HomeMy WebLinkAboutREFRound8_KingCove_Application_09-22-2014g 'A S.K A 3380 C Street, Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 907-274-7563 September 19,2OL4 Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 Attn: Shawn Calfa RE: Renewable Energy Fund Round #8 Application Dear Mr. Calfa and Review Panel: The City of King Cove respectfully submits the enclosed application for grant funds in the amount of 51,800,000 through the Renewable Energy Fund Grant Program. Our application requests assistance with the construction of the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project. We estimate that our construction phase total cost will be 55,461,000. The City, with continued assistance of HDR Engineering, our project designer, have put our best efforts into thls grant application using the information contained in the project's final design plans and specifications and final contract bid package. Together, we are looking forward to the construction of this project, which will connect to our existing Delta Creek hydro facilities and further stabilize the cost of energy in King Cove into the future. Our next step is to be ready to award the general construction contract in early 2AL5, so that we can have Waterfall Creek, serving our community, online by December 2015. Additionally, there is one other comment the City wishes to submit. We could not identify an appropriate place to address this in the application, so determined it appropriate to include in this letter. Our concern is with the "Cost of Energy'' scoring criterion in Stage 3 of the application. The 35-point weight for this criterion continues to be unfavorable to King Cove because our current cost of energy is relatively low, because of the City's investment into our existing Delta Creek hydro facility. The City was forward thinking about renewable energy in the early 199d-s and aggressively and successfully constructed our Delta Creek hydro facility. We have benefited with low cost of renewable energy during the plant's 2O-year operations, and this benefit will continue into the future. AEA was very supportive of our efforts to construct the Delta Creek project at that time. However, because of our current affordable residential energy cost of $.a0 per kWh, we simply don't score very well on this evaluation criterion, the most heavily weighted scoring criteria. Because of this, we would like to request that AEA consider the following items when evaluating our application : 1) About 5O% of our current total power generation comes from our dieset system, which costs us about so.+s to s0.48 kwh to generate; 2l The other 5O% of our power generation comes from our Delta Creek hydro facility, which costs us about SO.fS to SO.tg kWh to generate; 3) The Delta Creek hydro project is already close to capacity, particularly in the late spring/summer/early fallseasons when electrical demands are high; and 4l Waterfall Creek hydro project will supplement these strong demand seasons, as well as provide additional power on the shoulder seasons, and in total is expected to "displace" up to 700,000 kWh's of diesel-generated electricity for the city system. For these reasons the City requests that AEA use the cost of diesel generated power, 50.45 to 50.+A kwh, in the "Cost of Energy'' scoring criterion in Stage 3 of the application, since those costs are what will replace with the construction of the Waterfall Creek hydro project. The City respectfully believes this better compares our application to our peer communities. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. City Administrator ''-ts":' RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND ROUND VIII GRANT APPLICATION Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project City of King Cove Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 1 of 27 7/2/14 SECTION 1 – APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (Name of utility, IPP, or government entity submitting proposal) City of King Cove Type of Entity: Municipality Fiscal Year End: June 30 Tax ID # 92-6001247 Tax Status: ☐ For-profit ☐ Non-profit ☒ Government (check one) Date of last financial statement audit: September 2013 Mailing Address: Physical Address: 3380 C Street same Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 Telephone: 274-7555 Fax: 276-7569 Email: ghennigh@kingcoveak.org 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT / GRANTS MANAGER Name: Title: Gary Hennigh City Administrator Mailing Address: 3380 C Street Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 Telephone: Fax: Email: 274-7555 276-7569 ghennigh@kingcoveak.org 1.1.1 APPLICANT ALTERNATE POINTS OF CONTACT Name Telephone: Fax: Email: Bonnie Folz 274-7555 276-7569 bfolz@kingcoveak.org Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 2 of 27 7/2/14 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Please check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applicant requirements, your application will be rejected. 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) ☐ An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or ☐ An independent power producer in accordance with 3 AAC 107.695 (a) (1), or ☒ A local government, or ☐ A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities) 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (continued) Please check as appropriate. ☒ 1.2.2 Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for the project by the applicant’s board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If the applicant is a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant’s governing authority is necessary. (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.3 As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement (Section 3 of the RFA). (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.4 If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the award as identified in the Standard Grant Agreement template at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/REFund8.html. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.5 We intend to own and operate any project that may be constructed with grant funds for the benefit of the general public. If no please describe the nature of the project and who will be the primary beneficiaries. (Indicate yes by checking the box) Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 3 of 27 7/2/14 SECTION 2 – PROJECT SUMMARY This section is intended to be no more than a 2-3 page overview of your project. 2.1 Project Title – (Provide a 4 to 7 word title for your project). Type in space below. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project 2.2 Project Location – Include the physical location of your project and name(s) of the community or communities that will benefit from your project in the subsections below. 2.2.1 Location of Project – Latitude and longitude, street address, or community name. Latitude and longitude coordinates may be obtained from Google Maps by finding you project’s location on the map and then right clicking with the mouse and selecting “What is here? The coordinates will be displayed in the Google search window above the map in a format as follows: 61.195676.-149.898663. If you would like assistance obtaining this information please contact AEA at 907-771-3031. The project will be located on a small creek located approximately 5 miles north of downtown King Cove. This creek is adjacent to and west of an existing hydroelectric project on Delta Creek that was constructed in 1995. The creek has a noticeable waterfall that is visible from the Delta Creek hydroelectric powerhouse. (Delta Creek Valley; King Cove, Alaska; 55.069129 -162.313385) 2.2.2 Community benefiting – Name(s) of the community or communities that will be the beneficiaries of the project. The residents, small businesses, and major seafood processing plant in City of King Cove will benefit from this project. 2.3 PROJECT TYPE Put X in boxes as appropriate 2.3.1 Renewable Resource Type ☐ Wind ☐ Biomass or Biofuels (excluding heat-only) ☒ Hydro, Including Run of River ☐ Hydrokinetic ☐ Geothermal, Excluding Heat Pumps ☐ Transmission of Renewable Energy ☐ Solar Photovoltaic ☐ Storage of Renewable ☐ Other (Describe) ☐ Small Natural Gas 2.3.2 Proposed Grant Funded Phase(s) for this Request (Check all that apply) Pre-Construction Construction ☐ Reconnaissance ☐ Final Design and Permitting ☐ Feasibility and Conceptual Design ☒ Construction 2.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 4 of 27 7/2/14 Provide a brief one paragraph description of the proposed project. The Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project will result in a modest, run-of-the-river hydroelectric facility using Waterfall Creek and consisting of a concrete diversion/intake structure, 4,500 feet HDPE penstock pipeline, 16 feet by 40 feet metal powerhouse on a concrete slab, Pelton Impulse Turbine and induction generator, remote-automatic control system, and 5,000 feet access road. This facility will be a working partner to the City’s existing and highly successful Delta Creek hydroelectric project, which has been operating for the last eighteen years. It will produce 1 megawatt (MW) of electricity. 2.5 PROJECT BENEFIT Briefly discuss the financial and public benefits that will result from this project, (such as reduced fuel costs, lower energy costs, local jobs created, etc.) The public benefits and financial savings which will accrue upon completion of this project are both immediately significant and profound in their ramifications over the life of the Waterfall Creek project. Waterfall Creek is projected to displace approximately 77,000 gallons of diesel fuel that would otherwise have to be purchased and consumed annually. This represents approximately 1 MW of electrical power, year after year, from a clean, renewable resource. The estimated annual savings of 77,000 gallons of diesel fuel is $317,240 at the current price of $4.12/gallon. Of this amount, 54,000 gallons of diesel will be displaced by Waterfall Creek in the City’s system. The other 23,000 gallons of diesel will be displaced in Peter Pan Seafood’s (PPSF) power generation system and replaced with the purchase of renewable energy from the City. PPSF, one of the largest seafood processors in the state, operates the largest “wild” salmon processing facility in the state in King Cove. PPSF’s plant expansion has been limited by the lack of additional power available to the plant. PPSF has been continuously interested in purchasing any amount of the City-generated “surplus power” from the Delta Creek hydro facility and/or the proposed Waterfall Creek hydro facility. Unfortunately, the available power from Delta Creek in the past has not been enough to seriously warrant a power sales agreement. However, from both hydro sources, the City anticipates being able to sell PPSF at least 600,000 kWh of power at a cost of $0.18/kWh. Of this amount, 300,000 kWh is anticipated from Waterfall Creek and 300,000 kWh from Delta Creek. This additional annual revenue is estimated to be $108,000. The City’s initial revenue basis for the cost of “surplus power” at $0.18/kWh has been developed using the same cost methodology used in a number of recoverable heat sales agreement the City has with a number of government & tribal organizations. A 60% factor of the city’s current electric cost of $.30/kWh (i.e. 60% of $0.30/kWh = $0.18/kWh) has been proposed to PPSF. The City is not specifically focused on lowering the price of doing business for PPSF; however, it is a good economic development strategy, particularly in these hard-hit commercial fishing years, to offer the lowest reasonable cost to PPSF for power. However, with additional power PPSF may be able to expand its business which is good for its work force (more hours of work and/or more Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 5 of 27 7/2/14 workers hired) and fishermen (more fish will be purchased and/or the catch will be diversified) and, in turn, could result in increased fish taxes to the cit and state. The City savings of $317,240 from displaced fuel, combined with the PPSF revenue of $108,000 for surplus power, will total $425,240. The City’s expected annual net revenue increase to its electrical utility fund is estimated to be $120,000. This amount has been estimated by subtracting the anticipated, annual debt service from the “savings” of displaced fuel costs. This amount will increase by about $10,000 for every 5% increase in the cost of diesel fuel. It is reasonable to assume the annual fuel cost savings with Waterfall Creek will reach $200,000 within the next 5-7 years. This additional revenue should ensure the City is able to maintain its current $0.30/kWh rate and position the community to offset any future, reasonable PCE program reductions. The Waterfall Creek project also offers a redundancy for Delta Creek. If, or when, repairs or maintenance requires Delta Creek operations to go off line, Waterfall Creek could provide power at significantly lower costs than switching entirely to the diesel generators. This project has significant public health benefits. The estimated annual 77,000 gallons of diesel fuel which will be replaced by renewable energy from the Waterfall Creek translates into more than 600 metric tons of avoided carbon dioxide emissions. Cleaner air will benefit all the residents of King Cove. Other environmental benefits include the potential for reduced fuel spills and contamination, since less fuel would be transported into the community. With the addition of Waterfall Creek, the City expects to derive 70% to 75% of its total, annual demand for electrical power from renewable sources in its own backyard by 2017. Consequently, King Cove will be able to mitigate the increasing cost of diesel fuel and make significant progress towards a sustainable energy future. It should also be noted that the costs of repairing and replacing fuel storage infrastructure will be reduced with this project, although the actual saving is not easily measurable. Please see Section 5 of this application for additional benefits. 2.6 PROJECT BUDGET OVERVIEW Briefly discuss the amount of funds needed, the anticipated sources of funds, and the nature and source of other contributions to the project. The total project cost for the construction phase of the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project in King Cove is $5,461,000 of which $1,800,000 is requested in grant funds from AEA. HDR Alaska’s engineers recently reviewed their previous construction cost estimate, refined it, and compared it to the current construction costs of the Gartina Falls hydro project for IPEC in Hoonah, which is being predominantly funded through AEA. The same cadre of HDR engineers that are working on the Gartina Falls construction, presently underway, are the same individuals working on Waterfall Creek. This current experience, contemporary cost information, and knowledge has given the HDR engineers confidence to reduce their previous higher cost estimates for Waterfall Creek. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 6 of 27 7/2/14 The remainder of the $3,661,000 in construction funds will come from two sources. First, the City’s Renewable Energy Fund Round VI funding of $2,600,000 will be used. Second, the City will fund the remaining $1,061,000 in construction costs using a combination of cash and loan funds. The City has already approved and has the capacity to spend up to $2,000,000 (includes past and future project expenses). Cash for this project is $500,000 and the City may borrow, and is capable of repaying up to $1,500,000 in loan funds for this project, if necessary, but hopes to limit its loan amount to $561,000. This total construction cost does not include previous project expenditures: $400,000 for Design and Permitting ($200,000 AEA and $200,000 City of King Cove); and $533,000 Turbine and Generator Purchase (City of King Cove). 2.7 COST AND BENEFIT SUMMARY Include a summary of grant request and your project’s total costs and benefits below. Costs for the Current Phase Covered by this Grant (Summary of funds requested) 2.7.1 Grant Funds Requested in this application $ 1,800,000 2.7.2 Cash match to be provided ($500,000 cash; $561,000 loan) $ 1,061,000 2.7.3 In-kind match to be provided $ 2.7.4 Other grant funds to be provided (REF Round 6) $ 2,600,000 2.7.5 Total Costs for Requested Phase of Project (sum of 2.7.1 through 2.7.4) $5,461,000 Other items for consideration 2.7.6 Other grant applications not yet approved $ Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 7 of 27 7/2/14 Project Costs & Benefits (Summary of total project costs including work to date and future cost estimates to get to a fully operational project) 2.7.7 Total Project Cost Summary from Cost Worksheet, Section 4.4.4, including estimates through construction. $ 5,461,000 2.7.8 Additional Performance Monitoring Equipment not covered by the project but required for the Grant Only applicable to construction phase projects $ 0 (already in place at Delta Creek Hydro) 2.7.9 Estimated Direct Financial Benefit (Savings) The economic model used by AEA is available at www.akenergyauthority.org/REFund8.html. This economic model may be used by applicants but is not required. Other economic models developed by the applicant may be used, however the final benefit/cost ratio used will be derived from the AEA model to ensure a level playing field for all applicants. $ 8.6 million (NPV) 2.7.10 Other Public Benefit If you can calculate the benefit in terms of dollars please provide that number here and explain how you calculated that number in Section 5 below. $108,000 Annual revenue from PPSF to be applied to loan repayment SECTION 3 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Describe who will be responsible for managing the project and provide a plan for successfully completing the project within the scope, schedule and budget proposed in the application. 3.1 Project Manager Tell us who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include contact information, a resume and references for the manager(s). In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application. If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. The City of King Cove will manage this project with assistance from HDR Alaska, Inc. The City has all administrative and accounting systems necessary for a successful construction project, as proven by successful large construction projects and with past audit reports. HDR will provide on- site construction management. Project Manager will be Gary Hennigh. Mr. Hennigh has been King Cove’s City Administrator for the last 25 years. He is responsible for the overall delivery and management of public services including all general government programs, port and harbors, police and fire services, all utilities, and recreational programs. He directly supervises the City’s annual operating budget of approximately $5 million and its five department heads. Gary directs the City’s lobbying efforts in Juneau and Washington, D.C. Gary also oversees and administers the City’s major capital construction projects, grant/loan agreements and professional services contracts. Throughout his tenure and with his guidance and advocacy, the City has successfully acquired over $60 million in federal and state grants for Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 8 of 27 7/2/14 hydroelectric, water and transportation projects. This includes the Delta Creek Hydroelectric project, which in 1995 was awarded an “Excellence in Engineering Design” from the American Consulting Engineering Council. Gary has a B.A. degree in geography form Mansfield University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s degree in regional planning from Pennsylvania State University. His resume is attached. George Simmons is responsible for the operations of the King Cove power plant. George has been King Cove’s Electric Department Head since February 2008. The summer after George was hired the new power plant came on line and George has been instrumental in providing the City with power since that time. George has become proficient in coordinating the hydro and diesel generators to maximize the benefit of the hydro. Prior to coming to work for the City he worked for PPSF in King Cove as their power plant operator for over 10 years. Bonnie Folz has been with the City of King Cove for eight years as Administrative Manager. She partners with the city administrator to develop the annual City budget and supervises the staff in the King Cove city office. She approves, codes, and monitors payment of all accounts payable invoices. She oversees the monthly bank reconciliation and financial statements following proper accounting practices set forth by the auditors. Each year an audit is conducted and Bonnie is instrumental in overseeing the pre-audit preparation. HDR Alaska, Inc. will provide construction management services. Bob Butera will be the Construction Phase Manager. Bob will oversee construction management tasks of submittal review, responses to design questions, processing change order requests, and contractor negotiations. He will be the direct contact with the general contractor’s project manager. Bob can provide 50% of his time in 2015 to this project. Paul Berkshire, PE will be the Design and Commissioning Engineer. Paul will provide assistance in design clarification and general construction assistance quality control management. Paul will be in King Cove during plant startup and commissioning working with the control contractor to integrate the project into the City’s energy production systems. Paul can provide up to 20% of his time to this project and is committed to being in King Cove full time during the October plant startup and commissioning process. Justin Marcum, PE will be the Resident Construction Engineer. Justin will be on-site in King Cove working with the general contractor during construction. Justin will provide construction observation, process pay requests, and assist with plan and specification interpretation. Justin can commit the April to October 2015 construction period to the project and be in King Cove for the project duration should this be needed. Resumes are attached for the engineers listed above working on the Waterfall Creek Hydro project. HDR’s company experience and expertise is described in section 3.3. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 9 of 27 7/2/14 3.2 Project Schedule and Milestones Please fill out the schedule below. Be sure to identify key tasks and decision points in in your project along with estimated start and end dates for each of the milestones and tasks. Please clearly identify the beginning and ending of all phases of your proposed project. Please fill out form provided below. You may add additional rows as needed. The schedule of project milestones is shown below and based on a revised, critical path schedule. Milestones Tasks Start Date End Date Feasibility (CDR) submitted to AEA Completed 2007 Design 95% /Owner Review/Finalize Bid Docs/100% Submit to AEA 9/2013 9/12/14 Permitting All permit applications/ Permits received 9/30/13 Turbine/Generator Specs/Bid/Order/Manufacture/Deliver 10/2014 7/2015 General Construction Bid documents Bid Prep/Distribute 9/2014 1/9/2015 Vendor selection and award Bid Evaluation/Contract Award 1/2015 1/2015 Construction Mobilization & Logistics 3/2015 4/2015 Road & Bridge 5/2015 8/2015 Powerhouse Structure & Improvements 5/2015 7/2015 Intake/Dam & Penstock 6/2015 8/2015 Turbine & Generator Install & Testing 8/2015 9/2015 Accessory Electrical /Substation Equipment 9/2015 9/2015 Controls Construction Bid Prep/Distribute/Evaluate/Award 2/2015 4/2015 Mobilization and Logistics 7/2015 8/2015 Installation 9/2015 10/2014 Integration and testing Start-up & testing 10/2015 10/2015 Final acceptance, commissioning and start-up 11/2015 11/2015 Operations reporting 11/2015 12/2015 3.3 Project Resources Describe the personnel, contractors, personnel or firms, equipment, and services you will use to accomplish the project. Include any partnerships or commitments with other entities you have or anticipate will be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchases or contracts. Include brief resumes and references for known, key personnel, contractors, and suppliers as an attachment to your application. The City of King Cove has an existing term contract with HDR Alaska which has been amended to include provision for the final design and permitting for this project, as well as assistance with the construction bid and award process. Bob Butera, Justin Markham, and Paul Berkshire are the primary HDR staff who will continue to be involved with Waterfall Creek. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 10 of 27 7/2/14 HDR is the leading hydroelectric consulting firm based in Alaska. HDR founded its office in Anchorage in 1979 and over the past 34 years developed a solid business practice in planning, licensing, design, and construction administration of hydroelectric project renovation and new facilities. Examples of projects include Delta Creek in King Cove, Solomon Gulch in Valdez, Gartina Creek in Hoonah, Eklutna Lake in Anchorage, and Cooper Lake on the Kenai Peninsula. HDR has offices in Anchorage, Palmer, and Fairbanks that contain over 120 employees who practice a wide range of engineering, planning, permitting, and regulatory services. Nationally, HDR was founded in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1917. Today, with more than 190 offices across the country and worldwide and a professional staff of more than 8,000, HDR provides a full range of engineering, architectural, and construction management services to clients. HDR’s hydropower services include:  Engineering and design (civil, hydraulics/hydrology, structural, mechanical, controls, and electrical)  Regulatory services (FERC consultation and licensing; local, state, and federal agency permitting; and stakeholder engagement)  Environmental sciences (fisheries, water quality, wildlife, botanical, recreation, visual, and cultural resources)  Construction management  Support during startup and operations HDR worked for the City of King Cove for the past 30 years, and during that time prepared engineering planning and designs for numerous water, sewer, solid waste, and master planning projects. HDR worked with the City to prepare the feasibility study for the Delta Creek Hydroelectric Project and assisted the City in obtaining construction funding for it. The City then retained HDR to prepare the construction documents and provide construction oversight services. This extremely successful hydroelectric project has been providing low cost energy to the City’s electrical utility for the last 20 years. The Delta Creek received the American Council of Civil Engineers Grand Award for the project’s innovation and engineering excellence. Canyon Industries will provide the turbine and generator packages. Control Power Inc. recently re- built the Delta Creek hydro control systems. They will be used to integrate the controls of the Waterfall Creek project into the City’s overall energy control and monitoring systems. As always, the City will follow its local government and state procurement policies for all services, materials and construction contracts for this project. 3.4 Project Communications Discuss how you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority informed of the status. Please provide an alternative contact person and their contact information. The City will require written progress reports with each monthly invoice from the contractor. Progress reports will detail accomplishments and on-going tasks and will relate them to the work schedule. The reports will include issues or problems encountered and their resolutions. They will describe upcoming tasks and may include any assistance required. Each progress report will be submitted to the designated contact person at AEA for information and review. The on-site manager will be required to approve and sign all progress reports. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 11 of 27 7/2/14 As identified milestones are achieved, including those pre and post construction, they will be communicated to AEA. Written and verbal inquiries from AEA regarding the project will be responded to in a timely fashion. Any presentations or updates provided to King Cove’s City Council will also be shared with AEA, including invitations for AEA to attend meetings and/or observe the project firsthand. The alternative contact person is Bonnie Folz, King Cove’s Administrative Manager. 3.5 Project Risk Discuss potential problems and how you would address them. There is always risk involved in construction projects, and particularly so in rural, remote Alaska. In King Cove the most problematic risk comes from frequent heavy rains and high winds. Travel in and out of the community is unreliable and severe weather during construction may cause short delays. However, King Cove clearly communicates this risk to potential construction companies and would only contract with companies with experience in remote Alaskan villages. King Cove’s previous experience with the Delta Creek Hydroelectric Project and other major construction projects has provided lessons well learned. By having HDR on board for this project, as they were with the Delta Creek project, the City is extremely confident in the partnership’s abilities to minimize project risks. The combined hands-on experience and ability to work as a team will benefit the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric construction project. 3.6 Project Accountant(s) Tell us who will be performing the accounting of this Project for the Grantee and include contact information, a resume and references for the project accountant(s). In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application. If the applicant does not have a project accountant indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. Bonnie Folz, Administrative Manager, will fill the role of accountant f or this project with oversight from the city administrator. Bonnie’s resume is attached. 3.7 Financial Accounting System Discuss the accounting system that will be used to account for project costs and whom will be the primary user of the accounting system. Banyon Data Systems (BDS) software will be used to account for project costs , and Bonnie Folz will be the primary user of the system. BDS was designed specifically for municipalities and has worked well for the City with grant accounting in the past. 3.8 Financial Management Controls Discuss the controls that will be utilized to ensure that only costs that are reasonable, ordinary and necessary will be allocated to this project. Also discuss the controls in place that will ensure that no expenses for overhead, or any other unallowable costs will be requested for reimbursement from the Renewable Energy Fund Grant Program. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 12 of 27 7/2/14 City Administrator Gary Hennigh, with 30 years of project management and grant administration, will review and provide the accounting code all invoices and requests for reimbursement. It is expected that he will call on HDR construction management staff for assistance. Administrative Manager Bonnie Folz will double check all accounting codes and will forward invoices and requests for payment to the accounts payable staff in King Cove. The City’s BDS accounting system allow Gary and Bonnie unrestricted access to all reports and records so that they may track expenses at any time. Purchase orders, task orders and contracts are used. To further simplify the project accounting, the City is not charging an administrative fee or any other indirect cost rate to this project. SECTION 4 – PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS The level of information will vary according to phase(s) of the project you propose to undertake with grant funds. If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. 4.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available. Discuss the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. For pre-construction applications, describe the resource to the extent known. For design and permitting or construction projects, please provide feasibility documents, design documents, and permitting documents (if applicable) as attachments to this application. Documents, previously submitted to AEA, which describe the extent/amount of energy available from Waterfall Creek, include: 1.) “King Cove – Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Concept Design Report (CDR)” prepared by HDR in September 2007 for the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). 2.) Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria. December 2013 . 3.) Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Final plans and specifications. September 2014 Projected amount of energy to be produced is 1MW. The benefits of hydroelectric power in King Cove are clearly demonstrated in the existing Delta Creek hydroelectric system. The City of King Cove has a successful track record that is demonstrated in both word and deed. The City’s prior investment in its existing Delta Creek system, and its willingness to provide similar matching funds for this very successful project, are excellent indicators of ability and follow through. The expansion of the existing Delta Creek powerhouse to accommodate the Waterfall Creek turbine and generator is a much less expensive proposition than constructing a new powerhouse. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 13 of 27 7/2/14 Expanding the Delta Creek powerhouse offers an excellent location for integrating both hydro control systems for better operator monitoring, troubleshooting, security and total system efficiency. The shared electrical transmission line (original cost = $1,000,000) from the site five miles to “downtown” King Cove is also a plus. The existence of this transmission line is a significant financial factor contributing to the overall cost feasibility of the Waterfall Creek project There are no disadvantages of hydroelectric pow er when compared to other alternative power resources. Given King Cove’s 20 years of successful hydro experience, the proposed project has the confidence of the residents, the Agdaagux and Belkofski Tribes in King Cove, the King Cove Village Corporation and other organizations in town. Wind energy may be another viable energy source for King Cove in the future. However, the wind resource is unproven at this time. A MET tower collected one year of wind data in the Delta Creek Valley in 2005/2006. Per this data from the Delta Creek Valley, the City understands class 6 winds are available but with a very high turbidity factor. Another location in King Cove may prove to have a better wind resource. The City continues to be interested in wind energy and particularly learning more about Kodiak Electric Association’s combo hydro-diesel-wind system. Like much of rural Alaska, King Cove’s “energy market” is a single-site, off-the-grid market. However, the potential for sale of surplus power from the Waterfall Creek project (and Delta Creek) to PPSF is excellent. The attached Memorandum of Understanding between PPSF and the City documents the general terms and cost parameters that are presently being finalized into a power sales agreement. As documented in the 2005 “Concept Design Report”, PPSF is interested in purchasing between 500,000 kWh to 1.0 MW on an annual basis. Further validation of PPSF interest/desire to purchase power from the City has been their referrals over the last couple years of two wind energy manufacturers to the City (as opposed to pursuing wind energy themselves). 4.2 Existing Energy System 4.2.1 Basic configuration of Existing Energy System Briefly discuss the basic configuration of the existing energy system. Include information about the number, size, age, efficiency, and type of generation. AEA is familiar with King Cove’s diesel energy system, having assisted in the completion of a $3 million upgrade/replacement of King Cove’s diesel system. Three Caterpillar diesel engines (1- model 3512, with a maximum kWh output of 1050; and 2-model 3456, each with a maximum kWh output of 475 were all manufactured in 2006/2007) were added to the City’s diesel engine Caterpillar 3512 (14 years old, low hours and a top/bottom rebuild in 2004; maximum output of 650 kWh). Efficiency of these generators ranges between 13.5 to 14.5 gallons/kWh. They provide diesel production, when necessary to supplement the Delta Creek hydro system. Together, these generators have a generating capacity of 2.4 MW. The three newest generators have relatively low hours for their respective age because they are used less than 50% of their design life because of the Delta Creek hydro system. The Waterfall Creek hydro project will continue to keep the demand on these diesels relatively low. The required service maintenance (and costs) on these generators because of low hours due to the Delta Creek hydro, and soon-to-be Waterfall Creek hydro, is a significant cost savings for the City’s electric utility. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 14 of 27 7/2/14 The diesel system adds to the 850 kWh that the hydroelectric system at Delta Creek can produce under optimum summer conditions, usually from May through October. In winter months, Delta Creek hydro produces around 50-200 kWh daily, rising in the spring/fall months to between 400- 600 kWh. 4.2.2 Existing Energy Resources Used Briefly discuss your understanding of the existing energy resources. Include a brief discussion of any impact the project may have on existing energy infrastructure and resources. The City’s existing diesel plant and Delta Creek hydroelectric facility have adequate capacity to meet the City’s power generation demands. However, the costs and environmental impacts to the community and local industry can be significantly reduced with the addition of Waterfall Creek hydroelectric to King Cove’s power generation system--specifically, the replacement of 77,000 gallons of annual diesel fuel that would otherwise be required. King Cove has demonstrated a desire and the ability to foresee the long-term financial and environmental advantages that come with renewable energy. It has enjoyed the benefits provided by Delta Creek hydro power and the city intends to expand those benefits with the power of water to achieve even a higher level of energy independence. 4.2.3 Existing Energy Market Discuss existing energy use and its market. Discuss impacts your project may have on energy customers. Existing energy market consists of approximately 130 residential households, two major boat harbors, the new 40,000 square-foot school, and the old school of comparable size that has been transformed into the community’s multi-purpose center. There are also numerous public facilities and a major municipal water system requiring constant well field pumping. PPSF operates a diesel system, which serves all their processing needs and provides power for all its support facilities including worker housing. Their peak demand is at least three times greater than the City’s peak demand. PPSF’s business expansion is constrained by their inability to expand their power generation capacity. Therefore, the company is eager to purchase any amount of energy the City can make available for purchase. The Waterfall Creek project’s impact will be to stabilize the energy cost per kWh into the future. The City of King Cove provides this history of stabilized energy costs since the Delta Creek Hydroelectric Project was built and predicts similar success for the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project. In 1994, prior to hydroelectric in King Cove, fuel costs were $0.60/gal and the city electric rate was $0.20/kWh. In 2014, 20 years later, with hydroelectric power from Delta Creek and with a 650% increase in fuel costs to $4.12/gal, the City rate has increased only to $0.30/kWh! 4.3 Proposed System Describe the system you are intending to develop and address potential system design, land ownership, permits, and environmental issues. 