HomeMy WebLinkAboutMapsResources February 8, 2011 Chugachmiut Forestry and Fire is currently preparing the Chugach Region Native Allotment Forestry Management Plan; at this time the plan has not been approved. As part of the planning process Chugachmiut has been conducting FIA 1 for all Native Allotments in the region. FIA1 data has been collected for Native Allotment in the region since the 1980’s. The most recent FIA1 data was collected during October 2010 on 4 Native Allotments west of Port Graham. The timber inventoried is representative of all timber shown in the “Native Allotment Woody Biomass” map. There are 4025 acres of accessible mature timber in the Port Gram vicinity with an average 98 ± 6 2 BDT 3 /acre. Using a very conservative forest re-growth rate of 100 years the annual allowable cut for Port Graham area Native Allotments is 3944.5 ± 241.52 BDT3/year. The estimated fuel consumption for this project is 101 BDT3/year. Based on the FIA1 data and fuel requirements for the project the Port Graham area Native Allotments can sustainably supply 39 times the estimated annual fuel required for the project. Sincerely, Nathan Lojewski Forestry Manager 1 Forest Inventory and Analysis 2 95% Confidence Interval 3 Bone Dry Ton This map was created byChugachmiut Forestry and Fireand is not a legal representationof property ownership P o r t G r a h a m P o r t G r a h a mA c c e s s a b l e A c c e s s a b l eW o o d y B i o m a s s W o o d y B i o m a s s JuneauAnchorage Prudhoe Bay Seldovia Nanwalek Port GrahamLogging Road Spruce Forest Native Allotment Port Graham Corp English Bay Corp 1:175,000 ¯ Cruise Volume Summary Report Generated 2/8/2011 11:48:10 AM AK_OpTICS Version 2.0beta (June 2010) Land Area: 990 - Chugach Name: pg Tract ID: AA12345 Cruise Date: 10/18/2010 Cruise Type: TwoPhase Acres: 148 Total Plots: 132 Measure Plots: 62 Counts By: Species Only BAF: 40 Cruiser(s): lojewski Status(es) of Trees Summarized: ('L') Boardfoot Measure: Scribner Overall Volume Summary Species Summary Volume per Acre SE (%) of Volume per Acre Average DBH (QMD) and Basal Area per Acre (G) Avg per Acre Total SE (%) Total CuFt 6517 964490 3 Bone Dry Tons (BDT) 98 4467 3 Gross BdFt 34050 5039437 3 Net BdFt 30787 4556475 4 Gross Merch CuFt 314 46524 11 Net Merch CuFt 307 45450 11 Species Total CuFt BDT Gross BdFt Net BdFt Gross Merch CuFt Net Merch CuFt Sitka spruce 6517 98 34050 30787 314 307 --------------- ------- ------- ------- --------------------- All Species 6517 98 34050 30787 314 307 Species Total CuFt BDT Gross BdFt Net BdFt Gross Merch CuFt Net Merch CuFt Sitka spruce 3 3 3 4 11 11 Species QMD G SE G (%)CV G (%) Sitka spruce 15.4 271.8 2.8 32.7 --------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- All Species 15.4 271.8 2.8 32.7 AK _OpTICS - Cruise Volume Summary Report 2/8/2011file://C:\pg_AA12345_101810.html P o r t G r a h a m A l a s k a P o r t G r a h a m A l a s k aG A R N B o i l e r P r o j e c t A r e a G A R N B o i l e r P r o j e c t A r e aa n d C o m m u n i t y B u i l d i n g s a n d C o m m u n i t y B u i l d i n g s 1 2 6 3 4 5 1 Old Water plant (boiler building)2 Public Safety Building3 NPRHA Building*4 Health and Dental Clinic5 Tribal Council Building6 Native Corp Office/Museum7 Residence** Optional buildings 7 68