HomeMy WebLinkAbout120712-ADL 108047 PD final atm A development planCITY OF TENAKEE SPAuNGs ELECTRIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN The proposed project is a run -of -river hydroelectric plant located on Indian River with an installed capacity of approximately 180 kW and generating approximately 1,000 to 1,500 MWh of electricity per year. The intake is located at an elevation of about 120 feet and the powerhouse is located at an elevation of about 60 feet, for a gross project head of about 60 feet. The project will utilize up to 50 cubic feet per second (cfs) of water. Leizal Description: The project and all appurtenances will be located within T47S, R63E, Copper River Meridian, sections 15, 21 and 22. The following are geographic coordinates for the intake and powerhouse: Location Latitude Lan itude Elevation Diversion Spillway 57. 47 23" N 135, 11' 39" W 124.5 ft Powerhouse Floor 57. 47' 09" N 135. 11' 37" W 65.4 ft Land authorizations for this project will consist of • Easements from the State of Alaska for the access roads and trails, diversion 1 intake structure, penstock (pipeline) route, powerhouse, and power line. The diversion / intake site will be co -located with an existing U.S. Forest Service fish pass structure on an existing state easement (ADL 106204). • Easements for portions of the power line that cross land owned by the City of Tenakee Springs. • Agreement with the U.S. Forest Service for use of Indian River Road for construction and maintenance access to the project. Detailed legal descriptions for these lands are not yet available. As the City of Tenakee Springs completes surveys and designs for the project, more detailed information on the lands will be provided. Ground Cover: Existing ground cover is native vegetation. Native vegetation in this area generally consists of mature conifer trees, deciduous trees and brush, and various ground cover vegetation. Some open grasslands and/or peat bogs also occur in the project vicinity. After construction, disturbed areas will have permanent trails suitable for pedestrian use or infrequent vehicular use for project maintenance, be revegetated, or will be occupied by project structures. _Proiect Access: The hydroelectric project will be accessed via an existing log transfer facility and/or beach landing at the start of Indian River Road approximately one mile east of Tenakee Springs, on the east side of Indian River. A new road to the project will start approximately 1.3 miles up Indian River Road from the beach landing. Including this AUGUST 2010 (REV. 1—MARCH 1, 2012) Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 1 of 11 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINUS ELECTRIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. new access road, a total of approximately 3,200 feet of new roads and/or trails are planned to construct and access the hydra project. Separately, approximately 4,500 feet of access trail will be constructed along the power line route between Tenakee Springs and the power house_ The power line will be located on the west side of Indian River. No motorized access across Indian River is planned for this project. Some construction and maintenance activities may use helicopters for access. Structures: Intake: The project intake will consist of a diversion structure across Indian River at the head of barrier falls 4 at river mile 0.85. This diversion will be co -located with an existing fish ladder owned by the US Forest Service located on ADL 106204. Project water will be diverted from the river channel into an intake gallery consisting of an inclined plate intake screen. The intake screen will be designed for up to 50 cfs of water. Project Penstock: The penstock (pipeline) will consist of approximately 1,600 feet of 36-inch diameter pipe. The penstock will be built on above ground supports, on grade, and buried depending on location. Conduit will be co -located with the penstock to provide power and communications from the powerhouse to the intake. Project Powerhouse and Tailrace: The powerhouse will be located on the east side of Indian