HomeMy WebLinkAboutfuel and other documentsPut w �a oQ Q ' O 0 = F°� 4 C$C n aw 'Y34 4 0! y _ n _ o£ s H 03^ m YY Ial o 8 n INVOICE ABOR ENTERPRISES, INC. dWMTVonwa:rc;- -. — _ Fo. BOI CPAIG. My l NET) 82o-v rFAX Nan SO,3m _ PleOsa lemrRaymemro: ��- RECEIVED MAY 2 0 2013 co. Bo+v. cams acvwzi nwuwh GYDABURI, SCHOOL DIGTH!CT :.c c _ _ -x rKsu. _ _ _ F LP:±r NUM MICE NOT FOF :JSc r_ - __ _ HEFTING DIESEL 41 __._ _=0.±9 5 - IsC.?44.P cF9Eft8L L OT TPS — s q -J :.nee 0 e SWCON MICE e rvuro AwmaN X B:ECIio COMIE VVM GVSI WLH COPY ry"Il NlII 2.344.tp,_. P.O BOX 9 CR.VO M 9992/ CEM*TI ST47597 w: mM. E5: V'J Hydrating Main 13caool8 Gym lst fiscal 2nd fiscal 3M fiscal "12 "13 year year: year W14 or Measurement 1: Electricity Unit of Utility or Measurement 2: Fuel Oil Until! Utility or Measuement 3: UnRo1 Utiliryor Measurementll: Heafing Degree Days Undol EM[NUIy"12 FY1] JNy BW August 16,0(a --15000 numerator _ NcvemEer 21300 FUM gIFY13 �Au3u9 1290 1.745 remember W.anMr 1, 'Deamakeer January _ _3.101 2.30 Fronts 1 March 2.0W April 1386 May 285 W2JuneW2 Fy Tp181 113,843 119yg Heflmg Oegres Days"12 Fv12 3 310 A 9 2g8 ''..Sewer 303 odnber 5% Weenier 816 Unuaaaer 613 :January 9w j5,31 jn.Q.401 ElecNcllY Fyl3 Fkcl Jury _. 1321tl ':July Au9uA 13.OA Au9us1 sileeDdabera - 19.9LI 6egal nlMr Oepbni ➢II. O�tlrEa� NosnM M LI.iWI ' DeventerzA.lm! l Dea De®nl January 20.600 January February 25400 'Feduay MaM 19.20D Manor A_pn_I___ -. YL.WO Agil Dam_ - 1920 May _ 'June 17.00 Jmla~ ,fTdal 231,8DD FY TubI Fuel OBI 1Y13 Fur Fy13 Hraang Degree Days Fyl3 Fy13 July 1 August 26/ replember 366 Odoaer 665 NcuemM 70 'Dromeer 026 January T76 July yagu segmarMr Oduba Janu ary manct Man Wnl- May May e Fy rml. Hung D Jury August sepmnber wooer, Wremav Demmba January Fed =y 70 FeduM' w FehnW rya ass MeM ass MUM qpA 611 Ppi ]Os :M+ May fill Mry ...MeY Jwe Ln 2" Jule FT Tolal. .M l,3$. FY Tod .9 � FV Todd. Hydaeng High school Sstfisalyear. 17Y12 2nd fisal IVY 13 3M fiscalFy 14 years year: U[ilityor MeasurementlElectricity Unit of Measurement l: Utility or Measurement 2: Fuel Oil Unitof MeasuremeM2: nb]Ayor Measurement 3: Unit of Measurement 3: Utility or Measurement 4: Heating Degree Days Unit of Measurement 4: l9ectrk0y M2 FW ON FY12 FY1. E4cticiry FY 13 y FY 13 1.680 August September 1 MO 2.56) 0:2ober 3'do Nxxm[a 3.280 I mtow 4.tt0_ January F¢Wary 3.7E6 3.&0 Maw Foil 32E0 3.000 May 2.560 �. 39-- FY Imal 35.040 �rrqC• FUNM FY 13 July 453 August Se9larttt n4 ONMa 554 NOVcnbcr our De®U:M l.c@ January 913 February ]56 March 1.0%) Apo 506 May M5 June 455 FYTo1el ].&3 teaune [Mememya FYu FY 13 July MCI August 250 Sgse C Mai Odc N NowmM g30 Derember 1015 January 'February ism 740 Mardi 525 M fi46 Ma no June rL11- FY Total - 7.080 366. heading De9m Dare Fr to EkNiRy"14 FY14 July ]wgu5 Sepemiser Nu Iho December Januay February 4n! May_. June FY Tmal Fuel(M FY 14 FY14 JJy August September October NTCmper Doonm[a January February Man April May June FYTNaI Heating Degree Days 14 July 310 July 311' July !Agues n8 :Poison 2V 'August Sghmbe 343 SegMnbc 365 Segembe` 'O:bber 558 IO:sroc 665 OclMer _ 'Naenitx 814 1� en,srhs, 763 November Csniler 813 December 076 Oeavnber __- Jammry 963 'Jana 1 n4 January_ Febmary 767 Feduary 6% Febuary MaTtl 859 Marti 855 Mardi Pall 641 Apnl 705 Apnl May _ 617 May 486 May June 414 June 294 June Fy TOW 73% Fy Total 6999 FY TOW 41M165w1 FY 15 year KWH Gallons Degree Days ElectricM FY 15 FY 15 July August semameer Daoee. Na.emaef Decimcer January Fedmry Ma A NXI May June FY rural Fund Oft 15 15 July August S nwyar Ock r Navonter Decant January _ Feprvary Martli APAR May Jun FYTobI Neatlng qg Daya FY 15 Judy A gum 5 Mlaer _ MOOry Ncyremlmr Drsm[er January Aupip/MP 4&fr Renewable Energy Fund Round VII = p6 pgKA Grant Application - Heat Projects j411111L wMGYAu URIIY SECTION 10- AUTHORIZED SIGNERS FORM CammuodYtGmntee Name: Hydabur9 City School District Regular Elemon m held Dale: NA Authorized Grant Slgner(s): Printed Name Tile Tenn Signature Lauren Burch Supemdendent NA a I authorize the above persons) m sign Grant Documents: (Hghesl molting argan¢anoNcommunity/munidpal ofiaa0 Pdnhd Name This Term Signature Tmq Niz Hydaburg Cky School Oct 2013 Distict, Board of Education President GmntN Mailing Address: Southeast Island School District PO Box 19005 Thome Bay, AN 99919 Phone Number. 