HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment #3- Yerrick Creek Project EIS Environmental Assessment Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project Mile Post 1339, Alaska Hwy 20 Miles West of Tok, Alaska Prepared for: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Prepared by: Alaska Power & Telephone Company Corporate Headquarters Port Townsend, Washington April 2010 Author: Glen Martin – Project Manager Alaska Power & Telephone Company P.O. Box 3222 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-1733 x122 (360) 385-7538 fax glen.m@aptalaska.com Page | ii   SUMMARY  The USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has selected the Alaska Power & Telephone Company (AP&T) as a finalist in its High Energy Cost Grant Program to construct the proposed Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project (or Project). The proposed Project would be located approximately twenty miles west of Tok, Alaska, at Mile Post 1339 on the Alaska Highway. The proposed Project would supply renewable energy to four communities in the Tok area: Dot Lake, Tanacross, Tetlin, and Tok. Prior to making an award for a partial grant, RUS has determined that an Environmental Assessment (EA) must be prepared, pursuant to 7 CFR Part 1794, RUS’s Environmental Policies and Procedures, as amended. This EA identifies environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed Project. It has been decided that impacts associated with upgrading the supporting transmission system would be minimal, as the infrastructure already exists and would only require minor upgrading and the stringing of a higher voltage conductor. All of this work would occur in previously disturbed rights-of-way that previously have been cleared of vegetation. The Project would be located on lands owned by the state of Alaska and Tanacross, Inc. This proposed Project is needed because the communities of Dot Lake, Tanacross, Tetlin, and Tok rely on diesel generation for their electricity, which is expensive and fluctuates frequently. The Project would reduce electric rates to these four communities by approximately 20%. Several of these communities are on the Denali Commission’s list of distressed communities 1 as this area is experiencing a significant economic downturn. Reducing electric rates may help the local economy. The results of the impact analysis show the project may have the follow environmental affects:  Temporarily impact wildlife due to noise from construction activity, which may temporarily impact hunting in the area  Have a minor impact to wetlands, by placing fill in the creek (i.e. diversion structure, bridge piers (2), part of tailrace)  Have a minor impact to Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling in the bypass section of Yerrick Creek during winter and late summer months because of low flow  Provide easier access for recreation, potentially disturbing wildlife  Reduce the use of diesel in Tok, which in turn would reduce air emissions of green- house gases and particulate matter as well as reducing opportunities for fuel spills     1 Dot Lake, Tanacross, and Tetlin are on the 2009 Denali Commission list of distressed communities. Tok was on the 2008 list. Page | iii TABLE OF CONTENTS  SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................ii LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................................iv LIST OF APPENDICES.......................................................................................................iv LIST OF ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................v 1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................................3 3 PURPOSE/NEED FOR PROPOSED ACTION............................................................5 4 ALTERNATIVES..........................................................................................................6 4.1 No Action...............................................................................................................6 4.2 Energy Generation Technologies Considered .......................................................6 4.3 Alternative Locations for siting the hydroelectric facility .....................................7 5 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................................8 5.1 Land Use................................................................................................................8 5.2 Cultural Resources and Historic Properties ...........................................................8 5.3 Biological Resources ...........................................................................................10 5.3.1 Fish Resources.............................................................................................10 5.3.2 Wildlife (mammal) Review.........................................................................11 5.3.3 TES botanical survey...................................................................................14 5.4 Water Quality & Quantity.................................................................................... 15 5.4.1 Water Quality...............................................................................................15 5.4.2 Water Quantity.............................................................................................15 5.5 Floodplains/Wetlands ..........................................................................................16 5.6 Environmental Justice..........................................................................................17 5.7 Socioeconomics ...................................................................................................17 6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES..................................................................19 6.1 Alternative 1: No – Action...................................................................................19 6.2 Alternative 2: The Proposed Project....................................................................19 6.2.1 Land Use......................................................................................................19 6.2.2 Cultural Resources and Historic Properties .................................................20 6.2.3 Biological Resources ...................................................................................20 6.2.4 Water Quality & Quantity............................................................................ 21 6.2.5 Floodplains/Wetlands ..................................................................................21 6.2.6 Environmental Justice..................................................................................22 6.2.7 Socioeconomics ...........................................................................................22 7 MITAGATION AND PERMITS ................................................................................23 8 LITERATURE CITED................................................................................................25 9 APPENDICES.............................................................................................................27 9.1 Agency Correspondence.......................................................................................... 9.2 Hydrology Studies ................................................................................................... 9.3 Biological and Other Surveys.................................................................................. 9.4 2009 Denali Commission List of Distressed Communities..................................... Page | iv LIST OF FIGURES  Figure 1: Map of Proposed Project Area..............................................................................1 Figure 2: Proposed Project Features.....................................................................................2 Figure 3: Transmission Line Features...................................................................................4 LIST OF APPENDICES  9.1 – Project Correspondence 9.2 – Hydrology / Feasibility Report 9.3 – Biological Surveys 9.3.1 – Fish Resources Report 9.3.2 – Threatened, Endangered, Sensitive (TES) Plant Report 9.3.3 – Literature Review and Field Report: Hydrology Baseline Study 9.3.4 – Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination 9.3.5 – Heritage Resource Survey 9.4 – 2009 Denali Commission List of Distressed Communities   Page | v LIST OF ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS  % percent ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish & Game AKNHP Alaska National Historic Preservation ALA APE area of potential effect AP&T Alaska Power and Telephone ATV All terrain vehicle cfs cubic feet per second CO2 carbon dioxide DNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources EA Environmental Assessment HDPE kV kilovolt kWh kilowatt-hour MW megawatt NEPA National Environmental Policy Act OHW Ordinary high water (mark) pop. population ROW right-of-way RUS Rural Utilities Service SHPO State Historic Preservation Office TES threatened, endangered, and sensitive (species) USACOE U.S. Army Corp of Engineers USGS U.S. Geological Service Page | 1 1 INTRODUCTION  The USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has selected the Alaska Power & Telephone Company (AP&T) as a finalist in its High Energy Cost Grant Program to construct the proposed Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project (20 Miles west of Tok, Alaska at Mile Post 1339, Alaska Hwy). The granting of funds by RUS is a federal action subject to environmental impact review, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and RUS’s NEPA implementing regulations, Environmental Policies and Procedures, 7 CFR Part 1794, as amended. RUS has determined that an Environmental Assessment (EA) must be prepared for this Project. This EA provides an analysis of potential environmental impacts, which may result from RUS’s action related to this proposal. RUS Bulletin 1794A-601, “Guide for Preparing an Environmental Report for Electric Projects Requiring an Environmental Assessment,” was used as guidance in the preparation of this EA. In addition to fulfilling its obligations under NEPA, this EA also documents RUS’s compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and other applicable environmental laws and regulations. Figure 1: Map of Proposed Project Area Page | 2 Figure 2: Proposed Project Features Page | 3 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION  AP&T plans to construct a 1.5 megawatt (MW) “run-of river” hydroelectric facility that would supply renewable energy to the communities of Tok, Tetlin, Tanacross, and Dot Lake, Alaska. The facility could potentially supply 100% of the communities' energy demand during high flow periods (typically June and July). During the remainder of the year, only part of the load would be met. AP&T’s hydrology studies indicate there will be sufficient flow during the extremely cold winter month for the Project to operate, although at substantially reduced output. While not getting these communities completely off of diesel generation year round, the Project will be a significant first step for the area to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of fossil fuels. The Project will consist of:  Approximately 3 miles of single-lane access road from the highway to the diversion site. The clearing width for the road will generally be 40-50 feet, but may be somewhat wider in areas of significant ground slope due to the widths of cuts and fills. The right-of-way (ROW) width will be 100 feet to provide for minor field adjustment of the alignment if necessary. The road will cross Yerrick Creek at one location about 2 miles from the highway; the bridge will be about 200 feet long.  A diversion structure at about El 2220, just below the confluence of the main stem of Yerrick Creek and two tributaries. The diversion structure will include a concrete-faced rockfill dike on the west abutment, a concrete-faced rockfill spillway and roughened channel outlet in the central portion, and a concrete intake on the right abutment.  A buried pipeline approximately 15,000 feet in length (known as a penstock) using 42-inch HDPE pipe for the upper 55% and 36-inch ductile iron pipe for the lower 45%. The penstock will cross Yerrick Creek just above the bridge noted above; it will be buried below the stream channel and encased in concrete.  A powerhouse approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the Alaska Highway where the water will pass through a single turbine to the tailrace. Other powerhouse equipment will include the 1500 kW generator, controls and switchgear, bridge crane, and pad-mount transformer. The powerhouse structure will be a metal building set on a concrete foundation.  A tailrace consisting of a pond and 800 feet of excavated canal to an existing overflow channel of Yerrick Creek. The pond will be formed in a borrow pit excavated to provide fill material for the access road. The pond is expected to develop a stable ice cover in winter that will allow the turbine to discharge without glaciering.  A transmission line consisting of 1,500 feet of 12.4 kV underground transmission cable from the powerhouse to the highway and 10 miles of upgraded 12.4 kV overhead transmission line adjacent to the highway (see Figure 3), Based on the hydrology studies conducted to date (see Appendix 9.2), AP&T has selected a hydraulic capacity for the Project at 60 cfs, which will provide a generating capacity of 1,500 kW. The streamflow will only exceed the hydraulic capacity during the early summer (typically June and July), or about 10%-20% of the year. This is a relatively low exceedence level for a run-of-river project, but AP&T believes the high capacity is Page | 4 worthwhile because of the high cost of diesel generation. Before pipe and generating equipment is ordered, AP&T will reevaluate the hydraulic capacity. It could be reduced to perhaps 50 cfs, which would allow a reduction in the penstock diameter from about 42 inches to 36 inches. The environmental impacts would be virtually the same with a smaller capacity, therefore the conclusions of this EA would not change. During times of high flow, water will flow over the diversion structure. If the overflow is less than about 30 cfs, it will all pass through the roughened channel outlet to allow fish passage. At higher rates of overflow, water will also pass over the spillway. The duration of this overflow will be intermittent, and of course will vary with the amount of snow accumulated in the basin; during low runoff years there may be only a very short period of overflow, but during high runoff years the overflow period may start in June and extend into August. Figure 3: Transmission Line Features The proposed Project requires state and federal permitting prior to project commencement of construction. The permits needed are: (1) a Department of Natural Resource (DNR) land lease permit; (2) DNR water rights permit; (3) Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) habitat permit; and, (4) a U.S. Army Corp of Engineers permit. In addition, besides being on State of Alaska managed lands, this project is also on Tanacross, Inc. lands (private), which is a Native corporation. The diversion structure and approximately 7,000 feet of the penstock and access road will be on state land, the remainder of the penstock and access road as well as the powerhouse and buried portion of the transmission line will be on private land. The size of easement needed on state land will be approximately 28.4 acres. The size of easement needed on private land will be approximately 27.7 acres. Page | 5 3 PURPOSE/NEED FOR PROPOSED ACTION  The purpose of this hydroelectric project is to reduce the use of fossil fuels presently used for generating electricity in the Tok area along the Alaska Highway. The communities that will benefit from this project are Tetlin (pop. 117), Tanacross (pop. 140), Dot Lake (pop. 19), and Tok (pop. 1,393), Alaska. These communities are presently 100% reliant upon fossil fuels for their electricity. AP&T applied to the RUS for a grant for a 2.0 MW run-of- river hydroelectric project that would connect directly to the AP&T transmission system that is centralized out of Tok where diesel generation facilities are located. Based on further hydrologic analysis, the facility is currently being designed with a 1.5 MW capacity. AP&T presently sells power for $0.47 per kWh (2009) in Tok and to other communities connected to Tok’s closed grid. The Proposed Action is needed to reduce this areas use of fossil fuels and to reduce price fluctuations and air emissions associated with diesel generation. To do this, a renewable energy resource is necessary. The proposed Project will be the first such project on this interior Alaska grid. Placing this hydroelectric project on the Tok grid will reduce electric rates to approximately $0.37 per kWh (~20% reduction). The current rate is above the RUS High Energy Cost Benchmark of Extremely High Average per unit energy costs ($0.239 per kWh), one of the eligibility criteria of this program. Two of the communities that would benefit from this project have large Native Alaskan populations, Tetlin 94.9%, Tanacross 88.6%. Page | 6 4 ALTERNATIVES   4.1 No Action  If no action is taken, the four communities that would benefit from the proposed Project would remain on diesel generation for their electrical needs. The price of diesel fluctuates and is expected to remain high, keeping the area’s electric rates high. Diesel generation also puts particulate matter and gases such as CO2 into the air, which are related to global warming. The high volume of diesel fuel needed for this small grid increases the likelihood of spills during transport and fueling operations as well as potential leaks from storage. The transport of hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel each year relies on the burning of fossil fuels to transport fuel, which would continue. The high cost of electricity is a stress on residential customers, schools, and businesses, suppressing economic and population growth. The increasingly expensive electrical rates may drive people away from these communities. This economically impacted area on the Alaska Highway will continue to struggle with increases in the cost of diesel fuel. 4.2 Energy Generation Technologies Considered  Other energy generation technologies considered other than hydroelectric power were hydrokinetics, wind power, and woody biomass. A hydrokinetic project (the use of moving water to passively move a turbine placed in its flow) was evaluated for the Tanana River not far from Yerrick Creek. However, the environmental issues related to placing a turbine in this river appeared significant (possible impacts to fish, fishermen, boat traffic, subsistence use, testing of new technology, impact of floating debris). In addition, this type of technology is still being developed and tested. Hydrokinetic technology for a river turbine is presently not as efficient and the units are not very large, producing only a small amount of electricity. AP&T prefers to go with proven technology to get the best use of grant funds made available by RUS for renewable energy development as well as develop a larger project to meet more of the load. Wind power is still being evaluated for the area. AP&T is evaluating one or two sites that look promising, but their development could be years down the road. Wind generation requires consistent wind speeds above a base velocity rather than just being a windy area. This too is experimental technology at this northern latitude and is not known to be able to startup as fast as hydro from power outages when integrated with a diesel system. Conventional hydroelectric technology can start almost instantaneously, allowing supplemental diesel generation to be brought more slowly on line. Thus, conventional hydroelectric generation is more reliable in hybrid systems like the one being proposed. Biofuel is being considered by AP&T for the Tok grid. AP&T has been considering the possibility of a 2.0 MW-sized biomass facility using wood from the local area; however, funding was not made available to AP&T by the State of Alaska in its recent grant funding for Renewable Energy Fund Round III. This option will not be pursued in the near term unless grant funding becomes available. In order to get the communities on the Tok grid off of diesel generation, it will require a combination of renewable energy projects. However, biofuel is also less reliable than conventional hydroelectric power in that wood Page | 7 would have to be purchased and would therefore be dependent on a reliable and available source. Conventional hydroelectric power is a mature technology that is well proven. The components are readily available, and the science of finding a good site is well established. Yerrick Creek meets the requirements for a sustainable run-of-river (no storage) hydroelectric project due to relatively consistent flow throughout the year, no significant environmental issues, and no major engineering challenges. All of these contribute to keeping costs down. Hydroelectric projects also have the advantage of quick start-up time after a power outage, which is almost instantly. Hydroelectric power also integrates well with diesel generation units, making the balance between the two easy to manage. The other technologies that were considered either do not work well with quick start-ups or are relatively unproven, however, hydroelectric projects integrate well with other renewable energy projects, such as wind, because generation can be well regulated where as most other renewable energy technologies do not have consistent energy production. 4.3 Alternative Locations for siting the hydroelectric facility  Other watersheds considered by AP&T for conventional hydroelectric included:  Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1, just west of Yerrick Creek, o does not have as large a drainage area as Yerrick Creek o does not have enough flow year round, and o does not have the easy accessibility of Yerrick Creek.  Tanana River o many environmental issues, particularly fish passage and sediment buildup o significantly greater costs to construct a project on a river versus a creek AP&T’s transmission grid passes by Yerrick Creek allowing the project to plug into the existing infrastructure, whereas other potential sites would require new transmission infrastructure because they were further away, which would lead to an increase in project costs and introduce new environmental impacts. Page | 8 5 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT  5.1 Land Use  Approximately 50% of the proposed Project is located on state managed land, and the remainder is on property privately owned by Tanacross, Inc. The portion of the Yerrick Creek basin on which the Project would be located is used by hunters for bear, moose, caribou, and Dall sheep. Trapping for small furbearers also takes place. The site is used for a combination of subsistence and recreational activities, which is typical of the general area. Trespassing for hunting and/or trapping purposes is a concern of Tanacross, Inc., the private landowner. This sort of activity is not unusual in rural Alaska, which resembles an open range without fencing. Development of this project would provide easier access into both Tanacross, Inc. and state lands. AP&T is considering reasonable solutions to prevent vehicular access, such as installing a locked gate at the access road’s entrance point. AP&T is also willing to compensate Tanacross, Inc. for the use of its land and to mitigate the effects of trespassing and loss of land. While subsistence and recreational hunters and trappers will have easier foot access to a part of this area, wildlife hunting would remain heavily controlled and monitored by state and federal agencies that permit the amount of take allowed in the area. Therefore, although hunting is allowed in this area, a permit is necessary to harvest, and only a certain number of each species is allowed to be taken annually. This may provide some restraint for illegal use of this area. 5.2 Cultural Resources and Historic Properties  Under the provisions of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, archeological site- location information is confidential; disclosure of such information is exempt from requests under federal and state freedom of information laws. The following reports are not public documents. They are intended for release to Alaska Power & Telephone (AP&T), the Rural Utilities Service (RUS), the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Tanacross, Inc., and other consulting parties under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Prior to initiating consultation with consulting parties under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106), AP&T gathered information about historic properties in the general project area. On July 9, 2008, AP&T submitted a letter the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), which included a copy of a literature review and preliminary recommendations for additional archaeological and historic structure surveys. The Alaska SHPO responded on August 15, 2008, that it agreed with the recommendations of the report, specifically the letter stated that additional archaeological surveys should be completed for the proposed access route, powerhouse site, and penstock route and that surveys should not be needed for the impoundment area. Based on this recommendation, RUS determined that the area of potential effect (APE) would be the proposed locations for the access road, powerhouse site, and penstock. Page | 9 By letter dated October 14, 2008, RUS formally initiated consultation with the Alaska SHPO and government-to-government consultation with the Native Village of Tanacross, Tanacross, Inc., the Native Village of Tetlin, and the Village of Dot Lake. The letter identified the project’s APE, requested that additional information be provided about historic properties within the APE, and requested the participation of consulting parties (Alaska SHPO, the Native Village of Tanacross, Tanacross, Inc., the Native Village of Tetlin, and the Village of Dot Lake) in a teleconference on November 13, 2008. The purpose of this teleconference was to give a more detailed description of the project, discuss known historic properties that may be within the APE, and discuss the predicted progression of this project under Section 106. On November 10, 2008, Tanacross, Inc., provided comments in response to RUS’s letter. Comments included:  A significant portion of the project (approximately one half of the penstock route, construction and maintenance roads, and all of the powerhouse site & its auxiliary facilities [access road and transmission infrastructure]) would be located on lands owned and managed by Tanacross, Inc.  The project would conflict with use of historic trails by members of the Native Village of Tanacross for subsistence purposes.  The project would interfere with right-of-way development by Denali-The Alaska Gas Pipeline LLC (Denali) for the transportation of North Slope natural gas to market. The proposed location of the powerhouse would be at the same location of Denali’s proposed compressor station. Several of these concerns were addressed during the teleconference held on November 10, 2008. Meeting minutes and a formal response to Tanacross, Inc.’s letter were submitted via email to participants of the teleconference on December 17, 2008. Representatives from the Native Village of Tanacross, Tanacross, Inc., the Native Village of Tetlin, and the Village of Dot Lake participated in the teleconference. Minutes from this meeting are included in Appendix 9.1 – Project Correspondence. Following the discussion, Tanacross, Inc., identified a historic trail used by members of Tanacross for subsistence purposes that may be within the APE of this Project. By letter dated, December 17, 2008, RUS requested that site-specific locations of the trail be identified. To date, this information has not been submitted to RUS for review. Following the teleconference, RUS authorized AP&T to begin surveys of the APE, provided it acquired the necessary permissions from Tanacross, Inc., to access its land. In 2009, AP&T hired Northern Land Use Research, Inc. (NLUR) to conduct a cultural resource survey of the APE. The survey identified the following sites within the APE:  TNX-156: Tanacross quadrangle segment of the Haines-Fairbanks pipeline  TNX-074: Yerrick Creek cabin  TNX-211: Can Dump area  TNX-212: Construction camp site When designing this project, AP&T treated all of these sites as eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Properties, although RUS, with SHPO concurrence) have Page | 10 determined that site TNX-211 is ineligible.2 The historic trail, identified by Tanacross, Inc., was not found within the APE. 5.3 Biological Resources  Yerrick Creek is located within the Yukon/Tanana uplands physiographic province (Warhafting 1965). The climate of this area is continental with average annual temperatures ranging between -32°F and 72°F, and extreme temperatures have been measured from -60 to 99°F (ADCED 2004). The Tanana Valley is bound by low, rounded hills ranging in elevation from 300 meters to 1,500 meters (1,000 to 5,000 feet) above sea level, that are interspersed with lowland bog areas and depressions. Wildlife resources within Upper Tanana region include large game, such as moose, caribou and Dall sheep, and furbearers, such as snowshoe hare, muskrat and red squirrels (Halpin 1987). Aquatic resources include occasional whitefish, arctic grayling, and Dolly Varden, while avian resources include geese, ptarmigan, ducks and grouse. A literature search indicates that these species exist in the Yerrick Creek area. The Alaska Range lines the southern horizon of the project area beyond the low-lying hills. The higher relief hills are typically igneous intrusions that sometimes have extensive rock exposures and shallow soil deposition, whereas the lowlands are often characterized by vegetated loess dunes and thick organic layers covering permafrost. The area surrounding the Tanana River is dotted with lowland lakes and small creeks. Yerrick Creek flows north from the Alaska Range before joining the Tanana River. Yerrick Creek is a cascading stream with fast flow with some “islands” of vegetation present in the channel, but for the most part the channel consists of braided sand, gravel, and cobble bars with some large boulders. Old meander channels and lower elevation vegetated creek banks exhibit signs of recent and past vegetation log jams from spring break up. Vegetation in the project area consists of an upland spruce-hardwood forest. Dominant trees include black and white spruce, paper birch, quaking aspen and cottonwood. Willow and alder shrubs are also present in recently disturbed areas. Understory shrubs include dwarf birch, wild rose, Labrador tea, high bush cranberry and raspberry. The dominant forest ground cover noted include toad flax, bog and low bush cranberry, Sphagnum moss, lichens, blue joint grasses and horsetail. Initially, AP&T submitted a Draft Study Plan to the resource agencies to determine what studies were needed and what information was lacking in their biological analysis of the site. Based on comments received from ADF&G on September 3, 2008, the study of mammals was not necessary because there was significant information already available on agency websites, which was included in AP&T’s Study Plan. Fish species, plant surveys, and a wetland determination, however, were conducted. 5.3.1 Fish Resources  For most of its length, Yerrick Creek is a cascading stream with fast flow and boulder substrate. The stream generally comprises one to three channels, within a wide dynamic 2 March 24, 2010, letter from SHPO to RUS. Page | 11 (scoured) perimeter. Apparent fish habitat consists of widely spaced, very small (~10-foot long) pools behind large boulders or logjams. Roughly one mile before the creek joins the Tanana River, the habitat is significantly different; flow is much slower and the habitat is composed mostly of sand. In this “delta” area, there are three main channels with several smaller channels which leave and rejoin the larger channels, and at least one large area (“city block” in size) through which the creek flows more-or-less overland, in very shallow channels among dense spruce trees. In between these two reaches is a transition zone, where flow is intermediate in strength and substrate is small rocks and large gravel. This transition zone is only a few hundred yards long. Complicating this situation is the fact that the surface water flowing in the creek is not always continuous within the river. Because of the porous substrate, the water sometimes disappears from the surface and flows underground. Fish surveys were conducted by a qualified fish biologist, Stephen Grabacki (Anchorage), who conducted surveys in 2008 on September 3-4 and 29-30 and in 2009 on May 19-20, May 27-29, and June 7. A report on the fish surveys can be found in Appendix 9.3.1 – Fish Resource Report. Mr. Grabacki stated, “The stream bed morphology indicates that even when there is surface flow, the quality of the habitat is limited and the larger rock moved during the high flow periods reduces the quality of fish habitat.” Based on sampling in early September 2008, and on the three sampling sessions in May- June 2009, an understanding of Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) use of Yerrick Creek seems to have emerged. Grayling appear to use parts of Yerrick Creek (below and within the bypass reach) for summer feeding, on an opportunistic basis. No evidence was found to support that grayling spawn in Yerrick Creek:  The creek did not connect to the river at the expected time of grayling spawning  No aggregations were observed of grayling anywhere in Yerrick Creek; all grayling observed in the creek in May-June 2009 appeared to be individual fish  No adult-size grayling were observed, and the largest grayling observed in June 2009 (a 2- or 3-year-old) did not appear to be in either a pre-spawning or post- spawning condition. Studies conducted showed that the majority of Dolly Varden (DV) year-round habitat is above the diversion site. During a May 2009 meeting between ADF&G and AP&T, ADF&G acknowledged that this Project would not significantly impact DV (it was at this time AP&T was directed to focus on studying Grayling use of the creek). Studies confirmed that there is little over-wintering refugia in the bypass portion of the creek so that any loss of over-wintering refugia will have minimal impact to DV. 5.3.2 Wildlife (mammal) Review  Wildlife is not expected to be significantly impacted by the proposed Project, either by construction or operation. Species that use the proposed Project area are not considered threatened, endangered, or listed species of concern (TES). A literature search conducted by AP&T does not point to any TES using this basin, although some may occasionally pass through during migration. Of the many species that do use the Yerrick Creek area, Game Page | 12 Management Unit 12, some are hunted for their meat (moose, caribou, Dall sheep, black and brown bear) and trapped for their pelts (lynx and marten), or harvested because they kill other preferred game, i.e., wolves. There will be a minimal loss of habitat types from project features:  The powerhouse, staging area, and lower borrow area are near the Alaska Highway and a total of approximately 5.2 acres will be cleared.  The tailrace will require clearing approximately 0.6 acres.  The access road/penstock route will require approximately 38.7 acres of clearing.  The upper borrow area will require approximately 2.5 acres, however this is mostly exposed bedrock.  The upper staging area will require approximately 5.7 acres of clearing, but will be allowed to revegetate after construction.  The diversion area covers 3.4 acres, but little of this has vegetation. The habitat type for the project area is typically open paper birch – white spruce forest. Open balsam poplar–white spruce forest and open white spruce forest habitats are found in drier portions of the Project area. Open black spruce forest and open dwarf black spruce forest occupy areas with poorly drained soils. Closed tall alder or willow scrub occupies the transitional areas between forested areas and creek channel. This habitat type is common throughout this drainage basin as well as other drainages along the Tanana River that Yerrick Creek drains into. ADF&G in a July 1, 2008, letter to AP&T, requested that the penstock and access road remain a minimum of 66 feet from the creek accept when intersecting with the diversion structure or powerhouse; however, it is necessary to cross the creek due to perma frost, wetlands, and steep slopes found further south on the west side of the creek. A single-lane bridge would be used to cross the creek and the penstock would be buried under the creek to avoid damage from flooding that occurs in this wide, dynamic creek. The penstock (pipe) would be passable to wildlife because it will be buried along the access road. This Project is viewed as having limited impacts to wildlife in the area. The main concern would be whether this project will provide easier vehicular access into this basin for hunters and trappers, which could place more pressure on wildlife. However, in regards to increased hunting pressure, sport and subsistence hunting go hand- in-hand in this area, although most is by Alaskan hunters and is therefore most likely for subsistence. All hunting is controlled by permit in this area and there is a limit to how many of each species can be harvested in a given year. This places a control on harvesting these species regardless of whether there is improved access to this drainage or not. Big game that use Game Management Unit 12 are black and brown bear, moose, and possibly migrating caribou. Dall sheep most likely stay at higher elevations. Wolves probably migrate through looking for game. Roads in remote areas with little traffic often become travel corridors for the wildlife using the area (AP&Ts experience from other projects), which simply makes it easier for them to get around. However, the Yerrick Creek forest is primarily open, possibly reducing use of the road by wildlife. Although this project will remove habitat, the loss is not significant because the amount of land is small in comparison with the surrounding undeveloped area. Page | 13 Dall sheep hunting is controlled by a drawing for a permit, only so many permits are allowed, so increased access should have little impact to this species because only so many can be legally harvested. Of the participating hunters, 94% were Alaska residents in regulatory years (RY) 2001-2003, of which 92% of the harvested rams were by Alaskans.3 For Macomb caribou, a permit is required as well with a harvest limit of one bull per year (only for residents). Only one Macomb caribou was harvested in Unit 12 in RY2001-2002 and RY2002-2003. Highway vehicle followed by horse are the dominant methods to hunt Macomb caribou in recent years.4 Brown bears are distributed throughout Unit 12. Unit 12 brown bear hunting regulations were liberalized in 1981 to reduce the bear population and elevate moose calf survival. "In 1994, the Unit 12 brown bear management goal to reduce the brown bear population to increase moose calf survival was eliminated and the management goal was revised to provide for maximum opportunity to hunt brown bears in Unit 12. The management goal has remained the same since 1994."5 Presently, only one brown bear per permit per regulatory year is allowed to be harvested. During RY 04 & 05, non-residents of Alaska accounted for 65% and 75% of the harvest respectively. For black bear, three bears per permit per regulatory year can be harvested. Alaska residents accounted for 89-93% of the black bears harvested during RY98-RY00. Yerrick Creek does not contain a reliable source of fish in the project area (diversion to the powerhouse) to attract bears to feed. Other streams along the Tanana River have better runs of grayling and Dolly Varden as well as other salmonid species. Regarding moose, "Predation by wolves and grizzly bears has likely been the greatest source of mortality for moose in Unit 12 and has likely been the major factor keeping the population at a low density since the mid 1970s. In contrast to most other areas that contain sympatric moose, wolf, and grizzly bear populations, wolves, rather than bears, appeared to be the primary predator on moose calves on the Northway-Tetlin Flats, based on research conducted during the late 1980s (ADF&G, unpublished data; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, unpublished data). Wolf predation also appeared to be the greatest source of adult mortality. However, in some mountainous areas of Unit 12, fall composition data indicate that predation on moose neonates was high, suggesting grizzly bear predation."6 Hunters using 3 or 4 wheelers accounted for the highest percentage of the harvest with highway vehicles next. Predation by wolves and bears shows that other natural processes have a far greater impact on moose than humans. Only one bull can be harvested per year per permit. 