HomeMy WebLinkAbout30405.00 Fivemile Hydro REF Grant Application Round VIII FinalRenewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 1 of 33 7/2/14 Application Forms and Instructions This instruction page and the following grant application constitutes the Grant Application Form for Round VIII of the Renewable Energy Fund. A separate application form is available for projects with a primary purpose of producing heat (see RFA section 1.5). This is the standard form for all other projects, including projects that will produce heat and electricity. An electronic version of the Request for Applications (RFA) and both application forms is available online at: http://www.akenergyauthority.org/REFund8.html.  If you need technical assistance filling out this application, please contact Shawn Calfa, the Alaska Energy Authority Grants Administrator at (907) 771-3031 or at scalfa@aidea.org.  If you are applying for grants for more than one project, provide separate application forms for each project.  Multiple phases for the same project may be submitted as one application.  If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project, provide milestones and grant budget for each phase of the project.  In order to ensure that grants provide sufficient benefit to the public, AEA may limit recommendations for grants to preliminary development phases in accordance with 3 ACC 107.605(1).  If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are completed and funding for an advanced phase is warranted.  If you have additional information or reports you would like the Authority to consider in reviewing your application, either provide an electronic version of the document with your submission or reference a web link where it can be downloaded or reviewed.  In the sections below, please enter responses in the spaces provided, often under the section heading. You may add additional rows or space to the form to provide sufficient space for the information, or attach additional sheets if needed. REMINDER:  Alaska Energy Authority is subject to the Public Records Act AS 40.25, and materials submitted to the Authority may be subject to disclosure requirements under the act if no statutory exemptions apply.  All applications received will be posted on the Authority web site after final recommendations are made to the legislature.  In accordance with 333 (b) Applicants may request trade secrets or proprietary company data be kept confidential subject to review and approval by the Authority. If you want information is to be kept confidential the applicant must: o Request the information be kept confidential. o Clearly identify the information that is the trade secret or proprietary in their application. o Receive concurrence from the Authority that the information will be kept confidential. If the Authority determines it is not confidential it will be treated as a public record in accordance with AS 40.25 or returned to the applicant upon request. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 2 of 33 7/2/14 SECTION 1 – APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (Name of utility, IPP, or government entity submitting proposal) Chitina Electric Inc. (CEI) Type of Entity: Fiscal Year End: Native Corporation Rural Utility 2014 Tax ID #92-0068532 Tax Status: ☒ For-profit ☐ Non-profit ☐ Government (check one) Date of last financial statement audit: 6/09/2014 for fiscal year ending 12/31/13 Mailing Address: Physical Address: Chitina Electric Inc. P.O. Box 88 Chitina, Ak. 99566 Telephone: Fax: Email: (907) 823-2220 (907) 823-2202 mnfinn@cvinternet.net 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT / GRANTS MANAGER Name: Title: Martin Finnesand, President/General Manager Mailing Address: P.O. Box 88 Chitina, AK 99566 Telephone: Fax: Email: 907-823-2223 907-822-4006 mnfinn@cvinternet.net 1.1.1 APPLICANT ALTERNATE POINTS OF CONTACT Name Telephone: Fax: Email: Harry Billum 907-823-2220 907-823-2202 N/A Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 3 of 33 7/2/14 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Please check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applicant requirements, your application will be rejected. 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) ☒ An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or ☐ An independent power producer in accordance with 3 AAC 107.695 (a) (1), or ☐ A local government, or ☐ A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities) 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (continued) Please check as appropriate. ☒ 1.2.2 Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for the project by the applicant’s board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If the applicant is a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant’s governing authority is necessary. (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.3 As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement (Section 3 of the RFA). (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.4 If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the award as identified in the Standard Grant Agreement template at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/REFund8.html. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) (Indicate by checking the box) ☒ 1.2.5 We intend to own and operate any project that may be constructed with grant funds for the benefit of the general public. If no please describe the nature of the project and who will be the primary beneficiaries. (Indicate yes by checking the box) Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 4 of 33 7/2/14 SECTION 2 – PROJECT SUMMARY This section is intended to be no more than a 2-3 page overview of your project. 2.1 Project Title – (Provide a 4 to 7 word title for your project). Type in space below. Fivemile Creek Hydroelectric Project 2.2 Project Location – Include the physical location of your project and name(s) of the community or communities that will benefit from your project in the subsections below. 2.2.1 Location of Project – Latitude and longitude, street address, or community name. Latitude and longitude coordinates may be obtained from Google Maps by finding you project’s location on the map and then right clicking with the mouse and selecting “What is here? The coordinates will be displayed in the Google search window above the map in a format as follows: 61.195676.-149.898663. If you would like assistance obtaining this information please contact AEA at 907-771-3031. This project is located on Fivemile Creek, which crosses the Edgerton Highway at mile 28, approximately 5 miles north of Chitina, adjacent to the Chitina Airport. The project area is shown on USGS quad map Valdez C-2. Latitude: 61o 34’ 56.04” N, Longitude: 144o 26’ 11.34” 2.2.2 Community benefiting – Name(s) of the community or communities that will be the beneficiaries of the project. The community of Chitina, ADOT facilities at the Chitina Airport, and local community services and businesses will all benefit from clean, lower-cost energy that the proposed project would provide. 2.3 PROJECT TYPE Put X in boxes as appropriate 2.3.1 Renewable Resource Type ☐ Wind ☐ Biomass or Biofuels (excluding heat-only) ☒ Hydro, Including Run of River ☐ Hydrokinetic ☐ Geothermal, Excluding Heat Pumps ☒ Transmission of Renewable Energy ☐ Solar Photovoltaic ☐ Storage of Renewable ☐ Other (Describe) ☐ Small Natural Gas 2.3.2 Proposed Grant Funded Phase(s) for this Request (Check all that apply) Pre-Construction Construction ☐ Reconnaissance ☒ Final Design and Permitting ☐ Feasibility and Conceptual Design ☒ Construction Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 5 of 33 7/2/14 2.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a brief one paragraph description of the proposed project. The proposed Fivemile Creek Hydroelectric Project consists of the following major components: 1. Creek diversion / intake structure- The proposed diversion / intake structure would divert a portion of the flow from Fivemile Creek into a pipeline (penstock and would also create a small impoundment that would provide freeze protection. 2. Penstock – The proposed penstock will transport water from the intake structure to the turbine powerhouse. The penstock will be buried, and will consist of insulated HDPE pipe (low pressure reach) and schedule 20 welded steel pipe (high pressure reach). The pipe will range from 12-20 inches in diameter and will be roughly 10,400 feet long. The purpose of the penstock is to pressurize and deliver the water from the creek to the turbine power plant. 3. Diversion Access Road – An access road will be constructed between the existing jeep trail and the proposed diversion / intake structure location. This road will be approximately 2,850 feet long and will provide access for construction and maintenance of the diversion / intake structure. 4. Turbine Building – the turbine building will house a 300 kW pelton wheel turbine / generator and controls. The building foundation will include a tailrace that will return water from the penstock to the creek. 5. Electrical Intertie - A 4-mile long overhead transmission line will connect the turbine power plant step up transformer to the community grid. The transmission line was constructed utilizing federal grant funds in 2008. 6. Diesel Integration - The proposed hydro switchgear will be linked to the community’s existing diesel powerhouse controls. The diesel plant will function primarily as a backup system after the hydro is constructed. 7. Heat Recovery – An electric boiler will be installed in the existing diesel module and connected to the existing hydronic heat recovery system currently utilized to heat the clinic building and the AST used to store diesel fuel for the diesel plant. The boiler will provide a dual purpose: it will provide frequency control during operation of the hydro turbine and it will allow for continued utilization of the existing heat recovery system infrastructure. 8. Excess energy utilization – During most times of the year, excess water flow will be available to produce electricity above and beyond the community’s electric demand. During these times the excess energy will be delivered to dispatchable loads throughout town. The dispatchable loads will include electric heaters installed at community buildings, residential living facilities and commercial facilities. The electric heaters will “displace” the need to burn diesel fuel for space heating, and will provide an additional revenue stream for the utility. 2.5 PROJECT BENEFIT Briefly discuss the financial and public benefits that will result from this project, (such as reduced fuel costs, lower energy costs, local jobs created, etc.) The proposed hydroelectric project will provide a new, renewable power source for the community of Chitina, Alaska, that will help to stabilize the cost of electrical power generation. Currently, the cost of power generation fluctuates, sometimes dramatically, due to the volatility of fuel prices. The proposed project would reduce the amount of diesel fuel burned annually at the existing power plant by 46,000 gallons. The result will be a more robust and sustainable utility. Lowered operating costs, in the form of fuel savings, will also decrease the community’s reliance on Power Cost Equalization funds, allowing the State’s funds to benefit other communities in need. In addition, the proposed project will provide the security and reliability of multiple power sources for Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 6 of 33 7/2/14 this remote community and create less environmental emissions than the current diesel powered generation and heating systems. During the construction phase, the proposed hydroelectric project will provide new construction related employment and training opportunities for the local work force. In addition, excess energy available from the facility will reduce the dependence on diesel fuel for space heating and provide economic incentives to local businesses. The power generation capacity of the proposed hydro facility will exceed the community’s current electrical demands most of the time and CEI intends to pursue sales of electric heat to its customers. The electric heat will be an interruptible, separately metered, and less expensive heating option for consumers. There are a number of current utility customers that would benefit from lower cost electric heat including the local hotel, the local grocery, the fire hall, Alaska Department of Transportation airport maintenance building, the local community center, and adjacent HUD housing development. It is estimated that the dispatchable electric heat systems will reduce the consumption of heating fuel in the community by around 20,000 gallons the first year. Note that the Economic benefit analysis completed as part of this application indicates a payback period of less than 25 years for the project, compared to a design life of 50 years (design life based on information from AIDEA/AEA; the actual facility has the potential to last longer with proper maintenance). The community will realize immediate and substantial economic benefit from the project. 2.6 PROJECT BUDGET OVERVIEW Briefly discuss the amount of funds needed, the anticipated sources of funds, and the nature and source of other contributions to the project. Below is a brief summary of funds required to complete remaining project tasks: Additional Geophysical Investigation at Diversion Site $35,000 REF Round IV Construct Equipment Trail and Perform Test Pits at Diversion Site $65,000 REF Round IV Final Permit Applications $30,000 REF Round IV / VIII 100% Design Documents $200,000 REF Round IV / VIII Procurement of Long Lead Items $300,000 REF Round VIII Contractor Solicitation $50,000 REF Round VIII Construct Phase A – Access Road, 5,000 LF Penstock, Diversion Structure $3,346,000 REF Round VIII Construct Phase B – 5,400 LF Penstock, Hydro Turbine Building, Tailrace, Startup $3,744,000 REF Round VIII Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 7 of 33 7/2/14 2.7 COST AND BENEFIT SUMMARY Include a summary of grant request and your project’s total costs and benefits below. Costs for the Current Phase Covered by this Grant (Summary of funds requested) 2.7.1 Grant Funds Requested in this application $ 7,620,000 2.7.2 Cash match to be provided $ 0 2.7.3 In-kind match to be provided $Land for Project 2.7.4 Other grant funds to be provided $ 2.7.5 Total Costs for Requested Phase of Project (sum of 2.7.1 through 2.7.4) $ 7,620,000 Other items for consideration 2.7.6 Other grant applications not yet approved None Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 8 of 33 7/2/14 Project Costs & Benefits (Summary of total project costs including work to date and future cost estimates to get to a fully operational project) 2.7.7 Total Project Cost Summary from Cost Worksheet, Section 4.4.4, including estimates through construction. $ 7,770,000 Includes all remaining project costs. 2.7.8 Additional Performance Monitoring Equipment not covered by the project but required for the Grant Only applicable to construction phase projects $ 0 2.7.9 Estimated Direct Financial Benefit (Savings) The economic model used by AEA is available at www.akenergyauthority.org/REFund8.html. This economic model may be used by applicants but is not required. Other economic models developed by the applicant may be used, however the final benefit/cost ratio used will be derived from the AEA model to ensure a level playing field for all applicants. $ 8,378,318 (NPV output value from AEA Economic Model Spreadsheet) Note that the value of displaced fuel over the life of the project, assuming a fuel cost of $4.33/gallon, is over $14 million. 2.7.10 Other Public Benefit If you can calculate the benefit in terms of dollars please provide that number here and explain how you calculated that number in Section 5 below. Up to 812,000 kW-h in excess energy will be available for sale during summer months. If sold to the public at a rate $.10 less than normal, this equates to a public savings of over $80,000. SECTION 3 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Describe who will be responsible for managing the project and provide a plan for successfully completing the project within the scope, schedule and budget proposed in the application. 3.1 Project Manager Tell us who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include contact information, a resume and references for the manager(s). In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application. If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. Mr. Alan Fetters, Alaska Energy Authority Tel: 907-771-3064 Fax: 907-771-3044 Email: afetters@aidea.org Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 9 of 33 7/2/14 3.2 Project Schedule and Milestones Please fill out the schedule below. Be sure to identify key tasks and decision points in your project along with estimated start and end dates for each of the milestones and tasks. Please clearly identify the beginning and ending of all phases of your proposed project. Please fill out form provided below. You may add additional rows as needed. Milestones Tasks Start Date End Date Completed to Date Conceptual Design Report (Complete) Hydrology Investigation and Modelling, Site Control Research, Preliminary Equipment Sizing, Field Investigations, Concept Drawings, Aerial Mapping and LIDAR contour generation, Field Survey, preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Complete 65% Design Efforts (Complete) Survey of Clearing Limits, Clearing Along Penstock/Access Road Alignment (Performed by Force Account Crew), Constructability Review by Seasoned Pioneer Road Construction Foreman, Geophysical Field Investigation (Ground Penetrating Radar study to Determine Depth to Bedrock, 65% Level Design of Penstock, Access Road, Intake /Diversion Structure, Hydro Turbine Building, Building Foundation and Tailrace. Complete 65% Construction Cost Estimate (Complete) A construction cost estimate was developed based on the 65% drawings and is the basis for the construction funding request in this grant application. The 65% plans were provided to multiple Alaska- based contractors who specialize in heavy civil construction, concrete forming and pouring, chemical grouting and other construction fields relevant to specific project tasks. Unlike some other projects, the design team did not develop the cost estimate using ambiguous and/or outdated unit costs from a textbook. Instead, we tapped the construction expertise and experience of local contractors who do this type of work every season. Complete Permitting Coordination (Complete)  Confirm that FERC Permit is not Required  Enter Formal Consultation and Submit Preliminary Permitting Applications to Interested Agencies: ADOT Right of Way, SHPO, ACOE, FAA, Alaska Dam Safety Office, ADF&G  Received Final Permit Clearances from: FERC, FAA. Remaining permits required Submittal of 65%+ Design Drawings Prior to Formal Permit Issuance Complete To be completed Additional Field Investigation The Ground Penetrating Radar study conducted as part of the 65% design process revealed a substantial depth of fragmented rock above the bedrock surface at the proposed diversion / intake site. As a result, a portion of the diversion foundation system will likely not be tied into solid bedrock. In order to prevent excessive seepage the construction cost estimate includes a concrete cut off wall and chemical 10/14 6/15 Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 10 of 33 7/2/14 grouting operation (a conservative approach). In hopes of reducing the assumed costs additional geotechnical and geophysical field work is planned to better characterize and quantify the porosity of the stream bed material. Final Permit Applications  Submit 65% level Plans to Permitting Agencies Listed Above with the appropriate Requests for Final Approval.  