HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA 2013 COMPLETE APPLICATION SALT WATER HEAT PUMPRenewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects Application Forms and Instructions This instruction page and the following grant application constitutes the Grant Application Form for Round VII of the Renewable Energy Fund Heat Projects only. If your application is for energy projects that will not primarily produce heat, please use the standard application form (see RFA section 1.5). An electronic version of the Request for Applications (RFA) and both application forms is available online at: www.akenergyauthority.org/REFund7.html. • If you need technical assistance filling out this application, please contact Shawn Calfa, the Alaska Energy Authority Grant Administrator at (907) 771-3031 or at scalfa@aidea.org. • If you are applying for grants for more than one project, provide separate application forms for each project. • Multiple phases for the same project may be submitted as one application. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project, provide milestones and grant budget for each phase of the project. • In order to ensure that grants provide sufficient benefit to the public, AEA may limit recommendations for grants to preliminary development phases in accordance with 3 ACC 107.605(1). • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are completed and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. • If you have additional information or reports you would like the Authority to consider in reviewing your application, either provide an electronic version of the document with your submission or reference a web link where it can be downloaded or reviewed. • In the sections below, please enter responses in the spaces provided, often under the section heading. You may add additional rows or space to the form to provide sufficient space for the information, or attach additional sheets if needed. REMINDER: • Alaska Energy Authority is subject to the Public Records Act AS 40.25, and materials submitted to the Authority may be subject to disclosure requirements under the act if no statutory exemptions apply. • All applications received will be posted on the Authority web site after final recommendations are made to the legislature. • In accordance with 3 AAC 107.630 (b) Applicants may request trade secrets or proprietary company data be kept confidential subject to review and approval by the Authority. If you want information is to be kept confidential the applicant must: o Request the information be kept confidential. o Clearly identify the information that is the trade secret or proprietary in their application. o Receive concurrence from the Authority that the information will be kept confidential. If the Authority determines it is not confidential it will be treated as a public record in accordance with AS 40.25 or returned to the applicant upon request. AEA 2014-006 Application Page 1 of 21 7/2/2011 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects SECTION 1 – APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (Name of utility, IPP, or government entity submitting proposal) City and Borough of Sitka Type of Entity: Government Fiscal Year End June 30, 2013 Tax ID #92-0041163 Tax Status: For-profit Non-profit XXGovernment ( check one) Date of last financial statement audit: Mailing Address 100 Lincoln Street Sitka, Alaska 99835 Physical Address 100 Lincoln Street Sitka, Alaska 99835 Telephone 907 747 1842 Fax 907 747 0536 Email tori@cityofsitka.com 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT / GRANTS MANAGER Name Tori Fleming Title Grants Coordinator Mailing Address 100 Lincoln Street Sitka, Alaska 99835 Telephone 907 747 1842 Fax 907 747 0536 Email tori@cityofsitka.com 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Please check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applicant requirements, your application will be rejected. 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or An independent power producer in accordance with 3 AAC 107.695 (a) (1), or X A local government, or A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities); Yes or No 1.2.2 Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for the project by the applicant’s board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If the applicant is a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant’s governing authority is necessary. (Indicate Yes or No in the box ) Yes or No 1.2.3 As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement (Section 3 of the RFA). Yes or No 1.2.4 If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the award as identified in the Standard Grant Agreement template at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/veep/Grant-Template.pdf. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) Yes or No 1.2.5 We intend to own and operate any project that may be constructed with grant funds for the benefit of the general public. If no please describe the nature of the project and who will be the primary beneficiaries. AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 2 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects SECTION 2 – PROJECT SUMMARY This section is intended to be no more than a 2-3 page overview of your project. 2.1 Project Title – (Provide a 4 to 7 word title for your project). Type in space below. Sitka Sea Water Source Heat Pump Project 2.2 Project Location – Include the physical location of your project and name(s) of the community or communities that will benefit from your project in the subsections below. 2.2.1 Location of Project – Latitude and longitude, street address, or community name. Latitude and longitude coordinates may be obtained from Google Maps by finding you project’s location on the map and then right clicking with the mouse and selecting “What is here? The coordinates will be displayed in the Google search window above the map in a format as follows: 61.195676.-149.898663. If you would like assistance obtaining this information please contact AEA at 907-771-3031. 834 Lincoln Street, Sitka AK 99835 2.2.2 Community benefiting – Name(s) of the community or communities that will be the beneficiaries of the project. City and Borough of Sitka, AK 2.3 PROJECT TYPE Put X in boxes as appropriate 2.3.1 Renewable Resource Type Wind to Heat Biomass or Biofuels Hydro to Heat Solar Thermal Heat Recovery from Existing Sources X Heat Pumps Other (Describe) 2.3.2 Proposed Grant Funded Phase(s) for this Request (Check all that apply) Pre-Construction Construction I. Reconnaissance X III. Final Design and Permitting II. Feasibility and Conceptual Design X IV. Construction and Commissioning 2.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a brief one paragraph description of the proposed heat project. The City and Borough of Sitka is applying for design and construction of a sea water source heat pump system to displace 100% of the heating oil usage of the existing 11,000 sq ft historic Sage Memorial Building that has been home to the Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC) since 2010. The Science Center has already conducted significant feasibility and reconnaissance work on this project. With the help of the Rasmuson Foundation and Foraker Group, they have conducted an energy audit, a heat pump evaluation, and a master plan for the facility. A significant amount of funds have been raised to improve the energy efficiency of the structure through renovations of roof, windows and exterior. These renovations will compliment the project proposed here. Raw sea water flow of up to 85 gallons per minute will serve as the heat source. The sea water is drawn from a depth of 65 ft via an existing 8” intake line and shoreside pump station. A buried AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 3 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects manifold pipe delivers sea water in to the basement of the building where the heat pump system will be located. The sea water will transfer heat thru a titanium plate heat exchanger to a glycol loop that in turn will serve as the source side of the new heat pumps. Three 84,000 BTU/hour high efficiency water to water heat pumps will be installed in the existing mechanical room. The existing heating oil boiler and electric boiler will be replaced by the three new heat pumps. On the load (hot) side of the heat pumps, two buffer tanks will be heated from 115F to 145F, these will in turn supply hydronic heat to new low temperature baseboards also included in the project. A heat pump controller will modulate the temperature of the hydronic heat based on outdoor air temperature. This project will be the first sea water source heat pump system in Sitka, and the first water source heat pump system in Sitka to displace 100% of its existing annual heating oil and electric resistance heat. The proposed heat pump system is anticipated to perform with a seasonal COP of 3 or greater, due in great part to the reliably warm sea water from Sitka Sound. 2.5 PROJECT BENEFIT Briefly discuss the financial and public benefits that will result from this heat project, (such as reduced fuel costs, lower energy costs, local jobs created etc.) The proposed sea water heat pump project will displace 100% of the annual heating oil usage in the building. This equates to approximately 5081 gallons of heating oil per year with a value of $23,017 per year at the projected 2015 heating oil price of $4.53/gallon. While the heat pump system will consume electricity with a value of $9,252 per year (2015), and have an annual maintenance cost of $1,300 (2015), the anticipated net savings over continued use of the existing heating oil boiler is $12,465 per year. A local maintenance staff person will be trained to monitor and maintain the heat pump system. The estimated reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions will be 112,800 lbs CO2. An additional public benefit of the proposed project is that the sea water heat pump system will be demonstrated in a high profile science center / hatchery / aquarium that has large number of visitors including UAS faculty and students, marine scientists, politicians, and the general public. 2.6 PROJECT BUDGET OVERVIEW Briefly discuss the amount of funds needed, the anticipated sources of funds, and the nature and source of other contributions to the project. The project has a total cost of $373,838 (2015 dollars). SSSC will provide a cash match of $905,000 for planned energy improvements to the Sage Bldg that will complement the proposed heat pump system. The Grant Request amount is $373,838. 2.7 COST AND BENEFIT SUMARY Include a summary of grant request and your project’s total costs and benefits below. Grant Costs (Summary of funds requested) 2.7.1 Grant Funds Requested in this application $ 373,838 2.7.2 Cash match to be provided $ 905,000 2.7.3 Total In-kind match to be provided (sum of lines below) $ 25,000 Biomass or Biofuel inventory on hand Energy efficiency improvements to buildings to be heated (within past 5 years or committed prior to $ 10,000 AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 4 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects proposed project completion) Other In-Kind match to be provided $ 15,000 2.7.4 Other grant funds to be provided $ 2.7.5 Other grant applications not yet approved $ 642,000 2.7.6 Total Grant Costs (sum of 2.7.1 through 2.7.4) $1,945,838 Project Costs & Benefits (Summary of total project costs including work to date and future cost estimates to get to a fully operational project) 2.7.7 Total Project Cost Summary from Cost Worksheet, Section 4.4.4, including estimates through construction. $ 373,838 2.7.8 Additional Performance Monitoring Equipment not covered by the project but required for the Grant Only applicable to construction phase projects. $ 2.7.9 Estimated Direct Financial Benefit (Savings) $ 12,465/year (2015) 2.7.10 Other Public Benefit If you can calculate the benefit in terms of dollars please provide that number here and explain how you calculated that number in Section 5 below. $ SECTION 3 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Describe who will be responsible for managing the project and provide a plan for successfully completing the project within the scope, schedule and budget proposed in the application. 3.1 Project Manager Tell us who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include contact information, a resume and references for the manager(s). In the electronic submittal, please submit resumes as separate PDFs if the applicant would like those excluded from the web posting of this application. If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. A project manager will be solicited through a request for proposals process. 3.2 Project Schedule and Milestones Please fill out the schedule below. Be sure to identify key tasks and decision points in in your project along with estimated start and end dates for each of the milestones and tasks. Please clearly identify the beginning and ending of all phases of your proposed project. Please fill out form provided below. You may add additional rows as needed. Milestones Tasks Start Date End Date Permitting Begin application for required federal, state and local permits started Sept 2014 Scoping Project scoping and agreements with design consultant finalized started Dec 2014 Final design Complete final civil, architectural, mechanical, electrical design March 2015 Final permitting Secure required permits (federal, state, local) based on final design March 2015 AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 5 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects Project out to Bid Advertise for construction contractor bids April 2014 May 2015 Award Contract Award construction contract, begin construction activities May 2015 Pumping & sea water piping Complete, pump station renovation, yard piping July 1 2014 August 2015 Heat pumps and hydronic system Install heat pumps and hydronic system August 2015 Sept 2015 Commissioning Complete start up and commissioning of sea water heating system Oct 2015 Post-Deployment Phase Data monitoring for entire heating season (8 months) April 2015 May 2016 Analysis & report Complete final performance reports and analysis Oct May 3.3 Project Resources Describe the personnel, contractors, accounting or bookkeeping personnel or firms, equipment, and services you will use to accomplish the project. Include any partnerships or commitments with other entities you have or anticipate will be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchases or contracts. Include brief resumes and references for known, key personnel, contractors, and suppliers as an attachment to your application. Project Resources include the following persons: • Lisa Busch, SSSC Executive Director – see attached resume • Lon Garrison, Aquaculture director and Facility Manager – See Attached resume • Andy Baker, project engineer and consultant, Your Clean Energy – See attached qualifications Purchasing & contracting: In most cases, a competitive bid process will be used for contractor services and major equipment purchases. The project engineer and SSSC staff will develop qualifications and specifications in order to procure the most appropriate materials and equipment at the most competitive price. 3.4 Project Communications Discuss how you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority informed of the status. Please provide an alternative contact person and their contact information. The City and Borough of Sitka will utilize Sitka Sound Science Center Executive Director, Lisa Busch and the Facility Manager Lon Garrison as the primary staff associated with this project. The Science Center will hire a project/construction manager to oversee the implementation of the project on behalf of the Science Center. A regular weekly report by the project manager to SSSC staff and in turn monthly or milestone updates to the Authority will be provided. Information regarding project implementation, budget status and any unforeseen challenges will be included AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 6 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects in the reports. 3.5 Project Risk Discuss potential problems and how you would address them. Overall, the risk for this entire project is low but there could be challenges in the following areas: 1. Sea water pumping – ensuring the correct and best pumps and titanium heat exchanger for this system are selected and maintained. An RFP to several pump specialists and vendors will be developed and distributed based on the pumping criteria and demand needs of the system. 2. Sea water supply piping – existing supply piping in the yard and building will be used where possible in order to reduce cost. However, if the fouling condition of that piping is found to be excessive then a new pipe delivery system will need to be installed. The project contingency has taken this into account. 3. The logistics and timing of the hydronic system installation in the Sage building will need to be planned carefully to minimize impact on the facility uses. Temporary sources of heat may need to be identified and used for the interim while this mechanical work is being completed, depending on the season. SECTION 4 – PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS • The level of information will vary according to phase(s) of the project you propose to undertake with grant funds. • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. 4.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available. Discuss the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. For pre-construction applications, describe the resource to the extent known. For design and permitting or construction projects, please provide feasibility documents, design documents, and permitting documents (if applicable) as attachments to this application. The proposed heat resource is sea water pumped from an existing 8” intake at 65 foot depth in the adjacent Sitka Sound. As shown in the graph below, the sea water temperature is ideal for the water source heat pump application proposed; the sea water temperature ranges from 40F to 50F. AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 7 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects As described in the September 2012 Economic Evaluation Of Sea Water Heat Pumps for the Sage Memorial Building by YourCleanEnergy LLC (YCE), a sea water flow of 85 gallons per minute is adequate to supply three 7 ton heat pumps to heat the building during the winter months. This Evaluation is included as an attachment, and serves as the technical and financial basis for proceeding with sea water source heat pumps as a viable alternative to continued use of heating oil or electric heat for the facility. The existing shore side sea water pump station operated by SSSC already supplies up to 200 gpm into the basement of the Sage Building where the heat pump system will be located, this existing infrastructure also makes the sea water a superior heat source to the option of using outside air that is far less stable in temperature and heat capacity. Because SSSC will utilize its existing sea water intake that is already permitted, no new permits are anticipated to be required for this project at this time. 4.1.2 For Biomass Projects Only Identify any wood inventory questions, such as: • Ownership/Accessibility. Who owns the land and are their limitations and restrictions to accessing the biomass resource? • Inventory data. How much biomass is available on an annual basis and what types (species) are there, if known? N/A 4.2.1 Basic configuration of Existing Heating Energy System Briefly discuss the basic configuration of the existing energy system. Include information about the number, size, age, efficiency, and type of generation. The Sage Building currently has a mechanical room with one Buderus heating oil boiler with a heating capacity of 250,000 BTU/hour and efficiency of 86%. The boiler is 5 years old . Domestic hot water is heated by a single 60 gallon electric hot water tank heater. Space heat is currently distributed at 160F to 180F via several hydronic zones to medium temperature baseboards and unit heaters located on in basement, and the first and second floor of the building. The existing Precision electric boiler in the mechanical room is plumbed into the hydronic system but has never been used due to the higher cost of electric resistance heat in comparison to the oil boiler. AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 8 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects 4.2.2 Existing Heating Energy Resources Used Briefly discuss your understanding of the existing energy resources. Include a brief discussion of any impact the project may have on existing energy infrastructure and resources. The existing energy resource used is #1 heating oil supplied locally with a current price of $4.01 per gallon. The price of heating oil is driven heavily by the global price of oil which is estimated to escalate at a minimum of 6% per year of the 20 year life of this project. Grid electricity is supplied by the City, the power is 100% hydro. The current effective price of grid electricity paid by SSSC is $0.11/KWH. Electricity is estimated to escalate at a rate of 2% per year over the 20 year life of the project. 4.2.3 Existing Heating Energy Market Discuss existing energy use and its market. Discuss impacts your project may have on energy customers. The cost of heating oil in Sitka is considered moderate for the region, and similar to other towns in Southeast Alaska. There is no plan to bring natural gas to Sitka so expensive heating oil makes a logical target for displacement with cost effective renewable energy heat sources. There is reliable long term supply of low to moderate cost hydro electricity in Sitka that is being secured with the current upgrade of the Blue Lake Hydro facility. A successful demonstration of sea water source heat pumps in Sitka is likely to motivate other local building owners and stakeholders to consider their use as an alternative to heating oil, straight electric heat, and air source heat pumps. The project is not expected to have an impact on the rate of local electricity because the power comes from a grid that serves the entire City of Sitka. 4.3 Proposed System Include information necessary to describe the system you are intending to develop and address potential system design, land ownership, permits, energy efficiency and environmental issues. 4.3.1 System Design Provide the following information for the proposed renewable energy system: • A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location • Optimum installed capacity • Anticipated capacity factor • Anticipated annual generation • Anticipated barriers • Basic integration concept • Delivery methods • Energy efficiency measures (building envelope) As described in the September 2012 Economic Evaluation Of Sea Water Source Heat Pumps by YourCleanEnergy LLC, the renewable energy technology specific to the project location is sea water source heat pumps. The optimum installed capacity is three high efficiency water to water heat pumps, each with 7 tons capacity. The total capacity of the proposed heat pump system is 21 tons, or 252,000 BTU/hour. The anticipated capacity factor for the three heat pumps is approximately 28% year round average, with higher use in winter and lower use in summer. The anticipated annual heat generation is 603 AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 9 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects MMBTU, that equates to 100% of the recent annual heating oil usage of 5,081 gallons/year for the Sage building. The anticipated barriers to the project are few because adequate sea water supply is already flowing through the building for hatchery operations. The most significant challenge is expected to be the integration of the new hydronic piping and baseboards into the existing pipe chases and wall spaces, due to the solid concrete wall construction of the historic building. The 115F to 145F heat pump output will convert the existing building from medium temperature to a low temperature hydronic system. This conversion will allow the heat pumps to replace the oil boiler as the sole source of heat for the building through the entire heating season. The basic integration concept is to locate the new vertical wells in the existing parking area, and the new heat pumps in the existing mechanical room. Buffer tanks will be used to store heat pump output and to connect to the existing medium temperature hydronic system. A dedicated heat pump/oil boiler controller will be specified to integrate the remaining oil boiler as a supplementary heat source to the heat pump system. The heat pump output temperature will modulate from 130F to 145F based on outdoor air temperature. Heat from the heat pumps will ultimately be delivered to medium temperature baseboard and unit heaters via the two existing hydronic loops in the building. It is anticipated that that with the recent insulating and weatherizing completed for the building, adequate heat delivery can be achieved with the hydronic loops supply temperature ranging from 130F to 145F during the heating season. 4.3.2 Land Ownership Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership obtain harvest contracts and access issues. The project will be on City of Sitka tidelands and the heat pumps will be located on SSSC property so there are no known land ownership issues. 4.3.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues. • List of applicable permits • Anticipated permitting timeline • Identify and discussion of potential barriers At this time, it is anticipated that a construction permit from the City of Sitka may be required for mechanical and electrical work associated with installation of the heat pump system. No permits are anticipated for the sea water supply system because it is already exists in the building. It is anticipated that the required permits can be obtained in a timely manner prior to construction. No serious challenges to obtaining the required permits are anticipated at this time. 4.3.4 Environmental Address whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed: • Threatened or endangered species • Habitat issues AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 10 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects • Wetlands and other protected areas • Archaeological and historical resources • Land development constraints • Telecommunications interference • Aviation considerations • Visual, aesthetics impacts • Identify and discuss other potential barriers There are no environmental or land use issues anticipated in regards to this project. The sea water supply and discharge at the Sage Building are already addressed by existing permits. 4.4 Proposed New System Costs and Projected Revenues (Total Estimated Costs and Projected Revenues) The level of cost information provided will vary according to the phase of funding requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on the project. Applicants must reference the source of their cost data. For example: Applicants records or analysis, industry standards, consultant or manufacturer’s estimates. 4.4.1 Project Development Cost Provide detailed project cost information based on your current knowledge and understanding of the project. Cost information should include the following: • Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase • Requested grant funding • Applicant matching funds – loans, capital contributions, in-kind • Identification of other funding sources • Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system • Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system Total anticipated project cost is $1,945,838 for design and construction. The requested grant funding is $373,838. A cash match of $905,000 is already secured and will be provided by SSSC for energy efficient building renovations that are complementary to the proposed heat pump system. A $642,000 grant is under review for another section of the Sage Building renovation project, and SSSC will provide a $25,000 in-kind match. The anticipated capital cost and development cost of the proposed sea water source heat pump system is $373,838. 4.4.2 Project Operating and Maintenance Costs Include anticipated O&M costs for new facilities constructed and how these would be funded by the applicant. (Note: Operational costs are not eligible for grant funds however grantees are required to meet ongoing reporting requirements for the purpose of reporting impacts of projects on the communities they serve.) Anticipated O&M costs for the proposed sea water source heat pump system are as follows: Sea water, source side and load side loop pump electricity = $ 2,056/year Electricity for heat pumps = $ 7,196/year Bi-annual servicing and check up by heat pump technician = $ 1,300/year Total anticipated O&M costs = $10,552/year O&M costs will be funded by SSSC from heating oil avoided by using the heat pumps. AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 11 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects 4.4.3 Heat Purchase/Sale The heat purchase/sale information should include the following: • Identification of potential energy buyer(s)/customer(s) • Potential heat purchase/sales price - at a minimum indicate a price range • Proposed rate of return from grant-funded project All heat will be used on site by SSSC, no heat will be sold to others. 4.4.4 Project Cost Worksheet Complete the cost worksheet form which provides summary information that will be considered in evaluating the project. Please fill out the form provided below and provide most recent heating fuel invoice that supports the amount identified in “Project Benefits” subpart b below. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis. Annual average resource availability. The existing sea water supply of 200 gpm in the building will ensure a heat pump output capacity of up to 252,000 BTU/hour thru the entire heating season Unit depends on project type (e.g. windspeed, hydropower output, biomasss fuel) Existing Heating Energy Generation and Usage a) Basic configuration i. Number of generators/boilers/other One oil boiler ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other Boiler rated for 250,000 BTU/hour iii. Generator/boilers/other type Buderus G215 iv. Age of generators/boilers/other 5 years old v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other Estimated AFUE = 86% b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor $1200 ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $600 c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Electricity [kWh] ii. Fuel usage Diesel [gal] Other iii. Peak Load iv. Average Load AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 12 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects v. Minimum Load vi. Efficiency vii. Future trends d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] 5,081 gallons of #1 heating oil per year ii. Electricity [kWh] iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] vi. Other Proposed System Design Capacity and Fuel Usage (Include any projections for continued use of non-renewable fuels) a) Proposed renewable capacity (Wind, Hydro, Biomass, other) [kW or MMBtu/hr] Capacity of three water to water heat pumps is 21 tons = 252,000 BTU/hour b) Proposed annual electricity or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] ii. Heat [MMBtu] 603 MMBTU/year c) Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Propane [gal or MMBtu] ii. Coal [tons or MMBtu] iii. Wood or pellets [cords, green tons, dry tons] iv. Other Project Cost a) Total capital cost of new system $373,838 b) Development cost $7,020 for feasibility study completed Sept 2012 c) Annual O&M cost of new system $1,300 per year for two service calls by tech d) Annual fuel cost $7,198 per year for electricity for heat pump, $2,056 per year for electricity for loop pumps Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 13 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects i. Electricity ii. Heat 5081 gallons #1 heating oil will be displaced per year iii. Transportation b) Current price of displaced fuel $4.01/ gallon c) Other economic benefits 112,000 # of CO2 emissions avoided per year d) Alaska public benefits Sea water source heat pumps demonstrated in Sitka Heat Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for heat purchase/sale N/A Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benefit/cost ratio 1.29 Payback (years) 15.8 years 4.4.5 Building Efficiency Please address the following items related to the proposed location of the heating project. If more than one building will be impacted, please address this information for each building. • Building name The Sage Building • Type or primary usage of the building The Sage Building is the old laboratories and classrooms for Sheldon Jackson College. It is currently used by the Sitka Sound Science Center for the Center’s scientific educational and science research mission. The 11,300 square foot building contains a salmon hatchery and an aquarium in addition to laboratories, classrooms and office space. SSSC also provides office space to the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, the International Halibut Commission and the University of Alaska. • Location 834 Lincoln Street in Sitka, Alaska • Hours of operation 8-5 Mon-Saturday AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 14 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects • Single structure or multiple units Sage is a 1929 single building that is on a National Historic Landmark. • Total square footage 11,300 square feet • Electrical consumption per year 100,000 kWh • Heating oil/fuel consumption per year 5,081 gallons per year • Average number of occupants 30 • Has an energy audit been performed? When? Please provide a copy of the energy audit, if applicable. An energy audit was performed in 2011 and 2012 • Have building thermal energy efficiency upgrades been completed? Several of the upgrades have been completed and many of them will be by the time this project is ready for installation and commissioning. The single largest impact will be the renovation of the exterior shell of the building which will include: Doors, windows, a new insulated (R40) roof and renovation of the concrete exterior. This phase of the building renovation will have a significant impact on energy loss from the building via leaky doors and windows and a previously uninsulated roof. Phase three of the renovation will be to insulate the concrete walls on the interior of the building thus greatly increasing the energy efficiency of the structure. An HRV will also be incorporated as part of the interior mechanical upgrades to address moisture control and air quality while maintain energy efficiency. o If applicable, please provide evidence of efficiency improvements including cost and anticipated savings associated with upgrades. o Estimated annual heating fuel savings • If the building is not yet constructed please provide evidence of the value of planned building envelope efficiency investments beyond typical construction practices. Include anticipated savings associated with efficiency investments if available. AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 15 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects SECTION 5– PROJECT BENEFIT Explain the economic and public benefits of your project. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will benefit from the project. The benefits information should include the following: • Potential annual fuel displacement (gallons and dollars) over the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project. In order for the applicant to receive credit for heating fuel displaced the applicant must provide the most recent invoice for heating fuel purchased. • Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Heat Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or cost based rate) • Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits) • Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available) • Discuss the non-economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project Potential Annual Fuel Displacement: 5081gallons of #1 heating oil/year usage will be displaced over the lifetime of the project. There are no anticipated revenue/incentives since the waste heat recovered is not sold to others. Non-economic benefits to Alaskans: Estimated CO2 reduction in Sitka area of 112,000 lbs/year from the proposed project. Additional benefit is that this sea water source heat pump project will demonstrate, in a science center with high profilevisitation, how sea water heat pumps can work, and what overall savings are possible from using them. Additionally, the design innovation required to integrate the new low temperature heat pumps and appliances will benefit the adoption of this innovation for many other existing buildings in the area that also use heating oil or straight electric heat. SECTION 6– SUSTAINABILITY Discuss your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable. Include at a minimum: • Proposed business structure(s) and concepts that may be considered. • How you propose to finance the maintenance and operations for the life of the project • Identification of operational issues that could arise. • A description of operational costs including on-going support for any back-up or existing systems that may be require to continue operation • Commitment to reporting the savings and benefits SSSC owns and operates the Sage Building and adjacent Mill Building and hatchery. SSSC has a full time building manager on site, and a local mechanical maintenance staff available on call. The project budget allocates the addition of a bi-annual service visit by a factory certified heat pump technician, and some reserve for equipment repair and replacement .Operation and maintenance costs will be funded from avoided fuel costs from the proposed heat recovery system. Operational issues that can arise with sea water source heat pumps are typically related to the integrity of the pumped sea water, source side and load side loops, which in this case are very simple. If the heat pumps can receive and reject heat at the design rates, they will converge and AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 16 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects satisfy heat load demands properly. The heat pump technology proposed (Water Furnace, ClimateMaster, or equal) is mature market technology and the units are essentially plug and play with multiple built in alarm systems designed to protect from over cooling or over heating of compressors or loops. A challenging element of this project will be successful integration of the low temperature heat pump output and new low temperature heating appliances in the existing historic building. SSSC is committed to reporting ongoing performance and savings not only for the purposes of this grant, but for future application on other buildings that they own and operate. Temperatures, flows, heat production (MBH, MMBTU) and COP will be monitored for the new heat pump system and incorporated into a web based monitoring and control system. SECTION 7 – READINESS & COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER GRANTS Discuss what you have done to prepare for this award and how quickly you intend to proceed with work once your grant is approved. Tell us what you may have already accomplished on the project to date and identify other grants that may have been previously awarded for this project and the degree you have been able to meet the requirements of previous grants. The City and Borough of Sitka owns the tidelands for the salt water intake utilized by the Sitka Sound Science Center. The Science Center has taken large steps to prepare for this part of the project. It is has completed a Master Plan through the Foraker Group Predevelopment process. It has raised significant funds for improvements to the building envelope that will increase energy efficiency and it has studied the cost benefit ratio of salt water heat pump exchange systems. In addition, the Science Center was recently awarded a National Science Foundation grant to upgrade the current salt water pipe and pumping system. The Science Center has already begun on the energy improvements to the building. The design phase will be complete for the rest of the project by November 30, 2013, construction on the roof, windows and exterior are expected to begin in March of 2014. The Science Center has worked with an energy engineer, Your Clean Energy, who has studied the existing systems and analyzed the proposed system. Andy Baker, PE, from YCE will be available to take the project design to the next step as soon as this grant has been approved. This part of the project is ready to go once funded. SECTION 8 – LOCAL SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION Discuss local support and opposition, known or anticipated, for the project. Include letters of support or other documentation of local support from the community that would benefit from this project. The Documentation of support must be dated within one year of the RFA date of July 2, 2013. This project is very well supported locally. The City and Borough Assembly unanimously approved it as an application. The neighbors closest to the facility, the Sitka Fine Arts Camp, are also enthusiastic about this work. It is supported by the University of Alaska, the Sitka Economic Development Association, and the Sitka Conservation Society. Letters of support are attached. There is no known opposition. AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 17 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects SECTION 9 – GRANT BUDGET Tell us how much you are seeking in grant funds. Include any investments to date and funding sources, how much is being requested in grant funds, and additional investments you will make as an applicant. Provide a narrative summary regarding funding sources and your financial commitment to the project The City and Borough of Sitka which owns the tidelands that are rented by the Sitka Sound Science Center is working in partnership with the Sitka Sound Science Center(which owns the buildings) to provide the matching dollars for this project. The total project includes the seawater heat pump system, and the upgrades and renovations to improve the building envelope to improve energy efficiency. The total project cost including the renovations to the building and the heat pump is: $1,945,838 The cost for the heat pump project is: $373,828 This grant application requests funds for the heat pump exchange system($373,838). This includes the cost of: New sea water supply loop ($29,722) New source side loops ($17,484) New heat pumps ($63,815) New load side loops and buffer tanks ($34,735) New hydronic piping in the building ($33,962) New low temp baseboards in the building ($38,901) This also includes a 25% contingency ($54,655); mechanical and electrical design services ($39,351); project management and inspection($17,489) and 20% project administration ($43,724) Parallel to the heat pump project, significant improvements to the Sage Building are already underway. Sitka Sound Science Center has already raised $905,000 from several sources for significant improvements to the building that will improve the energy efficiency of the building to compliment the heat pump project This impressive match comes from the National Science Foundation Facilities and Science Marine Laboratories section is providing $80,000 for the replacement of the saltwater intake pipe and pump. The Rasmuson Foundation has committed $491,000; Douglas Island Pink and Chum Inc. has donated $200,000, The Molly Ahlgren Memorial Fund $75,000 and the Sitka Sound Science Center has put in $59,000 from reserves. These funds are for the roof replacement, the windows upgrade the exterior repair which will assure the building envelope is secure, dramatically improving its energy efficiency. The Science Center has already made $10,000 in building improvements and will spend $15,000 in staff time. This $25,000 is counted in our proposal as an in-kind match. AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 18 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects Please provide a short narrative, and cost estimate, identifying the metering equipment, and its related use to comply with the operations reporting requirement identified in Section 3.15 of the Request for Applications. The opinion of probable cost for the project presented in the September 2012 Economic Evaluation by YCE includes a line items for controls that incorporates basic Instrumentation & Monitoring Equipment. For the sea water source heat pump system, the instrumentation in the concept design includes flow rates of sea water, source and load side loops; raw and waste sea water temperatures; temperature entering and leaving both source and load side of heat pumps; energy production of heat pump units in both MBH and MMBTU; COP of individual heat pump units; total system COP (includes all electrical energy used by the heat pumps system - heat pumps, loop pumps, control equipment). A web based data logger will provide daily, monthly and yearly totals of the performance parameters over the 20 year design life of the project. Applications MUST include a separate worksheet for each project phase that was identified in section 2.3.2 of this application, (I. Reconnaissance, II. Feasibility and Conceptual Design, III. Final Design and Permitting, and IV. Construction and Commissioning). Please use the tables provided below to detail your proposed project’s budget. Be sure to use one table for each phase of your project. If you have any question regarding how to prepare these tables or if you need assistance preparing the application please feel free to contact AEA at 907-771-3031 or by emailing the Grant Administrator, Shawn Calfa, at scalfa@aidea.org. Milestone or Task Anticipated Completion Date RE- Fund Grant Funds Grantee Matching Funds Source of Matching Funds: Cash/In- kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other TOTALS DESIGN PHASE Project Scoping and Consultant solicitation for Planning and Design 9/15/14 $4,000 $ $4,000 Permit Applications 9/15/14 $4,000 $ $4,000 Final System design, including construction drawings and specifications 2/15/15 $34,851 $ $34,851 Permit Approvals 3/15/14 $4,000 $ $4,000 Engineers Cost Estimate 3/15/14 $3,000 $ $3,000 Updated Economic and Financial Analysis 3/15/14 $3,000 $ $3,000 Final Operational Plan 3/15/14 $4,000 $ $4,000 DESIGN $ $ $ TOTALS $56,841 $ $56,841 AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 19 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits $ Travel & Per Diem $ $ $ Equipment $ $ $ Materials & Supplies $ $ $ Contractual Services $39,351 $ $39,351 Construction Services $ $ $ Other $17,490 $ $17,490 TOTALS $ $ $56,841 Milestone or Task Anticipated Completion Date RE- Fund Grant Funds Grantee Matching Funds Source of Matching Funds: Cash/In- kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other TOTALS CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISIONING Confirmation that all design and feasibility requirements are complete 3/15/15 $4,000 $ $4,000 Completion of bid documents 4/1/15 $14,000 $ $14,000 Contractor solicitation, selection and award 5/15/15 $9,000 $ $9,000 Contractor mobilization 6/15/15 $20,000 $ $20,000 Install new sea water supply system, remove old equipment 7/15/15 $60,000 $ $60,000 Mechanical system installation, including heat pumps, storage tanks, interior piping and monitoring equipment 8/15/15 $150,000 $ $150,000 Construction Inspection 9/151/15 $12,000 $12,000 Integration and testing 10/1/15 $18,000 $ $18,000 Decommission existing heating system 10/1/15 $3,000 $ $3,000 Final acceptance. Commissioning and start up 10/15/15 $16,997 $ $16,997 Monitoring 4/15/16 10,000 10,000 TOTALS $316,997 $ $316,997 Budget Categories: Direct Labor & Benefits $ Travel & Per Diem $ $ $ Equipment $ $ $ Materials & Supplies $ $ $ Contractual Services $17,489 $ $17,489 Construction Services $273,274 $ $273,274 Other(project administration) $26,234 $ $26,234 TOTALS $316,997 $ $316,997 AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 20 of 21 7/2/2013 Renewable Energy Fund Round VII Grant Application - Heat Projects Project Milestones that should be addressed in Budget Proposal Reconnaissance Feasibility Design and Permitting Construction 1. Project scoping and contractor solicitation. 2. Resource identification and analysis 3. Land use, permitting, and environmental analysis 4. Preliminary design analysis and cost 5. Cost of energy and market analysis 6. Simple economic analysis 7. Final report and recommendations 1. Project scoping and contractor solicitation. 2. Detailed energy resource analysis 3. Identification of land and regulatory issues, 4. Permitting and environmental analysis 5. Detailed analysis of existing and future energy costs and markets 6. Assessment of alternatives 7. Conceptual design analysis and cost estimate 8. Detailed economic and financial analysis 9, Conceptual business and operations plans 10. Final report and recommendations 1. Project scoping and contractor solicitation for planning and design 2. Permit applications (as needed) 3. Final environmental assessment and mitigation plans (as needed) 4. Resolution of land use, right of way issues 5. Permit approvals 6. Final system design 7. Engineers cost estimate 8. Updated economic and financial analysis 9. Negotiated power sales agreements with approved rates 10. Final business and operational plan 1. Confirmation that all design and feasibility requirements are complete. 2. Completion of bid documents 3. Contractor/vendor selection and award 4. Construction Phases – Each project will have unique construction phases, limitations, and schedule constraints which should be identified by the grantee 5. Integration and testing 6. Decommissioning old systems 7. Final Acceptance, Commissioning and Start-up 8. Operations Reporting AEA 2014-006 Grant Application Page 21 of 21 7/2/2013 SECTION 11 A. Resumes Key staff (Lisa Busch, Lon Garrison Consultant(Andy Baker) B. Letters of Support University of Alaska Sitka Economic Development Association Sitka Sound Science Center Sitka Fine Arts Camp Sitka Conservation Society C. Most Recent Heating Fuel Invoice D. Governing Body Formal Action Letter from City Administrator Resolution from Sitka City and Borough Assembly Letter of Commitment on Match from Science Center September 19, 2013 Dear AEA, This is a letter of support for the City and Borough applicants for seawater heat pumps for the Sitka Sound Science Center’s facility. Our board and staff wholeheartedly support this project. We believe it will be cost effective, allow us to utilize less fossil fuel and be a cost savings to our operation. We expect it also to function as a demonstration project as our facility is visited by thousands of tourists and residents annually. We are thrilled that the City and Borough of Sitka is applying for a grant for this project. The Assemblymembers unanimous approval of this application is a clear demonstration of the community support for the Science Center work and for renewable energy projects. Sincerely, Lisa Busch September 18, 2013 Dear Alaska Energy Authority, This is a letter of endorsement for the City and Borough of Sitka Seawater Heat Pump System at the Sitka Sound Science Center. We believe this project will be a great benefit to the community and to our neighborhood. The Sitka Fine Arts Camp owns 20 buildingsdirectly across the street from the Science Center and the City tidelands. The Science Center is part of a formal Sheldon Jackson Campus Association that is made up of the landowners of the old Sheldon Jackson Campus. This project will decrease the need for fossil fuel, be cost effective and be a chance to promote the technology to a wide audience. Since 1973, Sitka Fine Arts Camp has provided Alaskan youth with the opportunity to develop artistic interests and skills in an intensive artistic experience through stimulating, high quality instruction in visual arts, music, dance, theater, writing and Alaska Native Arts. We are nationally recognized and have received the National Endowment for the Arts prestigious Coming Up Taller Award from the White for outstanding youth arts programs.. In 2011 we were gifted the Sheldon Jackson College campus. The National Historic Landmark campus has 20 structures on 20 acres. We are excited about the opportunity to revitalize the historic structures that we now own. Fuel and energy issues are of paramount concern. We are directly across the street from the Sitka Sound Science Center and we have a formal MOU with this organization. We are exploring the idea of creating a district loop that is fueled by seawater which could be eventually accessed from this project. Seawater is an easily accessible commodity. This arrangement will allow us to purchase energy at a lower rate and not be dependent on fossil fuel which is rising in price and expensive to get to our island- community. We support this project! Roger Schmidt Director, Sitka Fine Arts Camp Alaska Arts Southeast AlASKA ARTS SOUTHEAST. INC.. PO BOX 3086 . SITKA .AK 99835 TEl/FAX 907-747-3085 www.FINEARTSCAHP.ORG “Protecting the natural environment of the Tongass while supporting the development of sustainable communities in Southeast Alaska – since 1967.” Sitka Conservation Society Box 6533 Sitka, Alaska 99835 (907) 747-7509 info@sitkawild.org www.sitkawild.org September 16, 2013 Dear Alaska Energy Authority, This is a letter of support for the City and Borough of Sitka application for a saltwater heat pump exchange system for the Sitka Sound Science Center. The Sitka Conservation Society works to protect the natural environment of the Tongass while supporting the development of sustainable communities in Southeast Alaska. Sitka Conservation Society has done extensive work on energy issues in Sitka and has been a partner in helping the City of Sitka advocate for renewable energy funding, increase the energy literacy of the community, and help to incentivize and utilize energy efficiency programs and improvements. We also put together the report “The Future of Energy in Sitka” which can be viewed at http://sitkawild.org/2012/03/the- future-of-energy-in-sitka/. We clearly understand that developing energy sources that are environmentally appropriate and putting this energy to the best use is critical to economic development and sustainability in our community and across all of Alaska. Salt water heat pumps technology is an energy technology that could bolster Sitka's energy system and could be utilized in many communities throughout the state. As can be seen in the energy report we produced, Sitka currently runs on oil. With the price instability of oil and the environmental issues associated with the carbon emitted from using oil, it is essential that we develop and implement technologies that move us towards a renewable energy future. Heat-pump technology is part of the solution to utilizing local renewable energy resources in the most efficient way possible to heat buildings in our community. The Sitka Sound Science Center is a perfect site to utilize this technology and to showcase the viability and utility of these systems. We believe that adoption by the Science Center will help to catalyze further usage and investment in this technology across other sectors of the community. We are very supportive of the City and Borough of Sitka's application for this saltwater heat pump and we recommend you support this project. Sincerely, Andrew Thoms Executive Director Sitka Conservation Society Tuesday,August27,2013 E 13-165 CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA Minutes -Final City and Borough Assembly Mayor Mim McConnell Deputy Mayor Pete Esquiro, Vice Deputy Mayor Thor Christianson, Phyllis Hackett, Matthew Hunter, Mike Reif and Michelle Putz Interim Municipal Administrator: John P. Sweeney Ill Municipal Attorney: Robin L. Koutchak Municipal Clerk: Colleen Ingman, MMC 6:00PM ASSEMBLY CHAMBERS 330 Harbor Drive Sitka , AK (907)747-1811 Assembly Chambers Approve a non-monetary sponsorship for Sitka Sound Science Center's application to the Alaska Energy Authority for a salt water heat pump . Sitka Sound Science Center Executive Director, Lisa Busch , and Lon Garrison , Aquaculture Director, addressed the Assembly . Garrison noted it was fortunate the Center had a sea water intake and added funding was recently received to upgrade it. Garrison explained the Center had the opportunity to tie into a deep well which would allow for connection to a heat exchange system. This in turn could supply a local heating district. For example , Sheldon Jackson Fine Arts Camp and other nearby neighbors could tap into the heat via a heat pump. Esquire didn 't want to see this project costing the City . Interim Administrator , Jay Sweeney, said the City would serve as the grantee . There would be an administration burden and a nominal amount would be asked for from Sitka Sound Science Center to cover that. Busch and Garrison noted they were comfortable with the fee . A motion was made by Hackett that this Item be APPROVED. The motion PASSED by the following vote. Yes: 7 -Christianson , Esquire , Reif, Hunter, Putz , McConnell , and Hackett Page 1 September 18, 2013 Dear City and Borough of Sitka, Thank you again for being the applicant for the Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund grant application that is due September 24, 2013. We are pleased to work with you on this project and grateful for the Assembly’s support(see attached document). This letter is to formally let you know that the Sitka Sound Science Center is providing the match for this project through a number of grants that we have recently been awarded. The AEA match, provided by the Science Center, will be $905,000. The sources and amounts of the cash funds are: $491,000 from the Rasmuson Foundation $200,000 from Douglas Island Pink and Chum Inc. $80,000 from the National Science Foundation $75,000 from the Molly Ahlgren Memorial Fund $59,000 from Sitka Sound Science Center We understand that the AEA grant will provide the city with compensation for some of your indirect costs. Sincerely, Lisa Busch Director Sitka Sound Science Center SUPPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Heat Pump, Hydronic and Ventilation Concept Schematic Existing Sea Water Intake Pipe Profile Economic Evaluation for Installation of Sea Water Source Heat Pumps Revision No.DescriptionDateDesignedDrawnCheckedDateDrawing NumberHEAT PUMP, HYDRONIC, & VENTILATIONCONCEPT SCHEMATICSAGE MEMORIAL BUILDINGACBACB9/30/12SHEET OFSEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATIONSITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTERBUFFERTANKHWS-1120 GALHEAT RECOVERYVENTILATORHRV-1(LOCATED ABOVE2ND FLOORDROP CEILING)SOURCE SIDELOOP PUMPPMP 200W / VFDHRV ZONEPUMPPMP 402W / VFDLOAD SIDELOOP PUMPPMP 300W / VFDDUCTCOILDC-1DUCTCOILDC-2HRV ZONEPUMPPMP 401W / VFDRADIATORZONE PUMPPMP 404W / VFDRADIATORZONE PUMPPMP 403W / VFDLOW TEMP BASEBOARDRADIATOR ZONES -2ND FLOOR ROOMSEACH ZONE PROVIDEDWITH SEPARATE T-STATTHAT CONTROLS FLOWTHRU RADIATORSLOW TEMP BASEBOARDRADIATOR ZONES -1ST FLOOR & BASEMENTEACH ZONE PROVIDEDWITH SEPARATE T-STATTHAT CONTROLS FLOWTHRU RADIATORSEXHAUSTAIRTO OUTSIDESUPPLYAIR TOOFFICES &LABS(60F MIN)SUPPLYAIR TOOFFICES &LABS(60F MIN)145F145FHEAT PUMPHP-2(84,000 BTU/HR)HEAT PUMPHP-3(84,000 BTU/HR)HEAT PUMPHP-1(84,000 BTU/HR)EXHAUSTAIRTO OUTSIDEOUTSIDEAIR(0F TO 65F)RETURN AIRFROMHALL, LABS &RESTROOMS(68F)RETURN AIRFROM HALL, LABS& RESTROOMS(68F)3-WAYVALVE3-WAYVALVETTSEAWATER/GLYCOLHEATEXCHANGERHX-1SEAWATERSUPPLY LOOPPMP 100W / VFDIN LINESTRAINERSEA WATER SUPPLYINTO BLDG (@200 GPM)BUFFERTANKHWS-2120 GALCHILLED SEA WATERTO DRAIN, AQUARIUM,OR HATCHERYSEA WATER SUPPLYTO AQUARIUMS,HATCHERY, ORINCUBATION ROOMS(@115 GPM)145F136.6F15% PROPYLENE GLYCOL33F40F36F38F66 GPM60 GPM85 GPMWATERSCH 80 PVCSCH 80 PVCWATERHEAT PUMPCONTROLPANEL W/OUTDOORTEMP RESETOUTDOORSENSINGTHERMOSTATTHEAT RECOVERYVENTILATORHRV-2(LOCATED ABOVE2ND FLOORDROP CEILING)TNOTES: 1. FLOWS AND TEMPERATURES SHOWN ARE ESTIMATED FOR PEAK HEAT LOAD WHEN OUTDOOR AIR TEMP IS 5F & SEAWATER IS 40F.2. HEAT PUMPS OPERATE IN PARALLEL LEAD/LAG TO MAINTAIN BUFFER TANK SET POINT TEMP (BASED ON OUTDOOR TEMP RESET).3. ZONE PUMPS TURN ON WHEN THERMOSTAT FOR THAT ZONE CALLS FOR HEAT.4. HRV'S OPERATE CONTINUOUSLY WITH AIR FLOW RATE MODULATED BY HUMIDISTAT LOCATED AT CEILING OF 2ND FLOOR LOBBY.5. HYDRONIC FLOW THRU DUCT COILS DC-1 AND DC-2 MODULATED BY 3-WAY VALVE TO MAINTAIN SUPPLY AIR TEMP OF 60F MIN.HUMIDISTAT LOCATEDAT 2ND FLOOR CEILINGHACBTHIS CONCEPT DRAWING AND DESIGN WASDEVELOPED BY YOURCLEANENERGY LLC,COPYRIGHT 2012.DESIGN INFORMATION, DRAWINGS, DETAILSOR SPECIFICATION DATA MAY NOT BEREPRODUCED OR DUPLICATED NOR MAYWORK BE EXECUTED HEREFROM WITHOUTTHE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OFYOURCLEANENERGY LLC. Revision No.DescriptionDateDesignedDrawnCheckedDateDrawing NumberEXISTING SEA WATER INTAKE PIPEPROFILE STA 0+00 TO STA 6+00SAGE MEMORIAL BUILDINGACBACB10/4/12SHEET OFSEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATIONSITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTERACBTHIS CONCEPT DRAWING AND DESIGN WASDEVELOPED BY YOURCLEANENERGY LLC,COPYRIGHT 2012.DESIGN INFORMATION, DRAWINGS, DETAILSOR SPECIFICATION DATA MAY NOT BEREPRODUCED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUTTHE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OFYOURCLEANENERGY LLC.0 + 00 1 + 00 2 + 00 3 + 00 4 + 005 + 00 6 + 000.00+10.00+20.00-10.00-20.00-30.00-40.00-50.00-60.00-70.000.00+10.00+20.00-10.00-20.00-30.00-40.00-50.00-60.00-70.006" HDPE SDR11 PIPE (BURIED)8" HDPE SDR11 PIPE (BURIED) 8" HDPE SDR11 PIPE (SECURED TO SEA FLOOR WITH CONCRETE ANCHORS @15FT SPACING)FRP MANHOLE, 18 FT DEEP, WITH RIM ELEV. +18 FTTOP OF 6" HDPE PIPE ENTERS MANHOLE AT ELEV. +2.16 FTSTA. 0 + 00FRP MANHOLE FOR INTAKE PIPESBOTTOM OF FLOOR EL=0.00STA. 1 + 35.2045 ELBOW, CHANGE FROM 6" TO 8" HDPESEA FLOOR EL = +2.40 FTSTA. 2 + 70FIRST CONCRETE BLOCK ANCHORSEA FLOOR EL = -2.62 FTSTA. 5 + 99CONCRETE INTAKE BOX W / SCREENSEA FLOOR EL = -65.73 FTMAXIMUM HI TIDE ELEV. = +12.7 FTMINIMUM LOW TIDE ELEV. = -3.2 FTHORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 20'VERT. SCALE: 1" = 10'NOTES: 1. SEA FLOOR ELEVATIONS MEASURED WITH SONAR FROM DRIFTING BOAT.2. FRP MANHOLE ELEVATIONS TIED TO KNOWN BENCHMARKS ON SAGE BLDG.3. BELOW GRADE PIPING ELEVATIONS WERE NOT MEASURED AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY.4. LOCATION OF 6" HDPE TO 8" HDPE TRANSITION IS APPROXIMATE, TO BE FIELD VERIFIED.5. LOCATION OF BURIED 45 DEGREE HDPE ELBOW IS APPROXIMATE, TO BE FIELD VERIFIED. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 1 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM … with YourCleanEnergy LLC 308 G Street #212, Anchorage AK 99501 907-274-2007 www.yourcleanenergy.us ECONOMIC EVALUATION FOR INSTALLATION OF SEA WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMPS FOR THE SAGE MEMORIAL BUILDING FOR SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 834 LINCOLN STREET SITKA, ALASKA 99835 USA FINAL REPORT COMPLETED SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 BY: ANDY BAKER, PE SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 2 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 3 BACKGROUND OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT ................................................................................... 4 EXISTING SEA WATER INTAKE PIPES ..................................................................................................... 5 SHORT TERM RECOMMENDATIONS TO MAINTAIN SEA WATER INTAKE PIPE ................................ 6 PROFILE OF EXISTING INTAKE PIPES, FIBERGLASS SUMP & PUMP STATION: DRAWING G-1 .... 9 EXISTING SEA WATER INTAKE SUMP & PUMP STATION ................................................................... 10 ESTIMATION OF POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT OF SEA WATER PUMP PERFORMANCE ................... 11 PERFORMANCE CURVES FOR 3 HP SEA WATER PUMP (PACER SE2HB) ....................................... 12 PERFORMANCE CURVES FOR 5 HP SEA WATER PUMP (PACER SE2JB) ....................................... 13 PROPOSED SEA WATER HEAT PUMP SYSTEM ................................................................................... 14 PROPOSED HEAT PUMP, HYDRONIC, & VENTILAT ION SCHEMATIC - DRAWING G-2 .................... 15 PROPOSED BASEMENT MECHANICAL ROOM PLAN - DRAWING G-3 ............................................ 16 PROPOSED EXHAUST & HRV VENTILATION SYSTEM ........................................................................ 18 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR HEAT PUMP & HRV SYSTEM ................................................... 19 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR HEAT PUMP & HRV SYSTEM (CONT'D) .................................. 20 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - SUMMARY & TOTALS ...................................................................... 21 NET PRESENT WORTH ANALYSIS - HEAT PUMPS COMPARED TO KEEPING OIL BOILER ........... 22 NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: THIS ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT WAS DEVELOPED AND PRODUCED BY YOURCLEANENERGY LLC, COPYRIGHT 2012. DESIGN NARRATIVE, INFORMATION, DRAWINGS, DETAILS OR SPECIFICATION DATA MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DUPLICATED NOR MAY WORK BE EXECUTED HEREFROM WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF YOURCLEANENERGY LLC. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 3 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC INTRODUCTION The Sage Memorial Building was officially acquired in 2010 by the non-profit Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC). It was previously owned by Sheldon Jackson College and historically has served many different roles on the campus over its long life. This 11,000 square foot, three story building is currently used as office and lab space for the Science Center and several tenants, as well as salmon hatchery and an aquarium open to public visitors. In 1985, the College constructed a sea water intake system that enabled raw sea water to be pumped from 65 foot depth and piped directly into the basement and first floor of the Sage Building. A brief description of its architectural history and condition up thru 2004 was developed by the National Park Service and is given below: The dissolution and sale of the Sheldon Jackson Campus in 2010 allowed SSSC to take ownership of th e Sage Building and adjacent Mill Building and hatchery. This acquisition has also requires SSSC to address many years of deferred maintenance on the historic Sage Building, while continuing its present day operations as a science and research center, visitor aquarium and working hatchery. In a significant effort to address the short and long term improvements required to the facility, SSSC is working with, and has secured funding from , the Pre-Development Program of the Foraker Group in Anchorage, c/o Chris Kowalczewski. A strong interest of the pre-development effort is to identify viable strategies to reduce the cost of energy for the facility, especially its historic dependency on heating oil. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 4 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC BACKGROUND OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT The Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC) secured YourCleanEnergy LLC (YCE) on February 16, 2012 to review energy efficiency strategies for the Sage Memorial Building. On June 5, 2012, a final report on energy efficiency strategies for the Sage Building was completed for SSSC by YCE. This report recommends that a sea water source heat pump system be installed to replace oil and electric resistance heat for the building. Initial YCE site visit to the Sage Building and investigation of the sea water system was conducted from February 21 thru 27, 2012. A return visit by YCE to conduct blower door testing, energy modeling, and more investigation of the sea water system was conducted from May 3 thru May 7, 2012. A review of existing design drawings and evaluation reports on the Sage Building and hatchery sea water intake and distribution system was also conducted. Documents reviewed and referred to by YCE were as follows:  Permit Application To Army Corps Of Engineers For Sea Water Intake in Coastal Tidelands, by Sheldon Jackson College, 1984.  SSSC Seawater Inlet Pipe Inspection Report, by Robert Reid, Reid Diving of Sitka, completed May 2009.  Sage Building Condition Survey, by Northwind Architects, LLC, completed August 20, 2010.  Energy Audit Report, by One Island Energy, completed May 9, 2011.  Recommendations For Improving Energy Efficiency To Prepare For Sea Water Source Heat Pumps For The Sage Memorial Building, by YourCleanEnergy LLC, completed June 5, 2012. The interest by SSSC to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of a sea water heat pump system derives from several compelling factors: access to sea water in the building, warm year round temperature of Sitka Sound, low cost hydro electricity from City of Sitka (CBS), and a general mission to protect the marine environment by reducing emissions from fossil fuel combustion. Raw sea water temperatures from the ocean intake were measured daily over the past winter and show a consistent heat source that stayed above 40F thru an unusually cold winter. Heat pumps that receive a source water of 40F or more are capable of 250% to 350% efficiency. This is a very attractive return when combined with low cost hydro power, and therefore worthy of a more detailed evaluation as presented herein. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 5 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC EXISTING SEA WATER INTAKE PIPES The current sea water intake pipes and fiberglass sump were installed in 1984. When first constructed, there were two parallel HDPE pipes (SDR 11) that left the sump in 6" diameter, and transitioned to 8" diameter within approximately 100 feet of the sump. The pipes are buried for a length of 280 ft from where they leave the sump, to about minus 3ft level where they daylight from the beach. The pipes are then routed to 60 foot depth and held to the sea floor with concrete anchors. With a total length of approximately 600 feet, each of the 8" HDPE pipes terminates in separate concrete intake boxes (30" x 30" x 40" tall) at approx 60 ft depth. At the time that YCE was first engaged to evaluate the SSSC system, one of the two 8" HDPE pipes had been removed f rom beach level out to its intake box. The pipe had been cut at low tide level and the remaining end projects up from the sand and is capped with a plastic bucket. This pipe section had apparently been damaged by a boat anchor and had dislodged from the concrete anchor blocks that restrain the parallel pipes. Thus at this time there is only one 6"/8" HDPE intake pipe that is operational for sea water supply to the SSSC hatchery and the Sage Building. The lack of redundant intake pipe leaves SSSC vulnerable for sea water supply interruption should the one available pipe be blocked up or damaged. As recommended by YCE, SSSC is pursuing grant funds to install twin 12" HDPE pipes in the future. In the meantime they must keep the one intake pipe moderately clean by back flushing with fresh water and having a diver remove marine growth where possible. In May 2009, SSSC hired Robert Reid, a local diver, to inspect the intake pipes, clean the intake box, and make a video of the intake box and inside of pipe entrance at 60 foot depth. The underwater video clearly shows that the screen lid of the intake box can be covered almost completely over time by kelp and/or sea animals (particularly starfish and tube worms). The video also shows footage of the pipe wall that is encrusted with tube worms, sea anemone, and barnacles. The continuous flow of raw sea water carrying suspended food matter (plankton, krill, etc) makes the intake box and pipe an attractive attachment location for filter feeding marine life. The text of his dive report is as follows: SSSC Seawater Inlet Pipe Inspection The video inspection was conducted on 5/3/09. There was an early algae bloom this year which negatively affected the clarity of the video images. The inlet pipes were anchored to cement anchors measuring 10x10x36 inches. A nylon strap is bolted on both ends to the anchor and the strap was also attached with a screw to each inlet pipe. Anchors are spaced approximately every 15 feet along the inlet pipe. The two strainer boxes are 30x30x40” tall. They are covered on top by some expanded stainless steel mesh that is secured in place with rope. One inlet pipe has been pulled from its anchors and also out of and away from its strainer. It seems possible to me that a boat anchor or another powerful force may be responsible for the inlet pipe being pulled from the anchors. It seems reasonable to reattach the anchors to the inlet pipes by wrapping some rope or strapping around the anchors and the pipe. A variety of options for reattachment can be explored. The pipe was reasonably easy to move by hand while in the water and I feel that the pipe could be pulled into place and secured to the anchors one by one, putting it back in its original position. The inlet screen was found to be covered with a relatively large piece of kelp and a large sunflower starfish, which covered as much as 1/3 of its surface. This was removed and the screen was scrubbed clean of tube worms. The interior of the inlet was videotaped after removal of the screen and did not look particularly fouled. I can discuss this further to come up with a plan restore the inlet pipe to its original position and answer any questions regarding the inlet pipe. The following diagram depicts the shape of the concrete anchors and layout of the two inlet pipes, one attached and one unattached to its strainer. ~ Robert Reid SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 6 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC Sketch Of Sea Water Intake Pipes, Screen Boxes & Concrete Pipe Anchors - by Robert Reid, May 2009. The dislodged pipe has since been cut at beach level and removed. Concrete anchor blocks are spaced every 15 feet along submerged portion of intake pipes. The pipes were attached to the concrete anchors with nylon straps and stainless steel bo lts, however many of the nylon straps have failed, allowing the pipe to flex and stray from position. SHORT TERM RECOMMENDATIONS TO MAINTAIN SEA WATER INTAKE PIPE All sea water for the SSSC facility is currently being pumped thru a single 8" HDPE intake pipe that terminates at 65 foot depth in a concrete intake box with screen lid. The screen and pipe require regular cleaning of marine growth to maintain flow rates to the sea water pumps. A short list of procedures to make this possible until such time that a new intake system can be installed is as follows: 1. Using divers, install new stainless steel, aluminum, or kevlar straps to secure the pipe to existing concrete anchors. This is necessary to keep pipe from pulling out of screen box, and to prevent floating of pipe during fresh water back flushing. 2. After pipe straps are repaired, and while divers are available, back flush the intake pipe from fiberglass sump with large volume of fresh water for at least a four hour period. The intake box screen should be removed during the initial flushing so that debris in the pipe can be flushed clear out of the intake box. The fresh water will drive out temporary marine life, and kill some of the filter feeders attached to the pipe. Replace intake box screen (cleaned of marine growth) after back flushing. Resume sea water pumping. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 7 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 8 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 9 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC PROFILE OF EXISTING INTAKE PIPES, FIBERGLASS SUMP & PUMP STATION: DRAWING G-1 (INSERT 11 x 17 DRAWING G-1 HERE) SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 10 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC EXISTING SEA WATER INTAKE SUMP & PUMP STATION Results Of Sea Water Pump Testing: A capacity test of the two centrifugal sea water pumps was conducted on Feb 24, 2012 by Lon Garrison. The pumps were tasked to fill one of the large outdoor tanks and the volume pumped was noted over time to estimate flow rate. The first test was of the 3 HP pump alone with tide level of +1.3 ft and the pump was capable of delivering 89.25 gallons per minute. According to the pump curve for this pump (Pacer Model SE2HB), the pump can deliver up to 120 gpm under optimal conditions. The second capacity test was the combination of the 3 HP and 5 HP pumps with tide level at + 1.7 ft. The two pumps piped in parallel delivered 158.6 gpm. According to the pump curves, the 3 HP pump can deliver 100 gpm and the 5 HP pump can deliver 120 gpm at optimal conditions . When both pumps are run in parallel, a flow rate of 180 gpm is expected under optimal conditions. It was self evident that energy losses on both the suction and discharge sides of the pump were impacting the flow delivery, and minor cavitation was suspected to be occurring due to lack of net positive suction head (NPSH) available. Resolve Suction Lift Problem With Existing Sea Water Pumps: At present, raw sea water is pumped by suction lift to the existing fiberglass sump and then up vertically more than 16 feet to a set of Pacer centrifugal pumps (3 HP + 5 HP) located at elevation +18ft in the pump station. Because the intake pipe is moderately bio fouled, because the pump suction header is too small diameter, and because there is not adequate Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) available for the pumps, both poor performance and cavitation is occurring with the pumps at lower tide levels. The cavitation means that air bubbles are imploding under a vacuum at the fiberglass pump impeller, this damages the impeller over time and reduces pump efficiency. Additionally, the pumps are consuming more electricity than normal when they operate under such conditions. There are two possible low cost solutions to the suction head problem that can make use of existing pump equipment: 1. Replace existing PVC suction header piping with larger size with less bends and fittings . This option will improve suction head slightly, but perhaps enough to stop cavitation at low tides. This option is described more in the image below: SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 11 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC 2. Relocate pumps to connect directly with flanged header of intake pipes entering fiberglass sump with top of pipe at elevation +2.16 ft. Pump discharge can then directly connect to existing 6" yard piping header for sea water. This will increase available suction head by 16 feet, eliminate cavitation, and will significantly improve pump performance. The negative side of this option is that access to pumps will require climbing down in the fiberglass sump where working space is very limited in a wet environment with no mechanical ventilation. Additionally, the fiberglass sump chamber must have reliable sump pump to keep seepage or leakage water below floor level. ESTIMATION OF POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT OF SEA WATER PUMP PERFORMANCE By relocating existing 3 HP and 5 HP Pacer sea water pumps to connect directly with intake pipe header in fiberglass sump, and installing 6" discharge header to yard piping connection, the following improvement in pump performance is predicted, based manufacturer's performance curves: Pump Running Present Capacity Improved Capacity Pacer 3 HP 89.25 gpm 100 gpm Pacer 5 HP 120 gpm 140 gpm Pacer 3 HP + 5 HP 158.6 gpm 180 gpm SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 12 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC PERFORMANCE CURVES FOR 3 HP SEA WATER PUMP (PACER SE2HB) SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 13 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC PERFORMANCE CURVES FOR 5 HP SEA WATER PUMP (PACER SE2JB) SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 14 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC PROPOSED SEA WATER HEAT PUMP SYSTEM Design Heat Load: The building design heat load is currently estimated to be 300,000 BTU/hr at 17F (from AKWARM model), with no wall or roof insulation. Insulation and air sealing improvements will lower design heat load. However the proposed use of hydronic duct coils to temper outside air will increase the design heat load. For concept purposes, a total heat pump capacity is recommended that is very close to the existing Buderus Oil Boiler (233,000 BTU/hr). This heat load will consist of hydronic baseboards and two duct coils for tempering supply air just downstream from heat recovery ventilators. The design heat load will be adjusted prior to final design based on actual insulation and air sealing improvements that are completed at that time. Design Concept Schematic: A detailed design concept schematic for the proposed heat pump and ventilation system is attached as Drawing No. G-2. Sea Water Supply System: Raw sea water is already piped into the basement wet rooms, so one of these rooms will make an ideal location for a titanium plate heat exchanger. This heat exchanger is necessary to move heat from the sea water into a glycol loop that is chemically safe to pass thru the source side of the heat pumps. Under design conditions (5 deg F outside temp), 85 gpm of filtered sea water must be pumped thru the heat exchanger in order to supply adequate heat to the system. The sea water will be chilled by up to 4 deg F after passing thru the heat exchanger, and at that point can be used for aquarium or hatchery process, or returned to the basement sea water drain. Because the heat pump system depends on the sea water heat, the sea water intake and p ump station must be extremely reliable and well maintained to avoid interruption of heat pump operation. Fortunately, the aquarium and hatchery operations also require reliable sea water flow, so there is no significant increase in maintenance that is introduced to SSSC with type of heating system. An in-line strainer with mesh opening slightly smaller than the heat exchanger plate passages must be used to catch suspended particles and bio mass. The titanium plate and nozzle material in the heat exchanger will prevent corrosion of metals by sea water over the life of the system. Hydronic Heating With Water Source Heat Pumps: Three 7 ton (84,000 BTU/hr each ) water to water heat pumps in parallel (Water Furnace Series 5 Hydronic or equal) located in basement mechanical room, with 240 gallons buffer tank storage (2 x 120 gallons). These are new generation heat pumps that use R-134a refrigerant and can lift to 150F max imum, meaning the design temp thru baseboards can be 140F, with hydronic temperature (110F to 150F range) controlled by outdoor temp reset. Oil boiler and electric boiler to be removed as well as old hydronic piping and fin tube baseboard heaters. Heat pumps to be located on housekeeping pad where old boilers were, with buffer tanks adjacent. New hydronic piping to be routed similar to old, and will be charged with de-ionized water with inhibitor (no glycol). Provide low temp hydronic baseboard (Zehnder-Rittling FT5, or equal) heat (110F-150F) to all rooms currently served by boiler hydronic system plus add new baseboard heaters to basement hallway. This system will serve the majority of winter heat load and use the existing pipe corridors now used by the boiler. The number of heating zones will be increased to allow better heat control of individual areas in the building. Supply Air & Exhaust Air Ventilation w/HRV + Heating Coil: While wet rooms in the Sage Building (Aquarium Room, Incubation Room, Hatchery Room) will be slightly depressurized by exhausting cool humid air directly outside, the remaining “dry” rooms require a low rate continuous supply and exhaust air ventilation. This will include heat recovery from exhaust air, and heating coil supplied by water to water heat pump. This system will pre-heat fresh outside supply air with exhaust air, and then temper supply air to 60F using heat from duct coil supplied by heat pump. The HRV system would be located near ceiling level on the second floor in a room or drop ceiling area where sound isolation and maintenance access is possible. Supply and exhaust air ducts will serve 1st and 2nd floor. Duct shafts will be created between the 2nd and 1st floor and ducts run above dropped ceilings. Basement wet rooms and aquarium room will have small independent exhaust fans that vent directly outside. The proposed concept is to exhaust warm humid air from ceiling level, remove the heat from it, use this heat to pre-heat outside air, use the heat pump heating coil to further warm this outside air. On hot days, natural cooling with outside air will b e sufficient given the cool rainy climate and large heat mass of the concrete building. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 15 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC PROPOSED HEAT PUMP, HYDRONIC, & VENTILAT ION SCHEMATIC - DRAWING G-2 (INSERT 11 x 17 DRAWING G-2 HERE) SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 16 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC PROPOSED BASEMENT MECHANICAL ROOM PLAN - DRAWING G-3 SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 17 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC Convection style baseboards for low temperature hydronic loops from heat pumps will require more fin tube area than conventional baseboards in order to transfer the same amount of BTU's per foot per hour. Illustration shown is Zehnder-Rittling FT5 that mounts to lower wall surface. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 18 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC PROPOSED EXHAUST & HRV VENTILATION SYSTEM Install Individual Exhaust Fans In Wet Rooms: There are three rooms in the building that contain open top tanks of sea water and/or fresh water. These rooms generate very high humidity levels that now migrate into the hallways and upward where the humidity is the source of significant condensation in the 2nd floor ceiling, and on un-insulated walls and windows. It is recommended that the cool humid air in these three rooms be exhausted directly outside thru the upper wall with hi -efficiency individual fans. The three wet rooms are: Name Of Room Location Recommended Exhaust Rate Aquarium Room 1st Floor 100 CFM Incubation Room Basement 50 CFM Hatchery Room Basement 50 CFM By exhausting humid air directly outside from wet rooms, warm dry air will be drawn into these rooms from the hallways. This air flow direction will prevent most of the humidity from reaching the 2nd floor ceiling, and keep the wet rooms reasonably warm in winter months. This exhaust will also induce a negative pressure in the building, and a downward flow of air from 1st and second floors to the wet rooms. Until such time that supply air can be balanced in the building with an HRV system, the "reverse stack effect" of these exhaust fans will keep the lower floors warmer and significantly reduce condensation on the 2nd floor ceiling and walls. Install HRV's Above Drop Ceiling Of 2nd Floor: In order to minimize loss of heat energy from the building and provide fresh filtered outside air to replace exhaust air, the use of modern hi-efficiency Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV) is recommended. These units typically have low, medium or high fan speeds that can be regulated according to humidity at ceiling level. For illustration purposes, a sketch of a FanTech Model SHR 300 HRV is shown below, this unit would be in the appropriate size and air flow range to provide ventilation with heat recovery for one half of the building (two HRV's required): Install Duct Coils To Temper Supply Air: While the HRV can pre-heat outside air with exhaust air at up to 80% recover y, the fresh supply air will still require tempering (topping up) in order t o maintain the desired supply air set point temperature of 60F. It is recommended that a hydronic duct coil be installed in the supply air duct immediately downstream from the HRV for this purpose. The duct coil would be heated by the heat pumps with a hot water supply temperature of 120F to 140F, depending on outside air temperature. A 3-way valve on this hydronic loop will be regulated by a temperature sensor located in the supply air duct downstream from the duct coil. The valve will automatically increase the flow thru the duct coil to maintain the supply air set point. On days when outside air temperature is above 60F, the duct coil would not require heat, and the HRV would in effect provide "free" or "natural" cooling. SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 19 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR HEAT PUMP & HRV SYSTEM OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - SAGE BLDG HEAT PUMP & HRV HEAT SYSTEM Installed Installed Unit Total Item Description Quant Unit Price Price INSTALL NEW SEA WATER SUPPLY LOOP Sea water heat exchanger HX-1, titanium plates, 2.5" connections 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 2.5" Sch 80 PVC pipe 60 LF $25 $1,500 Sch 80 PVC (2.5") fitting & valve allowance 1 LS $1,200 $1,200 Sea water loop pump PMP-100, 84 GPM, fiberglass impeller 1 EA $5,000 $5,000 VFD for sea water pump 1 EA $3,000 $3,000 Dual in line strainer with manual clean baskets 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 Shipping for above equipment 1 LS $1,500 $1,500 Electrical & controls 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Sub-total for this portion of the work $27,200 INSTALL SOURCE SIDE LOOP Loop piping (2" Sch 80 PVC)80 LF $20 $1,600 Loop piping (2" Sch 80 PVC) - fitting & valve allowance 1 LS $800 $800 Glycol circulation pump PMP-200, 66 GPM 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 VFD for pump PMP-200 1 EA $3,000 $3,000 Air separator / sediment trap 1 EA $800 $800 Expansion tank 1 EA $800 $800 15% propylene glycol with inhibitor 20 gal $40 $800 Shipping for above equipment 1 LS $1,200 $1,200 Electrical & controls 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Sub-total for this portion of the work $16,000 INSTALL HEAT PUMPS Remove existing oil boiler and electric boiler, sell at salvage value 2 EA -$2,000 -$4,000 Install three 7 ton 140F heat pumps in basement mechanical room 3 EA $15,000 $45,000 Motor operated valves 6 EA $1,200 $7,200 in line strainers 6 EA $200 $1,200 Shipping for above equipment 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Electrical & controls 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 Sub-total for this portion of the work $58,400 INSTALL LOAD SIDE LOOP & BUFFER TANKS Loop piping (2" Copper)40 LF $60 $2,400 Loop piping (2" Copper) - fitting & valve allowance 1 LS $800 $800 Water circulation pump PMP-300, 60 GPM 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 VFD for pump PMP-300 1 EA $3,000 $3,000 Install 120 gallon buffer tank on existing concrete pad 2 EA $2,800 $5,600 Air separator / sediment trap 1 EA $800 $800 Expansion tank 1 EA $1,000 $1,000 De-ionized water with inhibitor for entire heat distribution loop 359 gal $20 $7,187 Shipping for above equipment 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Electrical & controls 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Sub-total for this portion of the work $31,787 SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 20 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR HEAT PUMP & HRV SYSTEM (CONT'D) OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - SAGE BLDG HEAT PUMP & HRV HEAT SYSTEM Installed Installed Unit Total Quant Unit Price Price INSTALL NEW HYDRONIC PIPING FOR RADIANT HEATER ZONES 2" copper piping to/from buffer tank to zone pump header 24 LF $40 $960 1.5" copper piping to/from zone pumps to radiator zones - 2nd floor 320 LF $25 $8,000 1.25" copper piping to/from zone pumps to radiator zones - 1st floor 280 LF $20 $5,600 1" copper piping to/from zone pumps to radiator zones - basement hall way 80 LF $18 $1,440 1" copper piping to/from zone pumps to radiant heaters - basement wet rooms 60 LF $18 $1,080 Copper pipe, fitting and valve allowance 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 Shipping for above equipment 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Sub-total for this portion of the work $31,080 INSTALL LO-TEMP RADIANT HEAT SYSTEM Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - Basement Hallway 18 LF $80 $1,440 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 1st Floor Hallway 24 LF $80 $1,920 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 1st Floor Science Room 24 LF $80 $1,920 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 1st Floor Restrooms 12 LF $80 $960 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 1st Floor UA Office space 24 LF $80 $1,920 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 1st Floor Lynn Wilbur Office space 6 LF $80 $480 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor Lobby 18 LF $80 $1,440 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor SSSC Offices 24 LF $80 $1,920 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor Restrooms 12 LF $80 $960 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor Chem Lab 24 LF $80 $1,920 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor Breakroom 12 LF $80 $960 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor Tenant Offices 24 LF $80 $1,920 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor Teaching Lab 24 LF $80 $1,920 Lo Temp Radiant Baseboard - 2nd Floor Chem Lab 24 LF $80 $1,920 Zone Pump & valve 10 EA $800 $8,000 Shipping for above equipment 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 Electrical & controls 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 Sub-total for this portion of the work $35,600 INSTALL HRV VENTILATION SYSTEM Loop piping (1.25" copper) from basement to DC-1 & DC-2 at 2nd floor ceiling 160 LF $20 $3,200 Loop piping (1.25" copper) - fitting & valve allowance 1 LS $600 $600 Heating coil zone pump PMP-401, 16 GPM 1 LS $1,800 $1,800 Starter for pump PMP-401 1 EA $400 $400 Heating duct coils DC-1 and DC-2 2 EA $3,200 $6,400 3-way valve + supply air thermostat + control 2 EA $1,500 $3,000 HRV-1 and HRV-2 (Fantech SHR300 or equal)2 EA $4,000 $8,000 Condensate drain for HRV - 1/2" sch 40 PVC to janitor closet drain 40 LF $10 $400 Outside air intake and duct 1 LS $2,000 $2,000 Supply air duct and diffusers - to serve 1st & 2nd floor dry rooms and offices 200 LF $30 $6,000 Return air duct and grilles - to serve 1st & 2nd floor restrooms & hallways 200 LF $30 $6,000 Exhaust air duct and grilles 1 LS $2,000 $2,000 Shipping for above equipment 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 Electrical & controls 1 LS $6,000 $6,000 Sub-total for this portion of the work $48,800 SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 21 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - SUMMARY & TOTALS OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - SAGE BLDG HEAT PUMP & HRV HEAT SYSTEM Construction Cost Summary - Sea Water Heat Pump & HRV System Installed Total Price INSTALL NEW SEA WATER SUPPLY LOOP $27,200 INSTALL SOURCE SIDE LOOP $16,000 INSTALL HEAT PUMPS $58,400 INSTALL LOAD SIDE LOOP & BUFFER TANKS $31,787 INSTALL NEW HYDRONIC PIPING FOR RADIANT HEATER ZONES $31,080 INSTALL LO-TEMP RADIANT HEAT SYSTEM $35,600 INSTALL HRV VENTILATION SYSTEM $48,800 Total Construction Cost - Sea Water Heat Pump & HRV System $248,867 20% Design & Construction Contingency (final design of project not yet completed)$49,773 18% for final mechanical and electrical engineering design services $44,796 8% for construction inspection services, including submittal reviews, commissioning $19,909 Total Project Cost - Sea Water Heat Pump & HRV System $363,346 SEA WATER HEAT PUMP EVALUATION SITKA SOUND SCIENCE CENTER 9/30/12 PAGE 22 OF 22 “Celebrate the power of nature”TM …with YourCleanEnergy LLC NET PRESENT WORTH ANALYSIS - HEAT PUMPS COMPARED TO KEEPING OIL BOILER NET PRESENT WORTH EVALUATION: Heat Pumps Compared To Keeping Oil Boiler This evaluation compares the cost of keeping the current oil boiler system versus installing new sea water source heat pump system, over a 20 year design life. Several assumptions are made in order to create a meaningful comparison and determine payback: A. The existing hydronic piping and baseboards require replacement in the next few years as they are at the end of their useful life. The HRV ventilation is required for either option. Therefore, in the NPW for heat pump system, the cost of new hydronic piping ($24,880) is excluded, only half the cost of new baseboards is included ($16,800); and the cost of HRV system is excluded ($48,800). Total Project Cost for heat pump system is then adjusted to $221,000. B. The initial cost of heating oil is $4.33/gallon and this price will escalate at 6% per year. C. The initial cost of electricty is $0.10/KWH and this price will escalate at 2% per year. D. A discount rate of 2% is applied to future costs to account for time value of money. E. An inflation rate of 6% per year is applied to O&M labor for the system. Description Of Financial Element Total Project Cost of Heat Pump Option Over Keeping Existing Oil Boiler $221,000 Grid Elect - 5 hp Loop Pumps 2%/yr esc -Year 1 $2,000 20 years of Glycol Pumping - Present Worth $40,000 Electricity For Heat Pumps - Year 1 $7,000 20 yrs Grid elect For Heat Pump - Present Worth $140,000 Additional O&M Cost with 6%/yr inflation - Year 1 $1,200 20 yrs O&M - Present Worth $36,834 #2 Fuel Oil Saved with 6%/yr escalation - Year 1 $22,000 Discount Rate Factor (P/F) - Accounts For Time Value Of Money 2% 20 yrs #2 fuel oil saved -Present Worth $675,298 Net Present Worth of Project Over 20 Year Design Life $237,463 Payback Of New Heat Pumps Versus Existing Oil Boiler System 12.2 yrs