907 82"259 Fax Number. 907 828 ffi57 E-mail Address: mlouldinaRsisd.om or LPahlaxamsci.Om Federal Tax ID t. 92-SM-703 Plesubmkanupdaladformwheneverthereisachangetolieaboveinfanmalon- AEA NI&WIS Grant AlsolmSon Page 29 of 31 ]Teems Renewable Energy Fund Round VII A 1A ACKA___ Grant Application - Heat Projects `� 6i,wGvaurxoniry SECTION 11—ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION: A. Contact information, resumes of Applicants Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1 and 3.4. Applicants are asked to provide resumes submitted with applications in separate electronic documents if Me individuals do not want their resumes posted to Me project web site. B. Letters or resolutions demonstrating local support per application form Section S. C. For heat projects only: Most recent invoice reformulating Me cost of heading fuel for Me building(s) impacted by Me project 0. Governing Body Resolution or other formal action taken by the applicanrs governing body or management per RFA Section 1.4 Nat: - Controls the organization to provide Me matching resources for project at Me match amounts indicated in the application. - Authorizes Me individual who signs the application has Me authority to commit the organization to Me obligations under the grant - Provides as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application. - Certifies the applicant is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. E One paper copy and one electronic version of Me entire application on CD or other electronic media, Per RFA Section 1.7. F. CERTIFICATION The undersigned! carbines Mat One application for a renewable energy grant is muthful and correct, and that the applicant is In compliance with, and will continue to comply With, all federal and state lews including exuding credit and federal tax obligations and Mat May can Indeed commit the entity to these obligations. Print Name Sigrlatufe This Data AEA 201a 6Goot Amlioom Paga 30 of 31 T5!7013 HYDABURG CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Resolution 2014-02 WHEREAS, Hytlaburg City School District (HCSD) saives to minimize overhead costs, including energy bills, so that more funds may be allocated to educational programs; and WHEREAS, funding is available through the Renewable Energy Grant Program and the Alaska Energy Authority for energy-generafing, wood. or forest -based projects that are low-runission and nontoxic, and heat recovery projects; and WHEREAS, HCSD has over thirty years of experience maintaining a K-12 school site, is financially stable, and is compliant with applicable federal, state antl local laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations; and WHEREAS, the wood heating system at Hytlaburg School will be an energy saving, nontoxic, low emission, efficient system and a model example far other wood heating projects in schools around the State of Alaska; and WHERERAS, a prior feasibility study for wood heating at HCSD will serve as the reference document for the wood -based supplemental heating project at Hydabug School; and WHEREAS, Lauren Burch will serve as individual to sign the application, has authority to commit me organization to the obligations under the grant and will be the panel of wrote, representing the applicant for purposes of the application; and WHEREAS, HCSD will commit to provide the matching resources for projects at the amounts indicated in application, to include in kind contributions and not to exceed a $40.000 cash match. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hydaburg City School Distnct Board of Education authenzes HCSD Administration's request through Lauren Burch, for public funding from the Alaska Energy Authoriy to construct a supplemental, energy student. low emissions biomass wood heating system at Hytlaburg School. ADOPTED September 19, 2013 at a duty canvened meeting of the Hytlaburg City School District Board of Education at which a quorum was Meant and voting. Attested: Tmry Nix T a eito HCSD Board President H D Board Cleric