HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2009-37_Greenhouse Gas ReductionSponsors: Ozment/Cavanaugh CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA RESOLUTION NO.2OO9-3? A RESOLUTION TO REDUCE MUNICIPAL GREENHOUSE CASES 25O/OBY 2O2O AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN TASK FORCE WHER.EAS, the City and Borough of Sitka has endorsed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement arld its goal of meeting Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gas emission reduction targets; and WHEREAS, the United States Global Research Frograrn has concluded that the impacts of increased or continued levels of greenhouse gas emissions will be the most severe for Alaskan communities and a scientific panel convened by the City and Borough ofJuneau has concluded that these changes are already affecting Southeast Alaska; and W.IIEREAS, numerous scientists and economists have concluded that ambitious greenhouse gas emission reductions of 2O to 3O percent by 2O2O can and should be done to avoid the enormous costs to human societies that would ensue if emissions continue to rise; and WHEREAS, a 25o/" reduction level would be consistent with the Clobal Warming Solutions Act enacted by the state of California for the purpose of meeting Kyoto Protocol targets using current business as usual estimates; and qnfEREAS, City and Borough of Sitka Resolution 2008-19 directs a municipal Climate Action Plan Task Force to recommend greenhouse gas emission reduction measures that would achieve a specihc reduction target; and WHEREAS, local governments have a unique ability to address greenhouse gas emissions as many of the most effective initiatives originate in the actions of local governments; and WIIEREAS' Sitka's municipal operations generated 3,732 tons of greenhouse gases in the baseline year of 2OO3, including 2,98 I tons emitted through the use of heating oil for municipal buildings and another 550 tons from the municipal vehicle fleet; and WHEREAS, a reduction of 25o/o below 2O03 baseline levels would eliminate 933 tons of greenhouse gas emissions and reduce fuel consumption by over 84,0OO gallons, and create potential savings of uP to one quarter million dollars per ye€rr in fuel costs at three dollars per gallon. NOqf' THERtf'ORt AE IT RESOL\IED that the City and Borough of Sitka Assembly directs the Climate Action Plan Task Force to set a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 257o frorn the 20O3 Base Lcvel by 2020. PASSED, APPROVED, AI\ID ADOPTED bY lOth day of March, 2009. ATTEST: the Assembly of the City and Borough of Sitka, Alaska this een Ingman, MMC Municipal Clerk