HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.3 Grant Lk Macroinvertebrate Final Report June 2014 FINAL Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 13212) Aquatic Resources Study – Baseline Studies of Macroinvertebrates and Periphyton in Grant Creek Final Report Prepared for Kenai Hydro, LLC Prepared by S. Morsell Northern Ecological Services June 2014 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 i June 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1  1.1. Project Description ...............................................................................................................1  1.2. Environmental Baseline Studies Background ......................................................................5  2 Study Area ................................................................................................................................6  3 Methods .....................................................................................................................................9  3.1. Macroinvertebrates ..............................................................................................................9  3.2. Periphyton ............................................................................................................................9  3.3. Data Analysis .....................................................................................................................10  4 Results .....................................................................................................................................11  4.1. Macroinvertebrates ............................................................................................................11  4.2. Periphyton ..........................................................................................................................16  4.3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ........................................................................................16  5 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................17  6 Variances from FERC-Approved Study Plan and Proposed Modifications ....................20  7 References ...............................................................................................................................20  Appendices Appendix 1: GC100 and GC300 Site Photos, August 2013 Appendix 2: Macroinvertebrate and Periphyton Data Tables 2a: Macroinvertebrate Data Tables 2b: Periphyton Data Table Appendix 3: Metrics Trends Tables from the EPA RBP (Barbour et al. 1999) FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 ii June 2014 List of Tables Table 4.1-1. List of macroinvertebrate taxa collected at Grant Creek sampling sites GC100 and GC300, 2009 and 2013. ........................................................................................................ 12  Table 4.1-2. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate population density and taxa richness metrics, 2009 and 2013. 1,2 .......................................................................................................................... 13  Table 4.1-3. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate population composition by percent metrics, 2009 and 2013.1 ............................................................................................................................. 14  Table 4.1-4. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate functional feeding group metrics based on entire sample from each site, 2009 and 2013. ................................................................................. 14  Table 4.1-5. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate biotic indices and habitat assessments, 2009 and 2013....................................................................................................................................... 15  Table 4.1-6. Grant Creek ambient water quality at time of sample collection, 2009 and 2013. . 15  Table 4.2-1. Average1 concentrations of chlorophyll a from periphyton collected in Grant Creek, 2009 and 2013. ...................................................................................................................... 16  Table 4.3-1. Results of ANOVA (P values) for selected macroinvertebrate metrics. ................. 16  Table 4.3-2. Results of ANOVA (P values) for periphyton chlorophyll a concentrations. ......... 17  Table 5.0-1. Predicted responses of several metrics to habitat impairment or perturbation (excerpted from Barbour et al. 1999). ................................................................................... 17  Table 5.0-2. Mean percent composition of the aquatic insect fauna in streams of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska [modified from Oswood and others (1995)] (excerpted from Brabets et al. 1999) and in Grant Creek, 2009 and 2013. ........................................................................... 19  Table 5.0-3. Scoring thresholds for core metrics used to calculate ASCI scores (excerpted from Major et al. 2000), and Grant Creek: average of GC100 and GC300, 2009. ....................... 19  Table 5.0-4. ASCI scores based on core metrics (excerpted from Major et al. 2000), and score for Grant Creek: average of GC100 and GC300, 2009. ....................................................... 20  List of Figures Figure 1.1-1. Natural resources study area. .................................................................................... 3  Figure 2.0-1. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate and periphyton sample site locations, 2009 and 2013......................................................................................................................................... 7  FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 iii June 2014 Acronyms and Abbreviations ANOVA Analysis of Variance APA Alaska Power Authority ASCI Alaska Stream Condition Index CFR Code of Federal Regulations DLA Draft License Application ENRI Environment and Natural Resources Institute EPT Ephemeroptera/Plecoptera/Trichoptera FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission HBI Hilsenhoff Biotic Index KHL Kenai Hydro, LLC LA License Application μm micrometer MW megawatt NAVD 88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NGVD 29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NOI Notice of Intent PAD Pre-Application Document PM&E protection, mitigation and enhancement Project Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project USGS U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey μS/cm conductivity MgCO3 magnesium carbonate mL milliliter FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 iv June 2014 [This page intentionally left blank.] FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 1 June 2014 Aquatic Resources Study – Baseline Studies of Macroinvertebrates and Periphyton in Grant Creek Final Report Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 13212) 1 INTRODUCTION On August 6, 2009, Kenai Hydro, LLC (KHL) filed a Pre-Application Document (PAD; KHL 2009), along with a Notice of Intent (NOI) to file an application for an original license, for