4.3.1 System Design Provide the following information for the proposed renewable energy system: Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 15 of 27 7/2/14  A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location  Optimum installed capacity  Anticipated capacity factor  Anticipated annual generation  Anticipated barriers  Basic integration concept  Delivery methods Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project is a run-of-the-river project, which will use the renewable resource of water and elevation available in Waterfall Creek to generate clean electricity. The design criteria for the project are contained in Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria report referenced in Section 4.1 of this application which is summarized here. • A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location The project will use proven technology for this location to generate electricity from Waterfall Creek. The City has operated a hydroelectric project at Delta Creek successfully for 20 years and the Waterfall Creek project will be constructed as an addition to the Delta Creek project. The W aterfall Creek project will construct a building addition to the Delta Creek powerhouse to house the new turbine and generator. The new generator will be connected to the existing switchgear and power delivery system. The other project components – intake, penstock, roads, and operating equipment – are modeled after the Delta Creek project to maximize their success and minimize the operator’s learning curve. Both of these will maximize project success. • Optimum installed capacity The selected installed capacity of the generator is 375 kW, 480 V. This size was selected as the optimal equipment size based on available head, permitted water use, reduced from the maximum available by resource agencies during permit acquisition. • Anticipated capacity factor Anticipated capacity factor = 0.29, or 1 MW projected generation/3.5MWh theoretical maximum generation • Anticipated annual generation Projected annual generation = 1 MW • Anticipated barriers There are no anticipated barriers to construction in or operation of the hydroelectric plant. • Basic integration concept The new hydroelectric plant will be integrated into the existing hydroelectric plant switchgear and control systems. It will be operated as another generation source in the City’s existing hydroelectric and diesel generation system. • Delivery methods The power will be delivered to the City through the existing transmission cable between the Delta Creek powerhouse and the city downtown. For more information, please see the Concept Design Report, the Design Criteria Report and Final Design and Specs. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 16 of 27 7/2/14 4.3.2 Land Ownership Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership and access issues. The entire project will be located on land presently owned by the King Cove Corporation. The City understands the requirement for site control prior to the release of any funding. The final terms of a site control agreement are presently being negotiated and will consist of either a fee simple purchase or long-term lease (40-50 years). A final agreement is expected by the end of October 2014. 4.3.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues.  List of applicable permits  Anticipated permitting timeline  Identify and discuss potential barriers After three years of significant negotiations, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Title 16 (Fish Habitat) permit was received on July 31, 2013. For this permit, ADF&G and the City of King Cove agreed that the City will reduce the diverted water from Waterfall Creek by 1 cfs which has decreased the energy output expectation by 30% from the project’s original estimate of 1.4 MW of energy to 1.0MW. A copy of this permit has been previously provided to AEA. Subsequent to the Title 16 permit, the other required permits have been issued, including: 1) State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) Division of Mining, Land, and Water - Water Rights Permit was issued on September 30, 2013; and 2) Clean Water Act permit (DOE Section 404) was issued on September 23, 2013. No other permit requirements and/or potential barriers are expected. 4.3.4 Environmental Address whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed:  Threatened or endangered species  Habitat issues  Wetlands and other protected areas  Archaeological and historical resources  Land development constraints  Telecommunications interference  Aviation considerations  Visual, aesthetics impacts  Identify and discuss other potential barriers All environmental issues are been addressed through the permit processes, including threatened or endangered species, habitat issues, wetlands and other protected areas, Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 17 of 27 7/2/14 and archaeological and historical resources. There are no aviation considerations or telecommunications interference. Land development constraints. The King Cove Corporation is in full support of this project and the City expects to purchase the necessary 15 acres from the Corporation by the end of 2014. Visual, aesthetics impacts. Because this project is about 4 miles from any of King Cove’s residential and commercial areas, and because it is supported by the community, visual and aesthetic resources are not an issue. 4.4 Proposed New System Costs and Projected Revenues (Total Estimated Costs and Projected Revenues) The level of cost information provided will vary according to the phase of funding requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on the project. Applicants must reference the source of their cost data. For example: Applicants records or analysis, industry standards, consultant or manufacturer’s estimates. 4.4.1 Project Development Cost Provide detailed project cost information based on your current knowledge and understanding of the project. Cost information should include the following:  Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase  Requested grant funding  Applicant matching funds – loans, capital contributions, in-kind  Identification of other funding sources  Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system  Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system The cost for this (final) construction and commissioning phase of the project is $5,461,000. This Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII request is for $1,800,000. Please see the attached cost estimate. The City has also purchased the equipment necessary for 2015 construction: $533,000 for turbine and generator. In order to meet the schedule and have Waterfall Creek online by the end of 2015, these two long lead time items had to be ordered prior to the submission of this application. The City recognizes the financial risk with this decision. The sources for the remaining construction budget of $3,661,000 are: Renewable Energy Fund Round VI balance $2,600,000 City of King Cove cash: $ 500,000 City of King Cove loans: $ 561,000 The City has a contingency available by increasing its loan amount. 4.4.2 Project Operating and Maintenance Costs Include anticipated O&M costs for new facilities constructed and how these would be funded by the applicant. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 18 of 27 7/2/14 (Note: Operational costs are not eligible for grant funds however grantees are required to meet ongoing reporting requirements for the purpose of reporting impacts of projects on the communities they serve.) Annual operating costs of the King Cove power generation system with the new Waterfall Creek facilities are minimal in that all costs except supplies are shared with the already budgeted Delta Creek hydro operating costs. The City estimates operating and maintenance costs at $25,000/year, excluding anticipated debt repayment for the new facilities of the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project. All annual O&M costs are paid for through the cost of customer user fees (i.e. kWh/cost). The City operates its electrical utility as an enterprise fund in a manner to achieve and maintain financial solvency, including a repair and replacement line item. 4.4.3 Power Purchase/Sale The power purchase/sale information should include the following:  Identification of potential power buyer(s)/customer(s)  Potential power purchase/sales price - at a minimum indicate a price range  Proposed rate of return from grant-funded project The attached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and PPSF documents the company’s acknowledged interest in purchasing power to reduce their operating costs in King Cove and the City’s anticipated capacity and capability to sell power to the company. The next step will be to finalize the power sales agreement with an expected cost of $0.18/kWh for at least 600,000 kWh of “surplus” energy from a combination using Waterfall Creek and Delta Creek hydro facilities. The MOU will be signed and forwarded to AEA by October 31, 2014. 4.4.4 Project Cost Worksheet Complete the cost worksheet form which provides summary information that will be considered in evaluating the project. Please fill out the form provided below. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis. Annual average resource availability. Unit depends on project type (e.g. windspeed, hydropower output, biomass fuel) 1 MW will be available on a sustainable basis. Existing Energy Generation and Usage Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 19 of 27 7/2/14 a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt1 grid, leave this section blank) i. Number of generators/boilers/other 4 generators and 1 hydro turbine/generator ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other All gens – 2,450 kWh/& Delta Creek hydro = 850kw iii. Generator/boilers/other type (2) CAT 3512 & (2) CAT 3456 & Gilkes generator iv. Age of generators/boilers/other 3 Gen 6 yrs; 1 Gen 13 yrs; hydro Gen 20 yrs. v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other 13.5 – 14.5 kWh b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor $248,000 ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $1,076,000 c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Electricity [kWh] 4,500,000 kWh ii. Fuel usage Diesel 167,000 gallons Other iii. Peak Load 1020 kW iv. Average Load 500-600 kW v. Minimum Load 200 kW vi. Efficiency 13 kW/gal vii. Future trends annual growth d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] ii. Electricity [kWh] iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] vi. Other Proposed System Design Capacity and Fuel Usage (Include any projections for continued use of non-renewable fuels) a) Proposed renewable capacity (Wind, Hydro, Biomass, other) [kW or MMBtu/hr] Hydroelectric 1 MW b) Proposed annual electricity or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] 1 MW 1 The Railbelt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Golden Valley Electric Association, the City of Seward Electric Department, Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 20 of 27 7/2/14 ii. Heat [MMBtu] c) Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Propane [gal or MMBtu] ii. Coal [tons or MMBtu] iii. Wood or pellets [cords, green tons, dry tons] iv. Other Project Cost a) Total capital cost of new system $5,461,000 b) Development cost $400,000 (final design & permitting) & $533,000 (turbine & generator cost) c) Annual O&M cost of new system $25,000/year d) Annual fuel cost Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Electricity 77,000 gallons (City system 54,000 gallons; PPSF system 23,000 gallons) ii. Heat iii. Transportation b) Current price of displaced fuel $4.12 c) Other economic benefits d) Alaska public benefits Reduced carbon emissions and less dependency on PCE program for rate stabilization Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for power purchase/sale $0.18/kWh X 600,000 kWh = $108,000 annually Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benefit/cost ratio 1.67 Payback (years) 17 years 4.4.5 Impact on Rates Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 21 of 27 7/2/14 Briefly explain what if any effect your project will have on electrical rates in the proposed benefit area. If the is for a PCE eligible utility please discuss what the expected impact would be for both pre and post PCE. With this project, the City will stabilize the cost of energy for its customers: residential, business, industry and community services well into the future. The City of King Cove requests AEA look at this comparison of how well they were able to stabilize energy costs since the Delta Creek Hydroelectric Project was built: In 1994, prior to hydroelectric in King Cove: Fuel - $0.60 per gallon (AEA assumed $0.90 per gal) Electricity – the City rate was $0.20 per kWh In 2014 with hydroelectric from Delta Creek: Fuel - $4.12 per gallon Electricity – the City rate is only $0.30 per kWh The City believes these numbers tell a compelling story and with Waterfall Creek, the City anticipates providing the same, continuing level of energy cost stability. SECTION 5– PROJECT BENEFIT Explain the economic and public benefits of your project. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will benefit from the project. The benefits information should include the following:  Potential annual fuel displacement (gallons and dollars) over the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project  Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or cost based rate)  Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits)  Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available)  Discuss the non-economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project PPSF is the largest “wild” salmon processing facility in Alaska. They have stated that they are unable to expand their operations in the King Cove plant because they lack the capacity and ability to produce necessary additional power. Their Clean Air Permit will not allow any increase their diesel power emissions. With the additional power from the City’s hydroelectric facilities, PPSF will be able to expand operations and thereby provide additional jobs or additional work time for the existing workforce, buy more fish from commercial fishermen, and pay more taxes to the city, borough, and state. Potential annual fuel displacement over the life of the project (assume 40 years) is estimated to be 2.4 million gallons of fuel costing a minimum $1.30 million dollars. Potential anticipated revenue from power sales over the life of the project is estimated to be $2.5 million. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 22 of 27 7/2/14 Potential annual incentives (tax credits) or revenue streams (like green tag sales, etc.) are unknown at this time. Non-economic public benefits to Alaska have been previously summarized in Section 2.4. The health benefits that result from avoidance of 600 metric tons of annual, carbon emission in King Cove and the western end of the Alaska Peninsula and the eastern Aleutian Islands means better air quality for the residents and less respiratory illnesses and a cleaner environment for everyone. The community gives this project its strongest support in part because it reduces the amount of fuel brought into this commercial fishing community. Thereby, it reduces the threat of an accidental spill into the waters that support so many families. 5.1 Public Benefit for Projects with Private Sector Sales Projects that include sales of power to private sector businesses (sawmills, cruise ships, mines, etc.), please provide a brief description of the direct and indirect public benefits derived from the project as well as the private sector benefits and complete the table below. See section 1.6 in the Request for Applications for more information. Renewable energy resource availability (kWh per month) 83,000 kWh – monthly/average Estimated sales (kWh) 600,000 kWh annually Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use at private sector businesses ($) $108,000 annually Estimated sales (kWh) 400,000 kWh Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use by the Alaskan public ($) $120,000 annually SECTION 6– SUSTAINABILITY Discuss your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable. Include at a minimum:  Proposed business structure(s) and concepts that may be considered.  How you propose to finance the maintenance and operations for the life of the project  Identification of operational issues that could arise.  A description of operational costs including on-going support for any back-up or existing systems that may be require to continue operation  Commitment to reporting the savings and benefits After planning and constructing the very successful Delta Creek Hydroelectric Project and operating and maintaining it for the past 20 years, there can be no doubt that the City of King Cove knows why and what it is doing in the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project. It also knows how to sustain and operate it. The sustainability and operability of this project will follow the model of the existing Delta Creek hydroelectric facility. The successful Delta Creek project, could be a blueprint for how small, rural communities can succeed with a small hydro project. King Cove has demonstrated that it is able to finance its maintenance and operations through its record of PCE reporting. Lessons have been Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 23 of 27 7/2/14 learned about what constitutes adequate operations and management resources. The idea with this project, as it was with Delta Creek, is to build infrastructure that lasts and then is well maintained. Operations & Maintenance: One of the contractor requirements for the Waterfall Creek hydro facility is to develop a comprehensive O&M manual for all aspects of this new facility. The same requirement for the Delta Creek facility was successfully accomplished by HDR and the contractors and subcontractors. The existing O&M document is a constant source of information for plant employees and routinely serves as a technical guide. The operational costs and overall financial viability of this project will be integrated into the City’s overall power distribution system. The financial operations of this system are part of the City’s electrical enterprise fund, which by definition, is to achieve and maintain financial solvency by regulating and maintaining electric user rates to generate the necessary annual revenue to meet annual operating expenses, as well as adequate funding for a repair and replacement fund for any major unanticipated needs. The commitment to reporting “savings” will always be ongoing as part of the City reviewing and amending, as circumstances allow, the electric user rates in King Cove. Any such savings will also be reported in the monthly and annual PCE utility costs reports. The City will continue to tout the benefits of renewable energy. Staff does this in periodic reports to users, as well as to the government agencies, which have helped achieve these benefits. King Cove is known not to be shy about publishing news releases to share with others around the state and elsewhere. A copy of the City’s recent (summer 2014) media article talking about the role of renewable energy in the community is attached to this application. SECTION 7 – READINESS & COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER GRANTS Discuss what you have done to prepare for this award and how quickly you intend to proceed with work once your grant is approved. Tell us what you may have already accomplished on the project to date and identify other grants that may have been previously awarded for this project and the degree you have been able to meet the requirements of previous grants. The City’s desired schedule for this project has been problematic until recently. However, now with the Title 16 permit finalized, and 100% plans & specs and construction bid documents IN HAND, there are no further expected delays. The schedule presented in Section 3.2 is realistic and obtainable. The City acknowledges that its previous schedules and administrative reporting requirements have not always been as timely or responsive as desired. However, these situations have now significantly changed and the City is driven to complete this project as expeditiously as possible. The City is well aware that every year’s delay will likely cost the City over $250,000. The City fully expects to have Waterfall Creek in operation by the end of 2015. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 24 of 27 7/2/14 The City was been awarded a $200,000 FY13 grant from Round 5 and a $2,600,000 FY15 grant from Round 6 of the AEA renewable Energy Grant Fund. The City has an exemplary record of achievements with over $30 million in various state and federal grants for a variety of community projects over the last 10-15 years. A review of the City’s annual audits can further substantiate these statements. SECTION 8 – LOCAL SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION Discuss local support and opposition, known or anticipated, for the project. Include letters of support or other documentation of local support from the community that would benefit from this project. The Documentation of support must be dated within one year of the RFA date of July 2, 2014 The entire community of King Cove is in favor of the City pursuing funding for a second hydroelectric project. This support is further reflected by the attached letters from the King Cove Corporation and the Agdaagux and Belkofski Tribes. In addition, the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and PPSF speaks to their favorable interest in the project. The City has not heard any opposition to the project. SECTION 9 – GRANT BUDGET Tell us how much you are seeking in grant funds. Include any investments to date and funding sources, how much is being requested in grant funds, and additional investments you will make as an applicant. 9.1 Funding sources and Financial Commitment Provide a narrative summary regarding funding source and your financial commitment to the project The City has approval to submit and has the capacity to sustain a loan for $1,500,000. However, the City remains optimistic that only $500,000 in cash and $561,000 in loans will be necessary to complete this project. The City also will apply its REF Round 6 grant funds in the amount of $2,600,000 to this construction project. 9.2 Cost Estimate for Metering Equipment Please provide a short narrative, and cost estimate, identifying the metering equipment, and its related use to comply with the operations reporting requirement identified in Section 3.15 of the Request for Applications. The monitoring equipment necessary for the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric is already in place and no additional funds are needed for the monitoring requirements. Waterfall Creek will be connected to the existing facilities and equipment at the Delta Creek Hydroelectric plant. The minimum flow in Waterfall Creek needed for fish habitat, as required by the Fish Habitat permit, and the power output, as reported to AEA, will be monitored using the existing equipment. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project AEA 15003 Page 25 of 27 7/2/14 Project Budget Milestone or Task Anticipated Completion Date RE- Fund Grant Funds Grantee Matching Funds Source of Matching Funds: Cash/In- kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other TOTALS City cash/loan =29% REF Rd 6= 71% $ Construction Mobilization & Logistics 4/2015 $237,600 $482,400 $ 720,000 Road & Bridge 8/2015 $590,000 $1,200,000 $1,790,000 Powerhouse Structure 7/2015 $99,000 $201,000 $ 300,000 Intake, Dam, Penstock 8/2015 $481,500 $978,500 $1,460,000 Turbine Generator Install 9/2015 $194,600 $395,400 $ 590,000 Accessory Elect Equip 9/2015 $35,670 $74,330 $ 110,000 Substation Equip 9/2015 $16,500 $33,500 $ 50,000 Construction Management 12/31/2015 $145,130 $ 295,870 $ 441,000 TOTAL $1,800,000 $3,661,000 $5,461,000 Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits $ $ City cash/loan =29% REF Rd 6 = 71% $ Travel & Per Diem $ $ $ Equipment $ $ $ Materials & Supplies $ $ $ Contractual Services $ 145,130 $ 295,870 $ 441,000 Construction Services $1,656,600 $3,363,400 $5,020,000 Other $ $ $ TOTALS $1,801,730 $3,659,270 $5,461,000 Renewable Energy Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application - Standard Form ) ENERGY AUTHORITY Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project SECTION 10 -AUTHORIZED SIGNERS FORM I Community/Grantee Name: The City of King Cove Regular Election is held: Date: Annually I First Tuesday in October [lAuthorized Grant Signer(s): Printed Name Title Term Gary Hennigh Administrator n/a Bonnie Folz Administrative Manager n/a I authorize the above person(s) to sign Grant Documents: (Highest ranking organization/community/municipal official) Printed Name Title Term Signature Henry Mack Mayor -2015 Lej Grantee Contact Information: Mailing Address: 3380 C Street, Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone Number: 907-274-7563 Fax Number: 907-276-7569 E-mail Address: gheimigh@kingcoveak.org Federal Tax ID #: 92-6001247 Please submit an updated form whenever there is a change to the above information. AEA 15003 Page 26 of 27 7/2/14 Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII — ALASKA Grant Application - Standard Form I ENERGY AUTHORITY Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project SECTION 11 - ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION: A.Contact information and resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, Project Accountant(s), key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1, 3.4 and 3.6. Applicants are asked to provide resumes submitted with applications in separate electronic documents if the individuals do not want their resumes posted to the project web site. B.Letters or resolutions demonstrating local support per application form Section 8. C.For projects involving heat: Most recent invoice demonstrating the cost of heating fuel for the building(s) impacted by the project. D.Governing Body Resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management per RFA Section 1.4 that: - Commits the organization to provide the matching resources for project at the match amounts indicated in the application. - Authorizes the individual who signs the application has the authority to commit the organization to the obligations under the grant. - Provides as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application. - Certifies the applicant is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. E.An electronic version of the entire application on CD or other electronic media, per RFA Section 1.7. F.CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations and that they can indeed commit the entity to these obligations. GnHennigh :n::: Title City of Ki41ove Admnistrat ~)r Date September 18, 2014 AEA 15003 Page 27of27 7/2/14 APPENDIX B Letters of Support Belkofski Tribal Council P.O. Box 57 King Cove, Alaska 99612 Phone: 907-497-3122/Fax: 907-497-3123 kcbtc@arctic.net September 15, 2014 Mr. Henry Mack, Mayor City of King Cove P.O. Box 37 King Cove, AK 99612 Re: Letter of Support for Waterfall Creek Hydro-Electric Project Dear Mayor Mack: The Native Village of Belkofski wishes to express its strong support for the City of King Cove's efforts to complete the construction of the Waterfall Creek hydroelectric project. We recognize that in order to accomplish this project it will take more financial resources than the City of King Cove can afford to take on alone. We are pleased to learn that the City is again requesting the Alaska Energy Authority (Renewable Energy Fund Round 8 Grant Application) to partner with King Cove in providing funding for this renewable energy facility. We support these efforts. The success of the City's current Delta Creek hydroelectric project, including now over 20 years of successful plant operation and management, is a blueprint for how to succeed with a small community hydro-electric project. It should serve as a strong indicator to potential grant and/or lending agencies that King Cove knows what it is proposing where the Waterfall Creek hydro project is concerned. Our Belkofski tribal members have already seen the improvement that the Delta Creek hydro-electric facility has made in our lives. In the immediate term, we have enjoyed stable and cheaper utility rates and breathed cleaner air. But, it is the knowledge that we aren't completely at the mercy of the diesel fuel that brings the most comfort to our tribe members. Since we are always planning long-term, it is reassuring to know that we have a completely sustainable source of electric power available to our families for generations to come. This peace of mind from the Delta Creek hydroelectric facility will be enhanced by the additional hydro power from Waterfall Creek, and while it will not keep completely diesel-free, it will go a long way to delivering a clean and secure energy future for our grandchildren and beyond. We wish you well as you pursue this funding and strongly support the City's efforts on the Renewable Energy Fund and any other funding that may come available to construct this proj ect just as soon as possible. Sincerely, Lynn Mack President tu phone 907.497 .2648 fax 90?.497.2803 September 15,2014 Mr. Henry Mack. Mayor City of King Cove P.O. Box 37 King Cove, AK 99612 Re: Letter of Support for Waterfall Creek Hydro-Electric Project Dear Mayor Mack: The Agdaagux Tribal Council (ATC) wishes to express its strong support for the City of King Cove's efforts to complete the construction of the Waterfall Creek hydroelectric project. We recognize that in order to accomplish this project it will take more financial resources than the City of King Cove can afford to take on alone. We are pleased lo learn that the City is again requesting the Alaska Energy Authority (Renewable Energy Fund Round 8 Grant Application) to partner with King Cove in providing funding for this renewable energy facility. We support these efforts. The success of the City's current Delta Creek hydroelectric project, including now over 20 years of successful plant operation and management, is a blueprint for how to succeed with a small community hydro-electric project. lt should serve as a strong indicator to potential grant and/or lending agencies that King Cove knows what it is proposing where the Waterfall Creek hydro project is concerned. ATC has already seen the improvement that Delta Creek hydro-electric facility has made in our lives. ln the immediate term, we have enjoyed stable and cheaper utility rates and breathed cleaner air. But, it is the knowledge that we aren't completely at the mercy of the diesel fuel that brings the most comfort to our tribe members. Since we are always planning longterm, it is reassuring to know that we have a completely sustainable source of electric power available to our families for generations to come. This peace of mind from the Delta Creek hydroelectric facility will be enhanced by the additional hydro power from Waterfall Creek, and while it will not keep completely diesel-free, it will go a long way to delivering a clean and secure energy future for our grandchildren and beyond. We wish you well as you pursue this funding and strongly support the City's efforts on the Renewable Energy Fund and any other funding that may come available to construct this project just as soon as possible. Sincerely, (---tf,-. --:\/, '-Eifa Kuzakin ,/ President ING COVE CORPOMIION PO Box.38, King Gove, AoF 99612 ' (Phone) 907497-2312 (Faxl 907497'2444 kcc@arctic.net September 15,2014 Mr. Henry Mack, Mayor P.O. Bcix 37 King Cove, AK 99612 Re: Letter of Support for Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Dear Mayor Mack: Once again, the King Cove Corporation (KCC) wlshes to express its strongest support for the City of King Cove's efforts to complete the construction of the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project. We know the community will be greatly served by this project and applaud the City's current request for additional funding from the State of Alaska's Renewable Energy Fund Round #8 funding. Furthefmore, as you know.th'e '15 acres of land required for this project is owned by KCC. ' l'lowever, I want to assure'you that the necessary agreement establishing City site controlfor this land will be finalized soon. KC'C fully understands that the City needs this site control documentation now to proceed with this.project. KCC has already seen the impiovements that the Delta Creek hydroelectric facility has made in all our lives and we are looking forward to even. more hydroelectric production from the Waterfall ireek addition. We applaud the Gity fgr its onloing commitinent to renewable energy and making bleaner air, reUuced dep6ndince on expensive diesel, and stabilized energy rates a reality in our community...... We wish you.well as you pursue this funding. Please include this letterof support in your . Renewablb. Energy Grant Round #8 application, and for any otheruppropriate grant,or loan prograins. 'We want to see this piojecte! get constructed as soon as possible! . : ..j APPENDIX C Additional Supporting Materials Memorandum of Understanding between Peter Pan Seafoods, Inc. and City of King Cove, Alaska D evel o pm ent and ^#:ilit#t"tl;*.. sal es Agreem ent (September 2014) Background The Concept Design Report and Construction Cost Estimate for Energy Infrastructure Projects in the Community of King Coye estimated the "domestic load" at Peter Pan Seafoods, Inc. [PPSF) in King Cove, Alaska to be 876,000 annual kW hours. This report was prepared for the Alaska Energy Authority by Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. in 2005. PPSF's "domestic load" has been broadly defined as their residential living quarters and other support facilities for most/all of their non-production activities, In particular, these domestic loads do NOT involve any fish processing and production operations. Without any additional or specific information to validate the estimate of PPSF's domestic load, the City of King Cove (City) presents this potential demand in a range of between 600,000 to 900,000 kwh, annually. PPSF continues to acknowledge a strong interest to purchase any reasonable amount of available surplus power, which the City can consistently and responsibly provide to the company on an annual basis. PPSF and City understand that the current available, annual surplus power from the existing Delta Creek hydro facility is estimated to be 200,000 to 300,000 kWh, and that this amount, alone, would be marginally feasible to incorporate into a power sales agreement. However, with the addition of an expected amount of surplus energy from the Waterfall Creek hydro facility, the range of available, annual surplus power is anticipated to be in a range of 500,000 to 700,000 kwh. Subsequent to the 2005 CDR, the City now has a new diesel power plant which has a generating capacity of 2.4 megawatt hours. The potential significance of having this back-up diesel generation would be to guarantee PPSF, if so desired, to have an uninterrupted power sales agreement if the two hydro facilities could not always fulfill the terms of a power sales agreement demand. If a combination of hydro and diesel generation is occasionally required by the City to fulfill an uninterrupted power sales agreement, it is understood that it would need to contain favorable and advantageous cost terms for both PPSF and City. Current PPSF has agreed to allow metering to be installed in their complex to record current domestic load levels, as well as, to measure the consistency and characteristics of the load levels. The City, with technical assistance from Gray Stassel Engineering, Inc. (Steve Stassel) will be responsible for providing, coordinating, and monitoring a metering program with PPSF. The City will pay all costs related to this electric data collection and reporting task. The goal is to have this metering program in place by November L, 20t4, and continue through june 30, 2015. These eight months of data are expected to provide an acceptable basis for establishing the power demand levels and characteristics to be used for a final power sales agreement. Gray Stassel Engineering Inc. will prepare a brief summary report of the electric load data collected from the PPSF metering program. The draft report will only be distributed to PPSF and the City for internal use prior to finalizing a power sales agreement. At this point, the City is advocating the cost of "surplus power" to be sold to PPSF at $0.18/kwh. This cost has been developed using the same methodology used in the City's recoverable heat sales agreements with the Aleutians East Borough School District, Eastern Aleutian Tribes, Inc. and the Aleutian Housing Authority. The financial underpinnings of this cost are based on a 600/o factor of the City's current $0.30/kwh rate used in these agreements. However, if PPSF desires an uninterrupted sales agreement, a final power sales agreement may be proposed, which incorporates some amount of City provided diesel generation. The City will provide a DRAFT power sales agreement to PPSF by no later than October 3L, 201,4. This agreement will incorporate the above cost parameters, and assumptions, where necessary. However, it is understood that this draft agreement will likely be further modified after the metering program is completed and PPSF has had adequate time to consider its desire for an uninterrupted power sales agreement. Summary In summary this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) represents the following: 1) A good-faith description and summary of a potential power sales agreement based on known andf or estimated surplus power amounts, expressed in annual kwh, which the City expects to have via a combination of its exiting Delta Creek hydro facility and new Waterfall Creek hydro facility; 2) A continuing desire and interest from PPSF to purchase a dependable, significant, and cost-attractive rate of surplus energy from the City of King Cove; 3) A possibility of PPSF wishing to supplement the available surplus hydro energy with some amount of City diesel generation at a cost-attractive rate; and 4) A continuing willingness and goal to work towards a FINAL power sales agreement with the City by no later than August 1, 20L5. Finally, PPSF and City agree to continue working towards the goal of a power sales agreement per the expressed statements, processes, and expectations documented in this MOU. However, it is also understood and agreed to that this MOU implies no legal, technical, or financial obligations from either PPSF or the City. Furthermore, this MOU can be voided at any time with a written statement by either of the below signatures. This MOU and the terms expressed herein have been reviewed and accepted by: Peter Pan Seafoods, Inc.City of King Cove, Alaska Name & Title q-ig-fLl D"t" IDate Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project P.O. Box 37 King Cove, Alaska 99612 3380 C Street Suite 205 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Construction Project King Cove, Alaska The City of King Cove is proposing the construction of the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project. It will be a run-of-the-river hydroelectric facility consisting of a concrete diversion/intake structure, 4,500 ft HDPE penstock pipeline, Peton Impulse Turbine, and an induction generator, remote-automatic control system. Access will be provided by a 5,000 ft road. The existing powerhouse will be expanded to accommodate the Waterfall Creek turbine and generator. King Cove is a predominantly Aleut fishing community situated in a narrow valley overshadowed by rugged mountains reaching down to the water's edge. The city is located on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula and in the midst of a storm corridor, which often brings extreme fog and high winds. The city's economy depends on the year-round commercial fishing and seafood processing industries. Peter Pan Seafoods, in King Cove, is one of the largest cannery operations in Alaska. The community offers a full range of dockage and marine services for commercial fishing, cargo, passenger and recreational vehicles. Port Graha m’s Canne ry Dock is well past its desig n life. Waterfall Creek will be King Cove’s second hydroelectric facility. It will work in concert with the Delta Creek Hydro (pictured above) which has been successfully producing power for the past eighteen years. Project Costs: Construction Estimate: $5,461,000 Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk experience the highest energy costs in Alaska. Oftentimes, fuel must be flown into Shungnak because the Kobuk River is too low for the barge delivery. A recent study of the Project benefits include: Stabilized energy costs into the future for residents, small businesses and the large seafood processing facility in King Cove Annual production of