HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 - REF Round 5 - Kipnuk - Supplemental - Wind Turbine InformationNorthwind"100 ARCTIC Community Scale Wind Turbine for Cold Climates Wind power has been in use around the world for decades. Even so, the mainstream technology used in most wind turbines today is not always the best fit for specialized environments. Arctic conditions where temperatures reach below -200 C (-4° F) and ice buildup is common, can negatively impact wind turbii operations. Demanding environments require specialized and that is why Northern Power Systems has designed tl, Northwind 100 Arctic Turbine. Public Schools • Small Businesses • Farms 6 Dairies • Municipal Buildings Superior by design —Proven through experience Northern Power Systems knows extreme environments. Our early HR3 turbine model has survived 198 mph winds and -600 C temperatures in Antarctica and still continues to operate. We have shipped more than 20 turbines into Alaska and have produced over 3.8 million kilowatt hours to date. Based on over 30 years of proven wind experience, the Northern team has created an arctic turbine model that is truly best in class for cold and icy environments. The Northwind 100 Arctic turbine shares a number of the advanced design elements that make Northern's standard Northwind 100 the ideal turbine choice in mainstream markets. Additional features and design enhancements in this specialized model ensure optimum performance for your wind project no matter the frigid conditions —so that you can achieve your renewable energy goals whether you are located in the tundra or the Alps. Greenhouses • Universities • Corporations • Hotels & Resorts • Libraries & L8 .I The right technology: Permanent Magnet Direct Drive (PMDD) Northern's PMOO technology is designed for superior performance in all environments. hilt Ir atcn fnrmc tho basis of our superior performance in Arctic conditions. >) Low maintenance: Our PMDD technology and simple design architecture are why the Northwind 100 Arctic requires only minimal preventative maintenance —once per year. In this way you can set your maintenance schedule to avoid particularly harsh seasons. Additionally, the gearless technology bypasses much of the long-term maintenance issues that are associated with the more conventionally designed gearbox turbines. )> Better energy capture: All turbines can make more power in cold environments, but Northern has developed an advanced design and control system that takes advantage of the high air densities associated with very cold temperatures. The Right Options Aside from the obvious benefits of choosing a turbine that has been optimized to operate specifically for your cold weather region, we also offer remote monitoring and wind diesel options. >) SmartView Products: our web based monitoring and reporting platform supports a range of options —from reporting, supervisory controls, and turbine monitoring from your PC to remote diagnostics services from Northern Power Systems —to ensure optimum turbine performance and avoiding unnecessary service calls. )> Wind Diesel: our state-of-the-art turbine combined with our advanced control systems and years of expertise allow for the seamless integration into your diesel grid, enabling utilities to save fuel, cut emissions, and reduce diesel maintenance. Malls • Island Communities • Ski Resorts • Churches • Town Offices • Rural Utilities Customized blades for icy conditions Like most other turbines, the Northwind 100 Arctic has a safety feature that automatically shuts the turbine off when too much ice has built up on the blades. But each moment that turbines are not operating translates to lost power and money. To maximize uptime in cold and icy environments, our blades come with a specially formulated hydro phobic polymer coating ensuring a smooth surface so ice cannot easily build up on the blades. If ice does form, our black blades absorb the sun's heat and allow for ice to be shed easily. Advanced turbine design for arctic conditions: Ensuring reliability and accessibility » Blades: Fiberglass reinforced and unique )> Controls: Air density compensation enables aerodynamic design maximum energy capture in cold environments )> Materials: Low temperature castings ensure )) Tubular Tower & Enclosed Heated Nacelle: safe operation of the turbine to -40° C Maintenance and service personnel are protected )> Heating: Power converter and controls cabinet are from uncomfortable and often dangerous conditions heated to maximize operation, expanding possible operating temperatures Manufacturing Facilities • Remote Villages • Hospitals • Sports Facilities Annual Energy Production: 21-Meter Rotor Standard Air Density, Rayleigh Wind Speed Distribution 400 350 300 250 200 150 p 100 50 LL 0 w S.a 0.0 b.5 ISO 6.5 TO 715 60 8.5 Annual Aveage wad Slood at Hub Height hh/x, Specifications Model Northwino 100 ARCTIC Design Class Class S (air density 1,34 kg/m3, average annual wind below 8.3 m/s. 50-yr peak gust below 56 m/s) Design Life 20 years Hub Height 37 m 021 fn Rotor Diameter 21 m (69 ft) Rated Electrical Power 100 kW, 3 Phase. 