HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix 7 - RCA Comments - 3 of 3Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103795 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name ro, sSw �rd or Forgot password?Proteuing consumer interests. Promoting economic &veioprrient. ViewCart . 1 S�t=_CEa�ar:� ■ Fte�a;a tin �s ma Docket: TA335-8 „ Search Results -, TR1103771 :, TR1103775 . TR1103776 >, TR1103777 v TR1103778 „ TR1103772 a TR1103785 TR1103782 n TR1103787 t TR1103788 , TRI103797 n TR1103795 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Melanie Clark . vrould like to strongly u;c1e the R.CA to approve t e Fire islanG 4Jind C-reject:. First: anYorie w^c follows the energy poliaes and political sefivi ronment k:,o,,s ',`€at 1} there sa of of gas in Coo.<. InITL, a2id 2) if- s ext emely ci`ficult Loge' a. per- .'. for drilling approve Thalic why there are: plenty of leasas sold and no nc-w gas fields using deveioped. ,` oend, t-vithin the nexC two years there s a very real possib! lty of a gas . c•t..,r_ cau iug a "u ackout" dun ng tomes of heavy wage r: ac'No one s gong to watIt to ne the gay who votes ag,.r-st. v;inG power cr;puld this occur; ,vriclh 4t will ,j, h0UL an �31'e 'is,- sauce of energy. Finaily, do we really want to [--try fore.;f, LNG •.vher we car de'v glop .n^d power ica::t here? U uses local resource-; to build and ntainta n instead of ,.".ding rnora_y out of our econe-:p. Please consider this ..,atter Ca: efulry when making this dec s,on = , vote for Fire Island it -d PG`.' e . - aank you. Type Public Comments Date Filed 7!12/2011 Tracking Number TRi103795 Filed By Meanie Clark Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRF ISLAND !.k•'IVD Siror. ;pportmg Docurn�=^,ts No files found rD1 West F.10-h A—,,uc, Suite 300 Anchor<, la;;ks 995"01-169 1 r!ron, f9(), 276-6222raz :S07i 275-+Y 601, i90 2 Y6-.93i Toll Free: :,.-E-i); Ancnorage, within: ka02; http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=Oc6d969a-5599-47dc-a368-f .. 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103797 Page I of I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name nass:v�r l" F c o t o a r J ? Protecting consumer Interests. Promoting economic development. View Cart jorrnm IM W 'swvt 10�� MCI �l Docket: TA335-8 » Search Results , TRI 103771 ,, TRl 103775 - rRl 103776 TR1 103777 s, TR1 103778 , TRI 103772 , TRI 101785 r TR1 103782 o TRI 103787 o. TR1103788 ), TR1103-197 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Brian Lederhos Alaska lh,3> the p4)tential to be a leader in renevable energy. Moving ror'Nard pioJect.5 like this; i' ::an b?.,. cono oconcmicall,.v, is i win for U believe, sla),wng egaqed and setting�!j)j))rrujrjj-�y cverai frorn a re'.3ulatory ��ardpohtl a project like this is riot esy --cwevPr; I be e for !-his croject will help reap rewards %3r c-it (-ounrrunity in the fuwre. Type Public Crinments Date Filed 7/12/2011 Tracking Number 'TRI.03797 Filed By Ella;; LJerms Entities ceirtificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE -rLAND WIND S';,ow Supporting Documents No files found West Elah.h Ave,',,e, Suite 3o3 Amhc,lR[e, Alwk, 99501-31,,j Ph -get (90' 276-6222 Fax: 1W7) 275-016O TYY: t90T, 276-45_3 Idl F,--: ( 1. 300) 390 2782. ;I)utsicl, Ara.-,;kal 1^jer'-.5'M.r: ka." 16 jcv http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=55 e8323 d-aec5-4851-94b2-0... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103788 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name passwcr(I ► Forgot pass.vcrd �' otec Inc consumer nterest5 Promoting econornic deveiopnle nt. 1_._ - ....� . F CFi1f�.%BEI�}�7[�L ► �i$iN,d9B Y' 1YHSi'� Docket TA335-8 a Search Results TR1103771 - TRI103775 , TR1103776 ., TRI103777 s TR 1103778 , TR1103772 TR1103785 r TR1103782 N TR1103787 V TR1103788 Public Comment for TA335-8 by lauri strauss Please approve the p�.;rchase agreement as soon as the dwincling supplies of natural gas in Cook Inlet, it':s i:"pt=ratsve that iY, ;czre >as�alternaUve sources of energy,,, t _ `uture rrosae. ity o r cdy T^e Murudieality. hae al e...."_ 7 hau iu i Bate an alert. systam to irn t::e p blic :,nccn nc t to t <.,e e1ec:siaty on �eveial occasions, the pumps on t E a-tforrr>' Eays bee:: put into ame gent.+� : peyziCnn to cositin ;e to produce gas. Hag the grind turbines been built according to the original schedule, they ,rrculd have ahead; paid for themselves. It is irre'ponsible ne'.: to add Lr s proven technology to cur energy resources. Type Public Conimentez Date Filed 7 12/1011 Tracking Number 7PI103738 Filed By hurl strauss Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters . A335-8 ; IRE _SLAPiD 44'eND Smovv 511opo,tino Documer:Cs No files found 101 Llgla,h Avenua, Suite 3' 013 chorace, , laska 995@1-3r.54 riict e 2'i6-G222 Pia; '967 d75 ,i60 IY: {90 d• ._�., Toll `Free: :;90-27A' scut ida „nc nxage; withir A" .sk: . We;:mr;_aar: r- bmaster.reaG;aska.9e�. http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=6fc600ec-1 fc2-4fef-826f-59c... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103787 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help nan-�e paGaw0'n Pl.oteriting consumer inte:-ests. Promoting econornic develoPment. View Cart 1Nha$'8 A1BtY f2GA y� $/N �Of RCA �r='8 roaiBiot5- M41ABi$Cn �%chanf� bansuFiteis L$�t5t8iQC& i�ilary 0142t UH1itlrts U`8fi1'rtGBU®@ S. Docket: TA335-8 , Search Results :. TR1103771 , TR1103775 » TR1103776 . TR1103777 , TR 1103778 >, TR1103772 a TRi 103785 ,:. TR1103782 » TR1103787 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Joseph Earsley Psea_e ..pn, �-;. Y_e PSA fo f - chase o! and energy `rcm t ,. ire =Sla- O `A,'ind 1 ro4ect ;'ha uorject Will enhance, the �e211be t c!1 gy -n!x, provide additio z = ;nos and c_rnonstaze.o oil visitor, that l.,__kcn, ��:e nr,C;ust at gut ,ialrn;a,1 �r•sed eso!rce er-actiCr6 The kin:: of statement it rnakes can be seen each time you fly into Kodiak. Type Public comments Date Filed 7112/20'1 Tracking Number TP,1103787 Plied By .Joseph Eafsley Entities Certificates) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 EM2 iSLAltit� t4iND Supporting Docurnents No files found 701. WY ,- 5ie3h;h Alenue, Suite :iOQ Anchorage, �,laska 99501.• 4169 Phone: 'K7211,6-6222 Fax: (90, 276-0160 '1F: (907'; s oil fro:_: ii-s06; 390-27E2 (outside Anchorage, sthir, Alaska; ,.a.l:.n faster: .,ebma_:;te:.rca�: aska.a.: http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=cb9aOl9O-3ffl- 936-85c2-3... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103782 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help �._ na:1,P pa<;srrore ► r"o''got passraord? Protecting consunner Interests promoting economic cevelcpnnem aa6Revv Cart _ ■ g�st,g �e4[IlFa rk ■ R (ra a h=nt¢;F Docket TA335-8 „ Search Results :, TR1103771 » TR1103775 ,-'R1103776 » TR1103777 , TR 1103778 , TR1103712 , TR 1103785 a TR 1103782 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Bobbe Seibert . �op(.,. you ;vi•= go fo,ward w='h thr; pro,ect. Ever, great step vc.,I rr_s :cij�ge. Ot f ubse population will only praise, such thcur`-tful'-ess, Type Public Comments Date Filed 7/ 12/2011. Tracking Number TRI1037>,2 Filed By Bobbe Seibert Entities Certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters TA335-8 FJRIF °SLANG^ VViND S::o , Sut)j -');-ing Documents No files found 701. NJes Fight:6 Av nae Suite stiJ . ,ciwraue, Alaska ' , i71.•., Phcn;;: (9{:7;. 2 6-6222 F'ax: 2.6-O —') I IY: (937) 276 _IS'a loll Free: �1 n".M ?J_278_ ;outsi"R A6chotagV , ",Rhin .Alask, .. i-.�;r �las±f;':.P!;m.istc?.r.rcliti�"•3i:;s;:a.l7ev http://rca. alaska. gov/RCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=b96l 9cc4-3194-4b28-8ee2-5... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103785 Page 1 of 1 �/ About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nanr.e pas wc, rd Y Fc riot pac =,•;crd? Protecting, consumer interests. Prornotinq economic Uevelogrnent. View Cart ■ SPmd! E.�Pdhark P- RPleace `,ate_ Docket:TA335-8 . Search Results ., TRI103771 . TR1103775 » TR1103776 » TR1103777 a TR1103,18 + TR1103772 TRI103785 Public Comment for TA335-8 by tony SlatonBarker please approve Vle Fu-e Tsland V�r.ra Pone- 7urch,Se zgr eement al3 soon as Ooss0h r Tw, = roject is vef -tent to are .4nr„emu nLae user. money ;ever the contract period), to redure pollution and CO2 errw5sions, and to reduce our .aliance on fassil fuels. This wi-! create many local jabs and help make ia,ge wt.-d projccts -, ore v ab.e A.aska Type Public Ccmrnents Date Filed 7I121t2011 Tracking Number TRi10378:1 Filed By toy-y Slaton3arker Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE I-SLAND WIND ,w _Ioporing DaoumentS No files found 70t. Suite'3P0 Anchorage; .,la>ka 995W.- 60 Phone: !9871 276-6222 Fax: -01-0 err(; 1937) '%M-15'13 roil t'rfd-s: ��i-HUO) 690-<"7S_ ,uu[sidc ^.nc'iarafa ,'vdrhin Alsl,,, �J21.:r.12Slf?r: }alP.lit"ic:1:i'.r.Y�'a3W.ci'::?tik<;.!I::i http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilinc,Details. aspx?id=dc5e99ed-bb5f-4770-bd lb-0... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103777 Page 1 of 1 V/ About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help F Fvri)Ot pa_`.i'tiG`Yd? Protecting consumer Interests. Promoting economic developmenL, e vv Carl, Docket: TA335-8 .. Search Results .. TRI103771 TR1103775 a TR1103776 .. TRI103777 Public Comment for TA335-8 by John Hickey qtr S:!Pno -' aggressed energy proyia--c -- Alaska, includg energy eff clency and ir.nev,,able energy projects, Alaska rossesses c n an!lndar ce o? renerrahle energy, but net a great deal or It is located asclose to population ce to;'s as t .e Fire Lland W..