HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix 7 - RCA Comments - 1 of 3Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 1043 10 Page I of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help - I 9111le "),w"'Ord passwcrd? Protee—ing consumer interests, promoting ecol-iornic development, ANIMM1111 View Cart zamzainmm�pg �pLglii=illll I.—Synd FA461hpulk I, . . . ...... .. Horne n Search Results >. TR1 1043 10 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Daniel Hertrich he T U i terms Of the Contrast proposes by Clb,jgach Eec.tn,-.l,,JV Fire Island Wind represents a anificant departure front the terms that. the Razcet utiKt.eS have n;, iowoally applied to local• renewable energy protects. His, the rate offered to. r,,nelvaLle e,,evgy developers, a id 3i --Y other pover p,ociuzer, .-.as been t".eavolded cost ofc.ectnct . I a avoided cost only fepresF-rits the uWtys curlert blended rate or non-l'I'm energy. ltdoes not represent whetthe cls!is to erergysupipliel;. And this is ,.,,here a dcuble stall-1 11 1 rd ha, Deen applied in the recent jp-�lt. new, local crievialble projecte avoided cost, Raflibeit wilit-es hdveiy have b, an offered h _. I :ave ac e gaCed .-n negotiations and colittacts, Vdtj, gas suppliers at rates well above:-"Ih�; a,,,otclec cost. The idea of applying the avoldirig cost 'D all new contracts for enegy li-c—dimi rjas) will simply result in a shortage of Supply because no new contracts are likely to be secured in a rising cost envirosmient., This shortage of supply is exactly what the -Railbct is facing today due to Uric short sighted policy of insistIng that new energy supplies be at the same -cost, or owc.,i, than the present avoided cost. of energy. Chugach has. through -1111-S cont,a,t, nyntfiii 1 Y recogwed Lhat the twma future avoided cost for new energy supes, Or to SUPPlY Kure shordfall, is c cost w of the loes' priced supplis, that Is able to :hat o meet hot needcalculated,gac' has cnlcu'ed, ever tine o e terraf the sip�C- ly offer by Fire t3la-, that this is the owest price obtainable to secure sup -ply over said term. While sipec,.'lc pumpers May be debatable, he methodclogy is sound. In Ig,fthe poterW7,l fc, significant escalation in fuel prices in the future, the near term shortage in encigy (gas) contracts, Sta-,e Of Alaska policy "r renewable energy, support' for looaliy generated energy and in' aglt:-ucture, the RCA should approve th i contract and apply the appro4ch within to all Raili,,elt «Litties contracting vith rdAre-de.:E':power procucers. Sincerely, Daniel Hefold, Type Public Cernments Date Filed 7/25i 20'. 1 Tracking Number TR1104310 Filed By Dame; Hervich Ent1fles Certificate(s) Means Received 'fnt,-,-rnct Related Matters TA335-8 FIRF iSLAND VVIND, Sla,u su nrnrting Documents No files found Alaska 991M73-69 http:Hrca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=f89192d3-89f6-4edl-a5fa-39... 7/29/2011 Bristol Bay Native Corporation Enriching Our Native Way of Life 111 W. 16th Avenue, Suite 400 / Anchorage, Alaska 99501-5109 / (907) 278-3602 / fax (907) 276-3924 July 25, 2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska Attn: Robert Lindquist, Chief, Tariff Section 701 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, AK 99501-3469 RE: Letter of Support TA335-8 Fire Island Wind Project Dear Mr. Lindquist: I am contacting you to express Bristol Bay Native Corporation's (BBNC) support of the Fire Island Wind Project currently under consideration by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA). This project is not only timely for the short-term — it also demands immediate action for its long-term benefits. Southcentral Alaska has relied on inexpensive natural gas for many years. We now face the current situation in which supplies are in question, costs have risen dramatically and local utilities are now looking to import liquefied natural gas in the future. In order to re-create this reliable, low cost energy, we need to diversify our sources. Diversification should include investment in renewable energy projects like the Fire Island Wind Project. Although the Fire Island Wind Project is relatively small and will not be able to resolve all energy concerns in southcentral Alaska, it would be a significant step towards using sustainable, renewable energy in a populous region of our state. BBNC believes this project has other indirect benefits for both southcentral and rural Alaska. The development of an independent power producer like Fire Island Wind is good for the economy of Alaska, bringing significant new investment in the Anchorage area. The project will also be good for the power system — it will provide private investment in Alaska's infrastructure, and potentially shifting risks in outlying years to an independent power producer as well as bringing added efficiencies into the system. The project may also help to further confirm the viability of wind as a viable energy source in Bristol Bay and rural Alaska. Thank you for the opportunity to comment during the review period. Please use this opportunity to take action on behalf of Alaska's residents. Sincerely, Jason Metrokin President & CEO Founded 2004 2011 Organizational Members ABS Alaskan, Inc. Alaska Architectural Lighting, Inc. Alaska Building Science Network Alaska Centerfor Acupuncture Alaska Centerfor the Environment Alaska Craftsman Home Program Alaska Conservation Alliance Alaska Green Waste Solutions Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Inc Alaska Power Association Alaska Power and Telephone Alaska Public Interest Research Group Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Alaskan Wind Industries Alaska Wind Power, LLC Ameresco Anchorage Economic Development Corporation Bering Straits Native Corporation Cascadia Green Building Council Chena Hot Springs Resort Chugach Electric Association City of Seward City of Sitka Coffman Engineers, Inc. Cook Inletkeeper Cook Inlet Region, Inc. 'upper Valley Electric Association Dalson Energy, Inc. Golden Valley Electric Association Green Star, Inc. Heritage Renewables Homer Electric Association, Inc. Huntley & Associates IBEW Local 1547 Institute of the North Kodiak Electric Association, Inc Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. Marsh Creek, LLC Matanuska Electric Association Municipal Light and Power Nome Chamber of Commerce Northern AK Environmental Center Northern Power Ocean Renewable Power Company Ormat Technologies, Inc. Polarco nsult Alaska, Inc. Renewable Energy Systems RurAL CAP Rural Energy Enterprises, Inc Siemens Building Technologies Sierra Club AK Chapter & Field Office Smart Energy Works Smart Product Innovations Southeast Alaska Conservation Council STG, Inc. Susitna Energy Systems, Inc. Sustainable Automation, Inc. TDX Power, Inc. TerraSond, Ltd. The Aleut Corporation V3 Energy LLC Western Community Energy, LLC Wind Diesel North America, LLC YourCleanEnergy, LLC Yukon River Inter -Tribal Watershed Council a �I July 25, 2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska 701 W. 8th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, AK 99501 To Whom It May Concern: TA335-8 BF on Jul 25, 2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska Renewable Energy Alaska Project Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) is writing to urge the RCA to approve the proposed power purchase agreement between Chugach Electric Association and Fire Island Wind, LLC. Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) is an Alaska -based nonprofit whose membership includes a diverse coalition of large and small Alaska utilities, businesses, conservation and consumer groups, Alaska Native organizations, and municipal, state and federal entities. Our group works to facilitate the development of renewable energy in Alaska through collaboration, education, training, and advocacy. REAP supports the development of the Fire Island project as a small, but significant step toward diversifying the Railbelt's energy sources and stabilizing energy costs. The Railbelt currently relies heavily on natural gas for electrical generation and heating. With utilities looking to import liquefied natural gas in the near future, projects like Fire Island provide a hedge against the inherent uncertainty in the cost of natural gas and help reduce costs over the long term, which will benefit local business and residential customers. REAP urges your support of this agreement. Sincerely, Chris Rose, Executive Director 308 G Street. Ste. #2.07. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 907 929,7770 • ww\v.REalaska.or€; Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104291 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ...... - name pas;rror= F Fer7ot pa',swcr-d? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting eco iornic Ue'delopmerA Viev", Cart MOINMER j ■ �}pnd eerl Eck ! riPlP.3E9 4niwz TR1104291 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Margaret Auth would like to see Anchora,e take advantage of the wmds on Fire, rsland to i+rovidn energy for cur' community.:..a'V,, vo ad in favor of the Project when it ^as been pi eser;_ee to t^e Spenard �orrm; �ity Ceurcl .: 'eel va- enthusiastic about Chi? projeck Dec 3use IC will finally allow the energy p1o;iden, co cap into a:athsi e eryy -.,wce, 't ic dean, it can ccme, online i- ati•v ty q.uickty and it is the wave o' 'he RAU e. Type Public Comments Date Filed Tracking Number 1-R110429i Filed By Ma-gai et Auth Entities ce€'titi4'Lite(s) Means Received Internet Related Mutters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND WIND �.�_ .. ;�f>poeting Doei;rr.a_nt5 No files found 701, Areoui:: Suite 300 Anchorz:ye. A.la3ka 99Sti 1.•3<1a9 Y&6222 Fos- i9,07, 276-01b0 .(('Y, (9011)'!6-•i.,33 ib11 ,Free` (1-37U0: _t-27E. (oUCsid AI)000rage, lithin AlIz ka. •P.'ti:nta•;et: �wts��na=:Cer.rca�alackr.;acv http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=3 d79c513-4b3 a-4c2e-bbe7-4... 7/29/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104288 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan?e nas,wcr:; b• Fcrgot passvord? Protecting consumer interests Prom ding economic development. - Vlevd Cart - PSn••rf Feprttlark ■ EiEr1srNnter� TR1104291 TR1104288 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Ethan Schutt Fire s: - 1 VVInd, LIU' (FI' d :-rrt -age, the kegulatcry Commiss:o^ p$ 7s4a<k- a promptly approve t^e a { eit of Chugach Ie .tic AssacratIcn , Cho aa_-h; in this matte, _..,5 3. Rec-ognizinq that it is , ;-are to •the pioposad ua.saction, F-t4 �he.l{e�,es "hat this PPA rei- e nts a f i. ransac Linn t C is in the best inteiesk.of Chugach and i�s rateDayers, F h2 Power Pur;ha. Agreement ( PA_) in question represents a 1 rLjett idea and concept h•s been t .e va;ect ' utilry %,.ten„nri and siu-oy `cr the oet.ar ,a u:' a de .�ti�.:n fact t e s.te was fir;, identified by a utility -led 5tudy of potential cemmercia: ,rind resources in the Anchorage area Of the sites Stud.ed, is,hnc wacs idea -i d as the best 5i:n o' a cemrn r a bind de' lop•-ienr ,inn 5 r � o .r' i^ vF t. -ation t ay "'nc rt opm-..t 4c1E r d which L[W . ately red to ,.he PPA. he IPA itself is t e rasulC o` a lorry, and �t C `"eS �-unten ious, arm la �gth negoliation .,_tt e... HW and Chugach on both technica. ar d econcrnic on. ms. -he PPA contains areft ly nec ouated cornprom ses by each party on imposts ra technirai and economic. issues. ia5 Such, the PEA e^boi:?-_=s a commercial agreement between FIw and Chugach where both parties can 12gItU"ately rep esen, to their own respeCove cu i_tituer,cies (shareholders and ralepaye,$) ttiat the arrangemeni is fair, that it contains necessary con,o�omise, from the counte:-party, and that it: is in their {ono -term best interest. �cau>e of the carraul and rhoro gh indestloation of terhnicai and economic issues frl.cflved oy an arms-lengt-I nanoti. bon on the s.,,n?r:; Issues, the Regu;ato;y Commission of AbsKa should prornotly approve t.e PPA as requested by Chugach in TA3.35-S. Type; Public Comments. Date Fired 7/-S,/20'1 Tracking Number TRIIC4288 Filed By Ethan Schutt Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FN,E ISLAND ',VIND _.novv, 3uppo,Ung Dowments No files found 103. ViBs: F.Jg11l:11 ..venee, SG[e 30o Anchora_e, Alaska 99501-3-169 PI^ne:l (9G7` 276 b222 `a.:: ! ivi ➢?E.wso i"ry1 (9071 27;:-4ri33 ?o!i Free: (z'$Cn�; 390-:'O.`:% (uxtsidd; Au?ch' ong9, within .4la5kc ) .4i'_�_'rnL'.CC`r: t4:`Li; Silit�r.Yi13fGe'c l[�.9C: littp://rca. alaska. gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=e59c3 e2e-f069-47a9-8b82-d... 7/29/2011 W&ry -,10 AMEX V-d- WIND ENERGY TA335-8 July 25, 2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska 701 West Eighth Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Public Comment on Fire Island Wind (TA335-8) Mr. Lindquist: RECEIVED By the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on Jul 25, 2011 1--... . ............ . - Apex Wind Energy supports development of affordable wind energy in Alaska. We have been actively developing wind energy in Alaska for several years and have successfully developed and permitted the Kenai Winds project, a 15MW wind energy facility in the Kenai Peninsula. Apex has been in discussions with Homer Electric Association and Chugach Electric to enter into a similar power purchase agreement that would allow us to begin construction in time to qualify for the Federal ITC grant. The Kenai Winds project is cost effective, would be located in an already industrialized area, and could support additional transmission development that would bring significant benefits to Alaska Railbelt customers. Kenai Winds is cost competitive with other sources of renewable energy in Alaska. Most recently, in November 2010, we submitted an offer to Chugach Electric to purchase power from Kenai Winds for $74.50 per MWh for 25 years. This offer was declined and should be reconsidered. The project would be located at the Tesoro Alaska Refinery, within the Nikiski Industrial Zone, using land that has been deployed for industrial purposes for many decades, and thus will not disturb natural resources or wildlife. Furthermore, the project would benefit skilled labor from nearby petroleum and gas operations that would be able to support construction and maintenance of the facility. Most power generation projects, including both Fire Island and Kenai Winds, require additional upgrades to the transmission system. Although electricity from Kenai Winds can be integrated into the local transmission system without upgrades, it would benefit from modifications to the interconnector between the Kenai Peninsula and the City of Anchorage. In addition to supporting the transfer of renewable energy to Anchorage, these upgrades would result in overall greater reliability to both Homer Electric and Chugach Electric customers. We support wind energy development in Alaska, including the Fire Island Wind project. Given the cost competitiveness of the Kenai Winds project. we request that Chugach and the APEX VVIND ENERGY. INC. QUEEN CHARLOTTE BUILDING , 244 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 - 434-220-7595 WWW.APEXWIND COM Regulatory Commission of Alaska reconsider a Power Purchase Agreement for Kenai Winds that would allow us to harness this clean, stable, and domestic source of energy. you and gards, Mark Goodwin President Apex Wind Energy Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104278 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name Potecdng consumer Interests, Promoting economic develo.-mment. Vie%.,,, Cart MArs['b N5'M1Y - -- Par Por RCA BrogtBrr� Wrawsian®I at Nes RCA En.�iaanme 1641x.le m a.Rtta y and_UHlitias CetYitMsUan - TR1104291 » TR1104288 .• TRI104278 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Sonya Samuelson Th^ Fire. Tsla.:d ti Ind Project i ds to hapioen We re at a auss-cads v,heie ,he can stay with anr' I invest in trxi-, ex En ive and unsu.,t�ri1 3t,_ erer�gy - o. tive can nieve tcwards .fie f_u.ure. This Dro�ect will provide a st.;hle riice base, is rnuch me e SL•swinable e;^d will produce like w0".%c of the liectri ity needs, -- in a renewable way. It will prov ce the mvestme^t cf long-tertr, jobs that are t-OCAL - helping everyone ardund. Southeentr47 Alaska is windy all the time during Phv winter - this seems like a no braiter. Type public --cmments- Date Filed 7/2wi =01i Tracking Number TR1104218 Piled By Sonya 8amualson Entities Certificate(s) Means Received 'Internet Related Matters TA335--8 FAIPE ISLAND WIND S^pea upuorting Crocuments No files found 70 I. WY st A.emae:, SI€te 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 '1 e) „)r..,� ,..... .,.,, ;.1, . 4-hcne: �• �ro-c222 Pax: �:�0 c,.,-..<40 IfY: i`-aOSJ 2IvsS3 icll Pica: i1-80ui 390-27E7 rooUid- Anchoitqe, wRhfrc Aiuska} nrnaster: +•.•ecmasLer.m!a�*: aiaska,.X,v http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=9d690918-fe0a-4a2a-934e-b... 7/29/2011 TA335-8 C, jo 0 k P OCEAN RENEWABLE PO'OfEP,COMPAhY July 24, 2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska 701 W. 8th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, AK 99501-3496 Re: Fire Island Wind Farm Purchase Agreement To Whom It May Concern: D.Douglas Johnson DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 725 Christensen Drive, Ste. 4A Anchorage, AK 99501 CELL 907 250 7269 OFFICE 907 339 7939 djohnson@oceonrenewablepower.com F RECEIVED By the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on Jul 25, 2011 Ocean Renewable Power Company, LLC (ORPC) develops technology and projects generating emission -free electricity from tidal, river and ocean currents. Fire Island is one of our two Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensed sites in Cook Inlet. We urge you to approve the Power Purchase Agreement between Chugach Electric Association and Fire Island Wind, LLC. This agreement is important to the future development of other renewable resource opportunities because it provides a strong signal that independent power producers of renewable energy can succeed in negotiating power purchase agreements with existing utilities. The approval of this agreement bolsters ORPC's continued development of our Fire Island tidal energy project. Knowing that an interconnect will be in place is critical to continuing our development efforts. We look forward to the opportunity to add tidally generated power to the Railbelt mix. I hope you will continue to support renewable energy and encourage you to contact me with any further questions. Sincerely, i- �a A", D. Douglas Johnson Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 104259 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name gas±�rurd Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. View Cart tAAieYgPiew RCA for Fvr RGA Pro47au¢s provisipnpf gt 9fastiGA Ezc nge Gossamers L letos: L uary god Utilkksll Cffeli=a TRI104291 ;, TRI104288 s• TR1104278 n TRI104315 r; TRI104257 .r TRI104259 Public Comment for TA335-8 by martin miller ;ear ,'orrn -lissionerss A, a :hu9ach rate pa. lei I strongly support the prcpoced species contract for Chu goch Electrir, to burr; ace wino powr from CIR.I's Fire Island wind project. I urge ycu 11*0 approve the proposed special contract wit^ my delay. The ,°,Itd p?cject will help st_a N.Le eiectncy rates, and dive„'cfy the railbeit's primary energy sources, both of which rexes?nt pc_=ittve artcomes fjr ratepayers. Respectfully, Mart n holier Type Public Curnments Date Filed 71-24J20_.1 Tracking Number TR1104259 Filed By martin ;;tiler Entities Certificates) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISL,AND'WUND Show 5t;pportirq Documents No files found 701. Vllest FJ)h"h A,.,Oue, suite 300 ,Anchorage, Alaska 99501,3469 Mom: (907; 226-6= Fax: (907; 27- 0,60 11 f: (907) 2"ie-4533 lull FrCe: (1-800) _90 2iS2 (ootsid'.Anthorage, tithin A';aska; we -.roaster: +:-et;tnesCer. rca aiaska.y ,i+ http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=1 eed6c3 l-c8b7-458d-8bb4-b... 7/29/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 104260 Page I of 1 0 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name taass:•rcnl 1- Forgot pas%vord-, Proecting consumer interests, Promoting economic develoPmem Carl: OEM— •View 11M sm � LIZZ=1111 TR1104291 , TRI104288 » TRI104278 , TR1104315 , TR1104257 , TR1104259 r, TRI104260 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Terri Pauls Alec.. -,dat a -d Wind I t- --.e you to approve the Power Dij-cha!,,e Agieorrient Ch%�gac.. �c.. Asso and Firm. Isla.. C. 'i'Vind energy may c1st inic as are de"reasin It is nnore in the nea� tp,n,:, btal will be ­.'isst cos! effective than gas as g—is pi ices rise. Aso, supe-es cr Cook A g, g expected that AnIchorage ivill heeo to import LNG by 2014, WE, need to Oyeild we a new onectil)': le„ewab,e_ s,,stainalbt :erg. v. The res. the world is rineving towarn wind and solar fo- good reason, l move forward with Fire Island Wincil - Froma Chugach Electi'l- c s'tinier k,,,ho vou'd be wiling to pay more for carbon -free energy F.-oin %,And Type Public Comments Date Filed 71 f-1-4120 I I Tracking Number YPI104260 Filed By Ter-,' Paul-, Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 HIRE ISLAND WIND show Supporting Documents No files found 701 W,?riz Eighh Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 995(71 S"It" Y: Mol'. 2'16--tii33 Piirw: 19r)," 275-0'60 11 1 1 Toll F,4,; (1-80101 Anchwaoo, withir, Alaska; http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=c6275edd-9e73-4ldf-9af7-9b... 7/29/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104256 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name: PaF,'w-- ti ► Forgot Da:-:svcrd? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. View Cart dim IBM TRI104291 :: TRI104288 >, TR1104278 :, TR1104315 a 7RI104257 v+ TR1104259 +> TR1104260 r. TR1104256 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Trey Chenier Fire r j P < stable energy pries ar a sP.aL•>. burdened by v,=tileaas' or -e.=, t_haten—omposs :0 o of it's -W Fir sa. c nice ec t will ion c ,a to rable, elect. city so.irce. The. Prcje , wfi_ asci provide long-term gems to nlanv Atkins and Put us Cloe 5t._p doser to cur 3cal to prcduce 50°n of our e.le: tricity through ;enewabte Sources by 2025. It i< impo^ taut to Invest i±r veind energy now because it's pr7ce stai±iky wiP sav coas.mers money. Type Public Comments Date Filed 7/24/2011 Tracking Number I-R1104256 Filed By Treiy Chenier Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE iSLAND WIND Sho . ; ii:j prorting Docun..iallts No files found 7bi. Vies: C:iOht:h Avc rn�e, Suite Oii P.rr;.hora.,�e; Alaska 99501.3461" i>hGnc: ('a0'7i 2l6-6222 Fax: 190 1 2. i.-:'ti.60 I IY: (90i)„: .533 all iroe: i1-8pp; ?90-2"IS% (uutsid-Anch iaye, rikhir: Alaska; aste;. xehma,U:=; .rca„-esl:a.uov http: //rca. alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails. aspx?id=a3be9eeS-2c3b-49dO-bd64-0... 7/29/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 104261 Page I of I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help M Fc,got oacs,,Gwd? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting econornic cleveloPment, View Cart TRI104291 r, TR1104288 » TRI104278 , TRI104315 , TRI104257 , TRI104259 TR1104260 r TR1104256 , TR1104261 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Barney Uhart While tl��e- Alaska, ecis.awre's goa. t r -0°,`,, of a ect-C energy to n renewable sources by 2 C?S r,ay be aogresc,net the road tc acY ;eviny .1 must stpar_ The Fire ls.a-d 1Alind prc�ie,-L is the fil-Et ygnifi "ant step; I) a ve SaPr, ,tempted ,o this end I i Ill e urban ai� as of the sLate. I lj:-gr t',e tc approve ,he proposed Powet P-rclhasc Agreement in a.. aff'oft tc spur a,-Iditiora' devell 0:11rnle.nt in thc renewable energy sector. Type public comments Date Filed 7/23/201-1 Tracking Number -IR11G,42F1 Filed By Barney Uhart Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 ^IRE ISLAND WIND '.,.hKy,v S.ppcln.ing Di-wr.elltS No files found 703. 1Ne,,;t Eighth Suite `0A0 Aridlomge; Ala: k;i 99501 I' h o r, e: 0 7 1 2 /6 - l,'2 2 2 K,-,x: 907 276-0:60 I fY; l937) !Dfl (1-80C) 390-2782 Anchorwge, ,,,thin Ala5kal http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=13 f793d2-dd46-43 dc-9eaa-2... 7/29/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 104234 Page I of I IMI About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help D- Fcrgot pas v-,;ord'? Protecting consumer interests, promoting econonnic oeveloPment. Vievv Cart Own 010% OP. M. IN 'a Home r, Search Results :) Docket; TA335-8 n TR1 104235 ,) R-I 104234 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Cari Sayre. t I My husband and I are 40-yew resida)Is of Alaska, have por s.nall wind generator,. a,:-d have wonderd for years ,.,hy In=s tec;-Inology Is s t. c go re availab e an V envircnnnei tall� ��ensil:.ve i� not i�,ore corn ,no'.. As rGsil foO pocl-,F, connnue ',o nrcw, ar, -1 as SI,Dppe�; C'H.f linish CI beco, mI areas, it makes I I-7ftmat', ,,�nsc to invest W. renewable energy teci-rojc)ay. i-qp!oject *jill bring Alaska cjdQs,.j a[ of producing -% 'if itq elecUrIcitv thnouph reneyiable energy sources by 2025, ".3 vvas Creating jcbs in the ;))o,,z populUted part -Alaska. OverslZol, hi;gh- Dri`el- prOje,:tS SLIC-11 at; Ule SUSItha Dam wouiJ take any years and much environnnental degraclaticn to get e�actnclty to people, but the Fire Iwnd Wind prcjes!. xoulc "elo r-,gt ncv%j. rinallk you m the cpporti—ity to cwnlent- Type Public Comments Date Filed 7122/20' ' Tracking Number 7RI.iQ4234 Filed By 'Cart Sayre Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matte's TA335-3 PIRE iSLAi.D 'VIINV5 �..now Supporting Documents No files found w), ittes. l,ighrlh A,-e.11e, S;Me An,110mgI., Ala<ka '49501-3,169 Phone:( 9 'v Y) 2 � 6 - 2, 2 Fax: f f '; (907' 2 7(—l`3-; lull Free: Anc',Orag,, ;,,thin An�s�a) v VJrI.wnas!el http: //rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingD etails. aspx?id=25 al 3279-a8 l 4-4a73-aeO5-e... 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104235 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name Pass:+orA M FcrgoC paSswrord? Protecting consumer .irle,ests, Prornoti ng crortornic ^uevelopnnent. VIC:L^J Cart ►�G,e�. acdhark ■EZE1etse'�at's Home n Search Results :r TR1104205 TR1104206 TRI104225 n TR1104235 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Brendan Babb ,avc Le.e:n a m:g tinge supporter of the Hre Island whid pro7e-t having wor i(ed at the Alaska =nurcy Author+ty in 1992 100 !,a at possible. wind turbine sites. 1 wculi strccgPf erfccuiage the RCA to approve V;P C.IRI-Chugach Electric Altnctgn .i e acts are 'g"er init a• v per IQVH the costwil ba.ess tam.. gas over he 2 years, mulch as aradley sake eleC f i;:ity is r ,,r cheaper Than gas fitP1 e . ctridzy. Thee aivtays has tc deaoiareering arcjecl that joes tl st, and riis is that Drcie t Alor,cicr Tire potential of adding addrionel vvirlD turbines, them _ is c-S,C Cite Dos:S+bfifty of addling s.r,.d and tidal po•vicr into the-mm. tie, I was born m Falf Lank end lave living iii t ave also ahw. y. been 2 big fan of renewab.e enefgy and, sce it as aligning +nth the Alaskan ethos of i d 7Pirence and S21f Sufficiency. I am v- excite: ga take a trip c.ld sy back into ;he ,mono syE airport and see the magnificent wind l f,uir e. a Fire atio.: or),, also ekud for n7y niect^s and nephews .o fly in, for ch-tsurnas 2012 and se the Wrbmes.:think they viM he an ex-e I "nt bil'Lcaf d fort r s to riot only see the bfna_h talking beauty or Alaska as tn.ey land but also our roraard thinking use of renprwable energy, a..e the Pmv r P..fccase Agreement. Type Public Comnrs,.ts Date Filed 7/22/201.: Tracking Number TR1104235 Filed By Brendan 'Babb Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internt_t Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND WIND Show Su fprrting Docufnent=. No files found 701. West E.191­1? A:er—, SlIttf, 'glli Ancho;uFge; A;liiska 9901''' 6- ; Pheme: (nG J? 2'u-6"222 FaXr (;e07 2?c-i!160 l ry: (907) 27G-• `3 Foci fie:^.: (1-800; 197-2152 (outside Andi.rag2, within Alaska) YVel::rna&ter: ,r'r"Gm��te;.rca�•�,askzs.gov http : //rca. alaska. gov/RCAW eb/Filings/FilingD etalls. aspx?id=b23 c6 l 9b-9416-46 f3 -a2 a5 -i .. 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 104225 Page 1 of I About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help I- -, ---, ................ Mille. protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. Vievv CPrL EM em M�EM -on Home n Search Results , TRI 104205 n TR1 104206 n TRl 104225 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jeff Jessen in the renewaNp energy field, I have; the perspel-tive of seeing its potential on hams. I strongly support the Fire Island •Ohnd )�we r1m continue ­0 SLIPPOt re-ewabies 1`01'C�!r y econ.0m.y, ProjecL. 1. hape U!ez.,' this projec",.011 be a succeqs Afaka a.- � 9 Type PLIUrc Comments Date Filed 7/ 221/201 1 Tracking Nurnber, TRI104225 Filed By 3eff jessen Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND WIND no. ling Documents No files found 701. Ih'e,,Z Eighil! ::e;We, S,,itc '3.00 Andlraye.; Alaska 9r,J-501-3,169 '90(907) 2Y,-4533 loll Free; (1-800) 390-27U Anrhoracic, w,tilin Ala5lc;; http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?ld=4d72c92b-ffac-4774-b747-f9... 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 104206 Page I of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help J.. 0, Forget Dass,,vord? Protecting consumer interestspromoting economic Gevelopmen" vl�—N cart EM ON em M�k� NQV—, Home n Search ReSLlJtS ,) TRI 104205 ,) TR1 104206 Public Comment for TA335-8 by KIRK H GIBSON 0 meni,-,� of .-.men.Valley Ejectric Association, Inc. (GVlEA) on 1, 335-8: GVEA supports Chugach E�ectr c Association's effor�l to help meet ' A,a-ska'z, qoa :,F ohWning al, the State's eleclric generaUon front and atei hative energy resources by divercifyina lts genprat.,):-, portn)do v,Ith tic ,-nd geneiration, GVF,, age ees is is approor ate m have the cost ele, ents associated with a wnd energy project trrduded in the receivin�A utility's Quarterly Fuel and Purchased Pcvier Adjustment mechanism. TlJs treatment ailow for more precise and Unibly iecovcry a' wind generation costs. It is jn-;DoAa.nt to re--or,l wind oncrgy costs as a purchased expense in the same peero that the energy Prodklc=, by wind facift.es if, received. By do:ng 51, such :;bsts zan be trea—d as cTecL costs with no mpac'. or the receiving utility's nnurnins. GVEA )ei.PveS this Lyoe or rate making treatirent is essentlai no prornoling th. Statajs goell, arm potecling the utfl.ty receiving the wmd energy because of the-ycitcaland unpredictable nature of wind production. GVEA -e qUests that It be notified of any further deve1cprincrts in this rnoortart matter. Type I'LlbliC Ccrnments Date Filed 71122/20:1 1 Tracking Number TRI104206 Filed By Kr-RX H G'BS(,N Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 ERE iSLAND 'NIFNI) Sinowt 511poorting Docurnant, No files found 701, Viest Dohl-h A,e,lue, Suite �0 Aiichorflue; Alaska 9f4501, 3469 Phone: P0,1 276-6222 Fax; i' — 907' 276160 1 IV: 1'9371 276`533 loci free: (1-800) 390-278" .(outsldl- Anchorage, v,,ithis 01eblnlastl--: I.ask�,,4m http:llrca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=d8b8bO54-257e-455a-bb35-f... 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104205 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name 17?ssr:;rd F Forgot pa"word Proteuinc, consumer interests Promoting economic development. _��•- : . sa�;C„f=fladr.�p:: s Rale�.::a _.. View Horne ,> Search Results TR1104205 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Peter Holck -[ ir past t > Ives rn renewable .. -{gY and the Fii L�and wmd pfo e ro ld move Ovef the, he {n es nnnt th^ pro.jc.ct ..III >��e., ccr{..:.{,^aer nione j, noi., to roent 0: re„ce. eu, ,.a: u.r _ Is�io It will held u.cers,fy olt., 6rel may sc,l, ces, provide some fecal ob and hopefully encruragc other similar projects m the Anchorage area anG Alarka. It gt=ts Aleska a little closer to its renevtia.bie energy a s. Please move the Fire Islane Mind pro -A fonvard. Type Public Cornments Date Piled 7'21;2C1,. Tracking Number TR1104205 Filed By Peter llolck Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIPE ISLAND VAAID Shcry 54',porting 6 cement No files found 701. W,,�,t t Iq I'ti, A,enue., Suite `00 AnClIorage.. A{ask�] 99!501 4(' Phore: '90-" 276-0222. F'ez: (;t07` 2'' -0.60 T1Y: (907) 276-4533 ;Gil Frcr.: (1-800,' 90- Z87 lout>id: A.nc'iwa9e, ::itlttir, F.:asisa) ..rl.�n ia4te-:. rebma;t_.r.rca�a:sk=�.+i:: http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=2c8Oeeb8-c344-433b-9792-5... 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 104204 Page I of I ;k About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help EL F- name pas,—,� Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. View Cart 1� KIM 11M PRIOR Horne . Search Results *) TRI104184 ,, TR1104185 a rRI104189 ,, TR1104195 n TR1104204 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Rachael Petro oport th,; Fit o Iland'01—,Iotoject ar cir)eheve v,,e neeo to ailow t e privalte, SeClol to ��xPIO'e alternat ve energy cptlons that miety crea, reliable r iergy or the future. Conti-Liel reltance of) natura. gas for 90l ow electricity makes V111ind pi cjer' it a but hificant stic, tCAjar,,ls Lj.,irig More Sustainable enefgv in Ala. ka, and c re that uses private !nvotnarl, d6lais to do it. With local utifjAIeS, j0ckjrg LO t iiCjUefled nahiral g2is in the ',itu'e, diveymg wO a local renewable source.of poiojer in to rigrI course to take. Type Public. Comments Date Filed 7112,/20-tl, Tracking Number T R I 10-4204 Filed By Rachaet Peft,c Entities certificate(s) Means Received 'nternet Related Matters 7A335-8 HIRE .-5LAND WIND Sljo,w Supporting Documents No files found 70.1, tiieoZ Eighth Avenue, Silite, i00 Anchorage, Al,-,ka Ptlx-e: 2'/rr 6222 Fax: 'go"' F!Y: (901) 216,4533 t,'ithir' A.zi'�ka' wil free: (1-800) 9o-R*/8 wNid--Andho,ay http://rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=209ddab6-9ff'0-4629-8394-5... 7/22/2011 TA335-8 Growing Alaska Through Responsible Resource Development Founded 1973 July 21, 2011 2011-2012 Executive Committee Tom Maloney, President Phil Cochrane, Sr. Vice President L.F. "Len" Horst, Vice President Regulatory Commission of Alaska Eric Fjelstad, Treasurer Ralph Samuels, Secretary 701 W. gth Avenue, Suite 300 Wendy Lindskoog, Past President Bob Berto Anchorage, AK 99501-3496 Patty Bielawski Pat Carter Marilyn Crockett Steve Denton Re: Fire Island Wind Farm Purchase Agreement Jeff Foley Stan Fou Paul GlavScott J p en Scott Jepsen To Whom It May Concern: y Lance Miller Lisa Parker Dale PittmanEthan ase The Resource Development Council (RDC) 1s writing to support the proposed power purchase Schutt Lorna Shaw g g agreement between Cook Inlet Region, Inc., (CIRI) and Chugach Electric Association. RDC John Shively Jeanine St. John urges the Regulatory Commission of Alaska to approve the agreement. Scott Thorson Cam Toohey Directors Greg Baker RDC is a statewide membership -funded organization founded in 1975. Our Alaskan Dave Benton Allen Bingham membership is comprised of individuals and companies from Alaska's oil and gas, mining, Dave Chaput Steve Connelly timber, tourism, and fisheries industries, as well as Alaska Native corporations, local Bob Cox Dave Cruz communities, organized labor, and industry support firms. RDC's purpose is to link these AIlan Dolynny Paula Easley diverse interests together to encourage a strong, diversified private sector in Alaska and expand Ella Ede Brad Evans the state's economic base through the responsible development of our natural resources. Corn Feige Carol Fraser Tim Gallagher RDC supports investment in energy infrastructure such as CIRI's Fire Island Wind Ricky Cease Dan Graham private Project. Such investment is necessary and an important piece of our local energy puzzle going ' Chuck Greene Scott Habberstad forward. Moreover, the development of renewable energy resources, such as the wind resource Karl Hanneman Rick Harris at Fire Island, is complimentary to and ultimately supportive of conventional oil and gas Paul Henry Steve Hites development. Further, the CIRI wind project will help provided needed diversification to Larry Houle Teresa Imm Southcentral Alaska's energy portfolio. Bill Jeffress Mike Jungreis Kip dsotn Altr ough the cost of wind -generated energy from Fire Island may be slightly higher than other Thomas Krzewinski in the short term, the long-term benefits and costs will benefit the local Jim Laiti sources of energy Jon L T economy and consumers. Under the purchase power agreement, the cost of energy from Fire mhLovas Andy Mack Island will be stable over a 25-y ear period, which we view as a favorable factor. Thomas Mack John MacKinnon Stephanie Madsen Sam Mazzeo CIRI needs to start construction on the project by October to qualify for federal and state Mary McDowell Ron McPheters ,grants that are critical to the development and cost of the project. Therefore, RDC urges the James Mery Denise Michels a Regulatory Commission of Alaska to expeditiously approve the agreement. Hans Neidig Judy Patrick Charlie Powers Mike Satre Sincerely, Mary Sattler Ken Sheffield Keith Silver Lorali Simon John Sturgeon Dan Sullivan Michael Terminel Jan Trigg Carl Portman Ex-0fficio Members Deputy Director h y Senator Mark Begich Senator Lisa Murkowski Congressman Don Young Governor Sean Parnell 121 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 250, Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2035 Phone: 907-276-0700 Fax: 907-276-3887 Email: resources@akrdc.org Website: www.akrdc.org Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104195 Page 1 of 1 ,t About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help d' wcg t Das�,`Nord? �� Protecting consumer interests Prom i r ecorolnic development. IV Cart _ Cart ■,SQ•.na.�eedt•^r.Y Home » Search ReSLIItS TR1104184 •., TR1104185 n TR1104189 n TR1104195 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Thomas Mack 'i Ile A'eut Co rpe:<,tlon vrlroIIy 9u pport.. CiR 's energy Ar oject -ire Is!a.nci Wind. Bes oes t he obvious value o` ub -,ilr,g a n, e'I, Toni. an is liv `re by energy e;aurce, our �'ly. nu: slate a"d even our naUcnc+I ener_a, sc- city oepends on deva-.r,� ngll variety of v. e qy spur a We ..,..:ou agc t^....._A to, apmove t ,.. ;re'rlact be,,twefln Chugach Electric e.-d Fire island Wind, l LC. Type Public Comments Date Piled ""/%1; 201i Tracking Nutnber TR11.04195 Piled By -Thomas Mack: Entities Certificate(s) Means Received 'mternet Related Matters TA335-8 ;FIRE SI.AiIiD tVIND Show,..suppornng Documents No files found 70 Vlesz FlghtS, Avz!tt,e Suite 300 An6horace . Ala;k:, 49501...3c69 P.iore (9C.-: a.et222 FEs: (90 0i60 Ilt (93i' 'F '�533 ", oll Prea: il-000; '90-2 �5[. ioah,�d Al 'r,IC6ir: Alaska=? .Vebmas.er: rv�„rc,aaer. rcacr_Taaskc.ynv http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=1326flOe-4d35-4015-al Oc-8... 7/22/2011