HomeMy WebLinkAboutChickaloon Pre feasibiityPRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 1 | 16 Table  of  Contents   EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY ............................................................................................................2   1.1  Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................2   1.3  Sources ...................................................................................................................................2   1.4  Scope ......................................................................................................................................3   1.5  Resource  Assumptions ............................................................................................................3   1.6  Summary  of  Findings ..............................................................................................................5   1.6  Next  steps ..............................................................................................................................9   2  TECHNICAL  SUMMARY ....................................................................................................10   2.1  Existing  Conditions ...............................................................................................................10   2.2  Wood  Fuels  /  Wood  Fired  Heating  Equipment:.....................................................................10   2.3  Proposed  Configuration ........................................................................................................12   2.4  Energy  Savings ......................................................................................................................14   2.5  Cost  Estimate ........................................................................................................................16                               PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 2 | 16 EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY   1.1  Acknowledgements   This feasibility study was supported by the Alaska Wood Energy Task Group and administered by the Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation. 1.2  Objective The objective of this report, as the title suggests, is to document the results of a pre-feasibility study performed for the Village of Chickaloon. Buildings in the Village are currently heated with oil or propane, often with a wood stove as back-up. The subject of the study is the feasibility of converting two buildings included in the study to utilize an automated wood-fired heat boiler as the primary source. Feasibility studies are often classified as Level 1 (L1), Level 2 (L2), or Level 3 (L3). Level 1 studies consist of very rough calculations on a small number of important metrics (unit fuel costs, etc). Some refer to L1 studies as “back-of-the-envelope” calculations. At the other end, L3 studies are commonly called “investment grade studies”; the level of detail and calculation is so high that one could use the results of an L3 study to get an outside entity to fund the implementation of the project. Level 2, then, is the bridge between L1 and L3; it is a screening study done to determine if it is worth the time and expense to initiate an L3 study. Level 3 studies are generally quite expensive and thus not entered into lightly. The L2 study helps decision makers determine which aspects, if any, of a proposed project are worth the expense of an L3 study. An L1 study can be done remotely; an L2 study requires at least a minimum amount of site observation of existing conditions, conversations with the affected parties, and research with second-order parties (local foresters, vendors, local contractors, etc). This is a Level 2 study. Sustainability, Inc (SI) and efour, PLLC (efour) perform L2 and L3 studies across the state of Alaska, from cities to small rural villages. We use the same performance and economic models for each type of study; for us, the primary difference between the two studies is the quality of the inputs, which is generally a function of how much time has been spent gathering information and the depth of that information. 1.3  Sources       The primary sources of information that inform this study are data collected on site by SI and data provided by the Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation (FEDC). Data collected on site by SI include existing site conditions, equipment name plate data, current energy cost data, and equally important, information gathered by talking to the local stakeholders in the Village. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 3 | 16 In addition, the Village has been actively pursuing a renewable solutions for the Village buildings, including not only biomass heating, but solar thermal heating, solar photovoltaic power, and so on. They have published some of their results in a Renewable Energy Plan. In terms of biomass heating, SI and efour performed all their own analysis without reference to the Renewable Plan. However, we did extract information from the Plan regarding the use of solar thermal panels to supplement the biomass boilers, and incorporated that information into our results. We have not attempted to validate the solar thermal performance and cost estimate data used in the Plan; we incorporated the information as published. In addition to the site knowledge gathered by SI, additional biomass boiler performance and cost data have been accumulated over the past several years from working with local engineers and contractors, and from performing multiple L2 and L3 wood-fired feasibility studies. Hourly weather data for the performance model was taken data collected and reported by Palmer Municipal Airport, which is located about 30 miles away from Chickaloon, in the same river valley. 1.4  Scope         In Chickaloon, the scope of this report is limited to two buildings; A building that includes both a Shop and the Environmental Offices (the Shop), and the Village Administration Offices (Admin Offices). Currently, each building has its own heating system. The Shop utilizes an oil-fired boiler, while a propane-fired heater heats the Admin Offices. Biomass heating systems can be expensive to install; the economics generally work better for larger buildings, or where two or more smaller buildings can be grouped together and served by a single biomass boiler, using buried piping between the buildings to distribute the heat. Taken alone, neither of the two buildings in this study is large enough to justify a biomass boiler – the first costs are so high that the project economics are unfavorable under the public grant economic approach. Chickaloon recognized this, and proposed grouping these two buildings into a common biomass heating plant – the buildings are roughly 120 feet apart, so piping costs between the buildings are minimal. SI and efour have followed this concept; we present the result only for a common heating plant that serves both buildings. As noted above, Chickaloon has proposed supplementing the biomass heat to these two buildings with solar thermal heating panels mounted on the wall of the Shop. We have therefore presented the economic and energy results in two forms – first without utilizing solar thermal, and then a second time including the solar thermal cost and performance data as presented in the Plan. 1.5  Resource  Assumptions       SI and efour often perform studies on villages in Bush Alaska; off the toad system. In these villages, biomass boilers generally have only two possible forms of fuel, wood chips or stick wood, both of which they must produce themselves from local forests. Villages on the road system, however, have a third option; wood pellets produced elsewhere and trucked to the village. For small scale projects, pellets are in almost every way the best option. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 4 | 16 The main reason is that the village need not invest in wood harvesting and processing equipment – they simply buy the pellets. The cost per ton may be higher than chips, but the pellets are much drier, and therefore have a significantly higher content per pound (BTU/lb) than wood chips. Pellets handle very well, almost never fouling the material handling systems. They are not at risk of freezing as long as they are kept dry; chips contain so much surface and internal moisture that freezing into clumps is an issue. Equally important is that because of various issues, reliable chip-fired boiler can only be made so small; we have not found any with an output capacity of less than 500,000 BTU/h (500 kBTU/h). Pellet boilers can have capacities as low as 35 kBTU/h. The estimated combined peak-heating load of the Shop and Admin Offices is 92.6 kBTU/h – so even the smallest chip-fired boiler is significantly too large. It can be made to work, but the Village would be paying for a lot of boiler they were not using – this shows up in the economic results. Stick-fired boilers were not included in the discussion above. Stick wood is almost always the cheapest in terms of $/BTU, and is always available in the Village (or can be collected locally). However, there are no stick-fired boilers that have automated feed systems – they must be fed manually every few hours (as often as every four hours in cold weather). If this labor is accounted for in the model, then this generally reduces the economics of stick-wood boilers as an option. Our model presents the results for all three fuel forms, but in Chickaloon, we would only recommend pellet-fired boilers. Figure 1.1 below shows the assumptions that have been made for the existing fuels in the Village (oil and propane): Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 shows the assumptions made for the cost of wood fuel, in various forms. Figure 1.2 PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 5 | 16 Because each form of fuel has different heat content and is sold in differing units, direct comparisons of the data in Figures 1.1 and 1.2 are very difficult. To make the comparison simple, all these energy sources are converted to a common unit, one million BTU (1 mmBTU). To make the comparison even more relevant, the conversion efficiency of each source has been factored in. In this case, the conversion efficiency is the boiler efficiency. It is different for each fuel – using drier wood results in better boiler efficiency, and the oil and propane boilers have their own efficiencies as well. In Figure 1.3 below, therefore, the mmBTUs references are those coming out of the boiler into the space, not the gross heat content of the fuel going into the boiler. Figure 1.3 As expected, stick wood is the least expensive, followed closely by wood chips and wood pellets. Oil is half again as much as wood, and propane is more than twice as expensive as any wood source. 1.6  Summary  of  Findings       The following Figures summarize the performance and economic modeling that SI and efour performed. As noted above, we show the results for pellet, chip and stick fired boilers, but we would only recommend the use of pellet boilers in this case. The text of this section, therefore, deals only with the pellet fired option. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 6 | 16 Figure 1.4 below shows the overall economic summary: Figure 1.4 As footnote (1) indicates, we have not estimated any increase in annual maintenance with the installation of the pellet-fired boiler. This is because the fuel consistency is so high, the material handling so smooth, and the pellet boilers so reliable that in essence it is as close to being as automatic as an oil fired boiler that a wood fired boiler can get. We would expect that whoever currently cares for the oil and propane boiler will also take care of the pellet boiler, and that no significant additional time or parts expenses will be incurred. It was noted above that biomass boiler projects require a certain scale in order to be truly economical. Even when the two buildings in Chickaloon are combined, they are quite small as biomass projects go. This is reflected in the net simple payback of the project, roughly 17 years. Although the unit cost of oil and propane are much higher than that of wood, the buildings are so small that the base fuel cost of fuel, $12,488, is not large enough to offset the cost of the construction in a relatively short time frame, even if all of the liquid fuel is displaced by wood energy (as is the case). Note that the addition of the solar thermal option does not improve the project economics; the marginal savings do not offset the marginal additional cost– thus the NSP get slightly longer with Solar included. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 7 | 16 Figure 1.4 is based on current fuel costs; these will not stay the same. Thus we present a 20 year cash flow the project (pellets only). In this cash flow, the cost of all fuels is escalated, although not at the same rate. Wood is assumed to increase in cost at a slower rate than oil or propane, because the resource is local and renewable. The escalation rates used are shown in Figure 1.5: Figure 1.5 Using these factors results in the following 20 year cash flows: Figure 1.6 PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 8 | 16 Figure 1.7 In essence, the savings are projected to more than triple by year 20. For that reason, the high NSP of the projects should not be enough to disqualify them. Renewable projects provide benefits beyond the monetary ones. These decisions must be made at the Village level. The final Figure of this subsection is a summary of the cost estimate. The complete construction estimate is contained within Appendix B. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 9 | 16 Figure 1.8 1.6  Next  steps       Based on economics alone, the project is marginal. The real issue is the actual estimate of the Soft Costs in the project. Our standard is around 24% of the total project to meet standards of a granting organization. However, these costs are probably higher than necessary and should be considered by the granting agency in the ranking process for the projects economic viability. Also, as noted above, the project generates benefits to the Village beyond the obvious monetary ones. Among these are: • Use of renewable resources • Reliance on local, rather than remote energy sources • Reduced carbon footprint • Reduced secondary emissions (NOx, S, CO, etc) • Increased fuel price stability (for future budget planning) • Energy money spent remains in the local economy There are no doubt others as well. As was noted above, a Level 2 study is a screening study, meant to provide enough information to the stakeholders to A) determine how to proceed next, B) determine whether to proceed, or C) halt the project until conditions improve. This study provides the information needed for Chickaloon and other stakeholders to make these decisions; the next steps are up to them. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 10 | 16 2  TECHNICAL  SUMMARY   2.1  Existing  Conditions   The following statistics in Figure 2.1 summarize the existing conditions in the two buildings: Figure 2.1 The proposed pellet-fired boiler would displace all of the liquid fuel consumption of the two buildings; however, the existing systems would remain in place as back up. This is explained in more detail in 2.3. 2.2  Wood  Fuels  /  Wood  Fired  Heating  Equipment:       The model that SI / efour uses for these feasibility studies calculates the properties of wood fuels based on: 1) species used (can be more than one), and 2) moisture content at time of burn. If more than one species is selected, the model calculates a “composite” value for the fuel. For example, if one used 70 percent of a specie/moisture with 6,000 BTU/lb and the remaining 30 percent had a specie/moisture heat content of 8,000 BTU/lb, the “composite fuel would have (0.7 * 6,00) + (0.3 * 8,000) = 6,600 BTU/lb. Figure 2.2 shows the calculated properties for the pellets used in this analysis. The properties of chips and stick wood are also calculated, but as noted above, the report is based on a pellet-fired boiler. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 11 | 16 Figure 2.2 The most pertinent value in the Figure is the net useable heat content, 8,017 BTU/lb. Because of the low moisture content (4 percent), pellets are by far the most energy-dense form of wood fuel. There are a number of manufacturers of pellet boilers; the basis of design boilers used in this study is the P4 series of boiler made by Froling. There are eight sizes in the P4 series, ranging from 35.8 kBTU/h output to 200 kBTU/h. The basic system components include: • A pellet bin, which holds bulk amounts of wood pellets. o This bin is kept filled by periodic deliveries to the Village by truck o Some trucks have an adjustable auger which can move the pellets from truck to bin o Pellets can also be blown pneumatically, although that is more common in areas with extensive pellet use o Pellets can be “dumped” into a front loader, and then dumped in the bin o There are a number of delivery and loading methods • A means getting the pellets from the bin into the boiler (material handling) o This can be an auger o Froling offers an option that pneumatically conveys the pellets to the boiler (the pellets are entrained in a moving stream of air) • The boiler o The boiler uses onboard controls to modulate the firing rate to meet heating demand o Will remain on and operating as long as the bin is kept filled, and no fuel fouling occurs o Is a “hands-off” unit • A thermal storage tank o This tank is basically a “wide spot in the pipe” o It hold large amounts of water, thus large amounts of heat o In essence, the boiler heats the tank, the tank heats the building o Wood-fired boilers cannot change output as quickly as liquid fueled boilers; when heating load is variable, the tank smoothes out the load and gives the boiler controls time to react PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 12 | 16 o When loads are very low, the boiler may shut down (it will automatically re-start when needed); during these “OFF” periods, the tank provide a reserve of hot water o By monitoring tank temperature, the boiler can “anticipate” when load starts to increase or decrease, and thus provide more stable temperatures • Solar Thermal Panels / pump / heat exchanger (if included) o This system uses heat from the sun to supplement the wood-fired boiler o The cooler return water from the buildings is routed to the heat exchanger before it gets to the boiler o In this way, the system always takes all of the available the free solar heat before using the wood heat o The tank even allows storage of solar heat if the available heat exceeds the heating load • A vent or boiler stack o This vents the products of combustion and boiler emissions into the air through an elevated stack or vent pipe o May or may not include additional emissions control equipment Examples of the Froling boilers and accessories are included in Appendix A 2.3  Proposed  Configuration     The proposed final configuration, which has been modeled for this study, can be summarized as: • A new 8 x 20 mechanical room is constructed on the back side of the Shop • The new pellet boiler, pellet bin, and material handling accessories are installed in the mechanical room • The thermal storage tank is installed in the mechanical room • The solar thermal panels, if used, are mounted on the south side of the shop; the remaining system components are installed in the new mechanical room • The heat from the wood fired boiler is piped into the existing Shop mechanical room using copper pipe • The heat from the wood fired boiler is also piped to the Admin Office mechanical room, using a combination of insulated plastic pipe (direct buried) and copper pipe (once inside the building • The plastic pipe proposed is a system called Insulpex, by Rehau; details can be found in Appendix B • The new piping will be tied into the existing systems in such a way that will always take the “wood heat” before taking oil/propane heat (see details below) • However, if for any reason the wood fired system cannot meet load, the existing boilers will automatically start and fire as required to meet load Figure 2.3 below shows a typical configuration for an oil-fired boiler or boiler plant. In this example, there are two boilers, but only one runs at a time. In Chickaloon, there is only one, but the integration of the systems is the same. This would be the “existing” case. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 13 | 16 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 shows the proposed case (valves colored in solid are closed): Figure 2.4 In this case, valve 1 is closed, which forces the hot water return water through the wood fired boiler instead of the oil-fired boiler. Likewise, valve 4 is closed, so the hot water from the wood-fired boiler bypasses the existing boilers and goes out to the building. If for any reason, the hot water supply temperature falls below set point by a set amount, the valves reverse position, and the existing boiler start. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 14 | 16 In an even simpler version, there are no automatic valves – the cooler return water flow through the (solar thermal heat exchanger, if installed), the wood-fired boiler, and then the oil / propane boilers. If the solar system meets set point, no boiler fires. If the solar system cannot heat the water to the supply set point, the wood-fired system fires as needed to provide the additional heat required. If for any reason the wood- fired system still does not meet supply water set point, the existing boiler fires. The system works because each successive set point is set 5 or more degrees below the previous one. Say the three hot water supply set point was, in order, 185 deg F, 180 deg F, and 175 deg F. If we take a day when the solar heat is meeting load, the system would be delivering 185 deg F water. Perhaps a cloud goes by and the available solar energy dips. By having a 5 deg F spread in set points, this prevents the wood-fired boiler from starting every time a cloud goes by. Likewise, it was noted above that wood-fired boilers cannot modulate output as fast as a liquid-fired boiler. The set point spread prevents the existing boilers from firing every time the wood fired boiler needs a bit of time to catch up (as does the thermal storage tank). At the same time, the system requires no operator intervention or automated controls. If the hot water temperature falls to 174 deg F, the oil-fired boiler does not know if the sun went down, or the wood pellets fouled the material handling system – it simply fires because the supply temperature has fallen below its set point. 2.4  Energy  Savings       Figure 2.5 below summarizes the energy consumption, existing and proposed, on a monthly basis: PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 15 | 16 Figure 2.4 Note that the last two segments of Figure 2.4 show the savings with and without the solar thermal system. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY - WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECT Sustainability, Inc Chickaloon Alaska efour, PLLC 16 | 16 2.5  Cost  Estimate     The construction cost estimate is provided below. These what are commonly referred to as the “hard costs”. The remaining soft costs, fees, permits, etc, are detailed in Section 1.