HomeMy WebLinkAboutFeasibility Assessment for Conversion1010 Preliminary Feasibility Assessment for Conversion from Fossil Fuel Oil to Wood Heating For The Craig High School, Craig, Alaska Prepared for: Mr. Jack Walsh, Superintendent Craig School District Prepared by: Robert Deering & Daniel Parrent, Biomass Program Managers USDA Forest Service Submitted 27 August 2013 This report is provided by the Alaska Wood Energy Development Task Group, supported by the Alaska Energy Authority and the USDA Forest Service 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Two wood heating options were evaluated for the conversion of the Craig High School from oil heat — wood pellets and microchips (small, partially -dried wood chips). A sensitivity analysis was conducted for the microchip option, analyzing economics at three different chip prices. In every scenario wood fuel appears to have a substantially lower lifecycle cost than the oil -burning status quo. Status Quo Pellet Chip -Low Chip -Medium Chip -High Capital cost 0 $319,790 $502,850 $502,850 $502,850 Oil usage - 20 years (gal) 389,180 973 973 973 973 Oil Price(2014) $4.05 $4.05 $4.05 $4.05 $4.05 Pellet usage - 20 years (tons) N/A 3,133 N/A N/A N/A Pellet Price N/A $325 N/A N/A N/A Chip usage -20 years (tons). N/A N/A 194 194 194 Chip Price N/A N/A $70 $125 $170 Totalfuelcost -20years $3,139,295 $1,455,776 $503,371 $775,547 $998,237 Fuel cost savings-20 years) 0 $1,683,519 $2,635,924 $2,363,748 $2,141,059 Simple payback (years) NA 13.3 8.2 9.9 12.0 Cumulative costs (20 years) $3,299,295 $1,993,566 $1,249,021 $1,521,197 $1,743,887 NPV $787,961 $1,284,378 $1,086,436 $924,483 Benefit/Cost Ratio 1.17 1.72 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In late 2012, organizations were invited to submit a Statement of Interest (S01) to the Alaska Wood Energy Development Task Group (AWEDTG) seeking grant -funded pre -feasibility assessments for the conversion of their facilities from fossil fuel heating to wood fueled heating. All of the facilities that were submitted for assessments will receive them — however, the facilities in Southeast Alaska will receive 'truncated' assessments conducted by Forest Service and AEA staff rather than contracted consultants, in order to extend the limited available budget. AWEDTG representatives visited Craig in March of 2013 and information was obtained for the school facility. Preliminary assessments were made and challenges identified. Potential wood energy systems were considered for the project using AWEDTG, USDA and AEA objectives for energy efficiency and emissions. Preliminary findings are reported. The community of Craig, Alaska is no stranger to wood -fired boilers in institutional settings. In 2008 they installed a wood -fired boiler system which heats the community's swimming pool, elementary, and middle schools, utilizing wood chips sourced from the nearby Viking Lumber Company sawmill. Given that the community is familiar with the wood energy concepts being evaluated in this report, and that this is a truncated study, many of the typical rudimentary subjects of wood energy will be dispensed with. This report will focus in on the key practical and economic elements associated with the recommendations specific to the Craig High School conversion in accordance with the following Goals and Objectives: • Identify the Craig High School facility as a potential candidate for heating with wood • Evaluate the suitability of the facility and site for installation of a wood -fired boiler • Assess the type(s) and availability of wood fuel(s) • Size and estimate the rough capital costs of suitable wood -fired system(s) • Estimate the annual operation and maintenance costs of a wood -fired system • Estimate the potential economic benefits from installing a wood -fired heating system SITE DESCRIPTION: The Craig High School is a 52,219 square foot building that contains offices, classrooms, commons, library, gym, auditorium, shop, and mechanical support spaces. The building is occupied by 95 students and 10 staff members. Heat is provided by two 3,270 MBH Weil McClain oil -fired boilers connected to a hydronic heat distribution system consisting primarily of a number of heating coils in air handling units. The area around the school is gentle hills and mostly wooded, with a housing development to the southeast. Access to the Main Building is unencumbered. Identifying a suitable location for a wood fired boiler should not be problematic. Figure t - Craig High