Based on Consultation Completed to Date, no Major Obstacles are Anticipated. 10/14 6/15 100% Design Drawings Remaining design tasks will include:  Incorporation of any additional field data collected since the 65% plans.  Preparation of final details for seepage control measures, if necessary.  Optimize / supplement existing details, such as adding manufacturer provided details and product information, finalizing structural member sizes, etc.  Preparation of separate, written, technical specifications in CSI format. 11/15 6/15 REF Round VIII Grant Award to CEI (If Awarded) 8/1/15 8/1/15 Procurement of Long Lead Items Due to long lead times, and to save cost of contractor markup on major purchases, the following items will be owner provided:  Hydro turbine and generator  Switchgear and controls  Penstock pipe 8/2/15 3/1/16 Bid Document Preparation Working with AEA, bid documents will be developed as necessary to advertise and award the project to a construction contractor. 8/2/15 9/2/15 Project Advertisement and Award Includes advertisement, protest and award periods 9/15/15 11/1/15 Construct Phase A – Construct Access Road, 5,000 LF Penstock, and Diversion Structure 6/1/2016 11/2016 Construct Phase B – Construct Remaining 5,400 LF Penstock, Hydro Turbine Building, and Tailrace, 6/1/2017 11/2017 System Startup 2017/2018 3.3 Project Resources Describe the personnel, contractors, personnel or firms, equipment, and services you will use to accomplish the project. Include any partnerships or commitments with other entities you have or anticipate will be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchases or contracts. Include brief resumes and references for known, key personnel, contractors, and suppliers as an attachment to your application. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 11 of 33 7/2/14 Chitina Electric, Inc. (CEI) Martin Finnesand, (CEI President), will be the project contact from CEI. He has over 25 years of experience in his position with CEI and is very familiar with past and present construction projects in the community. CEI has administered the local utility since its inception, in 1981. Utility personnel have attended AVTEC training and are certified as powerhouse operators; they also have hydro operations training. It is the intent that the local operators will be involved with QA/QC during construction of the proposed hydro facility to enhance their understanding of system operation and maintenance requirements. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) CEI and AEA established a good working relationship during the AEA / Denali Commission sponsored Chitina Rural Power System Upgrade Project which resulted in the construction of the community’s current diesel power plant in 2008. CEI has requested that any grant funds awarded through the REF Program be managed through the AEA. AEA has the staff, and experience to effectively manage the planning, design, and construction phases of the project. Continuing the established relationship between CEI and AEA for the proposed hydro project will provide for efficient and cost effective implementation of the grant resources. AEA project manager, Mr. Alan Fetters, will be the primary AEA contact for the project. Technical / Engineering Consultants The design team will consist of multiple engineering firms. CRW Engineering Group, under contract to the AEA, will act as the primary engineer for this project. CRW is a multi-discipline engineering firm that’s been in business in Alaska for over 30 years. CRW provides engineering design and construction management services in the fields of rural and municipal utilities, bulk fuel, power systems, electrical distribution and heavy civil work. Other key design team members include Golder Associates (Geotechnical engineering), Gray Stassel Engineering (mechanical systems and controls), Clifton Laboratories (hydrology and hydraulic transient analysis), Solstice Alaska Consulting, Inc. (Hydro Permitting Specialists), and Rick Elliot, Land Consultant (site control). Constructability review and cost estimating services were provided by Mr. Lyle Lundberg, a construction foreman with Southeast Road Builders with over 25 years of experience with heavy civil construction. Most recently, Lyle was the construction foreman and head equipment operator for the Lake Dorothy Hydro Project, access road construction, located about 15 miles from Juneau. Resumes for specific project personnel are attached. Procurement Since the grant will be managed through the Alaska Energy Authority, state of Alaska procurement policies will be applied, insuring that material and professional service solicitations are completed in a fair, transparent manner. 3.4 Project Communications Discuss how you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority informed of the status. Please provide an alternative contact person and their contact information. The AEA will be managing the project, which will insure that the Authority remains informed about project activities. The following methods will be implemented to insure seamless communication between the project team:  A weekly project status meeting / teleconference including representatives from AEA, CEI and CRW Engineering Group.  During construction a CEI employee will be designated as the Onsite Project Representative (OPR). The OPR will observe the contractor, prepare daily reports Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 12 of 33 7/2/14 documenting contractor activities and facilitate communication between the Contractor and the project management team.  During construction the Engineer will make periodic site inspections to monitor the progress and quality of the work. 3.5 Project Risk Discuss potential problems and how you would address them. As with any remote project, there are some potential risks associated with construction of the proposed hydroelectric facility. The goal of the project team is to minimize the potential risks via thorough planning, proper field investigations and realistic design assumptions. Over the past year the following potential risks have been addressed: 1. Access Road Alignment – During early planning stages there was a concern that the proposed access road to the intake was not feasible due to terrain features. Over the 2014 season we have proved that the road is feasible through onsite survey, substantial tree and brush clearing and onsite constructability review by a seasoned road contractor. 2. Penstock Grade- There were early concerns that the proposed penstock could not “escape the canyon” while maintaining a positive downhill grade. The 2014 field efforts have proven that it is possible to keep a positive grade, with no need for a siphon or other less reliable approaches. 3. Bedrock Depth – Prior to this season the bedrock depth at the diversion site and along the access road and penstock alignment was unknown. A Ground Penetrating Radar study completed during the 2014 season has provided this information which was critical to developing a realistic cost estimate. 4. Freeze Protection – Computer modeling completed during the 2014 season suggests that minimal insulation will be required to protect the proposed buried penstock from freezing. Temperature data loggers placed in the ground and in the creek during the summer of 2014 will collect actual soil and water temperature data over the winter of 2014/2015, allowing the design engineers to better calibrate the models for actual field conditions. 5. Potential Seepage at Diversion – The GPR study completed during the 2014 season revealed that bedrock at the proposed diversion site is relatively deep, and is overlain with alluvial, potentially porous material. A combination of engineered solutions has been incorporated into the current design and construction cost estimate to insure that seepage beneath the completed diversion structure will be manageable. The current approach is believed to be conservative, and would include installation of a concrete cutoff wall in combination with chemical grouting of the alluvial material. Additional geophysical and geotechnical investigations are planned over the 2014/2015 season to better characterize the alluvial material and estimate its permeability. The need for a cutoff wall and/or grouting operation will be revisited after the field work results are available. It is not possible to eliminate all risks associated with a project of this type. However, with proper planning, field studies and diligent design it is possible to mitigate most concerns. The project team has worked hard to address major concerns identified to date and to account for their costs in the construction cost estimate. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 13 of 33 7/2/14 3.6 Project Accountant(s) Tell us who will be performing the accounting of this Project for the Grantee and include contact information, a resume and references for the project accountant(s). In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application. If the applicant does not have a project accountant indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. Financial accounting will be handled through the Alaska Energy Authority accounting, contracting and procurement departments as appropriate. 3.7 Financial Accounting System Discuss the accounting system that will be used to account for project costs and whom will be the primary user of the accounting system. The AEA accounting system will be utilized to track project costs. AEA employees will be the primary users of the system. 3.8 Financial Management Controls Discuss the controls that will be utilized to ensure that only costs that are reasonable, ordinary and necessary will be allocated to this project. Also discuss the controls in place that will ensure that no expenses for overhead, or any other unallowable costs will be requested for reimbursement from the Renewable Energy Fund Grant Program. AEA accounting personnel will monitor the project expenditures. AEA already has controls in place to ensure that only allowable costs are passed through to the grant. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 14 of 33 7/2/14 SECTION 4 – PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS The level of information will vary according to phase(s) of the project you propose to undertake with grant funds. If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. 4.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available. Discuss the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. For pre-construction applications, describe the resource to the extent known. For design and permitting or construction projects, please provide feasibility documents, design documents, and permitting documents (if applicable) as attachments to this application. The project Conceptual Design Report (CDR) completed in January 2012 provides a detailed description of the Fivemile Creek resource as well as the results of regional hydrologic studies, economic feasibility analysis, and a discussion of / comparison with other alternatives considered. Hard copies of the CDR were provided to AEA as part of previous REF applications (REF rounds IV and V); an electronic copy is attached to this application. Additional hardcopies can be provided upon request. 4.2 Existing Energy System 4.2.1 Basic configuration of Existing Energy System Briefly discuss the basic configuration of the existing energy system. Include information about the number, size, age, efficiency, and type of generation. CEI’s existing diesel power plant was constructed in 2008 and energized in September, 2009. The project, which replaced the community’s aged, non-code compliant diesel power plant, was funded through the Denali Commission and managed by the Alaska Energy Authority. The facility consists of a pre-engineered, modular metal structure (15’ x 42’) founded on concrete strip footings. The structure contains three diesel gensets, including one 54kW and two 117 kW units, and paralleling switchgear. The power plant SCADA system reports typical generation efficiencies of around 12.2 kW-h per gallon of diesel consumed. Power is generated at 480 volts AC and stepped up to 7.2/12.47 kV, using a pad mount transformer. A 4-mile overhead 3-phase transmission line connects the power plant to the community power grid; the intertie was designed to provide a tie-in point for the proposed hydroelectric plant. 4.2.2 Existing Energy Resources Used Briefly discuss your understanding of the existing energy resources. Include a brief discussion of any impact the project may have on existing energy infrastructure and resources. The proposed project will reduce the amount of diesel fuel consumed by the community for energy production and space heating. Total diesel fuel avoidance is estimated at 65,000 gallons per year. Power Generation Diesel Fuel Avoidance: Currently, the community is completely reliant on its diesel generators for all power production. The latest PCE annual report indicates that the existing CEI power plant consumes approximately 46,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year at an average cost of $4.33/gal (total delivered cost of Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 15 of 33 7/2/14 $200,000). Each gallon of fuel produced an average of 12.2 kWh, for a total estimated output of 565,000 kWh, equivalent to a continuous power output of roughly 65kW. The proposed Fivemile Creek Hydroelectric Project will essentially replace the diesel plant during all but the lowest flow events. The diesel plant will likely operate only a few hundred hours per year, and will function primarily as a backup power supply. The project would substantially reduce electric utility operating costs through diesel fuel avoidance, effectively lowering and stabilizing the cost of power generation in the community. Space Heating Diesel Fuel Avoidance: During most of the year it is expected that the available stream flow coupled with the proposed 300 kW pelton wheel turbine will be more than adequate for meeting community electric demand. When excess capacity is available, the excess energy will be utilized to heat community, commercial, and residential facilities throughout town. The availability of lower cost, electric heat is expected to benefit the community by extending the operating hours / season for the local stores and guide services. Further, The Chitina Native Corporation is in the process of purchasing a commercial ice maker to provide ice to fishermen in the summer. Excess power during peak flow periods can be used to power the ice maker. It is estimated that excess energy from the proposed hydro facility will displace more than 20,000-gallons of heating oil currently utilized for space heating, and provide the equivalent of 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel for ice production annually. 4.2.3 Existing Energy Market Discuss existing energy use and its market. Discuss impacts your project may have on energy customers. Based on the latest (2013) PCE report, annual electrical consumption in the community was approximately 565,000 kWh, equating to a 1% increase compared to 2012 figures. The majority of electric demand in Chitina is residential at this time. However, the community hosts a large number of dip netters in the summer and is actively developing its tourism market:  Dip netting along the Copper River brings approximately 10,000 fishermen, tourists, and campers to Chitina Annually.  The local historic hotel was recently renovated by a new owner. Over $1-million in improvements were completed. The Hotel was booked solid throughout most of the summer.  The local RV campground is heavily utilized and plans are in the works to expand the facility.  A modern and scenic multi-million dollar bike path was completed in 2008.  The Chitina Native Corporation is in the process of purchasing a commercial cube ice making machine with a capacity of 1,000 lbs per day. The ice will be produced using excess energy from the hydro plant and sold to dip netters and tourists. As previously discussed, the proposed hydroelectric facility will dramatically reduce diesel fuel consumption and help stabilize energy generation costs. When available, excess power will be offered to consumers at a reduced rate, providing a more cost effective method of heating structures than using diesel fuel. Several existing businesses, including the local grocery store and local river guide service, have indicated they would consider extending their operating seasons if heating costs could be reduced. The proposed project will help to facilitate these and other business growth opportunities in the community. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 16 of 33 7/2/14 4.3 Proposed System Describe the system you are intending to develop and address potential system design, land ownership, permits, and environmental issues. 4.3.1 System Design Provide the following information for the proposed renewable energy system:  A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location  Optimum installed capacity  Anticipated capacity factor  Anticipated annual generation  Anticipated barriers  Basic integration concept  Delivery methods System Design – Primary working components of the proposed Fivemile Creek Hydro Project include: 1. a concrete diversion / intake structure, 2. 10,400 LF of buried, insulated penstock, 3. a turbine building housing a 300 kW Pelton Wheel Turbine 4. a 4-mile overhead electrical intertie to connect the generation equipment to the community’s existing grid (this portion of the project was constructed in 2008). 