480 VAC, 60 Hz Cut -In Wind Speed 3.5 m/s (7.8 mph) Gearbox Type No gearbox (direct drive) Generator Type Permanent magnet, passively cooled Apparent Noise Level 55 dBA at 85m (278 ft) FIX ogre detal ed Inforinxion. See the NorthwIn4 lip ARCTIC Specifications Sheet All SPnification5 subject to change without notice. Northern POWER SYSTEMS 29 Pitman Road, Barre, VT 05641 1 877 90 NORTH +01 802 4612955 W W W.NORTHERNPOWER.COM Northern Power Systems has over 30 years of experience in developing advanced, innovative wind turbines. The company's next generation wind turbine technology is based on a vastly simplified architecture that utilizes a unique combination of permanent magnet generators and direct -drive design. This revolutionary new approach delivers higher energy capture, eliminates drive -train noise, and significantly reduces maintenance and downtime costs. Northern Power Systems is a fully integrated company that designs, manufactures, and sells wind turbines into the global marketplace from its headquarters in Vermont, USA. I XIO Nolthenn Power System& All Rights PoSened Orthwind is a registered oademark Of Northern Power Systems, anted in the USA with soy based inks on reeycled paper containing Met Consume: fiber. ended by Phoenix ReSs, Proud owner Of a NOfNIWIod 100 wind turbine. MY 0410 16 Diesel -Powered Grids NORTHWIND 100 Cut your power costs at these diesel grid applications: >) Remote villages )) Island communities )) Resorts W Northern POWER SYSTEMS Diesel grid owners/operators turning to wind power Whether you are an electric coop utility or business located in a remote area, if you generate Power through a diesel grid you share the concerns of an unstable future. Your business model's long-term efficacy is challenged on a daily basis by rising fuel costs, fuel transportation and storage issues, and diesel generator maintenance. At the same time, you —and the community you serve —have environmental considerations that drive you to seek clean, renewable alternatives. Until recently, wind power has been overlooked because of concerns about grid stability. With the advent of new technology found in the Northwind 100 wind turbine, diesel grid owner/operators can safely and effectively add wind power to their grid without complex system design enhancements. Diesel grid owner/operators benefit from wind power LOWER COSTS AND GREATER PROFITABILITY Adding a wind turbine to your diesel grid safeguards you against volatile diesel prices and the expense involved in its transportation. IMPROVED DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATION By demanding less of your generators over time, you can save on maintenance and operational costs. INCREASED ENERGY SECURITY AND INDEPENDENCE By reducing your dependence on refined crude oil, you can stabilize your daily operations and maximize energy drawn from the wind in your area. REDUCED EMISSIONS Burning less diesel fuel will cut emissions —a benefit to the communities you serve, your neighbors, and the global community. MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES By "greening" your operations, you will spark renewed interest from your community and the media. ...we are enthusiastic about the successes we have seen and hope that wind can play a meaningful role in many of our villages." —MEERA KOHLER, CEO AND PRESIDENT. AVEC 16 Diesel -Powered Grids Cost savings could equal: » Facility improvements >) Increased profitability )) Lower rates for rate -payers )> Improved quality of life for local residents » Increased economic viability for remote communities _ 1 Northern POWER SYSTEMS Offering seamless integration for diesel grids Northern Power Systems has been a leader in wind power technology for over 30 years and has logged years of experience integrating wind power into remote diesel grids around the world. The result of this significant knowledge has culminated in the leading -edge design of the Northwind 100 wind turbine. The turbine's advanced technology —plus our supporting controls, monitoring. products and services —allows for seamless integration into existing diesel grids and the displacement of up to 70% of onsite diesel fuel use. Northern Power Systems' Wind -for -Diesel Grids solution set includes: Northwind 100 Service Support Programs Products Service Programs We'll help make your wind project run smoothly through : N Project planning and development advice )) Technical support for installation Ongoing maintenance support and advice Remote turbine monitoring and support It's your turn Northwind 100 Our low -maintenance. low -noise turbine features: Direct Drive turbine with a Permanent Magnet Generator (PMDD) designed to maximize energy capture and out -perform conventional gearbox designs State-of-the-art IGBT-Based Full Power Converter, which acts as a shock absorber for your grid and eliminates inrush current to simplify grid interconnect and add to grid stability )> VAR Support and Reactive power control to actively support grid voltage A Northwind 100 Arctic turbine is also available for extreme conditions Support Products Our support tools make it easy to track how your Northwind 100 is working for you: Northwind Load Controller, designed to reduce grid frequency variations through fast control of a secondary thermal or other electrical load >> Web -based turbine monitoring via our SmartView monitoring Platform to gauge turbine performance and provide supervisory functions for one or more turbines from a PC anywhere in the world (custom monitoring interfaces available) Adding a Northwind 100 into your diesel grid is easier than you think. As the wind market grows, so does the knowledge base of local developers, installers, and permitting officials. So you can be sure that those who have come before have paved a smooth path for you to follow. Whether you are just beginning to evaluate wind for your site or are ready to make a turbine decision, we can help. Call us at 1-877-90-NORTH or visit www.northernpower.com/communitywind, 1.11,04011 nS Case Study EMOTE VILLAGE / WIND DIESEL Location Kasigluk, Old Kasigluk, and Nunapitchuk, Alaska Remote Alaskan villages fight rising Description Small, remote diesel prices with wind communities on the western coast of Alaska Only accessible by small aircraft and snowmobiles in the winter, the tight -knit communities of Customer Alaska Village Electric Kasigluk, Old Kasigluk, and Nunapitchuk are known for their fishing, snowmobiling, and high fuel Cooperative on behalf of villagers Vumber prices. The small villages' remote locations made reliable and affordable energy a challenge for Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEQ and the 500 or so Yup'ik Native Alaskan families it serves. of turbines 3 Annual electrical consumption 2.705,005 kWh "The skyrocketing cost of diesel last year Average wind speed 15 mph resulted in the average AVEC consumer Cast per kWh to utllfty customers paying a fuel charge of almost 37 cents per without wind power 37 cents kilowatt-hour. Now residents of Kasigluk and Nunapitchuk are paying 12 cents less, thanks to the wind turbines." ;; KOHLER, CEO AND PRESIDENT, AVEC AVEC is a non-profit electric utility owned by the residents of 53 remote villages throughout western Alaska. To power these homes. AVEC used more than 150 diesel generators that cumulatively ran more than 400,000 hours per year —equaling 950 diesel truck trips around the world. The five million gallons of diesel fuel used to power these villages was stored in bulk fuel tank facilities that needed regular maintenance, repairs, and upgrades. With skyrocketing fuel prices and storage expenses, electricity became so expensive that villagers often had to make difficult decisions between powering their homes and purchasing food. That's why AVEC took the bold initiative to start introducing wind power to some of the remote villages that it serves. No rth ern POWER SYSTEMS W Northern POWER SYSTEMS oPP: rArlco REMOTE VILLAGE/ WIND DIESEL The wind turbine for the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative: North wind 100 AVEC chose the Northwind 100 because it had: PROVEN RELIABILITY Even in the most extreme weather conditions, its advanced technology and gearless design assured minimal maintenance —a must in remote villages difficult to access by conventional means. SMOOTH POWERTRANSFER Our proprietary system controls and power electronics send smooth, clean power to Kasigluk's diesel grid with a tieline to Nunapitchuk's to support the existing system. Results* Energy Produced