HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachments to SEAPA Round VIII Grant Application (Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project)A. B. C. D. E. THE SOUTHEAST ALAS KA POWER AGENCY pEtERSBURG � � 1900 First Avenue `���' �yO Phone: 907.228.2261 scarce sia �" S E A P A � Fa:: 9ozzzs zzs� Ke(chikan, Alaska 9990'I oahvd ro 0 SouMeaf [ Alaf ka Puwec Agency RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT — ROUND VI11 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS COSTS AND BENEFITS ANALYSIS RESUMES MAP SHOWING INTERCONNECTION OF PROJECTS GOVERNING BODY RESOLUTION AND MINUTES RESOLUTIONS DEMONSTRATING LOCAL SUPPORT n nni - _.... ._. _�A�.y pm• ew __.. ewe � � �. 5_ .�aa j nww. . --- ' ow r _.».. ,.o. 1 N� S E A P A - So�iM1r_aai Alaska Oow« Agrseicy COSTS AND BENEFITS ANALYSIS FOR INCREASING STORAGE AT SWAN LAKE 1 Y06 Flrst Avatlue. Sulta 316, Kata4lkin. PlasKa 9890'1 P (HBT) 228-2281 F (909) 226-Z289 R A, 1114111E,) B II—EIN-11, Er F I K'SZ, A N A WGRIHIASING STORAGE- A."If- IMAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page No. Executive Summaol .... ........ ......... ........ ....... 5 1 Introduction.... ...... ................... ................. ......... ...... 7 2, Swan Project Description ..... ......... ...... ....... --- ............. 7 3. SEAPA System Characteristics .............. ........ ...... 9 4. Benefit (Value) Analysis .......... ...... .......... ...... 12 5. Cost Estimation and Schedules . ... .............. 21. 3 6. Costs, Benefits, and Recommendation... - - . ... ........ ...... ...... ....... ..... —.27 12:. Southeast Aiaska Power Agency 2 Decembef 2012" Flore Title Page o. 1 Swan Lake Ogee Spillway Slot 9 2 Warm Weather Example—KPU Load Decrease® CPU Generation Increase 10 3 Tyee Lake Reservoir Operation and Winter Load Timing 11 4 Swan Lake Reservoir Guide Curves for Reservoir Elevation 330 & 345 ft 14 5 Tyee Lake Reservoir Guide Curves for Case with & without SWL Increase 15 6 SEAPA System Load and Total Area Hydro Generation Capability 19 7 Future SEAPA System Excess Hydro Generation Available to Fill Large Swan Reservoir 21 8 Swan Lake Project Land Boundary Map 23 9 Obermeyer Gates 25 Table Title 0. Summary Table 5 Attribute Table 6 1 Simple Storage Benefit Comparison 13 2 Swan Generation for Case 330 ft and 345 ft 13 3 Tyee Winter & Summer Generation for Two Cases 15 4 Additional Generation Schedule at Tyee 16 5 Tyee Generation with Added Summer Component 16 6 Historic Generation and Precipitation for Swan Lake and KPU Hydro 17 7 SEAPA Area Hydro Conditions 18 8 Future Spill and Diesel Generation 20 9 30-Year Average Energy Available to Displace Diesel 22 10 Proposed Reservoir Full Pool Elevations and Corresponding PMF Elevations 24 11 License Amendment Schedule 24 12 Dam Elevations and PMF Elevations 25 13 Construction and Engineering Costs 26 14 Benefit and Cost Summary 27 15 Raise Option Attributes vs. Full Pool Levels 29 Southeast Alaska Power Agency 3 December 2012 Append'Ices and References Appendix Title Af Swan Laka Hydraulic Model A2 Tyee Lake Hyd rauifc Model Bf Swan Lak¢ USGS Gage &CAI Report Synthetic Inflows 62 Tyee Lake IECo Design Criteria 63 SEAPA Case Study Load- Resource Tablas Ct Swan Lake Survey Plat C2 Boundary Map References Southeast Alaska Integrated Resource Plan htt '//vwvw k th 't .orc/southaastlRP. html McMillan Engineering Feasibility Study http'//www saaoahvtlro-oro/current reports. htm Swan Lake FERC License 29t'I Katchikan Public Util[ties, Bailey Dispatch C¢nter Operating tlata, 1990 to 2022 Tyae Lake Operations Data, 2007 to 20'12 KPU Power Supply Planning Study, RW Beck, t996 Swan-Tyae Economic Analysis, Commonwealth Associates, Inc., March 2006 Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Environm¢ntal Studies htt '// 1 i w s i tes com/swanlak¢ html Southeast Alaska Po war Agency 4 De camber 2022 SEAPA is a nonprofit Joint Action Agency that delivers wholesale power to the municipal utilities of Petersburg, Wrangell, and Ketchikan in Alaska. SEAPA has conducted preliminary engineering, license amendment, and system integration studies in the pursuit of expanding the Swan Lake reservoir. After one year of effort and an expense of SEAPA funds totaling $375,000, we continue to promote expanding the reservoir at Swan Lake. The expanded reservoir will add additional water for winter hydro generation that will displace up to 10,000 Mth of diesel generation on an average basis, during larger eater years up to 12,000 MWh of diesel generation will be displaced. The Swan Lake Storage Increase Project ('Project') is not meant as a complete solution to the long-term diesel exposure forecasted for the SEAPA region, rather the Project is part of an overall plan to integrate and enhance existing and proposed projects. This additional storage will enhance future run -of -the -river and limited storage projects proposed for the region that otherwise would not displace enough -future diesel generation to justify construction and operating costs. This report identifies the 15 ft raise option as the best alternative for increasing storage capacity at Swan Lake. Within the analysis, a preliminary engineering review identifies a FERC factor of safety limit relating to dam strength that curtails cost effective raise options above 23 ft, The dam could be modified for more than 23 feet, but construction costs to accommodate the factor of safety will greatly exceed the added generation benefit. As shown in the Summary Table below, the analysis investigated three dam height increases, 10 ft, 15 ft, and 20 ft; these increases would raise the full pool level from the existing 330 ft level to 340 ft, 345 ft, and 350 ft respectively. --------------------------------- = ------------------- Reservoir Full Pool Option 330 340 345 360 Active Storage (ac-ft) 86,000 100,500 107,600 114,600 % Increase in Storage 0% 17% 25% 33% increased Generation (Annual average in MWh) Case C-Whitman + 20 yr. limited Power Purchase 0 5,677 7,463 8,820 Case D- Whitman + PP+ 2030 Generic Hydro 0 6,613 9,955 12,871 Case E-Whitman + 2030 Generic 0 6,358 8,814 10,872 Case F-2030 Generic 0 5,298 7,397 9,677 Construction & Engineering Cost ($M) 0 6.00 10.60 16.50 License Amendment & Permitting ($M) 0 0.78 1.17 1.29 Total Project Cost ($M) 0 6.78 11.77 17.79 Value of Annual Displaced Diesel (15 kWh/gal $4/gal fuel 0 $1,120,000 $1,920,000 $1,973,333 cost) Annual Financing Charge (50% of Total project Cost, 30 $0 $257,232 $446,526 $674,732 year term, 6.5%) SEAPA Additional Sales, case C ($68/MWh) 0 $386,022 $507,5111 $599,736 en f, (SEAPA ale -Case Finance 0 t P s -C Cl Vc s S ' 5 ' ' _(360) C) c S m Table _ B nef t n C s r the ft 34�), Ma 10 (34 and 2 raise ft 0 f' 166 e ha K k ss 1 P tonPP an w r t e i �e s Power ao n lulled ree re load b �l of a 'I , ance case : I ut ut s s the �e ric V has a 01 annual ua P tudle ne hydro , 4V;� GWh 00 f Go 000% n 0 lyr). Southeast Alaska Power Agency 5 December 2012 While the 10 ft raise option poses less financial risk to SEAPA because costs are lower, this option displaces 60% less diesel generation than the 15 ft option. When all other Option attributes (see Attribute Table) are considered, including cost, the III' ft option is the best reservoir increase option, Option Attribute 345 350 Refills with average inflow if drafted to El 272 ft using excess generation of 2.7 aMW from June 15 to Nov 15 Yes no Relies on above average inflow to refill No yes Dependent on case D and E to realize benefit over cost No yes Provides flexibility to integrate future h dro projects ves-better es -beef Attribute Table - Reservoir raise attributes vs. full pool levels of 345 ft (115 ft raise) and 350 ft (20 ft raise), III! IIIIII ;I I !I IRIVIIII I I I I I I I I 0 25% increase in storage improves SEAPA system hydro operations flexibility a Shifts between 7,000 111 to 10,000 MWh on an average basis of summer excess hydro generation (spill) to winter generation over the course of a 30-year period starting in 2016; the range represents future possible scenarios 0 Benefits just cover the costs if the State of Alaska assists all a level of 50% funding for the construction, engineering, and licensing costs. Benefits assessed by increased winter SEAPA sales at $68/MWh. if displaced diesel generation is the measurement bar, the project has a benefit over total cost ratio of 2.1. a SEAPA is currently in the license amendment process; filing of the amendment initial Consultation Document is scheduled for March 2013; filing the license amendment is scheduled for January 2014 0 Project is consistent with the major findings of the 2011 SEIRP • Business plan for IPP - enhances hydro based IPP proposals • SEAPA system has a storage deficit - key finding of SEIRP • Enhances the already funded and partially complete Whitman Project -o Load forecasts include Kake and therefore this project assists with the future integration of the kake-Petersburg intertie SEAPA Staff Recommendation: SEAPA staff recommends puirsuirig the 15 ft option under the following future scenario: At least orre new hydro resource, in addition to Whitman, to be constructed by 2030: if this occurs, then adding storage at Swan will both displace future winter diesel generation and increase SEAPA revenue such that the benefits outweigh the costs. By the end of May 2013, agency feedback from the Initial Consultation Document submittal will help us to better estimate forthcoming Project settlement costs. Depending on the settlement costs, and from observing real progress on Whitman, and from initial feedback regarding the SEAPA led RFO (Power Purchase) initiative, we will be able make a final determination as to whether we I should proceed with the Project, If the Project is to proceed, then under most a December 2012 Southeast Alaska Poilver Agency forward conditions, the reservoir will be expanded to a new nominal full pool elevation of 345 feet SEAPA hydro generating stations, Swan Lake and Tyee Lake, supply the majority share of electricity for the interconnected region: Ketchikan-to-Wrangell-to-Petersburg, Alaska. This region is experiencing a significant shift in load type. Historically (pre-2005 for Ketchikan and pre-2007 for Petersburg and Wrangell) winter loads were less than summer loads, as summer loads included significant fish processing while winter loads were held low by relatively inexpensive