3 Parker McNeill D.I. 2005. Portions of Units 12, 13C, and 20D Dall sheep management report. Pages 68-79 in C. Brown, editor. Dall sheep management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2001-30 June 2004. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 6.0. Juneau, Alaska. 4 DuBois, S. D. 2007. Units 12 and 20D caribou. Pages 65-82 in P. Harper, editor. Caribou management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2004-30 June 2006. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 3.0. Juneau, Alaska, USA. 5 Gross, J. A. 2007. Unit 12 brown bear. Pages 132-142 in P. Harper, editor. Brown bear management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2004-30 June 2006. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 4.0. Juneau, Alaska, USA. 6 Hollis, A. L. 2006. Unit 12 moose. Pages 126-143 in P. Harper, editor. Moose management report of survey and inventory actitivies 1 July 2003-30 June 2005. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 1.0. Juneau, Alaska, USA. Page | 14 Up to five wolves can be harvest per year in Game Management Unit 12. Management of these species with state harvest limits is what controls the human take of these species. Putting a road into the Yerrick Creek drainage to reach the diversion site may provide easier access by hunters, but all these species require permits to harvest. The harvest total for the management unit is based on what the populations can tolerate. This short road into Yerrick Creek will not change management of these species, even if it makes it easier to get into this area. Avian species are not expected to be significantly impacted due to the limited nature of the clearing needed (15 feet wide for access road / penstock route) although there could be some loss of habitat. 5.3.3 TES botanical survey  A threatened, endangered, and sensitive (TES) plant species survey was conducted within the Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric project area by a qualified botanist of HDR, Inc., Anchorage. The purpose of the study was to determine if there were any individuals or populations of plant species of interest that may be affected by project activities. The survey was conducted at Level 5 intensity. Most of the project area is undeveloped with an open gravel waterway, islands of mixed hardwood and softwood trees, abandoned gravel side channels in various states of revegetation, and heavily forested banks. The main vegetation of Yerrick Creek study area is typically open paper birch – white spruce forest. Open balsam poplar–white spruce forest and open white spruce forest inhabits drier sites. Open black spruce forest and open dwarf black spruce forest occupy areas with poorly drained soils. Closed tall alder or willow scrub occupies the transitional areas between forested areas and creek channel. Narrow areas of gravel floodplain areas along Yerrick Creek are inhabited by early seral graminoids and forbs. Bluejoint meadows and lowland sedge wet meadows occupy wet areas adjacent to ponds. The HDR project botanist surveyed most of the major vegetation types, and covered much of the geographic extent of the Yerrick Creek project area. The majority of collection locations were concentrated on gravel river bars and shrub areas adjacent to the Yerrick Creek. More than 100 vouchers were collected. Specimens were given provisional names in the field and later sorted, examined and identified by the HDR botanist. Specimens of notable taxa will be sent to the UAF Herbarium (ALA) for review by the museum staff. Most of these species are widespread in interior Alaska. No non-native species were observed in the Yerrick Creek study area. In total, 145 species from 40 families were recorded at the area. The complete list of species encountered in Yerrick Creek study area is found in Appendix 9.3.2 – TES Plant Report. Two lakes were visited. Aquatic plants were observed and recorded from the shore. The study area was not surveyed for aquatic plants specifically. Four notable plants were found in the project area. The AKNHP tracks populations of plants of interest. Notable plants are not considered rare, sensitive, or endangered but are considered to be of ecological interest by the AKNHP. Page | 15 Phlox sibirica (Siberian phlox) was not previously reported from the area. The closest records of this plant are approximately (UAF 2008): 1. 30 miles NW of Yerrick Creek in Fort Greely Military Reservation in 2004 (63.78°, -145.79°) 2. 45 miles SE of Yerrick Creek at Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (62.20266°, -142.123273°) Other notable plants, for which there are no nearby records, include: 1. Botrychium lunaria (common moonwort) 2. Platanthera obtusata (blunt-leaved orchid) 3. Astragalus robbinsii ssp. harringtonii (Harold’s milkvetch) The TES plant survey found no globally or state ranked Rare or Sensitive species during the survey. No Endangered species were encountered or identified during the survey. The only plant federally listed or proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska is Polystichum aleuticum C. Christensen, which is endangered. It is only known from Adak Island and is not expected to occur in the proposed Project area. Most plant species observed in the area are considered common and widespread in interior Alaska. 5.4 Water Quality & Quantity  5.4.1 Water Quality  A water quality survey was conducted by Travis/Pederson Environmental Consulting, Inc., Fairbanks, using past (USGS 15476000) and present information to complete an analysis (report can be found in Appendix 9.3.3. – Literature Review and Field Report: Hydrology Baseline Study). The findings from the water quality study is that Yerrick Creek is a clear, oligotrophic (low nutrient levels) and well oxygenated stream. The moderately high pH for surface water suggests contact with some kind of carbonate rock within the drainage. High flushing flows occur on almost an annual basis, scouring and moving the cobble within the creek banks. 5.4.2 Water Quantity  AP&T’s initial assessment of the water quantities in Yerrick Creek (Berkshire, 2007) were based on transposition of the record of the USGS gage on Berry Creek some 33 miles west of Yerrick Creek, with adjustment for the drainage areas of the two streams. AP&T installed a stream gage on Yerrick Creek near the diversion site in June 2007. In July 2008, the gage installation was washed out by flooding. The gage was subsequently moved upstream a few hundred feet to a more protected location, but equipment malfunctions prevented collection of data until the spring of 2009. As with all stream gages in interior Alaska, the gage installation is subject to ice influence, and flows in the winter can only be estimated. AP&T has attempted to correlate the small amount of data from the Yerrick Creek gage with contemporaneous data from USGS gages in the area. Unfortunately, there are no contemporaneous USGS gages with similar characteristics (basin size, elevation, annual precipitation); available USGS gages are as follows: Page | 16  Phelan Creek near Paxton - - 12.2 mi2 drainage area, mostly glaciated.  Goodpaster River near Big Delta - - 677 mi2 drainage area, lower and flatter topography  Yukon River near Eagle - - 113,500 mi2 drainage area Correlations between the data from AP&T’s gage and that from the USGS gages are only fair, with correlation coefficients (R2) between 0.79 and 0.85. Based on the flow data collected to date and the correlations with the USGS gage data, it appears that Yerrick Creek has a higher base flow than might be expected. Even in the winter, AP&T has always found water flowing under the ice at the gage location. AP&T theorizes that this is because of the large amount of alluvium in the valley. AP&T will continue to measure Yerrick Creek flows to develop more reliable streamflow correlations. In 2010, AP&T contracted for another review of the hydrology information for the site (Environ Corp., 2010). For that study, a double correlation was attempted between Berry Creek, the Yukon River, and Yerrick Creek. The study determines likely upper and lower limits for Yerrick Creek flows. 5.5 Floodplains/Wetlands  A wetlands jurisdictional determination was conducted by HDR, Inc. (Appendix 9.3.4 – Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination). Most of the proposed Project area is undeveloped, with an open gravel waterway, adjacent forests, abandoned gravel side channels in various states of re-vegetation, and heavily forested banks. The creek corridor is the only floodplain, and the project features that will be within the floodplain are the diversion structure and a small portion of the penstock. Besides the creek, there are small and large ponds on the ridges above the creek to the west as well as hydric soils and permafrost scattered about. A significant portion of the soils are not hydric and are well drained. Conclusions from the wetland delineation were: at wetland data from locations, 15 out of the 28 sites had hydrophytic vegetation. The most common trees in the project area include white spruce (Picea glauca), balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera), and some paper birch (Betula papyrifera). The most common shrub is alder (Alnus crispa). Saplings of white spruce and cottonwood are also common in the shrub layer. Common graminoids include bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis) and a variety of sedges (Carex spp.). Common forbs include timberberry (Geocaulon lividum) and dwarf fireweed (Chamerion latifolium). Mosses and lichens were found primarily in forested plots. Wetland locations are based upon the dominance of hydrophytic vegetation, hydrologic indicators, and hydric soil indicators. Other waters of the U.S. are based on the investigators’ judgement about the location of the ordinary high water mark of Yerrick Creek. Based on the findings above, approximately 21.3% (147.1 acres), a conservative delineation, of the mapped acres were determined to meet the USACOE requirements for being classified as wetlands or other waters. Most of the mapped wetland areas are not within the proposed project construction areas. Page | 17 The remainder of the mapped project area, approximately 78.7% (542.6 acres) of the mapped area, lacks one or more of the required three parameters to support classifying an area as wetland and is not below the plane of the ordinary high water (OHW) mark of Yerrick Creek. These areas would not be subject to jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Yerrick Creek and its adjacent active bars are waters of the U.S. below the creek’s OHW mark. OHW is particularly difficult to define for a braided channel such as this one. There may be some areas within the river bars that are not actually below the OHW mark. 5.6 Environmental Justice  The communities that would benefit from the proposed Project are Tetlin (pop. 117; 94.9% is Native American), Tanacross (pop. 140; 88.6% is Native American), Dot Lake (pop. 19), and Tok (pop. 1,393; 12.8% is Native American), Alaska. The state’s percentage of Native Americans is 13.4%. According to the U.S. Census data, the county median household income was $38,776, which is 75% of the State median household income of $51,571. The per capita income for these communities is: Tetlin $7,372; Tanacross $9,429; Tok $18,521; and Dot Lake $19,406 compared to the State at $33,761. Family poverty levels are higher in Tetlin (40%), Tanacross (22.6%), and Tok (9.5%) than the State as a whole (6.7%). Unemployment in Tanacross is 57.1%, Tetlin 46.9%, and in Tok 18%.7 The Denali Commission’s 2009 Report on Distressed Communities in Alaska lists Dot Lake, Tetlin and Tanacross as distressed. Tok was last listed as a distressed community by the Denali Commission in their 2008 report. Based on the current state of the U.S. economy, it is likely that all four communities will be listed in 2010. The Denali Commission list of Distressed Communities can be found in Appendix 9.4 – 2009 Denali Commission List of Distressed Communities. 5.7 Socioeconomics  The present (2009) electric rates for AP&T customers in Tetlin, Tok, Tanacross and Dot Lake (a small, isolated grid) is approximately $0.47 per kWh. AP&T’s current diesel fuel consumption is approximately 350,000 gallons per year, which at today’s prices (the 2008 average was $3.577 per gallon) costs $1,252,000 annually. Over 50 years, AP&T’s diesel generation plant will use approximately 17,500,000 gallons of diesel. The existing diesel plant in Tok, which supplies electricity to all four communities, presently has six diesel generators to meet and act as backup for the load demand. The generators require significant labor and maintenance. The frequency of generator overhaul and replacement of these six units averages a cost of approximately $50,000 annually. These costs are passed on to customers via the electric rates. Many customers in AP&T’s service area supplement their electrical use with wood, kerosene, and oil or gas generators for heating because of the high cost of electricity. Several customers also use propane for cooking, clothes dryers, hot water heaters, etc. The economy along the Alaska Highway has suffered from high gas prices, the slowed national economy. This situation has impacted the local economy, which is reliant upon tourism for 7 Based on the 2000 U.S. Census Records Page | 18 its economic sustainability. As mentioned under Environmental Justice, Dot Lake, Tetlin, and Tanacross are on the 2009 Denali Commissions list of distressed communities, and have been so for years, with Tok last listed in 2008. The local school is seeking cheaper electric rates and is therefore looking at other technologies. A couple businesses have come through looking for sites to build manufacturing plants in the Tok area until they discovered how expensive the electricity is. Economic development is bleak for the area at this time. Page | 19 6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES   6.1 Alternative 1: No – Action  If No Action is taken, the environment at Yerrick Creek would remain unchanged. There would be no diverting of flow out of the creek to be returned further downstream, having no impact on the limited fish habitat available in this area of the creek and therefore allow free movement by fish as currently exists. There would be no loss of terrestrial habitat from the clearing of the right-of-way for the access road and penstock route. Wildlife that uses the area would not be stressed by the activity of construction, possibly temporarily forcing them out of the area. There would be no possibility of human induced erosion or sedimentation to the creek. The No Action alternative would also mean the four communities that would benefit from this project will remain on diesel generation for their electrical needs. This will cause their electric rates to fluctuate with the price of diesel, which is expected to remain high keeping the area electric rates high. Diesel generation also puts particulate matter and gases such as CO2 into the air, which are related to global warming. The high volume of diesel fuel needed for this small grid increases the likelihood of spills during transport and fueling operations as well as potential leaks from storage. The transport of hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel each year relies on the burning of fossil fuels, which would continue. The high cost of electricity would continue to stress residential customers, schools, and businesses, suppressing economic and residential growth. The increasingly expensive electrical rates may drive people from these communities. This economically impacted area on the Alaska Highway will continue to struggle with increases in the cost of diesel fuel. 6.2 Alternative 2: The Proposed Project  6.2.1 Land Use  Fall hunting, subsistence activity, and trapping would likely be temporarily impacted during the construction phase because wildlife would probably stay away during construction activity. Although, as usually happens at this type of construction activity, based on AP&Ts experience, if construction clearings cross a wildlife corridor the wildlife will continue to use it but may change the time of day they cross the area of activity. During the operations phase, impacts to hunting, subsistence activity, and trappers would be minor due to personnel surveillance of the proposed Project site for operation and maintenance. Building the access road into the diversion site will make access easier for hunters, possibly changing the land use by increasing, at minimum, the foot traffic into the basin and increasing pressure on wildlife. However, wildlife hunted in this state management unit (Unit 12) is managed by permits, which limits the number harvested per permit. This protects the mammals so that they are not harvested beyond what their population can tolerate. Therefore, any easier access into this area should not increase pressure on wildlife because only a certain number can be taken. Other pressure from increased access is just the intrusion or disturbance potentially caused by more recreational foot traffic or ATVs if they are able to access the project access road. Though use of the Page | 20 basin is likely to increase, this is not expected to be a significant impact as this is a remote part of Alaska, even being on the Alaska Highway. Overall, use of the project area for recreational purposes is likely to increase due to easier access, but impacts are not expected to be significant. The use of both state and private land for this project would be mitigated by paying fees for the use of the land. A gate which locks just off the highway will help limit access by vehicle to prevent illegal dumping. 6.2.2 Cultural Resources and Historic Properties  On January 13, 2010, RUS submitted a finding of effects letter to consulting parties (i.e., Alaska SHPO, Tanacross, Inc., Native Village of Tanacross, Native Village of Tetlin, and the Village of Dot Lake). In that letter, RUS included its determination of eligibility of sites identified in the November 2009 survey for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, which included sites: TNX-156 (Tanacross quadrangle segment of the Haines-Fairbanks pipeline), TNX-074 (Yerrick Creek cabin), TNX-211 (Can Dump area), and TNX-212 (Construction camp site). On March 24, 2010, the Alaska SHPO indicated that it considers TNX-212 a historic property. The Alaska SHPO stated that it has no objections with the current design of the proposed Project (i.e., the access road avoiding site TNX-212). SHPO requested that the boundaries of the site be marked as an avoidance area for construction crews. The Alaska SHPO concurred with RUS’s determination that monitoring at site TNX-212 would not be needed. To date, no letters from the other consulting parties have been received. 6.2.3 Biological Resources  No Threatened, Endangered, or Sensitive wildlife species are known to utilize the proposed Project area, although they may pass through it. Impacts would be temporary from construction activities causing wildlife to avoid the site during construction. No long term impacts are expected. No Threatened, Endangered, or Sensitive plant species were found to inhabit the site; therefore, no impacts are anticipated. Fish resources in the Project’s bypass reach will be minimally impacted because the existing quality of the habitat is currently poor. Dolly Varden in the creek primarily use habitat above the proposed Project area, and the Arctic grayling primarily use habitat below the proposed Project’s discharge point. There is no evidence that the Arctic grayling use the creek for spawning; but the species are opportunistic, they may enter the area to feed. The potential loss of the bypass reach as fish habitat during parts of the year when flow is low is not significant for the sustainability of these two species due to better habitat in other nearby streams in the Tanana River basin. ADF&G issued a permit on August 5, 2009, allowing the construction of this Project; however, they do request to see the intake and spillway designs prior to construction. As requested by ADF&G, AP&T plans to remain 66 feet away from the riparian corridor as much as practicable to reduce impacts of sedimentation into the creek. AP&T also Page | 21 proposes to implement erosion and sedimentation control methods to reduce this potential to a level of non-significance. AP&T also proposes to bury the penstock to prevent a barrier to wildlife passage through the project and to place the penstock within the access road corridor as much as possible to minimize vegetation clearing. ADF&G has indicated they agree with both these approaches. ADF&G requested in the habitat permit that an “excess flow bypass shall be constructed as a roughened channel that permits all flow in excess of 60 cfs to remain in the middle bypass reach and that provides fish passage, both upstream and downstream.” This creek is not considered Essential Fish Habitat. With the proposals made by AP&T, which are approved by ADF&G, this Project is not expected to have significant impacts to Biological Resources. 6.2.4 Water Quality & Quantity  Based on the water quality studies conducted, there are no chemical abnormalities that would warrant further investigation of the stream to be impacted by the hydroelectric project. With the erosion and sedimentation control methods AP&T proposes to employ (i.e. silt fencing, jut netting, seed mix using annual non-invasive species, using as narrow a corridor as possible, and use of riprap to stabilize slopes along with revegetation as needed) during and after construction of the proposed Project, water quality should be only minimally impacted as these methods will significantly reduce the opportunity for sedimentation. Construction within the creek will use cofferdams to divert flow around construction activity to minimize sedimentation. Cofferdams will likely be made from super-sacks 8 filled with sand. Therefore, the proposed Project should have no significant impacts to water quality. 6.2.5 Floodplains/Wetlands  The project will impact a floodplain (creek) by installing a diversion structure across the creek, which will remove flow of up to 60 cfs. This floodplain, or creek, is an open gravel waterway with abandoned gravel side channels in various states of re-vegetation with heavily forested and steep banks. Construction of the diversion and removal of up to 60 cfs would remove most water flow between the diversion and the Project’s tailrace; however, this would have minimal environmental impacts to this floodplain due to a lack of vegetation and poor fish habitat to support. Based on the flow data collected to date and in correlation with other nearby gaged streams, during a typical year flows greater than 60 cfs will occur only in early summer (June and July). During times of high flow, water will flow over the diversion structure and continue down the creek. The duration of this spill flow will be intermittent, and will vary with the amount of snow accumulated in the basin. During low runoff years, there may be only a very short period of spill, but during high runoff years the spill period may start in June and extend through August. The Yerrick Creek channel routinely experiences peak flows over 1000 cfs (based on regional parameters, the two-year flood is estimated at 1,102 cfs and the five-year flood is estimated at 1,575 cfs). This Project will reduce flood flows below the diversion structure, however, the 60 cfs reduction is not considered significant compared to the high peak flows. The diversion structure will be constructed with a relatively flat upstream concrete 8 Large nylon-fabric sacks (very strong) meant to perform like conventional sandbags, only larger. Page | 22 face (4H:1V) to allow movement of bedload and sediment downstream during floods. Nevertheless, accumulation of sediment in the diversion pond is expected, and will require periodic removal and placement in the downstream floodplain to maintain the existing sediment movement regime. There will be minimal impacts to the Yerrick Creek floodplain caused by Project construction or operation because high flows that exceed 60 cfs occur annually. Outside of the creek floodplain, there will be few if any impacts to wetlands because the Project utilizes uplands, thereby avoiding impacting wetlands along the access road/penstock route. The wetland survey conducted found that there were approximately 21% wetlands within the project boundary (including hydric soils), though not necessarily where the project features will be located. In fact, the final design specifically avoids wetlands along the access road/penstock route until meeting the creek where it is spanned by a single-lane bridge. AP&T proposes to mitigate potential impacts to wetlands by using silt fencing to prevent runoff from disturbed soils and revegetation with grass seed mixes, which will help stabilize disturbed soils. AP&T also proposes to confine construction activity to as narrow a footprint as possible, which will also reduce impacts. 6.2.6 Environmental Justice    This project would not disproportionately affect low income or minority communities in the proposed Project area. This Project, however, will improve conditions for these small communities by saving the customers money and potentially attracting industry or other commercial endeavors, which would provide employment to the area. Part of the Project is located on the Tribal Corporation, Tanacross, Inc., lands that AP&T will pay compensatory fees to use. 6.2.7 Socioeconomics   The proposed Project would provide rate stabilization and lower rates, which may attract more residents and commercial operations to any and all the communities this Project would serve. This Project may have a byproduct of providing more local employment in this economically distressed area. Having stabile rates could impact demographics as mentioned above and if the economy continues to decline, there will still be a need for less expensive and clean power. This project will reduce the noise and air pollution associated with diesel generation facilities which are located within city limits and will increase public safety by reducing the use of diesel fuel. This project will partially displace the use of diesel and diesel fuel sellers by reducing the amount AP&T purchases. Page | 23 7 MITAGATION AND PERMITS  Mitigation measures that would be implemented in the construction and operation of the proposed Project include: General  Diversion should have an excess flow bypass when flows exceed the hydraulic capacity of the project (60 cfs) as a roughened channel to provide fish passage in both directions.  Fish exclusion configuration at intake to prevent their injury or mortality; screen openings would not exceed ¼ inch.  The access road and penstock will remain a minimum of 66 feet from the riparian zone along the creek except where access is needed to the diversion structure, the bridge crossing, and powerhouse, or unless otherwise necessary.  The penstock will be buried as much as possible to allow wildlife passage.  Project clearing will be kept to a minimum to reduce potential impacts to wildlife.  The boundaries of site TNX-212 will be marked as recommended by SHPO. Construction crews will be notified of this avoidance area.  Silt fencing will be used to contain runoff and prevent sedimentation.  Grass seed mix, jut netting, and/or riprap will be used to stabilize disturbed soils after construction activity has ceased in an area. ADF&G issued a habitat permit for construction on August 5, 2009, with the following stipulations that AP&T would implement:  Prior to construction, civil plans for construction of the impoundment dam and excess flow bypass shall be submitted to ADF&G for review and approval.  The excess flow bypass shall be constructed as a roughened channel that permits all flow in excess of 60 cfs to remain in the middle bypass reach and that provides fish passage, both upstream and downstream.  Prior to construction, plans shall be submitted to provide for fish exclusion at the penstock intake. These plans must provide for an effective screen opening that does not exceed ¼ inch. USACOE issued a Department of Army (DA) permit for construction on April 30, 2010, [POA-2009-445] with the following stipulations that AP&T would implement:  All fill slopes and disturbed areas subject to erosion and siltation of Yerrick Creek or project area wetlands shall be stabilized against erosion by revegetation either by seeding and/or transplanting species native to the immediate area. Erosion control with materials such as coir logs, straw wattles, silt fencing, fiber biodegradable mats, straw mulch etc. must be used as best management practices.  Migratory birds, their nests, eggs, nestlings, etc. will not be taken (disturbed in any manner). Vegetation must not be cleared between 5 May and 25 July of any year, unless the area to be cleared has been surveyed for birds and their nests, by a qualified biologist, and the land clearing or human disturbances can be conducted without a take. Page | 24  Yerrick Creek bed and banks disturbed by construction of temporary diversion channels, cofferdams, bridges, or other disturbances must be restored to original conditions upon removal of the temporary fills or structures.  No equipment or machinery shall be refueled, lubricated, or maintained while in any active or inactive channels of Yerrick Creek. All debris will be cleaned from work areas authorized by this permit immediately following construction.  Earthen materials shall not be stockpiled adjacent to Yerrick Creek to prevent erosion and siltation of creek waters.  Trenching of Yerrick Creek for installation of the penstock crossing shall not occur within any flowing or open waters. The diversion must result in a dry work area. The creek bed must be restored with the large cobble rocks existing in the channel for armor protections prior to diverting the creek waters back to the original channel over the buried penstock. The creek bed and banks shall have the original elevation and contours re-established.  Reasonable precautions and controls must be used to prevent incidental and accidental discharge of petroleum products or other hazardous substances into any water or wetland areas. Clean-up materials shall be available on-site and used immediately to contain any spills of such pollutants. Fuel storage and handling must not be conducted in Yerrick Creek or wetland areas. Equipment leaking fuel, oil, hydraulic oil, etc. must not be operated in aquatic areas and be repaired prior to use in or near Yerrick Creek.  As compensatory mitigation for the permanent net loss of approximately 0.8 acre of Yerrick Creek area, the permittee shall pay an in-lieu fee to The Conservation Fund, or other Corps’ In-lieu Fee Program sponsor, prior to initiating construction in waters of the U.S., at the ratio of 1 acre of creek to 1.5 acre preserved. The Conservation Fund will provide the cost per debit to the permittee at the time of payment. Proof of the in-lieu fee payment shall be provided to the Corps prior to beginning construction in the waters of Yerrick Creek. The issuance of following permits are pending:  DNR Land Use Permit  DNR Water Rights Permit AP&T is committed to implementing all environmental stipulations associated with the issuance of these permits. Page | 25   8 LITERATURE CITED  ADF&G, FH-09-III-0182 Permit issued for Construction, R. F. McLean, August 5, 2009. Alaska Power & Telephone Co., AP&T Temperature and Fish Presence Survey, (e-mail) June 24, 2009. Berkshire, P. B., Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project, Estimate of Average Annual Energy, July 2007. Browne, Patricia, Findings of AHRS Data Review and Evaluation of Cultural Resources Potential for Hydroelectric Project Development…, June 5, 2008. Denali Commission. 2009 Denali Commission List of Distressed Communities. June 2009. DuBois, S. D. 2007. Units 12 and 20D caribou. Pages 65-82 in P. Harper, editor. Caribou management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2004-30 June 2006. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 3.0. Juneau, Alaska, USA. Environ Corp., Yerrick Creek – A Review of Available Data and Recommended Flow Duration Curve, Hydrology Report, May 26 2010. Grabacki, S.T. Fisheries Baseline Study for a Proposed Hydroelectric Development on Yerrick Creek, October 2008. Grabacki, S.T. Fisheries Study for Spawning AG and DV and their movement throughout the Creek during May and June 2009, June 2009. Gross, J. A. 2007. Unit 12 brown bear. Pages 132-142 in P. Harper, editor. Brown bear management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2004-30 June 2006. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 4.0. Juneau, Alaska, USA. HDR Alaska, Inc. Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination. February 2009. HDR Alaska, Inc. Threatened, Endangered, Sensitive (TES) Plant Report. February 2009. Hollis, A. L. 2006. Unit 12 moose. Pages 126-143 in P. Harper, editor. Moose management report of survey and inventory actitivies 1 July 2003-30 June 2005. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 1.0. Juneau, Alaska, USA. http://alaska.fws.gov/fisheries/endangered/listing.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/ Page | 26 http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/black_bear.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/birds.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/brown_bear.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/caribou.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/dall_sheep.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/fox.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/marten.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/moose.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/otter.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/snowshoe_hare.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/wolf.htm http://tetlin.fws.gov/wildlife/wolverine.htm http://www.adfg.state.ak.us/pubs/notebook/furbear/lynx.php http://www.wildlife.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=pubs.mgt Parker McNeill D.I. 2005. Portions of Units 12, 13C, and 20D Dall sheep management report. Pages 68-79 in C. Brown, editor. Dall sheep management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2001-30 June 2004. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Project 6.0. Juneau, Alaska. Proue, M., Neely, B. 2009 Cultural Resource Survey of Alaska Power & Telephone’s Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project Near MP 1334 of the Alaska Highway, Alaska. Northern Land Use Research, Inc. November 2009. Travis/Pederson Environmental Consulting, Inc. Literature Review and Field Report: Hydrology Baseline Study (Including Water Quality Testing), October 2008. USACOE, DA Permit POA-2009-445 issued for Construction, April 30, 2010. Page | 27 9 APPENDICES  Page | 28   9.1 Agency Correspondence  Page | 29   9.2 Hydrology Studies  May 26, 2010 Mr. Larry Coupe, PE Alaska Power & Telephone Attn: Larry Coupe, PE 193 Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Re: Yerrick Creek - Review of Available Data and Recommended Flow Duration Curve Dear Larry: The AP&T stream gage on Yerrick Creek has been collecting data since June 2007. The data record is not only short, but the gage was relocated several times; and its new location is subject to ice corruption, which can affect the data collected. In order to develop daily flow time series and duration curves, at least twenty years of average daily flow data are needed. This analysis can be conducted on a stream with a long flow record, if: (a) its flows are correlated with Yerrick Creek flows, and (b) its watershed is hydrologically similar to the Yerrick Creek watershed. Specifically, the watershed should have a similar drainage area (30 square miles), mean annual precipitation (MAP) (18 inches), mean elevation (2,000 feet), and should not be glaciated. A search of the US (USGS and its partners) and Canadian hydrologic data found only two hydrologically similar watersheds: (a) Berry Creek watershed, thirty miles northwest of Yerrick Creek, with USGS gage 15476300 near Dot Lake, recording between 1971 and 1981; and (b) the Boulder Creek watershed, more than 100 miles north-northwest of the site, with USGS gage 15439800, and a data record from 1966 to 1986. The watershed above Berry Creek gage was measured at 65.1 square miles, and had average MAP of 18 inches. The gage was located at 1,400 feet, Both Berry Creek and Yerrick Creek watersheds drain a mountain-type watershed, with highest drainage peaks exceeding 6,000 feet. The Boulder Creek watershed drains a drainage area with elevations up to 3,000 feet, and has an average MAP of 16 inches. Flow measurements were distorted by ice between October and April of every year recordings made over the 20 year period. The Berry Creek flow data was used by a previous consultant (Berkshire 2007) to reconstruct representative Yerrick Creek flows; however, the Berkshire study was conducted in 2007, and they had no access to Yerrick Creek flow data. After further analysis, it was decided to use the Berry Creek gage data, in order to develop its correlation with the existing Yerrick gage data. This was conducted in two steps: (1) As the Berry Creek and Yerrick Creek data cover different time periods, the Berry Creek gage data was first correlated to the Yukon River flows at Eagle (USGS gage 15356000). This Yukon River gage has a continuous flow record for 38-years. Although the Yukon River is a much larger stream than Berry Creek, and drains a significantly larger watershed (113,500 square miles), it was the only stream in the region where flows were continuously recorded from 1971, and for which flows also have a fair correlation (coefficient of determination R2 was 0.48) with Berry Creek flows. The Berry Creek flows were then extended through 2009 using the Berry Creek-Yukon River correlation. 605 First Avenue, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98104 www.environcorp.com Tel: +1 206.336.1650 Fax: +1 206.336.1651 2 (2) Berry Creek flows developed in step (1) were correlated with the recorded Yerrick Creek flows recorded at the AP&T gage (2007-2009). Then, the Yerrick Creek 38-years flow series was constructed using the Yerrick-Berry Creek flow correlation. The correlation between Yerrick Creek and Berry Creek flow data is presented in Figure 1 below. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.7856. The best fit curve is shown in black color; while the boundary line approximating outliers is shown in purple color. The Yerrick Creek flow duration curve (Figure 2) was developed using 38-years of reconstructed Yerrick Creek data. The flow duration curve using the developed correlation equation is shown in blue color. The flow duration curve of the boundary line approximating outliers is shown in red color. The flow duration curve using recorded Berry Creek data developed by Berkshire is also shown (in black color) for comparison. The Berkshire Berry Creek flow duration curve lies midway between the Yerrick Creek main duration curve and the Yerrick Creek low prediction envelope, except for very low flows (below 10 cfs) and high flows (exceeding 70 cfs). Conclusion: With collection of more data at the Yerrick Creek gage, the flow duration curve may tend to adjust to the lower prediction limit flow duration curve (shown in red color in Figure 2). However, this adjustment may be limited to medium range flows (10 cfs – 30 cfs). It is unlikely that the curve will be adjusted towards lower flows that were recorded at the Berry Creek USGS gage 15476300 near Dot Lake. The reason is that the AP&T gage is located in a wide shallow section of a stream that is susceptible to ice during the period of low flows in Yerrick Creek. Formation of this ice prevents correct recording of low flows at the Yerrick Creek gage. It also appears that the ice (“frazil ice”) is corrupting data collection in the weeks leading up to the complete freeze, as pointed out by Berkshire in his report (2007). The Berry Creek USGS gage is located at a narrower section of the creek, and is able to capture longer periods of low flows (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/measurements?site_no=15476300&agency_cd=USGS&format=ht ml_table_expanded). 3 Figure 1 Yerrick Creek - Berry Creek Correlation y = 14.539Ln(x) - 11.927 R2 = 0.7856 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Berry Creek Q (predicted from Yukon)Yerrick Creek (recorded) QFitting Curve Lower Limit Fitting Envelope Log. (Fitting Curve) Figure 2 Flow Duration Curve - Yerrick Creek (correlated on Berry Creek/Yukon River) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent Time ExceededYerrick Creek Flow, cfsYerrick Creek from Berry and Yukon Yerrick Creek - lower prediction limit Berry Creek (Berkshire) (BLANK PAGE) Page | 30   9.3 Biological and Other Surveys 9.3.1. Fish Resources Report 9.3.2. Threatened, Endangered, Sensitive (TES) Plant Report 9.3.3. Literature Review and Field Report: Hydrology Baseline Study 9.3.4. Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination 9.3.5. Heritage Resource Survey   9.3.1. – FISH RESOURCES REPORT 10 June 2009 To: APT – Glen Martin From: GRAYSTAR – Steve Grabacki Subject: Report of Fisheries Fieldwork, Yerrick Creek, May-June 2009 I conducted three sampling sessions on Yerrick Creek -- 19-20 May 2009, 27-29 May 2009, and 7 June 2009. For the first two sessions, the study area included lower Yerrick Creek, from roughly ½-mile above the proposed powerhouse site downstream to the Tanana River. The main purpose of the sampling was to compare spawning aggregations of Arctic grayling above vs. below the proposed powerhouse site. Sampling methods included visual observation with polarized lenses, angling with spin and fly terminal tackle, underwater video, and 3 styles of fish traps (small wire-mesh minnow traps, medium collapsible minnow traps with larger throat, and larger collapsible traps) baited with commercially cured salmon roe. On the third sampling session, we focused on the creek downstream of the highway. The purpose of this sampling was to observe and capture Arctic grayling in lower Yerrick Creek, and to compare grayling's use of the creek for spring spawning by adults vs. summer feeding by juveniles. Sampling methods included visual observation with polarized lenses, angling with spin and fly terminal tackle, and herding fish through pools into a bag seine. General Habitat Description For most of its length, Yerrick Creek is a cascading stream with fast flow and boulder substrate. The stream generally comprises 1-3 channels, within a wide dynamic (scoured) perimeter. Apparent fish habitat consists of widely spaced, very small (~10-foot long) pools behind large boulders or logjams. Roughly 1 mile before the creek joins the Tanana River, the habitat is significantly different. Flow is much slower, and the habitat is composed mostly of sand. In this “delta” area, there are 3 main channels, several smaller channels which leave and rejoin the larger channels, and at least one large area (“city block” in size) through which the creek flows more-or-less overland, in very shallow channels among dense spruce trees. In between these two reaches is a transition zone, where flow is intermediate in strength and substrate is small rocks & large gravel. This transition zone is only a few hundred yards long. Complicating this situation is the fact that the water flowing in the creek is not always continuous with the river. Because of the porous substrate, the water sometimes disappears from the surface, and flows underground. First Sampling Session During the field trip of 19-20 May 2009, Yerrick Creek did not flow into (connect to) the Tanana River. Water flow appeared strongest at the uppermost sampling station (above the powerhouse site), and water was flowing in only 1 channel under the highway bridge. On 19 May, the water disappeared approximately ¾-mile downstream of the bridge, within the rocky streambed. On 20 May, the water had reached about 0.9 miles farther downstream, but disappeared in the sandy substrate. In the sandy delta area, there were a few very small pools with very little flow, and mostly dry substrate. At the bridge, water temperature was – 10.8°C at about 1630 on 18 May 5.1°C at 1030 on 19 May 1.7°C at 0915 on 20 May -- this range of daily temperature variation was observed on both sampling trips. (Arctic grayling are thought to spawn at 4°C). The 3 channels of Yerrick Creek drain into a backwater slough of the Tanana River. Although there was no surface water flow from the creek to the river, there was water in that slough. Water temperature was 10.5°C. We observed approximately 12 grayling in a tight school. The fish appeared to be roughly 250-300 mm in length. They were easily spooked, and did not respond to spinners or flies. We also observed 1 round whitefish, of approximately 300 mm in length, dozens of small (~20 mm) grayling, and hundreds of tiny (<10 mm) fish (species unknown). We captured no fish in the fish traps. Above the powerhouse site on 19-20 May, we captured 1 Dolly Varden (225 mm FL) in a trap, but observed no other fishes in this area. Second Sampling Session During the field trip of 27-29 May 2009, the flow in the creek was much greater, and the water appeared to be more turbid, than it had been a week earlier. At the bridge, the water was flowing in 2 channels (vs. one 1 channel, a week before), and was – 5.1°C at 1010 on 27 May 4.1°C at 0600 on 28 May, after a cool night 7.1°C at 1240 on 28 May 2.8°C at 0610 on 29 May, after a rainy night 3.5°C at 0925 on 29 May 5.3°C at 1455 on 29 May Yerrick Creek was flowing into the Tanana River (the slough where we had earlier sampled) through its 3 main channels. Just above those confluences, the creek was braided through the forest, with several small channels and overland flows (among the trees). In these small channels, we observed 2 individual grayling (the fish were widely separated, not aggregated). We observed no fish in the lower creek (below the bridge), on either the rocky or sandy substrates, but we did capture 2 slimy sculpin in a trap. Water temperature in the lower creek was – 6.8°C at 1145 on 28 May 4.5°C at 1135 on 29 May Above the powerhouse site, we captured 7 Dolly Varden in traps, but observed no other fishes, with any sampling method. Water temperature in this area was – 7.5°C at 1325 on 28 May 3.7°C at 1330 on 29 May During this second field trip, we found some of the fish traps in different positions from where we had set them. They appeared to have been moved to the shore or (in one case) out of the water by an overnight flood event. To summarize the first two samplings -- For grayling to spawn in Yerrick Creek, 2 factors are necessary – water temperature of 4-5°C, and continuity of water flow from the creek to the river. As expected, we observed a school of grayling in the Tanana River very near the mouth of Yerrick Creek, before the creek had reached the river. Those fish were apparently waiting to enter the creek. After the creek had reached the river, we observed grayling in the sandy-bottom, slower-flowing “delta” channels of the creek, but no grayling in the rocky-bottom, faster-flowing cascading parts of the creek. Also, we did not observe aggregations of grayling anywhere in Yerrick Creek. Third Sampling Session We sampled Yerrick Creek on 7 June 2009. The weather was cool and rainy in the morning, but turned mostly sunny and warm in the afternoon. Water was clear, and 5.4C at 1100. The purpose of this sampling was to observe and capture Arctic grayling in lower Yerrick Creek, and to compare grayling's use of the creek for spring spawning by adults vs. summer feeding by juveniles. Sampling methods included: visual observation with polarized lenses, angling with spin and fly gear, and herding fish downstream through pools into a bag seine, which was stretched across the creek. We observed no fishes in the fast flow / boulder substrate zone, or in the slow flow / sand substrate zone. In the transition zone, we captured 1 grayling, and observed 4 individual (not aggregated) grayling: 2 of these were roughly 200 mm long, and 2 fish were approximately 100 mm long. The captured grayling was 208 mm fork length, and did not appear to be in either a pre-spawning or post-spawning condition. I took scale samples from the captured grayling, and released it in apparent good condition. I drove to Delta, and met with ADFG's Fronty Parker. We discussed my findings, and we pressed and read the sample of scales that I took from the fish I caught on Sunday (6/7). That grayling was 2 or 3 years old, definitely juvenile, not a spawning adult. Based on my sampling in early September 2008, and on these three sampling sessions in May- June 2009, a picture of grayling use of Yerrick Creek seems to have emerged. Grayling appear to use parts of Yerrick Creek (below and within the bypass reach) for summer feeding, on an opportunistic basis. While I cannot prove that grayling do not spawn in Yerrick Creek, I have found no evidence to support it -- * The creek did not connect to the river at the expected time of grayling spawning. * I observed no aggregations of grayling anywhere in Yerrick Creek; all grayling observed in the creek in May-June 2009 appeared to be individual fish. * I observed no adult-size grayling, and the largest grayling observed in June 2009 (the 2- or 3-year-old) did not appear to be in either a pre-spawning or post-spawning condition. 1 REPORT FISHERIES BASELINE STUDY for a PROPOSED HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT on YERRICK CREEK near TOK, ALASKA prepared for – ALASKA POWER & TELEPHONE Company Port Townsend, Washington by – Stephen T. Grabacki, FP-C GRAYSTAR Pacific Seafood, Ltd. Anchorage, Alaska (907) 272-5600 graystar@alaska.net October 2008 2 1 -- INTRODUCTION ALASKA POWER AND TELEPHONE COMPANY (AP&T) has proposed to install a hydroelectric project on Yerrick Creek, near Tok, Alaska. This document is the report of the first year of a fisheries baseline study, in support of that project. The study area included Yerrick Creek (YER) and Cathedral Rapids Creek #1 (CR1). These streams are small tributaries of the upper Tanana River, in eastern interior Alaska. The fish and fisheries of the upper Tanana River drainage are studied and managed by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADFG, or “the department”). Neither YER nor CR1 are listed in ADFG’s Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes and its associated Atlas -- http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/SARR/awc/ -- although the Tanana River itself is listed. YER and CR1 lie within ADFG’s Upper Tanana Management Area (UTMA), which is within ADFG’s fishery management region III, also known as the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (AYK) region (Figure 1). The UTMA encompasses Delta Junction, Tok, and several smaller communities (Figure 2). Region II Region III Region I Lower Tanana Management Area Upper Tanana Mangement Area Upper Copper Upper Susitna Management Area Yukon Management AreaNorthwestern/Arctic Management Area Kuskokwim Management Area Figure 1 -- Map of ADFG’s Sport Fish Regions, and the Six Region III Management Areas source: Parker 2006 3 Figure 2 -- Map of the Upper Tanana Management Area within the Tanana River Drainage source: Parker 2006 Several fish species are found in the UTMA – Common Name Scientific Name chinook (king) salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha coho (silver) salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch chum (keta) salmon Oncorhynchus keta Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus burbot Lota lota lake trout Salvelinus namaycush Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma round whitefish Coregonus cylindraceum least cisco Coregonus sardinella humpback whitefish Coregonus pidschian northern pike Esox lucius YER & CR1 study area 4 ADFG’s Division of Sport Fish publishes an annual Fishery Management Report for Sport Fisheries in the Upper Tanana River Drainage. These reports focus on the more abundant sport- caught fishes: coho salmon, Arctic grayling, northern pike, lake trout, and burbot. Dolly Varden char are not explicitly studied. The most recent available such report (as of October 2008) is Parker 2006. ADFG has stocked rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), coho salmon, Arctic grayling, and lake trout in selected waters of the Upper Tanana area (Parker 2006). In general, there is less sport fishing effort in the UTMA, as compared to the Lower Tanana Management Area (Parker 2006); for example, in 2005 -- * 33% of anglers in the Tanana River drainage fished in UTMA * 30% of fishing trips in the Tanana River drainage were in UTMA * 28% of fishing effort in the Tanana River drainage was in UTMA * 39% of fish harvest in the Tanana River drainage was in UTMA In 2005, Arctic grayling comprised over half of the sport fish catch, but less than one-third of the sport fish harvest (fish caught and retained) in UTMA (Parker 2006) – Species Catch % of Catchd Harvest % of Harveste % Harvested Salmon * chinook 25 0.03 25 0.15 100.0 * cohoa 2,830 2.97 267 1.61 9.4 * cohob 2,973 3.12 1,002 6.02 33.7 * chum 686 0.72 0 0.0 0.0 Non-Salmon * rainbow trout 17,355 18.20 6,336 38.10 36.5 * lake trout 3,651 3.83 569 3.42 15.6 * charc 1,453 1.52 463 2.78 31.8 * Arctic grayling 55,943 58.66 5,242 31.52 9.4 * northern pike 8,299 8.70 1,646 9.90 19.8 * whitefish 455 0.48 60 0.36 30.5 * burbot 1,370 1.44 1,021 6.14 74.8 * sheefish 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 * other fishes 321 0.34 0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL 95,361 16,631 17.4 a – anadromous salmon b – landlocked coho & Chinook salmon c – includes Arctic char & Dolly Varden d – the species’ percent of UTMA total catch, calculated from Table 7 in Parker 2006 e – the species’ percent of UTMA total harvest, calculated from Table 7 in Parker 2006 5 The preceding table shows that 1.52% of the catch, and 2.78% of the harvest, were composed of “char”, which includes both wild Dolly Varden and stocked Arctic char. Because of their wide distribution and comparatively high abundance, Arctic grayling are important to both sport and subsistence harvesters. As such, they have been extensively studied by ADFG scientists for decades. In the Tanana River drainage, grayling exhibit a wide range of age and size at maturity (Clark 1992). Similar studies have not been conducted for Dolly Varden in the upper Tanana drainage, but anecdotal observations indicate that Dolly Varden in that area may reach maturity and spawn at small sizes (< 200 mm fork length) (J.F. Parker, ADFG, personal communication, 2008), and even while exhibiting so-called “juvenile” characteristics such as parr marks (A.E. Rosenberger, University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences, personal communication, 2008). ADFG has conducted comprehensive fish surveys of the streams of the middle and lower Tanana River drainage, including clear, clear/glacial, glacial, humic/glacial, and humic creeks and rivers, and found no Dolly Varden in any of those habitats (Durst 2001, Hemming & Morris 1999). Arctic grayling conduct seasonal migrations among overwintering, spawning, and summer feeding habitats, and seasonal changes in water temperature are generally considered to be the triggers for those movements (Ridder 1995, Ridder 1994, and several previous studies cited in those reports. Similar studies have not been conducted for Dolly Varden in the upper Tanana drainage, but anecdotal reports indicate that there may be year-round resident populations of Dolly Varden in the upper reaches of Yerrick Creek (J.F. Parker, ADFG, personal communication, 2008). In 1988, 367 Tok households were surveyed to determine their subsistence use of fish, game, and plant resources. Most households used subsistence-caught salmon (79.4%) and freshwater fish (71.4%). In the freshwater fish category, the predominant subsistence species were grayling (55.7%), burbot (40.2%), rainbow trout (35.0%), large pike (27.2%), whitefish (25.9%), and lake trout (22.9%). Only 0.9% of Tok households reported using subsistence-caught Dolly Varden. The report does not identify where these various fish species were harvested, but because the Tok data set includes marine fish (27.5%), such as halibut, it appears that Tok residents harvest subsistence fisheries resources far from home, and not only in the local Tok area (McMillan & Cuccarese 1988). In conclusion, Arctic grayling are the most commonly sport-caught fish in the UTMA, and the second-most common sport-harvested species. Grayling are also taken by subsistence harvesters. Dolly Varden are comparatively uncommon in the UTMA, in both the sport and subsistence harvests, and were not reported by either of two ADFG scientific investigations. Finally, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Alaska Department of Fish & Game’s Division of Fisheries Rehabilitation, Enhancement, & Development (FRED) investigated possible sites for salmon hatcheries throughout Alaska. In a survey of Yerrick Creek in February 1980, Raymond (1980) reported – 6 * the Upper Tanana River Valley has many ingredients for a good hatchery site: year-round highway access, high-gradient streams, and hardly any salmon * most of the creeks in this area dry up in winter * there was no evidence of running water at the highway bridge * there was evidence of running water at two sites: 1 mile and 2 miles upstream of the highway * water temperature was too low for a flow-through hatchery * there was plenty of hydropower available 2 -- METHODS YER is characterized by steep gradient, cascading flows, and large boulder substrate. The channels appear to be dynamic, as judged by cleanliness of the substrate in and near the water: very little periphyton and almost no terrestrial vegetation. There are few pools in YER that appear capable of providing habitat for fishes. Those pools are small, in the range of 10-20 ft long. CR1 is much smaller and steeper than YER. It is essentially one long, cascading run, with strong current and large boulder substrate. Small pools are apparent only at very low flows. For example, in June (lower flow than in September), a pool of roughly 10 ft wide x 20 ft long x 2 ft deep was observed at WP 037: 63°21.595’N 143°43.005’W elevation: 2,239 ft but this pool could not be located in early September, when flow was greater. Similarly, a few smaller pools were observed in June, but by early September, the dynamic channel appeared to have shifted so that they were no longer apparent. During sampling visits in summer 2008, the wetted perimeters of both streams were much smaller (narrower) than their respective dynamic channels (area of clean boulders). The fish sampling stations on YER and CR1 were selected to bracket the area of interest to AP&T’s proposed project (Figure 3) – * Station UYC: upper Yerrick Creek, well above the hydropower impoundment site * Station UMY: middle/upper Yerrick Creek, above the impoundment site * Station YCI: Yerrick Creek, in the general vicinity of the proposed impoundment * Station MYC: middle Yerrick Creek, between the impoundment and the powerhouse * Station LYC: lower Yerrick Creek, downstream of the proposed powerhouse * Station CRI: Cathedral Rapids Creek #1, in the vicinity of the proposed impoundment The purpose of this study was to characterize the seasonal presence and distribution of fishes in the two streams. 7 Figure 3 -- Sampling Sites for the 2008 Fisheries Baseline Study The two creeks were visited on foot and examined, but not sampled, 6-7 June 2008. Fish habitat was generally characterized, and the locations of possible fish-bearing pools were recorded. Sampling, supported by helicopter, was conducted – * 3-4 September 2008 (YER and CR1); this sampling was originally scheduled for early August, in order to sample fish in their summer habitats, but because of unusually heavy and prolonged rains and flooding in the Tok area, the trip was postponed twice until early September; nevertheless, the weather and water were warm and summer-like, but the water flow was still noticeably higher than in June LYC UYC UMY YCI MYC CRI 8 * 29-30 September 2008 (YER only); this sampling was intended to sample fish immediately before freeze-up, in order to understand the species winter habitats; the water flows were lower than in early September Sampling methods included -- * electrofisher + bag seine (the electrofisher was used to herd the fish into the bag seine, rather than stunning them); it was difficult to maintain the seine in the current at some sites, and impossible at other sites; also, this was more effective in late September, because flow was less than in early September; where it was not possible to maintain the bag seine in strong current, electrofishing was performed as best as possible along the sides of the stream and in small backwater areas; in most cases, electrofishing was performed by two people: one bearing the backpack unit, and the other using a dipnet * minnow traps baited with commercially cured salmon eggs and left to soak overnight in pools, where pools could be found; fewer pools were visible during early September (higher flow) vs. in late September (lower flow), so that traps were not set at all sites in early September GPS coordinates, as displayed on a brand new Garmin GPS unit, do not appear to match the apparent location as displayed in Figure 3, which is drawn from a brand new version of the TOPO! mapping software. It is not clear if the error is within the GPS unit, the software, or in the interaction between the two. In this report, the GPS readings are listed in Appendix A, and the apparent location is shown in Figure 3. 3 -- RESULTS Fish sampling was conducted under ADFG Fish Resource Permit SF2008-172. A report of those activities was submitted to ADFG on 27 October 2008, and is attached to this report as Appendix A. Two species of fish were captured: Dolly Varden (DV) and Arctic grayling (AG). All fishes were measured and released alive, in apparent good condition. The results of the 2008 fish sampling were – YERRICK CREEK – 3-4 September 2008 Station UYC ** 1 minnow trap + electrofish ~40 yds of stream DV (5): 127, 122, 120, 127, 117 mm fork length (FL) 9 Station YCI ** 2 minnow traps + electrofish ~160 yds of stream DV (4): 135, 110, 102, 115 mm FL AG (3 possible males): 220, 235, 190 mm FL AG (1 possible female): 207 mm FL AG (7 undetermined sex): 165, 150, 148, 190, 148, 162, 148 mm FL Station MYC * not possible to set bag seine: current too strong, too wide in run, too deep & fast * not possible to set minnow trap: current too strong, no slow water * water still high & fast >10 days after latest rain; thalweg depth 3.5-4.0 ft * attempted electrofishing along ~50 yards of shoreline: sighted 1 fish ~150mm, species unknown Station LYC * set of seine not very good; current very strong * electrofish ~35 yards downstream to seine: no fish observed * no other fish-able sites nearby or anywhere below old pipeline corridor * no minnow trap set here YERRICK CREEK – 29-30 September 2008 Station UYC ** 1 minnow trap DV (3): 175, 126, 145 mm FL Station UMY ** 1 minnow trap + electrofish ~ 25 yds of stream DV (4): 125, 147, 159, 142 mm FL + 1 DV sighted Station YCI ** 2 minnow traps + electrofish ~40 yds of stream DV (14): 124, 131, 167, 133, 131, 137, 136, 128, 125, 123, 141, 105, 130, 80 mm FL DV (1 possible gravid female?): 149 mm FL 10 Station MYC * 1 minnow trap + electrofish ~100 yds of stream DV (2): 122, 98 mm FL DV (1 w/ white-edged fins, possible spawning male?): 164 mm FL AG (1): 162 mmFL + sighted 3 small fish, each <100 m FL Station LYC * 1 minnow trap + electrofish ~100 yds of stream AG (1): 79 mm FL CATHEDRAL RAPIDS CREEK #1 – 3-4 September 2008 Station CRI * electrofished ~0.1 mile of CR1, roughly near the approximate impound site no fish sighted or captured * no minnow trap set (no pools) 4 – CONCLUSIONS Yerrick Creek is used by Dolly Varden and Arctic grayling, in occasional small pools separated by long sections of cascading runs. Dolly Varden were captured in the middle and upper reaches of the creek (including the proposed impoundment area), while Arctic grayling were captured in the middle and lower sections. In this sampling, Arctic grayling were captured less often than were Dolly Varden. Dolly Varden were commonly encountered in both late summer and late fall (immediately before freeze-up), which suggests that they are year-round residents, including over winter. [Inferring the over-winter habitat of Dolly Varden based on pre-freeze-up surveys and sampling is used by ADFG biologists in other Alaska streams (Scanlon 2008).] The capture of a possibly gravid female and possibly spawning male suggests that Dolly Varden might spawn in the middle reaches of this stream. This apparent distribution is consistent with general anecdotal observations of these species in UTMA – * dwarf Dolly Varden are thought to be year-round residents of upper Yerrick Creek * Arctic grayling migrate seasonally into and out of lower Yerrick Creek 11 No fish were captured or sighted in Cathedral Rapids Creek #1, and fish habitat appears to be very scarce. It is not clear to what extent, if any, this cascading stream is used by either fish species. 5 -- RECOMMENDATIONS The 2008 fisheries sampling has provided useful characterizations of fish presence and distribution in Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek #1, in late summer, late fall, and by inference, over-winter. These data, when supplemented by a sampling in late spring or early summer of 2009, will yield a picture of yearly habitat use of these two streams. This future sampling should be performed at a very low water stage, to allow for thorough electrofishing at all stations. 6 – LITERATURE CITED Clark, R.A. 1992. Age and Size at Maturity of Arctic Grayling in Selected Waters of the Tanana Drainage. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Division of Sport Fish; Anchorage. Fishery Manuscript 92-5. Durst, J.D. 2001. Fish Habitats and Use in the Tanana Floodplain Near Big Delta, Alaska, 1999-2000. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Habitat & Restoration Division; Juneau. Technical Report 01-05. Hemming, C.R., & W.A. Morris. 1999. Fish Habitat Investigations in the Tanana River Watershed, 1997. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Habitat & Restoration Division; Juneau. Technical Report 99-1. McMillan, P.O., & S.V. Cuccarese. 1988. Alaska Over-the-horizon Backscatter Radar System: Characteristics of Contemporary Subsistence Use Patterns in the Copper River Basin and Upper Tanana Area; Volume I: Synthesis. Draft Report. Prepared for: Hart Crowser Inc. and Arctic Environmental Information & Data Center, in cooperation with Alaska Department of Fish & Game (Anchorage & Fairbanks) and U.S. National Park Service. Parker, J.F. 2007a. Fishery Management Report for Sport Fisheries in the Upper Tanana River Drainage in 2002. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Divisions of Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries; Anchorage. Fishery Management Report 07-03. Parker, J.F. 2007b. Fishery Management Report for Sport Fisheries in the Upper Tanana River Drainage in 2003. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Divisions of Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries; Anchorage. Fishery Management Report 07-05. 12 Parker, J.F. 2006. Fishery Management Report for Sport Fisheries in the Upper Tanana River Drainage in 2005. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Divisions of Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries; Anchorage. Fishery Management Report 06-67. Raymond, J. 1980. AYK Hatchery Site Surveys, and Miscellaneous Chum Spawning Observations. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Division of Fisheries Rehabilitation, Enhancement, & Development; Fairbanks. Ridder, W.P. 1995. Movements of Radio-Tagged Arctic Grayling in the Tok River Drainage. Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Division of Sport Fish. Fishery Data Series 95-36. Ridder, W.P. 1994. Arctic Grayling Investigations in the Tok River Drainage During 1993. Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Division of Sport Fish; Anchorage. Fishery Data Series 94-19. Scanlon, B. 2008. Fishery Management Report for Sport Fisheries in the Northwest / North Slope Management Area, 2006. Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Anchorage. Fishery Management Report 08-35. 13 APPENDIX A Report for FRP SF2008-172 14 Report of Activities and Collections 27 October 2008 Fish Resource Permit SF2008-172 Stephen T. Grabacki, FP-C; 907-272-5600; graystar@alaska.net Location: Yerrick Creek (YER) and Cathedral Rapids Creek #1 (CR1) The two creeks were examined but not sampled 6-7 June 2008. Fish habitat was generally characterized, and the GPS locations of possible fish-bearing pools were recorded. Sampling was conducted 3-4 September 2008 (YER and CR1), and 29-30 September 2008 (YER only), with electrofisher + bag seine (the electrofisher was used to herd the fish into the bag seine, rather than stunning them), and minnow traps baited with commercially cured salmon eggs and left to soak overnight. GPS coordinates, as displayed on Grabacki’s brand new Garmin GPS unit, do not appear to match the apparent location as displayed on the attached map. In this report, the GPS readings are listed in the text, and the apparent location is shown on the map. (1) RESULTS FROM 3-4 SEPTEMBER 2008 YERRICK CREEK (YER) Upper YER, above fork, western channel, well above impoundment, 04SEP08 63°18.204’N 143°35.387’W elevation: 2,830 ft Minnow trap set 03SEP08@1915, retrieved 04SEP08@1030 – DV (1): 127 mmFL Electrofished 2 channels – * single channel, ~40 yards * Y-shaped channel, ~80 yards DV (4): 122, 120, 127, 117 mmFL All fish in apparent good condition, released alive 15 Pool at/near impoundment site (above Mike’s camp), 03SEP08 Waypoint 009, elevation: 2,284 ft 63°20.435’N 143°37.852’W Electrofished pool & run, ~30 yards – DV (1): 115 mmFL AG (3 possible males): 220, 235, 190 mmFL AG (1 possible female): 207 mmFL AG (5 undetermined sex): 150, 148, 190, 148, 162, 148 mmFL All fishes in apparent good condition, and released alive Minnow trap set 1430, retrieved 0955 (04SEP08) – DV (2): 110, 102 mmFL Fish in apparent good condition, released alive Pool below impoundment site, 03SEP08 Waypoint 008, elevation: 2,263 ft 63°20.589’N 143°37.684’W Electrofished 2 channels – * main channel, ~80 yards: no fish captured or sighted * side channel, ~50 yards: 1 fish sighted + 2 fish captured – Arctic grayling (AG) 165mm fork length (FL), apparent good condition, released alive Dolly Varden (DV) 135 mmFL, apparent good condition, released alive (DV bore parr marks) Minnow trap set 1300, retrieved 0930 (04SEP08): no catch Middle YER, near big cut in hill on west bank Waypoint 024 on Mike Warner’s GPS: 63°21.411’N 143°37.852’W elevation: 2,100 ft Not possible to set bag seine: current too strong, too wide in run, too deep & fast below pool Water still high >10 days after latest rain; thalweg depth 3.5-4.0 ft Attempted electrofishing along ~50 yards of shoreline: sighted 1 fish ~150mm, species unknown Same conditions downstream ~0.5 mile Might be able to work this site in lower flow Lower YER, below highway bridge 63°23.062’N 143°35.538’W elevation: 1,971 ft Set bag seine below a slight pool Set of seine not very good; current very strong; lead line not on bottom in some places My assistant was the anchor for one end of the seine Electrofished ~35 yards downstream to seine: no fish observed No other fish-able sites nearby or anywhere below old pipeline corridor Observation: In June, flow at upper YER was greater than at lower YER. In September, there was stronger flow at mid- and lower YER sites. Judging by wet marks on the rocks, the water level was dropping. 16 Yerrick Creek is characterized by steep gradient, cascading flows, and large boulder substrate. The channels appear to be dynamic, as judged by cleanliness of the substrate in and near the water: very little periphyton and almost no terrestrial vegetation. There are few pools in YER that appear capable of providing habitat for fishes. Those pools are small, in the range of 10 ft long. Besides the pools that we sampled, other small pools were observed (in June) at – * 63°22.308’N 143°37.007’W elevation: 1,847 ft * 63°22.123’N 143°37.104’W elevation: not recorded * 63°21.572’N 143°37.608’W elevation: 2,050 ft (pool near spur of hill) * 63°21.582’N 143°37.638’W elevation: 1,930 ft * 63°21.257’N 143°37.913’W elevation: 2,220 ft (pool near scree slope; 1 AG seen in June) CATHEDRAL RAPIDS CREEK #1 (CR1) Station CRI Electrofished ~0.1 mile of CR1, roughly near the approximate impound site * from WP 012: 63°21.086’N 143°43.153’W elevation: 2,495 ft * to WP 011: 63°21.175’N 143°43.163’W elevation: 2,442 ft No fish sighted or captured No minnow trap set (no pools) Note: this site was not really a pool or pools; it was a reach of the stream near the impound site, where we could reasonably set the bag seine and conduct electrofishing. CR1 is much smaller and steeper than YER. It is essentially one long, cascading run, with strong current and large boulder substrate. In June (lower flow than in September), a pool of roughly 10 ft wide x 20 ft long x 2 ft deep was observed at WP 037: 63°21.595’N 143°43.005’W elevation: 2,239 ft but this pool could not be located in early September. Similarly, a few smaller pools were observed in June, but by early September, the dynamic channel appeared to have shifted so that they were no longer apparent. 