a combined Grant Lake/Falls Creek Project (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [FERC] No. 13211/13212 [“Project” or “Grant Lake Project”]) under Part I of the Federal Power Act (FPA). On September 15, 2009, FERC approved the use of the Traditional Licensing Process (TLP) for development of the License Application (LA) and supporting materials. As described in more detail below, the proposed Project has been modified to eliminate the diversion of water from Falls Creek to Grant Lake. The Project will be located near the community of Moose Pass, Alaska in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, approximately 25 miles north of Seward, Alaska and just east of the Seward Highway (State Route 9). Aquatic macroinvertebrates and periphyton are vital elements of the food web that supports area fisheries. They represent the primary levels of productivity in the aquatic ecosystem and can be used as indicators of aquatic habitat condition (Barbour et al. 1999, Merritt and Cummins 1996). Acquiring information on the baseline characteristics of macroinvertebrate and periphyton populations provides tools for tracking aquatic habitat quality. Macroinvertebrates are non-vertebrate organisms that can be seen without magnification. Most of those encountered are the larval and pupal stages of insects that live closely associated with aquatic habitat substrates. Periphyton are single-celled micro-algae that live attached to the substrate and are primary producers in the aquatic ecosystem. The Macroinvertebrate and Periphyton baseline studies elements of the Aquatic Resources Study Plan (KHL 2013) was designed to address information needs identified in the PAD, during the TLP public comment process, and through early scoping conducted by FERC. The following study report presents existing information relative to the scope and context of potential effects of the Project. This information will be used to analyze Project impacts and propose protection, mitigation, and enhancement (PM&E) measures in the Draft and Final LAs for the Project. 1.1. Project Description The Project is located near the community of Moose Pass, approximately 25 miles north of Seward and just east of the Seward Highway. It lies within Section 13 of Township 4 North, Range 1 West; Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 18 of Township 4 North, Range 1 East; and Sections 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36 of Township 5 North, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] Seward B-6 and B-7 Quadrangles). FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 2 June 2014 The proposed Project would be composed of an intake structure at the outlet to Grant Lake, a tunnel, a surge tank, a penstock, and a powerhouse. It would also include a tailrace detention pond, a switchyard with disconnect switch and step-up transformer, and an overhead or underground transmission line. The preferred alternative would use approximately 15,900 acre- feet of water storage during operations between pool elevations of approximately 692 and up to 703 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88)1. An intake structure would be constructed approximately 500 feet east of the natural outlet of Grant Lake. An approximate 3,200-foot-long, 10-foot diameter horseshoe tunnel would convey water from the intake to directly above the powerhouse at about elevation 628 feet NAVD 88. At the outlet to the tunnel a 360-foot-long section of penstock will convey water to the powerhouse located at about elevation 531 feet NAVD 88. An off-stream detention pond will be created to provide a storage reservoir for flows generated during the rare instance when the units being used for emergency spinning reserve are needed to provide full load at maximum ramping rates. The tailrace would be located in order to minimize impacts to fish habitat by returning flows to Grant Creek upstream of the most productive fish habitat. Two concepts are currently being evaluated for water control at the outlet of Grant Lake. The first option would consist of a natural lake outlet that would provide control of flows out of Grant Lake. A new low level outlet would be constructed on the south side of the natural outlet to release any required environmental flows when the lake is drawdown below the natural outlet level. The outlet works would consist of a 48-inch diameter pipe extending back into Grant Lake, a gate house, regulating gate, controls and associated monitoring equipment. The outlet would discharge into Grant Creek immediately below the natural lake outlet. In the second option, a concrete gravity diversion structure would be constructed near the outlet of Grant Lake. The gravity diversion structure would raise the pool level by a maximum height of approximately 2 feet (from 703 to 705 feet NAVD 88), and the structure would have an overall width of approximately 120 feet. The center 60 feet of the structure would have an uncontrolled spillway section with a crest elevation at approximately 705 feet NAVD 88. Similar to the first option, a low level outlet would be constructed on the south side of the natural outlet to release any required environmental flows when the lake is drawn down below the natural outlet level. The outlet works would consist of a 48-inch diameter pipe extending back into Grant Lake, a gate house a regulating gate, controls, and associated monitoring equipment. The outlet would discharge into Grant Creek immediately below the diversion structure. Figure 1.1-1 displays the global natural resources study area for the efforts undertaken in 2013 and 2014 along with the likely location of Project infrastructure and detail related to land ownership in and near the Project area. 1 The elevations provided in previous licensing and source documents are referenced to feet mean sea level in NGVD 29 [National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929] datum, a historical survey datum. The elevations presented in the Grant Lake natural resources study reports are referenced to feet NAVD 88 datum, which results in an approximate +5-foot conversion to the NGVD 29 elevation values. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 5 June 2014 Further discussions related to specifics of the aforementioned Project infrastructure along with the need and/or feasibility of the diversion dam will take place with stakeholders in 2014 concurrent with the engineering feasibility work for the Project. Refined Project design information will be detailed in both the Draft License Application (DLA) and any other ancillary engineering documents related to Project development. The current design includes two Francis turbine generators with a combined rated capacity of approximately 5.0 megawatts (MW) with a total design flow of 385 cubic feet per second. Additional information about the Project can be found on the Project website: http://www.kenaihydro.com/index.php. 1.2. Environmental Baseline Studies Background Previous investigations into the feasibility of hydropower development at Grant Lake have produced valuable information on Project area environmental resources. Early hydrologic and geologic evaluations were conducted in the 1950s (Ebasco 1984). Further environmental resource studies were conducted in the early 1980s; the most extensive of which was performed by Ebasco Services, Inc. for the Alaska Power Authority (APA) (Ebasco 1984). Preliminary environmental baseline studies were initiated by KHL at the start of the licensing process in 2009. Results of those studies were reported in 2010 (HDR 2010). Initial macroinvertebrate studies in Grant Creek, were conducted in 1981 and 1982 using Surber samplers. These methods were continued, with the addition of samples collected using the Alaska Stream Condition Index (ASCI) protocols, in 2009. After review of the macroinvertebrate study results, investigators decided to eliminate the ASCI methods from the study program. Fewer taxa were collected using the ASCI method compared to the Surber sampler method and the predominant habitat in Grant Creek is riffle run, the habitat targeted by the Surber sampler protocols. Periphyton studies were also performed in 1982 and concentrated on the identification of diatom taxa (Ebasco 1984). In 2009, periphyton investigations relied on the analysis of concentrations of chlorophyll-a to measure productivity of algal primary producers in the Grant Lake/Grant Creek system. The macroinvertebrate and periphyton studies conducted in 2013 and reported here, followed the same methods as used in 2009 to provide a comparable dataset and the required two annual sampling events. The objectives of the macroinvertebrate and periphyton studies carried out on Grant Creek included: Project-Related Objectives  Provide a reliable measure of baseline stream productivity that can be compared from year to year and with other stream systems.  Provide some indication of the relative “health” of the Grant Creek ecosystem by employing standard measures that are readily comparable to other Alaska stream systems. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 6 June 2014 Quantitative Objectives  Standard methods were used that required replicate samples within uniform riffle habitat areas to minimize the effect of between sample variability. Five replicates are generally recommended for initial sampling. An analysis of variance was employed to determine adequacy for baseline use. 2 STUDY AREA The study area comprised Grant Creek, which flows for approximately one mile from Grant Lake on the west to Trail Lakes narrows on the east. The mean annual flow is approximately 200 cfs in a channel with an average gradient of 200 feet per mile, according to hydrologic investigations conducted by KHL (KHL 2014). Two sites were sampled, GC100 and GC300 (Figure 2.0-1). These sites were also the locations of concurrently running investigations of water quality, hydrology, geomorphology, and fisheries tasks. The sites were chosen prior to the 2009 studies as representative of channel conditions below the steep bedrock canyon in the upstream half of Grant Creek (HDR 2010). Photos of GC100 and GC300 taken in August 2013 appear in Appendix 1. FINALREPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 9 June 2014 3 METHODS Benthic macroinvertebrate and periphyton samples were collected on August 14, 2013 at GC100 and GC300. 3.1. Macroinvertebrates Samples were collected using a Surber sampler according to methods described in Eaton et al. 1995. The use of a Surber sampler is a semi-quantitative method to determine the density and composition of macroinvertebrate populations on selected stream bottom habitats (riffle/cobble). The sampler includes a 363-micrometer (μm) mesh size net and a metal “substrate” frame (1 ft2) that delineates the area sampled. The material within the frame is disturbed and the cobbles scrubbed clean of debris and organisms. The debris and organisms flow into the net and are trapped. Five pseudo-replicates were sampled in selected riffle-cobble areas within the stream reaches at GC100 and GC300. Photos of the reaches are included in Appendix 1. Organisms collected were preserved as five separate replicates in 70 percent isopropyl alcohol. In 2009, the ASCI method (Major and Barbour 2001) was used in conjunction with the Surber sampler to collect macroinvertebrates. The ASCI sampling method was used to begin developing baseline descriptions of macroinvertebrate populations in a range of habitats within the sampling reach. This method uses a D-frame kick net to sample representative habitats in a 100 meter sampling reach. Twenty subsamples are collected proportionately throughout these habitats. All organisms collected by ASCI methods in 2009 were composited into one sample per site and preserved in 70 percent isopropyl alcohol. Habitat information, such as riparian vegetation and stream substrate types, was also collected. At each site ambient water quality measurements were recorded at the time samples were collected. Parameters measured were temperature (°C), specific conductivity (μS/cm), dissolved oxygen ( percent and concentration as mg/L), and pH. In 2013, macroinvertebrate samples were shipped to Northern Ecological Services for sorting and identification to genus or the lowest practicable taxon. Samples collected by the Surber method were sorted until all organisms were removed from sample debris. Samples collected in 2009 were sorted and identified. In 2009, in addition to the Surber samples there were ASCI samples, which were subsampled until a target of 300 (+/- 10 percent) organisms were counted (Major and Barbour 2001). Macroinvertebrates were identified to genus or the lowest practicable taxon. 3.2. Periph yton On August 14, 2013 concurrent with macroinvertebrate sampling, periphyton samples were collected at sites GC100 and GC300. Periphyton were sampled by removing material from 10 cobbles selected from a riffle/cobble area that had not been disturbed (ADF&G 1998 and Barbour et al. 1999). Material was scrubbed from a five centimeter square area on each cobble and rinsed onto a 45- μm glass fiber filter attached to a hand vacuum pump. Water was extracted from the sample and 1-milliliter (ml) saturated magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) solution added to FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 10 June 2014 the filter as a preservative. The dry filter was wrapped in a larger filter (to absorb any residual water) that was then wrapped in aluminum foil (to prevent exposure to light) and placed in a labeled zipper seal bag with silica gel desiccant. The samples were placed on ice and frozen before transport to the laboratory. Chlorophyll a concentrations were analyzed by SGS Laboratory, Anchorage. 