HomeMy WebLinkAboutCold Bay Heat RecoveryMarch 5, 1993 State of Alaska Walter J. nickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation RECEIVED SEP z 3 2008 Robert Dryden, P.E. Aleutians East Borough Power & Control Engineering P.O. Box 231929 Anchorage, AK 99523 Re: Cold Bay Waste Heat Recovery Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate Dear Mr. Dryden: Enclosed please find a copy of the Cold Bay Waste Heat Recovery Report and Concept Design prepared by Frank Moolin and Associates on February 12, 1991. As discussed in our previous telephone conversations, the Energy Authority is interested in having a. revised design and cost estimate prepared based on a more refined project scope with the goal of developing a package that can be readily financed. Please provide a proposal for engineering services including a scope of work and estimate of fees based on the following project scope and criteria: PROJECT SCOPE Perform field investigation and gather sufficient field data to allow preparation of final construction documents should project advance to that stage, Field survey will need to include investigation of routing options for distribution piping. including easement issues, soils conditions (based on local knowledge -not geotechnical investigation), and potential conflicts with existing utilities and facilities. 2. Prepare design drawings in sufficient detail to allow preparation of an accurate cost estimate (approximately 35% to 50% design documents). Documents to include at a minimum a site plan; floor plans of power plant and end -user buildings; system schematic; and preliminary selection of heat exchangers, unit heaters, pumps, expansion tank, and miscellaneous devices. 3. Prepare a detailed -construction cost estimate with a breakdown of materials, freight, and labor. The Energy Authority can provide current unit costs for arctic pipe, energy meters, and other devices. Cost estimate to be based on force -account construction by G&K Inc. staff in the fail of 1993. SYSTEM CRITERIA 1. The system will serve the 3 State DOT facilities and the FAA shop which are closest to the power plant ( scenario #1 in Moolin Study). P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax; (907) 561-8584 2. The FAA facility will receive waste heat via a heat exchanger connected into the existing hydronic system. The 3 DOT facilities will receive waste heat via new hydronic unit heaters. 3. The existing power plant heat exchanger will be evaluated and, if deemed adequate, used for the new system. If the heat exchanger is determined to be inadequate for serving the new and existing waste heat recovery system, a new heat exchanger will be selected (preferably a shell and tube model). 4. Arctic piping for the distribution will be a pre -insulated piping system with a welded steel carrier pipe, polyurethane insulation, and an HDPE outer jacket (I.C. Moller or equivalent). 5. Heat delivered to end user buildings will be measured with magnetic -style energy meters (Clorius or equivalent). 6. The prevailing design philosophy will be to keep the system simple from both a construction and an operation standpoint. If you have any questions please contact me or Steve Stassel at 561-7877. ,. Sincerely, 4c, G Brian C. Gray, P.E. Chief Mechanical ngineer cc: Steve St ssel, Alaska Energy Authority Enclosures as stated COLDBGLI i REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY February 12,1991 Frank MoolIn & Associates, Inc. A Subald/ary of EAUSHCH Alaska Sernl., Inc. CONTENTS Pe C COLD BAY WASTE NEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN r FEBnUARY 12. 11,91- T�wL- OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.0 INTRODUCTION 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE VISIT 4.0 POWER PLANT DESCRIPTION 5.0 POTENTIAL WASTE HEAT USER BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS 5.1 State DOT/PF Buildings 5.1.1 Shop 5.1.2 Warm Storage 5.1.3 Warm Sand Storage 5.1.4 Fire Station 5.2 Cold Bay School 5.3 Cold Bay Community Buildings 5.3.1 City Building (Community Center) 5.3.2 Medical Clinic 5.4 FAA Buildings 5.4.1 Shop 5.4.2 Flight Service Building 5.4.3 Water Plant 5.5 U.S. Fish and Wildlife 5.5.1 Main Office/Shop/Storage 5.5.2 Bunkhouse and Housing 5.6 Other Buildings 5.6.1 Post Office 5.6.2 Pavlof Services - Hotel/Bar/Store and Restaurant 5.6.3 Reeve Airlines Buildings - Terminal and Shop 6.0 RIGHT-OF-WAY/EASEMENT 7•0 CONCEPT DESIGN 8.0 ECONOMIC DATA 9.0 FAILURE ANALYSIS 10 0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RCD,'2-12-91 COLD BAY WAST'L-. REPORT AND C ES:�J L':S+ .�F-j,'URES AND TnBLES Power Plant Photographs 4-2 3 Power Generation 5-3 AK DOTr`PF Shop Photographs 5-4 AK DOT/PF Shop Fuel Data 5-7 AK DOT/PF Warm Storage photographs 5-7 AK DOT/PF Warm Storage Fuel Data 5-8 AK DOT/PF Warm Sand Storage Heat Loss 5-11 School Photographs 5-1 School fuel Data 5-14 City Building Photographs 5-15 City Building Fuel Data 5-17 FAA Shop Photographs 5-18 FAA Shop Fuel U.S. Fish Data & Wildlife Main Office Photographs 5-20 5-21 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Main Office Fuel Data 5-24 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Housing Photographs 5-25 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Housing Fuel Data 5-29 Fire Station Fuel Data 5-32 Clinic Fuel Data 7-11 Figure 1 - Legend 7-12 Figure 2 - System Site Plan 7-13 Figure 3 - Power Plant Floor Plan 7-14 Figure 4 - Power Plant Schematic 7-15 Figure 5 - Scenario #1 System Schematic 7-16 Figure 6 - FAA Shop Floor Plan 7-17 Figure 7 - FAA Shop System Schematic 7-19 Figure 8 - AK DOT/PF Shop Floor Plan 7- 19 Figure 9 - AK DOT/PF Shop System Schematic 7-20 Figure 10 Figure 11 - AK DOT/PF Warm Storage Floor Plan - AK DOT/PF Warm Storage System Schematic 1-21 Figure 12 - AK DOT/-PF Warm Sand Storage Floor Plan 7-22 7-23 Figure 13 - AK DOT/PF Warm Sand Storage System Schematic 7-25 Figure 14 - Scenario #2 System Schematic 7-2 Figure 15 - City Building Floor Plan 7-2 Figure 16 17 - City Building System Schematic U.S. Fish & Wildlife Main Office Floor Plan 7-Z7 Figure Figure 18 - - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Main Office System Schematic 7-29 Figure 19 20 - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Bunkhouse Floor Plan - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Bunkhouse System Schematic 7-30 Figure Figure 21 - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Housing Floor Plan Fish & Wildlife Housing System Schematic 7-31 Figure 22 Figure 23 - U.S. - Scenario #3 System Schematic 7-37-33 Figure 24 - School Floor Plan 7-34 Figure 25 - School System Schematic 7-35 Figure 26 - Arctic Pipe/Trench Cross Section 10-2 Graph 1 10-3 Graph 2 ,vN -h; C G- -Ft��. ! - 9 1 COLD SAY 'BASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN EEBRUARY 12, 1991 APPENDICES 1. Calculations 2. Cost Estimates 3. Raw Data SECTION 1 COLD BAY 'WASTE PEAT RECOVE-n r REPORT A`!C CotiCEPT �z T!—j 0 -XEt u IVE SUMMARY .4 potential for waste heat recovery exists in the community of Cold Bay. Cold Bay is a community of approximately 150 people, located 40 miles from the western tip of the Alaska Peninsula, 630 air miles from Anchorage, and 180 air miles from Unalaska. The waste heat from the coolant of the diesel engine -generator set owned and operated by G&K, Inc., could be recovered and circulated to heat buildings in the community. A waste heat recovery system can provide enough heat to heat virtually all of the publicly owned buildings in the general vicinity of the power house and several publicly owned and private commercial buildings further from the power house as well. However, these buildings are spread out and can not be served on an equal cost basis. Also, varying ownership and planned future use of the buildings makes some buildings more attractive for providing waste heat to. Therefore, policy makers will have to choose between alternatives. Several scenarios have been evaluated and are presented here. Scenario #1 provides waste heat to the four (4) public buildings nearest the power house. This includes the FAA shop, State Department of Transportation / Public Facilities (DOT/PF) shop, State DOT/PF warm storage, and the future State DOT/PF warm sand storage to be constructed summer 1990. Estimated Project Cost Total Fuel Oil Savings 25,900 Gallons Total Annual Fuel Cost Savings S 28,500 (0&M Cost S 7,600) Scenario #2 includes the buildings in Scenario T1 and extends a heating loop to the north to serve the city building and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife complex. This complex includes the main office/shop/storage building, the bunkhouse, and four (4) separate housing buildings. This scenario would be an expansion of Scenario #I, Values below are inclusive of Scenario �1 values. A further revision would be to just include the city building if Fish and Wildlife declines to participate. Estimated Project Cost 51,271,053 Total Fuel Oil Savings 35,900 Gallons Total Annual Fuel Cost Savings S 39,500 (O&M Cost S 13,700) Scenario �3 includes the buildings in Scenario #1 and extends a heating loop to the south to serve the Cold Bay school. This scenario would be an expansion of Scenario 1. Values below are inclusive of Scenario -1 values Estimated Project Cost Total Fuel Oil Savings Total Annual Fuel Cost Savings (00 Cost COLD BAY W SIIT7�L 7E,�T `.c-0 V7 R.EPORI -IIJil 5777,021 31,700 Gallons S 34,000 5 11,700) Scenario #4 includes all of the buildings listed above (essentially it is Scenario #1 expanded to the north to include the additional Scenario #2 buildings and to the south to include the additional Scenario #3 building). Estimated Project Cost $1,614,728 Total Fuel Oil Savings 41,400 Gallons Total Annual Fuel Cost Savings $ 45,500 (0&M Cost S 16,800) Scenario #4a is identical to Scenario #4 with distribution main pipe sizes increased to allow for future expansion to the south. Annual fuel and dollar savings are identical. Estimated Project Cost $1,788,642 Scenario #5 expands the system further by extending a heating loop south past the school to serve the clinic, the airport buildings and buildings in between. This is the longest piping run considered. Besides the clinic, it would serve the State DOT/PF fire station, FAA flight service, FAA water plant, Post Office, Reeve Airlines complex (2 buildings), and Pavlof Services complex (2 buildings). There is not enough waste heat to serve Scenario #5 Scenario #5 is considered a low probability for waste heat recovery due to high construction costs, piping heat losses, complexity and uncertain future of some of these users. Scenario #5 is presented here only to the extent required to identify its potential for possible future expansion. No cost estimate was performed for Scenario #5. A possible 6th scenario would extend a branch from the scenario #5 loop to serve eighteen (18) FAA and DOT/ PF buildings consisting of 10 single housing units and 8 duplex housing units. This study did not analyze providing waste heat to the housing units. Decision Criteria Economic and public policy decisions wiil consider some or all of the following factors: 1 1.1. Proximity and piping loops. The cost of runni ne the waste heat eC _ 2, the individual heat exchangers may Take the pay back L,e, ;od t-D.C. COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEERUARY 12, _=g: ' client. This factor may limit this project to the buildings in the immediate area of the power plant. If this consideration is overriding, the FAA shop and the DOT/PF's shop, warm storage building, and new warm sand storage facility will be the highest priority users. If other users are considered, the grouping of facilities on a piping loop will become a significant factor. The City Building is approximately half way to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife site, but the school and clinic are in a different direction. Waste heat piping to the clinic would open up the possibility of providing waste heat to the State DOT/PF fire station, FAA flight service, FAA operated water plant, Post Office, Reeve Aleution complex, and Pavlof Services complex, and other private users adjacent to the runway. Subject to the above decisions, FAA and D.OT/PF family housing units could be waste heat users, but it would require another long loop on the waste heat piping layout and multiple exchangers in the housing hot air furnaces. 1.1.2 Potential Long Term Users and Expansion. At the time of this report (March 1990), the FAA and National Weather Service (which shares the .FAA flight service building) plan to significantly reduce their respective staffs over the next four years. Certainly decisions about capital investments in waste heat must consider this planned reduction. U.S. Fish and Wildlife appears to have a long term commitment to Cold Bay and the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. This fact, combined with the proximity to the power house, should make Fish and Wildlife a prime candidate for waste heat use. Federal decision making may make utilization difficult, as will the difficulty of hooking up waste heat to six relatively small buildings. The DOT/PF Shop and Storage Facilities will be utilized as long as DOT/PF is responsible for the maintenance of the airport. there are no current plans to close the airport. The state shop, warm storage, and warm sand storage are excellent candidates for waste heat recovery because of their proximity to the power station. The Mayor and City Council are negotiating with the Trawlers Association to make Cold Bay a center for fishing crew changes. This would increase local seasonal air traffic and increase the possibility for the continuing or even the expansion of Cold Bay as an airport. Also. the air carriers in Cold Bay expect to be in business for an indefinite period, and with expanding guiding/tourist activity in the area, air COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DES:G1N FEERbARY 12. 1991 traffic could increase. Private potential waste heat users such as Reeve and Pavlof Services (which is operated by Reeve) and others around the airport are interested in any savings in heating costs. This potential for stability and even growth makes providing waste heat to the airport area attractive. The Post Office has a new building and will be in Cold Bay indefinitely. If the installation costs have a reasonable payback, the Post Office is a potential customer. The State Hatchery at Russell Creek is under utilized, and its future will have a small effect on air traffic at Cold Bay but because of distance, no effect on waste heat recovery unless the extra hatchery staff were housed in Cold Bay proper. 1.1.3 Community Desires/State Priorities The Mayor and City Council members, that were interviewed, indicated a strong preference for using waste heat in the city building (community center) and medical clinic. A major portion of this interest has to do with a limited city budget and significant fuel' bills. They were supportive of using waste heat at the school. A summary of the construction cost estimates along with design and SIGH costs is included in the Cost Estimate Appendix for each alternative and scenario. The local DOT/PF and FAA Personnel were generally supportive of utilizing waste heat in order to save operating cost and lower maintenance cost. The ultimate decision will probably be made at a higher administrative level based on 1st cost and operating cost reduction. SECTION 2 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 12, ical 2 0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Objective The objective of the field investigation and report is to ascertain the viability of waste heat recovery use in the community of Cold Bay. It has been established that there ;s a potential source and use for the heat energy, and that the community is interested in pursuing this project. 2.2 Methodology The investigation and analysis were approached as follows: Pre -site Visit: Information collection consisted of telephone contact with community officials, owners/operators of potential user buildings, power plant operators, and gathering land use/ownership information. Field Investigation: Coordination with the G&K power utility owner/operator, building owner/operators and local elected officials was performed. Photographs were taken of the potential user buildings as well as the boiler/furnace equipment. The power plant was photographed and sketches were made of the coolant piping connections. Available fuel costs and heating `s records were obtained from each interested potential recipient of waste heat. Office Analysis: Additional information regarding weather and historical trends were collected. Calculations were performed to fill in missing fuel use data for several of the potential users. This information was used to produce a model to predict the system performance and the amount of energy recovered. 4. Report Preparation: A draft report was prepared for the prospective clients prior to final report preparation to ascertain the correctness of the assumptions made and obtain approval of the approach taken. 2.3 Community Description Cold Bay is a community of approximately 150 people 40 miles from the western end of the Alaskan Peninsula. The community centers around the Airport with FAA, National Weather Service, State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT/PF), and ancillary staff. A smaller population of U.S. Fish and Wildlife staff work at the nearby Izembek National Wildlife Refuge and State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game staff work at the Russell Creek Hatche>-v. 1r . addition, several airlines and charter compar;ies ^aye D'2 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRU4RY 12 1991 f resident staffs and there is a school post office, community center, medical clinic, store, hotel, restaurant, and bar. The land is flat and rolling. Diesel fuel cost at Cold Bay were $1.18 in February 1990 and were scheduled to fall to S1.10 on March 1. Diesel is used for heat and power generation. 2.4 Applicable Codes and -Regulations The most recently State of Alaska adopted editions (1985 for all except as noted) of the following codes and regulations have been used in the preparation of the concept design. These are listed below: Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC-1979) Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) Uniform Building Code (UBC) Uniform Fire Code (UFC) National Electrical Code (NEC-1990 - Pending adoption) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) SECTION 3 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVER`, REPORT AND CONCEPT DES?1'�-�1 � FEBRUARY 12. .^91 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE VISIT Two engineers from Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. visited Cold Bay from January 31 to February 2, 1990. They met with the utility and visited every facility listed in this report and obtained available copies of fuel usage records and copied or sketched floor plans and piping diagrams. Contacts: Jack Fey 252-2507 - Mayor, National Weather Service Linda Kremer - 532-2401 - City Clerk Gerry Dias - 532-2466 - Airport Manager, Flight Service DOT/PF Ludell Hutchings - 532-2443 - FAA Field Office Manager Gary Ferguson - 532-2407 - Power Plant Owner/Operator Teresa Mercer - 532-2409 - Head Teacher, Cold Bay School Hal Kremer - 532-2406 - School and City Maintenance Man Rick Schlichten - 532-2437 - Manager Hotel, Restaurant, Bar Denton Chambers - 532-2472 - Manager Reeves Airline Mark Chase - 532-2445 - U.S. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Ken Kreitzer - 532-2451 - Head of Airport Security, City Council Annette Alexander - 532-2481 - Community Health Mary Beth Hennessy - 532-2413 - Nurse Practitioner Steleen Turner . 532-2464 - U.S. Post Office SECTION 4 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND yyCONCEPT DESIGN �- 4 0 POWER PLANT DESCRIPTION 4.1 Narrative Description The power plant is housed in a 40' by 96' metal s-kinned building with an adjacent switchgear/office L building and shop building. Power is generated by three (3) Catapillar generators rated for continuous load as follows: 1-Model 3512 - 650 Kw I -Model 3512 - 845 Kw 1-Model 3512 - 650 Kw These engines are utilizing the same block, and have different configurations and turbos. thegenerators use number 2 fuel oil year round. Cooling for generators is provided by external horizontal radiators with automatic controls. Piping is uninsulated, resulting in large heat loss to the building. The plant is piped for waste heat recovery with a Young RC-1616-TC-1P shell and tube heat exchanger. A waste heat manifold is installed and waste heat is being used to heat the power plant, the switch gear/office building and the new office shop building. The heating load for ancillary structures was calculated and deducted from the total waste heat available because these structures are scheduled to be torn down. The other wooden structures on site will be.torn down. Under present conditions, one generator is able to maintain the village load and the other two are kept on warm stand-by using return coolant from the radiators. At the time of this report (March 1990), the Cold Bay Power Plant is negotiating with Mark Air to provide power to an expanded Mark Air facility in Cold Bay. This expanded load will increase the amount waste heat available in the future. 4-2 Floor Plan and Schematics See the Figures 3 and 4 for a simple floor plan and schematic of the system (located in Section 7). 