-d project, -'eel strongly that it is important tl�at ',,,'e take .:odor, on energy wdependencF due to the ger,-pclic teal, eco=mtc, and environmental impacts of bur c.rr. ent cagenc.ence on rcreirpi petroleum piodu-_r . Fire island W.nd is an appw un:.y for Alaska to take action. Will we sit o, .he. side lines while ether sates am ether countries de�rel: p rene',va Ule energy indu:>ines? i"dill sve contlnue to :�+aste our renewa lle resources? create j0s t.,:"Alaskans doing work that's clearly +%orth doing for the b , .- f of our nait;on, or economy, arc o's- environment :hank yeu, John Hickey 'type Public Comments Date Filed 7/1212011 Tracking Number TRI103777 Filed 6y .John Hickey Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND:. b"1FND _nos, :i,lpnortin9 C7o-:.umentS No files found 701 4Yes Flghth ::'rc+.nuaz, Swte 39(t AridloYaOe, Alaska 8J501..'W" Phone: (9 2:)6'15222 Fax: (9i V) 2'( -0.-60 '1"IY: (9.37) 2/% . :53 loll Frre: (1-800' 190-278% toutsid W'.nruwrage, vAthin fia5kzl is:.rnaster..•,ebma_.ce,.,..,,� a aska.gn http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=a062787a-91 ae-447e-bda2-9... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103775 Page 1 of 1 �// 04 A About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan?e Eia ,SworC 1> forgot password? Pr oteraing consumer interests Promoting economic develop -men,, View Cart ,S"PrtF! FNotes ,. Docket: TA335-8 v Search Results , TRI103771 :> TR1103775 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Myrna Gardner . S,;;r?pest this wind power. I would appr eate your Suppert For this. Please approve it. Type Public Cenirnenrs Date Filed 711212011 Tracking Number TR1103775 Filed By Myrna irdnt r Entities Gertificate(s' Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 =IRE TEL ND',NIND .:�-oe=: aupr,c-ing [aa.�ments No files found 701. `best .Eighth Avc,,ue, SuiM :W,0 Anchorage; Ala-ka Phon:c: (30:?} 2 6-0222 Fax: 2:6-0;.c6 'i'P'r (9V) 27G-4533 r'oll v:re•<:-80J) . n0..2 s,2 roatside .Awlhorage, `.•;itlar� M sk 0 ..e%nraste- :aP.?n:mst�: r.rca%`raiaska.9r:. http://rca.alaska. gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=1 dac0abb-783 0-45 a8-8be3-f... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 103771 Page I of I V, a About the RCA Contact Us Site IV12P Help Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic develoornent. View Cart i, Sprid Feerlbfick w, Releas-'qozcs Docket: TA315-8 » Search Results TrU 103771 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Bill Rotecki Vi wind efIergi is deofot?.tm, witz-t more stable prices not dependent or directly affe-ced by foreign ,,,ars and vor fidwicle de:. ., such as cW ene;.-gv source_..; this ptcjecl is;alaskan, le,S,�,pe-d o;lr on,, on 1-100mg loca: InfrIals,ructure and :'creat-no a,,-w -skan lobs, lets not sent ou., money of stare 3,%Wie e aretalkingabout this tnearctx is -:-,elting, ',P -e-eve ,t ooss be and practical i, is only prudent'D red,ceour carbon footprint. this., an easy way to rio'Crwlhil- c"eattrgd tocai jobs and kees)ing money m a.aska at tne sarneurr:e. Type Oubhc Comments Date Filed 7/ 1 2�0111, 1 Tracking Number TRI103771 Filed By Bill Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLANI, WAND S'Io,w Supporting Document, No files found -' 701 blest Eigh h A,e.iue, WM 'Y)C, AnIho cc; Ala. ka 99;All -469 1:hone; '90 ' 276-15222 2YI—it') 1 ly; 2/6-4s,33 Toll "OULGidiAn h I Q0 w i— .�s C c I ith Kk http: //rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=8319cfdc-0985-4be2-b2c2-2... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103840 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name p(asnu.v^rf: Qa F rgot passvtord? protecting cons:urnef interests Prom ting econornic development. View Cart w fi�-nd Fend haciv 1•-Et>=.�ass_t;3�5— Docket:TA335-8 >. Search Results ,, TR1103828 a TR1103818 » TR1103833 - TR1103825 n TR1103829 >, TR1103822 s TR1103811 » 1R1103813 „ TR1103815 ,; TR1103826 TR1103823 n TR1103834 >, TR1103839 r. TR1103845 �, TR1103837 :� TR1103838 n TR1103844 - TR1103849 �. TR1103852 A TR 1103843 r TR1103841 :* TR1103848 TR1103840 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Donna Jones Here in Kc-Ri:K our three ni'(. turbines have :)loved to be more efficient than expected a^c1 r_xtemely popuiar - a oreat • .hest,mens1 They are payi. �g ar themseives fas er than expected. KEA s r a ,"ing on adding three more n t, e -,ext few year , as „el; a ex oa-dir�y t- Tenor bake dam by adding a tr:.rc water turbine. Anchorage has a great site on =ire island. Wind power would g.,,,e a goad piece of the electricity gene at:on , and it „ ukl not be dependent on rapidiy depleting natural gas You Sulr0n`t want to go to d' sel penera..on: tino :e of djLEel P s go,-Ig Up mnd up also. BPslnes, s i e riot to rely cn jWA one kind of electricity source. Tho,e who 'ro cn y abcu_ in cosy., need _o took, at the, depletion rate of natural gas, and the ricreisin-) cost of other fuels,ucn as d esel Here in Kodiak 'we a.sc. round that there is a definite sati7facnon in seeing those b-s quiet t:rbInes turning cn a free fue' so;, cr ::d. ",dding wu fuu.<e•, -"-c Anchorage's power Mir is a wi-. vain 51u. tien, ?lease icok at Kodiak's track -ecoru v it:h our c ;npr iai w-nd :urbine5, Type Public Comrnents Hate Filed 7j11!2011 Tracking Number TR11033410 Filed By Donna 3onei Entities Certificate(s) Means Received ?nternet Related Matters TA335-8 FiRE ISLAND W1'ND �.nt?t. '>upJOl tittg [iOcu rneri tt No files found 70 i. 'dlesr FI7ht6 :,w:nue, .Sc!ite 300 nntl.crage; Alaskb 3�501.3."6" !'hone: ;?0'%` 76-ti222 Paxt ;9p7; 27-OifiO YTY: �907j 2/G--t533 Toll F,ec: 0-50tM +JO_2?:32 ;natsidc Anchorage, , ithin Alaska; #4'et;maste; : ia<:hin?ster. rca�•aaska.9c:'. http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=d3cb553b-c84a-4fl d-9feO-b8.,. 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103848 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan-:e i:,ss�rcrd ' Fo(-,93t DaS4z4^rGrd? Prate,'ing consumer interests.Promoting economic developn€ent. .. - - .r `JleLd ^ cart Docket TA335-8 » Search Results :, TR1103828 TR1103818 , TR1103833 » TR1103825 „ TR 1103829 „ TR1103822 „ TR1103811 TR1103813 , TR1103815 i TR1103826 » TR1103823 :: 'R1103834 >: TR1103839 ), TRI103845 3p'TR1103837 :, TR1103838 :, TR1103844 TRI103849 » TRI103852 v TRI103843 n TR1, 03841 >+ TR1, 03848 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jeff Sloss As a 30+ year AK resident, ; Kncw vre are ling overdue on develcrpu?g green energy sources such as this Fire Island Wind project. Petro f�e_ are :letting tor. ex,)e 5w, and are co—rituting to g.cbtl warmirg, We reed•»ire Island VY nd ene'gvl Type Public: Comments Date Filed 7!12/2011 Tracking Numbei TR1103345 Filed By Jeff sioss Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 F?RF ISLAND WIND .,.._., supporting Documents No files found Sigh(`! Aven c,, Suite 300 Anchorage, A.Izuku ,9z01-3-'E4 ?'hone: (907) 276-6222 t'ax: i'+p` ):?76-Oi60 '1"I'Y: 010i, 27c...4533 Toll Free; (1-800' 34ir2?92 (rcrtslde Anchorage, vtH,htn A.aska; http://rca. alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filin gs/FilingDetails. aspx?id=6bce l 09b-d065-48b8-849e-£.. 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103841 Page I of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help Karl?e f�+i5it`Y�YQ M %'po: password? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic developnEeit. View Cart r SFsnti'., aerinary ► Releasa iate� Docket: TA3.35-8 » Search Results :, TR1103828 :, TR1103818 » TR1103833 » TR1103825 TR1103829 a TRI103822 , TRI103811 r; TR1103813 ;; TRI103815 TR1103826 » TR1103823 TR1103834 v TR1103839 r TR1103845 r. TR1103837 n TR1103838 ,, TR1103844 » TR1103849 » TR1103852 ;; TR 1103843 TR1103841 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jim McMichael a ease move the vaind p ojeec= w; Fire island for ward . Natural ray is a finite resource and aeccrning f.-ore scarce end tax )ensive. It is time to begin using re e,%, al lesoures and wu.0 dean, renewable eind read ly available. pease do whatever teed_ t(c be done t,� yet the pf pact going. Type Kibik: Comments Date Filed '17 t121'2011 Tracking NumberTR1103841 Plied By Jim h101ic1rael Entities Certificate(s) Means Received inter net Related Matters -TA335-8 FIRE I-q-AND's+f ND Show Supporifng Documents No files found 75' "vvc-st Eighth,^,veauc, Suite 300 Anchi;nge,,. lcd 99501.3.169, Phnne:{307) 2'16 6�22 Fax: 3J 2.i-0:60 TT"r: i907; i5-95:i3 r.;ll 6'rrr 17-H00! 390-%7 2 ;o;l[side Arn_norage, wiLl'ir u�askzf;. .,,crnas±e-r. .vehmas_.r. .& c.asl:a,yr. lttp://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=1 ae082d2-9d4f-4251-b2e7-6... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103843 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nanie�—_' par0........_.. w Forgot pass,,v3rd Protecting Consurner interests. PrCnnoting econoinic level pnlent. -.- View '' L,8 r`L ! S.rtn �aedhar3c ! RA'a�;=z �:�ag Docket TA335-8 » Search Results TRI103828 » TR1103818 TR1103833 TR1103825 „ TR1103829 „ TR1103822 r, TRI101811 :, TRI103813 ., TR1103815 m TRI103826 » TR1103823 n TRI103834 r. TRI103839 r. TRI103845 v TR1103837 , TR1103838 n TRI103844 » TR1103849 » TR1103852 >. TR1103843 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Anne Pfauth ar P wnrftins in S�pRPort )r thr develop . nt of Fire Is:a-d v;,,ind enemy. C.:r reliance on nat3•al gas is not sususlnable. Devclo, ing alternative SO, r F=_ of ehe c y choulo ')e ctartP6 -o'v" it w :I I; ce, t mote. th.: :o ae. .+�... Type Public Ccrnment9, Date Filed I Tracking Number TR1163843 Filed By Anne Pf,uth Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Interneet Belated Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND WIND ^.o',4, 50oporting Documents No files found :iDl PAst Elghih hvF_nue, Soar 300 Acchortec, nlael.2 99501-34e3 ?hung 9i Y: 2J6-222 E'U S97? �.. n160 TiY: r9(1:"i zc-`<533 T:'Al rear: (.t-:3np,,. i90-<8T (nut;ide Ancaorage; urii:hin ;.,�ska; VJel:masCa. r; 'vlri%nras4er.u:a :fat.=..ks.g v http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=c22al fa7-b9d9-43 dd-a260-9... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103849 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help Ir Forgot pazsw,rrd r P oteainQ consumer merestS Prom ti' g econornic develc.oment. VI•�.^1 Cci rt • ceE,c! Et�riPaa r;: a Rpr�ssa.Nat�.._ Docket: TA335-8 » Search Results , TR1103828 » TR1103818 . TR1103833 » TR1103825 , TR1103829 „ TR1103822 . TR1103811 •; TR1103813 , TR1103815 a' TR1103826 ^, TR1103823 n TR1103834 ). TR1103839 r. 7R1103845 r. TR1103837 :� TR1103838 n TR1103844 » TR1103849 Public Comment for TA335-8 by jacquelyn Sparrpw Let Alaska be involveo r winO en^r9, �:^.'. not end up agging b `ind. Lock to ':1e. futur. and become . isicnanes •v- Pol oM.,g c o..g. -,ve neec rene;tabic clean e nc,yy now, and esce ally in Vn; future. Please M)si 1 �e�tir:p 'his ,.rc,leci as ahezi; Type Public Comments Date Filed 7/121/20=1 Tracking Number TR1103849 Filet[ By ,acquely r; Spam;,, Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 'IRE ISLAND W-t,4D 5.` ow �:opo;ting Documents No files found IP1 .,e..,c Eiq_ Liu AvBnur= SUfta 303 A.nch, reeee, Alaska 99501-34Q'+ ;r•'.�i9% 2Jti-6222 Pax 907 276-0:60 'NY: (90) 276-4.s3 7r�ll Fran r1-800�i .190 2.786'uutsidµ Ancffiarage, mtPin. AiaskrA; . tebmast. .. arai�mrester.rcazai _sk;..gcr http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingslFilingDetails. aspx?id=bf9e8 a47-a854-4696-894a-7... 7/ 13 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103844 Page 1 of 1 " About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help Proteaing consurner ir-.terests. Promoting economic develcPmerit, View Cart WNraYsNaw RCA -Far _---Far - -RCA Pmgr RrnvHs6onat at=the RCA Exchaa� Cansamers Lag#elsmrs_ i.�rsry autd Udlke�s CsrtH€a®Uae� - - Docket: TA335 8 » Search Results :� TR1103828 :: TR1103818 » TR1103833 . TR1103825 n TR1103829 'a TR1103822 a TR1103811 a TR1103813 » TR1103815 µ TR1103826 n TR1103B23 n TR1103834 : TR1103839 r TR1103845 - TR1103837 » 7R1103838 TR1103844 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Donna Russell ael eve that Anc^:orage and SC Alaska Needs tine wind tam. 4y<:. neec to have ether sajrres of ene py, I have traveled ho ••various sta:.'d Piave seen many wmd generators. .. Type PuL!,c Comments Date Filed , 12/20-�= Tracking Number TRZ103844 Filed By Donna :Russel! Entities Certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE iSLA.ND WIND Snow S4porting Docunte.`its No files found 7US `Alas' Eigh-h Av,, _+uiCe 303 AnC}arag,!, Alaska 995614 -469 %h ,e: ,9Cl; 2?6-6F-2? lax: (907) 27't-OI60 Tr',: - 2 6-4533 Tall Free: {1.-Snpj 39 2. ! : 1-278utside ;nCa]rayle, •Mthi,' Aiaska, ..,.hmnske.. ,.,bntcsee, ii�sks.gc http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=7c3 eOe8 e-a8bf-4de5 -9d 16-8... 7/ 13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103838 Page 1 of 1 N About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nay « .._.__.� �.cswcr• M Fagot password Nrotecring consume, inceFest5 promoting eco :ornic development. W.t c. Vir,,,• C"$rt - t Cr�ri Fa�cliYack i Reiaa�a `.;sec Docket TA335-8 » Search Results „ TRI103828 .> TR1103816 ,, TR1103833 » TR1'103825 w TRI103829 ,+ TR1103822 ,r TRI103811 s TR1103813 a TR1103815 n TR1103826 n TR1103823 n TRI103834 .M. TR1103839 „ TR1103845 n TR1103837 :, TR1103838 Public Comment for TA335-8 by joan clover am wifiing to pay hio!,cr prices if that is the cast of moving forwarc -o renewabie energy. it is t;ie night Udtig to do for out Futi;re, I wcukd like cur tourist infermatior. io tcut tl s achievement In the Type Public Comments Date Filed 7i:212011 Tracking Number TR1103838 Filed By Joan clover Entities Certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters TA335-8 PIRE .-LAND 'WIND Shoal :`-poomn.1 Documents No files found 71 1 i:'e35t C'r,.ilrh Av,rrl >:: ite 300 Aoehcrgc:., Alaska 99591 lhoi:e ;90), 276-6222 1:3x: 907. 276-0160 77Y: (907; 2;` -.v.3 Tell Fr:': (1 800) .'vr?0-278?`,outside Anchorage, Mthir:. Alaska; PJabin.,�gCe..: wa:^rnas:e-. rzra%�slask;,.gcv http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=c59cca5 5-6eed-4936-be5 e-0... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103837 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help Hama:: oassi•:ord > Foriot pass:Iaord? P,rotecting Consumer inte?eSiS Prorrnotin g economic developme ;t. iiTiii: tNAM, ._.... _ V arc. Gies F 1 Sc�nA Fnnrfharn, t [3FIPNntes Docket: TA335-8 » Search Results -> TRI103828 » TRI103818 ., ,n1103833 s TR1103825 ; TRI103829 . TR1103822 TRI103811 TR1103813 - TR1103815 i TR1103826 a TR1103823 a TR1103834 r. TR1103839 » TR1103845 a TR1103837 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Mary Lou Catron I Si�".r:�Iy ,t;pi�;r� Moving �.h._a�; a,T,h the Fire Island V,u1d y;rc�ert. Its dose to a papulat c, area ghat needs to acvcl ,, reliance on a new ene -7y Source. r5elny sc cla>e'co A nchoroge, a delivery sys.em wil t- rrmre er_oncrm �aI to guild irriially Will , ve n .� great eppo�.unly t� study efficacY of vrind energy. Type Public Comments Date Filed 7112i2011 Tracking Number 7R1. 1018 ' Filed By Mary Lou Catcn Entities certificate(s) Means Received intermit Related Matters 7A335-8 FIRE SLAND''V:ND F iioea Supporting Documents No files found ,?1 ..esc t'.IghT Avenue, >tdte.,a0 rch:;rc:e, Alasv . Alaska E95G•i69 Phaite: 1907" 276•6222 Fax: (9OT 276-0'60 TTY: i907) e?6-•45 3 Tell Frei;: (1.-s00j >9il-[;fi1 Ouisid:, Anrlorage, Mt hill A.intka) l'.'ebrna>-Ler; ivet:r:ia5:er.rca„aiaska.cla�• http://rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=2c383c66-d7l6-4ecO-b776-9... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103845 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan-.pacsvarC 0- F 'got JdBSs'rord r Protecting consumer interests. promoting e onolnic development. View Cart SEEN s Se.•,; 'r�dt�ac= t F�elcasa�}�4_ _ Docket: TA335-8 » Search Results ,, TR1103828 :> TR1103818 » TR1103833 . TR1103825 r.' TR1103829 n TR1103822 >, TR1103811 n TR1103813 r TR1103815 a TR1103826 a TR1103823 o TR1103834 r. TR1103839 >- TR1103845 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Katy Sanders .a7port Chugach Electric buying power fimn the Fire island 'tJind f3,,-, i believe it is important to leek for 'Deal sources d'rene4^cable ene-g,r and Enstar is unreaUaLle for Alaska. Type Public, Ccmments Date Filed .1_2/2011 Tracking Number IR11u3845 Filed By Katy Sa^cers Entities Certificate(s) Means Received in,terrret Related Matters TA335-8 F-ME ISLAND, WIND S, ,., %fporting Da-umant, No files found 701 4fi;c^>: Eighth Avenue. "Llite 300 ,°:aches•., c, A!as4:a `0501-34G4 Phone: 1907 276-G222 Pax: 9F!7: 276-0166 TTY: (9U:j 2t6-45' 3 Toil Free: (I- 00) ,90-2 82 ;'outside Anc: vKN,,,,, A!<:,ka „i-r.=.G�. ,t.."mas±er.rca•�;aiasks .lc http: //rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=4b6a7a9e-99f'9-4046-bb89-c... 7/ 13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103834 Page 1 of 1 4 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan-,e: pass�urra P. `o got: pa>isw rd' Protecting consunierinterests, Pronnotirg ecorornlc development. V t Cart -. at+nwlr !. f�aEaas� r•,?�fies Docket: TA335-8 �, Search Results TR1103828 , TR1103818 .> TR1103833 n TR1103825 n TR1103829 r TR1103822 + TR1101811 -, TR 1103813 TR1103815 TR1103826 n TR1103823 , TR1103834 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Glenda Hassell Kruger feel s"jwc as an ensrg� Source is ver:t impcitant and must.be developed for the gcod of Alaskan;. Type Fublic ccrnments Date Filed 7/12/20"' Tracking Number TRI.10383.1 Piled By G enda Ha5`>ail Kruder Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Ynternet Related Matters TA335-8 =IRE :SI-AND'v;i ND 'Shov; 5,;ppor`ing rQ,-xno-.Ls No files found 01 Aest L,Qhth —)U,, Suite 300 Anchorage, laskzj'2954'1-346 t :=hcOr Dun _70-622?. Fax' 9p 752,7b_O'_60 Ti 16=C-3 Trll R'e:_;: -SnOj 390-2782 fthm Ala: ka; . 4devmaste.: v✓el:,rnaster.rcaf2zsRa.gcv http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingi)etails.aspx?id=d5 fO3 ad4-830a-4cal-a6c3-c6... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103823 Page 1 of 1 �/ 0 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan'e p%s;.arr;; F rcrTot Protecting consumer interests, Pron1 trng economic 0:evelop'rlertt. UIE'w carL w n F� a r'- ajti+lt2 Docket TA335-8 » Search Results :> TRI103828 :, TRI103813 TRI103833 , TR1103825 n TR1103829 , TR1103822 » TR 11038Y1 „ TR1103813 a TRI103815 TRI103826 n TRI103823 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Matthew Horner "Neither a land - or a people eve: starts over clean. Country is compact of all its last nisasters and strokes of luck --of `?ood and droud-, of tna cu°r . ices of . lacie'a and se . wind_, o Iluse and disuse ar 1 greed and ignorance and n%,Oo n ` John Gray.: (Go u ye to a we : Pdar G.ivc.;€s d�ln a not a...a/., r� gifted .r:th epF„-itvnit:es to-renes•." o,.r apprea�h to soon an .. pact-i<;der issue.s ,.n.:our y_ ':CA apply v:i=dom here and, approve ^ire --slano Nand. Type Public Comments Date Filed 71121201J. Tracking Number T111.103823 Filed By h.atthe".t Homer Entities Certificate(s) Means Received inte.rnel Related Matters TA335-8 =IRE ;SLAN^S',/i�1D _nov. _ ;p ,Ming Do.,!ra nts No files found 7oi ¢`lest Ei4_ hth P,venue. 300 Ar;chnrac;a, Ale=_ka 99501v, 69 Phone: (9r,'i' 276-6222 6ar.: wG7) 276-9_60 7i)': i9071,j 2 5-F'33 Toll free: ! 