17 (2) RESULTS FROM 29-30 SEPTEMBER 2008 YERRICK CREEK (YER) Station UYC Upper YER Waypoint 026, elevation: 2,811 ft 63° 18.193’N 143°35.406’W Minnow trap set 29SEP08@1415; retrieved 30SEP08@1320 -- DV (3): 175, 126, 145 mmFL All fish in apparent good condition, released alive Station UMY Upper YER, below WP 026 Waypoint 029, elevation: 2,548 ft 63° 19.371’N 143°36.591’W Nice pool at big dead spruce and snag Minnow trap set 29SEP08@1440; retrieved 30SEP08@ 1235 – DV (3): 147, 159, 142 mm FL All fish in apparent good condition, released alive. Electrofished 2 pools, ~25 linear yards of stream – DV (1): 125 mm FL + 1 DV sighted Fish in apparent good condition, released alive Station YCI Pools near impoundment site Waypoint 030, elevation: 2,242 ft 63° 20.606’N 143°37.686’W 2 minnow traps set 29SEP08@1500, retrieved 30SEP08@1115 – DV (12): 149*, 133, 131, 137, 136, 128, 125, 123, 141, 105, 130, 80 mm FL * possible gravid female? All fish in apparent good condition, released alive. Electrofished pools near impoundment site, ~25 linear yards of stream – no fish sighted or captured Electrofished pool at fork of 3 channels ~100 yards above impoundment site Waypoint 032, elevation: 2,204 ft 63° 20.521’N 143° 37.773’W DV (3): 124, 131, 167 mm FL All fish in apparent good condition, released alive 18 Station MYC Middle YER, near big spur of hill (“razorback”) on west bank Waypoint 031, elevation: 2,026 ft 63° 21.623’N 143° 37.565’W Minnow trap set 29SEP08@1550, retrieved 30SEP08@1400 – DV (3): 164*, 122, 98 mmFL * white-edged fins, possible spawning male? Electrofished ~100 linear yards of stream, in various small pools – AG (1): 162 mmFL + sighted 3 small fish, each <100 m FL Fish in apparent good condition, released alive Station LYC Lower YER, below highway bridge Waypoint 025, elevation: 1,717 ft 63° 22.878’N 143°36.438’W Minnow trap set 29SEP08@1350, retrieved 30SEP08@1000 – * no catch Electrofished ~100yards of stream – AG (1): 79 mm FL 9.3.2. – THREATENED, ENDANGERED, SENSITIVE (TES) PLANT REPORT Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project Tok, Alaska Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive (TES) Plant Report February 2009 Prepared for: Alaska Power and Telephone Company PO Box 3222 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Prepared by: HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Table of Contents STUDY PURPOSE AND LOCATION.............................................................................................................. 1 METHODS........................................................................................................................................................... 1 SAMPLING DESIGN............................................................................................................................................. 2 FIELD METHODS ................................................................................................................................................ 3 COLLECTION AND VOUCHERS............................................................................................................................ 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................................... 3 NOTABLE PLANTS ............................................................................................................................................ 4 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................................... 5 DETERMINATION OF TES SPECIES MADE BY........................................................................................ 5 ATTACHMENTS................................................................................................................................................ 5 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................................... 5 APPENDICES...................................................................................................................................................... 6 APPENDIX A: SURVEY INTENSITY AND RARITY RANK FOR SPECIES .................................................................. 6 APPENDIX B: PLANTS RECORDED AT SAMPLE PLOTS ........................................................................................ 8 APPENDIX C: PROJECT AREA PLANT SPECIES LIST.......................................................................................... 13 APPENDIX D: PHOTOGRAPHS ........................................................................................................................... 16 APPENDIX E: FIELD DATA FORMS ................................................................................................................... 17 Figures FIGURE 1: TES SURVEY MAP ......................................................................................................AS ATTACHEMENT FIGURE 2: PHLOX SIBIRICA PHOTO ......................................................................................................................... 4 Tables TABLE 1: PRELIMINARY LIST OF POTENTIAL RARE PLANTS ..................................................................................... 1 i Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive (TES) Plant Report Key Findings: No threatened, endangered, or sensitive plants were located within areas likely to be affected by project activities. The project, as described, is not expected to adversely affect any sensitive plants. Study Purpose and Location A threatened, endangered, and sensitive (TES) plant survey was conducted within the Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric project area. The purpose of the study was to determine if there were any individuals or populations of plant species of interest that may be affected by project activities. The survey was conducted at Level 5 intensity (Appendix A). The project area is located near along Yerrick Creek, a cobble, gravel and sand substrate creek which crosses the Alaska Highway at approximately milepost 1339 (see Figure 1 in the Yerrick Creek Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Report for wetlands). Most of the project area is undeveloped with an open gravel waterway, islands of mixed hardwood and softwood trees, abandoned gravel side channels in various states of revegetation, and heavily forested banks. Specific legal and geographic descriptions for the property required for Preliminary Jurisdictional Determinations are included in the Preliminary Jurisdiction report for wetlands in Table 1. The main vegetation of Yerrick Creek study area is typically open paper birch – white spruce forest. Open balsam poplar–white spruce forest and open white spruce forest inhabit drier sites. Open black spruce forest and open dwarf black spruce forest occupy areas with poorly drained soils. Closed tall alder or willow scrub occupies the transitional areas between forested areas and creek channel. Narrow areas of gravel floodplain areas along Yerrick Creek are inhabited by early seral graminoids and forbs. Bluejoint meadows and lowland sedge wet meadows occupy wet areas adjacent to ponds. Methods A five-day site visit was completed between August 21st and 25th, 2008, to identify any threatened, endangered, and sensitive plant species in the proposed project area. To target rare plants within the Yerrick Creek project area, we composed a list of rare plant species likely to be encountered. The target species list was compiled based on the Alaska Natural Heritage Program’s (AKNHP) Biotics database. The AKNHP database query did not show the occurrence of rare plants within the project area. This area has not been previously 1 surveyed for rare plants. Rare plants known in the general vicinity of Tanacross B5 and B6 USGS Quad maps were located from two queries on 7/21/2008. One query was the AKNHP Biotics Database query, and the other was from the Arctos Database at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks (UAF), which lists all known herbarium records stored at the UAF Herbarium (code letters ALA). The compiled list was reviewed and edited by local botanist Rob Lipkin (pers. com.) Rarity was determined by the AKNHP’s 2006 Vascular Plant Tracking list (Lipkin, 2008). Table 1: Preliminary list of potential rare plants (for explanation of Rarity Rank, see Appendix A). Scientific Name Common Name Family Global Rarity Rank State Rarity Rank Possible Habitat Agrostis clavata clavate bentgrass Poaceae G4G5 S1S2 Open balsam poplar- white spruce forest. Bare soils, wet meadows Carex heleonastes Hudson Bay sedge Cyperaceae G4G5 S2S3 Peat bogs, swamps Castilleja annua Scrophulariaceae G3G4Q S3S4 Waste places Ceratophyllum demersum coon's tail Ceratophyllaceae G5 S1 Ponds, lakes, and slow moving streams and rivers. Either anchored in the mud or floating freely near the surface. Draba paysonii Payson's draba Brassicaceae G5 S1S2 Gravel cutbank in glacial cirque Lupinus kuschei Yukon lupine Fabaceae G3 S2 roadsides Montia bostockii Bostock's minerslettuce Portulacaceae G3 S3 Wet places in the mountains Phacelia mollis soft phacelia Hydrophyllaceae G2G3 S2S3 Tall white spruce- aspen forest, coarse sand, dry sand beach, dry alpine tundra meadows. Poa secunda curly bluegrass Poaceae G5 SNA Meadows, open woods Taraxacum carneocoloratum fleshy dandelion Asteraceae G3Q S3 high alpine scree slopes, extremely rare Sampling Design The goal was to visit all vegetation types in the study area and identify all plant species encountered during field work that was focused on wetland mapping. All species were identified in the field or collected for further identification. We reviewed aerial photography to identify vegetation types most likely to contain the taxa of interest. Habitats of greatest interest included the following: 2  Openings in mixed birch – spruce forest,  Edges of ponds and meadows,  Seeps and small creeks,  Gravel river banks along Yerrick Creek. Daily work was planned to visit as many different habitat types as possible, including those most likely to include rare plants. Field Methods Teams traveled by foot while conducting the survey. As new vegetation communities were encountered, sampling points were established and the following data were collected:  Each plot was georeferenced using a Garmin GPS unit. Survey routes were also mapped.  Representative photos of the vegetation community were taken at each plot.  Vegetation type and dominant species by growth form (trees, shrubs, forbs, ferns/ non-vascular plants) were recorded at each site, using the vegetation classification system by Viereck (1992).  Additional data were gathered specific to the location, habitat, landform, notable plants, bare ground, or other parameters of interest.  Unidentified plants were collected for lab identification and noted on the field form.  A complete list of plant species encountered was compiled as the survey progressed. Collection and Vouchers Collections were made only if the population was large enough to support removal of individuals. The following data were recorded with each voucher specimen: date, latitude and longitude (Datum: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Alaska_2_FIPS_5002_Feet, in decimal degrees, taken from the Garmin GPS unit), associated species, vegetation type, substrate, notes on characteristics that may not preserve well (e.g., flower color), associated photo number, and other ecological observations. Each voucher specimen was referenced to a specific geographic locality. Results and Discussion The HDR project botanist surveyed most of the major vegetation types, and covered much of the geographic extent of the Yerrick Creek project area. The majority of collection locations were concentrated on gravel river bars and shrub areas adjacent to the Yerrick Creek. More than 100 vouchers were collected. Specimens were given provisional names in the field and later sorted, examined and identified by the HDR botanist. Specimens of notable taxa will be sent to the UAF Herbarium (ALA) for review by the museum staff. Most of these species are widespread in interior Alaska. No non-native species were observed in the Yerrick Creek study area. 3 In total, 145 species from 40 families were recorded at the area. The complete list of species encountered in Yerrick Creek study area is found in Appendix C. Two lakes were visited. Aquatic plants were observed and recorded from the shore. The study area was not surveyed for aquatic plants specifically. Notable Plants Four notable plants were found in the project area. The AKNHP tracks populations of plants of interest. Notable plants are not considered rare, sensitive, or endangered but are considered to be of ecological interest by the AKNHP. Phlox sibirica (Siberian phlox) was not previously reported from the area. The closest records of this plant are approximately (UAF 2008): 1. 30 miles NW of Yerrick Creek in Fort Greely Military Reservation in 2004 (63.78°, - 145.79°) 2. 45 miles SE of Yerrick Creek at Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (62.20266°, -142.123273° ) Figure 2: Phlox sibirica, Siberian phlox. Other notable plants, for which there are no nearby records, include: 1. Botrychium lunaria (common moonwort) 2. Platanthera obtusata (blunt-leaved orchid) 3. Astragalus robbinsii ssp. harringtonii (Harold’s milkvetch) 4 Conclusion No globally or state ranked Rare or Sensitive species were encountered or identified during the survey. No Endangered species were encountered or identified during the survey. The only plant federally listed or proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska is Polystichum aleuticum C. Christensen, which is endangered. It is only known from Adak Island and is not expected to occur in the project area. Most plant species observed in the Yerrick Creek project area are considered common and widespread in interior Alaska. This TES plant survey is significant as a first floristic study in Yerrick Creek area. Determination of TES Species Made By Irina Lapina Vegetation Ecologist HDR Alaska, Inc. Date: February 2008 Attachments Figure 1: TES Survey Map References Alaska Natural Heritage Program (AKNHP). 2008. Botany Databases. http://aknhp.uaa.alaska.edu/botany/Botany_Home.htm. Cody, W.J. 1996. Flora of the Yukon Territory. NRC Research Press, Canada. 668 p. Lipkin, R. 2008. Alaska Natural Heritage Program Rare Vascular Plant Tracking List. April. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Anchorage, AK. http://aknhp.uaa.alaska.edu/botany/pdfs/Rare%20PLant%20List%202008.pdf Hultén, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). 2006. Arctos Database. http://arctos.database.museum/SpecimenResults.cfm. Viereck, L.A., C.T. Dyrness, A.R. Batten, & K.J. Wenzlick. 1992. The Alaska vegetation classification. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-286. Portland. OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 278 p. 5 Appendices Appendix A: Survey Intensity and Rarity Rank for Species Survey intensity level for plants: LEVEL 1 = "FIELD CHECK" The surveyor gives the area a quick "once-over" but does not walk completely through the project area. The entire project area has not been examined. LEVEL 2 = "CURSORY" The surveyor gives the area a "once-over" by walking through the project area. The entire project area has not been examined. LEVEL 3 = "LIMITED FOCUS" The surveyor closely examines one or more habitat-specific locations within the project area, but does not look at the rest of the area. LEVEL 4 = "GENERAL" The surveyor gives the area a closer look by walking through the project area and walking around the perimeter of the area or by walking more than once through the area. Most of the project area is examined. LEVEL 5 = "INTUITIVE CONTROLLED" The surveyor has closer look by conducting a complete examination of specific areas of the project after walking through the project area and perimeter or by walking more than once through the area. LEVEL 6 = "COMPLETE" The surveyor has walked throughout the survey area until nearly all of the area has been examined. Rarity Rank for Species: The rarity rank is a value that best characterizes the relative rarity or endangerment of a native taxon within the specified geographic boundaries (i.e., range-wide for global, or within-state or province for subnational). In general, NatureServe Central Science staff assign global, U.S., and Canadian national Element ranks with guidance from local Heritage Programs/Conservation Data Centres, especially for endemic Elements, and from experts on particular taxonomic groups. Local installations assign subnational ranks for Elements in their respective jurisdictions. Only the following rank components should be entered in this Rank field: The appropriate geopolitical-level prefixes currently in use are: G = global S = subnational Allowable values are: 1 = critically imperiled 2 = imperiled 3 = vulnerable 6 4 = apparently secure 5 = secure H = possibly extinct X = presumed extinct U = unrankable NR = not ranked NA = not applicable (Element is not a suitable target for conservation) If applicable, an indicator of uncertainty about the rank, either in the form of a range rank or a “?” qualifier following a numeric basic rank. For national and subnational ranks, a suffix that describes the population of a migratory species, as follows: B = breeding population N = nonbreeding population M = transient population Ranks for one, two, or all three population segments can be entered, separated by commas (e.g., S1B,S2N,S3M). For global ranks, if applicable, an appended T-rank for an infraspecies. For global ranks, if applicable, a qualifier after the basic rank in the form of a Q indicating questionable taxonomy, or a C indicating captive or cultivated Species Ranks used by the Alaska Natural Heritage Program Species Global Rankings G1: Critically imperiled globally (5 or fewer occurrences) G2: Imperiled globally (6-20 occurrences) G3: Rare or Uncommon globally (20-100 occurrences) G4: Apparently secure globally, but cause for long-term concern (>100 occurrences) G5: Demonstrably secure globally G#G# Rank of species uncertain, best described as a range between two ranks G#Q Taxonomically questionable G#T# Global rank of species and global rank of the described variety or subspecies Species State Rankings S1: Critically imperiled in state (5 or fewer occurrences) S2: Imperiled in state (6-20 occurrences) S3: Rare or Uncommon in state (20-100 occurrences) S4: Apparently secure in state, but cause for long-term concern (>100 occurrences) S5: Demonstrably secure in state S#S# Rank of species uncertain, best described as a range between two ranks For further information concerning rare plant species for this area, please contact the Alaska Natural Heritage Program Botanist (907) 257-2785. 7 Appendix B: Plants Recorded at Sample Plots Scientific Name Plot Number Latitude Longitude Elevation (ft) Habitat Betula papyrifera 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Picea glauca 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Betula glandulosa 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Ledum groenlandicum 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Vaccinium vitis-idaea 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Vaccinium uliginosum 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Salix scouleriana 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Geocaulon lividum 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Salix alaxensis 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Calamagrostis canadensis 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Lycopodium annotinum 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Polygonum alaskanum 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Cornus canadensis 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Carex sp. 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest feather moss 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest lichens 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Polytrichum sp. 1 63.34361 -143.63515 2479 open paper birch-white spruce forest Picea mariana 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Ledum groenlandicum 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Salix pulchra 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Betula glandulosa 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Vaccinium vitis-idaea 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Empetrum nigrum 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Andromeda polifolia 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Lycopodium annotinum 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Equisetum arvense 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Equisetum sylvaticum 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Vaccinium oxycoccus 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Geocaulon lividum 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Carex sp. 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest feather mosses 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Sphagnum russowii 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Sphagnum sp. 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest lichen 2 63.34405 -143.63589 2407 dwarf open black spruce forest Betula glandulosa 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Ledum groenlandicum 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Vaccinium vitis-idaea 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Empetrum nigrum 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Vaccinium uliginosum 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Salix glauca 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Carex sp. 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Rubus chamaemorus 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Trientalis europaea 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest 8 Scientific Name Plot Number Latitude Longitude Elevation (ft) Habitat Geocaulon lividum 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Petasites frigidus x hyperboreoides 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Vaccinium oxycoccus 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Polytrichum sp. 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Sphagnum sp. 3 63.34571 -143.63655 2378 open black spruce forest Agrostis sp. 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Arabis lyrata 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Artemisia tilesii 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Calamagrostis inexpansa 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Epilobium latifolium 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Festuca rubra 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Poa alpina 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Poa arctica 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Poa arctica ssp. lanata 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Poa palustris 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Poa pratensis 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Salix alaxensis 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Trisetum spicatum 4 63.34128 -143.63066 2285 active channel, partially vegetated Picea glauca - sapling 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Salix alaxensis 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Populus balsamifera - sapling 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Dryopteris fragrans 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Calamagrostis canadensis 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Artemisia tilesii 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Poa glauca 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Silene menziesii ssp. williamsii 5 63.34141 -143.63107 2288 closed tall alder scrub Populus balsamifera 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Picea glauca 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Salix alaxensis 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Ribes triste 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Rosa acicularis 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Spiraea beauverdiana 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Calamagrostis canadensis 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Artemisia tilesii 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Stellaria sp. - no flowers 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Boschniakia rossica 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Pyrola sp. 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Poa glauca 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Aster sibiricus 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Angelica lucida 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Aconitum delphinifolium 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Geocaulon lividum 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Mertensia paniculata 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Taraxacum sp. 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest Anemone richardsonii 6 63.34259 -143.63077 2287 open balsam poplar-white spruce forest 9 Scientific Name Plot Number Latitude Longitude Elevation (ft) Habitat Betula papyrifera 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Picea glauca 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Populus balsamifera 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Geocaulon lividum 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Rosa acicularis 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Salix barclayi 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Ribes triste 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Rubus idaeus 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Ledum groenlandicum 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Calamagrostis canadensis 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Equisetum pratense 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Cornus canadensis 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Vaccinium vitis-idaea 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Epilobium angustifolium 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Linnaea borealis 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Polygonum alaskanum 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Geocaulon lividum 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Pyrola secunda 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Aconitum delphiniifolium 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Equisetum sp. 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Hylocomium splendens 7 63.34992 -143.63422 2274 open paper birch-white spruce forest Salix barclayi 8 63.35283 -143.63574 2257 fresh sedge marsh and open water Chamaedaphne calyculata 8 63.35283 -143.63574 2257 fresh sedge marsh and open water Carex aquatilis 8 63.35283 -143.63574 2257 fresh sedge marsh and open water Eriophorum sp. 8 63.35283 -143.63574 2257 fresh sedge marsh and open water Calamagrostis canadensis 8 63.35283 -143.63574 2257 fresh sedge marsh and open water Potentilla palustris 8 63.35283 -143.63574 2257 fresh sedge marsh and open water Equisetum fluviatile 8 63.35283 -143.63574 2257 fresh sedge marsh and open water Populus tremuloides 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Iris setosa 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Calamagrostis canadensis 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Carex lyngbyei 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Carex spp. 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Callitriche verna 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Alopecurus aequalis 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Juncus filiformis 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Rorippa palustris 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Ranunculus filiformis 9 63.35394 -143.63544 2289 bluejoint herb meadow Agropyron sp. 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Artemisia tilesii 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Aster sibiricus 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Boschniakia rossica 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand 10 Scientific Name Plot Number Latitude Longitude Elevation (ft) Habitat Calamagrostis canadensis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Calamagrostis purpurascens 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Dryopteris fragrans 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Epilobium angustifolium 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Geocaulon lividum 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Hylocomium splendens 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Leymus mollis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Linnaea borealis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Lupinus nootkatensis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Mertensia paniculata 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Moehringia lateriflora 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Picea glauca 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Goodyera repens 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Lupinus nootkatensis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Poa glauca 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Poa pratensis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Ribes triste 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Rosa acicularis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Saxifraga cespitosa 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Shepherdia canadensis 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Silene menziesii ssp. williamsii 14 63.37882 -143.60716 1806 open black spruce forest, with bare ground channel - sand Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Vaccinium uliginosum 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Betula glandulosa 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Empetrum nigrum 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Ledum groenlandicum 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Chamaedaphne calyculata 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Carex aquatilis 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Andromeda polifolia 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Lycopodium annotinum 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Carex sp. - peat forming 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Rubus chamaemorus 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow 11 Scientific Name Plot Number Latitude Longitude Elevation (ft) Habitat Geocaulon lividum 15 63.36281 -143.63779 2190 subarctic lowland sedge wet meadow Carex aquatilis 16 63.36144 -143.63693 2229 pond Nuphar lutea 16 63.36144 -143.63693 2229 pond Carex lyngbyei 16 63.36144 -143.63693 2229 pond Iris setosa 16 63.36144 -143.63693 2229 pond Potamogeton zosteriformis 16 63.36144 -143.63693 2229 pond Populus balsamifera 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Picea glauca 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Rubus idaeus 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Populus balsamifera - sapling 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Shepherdia canadensis 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Pyrola secunda 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Calamagrostis canadensis 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Calamagrostis purpurascens 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Artemisia tilesii 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Silene menziesii ssp. williamsii 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Aconitum delphiniifolium 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Poa glauca 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Mertensia paniculata 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Angelica lucida 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Agropyron subsecundum 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub lichen 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub feather moss 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Hylocomium splendens 18 63.37563 -143.61504 1843 open alder tall shrub Picea glauca 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Rosa acicularis 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Geocaulon lividum 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Vaccinium vitis-idaea 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Shepherdia canadensis 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Alnus viridis ssp. crispa 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Equisetum pratense 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Mertensia paniculata 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Astragalus americanus 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Calamagrostis canadensis 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Boschniakia rossica 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Coptis trifolia 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Goodyera repens 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Erigeron acris 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Epilobium angustifolium 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Aster sibiricus 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Pyrola secunda 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Hylocomium splendens 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest Silene menziesii ssp. williamzii 19 63.37489 -143.61653 1894 open white spruce forest 12 Appendix C: Project Area Plant Species List # Scientific Name Family 1 Achillea millefolium Asteraceae 2 Aconitum delphiniifolium Ranunculaceae 3 Agropyron sp. Poaceae 4 Agropyron subsecundum Poaceae 5 Agrostis scabra Poaceae 6 Agrostis sp. Poaceae 7 Alnus viridis ssp. crispa Betulaceae 8 Alopecurus aequalis Poaceae 9 Andromeda polifolia Ericaceae 10 Anemone parviflora Ranunculaceae 11 Anemone richardsonii Ranunculaceae 12 Angelica lucida Apiaceae 13 Antennaria sp. Asteraceae 14 Arabis lyrata Brassicaceae 15 Arctagrostis latifolia Poaceae 16 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Ericaceae 17 Artemisia alaskana Asteraceae 18 Artemisia arctica Asteraceae 19 Artemisia tilesii Asteraceae 20 Aster sibiricus Asteraceae 21 Astragalus alpinus Fabaceae 22 Astragalus americanus Fabaceae 23 Astragalus robbinsii ssp. harringtonii Fabaceae 24 Betula glandulosa Betulaceae 25 Betula papyrifera Betulaceae 26 Boschniakia rossica Orobanchaceae 27 Botrychium lunaria Ophioglossaceae 28 Calamagrostis canadensis Poaceae 29 Calamagrostis inexpansa Poaceae 30 Calamagrostis lapponica Poaceae 31 Calamagrostis purpurascens Poaceae 32 Calamagrostis purpurascens ssp. purpurascens Poaceae 33 Callitriche verna Callitrichaceae 34 Campanula lasiocarpa Campanulaceae 35 Carex aquatilis Cyperaceae 36 Carex brunnescens Cyperaceae 37 Carex canescens Cyperaceae 38 Carex loliacea Cyperaceae 39 Carex magellanica Cyperaceae 40 Carex saxatilis Cyperaceae 41 Carex scirpoidea Cyperaceae 42 Carex tenuiflora Cyperaceae 43 Carex utriculata Cyperaceae 44 Cerastium sp. Caryophyllaceae 45 Chamaedaphne calyculata Ericaceae 46 Coptis trifolia Ranunculaceae 47 Cornus canadensis Cornaceae 48 Crepis elegans Asteraceae 13 # Scientific Name Family 49 Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda Rosaceae 50 Dryopteris fragrans Dryopteridaceae 51 Empetrum nigrum Ericaceae 52 Epilobium angustifolium Onagraceae 53 Epilobium latifolium Onagraceae 54 Equisetum arvense Equisetaceae 55 Equisetum fluviatile Equisetaceae 56 Equisetum pratense Equisetaceae 57 Equisetum scirpoides Equisetaceae 58 Equisetum sylvaticum Equisetaceae 59 Erigeron acris Asteraceae 60 Erigeron acris ssp. polatus Asteraceae 61 Eriophorum brachyantherum Cyperaceae 62 Eriophorum vaginatum Cyperaceae 63 Festuca brachyanterum Poaceae 64 Festuca brachyphylla Poaceae 65 Festuca rubra Poaceae 66 Geocaulon lividum Santalaceae 67 Goodyera repens Orchidaceae 68 Hedysarum mackenzii Fabaceae 69 Hierochloe alpina Poaceae 70 Hierochloe odorata Poaceae 71 Iris setosa Iridaceae 72 Juncus castaneus Juncaceae 73 Juncus filiformis Juncaceae 74 Ledum groenlandicum Ericaceae 75 Leymus innovatus Poaceae 76 Linnaea borealis Caprifoliaceae 77 Lupinus arctica Fabaceae 78 Lupinus nootkatensis Fabaceae 79 Luzula parviflora Juncaceae 80 Lycopodium annotinum Lycopodiaceae 81 Lycopodium clavatum Lycopodiaceae 82 Lycopodium complanatum Lycopodiaceae 83 Mertensia paniculata Boraginaceae 84 Mertensia paniculata ssp. paniculata Boraginaceae 85 Minuartia stricta Caryophyllaceae 86 Moehringia lateriflora Caryophyllaceae 87 Moneses uniflora Pyrolaceae 88 Nuphar lutea Nymphaeaceae 89 Oxyria digyna Polygonaceae 90 Oxytropis campestris Fabaceae 91 Oxytropis campestris ssp. gracilis Fabaceae 92 Oxytropis nigrescens Fabaceae 93 Pedicularis labradorica Scrophulariaceae 94 Petasites frigidus Asteraceae 95 Petasites frigidus x hyperboreoides Asteraceae 96 Petasites hyperboreus Asteraceae 97 Phlox sibirica Polemoniaceae 14 # Scientific Name Family 98 Picea glauca Pinaceae 99 Picea mariana Pinaceae 100 Platanthera obtusata Orchidaceae 101 Poa alpina Poaceae 102 Poa arctica ssp. lanata Poaceae 103 Poa glauca Poaceae 104 Poa palustris Poaceae 105 Poa pratensis Poaceae 106 Polemonium acutiflorum Polemoniaceae 107 Polygonum alaskanum Polygonaceae 108 Polygonum bistorta Polygonaceae 109 Populus balsamifera Salicaceae 110 Populus tremuloides Salicaceae 111 Potamogeton zosteriformis Potamogetonaceae 112 Potentilla palustris Rosaceae 113 Pyrola asarifolia Pyrolaceae 114 Pyrola secunda Pyrolaceae 115 Ranunculus filiformis Ranunculaceae 116 Ranunculus lapponicus Ranunculaceae 117 Ribes triste Grossulariaceae 118 Rorippa palustris Brassicaceae 119 Rosa acicularis Rosaceae 120 Rubus chamaemorus Rosaceae 121 Rubus idaeus Rosaceae 122 Salix alaxensis Salicaceae 123 Salix alaxensis var. alaxensis Salicaceae 124 Salix arbusculoides Salicaceae 125 Salix barclayi Salicaceae 126 Salix bebbiana Salicaceae 127 Salix glauca Salicaceae 128 Salix pulchra Salicaceae 129 Salix scouleriana Salicaceae 130 Saxifraga cespitosa Saxifragaceae 131 Saxifraga tricuspidata Saxifragaceae 132 Sedum rosea Crassulaceae 133 Shepherdia canadensis Eleagnaceae 134 Silene menziesii ssp. williamsii Caryophyllaceae 135 Spiraea beauverdiana Rosaceae 136 Stellaria crassifolia Caryophyllaceae 137 Taraxacum sp. Asteraceae 138 Trientalis europaea Primulaceae 139 Trisetum spicatum Poaceae 140 Trisetum spicatum ssp. spicatum Poaceae 141 Vaccinium oxycoccus Ericaceae 142 Vaccinium uliginosum Ericaceae 143 Vaccinium vitis-idaea Ericaceae 144 Viburnum edule Caprifoliaceae 15 Appendix D: Photographs Included as a Word file: AppendixD_plantphotos_yerrick.doc 16 17 Appendix E: Field Data Forms Included as an Adobe file: AppendixE_plantfieldforms_yerrick.pdf 9.3.3. – LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGY BASELINE STUDY LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGY BASELINE STUDY YERRICK CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, TOK, ALASKA Prepared for GRAYSTAR PACIFIC SEAFOOD, LTD. P.O Box 100506 Anchorage, AK 99510 and ALASKA POWER AND TELEPHONE CO. P.O. Box 3222 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Prepared by 329 2nd Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 3305 Arctic Blvd., Suite 102 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 October 2008 Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1 2.0 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY MONITORING ..............................................2 2.1 BACKGROUND .....................................................................................................2 2.2 SAMPLE LOCATIONS ........................................................................................13 2.3 WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS ...................................................................14 2.4 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................14 3.0 RESULTS ..........................................................................................................................15 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................19 5.0 CLOSURE .........................................................................................................................19 6.0 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................19 TABLES Table 2.1 Yerrick Creek USGS water quality measurements ..................................................2 Table 2.2 Yerrick Creek USGS water quality sampling – alkalinity and hardness .................3 Table 2.3 Yerrick Creek USGS water quality sampling – metals, filtered ..............................3 Table 2.4 Yerrick Creek USGS water quality sampling – nutrients, ions, residuals ...............4 Table 2.5 Summary of water quality data from USGS 15476000 on the Tanana River .........7 Table 2.6 Model input parameters ...........................................................................................9 Table 2.7 Peak flows and recurrence intervals for Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 ..........................................................................................................9 Table 2.8 Surface water quality parameters ...........................................................................14 Table 3.1 Field measurements ...............................................................................................17 Table 3.2 Laboratory analyses ...............................................................................................18 FIGURES Figure 1.1 Sample locations on Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 .................1 Figure 2.1 Tanana River mean daily discharge, 1953 through 1990 ........................................5 Figure 2.2 Tanana River peak flow ...........................................................................................6 Figure 2.3 Tanana River peak flow distribution ........................................................................6 Figure 2.4 Drainage areas for proposed impoundment sites .....................................................8 Figure 2.5 Surficial geologic map of the Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project area ..............11 Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page iii Figure 2.6 Key to geologic map ..............................................................................................12 Figure 2.7 Bedrock and surficial geology ...............................................................................13 Figure 3.1 Sample site locations..............................................................................................16 APPENDICES Appendix A Sample Site Maps and Site Photos Appendix B Analysis Methods and Laboratory Data Report Appendix C Data Sheets and Field Notebook Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The hydroelectric project proposed by Alaska Power and Telephone (AP&T) will include an impoundment in Yerrick Creek just below the confluence of two tributaries with Yerrick Creek (Yerrick Creek Diversion Sample Site, Figure 1.1). A penstock will be constructed to carry water to a powerhouse to be constructed near the old pipeline corridor (Yerrick Creek Discharge Sample Site). A separate diversion and powerhouse system may be constructed on Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 as well. The impoundment would be in the approximate location of Cathedral Rapids No. 1 Diversion Sample Site (Figure 1.1). Power generated from the hydroelectric project would power Tok and surrounding communities during summer months and possibly supply some portion of the power supply for a larger portion of the year. Figure 1.1. Sample locations on Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 (Google Earth, 2008). The purpose of the hydrology and water quality studies presented herein is to establish a preliminary baseline necessary for the permitting process. Additional baseline studies may be required (see Section 4.0 for recommended further action). Additional flow studies are being N Alaska Highway Old pipeline corridor 1 Mile  Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 2 conducted by AP&T to determine the potential power output and feasibility of the hydroelectric project. 