River below barrier falls 2 at river mile 0.55. The powerhouse will house the turbine, generator, switch gear, and controls. The building will be approximately 24' x 30' and 12' high. It wiI[ likely be a concrete, wood or metal building structure. A transformer will sit on a pad just outside the powerhouse. The tailrace will return project water to Indian River, Power Line: The project power line will be a three phase 7,200-volt line. It will cross Indian River over head, and then continue to Tenakee Springs. It is expected that the line to Tenakee Springs will be buried in duct. Waste Generation and Management: During construction, waste generation will mainly consist of excess and remnant construction materials such as plastics, wood, metal, concrete, and similar materials. Depending on the nature of the waste, it will either be collected in containers and hauled to an approved disposal facility, burned onsite, or buried onsite in an approved monofill. During project operations, waste generation will be negligible, and will be limited to worn out parts, discarded personal items, and similar matter. Such waste will be hauled to an approved disposal facility. Large waste items may be generated infrequently that could be burned, buried onsite, or backhauled to an approved disposal facility. AUGUST 2010 (REV. 1- MARCH 1, 2012) Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 2 of 11 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGs ELECTRIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. Hazardous Substances: No hazardous substances are known to exist in the project footprint. During construction, diesel and gasoline will be consumed on the project by construction equipment and vehicles. Equipment fueling and lube operations will not be conducted within the river. During operation, approximately five gallons of hydraulic oil and one gallon of lube grease may be located at the powerhouse along with minimal amounts of gasoline for hand tools. Blasting materials may be used on the project during construction. Water Supply: No domestic water supply or wastewater disposal is proposed. Parkin and Stora a Areas: During construction, vehicles, equipment, and materials will be stored near the Footprint of the powerhouse and intake, along access trails, along Indian River Road, at the beach landing, alonIn g the power line route, and/or within Tenakee Springs. Staging and storage areas will be coordinated with land owners. During normal operation, maintenance vehicles will park at the powerhouse site. No outdoor storage or offsite parking will be required unless a major repair or modification utilizing construction equipment is required. Number of Peo le Usine the Site:. During construction, the number of people using the site will vary, but will generally not exceed twenty persons. During operation, the site will be unstaffed, but will be supervised by the Tenakee Springs Electric Utility Department's power plant operator on a regular basis. Maintenance and Operations: Long term maintenance and operations will consist of on -going monitoring of the project from Tenakee Springs via Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. The utility's power plant operator would periodically visit the project to inspect equipment and perform routine maintenance and repairs. Closure and Reclamation Plan: Properly operated and maintained, the project has an economic life of 50+ years. With proper renewal of capital assets, the project should be functional and economical in perpetuity. In the event the project is decommissioned, the diversion structure, above ground penstock, powerhouse building, and associated equipment can be removed and salvaged or scrapped. Earthworks and buried assets such as the power line or penstock can be abandoned in place. AvcusT 2010 (REv. I —MARCH 1, 2012) Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 3 of 11 BARROW w JU14EAU i- EXISTING I. IGLSTMUS`�, cA/C TRANSFER SITE FAIRBANKS PROPOSED /BEACH LANDING ANCHORAGE PRINGS JUNEA GoaH STATE J SITHA LAND ✓a VICINITY o srKn MAP 4, C' 2 EXISTING w STATE LOCATION MAP VICINITY MAP FOOT TRAIL —\ EXISTING LOGGING ROAD / (USFS 7500) —.