5. An electric boiler (frequency control unit) connected to the existing clinic hydronic heat recovery system 6. Dispatchable electric heating elements for utilizing excess energy at various community facilities. The diversion/intake structure will incorporate a pneumatic spillway gate (Obermeyer gate) to flush sediment buildup. The pool created by the diversion will protect the intake from freezing. Power and communication lines will be extended to the intake location to power the gate and provide SCADA controls. The intake will be accessible via a proposed 12-ft wide road. The proposed penstock will consist of a combination of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and steel pipe sections; the diameter of the pipeline will range from 20 to 12 inches. The pipeline will be buried. The design of the pipeline addresses thrust restraint, air release/vacuum concerns, water hammer effects, etc. The penstock will terminate at a hydroelectric powerhouse situated adjacent to the community’s existing diesel powerhouse. The turbine building will include a pelton turbine, generator, and necessary controls. Water from the turbine tailrace will be directed back into Fivemile Creek, below the Edgerton Highway culvert. The facility will operate under approximately 950 feet of static head. Optimum Installed Capacity – Turbine selection was based on a review of historic community demands, as well as extensive hydraulic and hydrologic modeling. The selected turbine size (300 kW) provides good generation efficiency at expected design loads over the life of the project, while providing an appropriate level of excess capacity during periods of high flow to power expected heating and future commercial loads. Anticipated Capacity Factor – Estimating the capacity factor for the proposed hydro plant will depend on a number of factors, and is heavily influenced by the availability and utilization of excess energy from year to year. For this discussion we assume that the capacity factor is defined as the ratio of the actual output of the power plant to its potential output if operating at nameplate capacity over one year. For the initial years of operation it is assumed that the hydro plant will meet Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 17 of 33 7/2/14 the community load 90% of the time (10 % diesel on time for maintenance, troubleshooting, etc). Further, it is assumed that dispatchable load heaters displace approximately 20,000 gallons of heating fuel. Based on these assumptions, and a turbine nameplate capacity of 300 kW, the estimated capacity factor would be around 30%. Note that the factor will increase over time as community demand increases. For instance, assuming a 1% per year growth rate, the capacity factor in 2034 will be around 37%. Note that these match well with typical hydroelectric facility capacity factors throughout the industry. For instance, the average capacity factor for the Hoover Dam is 23%. Anticipated Annual Generation – It is estimated that the proposed hydro plant will supply the full community demand 90% of the time during a typical year. Further, it is assumed that the hydro plant will displace 20,000 gallons of heating fuel per year via dispatchable load heating units. Based on PCE data, the current annual electric demand is around 565,000 kW-h (90% of this amount is 510,000 kW-h). Further, assuming that a gallon of heating oil is equivalent to 30 kw-h of end user heat, the dispatchable electric heaters will deliver around 600,000 kW-h of energy. Based on this accounting, the total anticipated annual generation from the hydro plant will be approximately 510,000 kW-h + 600,000 kW-h = 1.1 MW-h of energy. The annual generation is expected to increase with population and industrial growth in the community. Potential Barriers – The project design documents are currently at the 65% level. The design team has taken great care in identifying and addressing potential challenges or “fatal flaws” throughout the design process. Field investigations to date include multi-year stream gauging, LIDAR aerial contour generation, ground survey, penstock alignment clearing, geophysical survey (ground penetrating radar), constructability review, and fish habitat assessment and gap analysis. At this time design and construction of the proposed facilities appears feasible. Some additional field work will be required to characterize the porosity of the material beneath the proposed diversion structure. However, the current design and cost estimate includes a conservative sum to address any seepage issues via a cutoff wall and chemical grouting of the foundation. Basic Integration Concept – The proposed hydro system controls will be connected to, and integrated with the existing diesel power plant controls. The hydro system will be capable of providing prime power to the community year round, with the diesel plant operating as a backup system. The community’s diesel plant has state of the art PLC-based controls that will readily interface and synchronize with the hydro plant controls. The proposed hydro plant will include a full Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control system, including high-speed internet link and video cameras allowing Anchorage based technicians to monitor and assist local operators with troubleshooting the system when necessary. Delivery Method – The hydro plant will generate power at 480 volts, and transformers adjacent to the plant will step the voltage up to 7.2/12.47 kV. Power from the hydro plant will be transmitted to the community’s electrical grid via an existing 4-mile long, 3-phase, overhead power line. 4.3.2 Land Ownership Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership and access issues. Land required for the development of the proposed improvements is owned by Chitina Native Corporation, and will be provided to the utility as an in-kind contribution to the project. The utility, Chitina Electric Inc, is owned by the Chitina Native Corporation and donation of the land is considered a benefit to the community and Corporation shareholders. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 18 of 33 7/2/14 A portion of the proposed penstock will cross through the Edgerton Highway Right of Way (ROW), owned by the Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT). A draft utility permit application was submitted to ADOT in August 2014. The project design team is actively working with the Northern Region ADOT ROW department (our contact is Ms. Gail Gardner) to secure the necessary approvals to cross the highway. ADOT is generally supportive of the project. Understandably, ADOT wishes to minimize impacts to the road and traffic flow as a result of construction. To accommodate this, the 65% plans route the penstock along the ditch to the greatest extent possible. Pavement disturbance is limited to a 300 LF section above the Fivemile Creek culvert crossing. ADOT is reviewing the proposed alignment and we expect to receive comments over the coming weeks. Note that, once issued, ADOT Utility Permits are valid for one year only. Therefore the formal application for this project will be submitted at a later date, after the funding and construction schedules are better defined. 4.3.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues.  List of applicable permits  Anticipated permitting timeline  Identify and discuss potential barriers A list of project related permits and their current status is provided below:  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) – A determination of no FERC license required has been issued for this project.  Review by the State Historic Preservation Office – In August 2014 Cultural Resource Consultants, LLC. completed a review of the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey. No known historic properties were noted to exist within the proposed project’s “area of potential affect.” A letter stating the results of the literature review will be sent to SHPO requesting a finding of No Historic Properties Affected.  ADOT Right of Way Permit – ADOT is in the process of reviewing the draft utility permit application and providing comments/input on the proposed penstock highway crossing. The utility permit must be issued within 12 months of construction, so final permitting will commence once the construction schedule is better defined.  United States Army Corps of Engineers – The ACOE has determined that the project will be covered under Nationwide Permit 17, for Hydro Projects. A pre-construction notification must be submitted prior to beginning construction. The ACOE requested that the pre- construction notification be submitted once the design drawings are 95% complete.  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) – FAA has issued a Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation for the project.  Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Habitat Permit – ADF&G has reviewed the preliminary drawings. A fish habitat permit will be required, but ADF&G anticipates that the permit will be issued quickly upon receiving final design drawings. There are no apparent habitat concerns above the Edgerton Highway and downstream concerns will be mitigated by returning water to the creek bed immediately downstream of the Edgerton Highway culvert crossing.  ADNR water rights – An application for water rights has been submitted to ADNR. Based on the ADNR website, previous water rights have not been granted in the area surrounding the proposed project. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 19 of 33 7/2/14  Alaska Dam Safety Engineer Review – The proposed diversion structure does not meet the physical definition of a regulated dam as described in AS 46.17.900(3), namely the diversion structure: A) will not impound 50 acre feet or more water, and B) does not have a height in excess of 20-ft. However, the diversion will need to undergo hazard classification analysis. Due to the low height and very small containment volume of the proposed structure it is unlikely that the dam will be regulated by the state. Now that the 65% plans area complete, the design team will prepare an application for jurisdictional determination for the diversion structure and submit it to the office of the state dam safety engineer for review. 4.3.4 Environmental Address whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed:  Threatened or endangered species  Habitat issues  Wetlands and other protected areas  Archaeological and historical resources  Land development constraints  Telecommunications interference  Aviation considerations  Visual, aesthetics impacts  Identify and discuss other potential barriers Threatened and endangered species - United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has determined that there are no threatened or endangered species within the extents of the project. Habitat Issues – Any new utility lines will be designed with raptor concerns in mind. USFWS identifies no critical habitats within the project area. The State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) does not list Fivemile Creek as an anadromous stream. Formal consultation with ADF&G has been initiated. No apparent habitat concerns exist above the Edgerton Highway. ADF&G has indicated that fish habitat concerns downstream of the highway could likely be mitigated by returning water to the creek as close to the Edgerton culvert outfall as possible. A fish habitat permit will be required prior to beginning construction, but ADF&G does not anticipate any additional mitigation measure requirements. ADF&G has requested that a formal application for a habitat permit wait until the design is at the 95% completion level. Wetlands and other protected areas – Research into USFWS National Wetlands Inventory does not show any wetlands within the project area; wetlands are not anticipated to be an issue for the Fivemile Creek project. The COE has verified that work within the streambed will be covered by Nationwide Permit 17 for hydroelectric facilities. A pre-construction notification will need to be submitted to the COE prior to beginning construction activities within the streambed. Archeological and historical resources – Based on a preliminary review of the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey (AHRS), completed by Cultural Resource Consultants, LLC, no significant historical properties are within the project area. A letter will be submitted to the State Historic Preservation Officer citing the literature review and requesting a finding of “No Historic Properties Affected.” Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 20 of 33 7/2/14 Land development constraints – With the exception of the ADOT ROW (Edgerton Highway), the project involves lands owned by the Chitina Native Corporation. The corporation plans to provide these lands as an in-kind contribution; there are no zoning restrictions on the affected lands. Telecommunications interference – There are no anticipated telecommunication conflicts. Aviation considerations – FAA has issued a determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation for the project. Visual, aesthetics impacts – Given that the majority of proposed facilities will be buried(penstock) and/or hidden within wooded areas (stream diversion structure, access road), visual impacts are not anticipated to be an issue for this project. Note that the proposed turbine house will be situated adjacent to the existing diesel plant. Noise, odor and aesthetic impacts of the turbine building will be less significant than the existing diesel plant. 4.4 Proposed New System Costs and Projected Revenues (Total Estimated Costs and Projected Revenues) The level of cost information provided will vary according to the phase of funding requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on the project. Applicants must reference the source of their cost data. For example: Applicants records or analysis, industry standards, consultant or manufacturer’s estimates. 4.4.1 Project Development Cost Provide detailed project cost information based on your current knowledge and understanding of the project. Cost information should include the following:  Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase  Requested grant funding  Applicant matching funds – loans, capital contributions, in-kind  Identification of other funding sources  Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system  Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system Based on the 65% construction cost estimate, the total cost to complete remaining design, permitting and construction/integration tasks $7,770,000. A summary is provided below: Total Estimated Project Costs Including all Remaining Design, Permitting, and Construction: $7,770,000 Grant funding received to date: REF Round II (Conceptual Design): $Expended REF Round IV (Design and Permitting) $150,000 Remaining Requested Round VIII grant funding: $7,620,000 In Kind Contributions: Donations from the local community that effectively lower the total anticipated project costs. Chitina Inc. Land Donation $500,000 (estimated value) CEI administrative Time $15,000 (estimated value) Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 21 of 33 7/2/14 4.4.2 Project Operating and Maintenance Costs Include anticipated O&M costs for new facilities constructed and how these would be funded by the applicant. (Note: Operational costs are not eligible for grant funds however grantees are required to meet ongoing reporting requirements for the purpose of reporting impacts of projects on the communities they serve.) Chitina Electric Inc. will be responsible for the long-term sustainability of the proposed facility, for the benefit of the community. The utility already has a successful management system in place for operating and maintaining their existing diesel power plant and electrical distribution system. Based on experience with other small utilities, non-fuel related maintenance costs for the proposed hydro facility will be similar to maintenance costs for the existing diesel power plant. There will be several new maintenance tasks associated with the proposed hydro facility including: maintaining the access road to the intake structure, clearing the bar rack of debris, and flushing the deposited silt/rock from behind the diversion structure as necessary by opening the sluiceway gate. Operating costs for the proposed hydro plant are expected to be significantly lower than the existing diesel plant, due to savings associated with diesel fuel avoidance. It is anticipated that the reduction in operating costs will more than offset any new O&M costs associated with the hydro facilities. A detailed business plan will be developed during the next phase of design to assist CEI with operational management and financial planning for the facility. As is required with the existing facility, the utility will arrange for an annual financial audit to be conducted by a qualified, independent auditor. 4.4.3 Power Purchase/Sale The power purchase/sale information should include the following:  Identification of potential power buyer(s)/customer(s)  Potential power purchase/sales price - at a minimum indicate a price range  Proposed rate of return from grant-funded project The existing and future CEI consumers will remain the potential power buyers for the proposed hydro generation that will replace/supplement the existing diesel generation. CEI also intends to pursue interruptible electric heating sales. Due to the effects of the Power Cost Equalization Program (PCE), consumers may not see large reductions to their effective rates (the current effective residential rate is $0.32/kW-h). However, electricity generation costs and actual consumer rates will go down, providing for a more sustainable electric utility and reducing the level of PCE funding required (effectively saving the State of Alaska money). A future business plan will assess the impact on electrical rates in more detail. Based on the most recent fuel purchase records ($4.33 per gallon) and the total estimated diesel avoidance attributable to the project (approximately 65,000 gallons per year), the simple payback period for the estimated capital construction cost is around 25 years. This estimate is Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 22 of 33 7/2/14 conservative, assuming zero growth per the AEA financial spreadsheet included in the appendices. An analysis that includes a growth factor would likely result in a payback period around 20 years. 4.4.4 Project Cost Worksheet Complete the cost worksheet form which provides summary information that will be considered in evaluating the project. Please fill out the form provided below. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis. Detailed information on the renewable energy resource is provided in the Conceptual Design Report submitted with previous REF application. An electronic copy of the CDR is included in the attachements to this application. Existing Energy Generation and Usage a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt1 grid, leave this section blank) i. Number of generators/boilers/other 3 ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other 117, 117, 54 kW iii. Generator/boilers/other type Diesel Power Generation iv. Age of generators/boilers/other 6 years v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other 12.2 kWh per gallon of diesel fuel b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor $ 46,000 (2013 CEI Financial Statement) ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $ 237,500 (2013 CEI Financial Statement) c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Electricity [kWh] 656,197 kWh (FY 2013 PCE Figures) ii. Fuel usage Diesel [gal] 46,277 (FY 2013 PCE Figures) Other iii. Peak Load 90kW iv. Average Load 65kW v. Minimum Load 42kW vi. Efficiency 12.2 kWh per gallon of diesel fuel vii. Future trends Average load is Increasing at around 1% per year d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) 1 The Railbelt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Golden Valley Electric  Association, the City of Seward Electric Department, Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power.    Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 23 of 33 7/2/14 i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] Approximately 20,000 gallons ii. Electricity [kWh] iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] vi. Other Proposed System Design Capacity and Fuel Usage (Include any projections for continued use of non-renewable fuels) a) Proposed renewable capacity (Wind, Hydro, Biomass, other) [kW or MMBtu/hr] 300kW Hydro b) Proposed annual electricity or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] 565,000 kW ii. Heat [MMBtu] 2000MBTU (during winter flows) 812,000 kWh (Excess energy available in summer season, see CDR Figure 13) c) Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Propane [gal or MMBtu] ii. Coal [tons or MMBtu] iii. Wood or pellets [cords, green tons, dry tons] iv. Other Project Cost a) Total capital cost of new system $7.77 Million (final design, permitting and Construction) b) Development cost n/a c) Annual O&M cost of new system Same as Existing system +/- $20,000 d) Annual fuel cost 0 Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Electricity 46,277 gal/year ii. Heat 20,000 gal/year iii. Transportation b) Current price of displaced fuel $287,000 c) Other economic benefits 1000 Gallons Diesel Equivalent for Ice Making Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 24 of 33 7/2/14 d) Alaska public benefits Emissions and noise from diesel plant will be reduced. Power generation costs will be reduced, allowing for reduced PCE funding. This will allow PCE funds to assist more communities in need. Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for power purchase/sale $0.25 to $0.35 / kW-h equivalent after PCE Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benefit/cost ratio NPV Benefits/NPV Capital Costs = $8,378,318/$7,038,598 = 1.19 (See AEA Spreadsheet) Payback (years) Total Cost / Annual Cost Savings = $7,770,000 / $300,000/yr = 26 years 4.4.5 Impact on Rates Briefly explain what if any effect your project will have on electrical rates in the proposed benefit area. If the is for a PCE eligible utility please discuss what the expected impact would be for both pre and post PCE. The proposed project will reduce the cost of power generation by an amount equivalent to the value of displaced diesel. For example, if the proposed hydro reduces the amount of diesel consumed by 45,000 gallons per year and the purchase price for diesel is $4.33/gallon, the operating cost for the utility will be decreased by 45,000 gallons x $4.33/gall = $195,000. If the utility sells 565,000 kW-h of electricity during the same year, the cost of each kW-h will be reduced by approximately $195,000 / 565,000 kW-h = $0.34 per kW-h. The reduction in fuel costs would also reduce the utility’s calculated PCE level (for PCE eligible power sales) and ultimately reduce the cost to consumers. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 25 of 33 7/2/14 SECTION 5– PROJECT BENEFIT Explain the economic and public benefits of your project. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will benefit from the project. The benefits information should include the following:  Potential annual fuel displacement (gallons and dollars) over the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project  Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or cost based rate)  Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits)  Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available)  Discuss the non-economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project Potential annual fuel displacement: Based on output from the AEA Economic Model spreadsheet (attached in electronic form: Potential annual fuel displacement over 50 year life = 3,316,380 gallons Assuming a fuel price of $4.33/gallon (2013 PCE data), the value of fuel displaced over the lifetime of the project is approximately $14,360,000. Potential Annual Revenue from Hydro -Assume (pre-PCE) Diesel Generated Electricity Rate = $0.71/kW. -Assume Hydro is produced at $0.36/kW-h (Calculated as $.71/kW-h (current rate) - $0.35/kW-h (see 4.4.5 above) -Assume Interruptible electric heater rate = $0.15/kW-h Electric Demand = 565,000 kW-h @ 0.36/kW-h = $203,400 Interruptable heat demand = 600,000 kW-h @ $0.10/kW-h = $90,000 Total potential revenue = $293,400 Potential Additional Annual Incentives The other potential economic benefits of green credits, or environmental improvement have not been calculated in terms of dollars. Federal and State legislation on the proposed carbon tax could have a significant positive impact on the economic payback of the hydro project and will be monitored closely. Non-economic public benefits of the proposed project include the following:  Lower emissions will result in cleaner, healthier air for the community and its visitors, and a smaller carbon footprint.  Successful use of alternative energy will encourage other communities to pursue green technology.  Reduced handling and transport of fuel oil will reduce the potential for a spill and better protect the environment. 5.1 Public Benefit for Projects with Private Sector Sales Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 26 of 33 7/2/14 Projects that include sales of power to private sector businesses (sawmills, cruise ships, mines, etc.), please provide a brief description of the direct and indirect public benefits derived from the project as well as the private sector benefits and complete the table below. See section 1.6 in the Request for Applications for more information. Renewable energy resource availability (kWh per month) System can provide up to 271,000 kW-h per month in excess energy during the summer months. This is above and beyond domestic electricity and dispatchable heating loads. Estimated sales (kWh) Depends on future growth of community. Assume 100,000 kW-h sold the first summer. Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use at private sector businesses ($) Assuming a rate of $0.15/kW-h, revenue would be $15,000/month the first summer.Future revenues could be as high as $40,000/month Estimated sales (kWh) Revenue for displacing diesel generation for use by the Alaskan public ($) Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 27 of 33 7/2/14 SECTION 6– SUSTAINABILITY Discuss your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable. Include at a minimum:  Proposed business structure(s) and concepts that may be considered.  How you propose to finance the maintenance and operations for the life of the project  Identification of operational issues that could arise.  A description of operational costs including on-going support for any back-up or existing systems that may be require to continue operation  Commitment to reporting the savings and benefits The proposed project will be owned and operated by Chitina Electric, Inc., a subsidiary of Chitina Native Corporation which has been serving the community for over 30 years. CEI’s existing management structure and administrative department will remain in place. The overall operation of the utility will change little as a result of this project. The Utility will continue to operate and maintain its facilities, and bill its customers for services provided. It is anticipated that operation and maintenance efforts will increase initially while CEI’s staff familiarize themselves with the Hydro plant. However, once startup is completed, the Hydro plant should require little, if any more maintenance than the existing diesel system. The diesel system will need to be exercised on a regular basis to insure it is ready for backup service. Similarly, during periods of low water when the diesel plant is carrying the load, the Hydro will need to be maintained in a ready condition. Operation, maintenance and management requirements will be addressed in detail in the project Business Plan. The Plan will provide an organizational structure to help the Utility transition to Hydro power. In addition to the business plan, administrative and operator training will be provided on an as-needed basis as part of the startup services. CEI will monitor, record and report savings and benefits afforded by the proposed hydro plant. The hydro plant will be equipped with an advanced SCADA system. The system will be programmed to record and provide reports of whatever parameters are necessary. The information will be available in real time over the internet, similar to the community’s existing diesel plant. SECTION 7 – READINESS & COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER GRANTS Discuss what you have done to prepare for this award and how quickly you intend to proceed with work once your grant is approved. Tell us what you may have already accomplished on the project to date and identify other grants that may have been previously awarded for this project and the degree you have been able to meet the requirements of previous grants. Work Completed to Date: Work items completed to date utilizing grant funds awarded through REF Rounds II and IV are listed below:  Regional Hydrologic Study – Compared resource potential of multiple creeks in the area.  Aerial and Lidar Mapping of Fivemile Creek project area  Conceptual Design Report (2012) – Planning and preliminary design document. Included hydraulic and hydrologic analysis and modeling results, economic analysis, Site Control Research, 35% level design drawings, cost estimate, initial permitting efforts, fish habitat analysis, etc. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 28 of 33 7/2/14  65% level design – Included field survey, clearing of access road and penstock alignment, geotechnical and geophysical (ground penetrating radar) study to determine bedrock depth, onsite constructability review, hydraulic transient analysis and block diagram preparation, 65% design drawings, detailed construction cost estimate with input from multiple contractors, etc. Funds awarded during REF Round IV were utilized for the 65% design and related tasks listed above. Approximately $150,000 remains at this time. It is recommended that the remaining Round IV funds be utilized to complete additional geophysical work at the proposed diversion site to pinpoint the best methodology to address the relatively deep bedrock discovered during the 2014 GPR study. Note that the current construction cost estimate includes a conservative approach to addressing any seepage concerns beneath the proposed diversion structure. However, additional geophysical investigation may provide alternative, less costly approaches to addressing the deep bedrock, such as moving the diversion structure a short ways upstream, etc. Due to the additional fieldwork required, supplemental funds will be necessary to complete the final design. This REF Round VIII request addresses the need for additional design funds. The design team is ready to move forward with additional geophysical work as soon as creek conditions allow this winter. Upon approval of the Round VIII application, the team will immediately proceed to final design which will allow for completion of remaining permitting effort. Early procurement of long lead materials such as the Pelton wheel turbine and switchgear will also proceed soon after award of the grant. Once the design is complete and the delivery schedule for long lead items is set, the project team, working with the AEA procurement department, will solicit bids from qualified contractors to complete the construction. SECTION 8 – LOCAL SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION Discuss local support and opposition, known or anticipated, for the project. Include letters of support or other documentation of local support from the community that would benefit from this project. The Documentation of support must be dated within one year of the RFA date of July 2, 2014 The proposed project is fully supported by the residents and local businesses (consumers), the utility (owner/operator), and the local Corporation (land owner). Please see the grant application cover letter submitted by the CEI President, Mr. Martin Finnesand, in support of the project and the attached resolutions in support of the project. The utility has offered to provide free use of its limited spread of heavy equipment for the project, and the utility manager is donating his time as needed for project coordination. In addition, the Corporation has agreed to donate the necessary land for the project. The Corporation has also committed to purchasing a commercial grade ice maker as a means to use surplus hydro power during peak summer periods. The residents of Chitina are excited about the potential project; the idea of powering their community with clean, renewable energy has invigorated the community. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 29 of 33 7/2/14 SECTION 9 – GRANT BUDGET Tell us how much you are seeking in grant funds. Include any investments to date and funding sources, how much is being requested in grant funds, and additional investments you will make as an applicant. 9.1 Funding sources and Financial Commitment Provide a narrative summary regarding funding source and your financial commitment to the project Based on the 65% construction cost estimate, the total cost to complete remaining design, permitting and construction/integration tasks $7,770,000. A summary is provided below: Total Estimated Project Costs Including all Remaining Design, Permitting, and Construction: $7,770,000 Grant funding received to date: REF Round II (Conceptual Design): $Expended REF Round IV (Design and Permitting) $150,000 Remaining Requested Round VIII grant funding: $7,620,000 In Kind Contributions: Donations from the local community that effectively lower the total anticipated project costs. Chitina Inc. Land Donation $500,000 (estimated value) CEI administrative Time $15,000 9.2 Cost Estimate for Metering Equipment Please provide a short narrative, and cost estimate, identifying the metering equipment, and its related use to comply with the operations reporting requirement identified in Section 3.15 of the Request for Applications. The proposed hydro switchgear will include an advanced SCADA system capable of monitoring, recording and reporting on multiple levels and parameters. The power generation and trending information will be available in real time via the internet. The SCADA system will allow for full compliance with the grant requirements for long term metering and reporting. No additional costs are anticipated to meet AEA’s metering requirements.. Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 30 of 33 7/2/14 Applications MUST include a separate worksheet for each project phase that was identified in section 2.3.2 of this application, (I. Reconnaissance, II. Feasibility and Conceptual Design, III. Final Design and Permitting, and IV. Construction and Commissioning). Please use the tables provided below to detail your proposed project’s budget. Be sure to use one table for each phase of your project. If you have any question regarding how to prepare these tables or if you need assistance preparing the application please feel free to contact AEA at 907-771-3031 or by emailing the Grants Administrator, Shawn Calfa, at scalfa@aidea.org. Milestone or Task Anticipated Completion Date RE- Fund Grant Funds Grantee Matching Funds Source of Matching Funds: Cash/In- kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other TOTALS (List milestones based on phase and type of project. See Milestone list below. ) $ $ $ Remaining Final Design and Permitting Tasks Additional Geophysical Investigation at Diversion Site January 2015 $35,000 $ $35,000 Construct Equipment Trail and Perform Test Pits at Diversion Site June 2015 $65,000 $ $65,000 Final Permit Applications June 2015 $30,000 $ $30,000 100% Design Documents July 2015 $200,000 $ $200,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTALS $330,000 $ $330,000 Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits $ $ $ Travel & Per Diem $ $ $ Equipment $ $ $ Materials & Supplies $ $ $ Contractual Services $300,000 $ $300,000 Construction Services $30,000 $ $30,000 Other $ $ $ TOTALS $330,000 $ $330,000 Renewable Energy Fund Round VIII Grant Application – Standard Form AEA 15003 Page 31 of 33 7/2/14 Milestone or Task Anticipated Completion Date RE- Fund Grant Funds Grantee Matching Funds Source of Matching Funds: Cash/In- kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other TOTALS (List milestones based on phase and type of project. See Milestone list below. ) $ $ $ Remaining Construction Tasks $ $ $ Procurement of Long Lead Items October 2015 $300,000 $ $300,000 Contractor Solicitation December 2015 $50,000 $ $50,000 Construct Phase A – Access Road, 5,000 LF Penstock, Diversion Structure December 2016 $3,346,000 $ Land – Chitina Native Corporation Donation $3,346,000 Construct Phase B – 5,400 LF Penstock, Hydro Turbine Building, Tailrace, Startup October 2017 $3,744,000 $ Land- Chitina Native Corporation Donation $3,744,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTALS $7,440,000 $ $7,440,000 Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits $ $ $ Travel & Per Diem $30,000 $ $30,000 Equipment $255,000 $ $255,000 Materials & Supplies $4,390,000 $ $4,390,000 Contractual Services $300,000 $ $300,000 Construction Services $2,465,000 $ $2,465,000 Other $ $ $ TOTALS $7,440,000 $ $7,440,000 Fivemile Creek Hydro Project  Renewable Energy Fund, Round VIII Grant Application      List of Attachments  1. Project Team Resumes – 30 pages  2. Chitina Electric Inc. Resolution of Project Support – 1 page  3. Fivemile Creek Hydro Project 65% Construction Drawings – 34 pages                Project Team Resumes      KARL R. HULSE, PE |PROJECT MANAGER *Indicates projects completed at a previous employer. Page | 1 Karl Hulse has over fifteen years of experience in the planning, design and construction management of civil, sanitary, solid waste, bulk fuel, and power generation system projects in rural Alaska. Karl has logged thousands of hours in the field, and this experience has given him an excellent understanding of the challenges associated with remote, cold-climate construction. Karl’s project management experience includes extensive client and contractor interaction, and oversight of engineering design, permitting, and contract administration services. Karl has been with CRW since 2002. Since joining CRW, Karl has successfully managed over $30 million dollars' worth of construction projects throughout the state, from Atka in the western Aleutians and Sterling Landing in the Brooks Range, to Point Baker in Southeast. Project Experience | Bulk Fuel Facilities Deering Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Deering Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and force account construction of new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities at Deering Alaska, located on the shore of Kotzebue Sound. This project included a new pile-supported tank farm with 242,000-gallons of bulk fuel storage, a barge header, and a bulk transfer area to facilitate filling of local fuel delivery vehicles. The project also included a new retail sales dispenser with remote controls, and upgrades to existing fuel systems at the school, power plant and water treatment facility. This project was complicated due to strict archaeological monitoring requirements, difficult soil conditions and the long distance between the dispenser and the retail fuel sales office. Kwethluk Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Kwethluk Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design, bidding and construction of approximately $4 million in bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the village of Kwethluk, Alaska located near Bethel. This project was completed in 2007, and included approximately 420,000-gallons of fuel storage, a timber wall secondary containment dike, two barge headers, and over 1,000-LF of buried fuel pipeline to connect the school and power plant to the new bulk facility. The project also included a new retail sales dispenser with remote controls and upgrades to existing fuel systems at the school. Atka Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Atka Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and force account construction of new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities at Atka Alaska, located in the western Aleutians. This project was completed in 2006, and included a tank farm with 205,000-gallons of bulk fuel storage, a dual product barge header, 400-feet of dual fuel pipeline, and a bulk transfer area to facilitate filling of local fuel delivery vehicles. The project also includes a new retail sales dispenser with remote controls and upgrades to existing fuel systems at the school. Years of Experience: 17+ Years Professional Discipline: Civil / Environmental