HomeMy WebLinkAboutRIM Architects Letter of support_jd Septembe Sara Fishe Alaska En 813 West Anchorag RE: Tsain Dear Ms. RIM Arch conduct a Tsaina Lo Associatio Cascade C hydro pro 2,100 to 2 on the lod annual en the most e Tsaina Lo and has n assessmen diesel fue Thank yo questions Sincerely, RIM Arch James E. D Managing cc: Jeff an er 24, 2013 er-Goad, Exe nergy Authori Northern Lig ge, Alaska 995 na Lodge Ca Fisher-Goad hitects suppor a feasibility s odge in Thom on, Inc. (CVE Creek drains oject would d 2,300 feet, div dge property a nergy generati economic pro odge has alre not identified nts indicate t l consumptio ou for your su . , hitects, LLC Dougherty, A g Principal - A nd Ingrid Fras cutive Direct ity ghts Boulevar 503 ascade Creek : rts and asks t tudy for a pr mpson Pass no EA), displacin approximatel divert an estim vert it through at MP 35 Ric ion is estimat oject configura ady complete d any regula the project w n and increas upport of thi AIA NCARB Alaska ser, Tsaina Lo tor rd k Hydro – Fea the state for f roposed run-o orth of Valdez ng fuel burned ly 6.7 square mated 5 to 20 h an approxim hardson High ed at 1,000,0 ation. ed initial env atory or perm would be bene sing the renew is project and odge asibility Stud funding the T of-river hydro z. The project d for power g miles of the 0 cfs from Ca mately 2,000 hway. Estima 00 to 3,000,0 vironmental sc mitting barrie eficial to the wable energy u d do not hesi dy Tsaina Lodge oelectric proj t would sell p generation. Chugach Ra arlo Creek at to 4,000 foot ated installed 000 kWh. Th creening and ers to this p CVEA syste used on the C itate to conta (Blue Hole P ject on Casca power to Copp ange. The pro t an elevation t long penstoc capacity is 2 he feasibility s resource age project. The em and ratep CVEA system act me if you Properties, LL ade Creek ne per Valley El oposed run-of n of approxim ck to a power 200 to 800 kW study would d ency consulta ese reconnais payers by red m. u have any fu LC) to ar the lectric f-river mately rhouse W, and define ations, ssance ducing further