approximately one megawatt of power from a clean, renewable energy resource Displacement of 77,000 gallons of diesel fuel annually and 2.4 million gallons over the 40- year life of the project Annual savings to the City from displaced fuel of more than $250,000 at the current price of diesel and $1.3 million over the 40-year life of the project Annual revenue to the City from power sales to Peter Pan Seafoods of approximately $75,000 Approximately 600 metric tons of avoided carbon dioxide emissions annually Increased opportunity for economic and community development through stable energy costs New jobs for residents during construction Increased revenue for local businesses during construction Reduced potential for fuel spills or contamination during transport, storage, or use (thus protecting important commercial and subsistence resources) Decreased contribution to global climate change from fossil fuel use Increased longevity of the PCE Fund through stabilized energy costs for residents The Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project is construction-ready with a final design by HDR Engineering, comprehensive business and operations plans, and all necessary permits in hand. It is expected to produce up to 1.0 megawatts of energy annually for the residents and small businesses of King Cove as well as a portion of the electrical needs of the large Peter Pan Seafoods processing facility (shown in the mid-ground of the photo above). Doubling Down on Small Hydro in Rural Alaska Government that Works Summer 2014 King Cove, Alaska Citizens know when government really works for them, particularly if reminders of that work arrive in their homes whenever they turn on a light switch or reach for their utility bill. King Cove residents can testify first-hand to being on the receiving end of twenty years worth of dividends. These dividends are the result of city leaders taking a calculated gamble on one of the energy trends of the future. Hydroelectric generation is one of those trends. And because that gamble paid off, we are the beneficiaries of shrinking electric fuel bills - approximately $1,000/yr for every household - from a self-sufficient source of power that flows, quite literally, into our homes and our businesses. Our hydro facility is the reason that King Cove’s $0.30/kWh is one of the “cheapest” power costs among all of Alaska’s more than 150 rural communities. For some perspective on how unlikely all this sounded in the early 1990’s, in the beginning of our extensive homework in renewable energy options, consider this: King Cove is a community of 960 people located 625 air miles southwest of Anchorage. We are tucked up against tall and treeless mountains on one side and the vast expanse of the North Pacific Ocean on the other. High winds are commonplace, along with ample amounts of precipitation and melting glaciers The early 90’s were a time when no one in rural Alaska, and certainly no community with the isolated geography of King Cove, had dared to imagine hydroelectricity as a viable alternative to diesel fuel. After all, the price of diesel was still a modest $.60/gallon and the world of hydropower in rural Alaska was pretty foreign. Yet it was when our cit y leaders, curious about the progress of small-scale hydro technology, decided to learn about run-of-the-river hydro power projects. Diesel costs were headed up and so the greater risk was deemed to be to do nothing. We sought out experts who were up to the challenge and who would help us to manage the risk and we successfully constructed our first hydro project. That dream became reality by 1994 and the switch was on for the Delta Creek Hydroelectric Project. A 800 kWh turbine was operational, transmission lines delivered power where it was needed and two tributaries this modest creek have kept our lights burning brightly ever since. Almost from the beginning, this hydro plant has met over 50% of the city’s power needs, even as our power demands have significantly increased since the project’s inception. Today, Delta Creek provides over 2.5 MW (megawatts) of the annual 4.7 MW that we need to provide electricity to the community. With this history in mind, it should come as no surprise that King Cove is working on its second hydro project using Waterfall Creek. As another tributary to Delta Creek, its proximity is advantageous in both time and money. The existing powerhouse and transmission lines can be used in both projects. The powerhouse will be expanded to house another turbine and generator, which are about 1/2 the size of the Delta Creek turbine and generator. A major regulatory hurdle had to be resolved with the Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game to bring Waterfall Creek’s water volume to within parameters safe for fish. This agreement required a significant compromise on reducing the amount of flow (i.e. energy) from Waterfall Creek by about 30%. Even with this compromise, the project is still feasible – as long as Mother Nature cooperates. Though we are revved up and ready to go, we were disappointed to not receive any additional State grant funding in FY15 for the project. However, we are very optimistic for funding next year. While Delta Creek will eventually pay for itself in diesel fuel cost savings, the reality is that we are still paying off annual debt from the construction of that project of $150,000. Similarly, we expect to incur additional debt to make Waterfall Creek happen, but we are not yet sure how much new debt we are willing and able to incur for Waterfall Creek. After all, the upfront costs of this undertaking are financially challenging. Our current Waterfall Creek project cost estimate is $6.0 million, two million more than the original $4.0 estimate more than six years ago. That is a significant difference to a community of our size and revenue stream. Rather than be crushed by it, or worse yet, allow it to halt our progress, we are not standing still. The Waterfall Creek turbine and generator ($550,000) are on order from Canyon Industries, with an estimated delivery date in spring of 2015, and at this point the city expects Waterfall Creek to be constructed in 2015 and in operation the end of that year. Waterfall Creek is expected to produce 1 MW of power annually for the city. And, like with Delta Creek, most of our hydro energy (about 80%) is produced in spring, summer, and early fall. This reality provides the city with “surplus energy” (i.e. more supply than demand), and Waterfall Creek will increase this amount of surplus energy. This is not bad, since Peter Pan Seafoods, the large seafood processor in King Cove, has expressed strong interest in buying this surplus energy, which could displace as much as 50,000 gallons in diesel fuel for the company. At current fuel prices, this would save Peter Pan over $200,000 annually on their fuel bill, reduce their carbon footprint and help the city’s electric enterprise fund with additional revenue by selling this surplus energy. Finally, we walk our conservation talk in many ways. We have been successful in retrofitting most of our public facilities. All of our street and harbor lighting now use energy -saving LEDs, and consequently, has reduced energy demand by about 100,000 kWh a year. And recoverable heat, produced from both our diesel system, when needed to supplement our hydro system, and surplus hydro energy converted into heat via an electric boiler, heats several public buildings, including our school and clinic. Our recoverable heat system is displacing another 25,000 to 30,000 gallons of diesel fuel previously used for these space heat sources. All of this is to say that we have put our belief in that renewable and reusable energy is our future and fossil fuels are on their way out. We think dreaming big, planning well and practicing budget discipline is a formula that will secure for our grandchildren a viable community powered by clean, dependable, renewable and reusable energy. Wouldn’t you agree? U N I M A KI S L A N DB A YB R I S T O LCOLD BAYFROSTY PEAKFALSE PASSMT DUTTONPAVLOFVOLCANOSAND POINTPROJECT LOCATION MAPN.T.S.GENERALINTAKEAnchoragePROJECTLOCATIONKing CoveKodiakJuneauKetchikanNomeBarrowPROJECTAREAKINGCOVEPROJECT VICINITY MAPN.T.S.PROJECT AREA MAPN.T.S.C-361EMBANKMENT FILL PLAN AND PROFILEC-362 TYPICAL SECTIONSC-363 TYPICAL SECTIONSC-364TYPICAL SECTIONSC-365ACCESS ROAD DETAILSC-366ACCESS ROAD SUPERELEVATIONC-001 PROJECT MAPS & DRAWING INDEXC-002PROJECT SITE OVERVIEW MAPC-003GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, LEGEND & SYMBOLSC-004SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM RECORD OF SURVEYC-005ARCHITECTURAL CODE TEXT IC-006ARCHITECTURAL CODE TEXT IIC-101 SITE PLANC-102 INTAKE PLANC-111INTAKE SECTIONS, SHEET 1C-112INTAKE SECTIONS, SHEET 2C-121INTAKE REINFORCEMENT PLANC-122INTAKE REINFORCEMENT SECTIONSELECTRICALMISCELLANEOUS DETAILSE-600ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION LEGENDE-601INTAKE ELECTRICAL PLAN (NIC)E-601AINTAKE EMBEDDED CONDUIT AND GROUNDING PLANE-602POWER HOUSE ELECTRICAL SITE PLANE-603POWER HOUSE ELECTRICAL PLANS (NIC)E-603APOWER HOUSE EMBEDDED CONDUIT AND GROUNDING PLANE-604ELECTRICAL GENERATOR ONE LINE DIAGRAM (NIC)E-605480V PANELBOARD GENERATOR ONE LINE DIAGRAM (NIC)E-606ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELEVATIONS (NIC)E-607ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES (NIC)E-608ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD SCHEDULES (NIC)E-609ELECTRICAL CONTROL DIAGRAMS (NIC)E-610ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION DETAILS (NIC)E-611P&ID (NIC)E-612COMMUNICATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BLOCK DIAGRAMSC-801MISCELLANEOUS STEEL DETAILS, SHEET 1C-802MISCELLANEOUS STEEL DETAILS, SHEET 2C-803MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE DETAILSNO.REVISIONSDATEDESCRIPTIONBYCHKAPPROV.ACCESS ROADCONTINUED1ACCESS ROADC-350ACCESS ROAD & PIPELINE SHEET KEY INDEXC-351 ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 1+00 TO Sta 5+50C-352 ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 5+50 TO Sta 10+50C-353ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 10+50 TO Sta 14+70C-354ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 14+70 TO Sta 20+10C-355ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 20+10 TO Sta 25+00C-356ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 25+00 TO Sta 30+50C-357ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 30+50 TO Sta 35+50C-358 ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 35+50 TO Sta 39+50C-359 ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 39+50 TO Sta 43+75C-360ACCESS ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA 43+75 TO STA 47+67.16POWERHOUSEC-501POWERHOUSE SITE PLANC-521POWERHOUSE PLANC-522POWERHOUSE SECTIONS, SHEET 1C-523POWERHOUSE SECTIONS, SHEET 2C-531POWERHOUSE REINFORCEMENT PLANC-532POWERHOUSE REINFORCEMENT SECTIONSC-551POWERHOUSE ELEVATIONSC-400PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 60+00 TO Sta 64+50C-401PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 64+50 TO Sta 69+50C-402PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 69+50 TO Sta 73+80C-403PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 73+80 TO Sta 79+50C-404PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 79+50 TO Sta 84+50C-405PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 84+50 TO Sta 89+50C-406PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 89+50 TO Sta 94+50C-407PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 94+50 TO Sta 98+50C-408PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE Sta 98+50 TO Sta 103+50C-409PIPE PLAN AND PROFILE STA 103+50 TO STA 106+04.61C-410SPRING CREEK DIVERSION PIPE PLAN AND PROFILEC-411PIPE DETAILSC-412PIPE DETAILSPIPELINE AND DIVERSIONMECHANICALM-151INTAKE MECHANICAL PLAN AND SECTIONSLWDBRFB9-5-2014ISSUED FOR BID Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Prepared for: City of King Cove 3880 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 Prepared by: HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 December 2013 Revision Pages No. Date Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By First Draft 10/21/09 P.Berkshire/B. Butera B.Carey, AEA G. Hennigh, City of KC Second Draft 08/23/13 P.Berkshire/B. Butera Updated Pipe 12/5/2013 B.Butera/D.Elwood Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Table of Contents Page Section I - General Design Criteria 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ I-1 2.0 References .............................................................................................................................. I-1 3.0 General Description of Facilities ........................................................................................... I-2 4.0 Materials ................................................................................................................................. I-3 4.1 Unit Weights .............................................................................................................. I-3 4.2 Concrete ..................................................................................................................... I-3 4.3 Reinforcement ............................................................................................................ I-3 4.4 Earth and Rock........................................................................................................... I-4 4.5 Steel ............................................................................................................................ I-4 4.6 Timber ........................................................................................................................ I-4 Section II - Diversions and Intake 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... II-1 2.0 References ............................................................................................................................. II-1 3.0 Description of Facilities ........................................................................................................ II-1 4.0 Hydraulic Design Criteria ..................................................................................................... II-3 4.1 General Project Operation ........................................................................................ II-3 4.2 Design Maximum Water Surface Elevation............................................................. II-3 4.3 Normal Maximum Water Surface Elevation ............................................................ II-3 4.4 Minimum Operating Water Surface Elevation......................................................... II-3 4.5 Design Flow .............................................................................................................. II-3 4.6 Intake Submergence.................................................................................................. II-4 4.7 Fish Screen Velocity ................................................................................................. II-4 4.8 Trash Rack Velocity ................................................................................................. II-4 4.9 Trajectory of Flow .................................................................................................... II-4 5.0 Structural Design Criteria ..................................................................................................... II-4 5.1 Crest Elevation of Diversion Structure ..................................................................... II-4 5.2 Foundation Bearing Pressures .................................................................................. II-5 5.3 Stability ..................................................................................................................... II-5 Section III - Pipeline 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... III-1 2.0 References ........................................................................................................................... III-1 3.0 Pipeline ................................................................................................................................ III-1 3.1 General ..................................................................................................................... III-1 3.2 Materials .................................................................................................................. III-2 3.3 Design Loads ........................................................................................................... III-2 4.0 Thrust Blocks ...................................................................................................................... III-4 5.0 Elbows ................................................................................................................................. III-5 Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Table of Contents (Continued) Page Section III - Pipeline (Continued) 6.0 Pipeline Appurtenances ..................................................................................................... III-5 6.1 Manholes .................................................................................................................. III-5 6.2 Air-release and Air-vacuum Valves ........................................................................ III-5 6.3 Leak Detection System ............................................................................................ III-6 7.0 Trenching ............................................................................................................................ III-6 Section IV - Roads and Site Drainage 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... IV-1 2.0 References ........................................................................................................................... IV-1 3.0 Access Roads....................................................................................................................... IV-1 4.0 Clear Creek Crossing .......................................................................................................... IV-3 5.0 Site Drainage ..................................................................................................................... IV-3 5.1 Ditches .................................................................................................................... IV-3 5.2 Culverts ................................................................................................................... IV-3 5.3 Peak Flow Rates...................................................................................................... IV-3 5.4 Conveyance Sizing ................................................................................................. IV-3 Section V - Powerhouse 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... V-1 2.0 References ............................................................................................................................ V-1 3.0 General Description of Facilities ......................................................................................... V-1 4.0 Turbine/Generator ................................................................................................................ V-1 5.0 Plant Controls ....................................................................................................................... V-2 5.1 Load Controls ........................................................................................................... V-2 5.2 Backup Power ........................................................................................................... V-4 5.3 Intake Control ........................................................................................................... V-4 5.4 Other Powerhouse Equipment .................................................................................. V-5 6.0 Powerhouse Structure........................................................................................................... V-6 6.1 General ...................................................................................................................... V-6 6.2 Earthquake Loads ..................................................................................................... V-7 6.3 Snow Loads............................................................................................................... V-7 6.4 Wind Loads ............................................................................................................... V-7 Section VI - Transformer 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... VI-1 1.1 Replace or Upgrade ................................................................................................ VI-1 Appendix: AEA Comments on First Draft Design Criteria Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Section I General Design Criteria 1. INTRODUCTION This document presents the general design criteria to be used in preparing final designs of the diversion and intake structures, pipeline, powerhouse, transmission line and access roads for the Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project. Section I presents general design criteria to be used for these project facilities. Sections II, III, and IV present specific design criteria for the diversion and intake, pipeline, and roads and site drainage respectively, and should be used in conjunction with the general criteria in this section. Design criteria for the powerhouse, powerhouse equipment, and switchyard changes are covered in Sections V and VI. These design criteria are to be used as the basis for preparing detailed design drawings, calculations, and specifications. 