HomeMy WebLinkAboutsupport 1 of 2 docs ~ OVK Kake AEA REFG appOrganized Village of Kake P.O. Box 316 Kake, Alaska 99830-0316 Telephone 907-785-6471 FAX 907-785-4902 AEA Renewable Energy Fund Round VI Feasibility for Biomass on OVK Campus FY2012 Budget ~ (based on 12 month project period) Budget/Cost AEA * Projected Match Totals for Category Tribe $Other $In-Kind Project Energy Coordinator 24.7 hrs/wk @ $20.24 /hr. x 2 weeks 1,000 1,000 Personnel 1,000 0 0 0 1,000 Mandatory Fringe/Taxes on 1,000 @ 11.6%116 0 0 0 116 Additional Fringe Benefits on 1,000 @ 35.0%350 0 0 350 Fringe Benefits 466 0 0 0 466 no travel planned 0 Travel 0 0 0 0 0 (equipment less than $5,000 included in supplies)0 0 Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 none 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Consultant - Engineer 28,700 28,700 Contractual support 5,000 5,000 Contractual 28,700 0 0 5,000 33,700 no construction planned 0 0 Construction 0 0 0 0 0 none 0 Other 0 0 0 0 0 Total Direct $30,166 $0 $0 $5,000 $35,166 less pass-through amounts (28,700)0 0 (5,000)(33,700) direct cost pool for indirect calculation 1,466 0 0 n/a 1,466 Indirect cost calculation per negotiated 36.4%534 0 n/a 534 Grand Totals for Project $30,700 $0 $0 $5,000 $35,700 share of overall project 86.0%--------14.0%--------100.0% percentage of requested grant amount --------16.3%-------- Note 1 - Per federal guidelines/regulations and OVK's Self-Governance Compact & Annual Funding Agreement with the BIA/DOI, Self-Governance funding is an allowable portion of the tribe's non-federal match share for this grant. Note 2 - OVK operates under an approved indirect cost rate which is currently 36.7% and not fully charged in the above budget table - the difference serves as additional match which could also be added to the above table. FY2012 AEA Renewable Energy Grant.xls Budget Narrative for Wood Heat Feasibility and Conceptual Design for the Organized Village of Kake Personnel. Funding to support 40 hours for the Organized Village of Kake’s Project Manager, who will coordinate with partners, determine scope of work, communicate with AEA and manage project timelines. Total cost to Project: $2,000. Contractual Services: Funding to support contractual work and travel. Contractor to conduct system assessment, economic feasibility and resource assessment. Cost to Project: $28,700 In Kind: In kind contributions from OVK will cover additional project coordination, resource assessment support and economic analysis support. . Total OVK Award: $30,700 OVK In Kind: $5,000 Total Project Cost: $35,700 Kake Community Biomass Energy Feasibility Study Professional Services Proposal & Scope of Work     September 24, 2012 Organized Village of Kake, Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with a proposal for a feasibility study assessing the potential for community buildings in Kake, AK to convert to biomass heating, including and analysis of the economic impacts associated with the conversion. Wisewood has conducted numerous feasibility assessments of this type and look forward to applying our knowledge and experience to your project. Biomass Energy System Feasibility Assessment and Impact Analysis Wisewood, Inc. proposes to perform a feasibility study covering two (2) fueling options for the two (2) community buildings in Kake: 1) Cordwood 2) Wood pellets Each of the scenarios above will be covered in the following Scope of Work: 1) Initial Facility Review a) Review and verify facility heating data provided by Kake community building owners or managers b) Assess current heating systems to determine steps to integrate with a heating system fueled by the four options listed above c) Work with facility staff to understand their needs and existing issues related to the heating system 2) Preliminary Site Investigation (based on one (1) site visit to Kake, AK) to include the following: a) Available space (within existing structures or space for new structures) b) Street access and space available for fuel storage and deliveries c) Any building or site constraints (i.e. topography, permitting, historical preservation, etc.) d) Estimate proper size of various heating systems to meet needs of the facilities e) Based on site information gathered, formulate options for installing: a cordwood- fired biomass energy system; a wood chip-fired biomass energy system; a wood pellet-fired biomass energy system; a system capable of utilizing multiple fuels. 