Engineer, Project Manager Registration: Professional Civil and Environmental Engineer, Alaska (CE 10583, EV 14138) Residency: AK Education: BS Civil Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 1997 Completed all course work for M.S. in Environmental Engineering, 3.9 GPA, University of Alaska, Anchorage Professional Affiliations: American Water Works Association, Alaska Resource Development Council KARL R. HULSE, PE| PROJECT MANAGER Page | 2 Sterling Landing Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Sterling Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and force account construction of new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities at Sterling Landing, located near McGrath, Alaska. This project included 150,000-gallons of fuel storage, a barge header, and a bulk transfer area to facilitate filling of fuel tanker trucks. False Pass Bulk Fuel Upgrades - False Pass Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and force account construction of new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities at False Pass Alaska, located on the Aleutian Chain. This project included 60,000-gallons of fuel storage, a barge header at the City dock, 400-feet of dual product fill pipeline and a bulk transfer area to facilitate filling of fuel tanker trucks. Akutan Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Akutan Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and force account construction of new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities at Akutan Alaska, located on the Aleutian Chain. This project included 72,000-gallons of bulk fuel storage, a barge header, 1,000-feet of fuel transfer pipeline, and a bulk transfer area to facilitate filling of local fuel delivery vehicles, as well as new tanks and controls at the existing community power plant. Karluk Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Karluk Project Engineer and Manager for the planning and design of bulk fuel storage and handling facilities at Karluk Alaska, located on Kodiak Island. This project included refurbishment of a 50,000-gallon tank and barge header and installation of a new fuel transfer pump box. Whitestone Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Whitestone Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and force account construction of new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the community of Whitestone, located near Delta Junction, Alaska. This project included 160,000-gallons of bulk fuel storage, a bulk transfer area to facilitate the filling and off-loading of tanker trucks, and a fleet dispensing area. This project was complicated due to the lack of barge and plane access; all materials were shipped in via ice road during a narrow time window. Akhiok Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Akhiok Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and force account construction of new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities at Akhiok Alaska, located on Kodiak Island. This project included 36,000-gallons of fuel storage, a barge header, and a bulk transfer area to facilitate filling of fuel tanker trucks, as well as new tanks and controls at the existing community power plant. This project was complicated due to the lack of a permanent power source near the facility. Point Baker Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Point Baker Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and construction of bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the community of Point Baker, Alaska. This project includes approximately 46,000-gallons of fuel storage, a dual product barge header, a floating marine sales dispenser and approximately 200 LF of submerged, double wall flexible piping connecting the bulk tanks to the dispenser. Construction of this project is slated to begin in April 2009. KARL R. HULSE, PE |PROJECT MANAGER *Indicates projects completed at a previous employer. Page | 3 Port Lions Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Port Lions Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design, and force account construction of bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the community of Port Lions, Alaska. This project included approximately 96,000-gallons of fuel storage, a dual product barge header, a retail sales dispenser and piping. Ruby Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Ruby Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, design and construction of bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the community of Ruby, Alaska. This project included approximately 242,000-gallons of fuel storage, a dual product barge header, a retail sales dispenser and associated piping. The project was bid in winter 2008, and is substantially complete. Total change orders to date are less than 1% of contract amount. Ekwok Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Ekwok Performed site / geotechnical investigation for new bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the community of Ekwok, Alaska. This project is currently in the design phase. Construction is planned to begin in Spring, 2010. Napakiak Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Napakiak Project Engineer and Manager for the planning and design of bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the community of Napakiak, Alaska. This project includes approximately 106,000-gallons of fuel storage, a dual product barge header and 1,600 LF fill pipelines, and retail and fleet dispensers. This project is currently in the design phase. Tuluksak Bulk Fuel Upgrades - Tuluksak Project Engineer and Manager for the planning and design of bulk fuel storage and handling facilities for the community of Tuluksak, Alaska. This project includes approximately 250,000-gallons of fuel storage, a dual product barge header and 1,000 LF fill pipelines, and retail and fleet dispensers. This project is currently in the planning phase. Project Experience | Power System Upgrades Unalakleet Power System Upgrades - Unalakleet Project Engineer and Manager for the planning and design of a 1.9 mW power house and electrical distribution system upgrades for the City of Unalakleet, Alaska located on the Coast of Norton Sound. This project requires refurbishment of the existing pre-engineered metal power plant structure, and replacement of all mechanical and electrical components within the plant (generators, switchgear, heat recovery equipment, etc). This project also includes the installation of wind monitoring equipment and planning for future integration of the diesel plant with multiple wind turbines. This project is currently in the final design phase. Nikolski Power System Upgrades - Nikolski Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, civil design and force account construction of a new 225 kW power house and electrical distribution system upgrades for the community of Nikolski, Alaska located on the Aleutian Chain. KARL R. HULSE, PE| PROJECT MANAGER Page | 4 Atka Power System Upgrades - Atka Project Engineer and Manager for the planning, civil design and force account construction of a new 225 kW power house and electrical distribution system upgrades for the community of Atka, Alaska located on the Aleutian Chain. This project also includes construction of a new hydroelectric facility on nearby Chunisax creek, including dam, turbine house, 1000-LF of 30” diameter penstock and over a mile of 3-phase high voltage transmission line. Construction of the diesel powerhouse and distribution system upgrades was completed in 2006. Construction of the hydro facilities is ongoing. Larsen Bay Power System Upgrades - Larsen Bay Completed a conceptual design report for a new modularized diesel power plant and upgrades to the City’s existing 450 kW Hydropower Turbine. This project also included management of the design of upgrades to the local cannery’s electrical distribution system. As a result of the upgrades, the City is now able to sell power to the Cannery. Port Heiden Power System Upgrades - Port Heiden Completed a conceptual design report for a new 460 kW power house and electrical distribution system upgrades for the community of Port Heiden, Alaska located on the Aleutian Chain. This project also included the installation of wind monitoring equipment and planning for future integration of the diesel plant with multiple wind turbines. Project Experience | Water & Sewer Unalakleet Water and Sewer Improvements - Unalakleet Assistant project manager, responsible for overseeing the completion of multiple water and sewer related studies, designs and construction projects for the City of Unalakleet. Karl is the primary contact for this dynamic project, which has included the completion of a geophysical groundwater study (water source investigation), sewage lagoon improvements (including dredging the lagoon, installation of septic tanks, etc,), and a water transmission line feasibility study with recommendations for utilizing the North River for future community water needs. Construction of the sewage lagoon improvements was completed this year. As a result, the City has a refurbished, code-compliant wastewater treatment system at a fraction of the cost of a new lagoon system. Deering Water Storage Tank Improvements - Deering Project engineer for the planning, design and force account construction of a new 425,000 gallon insulated, bolted steel, raw water storage tank and associated piping and controls for the City of Deering, Alaska. The City of Deering operates a summer fill / winter draw water treatment system, and had experienced severe water shortages in recent years. This project essentially doubled the community’s raw water storage capacity, a critical step towards preventing future water shortages. The project was designed and constructed in a single season, providing immediate benefit to the community. Unalakleet Main Street Sewer Line Extension - Unalakleet Project Engineer and Assistant project manager for the design and force account construction of a 400-LF extension of the City’s existing buried gravity sewer system. This project was complicated due to the constraints of multiple utilities in a narrow right of way, and available grade. The project was successfully constructed in 2007 and has been operating since that time with no problems. KARL R. HULSE, PE |PROJECT MANAGER *Indicates projects completed at a previous employer. Page | 5 Gambell Lift Station Improvements - Gambell Assistant project manager for the renovation of three existing lift stations located in the City of Gambell. The improvements included the replacement of all mechanical and electrical equipment, and retrofitting protective enclosures around the lift stations. Responsible for overseeing the preparation of design drawings, structural drawings, determination of quantities, cost estimate and project coordination. Quinhagak Sanitation Improvements - Quinhagak Project Engineer responsible for general assistance with the planning, design and construction management of new piped water distribution, wastewater collection, and solid waste disposal facilities for the Native Village of Kwinhagak. Gambell Water Storage Tank Improvements - Gambell Project engineer and assistant project manager for the planning and design of a new 1.3 million gallon insulated, welded steel, treated water storage tank for the City of Gambell, Alaska. Napaskiak Lagoon - Napaskiak Project engineer responsible for the planning and design of a 3-acre, dual cell wastewater treatment lagoon and land disposal area. Additional responsibilities included preparation of contract documents, bidding the project, assisting with the procurement of all major system components, periodic site inspections, and the preparation of record drawings. This project was completed in 2005; on time and within budget. Egegik Southside Water and Sewer Improvements - Egegik Project engineer responsible for procurement of all major components during construction of a state of the art direct filtration domestic water treatment plant. Egegik Northside Water System Improvements - Egegik Project engineer responsible for the design and construction of a Class B well and self contained water treatment plant, 20,000 gallons of water storage, 1000 ft long water main and a community watering point. Other work experience | Prior to joining CRW, Karl completed the following projects: Akiachak Water and Sewer System - Akiachak Piped gravity sewage collection system and circulating water distribution system serving over 600 residents in the community of Akiachak. The project also included the design and force account construction of multiple lift stations, 5,000 LF of force main and a new dual cell wastewater treatment lagoon and land disposal area. Brevig Mission Water and Sewer System (Phases 1 and 2) - Brevig Mission Gravity sewer collection system and circulating water distribution system serving over 300 residents in the community of Brevig Mission. This project also included the design and force account construction of a new community septic tank and leach field system for the treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater. KARL R. HULSE, PE| PROJECT MANAGER Page | 6 Igiugig Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWL) and Asbestos Monofill - Igiugig Designed and constructed a new landfill for the community of Igiugig, and closed the existing dump in town in accordance with DEC requirements. Tuluksak Wastewater Lagoon, Lift Station and Force Main - Tuluksak Completed design of wastewater collection, pumping and treatment systems to transfer wastewater from the existing washeteria to the a new lagoon located outside of town. Nanwalek Surface Water Impoundment and Transmission Line - Nanwalek Designed a new concrete faced rock dam and water intake and transmission infrastructure to provide the community of Nanwalek with a municipal water source. Nanwalek Dam Hazard Classification Analysis - Nanwalek Worked closely with the State Dam Inspector to permit a new dam and water intake structure. Saxman Water System Improvements (800,000 gallon tank, transmission line and pump station) - Saxman Designed a new water storage system for the City of Saxman to increase fireflow and tap pressures. Mountain Village HUD Housing Water and Sewer Mainline Extensions – Mountain Village Responsibilities included design of new water and sewer mainline extensions, residential service connections and foundation pads for eight new HUD homes in Mt. Village. Larsen Bay Water Tank and Transmission Line – Larsen Bay Responsibilities included the design of a new 250,000 gallon bolted steel water storage tank and approximately 800 ft of raw water transmission line. Akiachak Road Improvements – Akiachak BIA funded road improvements project included resurfacing and widening of all roads in the community of Akiachak. Sleetmute Water System Improvements – Sleetmute Responsibilities included design of new buried piped water distribution system to serve all residents in Sleetmute, AK. This project was complicated due to the concurrent BIA roads project in the community. Hooper Bay Ocean Floodway Crossing – Hooper Bay Designed a rock-fill crossing of the floodway in Hooper Bay. This 1,000-LF section of road was subject to tidal and storm damage prior to construction of the floodway. Nelson Lagoon Community Building Sanitation Improvements – Nelson Lagoon Designed a new septic tank and drainfield system for the Community Building in Nelson Lagoon. KARL R. HULSE, PE |PROJECT MANAGER *Indicates projects completed at a previous employer. Page | 7 Nunam Iqua Causeway Feasibility Study – Nunam Iqua Prepared a study for the ADOT analyzing the feasibility of constructing a rock-fill causeway across Swan Lake in Nunam Iqua. North Slope Borough Gravel Inventory reports – Wainwright, Pt. Hope, Atqasuk, Barrow, Pt. Lay, Kaktovik Performed gravel inventory studies for future capital improvement project planning purposes. References David Lockard, P.E. - Alaska Energy Authority, (907)771-3062 Alan Fetters, Alaska Energy Authority, (907) 771-3063 Lynn Marino, P.E., Village Safe Water, (907) 269-7602 JEFFREY V. STANLEY, PE |CONTRACT MANAGER *Indicates projects completed at a previous employer. Page | 1 Jeff Stanley has 25 years of engineering experience in civil and sanitary design, soil and site investigations, cold region engineering, and construction management. He has worked on dozens of projects in rural Alaska and has an excellent understanding of the logistics and planning required to complete such projects. He specializes in planning and feasibility studies, engineering analyses, and the development of construction documents. In addition to his technical skills, he is an excellent project and contract manager. Jeff joined CRW in 1999 and is a primary owner of the company. Project Experience | Energy Bulk Fuel and Power System Upgrade Projects, Statewide Jeff has served as Principal in Charge and Contract Manager for over a dozen bulk fuel and power system upgrade projects throughout Alaska. Jeff assisted with key projects in Kwethluk, Sterling Landing, Akhiok, Akutan, and Deering, among others. Project Experience | Water & Sewer Egegik Southside Water and Sewer Improvements, Egegik Project manager for the planning, design and construction of over $5 million in water and sewer improvements for the City of Egegik. The work included the design and installation of a Class A community well, major water treatment plant upgrades, a new 100,000 gallon water storage tank, over 5 miles of water and sewer mains, 4 lift stations, and 80 new house service connections. Construction services included the procurement of all major system components, period site inspections, and the preparation of record drawings and an O&M manual. Egegik Northside Water Improvements, Egegik Project manager for the planning, design and construction of a Class B community well, self-contained water treatment plant module, 20,000 gallons of water storage, 1000 ft long water main and a community watering point. The project was complicated by the fact that there wasn't a permanent power source and the only means of access to the site is by boat. Emmonak Water & Sewer Upgrades, Emmonak Project manager for the planning and design of upgrades to the City of Emmonak's existing above ground arctic pipe water and sewer system. Primary upgrades will include the installation of helical piles to better protect the system from seasonal flooding, replacement of deteriorating stick framed service boxes, regrading of the vacuum sewer mains, reconfiguration of the high/low pressure water system to four circulating loops, and repair of the glycol heat trace system for the sewer mains. Other improvements will include the installation of water circulation pumps in each house, and mechanical and electrical upgrades in the water treatment plant. The project was initially scheduled for construction in 2013 but has been delayed by the need to secure more than 150 easements including 83 easements across BIA restricted deed properties. Alakanuk Sanitation Facilities Design, Alakanuk Project manager and lead engineer for design and construction of the community wide vacuum sewer collection system and circulating water mains for the City of Alakanuk. Other design Years of Experience: 25 Years Professional Discipline: Civil Engineer / Project Manager Registration: Professional Engineer, Alaska (CE 8678) Professional Engineer, Guam (CE 940) Residency: AK Education: Arctic Engineering, University of Alaska, Anchorage MS Civil Engineering, San Diego State University, 1989 BS Civil Engineering, San Diego State University, 1987 