School Current Conditions Building Energy Usage — Energy performance of the Craig High School is substandard compared to similar schools, according to a recent energy audit conducted under an AHFC program. The audit identified numerous energy efficiency measures (EEMs) which could significantly reduce thermal energy consumption at the school. For this reason, it's highly recommended that the most significant EEMs be addressed prior to boiler replacement. Heating EEMs—The State of Alaska's Renewable Energy Fund provides grants for projects such as the one being considered here on a competitive basis. Communities that contribute their own resources toward a portion of the project generally are more competitive for grant funding. Community investments toward energy efficiency on the same building would be considered 'in - kind' contributions toward the project, increasing the chances of successful grant selection, as well as saving money through efficiency measures. The EEMs most relevant to the heating system are listed below: Energy Efficiency Measures (from October 2011 AHFC Energy Audit) EEM-1 thru 6: Building envelope EEM-7: Turn Off Standby Boiler EEM-8: Install Pipe Insulation EEM-12: Optimize Gym AHU-5 EEM36-: Install Valves on Unit Heaters EEM-18: Optimize Auditorium AHU-3 EEM-20: Optimize Commons AHU-4 Oil 25 yr 25 yr Savings Cost Savings Net (Gal/year) $5,000 $125,000 $120,000 1,000 (Estimated values) $200 $78,700 $78,500 674 $900 $46,000 $45,100 394 $55,000 $166,600 $111,600 1,016 $4,400 $9,500 $5,100 81 $62,800 $124,100 $61,300 491 $59,700 $98,200 $38,500 511 $288,000 $648,100 $460,100 4,167 Estimated boiler size & fuel consumption (post-EEM) — Determining the optimal size of the biomass boiler is a matter of some uncertainty due to the oversized boilers currently installed in the school and the extent of heat loss due to poor building envelope efficiency. The energy audit noted that the current heating plant is approximate five times larger than would typically be installed in a school this size. Biomass boilers are normally sized considerably less than 100% of the peak heating load in order to assure efficient combustion during the majority of the heating season. For Craig, Alaska, that size would likely be approximately 75% of the peak load, which would meet approximately 95% of the school's heating energy needs. A more detailed boiler sizing assessment would need to be performed during the design phase of the project. Assuming that the above EEMs are addressed, an appropriately sized biomass boiler would be approximately 1 million BTU (MMBTU) or less. An alternative configuration which might be considered is two smaller biomass boilers totaling some 1.2 MMBTU. This configuration provides for higher system efficiency by allowing the boilers to operate closer to their peak loads during varying heating load situations, resulting in a higher percentage of the building's heating oil usage to be displaced with biomass fuel. It also provides for additional system redundancy. These advantages come at the price of higher capital cost, more space utilization demands, possibly higher 0&M expenditures, and more complexity in integrating operations and controls. While a multiple -boiler configuration warrants careful consideration during the design phase of the conversion project, this study will assume that a single biomass boiler is deployed for purposes of the economic analysis. Fuel inflation rates & assumptions — Future fuel prices have a surprisingly large effect on the economic viability of a biomass project. No one has a crystal ball when it comes to heating oil prices, and past prices have been highly unpredictable and have fluctuated widely. Over the past twenty years (the timeframe of this feasibility study), heating oil prices in Western states have increased approximately 6.75%faster than the general rate of inflation. The economic analysis spreadsheet which accompanies this report allows for alternate inflation assumptions to be input to gauge the impacts on those assumptions on the overall economics of the project. Wood energy options - Prince of Wales Island is rich in wood energy alternatives. Cordwood —The Craig High School is considered to be a poor match for the High School from an operational labor cost and system integration standpoint. The High School requires high temperature water, while cordwood systems integrate best with systems that utilize lower temperature water in their heating systems. Trying to meet