3) Preliminary Cost Estimating of Biomass Heating Systems We will provide preliminary cost estimates for installing the heating options listed above on site. Total project cost estimates will include, at a minimum, a cost breakdown of: a) Design and engineering b) Fees and permitting Kake Community Biomass Energy Feasibility Study Professional Services Proposal & Scope of Work     c) Mechanical integration to existing or new HVAC system d) Biomass or fossil fuel energy unit (boiler or furnace package) e) Structure to house biomass energy unit, conveyance and fuel storage (as needed) f) Emission controls (if required) g) Other equipment, materials, and construction costs 4) Economic Analysis of Biomass Heating Systems We will conduct a 30-year life cycle cost analysis that incorporates, at a minimum: a) Baseline data on existing heating system (i.e. fossil fuel costs per unit, average annual fuel usage, average annual heating costs) b) Projected volume of wood fuel and fossil fuel required to meet heat demand c) Estimated wood fuel and fossil fuel cost per unit and annually d) Total project cost for each scenario e) Projected savings, cash flow analysis and payback schedule 5) Economic Impacts of Biomass Supply Options In order to understand which biomass fuel supply option will result in the highest net benefit to the community in terms of economic development, the report will include an analysis of the following fuel supply scenarios: 1) Supplying cordwood produced locally 2) Utilizing imported wood pellets 3) Manufacturing wood pellets or other densified fuel locally. For each option we will look at the following: a) Estimated capital costs for establishing a fuel production or distribution operation capable of supplying local needs b) Estimated operating and maintenance costs and production schedules needed to satisfy the estimated market demand (provided by others). c) Financial pro forma models that include long-term (5 yr) cash flows of each option d) Economic return analyses (IRR, NPV & Accumulated Cash Flow) for each option e) Labor requirements (local employment estimate) 6) Integration of Biomass Supply Data into Report The final report will also include data on the supply of biomass from local forests. Wisewood will integrate the work of others into its report and will provide editorial support and guidance as to the structure of the data gathering efforts of those contracted by the grant administrator to conduct the detailed supply assessment. 7) Final Report Final report will include: f) Narrative report of the assessment including a brief discussion of: 1. Site features and opportunities and obstacles identified Kake Community Biomass Energy Feasibility Study Professional Services Proposal & Scope of Work     2. Various technology or installation options assessed 3. General perspectives of the assessment results, project viability and recommended next steps g) Life cycle cost analyses of all assessed options in easy-to-understand spreadsheet formats 7) Submit Final Report The final report will be submitted to the grant administrator. We will provide two (2) hard copies and one electronic copy as PDF. We are happy to make a presentation of final results via internet to facility staff and other interested entities. Cost: $19,000 Kake Community Biomass Energy Feasibility Study Professional Services Proposal & Scope of Work     PROJECT SCHEDULE To be determined by project lead. FEE & AUTHORIZATION The total fee for the scope of work Identified above would be $19,000. If this proposal is acceptable, please sign two copies of this document, return one copy to Wisewood, Inc. and we will initiate the scope of work. We look forward to working with you on this exciting project. Sincerely, Andrew Haden President Wisewood, Inc. 1001 SE Water Ave. Suite 255 Portland, OR 97214 p. (503) 608-7366 f. (503) 715-0483 Kake Community Biomass Energy Feasibility Study Professional Services Proposal & Scope of Work     Wisewood, Inc. Consulting Agreement Terms and Conditions Wisewood and Client agree as follows: 1. SERVICES Wisewood shall provide the consulting services set forth on the Professional Services Proposal attached, dated September 22, 2012 (the “Services") and shall deliver to Client all work product and results of such Consulting Services (the "Deliverables"). 2. FEES & PAYMENT Client shall pay Wisewood according to the fees and payment schedule set forth in the Professional Services Proposal. If Client wishes to enlarge the scope of the Services or implement additional features, the Parties shall agree upon the related costs in advance in writing. Client shall pay all invoices upon receipt, and shall not make any deductions for any reason. 3. EXPENSES Client shall reimburse Wisewood for all expenses arising from projects as such expenses incurred and invoiced per the Fees and Payment terms above. 4. ESTIMATES Completion dates set forth in proposals are estimated dates of completion only. While Wisewood will use its best efforts to complete its work by the dates specified, Wisewood shall not be considered in default of its performance obligations if delays are caused by Client's failure to provide information or approvals or because of changes in scope of work made by Client after a project has commenced. 5. WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES Wisewood will perform the Consulting Services consistent with generally prevailing industry standards. Client must report any deficiencies in the Consulting Services or Deliverables to Wisewood in writing within thirty (30) days of completion. If Client fails to notify Wisewood of any deficiencies within 30 days, Client will be deemed to have accepted the Deliverables. 6. TERM AND TERMINATION Term: Unless sooner terminated as provided below, the initial term of this Agreement shall commence as of the date it is signed and expire upon the last of the terms specified in the attachments. Termination for Breach: If either party breaches any material provision of this Agreement, including any obligations specified in any attachment, and such breach has not been cured within 30 days after the non-breaching party has given written notice to the breaching party of such breach, then the non- breaching party may terminate this Agreement in its entirety, including Services that are not the subject of the breach, effective upon three (3) business days' written notice to the breaching party. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall either party be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data, or use, incurred by either party or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort, even if the other party or any other person has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Wisewood's liability for damages shall in no event exceed the amount of fees paid by Client for the applicable Service or Deliverable. Kake Community Biomass Energy Feasibility Study Professional Services Proposal & Scope of Work     8. PROMOTIONAL USE Wisewood retains the right to reference this engagement with client in public communications without disclosing any confidential or sensitive information about the client or client relationship. 9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Oregon. Except for cases of non-payment of Wisewood's invoices, the Parties agree that any disputes arising out of the work performed for Client shall be submitted to mediation in Multnomah County, Oregon, United States, unless both Parties mutually agree otherwise. In no way does this clause prevent either party from seeking resolution through arbitration or litigation should no agreement arise from mediation. These terms and the terms of any Proposal shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of Oregon and the Parties hereby consent to the exercise of jurisdiction and venue by the state and federal courts located in Multnomah County, Oregon, United States. If any litigation or arbitration relating to these terms or the terms of any proposal is necessary, such proceeding shall solely occur in Multnomah County, Oregon, United States and the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees, costs and expenses, including costs and fees on appeal. 10. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS If the terms of this agreement and accompanying proposal are acceptable to Client, please sign and date where indicated below and return to Wisewood. On Behalf of Wisewood, Inc. Signed: __________________________________ Andrew Haden President Date: ___________________________________ On Behalf of Client Signed: __________________________________ Printed name: ____________________________ Title: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Kake Community Forest Wood Resource Inventory Budget Estimate Personnel: Funding to support 80 hours for Bob Christensen, Living Systems Design (LSD) Ecologist, who will conduct forest inventory work, data analysis and inventory summary writing for inclusion in the primary feasibility study contractor’s final report. Total cost to Project: $5,200. Travel and Lodging: Funding to support travel and field work for Bob Christensen of LSD in Kake Alaska, including food, lodging, truck rental while on site and 2 hours of aerial survey of Kupreanof Island. Total cost to Project: $2,500. Contractual Services: Funding for satellite image acquisition (to fill existing data gaps) and processing for forest inventory work. Total cost to Project: $2,000. Total forest inventory cost estimate: $9,700