—.— - —. — -— w� a / / 0 I Q V1 PROPOSED ACCES i J ROAQS r ; PROPOSE❑ ; ATE PROPO, ED INTAKE SINI) PENSTOCK TE � /�. EXISTING USES FISH LADDER :I f SITE ADL 145204 PROPOSED 5 POWER HOUSE ° PROPOSED fl 1 /4 1 /2 ,�°¢ POWER LINE -- R UTE SCALE IN MILES INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WETLANDS/ TYPE 2 #REAM - - PROJECT LOCATION MAP (TY P) CR0.551N1 , prepared b to cv i polaroonsult alasks, Inc. — — v N .. `� . 15173 west 33rd Arenu e, SY1la 310 7A4o6g2Alaska 99503 Tel: 9-5B-2420Ln L •s I Fa.: 907-256-24111 E7.WL JOELaP0LARQ3 NSULT. NET DEC. 12, 2011 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS 71�ti / .I i PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR PROPOSED l CONNECTION TO U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS a�J #NAKEE ELECTRIC Sac.- 15. 16. 21. 22: Trip 47S; Rome SX, Copper River Mwidon } SYSTEM r. � L r SCALE; 1"=1�4 ML N `.3 yN �I FIGURE 1 OF 6 FILE: TKE_DES2.dwg Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 4 of 11 I I PROPOSED DIVERSION/INTAKE (SEE FIGS 3&4) EXISTING USFS _ FISH LADDER PROPOSED PENSTOCK 1,550') ROP05E� ❑w L TENAKEE SPRINGS 250 SCALE IN FEET PROPOSED POWERHOUSE tSFZ,E FIGURE 5) 500 EXISTING INDIAN RIVER ROAD PROPOSED ACCESS ROADS (+/— 3,200') WETLANDS (TYPICAL) SECTION 15 SECTION 22 �Qvr _1 NOTES: 1. SEE B/9/11 WETLANDS REPORT FOR WETLANDS DELINEATION METHODS AND DATA INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROJECT MAP prepare y: polarcvnsult alaska, inc. 1505 Weal 33,d Avenue, SIR. 310 AwhOm9e, Alaska 99503 Tel: 907--259-2420 FW 707-256-2419 EMAIL, JOES.OPOLARCONSULTNEf NOV. 28, 2011 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Sec 15. 16. 21, 22, Twp 47S; Range 63E: Copper RHer Meridian SCALE: 1 "-250' FIGURE 2 OF fi 1 FILE: TKE-❑ES2.dwg Attachment "Ae' - AFL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 5 of 11 PROPOSED HYDRO E%ISTNG PROPOSED ❑ w -QAj WITH INTAKE HEAONALL CROUN15 PRwECT: f30,1' EL 127.5' 3U.OD' FAOPDSED MIDRD INTAKE PRCPD55D FISHPASS HCAUALL.L 1OA' EL 127A' — EXISTING OHW LEVEL• $25XD,— • PROPOS 0— EL 12 L5' PROPOSED.. RUSH CATE ' SILL S20.tl' PROPOSED FISH PA55 INLET fL ofliu G FISHPASS HE A-LL E7IK FISH PASS INLET 120.5' (PLOSR WI1H HEW WN1J (BEHND NEW MALL] _.. .... �__ EL S19.D' ... .............. _..... .............. .... ....._�,...—_—__ ..._� _—_—___.__.. E3[E{i110 FISH PAS$ W-AM%LL .. .... _... .. (9&0 0 NEW WALL) EL 123.Y DIVERSION /INTAKE/F€SHPASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION LOOKING DOWNSTREAM 0 0 12 i SALE• i " — 1 Zr SCALE IN FEET 9ULE IN FEET DIVERSION/INTAKE/F€SHPASS STRUCTURE - PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 3G' NOTES: 1. THE DIMENSIONS AND LOCATION OF THE EXISTING FISH PASS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SUITABLE FOR PERMITTING AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. 3. THE PROPOSED DIVERSION STRUCTURE WILL RAISE THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHWM) OF INDIAN RIVER FOR APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET UPSTREAM OF THE STRUCTURE. THE OHWM WILL RAISE +3 FEET IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM OF THE STRUCTURE, RETURNING TO THE EXISTING OHWM APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET UPSTREAM. INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DIVERSION, INTAKE AND FISH PASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION AND SECTION palarconauit aluska, inc). 1503 wM 33rd A—. 5,.A• E10 A—hnrogn, AI-k. 99503 Tel: 907-258--2420 F-- 907-258-209 FAML, JDaPPOLARCONSULi.NET NOV. 28, 2011 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Sec. 15. 16. 21, 22, 11rp 47S; Range 63E: Copper River Marie SCALE: AS NOTED FIGURE 3 OF 6 FILE: TKE-DES2.dwg Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 6 of 11 PROPOSED t INTAKE STRUCTURE - SECTION DOWN FISH PASS ' SCALE: 1 " =`4 2(Y - 130 1- - PRaPO5E0 FlSN PROPOSO r PASS HEADWALL l 1 I � PROPOSED SILL. OF: NEW FIRST FISH; NOTCH EL 120,5'1 120 -- - I EXISTING SILL OF FIRST M14 NOTCH EL 1,19.0' 110 - .................... _..... :...__...- — EXISTING OHW- a ,O m1 to FM AKE PROPOSED BYPASS GATE (NORMALLY CLOSED) PROPOSED ---...- - ----'-- --- rDIVERSION WEIR ---- -.. PROPOSED BYPASS CATE SILL PROPOSED-COANDA SCREEN 30, I SOT L 2.6 FT x 25 FT. EXISTING . - NATURAL 8EDROCf( SPILLWAY qIN111 PROPOSED6PSTREAM PENSTOCK INLET OF SECTION RT: 11 .0'upSFI Ate+OF SECTIOY DC IC' UPSTREAM--I'----7F"SECTIOR-. ... 0 ; s ,0 OG AT SECTION 1 404 - tQ Pal (—,'�INTAKE STRUCTURE SECTION LOOKING UPSTREAM INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SCALE: 1" = lV INTAKE STRUCTURE SECTIONS prepared by; NOTES: polaraonault alaaka, ine. 1. THE DIMENSIONS OF THE EXISTING FISH PASS ARE 150..1 W.et 33rd A-e *, Suit* 310 Anchoraggee AJ=W 99303 APPROXIMATE. Tel: 907-258-2420 Fw 907-258-2419 EIVAL: JOELOPO[ARCONSULT,PCr 2. THESE DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SUITABLE FOR NOV. 28, 2011 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS PERMITTING AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY, PERMIT` DRAWINGS FOR U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS se= 15. 15, 21. 22; Twp 47S; Range 63F.; Copper Frwer Meridian SCALE: A5 NOTED FIGURE 4 OF 8 FILE: TKE_DES2.dwg Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 7 of I I ` PROPOSED SPEED IF3Cft ~_ PROP E � ARE POSED GE TOR I� I EXIS 1NG OHW PRDP06E. PROPOSPROP05 X NEED PDWERHOD OEFIECTOR .p- WALL Nam_ PROPOSED STOP LOGS/ r'�`'T FISH SCREEN ED �NbigN 4li�F TAILRAACCE PROPOSED R OVERHEAD a POWER LINE PROPOSED /T 70 7ENA1(EE DEFLECTOR WALL I (PROPOSED OHW) EXISTING f EXISTING OHW OHW 1 �U�1VE�fi0U5E PLAN VIEW o to xo SCALE: ,= 20' MALE IN �Lr 100 NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT ARE CONCEPTUAL ORIGINAL GRDUN❑ APPROXIMATIONS, SURFACE 2. DRAWINGS ARE SUITABLE FOR PERMITTING AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY, PROPOSED POWERHOUSE ACCESS ROAD 80 PROPOSED PROPOSED POWERHOUSE TURBINEPRID INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE — PLAN AND ELEVATION PROPOSED DEFLECTOR prepare y: WALL orrvr polaraorsoult alaeka, inc. 6 ... ------- ---- .__.....'..__._ l _ 150.3 Wahl 33H Avenue, Suite 310 IdRgpp A—h—ga. Al-k. 99503 — DRAFT TUBE Tel, 947-255-24TA F— 907-258-2419 — PROPOSED FISH EMAIL; JOELOPOLARCONSULT.REI SCREEN PROPOSED NOV. 28, 2011 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS TAILRACE PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR 0 ID M US.S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SQNL jw Im Sec: 15. 15, 21, 22, Twp 47S: Range 63E; Capper River Meridian POWERHOUSE SECTION VIEW LOOKING UPSTREAM SCALE; 1"-20' SCALE: V' = 20' FIGURE 5 OF 6 FILE; TKE_DES2.dwg Attachment VIA" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 8 of 11 ARMOR TRAIL AT CROSSING WITH GRAVEL AND COBBLES TO ACCESS EXISTING PROVIDE DRIVING ROAD GRADE SURFACE ARMOR nr--- WEIR FABRICATED FROM EMBANKMENT ACCESS ROAD ROCK -FILL GABIONS, TIMBERS, BOULDERS OR BELOW WATER EXISTING GRA E EQUAL MATERIALS CROSSING AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT EROSION L� SECTION A -A 1 TYPICAL ROAD/TRAIL SECTION AT MINOR DRAINAGE CROSSING (TYPE 1) SCALE: NTS ARMOR DOWNSLOPE ORIGINAL SHOULDER WITH ACCESS GROUND ACCE55 GABIONS, TIMBER, OR ROAD SURFACE ROA[�XISTING BOULDERS AS REQUIRED TO A �' CONTROL EROSION CULVERT ARMOR EMBANKMENT GRADE FROM OVERTOPPING BELOW CULVERT AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT EROSION AL_ _ r CULVERT FILL SECTION A- TYPICAL ROAD/TRAIL SECTION AT MINOR DRAINAGE CROSSING (TYPE 2) SCALE: NTS NOTES: INDIAN RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1_ NO PERENNIAL STREAM CROSSINGS ARE PRESENT ALONG MINOR DRAINAGE CROSSING DETAILS PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD ALIGNMENTS. ONE TYPE 2 prepare y: CROSSING IS NECESSARY ON THE POWER LINE TRAIL. polarconsult aiaska. inc. 1503 West S3+d Amen.., 5et. 310 2. WATER CROSSING DETAILS ARE APPLICABLE FOR MINOR Tel: S 7- ,wee eswa Tel 9 g., )..k. E Fmr 907-258-2419 DRAINAGES INCLUDING EPHEMERAL STREAMS, EMERGENT EMAIL' JOELOPOEARCONSUOMEI SUBSURFACE FLOW AND SIMILAR WATER FEATURES. NOV. 28, 2011 1 CITY OF TENAKEE SPRINGS 3, DRAWINGS ARE FOR PERMITTING AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR U.S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1,% 16. 