4.3 Photographs See the attached copies of the original color photographs of the power plant and coolant piping. 4-4 Load information Attached Table I contains the utility 'oad data -or I988 and .989. Cold Bay Power Hint Suildin.gs Power Plant Waste Heat Recovery Equipment Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. COLD BAY POWER GENERATION MONTH HOURS PRODUCTION PEAK AVERAGE MIN. LOAD FUEL (KWH) LOAD LOAD (KW) (KW) USE. KW (note 1) (note 2) (Gal 1988 Jan. 744 315,120 424 212 22351 Feb. 696 318,000 457 228 22799 Mar. 744 334,560 450 225 24010 Apr. 720 330,120 459 229 23342 May 744 301,440 405 203 22089 Jun. 720 272,040 378 189 19979 Jul. 744 265,440 357 178 19793 Aug. 744 291,240 391 196 21357 Sep. 720 277,320 385 193 22189 Oct. 744 300,000 403 202 20626 Nov. 720 309,840 430 215 22190 Dec. 744 336,360 452 226 23820 AVERAGE 304,2901 1416 208 ANNUAL 6,7841 3,651,48.0 550 264,545 1989 Jan. 744 348,840 469 234 24534 Feb. 672 292,080 435 217 20822 Mar. 744 297,600 400 200 21571 Apr. 720 288,600 401 200 20992 May 744 279,000 375 188 20489 Jun. 720 249,120 346 173 18266 Jul. 744 241,440 325 162 18485 Aug. 744 277,080 372 186 20457 Sep. 720 275,280 382 191 19827 Oct. 744 285,840 384 192 21217 Nov. 720 307,320 427 213 21884 Dec. 744 312,600 420 210 22269 AVERAGE1 287,900 3951 197 -ANNUALI 8,760 3,454,800 740 250,813 Notes: 1) Average load is calculated trom KWH production divided by hours in month. 2) Min. load in estimated as 112 of average load. 2;71191 SECTION 5 Cold Bay AK/DOT Shop AK/DOT Shop Furnace Cold Bay: DOTIPF SHOP HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA DATE FUEL NUMBED DAILY (Gal) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION Gal 1988 Jan. 421 31 1358 Feb. 1;101 29 37.97 Mar. 1,006 31 32.26 Apr. 711 30 23.70 May 291 31 9.39 Jun. 0 Jul. 755 61 12.38 Aug. 0. Sep. 347 61 5.69 OCL 0 Nov. 1,264 61 20.72 Dec. 733 31 23.65 6,623 Total 1989 Jan. 529 31 17.06 Feb, 1,242 28 44.36 Mar. 544 31 17.55 Apr. 450 30 15.00 May 560 31 18.06 Jun. 90 30 3.00 Jul. 90 31 2.90 Aug. 0 Sep. 390 61 6.39 Oct. 576 31 18.58 Nov. 164 30 5.47 Dec. 530 31 17.10 5,165 Total TOTAL FUEL DELIVERED 11,788 731 16.13 Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. t HEATING AVERAGE DEGREE MONTHLY DAYS CONSUMPTION MEAN 1126 681 1055 638 1098 664 952 576 782 473 578 350 448 271 416 252 517 313 779 471 907 548 1075 650 9,733 5,886 ANNUALIZED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 5,886 'Mar 1988 records show 5201 gal. but it is assumed to include vehicle tank fill of approx. 80�.4 2�7;°1 COLD BAY WASTE NEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCErT !DESIGN S.O POTENTIAL WASTE HEAT USER BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS During the site visit, all major buildings within a reasonable distance of the power plant were considered. Also, some groups of buildings remote from the power plant were considered. The buildings were visited and information about them gathered. The information is presented below. COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND r NC7?T DESIGN FEER',APY 12. 199. 5.1. State DOTJPF Buildings 5.1.1 Shop Steel insulated paneled s I a approximately 2950 square feet air furnace serving a 380 squa fired unit heater serving the is located approximately 440 plant (440 feet piping run). b on grade building of with an oil fired forced re foot office and an oil majority of the shop. It feet west of the power The furnace and unit heater are rated at approximately 185 and 250 MBH output respectively. A minimal amount of domestic hot water use is provided by an electric hot water heater. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is a single horizontal unit heater serving the shop only, independent of the existing systems. The annualized fuel consumption is 5,886 gallons based on delivery records. COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CCINCE?T DES EEBRGrRY 1 9-- 5.1.2 Warm Storage Insulated steel paneled slab on grade building of approximately' 5400 square feet with two oil fired ceiling mounted unit heaters rated at. 300 MBH output each. `It As located approximately150 feet north of the ..power plant .(180 feet piping run). The preferred.method Of, waste heat use. in this building. is a single horizontal unit heater, independent of the existing systems. The annualized fuel consumption is 7,818 gallons based on delivery records. Cold Bay AK/DOT Warm Storage Warm Storage Unit Heaters t :, Cold Bay: DOT/PF WARM STORAGE HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA DATE FUEL NUMBER DAILY. (Gal) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION (Gal) 1988 Jan. 1,121 31 36.16 Feb. Mar. 1,094 60 18:23 Apr. 1,1221 30 37.40 May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 1989 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 2-^ 01 728 31 23.48 253 30 8.43 307 31 9.90 1,114 92 12.11 1.,047 30 34.90 1,337 31 43.13 8.,123 1,233 31 39.77 2,444 29 84.28 1,075 31 34.68 2,3511 1831 12. 4.92 7 TOTAL FUEL DELIVERED 15,679 732 21.42 Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. HEATING AVERAGE DEGREE MONTHLY DAYS CONSUMPTION MEAN 1126 904 1055 847 1098 882 952 765 782 628 578 464 448 360 416 334 517 415 779 626 907 729 1075 863 9,733 7,818 ANNUALIZED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 7,818 E.1.7i_OSS '_AL..LAr , N SASIC PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT: COLD BAY PROJ NO: 495-306 CALC FOR: DOT/PF WARM SAND STORAGE DATE::2�15/90 TEMPERATURES HEATING DEGREE PAYS INTERIOR 65 OF 98771OF DAYS 1i EXTERIOR:' 9i OF I ROOM: 3 1 HEIGHT=; 201 1 AREA=1 42001 WIDTH=j 601: VOLUME=i 84000j LENGTH=i 701 AC/HR=l 0.5 1 � I I .SURFACE-. AREA ' U-VALUE' ' Ti - Te) = BTU/HRI I TOTAL ' COMMENTS ' WALL 1 12001 0.12 561 8064 j ! WALL 2 ! 1400 0.12 561 94081 II :FLOOR i 561 0 :CEILING ; 42001 0.12 56 28224 i .GLASS I 561 0 DOORS 56 01 j ;PERIMETER LENGTH ' F-VALUE ' (Ti - Te) = BTU/HR BASEM ENT WALL 1 56 0 r SLAB 2601 0.65 561 9464 i 1 j :AIR EXCH..I I CFM 'FACTOR Ti - Te = BTU/HR +INFILT.. 700 1.08 561 42336 I 974961 I i i TOTAL BTU/HR= ; 97.496 I � , TOTAL BTU/YR BASED ON HEATING DEGREE DAYS= 412,700,568 i 1 i TOTAL GAVYR @ 140,000 BTU/GAL, 70% EFFICIENCY= 4,211 �F. COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVER, REPC'R T .AND C-3NCEPT ES ]'4 U' n.K :2. .:9i EEBR 5.1.3 Warm Sand Storage Insulated steel paneled slab on grade building of approximately 4200 square feet. Heat will be provided by a oil fired furnace capable of burning heating oil or waste. oil from vehicles with an output of approximately 155 MBH. It will be located approximately 210 feet SW of the power plant (210 feet piping run). This is a new building scheduled for construction in 1990. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is a single horizontal unit heater, independent of the existing systems. Because no historical records exist, the fuel consumption was estimated from heat loss calculations. The annualized fuel consumption is 4,211 gallons based on .heat loss calculations. r L _ COLD BAY WASTE HE., T RECCVE='Y REPORT AND HS: �N 5.2 Cold Bay School Well insulated wood frame structure of approximately 10,400 .square feet approximately 710 feet SW from the power plant (1020 piping run). The school is heated by two oil fired boilers, each rated at 552 MBH output, with domestic hot water provided by a single oil fired hot water heater in the boiler room rated at 433 MBH output. The boiler supply water temperature was originally reset based on outside air temperature from 60 degree F water at 60 degree F air up to 200 degree F water at -20 degree F air. Waste heat recovery would not be effective at the higher water temperatures though this should only occur a small part of the year. The present operating mode has the return water aquastat set point at 1520F: The supply water is arbitrarly limited to 178 . The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is to provide a plate heat exchanger on the boiler system with a second heat exchanger to provide domestic hot water. Some repiping of the boiler room will, be required.. The annualized fuel consumption is 5,770 gallons per year based on delivery records. H-. F." -12-9 i Cold Bay School School Boilers Cold Say SCHOOL HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. DATE FUEL NUMBER DAILY HEATING AVERAGE (Gal) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION DEGREE MONTHLY Gal) DAYS CONSUMPTION 1988 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 5,770 1989 MEAN Jan. 1126 784 Feb. 1055 734 Mar. 1098 764 Apr. 952 662 May 782 544 Jun. 0 (578) 0 Jul. 0 (448) 0 Aug. 0 (416) 0 Sep. 517 360 Oct• 779 542 Nov. 907 631 Dec• 1075 748 Total 8,291. 5,770 (9733 ) TOTAL FUEL ANNUALIZED DELIVERED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 5,770 365 15.81 5,770 'Annual fuel quantity provided was distributed to each month of the 9-month school year by heating degree days. 2:7, 91 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND COr�CEDT r�ESIGN ,. , 5 3 Cald Bay Community Buildings 5.3.1 City Building (Community Center) Well insulated wood frame structure of approximately 2880 square feet consisting of offices, library, meeting room, racquetball court, and ancillary spaces. No showers are provided. It is located approximately 460 feet NNE. of the -power plant (I300 feet piping run). Heat is provided by a oil fired boiler rated at 173 MBH output.. Domestic hot water' is provided by an instantaneous electric hot water heater. .The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is to provide a plate heat exchanger on the boiler system. The annualized fuel consumption is 2,305 gallons based on delivery records. Cold Bay City Building City Building Boiler Cold Bay: CITY BUILDING HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. HEATING AVERAGE DEGREEI MONTHLY DAYS I CONSUMPTION MEAN 1126 267 1055 250 1098 260 952 225 782 185' 578 137 448 106 416 99 517 122 779 184 907 215 1075 255 9,733 2.305 ANNUALIZED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 2.305 COLD BAREDCfY WASTE HEAT aECOVE�-r AND CNCEP 5.4 FAA Buildings 5.4.1 FAA shop Poorly insulated steel panel slab on grade building of approximately 3950 square feet approximately 380 feet west of the power plant (570.feet piping run). Heat i's provided by a single o i l fired boiler rated at 442 MBH output. A minimal amount of domestic hot water use is provided by an electric hot water heater. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is to provide a plate heat exchanger on the boiler system. The annualized fuel consumption is 8,024 gallon per year based on delivery records. Ll I I 9 Cold Bay: FAA SHOP HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA DATE FUEL NUM:HER DAILY (Gal) , OF .DAYS CONSUMPTION ;(Gal 1988 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 0 1989 Jan. 744 29 26.01 Feb. 916 33 27.75 Mar. 821 21 39.08 Apr. 612 32 19.11 May 735 25 29.40 Jun. 801 36 22.25 Jul. 564 15 Aug. Sep. Oct. 727 94 7.74 Nov. 436 17 25.65 Dec. 1,659 63 26.34 Total 8,015 TOTAL FUEL DELIVERED 81015 3651 21.98 Fuel figures as shown on Frosty Fuel delivery records. No. of days for Jan 90 estimaled by 744 gala 26 gal -day. _ 7'g 1 Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. HEATING AVERAGE DEGREE MONTHLY DAYS CONSUMPTION MEAN 1126 928 1055 870 1098 905 952 785 782 645 578 477 448 369 416 343 517 426 779 642 967 748 1075 886 9,733 8,024 ANNUALIZED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 8,024 COLD BAY `TASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CGtdEEPi;ESTGN FIESRUARf , 2 , v 5.5 u.S Fish and Wildlife. 5.5.1 Main Office/Shop/Storage Building Moderately insulated 3610 square feet wood frame building consisting of office, shop and slab on, grade vehicle storage areas. It is located approximately 940 feet (1460 feet piping run) NNE of the power plant. The users would like to add three (3) additional bays to the vehicle storage area. The additions. would likely require an additional`.�e:at:er. Currently the building is heated by an oil fired boiler with an output of approximately 120 MBH. Domestic hot water is provided by an electric hot water heater. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is to provide a plate heat exchanger on the boiler system. The annualized fuel costs are 2,544 gallons based on delivery records. LL Cold Bay Fish and Wildlife Office Building �.- Fish ;—;rd W„a i Frank Moolin & Dold Bay: F&W OFFICE HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA Associates, Inc. DATE FUEL NUMBER DAILY HEATING AVERAGE (Gal) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION DEGREE MONTHLY (Gal) DAYS CONSUMPTION 1988 Jan. 240 31 7.74 Feb. 144 29 4.97 Mar. 175 31 5.65 Apr. 533 30 17.77 May 178 31 5.74 Jun. 77 30 2.57 Jul. 31 Aug. 524 31 16.90 Sep. 30 Oct • 148 31 4.77 Nov. 274 30 9.13 Dec. 135 31 4.35 Total 2,428 1989 MEAN Jan. 351 31 11.32 1126 294 Feb. 257 28 9.18 1055 276 Mar. 277 31 8.94 1098 287 Apr. 240 30 8.00 952 249 May 209 31 6.74 782 204 Jun. 157 30 5.23 578 151 Jul. 160 31 5.16 448 117 Aug. 113 31 3.65 416 109 Sep. 172 30 5.73 517 135 Oct. 315 31 10.16 779 204 Nov. 231 30 7.70 907 237 Dec. 184 31 5.94 1075 281 Total 2,666 9,733 2,544 TOTAL FUEL DELIVERED ANNUALIZED AVERAGE N CONSUMPTIO2.544 5,094 731 6.97 7 7'91 COLD BAY WASTE HEi-T.. PEE-'—'VE�Iv RCPO T 5�i f? 5.5.2 Bunkhouse and Housing One (1) wood frame single approximately 1600 .,square feet housing units of approximately including basements and single located approximately 1200-1600 piping run) from the power plant. story bunkhouse of and four (4) frame 2100 square feet each garages. They are feet (1350-1750 feet Heating in each building is provided by an oil fired hot air furnace with an approximate output of 110 MBH in the bunkhouse and 95 MBH in the houses. The furnaces in the houses are located in the basements. Hot water in each is provided by an electric hot water heater. The preferred method of waste heat use in each building is a single coil in the return air duct above the furnace. The annualized fuel costs for the five structures is 5,149 gallons based on fuel delivery records. F �Yr L� h. 1. v .. - ♦ � 1 ' Frank %looiin & F&W BUNKHOUSE Associates, Inc. HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA DATE FUEL NUMBER ' DAILY HEATING AVERAGE (Gai) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION DEGREE MONTHLY (Gal)DAYS CONSUMPTION 1988 Jan. 143 31 4.61 Feb. 20 29 0.69 Mar. 55 31 1,77 Apr. 100 30 3.33 May 24 31 0.77 Jun. 15 30 0.50 Jul. 31 Aug. 109 31 3.52 Sep. 0 Oct. 59 61 0.97' Nov. 124 30 4.13 Dec. 36 31 1 16 �T Total 685 1989 MEAN Jan. 125 31 4.03 1126 99 Feb. 142 29 4 90 1055 93 Mar. 129 31 4.16 1098 97 Apr. 130 30 4.33 952 84 May 87 31 2:81_ 782 69 Jun. 58 30 1.93 578 51 Jul. 51 31 1.65' 448 39 Aug. 35 31 1.13 416 37 Sep. 53 30 1.77 517 46 Oct. 93 31 300 779 69 Nov. 76 30 2.53 907 80 Dec. 561 31 1.81 . 10751 95 Total 1,035 9,733 858 TOTAL FUEL DELIVERED ANNUALIZED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 1,7201 7321 2.351858 , C o I _1 2a �.v Fish and lmil J' H_%�;_4ng Units � - I Frank Mooiin & ^cic 2y� F&W HOUSING (4 UNITS) Associates, Inc. HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA DATE FUEL NUMBER DAILY HEATING AVERAGE (Gal) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION DEGREE MONTHLY (Gal) DAYS. CONSUMPTION 1988 Jan. 597 31 19.26 Feb. 380 29 13.10 Mar. 463 31 14.94 Apr. 923 30 30.77 May 283 31 9.13 Jun. 155 30 5.17 Jul. NIA 31 Aug. 432 31 13.94 Sep. 30 Oct. 313 31 10.10 Nov. 617 30 20.57 Dec. 308 31 9.94 Total 4,471 1989 1 MEAN Jan. 666 31 21.48 1126 496 Feb. 448 28 16.00 1055 465 Mar. 489 31 15.77 1098 484 Apr. 497 30 16.57 952 420 May 307 31 9.90 782 345 Jun. 196 30 6.53 5118 255 Juf. 174 31 5.61 448 197 Aug. 125 31 4.03 416 183 Sep. 202 30 6.73 517 228 Oct. 427 31 13.77 779 343 Nov. 291 30 9.70 907 400 Dec. 300 31 9.68 1075 474 Total 4,122 9,733 4,291 TOTAL FUEL_ ANNUALIZED DELIVERED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 8,593 _ 73-1.1 12 4.291, -_per potent a'I waste heat users 6.1 Post office Recently constructed, well insulated 4000 square feet wood frame building with two oil fired hot air furnaces of 100 MBH each. It is located approximately 1290 feet south (1500 feet piping run) from the power plant. The preferred method of waste heat use is a single coil in the common furnace return air duct. COLD W2STE _.r'- wE:'OVFnY ..,'of Services ;^or_l,'storeibar and restaurant) `he entire Pavlof Services complex consists of single story, insulated wood frame structures of approximately 25,000 square feet total, about 920 feet SSE (1040 feet piping run) of the power plant. Monthly fuel consumption for the complex remains fairly constant at'.1175 gallons per month total since the summer population increase provides increased room/building utilization and significantly increased hot water usage. The complex consists of an H shaped modular structure that houses the hotel/store/bar, the separate restaurant building, a 10,000 foot shop, a 16 unit bunkhouse of 2,300 square feet, and 4 modular homes. Each unit has oil fired forced hot air heat and oil fired domestic hot water heating. (Note the present electric domestic hot water heaters in the modular homes are being replaced by oil fired domestic hot water heaters.) The expense and complexity of supplying waste heat to the housing units and shop as well as their somewhat uncertain future use precludes giving them consideration for waste heat at this time. The buildings would require col s in return air ducts for waste heat recovery. uGT,'pF Fire Station Poorly insulated metal frame slab on grade two stor,• building of approximately 5200 square feet. It consists of garage and administrative areas on the ground floor and an apartment on the second floor. It is located adjacent to the airport and approximately 1750 feet from the power plant. Because of the distance, the facility was not included in the present waste heat plan. Heat is provided by two oil fired bailers rated at 391 MBH output each. Domestic hot water is provided by a coil off of the boilers. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is a plate heat exchanger on the common boiler return system. Frank Moolin & Cc!c ,ay: FIRE STATION Associates, Inc. HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA DATE FUEL NUMBER DAILY. HEATING AVERAGE i (Gal) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION DEGREE MONTHLY i I (Gal} DAYS CONSUMPTION 1988 j Jan. 1,366 31 44.06 ' Feb. 862 29 29.72 Mar. 1,721 31 55.52 Apr. 1,607 30 53.57 May 726 31 23.42 Jun. 1,394 30 46.47 Jul. 498 31 16.06 Aug. 663 31 21,39 Sep. 349 30 11.63 Oct. 822 31 26.52 Nov. 11673 30 55.77 Dec. 1.602 31 51.68 Total 13,283 1989 MEAN Jan. 2,233 31 72.03 2018 2210 Feb. 2,326 28 83.07 1740 1906 Mar. 1,891 31 61.00 1683 1843 Apr. 1,460 30 48.67 1157 126; May 1,190 31 38.39 656 719 Jun. 451 30 15.03 325 356 Jul. 934 31 30.13 243 266 Aug. 616 31 19.87 350 383 Sep. 656 30 21.87 583 639� Oct. 1,458 31 47.03 1123 1230 Nov. 1,309 30 43.63 1552 1700 Dec. 1,727 31 55.71 2033 2227 Total 16,251 13,463 14,747 TOTAL FUEL ANNUALIZED DELIVERED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION I 29,534 731,40.40 14.747 5.6.4 Reeve Airline terminal and hangar Two insulated steel Quonset but type buildings 50' x 5C' Terminal and 50' x 100' Hanger approximately 1920 feet south (2460 feet piping run) from the power house. Waste heat recovery would require mounting a single coil in the return air ducts of each of two furnaces in the terminal and one unit heater in the shop/hanger. 3 3.3 Medical Clinic r3e11 insulated frame slab on grade building of approximately 3050 square feet. It is located approximately 1750 feet SSW from .t•he power plant (2290 foot piping run).. This facility was not considered because of the distance. Heat is provided by an oil -fired counterflow furnace rated at 85 MBH output. Domestic hot water is provided by an oil -fired hot water heater with an output of approximately 83 MBH. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is a single coil in the return air duct above the furnace. Coic 3a"y CLINIC HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA DATE FUEL NUMBER DAILY (Gal) OF DAYS CONSUMPTION (Gal) 1988 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. 68 45 1.52 Sep. 0 0 Oct. 0 0 Nov. 571 103 5.54 Dec. 610 33 18.47 Total 1,249 1989 Jan. 489 18 27.14 Feb. 181 25 7.24 Mar. 512 39 13.13 Apr. 267 14 19.07 May 87 41 2.12 Jun. 95 26 3.65 Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 1,631 TOTAL FUEL DELIVERED 2.8791 344 & 37 Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. HEATING AVERAGE DEGREE MONTHLY DAYS CONSUMPTION MEAN 2018 458 1740 395 1683 382 1157 263 656 149 325 74 243 55 350 79 583 132 1123 255 1552 352 2033 461 13,463 3,055 ANNUALIZED AVERAGE CONSUMPTION 3,0551 G.-,Iv the furel records for the 34 Ways shown: were reliable enough ';, use. 2_; I/ "91 W;STD ..� _;igrt Service aiEiiding yarg;nally insulated two story wood frame building of approximately 5080 square feet located approximately 1710 feet SSW of the power plant:(2270 feet piping run). It is heated by a single oil fired boiler with approximately 233 MBH output with a coil for generating domestic hot water. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is to provide a plate heat exchanger on the boiler system. This facility was not considered for waste heat recovery because of the distance. Pump House/dater Plant Insulated steel panel building of approximately 890 square feet located approximately 800 feet south of the power plant (2200 feet piping run). Heat is provide by multiple oil fired unit heaters, and averages 250 gallons of fuel per month. The preferred method of waste heat use in this building is a single horizontal unit heater, independent of the existing systems. This facility was not considered for waste heat recovery because of the distance �F SECTION 6 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT REC;;VER: REPORT 2ND CONCEPT �;E� F= .UARY 12, _.. - 6.0 RIGHT OF WAY/EASEMENT There are apparently no right of way problems with running waste heat piping to the proposed buildings. Virtually all of the land is owned by the State of Alaska and leased to the other users. The exceptions to this are the U.S. Fish and Wildlife property and several small private holdings. Proposed routing for the heat pipes will be along the existing road systems for the most part. The new powerlines were buried along the road system when they were installed several years ago. Running the heat lines along the same routes would take advantage of existing informal easements and current knowledge of existing buried utility locations. The powerlines were reported to be buried to a depth of three feet or less. The waste heat liens should be buried parrallel to and deeper than the power lines to get below the frost. The routings shown on the pipe routing plan deviate from the formal road boundaries shown as the existing roads do not follow them in many places, and the actual routing should follow the existing roads/power line easement. There are paved road surfaces at the F&W property. To prevent trenching across the pavement and not being able to cost effectively repair it, the heat pipes were routed behind the 4" buildings. 'Cu. C iC 9'. G-, SECTION 7 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND C�"aCc0T E_ c iGN 7.0 CONCEPT DESIGN ` 7.1 System Narrative A large number of scenarios are poss'ble for the distribution of the waste heat from' the power plant. The resulting system will have to take political, economic and future outlook factors into account. Four scenarios have been developed as the most probable. The Pipe Routing Site Plan shows pipe routing to all of the buildings in the Scenarios #1 - 14, but only that piping which is required to service the buildings selected will actually be constructed. 7.1.1 Scenario #1: Served buildings include: FAA SHOP DOT/ PF SHOP DOT/PF WARM STORAGE DOT/PF WARM SAND STORAGE This scenario is based on supplying the closest buildings to the power plant. This will reduce the cost by minimizing the required piping and provide for the fastest system payback. 7.1.2 Scenario #2: Served buildings include: FAA SHOP DOT/PF SHOP ". DOT/PF WARM STORAGE DOT/PF WARM SAND STORAGE CITY BUILDING U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE MAIN OFFICE/SHOP/STORAGE U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE BUNKHOUSE AND HOUSING (4 BUILDINGS) This scenario was developed around long range commitment considerations. The system schematic shows the city building and the Fish and Wildlife buildings on the system. Both the Fish and Wildlife complex and city building have a long range commitment to the city and capable of a long term payback is required. 7.1.3 Scenario #3: Served buildings include: FAA SHOP DOT/PF SHOP DOT/PF WARM STORAGE DOT/PF WARM SAND STORAGE COLD BAY SCHOOL This scenario simply shows the school added to the basic system. The school could be the primary target for the waste heat because of its proximity, long term commitment to the community and the vaiume of fuel consumed. . Fr^ I__01. COLD SAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FL:MARY :2. j991 ' 7 I.4 Scenario =4: Served buildings including all of those listed above. Scenario #4a: Same as =4 with pipe sizes increased to allow for future expansion .to the south. 7.1.5 Scenario #5: Served buildings include all of those listed above plus: MEDICAL CLINIC DOT/PF FIRE STATION FAA FLIGHT SERVICE FAA WATER PLANT POST OFFICE REEVE ALEUTION COMPLEX (2 BUILDINGS) PAVLOF SERVICES COMPLEX (2 BUILDINGS) This scenario 'is presented here only to identify its potential for possible future expansion. There is currently not enough waste heat to serve scenario #5. This scenario is for the group of buildings that are located the farthest from the power plant. Running lines to. ihese buildings will be the most costly, but if service to one of them is required, it would be more economical to service as many of the others shown in the Site Plan as possible. 2 Primary and Secondary Piping Jacket water piping will be valved to recover heat from whichever 3512 gen-set is on line. The exisiting power plant heat exchanger will be utilized for expanded waste heat recovery. The in -plant cooling piping will not be altered and the existing waste heat recovery will not be changed. The power plant owner/operator is agreeable to increase waste heat recover subject to negotiated contracts. Unlike other heat exchangers, which will be flat plate type, the current existing installation includes one shell and tube heat exchanger to recover engine heat. The heat exchanger is a single - pass counterflow arrangement with temperature cross -over capability and more than adequate capacity to recover all of the waste heat currently generated. The flow is without any booster pump on the engine side of the system. Since the actual operating points of the engine -mounted pumps are not known it is assumed that the existing system is properly designed with some allowance for the low pressure drop heat exchanger. On the primary loop, a main circulation pump will be designed for the pressure drop of the furthest connected building. The pump's design flow rate will be for the maximum heat required at a 20 degree temperature drop, An air separator will be added and the existing expansion tank and glycol make-up system will be upgraded. 7.3 7.4 7.5 VW -I COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AN6 3 ONIC--PT CtS._jJ FE3R1;ARf .2. .yg. The piping to each of the connected buildings will be through arctic pipe(. buried underground to protect it from damage from passage of vehicles. Two separate arctic pipes are envisioned, one for supply to the building, and one for return to the power plant. See the attached Figures 5, 14, and 23 for the system schematics. for scenarios #1, 1#2, and 3. Scenario =4 is simply a combination of Scenarios #2 and #3. A system schematic is not included for scenario #5. Balancing valves are used at the connection reasons. The first is to allow balancing exchanger; the second is to provide a means of that point in the piping. Building Piping to existing piping for two of the flow to the heat measuring the flow rate at All connections to the user's buildings will be at a single heat exchange point either by using flat plate heat exchangers to connect to the boiler systems, by single unit heaters, or by return air coils where furnaces are existing. This will limit problems associated with damage of distribution piping and interconnection of systems and will enable the existing building heating system to function normally in the event of a failure of the waste heat system. One exception -to this is the School, where a second heat exchanger will be used for domestic water. This will be of the double -wall type to provide additional separation between the distribution system and potable water. Precautions must be taken to prevent overcooling of the generator jacket water and to prevent building system boilers from heating the waste heat distribution system. The simplest method is to not connect more users than the system can normally provide heat for. Each of these issues can also be addressed with controls and valving. They can also be automated to some degree but the solutions must be carefully balanced with the need for system simplicity. Site Plan/Routing The routing will be as shown on Figure 2 Generator Room Plans/Schematics See the attached Figures 3 and 4 for the design concept for changes to the power plant. User Building Plan/Schematics See the attached Figures 6 through 13, 15 through 22, and 24 through 25 for proposed changes to each of the potential user buildings considered in scenarios #1, #2, #3, and #4. Building plans and schematics are not ,ncluded for scenario #5 buildings. COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT 'iND [CONCEPT DESKN FEBRUAR 12. 193: 7 Arctic Pipe..UtiIidor Section A cross section of the anticipated trench and arctic pipe configuration is shown in Figure 26. 7.8 Outline Specifications The outline specifications for the major components of the system are shown below. Approximate sizes are shown following the specifications. 15010 GENERAL CONDITIONS The system shall be balanced by the Contractor to the flow specified in the construction documents. 15050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Valves: Valves for isolation use shall be gate type rated for 150 psig. Gaskets and materials shall be compatible with glycol and with hydrocarbons on engine primary circuits. Isolation valves on engine primary circuits may be butterfly type. Piping! Piping inside buildings shall be type 'L' copper or steel schedule 40 with dielectric unions at connection points of dissimilar metals. Steel pipe will be welded. 15120 ARCTIC PIPE Arctic Pipe: Pressure pipe shall be schedule 40 steel. Insulation shall be foamed polyurethane with .25" maximum voids. Thickness of insulation to be minimum of 2 inches. Jacketing shall be steel or high density polyethylene.. Arctic pipe system shall include kits or fittings for take -off connections to main line that provide water- tight seal. 15250 MECHANICAL INSULATION Piping insulation: Pipe insulation shall be fiberglass with an all - service jacket. Minimum insulation thickness shall be 1-112 inches. 15750 HEAT TRANSFER Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers shall be plate and frame type with minimum 20 gage stainless steel plates, painted steel frame with head and end support, top carrying bar, bottom guiding bar, and ASME rating. Ports shall be international pipe thread or flanged. Capacity shall be as specified. Acceptable manufacturers are Bell & Gossett, APV, Tranter, and Alfa Laval. Double Wall Heat Exchangers: Potable water heat exchangers shall have two walls separating the fluids with a vented air solace in COLD BAY WASTE HEr.T RECOVERY REPORT AfJD COtJCEp? 112, 1991 between They shall be ASME rated, tube within a tube type such as r Bell & Gossett Diamondback or nested welded plate type such as Tranter Double Wall Design. Unit Heaters: Horizontal unit heaters shall have minimum .025" seamless copper coil tubes mechanically expanded into aluminum fins. Header connections brazed or welded. Casing shall provide rigid support for coil and be galvanized, painted and fitted with louver and venturi. Provide direct, drive propellor fan with totally enclosed motor for ductless installations and centrifugal fan for ducted installations. Air Coils: Coils shall have minimum 5/8" seamless copper tubes mechanically expanded into aluminum fins. Header connections brazed or welded. Casing shall be double flanged minimum 16 gauge galvanized steel to provide rigid support for coil. Flanges for slip -and -drive fasteners on duct coils. Heat Transfer Medium It is unlikely that the operator(s) will agree to stocking and utilizing two types of Glycol there for Ethylene Glycol will probably be utilized. Propylene Glycol is non toxic but costs more, is higher viscosity, requires higher concentrations, and may cause inhibitors to break down at higher temperatures. I5900 CONTROLS & INSTRUMENTATION Controls will be electric with the exception of AMOT valves in the power plant, which are self-contained. Controls on the primary system in the power plant are existing. Flow of fluid in the secondary system is not automatically controlled. In buildings, unit heater fans are cycled by wall thermostats. With duct coils on furnaces, 2-stage wall thermostats first start the fan and secondly start the burner if necessary. 16000 ELECTRICAL All electric equipment and installation shall comply with the National Electric Code specified. COLD BAY WASTE ?EAT RECOVERY REPORT At4D CG"JCE?T Dt=•'r'+ %.9 Ma'or Equipment List '.9.1 Scenario #1 Heating Capacity. Elements Locations (Hot Side) Item MBH GPM TI TO DOT/PF Sand Storage 117 13 180 160 unit heater DOT/PF Warm Storage 217 24 180 160 ducted unit heater DOT/PF Shop 163 18. 180 160 ducted unit heater FAA Shop 223 24 180 160 heat exchanger Generator Plant existing shell & tube heat exchanger Pumps Service GPM HD HP QTY Gen. Plant Secondary 79 35' 1.5 2 Buried Piping Size LF 1-1/2" 140 2" 920 3" 820 COLD SAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT a"ND CONrEp `?ES aN FEE-zRUA Y i 2 . 1:91 1.9.2 Scenario =2 Heating Capacity Elements Locations (Hot Side) Item MBH GPM TI TO DOT/PF Sand Storage 117 13 180 160 unit heater DOT/PF Warm Storage 217 24 180 160 ducted unit heater DOT/PF Shop 163 18 180 160 ducted unit heater FAA Shop 223 24 180 160 heat exchanger F & W Housing (typ 4) 30 3 180 160 duct coil F & W Bunkhouse 24 3 180 160 duct coil F & W Office 71 8 180 160 heat exchanger City Building 64 7 180 160 heat exchanger Generator Plant existing she'll & tube heat exchanger Pumps Service GPM HD HP QTY Gen. Plant Secondary 109 55' 3.0 2 Buried Piping Size LF 1" 1000 1-1/4" 1120 ` 1-1/2" 1140 2" 2060 3" 2340 4" 340 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT O_S .3 j FE'3m"Ur'ORY 12, 139. i 9.3 Scenario -r3 Heating Capacity Elements Locations (Hot Side) Item MBH GPM TI TO DOT/PF Sand Storage 117 13 180 160 unit heater DOT/PF Warm Storage 217 24 180 160- ducted unit heater DOT/PF Shop 163 18 1$0 160 ducted unit heater FAA Shop 223 24 180 160 heat exchanger School Boilers 139 15 180 160 heat exchanger School Hot Water Htr, 70 8 ISO 160 dbl-wall ht. exch. Generator Plant existing shell & tube heat exchanger Pumps Service GPM HD HP QTY Gen. Plant Secondary 102 50' 2.0 2 Buried Piping Size LF 1-1/2" 140 2" 3060 3" 720 4" 100 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN vn!t f 12, 1.... 7.9.4 Scenario 74 Heating Capacity Elements Locations (Hot Side) item MBH GPM T1 TO DOT/PF Sand Storage 117 13 180 160 unit heater DOT/PF Warm Storage 217 24 180 160 ducted unit heater DOT/PF Shop 163 18 180 160 ducted unit heater FAA Shop 223 24 180 160 heat. exchanger F & W Housing (4) 30 3 180 160 duct coil F & W Bunkhouse 24 3 180 160 duct coil F & W Ofice 71 8 180 160 heat exchanger City Building 64 7 180 160 heat exchange School Boilers 139 15 180 160 heat exchanger School Hot Water Htr 70 8 180 160 dbl-wall ht. exch. Generator Plant existing shell & tube heat exchanger Pumps Service GPM HD HP QTY Gen. Plant Secondary 132 53' 3.0 2 Buried Piping Size LF 1" 1000° 1-1/4" 1129 1-1/2" 1140 2" 4200 3" 2340 4" 340 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT }ECOVErY PE?ORT AND CONCEPT DESU;a i A _ 7 11 9.5 Scenario =4a Heating Capacity Elements Locations (Hot Side) Item MBH GPM TI TO DOT/PF Sand Storage 117 13 180 160 unit heater DOT/PF Warm Storage 217 24 180 160 ducted unit heater DOT/PF Shop 163 18 1K 160 ducted unit heater FAA Shop 223 24 180 160 heat exchanger F & W Housing (4) 30 3 180 160 duct coil F & W Bunkhouse 24 3 180 160 duct coil F & W Ofice 71 8 180 160 heat exchanger City Building 64 7 180 160 heat exchanger School Boilers 139 15 180 160 heat exchanger School Hot Water Htr. 70 8 180 '160 dbl-wall ht. exch. Generator Plant existing shell & tube heat exchanger Pumps Service GPM HD HP QTY Gen. Plant Secondary 132 55' 3.0 2 Buried Piping Size LF 1" 1000 1-1/4" 1120 1-1/2" 1140 2" 2660 3" 2340 4" 240 5" 1640 x BALANCE/ISOLATION VALVE Da ISOLATION VALVE (NC) NC=NORMALLY CLOSED (ALL OTHERS NORMALLY OPEN) Dd 2-WAY CONTROL VALVE 3—WAY CONTROL VALVE AMOT 3-WAY VALVE CHECK VALVE STRAINER ® CIRCULATING PUMP FLOW METER THERMOMETER sT TEMPERATURE SWITCH AIR SEPERATOR WITH AUTO AIR VENT �— FLOW ARROW PIPE DOWN --O PIPE UP — — — NEW RETURN LINO" --- NEW SUPPLY LINE — --- — EXISTING RETURN LINE EXISTING SUPPLY LINE NEW EQUIPMENT EXISTING EQUIPMENT PRIMARY (GENERATOR) PIPING -r-�-- SECONDARY (DISTRIBUTION) PIPING �-- BUILDING PIPING NON ELECTRIC VALVE NON ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE SENSOR Frank Moolin & -AAAW Associates, Inc. LEGEND 'rC.kEeRINC s :MGN • IRCJE.:' VANAUMEN'. r• EDa/CC SrMep nee'Per01� E�pnw+nc wa favouclls� f{rnpMr %—il FIGURE 1 (RED) (BLUE) (GREEN) //��/\\\ yy 06� �a 7 ruN �O tiVILDLIrE HalS1JIG C4Y FISH �+c OIOSOOISE v kw ffFIM 1 r V 05 1sf V 04 31 owns R Soon PIPE SCDmm 1 a 4 ft n r 4• 4' 40 s' a r 4' 31 4' 4' •s r r r r r r - r a' - r - yr - -vr :vr -V4• - -v4' -1/4, M - - r z' Be 0 em Ft 300 ft Frardi Moolin & SYSTEM WK Associates he. SITE PLAN WL �R%O? er Aw...,.� a.*.�.....� �..bvmkmDdw �... COLD BAY, A K Z Cm rr 7-12 FtZJM 2 BURY NEW WASTE HEAT REC13VERY TQ n t UPSTAIRS ao GEHEitATOR 01 GETERATOR • G0* tAT101:R p. T FEAT EXC'FM WASTE REC9E1t FEAT ltAFa WP--� \ A I ' EXPMSIGN TANG WITH PRE& L PLAIT HEAT Y: y GEN SET CDM-WT RAM 40' A Frank Moolhj & POWER PLANT M; fffT As3oclatea, Inc. FLOOR PLAN am or W-*, °C°" ' "MD.=T `"""2ne''r Y.,^.. COLD BAY, AK or n iawat C 7- 13 FOX E 3 GEN. #1 CAT 3512 GEN. #2 CAT 3512 GEN. #3 CAT 3512 EXPANSION TANK & EXISTIN GLYCOL STATION MAKE—UP HEAT Frank Moolin Associates,, Inc. it .%m mw*� 9--v--r ash -aft .d ftmmw ftft*w 8' C 14���Uy Y 6' z" NC SEE SITE PLP TYP. POWER PLANT PFING SCHEMATIC COLD DAY, AK 7-14 F)MM RADIATOR RADIATOR ❑R— F -7 LDOT/PF SHOP -�L 4 L FAA SHOP 1�7p - 1—t/2r' i I I IDOT/PF I WARM! SAND L—STORAG�_j + Franc Mooln �r Assodate-o6 bc. vprs�o . Caw . wn m m :CWW 0_ 1 T FDOT/PF WARMA STORAGE r r 1 rPOWER PLANT I • SEE SITE PLAN SCENARIO wl SYSTEM SC -EMATIC COLD BAY, AK 7- I{ Lm 8 I MR R: ma or: am l.. No] ��Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. BAN iuEN- _bm:i Y^K ..�er�nalN t.P•M•w.y arc _en}:GYG:b� 'onbp�� 24' FAA SHOP FLOOR PLAN COLD BAY, AK 7-16 FIGURE 6 HEATING RETURN r HEATING SUPPLY I�Frank MooRnn & .49aociatss, hm DEW . PRO= rw&VMDdW TO / FROM ARCTIC PIPE FM SHOP � we SYSTEM SCHEMATIC vo_ wr COLD BAY, AK low_ r 7-17 FIGLAE 7 .-Jew a J �WA Frank Moof`rn & AK DOT/PF SHOP • Associates, Inc. �h__-: . ___:P, . - w r. uANa.EM«- FLOOR PLAN COLD BAY, A - 7-I8 FIGURE 8 Frank Wolin & Associates, Inc. 040OR p" . otter MOW mfflf&AERDff 1.`.I visa 1 1 FL-m I %_m AK DOT/PF SHOP SYSTEM SCHEMATIC COLD SAY, AK WL Vf. cf. .f 7- 10 FM XF& 0 ``' ` ^ Frank Moolin & A Associates, Inc, :amcc 3w— --c- (+Q—q — {,lyn . AK DOT/PF WARM STORAGE FLOOR PLAN COLD BAY, AK �'RQPQSEC LiNiT HEATER NITH SIA ouC, FIGJF °10 1.1_ - V1-i 1 1 1`" 1 6.m Frank Moolln & DOT/PF WARM STORAGE Associates, Inc. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC °�� r1r` ` � * � COLD BODY, AKA ■. ��r MLA " .s �� R+7.. 7-21 FXAM 11 fr Mrr OWL rr 275 GAL. DAY TANK 2000 GAL. FUEL TANK0 WASTE OIL FURNACE Frank Moolin & DOT/PF WARM SAND STORAGE — Associates, Inc; FLOOR PLAN DWC ;N�.NE_+K� • JE_w1A •=S?C-jE_• KAMAG[ME%T .•_,h��..�d.�••�� C-0-' COLD BAY, AK 7- 22 FIGURE 12 Frank MooBn & f Associatw, Inc. DDMURq • DDOW • / Aff M■4MDfDIr . ft w r-mm r.w"wow @Npmm q 6.0 ft"� �. TO / FROM ARCTIC PIPE `-NEW UNIT HEATER DOT/PF WARM SYSTEM COLD SAMD STORAGE SCHEMAnc BAY, AK WL L► vm KScr- CW R 7-23 FlOLM Z i. 111.5. FISH & WILDLIFE I MAIN OFFICE 1 F—us. FISH —A] WILDLIFE f HOUSE #4 I• US. FISH dt -- ---- - INOUSE WILDLIFE I 11I-1/4' #3 - f - ---a --� 4 F - + US. FISH a� ! LIT WILDLIFE HOUSE #2 ! f US. FISHT `` -1/2' J WILDLIFE 1` LOUSE # 1 us. FISH k 1 1' WILDLIFE 3' ---7�WER PLANT mx in ■ 2 � I � t + — 4} Tn SCENAM a w ®� Frank Mool n t: Assoclatss Inc. orprlEil6�R . DEEM . PRO.07r � 2" m Ell -1/4' e SEE SITE FUN SCENARIO a2 SYSTEM SCHEMATIC COLD BAY, AK BUNK HOUSE MLOv um .► _Y- CM 7-24 F K Frank Moolin & CITY BUILDING AW-AWAIM Associates, Inc. aRC�E::- WANACEMEW FLOOR PLAN E-9-0 —d C-1.1— f--, COLD SAY, AK 7-25 FIGURE 15 Frank Mooln & Assocletes, Inc. TO / FROM ARCTIC PIPE 7-26 F)CLM le BOU HWH 28' I I PROPOSED SPACE FOR F FUTURE EQUIPMENT SHOP VEHICLE _r.. STORAGE T I b, N Frank Moolin & US F & W MAIN OFFICEAAAAssociates, Inc, FLOOR PLAN *iGiHEERING v DESIGN • 'ROJEC' uANACEMENT ,.ill ..—Iw E.9---q d.a.wr,� C . , COLD BAY, AK - 7-Z7 FIGURE 17 TO / FROM ARCTIC PIPE Frank Moo In ac U.S. F. & W. MAIN OFFICE Associa#o.., Inc. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC pmm= 0W."We w COL© BAY, AFL OFF r .u.�„ Frank Moolin & A"' Associates, Inc. E40NEERiNG • OESiGN . PRrJC.17 uANAGEMENT 28, PROPOSED HEATING COIL IN FURNACE RETURN AIR DUCT - U.S. F. &W. BUNKHOUSE FLOOR PLAN COLD BAY, AK nwc. 2" 7— 29 FIGURE 19 SUPPRLY 7 - 3'1 FrJVAE 20 NOTES: t) FIRST FLOOR PLAN SHOWN - UNITS HAVE FULL BASEMENTS 2) • CHIMNEY SHOWN. FURNACE IS IN BASEMENT. 3) TYPICAL OF FOUR (4) UNITS. s s "-Frank Moolin & U.S. F. & W. HOUSING (TYP.) ESN _ Associates, Inc. FLOOR PLAN=- :NG : EBvv • i'RWEC' "NAGEMENT COLD BAY AK = � M c�v�cp SYl�e ncv.na<vr.v (nginrnp Ot.O :anlw[Ixw Cw. y .. 7-31 FIGURE 21 AIR URN Drank Moolln do Associa#eo, be. SUPPLY AIR TO / FROM ARCTIC PIPE U.S. F. & W. HOUSING SYSTEM SCHEMATIC COLD BAY, AK WLu W1.. cmU? BURNER 7-32 F-dw OF " Frank MooBn & Assod&tss. Wtc- MW..-■+ 'w .r...a SY T❑ / FRUM ARCTIC PIPE 1-1/2' J HEATER DOT/PF WARM SYSTEM COLD SAS ST07 SC, EMATlO fix.._, BAY, AK 7-23 FO-WE AIR URN A Frank Mooln & Associateu, Inc. •. ewe SWWv bWMPWW lk-%rwg WO M0007 SUPPLY AIR TO / FROM ARCTIC PIPE U.S. F. & W. HOUS INIG SYSTE A SCHEMATIC COLD MAY, AK m 7 BURNER 7- 32 CtiAI uftt M ,,10MFranc Mood 8t Associataa, Inc. D +C • Clif01 s NT "'gum mm rPOWER PUNT I I �, L_ ,� * SEE SITE PLAN SCENARIO •3 iNX I" SYSTEM SCHEMATIC am .r COLD SAY, AK c"t pf 7riTfk_+J: fz tL�•fl 7- 33 4 70 7_ Zd HW CW HWC %-,% DOUBLE -WALL HEAT EXCHANGER TO / FROM ARCTIC PIPE 7-35 BACKFILL WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL - COMPACT AS SPECIFIED WASTE HEAT SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPES - ARCTIC PIPING (SIZES VARY AS SPECIFIED) BEDDING MATERIAL -- EXCAVATED MATERIAL WITH I" TOP SIZE , IYP. ",AFrank Mooiin & Associates, Inc 7E5)Gh a PROJIFC— hUNACE► FNI ^Eesarc Sr.s� �neo+pse+�v LnP..r.,p s.a :v�.e+.rr+r �a+�Y+� a•II����-y.a�w.w-«wr 1Y�Fw m 6_ MIN. TYP. EXISTING GRADE \\ NOMINAL 3' AS SPECIFIED DURING SYSTEM FINAL DESIGN 8' MIN. TYPICAL TRENCH SECTION 7- 36 MIN. MN SECTION 8 COLD BA'; WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT `^.arcn _ 8.0 ECONOMIC DATA Economic Data n Appendix 2. SECTION 9 M 1 9.1 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT nESiC"; !'larch 4, FAILURE ANALYSIS Cold Bay is at least a full day away from resupply of parts out of Anchorage, and the delay might be.several days longer if weather is bad. Although the heat recovery systems are relatively simple and straight forward mechanically, the system will require some maintenance and a knowledgeable person to trouble shoot the system. Lack of. attention may render the system inoperative. It is also possible for inexperienced people to alter the system configuration by opening and closing valves or turning off pumps. Therefore, access to the system valves and controls must be limited to knowledgeable- and responsible people. The control valves must work to maintain system temperatures and the proper functioning of these valves must be checked periodically. Reports on soil conditions indicate that buried pipes should not be damaged by soil heaving or settlement if the pipes are buried correctly. The system is susceptible to mechanical damage from being hit by equipment and machinery that is used for excavation. Subsurface leaks or spills have a significant potential for soil contamination. Because of the cold temperatures', the waste heat recovery system must be filled and maintained with 30% glycol. Water without glycol must not be introduced into the system. All waste heat recovery recipients must building heating systems on line and condition to heat the building in case system fails or if the power plant is not its cooling system. Subsurface Pipe Rupture keep their respective in proper functioning the waste heat recovery rejecting enough heat to 9.1.1 Worst Case Pipe fails underground from subsidence, earthquake, corrosion, fatigue, or material fault. Glycol/water mixture seeps unnoticed into the formation or under the snow. Fluid loss continues until the pump loses suction. This problem could go unnoticed until: 1. A power plant operator notices the inlet and outlet temperatures on the primary side of the waste heat recovery heat exchanger are nearly identical or, 2. A waste heat user determines that his building is too cold or his buildings heating system is running and that the waste heat recovery system is inoperative or, COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN March 4, :991 Some operator or maintenance person notices the secondary temperature indicating devices are not registering proper temperatures or he notices the circulating pump(s) are running dry or, 4. Someone notices glycol/water surfacing somewhere. 5. A low pressure alarm is indicated. A further complication could arise if other controls failed concurrently. If the secondary system lost fluid and then the control valve failed to by-pass water to the generator radiators, then the engines would trip off on high temperature, producing a village black -out. A further problem could arise if the engine high temperature shut downs failed and the engine ran until over temperature failure. 9.1.2 Repair The ruptured pipe section must be. located and either repaired, replaced or by-passed. Unless the glycol surfaces, the location of the rupture may be difficult to find. Excavation will almost always be required and this may involve steam thawing the soil in winter. The alternative of by-passing the failed section with temporary �- surface waste heat piping may be necessary. An inventory of arctic pipe may be stocked at the Alaska Energy Authority Facility in Anchorage. If pipe supplies must be flown out of Anchorage, the delay could be as follows: Locating the leak, mobilizing excavating equipment, excavating leak site 2-3 days, locating pipe, ordering pipe, arranging payment and shipping 1 day, shipping 2 days, and installation of new pipe or by-pass 2-days. Total 6-1 days downtime at best. The generators could function uninterrupted. 9.1.3 Freezing/Earthquake Damage/Differential Settlement - Care must be taken to minimize potential piping damage due to differential earth movement. The sub -surface piping must be properly bedded and allowances made for known transition zones. 9 2 Above Ground Pipe Failure Leaking pipe or connection located, isolated, repaired, clean-up, 2-10 hours downtime: COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESTiCN March 4. 9.3 Clean-up Of Spilled Glycol Glycol clean up. 'from facilities may be relatively easy but glycol is a health hazard and care must be taken to ensure that no one ingest the glycol mix. Glycol that spills on the ground or subsurface must be cleaned up before it enters the ground water or surface run off. The glycol must not contaminate wells, streams, lakes or salt water. 9.4 Vibration, Thermal, And Corrosion Damage To Piping 9.4.1 Vibration Insulation Devices - Must protect piping from vibration transmission particularly adjacent to vibration exciters like the diesel engines. Inadequate vibration isolation will produce cracked, broken, and leaking piping and gaskets. 9,4.2 Thermal Expansion - Joints must be installed to allow for pipe growth from thermal expansion. Inadequate provision for thermal growth will stress the system and result in strain on piping, pumps, and the heat exchangers. 9.4.3 Corrosion - Contaminates in the system or soils can accelerate the Corrosion of the piping. Additional corrosion inhibitors may be required. Care must be utilized to avoid dissimilar piping materials that could accelerate the Corrosion process. Particular attention must be paid to areas around welds and whenever there is a pressure drop in the system. 9.5 Primary Heat Exchanger Failure. Glycol leaks from heat exchanger - Operator finds leak, valves off heat exchanger and the gen-sets utilize radiators for cooling. Operators order new exchanger. If the exchanger is an "off the shelf" item, a new one could be on site in a week or 10 days. If not, it could take 10 weeks or more. Should this leak go unnoticed, gen-sets will shut down on low pressure or high temperature. The leaking area can be valved off immediately but the system must be recharged and air bled out before restarting the gensets. Downtime of "gensets 2-3 hours. This potential problem currently exists and will not be exacerbated by adding additional waste heat recovery_ 9.6 Secondary Heat Exchanger Failure Leaking or plugged secondary heat exchanger is identified, valved off, and by-passed. A replacement is ordered and the building is heated by the buildings heating plant. Down time 5 days to 6 weeks. 9 7 COLD BAY WASTE NEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN March 4, 1991 Neat Exchanger Failure Modes 9.7.1 Mechanical Damage - Heat exchangers can be made to leak if damaged 'by dropping or by impacting them with power equipment,' cranes, pipes, etc. Proper- care must be. exercised to limit exposure to mechanical damage. 9.7.2 Chemical Damage - The water/glycol fluid must be monitored to prohibit developing a corrosive mixture. Also particular attention must be paid to piping gaskets and valve seat material to ensure that the materials are compatible with glycol. Dissimilar metals are to be avoided or insulated from each other. Water quality must be maintained to prevent scaling. Pump Failures The pumps are subject to thermally induced casing stress, seal failure, over -heating, voltage fluctuations, and frequency droop. The pump alignment must be checked with the piping at operative temperature. The air circulation/cooling around the pumps must not be impaired. The pump must be protected by circuit breakers from low voltage, frequency droop, and overload. The pumps must be in p parallel pairs and capable of individual isolation for replacement. The coolant in the system must not contain contaminants that will destroy the seals.. Recharging the system must be done with contaminate free water and glycol. When a pump fails from any one of a variety of causes, the stand-by pump .is activated and the failed pump valved off and repaired/replaced. System down time 0-12 hours. Replacement pump replaced 2 hrs. to 1 week. Control Failures Controls must be protected from power fluctuations and mechanical damage. Unauthorized persons must be precluded from adjusting control set points. Authorized persons must be familiar with the system and the inter -relationships of the components. In some cases it is possible for the waste heat customers to over- cool the waste heat recovery secondary piping and thermally shock the heat exchanger. It is also possible to have the waste heat customers actually heating the secondary loop coolant and then heating the generator coolant. These potential problems can be avoided by properly operating controls. Controls must be maintained and protected from corrosion and/or scaling SECTION 10 COLD BAY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN March 4, 19-71 10.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The final economics will be completed by the Alaska Energy Authority so a definitive conclusion is not made at this time concerning the feasibility of .a waste heat installation at Cold Bay. Some conclusions that can be made are that the project is technically feasible, that the people and agencies in the community seem quite enthusiastic about the project, and that if the economics prove acceptable, a waste heat system for the community can be recommended. To make this project more economically attractive on option would be to include this project with the construction of other waste heat systems in neighboring communities. This would help to reduce the mobilization charges. Shipping, travel and other supervision and management costs could also be combined and pro- rated for lower cost to each village. Economics are not the only yardstick by which this project should be measured. The political and social problems involved in our nations oil supply should motivate us to actively seek out ways like this to reduce our oil consumption. Environmental costs are also present with the consumption of any fossil fuel, granted they are small but present. The communities enthusiasm to participate is an important factor in the final decision to go with the project or delay until the economic situation changes to +" a more favorable one. LL D a oc ul Q W W m V W CC=i a2 =_jm LU m N as 3a mIC o= 0 V O O O O O O O O cl) N Z J 7 < C) < LLJ Tuj ME 0 Z Z5 0 a m CO a o� 00 C� HZ a LU L u (,) 2 Cl) �I �CV) o� 00 LUa: CC E- z w U 2 Cl) CY OO wt CC w- z LU = Cq o *� 00 LIJ CC Lz I- z ¢w W C) 2 U) El F' 10 - 2 N a a t� }a LLI W C} OJ CL W N = CC aWo = LL m [7 N 3 W a m c 0 v O O O O C O W 1Lf3 r co N O Z -j > W � L LL 0 z c. a� CO m a 4 LLI u! H LL 0 Z 2 A Q) !L z 0 a z W U Cl) 0 RE Z LLI U N 4t [C Q Z W U N r 0 cc a z uj U N 10-3 iALCULATIONS WASTE HEAT UTILZ471I0N SIMGLA T ION 'NCRK SHEET. SASiC PROJECT =.A -A Location. Cold Bay -Scenario # 1 Date: May 1, 1990 Annual pumping elec. cost: 2600 $.year. Annual other O&Moos t: 5000 $,year. Construction cost estimate: 199926 $ Fuel high heat value: 137500 Btu/gallon Fuel cast: 1.10 $/gallon CBAY tt1.XLS i P,,OGRAM RESULTS 1 Savings, year 0, fuel gallons: 25942 Savings, year 0, fuel cost: S28,536 Annual O&M increase cost: $7,600 Total Savings, year 0: $20,936 Simple pay back time, years: 7.6 GENERATOR DATA: SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Heat rate at kw -load above: 0 3017 Btu/kwh Constant lasses: Heat rate at kw -load above: 85 2852 Btu/kwh Plant piping: 27000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 170 2711 Btu/kwh Subsurface piping: 35000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 255 2593 Btulkwh Engine preheating: 0 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 340 2498 Btu/kwh Total constant: 62000 Btuthr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 425 2428 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 510 2381 Btu/kwh Variable losses: Heat rate at kw -load above: 595 2357 Btu/kwh Surface piping: 200 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 680 2357 Btu/kwh Plant heating: 1900 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 765 2357 Btu/kwh Radiator losses: 0 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 850 2357 Btu/kwh GENERATION DATA: Kwh/month: January 348,840 February 292,080 March 297,600 April 288.600 May 279,000 June 249,120 July 241,440 August 277,080 September 275,280 October 285.840 November 307,320 December 312,600 E• •:�� WEATHER DATA: HDD/Month: 1126 1055 1098 952 782 578 448 416 517 779 907 1075 9733 t BUILDING DATA: SAND WARM AK/DOT FAA Fuel use, galJmon. STOR. STOR. SHOP SHOP n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a TOTAL January 487 904 681 928 3001 February 456 847 638 870 2812 March 475 882 664 905 2926 April 412 765 576 785 2537 May 338 628 473 645 2084 June 250 464 350 477 1540 July 194 360 271 369 1194 August 180 334 252 343 1109 September 224 415 313 426 1378 October 337 626 471 642 2076 November 392 729 549 748 2417 December 465 863 b50 886 2865 4211 7818 5886 8024 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 25939 Htg. Efficiency: 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 075 =_ Pi �3AY #1.XLS VA='A' C. N ics;r: an;:ary =etr;;ary .. March April May June July August Sept. OctoOer November :�_ce---�r 1 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0,043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.038 0.036 2 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.038 0,038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.036 0 03E 3 0 034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.035 0.035 0.035. 0.035 0.035 0.03.5. 0.034 0 03, 0,034 0.034 ...0.034 0.034 0 034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 5 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.034 0,034 0.034 0.034 - 0.033 0,033 6 0.034 0.034 0,034 0.034 0,036 0.036 0.036 . ` 0,036 0,036 0.036 0.034 0 034 7 0.038 0,038 0,038 0.038 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.038 0.038 8 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.042 0.042 9 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0,043 0.043 0.043 O.w 0.043 0.643 0.042 0.042 10 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.045 0.045 0.045, 0.045 0.045 0 04-5 0.047 0.047 11 0.048 0-048 0.048 0.048 0.041 0.041 0.041 0,041 0.041 0.041 0.048 0.048 12 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0,046 0.046 0.046 0,046 0,046 0.046 0,047 0.047 13 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.0.48 0.048 0.048 0.045 0.045 14 0,047 0.047 0,047 0.047 0.050 0.050 0.050- 0,050 0.050 0.050 0,047 0 047 15 0.048 0.0.48 0,048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 16 -0.048 .0.048 0,048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0,048 0.048 0,048 0.048 17 0,049 0.049 0.049 0,049 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.049 0,049 18 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0,045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.046 0 046 19 0.043 0.04.3 0.043 0.043 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0 048 0.043 0.043 20 0.040 0,040 0.040 0.040 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0,043 0.643 0.040 0.040 21 0.040 0.040 0,040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0,039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.040 0.040 22 0,041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.039 0.039 0,039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.041 0.041 23 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0,039 0.040 0.040 24 0.040 0.040 0,040 0.040 0.041 0.041 0.041 0 041 0-041 0'.0.41 0.040 0,040 1.000 1 O00 1,000 1.00.0 1.000 1.000 .1.000 1000 . 1.000 1-000 1.000 1.000 Days: 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 , 31 30 31 HDD, 1126 1655 1098 952 782 578 448 416 517 779 907 1075 9733 Y Kwh: 34SUO 292M 297600 288600 279000 249120 241440 277080 275280 285840 307320 312600 345-:800 HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: Assumed hourly yariafon: Hour: Winter' Summer. 1 0,039 0.039 2 0.038 0.038 3 0.038 0.038 4 0.038 0.038 5 0.038 0.038 6 0.039 0.039 7 0.041 0.041 8 0.043 o.o43 9 0,044 0.044 10 0.044 0.044 11 0.044 0.044 12 0.044 0,044 13 0.045 0.045 14 0.044 0.044 15 0.043 0.043 16 0.043 0.043 17 0.043 0.043 18 o.DQ 0.043 19 0.043 .0.043 20 0.043 0.043 21 0.042 0.042 22 0.042 0.042 23 0.040 0.040 24 0.039 0.039 . R00 1 O00 ;Water Nov Apr S-:-zrner May - Oct "GyG CBAY a1 xLS Va:zr April May June July AugL;st Sept. OctoberNc.err.oe+IL �=�..c=: n5+'s59 ;1'4s4 913322 966889 892116 668257 960235 985797 990593 S72565 :57=e2 S• 2 1012121 938235 863454 865253 854460 818132 767332 880601 871169 875408 921377 906975 3 955892 886111 846257 848020 816701 753542 706753 811080 832672 836723 870190 856587 4 S55892 886111 846257 848020 793366 732013 6865W 787906 808881 812816 870190 856587 5 927778 860049 821367 823079 793366 732013 686560 787906 808881 812816 876467 862767 6 955892 886111 846257 848020 840035 775072 726946 8342M 856462 860629 870190 856587 7 1038114 990359 911424 913322 840035 775072 726946 834254 856462 860629 972565 957362 8 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 854460 818132 767332 880601 871169 875408 1044517 1058137 9 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1044517 1058137 10 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1011860 933610 875640 1004897 1031648 1036667 1168865 1150594 11 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 921911 850622 827911 915573 939946 94451'9 1193734 1175074 12 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1034346 954356 895098 1027228 1054573 1059704 1168865 1150594 13 1229345 1139602 1048771 1050956 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1119126 1101632 14 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1092470 1037344 972933 1084951 1113833 1119253 1168865 1150594 15 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 IM771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1193734, 1175074 16 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 '1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1193734 1175074 17 1312628 1216805 1141995 1144374 W6889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1218604 1199555 18 1232263 11649.26 1072077 1074310 1011860 933610 875640 1004897 1031648 1036667 1143995 1126113 19 1174708 1088953 1031348 1033496 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1069387 1052671 20 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1023753 1007750 21 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 8176945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1023753 1D07750 22 1120070 1038304 983378 985427 876945 839661 787525 970911 894095 898445 '1049346 1032944 23 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 876945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1023753 1007750 24 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 '921917 850622 827911 915573 939946 944519 ,1023753 1007750 Day: 27253274 25600594 23818522 238681" 22480265:21034987 19915390 22389WS 22919879 23031394 25225843 24891420 Month: 8.45E+08 7.17E+08. 7.38E+08 7.16E+08 6.975+08 6.31 E+08 6.17E+08 6.94E+08 6,88E+08 7.14E+08 7.57E+08 7.72E,08 8.59E-09 Equivalent Gallons: 8192 6951 7160 6943 6758 6119 5967 6730 6668 6923 7338 7483 Ef HEAT LAST FROM SYSTEM PER HOUR BY MONTH, BTU'S ti.. Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 1 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 2 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 3 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 4 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 5 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 6 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 7 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 8 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113-W 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 9 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 10 159277 162125 157381 149W 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 11 159277 162125 157381 149640 136974 123460 113346 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 12 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 13 159277 162125 157381 149M 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 14 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 15 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 16 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 17 159277 162125 157381 149B40 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 18 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155623 19 159277 162125 157361 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 20 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 21 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 22 159277 162125 157381 140W 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 23 159277 162125 157381 14%40 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 24 159277 162125 157381 149640 135974 123460 113348 111181 119190 135771 146490 155823 Day 3822658 3891OW 3777135 3591360 3263381 2963040 2720361 2668335 2860560 3258503 351576C 3739-42 ` '9--08 ` C9E-08 ' 17E-08 1..08E-08 1 01E41? 