fuel oil - sourced space heating. Winter loads have greatly increased and have surpassed the slowly growing summer loads, while fuel oil prices have steadily climbed such that heating is now more cost effective using hydro -sourced electricity. Diesel fuel generated electricity is now four times more expensive than SEAPA wholesale energy. As winter loads continue to increase and exceed hydro capacity, use of diesel generation for space heating compounds the problem as diesel fueled generators are significantly less efficient than oil fired boilers. Winter demand has grown such that even with the combined resources of Swan Lake and Tyee Lake, Ketchikan must rely or supplemental diesel generation in late winter and early spring. Additionally, as Petersburg and Wrangell winter loads increase, a capacity shortfall will occur, especially when temperatures drop to near 0 'IF The projected trend is for increasing levels of winter and spring diesel generation. During the winter, shag p reservoir draw -down occurs because turbine discharges greatly exceed reservoir inflows, Later in the spring and summer, snow melt recharges the reservoirs. Later in the fall, Tyee and Swan Lake are subject to spill as wet season inflows exceed storage capacity even though the reservoirs were essentially empty the previous spring. This cycle of diesel generation followed by spill events will be the pattern for the foreseeable future. Increasing reservoir storage is one way to "shift" excess hydro capacity as spill to displaced diesel generation later the following winter. The Swan Lake reservoir was selected as a potential site for construction of additional storage as it may provide a cost effective method to gain up to 33% in active storage. Sec.tion 2 Swan Project Description 2A Project Characteristic and History The Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC License No. 2911, referred to as 'Swan Lake' or `11,3vvan' herein) is located on Revillagigedo Island at the head of Carrol[ Inlet, about 22 miles northeast of the city of Ketchikan. Primary facilities include a 174-foot tall concrete thin arch dam, a 2,217-foot long, I! -foot diameter power tunnel, and a powerhouse with two generating units having a combined nominal generating capacity of 25 MVA. Swan Lake has an estimated average output of 76,000 MWh', and 86,000 ac-ft of active storage if the entire operating range, from reservoir elevation 271.5 feet to elevation 330.0 feet is utilized. Of principal interest in this 1 Simple average of 2001 to 2009 generation corresponds with the recent D. little evaluation. Southeast Alaska., 'Dower Agency 7 Decor; fiber 20 Q report are the dam' naservoir, and the hydraulic passage as increasing storage cdSwan Lake affects +these project components. Near the end of project construction, the State of Alaska under the department of the Alaska Power Autkorbv, assumed ownership of the project from Kefchikan and began oornnm*sroia| operation in June 1984. Ownership transferred from the State to he Four [)onn Pool Power Agency in 2002, and SEAPA assumed ownership when the FDPPA was restructured in 2009. During preliminary licensing, RVV Beek, considered the inclusion of Grace [eke into the project but this was quickly dropped as the combined project (22.5 K8VV + 25 K8VV) was too large for even long-term load forecasts. Atthat time, FERC expressed concern that the limited storage in Swan Lake may necessitate future development VfGrace Lake. In issuing the license, FEFlC disagreed with the [}epa�nnentofInterior regarding the risk of!|rm�ingthe capacity of Swan Lake. FEF7C stated the small increase in captured inflow /5%\from o potentially larger licensed capacity at Swan Lake vvuu/d not eliminate a future need for additional hydroelectric raoournea, including those oJGrace Lake which increased project outpuibv7O'OOOMVVhu In 1095, a KpU Power Planning study reviewed Grace Lake options but did not move forward with this large expansion. Misty Fiords federal designation as a National Monument (197E) precludes hydroelectric development within rnonunnent boundaries, aO KPU chose not tofurther pursue Grace Lake options. Also, the postponement ofplans for the extraction ofmolybdenum from Quartz Hill probably had an impact on the preliminary planning of Grace Lake. To aurnrnahze, major Swan Lake attributes such as capacity and storage have always been discussed within the context ofload characteristic and whether prnot Grace Lekewould be part of the Swan oyahsnn, At this time it is quite uncertain 'that o lend exchange could be executed that would allow the Grace Lake project to move forward. In light of that large legislative hmni1e, this analysis anounnee no additional water will be available from Grace Lake. One thing vxe do know is that a larger Swan Lake reservoir will make integration of e future Grace Lake project easier re�her than more difficult. 2.2 Dam Right Abutment and Original Storage Increase Intent Swan Lake darn is not synnrnnthc meaning the left and rightabutrnentodo not both have rook extending above the dam. The dam height stops at elevation 344 ftvvhioh is grade level on the right abutment. A parapet wall 3.5 ft higher than the dam completes the structure. The dam to8N have been constructed higher, but this would require building Up a concrete abutment block that would act much |ihS -the rook on the |e# e|Ue of the darn (looking doYvnctnaarn). We have not reviewed original dam design !ntentoorrespondence. but i1ioeasy tospeculate that dam height determination was impacted by: Ketohiken loads at the time had little to no heating component, State capital oms{ curtailments of the 1983-84 time frame' and the faot that the project was large for the long-term needs of Kntohikmn if diesel fuel costs did not escalate to a high degree. As it turned out, diesel costs did not escalate but fell in real terms. Owen Lake was not fully dispatched in front of diesel until the year 2000 as evidenced by the low annual output and significant project spill up to 2000. Hindsight shows that RVVBeck sized the darn well for the conditions nfthe period. Now 32 years later as SEAPA staff reviewed storage options, one idea was to Increase storage by adding a rubber dam to plug the existing open ogee spillway. This coat -effective option vvoW|d not increase structural concrete nnthe right abutment, andvxoUld have B limited scope Southeast! Alaska Power Agency 8 Deoanrber20,112 license amendment process. Passing high spill flows, which occur during the probable maximum flood (PMF) ware thought tc be accomplished by deflating the dam. A prelim (nary engineering review quickly dismissed th[s option as the rubber dam cannot pass the same PMF flows fora given flood elevation, and rubber dams are prone to snagging large root -ball type flood debris. Changing the rubber tlam to a traditional roller gat¢ configuration was not a solution as too much water backed -up behind the dam during the PMF causing ov¢r-topping of the existing parapet wall. The McMillen Engineering feasibilky report referenced in Section 5 suggests Obermeyer type control gates be placed in the existing ogee spillway to pass PMF flows reliably. Figure f shows the spillway slot where the Obermeyer gates wculd be installed. Figure t- Swan Lake Og¢¢ Spillway Slot Section 3 SEAPA System CFtaracteristics 3.'1 Last In Olspatch Order S EAPA's hydroelectric projects ar¢ dispatched last in the ragion's hydroelectric resource stack. This is beta use the Power Sales Agreement (PSA) between SEAPA and the member utilities stipulates that hydroelectric plants existing before the construction of the Tyee Lake and Swan Lake projects should ba fully utilized (original municipal benefit preserved) before the members are required to purchase SEAPA energy. The effect of this requirement is that shifts in weather have a dual impact on SEAPA operations. As shown in Figures 2, suppose an unforeseen early warm front hits the area in April, overall load decreases (Impact t), and KPU (as tloes PMPL with Blind Slough) increases g¢neration because mor¢ water is availabl¢ (impact 2); this has a double reduction effect in reducing the net load to SEAPA. if this warm front ware to occur during th¢ November to January period, spill woultl occur because SEAPA fills reservoirs for the winter heating season, and SEAPA has no outlet for the sudden surplus in hydroelectric energy. Therefore, adtlitional storage provides greater operational flexibility that mitigates the combined affects of inflow uncertainty coupled with the PSA directed dispatch order. Southeast Alaska Power Agency 9 Oacamber 2012 KPU Load Balance March 1 to May 1, 2012 zs 3 f z zs ._. .� _ ._. � _ � .� _, c ;;�__� a �. � _ ��� �' �'`�'' �� �- M������� a m a a a a a a a a a a a aa�SEAPAeKport Into 0a11eyeMVJ ®KW1 M/6o JMW �KpU-Loetl eMW F lgure 2 - Warm, wet weather dee roasea KTN loatl and KPU increases hydro genarotlon, a double roductlon In load to SEAPA. Southeast A/®sKa Power Agency tD � Oacambar 20t2 S.2 Load Not Golncldant with Inflows Over the course of the year, inflows are not coincident with loads; larger inflows occur when loads are low, and lower inflows occur when loads are high. Examples of coincidence and non - coincidence: Coincident - a) Spring run-off and high, early summer irrigation pumping b) Late season fish processing and eery fall precipitation Not Coincidant— a) Winter freeze-up antl space heating Baca use our load profile is shifting towards winter space heating, our future loads will be even less coincident with inflow. This means wa ar¢ likely to have surplus hydro in th¢ late fall for an extended period. if a new hydroplant is constructed in the future, the spill and diesel cycle will be repeatetl. Increasing storage at Swan Lak¢ allows SEAPA to "shift" wet season spilled water to winter heating capability. Figure 3 shows the relationship of inflow to load for the Tyee Lake Hydro Project. Historic average annual inflow is approximately 117,000 ac-ft, active reservoir storage is 52,000 ac-ft, or in terms of numb¢r of tank -fills of fuel, Tyee receives on average 2% tanks (52,000'2.25 = 117,000 ao—ft). Note that in th¢ model generat¢d graph, the full range of res¢rvoir is usetl yet spill occurred in the October -to -November time frame. Even with future load��g rowth, SEAPA expects to spill during the October -to -November period ai our Ty¢e facility. As explained later in the report, increasing storage at Swan will retluce spill events at Tyee. ryM Lalta Hydro Opleatlons - 1400 - - /� "pia 1390 � 13H0 b•-kn:;— �z: 1.;t 1:enk � /oA t""n 1370 1/n Lank 1380 } 1350 6 l 360 Y¢ry - 133D �_" Light Heavy 1320 Loads Winter W 1310 Loads � 1300 � 1290 Light to Moderate Loads ��� � 12a0 K 1270 Heavy Winter Loads 1260 1250 ltl tr31 32 �It 5ft � t BI30 7130 aI29 9/2H 1�'2a 1V2] 12IT! TY'� ut+asa.wwir ae xb+� Flgura 3 - 3ystam load filming and seasonal Inflows to Tyae Laka Southeast A/asKa Power Agency t1 Oecambar2012 3.3 Plan consistent with the SMRP The recently completed Southeast Alaska Integrated Resource Plan ('SEIR p,) 3 reviewed our region's hydro capability, load profiles, economic activity, and population growth. This report, which provides the foundation of future planning, emphasized reservoir storage as a critical finding pointing to a regional storage capacity shortfall. This Project is consistent with that report in calling for a cost-effective storage expansion at Swan Lake. 3.4 New Projects have a Stranded Portion of Output Unless a new hydro project is offsetting existing thermal load (diesel), a portion of the output will be underutilized. In Southeast Alaska this occurs during spring runoff or during the fall wet season, or as with Tyee in the first 20 years of operation, may be underutilized for the entire June through November period. The proposed additional storage at Swan would shift this excess summer and fall output into the winter. The new Project would generate during the summer and fall such that a reduced electrical output from Swan Lake would allow refilling the larger reservoir. In the very near term, the new plant would be the Whitman project. As this plant became fully utilized, then the next hydro plant would fulfill the roll of replacing the Swan Lake "turn -down" thus avoiding stranding a portion of the under-utilized capacity of the newest plant. At this time it is uncertain whether Whitman will be constructed, or if constructed, what the generating capabilities will be. T his analysis used six case studies to cover various continaencies that include: A -No resource changes B-Just Whitman C-Whitman +.5-4 MW variable Power Purchase (PP) D-Whitman + PP + New Generic Hydro E-Whitman - Generic Hydro F-Generic Hydro only hese cases were analyzed for each raise option - 10 ft, 15 ft, and 20 ft. I So- "o-ri, 4 Ber-tefit yahu!el Anallysis 'benefit (value) in this report means additional SEAPA sales at $68/MWh that result from displacing future winter diesel generation. SEAPA expects to contribute 50% of the project capital costs to license, design, and construct the dam modifications necessary to increase reservoir storage, Benefits (SLEAPA sales) then must accrue over the year to pay for the 50% capital financing. 4A Simple Value of Storage If 15 or 20 extra feet of water were to magically appear behind the dam at Swan Lake, how much electric output does this extra water volume represent? This extra water will be available for aeneration at Swan Lake because Swan output will be reduced during the summer and fall to allow the larger reservoir to refill. The reduced output will be replaced first by increased output from Tyee Lake, then from any new hydro resources that are brought on-line. Put 3 Available from the Alaska Energy Authority website. Southeast Alaska Power Agency -12 December2072 another way, the larger reservoir captures spill that would have occurred at Tyee Lake,,, or a future new plant. Plant Reservoir Model Curve Additional Additional Efficiency Full Pool Storage Storage Energy Value Kf-kWJcfs Elevation ac-ft ac-ft MWh $68/MWh 22.6 330 86,000 0 0 0 22.8 335 93,350 7,350 1;943 $132,098 23.1 340 100,500 14,500 3,905 $265,567 23.5 345 107,600 21,600 5,905 $401,567 23.9 350 114,600 28,600 7,925 $538,905 Table I - Simple Storage Benefit Comparison There is much more to the story than the values of Table I This simplistic calculation does not account for head benefits that accrue during the course of the year or show the benefits that result from greater operational flexibility which absorb volatile Southeast Alaska infl a. a occurred not only at Swan Lake, but at any of the region's interconnected hydro projects. An assumption has been made that extra summer generation is available now and in the future which allows normal inflows to refill the larger Swan reservoir, this assumption is covered in the next sections. 4.2 Hydraulic Model Results A case study was performed to understand the best reservoir increase option. Ten feet, fifteen feet, and 20 feet raise options were compared to a base case where no modification to the dam is undertaken (full pool of 330 ft.). Since each model case is laborious in explanation, the, 15 ft raise option (full pool of 345 ft.) is explained fully. A daily average generation and inflow model4 Was used to quantify the effects of raising the full pool elevation of Swan Lake, The original condition case is a reservoir with a full pool elevation of 330 ft; the second case is a full pool elevation of 345 ft. Both cases used the same inflow, a synthetic series developed as an expected condition for the Swan Basin ; 5 each case had the same reservoir operational constraints as listed immediately below: a minimum operating level of 273 ft, (271.5 ft is the FERC license limit) 2. ' an end target level equal to the start level (could not use next years water Swan Summer Swan Winter Swan : Start & End Comparison of Generation Generation Total Swan Cases, 345 May I to Nov 30 Dec 1 to April 30 Generation Elevation ft and 330 ft. MWh MWh MWh ft 345 Reservoir 20,130 51,149 71,280 335 330 Reservoir 29,454 40,769 70,223 318 Difference -9,323 10,380 1,057 17 Table 2 - Swan Generation for Case 330 ft and Case 346 ft ' Written by D TIA in /2006 for FDPPA (Terror Lake); modified for Swan and Tyee, and verified with actual perform ance-rn ode I comparisons. See, Appendix Al for details of the Swan Lake hydraulic model. ., Commonwealth Associates, Inc. Intertie Study 2006, synthetic inflow correlated to rain data. Southeast Alaska Power Agency 13 Decembar 201' 2 As shown in Table 2 above, Case 345 compared to Case 330 has a significant decrease in summer generation (9,323 MWh), but a significant increase in winter generation (10,336 KAWh). Overall Swan Lake annual generation is about the same (1.55% difference). Figure 4 shows each reservoir guide curve (dotted line) that prioritizes generation in the winter months, yet allows the reservoir to refill (same starting and ending elevations). These guide curves were developed by repetitive simulations using a range of historic inflows from the Falls Creek USGS gage.6 Historic floe were corrected for the difference in drainage area that resulted from project construction. Recent inflows were calculated from Swan Lake operational data to augment the historic data. From this inflow record we know the guide curve captures inflow uncertainty to 1 5% below expected inflow (65% of the time generation will exceed the guide curve generation value). The key to the expanded reservoir option is that future Swan Lake generation is decreased ("a turn down") from present operation (330 ft option) during the summer months to allovu the proposed larger reservoir to refill, and it has been assured 9,323 MWh is available within the system to allow refill during the summer. The extra winter generation (10,380 l' Wh) is then available as a 100% diesel displacement. For the gain in winter generation, we must find additional summer generation in the system. The first place to look is Tyee Lake, which has been spilling every year during the summer and fall since 1934. 350 - 340— - 330 LU 320 0 310 300 290 280 -{ - Swan lake Hydro Operations Swan "turn -down" allows refill of larger 345 f reservoir 270 , 111 1/17 2/2 2118 3/6 3/22 4/7 4/23 519 5/25 6/10 6/26 7/12 7/28 8/13 8/29 9/14 9/3010/1611/11111712/312/19 114 .346 Reservoir Elev. 345 rule Curve 330 Reservoir Eiev. 330 rule Curve Figure 4 m Swan make generation and inflow -storage model (daily average). Dotted lines deviate from guide curves when inflows deviate from historical average. Solid lines are for the inflow case at 16% below expected. During love inflow years (up to 15% less than expected conditions) the reservoir will refill for winter operation with a 9323 MWh turn down. A hydraulic -generation model was used to verify that additional summer generation; was available at Tyee Lake. As with the Swan Labe model, both Tyee cases had to refill prior to the 6 USGS Gage 15070000, source details listed in Appendix B1. Southeast AiaskaPower Agency 14 December 2012 winter heating season, and both cases drafted to the same elevation (1,270 ft). Table 3 lists both cases, which more than refilled (above the January start elevation of 1,365 ft), ancf both cases have nearly identical winter generation levels; the principal difference is that the Tyee case with additional summer generation converts 11,400 ac ft of spill to over 11,700 M\A/h of generation. This exceeds the 9,323 MWh requirement of the Swan model and verifies that existing excess Tyee capacity would be available and coincident with the Swan Lake "turn- down" requirement. Modeled Tyee Generation and Water Levels Tyee Cases, 2013 (Base) and Winter Summer Total Start End Spill future year with additional Generation Generation Generation Elev. Elev. surnmer generation MWh M\(\/h MWh ft ft ac-ft Base Case (2013 Expected) 73,136 46,421 119,557 1365.0 1378.5 11,632 2013 + Additional Summer Gen. 73,136 58,133 131,269 1365.0 11376.7 224 difference 0 11,712 141,712 0 -2 -1 '11,408 Table 3 - Tyee winter and summer generation for base case and base + additional summer generation A plot of Tyee Lake reservoir elevations for both model cases is shown in Figure 5. The model is constrained to prioritize winter generation and to refill for the next winter heating season. The inflow case is based on the original generation estimate provided as the basis for construction.' Spill in the model occurs at elevation 1396 (all additional storage lost); in reality spill seepage starts at elevation 1,387 and increases to visual spill through a restrictive log jam. Tyee Lake Hydro Opperations-Reserve i. Elevat, 4 0 - J E 10 �51 NL ---------------- i DID - 1290 Oy- 1 fa 12_ 12 u , 4 12 1 --E, 4 2 2 2 7 23 411 12' &20 9,1114 10' 11, sl�se Bases .Adid'i Surnmer Gen., Sout,beast Alaska Power Agency 15 Decembei-2012 Figure 6 - Tyee Lake water levels for the two generation cases of Table 3 7 IECo Hydraulic Design Criteria lor Tyee Lake, see Appendix B2. Table 4 below lists increased nominal monthly summer generation values which total to the 11,712 MWh and correspond to the dark trace for reservoir level shown in Figure 5. Increased Tyee Generation Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov total n - aMVk1 2 9 4 4 2 -- MWh 1,440 1,488 1,488 2,880 2,976 1,440 11 712-- Table 4 - Additional Generation Schedule at 'yes to Refill the Larger Swan Lake Reservoir If the additional Tyee summer generation values of Table 4 are added to expected 2013 generation levels at Tyee, the values of Table 5 result, which total to 131,269 MWh, Just shy of the expected case modeled value of 133,020 MWh. Please see Appendix A2 for expected Tyee generation details. Expected 2013 Tyee Generation aMW MWh Expected + Summer Generation Summer Total Gen. Case aMW aMW NAWh Jan 18.5 13,764 0 18.5 13,764 Feb 18.5 12,432 0 18.5 12,432 Mar 18,5 13,764 0 18.5 13,764 Apr 17 12,240 0 17 12,240 May 9.64 7,172 0 9.64 7,172 Jun 7,35 5,292 2 9,35 61732 Jul 12 . 41 9,233 2 14A1 10,721 Aug 12.51 9,307 2 14,51 10,795 Sep 9.119 6,617 4 13,19 9,497 Oct 9,38 6,979 4 13.38 9,955 Nov 1149 8,993 2 14.49 10,433 Dec 18.5 13,764 0 18.5 133,764 119,557 131,269 Table 5 - 2013 Tyee Generation woutltl Added Summer Component to Refill Swan Lake Tyee Lake and Swan Lake, as mentioned before, dispatch last in the SEAPA system; spill at these plants, therefore represents total system spM. The principal question is then, "How long until summer load growth reduces SEAPA systern excess hydro, capability? Summer excess hydro (spill) that would be used to refill the larger Swan Lake reservoir will be reduced in the future due to load growth, but later in our planning window we expect new hydro resources to be brought into the system, New hydro resources will bring a component of excess summer generation that will then be used to refill the expanded Swan Lake reservoir. The preceding sections explained how excess capability at one hydro station within the SEAPA system (Tyee Lake) can be used to shift excess summer generation to winter generation using a larger Swan Reservoir. T o estimate the long-term value of the Swan reservoir expansion, a System approach is required. Our system approach will use monthly average hydro generation as defined in section 4.3, and a reference case load forecast as defined in Section 4.4. These Southeast Aiaska Power Agency 16 December 204 2 1 metrics will then be used to determine the extent of future excess hydro, available for rechearging the expanded Swan Lake reservoir. 4.3 Average Generation Corrected to Average Precipitation Swan Lake annual generation averaged for the period 1999 to 2011 was 74,964 MWh, bull during this same period the average spill at Swan Lake was 55,544 ac ft, (64% of the total storage)!, Converting the average spill volume to energy yields 14,435 MWh of under-utilized water at Swan Lake; therefore the total available hydro, generation at Swan Lake from 1999 to 2011 was 89,400 MWh. A check of the weather for this period indicates the region was slightly wetter than average; the average precipitation at the Ketchikan airport from 1999 to 2011 was 166.3 inches; the historic average is 153.5 inches. Indexing" Swan Lake generation and spill to the historic average precipitation at the airport reduces the expected output of E"wan Lakc- from 89,400 MVVh to 82,506 MWh. KPU hydro generation was also indexed from the period average of 77,167 MWh to 71,216 MWh. Year KPU Hydro MWh Swan Lake Gen (MVVh) Swan Lake spill (ac-ft) Swan Lake Spill (MWh) Swan Lake Total (MWH) PAKT Rain (inL 1999 74,575 62,615 104,406 26,939 89,554 187 2000 76,858 81,644 16,963 4,377 86,021 170 2001 77,999 81,079 64,974 17,105 98,184 184 2002 65,083 73,349 61,752 16,256 89,605 154 2003 76,970 77,311 58,267 15,339 92,650 155 2004 71,429 80,174 19,050 5,015 85,189 156 2005 79,680 74,488 92,061 24,697 99,185 196 2006 79,790 80,312 4,499 1,137 81,449 162 2007 793967 79,164 68,931 17,786 96,950 169 2008 83,681 65,625 113,079 29,177 94,802 165 2009 78,883 76,556 0 0 76,556 143 2010 75,839 74,345 33,530 8,471 82,816 150 2011 82,413 67,874 84,555 21,362 89,235 171 2012 11,338 Avg. 77,167 74,964 55,544 14,435 89,400 1663 min 65,083 62,615 0 0 76,556 143 max 83,681 81,644 113,079 29,177 99,185 196 Average period precip. for KTN Airport, (PAKT) inches => 166.3 Long term Historic average precip. for PAKT inches => 153.5 Table 6 - Historic Generation and precipitation data for Swfan Lake and KPU Hydro 8 Historic average precipitation at Swan Lake is 166 inches/year; the assumption is that when drier years occur in Ketchikan, these yea.rs will correspond to drier conditions at Swan Lake and at the Ketchikan Lakes and Silvis basins. Southeast Alaska Power Agency 17 December- 20-12 Table 6 lists the region's expected hydro capability. Swan Lake average generation (322,506 MWh) is shown in Table 7' as two numbers: 70,716 MWh which represents an average output consistent with both hydraulic models and Table 6 values, and 11,790 MWh which is an at-nount that represents the spill portion, evident in Table 6 that could be captured by the proposed expansion. Tyee is entered as 133,000 MWh consistent with IECo design and our mocJeling work. Existing and Proposed Hydro Resources (Capacity and Energy) Capacity, Energy (MWh) SEAPA Area Hydro Resources MW Low Expected High Existing KPU Hydro corrected for avg. at KAPT. 13 65,083 71,216 83,681 Existing Modeled SWIL Inflows and sys. Dispatch 24 62,615 70,716 817644 Existing Modeled Tyee Inflows and System Dispatch 24 111,500 133,020 135,000 Existing Blind Slough 2 10,956 12,285 13,530 Existing Transmission, Transformer, & Plant Losses 0 -10,447 -12,224 -12,999 _Existing........ . Net Hydro . ..... . 63 ... ... .. ... . Energy currently available for refill of the Proposed Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion 0 3,600 11,790 28,000' Building Whitman 4 5,957 '11,629 17,500 2017 Net hydro 66.9 249,264 294,142 328,356 Notes: KPU Hydro corrected to 20 yrs, of KAPT rain gage to represent an average. SVVL Lake output (70,716) is from a model to match the historic average output; the remaining resource (spill) is listed under Proposed - Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion. Only 7,500 MWh (future average available for refill) is included in the resource total for the expected inflow condition. Minimum Swan expansion is due to head benefit (3,600 Mk/Vh). Tyee generation based on hydraulic model Whitman Excess generation (spill) will be converted to displaced diesel if no spill from Tyee or Swan is available Table 7 - SEAPA Area Hydro Conditions 4.4 Load Forecast and Total Hydro Capability The SEIRP contained a reference case load -forecast for the, SEAPA region which was developed by Black & Veatch (B&V). This reference case (between the high and low cases) contained a steep rise in loads until 2015, then a constant .5% escalation until 2030; after 2030 an annual escalation of 25% was used. SEAPA modified the B&V load forecast for this analysis to have a uniform .5% annual load increase until 2050. The modified load -forecast includes Fake, but does not include Metlakatla. Load forecasts and hydro resources are shown in Figure 6, which also includes the low and high regional hydro generation cases. The ramp in hydro capability is due to the addition of the \Nhitman and Swan Lake Reservoir It Projects. 9 28;000 MWh is the amount of energy that would be spilled during high water years at Swan Lake. This value has been met or exceeded in the past, ­Fhis energy is a phantom value however as during very high years there is simply too much water available at all the hydro prrqjects; this deluge overvkfhetms a prudently sized hydro systern. Southeast Alaska Pow( ar Agency is De--c-mber 2012 SEAPA GeMrol Area -Annual Rssaun:e-laced Balance '. ascaoc ' 3 3rx1.Jo¢ = 3acZ.a6C �. ' +� .'.'_`8:_E.c .JK:Y-��I:-JI; YK-Yf Y;-JK-JK N:-�K.�JK V�� 'r` 3ffii L tl : 5. L8a �1CLv.^SLt3-r_ �. EG-.- J COG _ _ _. t .... _ _ ... ._ =C_.^. 2EII5 233C 2D'25 3t)3rl 2035 2U4O dU35 2US: —Hda'V P.Ra.(1 "-Cd SG�6 [a �CE+C —>k— 6b1'J Ladd P41_ Fcs[ L;J,.v nx dra E rv� c[c d Hydr= N jgh %pda � CRus'LnQd !MYTH) F 19ura 6 -Loads and resources for the SEAPA re91on As shown in Figure 6, SEAPA regional loads have reached the expected or nonnal condition hydro capability poi of of 275.0'13 MWh. During the next few years diesel generation will ba more antl more likely to occur and to occur in aver increasing amounts. Even after Whitman and tYl¢ Swan LakEi Reservoir Increase Projects are added, the expected case falls well short of projected Toads. 4.5 Future Exceas Hydro (spill) Available for Swan Lake Storage Future excess hydro as spilletl en¢rgy depends on three factors: f) Inflow volumes vary greatly depending on weather; this analysis uses inflows that correspond to historical average generation. 2) Load Forecast —should reflect the ¢conomic trend which can deviate over the long farm; this analysis uses a modified (in creasetl) 68V SEIRP reference case loatl forecast. 3) A portion of the output from proposed (futur¢) hydro projects cannot be fully utilized unless there is y¢ar-round thermal ganaraticn to displace. The SEAPA system at the present time is 99% hydro sourced, thus stra nd¢d generation has to wait for load growth unless new storage sources are developed that shifts summer excess hydro to wint¢r generation, This analysis uses the licensed but reduced Whitman plant schetluled for 20f5 and a limited storage "9¢neric hydro" of 50 GWh scheduled for 2030 as new resource additions. Southeast A/asKa Powa�Agency t 9 Oecambar 2012 Futu r¢ system spill was calculated by subtracting future loads from the expected case Flytlro value. Monthly tabulations of hydro resources ar¢ based on computer models and have been veri£ad with actual operations data. On a monthly basis, hydro raso urces, less loads, either result in a surplus or a deficit. Winter surpluses were summ¢d into the summer and then spilled if summer loatls did not consume the surplus; this is consistent with our actual reservoir storage constraints. Winter deficits era counted as diesel generation. Presently our reservoirs are empty by late Spring and spilling by late fall. .Ian Fab Mar Rpr 54ay Ju[x Jte1 Auy 5cV 20Y,' 4• _ l a�: .. - 2U tL _ ,Aa: - -.pCc 2c 298E znsa _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _. pnza .. -_ .., .. ... e _r . - �- ., ,.. Table 8 — Futu ra Spill and Dlasal Generation (red text Is diesel ®aneratlon; black taxi {s spill). Whitman Protect projected to be online In 2015. A modeling period of 39 years was used to correspond with a 30-year financing plan. Figure 7 shows actual 2011 and 20t2 SEAPA system spilled energy compared to the expected case analysis spilled energy <solid black line). For 20t 1, the model projected a spill value of 26,3t2 MWh but actual spilled energy totaled 45,454 MWh. Actual 20t2 spill was 53,796 MWh while the expected case spilled energy for 2012 is 19,272 MWh; 20>2 was a vary high Inflow years This comparison confirms the high case hydro capability previously listed in Tables 7, and also intlicatas the difficulty in predicting spill just one year into the future. Both traces (solid and dotted) use the SEAPA modified reference case load forecast and average inflow hydro conditions. The difference is the dotted line has Whitman and the generic hydro project included; Wh[tman starts in 20t 5, the generic project starts in 2030. The result of this analysis indicates there will be insufficient excess hydro to refill raise options t5 ft and greater if no new hydro projects are brought on-line. If new projects are constructed, then system spill will ba available antl than offset winter diesel. Tha generic hydro plant �O used in this analysis has an annual output of 50 GWh from arun-of river conftguration, comes on-line In 2030, and during the first year displaces t6,052 MWh of diesel generation without the Swan Lake expansion. An additional t0,000 MWh of diesel generation is displaced when the affects of the expantled Swan Lake reservoir are taken into account. 1O Consistent with SEIRP antl the recant Dapartm ent of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Grant Process to tletartnine the best hydro alternative for Southeast Alaska. Southeast Alaska Power Agency 20 Oecembar 20>2 A�ue1 a..d Fueer� SFJ�tYa SpOawr Split-Er�enFGY (MWHj ao am 3 __ � i h- N S4 a^a abS - �Y =5.�25 E-Y„ a,b 239R Gmcic Hy -Ora W is -0QL _ - � .S�i+Ji.:£t FaG $v': � fNFF?Pa a � -. •, Q zoom _ _... "-- ' _s ... •oom - .__. _ ._.. . .a+ o q�� � � w � � � _ � a ¢ � � Q S $ -. ..� kS = = -. Figure 7 —Future SEAPA System Excess Hydro Capability Available to RaFlll Largo Swan Reservoir 4.6 Head benefit of increasetl storage capacity Head (ft, m) is energy par cubic toot of water, the higher the dam, the more head. Power is the pros uct of head and flow. If there is no excess hytlro generation in the system, the increase in storage allows the Swan Project to experience greater head at the plant than would occur without the increase in storage. To estimate the value of the head benefit, the same hydraulic model of Section 4.2 was utilized. Inflow sequences that represent a range in Swan Lake generation from 57,000 MWh to 86,000 MWh ware entered into a hydraulic modal for the 330 ft cos¢. These same inflows were then entered into a modal with 345 ft as the maximum elevation. Tha average gain in generation for the 345 case over the 330 ft cos¢ was 3,600 MWh. 4.7 Valua Summary Five system configuration cases that coultl represent the future ware analyzed. Each case used the modified B8V load forecast antl expected hydra conditions. Case A No new h dro assets adtlatl to the s stem Casa B A reduced Whitman Project atltled, t 7,629 MWh instead of the ravio us desi n value Hatch -Acres of t6 300 MWh Casa C a reduced Whitman and a short term (25 year) power purchase from an existin or ro deed h dro ro'ect Cage � Case C lus a future 50 GWh h dro asset commissioned 2030 Casa E Reduced Whitman plus the future 50 GWh hydro project, no RFO Power Purchase Case F Generic Hydro as the only r¢sourca addkion in year 2030, no Whitman or RFO Southeast AlasKa Power Agency 2t Oacambar 20t2 F 2016 to 2046 SpillIed Energy -Available for Swan. Lake refill, by Case i (Mwh) Raise Option Case A Case B Case C Case,D Case E Case F 10 ft-340 El 2,940 41, 196 51677 6,6-13 6,358 " 598 15 ft-345 Ell 3,897 5,411 7,463 9,955 81814 7,397 20 ft-350 Ell 5,022 6,342 8,820 12,871 110,872 9,677 Table 9 — 30-year average energy available to displace diesel generation (benefit) using an expanded. Swan Lake reservoir. The SEAPA business plan at this time calls for either adding a new hydro project by the 2030 time frame, or entering into a power purchase agreement. Perhaps both options may occur where the new project supersedes the purchase agreement (Case D). At this time a reduced Whitman Project is still planned for construction and commissioning by the end of 2015. Therefore it is rnost likely that Case C, or D, or E, will occur, and less likely Case A, status quo, or Case B i(just Whitman) will occur. Under these assumptions the minimum average annual additional generation value for the 10 ft raise option is 4,414 MWh (Case C) and the maXin'lurn average value is 12,251 MVVh which is the estimated benefit for Case D if the 20 ft option is constructed. Section 6 contains a discussion of raise options and applicable case studies. Supporting data for the average values is listed in, Appendix B3. [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank] Southe,ast Alalska Pom,Ner Agency 2 12. December 20 12' Section 5 Cost Estimation a Thera are two major categories of effort t� license amentlment. and actual construction. 5.9 License Amendment- Lar9elY a Land Ownership Issue This amendment will be a non -capacity amendment as no changes to powerhouse equipment or hydraulic conveyance (pen- stocks, tunnels) are plan nad. Therefore amendment efforts will be centered on land use changes around the reservoir. Around the reservoir, the FERC boundary currently fol- lows the 350 ft. elevation contour; however the State Lands boundary follows the metes and bound courses described in the Projact's Ex- hibit K drawings. The approxi- mate boundary of States and Federal Lands is shown as shaded in Figure 8. In 7997 [ha US Forest Sarvica (US FS) lands around the Protect were conveyed To the State of Alaska pursuant to the Alaska Statehood Act of 7958. Two parcels (U. S. Survey No. 77630) were conveyed as described under Patent Number 50-9�-0286. Parcel 7 encompasses land below the F19ura 8 -Parcel 2 of State Conveyance powerhouse and Parcel 2 des- cribes lands surrounding the reservoir. The proposed reservoir increase only affects Parcel 2, which is listed in Appa ndix C for further reference. At this time it is assumed the entire FE RC Project boundary Ices within the State Lands area. Te verify that the 350 ft option is contained within State Lands, a land survey was conducted to verify where and to what eMent elevation 3517 ft falls outside of State Lands. Results of the R&M land survey conducted during the summer of 2072 did indeed find project lands outside of the existing DNR boundary. A map of this survey is listed in Appendix C. Even though there will now be Project lands on the Tongass National Forest (25.8 acres), this parcel is small and may not require a special use permit for project operations. A timber cruise and sale will be required for inundated trees on USFS lands, and a cruise, sale, and harvest will have to be carried out on inundated DNR lands. We do not expect to harvest trees in the zone above full pool but below the probable maximum flood (PMF) elevation. Full pool and probable maximum flood levels for the two options are list in Tables t g. Southeast Alaska Power Agency 23 Oocember 20f2 Reservoir Elevations Full PMF Pool Elay. ft ft Existing Reservoir 330.0 343.3 'IS ft Raise Option 345.0 348.3 20 ft Raise Option 350.0 355.0 Tablo t0 - Proposetl reservoir full pool antl PMF elevations "Pm-Innnnl" ultntlnn >uv+'Jv u�B lnnnnvy 2033 d lnft.r.nnam+v� d.. olnCmv-nl 191c Irn6nl l.lansaJlnlioa h'luvclu 31113 Ch R•bt��2U32 (nuPPlcmamval r)n� ammm IICT) n Innum'" with 2il'1? atud)' u115J IoinlMwUnA. APr113A13 Xm'«a+.brr 2012 S lc \'Irll Alaeil 2b'3J Vlivi-�cpacmL i2(Yl2 n]Cn anal P�IIA-Jvor?Ul3 Vid-M.m'P , n r"L a,inYormnUam Ik.`cloF`In]'eamnaiun leca 2U13 \/AI-+[n+ nnl sauce ��. znl2> «-a,.,.a. d,-.-.-Inr.-a I)a,riTmcnd ni„nl IJvca.nvbc,. �tl'ii hm,. ]11113 �unl /vumndmrni 1•+Iv 2015 Inmm n"2Uli 1111':\CnnnuUnUen(l GltO lulu 2V13-3eyaaviv\v-„ Iumv,�y2lTN-1'aFn,ury -aYl2 2010 /v n+a ncl. �ilea�mc¢tlNwe Ina-201ry APr'03013 Table tt - Lieenea Amendment Schedule The bast cas¢ for the amendment process is shown in the right column of Tables tt; a more traditional cas¢ is shown in the left column. SEAPA hosted an Agency Meeting in May 2072 in Katchikan and asked for feedback as Far as executing the SEAPA option. Agency response was positive, as long as study plans could be submitted quickly. Study plans w¢re submitted quickly and a Tongass NF special use permit was issued such that environmental and cultural surveys could ba undertaken during the summer of 2012. These summer studies (Aquatic (fish), invasive species, rare plants, wildlife, cultural) are now complete and the reports that will make up the Initial Consultation �ocu ment are being pr¢pared through January 20t 3. SEAPA expects to submit the ICE by late February or at the latest mid -March of 20t3. 5.2 Canstructlon Cost SEAPA contracted with McMillen Engineering to determine the cost and feasibiVity of 90 Ft, 'IS ft, and 20 ft reservoir raise options. Their analysis indicated that the dam cannot ba modified past a 23-ft increase without infringement upon FERC mandated factors of safiety. Review of the spillway and computation of the probable maximum flood (PMF) for each option became a limiting factor as wall. The new structure however modified must pass the PMF. This requirement eliminated most gate, and rubber dam options. The best option for reliable, cost Southeast A/asKe Power Agency 24 Oacamber 2012 effective, safe operation during flooding is an Obermayer gate con£g uration. The seq uen cs of construction for Obarmeyer gates is shown in Figure 9. Sfart of Instal/atbn — In sfallio:;> '=:eta Pana1 — Compfafod GaOa Figure 9 - Oberrnayar Gate Construction Sequence Review of the intake gate house and associated mechanical and electrical works indicated that the gate house equipment room must ba raised by the equivalent full pool raise amount (t0 ft, t 5 ft, or 20 ft). Top of Raaarvblr Elevations Full PMF Top of Parapet Pool Elev. Dam wa II ft ft ft ft Existing Reservoir 330.0 343.3 344.0 347.5 t5 ft Ralsa Oprion 345.0 348.3 350.0 353.5 20 R Raise O tlon 350.0 355.0 358.0 35t.5 Table t2 -Dam and PMF Elevations Additionally, the problematic right abutment must be built-up and a retaining wall constructed for the t5 ft and 20 R options. Powerhouse and penstock equipment will not need modifications. The report is available from the SEAPA website www.saaoahvtlro. org. McMillen estimated cc nstruction and engineering costs for each option; these are listed in Table t3. Southeast Alaska Power ASency 25 December 2092 C'.xavtnr_v�ev t_ixzt Si.[_-E.iu=s S e_?,6p,369 S 31.3i 3..� A *aan C'.ax :.. �eavcr fIIC3e<{ T�ii"_,+£1V S P';.4.iTiJ 'S. f..P 3#_3'_ Cv+u4n-.;.:.muar Yarss Sx+lamc l 'r-#.'� i5.-_:A'� S �_95G.3Jv5 5 i-.33']_ �#- F'i.-.ld is}aquae Ordu'G:usac ,_c'{5'si - i_'viC:=15� Ss'e.3_033 S SG:_i63 r«.l c „awt,.ctiaa ere s s_�zrzs s wu s 1. ;.� F'iacecnaea. £av naeerula ani nesfkcc {P 5^4i � ✓K'��'r��' S ].i9'?,9Cn1 S i..x"31_6 i> Enx_vneKrvvc S�av�iw�-s, Dor:u¢_ s_.3usntr�5xon t.•:�e;, "5.3->e S 3�t±S_}*p S "_.i_5]] l Jt[RfRit 89pae $'fY [:Y4IJSL A95d'.."Eit66WtYK'd[L148{$�-v,f C3`9,{I, $/$6�9i# tj E_t'13 .8'.J rotas C- Cal Cost 5 f_O±9,Mt S 1a.61i.�tf S 16S9a ^9± Tablet 3 - Conatmctlon and EnglnaarinB Costs Costs for construction were based on: Material costs located in Katchikan and barged to sits Engineering Naws record for construction cost indexes Davis -Bacon wages + 50%, -30% uncertainty with the median cost listed and based on responsible bidding Costs include crew camp construction, mobilization, de- mobilization, site clean-up, and gate commissioning 5.3 Construction Scholl ule Soothaest AlasKa Power Agency 26 Oacambar 2012 x. Costs and benefits for increasing reservoir storage by 16 ft, 15 ft, or 26 ft are listed in Table 13 of this section. The option that overcomes cast and displaces the most diesel generation is the nominal 15 ft raise option. Raising the reservoir 10 'fit would be more financially conservative because total project casts are lower, but the benefit is lower as well. The 16 ft raise option carries minimal license amendment risk, which also shortens project schedule and reduces project casts. All options require future system summer excess generation (spill) to allmNl refill of the larger reservoir. The 10 ft option requires the least simmer excess generation and therefore carries the lowest risk that this excess generation will not be available. The 20 ft option carries the most risk of refill failure because water in excess of average infiomis is required to meet the end of summer full pool operating constraint. The 26 ft option carries the greatest benefit if the Lake Grace project were constructed. Reservoir Full Pool Option 330 340 345 350 Active Storage (ac-ft) 86,000 166,500 167,666 114,600 l % Increase in Storage 0% 17% 25% 33% Increased Generation (MWh) Case C-Whitman + 26 yr. limited RFO (PP) 6 5,677 7,463 3,326 Case C- Whitman + RFO (PP) + 2036 Generic 6 6,613 9;955 12,871 l Case E-Whitman + 2636 Generic Hydro 0 6,358 8,614 10,872 � Case F-2636 Generic Hydro only 6 5,293 7,397 9,677 Construction & Engineering Cost. ( M) 6 6,00 10.66 16.56 License Amendment & Permitting ( ) 6 0.76 1.17 1.29 Total Project Cost (M) 0 6.76 1 1.77 ".7.79 Value of Annual Displaced Diesel (15 kWhlgai 6 $1,120,000 $1,920,000 $1,973,3133 41gai fuel cosh Annual Financing Charge (56% of dotal project 6 $257,232 $446,526 67 ;732 Cost, 30 year term, 6.5%11 S APA Additional Sales, case C ($66lMil`tlh) 0 $366,022 $567,511 $599,736 i Benefit/cost ® (SEAPA Sales -Case C/ inance) 1.5 1. E 6.9 agile 14 - Benefits and Costs for T'hree Reservolir R 1se Options. 10 ft, 1 -t. and 20 ft Notes: Timber harvest cost included in license amendment costs. 50% of total project coasts assumed reimbursed by the State of Alaska, Case A m no resource expansion, and Case B - just Whitman, do not overcome casts for any raise option. Power Purchase (PP) option is price dependent and may not be executed. Generic is a SEIRP term for an unnamed hydro project that fits system needs rather than describes a specific resource. Increased generation uncertainty, -0% +5%, Construction cost uncertainty is -30% to +50% on a portion of the $1 G.6M value. Sovutheasp' Alaska Power Agency L, The 15 ft raise option strikes a balance between the main risk components that jeopardize a ruccessful Project; these risks are now summarized: License Amendment Risk. At this time only Kokanee Salmon are an environmental issue; land use and boundary issues will be overcome. If reservoir restrictions are included as a mitigation measure, these restrictions must not restrict generation flexibility to the extent project benefits are significantly reduced. A project go/no-go decision regarding environmental impacts will be made during the late spring of 2013. SEAPA may or may not need a special use permit for Tongass National Forest lands that would be inundated; minimal areas would be inundated with the 10 ft option; the 20 ft option would inundate approximately 25 acres. Each option will require DNR timber harvesting with the costs of the harvest yet undetermined, the greater the reservoir raise, the greater the harvest cost. 2Design Risk. Dam and intake modifications become more complex and more costly as the reservoir raise height increases. The lower the raise option the less risk SEAPA carries with regard to a costly design and FERC approval process, The right abutment, where rock does not continue above the existing top of dam elevation becomes problematic and increasingly more costly for raise elevations that continue above 15 ft. 3. Inflow Risk. This analysis used inflows that correspond to average generation records and then indexed these recent 1999-2011 values down using an average precipitation record from the Ketchikan airport. The 10 ft option refills with inflows less than average, the 15 ft option uses the average to attain full pool before the winter, and the 20 ft option cannot refill with average inflows. 4. Winter Delivery Risk. If excess summer generation is not available, then extra winter storage will not be available and project benefits will not be realized. The uncovered finance costs will add to pressures to raise SEAPA's wholesale power rate. SEAPA is confident that 3 aMW will be available from June to November if any of the cases (C, D, E, or F) of the previous Benefits Section occur. These cases are consistent with previous regional planning initiatives. The reduced Whitman Project which is licensed and funded and the SEIRP Business Plan, which is a Request for Offers (RFO) of power Case C and energy. The business plan initiates a request for offers of power and energy to be delivered to SEAPA from potential IPP sources. A recent Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development grant funds this initiative. A reduced Whitman and a limited 10 yr. to 15 yr. low capacity (I to 4 MW) power purchase and construction of the 2030 generic hydro project. This case was analyzed to ensure the Swan reservoir Case D increase project is complementary to, instead of detracting from, the combined benefits of proposed projects. The generic hydro project for this analysis was a run -of river configuration with an annual avera e output of 50 GWh. Whitman and the Generic Hydro. The 10 ft and 15 ft raise options c c v over costs if the generic hydro project is constructed with the c clusio inclusion of the reduced Whitman project. Southeast Alaska Power Agency 28 December 2012 2,030 Generic Hydro but no Whitman Project. If for some reason the reduced output Whitman project is not constructed, then under this s scenario the 10 ft and 15 ft raise options will have enough excess � summer generation to refill the larger reservoir. The term of the -1 C construction bond ends in 2046, the generic plant would bit onstructed in 2030. Only the 10 ft option covers costs if only the c( d ro euced Whitman project is constructed (no other new generatin e sources or power purchase agreements). A summary of option attributes vs. reservoir full pool levels is listed in Table 15. The present day Swan project full pool level is 330 ft. Option Attribute 346 350 Refills with average inflow if drafted to El 272 ft using excess generation of 2.7 aMW from June 15 to Nov 15 Yes no Relies on above avg. inflow to refill No yes Dependent on case D and E to realize benefit over cost No yes --t Provides flexibility o integrate Lake Grace Options___ ___y�es-4�atte ___y�s-best Table 15 =Raise Option Attributes vs. Full Pool Levels of 346 ft (15 ft raise) and 350 ft (20 ft raise). region (TWiffm-an, Power fwurcna,5e ^yfeUtilelil., dilA Ult:-; Y011tilli.; Hjuiv) Since the SEAPA business plan is to pursue the RFO and the generic hydro, and at this time Ketchikan continues forward progress with the reduced Whitman Project, our best option is then narrowed to the 15 ft increase. Table 15 lists attributes vs. full pool levels in a qualitative manner with the only standout attribute of the 20 ft option being a greater flexibility in conjunction with the proposed Lake Grace project. Lake Grace, as stated in Section 2, may ultimately be constructed, but SEAPA cannot justify selecting a 20 ft option on this very uncertain outcome over the more concrete scenarios associated with the 15 ft option. At least one new hydro resource to be constructed by 2030 in addition to Whitman; if this occurs, and there is no significant summer load growth such as the proposed Niblack Mine that would wholly consume the ♦new summer generation, then adding storage at Swan will both displace future winter diesel generation and increase SEAPA revenue such that the benefits outweigh the costs. By the end of May 20131, agency feedback from the Initial Consultation Document submittal will help us to better estimate forthcoming project settlement costs. Depending on the settlement costs, and from observing real progress on Whitman, and from initial feedback regarding our Power Purchase initiative, we will be able make a finaI determination as to whether we should proceed with the project. If the project is to proceed, then under most forward conditions, the reservoir will be expanded to a new nominal full pool elevation of 345 feet. XlPlantsfswan Lake/Swan Lake Storage Increase Project)2013 0129 Cost and Benefit Report for BI— Lake Storage Increase Project - FINALA.. Southeast Alaska Power Agency 29 December 2012 rxm��� \ � 'i S � .. .. 'L _ ��P t^ bvr8 � !1.` � fI 3� S ti✓t t � s � � British Co/amble, Canada tee. __ �. e e r P � +� 4 r� � `$, - o i -- � a ,. ` �rw� a. -' i. a ..- ..,j,_ _ _ r _. � _ ` 1. i3 i �� 1 � D � ♦¢ � " A t A_i � � ..�0�� �Yy _.� � V � TY LaKF� p � .ti. � 11 ' l `� a 9 �l �'� �l _ � � _ _ — � � � i r .. � a t LL �' t -� Y. [ 4 f .- �. C- f�` � �r-- Y �t ., �� q � � x'1' 4 r ....e. S LaX�.. __ I S i` � j � � ��y� tt.y �� '� � —�' � � � �r t � �. i F�fYO 9 to .p rctC VfY' f 1� `� ~ m %/ ti ��� ithl _.� wA,�\~ �C � J S��F"' t o I a Y +y I ` SubstrH! s 4 � Y _{' ♦ � \ m f\J ' �- ! w e. �> Ka[obll[an -Swan Laha Ty P nburp WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency is a Joint Action Agency organized pursuant to State Statute; and, WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency owns the Tyee Lake and Swan Lake Hydroelectric Projects in Southeast Alaska, which provide renewable hydroelectric power to Ketchikan, Wrangell, and Petersburg; and, WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency recognizes that additional renewable resources will be needed in the future to meet loads in Petersburg, Wrangell, and Ketchikan; and, WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency recognizes that wind power is a renewable resource and desires to determine the feasibility of utilizing wind turbines to supplement existing hydro, resources that provide power and energy to the communities of Ketchikan, Petersburg, and Wrangell; and, WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency also recognizes that additional interties may be built to serve communities, including Kake and Metlakatla, and additional generation resources may also be required to serve those loads; and, WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency's Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project is projected to add 25% additional active storage for winter hydro generation, displacing up to 12,000 MWhrs of diesel generation annually; and, WHEREAS, the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development appropriated $3,320,000 to provide funding for use towards the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project to complete Phase III of the project, final design and permitting, and to begin Phase IV, construction and commissioning. WHEREAS, the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development appropriated $3 million dollars for Hydroelectric Storage, Generation, Transmission & Business Analysis, of which funds of $578,000 were allocated to the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project; and, WHEREAS, final amendment of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license for the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project was submitted to FERC on July 21, 2014; and, WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency will request Fiscal Year 2016 State of Alaska Capital Project funding of $2,797,935 for the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project; and, Resolution No. 2015-055 1 Page 1 of 2 pages. WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency is in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws including credit and federal tax obligations; RESOLVED, that the Southeast Alaska Power Agency Board of Directors approves the application for project, funding froound Vill of the, Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Grant Program in thelamount of $88,741.50 of which the Southeast Alaska Power Agency will propose a fifty percent (50%) match for a Wind Resource Analysis; and, RESOLV I ED, that the Southeast Alaska Power Agency Board of Directors approves the application for project funding from Round Vill of the Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Grant Program in the amount of $2,797,935.00 for Phase IV, construction and commissioning, of the Swan Lake Reservoir, Expansion Project; and, RESOLVED, that the Southeast Alaska Power Agency Board of Directors authorizes Trey Acteson, its Chief Executive Officer, to sign the two stated grant applications, commit to the obligations under the grants, and to act as an established point of contact to represent the Southeast Alaska Power Agency for purposes of the stated grant applications. ob '�Sjver senm -Ch 'iran of the Board ATTEST: Zn—dy Donato, Secretary/Tre—asurer Resolution 2013-046 The Southeast Alaska Power Agency Support For Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project WHEREAS, the three member communities of Petersburg, Ke[chikan,. and Wrangell, and the Ketchikan Gateway Borough have formally adopted Resolufions in support of The Southeast Alaska Power Agency's (SEAPA) Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project (Project); and, WHEREAS, during the 2013 Alaska legislative session, a funding request of $12.3 million dollars was submitted by SEAPA to the Alaska Legislature for direct legislative funding consideration to fund the Project to completion; and, WHEREAS, funds were not awarded to SEAPA from the 2013 Alaska legislative session and a cost and benefit analysis has established the benefits of the Project; and, WHEREAS, the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community 8c Economic Development appropriated $3 million dollars for a Hydroelectric Storage, Generation, Transmission Rc Business Analysis, of which funds of $595,000 were allocated to the Swan Lake Project; and, WHEREAS, an Initial Consultation Document for the license amendment process to increase storage at the Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project has been filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; and, WHEREAS, staff is preparing to initiate a license amendment with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the Project; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of The Southeast Alaska Power Agency formally supports a commitment to proceeding with development of the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project and in parallel continue to seek funding support fiom the State of Alaska. Approved this 25th day of April 2013. SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY ����Q_ AA h"'S-O ������jjjjjj /� v Chairman of the Board , ATT� / j ergj'e(r/on(,LpS ecretary/Treasurer THE SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY va-tensavacs _ 4-p 1900 Frst Avenue Lg'��' -yc Phanet 907228228i Suite 31fl ,�` S E A P A � Fax- 9w.2zs.zza� Kelchikan. Alaska 99901 __,_. �_.-.hy hp Sontl,aaet AIaY® Powwr Agency SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY BOARD MEETING MINUTES (SE PTEM BER 3, 20'14) Approval of R¢sol ution 20t5-O55 authorizing SEAPA staff to submit two (2) AEA R¢n¢wabl¢ Grant Applications to the Alas Ka Energy Authority R¢n¢wabi¢ Energy Grant Program, authorizing CEO to sign grant applications, commit to obligations, and act as an ¢sta blis had point of contact. charlas Frsaman I_aw wurama �/ atlopt Resolution 20"I S-O55 autM1orizing SEAPA T mit Ywc renewable energy grants to IM1e Alaska Andy Donato Bob Slvertsan tM1ori[y fOf ROuntl VIII of the Alaska EnErgy 2enewable Energy Gran< Program, autM1orizing John Jenson Joe Nelson q CEO. to sign [he gran[ applicaflons, c mi[ 3ations untler the grants, and to act as an pon MCConachie CFtrvslia Jamieson �J tl point of contact for tM1e'glra nts. —� 'S-1 (i��("�j�N./ LIB I L L I A-'YY1 G Clay Hammer Brlan Ashton T FINAL VOTE' AYES: NgYS: Q lk mf.�ia city cir 4r. ' lKetchikan August 14, 2014 Mr. Shawn Calfa Grants Administrator Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northem Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 Swan Lake Rese �X ansion Project Dear Mr. Calfa: On behalf of the City of Ketchikan. I would like to express the City's continued support for Southeast Alaska Power Agency's ('SEAPA") grant application for its Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project. Attached is a copy of the City of Ketchikan's Resolution No. 13-2498 endorsing the project during SEAPA's funding endeavors in 2013. This letter is affirmation that the City of Ketchikan continues its strong support of SEAPA's efforts to enhance hydro storage capacity in the region and urges the Alaska Energy Authority to favorably consider a Renewable Energy Fund Grant (Round VHD for this purpose. Sincerely, Lew Williams III Mayor A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KETCHIKAN, ALASKA ENDORSING AND URGING STATE FUNDING FOR THE SWAN LAKE RESERVOIR EXPANSION PROJECT; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DtTE WHEREAS, the Ketchikan Pulp Mill closed in 1997, resulting in significant losses of jobs, population, and school enrollment, from which the community has yet to recover; and WHEREAS, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough presently suffers a higher rate of unemployment than the statewide average; and WHEREAS, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and City of Ketchikan are presently pursuing economic development opportunities such as the construction of a mill on Gravina, Island for the processing of ore from the prospective Niblack Mine; and WHEREAS, economic development opportunities such as the prospective Niblack mill require a reliable source of energy at reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Integrated Resources Plan notes that there is a shortage of hydroelectric storage capacity in Southeast Alaska and that potential hydroelectric projects with storage capacity are more valuable than potential run -of -the -river hydroelectric projects; and WHEREAS, Southeast Alaska Power Agency's (SEAPA) proposed expansion of the Swan Lake Reservoir (the Project) would directly contribute to increasing regional hydroelectric storage and maximizes the value of an existing hydroelectric project; and WHEREAS, the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project enhances the already funded Whitman Lake Hydroelectric Project; and WHEREAS, the additional storage created by the project adds operational flexibility that benefits the entire region, and shifts summer spill from the new Whitman Lake Hydroelectric Project or the existing Lake Tyee Hydroelectric Project to much needed winter hydroelectric generation; and WHEREAS, the Project would displace up to 12,000 MW hours of winter diesel generation, which equates to a reduction of 800,000 gallons of diesel fael annually; WHEREAS, another significant advantage of the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion project is that it needs no additional infrastructure (e.g., transmission facilities) to bring the additional power to the existing power grid; the project adds capacity at an existing dam that is currently connected to an existing power distribution grid; Resolution No. 13-2498 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Ketchikan, Alaska as follows: Section 1: The Ketchikan City Council endorses SEAPA's proposed expansion of the Swan Lake Reservoir. Section 2: The Ketchikan City Council urges the State to provide $12.3 funding for the Project in its FY 2014 Capital budget. Section 3: A copy of this resolution shall be provided to Governor Parnell, Senator Stedman, Representative Peggy Wilson and Alaska Energy Authority Executive Director Sara Fisher -Goad. Section 4: This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by a duly constituted quorum of the City Council for the City of Ketchikan on this 21 st day of February, 2013. Lew Williams HI, Mayor ATTEST: � la, Katherine M. Suiter, City Clerk MMC Resolution No. 13-2498 Grants Administrator Shawn Calfa Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Bouleva-r(-.,, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 c i ke Resery ALr_Lx %606� Ma_M&Ion Pro'ect I am writing to you on behalf of the Petersburg Borough. It is my understanding that the Southeast Alaska Power Agency ("'SEAPA") is preparing a grant application for the completion of SEAPA's Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project. Attached is a copy of the Petersburg Borough's Resolution No. 2013-8 endorsing the project during SEAPA's funding endeavors in 2013. This letter is affirmation that the Petersburg Borough continues its strong support of the project and SEAPA"s efforts to enhance hydro storage capacity in the region. WMMM�Mllu MOM Mark Jensen, Mayor Attachment: Petersburg Borough Resolution No. 2013-8 Borough Administration PO Box 329, Petersburg, AK 99833 — Phone (907) 772-4519 Fax (907)772-3759 www.petersburqak.gov 4 � � � Mar Jenson, Mayor Rm 2013-8 Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Page 2 of 2 3/4J2013 w,� August 19, 2014 Grants Administrator Shawn Calfa Alaska Energy Authority 613 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Calfa_ KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH 1900 First Avenue, Suite 115, Katchikan, Alaska 99901 � Telephone: (907) 228-6605 � Faz (907) 228-6697 Office of the Borough Mayor Letter of Su000rt for Renewable Enerev Fund Grant (Round VIM Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project This letter is affirmation that the Ketchikan Gateway Borough continues its strong support of the project and the Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) efforts to enhance hydro storage capacity in the region. On August 18, 2014, the Borough Assembly adopted Resolution 2554-A, identifying and prioritizing the FY 2016 Borough and Community of Ketchikan capital project funding requests. The Borough Assembly selected the SEAPA Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project as the community's number one priority capital project. Sinc e , e Kiffer Mayor, Ketchikan Gateway Borough Enclosure: Assembly Resolution 2554-A KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 2554-AMEN UEU A Resolution of the Assembly of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Identifying and Prioritizing the Fiscal Year 2016 Borough and Community of Ketchikan Requests for State Funding RECITALS A. WHEREAS, the taxpayers of the Ketchikan pay approximately $17 million in taxes to the Borough annually (in addition to millions of dollars of additional taxes paid to. the City of Ketchikan); and B. WHEREAS, the citizens of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough pay several millions of dollars in fees to the Borough annually (in addition to millions of dollars of additional fees paid to the City of Ketchikan); and C_ WHEREAS, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough has identified a number of projects of a critical nature that have no immediate funding source; and �. WHEREAS, the Assembly desires to include capital project requests from FY 2015 which did not receive full funding from the 2014 legislature and projects of outside agencies in addition to those of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough for a comprehensive capital project list for the Community of Ketchikan; and E_ WHEREAS, the Borough Clerk solicited FY 2016 project funding requests from outside agencies for consideration in the Community Capital Project Priority list, and responses were received from the City of Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA), and the Ketchikan Performing Arts Center. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE ABOVE FACTS, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE A55EM BLV OF THE KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH as follows - Section 1. The Assembly hereby identifies and prioritizes the Fiscal Year 2016 Ketchikan Gateway Borough municipal requests for State funding as follows: 1 Airport Infrastructure and Safety Improvements $3,258,720 2-A South Tongass Water Extension —Shoup Street to Forest Park $1,855,303 2-B South Tongass Sewer EMension, Shoup Street to Forest Park $2,858,053 3 North Tongass Water Storage Tanks for Fire Suppression: Phase I $182,600 4 South Tongass Water Distribution, Phase VI, Storage Tank and Booster Station $1,569,300 Resolution No. 2554-Amended Page 2 Section 2. The Assembly hereby identifies and prioritizes the Fiscal Year 2016 Community of Ketchikan list of capital project priority requests for State funding as follows: Section 3. The Assembly hereby authorizes the Borough Manager to submit these priorities as appropriation requests to the Governor of the State of Alaska and to the Alaska State Legislature. Section 4. The Assembly authorizes the Borough Clerk to continue to solicit capital project funding requests from community agencies for inclusion in the FY 2016 Community of Ketchikan Priority and Community Project booklet for submission to the Governor of the State of Alaska and to the Alaska State Legislature. Section S. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective upon adoption Resolution No. 2554-Amended Page 3 AOOPTE� this 18`� day of August, 2014. Oave Killer, Borough Mayor ATTEST. Kacie Paxton, Borough Clerk APPRAS TO FQR 5/� E /�J��L Scott A. Brandt-Erichsen, Borough Attorney CtTY AND BOROUGH OF WRANG ELL /NCOHPoRATED MAY 30. 2HOH Dire of [be OorouBh Mayo„ P.O. Box 531 907-8742361 Wrangell, AK 99929 907-874-3952 August 26, 2014 Grants Administrator Shawn Caifa Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Letter of Support for Renewable Energy Fund Grant (Round VIII) Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project Dear Mr. Cai Fa: I am writing to you on behalf of the City and Borough of Wrangell. It is my understanding that the Southeast Alaska Power Agency ["SEAPA") is preparing a grant application for the completion of SEAPA's Swan Lalce Reservoir Expansion Project. Attached is a copy of the City and Borough of Wrangeli's Resolution No. 03-13-1272 endorsing the project during SEAPA's funding endeavors in 2013. This letter is affirmation that the City and Borough of Wrangell continues its strong support of the project and SEAPA's efforts to enhance hydro storage capacity in the region. Sincerely, V David Jack, Mayor City and Borough of Wrangell Attachment: City and Borough of Wrangell Resolution No. 03-13-1272 CITY AND BOROUGH OF WRANGEL L, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 03-13-1272 WHEREAS, the City & Borough of Wrangell anticipates continued growth in the sea food, timber processing, marines service repair center and health care facilities; and WHEREAS, the City & Borough of Wrangell continues to embrace electric heat as a practical alternative to non-renewable based fuel sources; and WHEREAS, all local economic 'development opportunities require a reliable source of energy at reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the Southeast Alaska Integrated Resources Plan notes that there is a shortage of hydroelectric storage capacity in Southeast Alaska and that potential hydroelectric projects with storage capacity are more valuable than potential run -of -the - river hydroelectric projects; and WHEREAS, Southeast Alaska Power Agency's (SEAPA) proposed expansion of the Swan Lake Reservoir (the Project) would directly contribute to increasing regional hydroelectric storage and maximizes the value of an existing hydroelectric project; and 'KHEREAS, the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion Project enhances the already funded Whitman Lake Hydroelectric Project; and WHEREAS, the additional storage created by the project adds operational flexibility that benefits the entire region, and shifts summer spill from the new Whitman Lake Hydroelectric Project or the existing Lake Tyee Hydroelectric Project to much needed winter hydroelectric generation; and WHEREAS, the Project would displace up to 12,000 MW hours of winter diesel generation, which equates to a reduction of 800,000 gallons of diesel fuel annually; and WHEREAS, another significant advantage of the Swan Lake Reservoir Expansion project is that it needs no additional infrastructure (e.g., transmission facilities) to bring the additional power to the existing power grid; the project adds capacity at an existing dam that is currently connected to an existing power distribution grid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE CITY AND BOROUGH OF WRANGELL, ALASKA: Section 1, That the City and Borouch of Wr-,1111-,A] urges the State to provide $12.3 ill'on Funding fog ect in FY 2014 Capital BuAlget. i- the ProJ provided to Govem-or Parriell, Senator sect].02,1.12/ A copy of this resolutiI oll shall be provi Stednuan, Representative Peggy Wilson and Alaska. Energy Authority Executive Director Sara F1 sher-Goad. sect,ml This resolution shall become efrective 1.11,11jedlately upon adoption. ADOP-I'ED: M.�Irch 26, 2013 David L Jack, Mayor ATTEST: LI a lores Borou,- fri ),h Clerk J-0. s