the demands of a high temperature system would require frequent stoking of the cordwood boiler to maintain high temperatures, a labor-intensive process. For those reasons cordwood will not be considered further in this study. Green chips— Undried wood chips, containing a moisture content of 50% or more (wet basis) are readily available from the nearby Viking Lumber Company, which manufactures them in large quantities for the pulp and paper industry. The City of Craig utilizes these chips for the existing biomass boiler plant. Green chips are an appropriate fuel for larger boiler systems, which are configured to 'pre -dry' the fuel prior to combustion. But smaller boilers, such as are being considered for the Craig High School, typically are not capable of efficiently burning green chips. For this reason, green chips will not be considered further in this study. Wood pellets — Pellet boilers offer many attractive advantages over green chip boilers, including smaller form factor, higher efficiency, lower 0&M costs, better air emissions, and lower capital costs. Bulk pellets are only available from off -island sources at this time. Tongass Forest Enterprises in Ketchikan operates a small pellet mill which is capable of meeting the High School's heating fuel needs at a competitive price to heating oil. Bulk pellets are also available from suppliers in British Columbia and the Lower-48. There has been conjecture regarding the possibility of a pellet mill being established on Prince of Wales Island in the future which should result in significantly less expensive pellets if such a mill were to ever become a reality. Tongass Forest Enterprises quoted a delivered price of $325 per ton ($23.50/MMBTU). This price can be modified in the spreadsheet provided with this report. Microchips —these chips are smaller and drier than a green pulp -grade chip, typically about 1.25 inches in maximum length and dried to approximately 25% moisture content. A microchip offers many significant advantages when used in an application such as the Craig High School boiler: a. The chips can be utilized as an alternate fuel in many pellet boilers that would be suitable for the High School, with little modification to the boilers, and with most of the corresponding benefits of high efficiency, low 0&M, etc. that pellet boilers enjoy. b. While microchips are more expensive than green chips due to the extra energy involved with drying and processing them to a reduced size, they are significantly cheaper on a per -BTU basis than either wood pellets or heating oil. An estimated delivered cost for microchips from Viking Lumber is $125 per ton ($12 per MMBTU), though that cost could vary significantly once the dryer system is operational. The drying rates established in the lease with the City of Craig (the owner of the rotary drum dryer leased to Viking Lumber) is that drying would be provided to the general public for $85 per ton, in addition to feedstock costs. With green chips currently provided to the City for $30 per ton, the combined cost would be at most $115 per ton. The price of microchips can be modified in the spreadsheet provided with this report. c. Microchips can be sourced from local feedstocks. Viking Lumber is installing a chip dryer which will be able to produce a suitably dried chip. Viking Lumber officials state that the size of their chips already meet the 1-1/4" specification, so dried chips from Viking Lumber should usable in many commercial pellet boilers with little or no pre-processing for size. d. Because microchips have been partially dried, they eliminate problems associated with freezing into clumps in storage, as well as problems with decomposition from composting activity. The additional drying processing and screening results in less likelihood of foreign debris contaminating the fuel to cause problems with fuel feed augers and boiler combustion systems. e. Dried microchips contain higher concentrations of energy than green chips both on a weight and volume basis. Microchips do entail certain considerations during design and operation: a. Because they are a dried product, they must be protected from the weather once produced. At MC20 their moisture content should remain stable when exposed to the atmosphere as long as they're protected from precipitation or liquid condensation. b. Microchips will not have the same 'flow' characteristics as pellets when moving them through the chip storage and boiler feed system, where gravity feed systems