88891200 84231200 8271640C 8581e80C ' :,1E-02 1 '15E-02 '!35 1045 9E1 862 816 802 232 98C, I .2.. 1 ZiLj tee:-:. a'.v rY 1 35'I =G593C 38'5_VC 34:579 2 3.83335 397646 373803 334902 3 381338 395574 371856 333157 4 374351 388326 365042 32705iZ 5 L1338 395574 371856 3331.57 6 387328 401788 377696 338390 7 410288 425605 400086 358450 8 432250 448387 421501 377637 9 435245 451493 424422 380253 10 438240 454600 427342 382869 11 438240 454600 427342 382W 12 441234 457707 430262 385486 13 445228 461849 434156 388974 14 435245 451493 424422 380253 15 429255 44-5280 418581 375020 16 432250 448387 421501 377637 17 426.260 442174 415661 372404 18 432250 448387 421501 377637 19 432250 448387 421501 377637 20 429255 445280 418581. 375020 21 419273 434925 408847 366299 22 416278 431818 405926 363682 23 400305 415250 390351 349728 24 391321 405930 381590 341879 Day: 9983679 10356388, 9735417 8722271 Month: 3,09E+08 2.9E+08 3.02E+08 2.62E+08 Equivalent 3allons: 3001 2812 2927 2537 EAT DELIVERED BY HOUR BY MONTH, BTU'S May 271770 266224 264837 259984 264837 268997 284943 300195 302275 304355 304355 306435 309208 302275 298115 300195 296035 300195 300195 298115 291182 289102 278010 271770 6933603 !.15E+08 i t 5! CBAY #1.XL5 -une 'uty 207569 ,55694 203333 152517 202274 151723 19M 148942 202274 151723 205451 154106 217630 163241 229279 171979 230868 173170 232456 174362 232456 174362 234045 175553 236163 177142 230868 173170 227691 170787 229279 171979 226102 169596 229279 171979 229279 171979 227691 170787 222396 166815 220807 165624 212335 159269 207569 155694 295665 3972192 59 E+08 1.23E+08 August Sept yCzooer 144573 185663 270727 325719 73 57 141623 181874 265202 319071 365973 140885 180927 263821 317409 364066 138304 177611 258987 311593 357395 140M 1.80627 263821 317409 ..364060" 143098 183769 267965 322395 369785 151581 194662 283849 341506 .3917C5 159695 205082 299043 359786 412672 160801 206503 301115 362279. 415531 161907 207924 303187 364772 418390 161907 207924 303187 364772 -418390 163014 209345 305259 367264 .42125D 164489 211239 308022 370588 425062 160801 206503 301115 362279. 415531 158588 -203661 296971 357293 409813 159605 205062 299043 359786. .412672 157482 .202240 294900 354801 406954 169695 205082 29DD43 359786 412672 159695 205082 299043 359786 412672 158588 203661 296971 357293 409813 154900 198925 290065 348984 '400282 153794 197504 287993 346491 397423 147893 189926 276943 333197 382174 144573 185663 270727 325719 373597 688464 4736780 6907003 8309979 9531487 14E+08 1.42E+08 2.14E+08 2.49E+08 2.95E+08 2.68E-09 1541 1194 1109 1378 2076 2417 2865 25942 Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 1 391321 405930 381590 341879 271770 207569 155694 144573 185663 270727 325719 373597 2 383335 397646 373803 334902 266224 203333 152517 141623 181874 265202 319071 365973 3 381338 395574 3718M 333157 264837 202274 151723 140885 1B0927 263821 317409 364066 4 374351 388326 365042 327052 259984 198568 148942 138304 177611 258987 311593 357395 5 381338 395574 371856 333157 264837 202274 151723 140885 1SM27 263821 317409 364066 6 387328 401788 377696 338390 268997 205451 154106 143098 183769 267965 322395 369785 7 410288 425605 400086 358450 264943 217630 163241 151581 194662 283849 341506 391705 '8 432250 448387 421501 377637 300195 229279 171979 159695 205082 299043 359786 412672 9 435245 451493 424422 380253 302275 230868 173170 160801 206503 301115 362279 415531 10 438240 454600 427342 382869 304355 232456 174362 161907 207924 303187 364772 418390 11 438240 454600 427342 382869 304355 232456 174362 161907 207924 303187 364772 418390 12 441234 457707 430262 385486 306435 234045 175553 163014 209345 305259 367264 421250 13 445228 461849 434156 388974 309208 236163 177142 164489 211239 308022 370588 425062 14 435245 451493 424422 380253 302275 230868 173170 160801 206503 301115 362279 415531 15 429255 445280 418581 375020 298115 227691 170787 158588 203661 296971 357293 409813 16 432250 448387 421501 377637 300195 229279 171979 159695 205082 299043 359786 412672 17 426260 442174 415661 372404 296035 226702 169596 157482 202240 294900 354801 406954 18 432250 448387 421501 377637 300195 229279 171979 159695 205082 299043 359786 412672 19 432250 448387 421501 377637 300195 229279 171979 159695 205082 299043 359786 412672 20 429255 445280 418581 375020 298115 227691 170787 158588 203661 296971 357293 409813 21 419273 434925 408847 366299 291182 222396 166815 154900 198925 290065 348984 400282 22 416278 431818 405926 363682 289102 220807 165624 153794 197504 287993 346491 397423 23 400305 415250 390351 349728 278010 212335 159269 147893 189926 276943 333197 382174 24 391321 405M 381590 341879 271770 207569 155694 144573 185%3 270727 325719 373547 9983679 10356388 9735417 8722271 6933603 5295665 3972192 3688464 4736780 v90 7003 c309979 :ays 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 3C 31,30 09E-08 2.9E=08 3 02E-08 2 62E-08 2 15`c-06 59— 0a . _v_-38 +d -38 C2E_38 33C= 2812 2927 2537 2084 Patin - WASTE HEAT uJ-1UZATION S!M1JLA7'GN WORK SHEET. BAS1: cRC:EC' �-A`A. Location Cold Bay - Scenario #2 Date: May . '990 Annual pumping elec. cost: 5700 $/year. Annual other O&M cost: 8000 $/year. Construction cost estimate: 777021 $ Fuel high heat value: 137500 Stu/gallon Fuel cost: 1.10 $/gallon CBAY »2.XLS PROGnAM. RESULTS ! Savings. yea(l), fuel gallons: 35041 Savings, year 0, fuel cast: $39,535 Annual O&M increase cost: $13,700 Total Savings, year 0: $25,835 Simple pay back time, years: 32.2 GENERATOR DATA. SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Heat rate at kw -load above: 0 3017 Btu/kwh Constant losses: Heat rate at kw -load above: 85 2852 Btu/kwh Plant piping: 27000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 170 2711 Btulkwh Subsurface piping: 131000 Btulhr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 255 2593 Btu/kwh Engine preheating: 0 Btulhr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 340 2498 Btu/kwh Total constant: 158000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 425 2428 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 510 2381 Btu/kwh Variable losses: Heat rate at kw -load above: 595 2357 Btu/kwh Surface piping: 200 Bw/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 680 2357 Btu/kwh Plant heating: 19M Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 765 2357 Btu/kwh Radiator losses: 0 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 850 2357 Btu/kwh GENERATION DATA: Kwhlmonth: January 348,840 February 292,080 March 297, 600 April 288,500 May 279,000 June 249,120 July 241•,440 August 277,080 September 275,280 October 285,840 November 307,320 December 312,600 WEATHER DATA: H DD/Month: 1126 1055 1098 952 782 578 448 416 517 779 907 1075 9733 BUILDING DATA: SAND WARM AK/DOT FAA F&W F&W F&W CITY Fuel use, galJmon. STOR. STOR. SHOP SHOPHOUSING BUNK H OFFICE BLDG n/a n/a TOTAL January 487 904 681 928 496 99 294 267 4158 February 4% 847 638 870 465 93 276 250 3895 March 475 B82 664 905 484 97 287 260 4054 April 412 765 576 785 420 64 249 225 3515 May am 628 473 645 345 69 204 185 2887 June 250 464 350 477 255 51 151 137 2134 July 194 360 271 369 198 39 117 106 1654 August 180 33d 252 343 183 37 109 99 1536 September 224 415 313 426 228 46 135 122 1909 October 337 626 471 642 343 69 204 184 2876 November 392 729 549 748 400 80 237 215 3349 December 465 863 650 886 474 95 281 255 3969 4211 7818 5886 8024 4291 858 2544 2305 0 0 35937 Htg Efficiency: 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0,75 0.75 0.75 0.75 CEAY #2.XLS i .:,ss:.r•.ao ....ray .arSa:.,, I'i011f' ,iaftUary February ltarcn April May June July August Sept. October Novernberc_r 1 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.038 0.038 2 0 036 0 036 0.036 0.036 0 038 0 038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0 038 0 036 0 3 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.035 0.035 0.035 0,035 0.035 0.035 0,034 0.034 4 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0 034 5 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.033 0 033 6 0.034 03 0.4 0.034 0.034 0.036- 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.034 0.034 7 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.038 0 038 8 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.042 00.2 9 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.042 0 042 10 0,047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0 047 C 04, 11 0,048 0.048 0.048 0,048 0,041' 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.048 0 048 12 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.046 0,046 O.D46 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.047 0.047 13 D.D45 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0,045 0.045 14 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.041 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.041 0.047 15 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 16 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0,048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0 048 17 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.049 0.049 18 0,046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.046 0 046 19 0.043 0.043 0,043 0,043 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.043 0 043 20 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.040 C 040 21 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.040 0 040 22 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.041 0 041 23 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0.089 0.039 0.039 0.039. 0,040 0.040 24 0.040 0 040 0 040 0,040 0 D41 0.041 0.D41 0.041 0.041 0 041 0040 0.040 1,000 1. D00 1.000 1.000 ' 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 000 Days: 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 HOOD: 1126 1055 109E 952 782 578 448 416 517 779 907 1075 9733 iKwh: 348M 292080 2976M 2886M 279000 249120 241440 277080 275280 285840 307320 312600 3454800 BEAT DEMAND VARIATION: Assumed hourly variation: Hour: Winter" Summer' 1 0.039 0.039 2 0.038 0.D38 3 0.038 0.038 4 0.038 0.038 5 0.038 0.038 6 0.039 0.039 7 0.041 0.041 8 0.043 0.043 9 0.044 0.044 10 0.044 0.044 11 0.044 0.044 12 0.044 0.044 13 0.045 0.045 14 0.044 0.044 15 0.043 0.043 16 0.043 0.043 17 0.043 0,043 18 0.043 0.043 19 0.043 0.043 20 0.043 0.043 21 0.042 0.042 22 0.042 0.042 23 0.040 0.040 14 0.039 0 039 1 000 1.000 Vdtnler Nov - Apr ��er ',4av - GC' CBAY Y2.XLS ..a'r =_Gr,a"" '.acf.. Ap. May June .;ufy ALCUS[ Sept Gcla eer .. _�rarr�ar __a•-".� d 79ra3.i.9 91:424 91,3322 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 972565 957362 2 1012121 938235 863454 865253 654460 818132 767332 880601 871169 675408 921377 906975 3 955892 886111 846257 848020 816701 753542 706753 811080 832672 836723 870190 856587 4 955892 886111 846257 848020 793366 732013 686560 787WS 808881 812816 870190 856587 5 927778 860049 821367 823079 793366 732013 686560 787906 808881 812816 876467 862767 5 955892 886111 846257 848020 940035 775072 726946 834254 856462 860629 870190 856587 7 1038114 990359 911424 913322 840035 775072 726946 834254 856462 860629 972565 957362 8 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 854460 818132 767332 880601 871169 875408 1044517 1058137 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1044517 1058137 10 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1011860 933610 875640 1004697 1031648 1036667 1168865 1150594 11 12SWO 1215575 1118686 1121019 921917 850622 827911 915573 939946 944519 1193734 1175074 12 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1034346 954356 895098 1027228 105457.3 1059704 1168865 1150594 13 1229345 113DS02 1D48771 1050956 1048771 995850 934016 1041653 1069280 1074483 1119126 1101632 14 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1092470 1037344 972933 1084951 1113833 1119253 1168865 1150594 15 1285840 1215575 1118669 1121019 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1193734 1175074 16 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 109280 1074483 1193734 1175074 17 1312628 1216805 1141995 1144374 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1218604 1199555 18 1232263 1164926 1072077 1074310 1011860 933610 875640 1OW97 1031648 1036667 1143995 1126113 19, 1174708 1088953 1031348 1033496 1048771 9958.50 934016 1041653 1069280 1074483 1069387 1052671 20 1092751 1CL42484 959393 961392 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1023753 1007750 21 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 876945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1023753 1007750 22 1120070 103M 983378 985427 876945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1049346 1032944 23 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 876945 839661 787525 67091.1 894OR5 898445 1023753 1007750 24 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 921917 850622 827911 91557.3, 939946 944519 1023753 1007750 Day: 27253274 25600594 23818522 23868144 22480265 21034987 19916390 22389605 22919879 2303.1394 25225843 24891420 Month- 8,45E+08. 7.17E+08 7.39E+08 '7.16E+08 6.97E+08 6.31E+08 6.17E+0B 6.94E+08 6.88E+08 7.14E+08 7.57E+08 7.72E+08 8.59E,09 Equivalent .. g Gallons: 8192 6951 7160 6943 6758 6119 5987 6730 666E 6923 7338 7483 HEAT LOST FROM SYSTEM PER HOUR BY MONTH, BTU'S Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 W9348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 2 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209US 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 3 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 4 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 5 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 6 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 7 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209346 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 8 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 9 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 10 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 11 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 12 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 .209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 13 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251623 14 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 15 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 16 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 17 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 18 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 19 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 20 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 21 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 22 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 23 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 24 255277 258125 253381 245640 231974 219460 209348 207181 215190 231771 242490 251823 :ay- 6125658 6195000 6081135 5895360 5567381 5267040 5024361 d972335 5164560 5562503 5819760 3043742 _ 9E-08 1 73E-08 1 89E-08 77E-08 1 73E48 1 58E-08 1 56E-06 54E-08 1 55E-06 ', 72E-08 7S,-u5 7E-_2 'c _-- w __ _ er-' '8=2 i682 '626 171� ij'C 1532 1510 1495 115C.'2 1612 i6a= -oe - CBAV 42.XLS i -�•s1f .ia r;-;c -e.~.f �ofY `vwf Apd May .June .;uly August. Sept Cczoc r 9r., oer 5a2:53 562393 526671, 473654 375522 287575 215706 200298 257226 375077 451264 .5 i C7 2 531089 550915 517882 463987 368838 281706 211303 196210 251976 367423 442055 507034 3 528323 5480446 515185 461571 366917 280239 210203 195188 250664 365509 439753 504393 4 518641 538003 505744 453112 360193 275104 206351 191612 246071 358811 431694 495150 5 528323 548046 515185 461:571 366917 290239 210203 195188 250664 365509 439753 504.393 6 5.36621 556654 523277 468820 372680 28464.1 213505 198254 254601 371250 446660 512$16 7 568431 589651 554296 4.96611 394772 301514 226161 210006 269693 393257 473137 .,542685 8 598858 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 284129 414307 498463 571.734 9 603007 625518 588012 526819 418785 3198U 239917 222761 286098 417178 501917 575695 10 607156 629822 592058 530444 4216M 322055 241568 224313 288067 420048 505370 579656 11 607156 629822 592058 530444 421666 322055 241568 224313 2-88067 420048 505370 579656 12 611305 634126 596104 534069 424548 324266- 243219 225846 290035 422919 508824 583617 13 616837 639865 601499 SU902 428390 327190 245420 227890. 2926W 426746 513428 5888% 14 603007 625518 588012 526819 416785 319854 239917 22.2781 286098 417178 501917 575695 15 594709 616910 579920 519569 413021 315453 236616 219715 282161 411437 4950.10 567772 16 SM58 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 284129 414307 498463 571734 17 590556 612606 575874 515944 410140 313252 2349W 218182 280192 408566 491556 563811 18 598858 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 264129 414307 498463 571734 19 598858 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 284129 414307 498463 571734 20 594709 616910 57020 51IM9 413021 315453 236616 21971'5 282161 411437 495010 567772 21 580878 602563 566434 507486 403416 308116 231113 214605 275599 401869 483498 554568 22 576729 598259 562368 503861 400535 305916 229462 213072 273630 398998 480044 550607 23 554600 575305 540809 484528 385166 294178 220658 204897 263-131 383689 461625 529481 24 542153 562393 528671 473654 376522 287575 215706 200M 257226 375077 451264. 517597 Day: 13831815 14348193 13487863 12084208 9606110 7336040 5503244 5110156 6582537 9569258 11513000 13205330 Month: 4.29E+08 4.02E+0B 4.18E+08 3.63E+08 2.98E+08 2.2E+08 171 E+08 1.58E+08 1.97E+08 2.97E+08 3.45E+08 4109E+08 3 71 E-09 "Equivalent gallons: 4158 3896 4055 3515 2888 2134 1654 1536 1909 2877 3349 3970 35941 HEAT DELIVERED BY HOUR BY MONTH, BTU`S Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 1 542153 562393 528671 473654 376522 287575 215706 200298 257226 375077 451264 517597 2 531089 550915 517882 463987 368838 281706 211303 196210 251976 367423 442055 507034 3 528323 548046 515185 461571 366917 280239 210203 195188 250664 365509 439753 504393 4 518641 538003 505744 453112 360193 275104 206351 191612 246071 358811 431694 495150 5 528323 548046 515185 461571 366917 280239 210203 195188 250664 365509 439753 504393 6 536621 556654 523277 468820 372680 284641 213505 198254 254601 371250 446660 512316 7 568431 589651 554296 496611 394772 301514 226161 210006 269693 393257 473137 542685 8 598858 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 284129 414307 498463 571734 9 603007 625518 588012 526819 418785 319854 239917 222781 2136098 417178 501917 575695 10 607156 629822 592058 530444 421666 322055 241568 224313 288067 420048 $05370 579656 11 607156 629822 592058 530444 421666 322055 241568 224313 288067 420048 505370 579656 12 611305 634126 596104 534069 424548 324256 243219 225846 290035 422919 508824 583617 13 616837 639865 601499 538902 428390 327190 245420 227890 292660 426746 513426 588899 14 603007 625518 588012 526819 418785 319854 239917 222781 286098 417178 501917 575695 15 594709 616910 579920 519569 413021 315453 236616 219715 282161 411437 495010 567772 16 598858 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 284129 414307 498463 571734 17 590559 612606 575874 515944 410140 313252 234965 218182 280192 408566 491556 563811 18 598858 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 284129 414307 498463 571734 19 598858 621214 583966 523194 415903 317653 238267 221248 284129 414307 498463 571734 20 594709 616910 579920 519569 413021 315453 236616 219715 282161 411437 495010 567772 -21 580878 602563 566434 507486 403416 308116 231113 214605 275599 401869 483498 554568 22 576729 598259 562388 503861 400535 305916 229462 213072 273630 398998 480044 550607 23 554600 575305 540809 484528 385166 294178 220658 204897 263131 383689 461625 529481 24 542153 562393 528671 473654 376522 287575 215706 200298 257226 375077 451264 517597 :3831815 14348183 13487863 12084208 9606110 7336840 5503244 5110156 6562537 9569258 ;,51300C c2-- 3 1 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 3u 25E-36 .G2E-08-18E+08 3.63E-08 2.98E-06 2.2E-08 ,':E-06 58E-08 _-C.8 S896 4055 35, 2888 2. 3-'_-- ;'ao-E ,HASTE HEAT U7LIZA710-N SWULATION WORK SHEET. BAS'C 'RG.,t,_ _ A A Locanom Cold Bay - Scenario #3 Date: May 1 1990 Annual pumping elect cost: 4700 $/y.ear. Annual other O&M cost: 7000 $/year. Construction cost estimate: 77021 $ Fuel high heat value: 137500 Btu/gallon Fuel cost: 1,10 $!gallon CBAY 1t3.XLS PROGRAM RESULTS: Savings, year 0. fuel gallons: 31743 Savings, year 0, fuel cost: $34,917 Annual O&M increase cost: $11,700 Total Savings, year 0: $23,217. Simple pay back time, years: 22.3 GENERATOR DATA: SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Heat rate at kw -load above: 0 3017 Btu/kwh Constant losses: Heat rate at kw -load above: 85 2852 Btu/kwh Plant piping: 27000 BtuRu. Heat rate at kw -load above: 170 2711 'BtbAwh Subsurface piping: 94000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 255 2593 Btu/kwh Engine preheating: 0 Btumr. Heat rate at kw -load above: 340 2498 Btu/kwh Total constant: 121000 Btu/hr, Heat rate at kw-[oad above: 425 2428 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw4oad above: 510 2381 Btu/kwh Variable losses: Heat rate at kw -load above: 595 2357 BtWkwh Surface piping: 200 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 680 2357 Btu/kwh Plant heating: 19M BtWhr,xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 765 2357 Btu/kwh Radiator losses: 0 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw -load above: 850 2357 Btu/kwh GENERATION DATA: WEATHER DATA: Kwtvmonth: H DD/Month January 348;840 .1.126 February 292,080 1055 March 297,600 1098 April 288,600 952 May 279,000 782 June 249,120 578 July 241,440 448 August 277,080 416 September 275,280 517 October 285.840 779 November 307,320 907 December 312,600 1075 3454800 9733 BUILDING DATA: SAND WARM AK/DOT FAA Fuel use, gal.lmon, STOR. STOR, SHOP SHOP n/a n/a n/a n/a SCHOOL n/a TOTAL January 487 904 681 928 869 3870 February 456 847 638 870 750 3562 March 475 882 664 905 725 3651 April 412 765 576 785 498 3035 May 338 628 473 645 283 2367 June 250 464 350 477 140 1680 July 194 360 271 369 _ 105 1299 August 180 334 252 343 151 1260 September 224 415 313 426 251 1629 October 337 626 471 642 484 2560 November 392 729 549 748 669 3086 December 465 863 650 886 876 3741 4211 7818 5886 8024 0 0 0 0 5801 0 31740 Htg. Efficiency, 0.75 0.75 0-75 0.75 0.75 0,75 CSAY #3.XLS jr-_. c-, f .ar:a! =$cruary 1,ldret5 April May June July August Sept. Goober Pjz�ember 1 0 038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.043 0.043 0.043 0,043 0.043 0.043 0.038 0 039 2 0 036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.036 0 036 3 0 _34 0.034 0,034 0.034 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.034 O.v3, 4 0.034 0.034 0,034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0,034 0.034 10.034 0.034 5 0.033 0,033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 -0.034 0,033 0 033 6 0.034 0.034 0.034 0,034 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 .0.034 0.034 7 0.038 0,038 0.038 0.038 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0-038 0.038 8 0,042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.042 0.042 9 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 .0.042 0.042 10 0.047 0.047 0,047 0.047 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0,047 0 047 11 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.041 0,041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.048 0.048 12 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.047 0047, 13 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.045 0.045 14 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.050 0.050 0.050 0,050 0.050 0.050 0,047 0.047 15 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 16 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 17 0.049 0:049 0.049 0.049 0.043 0.043 0.043 0 043 0,043 0,043 6.049 0.049 18 0.046 0.646 0.046 0.046 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0,046 0.046 19 0.043 0 043 0.043 0.043 0.048 0,048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.043 0.043 20 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.040 0.040 21 0.040 0.040 0 040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0.039 0:039 0,039 0.039 0.040 0.040 22 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.041 0.041 23 0.040 0,040 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0,039 0 039 0.039 0.039 0.040 0.040 24 0.040 0 0.49 0 040 0.040 0 041 0.041 0.041 004.1. 0 041 0.041 0.040 0.040 1.000 1:0D0 1.000 1.000 1,000 1, 000 1.000 1.000 1:000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Days: 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 d HDD: 1126 1055 1098 952 782 578 448 416 517 779 • 907 1075 9733 Kwh: 348840 292080 297600 288600 27WW 249120 241440 277080 275280 285840 307320 312600 3454800 HEAT DEMAND VARIATION' Assumed hourly variation: Hour: Winter' Summer' 1 0-039 0.030 2 0.038 0.038 3 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 5 0.038 0.036 6 0.039 0.039 7 0.041 0.041 8 0.043 0,043 9 0.044 0.044 10 0.044 0.044 11 0.044 0.044 12 0.044 0.044 13 0.045 0.045 14 0.044 0.044 15 0.043 0.043 16 0.043 0,043 17 0.043 0.643 18 0.043 0-043 19 0.043 0.043 20 0.043 0.043 21 0.042 0.042 22 0.042 0.042 23 0.040 0.040 24 0 039 0 039 1 000 y'nter Nov - Apr S ^ rntc �,iay. oct -_�_8"•, c..� mac'. :'1a'� =�fa 359 = 424 S13322 2 1012121 938235 863454 865253 3 955892 686111 846257 848020 1 955892 886111 846257 848020 5 927778 860049 821367 823079 6 955892 886111 846257 848020 7 1038114 990359 911424 913322 F 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 9 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 10 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 11 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 12 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 13 1229345 1139602 1048771 1050956 14 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 15 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 16 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 17 1312628 1216805 1141965 11"374 18 1232263 1164926 1072077 1074310 19 1174708 1088953 1031348 1033496 20 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 21 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 22 1120070 1038304 983378 985427 23 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 24 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 Day: 27253274 25600594 23818522 23868144 Month: 8.45E+08 7.17E+08 7.38E+08 7.16E+08 Equivalent Gallons: 8192 6951 7160 6943 CBAY a3.XLS may gUSI ScG[ Br "+_•:emoer __.__--�_. 966889 892'16 868297 960235 985797 990593 S72565 m57. 3c2 854460 818132 767332 880601 871169 875408 921377 906975 816701 753542 706753 811080 832672 836723 870190 556587 793366 732013 686560 787906 608881 812816 870190 856567 793366 732013 686560 787906 808881 812816 876467 862767 840035 775072 726946 834254 856462 860629 670190 856587 840035 775072 726946 834254 856462 860629 972565 957362 854460 818132 767332 880601 871169 875408 1044517 1058137 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1044517 1058137 1011860 9336f0 875M 1004897 103164E 1036667 1168865 1160594 921917 850622 827911 915573 939946 944519 1193734 1175074 1034346 954356 895098 1027228 1054573 1059704 1168865 1150594 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1119126 1101632 1092470 1037344 972933 1084951 1113833 1119253 1168865 1150594 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1193734 1175074 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1193734 1175074 966889 892116 868297 %0235 985797 990593 1218604 1199555 10118W 933610 875640 1004897 1031648 1036667 1143995 1126113 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1089280 1074483 1069367 1052671 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 990593 1023753 1007750 876945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1023753 1007750 876045 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1049346 1032944 876945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1023753 1007750 921917 850622 827911 915573 939946 944519 1023753 1007750 22480265 21034987 19915390 22389605 22919879 23031394 25225843 24901420 6.97E+08 6.31E+08 8.17E+08 6.94E+08 6.88E+08 7.14E+08 7.57E+08 7.72E+08 8.59E-09 6758 6119 5987 6730 6668 6923 7338 7483 E HEAT LOST FROM SYSTEM PER HOUR BY MONTH, BTU'S Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 2 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 3 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 4 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 5 218277 221125 21638 208640 194974 1B2460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 6 218277 221125 21638 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 7 218277 221125 21638. 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 '8 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 9 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 10 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 470181 178190 194771 205490 214823 11 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 12 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 13 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 14 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 15 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 16 218277 221125 2163E 20SUO 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 17 218277 221125 21638 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 18 218277 221125 2163E 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 176190 194771 205490 214823 19 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 20 218277 221125 216361 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 21 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 22 218277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 23 218277 221125 216381 208UO 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 2,1 21B277 221125 216381 208640 194974 182460 172348 170181 178190 194771 205490 214823 7-ay 523865E 53C7000 5193135 5007360 467938` .379040 4136361 4084335 4276560 4674503 493176C t 62E-08 I. 49E-OE 1 61E,08 1 5E-.08 A5E-08 1 2:;:-08 ' 28E-08 • 27E-0E 1 28E-08 =5=-08 ' C8E-3e _ _�s 5,5 .44, :561 457 all t. _ 1225 � .5 g5 55 CBAY #3.XLS Lur an -.a-, :1af:n April May Jiune iuiy Avoust Sept. October `.cven-ner. 1 50-6.41 514211 4761.33 408984 308674 226434 169387 164264 219485 333843 415666 2783Z 2 494343 503717 466416 400638 302375 221813 165930 160912 215006 327030 407379 477874 3 491768 501093 463986 398551 300800 220658 165066 160074 213886 325326 405258 4753SE 4 482757 491911 455484 391248 295288 216614 162041 157141 209967 319365 397831 466674 5 491768 501093 463986 398551 300800 2206,58 165066 160074 213886 325326 405258 475366 6 499492 506964 471274 404811 305524 224124 167658 162588 217246 330436 411623. 482852 7 529101 539136 499210 42MM 323635 237469 177597 172226 230124 350024 436023 511475 JS 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 250117 187103 181445 242442 368760 459363 538853 9 561285 571929 529576 454891 343321 251850 188399 182702 244122 371315 462545 542587 10 565147 575864 533220 458021 345684 253583 189696 183959 245801 373870 465728 54632-0 11 565141 575864 533220 458021 345684 253583 189696 183959 245801 373870 465728 546320 12 569009 579799 536864 461151 348046 255316 190992 185216 247481 376425 468911 550053 13 574158 585046 541722 465324 351196 257627 192721 186892 249721 379831 473154 555031 14 561285 571929 529576. 454891 343321 251850 188399 182702 244122 371315 462545 542587 15 553561 564058 522288 448631 338597 248385 185807 180188 240762 .366205 456180 535120 16 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 260117 187103 181445 242442 368760 459363 538853 17 549699 560123 518644 445501 336234 246652 184511 178931 239082 363650 452997 531386 18 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 250117 1.87103 181445 242442 . 366760 459363 538853 19 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 260117 187103 181445 242442 368760 459363 538853 20 553561 564058 522M 448631 338597 248385 185807 180188 240762 366205 456180 5351.20 21 540687 550940 510142 438198 330722 242608 181486 175997 235163 357689 445571 522675 22 536825 547005 506498 435068 328360 240875 180189 174740 233483 355134 442388 516942 23 516228 526017 487064 418374 315761 231633 173276 168036 224525 341507 425414 499030 24 504641 51421.1 476133 408984 308674 226434 1693R7 164264 219485 333843 415866 487830 Day: 12,874794 13118941 12147452 10434317 7875128 5776963 4321521 4190833 559%78 8517245 10609896 12445891 Month: 3.99E+08 3.67E+08 3.77E+08 3.13E:+08 2.44E+08 1.73E+08 1.34E+08 1.3E+08 1.68E+08 2.64E+08 3.18E+08 3.86Er08 3.27E-09 Equivalent f 1allons: 3870 3562 3652 3035 2367 1681 1299 260 1629 2560 3087 3741 217-43 MEAT DELIVERED BY HOUR BY MONTH, BTU'S Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 1 504641 514211 476133 408984 308674 226434 169387 164264 219485 333843 415866 487830 2 494343 503717 466416 400638 302375 221813 165930 160912 215006 327030 407379 477874 3 491768 501093 463986 398551 300800 220658 165066 160074 213886 325326 405258 475386 4 482757 491911 455484 391248 295288 216614 162041 157141 209%7 319365 397831 466674 5 491768 501093 463986 398551 300800 220658 165066 160074 213686 325326 405258 475386 6 499492 508964 471274 404811 305524 224124 167668 162588 217246 330436 411623 482852 7 529101 539135 499210 426808 323635 237409 177597 172226 230124 350024 436023 511475 B 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 250117 187103 181445 242442 368760 459363 538653 9 561285 571929 529576 454891 343321 251M 188399 182702 244122 371315 462545 542587 10 565147 575864 533220 458021 345684 253583 169696 183959 245801 373870 465728 546320 11 565147 575864 533220 458021 34%U 253583 189696 183959 245801 373870 465728 546320 12 569009 579799 536864 461151 348046 255316 190992 185216 247481 376425 468911 550053 13 574158 585046 541722 465324 351196 257627 192721 186892 249721 379831 473154 555031 14 561265 571929 529576 454891 343321 251EM 188399 182702 244122 371315 462545 542587 15 553561 564058 522288 448631 338597 248385 185807 160188 240762 366205 456180 535120 16 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 250117 187103 181445 242442 368760 459363 538853 17 549699 560123 5186" 445501 336234 246652 184511 178931 239082 363650 452997 531386 18 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 250117 187103 181445 242442 368760 459363 538853 19 557423 567993 525932 451761 340959 250117 187103 181445 242442 368760 459363 538853 20 553561 564058 522298 448631 338597 248385 185807 180188 240762 366205 456180 535120 21 540687 550940 510142 438198 330722 242606 181486 175997 235163 357689 445571 522675 22 536825 547005 506498 435068 328360 240875 180189 174740 233483 355134 442388 518942 23 516228 526017 487064 418374 315761 231633 173276 168036 224525 341507 425414 A99030 24 504641 514211 476133 468984 308674 226434 169387 164264 219485 333843 415868 ;8783C; { 12874794 13118941/2147452 10434317 7875126 5776963 4321521 4190833 55-0%78 8517245 '•O60SE96 gays' 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 3C 31 3Y 9?E-06 3.67E-08 3.77E+08 3;3E-0E 244E-08 73E-08 34E-08 1.3E-08 .58E-u8 264=-DE 387:L 3562 3652 3C35 2367 1761 11299 125G 32c 255 WASTE BEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. BASIC PRCJEC7 -�ATA. Location: Cold Say - Scenario #4 Date: May 1. 1999 Annual pumping elec. cost: 6800 Styear, Annual other 0&M cost: 10000 S/year. Construction cost estimate: 1614728 $ Fuel high heat value: 137500 Btu/gallon Fuel cost: 1.10 $/gallon GENERATOR DATA: Heat rate at kw -load above: 0 3017 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 85 2852 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 170 2711 Stu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 255 2593 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 340 2498 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -toad above: 425 2428 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 510 2381 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 595 2357 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load. above: 680 2357 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 765 2357 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw -load above: 850 2357 Btu/kwh GENERATION DATA. Kwh/month: January 348.840 February 292,080 March 297, 600 April 288,600 May 279.000 June 249,120 J my 241,440 August 277,080 September 275,280 October 285,840 November 307,320 December 312,600 oil WEATHER DATA: HDD/Month, 1126 1055 1098 952 782 578 448 416 517 779 907 1075 9733 CBAY_:E4,XLS PROGRAM RESULTS. Savings, year 0, fuel gallons: 41363 Savings, year 0, fuel cost: $45,500 Annual Oi#M increase cost: $16,800 Total Savings, year 0: $28,700 Simple payback time, years: 35.5 SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Constant losses: Plant piping: 27000 Btumr. Subsurface piping: 190000 Btu/hr. Engine preheating: 0 Btulhr. Total constant: 217000 Btulhr. Variable losses: Surface piping: 200 Btumr.xF Plant heating: • 1900 Btu]hr.xF Radiator lasses: 0 Btu/hr.xF BUILDING DATA: SAND WARM AK/DOT FAA F&W F&W F&W CITY Fuel use, galJmon. STOR. STOR. SHOP SHOPHOUSING BUNK H OFFICE BLDG SCHOOL n/a TOTAL January 487 904 681 92B 496 99 294 267 869 5027 February 456 847 638 870 465 93 276 250 750 4645 March 475 882 664 905 484 97 287 260 725 4779 April 412 765 576 785 420 84 249 225 498 4013 May 338 628 473 645 345 69 204 185 283 3170 June 250 464 350 477 255 51 151 137 140 2274 July 194 360 271 369 198 39 117 106 105 1759 August 180 334 252 343 183 37 109 99 151 1687 September 224 415 313 426 228 46 135 122 251 2160 October 337 626 471 642 343 69 204 184 484 3360 November 392 729 549 748 400 80 237 215 669 4016 December 465 863 650 986 474 95 281 255 876 4845 4211 7818 5886 8024 4291 858 2544 2305 5801 0 41738 Htg. Efficiency: 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 ':anF CBAY_#4.XLS `lour .rnuarr �eoruary March April May June July Augusr Sept. October Nover^ber Dece,Tce• 1 O.C38 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.038 0.038 2 0 036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0,038 0,036 0 C36 3 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.035 0.035 0.035 D.035 0.035 0.035 0.034 0.034 4 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 3.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 5 0,033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0-034 0.034 7.034 0.034 0.034. 0,033 0 033 6 0,034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.636 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.034 0.034 7 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 D.036 . 0,038 0.038 8 0.042 0.042 0.042 0,042 0.038 0.038 O.D38 0,038 0.038 0.038 0.042 0,042 9 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.043 0.043 0.043 am 0.043 0.043 0.042 0 042 10 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.045 0.045 0.045 0,045 0.045 0.045 0.047 0.047 11 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.046 0,041 O.D41 01041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.048 0.048 12 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.04.7 0.046 0.046 0.046 0,046 0.046 0.046 0.047 0-047 13 0.045 0.045 0,045 0.045 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0,048 0.045 0.045 14 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0,050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0,050 0.050 0.047 0.047 15 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.646 0.048 0.048 0.048 0,048 0.048 16 0.048 b.048 0.048 0.048 6.048 0,048 O.D4R 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 17 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.043 0,043 0.043 0.043 O,D43 0.043 0.049 0,049 18 0,046 0,046 0.046 0,046 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 .0.045 0.046 0,046 19 0.043 0.043 0.043 -0.043 0.048 0.048 0.048 0,048 0.048 0.048 0.043 0.043 20 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.D40 0.043 0.043 0,043 0.043 0.043 0.643 0.040 0.040 21 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040- 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.040 0.040 22 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0,039 0.041 0.041 23 0.040 0 040 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0,039 0.040 0.040 24 0 040 0,040 0 D40 0.040 0 041 0,041 0.041 0-041 0.041 0.041 0-040 - 0 040 1.000 1.000 1.ODO 1.000 1 000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 Days: 31 .28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 t HDD: 1126 1055 1D98 952 782 578 448 416 517 779 907 1075 9733 Kwh: 348840 292080 2976M 288600 279000 249120 241440 277080 275280 285840 307320 312600 3454800 HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: Assumed hourly variation: Hour: Winter' Summer' 1 0.039 0.039 2 0.038 0.038 3 0.038 0.038 4 0.038 0,038 5 0.038 0.038 6 0.039 0.039 7 0.041 0.041 8 0.043 0.043 9 0.044 0,044 10 0.044 o.044 11 0.044 0.044 12 0.044 0.D44 13 0.045 0.045 14 0.044 0.044 15 0.043 0.043 - 16 0.043 0.043 17 0.043 0.043 18 0.043 0.043 19 0.043 0.043 20 0.043 0,043 21 0.042 0.042 22 0.042 0.042 23 0.040 0.040 24 3,339 0 039 i `JG6 1 000 '0r-tn" Nov - Apr _-;77,,e! 'fey - 0--t CBAY #4.XL5 �_ ?era '.ay ;une tiny August Sept. 0=ber,._.er^cer__�_ _ _,'a ca 35: _ '124 D13322 966889 892i16 868297 960235 985797 950593 972565 "552 2 1012121 938235 363454 865253 854460 818132 767332 880601 871169 875408 921377 906975 3, 955892 138611E 846257 848020 816701 753542 .706753 811080 832672 836723 870190 856587 4 955892 886111 846257 848020 793366 732013 686560 787906 806881 812816 870190 856587 5 927778 860049 821387 823079 793366 732013 686560 787906 808881 812816 876467 862767 6 955892 886111 846257 848020 840035 775072 726946 834254 856462 860629 870190 856587 7 1038114 990359 911424 913322 840035 775072 726946 834254 856462 860629 972565 957362 8 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 854460 818132 767332 880601 871169 875408 1044517 1058137 9 1147389 1063628 1007363 1009462 966889 892116 868297 960235 985797 M593 1044517 1058137 10 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1011860 933610 675640 1004897 1031648 1036667 1168865 1150594 11 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 921917 850622 827911 915573 .939946 944519 1193734 1175074 12 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1034346 9543M .895098 1027228 1054573 1059704 1168865 1150594 13 1229345 1139602 1048771 1050956 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1119126 1101632 14 1259051 1190251 1095383 1097665 1092470 103730 972933 1064951 1113833 1119253 1168865 1150594 15 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121010 1048771 995850. 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1193734 1175074 16 1285840 1215575 1118689 1121019 1048771 995850 '934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1193734 1175074 17 1312628 1216805 1141995 1144374 966869 892116. 868297 960235 985797 990593 1218604 1199,555 18 1232263 1164M 1072077 1074310 1011860 933610 875640 1004897 1031648 1036667 1143995 1126113 19 1174708 1ON953 1031348 1033496 1048771 995850 934016 1041553 1069280 1074483 1069387 1052671 20 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 966889 892116 868297 960235 965797 990593 1023753 1007750 21 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 876945 839661 . 787525 870911 894095 898445 1023753 1007750 22 1126070 1038304 983378 985427 876945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1049346 1032944 23 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 876945 839661 787525 870911 894095 898445 1023753 1007750 24 1092751 1042484 959393 961392 921917 850622 827911 915573 939946 944519 1023753 1007750 Day: 272$3274 25600594 23818522,238681" 22480265 21034987.19915390 22389605 22919879 23031394 25225843 24891420 Month: 8.45E+08 7.17E+0B 7.38E+08 7.16E+08 6,97E+08 6.31E+68 6.17E+08 6.94E+08 6.88E+08 7,14E+08 7.57E+08 7.72E+08 Equivalent Gallons: 8192 6951 7160 6943 6758 .6119 5987 6730 8668 6923 - 7338 7483 HEAT LOST FROM SYSTEM PER HOUR BY MONTH, BTU'S 8.59E-C9 Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 1 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268349 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 2 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 276460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 3 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 4 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 5 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490' 310823 6 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 2661,81 274190 290771 301490 310823 7 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 8 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 9 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 10 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 11 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 279460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 12 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 2661B1 274190 290771 301490 310823 13 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 2661131 274190 290771 301490 310823 14 314277 317125 312381 304640. 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 15 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 16 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 17 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 18 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 19 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 20 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 21 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 22 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 23 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 279460 26834 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 24 314277 317125 312381 304640 290974 278460 268348 266181 274190 290771 301490 310823 :�By'542558 7611000 i497135 7311360 5983381 6fi83040 614036! 6388335 6560500 6978503 '235'60 '45"s;4= y 2 3-iE-08 2.13E-08 2 32E-08 2 .9E-08 2 16E-08 2=-08 e=-08 1 98E-08 1 57E-08 2 16E-0$ 2 F; _-0& 2;-.=_•-_c _ ___+ �2F� 2067 2254 2127 2^99 ' 944 ' 936 192C- a'. 4 2'}98 2" �5 CBAv -14 XL5 �`.. -=Ur - I.Tay_..n Azed May Jurle Ji ly AL+Cgus: Sep[ .:,,rem.-�'r .3 --'— _�3�'� 540759 413426 306440 229398 219989 291048 430193 5-1A1.2 �31a3C, 2 642096 656987 610495 529723 404989 300186 224716 215499 285108 429250 530363 618936 3 638752 6535.65 607315 526964 402879 298623 223546 214377 283623. 427014 527601 515712 4 627047 54158E 596187 517308 395497 293151 219450 210449 278426 419189 517933 60»430 5 638752 653565 607315 526964 402879 298623 223546 214377 2B3623 427014. 527601 615712 6 W785 663830 616854 535241 409207 303313 227057 217744 288078 433721 535888 625383 7 687244 703181 653420 566969 433464 321293 240517 230652 305155 459431 567654 662455 8 724031 740821 688397 597318 456667 338492 253391 .'242998 321489 484024 598040 69,915 9 729047 745954 693166 601457 459831 340837 255147 244682 323717 467377 602183 702750 10 734063 751086 697936 605595 462995 343182 256902 246365 325944 490731 606326 707586 11 734063 751086 697936 605595 462995 343182 256902 246.365 325944 490731 606326 707586 12 739080. 756210 702705 609733 466159 345527 258658 248049 328171 494084 610470 712421 13 745768 763063 709065 615251 470377 348654 260999 250294 331141 498556 615995 71886E 14 729047 745954 693166 601457 459831 340837 255147 244682 323717 487377 602183 702750 15 719014 735688 683627 593180 453503 M146 251636 241314 319262 480670 593896 693079 16 724031 740821 688397 597318 456667 338492 253301 24MB 321489 484024 598040 697915 17 713998 730555 678858 589041 450339 333801 249M 239631 317034 477317 589753 688244 18 724031 740821 688397 597318 456667 338492 253391 242998 321489 484024 598040 697915 19 724031 Mum 688397 597318 456667 338492 253391 242998 321489 484024 598040 697915 20 719014 735688 683627 593160 453503 336146 251636 241314 319262 480670 593896 693079 21 702293 718579 667729 579385 442956 328329 245784 236702 311837 469492 580085 676961 22 697276 713446 662959 575246 439792 325984 244028 234019 309610 466139 575941 672126 23 670522 686072 637522 553174 422918 313476 234665 225040 297730 448253 553843 646337 24 655473 670674 623214 540759 413426 306440 229398 219989 291048 438193 541412 631830 Day: 16722931 17110736 15899898 13796254 10547635 7818138 5852574 56,12524 7425436 11179499 13812918 16119734 Month: 5.18E+08 4.79E+08 4.93E+08 4.14E+08 3.27E+08 2.35E+08 1.81E+08 1.74E+08 2,23E+08 3.47E+68 4.14E+08 5E-08 4.3E-_9 Equivalent ` "allons: 5027 4646 4780 4013 31.71 2274 1759 ]687 2160 3361 4018 4846 417-42 .,1EAT DELIVERED BY HOUR BY MONTH, BTU'S Hour: January February March April May June July August Sept. October November December 1 655473 670674 599043 540759 413426 306440 229398 21W89 291048 438193 541412 631830 2 642096 621110 551073 529723 404989 300186 224716 215499 285108 429250 530363 596152 3 638752 5689M 533877 526964 402879 298623 223546 214377 283623 427014 527601 545765 4 627047 568986 533877 517308 395497 293151 219450 210449 279426 419189 517933 545765 5 613500 542924 508987 5184.39 402679 298623 223546 214377 283623 427014 527601 551944 6 641615 568986 533877 535241 409207 303313 227057 217744 288078 433721 535888 5 57E5 7 687244 673234 599043 566969 433464 321293 240517 230652 305155 459431 567654 646540 8 724031 740821 688397 597318 456667 338492 253391 242998 321489 484024 598040 697915 9 729047 745954 693166 601457 459831 340837 255147 244682 323717 487377 602183 702750 .- 734063 751086 697936 605595 462995 343182 256902 246365 325944 490731 606326 707586 11 734063 751086 697936 605595 462995 343182 256902 246365 325944 490731 606326 107586 12 739080 756219 702705 609733 466159 345527 258658 248049 328171 494084 610470 712421 13 745768 763063 709065 615251 470377 348654 2609M 250294 331141 498556 615995 118868 14 729047 745954 693166 601457 459831 340837 255147 244682 323717 487377 602183 702750 15 719014 735688 683627 593180 453503 336146 251636 241314 319262 480670 593896 693079 16 724031 740821 688397 597318 456667 338492 253391 242998 321489 484024 598040 697915 17 713998 730555 678858 589041 450339 333801 249880 239631 317034 477317 589753 688244 18 724031 740821 688397 597318 456667 338492 253391 242998 321489 484024 598040 697915 19 724031 740821 688397 597318 456667 338492 253391 242998 321489 484024 598040 697915 20 719014 725359 647013 593180 453503 336146 251636 241314 319262 480670 593896 693079 21 702293 718579 647013 579385 442956 32B329 245784 235702 311837 469492 580085 676961 22 697276 713446 662959 575246 439792 325984 244028 234019 309610 466139 575941 672126 23 670522 686072 637522 553174 422918 313476 234665 225040 297730 448253 553843 6-6337 24 555473 670674 623214 540759 413426 306440 229398 219989 291048 438193 541412 e3'83� 116690509 16671918 15387542 13787728 10547635 7818138 5852574 5612524 7425436 11179499 "36'251r "5t" 9 5- D2ys. 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 3C 3: 3 .7E-06 =-08 u 7?E-08 4 14E-06 3 27E-06 2 35E-08 c1E-08 . 74-=-OE - 255-;DF- 3_ -:a;ns 5C17 4527 »52E 404.1 3'7' 227L ::Ia=e 1BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT. COLD BAY PROJ NO: 495-306 CALCFOR: NEW POWER HOUSE BLDG DATE: :2/15/90 TEMPERATURES HEATING DEGREE DAYS INTERIOR. 70-OF 987TT DAYS EXTERIOR: 9.OF ROOM: HEIGHT= 2211 AREA=j 3200i WIDTH=1 40VOLUME_: ': 704001 LENGTH=: 801 AC/HR=i 0.51 SURFACE' AREA:l u-VALUE. (Ti - Te) 1 = BTU/HRI TOTAL COMMENTS WALL 1 8801 0.121, 611 64421 1 WALL 2 17601 0. 12;; Bi 12883 FLOOR 6 ol CEILING 32001 0.121 611 234241 GLASS 61 oi i DOORS 61,1 PERIMETER LENGTH I F-VALUE I (Ti - Te) = BTU/HR BASEMENT WALL 611 01 1 SLAB 2401 0.651 611 95161 AIR EXCH.' CM FACTOR i (Ti - T e) BTU/HR INFILT. 587' 1.081; 61; 38650; t 90914, TOTAL BTU/HR=! 90,914' TOTAL BTU/YR BASED ON HEATING DEGREE DAYS= 353,2967339' TOTAL GAL/YR @ 140,000 BTU/GAL, 70% EFFICIENCY= 3,605- BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION — - -------- PROJECT: COLD BAY PROD NO: 495-306 CALC FOR POWER HOUSE :DATE: 2/15190 TEMPERATURES 'HEATING DEGREE DAYS INTERIOR: 70. `F 9877;OF DAYS EXTERIOR: 9, `F ROOM: HEIGHT= 16' AREA=! 3840; WIDTH=' 40: i VOLUME=ll 614401 LENGTH= 961 i ACMR=; 0.51 SURFACE; AREA U-VALUE;(Ti - Te = BTU/HR' :1 TOTAL COMMENTS MALL 1 6401 0.12' 61 46851 WALL 2 15361 0. 12' 611 11244, FLOOR 61 0 CEILING 38401 0.121 611 28109! -GLASS 611 0: :DOORS 611 0, PERIMETER LENGTH! F-VALUE (Ti = Te 1 = BTU/HR -BASEMENT WALL 'SLAB 611 I 2721 0.651 611 10785i 'AIR EXCH. CFM FACTOR 1 (Ti - Te)! = BTU/HR �INFILT. r 512, 1.081 61 33731 885521 Z:A—, ^SS-ALC"JLATiCN E__AS!C PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT: COLD BAY PROJ NO: 495-306 CALC FOR: POWER HOUSE CONTROE BLDG (1 OF 2) DATE: Z15/90 TEMPERATURES HEATING DEGREE DAYS INTERIOR: 70 OF 9877.'F DAYS EXTERIOR: 9:01F ROOM: HEIGHT=. 18' AREA=, 300! WIDTH= 15 VOLUME=: 5400• I LENGTH=: 201 AC/HR=t 0.5; SURFACE: AREAS* U-VALUE (Ti - Te) = BTU/HRi TOTAL COMMENTS WALL 1 27011 0.12' 611 19761 :WALL 2 3601 0.12 61; 2635; FLOOR 611 0 (CEILING ' 300i 0.12; 611 21961 GLASS 61' 0 i DOORS . '. i ! 611 0 ` PERIMETER LENGTH " F-VALUE + ' (Ti - Te) = BTU/HR I " :BASEMENT WALL j i 61 0 SLAB s 701 0,651 61 2776 j AIR EXCH.: CFM! ' FACTOR i ` (Ti - Te I BTU/HR I INFILT. 451 1,081 61;1 2965 i 12548: • i 3 � i TOTAL BTU/HR= : 12,548 : f TOTAL BTU/YR BASED ON,HEATING DEGREE DAYS= 48,760,774 TOTAL GAL/YR @ 140,000 BTU/GAL, 70% EFFICIENCY= , 498 BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT: COLD BAY PROJ NO: 495-306 CALC FOR: POWER HOUSE CONTROL BLDG (2 OF 2) DATE: 2/15/90 TEMPERATURES HEATING DEGREE DAYS INTERIOR: 70 °F 9877 OF DAYS EXTERIOR: 9.OF I ROOM: ---..-- HEIGHT= & AREA=2 600 WIDTH= 20� VOLUME=' 48001 1 _ LENGTH= 30: ; AC/HR=; 0.5, SURFACE- AREA! * U-VALUE ; ' (Ti - Te) ' = BTU/HRH TOTAL COMMENTS WALL 1 i 1601 0.0841 611 8201 # ~ - WAi_L 2 2401 0.084E 61 ! 12301 FLOOR ; 611 0! CEILING 600 0.08411 61: 3074 GLASS ; 61; 0l DOORS I 61; 0' :PERIMETER i LENGTH. * F-VALUE' * (Ti - Te) = BTU/HR :BASEMENT WALL I j 61 i 0i SLAB :, 100! 0,651 61 i. 3965 3 1 ' :AIR EXCH., C FM I ' FACTOR j " (Ti - Te) > BTU/H R INFILT. 401 1.08I 61 i 26351 11724 i I TOTAL BTU/HR= , 11.724 TOTAL BTUNR BASED ON HEATING DEGREE DAYS= 45,560,626 TOTAL GALJYR @ 140,000 BTU/GAL, 70% EFFICIENCY= 465. I r.y.. ESTIMATES Cold Bay waste heat repo^ 2J20.91 Simple Payback Ignores O&M costs Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #4 Scenario #4a Prodject cost $ 199,926 1,271,053 777,021 1,614,728 1.788.642 Fuels cost Savings $ 28,500 39,500 34,900 45,500 45,500 Years for payback 7.0 32.2 22.3 35.5 39.3 Fuel cost savings based on $1.10 per gallon IV`. -Prodject cost $ t Gallons fuel saved Cost of fuel per gallon for 10 year payback Price of fuel required for 10 year payback 199,926 1,271,053 777,021 1,614,728 25,900 35,900 31,700 41,400 1,788,642 41,400 $0.77 $3.54 $2.45 $3.90 $4.32 w H E W E1 m 0 U z 0 H Ei U 0 x E-H N z 0 U E a a z 0 U Ei V) 0 U U C H N (D r-i 4-) 0 fu U) U 01 O N N G1 409 j N 4.a (1) > r� <� .ri O Gl zn� xz0 M too 0 wL ri Ch m H o� N k w m o lt) N kD d' r-r o r-I N %D %D Ln LO fF. t f E H a w � n U) N � rA x w N U U�7 L) Ix oew E-4 >4 U �cco 3 U u w H E-+ in W E-r U u�. H E1 rZ4 0 0 H a w x a W E-4 cD z C� W w 0 z O O >4 4-) o -M �4 a) a 5 c� N -0 O a) U -r O O' I 0X 04m 41 fd u ., 0 R •a fa 41 m -*01 m \ a) •� --4 TI r 0 0 a) a nr a r14 44 v .[ •r O O O\ O )4 04-) p -r4 U U 4J r� �•I w m U [A 4-)❑ 0 N 0�7 Ow G rq a w r-� C a) x 0 'd 4-) (d (5 O 4-) 4J a) Al m p1 m ri fJ] U] c!] ❑ I; a r q al a) U) r-I 0 ro r~ (1) M a �•r 43 fQ �o U �i 4 •ri 0 U .1 R co 4-� b � � -H air b b b) u0 � m �14 (0 4) a) .44 a W --t 'C Z ---I � 4 � � � tn � ,� m � > i` 1 9'i N m (d fu V 9 to �4 ri txi to C• Q) }7 Q) 0% 9: w w r-i -rf �4 -r 1 0 •r1 -P m t4 0) 0 0 0 -r-I ro 0 Cr -r4 IQ C. i4 r-I u 41 4-) �r r1 4-3 '� W IA a) •rl U U a+ 0 •O 0 > 04 - 0 O 0 a) .rr 4s r. a) 0 a r. as a 0 a) � w 0 -P m a) po -r1 ar N �4.0 a) U x A m •r1 Q) r-t >~ �4 A ro 0 fd ? ry` .7 -r1 fa ai •,� r'I A (13 04 $ 3: 0 0 > Ai rZ4 X •r1 m fv ❑ +3 m .o ra I~ A �4 4-) 4J •,1 A UD 0 •r•I tr+ (d N A 0 Q) 0 9 G. An, rx. K �, � -O to •-. m 9 0 �4 4-) -,40 0 -r 4 0 'U m N b fA w •ri a ro m 4 A • m .[ Q) rf ,; W +� � 0 44 �4 'O rd co co co 0 4.) a as 4-3 1~ p>4 Fo 0 w -r1 O m a m b� •r-I 4-4 .0 a) s~ 0 �4 A w w] x w r1 m .rf 4 a) 0 0 r-I a a C>a a Oti aP-4 rC5 Rf k 0 4-) A a) fO \ \ + '0 \ s; Lk • rr Q) o U )4 •r•I = to > -H E-f E-H <3+ = E-f m •,� U m 7 i-1 O1 -H 0 4J Q) r4 -H )y O O C 1d O 'U �•f C� fa 01 'd U fd ® 0 ❑ ❑ •r-1 ❑ a r•i 0 p a) 0 •rf a-► rd a) r♦ -rI •rr +� *-1 fra N O -r1 W fd 4 r. 41 fd - r-I O - 0 r0 � "� ro . . �+ 0 a m -H ri a a -r-I z w 0 ri W Lz+ r1 . am a) 4J r� a 0 0 0 0 0 a •r-I -• f I; x ra 4-) 0 �4 U) •rf R m 4 = U s4 Z 0 a) 0 > L) �r�' cn v� u� ra ❑ .0 cu ro o �, •� a w mo w A � V 44 �' m w � � � � 4J O O Ri •�rf R� r�-I I ,�I PC-4 4' •H a� w w u w w it 04 04 N u m N a) m r-I m ri ri N tYT In ?� 41 W .0 ro rz (1) W 44 20k =w =W- =w q# mpg r0 m () •rf (L) -r-I r-I Q) 0 0 -rf U) W 4-) 4-) s4 0 0 0 0 0 0 i-) i4 w Q) w •rl r--I H 1 i I --I Hi 6-4 w-1 U) G 04 0 ro a1 &4 0 fd C C C a tx tT •rf > < < v) 0 z z z z z z rI TA ri 4) G " rT 0 c f� w W W, W r_ = (1) c O L C (D u u u C) U J 0 I-r a rQ N z:*t-- w U W :�H O U) O E•E W E > Q m O a4 O U V] U W x z 40 crt N C1 dl N U, u1 d O Ol ri Lp NC^ L` Ln � t0 n V-4 r-M Q OD 01 n n Ln n CO d' N O OD O n N Ln N C0 m 0 r•-I a + H N r-I r, + N N CD p N r- W n co Ln co Co t0 ch C M n M 10 n M r-M N L!"L W In tl' M + In ► d' M t'7 � M L` ao � � M Ln n a M . L15 + a in � N IV O r- Q1 to r-i ! ) rl ri M Ln H m r-I H N H %D ri + r� co -;r Ln o r- %D N Ln rl rI H ri cr 1 w 4. M Ln M N r1 C 0 0 N lD CI' CO d' + M mn Q Ln a Ln p v N CO m 0 %D co Ln + Ln rl Ln L- co rH %D w Ice M Ln Ln rl Ln n ri N I;r Ln r•i n n H CO O ID 60 N Ln O m o m en M n M r- r-d' 0% 0 r-m LO r-n co � n r-cr, co r. Ln n a o ev o M r,to M n o r1 O n. o rn %D n LD O m co m n N V n Or H N H comNO a ft sty CO dr COco Ln H m %D L 1 dhp d1° df 0\0 ow 0 o a 00 a Ln O O O o n o co rf r-i N ri ro La 4J -M w r. r. Ic a) > ri fly O O cu •H ra O 4-) b-r ai R U rh O L E 4) C 4-4 „ j R4 U 4-)U d) -O+ H Q >4 •H i•► 9 4J m da z •rl U E rc% Q) CL) a) O O - 4-) r- M r M Ic 9� Ln H to <U O O O ri r•I p E O m b) L) U i4 LC La -H 4J 44 N U •rj 4s r. 04 ��.' O 01 I r1 W -H -H G b m H • -H W U ra T� O O w O r 4 rl m ? O a w s� Lw 0 4 a U-P 0 L. In 0 >a -rI o L7 a) m ar 9 U U? O O, z U fU E� U O +� U W E 4 0 O m -H c O G rar C4 41 r-+ O +1 -n r-I P --i V H :r < -W 04 U En W E ro O it w U M u >, �q CL a W C5+ -- rQ 0 4 L L I i .^.. •r-I i].� ri fL' m +r ti •� t� 'r-+ �C C/:+ !N C1 �•+ O U: < fC O ri N LC? LD LP W m LA O 0 w Ql r- L✓ O .. o r-i I-i C: 0 w W 4 _ 04 G [rl D. . w rw a W f� m 0 �4 0 U V] U z 4 O E-H H 4 - E-4 w a+ U � O CC r'1 C 0 O r-4 in O U G w F M E m w W E-{ 4 W4 E M Z D E-4 F•I Z a O M z w U m 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 03 co rn o j Ln r4 O to m O �D 1D N to Co O Ln C9 Co N d N N cq r-4 O Ln O O O 0 0 o Ln o o a a� Ln Ln r-r w M ri Epp-+ ttpri rO E cw ap Gd r-I O N O co Ln O O r-I o9 N O O N O M � Ln r. c� ;> u� 4J -P •� -ri r� a� .H Mi -P C: •rl o ++ .H -4 rn +) U !w r~ 43 -r1 z o U -°' a U t3' 'ti -ri b ru s~ N Q N 4-J -� Q M m 'r•! is is u - 'TS O -H •,� ri v m > =+ w n m a4-J �4 to I~ a - =1] CQ 0. � fzq U ] . E4 Cr. 0 U W F N H W w E-1 9 H H z 0 E1 H z a P H E1 5 a ra E-4 m i+ > ❑ c ❑ >t a >�m 0 �4 0 U �] U E40 w E-4 N z 3 J U Le) N H %D O m O ep t` N G1 w 14D (h f- a U') iRr H Ln w w 0 Lcs 0 0 Ln 0 0 0 Ln LO ri Ln ri N O 0 O t1Z N lC7 14 LI L[ 9 1; r-I LD H LO d' en ri %D LO cr) r- N H H N H a a a a 0 a a o qr co tr W a d N N 01 co m ri V) s~ � ra U �4 O a •..t •rl N +r .0 U 4-) m al W 'H 41 a> 30 .H ar p 0+ ri ar Q4 a 04 � � -H U o 04 � b � rt1 b U a� ar 44 is ar � al U U 'o -� fa m 9 4 4-) r-4 J=-41 41 y w ro c = ar ar •-) 12 .H x = = = 41 W .0 is -.i N so H GD a W E H m w a H 0 E-4 E O u w� Ei t-a E W W 9 H H z a E H Z Z) E-E H H a 1I} O co N Ln O N m N O ah %b r 4 n Ln 10 co 0 m r-I M n r-I N 10 N LO co Ln rI N *� O O N In O O O O O O LO O N Cf O O O O H O Ln Ln 4 c; n LC N N N too N a w N N O N r•I O N N N N N N a� tyl c U x sa 0 N w 4-I r•I Ln C 3 ' .H a tp i 'a -� •• 0 . -a c+ (a : x 41 o C P+ 0 X m 0 10 •r I � -F-1 4J It 0 4 m m -H Lo U of "1 a w tr+ U 0 lw w � 0 k m 3 s`a f~ N � "1 0 p � a 4-) 4 CD 0 0 0 0 it It 4J ID t0 +a 04 "4 4-) 4-) 4-) 4-) 7 > 41 a •A� 0 F IL4 O 0 N pi e Ri r=; 07 H U -wl r1 41 co 0 t4 It U 0 •r-i tC GS 4J 0 tT w •rl •,- •rq •rt C w 4.1 •,1 n U r O r- ro TI ro r it -1 to ro tc m 0 •� x r J G m b m i'1 rri ch r•f p U H wi U N w� x a CI] � >4 � U3 O W E1 9 PC rn O W O U w U W a40 � . [s: >k U gz E-4 cr E s � 3 U U E c If) PO O O O Ul) O O O (r. n 0) kd %D 10 c9 N N in t O O N d' 01 U) lD co n 0) n M U r-t cl co 0 W H H E+ w W W o 0 0 o a o o O in o LO O c0 O O O O Q N O C� LC C+ Lf O O Uf Uf �D 0) 01 %D co N N n E v H w co n rr H Z � D � a E "W H E r! O oa rd a) >~ o 44 +� a +s G r•i C7 z U U 0 rc5 3 a v %P H (1) •H (1) 0 N C1 N co N •'•I n r-q N C, O -+-i ,Ly rd U 3 H (1) 7 'O p N b m aa)i to b c' -) n� w 4 -r-1 a) rd s a ++ M a � 41 t0 r -,� al a) ro ,--a to ..4 H U a N (1) a -I O .0 C 4 O a) ?� O 0 1 .0 M U x E � � � � � IIt U 0 7, O �4 CO •1-4 U 4-) m a x R% O O a) G O H a1 ri H m a >4IV {!] V En u 4 O a a Ln LO 0 o fn v r, M r-4 U) D m H rn 0 to V O N m r1 N co fn N I' in f-A O n O o o a LO 0 O O Ln Ch o c1 a O N N O Ln r; 9 14 4 Ln o UU Cs 9 N r-I co M m en CO b' H ri ri O O Ln rl %D N D O en m v rn Ln r- m 44 .s 04 •0 U ^a 0 O -w ate} U1 3 O a a) .0 o G� tu a U P-4 - •H z -H ..i ri w 0 m 4 e o 9 4J f0 4-) to •'•f Its c 4-) la W -H N it N 13 •ri N 41 -r•f N ri fC U ro \ fo 'D \ O ! 4 I r-f ra W r-I ri C x 0 1 -W O+ O fa N r-I Cd .-i r`. N r-i U) N ri G j= 0I � D U U ON n o a ('j N U C1 N l0 � W N ❑ W E� f—I E{ L1} Ts7 HO O O if1 O O E4 � O a O u1 H z N rl D Ei H W H yr EH a. o � � >4 U) E-1 H E+ z a c W o ...i E� rz 4' � 4.) a) rO W E{ tp m U x U -� U C ro +� ao H H H r4U C W 0 -rf H rl 4 IIr E a OI w 3 C J U m O Er U u O a, T. .. E♦ m D U A W N CE m W K EA O E1 W LO ❑ W H Ux .+ U xa0 H .� U C � a Ln Ln r- rn %D v co M E-, C9 rn %D LO 0 O � U w E M E-r t W W O C O N co F, Q rn rn o c� o H z Z) H w a a H z U) In N a O O Q N co E4 1 IF, �ry 0 V 11 7 �W�++ RVRI tW ^FY W 3 0 Q4 .. H IR -� ..�q , pi VO -� GUi H N m f 0 r4 G U L) E 74 U ❑ m E-+ .j iv Lr 0 W � 4 � Ra N =r >�ac�1� u 0 U a a O U a faz � n z z 3 CD pa U uU U m H o 0 0 o a 0 0) co L� O 0 O O co co tf) m!+1 ti p Ln to O to ao L!) ch n to Ln a) Ln w Lc Lr m 0 d' d' co ri tD N W H F-L CE tO W W o to 0 0 0 E-4 0 D O 0 a x o 0 o Ln o H Ln Ln +� N z to M >4 z z aE-1 � c rE o �' 0 co Ln o >, 0 V-1 co N o E4 o H co H z %D a m U > Erl 41 a� 4 -� -r•L � m •�, rg 41 H 0 D 4-) •'•L -P tf+ a� ro H W �, U a U .a' U W E•L p 4 EO -' L H W - W - 4 P-( .0 tr > > 4 •� r+ H 0 ea 4.) -4 a .1-4 .-q a) > E•4 •c 44 a A ay CLy w ro M O o G t] sa •� z iz cr U G+ E-4 V] C H nrl u 4 W z w E-H � O t-+ a w E-+ uU co U aIz rc 0 CH r-1 Cx >4 J > O � ., Er - z < G V(O� C L'1 N !-i N CJ] W G-1 E-+ 4 x E-E H z r�3 F H z H E a a o v r-i w v co 0 KT ri it v o a f-4 in 0 r-i N 0 n �o in 0 0 o r- o %D a n n r4 co rn Lo a o llf o, C o LO co ri r4 LO N N co v cn N ri O m LO 0 0 O 0 0 Ln O O O 11) %D ri r-[ r-I C7► n l[S N O O u1 cf to Ln ri ui ca rz n N ri n to d' CW) ch N 0% r-t 4o LO (n N N r-i ri r- a a a w waAA a w w w O 0 O 0 0 O O sr rC N v co Q dr v %D d' N O O rn m O H i-! O v N N H ri ri •� rn U is Q r- : •ri -r-1 vD 4J 4 U - P-1 4-3 0 v 0 'H 4.3 04 > 3 O � .a � a 0a �b 1d ro U Qf G] ••� O 04 7 U 44 CO b m a� to to co U G U V .H rro mrl fa p tr � 4 b ro ri +J C 0 r.