Professional Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers American Water Works Association JEFFREY V. STANLEY, PE | CONTRACT MANAGER Page | 2 components included a new washeteria, bulk fuel tank farm, emergency power system, waste heat recovery loop, short-term retention sewage lagoon, 4,200 SF water treatment plant/utility building, and a 300,000 gallon potable water storage tank. Design responsibilities included engineering analyses and design, construction drawings and specifications, community relations, client coordination, utility easements, and project scheduling and cost control. Construction management responsibilities included the planning and scheduling of contract work, preparation of bid documents, contract negotiations, management of subcontractors, and procurement of major water and sewer system components. Quinhagak Sanitation Improvements, Quinhagak Project manager and lead engineer for the planning, design and construction of a community wide low pressure sewer system and circulating water mains. Work to date has included the construction of a river bank infiltration gallery and raw water transmission main, 5+ miles of above ground water and sewer piping, 120 house plumbing upgrades/service connections, 10-acre sewage lagoon, 5,200 ft long force main, 2,500 square foot water distribution/sewage collection building, water treatment system upgrades including a diatomaceous earth filtration system, new Class III landfill with equipment storage building and custom burn box, 45,000-gallon water storage tanks, 250,000-gallon water storage tank, and asbestos abatement in the old WTP and three BIA facilities. All work with the exception of the asbestos removal was accomplished with the use of force account labor and an onsite construction manager. Current project activities include the construction of additional water and sewer mains to serve another 26 homes. Haul System Evaluation, Quinhagak Project manager and lead investigator for the review of a water and sewer haul system in Quinhagak Alaska. The primary purpose of the review was to identify any areas for improvement prior to expanding the initial pilot project to an additional 40 homes. The results of the investigation indicated that although there were some technical areas that could be improved, the real challenge was system affordability. The average family of four could only afford two trailer loads of water (125-gallons each) and two sewage hauls (150-gallons each) per month. This limited consumption to about 2 gallons of water per person per day which didn't significantly improved in home sanitation conditions. Ultimately the community decided to pursue a piped water and sewer system rather than continue with a haul system. Unalakleet Water and Sewer Project. Project manager for the planning, design and construction of sewage lagoon upgrades, and a Design Analysis Report for a new 5 mile long water transmission main. Lagoon upgrades included the installation of two 30,000-gallon septic tanks, dredging of the primary treatment cell, containment of the sludge in geotubes, and improvements to the force main and outfall piping. The project also included design and construction of a 500 ft gravity sewer main and two new house service connections. All work was accomplished with the use of force account labor and a local construction manager. North Pole Water System Design Review, North Pole Project manager and lead reviewer for a detailed peer review of proposed water system improvements for the City of North Pole. The project included; the installation of two high capacity Class A wells, water treatment plant improvements, over 3- miles of buried distribution piping, and 40 plus service connections. The scope included a review of the construction documents (plans and specs) as well as a review of the construction cost estimate and proposed schedule. North Seward Water System Improvements, Seward Project manager for the planning and design of a water main between the Gateway Subdivision Tank and Forest Acres Subdivision, located in North Seward. The project was required to improve system pressures and provide adequate flows for fire protection. Bethel Sanitation Facilities Master Plan Update, Bethel Project manager for the preparation of an update to the community’s existing water and sewer master plan. Responsible for coordinating the project, participating in public meetings and the community involvement JEFFREY V. STANLEY, PE |CONTRACT MANAGER *Indicates projects completed at a previous employer. Page | 3 program, evaluating alternatives for service upgrade, evaluating existing facilities, reviewing the results of a community survey, and preparation of recommendations for the various service areas and existing facilities. Kwethluk Sanitation Facilities Improvement Plan, Kwethluk Project manager for the preparation of a 20-year sanitation facilities improvement plan. The project included an in- depth evaluation of various alternatives for providing a piped water and sewer system for the community of Kwethluk, located approximately 12 miles up the Kuskokwim River from Bethel. Detailed capital, operation and maintenance cost estimates were provided, along with an estimate of the required user fee for the various alternatives. Twin Hills Sanitation Facilities Master Plan, Twin Hills Project manager for the preparation of a 20-year sanitation facilities master plan. The project included a condition assessment of the community's existing water and sewer systems and provided recommendations for capital improvements. The recommendations included a combination of central and decentralized facilities. Homes with poor quality wells would be served by an extension of the existing piped water distribution system. Onsite septic systems where proposed for the school, outlying homes and areas proposed for future development. Other recommendations included a replacement Class A well, 60,000-gallon potable water storage tank, a second sewage lagoon cell, and the purchase of a septage vacuum trailer to periodically pump out the septic tanks. Detailed capital, operation and maintenance cost estimates were provided, along with estimated user fee rates. Quinhagak School Lagoon, Quinhagak Project manager for feasibility study for analysis of the existing school lagoon located at Quinhagak. The original lagoon was constructed in 1981 and was expanded with the addition of another 108-foot cell in 1987. The existing lagoon is in disrepair and is not functioning as designed. The dikes of the lagoon have settled reducing the storage volume of the facility to less than required to achieve minimum treatment standards. The liner of the lagoon has been compromised allowing untreated wastewater to leak from the facility. Several options were identified in the study including upgrading existing facilities, construction of a new lagoon system, and connection to the planned community system. Seward Water and Sewer System Modeling, Seward Project manager for evaluating Seward’s water and sewer system with emphasis on modeling. Jeff was responsible for transferring all the City’s as-builts to CAD files, modeling the water system with WATERCAD and developing a capital improvements plan for utility upgrades. Water Resource Investigations, Nawalek and Tatitlek Project manager for water resource investigations to identify alternative water sources for community public drinking water supplies for the City of Nawalek and The Tatitlek IRA Council. Components of the project included site reconnaissance and geologic mapping efforts, geophysical investigations, and selection of potential groundwater well locations and alternative surface water sources. Mekoryuk Water & Sewer Project, Mekoryuk Project Manager for preparation of plans and specifications for a 9-million gallon sewage lagoon, access road and dumping station. In addition to the sewage lagoon, Jeff managed the design and construction of a replacement liner for the City's 8-million gallon water reservoir, a new riverbed infiltration gallery, and water treatment system upgrades. Hooper Bay Sanitation Facilities Upgrades, Hooper Bay Project manager for the design of sanitation improvement roads for the City of Hooper Bay. Work included preparing design drawings for force account construction, permitting, agency coordination, land status research, surveying, geotechnical investigation, and other aspects of project design. Responsible for oversight of technical staff, review of project deliverables, client and agency coordination, and overall project management. JEFFREY V. STANLEY, PE | CONTRACT MANAGER Page | 4 Atmautluak Sewer System Upgrades, Atmautluak Project manager for the design of a sewer system to connect the Atmautluak High School, elementary school, and five teacher housing units to the City’s gravity sewer system. The project also included the preparation of a sewage lagoon closure plan and limited construction management services. Responsible for engineering analyses and design, construction drawings and specifications, client coordination, project scheduling, and overall project management and cost control. Galena Septic System Feasibility Study, Galena Project manager for the evaluation of on-site septic systems as an alternative to truck haul sewage collection. Responsible for review of existing literature on the soils and groundwater conditions in Galena, investigation of three existing types of on-site septic systems, excavation and logging of a test pit in an area proposed for a leachfield, and preparation of typical drawings and specifications for approval by ADEC as a demonstration project. Nikiski Wastewater Treatment Facility Assessment, Nikiski Project engineer responsible for a waste disposal assessment of an infectious industrial sludge from a wastewater treatment facility in Nikiski. Responsible for outlining the regulatory requirements and developing alternative options for disposal of the sludge. Rough order-of-magnitude cost estimates were prepared for each option and an evaluation of the alternatives in terms of ease of implementation, future risk, and permit requirements was performed. Dillingham Sewage Lagoon Evaluation and Modeling Study, Dillingham Project engineer responsible for a sewage lagoon evaluation and outfall modeling study. Responsible for preparation of a corrective action plan to limit erosion and stabilize the failing cut slopes surrounding the sewage lagoon. The plan included an evaluation of the cause of deterioration, development of four remedial alternatives to repair and stabilize the slopes, cost estimates for each alternative, and a recommendation for the preferred approach. The project also included a review of the existing outfall and extensive modeling to determine flow and dispersion characteristics as well as operational limitations. Shageluk Water and Sewer Upgrades. Project Manager responsible for the design of a new sewage lagoon, lift station and outfall. The project also included the preparation of a business plan, the preliminary design of a new piped water and sewer system to serve the community. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Term Contract (ANTHC), Alaska Project manager for a multi-disciplinary engineering services contract to assist ANTHC with the planning and design of rural sanitation projects. Projects completed to date have included the design of a water treatment plant/washeteria building, a utility building and two water storage tank foundations, several piping system upgrades, the installation of two Class A wells, and the design of two sewage lagoon and a solid waste landfill. The project has involved twelve different villages, primarily in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta. ADEC Bulk Fuel Upgrades, Various Communities Project manager for term contract projects conducted in Koyuk, Chefornak, Mentasta, Northway, and Beaver. The work included the evaluation of existing bulk fuel storage systems, preparation of conceptual (35%) design of upgrades for each community, and the preparation of final design drawings for force account construction. Work at the various sites also included conducting geotechnical investigations and surveying as required. Duties included overall management of each project, supervision of technical staff, client and agency coordination, and other duties as required to complete each project. References John Hutchison, P.E. – ANTHC, Office (907) 729-3723, Cell (907) 947-9402 David Lockard, P.E. – Alaska Energy Authority, (907) 771-3062 Martin Moore – City of Emmonak, (907) 949-1227 Ext 302 ANDREW HORAZDOVSKY, PE | CIVIL ENGINEER Page | 1 With 8 years of engineering experience, Andrew Horazdovsky brings some unique design and field experience with him from the Kenai Peninsula. Andrew is proficient in a wide range of Civil Engineering tasks including; sanitary sewer & water design and permitting, geotechnical investigations, as-well-as construction inspection & onsite materials testing. Andrew is responsible for design, drafting, technical report writing and general engineering support on many Village Safe Water and sewer projects as well as for Alaska Energy Authority bulk fuel upgrade and rural power system upgrade projects. Andrew has been an Alaskan resident for 19 years, attended UAF and has been with CRW since 2008. Project Experience Alaska Rural Bulk Fuel Upgrade Design & Construction Management - Various Communities Staff Engineer for the planning and design of bulk fuel storage and handling facilities in Rural, Alaska. These projects include complex community involvement & coordination, design & permitting, and contract administration services. Andrew has worked on projects throughout the state, from Perryville in the Aleutians and Bettles North of the Arctic Circle, to Edna Bay in Southeast. Prior to joining CRW, Andrew worked on the following projects. • Geotechnical investigations across the Kenai Peninsula for residential & commercial foundation designs, ADEC approved septic systems, road designs and water & sewer projects. • Design, ADEC submittal, and construction management of 40+ nonconventional and conventional onsite wastewater disposal systems. Clients included private, commercial, government and industry; project sites ranged from small community to rural sites accessible only by plane or ATV. • In-lab materials testing including: concrete compressive strengths, soil gradations, proctors and organic content of soils. • Onsite material testing including: nuclear density, concrete control, and soil percolation testing for commercial, state and borough projects. • Structural design and construction administration of Kenai Peninsula commercial structures including; The Law Offices of Joseph Kashi, Saint Elias Brewing Co., Salvation Army Church of Homer and Lamendola Orthodontics. • Building inspection for the City of Soldotna at the Central Peninsula Hospital, Kenai Peninsula College and commercial and private structures within the city limits. • AutoCAD drafting and detailing for civil, structural and mechanical engineers. Seldovia Water and Sewer Improvements - Seldovia Staff engineer responsible for onsite field investigation & testing of extensive infiltration issues in the community's sub-tidal sewer mains. Andrew is the primary engineer for this dynamic project, which has included the excavation and inspection of Years of Experience: 8 Years Professional Discipline: Civil Engineer Registration: Professional Engineer, Alaska (CE 14054) Residency: AK Education: BS, Civil Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cum Laude (2006) ANDREW HORAZDOVSKY, PE | CIVIL ENGINEER Page | 2 sewer main & services, dye testing & flow monitoring, and direct camera inspection of a 1,500 + feet of services and sewer main. Andrew is currently analyzing the field collected data and developing designs for much needed repairs. Andrew has also provided engineering support for several Seldovia water projects including inspection of water service installation and design of onsite wastewater disposal for the communities planned water treatment plant. Arctic Village Water System Improvements - Arctic Village Andrew provided preliminary field investigation and design for this on-going project that includes the design and construction of a new water treatment plant, washeteria, and river intake system in Arctic Village. Winter field water sampling was conducted and evaluated for a new water source and existing facility deficiencies were inspected. Seward Water Crossing at Lowell Creek Canyon - Seward Andrew worked on several projects for the City of Seward including the design of a water main crossing of Lowell Creek canyon that was damaged during large storm events. AWWU Water and Sewer Design Support - Anchorage Andrew has provided engineering support on several AWWU projects including analysis and testing of the Ship Creek Water Treatment Plant onsite sewer system. Additionally, he assisted in the design of the Eagle River Waste Water Treatment Facility TWAS Pump Replacement project. Nunapitchuk Water and Sewer Project - Nunapitchuk Andrew provided general engineering support for construction of an 84,000-gallon water storage tank and pile foundation as well as inspection of the facilities bulk fuel tank farm. Responsibilities included design, inspection of work for conformance with project documents and preparation of technical documents. Additional activates included inspection and design of the sewage outfall to the community lagoon. Nashwoods Subdivision Road and Drainage Improvements - Seward Staff engineer for the design and permitting of access roads and drainage within Nashwoods Subdivision Phase 5 for CIRI Real Estate and Development. The new roads include Johnson Ave, Godwin Rd and Nell Road. Andrew will be responsible for onsite inspection and construction coordination in the summer months of 2010. 88th Avenue Upgrades - Anchorage Staff engineer for the preliminary design and engineering of several retaining walls necessary to facilitate the addition of a bike path and storm sewer system along this half mile section of collector roadway located in south Anchorage. References David Lockard, PE – Alaska Energy Authority Project Manager (907 771-3000) Lynn Marino, P.E. – State of Alaska, Village Safe Water Project Manager (907 269-7602) Tim Dillon – Seldovia City Manager (907 234-7643) LYLE LUNDBERG | CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATOR Page | 1 Lyle Lundberg has the experience and leadership skills in the local construction industry of Ketchikan that spans 41 years. His work is specialized in southeast Alaska, including: Sitka, Rowan Bay, Kuiu Island, Long Island, Hobart Bay, Ketchikan, Haines, and other locations on Prince of Wales Island, Ketchikan, Juneau & Wrangell. Project Experience Southeast Roadbuilders, Inc. – Haines Construction Superintendent. Various locations on Prince of Wales Island, Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell from 2002 through 2013. South Coast, Inc. – Ketchikan Construction Superintendent, Project Manager, Office Engineer, Bidding responsibilities. Ketchikan, and various locations in Alaska, and in Arizona from 1991 through 2002. Klukwan, Inc. – Long Island, Hobart Bay, Ketchikan Construction Superintendent, Project Manager. Long Island, Hobart Bay, Ketchikan from 1984 – 1991. Mud Bay Logging Company – Rowan Bay, Kuiu Island Construction Foreman from 1978 – 1983. Alaska Lumber & Pulp - Sitka Forest Engineer, Woods Division, from 1973- 1978 Other Background United States Army - 101st Airborne Pathfinder, from 1968 – 1970 Years of Experience: 41 Years Professional Discipline: Construction Residency: AK Education: BS, Forest Engineering University of Washington (1973) MARTIN N. FINNESAND | CHITINA ELECTRIC INC., PRESIDENT Page | 1 Martin has over 25 years of electrical experience, both with Chitina Electric, Inc. and as it relates to the construction industry. Over 40 years’ experience in the construction industry. He performed all tasks related to management and operations for work in both fields. General Manager for Chitina Electric, Inc. since is inception, performing all tasks required for its growth and operation. Community of Chitina being serviced in a professional manner with a high-quality product as a result of years of dedicated work. Project Experience Chitina Electric, Inc. - General Manager Manage and operate all business for this wholly-owned subsidiary of Chitina Native Corporation since its inception in 1979. From scratch, purchased and installed all materials and supplies for providing electricity to the entire community of Chitina, Alaska. Established management records, price sheets and maintenance schedules. Administered all grants for Chitina Electric, including $261,000 grant for hydroelectric plant construction, and grants for hydroelectric plant repair and upgrade of transmission lines. Built original generator building. Currently oversee all aspects of Chitina Electric, Inc., including running of generators; performance of all powerline work to customers; performance of overhauls on generators; all purchasing of equipment and supplies; hookup of new customers; installation of new power lines. Supervise Chitina Electric’s two other employees. 1980 – Present. Tsedina Construction - President and General Manager Coordinated work efforts for Tsedina Construction on its joint ventures with Dokoozian & Associates for two separate projects constructing housing units. Held meetings, communicated via telephone, fax and in person all the necessary tasks to enter into construction projects by joint venture. Secured financing to assist with bonding requirements for Tsedina Construction to joint venture. Resulted in a successful and profitable project being completed on time and under-budget for the joint venture with Dokoozian & Associates. 1997 – 2000. Ahtna Construction Corporation – Project Manager Over a period of 20 years, beginning work as a mechanic, heavy equipment operator, and welder, earning the position of crew foreman, and promoted to construction project manager for jobs undertaken by Ahtna. 1979 – 2000. Various Construction Companies – Construction Work Performed construction duties for companies including: Morrison/Knutson, Green Construction, Arctic Slope/Alaska General, Rogers & Babler, Chris Berg Construction, Walch Construction Company, Johnson Sand & Gravel, City of Valdez, and Bayless & Roberts. 1959 – 1979. B&F Chevron Service – Self-Employed Worked in Chitina. 1958 – 1959. Years of Experience: 40+ Years Professional Discipline: Construction Residency: AK Education: Electrical Seminar, Alaska Power Authority (1984) Professional Affiliations: Local 302, Operating Engineers (1969) BRIAN C. GRAY, PE | MECHANICAL ENGINEER Page | 1 Mr. Gray is a lifelong resident of Alaska with more than 25 years of engineering experience with a career emphasis in rural areas. For the past twenty years he has served as project engineer and project manager for the design and construction of over $100 million worth of rural power generation, fuel storage, and energy related projects in Alaskan communities. Responsibilities have included feasibility analysis, program development, budgeting, design, permitting, construction management, system startup. He has also had an extensive role in implementing standards for operations and maintenance of rural energy infrastructure including development of the AEA/AVTEC Power Plant Operator and Bulk Fuel Operator training videos. As a design engineer Mr. Gray has prepared construction documents for power generation, fuel storage, heat recovery, heating, ventilation, plumbing, fire protection systems, and site utilities for a wide range of commercial, industrial, and residential facilities. His projects have taken him to more than 100 rural Alaskan communities where he has had to successfully solve the unique engineering and logistical challenges that are synonymous with developing projects in remote sites. Over the past 10 years Mr. Gray has primarily focused on power generation efficiency. He has developed methods for selecting the most efficient engines and specifying control systems that maximize overall plant fuel economy. Many of his projects have involved integrating diesel generation with alternative energy including hydro-electric and wind. He has developed operating sequences that maximize utilization of alternative energy while addressing power quality issues such as frequency control and reactive power correction. Project Experience Tazimina Hydro Upgrade – Tazimina Design and project management for renovation and upgrade of the existing Tazimina River hydro-electric generation facility. Project included installation of new switchgear, replacement of control and instrumentation devices, and related systems. A new SCADA system was developed that allowed remote start/stop control and monitoring of the hydro plant. Electric boilers were installed in three remote locations - two at regional schools and one at the diesel power plant. A control sequence was developed to allow use of excess available hydro power for space heating. The first year of operation offset over 20,000 gallons of diesel fuel. The boiler in the diesel plant was provided with a governor function that significantly improved frequency control of the hydro generator. Unalakleet Power System Upgrade - Unalakleet Design and project management for construction of a new diesel power plant and integration of wind generation. The project included four 450kW diesel generators and six 100kW wind turbines. The system was integrated to provide maximum use of available wind power. An electric boiler was installed to control frequency and ensure adequate load was maintained on the diesel engines. The heat from the electric boiler was incorporated into the diesel heat recovery system. A step controlled capacitor bank was installed to control reactive power during medium to high wind penetration. Years of Experience: 25 Years Professional Discipline: Mechanical Engineer Registration: Professional Engineer, Alaska, 1991 (ME 8210) Land Surveyor in Training, 1985 Residency: AK Education: BS, Mechanical Engineering University of Alaska, Fairbanks (1986) Magna Cum Laude BRIAN C. GRAY , PE | MECHANICAL ENGINEER Page | 2 Ouzinkie Hydro Upgrade - Ouzinkie Design and project management for installation of new switchgear for the existing hydro-electric plant and integration of the hydro plant with the remote diesel power plant. A control sequence was developed for the hydro plant to operate at full capacity based on available water. A head level control monitors the water level in the reservoir and reduces the hydro output to match the water supply. When the community power demand exceeds the hydro output, the diesel plant automatically starts and operates in parallel with the hydro plant. During the first year of operation the new system reduced the diesel fuel consumption by almost 50%. King Cove Power System Upgrade – King Cove Design and project management for construction of a new diesel power plant and renovation of an existing hydro- electric plant. The project included four diesel generators with a combined capacity of 3 MW and integration on an existing 800kW hydro-generator. The system was integrated to provide maximum use of available hydro power with a head level control and automatic startup and paralleling of the diesel generators. An electric boiler was installed to control frequency and utilize available excess hydro capacity. The heat from the electric boiler was incorporated into the diesel heat recovery system and provides heat to the local school. Power System Upgrade Projects – Various Locations Design and project management for village diesel power plants. Responsible for mechanical engineering, overall design coordination, and construction administration. Many projects included on site fuel storage, heat recovery, used oil blending, and other unique features. Representative project sites include: Akiachak Angoon Arctic Village Atka Atmauluak Beaver Buckland Chefornak Chitina Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek Diomede Elfin Cove Golovin Gustavus Hoonah Hughes Igiugig Karluk Kokhanok Kongiganak Koyukuk Kwigillingok Levelok Manokotak McGrath Napakiak Napaskiak Nikolski Nunam-Iqua Pedro Bay Pelican Pilot Point Stevens Village Stony River Sleetmute Takotna Tenakee Springs Tuluksak Yakutat Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative Turbine – Barrow Mechanical design for two major generation expansion projects. Each project involved installation of a 4.8 MW gas turbine generator. Work included design of all mechanical systems and coordination with other design disciplines. Diesel Engine Fuel-Efficiency Analysis – Various Communities Gathered fuel consumption data from multiple manufacturers for various engines. Consolidated data into graphs that compare fuel efficiency of different units at varying loads. Provided recommendations for the most efficient combinations of generators to use to meet the power demands of various communities. Other Project Highlights Used Oil Blending System. Designed a used oil blending system that can be field assembled from standard components. The cost of the new system was less than half the cost of comparable pre-packaged systems. Fire Suppression Systems. Researched options for fire suppression systems for diesel engine rooms. Found a European water mist system that uses high pressure nitrogen and water. Performed a field test on an actual diesel fuel fire to verify BRIAN C. GRAY, PE | MECHANICAL ENGINEER Page | 3 effectiveness. Determined that the water mist system was effective and had a far lower replacement cost. Prepared specifications for new system that is now the standard for all smaller AEA power plants. Process Control and Monitoring. Expanded functions of generator control switchgear to include control of radiators and other similar devices plus monitoring of various processes such as glycol, and charge air cooling, heat recovery operation, and fuel oil day tank functions. Integrated into SCADA system so that all functions can be monitored from a remote location. STEVE ANDERSON, P.E. | GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER Page | 1 Mr. Anderson is a geotechnical engineer with over 21 years of experience that includes cold climate engineering, civil engineering design, permitting support, agency consultation, and construction and engineering management. His cold climate engineering experience includes design of a 5,000 lf cut-off wall into permafrost at the Red Dog Mine and annual management of slope stability monitoring for select sites along the Trans Alaska Pipeline System. Mr. Anderson has managed and performed geotechnical investigations, analysis, and geotechnical design for pipelines, buildings, roads, earth-fill dams, and bridges. He has experience with design of lined containment systems and has performed construction monitoring for over 50 million square feet of liner. Mr. Anderson has performed geotechnical investigations on over 50 sites and is experienced with many methods of field and laboratory testing of soils. Project Experience Fivemile Creek Hydroelectric Project – Chitina Project manager who performed preliminary geohazard and geotechnical investigation for the proposed intake site, penstock alignment, and turbine house. This work was followed by a geophysical investigation to assess depth of bedrock along penstock alignment, and cost estimation for grouting at the intake site. Back Dam Cut-off Wall Design - Red Dog Mine Lead designer for back dam cut-off wall to reduce seepage through an overburden stockpile located on the back side of the tailings pond. Design includes constructing earthen embankment with over 5,000 lf plastic concrete cut-off wall up to 150 ft deep. This earthen embankment and cut-off wall has been raised three times. Lower Slate Lake Dam Periodic Safety Inspection - Kensington Mine Periodic safety inspection (PSI) for 63 ft high geosynthetic lined face rockfill dam used for storage of tailings and treatment of tailings water. PSI involved evaluation of performance data and water balance. Recycled Tailings Pond Dam Periodic Safety Inspection - Pogo Mine Periodic safety inspection (PSI) for 92 ft high geosynthetic lined face rockfill dam used for storage of seepage and runoff from the upstream dry stack tailings facility. PSI involved review and evaluation of design floods involving newly constructed diversion ditches for the increased dry stack tailings facility. Icy Creek Reservoir Dam Periodic Safety Inspection – Unalaska Periodic safety inspection (PSI) for 25 ft high braced sheet pile dam used for city water supply. Dam has a Class II potential hazard classification due to fuel tanks located downstream. Stebbins Water Reservoir – Stebbins Project manager for geotechnical investigation to evaluate feasibility for proposed water reservoir in warm, ice-rich permafrost. Years of Experience: 21 Years Professional Discipline: Geotechnical Engineer Registration: Professional Engineer, Alaska CE 9120 Residency: AK Education: MSCE, Geotechnical Engineering University of Washington, Washington (1993) BS, Civil Engineering Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado (1984) Health and Safety Certification per OSHA 29CFR1910 Professional Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers Publications: Anderson, S.L., R.G. Tart, Jr., and A. Lai. 2002. Evaluation of Buried Secondary Containment Liners. Eleventh International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, May. Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Anderson, Steven, Tom Krzewinski, and Jim Swendseid. 2008. Geotechnical Considerations for Cut- off Wall in Warm Permafrost. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, July. Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. STEVE ANDERSON, PE | GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER Page | 2 Big Kitoi Dam Periodic Safety Inspection - Afognak Island, Kodiak Periodic safety inspection (PSI) for concrete buttress dam used for water supply at fish hatchery. Dublin Gulch Heap Leach Pad Conceptual Design - Dublin Gulch, Yukon, Canada Conceptual design and cost estimate for proposed heap leach facility for gold mine in Yukon, Canada. Bettinger Timber Dam Demolition Design – Kodiak Lead designer for demolishing two large timber dams located in the City of Kodiak. Design involved sampling and environmental testing of timber and sediment, hydrology analyses, permitting, and design drawings and specifications. Monashka Creek Dam Stage II Upgrade - Kodiak Island Engineer of record for design of upgrades for 50 ft high earthen dam. Upgrades included raising the main dam 8 ft, a new retaining structure and spillway, raising the intake tower, reconstructing and raising one existing dike, and the addition of two new dikes. Nixon Fork Tailings Dam Raise - Gold Mine Near McGrath Designed raise for existing lined tailings dam located on permafrost at Nixon Fork Gold Mine. Work included performing a periodic safety inspection for existing structure, updating the operations and maintenance manual, a geotechnical investigation and thermal modelling for the dam raise, and developing plans and specifications. Tudor Road and Lake Otis Parkway Traffic Improvements Project – Anchorage This project provided additional traffic lanes for one of the busiest and developed intersections in Anchorage and included widening the road, demolition of an existing wall, and construction of a new and higher wall. Work support for the overall road improvements included geotechnical, environmental, and foundation engineering. Work support for retaining wall included design of tie-back and cantilever walls, preparation of plans and specifications, and construction quality assurance. Vortac Dam Evaluation - Kotzebue Evaluation of eroding water supply dam constructed with frozen core embankment. Evaluation included a site visit and a review of historical data. Cost estimated were prepared for additional geotechnical investigation, design drawings, and construction. Monashka Creek Dams Periodic Safety Inspection - Kodiak Island Periodic safety inspection for the upgraded reservoir system. Spenard Road Water Line Upgrade – Anchorage Geotechnical investigation for pipeline located near the face of a 30-year old concrete retaining wall and a 36- degree embankment slope. Following the field investigation, a stability analysis was performed for the retaining wall and embankment. Pillar Creek Dams Periodic Safety Inspection - Kodiak Island Performed two periodic safety inspections (PSI) for the Pillar Creek Dam Complex, which includes five earthfill dams and one sheet pile dam. Lake Bettinger Complex Dams Periodic Safety Inspection - Kodiak Island Performed two periodic safety inspections (PSI) for the Dam Complex, which includes three earthfill dams and two timber dams. STEVE ANDERSON, P.E. | GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER Page | 3 Aquaculture Dam Periodic Safety Inspection - Evans Island Phase I periodic safety inspection (PSI) for a 14 ft high concrete and steel plate dam. Cannery Creek Dam Periodic Safety Inspection – PWS Periodic safety inspection (PSI) for a 18 ft high concrete gravity dam located in Unakwik Inlet, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Christensen Drive Retaining Wall – Anchorage Geotechnical investigation for design of a retaining wall in downtown Anchorage. VSM Stability - Trans Alaska Pipeline System Project manager for field investigations and geotechnical evaluations at five sloping sites to assess the stability of vertical support members (VSM's) supporting an aboveground pipeline. Retaining Wall Design Review - ADOT&PF This project involved review of proposed concrete retaining wall standard drawings for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF). True North Waste Dump Sites – Fairbanks Phase 2 investigation and analysis of two potential waste rock sites for a proposed gold mine. The purpose of this work was to further characterize the ground conditions at each site and to develop general dump configurations and operational constraints for each site. JAN DEICK | SENIOR SCIENTIST / HYDROGEOLOGIST Page | 1 Jan Deick has over 27 years of consulting experience and has been working in the Anchorage office since 2003 as a project manager and senior technical support for hydrology and environmental projects related to water resource and infrastructure development. He has worked throughout much of Alaska conducting surface water and groundwater studies and feasibility evaluations. He is familiar with logistical challenges of working in remote area of Alaska. Since 2003, Jan has supported over 20 water resource and infrastructure development projects for remote village communities in Alaska with the State of Alaska Village Safe Water Program or the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC). These projects were located in the future village of Mertarvik, and the existing villages Hooper Bay, Scammon Bay, Lower Kalskag, Unalakleet, Grayling, Emmonak, Golovin, McGrath, Nicolai, Pilot Station, Angoon, Coffman Cove, Saxman, Tazlina, Shungnak and Bethel to name a few.. Other locations are referenced in the project experience section below. For most of these projects, Golder provided hydrology and geotechnical services in support of various types of Design Analysis Reports (DARS) and feasibility studies, as we were teamed with Alaska’s leading architect and engineering (A&E) firms. We have developed working relationships with many of the A&E firms that consistently provide services water and sewer projects in Alaska, although we also have contracted directly with VSW and ANTHC. Jan’s project experience includes: hydrological characterization, storm water runoff evaluation, well design and installation oversight, aquifer test design and analysis, water quality evaluation, environmental site assessments and remediation, permitting, regulatory compliance review, environmental cleanups, and water use authorization applications. Project Experience Girdwood, Waste Water Treatment Facility – Girdwood Senior hydrogeological engineering support for the waste water treatment facility Phase I upgrade project. Work included investigating the hydrogeology of the site as part of the geotechnical contract to develop a dewatering program for installation of the influent pump station. Tasks included: test well installation, permitting, aquifer test, dewatering evaluation, and follow up consultation during construction activities. Stream Flow Assessment and Intake Design Consultation - Coffman Cove Project manager for a surface water source assessment to provide stream flow data for a new surface water intake. Conducting stream flow monitoring over a one year period to develop a stream gauge rating curve and provide design consultation. Surface Water Assessment – Angoon Project manager for developing a new surface water source for the City of Angoon located in southeast Alaska. Tasks completed included a background review of existing information, drainage basin delineation, surface water flow modelling and predictions. Years of Experience: 27 Years Professional Discipline: Hydrologist Registration: Professional Geologist No. 593-013 WI, 2/7/96 - Present Residency: AK Education: MS, Hydrology, University of Idaho, Idaho, Moscow (1986) BS, Geology, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, Duluth (1982) Certifications: First Aid Certifications- Industrial, BBP, CPR, and refreshers as needed 1910.120, 10 Hr OSHA Construction Training per 29CFR1926, 2007 and Annual Refreshers 40 HR HAZWOPER Training and refreshers per 29CFR , 1986 and Annual Refreshers MSHA Certifications Surface Metal and Non- Metal Operations 30CFR46 & 48, JAN DEICK | SENIOR SCIENTIST / HYDROGEOLOGIST Page | 2 Surface Water Assessment – Saxman Project manager for developing a new surface water source for the City of Saxman located in southeast Alaska. Tasks completed included a background review of existing information, drainage basin delineation, surface water flow modelling and predictions. The project also included a preliminary geotechnical review of the selected dam site. Surface Water Source Evaluation – Nanwalek Provided technical support for a local engineering firm that evaluated surface water supply options for the remote Village of Nanwalek (formerly English Bay). Performed a detailed background review and concluded that groundwater potentially under the influence of surface water was the option with the best chance for success. Surface Water Resource Investigation - Goodnews Bay Performed an assessment of the reliability of surface water watershed as a water supply source for a small remote Alaska Village located in Western Alaska. Performed site reconnaissance and installed small stream weir for monitoring the stream volume of Village Creek, the traditional water supply for the village. Nixon Fork Mine – Dewatering Evaluation – McGrath Performed a hydrology and water quality assessment to assess the feasibility of de-watering and re-opening an underground gold mine near McGrath. Project includes evaluating waste water discharge options, permitting per NPDES and ADEC requirements, preparation of a SWPP for the exploration period of the mine per the Multi-Sector General Permit Requirements, water quality sampling, and aquifer testing and assessing the feasibility of underground injection under the EPA Class V Rules. Colville River Area Water Source Assessment – North Slope Performed an evaluation of potential water source for oil and gas development in the Colville River Delta. Surface Water Intake Consultation - Arctic Village Project manager for a surface water intake. Provide stream flow data, stream channel migration surface water intake design consultation. LARRY CLIFTON | HYDRAULIC / HYDROLOGY MODELLING ANALYST Page | 1 Larry Clifton has over 20 years experience in mathematical modeling, numerical optimization, and digital control algorithms applied to hydroelectric systems. Projects have included transients in power canals and pressurized conduits, energy production models, turbine selection, reservoir management, optimal load scheduling, voltage control stability, frequency control stability, and load pickup capability. Project Experience Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project - Alaska Governor commissioning. 1 MW Pelton turbine, isolated system, 2009. Tyson Creek Hydroelectric Project – British Columbia Hydraulic transient analysis, islanded system simulation for 9.4 MW Pelton turbine, grid connected with islanding capability, 2007 – 2009. Taum Sauk Pumped Storage Project – Missouri Governor commissioning and training. Two 200 MW pump turbines, grid connected, 2009. Castle Creek Hydroelectric Project - Colorado Hydraulic transient analysis, islanded system simulation. 1 MW Pelton turbine, grid connected with islanding capability, 2009. Boston Bar Hydroelectric Project – British Columbia Digital governing algorithm and commissioning. 3.5 MW Pelton turbine, grid connected with islanding capability, 2008-2009 Sitka Electric System - Alaska Frequency regulation model. Multiple Francis turbine hydroelectric plants totalling 30 MW, 2009. Bart Lake Hydroelectric Project – Alaska Islanded system simulation. 15 MW Pelton turbine, grid connected with islanding capability, 2008. William’s Fork Hydroelectric Project - Colorado Hydraulic transient analysis. 575 kW Francis turbine, grid connected, 2008. Roxburgh Hydroelectric Project – New Zealand Governor commissioning and modeling. Eight 41.8 MW Francis turbines, grid connected, 2007 – 2008. Years of Experience: 20 Years Residency: AK Education: MA, Mathematics, University of Washington (1985) BS, Physics, University of Washington (1978) Professional Affiliations: Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Publications: Clifton, L. “Fast Fourier Transform Methods for the Computation of Hydraulic System Transients.” ASME 1986 Winter Annual Meeting, FED--Vol. 39. Clifton, L. “Waterhammer and Governor Analysis.” International Water Power and Dam Construction, Aug1987. McManus, P., R. Winship, J. DeVault, and L. Clifton “Integrated Automatic Hydroelectric Plant Control.” Water Power '87. Clifton, L. “Optimal Governing of Reaction Turbines.” International Water Power and Dam Construction, Mar1988. Clifton, L. “Optimal Governing of High Head Turbines.” International Water Power and Dam Construction, Jan 1989. LARRY CLIFTON | HYDROLIC / HYDROLOGY ANALYST Page | 2 Clyde Hydroelectric Project - New Zealand Governor commissioning and modeling. Four 114 MW Francis turbines, grid connected, 2006-2007. Pelican Hydroelectric Project - Alaska Surge tank design, hydraulic transients, governing capability. 600 kW Francis turbine, isolated system, 2006-2008. Tasiilaq Hydroelectric Project - Greenland Hydraulic transients, governor design and commissioning. 1.2 MW Turgo turbine, isolated system, 2003- 2004. McCannell Creek Hydroelectric Project - British Columbia Hydraulic transients, governor design and commissioning. 600 kW Pelton turbine, isolated system, 2003- 2004. Mauka Hydroelectric Project – Hawaii Governor and commissioning. 1 MW Pelton turbine, grid connected with islanding capability, 2002. Tazimina Hydroelectric Project - Alaska Hydraulic transients, governor design and commissioning. Two 424 kW Francis turbines, isolated system, 1998. Canon del Pato Hydroelectric Project – Peru Governor design, and commissioning. Six 40 MW Pelton turbines, grid connected, 1999. Power Creek Hydroelectric Project – Alaska Hydraulic transients, governor design, and commissioning. Two 3 MW Turgo turbines, isolated system, 1997. Goat Lake Hydroelectric Project - Alaska Hydraulic transients, governing stability. 4 MW Pelton turbine, isolated system, 1997 – 1998. Mamquam Hydroelectric Project - British Columbia Economic analysis of tunnel losses, digital governor algorithms. Two 30 MW Francis turbines, grid connected, 1994-1997. Black Bear Hydroelectric Project - Alaska Hydraulic transients, governing stability. 5 MW Pelton turbine, isolated system, 1994. LARRY CLIFTON | HYDRAULIC / HYDROLOGY MODELLING ANALYST Page | 3 Moresby Lake Hydroelectric Project – British Columbia Hydraulic transients, governing stability, and commissioning. Two 2 MW Francis turbines, isolated system, 1987 – 1989. ROBIN REICH| PERMITTING SPECIALIST Page | 1 Ms. Reich, who founded Solstice Alaska Consulting Inc., has more than 18 years of experience in environmental documentation and permitting. Robin understands permitting hydroelectric projects and has obtained environmental authorizations for many hydro projects including Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Permits, Alaska Department of Natural Resources Water Rights, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Permit as well as local land use permits. She also knows FERC hydroelectric licensing requirements and has been involved in licensing projects. Robin’s projects often require that she facilitate conversations between agencies, engineers, and clients to mitigate for potential environmental impacts. Having grown up in rural Alaska and spending her entire professional career helping public and private clients obtain regulatory approvals, Robin is well aware of the issues and challenges surrounding Alaskan hydroelectric projects. Experienced in wetlands, water quality, and fisheries field studies (and growing up commercial fishing), Robin has a thorough understanding of issues that arise during hydro project environmental documentation and permitting. Project Experience Old Harbor Hydroelectric Project FERC License Application, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) Robin is currently leading a team to obtain the FERC Hydroelectric License Application for a small hydropower project in Old Harbor on Kodiak Island. A FERC license application has been submitted and Robin is assisting AVEC respond to agency comments on the application. Work has also involved holding community scoping and follow up meetings, developing a Proposed Study Plan and Revised Study Plan working closely with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, NOAA Fisheries, and the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, and other agencies. Following the Study Plan, Robin facilitated a summer field effort, including a bald eagle nest survey, a wetlands delineation and functional assessment, a fish and fish habitat study, and a cultural resources field assessment. In addition, Robin lead the preparation of permit applications for the project. Pelican Hydroelectric Amendment to FERC License - City of Pelican Robin assisted the City of Pelican to develop the draft FERC license application for improvements to the Pelican Hydroelectric Facility. She worked with project engineers to compile the required design and engineering sections of the application including Exhibits A-D, F, and G. She led a team that drafted the Environmental Report (Exhibit E) and permit applications (Exhibits I, J, and K). Work involved researching existing conditions, discussing the hydro project upgrades with regulatory agencies, and addressing environmental concerns by working with project engineers. Cosmos Hill Hydroelectric Feasibility Study - Alaska Village AVEC Robin acted as AVEC’s project manager for a feasibility study to determine whether hydropower was an option in the Upper Kobuk River area. The project analyzed four creeks, one river, and interties between potential hydro projects and communities. Years of Experience: 18 Years Residency: AK Education: MS studies, University of Alaska, Biology BS, Humboldt State University, Biology and Zoology, 1992 Professional Affiliations: Alaska Association of Environmental Professionals ROBIN REICH | PERMITTING SPECIALIST Page | 2 Robin represented AVEC in managing consultants responsible for completing hydrology, wetlands, fisheries, geotechnical, and cultural resources studies. Robin consulted with FERC to determine licensing requirements. She completed public involvement activities by presenting the project and findings of the studies in the communities of Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk. Chenega Hydroelectric Project - Hatch Robin led a team to prepare permit applications for a small hydroelectric project in Chenega Bay in Prince William Sound, including an ADF&G Fish Habitat Permit application, an ADNR Water Rights Authorization application, a USACE Wetlands Permit application, and a FERC Declaration of Intent. Adak Hydroelectric Reconnaissance Study - TDX Robin led a team to research regulatory and FERC jurisdictional requirements for two proposed hydroelectric projects at Adak in the Aleutians. Robin researched environmental conditions and worked with project engineers to determine potential impacts to environmental categories including anadromous fish streams, wetlands, cultural resources, and endangered species. Required environmental permits and authorizations were summarized in a memorandum. Brevig Mission-Teller Intertie - AVEC Robin helped AVEC to plan and obtain environmental approvals a 6.2-mile combination overhead/buried/underwater electric intertie serving the communities of Brevig Mission and Teller, which was constructed in fall 2011. She prepared separate BIA and Denali Commission environmental documents for the project. Her work included analyzing intertie alternatives including an all underwater route, an all overhead route, and the approved combination overhead/buried/underwater intertie. Robin is familiar with the damaged sustained to the intertie during a large storm in November 2011, and has worked with AVEC on solutions to this problem. On Call Environmental Services - AVEC Currently, Robin is the project manager for an on call contract to assisting AVEC with environmental permitting and documents and site control for energy projects throughout the Alaska. Robin has lead permitting activities on wind projects in Toksook, Shaktoolik, Emmonak. Robin has been responsible for reviewing existing wind farm projects to ensure that environmental mitigation measures agreed to during permitting (including bird strike studies and tower diversions) have been completed in Savoonga, Gambell, and Quinhagak. She has worked with AVEC and their engineers to determine the best location for meteorological towers and obtaining FAA and USFWS approvals for the placement of the towers. Robin has updated FAA approvals on existing wind turbines RICK ELLIOTT | LAND CONSULTANT Page | 1 Rick Elliott has extensive experience working with land status and title in rural Alaska. He worked for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for over 6 years (1974-1981) as a land law examiner and program analyst. As a land law examiner, he worked on mining claims, Native allotments, rights of way, and Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) selections. He is very familiar with the BLM’s public land records system and with public land law in rural Alaska. As a program analyst for BLM, he provided system oversight and analysis to all aspects of the ANCSA conveyance process. He performed policy analyses and made policy recommendations and prepared analyses of specific land law and land title questions. Mr. Elliott has 18 years experience (1981-1999) with the State Department of Community and Regional Affairs (now the Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development). As program manager, he was responsible for negotiating agreements and preparing legal documents pertaining to the identification, transfer, disposal and management of municipal trust land. He was responsible for the statewide program of land management for rural Alaska communities. He directed the Department’s land management training program for rural land managers. He authored an informational booklet entitled “What is Site Control?” which outlined basic site control information and procedures for rural projects. Mr. Elliott is currently in private practice as a land consultant. He contracts with engineering firms, Native entities, public utilities, federal, state and local governments to provide assistance in the acquisition, disposal and management of land or interests in land. He also does extensive subcontracting for engineering firms and Alaska Village Electric Cooperative to do land title research, prepare site control opinions, and develop action plans for the necessary steps to obtain site control for rural development projects. Project Experience Tanana Water and Sewer Project with Too’gha, Inc. and Village Safe Water For the acquisition of easements and one fee title acquisition for water and sewer lines and pump stations. As subconsultant for engineering firms have provided land services for various VSW projects. Koyuk Bulk Fuel Storage and Line System for AVEC - Koyuk Performed title research and prepared acquisition documents for proposed bulk fuel storage site and line distribution system. As consultant for AVEC, provide land services for various energy related projects such as power plants, bulk fuel storage, transmissions lines and wind generation sites. Years of Experience: 40 Years Professional Discipline: Land Consultant Registration: Senior Right-of-Way (SRWA), International Right of Way Association, certified instructor Residency: AK Education: Masters of Public Administration, University of Alaska, Anchorage 1978 Masters of Business Administration, University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska 1973 BS in Business Management, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri, 1969 RICK ELLIOTT | LAND CONSULTANT Page | 2 Parks Highway Right of Way Acquisition with State Department of Transportation & Public Facilities – Mat-Su Borough Acquired land title, public use easements and temporary construction permits for Parks Highway realignment near Willow. Business Boulevard Bike Trail and Pedestrian Access Project for Municipality of Anchorage - Anchorage Acquired public use easements and temporary construction permits for bike trail, utilities and sidewalks in Eagle River. AEA Bulk Fuel Storage Projects – Various Locations Work for six engineering firms as a subconsultant providing land services in accordance with AEA’s site control guidelines. Have provided services for projects in over 50 villages. He regularly instructs a class on “Land Title in Rural Alaska” which he developed for Chapter 49 of the International Right of Way Association (IRWA). He is also certified by IRWA to instruct U.S Land Titles. References Keith Jost, Program Manager, Municipal Lands Trustee Program, Division of Community & Regional Affairs, DCCED, State of Alaska (907)269-4548 Allan J. Breitzman, ANCSA 14(c) Specialist, Division of Cadastral Survey and Geomatics Bureau of Land Management(907)271-5606 Lynn Marino, P.E., VSW Engineer, Village Safe Water, DEC (907)269-7602           Resolution of Support              65% Construction Drawings