combined with flexible augers have proven to be quite effective for pellets. This will typically entail more significant (and expensive) auger systems than a pellet boiler might use, with less flexibility in configuration and layout of the feed systems. c. Microchips, with a moisture content of 20% or even higher, have less net energy per ton than wood pellets, at a moisture content of about 5%, do. An additional 15% of that ton is made up of water rather than wood, so less actual fuel is present. Additionally, the water that s present must be evaporated during combustion, which further erodes the available energy in that ton of chips. The end result of this is that a pellet boiler must be de -rated by roughly 20% from its peak load, meaning that a larger boiler may need to be selected to supply the necessary heating load. d. Microchips have significantly less net energy per unit volume than do wood pellets or oil. The chips are 'fluffier' than pellets (roughly 10 Ibs/cu. ft. vs.45 Ibs/cu. ft. for pellets) and come nowhere near the energy density of heating oil. This will necessitate larger fuel storage and/or more frequent deliveries. Fortunately, the close proximity of Viking Lumber means that relatively frequent deliveries will not be excessively costly. Boiler Suppliers — For the purposes of this study, the boiler system will be assumed to be a pellet boiler(s) which has the capability of also burning a microchip fuel. This is a competitive landscape in the boiler market with numerous manufacturers offering suitable boilers in this output range. Several boilers already have a presence in Alaska including the KOB/Veissmann from Austria, the Advanced Combustion Technology Bioenergy (ACT Bioenergy) from Schenectady, NY, and the LEI Bioburner from Madisonville, KY (no boilers yet in Alaska, but a dealer is established). Numerous other comparable boilers are also available on the market. For the purposes of this analysis, a boiler quote from ACT Bioenergy was used as it represents a mid -priced boiler system. The price of the boiler system can be modified in the spreadsheet provided with this report. Boiler Siting and Configuration —The existing boiler room in the High School houses two large oil -fired boilers. If one of these boilers were to be removed, that would provide ample room for one or more smaller biomass boilers. Additionally, this would allow the biomass boiler to utilize the existing boiler exhaust stack and simplify the integration of the boiler(s) with the existing building hot water distribution system. It would also negate the need to run glycol in the boiler system and separate it from the building's system with a heat exchanger (assuming the building is currently not running glycol) if the boiler were sited in a separate containerized system. One challenge to siting the boiler in that location is the numerous electrical panels along the exterior wall which would potentially interfere with any fuel feed system. Current electrical codes should be consulted as well to ensure that noncompliance would not result if a boiler was located in front of those panels. An alternative site for the boiler would be in the unutilized shop classroom adjacent to the boiler room. While this room is well located and has ample space for a boiler, it would need to be carefully reviewed for fire code compliance and exhaust stack siting. The final option for siting the boiler is to place it inside of a preconfigured containerized system. This would allow for the placement of the boiler outside of the building, connecting the boiler to the building's hot water distribution system via connecting tubing. The advantage of this system is that it consumes virtually no space from inside the school. The container can serve as both the housing for the boiler as well as the fuel storage bin. It also allows for the boiler system to be preconfigured and tested at the factory and brought on site in a 'plug -and -play' status. This can significantly reduce installation time and costs, and result in a less troublesome commissioning process. Fuel handling and storage— In any of the boiler configurations, the fuel storage would be located outside of the boiler room adjacent to the boiler room behind the school. Pellet storage is handled rather simply with a vertical metal silo which connects to the boilers fuel feed system via a flexible auger or pneumatic system. The pellets would be delivered to this silo in bulk, typically with a truck outfitted with an auger