�r 4-J 4J J~ 4J 0 r I 0 •,1 O 0 ro ro O A A � a 4 ri 9i a-) +S 4 -P rc; b r M -ri z fu a-J 41 S -W C lz r > 44 -+-I ri -r-i —i N v •� CU Q1 Ql N �. ja U U U] H r-i H f W H co >4 r c W H 9 m Ox0 U ,am U CL a z H PC 0 4 -H w � � s � r• Cl� 4 O 0 :r. U U Cl H 0 U W F 9 E-� Co. W W H 9 E-E H z m H a o N ch o 0 ch w N r-I O O 0 Ln 0 O O O N O tC1 t!1 ri 1p O O cn in w r-i ch [V r-I r-i 9 m 9 9 w ri v m N r—I 00 H m 0 U a Gi Ea E m W E+ O H r-i al f`-1 cri W 0 O C7 N u a N Q W E-+ r-f E4 W W E4 9 E4 1-•l z r7 H z Ei I--1 H Q a ra E4 � o LO m a W Ei u064 u cn DQ 4 O H H N o W P rn 0 0 0 O O N m a' 0 r•l en fn CP w O N %D H r- H en r-I ri m O 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 In o ch 0 0 O O 0 n 0 N rr1 tf1 fa O O ri rT n >n r. f71 M %0 N N N co t1D r♦ In 1n r-i rn ri r� r� a N N 0 d' n N N ri O fV N N N N N m tp P ff3 U x a� 0 0 w wf r-i CL ri x rn fiS � 3 � A: C� a •r.l RJ +-) a) r7 r•r •rl •r-I Ol a5 > •� x as ,. > .. 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E Er fi C.; F PC I~ E z 0. H z >a E' .H E z a. H cn a{ m W E U u m v +d O N z Q .E � ° la a 0: x a ^ M ,'z I pa 0 U Ln Ln o 0 o co Ln ,n Ln o o 0 in a Un o o m M r O F1 O N N 1G Ql ri 0 r H Co en H r^I N o in 0 O r Ln 0 o a o 0 O N O In d1 O rt O 01 O O lf1 l0 tf} r4 r) rl 4 to 9 o r N rl r-I oC m c rl- ri r•I rl O r� w � w a a a a ri D d' O� O C O if1 r♦ 1C O rf rl N r-I �l +) U. b m LD 4 n tv +-) y •H r' w 05 as fv x m �r a •R+ A+ U ry td �4 94 'C3 •rq (7 a) 0 _ _ X � M •H N %r -� t0 N d' -H a� �+ 0 . r \ \ rn \ ,. rl 0 x rq r-{ ri rl u I`I f� N r! r? ri N r♦ rl ri I i J Q1 E4 � s�v N U ❑ W W E4 H N VJ W W E-r 9 E4 H •fir a E4 H z Z) >4 H H E"1 z a a ;1] � >4 O W > O occ x Er W O `U [!] U 40 H W >4 U � r 4 M O U - rC ^ v Gr} z O z W I O r�l O O o Ln LO I�r O O rq r"1 y. +-� V N r� n 0 n c0 C er Lt ,, N H N co Ch v O co v (• H G1 o O a O Ln o O O o a o O O O LO N N r- LO O Ln O Ln O o r-I w w w w a a a a w w w 10 N d' O O O O O 01 m O r-I dr I` O V m ri rl N r-I b e� +1 I; O U to M -ri 4J 4-1 -•-I E rX4 0 m -� la �4 �+ U w 4J lw G> O 0 41 Qf w x a R k R p 0 Lo b W M r-I -P -H -� 4-1 • • 41 - -,4 41 r-- w 0J ra b > : A a 41 R a O 9 0 4-) tt m •r.1 0 rC 4 'O V] 4j -r•i N -;r .4 4.1 .H N I' -H rl fb G ] U rC \ \ b m 10 \ \ 'O 0 k rG fC N •-d ri .� LO N r 4 r 4 r- CIN r"{ H ch rr, W O O try N u Q IN a � ^ H �n Y� Yt E D H W z m ?w E4 H EE z D a w In > E-+ i+ O x 0 U u vN rz ?s U U w E-t J Ln O O co 0 o n o LO cb w N lG O H 0► N r-I r-I H r-I .. E L12 � G � v N C A 41 �-r - 4 E i u] O m 41 C6 O R7 0 �4 OI d u EE-E 9 o r-q Ln LO O O O O N (71 Er-, r- N do le co en V) co LO %0 VD to ar W O D U ery QCV � N C W E-E z H y W O O O N LO co aO eh O E N E w w w a a N z LO LLB N O O O O ' w N co E4 L b. Z D C: 0 W �4 Ei a) }+ O O H U) � O •. Er W W Gs] Ei to -rq 41 r. O G LaU �� H W aO O U O PC a) � U' 0 U U F� Ei ,C -eq E{ j a U EiOn, W w� W a p7 of U C ow a z N C tUl O O 3 L) J ,-I z GO U ❑ r q:p E+ W CQ ?+ E-+ >4 Lo a W E-4 U�U �rt0 E4 H ~. ,Q M fr 04 �, Ui Z C C 0 H a � W H 7 � � w ccnn u a z - 4 � E 0 . H W > U z 0 E•, O o Q o 0 o Cn o� Q O Q o co cotr, w � in m Q d co to r� U LO L- aN O CO N M N M %w M m K" r-I H 9 I --I H U] W W 0 LO Q O Q Ei O C7 O O In Q O O Cn r-1 H Cn to H z tD C1 H A H a � a o ,-r o V O co to O Q H N N O H C H v N O r� H co D C a � � a U > m 41 a •rl G 4J •ri .rq 41 C: -' E :% 0 4J .,1 co 41 tT O G a •r4 E F- O z H f.� i•l PA a A •� ❑r U U o tr ro •� 0 0 r 0 m o c m 4-j •� pa 40 O O H pa N 41 �> � r. C7 -'-1 4 � *"a 41 tr �4 - v o -r-i i •--E -1-4 (1) > F r W .0 a Q i_ co acl C 0 Q rl O t: C r1 Q1 Q L O O Cx+ L: N V] Cv :- Do E-E O O Q Q pq H E+ m w a E-H 0 H r, N Ca u 4 a 3 ., 0 N N >+ H H H z D OY LO M co a v a' r-I -CO d' o YD Ln RF N lD O 10 r-I L- %0 O O M co O Rr Ln L- in r-I M O 1l7 LO M h Ln m -;r d• r-I N N M N �••t 0 M Ln O 0 O m O O O O Ln Lt 1 %D H r-I H Ln N O O O O N N Ln Lf r-I Lf 1 M Ln 9 ri L[ r-i Lh Lo d' en 0 H w m r-I M r- N N r-I r-I r 1 N r-I a a a a a m w w r w w N %D d' ri O N �p sf' N O rl n O r-I N M •r•I [lJ r0 � a U !-L 0 •,i UJ •N •s~ U 4J IW a > 3 0 -'•I W w U rC •'•I 0 •ri >~ A.r L�r 4,j it •ri U O Q.r it Rf [} •• k �4 +1 m 0 a z U 0 w N b k v U 10 N 4 V r.w A 4J CD 0 ON 4J r-< 4-j I; 0 4 0 N v H U 0 0� A m 4 4J 4J 4J (z •ri r4 0 4-1 -P > w -ri -4 -..i -H N Q) v CU N tU Q1 C) a . a� c>; a \ g \ 41 F G U N rti Ey 0 r` E-1 N r I Ln O O N O Qti t-[ "W 01 LD d d' dp V co Ol r-1 W 0 ri i'Y r 1D O N [J r ri C.n H N N ❑ E4 EH W o 0 0 0 o a 0 H Ln «0 O a O VD N N N Ca LO E r• Ul Ln r-I c+� z a H a w w a w r z a N N O C r N N ri a N N N N EN N :. 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P to ko 4 4 •'•I LEr D i u C} w r•I cd •*•I r-I U U U to o< ct: a vaty O a 1u .-- o Jc m r. w c r. x w x w x v > 0 ar In Q U I x •1 ;� 4-1 .N a 4-1 � x =. r i CL = z U a � >1 o � e� •� v +} m n 1c u c 0 Ln x to -1-1 r-i Qf a o -� � m 0 :. o co m Ln O o Ln q;v M N 0) E•+ O en LO N m LC1 to n %D V Cl� f'1 N N ID W o p t7 N (34 N E{ Ei co W 0 o n a a o o Ln 0 0 O Ln 0.1 Q C► 0 0 N N 0 E4 Ln n r-r RW Ln a a rn [h N H Co (n m m Co ri r-I Ei 1-I Z � c w A a w w a a w H FAW z d d O C1 rq O N 0 0 n E-+ E-i Z Ot rcl 4? G O U N W U1 #s 0 E4 C 4J > w >4 n -° tv m Z > ux° Iu raa -3 - . L) k � ° x � R a z N ar 4-) c 4-) a) to a) ro > �'ar ro b ° b o > 4- H ar 0 a) E w >+ U v a) 41 ro ro - •r.+ rt = .�. 4 m -r-I N S6 N 4.-) •i N 4-) .11 N -4 d X: C m 0 w E-4 (0 o x .-, u i-f ro N NLn -+ C J G 3 U U .i f-k7f m W H U) >4 >4 r. 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E+ O O U A pa E+ m r� E- O E•E H 04 a ra CO }+ � 0 r� N W E4 U M U a z E-4 - E•� r= U z i L, o to r•I Ln co n mr ra co N 0 O 0 N a' n �o �o do r7 r- r•i co Ch J c"f d' 00 01 co O L[1 CO t'9 ri Ln r i l0 Ln r4 (V N d• m N r-I ri ri w H Ea m w w 0 Ln o Ln m VD LM ri 0 rn 0 r-I 0 rn c n o 0 0 Ln L N a o 4N d• Ln to ul Co v Ln m r-i m CO N O C9 Ln n H ON C- 0 N N ri H }•I z 7 a a a a a a a w �' a H - z 0 0 O O O O O 0 Co mr d` co N a v v dr cv 0 N N M 1D ri ri O Fi Ln ri N N ri r-i H E-1 P4 O a tr 9 -H �r-4 a o -r•I U7 � \ ri 4J Q) a� w 4j 3 w •, W w ri w 04 4J CO •r I U O W W W rA Fo of fd ED b 4 a o :J Oro `o� -P z m r- +-� 4-3 O E 4 a] � tea) •Q O O D .P4 ro •� 't3 0 m a ,i ec m -P e41 U m N O -�+! 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H v w >4 o �` m M 4-1 41 x -r-r •x - a as >+ V] U � CL7 W G-f U G? . N M M a4 O w D 00 H a t1 N N a t,� U tl? U U -3 0 w m a IV m o a o N a r 4 + :q �k go 4-3 4J+ w IC1 w >4 U .Q a -0 W a o H u Ria � � � �° --1 to % z m H W C7 L7 i ar ❑ _ _ _ >4 :3 o >t m w E uLoU w �PCo H H C. rJ 4 O 3 u Ci a H W L) u1 m 1-1 to O O O O 0 00 L{) V 0) Ln 0 O O Un O LE) O m U) O to N C-) (n n O r1 [- n N t0 tC e--1 t0 n r•I r•i M CC d ri r-I N r•i 0 o O o en o a U') o enn a o a O Ise N to 0 O in n 0 LCI ri N n 0, n M o N O e4 � 0 o ri r0-1 0 0) � 0 0 0 0 to n r0-I • ri r4 c� w w a a r-q 0 O 0 N 0 n 0 O 0 tl' r4 rq x as o U n � b � ;� n . V 0 V r 4d km 0 m 0 Ln x Q -P 0 3 m X It 'J' .r.1 b r-1 ile U] 0) r I 0 tT w a w a) +-k 41 0 cd ° 4J� •.i = ° •r{ = � -P r-I b R � ,, •r•I +, •ri b a � 41 I F� 4 w H N D t4 O V V} V a 4 O w O ❑ a Gc: e4 Cr: Z 3 V U E u; 0 U w E H Lo w W E E H z Z) H H a >4 H H E r� a s �T 0 a Lc) a c 1 a N r-L Ln n N Ln n N) %r %D cn a n d a co O n Ln c• c' d o o to ;� r•i r-i O r-L O p O O Ln O a 0 0 0 0 O O O Ln N N n LO Q LC) O Ln o O n Ln rn n LC1 m N co r� w m w a � a a w w ,..� �•••� N N n O r•I C N r•I d' �""� -� � CD R �4 p • •r%L 41 4.) •rq -4 r-4 U •c� \ \ 'G ra \ \ 't3 0 W ri r-4 rJ W s _ t 4-1 C— L= N r-3 ri N h r•! ri 0 H U t) rl m o o 0 0 # IN n E 0 0 m \ _ \ ~ 2 e « « H � 2 « k Ix o 0 � k / r E z H E \ Ft � ¥ m � H . @ �2 0 D _ 0 / � \ 2 q LO § q m Q ■ k« � E 2 Lei 7 E R \ r-i41 / / 2 2 4.) / - § S 8 0 - � 2 G q L Q $ ' J = ! » $ \ $ 0 \ / \ U; o = I as E-4 m 0 0 m 0 � E-4 � B 0 B ;A '+ to r x >�� oxo U M U «� 4 O 4 • E-4 �Cr] 5•+ U Z Oct O � G O Ln Ln o 0 o c n n to -;;p co cn ^+ to un w %o %o b" J M � s a L9 o 0 0 o LO o 0 o cv co x LL1 Ln o r4 o n t-t m y en z n a a Lo Ln N 0 O 0 =+ N co Z Q a m to a a� 3 O a •► E 0 V. 0 O N G] •x 41 e u 4 O C -� 0 U w E N U 34 4.)C a W W CL i.i x O Q ►7 w Qj r. W E-4 2 co E q U ❑\i � E-E RAW DATA H_D_DAY XLS =FA—NG DEGREE CAY WEATHER DA-A I dote Community names in lower case are dose to site and are used when actual info is not available. MONTH HOD :HOD HOP 1 MONTH HDD' HDD ;HDD MONTH HOD HDO H. ' MEAN i 1988 19891 MEAN 1988 19891 MEAN +.988 HOONAH I ICOLD'.BAY CQi�130VA I Juneau - — > JAN I 108T 1217 JAN 1126 131;13 ; JAN 1157? 1255 FEB 1002 1144 i FEB 1055 f 83g , FEB 967; 1�17 MAR 936 1097 MAR 1098 1034 `MAR 10011 1024 APR 768 663 APR 952 917 APR 809j 708 MAY 1 639 491 MAY 782 751 MAY 637. 9-2-1 JUN 412 283 JUN i 578 564 JUN 434: si3 JUL 391 .339 159 iJUL , . 448 427 432 JUL j 356i 315 202 AUG 375 338 210 IAUG 416 423 353 AUG 3601 32a 236 SEP 520 497 370 ISEP 517 537 447 SEP f 5031 481- -00 OCT 751 641. 713 OCT 779 755 695 OCT 737 665i 717 NOV 940 855 NOV 90.7 970 975 NOV 9271 873 99G DEC 1034 10401 DEC 1015 1050 1,054 DEC 1 11151 950' 868 TOTAL . Sam TOTAL 9733 1 9314 TOTAL 90031 2404 k i ANVIK, RUSSIAN MJS$ION, 3 LOWER KALSKAG Holy Cross ___--> Aniak -_ _ --------> St Marys ----•------- JAN 1 2018 JAN 1958 2508 JAN 17391 237C FEB 1740 FEB 1617 1163 FEB i 1627 1.28 MAR 1683 MAR 1605 MAR i 15411 1418 APR 1157 APR 1163 APR 185 1087 MAY 656 . , MAY 7.15 764 MAY L61971868 ,JUN 325 IJUN .1- 0 338 IJUN 1 422 361 JUL 243 JUL 3101 112, JUL 2991 1431 367 AUG 350 AUG 395 425 AUG 1 3571 3171 380 SEP 583 SEP 619 697 511 $EP 6011 554' 527 OCT 1123 OCT 1121 1247 OCT ; 10721 1180 101' NOV 1552 NOV 1488 1823 NOV l 143& 1671- 1650 DEC 2033Eli DEC 19N DEC i 1810; 1756• 1566 TOTAL 13463 TOTAL IM57 (TOTAL I 127861 12769 I Note: for analysis. use Holy Cross Data ' KOTLIK WHITE MOUNTAIN Unalakleet --> Nome -- ---------> I JAN 1$55 JAN 1809 FEB 1727 FEB 1701 MAR 1692 MAR 1767 APR 1294 APR 1424 MAY 834 MAY i 898 I i JUN 532 JUN 565 ' JUL 386 IJUL 1 ' 430 - AUG 393 AUG 463 J_ SEP 662 SEP 676 OCT 11641 OCT 11401 i i i_ NOV 15051 i 1NOV i4471 I _! DEC 18751'DEC ' 18W TOTAL 13919i TOTAL 141381 Note: SL Marys is loser than Unalakleet to Kotlik but has less HDD than ryp3cal coastal comrumnes ;naiam:ee_ s '- t closest listed coastal community to Katlik. Nome is the dosest imed coastal community to White Mourta:n page 1 Engine Heat 'balance charts for modern diesel engines indicate one-third of fuel required for engine operation results In heat absorbed by the Jacket water. This heat must be totally removed to assure dependable engine performance. 4( V!1 FUEL . ENERGY 20 10 0 JACK f-7tNAV T WORK RADIATION so 10 % LOAD TYPICAL HEAT BALANCE DIESEL.ENOINE (PRECOMBUSTION CHAMBER — TURBO•CHAROED AFTERCOOLER) Figure 101 The amount of heat removed Is regulated by engine thermostats. They permit efficient engine operation by disconnecting the exter- nal cooling system until Jacket water temper- atures exceed 175 °F (79 °C). Never operate without thermostats when utilizing the nor- mal 175°F (79°C) cooling system. D EXCERPT FROM C.A7 ERPILLAe- APPUtAmotl AND 113S-TALLA-rI0#j MAAJUAL ( AuC• "gY) - K. (G . DEMfto A) S`r V jik-TES -THA-r r2je rwem Solo k loo % I-00,n r PrLcr-u-r OF eruEe4`i -ro ,IACKE-r toA-rm Is ESSEp "rIAL.1.1( Co)S-TAu`C PEP-CE -rA4ES 0BTA,IMM F2vn P(UME COAb DATA SHc:c.LD QE APPLICAGLE 1Af -rHis RAOCE l GENSETS.XLS :GENSET DATA LOCATION GENSET ; HOONAH; CATAPILER 3612 @ 851 KW PRIME (W/O FAN) - NOTE 1 I C: BAY INPUT: 14.311$,8lbtulmin OUTPUT: Vprk: r I 52320 36% Exhaust: r s 1 i . 528321 37% Radiation: 3691 4110 '.Water r 320751 220/6 Aftempoler: 3697 tstu/mrn 'Included in jacket water 011cooler- 71661 btWmin (included in jacket water] =----> I" 01 ITotal: r 143596!htulmin j WATER %LOAD KW GPH KWHIGAL BTU/HR BTU/KWH .6TU/GAL 1 100 851 62.0 13.7 19245M 2261 31049 75 638 50 426 C. BAY CATAPILER 3512 @ 683 KW PRIME (W/O FAN - NOTE 2 INPUT: 1214l7l btu/rrlin OUTPUT: Work: 43302 36% Exhaust 44984 37°ie Radiation; 60281 5% Water . 270701 22% Aftercooler; 1934 btulmin (included in jacket water) ----> 0 Oilcooler: 6085 btu/min (included in jacket water) Total! 1.214741 btulmi n WATER . LOAD KW GPH KWHIGAL BTU/HR BTU/KWH BTU/GAL " 100 683 52.6 110 16242W 2378 30905 75 512 ! 50 342 HOONAH CATAPILER D398 @ 500 KW PRIME WIC► FAN INPUT: 48.21 gph 195WI bhAb hhv' 7.076lb/gal! 60 minfir. 111357 burnin OUTPUT: Work: 6361 kw en ine ' 3412 btWkwh ! 60 min/hr . 36167 33% Exhaust: 37400 34% Radiation: 5300 5 % Water 322001 29% Tom: i 1110671 btulmi n WATER % LOAD KW I GPH KWH/GAL BTU/HR BTUIKWHI ' BTU/GAL 113 675 56.1 12.0 2190000 3244 39037 100 600 48.2 12.4 1932000 3220 40063 75 450 36.1 12.5 I 50 300 25.3 11.9 L. KALSKAG ICATAPILER 3406 TA @ 210 KW PRIME (W/O FAN) - NOTE 3 `INPUT: 16.5 ph ' 19590 biWAb hhv ' 7.076 Ib/ al / 60 mMr . 381201 btulmin OUTPUT: Work: 224; kw engine ' 3412 btu/kwh I ; 60 min/hr . 127381 33% Exhaust: I1 13700 36% Radiation: ; , 1900! 59/0 Water: i 100001 26% Total: I 38338%btwmin WATER r i r % LOAD KW I GPH s KWHIGAL: BTU;HR : BTU/KWH BTU/GAL ! 1241 2601 20.6� 12,6i 7260001 2792: 35243' ' 1 100: 210: 16.5, 12.7 600000 2857' 36364: ' 75. 158; 12.5 12.5 50. 1057 9.0 11 7 ,Page GENSETS.XLS I� �A SKAZ; CA-- =; _2 K KW PP: ME WO FAN) NOTE 4 i Cr ' D s �Ah I "an hh iAh hhv • ' 7-076. Iblaal : 60: min/hr 2587S�- OuT. PUT Work: 234:bhp engine ' 2545 btwbhp-hr 1 601 min/hr - ., 9969-- 34, Exhaust: 1340.CFM @ 710 F -------- > 8157; 28�e Radiation; 2100 7% Water; 9400i 320/6 Total: 2%261 btwmin j WATER % LOAD I KW ' GPH KWH/GAL 'BTU/HR BTU/KWH BTU/GAL 143 229 1001 1601 12.5 12 $ 564000 3625 45120 751 120 98 12.2 50 1 80 7.0 11.4 KOTLIK iCATAPILER 3306 TA @ 155 KW PRIME,(WiO FAN) -'MOTE 5 INPUT: 12.3 qph 195.90 bh0b'hhv' 7.076 Inal 60 min/hr - 28417 btwmin OUTPUT: Work: 167 kw engine " 3412 btti/kwh / 60 min/hr - 9497 52% Exhaust: 10500 57°re Radiation: 1700 9% Wait6r: `6800 37% Total: 28407 btwmin WATER % LOAD 116 KW 180 GPH 14.5 KWH/GAL 12.4 BTU/HR 468000 BTU/KWH 2600 BTU/GAL 32276 100 165 12.3 12.8 408000 2632 33171 75 116 9.3 1 :5 50 78 6.51 11.9 R. MISSION CATAPILER 3304T0 90 KW PRIME (W/O FAN - NOTE 6 INPUT: 7.6 1 gph " 1959Q btWlb hhv' , 7,076 lb/gal / 60 min/hr - 17558 btu/min OUTPUT: Work: .. 90 kw ong ine' 3412 btWkwh / 60 min/hr - 56301 31, - Exhaust: 5801 310 Radiation: Water: 19W 5005 1 f % 27% Total: '18426 btu?min WATER % LOAD 117 KW 105 GPH 9.2 KWH/GAL 11.4 BTU/HR 341220 BTUIKWH 3250 BTUIGAL 37089 100 75 901 68 7.61 5.61 11.8 12.1 300300 3337 39513 I 501 45 3.9 11.5 R. MISSION, I WHITE MT. I CUMMINS INPUT: LTA 10 @ 110 KW PRIME 8.01gph' W/O FAN -NOTES 195901 7 & 8 btuRb hhv' 7.076 lb/gal/ 60 minthr. 18536 btulmin OUTPUT: Work` 166 bhp engine' 2545 btu/bhp-hr 1 60 minlhr - 7042 38% Exhaust: Radiation: Water: Total: 9382 745 6251 ' ' ' 166 166 i66 1 / 1 235 235 235 - - - 6627 626 4416 18611 36% 3% 24% btulmin WATER % LOAD KW GPH KWH/GAL BTU/HR BTU/KWH BTU/GAL 100 110 8.0 13.8 264936 2409 33117 75 83 1 50 55 ANV1K IALLIS CHALMERS 11000 @ 100 KW PRIME (WI FAN) - NOTE 9 i INPUT: 8.5 gph ' 19590 btu/lb hhv ' 7.0761 lw al I 60i min/hr . 19638Ibtulmin OUTPUT:: Work: j 150i bhp engine ' 2545. btulbhp-hr 1 60:• miMhr - ; 53631 32d Exhaust: T Radiation- T '• Water, 150• bhp engine' 32• btu/bhp-min . 4800 2=== Total: I9 b hu. T Page 2 G E NSETS.x LS WATER ^'o LOAD KW GPH KWH/GAL BTU,HR BTUrKWH 9TUIGAL v�_ 125� 1251 10-31 12.1 • 360000; 2880i 34951 j 1001 100 8.51 11,81 2880001 280 33882: 751 75 6.7 11.2: i .501 50 5.0 10.6 ANVIK ALLIS CHALMERS 350D @ 60 KW PRIME W/ FAN) - NOTE 10 I INPUT:, 5.1 h' 19590 bWb hhv' 7.076 lb/gal 60 min/hr = 117B3 btulmin OUTPUT: 41lorh' 87 bhp.engine 2545,1b1u/bhp hr4 601min/hr -' 3691• 311.e Exhaust Radiation: Water 871 bhp engine 32 bNft min - 2784." 2.12� Total: ? ° bturm i n WATER ' %e LOAD KW GPH KWHIGAL BTU/HR BTU/KWH BTU/GA4 A 125 75 67 1 '1.2 - 206800 2784 31164. ' 100 60 5.2 11.61 167040 2784 321.23� 75 45 3.8 11,8 50 30 2.7 11A ANVIK I ALLIS CHALMERS 2906 0 50 KIN PRIME W/ FAN - NOTE 10 ! INPUT: 4.26 gph' 195901 Odlb hhv' 7.076 lb/ a1I 601 min/hr . i 9842 b!u/min OUTPUT: Work. - 73 bhp en ine ' 2545 btuPoh hr / 601 min/hr . ! 30971 31 % Exhaust ?I RadlaWn: i ?I Water 73 bhp engine' 32 bhkbhp=min . ; 23361 24% Total' I ?. btulmin WATER % LOAD KW GPH KWH/GAL BTU/HR. BTLIXWH BTU/GAL 120 60 5.2 115 168192 2803 32,' 100 50 4.26 11.7 140160 28031 32901 i 75 38 3.23 116 50 25 2.3 10.9 I 1 i SUMMARY RESULTS• WEIGHTED SITE I LOCATION GENSET I BTU/KWH BTUIGAL WGHT % BTU/KWH BTUIGAL ! i HOONAH CAT D3981 3220 40083 51 2357 31953 ' CAT D3981 322D 40083 5. 1- CAT 3612(851 KW) 2261 31049 90 I C. BAY CAT 3512 683 KW 2378 30905 33 23391 30953 i CAT 3512 01 2261 31049 33 I CAT 3S12 683 237E 3OW51 33 I i L. KALSKAG CAT D342T 1 35251 451201 ol 29241 37239- I CAT 340STA 2857 363641 90 CAT W42T 3525 45120 "10 i R. MISSION CUMMINS LTA10 2409 331171 50 2873 363151 GAT 3304T 1 3337 395131 25 ' CAT 3304T 33371 395131 25 FANVIK IAC 11000 1 28801 338821 331 28221 329691 ,AC 3500 i 27841 32123! 331 AC 2900 2801 32901: 33' KOTLI K CAT 3306TA 2632' 33171 ' 50 2632 331.71 CAT 3306TA 2632' 33171 50 Page 3 GENSETS.XLS -E 'AT CUMNINS L7A10 2409: 33117, 1004 2409. 33117: I =-irc.IT d71T lii DETROIT 371 01 i l I NOTES: l i General Engine input and ou t are. from manufacturer's data expo t as shown.. KWH/GAL. BTU/KWH, and f r BTU/CAL,ars. calculated. 1 1) Fuel use ,is listed in manufacturer's data as,1431.98 btwmin in ut. Fuel use In g0h Is calculated as btulmih i 119590 bluAb hhv l 7 076 lb/ al ' 6o minthr h. I . 2) Fuel use, is Ils*d in manufacturer's data as ,121417 btu/min Input. Fuel use In h is.calculaled as btu/rriin 1. 19590 btuAb hhv / 7 076 Ibl al ' 60 mIn1hr . gLh. 3 Name ale Info Tecorded on engine #2 as 3406DI however AVEC dataflsts 375HP1257KW for this gonset which corresponds to a 3406TA. A 3406DITA ts.rated at 433HP/31 OKW. Generator nameplate data lists 3WKW pnmo. 3406TA data Is used here. . 4 One gensok name ` ate Into recorded as D342tu►bo and one as D342M have a.skid mounted far) and • remote radiator; .fes .. ' el . Typical AVEC data W D342T with fan is M.HP/223KW ak and without fan is , 1335HP/229KWpeak. This corresponds to a D342T. D342T data without fan Is used here. 5 Nameplate into recorded on en Ines as 330601 and on generators as 15QKW ime' Both gonsets have -skid mounted fan 150 KW rime with tan corres nds to a 3306TA. 3309TA data without fan is used .here. • .." 6) Two gensets nameplate into recorded as 3304DT however AVEC data lists 33048 at 192HP/128Kbif, . ak which'exoeeds.manufacturer's standby data...13.oth gonsets. have skid mounted fan. 33041 data without fan is used here. A03usslon pAlssicn, nameplate into recoroedon,ongine as Cummins, LTA10,r1d on penoraW as 110KW prime. Ty icaf AVEC data for LTA101s 276HP/189KW and for LTA 10L low speed 1200 rpm) is 184HP/1'96KW k. Only output data ayailable for fuel & power is trom one publication and heat output at 1800 r .m only from another Theare ve questionable. Values used are all calculated from 18M values reduced. proportionallyfrom'235HP to 166HP (which corresponds to 110KW prime). 8) At White Nbuntain, nameplate info recorded on engine as Cummins LTA10 and ongenerator as 140KW phme. This Is a 1200'rpm gonpet Values used are the same as described above. 9) Nameplate info recorded on en lne as AC11000 and on generator as 150KW prime. Typical AvEC data for AC11000 is 195HP/13oKW peak. This is an 1800 rpm genset. Only output data available is for fuel vs. I enerated KW electrical power from one publication and heat ou*tat2200,rpm only from another (constant 32 btu/bhp-min.). Fuel vs. engine power is given in the 2nd publication and does not correlate well with 1st publication. All values are verycluestionable. Except for fuel vs. generatoWd iCW electrical power, all values 10 used are calculated. Nam ate Into recorded on engines as AC29W and AC3500. These are 1 SM rpm gensets. Typical AVEC Idata for AC3500 is 159HP/105KW peak however this genset reportedly does not meet normal weekday loads ,which peak at less than 90KW. The AC2900 Is evert smaller. For purposes of this report the gensetsare treated as DES-60 and DES-50, respectively. These gensels use the AC2900 engine. For each 0 enset onl output data available is for fuel vs. 2enerated KW electrical power from one publ'icatlon and heat output:at 12600 rpm only and 2400 rpm only, respectlyely trom another constant 32 btu/bhp-min.). Fuel vs. engins power is given in" 2nd. publication and does not correlate well with 1st publication. All values are very questionable. Except for fuel vs. generated KW electrical I i power, all values used i are calculated. l 1 I , Page 4 PIPELOSS.XLS !'PIPE 'HEAT LOSS BURIED PIPING, SINGLE PIPE, 3' PU INSULATION K-i 0.0141 BUfthr•'Fi R- In Do/Dpy -PI•K QA.. (T To)/R To-' 0 °F (ground) I Tp-1 1801 IF (fluid) Sizel T pe1 Dp (in)[' Do(in) R(ft•hr•°F QA(Btu I -Pipe lnches)I /Btu) /heft) i 1 1 IPS 1.321 7.321 19.5 9.21 ! 1.2511PS 1.66. 7.66 17.4 10.4 1 1.5 In 1.9 7.9 16.2 11.1 2IPS 2.381 8,38 14.3 12.6 3 IPS 3.5 '9.5 11.4 15.9 4 IPS 4.5 10.5 9.6 18.7 SIPS 5.56 11.56 8.3 21.6 6IPS 6.63 12.63 7.3 24.6 81PS 8.63 14,631 6.0 30.0 i BURIED PIPING, SINGLE PIPE, 2" PU INSULATION I 1 IPS 1.32 5.32 15.8 11.4 1.25IPS 1.66 5.66 13.9 12.9 1.5 IPS 1.9 5.9 12.9 14.0 I 2IPS 2.38 6.38 11.2 16.1 I 31PS 3.51 7.5 8.7 '20.8 4IPS 4.5 8.5 7.2 24.91 1 51PS 5.56 9.56 6.2 29.2 6 IPS 6.63 10.63 5.4 33.5 ABOVE GRADE PIPING, SINGLE PIPE, 1.5- FG INSULATION K- 0.023 Btu/ft-hr•°F R- In(Do/D )/2•Pi•K I OA. (Tp-ToYR To- e0 OF (room) Tp-1 180 OF (fluid) 11PS 1.32 4.32 8.2 12.2 ' 1.251PS 1.66 4.66 7.1 14.0 _ ! 1.5 IPS 1.9 4.9 6.6 15.3 2IPS 2.38 5.38 5.6 17.7 3 IPS 3.5 6.5 4.31 23.3 i 41PS 4.5 7.5 3.51 28.3 5 IPS 5.56 8.56 3.01 33.5 6IPS 6.63 9.63 2.6 38.7 i G IPS 8.63 11.63 2.1 48.4 1 ABOVE GRADE PIPING, SINGLE PIPE, NO INSULATION IQA from ASHRAE Fundamentals (1989), Chapter 22, Table 9 8 10 To- 80 IF (room) Tp= ISO IF (Fluid) Pipe Size _Type Dp in QA(Btu 1 inches /heft) ZIPS 1.32 89 1.251PS 1.66 110 1.51 IPS 1 1.91 124 ! 21 IPS 2.38 152 I 3IPS 3.51 216 41PS 4.51 272 ! SIPS .561 31 6 6 IPS 6.63? 38787! i & IPS 8 63! 493: Page 7