2.0 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY MONITORING 2.1 BACKGROUND Hydroelectric project background The Yerrick Creek hydroelectric project, as described by AP&T is to include: (1) a small diversion structure with intake; (2) a 48-inch diameter, 15,000-foot long penstock; (3) a powerhouse with the capacity of 2 to 3 MW; (4) a 0.5-mile long buried and 22-mile overhead transmission line to connect an existing power grid; and (5) appurtenant facilities. Hydrology background from nearby USGS stations Water quality data were collected from Yerrick Creek at USGS station 632257143353500, which is located in Yerrick Creek at the highway crossing (63°22’57” N; 143°35’35” W; NAD27). Data were collected between 1949 and 1956. No flow data are available, but a total of 28 physical and chemical parameters were recorded, most of which are summarized in tables below (Table 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4; USGS, 2008). Table 2.1. Yerrick Creek USGS water quality measurements (USGS, 2008). Temperature Specific Conductance pH Carbon Dioxide Color °C µS/cm pH units mg/L PtCo units, filtered 7/21/1949 7 95 6.6 14 -- 6/22/1951 -- 164 7 8.2 10 6/4/1952 -- 109 6.8 9.6 25 2/17/1953 0 254 7.5 4.5 5 5/13/1953 0 130 7.1 5.6 25 5/18/1955 -- 107 7 6.1 50 9/20/1955 -- 161 7.8 1.5 5 5/11/1956 -- 105 7 6.4 -- Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 3 Table 2.2. Yerrick Creek USGS water quality sampling – alkalinity and hardness (USGS, 2008). Acid neutralizing capacity bicarbonate hardness non-carbonate hardness mg/L as CaCO3 mg/L mg/L as CaCO3 mg/L as CaCO3 7/21/1949 29 35 39 10 6/22/1951 42 51 65 23 6/4/1952 31 38 50 19 2/17/1953 72 88 120 49 5/13/1953 36 44 60 24 5/18/1955 31 38 46 15 9/20/1955 50 61 68 18 5/11/1956 33 40 45 12 Table 2.3. Yerrick Creek USGS water quality sampling – metals, filtered (USGS, 2008). Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Iron mg/L, filtered mg/L, filtered mg/L, filtered mg/L, filtered µg/L, unfiltered 7/21/1949 6/22/1951 21 3.1 20 6/4/1952 15 3.1 1.8 2.1 70 2/17/1953 39 5.6 2.8 4.3 10 5/13/1953 19 3.1 1.2 2.3 40 5/18/1955 15 2.2 1.2 2.4 170 9/20/1955 22 3.2 2.3 2.8 0 5/11/1956 14 2.5 1.6 2 Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 4 Table 2.4. Yerrick Creek USGS water quality sampling – nutrients, ions, and residuals (USGS, 2008). Nitrate Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Silica Residue, sum of constituents Residue mg/L as N, filtered mg/L, filtered mg/L, filtered mg/L, filtered mg/L filtered mg/L, filtered tons/acre- foot, filtered 7/21/1949 0.2 15 0.5 4.3 6/22/1951 0.2 27 0.5 0.2 7.3 88 0.12 6/4/1952 0.38 20 1 0.1 5.7 69 0.09 2/17/1953 0.34 58 0.5 0.1 8.4 164 0.22 5/13/1953 0.25 25 0.5 0.2 3.9 78 0.11 5/18/1955 0.47 20 0.5 0 4.4 66 0.09 9/20/1955 0.16 26 0 0 11 98 0.13 5/11/1956 17 1 58 0.08 Data are also available from USGS station 15476000 on the Tanana River just downstream of the confluence of Cathedral Rapids Creek #1 with the Tanana River. The drainage area sampled by this station is 8,550 square miles. Data were collected at this site from 1953 through 1990, including discharge, peak stream-flow, and water quality information. The record of daily mean discharge is shown in Figure 2.1. Peak flows are shown in Figure 2.2 and the distribution of peak flows among the summer months is shown in Figure 2.3 (USGS, 2008). Nine of the ten highest daily discharge measurements for USGS 154760000 occurred between July 19th and 27th in 1988. Of the 50 highest daily discharge measurements, 27 occurred in July, 18 occurred in August, and 5 occurred in June, suggesting that summer rains cause the highest flows rather than snowmelt and breakup. If, however, the month of July 1988 is removed from the record, four of the top ten daily discharges occurred in August and three occurred in each June and July. Likewise, excepting July 1988, 29 of the 50 highest daily discharges occurred in August, 14 occurred in July, and 7 occurred in June. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 5 Figure 2.1. Tanana River mean daily discharge, 1953 through 1990 (USGS, 2008). Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 6 Figure 2.2. Tanana River peak flow (USGS, 2008). Figure 2.3. Tanana River peak flow distribution (USGS, 2008). Water quality data for USGS 15476000 on the Tanana River include 101 parameters. A portion of the data is presented below and the remainder is available from the USGS at http://alaska.usgs.gov/science/water/index.php. Data collected only once or several times were not included in the table below. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 7 Table 2.5. Summary of water quality data from USGS 15476000 on the Tanana River (USGS, 2008). Parameter, units Maximum Minimum Count Mean Median Temperature, °C 16.5 0 105 6.3 6.5 Color, filtered, PtCo units 60 0 203 10.4 5 Specific Conductance, µS/cm 448 160 222 233.0 220 pH 8.4 6.6 212 7.7 7.7 Carbon Dioxide, mg/L 68 0.7 212 5.4 3.7 Acid neutralizing capacity, mg/L as CaCO3 203 61 212 98.3 92 Bicarbonate, mg/L 247 74 212 119.7 112 Nitrate, mg/L as Nitrogen 0.77 0 206 0.17 0.14 Phosphate, mg/L 0.16 0 52 0.019 0.01 Hardness, mg/L as CaCO3 230 72 207 110.4 100 Non-carbonate Hardness, mg/L as CaCO3 30 0 207 12.2 12 Calcium, filtered, mg/L 62 20 207 32.8 31 Magnesium, filtered, mg/L 19 2.9 207 6.97 6.2 Sodium, filtered, mg/L 11 3.3 208 5.84 5.65 Potassium, filtered, mg/L 3.1 0.1 208 1.48 1.5 Chloride, filtered, mg/L 7 0.4 208 3.05 3 Sulfate, filtered, mg/L 45 11 208 21.2 20 Fluoride, filtered, mg/L 1.2 0 205 0.148 0.1 Silica, filtered, mg/L 44 7.2 208 11.8 11 Residue on evaporation, filtered, mg/L 205 108 28 132.6 128 Residue, sum of constituents, filtered, mg/L 310 95 207 143.1 136 Residue, dissolved, tons per day 10500 666 206 4769.2 4680 Residue, filtered, tons per acre foot 0.42 0.13 207 0.196 0.19 Orthophosphate, unfiltered, mg/L as phosphorous 0.05 0 52 0.006 0 Nitrate, filtered, mg/L 3.4 0 206 0.76 0.6 Manganese, unfiltered, µg/L 100 0 140 1.86 0 Iron, unfiltered, µg/L 620 0 192 64.9 30 Suspended sediment, mg/L 3460 15 106 976.9 908 Suspended sediment, tons/day 326000 81 104 52024 28300 USGS station 15475997 is located on Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1, but no data are available from this station. This station is located on Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 approximately 0.4 miles above (south of) the highway crossing (63°22’45”N; 143°44’00”W; NAD27) and has a drainage area of 8.83 square miles (USGS, 2008). Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 8 Detectable levels of antimony, arsenic, nitrates/nitrites, barium, chromium, and fluoride have been found in public drinking water systems in the Tok basin (ADEC, 2008). The only inorganic contaminant exceedance of maximum contaminant levels for drinking water has been for nitrates (ADEC, 2008). Peak Flow Estimates Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 are within region 6 as described by USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4188 (Curran et al., 2003). As such, the equations for peak stream-flow presented by Curran et al. (2003) include drainage area, area of lakes and ponds (storage), and area of forest. Drainage areas are shown in Figure 2.4. Model input parameters for each stream are shown in Table 2.6. Peak flows are calculated for the proposed diversion points in each drainage. Peak flows for each recurrence interval are presented in Table 2.7. Figure 2.4. Drainage areas for proposed impoundment sites. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 9 Table 2.6. Model input parameters Yerrick Creek Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 Drainage Area (square miles) 30 6 Area of lakes and ponds (percent) 0 0 Area of forest (percent) 0 0 Table 2.7. Peak flows and recurrence intervals for Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek #1. Recurrence Interval (yr) Yerrick Creek Peak Streamflow (CF/S) Cathedral Rapids Creek #1 Peak Streamflow (CF/S) 2 1102 262 5 1575 402 10 1916 508 25 2373 652 50 2728 767 100 3093 887 200 3468 1012 500 3985 1186 The model of Curran et al. (2003) was used to estimate peak flows in the upper and lower gage sites of Mack (1987, 1988) at Rhoads-Granite Creek, which is approximately 7 miles east of Donnelly Dome. Input values were a basin area of 32.2 square miles, zero percent storage (lakes and ponds), and 0.5 percent forest for the upper gage site and 81.2 square miles of drainage basin, 5.5 percent storage, and 42 percent forest for the gaging site at the road. Drainage area and percentage forested were extracted from Mack (1987, 1988) and percentage lakes and ponds was selected so as to minimize the difference from Mack’s output (loss to groundwater and distributaries are complexities not accounted for in the model of Curran et al. 2003). Output was compared to the model output produced by Mack (1987, 1988) and the average absolute value of the percentage errors (assuming Mack’s model output is the best estimate of actual) was approximately 25 percent for each gaging site. The data from Mack (1987, 1988) was not used to refine or calibrate the model of Curran et al. (2003) for the Yerrick Creek or Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 because Mack’s output was model output based on limited data and a complex watershed. Since region 6, the region for which the Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 10 model equations were designed, is quite large, more local data for refinement of the model to a smaller region would be desirable and the Mack studies may provide some significant considerations which may be applicable at Yerrick and Cathedral Rapids Creeks. Some conditions from Rhoads-Granite Creek which may be found at Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 are: (1) significant loss to groundwater due to permeable glacial deposits; (2) abandoned channels which may serve as distributaries at high water; and (3) seasonal modeling complexity based on snowmelt and frost conditions. Local geology According to Carrara (2004), the map units that occur in the Yerrick Creek drainage include Qac, Qco, Ata, Qfa, Qty, Qto, Qrg, and Qls (Figures 2.5, 2.6). Cathedral Rapids Creek #1 drains an area that includes map units Qac, Qfc, Qto, Qfa, Qrg, and Qta. These map units include alluvial, colluvial, glacial, and periglacial deposits. Biotite gneiss and schist are among the rock types found in the surface geology of the area. Carrara (2004) notes that areas underlain by the Qac unit are subject to floods and debris flows. The Yerrick Creek bridge abutment was damaged by flooding in August 1997 (Carrara, 2004; Figure 2.6). With regards to map unit Qto, Carrara (2004) notes that in the Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 areas the unit forms hummocky end moraines extending out from the base of the Alaska Range. Bedrock and surficial geology units mapped by Holmes (1965) within the Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 drainages (Figure 2.7) include Qc (colluvium – mixtures of rubble, talus, alluvium, and loess), Qag (flood-plain gravelly alluvium), Qt (talus – angular boulders), Qdgl (moraine deposits from Donnelly glaciations), Qdm (moraine deposits from Delta glaciations), Qg (fan-apron and alluvial-fan deposits – mostly gravel; gravel from local sources), pCb (Birch Creek Schist – schist, gneiss, quartzite, and amphibolites), Qdf (glacio- fluvial deposits), and Qts (stream-terrace deposits – mostly silt and sand). The Birch Creek Schist is the predominant bedrock geologic form in the study area as mapped by Holmes (1965). The Precambrian or early Precambrian Birch Creek Schist is a thick group extensive in area resulting from one or more periods of high grade regional metamorphism (Holmes, 1965). Schist (gray quartz-mica; chloritic; and graphitic), gneiss (gray or light brown biotite; gray hornblende; and hornblende-biotite), quartzite (white to light brown or gray or greenish gray), and amphibolites (black) are the main rock types in the mapped area (Holmes, 1965). Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 11 Figure 2.5. Surficial geologic map of the Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project area (Carrara, 2004) Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 12 Figure 2.6. Key to geologic map (Figure 2.5). Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 13 Figure 2.7. Bedrock and surficial geology (Holmes, 1965). 2.2 SAMPLE LOCATIONS The two streams directly impacted by the Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project are Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1. Yerrick Creek has the larger drainage basin, which includes approximately eight tributaries identifiable on the 1:63,360 scale USGS map. Two small streams merge to form the headwaters of Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1. Both Cathedral Rapids Creek Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 14 No. 1 and Yerrick Creek drain to the north into the Tanana River. The proposed diversions, as of September 2008, would discharge into Yerrick Creek downstream (north) of the old pipeline corridor) and at a separate downstream location on Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1. 2.3 WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS The water quality parameters measured are listed in Table 2.8. The physical and chemical parameters include alkalinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, hardness (calculated), pH, settleable solids, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, temperature, and turbidity. Two other general parameters commonly measured are chloride and fluoride. Chloride is necessary for performing an ion balance. Fluoride is included because it is required by the ADEC. The nutrient parameters include nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate. The remaining parameters in Table 2.8 are metals and trace elements. Hardness is calculated from measured parameters. Analysis of all parameters will be on unfiltered samples, so the results are total, not dissolved concentrations Table 2.8. Surface water quality parameters. Laboratory Antimony Chloride Magnesium Sodium Total Dissolved Solids Arsenic Chromium Manganese Sulfate Total Suspended Solids Barium Copper Mercury Zinc Weak Acid Dissociable Beryllium Fluoride Potassium Cyanide Cadmium Iron Selenium Total Cyanide Calcium Lead Silver Field Flow pH Conductivity Temperature Turbidity Alkalinity Nitrate Color Settleable Solids Dissolved Oxygen Orthophosphate Nitrite 2.4 METHODOLOGY Field and laboratory water quality parameters were measured in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency manual Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes or Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Open channel flow was measured using Model 1205 Price type “mini” current meter. In-situ measurements of conductivity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were accomplished with YSI 63 and YSI 95 meters. Color, turbidity, and alkalinity were measured in the field within 24 hours of sample collection using the Hach DR890 Colorimeter, Hach 2100P Turbidimeter, and Hach digital titrator. A table showing analytes and methods is included in Appendix B. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 15 SGS Environmental Services, Inc. was the analytical laboratory selected for the monitoring program. SGS Environmental Services, Inc. is an ADEC Certified Chemistry Lab. Duplicate samples were not collected as part of this sampling effort. Laboratory quality assurance and quality control measures and results are shown in the laboratory data report in Appendix B. 3.0 RESULTS Measurements and samples were taken at 3 locations. The sample sites, shown in Figure 3.1, are located at: • The approximate diversion site for Yerrick Creek, which is also the transducer location as of September 2008; • The approximate diversion site for Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1; and • A downstream site near the old pipeline corridor’s intersection with Yerrick Creek, which was intended to be at the discharge or re-entry site for water diverted from Yerrick Creek. The discharge point will actually be downstream of the sample site. The Yerrick Creek diversion site is also the location where AP&T personnel have conducted flow studies and are presently recording stage data on a continuous basis with a permanently installed pressure transducer. The data collected by AP&T is not included in this report, but should be comparable based on location. The Yerrick Creek downstream site is also in immediate vicinity of field work conducted by Denali-The Alaska Gas Pipeline personnel. Data from their efforts, if made available, should be comparable based on location. Physical and chemical measurements made in the field are presented in Table 3.1. Laboratory analysis results are shown in Table 3.2. Hardness (Table 3.2) was calculated from the calcium and magnesium concentrations. Iron, zinc, and manganese could have been included, but were all either not detected, or detected at levels below the practical quantitation limit and are therefore minor contributors to total hardness. Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 are clear, oligotrophic (low nutrient levels), and well oxygenated. The moderately high pH for surface water suggests contact with some kind of carbonate rock within the drainage. Laboratory results confirm that Yerrick Creek and Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 have minimal levels of most dissolved substances. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 16 Laboratory quality assurance and quality control information were reviewed. No problems were identified that would affect data quality. For additional details, see the case narrative on page 2 of the laboratory data report in Appendix B. Figure 3.1. Sample site locations. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 17 Table 3.1. Field measurements. Parameter Yerrick Creek Diversion Yerrick Creek Downstream Site Cathedral Rapids Creek Diversion Latitude 63° 20.639’ N 63° 22.442’ 63° 21.090’ N Longitude 143° 37.715’ W 143° 36.769 143° 43.151’ W Elevation (feet) 2272 1856 2455 Width (feet) 44 51.5 18.5 Discharge (CF/S) 110 99 27 Temperature (°C) 4.5 6.2 5.0 pH 8.01 8.14 8.18 Specific Conductance (µS) 260 277 384 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 16.02 18.511 12.39 Settleable Solids (mL/L) < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) 57.6 64.0 80.4 Color (PtCo units) 4 6 0 Turbidity (NTU) 0.91 0.89 0.70 Nitrate-N (mg/L) 0.01 0.03 0.01 Nitrite-N (mg/L) 0.002 0.002 0.002 Orthophosphate (mg/L) 0.18 0.19 0.21 1Whitewater – supersaturated. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 18 Table 3.2. Laboratory analyses. Parameter Units Yerrick Creek Diversion Yerrick Creek Downstream Site Cathedral Rapids Creek Diversion Sample ID AP&T 01 AP&T 03 AP&T 02 Sample Date/Time 9/03/08 12:27 9/03/08 17:50 9/03/08 15:05 Antimony ug/L 0.621 J 0.454 J < 0.310 Arsenic ug/L < 1.50 < 1.50 < 1.50 Barium ug/L 32.2 31.8 44.1 Beryllium ug/L < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 Cadmium ug/L < 0.600 < 0.600 < 0.600 Calcium ug/L 43500 42700 57600 Chromium ug/L < 1.20 < 1.20 < 1.20 Copper ug/L < 1.80 < 1.80 < 1.80 Iron ug/L < 310 < 310 < 310 Lead ug/L < 0.310 < 0.310 < 0.310 Magnesium ug/L 7880 7790 12900 Manganese ug/L 0.859 J 0.907 J 1.08 J Mercury ug/L < 0.0620 < 0.0620 < 0.0620 Potassium ug/L 3290 3330 3660 Selenium ug/L < 0.620 < 0.620 < 0.620 Silver ug/L < 0.620 < 0.620 < 0.620 Sodium ug/L 2400 2460 3250 Zinc ug/L < 7.80 < 7.80 < 7.80 Chloride mg/L 0.0880 J < 0.0310 0.0800 J Fluoride mg/L 0.0750 J 0.0870 J 0.049 J Sulfate mg/L 81.8 81.0 119 Total Cyanide mg/L 0.0022 J < 0.0015 0.0017 J Weak Acid Dissociable Cyanide mg/L < 0.0015 < 0.0015 < 0.0015 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 183 176 253 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 1.00 0.400 J 0.700 Hardness (calc.: Ca, Mg) mg/L* 141 139 197 *as CaCO3 J = analyte was detected below the practical quantitation limit Analytes that were not detected are reported as < the minimum detection limit. Alaska Power and Telephone, 1311-01 October 7, 2008 LITERATURE REVIEW AND FIELD REPORT: HYDROLOGIC BASELINE STUDY Page 19 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS As there are no chemical abnormalities that would warrant further investigation of the streams to be impacted by the hydroelectric project and flow data has been collected regularly by AP&T personnel, no additional hydrology field work should be required before permitting or construction. 5.0 CLOSURE TPECI holds all information acquired during this investigation in the strictest confidence with AP&T. We will not release any information to any party other than Graystar Pacific Seafoods unless AP&T has notified us of their approval to do so. 6.0 LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). 2008. Basin Fact Sheet for Tok. Accessed online at http://www.dec.state.ak.us/eh/docs/dw/DWP/Tok.pdf on 7-Oct-2008. Carrara, P.E. 2004. Surficial Geologic Map of the Tanacross B-6 Quadrangle, East-Central Alaska. Curran, J.H., Meyer, D.F., and Tasker, G.D. 2003. Estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak streamflows for ungaged sites and streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada. USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4188. Holmes, G.W. 1965. Geologic reconnaissance along the Alaska Highway Delta River to Tok Junction, Alaska. Geological Survey Bulletin 1181-H. Mack, S.F. 1987. Peak flows at the Alaska Highway from the Rhoads-Granite Creek drainages, Mt. Hayes Quadrangle, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. Public-data File 87-5. Mack, S.F. 1988. Peak flows from Rhoads-Granite Creek (1987), Mt. Hayes Quadrangle, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. Public-data File 88- 10. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2008. National Water Information System. Accessed at http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis on 30-July-2008. Sites: 632257143353500, 15476000, and 15475997.   APPENDIX A SAMPLE SITE MAPS SITE PHOTOGRAPHS   Yerrick Creek Map   Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 Map   Yerrick Creek Diversion Site Map   Yerrick Creek Diversion Site Photos Upper Left: aerial view Upper Right: site view Middle Left: upstream view Middle Right: downstream view Lower Left: sediment view   Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 Diversion Site Map   Cathedral Rapids Creek No. 1 Site Photos Upper Left: aerial view Upper Right: site view Middle Left: upstream view Middle Right: downstream view Lower Left: sediment view   Yerrick Creek Downstream Site Map   Yerrick Creek Downstream Site Photos Upper Left: aerial view Upper Right: site view Middle Left: upstream view Middle Right: downstream view Lower Left: sediment view   APPENDIX B ANALYSIS METHODS LABORATORY DATA REPORT (SGS WO# 1084964)   WATER ANALYSIS METHODS Method/ Instrument Parameter Matrix Container Preservative Hold Time Analysis Location Metals, Total SM 6020 Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Potassium Selenium Silver Sodium Zinc Water 250 or 500 mL HDPE HNO3; 4°C 180 days Laboratory EPA 7470 Mercury Water 250 or 500 mL HDPE HNO3; 4°C 28 days Laboratory EPA 300.0 Chloride Water 60 mL Nalgene 4°C 28 days Laboratory EPA 300.0 Fluoride Water 60 mL Nalgene 4°C 28 days Laboratory Hach Method 8192 Nitrate Water N/A N/A ASAP Field Hach Method 8048 equivalent to EPA Method 365.2 and Standard Method 4500-PE Orthophosphate Water N/A N/A ASAP Field EPA 300.0 Sulfate Water 60 mL Nalgene 4°C 28 days Laboratory SM 4500CN-C,E Cyanide Water 60 or 250 mL Nalgene NaOH; 4°C 14 days Laboratory SM 4500CN-I Weak Acid Dissociable Cyanide Water 60 or 250 mL Nalgene NaOH; 4°C 14 days Laboratory SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Water 250 or 500 mL HDPE 4°C 7 days Laboratory SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids Water 1 L HDPE 4°C 7 days Laboratory Model 1205 Price Type “Mini” Current Meter Flow Water In-Situ N/A N/A In-Situ YSI 63 pH Water In-Situ N/A N/A In-Situ   YSI 63 Conductivity Water In-Situ N/A N/A In-Situ YSI 63 Temperature Water In-Situ N/A N/A In-Situ Hach 8203 Alkalinity Water N/A N/A ASAP Field Hach DR 890 Colorimeter Method 8025 Color Water N/A N/A ASAP Field YSI 95 Dissolved Oxygen Water In-Situ N/A N/A In-Situ Imhoff Cone Settleable Solids Water N/A N/A ASAP Field Hach 2100P Turbidimeter EPA Method 180.1 Turbidity Water N/A N/A ASAP Field Page 1 of 50 Alaska Division Technical Director Stephen C. Ede 2008.10.01 11:25:31 -08'00' Page 2 of 50 Page 3 of 50 Alaska Division Technical Director Stephen C. Ede 2008.10.01 11:25:49 -08'00' Page 4 of 50 Page 5 of 50 Page 6 of 50 Page 7 of 50 Page 8 of 50 Page 9 of 50 Page 10 of 50 Page 11 of 50 Page 12 of 50 Page 13 of 50 Page 14 of 50 Page 15 of 50 Page 16 of 50 Page 17 of 50 Page 18 of 50 Page 19 of 50 Page 20 of 50 Page 21 of 50 Page 22 of 50 Page 23 of 50 Page 24 of 50 Page 25 of 50 Page 26 of 50 Page 27 of 50 Page 28 of 50 Page 29 of 50 Page 30 of 50 Page 31 of 50 Page 32 of 50 Page 33 of 50 Page 34 of 50 Page 35 of 50 Page 36 of 50 Page 37 of 50 Page 38 of 50 Page 39 of 50 Page 40 of 50 Page 41 of 50 Page 42 of 50 Page 43 of 50 Page 44 of 50 Page 45 of 50 Page 46 of 50 Page 47 of 50 Page 48 of 50 Page 49 of 50 Page 50 of 50   APPENDIX C DATA SHEETS AND FIELD NOTEBOOK 9.3.4. – PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project Tok, Alaska Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination February 2009 Prepared for: Alaska Power and Telephone Company PO Box 3222 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Prepared by: HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 i Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE..............................................................................................................1 PROJECT LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................................2 2. METHODS.......................................................................................................................................................3 FIELD INVESTIGATION .......................................................................................................................................3 MAPPING ...........................................................................................................................................................5 3. PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION.......................................................................6 VEGETATION .....................................................................................................................................................7 HYDROLOGY......................................................................................................................................................9 SOILS ...............................................................................................................................................................11 4. CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................................12 ATTACHMENTS..............................................................................................................................................14 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................14 APPENDICES....................................................................................................................................................15 APPENDIX A: WEATHER AND CLIMATE DATA .................................................................................................15 APPENDIX B: SUMMARY TABLE ......................................................................................................................18 APPENDIX C: PHOTOGRAPHS ...........................................................................................................................19 APPENDIX D: FIELD DATA FORMS ...................................................................................................................20 Figures FIGURE 1: PROJECT VICINITY MAP .........................................................................................................................2 FIGURE 2: YERRICK CREEK PHOTOS.......................................................................................................................3 FIGURE 3: NWI MAPPING OF PROJECT AREA .........................................................................................................6 FIGURE 4: YERRICK CREEK WETLANDS MAP .........................................................................ATTACHED MAP BOOK Tables TABLE 1: PROJECT AREA INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 3 TABLE 2: VEGETATION AT WETLAND DATA FORM SITES – DOMINANT SPECIES PER PLOT ..................................... 8 TABLE 3: INDICATORS AT WETLAND DATA FORM SITES WITH WETLAND HYDROLOGY ...................................... 11 TABLE 4: S SOILS AT WETLAND DATA FORM SITES FOUND TO HAVE HYDRIC SOILS .......................................... 12 TABLE 5: MAPPED AREA SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 13 1 Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination 1. Introduction and Purpose The purpose of this report is to identify and describe wetlands and other waters within an approximately 700-acre area along Yerrick Creek near Tok, Alaska (Figure 1). The area contains land owned by the State of Alaska and by Tanacross, Inc. This report describes locations within the project area that are subject to the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) under authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. By federal law (Clean Water Act) and associated policy, it is necessary to avoid project impacts to wetlands wherever practicable, minimize impact where impact is not avoidable, and in some cases compensate for the impact. The focus of this document is on delineation of wetlands. Wetlands, waters of the U.S., and uplands (non-wetlands), as referenced in this report, are defined as: Wetlands. “Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions” (33 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Part 328.3(b)). Wetlands are a subset of “waters of the U.S.” Note that the “wetlands” definition does not include unvegetated areas such as streams and ponds. Waters of the U.S. Waters of the U.S. include other waterbodies regulated by the USACOE, such as lakes, ponds, and streams, in addition to wetlands. The ponds and streams mapped in the project area are “waters of the U.S.” but not “wetlands”. Uplands. Non-water and non-wetland areas are called uplands. As described in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual, wetlands must possess the following three characteristics: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: Vegetation community dominated by plant species that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2. Wetland Hydrology: Inundation or saturation of the soil during the growing season. 3. Hydric Soils: Soils that are saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions. 2 Figure 1: Project Vicinity Map 3 Project Location and Environment The project area is located along Yerrick Creek, a cobble-, gravel- and sand-substrate creek which crosses the Alaska Highway at approximately milepost 1339 (Figure 2). Most of the project area is undeveloped, with an open gravel waterway, adjacent forests, abandoned gravel side channels in various states of revegetation, and heavily forested banks (see images below). Specific legal and geographic descriptions for the property required for Preliminary Jurisdictional Determinations are included in Table 1. Figure 2: Photos of Yerrick Creek Figure 2: Yerrick Creek Photos Table 1: Project Area Information 1. APPLICANT: Alaska Power and Telephone Company (AP&T) 2. WATERWAY: Yerrick Creek 3. LOCATION: A. Narrative: The project area is along Yerrick Creek near Tok, Alaska, approximately 20 miles west of Tok at milepost 1339 of the Alaska Highway. B. Legal Description: Sections: 36 and 1, 2, 11, and 14 Township: 19N and 18N Range: 9E Meridian: Copper River Latitude/Longitude (WGS84 Datum): N55.0667159 / W132.1461172 4. SOURCE(S): USGS Maps: Tanacross B-6 NWI Maps: Tanacross B-6, digital interpretation Soil Maps: None Corps Wetland Maps: None Aerial Photographs: True Color Aerial Photography, 2008, provided by AP&T. Color Infrared High Altitude Aerial Photography, 1978, from the Alaska GeoData Center archives. Other: Reconnaissance-level field survey with wetland data forms, written site observations, and photographs from HDR Alaska, Inc. site visit dated August 21-25, 2008. 