feed system or with a pneumatic blower unit. Tongass Forest Enterprises utilizes an auger -feed truck. Chips require a more positive fuel feed system than a silo with a flex auger. Typically this involves some sort of chip storage bin with a sweep arm, walking floor, or traveling auger arrangement. The City of Craig's chip boiler utilizes a recessed walking floor bin. The chips move from the bin via a belt or auger into the boiler's fuel feed system. Chips are often delivered by trucks which dump the chips via gravity or a walking floor into the recessed chip bin. Such is the configuration with the City s chip boiler system. The cost of building a recessed bin at the High School would be significant, as would the cost of building a ramp fortrucks to back up prior to dumping. There are a wide variety of approaches to addressing the chip storage and unloading challenge. The approach used in this analysis addresses both storage and chip delivery as an integrated system. It also addresses the recurring problem of foreign material such as ice, dirt, and rocks contaminating the chips in the City boiler due to the delivery trucks being used for multiple purposes besides chip hauling. This solution relies on standard farm technology since the technologies for handling and storing agricultural products are often easily transferrable to biomass applications. Farm silage wagons carry significant volumes (30+ cubic yards) of chips and utilize a chain -drag live floor to move the chips forward. At the front of the wagon one or more auger systems are utilized to loosen the clumps of chips, which fall onto a transverse belt which conveys the chips out a side chute into the boiler's chip handling system. This wagon feed system can be interlocked with the boiler's feed system through a simple control connection. By disconnecting the wagon's control cable, the wagon would be freed up to be transported to the Viking Mill (or other supplier on -island or in Ketchikan) for refilling. If the High School owned two trailers, it could always have a full one ready to be 'hot -swapped' with the empty one, allowing ample time for refilling the empty. Anew farm wagon custom configured for this application would cost about $50,000. The price of the wagon can be modified in the spreadsheet provided with this report. There are obviously many different ways that fuel storage and delivery can be approached, so various options should be carefully considered during the design phase of this project. Project Economics — This analysis attempts to compare the capital and operational costs of the status quo (oil boilers) option versus pellet and chip boiler options over a 20-year period. It assumes that heating oil costs a reported $4.05 per gallon. The price of heating oil can be modified in the spreadsheet provided with this report. The analysis also performs a sensitivity analysis on the price of chips since the price of this fuel is somewhat uncertain at this time, comparing the economics at three prices (low, medium, and high). The various options are compared by cumulative annual cost as well as by net present value — representing the aggregated costs over 20 years in a single 2013 value. The option with the lowest NPV is the least cost option. Note that the analysis assumes that biomass only displaces 95% of the oil usage, so 5% of the oil usage is still included in the biomass option analyses. 10 $2,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 r Existing Oil Boiler - No Change Option IA Wood Pellet Boiler Wood Microchip Boiler - Low Cost Chip Option Wood Microchip Boiler - Medium Cost Chip Option u Wood Microchip Boiler - High Cost Chip Option Figure 2 Present Value of Costs (smaller is better) 20 Year Cumulative Cost Chart $3,500,000.00 - - - i $3,000,000.00 - - - - - $2,500,000.00 - - - - - $2,000,000.00 - - - i $1,500,000.00 - -- - - - $1,000,000.00 - $500,000.00 -- - — - ti�~� voy6 vO,y3 voy4+ 'L�,�3 —Existing Oil Boiler- No ! Change Option —Wood Pellet Boiler —Wood Microchip Boiler - Low Cost Chip Option Wood Microchip Boiler - Medium Cost Chip Option --WoodMicrochipBoiler- High Cost Chip Option As shown in the Cumulative Cost chart, as the price of oil rises faster than the price of the other wood fuels, the costs rapidly mount up. A sensitivity analysis was performed on the projected escalation rate of oil (6.75%), and even when oil escalation approached 1%, it was still the most expensive option. B/C Ratio — One of the goals of this study is to prepare