HomeMy WebLinkAboutenergy audit TB gym 2011Energy Audit Thorne Bay Gym Southeast Island School District Final Report November2011 Alaskan Housing Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Table of Contents Section 1. Execudxe Summzn Samoan I Introduction 6 Section a: Enngv Efficiency %ltasmes 3 Section l: D .cripnon of Systems Ls section?: >lethodoloey 17 Appnalm A: Ltf Cycle Cos Analysis 30 Appendix B: Lolly and Enron, Data 2q AppendixC Equipment Coca .i .appendix D. .ibbatindons 37 Audit Team The enema audit is petfotmed by Alaska Euern Engineering LLC of lunean Alaslm. The audit team emmsts of, • Jim Rehfeldt. P E Enern Enginttr • look Chrimmuten, Enemv CommItant Bad Campbell. Enetcy AuSaor • Loas O'Toole P.E.. Mechnfdcal Engineer Will Van Rken P E, Electrical Engineer • Cum Smit. P E., Mechanical Engineer • PhSip Berson Comvncuon Esimzmf • Pula Hart Technical Publications Specialis • Jill Cadde, Data Halm - • Gntson Cmide, Energy Modeler m,.R, oc.,, ne coda 'otn Executive in energy audit ofthc Thome Bay Gym was performed by Alaska Energy Eugmeedng l-LC. The in% content wade audit was fimded by .Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) To identify oppommitin to impm.e The energy performance of Wblan buildings thmugbout Alaska The name Bav Gym is a 19.494 square had buddme That conroina offices, classrwms, Turku roorw amulti-purpose gyna asium lobby, storage, and maNwical support space. Building Assessment The following suTmnaraes our assessment ofthe building. Em-elove The mnenm 0fthe building appears to have Ineea well maintained and should provide moon, more years of servire. The large roofing overhang have worked very well toponsive The siding and perimntt ofthe stmrnre. ThzexcellenTcovdinon ofthe exterior envelope indicmes dent overM1migs 4 dindon of The mtad impallbuilding inthis clitemis Sid inn Drcwf mmeefforts were Nprogrvu ar TM1e time of The audh Aportivv of the gave system was Tot need ofreplacemenT. Exterior doors are Dot themedly bmketa Fumy exmrior door replacement selection should include Nis femme. Weether-stripping can exterior doors is To need ofreplacemeat throughout. The dinel fine) day Take lacer l N The basement fire group room is vented wimin The spare. the result of xthicb is ahnvybuildup of Neal rump uithN thz mom. 'fM1z fuel vrnt should be tertvinated abme the roorovemang m eor,eet Thia goae.aplatinm Heating Sveami The m ildmg is heated by tun fuel oil boilers Nat provide hen as 0uee air handling wit systems, ha coil wits, and ammeter hvdmnic sysians. Both homers are cutrzndy muting on Together at The same serpomt of 140 F aM off at 160 F even meant Boiler 1 is set to Tend on 160 F and off at 170 F, and Red 2 is set to come 0n at I s0 FN 175 F. The Thermostatic issands am and working currently and the conduction of simumnmm boiler opeadons and boiler r mmi a shun -cycling is very meffiulent Isolating The stan&y, boiler is recommended as a high prionry energy efbdenry measure (EEAI4, page 10),If the dialAimIff system is kept in semce, it should be set up as follows for maximum operating efficimev: • OpemtetheiedboilerwiNa3WFound,tronmgonatlfA`FmdoRatl90°F • Opewethe lag boilerwith a 30`F dmAand, taming on at IA Faro offer l]o`F. • Thclrad mdlag boilers sM1ould be mental momhly ro ensure ttival opereliog hours. The remagrav ofNe fuel oil boiler o Improve mpr system appears to be d good nDv flu; hoarevuhrond Seale i3. Energy can The modem improve its efrectiveoesz and efRcienry_These mz ouriNedin Section 3. Energy Efficiency Measma'_ \Yntilatton Svnems The building ventilation system consists of hope air handling units. iwr units are located in the ru'o cin ins. The thud wit is in the boiler esters Thee are mu opemtin r eshaust finis, thee, mourned in .ehmua Ne da roosm_Thesecovd mowted wtM1e boiltt roots evlauns rise lockxr ins(tpn forshefanludobrokendrivebeltasthemotorwastumtingbin th fan was not)_ thud cxlausr fen for she concessions kimhw space was not working at Ne dine of the audit Neumadc Control Svstem .4 pwwatic"cup is used to control the hearing and senNadoa system cmnponems. Multiple pveiwatie pounds have failed tNoughom rise building n sWdug N an wabilay to properly control the space heating and ventilating equipment The building is certainly not properly mlzing reason and ,,frlerelsm each of the space. Tsa resulr. occupant comf steak am subsmndardw ,,fineine bbuuilding spaces. It is recommended dint Wz pneumatic sysem be Rplacedwith a direct digital coconut system, the building record sequences be optimized and the synerss reoocomettissioned This recommendation -not included in the energy elficimm measures because it will not pay for itself in energy rosin however, it is important for occupera comfort end indoor au quality. Usher - Interior liglning prmrarily consists ofT12 and metal halide Iightma. Extador lighting primarily nterg of operational hours art sir The interior wcal demand are ke t t oa in...d by without As a resoss 1 �M1me ppemtional M1ours and sub.quent elcxmW demand are kept m a micowum without change m inbawamre. The lighting is not sufficiently efficient for concept electricitypricy and rertofit opportunities; exist Tice majority of the planar Iightina tat gun is beneficial m hearing the building. This is considered in the analysis which reducesthe enern savings ofliehting renufirz, even wiW the Rlatively high cost of pro er Smmrary I is the assessment of the energy audit rzam det the Theme Bay staff are vm' focused we lowering usumplon at the facilAy, in their daily operations. Most of the re e curnt icoeffids am du x, , erfin m bJtaswctum issues such as a failed accountants air handling control sysem, boiler and boiler pump ety owu and controls, and inefficient lighting_ This results in a diwader that cannot be corrected by operanoral awareness alone Oulmrluithico Ae report aR recommendations for building envelope as lhrg efforts. modifications to the building central sequrnces, and subsequent building retro- -.c Ps rem 3 Eierm'iudni\b�emM'olli Ener Effidenu Mmuns(EEMs) A Itu Wings have opporluniii set improve thou energy el5timcy. The mew audit mvdM nostiesous oppormmmi to witich an ef5uency maxstmenf wdl tesuhm a llot redactim io long-ts opuaungmsis- BeM1aviond and fiiotl EEMs The following EEMs rKnue behavioral and operational changes m ft building me. The saimgs are not rmddy quantifiable but thou Mls an: highlyt airinded as l9wcou oPPmtmilies that area smndmd of ItiAt [xRmmavu bldivgs. US4-1: Wmtli f-Spry Doors E£M-2: Close Arcticll ry yDoors EEM-3: Replace BmhenW doay EEM-0: Replace Appliances xim Ece�Star Models EEM-5: lower Thvmosut Selpoitim EEM-6: Reduce Weight Room As Flow H eh and Maki® %ority E T folloxing EEMs arerecommendM for investment. They are ra by life cycle satings to mv¢Onentrati9 (SM). Thu tmking method places a pmm�y on law wn EEMS which ran be ®rdimely fimdai, gmaating evetgy uvwgs to fwd M1igM1erunEES1s w the fo0oxing yens. Nor¢ative values, wpatmthesis. upresem savings. Ei Y¢rtR Ce dertAuak_sh Investwmt Opentlng Eocrery io41 SQt High Priori? EESI7: Imlair Stmdbp Ballet M S3jf0 (S14,900) (SII2W) 5TO EEN-S: ReplaceAvetors Sm So (SI9,700) (SI8,800) 219 EEM-9-He-tamp Soft GwkCwly Sim (SIM) (SES00) ($1,500) 1&0 EEM-10: Pvfmm BOJ¢C®busean T¢t 57W 52,30() (S9,600) (Sk600) IOA EESS-11, Lp®ade Mmots b Premwa Effivie S3}03 SO (S15,700) (S12j0D) 49 Medium Priority EE'I 12 Amovwc Valv¢wLl Hearers SSjOo SO (S13A00) (S12,1W) 33 EEM-13: Oq Gym HVACS39® 562-200 SO (Sl S7,8o0) (SIl M) 30 E 14: RWlace Lights SL800 (SSW) (53.900) (V.M) 36 EEM-15_ tlpgrade Gym Lightae 522,4p1 (SLEW) (S38,100) (SII,30D) LB I£M-16: Insmll Boiler Rwm H¢t Rv SIk000 H,600 (529.80(1) (S9$W) 10 IM4-12: LWade!ismar Liepting U42M (R1,30J) (S1630)) (S13,40M I6 TEM-I8: Reph¢BoOn Bomm vi;Ost 50 (S31,900) (S10600) 13 EEM-19: Replan Dwf Gtatlav S9,4g1 $0 (s13,6W) (S4,200) IA EEM-20: Upgrade Bend Dym -- sljw s0 (s4m) (m) 13 T". S369,E06 (513}W) ( 02,100) (SI16j00) 2A `The aaalysrs is baud on inch EEM being md@mdmt ofthe others. While Ais likory that sorue EEMs are mue lafed, m iwlated analysis is xsed to derxiioo wethe aon0mhs bcause the audit tenor is not able m prtdict which 4 an isay choose t0 implenwat Hsevel E ate isoplemmud, the Iesallixigcn y avmgs is ltBety to di Ha fomthesnmofmch EEMp jectim tic 2 Introduction This apes prszen¢ Wx findings ofan energy audit of the Thome Bay Gym locared m Thome Bay, Alaska. The ptupose of this investment grade energy audit is to evaluate the infrastructure and its subsequent energy perfomwce m identify applicable enersv efficiencies measures (EEMs). The enany audit apart contains the fouowiyg secmus: • Introduction: Building use and enegy consmarmon • EnergyEfficiencyMermreswit adesmiption energy anaq;i:, anarr wax con analy,is. • Desorption of Systems: Background desenphov of the building energy systems. Methodology: Basis for how canmushon and mavneni cost estimates as detirea and the economic and energy, factors used for the analysis. BUIIALVG USE The Thome Bay Gym is a 19.494 square foot building that country; offil clasn000ss, commous, lockv rooms, a muliTurpuse e3mmasimn nomge, and mecharmal support spaces. It is used in the following mains • Offices Monday -Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm • Gym Monday -Friday, IO:00 ma -3:30 you (school) Monday Friday- 3 30 pm-8 Wpm (community) Saturday and Sunday, y-3 hours use • Ventilation System Monday-Friday,&W am-Suo0 pm Hooray The Thome Bay Gym uas constructed in 1990. Enter gs Consumption The building rnemy, sources include an electric service and a fuel 00 auk Fuel oil is used for the jorityofthe heating loads and domestic hot water while ela acity saes all olhor loads. The following table shows annual energy use and cost Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Source Coosnmpyon Con Eaem' OkaBm Desire" IOLOOD k%% S27-,W 3,14) 23% Fuel Oil 8,500 Gallons S354o0 1150 � Tank 562,IO0 I.% IMM Introduction This report presents the findings of an mi my audit of We Thome Bar Germ located in Theme Bay, Alaskz The purpose of Wier mresonent guide energy, audit is to evaluate the infinswicture and its subsequent ®erzy, performance to tdentwy applicable energy efficiencies treasures (Ehyds) n - Thex _ audit report contains We following sections: •Introducti in: Building use and energy consumption. • Energy Effcwsic Mewnusu: Prionty tanking of the EEMs with a descnptionc energy analysis, and life cycle cost awlysis. • Description ofSRtema: Backgmtmd description of the building energy systems. • McWodolopw'. Basis for how construction and maintenance cost xstimawei errs domed and We economic and enemy factors used for the catalysis. BL UDI\G USE The Thome Bay Gym is a 19.494 square want handout that contains offices, classroom locker moms, a multi -purpose gensco can, nonage, and mechanical support spaces. It is used in We following memos. • Offices Monday -Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm • Gem Monday -Friday. 1000 con -333o pm(school) Monday -Friday. 3'30 pm-8 00 pm (mrruamiry) Saturday and Sunday, 2-3 hours use • Ventilanon Synem Monday -Friday, 6:00 eon-4W pm Hishery The Thome Bay Gym was constructed in 1990. Energy Consumption Thebuilding energy mums include an electric service and a fuel oil tank Fuel oil is used for We majoriry o£We heating loads and domestic hot water while electricity serves a6 other loads. The following table shows amand energy ine and cost Annual EnergyConsumption and Cart Sousa Cousumptioa Con Eoetg, KUfft Elo,mon. I01000 1R3 527a00 3 23% Fuel Oil 8AW Galloon 5354D0 1150 77 Touts - S5;700 1.4% 100h. SgIDW 3 Energy Efficiency Measures The following vier" efficiency creosotes(E ) were idmufied Avmg the mer" aodn The E are Wordy saokM and, wfiem appfiable, subjected to®er" adlife cycle cost anatyas. Appmdm A covuivs the fife cycle tort mulYsis spradsheam. The EEMs are grouped into the folbvvivg Imwinood camgook s: • Behavioral orOpvational:EEMs that require minimal capita ina'eswem bw require opermoml wbehavioM charges. The EEMs provide alife cycle savings bur an arWvsis is not perf r med because the guarmted enagv savings is difica t quantify. • M&Pnonry: E sdust require a small capital investment and oRn a life cycle savings. ..Also includedm this category are highec cog that offer significant life cycle savings • Medium PrionM EE tbst require a significant capful investment to pmside a fife cycle savings. Many creditor 0mity E povide a high life cycle saving and offersubgavYSl mcenme to incosse invesmicat in budding merge efficiency. • Low Pnonty: E that wHI save imetity bar do art pmvide a life cycle savings. BEHAVIORAL OR OPH IIOTAE The charges sthat c talcs are touommmded earthen arths lemmntiom They requircbehnihes ar op1s are m ebargcstiptfare be an with minimal iheyccuenttb accureely prune d- They These EEMs are tot becaY quantifidbv analysisbecause savthey ammbe m:cwstely a diced They are tourer®mdhA lx because they offer alikcycle saving, represent goedpraztice, and are azcepted featuresoflticp p-rfotmance bnildivgs. EEM-]: WemherSvy llaors Purpose: The weather strippiv8mmog oftheextenwdoorsumpmrcovditiom Ever"will be sand if dons x proPvlY wcaWm-stripped to reduce i W duation. Stops: Replace weather svippivg an exterior doors. EEMd: OottArvf £nryxwy Ooorz Purpose: meriw doors in the ardc maryway are being held open. This defems the ability of the envy to immunize ivfdv atiou as pwple enter and leave the bwldmg. The raWt is the cabinet heaters are operating at IWA apn .Ever" hill be sand effic inrziw armc mvNvaY doors are kept closvL Stope: Kecy mtdor arctic mbyway doors closed m®iv lobby access. EEII-s: ReplaceBroken nmenv purpose: k w;ndox has beenbroken on the ea,2 side of the nm building. Emm, will le sa.ed ifthewindewisreplaced. Scope: Replace the broken omdow EEI14: Replace. pplianres with£ncop, Star Vadels Propose: The drnM1s vn:M1ttand Mzrmthe cusmial closaarz not Energy 9armod-Is Enerep Star %lodels arc the ecndard for M1ieh performance buildings. Fnere,',cfll be eased ifthesic units are replaced with Energy Stromod-Is_ Scope PTzn appliances rzach the end oRM1xir zen iw hf. rsplacx them witM1 znergS Efficient models. EEII-5: Lower Thermoetut Segoinrs Puryosx: Thermostat sttpoimsfor enclosed spaces throughout the G,m we higher than an'. Tha wa most liken done to compensate for the poorly oprrming herein and Ncarnation so stem In surronndma spaces. >lan. spaces such is Ne custodial storage room nor ott _ iSF. Once the pnm euadc controls are replaced and me sssm res are trollme properl.. maros-will be sa, of if thermustzts in all spaces are monarch monitored to ensure theare set m efficient leeels. Scope: Routimis inspect thermostat senores in all spaces to ensure efficient sxtpoims are being_ used Own completion ofPntumatic control replacement (see discussion on paee 11_ £EIF6: Reduce 11 eight Roam fir Flow Propose : Scant, air flow rates is dte, eight room are ezcessne_ Poor diffuser deract has tesWtzd ui rccssia miss keels. I ladon efpmper dampers and reducing Oow rates will sate enmy and tzdum miss levels ui this spat _ Scope: Irrstall proper dampers and adjust or reduce flow rates to the proper Icicls. -_, BI, G_ c Eno-,.\eYn Y,:m.Yanln HIGH PRIORI ft' The fdlowNg EEMs are recommended for implemenutiov because they are low cos measures Wert hav-e a bightsins to ravestment ratio ISIR). The MIS are listed fiom hmNS to low EEC priority. Nim i a vilues. in patemhesis, represent savings. EEII lsolareseandby Boiler Purpose: Only oneboder is remind to meet the healing load. However, the sandby boiler is kept hot and enabled Keeping a s�y boil; hot in a dual boiler rysem can result in a 3 % eNuency loss due to the standby boiler acting as a hat sml:- Etrcrgy will be gogi if the sddby boiler is disabled and the retain valve closed to prcvxm flow through the holler. Scope: Disable the goodly bother and close me beating return valve to prevent flow through thebotler. MxeIGR APCE a piTyapr�Q Frmm iotll ival Ca targeti seo Issxl a I uw stwo Tx3pl �MI—J) Ino EEVI Replan 4er4on Purpose: Energy and water will be saved by replanng the aerators on ON lavatories and showeA & with low = flow models. Scope: Replare wri on lavatores and show chassds with war;-covservmg lNores. ✓III - iahl m�bnen C9 - Free S I op� 'a[f"Ji l oI9L11 $9 �6t9TJp1 R19SG)j 219 £EV-9: Or -Lamps iDrink Cooler Purpose: The lamp for soft track cooler in me coverssion mas roars continuously and is not necessary. EnI will be saved ifNis lamp is removed Senpe: Remove Tamp fiom soft drink Cooler on IN canensjmr stand Re CYO ID sines Oa:'alin9 iapl $9 siw sell s-our C+dool leg ££N-ID: Perform Boiler Combustion Test Purpose: Operahvg Ne boJzr uiN an optimwt amotmt ofexcess avwin improve combusvon eliicimcy,4mud cleaving folloxed bva combustion tes is ¢commenda Scope: Amudty clean ad pzrfotmaeombvsuon tin on Aeboiler. Form herd - _ — _ SIR SLID - - t04 ££11-11: Lpgradeflomrsro Premium£fciener Parposx: Equipment insawdom identified three motors that could be upgraded with Premium efficiewc models to sale enerw_ Theyare: • Pump P-1 IHP from 770. adherence to Ss x-, eRciencp • Pump P-Y IHP from I]°u eficienn to 8i.5 8e efficiency HP-1 : 9HP man 841, efficiency to 89 s", effrcinicv Scope: Replace identified Morris is ith premium dficimcy motors. - c nx Cr.I Curt - -�' i v� \IEDILM PRIORITI )tedium peorin £EVf rcquveaxmine and a hiJtxr Ixwl of ima�wc They are recemmrndxd bzcame thn offer a life <.tle savings. Thx EE\6 are linxd fiom highest m least pwria. E£11-11: /nseul/dummame taheson Lmi Hearers Propose, Energv will be snood lithe nix wall and ceilme mounted unit heaters had an amornme cafe rhat shuts off the hearing flow when hest is not rude& C=ndy the mils in the nor heaters we continuously hot and the thermostat mar; on the fen to sui'the beat to the mom. glen heat ricer needed comeeme heat loss how the coil occur,. some efPoe M1rnt loss mac bx mefid. but a lard pemxmage ¢net. Scope: Install automatic %mvein the ma supply to each wit baser in the,e spermsand control them from the fan thorn osw P ££11-13: Opdmfce Gym HINCSrm,, Purpose : The mcra utilizes a consent dogs heating and amx ladon to cwditioned the pace The desirned for peaw k occupn Iexels, havbox m ve%er the space M1mi eat occupants pants throughout the majority of the operational hours. Enerec will be sated if VFD modificrim is made to the HV-I ss stem to reduce as flow when not needed and to anchor tempe2NR control. Scope: Perform reforms as follows and retro-commissim TF,-I when completed: - Install a VFD for HV-1 Add a COI swwr and control scheme to mad_ I:^e the mixing mart in response to CO, levels in the cchr EEM--14: ReplauiF Uigh s PuryoSz: Therearesnt bculli¢h[shlighthas tbelRFl bulbs. he gY'°tharare utiliane rail are nn aced . is plabut[ has a l5-uan bulbs. Eneay will be saved Sthe exit hghts are replaced xith phmo lurttineuvnt sips. Scope: Replace the ex:uin¢ exit signs with photo luminescent gait signs, MneICT. Fii CY%k G.:u 9amiap t -ms mamae S^a7 S —.� I �6zam Iszlill I nsm s*ml I�-m� I i=-, zs EEM-15: Lpgrvde GJm Lighting Propose: E.xistngnern lightine utiliines 24 pendant-mountM 400-xan meW halide lamps. Similar light levels could be achieves wish LPD lighting. Energy mill be saved if We 24 meal halide light features are replaced xiN LM muss. Scope_ Replace Gym 400-wan mend halide lights mitts LED units. MM1GICNB uRLymecens 6m4+a FraaY 'alal meslreitl Radii SIR i41 r513G1 6_PMI S2LkO I is! 1-il91 ) :se;m I IB £EN-I6: hurv(Iltoi/er Rvvm Bevr Reem'ery' ounces. Theboder mom utilivsinln avd oWtt dills ro echaust air out'dethe space. Energy rill he savcN iftbe but ¢rneated fiom Ne boiler mom is use wi@in We bwlding rnvelap. Scope_ Install a but recovery uait in the boiler mom space. Nmslta6 Lds: rk Cn� a1an O3 FnIX i AI aMa�a fr¢IR 52<0 Sb5p1 lbRJl St61py 519fl iSL bfAI 154Ho 16 £Gaf-Il: Lingrudelnrerivr Lighting Pontiac The jarhyofNe GymmtenorlighnngconsisuofTl211uorescentfutmu_ Energy uill be saved dera re efficient Te and compact ❑uorcustratbulbs are usM. Scope: Replace existing TI'_ fixtures xitb more efficient Tg hxnue:. IB 16 ££11-I4: Replace2ii Lights Purpose: There aresix exhlints Wourbourthe l sinoor ofthessm that aeurilizing candescent bulbs. Each lint has a 15-wan bulbs. Energy mill he Based if the exit lights are replaced wnb photo luminescent signs. Scope: Replace the exerting exit sins with photo luminescent exit signs. - -- ' sux>cl 26 ££Df-li: LpgmQe Gl'm L'gM14ng Purpose: EstingrymlieMwgud be achieved LEDliihting.nmgy milli be lamps. t4 notaligMleligtoWdbea re re dmith LED lighting. Energy will be Based ifthe i; meW halide light fixtures are replaced with LED wits. Scope: Replace Gym 400-wart moral halide hebts with LED wits. Taal Lv56 Ih Cytl:C055 i�d InrtnHA d46ra ! s'Tz 31 _GI At S<2' AW p16w1 6ivial Mq R+�$T 19 £EM-16: Install Bailer Roam Hear Remy ene Purpose: The wilerroom utilizes wla and water gills to eahz¢¢ air outsidethe space. Enersy will be saved Jthe heat ernemted from the boilermom is use xiNw the building em¢lop- Scope: hetall a beat reeovery wh in the boiler room space. lm¢ILmb l:e CjdE fnr 9au31in] Em]iv i4d frvaMisl park. U11 116261 St13" Sittig62ogpl 15XYJI 16 EE31J7.' C'g-rodebasernar Lighurg Purpose: The mahwav of the then w eriorliahvng consists ofTll nuwresrent fixtures. Energy mill be sased if more efficient TS and compact fluorescenl bulbs are use Scope: Replace existing TL flames with mom efficient TS Extuas. 16 v � L6 LOW PMOFU� Law poems, EE\U do not offer a life excle wargy savings and are mvemnmended EEV-]f: Irmall Locker Ocra4anny Sensor pmpne Lighting mntools for pre locker rooms are manoai switch only. This Tortoises the space to tit tM1roughom Weentire period The Kin is open, regardless of use. Energy will he saved if motion detector is installed in dw shower space, the remoom space, and the l«ker space of racM1 l«kermom to minimizeumecasaryliehtiag M1ours. his recommrndnl mat a 10-minme delay time is used on We occtrymry sevsor. Scope_ Innatt motion dnecters in the slsowa space, the resomom space, and the locker spatt to comrol locker room Iialning. g SW _e 9,1W h5 Description of Systems ENERGY SYSTEMS This section presides a emersl desenpfion ofthe building synetm. Energy coneenation oppom sees are addressed in Section 3. Enervy Efficiemn �lzuures. Building Em elope The h1pouingtablesummmbrestheevstinaemelope- R-calve Component Description (inside to outside) Emodim Optimal Evznm \\'all 58-G3p-Bd2x8"xud scads vt R-19 Fa2'E' phx'wd, side R-18 R-_6 Roof i8- Gin Bid R-30 haq mass assembly told roof Ri'_ Ra Floor Slab i'covtre slaban-gede R-10 R-10 F,mdadon 8-counts with 3' titd wsWaua on "tenor sm(ace R-10 R20 \Cindoxs Fiberelaszsio^le pave with storm xivdox'v R-16 R3 Omrs Sueldwrs. Morsxglazing me em+le Fam. R-IS R-s Reading SFstem The budlde is hemetj in to (uel oil boilers that prinme beat to fire air handling unit salems. a muse up immut in the shop. fan roil whs, and perwmm M1yNonic s'nems. ihemomingsy.emhis the follox'ing pumps: Pump P-1 is a boiler contrition pump Pump is l is a lumler ciremadon pum b • Pump Pdisrbedome»chotxmzrbzatmgpump Pump P4 is the domestic honsmer recuculatim pump BT C.n L Fnervv.AwnWtncmb,t 10111 vendladon SSnems The following table summmbes the venm tion s2aems ur the building_ \'eadurnion Seems Domesdc not 11 rater System .M oil fired direct hot water healer supplies domestic but water to the futures. The water wmenation eficienev of the rowsrs on the lavatories and the showerhads con be improved. Automatic Control System The building doesnot have a OOC system to council the operation ofthehadae and regulation systems, A pneumatic conwi systet is used to control the operation ofthe hating and vendlamn system This sgaem is well pan its useful life, resulting in mopeable damper and valvecont of on ciitial Svnem computations, Lighting Interior hehtine primarily consists ofT12 and metal halide lighting. Exterior lighting consists the perilyoerlish this ughtine. staff. nabloss ngscbedilgence. operations and the perimetereericae. a controlled by stag. Thanks m sWFdilieace.lighting operatiooai homy and subsequat elmncal demand are kepr to a minimmn Electric Equipment Comm scial klmhen egommmt for food preparation at Thome Bay Gym was loeased in the Methodology Information forme coerce audt woo sathered threuch en -airs observances. review of Consumerist documents. and mtxniews with operenon and mamrswnre persowxl. Thz EEMs are eNaltmed uzina enerlycod life Cycle cost cooNse5 and are poems sorted fonmplemmtarien. Energy Effictent3 Measures Eneow eRciencs mcaures are identified by evaluatine the buildi o, s entries pirems and computing them to systems in moderm high performance buildings. The proves for idendfiins the Miss zcknow[edges the realities of an existing building that was mmtmmzd when meter casts were much looser Mans of the opperammes used in modem high performance bwldi e—highly insulated m.elopes. ramble capacity mechanical sssrems.. beat pumps. da. behtmar lexhure Conwls. etm— simply cannot be economically incorporated into an xu»mc buihime. The EE}1s represent practical measures to improve the entry efficiency of the buildings. raking into set the realists oflimir i budgxu.Ifa fusee major renoranon pmjm occurs addinerul EE Is common to high performance buildings should be mzmpomted Life CNCie Cost Analysis The EE\ts are evaluated using life ncle cast wed sis which clecrmins San emmy etTiciencN seem nil] provide a savings over a 3S-year We. The analysis mempomtes co arricuom rcplzeepnmm, mairommooz, repair.. and energy costs to detertttine the Total con merthe life ofthe EEy1 Futme maintenance and rnergv cash Flowz are discowsmlm prssemwosth wino esmlauoe iwors for general mdanom, mere- inflation. and the value ofmonep. The methodology isbased on are National imdwe ofSundatds and Technology INIST] Handbook 135 -Life Cycle Cost Life cycle cost analysis is preferred to simple payback for facilities that have lumu�fim peripirmid— sersicelnes. Simple payback which compares construction cost and present energy cost is reasonable for shun none perods of 14 yews, butSclds below optimal results over longer peroids b.-case it does not progerbaccount for the time Name of money or inflanonmr effects on operating bedsore. Accounting for meaty inflation and the time value often, properly sums the true con of facility ownership and seeks to minimize the life stele cast. Construction Casts The cost estimates are ileved based on aprslim oury understanding ofthe scope ofeech EEM as mNeted during the walk-through audit. The construction costs formhomelabor are $60 per how for work typically performed by maimmanee staffand SI10 pet hour for contract labor. The cost estimate assumes the work will be performed as part of a larger rermanon or turns, efficiencyupgrade project Nice implementing EESfs. the cost estiwte should be revisited once the scope and preferred method of pertntming the work has been detesmmed. It is possitle some EEM, will not provide a life cycle savings when the scope is finalized mo„,s n Emu. nwitr>e..mter`mn Maintenance Costs \faimrnance costs are bash on in-house orconmm laborusing histotiral mvmenaic¢ efforts and indpsny standard-Maintetunce costs over tbe 2c-yeti He of ach EEM are included in the life cycle cast circulation small less and repreaent the level of effort to mvnttin the s:stems. Enem,firmlvsis The aeigyperformavice otm EE\f is nsluated within the operetmg parameters ofNe building .a earmcs audit meld rely sa a compma model ofNe bpfldina m imegate buildmo systans and evaluate ene ener_w goings me ofach ed \Jt This im that act gade audit does not ofam ow fthebmodel. soaerey.iminanarestsamtedwithfcmththat-yeomiE for rlifofNe dynamic mung appropriate factors for enter" sammgs and urns are estimated for the 25-year of me EEM usms approptiate funs (ormerpy wflatie. Priorisatiov Each EEM is prioritized based on the life crate saving to iavestmmt ratio (9R) using me following formula. Prismonamoo Factor=Life Cycle Sadnes/ Capital Cross Tbis approach factor pus genificaut weight on the capital con ofant EEM. maing lower cast EEMs more fin enable. Economic Factors The follox,ine economic factors art s omicmno the f dine. Nominallmarest Rate: iltisis the vomwl rote ofrenwmminveztment xiNoutre�d to inflation. The malvss uses a me of59:. Inflation Rate_ This is the averve hiflationary change m ptirea men time. The analysis uses an inflation rate nf2Gr. armonnicisemid_ The aalysis i. based on a 25-y econo ric period wiN constmcdon begnntaoin2010_ Peel C)d Fuel oil currently (Octobm2ol l( costs 5 .16 per gallon for a zasonally adjusted blend of-1 and x2 Net oil. The analysis isbased on 6%fuel oil inflation mbieb has beer be average for Nepad 20- Elec Elecmiciry is supplied bs Alaska Poorer and Telephone. The building is billed for ele rncin under Alaska Pox er CompamBulk Pox or A rate. This rate chanties for bmA elated consumption IkPTI and peak eledric demand (VA I. Electrical consumption is the ameum of erodes cousune i and elechric dmund is the rate of consumption, Car Alaska Power Compam bulk PuxeT!_: Hfdabure from Bar Elcnicip fF kl\3l S96816 CunofPower Adiamo,tli kolt SO ISV DamundlS kn 1 S716 Customer classic lS rani Stu i_ Summers The 011ouing Coble summatiza the enzrgc and emnomuc Factors used in the analcsis. Sammanor Econamic and Ener,� Factors Fawas, Poor or Cost Factor Rate or Cost [,initial Dnx,uni Rate =° Elmndm SO'4i k,h Geaeral footnote Rae _° Elechrice,Inlam„ FJOil Cost LOCI S3 A_: cal Fuel Oil Trillion fi°e -t �c Bra C... IJ Envrr ivEn6m.mlcr:01 1i AppenZxA Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Make Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cast Analysis rro14- m>as,z:e xnxm.� w� LM1 G9kol 5 R - Cmirv�l16 ' nz roves w.-1 WO �aa—uahu )im tCu - i+rnM9lmawNa= - _ f10I 51/1 rW0 MnrY W Oda nm P-LRI 2 1 MG MR A13 81M - wi i s un 005% An aiw It cw aund & sl LT9�Go�66 W gllcmu 3 o x IS w0 h{i¢iM 5 o I 6 IIp __ Bum G� BLltrmp' I -a IsiO4m) �ikNietl 1-E J 4 tlY A31 w V37 IATI Tun�Hry Cmm E F AUHryo '0111 - 5 Er�rq, Er: LLC C C T _ d J A d OA 04 OA d SA A 04 J a& MA J J J Alaska Energy�Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cast Analysis s as:x w cm.w.a-, wa asu rearm rweo��� xmumlw _ is mo Nmo wvlsam roll4W Ow� �"a Yn msn kn rv®vw,mm IYmI arcs uox elwmrc a we:®ten s.Rys n(Was MlLLm.i % 4lm I I� rx zW rye N MM Im [� i5 TO w 25 2W -i1M 2 iey�®96 ZI Mi 4 A,[mm m aQ 39 m 11 >5 6 �m t8 Sie �Ppmmrd 1p NM13Puxec�e o- Ib SS 312® fMtl�6P[N Tii PUT P NAM VIM r'9bTm�eLm41lN ! 1-0 b 39 rAV¢rc3 NJ'.m (bil) Nw bT'�mnzl.. i5 1.]S Lt3 w1'�"ena Wfpnm WiVil Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis AiuL�l iSgt}Z6 +.vyu Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cos[ Analysis 2imjmdp!'ai d 1CFuffi.r69tM MMWT 2p^- `�s� � nvm�au v 31ID I 12 9] Q 16 4 ID - fl 31A f'2 1® 92 -8 i .t B 3JA 2 m the [6 'A 1Q -t _ d A69Yc: Wffi9� �4 ra-g t1,12 731Ina � ZM12 2 A.® -v3 w i6 412 4 San 96P 9 w ITS 1 36M toy u San t6A Y K[m 676 fi p A St0 s] 0 6l 16 SIAS 9' u 18 LS 51% a A h RAI s2M n n n�v - _ MA 1211nn s:am saw Slam Sias 2n 54392 .. ww lmll 737 M.1m - - u.0 =M W* i00 00 00 00 04 we Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25M4,zli �4 xPam] -a 9175S ID,r es m, - Enr+auvi>e,wK l�O Alaslo Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis zszm-, sa=ems amp uv �n ST mom th zx zz xeoo - vm z W5 m in xuv - vw mz n ou _ o0 n, SYS Ift 38 IS Se m 513m Sim 1 _.B C - - E AuS4(VwMM2011) Alaska Energy Fng�nrEering LLC Energy antl Life Cycle Cost Analysis }Sdp Npq Yypi lbtl 9Ji E, LLM slim OR iTF AlasFa Energy En ineedag LLC Billing Data ww,F 1pepMe WnlarymWPow k3 �Lry(mml OH6R9 biaS:ev R/�1 ms01inW1 s '_F Immv Gamli?.e1 zRlon S� ayry Mm an tW no CI.9 M Amm �25No - a 9=a Lo ",2R - s5A ato A 4 n ]n 'M bNO NS N a! a a SooJ, IUNR 9 e 8M Bien N a9 ita eM N a san a Al lsm a - n san a I'I cea sia n -_ - Fza s.H $ FYO 34 - N 6 m a n R420 s s,an n IC e w w �°:m P fi e- a N AW Dm tt19 L Fia' EB 7W N ^M ire 6� tae `2'il" 1 ONO t@a3II n I -- fi uAr S 'Ri N eaa ��Am _. 1 , Fk'sn'f rm5n WamOecnA S+Pe:+c an MR YtliGLY5G5 P¢mt itp�b0 mi®J Ll96ia iYt W-t¢5t Y9 85 8� N43 Sn0 [ti T[t31 YQs S 99 QNa Q�i StN 6i Y5A -?a Ssm I Sa Von F6 AS QN1 ] S® Syt m "NS YDtm3 S6i RNq an N Su SS5 SIYM S61 �M AN m `.nR St 1 SSS 3100 tli Mq SW8 S4 w SIFS S. SiN IIF S� 3" secs SINQve n.to a as nee -t 4 S SIM w 2 S.`.L1 S4 AS 3!® Nn b5915 II05 Sffi S&5 SIM QW/ S65 YS 4m p fl9F STS S2313 31BSt Sity � LToSNM e21Y 61.N5 Sam SmnA 33➢N i Simi $nM ♦n Aw SiG SIR sm SIM Sti3t S9 in Sm SIM 6S BMW S1nQ- HR a 4% M275 on Alaska Energy Eraineerino LLC_ Thorne Bay Gym Annual Electric Consumption JAom - Electric Use History 121 til 4. M_y in Jul Ail blip oe no, De. 1 Mo�XLorNe Year -_ Electric Demand History s - — 20 E —. _2W1 C_ — —dCC5 a —Y1G p_- Jm Feb Mn Sx Lilly Jul � 53v 00. M1c. _— Monty MNe Year r� lt,m, B3 G- =1 Alaslm Ener Fnmeerin U-C an Theme Bay Gym Electric Cost 2010 Electric Cost Breakdown 2010 s v.00: .an 2Y , . ws sm oa vo+ w: MO aN, am, Electric Use and Demand Comparison 2010 ss ix ttt a 10 y aEM — e w - Jm Fri M, M May .M JW N9 SM M Mm cd Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Fuel Oil Consumption Theme Bay Gym Annual Fuel Oil Use 1 tl sro r.-..-,.o:- _.... Alaska SneW Engineering LLC Annual ElectricCmal Consumplion and Cl 3i3. a u4 RF-, Im Thome Bay Gym E>� rn swxB3u ,w BCS fli Futl a SS.36 S3�91 21.750 3388 0Elaaierty SIISIO 383.26 Uano Fne� Connunpdon and Cad 5ema Cmsompoon Can E ,M\Bm Fla"oimsi�9 101,IXp 1%, s2l3 w �.. rww "m wieM5 vs em LIM � Touts SWOO 1,d IGM l , Bmv E � a S S � e z III V 3 E O O V o = ¢ e S 3 i i £mp'RURI(Nw®b Mll) Abbreviations Afiti �irhwdlingwit BTL' British thermal wit MiW Hot water recirtulatino pump BTLH ELLU per how KV.A I:ilmolta s CIA Cig and Bomueb of Juneau kW Kilowau C\fG Concrete mawwv unit kR1 Reow an how CO' Carbon dioude LED Licht emimne diode cum Cabinet wit heater NEE IOM Btu per hour DDC Direct dowal wntrah NENUM 1,000.000 But per bow DW, Domestic hot a nor DAD Outside air damper E.AD Exhaust av damper R.AD Return air damper EE\I Entree effciznca measure RF Retwa fin EF Exhaust fan SIR Smwo� to im'mment Two Gyp Bd Gypsum board SF Supply we MAC Heating, Fentiladne. Air- HO Cnir.mulator condhlorma l:AV Variable air %chime HR Hot outer \TD Fwialik frowmN dii%e IDn R" Ono i Em Alot NT[m: 'nlII