2. Methods Two steps were used to inventory wetlands and waterbodies in the project area. These two steps include: Field Investigation A five-day site visit was completed between August 21 and 25, 2008, to identify any wetlands and other waters potentially under the jurisdiction of the USACOE. USACOE guidance on Alaska’s growing season references the end of the growing season to generally 4 follow several continuous days below 28°F. Temperature and precipitation data for the three- month period prior to the field investigation (June 2008 through August 2008) was reviewed to determine the degree to which any recent climatic events may have influenced field hydrology and vegetation indicators. Weather and climate data are given in Appendix A, including monthly summaries of temperature and precipitation, recording period average, and stream gage output for part of 2008 for Yerrick Creek. The general trend in the summer of 2008 was a colder, wetter season than normal. Over the three-month period preceding the field visit, the average maximum temperature in °F (64.87 for June, 63.9 for July, and 61.52 for August) was lower than the average maximum temperature for the recording period of 1954 to 2005 (71 for June, 73 for July, and 68 for August) (NOAA 2008). The average minimum temperature (48.39 for June, 48.55 for July, and 42.9 for August) was higher than the average minimum temperature for the recording period (40 for June, 43 for July, and 39 for August). Precipitation for June 2008 was 2.12 inches compared to an average of 1.82 inches. July precipitation average for the period 1946 to 2008 is 2 inches, compared to the single year (2008) measurement of 6.68 inches. August average is 1.2 inches, compared to the 2008 measurement of 0.79 inches. The much higher than average precipitation in July led to higher than normal water levels in the creek, and unusual conditions at the study site during the field survey. Side channels that normally lack water experienced flow during July, according to AP&T personnel familiar with the project area. Observations of side channels by AP&T personnel and HDR scientists suggested that such channels had not experienced any flow in over 20 years. A stream gage on the main channel of Yerrick Creek was knocked out during an especially high storm at the end of July. Scientists collected detailed information on soil conditions, hydrology, and plant community composition. A summary table listing plot number, wetland status, wetland mapping code from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping program (USFWS 2006), and photo numbers is found in Appendix B. Photographs taken at each of the data collection locations are included in Appendix C. Locations were studied using the U.S. Corps of Engineers 1987 wetland delineation manual’s (USACOE 1987) and 2007 Alaska Regional Supplement’s (USACOE 2007) three-parameter method of determining an area’s wetland status. Standard 2007 Alaska Regional Supplement Corps of Engineers data sheets were completed at these sites and are included in Appendix D. Each location visited during the field visit was logged into a handheld global positioning system (GPS) Archer Field PC unit. Representative photographs and observational data were collected at each plot. While in the field, wetland/upland boundaries were determined by completing standard wetland data forms near observable transition zones between wetter and drier areas. A wetland determination is completed in the area with questionable wetland status, then the boundary identified in the appropriate direction between that point and obvious wetlands or uplands. The wetland/upland boundary between the two data plots is then notated on paper aerial photography maps of the area for later guidance in Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping of wetland/upland boundaries. In addition, photo points were taken at more sites to document conditions at a wider range of locations. For these points, a data sheet was not completed, but photos were taken and conditions were notated in a field notebook. 5 Mapping Scientists analyzed aerial photography and NWI wetland mapping in a GIS map environment. GPS locations of field-visited sites and wetland/upland boundaries were overlaid on aerial photography and notes and photographs completed at each site were reviewed to identify any wetlands or waterbodies present within the project area. The process of delineating wetlands from aerial photography included using the following methods: Vegetation clues: On aerial photography, scientists looked for saturation-adapted vegetation communities, indicative canopy structure and height, and presence of hydrophytic plant species. A common example is dwarf spruce trees, which are indicative of a limitation to growth such as excessively wet soils. Evidence of soil saturation: Visible evidence of wetland hydrology was sought, including surface water and darker areas of photos indicating surface saturation. A site’s proximity to streams, open water habitat, and marshes may be indicative of shallow subsurface water. Existing mapping: Wetland mapping from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s National Wetland Inventory mapping program is available for the project area (USFWS 2006). This mapping is generally an effective tool for large-scale planning and analysis of wetlands but not suitable for smaller site-specific projects such as needed for this study. NWI mapping is primarily based on aerial photographic interpretation with limited ground truthing, and therefore wetland boundaries tend to be oversimplified with many smaller wetland complexes not included in the mapping. According to available NWI mapping for USGS quadrangle Tanacross B-6, wetlands occur in the project area (Figure 3). Four pond polygons and two evergreen shrub polygons were mapped at the fringe of the project area, in mostly forested areas to the west of the creek channel. The main creek channel is mapped as riverine waters, with seven shrub polygons mapped on channel islands or on the edge of the main channel. Areas with marginal evidence of wetland characteristics were mapped conservatively as wetlands. Preliminary JDs do not make legally binding determinations, therefore individual sites can be assessed at a later date if necessary (USACOE, June 2008). 6 Figure 3: NWI Mapping of Project Area 7 3. Results No detailed vegetation or soil mapping was available for the project area prior to the field study. Information presented below is summarized from data collected at 28 wetland data form locations over the five-day field investigation (Appendix D). Locations of each data collection location are displayed on Figure 4. Of the 28 wetland data form locations, 6 were determined to occur in wetlands and 3 in other waters of the U.S. Vegetation At wetland data form locations, 15 out of the 28 sites had hydrophytic vegetation (Table 2). Dominant plant species are shown by stratum for each plot. The most common trees in the project area include white spruce (Picea glauca), balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera), and some paper birch (Betula papyrifera). The most common shrub is alder (Alnus crispa). Saplings of white spruce and cottonwood are also common in the shrub layer. Common graminoids include bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis) and a variety of sedges (Carex spp.). Common forbs include timberberry (Geocaulon lividum) and dwarf fireweed (Chamerion latifolium). Mosses and lichens were found primarily in forested plots. 8 Table 2: Vegetation at Wetland Data Form Sites – Dominant Species per Plot Tree Stratum Shrub Stratum black spruce felt-leaved willow balsam poplar paper birch white spruce bog kalmia Labrador tea black spruce diamond willow alder dwarf birch crowberry red currant Picea mariana Salix alexensis Populus balsamifera Betula papyrifera Picea glauca Andromeda polifolia Ledum groenlandicum Picea mariana Salix pulchra Alnus crispa Betula glandulifera Empetrum nigrum Ribes triste Plot Number FACW FAC FACU FACU FACU OBL FACW FACW FACW FAC FAC FAC FAC 101 1 1 1 103 1 1 104 1 105 1 106 1 107 1 1 1 1 108 1 109 1 1 110 1 1 116 1 1 1 118 1 119 120 121 1 1 1 122 1 1 1 124 1 125 1 1 1 126 1 1 128 1 130 1 1 132 1 1 1 133 1 134 1 1 1 135 1 136 1 137 1 1 138 1 1 139 1 9 Table 3, continued Shrub Stratum Herbaceous Stratum bog blueberry lingonberry bunchberry dogwood white spruce balsam poplar prickly rose boreal bog sedge NT sedge water sedge marsh five-finger marsh horsetail Biglow's sedge Vaccinium uliginosum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cornus canadensis Picea glauca Populus balsamifera Rosa acicularis Carex magellanica Carex utriculata Carex aquatilis Comarium palustris Equisetum pratense Carex biglowii Plot Number FAC FAC FACU FACU FACU FACU OBL OBL OBL OBL FACW FAC 101 1 1 103 1 1 104 105 106 107 108 109 1 110 116 1 118 1 1 119 1 1 120 1 1 121 122 1 124 1 125 126 128 1 1 130 1 132 1 133 134 135 1 136 1 137 138 1 139 1 10 Table 4, continued Herbaceous Stratum bluejoint reedgrass fireweed dwarf fireweed Menzies' campion common horsetail timberberry bluebells boreal sagebrush glaucous bluegrass field locoweed purple reedgrass Calamagrostis canadensis Chamerion angustifolium Chamerion latifolium Silene menziesii ssp. williamsii Equisetum arvense Geocaulon lividum Mertensia paniculata Artemisia arctica Poa glauca Oxytropis campestris Calamagrostis purpurascens Plot Number FAC FAC FAC FAC FACU FACU FACU NI NI NI NI 101 103 1 104 1 1 105 1 106 1 107 1 1 108 1 109 1 1 110 1 116 1 118 1 119 1 120 121 1 1 122 1 124 1 125 1 126 1 1 128 130 1 132 1 133 1 1 134 1 1 135 1 1 1 136 1 1 1 1 137 1 138 1 1 1 139 1 11 Hydrology The project area is situated along the valley bottom and slopes of the Yerrick Creek drainage. Yerrick Creek experiences a declining flow along the surveyed length due to subterranean flow. The unusually high precipitation and storm events in July filled channels that normally do not experience flow, and in some cases, likely did not experience any flow for over 20 years, according to observations of persons familiar with the study area. Hydrological indicators were carefully examined at plot data collection locations that occurred in side channels to ensure that data collected was not influenced by conditions deviating from normal. All efforts were made by wetland scientists to consider normal conditions despite the unusual weather conditions preceding the field data collection time. At wetland data form locations, 13 out of the 28 sites had wetland hydrology (Table 3). Commonly seen primary indicators included surface water, saturation, high water table, and drift deposits. Common secondary indicators included drainage patterns, geomorphic position, stunted or stressed plants, and FAC-neutral test. Table 5: Indicators at Wetland Data Form Sites with Wetland Hydrology Field Observations Primary Wetland Hydrology Indicators Secondary Wetland Hydrology Indicators Plot Number Surface Water Depth (inches) Water Table Depth (inches) Saturation Depth (inches) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Image (B7) Water Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic relief (D4) FAC Neutral Test (D5) 101 0-10 11 5 X X X X X X X 104 0-24 0 0 X X X X X X X X 105 X X X X X 108 0-24 0 0 X X X X X X X X X 109 X X X 118 12 0 0 X 119 X 120 2 0 0 X X X X X X 126 11 6 X X X X X 128 4 0 0 X X X X X X X 129 0 8 4 X X X 133 X X X 136 X Soils Both hydric and non-hydric soil conditions were observed in soil pits examined during the field visit. Soils were carefully assessed by wetland scientists to consider soils under normal conditions, despite the unusual rainfall of the season. Hydric soils were encountered at 6 of the 28 wetland data form sites (Table 4). Indicators of hydric soil included histosol, histic 12 epipedons, and several other indicators that fell under problematic soil conditions. Analysis of conditions at all sites with problematic hydric soils that are listed in Table 4 concluded that the site did contain a hydric soil as per USACE direction (USACE 1987, 2007). Specific characteristics of the sampled mineral soils, including color and texture, are included on the wetland data forms (Appendix D). Table 6: Soils at Wetland Data Form Sites Found to Have Hydric Soils Hydric Soil Indicators Plot Number Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Restrictive Layer Type Restrictive Layer Depth (inches) Other Indicator of Hydric Soils or “Waters” Status 101 X Permafrost 16 104 Outwash, Entisol (Substrate too young and coarse to show redox features and with too little organic carbon to promote reduction) 108 Outwash, Entisol (Substrate too young and coarse to show redox features and with too little organic carbon to promote reduction) 118 No pit, emergent vegetation and 12" standing water present 120 Hydrophytic vegetation, primary hydrology indicator, concave landscape, positive alpha-alpha dipyridyl 126 X 128 X 130 X 4. Conclusion Wetland locations are based upon the dominance of hydrophytic vegetation, hydrologic indicators, and hydric soil indicators. Other waters of the U.S. are based on the investigators’ judgement about the location of the ordinary high water mark of Yerrick Creek. Based on the findings above, it has been determined that areas displayed as wetlands or waters on Figure 4 meet the USACOE criteria for being classified as wetland or fall below the plane of Ordinary High Water (OHW) of Yerrick Creek. Approximately 21.3% (147.1 acres), a conservative delineation, of the mapped acres were determined to meet the USACOE requirements for being classified as wetlands or other waters, and are listed and described in Table 5. The areas shown as wetlands and other waters on Figure 4 may be subject to jurisdiction under Section 404. For the purpose of this PJD, it is assumed that Yerrick Creek is a Relatively Permanent Tributary to Traditional Navigable Waters, and that the mapped wetlands are “adjacent” to Yerrick Creek. Most of the mapped wetland areas are not within the proposed project construction areas. 13 The remainder of the mapped project area, approximately 78.7% (542.6 acres) of the mapped area, lacks one or more of the required three parameters to support classifying an area as wetland (Table 5), and is not below the plane of OHW of Yerrick Creek. The areas would not be subject to jurisdiction under Section 404. As project plans are developed, if construction would affect wetlands or other waters, AP&T may wish to refine wetland boundaries by further field investigation and consideration of the jurisdictional status of any affected wetlands. Yerrick Creek and its adjacent active bars are waters of the US below the creek’s OHW mark. OHW is particularly difficult to define for a braided channel such as this one. There may be some areas within the river bars shown on Figure 4 that are not actually below OHW. Table 7: Mapped Area Summary Wetland Type NWI Mapping Code Approximate Area (Acres) Seasonally flooded emergent persistent herbaceous wetland PEM1C 0.51 Semipermanently flooded emergent persistent herbaceous wetland PEM1F 3.89 Saturated needle-leafed evergreen forest/broad- leafed scrub-shrub wetland PF04/SS3B 5.07 Saturated needle-leafed evergreen forest wetland PFO4B 0.68 Seasonally flooded broad-leafed scrub-shrub wetland PSS1C 0.10 Saturated broad-leafed evergreen/needle-leaved scrub-shrub wetland PSS3/4B 42.24 Seasonally flooded broad-leafed evergreen scrub- shrub/persistent herbaceous wetland PSS3/EM1B 0.64 Seasonally flooded broad-leafed evergreen scrub- shrub wetland PSS3B 0.37 Seasonally flooded broad-leafed evergreen/broad- leafed evergreen scrub-shrub wetland PSS4/3B 5.92 Saturated needle-leafed evergreen scrub-shrub wetland PSS4B 14.33 Permanently flooded unconsolidated bottom palustrine wetland PUBH 3.35 Temporarily flooded upper perennial unconsolidated floor/permanently flooded unconsolidated bottom wetland R3USA/UBH 69.96 Upland (non-wetland) U 542.56 Total Mapped Area 689.63 Total Wetlands and Other Waters 147.1 acres (21.3%) Total Upland (non-wetland) 542.6 acres (78.7%) 14 Determination Made By Elizabeth Bella, Chris Wrobel, and Irina Lapina Wetland Scientists HDR Alaska, Inc. Date: February 2008 Attachments Figure 4: Yerrick Creek Wetlands Map Book References National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2008. National Weather Service, Alaska Regional Headquarters. Monthly and annual climate data summaries. Available online at http://www.arh.noaa.gov/climate.php. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. June 26, 2008. Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 08-02. Available online at: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/WETLANDS/Policies/RGL08-02.pdf.. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Laboratory (USACOEEL). 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Vicksburg, MS. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center. 2007. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Alaska Region (Version 2.0). Vicksburg, MS. U.S. Federal Register. November 13, 1986 Part II. Rules and Regulations, Vol. 51, No. 219. U.S. Department of Defense. Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army. 33 CFR Parts 320-330, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2006. National Wetland Inventory Mapping for USGS Quadrangle Tanacross B-6. Available online at: http://enterprise.nwi.fws.gov/shapedata/alaska/. 15 Appendices Appendix A: Weather and Climate Data http://www.arh.noaa.gov/climate.php NOAA National Weather Service Alaska Regional Headquarters Data Period of Record:1946 to 2008 Observed (°F) Observed Extreme Temperature (°F) Day 2008 Max Temp: Min Temp: Precipitation (inches): Highest Max: Lowest Max: Highest Min: Lowest Min: 1-Jun 63 47 0 87 1958 44 1947 57 1990 31 1969 2-Jun 69 47 0 80 1958 44 1947 57 1979 32 1947 3-Jun 67 49 T 85 1958 44 1974 57 1957 32 1974 4-Jun 61 49 T 84 1957 40 2006 56 1985 27 1961 5-Jun 61 49 0 85 1957 44 1963 60 1958 26 2006 6-Jun 64 44 T 84 1951 49 1985 60 1986 31 1963 7-Jun 66 49 0.01 84 1958 52 1983 57 1965 36 1991 8-Jun 67 48 T 84 1946 51 1970 55 1969 30 1992 9-Jun 56 45 0.09 83 1947 50 1983 56 2006 32 1961 10-Jun 62 47 0.02 79 1971 52 1959 60 2006 34 1991 11-Jun 63 44 T 80 1972 52 1955 56 2005 35 1987 12-Jun 61 48 0.32 81 1992 52 1979 56 2005 36 1960 13-Jun 68 44 0 85 1972 48 1952 59 1969 36 1955 14-Jun 69 47 0 91 1969 45 1954 58 1972 37 1971 15-Jun 71 48 0.36 91 1969 50 1985 60 1950 32 1960 16-Jun 64 48 0.08 81 1948 52 1985 58 1968 36 1960 17-Jun 59 50 T 88 1948 56 1982 58 1946 40 1987 18-Jun 67 52 0.01 86 1967 52 1980 62 1948 36 1982 19-Jun 69 55 0.09 82 1958 51 1949 58 1967 35 1960 20-Jun 75 50 0 88 1958 53 2005 58 1958 41 1951 21-Jun M M M 90 1991 47 1956 58 1969 33 1968 22-Jun 72 55 T 82 1987 50 2006 60 1969 38 1993 23-Jun 61 50 0.56 85 1971 50 1963 57 1983 33 1949 24-Jun 57 48 0.28 90 1991 50 1964 58 1971 39 1961 25-Jun M M M 86 1983 44 1949 60 1980 35 1949 26-Jun M M M 83 1991 50 1949 63 1983 34 1949 27-Jun M M M 85 1957 49 1949 65 1969 36 1960 28-Jun M M M 81 1986 8 1971 68 1968 -11 1971 29-Jun M M M 85 1992 48 1949 70 1968 34 1949 30-Jun M M M 87 1992 47 1971 64 1987 35 1971 JUNE 2008 AVERAGE 64.87 48.39 Total: 1.82 JUNE NORMAL 71 40 2.12 1-Jul M M M 83 1991 47 1945 58 1985 32 1971 2-Jul M M M 82 1990 55 1981 60 1958 34 1960 3-Jul 80 48 T 85 1958 57 1969 62 1955 36 1961 4-Jul 82 53 T 91 1958 57 1959 62 1990 37 1961 16 5-Jul 79 53 T 86 1990 55 1949 62 1968 44 1960 6-Jul 72 58 0.07 84 1986 57 1981 63 1980 41 1963 7-Jul 70 53 0.01 82 1982 54 1981 60 1986 42 1993 8-Jul 55 49 0.23 85 1951 54 1981 62 1968 43 1992 9-Jul 68 50 0.01 82 1946 54 1957 60 1968 38 1991 10-Jul 69 52 0.08 88 1975 54 1964 59 1989 36 1960 11-Jul 68 53 0.15 85 1975 48 1954 60 1980 35 1960 12-Jul 73 52 0.01 89 1960 55 1962 59 1980 38 1990 13-Jul 68 52 0.04 85 1960 55 1959 60 1975 36 1961 14-Jul 58 51 0.13 85 1967 53 1971 64 1989 38 1961 15-Jul 71 46 0.01 85 1993 57 1960 62 1954 42 1991 16-Jul 72 52 0 88 1951 53 1955 60 1993 38 1960 17-Jul 63 49 0.27 83 1993 47 2003 62 1947 38 2003 18-Jul 51 46 0.53 79 1993 51 2008 57 1988 39 1961 19-Jul 58 45 T 84 1990 52 1965 59 1978 41 1966 20-Jul 56 47 0.1 85 1990 51 1973 59 1990 38 1968 21-Jul 64 45 0.27 81 1976 51 1956 60 2006 42 1959 22-Jul 55 42 0.16 83 1955 54 1959 61 1952 40 1968 23-Jul 58 44 T 86 1990 58 2008 60 1961 42 1971 24-Jul 67 43 T 86 1990 52 1965 62 1990 38 1988 25-Jul 62 49 T 90 1955 49 1969 60 1947 40 1991 26-Jul 68 50 0.54 85 1955 48 1957 59 1978 40 1961 27-Jul 55 49 0.41 86 1953 53 1963 63 1977 39 1957 28-Jul 51 44 2.27 83 1953 8 1971 62 1958 -11 1971 29-Jul 59 43 0.36 85 1977 59 2008 60 1962 38 1975 30-Jul 53 46 0.28 88 1977 53 2008 62 1947 42 1971 31-Jul 48 44 0.75 85 1978 48 2008 58 1965 35 1968 JULY 2008 AVERAGE 63.9 48.55 Total: 6.68 JULY NORMAL 73 43 2 1-Aug 60 45 0.1 87 1976 56 1982 64 1993 34 1968 2-Aug 70 44 0.3 79 1962 56 1971 64 1953 35 1948 3-Aug 54 44 0.13 82 1977 50 2003 59 1986 40 1964 4-Aug M M M 88 1977 49 1947 60 1986 36 1968 5-Aug M M M 80 1968 56 1962 62 1977 34 1946 6-Aug M M M 86 1968 54 1949 60 1981 33 1946 7-Aug M M M 85 1968 45 1969 58 1981 33 1969 8-Aug 49 41 0.03 79 1977 42 1969 61 1981 33 1969 9-Aug 53 37 0.01 82 1957 53 2008 62 1977 34 1969 10-Aug M M M 85 2005 43 1969 63 1979 29 1969 11-Aug 61 44 0.05 86 1980 50 1965 59 1945 33 1969 12-Aug 68 35 0 84 1980 46 1969 59 1958 33 1969 13-Aug 66 49 0 85 1990 48 1973 66 1975 29 1969 14-Aug 71 45 T 86 1990 45 1946 57 1991 26 1969 15-Aug 67 50 T 85 1990 50 1983 64 1979 27 1969 16-Aug 67 46 0.04 84 1957 42 1981 64 1979 36 1981 17-Aug 59 49 0.11 80 2007 48 1946 63 1990 28 1981 17 18-Aug M M M 81 1977 53 1992 56 1977 32 1947 19-Aug 60 45 T 81 1950 51 1987 57 2007 35 2005 20-Aug 59 42 0 81 1973 49 1981 55 1950 33 1946 21-Aug 62 37 T 86 1977 42 1946 56 1972 31 1974 22-Aug 64 49 0.02 84 1977 41 1948 56 1963 30 1989 23-Aug M M M 79 1979 44 1948 57 1989 25 1986 24-Aug 58 39 T 82 1979 45 1983 55 1963 22 1948 25-Aug 60 43 0 80 1981 45 1983 57 1989 31 1993 26-Aug 62 38 0 78 1981 38 1984 57 1989 27 1991 27-Aug M M M 80 1981 40 1984 61 1957 29 1991 28-Aug 62 41 T 82 1949 8 1971 63 1989 -11 1971 29-Aug M M M 82 1949 40 1984 51 1951 28 1991 30-Aug 60 38 0 85 1974 40 1948 56 1949 25 1955 31-Aug M M M 77 1974 42 1962 49 1993 23 1987 AUGUST 2008 AVERAGE 61.52 42.9 Total = 0.79 AUGUST NORMAL 68 39 1.2 http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/summary/Climsmak.html Western Regional Climate Center, wrcc@dri.edu Monthly Climate Summary for Tok, AK Period of Record : 6/11/1954 to 12/31/2005 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Average Max. Temperature (°F) -6.6 7.7 25 44 60.4 71 73 68 54 32 8.9 -3.5 36.2 Average Min. Temperature (°F) -25 -16 -6 16 29.5 40 43 39 29 13 -9.9 -22 10.8 Average Total Precipitation (inches) 0.35 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.7 2.1 2 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.43 9.22 18 Appendix B: Summary Table Plot Number Plot Type JD Status NWI Code Photo Numbers 101 JD W PSS3/4C 124-pit, 125-surface, 126-W, 127-E, 128-S 102 PP-RW* W R4SBH 129-W, 130-E 103 JD U U 131-pit, 132-surface, 133-E, 134-W, 135-S 104 JD W R3UB1/2H 136-N, 137-E, 138-S, 139-W 105 JD U U 144-N, 145-S, 146-pit, 147-surface 106 JD U U 148-pit, 149-surface, 150-E, 151-SW, 152-N 107 JD U U 153-pit, 154-surface, 155-N, 156-S 108 JD W R3US1/2C 157-W, 158-N, 159-E, 160-S, 161-SW 109 JD U U 162-N, 163-SE, 164-SW, 165-NW, 166-pit, 167-surface 110 JD U U 168-pit, 169-surface, 170-SE, 171-S, 172-N 111 PP-RU U U 173-SW, 174-NW, 175-NE 112 PP-RW W R3UB2H 180-channel, 181-channel 113 PP-RU U U 182-NW, 183-SE, 184-SE-channel, 185-N 114 PP-RU W R3UBH 186-NW, 187-SE 115 PP-RW W R4SB2C 188-N, 189-S 116 JD U U 190-pit, 191-surface, 192-N, 193-S 117 PP-RW W R4UBF 194-NW, 195-SE 118 JD W PEM1F (Center of polygon is PUBH) 196-water, 197-E, 198-W, 199-pond 119 JD U U 200-pit, 201-surface, 202-NE, 203-N, 204-hydro 120 JD W PEM1F 205-pit, 206-redox, 207-alpha-alpha, 208-E, 209-W 121 JD U U 210-N, 211-S, 212-pit, 213-surface 122 JD U U 216-N, 217-S, 218-pit, 219-surface 123 PP-RW W R3UB1/2H (Gravel Bar is R3US1/2C or A) 220-NE, 221-SW, 222-S 124 JD U U 226-NE, 227-SW, 228-SE, 229-pit, 230-surface 125 JD U U 233-N, 234-S, 235-windthrow, 236-pit, 237-surface 126 JD W PSS4B 238-N, 239-N, 241-pit, 242-surface 127 PP-RW U U 243-N, 244-S, 245-pit 128 JD W PEM1/SS3C (PEM1C adjacent) 246-N, 247-S, 248-water 129 PP-RW W PUBH (PEM1C on fringe) 249-NE, 250-W, 251-W 130 JD W PF04/SS3B 252-NE, 253-SW, 254-pit, 255-surface 131 PP-RW W PF04/SS3B 256-N, 257-S, 260-pit, 261-surface 132 JD U U 262-NE, 263-SE, 264-S, 267-pit, 268-surface 133 JD U U 269-NE, 270-SE, 271-SW 134 JD U U 272-NE, 273-SW, 274-pit, 275-surface 135 JD U U 277-NE, 278-SE, 279-SW 136 JD U U 280-N, 281-SW (cliff), 282-SW, 283-pit, 284-surface 137 JD U U 292-NE, 293-SW, 294-pit, 295-surface 138 JD U U 297-N, 298-S, 299-pit, 300-surface 139 JD U U 305-N, 306-W, 307-S, 310-pit, 311-surface 140 PP-RU U U 312-NE, 313-SW *PP-RW or PP-RU: Photopoint Plot at a Representative Wetland or Waters (RW) or a Representative Upland (RU) site, where photos and basic information are recorded instead of the entire field form, due to similarity in site conditions with previously surveyed plots. 19 Appendix C: Photographs Included as a Word document: AppendixC_photos_yerrick.doc 20 Appendix D: Field Data Forms Included as an Adobe document: AppendixD_plotfieldforms_yerrick.pdf 9.3.5. – HERITAGE RESOURCE SURVEY (Report has sensitive information and is not available to the general public) Office of History and Archaeology: Cultural Resources Report Coversheet (Must Accompany All Compliance Reports Submitted to OHA/SHPO) Office of History and Archaeology Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation Alaska Department of Natural Resources 550 W. 7th Ave., Suite 1310 Anchorage, AK 99501-3565 Phone: (907) 269-8721 Fax (907) 269-8908 http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/oha/index.htm Was this survey/investigation(Check one): Negative Positive X Negative = no cultural resource sites are reported or updated. Positive = cultural resource sites are reported or updated. Note: Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) numbers are required for reported cultural resource sites, including buildings. AHRS numbers can be obtained by contacting Joan Dale at 907-269-8718). Project/Report Information: ● Report Title: 2009 Cultural Resource Survey of Alaska Power & Telephone’s Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project near MP 1334 of the Alaska Highway, Alaska ● Report Author(s): Molly Proue, M.A., R.P.A., and Burr Neely, M.A., R.P.A. ● Report Date: November 2009 ● Submitting Organization/Agency Northern Land Use Research, Inc. ● Project Name and Project Number: 09-968 Yerrick Creek Hydroelectric Project ● Principal Investigator (PI) name: Peter M. Bowers, M.A., R.P.A. Geographic Information (attach an extra sheet or cite report page numbers if necessary) ● USGS Mapsheet (1:63,360 if available) Tanacross B-6 ● Meridian/Township / Range / Section (MTRS) location: (all affected sections) Format example: “F021N018E|13-14” C019N009E, Section 36; C018N009E, Sections 1, 2, 11, and 14 ● Verbal description of survey area (for example: “123 Acme Street,” “confluence of Fish and Moose creeks,” “Milepost 9-16 …” The middle portion of the Yerrick Creek drainage, south of the Alaska Highway, 22 miles west of Tok. ● Does this report contain boundary coordinates for the surveyed area? Yes No X Page #(s) ● Does this report contain boundary coordinates for reported sites? Yes No X Page #(s) ● Land owner(s): State of Alaska and Tanacross Native Corp. ● Answer one: Acres Surveyed 127 Hectares Surveyed Cultural Resources Management (CRM) Information ● List AHRS numbers of new and updated sites – (do not list sites that are merely described in the background section). TNX-211 and TNX-212 ● Is the report part of a National Historic Preservation Act - Section 106 consultation? Yes X No ● Is the report part of an Alaska Historic Preservation Act compliance consultation? Yes No X ● Does the report’s data support a submitting agency’s determination of eligibility? Yes X No ● Does the report’s data support a submitting agency’s determination of effect? Yes X No ● Was this report submitted to fulfill State Field Archaeology Permit requirements? Permit No.: Permit Application # 2009-27 Yes X No ● Was this project and/or report overseen or authored by someone meeting the minimum qualifications of the Sec. of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines (48 FR 44738-44739)? Yes X No ● Is the Principal Investigator’s resume’ appended to the report or on file at OHA? Yes X No Revised 3/29/07 Page | 31 9.4 2009 Denali Commission List of Distressed Communities      Denali Commission 510 L Street, Suite 410 Anchorage, AK 99501 907.271.1414 tel 907.271.1415 fax 888.480.4321 toll free www.denali.gov Issue: Distressed Community Criteria 2009 Update Date: June 2009 Background: This 2009 annual update of the distressed community list prepared by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research and Analysis Section, uses the most current population, employment and earnings data available to identify those Alaska communities considered “distressed”. The distressed status is determined by comparing average income of a community to full-time minimum wage earnings, the percentage of the population earning greater than full-time minimum wage earnings and a measure of the percentage of the population engaged in year-round wage and salary employment. More Community Data Available This report uses enhanced physical place of residence information to better identify the community of residence for Permanent Fund Dividend applicants age 16 and over. Communities included in this report are closely aligned with those used in the annual population place estimates prepared by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Attached is a list of Alaska communities with employment and earnings information used to determine their distressed community status for 2009. Maps by economic region that show locations of communities that meet the distressed criteria are also included. Surrogate Standard Background The Denali Commission adopted alternate methods of determining community eligibility when census data were not available for the 2000 update. That “surrogate” standard considered additional data and methodology. For this 2009 update, we compiled the data required to implement a “surrogate” standard to determine eligibility. Data Sources and Methodology Three sources of data are used for the 2009 update: • 2008 Permanent Fund Dividend applications (PFD). This information includes the applicant’s age, social security number (SSN), and physical place of residence. • Alaska unemployment insurance wage records for calendar year 2008. This information includes wage and salary worker earnings from all Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 2 private, state and local government employers. Federal government, military, and self-employed earnings are not available and not included in the earnings estimate. • Calendar year 2007 Commercial Fisheries Entry Commissions (CFEC) total fish value data by community, the most recent data available. All 2008 PFD applicants age 16 and over in 2008 were assigned to an Alaska borough/census area and community by place of residence. PFD applicants age 16 and over were matched with wage and employment information by SSN. CFEC 2007 total fish values were added to wage and salary earnings to compute community average market income. 2009 Update Surrogate Standard A community that meets two of the following three surrogate standard criteria is considered distressed: Criteria 1 Average market income in 2008 is less than $14,872. Average market income = Community UI Earnings + Community CFEC Earnings Number Residents 16 and Over $14,872 = Minimum Wage ($7.15/hour x 2,080 hours/year) Any community with an average market income of less than $14,872 in 2008 meets this criteria. Criteria 2 More than 70% of residents 16 and over earned less than $14,872 in 2008. Percent Residents w/Earnings < than $14,872 = 100 x Number Residents w/Earnings < than $14,872 Number Residents 16 and Over Any community with more than 70% of its residents earning less than $14,872 in 2008 meets this criteria. Criteria 3 Less than 30% of residents 16 and over worked all four quarters of 2008. Percent Residents Employed All 4 Quarters = 100 x Number Residents Employed All 4 Quarters Number Residents 16 and Over Any community with less than 30% of its residents employed all four quarters of 2008 meets this criteria. Appeals The Denali Commission recognizes that in some cases the data collection and application methodology does not accurately reflect the appropriate classification of some communities. Therefore, the Commission is open to reviewing a community’s classification as “non-distressed.” Any community that believes a “non-distressed” classification was determined in error may appeal to the Denali Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 3 Commission. Appeals determinations will be made in lieu of new information (relevant economic data and facts) which demonstrate the data compiled by the DOL&WD was erroneous, invalid, or outdated. Additionally, the Commission will take into consideration the past economic status of a community as determined by the Denali Commission’s annual Distressed Community Criteria lists dating back to 2002. Past economic statuses will not, however, be the single determining factor for successful appeals. They will be considered in addition to the new information provided. New information must come from a verifiable source and be robust and representative of the entire community and/or population. In addition to demonstrating the data compiled by the DOL&WD was erroneous, invalid, or outdated, the new information must demonstrate a community does meet at least two of the three Surrogate Standard criteria as defined above for classification as a distressed community. Appeals must be sent in writing to the attention of the Denali Commission Director of Programs who will make an appeal determination based on the new verifiable information presented and will provide a response in writing within 30 days. Send appeals to: Denali Commission Attention: Director of Programs 510 L Street, Suite 410 Anchorage, AK 99501 *The last section of the “Communities that meet 2009 Distressed Criteria” below contains the names of communities which have successfully appealed their status as “non-distressed” and received a “distressed” classification from the Commission. Distressed Communities as Defined by Surrogate Standard The following is a list of communities that meet the surrogate standard for distressed communities. Communities that meet 2009 Distressed Criteria AKHIOK CITY AKIACHAK CDP AKIAK CITY ALAKANUK CITY ALATNA CDP ALCAN BORDER CDP ALEKNAGIK CITY ALENEVA CDP ALLAKAKET ANVSA AMBLER CITY Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 4 Communities that meet 2009 Distressed Criteria ANGOON CITY ANVIK CITY ARCTIC VILLAGE CDP ATMAUTLUAK CDP BELUGA CDP BETTLES CITY BIG DELTA CDP BIRCH CREEK CDP BREVIG MISSION CITY CENTRAL CDP CHALKYITSIK CDP CHASE CDP CHEFORNAK CITY CHEVAK CITY CHICKEN CDP CHIGNIK LAGOON CHIGNIK LAKE CHINIAK CDP CHISANA CHITINA CDP CHUATHBALUK CITY CIRCLE CDP CLAM GULCH CDP CLARKS POINT CITY COOPER LANDING CDP COVENANT LIFE CDP CROOKED CREEK CDP CROWN POINT CDP DOT LAKE CDP DRY CREEK CDP EAGLE CITY EAGLE VILLAGE EDNA BAY EEK CITY EIELSON AFB EKWOK CITY ELFIN COVE CDP ELIM CITY EMMONAK CITY EXCURSION INLET CDP FERRY CDP FORT GREELY CDP FOX RIVER CDP FUNNY RIVER CDP GAMBELL CITY Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 5 Communities that meet 2009 Distressed Criteria GAME CREEK CDP GLACIER VIEW CDP GOODNEWS BAY CITY GRAYLING CITY GULKANA CDP GUSTAVUS CDP HALIBUT COVE CDP HAPPY VALLEY CDP HARDING-BIRCH LAKES CDP HEALY LAKE CDP HOBART BAY CDP HOLLIS CDP HOLY CROSS CITY HOOPER BAY CITY HOPE CDP HUSLIA CITY HYDABURG CITY HYDER CDP KAKE CITY KALTAG CITY KARLUK CDP KASIGLUK CDP KENNY LAKE CDP KIPNUK CDP KIVALINA CITY KLUKWAN CDP KODIAK STATION CDP KOKHANOK CDP KOLIGANEK CDP KONGIGANAK CDP KOTLIK CITY KOYUK CITY KOYUKUK CITY KUPREANOF CITY KWETHLUK CITY KWIGILLINGOK CDP LAKE LOUISE CDP LAKE MINCHUMINA CDP LIVENGOOD CDP LOWER KALSKAG CITY LUTAK CDP MANLEY HOT SPRINGS CDP MANOKOTAK CITY MARSHALL CITY MCCARTHY CDP Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 6 Communities that meet 2009 Distressed Criteria MENTASTA LAKE CDP MEYERS CHUCK MINTO CDP MOSQUITO LAKE CDP MOUNTAIN VILLAGE CITY MUD BAY CDP NANWALEK CDP NAPAKIAK CITY NAUKATI BAY CDP NELCHINA CDP NEW STUYAHOK CITY NEWTOK CDP NIKOLAEVSK CDP NIKOLAI CITY NINILCHIK CDP NONDALTON CITY NOORVIK CITY NORTHWAY CDP NORTHWAY VILLAGE NULATO CITY NUNAM IQUA CITY OLD HARBOR CITY OUZINKIE CITY PAXSON CDP PELICAN CITY PERRYVILLE CDP PILOT STATION CITY PITKAS POINT CDP PLATINUM CITY POINT BAKER CDP POPE-VANNOY LANDING CDP PORT ALEXANDER PORT ALSWORTH CDP PORT GRAHAM CDP PORT PROTECTION CDP PORTAGE CREEK CDP QUINHAGAK CITY RAMPART CDP RED DEVIL CDP RUBY CITY RUSSIAN MISSION CITY SAVOONGA CITY SCAMMON BAY CITY SELAWIK CITY SELDOVIA CITY Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 7 Communities that meet 2009 Distressed Criteria SHAGELUK CITY SHISHMAREF CITY SKWENTNA CDP SLANA CDP SLEETMUTE CDP STEBBINS CITY STEVENS VILLAGE CDP STONY RIVER CDP SUSITNA CDP TANACROSS CDP TATITLEK CDP TELLER CITY TENAKEE SPRINGS CITY TETLIN CDP THOMS PLACE THORNE BAY CITY TOGIAK CITY TOKSOOK BAY CITY TOLSONA CDP TONSINA CDP TRAPPER CREEK CDP TULUKSAK CDP TUNTUTULIAK CDP TUNUNAK CDP TWIN HILLS CDP UGASHIK CDP UPPER KALSKAG CITY VENETIE CDP WHALE PASS CDP WHITESTONE CAMP CDP WILLOW CREEK CDP WISEMAN CDP Y CDP *Communities Classified as Distressed through the Appeals Process The following communities have successfully completed the appeals process and been reclassified by the Denali Commission as distressed communities: HAINES (Granted 2008) GLENNALLEN (Granted 2007) CHENEGA (Granted 2006) NANWALEK (Granted 2006) ATMAUTLUAK (Granted 2005) GEORGETOWN (Granted 2005) KONGIGANAK (Granted 2005) Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 8 MCGRATH (Granted 2005) NAPASKIAK (Granted 2005) NEWTOK (Granted 2005) OSCARVILLE (Granted 2005) SHAKTOOLIK (Granted 2005) BREVIG MISSION (Granted 2005) PORT GRAHAM (Granted 2004) NEWHALEN (Granted 2001) Communities that do not meet 2009 Distressed Criteria ADAK CITY AKUTAN CITY ANAKTUVUK PASS CITY ANCHOR POINT CDP ANCHORAGE ANDERSON CITY ANIAK CITY ATKA CITY ATQASUK CITY BARROW CITY BEAR CREEK CDP BEAVER CDP BETHEL CITY BIG LAKE CDP BUCKLAND CITY BUFFALO SOAPSTONE CDP BUTTE CDP CANTWELL CDP CHENEGA CDP CHICKALOON CDP CHIGNIK CITY CHISTOCHINA CDP COFFMAN COVE CITY COHOE CDP COLD BAY CITY COLDFOOT CDP COLLEGE CDP COPPER CENTER CDP COPPERVILLE CDP CORDOVA CITY CRAIG CITY DEERING CITY DELTA JUNCTION CITY DELTANA CDP DIAMOND RIDGE CDP DILLINGHAM CITY Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 9 Communities that do not meet 2009 Distressed Criteria DIOMEDE CITY DOT LAKE VILLAGE EGEGIK CITY ESTER CDP EVANSVILLE CDP FAIRBANKS CITY FALSE PASS CITY FARM LOOP CDP FISHHOOK CDP FORT YUKON CITY FOUR MILE ROAD CDP FOX CDP FRITZ CREEK CDP GAKONA CDP GALENA CITY GATEWAY CDP GLENNALLEN CDP GOLOVIN CITY HAINES CDP HEALY CDP HOMER CITY HOONAH CITY HOUSTON CITY HUGHES CITY IGIUGIG CITY ILIAMNA CITY JUNEAU CITY KACHEMAK CITY KAKTOVIK CITY KALIFORNSKY CDP KASAAN CITY KASILOF CDP KENAI CITY KETCHIKAN CITY KIANA CITY KING COVE CITY KING SALMON CDP KLAWOCK CITY KNIK RIVER CDP KNIK-FAIRVIEW CDP KOBUK CITY KODIAK CITY KOTZEBUE CITY LAKES CDP LARSEN BAY CITY Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 10 Communities that do not meet 2009 Distressed Criteria LAZY MOUNTAIN CDP LEVELOCK CDP LIME VILLAGE CDP LOWELL POINT CDP MCGRATH CITY MCKINLEY PARK CDP MEADOW LAKES CDP MEKORYUK CITY MENDELTNA CDP METLAKATLA MOOSE CREEK CDP MOOSE PASS CDP NAKNEK CDP