21, 22; Twp 47S; Range 63E; Copper River Meridian SCALE: AS NOTED FIGURE 6 OF 6 1 FILE: TKE—DES2.dwg Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 9 of 11 STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MINING, LAND AND WATER ❑ contract Administratiion ❑ Northern Reghm ❑ 5outhcentral Region Southeast Region 90 W Till Ave, Suite GA0 3700 Airport Way 550 W 7th Ave.. Su lie 900C 400 Willoughby. 0400 Anchorage, AX 995013676 Fairbanks, AK 99709 Anchorage, AK 995013577 Juneau, AK 99301 (967) 2004M (907)43i-2740 (Wn 269-OU2 P07) 4633400 APPLICANT ENVIRONMENTAL RISK QUESTIONNAIRE The purpose of this questionnaire is to help clarify the types of actkvitles you propose to undertake. The questions are meant to help identify the level of environmental risk that may be associated with the proposed activity. The Division of Mining. Land and Water's evaluation of environmental risk for the proposed activity does not imply that the parcel or the proposed activity is an environmental risk from the presence or use of hazardous substances. Through this analysis, you may become aware of environmental risks that you did not know about. if so. you may want to onrisultwith an environmental engineer or an attomey. l !Ty nr- SPP(, i $ Applicant's Name Doing Business As P.O.36-'� 5 � � �-•�aK� c ���-�s �4 � 9cwf r Address city State Zip Message Phone Work Phone E-Mail contact Person Describe the proposed activity: euA. -oc- kiLrcr- H-jjDawLfrV-" P " " a-, �rlf]►aN �utA_. ;0 P(1o.ii ("'I' r T d ' e-, AC4x- -. A11--4 S In the course of your proposed activity will you generate, use, store. transport, dispose of. or otherwise come in contact with toxic andlor hazardous materials, andlor hydrocarbons? Yes Q No ❑ If yes, please list the substances and the associated quantities Use a separate sheet of paper, if necessary_ MeF',,42. a,t.. t L,JdCS F-cidc c~ram f��4, .F, �£ as7du[TIat1 r^e G1ASdtlrkE. O�- ry,4431E4u-�_- alp �dX_ ` Niw OA MG.ioCJ Or cT4fa. C1i-S f, t u6C-S �A i nc�Lit"•1 Lu 1024008A (Rev.18M) Attachment "A" - AFL 108047 ADL 1D8Ud7 Page t of 2 Preliminary Decision DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 10 of 11 If the proposed activities involve any storage tanks, either above or below ground, address the following questions for Each tank. Please use a separate sheet of paper, if necessary, and, where appropriate, include maps or plats- a. Where will the tank be located? b. What will be stored in the tams? r\,' '" c- What solo be the tank's size in gallons? 1 f d- What will the tank be used for? (Commercial or residential purposes?) 4 e- Wili the tank be tested for lea Ks? ' f. Will the tank be equipped with Ieakdetection devices? Yes ❑ No ❑. If yes, describe: Do you know or have any reason to suspect that the site may have been previously contaminated? Yes ❑ No 'D- If yes, please explain: i rertify that due diligence has been exercised and proper inquiries made in completing this questionnaire, and that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Applicant ,n. ,_ �r,-�; s Date AS 38-05-035(a) authorizes the director to decide what information is needed to process an application for the sale or use of stale land and resources. FINS information is made a part of the state pubic land records and beoomes pubic information under AS 0925-110 and 09.25-12Q [urdess the information queliffm for confidentiality under AS 38AF o36(a)(U) and eonfidenliefity is requeslady. Public information is open to inapsctton by you or any member of the public. A person who is the subject of the information may challenge its accuracy or cvrrplateness under AS 44.99.310. by gwng a written descnption a1 the challenged information, the changes needed to correct R and a name and address More the person can be touched- False statements made in an application fora benefit are pun5hable under AS 11-56.210 102410011A (Rev. 10101) Attachment "A" - ADL 108047 ADL 108047 Preliminary Decision Page 2 of 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN March 1, 2012 Page 11 of 11