATION ANALYSIS DEVELOPED BY HDR|DTA Draft APPENDIX C ELECTROMECHANICAL VENDOR SOLICITATION INFORMATION Draft APPENDICES Draft APPENDIX A FLOW DATA PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF UNALASKA FOR 2007 AND 2008 1/1/2007 1,125,904 1,105 0.17 0 0 1.7 2.5 1/2/2007 1,078,145 979 0.52 0 0 1.7 2.2 1/3/2007 1,179,445 1,106 0.23 0 0 1.8 2.5 1/4/2007 1,263,291 1,202 0.15 0 0 2.0 2.7 1/5/2007 1,279,053 1,213 0.41 0 0 2.0 2.7 1/6/2007 1,329,170 1,155 0.18 0 0 2.1 2.6 1/7/2007 1,508,885 1,389 0.89 0 0 2.3 3.1 1/8/2007 1,566,591 1,364 0.18 0 0 2.4 3.0 1/9/2007 1,824,676 1,644 0.24 0 0 2.8 3.7 1/10/2007 1,713,304 1,555 0.71 0 0 2.7 3.5 1/11/2007 1,757,529 1,575 0.29 0 0 2.7 3.5 1/12/2007 1,696,071 1,416 10.01 1 1 2.6 3.2 1/13/2007 1,580,632 1,449 0.21 0 0 2.4 3.2 1/14/2007 1,827,314 1,785 0.75 0 0 2.8 4.0 1/15/2007 2,183,999 2,272 0.69 0 0 3.4 5.1 1/16/2007 2,202,777 1,944 0.2 0 0 3.4 4.3 1/17/2007 2,413,474 2,104 1.99 1 0 3.7 4.7 1/18/2007 3,121,017 3,875 1.22 0 0 4.8 8.6 1/19/2007 3,678,547 3,500 1.16 0 0 5.7 7.8 1/20/2007 3,719,785 3,536 1.59 1 0 5.8 7.9 1/21/2007 6,103,603 5,232 1.37 0 0 9.4 11.7 1/22/2007 4,119,237 5,008 0.22 0 0 6.4 11.2 1/23/2007 2,723,070 2,441 0.19 0 0 4.2 5.4 1/24/2007 2,834,381 2,359 0.16 0 0 4.4 5.3 1/25/2007 3,044,442 2,374 0.2 0 0 4.7 5.3 1/26/2007 2,535,888 2,476 0.55 0 0 3.9 5.5 1/27/2007 2,181,944 1,679 0.14 0 0 3.4 3.7 1/28/2007 3,418,894 3,044 0.34 0 0 5.3 6.8 1/29/2007 3,718,339 3,050 0.16 0 0 5.8 6.8 1/30/2007 5,617,321 5,319 1.16 0 0 8.7 11.9 1/31/2007 5,993,328 4,653 0.34 0 0 9.3 10.4 2/1/2007 3,839,326 3,825 0.19 0 0 5.9 8.5 2/2/2007 6,025,574 4,726 5.06 1 1 9.3 10.5 2/3/2007 6,511,261 4,998 0.16 0 0 10.1 11.2 2/4/2007 6,671,646 4,906 0.54 0 0 10.3 11.0 2/5/2007 5,941,371 4,576 0.56 0 0 9.2 10.2 2/6/2007 4,812,054 3,830 0.79 0 0 7.4 8.5 2/7/2007 6,114,635 4,941 0.78 0 0 9.5 11.0 2/8/2007 6,639,766 4,854 0.58 0 0 10.3 10.8 2/9/2007 6,837,928 5,188 0.18 0 0 10.6 11.6 2/10/2007 5,669,062 4,687 0.14 0 0 8.8 10.5 2/11/2007 6,568,815 5,027 0.15 0 0 10.2 11.2 2/12/2007 5,493,690 4,327 0.15 0 0 8.5 9.7 2/13/2007 6,189,216 4,665 0.1 0 0 9.6 10.4 2/14/2007 4,438,340 4,990 0.08 0 0 6.9 11.1 2/15/2007 6,791,529 5,085 0.1 0 0 10.5 11.4 2/16/2007 6,906,248 5,369 0.12 0 0 10.7 12.0 2/17/2007 6,630,248 5,396 0.13 0 0 10.3 12.0 2/18/2007 6,506,537 5,241 0.14 0 0 10.1 11.7 2/19/2007 6,148,298 4,969 0.11 0 0 9.5 11.1 2/20/2007 6,504,550 5,012 0.1 0 0 10.1 11.2 2/21/2007 4,525,179 4,567 0.11 0 0 7.0 10.2 2/22/2007 4,409,481 3,491 0.1 0 0 6.8 7.8 2/23/2007 4,004,257 3,592 0.25 0 0 6.2 8.0 2/24/2007 3,085,075 2,391 0.12 0 0 4.8 5.3 2/25/2007 2,528,384 2,162 0.15 0 0 3.9 4.8 2/26/2007 2,309,807 1,958 0.15 0 0 3.6 4.4 2/27/2007 3,597,656 3,613 0.15 0 0 5.6 8.1 2/28/2007 5,177,240 4,534 0.24 0 0 8.0 10.1 3/1/2007 5,518,740 4,127 0.23 0 0 8.5 9.2 3/2/2007 5,023,941 4,834 0.18 0 0 7.8 10.8 3/3/2007 5,563,017 4,375 0.15 0 0 8.6 9.8 3/4/2007 5,515,261 4,394 0.11 0 0 8.5 9.8 3/5/2007 5,687,802 4,738 0.14 0 0 8.8 10.6 3/6/2007 4,177,970 3,562 0.13 0 0 6.5 8.0 3/7/2007 3,690,064 2,816 0.12 0 0 5.7 6.3 3/8/2007 3,052,777 2,680 0.14 0 0 4.7 6.0 3/9/2007 3,783,274 3,088 0.12 0 0 5.9 6.9 3/10/2007 3,668,433 3,374 0.15 0 0 5.7 7.5 3/11/2007 2,258,379 2,122 0.23 0 0 3.5 4.7 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) Appendix A, Page 1 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 3/12/2007 1,608,932 1,590 0.19 0 0 2.5 3.5 3/13/2007 1,907,716 2,036 0.15 0 0 3.0 4.5 3/14/2007 2,966,855 3,112 0.23 0 0 4.6 6.9 3/15/2007 3,946,820 3,247 0.12 0 0 6.1 7.2 3/16/2007 3,996,322 3,412 0.11 0 0 6.2 7.6 3/17/2007 4,289,681 3,381 0.12 0 0 6.6 7.5 3/18/2007 3,363,000 2,927 0.15 0 0 5.2 6.5 3/19/2007 4,928,777 4,299 0.52 0 0 7.6 9.6 3/20/2007 3,809,848 3,979 0.13 0 0 5.9 8.9 3/21/2007 3,522,432 3,512 0.13 0 0 5.5 7.8 3/22/2007 4,025,990 3,808 10.01 1 1 6.2 8.5 3/23/2007 5,475,578 4,545 0.22 0 0 8.5 10.1 3/24/2007 4,156,705 3,150 0.11 0 0 6.4 7.0 3/25/2007 3,166,851 2,948 0.12 0 0 4.9 6.6 3/26/2007 3,984,453 3,225 0.12 0 0 6.2 7.2 3/27/2007 3,456,867 2,873 0.11 0 0 5.3 6.4 3/28/2007 3,048,494 3,036 0.12 0 0 4.7 6.8 3/29/2007 2,330,696 1,953 0.17 0 0 3.6 4.4 3/30/2007 1,799,578 1,468 0.17 0 0 2.8 3.3 3/31/2007 1,562,959 1,316 0.31 0 0 2.4 2.9 4/1/2007 1,378,563 1,321 0.22 0 0 2.1 2.9 4/2/2007 1,344,170 1,104 0.77 0 0 2.1 2.5 4/3/2007 1,648,487 1,799 0.31 0 0 2.6 4.0 4/4/2007 1,926,789 1,631 0.21 0 0 3.0 3.6 4/5/2007 2,175,587 2,097 0.19 0 0 3.4 4.7 4/6/2007 2,602,773 2,225 0.13 0 0 4.0 5.0 4/7/2007 2,437,740 1,875 0.16 0 0 3.8 4.2 4/8/2007 1,454,870 1,915 0.18 0 0 2.3 4.3 4/9/2007 1,387,403 1,174 0.16 0 0 2.1 2.6 4/10/2007 1,658,771 1,589 0.18 0 0 2.6 3.5 4/11/2007 1,748,832 1,470 0.21 0 0 2.7 3.3 4/12/2007 1,991,109 1,833 0.17 0 0 3.1 4.1 4/13/2007 1,583,979 1,609 3.06 8 0 2.5 3.6 4/14/2007 1,250,711 1,169 3.06 1 0 1.9 2.6 4/15/2007 1,558,287 1,730 0.38 0 0 2.4 3.9 4/16/2007 1,586,293 1,680 0.2 0 0 2.5 3.8 4/17/2007 1,279,526 1,053 0.18 0 0 2.0 2.4 4/18/2007 1,140,913 1,192 0.36 0 0 1.8 2.7 4/19/2007 1,152,859 1,411 0.28 0 0 1.8 3.1 4/20/2007 1,043,646 2,394 0.19 0 0 1.6 5.3 4/21/2007 1,723,588 3,743 0.18 0 0 2.7 8.4 4/22/2007 47,934 92 0.18 0 0 0.1 0.2 4/23/2007 177,212 200 0.19 0 0 0.3 0.4 4/24/2007 310,097 266 0.19 0 0 0.5 0.6 4/25/2007 322,964 816 0.19 0 0 0.5 1.8 4/26/2007 54,740 603 0.19 0 0 0.1 1.3 4/27/2007 20,104 15 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 4/28/2007 631,743 1,106 0.21 0 0 1.0 2.5 4/29/2007 1,109,242 997 0.27 0 0 1.7 2.2 4/30/2007 1,242,335 1,121 0.31 0 0 1.9 2.5 5/1/2007 1,217,498 1,005 0.29 0 0 1.9 2.2 5/2/2007 1,297,764 1,390 0.21 0 0 2.0 3.1 5/3/2007 1,251,123 1,078 0.19 0 0 1.9 2.4 5/4/2007 1,271,671 1,222 0.19 0 0 2.0 2.7 5/5/2007 1,331,724 1,488 0.51 0 0 2.1 3.3 5/6/2007 1,258,230 1,231 0.21 0 0 1.9 2.7 5/7/2007 1,228,209 1,101 0.49 0 0 1.9 2.5 5/8/2007 1,345,427 1,245 0.38 0 0 2.1 2.8 5/9/2007 1,250,934 1,172 0.36 0 0 1.9 2.6 5/10/2007 1,254,585 1,261 0.48 0 0 1.9 2.8 5/11/2007 1,169,528 1,036 0.38 0 0 1.8 2.3 5/12/2007 1,180,437 928 0.19 0 0 1.8 2.1 5/13/2007 1,181,284 1,096 0.17 0 0 1.8 2.4 5/14/2007 1,197,165 1,004 0.23 0 0 1.9 2.2 5/15/2007 1,298,350 1,490 4.45 1 0 2.0 3.3 5/16/2007 1,203,537 983 0.25 0 0 1.9 2.2 5/17/2007 968,217 1,048 0.31 0 0 1.5 2.3 5/18/2007 862,319 912 0.34 0 0 1.3 2.0 5/19/2007 938,377 1,183 0.25 0 0 1.5 2.6 5/20/2007 733,105 658 0.16 0 0 1.1 1.5 Appendix A, Page 2 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 5/21/2007 890,940 1,073 0.6 0 0 1.4 2.4 5/22/2007 801,970 730 0.25 0 0 1.2 1.6 5/23/2007 853,324 978 0.52 0 0 1.3 2.2 5/24/2007 943,667 858 0.21 0 0 1.5 1.9 5/25/2007 932,886 1,046 0.29 0 0 1.4 2.3 5/26/2007 811,003 815 0.16 0 0 1.3 1.8 5/27/2007 889,927 1,020 0.19 0 0 1.4 2.3 5/28/2007 748,454 766 0.27 0 0 1.2 1.7 5/29/2007 858,790 928 0.2 0 0 1.3 2.1 5/30/2007 854,239 809 0.28 0 0 1.3 1.8 5/31/2007 779,648 684 0.26 0 0 1.2 1.5 6/1/2007 655,958 1,268 0.71 0 0 1.0 2.8 6/2/2007 271,845 324 0.69 0 0 0.4 0.7 6/3/2007 202,198 279 0.65 0 0 0.3 0.6 6/4/2007 228,447 264 0.65 0 0 0.4 0.6 6/5/2007 249,304 364 0.65 0 0 0.4 0.8 6/6/2007 261,137 398 0.65 0 0 0.4 0.9 6/7/2007 318,155 340 0 0 0 0.5 0.8 6/8/2007 516,815 1,075 0 0 0 0.8 2.4 6/9/2007 556,161 1,261 0 0 0 0.9 2.8 6/10/2007 1,545,567 2,287 0 0 0 2.4 5.1 6/11/2007 2,747,589 2,790 0.71 0 0 4.3 6.2 6/12/2007 3,612,226 3,274 0.47 0 0 5.6 7.3 6/13/2007 3,949,520 3,238 0.48 0 0 6.1 7.2 6/14/2007 3,827,757 3,318 0.38 0 0 5.9 7.4 6/15/2007 3,720,184 3,477 36 0 0 5.8 7.8 6/16/2007 4,109,649 3,223 0.84 0 0 6.4 7.2 6/17/2007 3,730,063 2,014 0.26 0 0 5.8 4.5 6/18/2007 2,541,176 2,361 0.4 0 0 3.9 5.3 6/19/2007 2,886,530 2,738 0.46 0 0 4.5 6.1 6/20/2007 2,784,623 2,653 0.36 0 0 4.3 5.9 6/21/2007 2,722,918 2,382 0.29 0 0 4.2 5.3 6/22/2007 2,287,391 2,936 0.71 0 0 3.5 6.6 6/23/2007 3,870,284 3,141 1.93 2 0 6.0 7.0 6/24/2007 4,163,658 3,303 0.63 0 0 6.4 7.4 6/25/2007 3,620,729 3,097 0.37 0 0 5.6 6.9 6/26/2007 2,554,215 2,915 0.34 0 0 4.0 6.5 6/27/2007 3,092,182 2,904 0.58 0 0 4.8 6.5 6/28/2007 3,690,102 2,945 1.64 1 0 5.7 6.6 6/29/2007 3,035,986 2,830 0.47 0 0 4.7 6.3 6/30/2007 3,149,482 2,468 0.23 0 0 4.9 5.5 7/1/2007 3,204,086 2,859 0.41 0 0 5.0 6.4 7/2/2007 3,698,092 3,144 0.43 0 0 5.7 7.0 7/3/2007 3,218,372 2,720 0.25 0 0 5.0 6.1 7/4/2007 3,635,200 2,899 0.9 0 0 5.6 6.5 7/5/2007 3,625,415 2,827 0.29 0 0 5.6 6.3 7/6/2007 4,601,108 3,657 0.9 0 0 7.1 8.2 7/7/2007 4,268,586 3,433 1.47 0 0 6.6 7.7 7/8/2007 3,815,584 3,338 0.85 0 0 5.9 7.5 7/9/2007 3,790,308 3,326 0.48 0 0 5.9 7.4 7/10/2007 2,594,891 2,305 0.38 0 0 4.0 5.1 7/11/2007 4,385,450 3,358 0.41 0 0 6.8 7.5 7/12/2007 4,707,660 3,722 0.36 0 0 7.3 8.3 7/13/2007 4308049 4125 0.74 0 0 6.7 9.2 7/14/2007 3,790,331 3,286 0.6 0 0 5.9 7.3 7/15/2007 3,117,191 3,033 0.73 0 0 4.8 6.8 7/16/2007 3,437,394 3,604 0.55 0 0 5.3 8.0 7/17/2007 5,037,673 3,887 0.66 0 0 7.8 8.7 7/18/2007 4,827,546 3,853 0.36 0 0 7.5 8.6 7/19/2007 3,648,997 3,005 0.19 0 0 5.6 6.7 7/20/2007 3,661,714 3,300 0.22 0 0 5.7 7.4 7/21/2007 3,481,357 2,764 0.22 0 0 5.4 6.2 7/22/2007 4,784,739 4,202 0.27 0 0 7.4 9.4 7/23/2007 4,890,336 3,768 0.47 0 0 7.6 8.4 7/24/2007 4,808,501 3,918 0.48 0 0 7.4 8.7 7/25/2007 3,097,914 2,952 0.98 0 0 4.8 6.6 7/26/2007 4,515,935 3,606 0.43 0 0 7.0 8.0 7/27/2007 4,984,449 4,014 0.45 0 0 7.7 9.0 7/28/2007 5,453,294 4,110 0.41 0 0 8.4 9.2 7/29/2007 4,655,623 3,926 0.3 0 0 7.2 8.8 Appendix A, Page 3 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 7/30/2007 4,764,535 3,655 0.62 0 0 7.4 8.2 7/31/2007 3,316,674 2,762 0.2 0 0 5.1 6.2 8/1/2007 2,736,645 2,485 0.29 0 0 4.2 5.5 8/2/2007 3,458,088 2,835 0.34 0 0 5.4 6.3 8/3/2007 4,559,297 3,886 0.32 0 0 7.1 8.7 8/4/2007 4,898,493 3,837 0.59 0 0 7.6 8.6 8/5/2007 4,441,765 3,558 0.51 0 0 6.9 7.9 8/6/2007 3,801,480 3,123 0.42 0 0 5.9 7.0 8/7/2007 3,707,616 3,586 0.45 0 0 5.7 8.0 8/8/2007 3,252,251 3,256 0.9 0 0 5.0 7.3 8/9/2007 3,817,666 3,478 0.44 0 0 5.9 7.8 8/10/2007 4,809,163 3,679 0.43 0 0 7.4 8.2 8/11/2007 4,253,599 3,238 0.9 0 0 6.6 7.2 8/12/2007 3,984,831 3,365 0.48 0 0 6.2 7.5 8/13/2007 3,192,534 2,756 2.11 1 0 4.9 6.2 8/14/2007 3,358,549 3,514 0.33 0 0 5.2 7.8 8/15/2007 5,168,199 3,986 0.54 0 0 8.0 8.9 8/16/2007 5,022,145 3,801 0.26 0 0 7.8 8.5 8/17/2007 4,677,091 3,639 0.19 0 0 7.2 8.1 8/18/2007 3,539,000 3,520 0.17 0 0 5.5 7.9 8/19/2007 4,116,742 3,426 1.35 0 0 6.4 7.6 8/20/2007 4,803,378 3,693 0.19 0 0 7.4 8.2 8/21/2007 4676342 3743 0.16 0 0 7.2 8.4 8/22/2007 4,162,657 3,314 0.15 0 0 6.4 7.4 8/23/2007 3,281,717 3,287 0.16 0 0 5.1 7.3 8/24/2007 4,394,445 3,852 0.2 0 0 6.8 8.6 8/25/2007 4,533,250 3,446 0.17 0 0 7.0 7.7 8/26/2007 4,201,614 3,588 0.19 0 0 6.5 8.0 8/27/2007 2,920,952 2,924 0.24 0 0 4.5 6.5 8/28/2007 4,634,900 3,907 0.3 0 0 7.2 8.7 8/29/2007 4,800,237 3,815 1.21 0 0 7.4 8.5 8/30/2007 3,911,201 3,456 0.23 0 0 6.1 7.7 8/31/2007 4,591,184 3,664 0.18 0 0 7.1 8.2 9/1/2007 3,313,022 3,478 0.22 0 0 5.1 7.8 9/2/2007 3,217,751 3,257 0.27 0 0 5.0 7.3 9/3/2007 3,613,338 2,956 0.84 0 0 5.6 6.6 9/4/2007 4,221,232 3,543 0.61 0 0 6.5 7.9 9/5/2007 4,251,214 3,597 0.33 0 0 6.6 8.0 9/6/2007 3,608,880 3,710 0.44 0 0 5.6 8.3 9/7/2007 3,805,620 3,193 0.74 0 0 5.9 7.1 9/8/2007 4,121,026 3,449 0.45 0 0 6.4 7.7 9/9/2007 3,533,738 3,129 0.26 0 0 5.5 7.0 9/10/2007 2,272,497 2,670 8.16 7 2 3.5 6.0 9/11/2007 708,354 1,278 3.24 1 0 1.1 2.9 9/12/2007 3,171,494 3,096 0.38 0 0 4.9 6.9 9/13/2007 4,381,204 3,787 0.31 0 0 6.8 8.5 9/14/2007 2,939,264 2,483 0.13 0 0 4.5 5.5 9/15/2007 3,646,466 3,697 0.21 0 0 5.6 8.3 9/16/2007 4,226,290 3,580 0.16 0 0 6.5 8.0 9/17/2007 4,811,197 3,595 0.58 0 0 7.4 8.0 9/18/2007 4,909,482 3,813 0.73 0 0 7.6 8.5 9/19/2007 2,478,095 3,167 0.24 0 0 3.8 7.1 9/20/2007 1,531,466 1,492 0.13 0 0 2.4 3.3 9/21/2007 1,548,530 2,330 0.19 0 0 2.4 5.2 9/22/2007 2,543,228 3,488 0.28 0 0 3.9 7.8 9/23/2007 3,813,889 3,262 0.18 0 0 5.9 7.3 9/24/2007 4,621,555 4,179 0.26 0 0 7.2 9.3 9/25/2007 4,706,759 3,909 0.19 0 0 7.3 8.7 9/26/2007 3,170,618 2,469 0.15 0 0 4.9 5.5 9/27/2007 1,320,151 2,372 3.77 7 0 2.0 5.3 