NAPASKIAK CITY NELSON LAGOON CDP NENANA CITY NEWHALEN CITY NIGHTMUTE CITY NIKISKI CDP NIKOLSKI CDP NOATAK CDP NOME CITY NORTH POLE CITY NORTHWAY JUNCION CDP NUIQSUT CITY NUNAPITCHUK CITY OSCARVILLE CDP PALMER CITY PEDRO BAY CDP PETERSBURG CITY PETERSVILLE CDP PILOT POINT CDP PLEASANT VALLEY CDP POINT HOPE CITY POINT LAY CDP POINT MACKENZIE CDP PORT HEIDEN CITY PORT LIONS CITY PRIMROSE CDP PRUDHOE BAY RED DOG MINE CDP RIDGEWAY CDP SAINT GEORGE CITY SAINT MARYS CITY SAINT MICHAEL CITY Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 11 SAINT PAUL CITY SALAMATOF CDP SALCHA CDP SAND POINT CITY SAXMAN CITY SELDOVIA VILLAGE CDP SEWARD CITY SHAKTOOLIK CITY SHUNGNAK CITY SILVER SPRINGS CDP SITKA CITY SKAGWAY CITY SOLDOTNA CITY SOUTH NAKNEK CDP STERLING CDP SUNRISE CDP SUTTON-ALPINE CDP TAKOTNA CDP TALKEETNA CDP TANAINA CDP TANANA CITY TAZLINA CDP TOK CDP TWO RIVERS CDP TYONEK CDP UNALAKLEET CITY UNALASKA CITY VALDEZ CITY WAINWRIGHT CITY WALES CITY WASILLA CITY WHITE MOUNTAIN CITY WHITTIER CITY WILLOW CDP WOMENS BAY CDP WRANGELL CITY YAKUTAT Communities that are determined distressed when plus/minus 3% formula* is applied to data. The following is the list of criteria for communities that do not meet the 2009 surrogate standard for distressed communities. Additional communities that meet distressed criteria when using plus/minus 3% formula Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 12 ANCHOR POINT CDP ANDERSON CITY BEAVER CDP BUCKLAND CITY COHOE CDP DOT LAKE VILLAGE FORT YUKON CITY FRITZ CREEK CDP HAINES CDP HOMER CITY HOONAH CITY KACHEMAK CITY KIANA CITY Additional communities that meet distressed criteria when using plus/minus 3% formula KOBUK CITY LARSEN BAY CITY LEVELOCK CDP MCKINLEY PARK CDP NAPASKIAK CITY NENANA CITY NIGHTMUTE CITY NIKOLSKI CDP NUNAPITCHUK CITY POINT HOPE CITY POINT MACKENZIE CDP PORT LIONS CITY SAINT MICHAEL CITY SALCHA CDP SELDOVIA VILLAGE CDP SHUNGNAK CITY SOUTH NAKNEK CDP WALES CITY WHITTIER CITY WILLOW CDP WRANGELL CITY 3% Criteria Criteria 1 Average earnings in 2008 from UI covered employment and fishing less than $14,872 x 1.03 = $15,318 (change from $14,872) Criteria 2 The percentage of residents 16 and over with 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 greater than 67% (change from 70%) Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 13 Criteria 3 The percentage of residents 16 and over employed in all four quarters of 2008 is less than 33% (change from 30%) Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula Aleutians East Borough AKUTAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,396 41.9 72.0 COLD BAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,035 46.3 50.0 FALSE PASS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 57,770 57.7 50.0 KING COVE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 41,778 63.5 36.2 NELSON LAGOON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 38,340 65.4 36.5 SAND POINT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 47,564 64.0 38.1 Aleutians West Census Area ADAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,785 60.7 26.8 ATKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,377 46.9 63.3 NIKOLSKI CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,971 68.2 36.4 Yes SAINT GEORGE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,695 66.2 33.8 SAINT PAUL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,056 59.2 42.6 UNALASKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 40,743 33.8 67.1 Anchorage Municipality ANCHORAGE Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,814 53.7 46.9 Bethel Census Area AKIACHAK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 11,477 75.1 27.8 AKIAK CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 10,885 70.4 44.2 ANIAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,790 57.8 42.2 ATMAUTLUAK CDP Distressed Distressed 7,875 80.9 23.0 BETHEL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,323 47.8 49.0 CHEFORNAK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,206 78.0 45.5 CHUATHBALUK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,981 76.7 35.0 CROOKED CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,767 76.7 34.9 EEK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,585 76.6 37.8 GOODNEWS BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,293 76.4 29.7 KASIGLUK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,131 80.0 36.5 KIPNUK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,404 79.5 31.0 KONGIGANAK CDP Distressed Distressed 8,975 81.0 35.4 KWETHLUK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,523 76.0 30.1 KWIGILLINGOK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,249 71.8 38.7 LIME VILLAGE CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 11,676 64.3 35.7 LOWER KALSKAG CITY Distressed Distressed 7,970 78.8 33.3 MEKORYUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,197 65.8 42.6 NAPAKIAK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,049 79.2 40.7 NAPASKIAK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 10,889 69.9 37.7 Yes Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 14 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula NEWTOK CDP Distressed Distressed 8,396 80.7 43.6 NIGHTMUTE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,136 67.9 47.4 Yes NUNAPITCHUK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,205 69.6 46.1 Yes OSCARVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,932 48.3 62.1 PLATINUM CITY Distressed Distressed 10,158 82.4 35.3 QUINHAGAK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,186 75.6 33.2 RED DEVIL CDP Distressed Distressed 7,895 86.7 23.3 SLEETMUTE CDP Distressed Distressed 8,650 80.0 36.9 STONY RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 10,181 80.6 27.8 TOKSOOK BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,693 75.4 40.3 TULUKSAK CDP Distressed Distressed 6,254 86.2 25.9 TUNTUTULIAK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,458 73.4 35.2 TUNUNAK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,981 79.3 35.7 UPPER KALSKAG CITY Distressed Distressed 10,477 75.5 31.3 Bristol Bay Borough KING SALMON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 32,077 48.8 38.4 NAKNEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 30,456 55.9 39.2 SOUTH NAKNEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,530 68.8 17.2 Yes Denali Borough ANDERSON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,923 68.6 31.4 Yes CANTWELL CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,355 65.5 31.6 FERRY CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 10,708 76.7 16.7 HEALY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,048 60.6 37.3 MCKINLEY PARK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 15,131 66.8 27.4 Yes Dillingham Census Area ALEKNAGIK CITY Distressed Distressed 18,970 70.3 29.7 CLARKS POINT CITY Distressed Distressed 10,431 88.9 33.3 DILLINGHAM CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,258 50.8 46.7 EKWOK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,338 72.0 37.8 KOLIGANEK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 13,862 72.0 30.5 MANOKOTAK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,486 82.8 23.2 NEW STUYAHOK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,777 76.7 34.7 PORTAGE CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 TOGIAK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,226 79.3 25.6 TWIN HILLS CDP Distressed Distressed 9,870 74.1 34.5 Fairbanks North star Borough COLLEGE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,633 53.3 46.6 EIELSON AFB Distressed Distressed 4,757 88.2 12.0 ESTER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,875 52.3 46.2 FAIRBANKS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,929 60.8 40.4 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 15 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula FOX CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,995 52.0 45.6 HARDING-BIRCH LAKES CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 16,571 70.1 25.7 MOOSE CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,711 64.0 37.1 NORTH POLE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,706 60.2 41.4 PLEASANT VALLEY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,967 61.0 36.8 SALCHA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,932 68.3 31.3 Yes TWO RIVERS CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,622 51.7 46.5 Haines Borough COVENANT LIFE CDP Distressed Distressed 10,881 73.8 29.2 EXCURSION INLET CDP Distressed Distressed ND 76.9 15.4 HAINES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,640 70.5 31.4 Yes LUTAK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,377 66.7 25.0 MOSQUITO LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 11,708 76.1 24.4 MUD BAY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,501 69.5 29.7 Hoonah-Angoon Census Area ANGOON CITY Distressed Distressed 11,678 72.2 31.7 ELFIN COVE CDP Distressed Distressed 38,219 87.9 24.2 GAME CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 GUSTAVUS CDP Distressed Distressed 11,866 82.2 19.0 HOBART BAY CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 HOONAH CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 16,366 72.0 31.2 Yes KLUKWAN CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 12,394 71.1 38.9 PELICAN CITY Distressed Distressed 25,854 77.6 22.4 TENAKEE SPRINGS CITY Distressed Distressed 11,922 81.9 26.6 WHITESTONE CAMP Distressed Non-Distressed 8,779 85.7 14.3 Juneau Borough JUNEAU CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,495 50.7 49.8 Kenai Peninsula Borough ANCHOR POINT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,677 68.7 30.0 Yes BEAR CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,559 53.9 44.0 BELUGA CDP Distressed Distressed 18,017 73.7 26.3 CLAM GULCH CDP Distressed Distressed 21,990 71.8 25.8 COHOE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,821 68.8 30.4 Yes COOPER LANDING CDP Distressed Distressed 13,274 76.9 19.8 CROWN POINT CDP Distressed Distressed 14,808 64.0 26.0 DIAMOND RIDGE CDP Non-Distressed N/A 17,447 66.8 33.5 FOX RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 5,044 87.4 15.7 FRITZ CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,422 68.7 31.8 Yes Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 16 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula FUNNY RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 16,188 71.3 28.4 HALIBUT COVE CDP Distressed Distressed 27,996 90.9 12.1 HAPPY VALLEY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,150 75.9 22.3 HOMER CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 33,217 68.6 32.2 Yes HOPE CDP Distressed Distressed 11,380 77.6 19.4 KACHEMAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,236 68.4 31.1 Yes KALIFORNSKY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,574 57.8 43.3 KASILOF CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,574 66.3 34.6 KENAI CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,894 58.5 43.3 LOWELL POINT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,340 56.1 46.3 MOOSE PASS CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 18,159 66.5 30.5 NANWALEK CDP Distressed Distressed 10,163 76.1 32.1 NIKISKI CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,878 62.1 39.0 NIKOLAEVSK CDP Distressed Distressed 20,578 79.0 21.9 NINILCHIK CDP Distressed Distressed 16,037 73.6 24.1 PORT GRAHAM CDP Distressed Distressed 12,370 70.5 34.8 PRIMROSE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,529 64.0 33.3 RIDGEWAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,022 61.9 38.5 SALAMATOF CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,181 64.5 35.9 SELDOVIA CITY Distressed Distressed 25,153 76.9 27.5 SELDOVIA VILLAGE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,297 69.1 33.1 Yes SEWARD CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,657 57.0 42.1 SOLDOTNA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,776 59.7 42.7 STERLING CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,807 60.9 39.5 SUNRISE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,554 56.3 31.3 TYONEK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 13,438 65.8 33.3 Ketchikan Gateway Borough KETCHIKAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,973 56.2 45.0 SAXMAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,142 66.9 37.0 Kodiak Island Borough AKHIOK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,688 72.5 52.5 ALENEVA CDP Distressed Distressed 10,330 83.3 16.7 CHINIAK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 13,197 71.7 23.3 KARLUK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,212 73.9 43.5 KODIAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 42,358 55.6 51.4 KODIAK STATION CDP Distressed Distressed 6,960 85.3 17.7 LARSEN BAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,675 70.2 31.6 Yes OLD HARBOR CITY Distressed Distressed 18,844 82.9 28.3 OUZINKIE CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 14,719 74.1 40.1 PORT LIONS CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 18,225 72.3 32.7 Yes Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 17 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula WOMENS BAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,184 63.5 35.7 Lake and Peninsula Borough CHIGNIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 50,220 44.9 51.0 CHIGNIK LAGOON Distressed Distressed 80,571 79.4 25.4 CHIGNIK LAKE Distressed Non-Distressed 9,977 82.2 28.8 EGEGIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,726 64.0 34.0 IGIUGIG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,254 58.6 55.2 ILIAMNA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,022 51.1 42.9 KOKHANOK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,167 78.4 30.4 LEVELOCK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,100 69.2 32.7 Yes NEWHALEN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,267 47.5 45.9 NONDALTON CITY Distressed Distressed 11,836 76.5 29.5 PEDRO BAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,090 62.5 37.5 PERRYVILLE CDP Distressed Distressed 15,266 77.1 29.2 PILOT POINT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,041 69.6 47.8 POPE-VANNOY LANDING CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 PORT ALSWORTH CDP Distressed Distressed 10,014 82.4 22.4 PORT HEIDEN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,410 53.0 40.9 UGASHIK CDP Distressed Distressed 35,151 75.0 16.7 Matanuska-Susitna Borough BIG LAKE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,451 65.2 35.0 BUFFALO SOAPSTONE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,950 57.0 41.6 BUTTE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,156 60.0 40.3 CHASE CDP Distressed Distressed 19,813 72.3 27.7 CHICKALOON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,802 65.7 32.9 FARM LOOP CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,527 62.3 39.4 FISHHOOK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,566 57.7 42.7 GATEWAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,339 57.1 43.0 GLACIER VIEW CDP Distressed Distressed 15,934 71.2 23.7 HOUSTON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,539 63.9 36.4 KNIK RIVER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,980 59.1 39.7 KNIK-FAIRVIEW CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,329 56.4 43.3 LAKE LOUISE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,629 83.3 16.7 LAKES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,670 58.3 42.6 LAZY MOUNTAIN CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,643 63.5 36.3 MEADOW LAKES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,534 61.8 38.0 PALMER CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,863 61.8 40.2 PETERSVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,527 66.7 33.3 POINT MACKENZIE CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,721 69.9 30.8 Yes Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 18 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula SKWENTNA CDP Distressed Distressed 5,032 88.6 7.1 SUSITNA CDP Distressed Distressed 10,582 80.8 11.5 SUTTON-ALPINE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,872 64.2 33.2 TALKEETNA CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,717 66.5 34.3 TANAINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,923 56.2 44.2 TRAPPER CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,176 76.5 23.7 WASILLA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,153 61.0 39.2 WILLOW CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 17,539 69.4 29.3 Yes Y CDP Distressed Distressed 12,583 75.5 25.6 Nome Census Area BREVIG MISSION CITY Distressed Distressed 9,672 76.1 38.5 DIOMEDE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,117 63.9 51.4 ELIM CITY Distressed Distressed 11,293 71.9 36.2 GAMBELL CITY Distressed Distressed 8,954 77.9 31.7 GOLOVIN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,194 55.6 60.6 KOYUK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,414 75.3 38.9 NOME CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,859 49.1 49.7 SAINT MICHAEL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,528 69.7 32.8 Yes SAVOONGA CITY Distressed Distressed 9,942 78.9 25.9 SHAKTOOLIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,659 65.1 44.1 SHISHMAREF CITY Distressed Distressed 9,466 78.6 36.5 STEBBINS CITY Distressed Distressed 8,198 80.0 30.1 TELLER CITY Distressed Distressed 11,405 72.2 38.1 UNALAKLEET CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,593 64.7 37.2 WALES CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,225 69.1 46.8 Yes WHITE MOUNTAIN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,572 66.9 43.1 North Slope Borough ANAKTUVUK PASS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,441 63.1 33.3 ATQASUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,637 61.7 34.4 BARROW CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,072 47.8 41.8 KAKTOVIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,552 53.4 45.5 NUIQSUT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,796 57.6 34.6 POINT HOPE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,582 63.0 30.9 Yes POINT LAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,115 55.7 32.9 PRUDHOE BAY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 67,434 13.6 81.8 WAINWRIGHT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,683 61.4 28.3 Northwest Arctic Borough AMBLER CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 12,909 72.5 27.5 BUCKLAND CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,769 67.2 32.1 Yes DEERING CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,491 60.9 43.5 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 19 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula KIANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,056 71.7 33.1 Yes KIVALINA CITY Distressed Distressed 12,131 75.4 32.9 KOBUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,458 68.4 28.9 Yes KOTZEBUE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,127 52.0 46.7 NOATAK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,047 69.5 47.4 NOORVIK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,930 71.9 28.8 RED DOG MINE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed ND 0.0 100.0 SELAWIK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,795 74.6 24.1 SHUNGNAK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,073 67.7 30.5 Yes Petersburg Census Area KAKE CITY Distressed Distressed 14,190 71.2 36.2 KUPREANOF CITY Distressed Distressed 8,198 75.0 25.0 PETERSBURG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 35,319 69.6 33.1 PORT ALEXANDER Distressed Distressed 33,538 90.2 12.2 Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan/Hyder Census Area COFFMAN COVE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 17,621 65.2 32.6 CRAIG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,289 65.0 38.1 EDNA BAY Distressed Distressed 20,202 82.4 11.8 HOLLIS CDP Distressed Distressed 13,883 71.7 31.5 HYDABURG CITY Distressed Distressed 16,977 72.5 24.8 HYDER CDP Distressed Distressed 5,692 89.6 11.7 KASAAN CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,516 66.7 35.9 KLAWOCK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,570 66.8 36.0 METLAKATLA Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,528 63.7 38.0 NAUKATI BAY CDP Distressed Distressed 8,366 84.6 18.8 POINT BAKER CDP Distressed Distressed ND 91.3 13.0 PORT PROTECTION CDP Distressed Distressed 3,037 92.6 14.8 THORNE BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,986 75.3 25.8 WHALE PASS CDP Distressed Distressed 3,088 90.5 9.5 Sitka Borough SITKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,706 58.7 43.3 Skagway Municipality SKAGWAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,753 59.6 34.0 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area ALCAN BORDER CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 BIG DELTA CDP Distressed Distressed 16,107 70.5 28.6 CHICKEN CDP Distressed Distressed ND 93.8 6.3 DELTA JUNCTION CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,322 64.8 35.3 DELTANA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,868 64.9 33.0 DOT LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 6,434 76.2 23.8 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 20 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula DOT LAKE VILLAGE Non-Distressed Distressed 11,888 69.2 30.8 Yes DRY CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 2,280 93.3 5.0 EAGLE CITY Distressed Distressed 8,532 79.0 23.5 EAGLE VILLAGE Distressed Distressed 6,871 86.6 17.9 FORT GREELY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,206 79.2 17.5 HEALY LAKE CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 5,296 81.8 27.3 NORTHWAY CDP Distressed Distressed 10,830 74.7 26.5 NORTHWAY JUNCTION CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 20,466 63.4 41.5 NORTHWAY VILLAGE Distressed Distressed 11,333 77.6 24.1 TANACROSS CDP Distressed Distressed 11,405 73.6 23.1 TETLIN CDP Distressed Distressed 6,986 84.6 20.5 TOK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,574 66.5 33.1 Valdez-Cordova Census Area CHENEGA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,544 46.9 44.9 CHISANA Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 CHISTOCHINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,326 67.1 34.2 CHITINA CDP Distressed Distressed 9,344 81.9 27.7 COPPER CENTER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,208 68.4 33.7 COPPERVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,216 59.6 42.6 CORDOVA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 37,062 62.3 36.0 GAKONA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,410 62.8 36.1 GLENNALLEN CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,538 67.8 36.5 GULKANA CDP Distressed Distressed 12,411 70.4 33.8 KENNY LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,418 75.1 25.9 MCCARTHY CDP Distressed Distressed 7,392 82.4 10.3 MENDELTNA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,756 64.4 37.3 MENTASTA LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,105 76.1 19.6 NELCHINA CDP Distressed Distressed 16,341 71.2 25.4 PAXSON CDP Distressed Distressed 16,385 80.0 15.0 SILVER SPRINGS CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,820 63.5 32.2 SLANA CDP Distressed Distressed 7,777 77.1 14.7 TATITLEK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 14,513 77.8 30.6 TAZLINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,896 62.5 37.5 TOLSONA CDP Distressed Distressed 11,188 72.4 24.1 TONSINA CDP Distressed Distressed 11,312 76.2 20.6 VALDEZ CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 37,124 49.4 51.4 WHITTIER CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 16,759 67.4 29.3 Yes WILLOW CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,720 77.6 23.1 Wade Hampton Census Area Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 21 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula ALAKANUK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,919 80.6 27.4 CHEVAK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,948 78.7 33.3 EMMONAK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,814 71.1 35.4 HOOPER BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 8,465 79.5 30.2 KOTLIK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,486 79.5 32.6 MARSHALL CITY Distressed Distressed 12,078 72.0 39.4 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE CITY Distressed Distressed 12,415 73.0 36.7 NUNAM IQUA CITY Distressed Distressed 11,310 73.3 54.3 PILOT STATION CITY Distressed Distressed 8,726 80.7 30.2 PITKAS POINT CDP Distressed Distressed 8,229 81.1 32.1 RUSSIAN MISSION CITY Distressed Distressed 10,357 74.9 37.0 SAINT MARYS CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,656 66.4 37.4 SCAMMON BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 8,506 80.8 30.6 Wrangell Borough MEYERS CHUCK Distressed N/A ND 100.0 5.3 THOMS PLACE Distressed Distressed ND 62.5 25.0 WRANGELL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,648 68.1 31.8 Yes Yakutat Borough YAKUTAT Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,288 65.8 38.0 Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area ALATNA CDP Distressed Distressed 8,374 88.2 11.8 ALLAKAKET ANVSA Distressed Distressed 8,554 80.8 27.2 ANVIK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,177 73.2 44.6 ARCTIC VILLAGE CDP Distressed Distressed 9,874 78.4 26.7 BEAVER CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 11,809 67.8 37.3 Yes BETTLES CITY Distressed Distressed 10,781 81.0 28.6 BIRCH CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 2,059 94.1 0.0 CENTRAL CDP Distressed Distressed 10,536 83.8 20.0 CHALKYITSIK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,012 71.2 39.0 CIRCLE CDP Distressed Distressed 4,813 92.3 12.8 COLDFOOT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,002 57.9 42.1 EVANSVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,679 40.0 60.0 FORT YUKON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,712 68.2 33.0 Yes FOUR MILE ROAD CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,644 53.3 53.3 GALENA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,236 54.5 37.9 GRAYLING CITY Distressed Distressed 7,100 82.7 27.3 HOLY CROSS CITY Distressed Distressed 7,197 81.1 28.7 HUGHES CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,101 65.6 49.2 HUSLIA CITY Distressed Distressed 9,150 76.6 22.3 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 22 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Borough/Census Area and Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula KALTAG CITY Distressed Distressed 9,308 78.7 24.7 KOYUKUK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,867 78.8 37.9 LAKE MINCHUMINA CDP Distressed Distressed ND 73.3 20.0 LIVENGOOD CDP Distressed Distressed 10,664 81.0 16.7 MANLEY HOT SPRINGS CDP Distressed Distressed 14,240 74.4 28.2 MCGRATH CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,725 61.3 34.7 MINTO CDP Distressed Distressed 9,398 79.7 27.5 NENANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,389 68.1 27.7 Yes NIKOLAI CITY Distressed Distressed 6,674 86.1 13.9 NULATO CITY Distressed Distressed 10,838 72.8 33.2 RAMPART CDP Distressed Distressed 9,945 78.9 47.4 RUBY CITY Distressed Distressed 14,524 70.7 36.8 SHAGELUK CITY Distressed Distressed 7,903 82.1 23.9 STEVENS VILLAGE CDP Distressed Distressed 7,016 85.7 25.0 TAKOTNA CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 20,634 54.5 54.5 TANANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,408 63.2 34.8 VENETIE CDP Distressed Distressed 6,923 84.9 21.6 WISEMAN CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 18,332 76.9 23.1 Cells marked with ND were not able to be disclosed due to confidentiality policies. Source: Alaska Department of Labor, Research and Analysis Section; Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 23 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula ADAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,785 60.7 26.8 AKHIOK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,688 72.5 52.5 AKIACHAK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 11,477 75.1 27.8 AKIAK CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 10,885 70.4 44.2 AKUTAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,396 41.9 72.0 ALAKANUK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,919 80.6 27.4 ALATNA CDP Distressed Distressed 8,374 88.2 11.8 ALCAN BORDER CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 ALEKNAGIK CITY Distressed Distressed 18,970 70.3 29.7 ALENEVA CDP Distressed Distressed 10,330 83.3 16.7 ALLAKAKET ANVSA Distressed Distressed 8,554 80.8 27.2 AMBLER CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 12,909 72.5 27.5 ANAKTUVUK PASS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,441 63.1 33.3 ANCHOR POINT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,677 68.7 30.0 Yes ANCHORAGE Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,814 53.7 46.9 ANDERSON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,923 68.6 31.4 Yes ANGOON CITY Distressed Distressed 11,678 72.2 31.7 ANIAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,790 57.8 42.2 ANVIK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,177 73.2 44.6 ARCTIC VILLAGE CDP Distressed Distressed 9,874 78.4 26.7 ATKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,377 46.9 63.3 ATMAUTLUAK CDP Distressed Distressed 7,875 80.9 23.0 ATQASUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,637 61.7 34.4 BARROW CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,072 47.8 41.8 BEAR CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,559 53.9 44.0 BEAVER CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 11,809 67.8 37.3 Yes BELUGA CDP Distressed Distressed 18,017 73.7 26.3 BETHEL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,323 47.8 49.0 BETTLES CITY Distressed Distressed 10,781 81.0 28.6 BIG DELTA CDP Distressed Distressed 16,107 70.5 28.6 BIG LAKE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,451 65.2 35.0 BIRCH CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 2,059 94.1 0.0 BREVIG MISSION CITY Distressed Distressed 9,672 76.1 38.5 BUCKLAND CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,769 67.2 32.1 Yes BUFFALO SOAPSTONE Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,950 57.0 41.6 BUTTE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,156 60.0 40.3 CANTWELL CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,355 65.5 31.6 CENTRAL CDP Distressed Distressed 10,536 83.8 20.0 CHALKYITSIK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,012 71.2 39.0 CHASE CDP Distressed Distressed 19,813 72.3 27.7 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 24 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula CHEFORNAK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,206 78.0 45.5 CHENEGA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,544 46.9 44.9 CHEVAK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,948 78.7 33.3 CHICKALOON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,802 65.7 32.9 CHICKEN CDP Distressed Distressed ND 93.8 6.3 CHIGNIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 50,220 44.9 51.0 CHIGNIK LAGOON Distressed Distressed 80,571 79.4 25.4 CHIGNIK LAKE Distressed Non-Distressed 9,977 82.2 28.8 CHINIAK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 13,197 71.7 23.3 CHISANA Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 CHISTOCHINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,326 67.1 34.2 CHITINA CDP Distressed Distressed 9,344 81.9 27.7 CHUATHBALUK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,981 76.7 35.0 CIRCLE CDP Distressed Distressed 4,813 92.3 12.8 CLAM GULCH CDP Distressed Distressed 21,990 71.8 25.8 CLARKS POINT CITY Distressed Distressed 10,431 88.9 33.3 COFFMAN COVE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 17,621 65.2 32.6 COHOE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,821 68.8 30.4 Yes COLD BAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,035 46.3 50.0 COLDFOOT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,002 57.9 42.1 COLLEGE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,633 53.3 46.6 COOPER LANDING CDP Distressed Distressed 13,274 76.9 19.8 COPPER CENTER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,208 68.4 33.7 COPPERVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,216 59.6 42.6 CORDOVA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 37,062 62.3 36.0 COVENANT LIFE CDP Distressed Distressed 10,881 73.8 29.2 CRAIG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,289 65.0 38.1 CROOKED CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,767 76.7 34.9 CROWN POINT CDP Distressed Distressed 14,808 64.0 26.0 DEERING CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,491 60.9 43.5 DELTA JUNCTION CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,322 64.8 35.3 DELTANA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,868 64.9 33.0 DIAMOND RIDGE CDP Non-Distressed N/A 17,447 66.8 33.5 DILLINGHAM CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,258 50.8 46.7 DIOMEDE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,117 63.9 51.4 DOT LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 6,434 76.2 23.8 DOT LAKE VILLAGE Non-Distressed Distressed 11,888 69.2 30.8 Yes DRY CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 2,280 93.3 5.0 EAGLE CITY Distressed Distressed 8,532 79.0 23.5 EAGLE VILLAGE Distressed Distressed 6,871 86.6 17.9 EDNA BAY Distressed Distressed 20,202 82.4 11.8 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 25 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula EEK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,585 76.6 37.8 EGEGIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,726 64.0 34.0 EIELSON AFB Distressed Distressed 4,757 88.2 12.0 EKWOK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,338 72.0 37.8 ELFIN COVE CDP Distressed Distressed 38,219 87.9 24.2 ELIM CITY Distressed Distressed 11,293 71.9 36.2 EMMONAK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,814 71.1 35.4 ESTER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,875 52.3 46.2 EVANSVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,679 40.0 60.0 EXCURSION INLET CDP Distressed Distressed ND 76.9 15.4 FAIRBANKS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,929 60.8 40.4 FALSE PASS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 57,770 57.7 50.0 FARM LOOP CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,527 62.3 39.4 FERRY CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 10,708 76.7 16.7 FISHHOOK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,566 57.7 42.7 FORT GREELY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,206 79.2 17.5 FORT YUKON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,712 68.2 33.0 Yes FOUR MILE ROAD CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,644 53.3 53.3 FOX CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,995 52.0 45.6 FOX RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 5,044 87.4 15.7 FRITZ CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,422 68.7 31.8 Yes FUNNY RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 16,188 71.3 28.4 GAKONA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,410 62.8 36.1 GALENA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,236 54.5 37.9 GAMBELL CITY Distressed Distressed 8,954 77.9 31.7 GAME CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 GATEWAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,339 57.1 43.0 GLACIER VIEW CDP Distressed Distressed 15,934 71.2 23.7 GLENNALLEN CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,538 67.8 36.5 GOLOVIN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,194 55.6 60.6 GOODNEWS BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,293 76.4 29.7 GRAYLING CITY Distressed Distressed 7,100 82.7 27.3 GULKANA CDP Distressed Distressed 12,411 70.4 33.8 GUSTAVUS CDP Distressed Distressed 11,866 82.2 19.0 HAINES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,640 70.5 31.4 Yes HALIBUT COVE CDP Distressed Distressed 27,996 90.9 12.1 HAPPY VALLEY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,150 75.9 22.3 HARDING-BIRCH LAKES CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 16,571 70.1 25.7 HEALY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,048 60.6 37.3 HEALY LAKE CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 5,296 81.8 27.3 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 26 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula HOBART BAY CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 HOLLIS CDP Distressed Distressed 13,883 71.7 31.5 HOLY CROSS CITY Distressed Distressed 7,197 81.1 28.7 HOMER CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 33,217 68.6 32.2 Yes HOONAH CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 16,366 72.0 31.2 Yes HOOPER BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 8,465 79.5 30.2 HOPE CDP Distressed Distressed 11,380 77.6 19.4 HOUSTON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,539 63.9 36.4 HUGHES CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,101 65.6 49.2 HUSLIA CITY Distressed Distressed 9,150 76.6 22.3 HYDABURG CITY Distressed Distressed 16,977 72.5 24.8 HYDER CDP Distressed Distressed 5,692 89.6 11.7 IGIUGIG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,254 58.6 55.2 ILIAMNA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,022 51.1 42.9 JUNEAU CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,495 50.7 49.8 KACHEMAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,236 68.4 31.1 Yes KAKE CITY Distressed Distressed 14,190 71.2 36.2 KAKTOVIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,552 53.4 45.5 KALIFORNSKY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,574 57.8 43.3 KALTAG CITY Distressed Distressed 9,308 78.7 24.7 KARLUK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,212 73.9 43.5 KASAAN CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,516 66.7 35.9 KASIGLUK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,131 80.0 36.5 KASILOF CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,574 66.3 34.6 KENAI CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,894 58.5 43.3 KENNY LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,418 75.1 25.9 KETCHIKAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,973 56.2 45.0 KIANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,056 71.7 33.1 Yes KING COVE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 41,778 63.5 36.2 KING