52000 390-2782 huts id, Ancxirage, Mt hlr=;.ska' b'22GC'ta,le{; �,a4rres;er...."J'7�•ska.g;, http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=d7242cbe-bc7a-4525-aa5 7-1... 7/ 13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103826 Page 1 of 1 V a About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help Protecting Con Sunier interests. Pron-toting ecc"}. Comic develop€YtentView Cart Docket: TA335-8 . Search Results . TR1103828 :, TR1103818 , TR1103833 » TR1103825 TR1103829 n TR1103822 . TR1103811 e TR1103813 w TR1103815 p' TR1103826 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jenny Ray Peace suGpart wi;,d Loil,er c : Fire Type Public C,4mments Date Filed 7;11</2011 Tracking Number TRI 03826 Filed By Jenny Ray Entities certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters TA335-8 F RE:.LAND WIND Shn,, S, oori;ing Docurnents No files found '101 We-13' Hghth Alc'Iu a, SuitO 3 ., A.nu;.,.rac�c, laska £ �SGx-:i4 r3 276-01,'0 TTY• T,dl Pre:: rt 00) 90-2782 ;outside Ancra;age, •✓Athlr A. , ±ebmas!�==: mei::r<iaster.rua;:a�aska.9o•. http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=804211 c6-c l Od-4c62-be l l -5... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103815 Page 1 of I About the RCA Contact US Slte Map Help F— I'- n-11.1-e. passwwd P, .ergot - Da�;zvjord7 protecting consumer interests. Proniciting economic development. View Carl, Docket. TA33r13 Search Results - TRI103828 :, TR1 103818 , TR1 103833 . TRI103825 , TRI103829 � TR1103822 ,� TRI10,1811 n TRI103813 R TRI103815 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Carl Williams This 1w KISt CAIe of nnanvs_eps reedtio rake LO help Aiasr.ans n',eet trieir pc,.,jer needs locally. the option of new ga, n the inlet is a..y. hing out certain, and ;t jocks like it will be hot in Barrow berorevie get a gas pwoelk�'e buill:. Wind up and build Type Public Comments Date Filed '7112/2011 Tracking Numbep. IR1103315 Filed By Carl Vvillfanns, Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIFE ISLAND WIND ShOW 'SUP.PO"Ing DOCLIMPri.tS No files found 70'. ln,,;,-, ligWii A,<nuuc., Suite .300 (907) toll Fret;: Vv'elbmaste, http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=8c7fOl56-adf5-44e9-97al-35... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Conunission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 103 8 t 3 Page I of I im About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help E I I —"- na n'. e. par>woird Ii, Forgot Dassword' protecting consumer interests. promoting economic development. View Cart O�AEMIMI 0, Send il.. R.I.a,;L, Not — Docket TA3358 s Search Results �, TR1103826 :, TR1103818 - TR1103833 •- TR1103825 , TRI'103829 , TR1103822 , TRI103811 e TR1I03813 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Richard Andrews Pease approve, afllowf pass approval oft e Fire :slant wind power project a ^.o S-*plpola renewable c,,Iergy 1'ere and tlhrouuhout his tims., state of Afaska. I lhPws been a rpsjdenE Poi' over fiftv ye7ir, from before statehoccl Lill now and renewable e-ergv makes tncre.sense Many otter options. Thank yoi;! R. AndaP.,,,,,,s Type Public Q-ornrrent.' Date Filed //12(2011 Tracking Number IR1103813 Filed By Ril-hard Andrews Entities certificate(s) Means Received Int&nelt Related Matters TA335-8 'FIRE ISLAND WINO Snow, S_p)orll Jog Do-,urneIrIt.,! No files found 701. YYtst f7ghsh Avknue, Suite `00 Alask�, P'nore; '" ?j&6222 Fax: 276-0160 1 !Y: 1'907j 2 7c,--3? of I:re_; "1 81,0) 390-27CZ yr cnur age, Ap"ka, http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetalls.aspx?id=02a44099-fl68-448f-a510-4... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 103 811 Page I of I V 10 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help Protealng consumer Interests. Promoting economic development. View Cart m. Sciiri Feedma 1Releasr-, Nnies DocketTA335-8 , SearehReSUI[S ;' TRI103828 , TR1103818 , TR1103833.H TR1103825 , TRI103829 . TR1103822 - TRI 103811 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Barbara Baum ' am in favor or the era ls!and re.,.&,vai)'e cinci gy project. We need ' ta Ic) something to potect ou h 'Utuis since natural gas, supplies will not as, fal-pver. Please approve this PI-C"je-tr Type Pubic Comments D-rte Filed 71121/2011 Tracking Number IR1103311 Filed By Danoara Barn Entities Certificate(s) Means Received internet Related Matters TA335-8 IRE ISLAND WIND cl!o,.., S—ppo.'Iinq Documents No files found 701. 1, c fth A,a-li,c, Suim '3;10 Andhor.'sge., AJaska 11 (I-RO 39G � 782 A,wharago, ,,i0w, Ala>k,!j: http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=dd83b955-c33 f-487f-b3 08-3 f... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103829 Z, Page I of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help ► Fcrgor paEs,,iordl P,oteaing c-ongunier interests. Pronioting economic developrnen-1. View Cart M mul­ "MOM l. Reiense Nol— Docket: TA335-8 : Search Results a TRI 103828 ;, TRI 103818 , Tat 103833 . TR1 103825 » TR 1103829 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Cameron Murray 1. if Kocs.�k can have wind generated poove.f Anchorage ce-tainiy can 2. Eve-Y person wh�, flies In or o,.t of Anchofage see our Greennes�, 3. Hey, 1;,E COOL Type Public Comments Date Filed 7/12/20-1 Tracking Number If Rill-OD829 Filed By Cau+e-on Murray Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 WIND SrPOI_Dof'u (nents No files found ,101 VIIs¢ Fithlb A,enue, SIliM, '30(, AndlwFg, Alaska 995c,. 346,15 2176-6222 Paz: '90-) ? 16-0160 TTY; '9071 `ic Wit (:€-800) AlIchoiage, Mt1w: Ala.,5kl' ;a;: htip:llrca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilln,-slFilingDetails.aspx?id=55e9fee9-6a92-4949-8591-8... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103825 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name ,_.:Crd • 'got perr%,,'tord P;citeaing consumer lnte,ests. Promoting economic develoPi-rient. �® ■._.&a1E��c 1Fai"f dig_ Vle w pert Docket:'IA335-8 :, Search Results :, TR1103828 ,, TR1103818 . TR 1103833.E TR1103825 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Dena Ivey -- i. My name'Dena is fury and I support[ -ire Island vvW:�d, i ;ay a IOC of rnonepkeep my lirh`,s an:En' the cost keeps nsu,g, .'v'ith renewable er e'9Y as ar option in the `r't, r I Orr hoping t - t my en- ,v coy decline. It is .,h_rt:yhted for r'aska to NO Wvest ir: renewab.e energy sources, giver: the high cos', of fOssii Fu. a-c the effect consurnption of fossil fuels is having on the environment. Finasy, Fire Island wia ate jcb> for A'ask-rs..,..io ncesn`t i+ia"IC ehaCr Type public Comments Date Filed Tracking Number TR11_0382^ Filed By Dena Ivey Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE iSi.AND NiiND _iho•w S- . ?orting iDoa:mcnts No files found 701. IN'st C:ighi.l! Alc,A-, Suite 30o Andicr..ae, Al ka 991,01 %-none: r9^ r -.22? f:ax: +0 276-0:i60 ( rY: 9Jij Y7:,W533 i'uil F1c; ;i-2uJj .'9J-21s32 Cw Csid' AnChoraye, vdlthir: .0.lr,kej W.ei::mas!e-: :^r2tmasCer. rca�-zfs: ,ka.:ar:v http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=47c683d5-b9l d-4ff4-8aed-0... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 103818 Regulatory Page I of I / w About the RCA Contact Us Site IV12P Help L___I I 10 1-1 a password ii, r7o'got Pio�ocling consumer irterests, PromotIng economic developmeit. View Cart west's NewAffi11111111111kCA 1� PMvEBPOtlOi rz E7_.TaqM OR mmm K�l ffrt=iiiiiii EK� Docket TA335.8 - Search Results ), TRI103828 , TR1103818 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Lillian Wilder rr.,.,juest that the RCA approve of the Hire Islanc! Wind Pro act. Aoomlval rnp:.s gocd Iona twim jol.'s fc, Alaskane, a start ;-, prowO!,ci pover frer Y to enei ren&,,jal enr,%y, z) ingng stabilIorice> and reducing our rp4arice on natura, ga� Thank you fog - vour approval of wina power n. eiTL fr,,;Ii, -ire isiancl, Type ptyjic r:ami-i-ehts Date Filed 7/1212011 Tracking Number TRI1038 18 Filed By Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 vIRE !SLANC,, OVIND No files found M Anchorage, Alauka 99301. 3,16 190," 2T6-6222 F:­ '90 G-(;,tw) 11 V: 2 76-1531 wil '1-8001 19j-278, jiA vdthir, Ala-kc.` )master: http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=8138d87l-6c6d-444f-a89b-7... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103828 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help 1 name c'dssr+cra ► For -got pessword? Protecting consumer interests, promoting economic develcPment. View Cart 1• Sear' Ft�e..Et,sarrc ► $F`RRS9 `'�_ Docket: TA335-8 » Search Results x TR1103828 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Antonio Monterrosa F a rapidly dv.lndii ig supply of natural gas for Anchorage leaves residents walking a hig'wire in a hurl ica'.e. 'We need a safety ne` that ca- help cushion the b.0W of R!UIrlN--',JG OUT OF ENERGY, The Fire Islam:_' wind prrject may Ise cntiozeu `or providing less t",an 7.04., of .. o age's eec..r';rty, but iescens vti!1 dearly cherish that .Jr%,, if we should ever rnn out of the cti.er 90` o k`ae nae, a safe net! The land :G'o"= ..red. Res cl .,*- are •.eady. Build the Fire Island wind pi.,iect NOW, pease. Type Public Comments ate Filed 7/12/2011 Tracking Number TR1103828 Filed By ,Antonwo Monterrosa EntiVes Certificates; Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 'IRE i`--t.AND WEND .,.^:a,>-. • ;;pperting Documents No files found 7q.1 W,,,sr P.Jo hth A,eli—, S.;,te 30Fvx 0 hrrm,e, Alaska, 995ul i Phonri: (90'17 '!C-6222 Yax: (9W'.2.6-0160 11 V: 1'9C71, 7 09M 7e.d 53+ Tull Free: (1-803-2782 (uuC_idu Ancrwraye, rtthin Ala>ka) ..'abrmas?er: ,a,.bmash.=r.rcaic.aasl:a,.va�' http://rca. aaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=47Ob9661-4a7f-4fa 1-9401-3... 