3.3. Data Analysis Organisms from both Surber and ASCI macroinvertebrate samples were identified to genus or the lowest practicable taxon (Merritt et al. 2008; Pennak 1953; Stewart and Stark 2002; Wehr and Sheath 2003; and Wiggins 2009). Taxonomic data was used to calculate several descriptive population metrics:  Population density as numbers/m2  Taxa richness o Overall taxa richness o Ephemeroptera taxa richness o Trichoptera taxa richness o Plecoptera taxa richness  Taxonomic composition as a percent of total number identified in sample o Percent Ephemeroptera o Percent Trichoptera o Percent Plecoptera o Percent Ephemeroptera/Plecoptera/Trichoptera (EPT) o Percent Chironomidae o Percent dominant taxon  Population trophic characteristics o Percent filterers o Percent gatherers o Percent predators o Percent scrapers o Percent shredders o Filterer richness o Gatherer richness o Predator richness o Scraper richness o Shredder richness  Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI) scores  ASCI habitat assessment scores These metrics were calculated for each replicate. Averages and standard deviations were calculated for non-trophic metrics. Periphyton chlorophyll a analysis results were translated to concentration per area (μg/cm2) reported as averages with standard deviations. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 11 June 2014 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was calculated using selected metrics developed from the replicate samples of macroinvertebrates and periphyton to evaluate spatial and temporal variability. 4 RESULTS The second macroinvertebrate and periphyton sampling event for the Grant Lake Project was completed successfully on August 14, 2013. The results of the previous sampling event, conducted in 2009, were reported in 2010. The data obtained from the 2009 sampling has been combined with that collected in 2013 and appears in the tables of data and analysis results that follow and in Appendix 2. 4.1. Macroinvertebrates In 2013, macroinvertebrates were collected using only the Surber sampler method. As discussed in the 2010 report, the ASCI sampling protocols were not used after the first sampling event. Greater numbers of organisms and wider ranges of taxa were collected using Surber samplers. In addition, the Surber sampling method produces data with greater quantifiability and the discussion of results focuses on data collected using Surber sampler methods. Nevertheless, the ASCI protocols require sampling the entire range of habitat within the sample reach and those results are included in the tables below where appropriate. A combined total of 35 macroinvertebrate taxa were identified in samples collected at sites GC100 and GC300 in 2009 and 2013. They are listed in Table 4.1-1. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 12 June 2014 Table 4.1-1. List of macroinvertebrate taxa collected at Grant Creek sampling sites GC100 and GC300, 2009 and 2013. Order Family Genus Ephemeroptera Ameletidae Ameletus Baetidae Unidentified Acentrella Baetis Ephemerellidae Drunella Ephemerella Heptegeniidae Cinygmula Epeorus Plecoptera Unidentified Chloroperlidae Unidentified Haploperla Neaviperla Plumiperla Suwallia Triznaka Nemouridae Zapada Perlodidae Unidentified Isoperla Taeniopterygidae Unidentified Trichoptera Apataniidae Moselyana Brachycentridae Brachycentrus Micrasema Glossosomatidae Glossosoma Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche Limnephilidae Ecclisomyia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila Diptera Unidentified Chironomidae Unidentified Empididae Chelifera Clinocera Simuliidae Simullium Bivalvia (Class) Sphaeriidae Unidentified Gastropoda (class) Gastopoda Unid. Unidentified Lymnaeidae Lymnaea Planorbidae Unidentified Valvatidae Unidentified Crustacea (Phylum) Ostracoda (Class) Unidentified Arachnoidea (Class) Hydracarina (Sub-Order) Unidentified Oligochaeta (Class) Unidentified Unidentified Nemotoda (Phylum) Unidentified Unidentified Platyhelminthes (Phylum) Turbellaria (Class) Unidentified FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 13 June 2014 The numbers of taxa and of individual organisms within each taxa were used to calculate a series of metrics that describe the macroinvertebrate populations at each site. Table 4.1-2 lists metrics describing the macroinvertebrate populations with regard to the density (number of organisms per square meter) and the variety (richness) of the taxa assemblage. Table 4.1-2. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate population density and taxa richness metrics, 2009 and 2013. 1,2 Sample Site Date Sample Type Density (no. / m2) Taxa Richness Ephemeroptera Taxa Richness Plecoptera Taxa Richness Trichoptera Taxa Richness EPT Taxa Richness GC100 08/06/09 Surber1 12034 (4697) 19 (0.8) 6 (0.75) 3 (0.80) 3 (0.40) 12 (0.5) GC100 08/14/13 Surber 19282 (7877) 20 (1.5) 6 (0.00) 3 (0.49) 2 (1.02) 12 (0.8) GC300 08/06/09 Surber 2204 (1764) 15 (3.1) 4 (1.36) 3 (1.33) 3 (1.60) 10 (3.4) GC300 08/14/13 Surber 12835 (3275) 21 (2.3) 6 (0.49) 3 (1.02) 3 (0.89) 12 (1.7) GC100 08/06/09 ASCI2 2740 10 4 2 1 7 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 530 12 1 2 1 4 Notes: 1. Data reported are averages (followed by + or - standard deviation in parentheses) of five replicate Surber samples. 2. Data reported are totals for composited samples. Results appear fairly consistent between sites and years, with the exception of samples collected in 2009 at GC300. At GC300 in 2009 density (2,204 organisms/m2 compared to 19,282-12,034 organisms/m2), taxa richness (15 taxa compared to 21-19 taxa), Ephemeroptera taxa richness (4 taxa compared to 6 taxa), and EPT taxa richness (10 taxa compared to 12 taxa) were lower than other samples. Table 4.1-3 lists percent composition metrics. Again results from samples collected at GC300 in 2009 vary noticeably from the other samples. The results reflect the fact that samples collected at GC300 in 2009 contained fewer Chironomidae (41 percent of organisms compared to 83-88 percent of organisms). Therefore, the percent of the macroinvertebrate population represented by EPT taxa was greater at GC300 in 2009 than at GC100 in 2009 or at GC100 and GC300 in 2013. The data in Table 4.1-4, functional feeding group metrics, also illustrates the overall similarity in the macroinvertebrate populations between sites and years, with the exception of GC300 in 2009. Chironomidae generally fall under the category of “gatherers” and the numbers are lower at GC300 in 2009 than in the other samples (56 percent gatherers compared to 91-88 percent gatherers). Conversely, the number of organisms within functional feeding groups comprised largely of EPT taxa are higher than other samples. For example, predators comprised 8 percent at GC300 in 2009 compared to 4-3 percent in other samples and scrapers comprised 17 percent compared to 3-1 percent. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 14 June 2014 Table 4.1-3. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate population composition by percent metrics, 2009 and 2013.1 Sample Site Date Sample Type % Ephemeroptera % Plecoptera % Trichoptera % EPT % Chironomidae % Dominant Taxa GC100 08/06/09 Surber 3.9 (2.2) 2.6 (2.1) 1.3 (0.7) 7.7 (4.8) 84.7 (7.7)84.7 (7.7)GC100 08/14/13 Surber 2.6 (0.9) 1.4 (0.6) 0.4 (0.1) 4.4 (1.4) 88.5 (3.9)88.5 (3.9)GC300 08/06/09 Surber 18.0 (4.4) 8.9 (3.3) 4.6 (3.9) 31.5 (5.7) 41.0 (18.6) 48.4 (13.2)GC300 08/14/13 Surber 6.4 (2.4) 1.8 (0.7) 0.5 (0.2) 8.7 (2.6) 83.3 (4.8)82.3 (5.5) GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 08/06/09 ASCI 3.67.577.8Notes: 1. Averages, followed by + or - standard deviation in parentheses, are of five replicate Surber samples. Table 4.1-4. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate functional feeding group metrics based on entire sample from each site, 2009 and 2013. Sample Site Date Sample Type % Filterers % Gatherers % Predators % Scrapers % Shredders Filterer Richness Gatherer Richness Predator Richness Scraper Richness Shredder Richness GC100 08/06/09 Surber 5 89 3 2 2 4 10 7 6 1GC100 08/14/13 Surber 5 91 3 1 1 3 8 6 5 1GC300 08/06/09 Surber 15 56 8 17 3 4 7 10 5 2GC300 08/14/13 Surber 5 88 4 3 1 3 6 5 4 0 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 83 14 2 1 0 1 3 4 3 1GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 79 10 8 2 0 3 4 3 1 0 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 15 June 2014 Biotic indices were developed to describe the quality of aquatic habitat based on the tolerance to disturbance of the organisms present. Each taxon is given a tolerance rating between 0 and 10, with 0 being the least tolerant. The HBI scores in Table 4.1-5 continue the pattern of variance between data collected at GC300 in 2009 and the other samples. The HBI value for GC300 in 2009 was 4.71 compared to 5.60-5.81 for the other samples. Table 4.1-5. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate biotic indices and habitat assessments, 2009 and 2013. Sample Site Date Sample Type Hilsenhoff Biotic Index1 ASCI Habitat Assessment2 GC100 08/06/09 Surber 5.76 GC100 08/14/13 Surber 5.81 GC300 08/06/09 Surber 4.71 GC300 08/14/13 Surber 5.60 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 7.5 200 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 7.1 190 Notes: 1. Scale from 0-10, with 10 indicating greatest water body impairment. 2. Scale from 0-200, with 200 indicating most impaired macroinvertebrate habitat. Measurements of ambient water quality parameters – temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH – were collected concurrent with sampling. KHL also measured these parameters at GC100 and GC300 as part of its Water Resources Study – Water Quality, Temperature and Hydrology (KHL 2014). Both sets of measurements are reported in Table 5.1- 6, below. Table 4.1-6. Grant Creek ambient water quality at time of sample collection, 2009 and 2013. Sample Site Date Temperature (°C) Specific Conductivity (μS/cm) Dissolved Oxygen (%) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) pH GC100 08/06/09 12.32 87 77.5 8.29 7.40 GC100 08/14/13 13.38 72 104.0 10.80 7.14 GC300 08/06/09 11.49 89 61.3 8.22 7.39 GC300 08/14/13 13.31 72 106.0 11.16 7.29 2013 Measurements GC100 Aug/13 12.65 60 102.5 10.95 7.18 GC300 Aug/13 12.45 60 102.8 11.02 7.09 Water quality measurements were fairly consistent between years, sites, and investigators, except for dissolved oxygen measurements in 2009. Low dissolved oxygen measurements in 2009 (8.29 mg/L-8.22 mg/L in 2009 compared to 11.16 mg/L-10.80 mg/L in 2013) were attributed to a possibly faulty instrument as discussed in the Grant Lake/Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project Environmental Baseline Studies, 2009 report (HDR 2010). Refer to the Water Resources Study FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 16 June 2014 – Water Quality, Temperature and Hydrology, Final Report, for a discussion regarding dissolved oxygen measurement differences (KHL 2014). 4.2. Periph yton Periphyton (single celled algae) are primary producers in the foodweb of stream habitats. One way to charcterize the productivity of a stream is to evaluate the population of periphyton by measuring the amount of chlorophyll a present in the algal coating scraped from the stream substrate. Average concentrations of chlorophyll a in Grant Creek samples from 2009 and 2013 varied between years and sites (Table 4.2-1). Concentrations of chlorophyll a were greater at GC100 than GC300, although the spatial variability appeared to be less in 2013 than in 2009 (5.85 and 4.4 μg/cm2 in 2013 compared to 34.79 and 12.70 μg/cm2 in 2009). Both magnitude of the concentrations measured in 2009 and their variability were greater than in 2013. Table 4.2-1. Average1 concentrations of chlorophyll a from periphyton collected in Grant Creek, 2009 and 2013. Sample Site Date Chlorophyll a Concentration (μg/cm2) GC100 08/06/09 34.79 (23.76) GC100 08/14/13 5.85 (4.92) GC300 08/06/09 12.70 (9.94) GC300 08/14/13 4.4 (2.84) Notes: 1. Averages, followed by standard deviation in parentheses, are of 10 replicate samples. 4.3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ANOVA was calculated using several selected metrics to demonstrate whether the macroinvertebrate and periphyton data collected is adequate for describing the baseline condition in Grant Creek. The results are listed in Tables 4.3-1 and 4.3-2, below. P values greater than 0.05 indicate that there was no significant variability between the data sets. Table 4.3-1. Results of ANOVA (P values) for selected macroinvertebrate metrics. Metric Between Years Between Sites GC100 GC300 2009 2013 Density (no. / m2) 0.1525 0.0004 0.0044 0.1690 Taxa Richness 0.1894 0.0130 0.0680 0.2792 EPT Taxa Richness 0.2165 0.4211 0.2755 0.8327 % EPT 0.2145 8.42-05 0.0002 0.0198 % Scrapers 0.0468 0.0002 8.65-05 0.2631 % Gatherers 0.3302 0.0026 0.0016 0.4093 % Predators 0.2069 0.0032 0.0049 0.6871 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 17 June 2014 ANOVA of metrics of different years and sites that did not include GC300 2009 (such as taxa richness between GC100 2009 and GC100 2013) did not result in significant variation (P>0.05), demonstrating that the data collected at GC300 in 2009 may represent an outlier. Table 4.3-2. Results of ANOVA (P values) for periphyton chlorophyll a concentrations. Metric Between Years Between Sites GC100 GC300 2009 2013 Chlorophyll a (μg/cm2) 0.0022 0.0269 0.0192 0.4536 5 CONCLUS IONS Comparison between the population metrics of baseline data and metrics calculated from data collected in the future for monitoring can provide an indication of changes in water quality and aquatic habitat. Table 5.0-1 summarizes the expected responses of macroinvertebrate populations to habitat impairment or perturbation (Barbour et al. 1999). The source tables for this information are included in Appendix 3. Table 5.0-1. Predicted responses of several metrics to habitat impairment or perturbation (excerpted from Barbour et al. 1999). Metric Definition Predicted Response to Perturbation Taxa Richness Measures overall variety of the population Decrease EPT Taxa Richness Number of taxa in the EPT orders Decrease % EPT Percent of population in EPT orders Decrease % Scrapers Percent of population that scrape or graze upon periphyton Decrease % Gatherers Percent of population that “gather” Variable % Predators Percent of population that are predators. Can be made restrictive to exclude omnivores. Variable Hilsenhoff Biotic Index Uses tolerance values to weight abundance in an estimate of overall pollution. Originally designed to evaluate organic pollution Increase The ANOVA performed on several metrics developed from data collected in 2009 and 2013 indicates that the baseline information obtained to date would be useful for monitoring change in the water quality and habitat in Grant Creek. Samples collected at GC300 in 2009 do vary significantly from the other samples, however. Significantly lower numbers of Chironomidae in the sample (41 percent of