2. REFERENCES Design engineers should also refer to applicable information contained in the following documents: 1. USGS 1:63,360 scale contour map, Cold Bay, Alaska, 1983 edition. 2. Aero-Metric, 1”=400’ mapping based on photography acquired 10-30-1995 at a nominal scale of 1’=2000’. 3. HDR Alaska, Inc., King Cove “Waterfall Creek” Hydroelectric Project, Concept Design Report –Final, September 12, 2007. 4. HDR Alaska, Inc., King Cove Hydroelectric Project Record Drawings, February 28, 1994. 5. HDR Alaska, Inc., King Cove Hydroelectric Project Contract Documents for General Construction, January 1994. 6. Shannon and Wilson, Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project, Reconnaissance Report, September 21, 2009. 7. FERC "Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects," 1991. 8. Gemperline, Eugene, J. M., ASCE, Considerations in the Design and Operation of Hydro Power Intake, Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics, pgs. 157-556, 1990. A State of the Practice prepared by the Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Edited by William L. Ryan and Randy D. Crissman. 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES The Project will be located on a small unnamed creek approximately 5 miles north of the City of Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria King Cove. This creek is adjacent to and west of an existing hydroelectric project on Delta Creek that was constructed in 1995. The creek has a noticeable waterfall that is visible from the Delta Creek hydroelectric powerhouse. For the purposes of this memorandum we will call this creek “Waterfall Creek”. The drainage basin for this creek is generally south facing, and ranges in elevation from approximately 3000 feet down to 700 feet near the top of the waterfall and 190 feet where Waterfall Creek meets Delta Creek. The basin can best be observed from near the water tank at the high point on the King Cove Airport Road. The project will capture the streamflow approximately 500 feet upstream of the falls and discharge it to Delta Creek at the existing Delta Creek tailrace. The general project arrangement will include the following main features and is shown in Figure 3 with a detail of the lower portion shown in Figure 4.  An intake structure located 500 feet upstream of the waterfall at approximately elevation 680 feet.  A pipeline located to the northeast side of Waterfall Creek.  A powerhouse constructed as an addition to the existing Delta Creek Hydro Project powerhouse.  A new 480V - 12.5 kV transformer and use of the existing 5.6 mile 12.5 kV transmission line connecting the existing Delta Creek Hydro powerhouse to the City of King Cove.  An access road to the intake structure that crosses Delta Creek with a bridge and is generally located on the northeast side of Waterfall Creek. Based on the field reconnaissance the diversion structure will be approximately 20 feet wide at the base and 40 feet wide at the top (assuming a 10 foot height). The intake will be designed to divert water at a rate of up to 12 cfs for hydroelectric power generation. The intake will be constructed of cast-in-place concrete keyed to the diversion structure and will include provisions for sluicing bedload, preventing debris from entering the pipeline with a trash rack, releasing a 1 cfs instream flows, and dewatering the pipeline with a shutoff valve. A buried pipeline will be constructed from the intake to the powerhouse. The pipeline diameter will be 20 inches, and the pipeline will be approximately 4,000 feet long. The pipeline will be constructed from high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. Electrical power and control signal cables will be run to the intake and a spare conduit will be included. A road will be required to construct and access the intake site and the pipeline. The road will switchback up the northeast side of the creek (right side when facing waterfall). A bridge will be required across Delta Creek. The length of this road is approx imately 3,600 feet. The average slope over this route would be 13% with some steeper sections. Winter maintenance of this road may be difficult as a photograph of the site from winter of 2006 showed that there may be significant snow drifting along the upper sections of the roadway. A powerhouse would be located adjacent to the existing powerhouse. This would allow use of much of the existing mechanical and electrical systems within the existing powerhouse and would provide for ease of operator access. A 19-foot x 40-foot addition on the east side of the existing Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria powerhouse is proposed. The penstock would enter on the north wall of this addition. Discharge from the turbine will flow through a concrete channel in the powerhouse foundation, then into a short new tailrace and then into the existing powerhouse tailrace channel to Delta Creek. The powerhouse includes the following features:  A 19’×40’ slab-type reinforced concrete foundation, with column footings and perimeter walls similar to the existing powerhouse.  A 19’×40’ pre-engineered insulated metal building superstructure, designed for the appropriate snow, seismic, crane, and wind loads. The existing building shell will be modified to access the addition.  A double nozzle horizontal Pelton impulse turbine with hydraulically-operated needle valves and jet deflectors. Rotational speed would be 600 rpm.  An induction generator rated at 400 kW, 480V.  A butterfly-type turbine shutoff valve.  A hydraulic power unit for operating the turbine valves.  An overhead monorail hoist for assembling and loading turbine and generator components. The existing powerhouse work area will be extended to the north to allow hoist loads to be set or picked up from trucks in the work area. The existing backup diesel generator will need to be relocated.  A control system designed for remote-automatic operation of the generating unit.  This arrangement will piggyback on the existing DC power system, HVAC equipment plumbing systems and substation equipment. 4. MATERIALS 4.1. Unit Weights The following standard unit weights (pounds per cubic foot) shall be used, where applicable. Water 62.4 Steel 490 Concrete 150 Wood 25 Ice 60 Snow at intake area 25 Snow at powerhouse site 10 Backfill 100 4.2. Concrete The analysis and design of new reinforced concrete structures shall follow the latest revision of ACI Code 318 and applicable sections of ACI 350. Reinforced concrete structures shall be analyzed on the basis of the theory of elastic frames, but design of a section shall be carried out using the ultimate strength design method. Concrete used for the project shall achieve a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Lean concrete for pipe slurry bedding (if used) will have a minimum 1,000 psi compressive strength. Cement used for the project shall be Type I or Type III, conforming to ASTM C 150. 4.3. Reinforcement Reinforcement detailing will be performed in accordance with the ACI Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures. Reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 615, Grade 60. 4.4. Earth and Rock Engineering properties for soils, including allowable temporary and permanent excavated slopes, and characteristics of borrow material will be determined by a geotechnical analysis provided prior to final design. 4.5. Structural Steel Steel members shall be designed in accordance with the Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, and the Manual of Steel Construction published by the AISC. Structural steel and miscellaneous steel will comply with the following ASTM requirements: Structural steel shapes, plates and bars A36 Structural Steel Tubing A500 Grade B Aluminum Members B209 Bolts A193, Grade B8 or better Grating A36 or Aluminum Checkered Plate A108 Grade 1016,1018,1019 Handrail A120 Std. Wt. Stainless Steel A304 (ANSI 18 Cr 8 Ni) Exposed metal surfaces will be hot dip galvanized or stainless, except for gates and valves. All exterior stairs, and checkered plate will be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. All exposed bolts, nuts, and washers will be type 304 stainless. Gates and valves inside powerhouse will be painted, outside gates and valves will have a weather resistant factory applied paint. 4.6. Timber Timber used for structural purposes shall be treated West Coast Douglas Fir, designed in accordance with the UBC and American Institute of Timber Construction (AITC). Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Section II Diversion and Intake Structure 1. INTRODUCTION This section presents the hydraulic, structural, and mechanical design criteria for the diversion and intake structure. 2. REFERENCES 1. USBR, "Design of Small Dams," third edition, 1987. 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, "Hydraulic Design Criteria." 3. U.S. Geological Survey, "Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Alaska and Conterminous Basins of Canada," Provisional Report, September 1992. 3. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES The diversion structure will be approximately 20 feet wide at the base and 40 feet wide at the top (assuming a 10 foot height). The intake will be designed to divert water at a rate of up to 12 cfs for hydroelectric power generation. The intake will be constructed of cast-in-place concrete keyed to the diversion structure and will include provisions for sluicing bedload, preventing debris from entering the pipeline with a trash rack, releasing a 1 cfs instream flow, and dewatering the pipeline with a shutoff valve. A buried pipeline will be constructed from the intake to the powerhouse. The pipeline diameter will be 20 inches, and the pipeline will be approximately 4,000 feet long. The pipeline will be constructed from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. Electrical power and control signal cables will be run to both intakes. Basic requirements of the diversion and intake structure are as follows: 1. The diversion and intake structure will be designed as similar as possible to the existing structure at Clear Creek to aid operator familiarity. 2. A small amount of bedload is expected to accumulate behind the diversion structure. With the sluice arrangement, a channel will be kept open through the reservoir to the intake channel by the action of a sluiceway. The sluiceway will also keep the area in front of the trashrack free of sediment. The sluice way will be designed to pass the largest bedload as determined during final design. Discharge through the sluiceway will be controlled by a conventional flat sluice gate. The gate will be capable of operating remotely. Power and controls for the gate will be designed by HDR. 3. A submerged HDPE trash rack will be installed between the sluiceway and the intake box to keep debris from entering the intake box. HDPE will be used to minimize any frazil ice issues. The trash rack will be set with freeboard above the bottom of the sluiceway to Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria allow bedload to pass by. Vertical bar spacings will be selected after turbine supplier recommendations are reviewed in the final design. Provision will be made for installation of pressure differential measuring instruments. When the difference in water level upstream and downstream of the trashrack exceeds a preset limit, plugging is occurring, and the plant control computer will sound an alarm and call for operator. 4. The intake box will be designed to limit water velocities to less than 1 ft/sec which will allow settling of larger material which passes through the trashrack, preventing it from entering the pipeline. Settling area below the pipeline invert will be designed into the intake box. An outlet pipe with a gate valve will be included in the intake box to expedite clean-out if sediment accumulates. A second outlet with an orifice plate will be included to release instream flow. The orifice plate will be field calibrated to pass 1 cfs. A gate valve will be included on the outlet to allow removal and replacement of the orifice plate during calibration. 5. The sluiceway, intake box, and intake controls will be housed and heated. A manhole will extend from this housing into a small structure that extends above the snow line to allow winter access. 6. A butterfly valve will be installed to shut off flow to the pipeline and allow the pipeline to be drained. The valve will be capable of operating remotely and manually. Valve shafts and disc edges and other exposed hardware shall be stainless steel. The valve will be inside a roofed intake box. An atmospheric air vent will be placed downstream of the shutoff gate. Valve operators will have metal security enclosures. 7. The diversion and intake facilities will be designed with future maintenance in mind. Principal maintenance tasks are expected to be:  Lubrication of motor operators  Removal of sediment deposits in intake  Removal of sediment deposits upstream of the diversion structure to maintain unrestricted flow to the intake  Removal of floating debris against trash racks 8. Project facilities shall be designed against potential vandalism. For example, hinges shall be concealed, bolts tacked down and solid covers provided over openings in the intake deck. OSHA standards shall apply. Fencing will not be installed around the diversion/intake. 9. Sluiceway stop-logs will be made of timber. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria 4. HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA 4.1. General Project Operation The project will be operated in a run-of-river mode. Fluctuation of the water levels of the pond behind the diversion will be kept to a minimum. 4.2. Design Maximum Water Surface Elevation The design maximum water surface elevation will be based on the 100-year instantaneous flood as determined by HDR. The diversion structure will have 2 feet of freeboard over the design maximum water surface elevation. 4.3. Minimum Operating Water Surface Elevation Flow from the intake will be controlled by a headwater level measurement device sending a signal to the powerhouse Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The PLC will modulate opening or closing of the turbine nozzles to regulate the intake water surface elevation. The device will be programmed by HDR to maintain the pool elevation behind the diversion structure within an approx. 3-inch range. Assuming there will be times when the pool level will temporarily drop below the 3-inch range, the minimum operating water surface elevation will be set at 12 inches below the diversion crest. The powerplant will be shut down when the water surface elevation drops below the minimum operating water surface elevation, or if the turbine flow is below the minimum discharge setting. The minimum discharge setting may be determined either by freezing conditions inside the turbine tailrace, or by flow less than necessary to produce power. 4.4. Design Flow The trash rack and pipeline from the intake to the junction of the powerhouse will be sized to convey a maximum flow of no less than 12 cfs to the turbine. 4.5. Intake Submergence The maximum intake invert elevation will be set based on an article by J. L. Gordon (Water Power, April 1970). The equation is: S = CVD0.5 where: S = Elevation difference between min. operating elevation and crown of intake, ft C = 0.4 (for lateral approach flow) V = Velocity of flow in pipeline, fps D = Diameter of pipeline, ft 4.6. Minimum Instream Flow The Waterfall Creek diversion dam and water intake will be designed to spill a constant flow of 1 cfs; this spill requirement will not be increased over the life of the project. The flow from the Waterfall Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Creek diversion will be established by a fixed orifice plate. During times when Waterfall Creek flow is naturally less than 1 cfs at the intake, all available water will be spilled into Waterfall Creek. When Waterfall Creek flow ranges between 1 and 13 cfs at the intake, the 1 cfs of spill will be maintained. Flow greater than 13 cfs will be spilled into Waterfall Creek. 4.7. Trash Rack Velocity Maximum flow velocity through the trash rack shall not exceed 3 fps. The trash rack will be designed to withstand full differential pressure across the rack. 4.8. Trajectory of Flow The downstream apron of the diversion structure shall be sized to minimize undermining of the diversion structure and to direct flows along the natural lines of the creek. 5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA 5.1. Design Loads The diversion and intake structure shall be designed to resist overturning and sliding in accordance with FERC's "Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects." The diversion structure shall be analyzed for four loading cases: I) normal operating, II) flood, III) normal operating with earthquake, and IV) construction. 5.1.1. Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic levels shall be as determined by the hydraulic design criteria. 5.1.2. Uplift Pressure Uplift will be assumed to act over 100 percent of the area of the intake structures and to vary as a straight line from the maximum differential between headwater and tail water. 5.1.3. Earthquake Equivalent static earthquake inertia forces will be computed in accordance with the UBC for Zone 4, with a site coefficient of 1.0. Vertical seismic loads are assumed to be zero. 5.1.4. Ice and Snow The magnitude of pressure exerted by ice sheets against the diversion and intake structure shall be assumed to be 5 kips per linear foot. Snow load for the intake structures located in gullies where snow deposition occurs will be 160 pounds per square foot. 5.1.5. Silt Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria For determining the pressure against structures caused by silt, the unit weight of silt shall be 85 pcf for computing horizontal pressures and 120 pcf for computation of vertical pressures. 5.1.6. Earth Pressures Lateral earth pressures on retaining walls and other backfilled structures shall be determined from the formula: F = 0.5KwH2 where: F = Horizontal earth pressure K = Coefficient of earth pressure Kactive = (to be determined) Kat rest = (to be determined) Kpassive = (to be determined) w = Unit weight of soil plus ground water, pcf H = Height of soil, ft 5.1.7. Wind Load Design will be per UBC with a basic wind speed of 110 mph, exposure factor D. 5.2. Foundation Bearing Pressure Bedrock is assumed. 5.3. Stability Structures will be designed to meet FERC-standard factors of safety for low hazard dams as shown below for each of the following load cases: Case I: Normal Operating Condition - Pool elevation at spillway crest - Silt loading Case II: Flooding Condition - 100-year flood level Case III: Earthquake Condition - Same loads as Case I plus earthquake loads using static seismic coefficients. Case IV: Construction Condition - Construction completed with no water behind diversion structure - Earthquake forces applied as in Case III 5.3.1. Overturning Structures will be considered safe against overturning for each load case if the vertical stress at the heel, without uplift, exceeds uplift pressure at that point. For the extreme loading conditions, the structure will be considered safe against overturning if the pressure at the toe is less than the allowable stress in the concrete and the foundation, and the resultant is within the middle half of the foundation. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Factors of safety as in Section 5.3.2, sliding will apply. 5.3.2. Sliding For structures on soils, the factor of safety (F.S.) against sliding, defined as the ratio of friction resisting forces to horizontal driving forces, will be calculated by the formula: where V = summation of all vertical forces and H = summation of all horizontal forces. Minimum factors of safety for various load conditions, and coefficients of friction for various soil types are given below: Minimum Factor of Safety Coefficient of Sliding Friction Case FS Soil (f) I 2.00 Clay 0.3 II 1.25 Sand 0.4 III 1.25 Gravel 0.5 IV 1.10 For structures on rock, stability against sliding will be determined by the shear-friction factor. where: Q = Shear friction factor C = Cohesion value of concrete on rock, psf A = Area of base considered, sf W = Sum of vertical forces (except uplift), lb U = Uplift forces, lb tan Ö = Coefficient of internal friction H = Sum of horizontal forces, lb Minimum factors of safety will be 2.0 for Case I, 1.25 for Case II, and 1.1 for Cases III and IV. 5.3.3. Flotation Stability for uplift pressure will have minimum factors of safety of 1.5 for Case I, 1.25 for Case II and 1.1 for Cases III and IV. H V(f)x = FS Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Section III Pipeline 1. INTRODUCTION This section presents the design criteria to be used as the basis for preparing detailed design drawings, calculations, and specifications for the pipeline and thrust blocks. 2. REFERENCES 1. American Institute of Steel Construction, AISC Manual of Steel Construction, 8th edition. 2. American Water Works Association, Steel Pipe Design and Installation M-11. 3. American Iron and Steel Institute, Welded Steel Pipe, Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 3, 1983. 4. American Iron and Steel Institute, Steel Pipelines and Tunnel Liners, Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 4, 1984. 5. American Iron and Steel Institute, Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 4, 1992. Buried Steel Pipelines. 3. PIPELINE 3.1. General The pipeline will extend from the intake to the powerhouse and will be approximately 4,000 feet long. The pipeline will be constructed from HDPE and will be buried throughout its length. The HDPE pipeline will transition to steel pipe just upstream of the powerhouse thrust block. The outside diameter of the pipeline will be 20 inches based on life cycle costs. The recommended class of HDPE pipe by pressure zone is summarized in following table: Zone Pipe Class Diameter Wall Thickness Minimum Head Maximum Head Minimum Depth of Cover non-dim inches inches feet feet feet 1 SDR 13.5 20 1.48 0 40 1.83 2 SDR 17 20 1.18 40 286 2.25 3 SDR 13.5 20 1.48 286 368 1.83 4 SDR 11 20 1.82 368 460 1.83 5 SDR 9 20 2.22 460 470 1.83 The pipeline will follow the access road from just downstream of the intake to the Delta Creek crossing. For the majority of the route, the pipe will be located in the centerline of the access road. The pipeline will cross Delta Creek on the downstream side of the road bridge and will be supported Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria in a steel casing. The steel casing will be supported on the concrete bridge abutments with intermediate supports from the bridge structure. The gap between the HDPE pipe and the steel casing will be maintained with casing spacers and filled with insulating foam. Casing spacers will be designed to accommodate the electrical and communication conduits. Boots will be installed on the ends of the pipe. A small water catchment structure and pipeline will also be installed on a small unnamed stream north of Waterfall Creek (locally known as Springs Creek). The Springs Creek diversion will convey all of the available water (up to the capacity of the pipeline) to Waterfall Creek through an 8-inch diversion pipe. A magnetic flux flow meter will be installed on the Springs Creek pipeline to measure discharge from Springs Creek. An energy dissipation structure will be located at the end of the pipe. Springs Creek water will be discharged near location WC-7, identified during field investigations. 3.2. Materials High Density Polyethylene pipe shall be designed in accordance with ASTM 3350, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastic Pipe and Fittings Materials and design guidelines from the Handbook of PE Pipe published by the Plastic Pipe Institute. The HDPE material shall conform to ASTM F412, “Standard Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems”, Grade PE4710. Pipeline specifications will include all appurtenances and bulkheads required for field hydrotesting of the completed pipeline. 3.3. Design Loads The following design criteria shall be used for the design of the HDPE pipeline. The pipeline will be designed to resist internal pressure, external live loads, buckling loads during construction, overpressure/vacuum due to water hammer, and hydrostatic leak testing to 125 percent of static head. 3.3.1. Internal Pressure The internal pressure rating (PR) of the HDPE pipe shall be based on the following equation from the Handbook of PE Pipe, Chapter 6: where: D = Outside diameter of the pipe (in) t = Wall thickness of the pipe (in) HDS = Hydrostatic design stress (1000 psi for PE4710 material) DR = Controlled pipe dimension ration (D/t) Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria FT = Service temperature design factor (1.0 for water temperature less than 73 Deg. F) AF = Environmental application factor (1.0 for fresh water) 3.3.2. Live Load The live load on the buried pipe shall be calculated for the same live load cases described previously for the steel pipe. Timoshenko’s equation for soil pressure shall be used to calculate the combined earth and live load on the buried pipe. The minimum depth of cover for the pipe under the roadway shall be not less than one pipe diameter (22 inches) per guidance from the Handbook of PE Pipe. The following equation shall be used to calculate the live loads on the buried pipe: [ ] where: PL = Vertical soil pressure due to live load (lb/ft2) If = Impact factor (2.0) Ww = Wheel load (lbs) ac = Wheel contact area (ft2) H = Depth of cover (ft) rT = Equivalent radius (ac/π)1/2 3.3.3. Allowable Live Load Pressure at Pipe Crown The allowable live load pressure at the pipe crown shall be calculated to ensure that the live loads on the roadway will not damage the pipe. The following equation for the Handbook of PE Pipe shall be used to calculate the allowable live load pressure (PWAT): ( ) where: w = Unit weight of soil (lb/ft3) K = Passive earth coefficient (3.0) Hc = Depth of cover (feet) I = Pipe wall moment of inertia (in4) SF = Safety factor (Minimum factor of safety of 3.0) c = Outer fiber to pipe wall centroid (in) SMAT = Material yield strength (3,600 psi for 4710 HDPE) D0 = Outside diameter of pipe (inches) t = Pipe wall thickness (inches) 3.3.4. De-watered Buckling of Pipe The allowable buckling pressure for the constrained evacuated pipe during construction shall be Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria calculated to ensure that the pipe will not collapse during construction. The Luscher equation shall be used to calculate the allowable constrained buckling pressure (PWC) for the pipe: √ where: SF = Safety factor (Minimum factor of safety of 2.0) H = Depth of cover (feet) E’ = Soil reaction modulus (psi) E = Modulus of elasticity of pipe (32,000 psi for HDPE pipe) DR = Controlled pipe dimension ration (D/t) 3.3.5. Water Hammer The transient pressure surge in the HDPE pipeline shall be based on a sudden slam of one of the turbine needle valves resulting in instantaneous reduction in flow of 50% through the pipeline. The maximum pressure due to surge shall not exceed 2.0 times the design pressure per the design guidelines from the Handbook of PE Pipe. The absolute vacuum pressure due to surge shall be no more than 0.33 times the allowable unconstrained pipe wall buckling pressure (PWU). The amplitude of the surge pressure wave (PS) shall be calculated using the following equations from the Handbook of PE Pipe, Chapter 6: ( ) √ where: a = Wave celerity (ft/s) ΔV = Sudden velocity change (ft/s) g = Gravitational constant (32.174 ft/s2) KBULK = Bulk modulus of fluid (300,000 psi for fresh water) Ed = Dynamic instantaneous effective modulus of pipe (150,000 psi for PE4710 material) DR = Controlled pipe dimension ration (D/t) The allowable unconstrained pipe wall buckling pressure (PWU) shall be calculated using the following equation from the Handbook of PE Pipe, Chapter 6: Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria ( ) where: f0 = Ovality correction factor (0.76 based on guidance from Handbook of PE Pipe) NS = Factor of safety (Minimum factor of safety of 2.0) Ed = Dynamic instantaneous effective modulus of pipe (150,000 psi for PE4710 material) μ = Poisson’s ration of pipe (0.45 for HDPE) DR = Controlled pipe dimension ration (D/t) 4. THRUST RESTRAINT The pipeline will be retrained joint design for its entire length. The powerhouse thrust block will be designed to resist the load on the guard valve and will be designed into the powerhouse foundation . Anchor rings will be designed for powerhouse thrust block to accept dead-end thrust. Hydrostatic thrust at bends will be calculated according to the following equation: where: T = Thrust force, kips ã = Unit weight of water, 0.0624 kip/ft3 H = Head on the pipeline centerline, feet A = Area of the pipe, sq feet Ä = Deflection angle of bend, degrees Hydrodynamic thrust at bends will be calculated according to the following equation: where: T = Thrust force, lb ñ = Density of water, 1.94 slug/ft3 V = Water velocity, ft/sec Q = Flow rate, ft3/sec Thrust blocks will be designed according to the following equation: Area required = (Total thrust)(1.5)/Horizontal bearing capacity of soil 5. ELBOWS Elbows for steel pipe bends will have a minimum radius of seven pipe diameters and will be fabricated in accordance with AWWA C208. The maximum deflection per joint will be 1 degree. Miter ends will have a maximum deflection angle of 5 degrees. Elbows will be two piece through 22.5 degrees, three piece through 45 degrees, four piece through 67.5 degrees, and five piece through 90 degrees. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Elbows for HDPE pipe bends will be fabricated in accordance with D 3261 “Standard Specification for Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene Plastic Pipe and Tubing.”. 6. PIPELINE APPURTENANCES 6.1. Pipeline Failure Detection System A pipeline failure detection system will be designed to close the intake valves in the event of a pipeline failure. Pipeline pressure will be monitored at the power house and if it drops below a set level the intake valves will close and the system will shut down. Design and programming of controls to perform this function will be by HDR. 7. TRENCHING The pipeline will be in a cut-and-cover trench having a bottom width a minimum of 1 foot wider (6 inches each side) than the pipe outside diameter. Trench depths will be 6 inches below the grade of the outside bottom of the pipeline to provide a uniform bedding support for the entire length. Bedding and backfill to a height of 6 inches above the pipe will be compacted 2 inch minus screened pit run material for HDPE and 3/4 inch minus screened pit run material for steel. Material suitable for this use with minimal screening is available at a pit near the airport. A minimum soil cover will be provided over the top of the pipe to handle H20 surface loads. Pipe will not be buried below the frost line. It is assumed the pipe will either be flowing or drained and will not be left full when plant is not operational during the winter. Trench details will show power and communication cables to be installed along with the pipe. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Section IV Roads and Site Drainage 1. INTRODUCTION This section presents design criteria for the project access roads and site drainage. It covers the design of permanent access roads and site drainage for the entire project. 2. REFERENCES 1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2001. 2. AASHTO Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local Roads, 2001. 3. Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Alaska Highway Preconstruction Manual, 2005. 4. Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, 2004. 5. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Standard Specification for Highway Bridges. 6. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, September 1985. 3. ACCESS ROADS A permanent road will be constructed to the intake site. The access route is generally along the northeast side of Waterfall Creek (right side when facing waterfall). The road will begin near the existing powerhouse and cross Delta Creek upstream of the existing powerhouse with a bridge. The length of this road is approximately 4,300 feet. Winter maintenance of this road may be difficult as a photograph of the site from winter of 2006 showed that there may be significant snow drifting along the upper sections of the roadway. Specific details of road design are shown in the following table. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Project: Waterfall Creek Access Road New Construction / Reconstruction  Rehabilitation (3R)  Other:  Design Functional Classification: Rural Industrial Access Road (GDVLVLR, Page 7) Rural Local Road (PGDHS, Page 383) Terrain Hill, up to 16% Design Year: 2030 Present Year ADT: Construction traffic 2014 Design Year ADT: Service & Inspection traffic after construction Directional Split (50/50% D): 50/50 Dead end Road Design Vehicle: Single Unit truck, SU; Largest truck is a cement truck Design Speed: 20 MPH (PGDHS, Exhibit 5-1) Stopping Sight Distance: 90 Feet (GDVLVLR, Exhibit 12) Passing Sight Distance: N/A Maximum Allowable Grade: 16.0%, (PCM, Figure 1120-1) Minimum Allowable Grade: N/A Minimum Curve Radius: 190ft at 3% super; 160 Ft at 6% super (PCM, Figure 1120-5) see note below Minimum K-value for Vertical Curves: Sag Crest 10, see note below 4 (GDVLVLR, Exhibit 12) Roadway Widths: Single lane Road 16 Feet Side Slope Ratios: Foreslopes Backslopes 1.5:1 3:1 Road cross slope: 3% Superelevation: None Road surfacing material: ADOT E-1 GDVLVLR = Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local Roads PGDHS = A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets PCM = Alaska Highway Preconstruction Manual Curve Radii The road uses switchbacks to ascend the slope with grades up to 16%. While the design speed is 20mph, the expected vehicle speed will be much lower. The minimum curve radius for the switchback curves is 50ft to accommodate the expected turning radius of the cement truck. Vertical Curves The GDVLVLR does not define the curvature (k) for sag curves; it refers to the PGDHS Exhibit 5 -2. To determine the ratio between the GDVLVLR crest k and the PGDHS crest k was multiplied by the PGDHS sag k to find the low volume sag k. (4/7 x 17 = 10). Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria 4. DELTA CREEK CROSSING The road will cross Delta Creek about 750 feet upstream of the existing powerhouse at approximately the 235-foot contour level. The crossing will have a span of approximately 50 to 60 feet and a top width of 16feet and will be a pre-manufactured bridge. The road grade across the bridge will be approximately 10 percent. The bridge will span the entire creek and will be designed to pass the 100-year flood flow. Riprap will be placed at the east abutment, the west abutment is bedrock. A short dike will be extended upstream on the east side of the creek to connect the east abutment to a low hill to prevent flood flows from running along the toe of the road fill. The concrete abutments will be prefabricated in order to expedite construction of the bridge to allow access for road construction. Concrete abutments will be extended to support the pipeline. 5. SITE DRAINAGE 5.1. Ditches Drainage ditches will have a minimum depth of 18 inches and a minimum slope of 2 percent. Runoff velocities will be limited to 3 fps where no armor protection of the ditch is provided. Appropriate armor protection will be designed where velocities exceed 3 fps. Ditches at select portions of the roadway will have a perforated pipe installed and the ditch backfilled with cobbles to support the weak soil in these areas. 5.2. Culverts Culverts will be corrugated HDPE with a minimum diameter of 18 inches. The minimum depth of cover over culverts will be 12 inches. Culverts will have slopes of at least 2 percent. 5.3. Peak Flow Rates Flow rates produced by storm water runoff from small drainage areas will be determined by the Rational Formula: Q = CIA where: Q = Peak flow, cfs C = Runoff coefficient, 0.5 I = Rainfall intensity, 1.0 in/hr, (25-year, 1 hr) A = Drainage area, Acres 5.4. Conveyance Sizing Drainage ditches will be sized for the calculated runoff flow rate for the area drained. Sizes will be determined by Manning's Equation: where: Q = Flow rate, cfs n = 0.024 for ditches Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria R = Hydraulic radius = A/P, ft A = Area of flow, sf P = Wetted perimeter, ft S = Slope of ditch, ft/ft Culverts will be sized and designed in accordance with FHA requirements. Manning's roughness coefficient for corrugated culverts will be 0.024. Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria Section V Powerhouse 1. INTRODUCTION This section presents design criteria for the powerhouse and related powerhouse equipment. It covers the design of the powerhouse structure, turbine generator, auxiliary equipment, indoor switchgear and controls. 2. REFERENCES 1. International Conference of Building Officials, Uniform Building Code, 2007. 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES The powerhouse will be a prefabricated metal structure extension on the north side of the existing powerhouse, housing a turbine, generator, switchgear, and controls. All equipment will be located on a single level, with a reinforced concrete slab on grade floor. The turbine will discharge into a tailrace with depth similar to the existing turbine. The exterior of the building will be designed to match the original for a pleasant appearance. Approximately half the length of the north wall of the existing building will be opened by removing the siding, to connect the inside of the new section. The wall footing will be cut flush with the floor slab, and the new floor will match the existing floor elevation. Floor drains will be directed to the existing oil/water separator sump. No new ventilation openings are planned. Conduits for electric power and controls will be installed overhead from the new switchgear and control panels to the controls in the existing building, routed to avoid interference with the operation of the existing unit. Conduits from the controls to the turbine and generator will be embedded in the floor. The generating unit will be designed for fully automatic shutdown and for one-button start-up. All controls would be at the powerhouse. The powerhouse will continue to be checked daily but a full time operator will not be necessary. The plant addition will be designed to interface with the SCADA system that allows remote monitoring of the plant from the city over existing communication lines. Manual operation will be possible from the powerhouse. Enough floor and access space will be provided to disassemble the turbine and to remove the generator for maintenance. 