9/28/2007 2,101,955 2,893 0.44 0 0 3.3 6.5 9/29/2007 3,346,362 2,995 0.32 0 0 5.2 6.7 9/30/2007 2,887,488 3,102 0.32 0 0 4.5 6.9 10/1/2007 3166651 3061 0.29 0 0 4.9 6.8 10/2/2007 2,433,692 2,332 0.17 0 0 3.8 5.2 10/3/2007 2,469,917 3,068 0.21 0 0 3.8 6.8 10/4/2007 3,414,491 3,898 0.45 0 0 5.3 8.7 10/5/2007 4,356,007 3,617 0.22 0 0 6.7 8.1 10/6/2007 1,871,400 1,949 0.15 0 0 2.9 4.4 10/7/2007 1,243,433 1,015 0.11 0 0 1.9 2.3 Appendix A, Page 4 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 10/8/2007 1,586,474 2,481 0.14 0 0 2.5 5.5 10/9/2007 2,619,642 3,354 0.51 0 0 4.1 7.5 10/10/2007 3712322 3748 0.25 0 0 5.7 8.4 10/11/2007 3144994 2729 1.77 1 0 4.9 6.1 10/12/2007 2829534 2655 0.20 0 0 4.4 5.9 10/13/2007 3009417 3327 0.17 0 0 4.7 7.4 10/14/2007 4560026 4268 0.15 0 0 7.1 9.5 10/15/2007 2066022 2524 0.25 0 0 3.2 5.6 10/16/2007 1,380,382 1,696 0.14 0 0 2.1 3.8 10/17/2007 2,013,934 2,333 0.15 0 0 3.1 5.2 10/18/2007 2,303,454 2,076 0.12 0 0 3.6 4.6 10/19/2007 2,054,753 1,955 0.11 0 0 3.2 4.4 10/20/2007 3,964,414 3,600 0.12 0 0 6.1 8.0 10/21/2007 3,439,190 3,372 0.11 0 0 5.3 7.5 10/22/2007 3,577,300 2,929 0.12 0 0 5.5 6.5 10/23/2007 4,196,479 3,473 0.22 0 0 6.5 7.8 10/24/2007 1,898,425 2,717 1.62 1 0 2.9 6.1 10/25/2007 2,999,356 3,522 1.05 0 0 4.6 7.9 10/26/2007 4,322,989 3,494 0.2 0 0 6.7 7.8 10/27/2007 3,789,167 3,292 0.21 0 0 5.9 7.3 10/28/2007 4,467,933 3,592 0.16 0 0 6.9 8.0 10/29/2007 3,703,652 3,406 0.14 0 0 5.7 7.6 10/30/2007 4,720,757 4,203 0.36 0 0 7.3 9.4 10/31/2007 5,432,933 4,394 0.18 0 0 8.4 9.8 11/1/2007 4,688,804 3,632 0.13 0 0 7.3 8.1 11/2/2007 4402791 3672 0.12 0 0 6.8 8.2 11/3/2007 2180612 2167 0.37 0 0 3.4 4.8 11/4/2007 1789160 2212 0.24 0 0 2.8 4.9 11/5/2007 1368752 1479 0.70 0 0 2.1 3.3 11/6/2007 705925 853 0.51 0 0 1.1 1.9 11/7/2007 859672 721 0.37 0 0 1.3 1.6 11/8/2007 617407 618 0.38 0 0 1.0 1.4 11/9/2007 361974 540 0.86 0 0 0.6 1.2 11/10/2007 460,623 838 0.27 0 0 0.7 1.9 11/11/2007 653956 888 0.22 0 0 1.0 2.0 11/12/2007 856584 882 0.19 0 0 1.3 2.0 11/13/2007 449558 645 0.14 0 0 0.7 1.4 11/14/2007 623289 838 0.16 0 0 1.0 1.9 11/15/2007 745495 1062 0.11 0 0 1.2 2.4 11/16/2007 374228 354 0.09 0 0 0.6 0.8 11/17/2007 365029 705 0.09 0 0 0.6 1.6 11/18/2007 668509 902 0.10 0 0 1.0 2.0 11/19/2007 833459 1235 0.55 0 0 1.3 2.8 11/20/2007 1930287 1698 0.22 0 0 3.0 3.8 11/21/2007 2036448 1627 0.13 0 0 3.2 3.6 11/22/2007 1593519 1415 0.10 0 0 2.5 3.2 11/23/2007 1546275 1497 0.14 0 0 2.4 3.3 11/24/2007 1560151 1669 0.55 0 0 2.4 3.7 11/25/2007 1761346 1649 0.33 0 0 2.7 3.7 11/26/2007 2019398 1919 0.41 0 0 3.1 4.3 11/27/2007 1605567 1849 0.23 0 0 2.5 4.1 11/28/2007 1174045 1529 2.86 39 0 1.8 3.4 11/29/2007 75389 56 1.36 0 0 0.1 0.1 11/30/2007 444190 894 10.01 14 5 0.7 2.0 12/1/2007 1062448 913 0.37 0 0 1.6 2.0 12/2/2007 1044194 1019 0.36 0 0 1.6 2.3 12/3/2007 1055613 829 0.60 0 0 1.6 1.8 12/4/2007 1350338 1584 0.48 0 0 2.1 3.5 12/5/2007 1671010 1412 1.03 0 0 2.6 3.2 12/6/2007 1673932 1471 0.21 0 0 2.6 3.3 12/7/2007 1485064 1486 0.17 0 0 2.3 3.3 12/8/2007 1225604 1080 0.16 0 0 1.9 2.4 12/9/2007 1137865 1278 0.40 0 0 1.8 2.9 12/10/2007 1246901 1217 0.21 0 0 1.9 2.7 12/11/2007 1137960 1314 0.15 0 0 1.8 2.9 12/12/2007 1105434 984 0.11 0 0 1.7 2.2 12/13/2007 873299 1009 0.11 0 0 1.4 2.3 12/14/2007 1109108 1360 0.16 0 0 1.7 3.0 12/15/2007 1016646 852 0.17 0 0 1.6 1.9 12/16/2007 1054451 1256 0.15 0 0 1.6 2.8 Appendix A, Page 5 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 12/17/2007 860054 1238 0.11 0 0 1.3 2.8 12/18/2007 881290 836 0.11 0 0 1.4 1.9 12/19/2007 835143 870 0.11 0 0 1.3 1.9 12/20/2007 1505618 1048 0.12 0 0 2.3 2.3 12/21/2007 833880 800 0.13 0 0 1.3 1.8 12/22/2007 841708 1218 0.18 0 0 1.3 2.7 12/23/2007 884594 827 0.13 0 0 1.4 1.8 12/24/2007 885132 1175 0.16 0 0 1.4 2.6 12/25/2007 939074 1109 0.15 0 0 1.5 2.5 12/26/2007 1592607 1106 0.18 0 0 2.5 2.5 12/27/2007 1028234 1287 0.20 0 0 1.6 2.9 12/28/2007 978020 876 0.16 0 0 1.5 2.0 12/29/2007 979684 1229 0.16 0 0 1.5 2.7 12/30/2007 1460748 1014 0.17 0 0 2.3 2.3 12/31/2007 1027330 1278 0.16 0 0 1.6 2.9 1/1/2008 975,020 796 0.17 0 0 1.5 1.8 1/2/2008 895,040 979 0.14 0 0 1.4 2.2 1/3/2008 1,686,572 1172 0.18 0 0 2.6 2.6 1/4/2008 963,226 1249 0.17 0 0 1.5 2.8 1/5/2008 1,058,678 1146 0.22 0 0 1.6 2.6 1/6/2008 1,139,574 1548 0.16 0 0 1.8 3.5 1/7/2008 1,176,000 1200 0.17 0 0 1.8 2.7 1/8/2008 1,171,394 1569 0.27 0 0 1.8 3.5 1/9/2008 1148190 1270 0.20 0 0 1.8 2.8 1/10/2008 1,364,100 1801 0.18 0 0 2.1 4.0 1/11/2008 1,518,574 1573 0.15 0 0 2.3 3.5 1/12/2008 1,880,472 2087 0.26 0 0 2.9 4.7 1/13/2008 2,190,206 1667 0.14 0 0 3.4 3.7 1/14/2008 2,507,081 2117 0.14 0 0 3.9 4.7 1/15/2008 1,796,253 3254 0.27 0 0 2.8 7.3 1/16/2008 1,764,301 1745 0.16 0 0 2.7 3.9 1/17/2008 1,913,524 1769 0.19 0 0 3.0 3.9 1/18/2008 2,110,642 1940 0.30 0 0 3.3 4.3 1/19/2008 2,125,223 2738 1.23 0 0 3.3 6.1 1/20/2008 2,190,674 2876 0.66 0 0 3.4 6.4 1/21/2008 2,237,439 3841 1.42 0 0 3.5 8.6 1/22/2008 3,165,210 3884 0.66 0 0 4.9 8.7 1/23/2008 5,369,210 3814 0.34 0 0 8.3 8.5 1/24/2008 5,071,780 4231 0.39 0 0 7.8 9.4 1/25/2008 4,749,230 4249 0.27 0 0 7.3 9.5 1/26/2008 5,583,112 4408 0.36 0 0 8.6 9.8 1/27/2008 5,981,191 4625 0.27 0 0 9.3 10.3 1/28/2008 5,560,586 4586 0.24 0 0 8.6 10.2 1/29/2008 5,535,228 4486 0.55 0 0 8.6 10.0 1/30/2008 5,875,443 4168 0.35 0 0 9.1 9.3 1/31/2008 4,495,201 4896 0.29 0 0 7.0 10.9 2/1/2008 7,214,110 5472 0.25 0 0 11.2 12.2 2/2/2008 6,703,649 4891 0.31 0 0 10.4 10.9 2/3/2008 6,320,262 4389 0.26 0 0 9.8 9.8 2/4/2008 2,620,666 4055 0.22 0 0 4.1 9.1 2/5/2008 4,841,314 4803 0.20 0 0 7.5 10.7 2/6/2008 3,817,518 3923 0.23 0 0 5.9 8.8 2/7/2008 4,689,700 3565 0.13 0 0 7.3 8.0 2/8/2008 3,115,321 3602 0.15 0 0 4.8 8.0 2/9/2008 2,897,036 3215 0.16 0 0 4.5 7.2 2/10/2008 4,512,167 4103 0.20 0 0 7.0 9.2 2/11/2008 5,228,692 3896 0.18 0 0 8.1 8.7 2/12/2008 2,466,644 2131 0.17 0 0 3.8 4.8 2/13/2008 2,831,636 2235 0.19 0 0 4.4 5.0 2/14/2008 1,722,877 1719 0.22 0 0 2.7 3.8 2/15/2008 1,808,986 5696 0.78 0 0 2.8 12.7 2/16/2008 7,902,658 5768 0.20 0 0 12.2 12.9 2/17/2008 4,423,756 4497 0.16 0 0 6.8 10.0 2/18/2008 5,013,764 4300 0.15 0 0 7.8 9.6 2/19/2008 5,131,324 4650 0.14 0 0 7.9 10.4 2/20/2008 3,668,930 2808 0.15 0 0 5.7 6.3 2/21/2008 2,875,954 3738 0.18 0 0 4.5 8.3 2/22/2008 3,789,137 3017 0.14 0 0 5.9 6.7 2/23/2008 3,933,092 2943 0.13 0 0 6.1 6.6 2/24/2008 3,586,939 4196 0.25 0 0 5.6 9.4 Appendix A, Page 6 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 2/25/2008 4,207,042 2922 0.14 0 0 6.5 6.5 2/26/2008 3,507,825 2436 0.19 0 0 5.4 5.4 2/27/2008 2,554,283 2295 0.17 0 0 4.0 5.1 2/28/2008 2,642,486 2332 0.17 0 0 4.1 5.2 2/29/2008 2,475,674 2455 0.16 0 0 3.8 5.5 3/1/2008 2,544,028 2206 0.17 0 0 3.9 4.9 3/2/2008 2,712,503 2874 0.29 0 0 4.2 6.4 3/3/2008 3,355,028 3621 0.56 0 0 5.2 8.1 3/4/2008 3,936,318 3120 0.24 0 0 6.1 7.0 3/5/2008 3,342,789 2656 0.23 0 0 5.2 5.9 3/6/2008 2,761,384 2436 0.18 0 0 4.3 5.4 3/7/2008 2,635,101 2253 0.19 0 0 4.1 5.0 3/8/2008 2,150,332 2092 0.21 0 0 3.3 4.7 3/9/2008 2,017,078 2445 0.19 0 0 3.1 5.5 3/10/2008 2,607,451 1983 0.22 0 0 4.0 4.4 3/11/2008 1,812,999 1792 0.25 0 0 2.8 4.0 3/12/2008 1,844,997 2142 1.65 1 0 2.9 4.8 3/13/2008 1,130,748 2523 1.01 0 0 1.7 5.6 3/14/2008 1,993,308 2605 0.92 0 0 3.1 5.8 3/15/2008 3,391,490 2368 0.57 0 0 5.2 5.3 3/16/2008 1,599,820 2586 0.34 0 0 2.5 5.8 3/17/2008 2,792,262 2001 0.21 0 0 4.3 4.5 3/18/2008 1,570,874 1624 0.28 0 0 2.4 3.6 3/19/2008 1,696,314 1976 0.23 0 0 2.6 4.4 3/20/2008 1,468,046 2635 0.43 0 0 2.3 5.9 3/21/2008 1,831,333 2231 0.28 0 0 2.8 5.0 3/22/2008 1,301,955 1880 0.12 0 0 2.0 4.2 3/23/2008 1,446,697 1217 1.39 0 0 2.2 2.7 3/24/2008 1,295,524 1245 0.15 0 0 2.0 2.8 3/25/2008 190,129 972 0.17 0 0 0.3 2.2 3/26/2008 780,302 1645 0.18 0 0 1.2 3.7 3/27/2008 1,138,582 1406 0.18 0 0 1.8 3.1 3/28/2008 1,518,124 2011 0.63 0 0 2.3 4.5 3/29/2008 1,206,496 1473 0.18 0 0 1.9 3.3 3/30/2008 1,464,956 1082 0.19 0 0 2.3 2.4 3/31/2008 969,892 1526 0.30 0 0 1.5 3.4 4/1/2008 1,019,794 1303 0.27 0 0 1.6 2.9 4/2/2008 1,699,157 1582 0.19 0 0 2.6 3.5 4/3/2008 1,226,598 1080 0.23 0 0 1.9 2.4 4/4/2008 1,158,141 1275 0.20 0 0 1.8 2.8 4/5/2008 992,413 1319 0.18 0 0 1.5 2.9 4/6/2008 1,407,568 1778 0.25 0 0 2.2 4.0 4/7/2008 1,153,440 1382 0.12 0 0 1.8 3.1 4/8/2008 1,148,062 1257 0.18 0 0 1.8 2.8 4/9/2008 1,124,480 1238 0.23 0 0 1.7 2.8 4/10/2008 948,992 1188 0.25 0 0 1.5 2.7 4/11/2008 857,884 911 0.31 0 0 1.3 2.0 4/12/2008 844,510 1028 0.34 0 0 1.3 2.3 4/13/2008 943,550 1104 0.54 0 0 1.5 2.5 4/14/2008 944,210 1521 0.77 0 0 1.5 3.4 4/15/2008 996,034 1730 1.97 1 0 1.5 3.9 4/16/2008 1,439,558 1353 0.15 0 0 2.2 3.0 4/17/2008 1,177,529 1671 0.14 0 0 1.8 3.7 4/18/2008 1,348,404 936 0.16 0 0 2.1 2.1 4/19/2008 884,032 1120 0.25 0 0 1.4 2.5 4/20/2008 831,268 1058 0.30 0 0 1.3 2.4 4/21/2008 782,696 1096 1.03 0 0 1.2 2.4 4/22/2008 832,282 1441 0.90 0 0 1.3 3.2 4/23/2008 2,086,028 1523 0.33 0 0 3.2 3.4 4/24/2008 1,042,118 1309 0.22 0 0 1.6 2.9 4/25/2008 1,526,628 1442 0.17 0 0 2.4 3.2 4/26/2008 1,564,716 1457 0.14 0 0 2.4 3.3 4/27/2008 1,318,220 1406 0.20 0 0 2.0 3.1 4/28/2008 1,518,076 1455 0.26 0 0 2.3 3.2 4/29/2008 0 1725 0.28 0 0 0.0 3.9 4/30/2008 1,684,826 1531 0.32 0 0 2.6 3.4 5/1/2008 1,486,084 1945 0.66 0 0 2.3 4.3 5/2/2008 1,431,202 1676 0.20 0 0 2.2 3.7 5/3/2008 930,818 1527 0.22 0 0 1.4 3.4 5/4/2008 934,695 1408 0.33 0 0 1.4 3.1 Appendix A, Page 7 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 5/5/2008 917,466 1397 0.24 0 0 1.4 3.1 5/6/2008 925,888 1318 0.36 0 0 1.4 2.9 5/7/2008 851,578 1670 0.47 0 0 1.3 3.7 5/8/2008 896,640 1379 0.32 0 0 1.4 3.1 5/9/2008 825,922 937 0.16 0 0 1.3 2.1 5/10/2008 809,026 1020 0.16 0 0 1.3 2.3 5/11/2008 833,630 1140 0.18 0 0 1.3 2.5 5/12/2008 763,398 1025 0.25 0 0 1.2 2.3 5/13/2008 784,606 944 0.62 0 0 1.2 2.1 5/14/2008 790,752 1114 0.51 0 0 1.2 2.5 5/15/2008 900,988 855 3.57 19 0 1.4 1.9 5/16/2008 33,416 162 7.90 1 107 0.1 0.4 5/17/2008 121,396 86 6.03 1 1 0.2 0.2 5/18/2008 41,088 69 6.03 1 1 0.1 0.2 5/19/2008 16,282 17 6.03 1 1 0.0 0.0 5/20/2008 18,942 21 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/21/2008 20,458 19 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/22/2008 20,880 17 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/23/2008 20,256 34 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.1 5/24/2008 21,842 21 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/25/2008 20,206 22 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/26/2008 43,400 63 0.18 0 0 0.1 0.1 5/27/2008 20,208 58 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.1 5/28/2008 20,178 16 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/29/2008 20,342 18 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/30/2008 16,000 17 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.0 5/31/2008 18,170 28 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.1 6/1/2008 17,890 27 0.18 0 0 0.0 0.1 6/2/2008 16,530 1047 2.77 1 0 0.0 2.3 6/3/2008 895,180 1356 0.53 0 0 1.4 3.0 6/4/2008 851,772 1310 0.92 0 0 1.3 2.9 6/5/2008 872,686 1434 0.66 0 0 1.4 3.2 6/6/2008 855,284 1343 0.19 0 0 1.3 3.0 6/7/2008 1,048,092 1442 0.54 0 0 1.6 3.2 6/8/2008 929,934 1343 0.20 0 0 1.4 3.0 6/9/2008 893,942 2389 0.41 0 0 1.4 5.3 6/10/2008 1,590,198 3015 0.49 0 0 2.5 6.7 6/11/2008 1,184,150 2766 0.19 0 0 1.8 6.2 6/12/2008 2,419,716 3080 0.31 0 0 3.7 6.9 6/13/2008 3,210,220 3212 0.25 0 0 5.0 7.2 6/14/2008 3,634,290 3412 0.22 0 0 5.6 7.6 6/15/2008 2,734,788 3734 0.24 0 0 4.2 8.3 6/16/2008 4,685,809 3856 0.26 0 0 7.3 8.6 6/17/2008 4,475,728 3577 0.38 0 0 6.9 8.0 6/18/2008 3,776,391 2740 0.22 0 0 5.8 6.1 6/19/2008 1,312,802 3128 0.35 0 0 2.0 7.0 6/20/2008 2,898,307 3518 0.15 0 0 4.5 7.9 6/21/2008 4,153,278 3811 0.37 0 0 6.4 8.5 6/22/2008 4,940,965 3896 0.25 0 0 7.6 8.7 6/23/2008 3,746,477 3684 0.48 0 0 5.8 8.2 6/24/2008 4,879,820 3739 0.23 0 0 7.6 8.3 6/25/2008 4,537,279 3202 0.21 0 0 7.0 7.1 6/26/2008 4,306,605 3827 0.40 0 0 6.7 8.5 6/27/2008 5,012,516 3585 0.22 0 0 7.8 8.0 6/28/2008 4,387,106 4044 0.29 0 0 6.8 9.0 6/29/2008 4,940,217 3938 0.27 0 0 7.6 8.8 6/30/2008 4,809,906 4300 10.01 2 2 7.4 9.6 7/1/2008 3,799,828 3610 1.91 10 0 5.9 8.1 7/2/2008 4,491,687 3977 0.29 0 0 7.0 8.9 7/3/2008 3,924,732 2903 0.25 0 0 6.1 6.5 7/4/2008 2,301,858 3738 0.31 0 0 3.6 8.3 7/5/2008 4,733,128 3730 0.22 0 0 7.3 8.3 7/6/2008 3,951,730 3448 0.28 0 0 6.1 7.7 7/7/2008 3,862,166 3833 0.23 0 0 6.0 8.6 7/8/2008 4,025,966 3271 0.22 0 0 6.2 7.3 7/9/2008 3,956,236 3817 0.36 0 0 6.1 8.5 7/10/2008 4,892,833 3536 0.26 0 0 7.6 7.9 7/11/2008 2,417,628 2989 0.25 0 0 3.7 6.7 7/12/2008 3,394,782 3457 0.38 0 0 5.3 7.7 7/13/2008 4,257,964 3915 0.34 0 0 6.6 8.7 Appendix A, Page 8 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 7/14/2008 3,982,754 3896 0.28 0 0 6.2 8.7 7/15/2008 5,215,287 3979 0.32 0 0 8.1 8.9 7/16/2008 3,746,866 2756 0.54 0 0 5.8 6.2 7/17/2008 2,285,120 3756 0.21 0 0 3.5 8.4 7/18/2008 4,941,311 4199 0.22 0 0 7.6 9.4 7/19/2008 5,100,655 4070 0.20 0 0 7.9 9.1 7/20/2008 5,328,738 3701 0.58 0 0 8.2 8.3 7/21/2008 3,760,969 2817 0.23 0 0 5.8 6.3 7/22/2008 2,601,473 3158 0.26 0 0 4.0 7.0 7/23/2008 4,674,747 3731 0.32 0 0 7.2 8.3 7/24/2008 4,848,521 3740 0.20 0 0 7.5 8.3 7/25/2008 4,726,439 3730 0.30 0 0 7.3 8.3 7/26/2008 3,869,414 3902 0.25 0 0 6.0 8.7 7/27/2008 5,040,667 3772 0.33 0 0 7.8 8.4 7/28/2008 2,589,512 2224 0.24 0 0 4.0 5.0 7/29/2008 2,907,854 3928 0.42 0 0 4.5 8.8 7/30/2008 5,160,560 3689 0.23 0 0 8.0 8.2 7/31/2008 4,075,582 3578 0.28 0 0 6.3 8.0 8/1/2008 4,008,543 3541 0.27 0 0 6.2 7.9 8/2/2008 4,887,475 3560 0.36 0 0 7.6 7.9 8/3/2008 3,335,280 3666 0.39 0 0 5.2 8.2 8/4/2008 4,963,014 4061 0.34 0 0 7.7 9.1 8/5/2008 5,023,852 3903 0.30 0 0 7.8 8.7 8/6/2008 3,339,219 2356 10.01 1 1 5.2 5.3 8/7/2008 1,594,614 3210 10.01 1 1 2.5 7.2 8/8/2008 4,686,467 3879 10.01 1 1 7.3 8.7 8/9/2008 3,706,381 3392 0.66 0 0 5.7 7.6 8/10/2008 4,574,308 4087 0.37 0 0 7.1 9.1 8/11/2008 5,361,258 3991 10.02 1 2 8.3 8.9 8/12/2008 3,567,234 3093.480687 10.02 0 0 5.5 6.9 8/13/2008 2,771,759 2827.645305 2.1 66 0 4.3 6.3 8/14/2008 4,079,049 3998.398496 2.3 2 0 6.3 8.9 8/15/2008 4,923,141 3767.14877 1.21 0 0 7.6 8.4 8/16/2008 5,027,572 3955.120704 0.88 0 0 7.8 8.8 8/17/2008 5,555,050 4056.950545 1.05 0 0 8.6 9.1 8/18/2008 4,545,264 3759.550712 1.18 0 0 7.0 8.4 8/19/2008 3,437,755 2923.685946 1.03 0 0 5.3 6.5 8/20/2008 0.0 0.0 8/21/2008 0.0 0.0 8/22/2008 0.0 0.0 8/23/2008 0.0 0.0 8/24/2008 0.0 0.0 8/25/2008 3,207,413 2671.059766 1.67 6 0 5.0 6.0 8/26/2008 2,457,991 2222.547761 0.85 0 0 3.8 5.0 8/27/2008 1,994,814 1869.182604 0.75 0 0 3.1 4.2 8/28/2008 3,204,842 3832.744503 0.85 0 0 5.0 8.6 8/29/2008 3,610,884 2895.645224 1 0 0 5.6 6.5 8/30/2008 4,477,170 4021.461581 0.92 0 0 6.9 9.0 8/31/2008 0.0 0.0 9/1/2008 0.0 0.0 9/2/2008 1,715,138 2070.047884 0.88 0 0 2.7 4.6 9/3/2008 2,665,060 2545.631248 0.88 0 0 4.1 5.7 9/4/2008 4,405,752 3602.638363 1.02 0 0 6.8 8.0 9/5/2008 3,223,176 2775.358575 0.96 0 0 5.0 6.2 9/6/2008 2,394,643 2701.26019 0.95 0 0 3.7 6.0 9/7/2008 4,494,446 3915.312361 1.11 0 0 7.0 8.7 9/8/2008 5,018,095 3887.392539 1.3 0 0 7.8 8.7 9/9/2008 2,094,550 3716.433426 1.32 0 0 3.2 8.3 9/10/2008 1,993,505 2073.00919 1.26 0 0 3.1 4.6 9/11/2008 2,604,465 2430.714365 1.25 0 0 4.0 5.4 9/12/2008 2,291,471 2049.291203 1.11 0 0 3.5 4.6 9/13/2008 1,907,011 2553.481626 1.15 0 0 3.0 5.7 9/14/2008 2,090,088 1739.880601 1.57 237 0 3.2 3.9 9/15/2008 3,769,574 3435.351517 2.03 109 0 5.8 7.7 9/16/2008 4,642,423 3678.344281 1.92 59 0 7.2 8.2 9/17/2008 4,167,418 3374.287584 1.26 0 0 6.4 7.5 9/18/2008 2,911,843 2662.673441 1.03 0 0 4.5 5.9 9/19/2008 2,414,705 1908.67882 0.96 0 0 3.7 4.3 9/20/2008 964,494 2613.549555 0.92 0 0 1.5 5.8 9/21/2008 0.0 0.0 Appendix A, Page 9 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 9/22/2008 2,399,627 2655.988858 1.18 0 0 3.7 5.9 9/23/2008 3,496,591 2863.190476 0.00115 0 0 5.4 6.4 9/24/2008 3,380,792 2828.6059 0.00097 0 0 5.2 6.3 9/25/2008 2,778,828 2213.351615 0.00133 0 0 4.3 4.9 9/26/2008 2,007,233 1994.922606 0.0013 0 0 3.1 4.5 9/27/2008 1,674,950 2432.754244 0.00145 0 0 2.6 5.4 9/28/2008 1,555,917 1657.320067 0.00106 0 0 2.4 3.7 9/29/2008 2,633,078 2568.150056 0.00136 0 0 4.1 5.7 9/30/2008 2,932,722 2722.721526 0.136 0 0 4.5 6.1 10/1/2008 3,215,678 2732 0.097 0 0 5.0 6.1 10/2/2008 3,113,298 2715 0.121 0 0 4.8 6.1 10/3/2008 2,649,974 2414 0.192 0 0 4.1 5.4 10/4/2008 2,377,729 1,998 0.095 0 0 3.7 4.5 10/5/2008 2,018,415 1,713 0.085 0 0 3.1 3.8 10/6/2008 2,171,450 1,843 0.088 0 0 3.4 4.1 10/7/2008 1,766,237 1,942 0.085 0 0 2.7 4.3 10/8/2008 1,169,063 1,374 0.090 0 0 1.8 3.1 10/9/2008 973,528 1,112 0.101 0 0 1.5 2.5 10/10/2008 1,322,555 1,326 0.136 0 0 2.0 3.0 10/11/2008 1,455,340 1,569 0.145 0 0 2.3 3.5 10/12/2008 1,319,098 1,378 0.086 0 0 2.0 3.1 10/13/2008 1,543,488 1,418 0.078 0 0 2.4 3.2 10/14/2008 1,463,688 1,532 0.115 0 0 2.3 3.4 10/15/2008 1,446,817 1,235 0.13 0 0 2.2 2.8 10/16/2008 1,640,158 1,613 0.08 0 0 2.5 3.6 10/17/2008 1,726,178 1,370 0.262 0 0 2.7 3.1 10/18/2008 1,909,041 1,781 0.045 0 0 3.0 4.0 10/19/2008 419,537 1,478 0.045 0 0 0.6 3.3 10/20/2008 1,456,859 1,807 0.07 0 0 2.3 4.0 10/21/2008 1,943,176 2,191 0.036 0 0 3.0 4.9 10/22/2008 2,142,378 2,312 0.052 0 0 3.3 5.2 10/23/2008 2,646,117 2,996 0.133 0 0 4.1 6.7 10/24/2008 2,528,870 2,468 0.137 0 0 3.9 5.5 10/25/2008 502,719 1,606 0.082 0 0 0.8 3.6 10/26/2008 0.0 0.0 10/27/2008 1,865,690 2,553 0.066 0 0 2.9 5.7 10/28/2008 3,014,736 2,440 0.058 0 0 4.7 5.4 10/29/2008 2,777,349 2,274 0.073 0 0 4.3 5.1 10/30/2008 1,766,202 2,174 0.063 0 0 2.7 4.9 10/31/2008 2,449,222 2,444 0.056 0 0 3.8 5.5 11/1/2008 2,240,542 2,004 0.052 0 0 3.5 4.5 11/2/2008 2,014,331 1,623 0.048 0 0 3.1 3.6 11/3/2008 1,942,857 1,784 0.045 0 0 3.0 4.0 11/4/2008 2,116,484 1,898 0.047 0 0 3.3 4.2 11/5/2008 2,401,912 2,760 0.045 0 0 3.7 6.2 11/6/2008 1,762,148 1,506 0.052 0 0 2.7 3.4 11/7/2008 1,939,544 1,974 0.051 0 0 3.0 4.4 11/8/2008 1,936,242 1,896 0.051 0 0 3.0 4.2 11/9/2008 1,619,329 1,891 0.048 0 0 2.5 4.2 11/10/2008 1,552,124 1,613 0.055 0 0 2.4 3.6 11/11/2008 1,429,609 1,567 0.052 0 0 2.2 3.5 11/12/2008 1,955,523 1,902 0.058 0 0 3.0 4.2 11/13/2008 2,121,878 1,944 0.056 0 0 3.3 4.3 11/14/2008 2,349,151 2,203 0.062 0 0 3.6 4.9 11/15/2008 2,616,387 2,236 0.071 0 0 4.0 5.0 11/16/2008 1,845,297 1,643 0.62 0 0 2.9 3.7 11/17/2008 1,662,600 1,744 0.077 0 0 2.6 3.9 11/18/2008 1,543,297 1,368 0.077 0 0 2.4 3.1 11/19/2008 1,625,734 1,984 0.088 0 0 2.5 4.4 11/20/2008 1,589,931 1,798 0.073 0 0 2.5 4.0 11/21/2008 1,508,503 1,830 0.081 0 0 2.3 4.1 11/22/2008 1,227,880 1,260 0.07 0 0 1.9 2.8 11/23/2008 1,379,644 1,461 0.073 0 0 2.1 3.3 11/24/2008 1,281,564 1,622 0.136 0 0 2.0 3.6 11/25/2008 1,347,976 1,195 0.16 0 0 2.1 2.7 11/26/2008 1,892,743 1,789 0.167 0 0 2.9 4.0 11/27/2008 22,068 379 0.115 0 0 0.0 0.8 11/28/2008 1,067,182 1,280 0.103 0 0 1.7 2.9 11/29/2008 1,470,713 1,309 0.1 0 0 2.3 2.9 11/30/2008 1,715,101 1,634 0.092 0 0 2.7 3.6 Appendix A, Page 10 of 11 Peak Hourly Flow (cfs) Peak Hour Flow (gmp)Total Flow (gpd)Date Max Turbidity Turbidty Events > 1.4999 Turbidity Events > 5.0 Average Daily Flow (cfs) 12/1/2008 1,521,073 1,588 0.126 0 0 2.4 3.5 12/2/2008 1401302 1142 0.171 0 0 2.2 2.5 12/3/2008 1,401,302 1,142 0.171 0 0 2.2 2.5 12/4/2008 1,390,498 1,258 0.233 0 0 2.2 2.8 12/5/2008 1,242,318 1,248 0.341 0 0 1.9 2.8 12/6/2008 1,237,362 1,041 0.317 0 0 1.9 2.3 12/7/2008 1,404,082 1,123 0.218 0 0 2.2 2.5 12/8/2008 1,562,606 1,610 0.141 0 0 2.4 3.6 12/9/2008 1,490,901 1,426 0.093 0 0 2.3 3.2 12/10/2008 1,464,991 1,406 0.813 0 0 2.3 3.1 12/11/2008 1,281,355 1,137 0.266 0 0 2.0 2.5 12/12/2008 1,339,256 1,199 0.421 0 0 2.1 2.7 12/13/2008 952,022 1,254 0.141 0 0 1.5 2.8 12/14/2008 1,345,951 1,326 0.076 0 0 2.1 3.0 12/15/2008 1,259,950 1,097 0.051 0 0 1.9 2.4 12/16/2008 1,205,584 1,050 0.081 0 0 1.9 2.3 12/17/2008 1,205,747 979 0.288 0 0 1.9 2.2 12/18/2008 1,212,425 1,246 0.112 0 0 1.9 2.8 12/19/2008 1,129,196 918 0.103 0 0 1.7 2.0 12/20/2008 1,161,344 1,119 0.073 0 0 1.8 2.5 12/21/2008 1,063,559 951 0.051 0 0 1.6 2.1 12/22/2008 830,598 1,236 0.041 0 0 1.3 2.8 12/23/2008 1,167,931 918 0.056 0 0 1.8 2.0 12/24/2008 1,114,186 1,106 0.122 0 0 1.7 2.5 12/25/2008 172,363 647 0.82 0 0 0.3 1.4 12/26/2008 0.0 0.0 12/27/2008 0.0 0.0 12/28/2008 0.0 0.0 12/29/2008 753,993 890 0.048 0 0 1.2 2.0 12/30/2008 1,157,393 1,227 0.04 0 0 1.8 2.7 12/31/2008 1,084,733 1,049 0.045 0 0 1.7 2.3 Appendix A, Page 11 of 11 Draft APPENDIX B FLOW DURATION ANALYSIS DEVELOPED BY HDR|DTA Unalaska Microturbine Study Summary The workbook develops flow exceedance values. Flows from the site were provided by Ron Grady, HDR|DTA 090316 (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Min 0.0 0.00 15.0 0.03 Avg 1,786.6 3.98 2,397.4 5.34 Med 1,516.7 3.38 2,287.0 5.10 Max 5,488.0 12.23 5,768.0 12.85 0 5,488.0 12.23 5,768.0 12.85 30 2,507.0 5.59 3,272.8 7.29 99.9999 0.0 0.00 15.0 0.03 Sheets in this Workbook 1. Summary (this sheet) 2. PORFlows Historical flows 3. MonthlyFlows Historical flows sorted by month 4. DailyFlow Average daily flow for each day of an average calendar year and for each average year 5. FlowDuration POR and Monthly Exceedance values project site 6. POR Avg (gpm)Exceedance plots for Average Daily Flow in gallons per minute 7. POR Avg (cfs)Exceedance plots for Average Daily Flow in cfs 8. POR Peak (gpm)Exceedance plots for Peak Daily Flow in gallons per minute 9. POR Peak (cfs)Exceedance plots for Peak Daily Flow in cfs Calculation Performed By:Brett Towler 3/16/2009 QA Performed By:Brian Krolak 3/17/2009 Avg Daily Peak Daily Appendix B, Page 1 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) 1/1/2007 2007 1 1 1 1,125,904 1,105 781.9 1.74 1,105.0 2.46 1/2/2007 2007 1 2 2 1,078,145 979 748.7 1.67 979.0 2.18 1/3/2007 2007 1 3 3 1,179,445 1,106 819.1 1.82 1,106.0 2.46 1/4/2007 2007 1 4 4 1,263,291 1,202 877.3 1.95 1,202.0 2.68 1/5/2007 2007 1 5 5 1,279,053 1,213 888.2 1.98 1,213.0 2.70 1/6/2007 2007 1 6 6 1,329,170 1,155 923.0 2.06 1,155.0 2.57 1/7/2007 2007 1 7 7 1,508,885 1,389 1047.8 2.33 1,389.0 3.09 1/8/2007 2007 1 8 8 1,566,591 1,364 1087.9 2.42 1,364.0 3.04 1/9/2007 2007 1 9 9 1,824,676 1,644 1267.1 2.82 1,644.0 3.66 1/10/2007 2007 1 10 10 1,713,304 1,555 1189.8 2.65 1,555.0 3.46 1/11/2007 2007 1 11 11 1,757,529 1,575 1220.5 2.72 1,575.0 3.51 1/12/2007 2007 1 12 12 1,696,071 1,416 1177.8 2.62 1,416.0 3.15 1/13/2007 2007 1 13 13 1,580,632 1,449 1097.7 2.45 1,449.0 3.23 1/14/2007 2007 1 14 14 1,827,314 1,785 1269.0 2.83 1,785.0 3.98 1/15/2007 2007 1 15 15 2,183,999 2,272 1516.7 3.38 2,272.0 5.06 1/16/2007 2007 1 16 16 2,202,777 1,944 1529.7 3.41 1,944.0 4.33 1/17/2007 2007 1 17 17 2,413,474 2,104 1676.0 3.73 2,104.0 4.69 1/18/2007 2007 1 18 18 3,121,017 3,875 2167.4 4.83 3,875.0 8.63 1/19/2007 2007 1 19 19 3,678,547 3,500 2554.5 5.69 3,500.0 7.80 1/20/2007 2007 1 20 20 3,719,785 3,536 2583.2 5.76 3,536.0 7.88 1/21/2007 2007 1 21 21 6,103,603 5,232 4238.6 9.44 5,232.0 11.66 1/22/2007 2007 1 22 22 4,119,237 5,008 2860.6 6.37 5,008.0 11.16 1/23/2007 2007 1 23 23 2,723,070 2,441 1891.0 4.21 2,441.0 5.44 1/24/2007 2007 1 24 24 2,834,381 2,359 1968.3 4.39 2,359.0 5.26 1/25/2007 2007 1 25 25 3,044,442 2,374 2114.2 4.71 2,374.0 5.29 1/26/2007 2007 1 26 26 2,535,888 2,476 1761.0 3.92 2,476.0 5.52 1/27/2007 2007 1 27 27 2,181,944 1,679 1515.2 3.38 1,679.0 3.74 1/28/2007 2007 1 28 28 3,418,894 3,044 2374.2 5.29 3,044.0 6.78 1/29/2007 2007 1 29 29 3,718,339 3,050 2582.2 5.75 3,050.0 6.80 1/30/2007 2007 1 30 30 5,617,321 5,319 3900.9 8.69 5,319.0 11.85 1/31/2007 2007 1 31 31 5,993,328 4,653 4162.0 9.27 4,653.0 10.37 2/1/2007 2007 2 1 32 3,839,326 3,825 2666.2 5.94 3,825.0 8.52 2/2/2007 2007 2 2 33 6,025,574 4,726 4184.4 9.32 4,726.0 10.53 2/3/2007 2007 2 3 34 6,511,261 4,998 4521.7 10.07 4,998.0 11.14 2/4/2007 2007 2 4 35 6,671,646 4,906 4633.1 10.32 4,906.0 10.93 2/5/2007 2007 2 5 36 5,941,371 4,576 4126.0 9.19 4,576.0 10.20 2/6/2007 2007 2 6 37 4,812,054 3,830 3341.7 7.45 3,830.0 8.53 2/7/2007 2007 2 7 38 6,114,635 4,941 4246.3 9.46 4,941.0 11.01 2/8/2007 2007 2 8 39 6,639,766 4,854 4610.9 10.27 4,854.0 10.81 2/9/2007 2007 2 9 40 6,837,928 5,188 4748.6 10.58 5,188.0 11.56 2/10/2007 2007 2 10 41 5,669,062 4,687 3936.8 8.77 4,687.0 10.44 2/11/2007 2007 2 11 42 6,568,815 5,027 4561.7 10.16 5,027.0 11.20 2/12/2007 2007 2 12 43 5,493,690 4,327 3815.1 8.50 4,327.0 9.64 2/13/2007 2007 2 13 44 6,189,216 4,665 4298.1 9.58 4,665.0 10.39 2/14/2007 2007 2 14 45 4,438,340 4,990 3082.2 6.87 4,990.0 11.12 2/15/2007 2007 2 15 46 6,791,529 5,085 4716.3 10.51 5,085.0 11.33 2/16/2007 2007 2 16 47 6,906,248 5,369 4796.0 10.69 5,369.0 11.96 2/17/2007 2007 2 17 48 6,630,248 5,396 4604.3 10.26 5,396.0 12.02 2/18/2007 2007 2 18 49 6,506,537 5,241 4518.4 10.07 5,241.0 11.68 2/19/2007 2007 2 19 50 6,148,298 4,969 4269.7 9.51 4,969.0 11.07 2/20/2007 2007 2 20 51 6,504,550 5,012 4517.0 10.06 5,012.0 11.17 2/21/2007 2007 2 21 52 4,525,179 4,567 3142.5 7.00 4,567.0 10.18 2/22/2007 2007 2 22 53 4,409,481 3,491 3062.1 6.82 3,491.0 7.78 2/23/2007 2007 2 23 54 4,004,257 3,592 2780.7 6.20 3,592.0 8.00 2/24/2007 2007 2 24 55 3,085,075 2,391 2142.4 4.77 2,391.0 5.33 2/25/2007 2007 2 25 56 2,528,384 2,162 1755.8 3.91 2,162.0 4.82 2/26/2007 2007 2 26 57 2,309,807 1,958 1604.0 3.57 1,958.0 4.36 2/27/2007 2007 2 27 58 3,597,656 3,613 2498.4 5.57 3,613.0 8.05 2/28/2007 2007 2 28 59 5,177,240 4,534 3595.3 8.01 4,534.0 10.10 3/1/2007 2007 3 1 60 5,518,740 4,127 3832.5 8.54 4,127.0 9.19 3/2/2007 2007 3 2 61 5,023,941 4,834 3488.8 7.77 4,834.0 10.77 Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily Appendix B, Page 2 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 3/3/2007 2007 3 3 62 5,563,017 4,375 3863.2 8.61 4,375.0 9.75 3/4/2007 2007 3 4 63 5,515,261 4,394 3830.0 8.53 4,394.0 9.79 3/5/2007 2007 3 5 64 5,687,802 4,738 3949.9 8.80 4,738.0 10.56 3/6/2007 2007 3 6 65 4,177,970 3,562 2901.4 6.46 3,562.0 7.94 3/7/2007 2007 3 7 66 3,690,064 2,816 2562.5 5.71 2,816.0 6.27 3/8/2007 2007 3 8 67 3,052,777 2,680 2120.0 4.72 2,680.0 5.97 3/9/2007 2007 3 9 68 3,783,274 3,088 2627.3 5.85 3,088.0 6.88 3/10/2007 2007 3 10 69 3,668,433 3,374 2547.5 5.68 3,374.0 7.52 3/11/2007 2007 3 11 70 2,258,379 2,122 1568.3 3.49 2,122.0 4.73 3/12/2007 2007 3 12 71 1,608,932 1,590 1117.3 2.49 1,590.0 3.54 3/13/2007 2007 3 13 72 1,907,716 2,036 1324.8 2.95 2,036.0 4.54 3/14/2007 2007 3 14 73 2,966,855 3,112 2060.3 4.59 3,112.0 6.93 3/15/2007 2007 3 15 74 3,946,820 3,247 2740.8 6.11 3,247.0 7.23 3/16/2007 2007 3 16 75 3,996,322 3,412 2775.2 6.18 3,412.0 7.60 3/17/2007 2007 3 17 76 4,289,681 3,381 2978.9 6.64 3,381.0 7.53 3/18/2007 2007 3 18 77 3,363,000 2,927 2335.4 5.20 2,927.0 6.52 3/19/2007 2007 3 19 78 4,928,777 4,299 3422.8 7.63 4,299.0 9.58 3/20/2007 2007 3 20 79 3,809,848 3,979 2645.7 5.89 3,979.0 8.87 3/21/2007 2007 3 21 80 3,522,432 3,512 2446.1 5.45 3,512.0 7.82 3/22/2007 2007 3 22 81 4,025,990 3,808 2795.8 6.23 3,808.0 8.48 3/23/2007 2007 3 23 82 5,475,578 4,545 3802.5 8.47 4,545.0 10.13 3/24/2007 2007 3 24 83 4,156,705 3,150 2886.6 6.43 3,150.0 7.02 3/25/2007 2007 3 25 84 3,166,851 2,948 2199.2 4.90 2,948.0 6.57 3/26/2007 2007 3 26 85 3,984,453 3,225 2767.0 6.16 3,225.0 7.19 3/27/2007 2007 3 27 86 3,456,867 2,873 2400.6 5.35 2,873.0 6.40 3/28/2007 2007 3 28 87 3,048,494 3,036 2117.0 4.72 3,036.0 6.76 3/29/2007 2007 3 29 88 2,330,696 1,953 1618.5 3.61 1,953.0 4.35 3/30/2007 2007 3 30 89 1,799,578 1,468 1249.7 2.78 1,468.0 3.27 3/31/2007 2007 3 31 90 1,562,959 1,316 1085.4 2.42 1,316.0 2.93 4/1/2007 2007 4 1 91 1,378,563 1,321 957.3 2.13 1,321.0 2.94 4/2/2007 2007 4 2 92 1,344,170 1,104 933.5 2.08 1,104.0 2.46 4/3/2007 2007 4 3 93 1,648,487 1,799 1144.8 2.55 1,799.0 4.01 4/4/2007 2007 4 4 94 1,926,789 1,631 1338.0 2.98 1,631.0 3.63 4/5/2007 2007 4 5 95 2,175,587 2,097 1510.8 3.37 2,097.0 4.67 4/6/2007 2007 4 6 96 2,602,773 2,225 1807.5 4.03 2,225.0 4.96 4/7/2007 2007 4 7 97 2,437,740 1,875 1692.9 3.77 1,875.0 4.18 4/8/2007 2007 4 8 98 1,454,870 1,915 1010.3 2.25 1,915.0 4.27 4/9/2007 2007 4 9 99 1,387,403 1,174 963.5 2.15 1,174.0 2.62 4/10/2007 2007 4 10 100 1,658,771 1,589 1151.9 2.57 1,589.0 3.54 4/11/2007 2007 4 11 101 1,748,832 1,470 1214.5 2.71 1,470.0 3.28 4/12/2007 2007 4 12 102 1,991,109 1,833 1382.7 3.08 1,833.0 4.08 4/13/2007 2007 4 13 103 1,583,979 1,609 1100.0 2.45 1,609.0 3.58 4/14/2007 2007 4 14 104 1,250,711 1,169 868.5 1.94 1,169.0 2.60 4/15/2007 2007 4 15 105 1,558,287 1,730 1082.1 2.41 1,730.0 3.85 4/16/2007 2007 4 16 106 1,586,293 1,680 1101.6 2.45 1,680.0 3.74 4/17/2007 2007 4 17 107 1,279,526 1,053 888.6 1.98 1,053.0 2.35 4/18/2007 2007 4 18 108 1,140,913 1,192 792.3 1.77 1,192.0 2.66 4/19/2007 2007 4 19 109 1,152,859 1,411 800.6 1.78 1,411.0 3.14 4/20/2007 2007 4 20 110 1,043,646 2,394 724.8 1.61 2,394.0 5.33 4/21/2007 2007 4 21 111 1,723,588 3,743 1196.9 2.67 3,743.0 8.34 4/22/2007 2007 4 22 112 47,934 92 33.3 0.07 92.0 0.20 4/23/2007 2007 4 23 113 177,212 200 123.1 0.27 200.0 0.45 4/24/2007 2007 4 24 114 310,097 266 215.3 0.48 266.0 0.59 4/25/2007 2007 4 25 115 322,964 816 224.3 0.50 816.0 1.82 4/26/2007 2007 4 26 116 54,740 603 38.0 0.08 603.0 1.34 4/27/2007 2007 4 27 117 20,104 15 14.0 0.03 15.0 0.03 4/28/2007 2007 4 28 118 631,743 1,106 438.7 0.98 1,106.0 2.46 4/29/2007 2007 4 29 119 1,109,242 997 770.3 1.72 997.0 2.22 4/30/2007 2007 4 30 120 1,242,335 1,121 862.7 1.92 1,121.0 2.50 5/1/2007 2007 5 1 121 1,217,498 1,005 845.5 1.88 1,005.0 2.24 5/2/2007 2007 5 2 122 1,297,764 1,390 901.2 2.01 1,390.0 3.10 Appendix B, Page 3 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 5/3/2007 2007 5 3 123 1,251,123 1,078 868.8 1.94 1,078.0 2.40 5/4/2007 2007 5 4 124 1,271,671 1,222 883.1 1.97 1,222.0 2.72 5/5/2007 2007 5 5 125 1,331,724 1,488 924.8 2.06 1,488.0 3.32 5/6/2007 2007 5 6 126 1,258,230 1,231 873.8 1.95 1,231.0 2.74 5/7/2007 2007 5 7 127 1,228,209 1,101 852.9 1.90 1,101.0 2.45 5/8/2007 2007 5 8 128 1,345,427 1,245 934.3 2.08 1,245.0 2.77 5/9/2007 2007 5 9 129 1,250,934 1,172 868.7 1.94 1,172.0 2.61 5/10/2007 2007 5 10 130 1,254,585 1,261 871.2 1.94 1,261.0 2.81 5/11/2007 2007 5 11 131 1,169,528 1,036 812.2 1.81 1,036.0 2.31 5/12/2007 2007 5 12 132 1,180,437 928 819.7 1.83 928.0 2.07 5/13/2007 2007 5 13 133 1,181,284 1,096 820.3 1.83 1,096.0 2.44 5/14/2007 2007 5 14 134 1,197,165 1,004 831.4 1.85 1,004.0 2.24 5/15/2007 2007 5 15 135 1,298,350 1,490 901.6 2.01 1,490.0 3.32 5/16/2007 2007 5 16 136 1,203,537 983 835.8 1.86 983.0 2.19 5/17/2007 2007 5 17 137 968,217 1,048 672.4 1.50 1,048.0 2.33 5/18/2007 2007 5 18 138 862,319 912 598.8 1.33 912.0 2.03 5/19/2007 2007 5 19 139 938,377 1,183 651.7 1.45 1,183.0 2.64 5/20/2007 2007 5 20 140 733,105 658 509.1 1.13 658.0 1.47 5/21/2007 2007 5 21 141 890,940 1,073 618.7 1.38 1,073.0 2.39 5/22/2007 2007 5 22 142 801,970 730 556.9 1.24 730.0 1.63 5/23/2007 2007 5 23 143 853,324 978 592.6 1.32 978.0 2.18 5/24/2007 2007 5 24 144 943,667 858 655.3 1.46 858.0 1.91 5/25/2007 2007 5 25 145 932,886 1,046 647.8 1.44 1,046.0 2.33 5/26/2007 2007 5 26 146 811,003 815 563.2 1.25 815.0 1.82 5/27/2007 2007 5 27 147 889,927 1,020 618.0 1.38 1,020.0 2.27 5/28/2007 2007 5 28 148 748,454 766 519.8 1.16 766.0 1.71 5/29/2007 2007 5 29 149 858,790 928 596.4 1.33 928.0 2.07 5/30/2007 2007 5 30 150 854,239 809 593.2 1.32 809.0 1.80 5/31/2007 2007 5 31 151 779,648 684 541.4 1.21 684.0 1.52 6/1/2007 2007 6 1 152 655,958 1,268 455.5 1.01 1,268.0 2.83 6/2/2007 2007 6 2 153 271,845 324 188.8 0.42 324.0 0.72 6/3/2007 2007 6 3 154 202,198 279 140.4 0.31 279.0 0.62 6/4/2007 2007 6 4 155 228,447 264 158.6 0.35 264.0 0.59 6/5/2007 2007 6 5 156 249,304 364 173.1 0.39 364.0 0.81 6/6/2007 2007 6 6 157 261,137 398 181.3 0.40 398.0 0.89 6/7/2007 2007 6 7 158 318,155 340 220.9 0.49 340.0 0.76 6/8/2007 2007 6 8 159 516,815 1,075 358.9 0.80 1,075.0 2.40 6/9/2007 2007 6 9 160 556,161 1,261 386.2 0.86 1,261.0 2.81 6/10/2007 2007 6 10 161 1,545,567 2,287 1073.3 2.39 2,287.0 5.10 6/11/2007 2007 6 11 162 2,747,589 2,790 1908.0 4.25 2,790.0 6.22 6/12/2007 2007 6 12 163 3,612,226 3,274 2508.5 5.59 3,274.0 7.29 6/13/2007 2007 6 13 164 3,949,520 3,238 2742.7 6.11 3,238.0 7.21 6/14/2007 2007 6 14 165 3,827,757 3,318 2658.2 5.92 3,318.0 7.39 6/15/2007 2007 6 15 166 3,720,184 3,477 2583.5 5.76 3,477.0 7.75 6/16/2007 2007 6 16 167 4,109,649 3,223 2853.9 6.36 3,223.0 7.18 6/17/2007 2007 6 17 168 3,730,063 2,014 2590.3 5.77 2,014.0 4.49 6/18/2007 2007 6 18 169 2,541,176 2,361 1764.7 3.93 2,361.0 5.26 6/19/2007 2007 6 19 170 2,886,530 2,738 2004.5 4.47 2,738.0 6.10 6/20/2007 2007 6 20 171 2,784,623 2,653 1933.8 4.31 2,653.0 5.91 6/21/2007 2007 6 21 172 2,722,918 2,382 1890.9 4.21 2,382.0 5.31 6/22/2007 2007 6 22 173 2,287,391 2,936 1588.5 3.54 2,936.0 6.54 6/23/2007 2007 6 23 174 3,870,284 3,141 2687.7 5.99 3,141.0 7.00 6/24/2007 2007 6 24 175 4,163,658 3,303 2891.4 6.44 3,303.0 7.36 6/25/2007 2007 6 25 176 3,620,729 3,097 2514.4 5.60 3,097.0 6.90 6/26/2007 2007 6 26 177 2,554,215 2,915 1773.8 3.95 2,915.0 6.49 6/27/2007 2007 6 27 178 3,092,182 2,904 2147.3 4.78 2,904.0 6.47 6/28/2007 2007 6 28 179 3,690,102 2,945 2562.6 5.71 2,945.0 6.56 6/29/2007 2007 6 29 180 3,035,986 2,830 2108.3 4.70 2,830.0 6.31 6/30/2007 2007 6 30 181 3,149,482 2,468 2187.1 4.87 2,468.0 5.50 7/1/2007 2007 7 1 182 3,204,086 2,859 2225.1 4.96 2,859.0 6.37 7/2/2007 2007 7 2 183 3,698,092 3,144 2568.1 5.72 3,144.0 7.00 Appendix B, Page 4 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 7/3/2007 2007 7 3 184 3,218,372 2,720 2235.0 4.98 2,720.0 6.06 7/4/2007 2007 7 4 185 3,635,200 2,899 2524.4 5.62 2,899.0 6.46 7/5/2007 2007 7 5 186 3,625,415 2,827 2517.6 5.61 2,827.0 6.30 7/6/2007 2007 7 6 187 4,601,108 3,657 3195.2 7.12 3,657.0 8.15 7/7/2007 2007 7 7 188 4,268,586 3,433 2964.3 6.60 3,433.0 7.65 7/8/2007 2007 7 8 189 3,815,584 3,338 2649.7 5.90 3,338.0 7.44 7/9/2007 2007 7 9 190 3,790,308 3,326 2632.2 5.86 3,326.0 7.41 7/10/2007 2007 7 10 191 2,594,891 2,305 1802.0 4.01 2,305.0 5.14 7/11/2007 2007 7 11 192 4,385,450 3,358 3045.5 6.79 3,358.0 7.48 7/12/2007 2007 7 12 193 4,707,660 3,722 3269.2 7.28 3,722.0 8.29 7/13/2007 2007 7 13 194 4,308,049 4,125 2991.7 6.67 4,125.0 9.19 7/14/2007 2007 7 14 195 3,790,331 3,286 2632.2 5.86 3,286.0 7.32 7/15/2007 2007 7 15 196 3,117,191 3,033 2164.7 4.82 3,033.0 6.76 7/16/2007 2007 7 16 197 3,437,394 3,604 2387.1 5.32 3,604.0 8.03 7/17/2007 2007 7 17 198 5,037,673 3,887 3498.4 7.79 3,887.0 8.66 7/18/2007 2007 7 18 199 4,827,546 3,853 3352.5 7.47 3,853.0 8.58 7/19/2007 2007 7 19 200 3,648,997 3,005 2534.0 5.65 3,005.0 6.70 7/20/2007 2007 7 20 201 3,661,714 3,300 2542.9 5.67 3,300.0 7.35 7/21/2007 2007 7 21 202 3,481,357 2,764 2417.6 5.39 2,764.0 6.16 7/22/2007 2007 7 22 203 4,784,739 4,202 3322.7 7.40 4,202.0 9.36 7/23/2007 2007 7 23 204 4,890,336 3,768 3396.1 7.57 3,768.0 8.40 7/24/2007 2007 7 24 205 4,808,501 3,918 3339.2 7.44 3,918.0 8.73 7/25/2007 2007 7 25 206 3,097,914 2,952 2151.3 4.79 2,952.0 6.58 7/26/2007 2007 7 26 207 4,515,935 3,606 3136.1 6.99 3,606.0 8.03 7/27/2007 2007 7 27 208 4,984,449 4,014 3461.4 7.71 4,014.0 8.94 7/28/2007 2007 7 28 209 5,453,294 4,110 3787.0 8.44 4,110.0 9.16 7/29/2007 2007 7 29 210 4,655,623 3,926 3233.1 7.20 3,926.0 8.75 7/30/2007 2007 7 30 211 4,764,535 3,655 3308.7 7.37 3,655.0 8.14 7/31/2007 2007 7 31 212 3,316,674 2,762 2303.2 5.13 2,762.0 6.15 8/1/2007 2007 8 1 213 2,736,645 2,485 1900.4 4.23 2,485.0 5.54 8/2/2007 2007 8 2 214 3,458,088 2,835 2401.5 5.35 2,835.0 6.32 8/3/2007 2007 8 3 215 4,559,297 3,886 3166.2 7.05 3,886.0 8.66 8/4/2007 2007 8 4 216 4,898,493 3,837 3401.7 7.58 3,837.0 8.55 8/5/2007 2007 8 5 217 4,441,765 3,558 3084.6 6.87 3,558.0 7.93 8/6/2007 2007 8 6 218 3,801,480 3,123 2639.9 5.88 3,123.0 6.96 8/7/2007 2007 8 7 219 3,707,616 3,586 2574.7 5.74 3,586.0 7.99 8/8/2007 2007 8 8 220 3,252,251 3,256 2258.5 5.03 3,256.0 7.25 8/9/2007 2007 8 9 221 3,817,666 3,478 2651.2 5.91 3,478.0 7.75 8/10/2007 2007 8 10 222 4,809,163 3,679 3339.7 7.44 3,679.0 8.20 8/11/2007 2007 8 11 223 4,253,599 3,238 2953.9 6.58 3,238.0 7.21 8/12/2007 2007 8 12 224 3,984,831 3,365 2767.2 6.17 3,365.0 7.50 8/13/2007 2007 8 13 225 3,192,534 2,756 2217.0 4.94 2,756.0 6.14 8/14/2007 2007 8 14 226 3,358,549 3,514 2332.3 5.20 3,514.0 7.83 8/15/2007 2007 8 15 227 5,168,199 3,986 3589.0 8.00 3,986.0 8.88 8/16/2007 2007 8 16 228 5,022,145 3,801 3487.6 7.77 3,801.0 8.47 8/17/2007 2007 8 17 229 4,677,091 3,639 3248.0 7.24 3,639.0 8.11 8/18/2007 2007 8 18 230 3,539,000 3,520 2457.6 5.48 3,520.0 7.84 8/19/2007 2007 8 19 231 4,116,742 3,426 2858.8 6.37 3,426.0 7.63 8/20/2007 2007 8 20 232 4,803,378 3,693 3335.7 7.43 3,693.0 8.23 8/21/2007 2007 8 21 233 4,676,342 3,743 3247.5 7.24 3,743.0 8.34 8/22/2007 2007 8 22 234 4,162,657 3,314 2890.7 6.44 3,314.0 7.38 8/23/2007 2007 8 23 235 3,281,717 3,287 2279.0 5.08 3,287.0 7.32 8/24/2007 2007 8 24 236 4,394,445 3,852 3051.7 6.80 3,852.0 8.58 8/25/2007 2007 8 25 237 4,533,250 3,446 3148.1 7.01 3,446.0 7.68 8/26/2007 2007 8 26 238 4,201,614 3,588 2917.8 6.50 3,588.0 7.99 8/27/2007 2007 8 27 239 2,920,952 2,924 2028.4 4.52 2,924.0 6.51 8/28/2007 2007 8 28 240 4,634,900 3,907 3218.7 7.17 3,907.0 8.70 8/29/2007 2007 8 29 241 4,800,237 3,815 3333.5 7.43 3,815.0 8.50 8/30/2007 2007 8 30 242 3,911,201 3,456 2716.1 6.05 3,456.0 7.70 8/31/2007 2007 8 31 243 4,591,184 3,664 3188.3 7.10 3,664.0 8.16 9/1/2007 2007 9 1 244 3,313,022 3,478 2300.7 5.13 3,478.0 7.75 Appendix B, Page 5 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 9/2/2007 2007 9 2 245 3,217,751 3,257 2234.5 4.98 3,257.0 7.26 9/3/2007 2007 9 3 246 3,613,338 2,956 2509.3 5.59 2,956.0 6.59 9/4/2007 2007 9 4 247 4,221,232 3,543 2931.4 6.53 3,543.0 7.89 9/5/2007 2007 9 5 248 4,251,214 3,597 2952.2 6.58 3,597.0 8.01 9/6/2007 2007 9 6 249 3,608,880 3,710 2506.2 5.58 3,710.0 8.27 9/7/2007 2007 9 7 250 3,805,620 3,193 2642.8 5.89 3,193.0 7.11 9/8/2007 2007 9 8 251 4,121,026 3,449 2861.8 6.38 3,449.0 7.68 9/9/2007 2007 9 9 252 3,533,738 3,129 2454.0 5.47 3,129.0 6.97 9/10/2007 2007 9 10 253 2,272,497 2,670 1578.1 3.52 2,670.0 5.95 9/11/2007 2007 9 11 254 708,354 1,278 491.9 1.10 1,278.0 2.85 9/12/2007 2007 9 12 255 3,171,494 3,096 2202.4 4.91 3,096.0 6.90 9/13/2007 2007 9 13 256 4,381,204 3,787 3042.5 6.78 3,787.0 8.44 9/14/2007 2007 9 14 257 2,939,264 2,483 2041.2 4.55 2,483.0 5.53 9/15/2007 2007 9 15 258 3,646,466 3,697 2532.3 5.64 3,697.0 8.24 9/16/2007 2007 9 16 259 4,226,290 3,580 2934.9 6.54 3,580.0 7.98 9/17/2007 2007 9 17 260 4,811,197 3,595 3341.1 7.44 3,595.0 8.01 9/18/2007 2007 9 18 261 4,909,482 3,813 3409.4 7.60 3,813.0 8.50 9/19/2007 2007 9 19 262 2,478,095 3,167 1720.9 3.83 3,167.0 7.06 9/20/2007 2007 9 20 263 1,531,466 1,492 1063.5 2.37 1,492.0 3.32 9/21/2007 2007 9 21 264 1,548,530 2,330 1075.4 2.40 2,330.0 5.19 9/22/2007 2007 9 22 265 2,543,228 3,488 1766.1 3.93 3,488.0 7.77 9/23/2007 2007 9 23 266 3,813,889 3,262 2648.5 5.90 3,262.0 7.27 9/24/2007 2007 9 24 267 4,621,555 4,179 3209.4 7.15 4,179.0 9.31 9/25/2007 2007 9 25 268 4,706,759 3,909 3268.6 7.28 3,909.0 8.71 9/26/2007 2007 9 26 269 3,170,618 2,469 2201.8 4.91 2,469.0 5.50 9/27/2007 2007 9 27 270 1,320,151 2,372 916.8 2.04 2,372.0 5.28 9/28/2007 2007 9 28 271 2,101,955 2,893 1459.7 3.25 2,893.0 6.45 9/29/2007 2007 9 29 272 3,346,362 2,995 2323.9 5.18 2,995.0 6.67 9/30/2007 2007 9 30 273 2,887,488 3,102 2005.2 4.47 3,102.0 6.91 10/1/2007 2007 10 1 274 3,166,651 3,061 2199.1 4.90 3,061.0 6.82 10/2/2007 2007 10 2 275 2,433,692 2,332 1690.1 3.77 2,332.0 5.20 10/3/2007 2007 10 3 276 2,469,917 3,068 1715.2 3.82 3,068.0 6.84 10/4/2007 2007 10 4 277 3,414,491 3,898 2371.2 5.28 3,898.0 8.68 10/5/2007 2007 10 5 278 4,356,007 3,617 3025.0 6.74 3,617.0 8.06 10/6/2007 2007 10 6 279 1,871,400 1,949 1299.6 2.90 1,949.0 4.34 10/7/2007 2007 10 7 280 1,243,433 1,015 863.5 1.92 1,015.0 2.26 10/8/2007 2007 10 8 281 1,586,474 2,481 1101.7 2.45 2,481.0 5.53 10/9/2007 2007 10 9 282 2,619,642 3,354 1819.2 4.05 3,354.0 7.47 10/10/2007 2007 10 10 283 3,712,322 3,748 2578.0 5.74 3,748.0 8.35 10/11/2007 2007 10 11 284 3,144,994 2,729 2184.0 4.87 2,729.0 6.08 10/12/2007 2007 10 12 285 2,829,534 2,655 1965.0 4.38 2,655.0 5.92 10/13/2007 2007 10 13 286 3,009,417 3,327 2089.9 4.66 3,327.0 7.41 10/14/2007 2007 10 14 287 4,560,026 4,268 3166.7 7.06 4,268.0 9.51 10/15/2007 2007 10 15 288 2,066,022 2,524 1434.7 3.20 2,524.0 5.62 10/16/2007 2007 10 16 289 1,380,382 1,696 958.6 2.14 1,696.0 3.78 10/17/2007 2007 10 17 290 2,013,934 2,333 1398.6 3.12 2,333.0 5.20 10/18/2007 2007 10 18 291 2,303,454 2,076 1599.6 3.56 2,076.0 4.63 10/19/2007 2007 10 19 292 2,054,753 1,955 1426.9 3.18 1,955.0 4.36 10/20/2007 2007 10 20 293 3,964,414 3,600 2753.1 6.13 3,600.0 8.02 10/21/2007 2007 10 21 294 3,439,190 3,372 2388.3 5.32 3,372.0 7.51 10/22/2007 2007 10 22 295 3,577,300 2,929 2484.2 5.53 2,929.0 6.53 10/23/2007 2007 10 23 296 4,196,479 3,473 2914.2 6.49 3,473.0 7.74 10/24/2007 2007 10 24 297 1,898,425 2,717 1318.4 2.94 2,717.0 6.05 10/25/2007 2007 10 25 298 2,999,356 3,522 2082.9 4.64 3,522.0 7.85 10/26/2007 2007 10 26 299 4,322,989 3,494 3002.1 6.69 3,494.0 7.78 10/27/2007 2007 10 27 300 3,789,167 3,292 2631.4 5.86 3,292.0 7.33 10/28/2007 2007 10 28 301 4,467,933 3,592 3102.7 6.91 3,592.0 8.00 10/29/2007 2007 10 29 302 3,703,652 3,406 2572.0 5.73 3,406.0 7.59 10/30/2007 2007 10 30 303 4,720,757 4,203 3278.3 7.30 4,203.0 9.36 10/31/2007 2007 10 31 304 5,432,933 4,394 3772.9 8.41 4,394.0 9.79 11/1/2007 2007 11 1 305 4,688,804 3,632 3256.1 7.25 3,632.0 8.09 Appendix B, Page 6 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 11/2/2007 2007 11 2 306 4,402,791 3,672 3057.5 6.81 3,672.0 8.18 11/3/2007 2007 11 3 307 2,180,612 2,167 1514.3 3.37 2,167.0 4.83 11/4/2007 2007 11 4 308 1,789,160 2,212 1242.5 2.77 2,212.0 4.93 11/5/2007 2007 11 5 309 1,368,752 1,479 950.5 2.12 1,479.0 3.30 11/6/2007 2007 11 6 310 705,925 853 490.2 1.09 853.0 1.90 11/7/2007 2007 11 7 311 859,672 721 597.0 1.33 721.0 1.61 11/8/2007 2007 11 8 312 617,407 618 428.8 0.96 618.0 1.38 11/9/2007 2007 11 9 313 361,974 540 251.4 0.56 540.0 1.20 11/10/2007 2007 11 10 314 460,623 838 319.9 0.71 838.0 1.87 11/11/2007 2007 11 11 315 653,956 888 454.1 1.01 888.0 1.98 11/12/2007 2007 11 12 316 856,584 882 594.9 1.33 882.0 1.97 11/13/2007 2007 11 13 317 449,558 645 312.2 0.70 645.0 1.44 11/14/2007 2007 11 14 318 623,289 838 432.8 0.96 838.0 1.87 11/15/2007 2007 11 15 319 745,495 1,062 517.7 1.15 1,062.0 2.37 11/16/2007 2007 11 16 320 374,228 354 259.9 0.58 354.0 0.79 11/17/2007 2007 11 17 321 365,029 705 253.5 0.56 705.0 1.57 11/18/2007 2007 11 18 322 668,509 902 464.2 1.03 902.0 2.01 11/19/2007 2007 11 19 323 833,459 1,235 578.8 1.29 1,235.0 2.75 11/20/2007 2007 11 20 324 1,930,287 1,698 1340.5 2.99 1,698.0 3.78 11/21/2007 2007 11 21 325 2,036,448 1,627 1414.2 3.15 1,627.0 3.62 11/22/2007 2007 11 22 326 1,593,519 1,415 1106.6 2.47 1,415.0 3.15 11/23/2007 2007 11 23 327 1,546,275 1,497 1073.8 2.39 1,497.0 3.34 11/24/2007 2007 11 24 328 1,560,151 1,669 1083.4 2.41 1,669.0 3.72 11/25/2007 2007 11 25 329 1,761,346 1,649 1223.2 2.73 1,649.0 3.67 11/26/2007 2007 11 26 330 2,019,398 1,919 1402.4 3.12 1,919.0 4.28 11/27/2007 2007 11 27 331 1,605,567 1,849 1115.0 2.48 1,849.0 4.12 11/28/2007 2007 11 28 332 1,174,045 1,529 815.3 1.82 1,529.0 3.41 11/29/2007 2007 11 29 333 75,389 56 52.4 0.12 56.0 0.12 11/30/2007 2007 11 30 334 444,190 894 308.5 0.69 894.0 1.99 12/1/2007 2007 12 1 335 1,062,448 913 737.8 1.64 913.0 2.03 12/2/2007 2007 12 2 336 1,044,194 1,019 725.1 1.62 1,019.0 2.27 12/3/2007 2007 12 3 337 1,055,613 829 733.1 1.63 829.0 1.85 12/4/2007 2007 12 4 338 1,350,338 1,584 937.7 2.09 1,584.0 3.53 12/5/2007 2007 12 5 339 1,671,010 1,412 1160.4 2.59 1,412.0 3.15 12/6/2007 2007 12 6 340 1,673,932 1,471 1162.5 2.59 1,471.0 3.28 12/7/2007 2007 12 7 341 1,485,064 1,486 1031.3 2.30 1,486.0 3.31 12/8/2007 2007 12 8 342 1,225,604 1,080 851.1 1.90 1,080.0 2.41 12/9/2007 2007 12 9 343 1,137,865 1,278 790.2 1.76 1,278.0 2.85 12/10/2007 2007 12 10 344 1,246,901 1,217 865.9 1.93 1,217.0 2.71 12/11/2007 2007 12 11 345 1,137,960 1,314 790.3 1.76 1,314.0 2.93 12/12/2007 2007 12 12 346 1,105,434 984 767.7 1.71 984.0 2.19 12/13/2007 2007 12 13 347 873,299 1,009 606.5 1.35 1,009.0 2.25 12/14/2007 2007 12 14 348 1,109,108 1,360 770.2 1.72 1,360.0 3.03 12/15/2007 2007 12 15 349 1,016,646 852 706.0 1.57 852.0 1.90 12/16/2007 2007 12 16 350 1,054,451 1,256 732.3 1.63 1,256.0 2.80 12/17/2007 2007 12 17 351 860,054 1,238 597.3 1.33 1,238.0 2.76 12/18/2007 2007 12 18 352 881,290 836 612.0 1.36 836.0 1.86 12/19/2007 2007 12 19 353 835,143 870 580.0 1.29 870.0 1.94 12/20/2007 2007 12 20 354 1,505,618 1,048 1045.6 2.33 1,048.0 2.33 12/21/2007 2007 12 21 355 833,880 800 579.1 1.29 800.0 1.78 12/22/2007 2007 12 22 356 841,708 1,218 584.5 1.30 1,218.0 2.71 12/23/2007 2007 12 23 357 884,594 827 614.3 1.37 827.0 1.84 12/24/2007 2007 12 24 358 885,132 1,175 614.7 1.37 1,175.0 2.62 12/25/2007 2007 12 25 359 939,074 1,109 652.1 1.45 1,109.0 2.47 12/26/2007 2007 12 26 360 1,592,607 1,106 1106.0 2.46 1,106.0 2.46 12/27/2007 2007 12 27 361 1,028,234 1,287 714.1 1.59 1,287.0 2.87 12/28/2007 2007 12 28 362 978,020 876 679.2 1.51 876.0 1.95 12/29/2007 2007 12 29 363 979,684 1,229 680.3 1.52 1,229.0 2.74 12/30/2007 2007 12 30 364 1,460,748 1,014 1014.4 2.26 1,014.0 2.26 12/31/2007 2007 12 31 365 1,027,330 1,278 713.4 1.59 1,278.0 2.85 1/1/2008 2008 1 1 1 975,020 796 677.1 1.51 796.0 1.77 Appendix B, Page 7 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 1/2/2008 2008 1 2 2 895,040 979 621.6 1.38 979.0 2.18 1/3/2008 2008 1 3 3 1,686,572 1,172 1171.2 2.61 1,172.0 2.61 1/4/2008 2008 1 4 4 963,226 1,249 668.9 1.49 1,249.0 2.78 1/5/2008 2008 1 5 5 1,058,678 1,146 735.2 1.64 1,146.0 2.55 1/6/2008 2008 1 6 6 1,139,574 1,548 791.4 1.76 1,548.0 3.45 1/7/2008 2008 1 7 7 1,176,000 1,200 816.7 1.82 1,200.0 2.67 1/8/2008 2008 1 8 8 1,171,394 1,569 813.5 1.81 1,569.0 3.50 1/9/2008 2008 1 9 9 1,148,190 1,270 797.4 1.78 1,270.0 2.83 1/10/2008 2008 1 10 10 1,364,100 1,801 947.3 2.11 1,801.0 4.01 1/11/2008 2008 1 11 11 1,518,574 1,573 1054.6 2.35 1,573.0 3.50 1/12/2008 2008 1 12 12 1,880,472 2,087 1305.9 2.91 2,087.0 4.65 1/13/2008 2008 1 13 13 2,190,206 1,667 1521.0 3.39 1,667.0 3.71 1/14/2008 2008 1 14 14 2,507,081 2,117 1741.0 3.88 2,117.0 4.72 1/15/2008 2008 1 15 15 1,796,253 3,254 1247.4 2.78 3,254.0 7.25 1/16/2008 2008 1 16 16 1,764,301 1,745 1225.2 2.73 1,745.0 3.89 1/17/2008 2008 1 17 17 1,913,524 1,769 1328.8 2.96 1,769.0 3.94 1/18/2008 2008 1 18 18 2,110,642 1,940 1465.7 3.27 1,940.0 4.32 1/19/2008 2008 1 19 19 2,125,223 2,738 1475.8 3.29 2,738.0 6.10 1/20/2008 2008 1 20 20 2,190,674 2,876 1521.3 3.39 2,876.0 6.41 1/21/2008 2008 1 21 21 2,237,439 3,841 1553.8 3.46 3,841.0 8.56 1/22/2008 2008 1 22 22 3,165,210 3,884 2198.1 4.90 3,884.0 8.65 1/23/2008 2008 1 23 23 5,369,210 3,814 3728.6 8.31 3,814.0 8.50 1/24/2008 2008 1 24 24 5,071,780 4,231 3522.1 7.85 4,231.0 9.43 1/25/2008 2008 1 25 25 4,749,230 4,249 3298.1 7.35 4,249.0 9.47 1/26/2008 2008 1 26 26 5,583,112 4,408 3877.2 8.64 4,408.0 9.82 1/27/2008 2008 1 27 27 5,981,191 4,625 4153.6 9.25 4,625.0 10.30 1/28/2008 2008 1 28 28 5,560,586 4,586 3861.5 8.60 4,586.0 10.22 1/29/2008 2008 1 29 29 5,535,228 4,486 3843.9 8.56 4,486.0 9.99 1/30/2008 2008 1 30 30 5,875,443 4,168 4080.2 9.09 4,168.0 9.29 1/31/2008 2008 1 31 31 4,495,201 4,896 3121.7 6.96 4,896.0 10.91 2/1/2008 2008 2 1 32 7,214,110 5,472 5009.8 11.16 5,472.0 12.19 2/2/2008 2008 2 2 33 6,703,649 4,891 4655.3 10.37 4,891.0 10.90 2/3/2008 2008 2 3 34 6,320,262 4,389 4389.1 9.78 4,389.0 9.78 2/4/2008 2008 2 4 35 2,620,666 4,055 1819.9 4.05 4,055.0 9.03 2/5/2008 2008 2 5 36 4,841,314 4,803 3362.0 7.49 4,803.0 10.70 2/6/2008 2008 2 6 37 3,817,518 3,923 2651.1 5.91 3,923.0 8.74 2/7/2008 2008 2 7 38 4,689,700 3,565 3256.7 7.26 3,565.0 7.94 2/8/2008 2008 2 8 39 3,115,321 3,602 2163.4 4.82 3,602.0 8.03 2/9/2008 2008 2 9 40 2,897,036 3,215 2011.8 4.48 3,215.0 7.16 2/10/2008 2008 2 10 41 4,512,167 4,103 3133.4 6.98 4,103.0 9.14 2/11/2008 2008 2 11 42 5,228,692 3,896 3631.0 8.09 3,896.0 8.68 2/12/2008 2008 2 12 43 2,466,644 2,131 1712.9 3.82 2,131.0 4.75 2/13/2008 2008 2 13 44 2,831,636 2,235 1966.4 4.38 2,235.0 4.98 2/14/2008 2008 2 14 45 1,722,877 1,719 1196.4 2.67 1,719.0 3.83 2/15/2008 2008 2 15 46 1,808,986 5,696 1256.2 2.80 5,696.0 12.69 2/16/2008 2008 2 16 47 7,902,658 5,768 5488.0 12.23 5,768.0 12.85 2/17/2008 2008 2 17 48 4,423,756 4,497 3072.1 6.84 4,497.0 10.02 2/18/2008 2008 2 18 49 5,013,764 4,300 3481.8 7.76 4,300.0 9.58 2/19/2008 2008 2 19 50 5,131,324 4,650 3563.4 7.94 4,650.0 10.36 2/20/2008 2008 2 20 51 3,668,930 2,808 2547.9 5.68 2,808.0 6.26 2/21/2008 2008 2 21 52 2,875,954 3,738 1997.2 4.45 3,738.0 8.33 2/22/2008 2008 2 22 53 3,789,137 3,017 2631.3 5.86 3,017.0 6.72 2/23/2008 2008 2 23 54 3,933,092 2,943 2731.3 6.09 2,943.0 6.56 2/24/2008 2008 2 24 55 3,586,939 4,196 2490.9 5.55 4,196.0 9.35 2/25/2008 2008 2 25 56 4,207,042 2,922 2921.6 6.51 2,922.0 6.51 2/26/2008 2008 2 26 57 3,507,825 2,436 2436.0 5.43 2,436.0 5.43 2/27/2008 2008 2 27 58 2,554,283 2,295 1773.8 3.95 2,295.0 5.11 2/28/2008 2008 2 28 59 2,642,486 2,332 1835.1 4.09 2,332.0 5.20 2/29/2008 2008 2 29 60 2,475,674 2,455 1719.2 3.83 2,455.0 5.47 3/1/2008 2008 3 1 61 2,544,028 2,206 1766.7 3.94 2,206.0 4.91 3/2/2008 2008 3 2 62 2,712,503 2,874 1883.7 4.20 2,874.0 6.40 Appendix B, Page 8 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 3/3/2008 2008 3 3 63 3,355,028 3,621 2329.9 5.19 3,621.0 8.07 3/4/2008 2008 3 4 64 3,936,318 3,120 2733.6 6.09 3,120.0 6.95 3/5/2008 2008 3 5 65 3,342,789 2,656 2321.4 5.17 2,656.0 5.92 3/6/2008 2008 3 6 66 2,761,384 2,436 1917.6 4.27 2,436.0 5.43 3/7/2008 2008 3 7 67 2,635,101 2,253 1829.9 4.08 2,253.0 5.02 3/8/2008 2008 3 8 68 2,150,332 2,092 1493.3 3.33 2,092.0 4.66 3/9/2008 2008 3 9 69 2,017,078 2,445 1400.7 3.12 2,445.0 5.45 3/10/2008 2008 3 10 70 2,607,451 1,983 1810.7 4.03 1,983.0 4.42 3/11/2008 2008 3 11 71 1,812,999 1,792 1259.0 2.81 1,792.0 3.99 3/12/2008 2008 3 12 72 1,844,997 2,142 1281.2 2.85 2,142.0 4.77 3/13/2008 2008 3 13 73 1,130,748 2,523 785.2 1.75 2,523.0 5.62 3/14/2008 2008 3 14 74 1,993,308 2,605 1384.2 3.08 2,605.0 5.80 3/15/2008 2008 3 15 75 3,391,490 2,368 2355.2 5.25 2,368.0 5.28 3/16/2008 2008 3 16 76 1,599,820 2,586 1111.0 2.48 2,586.0 5.76 3/17/2008 2008 3 17 77 2,792,262 2,001 1939.1 4.32 2,001.0 4.46 3/18/2008 2008 3 18 78 1,570,874 1,624 1090.9 2.43 1,624.0 3.62 3/19/2008 2008 3 19 79 1,696,314 1,976 1178.0 2.62 1,976.0 4.40 3/20/2008 2008 3 20 80 1,468,046 2,635 1019.5 2.27 2,635.0 5.87 3/21/2008 2008 3 21 81 1,831,333 2,231 1271.8 2.83 2,231.0 4.97 3/22/2008 2008 3 22 82 1,301,955 1,880 904.1 2.01 1,880.0 4.19 3/23/2008 2008 3 23 83 1,446,697 1,217 1004.7 2.24 1,217.0 2.71 3/24/2008 2008 3 24 84 1,295,524 1,245 899.7 2.00 1,245.0 2.77 3/25/2008 2008 3 25 85 190,129 972 132.0 0.29 972.0 2.17 3/26/2008 2008 3 26 86 780,302 1,645 541.9 1.21 1,645.0 3.67 3/27/2008 2008 3 27 87 1,138,582 1,406 790.7 1.76 1,406.0 3.13 3/28/2008 2008 3 28 88 1,518,124 2,011 1054.3 2.35 2,011.0 4.48 3/29/2008 2008 3 29 89 1,206,496 1,473 837.8 1.87 1,473.0 3.28 3/30/2008 2008 3 30 90 1,464,956 1,082 1017.3 2.27 1,082.0 2.41 3/31/2008 2008 3 31 91 969,892 1,526 673.5 1.50 1,526.0 3.40 4/1/2008 2008 4 1 92 1,019,794 1,303 708.2 1.58 1,303.0 2.90 4/2/2008 2008 4 2 93 1,699,157 1,582 1180.0 2.63 1,582.0 3.52 4/3/2008 2008 4 3 94 1,226,598 1,080 851.8 1.90 1,080.0 2.41 4/4/2008 2008 4 4 95 1,158,141 1,275 804.3 1.79 1,275.0 2.84 4/5/2008 2008 4 5 96 992,413 1,319 689.2 1.54 1,319.0 2.94 4/6/2008 2008 4 6 97 1,407,568 1,778 977.5 2.18 1,778.0 3.96 4/7/2008 2008 4 7 98 1,153,440 1,382 801.0 1.78 1,382.0 3.08 4/8/2008 2008 4 8 99 1,148,062 1,257 797.3 1.78 1,257.0 2.80 4/9/2008 2008 4 9 100 1,124,480 1,238 780.9 1.74 1,238.0 2.76 4/10/2008 2008 4 10 101 948,992 1,188 659.0 1.47 1,188.0 2.65 4/11/2008 2008 4 11 102 857,884 911 595.8 1.33 911.0 2.03 4/12/2008 2008 4 12 103 844,510 1,028 586.5 1.31 1,028.0 2.29 4/13/2008 2008 4 13 104 943,550 1,104 655.2 1.46 1,104.0 2.46 4/14/2008 2008 4 14 105 944,210 1,521 655.7 1.46 1,521.0 3.39 4/15/2008 2008 4 15 106 996,034 1,730 691.7 1.54 1,730.0 3.85 4/16/2008 2008 4 16 107 1,439,558 1,353 999.7 2.23 1,353.0 3.01 4/17/2008 2008 4 17 108 1,177,529 1,671 817.7 1.82 1,671.0 3.72 4/18/2008 2008 4 18 109 1,348,404 936 936.4 2.09 936.0 2.09 4/19/2008 2008 4 19 110 884,032 1,120 613.9 1.37 1,120.0 2.50 4/20/2008 2008 4 20 111 831,268 1,058 577.3 1.29 1,058.0 2.36 4/21/2008 2008 4 21 112 782,696 1,096 543.5 1.21 1,096.0 2.44 4/22/2008 2008 4 22 113 832,282 1,441 578.0 1.29 1,441.0 3.21 4/23/2008 2008 4 23 114 2,086,028 1,523 1448.6 3.23 1,523.0 3.39 4/24/2008 2008 4 24 115 1,042,118 1,309 723.7 1.61 1,309.0 2.92 4/25/2008 2008 4 25 116 1,526,628 1,442 1060.2 2.36 1,442.0 3.21 4/26/2008 2008 4 26 117 1,564,716 1,457 1086.6 2.42 1,457.0 3.25 4/27/2008 2008 4 27 118 1,318,220 1,406 915.4 2.04 1,406.0 3.13 4/28/2008 2008 4 28 119 1,518,076 1,455 1054.2 2.35 1,455.0 3.24 4/29/2008 2008 4 29 120 0 1,725 0.0 0.00 1,725.0 3.84 4/30/2008 2008 4 30 121 1,684,826 1,531 1170.0 2.61 1,531.0 3.41 5/1/2008 2008 5 1 122 1,486,084 1,945 1032.0 2.30 1,945.0 4.33 5/2/2008 2008 5 2 123 1,431,202 1,676 993.9 2.21 1,676.0 3.73 Appendix B, Page 9 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 5/3/2008 2008 5 3 124 930,818 1,527 646.4 1.44 1,527.0 3.40 5/4/2008 2008 5 4 125 934,695 1,408 649.1 1.45 1,408.0 3.14 5/5/2008 2008 5 5 126 917,466 1,397 637.1 1.42 1,397.0 3.11 5/6/2008 2008 5 6 127 925,888 1,318 643.0 1.43 1,318.0 2.94 5/7/2008 2008 5 7 128 851,578 1,670 591.4 1.32 1,670.0 3.72 5/8/2008 2008 5 8 129 896,640 1,379 622.7 1.39 1,379.0 3.07 5/9/2008 2008 5 9 130 825,922 937 573.6 1.28 937.0 2.09 5/10/2008 2008 5 10 131 809,026 1,020 561.8 1.25 1,020.0 2.27 5/11/2008 2008 5 11 132 833,630 1,140 578.9 1.29 1,140.0 2.54 5/12/2008 2008 5 12 133 763,398 1,025 530.1 1.18 1,025.0 2.28 5/13/2008 2008 5 13 134 784,606 944 544.9 1.21 944.0 2.10 5/14/2008 2008 5 14 135 790,752 1,114 549.1 1.22 1,114.0 2.48 5/15/2008 2008 5 15 136 900,988 855 625.7 1.39 855.0 1.90 5/16/2008 2008 5 16 137 33,416 162 23.2 0.05 162.0 0.36 5/17/2008 2008 5 17 138 121,396 86 84.3 0.19 86.0 0.19 5/18/2008 2008 5 18 139 41,088 69 28.5 0.06 69.0 0.15 5/19/2008 2008 5 19 140 16,282 17 11.3 0.03 17.0 0.04 5/20/2008 2008 5 20 141 18,942 21 13.2 0.03 21.0 0.05 5/21/2008 2008 5 21 142 20,458 19 14.2 0.03 19.0 0.04 5/22/2008 2008 5 22 143 20,880 17 14.5 0.03 17.0 0.04 5/23/2008 2008 5 23 144 20,256 34 14.1 0.03 34.0 0.08 5/24/2008 2008 5 24 145 21,842 21 15.2 0.03 21.0 0.05 5/25/2008 2008 5 25 146 20,206 22 14.0 0.03 22.0 0.05 5/26/2008 2008 5 26 147 43,400 63 30.1 0.07 63.0 0.14 5/27/2008 2008 5 27 148 20,208 58 14.0 0.03 58.0 0.13 5/28/2008 2008 5 28 149 20,178 16 14.0 0.03 16.0 0.04 5/29/2008 2008 5 29 150 20,342 18 14.1 0.03 18.0 0.04 5/30/2008 2008 5 30 151 16,000 17 11.1 0.02 17.0 0.04 5/31/2008 2008 5 31 152 18,170 28 12.6 0.03 28.0 0.06 6/1/2008 2008 6 1 153 17,890 27 12.4 0.03 27.0 0.06 6/2/2008 2008 6 2 154 16,530 1,047 11.5 0.03 1,047.0 2.33 6/3/2008 2008 6 3 155 895,180 1,356 621.7 1.39 1,356.0 3.02 6/4/2008 2008 6 4 156 851,772 1,310 591.5 1.32 1,310.0 2.92 6/5/2008 2008 6 5 157 872,686 1,434 606.0 1.35 1,434.0 3.19 6/6/2008 2008 6 6 158 855,284 1,343 593.9 1.32 1,343.0 2.99 6/7/2008 2008 6 7 159 1,048,092 1,442 727.8 1.62 1,442.0 3.21 6/8/2008 2008 6 8 160 929,934 1,343 645.8 1.44 1,343.0 2.99 6/9/2008 2008 6 9 161 893,942 2,389 620.8 1.38 2,389.0 5.32 6/10/2008 2008 6 10 162 1,590,198 3,015 1104.3 2.46 3,015.0 6.72 6/11/2008 2008 6 11 163 1,184,150 2,766 822.3 1.83 2,766.0 6.16 6/12/2008 2008 6 12 164 2,419,716 3,080 1680.4 3.74 3,080.0 6.86 6/13/2008 2008 6 13 165 3,210,220 3,212 2229.3 4.97 3,212.0 7.16 6/14/2008 2008 6 14 166 3,634,290 3,412 2523.8 5.62 3,412.0 7.60 6/15/2008 2008 6 15 167 2,734,788 3,734 1899.2 4.23 3,734.0 8.32 6/16/2008 2008 6 16 168 4,685,809 3,856 3254.0 7.25 3,856.0 8.59 6/17/2008 2008 6 17 169 4,475,728 3,577 3108.1 6.92 3,577.0 7.97 6/18/2008 2008 6 18 170 3,776,391 2,740 2622.5 5.84 2,740.0 6.10 6/19/2008 2008 6 19 171 1,312,802 3,128 911.7 2.03 3,128.0 6.97 6/20/2008 2008 6 20 172 2,898,307 3,518 2012.7 4.48 3,518.0 7.84 6/21/2008 2008 6 21 173 4,153,278 3,811 2884.2 6.43 3,811.0 8.49 6/22/2008 2008 6 22 174 4,940,965 3,896 3431.2 7.64 3,896.0 8.68 6/23/2008 2008 6 23 175 3,746,477 3,684 2601.7 5.80 3,684.0 8.21 6/24/2008 2008 6 24 176 4,879,820 3,739 3388.8 7.55 3,739.0 8.33 6/25/2008 2008 6 25 177 4,537,279 3,202 3150.9 7.02 3,202.0 7.13 6/26/2008 2008 6 26 178 4,306,605 3,827 2990.7 6.66 3,827.0 8.53 6/27/2008 2008 6 27 179 5,012,516 3,585 3480.9 7.76 3,585.0 7.99 6/28/2008 2008 6 28 180 4,387,106 4,044 3046.6 6.79 4,044.0 9.01 6/29/2008 2008 6 29 181 4,940,217 3,938 3430.7 7.64 3,938.0 8.77 6/30/2008 2008 6 30 182 4,809,906 4,300 3340.2 7.44 4,300.0 9.58 7/1/2008 2008 7 1 183 3,799,828 3,610 2638.8 5.88 3,610.0 8.04 7/2/2008 2008 7 2 184 4,491,687 3,977 3119.2 6.95 3,977.0 8.86 Appendix B, Page 10 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 7/3/2008 2008 7 3 185 3,924,732 2,903 2725.5 6.07 2,903.0 6.47 7/4/2008 2008 7 4 186 2,301,858 3,738 1598.5 3.56 3,738.0 8.33 7/5/2008 2008 7 5 187 4,733,128 3,730 3286.9 7.32 3,730.0 8.31 7/6/2008 2008 7 6 188 3,951,730 3,448 2744.3 6.11 3,448.0 7.68 7/7/2008 2008 7 7 189 3,862,166 3,833 2682.1 5.98 3,833.0 8.54 7/8/2008 2008 7 8 190 4,025,966 3,271 2795.8 6.23 3,271.0 7.29 7/9/2008 2008 7 9 191 3,956,236 3,817 2747.4 6.12 3,817.0 8.50 7/10/2008 2008 7 10 192 4,892,833 3,536 3397.8 7.57 3,536.0 7.88 7/11/2008 2008 7 11 193 2,417,628 2,989 1678.9 3.74 2,989.0 6.66 7/12/2008 2008 7 12 194 3,394,782 3,457 2357.5 5.25 3,457.0 7.70 7/13/2008 2008 7 13 195 4,257,964 3,915 2956.9 6.59 3,915.0 8.72 7/14/2008 2008 7 14 196 3,982,754 3,896 2765.8 6.16 3,896.0 8.68 7/15/2008 2008 7 15 197 5,215,287 3,979 3621.7 8.07 3,979.0 8.87 7/16/2008 2008 7 16 198 3,746,866 2,756 2602.0 5.80 2,756.0 6.14 7/17/2008 2008 7 17 199 2,285,120 3,756 1586.9 3.54 3,756.0 8.37 7/18/2008 2008 7 18 200 4,941,311 4,199 3431.5 7.65 4,199.0 9.36 7/19/2008 2008 7 19 201 5,100,655 4,070 3542.1 7.89 4,070.0 9.07 7/20/2008 2008 7 20 202 5,328,738 3,701 3700.5 8.24 3,701.0 8.25 7/21/2008 2008 7 21 203 3,760,969 2,817 2611.8 5.82 2,817.0 6.28 7/22/2008 2008 7 22 204 2,601,473 3,158 1806.6 4.03 3,158.0 7.04 7/23/2008 2008 7 23 205 4,674,747 3,731 3246.4 7.23 3,731.0 8.31 7/24/2008 2008 7 24 206 4,848,521 3,740 3367.0 7.50 3,740.0 8.33 7/25/2008 2008 7 25 207 4,726,439 3,730 3282.2 7.31 3,730.0 8.31 7/26/2008 2008 7 26 208 3,869,414 3,902 2687.1 5.99 3,902.0 8.69 7/27/2008 2008 7 27 209 5,040,667 3,772 3500.5 7.80 3,772.0 8.40 7/28/2008 2008 7 28 210 2,589,512 2,224 1798.3 4.01 2,224.0 4.96 7/29/2008 2008 7 29 211 2,907,854 3,928 2019.3 4.50 3,928.0 8.75 7/30/2008 2008 7 30 212 5,160,560 3,689 3583.7 7.98 3,689.0 8.22 7/31/2008 2008 7 31 213 4,075,582 3,578 2830.3 6.31 3,578.0 7.97 8/1/2008 2008 8 1 214 4,008,543 3,541 2783.7 6.20 3,541.0 7.89 8/2/2008 2008 8 2 215 4,887,475 3,560 3394.1 7.56 3,560.0 7.93 8/3/2008 2008 8 3 216 3,335,280 3,666 2316.2 5.16 3,666.0 8.17 8/4/2008 2008 8 4 217 4,963,014 4,061 3446.5 7.68 4,061.0 9.05 8/5/2008 2008 8 5 218 5,023,852 3,903 3488.8 7.77 3,903.0 8.70 8/6/2008 2008 8 6 219 3,339,219 2,356 2318.9 5.17 2,356.0 5.25 8/7/2008 2008 8 7 220 1,594,614 3,210 1107.4 2.47 3,210.0 7.15 8/8/2008 2008 8 8 221 4,686,467 3,879 3254.5 7.25 3,879.0 8.64 8/9/2008 2008 8 9 222 3,706,381 3,392 2573.9 5.73 3,392.0 7.56 8/10/2008 2008 8 10 223 4,574,308 4,087 3176.6 7.08 4,087.0 9.11 8/11/2008 2008 8 11 224 5,361,258 3,991 3723.1 8.30 3,991.0 8.89 8/12/2008 2008 8 12 225 3,567,234 3,093 2477.2 5.52 3,093.5 6.89 8/13/2008 2008 8 13 226 2,771,759 2,828 1924.8 4.29 2,827.6 6.30 8/14/2008 2008 8 14 227 4,079,049 3,998 2832.7 6.31 3,998.4 8.91 8/15/2008 2008 8 15 228 4,923,141 3,767 3418.8 7.62 3,767.1 8.39 8/16/2008 2008 8 16 229 5,027,572 3,955 3491.4 7.78 3,955.1 8.81 8/17/2008 2008 8 17 230 5,555,050 4,057 3857.7 8.59 4,057.0 9.04 