7/13/2011 From; Wike, David (RCA) To: Jones Steven J (RCA) Subject: FW: RCA Website Feedback Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 4:14:37 PM -----Original Message From: Carmel Tysver [mailto:gardenQgci.aet] Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 4:05 PM To: RCA Webmaster Subject: RCA Website Feedback TA335-8 RECEIVED By the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on Jul 12; 2011. It definitely time for Anchorage to develop and support alternative and renewable energy sources Oil and gas will not last forever and we are already behind many other countries that supply their constituents with cheaper and more efficient energy. Carmel Tysver From; Wike. David (RCA) To: )ones Sven J (RCA) Subject: FW: RCA Website Feedback Fire Island wind powerl! Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 4:14;45 PM -----Original Message ----- From: Rich Andrews fmaifta:kuIIj aj,5�{ lfe net] Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 3:20 PM To: RCA Webmaster Subject: RCA Website Feedback Fire Island wind powerl! TA335-8 RECEIVED By the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on Jul 12 2011 Make renewable energy, wind power a reality for south central Alaska. Thank you Richard C. Andrews 12621 Saunders Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 (907) 345-2235 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103736 Page I of I / About the RCA Contact Us Site JV12P Help 0, rgot pass,,vord? P,rotecting consurner interests, Promoting economic develoDument, V I eiw C a rt --------- Villas - Docket: TA335-8 - Search Results ), TR1 103698 5, TR1 103697 , TR1 103700 . TR1 103702 ,, TR1 103716 . TRI 103727 a TRI 103763 , TR 1103735 e TRI 103736 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Becky Long ",MMEN1 TO Rit,.GULATORY 'CIMMISSIO(V OF A, ASKA TAA-335 S TIRE IS 'ND WIND PROiE � CT This i� to request that you approve 1, th Ir.de-ecdent Pov,,er Producer aC­_ernent, the negodatpiJ pcw-r sales contract, as soorl as possible in order .,, jet the Fire •d vVind Project 3uc� f_ r ding will keep III- e mat -, lower far el�,�,ct r. ca I r t,�payers and the e movi o fio w­d d� 111dke advantage off the federal grantfundIng. a _l � a utct;es IrwoNed, This is definit.eiv acivant egenus 'or trle southcenir&I aryd, in eal-L.C1.1is, the Anchorage elect tcal arid, This n.liset a nev,, arecedent o Aiaska for energy a-d pvate rii,-vetandsoten-_ d toesth- ., pr:,ate ovent. In large s,,jnd energy- D'ojects. It demandl)?offset demand for r -atonal gas. � arrxiniately 500 t,1C-F C4 ill particular.-larry offset demand forliquicified natuea. cias �,,,hilch ut'lMe.s say ill kle. n,,).,-.essary the rlI of this decadc. ;-et LIS do the tt o o thing Lcwa, Us creating a diversified generation, p rt, ho for Sout.hcen.ra. Ataka.,Ceclkv Long Type Public I-Oulroe'ItS Date Filed ?/101201 1 Tracking Number 1RI!03736 Filed By Beci<y --rig Entities certificate(s) Means Received internee Related Matters TA335-8 HRE 7SLANV,00AND S - ..'or, No files found 701, Wes: Eigh3h Ave.me, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 44501 PhGf.e: (90" 211,6-6222 Fr,: '907), 2�­0i60 I [Y: (907) 33 2Z82 ,LtNrF:.A, Rrl� "A FrI4: I � http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails.aspx?ld=234f85c3-3002-4343-85d8-3... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103735 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan=a owswwu M Fcq)J t Jasswo,d? P of aing consumer, Interest Pro•r tirg economic develop mien., vie',�4 Cart dMEEM 1Ce?LLr:lgCfLIp Bf3in3EJ31.V9iffg; Docket:TA335-8 , Search Results » TR1103698 :> TR1103697 . TR1103700 a TR1103702 „ TRI103716 r, TR1103727 - TR1103763 :a TR1103735 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Karnos _ ,o y support r o g for .?-C ".';th .he Fi,e S. lar:7 vain, :rc1rt, Nope-uLy his is just the first stpofor Alaska to take in al«:-..:.i._ cneigy. Type Public Comma_nts Date Filed 7i91120'1' Tracking Number TRIA03735 Filed By Karnos Entities Cert(fcate(s) Means Receiven Internet Related Matters TA335-8 F%R- :BLAND WIND .F, uppiirting Dou:ments No files found 0 711 West fi9hth 'venue ;,trite 300 And,,ra4a. Alaska 4950-3 .,., ,....,,. 2 �V-i 1- Fnor:e: ;307; 2.o-bi22 F'axc ;.,:; � 60 t-rY� (967j 27G-'. _ tall Free: (1-300) 393-2r82 (uutslde Anchurzg,, vdthir: Ai..ska;j v@et:r7>ste:; .retma�,ier. rci3!; a1„skai.ucd http://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=7da1'924e-beae-4950-8b 18-b... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103763 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help nan;e pass,,rd r F:;ryot _;;ac;;yrcrd? Protectlncg consumer interests. Promoting economic oevelopmerl'. View Ciiirt eedba,k ■ F�caee;�,^.tF� Docket: TA335-8 u Search Results „ R1103698 , TR1103607 , TR1103700 r, 7R1103702 ,. TR1103716 „ TR1103727 n TR 1103763 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Colleen Ryan NOW IS THE'rIME to invest. in wind energy; which 1=, .=,f:ab Y-priced and will : AVL CONSUMERS MONE ovFr the life of Me project. Unlike :Gclatile, steeply ciw bing fossil fuel prices, the F•e Islerd N/ind -rojxc vii � o-ovide STABLY RICED e^rgv ove- the 25 year lire of the piuject..; is irnportant that the Cannimiss on at: an t::^s ^latter quickly to 1s=..re he _liglkillrty r, <�h2 Fi-e I,`Ial�d project `ref fed- r,.; grant funding that will benefit rate payer; The project is c sri!.d step a more DIVERSE. a,w SUSTAINABLE electncal suppiv, The protect vil! bring Alaska '_'LOSER. "rO : � _ GOAL of producing o o; its elear::ity ti: ! cin re:e':.ab.e :zour::&s by 2025The pr jed. will create LONG TERM. W''CAL t:,5;, thus positvely r1o.n.tributing to the'ocai economy. The "Long i ern1 Gas `•u21'y L=e-k Gic;~p" repo rtec ;hat the SouchcerC,al region Ml? reed to irripor. I..NG 2C A as the only •eliable rear -"errs so_ :lion to the !corning energy c:t <<;e. a,;.;ev_:, the ogre;.p does not k';Gta where .he LivF; will zone `. o-n, ^c,,) t v;ll be de..vered, ,,)here it av 11 be sooi,ed or how o fzj , I. w.11 caa%. Alaska can and slloul.i be procsuc,ng deui ele,.tnc-llty here at hom -, rather tan IMPORTING h2tOr al gas. Approval of e-e ire_ Isaac ?Pr^- : ou d off,.-t diamond 10C 500 Nlcr a- naar,al ga;. Cur ti)e, d reliance on eat,,:a .as for 90°r._ c" electricity , eeds is h -rt-sighted and ineeoE,,gly expensive. T :- swc es of this projo—t r:Fl :arks the r>t Urne an Independent Pcwer Producer i -Pj has entenzd the Alaska mai kcit dth suO-, substantial " .. ,t of iene.+aule energy and has the potential to bring addr-onal re... ., .e eneig•y mnjoct_ ,) .Alaska. The wind k ray =, cot co :sistently during a t._ vvinter Ume 4{Y So<mthcertral Alaska !s i ,rest t;keh,- to expe :en ce gas shor.aces. Type Public comments Date Filed /a/20i2 Tracking Number TR1105763 Fired By Colleen Ryan Entities Certificate(s) Means Received '.ternet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND iNIND ,-,a Sli.Dporting Docnmegts No files found 701. ',)Nisi ri.i0hth A.n iue, >uite 30u Andlw,age, Alaska •'s.?Sti;. 1451) Phorrr. 211'u-6 22 Flax: (9ij7 ;17i: o166 ny: (1:071175-4`i-3 icit 1 ree,: (1-800) 393-2i82 (uutsid:AncuoraQe,'MU'in A'asLO ., _trnastc:. v�Lrliast,rcoi�a'aska.ao_ http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=dade4005-eO7f-4822-8b31-d... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103727 Page I of I v About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help na.,ne. ,I s 0 , "I mm 1'. Forgo,. Protecting consumer interests, Promoting econornic 0evelcPment. View cart Ww7'X!T4.M Docket TA335-8 * Search Results ;, TRI103698 x TR1103697 . TR1103700 , TR1103702 , TRI103716 , TRI103727 Public Comment for TA335-8 by MEERA KOHLER cornmond Chucach --leccric fo, stepoing outside the boxand doing Ui,. right Ching - `or tlh2li Pi.en2hers and rof the rMr understand Une !,-herent c"'Wfict 'or L�hr, decision makei—whose rnanJate is to e.-.Sure ih Lhat LDowe., they are providin'." to the.rnernter- -d ClnnpgF�h -s s gn`if�_antiw hlgl-ni than " -cj, -'t -er at I ai the co�' ias gov, ­,,,,n3r.s.-:is at 'die lowest cc; P,,! cost c' win, _)wer today To. tout, he' higner once is an investmenl W i-- the rure - ;!, fuhu-­ generb-Ions -nd rim in the dinironmd4tf live in , The c ' 's 'r;c's Bi n , 'V wl't�rn' uncertar he pde and c5vaila[;Wh/ of natura: ces -anoate., rr"t the board seek d'v -rtlification of to -I gener ti--n portfiol o. 7his 1,5 a ',.g step in fh8 r;gN I3�­ encour n to affix Vnetar q, �nn apprcv-­. I " dircton " age the Commissm Type Public comnnents Date Filed Tracking Number TRI103727 Filed By VivERA KOHI-ER Entities Certificate(s) Means Received "n',ernet Related Mattons TA335-8 FRE ISLAND WIND S..o,v Svpporjng Document, No files found /31 West rJOW11 A'c:):'e. Suit'; 300 Andi^,age, Alask,, s,95UI '1,1-69 (9R 1 2 1;6-6-M F m 2 �6-01613 . f . I . Y; 90 6_45_3 Toll Free: fl-80U) 390­2782 (o.1sido Anchosaqe, witRic Alaska; http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=bl6b22be-e6dO-419d-9bfe-E.. 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103716 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help Hanle oasswrd ]NbataMew RCp- Par Par R{:3i pragt3lris F'fGYl6lal19kView Carl: at the RSA Fxalwrga_ Cdtaumers Lagklatars ., i.f6€ary _ surd il8ilkiaa CsriHfrstt0n _ x. Docket TA335.8 » Search Results , TR11 OM98 a TR1103697 . TR1103700 . TR1103702 , TR1103716 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Rachel Flanagan i'hink t`.at the Fue island W,nd a great Step forr,ard for Rlaska. a Mi !ip us read-, our ,1025 elecfilcltv goal c, u)e ,3 .51- 4e : of e energy oducedAlso, it . ro ides a r_ iaNy priced alternative to toe gh -: 1 :a natural ges supply. It' sound to ti.e econorny a;1d so-n . for c,,.ilr fi.,tulzit� I'm very `appy cu: ee Alaska s cnergy _akmg a s- r In a resp ns1= le, r ..newaLlt? dir-e-'lion. Type Public Ccmme.nts Date Filed 7l^l'011. Tracking Number TR11Q3716 Filed By Rache Flanagan Entities Certificates) Means Received Seternet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISIAND ,v;ND . ;!o'.'r S Mporirg Docuro-rits No files found 701. VJQst Dghth A.<nue:, Suite 300 ,;rchcrrce; Alaska 995ii1 3,469" Phor;c: (9u€". 276-c222 '. 6-0-�60 '1"ry: (907, 076-.1533 1A 4'ref" (I 800€ _30 autside A,whorage, nrtNr: f:'.:,. ,O .J?L�r:1as€e�: ere0rr�c,ie,. rctr`.aagka.gov http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=5ccfe004-1 e87-4b9b-bdf2-1 e... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103702 C$ Page I of I V About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help came 08S a Forgot Passs,iold? Piotecl;ng consumer int-rests. Promoting ecowt-nic develop i-tent, VIC-w Cart DocBet* TA335-8 . Search Results , TR-f 103698 1 TRI 103697 , TR1 103700 . TRl 103702 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Clinton White As, a Chugach Dectric iate paver, I '.,tly siel.rn),—� the Fire I�land pmject and resoectfully request that he R, .4 ap,,trove '.,8 negotiated sales agre.enient org,aniz8d far i lie sale o.- he fi!-oieclt's generated elecur0ty. It is rea,onabla to pxiceU that ticili CIRI and Chugach Recllric will gei,. 'rate Fone evel of rfofit ,Orti-.e sale of this wind generawd ty to end consumers a scine potential ex:szr that eecti.c rates rne v he marl3tnally inir-acted trinoug" the punch ase.1swe cf this e'lo.-Cjv over the Eh�,,`, tern, It also seems reasonaNe Co expicirthat Chugach will also have to ailhtity to �ass, along settle evel of savings future pur0e-qes of th,s •wind en-raity, as fois-el fuel prices conunLIC W, Nonetit%•e.e,,-,�, I would rxpe,-, tnt both the potenLa; ri,.,ease.a in rates a, d tie longer tram benefit,� :oe oj I fe-ceive as Chugach E:crAnc rate pryer; will be mir,or due to the wind wcjec-5 lini red co- triLuLion to the zo L'ie u ility's total enp, gy s, uupj)rv,/saies , Thr; projpce a stt a a for S hope pos. 1i, Oewopm-rt for Alaska and I Lelleve, that, it v4dl provide lo.tg term b ai or 'he state'� rail bait Aectnoty con_ ... ..era. that it is a just a start to more ceve.iaprne it of these types a' project.,, for Please approve the saics; agrecrinent cuirent.y der rcview and provide sL:PpOi-C/direction for all :nose. working to —ovidc a. rno- diVel-S.f.e0i eneray EUPPIV and I td-ced iong '1-n:) E-ne,gy ccts€s for Alankji-is 'through 'he use of renew-Ntt eri&gy techno.og.os. Type Public Cornments Date Filed Tracking Number -TRI103702 Filed By Clinton White, Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 PIRF. 'SLAND W'NFi S-OD-Drung DOLuMent'! No files found r;J. lhes-1 A,reIiuz; Suite '?()q Aridl;,,aae; tlask.a 99501 }i.houe: ,9.6.6222 2 �q;-0.60 NY: (9C32) 2;1-53-" T (I 3001 11u1 27S,- ro,itsid-- Anchuiagc, ,,thm Alaska.) W,Piroaster: http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetalls.aspx?id=14eb4396-9045-4058-a2e6-7... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103700 Page 1 of I v/ About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help narra ),swwrme P- c i C3 0 t D a o r d Pl'o,ecting consunier linterests, Prornoting ecorfornic develolornen-L. Vie,.,v Carl, Rpfp.�q- NnieS Docket TA335-8 , Search Results ,, TRI 103698 •s TRI 103697 - TRl 103700 Public Comment for TA335-8 by carolyn boehle Dear Sils: Alaska is —v home. I want, to be ante cortin..e. Nrlg her'or the rest of my life, I don't care out politics cl, pa-zles,we a.Feso lucky that,�&. have clean re'nevablelas an nr,'Jon. So what 'n goatS a bit t-ore new wM iiei arld will prctlably e,id -16-, s�,Vmg money bur even rlm dciec.i't save money, I have a gis -:,Idai,,g lite; wilo's ability to :,,tel.i.h is affe--ted by the air qualtul-y ano wind gerieratcIrO pee �"r creates e air. You ai heal- many reasons to approve this, Ask Ycuiself ,,hat will help Plaskarls,riol etiergy companies. Thank you for your Cat,clyn 6pe.-:Ie Type Public comments Date Filed 7/7/2C'1 Tracking Number MIJA,3750 Filed By - . —am.yn t).oehle Entities Cert'ificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 F;R-L ISLAND VAND --u"toortin'j. Dc)cun)enh§ No files found 7(l7F.J,31;ui `;vita Aricrioirage, Alaska 9�15,01 3461) '9C 6 — -ik*,;Z2 F:,,X; '907' 1 1 Y: (907, 2 /C-1533 Toll Fm"', (I 8OD" 39t')- 'IU (OutfJdl: AcdloraW, igithin Aiska' Jae.t,-Wf,-t:e,., http:llrca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=71c4dd94-c9b0-424e-aaef-9... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103697 Page I of I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help . .. . ...................... . .. . . vane €rrs>u-rr,�ra I" 'jot Pa:: wcrd? Protecting cconsunieF interests. Prone oting econO;Tlic develo.ornent, View Cart Docket. TA335-8 Search Results ., TR1 103698 > TR1 103697 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Vanessa Bauman (-',—gra'.ulat!rns on 4q:-a0y; moving Arclhomge. into zdtcj nat;vc energy. Even thou,,n Une i.--corperaticn ur vvind -^.,ergy may in-rea.e `3tos, I urgle-sta-I'd That this in necpssa. Y for the. �IuDcn of ad a -id acvanciny energy optionS. Oil fmtl� an"d dirty energ!y scurce. I applaud and fi.dlv surp,.)re. c-cqi)ItJ,Ig to butng power the Fre Island vJrld farm and wip, 'oleiare the ral, inc vase. Type puhlic Comments Date Filed 7/7/20 Tracking Number I Filed By Vanessa 6. ljfnar. Entities Certificate(s) Means Received interne' Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND VVND S . pporzing Do-urri'mts No files found 701 West UjIlth Suite '31-M And, --rage, Ala-;k, , hone: (9(:*:-' 2.6-6222 fax: 'n6-o6o I (Y 9'-11) "'. 7 53. T oll Free. Aliu'lorwql, within AISd,' http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=el5e4a8d-e9bl-4e8b-ba94-9... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 103698 Page I of I / About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help F 0- --o-Jot Da��nvord? Pfoleaing consumer riterests, PrornoUng econornic develo:)Fq�ent, JIM IM Vievi Cart W711MUTIT-11111111 K011=111111 *, Iz-nf! Fe Docket: TA335-8 . Search Results :, TRI 103698 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jeff Otten am !r s%lpoor, of the Fire Island w.nd farm uxcjec',.. The project .1 both an alter.-ative and suo.p.c. on -al source_ of energy to our rnarkez neec!s, As our nuLL!Ial gas r esoc. ces L-o-e nriii#zingly difficuk to is mg is rrwk�t in Alaska. we need "0 pIraz, other resour -es. adthougm the wr:.d farm i., mit intended to rerlame natural gas; it does epm.sent a I.xcd cost for the foreseeable future and help,, rz,111ce d-pende.rice on oUner r0Sources. Cu reA;y, a naWra, gas pmPfine from t � North Slope or -ew -3jt wets ',aDped in tl-%a Cook are years away from ep?:ty. A!sO, if we jmporz LN'-- we would need to invest in the infrastructure to process the gas. We are slowly running out or natural gan; 'or o,.r energy c.cj-:S,11m.ption I. Ala,ka 3:'.d the Atr.,! farm prcje.ct wc-cl ha.Q c.F°set these energv otmaf urwfonF. beco.-- available. 11 also represent - fixed -_ost m.r bucget'ni purpGse-, :-athe�- than tlle.Lmpreolctable fria -ket of rvitural .,as over the next fey; decades. Type Public Comments Date Filed Tracking Number TRIIG.369r Filed By Jeff Often Entiles certificatc(s) Means Received 'mftot net Related Matters TA335-8 YIRE ISLAND W.ND Sr,,)w supporting Doa;rn'anrs No files found 300 Alaku 9'9WI, ,>t,Gnc; f90lf 21116-6`22 (,,3 r% 275-0_60 Toll Fee: (1-800) 39u-77o2 "outsid- Ardho,aLQe, WIL,.master -,eb,r,a1,Le�.rca,�ru,,§ird.ci(,I i http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=79b4c8O2-bOO6-4dl 1-9fbf-0... 7/13/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103693 Page I of 1 / 0 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name Jras-,'rd P--otecijfig consurrer inniterests. Prornoting econornic development. View Cart TR1 103671 , TR 1103681 » TR 1103686 n TRI 103685 ; TR1 103693 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Jeff Otten am r_ Suppor-1 of LheF.;rL,', Island -nd farm pstjject as both an alternative and energy sounz Wi'liout a natural gas cipeline frof". the Wt ta Sipe or 4aswells deveirped in theCook Inlet, nat,ma; gasts bling to fnal-KetinAlasks. Ano*her option is joMporting LNG, brutthou; the ;urfe2 t, in"ast-Lxture in place, this i2� also years avmy n1cm Lecanning a luality, O are fact ng sr'.• Shortage in Alaska's ltlrges. mptropoli'an area and c, ,hougt+ rite rune-,--arnt is not a ccr-plelrc cure for the p-,C)Wem, I. =e all e.'e,gy source that represents a Txed CoSt aroov.11 help supplcrnent our energy needs for years to come. Type Public Comments Date Aled 7" Y 2 (11 1 Tracking Number TR 110`6;9 3 Filed By Jeff Otte;;,. Entities certificarte(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND VIIND rho-,, S.ppo-lng Dojunne-ts No flles found 701. VAAr ,t Ei6l,h A,eloe, Sujta 3f 1 Anchorage., Alaska 9901 1-69 (9u ` 2 26-6-222 Fax; 217b-01 -0 7"V; (93>) 216--,3 i011 F'Oe: (ouUq' Anclha,�Qt2, trichir, Alaska) http:llrca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilinc,,Details.aspx?ld=02f949ae-da6a-4218-b8aa-23c... 7/7/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 103685 Page I of I / About the RCA. Contact Us Site Map Help L'--- ,-,, n'. , M ro '- got, Pa-w.iord-, Protedung consumer, interests, Promoting econornic development. i lm.aftwj For -7- for , �� View Carl- atthaftcA M Consumen I- L**IaWrs *9r!IWFoadbi-!nK, TR1 103671 , TRI 103681 - TR 1103686 a TRI 103685 Public Comment for TA335-8 by katrina cain I ' ..Ily s%:ppo�i niov.ng for',,al-c"with the, . ls.andwhin Dioject and Nipefuliv this is thejuftthe, ffis". step. lv',3tli *he Joca' ctflilies oz)ky,:g to s rin lit cou: se Lour Ke. Any sr s,.,! -Iberni Picreasa in price will be ur, in the lung-'etm. Type Public C.ortirnents Date Filed 7/ , -1 " ;1OV : Tracking Number ` R, 110.11,18-1 Filed By Katrina cain Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND W4ND shn"m Suppor"Ing De"'unlents No files found 701 VVe,z Suita.300 Ancho,_ge, Alaska t,hone: 27fa---222 r - ax: 2 16-0itO I 11: (90 7) 276-1 S �j 782 A,<sk,j Weli http:llrca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?ld=21ad3cc5-394b-4cc3-9bf6-f27... 7/7/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103686 Page 1 of 1 NA About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help name p>. s ,� ,,, P otecting consumer interests. Prom—ating economic develcla ent. < _ �JiE:N Cart L„C,rfy-Fri FaF�ihara ■ Rclva �� M1i=:e$qy.� TRI103671 » TRI103681 �- TR1103686 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Mike Davis a'e'_rould like ..o v_i:e our ctronc s..pport for the anproval of the CIRI Fie r. Ia :d wind project. It „ur firm belief that a diversified enei g'i str re,, is assent ,: fer both Corti^tied eccncn is giowC, as ..ail as :essenula oar dependen o>"."MOO. erei Jr ..uur_Cs see c, ^ ent of rene;eable en rgy sources. Intl idi ;c wind and hydro, serves to dive -s1w Adaska`s energy oo tPa,ia'whi e ie :Ucirg O_ :se of , _lerue -_-m,aod1fies. The less we use the more we can __II or, the open rnarket f t^or c hc: t-term increases in aie: mill he "Cie than offset by : he b , e a,.^-ing povier a cover e e-°argy ec,.-cn y Mi I provide to :.dhies and consurer'S in ,t e future, Sustai ab:c i,eusirial and co= .e.rcial development ., e..oe cs 6n a , tao.e, relialble ene g J pritcy t : is Ir7511 8ted ,YCIII market CvhI:7iG anti 3hi;K e',ernr:>u poly ...LrtagP.�. Type Public Cc:mmarts Date Filed /7l2;_.'A Tracking Number TR1103b86 Filed By hike Davis Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matter' TA335-8 IRE Isl.At3L'WINN Sho,v SuppoDoc:umanU; No files found 70 ?...,.: E1ghii, .,.v.me, Suite._ 0 Andhoi­Foe, Alaska 99501 3 . ",.�, O ...,.-,. Phere::9C 7} 2Yi;-6222 "r'31: �.-.�J:, .. ..-U::cO rTY; t.Jl .,,, .533 "ell free: ii-a001 ..r 0-2782 iuuGide,1nchoraye, stithir: Wd i,majwr; ia�brr,BeC-r. rea •a 3ska.u::v http ://rca. alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=d24927aa-af5 f-45 d9-baea-52c... 7/7/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103671 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help =____ __! l., .= ❑1111r. Pa S r,-,o r, I. -,>r got passvord; Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development YJiet.r Cart TR1103671 Public Comment for TA335-8 by William Hawley As a loc"I energy consumer f urce You to support :he Fire Island ,tV!-,d project. 'I he `:-acre power reed.=, of t^e Alaski railbe!t s you'd he me, litu a e ersifi...; program c- naCw <+ ,;a_, coal, hYdropowei, s-u ieneiva7,es. Ali ccndiUons are i-..a.v favoralle to ;rove. forward �':jd.h the Fire is'sanr aVVJ project. rhrs project w4i meet come of the renewable pm-rgilpaly :eeds for Sou"hcentilal Pe sk.a; and ie successful will help prove the teen- 3 ogy for furthel, wind e erg•y deveioorneNL Type Public rernments Date Filed 7/6/201-. Tracking Number "I R110367ie Filed 8y 'd.il?san Harrlr:Y Entities Certificate(s) Means Received int, rnet Related Matters TA335-9 FIRE ISLAND 4'v`tilD ;o,v ;:-par*ing C.,cuments No files found 701 *,si Elghtli A,enua; S"re 300 RR.nch--r :ue;.Alalka 99Ri1 Pir-rre; 1�+ 'i; t o-6222 Paa: (90 ' 2. 5-616,1) '"I'Y; t9 0 7) "76-1533 o`I Free: it 300; 39ur2"i8-, (uutsid: "-,nchura9e; u,itt,ir: r,la,kt•j .+,`aixnas:er: vrei;roaLe". rca��at3ska.go'J http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=03b89c 10-b739-4ba1-bOe4-31... 7/7/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1 103580 Page I of I About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help F== pa 6, s , 1-1 r d Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic develoPment, VYdp aYs New .RCA For Far - RCA Program Prcn•:si0ngi iew Cart. wrwT�mTwm nuxchant�e renm=w MI.agislatorsl mono,%-= NandUtilki�s Home � Search Result, n Docket; TA335-8 ) TR1103459 ;) TRI103510 ') TR1103516 )) TR1103522 )) TRI103527 , TR1103531 4 TRI103534 r, TR1103532 7R1103540 , TR1103542 , TR1103554 n TR1103568 .- -R1103567 r, TR1103566 , TR1103580 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Bruce Talbot from the Chuoach/Hv� �'slaro W';-,d Project even en if PO�t the-: pUrchase agre,��,men' f � the rower 0 my powor costs ,,,o up. 'lilis is a step the righ, direG. vin for A-chorage and Alaska to ^e moving t3warci Dn""e" scm es that co generate gi ernhoise ga:;,es. Type Public Carnments Date Filed 7/ 1 /201- 1 Tracking Nurnber TR 11035,&0 Filed By Brun Talbot Entities Certfficate(s,' Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335,8 FIRE AND WIND Spip-o-.mg Docurre,its, No files found 701 Vest Eigh h Menu �', ;cute 3100 Awhor,.,,,�.e, Alaska 99�,(I] � 1111' Hicile: (901i 27E-CI-722 Pax: 2 11, 01,60 f PY: (90.-1) z 76-33 Toil Frei: (1-200) 390-2762 Anchorage, ithin A.,,ki; IiVebrnae,N?,: http://rca.alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilin-Details.aspx?id=258ldc5d-5flb-4011-8bO4-87... 7/1/2011 TA335-8 From: Jones, Steven J (RCA) To: RCA Records & Hino Subject: Public comment for TA335-8 Date: Friday, July 01, 2011 10:19:46 AM Please file as "Public comment for TA335-8." Thank you. Steven Jones Consumer Protection & Information Officer Regulatory Commission of Alaska 701 West Eighth Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, AK 99501 Tel: 907-263-2104 Toll -Free: 1-800-390-2782 Fax: 907-276-0160 Email: steven.jones@alaska.gov -----Original Message ----- From: Ted Lujan [ i ] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 6:27 AM To: RCA Webmaster Subject: RCA Website Feedback RECEIVED By the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on Jun 30, 2011 Idea of wind power is good so long as CIRI does not want more for its power then it costs now to generate electricity with current fuels. They should be held to whatever natural Gas now costs Ted Lujan Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRl 103566 Page 1 of 1 �/ About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help N nan;e p<sss.-�crtl assviord Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. lase d Vie Cart cs Home Search ReSUItS %, Docket'. TA335-8 r. TR1103459 :a TR1103510 ;, TR1103516 v 7RI103522 a 7R1103521 a• TRI103531 ,: TR1103534 » TR1103532 :> TRI103540 >, TR1103542 » TRI103554 ,: TRI103568 n 7R1103567 ,,, TR1103566 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Joan Diamond su;;{,rrt buying energy `rom Fire Island. The cost of detelopinu a.te,rm ive e. ergy is n cessaiy to diversify our energy demands. It is abeut time and Fare Isla.iid is a great 'start. Type Public Comments Date Filed =, 30J2011 Tracking Number TR110356r, Filed By loan D,3rnor'.d Entities certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 ERE iSLPND'W--ND Sho", Supporting Docume^ts No files found r01 West Eighth Avenue, Suite 3u0 t.r!c�r:ra. e, Ala=ka i•9Gij..276-e222 Fax: 7T(: (9; !? e &.c5_3 loll Frey: (1.•806) 390-'."K ;,,utside Arialo,a,7e, ✓:ii:hir. Alaska', 4dei:inasCer: wµl;m..ste=. rc:a �:ialeska.gcv http://rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=0e4e l 44b-ad7f-4e9d-998d-71... 7/1 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103567 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA ff Contact US Site Map Help nnn?c: pa:;Si�rsrC 0, Forgot pass,.vcrd' Protecting consumer interests Prornoting economic develcDn;ent. View Carl: Home n Search Results Docket: TA335-8 a TR1103459 a TR1103510 :) TR1103516 = TR1103522 :> TR1103527 == TR1103531 r. TR1103534 TR1103532 =_ TR1103540 a TR1103542 )> TR1103554 ), TR1103568 r, TR1103567 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Kate McKeown Ceveloo. ng the : ue .siarrd Wind Pmject _ Southcentral Alaska First, is a so'ij sLep toward a more chrerse a-d ss'air�able e'ectrl_ai grid. Second; ur4.ike vol stile foil fuel prices, the Fire Island Wind ' eject will Provide stably -priced energy cve: the 25 year life of the project Thrrri, the project will create .ong-te m u lozal jobs, thus positively cone is ting to the local o o my. =urith, the project .till bring Alaska closer to's goal of cr,cuc.n" .>t -i:: of its ct=:c by thlcagn renewab!e source, by 2(.',-25. F,ra Iv the success of this pro ect marts t'e rrs Lnne. an Independent .PuwPnocuce iIFP) has entered the Alaska market ar6 =.a 'he potenUa! to bring additional renewat�le energy prujc_t_ to Ala ska, the Fire is amd 4,ind f roject will be a leade- m .hi. exciting .. I. morKet. ` r. time to ir,ve=;t in encwabk: ,mercy is no , As a energy a ...liner; I urge the RCS 'cc apProte « i-1- re i on TA33 8 ,,ithcut delay. Type Pub)llc ComrnentS Date Filed 6; 30; 7011 Tracking Number TRI10356' Filed By Kate McKeown Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internct Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND VvIND Dhow Supporting Cocumentc No files found }Di "Ve's" Lich, 1 A,e, e, Sint. 300 ':nchoryF., Alaska 59501..��?el+ (90i') 276-6222 Fam (90!) 2i'6-6:60 HYt '967) 2.6..._> Toll FrFH: (.i.-800) 90 2782 ;outside Ancora;_te, within. A.<ska; ." nbmaster; wa0r,aste:-.rcas zska_g.-,: http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetails. aspx?id=94d24da2-2426-4d87-b 13 8-4f .. 7/1 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103568 Page 1 of About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help � I n orn> PasSwwo F ergot pa`_�`L'.'erd i Protecting consumer interests. Promoting econorilc deyeiopn`e: n-",. ienr c .. Cart r "E.n- rtrr a �%'� ■ R��ac9 fd63a. Home n Search ReSUitS ;> Docket: TA335-8 a TR1103459 n TR1103510 :; TR1103516 , TR1103522 a TR1103527 �, TR1103531 r. TR1103534 0: TR1103532 s TRI 103540 n TR1103542 n TR1103554 r. TR1103568 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Nancy Stone CD:^^grawIala; e on ,ai.ly roving Anthen. , e forward d i . o alternative gpv"gy. Even Viocah t e i. co po�ation of %vind energy rnay r. •ease -os: of u_ andersnnd this is neretzary, vr the gocd of all an8f advartcinj energy orxiors. 0�1 is a Finite and d:rty energy sounce. I a;)Dia�d a,^d fully >uppof t mrnitting to buying power f om :he Fi, e lsiarlo wind °earn a3ncl wi.i t..le. <.i.e te rate mcreas;e. Type Public Cernments Date Filed 6/3 ii20,,. Tracking Number TRI103558 Plied By Nana; Steno. Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matters TA335-8 =IRE iSi.AND WIND Show s•upparting D:,wnnents No files found 701 hcs;. Lial,th Averse, :!cite .,ail ;rUior:+ye, ,i35ka i.5(fi .3.i_a Fh:;,t.: (9il , 276-r221 riz 40'7) 276-0160 riY; Jill z76-^._..3 Tdh Fr;. : -8f10) 90-2%8< ,outside An(.h,),a,.,, ;.ithin A!5ka} 4vet;rna5t�!: wei:rnaaer„c aiaies�,k;,.g::v http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=6aff01 c5-67d8-4876-9c 15-99f... 7/1 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103542 Page 1 of 1 t,,/ About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help r:an':e pass Ord ♦ Forgot uasssvderd? Protecting consumer interests. promoting econornic development. — View Cart Seri, FgpdhF,,k ■ R�laaca h:nlac Horne ;> Search Results :; Docket TA335-8 ,. TR1103459 r. TR1103510 %> TRI103516 n TRI103522 r TR1103527 r. TRI103531 c TRI103534 :: TR1103532 R1103540 n TRI103542 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Dana Seagars _ w - fully support the Fire Island as,nd farm proje t and this small step towards us; g ;ore suttainab t: energy In ,4laska. I do not rnmo paying slightly higher •ates if necesse•v to ensure that this project 'ncees 'crnard. Furthermore, the availahil:ty and cr_s, of !oca; slfPpl;es e" baturcj cas {e.g., Cook inlet; lc.co' o' enter into -y d e-islon process on this top c_ for global ecological iss-es and •.imately our Conti^ e exbs:ence s a species, i am committed to moving our community and our nation to reducing our consumption of foss;: fuels wherever ant: ho.vever pass`' -pie, Nease approve this project and get r_ up and rung inp ASAP. Thank you. Type Public Comments Date Filed 6130; 2011 Tracking Number TRiI03542 Filed By D;*r Seaaars Entities Certificate(s) Means Received InIhai net Related Matters TA335-8 =IR.E ISLAND WIND _..o.. Supporting DoCumenlS No files found -:Jf ,s a: Llyliil) A4e'.'.)Lif;, SU[j<_ :;JJ Anchr r'ge, Aa ,`:ka 995C3-3.69 %t?pne,�{J; �7tin222 Pax: 3n; Z76-rtC.J 'I-i1 %9i17; -..,�, -011 Free; ; ;-ROOj ':90-[?82 ;oulsidN Rnc )ornge, vri;:hir. k.ask; ) :'debma.ster; http://rca. alaska.govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails.aspx?id=cdO37c24-2b8c-443 8-9eef-27... 7/1 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TRI 103532 Page I of I About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help r - narr. e. pass,Q", ProtecUng consumer interests. Pronnoting economic development, VI-w Cart Horne v Search Results -­ Docket: TA335-8 , TRI 103459 , TR1 103510 %) TRI 103516 TR1 103522 TRI 103527 r. rRI 103531 TRI 103534 TR1 103532 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Brandon Simpson I ft'lly _.ppm wov:ng forvard with the F..re "Slandwind project and hopeful ihK is the just the first Step. With the. loci" ;drms 106: 1-g to .MPORT naftuTal oa,; in V,e -:ear fuL-;-e diverIjiftV with a Iccai re,,e,,vablee source of Dower is the richt cu. e to La,e. Any short-terryi increase in price vvill beniacie, up in the long. ni. Type Public `ornmtl.nls Pate Filed 6/ ISO/ 1011 Tracking Number M1103532 Filed By Brar-,Ion Entities Certificate(s) Means Received lnLernet Related Wtters TA335-8 FIRE ISLANIO W.ND ­­c- 5­pporting Docxlrnent:s No files found 701, has- 7-igh;J; Ava,we, Suite 300 AndlwZbe; Alaska 5,g01 24el) Phone; (90' ' 1� 22 Fax: 2,1-Ou�() I'l Y: TcH llj[)-,178., (W.>ide6-Al"ChCuaQn, Mti!in Aask;�' W,b,r,, c_tre.•j http://rca-alaska.gov/RCAWebIFilings/FilingDetalls.aspx?id=622593f8-a7lb-4cO5-b6f9-9e... 7/1/2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103531 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact US Site Map Help na 'e cassword P. '.)rgot Das word? Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic development. . . <. hayr Vie ^ C ■ 521!.n i& l6�•e4_ _!_13PI@359.. 5S_ Home n Search Results Docket TA335-8 e TR1103459 . TR1103510 > TR1103516 n TR1103522 n TR1103527 n TR1103531 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Chuck Berray My wife and I "idly support the Fire I<.a,-d wind farm ;:rro east ,and [his small ,;Uep Wnyards using_ more suytainab!e e^ergv in Alaska. We do nct rind Paying Slightly I: gher rate_ ;' necessary to ensue th l..is prole-t move, °c.,rarc . Type Public Con t-tie its Crate Filed 6i29,120:1 Tracking Number 'TR1i03531 Filed By Chuck Berrcy Entities certificate(s) Means Received inteinet: Related Matters TA335-8 l.PE ISLAND WIND _.lout ice: p;�sr.'ing Doa!merrk5 No files found 70 . W,-st FS0l.h A,.e.we Suite: 300 Anchor7re; :&-,ka 9.4501. .a, :;hone: ;?C%) 2/6-6222 f:.: (* •? 27p 6__--n e,.'I IY: (!!Oil `XC —i533 roll Frae: (1-800j A.nchoraw, v;ithin °�•!asku `aa'el.:rrs,:e:- aret;� rs[er. real?.r'askc.an, http://rca. alaska.gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetails.aspx?id=7f21 b9c 1-0461-4f65-b3 9b-8f5... 7/1 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103522 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help r ln;e��l� pas: erCru' ► Forgat 5ass`.va,d? Protecting consumer interests, Promoting economic development. EMan no..—___—vjlG`:J hurt w Vie: d '�.dtcacx ► Re�usn SStniwa Home „ Search ReSIIftS :a Docket: TA335-8 ;, TR1103459 :a TR1103510 n TR1103516 n TRI103522 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Kathleen Cogan As a local energy ronsurne" i urge you to suu -ort Firr, Isla,-d Wind. "f ehn days of cheap natura. gas are o�•ret. rn order to C'eaCe rellab;e, lov:`est cttsl possible rel ay for Ow Iw,.ure we reed to inves°, in renev,-able e_, rg, prcrecis .Ike Fire TWind. ad Corte ;ceo eliance on natural gas for c..i ., of ecc!ri-- ty ne:,dam Is _-:ort .ghted and ^creasingly exoens ve ( I Ir t`-e to invest in re ev,,au e ene.i gy is nuw. Fire Isl; nd 1hl,.c; is what's best 'Or our "orm'itim y and 'or our future. Sincerely, Kathleen Coy aril Type Public Comments Date Filed 6r:'9/20:L1 Tracking Number "TR!103522 Filed By Kath;een Cogan Entities Certificate(s) Means Received 'Internet Related Matters TA335-8 FIRE ISLAND W-IND hn. f ,,poring Docun-gent; No files found 701. West Eighth Ave.iox., Scite 300 Anchor.`,e; Alaska Phcce. "'20e 276 -222 Fax! (-30,; 3168 i rr. I9D?, 2176-1533 .cll flee:._-SUU` _- -278, iuutsid archoia9e, within ^,.asks, ..ei;rnaste,..v_ �:ma,;:er. rca�t _-rdka.yt: http://rca. alaska. gov/RCAWeb/Filings/FilingDetalls.aspx?id=b 1 c82be8-3097-4ee3-949b-59... 7/1 /2011 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Filing: TR1103510 Page 1 of 1 About the RCA Contact Us Site Map Help i^:ln'�r'. 4>ass.^r Seri F Fc got passvord? protecting consumer interests, Prop?oting economic developrlient. View Cart IMINIIIIIIIIIIII ■ Send readbara w.Rtii,aase -jcip,= Home n Search Results » Docket: TA335-8 v TR1103459 :m TR1103510 Public Comment for TA335-8 by Matthew Wallace : c rectg� for the Alaska Public Interest rlesea•cs Group, t..e >tate's largest 4rsi.mer advccacy crgani at.c-, '.'d like to take this, opporunh. to exp,ess strong supporlt: e peopcsed Fire Island Wind gene.aUo. project, a-,:.. s 1-;e RCA to apD eve tariff revision TA335,8 P,gIt out: delay. -fhe ace cf cheap natural ga,> from Cork iniei. is cu.ckiy coming to an end: anc the 'Fire:: .wind proiect is a significant opp_, _unity o `iegl., dive. s i yinrg ou .;wir„ s of energy -,aid prov ding a real cost savings to ccnsur-ers over l e Ife of the i)rojeet. Additionally, since t •e _cst of the power -s `xed over the 25 year life of the project, Fire Island VVwKI energy could potentially ne:p stabilize (prices ire ::on,um.;r.., n the even's>f fut.rw vofahirtV in the price of gn 7'—, p-eject also helps bring Chugach Eiectr:c, a-d the state of .Alaska, dose- to the arnbll-c,us renewable energy goals established by the utility and the iegis .lul e. '=i:�a'.y, 'his pro•Fact is significant because IL eprese•;t: t•e :;,St Con-,rr•erd:i I sve'e. _...n-hydro renewable energy project on t.e ailbelt. :•^ ess here can help pave_ the way for more affordabl .:enable• renewable energy dio,e,is .-: the future. I suongly c.r,e your;upf;ort Slncefe Matt Wallace Executive Director AKPIRG TNT:°:: >r The Alosk � Public Interest Research ^rot o tAK?IRG; is a non -partisan, nor pig€it, ctWp- .,r,entecl sAatewlde organization researcmng, educating and advocating a- behalf of th; ;public interest. AKPiRG exist, to pro.:-,ote the publlc and consumer interests, especially when iIson Astt=el', with moneyed, p we.r`iil o. ether Special interests. Type Public Comments Date Fired 6/28/20tl. Tracking Number TR.IAC)3510 Fired By Matthe=, we.lace Entities Certificate(s) Means Received Internet Related Matteis TA335-8 FIRE iSLAND W-ND S..a,:' Supporting ih^,.umer,ts No files found 70i 4Ye5t Eighth ba�en , SuiM. 300 Aimu:rz9e; Alaska 9f?SOl ^59 Phone: (,'90 276-6.22 flax: i407 2. -C+.tiO TI Y: (,'lVI Toll Free;: (1-aGD;..?9Q-27ts2 ;aulside .^rci-,gr3gc•, :r:i(hin Alaska) 'Jr'ai?maste-: vrebmar;Car. rcaic`a'ask:,;.iu,: http://rca.alaska. govIRCAWebIFilingsIFilingDetails. aspx?id=8747l d4l-2e27-42f4-b926-60... 7/1 /2011