4. TURBINE/GENERATOR The turbine will be an impulse type Pelton machine rated 560 Horsepower at 12 CFS discharge under 450 ft net head. The turbine unit will have one or two jets and will have a horizontal shaft. The nozzles and deflector position controls will be either electrically or hydraulically operated. The turbine needles and Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria deflectors shall be equipped with self lubricating bushings and stainless steel stems and linkage pins. The turbine generator main shafting shall be equipped with four bearings and a rigid shaft coupling and a flywheel between turbine and generator. All main shaft bearings shall be sleeve oil self lubricating type, designed for continuous operation at runaway speed. All bearings shall be equipped with Resistance Temperature Devices (RTDs). One generator bearing shall be insulated to prevent circulating current. One bearing shall be equipped with thrust capability in both directions to keep the turbine runner aligned with the nozzles. If water cooling of the bearings is required the bearings shall be equipped with internal stainless steel or copper-nickle bronze cooling coils. The rating of the induction generator will be 400 kw, 480 volts AC, 60 Hz. The generator shall be open drip proof construction. The generator housing shall have a provision for connecting duct to the cooling air discharge to exhaust it from the building. The generator specifications shall accommodate use of a standard catalog design induction motor with normal industrial options. A speed governor may not be required as the unit will only generate when paralleled with another generating source on the system which will govern frequency. However, the benefits of adding speed governing for pick up of a step increase in load, such as following a system outage, will be evaluated during final design, and such speed governing will be included if it is beneficial. Power Factor Correction may be required for the induction generator. The existing 12 kV underground power line already provides a significant capacitive load, estimated to be about 130 kVAR. The amount of capacitive load will be verified. The generator is expected to consume approximately 240 kVAR which can be supplied from the other generator(s) that are on line, or it can be provided by a switched capacitor bank. The need for and sizing of switched capacitors will be determined during final design. The plant controls described below assume that a switched capacitor bank will be added in the powerhouse expansion. 5. PLANT CONTROLS 5.1. Load Controls It is assumed that the existing plant PLC I/O and logic can be expanded to include control of the new turbine-generator. During final design, evaluate whether the existing Programmable Logic Control (PLC) equipment and program logic can be economically expanded to control the new unit. If not, provide a new PLC with sufficient I/O and logic for fully automatic start, stop and intake water level regulation, with either a communication port or discrete I/O points to interface with the existing SCADA RTU. If the new turbine-generator controls cannot be located close to the existing control panels, then additional metering such as bus voltage and frequency shall be provided on a new control panel or the face of the new switchgear. 5.1.1. Local Monitoring Local monitoring will be via the exiting turbine control panel in the Delta Creek powerhouse. If additional investigations indicate that space is not available in the existing panel then a new panel Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria shall be designed. 5.1.2. Circuit Protection The generator shall be equipped with a Woodward GCP-31 genset controller or equal, with the following protective relaying:  One multi-function induction motor protective relay incorporating at least the following relay functions: 27, 46, 49, 50, 59, 81 O/U, with RTD inputs  A speed sensing relay shall provide functions 12,13 and 14  59N relay may be included in the multi-function relay or be a separate device. The capacitor feeder shall be equipped with a 50/51 over-current relay. 5.1.3. Metering metering incorporated in the GCP-31 to include:  Volts phase to phase, phase Amperes, kilowatts, kilovar.  One speed indicator  Two turbine needle position indicators  One deflector position indicator  Intake water level indicator One three element digital ammeter for the capacitor feeder. 5.1.4. Status indicators  Turbine Shutoff Valve  Generator Circuit Breaker  Capacitor circuit breaker 5.1.5. Control Switches  Turbine Start/Stop control switch with 2 indicating lights  Turbine Shutoff Valve control switch with 2 indicating lights  Generator Circuit Breaker control switch with 2 indicating lights  Capacitor Circuit Breaker control switch with 2 indicating lights  Off/Manual/Auto mode selector control switch  Two Needle position control switches  Deflector position control switch  Hand reset Lockout relay with indicating lights 5.2. Backup Power Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria The existing 15 kW diesel backup generator with diesel storage and day tanks will provide power during any extended outage and to keep station batteries charged during outages. The new equipment will not add significant load to that generator. The backup generator equipment may be relocated if necessary to minimize the size of the powerhouse addition. 5.3. Intake Control When operating, the turbine will be controlled to regulate the water surface elevation at the intake pool. The unit controls will function to produce the maximum power from the available stream flow. Following a system shutdown, the unit will restart as soon as the system voltage and frequency are normal. During final design it will be analyzed whether allowing temporary drawdown of the intake level adds significantly to the system regulation when picking up step increases in load. If so, this scenario will be incorporated into the logic in the PLC. Starting: If all permissives to start are OK the turbine will automatically open the deflectors and gradually open one needle until the generator accelerates to normal operating speed. When speed reaches synchronous speed, the generator circuit breaker will close, putting the unit on line with little inrush current. The capacitor breaker will close immediately following the generator breaker closing. Running: The turbine discharge shall be controlled to regulate the intake pond surface elevation to the normal level. The turbine needles will be positioned to regulate the pond level within a range of about 3 inches. For higher efficiency, the operation of the needles will be sequenced so that one needle opens to approximately 90%, and then the second needle opening as the available flow increases, and vice-versa for decreasing flow. The intake pond level control shall be performed in the unit PLC with a Proportional-Integral-Differential control block. Separate logic will override and shut down the unit if the pond level falls too low. Stopping: In the event of a power system fault, the generator circuit breaker and the capacitor break will open. The deflectors will close, diverting the power from the turbine, and the unit will coast to a stop. The control system will continue to pass water through the turbine to regulate the pond level, and when the bus voltage is normal the machine will reconnect and quickly return to producing the same load as prior to the fault. The controls will include provision for preventing this via SCADA input if the connected system load is less than 400 kW, and no diesel generators are on line, since this unit is not expected to have a speed governor. Any time the generator circuit breaker trips, or system voltage or frequency exceed allowable values, the Capacitor circuit breaker will trip to avoid over excitation of generators. 5.4. Other Powerhouse Equipment 5.4.1. 480 Volt Switchgear The existing switchgear is presumed to not be extendable. New 480 V switchgear shall be added for the new induction generator. HDR will work with AEA to conform the new equipment to Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria match existing equipment for common spares parts and maintenance personnel familiarity. 5.4.2. Generator Circuit Breaker 52G-2, The generator breaker shall be closed by turbine controller when water is available, the system voltage is normal and the generator speed is within approximately 2% of the rated speed. The generator breaker shall be tripped by any of the following:  The generator multifunction protective relay  The generator electrical lockout relay 86E  The generator mechanical lockout relay 86N  The circuit breaker control switch 52G2/CS 5.4.3. Capacitor Breaker 52C-2 The capacitor circuit breaker shall close to connect the power factor correcting capacitor to the 480 VAC bus when the generator circuit breaker closes. The breaker shall be opened when the generator breaker open, or by the over -frequency relay or the overvoltage relay if the system operates above the normal frequency or voltage to prevent self excitation of the generator. 5.4.4. Power Factor Correction capacitor Power factor correction capacitors shall be connected to the Generator 2 bus to provide excitation for the induction generator. The capacitors shall be sized to the nearest nominal rating to correct the power factor at rated voltage to approximately 95% lagging power factor, with allowance for the capacitive load of the powerline. The capacitor units shall be individually fused with blown fuse indicating lights (LED type). The capacitor bank shall be connected in Delta and shall not be grounded. 5.4.5. Motor Control Survey the existing plant motor control center to determine what spaces are available. The following motor loads for the new unit may be required.  Turbine HPU – 2 AC motors, each rated 1 HP  If turbine needles are electrically operated – Two 125 VDC motors rated 1/3 HP each  Turbine Lube Oil pump – 1 AC motor rated 1/3 HP (if turbine requires circulating oil)  Ventilation fan – the new generator will add up to 20 kW (68,000 BTU/Hr) of heat load to the building and a additional ventilation fan may be necessary. Note that using the existing turbine HPU was considered and rejected in order to have higher running reliability, and avoid adding risk to the tripping reliability of the existing unit. If adequate motor starter spaces are not available in the existing MCC, then provide a single Waterfall Creek Hydroelectric Project Design Criteria feeder to the area of the new turbine and include either a small MCC or, a new panelboard, with individual motor starters supplied as components of the new oil systems. 5.4.6. System Grounding The new generator shall be supplied with a wye connection, and the neutral of the winding shall be connected to high resistance grounding similar to existing generator1. 5.4.7. Miscellaneous Other powerhouse equipment that will be included in the design includes: Cooling water system Building HVAC extension to existing system, if required. Lighting 6. POWERHOUSE STRUCTURE 6.1. General The powerhouse extension will be a prefabricated metal structure with a poured reinforced concrete foundation. The equipment foundation will be used to resist the thrust loads on the guard valve to the extent possible. An open tailrace channel approximately 4 feet wide will convey water back to Delta Creek. Excavation for the powerhouse extension shall be designed to protect the footings of the existing powerhouse building. 6.2. Earthquake Loads The building extension shall be designed for seismic zone 4 in accordance with Section 2330 of the UBC with an importance factor of 1.25 and a site coefficient of 1.0. 6.3. Snow Loads The powerhouse extension shall be designed to carry a basic roof snow load of 30 pounds per square foot in addition to the dead load of the structure. 6.4. Wind Loads Design will be per UBC with a basic wind speed of 110 mph, exposure factor D, and an importance factor of 1.15 applied in accordance with Section 2311 of the UBC. Section VI Transformer 1. INTRODUCTION It is assumed that a new 480V/12.5 kV transformer will be required for the Waterfall Creek unit. However, the existing Delta Creek generator step up (GSU) transformer may be capable of handling the load of both units. Renewable Energy Fund Economic Benefit-Cost Analysis Model Updated July 2014 (Alejandra Villalobos Meléndez, ISER Research Associate) Project Description Comments: (Please assign comment ID and hyperlink next to applicable column/row) Community ID Nearest Fuel Community 1 Region RE Technology Project ID Applicant Name Project Title Results NPV Benefits $8,605,665.72 NPV Capital Costs $5,160,552 B/C Ratio 1.67 NPV Net Benefit $3,445,113 Performance Unit Value Displaced Electricity kWh per year 1,000,000 Displaced Electricity total lifetime kWh 50,000,000 Displaced Petroleum Fuel gallons per year 77,000 Displaced Petroleum Fuel total lifetime gallons 3,846,154 Displaced Natural Gas mmBtu per year - Displaced Natural Gas total lifetime mmBtu - Avoided CO2 tonnes per year 782 Avoided CO2 total lifetime tonnes 39,038 Proposed System Unit Value Capital Costs $5,461,000$ Project Start year 2015 Project Life years 50 Displaced Electric kWh per year 1,000,000 Displaced Heat gallons displaced per year Displaced Transportation gallons displaced per year Renewable Generation O&M $ per kWh 0.025 Electric Capacity kW Electric Capacity Factor % Heating Capacity Btu/hr Heating Capacity Factor % Total Public Benefit 2013$ (Total over the life of the project) Base System Unit Value Diesel Generator O&M $ per kWh 0.020$ Applicant's Diesel Generator Efficiency kWh per gallon 13 Diesel Generation Efficiency kWh per gallon 13.00 Parameters Unit Value Heating Fuel Premium $ per gallon -$ Transportation Fuel Premium $ per gallon -$ Discount Rate % per year 3% Crude Oil $ per barrel EIA Mid Natural Gas $ per mmBtu King Cove Rural Before using this new feature, please read the accompanying notes: Hydro (Run of River) Description PUBLIC BENEFITS. Two options are now available to include public benefit estimates in the B/C ratio calculations. Public Benefits 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Annual Cost Savings Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 PV Entered Value Project Capital Cost $ per year 461,000$ 5,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $5,160,552 Electric Cost Savings $ per year -$ 280,831$ 272,856$ 264,781$ 262,977$ 264,440$ 268,924$ 273,892$ 279,546$ 285,300$ 291,430$ 297,131$ 302,386$ 306,736$ 312,339$ 316,867$ 321,688$ 325,757$ 331,117$ 337,187$ 343,158$ 348,854$ 354,571$ 359,982$ 366,148$ 372,064$ 379,665$ 388,048$ 392,112$ 396,252$ 400,470$ 404,769$ 409,150$ 413,615$ 418,167$ 422,808$ 427,541$ 432,368$ 437,292$ 442,314$ 447,439$ 452,668$ 458,005$ 463,452$ 469,012$ 474,689$ 480,486$ 486,406$ 492,452$ 498,628$ 504,938$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $8,605,666 Heating Cost Savings $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Transportation Cost Savings $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Entered Value Other Public Benefits $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Total Cost Savings $ per year -$ 280,831$ 272,856$ 264,781$ 262,977$ 264,440$ 268,924$ 273,892$ 279,546$ 285,300$ 291,430$ 297,131$ 302,386$ 306,736$ 312,339$ 316,867$ 321,688$ 325,757$ 331,117$ 337,187$ 343,158$ 348,854$ 354,571$ 359,982$ 366,148$ 372,064$ 379,665$ 388,048$ 392,112$ 396,252$ 400,470$ 404,769$ 409,150$ 413,615$ 418,167$ 422,808$ 427,541$ 432,368$ 437,292$ 442,314$ 447,439$ 452,668$ 458,005$ 463,452$ 469,012$ 474,689$ 480,486$ 486,406$ 492,452$ 498,628$ 504,938$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $8,605,666 Net Benefit $ per year ($461,000)($4,719,169)$272,856 $264,781 $262,977 $264,440 $268,924 $273,892 $279,546 $285,300 $291,430 $297,131 $302,386 $306,736 $312,339 $316,867 $321,688 $325,757 $331,117 $337,187 $343,158 $348,854 $354,571 $359,982 $366,148 $372,064 $379,665 $388,048 $392,112 $396,252 $400,470 $404,769 $409,150 $413,615 $418,167 $422,808 $427,541 $432,368 $437,292 $442,314 $447,439 $452,668 $458,005 $463,452 $469,012 $474,689 $480,486 $486,406 $492,452 $498,628 $504,938 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,445,113 ($4,899,338)($4,626,482)($4,361,701)($4,098,724)($3,834,284)($3,565,361)($3,291,468)($3,011,922)($2,726,622)($2,435,193)($2,138,062)($1,835,676)($1,528,940)($1,216,601)($899,734)($578,045)($252,289)$78,828 $416,015 $759,172 $1,108,026 $1,462,598 $1,822,579 $2,188,727 Electric Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 PV Renewable Generation kWh per year - 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76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 76,923 - - - - - - - - - - - Fuel Cost $ per year -$ 305,831$ 297,856$ 289,781$ 287,977$ 289,440$ 293,924$ 298,892$ 304,546$ 310,300$ 316,430$ 322,131$ 327,386$ 331,736$ 337,339$ 341,867$ 346,688$ 350,757$ 356,117$ 362,187$ 368,158$ 373,854$ 379,571$ 384,982$ 391,148$ 397,064$ 404,665$ 413,048$ 417,112$ 421,252$ 425,470$ 429,769$ 434,150$ 438,615$ 443,167$ 447,808$ 452,541$ 457,368$ 462,292$ 467,314$ 472,439$ 477,668$ 483,005$ 488,452$ 494,012$ 499,689$ 505,486$ 511,406$ 517,452$ 523,628$ 529,938$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $9,230,175 Base Generation Cost $ per year -$ 305,831$ 297,856$ 289,781$ 287,977$ 289,440$ 293,924$ 298,892$ 304,546$ 310,300$ 316,430$ 322,131$ 327,386$ 331,736$ 337,339$ 341,867$ 346,688$ 350,757$ 356,117$ 362,187$ 368,158$ 373,854$ 379,571$ 384,982$ 391,148$ 397,064$ 404,665$ 413,048$ 417,112$ 421,252$ 425,470$ 429,769$ 434,150$ 438,615$ 443,167$ 447,808$ 452,541$ 457,368$ 462,292$ 467,314$ 472,439$ 477,668$ 483,005$ 488,452$ 494,012$ 499,689$ 505,486$ 511,406$ 517,452$ 523,628$ 529,938$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $9,230,175 Heating Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 PV Renewable Heat gallons displaced per year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Entered Value Renewable Heat Scheduled Repairs $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Entered Value Renewable Heat O&M $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Entered Value Renewable Fuel Use Quantity (Biomass)green tons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Entered Value Renewable Fuel Cost $ per unit -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Renewable Fuel Cost $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Proposed Heat Cost $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Fuel Use gallons per year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fuel Cost $ per gallon 4.17$ 3.98$ 3.87$ 3.77$ 3.74$ 3.76$ 3.82$ 3.89$ 3.96$ 4.03$ 4.11$ 4.19$ 4.26$ 4.31$ 4.39$ 4.44$ 4.51$ 4.56$ 4.63$ 4.71$ 4.79$ 4.86$ 4.93$ 5.00$ 5.08$ 5.16$ 5.26$ 5.37$ 5.42$ 5.48$ 5.53$ 5.59$ 5.64$ 5.70$ 5.76$ 5.82$ 5.88$ 5.95$ 6.01$ 6.08$ 6.14$ 6.21$ 6.28$ 6.35$ 6.42$ 6.50$ 6.57$ 6.65$ 6.73$ 6.81$ 6.89$ 6.97$ 7.06$ 7.15$ 7.24$ 7.33$ 7.42$ 7.52$ 7.61$ 7.71$ 7.82$ 7.92$ Entered Value Scheduled Repairs $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Entered Value O&M $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Annual Fuel Cost $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Base Heating Cost $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Transportation Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 PV Renewable Transportation Use gallons displaced per year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Entered Value Scheduled Repairs ($)$ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Entered Value O&M $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Proposed Transportation Cost $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Transportation Fuel Use gallons per year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Transportation Fuel Cost $ per gallon 4.17$ 3.98$ 3.87$ 3.77$ 3.74$ 3.76$ 3.82$ 3.89$ 3.96$ 4.03$ 4.11$ 4.19$ 4.26$ 4.31$ 4.39$ 4.44$ 4.51$ 4.56$ 4.63$ 4.71$ 4.79$ 4.86$ 4.93$ 5.00$ 5.08$ 5.16$ 5.26$ 5.37$ 5.42$ 5.48$ 5.53$ 5.59$ 5.64$ 5.70$ 5.76$ 5.82$ 5.88$ 5.95$ 6.01$ 6.08$ 6.14$ 6.21$ 6.28$ 6.35$ 6.42$ 6.50$ 6.57$ 6.65$ 6.73$ 6.81$ 6.89$ 6.97$ 7.06$ 7.15$ 7.24$ 7.33$ 7.42$ 7.52$ 7.61$ 7.71$ 7.82$ 7.92$ Entered Value Scheduled Repairs ($)$ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Entered Value O&M $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Annual Fuel Cost $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Base Transportation Cost $ per year -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 Base Proposed Base Proposed Base Proposed