SALMON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 32,077 48.8 38.4 KIPNUK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,404 79.5 31.0 KIVALINA CITY Distressed Distressed 12,131 75.4 32.9 KLAWOCK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,570 66.8 36.0 KLUKWAN CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 12,394 71.1 38.9 KNIK RIVER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,980 59.1 39.7 KNIK-FAIRVIEW CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,329 56.4 43.3 KOBUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,458 68.4 28.9 Yes KODIAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 42,358 55.6 51.4 KODIAK STATION CDP Distressed Distressed 6,960 85.3 17.7 KOKHANOK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,167 78.4 30.4 KOLIGANEK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 13,862 72.0 30.5 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 27 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula KONGIGANAK CDP Distressed Distressed 8,975 81.0 35.4 KOTLIK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,486 79.5 32.6 KOTZEBUE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,127 52.0 46.7 KOYUK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,414 75.3 38.9 KOYUKUK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,867 78.8 37.9 KUPREANOF CITY Distressed Distressed 8,198 75.0 25.0 KWETHLUK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,523 76.0 30.1 KWIGILLINGOK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,249 71.8 38.7 LAKE LOUISE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,629 83.3 16.7 LAKE MINCHUMINA CDP Distressed Distressed ND 73.3 20.0 LAKES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,670 58.3 42.6 LARSEN BAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,675 70.2 31.6 Yes LAZY MOUNTAIN CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,643 63.5 36.3 LEVELOCK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,100 69.2 32.7 Yes LIME VILLAGE CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 11,676 64.3 35.7 LIVENGOOD CDP Distressed Distressed 10,664 81.0 16.7 LOWELL POINT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,340 56.1 46.3 LOWER KALSKAG CITY Distressed Distressed 7,970 78.8 33.3 LUTAK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,377 66.7 25.0 MANLEY HOT SPRINGS CDP Distressed Distressed 14,240 74.4 28.2 MANOKOTAK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,486 82.8 23.2 MARSHALL CITY Distressed Distressed 12,078 72.0 39.4 MCCARTHY CDP Distressed Distressed 7,392 82.4 10.3 MCGRATH CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,725 61.3 34.7 MCKINLEY PARK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 15,131 66.8 27.4 Yes MEADOW LAKES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,534 61.8 38.0 MEKORYUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,197 65.8 42.6 MENDELTNA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,756 64.4 37.3 MENTASTA LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,105 76.1 19.6 METLAKATLA Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,528 63.7 38.0 MEYERS CHUCK Distressed N/A ND 100.0 5.3 MINTO CDP Distressed Distressed 9,398 79.7 27.5 MOOSE CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,711 64.0 37.1 MOOSE PASS CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 18,159 66.5 30.5 MOSQUITO LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 11,708 76.1 24.4 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE CITY Distressed Distressed 12,415 73.0 36.7 MUD BAY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,501 69.5 29.7 NAKNEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 30,456 55.9 39.2 NANWALEK CDP Distressed Distressed 10,163 76.1 32.1 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 28 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula NAPAKIAK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,049 79.2 40.7 NAPASKIAK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 10,889 69.9 37.7 Yes NAUKATI BAY CDP Distressed Distressed 8,366 84.6 18.8 NELCHINA CDP Distressed Distressed 16,341 71.2 25.4 NELSON LAGOON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 38,340 65.4 36.5 NENANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,389 68.1 27.7 Yes NEW STUYAHOK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,777 76.7 34.7 NEWHALEN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,267 47.5 45.9 NEWTOK CDP Distressed Distressed 8,396 80.7 43.6 NIGHTMUTE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,136 67.9 47.4 Yes NIKISKI CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,878 62.1 39.0 NIKOLAEVSK CDP Distressed Distressed 20,578 79.0 21.9 NIKOLAI CITY Distressed Distressed 6,674 86.1 13.9 NIKOLSKI CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,971 68.2 36.4 Yes NINILCHIK CDP Distressed Distressed 16,037 73.6 24.1 NOATAK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,047 69.5 47.4 NOME CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,859 49.1 49.7 NONDALTON CITY Distressed Distressed 11,836 76.5 29.5 NOORVIK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,930 71.9 28.8 NORTH POLE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,706 60.2 41.4 NORTHWAY CDP Distressed Distressed 10,830 74.7 26.5 NORTHWAY JUNCTION CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 20,466 63.4 41.5 NORTHWAY VILLAGE Distressed Distressed 11,333 77.6 24.1 NUIQSUT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,796 57.6 34.6 NULATO CITY Distressed Distressed 10,838 72.8 33.2 NUNAM IQUA CITY Distressed Distressed 11,310 73.3 54.3 NUNAPITCHUK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,205 69.6 46.1 Yes OLD HARBOR CITY Distressed Distressed 18,844 82.9 28.3 OSCARVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,932 48.3 62.1 OUZINKIE CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 14,719 74.1 40.1 PALMER CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,863 61.8 40.2 PAXSON CDP Distressed Distressed 16,385 80.0 15.0 PEDRO BAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,090 62.5 37.5 PELICAN CITY Distressed Distressed 25,854 77.6 22.4 PERRYVILLE CDP Distressed Distressed 15,266 77.1 29.2 PETERSBURG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 35,319 69.6 33.1 PETERSVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,527 66.7 33.3 PILOT POINT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,041 69.6 47.8 PILOT STATION CITY Distressed Distressed 8,726 80.7 30.2 PITKAS POINT CDP Distressed Distressed 8,229 81.1 32.1 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 29 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula PLATINUM CITY Distressed Distressed 10,158 82.4 35.3 PLEASANT VALLEY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,967 61.0 36.8 POINT BAKER CDP Distressed Distressed ND 91.3 13.0 POINT HOPE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,582 63.0 30.9 Yes POINT LAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,115 55.7 32.9 POINT MACKENZIE CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,721 69.9 30.8 Yes POPE-VANNOY LANDING CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 PORT ALEXANDER Distressed Distressed 33,538 90.2 12.2 PORT ALSWORTH CDP Distressed Distressed 10,014 82.4 22.4 PORT GRAHAM CDP Distressed Distressed 12,370 70.5 34.8 PORT HEIDEN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,410 53.0 40.9 PORT LIONS CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 18,225 72.3 32.7 Yes PORT PROTECTION CDP Distressed Distressed 3,037 92.6 14.8 PORTAGE CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 PRIMROSE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,529 64.0 33.3 PRUDHOE BAY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 67,434 13.6 81.8 QUINHAGAK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,186 75.6 33.2 RAMPART CDP Distressed Distressed 9,945 78.9 47.4 RED DEVIL CDP Distressed Distressed 7,895 86.7 23.3 RED DOG MINE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed ND 0.0 100.0 RIDGEWAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,022 61.9 38.5 RUBY CITY Distressed Distressed 14,524 70.7 36.8 RUSSIAN MISSION CITY Distressed Distressed 10,357 74.9 37.0 SAINT GEORGE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,695 66.2 33.8 SAINT MARYS CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,656 66.4 37.4 SAINT MICHAEL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,528 69.7 32.8 Yes SAINT PAUL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,056 59.2 42.6 SALAMATOF CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,181 64.5 35.9 SALCHA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,932 68.3 31.3 Yes SAND POINT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 47,564 64.0 38.1 SAVOONGA CITY Distressed Distressed 9,942 78.9 25.9 SAXMAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,142 66.9 37.0 SCAMMON BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 8,506 80.8 30.6 SELAWIK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,795 74.6 24.1 SELDOVIA CITY Distressed Distressed 25,153 76.9 27.5 SELDOVIA VILLAGE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,297 69.1 33.1 Yes SEWARD CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,657 57.0 42.1 SHAGELUK CITY Distressed Distressed 7,903 82.1 23.9 SHAKTOOLIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,659 65.1 44.1 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 30 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula SHISHMAREF CITY Distressed Distressed 9,466 78.6 36.5 SHUNGNAK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,073 67.7 30.5 Yes SILVER SPRINGS CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,820 63.5 32.2 SITKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,706 58.7 43.3 SKAGWAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,753 59.6 34.0 SKWENTNA CDP Distressed Distressed 5,032 88.6 7.1 SLANA CDP Distressed Distressed 7,777 77.1 14.7 SLEETMUTE CDP Distressed Distressed 8,650 80.0 36.9 SOLDOTNA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,776 59.7 42.7 SOUTH NAKNEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,530 68.8 17.2 Yes STEBBINS CITY Distressed Distressed 8,198 80.0 30.1 STERLING CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,807 60.9 39.5 STEVENS VILLAGE CDP Distressed Distressed 7,016 85.7 25.0 STONY RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 10,181 80.6 27.8 SUNRISE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,554 56.3 31.3 SUSITNA CDP Distressed Distressed 10,582 80.8 11.5 SUTTON-ALPINE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,872 64.2 33.2 TAKOTNA CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 20,634 54.5 54.5 TALKEETNA CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,717 66.5 34.3 TANACROSS CDP Distressed Distressed 11,405 73.6 23.1 TANAINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,923 56.2 44.2 TANANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,408 63.2 34.8 TATITLEK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 14,513 77.8 30.6 TAZLINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,896 62.5 37.5 TELLER CITY Distressed Distressed 11,405 72.2 38.1 TENAKEE SPRINGS CITY Distressed Distressed 11,922 81.9 26.6 TETLIN CDP Distressed Distressed 6,986 84.6 20.5 THOMS PLACE Distressed Distressed ND 62.5 25.0 THORNE BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,986 75.3 25.8 TOGIAK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,226 79.3 25.6 TOK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,574 66.5 33.1 TOKSOOK BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,693 75.4 40.3 TOLSONA CDP Distressed Distressed 11,188 72.4 24.1 TONSINA CDP Distressed Distressed 11,312 76.2 20.6 TRAPPER CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,176 76.5 23.7 TULUKSAK CDP Distressed Distressed 6,254 86.2 25.9 TUNTUTULIAK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,458 73.4 35.2 TUNUNAK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,981 79.3 35.7 TWIN HILLS CDP Distressed Distressed 9,870 74.1 34.5 TWO RIVERS CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,622 51.7 46.5 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 31 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Place Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula TYONEK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 13,438 65.8 33.3 UGASHIK CDP Distressed Distressed 35,151 75.0 16.7 UNALAKLEET CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,593 64.7 37.2 UNALASKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 40,743 33.8 67.1 UPPER KALSKAG CITY Distressed Distressed 10,477 75.5 31.3 VALDEZ CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 37,124 49.4 51.4 VENETIE CDP Distressed Distressed 6,923 84.9 21.6 WAINWRIGHT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,683 61.4 28.3 WALES CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,225 69.1 46.8 Yes WASILLA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,153 61.0 39.2 WHALE PASS CDP Distressed Distressed 3,088 90.5 9.5 WHITE MOUNTAIN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,572 66.9 43.1 WHITESTONE CAMP CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 8,779 85.7 14.3 WHITTIER CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 16,759 67.4 29.3 Yes WILLOW CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 17,539 69.4 29.3 Yes WILLOW CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,720 77.6 23.1 WISEMAN CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 18,332 76.9 23.1 WOMENS BAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,184 63.5 35.7 WRANGELL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,648 68.1 31.8 Yes Y CDP Distressed Distressed 12,583 75.5 25.6 YAKUTAT Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,288 65.8 38.0 Cells marked with ND were not able to be disclosed due to confidentiality policies. Source: Alaska Department of Labor, Research and Analysis Section; Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 32 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula AKHIOK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,688 72.5 52.5 AKIACHAK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 11,477 75.1 27.8 AKIAK CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 10,885 70.4 44.2 ALAKANUK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,919 80.6 27.4 ALATNA CDP Distressed Distressed 8,374 88.2 11.8 ALCAN BORDER CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 ALEKNAGIK CITY Distressed Distressed 18,970 70.3 29.7 ALENEVA CDP Distressed Distressed 10,330 83.3 16.7 ALLAKAKET ANVSA Distressed Distressed 8,554 80.8 27.2 AMBLER CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 12,909 72.5 27.5 ANGOON CITY Distressed Distressed 11,678 72.2 31.7 ANVIK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,177 73.2 44.6 ARCTIC VILLAGE CDP Distressed Distressed 9,874 78.4 26.7 ATMAUTLUAK CDP Distressed Distressed 7,875 80.9 23.0 BELUGA CDP Distressed Distressed 18,017 73.7 26.3 BETTLES CITY Distressed Distressed 10,781 81.0 28.6 BIG DELTA CDP Distressed Distressed 16,107 70.5 28.6 BIRCH CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 2,059 94.1 0.0 BREVIG MISSION CITY Distressed Distressed 9,672 76.1 38.5 CENTRAL CDP Distressed Distressed 10,536 83.8 20.0 CHALKYITSIK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,012 71.2 39.0 CHASE CDP Distressed Distressed 19,813 72.3 27.7 CHEFORNAK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,206 78.0 45.5 CHEVAK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,948 78.7 33.3 CHICKEN CDP Distressed Distressed ND 93.8 6.3 CHIGNIK LAGOON Distressed Distressed 80,571 79.4 25.4 CHIGNIK LAKE Distressed Non-Distressed 9,977 82.2 28.8 CHINIAK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 13,197 71.7 23.3 CHISANA Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 CHITINA CDP Distressed Distressed 9,344 81.9 27.7 CHUATHBALUK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,981 76.7 35.0 CIRCLE CDP Distressed Distressed 4,813 92.3 12.8 CLAM GULCH CDP Distressed Distressed 21,990 71.8 25.8 CLARKS POINT CITY Distressed Distressed 10,431 88.9 33.3 COOPER LANDING CDP Distressed Distressed 13,274 76.9 19.8 COVENANT LIFE CDP Distressed Distressed 10,881 73.8 29.2 CROOKED CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,767 76.7 34.9 CROWN POINT CDP Distressed Distressed 14,808 64.0 26.0 DOT LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 6,434 76.2 23.8 DRY CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 2,280 93.3 5.0 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 33 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula EAGLE CITY Distressed Distressed 8,532 79.0 23.5 EAGLE VILLAGE Distressed Distressed 6,871 86.6 17.9 EDNA BAY Distressed Distressed 20,202 82.4 11.8 EEK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,585 76.6 37.8 EIELSON AFB Distressed Distressed 4,757 88.2 12.0 EKWOK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,338 72.0 37.8 ELFIN COVE CDP Distressed Distressed 38,219 87.9 24.2 ELIM CITY Distressed Distressed 11,293 71.9 36.2 EMMONAK CITY Distressed Distressed 12,814 71.1 35.4 EXCURSION INLET CDP Distressed Distressed ND 76.9 15.4 FERRY CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 10,708 76.7 16.7 FORT GREELY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,206 79.2 17.5 FOX RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 5,044 87.4 15.7 FUNNY RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 16,188 71.3 28.4 GAMBELL CITY Distressed Distressed 8,954 77.9 31.7 GAME CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 GLACIER VIEW CDP Distressed Distressed 15,934 71.2 23.7 GOODNEWS BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,293 76.4 29.7 GRAYLING CITY Distressed Distressed 7,100 82.7 27.3 GULKANA CDP Distressed Distressed 12,411 70.4 33.8 GUSTAVUS CDP Distressed Distressed 11,866 82.2 19.0 HALIBUT COVE CDP Distressed Distressed 27,996 90.9 12.1 HAPPY VALLEY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,150 75.9 22.3 HARDING-BIRCH LAKES CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 16,571 70.1 25.7 HEALY LAKE CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 5,296 81.8 27.3 HOBART BAY CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 HOLLIS CDP Distressed Distressed 13,883 71.7 31.5 HOLY CROSS CITY Distressed Distressed 7,197 81.1 28.7 HOOPER BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 8,465 79.5 30.2 HOPE CDP Distressed Distressed 11,380 77.6 19.4 HUSLIA CITY Distressed Distressed 9,150 76.6 22.3 HYDABURG CITY Distressed Distressed 16,977 72.5 24.8 HYDER CDP Distressed Distressed 5,692 89.6 11.7 KAKE CITY Distressed Distressed 14,190 71.2 36.2 KALTAG CITY Distressed Distressed 9,308 78.7 24.7 KARLUK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,212 73.9 43.5 KASIGLUK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,131 80.0 36.5 KENNY LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,418 75.1 25.9 KIPNUK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,404 79.5 31.0 KIVALINA CITY Distressed Distressed 12,131 75.4 32.9 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 34 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula KLUKWAN CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 12,394 71.1 38.9 KODIAK STATION CDP Distressed Distressed 6,960 85.3 17.7 KOKHANOK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,167 78.4 30.4 KOLIGANEK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 13,862 72.0 30.5 KONGIGANAK CDP Distressed Distressed 8,975 81.0 35.4 KOTLIK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,486 79.5 32.6 KOYUK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,414 75.3 38.9 KOYUKUK CITY Distressed Distressed 8,867 78.8 37.9 KUPREANOF CITY Distressed Distressed 8,198 75.0 25.0 KWETHLUK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,523 76.0 30.1 KWIGILLINGOK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,249 71.8 38.7 LAKE LOUISE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,629 83.3 16.7 LAKE MINCHUMINA CDP Distressed Distressed ND 73.3 20.0 LIVENGOOD CDP Distressed Distressed 10,664 81.0 16.7 LOWER KALSKAG CITY Distressed Distressed 7,970 78.8 33.3 LUTAK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,377 66.7 25.0 MANLEY HOT SPRINGS CDP Distressed Distressed 14,240 74.4 28.2 MANOKOTAK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,486 82.8 23.2 MARSHALL CITY Distressed Distressed 12,078 72.0 39.4 MCCARTHY CDP Distressed Distressed 7,392 82.4 10.3 MENTASTA LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 12,105 76.1 19.6 MEYERS CHUCK Distressed N/A ND 100.0 5.3 MINTO CDP Distressed Distressed 9,398 79.7 27.5 MOSQUITO LAKE CDP Distressed Distressed 11,708 76.1 24.4 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE CITY Distressed Distressed 12,415 73.0 36.7 MUD BAY CDP Distressed Distressed 13,501 69.5 29.7 NANWALEK CDP Distressed Distressed 10,163 76.1 32.1 NAPAKIAK CITY Distressed Distressed 9,049 79.2 40.7 NAUKATI BAY CDP Distressed Distressed 8,366 84.6 18.8 NELCHINA CDP Distressed Distressed 16,341 71.2 25.4 NEW STUYAHOK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,777 76.7 34.7 NEWTOK CDP Distressed Distressed 8,396 80.7 43.6 NIKOLAEVSK CDP Distressed Distressed 20,578 79.0 21.9 NIKOLAI CITY Distressed Distressed 6,674 86.1 13.9 NINILCHIK CDP Distressed Distressed 16,037 73.6 24.1 NONDALTON CITY Distressed Distressed 11,836 76.5 29.5 NOORVIK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,930 71.9 28.8 NORTHWAY CDP Distressed Distressed 10,830 74.7 26.5 NORTHWAY VILLAGE Distressed Distressed 11,333 77.6 24.1 NULATO CITY Distressed Distressed 10,838 72.8 33.2 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 35 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula NUNAM IQUA CITY Distressed Distressed 11,310 73.3 54.3 OLD HARBOR CITY Distressed Distressed 18,844 82.9 28.3 OUZINKIE CITY Distressed Non-Distressed 14,719 74.1 40.1 PAXSON CDP Distressed Distressed 16,385 80.0 15.0 PELICAN CITY Distressed Distressed 25,854 77.6 22.4 PERRYVILLE CDP Distressed Distressed 15,266 77.1 29.2 PILOT STATION CITY Distressed Distressed 8,726 80.7 30.2 PITKAS POINT CDP Distressed Distressed 8,229 81.1 32.1 PLATINUM CITY Distressed Distressed 10,158 82.4 35.3 POINT BAKER CDP Distressed Distressed ND 91.3 13.0 POPE-VANNOY LANDING CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 PORT ALEXANDER Distressed Distressed 33,538 90.2 12.2 PORT ALSWORTH CDP Distressed Distressed 10,014 82.4 22.4 PORT GRAHAM CDP Distressed Distressed 12,370 70.5 34.8 PORT PROTECTION CDP Distressed Distressed 3,037 92.6 14.8 PORTAGE CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed ND 100.0 0.0 QUINHAGAK CITY Distressed Distressed 11,186 75.6 33.2 RAMPART CDP Distressed Distressed 9,945 78.9 47.4 RED DEVIL CDP Distressed Distressed 7,895 86.7 23.3 RUBY CITY Distressed Distressed 14,524 70.7 36.8 RUSSIAN MISSION CITY Distressed Distressed 10,357 74.9 37.0 SAVOONGA CITY Distressed Distressed 9,942 78.9 25.9 SCAMMON BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 8,506 80.8 30.6 SELAWIK CITY Distressed Distressed 10,795 74.6 24.1 SELDOVIA CITY Distressed Distressed 25,153 76.9 27.5 SHAGELUK CITY Distressed Distressed 7,903 82.1 23.9 SHISHMAREF CITY Distressed Distressed 9,466 78.6 36.5 SKWENTNA CDP Distressed Distressed 5,032 88.6 7.1 SLANA CDP Distressed Distressed 7,777 77.1 14.7 SLEETMUTE CDP Distressed Distressed 8,650 80.0 36.9 STEBBINS CITY Distressed Distressed 8,198 80.0 30.1 STEVENS VILLAGE CDP Distressed Distressed 7,016 85.7 25.0 STONY RIVER CDP Distressed Distressed 10,181 80.6 27.8 SUSITNA CDP Distressed Distressed 10,582 80.8 11.5 TANACROSS CDP Distressed Distressed 11,405 73.6 23.1 TATITLEK CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 14,513 77.8 30.6 TELLER CITY Distressed Distressed 11,405 72.2 38.1 TENAKEE SPRINGS CITY Distressed Distressed 11,922 81.9 26.6 TETLIN CDP Distressed Distressed 6,986 84.6 20.5 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 36 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula THOMS PLACE Distressed Distressed ND 62.5 25.0 THORNE BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,986 75.3 25.8 TOGIAK CITY Distressed Distressed 13,226 79.3 25.6 TOKSOOK BAY CITY Distressed Distressed 12,693 75.4 40.3 TOLSONA CDP Distressed Distressed 11,188 72.4 24.1 TONSINA CDP Distressed Distressed 11,312 76.2 20.6 TRAPPER CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 12,176 76.5 23.7 TULUKSAK CDP Distressed Distressed 6,254 86.2 25.9 TUNTUTULIAK CDP Distressed Distressed 11,458 73.4 35.2 TUNUNAK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,981 79.3 35.7 TWIN HILLS CDP Distressed Distressed 9,870 74.1 34.5 UGASHIK CDP Distressed Distressed 35,151 75.0 16.7 UPPER KALSKAG CITY Distressed Distressed 10,477 75.5 31.3 VENETIE CDP Distressed Distressed 6,923 84.9 21.6 WHALE PASS CDP Distressed Distressed 3,088 90.5 9.5 WHITESTONE CAMP CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 8,779 85.7 14.3 WILLOW CREEK CDP Distressed Distressed 9,720 77.6 23.1 WISEMAN CDP Distressed Non-Distressed 18,332 76.9 23.1 Y CDP Distressed Distressed 12,583 75.5 25.6 ADAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,785 60.7 26.8 AKUTAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,396 41.9 72.0 ANAKTUVUK PASS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,441 63.1 33.3 ANCHOR POINT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,677 68.7 30.0 Yes ANCHORAGE Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,814 53.7 46.9 ANDERSON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,923 68.6 31.4 Yes ANIAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,790 57.8 42.2 ATKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,377 46.9 63.3 ATQASUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,637 61.7 34.4 BARROW CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,072 47.8 41.8 BEAR CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,559 53.9 44.0 BEAVER CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 11,809 67.8 37.3 Yes BETHEL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,323 47.8 49.0 BIG LAKE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,451 65.2 35.0 BUCKLAND CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,769 67.2 32.1 Yes BUFFALO SOAPSTONE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,950 57.0 41.6 BUTTE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,156 60.0 40.3 CANTWELL CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,355 65.5 31.6 CHENEGA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,544 46.9 44.9 CHICKALOON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,802 65.7 32.9 CHIGNIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 50,220 44.9 51.0 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 37 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula CHISTOCHINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,326 67.1 34.2 COFFMAN COVE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 17,621 65.2 32.6 COHOE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,821 68.8 30.4 Yes COLD BAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,035 46.3 50.0 COLDFOOT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,002 57.9 42.1 COLLEGE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,633 53.3 46.6 COPPER CENTER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,208 68.4 33.7 COPPERVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,216 59.6 42.6 CORDOVA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 37,062 62.3 36.0 CRAIG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,289 65.0 38.1 DEERING CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,491 60.9 43.5 DELTA JUNCTION CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,322 64.8 35.3 DELTANA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,868 64.9 33.0 DIAMOND RIDGE CDP Non-Distressed N/A 17,447 66.8 33.5 DILLINGHAM CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,258 50.8 46.7 DIOMEDE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,117 63.9 51.4 DOT LAKE VILLAGE Non-Distressed Distressed 11,888 69.2 30.8 Yes EGEGIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,726 64.0 34.0 ESTER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,875 52.3 46.2 EVANSVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,679 40.0 60.0 FAIRBANKS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,929 60.8 40.4 FALSE PASS CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 57,770 57.7 50.0 FARM LOOP CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,527 62.3 39.4 FISHHOOK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,566 57.7 42.7 FORT YUKON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,712 68.2 33.0 Yes FOUR MILE ROAD CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,644 53.3 53.3 FOX CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,995 52.0 45.6 FRITZ CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,422 68.7 31.8 Yes GAKONA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,410 62.8 36.1 GALENA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,236 54.5 37.9 GATEWAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,339 57.1 43.0 GLENNALLEN CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,538 67.8 36.5 GOLOVIN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,194 55.6 60.6 HAINES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,640 70.5 31.4 Yes HEALY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,048 60.6 37.3 HOMER CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 33,217 68.6 32.2 Yes HOONAH CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 16,366 72.0 31.2 Yes HOUSTON CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,539 63.9 36.4 HUGHES CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,101 65.6 49.2 IGIUGIG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,254 58.6 55.2 ILIAMNA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,022 51.1 42.9 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 38 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula JUNEAU CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,495 50.7 49.8 KACHEMAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,236 68.4 31.1 Yes KAKTOVIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,552 53.4 45.5 KALIFORNSKY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,574 57.8 43.3 KASAAN CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,516 66.7 35.9 KASILOF CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,574 66.3 34.6 KENAI CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,894 58.5 43.3 KETCHIKAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,973 56.2 45.0 KIANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,056 71.7 33.1 Yes KING COVE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 41,778 63.5 36.2 KING SALMON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 32,077 48.8 38.4 KLAWOCK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,570 66.8 36.0 KNIK RIVER CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,980 59.1 39.7 KNIK-FAIRVIEW CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,329 56.4 43.3 KOBUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,458 68.4 28.9 Yes KODIAK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 42,358 55.6 51.4 KOTZEBUE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,127 52.0 46.7 LAKES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,670 58.3 42.6 LARSEN BAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,675 70.2 31.6 Yes LAZY MOUNTAIN CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,643 63.5 36.3 LEVELOCK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,100 69.2 32.7 Yes LIME VILLAGE CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 11,676 64.3 35.7 LOWELL POINT CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 26,340 56.1 46.3 MCGRATH CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,725 61.3 34.7 MCKINLEY PARK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 15,131 66.8 27.4 Yes MEADOW LAKES CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,534 61.8 38.0 MEKORYUK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,197 65.8 42.6 MENDELTNA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,756 64.4 37.3 METLAKATLA Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,528 63.7 38.0 MOOSE CREEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,711 64.0 37.1 MOOSE PASS CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 18,159 66.5 30.5 NAKNEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 30,456 55.9 39.2 NAPASKIAK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 10,889 69.9 37.7 Yes NELSON LAGOON CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 38,340 65.4 36.5 NENANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,389 68.1 27.7 Yes NEWHALEN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,267 47.5 45.9 NIGHTMUTE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,136 67.9 47.4 Yes NIKISKI CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,878 62.1 39.0 NIKOLSKI CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,971 68.2 36.4 Yes NOATAK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,047 69.5 47.4 NOME CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 28,859 49.1 49.7 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 39 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula NORTH POLE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,706 60.2 41.4 NORTHWAY JUNCTION CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 20,466 63.4 41.5 NUIQSUT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,796 57.6 34.6 NUNAPITCHUK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,205 69.6 46.1 Yes OSCARVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,932 48.3 62.1 PALMER CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,863 61.8 40.2 PEDRO BAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,090 62.5 37.5 PETERSBURG CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 35,319 69.6 33.1 PETERSVILLE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 29,527 66.7 33.3 PILOT POINT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,041 69.6 47.8 PLEASANT VALLEY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,967 61.0 36.8 POINT HOPE CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,582 63.0 30.9 Yes POINT LAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,115 55.7 32.9 POINT MACKENZIE CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,721 69.9 30.8 Yes PORT HEIDEN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 31,410 53.0 40.9 PORT LIONS CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 18,225 72.3 32.7 Yes PRIMROSE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,529 64.0 33.3 PRUDHOE BAY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 67,434 13.6 81.8 RED DOG MINE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed ND 0.0 100.0 RIDGEWAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,022 61.9 38.5 SAINT GEORGE CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 19,695 66.2 33.8 SAINT MARYS CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,656 66.4 37.4 SAINT MICHAEL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,528 69.7 32.8 Yes SAINT PAUL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 27,056 59.2 42.6 SALAMATOF CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,181 64.5 35.9 SALCHA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,932 68.3 31.3 Yes SAND POINT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 47,564 64.0 38.1 SAXMAN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,142 66.9 37.0 SELDOVIA VILLAGE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,297 69.1 33.1 Yes SEWARD CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,657 57.0 42.1 SHAKTOOLIK CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,659 65.1 44.1 SHUNGNAK CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 14,073 67.7 30.5 Yes SILVER SPRINGS CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,820 63.5 32.2 SITKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,706 58.7 43.3 SKAGWAY CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,753 59.6 34.0 SOLDOTNA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 24,776 59.7 42.7 SOUTH NAKNEK CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 25,530 68.8 17.2 Yes STERLING CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,807 60.9 39.5 SUNRISE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 15,554 56.3 31.3 SUTTON-ALPINE CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 17,872 64.2 33.2 Distressed Community Criteria April 2009 Page 40 Distressed Community Status 2009, Alaska Communities by Distressed Status Communities 2009 Distressed Status 2008 Distressed Status Average earnings in 2008 from UI employment and fishing % w/ 2008 earnings less than minimum wage of $14,872 % Employed all four quarters of 2008 Becomes Distressed in 2009 with 3% formula TAKOTNA CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 20,634 54.5 54.5 TALKEETNA CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,717 66.5 34.3 TANAINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,923 56.2 44.2 TANANA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 14,408 63.2 34.8 TAZLINA CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,896 62.5 37.5 TOK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 16,574 66.5 33.1 TWO RIVERS CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 23,622 51.7 46.5 TYONEK CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 13,438 65.8 33.3 UNALAKLEET CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 18,593 64.7 37.2 UNALASKA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 40,743 33.8 67.1 VALDEZ CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 37,124 49.4 51.4 WAINWRIGHT CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 16,683 61.4 28.3 WALES CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 12,225 69.1 46.8 Yes WASILLA CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 22,153 61.0 39.2 WHITE MOUNTAIN CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 13,572 66.9 43.1 WHITTIER CITY Non-Distressed Distressed 16,759 67.4 29.3 Yes WILLOW CDP Non-Distressed Distressed 17,539 69.4 29.3 Yes WOMENS BAY CDP Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,184 63.5 35.7 WRANGELL CITY Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 20,648 68.1 31.8 Yes YAKUTAT Non-Distressed Non-Distressed 21,288 65.8 38.0 Cells marked with ND were not able to be disclosed due to confidentiality policies. Source: Alaska Department of Labor, Research and Analysis Section; Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission