HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix 7 - RCA Comments - 2 of 3Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 104189 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ..__...— 1r nan-a= passvarG ► FcrgoL oasivord? RI"otecting concur er interests. Prornotl[1g ecoriornic develournent. View Cart � C1Y4':�f�LNhG C.�n.. ■ G' C+�.:15'? � 3i&�; Home n Search Results :> TR1104184 n TR1104185 n TR1104189 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Elizabeth Roderick Prase s;uppoit t`� revz-s oprn:n" of : ,.dpo't_rtr or: Fire "s'ane, a, aska reeds to get ahe6r- of tm, c;-rve of, devnlop'n _ ternativ_ ::n ai>^S for the future. "- is Is a Ne i-ttic:; hC cut, responsEbil prclect t'ha? deserves you: support. Pike give it fr;e g een ligl Type Public Comments Date Filed 7/2,112011 Tracking Number TR1104189 Filed By Elizabeth oderir_k Entities Certificates) Means Received Internet Belated Matters TA335-8 FIRE "SL,,NC WIND c. ,�.. S_.pPoriiira €�ot:umer-a: No files found 701, We,- Eighih A.: ,.Iue, Suite 300 Andh--,age. Alaska'�'9501^`-o9 :>ncnc: i�107: <<n c222 Fas; �.u:, _ ., µ i cll Prcr: i -800) 390-27£l2 (uaisids Anchorage, mthl, .,ebrnastar: ,vek:�r��ia»rcn�:z?.=skr.a�r✓ http://rea.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails. aspx?id=46c77Of6-6513-4e 17-8718-8... 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 104185 Page 1 of I 0 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help i" Forgot password? Pi,otectlng consumer interests. Promoting econornic development. View Cart Home ), Search Results » TR1 104184 n TRI 104185 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Rod Murdock As a resident of Kodiak I way. thlfled to have cur rlec =D install veil-�d turbwe,. My undess-3nding from tal.Ong with the he board of dire-I:urc is to the wind turbines lowered the production cosl,�; �cr Uie Kodlak EleaAssociation.VVIbat a great Feeling to viic;,,,, chat costs 1,0 our electric costs be <',.abflhy.ed verses the sharp. increase in cosi7S of oP. I strongly urge ti, e -of alterrat ve energy sounces, es;)eclafly -e, ot scurcp- heetIpLinlo, vvind,s:gned -legi Murdock. I also ll-ave impipmeritezj 1))v home a., tier, s v"Cessfuly vM ticutzo wi I Yi ar redl;d:-g lily heating costs by over 50 percent. ?lease the right choice, erd the night ch6ce is alternative enr,)y,W! Type Public Comments Date Filed 7/ "' I / 20-1 1 Tracking Nur;',!)er TRII(14185 Filed By Red Murdock Entities Certificate(s) Means Received 'nterret Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND ',NIND ShC)w Supporting Documents No files found 701. A,,,.;it,e,, Suite 300 AndhDrFC.e, Akiska 9W561-2469 P ho r. o: (9 '� /1 6 - 6 : � ',- Fzix; (90 ') 2 76-0160 1 *1 : (937) 276--33 Toll Free: 'I 800P 390-2?62 'Outr--id,. Andhoraqe, wpi±in Alasko' wei, http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=85 e l2ac7-bf2d-45 f6-a3 ea-9c... 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104184 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan'e, p855vord R Forgot ;)&S'i ord? Protecting consumer interests- Pronnotmq economic development. ■ 5enr" Fa_�dhark ► r?EiE.34s?:f:�' Home , Search Results i TRI104184 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Mary Ellen Stewart Dear Peq.lory Commission it AIaSka, I simply with to express b you ..hat I am very Favorable tcw&.rds the construction of ti-.e sire Island Wind Frc,ecc. peased t°nat Chuaatch Hccuric :s being ra, ig deal and pos,tiva tc..ard alternative energy souru-,a that gall be cost e�fectve ever Cime and, o` course, constantly ieneviable. Please :-I forward with this CI i PromaU. Sincerely, P1ary Ellen Stewart Type Public Comments Date Filed /21i2011 Tracking Plumber 7RII("418-1 Filed By Mary Ellen Stewart Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND WAND Show Suppor dng Documents No files found 7,01. ,es Eighth Avenue, Suite 3C4, .nchorace, Alaska 99501 Phone (9ti'1 2 s-6� 22 Fax: '907) 16—_:60 1.1.Y. (4- 276- Ibll Frc:e: (1`600i fnJ--2 rE% (outsid: Archu: uge, within :?iaska; ':Vtl.:rna ,tee: wet;ma�te�.rc ar�aiaska.yr:v http://rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilings/Filit-gDetails.aspx?id=a3 d3 ae80-3 a48-420c-9f3 3-fB... 7/22/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104170 Page 1 of 1 ;kM$ About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help mate pe :<,•:orf Y�aNs lYew Vtsanue Fur Confit RCA Pmgrsstres rovE8iun04 attloai2CA Fareisumers 4v,�lslsme� LY@raN gndtlltlik9¢� Cunit6ceUan ... Home n Search Results TR1104123 n TR1104135 n TRI104158 �, TR1104161 n TR1104170 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Zachary Neubauer Hello, t . rarne is Zacharyd -. baue -.^I ; am currentfy a sophomore i' Iglt School. r -aoul i I : e to stro;-.Cly .:;rge IRCA to -omoleitc t`ese Povrsr wurchasin; - ,ir:,_r enu .sl , .en.ing a Sustainable Energy infra s5r.-,tl.,e L, one of the .r.,,_t . r 00t LEt iSSUeS that ;,} yFn _retton'Mill face, 13y taking a iqa. in these issues today, the pressure to scl,2 these problems are aiievotr_d Mi the future. Type PLIOC Comments Date Filed Tracking Number TR1IO,II Filed By Zacnary Neubauer Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISL.AN47 W.iND .,... rf?po-Ong Docurnents No files found 70i. ylese Eighlb iwertua; Stlite .300 Anchorage, Alaska 49501, •3464 ...ry , - 2 ru_r,e. (SG"'1 <, n-n«.2 Eax; ;90? '. 7:`---�.ii60 rrY: (907) �/.4-4SJ_ Toll free: (I,SOL) 33, 2Z82 !cutslHc Andiw ace, withlc Al.isk;!i' vVII.Imaster: tvetrt�ar.U'-r. rcarAr,!asl:a.2?#tr http://rca. alaska. gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails. a.spx?id=ecb7ace9-3 9 ff-4e94-9910-bd... 7/21 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104161 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan;e i,asslucr� ► Forgot password? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic uevelopmem. t i. ^it - ■ S�rls-r,�r'.nar3c st�&I „AwCart Home , Search Results » TR1104123 :a TR1104135 n TR1104158 n TR1104161 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Alex Slivka i am t o :ciyfavor of the RCA an 1: ins; t I; Prmflr ?urrt ase Aareement. We -.,list take tM< i^teal, and ong c,%en;fue, step toward rs,abli ring alt- ndt ve e nergvice, in Alaska. , along qe ,he -oi v oI Inc; .i e hould ail to as aliternat.ves to .ltual gas. Ihes! al..e :.aUv..s mAv be more c=.xJ sive. toda, L)ut tat e thel.,o I'.;, J.:E.. Ale need, to t,.i,u a, 118., .. 20% alt.. nati e oa,e loac t pre,.-e for the uncertain `a ura of o.:r cu'ur.,l .,,as sc-o•,i^;. Vflt ;oUL t i9 we=o••Yn..e to run the isk tha: ar e. a It < to what ha; pe..e; ;n 3uneau {in ou- case a intul ai ga., (fis,,.ahon) ccuic have a _at strophic impact r it. happened in t'e c-ol o` winter. Please ap;,rove. Thank you Type Public comments Rate Fled 7i 20t2o i:i. Tracking Number TRI10,1161 Filed By Alex Slivks Entities Certificate(s) Means Received lhtemet Related Matters TA335-8 :'IRE ISLAND wiND 5i?or; SOpporting �ocum*nt No files found 701.Wr=stjighth Suite.'30,* Andiorace, Alaska 9977-Cl 3,69 lhse: i901" 270-6222 Fax: 90':.?7, 0-60 "11 Y: i ''il 276-4533 `,A i'rea: �1-800) 39U-2 S2 ;outside .n.n6orage, within. Aask.;;. wei5nla SYe-: iA,.eb�na:Ce.r.rcr�z�_aska:;lr:e http://rca.alaska. gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails. aspx?id=c6cbe 17c-eec6-4093-9e 12-c... 7/21 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 104158 Page I of I In S About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help .............. li. F., g.ot password? Protecting consumer interests. Prornoting econnomic development. View Cart F;m em ffin � � SO Home , Search ReSLItS ) TRI 104123 )) TRI 104135 , TRI 104158 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Paula Williams Mary years age -1hugach Fectrjc scrIt ojtp,,straj,,1js its nnembers asKing v,,hedial we would be to pa',/ nnote for mrd ' enth us4as Lice!, y resporided yes and sent the pos"Card bacK inI am hearten to see 4what we are stil! with ItIs project. I Is cssentiFl tVat vu- (!versify out energy sources in the. "ork inict region. Natural gas is not an unlirnn.z�d resox-ce =Ild we Should rctidy on it -"Lirely fO eur electlrrdty generation cr pur 1;eaung. Please approve this project. I psonalzy vroWd be rc.•.PQV- to Pey h1Q'e' UI) fiani: cos" of Oectl`ctv because f believe it v,111 be fet.> expensive :n tht; ljng imm. �- vvould like '-D avoid —ootjnC LNG a# Al possible a!id thms IC �. small step t,G accomplishing this goal, Type PublcC Comments Date Filed 7i 2,01201 Y. Tracking Number TRI.104ISS Filed By Pd ujWilliams Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters 7A335-8 FIRF ISLAND V,'KND S11ow uoporting Do-owments No files found 701. West Eml0 Avelle, Suite "4) 0 An, hnrF.ge, Alaska. 99501 "N' 60 Pm" (-C: F90 /6-6222 Fax; f �i 0 76 - 0 i 6 0 1 IY; (90�) 276-45-13 roll r*--,; (I 800e, 393-2i82 (Q,.It5KJ,- Anchorage, 01:1,1r, A'.asg,'. ,Venm,ster! http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetalls.aspx?id=59765855-lc27-4658-9bfd-9... 7/21/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 104135 Page 1 of I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help Fcrgot pass,,vord? Protecting consumer interests, Promoting econornic develowmen'. View Cart A Horne -1 Search ReSLOS i) TR1104123 o TRI104135 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Eden Larson Please accept Ihs r-jblic in SUPPiDIt Ox' the POWZr purcl.ase agremeent between Chugach EleZlc and the Ere Wind rioject. 1' is in-perziOve that uv state and cu, c—niniuriltv bpgicr to transfl-r rc'.e'wable energy iintc tre focwcr find and this pr-ect is cir, Mipo "* nt -t SLOp in tht procerr, Type Public '-cminiNnts Date Filed "'.!'-"o/20'1 Tracking Number TRI104135 Filed By Eden Larson Entities Certificate(s) Means Received intemet Related Matters TA3735-8 SIRE ISLAND W.NP Shovv Supporting Da-,W'rnpnt No files found 701, West 09t,11 Site 39J AlwhoMGe; Alaska Pno,le: (907; 276-6222 fax: t' 90 Q�. b 0 f � Y; ( 9 1) 7) 6 5'-'3 c1l (I -80J) '90-2 ZZ2 (01,0id-- 11 11010i age; wrskesj Vvleunaster: http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?ld=d4859e7e-8eel-4d8O-bbae-d... 7/21/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 104123 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help L 17-3, name ori F, ­0 ,1 I. Fcrgor Password? dMff� P, otecting consurner inteirests. Promoting economic development. View cart MERS OF MR FOR I. Home Search ReSUItS,I., TR1104123 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Tom Marsik IdIkeNexrlescsuppor' for the Fire 1dand �Anolrcject. Ao sustainabicjercv or0f2sso- at the Un vr.IsIty of !—.8sa Fairbanks B.-Istoi Bay Cannons, I have a good it sight this nial-Le. I know, it ise cor-.zo.ex issue and the ans,,,er I,; riot cbvi�us, espectally ccnIidering shoi ;-term dra,,,,Lacks, sscji as the Initially ighei cost 0"he wincG-ge:. .. d ele, However, a plojeu like Fire island Wind has heneflzs. As the Ar-horace area is ruonir,g outo. naturaa. ,,,as s -�crrs tent. ,,d It I!; not lust that the cos, of natral gas liz almost certain to go up, while, the costhe v�jj d-ge4erated elo�t,ici-yvjflstay — -1 . - encc with U- n 'ol o-terni o .fgy secunty, it al_ c­,�rve a, a :,od,.l and t! �,cal III,. exoe.i -no sy!;Le­ will be berlpflc;a; 'u'ure Drojects of tne magnilwde across Aeska. It; im.no-Lar'L for thelcrig- r, s ainable ecoriorny ta be gainw.g experience with 'enewable epf,,rgy rlw, ;ji oppo:>ed to be, waitd.ng f-'r fossil f':Cls to ge-, more expensive and then be -onsumpt, " ssil fur, - - - e -�sue. Arlo, reduchiC he, oil o -Is Is not j st a mat' a� ;ul pi:sccl by h cs costs vjhils. not 7 avtng the expert se to O-eal vilh th of Qeali-r With esource epistion; is is also a matter of dealing lliqtli the ssu-s caused by the use OF VOSSIE fi,-e.s. Also, n is important to inEnt_[OF idi'Mat the FIFO S:and .qhrd P,,ojiict is well in , nent Alaska, objective o.- rer:ewaDle P-L',clincity ay 2025 and national o1bje,^fn,,e, of r01z,, -,I(.,.an source electr.-Idty by l035. Type Public Comments Date Filed 7i 19/2011 Tracking Number TRI104123 Filed By Tom Marsik Entities Certificate(s) Means Received inrc-xnet Related Matteis TA335-8 FTRF 1SLAND 'V7J`ND sl-.ow 5,1.ropor-tna Docinnanis No files found We,,. Eighth Awl'wl, Suite 3o.') 0 /, 2 " 6 - 6 2 2 2 Fax: I : 0 3 - o rl I [Y: (9J7) 27i&4533 Toil F,,-.,: (1-8001 390 27,91- ;outside Ao,-hil,atje, vothm Acasl e.) http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilino,0sIFilingDetails.aspx?id=e4Oa8OOe-772b-40ff-955c-d2... 7/21/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 104086 Page I of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name: pas--d k Forgot Dasword? Protecting consumer inteirests. Pron-,otmig economic development. Vievv Cart —IM � Home ), Search Results - TR1 104086 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Marissa Flannery sipporl, the Fite Lsland Wd P:-Qjp.^t. it j, Impornnt for our c I'm g'ad that CIP� ue j,e �,nctgy zl,� .I �pment aric h-j, 'tic lee., in suuh efforts. I wo,,;ld :gladly pay ' cre for clean eneruy. Type Putl (c Comments Date Filed 7/191/2021 Tracking Number IRI104AI6 Filed By Mansza Flanrsery Entities Certificate(s) Means Received lnternet Related Matters TA335-8 FiR`� No files found 701. N._sL F4ighLb Ave;we., Suite 30o Aixlelwcce, Alaska 99S01. 3469- Onc: (907" 2;16-622Fax: NOVI, 2 (937) -/G-4533 "Oli F,—: (I 80U) 390 27U iautsidc a.rchor egu, witbir, Naska) http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?ld=207fl892-3dlf-4331-84a8-f9... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 104084 Page I of I About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help - - - - - - ---- - ------ --- r, ?, F, s or d Proteaing consumer inWrests, Promoting economic development. Vicw Cart I�Wlmlffimfm_ Search Results , TRl 104084 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Tara Sweeney A- tic S'one Remind at on S- pr or' t e effoi is cf CIRI oil the Fire nrcject. W� a pp a A he wves',rn,,nt _Iy f, I R I in A,Ia--k a a, nd' c - , — : -1 ,� i- s inhr��.-rul-uj.re. Inves.rTients such as tNS SLIDPIV CaPital to NaSkd'S CUMOru-,., a,G c-e,,,te job, We urge "he Regulatcry o Alaska to piornptiy approvc: soij3r p.,icbase acreementoe. cen Fire Isla,dVVind, L,- and ChUgach Elect,x Au5i)ciaAicn, Type Public comments Date Filed 7/19/2011- 1 Tracking Number TRI 104024 Filed By I ana Sw e e n e y Entities Certificate(s) Means Received lr,Aermt Related Matters TA335-8 IRE ISLAND W.T.ND Sho", S.Ipponlng Docurner;ls No files found EmN'l, Ave;'oe, `finite 300 Alnc.iorwe, Alaska: Fax: rr `o-laste, http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/Filing'Details.aspx?id=25877068-e486-4649-af68-6... 7/19/2011 TA335-8 RECEIVED�oniul18, 2011By the Regulatmission of Alaska rJ ALASKA CENTER for the ENVIRONMENT 807 G Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 907-274-3667 Kaarle@akcenter.org ww-w.akcente.r.or1<<: July 1, 2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska 701 West Eighth Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3469 Kaarle Strailey Energy Coordinator Alaska Center for the Environment 807 G St, Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99501 Matter TA335-8 Fire Island Wind Dear Commissioners, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Chugach Electric Association's Power Purchase Agreement with Fire Island Wind, LLC. I am writing on behalf of Alaska Center for the Environment (ACE), a non-profit environmental education and advocacy organization, whose mission is to enhance Alaskans' quality of life by protecting wild places, fostering sustainable communities and promoting recreational opportunities. ACE advocates on behalf of more than 6,000 Alaskan members. ACE would like to express strong support for the Commission's approval of the Chugach/Fire Island Wind special contract. While the negotiated price of Fire Island energy is higher than what Chugach pays for its normal gas generation today, the long term upward trend in the price of gas is clear and substantial savings to Chugach Electric Association and their ratepayers are expected over the duration of the contract term with Fire Island Wind. The negotiation process between Chugach Electric and Fire Island Wind was long and deliberate, spanning many months. We trust that the optimal compromise was achieved to protect the long term interests of Chugach rate payers while affording economic viability to the Fire Island Wind project, and that this is reflected in the contract now before you. The stably priced wind energy from the Fire Island Wind Project can become available at a critical time as gas deliverability shortfalls loom in the near future. These predicted shortfalls leave ratepayers vulnerable to rolling black outs during the coldest, darkest parts of winter. The only mitigation to these shortfalls that is being seriously investigated is importation of LNG. However, at this time there is no certainty regarding the source of the LNG, how it will be delivered, where it will be stored or how much it will cost. Assessing the global market, it stands to reason this will be an expensive fix. Gas that might be available from new development in Southcentral Alaska or via a gasline from the North Slope will be years away; neither of these longer term gas sources will deliver at a price as low as is enjoyed today. Approving the Fire Island Wind contract is also important for the reason that it will help bring the state of Alaska closer to our goal of 50% renewable electricity by 2025. Fire Island Wind is a solid first step toward a more diverse and sustainable electrical supply. While this contract is relatively small by itself, the success of the Fire Island project will send an encouraging signal to renewable energy companies that are interested in working in Alaska, companies that can develop the renewable sources that can provide stably priced, clean energy for Alaska years and generations into our future. For these reasons ACE encourages the Commission to approve the special contract between Chugach Electric Association and Fire Island Wind, LLC. Thank you again for this opportunity to comment. Sincerely, Kaarle Strailey Energy Coordinator Alaska Center for the Environment Regulatory Commission of Alaska - riling: TRI 104057 Page I of I M About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ,)ot: passvvcrj? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic develoPrrent. View Cart JIM IM Opm 9Mff� I ............ . . Search Results -, TRI 104057 ...... . Public Comment for TA335-8 by Deirdre Cronin am I - D - 1 -1 L -uf s�1r.,par­,FR'1'.A approving tne Fire Island vnd protect co wih Ch gal.1 F.ectr:c, As an t &,p , tc,.­;:er; i also vnf` nny mr. !Olttv would be involve' 'n this VVe need alternative energy rase. r:es_.C`s geL gci"19. Type Public Cornrner!M Date Filed 7/181/2011 Tracking Number ) R11040,57 Filed By Dercre Cronin Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE No files found 701. West F.kilid! AvKlue, GU)M:3100 And1;',,rFoe_ Alaska 99!iC1 3-69 -6�22 Fax: (907) Tjil F (1-800) outsiO Anchor,,ce, vothil' A',5l,l:' http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=d5509c33-Ole4-4187-9895-3... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 104058 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help ► �cryot pdssurcrd' P,otecti g consumer Interests. Promoting economic develoP 'fen . - . Vl v Cart _.. - ti l aca Nohrs F r Search Results TR11040,57 » TR1104058 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Daniel Young ;r c you to support tfln do alp '.e.it f wind rc w er g .=radon on Fir. Island, 7i . pw. � 's me t' Al i&inipertan' rescr-c a d, if r,ai s_e pi,r p, .._r7 .rill hell �:3b i ._ Car energy c qs a i decre-sa our depe fer _e o c Cr. r dli,ig s pply c` n tore: r3s. Type F°ubkc. Comments Date Filed 7j18/2011 Tracking Number TRi1040`a Filed By D�niel "o,_rrg Entities Certificate(s) Means Received lnternet Related Matters TA335-8 F-PE TSLAND WIND _..�,. �::pporEiny Do t,rnerrts No files found 701 .rest Eighth :. _roue, Sate 700 Ar,Churs;,e.'-95('1. -fib9 t-,or:c: (' 0,1. �76 62,22 r_.F. (90.) _. r, .,15p T fv; k'1+3'7) 27 153" T Gil 1'rte: l-Ci21) �'^a-'L J`u&Z iVJ CSI+l�,P,,1:�;IGi':3g�; :111:1:!lli.:�lcS(,il vv,�rnasier; �"ei:r:,<,dCf�rcriC�at2Skd:gr.r http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=f32f7 l 79-796d-4dc9-b 139-6... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104008 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name , ass.-e�rd Y . =got pd�swc�cr_ Pate=sting consurner interests. Promoting eeoroinie develoomem. VIGV. {.isrt Search Results :, TR1104057 , TR1104058 » TR1104008 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Hugh Brown III t .e Fr- Inland \'gird Pm-jr,:a. It prtiwdrs so -a ;Ic. a r ._:-'irrnmentai b,,nef!a> to. Alaska. Type Public Ccnmenrs Date Filed 7/18/201s. Tracking Number TR.11040�18 Rued By Hl or; Es;oa;n Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Into net Related Matters TA335-8 FIR: 'SLANG, V,IND ; raw Sup!.,or[ing Do umerts No files found 70 i. Yi(:S? H!gh'h vznae; S;aiYe 300 Anc'..ior.-;ce.; A.Iaska 49!ii;1=;d:iS Phc:ne: l807) 27&Y6222 Fax: ", 07) 2!6 Oi. tiO .I ly; Ufa �'i,'. 276-4533 to31 Prsr. (i -8GG' 320-2762 {ouc7ide A;,ei�o!aye, witF:ir! ,n.�ska` .,. 1;master..rebc,<sCe....a http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=bbf8a2ab-5472-4da3-bf7f-00... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104007 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help M Fcr9ol paSS`.*iC'd Q Protesting consumer interests Promoting econornie develei�me 1 Vle F _ trd Cart Ism■ 5F,�n �2edt3�Jc 1 RnlFafiv NOErv� IWO Search Results :. TR1104057 , TR1104058 , TR1104008 ,. TR1104007 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jennifer Eubank "ibis l_ .. fa�ta9tir ;pnrrt��ity tor_ .