8/18/2008 2008 8 18 231 4,545,264 3,760 3156.4 7.03 3,759.6 8.38 8/19/2008 2008 8 19 232 3,437,755 2,924 2387.3 5.32 2,923.7 6.51 8/25/2008 2008 8 25 238 3,207,413 2,671 2227.4 4.96 2,671.1 5.95 8/26/2008 2008 8 26 239 2,457,991 2,223 1706.9 3.80 2,222.5 4.95 8/27/2008 2008 8 27 240 1,994,814 1,869 1385.3 3.09 1,869.2 4.16 8/28/2008 2008 8 28 241 3,204,842 3,833 2225.6 4.96 3,832.7 8.54 8/29/2008 2008 8 29 242 3,610,884 2,896 2507.6 5.59 2,895.6 6.45 8/30/2008 2008 8 30 243 4,477,170 4,021 3109.1 6.93 4,021.5 8.96 9/2/2008 2008 9 2 246 1,715,138 2,070 1191.1 2.65 2,070.0 4.61 9/3/2008 2008 9 3 247 2,665,060 2,546 1850.7 4.12 2,545.6 5.67 9/4/2008 2008 9 4 248 4,405,752 3,603 3059.6 6.82 3,602.6 8.03 9/5/2008 2008 9 5 249 3,223,176 2,775 2238.3 4.99 2,775.4 6.18 9/6/2008 2008 9 6 250 2,394,643 2,701 1662.9 3.71 2,701.3 6.02 9/7/2008 2008 9 7 251 4,494,446 3,915 3121.1 6.95 3,915.3 8.72 9/8/2008 2008 9 8 252 5,018,095 3,887 3484.8 7.76 3,887.4 8.66 Appendix B, Page 11 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 9/9/2008 2008 9 9 253 2,094,550 3,716 1454.5 3.24 3,716.4 8.28 9/10/2008 2008 9 10 254 1,993,505 2,073 1384.4 3.08 2,073.0 4.62 9/11/2008 2008 9 11 255 2,604,465 2,431 1808.7 4.03 2,430.7 5.42 9/12/2008 2008 9 12 256 2,291,471 2,049 1591.3 3.55 2,049.3 4.57 9/13/2008 2008 9 13 257 1,907,011 2,553 1324.3 2.95 2,553.5 5.69 9/14/2008 2008 9 14 258 2,090,088 1,740 1451.5 3.23 1,739.9 3.88 9/15/2008 2008 9 15 259 3,769,574 3,435 2617.8 5.83 3,435.4 7.65 9/16/2008 2008 9 16 260 4,642,423 3,678 3223.9 7.18 3,678.3 8.20 9/17/2008 2008 9 17 261 4,167,418 3,374 2894.0 6.45 3,374.3 7.52 9/18/2008 2008 9 18 262 2,911,843 2,663 2022.1 4.51 2,662.7 5.93 9/19/2008 2008 9 19 263 2,414,705 1,909 1676.9 3.74 1,908.7 4.25 9/20/2008 2008 9 20 264 964,494 2,614 669.8 1.49 2,613.5 5.82 9/22/2008 2008 9 22 266 2,399,627 2,656 1666.4 3.71 2,656.0 5.92 9/23/2008 2008 9 23 267 3,496,591 2,863 2428.2 5.41 2,863.2 6.38 9/24/2008 2008 9 24 268 3,380,792 2,829 2347.8 5.23 2,828.6 6.30 9/25/2008 2008 9 25 269 2,778,828 2,213 1929.7 4.30 2,213.4 4.93 9/26/2008 2008 9 26 270 2,007,233 1,995 1393.9 3.11 1,994.9 4.44 9/27/2008 2008 9 27 271 1,674,950 2,433 1163.2 2.59 2,432.8 5.42 9/28/2008 2008 9 28 272 1,555,917 1,657 1080.5 2.41 1,657.3 3.69 9/29/2008 2008 9 29 273 2,633,078 2,568 1828.5 4.07 2,568.2 5.72 9/30/2008 2008 9 30 274 2,932,722 2,723 2036.6 4.54 2,722.7 6.07 10/1/2008 2008 10 1 275 3,215,678 2,732 2233.1 4.98 2,732.0 6.09 10/2/2008 2008 10 2 276 3,113,298 2,715 2162.0 4.82 2,715.0 6.05 10/3/2008 2008 10 3 277 2,649,974 2,414 1840.3 4.10 2,414.0 5.38 10/4/2008 2008 10 4 278 2,377,729 1,998 1651.2 3.68 1,998.0 4.45 10/5/2008 2008 10 5 279 2,018,415 1,713 1401.7 3.12 1,713.0 3.82 10/6/2008 2008 10 6 280 2,171,450 1,843 1508.0 3.36 1,843.0 4.11 10/7/2008 2008 10 7 281 1,766,237 1,942 1226.6 2.73 1,942.0 4.33 10/8/2008 2008 10 8 282 1,169,063 1,374 811.8 1.81 1,374.0 3.06 10/9/2008 2008 10 9 283 973,528 1,112 676.1 1.51 1,112.0 2.48 10/10/2008 2008 10 10 284 1,322,555 1,326 918.4 2.05 1,326.0 2.95 10/11/2008 2008 10 11 285 1,455,340 1,569 1010.7 2.25 1,569.0 3.50 10/12/2008 2008 10 12 286 1,319,098 1,378 916.0 2.04 1,378.0 3.07 10/13/2008 2008 10 13 287 1,543,488 1,418 1071.9 2.39 1,418.0 3.16 10/14/2008 2008 10 14 288 1,463,688 1,532 1016.5 2.26 1,532.0 3.41 10/15/2008 2008 10 15 289 1,446,817 1,235 1004.7 2.24 1,235.0 2.75 10/16/2008 2008 10 16 290 1,640,158 1,613 1139.0 2.54 1,613.0 3.59 10/17/2008 2008 10 17 291 1,726,178 1,370 1198.7 2.67 1,370.0 3.05 10/18/2008 2008 10 18 292 1,909,041 1,781 1325.7 2.95 1,781.0 3.97 10/19/2008 2008 10 19 293 419,537 1,478 291.3 0.65 1,478.0 3.29 10/20/2008 2008 10 20 294 1,456,859 1,807 1011.7 2.25 1,807.0 4.03 10/21/2008 2008 10 21 295 1,943,176 2,191 1349.4 3.01 2,191.0 4.88 10/22/2008 2008 10 22 296 2,142,378 2,312 1487.8 3.31 2,312.0 5.15 10/23/2008 2008 10 23 297 2,646,117 2,996 1837.6 4.09 2,996.0 6.68 10/24/2008 2008 10 24 298 2,528,870 2,468 1756.2 3.91 2,468.0 5.50 10/25/2008 2008 10 25 299 502,719 1,606 349.1 0.78 1,606.0 3.58 10/27/2008 2008 10 27 301 1,865,690 2,553 1295.6 2.89 2,553.0 5.69 10/28/2008 2008 10 28 302 3,014,736 2,440 2093.6 4.66 2,440.0 5.44 10/29/2008 2008 10 29 303 2,777,349 2,274 1928.7 4.30 2,274.0 5.07 10/30/2008 2008 10 30 304 1,766,202 2,174 1226.5 2.73 2,174.0 4.84 10/31/2008 2008 10 31 305 2,449,222 2,444 1700.8 3.79 2,444.0 5.45 11/1/2008 2008 11 1 306 2,240,542 2,004 1555.9 3.47 2,004.0 4.46 11/2/2008 2008 11 2 307 2,014,331 1,623 1398.8 3.12 1,623.0 3.62 11/3/2008 2008 11 3 308 1,942,857 1,784 1349.2 3.01 1,784.0 3.97 11/4/2008 2008 11 4 309 2,116,484 1,898 1469.8 3.27 1,898.0 4.23 11/5/2008 2008 11 5 310 2,401,912 2,760 1668.0 3.72 2,760.0 6.15 11/6/2008 2008 11 6 311 1,762,148 1,506 1223.7 2.73 1,506.0 3.36 11/7/2008 2008 11 7 312 1,939,544 1,974 1346.9 3.00 1,974.0 4.40 11/8/2008 2008 11 8 313 1,936,242 1,896 1344.6 3.00 1,896.0 4.22 11/9/2008 2008 11 9 314 1,619,329 1,891 1124.5 2.51 1,891.0 4.21 11/10/2008 2008 11 10 315 1,552,124 1,613 1077.9 2.40 1,613.0 3.59 Appendix B, Page 12 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Flow Data for Period of Record Date Year Month Day Day of Year Avg Daily Peak Daily (MM/DD/YYY)(gpd)(gpm)(gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Raw Data Avg Daily Converted Data Peak Daily 11/11/2008 2008 11 11 316 1,429,609 1,567 992.8 2.21 1,567.0 3.49 11/12/2008 2008 11 12 317 1,955,523 1,902 1358.0 3.03 1,902.0 4.24 11/13/2008 2008 11 13 318 2,121,878 1,944 1473.5 3.28 1,944.0 4.33 11/14/2008 2008 11 14 319 2,349,151 2,203 1631.4 3.63 2,203.0 4.91 11/15/2008 2008 11 15 320 2,616,387 2,236 1816.9 4.05 2,236.0 4.98 11/16/2008 2008 11 16 321 1,845,297 1,643 1281.5 2.86 1,643.0 3.66 11/17/2008 2008 11 17 322 1,662,600 1,744 1154.6 2.57 1,744.0 3.89 11/18/2008 2008 11 18 323 1,543,297 1,368 1071.7 2.39 1,368.0 3.05 11/19/2008 2008 11 19 324 1,625,734 1,984 1129.0 2.52 1,984.0 4.42 11/20/2008 2008 11 20 325 1,589,931 1,798 1104.1 2.46 1,798.0 4.01 11/21/2008 2008 11 21 326 1,508,503 1,830 1047.6 2.33 1,830.0 4.08 11/22/2008 2008 11 22 327 1,227,880 1,260 852.7 1.90 1,260.0 2.81 11/23/2008 2008 11 23 328 1,379,644 1,461 958.1 2.13 1,461.0 3.26 11/24/2008 2008 11 24 329 1,281,564 1,622 890.0 1.98 1,622.0 3.61 11/25/2008 2008 11 25 330 1,347,976 1,195 936.1 2.09 1,195.0 2.66 11/26/2008 2008 11 26 331 1,892,743 1,789 1314.4 2.93 1,789.0 3.99 11/27/2008 2008 11 27 332 22,068 379 15.3 0.03 379.0 0.84 11/28/2008 2008 11 28 333 1,067,182 1,280 741.1 1.65 1,280.0 2.85 11/29/2008 2008 11 29 334 1,470,713 1,309 1021.3 2.28 1,309.0 2.92 11/30/2008 2008 11 30 335 1,715,101 1,634 1191.0 2.65 1,634.0 3.64 12/1/2008 2008 12 1 336 1,521,073 1,588 1056.3 2.35 1,588.0 3.54 12/2/2008 2008 12 2 337 1,401,302 1,142 973.1 2.17 1,142.0 2.54 12/3/2008 2008 12 3 338 1,401,302 1,142 973.1 2.17 1,142.0 2.54 12/4/2008 2008 12 4 339 1,390,498 1,258 965.6 2.15 1,258.0 2.80 12/5/2008 2008 12 5 340 1,242,318 1,248 862.7 1.92 1,248.0 2.78 12/6/2008 2008 12 6 341 1,237,362 1,041 859.3 1.91 1,041.0 2.32 12/7/2008 2008 12 7 342 1,404,082 1,123 975.1 2.17 1,123.0 2.50 12/8/2008 2008 12 8 343 1,562,606 1,610 1085.1 2.42 1,610.0 3.59 12/9/2008 2008 12 9 344 1,490,901 1,426 1035.3 2.31 1,426.0 3.18 12/10/2008 2008 12 10 345 1,464,991 1,406 1017.4 2.27 1,406.0 3.13 12/11/2008 2008 12 11 346 1,281,355 1,137 889.8 1.98 1,137.0 2.53 12/12/2008 2008 12 12 347 1,339,256 1,199 930.0 2.07 1,199.0 2.67 12/13/2008 2008 12 13 348 952,022 1,254 661.1 1.47 1,254.0 2.79 12/14/2008 2008 12 14 349 1,345,951 1,326 934.7 2.08 1,326.0 2.95 12/15/2008 2008 12 15 350 1,259,950 1,097 875.0 1.95 1,097.0 2.44 12/16/2008 2008 12 16 351 1,205,584 1,050 837.2 1.87 1,050.0 2.34 12/17/2008 2008 12 17 352 1,205,747 979 837.3 1.87 979.0 2.18 12/18/2008 2008 12 18 353 1,212,425 1,246 842.0 1.88 1,246.0 2.78 12/19/2008 2008 12 19 354 1,129,196 918 784.2 1.75 918.0 2.05 12/20/2008 2008 12 20 355 1,161,344 1,119 806.5 1.80 1,119.0 2.49 12/21/2008 2008 12 21 356 1,063,559 951 738.6 1.65 951.0 2.12 12/22/2008 2008 12 22 357 830,598 1,236 576.8 1.29 1,236.0 2.75 12/23/2008 2008 12 23 358 1,167,931 918 811.1 1.81 918.0 2.05 12/24/2008 2008 12 24 359 1,114,186 1,106 773.7 1.72 1,106.0 2.46 12/25/2008 2008 12 25 360 172,363 647 119.7 0.27 647.0 1.44 12/29/2008 2008 12 29 364 753,993 890 523.6 1.17 890.0 1.98 12/30/2008 2008 12 30 365 1,157,393 1,227 803.7 1.79 1,227.0 2.73 12/31/2008 2008 12 31 366 1,084,733 1,049 753.3 1.68 1,049.0 2.34 Appendix B, Page 13 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) 2007 1,923.79 4.29 2,498.82 5.57 2008 1,645.18 3.67 2,292.82 5.11 Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) 1 729.5 1.63 950.50 2.12 2 685.1 1.53 979.00 2.18 3 995.1 2.22 1139.00 2.54 4 773.1 1.72 1225.50 2.73 5 811.7 1.81 1179.50 2.63 6 857.2 1.91 1351.50 3.01 7 932.3 2.08 1294.50 2.88 8 950.7 2.12 1466.50 3.27 9 1032.2 2.30 1457.00 3.25 10 1068.5 2.38 1678.00 3.74 11 1137.5 2.53 1574.00 3.51 12 1241.9 2.77 1751.50 3.90 13 1309.3 2.92 1558.00 3.47 14 1505.0 3.35 1951.00 4.35 15 1382.0 3.08 2763.00 6.16 16 1377.5 3.07 1844.50 4.11 17 1502.4 3.35 1936.50 4.31 18 1816.5 4.05 2907.50 6.48 19 2015.2 4.49 3119.00 6.95 20 2052.2 4.57 3206.00 7.14 21 2896.2 6.45 4536.50 10.11 22 2529.3 5.64 4446.00 9.91 23 2809.8 6.26 3127.50 6.97 24 2745.2 6.12 3295.00 7.34 25 2706.1 6.03 3311.50 7.38 26 2819.1 6.28 3442.00 7.67 27 2834.4 6.32 3152.00 7.02 28 3117.9 6.95 3815.00 8.50 29 3213.0 7.16 3768.00 8.40 30 3990.5 8.89 4743.50 10.57 31 3641.9 8.11 4774.50 10.64 32 3838.0 8.55 4648.50 10.36 33 4419.9 9.85 4808.50 10.71 34 4455.4 9.93 4693.50 10.46 35 3226.5 7.19 4480.50 9.98 36 3744.0 8.34 4689.50 10.45 37 2996.4 6.68 3876.50 8.64 38 3751.5 8.36 4253.00 9.48 39 3387.2 7.55 4228.00 9.42 40 3380.2 7.53 4201.50 9.36 41 3535.1 7.88 4395.00 9.79 Year Avg Daily Peak Daily Converted Data Summary Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily Appendix B, Page 14 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily 42 4096.4 9.13 4461.50 9.94 43 2764.0 6.16 3229.00 7.19 44 3132.2 6.98 3450.00 7.69 45 2139.3 4.77 3354.50 7.47 46 2986.3 6.65 5390.50 12.01 47 5142.0 11.46 5568.50 12.41 48 3838.2 8.55 4946.50 11.02 49 4000.1 8.91 4770.50 10.63 50 3916.5 8.73 4809.50 10.72 51 3532.5 7.87 3910.00 8.71 52 2569.8 5.73 4152.50 9.25 53 2846.7 6.34 3254.00 7.25 54 2756.0 6.14 3267.50 7.28 55 2316.7 5.16 3293.50 7.34 56 2338.7 5.21 2542.00 5.66 57 2020.0 4.50 2197.00 4.89 58 2136.1 4.76 2954.00 6.58 59 2715.2 6.05 3433.00 7.65 60 2775.8 6.18 3291.00 7.33 61 2627.8 5.85 3520.00 7.84 62 2873.4 6.40 3624.50 8.08 63 3080.0 6.86 4007.50 8.93 64 3341.7 7.45 3929.00 8.75 65 2611.4 5.82 3109.00 6.93 66 2240.1 4.99 2626.00 5.85 67 1975.0 4.40 2466.50 5.50 68 2060.3 4.59 2590.00 5.77 69 1974.1 4.40 2909.50 6.48 70 1689.5 3.76 2052.50 4.57 71 1188.2 2.65 1691.00 3.77 72 1303.0 2.90 2089.00 4.65 73 1422.8 3.17 2817.50 6.28 74 2062.5 4.60 2926.00 6.52 75 2565.2 5.72 2890.00 6.44 76 2045.0 4.56 2983.50 6.65 77 2137.2 4.76 2464.00 5.49 78 2256.8 5.03 2961.50 6.60 79 1911.9 4.26 2977.50 6.63 80 1732.8 3.86 3073.50 6.85 81 2033.8 4.53 3019.50 6.73 82 2353.3 5.24 3212.50 7.16 83 1945.6 4.33 2183.50 4.86 84 1549.4 3.45 2096.50 4.67 85 1449.5 3.23 2098.50 4.68 86 1471.2 3.28 2259.00 5.03 87 1453.8 3.24 2221.00 4.95 88 1336.4 2.98 1982.00 4.42 89 1043.8 2.33 1470.50 3.28 Appendix B, Page 15 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily 90 1051.4 2.34 1199.00 2.67 91 815.4 1.82 1423.50 3.17 92 820.8 1.83 1203.50 2.68 93 1162.4 2.59 1690.50 3.77 94 1094.9 2.44 1355.50 3.02 95 1157.5 2.58 1686.00 3.76 96 1248.3 2.78 1772.00 3.95 97 1335.2 2.97 1826.50 4.07 98 905.7 2.02 1648.50 3.67 99 880.4 1.96 1215.50 2.71 100 966.4 2.15 1413.50 3.15 101 936.7 2.09 1329.00 2.96 102 989.2 2.20 1372.00 3.06 103 843.2 1.88 1318.50 2.94 104 761.9 1.70 1136.50 2.53 105 868.9 1.94 1625.50 3.62 106 896.6 2.00 1705.00 3.80 107 944.1 2.10 1203.00 2.68 108 805.0 1.79 1431.50 3.19 109 868.5 1.94 1173.50 2.61 110 669.3 1.49 1757.00 