organisms compared to 83-88 percent of organisms in other samples) appear to account for the major differences in the metrics (Table 4.1-3). This situation may not be descriptive of the baseline for a number of reasons: sampler error, sample processing and identification errors, or insufficient data to reduce statistical variability. Studies conducted in the FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 18 June 2014 early 1980’s found no seasonal variation in macroinvertebrate abundance in Grant Creek (Ebasco 1984). While the most useful application of the data collected from baseline studies is future monitoring of Project impacts, the metrics developed to describe macroinvertebrate populations in Grant Creek can also be used for comparison with other streams in the region. Direct comparisons may be limited by differences in sampling methods and physical categories assigned to sampling locations selected by researchers. The USGS as part of their National Water-Quality Assessment Program studied characteristics of the Cook Inlet Basin (Brabets et al. 1999) that included using macroinvertebrate data collected with Surber sampler methods. In addition, the Environment and Natural Resources Institute (ENRI) of the University of Alaska, Anchorage, has developed macroinvertebrate reference conditions for the Cook Inlet Basin using their ASCI protocols (Major et al. 2000 and 2001; and Rinella and Bogan 2007). The USGS 1999 report discusses watershed characteristics generalized for the entire Cook Inlet Basin, whereas the ENRI 2000 and 2001 reports group streams as low gradient fine substrate, low gradient large substrate, and high gradient and the ENRI 2007 report groups streams by disturbance class: reference, Class 1, and Class 2, excluding glacially influenced streams. Regardless, a relative comparison of the information collected from Grant Creek can be made with these evaluations of Cook Inlet watershed streams. Comparison of Grant Creek macroinvertebrate metrics with the means of Cook Inlet streams reported by the USGS (Brabets et al. 1999), indicates that Grant Creek provides less optimal habitat for macroinvertebrates than other Cook Inlet streams (Table 5.0-2). Grant Creek exhibits lower percent EPT, shredders, scrapers, and predators, and higher percent Diptera/Chironomidae and gatherers than the mean for other Cook Inlet streams. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 19 June 2014 Table 5.0-2. Mean percent composition of the aquatic insect fauna in streams of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska [modified from Oswood and others (1995)] (excerpted from Brabets et al. 1999) and in Grant Creek, 2009 and 2013. Fauna Percent Composition Cook Inlet Watershed Streams Percent Composition Grant Creek, 2009 and 2013 1 Taxonomic Structure Coleoptera 0.0 NA Diptera 34.0 74.4 2 Ephemeroptera 41.3 7.7 Plecoptera 17.5 3.6 Trichoptera 7.2 1.7 Functional Group Shredders 11.6 1.8 Scrapers 11.2 5.8 Collector-filterers 6.6 7.5 Collector-gatherers 60.5 81.0 Predators 10.0 4.5 Notes: 1. Includes GC300 2009 which varies significantly from the other samples. 2. Chironomidae only. Comparison of Grant Creek metrics with riffle/run, high gradient (> 2 percent) Kenai Peninsula Pacific Coastal Mountain Ecoregion stream metrics reported by ENRI (Major et al. 2000 and 2001), also indicates that Grant Creek habitat is more stressful for macroinvertebrate populations than other streams in the region. The cumulative ASCI scores from 2009 (HDR 2010) calculated using several core metrics fall into the “poor” range: GC100 ASCI 2009 = 18 and GC300 ASCI 2009 = 18 (Tables 5.0-3 and 5.0-4). Table 5.0-3. Scoring thresholds for core metrics used to calculate ASCI scores (excerpted from Major et al. 2000), and Grant Creek: average of GC100 and GC300, 2009. Index Score Metric Value Grant Creek Values Stream Type Metric 6 4 2 0 RRM and RRH1 No. of Taxa >16 12-16 7-11 <6 11 No. of Ephemeroptera >4 3-4 1-2 <1 3 No. of Plecoptera >4 3-4 1-2 <1 2 No. of Trichoptera >4 3-4 1-2 <1 1 % EPT >29 20-28 10-19 <10 1.4 % Chironomidae <39 39-59 60-79 >79 10.3 % Dominant Taxon <50 49-66 67-83 <83 80.4 Notes: 1. RRM and RRH – riffle run moderate gradient and riffle run high gradient. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 20 June 2014 Table 5.0-4. ASCI scores based on core metrics (excerpted from Major et al. 2000), and score for Grant Creek: average of GC100 and GC300, 2009. Maximum Score Grant Creek Score Ecoregion and Stream Type Very Good Good Poor Very Poor Pacific Coastal Mountains All Stream Types 42 >29 20-29 10-19 <10 18 The reports referenced above assign streams to various classes because the metrics respond differently to water quality change depending on the physical characteristics of the stream. Ultimately, describing the baseline condition on Grant Creek for future comparisons is of the most use. Water quality investigations in Grant Creek completed in 2009 and 2010, and expanded on in 2013, showed overall water quality to be high (HDR 2010; KHL 2014). It was concluded that because of the similarity in water quality between Grant Lake and Grant Creek, there would be very little impact on the water chemistry of Grant Creek due to Project operations. Drawing water for Project use from a specified depth in Grant Lake would best duplicate the existing water temperature regime in Grant Creek, preventing change to that habitat parameter. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate populations reflect both the pristine water quality and challenging habitat conditions present. Previous and current studies indicate that the benthic macroinvertebrate diversity is typical of cold, glacial fed streams (Ebasco 1984). These conditions result in macroinvertebrate populations comprised of taxa that have a low tolerance for water quality impairment but can also thrive where the growing season is short and streamflows variable. Given this and as would be expected, the most abundant taxa in Grant Creek were Chironomidae, followed by Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and clams. Regarding chlorophyll a concentrations as a measure of periphyton abundance, the data show considerable variability as shown in Table 4.3-2. 6 VARIANCES FROM FERC-APPROVED STUDY PLAN AND PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS There were no variations from the FERC-approved study plans for the Aquatic Resources Study, Macroinvertebrates and Periphyton in Grant Creek. 7 REFE RENCES ADF&G (Alaska Department of Fish & Game). 1998. Methods for Aquatic Life Monitoring to Satisfy Requirements under 1998 NPDES Permit: NPDES AK-003865-2, Red Dog Mine Site. Division of Habitat and Restoration, Fairbanks, Alaska FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 21 June 2014 Brabets, T.P., G.L. Nelson, J.M. Dorava, and A.M. Milner. 1999. Water-Quality Assessment of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska – Environmental Setting. Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4025. National Water-Quality Assessment Program. U.S. Geological Survey. Anchorage, Alaska. Barbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, B.D. Snyder, and J.B. Stribling. 1999. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish, Second Edition. EPA 841-B-99-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Water; Washington, D.C. Ebasco. 1984. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Detailed Feasibility Analysis. Volume 2. Environmental Report. Rep. from Ebasco Services Incorporated, Bellevue, Washington. HDR Alaska, Inc. 2010. Grant Lake/Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project (FERC P-13211/13212) Environmental Baseline Studies, 2009. Prepared for Kenai Hydro, LLC. Anchorage, AK. KHL (Kenai Hydro, LLC). 2009. Pre-Application Document Grant Lake/Grant Creek and Falls Creek Project (FERC No. 13211 and 13212). August 2009. KHL. 2013. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 13212) Aquatic Resources Final Study Plan. Prepared for Kenai Hydro, LLC. March 2013. KHL. 2014. Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 13212) Water Resources Study – Water Quality, Temperature and Hydrology, Final Report. Prepared by McMillen LLC for Kenai Hydro, LLC. June 2014. Major, E.B., A. Prussian, and D. Rinella. 2000. 1999 Alaska Biological Monitoring and Water Quality Assessment Program Report: Final Report. Environment and Natural Resources Institute. University of Alaska, Anchorage. For: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Air and Water Quality. Anchorage, AK. Major, E.B., B.K. Jessup, A. Prussian, and D. Rinella. 2001. Alaska Stream Condition Index: Biological Index Development for Cook Inlet 1997-2000: Summary. Environment and Natural Resources Institute. University of Alaska, Anchorage and Tetra Tech, Inc. Owings Mills, MD. For: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Air and Water Quality. Anchorage, AK. Major, E.B. and M.T. Barbour. 2001. Standard Operating Procedures for the Alaska Stream Condition Index: A Modification of the U.S. EPA Rapid Bioassessment Protocols, Fifth Edition. Alaska Department of Conservation. Anchorage, AK. Mandaville, S.M. 2002. Benthic macroinvertebrates in freshwaters – taxa tolerance values, metrics, and protocols. (Project H-1). Soil and Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax. Available online at http://chebucto.ca/Science/SWCS/SWCS.html FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 22 June 2014 Merritt, R.W., K.W. Cummins, and M.B. Berg, Eds. 2008. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, Fourth Edition. Kendall Hunt Pub. Co. Dubuque, IA. Pennak, R.W. 1953. Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. The Ronald Press Co. New York, NY. Rinnella, D.J. and D.L. Bogan. 2007. Development of Macroinvertebrate and Diatom Biological Assessment Indices for Cook Inlet Basin Streams – Final Report. Environment and Natural Resources Institute. University of Alaska, Anchorage. For: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Air and Water Quality. Anchorage, AK. Stewart, K.W. and B.P. Stark. 2002. Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera (Plecoptera), Second Edition. The Caddis Press. Columbus, OH. Wehr, J.D. and R.G. Sheath, Eds. 2003. Freshwater Algae of North America, Ecology and Classification. Academic Press. San Diego, CA. Wiggins, G.B. 2009. Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera), Second Edition. University of Toronto Press, Inc. Toronto, Canada. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 June 2014 Appendix 1: GC100 and GC300 Site Photos, August 2013 This appendix contains the following figures: Figure A.1-1 Sampling site GC100 looking across channel to the south, August 14, 2013. Figure A.1-2 Sampling site GC300 looking across channel to the south, August 14, 2013. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 1 Page 1 June 2014 Figure A.1-1. Sampling site GC100 looking across channel to the south, August 14, 2013. Figure A.1-2. Sampling site GC300 looking across channel to the south, August 14, 2013. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 1 Page 2 June 2014 [This page intentionally left blank.] FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 June 2014 Appendix 2: Macroinvertebrate and Periphyton Data Tables Appendix 2a. Macroinvertebrate Data Tables Appendix 2b. Periphyton Data Tables FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 June 2014 Appendix 2a. Macroinvertebrate Data Tables This appendix contains the following tables: Table A.2a-1 Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Ephemeroptera, 2009 and 2013 Table A.2a-2 Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Plecoptera, 2009 and 2013 Table A.2a-3 Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Trichoptera, 2009 and 2013 Table A.2a-4 Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Diptera, 2009 and 2013 Table A.2a-5a Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, other miscellaenous taxa, 2009 and 2013 Table A.2a-5b Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, other miscellaenous taxa, 2009 and 2013 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2a Page 1 June 2014 Table A.2a-1. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Ephemeroptera, 2009 and 2013. Site ID Sample Date Surber No. Number Identified/ Site Number Taxa/SiteEphemeroptera Amelitidae Baetidae Baetidae Baetidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Ameletus Baetidae unid. Acentrella Baetis Drunella Ephemerella Cinygmula Epeorus GC100 08/14/13 1 1207 18 4 8 4 4 3 4 GC100 08/14/13 2 2743 22 5 11 8 16 2 2 GC100 08/14/13 3 1267 18 8 9 6 6 5 6 GC100 08/14/13 4 1114 21 6 12 17 4 3 3 GC100 08/14/13 5 2626 20 7 14 14 11 3 2 GC300 08/14/13 1 880 23 6 12 20 8 1 GC300 08/14/13 2 990 20 7 12 13 3 1 GC300 08/14/13 3 1246 26 8 22 20 9 10 2 GC300 08/14/13 4 1751 21 15 57 86 24 5 1 GC300 08/14/13 5 1095 18 17 21 14 9 7 2 GC100 08/06/09 1 697 18 4 3 1 6 5 GC100 08/06/09 2 1859 19 1 6 5 6 7 4 6 GC100 08/06/09 3 1337 20 11 9 5 11 2 1 GC100 08/06/09 4 976 18 5 5 4 10 12 GC100 08/06/09 5 721 18 1 8 15 8 4 22 GC300 08/06/09 1 203 20 2 2 21 6 10 9 GC300 08/06/09 2 517 17 6 1 58 8 12 10 GC300 08/06/09 3 55 13 2 3 6 GC300 08/06/09 4 151 15 11 5 6 2 GC300 08/06/09 5 98 11 4 2 5 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 421 10 1 1 2 2 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 306 12 4 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2a Page 2 June 2014 Table A.2a-2. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Plecoptera, 2009 and 2013. Site ID Sample Date Surber No. Number Identified/ Site Number Taxa/Site Plecoptera Chloroperlidae Nemouridae Perlodidae Perlodidae Taeniopterygidae Plecoptera unid. Chloroperlidae unid. Suwallia Haploperla Neaviperla Plumiperla Triznaka Zapada Perlodidae unid. Isoperla Taeniopterygidae unid. GC100 08/14/13 1 1207 18 2 9 6 GC100 08/14/13 2 2743 22 5 11 13 GC100 08/14/13 3 1267 18 1 6 3 1 GC100 08/14/13 4 1114 21 8 15 5 GC100 08/14/13 5 2626 20 8 12 2 10 GC300 08/14/13 1 880 23 4 5 8 1 GC300 08/14/13 2 990 20 1 6 2 GC300 08/14/13 3 1246 26 2 6 20 6 4 GC300 08/14/13 4 1751 21 7 13 8 GC300 08/14/13 5 1095 18 2 15 GC100 08/06/09 1 697 18 1 2 9 1 GC100 08/06/09 2 1859 19 3 16 GC100 08/06/09 3 1337 20 3 1 8 11 GC100 08/06/09 4 976 18 1 4 10 GC100 08/06/09 5 721 18 1 8 38 1 GC300 08/06/09 1 203 20 6 2 3 15 1 GC300 08/06/09 2 517 17 14 11 GC300 08/06/09 3 55 13 1 2 1 GC300 08/06/09 4 151 15 1 6 3 GC300 08/06/09 5 98 11 12 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 421 10 1 1 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 306 12 4 1 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2a Page 3 June 2014 Table A.2a-3. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Trichoptera, 2009 and 2013. Trichoptera Apataniidae Brachycentridae Glossomatidae Limnephilidae Rhyacophilidae Hydropshychidae Site ID Sample Date Surber No. Number Identified/ Site Number Taxa/Site Moselyana Brachycentrus Micrasema Glossasoma Ecclisomyia Rhyacophila Arctopsyche GC100 08/14/13 1 1207 18 2 2 GC100 08/14/13 2 2743 22 2 3 1 1 GC100 08/14/13 3 1267 18 4 GC100 08/14/13 4 1114 21 4 1 1 GC100 08/14/13 5 2626 20 7 3 GC300 08/14/13 1 880 23 3 1 1 1 GC300 08/14/13 2 990 20 1 1 GC300 08/14/13 3 1246 26 4 1 2 GC300 08/14/13 4 1751 21 2 3 4 1 GC300 08/14/13 5 1095 18 4 2 GC100 08/06/09 1 697 18 1 6 1 GC100 08/06/09 2 1859 19 2 3 2 GC100 08/06/09 3 1337 20 4 8 1 GC100 08/06/09 4 976 18 2 4 10 2 GC100 08/06/09 5 721 18 4 11 1 GC300 08/06/09 1 203 20 2 1 1 GC300 08/06/09 2 517 17 1 1 10 1 1 GC300 08/06/09 3 55 13 1 2 GC300 08/06/09 4 151 15 2 9 1 2 4 GC300 08/06/09 5 98 11 1 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 421 10 1 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 306 12 2 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2a Page 4 June 2014 Table A.2a-4. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, Diptera, 2009 and 2013. Site ID Sample Date Surber No. Number Identified/ Site Number Taxa/Site Diptera Chironomidae Empididae Simuliidae Diptera unid. Chironomidae unid. - total Empididae unid. Chelifera Clinocera Simulium GC100 08/14/13 1 1207 18 1109 4 7 GC100 08/14/13 2 2743 22 2423 2 31 12 GC100 08/14/13 3 1267 18 1153 15 28 GC100 08/14/13 4 1114 21 903 6 21 GC100 08/14/13 5 2626 20 2372 2 25 36 GC300 08/14/13 1 880 23 1 715 3 4 2 GC300 08/14/13 2 990 20 908 1 16 4 GC300 08/14/13 3 1246 26 965 1 16 5 GC300 08/14/13 4 1751 21 1425 24 GC300 08/14/13 5 1095 18 925 14 3 GC100 08/06/09 1 697 18 619 1 1 5 GC100 08/06/09 2 1859 19 1740 3 13 GC100 08/06/09 3 1337 20 1142 3 3 11 GC100 08/06/09 4 976 18 832 2 5 8 GC100 08/06/09 5 721 18 508 1 9 28 GC300 08/06/09 1 203 20 73 1 2 1 GC300 08/06/09 2 517 17 333 1 GC300 08/06/09 3 55 13 14 1 GC300 08/06/09 4 151 15 92 1 GC300 08/06/09 5 98 11 18 1 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 421 10 55 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 306 12 23 2 4 3 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2a Page 5 June 2014 Table A.2a-5. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, other miscellaenous taxa, 2009 and 2013. Site ID Sample Date Surber No. Number Identified/ Site Number Taxa/SiteOther MiscellaneousTaxa Oligochaeta Gastropoda Gastropoda Gastropoda Bivalvia Bivalvia Arachnoidea Ostracoda Oligochaeta - unid Gastropoda- unid Planorbidae-unid Valvatidae Bivalvia unid Sphaeriidae Hydracarina - unid Ostracoda - unid GC100 08/14/13 1 1207 18 4 9 2 GC100 08/14/13 2 2743 22 6 155 15 6 GC100 08/14/13 3 1267 18 4 9 1 GC100 08/14/13 4 1114 21 6 68 5 7 GC100 08/14/13 5 2626 20 7 68 6 7 GC300 08/14/13 1 880 23 12 1 59 4 3 GC300 08/14/13 2 990 20 2 1 7 2 GC300 08/14/13 3 1246 26 15 3 85 15 4 GC300 08/14/13 4 1751 21 1 6 1 64 3 GC300 08/14/13 5 1095 18 8 33 7 1 GC100 08/06/09 1 697 18 5 3 22 GC100 08/06/09 2 1859 19 16 24 1 GC100 08/06/09 3 1337 20 1 81 19 GC100 08/06/09 4 976 18 44 15 1 GC100 08/06/09 5 721 18 37 16 GC300 08/06/09 1 203 20 36 9 GC300 08/06/09 2 517 17 39 10 GC300 08/06/09 3 55 13 2 17 3 GC300 08/06/09 4 151 15 6 GC300 08/06/09 5 98 11 2 1 49 3 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 421 10 349 8 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 306 12 7 238 17 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2a Page 6 June 2014 Table A.2a-6. Grant Creek macroinvertebrate taxonomic data, other miscellaneous taxa, 2009 and 2013. Site ID Sample Date Surber No. Number Identified/ SiteNumber Taxa/SiteOther MiscellaneousTaxa Nematoda Platyhelminthes Nematoda Turbellaria Lymnea GC100 08/14/13 1 1207 18 24 GC100 08/14/13 2 2743 22 13 GC100 08/14/13 3 1267 18 2 GC100 08/14/13 4 1114 21 19 GC100 08/14/13 5 2626 20 10 GC300 08/14/13 1 880 23 6 GC300 08/14/13 2 990 20 1 1 GC300 08/14/13 3 1246 26 1 20 GC300 08/14/13 4 1751 21 1 GC300 08/14/13 5 1095 18 11 GC100 08/06/09 1 697 18 1 GC100 08/06/09 2 1859 19 1 GC100 08/06/09 3 1337 20 2 GC100 08/06/09 4 976 18 GC100 08/06/09 5 721 18 GC300 08/06/09 1 203 20 GC300 08/06/09 2 517 17 GC300 08/06/09 3 55 13 GC300 08/06/09 4 151 15 GC300 08/06/09 5 98 11 GC100 08/06/09 ASCI 421 10 GC300 08/06/09 ASCI 306 12 1 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 June 2014 Appendix 2b. Periphyton Data Table This appendix contains the following table: Table A.2b-1 Grant Creek periphyton chlorophyll a concentration, 2009 and 2013. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2b Page 1 June 2014 Table A.2b-1. Grant Creek periphyton chlorophyll a concentrations, 2009 and 2013. Sample Site ID Date Replicate Chlorophyll a (μg/cm2) GC 100 8/14/2013 1 7.3 GC 100 8/14/2013 2 4 GC 100 8/14/2013 3 4.5 GC 100 8/14/2013 4 3.8 GC 100 8/14/2013 5 4.5 GC 100 8/14/2013 6 5.6 GC 100 8/14/2013 7 3.6 GC 100 8/14/2013 8 20 GC 100 8/14/2013 9 3.6 GC 100 8/14/2013 10 1.6 GC 100 8/6/2009 1 12.5 GC 100 8/6/2009 2 51.5 GC 100 8/6/2009 3 16.8 GC 100 8/6/2009 4 15 GC 100 8/6/2009 5 40.1 GC 100 8/6/2009 6 19.8 GC 100 8/6/2009 7 37.6 GC 100 8/6/2009 8 82 GC 100 8/6/2009 9 7.48 GC 100 8/6/2009 10 65.1 GC 300 8/14/2013 1 2.4 GC 300 8/14/2013 2 1.6 GC 300 8/14/2013 3 1.9 GC 300 8/14/2013 4 5.2 GC 300 8/14/2013 5 5.4 GC 300 8/14/2013 6 2.1 GC 300 8/14/2013 7 9.8 GC 300 8/14/2013 8 9 GC 300 8/14/2013 9 4.5 GC 300 8/14/2013 10 2.1 GC 300 8/6/2009 1 19 GC 300 8/6/2009 2 4.54 GC 300 8/6/2009 3 8.28 GC 300 8/6/2009 4 10.7 GC 300 8/6/2009 5 2.94 GC 300 8/6/2009 6 4.81 GC 300 8/6/2009 7 5.87 GC 300 8/6/2009 8 36 GC 300 8/6/2009 9 23.2 GC 300 8/6/2009 10 11.7 FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 2b Page 2 June 2014 [This page intentionally left blank.] FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 June 2014 Appendix 3: Metrics Trends Tables from the EPA RBP (Barbour et al. 1999) This appendix contains the following tables: Table A.3-1 Definitions of best caudidate benthic metrics and predicted direction of metric response to increasing perturbation (compiled from DeShon 1995, Barbour et al. 1996b, Fore et al. 1996, Smith and Voshell 1997). (Copied from Barbour et al. 1999) Table A.3-2 Definitions of additional benthic metrics and predicted direction of metric response to increasing perturbation. (Copied from Barbour et al. 1999) FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 3 Page 1 June 2014 Table A.3-1. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 3 Page 2 June 2014 Table A.3-2. FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 3 Page 3 June 2014 Table A.3-2. (cont.) FINAL REPORT AQUATIC RESOURCES – MACROINVERTEBRATES AND PERIPHYTON IN GRANT CREEK Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Kenai Hydro, LLC FERC No. 13212 Appendix 3 Page 4 June 2014 [This page intentionally left blank.]