=c-rage Co t;c on EI �a c t:ng edyE of ra,ponsltl , nd cl_� one OY pi ht=�t t7on �c, a mam- Ala ka;l r y. Thi? turbines at Fire Island need to De inst +: ied anu usGG. Type Fublic. Comment, Date Filed 'iji&'2011 Tracking Number TRi1040167 Filed By 7ennifer Eubank Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet. Related Matters TA335-8 ='-IRE ISLAND iViNC No files found i01. Vd(: r fi.inh ip AN.,...1e Suite 30t) AnCGIO F . Alaska 0l.60 17,"+: ("G') 276-4"s33 :oil Anclu aci.'itl;In ;. k;ll nVel;master: wehmascer. n::a�-�ask<..,a::�-: http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFi lingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=237e3 543-25aa-448f-a626-4... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 104005 Page 1 of I a About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help F � -__ no oa' swrd Protecting consumer interests, Prorrli economic developmen'. Vie,,-,, Cart 1/teq`g, NBiY RCA For ForANKRCA =wr2 ETIT—Mmm wrmrom mwibrarg snwmm 1romwe0g M. �P.rhAnk Search Results , TR1104057 u TR1104058 , TR1104008 „ TRI104007 „ TR1104005 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jack Keane Strong surpOiLrol Fire, Island Aline nrojeCt_ 11�-o rdn-,- - , i to this pro get but as 3 long t:mie :esesint I hall this as am vestme;tt in the ru,ure. While it is a s,'rall per[cerlage ofbur electrical cons,--natijn it, a, leas-, begins to divor:,ify o-r generation '--crn bur.-.g rehi,al gas n. the at.".—phere. A-o, ,,irn every Jong trip tecpnni-g V-dvi 3 single Grel), this project cove�s the costly caying of the -iansnnissjon line and nave, us a practical pilot projet. Assunw.g no wol ks well, as would q�.ern ihfs case vilti, the ins, ]led rapacity, ;-:: the I. 48, I'd think IL would be, erfl�raea 'n the futi,rt, -, or a,3, w[-C Deccw.es 251v, cr mei . of electrical generation is add. -ion to relaying the dFy vie run short r,;, ING tIF all safely k hilet, projects flop - wihi^h seems wl4elv) and have to pay B!, Tt;�!c for a $10 LIW,on bid et lino" it neconnes so -.-ething e as of a jalv track to if NG dElive.- runs shcrt some lblusteiv January. of nc NC.. ... fro- sho -1or eartlic', a e havino SOhlE e,cctr7;cal Dcwe.r for eme,'gFricy lighting etc is a lot getter than nothing. -a*er on, It rope other wind farms o-j a different wind sysl-Cln, the Val:,Y1 ctller cook iir.et? vioula becorre. bracocal v4tth one it the rftrer was becalmed. .'nn 'ine wit.. craying. a -C.nniro for knowing w- are, finally eniDroclng lba future. Jack K,� eae 1- L Type Public Ccrnnnent<; Date Filed 7;18/2011 Tracking Number TRI104005 Filed By )a-,k Keane Entities cel tificate(s) Means Received Internet ROated Matters -1 A335-8 FRE ISLAND W,ND .—;Ow Supporting Documents No files found -101 Wrrsz Emhilt Suite 300 Aqdli--mge.. Alaska Phof C: (90.7) 216-6;22 Fax; 1-9O1,i -rly: -1,907) i: 76-453 011 Rc,e; (.t-800) 39i-ru'2 (o.Wd,,%Ancnwiqe,;within: Ala>ka) Wej.:rxaster. qvv http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?-Id=b44cec9l-71de-425d-9213-d... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104003 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help uo ne passwcra h Poipct pas-rwcrd? Protecting consumer interests. Prorl?oting economic cevelopn n.et. Vlc't^r Cart 1 Seas ""ra:341ark ► Rn?ease A;:�ie� Search Results.. TR11 W057 » TR1104058 » TR1104008 ;, TR1104007 , TR110400, » TR1104004 s TRI104003 Public Comment for TA335-8 by James E. Torgerson t �?{ c R approve lie FJ4aer a cha e -'gr ern t aat v C d 'i 1 upp rtd(ciifY 8 to not in et re c - e, oy por. fohn sp • l j + h re i I . ene 3Dle I N Oe that ,J oni . the RCA c ui K y ar prov t e 'in a PP '�u l t r tFe a ilki ' - p,du :y --: ne, .inch is FIl 4c� will fellcw Ch��gact� 5 eacttind al,o4.,sv pu:tie. prn_t,�ing .r - r p,,4„= i:.,m tl:. irr' _ :anr. i.+n�i pro)eu:. Thanks, ;irn Torgerson Type Public Cbrnrnentj Date Filed 7/tS)201I Tracking Number 'rR11C400 Riled By Kamer E. I0rger<,0n Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TAS35-8 FIR-1 I.SLAND k'JPNC' -, -:) . pporting i7a;:umer,ts No files found TA.. Vtest tiighth A,vriva, SultB 300, Anclrcrace, Alaska 4; St71. =b'; Shore: 6-6222 Fnz:...:i% 27•5-:!-60 iiY: (907 "Yy-•i533 i ou=icnGil @ree: 1-800) 34J181 a<aaekr? N:aC:r.:aste;r. wehrrasCer rra�Tal2 ;ka.ianv http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=bfl5d7ac-7a29-4189-9cl6-8£.. 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1104002 Page 1 of 1 0 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ► ^ rgot pass,,^icrd? Protecting code>umter rterests. renloti<; eranorT is evcicp :;en- IMOM..., <. �' ,. a $t1d Fcedl��c� ► Fta! asa P.ani Search Results � TR1104057 , TR1104058 >: TR1104008 •^ TRI104007 n TR1104005 n TRI104004 ,, TRI104003 rt TRI104002 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Richard VanderHoek "ih< ra;+arl* needs fixed rate electrical po Hct not tier to national and - -emitianal ga. prices aid s.,ppl Wr d;il; re. .°aserva., ...Gc.aLle oleo. r!.it r, k;.tt It : no to u_ ,c ;o:,t I e mechanisms to ,:ace to r evil- dirs. Becausa or these i`acto r s, I urge you o I oprove the PO rurcha:e y e e. elk betvveeu hugach E_-:.tt.. As;scaatq : an>u ie _s:a -.c Wind L C Type Public Comments Date Filed 7/ 201 i Tracking Number TRI10400i2 Filed By Pilherd VanderHoek Entities certificate(s) Means -Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 PRE ISL,"ND 4uIND Shn,:v S ppor`i.ng Documents No files found ,'(,,I dies* Eighth :noire 300 Anchorage, Alaska f?95tii 3d6' f 2'-0 L•2l2 FaX:'k90 .. _:.d6 11T ;"V 76 -`S33 Toll Frei•:'¢:t-8�� _9JF2"i82 iout>idr Anchorage, ..dLir ;;Peska_ „'2C:O`t?,ter W2Gma!'2'. rCd(>d'.?Sk2. U=:Y http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=Occe3675-668a-4 t 2b-9f3 c-1... 7/19/2011 TA335-8 From: ashler eds�)"wiet To: Mail RCA (RCA soa-n5oredi Subject: TA 335 - 8 Public Comments Date: Friday, July 15, 2011 6:32:15 PM Comments below: Regulatory Commission of Alaska: RECEIVED By the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on Jul 18, 2011 I am writing in support of the wind power purchase agreement between Chugach Electric and Cook Inlet Region Inc. (CIRI) and urge the commission's approval. In my estimation, the RCA should take a leadership role in promoting and supporting the use of sustainable and renewable energy sources. While the immediate costs of the wind generated energy of this project may be slightly higher today, the long term benefits and costs are likely to be in the consumer's interest. Renewable and sustainable energy sources is the future. It's time that Alaska move positively in that direction. The legislature has endorsed this direction by their actions. Public opinion pills clearly show that Alaskans are interested in and supportive of renewable energy such as wind power. Please join the recognition that renewables are our future and approve the Chugach/CIRI power purchase agreement. Thank you for you consideration. Respectfully, Ashley Reed 813 D Street #200 Anchorage, AK 99501 Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103993 Page I of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help 0, PI-otecting consumer intefests. Promoting econorni-, I-evelopment. View Cart4a ,Y'xa, Search Results . TR1 103993 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Karin Lanclsberg r �ff --w� proitc-I dpoend on ti,rely �3pPtival bv 'A, We Wgo. you to q-.,ckly process the Fire 1S, -0 -evislon TA32.�-[�. Fcdin�i ai funds for J pro�.ec' to add renew--,bie t 'e-jinnJ(delay. nee, o the : 's elecU -ity Profile Ple�;S� act W thcu� Type Public Conlrl,ents Date Filed ,,/ 1 51/ 2 011 Tracking Number TR-1103993 Filed By Kann Landisberg Entities Certificate(s) Means Received net Related Matters TA335-8 WiNID -'z-1, — � �v,- St ppoNmg Do.-urn-rits No files found Oc"), 1,16-1,60 1 1 f; (9,J 7) 2 7 -,l 5 3 3, http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetalls.aspx?id=bcOb8229-ef32-476c-b124-d... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 103988 Page 1 of 1 im About the RCA Contact Us Site IV12P Help 0,- F0 'got Dasc%"card? P,'oteuing consumer interests, Promoting ecanornic development. View Carl: dim j, gond Search Results . TRI 103993 - TR1 103988 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jahna Lindemuth This qgrcement appoars tc be Fwnp`n f.r a[ 'solved. it is �u ta,.t for ails comma :[,p to s At nal- ,Io ponder ic, veanto ROmr, and th's Drcjecl 'oenelit, (IKI a:":, its shareNllde s - ,nerrnbers of Uis corn murul y, not scmP la.rge tur r.'Dration from outside Alaska. I ,,jho e- suloo-t this project. Type PuNic ( - crrunents Date Filed 7/15K,-. 1 Tracking Number 'rRl,ff3988 Filed By )ahna Entities, certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND VVIND No files found 701l Vv,!s- SUjk'. 301 Andhc,ag.e, mash 995O7. ..lone: (90 2, 6 ,222 F a v 90 6 - 01 6 0 'i I Y: '9� �', 27C-1533 'oll Free: (1-800):4901 2/ss, Anchorage, lithir Allaska) wfz!r.,.Ia=teei http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=046472ft-la24-4e7e-bd62-7... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 103977 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name ► ergot pagjoword? ■l 11 p ecting) consumer interestPron t r`,^s, economic developme"t. ln �1_ `....: :. ■ SPs,r cC�E,`�.7 rk Y R Pnse. A3ntrc_ Search Results :, TR1103993 >, TR1103988 » TR1103987 a TR1103977 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Thomas Miller As a ',..1g :"-r ccns;,..:or of elo lira! nowef' .r Anmolage, I supPert Lhe ,.co. tease of el<ctridty tram wind oerh routs on , Iry c and. i am lux1 t:, a addicc..�:. r,sts h o. de, to build caoac ty'-r eneoiable and non u_l'uLing energy so.:rces i me .. _ o'age area. Type Public Comments Date Filed ,11.5,12011 Tracking Number TR7.1n3W/ Filed By 'Thorna3 Kier Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet. Related Matters TA335-8 EME _..t. ,: �.ppor.inra C}orlmeriLs No files found 70'. Ztu.�y,C ii.ightll "we':lue, ` uit2 3:10 Arch,,€y:e: A.Ia: ka 0,9501.3 1" Phcrxer "?07;. ZYG t222 ('ax: ?A0 ',. "'...-J.itiO iTy; t90;i 275-.i53 Milli:r4e:-1-800i 3. ., 7/ (JJtSid: AnclJ's9e, av21.'.l;1LS'P,+: :IC;b�ila'.:.'•CC<ii<r'rll3iK<: AF-.V http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=1394c9Ob-968d-47bO-9947-£.. 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 103979 Page 1 of 1 0 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name password; 1• For, 3ot pwrcrd? Protecting consumer interest:. Promoting ecollonk development. _a_ _ — rQ r View Cart Search Results » TR1103993 . TR1103988 - TR1103987 >, TR1103977 „ TR1103979 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Eric Hansen AS a r. e.i- jr .divate troy^- thn Uulvra; ty of Aia,sva S first R., ��Hauia Fn:•rsY p'cy ram at Ka, -Su Coi.^ge, _ .�avy,<��c��te.0 r-ter c..t ;r serir=: Fire i> a-d VVlnd uurtt. Fire gland can be a. job c'eaLcr for ; f,y5elr and ct s in Anchorage ,tho have ;he ec-c'aOon and Uacks o3, d ,lu.ts io ope,a(e and naimain tnesc wind aubines. It is my chean, .o be ah'e r, deu cate M career to .h,, cf -energy pr.du,_t:or in Alaska and areur.r the world. FOSSP f e s are uitir a,ey S 1-Im,e resou-ce V.x:3r-= blromfng increas ngiv n,,orc expensive and ;,arse each year. ire is=and v5nd is at Step in the ru.,tsurplying Our ener cy necd, i5 Please suppert this xc3 ._._ �-rd give ;oh opportitnt to Alaskans ,,4h ,vow, benefit fro.^, the Teat:-,-, of -his l ro ect. Type Public Comments Date Filed 7115l201. Tracking Number TR1103979 Filed By Eric Nar:sen Entities Certificate(s) Means Received irternet Related Matters TA335-8 FiRE ISLAND VgIN i c— ow Supp,rting Documents No Piles found 701. WllsT Hghl,h A.errue, Suite Anchomoe.. Aia.>ka. 9501::ac, Pirnre: i90 ;71 2,'6-6;12 Fax: !901` 2.c-Oleo 1 Y; i` . 1.75--1553-1 :bll Free: `1-800! 390-2782 iautsida Anchorage, `,vltlUr.....sk ) wteY.rrraste.r. ,v�:",anasrer. rr a,a?Icske�.t�V http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=cf95ab99-d3bd-48d7-8bcb-7... 7/19/2011 8120 Rabbit Creek Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 15 July 2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska 701 W 81h Ave., #300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Ref: TA335-8 Dear Regulatory Commission: RECEIVED on Jul 15, 2011 By the Regulatory Commission of Alaska I was contacted by my state Senator, Cathy Geisel to ask me to contact your commission if I had any concerns about the proposed Fire Island wind project. I certainly do have concerns. I feel that Alaska is at least 30 years behind the rest of the world with alternate energy projects, and I urge the commission to approve this project. I refer primarily to Iceland, NZ, Australia and Canada. All of these countries have had solar, wind or thermal projects in place for over thirty years. I realize there is a huge lobby by the oil corporations in Alaska to oppose any projects that are not putting profits into their CEO's pockets, so I urge you to negotiate a workable price and get started by supporting this project. Last month (June 2011) I did a two week's camping trip to Yellowknife. I was impressed to discover that the shower building in Yellowknife has solar panels and energy efficient showers with a push button control that activated for a minute and could be activated continually when needed. Yellowknife is at latitude 62 degrees north (only one degree further north than Anchorage.) Please give a ""thumbs up" to this project on Fire Island. Yours sincerely, Barbara Winkley (907)345-1954 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103964 Page 1 of 1 04 " 4 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help F=c;ryi�t a5�+•i;;rd P o€ aling consumer interests Pron[oting eco- oinic development, i art Search Results ., TR1103993 TR1103988 . TR1103987 , TR1103977 , TR1103979 -, TR1103964 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Richard Kenshalo r-leasr. suppo!t N:,-.y no.aer Energy cr ei.,i itaton .-I[ he- even more _ Jn-ta„t in :he future and iene ,abl sourcF� vi1: be ar o.r„'t part f the Type Public: Cornments Lute Filed 71I41/2011 Tracking Number 1P,11C3964 Filed By Ri<:harG i:e =,>f`8i0 Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FTPfE ISLAND, 'VN'DID Show Supporfina DoCurrl@fits No files found , I .mast t".t, h!1, Ax.elue, Suite.ttlp fncftar :ce. Alaska .9501.3469 Phone:'(9,") e'.6-6 �22 FaX: 2/6-01b) ( 1. : (9.3I) ni1C ,537, Toll line: (I 800j .390-2i82 (uutsid! Anchorage, nidtir, A?a;ka) .,.�arneste-:ly?2;maste.; xcai_Ta",=si:a. u;v http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=Sdc7O69b-b 1 e7-4c5 d-9a92-0... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103920 Page 1 of 1 v-, About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help F- - _ _> =_ nano: nass�•:crd Y forgot passrr:rd? Prote ing consumer Interests, Pr4Ri tl ''g ec'onornIIc develG'p rent. V i i.�,t Cart. 4 SP.nf: FR T[{i'].'if:€[ ■ iyi PFf/.i ;'�e'L nCf1s Search Results . TR1103920 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Carly Wier I urge YOU to approve the dower pur c�aam agreer ert that enable, 11;re is and 174ind Project to trrame a reality i. d ?r ny i. stab'y priced and I belie r.ili Save consumers like me money, in the long tee It -is time to Icek to the future and ack-ow _u;ge that fosElf fuels are both lu ntte'd and un<ca. y priced. Type Public CommnntS Date Filed/SAJ2G^.z Tracking !Number TP,1101920 Filed By Ca'yts?�� Entities certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND 4,HND ;_....0 pponing T7,actrrr;ents No files found 7J:. N%e.,[ tr79h h Av,nue, `3u1te 30tt ndhurage, Alaska 4_iitil -,469 4�hone: (90' 6,-4222 F+x•. `90?' ..8-0160 .(_(.Y: (987) 76-1�3- (uJtsidee Ancnora¢ , ,,thm AX3kaQ W_'hrn-t(',^: 'vHel11'InStP:'. Pr,jl:aj2 v(:d.q Ct, http://rca. alaska.govIRCAW eb/FilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=5141595 e-a8a4-44c5-b 181-7... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103914 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help - —r nary : pesziuorC Y ^ergot uassvicrd? P,otecting consunnerfnterests. Promoting economic develcprnent. View Coi,-L >r ..,... ,.. ::. - . ..... r►Sen�•�eesihs3dc L3fi^'S.�S�iA Search Results., TR1103920 » TR1103914 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Colleen Bolling Pease aoniove the. Fiie IMand Ain! uav:e.Purchase ac,e,emnt ns soon as pos iiNe" 1.6 ;n.elect is very i ...c .?�i to save .And^cage usars money ever ,he contract period), to Y- e pollu,-on disd CO2 e rri>s;on_, and to reduce OWahance or fossil iu_s This M r £.atC rrtany io:,al tots and htdp> make. large: W'd projert� -yore viab e — Ala<ka. Alasv:a should Utilize the vast reso::rces avaiiahlee -I 3eceme: a Iclader in rene�.vat le energy deve:opm:- Thin you `or your consideration. Col leeri Ruing Type Public cemmer.•ts (late Filed 7/14/20'.1 Tracking Nurnber TR1103914 Filed By Collee'. 1301ia; Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 iIR.E ISLAND W-ND �,...»� :ppo piny C?xums-nts No files found 7i)i :os: fr:igh:. .,,�:nue, iuite. 3!i0 A.rcncr:ae; Alaska E_4t71 •,,4?sz; - ib11 free: (7 `HiiO `_ail-27&. iuot>iJr' :%'ri:rustes: uv�bma=,ter. rcaiLaiask�.u::v http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetail s. aspx?id=aad3c87e-6f29-44a3-aedO-42... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103918 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help P. : O'pot password? Protecting ConSttrner ntei ests. Pronnoting economic developnFent. View Cart nr F A r cte Search Results -> TR1103920 r `-'R1103914 r> TR1103918 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Ben May Hello, My na!"e is Ec.ri May. I !gave bean a resident of Alaska s c: 19,91 and a home owneusince 2001. 1 am iwiting in support of he fir:: p-ode..t bscau4_ Of to Alaska and :.�s future. Wind Is i ai' of t.e sclution for Aricirolage and many r_ m cnir:es. pcv e:r pr.-..Gr,._ a „rbie coat Parr fowrel Since t a ina tur mainlenance of paying eft t:e cap.tn : ,<pense ft is also a c9lcker wav t, e .c i a P I Llian I NG or .as pipetmv soluUons mlhich are se oral wea-s out a er the,,/ =-e actually approved and I a deo—if they -e e _: app ed and u-,Oec.. I in -liv' frorn a larger perspedive, M 7e to rniss the fire _s d vdno fa. rn The proiect wrk be an usl a Dion fci alt of 1j„«a Idi ije wi - oAl ; .hat vie. can generate with wi d -a". ritegipte ; ith 3 u0itv griJ. Not `natneed pros f, pis .Ms ,teen .lone o hLIr,d red Unies ever a,ound tie word inI. ell kind, of env Jon ner':._ mu�.��-ng k ea ,'t�icd Tnarls for you support of dhe Fire Island bind ?rc;ect. Type Public Comments Rate Filed 7/14J261I Tracking Number IR11039i Filed By mean May Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters 7A335-8 FIRE -LAND VND _ .ev Do.- rn.ents No files found Ei9hth Avenue, Suite g.00 r�ndivrace, Rlerka 99501 <<g9 Phone: ;3' c222 E u `5-0160 I17 - 7.- ?.ell Frei, (1-8oi7: 390-2"7£_(ou tsids Arwhora9v ' :tPin A'.a>ka, :,rl;mz:er. vebr:.�ahar. rcat= ;. http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=6d51 d6dO-45 5 f-4c 19-9cfl -c... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 103915 Page 1 of I About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help r.,, n- e. Protecting consumer interests. PrIornoting economic developrnent. View cart Search Results ,TR1 103920 , TR1 103914 , TR1 103918 v TRI 103915 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Janis Bronson 5,­7P4rz the F;Ie Island witit! Projccct, Natural gas in Cook lWet Is ded..-Jng and a nevi gas pioject ".rin Uha. North Stop,,, 1-s uncert-jun, In any -ase itwouldWvvise forPdaska to develc%.p seur-4s of eneray that are sustainable and don't rerjWre Lir',I)g fossil fuels. Thank YOU. Type Public COolffie-.ts Date Filed 7/141/2011 Tracking Number f Ri 10-,9' S Filed By labs Bronso- Entities Certificate(s) Means Received interj)et Related Matters TA335-8 --IRE ISLAND WLND S­ro,w Suopoi4,inq Do_-1.rn,,nl:s No files found http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=008adaa7-2189-4bd9-ad57-5... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103919 Page 1 of 1 I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nare Password ro Forgot oassworcl? protecting consumer interests. Promoting eccnarnic aevelcprple +ISMt. - ' . Vic::^J Cril"t Search Results * TR1103920 . TRI103914 » TR1103918 R1103915 •• TR1103919 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Damian Schroder fire Is'a� t, J,�Ind Project, mate nun',_: . rti.,.,5 8 Weahouid move ta-r and '��th tt e Fire, sta -c tU.nd P! ,ect Th1s f d n,�i save . m. . cve he life C, the project because vi . i• u �Jt :. to or tlu-t.3Ucn With ind !nfrastruotu e u ;,:.. e, cider 3 !tc ;a- e`�ul : nt i hat. ready 'c be ! , aced can t e 4gr3 e to h:,!te n n h the t d system ir.ki!,g ..h., gna more efficient a.,,.s,._ ter. It is u!t 1 - c .tui& U we ran tal<e advoln"a7 eref grar.,t run t is hart - filed to continue to rely or, non .enc. a e i lso roe f ! our energy n @ Ult.m !f ce_ !! n ec to b imtorte- 1 -[he -!Apply �il be l .: -� and the dery -an i -`! b; higher which will dPl..: the, up, WP kno,i thr . is going g to napoen an: shoe c! MFKe over; ._ , xt to limit the !mpa-.t-. - a :k >nt Damian Sch-ader Type PuD;ic Comment.=. Date Filed 1/14/2011 Tracking Number 71l.1103919 Filed By Dan,:ian Schroder Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 9RE -S..k ANt: NA ND :no4 S!:ppoldng Documents No files found 7ii1. vies- P.igtat! Avenue, Sidle, 300, AndtoraGe, Alaska 9961 3 s'y!�r!ct f9c F'ax::997? c-07.G0 15t': i" Oi;2`i6.i5S3 T cli free: i.-204j 394-�7.» ;outside s,r,choray', v,@hirr A.Iaska; ,.'e6ncaster, ,ke!;ma:.[er. r..a��*=a'.ssicagc:: http://rea.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilino,Detalls.aspx?id=8b6c4fl8-ce23-4ccf-b9dd-38... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 103921 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name passward ► For;got paaskrord? a o ecting consurner interest Promofi g. economic development.. vIE'.N Cart MR Rim 10M ISO "... 1% al nn r¢a�r. a ■ F+,FIa sa •e ?; 1t@.'� Search Result, ), TR1103920 n TR1103914 » TR1103918 n TRI103915 H TR1103919 TRI103921 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Christian WRIGHT - Not only iovefv to look at b-A a p•rafound idea in harnessing t^e wo-,s power a ,vonda;fui s^ ,. keep 'e•.• co -Mg Type Public Comments Date Filed 7•%14/20'=1 Tracking Number TRi.1032. Filed By chnSCian WRIGHT Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matte€'s TA335-8 FTRE;SI_AND''u'dIND S.._., Supnortin0 DO-Wrreats No files found 701. west t;iyhth AveNle.., Suite 3.00 A.ndior:_.e., A.IaSka 49501.3469 !)hone: i9a7; 2.6-62.22 Fax: 967) 2. v 0Sc4 .I I f: (` 0 ) 216-1533 'uil area: (2-800) 390-27£r. ;uutside� A.ri'wrage, +itl:in A!�>ke=, rdel:;eae.ster: webm �Cer.rcarDalaskalc:v http://rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=d954fa0f-48eb-4271-a948-4... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103900 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help L= f_ � rh1My p.3 ,°cord ► . ;:Jot passysorV Protecting consunne! interests. Prom Ctina economic Uevelrament. TV Vie:^d Ct rC Search Results » TRI103920 » TRI103914 » TR1103918 Y. TR1103915 a TR1103919 TRI103921 „ TRIIO3900 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Heather Ireland While travalina in ',tJ!scons:n in 2C09, ; was surprised to see extensive use of idnd energy procucticn. It made me wonder why Aiaska does not have ripe or it Pease help move Fire Island Windgene at or. ro: ward. It is the right t`ii ng =o do for Alaskans arc d o,•r environment. 'Tr'e:tional fuel prices arc. •„+aisle and wllmbing rnle apidly. The Ienger �.ve teaft :o invest, t . l;iyh r -h prise coneu.�n.:er. (lay �ow and ui t utu,-e. ' Now (s t=e Lune to invest in renewable en• rgy rro]eas ;HkIe Fire slanF tivhlch wl sage cons:.rners m9ney o�ei t-a Is`e cf the p,,, -1. 'Are know that in pads; Lo keep Cie hgnts on in the future find keel; energy prices stable we have tc move to rene•s�able eneray new. * 1 his project will bring Alaska closer to our -J cal oP ar r r-na S0° of its e ectr: ty thrrug enewable 2n ray =curccs by �025` `ire .sianc ;,ill create L,na errn jobs `:;r lccfls r art here in An.-hoi aye. f Co;atinued reliance on natural gss for 910 f or elec.ri:rty needs s Is sl-or.,-sig, It o arc incremingly expensive. Type Pubic Comments Date Filed 711.4/2G,11 Tracking Number TR11.03900 Filed By Heather Irela,:d Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 "IRE I: LAND WIND Snow Supposing Docurnents No files found 701. i._.i,(ighth Avena , S'uirQ 30n Anchor -,Age, AI-rsk,3 ia.U7` I;. f-E<.?.d Pax. 2f-0:60 fry: ?j c_: Toll f-see: (1-8CJj 390-2782 ;outsid:Anchorage, withir: AlzsA) W,21.>rnaster: ,aeF.ma:•ter. rug%2aiaskr:yc:v http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=dcl7lec9-b87f-43b4-a020-8£., 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103893 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help L_ _ -_ __. 7__ naqn'i pas.,,word Protecting consurner interests. Promoting econornic cleveloiarnent. View Cart thfiat'aNew AAfar11 AmRGA Program Farovaion04 ar aha ttcA Exchaaae Consumers Lsatsl�on; Rry mid Sltil6t Gan7$Cmialn h. ,. . Search Results TR1103920 . TR1103914 TR1103918 TR1103915 . TR1103919 >. TR1103921 � TR1103900 » TR1103893 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Steve Cleary '!.-a RCA sheulc apprc;e this contract as it ie in the pest mtere> or consurneis to have long-range, staid y- 7-iced energy. Alaska's reliance on caturtt )as ;; put:in:y us i-: c ,.osldor �rvhere we :vil have �e import expensive LNG and Dotentia-} "ace shag l,age>. find energy Hike Fire siand can held. VVe need to c-;Vorsify our energy mix. The RCA should approva this rnareemeot. Type PUNiC Ccmrnents Date Filed 7/14/201i Tracking Number 17110389 Filed By Sir✓n faeary Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 PYRE eSL AND WIND Sho.a Supporting Documents No files found 70;_ West ii9lhrh Avenue, Suite, 3ir0 AnC11e179e, A.laska,9y>u ,.•3i@S Phone: NC,11, .".7o-ti222 Faux: 'lv7 2"7E-O:60 ( IY: (907) 2r_�4533 .oil Fang ;1-80 �`1 _40-27c' tuutsid: ,'..ndrorac o, witi'm Alaskgl1 WA,niaster: Vie f'ic',SI:P'.t'_ii '<l'35kc.gr) http://rea.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=16bcdl 7e-d761-4b30-aedc-2... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103894 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help Protea ing comwmer interests Promoting economic develoi,,me;it. .. Vieot Girt Search Results n TR1103920 >. TR1103914 , TR1103918 .> TR1103915 s TR1103919 » TRI103921 r TR1103900 a TR1103893 TR1103894 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Paul McIntosh Rease api.".ove the P,-wei Purchase FAree.ment be+ teen Chugaa;h Flectrir Association and P=re island 'Wind LLC. Diverst°Cat€on of :-)ur e -ergy supply, even in .: n ail:_Cren7ents, ;s e l'icai C00k 1rlet rer�io' and t�e aFsen�e;.n' ,gas plpeline fron, U)ie north elope / 6roolf R<ange... Type PIIb, I I C Cominen is Date Filed 7113/i01i Tracking Number TR1103S94 Filed By Paul fscintosh Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 F:RE=SI:iND WIND :unpol-5ng Dncurn> ,,US No files found 701. Wes Eighth Avznue, Soite. 300 Andl--rage; Alaska 99501. .',,=b9 Phone: (9C71 276-6222 Fax: i901, 276-0fti0 TTY: (937) 7&,1533 Toll Free: (1-800) 3_?0-2762 (outside A,Mlorage; rithin .,aUntaster:.vehmasCe.r. rca�•a iaska.+a�.v http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFililigsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=9aO3 fa2d-f42e-43df-98a5-aa... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103897 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name passwcrC ► Fe!got Vass""Ord? Protecting consunnr interests. Promoting eeonornic development. View C rt �. FflR��'� s I*�Len� TlnlaS Search Results » TR1103920 » TR1103914 » TR1103918 >, TR1103915 n TR1103919 „ TRI103921 w TR1103900 sr TR1103893 ri TR1103894 ti TR1103897 Public Comment for TA335-8 by David Skidmore a•:a id like to �write in support.of the sire island .v'!�d p!+oject. A r^: a�i ang3n eyed way to a `u re an abundant renewable rasource wowd ba a oreat !rvestr e.,,t in „laska as sell aE Vie US. Any ,yell considered, ,,fell enacted progress away io^ :cssil fuel dopendencxi is a. slep in the right; d'..ectio-. Type Public Ccmrre.nts [date Filed 7?13J2011 Tracking Number T€'.11C,'359 Filed By Davie, Skidr, o!:e Entities. certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE'S -LAND WIND yho.^. Supporting bo--urrrants No files found 701. Vles: Suite 300 Andiorage, Ajaska 99501-3`9 PrIcne: '. 6222 Fax: ;D 76-0'60 T"lly: (9V) till J93 218%;JJnSido AnCuorago, vllli ilf: eliSkEt?^3 ,.yuriaste, webrna: er.rcaU s.ska,p,,, http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/Filinc, etails.aspx?id=5cf6ec38-2eb1-42b1-abfa-74... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103891 Page 1 of 1 IN About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help C-- _ __, name ras> vcre� i, , ;;rgor passvx;rd' Proterting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. - IE.'. Cart Search Results » TR1103920 » TR1103914 a TR1103918 a TRI103915 r TRI103919 . TRI103921 , TRI103900 .w TR1103893 a TR1103894 TRI103897 TR1103891 Public Comment for TA335-8 by ED BREWER ild the vv r,d tr=olne, on Fug. island, Shen but 0 a tidal a- ,gy fa ility. ,,iver, `y rr -,)ut qes cffr ction and stabO4* Y for :hey 're. Type public rcmnlerts Date Fired 7`13,120.1 Tracking Number TR11.03` 91 Filed By ED BREWER Entities Certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters 7A335-8 FIRE ISLAND WTJD .,hove .. apo;ting Docur-iert s No files found 101 !. st [iuh_h Avenue. 5ulte, 300 Anchorage, Al�ka 99501- 69 ;%nine: (907! 276-6222 Paz: i00'; 275-0'60 R": (907) 276-4533 -z,)1 Free: t. ,SO.",? >9.'.`-2'87. (-aside, Anchorage, within Aiask,- Webm,ia_f—-.^:ai;r.�aste r.rca a¢rrk..9ev http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=db366flb-3 8dd-482c-b653-3... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103892 Page 1 of 1 Sri About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name pass •.; cri w =:argot Pa:.sword? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting econotnic deve loprnent. O VIC''."JCart ►Spa-„�£=yarif•.ar:: �Relc�asa i,}� Search Results ,> TR1103920 >, TR1103914 , TR1103918 „ TRI103915 , TR1103919 a TRI103921 * TRI103900 n TRI103893 %; TR1103894 e TR1103897 n TRI103891 n TR1103892 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Robert Butera -o;,P - T,.;.-. rl rov ' c h r Island VVInd prof ct. 'Wind ene, gy is a.- essentia Part :;f the F GItIoll6 of enercy sources r ace:=a..y err Alaska to meer its energy gCafs. The pro;ac: S slreaclv started and can he on fine in time to help the rAlIt ell: Cet beycnd :he current ?a., s1ppiy ssLes. As with all renew:ables. it may cost more In :he short-te m a t in the long terra its c,.aranteed rate be` ar important hedge against foss:; fue cost. Type Public Comments Date Filed 7r.3t20tI:. Tracking Number TRI103892 Filed 6y Robs", EuCera Entities Cerfificate(s) Mean- Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 Fl.,REEISLANDOVND stn __�„ 3.;pPo:tmg D olcurnents No files found 7J'_ .< FiRlt`h Avepue; Suite 300 ":nchor:ge, Alaska 99501-��c4 PhenE 9U7)?76..222 fax: ;9N� 276-01(50 llY: (907) 27c - -all Free: (1,100) 90-2782 ro,atslde Anchorage, eiit'hin Acz4ske; 4uP.iJin<:`.1P:': '..dt:nld$CG-.rC"rA.t al�ska.9�v http://rca. alaska- govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=20444727-beef-4b 85-9c48-4... 7/ 19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI. 103890 Page 1 of I 0 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nacre P r s 5 "'o r'! * i o` jo1_pass,,,jcrd? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting econornic development. View Cart fiat's Riew @2GA Far plijrmlazun 311 mp�� K�l _qgnrl Fseabsck ll-jaA!2 Search Results , TRI 103920 . TR1 103914 , TR1 103918 . TRl 103915 - TR 1103919 , TR1 103921 , TRI 103900 , TRI 10 4 n R1103897 TR1103891 ), TR1103892 ), TR1103890 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Nels Anderson, Jr. 3-35 5 July 112011 R: TA 335,8 Fire Island; .wind Project Dear RCA: it rinpe-ative tJral U-0 RCA approve the sire Island W"ind Project . !A - as qu7d, v as poas:ble, 1, is important that Alaska's energ,., neecs are nive.effied Co :n,"Wde ren.eviahie energy sources to redu-e (leDencience On non-i�enev,,able resources such as diesel, natural gas, and coal. Thank you, Neis Anderson,Jr. 2440 .- Tudor #135 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 907-3.-.-,9-9031 ndcr@gd.nat Type Pullic Comments Date Filed 7113,/2011 Tracking Number TRI103890 Filed By Nels Andersoei Entities Certificate(sl Means Received Internel' Related Mattel"; TA335-8 -=RE ISLAND Sllow Supporting Dol-inhe"It, No files found lVes-, Egg i A-1 C, Suite "00 (90-i',,, 2?6-6222 Fax: NQYj 2i'5 OIC-01 rr`r; f9D i 2'116-4533 lltl I F re 1. 80 0) 39 q - 2 7 82. � o I tside A n610 g e., within A 1 Isk aj .http:llrca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=82b44982-ac72-4eaf-ab37-0... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103 895 Page I of I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help F --- I - 1, rr �1.1' �. pa55WQr�l � -c rgol- naEs,,vord? Protecting consun,er interests, promoting economic develo.on-,en-1. Vicw Cart Search Results � 7RI 103 9 20 , TR1 103914 . TR1 103918 , TRl 103915 . TR1 103919 TR1 103921 , TRI 103900 �, TRI 103893 ), TR1 103894 w TRI 103897 a TR1103891 , R 1103892 . TR1103890 : TR1103895 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Bryan Protzman As a lito long Ala, kan I wowd deflnitely like to see thif type of f,-newablp energy reveloDeo. To ha:--.) our comb -unity as a deit,ble pl--ce Lo 11,,ve f,,,;r our --hildre'.) and the ..-s Please move forward this proec-- Type Public Comments Date Filed -, ' " 3/2011 Tracking Number rRi 1038,95, Filed By Bryan NoUqtri Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FiRE ISLAND WIND Shc,w Suowr-.ing Docume,-ts No files found 701 tAesz Fghth Avenue, Suite 300 Anchrage, Alaska 99501-169 'I'licne: (907) 276,6222 [:3,,: 275-0160 TTY: 90.") e76-4533 Toll H-: 3902782 (oinid, -Mthin Ala.Eka' http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFiling'Details.aspx?id=5d9d8408-87e3-47c8-9bed-a... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103885 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan?e pas :ward r Forjolt pass'rrcrd? Ptol- inn consumer interests. Promoting er-Onofnlc development. View Cart SeixJ Faedhark ► I�el�ase A�­� Search Results '> TR1103920 » TR11039'4 >, TR1103918 . TRI103915 • TR1103919 TR1103921 r> TRI103900 ++ TRI103893 s TR1103894 r; TRI103897 v TRI103891 y TR1103892 )-, TRI103890 : TRI103895 x• TRI103885 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Allison Butler applaud Electric Asseciation rot taking the in.dative to purchase Mild energy from .ire Island VIin d, and I urge the. Regulatory .ss_oT o Alaska to a')prcve r�.e purchase 3greemer�it. I'll: a 33+ year Ale.Ska resale^t, a for me- mernber of ch - , c � Elec*_rlc Assodar:oY' a +d Horner Elect iC Association,, and a current m..mbe- of Gorden 'dW.ey Electric Assoc.aeion. It encouraging t, sec t. se organcz.ations take g va c s Stenc toa.'aid ienev.ao_e energy o-oduc.ion, and rhfs bid by Chua=,ch Electric i c p .wily r,•reant because of is scale, and vsibilit/. Alaska has some or the worUJ rt_hest rene,-rable encroy resources, and it , f.gh ti ,,.a we make serious investments ill �.zing them. Type Public Comment', Date Filed 7113/201' Tracking Number 1Ri103885 Filed By Allison Butler Entitles certificate(s) Means Received Internet. Related Matters TA335-8 'IRE iSi,AND WIND ..^wr S,ppor ing Documents No files found 21)' Iles? Ery, hth Ave;iue; SUI 300 f.rchra e, A iaska ,9501-34C9 #htry;9U 7; 276-r;222 (;3x: i9U%'. 215-Oi50 llY: ?9Ulj P t:!_'3 c;n3 3,96-2782. 6)utsb'Ie Anc oraq,,, w€thdn laskaj 4ehma !,'er; w,.lIn aster. rca!as-ka.p http://rca.alaska. gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=1 fc9f442-69e6-4488-bee 1-2a... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103875 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help n 31ne pas<xw M Fcrgor.'pa`sxord? Protecting consunner interests, Prornotlntg econornic,oevelopnnenL. Viev,, Carl. Search Results » TR1103620 » TR1103914 >. TR1103918 TR1103915 „ TR1103919 a TR1103921 TRI103900 „ TRI103893 TR1103894 ,> 7RI103897 a TR1103891 . TR1103892 >, TR1103890 x TR1103895 r, TR1103885 r TR1103875 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Rick Vahl t agree wit! the wi -d [urbine project on Fire Island. Type Put,Iic I.Ar nlenl: Date Filed 71 13' 7. I I Tracking Number TR11,038-15 Filed By Rick Vahl Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FfRE iSUiND N;[ND nom Su_%porl:ing tiocurn-ants No files found D`x Wes' Ei91; 1? Avz❑ue, 5t11te 300 nnch;c�;e, ;laska SOi-�r=L•t� 'shur:.e'iJ0'T,i 2i&-§222 I'aX: �70i 275-UiL, iTY: i907j �%b-4533 ;ell Free: i1.-.4001 90-2787_ [,gut ide kncnurage, vdth?f• A.aska, web no.,4era r,tit:r;iasteracs �;=.ia;;,ka.gcv http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=S l28a37c-5e7d-452d-a551-2... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103873 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help _I nan}4 pa5s:vard P. ^^'-Dot: pass jcrCi,? Protecting con5umer interests. Prortt tl .g eco narnic development, 1/IEt^a C2;Y Search Results .> TR1103920 >s TR1103914 . TR1103918 „ TR1103915 » TR1103919 , TR 1103921 a TR1103900 • TR1103893 TR1103894 TR1103897 is TR1103891 » TR1103892 ,, TR1103890 n TR1103895 0: TR1103885 r. TR1103875 .. TR1103873 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jeri Landry 4'iease do :-i I your power move t~; moire _sianC: Wind Proaert torvard; this is a true step torvvard in ;rscurtity and e,. 5}• in d epgn d ence ;or Aiaskar,s Type F'ubfic Cornments Date Flied '%(1'J261I Tracking Numbet- 1 R1103873 Filed By Jen Landry Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Retated Matters TA335-8 Is4E iSLAtiL) by NU ;IOW 50pp rting Dr, Imefits No files found r01 West Ligirh Avenue, `;u to 30' Anch;:ragc, l[aska £ 501-3469 %hone ;C l?..2T6-6222 Pax: k�907) 276-91_60 .I..IY: (90) 236-�i533 Toil Frcv: i 1-8(11) 390 Q7,82 uukside iardtoracae, :.'Ef:Pir. A.<ska) k;t:maaerc v,ei:rnz ,ter. rt:u ��afeskaq�� http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=9b68 a3 59-7d63 -48 3 a-b 892-d... 7/ 19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103872 Page 1 of 1 M About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ---_ (.......---- - nine 1},1SSword q F:;rgot pass NCrd ./ Protecting consurner interests Promoting eco'1ornic develcirmerit. View cart FM■ Ser�rl'9si!�v r;t ■ REtP,, sa 1Vo[ati Search Results » TR1103920 » TR1103914 » TR1103918 >, TRI103915 >, TR1103919 a TR1103921 '+ TR1103900 ,• TRI103893 TR1103894 �: TR110389- z TRI103891 TR1103892 m TR1103890 ,: TRI103895 ,: TR1103885 n. TRI103875 :, TR1103873 „ TR1103872 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Sid Hari Hari Singh Khalsa :ave liveo in Ancl horade :972 and watched the dra i-.at;c changes Over the years. I fully >uppert. theFire :slant Wind Far tot project and all other r;eotherm . ,' !idal energy p:oje..'s, Alaska is located in rme c t ,.oi ids o.�t )cano ., to take'sci-Ja•r;a�,e o-,a€ur2's ererp sources. All we need is the fares alit, cuts, i ntell!-aer��ca, and financial con rnitment to shoe,^t the vmorle what can be done, Thnrz -several advantages i'ei t, s 1Vind Farm and cthe al,ereo..veci-e+gy plo;ects. L It N41 take ap.ta-=. to build init'ally, but ova, the ,;tetirne of the projects -will SAVE Alaskans iicreyl : Provide jobs for Alaskas :o build and main., r. Ve m..'. a..tr.cture & over tl e .if -Urine we Can 'a. ket our '< now edge and c<per ante. 3. hi e once of , urre_' energy scur;ei> (Coal, oil, : des, are inter easing and very e; y unstable. It Is fool K;'t to Vdi ,_d k these prices .r'il , .e _r,: ,.,en ;he exponential increase in dernand! 4 Cos< inlet natural gas as been great ove the Vtars but now ,,,a sage the problem of putting all our er^.ergy n_-eds In one source. One argument against thee 10dind -are L the unsteady riind. i would hope that along MIA the aiina generators the project wN.lr.,lude novel ,ys of storing energy. Alai i so •ding :hi[ hroh!em for o. selves aut3 us in the unique position of being able to n1arket this expertise! Hurnbiy, Sir Hari Hari Singh Khdl,_a Type Public Connrner'its Date Filed -1113/2011 Tracking Number M1.103372 Filed 6y F ari Sing^ Khalt;a Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE'.SLAND ',,,;ND S.-ow Supporting Document, No files found -n_ West FLihth At enue. >Olte 300 A.nch:>rage, A€aska 995/1-34c9 u -i.e: (9W �' b-62<� ati.:,S=�)•7 215 i60 i it c 0" 2 .vim,. ,n11 i'e^:(1.-nd) 90-2782 outside An(:1orag1,., MINI,, AaR,kaj VN'mna,te=: m=ecmaste,.rca e:zla�•kagcv l ttp://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=7deatc90-46lb-4a84-a104-6... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103871 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name orssswerd ► Forgot pacswo€d? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. View Cart •.:. -.'.• r Sind Fa�d3l�cb: ■• C3El��al�rrrw� Search Results n TR1103920 » '(R1103914 ,. TR1103918 » TR1103915 �, TR1103919 » TR1103921 , TR1103900 o TR1103893 » T TR1103894 R1103897 e TR1103891 , TR1103892 .1 TR1103890 ,_ TR110389.5 ,> TR1103885 ,: TR1103875 » TR1103873 n TR1103872 ■ TR1103871 Public Comment for TA335-8 by John W. Blaine .+'e am all on T-.e ogd to eu,tc:.nable energy. JVe may ^i:ve .ec thR•e, but eenn.c me iF h don't. ti 4 . i•tind no T hope you will ssuppporE the ';-.t irnportat,'- ex:,'?erimenr rn %,Ind -supplied e. e=gy. Type Publi-:c Cornments. Date Filed 7/13/2011 Tracking Number TFt1103871 Filed By )nhn W, Blame Entities Certificate(s) Means Received ;nternet Related Matters TA335-8 HkE ISLAND W-ND �-,�;ow Supporting :Documents No files found 791 4+.e,c El ahtlt avenue, Suite 30a Anchcrace, ,io=ka 99501-3469 276-0160 MY 90'7; Z6-4,533 Tall Free: i1-8001 9D-2'82 (twtside And,>ra )e, ;1iW.i 1 Alaska; 4'J21,;ip ster; u1el.,mnster.rca �: ...n5ka.)i http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilinorDetails.aspx?id=f91 c23bO-8c30-4650-ba67-e... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: Tk11 O3874 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nine pas"word ►Fcrggf p��ssvacrd7 Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. Vicw Cart Search Results „ TR1103920 » TRI103914 - TRI103918 „ TRI103915 ,� TR1103919 a TR1103921 , TRI103900 A TRI103893 ;> TRI103894 ;, TRI103897 a TRI103891 ,) TR1103892 :a TR1103890 . TR1103895 n TR1103885 , TR1103875 TR1103873 g• TR1108872 » TR 1103871 r, TR1103874 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Shawn O'Donnell urre You to aprovr -his ri o,act; with the r:arn ng o` rnpe:.•i ng gas shortages :n _;th central Alaska ;s essenCai, 0-., sha_e has the abilty to 0e a feeder in alterneti ,& energy :;se as an example to the nation this ; agaoe. s<eu in t-a* direction 1.,_ �s mo _Chip help us move from a .en,_=rgy b-ye- to seller. Type Public Ccn ments Date Filed 7(2.3120w5. Tracking Number 1-,1103874 Filed By Shawn O'Donnell Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Interncit Related Matters TA335-8 HRr. ISLAND WIND SWcpou-ing Dccument: No files found Suite 300 A,Mhnrece; ALska 9950 _-W„_, Pho,,e: Gi` 27E-..2 T,?. far.: 907i 2i6-0160 TIP.: l907, � cil ( reel 390-2787 ,thin; Alaska; . taw4a.c http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=626b967f-2a4f-4fe5-aec8-56... 7/19/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR11O3855 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nag?r: p-ss.;urc F Forgot pays+word? Protecting consurne• Irterests Promoting economic development. Vic1;+ Cart ■ SfsnA Fasdhack 1 Reinaco tiran� Docket:TA335-8 , Search Results ., TRI103828 >, TR1103818 +, TR1103833 , TRI103825 TR1103829 TRI103822 „ TRI103811 „ TRI103813 a TRI103815 xi TRI103826 » TRI103823 TR1103834 x TR1103839 r, TR1103845 n 7R1103837 , TR1103838 ,, 7Rl l03844 >r TR1103849 » TR1103852 >.+ TR1103843 » TR1, 03841 a TR 1, 03848 a, TR1103840 ++ TR1103836 TR1, 03855 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Richard Onorato Alaska must m^ve Fo v;:urd to prrmide dea.-: energy optienc For 0,1- suture. The wind farm on Fire Island is a good beginninc. I support the oevelopment cP this project and ask yo== [o do the some. Type Fubiic Comments Pate Filed 7/13/2011 Tracking Number TR1103853 Filed By Richard Oneeato Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE TSLAND bVsND Supporir.a Doc:.ment< No files found T31 V+es Lighth Avenue, Suite "s00 Archoraye: > ;aska ttnc0l -'. o'>i Phone: 010 ` 276-6222 Fax: (907) ?76-016-0 1 1 Y: ', , 27E:-45'_-3 T^,ii Free:'] 800; 340-2792 lnui: lAe A•nihora e, wii.hir, A.iaskc; wei::maste-: a.eltmv'i:e rca:� aiasl:a,,grn: http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=4663ac7e-921 c-41 cc-a349-1... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103836 Page 1 of 1 1 / About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ,Iss.vcrd ► Fergot pa'svord? Prated trig consumer interests Promoting ecorlotTlie clevelcPmen`_. View Cart ��£i�.�9L'dit8 r:i[ ► FiPlRAE2 ?t'C�35 __ Docket: TA335-8 ,. Search Results :� TR1103828 , TR1103818 , TRI103833 » TR1103825 •� TRI403829 z, TR1103822 , TRI103811 TR1103813 .? TRI103815 >; TR1103826 » TR1103823 TRI103834 >: TRI103839 v 'r R1103845 » TRI103837 ,> TRI103838 TR1103844 • TR1103849 » TRI103852 „ TR1103843 u TR1, 03841 .> TR1103848 a TR1, 03840 .? TR1103836 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Yvonne Begley `etting `:.n75 fo 5-� u na 1 e'gr Fro`ecl viiEl not get easier as our trade gau rinanues and our naOooat debt rises I nout< •++re to do scr­ethirig to ne.p keep Alaska out of:a return to the >trne age. Please support the Fire I d Pr o.ject. Type FublicComments Date Filed ?'13,/2011 Tracking Number 'f'R1103336 Filed By Yvonne Begley Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 :FIRE iSLANC'Nd�1D No files found '70: byes. EighJl t;,enua, Slate 300 ;..ndr;ra4e; Alaska 99501-3459 Pnorc: (907) 276-622-7 ?`ax: ii+D?; 27e-0_60 71Y: NOT, 27G- TollFrei;: (1-e00) 90-.7:7"s2 (o.rtsidF Alwrioikgc,witl:in .Aiask?i -;ei?maste-: ,.,ebmaster.r_a ;a aska"':o. http://rca.alaska. gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails. aspx?id=73 ae5bee-df8 e-42c2-acdd-e5... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103820 Page 1 of 1 y ?, About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name C.nse.o-eery M =ergot passe•Yerg7 P-otecting consumer interests, Promoting econ prune clevelGf)Rlent. ERBr�ih11M View i'.it Sep„rt.��> am Docket: TA335-8 , Search Results -, TR1103771 » 7R1103775 ., TRI103776 . TR1103777 TR1103778 ,� TR1103772 » TR1103785 2, TRI103782 » TRI103787 TR1103788 n TR1103797 » TR1103795 r TRI103796 >: TR1103798 .. TR1103800 :> TR1103799 i, TR1103827 » TRI103808 >. TR1103814 s TRI103819 TR1 to3830 ,; TR1103821 ,* TR1103817 +r TRI103816 +> TRI103820 Public Comment for TA335-8 by John Davies „aport RIA appmvai of the Fire island IvVind F-rojeCt. Wind energy Is r essentlai p.:t of the bala*f: e�. ^fittfoiio of enercy sourre< necessary f"r klaske :o r, eet it's rerevvable e- ergy goals. n is also a., mpai''.8nt hedge e against s5ng f0 s,l costs. Type Public Comments Date Filed 7111/20:11 Tracking Number rRI103820 Filed By 7chn Davies Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND',,NIND No files found 701 West Eighth R,.enu<±, ;uit~' 300 t,ncu::rage; Alaska i-�SOt-3-`c9 . vone: (9,7 . `i-5?12 Fax: 907; 276-01b0 I'ly: '_+O) 27&`533 Tolifre,j: f1`5ri:1j 330-'7:37. (nutslce Aiuhorag=, ..than ..',::i.srna :ter:-trt'hrn.,,.';{,-- r_a�:.:i:'.sht.•�c:` http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=ee l23870-5 ed6-4647-8d 11-b... 7/ 13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103816 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help na.m . pass--rd M �OC'_JGfi: petssYicrd? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting econafriic de•✓eloprnent. • .- . , View ^r a rt ow-ft on so Docket TA335-8 » Search Results » TRI103771 » TR1'103775 » TR1103776 » TRI103777 a TR1103778 a TR1103712 » TRI103785 » TR110r82 is TRI103787 tr TR1103788 n TRI103797 TR1103795 TRI103706 r. TRI103798 6 TR1103800 » TRI103799 » TRI103827 » TR1103is08 TRI103814 TRI103819 TR1103830 » TR1103821 TR1103817 » TRI103816 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Judith Burtner c;:ppo` approval of the Fire Island vrnd pof!er prajec t and the agr erne, t with t hug2x:r: 7'.ec ri0 wi (-.ie I'm a member.: support diversiflcat'ot e6 cur ener, y s..pply. approval of this forwaru-iookr;a agree�n>=ni. Type Public CommerIts Date Filed 711.2./2011 Tracking Number TRiS03816 Filed By Jud`th i9urC,ler Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matte's TA335-8 WIND Silok,, S-nooidng E3ocunients No files found ?01'West Eigh'h A„arwe, Suite 300 Arc`tura„ . Alzeki 9950 r,hone: r9r•:1;b-6222 iax: i`a'�' .%-OiSG Try: 901; Tell free: r1 600 393-27+31- ,o,¢sidc Anchorag,>, withir. .ehmaste-: we;,•mn,.�_r.r:a•^ .aska.u:„ http://rca. alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails. aspx?id=ea0aafe2-082a-4a32-b648-64... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103817 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name pa<a.rar.1 ► Forgot Protecting consumer interests. Promoting econo€nic development. View Cart, r Docket TA335-8 „ Search Results -, TRI103771 :, TR1103775 - TR1103776 „ TRI103777 >. TRI103778 n TR1103772 ;, TRI101785 n TR1103782 „ TR1103787 >:. TR1103788 n TR1103797 » TR1103795 ,• TRI103796 r, TR1103798 x--R1103806 ,, TRI103799 n TR1103827 , TR1103806 „ TRI103814 >, TR1103819,,r TR1, 03830 , TR1103821 TRI103817 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Drew Cason am sLo'.gly :. fc,Cr pF ;��.-eloping tt e Iva 1d p o7ect oecau_, ` t11in it is bath the e7eenonncally a d env rr!1;-rally responbte thing tc dc. Fccnemirally I ttri k+h � le h e to recoga h�[ th -, pal: c a -oral � ri w>< Inl t an � I i a try lh id, F funk D:vl sift r,g out- Portfolio E!F: i} make—., that natur,:; e a - ,ve do have ias., larger, and eases the La:..:.ion 4, en !, begins to ru- c IThe Cool: --1 it hell- : ui r �.I - developed have been rune a for 1 hil . ow', and .v th additional d ✓e._cement ce C .n r ._. _ay=rs in o,t Ce;aral ;-_,;id S_J : be .00long al a siy. i i_aat bu ..a , :, it w_s:d be nice if Fine i,iard were already r, n� e ,,hen this than rryi.'..0 tr approve it after ^ecple hava already :clt the pincr, or eva^ higher rated. On the s co d ;s ue, I oeleve thbt A?ask : "nould be F. lease -in the realm -f su°tanaL';,Sy. INe, Have .used oil to enrlc4loulselves and iraae itto thank for the re `atively stio^g state cf our ecc^omy tcday, but Faith .hi, boon ci :espon ibiliy, hin Una i we reed to,Lake oar c ent s r� ong f�oiing an take ,te s in the right c section, a�,c.y from so?.a de;,endcnce on fossil fuels and tov,aids a diverse poitfolio inchdl g F e. island F:aally, Mere has been a lot of talkfor years abcut: hsr to -vd-c pro'ec` tc serve the Raili„�elt Wind )rojectf like F1re Is'and are. an excellent ca �p'irr to srsc" developme°-ts, and I air: firnly �n fav'or of realizing the, rotential s,-rergy tc isnprcve the benefit of bets: projects. Type FubliC Comment,; Date Filed 7i 1212011 Tracking Number TR11C381.7 Filed 6y Dre.r Cason Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIFE ISLAND lV-V-JD ..r o,e Supporting Documeas No files found 7Vl Wcsi Eighth Avame, Suite, 300 Anchorage, Maska 9;aS01-i?c'9 Phcr!,,: (n^.„ 276-6222 Paz: 276-0160 .I_i..t, (937) 276-•'5 3 To[I Free: (1 F00;. 39o-.?.7i32 itsid; Arc horage, v:ithirl Ai.4Sk:.; :".'2::n5zstec tv'r. ma9't'r. rca�D�t25k<;.•�dv http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=4fb3db29-9ad6-4878-9c99-2... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103821 Page 1 of 1 f. v About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ran:e nas;vr�rd M Fcrgat passuerd? Protecting consurnei interests, promoting econornic deveiopn[ent. View Cart IRM. .. :.C (' FduOiik'xN[ ► EQ 6�Ga SinIP Docket: TA335-8 ,_ Search Results „ TRI103771 » TR1103775 „ TR1103776 » TR1103777 TR1103778 „ TR11037n!* TR1103785 „ TR1103782 +, TRI103787 n TRI103788 n TR110379I » TRI103795 x TRI103796 , TR1103798 ,- TR1103800 » TRI103799 , TR1103827 n TR1103808 » TR1103814 s TR1103819 ,. TR1103830 e TR110382, Public Comment for TA335-8 by Kenneth Farmer I am A supporter of the church! -ire i&land svind7 protect and i i;re you to rat.ry church electric's plan to purcr—ase ponder from th's pro_ec:. I =�eiieve t•:z. eve rru>t begir-� io move to clean ener.,,y <•ources vre ;:, pave the w, v -c r aro, tl� , the. future, Type Rutlic Comments Date Filed 7112(2011 Tracking Number TRi107,321 Filed By Kenneth Farmer Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND 41iND �i:ow E;uuaortinq Uo�um::nt5 No files found 701 41cst Lkjhth fimnuo, Suite : JU AIICII-rage; Alask-a 99501-3459 Phone: i?C:11 76-f222 F'ax: 2.5-01ti0 1 rY: ,907, 2 76-115a3 Tell Free; 1 800% ?90-2732 routside anchorage, withir: Aiasl:�' ".ebra.ster :.:,eLmas!:e•.n_a-Eiskt. �ov http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails. aspx?id=3 dOf4a42-1 adf-4eec-a49a-32... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103830 El Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan-_e password 1Y Forgot Password-, Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. View Cart . :. ^=• -,. . s .'w:irf FaaMsl N: ► £jP easa P�'tY�s Docket TA335-8 . Search Results :, TR110377171 TR 776 TR1103777 !, TRI103778 a. TR1103772 >. TR1103785 TR1103782 n TR1103787 TRI103788 ), TRI103797 n TRI103795 r. TR1103796 , TR1103798 r TRI103800 o TR1103799 TR1103827 n TRI103808 , TR1103814 TRN03819 a TR1103830 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jayne Naze bear R-A, I Fargo you to approve the Eire !sane Wind Pro ect in (:.:iugach Elec.trk. Association. It !:; crucial that AL skans hate a-___ss Co 7cnewabie energy. IL e__.eniia _ cur sate c, t =rVfy o- - energy resc_.rce supplies. Thank you, 1tyne Nate Type Public Commerits Date Filed 7/12/2611 Tracking Nuniber TR1103330 Filed By Jayne Naze Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE :'SIANC• 1"..IIVD .<=ov; S ,:porting [:ovum^nt< No files found 70. Vie,t Eighth Avonue, Suits 300 A-)d1;;rage, Alaskj 99501-3F69 n,. Phone: '907`. 2Y6-6<22 R-..; 2:76-- 60 11 : (907) 2"lc-i �33 Toll Free: ii. 800' 390-27£,2 ;outside Anrho a'ge, within ?JaSkM ..21`.n1:iS!P,r. afvJtila•:,,...'. PCal%.ii3S�:n. �'. �L` http://rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=f6dO9ae3-a9ea-4445-a46e-67... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103819 Page 1 of 1 1 / About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help I?l-Me.. PaS5:YCI':' ► ' 0 got p2lsswcrd? �yy Protecting consurner interests. Promoting economic development, vie:^✓ Cart MEN F-sq, am ■ ; anti &&rlhank ■ Release NnMs Docket TA335-8 » Search Results :: TRI103771 a TR1103775 >. TR1103776 m TR1103777 a TR11037'78 ,. TR1103772 n TR1103785 » TR1103782 r TRI103787 e TR1103788 a TR1103'797 :: TR1103796 v TR1103796 r. TR1103798 , TR1103800 n TR1103799 xi TR1'103827 » TR1103808 n TR1103814 TRI103819 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Debbie Whitecar wind Rory, r, the enviro ^me-.:. It will se. the jest example, so other., will follow and :-ake the 1 ight -oIces as well. Thal^hs 1p "u alC0i0 nal:rve energy SourCes, It's -s sinnple as Type Public Comments Data Filed 7/12/2015 Tracking Number 1-R1103S19 Filed By Deb.)±.e Vdi tecar Entities Certificate(s) Means Received (nterritt Related Matters TA335-8 ERE ISLAND- WIND ...';ow Supporting Dccumenl= No files found 701 6vasz Ei9hil; Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorace, Alaska 99501-3460 1h e:;9C7) 276-6222 1:3x!{967i 276-01.GO ITY! 907) 2 6-45_'3 Tail Pre::: �i-:3001 390.2782 ;oul:;ide ;nd7�)rarye, Mthw Alziska;. We^InesC=r; w.-t:raaster. rcai="a=�ska_gcv http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=33468133-2a6l-47cc-bc 1 e-c... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103808 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nanee oas,"+rcrc ► Fcrgot paSs,,Icrd? protecting consumer interests Pronnotlr, economic development. __. — . _.r ViEa,� Cart lllll Docket TA335-8 , Search Results :, TRI103771 , TR1103775 , TR1103776 a 'iR1103777 ., TRI103778 r TR1103772 » TRI103785 n TRI103782 n TR1103787 n TR1103i88 n TR1103797 » TR1103795 r. TRI 103796 r TR1103798 0, TR1103800 ,, TR1103799 n TR1103827 „ TR1103808 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Dale Auldridge Geographically, Alaska is a" the top of tla.G world. Alaska has mere natural reso!,rces for renewable qner3y,than nest ccnj-;tray i; the world. For t-e future o she world, ,',Iaska shuule and co u d he at the top of the d in rerewab e energy prcc-i_ icn and the State of A aska vrauld promote and invest in this opportunity. Alaska wi'i be at the Top ofthe M,rorld. T."e Fire Island Protect needs to be broug`t on line as sown as pofs;ible, along with many other-Rene,ab.e Energy prcj.ects. Type public Cwuments Date Filed 71'2120r- Tracking Number TR;ItI03808 Filed By Dale Auldridge Entitles Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND :+iiup „ - uc fining Documents No files found 70i `a, s: E4:1hih 'wenur-, >uite 3QJ Aechor;ca, A'ra=_k� 995ny.>q +a Phones 907i-]6-c222 .ati:. �T 275-0i46 1"il': (907j t7.,-.-,.,� 1"e41 Free: i1-80011_90-2782 Jfuufside nnChnra le, within t,la,k; 4:2bmaeier::>eLn,aster. rca�6laska.gco http://rca, alaska-govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=bb85f002-62cd-4dd2-b2a6-b... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 103827 w Page 1 of I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name nas;worc protecting consurner irWests. promoting eoonomic develo.rimen-L. V 1 ew C El r'c 111111111Cansamers11110== 1111111C>srtHEeaUan1[ Docket TA335-8 , Search Results ,, TR1 103771 ), TR1 103775 . TRl 103776 . TRl 103777 i, TR1 103778 , TR1 103772 , TR1 103785 . TRI 103782 a, TR1 103787 TR1 1 03788 ), TRI103797 n TRI103795 n TRI103796 r. TR1103798 r. TR1103800 , TRI103799 ;, TR1103827 Public Comment for TA335-8 by David McFadden I Urge vou to supi'm-1: Lhe Power Puici,.ase Agfeenirrit Chugarl, Vo-Itric and tne >•ire :s;ario VVInd LL"-,. The.-e we aK+ays "reasons v.,hy ,qt coy ll,..dsion makirvj process and I urge LO (akp, the bold sLep i,; continuLpg oor efforts o move us in the directian of the Future... thatof siwcsuinable ene,gy. In j.,y expeilence ,vinen I succurnia to 'reacaris nhy nDt" I find rhat I am acecting to take, LIe short ten-, why not" I fmumyself movIng foMarn new exper ences voth --Q.cf,-ti— and co:-T-�'G,ta�d e. option. W.-.en 1 r,.�.�ecl. the ;3 3d , q, I 11 . - to nEL.in in Lhe ,are tak:-,s quo. I a-lification at naving mace a wi�e -hoice �-d be qq tharxfu I cHd -,,), ele--rar Type Public Comments Date riled 711 2,120' 1 Tracking Number 7p,1103827 Filed By David M-Fadden Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Mattel's TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND VVND S'.QW S'LrD)o.ping Documents No files found 701 bVest Eighth 'I'Vead", 'SmW 309 Aochorice, Alaska 99501-3469 Plmrze: 19V) 276-6222 I ax! 90il 276-0160 1 rY: 1987j 2 76-533 Toll Free: '1 1301, 390 2782 �oulside Anawreiiie, within, Aliska" Webrna5llr: %,,)r:ias'er.rca, http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?ld-3d293022-Obdb-4e8O-a15a-5... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103799 :A Page 1 of 1 / About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help —.__._._.�.I L_ Ti an -.:.. 1,asswu ro ► 1:r8ol pass;^surd P otecting consumer interests Promoting ecD .omic developwent. View Cart C M,. rPFPri,CP.;174 Docket: TA335-8 , Search Results » 7R1103771 » TR1103775 » TR1103776 » TR1103777 n TR1103778 „ TR1103772 ■ TR1103785 » TR13103782 _ TRI103787 4,: TR1103788 v TR1103797 :o TR1103795 r. TRI103796 ., TRI103798 r. TR1103800 n TRI103799 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Robin Reich P ease approve t e Fire Island ', .rid Powie, purchase -ement as Soo; as ')ossib e ::is prcjr:t is vary t arrra„t tc save Anchorage wets m-oney (over the contract perP1d)- try aduce polluilW and Cr,; et l bS Gr s, sna! to reduce oji, reliance on fossil fuel's This vat. create many ixai jobs and help rnake Isrc3e ,.^ri•..o projects. -ore,, ade n P. aska Type pub9c Cornments Date Filed 7j1>%2t7_1 Tracking Plumber TR.1103799 Fifes! By Robin Reich Entities certificate(s) Means Received Interns-t Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE i SLAND VVIND Slio'4°: SUpra tin, Documents No files found % .N 01 est. Eighth A`SAnUe, Suite 300 Arn+ choae, Alaska 99501.-34 _. ?i� r907 276.6,22 P(907' 27b-0_60 7IY7 i907) 13 Tull Free-: (i-8001 390,2782. fouNde Andtora,le, within Ai�.k.= 6Ve;;mrsl n .eahrys!er.rcai::>-k:eke;.g::v http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=416e5O2d-1391-4b5d-aO2c-e... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103800 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help �J n l'1:P. n;355utJY::L ► Forgot password: Protecting consumer interests. Pronioting economic derelcpn�e jt. View Cart Docket:TA335-8 ,: Search Results ., TR1103771 TR1103775 » TR1103776 TR1103777 a TRI103778 �, TR1103772 » TRI103785 i TRI103782 y TRI103787 6v TRI103788 n TR1103797 :, TR1103795 z TR1103796 r. TR1103798 r. TR1103800 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Rudolph wittshirk the ust aRpi o e t fire islard 'r,ind LLC - rene'.wable. enarcy is log.cal sour.;+ of kla, k.,'s ' toe, e :a:-O needs--d i0n7-ferrn econr_,..,c grot't,Ch. 'hank you Type Public Comments Date Filed 711i2i20ai Tracking Number TR110381DO Filed By Rudolph Wittsh.rk .. Entitles Certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters TA335-8 F,. E SLAfJGWIND ho',w Supporting Gocum�nts No files found _ . Jest L-iat:a? ".vx','YUF'+St,,W 300 fi.nrFr: n?ac, kaska 995G1-35� 4 %hone i>0%` 276- 232 fax' (907; 2'l--0116,0 Y: (907) 2.., - 3 -SOOj i96-2782 (+wUiJr. Anchura.7e, wil hm, Ak,Ska 42r.b.i,tasCe.r:.+.r_i:;maS°e-, rCa �'aia= k3. qs. http://rea.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=a525c 1 e0-ab37-4778-8fec-8... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103798 Page 1 of 1` V About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help C"-- naalt: password ► Forgot Das4'x^rdl Protecting consumer interests, Promoting economic develcprnent, _ROM View Wart EMEE .E s s®hei ilh9�t�l0ft Docket TA335-8 - Search Results » TR1103771 :: TR1103775 „ TRI103776 . TR1103777 ,. TR1103778 . iR1103772 „ TRI103785 -- TRI103782 TR1103787 v TR1103788 „ TR1103797 n TR1103795 v TR1103796 v TR1103798 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Mark Masteller Memt,els as .:he= Rt:s;, I am v,�ritir�g Co asl: yca �o se pion the cl.,^,,ed ti ui-: F, .aarcna ,E.. P.creEm.,nt u_t;v .. Chuga.c.: El...,lnc A- cnat;o t, and Fire Is and Wind, Inc. Development Of .ndustrial-scale e_E2'N6Q e energy SYaems IS CHLCal as t.e See: to versiry - r energy so = rec and rnove toward <;ecure, flat -priced power, Though there may ue a- 'nit?al cost premier chh> i=ire I>land proje_�� ;^nll yield cost sa;angs to rate- payer. in tl'e 'r: c ;;n. This de•lelol;mrnt also Ip� aralrno c..r ":-agil.. Cook =n:et Hato^ai gar .upl:lln<. ijsank you for your ::orsldelation. Mark Masteller Type Public Comments Date Filed 711-, 2t3iI Tracking Number 1RI103'9!5 Filed By Ma, k Naste'ier Entities Certificate(s) Means Received lntermt Related Matters TA335-8 ZRe iS�AnG v,jfifU No files found 701 t, >t Eiyl; l? AVIIlf:, Suite 300 Ar,, !troragr>, Alaska "1501..34e9 rlroije: O07;• 276-62$2 Fax: i>0'7' 275-0160 I IY., i9J.11j 2 6-4`33 Toll Pre::: (i-500) 390-1278 ;outside Arci,:rn;:jr., v.0 hin Acghka) watanasYer. nairr t'�ster.rca=a'ask,:,g[:v http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilino,Details.aspx?id=e5819a35-d24e-47d9-aa72-e... 7/t 3/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103796 Page 1 of 1 2:z 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan-..e pad s"';'d R ; ,argot pass.rci r P rolecting Consumer interests, Promoting economic -develoPment. View -art _►-Y^ru`,PES3hiTi=s"ram Docket. TA335-8 . Search Results :, TR1103771 :> TR1103775 . TR1103776 , TR1103777 H TR1103778 r. TR 1103772 r TR1103785 g TR1103782 n TR1103787 9 TR1103788 TR1103797 n TR1103795 r.,'rR1103796 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Lucinda Kincard - "wll -upa.t t..._ -_:Gab.:_re-net of wind ,ewer i., Alaska a c esp For Railbelt srr ices. Anyth "g the RCA car do to fos-ler r1_velpme ;t of w+. o Gorier 'willL^^ring to %i aska F ectr c pe,.e ..'th: i. he :_act e'Yvlrcnnlent<: y damaging and 2. f e (east nr.ersive ah;�-.�.:Ive .-� foss; fi els 3. Thal, he LESS er'pe^slue ktra•r foss" fuel.=, ;not :aver: counting a.: tht subsidies we give :;in fo fossil fuel., have wars we',gi't to get our gr, bby hands o r it) 4. Ay.d prcvide the lo.-;aast term .-ABLE job creation :�rcgiams a^d ar;d e, rcy supp'les. Type Public Comments Date Flied 7/12/20t7. Tracking Number TR1.1>r37�5 Filed By Luenda Kjncard Entities Certificate(s) Means Received 'Internet_ Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND bV: ID TA335-8 FIPE'.SLAND V,11ND S.1'.a:; Documents No files found 70, 6. sz Y�iyha; ?-.vcniiF.,. Suite 303 ':rchorare, Alaska 99502�3R6i+ phone: 9 %7; 276-6222 I ax: 276-0160 TTY: (907 276-4533 oli Free: (1 s00', 390-278 (outada Arcrcra 8, wii:Y,io a'as(e=. `.ti2hrna.`Ler. uef:nr3s,er, rca•?ala^ka.gc http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=b7b4al de-bdbf-4610-86b8-5... 7/13/2011