3.91 111 887.1 1.98 2400.50 5.35 112 288.4 0.64 594.00 1.32 113 350.5 0.78 820.50 1.83 114 832.0 1.85 894.50 1.99 115 474.0 1.06 1062.50 2.37 116 549.1 1.22 1022.50 2.28 117 550.3 1.23 736.00 1.64 118 677.1 1.51 1256.00 2.80 119 912.3 2.03 1226.00 2.73 120 431.4 0.96 1423.00 3.17 121 1007.8 2.25 1268.00 2.83 122 966.6 2.15 1667.50 3.72 123 931.4 2.08 1377.00 3.07 124 764.8 1.70 1374.50 3.06 125 787.0 1.75 1448.00 3.23 126 755.5 1.68 1314.00 2.93 127 748.0 1.67 1209.50 2.69 128 762.8 1.70 1457.50 3.25 129 745.7 1.66 1275.50 2.84 130 722.4 1.61 1099.00 2.45 131 687.0 1.53 1028.00 2.29 132 699.3 1.56 1034.00 2.30 133 675.2 1.50 1060.50 2.36 134 688.1 1.53 974.00 2.17 135 725.4 1.62 1302.00 2.90 136 730.7 1.63 919.00 2.05 137 347.8 0.77 605.00 1.35 Appendix B, Page 16 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily 138 341.6 0.76 499.00 1.11 139 340.1 0.76 626.00 1.39 140 260.2 0.58 337.50 0.75 141 315.9 0.70 547.00 1.22 142 285.6 0.64 374.50 0.83 143 303.5 0.68 497.50 1.11 144 334.7 0.75 446.00 0.99 145 331.5 0.74 533.50 1.19 146 288.6 0.64 418.50 0.93 147 324.1 0.72 541.50 1.21 148 266.9 0.59 412.00 0.92 149 305.2 0.68 472.00 1.05 150 303.7 0.68 413.50 0.92 151 276.3 0.62 350.50 0.78 152 234.1 0.52 648.00 1.44 153 100.6 0.22 175.50 0.39 154 75.9 0.17 663.00 1.48 155 390.1 0.87 810.00 1.80 156 382.3 0.85 837.00 1.86 157 393.7 0.88 916.00 2.04 158 407.4 0.91 841.50 1.87 159 543.4 1.21 1258.50 2.80 160 516.0 1.15 1302.00 2.90 161 847.1 1.89 2338.00 5.21 162 1506.2 3.36 2902.50 6.47 163 1665.4 3.71 3020.00 6.73 164 2211.5 4.93 3159.00 7.04 165 2443.7 5.44 3265.00 7.27 166 2553.6 5.69 3444.50 7.67 167 2376.5 5.29 3478.50 7.75 168 2922.2 6.51 2935.00 6.54 169 2436.4 5.43 2969.00 6.61 170 2313.5 5.15 2739.00 6.10 171 1422.7 3.17 2890.50 6.44 172 1951.8 4.35 2950.00 6.57 173 2236.3 4.98 3373.50 7.52 174 3059.5 6.82 3518.50 7.84 175 2746.6 6.12 3493.50 7.78 176 2951.6 6.58 3418.00 7.62 177 2462.3 5.49 3058.50 6.81 178 2569.0 5.72 3365.50 7.50 179 3021.7 6.73 3265.00 7.27 180 2577.5 5.74 3437.00 7.66 181 2808.9 6.26 3203.00 7.14 182 2782.6 6.20 3579.50 7.98 183 2603.4 5.80 3377.00 7.52 184 2677.1 5.96 3348.50 7.46 185 2625.0 5.85 2901.00 6.46 Appendix B, Page 17 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily 186 2058.1 4.59 3282.50 7.31 187 3241.1 7.22 3693.50 8.23 188 2854.3 6.36 3440.50 7.67 189 2665.9 5.94 3585.50 7.99 190 2714.0 6.05 3298.50 7.35 191 2274.7 5.07 3061.00 6.82 192 3221.6 7.18 3447.00 7.68 193 2474.1 5.51 3355.50 7.48 194 2674.6 5.96 3791.00 8.45 195 2794.5 6.23 3600.50 8.02 196 2465.3 5.49 3464.50 7.72 197 3004.4 6.69 3791.50 8.45 198 3050.2 6.80 3321.50 7.40 199 2469.7 5.50 3804.50 8.48 200 2982.7 6.65 3602.00 8.03 201 3042.5 6.78 3685.00 8.21 202 3059.1 6.82 3232.50 7.20 203 2967.3 6.61 3509.50 7.82 204 2601.3 5.80 3463.00 7.72 205 3292.8 7.34 3824.50 8.52 206 2759.2 6.15 3346.00 7.45 207 3209.2 7.15 3668.00 8.17 208 3074.3 6.85 3958.00 8.82 209 3643.7 8.12 3941.00 8.78 210 2515.7 5.60 3075.00 6.85 211 2664.0 5.94 3791.50 8.45 212 2943.5 6.56 3225.50 7.19 213 2365.4 5.27 3031.50 6.75 214 2592.6 5.78 3188.00 7.10 215 3280.1 7.31 3723.00 8.29 216 2858.9 6.37 3751.50 8.36 217 3265.5 7.28 3809.50 8.49 218 3064.4 6.83 3513.00 7.83 219 2446.8 5.45 2971.00 6.62 220 1682.9 3.75 3233.00 7.20 221 2952.8 6.58 3678.50 8.20 222 2956.8 6.59 3535.50 7.88 223 3065.2 6.83 3662.50 8.16 224 3245.2 7.23 3678.00 8.19 225 2347.1 5.23 2924.74 6.52 226 2128.6 4.74 3170.82 7.06 227 3210.9 7.15 3992.20 8.89 228 3453.2 7.69 3784.07 8.43 229 3369.7 7.51 3797.06 8.46 230 3157.7 7.04 3788.48 8.44 231 3007.6 6.70 3592.78 8.00 232 2861.5 6.38 3308.34 7.37 233 3247.5 7.24 3743.00 8.34 Appendix B, Page 18 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily 234 2890.7 6.44 3314.00 7.38 235 2279.0 5.08 3287.00 7.32 236 3051.7 6.80 3852.00 8.58 237 3148.1 7.01 3446.00 7.68 238 2572.6 5.73 3129.53 6.97 239 1867.7 4.16 2573.27 5.73 240 2302.0 5.13 2888.09 6.43 241 2779.5 6.19 3823.87 8.52 242 2611.8 5.82 3175.82 7.08 243 3148.7 7.02 3842.73 8.56 244 2300.7 5.13 3478.00 7.75 245 2234.5 4.98 3257.00 7.26 246 1850.2 4.12 2513.02 5.60 247 2391.1 5.33 3044.32 6.78 248 3005.9 6.70 3599.82 8.02 249 2372.2 5.29 3242.68 7.22 250 2152.9 4.80 2947.13 6.57 251 2991.5 6.67 3682.16 8.20 252 2969.4 6.62 3508.20 7.82 253 1516.3 3.38 3193.22 7.11 254 938.1 2.09 1675.50 3.73 255 2005.5 4.47 2763.36 6.16 256 2316.9 5.16 2918.15 6.50 257 1682.7 3.75 2518.24 5.61 258 1991.9 4.44 2718.44 6.06 259 2776.3 6.19 3507.68 7.82 260 3282.5 7.31 3636.67 8.10 261 3151.7 7.02 3593.64 8.01 262 1871.5 4.17 2914.84 6.49 263 1370.2 3.05 1700.34 3.79 264 872.6 1.94 2471.77 5.51 265 1766.1 3.93 3488.00 7.77 266 2157.5 4.81 2958.99 6.59 267 2818.8 6.28 3521.10 7.85 268 2808.2 6.26 3368.80 7.51 269 2065.8 4.60 2341.18 5.22 270 1155.3 2.57 2183.46 4.86 271 1311.4 2.92 2662.88 5.93 272 1702.2 3.79 2326.16 5.18 273 1916.9 4.27 2835.08 6.32 274 2117.8 4.72 2891.86 6.44 275 1961.6 4.37 2532.00 5.64 276 1938.6 4.32 2891.50 6.44 277 2105.7 4.69 3156.00 7.03 278 2338.1 5.21 2807.50 6.26 279 1350.6 3.01 1831.00 4.08 280 1185.7 2.64 1429.00 3.18 281 1164.1 2.59 2211.50 4.93 Appendix B, Page 19 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily 282 1315.5 2.93 2364.00 5.27 283 1627.0 3.63 2430.00 5.41 284 1551.2 3.46 2027.50 4.52 285 1487.8 3.31 2112.00 4.71 286 1503.0 3.35 2352.50 5.24 287 2119.3 4.72 2843.00 6.33 288 1225.6 2.73 2028.00 4.52 289 981.7 2.19 1465.50 3.27 290 1268.8 2.83 1973.00 4.40 291 1399.2 3.12 1723.00 3.84 292 1376.3 3.07 1868.00 4.16 293 1522.2 3.39 2539.00 5.66 294 1700.0 3.79 2589.50 5.77 295 1916.8 4.27 2560.00 5.70 296 2201.0 4.90 2892.50 6.44 297 1578.0 3.52 2856.50 6.36 298 1919.5 4.28 2995.00 6.67 299 1675.6 3.73 2550.00 5.68 300 2631.4 5.86 3292.00 7.33 301 2199.2 4.90 3072.50 6.85 302 2332.8 5.20 2923.00 6.51 303 2603.5 5.80 3238.50 7.22 304 2499.7 5.57 3284.00 7.32 305 2478.5 5.52 3038.00 6.77 306 2306.7 5.14 2838.00 6.32 307 1456.6 3.25 1895.00 4.22 308 1295.8 2.89 1998.00 4.45 309 1210.2 2.70 1688.50 3.76 310 1079.1 2.40 1806.50 4.02 311 910.4 2.03 1113.50 2.48 312 887.8 1.98 1296.00 2.89 313 798.0 1.78 1218.00 2.71 314 722.2 1.61 1364.50 3.04 315 766.0 1.71 1250.50 2.79 316 793.8 1.77 1224.50 2.73 317 835.1 1.86 1273.50 2.84 318 953.2 2.12 1391.00 3.10 319 1074.5 2.39 1632.50 3.64 320 1038.4 2.31 1295.00 2.89 321 767.5 1.71 1174.00 2.62 322 809.4 1.80 1323.00 2.95 323 825.3 1.84 1301.50 2.90 324 1234.7 2.75 1841.00 4.10 325 1259.2 2.81 1712.50 3.82 326 1077.1 2.40 1622.50 3.61 327 963.2 2.15 1378.50 3.07 328 1020.8 2.27 1565.00 3.49 329 1056.6 2.35 1635.50 3.64 Appendix B, Page 20 of 21 Unalaska Microturbine Study Historical Daily Average Flow Day of Year (gpm)(cfs)(gpm)(cfs) Converted Data Avg Daily Peak Daily 330 1169.2 2.61 1557.00 3.47 331 1214.7 2.71 1819.00 4.05 332 415.3 0.93 954.00 2.13 333 396.7 0.88 668.00 1.49 334 664.9 1.48 1101.50 2.45 335 964.4 2.15 1273.50 2.84 336 890.7 1.98 1303.50 2.90 337 853.1 1.90 985.50 2.20 338 955.4 2.13 1363.00 3.04 339 1063.0 2.37 1335.00 2.97 340 1012.6 2.26 1359.50 3.03 341 945.3 2.11 1263.50 2.82 342 913.1 2.03 1101.50 2.45 343 937.7 2.09 1444.00 3.22 344 950.6 2.12 1321.50 2.94 345 903.8 2.01 1360.00 3.03 346 828.7 1.85 1060.50 2.36 347 768.2 1.71 1104.00 2.46 348 715.7 1.59 1307.00 2.91 349 820.3 1.83 1089.00 2.43 350 803.6 1.79 1176.50 2.62 351 717.2 1.60 1144.00 2.55 352 724.7 1.61 907.50 2.02 353 711.0 1.58 1058.00 2.36 354 914.9 2.04 983.00 2.19 355 692.8 1.54 959.50 2.14 356 661.6 1.47 1084.50 2.42 357 595.6 1.33 1031.50 2.30 358 712.9 1.59 1046.50 2.33 359 712.9 1.59 1107.50 2.47 360 612.8 1.37 876.50 1.95 361 714.1 1.59 1287.00 2.87 362 679.2 1.51 876.00 1.95 363 680.3 1.52 1229.00 2.74 364 769.0 1.71 952.00 2.12 365 758.6 1.69 1252.50 2.79 366 753.3 1.68 1049.00 2.34 Appendix B, Page 21 of 21 Draft APPENDIX C ELECTROMECHANICAL VENDOR SOLICITATION INFORMATION Unalaska Micro-Turbine Energy Recovery Study Vendor Solicitation - Project Information Provided I. Total (1) Turbine General Description – One (1) turbine - generator package with controls package. Expected nominal 40 – 50 kW output. The turbine will be used for energy recovery at a municipal water treatment facility. Turbine materials & fabrication shall be compatible with potable water service. The generator output will be used in house at water treatment facility. Turbine – The turbine can either horizontal or vertical. An inline style vertical turbine may be used. The turbine generator shall include a support frame. All materials and fabrication shall meet requirements for AWWA Standard EE103-07 “Horizontal and Vertical Line Shaft Pumps”. Turbine Design Flow 1500 gpm (3.34 cfs) Gross Head / Static Shutoff (ft) 247 Head Loss (ft) 8 Required Discharge Head Downstream of Pump (ft) 52 Turbine Net Head (ft) 187 Shaft Seal Mechanical seal or packing box Inlet and Outlet Connection Flanged Generator Type Induction, AC,TEFC Voltage 240 volt, 1 – phase (if available) Rating 50 KVA (nominal) Electrical Controls – A load controller will be provided the turbine running at the desired frequency and voltage. Electrical Controls / Control Panel – A load controller will be provided the turbine running at the desired frequency and voltage. All components shall be in a NEMA 4 enclosure. Panel shall include: Local / remote start stop button Local wattmeter with contacts for remote display Local ammeter with contacts for remote display Local voltmeter with contacts for remote display Under Frequency Alarm / Relay High Voltage Alarm / Relay Other Protective Relays Disconnect switch Appendix C, Page 1 of 3 April 7, 2009 Mr. David Summers HDR/DTA 400 S. Tryon Street, Suite 2401 Charlotte, NC 28285 Dear Mr. Summers, Thank you for the opportunity to assist with your Unalaska energy recovery project. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you. From your correspondence we understand the site offers a gross head of 247 feet with a down stream head requirement of 52 feet. Head loss is indicated as 8 feet at a flow rate of 1500 gpm, providing a dynamic pressure of 184 feet available to the turbine. From our discussion and the data you provided, we have prepared an estimate based on a Cornell 5 TR3 turbine which will pass 3.2 cfs at 184 feet of effective head. Under these operating conditions expected system production will be 34 KW. We are pleased to offer budgetary pricing based on the equipment package below: (1) Cornell 5 TR3 turbine, F16 (bare shaft), CIB Fitted, w/ mech. seal, horizontal orientation (1) US Motors, 60 HP, 480 VAC, 60 Hz, 1200 RPM, 3 ph., induction generator. (1) Custom structural steel equipment mounting skid (1) Rex Omega direct drive system with custom drive guard (1) Custom inlet and outlet piping, flanged (1) 10” Bray 125 class lug-style butterfly valve, Rotork hydraulic actuator open/spring closure (1) 120 VAC hydraulic power unit for butterfly valve control (1) Switchgear/controls package to parallel the generator with the utility grid and provide protective relays to North American utility standards for a project of this size. Budget estimate, equipment package as described ……………………………………….. $73,375.00 Standard Terms 15% deposit to prepare final design and submittals 35% payment on approval of submittals and release for manufacture 25% mid-contract payment (10 weeks following release payment) 25% balance prior to shipment Delivery 20 weeks from receipt of payment on approval of submittals and release for manufacture Pricing FOB Deming, Washington The equipment package offered will be custom designed to meet the particular requirements of the site. As the project progresses and these requirements are determined we will be pleased to offer a complete Preliminary Design Specifications and a firm quotation. Budgetary estimates are for planning purposes only but are typically within 15% of a firm quotation for the same equipment package scope. Sincerely, Eric Melander Appendix C, Page 2 of 3 Appendix C, Page 3 of 3