per year 593,000 kWh Percentage of electrical needs met 21.9% Electricity savings $201.000 per year Diesel fuel displaced 45.048 gallons Economics 5-year payback Carbon emissions offset 432 tons per year** "These are estimated results barred on average wend Speeds in a speolic area Wind speeds oar, and therefore, actual results ntap ,any —Cm offset estimated by using EPA s emirs ryow Immeasurable relief for Kasigluk and Nunapitchuk With more manageable electricity costs, the Yup'ik people won't be forced to abandon their cultural pride and ancestral homes in favor of affordable power elsewhere. Using the wind that has blown across the tundra since their ancestors first settled the area has led to long-term improvements that will help Kasigluk End Nunapitchuk survive in the face of urbanization and a volatile energy future. "I am very happy to have wind power. I have seen a big decrease in my electric bills." RODERT NICK, NUNAPITCHUK ELDER Planning and inStallatlon servlona for the MEE Installations were performed by SC George Cgnstrr obon (11), CF-o409 G3 Specifications Power Curve: 21-Meter Rotor standard Air Density (1225 kq/m3) 120 And Speetl Pow,ll Wind Spee7 Ppwe1 (.n]s) jewel ( /al (:WO 16a 0 14 973 2 0 15 100.0 1 3 0 16 100.6 ea L j—�— _ j. 4 37 17 100.6 10 1 5 10.5 18 99.8 60 4 I 6 19.0 )9 994 i 7 29.4 20 98.6 4I0 21 97.8 =' I 9 54.3 22 973 2 I� a 10 66.8 23 973 II 77.7 24 98.0 G I 12 864 25 993 0 I 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 ] 6 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 I] IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 928 Wind Speed at Hub HRujN pn/s) Inv,=2241n0n Annual Energy Production*: 21-Meter Rotor Standard Air Density, Rayleigh Wind Speed Distribution 350 300 250 200 I50 ISO 50 0 W Northern POWER SYSTEMS 4.0 4.5 50 5.5 60 6.5 70 7.5 8.0 85 Annual Average Win 1 ,Keen a t Hub I eiq h� (m/s) Average Annlitl VJind Visa) 8.9 Ave-la.le nmi; lwind Im]sl 40 A, naa, Irierg/ (Nim ]y , 77 10 4.5 110 II 5.0 145 12 5.5 183 13 60 222 15 6.5 260 16 7.0 298 17 7.5 334 18 8.0 368 19 8.5 400 "Annual e,,,uuy unono,nu esbman, a,,uma Stand aid LOnd410n3, lop%ab Ilal Illly an, n0 0 " L Specifications GENERAL CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION Model Northwind 100 ARCTIC Design Class Class S (air density 1,34 kg/m', average annual wind below 8.3 m/s, 50-yr peak gust below 56 m/s) Design Life 20 years Hub Height 37 m (121 fb / 30 in (98 fib Tower Type Tubular steel monopole Orientation Upwind Rotor Diameter 21 m (69 fD Power Regulation Variable Speetl, stall control PERFORMANCE Rated Electrical Power DESCRIPTION (based on annual average air density of 1.34 kg/m', equivalent to -10°C (14°F) at sea level) 100 kW, 3 Phase, 480 VAC, 60 Hz Rated Wind Speed 14.5 m/s (32.4 mph) Maximum Rotation Speed 59 rpm Cut -In Wind Speed 3.5 Mrs (7.8 mph) Cut -Out Wind Speed 25 m/s (56 mph) Extreme Wind Speed 56 m/s (125 mph) WEIGHT Rotor (21-meter) DESCRIPTION 1,400 kg (3,100 Its) Nacelle (standard) 5,800 kg (13,000 lbs) Tower (37-meter) 13,800 kg (30,000lbs) DRIVE TRAIN Gearbox Type DESCRIPTION No gearbox (direct drive) Generator Type Permanent magnet, passively cooled BRAKING SYSTEM Service Brake Type DESCRIPTION Two motor -controlled calipers Normal Shutdown Brake Generator dynamic brake and two motor -controlled calipers Emergency Shutdown Brake Generator dynamic brake and two spring -applied calipers YAW SYSTEM Controls DESCRIPTION Active. electromechanically driven with wind direction/speed sensors and automatic cable unwind CONTROL/ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Controller Type DESCRIPTION OSP-basetl multiprocessor embedded platform Converter Type Putse-witlth motlulatetl IGBT frequency converter Monitoring System SmaRView Remote Monitoring System. Mod Bus TCP over Ethernet Power Factor Set point adjustable between 09lagging and 0.9 leading Reactive Power ./- 45 <VAR NOISE Apparent Noise Level DESCRIPTION Less than 55 PEA at the base of the tower ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Temperature Range: Operational DESCRIPTION -400C to 50°C (-40oF to 122°F) Temperature Range: Storage -40°C to 55°C (-40'F to 131°F) Class: Generator/Nacelle Li Lightning Protection Receptors Receptors in blades. nacelle lightning rod and electrical surge protection Icing Protection Turbine designed in accordance with Germanischer Lloyd Wind Guidelines Edition 2003 Northem Blades Treated with black hydrophobic polymer coating to minimize icing POWER SYSTEMS All Slietrifications subject to Change Athout noti,a. ss nsnvor¢: