HomeMy WebLinkAboutATT C ENVIR RPTENVIRONMENTAL REPORT for EXCESS ELECTRICAL POWER AEA Grant # 7030001 SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 by POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. for CITY OF ATKA, ALASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEOF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................. I EXECUTIVESUMMARY...........................................................................................................................I PROJECTBACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................. 1 PROJECT...................................................................................................................................................... I IMPACTSAND BENEFITS.............................................................................................................................. I 1.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT..................................................................................... I 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 PURPOSE AND NEED OF PROJECT.................................................................................................. 1 2.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROJECT....................................................................................... I 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT / ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES ............................2 3.1 LAND USE..................................................................................................................................... 2 3.1.1 Affected Environment..............................................................................................................2 3.1.2 Environmental Consequences................................................................................................. 2 3.1.3 Mitigation................................................................................................................................2 3.2 FLOODPLAINS............................................................................................................................... 2 3.2.1 Affected Environment..............................................................................................................2 3.2.2 Environmental Consequences.................................................................................................2 3.2.3 Mitigation................................................................................................................................2 3.3 WETLANDS...................................................................................................................................2 3.3.1 Affected Environment..............................................................................................................2 3.3.2 Environmental Consequences................................................................................................. 2 3.3.3 Mitigation................................................................................................................................2 3.4 CULTURAL RESOURCES................................................................................................................ 3 3.4.1 Affected Environment..............................................................................................................3 3.4.2 Environmental Consequences.................................................................................................3 3.4.3 Mitigation................................................................................................................................3 3.5 BILOGICAL RESOURCES................................................................................................................ 3 3.5.1 Threatened and Endangered Species...................................................................................... 3 3.5.2 Fish and Wildlife.....................................................................................................................3 3.5.3 Vegetation............................................................................................................................... 4 3.6 WATER QUALITY..........................................................................................................................4 3.6.1 Affected Environment..............................................................................................................4 3.6.2 Environmental Consequences................................................................................................. 4 3.6.3 Mitigation................................................................................................................................4 3.7 COASTAL RESOURCES.................................................................................................................. 4 3.7.1 Affected Environment..............................................................................................................4 3.7.2 Environmental Consequences.................................................................................................4 3.7.3 Mitigation................................................................................................................................4 3.8 SOCIO-ECONOMIC / ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE............................................................................4 3.8.1 Affected Environment..............................................................................................................4 3.8.2 Environmental Consequences................................................................................................. S 3.8.3 Mitigation................................................................................................................................ S 3.9 MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES...............................................................................................................5 3.9.1 Air Quality............................................................................................................................... 5 3.9.2 Transportation.........................................................................................................................5 3.9.3 Noise........................................................................................................................................6 4.0 SUMMARY OF MITIGATION....................................................................................................6 5.0 CORRESPONDENCE...................................................................................................................7 POLARCONSULT ALASKA,INC. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT BACKGROUND ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA A new hydroelectric power plant is currently under construction on Chuniisax Creek to provide lower -cost electric power to the city. This project will use available excess hydro turbine capacity to provide electric heat to community buildings when there is excess water available in the reservoir. Project funding was provided by the Alaska Energy Authority through a grant to the City of Atka for design and construction. Atka Hydro Dispatched Excess Electric Power grant number 7030001. PROJECT Additional controls will be installed in the hydro power plant, and new duel electric meters and electric heating units installed in the City Hall/Clinic, City Shop, Tribal Recreation Hall, Tribal Office, and Post Office. IMPACTS AND BENEFITS The electric heat provided by the project will reduce the amount of heating oil required to heat community buildings and reduce space heating costs to the community. Existing electric service lines are adequately sized to provide the additional electric heating load. Work is limited to interior of buildings and new electric meter bases so limited environmental impacts associated with the project. Benefits include reduced heating oil consumption providing enhanced air quality, and reduced space heating costs. 09/27/2012 PAGE ES-1 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA 1.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Atka is a Second Class City located on Atka Island, approximately 1,200 air miles southwest of Anchorage and 350 miles west of Unalaska. Atka's current population is 611, with a seasonal seafood processing plant and additional variable seasonal workforce. The city's electric utility serves 100% of the city. A new hydroelectric power plant is currently under construction on Chuniisax Creek to provide lower -cost electric power to the city. The existing diesel power plant will remain in place as a backup to the new hydroelectric plant and to provide system capacity. This project will use available excess hydro turbine capacity to provide electric heat to community buildings when there is excess water available in the reservoir. This will require installation of additional controls in the hydro power plant, and new duel electric meters and electric heating units for participating community buildings. Buildings to be served include the City Hall/Clinic, Tribal Recreation Hall, Tribal Office, City Shop and Post Office. No new electric power lines are proposed for the project. All work associated with this project will be within the hydro power plant and participating community buildings. 1.2 PURPOSE AND NEED OF PROJECT Heating costs for community buildings are a considerable burden for the city. The new hydroelectric power plant will have some extra capacity that can be utilized to provide very low-cost electric heat. The existing power plant utilizes an electric resistance load governor to control the turbine. This load governor can be partially offset through use of this projects resistance heating load. Additional turbine capacity and excess water in the reservoir can be utilized to generate additional low-cost electric heat. This project will reduce the amount of heating oil required to heat community buildings by using water from Chuniisax Creek and excess turbine capacity. 2.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROJECT The community buildings are all heated with heating fuel fired furnaces and boilers. The proposed action does not replace the existing heating systems, but offsets the amount of heating fuel required to heat the buildings. The only practical alternative is to defer action which will result in the use of heating fuel to provide space heat. No other alternatives are considered. ' Alaska Department of Community, Commerce, and Economic Development, 2011 population. 09/27/2012 PAGE 1 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT / ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 3.1 LAND USE 3.1.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT Proposed project is on or within existing buildings. No excavation is proposed for this project. 3.1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES None. 3.1.3 MITIGATION None. 3.2 FLOODPLAINS 3.2.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT Flood hazards to Atka consist of coastal flooding. There are no drainages systems or basins in or near the community buildings that pose any flood hazard, and proposed buildings are not constructed at the coastline. There is no flood data available on the FEMA website'. As proposed project is on or within existing buildings with no recorded flooding within buildings, flooding is considered highly unlikely. 3.2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES None. 3.2.3 MITIGATION None. 3.3 WETLANDS 3.3.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT The project is limited to existing buildings and is not located within or near any wetlands. 3.3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES None. 3.3.3 MITIGATION None. 2 Federal Emergency Management Agency website has no data for Atka. Accessed March 14, 2012. https:Hmsc.fema.gov/webapp/wcs/stores/serviet/FemaWelcomeView 09/27/2012 PAGE 2 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA 3.4 CULTURAL RESOURCES 3.4.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT Construction activities are limited to replacement of existing electric meters on buildings and work within building interior. The project will have no impact to cultural resources. 3.4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES None. 3.4.3 MITIGATION None. 3.5 BILOGICAL RESOURCES 3.5.1 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Affected Environment Threatened or endangered species are know to occur on Atka Island3. Constriction activities are limited to replacement of electric meters on existing buildings and remaining work within the buildings. The project will have no impact to threatened and endangered species. Environmental Consequences None. Mitigation None. 3.5.2 FISH AND WILDLIFE Affected Environment Construction activities are limited to replacement of electric meters on existing buildings and remaining work within the buildings. No fish or wildlife are present in the project area. Birds may occur adjacent to the project. The project will have no impact to birds. Environmental Consequences None. Mitigation None. 3 The Stellar's Eider is listed as a threatened species. The Stellar's Sea Lion is listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. 09/27/2012 PAGE 3 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA 3.5.3 VEGETATION Affected Environment Construction activities are limited to replacement electric meters on existing buildings and remaining work within the buildings. Vegetation consists of grasses in yards around existing electric meters. Some vegetation will be disturbed by foot traffic around the existing electric meter -bases. Environmental Consequences Incidental disturbance to vegetation in the area of electric meters due to foot traffic. Mitigation None. 3.6 WATER QUALITY 3.6.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT No surface water is located within the project area. 3.6.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES None. 3.6.3 MITIGATION None. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will not be applied for as there is not excavation or exterior work proposed for this project. 3.7 COASTAL RESOURCES 3.7.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT The project is limited to existing buildings and is not located within or near any coastal resources. 3.7.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES None. 3.7.3 MITIGATION None. 3.8 SOCIO-ECONOMIC / ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 3.8.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT The project is limited to existing buildings so is not expected to significantly change the existing socio-economic composition of the community. By reducing the cost of heating 09/27/2012 PAGE 4 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA community buildings, this project will improve quality of life and encourage economic opportunities in the community. Environmental justice describes the potential for a project to degrade the quality of a certain area in a manner to have a disproportionate impact on a disadvantaged group or class of people. Atka is a remote community with a population of 61, and the village is not known to be geographically stratified by income, race, or other socio-economic metrics. 3.8.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES This project will benefit the residents within the work area, and will not adversely affect any other part of the community. No environmental justice issues are apparent and no such impacts are expected. 3.8.3 MITIGATION None. 3.9 MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES 3.9.1 AIR QUALITY Affected Environment The project will enhance air quality through the reduction of combustion of heating oil for space heat. Environmental Consequences Enhanced air quality. Mitigation None. 3.9.2 TRANSPORTATION Affected Environment The project will entail limited additional traffic on existing roadways during construction by construction workers. Environmental Consequences Limited increase in vehicle traffic. Mitigation None. 09/27/2012 PAGE 5 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. 3.9.3 NOISE ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA Affected Environment The project area is adjacent to some residential areas and is normally subject to elevation noise from passing vehicles. Construction activities within buildings are not anticipated to cause noise outside the building shells. Environmental Consequences Construction activities may produce additional noise from slight increase in vehicle traffic. Mitigation To minimize noise disturbances to residents from this important project, construction hours will be limited to normal working hours to the extent practical. 4.0 SUMMARY OF MITIGATION Table 1 summarizes mitigation measures employed for identified environmental consequences of the proposed project. Table 1: Summary of Mitigation Measures Category Identified Impact Mitigation Measure Land Use None None Floodplains None � None Wetlands None None Cultural Resources None None. Minor foot traffic � Biological Resources disturbance to vegetation None. in work areas Water Quality None None Coastal Resources None None Soclo-economic Issues None None Air Quality None None. Transportation None. � None. Limit loud construction activities to Noise Construction noise normal working hours to extent practical. 09/27/2012 PAGE 6 POLARCONSULT ALASKA,INC. 5.0 CORRESPONDENCE ATKA HYDRO DISPATCHED EXCESS ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF ATKA Information presented in this document that is not specifically cited is based upon existing information and working knowledge of the project area and environment obtained through Polarconsult's role as the design engineer for the City of Atka, Chuniisax Creek Hydroelectric Power Plant. All other information sources are footnoted throughout this document. Agencies were not contacted regarding this project and asked to provide comments regarding any potential impacts to resources within their jurisdiction that could be caused by this project as all work for this project is being conducted within existing buildings owned by the City of Atka or Tribal Council and no potential impacts to resources are anticipated. 09/27/2012 PACE 7