HomeMy WebLinkAboutletters of support for Hotham Peak wind studySeptember 147 2012 Mr. Brent Petrie, Manager, Key Accounts Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for Renewable Energy Grant Program Round VI: Hotham Peak Wind Resource and Intertie Assessment Dear Mr. Petrie: NANA Regional Corporation understands that AVEC is preparing a grant application to conduct a wind resource assessment and intertie feasibility between AVEC communities Kiana, Noorvik, and Selawik. The study will involve analyzing wind resource data from a 60 meter tower that will be installed at a site on Hotham Peak. While there is data currently being collected near the village of Noorvik, further wind data will be needed to evaluate the potential for a large scale turbine, such as a 900 kW EWT. The work will also involve conducting a geotechnical study to determine ground conditions. If the study shows that the wind is a good resource, AVEC will prepare a final design and obtain permits for wind turbines. NANA supports the study, as it will help to understand whether wind power is a solution to high and unstable power costs in these communities. NANA is willing to work with AVEC to find and provide access to a good site for the met tower and will help AVEC get approvals for placement of the tower and to conduct the geotechnical survey. AVEC is welcome to include this letter in the grant applications package. Sincerely, Soi Adam NANA Regional Corporation Project Manager NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. • P.O. Box 49, Kotzebue, Alaska, 99752 • T: (907) 442-3301, (800) 478-3301, F. (907) 442-4167 • nana.com/regional Northwest Arctic Borough Ambler Buckland Candle Deering Kiana Kivalina Kobuk Kotzebue Noatak Noorvik Selawik Shungnak September 7, 2012 Mr. Brent Petrie, Manager, Key Accounts Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for Renewable Energy Grant Program Round VI: Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik Intertie Dear Mr. Petrie: Northwest Arctic Borough understands that AVEC is preparing a grant application to conduct a wind resource assessment and intertie feasibility between the above -mentioned AVEC communities. The study will involve putting up a meteorology (met) tower and monitoring the wind resource near the community of Noorvik for a year. The work would also Involve conducting a geotechnical study to determine ground conditions. If the study shows that the wind is a good resource, AVEC will prepare a final design and obtain permits for wind turbines. We support the study, as it will help to understand whether wind power is a solution to high and unstable power costs in these communities. We are willing to work with AVEC to find a good site for the met tower and will help AVEC get approvals for placement of the tower and to conduct the geotechnical survey. AVEC is welcome to include this letter in the grant applications package. Sincerely, In Northwest Arctic Borough Energy &Resource Coordinator P. O. Box 1110 •Kotzebue, Alaska 99752 (907) 442-2500 •Fax (907) 442-2930 www.nwabor.org CITY OF KIANA P.O. Box 150 Kiana, AK 99749 Phone: (907)475-2136 September 10, 2012 Mr. Brent Petrie, Manager, Key Accounts Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for Renewable Energy Grant Program Round VI: Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik Intertie Dear Mr. Petrie: City of Kiana understands that AVEC is preparing a grant application to conduct a wind resource assessment and intertie feasibility between the above -mentioned AVEC communities. We also understand that the study will involve putting up a meteorology (met) tower and monitoring the wind resource near the community of Noorvik for a year. The work would also involve conducting a geotechnical study to determine ground conditions. If the study shows that the wind is a good resource, AVEC will prepare a final design and obtain permits for wind turbines. City of Kiana fully supports this study and we anticipate results that will bring us closer to more affordable energy in our community. Sincerely, Brad Reich Mayor City of Kiana P.O. Box 150 Kiana, Alaska 99749 Phone; 907-4754136 / 907475.2174 February 8, 2t}12 Meera Kohler, President & CEt7 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc: 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage Alaska 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for the Kiana-Noorvik-Selawik .Joint Power Plant and Intertie Feasibility and Design Dear Ms. Kohler The City of Kiana understands that the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, inc. (AVEC} is requesting funding from the Alaska State Legislature to study the feasibility and complete the preliminary design of a joint power plant and intertie serving the communities of Kiana, Noorvik, and Selawik. Currently Kiana is served by an AVEC power plant that this not connected to any other village. An intertie and a joint power plant would enable us to share the costs of power with Noorvik and Selawik and reduce the burden on our community. This project would be the first step in determining whether an intertie and joint power plant is feasible and the project should be designed, A joint prime power plant would allow the older less efficient power plants and tank farms to be decommissioned. Also the power plant and intertie would be suited for incorporating alternative energy sources, which could help stabilize energy costs in the area. With the information gained through this project, AVEC would be able to seek funding for construction of the intertie, power plant, and backup generators. The City of Kiana fully supports a joint power plant and intertie serving Kiana, Noorvik, and Selawik and requests that the Alaska State Legislature fully fund the feasibility study and design of this important effort. Since energy costs are high and a crucial community issue, we are in favor of this project. Sincerely„ T Brad Reich, Mayor City of Kiana P.O. Box 150 Kiana, Alaska 99749 Resolution # 12-10 A resolution of consensus of the City of Kiana on behalf of the residents of Kiana, supporting a joint power plant to serve Kiana, Noorvik, and Selawik. Whereas, the community of Kiana is served by an AVEC power plant and is not connected by intertie to any other community; and Whereas, constructing an intertie between Kiana, Noorvik, and Selawik could stabilize the cost of energy and increase energy reliability; and Whereas, constructing a new more efficient joint power plant in one of the communities to serve Kiana, Noorvik, and Selawik, could stabilize the cost of energy and increase energy reliability; and Whereas, a new joint power plant and intertie will be better able to incorporate alternative energy sources; and Whereas, the City of Kiana is working with its utility, the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC), and the adjoining communities of Noorvik and Selawik to secure the funding necessary for the study and design of an intertie and joint power plant; and Whereas, the City of Kiana and AVEC endorse this project and agree to allow the process to move forward to the next step. Now therefore be it resolved that: the Kiana City Council supports AVEC's efforts towards studying, designing, and constructing a joint power plant and a Kiana-Noorvik- Selawik intertie; and Be if further resolved, that the City of Kiana supports AVEC's request to the State of Alaska Legislature and urges the Legislature to fund a feasibility study and preliminary design of a joint power plant and a Kiana-Noorvik-Selawik intertie; and Be it further resolved, that the City of Kiana has reviewed the resolution and that said resolution be hereby approved. Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that the Kiana Gity Council is composed of � members of which _were present. The foregoing resolution was Passed and Approved on thisZ'� day of V lA 0 r 2012, Brad Reich, Mayor 09/21/2012 09:53 9074752180 NATIVE VILLAGE KIANA PAGE 02/02 Native Village of Kiana Kiana Traditional Council P.O. Box 69 Kiana, Alaska 99749 Phone: (907) 475-2109/ Fax: (907)475-2180 September 20, 2012 Mr. Brent Petrie, Manager, Key Accounts Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subj: Renewable Energy Grant Program Round V1: Noorvik, Kiana, Setawm Intertie Desr Mr. Petrie, The Native Village of Kiana is a federally recognized Indian Triba organized pursuant to the Indian Reorganization Act of tune 18, 1934, (U.S. Section 476 et. Seq.). The Kiana Traditional Council is the governing body of the Native Village of Kiana, and is empowered to act for and on behalf of its tribal members, As such, the Council has previously acted by resolution to endorse the proposed Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik Energy Interne Study This Letter of Support affirms our continued interest in AVEC's gran[ application to conduct wind resource assessments in the affected communities and perform an energy intertie feasibility study between Noorvik, Kiana, and Selawik, We understand that the feasibility study will involve establishing a meteorology (met) tower near the community of Noorvik, and monitoring the wind resource there for a year, If the monitoring shows positive wind resources, AVEC proposes to prepare a final design and secure permits for wind turbine / farm installation. The study would also include geoteehnical investigations to determine ground and soils conditions for potential development sites. The Kiana Traditional Council supports AVEC's grant application and the energy study which Includes an intertfe feasibility study. Further, the.tribe wants to be an active participant during the design evaluation phases of the project overall, and a future partner in any construction development activity should the project be determined as economically feasible. Like most villages in the region Kiana is economically disadvantaged, and the tribal community members of Noorvik, Kiana, and Selawik should be afforded priority opportunities for future training and employment during development and in wind farm operations at a later time. if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us. Respectfully submitted, Dale B. Stotts Tribe Director cc: Kiana council file Nuurvik IRA Administrator Selawik IRA Administrator "To Strengthen our Culture by Empowering our Tribe" City of Noorvik 20 Fireweed Drive Noorvik, Alaska 99763 PH:(907)636-2100/2105 FX:(907)636-2135 c i tvo f n o o ry i k @g ma I. c o m September 10, 2012 Mc Brent Petrie, Manager, Key Accounts Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for Renewable Energy Grant Program Round VI: Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik nterne Dear Mr. Petrie: City of Noorvik understands that AVEC is preparing a grant application to conduct a wind resource assessment and interne feasibility between the above -mentioned AVEC communities. We also understand that the study will involve putting up a meteorology (met) tower and monitoring the wind resource near the community of Noorvik for a year, The work would also involve conducting a geotechnical study to determine ground conditions. If the study shows that the wind is a good resource, AVEC will prepare a final design and obtain permits for wind turbines. The City of Noorvik fully supports this study and we anticipate results that will bring us closer to more affordable energy in our community. Sincerely, Kenny Wells, Sr. Mayor Sep 20 2012 1:20PM HP LRSERJET FAX p.1 Noorvik Native Community PO Box 209 Noorvik, AK 99763 September 11, 2012 Meera Kohler, President and CEO Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for Heat Recovery Project Dear Ms. Kohler, The Noorvik Native Community understands AVEC is seeking funding for a heat recovery project in Noorvik. We believe this project is very important to the community of Noorvik and would like to offer our support. This project would use valuable recovered heat from the AVEC power plant. The project will help stabilize the cost of heating and will help to make our community more sustainable. The Noorvik Native Community fully supports AVEC in the construction of the heat recovery system. This project will help mitigate the rising cost of fuel and is necessary to providing reliable, cost-effective heat in our community buildings. AVEC is welcome to include this letter in the grant application package. Sincerely, Clara Brown General Manager Sep 20 2012 1:20PM HP LFSERJET FAX p42 Noorvik Native Community P.O. Box 209 Noorvik, Alaska 99763 Phone: (907) 63&2144 Fax: (907) 636-2284 Resolution of Support for AEA Funding Application For the Noorvik, Klana, Selawlk Intertie with Wind Resource Assessment of Hotham Peak RESOLUHON2012- j WHEREAS, Noorvik Native Community is a federally recognized tribe WHEREAS, the cost of energy from the consumption of fossil fuels has increased significantly and is expected to continue increasing substantially in the future for all regions of Alaska; and WHEREAS, the increasing cost of energy is detrimental to the economic, soclai, health and welfare of the residents of the communities of the Northwest Arctic Region; and WHEREAS, the Installation of wind turbines and an energy intertie between the communities may provide substantial displacement of fossil fuels for energy and heat generation; and WHEREAS, the confirmation of the economic feasibility of wind turbines and an intertic� will assist Northwest Arctic communities to displace significant volumes of expensive fossil fuels; and WHEREAS, financial support from the U.S. Department of Energy through the Renewable Energy Development and Deployment in Indian Country grant program will assist Northwest Arctic communities to alleviate the high cost of energy, through the displacement of fossil fuel consumption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Noorvik Native Community supports AVEC to submit a fu»ding application addressing all the requirements for the Alaska Energy Authority Round Vi, Renewable Energy Grant Program. Approved and adopted at the Noorvik Native Community Council Meeting held �;n�� �F2012, with a quorum of �. In favor 5 Opposed: Date Sep 20 2012 1:20PM HP LRSERJET FRX p. 3 VW www"w4w Secretary Date Nai'w&valageiofSe mUc/ Selawik IRA Council PO Box 59 Selawlk, AK 99770 907,484, 2165 p / 907.484.2226 f September il, 2012 Mr. Brent Petrie, Manager, Key Accounts Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for Renewable Energy Grant Program Round VI: Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik Interne Dear Mr. Petrie Native Village of Selawik understands that AVEC is preparing a grant application to conduct a wind resource assessment and intertie feasibility between the above -mentioned AVEC communities. We also understand that the study will involve putting up a meteorology (met) tower and monitoring the wind resource near the community of Noorvik for a year. The work would also Involve conducting a geotechnical study to determine ground conditions. If the study shows that the wind is a good resource, AVEC will prepare a final design and obtain permits for wind turbines. Native Village of Selawik fully supports this study and we anticipate results that will bring us closer to more affordable energy in our community. .Sniinnnccerely, Tanya B ( t Tribal A ministrator City of Selawik P.O. Box 99 Selawik, AK 99770 907-484-2132 September 11, 2012 Mr. Brent Petrie, Manager, Key Accounts Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Regarding: Letter of Support for Renewable Energy Grant Program Round VI: Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik Intertie Dear Mr. Petrie: City of Selawik understands that AVEC is preparing a grant application to conduct a wind resource assessment and intertie feasibility between the above -mentioned AVEC communities. We also understand that the study will involve putting up a meteorology (met) tower and monitoring the wind resource near the community of Noorvik for a year. The work would also involve conducting a geotechnical study to determine ground conditions. If the study shows that the wind is a good resource, AVEC will prepare a final design and obtain permits for wind turbines. City of Selawik fully supports this study and we anticipate results that will bring us closer to more affordable energy in our community. Sincerely, N a Ram h Mayor