HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Joint Resolution_City_LTC_SchoolCity of Galena PO Box 149 - GILICO8, Alaska 99741-0149 (907) 656-1301 — (907) 656-1769 Fax RESOLUTION 201W3 A RESOLOTION OF THE GALENA CTW COUNCIL IN SUPPORT OEA COMMUNITY WIDE fij M SPROIECT. Whereas, the City of Galem. Me Galena CIN kbD0I DdmV and the Louden Tdtial Council have coommdted for more than three years to "Ford and deviled Me 0,eaIns of easing sustainable energy for ear cammunM and Nr the Nash Inferior, and WM1ereas, a forest Inventory of all the biomass resources whNn n mlks from Grams has hoer prepared, and. has dacumeMed that wMairehle hameend of Me remwce Mn easily western the Nei wood nrsdsim the cammudlty, and Whereas, a feasibility study of wood based heat for Me Goods IntPnM teaming Amdemy and the associate mcllltres and u defar had,,indurated that the project Is finanMally and technically feasted, aM Whereas, the Alaska Energy Authority has pmvidedf natal and tecIrmcal support for the Prelan In the past, and W eamse. aro stmation desp is pretends under devetpment wish funding from the Alaska Elrc£gy ANhmity and malahing support from 1M City of Garonne, Me Galena CM, XYwol Mona. and the louden Tribal Council, and WM1ereas.Me parties M1aVeredchetl an agreement In ogrMsal wife Gane-Nydd United Village RegioNl Cormation to devetp a tng tern mMnct for harvest of Me tonal timber rewurce to wpp rrt a datfict mein project and other potential wood Msed dBVGIpPm¢Ms in the faNfe. and Whereas, the ahovemenYloned Ieng farm harvest contract Is actively in preparation by Gana-A'Vao ❑mimed and the pestlesW this mefurt on, aM Whereas, the part sto Mu resolution are poly meshed to support and promote wslainable total energy How therefore, the ponies Remhe and declare as NIbWS: 1. That the Wniw sopport the furMer gorsNl of Me wood energy Pra;M including specifically Mefolhwingantm— • preparation and submission of an application to the Alaska Energy Audimmy forEutther Nimbiunder the AFA Pound) Renewable Energy Furl Grant Program. • Far motion of a wood harvest tiNty that will have the authority to rise County and do buArrers In the imemlas of the parties, with the eWress puryoRs of wntrair g to harvest local Winters muhlrtes. hlringcersonnel. ., acitwring funds and equipment on, lmplemem me haroutplan under development between the lianTA yco limited and the parties to this rsplWan, ant o 6radessirgbcal fuel wood Wrsale to lam! enthim, lnddhgthe wood"am Protect. Plana for suth chariesteady are under developnrenl, and are reflected in cl c menss to Inm nammea rgmDrofit computation run Entirely named Sustainable Energy for Galena, Almske,4K. (SEGA). 1M1e eno rporral doainents are a machad ant Inmrpdrafid by mince, bid remain subig"W revistorr by the parties In the future. renting cevelopment otcapltal hmk for the mryo2tmn. • ptvelopmen[a!N flnaliza[bn althewnslructian tlesign. harvest Plans. corrtrR4 and hmdin6 pmhly anforthewootlt cum ue toaantforre�ated efbm. jointly and semalFy Will mntlnue m Seek and provide for lotals tairuble mli projects and brthe bkMct Wbod Hawley PW^t mortanally That the parties Imend thisinlnt resolution aza detlaation of ow iman ion to proceed with the wood energy project byeyery reasonable meam. Adapted bythe Galena Crly Cnundl tM1u9"dayof 5¢premberltll3. ��. py of Wilna. Mayor Puss Sweetiir b nTrl Oull Cher, mm" pelkela A, _ A GCso Board President, Susie gam