the recipients to submit an application for a State of Alaska Renewable Energy Fund grant. To that end, this analysis calculates the Benefit/Cost Ratio required for that application. The B/C Ratio calculation utilizes fuel price escalation assumptions established by the State of Alaska which are based on U.S. Energy Information Agency price projections. The EIA price projections have historically underestimated oil price inflation by a wide margin. For example, in 2001 oil was $28.21 per barrel. At that time EIA was projecting that the price of crude in 2011 would be $27.28 per bbl. The actual price turned out to be $102.70. This was not atypical of ETA's underestimates. Therefore, for the purposes of the B/C Ratio the mandated EIA inflation estimates are used, but for the rest of the analysis an oil inflation rate of 6.75% is used, which more accurately represents oil inflation over the past 20 years. However, even if the escalation rate of oil is set to zero percent, some of the microchip options still have a lower lifecycle cost than the status quo. Other Considerations — The following issues bear further analysis or investigation during later phases of this project: Air Emissions —The Alaska Energy Authority requires that any boilers which receive RE grant funding must demonstrate independent third party emissions testing for the type of fuel which will be burned in it. Before any boiler selection is made, it's strongly recommended that AEA be consulted with to confirm that the boiler manufacturer has satisfied the testing requirement. Testing information must be requested from the boiler manufacturer as AEA does not track manufacturer -specific information. Air Emissions ll— While the area surrounding the High School is largely wooded and undeveloped, there is a residential area to the south of the school which is on the slope above the school. Pellet and microchip boilers are clean -burning devices but they still do produce some particulate emissions which can be unhealthy at higher concentrations. Reducing exposure to these emissions is imperative, and the following strategies can be utilized: a. Implement all of the EEMs identified in the Energy Audit. This will reduce the heat lost from the school, and thus reduce the amount of fuel that needs to be burned to replace it. b. Select and install a low -emitting boiler which has been third -party tested in accordance with AEA's standards. 12 c. Perform an emissions analysis as part of the design. The design firm can contract with an emissions specialist which can evaluate the site and the meteorological data and make recommendations regarding things like boiler exhaust stack height. d. Operate the boiler in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, performing all scheduled maintenance and using quality fuel. Fuel Security — Currently Viking Lumber is the obvious source of chip fuel for the school. But given the decline of the forest products industry in Southeast Alaska, it's conceivable that Viking could shut down at some future time. Even in that eventuality, a pellet/chip boiler is viable. Assuming that Tongass Forest Enterprises is still in operation, either chips or pellets can be sourced from Ketchikan. Other mills on POW are also capable of producing an acceptable chip fuel with some investment in equipment. In the worst case scenario, pellets would need to be sourced from out of state, but given current price disparities, even imported pellets would enjoy a significant price advantage over heating with oil. Project Financing— A project like this typically would be funded one of three ways: a. Government grants— Similarto the City of Craig biomass boiler, which received a number of grants totaling in excess of $1,000,000 towards design and construction, the Craig School District could elect to pursue grants for this project. The financial projections for the project are fairly positive and this project may prove to be competitive for grants from the Alaska Renewable Energy program or elsewhere. Note that grants are highly competitive and the pool of 'free' money is shrinking. The economic benefits of this project are such that there's little justification in waiting — each year lost waiting represents another year of significant lost savings. b. Bank Loans —The projected cash flows resulting from the savings from this project are substantial and more than adequate to pay for the amortized costs of a project loan. c. AHFC Loans —The EEM portion of this project is likely to be largely eligible for low - interest loans for the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the same entity that paid for the energy audit. In addition to the above financing options, there may be others such as ESCO-funded projects which are third -party financed but paid for from the savings of the project. Conclusions— Conversion to biomass appears to be an excellent opportunity for the Craig High School. Every biomass option compares very favorably with the status quo and all of them 'pay ofF within 5 to 8 years. The pellet option enjoys a significant early advantage due to its lower capital costs for fuel storage, but the microchip options all ultimately yield lower costs, even at the extraordinarily high chip option of $170 per ton. 13 Building efficiency improvements go hand -in -hand with converting to biomass fuel. The recent AHFC energy audit identified numerous opportunities for improvements to the building's thermal energy performance. Some of these improvements can be accomplished by inhouse staff, and it's been reported that many already have been completed; other improvements will require a financial investment to hire specialized contractors. Not only will these improvements result in lower energy costs, but they will also allow for lower capital expenditures on the boiler conversion by reducing the required size of the boiler and fuel storage. The energy audit identified many EEMs related to electrical savings, such as lighting change -outs, but the focus of the improvements in this context should be on the EEMs that improve the building's thermal energy performance, as identified on Page 5 above. The B/C Ratio suggests that this project would compete well for RE Fund grant money. With first -year savings of between $25,000 and $61,000, in some options those savings exceed the cost of fuel. The analysis suggests that microchips yield immediate annual savings adequate to pay for the amortized costs of borrowing money to finance 100% of the boiler and the EEM improvements. As the savings of using chips increase with the growing price of oil, the financial benefits of converting to biomass become more compelling. 14 ,Z. lk Figure 5 Outside boiler room/Shop classroom • fuel storage location out here? 16 Status Quo Pellet Chip -Low Chip -Medium Capital Cost 0 $319,790 $502,850 $502,850 Oil usage - 20 years (gal) 389,180 973 973 973 Oil Price(2014) $4.05 $4.05 $4.05 $4.05 Pellet usage - 20 years (tons) N/A 3,133 N/A N/A Pellet Price N/A $325 N/A N/A Chip usage - 20 years (tons) N/A N/A 194 194 Chip Price N/A N/A $70 $125 Total fuel cost - 20 years $3,139,295 $1,455,776 $503,371 $775,547 Fuel cost savings-20 years) 0 $1,683,519 $2,635,924 $2,363,748 Simple payback (years) NA 13.3 8.2 9.9 Cumulative costs (20 years) $3,299,295 $1,993,566 $1,249,021 $1,521,197 NPV $787,961 $1,284,378 $1,086,436 Benefit/Cost Ratio 1.17 1.72 973 $4.05 N/A N/A 194 12.0 1 $1,743,887 $924,483 N F+ f+ N N W W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O m f7 C C 07 G m A O rr n 3 07 r rt I I I 7• 0 7• o O o 3 S S W O "6 'O •6 m m � _ � o T c i ` n c n n S � S 6 � n S O v O J Wood Microchip Boiler - Medium Cost Chip Option Contingency % 5.00% Micrf Construction Management % 8.00% Moisture Content 20% Boiler Efficiency 77.00% Chip BTU/ton 1 13,760,000 Cost per ton Annual chip consumption in tons 1 191: One Time Costs 20142015 2016 Bidding & Permits $ 8,000 $ - $ Design Services $ 60,000 1 MMBTU Boiler $ 177,000 - Chip storage & handling $ 125,000 - Installation $ 50,000 - Construction Management $ 35,600 TOTAL Capital Costs S 502.850 Annual Operations & Maintenance Oil O&M (1-disp %) Wood Microchips Oil (1-disp %) Net Annual Cumulative Savings 11,740 400 PV $ 1,278,809 NPV $ 1,08F,436 400 50,923 11,740 400 42,097 626,468 55,688 ochip Properties Net BTU/ton Net Boiler Eff. 10,595,200 1 77% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 26,101 26,750 27,416 28,098 28,796 29,513 30,247 4,792 5,114 5,459 5,827 6,219 6,638 7,085 43,032 44,005 45,014 46,064 47,156 48,291 49,472 669,501 713,505 758,520 804,584 851,739 900,030 949,502 $ 60,800 $ 66,283 $ 72,164 $ 78,469 $ 85,227 $ 92,471 $ 100,233 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 11,740 400 400 400 400 400• 400 400 30,999 31,770 32,561 33,371 34,201 35,052 35,924 108,549 $ 117,457 $ 126,998 $ 137,215 $ 148,155 $ 159,868 $ 172,405 11,740 11,740 11,740 400 400 400 36,817 37,733 38,672 11,936 12,740 13,598 60,893 62,613 64,410 185,824 $ 200,185 $ 215,552